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* (For the children being not yet born (5685 ), neither having done (5660 ) any good or evil , that the purpose of God according to election might stand (5725 ), not of works , but of him that calleth (5723 );) * It was said (5681 ) unto her , The elder shall serve (5692 ) the younger . * As it is written (5769 ), Jacob have I loved (5656 ), but Esau have I hated (5656 ). * What shall we say (5692 ) then ? Is there unrighteousness with God ? God forbid (5636 ). * For he saith (5719 ) to Moses , I will have mercy on (5692 ) whom I will have mercy (5725 ), and I will have compassion (5692 ) on whom I will have compassion (5725 ). * So then it is not of him that willeth (5723 ), nor of him that runneth (5723 ), but of God that sheweth mercy (5723 ). * For the scripture saith (5719 ) unto Pharaoh , Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up (5656 ), that I might shew (5672 ) my power in thee , and that my name might be declared (5652 ) throughout all the earth . * Therefore hath he mercy (5719 ) on whom he will (5719 ) have mercy , and whom he will (5719 ) he hardeneth (5719 ). * Thou wilt say (5692 ) then unto me , Why doth he yet find fault (5736 )? For who hath resisted (5758 ) his will ? * Nay but , O man , who art (5748 ) thou that repliest against (5740 ) God ? Shall the thing formed say (5692 ) to him that formed (5660 ) it , Why hast thou made (5656 ) me thus ? * Hath (5719 ) not the potter power over the clay , of the same lump to make (5658 ) one vessel unto honour , and another unto dishonour ? * What if God , willing (5723 ) to shew (5670 ) his wrath , and to make his power known (5658 ), endured (5656 ) with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted (5772 ) to destruction : * And that he might make known (5661 ) the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy , which he had afore prepared (5656 ) unto glory , * Even us , whom he hath called (5656 ), not of the Jews only , but also of the Gentiles ? * As he saith (5719 ) also in Osee , I will call (5692 ) them my people , which were not my people ; and her beloved (5772 ), which was not beloved (5772 ). * And it shall come to pass (5704 ), that in the place where (5625 ) it was said (5681 ) unto them , Ye are not my people ; there shall they be called (5701 ) the children of the living (5723 ) God . * Esaias also crieth (5719 ) concerning Israel , Though the number of the children of Israel be (5753 ) as the sand of the sea , a remnant shall be saved (5701 ): * For he will finish (5723 ) the work , and cut it short (5723 ) in righteousness : because a short (5772 ) work will the Lord make (5692 ) upon the earth . * And as Esaias said before (5758 ), Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left (5627 ) us a seed , we had been (5675 ) as Sodoma , and been made like (5681 ) unto Gomorrha . * What shall we say (5692 ) then ? That the Gentiles , which followed (5723 ) not after righteousness , have attained (5627 ) to righteousness , even the righteousness which is of faith . * But Israel , which followed (5723 ) after the law of righteousness , hath not attained (5656 ) to the law of righteousness . * Wherefore ? Because they sought it not by faith , but as it were by the works of the law . For they stumbled (5656 ) at that stumblingstone ; * As it is written (5769 ), Behold (5628 ), I lay (5719 ) in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence : and whosoever believeth (5723 ) on him shall not be ashamed (5701 ).

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