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jub@Genesis:3:16 @ Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth sons; and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

jub@Genesis:4:1 @ And the man knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain and said, I have gained a man by the LORD.

jub@Genesis:4:17 @ And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch.

jub@Genesis:5:29 @ and he called his name Noah, saying, This [same] shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the LORD has cursed.

jub@Genesis:12:20 @ Then Pharaoh commanded [his] men concerning him; and they sent him away and his wife with all that he had.:

jub@Genesis:16:4 @ And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived; and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.

jub@Genesis:16:5 @ Then Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong [be] upon thee; I have given my maid into thy bosom, and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes; the LORD judge between me and thee.

jub@Genesis:18:32 @ And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once; peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy [it] for ten's sake.

jub@Genesis:19:21 @ And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also that I will not overthrow the city for which thou hast spoken.

jub@Genesis:21:2 @ For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which God had spoken to him.

jub@Genesis:24:9 @ Then the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master and swore to him concerning that matter.

jub@Genesis:25:21 @ And Isaac prayed unto the LORD for his wife because she [was] barren; and the LORD accepted him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

jub@Genesis:26:32 @ And it came to pass the same day that Isaac's servants came and told him concerning the well which they had opened and said unto him, We have found water.

jub@Genesis:27:42 @ And these words of Esau, her elder son, were told to Rebekah; and she sent and called Jacob her younger son and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as concerning thee, does comfort himself, [purposing] to kill thee.

jub@Genesis:29:32 @ And Leah conceived and gave birth to a son, and she called his name Reuben; for she said, Surely the LORD has looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me.

jub@Genesis:29:33 @ And she conceived again and gave birth to a son; and said, Because the LORD has heard that I [was] hated, he has therefore given me this [son] also; and she called his name Simeon.

jub@Genesis:29:34 @ And she conceived again and gave birth to a son; and said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me because I have born him three sons; therefore his name was called Levi.

jub@Genesis:29:35 @ And she conceived again and gave birth a son; and she said, Now I will praise the LORD; therefore she called his name Judah and stopped bearing [children].:

jub@Genesis:30:5 @ And Bilhah conceived and gave birth to a son unto Jacob.

jub@Genesis:30:7 @ And Bilhah Rachel's maid conceived again and gave birth to a second son unto Jacob.

jub@Genesis:30:17 @ And God hearkened unto Leah, and she conceived and gave birth to a fifth son unto Jacob.

jub@Genesis:30:19 @ And Leah conceived again and gave birth to the sixth son unto Jacob.

jub@Genesis:30:23 @ And she conceived and gave birth to a son and said, God has taken away my reproach;

jub@Genesis:30:38 @ And he set the rods which he had peeled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink that they should conceive when they came to drink.

jub@Genesis:30:39 @ And the flocks conceived before the rods and brought forth ringstraked, speckled, and spotted sheep.

jub@Genesis:30:41 @ And it came to pass, whenever the stronger sheep conceived, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the sheep in the gutters that they might conceive among the rods.

jub@Genesis:31:10 @ And it came to pass at the time that the sheep conceived, that I lifted up my eyes and saw in dreams, and, behold, the rams which leaped upon the females [were] ringstraked, speckled, and grisled.

jub@Genesis:37:26 @ Then Judah said unto his brethren, What profit [is it] if we slay our brother and conceal his blood?

jub@Genesis:38:3 @ And she conceived and gave birth to a son, and he called his name Er.

jub@Genesis:38:4 @ And she conceived again and gave birth to a son, and she called his name Onan.

jub@Genesis:38:5 @ And she yet again conceived and gave birth to a son and called his name Shelah. And he was at Chezib, when she gave birth to him.

jub@Genesis:38:18 @ Then he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet and thy mantel and thy staff that [is] in thine hand. And he gave them [to] her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.

jub@Genesis:42:21 @ And they said one to another, We [are] truly guilty concerning our brother in that we saw the anguish of his soul when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come upon us.

jub@Exodus:1:10 @ Now, therefore, let us be wise concerning him, that he not multiply and it come to pass that when war comes, he shall also join with our enemies and fight against us and [so] leave the land.

jub@Exodus:2:2 @ who conceived and gave birth to a son, and seeing that he was beautiful, she hid him three months.

jub@Exodus:6:8 @ And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning which I raised my hand to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it [unto] you for a heritage: I [am] the LORD.

jub@Exodus:10:17 @ Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once, and intreat the LORD your God, that he may take away from me this death only.

jub@Exodus:24:8 @ Then Moses took the blood and sprinkled [it] on the people and said, Behold the blood of the covenant, which the LORD has made with you concerning all these words.

jub@Exodus:29:42 @ This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your ages at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony before the LORD, where I will concert with you, to speak there unto you.

jub@Exodus:30:10 @ And Aaron shall make reconciliation upon the horns of it once a year with the blood of the reconciliation for sin; once a year shall he make reconciliation upon it throughout your ages; it [shall be] most holy unto the LORD.

jub@Leviticus:4:2 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD [concerning things] which ought not to be done and shall do any of them,

jub@Leviticus:4:13 @ And if the whole congregation of Israel sins through ignorance and the thing was hid from the eyes of the assembly and they have done [something against] any of the commandments of the LORD [concerning things] which should not be done and are guilty,

jub@Leviticus:4:22 @ When the prince has sinned and done [something] through ignorance [against] any of the commandments of the LORD his God [concerning things] which should not be done and is guilty,

jub@Leviticus:4:26 @ and he shall burn all its fat upon the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of peace; thus shall the priest reconcile him as concerning his sin, and he shall have forgiveness.

jub@Leviticus:4:27 @ And if any one of the people of the land sins through ignorance, by doing [something against] any of the commandments of the LORD [concerning things] which ought not to be done, and is guilty,

jub@Leviticus:6:18 @ All the males among the sons of Aaron shall eat of it. [It shall be] a perpetual statute in your generations concerning the offerings on fire of the LORD; every thing that touches them shall be sanctified.

jub@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, If a woman has conceived seed and gives birth to a man child, then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her menses shall she be unclean.

jub@Leviticus:16:34 @ And you shall hold this as a perpetual statute to reconcile the sons of Israel of all their sins once a year. And Moses did as the LORD commanded him.:

jub@Leviticus:27:32 @ And concerning the tithe of the cows or of the sheep, [even] of whatever passes under the rod, the tenth shall be holiness unto the LORD.

jub@Numbers:5:28 @ But if the woman is not defiled, but is clean; then she shall be free and shall conceive seed.

jub@Numbers:8:20 @ And Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the sons of Israel did to the Levites according unto all that the LORD commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did the sons of Israel unto them.

jub@Numbers:8:22 @ And thus went the Levites in to serve in their ministry in the tabernacle of the testimony before Aaron and before his sons; in the manner that the LORD had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they unto them.

jub@Numbers:9:8 @ And Moses said unto them, Wait, and I will hear what the LORD will command concerning you.

jub@Numbers:10:29 @ Then Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses' father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the LORD said, I will give it to you. Come thou with us, and we will do thee good; for the LORD has spoken good concerning Israel.

jub@Numbers:11:12 @ Have I conceived all these people? Have I begotten them, that thou should say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom, as a nurse carries a sucking child, unto the land which thou hast sworn unto their fathers?

jub@Numbers:13:30 @ Then Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

jub@Numbers:14:30 @ [doubtless] ye shall not come into the land, [concerning] which I swore to make you dwell therein, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun.

jub@Numbers:16:49 @ Now those that died in that plague were fourteen thousand seven hundred, besides those that died concerning the matter of Korah.

jub@Numbers:30:1 @ And Moses spoke unto the princes of the tribes concerning the sons of Israel, saying, This [is] the thing which the LORD has commanded.

jub@Numbers:30:12 @ But if her husband has utterly made them void on the day he heard [them], [then] whatever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand; her husband has made them void, and the LORD shall forgive her.

jub@Numbers:32:28 @ So concerning them Moses commanded Eleazar, the priest, and Joshua, the son of Nun, and the princes of the fathers of the tribes of the sons of Israel.

jub@Numbers:36:6 @ This [is] the thing which the LORD commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry as they desire; but they shall marry only within the family of the tribe of their father

jub@Deuteronomy:4:19 @ And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun and the moon and the stars, [even] all the host of heaven, [and] should be driven to worship them and serve them because the LORD thy God has conceded them unto all the peoples under all the heavens.

jub@Deuteronomy:7:22 @ And the LORD thy God will put out those Gentiles before thee little by little; thou may not consume them at once lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee.

jub@Deuteronomy:13:8 @ thou shalt not consent with him nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him; neither shalt thou have compassion; neither shalt thou conceal him,

jub@Joshua:6:3 @ Therefore, ye shall compass the city, all [ye] men of war, going round about the city once; and thou shalt do this six days.

jub@Joshua:6:11 @ So the ark of the LORD compassed the city, going about [it] once; and they came into the camp and lodged in the camp.

jub@Joshua:6:14 @ Likewise the second day they compassed the city once and returned into the camp; so they did for six days.

jub@Joshua:14:6 @ Then the sons of Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, said unto him, Thou knowest the thing that the LORD said unto Moses, the man of God, concerning me and thee in Kadeshbarnea.

jub@Joshua:23:14 @ And, behold, this day I [am] going the way of all the earth and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spoke concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, [and] not one thing has failed thereof.

jub@Judges:13:3 @ And the angel of the LORD appeared unto this woman and said unto her, Behold now, thou [art] barren and hast had no children, but thou shalt conceive and bear a son.

jub@Judges:13:5 @ For thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and no razor shall come on his head, for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb; and he shall begin to save Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.

jub@Judges:13:7 @ but he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean [thing]; for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death.

jub@Judges:16:28 @ Then Samson called unto the LORD and said, O Lord GOD, remember me now and strengthen me now only this once, O God, that I may take vengeance at once of the Philistines for my two eyes.

jub@Judges:21:5 @ And the sons of Israel said, Who [is there] among all the tribes of Israel that did not come up with the congregation unto the LORD? For they had made a great oath concerning the one that would not come up to the LORD to Mizpeh, saying, He shall surely be put to death.

jub@Ruth:4:7 @ Now for a long time in Israel there had been this custom concerning redemption or contracts, that for the confirmation of all matters: one plucked off his shoe and gave [it] to his neighbour, and this [was] a testimony in Israel.

jub@Ruth:4:13 @ So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife, and when he went in unto her, the LORD gave her conception, and she bore a son.

jub@1Samuel:1:20 @ Therefore, it came to pass when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, she bore a son and called his name Samuel, [saying], Because I have asked him of the LORD.

jub@1Samuel:2:21 @ And the LORD visited Hannah so that she conceived and gave birth to three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel grew before the LORD.

jub@1Samuel:3:12 @ In that day I will perform against Eli all the things which I have spoken concerning his house; when I begin, I will also make an end.

jub@1Samuel:15:29 @ And also the Overcomer of Israel will not lie nor repent concerning this, for he [is] not a man, that he should repent.

jub@1Samuel:25:30 @ And it shall come to pass when the LORD shall have done to my lord according to all the good that he has spoken concerning thee and shall have appointed thee ruler over Israel,

jub@1Samuel:26:8 @ Then Abishai said to David, God has delivered thy enemy into thy hand today; now, therefore, let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear [and pin him] to the earth at once, and I will not [need] a second opportunity.

jub@1Samuel:27:1 @ And David said in his heart, In the end I shall be killed some day by the hand of Saul; [there is] nothing better for me than that I should escape once and for all into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more within the borders of Israel; so shall I escape out of his hand.

jub@2Samuel:3:8 @ Then Abner was very angry for the words of Ishbosheth and said, [Am] I a dog's head in regard to Judah? I have shown mercy this day unto the house of Saul, thy father, to his brethren, and to his friends and have not delivered thee into the hand of David that thou dost charge me today with iniquity concerning this woman?

jub@2Samuel:7:25 @ And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house, raise [it] up for ever and do as thou hast said.

jub@2Samuel:11:5 @ And the woman conceived and sent and told David and said, I [am] with child.

jub@2Samuel:11:18 @ Then Joab sent and told David all the things concerning the war

jub@2Samuel:13:39 @ And King David longed to see Absalom, for he was now comforted concerning Amnon, who was dead.:

jub@2Samuel:14:8 @ And the king said unto the woman, Go to thy house, and I will give a command concerning thee.

jub@2Samuel:18:5 @ And the king commanded Joab and Abishai and Ittai, saying, [Deal] gently for my sake with the young man, [even] with Absalom. And all the people heard when the king gave all the captains charge concerning Absalom.

jub@1Kings:2:4 @ that the LORD may confirm the word which he spoke concerning me, saying, If thy sons take heed to their way, walking before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, there shall not fail thee (said he) a man on the throne of Israel.

jub@1Kings:2:27 @ So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD that he might fulfil the word of the LORD, which he spoke concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

jub@1Kings:5:8 @ And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have heard that which thou didst send [to tell] me, [and] I will do all thy desire concerning the timber of cedar and concerning the timber of fir.

jub@1Kings:6:12 @ [Concerning] this house which thou art building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes and execute my rights and keep all my commandments to walk in them, then I will perform my word with thee, which I spoke unto David thy father;

jub@1Kings:8:41 @ Likewise concerning a stranger, that [is] not of thy people Israel, but comes out of a far country for thy name's sake

jub@1Kings:10:1 @ And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with enigmas.

jub@1Kings:10:22 @ For the king had at sea a navy of Tarshish with the navy of Hiram; once every three years the navy of Tarshish came, bringing gold, silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

jub@1Kings:11:2 @ of the Gentiles [concerning] which the LORD had said unto the sons of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you, [for] surely they will turn away your heart after their gods. Solomon clave unto these in love.

jub@1Kings:11:10 @ and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he did not keep that which the LORD had commanded him.

jub@1Kings:22:8 @ And the king of Israel replied unto Jehoshaphat, [There is] yet one man, Micaiah, the son of Imlah, by whom we may enquire of the LORD; but I hate him, for he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so.

jub@1Kings:22:18 @ And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would not prophesy good concerning me, but evil?

jub@1Kings:22:23 @ Now, therefore, behold, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD has decreed evil concerning thee.

jub@2Kings:4:17 @ But the woman conceived and gave birth a son at appointed time that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life.

jub@2Kings:6:10 @ Then the king of Israel sent to the place, which the man of God told him and warned him of and kept himself from there, not once nor twice.

jub@2Kings:10:10 @ Know now that of the word of the LORD which the LORD spoke concerning the house of Ahab, nothing shall fall to the ground, for the LORD has done [that] which he spoke by his servant Elijah.

jub@2Kings:17:15 @ And they rejected his statutes and his covenant that he made with their fathers and his testimonies which he testified against them, and they followed vanity and became vain and went after the Gentiles that [were] round about them, [concerning] whom the LORD had charged them, that they should not do like them.

jub@2Kings:19:21 @ This [is] the word that the LORD has spoken concerning him: Has he despised thee? Has he laughed thee to scorn, O virgin daughter of Zion? He has moved his head behind thy back, O daughter of Jerusalem.

jub@2Kings:19:32 @ Therefore, thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield nor cast a bank against it.

jub@2Kings:22:13 @ Go and enquire of the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found, for great [is] the wrath of the LORD that is kindled against us because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us.

jub@1Chronicles:7:23 @ And when he went in to his wife, she conceived and gave birth to a son, and he called his name Beriah, because he had been in affliction in his house.

jub@1Chronicles:17:23 @ Therefore, now, LORD, let the thing that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant and concerning his house be established for ever and do as thou hast said.

jub@1Chronicles:19:2 @ And David said, I will show mercy unto Hanun, the son of Nahash, because his father showed mercy to me. And David sent ambassadors to comfort him concerning his father. So the servants of David came into the land of the sons of Ammon to Hanun, to comfort him.

jub@1Chronicles:22:13 @ Then shalt thou be prospered if thou shalt keep thyself to do the statutes and rights which the LORD charged Moses with concerning Israel; be strong and of good courage; dread not, nor be dismayed.

jub@1Chronicles:26:1 @ Concerning the divisions of the porters, of the Korhites: Meshelemiah, the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaph.

jub@1Chronicles:26:21 @ [As concerning] the sons of Laadan; the sons of Gershon: of Laadan; chief fathers of Laadan [were] Gershon and Jehieli.

jub@2Chronicles:8:15 @ And they departed not from the commandment of the king unto the priests and Levites concerning any matter or concerning the treasures.

jub@2Chronicles:12:15 @ Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and last, [are] they not written in the book of Shemaiah, the prophet, and of Iddo, the seer concerning genealogies? And [there was] war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually.

jub@2Chronicles:15:16 @ And also [concerning] Maachah, the mother of Asa the king, he removed her from [being] queen because she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa cut down her idol and stamped [it] and burnt [it] at the Brook Kidron.

jub@2Chronicles:18:22 @ Now, therefore, behold, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD has decreed evil concerning thee.

jub@2Chronicles:24:27 @ Now [concerning] his sons, and of the multiplication that he did of the taxes and the repairing of the house of God, behold, they [are] written in the story of the book of the kings. And Amaziah, his son, reigned in his stead.:

jub@2Chronicles:31:9 @ Then Hezekiah questioned the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.

jub@2Chronicles:32:22 @ Thus, the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hands of Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, and from the hands of all [others] and guided them concerning everything.

jub@2Chronicles:34:21 @ Go, enquire of the LORD for me and for the remnant of Israel and of Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found, for great [is] the wrath of the LORD that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do according to all the things that are written in this book.

jub@Ezra:5:5 @ For the eyes of their God were upon the elders of the Jews, and they could not cause them to cease until the matter came to Darius, and then they returned answer by letter concerning this [matter].

jub@Ezra:5:17 @ Now, therefore, if [it seems] good to the king, let there be a search made in the king's treasure house, which [is] there in Babylon, whether it is so, that a decree was made by Cyrus, the king, to build this house of God in Jerusalem, and let the king send unto us his will concerning this matter.:

jub@Ezra:6:3 @ In the first year of Cyrus, the king, [the same] Cyrus, the king, gave a commandment [concerning] the house of God at Jerusalem, that the house be built as a place for sacrifices to be offered, and let the walls thereof be covered; the height thereof sixty cubits, [and] the breadth thereof sixty cubits;

jub@Ezra:10:2 @ [Then] Shechaniah, the son of Jehiel, [one] of the sons of Elam, answered and said unto Ezra, We have rebelled against our God and have taken strange women of the peoples of the land, but there is yet hope for Israel concerning this thing.

jub@Nehemiah:1:2 @ that Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.

jub@Nehemiah:9:23 @ Thou didst multiply their sons as the stars of heaven and didst introduce them into the land, concerning which thou hadst promised to their fathers, that they should go in to inherit [it].

jub@Nehemiah:11:23 @ For [there was] a commandment of the king concerning them and a determination of the singers for each day.

jub@Nehemiah:11:24 @ And Pethahiah, the son of Meshezabeel, of the sons of Zerah, the son of Judah, [was] at the king's hand in all matters concerning the people.

jub@Nehemiah:13:14 @ Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my mercies that I have done for the house of my God and for its wards.

jub@Nehemiah:13:20 @ So the merchants and sellers of all kinds of merchandise lodged outside Jerusalem once or twice.

jub@Nehemiah:13:22 @ And I told the Levites that they should cleanse themselves and [that] they should come [and] guard the gates, to sanctify the sabbath day. Remember me, O my God, [concerning] this also, and spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy.

jub@Esther:3:2 @ And all the king's servants that [were] in the king's gate, knelt down and worshipped Haman, for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai did not kneel or worship [before him].

jub@Esther:9:26 @ Therefore, they called these days Purim after the name of Pur. Therefore, for all the words of this letter and [of that] which they had seen concerning this matter and which had come unto them,

jub@Job:3:3 @ Let the day perish in which I was born and the night [in which] it was said, There is a man child conceived.

jub@Job:15:11 @ [Are] the consolations of God in such small esteem with thee? Is there by chance any secret thing concerning thee?

jub@Job:15:35 @ They conceive pain and bring forth iniquity, and their belly meditates deceit.:

jub@Job:21:10 @ Their cows conceive, and do not abort; their cows calve and do not cast forth their young.

jub@Job:24:21 @ He afflicted the barren woman that did not conceive and never did good unto the widow.

jub@Job:27:11 @ I will teach you [what there is] in the hand of God; I will not conceal that which [is] regarding the Almighty.

jub@Job:28:21 @ Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living and kept concealed from every fowl of the heaven.

jub@Job:40:5 @ Once I have spoken; but I will not answer; even twice, but I will proceed no further.

jub@Job:41:12 @ I will not conceal his lies, nor his might, nor the beauty of his order.

jub@Psalms:7:1 @ <<Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite.>> O LORD my God, in thee I have put my trust: save me from all those that persecute me, and deliver me

jub@Psalms:7:14 @ Behold, he travails with iniquity and has conceived [of his own] work and brought forth falsehood.

jub@Psalms:17:4 @ Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have observed the ways of the violent.

jub@Psalms:40:10 @ I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy truth and thy salvation; I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth from the great congregation.

jub@Psalms:45:1 @ <<To the Overcomer: upon Shoshannim [lilies], for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves.>> My heart is overflowing with a good word; I speak of the things which I have done concerning the king; my tongue [is] the pen of a ready writer.

jub@Psalms:48:9 @ We have conceived according to thy mercy, O God, in the midst of thy temple.

jub@Psalms:51:5 @ Behold, the pain of [my] iniquity has caused me to writhe; my mother conceived me so that sin might be removed from me.

jub@Psalms:62:11 @ God has spoken once; twice have I heard this that power [belongs] unto God.

jub@Psalms:74:8 @ They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them at once; they have burned up all the meeting places [of the people] of God in the earth.

jub@Psalms:76:7 @ Thou, [even] thou, [art] to be feared, and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?

jub@Psalms:82:3 @ Do right concerning the poor and fatherless; do justice to the poor and destitute.

jub@Psalms:89:35 @ Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.

jub@Psalms:90:13 @ Return [unto us], O LORD, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.

jub@Psalms:106:34 @ They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them:

jub@Psalms:119:128 @ Therefore I have esteemed all [thy] precepts [concerning] all [things to be] right [and] I have hated every false way.

jub@Psalms:119:152 @ Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

jub@Psalms:135:14 @ For the LORD will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his servants.

jub@Psalms:138:8 @ The LORD will perfect [that which] concerns me; thy mercy, O LORD, [endures] for ever; forsake not the works of thine own hands.:

jub@Proverbs:6:31 @ and once he is taken, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

jub@Proverbs:11:13 @ A talebearer reveals secrets, but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter.

jub@Proverbs:12:23 @ The sane man conceals his wisdom: but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness.

jub@Proverbs:20:1 @ Wine [makes] a mocker, and beer a reveler, and whoever errs concerning them shall never be wise.

jub@Proverbs:25:2 @ [It is] the glory of God to conceal the word, but the honour of kings [is] to search out the word.

jub@Proverbs:26:5 @ Answer the fool showing him his folly lest he be wise in his own conceit.

jub@Proverbs:26:12 @ Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? [there is] more hope of a fool than of him.

jub@Proverbs:26:16 @ The sluggard [is] wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can give [him] counsel.

jub@Proverbs:28:11 @ The rich man [is] wise in his own conceit, but the poor that has understanding is wiser than he.

jub@Ecclesiastes:1:13 @ And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all [things] that are done under heaven (this sore travail God has given to the sons of man that they be occupied in it).

jub@Ecclesiastes:3:18 @ I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sons of men that God might manifest them and that they might see that they themselves [are] beasts one to another.

jub@Ecclesiastes:5:20 @ To such a one, God will remove the concerns common [to others], for God shall answer [him] with joy from his heart.:

jub@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @ Never say, What is [the cause] that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

jub@Isaiah:1:1 @ The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in [the] days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

jub@Isaiah:2:1 @ The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

jub@Isaiah:7:14 @ Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.

jub@Isaiah:8:1 @ Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take a great roll and write in it with a man's pen concerning Mahershalalhashbaz.

jub@Isaiah:8:3 @ And I went unto the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son. Then the LORD said to me, Call his name Mahershalalhashbaz.

jub@Isaiah:16:13 @ This [is] the word that the LORD has spoken concerning Moab since that time.

jub@Isaiah:26:18 @ We have conceived, we have had birth pangs; we have, as it were, brought forth wind; we have not wrought any health in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen.

jub@Isaiah:30:7 @ For the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose; therefore I have cried [out] concerning this that your strength [should be] to sit still.

jub@Isaiah:33:11 @ Ye shall conceive chaff, ye shall bring forth stubble: your breath, [as] fire, shall devour you.

jub@Isaiah:37:9 @ And he heard say concerning Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, He is come forth to make war with thee. And when he heard [it], he sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying,

jub@Isaiah:37:22 @ This [is] the word which the LORD has spoken concerning him, Has he despised thee? Has he laughed thee to scorn O virgin daughter of Zion? Has he shaken his head behind thy back O daughter of Jerusalem?

jub@Isaiah:37:33 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shields, nor cast a bank against it.

jub@Isaiah:42:14 @ I have long time held my peace; I have been still [and] refrained myself; [now] will I cry [out] like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once.

jub@Isaiah:45:11 @ Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come; inquire of me concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands.

jub@Isaiah:59:4 @ No one calls for righteousness, nor [do any] judge by the truth; they trust in vanity, and speak vanities; they conceive trouble and bring forth iniquity.

jub@Isaiah:59:13 @ To rebel and to lie against the LORD, and to depart away from our God; the speaking of libel and rebellion, to conceive, and to speak from the heart words of falsehood,

jub@Isaiah:66:8 @ Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth bring forth in one day? Shall an [entire] nation be born at once? that Zion travailed, and shall bring forth her sons together?

jub@Isaiah:66:9 @ I, who make births [to happen], shall I not be with child? saith the LORD; I, who cause conception, shall I be stopped? saith thy God.

jub@Jeremiah:7:22 @ For I did not speak unto your fathers, nor command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices:

jub@Jeremiah:14:1 @ The word of the LORD that was given to Jeremiah concerning the famine.

jub@Jeremiah:14:15 @ Therefore thus hath the LORD said concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name which I did not send and that say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

jub@Jeremiah:16:3 @ For thus hath the LORD said concerning the sons and [concerning] the daughters that would be born in this place and [concerning] their mothers that would bare them and [concerning] their fathers that would beget them in this land

jub@Jeremiah:18:9 @ And in an instant I shall speak concerning the nation and concerning the kingdom, to build and to plant [it];

jub@Jeremiah:20:17 @ because he did not slay me in the womb, and my mother would have been my grave, and her womb perpetual conception.

jub@Jeremiah:22:18 @ Therefore thus hath the LORD said concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; They shall not lament for him, [saying], Ah my brother! and Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, [saying], Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!

jub@Jeremiah:25:1 @ The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, which [is] the first year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon;

jub@Jeremiah:27:19 @ For thus hath the LORD of the hosts said concerning the pillars, and concerning the sea, and concerning the bases, and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city,

jub@Jeremiah:27:21 @ yea, thus hath the LORD of the hosts the God of Israel said concerning the vessels that remained in the house of the LORD and in the house of the king of Judah and in Jerusalem;

jub@Jeremiah:29:11 @ For I know the thoughts that I think concerning you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you the end that you wait for.

jub@Jeremiah:29:31 @ Send to all them of the captivity, saying, Thus hath the LORD said [concerning] Shemaiah the Nehelamite; Because that Shemaiah has prophesied unto you, and I did not send him, and he caused you to trust upon [a] lie;

jub@Jeremiah:30:4 @ And these [are] the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and [concerning] Judah.

jub@Jeremiah:33:4 @ For thus hath the LORD the God of Israel said concerning the houses of this city and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, which are thrown down by the siege engines and by the sword

jub@Jeremiah:39:11 @ Now Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon gave charge concerning Jeremiah to Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, saying,

jub@Jeremiah:42:19 @ The LORD hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah. Do not go into Egypt; know certainly that I have admonished you this day.

jub@Jeremiah:44:1 @ The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews which dwelt in the land of Egypt, which dwelt at Migdol and at Tahpanhes and at Noph and in the country of Pathros, saying,

jub@Jeremiah:49:1 @ Concerning the Ammonites, thus hath the LORD said: Does Israel have no sons? does he have no heir? why [then] does their king inherit Gad and his people dwell in his cities?

jub@Jeremiah:49:7 @ Concerning Edom, thus hath the LORD of the hosts said: Is there no more wisdom in Teman? Has the counsel of the wise perished? Is their wisdom corrupted?

jub@Jeremiah:49:23 @ Concerning Damascus. Hamath is confounded, and Arpad, for they have heard bad news; they have melted in waters of feebleness; they cannot be reassured.

jub@Jeremiah:49:28 @ Concerning Kedar, and concerning the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote, thus hath the LORD said; Arise ye, go up to Kedar and destroy the men of the east.

jub@Jeremiah:49:30 @ Flee, get you far off, dwell in the deeps that [ye] may stand, O ye inhabitants of Hazor, said the LORD; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon has taken counsel against you and has conceived a purpose against you.

jub@Jeremiah:50:2 @ Declare ye among the Gentiles, and publish, and set up a banner; publish, [and] do not conceal: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

jub@Jeremiah:52:21 @ And [concerning] the pillars, the height of one pillar [was] eighteen cubits; and a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it; and the thickness thereof [was] four fingers: [it was] hollow.

jub@Ezekiel:12:10 @ Say thou unto them, Thus hath the Lord GOD said: This burden [concerns] the prince in Jerusalem and all the house of Israel that [are] among them.

jub@Ezekiel:13:16 @ [to wit], the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem and who see visions of peace for her, and [there is] no peace, said the Lord GOD.

jub@Ezekiel:14:7 @ For any man of the house of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel who has separated himself from walking after me and has set up his idols in his heart and has established the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and comes to the prophet to enquire of him concerning me, I, the LORD, will answer him by myself:

jub@Ezekiel:14:22 @ Yet, behold, there shall be left a remnant in her, of whom shall be taken captive your sons and daughters; they shall be taken away: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings; and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, [even] concerning all that I have brought upon her.

jub@Ezekiel:16:3 @ and say, Thus hath the Lord GOD said concerning Jerusalem: Thy habitation and thy race was of the land of Canaan; thy father [was] an Amorite and thy mother a Hittite.

jub@Ezekiel:18:2 @ What mean ye, that ye use this saying concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge?

jub@Ezekiel:21:28 @ And thou, son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning the Ammonites and concerning their reproach; even say thou, The sword, the sword [is] drawn for the slaughter; [it is] furbished to consume with brightness:

jub@Ezekiel:26:2 @ Son of man, because Tyre has said concerning Jerusalem, Aha, [it is well that] she is broken who is the gate of the peoples; she is turned unto me; I shall be filled; and she [shall be] deserted:

jub@Ezekiel:38:10 @ Thus hath the Lord GOD said: It shall also come to pass in that day, that words shall rise up in thy heart, and thou shalt conceive an evil thought:

jub@Ezekiel:44:5 @ And the LORD said unto me, Son of man, pay attention, and behold with thine eyes and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the LORD and all its laws; and pay attention to the entering in of the house and to every going forth from the sanctuary.

jub@Ezekiel:45:14 @ The ordinance concerning the oil [shall be that ye shall offer] a bath of oil, which is the tenth part of the cor, [which is] a homer of ten baths; for ten baths [are] a homer:

jub@Ezekiel:47:14 @ And ye shall inherit it, one as well as another, [concerning] that which I lifted up my hand that I must give it unto your fathers: therefore, this land shall fall unto you for inheritance.

jub@Daniel:2:18 @ to petition mercies of the God of heaven concerning this mystery and that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise [men]of Babylon.

jub@Daniel:2:43 @ Concerning that which thou didst see, the iron mixed with baked clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron does not mix with clay.

jub@Daniel:5:29 @ Then Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with purple and [put] a chain of gold about his neck and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.

jub@Daniel:6:12 @ Then they went and spoke before the king concerning the royal decree; Hast thou not confirmed a decree that whoever shall ask [a petition] of any God or man within thirty days save of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered and said, The thing [is] true, according to the law of the Media and Persia, which does not change.

jub@Daniel:6:17 @ And a stone was brought and laid upon the mouth of the den; and the king sealed it with his own signet [ring] and with the signet [ring] of his princes that the agreement concerning Daniel might not be changed.

jub@Hosea:1:3 @ So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim, who conceived and bore him a son.

jub@Hosea:1:6 @ And she conceived again and bore a daughter. And [God] said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah: for I will never again have mercy upon the house of Israel, but I will utterly forget them.

jub@Hosea:1:8 @ And after she had weaned Loruhamah, she conceived and bore a son.

jub@Hosea:2:5 @ For their mother has played the harlot; she that conceived them has been shamed; for she said, I will go after my lovers that give [me] my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.

jub@Hosea:9:11 @ [As for] Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth even from the womb and from the conception.

jub@Amos:1:1 @ The words of Amos, who was among the pastors of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel, two years before the earthquake.

jub@Obadiah:1:1 @ The vision of Obadiah. Thus hath the Lord GOD said concerning Edom: We have heard the message from the LORD, and [a] messenger is sent to the Gentiles, Arise, and let us rise up against her in battle.

jub@Micah:1:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.

jub@Micah:3:5 @ Thus hath the LORD said concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that does not give them [something] to eat, they even prepare war against him.

jub@Nahum:1:14 @ And the LORD shall give a commandment concerning thee [that] no one else of thy name ever be sown; out of the house of thy god I will cut off the graven image and the molten image; I will make it thy grave because thou wert vile.

jub@Haggai:2:6 @ For thus hath the LORD of the hosts said: Yet even once, and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry [land];

jub@Haggai:2:11 @ Thus hath the LORD of the hosts said; Ask now the priests [concerning] the law, saying,

jub@Malachi:2:13 @ And once again ye shall cover the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, for I shall not even look at the offering any more to receive [a] free will offering from your hand.

jub@Matthew:1:20 @ But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in dreams, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

jub@Matthew:1:23 @ Behold, a virgin shall conceive and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God With Us.

jub@Matthew:4:6 @ and said unto him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and in [their] hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

jub@Matthew:11:7 @ And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?

jub@Matthew:16:11 @ How is it that ye do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread that ye should keep [yourselves] from the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?

jub@Matthew:22:31 @ But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which is spoken unto you by God, who saith,

jub@Mark:5:16 @ And those that saw [it] told them what happened to him that had the demon and [also] concerning the swine.

jub@Mark:7:17 @ And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable.

jub@Luke:1:24 @ And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived and hid herself five months, saying,

jub@Luke:1:31 @ And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus.

jub@Luke:1:36 @ And, behold, thy relative Elisabeth, she has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her, who [was] called barren.

jub@Luke:2:17 @ And when they had seen [it], they made known abroad that which had been told them concerning this child.

jub@Luke:2:21 @ And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which he was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

jub@Luke:7:24 @ And when the messengers of John were departed, he began to speak unto the people concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?

jub@Luke:13:25 @ When once the husband of the house is risen up and shall have shut the door, and ye begin to stand without and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not from where ye are,

jub@Luke:18:31 @ Then he took [unto him] the twelve and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.

jub@Luke:22:37 @ For I say unto you that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors; for the things [written] concerning me have a fulfillment.

jub@Luke:23:18 @ And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this [man], and release unto us Barabbas

jub@Luke:24:19 @ Then he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,

jub@Luke:24:27 @ And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded [this] unto them in all the scriptures concerning himself.

jub@Luke:24:44 @ And he said unto them, These [are] the words which I spoke unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and [in] the prophets and [in] the psalms, concerning me.

jub@John:7:12 @ And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him, for some said, He is [a] good [man]; others said, No, but he deceives the people.

jub@John:7:32 @ The Pharisees heard the people that murmured such things concerning him, and the princes of the priests and the Pharisees sent officers to take him.

jub@John:7:39 @ (But this he spoke concerning the Spirit, which those that believe on him should receive, for the Holy Spirit was not yet [given] because Jesus was not yet glorified.)

jub@John:8:59 @ Then they took up stones to cast at him, but Jesus concealed himself and went out of the temple, and going through the midst of them, went away.:

jub@John:9:18 @ But the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received his sight until they called the parents of him that had received his sight.

jub@John:11:19 @ and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them concerning their brother.

jub@Acts:1:16 @ Men [and] brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit by the mouth of David spoke before concerning Judas, who was guide to those that took Jesus.

jub@Acts:2:25 @ For David speaks concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved,

jub@Acts:5:4 @ Retaining it, was it not thy own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thy heart? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

jub@Acts:5:35 @ and said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as concerning these men.

jub@Acts:12:18 @ Now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers [concerning] what was become of Peter.

jub@Acts:13:34 @ And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, [now] no more to return to corruption, he said this, I will give you the sure mercies [promised] to David.

jub@Acts:19:8 @ And he went into the synagogue and spoke freely for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God.

jub@Acts:19:39 @ But if ye enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly.

jub@Acts:21:24 @ them take, and purify thyself with them, and pay their expenses, that they may shave [their] heads, and all may know that those things, of which they were informed concerning thee, are nothing, but [that] thou thyself dost also walk orderly and keep the law.

jub@Acts:22:18 @ and saw him saying unto me, Make haste and go quickly out of Jerusalem, for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.

jub@Acts:23:15 @ Now therefore ye with the council signify to the tribunal that he bring him down unto you tomorrow, as though ye would enquire something more certain concerning him, and we, before he arrives, are ready to kill him.

jub@Acts:25:16 @ To whom I answered, It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before the one who is accused is face to face with his accusers and is given license to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him.

jub@Acts:26:2 @ I esteem myself blessed, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee concerning all the things of which I am accused of the Jews,

jub@Acts:28:21 @ And they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came showed or spoke any harm of thee.

jub@Acts:28:22 @ But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest; for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against.

jub@Acts:28:23 @ And when they had appointed him a day, many came to him into [his] lodging, to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, procuring to persuade them of that concerning Jesus, the Christ, out of the law of Moses and [out of] the prophets, from morning until evening.

jub@Acts:28:31 @ preaching the kingdom of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all liberty, without hindrance.:

jub@Romans:6:10 @ For [he] that is dead died unto sin once, and [he] that lives, lives unto God.

jub@Romans:9:5 @ whose [are] the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh is the Christ, who is God over all things, blessed for all the ages. Amen.

jub@Romans:9:10 @ And not only [this], but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, [even] by our father Isaac

jub@Romans:9:27 @ Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel, Though the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant shall be saved;

jub@Romans:11:28 @ So that, as concerning the gospel, [I have them for] enemies for your sakes; but as touching the election [of God], they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

jub@Romans:16:19 @ For your obedience is come abroad unto all [places]. I am glad therefore on your behalf, but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and innocent concerning evil.

jub@Romans:16:25 @ Now to him that is able to confirm you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which was concealed from times eternal

jub@1Corinthians:7:1 @ Now concerning the things of which ye wrote unto me: [It is] good for a man not to touch a woman.

jub@1Corinthians:7:25 @ Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord, yet I give my advice, as one that has obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.

jub@1Corinthians:8:1 @ Now as concerning things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but charity edifies.

jub@1Corinthians:8:4 @ As concerning, therefore, the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in the world, and that [there is] no other God but one.

jub@1Corinthians:15:6 @ after that, he appeared unto more than five hundred brothers at once, of whom the greater part remain unto now, but some are fallen asleep.

jub@1Corinthians:16:1 @ Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, do ye likewise.

jub@2Corinthians:8:23 @ Regarding Titus, [he is] my partner and fellowhelper concerning you; or regarding our brethren, [they are] the apostles of the churches [and] the glory of Christ.

jub@2Corinthians:11:21 @ I speak as concerning the reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit in that in which another is bold, (I speak foolishly), I am bold also.

jub@2Corinthians:11:25 @ Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned; three times I suffered shipwreck, night and day I have been in the deep;

jub@2Corinthians:11:30 @ If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern my weakness.

jub@Galatians:1:23 @ but they had only heard, That he who persecuted us in time past now preaches the faith which he once destroyed.

jub@Galatians:3:15 @ Brethren, (I speak after the manner of men) Even when a covenant is of man, once it is confirmed, no one cancels it or adds to it.

jub@Ephesians:4:22 @ that ye put off [everything] concerning the old way of life, [that is], the old man who corrupts himself according to deceitful desires,

jub@Ephesians:5:3 @ But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not be once named among you as becomes saints,

jub@Ephesians:5:32 @ This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

jub@Philippians:3:5 @ Circumcised the eighth day, of the lineage of Israel, [of] the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee;

jub@Philippians:3:6 @ concerning zeal, a persecutor of the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

jub@Philippians:4:10 @ But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me has flourished again, in which ye were also concerned, but ye lacked opportunity.

jub@Philippians:4:15 @ Now ye Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.

jub@Philippians:4:16 @ For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity.

jub@Colossians:4:10 @ Aristarchus, my fellowprisoner, salutes you, and Mark, nephew to Barnabas, (concerning whom ye have received commandments, if he comes unto you, receive him),

jub@1Thessalonians:2:18 @ Therefore we would have come unto you, even I, Paul, once and again, but Satan hindered us.

jub@1Thessalonians:4:13 @ But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as the others who have no hope.

jub@1Thessalonians:5:18 @ In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

jub@1Timothy:6:4 @ he is puffed up, knowing nothing, but is driven mad concerning questions and controversy of words, of which comes envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,

jub@1Timothy:6:21 @ which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace [be] with thee. Amen.:

jub@2Timothy:3:8 @ And in the manner that Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt understanding, reprobate concerning the faith.

jub@Titus:3:9 @ But avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and debates [concerning] the law, for they are unprofitable and vain.

jub@Hebrews:6:4 @ For [it is] impossible that those who once received the light and tasted of that heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit

jub@Hebrews:7:14 @ For [it is] manifest that our Lord sprang out of Juda, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood.

jub@Hebrews:7:27 @ who needs not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins and then for the people's; for this he did once, when he offered up himself.

jub@Hebrews:9:7 @ But into the second the high priest [went] alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for his [own] ignorance, and [for] that of the people:

jub@Hebrews:9:12 @ neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the sanctuary designed for eternal redemption.

jub@Hebrews:9:26 @ otherwise it would have been necessary for him to suffer many times since the foundation of the world; but now once in the consummation of the ages he has appeared to abolish sin by the sacrifice of himself.

jub@Hebrews:9:27 @ And as it is appointed unto men to die once, and after this the judgment;

jub@Hebrews:9:28 @ so also the Christ is offered once to take away the sins of many; and unto those that wait for him without sin he shall appear the second time unto saving health.:

jub@Hebrews:10:2 @ Otherwise, they would cease to offer them, because those that sacrifice, once purged, would have no more conscience of sin.

jub@Hebrews:10:10 @ In this will, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus, the Christ, once [for all].

jub@Hebrews:11:11 @ By faith also Sara herself [being sterile] received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she believed him to be faithful who had promised.

jub@Hebrews:11:20 @ By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning what they should become.

jub@Hebrews:11:22 @ By faith Joseph, as he died, made mention of the departing of the sons of Israel, and gave [a] commandment concerning his bones.

jub@Hebrews:12:26 @ whose voice then shook the earth; but now he has promised, saying, Yet even once, I shall shake not the earth only, but also the heaven.

jub@Hebrews:12:27 @ And this [word], Yet even once, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

jub@James:1:15 @ Then when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death.

jub@1Peter:3:18 @ For the Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in spirit,

jub@1Peter:3:20 @ which in the time past were disobedient, when once the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was [being] made ready, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

jub@2Peter:3:9 @ The Lord is not late concerning his promise, as some count lateness, but is patient with us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

jub@1John:2:26 @ These [things] I have written unto you concerning those that seduce you.

jub@Jude:1:3 @ Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly persevere in the faith which was given once unto the saints.

jub@Jude:1:5 @ I will, therefore, remind you, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those that did not believe.

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