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* The song of songs , which [is ] Solomon 's . * Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth ; for Your love [is ] better than wine . * For Your ointments have a lovely fragrance ; Your name is [as ] oil poured out ; therefore the virgins love You . * Draw me , we will run after You , The King has brought me into his chambers ; we will be glad and rejoice in You , we will remember Your love more than wine ; the upright love You . * I [am ] black , but comely , O daughters of Jerusalem , like the tents of Kedar , like the curtains of Solomon . * Do not look on me , that I [am ] black , that the sun has looked on me . My mother 's sons were angry with me ; they made me the keeper of the vineyards ; [but ] my vineyard I have not kept . * Tell me , [You ] whom my soul loves , where do You feed , where do You lie down at noon ? For why should I be as one who is veiled beside the flocks of Your companions ? * If you know not , most beautiful among women , go in the footsteps of the flock ; and feed your kids beside the shepherds ' tents . * O My love , I have compared you to My mares among Pharaoh 's chariots . * Your cheeks [are ] beautiful with ornaments , your neck with chains . * We will make you borders of gold with studs of silver . * While the King is in His circle , my spikenard gives its smell . * A bundle of myrrh [is ] my Beloved to me . [He ] shall lie all night between my breasts . * My Beloved [is ] to me [like ] a cluster of henna in the vineyards of Engedi . * Behold , you [are ] beautiful , my love ; behold , you [are ] beautiful ; you [have ] doves ' eyes . * Behold , you [are ] beautiful , my Beloved , yea , pleasant . Also our bed [is ] green . * The beams of our house [are ] cedar , [and ] our rafters are of fir . * I [am ] the rose of Sharon , a lily of the valleys . * As the lily among thorns , so [is ] My love among the daughters . * As the apple among the trees of the wood , so [is ] my Beloved among the sons . I sat down under His shadow with great delight , and His fruit [was ] sweet to my taste . * He brought me to the banqueting house , and His banner over me [was ] love . * Feed me with raisin cakes , comfort me with apples , for I [am ] sick [with ] love . * His left hand [is ] under my head , and His right hand embraces me . * I charge you , O daughters of Jerusalem , by the gazelles , and by the does of the field , do not stir up or awake [my ] Love until He please . * The voice of my Beloved ! Behold , He comes leaping on the mountains , skipping on the hills . * My Beloved is like a roe or a young hart . Behold , [He ] stands behind our wall , He looks forth at the windows , peering from the lattice . * My Beloved spoke , and said to me , Rise up , My love , My beautiful one , and come away . * For lo , the winter is past , the rain is over ; it goes to itself . * the flowers appear on the earth ; the time of singing has come , and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land ; * the fig tree puts forth her green figs , and the vines [with ] the tender grape give a [good ] smell . Arise , My love , My beautiful one , and come away . * O My dove , in the clefts of the rock , in the secret places of the stairs , let Me see your face , let Me hear your voice ; for your voice [is ] sweet , and your face [is ] beautiful . * Take us the foxes , the little foxes that spoil the vines ; for our vines [have ] tender grapes . * My Beloved [is ] mine , and I [am ] His ; He feeds among the lilies . * Until when does the day blow , and the shadows flee away ? Turn , my Beloved , and be like a gazelle , or a young deer , the stag , on the mountains of Bether . * By night on my bed I sought Him whom my soul loved ; I sought [Him ], but I did not find Him . * I will rise now and go about the city , in the streets and in the broad ways ; I will seek [Him ] whom my soul loves . I sought Him , but I did not find Him . * The watchmen going about the city found me . [I said ], Have you seen Him whom my soul loves ? * But a little while after I passed from them , I found [Him ] whom my soul loves . I held Him and would not let Him go , until I had brought Him into my mother 's house , and into the room of her who conceived me . * I charge you , O daughters of Jerusalem , by the gazelles , and by the does of the field , do not stir up nor awake [my ] love until it pleases . * Who [is ] this coming up out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke , perfumed with myrrh and frankincense , from all the merchant 's powders ? * Behold his bed , Solomon 's ! Sixty mighty men [are ] around it , of Israel 's mighty men . * They all hold swords , instructed in war ; each man has his sword on his thigh because of fear in the night . * King Solomon made himself a litter-bed of Lebanon 's trees . * He made its poles [of ] silver , its back gold , its seat of purple , its middle was paved [with ] love by the daughters of Jerusalem . * Go forth , O daughters of Zion , and behold King Solomon with the crown [with ] which his mother crowned him on his wedding day , and in the day of the gladness of his heart . * Behold , you [are ] beautiful , My love . Behold , you [are ] beautiful ; your eyes [are ] like doves ' from behind your veil ; your hair [is ] like a flock of goats that appear from Mount Gilead . * Your teeth [are ] like a flock of shorn [sheep ], which came up from the washing ; they all are bearing twins and not one [is ] barren among them . * Your lips [are ] like a cord of scarlet , and your speech [is ] becoming ; your temples [are ] like a piece of pomegranate behind your veil . * Your neck [is ] like the tower of David built for an armory , on which there hang a thousand bucklers , all shields of mighty men . * Your two breasts [are ] like two fawns , twins of a gazelle , feeding among the lilies . * Until when the day blows , and the shadows flee away , I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of frankincense . * You [are ] all fair , My love ; no blemish [is ] in you . * Come with Me from Lebanon , [My ] spouse ; with Me from Lebanon . Look from the top of Amana , from the top of Shenir and Hermon , from the lions ' dens , from the mountains of the leopards . * You have ravished My heart , My sister , [My ] spouse ; you have ravished My heart with one of your eyes , with one chain of your neck . * How fair is your love , My sister , [My ] spouse ! How [much ] better [is ] your love than wine , and the smell of your ointments than all spices ! * Your lips , [My ] spouse , drop like the honeycomb ; honey and milk [are ] under your tongue ; and the smell of your garments [is ] like the smell of Lebanon . * A locked garden [is ] My sister , [My ] spouse ; a rock heap locked up , a fountain sealed . * Your plants [are ] an orchard of pomegranates , with pleasant fruits ; with henna [and ] spikenard , * spikenard and saffron ; calamus and cinnamon , with all trees of frankincense ; myrrh and aloes , with all the chief spices ; * a fountain of gardens , a well of living waters , and streams from Lebanon . * Awake , O north [wind ]; and come , south [wind ]; blow on my garden , so [that ] the spices of it may flow out . Let my Beloved come into His garden and eat His pleasant fruits . * I have come into My garden , My sister , [My ] spouse ; I have gathered My myrrh with My spice ; I have eaten My honeycomb with My honey ; I have drunk My wine with My milk . Eat , O friends ; drink , yea , drink abundantly , O Beloved .

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