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kjv@Psalms:125 @ @ RandyP comments: We tend to personalize/individualize these verses. The trust spoken of is in the larger scale of His overall plan and His actions upon entire bodies such as the church and nations. The righteous and upright are plural and a force of His moving and shaping. From that we individually are more justly effected.

kjv@1Corinthians:16 @ @ RandyP comments: If the church in Jerusalem was in urgent need of this gifting it was likely that they were going to have to be patient. Things were moving at the pace of the old world and various considerations were having to be made. Amongst all this wonderful doctrine and teaching the real world remains. I think that it is a refreshing to see that they were working through issues much like we have to today.

kjv@Isaiah:9 @ @ RandyP comments: How important to know that His anger is not turned but His hand is still extended. Israel/Judah/Manasseh have long strayed from any resemblance of covenant partnership with God; they have become exactly what covenant had told them not to be. The Lord has been more than long suffering towards them and is now prepared to do what He said would be done. This does not mean that it is all over though, that it all was a big mistake and that He is moving on without them; it means that they will serve His purpose just the same. For the present time it is to our benefit that this be, until the fulfillment of this Gentile age.

kjv@1Peter:2:24 @ @ RandyP comments: Healing in the larger passage context more likely refers to the soul's restoration back to God, the removing of enmity. Healing of the broken hearted for instance is not so much a healing of the physical heart/arteries. Healing of the nations is not so much a physical healing of diseased people within those nations. Restoration (healing in this case) surely has more to do with proximity or position or good standing; the returning to the Bishop of our souls.

kjv@Ezekiel:37 @ @ RandyP comments: Some of the dispersed have been regathered here since 1947 + 1968. Many are still left to come. Judah and Israel are again solidified as one. The things not yet achieved is the revelation of the true Shepherd, the cleansing of their hearts, the installment of David as His king. Whether the raising of the bones is literal or symbolic, it would have to be at least in the case of David. These things are moving ahead quickly.

kjv@Daniel:1 @ @ RandyP comments: The Lord is always moving ahead with His plans. As a nation Judah has now fallen into Chaldean hands but through the obedience of four young souls He plans to move Israel forward through the seventy year captivity. He has gifted these four with the skill, the knowledge, the situation and the opportunity needed. They won't be the only ones that He builds up and moves into place.

kjv@Amos:7 @ @ RandyP comments: The land could not bear words of Amos' mouth. He was being blamed for everything that was going on. No, it wasn't the idolatry or the thievery or the oppression or deceit, it was the words of one minor herdsman prophet near Bethel. The well meaning friend is just as off by trying to talk Amos into moving to Judah for his own safety. When it is God's words one better hold true.

kjv@Zephaniah:2 @ @ RandyP comments: There are many nations involved here. Their transgression namely having reproached the chosen for the sake of magnifying themselves. The chosen certainly were not blameless and deserving of reproach, but, it was for the Lord to reproach not them. Reproach in order to magnify is a different thing however. We see people practice it in our lives all the time. I know of men who speak of the Church in the same way. It is not that they have any desire for the Church to correct itself, it is that by moving the church out of the way they themselves look all the better. This is done even by Christians to the greater Church at large.

kjv@Revelation:21:8 @ @ RandyP comments: Is Hell really that hard to understand? If your family was moving from it's remote frontier outpost to a new thriving city and you refused to go, what would you have left? If your ship was abandoned and left to sink and you refused to go, what would you have left. If your leprosy was cured by a shot and a new healthy location and you refused...you get the idea! We tend to think of God when we think of Hell in terms of "how could He" instead of "why did we not". If it is the course of creation to proceed from A (a temporal/carnal existence) to B (a transitional/spiritual existence being set apart and prepared) to C (a new and spiritual living eternal existence far removed from the corruption of sin/death) and we stick to our guns and stay at A, what happens to us when A and B are no more? Are no longer supported? Are removed from available options? What happens to the seed that refuses to sprout?

kjv@Genesis:29:31 @ @ RandyP comments: Having children wasn't going to change Leah's situation with Jacob. She may of thought so, may have wished so, may have prayed for it to be so; for one reason or another it was just this way. Though the Lord had granted her children, they may have been more for her own good than for her marriage; that is one way to look at it. Perhaps the Lord wanted Jacob to change his heart, but, the decision was still all his; that is another take. Maybe this growing conflict between sisters is a sign of the internal tension amongst the tribes latter on. Either way, the Lord was moving on to begin his establishment of the twelve tribes starting with Leah's four sons. There may be design and will for each of us individually, but, there is also the overall plan/will as well. She may have come to this honest and sober conclusion by the time she had Judah. To have children in order to save a marriage is a huge burden for children to have to bare.

kjv@Matthew:5:29-30 @ @ RandyP comments: Neither the eye nor the hand have the will/resource to commit adultery; it is only the heart that can entrap/offend. Removing a limb will not remove the will/imagination of the heart it would only restrict the will from receiving the visual input or accomplishing the physical task (a slight improvement), the heart would still have it's invention (perhaps more so). The understanding is in the value of reaching heaven which is even more than life or limb and the necessity of fighting the lusts of the heart straight on.