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emtv@Info @ DESCRIPTION: Welcome to the third edition of The English Majority Text Version (EMTV) of the Holy Bible. This latest edition has Greek explanatory notes throughout the Bible, to aid the reader in understanding the meanings in some select places of the original Koine Greek. Also, the third edition finds itself closer to the Robinson/Pierpoint printed edition of the Byzantine majority text, rather than the Hodges/Farstad text, which the EMTV was translated from. You will notice these differences in John strkjv@7:53-8:11, as well as the entire book of Revelation. The English Majority Text Version draws from the work of both Dr.’s Hodges and Farstad, and their text, “The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text,” as well as from Dr. Wilbur Pickering, ThM. PhD., and the EMTV has incorporated his hard work in the field of producing evidence of just what does constitute a majority reading, and, as a result of his work, and the work of others, John strkjv@7:53-8:11, and the book of Revelation reflect these variant readings. This is one of the great things about having a Bible that is translated from the majority of the trustworthy Byzantine manuscripts that are in existence—the much greater probability of accuracy. On the other side of the fence, most modern Bibles are translated from a few scant manuscripts (literally), and more often than not they do not even agree with each other. Not so with a Bible that is translated out of the majority! The experts in linguistics who have put these readings together, and diligently compared the manuscripts, had hundreds and hundreds of manuscripts to compare. It is my prayer that this work will bring honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to our God and Father; because all of this, all that we do, we do to know Him better, and to better understand His word, which He has given to mankind. “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar. (Prove strkjv@30:5,6). Peace of Christ to you all. In His service, Paul W Esposito Stauros Ministries

emtv@Matthew:5:8 @ Blessed [are] the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

emtv@Mark:14:3 @ And while He was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as He was reclining for a meal, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly pure nard. And having broken the flask, she began to pour it out over His head.

emtv@John:12:3 @ Then Mary, having taken a pound of very costly pure nard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

emtv@2Corinthians:7:11 @ For behold this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner, how much diligence it produced in you, even an eagerness to defend, even indignation, even fear, even longing, even zeal, even vengeance! In all things you demonstrated yourselves to be pure in this matter.

emtv@2Corinthians:11:2 @ For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy, for I have betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.

emtv@Philippians:4:8 @ Finally, brothers, as many things as are true, as many as are honorable, as many as are just, as many as are pure, as many as are lovely-if there is any virtue and if there is any praise-meditate on these things.

emtv@1Timothy:1:5 @ Now the goal of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith,

emtv@1Timothy:3:9 @ holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.

emtv@1Timothy:5:22 @ Lay hands on no one hastily, nor share in [the] sins of others; keep yourself pure.

emtv@2Timothy:1:3 @ I give thanks to God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, how unceasingly I have remembrance of you in my prayers night and day,

emtv@2Timothy:2:22 @ Flee youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

emtv@Titus:1:15 @ All things indeed are pure to the pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience have been defiled.

emtv@Titus:2:5 @ temperate, pure, homemakers, good, submitting to their own husbands, lest the word of God be blasphemed.

emtv@James:1:27 @ Pure and undefiled religion before God and [the] Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

emtv@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

emtv@1Peter:1:22 @ Since you have purified your souls by obedience to the truth through the Spirit in sincere love for the brothers, love one another fervently from a pure heart,

emtv@2Peter:3:1 @ This already, beloved, [is] the second letter I write to you, in [both of] which I stir up your pure mind by a reminder,

emtv@1John:3:3 @ And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

emtv@Revelation:15:6 @ And out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues, who were dressed in pure bright linen, and having their chests girded with golden belts.

emtv@Revelation:19:8 @ And to her it was granted that she should be dressed in fine linen, bright and pure, for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

emtv@Revelation:21:18 @ And the construction of its wall was of jasper; and the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.

emtv@Revelation:21:21 @ The twelve gates are twelve pearls: each one of the gates was [made ]of one pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.

emtv@Revelation:22:1 @ And he showed me a pure river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

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