Index: ESSENTIALOILS.csv - general

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Name:Properties:Health Benefits:
Orange Essential OilProperties: Orange essential oil is an antiinflammatory/ antidepressant/ antispasmodic/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ carminative/ diuretic/ tonic/ sedative and a cholagogue.Health benefits: This oil traditionally is used to soothe inflammation/ fight depression and uplift mood/ protect against sepsis/ enhance libido and as a cure for sexual dysfunction. Also/ it gives relief from gas/ increases urination and removes toxins/ while toning up general health of the immune system/ reducing emotional and nervous disturbances/ increasing discharge and secretions from glands.
Spearmint Essential OilProperties: Spearmint essential oil is an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ carminative/ cephalic/ emenagogue/ insecticide/ restorative/ and stimulating substance.Health benefits: It has been used to protect wounds from becoming septic/ clears spasms/ gives relief from gas/ is good for the brain/ opens up obstructed menses/ kills insects/ restores health and heals general wear and tear/ while stimulating discharge and systemic functions.