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NONE.filter - lesserot Israelites:

lesserot@Exodus:9:7 @ And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there had not died of the cattle of the Israelites even one; but the heart of Pharaoh remained hardened, and he did not let the people go.

lesserot@Leviticus:23:42 @ In booths shall ye dwell seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths.

lesserot@Joshua:3:17 @ And the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people had finished passing over the Jordan.

lesserot@Joshua:8:22 @ And the others issued out of the city against them; so that the Israelites had them in the middle, some on this side, and some on that side; and they smote them, until there was not left of them one that remained or escaped.

lesserot@Joshua:8:24 @ And it came to pass, that, when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of ‘Ai in the field, in the wilderness wherein they had pursued them, and when they were all fallen by the edge of the sword, until they were consumed, All the Israelites returned unto ‘Ai, and smote it with the edge of the sword.

lesserot@Joshua:13:6 @ All the inhabitants of the mountain from Lebanon unto Missrephoth–mayim, all the Zidonians: these will I drive out from before the children of Israel; only divide thou it by lot unto the Israelites for an inheritance, as I have commanded thee.

lesserot@Joshua:13:13 @ Nevertheless the children of Israel expelled not the Geshurites and the Ma’achathites; but the Geshurites and the Ma’achathites continued to dwell in the midst of the Israelites until this day.

lesserot@Judges:2:22 @ In order to prove through them the Israelites, whether they will keep the way of the Lord, to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not.

lesserot@Judges:3:1 @ Now these are the nations that the Lord left, to prove by them the Israelites, namely, all those who had not experienced all the wars of Canaan;

lesserot@Judges:3:4 @ And they were left to prove by them the Israelites, to know whether they would hearken unto the commandments of the Lord, which he had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses.

lesserot@Judges:20:21 @ And the Children of Benjamin came forth out of Gib’ah, and struck down to the ground of the Israelites on that day twenty and two thousand men.

lesserot@1Samuel:2:14 @ And he struck it into the pan, or the kettle, or the caldron, or the pot; all that the fork brought up the priest took away with it. So did they unto all the Israelites that came thither, to Shiloh.

lesserot@1Samuel:4:10 @ And the Philistines fought, and the Israelites were smitten, and they fled every man unto his tent: and the defeat was very great; and there fell of Israel thirty thousand men on foot.

lesserot@1Samuel:13:4 @ And all Israel heard it, saying, Saul hath smitten the outpost of the Philistines, and the Israelites also have put themselves in ill–favor with the Philistines. And the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal.

lesserot@1Samuel:13:20 @ But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his plough–share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock.

lesserot@1Samuel:14:21 @ And the Hebrews that were with the Philistines as before that time, those namely who had gone up with them, were in the camp round about; but these also resolved to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan.

lesserot@1Samuel:17:3 @ And the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side, and the Israelites stood on a mountain on the other side: and the valley was between them.

lesserot@1Samuel:17:21 @ And the Israelites and the Philistines put themselves in battle–array, army against army.

lesserot@1Samuel:25:1 @ And Samuel died; and all the Israelites assembled themselves together, and lamented for him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Paran.

lesserot@1Samuel:29:1 @ Now the Philistines assembled together all their camps at Aphek: and the Israelites encamped by the spring which is by Yizre’el.

lesserot@2Samuel:4:1 @ And when Saul’s son heard that Abner had died in Hebron, his hands became enfeebled, and all the Israelites were troubled.

lesserot@2Kings:3:24 @ But when they came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites, so that they fled before them; and they smote the Moabites completely, even in their own country.

lesserot@1Chronicles:9:2 @ And the first inhabitants that in their possessions in their cities, were the Israelites, the priests, the Levites, and the temple–servants.

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