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bwe@Matthew:2:13 @ After the wise men had gone, Joseph had a dream. An angel of the Lord came to him and said, Get up. Take the child and his mother, and go quickly to the country of Egypt. Stay there till I tell you, because Herod will try to find the child and kill him.

bwe@Matthew:2:15 @ He stayed there until Herod died. What the Lord told through his prophet long ago, came true. He said I called my son out of Egypt.

bwe@Matthew:10:13 @ If the family is all right, let your blessing stay on it. If it is not all right, take your blessing away.

bwe@Matthew:19:5 @ God said, "A man must leave his father and mother and must stay with his wife. The two of them will be like one person."

bwe@Matthew:21:17 @ Then he left them and went out of the city to Bethany. He stayed there for the night.

bwe@Matthew:26:38 @ He said to them, My heart is very sad. I am almost dying! Stay here and watch with me.

bwe@Matthew:27:45 @ About midday, the whole land became dark and stayed dark for three hours.

bwe@Matthew:27:66 @ So they went and shut the grave tight. They put a government mark on the big stone. And the soldiers stayed to guard it. This was to make sure the grave would stay shut.

bwe@Mark:1:45 @ But the man went out and told everyone everywhere what had happened to him. Because he did this, Jesus could not go into any large town freely. He stayed in places where only a few people were. There people came to him from everywhere.

bwe@Mark:3:14 @ He chose twelve disciples to stay with him. He wanted to send them out to other places to tell people Gods word.

bwe@Mark:5:5 @ All the time he stayed in the hills where the graves were. He screamed day and night and cut himself with sharp stones.

bwe@Mark:10:7 @ That is why a man must leave his father and mother and stay with his wife.

bwe@Mark:13:33 @ So watch! Stay awake and talk with God. You do not know when the time will be.

bwe@Mark:14:34 @ He said to them, My heart is very sad. I am almost dying! Stay here and watch.

bwe@Mark:15:33 @ About midday the whole land became dark and stayed dark for three hours.

bwe@Luke:1:21 @ the people were waiting for Zechariah to come out of the temple. They were surprised that he stayed in so long.

bwe@Luke:1:24 @ After that, his wife Elizabeth found she was going to have a baby. For five months she stayed away from people.

bwe@Luke:1:56 @ Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. Then she went home.

bwe@Luke:2:43 @ After the days of the feast were finished, they started home. But the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it.

bwe@Luke:9:4 @ When you go into a certain house, stay there until you leave the town.

bwe@Luke:10:6 @ If a man of peace is there, your blessing will stay with him. If not, your blessing will come back to you.

bwe@Luke:10:7 @ Stay in that house. Eat and drink what the people give you. The one who works should have his pay for it. Do not move from one house to another house.

bwe@Luke:13:8 @ The man who cared for the trees answered, "Sir, let it stay one more year. I will dig around it and put good soil around it.

bwe@Luke:15:15 @ So he went to stay with a man in the country who had a farm. The man sent him out to his farm to feed the pigs.

bwe@Luke:19:5 @ When Jesus came to the tree, he looked up. He said, Zacchaeus, come down right now. I must stay at your house today.

bwe@Luke:19:48 @ But they did not find any way they could do it. All the people stayed around to hear what Jesus said.

bwe@Luke:20:9 @ Then Jesus began to tell the people this story. A man planted a farm. He let some men use the farm. They paid him money for the rent. Then he went to a country far away and stayed a long time.

bwe@Luke:21:37 @ Jesus taught in the temple every day. But at night he went out and stayed on the hill called the Mount of Olives.

bwe@Luke:22:28 @ You have stayed with me through my troubles.

bwe@Luke:23:44 @ About noontime the whole land became dark and stayed dark for three hours.

bwe@Luke:24:28 @ But they begged him not to go further. They said, Stay with us. It will soon be night. The day is almost finished. So he went in to stay with them.

bwe@John:1:32 @ John also said, I saw the Spirit coming from the sky. He came down on him like a dove. It stayed on him.

bwe@John:1:39 @ Jesus said, Come and see. They went and saw the place where Jesus was staying. The time was about four oclock in the afternoon. They stayed with Jesus the rest of the day.

bwe@John:2:12 @ After this he went to the town called Capernaum. His mother, his brothers, and his disciples also went with him. They stayed there for a few days.

bwe@John:3:22 @ After this, Jesus and his disciples came into the country of Judea. Jesus stayed there with them and baptized people.

bwe@John:4:39 @ When the people from Samaria came, they begged him to stay with them. So he stayed with them for two days.

bwe@John:6:22 @ The people who stayed back on the land had seen one boat only. They had seen the disciples get in it and go away without Jesus.

bwe@John:7:9 @ He said this to them and stayed in Galilee.

bwe@John:7:33 @ Jesus said, I will stay with you a short time longer. Then I will go back to him who sent me.

bwe@John:10:40 @ He went away again to the other side of the Jordan River. He went to the place where John <FI>the Baptizer<Fi> was when he first baptized people. Jesus stayed there for a while.

bwe@John:11:6 @ When he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was for two days more.

bwe@John:11:20 @ As soon as Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him. But Mary just stayed in the house.

bwe@John:11:54 @ That is why Jesus did not go among the Jews in the open. But he went to another part of the country, to a town called Ephraim. He stayed there with his disciples.

bwe@John:12:34 @ The people answered him, Our law book tells us that Christ will stay here for ever. Why do you say, "The Son of Man will be raised up from the earth"? Tell us who this Son of Man is.

bwe@John:18:25 @ Simon Peter stayed by the fire and stood warming himself. So the people said to him, Are you not one of his disciples also? He said, No, I am not!

bwe@John:19:31 @ It was the day before the Sabbath day. The Jewish leaders did not want the bodies to stay on the cross on the Sabbath day because it was a big day. So they begged Pilate to break the legs of those who had been nailed to crosses. Then they could be taken away.

bwe@Acts:2:5 @ Crowds of Jews were staying in Jerusalem. They had come from every country in the world. They were good men who believed in God.

bwe@Acts:2:14 @ Peter stood up with the eleven apostles. He shouted, You men of Judea and all who stay in Jerusalem, listen to me! I will tell you the truth.

bwe@Acts:8:1 @ Saul agreed to Stephen being killed. At that time the church people at Jerusalem had much trouble. The church people all went into Judea and Samaria. Only the apostles stayed on at Jerusalem.

bwe@Acts:9:19 @ And when he had eaten food, he was strong again. Saul stayed for some days with the disciples at Damascus.

bwe@Acts:9:28 @ So Saul stayed with the apostles and went around in Jerusalem. He told Gods word in the name of the Lord Jesus without fear.

bwe@Acts:9:43 @ Peter stayed in Joppa for many days. He was with a man named Simon, who made skins into leather.

bwe@Acts:10:6 @ He is staying with Simon, the man who makes skins into leather. His house is by the sea. Peter will tell you what you should do.

bwe@Acts:10:18 @ Is this where Simon Peter is staying? they called.

bwe@Acts:10:23 @ Peter said, Come in. He had them stay as his guests. The next day he and some of the Christian brothers from Joppa went with the men.

bwe@Acts:10:32 @ Send men to Joppa to call for Simon Peter. He is staying with Simon, the man who makes skins into leather. His house is by the sea."

bwe@Acts:10:48 @ So he said they were to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. They begged him to stay with them for a while.

bwe@Acts:14:3 @ Paul and Barnabas stayed there a long time anyway. They did not fear to talk about the Lord. The Lord proved that the message about his blessing was true. He worked through Paul and Barnabas. They did signs and wonderful things.

bwe@Acts:14:28 @ Paul and Barnabas stayed a long time with the disciples at Antioch.

bwe@Acts:15:33 @ They stayed there for a while. Then the brothers sent them back to those who had sent them. They sent a greeting of peace with them.

bwe@Acts:15:34 @ But Silas thought it was good to stay at Antioch.

bwe@Acts:15:35 @ Paul and Barnabas stayed there too. They taught the people and told them the Lords message. Many other men did this also.

bwe@Acts:16:12 @ From there we went to Philippi. This was the big city of the district of Macedonia. It was a free city. We stayed there for some time.

bwe@Acts:16:15 @ She and all the people in her house were baptised. Then she begged us and said, If you really feel that I believe in the Lord, come and stay at my house. And she would not allow us to say no.

bwe@Acts:17:14 @ The Christian brothers sent Paul to the seaside right away. But Silas and Timothy stayed on at Berea.

bwe@Acts:18:3 @ Pauls work had been the making of tents, and that is what they did. So he stayed with them. They worked together.

bwe@Acts:18:11 @ So Paul stayed there for one year and six months. He taught the people Gods word.

bwe@Acts:18:18 @ Paul stayed there for many days. Then he said goodbye to the Christian brothers and went in a boat to the country of Syria. Priscilla and Aquila went with him. In the town of Cenchrea he cut his hair off. This was because he had made a promise to God.

bwe@Acts:18:20 @ The Jews begged him to stay longer but he would not stay.

bwe@Acts:18:23 @ He stayed there for a while. Then he left and went through all the countries of Galatia and Phrygia. He helped the disciples to believe more strongly.

bwe@Acts:19:22 @ He sent Timothy and Erastus, two of his helpers, into Macedonia. But he himself stayed in Asia Minor for a while.

bwe@Acts:20:3 @ He stayed there for three months. When he was ready to go to Syria by boat, he heard that the Jewish leaders were planning to catch him. So he said, I will go back through Macedonia.

bwe@Acts:20:6 @ After the days of the Passover Feast, we left Philippi by boat. Five days later we met them in Troas. We stayed there for seven days.

bwe@Acts:21:4 @ We found some Christians and stayed for seven days. The Holy Spirit spoke through them to Paul, Do not go on to Jerusalem.

bwe@Acts:21:7 @ From Tyre we went to Ptolemais. There we greeted the Christian brothers and stayed with them one day.

bwe@Acts:21:10 @ While we were staying there for some days, a prophet named Agabus came from Judea.

bwe@Acts:21:16 @ Some of the Christians from Caesarea went with us. One of them was Mnason, a man born in Cyprus. He was one of the first Christian believers. We stayed in his house.

bwe@Acts:25:6 @ Festus stayed only eight or ten days more among them. Then he went to Caesarea. The next day he sat on his chair in the court and had Paul brought in.

bwe@Acts:25:14 @ They stayed for many days. Festus brought Pauls matter to the king. He said, Felix left a man in prison here.

bwe@Acts:27:12 @ This place was not a good place for the boat to stay through the winter months of the year. So most of the men wanted to go on. They thought they might be able to reach Phoenicia and stay there for the winter. Phoenicia is a good place on the island of Crete. Boats can stay there. The winds do not blow against them.

bwe@Acts:27:31 @ But Paul said to the officer and soldiers, If these men do not stay on the boat, you cannot be saved.

bwe@Acts:28:12 @ Then we went to the city of Syracuse and stayed for three days.

bwe@Acts:28:14 @ There we found some Christian brothers. They asked us to stay with them for seven days. Then we went to Rome. Some of the Christians at Rome had heard about us. They came to places called the Market Place of Appius and the Three Hotels. There they met us. When Paul saw them, he thanked God. It made him strong and glad to see these brothers.

bwe@Acts:28:16 @ When we came to Rome, Paul was allowed to stay in a house by himself with the soldier who guarded him.

bwe@Acts:28:23 @ So they chose a certain day. On that day many of them came to the house where Paul was staying. He told them about Gods kingdom. He tried to make them understand about Jesus by the things that were written in the law of Moses and in the books of the prophets. He talked from morning until evening.

bwe@Acts:28:30 @ Paul stayed in Rome for two whole years in a house he paid money to live in. He was glad to see all who came to him.

bwe@Romans:16:23 @ Gaius sends you greetings. I am staying in his house. The whole church that meets in his house sends you greetings too. Erastus sends greetings to you. He takes care of the money for the city. Our brother Quartus sends you greetings.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Do not keep from the other what is right for them to have. It is all right to stay from each other for a while, if you both agree to it. Then you will have time for prayer. Afterwards, come together again. If you do not, Satan might tempt you to do wrong.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:8 @ Here is what I say to those who are not married and to those whose husbands are dead. It is good for them to stay the way I am.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:12 @ Here is what I say to other people. (This is my word, not the Lords.) Perhaps a Christian brother has a wife who is not a Christian. If she wants to stay with him, then he should not send her away.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:13 @ Perhaps a woman has a husband who is not a Christian. If he wants to stay with her, then the woman should not leave him.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:20 @ Everyone should stay the way he was when God called him.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:26 @ I think that, since there is now trouble in the world, it is good for each one to stay as he is.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:40 @ But I think that she is happier if she stays as she is and does not marry again. (I think too that I am saying what the Spirit of God wants me to say in this matter.)

bwe@1Corinthians:16:6 @ Maybe I will stay with you for a while, or even for the winter. Then you can help me on the way to the next place I go.

bwe@1Corinthians:16:8 @ I will stay in the city of Ephesus until the day of Pentecost.

bwe@2Corinthians:3:11 @ The one which does not stay alive for ever came first in a great light. Does not the one which does stay alive have a much brighter light?

bwe@2Corinthians:6:16 @ So the Lord says, Come away from among bad people. Stay away from them. Do not touch what is not clean. And I will receive you.

bwe@Galatians:1:18 @ Three years later, I went to Jerusalem to visit Peter, and stayed with him fifteen days.

bwe@Galatians:5:1 @ Christ has made us really free. So, stay free! Do not let yourselves be made slaves again.

bwe@Ephesians:4:3 @ The Spirit has made you all one. Try to stay like that. May you be at peace with one another.

bwe@Ephesians:4:26 @ When you are angry, do not do anything wrong. And do not stay angry after the sun goes down.

bwe@Philippians:1:7 @ I have a right to feel this way about you all because I love you very much. God is good to me and you all share in this goodness. You share in my troubles in prison. You share in my work of staying true to the good news of Jesus.

bwe@Philippians:1:24 @ But you need me more to stay here.

bwe@Philippians:1:25 @ Because I am sure of this, I know that I will stay on and be here with you all. That will help you to be better Christians and happy ones.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:1 @ We felt we could not wait any longer. So we thought it best to stay at the city of Athens alone.

bwe@1Timothy:1:3 @ When I went to the country of Macedonia, I asked you to stay in the city of Ephesus. I wanted you to tell some of the teachers not to teach wrong things.

bwe@2Timothy:4:20 @ Erastus stayed in the city of Corinth. Trophimus was sick when I left him at Miletus.

bwe@Titus:3:11 @ You know that such people are wrong and what they do is wrong. They themselves know that they are wrong. Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at the city of Nicopolis. I have planned to stay there while it is the cold time of the year.

bwe@Philemon:1:22 @ At the same time, please make a place ready for me to stay. I know you are asking God to set me free, so I believe he will let me come to see you.

bwe@Hebrews:1:12 @ You will fold up the world and the sky as if they were a blanket. They will not stay as they are now. But you will always be as you are now. The years of your life will never end.

bwe@Hebrews:7:3 @ He has no father or mother. The names of the family from which he comes are not written down. It is not written down that he was born or that he died. But, like the Son of God, he stays on being a priest for ever.

bwe@Hebrews:12:27 @ The words, Only once more mean that the things that are shaken will be taken away. They are things that were made. The things which are not shaken will stay.

bwe@James:4:4 @ You people promised God you would be true to him, but you did not stay true! Do you not know that if you love the world you hate God? Anyone who wants to be a lover of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

bwe@James:4:13 @ Listen to me! You say, Today or tomorrow we will go to that town. We will stay there a year. We will buy and sell and get rich. But you do not know what will happen to you tomorrow.

bwe@1John:2:19 @ They left us, but they did not belong with us. If they had belonged with us, they would have stayed with us. But they left us so that people could see that all of them did not belong with us.

bwe@1John:2:27 @ You have a gift of understanding from Christ. That gift stays with you. You do not need anyone to teach you. His gift teaches you about everything. It is true. It is not a lie. So stay with him as he has taught you.

bwe@1John:2:28 @ Now, my children, stay with Christ. Then we will not be afraid on that day when we see him again. We will not be ashamed to stand before him when he comes again.

bwe@1John:3:6 @ Everyone who stays with him does not do wrong things. Everyone who does wrong things has never seen him and has never known him.

bwe@Revelation:12:8 @ But they did not win the fight and no longer were they allowed to stay in heaven.

bwe@Revelation:16:15 @ Look! I will come like a thief. The person who stays awake and dressed will be glad he did! He will not be without clothes and he will not be ashamed.

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