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kjv@Acts:27:1-25 @ @ RandyP comments: I can't help but think of the secretary of Paul here alongside recording these events. Paul is is certainly convinced "that it shall be even as it was told" him, but, what about this man? How would you like to sit down with this man at the table and see/hear/experience him recount this story? And the many other unwritten stories he could tell?

kjv@Acts:27:26-44 @ @ RandyP comments: Through a series of successful prophecies Paul has earned the trust of these foreign men. A counter intuitive decision is made as to the course because of this that saves the entire crew and passenger hold. We must note by it's absence that Paul did not pray to God that the ship would be saved or that shipwreck would be averted as many would, he was open to and receiving divine directions which he passed on to those in charge. Maybe that should be our prayer.

kjv@Psalms:57 @ @ RandyP comments: David is willing to arise early in the morning, with psaltry and harp sing God's prasies publicly amongst the nations. What are we willing to do to express our praise?

kjv@Acts:28:27 @ @ RandyP comments: ...and should be converted... converted to what? The complaint is that Christianity is something new, that Judaism is being added to, the Law is being removed/diminished. The Law is not diminished it is being fulfilled in one person. It is not being added to, it is being completed in the manner it itself has long prescribed. It is not something new if it's leader is someone anticipated ever since kjv@Genesis:3:15.

kjv@Psalms:70 @ @ RandyP comments: The king for all his glory considers himself to be poor and needy. He recognizes that there others as well that truly seek God going through similar tribulation and advises them to rejoice and magnify God.

kjv@Psalms:71 @ @ RandyP comments: We are reading this as it appears in the order of the book of Psalms and not in the chronological order of his Davids life. It will be interesting in the next devotion to see where David is at in his life when he pens this. We know by I reading thus far of Samuel Kings and Chronicles that there was a good part of his life in exile being hunted by Saul or later his son. These may be some of the enemies which he writes of so frequently of. It can be the spiritual enemies while he is on the throne as well.

kjv@Psalms:72 @ @ RandyP comments: This obviously is a messianic psalm speaking of the Messiah's earthly reign from sea to sea for as long as the sun and moon endure and beyond. No other king could fill these shoes. This will be fufilled after His second coming and great judgment. There will be a millenial reign and then the reign of His new heaven and new earth according to other prophetic texts.

kjv@Psalms:73 @ @ RandyP comments: It was not until he went into the temple that he realized their end. On the surface it often looks like the advantages of disobedience far out weigh the advantages of godliness. For how long though. In the temple like moments each of us should realize God is God, that God indeed has his judgment and that their day will come, that God will punish wickedness and reward godliness, that things stand as they do now to serve His overall purpose. There is none to desire here on heaven/earth beside thee!

kjv@Psalms:74 @ @ RandyP comments: Asaph writes about the enemy burning and destroying in the various local sanctuaries most likely in the times before the building of the temple. He was a contemporary of David's from my understanding. Though I don't know which specific time he is witnessing, there certainly were times when Israel had fallen back into its malaise and God allowed desecrations like these to re-awaken congregations. Where might we see this in our faith and church histories today?

kjv@Psalms:75 @ @ RandyP comments: When it is all said and done we will look back, notice the old things dissolved, the many horns silenced but one. We will know then what a grand work the Lord has done. We can sense that even today if open to it and know that we are going through a separation process where the dregs are settling to the bottom and the good wine poured off into its vessels of honor. There is plenty to praise Him for already!

kjv@Psalms:76 @ @ RandyP comments: In Judah God is known for the miraculous protection provided. Many a enemy has risen against her and against most incredible odds Judah has seen the Lord deliver. There is no tactical reason or military advantage they possessed for them to be victorious; other than God's hand. God's judgment is for the meek. There is then a sense of reverence and obligation to the Lord that must be paid. That He has done this for Judah is equally important for modern Christians as well as we have been grafted into this heritage too.

kjv@Psalms:77 @ @ RandyP comments: To realize what our spiritual infirmity is and what effect it has upon us is crucial. It makes us to doubt. It makes us to invent attributes to God that are clearly not in His nature. These attributes are concocted to place Him off into the distance. Somehow I fear as well for the doubters that are just as likely to look for God only in the earth shaking bolts from the sky. The more we know of His true attributes the more likely we are to see Him in each and everything in this life with manifold ways. Look for these ways today!

kjv@Luke:17:11 @ @ RandyP comments: This was a dangerous border between the two countries with bad attitudes toward each other. People would go the long way around. ..James MacDonald..

kjv@Psalms:107 @ @ RandyP comments: Oh that men would give thanks/praise mentioned 5 times. Must be important hey!

kjv@Psalms:78 @ @ RandyP comments: By Asaph. The condition of man's heart, even the heart of God's chosen/faithful, is reviewed. Rebellious, if by them than how much more are we? After all that God had done, after all that God had made them into, after all that God had done both peaceably and violently to correct them, they sinned still and did not believe Him for His wondrous works. They forgot, refused, tempted and provoked, believed not nor trusted, lusted, kept not His commandment/testimony, were not steadfast in His covenant. By denying Christ Jesus to this day, what would make us to think that this is any different today, that somehow now they've got it right, have evolved to a higher more trustworthy plain? Gentiles are just the same though they haven't been exposed to this measure. We know from scripture however that they will one day come to the fullness of their covenant with God in the Lord Jesus.

kjv@Romans:7 @ @ RandyP comments: In Christ our previous husband (the Law) is dead; we've seen our inescapable sin nature, we know the will to do right is there but not how to perform it, we sense the war raging against the law of our minds. Now we are married to a new husband, a husband that has raised from the death dictated by the Law and brought us into a completely new and living hope.

kjv@Psalms:79 @ @ RandyP comments: It is one thing for Judah to be corrected by the Lord and for Him to use neighboring nations as His instruments. It is quiet another for those nations to puff up, to think that it was by their hand, that the God of Jacob is silent, that they are somehow better. Their ill intentions may have been used by God but, that does mean that they are excused for intending and coming against His anointed. We know that as the hearts of Judah is turned back to God and their prayers are cried out that God will once again move in their favor for His covenant and His own name sake.

kjv@Psalms:107 @ @ RandyP comments: Then they cried unto the Lord. Over and over we see men working themselves into desperate situations. Most of their own making, some as a consequence of the stormy waters where they conduct their business. God brings them low, they cry out, God does merciful acts to deliver them. To observe this is to understand the lovingkindness of the LORD. Where then do we stand today? What can we do? Well just as frequent is the refrain "Oh that men would praise the LORD...."

kjv@Psalms:117 @ @ RandyP comments: It is highly unlikely that the nations of this age would gather to do such a simple and straightforward thing; even in an ecumenical/universal God sense. It should be a sign of the times and our hearts that we can't even gather to do that.

kjv@Psalms:119:105-176 @ @ RandyP comments: One of the things we miss the most in our doctrine nowadays is the concept of just how right each and everything God has said or done or decided or judged or testified of has been. We get caught up in the love and grace without understanding what it is that defines that love, defines that grace, makes it so immense and great: His righteousness. In the law, the statutes, the precepts, the testimonies these things can be searched out, can have their proper effect helping us to grasp His defining nature. We know now that in our faith that the Grace supersedes the moral code, that the spirit of it exceeds the letter, but, the Law still can be our schoolmaster not only teaching where we fall short but where God's righteousness stands out.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:14 @ @ RandyP comments: Their salvation still requires belief and repentance just as the rest of us. This sanctification he is speaking of is of a setting apart. There are varying levels of sanctification. The unbeliever and the household are being blessed tangibly because of the blessing of God toward the believer and the children are raised in a better and more wholesome environment. It still would be better however that they all believe.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:1-24 @ @ RandyP comments: These are general rules for marriage but, the principals involved are far reaching. Principal one: you are not your own, you are the others'. Principal two: don't hold back yourselves from one another except by mutual consent for spiritual matters. Principal three: stay engaged/invested in the marriage even if your spouse is a unbeliever if they are consenting.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:25-40 @ @ RandyP comments: What would a personal opinion be doing in the Bible? It shows me an example of applying principal. There are areas in our lives where we will find no direct scriptural answer or command. I don't think that God sought for each and every area to be commanded. There are several areas however we will find where it is best to apply principal. We are allowed to see how an apostle would reason such an area forward by principal. Yes it is his opinion and we have to take it as such, but, principals are born out great truths that have been meditated and applied in different areas that have similarity to the issue presently considered. Most people don't spend enough time even meditating these God given truths enough during to day to know how that they might relate to the question at hand.

kjv@Psalms:137 @ @ RandyP comments: It must be humbling when ones captors request to hear one of your hymns as if to rub your face in the fact that they are taking you back to their land to make you slaves. It drives home the fact that you've let a good thing go. Had they listened to God, had they returned their hearts from their false gods, had they obeyed it may not have come to this. But it has, and there naturally is bitterness towards these captors. Really though God's mercy from kjv@Psalms:123 is still at work in a reproving fashion. We should not be so hardened as to allow it to come to this.

kjv@Psalms:147:15 @ @ RandyP comments: We often put the concept of God spreading His word solely into the hands of man, limiting His word to the places man can get to and the time frame it would take for man to be able to get there and the reaction the man or men would receive. God's word is not limited by any such thing; it moves swiftly. He can use man's willingness to spread just as He can use the frozen ice.

kjv@Psalms:150 @ @ RandyP comments: kjv@Psalms:37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD... What more could one's heart desire? I'm ready. Join me?

kjv@Proverbs:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The wise son and Israel are taught in the same breath. There is a practical street sense to this and a loftier spiritual sense nationally. Spiritual warfare can produce the same enticing fascinations. Because of the nature of the content addressed here it may be better understood this wise son must be at least an adolescent.

kjv@Proverbs:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The good man character is also used by Jesus a couple parables kjv@Matthew:20:11 kjv@Matthew:24:43

kjv@Proverbs:12:17 @ @ RandyP comments: Speaking truth is associated with being a trust worthy witness; a witness that sheweth forth righteousness. Whose righteousness? God's

kjv@Proverbs:17 @ @ RandyP comments: kjv@STRING:Proverbs:17+AND+fool Look at how many times a fool is mentioned in this chapter. kjv@STRING:Proverbs+AND+fool makes for an interesting study as is kjv@STRING:Proverbs+AND+righteous

kjv@Proverbs:22:7 @ @ RandyP comments: This is not to say that it shouldn't be this way. The majority of the poor are poor for the reasons explained here in the proverbs. They do not rule themselves so how should it be expected to rule well over others. The borrower rightfully owes the lender all that he has agreed to return else he would be a thief. It could be said that much of our nation's problem is not that we are overly compassionate but, that we are ruled by the poor and by debt that we have no intention of paying back. Debt and severe covetness have become our vision of entitlement and we blame the rich and the lender for our deepening woes.

kjv@Proverbs:22:17 @ @ RandyP comments: kjv@Proverbs:22:17-21 changes meter for a moment. Note that it spans these several verses all at once.

kjv@2Corinthians:7 @ @ RandyP comments: It is plain to see the thought and care that Paul put into the charge he had been given over his church plants. Even in the face of severe tribulations word of them gave him great comfort and he was always thinking toward their edification.

kjv@Proverbs:30:4 @ @ RandyP comments: I would be curious to know who he meant as son if he didn't mean Immanuel. David also had a sense of God's son in this era as well kjv@Psalms:2:7.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:7 @ @ RandyP comments: I am wondering how this works. A gift is given that destroys a man's heart, his heart to seek out a matter, his heart to proceed forward, his heart to stand firm against his oppressor, provide for his own. Sounds a lot like welfare and food stamps does it not?

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @ @ RandyP comments: The wiser question might be where does the Lord want me now and what does he want me to do today! I thank Him for the good found in every day. I thank Him that He is there ahead of me through it all. He truly is my shepherd.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Solomon has spent a great deal of time considering the ends of things. Sure they seem right to us here and now but, what of it in the end? He concludes that while somethings are better, some are wiser, all things are temporary, that they all end as vanity. Not everyone goes as far as to consider these things, the thought being "what does it matter?". It matters to the life to come and the abundant entrance ministered unto us into Christ's eternal kingdom kjv@2Peter:1:11.

kjv@Galatians:1 @ @ RandyP comments: This account of Paul's conversion fills in a 3 year hole between kjv@Acts:9:26 and kjv@Acts:9:27

kjv@Songs:5:16 @ @ RandyP comments: There are internet reports that the Moslim's believe lovely here to be a reference to Muhammad. They translate the Hebrew muhammadim as Pbuh (Muhammad). Strong's does not us muhammadim it uses machmâd and I am not sure of the correlation. Even so, 956bc usage of the word does not necessarily suggest that the word is accurately translated into 700ad counter-evangelical doctrine. It could have meant "lovely".

kjv@Galatians:2:14 @ @ RandyP comments: Peter received correction. Had he been the first Pope and had the Pope been given immutable divine interpretation as supposed by Roman Catholic doctrine, he would not have needed correction. Paul would have shamefully exceeded his lesser authority. Their doctrine follows from a possible misinterpretation on the proclamation Jesus made that on 'this Rock' He would build His church. Rock more likely meaning the divinely revealed faith and not just Cephas 'the rock' personally kjv@Matthew:16:17-20 (literally - You are 'piece of rock' and upon this 'massive Rock' (which flesh and blood have not revealed) I build my church).

kjv@Isaiah:7:1 @ @ RandyP comments: Ahaz B.C 740-724 dict:easton Ahaz

kjv@Isaiah:7:5 @ @ RandyP comments: Ephriam is another name for Israel now that it is divided from Judah.

kjv@Isaiah:7 @ @ RandyP comments: This is a very detailed prophecy. In 65 tears Ephraim/Israel shall be no more and not long after both Ephraim and Judah shall be without a king being first under the hand of Assyria. The fruitful land shall be over taken with flys and bees and become briers and thorns suitable only for cattle. Heads and beards and feet will be shaven in utter humiliation. During this era of captivity the messiah will born, His name, her virginity, His diet and distaste for evil all are revealed. Each and every piece of this prophecy has been completely fulfilled within a 675 year time span.

kjv@Isaiah:9 @ @ RandyP comments: Should now we Gentiles glory that we have done better than Israel in obeying the Lord? No, no man shall glory except in Christ kjv@1Corinthians:1:27-31

kjv@Isaiah:17 @ @ RandyP comments: The judgement continues throughout the region; Israel, Moab, and now Syria and beyond. The impact was devastating to all. History confirms that the Babylonian Empire was brutal and massive. It was not by accident nor their own doing however, but God's used their violent possessive treacherous nature to achieve His righteous purposes. Everyone had to take notice and the prophecies of Isaiah had to have been known/searched by many I would think.

kjv@Isaiah:37 @ @ RandyP comments: We tend to imagine the worst. If this enemy was strong enough to do this or that to the others than what chance do I have. The other nations stuck to their flase gods; God was using Assyria to clean their house. Judah had their false gods but, there was also a remnant of those committed to Jehovah; God was using Assyria as a means of cleansing and correction. What a tremendous testimony especially being that the Assyrian defeat was prophicied. God also used a false messenger from Ethiopia. All things work for God's purposes, the more open, the harder we look for that common thread, the sooner we will see the events and circumstances in our lives in their truer light.

kjv@Isaiah:42:1 @ @ RandyP comments: kjv@Matthew:3:17 kjv@Matthew:17:5 This is Jesus.

kjv@Isaiah:57 @ @ RandyP comments: Idolatry, sorcery, adultery go hand in hand, they are part of the same mind set. These are spiritual sins that play out in physical ways. The participants know first hand the emptiness of this way but yet continue due to their despising God. They seem to know God and are aware of His holding His peace for this time, therefore purposely taunt it to His face. The symbolisms pictured here of stones and posts ointments etc.. would have direct meaning to them being specific to elements their religion.

kjv@Isaiah:57 @ @ RandyP comments: The plan is not for God to have to contend much longer. The time that He will is of His choosing. All paths cannot lead to eternal blessing and not all souls will be unconditionally accepted. This moment is but an opportunity to turn oneself around. He has now accomplished all that His righteousness/mercy has required Him. He will perform that which He has promised. He will dwell eternally only with those of humble and contrite hearts, revive their spirit and once and for all heal them. For the others it will be a raging murky sea of their own consequence apart from Him. How much clearer can the choice be?

kjv@Jeremiah:7 @ @ RandyP comments: If one could imagine taking the temple called by Yahweh's name with all of it's history and using it to worship Baal, sending prophets and no one listening; how angered the Lord must be. When a religion becomes a place and not a person, worship a happening and not a lifestyle, judgment for everything except what is to be judged, this is what you have. Where are the priests? Where are the great orators of truth? Where is the resistance or reactionaries? Does a religion that sacrifices it's live children really have that much to offer other than in your face God rebellion?

kjv@Jeremiah:17:9-10 @ @ RandyP comments: Whose heart is deceitful above all things? Did He qualify or pin point certain hearts? Move this forward to the time Jesus Himself stood upon this earth with a crowd gathered round Him. Was their any in the gathering not of a deceitful heart? Those that wanted Him killed in God's name? Those who followed just for the free fish? The hypocritical zealots? Even the disciples arguing over who will be the greatest? Whose heart is deceitful above all things? The heart...Our hearts!

kjv@Jeremiah:17 @ @ RandyP comments: The Sabbath became the kings test. If they were able to do this one thing all of this would pass. They were not able. Most likely they gave barely an ear to Jeremiah there at the gate.

kjv@Jeremiah:23 @ @ RandyP comments: False prophets kjv@Jeremiah:23:13 caused Israel to error, kjv@Jeremiah:23:14 strengthen hand of evil doers that none return from their wickedness, kjv@Jeremiah:23:15 spread profane throughout the land, kjv@Jeremiah:23:17 prophesy God's peace/no evil, kjv@Jeremiah:23:27 think to cause the people to forget God's name, kjv@Jeremiah:23:32 cause my people to error by lies/lightness,kjv@Jeremiah:23:36 pervert the words of the Living God, kjv@Jeremiah:23:38 say that they are moved by a burden from the Lord.

kjv@Jeremiah:27 @ @ RandyP comments: Much of what the prophet has said has begun to come to pass. The evidence should be clear. Yet the other prophets are saying what has been taken away thus far will be taken back and the temple restored by their word. The Lord is flushing these false prophets out. The king must be aware of the Lord's doings here; those nations that will place themselves under the yoke Nebuchadnezzar will be spared, those who rebel or think otherwise will be consumed. Willing humility, acceptance of reproof, subjection to the counter intuitive is what will save the nation in the long run.

kjv@Jeremiah:37 @ @ RandyP comments: Have you ever had someone do everything they could against you only to later come back to you for advice? Jeremiah asks the obvious "why do you come to me, where are all your prophets, why not ask them"? Did Zedekiah really think that Jeremiah for the sake of some possible friendship or for the chance of being released would have anything other to say than what had already been said?

kjv@Jeremiah:42:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Even a man of God as Jeremiah was had to wait on the answer of the Lord. One would think the Lord would be eager to get the remnant up and running, after all they seem sincere and honest in their desire. The Lord's timing is perfectly right however, even if it is not what we would expect.

kjv@Jeremiah:47 @ @ RandyP comments: God has never intended to work in the life of Israel alone. It has always been His plan to work in the life of all mankind and He has done that throughout. He has used Israel/Judah as His insertion point, His needle carrying the needed inoculation strategically planted. It is in their reaction to the antibodies, vile and repulsed, that they are stirred, inflamed and angered in to accepting His serum.

kjv@Hebrews:5:7-10 @ @ RandyP comments: Christ learned obedience by what He suffered and thus was made a perfect high priest. We similarly learn our obedience by what we suffer for Him. One might say "wait... I am not suppose to suffer... I believe in Christ... He suffered for me". Christ obeyed the Father in suffering for us. He suffered what we could not and even would not for we were not capable of obeying to that extent. Yet we are supposed to obey in our own measure and often the only way to learn to obey is to suffer. In this case we suffer for/because of Him; for the stance we take/defend in Him.

kjv@Hebrews:7:1 @ @ RandyP comments: dict:easton Melchizedek more info.

kjv@Hebrews:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Two supreme orders of the priesthood, Levi and Melchizedek. The one supersedes the other. The former has brought us to the realization of need for the later. The lesser has been our schoolmaster leading us to conclude in the positive to the greater; the greater being formed by the oath of God. Jesus is the centerpiece/cornerstone of this greater order and not of the lesser. This is a stumbling point for the Jews even to this day who assume the Messiah is a Levitical order high priest. If so, then why did Abraham pay tithes and David prophecy?

kjv@Hebrews:8 @ @ RandyP comments: Quoted is kjv@Jeremiah:31:31-34. Elsewhere in Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:24:7 it is written that the heart to know after God will be given by Him and that this will cause us to return to Him with our whole hearts. It is precisely what the Law could not do.

kjv@Ezekiel:7 @ @ RandyP comments: In times such as these the people are more than willing to seek/hear from prophets, too bad they have rejected the words of the prophet before all of this. Even in these time of seeking they are more likely to seek a prophet more to their suiting. In addition to these tendencies, the priests and ancient counsels have been long absent. The Law and texts which would confirm the true prophet are effectively silent because of those that were in trusted with them having chased after other gods and religions. The prophet is left largely alone in his foreknowledge.

kjv@Ezekiel:17 @ @ RandyP comments: When the Lord says that the other trees of the field should know, we then should fully know that the Lord expects that by this action against the nation of Israel that the other nations involved will know what is occurring by His hand. They would know of the covenant between the king of Judah and Babylon that God was for, the breaking of the covenant by the making of a covenant with Egypt which God was firmly against, and the confirmation of God's wrath by the resultant slaughter of the kings and princes of the house of Judah captive in Babylon. When the Lord speaks/acts it is not for Judah's ears/eyes alone.

kjv@Ezekiel:27 @ @ RandyP comments: In the normal course of history many merchant hubs have risen and faded. A new and better port is built, an in defensible harbor is replaced by a defensible one, trade routes eventually move to more direct routes and highways, their cities slowly bypassed. That is just it, there is identifiable economic/strategic process and time. This was not the case with Tyrus. There is definite reason that the kings and merchants of the world are awe shocked and terrored. If the mighty hub of Tyrus can be so easily be destroyed in one sudden swoop, being thus prophesied and as a result re-fortified by them united, then they themselves stand no chance.

kjv@Ezekiel:37 @ @ RandyP comments: Some of the dispersed have been regathered here since 1947 + 1968. Many are still left to come. Judah and Israel are again solidified as one. The things not yet achieved is the revelation of the true Shepherd, the cleansing of their hearts, the installment of David as His king. Whether the raising of the bones is literal or symbolic, it would have to be at least in the case of David. These things are moving ahead quickly.

kjv@Ezekiel:47 @ @ RandyP comments: There is a new and quite large river that will flow from Jerusalem to the sea. Healing waters, water purer than any other will be its claim to fame. It will heal the other waters that come in to it.

kjv@Ezekiel:47 @ @ RandyP comments: I am not familiar with very may of these geographic points listed. From the ones I do it appears that if it reaches as far as Damascus that Israel will have gained considerable size.

kjv@Ezekiel:47 @ @ RandyP comments: A few interesting indications of the future life of Israel. Fishing, there will be industry and markets and the need to eat, the brackish water where the healing water meets the sea will be particularly plentiful. Medicine, it will still be needed, there will be a new leaf from a new tree (evergreen) that will be used to produce a new medicine.

kjv@Daniel:7 @ @ RandyP comments: There is not a mention of rapture in this vision that I can see. These saints appear to be on earth the entire time. For a measured time they are worn down and overcome by the fourth beast. With an eye toward harmony with other scriptures we must find a way to explain these saints with the saints that are raptured. One way would be to say that these saints became believers because of or after the rapture. Include these with the Messianic Jews who will have their veil lifted and you have quite a number.

kjv@Daniel:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Such a vision is troubling for all of us but yet we must keep the matter in heart. It is a terrifying time for the people of this world. The turmoil and suffering of the past world wars are pale in comparison. It is not just the exhibition of the wickedness of man but, the brutal demonic nature of spiritual principalities in full view. For Daniel, having the big picture brought down to human perspective through the use of descriptive symbols and characters is astonishing. Though difficult to know exactly who each character is and what the details mean, we all sense the general motion.

kjv@Daniel:9 @ @ RandyP comments: The math if we understand one day to be one year correctly is exact, 490 years from the year of this vision to Christ's baptism, 434 from Ezra's rebuilding of the temple. Christ the Messiah is in Jerusalem but is cut off (not for himself but for our sins) and then shortly (AD70) the city and temple are destroyed. There is an unrevealed number of years of desolation (current) followed by a confirmation (or tribulation) of seven years. I am told that many Jews of the time by this prophecy expected the Messiah on this same schedule and by some Jews expectation even today He is nearly 2000 years late. When the veil is lifted they will understand their confusion as to Jesus (1 Messiah appearing twice lamb and ruler instead of 2 at once).

kjv@Daniel:10:21 @ @ RandyP comments: Many have interpreted Michael as being the protecting angel over Israel. Michael was commander of the angelic forces that cast out the dragon from heaven kjv@Revelation:12:7 . We believe Michael to be present in the end times defeating the terrible invasion from the north. Michael is firmly holding with the Lord.

kjv@Daniel:11 @ @ RandyP comments: Further reading:http://pages.suddenlink.net/dalede/dan11.htm http://www.letgodbetrue.com/bible/prophecy/daniel11.php http://www.drshirley.org/hist/hist07.html http://www.zianet.com/maxey/Inter2.htm

kjv@Hosea:7:11 @ @ RandyP comments: The thing that they are told not to do is what they do. They spread their own net.

kjv@Hosea:7:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Where are the men that can see aright, that can discern the times and legislate the course? They have been devoured. Did not even David in his Psalms sense that the wicked were out for as much? Well they've done it. Is this not true in our day and time as well?

kjv@Revelation:2:1-7 @ @ RandyP comments: The all important first love. The church of Ephesus is doing a whole lot right. They contend for the faith as Jude would exhort, resist evil and suffer for Christ's name sake as Peter. Their first love no doubt was for Him as a person and for each other as His friends. For as much as they are doing right, they still need to obey the great commandment kjv@Mark:12:30-31.

kjv@Revelation:2:12-17 @ @ RandyP comments: In Pergamos we see a likeness to the two previous churches, faithfulness under severe persecution and having to deal with apostates amongst the brethren. This church however had not been as successful holding out the apostates and is in need of repentance in this same regard. We could say in effect that they need to return to their first love as their first love would not have mixed and commingled these blots and dead relics.

kjv@Revelation:3:7-13 @ @ RandyP comments: Philadelphia on the other hand is a church that will be kept from the hour of temptation that the earth will suffer. They are being opposed by a temple of Satan hiding under the cover of some Jews yet have exhibited strength, kept His word (of patience), and not denied His name. Notice how none of these churches have it easy, but, some hold fast, hold true, gain the Lord's strength and overcome.

kjv@Amos:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The Lord repenting does not mean the same as believers repenting from sin. The suggestion would be then that the Lord somehow was going to do something evil and was talked out of it. The truth is simply that the Lord changed His mind. It may for instance not have been His plan to begin with and that He was using this discussion as a teachable moment (what if I). I remember as a father proposing different forms of discipline with my children to get them to think about their wrong (what if I take away television privileges for a week?). Another way of thinking it is that the Lord had options, out of these options he was going to do this (and would have been within His rights to do so) but, chose rather to do that.

kjv@Amos:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The land could not bear words of Amos' mouth. He was being blamed for everything that was going on. No, it wasn't the idolatry or the thievery or the oppression or deceit, it was the words of one minor herdsman prophet near Bethel. The well meaning friend is just as off by trying to talk Amos into moving to Judah for his own safety. When it is God's words one better hold true.

kjv@Amos:9:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Other countries have been delivered in similar fashion to Israel. There should be a familiarity even a brotherhood between them having common histories.

kjv@Revelation:7 @ @ RandyP comments: There are those 144k of the tribes of Israel that are sealed and on earth. There are are a innumerable number present at the throne from all nations and tongues washed in the Blood before the opening of this seal. Somewhere in this time frame many gather that either the dead in Christ or the actual living church has been raptured. When exactly is debated. Most assume that the dead in Christ are already with Christ.

kjv@Micah:7 @ @ RandyP comments: What God will do for those who will bear His indignation: 1. plead my cause 2. execute judgment for me 3. bring me forth to the light 4. pardon iniquity 5. pass by the transgression 6. retain not his anger 7. turn again 8. have compassion 9. subdue our iniquities 10.cast all sins into the depths 11. perform the truth to Jacob 12. mercy to Abraham

kjv@Revelation:13:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Are the saints the not yet raptured Church? To make war with the saints suggests that the saints are no longer dispersed or that they are dispersed but banded into target-able formations. To be overcome as the Church however rubs against a whole lot of scripture, namely kjv@1John:2:14 kjv@1John:4:4 kjv@1John:5:4 kjv@John:14:16 kjv@2Peter:2:19 kjv@2Peter:2:20 kjv@1Corinthians:3:16 kjv@Hebrews:1:14

kjv@Revelation:13:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The point I am trying to make is that if the Church and these saints are one in the same, then it is the Church that is overcome. In order for the Church to be overcome then the Holy Spirit has to be overcome or He has to leave us to our own. Scripture suggests that neither can happen! To be overcome is to be put back into bondage to. The Church being put back into bondage after the blood and resurrection of Christ? After the forever indwelling of the Comforter? Even for a short time - Where is the sense? If instead these are new believers after the Church has been raptured, they are by virtue of this peculiar time frame merely transitional (Spirit-less/Church-less) believers still awaiting the Spirit with patience and faith.

kjv@Habakkuk:2 @ @ RandyP comments: So this is where Paul twice and the author of Hebrews once get "the just shall live by faith". Now we have the original context. Given our tendency to box God into the corners of what we think He should and should not be doing, given our blindness to everything except what is immediately before us, given our own personal track record and what we ourselves are being chastised over, we if seeking through this to become just should live by faith. kjv@Romans:1:17 kjv@Galatians:3:11 kjv@Hebrews:10:38

kjv@Habakkuk:3 @ @ RandyP comments: The prophet concludes with a song. In context it comes to mean that we may not know everything about what the Lord is doing. We may think that He is doing nothing at all or that He is letting evil overcome good. If however we could see the Lord in all of His larger than life actions, the directions He comes from, the foundations He shakes at, the tireless march that He is on, His goings forth for the salvation of His people; then certainly our view of things here and now would be much different. The song is summed up kjv@Habakkuk:3:17-19.

kjv@Zechariah:2:7 @ @ RandyP comments: kjv@STRING:daughter+of+Babylon kjv@STRING:daughter+of+Zion some interesting contrasts and detail.

kjv@Revelation:17:5 @ @ RandyP comments: MYSTERY seems to imply a sworn secrecy as in an initiation rite. HARLOT and ABOMINATIONS both imply idolatry, BABYLON tyranny.

kjv@Revelation:17:18 @ @ RandyP comments: This is very revealing, a power/principality that rules over the kings of earth. It is put into their hearts, it is God's will (just as He has given them over kjv@Romans:1 ) to follow. They will follow wholly to make war against the Lamb. She is identified as a city with seven hills (often thought of as Rome). The seventh and eight king of which are the beast. She is presented in continuous present tense as old as Babylon and young as the martyrs of the Lamb.

kjv@Zechariah:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The command seemed simple enough, to execute true judgment, show mercy, oppress not. To do these things as an individual is one thing; as a nation quite another. When the Lord cried out they would not hear. Now that they are crying out the Lord seems to not hear. What was so hard about the command? The answer may be within. Now they fast in the fifth month these many years, but, is it to the Lord they fast or to themselves? They send men to inquire of the prophet, but, is it for the truth or to bend God's ear? Why should He listen if they do not listen? Why should He do for them when they intend to do plenty for themselves only as well? Worship is not about doing better for yourself. It is not about bending His will around yours. It is not Him plucking you out of the pit that you've dug yourself so that you can run along to dig yet another. Worship is about Him, it is about what you most value, what you are most willing to serve. One cannot perform the command without the deepest reverence and worship towards Him who wants you first to listen. And to best do that one must do this worship as a nation. That is what is so hard.

kjv@Malachi:2:5-7 @ @ RandyP comments: Levi should be the model for all priests. The elements highlighted here should be the measure and the goal of all His pastors.

kjv@Genesis:1:27 @ @ RandyP comments: This process and timeline is re-examined and detailed out further in kjv@Genesis:2

kjv@Matthew:1:1-17 @ @ RandyP comments: The bloodline of Jesus is of course important to scholars in confirming the qualifications of Jesus determined by existing prophecy. In the gospels we have two bloodlines written in case we were to misinterpret or loose the one. Both are valid to authenticate Jesus, Mary's perhaps slightly more as it is actual blood Jesus would have.

kjv@Matthew:1:1-17 @ @ RandyP comments: The human ancestry of Jesus is not as dry a reading as one might expect. It flies by in 16 quick verses, but, the personal histories of these individual lives cover an amazing 42 generations. You can imagine someone someday reading over your descendent's genealogy and skipping over your name as dry and inconsequential. What is important here is the lives, the lifetimes, passions and interests and occurrences, successes and set backs, wishes and desires, health and sickness, riches and poverty, sin and righteousness, freedom and captivity. Much like our lives, these people had the hope that despite everything that this life or at least the lives of our offspring was leading to something good. In these peoples case it lead from a promise to a patriarch to a fulfillment of that promise the living Messiah.

kjv@Genesis:4 @ @ RandyP comments: Did you notice that Abel and Cain were offering sacrifices, but, men did not call on the name of the Lord until Enos? What men? Were there others? Remember that incest at this time was not forbidden, logically it was the only way for these people to reproduce. Notice that sisters of Cain and Abel and Seth are not recorded, there may have been many (perhaps in modern terms 7 to 1 or more). Seeing how quickly Cain's numbers grew, Abel's could have been just as quick, along with Seth's. Given the either of these brothers could have had any number of other unrecorded brothers the human race could have grown quite quickly. Only later when incest was not needed and began producing genetic flaws was it legalized against.

kjv@Genesis:7:11 @ @ RandyP comments: It was water from below earth's surface perhaps super heated that broken through the crust that flooded the atmosphere raining doing heavily as it cooled. Much of the life that was was drowned in the instant and place where it stood. Geologic and fossil records today can be read if willing to suggest the same, something traumatic, catastrophic and global. If gap theory is believed this then would be the second lesser event of this type.

kjv@Genesis:7:21 @ @ RandyP comments: Fish/amphibians and sea creatures are not mentioned in this list. They were surely disrupted but not destroyed by this judgment.

kjv@Genesis:12:7 @ @ RandyP comments: This is the first of three times that the Lord appears to Abraham (kjv@Genesis:17:1 kjv@Genesis:18:1). If no one can look upon the Father and live the Lord must be the Son or else this is figurative. Jacob also has an appearance but, specifically states that he saw the Lord face to face kjv@Genesis:32:30 .

kjv@Genesis:17 @ @ RandyP comments: The token of the remembrance of this everlasting covenant was quite simple, male circumcision. Even Ishmael, who would later leave and become his own great people received this token in his flesh. The covenant itself is based entirely upon God's grace, the token is secondary and a fleshly symbol of a remembrance towards His grace. Mankind would still yet require a circumcision of heart to receive their savior/salvation; again entirely by God's grace. The descendent's of Ishmael should be made aware of this as well.

kjv@Genesis:23 @ @ RandyP comments: A mighty prince amongst us. Notice how the people of that land viewed Abraham. No doubt Abraham was blessed from above and therein a blessing to others. Even strangers could sense that of him. They were not only willing to sell land for a burial plot, they were willing rather to give it and protect it a great many years after. He was a man of tremendous faith, imagine how that carried through his daily dealings and business with others. Sarah had lived to be 127 years, almost 40 years after birthing Isaac. If Abraham was a prince, then she was a princes.

kjv@Genesis:24:17 @ @ RandyP comments: This may be the same servant Eliezer that would have inherited Abraham's possessions had not Ishmael and Isaac been born so late in the couple's life.

kjv@Genesis:25:17 @ @ RandyP comments: Is this being gathered unto ones peoples a saying? or a biblical truth of death? I don't know kjv@STRING:gathered+unto+his and kjv@STRING:gathered+unto+thy . If so, would Ishmael's people be Abraham? The Egyptians? Who? Most likely, at least in the end, people of the same regenerate or non-regenerate spiritual heart. The fuller interpretation is that physically it simply means that they ended up in the same spot 'dust to dust' as all the loved ones who have gone before him. Spiritually however, added to 'giving up the ghost' it means dead in body (dust), the ghost yeilded, spiritually gathered to their just reward.

kjv@Genesis:27 @ @ RandyP comments: It amazes me how far some people have to go to pull off a deception. Wouldn't there have been a better way? Had Rebekah all along told Isaac the Lord's desire, had Rebekah this time confronted him soon as she heard, had Jacob petitioned his father to seek the Lord in this all important matter. Really, ask yourself, was the Lord's will ever in danger of being crossed up by the verbal blessings of Isaac? Why not then just trust, pray, fast if you have to, be honest and open and vocal, prove yourself worthy of a father's blessing.

kjv@Genesis:37 @ @ RandyP comments: The harder we work against something at times, the quicker it comes to be. Did anyone stop to think that the dreams Joseph was dreaming might be from God? Did Jacob? If anyone did, their judgment was clouded by the image that they had of their brother/son. It is one thing to dislike a sibling but, to dismiss that God could work through them is another. Some brothers became uncomfortable with outright murder; that would have been a good place for them to check their intents, but to substitute murder with slavery and forgery not much different.

kjv@Genesis:47:30 @ @ RandyP comments: God had as much as promised Jacob this kjv@Genesis:46:4.

kjv@Genesis:47 @ @ RandyP comments: We should be mindful as to just how serious famines can be. Within the first year the people of Egypt had sold Joseph their cattle and by the second year had sold all but the priest' land. This is a sanitized way of saying that they were absolutely desperate. The dust bowels of Great Depression are the closest thing we Americans have seen to this, not nearly as devastating but requiring a buy back program from the government for many as well, some had to walk away from everything.

kjv@Genesis:49:27 @ @ RandyP comments: dict:all Benjamin

kjv@Exodus:7:2-5 @ @ RandyP comments: Because Moses and Aaron had obeyed in the first step even in apparent failure their knowledge of what God intends is being broadened further. Had they not obeyed previously they probably would not be coming to this next step. I would have been better for them to have started out knowing this additional information no doubt but, often we don't come by that knowledge unless we obey right off.

kjv@Exodus:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Pharaoh's heart was going to harden more and more. Most would consider that a hard heart would cause this mission to fail, but, in this case God is using it to make a bigger statement. A hard heart in other words can serve the Lord's purposes. Is the Lord making his heart hard directly? Or, is the heart reacting as it wills?

kjv@Exodus:8:7 @ @ RandyP comments: As I understand it the frog was one of the symbols of one of their gods. This was a direct attack on their system of belief. In their haste to emulate what Aaron was doing they made their own matters worse.

kjv@Exodus:8:27 @ @ RandyP comments: Because Pharaoh is still being approached on this as a three day religious event and not a complete deliverance, I get the feeling that Moses knows that Pharaoh will again turn. What would Moses do if the Hebrews were allowed the three days and had to come back?

kjv@Exodus:10:7 @ @ RandyP comments: I think of some of the people that I have come across whose lives are utterly destroyed at yet seemingly they are oblivious to it. The mind/heart has a shrewd way of justifying itself even in the midst of desolation. Men that have lost absolutely every thing to drugs and alcohol living drink to drink behind a dumpster thinking that they are somehow better off this way, that it is everyone else that has the problem. God's mighty works are not simply finding ways to show off but, illustrations of just how far the human heart will go to avoid/disobey Him and His call.

kjv@Exodus:10:16-17 @ @ RandyP comments: A man may come to know that he has sinned. He may even come to ask others forgiveness. That does not mean how ever that he has come to see eye to eye with the Lord. He may as in this case be seeking to escape the consequences to come with little regret or repentance.

kjv@Exodus:12 @ @ RandyP comments: This is the first plague where the people of Israel had to participate. Everything up to now they sat back and watched. Their action is to be reenacted yearly as a remembrance to all future generations and is very specific as the symbolism is exact and points to the coming Messiah. kjv@1Corinthians:5:7 describes Christ as our passover. He in every way fulfills the role of the lamb sacrificed (before the congregation) and the lamb's blood protecting/covering the chosen from a death otherwise meant for all. His death brings about our immediate release and exodus from the bondage of sin. Now the proofing of the believer begins.

kjv@Exodus:13:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Leaven throughout the scriptures is used to symbolize sin. Jesus used it in His parables frequently; sin that puffs up the whole loaf.

kjv@Exodus:17 @ @ RandyP comments: There is a danger when a single individual is used as mightily as Moses that the people follow the person and not the Lord. The odder turn is that they don't seem to follow the Lord unless there be a mighty leader. The truest statement is possibly that they don't generally follow the Lord period and the individual is only complained and plotted against. In the wilderness they could not provide for themselves, that was the point. But, did they come to depend on their own contact and relationship withe the Lord or did they depend upon another's. Today, we are much the same depending the faith and workings of our leaders rather than our personal faith and the Lord's bountiful resources.

kjv@Matthew:13:37 @ @ RandyP comments: filter:NT-GOSPEL Son of man speaks largely of His betrayal cruxifiction and return.

kjv@Matthew:17:1-13 @ @ RandyP comments: We see that the focus of Christ's work with the disciples has sharply turned towards His Cross and is being confirmed from above with the types of signs that the Pharisees had asked for earlier. The disciples believed but, had not asked. The Pharisees did not believe and yet had asked. Which do you think were allowed a sign? Now that they've seen it they are kept from telling anyone of it. Worse than a non-believer not believing and not receiving a demanded sign is a non-believer disbelieving all the more after seeing a believer that has seen the sign by invitation.

kjv@Matthew:18:7 @ @ RandyP comments: Recently, we have heard of the influences of a faithless wicked generation being at the root of a failed exorcism and now a world from which offenses/entrapments toward humble child like servants must/do come. The forces and momentums Jesus fights against are considerably larger than just you and I. We must also be aware of their effect and influence as well. They exist even amongst our own ranks!