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noyes@Job:2:3 @ Then said Jehovah to Satan, Hast thou observed my servant Job, that there is none like him upon the earth, an upright and good man, fearing God and departing from evil? And still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou didst excite me against him to destroy him without a cause.

noyes@Job:2:9 @ Then said his wife to him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Renounce God, and die.

noyes@Job:4:16 @ It stood still, but its form I could not discern; An image was before mine eyes; There was silence, and I heard a voice:

noyes@Job:6:10 @ Yet it should still be my consolation, Yea, in unsparing anguish I would exult, That I have not denied the commands of the Holy One.

noyes@Job:6:29 @ Return, I pray, and let there be no unfairness; Yea, return; ––still is my cause righteous.

noyes@Job:9:28 @ Still am I in dread of the multitude of my sorrows; For I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent.

noyes@Job:9:31 @ Still wilt thou plunge me into the pit, So that my own clothes will abhor me.

noyes@Job:23:2 @ Still is my complaint bitter; But my wound is deeper than my groaning.

noyes@Job:26:12 @ By his power he stilleth the sea, Yea, by his wisdom he smiteth its pride.

noyes@Job:32:16 @ I waited, but they spake not; They stood still; they answered no more!

noyes@Job:37:14 @ Give ear to this, O Job! Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God!

noyes@Job:37:17 @ How thy garments become warm, When he maketh the earth still by the south wind?

noyes@Psalms:23:2 @ He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.

noyes@Psalms:65:7 @ Thou stillest the roar of the sea, The roar of its waves, And the tumult of the nations.

noyes@Psalms:76:8 @ Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven; The earth trembled and was still,

noyes@Psalms:78:17 @ Yet still they sinned against him, And provoked the Most High in the desert.

noyes@Psalms:78:32 @ For all this they sinned still, And put no trust in his wondrous works.

noyes@Psalms:83:1 @ O God! keep not silence! Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God!

noyes@Psalms:89:9 @ Thou rulest the raging of the sea; When the waves thereof rise, thou stillest them!

noyes@Psalms:107:30 @ Then they rejoice that they are still, And he bringeth them to their desired haven.

noyes@Psalms:131:2 @ Yea, I have stilled and quieted my soul As a weaned child upon his mother; My soul within me is like a weaned child.

noyes@Psalms:139:18 @ If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand: When I awake, I am still with thee!

noyes@Ecclesiastes:12:9 @ Moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he considered, and sought out, and set in order, many proverbs.

noyes@Isaiah:5:25 @ Therefore is the anger of Jehovah kindled against his people; He stretcheth forth his hand against them, and smiteth them, so that the mountains tremble, And their carcasses are as dung in the midst of the streets; For all this his anger is not turned away, But his hand is stretched out still.

noyes@Isaiah:7:8 @ But the head of Syria shall still be Damascus, And the head of Damascus, Rezin;

noyes@Isaiah:7:9 @ And the head of Ephraim shall still be Samaria, And the head of Samaria, the son of Remaliah. If ye will not believe, neither shall ye thrive."

noyes@Isaiah:9:12 @ The Syrians before, the Philistines behind, Who shall devour Israel with wide jaws. For all this his anger is not turned away, But his hand is stretched out still.

noyes@Isaiah:9:17 @ Therefore shall the Lord have no joy in their young men, And on their orphans and widows he shall have no compassion; For they are all profane, and evil–doers; Every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, But his hand is stretched out still.

noyes@Isaiah:9:21 @ Manasseh is against Ephraim, and Ephraim against Manasseh, And both together against Judah. For all this his anger is not turned away, But his hand is stretched out still.

noyes@Isaiah:10:4 @ Forsaken by me, they shall sink down among the prisoners, And fall among the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, But his hand is stretched out still.

noyes@Isaiah:18:4 @ For thus hath Jehovah said to me: "I will sit still, and look on from my dwelling–place, Like a serene heat when the sun shineth, Like a dewy cloud in the heat of harvest."

noyes@Isaiah:29:8 @ As a hungry man dreameth, and lo! he eateth, But awaketh and is still hungry; And as a thirsty man dreameth, and lo! he drinketh, But awaketh, and lo! he is faint and thirsty; So shall it be with the multitude of all the nations That fight against mount Zion.

noyes@Isaiah:30:7 @ Vain and empty is the help of Egypt; Wherefore I call her, The Blusterer that sitteth still.

noyes@Isaiah:32:6 @ For the vile will still utter villany, And his heart will devise iniquity; He will practise deception, and speak impiety against God; He will take away the food of the hungry, And deprive the thirsty of drink.

noyes@Isaiah:38:11 @ I said: "No more shall I see Jehovah, Jehovah in the land of the living. I shall behold man no more Among the inhabitants of stillness.

noyes@Isaiah:42:14 @ "I have long held my peace; I have been still and refrained myself; But now will I cry like a woman in travail; I will destroy and swallow up at once.

noyes@Isaiah:46:4 @ Even to your old age I am the same; Even to hoar hairs I will carry you; I have done it, and I will still bear you; I will carry, and will deliver you.

noyes@Isaiah:64:12 @ Wilt thou contain thyself at these things, O Jehovah, Wilt thou keep silence, and still grievously afflict us?

noyes@Jeremiah:27:11 @ But the nations that bring their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, those will I let remain still in their own land, saith Jehovah, and they shall till it, and dwell therein.

noyes@Jeremiah:31:20 @ Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a beloved child? For as often as I speak of him, I do earnestly remember him still. My heart beateth for him; I will have mercy upon him, saith Jehovah.

noyes@Jeremiah:42:10 @ If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up; for I repent me of the evil which I have done to you.

noyes@Jeremiah:47:6 @ Ah! sword of Jehovah, How long ere thou wilt be quiet? Retire into thy scabbard, Rest, and be still!

noyes@Lamentations:4:17 @ Still did our eyes fail, looking for help in vain; On our watch–tower did we watch for a nation that could not save us.

noyes@Ezekiel:1:24 @ And I heard the sound of their wings, as the sound of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, when they went,––a sound like the noise of a host. And when they stood still, they let down their wings.

noyes@Ezekiel:1:25 @ And there was a voice from the firmament, that was over their heads; and they stood still, and let down their wings.

noyes@Ezekiel:41:7 @ And, the side–chambers became wider upward, having a winding ascent. For the circuit of the house went still upward, round about the house; therefore the greater breadth of the house was upward; and so they ascended from the lowest story to the highest through the middle story.

noyes@Zechariah:1:11 @ And they answered the angel of Jehovah that stood among the myrtle–trees, and said, We have gone to and fro through the earth, and behold, all the earth is still and at rest.

noyes@Matthew:15:16 @ And he said, Are ye too still without discernment?

noyes@Matthew:19:20 @ The young man saith to him, All these things have I kept; in what am I still wanting?

noyes@Mark:4:39 @ And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, Peace! be still! And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

noyes@Mark:8:17 @ And knowing it, he saith to them, Why are ye reasoning, because ye have no bread? Do ye not yet perceive nor understand? Have ye your mind still blinded?

noyes@Mark:12:6 @ Still he had one beloved son; he sent him last to them, saying, They will respect my son.

noyes@Luke:7:14 @ And he came up, and touched the bier; and they who bore it stood still; and he said, Young man, I say to thee, Rise.

noyes@Luke:18:22 @ And Jesus hearing this said to him, One thing thou still lackest: sell all that thou hast, and distribute to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.

noyes@Luke:20:11 @ And he sent still another servant; and they beat him also, and treated him shamefully, and sent him away empty–handed.

noyes@Luke:24:41 @ And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them, Have ye anything here to eat?

noyes@John:7:27 @ Still, as to this man, we know whence he is; but when the Christ cometh, no one knoweth whence he is.

noyes@John:11:30 @ Now Jesus had not yet come into the town, but was still in the place where Martha met him.

noyes@Acts:9:22 @ But Saul gained still more strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.

noyes@Romans:3:7 @ For if, through my being false, the truth of God hath been more abundantly manifested to his glory, why am I still judged as a sinner?

noyes@Romans:6:1 @ What shall we say then? Let us continue in sin, that grace may abound still more?

noyes@Romans:9:19 @ Hence thou wilt say to me, Why then doth he still find fault? for who resisteth his will?

noyes@1Corinthians:9:12 @ If others possess this right in relation to you, do not we still more? But we have not used this right; but we submit to all things, that we may occasion no hindrance to the gospel of Christ.

noyes@1Corinthians:9:17 @ For if I do this willingly, I have a reward; but if unwillingly, still I have been intrusted with a stewardship.

noyes@1Corinthians:12:22 @ Nay, still more, those members of the body which seem to be weak, are necessary;

noyes@2Corinthians:4:17 @ For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh out for us, in a higher and still higher degree, an everlasting weight of glory;

noyes@2Corinthians:7:13 @ Therefore we have been comforted; but in our comfort we rejoiced still more on account of the joy of Titus, because his spirit has been refreshed by you all;

noyes@2Corinthians:10:8 @ For even if I should boast still more highly of our authority, which the Lord gave us for building you up, and not pulling you down, I should not be put to shame;

noyes@2Corinthians:10:15 @ not boasting of things that are without measure, in other men’s labors, but having hope, when your faith is increased, that our line will through you be still further extended,

noyes@Galatians:1:10 @ For do I now seek the favor of men, or of God? Or am I endeavoring to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

noyes@Galatians:2:5 @ to whom not even for an hour did we yield by the required subjection, that the truth of the gospel might still remain with you.

noyes@Galatians:5:11 @ But as for me, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then hath the cross ceased to be a stumbling–block.

noyes@1Thessalonians:4:1 @ Furthermore then, brethren, we beseech you, and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that, as ye received from us how ye ought to walk and to please God, even as ye are walking, ye would abound still more;

noyes@1Thessalonians:4:10 @ for indeed ye do it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we exhort you, brethren, to abound in love still more;

noyes@1Timothy:1:3 @ As I besought thee, when I set out for Macedonia, to remain still in Ephesus, that thou mightst charge certain persons not to teach other doctrine,

noyes@Hebrews:4:1 @ Let us then fear, since a promise is still left us of entering into his rest, lest any one of you should appear to fail of obtaining it.

noyes@Hebrews:4:6 @ Since then it still remaineth for some to enter into it, and they to whom the glad tidings of it were first brought did not enter in because of disobedience,

noyes@Hebrews:6:10 @ For God is not unjust so as to forget your work, and the love which ye showed toward his name, in that ye ministered and are still ministering to the saints.

noyes@Hebrews:7:15 @ And it is still more abundantly evident, if after the likeness of Melchizedek there ariseth a different priest,

noyes@Revelation:22:11 @ He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him do righteousness still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

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