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* And as they went on their journey , they came in the evening to the river Tigris , and they lodged there . * And when the young man went down to wash himself , a fish leaped out of the river , and would have devoured him . * Then the angel said unto him , Take the fish . And the young man laid hold of the fish , and drew it to land . * To whom the angel said , Open the fish , and take the heart and the liver and the gall , and put them up safely . * So the young man did as the angel commanded him ; and when they had roasted the fish , they did eat it : then they both went on their way , till they drew near to Ecbatane . * Then the young man said to the angel , Brother Azarias , to what use is the heart and the liver and the gal of the fish ? * And he said unto him , Touching the heart and the liver , if a devil or an evil spirit trouble any , we must make a smoke thereof before the man or the woman , and the party shall be no more vexed . * As for the gall , it is good to anoint a man that hath whiteness in his eyes , and he shall be healed . * And when they were come near to Rages , * The angel said to the young man , Brother , to day we shall lodge with Raguel , who is thy cousin ; he also hath one only daughter , named Sara ; I will speak for her , that she may be given thee for a wife . * For to thee doth the right of her appertain , seeing thou only art of her kindred . * And the maid is fair and wise : now therefore hear me , and I will speak to her father ; and when we return from Rages we will celebrate the marriage : for I know that Raguel cannot marry her to another according to the law of Moses , but he shall be guilty of death , because the right of inheritance doth rather appertain to thee than to any other . * Then the young man answered the angel , I have heard , brother Azarias that this maid hath been given to seven men , who all died in the marriage chamber . * And now I am the only son of my father , and I am afraid , lest if I go in unto her , I die , as the other before : for a wicked spirit loveth her , which hurteth no body , but those which come unto her ; wherefore I also fear lest I die , and bring my father 's and my mother 's life because of me to the grave with sorrow : for they have no other son to bury them . * Then the angel said unto him , Dost thou not remember the precepts which thy father gave thee , that thou shouldest marry a wife of thine own kindred ? wherefore hear me , O my brother ; for she shall be given thee to wife ; and make thou no reckoning of the evil spirit ; for this same night shall she be given thee in marriage . * And when thou shalt come into the marriage chamber , thou shalt take the ashes of perfume , and shalt lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish , and shalt make a smoke with it : * And the devil shall smell it , and flee away , and never come again any more : but when thou shalt come to her , rise up both of you , and pray to God which is merciful , who will have pity on you , and save you : fear not , for she is appointed unto thee from the beginning ; and thou shalt preserve her , and she shall go with thee . Moreover I suppose that she shall bear thee children . Now when Tobias had heard these things , he loved her , and his heart was effectually joined to her .

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