Index: ESSENTIALOILS.csv - heart

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Name:Properties:Health Benefits:
Caraway Essential OilProperties: It is a Galactogogue/ antihistaminic/ antiseptic/ anti spasmodic/ carminative/ digestive/ stomachic/ disinfectant/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ aperitif/ astringent/ insecticide/ stimulant/ tonic/ and vermifuge.Health benefits: It has been known to increase milk in the breasts/ curb histamin to fight coughs/ protect wounds against becoming septic/ and is very good for the heart. Furthermore/ this essential oil cures spasms and cramps/ removes excess gas/ promotes digestion/ maintains stomach health/ fights infections/ increases urination and helps remove toxins from body. Finally/ it regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs/ increases appetite/ contracts gums and muscles/ kills insects/ stimulates secretions/ and generally increases overall health.
Cinnamon Essential OilProperties: It is antibacterial/ antifungal/ antimicrobial/ astringent/ anti-clotting/ stimulating/ cooling/ and carminative in nature.Health benefits: It is frequently employed as a brain tonic/ as well as for respiratory problems/ skin infections/ blood impurity/ blood circulation issues/ infections/ wound healing/ pain relief/ birth control/ menstruation problems/ breastfeeding/ heart disorders/ diabetes/ colon cancer/ indigestion/ and as a relief for bad breath!
Nutmeg Essential OilProperties: It is considered an analgesic/ antiemetic/ antioxidant/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ and antiparasitic. It is also used as an aphrodisiac/ cardiac/ vermifuge/ laxative/ prostaglandin inhibitor/ stimulant and a tonic.Health benefits: It can be used to relieve pain/ stop vomiting/ counter premature aging/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ and to protect wounds from developing sepsis. It also reduces spasms/ kills parasites and worms/ enhances libido/ improves heart health/ clears bowels/ and stops prostrate enlargement.
Thyme Essential OilProperties: This type of oil is an antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ bechic/ cardiac/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ insecticide/ stimulant/ tonic/ and vermifugal substance.Health benefits: It can be employed to eliminate spasms/ give relief from rheumatism by removing toxins/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ and it kills bacteria. Thyme essential oil helps to cure chest infections/ coughs and colds/ is good for heart health/ gives relief from excess gas/ heals scars and after marks/ increases urination/ regulates menstrual cycles/ and cures coughs and colds.