
Seeker Overlay ON

* Where has your Beloved gone , most beautiful among women ? Where has your Beloved turned ? For we seek Him along with you . * My Beloved has gone down to His garden , to the beds of spices , to feed in the gardens and to gather lilies . * I [am ] my Beloved 's , and my Beloved [is ] mine ; He feeds among the lilies . * O my love , you [are ] as beautiful as Tirzah , as lovely as Jerusalem , as inspiring as an army with banners . * Turn away your eyes from Me , for they have overcome Me ; your hair [is ] like a flock of goats that appears from Gilead . * Your teeth [are ] like a flock of ewes which go up from the washing ; they all [are ] bearing twins , and a barren one [is ] not among them . * Your temples behind your veil [are ] like a piece of pomegranate . * There [are ] sixty queens , and eighty concubines , and virgins without number . * But My dove , My undefiled is one [alone ]. She [is ] the [only ] one of her mother . She [is ] the choice of her who bore her . The daughters saw [her ] and blessed her ; the queens and the concubines saw her , and they praised her . * Who [is ] she who looks forth like the morning , fair as the moon , clear as the sun , awesome [armies ] with banners ? * I went down into the garden of nuts to see the greenery of the valley , to see whether the vine flowered [and ] the pomegranates budded . * I did not know , [but ] my soul set me [on ] the chariots of my princely people . * Return , return , O Shulamite ! Return , return , that we may look on you . What will you see in the Shulamite ? As it were the dance of two camps . * How beautiful [are ] your feet in sandals , O prince 's daughter ! The curves of your thighs [are ] like jewels , the work of the hands of a skillful workman . * Your navel [is like ] a round goblet , which never lacks mixed wine ; your belly [is like ] a heap of wheat set about with lilies . * Your two breasts [are ] like two fawns , twins of a gazelle . * Your neck [is like ] a tower of ivory ; your eyes [like ] the fish-pools in Heshbon , by the gate of Beth-rabbim ; your nose [is like ] the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus . * Your head on you [is like ] Carmel , and the hair of your head like purple cloth ; the King [is ] held captive in its tresses . * How beautiful and how pleasant you [are ], O love , for delights ! * Your stature is like a palm tree , and your breasts [are ] like clusters [of grapes ]. * I said , I will go up in the palm tree , I will take hold of its stalk . And please let your breasts be like clusters of the vine , and the smell of your nose like apples ; * and the roof of your mouth like the best wine for my Beloved , that goes [down ] smoothly for My Beloved , flowing softly [over ] the lips of sleeping ones . * I [am ] my Beloved 's , and His desire [is ] toward me . * Come , my Beloved , let us go out into the field ; let us stay in the villages . * Let us rise up early to the vineyards ; let us see [if ] the vine flowers , whether the tender grape appears , and the pomegranates bud forth ; there I will give You my loves . * The love-apples give a scent , and over our doors [are ] all pleasant [fruits ], new and old , which I have laid up for You , O my Beloved . * Who could give You to me [as ] my brother , who sucked my mother 's breasts ? [When ] I find You outside , I would kiss You ; yea , they would not despise me . * I would lead You , [and ] bring You into my mother 's house . You would instruct me ; I would cause You to drink spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate . * His left hand [would be ] under my head , and His right embrace me . * I charge you , O daughters of Jerusalem , why should you stir up or awaken [my ] Love until it pleases ? * Who [is ] this coming up from the wilderness , leaning on her Beloved ? I awakened you under the apple tree ; there your mother travailed with you ; there she travailed and bore you . * Set me as a seal on Your heart , as a seal on Your arm ; for love [is ] strong as death . Jealousy [is ] cruel as the grave ; its flames [are ] flames of fire , a flame of Jehovah . * Many waters cannot quench love , nor will the rivers overflow it . If [a ] man would give all the wealth of his house for love , it would be scorned . * We have a little sister , and she has no breasts ; what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for ? * If she [is ] a wall , we will build on her a palace of silver ; and if she [is ] a door , we will enclose her [with ] boards of cedar . * I [was ] a wall , and my breasts like towers ; then I was in His eyes as one finding peace . * Solomon had a vineyard in Baal-hamon ; he let out the vineyard to keepers ; everyone for its fruit was to bring a thousand of silver . * My vineyard , which [is ] mine , [is ] before me ; you , O Solomon , must have a thousand , and for the keepers of its fruit , two hundred . * You who dwell in the gardens , the companions listen to your voice ; cause me to hear . * Hurry , my Beloved , and be like a gazelle , or a young deer , the stag , on the mountains of spices .

Seeker Overlay: Off On

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