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kjv@Genesis:8:4 @ And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

kjv@Genesis:10:22 @ The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram.

kjv@Genesis:10:23 @ And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash.

kjv@Genesis:11:26 @ And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

kjv@Genesis:11:27 @ Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.

kjv@Genesis:11:28 @ And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.

kjv@Genesis:11:29 @ And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.

kjv@Genesis:11:30 @ But Sarai was barren; she had no child.

kjv@Genesis:11:31 @ And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.

kjv@Genesis:11:32 @ And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran.

kjv@Genesis:12:4 @ So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

kjv@Genesis:12:5 @ And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.

kjv@Genesis:12:11 @ And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon:

kjv@Genesis:12:15 @ The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

kjv@Genesis:12:17 @ And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife.

kjv@Genesis:12:18 @ And Pharaoh called Abram, and said, What is this that thou hast done unto me? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife?

kjv@Genesis:12:20 @ And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had.

kjv@Genesis:13:9 @ Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

kjv@Genesis:13:11 @ Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

kjv@Genesis:13:14 @ And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:

kjv@Genesis:14:6 @ And the Horites in their mount Seir, unto Elparan, which is by the wilderness.

kjv@Genesis:16:1 @ Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

kjv@Genesis:16:2 @ And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.

kjv@Genesis:16:3 @ And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.

kjv@Genesis:16:5 @ And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the LORD judge between me and thee.

kjv@Genesis:16:6 @ But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is in thy hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face.

kjv@Genesis:16:8 @ And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai.

kjv@Genesis:17:15 @ And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.

kjv@Genesis:17:17 @ Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?

kjv@Genesis:17:19 @ And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

kjv@Genesis:17:21 @ But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

kjv@Genesis:18:6 @ And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.

kjv@Genesis:18:9 @ And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.

kjv@Genesis:18:10 @ And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.

kjv@Genesis:18:11 @ Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.

kjv@Genesis:18:12 @ Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

kjv@Genesis:18:13 @ And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?

kjv@Genesis:18:14 @ Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

kjv@Genesis:18:15 @ Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.

kjv@Genesis:20:2 @ And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah.

kjv@Genesis:20:14 @ And Abimelech took sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and womenservants, and gave them unto Abraham, and restored him Sarah his wife.

kjv@Genesis:20:16 @ And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given thy brother a thousand pieces of silver: behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved.

kjv@Genesis:20:18 @ For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah Abraham's wife.

kjv@Genesis:21:1 @ And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken.

kjv@Genesis:21:2 @ For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.

kjv@Genesis:21:3 @ And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac.

kjv@Genesis:21:6 @ And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.

kjv@Genesis:21:7 @ And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born him a son in his old age.

kjv@Genesis:21:9 @ And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking.

kjv@Genesis:21:12 @ And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

kjv@Genesis:21:21 @ And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:22:21 @ Huz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel the father of Aram,

kjv@Genesis:23:1 @ And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah.

kjv@Genesis:23:2 @ And Sarah died in Kirjatharba; the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan: and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.

kjv@Genesis:23:19 @ And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan.

kjv@Genesis:24:36 @ And Sarah my master's wife bare a son to my master when she was old: and unto him hath he given all that he hath.

kjv@Genesis:24:67 @ And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.

kjv@Genesis:25:10 @ The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife.

kjv@Genesis:25:12 @ Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham:

kjv@Genesis:25:20 @ And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram, the sister to Laban the Syrian.

kjv@Genesis:25:23 @ And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

kjv@Genesis:27:43 @ Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran;

kjv@Genesis:28:2 @ Arise, go to Padanaram, to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father; and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother.

kjv@Genesis:28:5 @ And Isaac sent away Jacob: and he went to Padanaram unto Laban, son of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebekah, Jacob's and Esau's mother.

kjv@Genesis:28:6 @ When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob, and sent him away to Padanaram, to take him a wife from thence; and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan;

kjv@Genesis:28:7 @ And that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone to Padanaram;

kjv@Genesis:28:10 @ And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.

kjv@Genesis:29:4 @ And Jacob said unto them, My brethren, whence be ye? And they said, Of Haran are we.

kjv@Genesis:30:40 @ And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle.

kjv@Genesis:31:18 @ And he carried away all his cattle, and all his goods which he had gotten, the cattle of his getting, which he had gotten in Padanaram, for to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan.

kjv@Genesis:33:18 @ And Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched his tent before the city.

kjv@Genesis:35:9 @ And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padanaram, and blessed him.

kjv@Genesis:35:26 @ And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; Gad, and Asher: these are the sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padanaram.

kjv@Genesis:36:28 @ The children of Dishan are these; Uz, and Aran.

kjv@Genesis:37:36 @ And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard.

kjv@Genesis:38:30 @ And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah.

kjv@Genesis:39:1 @ And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither.

kjv@Genesis:40:2 @ And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers.

kjv@Genesis:40:7 @ And he asked Pharaoh's officers that were with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, Wherefore look ye so sadly to day?

kjv@Genesis:40:11 @ And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.

kjv@Genesis:40:13 @ Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler.

kjv@Genesis:40:14 @ But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house:

kjv@Genesis:40:17 @ And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head.

kjv@Genesis:40:19 @ Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee.

kjv@Genesis:40:20 @ And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants.

kjv@Genesis:40:21 @ And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand:

kjv@Genesis:41:1 @ And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river.

kjv@Genesis:41:4 @ And the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven well favoured and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.

kjv@Genesis:41:7 @ And the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, it was a dream.

kjv@Genesis:41:8 @ And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:41:9 @ Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day:

kjv@Genesis:41:10 @ Pharaoh was wroth with his servants, and put me in ward in the captain of the guard's house, both me and the chief baker:

kjv@Genesis:41:14 @ Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:41:15 @ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it.

kjv@Genesis:41:16 @ And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.

kjv@Genesis:41:17 @ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the bank of the river:

kjv@Genesis:41:25 @ And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do.

kjv@Genesis:41:28 @ This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:41:32 @ And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

kjv@Genesis:41:33 @ Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:34 @ Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years.

kjv@Genesis:41:35 @ And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities.

kjv@Genesis:41:37 @ And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants.

kjv@Genesis:41:38 @ And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?

kjv@Genesis:41:39 @ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:

kjv@Genesis:41:41 @ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:42 @ And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck;

kjv@Genesis:41:44 @ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:45 @ And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnathpaaneah; and he gave him to wife Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On. And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:46 @ And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:55 @ And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do.

kjv@Genesis:42:15 @ Hereby ye shall be proved: By the life of Pharaoh ye shall not go forth hence, except your youngest brother come hither.

kjv@Genesis:42:16 @ Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye shall be kept in prison, that your words may be proved, whether there be any truth in you: or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are spies.

kjv@Genesis:44:18 @ Then Judah came near unto him, and said, Oh my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word in my lord's ears, and let not thine anger burn against thy servant: for thou art even as Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:45:2 @ And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.

kjv@Genesis:45:8 @ So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:45:16 @ And the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house, saying, Joseph's brethren are come: and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his servants.

kjv@Genesis:45:17 @ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, This do ye; lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan;

kjv@Genesis:45:21 @ And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.

kjv@Genesis:46:5 @ And Jacob rose up from Beersheba: and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him.

kjv@Genesis:46:15 @ These be the sons of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram, with his daughter Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three.

kjv@Genesis:46:31 @ And Joseph said unto his brethren, and unto his father's house, I will go up, and shew Pharaoh, and say unto him, My brethren, and my father's house, which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me;

kjv@Genesis:46:33 @ And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh shall call you, and shall say, What is your occupation?

kjv@Genesis:47:1 @ Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.

kjv@Genesis:47:2 @ And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:47:3 @ And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers.

kjv@Genesis:47:4 @ They said moreover unto Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.

kjv@Genesis:47:5 @ And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee:

kjv@Genesis:47:7 @ And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him before Pharaoh: and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:47:8 @ And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou?

kjv@Genesis:47:9 @ And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.

kjv@Genesis:47:10 @ And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:47:11 @ And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.

kjv@Genesis:47:14 @ And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house.

kjv@Genesis:47:19 @ Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate.

kjv@Genesis:47:20 @ And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh's.

kjv@Genesis:47:22 @ Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.

kjv@Genesis:47:23 @ Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land.

kjv@Genesis:47:24 @ And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.

kjv@Genesis:47:25 @ And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants.

kjv@Genesis:47:26 @ And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's.

kjv@Genesis:49:26 @ The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.

kjv@Genesis:49:31 @ There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I buried Leah.

kjv@Genesis:50:4 @ And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

kjv@Genesis:50:6 @ And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury thy father, according as he made thee swear.

kjv@Genesis:50:7 @ And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt,

kjv@Exodus:1:11 @ Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.

kjv@Exodus:1:19 @ And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them.

kjv@Exodus:1:22 @ And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.

kjv@Exodus:2:5 @ And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it.

kjv@Exodus:2:7 @ Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?

kjv@Exodus:2:8 @ And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. And the maid went and called the child's mother.

kjv@Exodus:2:9 @ And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the child, and nursed it.

kjv@Exodus:2:10 @ And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water.

kjv@Exodus:2:15 @ Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

kjv@Exodus:3:10 @ Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:3:11 @ And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

kjv@Exodus:4:21 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.

kjv@Exodus:4:22 @ And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:

kjv@Exodus:5:1 @ And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.

kjv@Exodus:5:2 @ And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.

kjv@Exodus:5:5 @ And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the land now are many, and ye make them rest from their burdens.

kjv@Exodus:5:6 @ And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters of the people, and their officers, saying,

kjv@Exodus:5:10 @ And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their officers, and they spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you straw.

kjv@Exodus:5:14 @ And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to day, as heretofore?

kjv@Exodus:5:15 @ Then the officers of the children of Israel came and cried unto Pharaoh, saying, Wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants?

kjv@Exodus:5:20 @ And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood in the way, as they came forth from Pharaoh:

kjv@Exodus:5:21 @ And they said unto them, The LORD look upon you, and judge; because ye have made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to slay us.

kjv@Exodus:5:23 @ For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he hath done evil to this people; neither hast thou delivered thy people at all.

kjv@Exodus:6:1 @ Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land.

kjv@Exodus:6:11 @ Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, that he let the children of Israel go out of his land.

kjv@Exodus:6:12 @ And Moses spake before the LORD, saying, Behold, the children of Israel have not hearkened unto me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips?

kjv@Exodus:6:13 @ And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:6:27 @ These are they which spake to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring out the children of Israel from Egypt: these are that Moses and Aaron.

kjv@Exodus:6:29 @ That the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, I am the LORD: speak thou unto Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say unto thee.

kjv@Exodus:6:30 @ And Moses said before the LORD, Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips, and how shall Pharaoh hearken unto me?

kjv@Exodus:7:1 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.

kjv@Exodus:7:2 @ Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.

kjv@Exodus:7:3 @ And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:7:4 @ But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.

kjv@Exodus:7:7 @ And Moses was fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Exodus:7:9 @ When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.

kjv@Exodus:7:10 @ And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

kjv@Exodus:7:11 @ Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.

kjv@Exodus:7:13 @ And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.

kjv@Exodus:7:14 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go.

kjv@Exodus:7:15 @ Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand.

kjv@Exodus:7:20 @ And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.

kjv@Exodus:7:22 @ And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the LORD had said.

kjv@Exodus:7:23 @ And Pharaoh turned and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to this also.

kjv@Exodus:8:1 @ And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me.

kjv@Exodus:8:8 @ Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Intreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:8:9 @ And Moses said unto Pharaoh, Glory over me: when shall I intreat for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, that they may remain in the river only?

kjv@Exodus:8:12 @ And Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh: and Moses cried unto the LORD because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh.

kjv@Exodus:8:15 @ But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.

kjv@Exodus:8:19 @ Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.

kjv@Exodus:8:20 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; lo, he cometh forth to the water; and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me.

kjv@Exodus:8:24 @ And the LORD did so; and there came a grievous swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants' houses, and into all the land of Egypt: the land was corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies.

kjv@Exodus:8:25 @ And Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron, and said, Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land.

kjv@Exodus:8:28 @ And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me.

kjv@Exodus:8:29 @ And Moses said, Behold, I go out from thee, and I will intreat the LORD that the swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people, to morrow: but let not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:8:30 @ And Moses went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:8:31 @ And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and he removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people; there remained not one.

kjv@Exodus:8:32 @ And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also, neither would he let the people go.

kjv@Exodus:9:1 @ Then the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.

kjv@Exodus:9:7 @ And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Israelites dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go.

kjv@Exodus:9:8 @ And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh.

kjv@Exodus:9:10 @ And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast.

kjv@Exodus:9:12 @ And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses.

kjv@Exodus:9:13 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.

kjv@Exodus:9:20 @ He that feared the word of the LORD among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses:

kjv@Exodus:9:27 @ And Pharaoh sent, and called for Moses and Aaron, and said unto them, I have sinned this time: the LORD is righteous, and I and my people are wicked.

kjv@Exodus:9:33 @ And Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh, and spread abroad his hands unto the LORD: and the thunders and hail ceased, and the rain was not poured upon the earth.

kjv@Exodus:9:34 @ And when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders were ceased, he sinned yet more, and hardened his heart, he and his servants.

kjv@Exodus:9:35 @ And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, neither would he let the children of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken by Moses.

kjv@Exodus:10:1 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew these my signs before him:

kjv@Exodus:10:3 @ And Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, How long wilt thou refuse to humble thyself before me? let my people go, that they may serve me.

kjv@Exodus:10:6 @ And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses of all thy servants, and the houses of all the Egyptians; which neither thy fathers, nor thy fathers' fathers have seen, since the day that they were upon the earth unto this day. And he turned himself, and went out from Pharaoh.

kjv@Exodus:10:7 @ And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?

kjv@Exodus:10:8 @ And Moses and Aaron were brought again unto Pharaoh: and he said unto them, Go, serve the LORD your God: but who are they that shall go?

kjv@Exodus:10:11 @ Not so: go now ye that are men, and serve the LORD; for that ye did desire. And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence.

kjv@Exodus:10:16 @ Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste; and he said, I have sinned against the LORD your God, and against you.

kjv@Exodus:10:18 @ And he went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:10:20 @ But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go.

kjv@Exodus:10:24 @ And Pharaoh called unto Moses, and said, Go ye, serve the LORD; only let your flocks and your herds be stayed: let your little ones also go with you.

kjv@Exodus:10:27 @ But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go.

kjv@Exodus:10:28 @ And Pharaoh said unto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thyself, see my face no more; for in that day thou seest my face thou shalt die.

kjv@Exodus:11:1 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence: when he shall let you go, he shall surely thrust you out hence altogether.

kjv@Exodus:11:3 @ And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people.

kjv@Exodus:11:5 @ And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.

kjv@Exodus:11:8 @ And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

kjv@Exodus:11:9 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you; that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:11:10 @ And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land.

kjv@Exodus:12:29 @ And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.

kjv@Exodus:12:30 @ And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead.

kjv@Exodus:13:15 @ And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem.

kjv@Exodus:13:17 @ And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt:

kjv@Exodus:14:3 @ For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.

kjv@Exodus:14:4 @ And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so.

kjv@Exodus:14:5 @ And it was told the king of Egypt that the people fled: and the heart of Pharaoh and of his servants was turned against the people, and they said, Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving us?

kjv@Exodus:14:8 @ And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued after the children of Israel: and the children of Israel went out with an high hand.

kjv@Exodus:14:9 @ But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon.

kjv@Exodus:14:10 @ And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:14:17 @ And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

kjv@Exodus:14:18 @ And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

kjv@Exodus:14:23 @ And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.

kjv@Exodus:14:28 @ And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them.

kjv@Exodus:15:4 @ Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea.

kjv@Exodus:15:19 @ For the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and the LORD brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.

kjv@Exodus:15:23 @ And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.

kjv@Exodus:18:4 @ And the name of the other was Eliezer; for the God of my father, said he, was mine help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh:

kjv@Exodus:18:8 @ And Moses told his father in law all that the LORD had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the travail that had come upon them by the way, and how the LORD delivered them.

kjv@Exodus:18:10 @ And Jethro said, Blessed be the LORD, who hath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh, who hath delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians.

kjv@Exodus:33:16 @ For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.

kjv@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:12:5 @ But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.

kjv@Leviticus:15:20 @ And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:15:25 @ And if a woman have an issue of her blood many days out of the time of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of her separation; all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of her separation: she shall be unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:15:26 @ Every bed whereon she lieth all the days of her issue shall be unto her as the bed of her separation: and whatsoever she sitteth upon shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her separation.

kjv@Leviticus:15:31 @ Thus shall ye separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness; that they die not in their uncleanness, when they defile my tabernacle that is among them.

kjv@Leviticus:20:24 @ But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other people.

kjv@Leviticus:20:25 @ Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your souls abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:22:2 @ Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they profane not my holy name in those things which they hallow unto me: I am the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:6:2 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When either man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the LORD:

kjv@Numbers:6:3 @ He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried.

kjv@Numbers:6:4 @ All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk.

kjv@Numbers:6:5 @ All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD, he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.

kjv@Numbers:6:6 @ All the days that he separateth himself unto the LORD he shall come at no dead body.

kjv@Numbers:6:8 @ All the days of his separation he is holy unto the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:6:12 @ And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

kjv@Numbers:6:13 @ And this is the law of the Nazarite, when the days of his separation are fulfilled: he shall be brought unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation:

kjv@Numbers:6:18 @ And the Nazarite shall shave the head of his separation at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall take the hair of the head of his separation, and put it in the fire which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings.

kjv@Numbers:6:19 @ And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them upon the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair of his separation is shaven:

kjv@Numbers:6:21 @ This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, and of his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

kjv@Numbers:8:14 @ Thus shalt thou separate the Levites from among the children of Israel: and the Levites shall be mine.

kjv@Numbers:9:15 @ And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the morning.

kjv@Numbers:9:16 @ So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.

kjv@Numbers:10:12 @ And the children of Israel took their journeys out of the wilderness of Sinai; and the cloud rested in the wilderness of Paran.

kjv@Numbers:12:16 @ And afterward the people removed from Hazeroth, and pitched in the wilderness of Paran.

kjv@Numbers:13:3 @ And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:13:26 @ And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh; and brought back word unto them, and unto all the congregation, and shewed them the fruit of the land.

kjv@Numbers:16:9 @ Seemeth it but a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to himself to do the service of the tabernacle of the LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister unto them?

kjv@Numbers:16:21 @ Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.

kjv@Numbers:19:9 @ And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation: it is a purification for sin.

kjv@Numbers:19:13 @ Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him.

kjv@Numbers:19:20 @ But the man that shall be unclean, and shall not purify himself, that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation, because he hath defiled the sanctuary of the LORD: the water of separation hath not been sprinkled upon him; he is unclean.

kjv@Numbers:19:21 @ And it shall be a perpetual statute unto them, that he that sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes; and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until even.

kjv@Numbers:21:1 @ And when king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies; then he fought against Israel, and took some of them prisoners.

kjv@Numbers:23:7 @ And he took up his parable, and said, Balak the king of Moab hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel.

kjv@Numbers:23:18 @ And he took up his parable, and said, Rise up, Balak, and hear; hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor:

kjv@Numbers:24:3 @ And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said:

kjv@Numbers:24:15 @ And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said:

kjv@Numbers:24:20 @ And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his parable, and said, Amalek was the first of the nations; but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever.

kjv@Numbers:24:21 @ And he looked on the Kenites, and took up his parable, and said, Strong is thy dwellingplace, and thou puttest thy nest in a rock.

kjv@Numbers:24:23 @ And he took up his parable, and said, Alas, who shall live when God doeth this!

kjv@Numbers:26:46 @ And the name of the daughter of Asher was Sarah.

kjv@Numbers:31:23 @ Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.

kjv@Numbers:32:36 @ And Bethnimrah, and Bethharan, fenced cities: and folds for sheep.

kjv@Numbers:33:8 @ And they departed from before Pihahiroth, and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness, and went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham, and pitched in Marah.

kjv@Numbers:33:9 @ And they removed from Marah, and came unto Elim: and in Elim were twelve fountains of water, and threescore and ten palm trees; and they pitched there.

kjv@Numbers:33:24 @ And they removed from mount Shapher, and encamped in Haradah.

kjv@Numbers:33:25 @ And they removed from Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth.

kjv@Numbers:33:27 @ And they departed from Tahath, and pitched at Tarah.

kjv@Numbers:33:28 @ And they removed from Tarah, and pitched in Mithcah.

kjv@Numbers:33:40 @ And king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south in the land of Canaan, heard of the coming of the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:34:4 @ And your border shall turn from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin: and the going forth thereof shall be from the south to Kadeshbarnea, and shall go on to Hazaraddar, and pass on to Azmon:

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:1 @ These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab.

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:21 @ Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh's bondmen in Egypt; and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand:

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:22 @ And the LORD shewed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes:

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:8 @ But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:18 @ Thou shalt not be afraid of them: but shalt well remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt;

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:8 @ At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister unto him, and to bless in his name, unto this day.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:3 @ And his miracles, and his acts, which he did in the midst of Egypt unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and unto all his land;

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:2 @ Thou shalt separate three cities for thee in the midst of thy land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it.

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:7 @ Wherefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt separate three cities for thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:2 @ And Moses called unto all Israel, and said unto them, Ye have seen all that the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all his servants, and unto all his land;

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:21 @ And the LORD shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the law:

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8 @ When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2 @ And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:16 @ And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren.

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:11 @ In all the signs and the wonders, which the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land,

kjv@Joshua:12:14 @ The king of Hormah, one; the king of Arad, one;

kjv@Joshua:13:4 @ From the south, all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah that is beside the Sidonians, unto Aphek, to the borders of the Amorites:

kjv@Joshua:13:27 @ And in the valley, Betharam, and Bethnimrah, and Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, Jordan and his border, even unto the edge of the sea of Chinnereth on the other side Jordan eastward.

kjv@Joshua:15:6 @ And the border went up to Bethhogla, and passed along by the north of Betharabah; and the border went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben:

kjv@Joshua:15:36 @ And Sharaim, and Adithaim, and Gederah, and Gederothaim; fourteen cities with their villages:

kjv@Joshua:15:52 @ Arab, and Dumah, and Eshean,

kjv@Joshua:15:59 @ And Maarath, and Bethanoth, and Eltekon; six cities with their villages:

kjv@Joshua:15:61 @ In the wilderness, Betharabah, Middin, and Secacah,

kjv@Joshua:16:7 @ And it went down from Janohah to Ataroth, and to Naarath, and came to Jericho, and went out at Jordan.

kjv@Joshua:16:9 @ And the separate cities for the children of Ephraim were among the inheritance of the children of Manasseh, all the cities with their villages.

kjv@Joshua:18:18 @ And passed along toward the side over against Arabah northward, and went down unto Arabah:

kjv@Joshua:18:22 @ And Betharabah, and Zemaraim, and Bethel,

kjv@Joshua:18:23 @ And Avim, and Parah, and Ophrah,

kjv@Joshua:18:27 @ And Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah,

kjv@Joshua:19:11 @ And their border went up toward the sea, and Maralah, and reached to Dabbasheth, and reached to the river that is before Jokneam;

kjv@Joshua:19:19 @ And Hapharaim, and Shion, and Anaharath,

kjv@Judges:1:16 @ And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people.

kjv@Judges:4:6 @ And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtali, and said unto him, Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun?

kjv@Judges:4:8 @ And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.

kjv@Judges:4:9 @ And she said, I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.

kjv@Judges:4:10 @ And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh; and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet: and Deborah went up with him.

kjv@Judges:4:12 @ And they shewed Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor.

kjv@Judges:4:14 @ And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this is the day in which the LORD hath delivered Sisera into thine hand: is not the LORD gone out before thee? So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.

kjv@Judges:4:15 @ And the LORD discomfited Sisera, and all his chariots, and all his host, with the edge of the sword before Barak; so that Sisera lighted down off his chariot, and fled away on his feet.

kjv@Judges:4:16 @ But Barak pursued after the chariots, and after the host, unto Harosheth of the Gentiles: and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the sword; and there was not a man left.

kjv@Judges:4:22 @ And, behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest. And when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead, and the nail was in his temples.

kjv@Judges:5:1 @ Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying,

kjv@Judges:5:12 @ Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam.

kjv@Judges:5:15 @ And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak: he was sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart.

kjv@Judges:7:24 @ And Gideon sent messengers throughout all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down against the Midianites, and take before them the waters unto Bethbarah and Jordan. Then all the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together, and took the waters unto Bethbarah and Jordan.

kjv@Ruth:1:20 @ And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.

kjv@1Samuel:2:27 @ And there came a man of God unto Eli, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Did I plainly appear unto the house of thy father, when they were in Egypt in Pharaoh's house?

kjv@1Samuel:6:6 @ Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they not let the people go, and they departed?

kjv@1Samuel:16:7 @ But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

kjv@1Samuel:17:52 @ And the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until thou come to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto Ekron.

kjv@1Samuel:25:1 @ And Samuel died; and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Paran.

kjv@2Samuel:23:11 @ And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines.

kjv@2Samuel:23:28 @ Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai the Netophathite,

kjv@2Samuel:23:33 @ Shammah the Hararite, Ahiam the son of Sharar the Hararite,

kjv@2Samuel:23:35 @ Hezrai the Carmelite, Paarai the Arbite,

kjv@2Samuel:23:37 @ Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite, armourbearer to Joab the son of Zeruiah,

kjv@2Samuel:24:16 @ And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite.

kjv@2Samuel:24:18 @ And Gad came that day to David, and said unto him, Go up, rear an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of Araunah the Jebusite.

kjv@2Samuel:24:20 @ And Araunah looked, and saw the king and his servants coming on toward him: and Araunah went out, and bowed himself before the king on his face upon the ground.

kjv@2Samuel:24:21 @ And Araunah said, Wherefore is my lord the king come to his servant? And David said, To buy the threshingfloor of thee, to build an altar unto the LORD, that the plague may be stayed from the people.

kjv@2Samuel:24:22 @ And Araunah said unto David, Let my lord the king take and offer up what seemeth good unto him: behold, here be oxen for burnt sacrifice, and threshing instruments and other instruments of the oxen for wood.

kjv@2Samuel:24:23 @ All these things did Araunah, as a king, give unto the king. And Araunah said unto the king, The LORD thy God accept thee.

kjv@2Samuel:24:24 @ And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

kjv@1Kings:3:1 @ And Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David, until he had made an end of building his own house, and the house of the LORD, and the wall of Jerusalem round about.

kjv@1Kings:7:8 @ And his house where he dwelt had another court within the porch, which was of the like work. Solomon made also an house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had taken to wife, like unto this porch.

kjv@1Kings:8:53 @ For thou didst separate them from among all the people of the earth, to be thine inheritance, as thou spakest by the hand of Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord GOD.

kjv@1Kings:9:16 @ For Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up, and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slain the Canaanites that dwelt in the city, and given it for a present unto his daughter, Solomon's wife.

kjv@1Kings:9:24 @ But Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the city of David unto her house which Solomon had built for her: then did he build Millo.

kjv@1Kings:10:15 @ Beside that he had of the merchantmen, and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.

kjv@1Kings:11:1 @ But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites;

kjv@1Kings:11:18 @ And they arose out of Midian, and came to Paran: and they took men with them out of Paran, and they came to Egypt, unto Pharaoh king of Egypt; which gave him an house, and appointed him victuals, and gave him land.

kjv@1Kings:11:19 @ And Hadad found great favour in the sight of Pharaoh, so that he gave him to wife the sister of his own wife, the sister of Tahpenes the queen.

kjv@1Kings:11:20 @ And the sister of Tahpenes bare him Genubath his son, whom Tahpenes weaned in Pharaoh's house: and Genubath was in Pharaoh's household among the sons of Pharaoh.

kjv@1Kings:11:21 @ And when Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers, and that Joab the captain of the host was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh, Let me depart, that I may go to mine own country.

kjv@1Kings:11:22 @ Then Pharaoh said unto him, But what hast thou lacked with me, that, behold, thou seekest to go to thine own country? And he answered, Nothing: howbeit let me go in any wise.

kjv@2Kings:3:25 @ And they beat down the cities, and on every good piece of land cast every man his stone, and filled it; and they stopped all the wells of water, and felled all the good trees: only in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof; howbeit the slingers went about it, and smote it.

kjv@2Kings:17:7 @ For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods,

kjv@2Kings:18:21 @ Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.

kjv@2Kings:19:12 @ Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed; as Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar?

kjv@2Kings:23:29 @ In his days Pharaohnechoh king of Egypt went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates: and king Josiah went against him; and he slew him at Megiddo, when he had seen him.

kjv@2Kings:23:33 @ And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold.

kjv@2Kings:23:34 @ And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there.

kjv@2Kings:23:35 @ And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the money according to the commandment of Pharaoh: he exacted the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every one according to his taxation, to give it unto Pharaohnechoh.

kjv@2Kings:25:8 @ And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which is the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, unto Jerusalem:

kjv@2Kings:25:11 @ Now the rest of the people that were left in the city, and the fugitives that fell away to the king of Babylon, with the remnant of the multitude, did Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carry away.

kjv@2Kings:25:20 @ And Nebuzaradan captain of the guard took these, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah:

kjv@1Chronicles:1:17 @ The sons of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Meshech.

kjv@1Chronicles:1:42 @ The sons of Ezer; Bilhan, and Zavan, and Jakan. The sons of Dishan; Uz, and Aran.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:6 @ And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them in all.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:23 @ And he took Geshur, and Aram, with the towns of Jair, from them, with Kenath, and the towns thereof, even threescore cities. All these belonged to the sons of Machir the father of Gilead.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:26 @ Jerahmeel had also another wife, whose name was Atarah; she was the mother of Onam.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:46 @ And Ephah, Caleb's concubine, bare Haran, and Moza, and Gazez: and Haran begat Gazez.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:5 @ And Ashur the father of Tekoa had two wives, Helah and Naarah.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:6 @ And Naarah bare him Ahuzam, and Hepher, and Temeni, and Haahashtari. These were the sons of Naarah.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:14 @ And Meonothai begat Ophrah: and Seraiah begat Joab, the father of the valley of Charashim; for they were craftsmen.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:18 @ And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And these are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:22 @ And Jokim, and the men of Chozeba, and Joash, and Saraph, who had the dominion in Moab, and Jashubilehem. And these are ancient things.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:31 @ And at Bethmarcaboth, and Hazarsusim, and at Bethbirei, and at Shaaraim. These were their cities unto the reign of David.

kjv@1Chronicles:5:26 @ And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day.

kjv@1Chronicles:7:14 @ The sons of Manasseh; Ashriel, whom she bare: (but his concubine the Aramitess bare Machir the father of Gilead:

kjv@1Chronicles:7:28 @ And their possessions and habitations were, Bethel and the towns thereof, and eastward Naaran, and westward Gezer, with the towns thereof; Shechem also and the towns thereof, unto Gaza and the towns thereof:

kjv@1Chronicles:7:34 @ And the sons of Shamer; Ahi, and Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram.

kjv@1Chronicles:7:38 @ And the sons of Jether; Jephunneh, and Pispah, and Ara.

kjv@1Chronicles:7:39 @ And the sons of Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, and Rezia.

kjv@1Chronicles:8:1 @ Now Benjamin begat Bela his firstborn, Ashbel the second, and Aharah the third,

kjv@1Chronicles:8:8 @ And Shaharaim begat children in the country of Moab, after he had sent them away; Hushim and Baara were his wives.

kjv@1Chronicles:8:15 @ And Zebadiah, and Arad, and Ader,

kjv@1Chronicles:9:42 @ And Ahaz begat Jarah; and Jarah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza;

kjv@1Chronicles:11:30 @ Maharai the Netophathite, Heled the son of Baanah the Netophathite,

kjv@1Chronicles:11:34 @ The sons of Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan the son of Shage the Hararite,

kjv@1Chronicles:11:35 @ Ahiam the son of Sacar the Hararite, Eliphal the son of Ur,

kjv@1Chronicles:11:37 @ Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai the son of Ezbai,

kjv@1Chronicles:11:39 @ Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite, the armourbearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah,

kjv@1Chronicles:12:8 @ And of the Gadites there separated themselves unto David into the hold to the wilderness men of might, and men of war fit for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains;

kjv@1Chronicles:22:5 @ And David said, Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded for the LORD must be exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory throughout all countries: I will therefore now make preparation for it. So David prepared abundantly before his death.

kjv@1Chronicles:23:9 @ The sons of Shimei; Shelomith, and Haziel, and Haran, three. These were the chief of the fathers of Laadan.

kjv@1Chronicles:23:13 @ The sons of Amram; Aaron and Moses: and Aaron was separated, that he should sanctify the most holy things, he and his sons for ever, to burn incense before the LORD, to minister unto him, and to bless in his name for ever.

kjv@1Chronicles:25:1 @ Moreover David and the captains of the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of the workmen according to their service was:

kjv@1Chronicles:27:13 @ The tenth captain for the tenth month was Maharai the Netophathite, of the Zarhites: and in his course were twenty and four thousand.

kjv@2Chronicles:8:11 @ And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come.

kjv@2Chronicles:9:14 @ Beside that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

kjv@2Chronicles:13:4 @ And Abijah stood up upon mount Zemaraim, which is in mount Ephraim, and said, Hear me, thou Jeroboam, and all Israel;

kjv@2Chronicles:17:11 @ Also some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents, and tribute silver; and the Arabians brought him flocks, seven thousand and seven hundred rams, and seven thousand and seven hundred he goats.

kjv@2Chronicles:21:16 @ Moreover the LORD stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, that were near the Ethiopians:

kjv@2Chronicles:22:1 @ And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah his youngest son king in his stead: for the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the eldest. So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah reigned.

kjv@2Chronicles:25:10 @ Then Amaziah separated them, to wit, the army that was come to him out of Ephraim, to go home again: wherefore their anger was greatly kindled against Judah, and they returned home in great anger.

kjv@2Chronicles:26:7 @ And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the Mehunims.

kjv@Ezra:2:5 @ The children of Arah, seven hundred seventy and five.

kjv@Ezra:6:21 @ And the children of Israel, which were come again out of captivity, and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land, to seek the LORD God of Israel, did eat,

kjv@Ezra:8:24 @ Then I separated twelve of the chief of the priests, Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brethren with them,

kjv@Ezra:9:1 @ Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

kjv@Ezra:10:8 @ And that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be forfeited, and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.

kjv@Ezra:10:11 @ Now therefore make confession unto the LORD God of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives.

kjv@Ezra:10:16 @ And the children of the captivity did so. And Ezra the priest, with certain chief of the fathers, after the house of their fathers, and all of them by their names, were separated, and sat down in the first day of the tenth month to examine the matter.

kjv@Ezra:10:40 @ Machnadebai, Shashai, Sharai,

kjv@Nehemiah:2:19 @ But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? will ye rebel against the king?

kjv@Nehemiah:4:7 @ But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth,

kjv@Nehemiah:4:19 @ And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another.

kjv@Nehemiah:6:1 @ Now it came to pass, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had builded the wall, and that there was no breach left therein; (though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates;)

kjv@Nehemiah:6:18 @ For there were many in Judah sworn unto him, because he was the son in law of Shechaniah the son of Arah; and his son Johanan had taken the daughter of Meshullam the son of Berechiah.

kjv@Nehemiah:7:10 @ The children of Arah, six hundred fifty and two.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:2 @ And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:10 @ And shewedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudly against them. So didst thou get thee a name, as it is this day.

kjv@Nehemiah:10:28 @ And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the porters, the singers, the Nethinims, and all they that had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, every one having knowledge, and having understanding;

kjv@Nehemiah:12:36 @ And his brethren, Shemaiah, and Azarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and Judah, Hanani, with the musical instruments of David the man of God, and Ezra the scribe before them.

kjv@Nehemiah:13:3 @ Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.

kjv@Esther:10:2 @ And all the acts of his power and of his might, and the declaration of the greatness of Mordecai, whereunto the king advanced him, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia?

kjv@Job:13:17 @ Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears.

kjv@Job:27:1 @ Moreover Job continued his parable, and said,

kjv@Job:29:1 @ Moreover Job continued his parable, and said,

kjv@Job:32:2 @ Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram: against Job was his wrath kindled, because he justified himself rather than God.

kjv@Job:32:6 @ And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, I am young, and ye are very old; wherefore I was afraid, and durst not shew you mine opinion.

kjv@Psalms:49:4 @ I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my dark saying upon the harp.

kjv@Psalms:78:2 @ I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

kjv@Psalms:135:9 @ Who sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee, O Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his servants.

kjv@Psalms:136:15 @ But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever.

kjv@Proverbs:16:1 @ The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.

kjv@Proverbs:16:28 @ A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

kjv@Proverbs:17:9 @ He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.

kjv@Proverbs:18:1 @ Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.

kjv@Proverbs:19:4 @ Wealth maketh many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbour.

kjv@Proverbs:26:7 @ The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

kjv@Proverbs:26:9 @ As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

kjv@Songs:1:9 @ I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.

kjv@Isaiah:13:20 @ It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.

kjv@Isaiah:19:11 @ Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

kjv@Isaiah:21:13 @ The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim.

kjv@Isaiah:30:2 @ That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

kjv@Isaiah:30:3 @ Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.

kjv@Isaiah:36:6 @ Lo, thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt; whereon if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that trust in him.

kjv@Isaiah:37:12 @ Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed, as Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Telassar?

kjv@Isaiah:51:2 @ Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.

kjv@Isaiah:56:3 @ Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.

kjv@Isaiah:59:2 @ But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

kjv@Jeremiah:3:2 @ Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with. In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:19 @ Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people;

kjv@Jeremiah:25:24 @ And all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert,

kjv@Jeremiah:37:5 @ Then Pharaoh's army was come forth out of Egypt: and when the Chaldeans that besieged Jerusalem heard tidings of them, they departed from Jerusalem.

kjv@Jeremiah:37:7 @ Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel; Thus shall ye say to the king of Judah, that sent you unto me to enquire of me; Behold, Pharaoh's army, which is come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land.

kjv@Jeremiah:37:11 @ And it came to pass, that when the army of the Chaldeans was broken up from Jerusalem for fear of Pharaoh's army,

kjv@Jeremiah:37:12 @ Then Jeremiah went forth out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, to separate himself thence in the midst of the people.

kjv@Jeremiah:39:9 @ Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

kjv@Jeremiah:39:10 @ But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

kjv@Jeremiah:39:11 @ Now Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon gave charge concerning Jeremiah to Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, saying,

kjv@Jeremiah:39:13 @ So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard sent, and Nebushasban, Rabsaris, and Nergalsharezer, Rabmag, and all the king of Babylon's princes;

kjv@Jeremiah:40:1 @ The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, after that Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had let him go from Ramah, when he had taken him being bound in chains among all that were carried away captive of Jerusalem and Judah, which were carried away captive unto Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:10 @ Then Ishmael carried away captive all the residue of the people that were in Mizpah, even the king's daughters, and all the people that remained in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive, and departed to go over to the Ammonites.

kjv@Jeremiah:43:6 @ Even men, and women, and children, and the king's daughters, and every person that Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah.

kjv@Jeremiah:43:9 @ Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah;

kjv@Jeremiah:44:30 @ Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will give Pharaohhophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life; as I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, his enemy, and that sought his life.

kjv@Jeremiah:46:2 @ Against Egypt, against the army of Pharaohnecho king of Egypt, which was by the river Euphrates in Carchemish, which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah.

kjv@Jeremiah:46:17 @ They did cry there, Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a noise; he hath passed the time appointed.

kjv@Jeremiah:46:25 @ The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him:

kjv@Jeremiah:47:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Philistines, before that Pharaoh smote Gaza.

kjv@Jeremiah:51:27 @ Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:12 @ Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem,

kjv@Jeremiah:52:15 @ Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive certain of the poor of the people, and the residue of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to the king of Babylon, and the rest of the multitude.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:16 @ But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left certain of the poor of the land for vinedressers and for husbandmen.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:26 @ So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:30 @ In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

kjv@Lamentations:4:2 @ The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!

kjv@Ezekiel:1:5 @ Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:13 @ As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:14 @ And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:16 @ The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:26 @ And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:27 @ And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:28 @ As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.

kjv@Ezekiel:8:2 @ Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his loins even upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the colour of amber.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:1 @ Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:9 @ And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:10 @ And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness, as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:22 @ And the likeness of their faces was the same faces which I saw by the river of Chebar, their appearances and themselves: they went every one straight forward.

kjv@Ezekiel:14:7 @ For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to enquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself:

kjv@Ezekiel:17:2 @ Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the house of Israel;

kjv@Ezekiel:17:17 @ Neither shall Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company make for him in the war, by casting up mounts, and building forts, to cut off many persons:

kjv@Ezekiel:20:49 @ Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?

kjv@Ezekiel:23:20 @ For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.

kjv@Ezekiel:24:3 @ And utter a parable unto the rebellious house, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Set on a pot, set it on, and also pour water into it:

kjv@Ezekiel:27:21 @ Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar, they occupied with thee in lambs, and rams, and goats: in these were they thy merchants.

kjv@Ezekiel:27:23 @ Haran, and Canneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad, were thy merchants.

kjv@Ezekiel:29:2 @ Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt:

kjv@Ezekiel:29:3 @ Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:21 @ Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, lo, it shall not be bound up to be healed, to put a roller to bind it, to make it strong to hold the sword.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:22 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong, and that which was broken; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:24 @ And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put my sword in his hand: but I will break Pharaoh's arms, and he shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded man.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:25 @ But I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall stretch it out upon the land of Egypt.

kjv@Ezekiel:31:2 @ Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in thy greatness?

kjv@Ezekiel:31:18 @ To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:2 @ Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale in the seas: and thou camest forth with thy rivers, and troubledst the waters with thy feet, and fouledst their rivers.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:31 @ Pharaoh shall see them, and shall be comforted over all his multitude, even Pharaoh and all his army slain by the sword, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:32 @ For I have caused my terror in the land of the living: and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:40:3 @ And he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate.

kjv@Ezekiel:41:12 @ Now the building that was before the separate place at the end toward the west was seventy cubits broad; and the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about, and the length thereof ninety cubits.

kjv@Ezekiel:41:13 @ So he measured the house, an hundred cubits long; and the separate place, and the building, with the walls thereof, an hundred cubits long;

kjv@Ezekiel:41:14 @ Also the breadth of the face of the house, and of the separate place toward the east, an hundred cubits.

kjv@Ezekiel:41:15 @ And he measured the length of the building over against the separate place which was behind it, and the galleries thereof on the one side and on the other side, an hundred cubits, with the inner temple, and the porches of the court;

kjv@Ezekiel:41:21 @ The posts of the temple were squared, and the face of the sanctuary; the appearance of the one as the appearance of the other.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:1 @ Then he brought me forth into the utter court, the way toward the north: and he brought me into the chamber that was over against the separate place, and which was before the building toward the north.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:10 @ The chambers were in the thickness of the wall of the court toward the east, over against the separate place, and over against the building.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:11 @ And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:13 @ Then said he unto me, The north chambers and the south chambers, which are before the separate place, they be holy chambers, where the priests that approach unto the LORD shall eat the most holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the meat offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering; for the place is holy.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:20 @ He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.

kjv@Ezekiel:43:3 @ And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I saw, even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face.

kjv@Daniel:8:15 @ And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.

kjv@Daniel:10:6 @ His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.

kjv@Daniel:10:18 @ Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me,

kjv@Hosea:4:14 @ I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall.

kjv@Hosea:9:10 @ I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first time: but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved.

kjv@Joel:2:4 @ The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.

kjv@Obadiah:1:20 @ And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south.

kjv@Micah:2:4 @ In that day shall one take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed it from me! turning away he hath divided our fields.

kjv@Nahum:2:3 @ The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken.

kjv@Habakkuk:2:6 @ Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!

kjv@Habakkuk:3:3 @ God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.

kjv@Zechariah:7:3 @ And to speak unto the priests which were in the house of the LORD of hosts, and to the prophets, saying, Should I weep in the fifth month, separating myself, as I have done these so many years?

kjv@Matthew:1:3 @ And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;

kjv@Matthew:1:4 @ And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon;

kjv@Matthew:13:3 @ And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

kjv@Matthew:13:10 @ And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

kjv@Matthew:13:13 @ Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

kjv@Matthew:13:18 @ Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.

kjv@Matthew:13:24 @ Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

kjv@Matthew:13:31 @ Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

kjv@Matthew:13:33 @ Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

kjv@Matthew:13:34 @ All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:

kjv@Matthew:13:35 @ That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

kjv@Matthew:13:36 @ Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

kjv@Matthew:13:53 @ And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence.

kjv@Matthew:15:15 @ Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable.

kjv@Matthew:21:33 @ Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:

kjv@Matthew:21:45 @ And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.

kjv@Matthew:22:1 @ And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,

kjv@Matthew:23:35 @ That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

kjv@Matthew:24:32 @ Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

kjv@Matthew:25:32 @ And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

kjv@Matthew:27:16 @ And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.

kjv@Matthew:27:17 @ Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?

kjv@Matthew:27:20 @ But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.

kjv@Matthew:27:21 @ The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas.

kjv@Matthew:27:26 @ Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.

kjv@Matthew:27:62 @ Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,

kjv@Mark:3:23 @ And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

kjv@Mark:4:2 @ And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine,

kjv@Mark:4:10 @ And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.

kjv@Mark:4:11 @ And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

kjv@Mark:4:13 @ And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?

kjv@Mark:4:33 @ And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it.

kjv@Mark:4:34 @ But without a parable spake he not unto them: and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples.

kjv@Mark:7:17 @ And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable.

kjv@Mark:12:1 @ And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country.

kjv@Mark:12:12 @ And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people: for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way.

kjv@Mark:13:28 @ Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:

kjv@Mark:15:7 @ And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

kjv@Mark:15:11 @ But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.

kjv@Mark:15:15 @ And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified.

kjv@Mark:15:42 @ And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,

kjv@Luke:1:1 @ Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,

kjv@Luke:3:33 @ Which was the son of Aminadab, which was the son of Aram, which was the son of Esrom, which was the son of Phares, which was the son of Juda,

kjv@Luke:3:34 @ Which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Thara, which was the son of Nachor,

kjv@Luke:5:36 @ And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeth not with the old.

kjv@Luke:6:22 @ Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

kjv@Luke:6:39 @ And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

kjv@Luke:8:4 @ And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:

kjv@Luke:8:9 @ And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?

kjv@Luke:8:10 @ And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

kjv@Luke:8:11 @ Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

kjv@Luke:12:16 @ And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:

kjv@Luke:12:41 @ Then Peter said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all?

kjv@Luke:13:6 @ He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.

kjv@Luke:14:7 @ And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them,

kjv@Luke:15:3 @ And he spake this parable unto them, saying,

kjv@Luke:18:1 @ And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

kjv@Luke:18:9 @ And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

kjv@Luke:19:11 @ And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.

kjv@Luke:20:9 @ Then began he to speak to the people this parable; A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time.

kjv@Luke:20:19 @ And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people: for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.

kjv@Luke:21:29 @ And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;

kjv@Luke:23:18 @ And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:

kjv@Luke:23:43 @ And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

kjv@Luke:23:54 @ And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on.

kjv@John:1:28 @ These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing.

kjv@John:7:24 @ Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

kjv@John:10:6 @ This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.

kjv@John:18:40 @ Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber.

kjv@John:19:14 @ And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!

kjv@John:19:31 @ The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

kjv@John:19:42 @ There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews' preparation day; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand.

kjv@Acts:2:11 @ Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.

kjv@Acts:7:10 @ And delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house.

kjv@Acts:7:13 @ And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren; and Joseph's kindred was made known unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Acts:7:21 @ And when he was cast out, Pharaoh's daughter took him up, and nourished him for her own son.

kjv@Acts:13:2 @ As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

kjv@Acts:19:9 @ But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus.

kjv@Acts:21:1 @ And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara:

kjv@Romans:1:1 @ Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

kjv@Romans:2:4 @ Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

kjv@Romans:3:25 @ Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

kjv@Romans:4:19 @ And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb:

kjv@Romans:8:35 @ Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

kjv@Romans:8:39 @ Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

kjv@Romans:9:9 @ For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sara shall have a son.

kjv@Romans:9:17 @ For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.

kjv@1Corinthians:16:22 @ If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:12 @ For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart.

kjv@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

kjv@2Corinthians:8:19 @ And not that only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this grace, which is administered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and declaration of your ready mind:

kjv@2Corinthians:10:7 @ Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's.

kjv@2Corinthians:12:4 @ How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

kjv@Galatians:1:15 @ But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,

kjv@Galatians:1:17 @ Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.

kjv@Galatians:2:12 @ For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.

kjv@Galatians:4:25 @ For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

kjv@Ephesians:6:15 @ And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:22 @ Abstain from all appearance of evil.

kjv@Hebrews:7:26 @ For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;

kjv@Hebrews:11:11 @ Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

kjv@Hebrews:11:24 @ By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;

kjv@Hebrews:11:32 @ And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:

kjv@1Peter:3:6 @ Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

kjv@Jude:1:19 @ These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

kjv@Revelation:2:7 @ He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

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