
rwp@Romans:8:23 @{The first fruits} (\tˆn aparchˆn\). Old and common metaphor. {Of the Spirit} (\tou pneumatos\). The genitive of apposition. The Holy Spirit came on the great Pentecost and his blessings continue as seen in the "gifts" in strkjv@1Corinthians:12-14|, in the moral and spiritual gifts of strkjv@Galatians:5:22f|. And greater ones are to come (1Corinthians:15:44ff.|). {Even we ourselves} (\kai autoi\). He repeats for emphasis. We have our "groaning" (\stenazomen\) as well as nature. {Waiting for} (\apekdechomenoi\). The same verb used of nature in verse 19|. {Our adoption} (\huiothesian\). Our full "adoption" (see verse 15|), "the redemption of our body" (\tˆn apolutr“sin tou s“matos hˆm“n\). That is to come also. Then we shall have complete redemption of both soul and body.

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