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mkjv@Genesis:3:5 @ for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

mkjv@Genesis:4:26 @ And there was also a son born to Seth, and he called his name Enos. Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

mkjv@Genesis:5:24 @ And Enoch walked with God, and then he [was] not, for God took him.

mkjv@Genesis:8:9 @ But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot. And she returned to him into the ark, for the waters [were] on the face of the whole earth. Then he put out his hand and took her, and pulled her in to him into the ark.

mkjv@Genesis:12:6 @ And Abram passed through the land to the place of Shechem, unto the Oak of Moreh. And the Canaanite [was] then in the land.

mkjv@Genesis:13:7 @ And there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle. And the Canaanite and the Perizzite lived then in the land.

mkjv@Genesis:13:9 @ [Is] not the whole land before you? I pray you, separate yourself from me. If [you go] to the left, then I will go to the right. Or if [you go] to the right, then I will go to the left.

mkjv@Genesis:13:16 @ And I will make your seed as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can count the dust of the earth, then shall your seed also be counted.

mkjv@Genesis:18:15 @ Then Sarah denied, saying, I did not laugh; for she was afraid. And He said, No, but you did laugh.

mkjv@Genesis:18:26 @ And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

mkjv@Genesis:19:15 @ And when the dawn rose up, then the angels hurried Lot, saying, Rise up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the iniquity of the city.

mkjv@Genesis:19:24 @ Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the LORD out of the heavens.

mkjv@Genesis:20:9 @ Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said to him, What have you done to us? In what have I offended you, that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? You have done deeds to me that ought not to be done.

mkjv@Genesis:21:32 @ So they made a covenant at Beer-sheba. Then Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, rose up. And they returned to the land of the Philistines.

mkjv@Genesis:22:4 @ Then on the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off.

mkjv@Genesis:24:8 @ And if the woman will not be willing to follow you, then you shall be clear from this oath of mine. Only do not bring my son there again.

mkjv@Genesis:24:41 @ Then shall you be clear from my oath when you come to my kindred, and if they do not give you [one], you shall be clear from my oath.

mkjv@Genesis:25:1 @ Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah.

mkjv@Genesis:25:34 @ Then Jacob gave Esau bread and soup of lentils. And he ate and drank, and rose up and went his way. And Esau despised [his] birthright.

mkjv@Genesis:26:12 @ Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold. And the LORD blessed him.

mkjv@Genesis:26:26 @ Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, with Ahuzzath, one of his friends, and Phicol the commander of his army.

mkjv@Genesis:27:33 @ And Isaac trembled with a great trembling, and said, Who then [was] the one who has hunted deer and brought to me, and I have eaten of all before you came, and have blessed him? Yea, he shall be blessed!

mkjv@Genesis:27:41 @ And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him. And Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning [for] my father are at hand. Then I will kill my brother Jacob.

mkjv@Genesis:27:45 @ until your brother's anger turns away from you and he forgets what you have done to him. Then I will send and bring you from there. Why should I also be bereaved of both of you [in] one day?

mkjv@Genesis:28:9 @ then Esau went to Ishmael, and took Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to the wives [which] he [had] for his wife.

mkjv@Genesis:28:21 @ and I come again to my father's house in peace, then shall Jehovah be my God.

mkjv@Genesis:29:8 @ And they said, We cannot, until all the flocks have been gathered together. And they roll the stone from the well's mouth, then we water the sheep.

mkjv@Genesis:29:10 @ And it happened when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, then Jacob went near and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, and watered the flocks of Laban his mother's brother.

mkjv@Genesis:29:15 @ And Laban said to Jacob, Because you [are] my brother, should you then serve me for nothing? Tell me, what [shall be] your wages?

mkjv@Genesis:29:25 @ And it happened in the morning, behold, it [was] Leah! And he said to Laban, What [is] this you have done to me? Did I not serve with you for Rachel? Why then have you tricked me?

mkjv@Genesis:31:8 @ If he said this, The speckled shall be your wages, then all the flocks bore speckled. And if he said this, The striped shall be your hire, then all the flocks bore striped.

mkjv@Genesis:31:16 @ For all the riches which God has taken from our father, that [is] for us and for our sons. Now then, whatever God has said to you, do.

mkjv@Genesis:31:17 @ Then Jacob rose up and set his sons and wives upon camels.

mkjv@Genesis:31:25 @ Then Laban overtook Jacob. And Jacob had pitched his tent in the mount. And Laban with his brothers pitched in Mount Gilead.

mkjv@Genesis:32:7 @ Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed, and he divided the people with him, and the flocks and herds, and the camels, into two bands.

mkjv@Genesis:32:8 @ And he said, If Esau comes to the one company and strikes it, then the other company which is left shall escape.

mkjv@Genesis:32:18 @ Then you shall say, Your servant Jacob's. It [is] a present sent to my lord Esau. And, behold, he also [is] behind us.

mkjv@Genesis:33:6 @ Then the slave women came near, they and their boys, and they bowed themselves.

mkjv@Genesis:33:10 @ And Jacob said, No, please, if now I have found grace in your sight, then receive my present at my hand. For therefore have I seen your face, as though I had seen the face of God, and you were pleased with me.

mkjv@Genesis:34:16 @ then we will give our daughters to you, and we will take your daughters to us, and we will live with you, and we will become one people.

mkjv@Genesis:34:17 @ But if you will not listen to us, to be circumcised, then we will take our daughter, and we will go.

mkjv@Genesis:35:2 @ Then Jacob said to his household, and to all that were with him, Put away the strange gods among you, and be clean, and change your garments.

mkjv@Genesis:38:11 @ Then said Judah to Tamar, his daughter-in-law, Remain a widow at your father's house until Shelah my son is grown. For he said, Lest perhaps he die also, as his brothers [did]. And Tamar went and lived in her father's house.

mkjv@Genesis:38:21 @ Then he asked the men of that place, saying, Where [is] the harlot who was by the wayside? And they said, There [was] no harlot here.

mkjv@Genesis:39:9 @ [There is] none greater in this house than I. Neither has he kept back anything from me except you, because you [are] his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?

mkjv@Genesis:41:9 @ Then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh, saying, I remember my sin this day.

mkjv@Genesis:41:14 @ Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph. And they hurried him out of the dungeon. And he shaved and changed his clothing, and came in to Pharaoh.

mkjv@Genesis:42:25 @ Then Joseph commanded their sacks to be filled [with] grain, and returned their silver, each into his sack, and to give them provision for the way. And so he did to them.

mkjv@Genesis:42:34 @ And bring your youngest brother to me. Then I shall know that you [are] not spies, but that you [are] honest. And I will deliver you your brother, and you shall trade in the land.

mkjv@Genesis:42:38 @ And he said, My son shall not go down with you. For his brother is dead, and he is left alone. And [if] mischief should happen to him by the way you go, then you shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.

mkjv@Genesis:44:8 @ Behold, the silver which we found in our sack's mouth, we brought it in to you out of the land of Canaan. How then should we steal out of your lord's house silver or gold?

mkjv@Genesis:44:11 @ Then they speedily took down every man his sack to the ground, and each one opened his sack.

mkjv@Genesis:44:13 @ Then they tore their clothes, and each one loaded his ass and returned to the city.

mkjv@Genesis:44:32 @ For your servant became surety for the boy to my father, saying, If I do not bring him to you, then I shall bear the blame to my father forever.

mkjv@Genesis:45:1 @ Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him. And he cried, Cause every man to go out from me! And no man stood before him [while] Joseph made himself known to his brothers.

mkjv@Genesis:46:34 @ Then you shall say, Your servants have been men of cattle from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers, so that you may live in the land of Goshen, for every shepherd [is] an abomination to the Egyptians.

mkjv@Genesis:47:1 @ Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brothers, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, have come out of the land of Canaan.

mkjv@Genesis:47:6 @ The land of Egypt is before you. Make your father and brothers to live in the best of the land; in the land of Goshen let them live. And if you know men of ability among them, then make them overseers of livestock, over what is mine.

mkjv@Genesis:48:2 @ And [one] spoke to Jacob, and said, Behold, your son Joseph comes to you. And Israel strengthened himself, and sat on the bed.

mkjv@Genesis:49:4 @ Unstable as water, you shall not excel, because you went up to your father's bed; then you defiled it. He went up to my couch.

mkjv@Exodus:1:16 @ And he said, When you midwife the Hebrew women, and look on the birth stools, if it [is] a son, then you shall kill him. But if it [is] a daughter, then she shall live.

mkjv@Exodus:2:20 @ And he said to his daughters, And where [is] he? Why then have you left the man? Call him, that he may eat bread.

mkjv@Exodus:4:8 @ And it will be, if they will not believe you, neither listen to the voice of the first sign, then they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

mkjv@Exodus:4:9 @ And also it will be, if they will not believe these two signs, neither listen to your voice, then you shall take from the water of the river and pour [it] upon the dry land. And the water which you take out of the river shall become blood on the dry land.

mkjv@Exodus:4:26 @ So He let him go. Then she said, [You are] a bloody husband, because of the circumcision.

mkjv@Exodus:4:31 @ And the people believed. And when they heard that the LORD had visited the sons of Israel, and that He had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed and worshiped.

mkjv@Exodus:5:22 @ And Moses returned to the LORD, and said, Lord, why have You treated this people ill? Why then have you sent me?

mkjv@Exodus:6:12 @ And Moses spoke before the LORD, saying, Behold, the sons of Israel have not listened to me. How then shall Pharaoh hear me, since I have lips that are not circumcised?

mkjv@Exodus:7:11 @ Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers. And they, the priests of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts.

mkjv@Exodus:10:16 @ Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste. And he said, I have sinned against the LORD your God, and against you.

mkjv@Exodus:12:21 @ Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel and said to them, Draw out and take a lamb for yourselves according to your families, and kill the passover.

mkjv@Exodus:12:27 @ Then you shall say, It [is] the sacrifice of the LORD's passover, who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt, when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our houses. And the people bowed and worshiped.

mkjv@Exodus:12:44 @ But every man's servant that is bought for silver, when you have circumcised him, then he shall eat of it.

mkjv@Exodus:12:48 @ And when a stranger shall stay with you, and desires to keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it. And he shall be as one that is born in the land. And no uncircumcised person shall eat of it.

mkjv@Exodus:13:13 @ And every first-born of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb. And if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck. And all the first-born of man among your sons you shall redeem.

mkjv@Exodus:15:1 @ Then the sons of Moses and Israel sang this song to the LORD, and spoke, saying, I will sing to the LORD, for He has triumphed gloriously; [the] horse and his rider He has thrown into the sea.

mkjv@Exodus:15:15 @ Then the princes of Edom [were] terrified. Trembling seized upon the mighty men of Moab. All the people of Canaan shall melt away.

mkjv@Exodus:16:4 @ Then the LORD said to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from the heavens for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain amount every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not.

mkjv@Exodus:16:6 @ And Moses and Aaron said to all the sons of Israel, At evening, then you shall know that the LORD has brought you out from the land of Egypt.

mkjv@Exodus:16:7 @ And in the morning, then you shall see the glory of the LORD. For He hears your murmurings against the LORD. And what [are] we, that you murmur against us?

mkjv@Exodus:17:8 @ Then Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim.

mkjv@Exodus:18:2 @ then Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, took Zipporah, Moses' wife, after he had sent her back,

mkjv@Exodus:18:23 @ If you will do this thing, and God command you, then you shall be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace.

mkjv@Exodus:19:5 @ And now if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure to Me above all the nations; for all the earth [is] Mine.

mkjv@Exodus:21:3 @ If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself. If he [was] married, then his wife shall go out with him.

mkjv@Exodus:21:8 @ If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no power to sell her to a strange nation, since he has dealt deceitfully with her.

mkjv@Exodus:21:11 @ And if he does not do these three to her, then she shall go out free without money.

mkjv@Exodus:21:13 @ And if a man does not lie in wait, but God delivers [him] into his hand, then I will appoint you a place where he shall flee.

mkjv@Exodus:21:19 @ if he rises again and walks abroad upon his staff, then he that struck him shall be set free. Only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause [him] to be completely healed.

mkjv@Exodus:21:23 @ And if [any] injury occurs, then you shall give life for life,

mkjv@Exodus:21:28 @ If an ox gores a man or woman so that they die, then the ox shall surely be stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten. But the owner of the ox [shall be] set free.

mkjv@Exodus:21:30 @ If there is laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatever is laid upon him.

mkjv@Exodus:21:35 @ And in the event the ox of a man damages the ox of a neighbor, so that it dies, then they shall sell the living ox, and they shall divide the money of it. And they shall also divide the dead [ox].

mkjv@Exodus:22:3 @ If the sun is risen upon him, blood is due for him. He should repay in full. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

mkjv@Exodus:22:8 @ If the thief is not found, then the master of the house shall be brought to the judges, whether he has put his hand to his neighbor's goods.

mkjv@Exodus:23:22 @ But if you shall indeed obey His voice, and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and a foe to your foes.

mkjv@Exodus:29:7 @ Then you shall take the anointing oil, and pour on his head, and anoint him.

mkjv@Exodus:29:20 @ Then you shall kill the ram, and take of its blood, and put [it] upon the tip of the ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot, and sprinkle the blood upon the altar all around.

mkjv@Exodus:29:34 @ And if any of the flesh of the consecrations, or of the bread, remains until the morning, then you shall burn the remainder with fire. It shall not be eaten, because it [is] holy.

mkjv@Exodus:30:12 @ When you count the sons of Israel, of those who are to be counted, then they shall each man give a ransom for his soul to the LORD when [you] number them, so that there may be no plague among them when you number them.

mkjv@Exodus:32:26 @ then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, Who [is] on the LORD's side? [Come] to me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves to him.

mkjv@Exodus:34:20 @ But the firstling of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb. And if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck. All the first-born of your sons you shall redeem. And none shall appear before Me empty.

mkjv@Exodus:40:37 @ But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not journey until the day that it was taken up.

mkjv@Leviticus:1:14 @ And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to the LORD [is] out of fowls, then he shall bring his offering of turtle-doves or of young pigeons.

mkjv@Leviticus:3:7 @ If he is bringing near a sheep for his offering, then he shall bring it near before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:3:12 @ And if his offering [is] a goat, then he shall bring it near before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:3 @ if the priest who is anointed sins, resulting in guilt to the people, then he shall bring for his sin, which he has sinned, a young bull, a son of the herd, a perfect one, to the LORD for a sin offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:14 @ when the sin is known which they have sinned against it, then the congregation shall bring near a young bull for the sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:28 @ or if his sin which he has sinned shall be made known to him, then he shall bring his offering, a ewe of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he has sinned.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:1 @ And if a soul sins and hears the voice of swearing, and [is] a witness, and he has seen or known, if he does not tell it, then he shall bear his iniquity.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:3 @ or if he touches the uncleanness of man, whatever uncleanness by which he is unclean, and it is hidden from him, and he knows, then he shall be guilty.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:4 @ Or if a soul swears, pronouncing with [his] lips to do evil or to do good, whatever it is that a man speaks rashly with an oath, and it is hidden from him, and he knows, then he shall be guilty of one of these.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:7 @ And if his hand cannot reach to a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass which he has committed, two turtle-doves or two young pigeons to the LORD-- one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:11 @ But if he is not able to bring two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall put no oil on it, neither shall he put frankincense on it. For it [is] a sin offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:15 @ If a soul commits a trespass and sins through ignorance in the holy things of the LORD, then he shall bring for his trespass to the LORD a ram without blemish out of the flock, together with an amount set by you, by shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for a trespass offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:18 @ then he shall bring a ram without blemish out of the flock, at your evaluation, for a trespass offering, to the priest. And the priest shall make an atonement for him for his ignorance in which he erred without knowing it, and it shall be forgiven him.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:4 @ then, it shall be, because he sinned and is guilty, he shall pay back that which he got by robbery; or if he robbed the thing extorted; or the deposit which had been deposited with him; or the lost thing which he had found;

mkjv@Leviticus:6:28 @ But the earthen vessel in which it is boiled shall be broken. And if it is boiled in a bronze pot, it shall be both scoured and rinsed in water.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:12 @ If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mixed with oil, of fine flour, fried.

mkjv@Leviticus:9:8 @ Aaron then went to the altar and killed the calf of the sin offering, which [was] for himself.

mkjv@Leviticus:10:3 @ Then Moses said to Aaron, It [is] that which the LORD spoke, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:33 @ And every earthen vessel in which [any] of them falls, whatever [is] in it shall be unclean. And you shall break it.

mkjv@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, If a woman has conceived seed and has borne a male, then she shall be unclean seven days; as on the days of her menstrual impurity she shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:12:4 @ And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying thirty-three days. She shall touch no holy thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying are fulfilled.

mkjv@Leviticus:12:5 @ But if she bears a female, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her menstruation. And she shall continue in the blood of her purifying sixty-six days.

mkjv@Leviticus:12:8 @ And if her hand cannot reach to a lamb, then she shall bring two turtle-doves or two young pigeons. The one shall be for a burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering. And the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be cleansed.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:2 @ When a man has a rising in the skin of his flesh, or a scab or bright spot, and it is in the skin of his flesh [like] the plague of leprosy, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or to one of his sons the priests.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:4 @ And if the bright spot [is] white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight is not deeper than the skin, and the hair of it has not turned white, then the priest shall shut up the plague seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:5 @ And the priest shall look on him the seventh day. And behold, [if] the plague in his sight is stayed; the plague has not spread in the skin, then the priest shall shut him up seven days more.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:8 @ And [if] the priest sees that, behold, the scab spreads in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It [is] a leprosy.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:9 @ When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then he shall be brought to the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:13 @ then the priest shall look. And behold, [if] the leprosy has covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce the plagued one clean. It has all turned white. He is clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:17 @ And the priest shall look on him. And, behold, the plague has turned to white, then the priest shall pronounce the plagued one clean. He [is] clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:21 @ But if the priest looks on it, and, behold, [there are] no white hairs in it, and it [is] not lower than the skin, but has become dark, then the priest shall shut him up seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:22 @ And if it spreads greatly in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It [is] a plague.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:25 @ then the priest shall look on it. And behold, the hair in the bright spot has turned white, and [it is] in sight deeper than the skin, it [is] leprosy broken out of the burning. Therefore the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It [is] the plague of leprosy.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the priest looks on it, and behold, there [is] no white hair in the bright spot, and it [is] no lower than the [other] skin, but is somewhat dark, then the priest shall shut him up seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:27 @ And the priest shall look on him the seventh day. If it spreads farther in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It [is] the plague of leprosy.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:30 @ then the priest shall see the plague. And behold, if it [is] in sight deeper than the skin, and a yellow thin hair [is] in it, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It [is] a dry scab, a leprosy on the head or beard.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:31 @ And if the priest looks on the plague of the scab, and behold, it [is] not in sight deeper than the skin, and no black hair [is] in it, then the priest shall shut up the plagued one [with] the scab seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:34 @ And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the scab. And behold, [if] the scab has not spread in the skin, nor [is] in sight deeper than the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean. And he shall wash his clothes and be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:36 @ then the priest shall look on him, and behold, if the scab is spread in the skin, the priest shall not look for shining yellow hair. He [is] unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:39 @ then the priest shall look. And behold, [if] pale white bright spots [are] in the skin of their flesh, it [is] a pale spot springing up in the skin. He [is] clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:54 @ then the priest shall command that they wash [the thing] in which the plague is. And he shall shut it up seven days more.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:56 @ And if the priest looks, and behold, the plague [is] somewhat dark after the washing of it, then he shall tear it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:58 @ And the garment which you shall wash, either warp or woof, or whatever thing of skin it is, if the plague has departed from them, then it shall be washed a second time, and shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:4 @ then the priest shall command to take two clean live birds for him that is to be cleansed, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:5 @ And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:21 @ And if he [is] poor and his hand cannot reach [so much], then he shall take one lamb for a trespass offering to be waved, to make an atonement for him, and one-tenth part of fine flour mixed with oil for a food offering, and a log of oil,

mkjv@Leviticus:14:36 @ then the priest shall command that they empty the house before the priest goes to see the plague, so that all that [is] in the house may not become unclean. And afterwards the priest shall go in to see the house.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:38 @ then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house, and shut up the house seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:40 @ then the priest shall command that they take away the stones in which the plague [is], and they shall throw them into an unclean place outside the city.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:44 @ then the priest shall come and look. And behold, [if] the plague has spread in the house, it [is] a fretting leprosy in the house. It [is] unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:48 @ And if the priest shall come in and look, and, behold, the plague has not spread in the house after the house was plastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean because the plague is healed.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:50 @ And he shall kill one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:8 @ And if he who discharges spits on him that is clean, then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:12 @ And the earthen vessel that he who discharges touches shall be broken. And every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:13 @ And when he who discharges is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall number seven days to himself for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:16 @ And if any man's semen goes from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water and be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:28 @ But if she is cleansed of her discharge, then she shall number to herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:15 @ Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people, and bring its blood inside the veil. And he shall do with that blood as he did with the blood of the young bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat.

mkjv@Leviticus:17:15 @ And any soul that eats a dead body, or a torn thing, whether a native or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening. Then he shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:17:16 @ But if he does not wash, nor bathe his flesh, then he shall bear his iniquity.

mkjv@Leviticus:19:23 @ And when you shall come into the land, and shall have planted all kinds of trees for food, then you shall count the fruit of them as uncircumcised. It shall be uncircumcised three years to you. It shall not be eaten.

mkjv@Leviticus:20:5 @ then I will set My face against that man and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go lusting after him to commit adultery with Molech, from among their people.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:14 @ And if a man eats a holy thing without knowing it, then he shall put the fifth part to it, and shall give to the priest with the holy thing.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:27 @ When a bull or a lamb or a goat is brought forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam. And from the eighth day and from then on, it shall be accepted for a fire offering to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:23:10 @ Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When you have come into the land which I give to you, and shall reap the harvest of it, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:23:19 @ Then you shall sacrifice one he-goat for a sin offering, and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:9 @ Then you shall cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth of the seventh month; in the day of atonement, the trumpet shall sound throughout all your land.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:21 @ Then I will command My blessing on you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:25 @ If your brother has become poor, and has sold his possessions, and if any of his relatives come to redeem it, then he shall redeem that which his brother sold.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:27 @ then let him count the years of the sale of it, and restore the overplus to the man to whom he sold it, so that he may return to his possession.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:28 @ But if he is not able to restore to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that has bought it until the year of jubilee. And in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return to his possession.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:29 @ And if a man sells a dwelling house [in] a walled city, then he may redeem it [within] a whole year after it is sold. He may redeem it within a full year.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:30 @ And if it is not redeemed within the time of a full year, then the house in the walled city shall be made sure forever to its buyer throughout his generations. It shall not go out in the jubilee.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:33 @ And if a man purchases [a house] from the Levites, then the house that was sold and the city of his possession shall go out in [the year of] jubilee. For the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the sons of Israel.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:35 @ And if your brother has become poor, and his hand has failed with you, then you shall help him; yes, [even if he is] a stranger or a visitor, so that he may live with you.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:52 @ And if there remain but few years to the year of jubilee, then he shall count with him, [and] according to his years he shall give him again the price of his redemption.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:54 @ And if he is not redeemed in this way, then he shall go out in the year of jubilee, he and his sons with him.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:4 @ then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:18 @ And if you will not yet listen to Me for all this, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:24 @ then I will walk contrary to you and will punish you seven [times more] for your sins.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:28 @ then I will walk contrary to you also in fury. And I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:33 @ And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you. And your land shall be waste, and your cities waste.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:34 @ Then shall the land enjoy its sabbaths, as long as it lies waste, and [you are] in your enemies' land; then shall the land rest and enjoy its sabbaths.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:38 @ And you shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:41 @ I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies. If then their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they then pay for their iniquity,

mkjv@Leviticus:26:42 @ then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham I will remember. And I will remember the land.

mkjv@Leviticus:26:45 @ But for their sakes, I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, so that I might be their God. I [am] the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:4 @ And if it [is] a female, then your judgment shall be thirty shekels.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:5 @ And if from five years old to twenty years old, then your judgment shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:6 @ And if from a month old to five years old, then your judgment shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female your judgment [shall be] three shekels of silver.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:7 @ And if from sixty years old and above, if it is a male then your judgment shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:8 @ But if he is poorer than your judgment, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him. The priest shall value him according to the ability of him who vowed.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:10 @ He shall not alter it nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good. And if he shall at all change animal for animal, then it and the exchange of it shall be holy.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:11 @ And if [it is] any unclean animal, of which they do not offer a sacrifice to the LORD, then he shall present the animal before the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:13 @ But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add a fifth [part] of it to what you judged.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:14 @ And when a man shall sanctify his house [to be] holy to the LORD, then the priest shall judge it, whether it is good or bad. As the priest shall judge it, so shall it stand.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:15 @ And if he who sanctified it desires to redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth [part] of the silver of your judgment, and it shall be his.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:16 @ And if a man shall sanctify to the LORD [some part] of a field that he owns, then your judgment shall be according to its seed; a homer of barley seed at fifty shekels of silver.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:18 @ But if he sanctifies his field after the jubilee, then the priest shall reckon to him the silver according to the years that remain, even until the year of jubilee, and it shall be taken from your estimation.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:19 @ And if he who sanctified the field desires in any way to redeem it, then he shall add the fifth [part] of the money of your estimation to it, and it shall be made sure to him.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:23 @ then the priest shall count to him the worth of your estimation, until the year of jubilee. And he shall give your estimation in that day, a holy thing to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:27 @ And if [it is] of an unclean animal, then he shall redeem it according to your estimation, and shall add a fifth [part] of it to it. Or if it is not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to your estimation.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:33 @ He shall not search whether it is good or bad, neither shall he change it. And if he changes it at all, then both it and the change of it shall be holy. It shall not be redeemed.

mkjv@Numbers:2:14 @ Then the tribe of Gad. And the ruler of the sons of Gad [shall be] Eliasaph the son of Reuel.

mkjv@Numbers:2:29 @ Then the tribe of Naphtali. And the ruler of the sons of Naphtali [shall be] Ahira the son of Enan.

mkjv@Numbers:4:15 @ And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward, then after that the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it]. But they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die. These [are] the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Numbers:5:7 @ then they shall confess their sin which they have done. And he shall make restitution for his guilt in full, and add to it one fifth of it, and give [it] to him against whom he has sinned.

mkjv@Numbers:5:15 @ then the man shall bring his wife to the priest. And he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth of an ephah of barley meal. He shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense on it, for it [ is] an offering of jealousy, a reminding offering, bringing iniquity to mind.

mkjv@Numbers:5:17 @ And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel. And the priest shall take of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle and put [it] into the water.

mkjv@Numbers:5:21 @ then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing. And the priest shall say to the woman, The LORD make you a curse and an oath among your people, when the LORD makes your thigh to fall away and your belly to swell.

mkjv@Numbers:5:25 @ Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's hand and shall wave the offering before the LORD, and offer it upon the altar.

mkjv@Numbers:5:27 @ And when he has made her drink the water, then it shall be, if she is defiled and has committed a trespass against her husband, the water that causes the curse shall enter into her and [become bitter]. And her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall fall away. And the woman shall be a curse among her people.

mkjv@Numbers:5:28 @ And if the woman is not defiled, but is clean, then she shall be clean, and shall conceive seed.

mkjv@Numbers:5:31 @ Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, and the woman shall bear her iniquity.

mkjv@Numbers:6:9 @ And if any man dies very suddenly beside him, and he has defiled the head of his consecration, then he shall shave his head in the day of his cleansing, on the seventh day he shall shave it.

mkjv@Numbers:7:89 @ And when Moses had gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with Him, then he heard the voice of One speaking to him from the mercy-seat on the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubs. And He spoke to him.

mkjv@Numbers:8:8 @ Then let them take a young bull with its food offering, fine flour mixed with oil, and another young bull shall you take for a sin offering.

mkjv@Numbers:9:17 @ And when the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle, then after that the sons of Israel pulled up [stakes]. And in the place where the cloud stayed, there the sons of Israel pitched their tents.

mkjv@Numbers:9:19 @ And when the cloud stayed long upon the tabernacle many days, then the sons of Israel kept the charge of the LORD and did not journey.

mkjv@Numbers:9:21 @ And so when the cloud stayed from evening to the morning, and the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they pulled up [stakes]. Whether by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they pulled up [stakes].

mkjv@Numbers:10:4 @ And if they blow with one, then the rulers [who are] heads of the thousands of Israel shall gather themselves to you.

mkjv@Numbers:10:5 @ When you blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts shall pull up.

mkjv@Numbers:10:6 @ When you blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall pull up. They shall blow an alarm for their journeys.

mkjv@Numbers:10:9 @ And if you go to war in your land against the enemy who fights against you, then you shall blow with the trumpets. And you shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies.

mkjv@Numbers:10:32 @ And it shall be, if you go with us, then it shall be, whatever goodness the LORD shall do to us, the same will we do to you.

mkjv@Numbers:11:10 @ Then Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, every man in the door of his tent. And the anger of the LORD was kindled greatly. Moses also was displeased.

mkjv@Numbers:12:8 @ I will speak with him mouth to mouth, even clearly, and not in dark speeches. And he shall behold the likeness of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?

mkjv@Numbers:14:8 @ If the LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey.

mkjv@Numbers:14:13 @ And Moses said to Jehovah, Then the Egyptians will hear, for You have brought up this people in Your might from among them.

mkjv@Numbers:14:15 @ And will you kill this people as one man? Then the nations who have heard Your fame will speak, saying,

mkjv@Numbers:15:4 @ then he who offers his offering to the LORD shall bring a food offering of a tenth part of flour mixed with the fourth of a hin of oil.

mkjv@Numbers:15:9 @ then he shall bring with the bull, a food offering of three-tenth parts of flour mixed with half a hin of oil.

mkjv@Numbers:15:19 @ then it shall be that when you eat of the bread of the land, you shall offer up a heave offering to the LORD.

mkjv@Numbers:15:24 @ then it shall be if it is committed by ignorance without the knowledge of the congregation, all the congregation shall offer up one young bull for a burnt offering, for a sweet savor to the LORD, with its food offering and its drink offering, according to the ordinance, and one kid of the goats for a sin offering.

mkjv@Numbers:15:27 @ And if one soul sins through ignorance, then he shall bring a female goat of the first year for a sin offering.

mkjv@Numbers:16:3 @ And they gathered themselves against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, [You take] too much upon you, since all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why then do you lift yourselves up above the congregation of the LORD?

mkjv@Numbers:16:30 @ But if the LORD makes a new thing, and the earth opens her mouth and swallows them up with all that they have, and they go down alive into the pit, then you shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

mkjv@Numbers:18:26 @ And you shall speak to the Levites, and you shall say to them, When you take tithes from the sons of Israel, which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then you shall offer up a heave offering of it for the LORD, a tenth of the tithe.

mkjv@Numbers:18:30 @ And you shall say to them, When you have lifted up its fat, then it shall be credited to the Levites as the increase of the threshing-floor, and as the increase of the winepress.

mkjv@Numbers:19:7 @ Then the priest shall wash his clothes, and he shall bathe his flesh in water. And afterward he shall come into the camp, and the priest shall be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Numbers:19:12 @ He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean. But if he does not purify himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.

mkjv@Numbers:20:1 @ Then the sons of Israel came, the whole congregation, into the desert of Zin in the first month. And the people stayed in Kadesh. And Miriam died there and was buried there.

mkjv@Numbers:20:19 @ And the sons of Israel said to him, We will go by the highway. And if I and my cattle drink of your water, then I will pay for it. Without [doing] anything, I will only go through on my feet.

mkjv@Numbers:21:1 @ And king Arad the Canaanite, who lived in the south, heard that Israel came by the Way of the Spies, then he fought against Israel and took prisoners of them.

mkjv@Numbers:21:2 @ And Israel vowed a vow to the LORD and said, If You will indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will completely destroy their cities.

mkjv@Numbers:21:17 @ Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well. Sing to it.

mkjv@Numbers:22:17 @ For I will raise you up to very great honor, and I will do whatever you say to me. Please come then and curse this people for me.

mkjv@Numbers:22:31 @ Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the Angel of the LORD standing in the way, and His sword drawn in His hand. And he bowed down his head, and fell on his face.

mkjv@Numbers:27:8 @ And you shall speak to the sons of Israel, saying, When a man dies, and has no son, then you shall cause his inheritance to pass to his daughter.

mkjv@Numbers:27:9 @ And if he has no daughter, then you shall give his inheritance to his brothers.

mkjv@Numbers:27:10 @ And if he has no brothers, then you shall give his inheritance to his father's brothers.

mkjv@Numbers:27:11 @ And if his father has no brothers, then you shall give his inheritance to his nearest relative, of his family, and he shall possess it. And it shall be to the sons of Israel a statute of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses.

mkjv@Numbers:30:4 @ and [if] her father hears her vow and her bond with which she has bound her soul, and [if] her father is silent as to her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond with which she has bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:7 @ and [if] her husband heard and is silent as to her in the day that he heard, then her vows shall stand, and her bonds with which she bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:8 @ But [if] her husband did not allow her on the day that he heard it, then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, with which she bound her soul, of no effect. And the LORD shall forgive her.

mkjv@Numbers:30:11 @ and [if] her husband heard and is silent as to her, and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond with which she bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:14 @ But [if] her husband is altogether silent as to her from day to day, then he establishes all her vows or all her bonds which [are] on her. He confirms them, because he was silent as to her in the day that he heard.

mkjv@Numbers:30:15 @ But [if] he at all breaks them after he has heard, then he has borne her iniquity.

mkjv@Numbers:32:22 @ and the land is subdued before the LORD, then afterwards you shall return and be guiltless before the LORD and before Israel. And this land shall be your possession before the LORD.

mkjv@Numbers:32:29 @ And Moses said to them, If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben will go with you over Jordan, each armed to battle before the LORD, and the land shall be humbled before you, then you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession.

mkjv@Numbers:33:52 @ then you shall drive out all those who live in the land from before you, and destroy all their carved images, and destroy all their molded images and pluck down all their high places.

mkjv@Numbers:33:55 @ But if you will not drive out the people of the land from before you, then it will be, those of them whom you let remain [shall] be goads in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live.

mkjv@Numbers:35:11 @ then you shall choose cities to be cities of refuge for you, so that the slayer who kills any person through error may flee there.

mkjv@Numbers:35:24 @ then the congregation shall judge between the one who kills and the revenger of blood according to these judgments.

mkjv@Numbers:36:3 @ And [if] they are married to any of the sons of the tribes of the sons of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe to which they are received. So it shall be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

mkjv@Numbers:36:4 @ And when the jubilee of the sons of Israel shall come, then their inheritance shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe into which they are received. So their inheritance shall be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:1:29 @ Then I said to you, Do not dread them nor be afraid of them.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:2:1 @ Then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea, as the LORD spoke to me. And we went around Mount Seir many days.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:2:32 @ Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:3:20 @ until the LORD has given rest to your brothers, as well as to you, and they also possess the land which the LORD your God [has] given them beyond Jordan. And then you shall each one return to his possessions which I have given you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:3:28 @ But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him. For he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you shall see.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:30 @ When you are in trouble and when all these things have found you in the latter days, then you shall return to the LORD your God and shall be obedient to His voice.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:41 @ Then Moses separated three cities on this side Jordan towards the sunrise,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:5:25 @ Now therefore why should we die? For this great fire will consume us. If we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall die.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:6:3 @ Then hear, O, Israel, and be careful to [do] it, so that it may be well with you, and that you may greatly multiply, as the LORD God of our fathers has promised you, in the land that flows with milk and honey.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:6:21 @ Then you shall say to your son, We were Pharaoh's slaves in Egypt, and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 @ And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger, and then He fed you with manna, which you did not know, neither did your fathers know [it], so that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every [word] that comes out of the mouth of the LORD man shall live.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:10 @ And you shall eat and be satisfied, then you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:14 @ then your heart might be lifted up, and you might forget the LORD your God who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slaves.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I had gone up into the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I stayed in the mountain forty days and forty nights. I neither ate bread nor drank water.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:9:23 @ And when the LORD sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying: Go up and possess the land which I have given you, then you rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God, and you did not believe Him, nor listened to His voice.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:11:23 @ then the LORD will drive out all these nations from before you, and you shall possess greater and mightier nations than you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:11 @ then there shall be a place which the LORD your God shall choose to cause His name to dwell there. There you shall bring all that I command you, your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and the heave offering of your hand, and all your choice vows which you vow to the LORD.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:21 @ If the place which the LORD your God has chosen to put his name there is too far from you, then you shall kill of your herd and of your flock which the LORD has given you, as I have commanded you, and you shall eat in your gates whatever your soul desires.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:13:14 @ then you shall inquire and make search, and ask carefully. And behold, [if it is true], and the thing is certain, [that] such an abomination is done among you,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:14:25 @ then you shall turn [it] into silver and bind up the silver in your hand, and shall go to the place which the LORD your God shall choose.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:12 @ If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:17 @ then you shall take an awl and put [it] through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. And also to your slave-girl you shall do so.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:5 @ then you shall bring forth that man or that woman who has committed that evil thing, to your gates, even that man or that woman, and shall stone them with stones until they die.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:8 @ If a matter [is] too hard for you in judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, matters of strife within your gates, then you shall arise and go up to the place which the LORD your God shall choose.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:18:7 @ then he shall minister in the name of the LORD his God, as all his brothers and Levites who stand there before the LORD.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:9 @ if you will keep all these commandments which I command you today, to do them, to love the LORD your God, and to walk always in His ways, then you shall add to yourself three more cities to these three,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:12 @ then the elders of his city shall send and bring him away from there and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood so that he may die.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:17 @ then both the men who are disagreeing shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges which shall be in those days.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:19 @ then you shall do to him as he had thought to have done to his brother. So you shall put the evil away from among you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:20 @ And those who remain shall hear and fear, and shall commit from then on no such evil among you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:10 @ When you come near a city to fight against it, then shout peace to it.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:11 @ And it shall be, if it makes the answer of peace and opens to you, then all the people found in it shall be forced laborers to you, and they shall serve you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:12 @ But if it will make no peace with you, but will make war against you, then you shall besiege it.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:2 @ then your elders and your judges shall come forth. And they shall measure to the cities which [are] around him who is dead.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:12 @ then you shall bring her home to your house. And she shall shave her head and dress her nails.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:14 @ And it shall be, if you have no delight in her, then you shall let her go where she will. But you shall not sell her at all for silver, you shall not make a slave of her, because you have humbled her.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:16 @ then it shall be in the day when he makes his sons to inherit what he has, he may not cause to [inherit] the son of the beloved first-born before the son of the hated one, he who [is truly] the first-born.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:19 @ then his father and his mother shall lay hold on him and bring him out to the elders of his city, and to the gate of his place.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:2 @ And if your brother [is] not near you, or if you do not know him, then you shall bring [it] into your own house, and it shall be with you until your brother seeks after it, and you shall give it back to him again.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:8 @ When you build a new house, then you shall make a guard rail for your roof, so that you do not bring blood on your house, if one falls from it.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:15 @ then shall the father of the girl, and her mother, take and bring tokens of the girl's virginity to the elders of the city in the gate.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:21 @ then they shall bring the girl out to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones so that she dies because she has done foolishness in Israel to play the harlot in her father's house. So you shall put evil away from among you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:22 @ If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman. So you shall put away evil from Israel.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 @ then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them with stones that they die; the girl because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he has humbled his neighbor's wife. So you shall put away evil from among you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:25 @ But if a man finds an engaged girl in the field, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man that lay with her shall die.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:29 @ then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty [shekels] of silver, and she shall be his wife. Because he has humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:9 @ When the army goes forth against your enemies, then keep yourself from every wicked thing.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:10 @ If there is among you any man who is not clean because of an accident at night, then he shall go outside the camp. He shall not come inside the camp.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:24 @ When you come into your neighbor's vineyard, then you may eat grapes to your fill at your own pleasure, but you shall not put [any] in your vessel.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:25 @ When you come into the standing grain of your neighbor, then you may pluck the heads with your hand, but you shall not move a sickle into your neighbor's standing grain.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:24:1 @ When a man has taken a wife and married her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes, because he has found some uncleanness in her, then let him write her a bill of divorce and put it] in her hand, and send her out of his house.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:24:7 @ If a man is found stealing a person of his brothers, the sons of Israel, and makes a slave of him, or sells him, then that thief shall die. And you shall put evil away from among you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:2 @ then it shall be, if the wrongdoer [is] worthy to be beaten, the judge shall cause him to fall down. And one shall strike him in his presence, enough for his wrong, by a certain number.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:3 @ He may give him forty stripes, no more, lest he should exceed and beat him above these [with] many stripes, then your brother would be dishonored before your eyes.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:7 @ And if the man does not want to take his brother's wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the gate to the elders and say, My husband's brother refuses to raise up a name in Israel to his brother. He will not perform my levirate.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:8 @ Then the elders of his city shall call him and speak to him. And [if] he stands and says, I do not desire to take her,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:9 @ then his brother's wife shall come to him in the presence of his elders, and take off his shoe from his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done to that man who will not build up his brother's house.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:12 @ then you shall cut off her hand. Your eye shall not pity.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:15 @ You shall have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure you shall have, so that your days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD your God gives you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:26:13 @ then you shall say before the LORD your God, I have brought away the holy things out of my house, and also have given them to the Levite, and to the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me. I have not broken Your commandments, neither have I forgotten.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:28:59 @ then Jehovah will make your plagues remarkable, and the plagues of your seed great and persistent plagues; with evil and long-lasting sicknesses.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:29:20 @ The LORD will not be willing to forgive him, but then the anger of the LORD and His jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie on him, and the LORD shall blot out his name from under heavens.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:29:25 @ Then [men] shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them forth out of the land of Egypt.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:30:3 @ then the LORD your God will turn your captivity. And He will have compassion on you, and will return and gather you from all the nations where the LORD your God has scattered you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:31:17 @ Then My anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them. And I will hide My face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them, so that they will say in that day, Have not these evils come on us because our God [is] not among us?

mkjv@Deuteronomy:31:20 @ For when I shall have brought them into the land which I swore to their fathers, the land that flows [with] milk and honey, and they shall have eaten and have become satisfied, and become fat, then turn to other gods and serve them, and provoke Me and break My covenant.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:15 @ But Jeshurun grew fat and kicked. You grew fat, thick, [and] satisfied. Then he forsook God who made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.

mkjv@Joshua:1:8 @ This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall act wisely.

mkjv@Joshua:1:10 @ Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people saying,

mkjv@Joshua:2:15 @ Then she let them go down by a cord through the window. For her house [was] on the town wall, and she lived on the wall.

mkjv@Joshua:2:20 @ And if you tell our business, then we will be free of the oath which you have made us swear to you.

mkjv@Joshua:3:3 @ And [they] commanded the people saying, When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then you shall move from your place and go after it.

mkjv@Joshua:4:4 @ Then Joshua called the twelve men whom he had prepared from the sons of Israel, a man out of every tribe.

mkjv@Joshua:4:7 @ Then you shall answer them, The waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off, and these stones shall be for a memorial to the sons of Israel forever.

mkjv@Joshua:4:22 @ Then you shall let your sons know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land.

mkjv@Joshua:6:10 @ And Joshua had commanded the people saying, You shall not shout nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall [any] word come out of your mouth until the day I tell you to shout. Then you shall shout.

mkjv@Joshua:8:7 @ Then you shall rise up from the ambush, and seize on the city; for the LORD your God will deliver it into your hand.

mkjv@Joshua:8:21 @ And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city went up, then they turned again and killed the men of Ai.

mkjv@Joshua:8:30 @ Then Joshua built an altar to the LORD God of Israel in Mount Ebal,

mkjv@Joshua:10:12 @ Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun! Stand still on Gibeon! And, moon, [stand still] in the valley of Aijalon!

mkjv@Joshua:10:33 @ Then Horam, king of Gezer, came up to help Lachish. And Joshua struck him and his people until he had left him none remaining.

mkjv@Joshua:14:6 @ Then the sons of Judah came to Joshua in Gilgal. And Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, said to him, You know the thing that the LORD said to Moses the man of God in Kadesh-barnea regarding you and me.

mkjv@Joshua:14:11 @ As yet I [am as] strong today as [I was] in the day that Moses sent me. As my strength [was] then, even so [is] my strength now, for war, both to go out and to come in.

mkjv@Joshua:14:12 @ And now give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke on that day. For you heard in that day [how] the giants [were] there, and that the cities were great and fortified. If the LORD will be with me, then I will be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.

mkjv@Joshua:15:1 @ [This] then was the lot of the tribe of the sons of Judah by their families: to the border of Edom, the wilderness of Zin southward, in the extreme south.

mkjv@Joshua:19:12 @ and turned from Sarid eastward toward the sunrise to the border of The Flames of Tabor, and then goes out to Daberath, and goes up to Japhia,

mkjv@Joshua:20:5 @ And if the avenger of blood pursues him, then they shall not deliver the manslayer into his hand, for he has struck his neighbor without knowing, and did not hate him in past time.

mkjv@Joshua:20:6 @ And he shall live in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the high priest who is in those days. Then the manslayer shall return and come to his city, and to his house, to the city from where he fled.

mkjv@Joshua:22:1 @ Then Joshua called for the Reubenites and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh,

mkjv@Joshua:22:7 @ And to the half tribe of Manasseh, Moses had given [possession] in Bashan. And to its [other] half Joshua had given [possession] with their brothers beyond the Jordan westward. And also when Joshua had sent them away to their tents, then he blessed them.

mkjv@Joshua:23:16 @ when you transgress the covenant of the LORD your God, which He commanded you, and have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them, then shall the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and you shall perish quickly from off the good land which He has given to you.

mkjv@Joshua:24:9 @ Then Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, arose and warred against Israel, and sent and called Balaam the son of Beor to curse you.

mkjv@Joshua:24:14 @ Now, then, fear the LORD, and serve Him in sincerity and truth. And put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt, and serve the LORD.

mkjv@Joshua:24:20 @ If you forsake the LORD and serve strange gods, then He will turn and do you harm, and destroy you after He has done you good.

mkjv@Judges:2:18 @ And when the LORD raised judges up for them, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the LORD took pity because of their groanings before their oppressors and their crushers.

mkjv@Judges:3:23 @ Then Ehud went forth through the porch, and shut the doors of the room upon him, and locked them.

mkjv@Judges:4:8 @ And Barak said to her, If you will go with me, then I will go. But if you will not go with me, I will not go.

mkjv@Judges:4:21 @ Then Jael, Heber's wife, took a peg of the tent and put a hammer in her hand, and went softly to him, and struck the peg into his temple, and beat it into the ground. For he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.

mkjv@Judges:5:1 @ Then Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam sang on that day, saying,

mkjv@Judges:5:8 @ They chose new gods; then war [was] in the gates. Was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?

mkjv@Judges:5:11 @ [Louder] than the voice of the dividers between the watering places, there shall they tell again the righteous acts of the LORD, the righteous acts of His leaders in Israel. Then shall the people of the LORD go down to the gates.

mkjv@Judges:5:13 @ Then He [made me] tread on the remnant of the nobles among the people. The LORD made me have dominion over the mighty.

mkjv@Judges:5:19 @ Kings came and fought. Then the kings of Canaan fought in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo. They took no gain of silver.

mkjv@Judges:5:22 @ Then did the hooves of horses beat, from the galloping, the galloping of their mighty ones.

mkjv@Judges:6:13 @ And Gideon said to Him, O, my Lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? But now the LORD has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

mkjv@Judges:6:17 @ And he said to Him, If now I have found grace in Your sight, then show me a sign that You talk with me.

mkjv@Judges:6:21 @ Then the Angel of Jehovah put forth the end of the staff that was in His hand and touched the flesh and the unleavened [cakes]. And there rose up fire out of the rock and burned up the flesh and the unleavened [cakes]. Then the Angel of Jehovah went away out of his sight.

mkjv@Judges:6:24 @ Then Gideon built an altar there to Jehovah, and called it Jehovah-shalom. It [is] yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites to this day.

mkjv@Judges:6:27 @ Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, and did as the LORD had said to him. And so it was, because he feared his father's household and the men of the city, that he could not do it by day. So he did it by night.

mkjv@Judges:6:30 @ Then the men of the city said to Joash, Bring out your son so that he may die (because he had cast down the altar of Baal, and because he had cut down the pillar by it).

mkjv@Judges:6:33 @ Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites, and the sons of the east were gathered together, and went over and pitched in the valley of Jezreel.

mkjv@Judges:6:37 @ behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the grain-floor. And if the dew is on the fleece only, and dry upon all the ground, then I shall know that You will save Israel by my hand, as You have said.

mkjv@Judges:7:11 @ And you shall hear what they shall say. And afterward your hands shall be strengthened to go down to the army. Then he went down with Phurah his servant to the edge of the ranks in the army.

mkjv@Judges:7:18 @ When I blow with a ram's horn, I and all who are with me, then you blow the ram's horns also on every side of all the camp, and shout, For Jehovah and for Gideon!

mkjv@Judges:7:24 @ And Gideon sent messengers throughout all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down against the Midianites, and take the waters to Beth-barah and Jordan before them. Then all the men of Ephraim gathered themselves. And they captured the waters to Beth-barah and Jordan.

mkjv@Judges:7:25 @ Then they took two princes of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb. And they killed Oreb upon the rock Oreb, and they killed Zeeb at the winepress of Zeeb. And they pursued Midian and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon on the other side Jordan.

mkjv@Judges:8:3 @ God has delivered into your hands the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb. And what was I able to do in comparison to you? Then their spirits toward him went away when he had said that.

mkjv@Judges:8:7 @ And Gideon said, Therefore, when the LORD has delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand, then I will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers.

mkjv@Judges:9:12 @ Then the trees said to the vine, You come and reign over us.

mkjv@Judges:9:14 @ Then all the trees said to the bramble-bush, You come and reign over us.

mkjv@Judges:9:19 @ if then you have dealt truly and sincerely with Jerubbaal and with his house today, rejoice in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you.

mkjv@Judges:9:29 @ And I wish this people were under my hand! Then I would remove Abimelech. And he said to Abimelech, Increase your army, and come out!

mkjv@Judges:9:54 @ Then he called hastily to the young man who was his armor-bearer, and said to him, Draw your sword and kill me, so that men may not say of me, A woman killed him! And his young man thrust him through, and he died.

mkjv@Judges:10:17 @ Then the sons of Ammon were gathered and camped in Gilead. And the sons of Israel assembled themselves together and camped in Mizpeh.

mkjv@Judges:11:3 @ Then Jephthah fled from his brothers and lived in the land of Tob. And worthless men were gathered to Jephthah, and went out with him.

mkjv@Judges:11:26 @ when Israel lived in Heshbon and its villages, and Aroer and its villages, and in all the cities which [are] along by the borders of Arnon, for three hundred years? Why then did you not deliver them in that time?

mkjv@Judges:11:29 @ Then the Spirit of the LORD came on Jephthah, and he passed over Gilead and Manasseh, and passed over Mizpeh of Gilead, and from Mizpeh of Gilead passed over [to] the sons of Ammon.

mkjv@Judges:11:31 @ then it shall be that whatever comes out from the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the sons of Ammon, surely it shall belong to the LORD, or I will offer it up [instead of] a burnt offering.

mkjv@Judges:12:6 @ And they said to him, Please say Shibboleth. And he said, Sibboleth, for he could not manage to pronounce [it] right. Then they took him and killed him at the passages of Jordan. And there fell at that time forty-two thousand of the Ephraimites.

mkjv@Judges:12:10 @ Then Ibzan died, and was buried at Bethlehem.

mkjv@Judges:13:21 @ But the Angel of the LORD did not appear any more to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that He [was] an Angel of the LORD.

mkjv@Judges:14:12 @ And Samson said to them, I will now put forth a riddle to you. If you certainly tell it to me [within] the seven days of the feast, and find [it] out, then I will give you thirty linen blouses and thirty changes of garments.

mkjv@Judges:14:13 @ But if you cannot tell me, then you shall give me thirty linen blouses and thirty changes of garments. And they said to him, Put forth your riddle so that we may hear it.

mkjv@Judges:15:11 @ Then three thousand men of Judah went to the top of the rock Etam, and said to Samson, Do you not know that the Philistines [are] rulers over us? What have you done to us? And he said to them, As they have done to me, so I have done to them.

mkjv@Judges:16:1 @ Then Samson went to Gaza. And he saw a harlot there, and went in to her.

mkjv@Judges:16:2 @ The Gazites [were told], saying, Samson has come here. And they surrounded him and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and were quiet all the night, saying, Until the light of the morning, then we shall kill him.

mkjv@Judges:16:7 @ And Samson said to her, If they bind me with seven green cords that were never dried, then I shall be weak and be as another man.

mkjv@Judges:16:8 @ Then the lords of the Philistines brought up to her seven green cords which had not been dried, and she bound him with them.

mkjv@Judges:16:11 @ And he said to her, If they bind me fast with new ropes that have never been used, then I shall be weak and be as another man.

mkjv@Judges:16:17 @ And he told her all his heart, and said to her, A razor has not come on my hair, for I [am] a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I will become weak and be like any man.

mkjv@Judges:16:18 @ And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, Come this once, for he has showed me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up to her, and brought silver in their hand.

mkjv@Judges:16:23 @ Then the lords of the Philistines gathered in order to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, and to rejoice. For they said, Our god has delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.

mkjv@Judges:16:28 @ And Samson called to the LORD and said, O, Lord GOD, remember me, I pray You, and strengthen me, I pray You, only this once, O God, so that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.

mkjv@Judges:16:31 @ Then his brothers and all the house of his father came down, and took him, and brought [him] up and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the burying-place of Manoah his father. And he judged Israel twenty years.

mkjv@Judges:17:13 @ Then Micah said, Now I know that the LORD will do me good, since I have a Levite as [my] priest.

mkjv@Judges:18:14 @ Then the five men who went to spy out the country of Laish answered and said to their brothers, Did you know that there is in these houses an ephod, and household gods, and an engraved image and a molten image? And now consider what you have to do.

mkjv@Judges:19:28 @ And he said to her, Up, and let us be going. But there was no answer. Then the man took her on an ass, and the man rose up and went to his place.

mkjv@Judges:20:1 @ Then all the sons of Israel went out, and the congregation was gathered together as one man, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, with the land of Gilead, to the LORD in Mizpeh.

mkjv@Judges:21:19 @ Then they said, Behold, [there is] a feast of the LORD in Shiloh yearly on the north side of Bethel, on the east side of the highway that goes up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.

mkjv@Judges:21:21 @ and see, and behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then you come out of the vineyards and catch you a wife for every man from the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

mkjv@Ruth:1:6 @ Then she arose with her daughters-in-law so that she might return from the fields of Moab. For she had heard in the fields of Moab how the LORD had visited His people in giving them bread.

mkjv@Ruth:1:9 @ May the LORD grant you that you may find rest, each in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voice and wept.

mkjv@Ruth:1:18 @ When she saw that she was determined to go with her, then she quit speaking to her.

mkjv@Ruth:2:10 @ Then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground, and said to him, Why have I found grace in your eyes, that you should take notice of me, since I [am] a foreigner?

mkjv@Ruth:2:13 @ Then she said, Let me find favor in your sight, my lord, for you have comforted me; for you have spoken kindly to your handmaid, though I am not like one of your handmaidens.

mkjv@Ruth:3:13 @ Stay tonight, and it shall be in the morning, if he will redeem you, well; he will redeem. And if he does not delight to redeem you, [as] the LORD lives, then I will redeem you. Lie down until the morning.

mkjv@1Samuel:1:11 @ And she vowed a vow and said, O, Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look upon the affliction of Your handmaid and remember me, and not forget Your handmaid, but will give to Your handmaid a man-child, then I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.

mkjv@1Samuel:1:22 @ But Hannah did not go up. For she said to her husband, Until the child is weaned, and then I will bring him so that he may appear before the LORD and stay there forever.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:16 @ And [if] any man said to him, Let them not fail to burn the fat at once, and then take as your soul desires, then he would answer him, No! But you shall give now! And if not, I will take it by force.

mkjv@1Samuel:3:10 @ And the LORD came and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel! Then Samuel answered, Speak, for Your servant hears.

mkjv@1Samuel:6:3 @ And they said, If you send away the ark of the God of Israel, do not send it empty. For you shall certainly send a guilt offering to him. Then you shall be healed, and it shall be known to you why His hand is not removed from you.

mkjv@1Samuel:6:9 @ And watch. If it goes up by the way of its own border to Beth-shemesh, He has done us this great evil. But if not, then we shall know that [it is] not His hand that struck us. It was a chance that happened to us.

mkjv@1Samuel:7:3 @ And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel saying, If you return to the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts to the LORD, and serve Him only. And He will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.

mkjv@1Samuel:9:7 @ Then Saul said to his young man, But behold, [if] we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread in our vessels is gone, and [there is] no present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?

mkjv@1Samuel:9:21 @ And Saul answered and said, [Am] I not a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? And [is] not my family the least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why then do you speak so to me?

mkjv@1Samuel:10:2 @ When you have departed from me today, then you shall find two men by Rachel's tomb in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah. And they will say to you, The asses which you went to seek are found. And, lo, your father has quit caring for the asses and sorrows for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?

mkjv@1Samuel:10:25 @ Then Samuel told the people the duties of the kingdom, and wrote in a book and laid it up before the LORD. And Samuel sent all the people away, each to his house.

mkjv@1Samuel:11:3 @ And the elders of Jabesh said to him, Bear with us seven days, so that we may send messengers to all the territory of Israel. And then if [there is] no man to save us, we will come out to you.

mkjv@1Samuel:11:4 @ Then the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul, and told the news in ears of the people. And all the people lifted up their voices and wept.

mkjv@1Samuel:11:14 @ Then Samuel said to the people, Come and let us go to Gilgal and renew the kingdom there.

mkjv@1Samuel:12:8 @ When Jacob had come into Egypt, and your fathers cried to the LORD, then the LORD sent Moses and Aaron, who brought your fathers out of Egypt and made them live in this place.

mkjv@1Samuel:12:14 @ If you will fear the LORD, and serve Him, and listen to His voice, and not rebel against the command of the LORD, then both you and also the king who reigns over you shall continue following the LORD your God.

mkjv@1Samuel:12:15 @ But if you will not listen to the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the command of the LORD, then the hand of the LORD shall be against you as [it was] against your fathers.

mkjv@1Samuel:13:2 @ then Saul chose for himself three thousand from Israel. Two thousand of these were with Saul in Michmash and in mount Bethel, and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin. And of the rest of the people he sent each man to his tent.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:9 @ If they say this to us, Stand still until we come to you, then we will stand still [in] our place and will not go up to them.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:10 @ But if they say this, Come up to us, then we will go up, for the LORD has delivered them up into our hand. And this [shall be] a sign to us.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:29 @ Then Jonathan said, My father has troubled the land. Please see how my eyes have been lightened because I tasted a little of this honey.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:36 @ And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do all that seems good to you. Then the priest said, Let us draw near here to God.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:40 @ Then he said to all Israel, You be on one side, and Jonathan my son and I will be on the other side. And the people said to Saul, Do what seems good to you.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:43 @ Then Saul said to Jonathan, Tell me what you have done. And Jonathan told him and said, I did but taste a little honey with the end of the rod in my hand. Behold me, I must die.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:46 @ Then Saul went up from following the Philistines. And the Philistines went to their own place.

mkjv@1Samuel:15:14 @ And Samuel said, What then [is] this bleating of the flock in my ears? And [what is] the sound of the herd which I hear?

mkjv@1Samuel:15:19 @ Why then did you not obey the voice of the LORD? Why did you fly on the spoil and do evil in the sight of the LORD?

mkjv@1Samuel:15:30 @ Then he said, I have sinned. Please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel, and turn again with me. And I shall worship the LORD your God.

mkjv@1Samuel:16:16 @ Let our lord now command his servants before you to seek out a man who knows to play on a harp. And it shall be, when the evil spirit from God is on you, then he shall play [with] his hand, and [it shall be] well with you.

mkjv@1Samuel:17:9 @ If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your slaves. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our slaves and serve us.

mkjv@1Samuel:19:5 @ For he took his life in his hand and killed the Philistine, and the LORD worked out a great salvation for all Israel. You saw and rejoiced! Why then will you sin against innocent blood, to kill David without a cause?

mkjv@1Samuel:20:6 @ If your father misses me at all, then say, David earnestly asked me that he might run to his city Bethlehem. For [there is] a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

mkjv@1Samuel:20:9 @ And Jonathan said, Far be it from you. For if I knew certainly that evil was determined by my father to come on you, then would I not tell you?

mkjv@1Samuel:20:10 @ Then David said to Jonathan, Who shall tell me? Or what [if] your father answers you roughly?

mkjv@1Samuel:20:12 @ And Jonathan said to David, By the LORD, the God of Israel, when I search my father about this time tomorrow [or] the third [day], behold, [if there is] good toward David, then shall I not send to you and reveal [it in your ear?

mkjv@1Samuel:20:13 @ So may the LORD do to Jonathan and more if it seem good to my father [to do] you evil, then I will reveal [it] in your ear and send you away, and you may go in peace. And may the LORD be with you, as He was with my father.

mkjv@1Samuel:20:21 @ And behold, I will send a lad, [saying], Go find the arrows. If I carefully say to the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of you, take them, then you may come, for there is peace to you, and no hurt, [as] the LORD lives.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:14 @ Then Achish said to his servants, Lo, you see the man is mad. Why have you brought him to me?

mkjv@1Samuel:23:3 @ And David's men said to him, Behold, we are afraid here in Judah. How much more then if we come to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines?

mkjv@1Samuel:23:16 @ And Jonathan, Saul's son, arose and went to David into the woods, and strengthened his hand in God.

mkjv@1Samuel:25:11 @ Shall I then take my bread and my water and my meat that I have killed for my shearers, and give [it] to men about whom I know not where they come from?

mkjv@1Samuel:28:9 @ And the woman said to him, Behold, you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off mediums, and the spirit-knowers, out of the land. Why then do you lay a snare for my life, to cause me to die?

mkjv@1Samuel:28:16 @ And Samuel said, Why then do you ask me, since the LORD has left you and has become your enemy?

mkjv@1Samuel:31:12 @ then all the brave men arose, and they traveled all night. And [they] took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and came to Jabesh, and burned them there.

mkjv@2Samuel:2:7 @ And now let your hands be strengthened, and be brave. For your master Saul [is] dead, and also the house of Judah has anointed me king over them.

mkjv@2Samuel:2:22 @ And Abner said again to Asahel, Turn aside from following me. Why should I strike you to the ground? How then should I hold up my face to Joab your brother?

mkjv@2Samuel:2:26 @ Then Abner called to Joab and said, Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that it will be bitter in the end? How long shall it be then before you command the people to return from chasing their brothers?

mkjv@2Samuel:2:27 @ And Joab said, [As] God lives, unless you had spoken, surely then in the morning the people would have gone up each one from following his brother.

mkjv@2Samuel:3:18 @ And then do [it], for the LORD has spoken of David, saying, By the hand of my servant David I will save My people Israel out of the hand of the Philistines, and out of the hand of all their enemies.

mkjv@2Samuel:5:24 @ And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the weeping trees, then you shall strike. For then the LORD shall go out before you to strike the army of the Philistines.

mkjv@2Samuel:7:18 @ Then King David went in and sat before the LORD. And he said, Who [am] I, O Lord Jehovah? And what [is] my house, that You have brought me here?

mkjv@2Samuel:8:10 @ Then Toi sent Joram his son to King David, to greet him and bless him, because he had fought against Hadadezer and had struck him. For Hadadezer had wars against Toi. And in his hand were silver articles, and golden articles, and bronze articles.

mkjv@2Samuel:9:9 @ Then the king called to Ziba, Saul's servant, and said to him, I have given to your master's son all that [belonged] to Saul and to all his house.

mkjv@2Samuel:10:11 @ And he said, If the Syrians are too strong for me, then you shall help me. But if the sons of Ammon are too strong for you, then I will come and help you.

mkjv@2Samuel:10:14 @ And when the sons of Ammon saw that the Syrians had fled, then they fled also before Abishai, and entered into the city. And Joab returned from the sons of Ammon and came to Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Samuel:11:11 @ And Uriah said to David, The ark and Israel and Judah abide in tents. And my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, are camped in the open fields. Shall I then go to my house to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife? [As] you live, and [as] your soul lives, I will not do this thing.

mkjv@2Samuel:11:18 @ Then Joab sent and told David all the things concerning the war.

mkjv@2Samuel:11:25 @ Then David said to the messenger, So you shall say to Joab, Do not let this thing displease you, for the sword devours one as well as another. Make your battle stronger against the city and overthrow it. And you encourage him.

mkjv@2Samuel:12:18 @ And it happened on the seventh day, the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead. For they said, Behold, while the child was still alive we spoke to him, and he would not listen to our voice. How then will he trouble himself if we tell him that the child is dead?

mkjv@2Samuel:12:21 @ Then his servants said to him, What [is] this that you have done? You fasted and wept for the living boy, but when the child was dead you arose and ate bread!

mkjv@2Samuel:13:15 @ Then Amnon hated her with a great hatred. And the hatred with which he hated her [was] greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, Get up and go.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:26 @ Then Absalom said, If not, please let my brother Amnon go with us? And the king said to him, Why should he go with you?

mkjv@2Samuel:14:11 @ Then she said, Please let the king remember the LORD your God, that you would not allow the avengers of blood to destroy any more, lest they should destroy my son. And he said, [As] the Lord lives, there shall not one hair of your son fall to the earth.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:12 @ Then the woman said, Please let your handmaid speak [one] more word to my lord the king. And he said, Say on!

mkjv@2Samuel:14:13 @ And the woman said, Why then have you thought such a thing against the people of God? For the king speaks this thing as one who is at fault, in that the king does not bring his banished one home again.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:2 @ And Absalom rose up early and stood beside the way of the gate. And it was [so], if any man had a suit to come before the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him and said, What city are] you from? And he said, Your servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:8 @ For your servant vowed a vow while I lived at Geshur in Syria, saying, If the LORD will indeed bring me again to Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:10 @ But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as you hear the sound of the ram's horn, then you shall say, Absalom reigns in Hebron!

mkjv@2Samuel:15:19 @ Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, Why do you also go with us? Return to your place, and stay with the king. For you [are] a stranger, and also an exile.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:33 @ David said to him, If you pass on with me, then you shall be a burden to me.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:34 @ But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, I [will be] your servant, O king; I have been your father's servant until now, and now I also [will be] your servant, then you may break down the advice of Ahithophel for me.

mkjv@2Samuel:16:10 @ And the king said, What have I to do with you, sons of Zeruiah? Let him curse, because the LORD has said to him, Curse David. Who then shall say, Why have you done so?

mkjv@2Samuel:17:13 @ And if he has gotten into a city, then all Israel shall bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river until there is not one small stone found there.

mkjv@2Samuel:17:22 @ Then David and all the people with him arose. And they passed over Jordan. By the morning light there was not one of them that had not gone over Jordan.

mkjv@2Samuel:17:28 @ brought beds and basins and earthen vessels, and wheat and barley and flour and roasted [grain], and beans and lentils and other roasted food,

mkjv@2Samuel:18:19 @ Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said, And let me run and bear the news to the king, how the LORD has avenged him of his enemies.

mkjv@2Samuel:19:6 @ By loving your enemies and hating those who love you, you have declared today that there are neither commanders nor servants to you. For I know that today if Absalom had lived and all of us had died today, then it would have pleased you very much!

mkjv@2Samuel:19:8 @ Then the king arose and sat in the gate. And they told it to the people, saying, Behold, the king sits in the gate! And all the people came before the king. (For Israel had fled, every one to his tent.)

mkjv@2Samuel:19:12 @ You [are] my brothers, and my flesh and my bone. Why then are you the last to bring back the king?

mkjv@2Samuel:19:28 @ For all my father's house were but dead men before my lord the king. And you set your servant among those eating at your own table. What right then have I to cry to the king any more?

mkjv@2Samuel:19:35 @ I [am] eighty years old today, [and] can I discern between good and evil? Can your servant taste what I eat or what I drink? Can I any more hear the voice of singing men and singing women? Why then should your servant be still a burden to my lord the king?

mkjv@2Samuel:19:42 @ And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king [is] near to us. Why then are you angry for this matter? Have we eaten at all at the king's [cost]? Or has he given us any gift?

mkjv@2Samuel:19:43 @ And the men of Israel answered the men of Judah and said, We have ten parts in the king, and we also have more [right] in David than you. Why then did you despise us, so that our advice should not be sought first in bringing back our king? And the words of the men of Judah were more fierce than the words of the men of Israel.

mkjv@2Samuel:20:16 @ Then a wise woman cried out of the city, Hear, hear! Please say to Joab, Come near here so that I may speak with you.

mkjv@2Samuel:20:22 @ Then the woman went to all the people in her wisdom. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw [it] out to Joab. And he blew the ram's horn, and they scattered from the city, each man to his tent. And Joab returned to Jerusalem to the king.

mkjv@2Samuel:21:17 @ But Abishai the son of Zeruiah came to his aid, and struck the Philistine, and killed him. Then the men of David swore to him, saying, You shall not go out to battle with us any more, so that you do not put out the light of Israel.

mkjv@2Samuel:21:18 @ And it happened after this there was again a battle with the Philistines at Gob. Then Sibbechai the Hushathite killed Saph, who [was] of the sons of the giant.

mkjv@2Samuel:22:43 @ Then I beat them as small as the dust of the earth, I stamped them like the mire of the streets [and] spread them out.

mkjv@2Samuel:22:50 @ Therefore, I will give thanks to You, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises to Your name.

mkjv@2Samuel:23:14 @ And David [was] then in a stronghold, and the fort of the Philistines [was] then in Bethlehem.

mkjv@1Kings:1:13 @ Go up and go in to King David, and say to him, My lord, O king, did you not swear to your handmaid, saying, Surely your son Solomon shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? Why then does Adonijah reign?

mkjv@1Kings:1:52 @ And Solomon said, If he becomes a son of virtue, not a hair of his head shall fall to the earth. But if wickedness shall be found in him, then he shall die.

mkjv@1Kings:2:43 @ Why then have you not kept the oath of the LORD and the command that I have charged you with?

mkjv@1Kings:3:14 @ And if you will walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.

mkjv@1Kings:3:16 @ Then there came two women, harlots, to the king, and stood before him.

mkjv@1Kings:6:12 @ [As to] this house which you are building, if you will walk in My statutes and do My judgments and keep all My commandments, to walk in them, then I will perform My work with you which I spoke to David your father.

mkjv@1Kings:8:32 @ then hear in Heaven, and do, and judge Your servants, to declare the wicked [to be] wicked, to bring his way on his head, and to declare the righteous to be righteous, to give him according to his righteousness.

mkjv@1Kings:8:34 @ then hear in Heaven and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them again into the land which You gave to their fathers.

mkjv@1Kings:8:36 @ then hear in Heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants, and of Your people Israel, for You shall teach them the good way in which they should walk, and give rain on Your land which You have given to Your people for an inheritance.

mkjv@1Kings:8:39 @ then hear in Heaven Your dwelling-place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to all his ways, whose heart You know. For You, You only, know the hearts of all the sons of Adam.

mkjv@1Kings:8:45 @ then hear in Heaven their prayer and their cry, and maintain their cause.

mkjv@1Kings:8:49 @ then hear their prayer and their cry in Heaven Your dwelling-place, and maintain their cause,

mkjv@1Kings:9:5 @ then I will establish the throne of your kingdom on Israel forever, as I promised to David your father, saying, There shall not be cut off to you a man on the throne of Israel.

mkjv@1Kings:9:7 @ then I will cut off Israel from the face of the land which I have given them. And this house which I have made holy for My name I will cast out of My sight. And Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people.

mkjv@1Kings:9:11 @ Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished Solomon with cedar trees and fir trees, and with gold, according to all his desires. Then King Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.

mkjv@1Kings:11:7 @ Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill which [is] before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the sons of Ammon.

mkjv@1Kings:12:7 @ And they spoke to him, saying, If you will be a servant to this people today, and will serve them and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be your servants forever.

mkjv@1Kings:12:27 @ If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of this people turn again to their lord, to Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah.

mkjv@1Kings:13:31 @ And it happened after he had buried him, he spoke to his sons, saying, When I am dead, then bury me in the tomb in which the man of God [is] buried. Lay my bones beside his bones,

mkjv@1Kings:17:13 @ And Elijah said to her, Do not fear, go. Do as you have said. But first make me a little cake of it, and bring [it] to me. And then make for you and for your son.

mkjv@1Kings:18:21 @ And Elijah came to all the people and said, How long are you limping over two opinions? If Jehovah [is] God, follow Him. But if Baal is God, [then] follow him. And the people did not answer him a word.

mkjv@1Kings:19:5 @ And as he lay and slept under a broom tree, behold, then an angel touched him and said to him, Arise, eat.

mkjv@1Kings:20:22 @ And the prophet came to the king of Israel and said to him, Go, strengthen yourself, and watch and see what you do. For at the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against you.

mkjv@1Kings:20:39 @ And as the king passed by, it happened he cried to the king. And he said, Your servant went out into the middle of the battle, and, behold, a man turned aside and brought a man to me and said, Keep this man. If he is missing by any means, then your life shall be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver.

mkjv@1Kings:22:48 @ There [was] then no king in Edom, a deputy [was] king.

mkjv@2Kings:1:10 @ And Elijah answered and said to the commander of fifty, If I [am] a man of God, then let fire come down from the heavens and burn up you and your fifty. And there came down fire from the heavens and burned up him and his fifty.

mkjv@2Kings:4:14 @ And he said, What then [is] to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, Truly, she has no child, and her husband is old.

mkjv@2Kings:4:29 @ Then he said to Gehazi, Bind up your loins and take my staff in your hand, and go. If you meet any man, do not greet him. And if any greet you, do not answer him again. And lay my staff on the face of the child.

mkjv@2Kings:4:41 @ And he said, Then bring meal. And he cast [it] into the pot. And he said, Pour out for the people, and they may eat. And there was no evil thing in the pot.

mkjv@2Kings:5:13 @ And his servants came near and spoke to him and said, My father, [if] the prophet had told you [to do] a great thing, would you not have done [it]? How much rather then, when he says to you, Wash and be clean?

mkjv@2Kings:5:17 @ And Naaman said, Please shall there not then be given to your servant two mules' burden of earth? For your servant will from now on offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice to other gods, but to Jehovah.

mkjv@2Kings:7:2 @ And the third officer on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, [if] the LORD would make windows in heaven, then this thing might be. And he said, Behold, you shall see with your eyes, but you shall not eat of it.

mkjv@2Kings:7:4 @ If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine [is] in the city, and we shall die there. And if we still sit here, we also shall die. And now come and let us fall to the army of the Syrians. If they save us alive, we shall live. And if they kill us, we shall only die.

mkjv@2Kings:7:19 @ And the third officer answered the man of God and said, Behold, [if] the LORD should make windows in heaven, then such a thing might be. And he said, Behold, you shall see it with your eyes, but you shall not eat of it.

mkjv@2Kings:8:16 @ And in the fifth year of Jehoram the son of Ahab king of Israel, Jehoshaphat [being] then king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to reign.

mkjv@2Kings:8:22 @ Yet Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time.

mkjv@2Kings:9:15 @ And king Jehoram returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him when he fought with Hazael the king of Syria. And Jehu said, If it is your minds, [then] let no escapee leave to go to tell [it] in Jezreel.

mkjv@2Kings:10:4 @ And they were exceedingly afraid and said, Behold, two kings did not stand before him; how then shall we stand?

mkjv@2Kings:12:7 @ Then king Joash called for Jehoiada the priest, and the priests, and said to them, Why are you not repairing the breaks of the house? And now take no silver from those you know, but deliver it for the breaks of the house.

mkjv@2Kings:12:17 @ Then Hazael king of Syria went up and fought against Gath, and took it. And Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Kings:13:19 @ And the man of God was angry with him, and said, You should have stricken five or six times, then you would have stricken Syria until it was finished. But now you shall strike Syria three times.

mkjv@2Kings:14:8 @ Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, Come, let us look one another in the face.

mkjv@2Kings:15:16 @ Then Menahem struck Tiphsah, and all in it, and its borders, from Tirzah. Because they did not open, he struck it. He ripped up all its pregnant women.

mkjv@2Kings:16:5 @ Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem for war. And they besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome [him].

mkjv@2Kings:18:26 @ Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna, and Joah said to the chief of the cupbearers, Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, for we understand. And do not talk with us in Jewish, in the ears of the people who are on the wall.

mkjv@2Kings:21:2 @ And he did the evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen whom the LORD cast out before the sons of Israel.

mkjv@2Kings:24:1 @ In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant three years. Then he turned and rebelled against him.

mkjv@1Chronicles:2:24 @ And after Hezron died in Caleb-ephratah, then Abiah, Hezron's wife bore him Ashur the father of Tekoa.

mkjv@1Chronicles:9:36 @ And his first-born son [was] Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,

mkjv@1Chronicles:11:16 @ And David [was] then in the stronghold, and the Philistines garrison [was] then at Bethlehem.

mkjv@1Chronicles:14:11 @ And they came up to Baal-perazim. And David struck them there. Then David said, God has broken in on my enemies by my hand like the breaking forth of waters. Therefore they called the name of that place The Breaking of Baal.

mkjv@1Chronicles:14:15 @ And it shall be, when you hear a sound of marching in the tops of the weeping trees, then you shall go out to battle. For God has gone forth before you to strike the army of the Philistines.

mkjv@1Chronicles:15:2 @ Then David said, No one ought to carry the ark of God except the Levites, for God has chosen them to carry the ark of God, and to minister to Him forever.

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:7 @ Then on that day David first delivered [this psalm] into the hand of Asaph and his brothers in order to thank the LORD:

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:24 @ Declare His glory among the heathen, His marvelous works among all nations.

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:33 @ Then shall the trees of the forest sing out at the presence of the LORD, because He comes to judge the earth.

mkjv@1Chronicles:18:6 @ Then David placed [troops] in Syria, [in] Damascus. And the Syrians became David's servants, bringing gifts. And the LORD preserved David wherever he went.

mkjv@1Chronicles:19:5 @ And [some] came and told David how the men were treated. And he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Stay at Jericho until your beards are grown, and [then] return.

mkjv@1Chronicles:19:12 @ And he said, If the Syrians are too strong for me, then you shall help me. But if the sons of Ammon are too strong for you, then I will help you.

mkjv@1Chronicles:20:4 @ And it happened after this, that there arose war at Gezer with the Philistines. Then Sibbechai the Hushathite killed Sippai, of the children of the giant. And they were humbled.

mkjv@1Chronicles:21:3 @ And Joab answered, May the LORD add to His people a hundred times, but my lord the king, [are] they not all my lord's servants? Why then does my lord require this thing? Why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel?

mkjv@1Chronicles:21:22 @ Then David said to Ornan, Give me the place of this threshing-floor, so that I may build an altar in it to the LORD. You shall give it to me for the full price, so that the plague may be stayed from the people.

mkjv@1Chronicles:21:28 @ At that time, when David saw that the LORD had answered him in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrificed there.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:1 @ Then David said, This [is] the house of the LORD God, and this [is] the altar of the burnt offering for Israel.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:13 @ Then you shall prosper, if you take heed to fulfil the statutes and judgments with which the LORD charged Moses, concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage. Do not fear, nor be dismayed.

mkjv@1Chronicles:26:14 @ And the lot eastward fell to Shelemiah; then Zechariah his son, a wise counselor, they cast lots. And his lot came out northward.

mkjv@2Chronicles:2:6 @ But who is able to build Him a house, since the heavens and heaven of the heavens cannot contain Him? Who [am] I then, that I should build Him a house, except only to burn sacrifice before Him?

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:23 @ then hear from Heaven, and do, and judge Your servants by repaying the wicked, by bringing his way back on his own head, and by justifying [the] righteous, by giving to him according to his righteousness.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:25 @ then hear from Heaven, and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them again into the land which You give to them and to their fathers.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:27 @ then hear from Heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants and of Your people Israel, when You have taught them the good way in which they should walk. And send rain on Your land which You have given to Your people for an inheritance.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:30 @ then hear from Heaven, Your dwelling-place, and forgive, and give to every man according to all his ways, whose heart You know. For You only know the hearts of the sons of men.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:33 @ then hear from Heaven, from Your dwelling-place, and do according to all that the stranger calls to You for, so that all people of the earth may know Your name, and fear You, as Your people Israel, and may know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:35 @ then hear from Heaven their prayer and their cry and maintain their cause.

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:39 @ then hear from Heaven, from Your dwelling-place, their prayer and their cries, and maintain their cause, and forgive Your people who have sinned against You.

mkjv@2Chronicles:7:14 @ if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

mkjv@2Chronicles:7:18 @ then I will make the throne of your kingdom sure, as I have covenanted with David your father, saying, There shall not fail you a man [to be] ruler in Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:7:20 @ then I will pluck them up by the roots out of My land which I have given them. And this house which I have sanctified for My name, I will cast out of My sight, and I will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.

mkjv@2Chronicles:12:13 @ And king Rehoboam strengthened himself at Jerusalem, and reigned. For Rehoboam [was] forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel to put His name there. And his mother's name [was] Naamah the Ammonitess.

mkjv@2Chronicles:18:27 @ And Micaiah said, If you certainly return in peace, [then] the LORD has not spoken by me. And he said, Listen, all you people.

mkjv@2Chronicles:20:9 @ If evil comes on us, [whether] the sword, judgment, or plague, or famine, and we stand before this house and in Your presence (for Your name [is] in this house) and cry to You in our affliction, then You will hear and help.

mkjv@2Chronicles:28:20 @ And Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria came to him and troubled him, but did not strengthen him.

mkjv@2Chronicles:33:2 @ But he did the evil in the sight of the LORD, like the abominations of the heathen whom the LORD had cast out before the sons of Israel.

mkjv@Ezra:4:2 @ then they came to Zerubbabel and to the chief of the fathers, and said to them, Let us build with you, for we seek your God, even as you. And we have sacrificed to him since the days of Esar-haddon king of Assyria, who brought us up here.

mkjv@Ezra:4:4 @ Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building.

mkjv@Ezra:4:9 @ Then Rehum the chancellor and Shimshai the scribe, and the rest of their companions, the judges, and the emissaries, the consuls, the officials, the Erechites, the Babylonians, the men of Susa, that is, the Elamites,

mkjv@Ezra:4:13 @ And let it be known to the king that if this city is built and the walls set up, then they will not pay toll, taxes, or custom, and you shall endanger the revenue of the kings.

mkjv@Ezra:4:16 @ We notify the king that if this city is built and the walls of it set up, then you shall have no portion Beyond the River.

mkjv@Ezra:4:24 @ Then the work of the house of God at Jerusalem ceased. So it ceased to the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.

mkjv@Ezra:5:1 @ Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, [who was] over them.

mkjv@Ezra:5:2 @ Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak rose up and began to build the house of God at Jerusalem. And with them [were] the prophets of God helping them.

mkjv@Ezra:5:4 @ So then we said to them: What [are] the names of the men who are building this building?

mkjv@Ezra:5:9 @ Then we asked those elders [and] said this to them, Who commanded you to build this house and to make these walls?

mkjv@Ezra:5:16 @ Then the same Sheshbazzar came [and] laid the foundation of the house of God which is in Jerusalem. And since that time even until now it has been building, but is not finished.

mkjv@Ezra:6:1 @ Then Darius the king made a decree, and search was made in the house of the scrolls, where the treasures were laid up in Babylon.

mkjv@Ezra:6:13 @ Then Tatnai, governor of [the province] Beyond the River, Shethar-boznai, and their companions, according to that which Darius the king had sent, so they did speedily.

mkjv@Ezra:8:16 @ Then I sent for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for Jarib, and for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for Zechariah, and for Meshullam, chief men; also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, men of understanding.

mkjv@Ezra:8:21 @ Then I called a fast there at the river Ahava, so that we might humble ourselves before our God, in order to seek from Him a right way for us and for our little ones, and for all our goods.

mkjv@Ezra:8:24 @ Then I separated twelve of the chief of the priests, Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their brothers with them.

mkjv@Ezra:9:4 @ Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel was gathered to me, because of the sin of those who had been exiled. And I remained dumb until the evening sacrifice.

mkjv@Ezra:10:5 @ Then Ezra arose and made the chief priests, the Levites, and all Israel to swear that they should do according to this word. And they swore.

mkjv@Ezra:10:6 @ Then Ezra rose up from before the house of God and went into the room of Johanan the son of Eliashib. And he went there, and he ate no bread nor drank water. For he mourned because of the sin of those who had been exiled.

mkjv@Ezra:10:9 @ Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered themselves to Jerusalem within three days. It [was] the ninth month, on the twentieth of the month. And all the people sat in the street of the house of God, trembling because of [this matter, and for the great rain.

mkjv@Ezra:10:12 @ Then all the congregation answered and said with a loud voice, As you have said, so we must do.

mkjv@Nehemiah:2:2 @ And the king said to me, Why [is] your face sad, since you [are] not sick? This [is] nothing but sorrow of heart. Then I was very much afraid.

mkjv@Nehemiah:3:1 @ Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brothers the priests, and they built the Sheep Gate. They sanctified it and set up its doors, even to the Tower of Meah they sanctified it, to the Tower of Hananeel.

mkjv@Nehemiah:5:12 @ And they said, We will restore, and will ask nothing from them. So we will do as you say. Then I called the priests and took an oath from them that they should do according to this promise.

mkjv@Nehemiah:6:5 @ Then Sanballat sent his servant to me in the same way the fifth time with an open letter in his hand, in which was written,

mkjv@Nehemiah:8:10 @ Then he said to them, Go eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send portions to him for [whom] nothing is prepared. For [this] day [is] holy to our LORD. And do not be sorry, for the joy of the LORD [is] your strength.

mkjv@Nehemiah:11:17 @ And Mattaniah the son of Micha, the son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph, [was] the leader to begin the thanksgiving in prayer. And Bakbukiah was second among his brothers, and then Abda the son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.

mkjv@Nehemiah:12:31 @ Then I brought up the rulers of Judah on the wall, and chose two great choirs of praise. One went to the right upon the wall toward the Dung Gate.

mkjv@Nehemiah:13:9 @ Then I commanded, and they purified the rooms. And I brought there again the vessels of the house of God, with the food offering and the frankincense.

mkjv@Nehemiah:13:27 @ Shall we then listen to you, to do all this great evil, to sin against our God in living with foreign women?

mkjv@Esther:2:19 @ And when the virgins were gathered the second time, then Mordecai sat in the king's gate.

mkjv@Esther:3:5 @ And when Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow nor worship him, then Haman was full of wrath.

mkjv@Esther:3:12 @ Then the king's scribes were called on the thirteenth day of the first month, and there was written according to all that Haman had commanded to the king's lieutenants, and to the governors [who were] over every province, and to the rulers of every people of every province, according to the writing of it, and to every people according to their language. It was written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with the king's ring.

mkjv@Esther:5:14 @ And Zeresh his wife and all his friends said to him, Make a wooden [gallows], fifty cubits high and tomorrow speak to the king that Mordecai may be hanged on it. Then go in merrily with the king to the banquet. And the thing pleased Haman, and he caused the wooden [gallows] to be made.

mkjv@Esther:6:13 @ And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every [thing] that had happened to him. Then his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, If Mordecai is of the seed of the Jews, before whom you have begun to fall, you shall not prevail against him but shall surely fall before him.

mkjv@Esther:7:9 @ And Harbonah, one of the eunuchs, said before the king, Also look! the wooden [gallows] fifty cubits high which Haman made for Mordecai, who had spoken good for the king, stands in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him on it!

mkjv@Esther:8:4 @ Then the king held out the golden scepter toward Esther. And Esther arose and stood before the king,

mkjv@Esther:8:9 @ Then the king's scribes were called at that time in the third month, the month Sivan, on the twenty-third of it. And it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews, and to the lieutenants and the governors and rulers of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, to every province according to the writing of it, and to every people in their writing, and to the Jews according to their writing and according to their language.

mkjv@Esther:9:13 @ Then Esther said, If it pleases the king, let it be granted to the Jews in Shushan to do tomorrow also according to this day's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged on the wooden [gallows].

mkjv@Job:1:7 @ And the LORD said to Satan, From where do you come? Then Satan answered the LORD and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

mkjv@Job:3:13 @ For now I should have lain still and been quiet; I should have slept. Then I would have been at rest

mkjv@Job:4:16 @ It stood still, but I could not tell the form of it. An image [was] before my eyes; silence; then I heard a voice,

mkjv@Job:7:14 @ then You scare me with dreams, and terrify me with visions;

mkjv@Job:8:18 @ If he is destroyed from his place, then it shall deny him: I have not seen you.

mkjv@Job:9:24 @ The earth is given into the hand of the wicked; He covers the faces of its judges; if it [is] not [He], then who [is] it?

mkjv@Job:9:29 @ I have been condemned; why then should I labor in vain?

mkjv@Job:9:35 @ [then] would I speak and not fear Him; for [it is] not so with me.

mkjv@Job:10:14 @ If I sin, then You mark me, and You will not acquit me from my iniquity.

mkjv@Job:10:18 @ Why then have You brought me from the womb? Oh that I had given up the spirit, and no eye had seen me!

mkjv@Job:10:20 @ Are not my days few? Cease [then, and] let me alone, that I may take comfort a little,

mkjv@Job:11:10 @ If He passes through and shuts up, or gathers together, then who can turn Him back?

mkjv@Job:11:15 @ surely then you shall lift up your face without spot; yea, you shall be steadfast and shall not fear;

mkjv@Job:13:20 @ Only do not do two [things] to me; then I will not hide myself from You.

mkjv@Job:13:22 @ Then call, and I will answer; or let me speak, and answer You me.

mkjv@Job:17:15 @ And where then [is] my hope? And [as for] my hope, who shall see it?

mkjv@Job:21:34 @ How then do you comfort me in vain; yea, in your answers remains transgression?

mkjv@Job:22:24 @ Then you shall lay up gold like dust, and among the rock of the torrents of Ophir.

mkjv@Job:22:26 @ For then you shall have your delight in the Almighty, and shall lift up your face to God.

mkjv@Job:25:4 @ How then can man be justified with God? Or how can [one] who is born of a woman be clean?

mkjv@Job:27:12 @ Behold, all you have seen [it] yourselves; why then do you become completely vain?

mkjv@Job:28:20 @ From where then does wisdom come, and where [is] the place of understanding?

mkjv@Job:28:27 @ then He saw it, and declared it; He prepared it, yea, and searched it out.

mkjv@Job:29:18 @ Then I said, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiply [my] days like the sand.

mkjv@Job:30:26 @ When I looked for good, then evil came; and when I waited for light, then darkness came.

mkjv@Job:31:1 @ I made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I look upon a virgin?

mkjv@Job:31:8 @ [then] let me sow, and let another eat; and let my harvests be rooted out.

mkjv@Job:31:10 @ [then] let my wife grind to another, and let others bow down on her.

mkjv@Job:31:14 @ what then shall I do when God rises up? And when He calls me to account, what shall I answer Him?

mkjv@Job:31:22 @ [then] let my arm fall from the shoulder blade, and let my arm be broken from the elbow.

mkjv@Job:31:34 @ then let me tremble before a great multitude, and be terrified by the scorn of families; [and] I will be silent [and] not go out the door.

mkjv@Job:32:5 @ When Elihu saw that there [was] no answer in the mouth of these three men, then his wrath was kindled.

mkjv@Job:33:16 @ then He opens the ear of men and seals their teaching,

mkjv@Job:33:24 @ then He is gracious to him and says, Deliver him from going down to the Pit; for I have found a ransom.

mkjv@Job:34:29 @ And He gives quietness, who then can condemn? And when He hides [His] face, who can behold Him? And [it may be] against a nation and a man together;

mkjv@Job:36:9 @ then He shows them their work, and their sins, that they have behaved themselves proudly.

mkjv@Job:36:18 @ For [beware] wrath, that He not lure you with [His] scorn; then a great ransom cannot turn you aside.

mkjv@Job:36:19 @ [If] your cry for help is set in order, then [it will] not [be]. in distress, but with all the forces of strength.

mkjv@Job:37:8 @ Then the beast goes into its lair, and it remains in its dens.

mkjv@Job:38:21 @ You know, because you were born then. And the number of your days [is] great?

mkjv@Job:40:14 @ Then I also will confess to you that your own right [hand] can save you.

mkjv@Job:41:10 @ None [is so] fierce as to dare to stir him up; who then [is] able to stand before Me?

mkjv@Psalms:2:5 @ Then He shall speak to them in His anger, and trouble them in His wrath.

mkjv@Psalms:9:5 @ You have rebuked the heathen, You have destroyed the wicked, You have put out their name forever and ever.

mkjv@Psalms:18:7 @ Then the earth shook and trembled; and the foundations of the hills moved and were shaken, because He was angry.

mkjv@Psalms:18:15 @ Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were uncovered, at Your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.

mkjv@Psalms:18:42 @ Then I beat them small as the dust before the wind; I cast them out like the dirt in the streets.

mkjv@Psalms:19:13 @ and keep Your servant back from presumptuous [sins]; do not let them rule over me; then I shall be upright, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.

mkjv@Psalms:27:10 @ When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

mkjv@Psalms:40:7 @ Then I said, Lo, I come, in the volume of the Book [it is] written of Me;

mkjv@Psalms:43:4 @ Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy; yea, on the harp I will praise You, O God, my God.

mkjv@Psalms:50:18 @ When you saw a thief, then you were pleased to be with him, and you [have taken] part with adulterers.

mkjv@Psalms:51:13 @ [Then] I will teach transgressors Your ways; and sinners shall be converted to You.

mkjv@Psalms:51:19 @ Then shall You be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering; then they shall offer bulls on Your altar.

mkjv@Psalms:55:12 @ For [it is] not an enemy [who] reviled me; then I could have borne [it]; [it is] not one who hates me [who] magnified [himself] against me; or I would hide myself from him;

mkjv@Psalms:56:9 @ When I cry, then my enemies will be turned back. This I know, for God [is] with me.

mkjv@Psalms:68:25 @ The singers went before, then the musicians came; among [them were] the virgins playing the timbrels.

mkjv@Psalms:69:4 @ They who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head; they who would destroy me are mighty, my lying enemies. Then I restored [what] I did not take away.

mkjv@Psalms:73:17 @ until I went into the sanctuary of God; [then] I understood their end.

mkjv@Psalms:78:34 @ When He killed them, then they looked for Him; and they turned back and sought after God.

mkjv@Psalms:78:65 @ Then the Lord awakened like one out of sleep, like a mighty man rejoicing with wine.

mkjv@Psalms:79:13 @ Then we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, will give You thanks forever; we will show forth Your praise to all generations.

mkjv@Psalms:89:19 @ Then You spoke in a vision to Your holy one, and You said, I have laid help on a mighty one; I have lifted up a chosen one out of the people.

mkjv@Psalms:89:32 @ then I will visit their wickedness with the rod, and their sin with stripes.

mkjv@Psalms:96:12 @ Let the field be joyful, and all that [is] in it; then shall all the trees of the forest rejoice

mkjv@Psalms:106:12 @ Then they believed His words; they sang His praise.

mkjv@Psalms:106:30 @ Then Phinehas stood and interceded, and the plague was stayed.

mkjv@Psalms:107:6 @ Then they cried to the LORD in their distress, and He delivered them out of their troubles.

mkjv@Psalms:107:13 @ Then they cried to the LORD in their distress, [and] He saved them out of their troubles.

mkjv@Psalms:107:19 @ Then they cry to the LORD in their distress, [and] He saves them out of their troubles.

mkjv@Psalms:116:4 @ Then I called on the name of the LORD; O LORD, I beseech You, deliver my soul.

mkjv@Psalms:119:6 @ Then I shall not be ashamed, when I have respect to all Your commandments.

mkjv@Psalms:119:28 @ My soul weeps [for] grief; strengthen me according to Your word.

mkjv@Psalms:119:92 @ Unless Your law [had been] my delight, I should then have perished in my affliction.

mkjv@Psalms:124:3 @ then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their wrath was kindled against us;

mkjv@Psalms:124:4 @ then the waters would have flowed over us, the stream would have gone over our soul;

mkjv@Psalms:124:5 @ then the proud waters would have gone over our soul.

mkjv@Psalms:126:2 @ Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue [with] singing; then they said among the nations, The LORD has done great [things] with them.

mkjv@Psalms:142:3 @ When my spirit fainted within me, then You knew my path. In the way [in] which I walked they have secretly laid a snare for me.

mkjv@Proverbs:1:28 @ Then they shall call upon me, and I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me;

mkjv@Proverbs:2:5 @ then you shall understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

mkjv@Proverbs:2:9 @ Then you shall understand righteousness and judgment and honesty, every good path.

mkjv@Proverbs:3:23 @ Then you shall walk in your way safely, and your foot shall not stumble.

mkjv@Proverbs:11:2 @ Pride comes, then shame comes; but with the lowly [is] wisdom.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:14 @ [It is] bad! Bad, says the buyer; but when [it is] left to him, then he boasts.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:24 @ Man's steps [are] of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?

mkjv@Proverbs:24:14 @ so [shall] the knowledge of wisdom [be] to your soul; when you have found it, then there shall be a reward, and your hope shall not be cut off.

mkjv@Proverbs:24:32 @ Then I saw; I set my heart on it; I looked and I received instruction.

mkjv@Proverbs:24:34 @ then your poverty comes stalking, and your want like a man [armed with] a shield.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:11 @ Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done, and on the labor that I had labored to do; and, behold, all [is] vanity and vexation of spirit; and [there is] no profit under the sun.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:13 @ Then I saw that wisdom excels folly, as far as light excels darkness.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @ Then I said in my heart, As it happens to the fool, [so] it happens even to me; and why was I then more wise? And I said in my heart that this also [is] vanity.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:11 @ Again, if two lie [together], then they have warmth; but how can one be warm [alone]?

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:5:11 @ When the good thing increases, those who eat it increase; then what profit [is it] to its owners, except to see [it] with their eyes?

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @ Then I praised gladness, because a man has no better thing under the sun than to eat and to drink and to be glad; for that shall go with him of his labor for the days of his life which God gives him under the sun.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:17 @ Then I looked at all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun; because though a man labors to seek [it] out, yet he shall not find it. Yea, further, though a wise one speaks of knowing, yet he shall not be able to find [it].

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:10:10 @ If the iron is blunt, and he does not whet the edge, then he must put more strength to [it]. But wisdom [is] profitable to direct.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:7 @ then the dust shall return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.

mkjv@Songs:8:10 @ I [was] a wall, and my breasts like towers; then I was in His eyes as one finding peace.

mkjv@Isaiah:5:17 @ Then shall the lambs feed in their way, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat.

mkjv@Isaiah:6:1 @ In the year that king Uzziah died I then saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple.

mkjv@Isaiah:6:5 @ Then I said, Woe [is] me! For I am undone; for I [am] a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts.

mkjv@Isaiah:6:6 @ Then one of the seraphs flew to me, having a live coal in his hand, snatched with tongs from the altar.

mkjv@Isaiah:6:8 @ And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here [am] I; send me!

mkjv@Isaiah:6:11 @ Then I said, Lord, how long? And He answered, Until the cities are wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land laid waste, a desolation,

mkjv@Isaiah:7:3 @ Then the LORD said to Isaiah, Go out now to meet Ahaz, you and Shear-jashub your son, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the Fuller's Field.

mkjv@Isaiah:8:3 @ And I went to the prophetess. And she conceived and bore a son. Then the LORD said to me, Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz [Make Haste to Plunder].

mkjv@Isaiah:14:25 @ to break Assyria in My land, and on My mountains, trample him under foot. Then his yoke shall be removed from them, and his burden shall be taken off their shoulders.

mkjv@Isaiah:14:32 @ What shall [one] then answer the messengers of the nation? That the LORD has founded Zion, and the poor of His people shall trust in it.

mkjv@Isaiah:18:5 @ For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, then He will cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away [and] cut down the branches.

mkjv@Isaiah:22:13 @ Then, lo, joy and gladness, slaying oxen and killing sheep, eating flesh and drinking wine, saying, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!

mkjv@Isaiah:24:23 @ Then the moon shall blush, and the sun shall be ashamed, when Jehovah of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, in Jerusalem, and gloriously before His elders.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:18 @ And your covenant with death shall be wiped out, and your vision with hell shall not stand; when the overwhelming rod shall pass through, then you shall be beaten down by it.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:22 @ So then do not be mockers, lest your bands be made strong; for I have heard from the Lord Jehovah of hosts that a full end is decreed on all the earth.

mkjv@Isaiah:29:2 @ Then I will distress Ariel, and there shall be heaviness and sorrow; and it shall be to me as Ariel.

mkjv@Isaiah:30:23 @ Then He shall give the rain [for] your seed, with which you sow the ground. And the bread of the produce of the earth also shall be fat and plentiful. In that day your cattle shall feed in large pastures.

mkjv@Isaiah:31:8 @ Then Assyria shall fall with the sword, not of [great] man; and the sword, not of [lowly] man, shall devour him. For he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall become forced labor.

mkjv@Isaiah:32:16 @ Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field.

mkjv@Isaiah:33:23 @ Your ropes are loosened, they do not hold the base of the mast; they could not spread the sail. Then the prey of a great spoil shall be divided; the lame take the prey.

mkjv@Isaiah:35:5 @ Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.

mkjv@Isaiah:35:6 @ Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing; for in the wilderness waters shall break out, and streams in the desert.

mkjv@Isaiah:36:3 @ Then Eliakim, Hilkiah's son, who was over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and Asaph's son Joah, the recorder, came out to him.

mkjv@Isaiah:36:8 @ Now then, please exchange pledges with my master the king of Assyria, and I will give you two thousand horses if you are able on your part to set riders on them for you.

mkjv@Isaiah:36:9 @ How then will you turn away the face of one commander of the least of my master's servants, and put your trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?

mkjv@Isaiah:36:13 @ Then the chief of the cupbearers stood and cried with a loud voice [in] Jewish, and said, Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria.

mkjv@Isaiah:36:22 @ Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, who [was] over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah the son of Asaph, the recorder, came to Hezekiah [with their] clothes torn and told him the words of the chief of the cupbearers.

mkjv@Isaiah:37:36 @ Then the angel of the LORD went out and struck a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of Assyria. And they rose early in the morning, and behold! They [were] all dead corpses.

mkjv@Isaiah:38:2 @ Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed to the LORD,

mkjv@Isaiah:38:4 @ Then came the Word of the LORD to Isaiah, saying,

mkjv@Isaiah:39:3 @ Then Isaiah the prophet came to king Hezekiah, and said to him, What did these men say? And where did they come from to you? And Hezekiah said, They have come from a far country to me, from Babylon.

mkjv@Isaiah:39:4 @ Then he said, What have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, All that [is] in my house they have seen; there is nothing among my treasures that I have not let them see.

mkjv@Isaiah:39:5 @ Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, Hear the Word of Jehovah of hosts.

mkjv@Isaiah:39:8 @ Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, Good [is] the word of the LORD which you have spoken. And he said, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

mkjv@Isaiah:40:18 @ To whom then will you compare God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him?

mkjv@Isaiah:40:25 @ To whom then will you compare Me, or [am] I equaled? says the Holy One.

mkjv@Isaiah:41:1 @ Keep silence before Me, O coasts; and peoples shall renew strength; let them come near; then let them speak; let us come near together for judgment.

mkjv@Isaiah:41:7 @ So the artisan strengthens the refiner, and he smoothing [with] the hammer, him who struck the anvil, saying of soldering, It [is] good. And he made it strong with nails; it will not totter.

mkjv@Isaiah:44:8 @ Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you and made you hear since then? So you [are] My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Yea, [there is] none. I have not known a Rock.

mkjv@Isaiah:44:12 @ He engraves iron with a tool. He works in the coals, and forms it with hammers, and works it with the strength of his arms. Then, he is hungry, and his strength fails; he drinks no water, and is weak.

mkjv@Isaiah:45:21 @ Declare and bring near; yea, let them take counsel together. Who has declared this of old? [Who] has told it from then? Is it not I, the LORD? And [there is] no other God besides Me; a just God and a Savior; there is none besides Me.

mkjv@Isaiah:47:8 @ Now then hear this, O pleasure seeker, who lives carelessly; who says in her heart, I [am], and none else [is]; I shall not sit [as] a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children

mkjv@Isaiah:48:18 @ Oh that you had paid attention to My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

mkjv@Isaiah:49:4 @ Then I said, I have labored in vain; I have spent My strength for nothing, and in vain; [yet] surely My judgment is with the LORD, and My work with My God.

mkjv@Isaiah:49:21 @ Then you shall say in your heart, Who has borne me these, since I [am] bereaved, and desolate, turned aside and an exile, and who has brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where [were] they?

mkjv@Isaiah:54:2 @ Make the place of your tent larger, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings. Do not spare, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes;

mkjv@Isaiah:58:8 @ Then shall your light break out as the dawn, and your health shall spring out quickly; and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall gather you.

mkjv@Isaiah:58:9 @ Then you shall call, and the LORD shall answer; you shall cry, and He shall say, Here I [am]. If you take the yoke away from among you, the pointing of the finger, and speaking vanity;

mkjv@Isaiah:58:10 @ and [if] you draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall your light rise in darkness, and your darkness [shall be] as the noonday.

mkjv@Isaiah:58:14 @ then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride on the high places of the earth, and feed yourself with the inheritance of Jacob your father. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

mkjv@Isaiah:60:5 @ Then you shall fear and become bright, and your heart shall throb and swell for joy; because the abundance of the sea shall turn to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you.

mkjv@Isaiah:63:11 @ Then He remembered the days of old, Moses [and] His people, [saying], Where [is] He who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of His flock? Where [is] He who put His Holy Spirit within him?

mkjv@Isaiah:66:1 @ So says the LORD, Heaven [is] My throne, and earth My footstool. Where, then, [is] the house that you build for Me? And where [is] the place of My rest?

mkjv@Isaiah:66:12 @ For so says the LORD, Behold, I will hold out peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like a flowing stream. Then you will suck, you will be carried on [her] sides and be dandled upon [her] knees.

mkjv@Jeremiah:1:6 @ Then I said, Alas, Lord Jehovah! Behold, I do not know to speak; for I [am] a boy.

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:21 @ Yet I planted you a noble vine, wholly a true seed. How then have you turned into the degenerate [shoots of] an alien vine to Me?

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:1 @ If you will return, O Israel, says the LORD, return to Me. And if you will put away your abominations out of your sight, then you shall not be moved.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:10 @ Then I said, Ah, Lord Jehovah! Surely You have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, You shall have peace; but the sword reaches to the soul.

mkjv@Jeremiah:5:7 @ Why shall I pardon you for this? Your sons have forsaken Me, and have sworn by No-gods. When I adjured them, then they committed adultery, and gathered themselves by troops in a harlot's house.

mkjv@Jeremiah:5:19 @ And it will be, when you shall say, Why does the LORD our God do all these things] to us? Then You shall answer them, Just as you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve strangers in a land that is] not yours.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:7 @ then I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, forever and ever.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:10 @ and then come and stand before Me in this house which is called by My name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:34 @ Then I will cause the voice of gladness to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem, and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride. For the land shall be desolate.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:22 @ [Is there] no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has the healing of the daughter of My people not come?

mkjv@Jeremiah:11:5 @ so that I may fulfil the oath which I have sworn to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as [it is] this day. Then I answered and said, Amen, O LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:11:6 @ Then the LORD said to me, Declare all these words in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying, Hear the words of this covenant, and do them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:11:12 @ Then shall the cities of Judah and the people of Jerusalem go and cry to the gods to whom they offer incense. But they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble.

mkjv@Jeremiah:11:15 @ What [is to] My beloved in My house, [since] she has committed her many evils? And has the holy flesh caused your evil to pass from you? [How] then do you exult?

mkjv@Jeremiah:11:18 @ And the LORD made me know, and I knew. Then You showed me their doings.

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:5 @ If you have run with footmen, and they wore you out, then how can you compete with horses? And [if] you feel secure in the land of peace, then how will you do in the swelling of Jordan?

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:16 @ And it will be if they will carefully learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name, [As] the LORD lives; as they taught the people to swear by Baal; then they shall be built in the midst of My people.

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:7 @ Then I went to Euphrates and dug, and took the girdle from the place where I had hidden it. And, behold, the girdle was rotted; it was not good for anything.

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:8 @ Then the Word of the LORD came to me, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:13 @ Then you shall say to them, So says the LORD, Behold, I will fill all the people of this land, even the kings that sit on David's throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people of Jerusalem, with drunkenness.

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:23 @ Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots? [Then] you also may do good, who are accustomed to doing evil.

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:11 @ Then the LORD said to me, Do not pray for this people for good.

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:13 @ Then I said, Ah, O Lord Jehovah! Behold, the prophets are saying to them, You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine; but I will give you true peace in this place.

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:18 @ If I go out into the field, then I see those killed with the sword! And if I enter into the city, then, behold, sicknesses of famine! Yes, both the prophet and the priest have gone up into a land that they do not know.

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:22 @ Are there [any] among the vanities of the nations who make rain fall? Or can the heavens give showers? [Is] it not You, O LORD our God? Then we will wait on You; for You do all these things.

mkjv@Jeremiah:15:1 @ Then the LORD said to me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before Me, My soul [could] not [be] toward this people. Send [them] out of My sight, and let them go out.

mkjv@Jeremiah:15:2 @ And it will be, if they say to you, Where shall we go? Then you shall tell them, So says the LORD: Those who [are] for death, go to death; and those for the sword, to the sword; and those for the famine, to the famine; and those for the captivity, to the captivity.

mkjv@Jeremiah:15:19 @ Therefore so says the LORD, If you turn back, then I will bring you again; you shall stand before Me. And if you take the precious from the worthless, you shall be as My mouth. Let them turn back to you, but do not return to them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:16:11 @ Then you shall say to them, Because your fathers have forsaken Me, says the LORD, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and have worshiped them, and have forsaken Me, and have not kept My law.

mkjv@Jeremiah:17:25 @ then kings and rulers sitting on the throne of David shall enter into the gates of this city, riding in chariots and on horses, they, and their rulers, the men of Judah, and the people of Jerusalem. And this city shall remain forever.

mkjv@Jeremiah:17:27 @ But if you will not listen to me to keep the Sabbath day holy, and not to carry a burden, even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day; then I will kindle a fire in its gates, and it will devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it will not be put out.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:3 @ Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he was working a work on the wheel.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:5 @ Then the Word of the LORD came to me, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:10 @ if it does evil in My sight, not to obey My voice, then I will repent of the good with which I said I would do them good.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:11 @ Now then please, speak to the men of Judah, and to the people of Jerusalem, saying, So says the LORD: Behold, I am forming evil against you, and devising a plan against you. Return now, each one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:18 @ Then they said, Come and let us plot schemes against Jeremiah. For the law shall not perish from the priest, nor wisdom from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come and let us strike him with the tongue, and let us not pay attention to any of his words.

mkjv@Jeremiah:19:1 @ So says the LORD, Go and get a potter's earthen jar, and [assemble] from the elders of the people and of the elders of the priests.

mkjv@Jeremiah:19:10 @ Then you shall break the jar before the eyes of the men who go with you,

mkjv@Jeremiah:19:14 @ Then Jeremiah came from Tophet, where the LORD had sent him to prophesy. And he stood in the court of the LORD's house, and said to all the people,

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:2 @ then Pashur struck Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that [were] in the upper Benjamin Gate, which [was] by the house of the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:3 @ And it happened on the next day, Pashur brought Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then Jeremiah said to him, The LORD has not called your name Pashur, but Terror from All Around.

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:9 @ Then I said, I will not mention Him, nor speak in His name any more. But [His Word] was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with holding in, and I could not stop.

mkjv@Jeremiah:21:3 @ Then Jeremiah said to them, You shall say this to Zedekiah,

mkjv@Jeremiah:22:4 @ For if you do this thing indeed, then there shall enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting on the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people.

mkjv@Jeremiah:22:9 @ Then they shall answer, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD their God, and worshiped other gods, and served them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:22:15 @ Do you reign, because you lust to excel in cedar? Did not your father eat and drink, and do justice and righteousness? Then [it was] well with him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:22:16 @ He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then [it was] well with him. Was this not to know Me? says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:22:22 @ The wind shall eat up all your shepherds, and your lovers shall go into captivity; surely then you will be ashamed and humiliated for all your wickedness.

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:14 @ I have also seen in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing; they commit adultery and walk in falsehood. They also strengthen to the hands of evildoers, so that none returns from his evil; they are all of them like Sodom to Me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah.

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:22 @ But if they had stood in My wisdom and had caused My people to hear My words, then they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings.

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:33 @ And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask you, saying, What [is] the burden of the LORD? You shall then say to them, What burden? I will even forsake you, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:24:3 @ Then the LORD said to me, What do you see, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs are very good, and the bad are very bad, so that they cannot be eaten, they are so bad.

mkjv@Jeremiah:25:17 @ Then I took the cup at the LORD's hand, and made all the nations drink, to whom the LORD had sent me.

mkjv@Jeremiah:25:28 @ And it shall be if they refuse to take the cup at your hand to drink, then you shall say to them, So says the LORD of hosts, You shall certainly drink.

mkjv@Jeremiah:26:6 @ then I will make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.

mkjv@Jeremiah:26:10 @ When the rulers of Judah heard these things, then they came up from the king's house to the house of the LORD, and sat down in the entrance of the New Gate of the LORD's [house].

mkjv@Jeremiah:26:12 @ Then Jeremiah spoke to all the rulers and to all the people, saying, The LORD sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that you have heard.

mkjv@Jeremiah:26:16 @ Then the rulers and all the people said to the priests and to the prophets, There [is] not a sentence of death for this man; for he has spoken to us in the name of Jehovah our God.

mkjv@Jeremiah:26:17 @ Then some of the elders of the land rose up and spoke to all the assembly of the people, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:27:7 @ And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son's son, until the time of his own land comes. And then many nations and great kings shall enslave him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:27:22 @ They shall be carried to Babylon, and they shall be there until the day that I visit them, says the LORD. Then I will bring them up and give them back to this place.

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:5 @ Then the prophet Jeremiah said to the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests, and in the presence all the people who stood in the house of the LORD,

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:9 @ As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, [then] the prophet shall be known, that the LORD has truly sent him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:10 @ Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck and broke it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:12 @ Then the Word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, after Hananiah the prophet had broken the yoke from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:15 @ Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah. The LORD has not sent you, but you make this people to trust in a lie.

mkjv@Jeremiah:29:12 @ Then you shall call on Me, and you shall go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:13 @ Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together; for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them and make them rejoice from their affliction.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:2 @ For then the king of Babylon's army besieged Jerusalem. And Jeremiah the prophet was shut in the court of the guard, which [was] in the king of Judah's house.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:8 @ So Hanameel my uncle's son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the LORD and said to me, Please buy my field in Anathoth, which [is] in the land of Benjamin; for the right of inheritance [is] yours, and the right to redeem [is] yours. Buy [it] for yourself. Then I knew that this [was] the word of the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:14 @ So says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Take these books, the purchase document, the one sealed and the open book, and put them in an earthen vessel so that they may stand many days.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:26 @ Then the Word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:33:21 @ [then] also may My covenant with David My servant be broken, that he should not have a son to reign on his throne, and [My covenant] with the Levites the priests, My ministers.

mkjv@Jeremiah:33:26 @ then I will cast away the seed of Jacob, and David My servant, [so] that I will not take [any] of his seed [to be] rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will bring back their captivity, and have mercy on them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:34:6 @ Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah in Jerusalem,

mkjv@Jeremiah:35:3 @ Then I took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habaziniah, and his brothers, and all his sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites.

mkjv@Jeremiah:35:12 @ Then came the Word of the LORD to Jeremiah, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:36:4 @ Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah. And Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the LORD, which He had spoken to him, on a roll of a book.

mkjv@Jeremiah:36:12 @ then he went down into the king's house, into the scribe's room. And, lo, all the rulers sat there, even Elishama the scribe, and Delaiah the son of Shemaiah, and Elnathan the son of Achbor, and Gemariah the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah, and all the rulers.

mkjv@Jeremiah:36:13 @ Then Michaiah declared to them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the book in the ears of the people.

mkjv@Jeremiah:36:18 @ Then Baruch answered them, He spoke all these words to me with his mouth, and I wrote [them] with ink on the book.

mkjv@Jeremiah:36:27 @ Then the Word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, after the king had burned the scroll and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah, saying,

mkjv@Jeremiah:36:32 @ Then Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah, who wrote in it from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire. And many words like them were added to them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:37:12 @ then Jeremiah went out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, to receive a portion from there in the midst of the people.

mkjv@Jeremiah:37:14 @ Then Jeremiah said, A lie! I am not falling away to the Chaldeans. But he did not listen to him; so Irijah took Jeremiah and brought him to the rulers.

mkjv@Jeremiah:37:16 @ When Jeremiah had entered into the house of the pit, and into the cells, then Jeremiah remained there many days.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:5 @ Then Zedekiah the king said, Behold, he [is] in your hand. For the king cannot do a thing against you.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:7 @ And Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, of the eunuchs in the king's house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the pit (the king then sitting in the gate of Benjamin),

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:10 @ Then the king commanded Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying, Take in your hand thirty men with you from here, and lift Jeremiah the prophet up out of the pit before he dies.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:15 @ Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, If I declare [it] to you, will you not surely put me to death? And if I give you advice, you will not listen to me.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:17 @ Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, So says the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel: If you will surely go forth to the king of Babylon's rulers, then your soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire. And you shall live, and your house.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:18 @ But if you will not go forth to the king of Babylon's rulers, then this city shall be given into the hands of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and you shall not escape out of their hand.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:24 @ Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah, Let no man know of these words, and you shall not die.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:26 @ then you shall say to them, I presented my cry before the king, that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan's house, to die there.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:27 @ Then all the rulers came to Jeremiah and asked him. And he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they quit speaking with him; for the matter was not known.

mkjv@Jeremiah:39:4 @ And it happened when Zedekiah, the king of Judah and all the men of war saw them, then they fled, and went out from the city by night, by the way of the king's garden, by the gate between the two walls. And he went out the way of the plain.

mkjv@Jeremiah:39:6 @ Then the king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes in Riblah. Also the king of Babylon killed all the rulers of Judah.

mkjv@Jeremiah:39:9 @ Then Nebuzaradan the chief of the executioners exiled [to] Babylon the rest of the people who remained in the city, and those who fell away, who fell to him with the rest of the people that remained.

mkjv@Jeremiah:40:6 @ Then Jeremiah went to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam at Mizpah. And [he] lived with him among the people who were left in the land.

mkjv@Jeremiah:40:8 @ then they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai of Netopha, and Jezaniah the son of a Maachathite, they and their men.

mkjv@Jeremiah:40:15 @ Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying, Please let me go. And I will kill Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and no man shall know. Why should he kill you so that all the Jews who are gathered to you should be scattered, and the remnant in Judah perish?

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:2 @ Then Ishmael the son of Nethaniah arose, and the ten men who were with him, and struck Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan with the sword, and killed him whom the king of Babylon had made governor over the land.

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:10 @ Then Ishmael took captive all the rest of the people who [were] in Mizpah, even the king's daughters and all the people who remained in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan the chief of the executioners had entrusted to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah took captive and left to go over to the Ammonites.

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:12 @ then they took all the men and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah. And they found him by the great waters that [are] in Gibeon.

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:13 @ And it happened when all the people with Ishmael saw Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the commanders of the forces with him, then they were glad.

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:16 @ Then Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces with him took all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah, after he had killed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam. They took mighty men of war, and the women, and the children, and the eunuchs, whom he had brought again from Gibeon.

mkjv@Jeremiah:42:1 @ Then came near all the commanders of the forces, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people from the least even to the greatest, came near.

mkjv@Jeremiah:42:10 @ If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and will not pull [you] down. And I will plant you and will not pluck [you] up. For I repent of the evil that I have done to you.

mkjv@Jeremiah:42:15 @ then now hear the Word of the LORD, O remnant of Judah. So says Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: If you surely set your faces to go into Egypt, and go to live there,

mkjv@Jeremiah:42:16 @ then it will happen, the sword which you feared shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt. And the famine of which you were anxious about shall cling to you there [in] Egypt; and you shall die there.

mkjv@Jeremiah:43:2 @ Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the proud men, spoke then, saying to Jeremiah, You speak falsely! The LORD our God has not sent you to say, Do not go to Egypt to live there.

mkjv@Jeremiah:44:17 @ But we will certainly do whatever thing goes forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our rulers, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem. [For] then we had plenty of food, and were well, and saw no evil.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:2 @ So, behold, the days come, says the LORD, that I will cause a shout of war to be heard in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. And it shall be a heap of ruins, and her daughter-villages shall be burned with fire. Then Israel shall inherit his inheritance, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:20 @ So then hear the counsel of the LORD which He has taken against Edom, and His purposes which He has purposed against the people of Teman: Surely the least of the flock shall drag them away. Surely He shall make their homes a ruin over them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:62 @ then you shall say, O LORD, You have spoken against this place to cut it off, so that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be a ruin forever.

mkjv@Lamentations:3:54 @ Waters flowed over my head; [then] I said, I am cut off.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:2 @ The precious sons of Zion are weighed against pure gold; how they are counted as earthen vessels, the work of a potter's hand!

mkjv@Ezekiel:3:3 @ And He said to me, Son of man, cause your belly to eat, and fill your belly with this roll that I give you. Then I ate [it]; and in my mouth it was like honey for sweetness.

mkjv@Ezekiel:3:15 @ Then I came to the exiles at Tel-at-abib, who lived by the river Chebar. And I sat [where] they sat; and I also dwelt seven days, being stricken dumb among them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:3:23 @ Then I arose and went out into the plain; and, behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, like the glory which I saw by the river Chebar. And I fell on my face.

mkjv@Ezekiel:4:14 @ Then I said, Ah Lord Jehovah! Behold, my soul has not been defiled. For from my youth up, even till now, I have not eaten of that which dies of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither did there come any unclean flesh into my mouth.

mkjv@Ezekiel:4:15 @ Then He said to me, Lo, I have given you cow's dung for man's dung, and you shall prepare your bread with it.

mkjv@Ezekiel:5:1 @ And you, son of man, take a sharp sword to yourself, take a barber's razor also, and cause [it] to pass on your head and on your beard. Then take scales to weigh, and divide the [hair].

mkjv@Ezekiel:5:4 @ Then take of them again, and throw them into the middle of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for a fire shall come forth from them into all the house of Israel.

mkjv@Ezekiel:6:13 @ Then you shall know that I [am] the LORD, when their dead shall be among their idols all around their altars, on every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every leafy oak, the place where they offered sweet aroma to all their idols.

mkjv@Ezekiel:7:16 @ But [if] their fugitives shall escape, then they shall be like doves of the valleys on the mountains, all of them mourning, each one for his iniquity.

mkjv@Ezekiel:9:8 @ And it happened as they were slaying them, and I remained, then I fell on my face and cried, and said, Ah Lord Jehovah! Will You destroy all the remnant of Israel in Your pouring out of Your fury on Jerusalem?

mkjv@Ezekiel:10:6 @ And it happened when He had commanded the man clothed [with] linen, saying, Take fire from between the wheels, from between the cherubs; he went in then and stood beside the wheels.

mkjv@Ezekiel:14:13 @ Son of man, when a land sins against Me by traitorous betraying, then I will stretch out My hand on it, and will break the staff of its bread, and will send famine on it, and will cut off man and beast from it.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:49 @ Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom; pride. Fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters. Nor did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:53 @ When I shall return their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, then [also] the captivity of your captivity in their midst;

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:55 @ When your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former state, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former state, then you and your daughters shall return to your former state.

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:13 @ has loaned on usury; and has taken increase; shall he then live? He shall not live! He has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be on him.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:7 @ then I said to them, Let each man throw away the abominations of his eyes, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I [am] Jehovah your God.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:28 @ When I had brought them into the land [for] which I lifted up My hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered their sacrifices there. And there they offered their provoking gifts. There also they made their sweet aroma, and poured out their drink offerings there.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:4 @ Since then I will cut off the righteous and the wicked from you, therefore My sword shall be drawn from its sheath against all flesh from the south to the north,

mkjv@Ezekiel:23:39 @ And when they had slain their sons to their idols, then they came into My sanctuary in that day to profane it. And lo, this they have done in the midst of My house.

mkjv@Ezekiel:28:25 @ So says the Lord Jehovah: When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among [whom] they are scattered, and have been sanctified in them in the sight of the nations, then they shall dwell in their land that I have given to My servant Jacob.

mkjv@Ezekiel:30:24 @ And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put My sword in his hand. But I will break Pharaoh's arms, and he shall groan before him with the groanings of one who is stabbed.

mkjv@Ezekiel:30:25 @ But I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall. And they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I shall put My sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall stretch it on the land of Egypt.

mkjv@Ezekiel:32:15 @ When I shall make the land of Egypt a ruin, and the land shall be stripped of its fullness; when I shall strike all those who dwell in it; then they shall know that I [am] the LORD.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:4 @ then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword does come and take him away, his blood shall be on his own head.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:10 @ And you, son of man, speak to the house of Israel. So you have spoken, saying, When our transgressions and our sins [are] on us, and we are wasting away in them, How then shall we live?

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:15 @ [if] the wicked gives back the pledge, gives again what he had robbed, walks in the statutes of life without committing iniquity, then he shall surely live; he shall not die.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:33 @ And when this happens; lo, it will come; then they shall know that a prophet has been among them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:16 @ I will seek the lost, and bring again those driven away, and will bind up the broken, and will strengthen the sick. But I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:15 @ And [as] they pass, those who pass through the land, and [any] man sees a bone, then he shall build a post beside it, until the buriers have buried it in The Valley of the Multitude of Gog.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:28 @ then they shall know that I [am] the LORD their God who exiled them among the nations. But I have gathered them to their own land, and have not left any of them there.

mkjv@Ezekiel:42:14 @ When the priests enter, then they shall not go out of the holy place into the outer court, but they shall lay their clothes there by which they minister in them, for they are holy. And they shall put on other clothes, and shall approach that which is for the people.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:12 @ And when the ruler shall prepare a free-will burnt offering or peace offerings willingly to the LORD, [one] shall then open to him the gate that faces eastward, and he shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, as he did on the Sabbath day. And he shall go out. And after his going out, one shall shut the gate.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:17 @ But if he gives a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of liberty. Afterwards. it shall return to the ruler, but his inheritance shall be his sons' for them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:47:7 @ When I returned, then behold, on the edge of the torrent [were] very many trees, from here and from there.

mkjv@Daniel:1:10 @ And the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has chosen your food and your drink. For why should he see your faces worse looking than the boys who [are] of your kind? Then you would forfeit my head to the king.

mkjv@Daniel:1:13 @ Then let our look be seen before you, and the look of the boys who eat of the king's food. And as you see, deal with your servants.

mkjv@Daniel:2:14 @ Then Daniel answered [with] counsel and insight to Arioch the chief of the king's executioners, who had gone forth to kill the wise men of Babylon.

mkjv@Daniel:2:15 @ He answered and said to Arioch the king's captain, Why is the decree so hasty from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known to Daniel.

mkjv@Daniel:2:16 @ Then Daniel went in and asked of the king that he would give him time, and that he would make known the meaning to the king.

mkjv@Daniel:2:17 @ Then Daniel went to his house and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions,

mkjv@Daniel:2:19 @ Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. And Daniel blessed the God of Heaven.

mkjv@Daniel:2:24 @ Then Daniel went in to Arioch, whom the king had chosen to destroy the wise men of Babylon. He went and said this to him; Do not destroy the wise men of Babylon. Bring me in before the king, and I will declare the meaning to the king.

mkjv@Daniel:2:25 @ Then Arioch quickly brought Daniel in before the king, and said this to him, I have found a man of the captives of Judah who will make the meaning known to the king.

mkjv@Daniel:2:35 @ Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were broken to pieces together. And they became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors. And the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

mkjv@Daniel:2:46 @ Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and worshiped Daniel, and he commanded to offer an offering and incense to him.

mkjv@Daniel:2:48 @ Then the king made Daniel great, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over all the province of Babylon, and chief of the prefects over all the wise men of Babylon.

mkjv@Daniel:3:2 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the satraps, the prefects, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the justices, and all the officials of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

mkjv@Daniel:3:3 @ Then were gathered the satraps, the prefects, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the justices, and all the officials of the provinces, to the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. And they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

mkjv@Daniel:3:4 @ Then a herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

mkjv@Daniel:3:8 @ Then at that time certain Chaldeans came near and accused the Jews.

mkjv@Daniel:3:13 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar in anger and wrath commanded them to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they brought these men before the king.

mkjv@Daniel:3:17 @ If it is [so that] our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, then He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.

mkjv@Daniel:3:19 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with wrath, and the form of his face was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He spoke and commanded that they should heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated.

mkjv@Daniel:3:21 @ Then these men were tied up in their slippers, their tunics, and their mantles, and their [other] clothes, and were thrown into the middle of the burning fiery furnace.

mkjv@Daniel:3:22 @ Then because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

mkjv@Daniel:3:24 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was amazed. And he rose up in haste and spoke and said to his advisers, Did we not throw three men bound into the middle of the fire? They answered and said to the king, True, O king.

mkjv@Daniel:3:26 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar came near the door of the burning fiery furnace. He answered and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the most high God, come forth and come [here]. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth from the middle of the fire.

mkjv@Daniel:3:30 @ Then the king made Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego prosper in the province of Babylon.

mkjv@Daniel:4:7 @ Then the horoscopists, the conjurers, the Chaldeans, and the fortune-tellers came in. And I told the dream before them, but they did not make its meaning known to me.

mkjv@Daniel:4:19 @ Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was stunned for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. The king spoke and said, Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its meaning trouble you. Belteshazzar answered and said, My lord, the dream is] to those who hate you, and its meaning to your foes.

mkjv@Daniel:5:3 @ Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God in Jerusalem. And the king, and his rulers, his wives, and his concubines, drank in them.

mkjv@Daniel:5:6 @ Then the king's face was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosened, and his knees knocked against one another.

mkjv@Daniel:5:8 @ Then all the king's wise men came in. But they could not read the writing, nor make the meaning known to the king.

mkjv@Daniel:5:9 @ Then King Belshazzar was greatly troubled, and his face was changing in him, and his lords were perplexed.

mkjv@Daniel:5:13 @ Then Daniel was brought in before the king. The king spoke and said to Daniel, Are you that Daniel who [is] of the exiled sons of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?

mkjv@Daniel:5:17 @ Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let your gifts be to yourself, and give your rewards to another. Yet I will read the writing to the king, and make the meaning known to him.

mkjv@Daniel:5:24 @ Then the part of the hand was sent from Him. And this writing was written.

mkjv@Daniel:5:29 @ Then Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet and a golden chain around his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.

mkjv@Daniel:6:3 @ Then this Daniel was made overseer of the presidents and satraps, because an excellent spirit [was] in him. And the king was planning to set him over all the kingdom.

mkjv@Daniel:6:4 @ Then the presidents and rulers sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom. But they could find no occasion or fault, because he [was] faithful. Neither [was] there any error or fault found in him.

mkjv@Daniel:6:5 @ Then these men said, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God.

mkjv@Daniel:6:6 @ Then these presidents and rulers assembled to the king, and said this to him: King Darius, live forever.

mkjv@Daniel:6:11 @ Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and confessing before his God.

mkjv@Daniel:6:12 @ Then they came near and spoke before the king concerning the king's ban. Have you not signed a ban that every man who shall ask a petition of any god or man within thirty days, except of you, O king, shall be thrown into the lion's den? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be changed.

mkjv@Daniel:6:13 @ Then they answered and said before the king, Daniel, who [is] of the exiled sons of Judah, has not respected you, O king, nor the ban that you have signed, but makes his prayer three times a day.

mkjv@Daniel:6:14 @ Then the king, when he heard the word, was very much displeased with himself. And he set [his] heart on Daniel to deliver him. And he labored until sundown to deliver him.

mkjv@Daniel:6:15 @ Then these men met before the king and said to the king, Know, O king, that the law of the Medes and Persians [is] that no ban nor law which the king establishes may be changed.

mkjv@Daniel:6:16 @ Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The king answered and said to Daniel, Your God, whom you always serve, will deliver you.

mkjv@Daniel:6:18 @ Then the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting. And diversions were not brought before him; and his sleep fled from him.

mkjv@Daniel:6:19 @ Then the king arose very early in the morning and hurried to the lions' den.

mkjv@Daniel:6:21 @ Then Daniel said to the king, O king, live forever.

mkjv@Daniel:6:23 @ Then the king was exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no kind of hurt was found on him, because he trusted in his God.

mkjv@Daniel:6:25 @ Then king Darius wrote to all people, nations, and languages who dwell in all the earth. Peace be multiplied to you.

mkjv@Daniel:7:1 @ In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head on his bed. Then he wrote the dream and gave the sum of the matters.

mkjv@Daniel:7:11 @ Then I was looking because of the voice of the great words which the horn spoke. I watched until the beast was slain, and his body was destroyed and given to the burning flame.

mkjv@Daniel:7:19 @ Then I wanted to know the truth of the fourth beast, which [was] different from all the others, very frightening, whose teeth [were of] iron, and his nails of bronze; [who] devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped the rest with his feet;

mkjv@Daniel:8:3 @ Then I lifted up my eyes, and looked. And behold, a ram with [two] horns stood before the Canal [having] two horns, and the [two] horns were high, but one [was] higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

mkjv@Daniel:8:8 @ Then the he-goat became very great. And when he was strong, the great horn was broken. And in its place came up four outstanding [ones] towards the four winds of the heavens.

mkjv@Daniel:8:13 @ Then I heard a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one said to that one who spoke, Until when shall the vision last, concerning the daily [sacrifice] and the transgression that astounds, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled?

mkjv@Daniel:8:14 @ And he said to me, For two thousand, three hundred evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary shall be vindicated.

mkjv@Daniel:8:15 @ And it happened when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me the form of a man.

mkjv@Daniel:10:5 @ then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a certain man was clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz.

mkjv@Daniel:10:9 @ Yet I heard the voice of his words. And when I heard the voice of his words, then I was in a deep sleep on my face, and my face [was] toward the ground.

mkjv@Daniel:10:12 @ Then he said to me, Do not fear, Daniel; for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to chasten yourself before your God, your words were heard. And I have come for your words.

mkjv@Daniel:10:16 @ And behold, one looking like the sons of men touched my lips. Then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who stood before me, O lord, my sorrows are turned on me by the vision, and I have kept no strength.

mkjv@Daniel:10:18 @ Then again [one] like a man in form came and touched me, and he made me stronger

mkjv@Daniel:10:20 @ Then he said, Do you know why I come to you? And now I will return to fight with the ruler of Persia. And when I have gone out, lo, the ruler of Greece shall come.

mkjv@Daniel:11:10 @ But his sons shall be stirred up and shall gather a multitude of great forces. And [one] shall certainly come and overflow, and pass through. Then he shall return and be stirred up, even to his fortress.

mkjv@Daniel:11:44 @ But news out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him. Then he will go out with great fury to destroy, and to devote many to destruction.

mkjv@Daniel:12:5 @ Then I Daniel looked, and behold, there stood another two, the one on this [side], and the one on that [side] of the bank of the river.

mkjv@Daniel:12:8 @ And I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, O my lord, what [shall be] the end of these things?

mkjv@Hosea:1:11 @ Then the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel shall be gathered together, and shall set over themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land. For great [shall be] the day of Jezreel.

mkjv@Hosea:2:7 @ And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them. She shall seek them, but shall not find [them]. Then she shall say, I will go and return to my first husband, for then [it was] better with me than now.

mkjv@Hosea:5:13 @ When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then Ephraim went to the Assyrian and sent to king Jareb. Yet he could not heal you nor cure you of your wound.

mkjv@Hosea:6:3 @ Then we shall know, [if] we follow on to know the LORD. His going out is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter [and] former rain to the earth.

mkjv@Hosea:7:1 @ When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was uncovered, and the wickedness of Samaria. For they have worked falsehood. And the thief comes in, the troop of robbers plunders outside.

mkjv@Hosea:7:15 @ Though I have bound and strengthened their arms, yet they think evil against Me.

mkjv@Hosea:10:3 @ For now they shall say, We have no king because we did not fear the LORD; what then should a king do to us?

mkjv@Hosea:11:1 @ When Israel [was] a child, then I loved him and called My son out of Egypt.

mkjv@Hosea:11:10 @ They shall walk after the LORD; He shall roar like a lion. When He shall roar, then the sons shall tremble from the west.

mkjv@Joel:2:18 @ Then the LORD will be jealous for His land and pity His people.

mkjv@Joel:2:23 @ Be glad then, sons of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God. For He has given you the former rain according to righteousness, and He will cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain in the first [month].

mkjv@Amos:2:14 @ And refuge shall perish from the swift, and the strong shall not strengthen his power, nor shall the mighty deliver his life;

mkjv@Amos:6:2 @ Pass to Calneh, and see; and from there go to Hamath the great. Then go down to Gath of the Philistines. [Are they] better than these kingdoms, or their border greater than your border?

mkjv@Amos:6:9 @ And it shall be if ten men remain in one house, then they shall die.

mkjv@Amos:6:10 @ And a man's uncle shall take him up, and he who burns him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say to [him] left in the recesses of the house, Are any still with you? And he shall say, No. Then he shall say, Hush! For not one shall mention the name of Jehovah.

mkjv@Amos:7:2 @ And it happened when it had made an end of eating the tender plant of the land, then I said, O Lord Jehovah, forgive, I pray You. How can Jacob stand? For he [is] small.

mkjv@Amos:7:5 @ Then I said, O Lord Jehovah, I pray You, cease. How can Jacob stand? For he [is] small.

mkjv@Amos:7:8 @ And the LORD said to me, Amos, what do you see? And I said, A plumbline. Then the Lord said, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of My people Israel. I will not again pass by them any more.

mkjv@Amos:7:10 @ Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos has plotted against you in the midst of the house of Israel; the land is not able to bear all his words.

mkjv@Amos:7:14 @ Then Amos answered and said to Amaziah: I [was] no prophet, nor [was] I a prophet's son. But I [was] a herdsman and a gatherer [from] sycamore trees.

mkjv@Amos:7:16 @ Now then hear the Word of the LORD. You say, Do not prophesy against Israel, and do not drop [words] against the house of Isaac.

mkjv@Amos:8:2 @ And He said, Amos, what do you see? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then the LORD said to me, The end has come to My people Israel: I will never pass by them any more.

mkjv@Jonah:1:5 @ Then the seamen were afraid, and each man cried to his god. And they threw out the [ship's] articles in the ship, into the sea in order to lighten [it]. But Jonah had gone down into the hold of the ship; and he lay there, and was fast asleep.

mkjv@Jonah:1:8 @ Then they said to him, Please tell us, for what reason this evil [has come] on us. What is your business? And where do you come from? Where [is] your country? And of what people [are] you?

mkjv@Jonah:1:10 @ Then the men were afraid [with] a great fear. And they said to him, What is this you have done? For the men knew that he was fleeing from before the face of Jehovah, because he had told them.

mkjv@Jonah:1:11 @ Then they said to him, What shall we do to you, that the sea may be calm to us? For the sea was going on and being stormy.

mkjv@Jonah:1:16 @ Then the men feared Jehovah exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice to Jehovah, and vowed vows.

mkjv@Jonah:2:4 @ Then I said, I am cast off from Your eyes, yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.

mkjv@Micah:3:4 @ Then they shall cry to the LORD, but He will not answer them. He will even hide His face from them at that time, as they have done evil in their doings.

mkjv@Micah:5:3 @ Therefore He will give them over until the time the one giving birth has given birth; then the rest of His brothers shall return to the sons of Israel.

mkjv@Micah:5:5 @ And this [One] shall be peace. When Assyria shall come into our land; and when he shall walk in our palaces, then we shall raise against him seven shepherds and eight anointed ones from men.

mkjv@Micah:7:10 @ Then my enemy shall see it; and shame shall cover her who said to me, Where is the LORD your God? My eyes shall behold her; now she shall be trampled like the mud of the streets.

mkjv@Habakkuk:1:11 @ Then he sweeps on [like] a wind, and he transgresses and is guilty, [crediting] his power to his god.

mkjv@Habakkuk:1:17 @ Shall he then empty his net, and shall he not spare to continually slay nations?

mkjv@Habakkuk:2:6 @ Shall not all these lift up a parable against him, and a mocking riddle to him, and say, Woe to him who increases [what is] not his! Until when, then, shall he load the pledges on himself?

mkjv@Zephaniah:3:7 @ I said, Surely you will fear Me; you will receive instruction; then her dwelling shall not be cut off, all that I appointed for her. But they rose early, corrupting all their doings.

mkjv@Zephaniah:3:9 @ For then I will [give] a clear lip to the people, to call all of them by the name of the LORD, to serve Him [with] one shoulder.

mkjv@Zephaniah:3:11 @ In that day you shall not be ashamed for all your doings [in] which you have transgressed against Me; for then I will withdraw from your midst those who rejoice in your pride, and you shall never again be proud in My holy mountain.

mkjv@Haggai:1:3 @ Then came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying,

mkjv@Haggai:1:9 @ You looked for much, and behold, little! And when you brought [it] home, then I blew on it. Why, says the LORD of hosts? Because of My House that is waste, and you, [each] man runs to his own house.

mkjv@Haggai:1:12 @ Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the LORD their God and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him. And the people feared before the LORD.

mkjv@Haggai:1:13 @ Then Haggai, the LORD's messenger, spoke the message of the LORD to the people, saying, I [am] with you, says the LORD.

mkjv@Haggai:2:13 @ Then Haggai said, If [one] unclean of body touches these, is it unclean? And the priests answered and said, It is unclean.

mkjv@Haggai:2:16 @ from then onward, [one] came to a heap of twenty [measures], and there were [but] ten; one came to the wine vat to draw off fifty from the winepress, and there were [but] twenty.

mkjv@Zechariah:1:9 @ Then I said, O my lord, what [are] these? And the angel who talked with me said to me, I will show you what these [are].

mkjv@Zechariah:1:12 @ Then the Angel of the LORD answered and said, O LORD of hosts, how long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah against which You have cursed these seventy years?

mkjv@Zechariah:1:18 @ Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, four horns!

mkjv@Zechariah:2:2 @ Then I said, Where are you going? And he said to me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what [is] its breadth and what is its length.

mkjv@Zechariah:2:6 @ Ho! Ho! Flee then from the land of the north, says the LORD. For I have scattered you as the four winds of the heavens, says the LORD.

mkjv@Zechariah:3:7 @ So says the LORD of hosts: If you will walk in My ways, and if you will keep My charge, then you shall also judge My house, and shall also keep My courts, and I will give you places to walk among these who stand by.

mkjv@Zechariah:4:5 @ Then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me, Do you know what these [are]? And I said, No, my lord.

mkjv@Zechariah:4:6 @ Then he answered and spoke to me, saying, This [is] the Word of the LORD to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.

mkjv@Zechariah:5:5 @ Then the angel who talked with me went forth and said to me, Now lift up your eyes and see what this [is] that goes forth.

mkjv@Zechariah:10:6 @ And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will return to save them; for I have pity on them. And they shall be as though I had not cast them off; for I [ am] the LORD their God, and I will answer them.

mkjv@Zechariah:10:12 @ And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in His name, says the LORD.

mkjv@Zechariah:11:14 @ Then I broke My other staff Union apart, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

mkjv@Zechariah:13:3 @ And it shall be when any shall yet prophesy, his father and his mother who gave birth to him shall say to him then, You shall not live; for you speak lies in the name of the LORD. And his father and his mother who gave him birth shall thrust him through when he prophesies.

mkjv@Zechariah:13:6 @ And [one] shall say to him, What [are] these wounds in your hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded [in] the house of those who love Me.

mkjv@Malachi:1:6 @ A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I [am] a father, where is My honor? And if I [am] a master, where is My fear? says the LORD of hosts to you, O priests who despise My name. And you say, In what way have we despised Your name?

mkjv@Malachi:2:2 @ If you will not hear, and if you will not set [it] on your heart to give glory to My name, says the LORD of hosts, then I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. And indeed I have cursed it, because you do not set [it] on [your] heart.

mkjv@Malachi:2:15 @ And did He not make [you] one? Yet the vestige of the Spirit [is in] him. And what [of] the one? He was seeking a godly seed. Then guard your spirit, and do not act treacherously with the wife of your youth.

mkjv@Malachi:2:16 @ The LORD, the God of Israel, says He hates sending away; and to cover [with] violence on his garment, says the LORD of hosts. Then guard your spirit, and do not act treacherously.

mkjv@Malachi:3:4 @ Then the food offering of Judah and Jerusalem shall be pleasing to the LORD, as in the days of old and as in former years.

mkjv@Malachi:3:16 @ Then those fearing the LORD spoke together, [each] man to his neighbor. And the LORD listened and heard. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the LORD, and for those esteeming His name.

mkjv@Malachi:3:18 @ Then you shall again see the [difference] between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God, and him who does not serve Him.

mkjv@Matthew:2:7 @ Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, inquired of them exactly what time the star appeared.

mkjv@Matthew:2:16 @ Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked by the wise men, was greatly enraged. And he sent and killed all the boys in Bethlehem, and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had carefully inquired of the wise men.

mkjv@Matthew:2:17 @ Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying,

mkjv@Matthew:3:5 @ Then Jerusalem and all Judea went out to him, and all the region round about Jordan.

mkjv@Matthew:3:13 @ Then Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan, to John, to be baptized by him.

mkjv@Matthew:3:15 @ And answering Jesus said to him, Allow [it] now, for it is becoming to us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he allowed Him.

mkjv@Matthew:4:1 @ Then Jesus was led by the Spirit up into the wilderness, to be tempted by the Devil.

mkjv@Matthew:4:5 @ Then the Devil took Him up into the holy city and set Him upon a pinnacle of the Temple.

mkjv@Matthew:4:10 @ Then Jesus said to him, Go, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship [the] Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.

mkjv@Matthew:4:11 @ Then the Devil left him. And behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

mkjv@Matthew:5:24 @ leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

mkjv@Matthew:7:5 @ Hypocrite! First cast the beam out of your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to cast the splinter out of your brother's eye.

mkjv@Matthew:7:11 @ If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him?

mkjv@Matthew:7:23 @ And then I will say to them I never knew you! Depart from Me, those working lawlessness!

mkjv@Matthew:8:26 @ And He said to them, Why are you afraid, little-faiths? Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

mkjv@Matthew:9:6 @ But so that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins, then He said to the paralytic, Arise, take up your bed and go to your house.

mkjv@Matthew:9:14 @ Then the disciples of John came to Him saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?

mkjv@Matthew:9:15 @ And Jesus said to them, Can the sons of the bridechamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast.

mkjv@Matthew:9:29 @ Then He touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith let it be to you.

mkjv@Matthew:9:37 @ Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly [is] plenteous, but the laborers are few.

mkjv@Matthew:10:32 @ Then everyone who shall confess Me before men, I will confess him before My Father who is in Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:11:20 @ Then He began to upbraid the cities in which most of His mighty works were done, because they did not repent.

mkjv@Matthew:12:12 @ How much better is a man then than a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

mkjv@Matthew:12:13 @ Then He said to the man, Stretch out your hand. And he stretched [it] out, and it was restored whole like the other.

mkjv@Matthew:12:14 @ Then the Pharisees went out and held council against Him, as to how they might destroy Him.

mkjv@Matthew:12:22 @ Then one who had been demon-possessed was brought to Him, blind and dumb. And He healed him, so much so that the blind and dumb one both spoke and saw.

mkjv@Matthew:12:26 @ And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand?

mkjv@Matthew:12:28 @ But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.

mkjv@Matthew:12:29 @ Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, unless first he binds the strong one, and then he will plunder his house.

mkjv@Matthew:12:38 @ Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we want to see a sign from you.

mkjv@Matthew:12:44 @ Then he said, I will return into my house from where I came out. And when he has come, he finds [it] empty, swept, and decorated.

mkjv@Matthew:12:45 @ Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and live there. And the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so it also shall be to this evil generation.

mkjv@Matthew:12:47 @ Then one said to Him, Behold, Your mother and Your brothers stand outside, desiring to speak with You.

mkjv@Matthew:13:19 @ When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand [it,] then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.

mkjv@Matthew:13:26 @ But when the blade had sprung up and had produced fruit, then the darnel also appeared.

mkjv@Matthew:13:27 @ So the servants of the householder came and said to him, Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then where have the darnel come from?

mkjv@Matthew:13:28 @ He said to them, An enemy has done this. The servants said to him, Then do you want us to go and gather them up?

mkjv@Matthew:13:36 @ Then sending the crowds away, Jesus went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, Explain to us the parable of the darnel of the field.

mkjv@Matthew:13:43 @ Then the righteous shall shine out like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

mkjv@Matthew:13:52 @ Then He said to them, Therefore every scribe [who is] instructed to the kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a householder, who brings out [things] new and old out of his treasure.

mkjv@Matthew:13:56 @ and his sisters, are they not all with us? Then from where does this [man have] all these things?

mkjv@Matthew:15:1 @ Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying,

mkjv@Matthew:15:12 @ Then His disciples came and said to Him, Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?

mkjv@Matthew:15:15 @ Then Peter answered and said to Him, Explain this parable to us.

mkjv@Matthew:15:25 @ Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, Lord, help me!

mkjv@Matthew:15:28 @ Then Jesus answered and said to her, O woman, great [is] your faith! So be it to you even as you wish. And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

mkjv@Matthew:15:32 @ Then Jesus called His disciples and said, I have compassion on the crowd because they continue with Me for three days now and have nothing to eat. And I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.

mkjv@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

mkjv@Matthew:16:20 @ Then He warned His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ.

mkjv@Matthew:16:22 @ Then Peter took Him and began to rebuke Him, saying, [God be] gracious to You, Lord! This shall never be to You.

mkjv@Matthew:16:24 @ Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.

mkjv@Matthew:16:27 @ For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He shall reward each one according to his works.

mkjv@Matthew:17:10 @ And His disciples asked Him, saying, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?

mkjv@Matthew:17:13 @ Then His disciples understood that He spoke to them about John the Baptist.

mkjv@Matthew:17:17 @ Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him here to Me.

mkjv@Matthew:17:19 @ Then the disciples came to Jesus apart, and said, Why could we not cast him out?

mkjv@Matthew:17:26 @ Peter said to Him, From strangers. Jesus said to him, Then truly the sons are free.

mkjv@Matthew:18:17 @ And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell [it] to the church. But if he neglects to hear the church, let him be to you as a heathen and a tax-collector.

mkjv@Matthew:18:21 @ Then Peter came to Him and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Until seven times?

mkjv@Matthew:18:26 @ Then the servant fell down and worshiped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me and I will pay you all.

mkjv@Matthew:18:27 @ Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion and released him and forgave him the debt.

mkjv@Matthew:18:32 @ Then his lord, after he had called him, said to him, O wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt because you begged me.

mkjv@Matthew:19:7 @ They said to Him, Why did Moses then command to give a bill of divorce and to put her away?

mkjv@Matthew:19:13 @ Then little children were brought to Him, that He should put [His] hands on them and pray. And the disciples rebuked them.

mkjv@Matthew:19:23 @ Then Jesus said to His disciples, Truly I say to you that a rich man will with great difficulty enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:19:25 @ When His disciples heard, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

mkjv@Matthew:19:27 @ Then answering Peter said to Him, Behold, we have forsaken all and have followed You. Therefore what shall we have?

mkjv@Matthew:20:20 @ Then the mother of Zebedee's children came to Him with her sons, worshiping and desiring a certain thing from Him.

mkjv@Matthew:21:1 @ And when they drew near Jerusalem, and had come to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,

mkjv@Matthew:21:25 @ The baptism of John, where was it from? From Heaven or from men? And they reasoned within themselves, saying, If we shall say, From Heaven, he will say to us, Why then did you not believe him?

mkjv@Matthew:22:8 @ Then he said to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they who were invited were not worthy.

mkjv@Matthew:22:13 @ Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot and take him away, and cast [him] into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

mkjv@Matthew:22:15 @ Then the Pharisees left and took counsel that they might entangle Him in words.

mkjv@Matthew:22:21 @ They said to Him, Caesar's. Then He said to them, Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things which are God's.

mkjv@Matthew:22:35 @ Then one of them, a lawyer, asked, tempting Him and saying,

mkjv@Matthew:22:43 @ He said to them, How then does David by the Spirit call him Lord, saying,

mkjv@Matthew:22:45 @ If David then calls Him Lord, how is He his son?

mkjv@Matthew:23:1 @ Then Jesus spoke to the crowd and to His disciples,

mkjv@Matthew:24:9 @ Then they will deliver you up to be afflicted and will kill you. And you will be hated of all nations for My name's sake.

mkjv@Matthew:24:10 @ And then many will be offended, and will betray one another, and will hate one another.

mkjv@Matthew:24:14 @ And this gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all nations. And then the end shall come.

mkjv@Matthew:24:16 @ Then let those in Judea flee into the mountains.

mkjv@Matthew:24:21 @ for then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since [the] beginning of [the] world to this time; no, nor ever shall be.

mkjv@Matthew:24:23 @ Then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here [is] Christ! Or, There! Do not believe it.

mkjv@Matthew:24:30 @ And then the sign of the Son of man shall appear in the heavens. And then all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of the heaven with power and great glory.

mkjv@Matthew:24:40 @ Then two shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

mkjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord has made ruler over His household, to give them food in due season?

mkjv@Matthew:25:1 @ Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

mkjv@Matthew:25:7 @ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.

mkjv@Matthew:25:27 @ then you should have put my money to the exchangers, and coming I would have received my own with interest.

mkjv@Matthew:25:31 @ But when the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He shall sit on the throne of His glory.

mkjv@Matthew:25:34 @ Then the King shall say to those on His right [hand], Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from [the] foundation of [the] world.

mkjv@Matthew:25:37 @ Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry, and fed [You]? Or thirsty, and gave [You] drink?

mkjv@Matthew:25:41 @ Then He also shall say to those on [the] left [hand], Depart from Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.

mkjv@Matthew:25:44 @ Then they will also answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to You?

mkjv@Matthew:25:45 @ Then He shall answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did not do [it] to one of the least of these, you did not do [it] to Me.

mkjv@Matthew:26:3 @ Then the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, assembled together to the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas.

mkjv@Matthew:26:14 @ Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests.

mkjv@Matthew:26:31 @ Then Jesus said to them, All of you will be offended because of Me this night. For it is written, I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.

mkjv@Matthew:26:36 @ Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane. And He said to the disciples, Sit here while I go and pray there.

mkjv@Matthew:26:38 @ Then He said to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Wait here and watch with Me.

mkjv@Matthew:26:45 @ Then He came to His disciples and said to them, Sleep on now and take [your] rest. Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into [the] hands of sinners.

mkjv@Matthew:26:50 @ And Jesus said to him, Friend, why are you here? Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him.

mkjv@Matthew:26:52 @ Then Jesus said to him, Put up your sword again into its place; for all who take [the] sword shall perish with a sword.

mkjv@Matthew:26:54 @ But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?

mkjv@Matthew:26:56 @ But all this happened that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples fled, forsaking Him.

mkjv@Matthew:26:65 @ Then the high priest tore his clothes, saying, He has spoken blasphemy! What further need do we have of witnesses? Behold, now you have heard his blasphemy.

mkjv@Matthew:26:67 @ Then they spat in His face and beat Him with the fist. And others struck [Him] with the palms of their hands,

mkjv@Matthew:26:74 @ Then he began to curse and to swear, I do not know the man. And immediately the cock crowed.

mkjv@Matthew:27:3 @ Then he who had betrayed Him, seeing that He was condemned, sorrowing, Judas returned the thirty pieces of silver again to the chief priests and elders,

mkjv@Matthew:27:9 @ Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him who had been priced, whom they of the children of Israel valued,

mkjv@Matthew:27:13 @ Then Pilate said to Him, Do you not hear how many things they witness against you?

mkjv@Matthew:27:16 @ And they then had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.

mkjv@Matthew:27:22 @ Pilate said to them, What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? [They] all said to him, Let Him be crucified.

mkjv@Matthew:27:25 @ Then all the people answered and said, Let His blood [be] on us and on our children.

mkjv@Matthew:27:26 @ Then he released Barabbas to them. And when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered [Him] to be crucified.

mkjv@Matthew:27:27 @ Then taking Jesus into the praetorium, the soldiers of the governor gathered the cohort against Him.

mkjv@Matthew:27:38 @ Then two thieves were crucified with Him, one off [the] right, one off [the] left.

mkjv@Matthew:27:58 @ He went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.

mkjv@Matthew:27:64 @ Then command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say to the people, He has risen from the dead. So the last error will be worse than the first.

mkjv@Matthew:28:10 @ Then Jesus said to them, Do not be afraid; go tell My brothers that they should go into Galilee, and there they will see Me.

mkjv@Mark:2:3 @ Then they came to Him, bringing one [who was] paralyzed, who was carried by four.

mkjv@Mark:2:20 @ But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast in those days.

mkjv@Mark:3:27 @ No one can enter into a strong one's house and plunder his goods, except he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house.

mkjv@Mark:3:31 @ Then His brothers and His mother came. And standing outside, [they] sent to Him, calling Him.

mkjv@Mark:4:13 @ And He said to them, Do you not know this parable? And how then will you know all parables?

mkjv@Mark:4:28 @ For the earth brings out fruit of itself, first the blade, then the ear, after that the full grain in the ear.

mkjv@Mark:7:5 @ Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat loaves with unwashed hands?

mkjv@Mark:10:8 @ And the two of them shall be one flesh. So then they are no longer two, but one flesh.

mkjv@Mark:10:21 @ Then Jesus, beholding him, loved him and said to him, One [thing] you lack. Go, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven. And come, take up the cross and follow Me.

mkjv@Mark:10:28 @ Then Peter began to say to Him, Lo, we have left all and have followed You.

mkjv@Mark:11:31 @ And they reasoned within themselves, saying, If we shall say, From Heaven, he will say, Why then did you not believe him?

mkjv@Mark:12:18 @ Then the Sadducees came to Him, who say there is no resurrection. And they asked Him, saying,

mkjv@Mark:12:37 @ David therefore himself calls Him Lord, and why [then] is He his son? And the great crowd heard Him gladly.

mkjv@Mark:13:14 @ But when you see the abomination of desolation, that spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let him who reads understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

mkjv@Mark:13:21 @ And then if anyone shall say to you, Lo, here [is] Christ! Or, lo, there! Do not believe him.

mkjv@Mark:13:26 @ And then they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.

mkjv@Mark:13:27 @ And then He shall send His angels and shall gather His elect from the four winds, from [the] end of [the] earth to [the] end of heaven.

mkjv@Mark:13:35 @ Then you watch, for you do not know when the lord of the house is coming, [at] evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrowing, or early;

mkjv@Mark:14:63 @ Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, What further need do we have of witnesses?

mkjv@Mark:15:12 @ And Pilate answered and said again to them, What then do you desire that I should do [to him] whom you call the King of the Jews?

mkjv@Mark:15:14 @ Then Pilate said to them, Why? What evil has he done? And they much more cried out, Crucify him!

mkjv@Mark:16:19 @ Then indeed, after speaking to them, the Lord was taken up into Heaven, and sat on [the] right hand of God.

mkjv@Luke:1:34 @ Then Mary said to the angel, How shall this be, since I do not know a man?

mkjv@Luke:3:7 @ Then he said to the crowd that came forth to be baptized by him, O generation of vipers! Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

mkjv@Luke:3:10 @ And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then?

mkjv@Luke:3:18 @ And then indeed exhorting many things, he proclaimed the gospel to the people.

mkjv@Luke:5:35 @ But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast in those days.

mkjv@Luke:6:9 @ Then Jesus said to them, I will ask you one thing: Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil, to save life, or to destroy [it]?

mkjv@Luke:6:42 @ Or how can you say to your brother, Brother, let me pull out the splinter in your eye, when you yourself do not see the beam that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First cast out the beam out of your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to pull out the splinter that is in your brother's eye.

mkjv@Luke:7:6 @ Then Jesus went with them. But He being yet not far off from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, Lord, do not trouble Yourself. For I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof.

mkjv@Luke:7:31 @ And the Lord said, To what then shall I compare the men of this generation? And to what are they like?

mkjv@Luke:7:42 @ And they having nothing to pay, he freely forgave both. Then which of them do [you] say will love him most?

mkjv@Luke:8:12 @ Those by the roadside are the ones who hear; then the Devil comes and takes the Word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

mkjv@Luke:8:24 @ And they came to Him and awakened Him, saying, Master, Master, we are perishing! Then being aroused, He rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm.

mkjv@Luke:8:25 @ And He said to them, Where is your faith? And being afraid, they marveled, saying to one another, Who then is this One? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!

mkjv@Luke:10:2 @ Then He said to them, The harvest truly [is] great, but the laborers [are] few. Therefore pray [to] the Lord of the harvest that He may send forth laborers into His harvest.

mkjv@Luke:10:36 @ Then which of these three, do you think, was neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?

mkjv@Luke:11:13 @ If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall [your] heavenly Father give [the] Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?

mkjv@Luke:12:20 @ But God said to him, Fool! This night your soul shall be required of you, then whose shall be those things which you have prepared?

mkjv@Luke:12:26 @ If then you are not able to do even the least, why are you anxious about the rest?

mkjv@Luke:12:28 @ If then God so clothes the grass (which today [is] in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven) how much more [will He clothe] you, O little-faiths?

mkjv@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward whom [his] lord shall set over his houseservants, to give [them their] portion of food in season?

mkjv@Luke:13:9 @ And if it bears fruit, [well]; and if not, then after that you shall cut it down.

mkjv@Luke:13:26 @ then you shall begin to say, We ate and drank in Your presence, and You have taught in our streets.

mkjv@Luke:14:9 @ And he who invited you and him shall come and say to you, Give place to this man; and then you begin with shame to take the last place.

mkjv@Luke:14:10 @ But when you are invited, go and recline in the lowest place, so that when he who invited you comes, he may say to you, Friend, go up higher. Then glory shall be to you before those reclining with you.

mkjv@Luke:14:33 @ So then, everyone of you who does not forsake all his possessions, he cannot be My disciple.

mkjv@Luke:19:15 @ And when he had received his kingdom and had returned, then it happened that he commanded these servants to be called to him; the ones to whom he had given the silver; so that he might know what each had gained by trading.

mkjv@Luke:20:5 @ And they reasoned within themselves, saying, If we shall say, From Heaven, he will say, Why then did you not believe him?

mkjv@Luke:20:6 @ But if we say, From men, then all the people will stone us, for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.

mkjv@Luke:20:15 @ So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed [him]. What then shall the lord of the vineyard do to them?

mkjv@Luke:20:17 @ And He looked at them and said, What then is this which is written, The] Stone which the builders rejected, the same has become [the] Head of [the] corner?

mkjv@Luke:20:44 @ David then calls Him Lord; how then is He his son?

mkjv@Luke:21:20 @ And when you see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that its destruction has come.

mkjv@Luke:21:27 @ And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

mkjv@Luke:21:28 @ And when these things begin to happen, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near.

mkjv@Luke:22:32 @ But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not. And when you are converted, strengthen your brothers.

mkjv@Luke:22:43 @ And an angel appeared to Him from Heaven, strengthening Him.

mkjv@Luke:22:70 @ And they all said, Are you then the Son of God? And He said to them, You say [it], because I AM!

mkjv@John:1:21 @ And they asked him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he says, I am not. Are you that prophet? And he answered, No.

mkjv@John:1:22 @ Then they said to him, Who are you so that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do you say of yourself?

mkjv@John:1:25 @ And they asked him and said, Why then do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor that Prophet?

mkjv@John:1:38 @ Then Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, What do you seek? They said to Him, Rabbi (which is called, being translated, Teacher), where do you live?

mkjv@John:2:10 @ And [he] said to him, Every man at the beginning sets forth good wine, and when men have drunk well, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine until now.

mkjv@John:2:18 @ Then the Jews answered and said to Him, What sign do you show us, since you do these things?

mkjv@John:2:20 @ Then the Jews said, This temple was forty-six years building, and will you rear it up in three days?

mkjv@John:3:25 @ Then a question from John's disciples arose with the Jews about purification.

mkjv@John:3:29 @ He who has the bride is [the] bridegroom, but the friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. Then my joy is fulfilled.

mkjv@John:4:5 @ Then He came to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

mkjv@John:4:9 @ Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, How do you, being a Jew, ask a drink of me, who am a woman of Samaria? For the Jews do not associate with Samaritans.

mkjv@John:4:11 @ The woman said to Him, Sir, you have no vessel, and the well is deep. From where then do you have that living water?

mkjv@John:4:28 @ The woman then left her waterpot and went into the city and said to the men,

mkjv@John:4:40 @ Then as the Samaritans had come to Him, they begged Him that He would stay with them. And He stayed there two days.

mkjv@John:4:45 @ Then when He had come into Galilee, the Galileans received Him, having seen all the things that He did at Jerusalem at the feast; for they also went to the feast.

mkjv@John:4:46 @ Then Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee, where He made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum.

mkjv@John:4:48 @ Then Jesus said to him, Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.

mkjv@John:4:52 @ Then he asked of them the hour when he began to get better. And they said to him, Yesterday [at the] seventh hour the fever left him.

mkjv@John:5:4 @ For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and troubled the water. Then whoever first stepped in after the troubling of the water was made whole of whatever disease he had.

mkjv@John:5:12 @ Then they asked him, Who is the man who said to you, Take up your bed and walk?

mkjv@John:5:18 @ Then, because of this, the Jews sought the more to kill Him, because He not only had broken the sabbath, but also said that God was His father, making Himself equal with God.

mkjv@John:5:19 @ Then Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do. For whatever things He does, these also the Son does likewise.

mkjv@John:6:5 @ Then Jesus lifted up [His] eyes and saw a great crowd come to Him. He said to Philip, Where shall we buy loaves so that these may eat?

mkjv@John:6:14 @ Then seeing the miracle that Jesus did, those men said, This is truly the Prophet, the [One] coming into the world.

mkjv@John:6:19 @ Then having rowed about twenty-five or thirty furlongs, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the ship. And they were afraid.

mkjv@John:6:21 @ Then they willingly received Him into the boat. And immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.

mkjv@John:6:28 @ Then they said to Him, What shall we do that we might work the works of God?

mkjv@John:6:30 @ Therefore they said to Him, What sign do you show then, so that we may see and believe you? What do you work?

mkjv@John:6:32 @ Then Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Moses did not give you that bread from Heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from Heaven.

mkjv@John:6:34 @ Then they said to him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.

mkjv@John:6:41 @ Then the Jews murmured about Him, because He said, I am the bread which came down from Heaven.

mkjv@John:6:52 @ Then the Jews argued with one another, saying, How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?

mkjv@John:6:53 @ Then Jesus says to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you do not have life in yourselves.

mkjv@John:6:60 @ Then when they had heard, many of His disciples said, This is a hard saying, who can hear it?

mkjv@John:6:62 @ Then [what] if you should see the Son of man going up where He was before?

mkjv@John:6:67 @ Then Jesus said to the Twelve, Do you also wish to go away?

mkjv@John:6:68 @ Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have [the] words of eternal life.

mkjv@John:7:6 @ Then Jesus said to them, My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.

mkjv@John:7:10 @ But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the feast, not openly, but as in secret.

mkjv@John:7:11 @ Then the Jews sought Him at the feast and said, Where is He?

mkjv@John:7:25 @ Then some of those from Jerusalem said, Is this not the one they seek to kill?

mkjv@John:7:28 @ Then Jesus cried in the temple as He taught, saying, You both know Me, and you know from where I come. And I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know.

mkjv@John:7:30 @ Then they sought to seize Him, but no one laid [a] hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come.

mkjv@John:7:33 @ Then Jesus said to them, Yet a little while I am with you, and [then] I go to Him who sent Me.

mkjv@John:7:35 @ Then the Jews said among themselves, Where is he about to go that we shall not find him? Is he about to go to the Dispersion of the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?

mkjv@John:7:40 @ Then when they heard the Word, many of the people said, Truly this is the Prophet.

mkjv@John:7:45 @ Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees. And they said to them, Why have you not brought him?

mkjv@John:7:47 @ Then the Pharisees answered them, Also, have you not been deceived?

mkjv@John:8:5 @ Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned. You, then, what do you say?

mkjv@John:8:12 @ Then Jesus spoke again to them, saying, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

mkjv@John:8:19 @ Then they said to Him, Where is your father? Jesus said to them, You neither know Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.

mkjv@John:8:21 @ Then Jesus said again to them, I go away, and you shall seek Me and shall die in your sins. Where I go, you cannot come.

mkjv@John:8:22 @ Then the Jews said, Will he kill himself? Because he says, Where I go you cannot come.

mkjv@John:8:25 @ Then they said to Him, Who are you? And Jesus said to them, Even [the same] which I also say to you.

mkjv@John:8:28 @ Then Jesus said to them, When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you shall know that I AM, and that I do nothing of Myself, but as My Father has taught Me, I speak these things.

mkjv@John:8:31 @ Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed on Him, If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed.

mkjv@John:8:38 @ I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you, then, do what you have seen with your father.

mkjv@John:8:41 @ You do the deeds of your father. Then they said to Him, We are not born of fornication; we have one father, [even] God.

mkjv@John:8:48 @ Then the Jews answered and said to Him, Do we not say well that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?

mkjv@John:8:52 @ Then the Jews said to Him, Now we know that you have a demon. Abraham and the prophets are dead, and you say, If a man keeps my Word, he shall never taste of death.

mkjv@John:8:57 @ Then the Jews said to Him, You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?

mkjv@John:8:59 @ Then they took up stones to throw at Him. But Jesus hid Himself and went forth out of the temple, going through [the] midst of them, and passed on by.

mkjv@John:9:8 @ Then the neighbors and those who had seen him before, that he was blind, said, Is this not he who was sitting and begging?

mkjv@John:9:10 @ Then they said to him, How were your eyes opened?

mkjv@John:9:12 @ Then they said to him, Where is he? He said, I do not know.

mkjv@John:9:15 @ Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said to them, He put clay upon my eyes, and I washed, and I see.

mkjv@John:9:19 @ And they asked them, saying, Is this your son, whom you say was born blind? How then does he now see?

mkjv@John:9:24 @ Then a second time they called the man who was blind and said to him, Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner.

mkjv@John:9:26 @ Then they said to him again, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?

mkjv@John:9:28 @ Then they reviled him and said, You are his disciple, but we are Moses' disciples.

mkjv@John:10:7 @ Then Jesus said to them again, Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.

mkjv@John:10:19 @ Then a division occurred again among the Jews because of these words.

mkjv@John:10:24 @ Then the Jews encircled Him and said to Him, How long do you make us doubt? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.

mkjv@John:10:31 @ Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him.

mkjv@John:10:39 @ Then they again sought to seize Him, but He went forth out of their hand.

mkjv@John:11:3 @ Then his sisters sent to Him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.

mkjv@John:11:6 @ Therefore, when He had heard that he was sick, then indeed He remained two days in the place where He was.

mkjv@John:11:7 @ Then after that He said to the disciples, Let us go into Judea again.

mkjv@John:11:12 @ Then His disciples said, Lord, if he sleeps, he will get well.

mkjv@John:11:14 @ Then Jesus said to them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

mkjv@John:11:16 @ Then Thomas (he being called Twin) said to his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with Him.

mkjv@John:11:17 @ Then when Jesus came, He found him already being held in the tomb four days.

mkjv@John:11:20 @ Then when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she met Him. But Mary was sitting in the house.

mkjv@John:11:21 @ Then Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.

mkjv@John:11:31 @ Then the Jews who were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw that Mary rose up hastily and went out, [they] followed her, saying, She is going to the tomb to weep there.

mkjv@John:11:32 @ Then when Mary had come where Jesus was, seeing Him, Mary fell down at His feet, saying to Him, Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.

mkjv@John:11:33 @ Then when He saw her weeping, and also the Jews who came with her weeping, Jesus groaned in the spirit and troubled Himself.

mkjv@John:11:36 @ Then the Jews said, Behold how He loved him!

mkjv@John:11:38 @ Then Jesus, groaning in Himself again, came to the tomb. And it was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.

mkjv@John:11:41 @ Then they took away the stone where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up [His] eyes and said, Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.

mkjv@John:11:45 @ Then many of the Jews who came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on Him.

mkjv@John:11:47 @ Then the chief priests and Pharisees gathered a sanhedrin, and said, What can we do? For this man does many miracles.

mkjv@John:11:53 @ Then from that day they took counsel together that they might kill Him.

mkjv@John:11:56 @ Then they sought Jesus, and spoke with one another as they stood in the temple, What does it seem to you, that He will not at all come to the feast?

mkjv@John:12:1 @ Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was (who had died, whom He raised from [the] dead).

mkjv@John:12:2 @ Then they made a supper there for Him. And Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those reclining with Him.

mkjv@John:12:3 @ Then Mary took a pound of ointment of pure spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.

mkjv@John:12:4 @ Then said one of His disciples (Judas Iscariot, Simon's [son], who was to betray Him)

mkjv@John:12:7 @ Then Jesus said, Let her alone. She has kept this for the day of My burial.

mkjv@John:12:9 @ Then a great crowd of the Jews learned that He was there. And they did not come for Jesus' sake only, but also that they might see Lazarus, whom He had raised from [the] dead.

mkjv@John:12:16 @ But His disciples did not know these things at the first. But when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written of Him, and [that] they had done these things to Him.

mkjv@John:12:17 @ Then the crowd witnessed, those who were with Him when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from [the] dead.

mkjv@John:12:19 @ Then the Pharisees said among themselves, Do you see how you gain nothing? Behold, the world has gone after Him.

mkjv@John:12:21 @ Then these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, Sir, we want to see Jesus.

mkjv@John:12:28 @ Father, glorify Your name! Then there came a voice from the heaven [saying], I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.

mkjv@John:12:29 @ Then the crowd who stood by and heard said that it thundered. Others said, An angel spoke to Him.

mkjv@John:12:35 @ Then Jesus said to them, Yet a little while the Light is with you. Walk while you have the Light, lest darkness come upon you. For he who walks in darkness does not know where he goes.

mkjv@John:13:6 @ Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, Lord, do You wash my feet?

mkjv@John:13:14 @ If then I, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.

mkjv@John:13:22 @ Then the disciples looked upon one another, wondering of whom He spoke.

mkjv@John:13:27 @ And after the morsel, then Satan entered into him. Then Jesus said to him, What you do, do quickly.

mkjv@John:13:30 @ He then, having received the morsel, went out immediately. And it was night.

mkjv@John:13:31 @ Then when he had left, Jesus said, Now the Son of man is glorified, and God is glorified in him.

mkjv@John:16:17 @ Then His disciples said to one another, What is this that He says to us, A little [while] and you will not see Me, and again a little and you will see Me? And, Because I go to the Father?

mkjv@John:16:19 @ Then Jesus knew that they desired to ask Him, and said to them, Do you seek answers with one another concerning this, because I said, A little [while] and you shall not see Me; and again a little while, and you shall see Me?

mkjv@John:18:3 @ Then Judas, having received a band and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and weapons.

mkjv@John:18:4 @ Then Jesus, knowing all things that were coming upon Him, went out and said to them, Whom do you seek?

mkjv@John:18:6 @ Then as soon as He had said to them, I AM, they went backward and fell to the ground.

mkjv@John:18:7 @ Then He asked them again, Whom do you seek? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.

mkjv@John:18:10 @ Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. And the servant's name [was] Malchus.

mkjv@John:18:11 @ Then Jesus said to Peter, Put up your sword into the sheath. The cup which My Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?

mkjv@John:18:12 @ Then the band, and the chiliarch, and under-officers of the Jews together seized Jesus and bound Him.

mkjv@John:18:16 @ But Peter stood at the door outside. Then the other disciple went out, the one who was known to the high priest, and spoke to her who kept the door and brought Peter in.

mkjv@John:18:17 @ Then the girl who kept the door said to Peter, Are you not also [one] of this man's disciples? He said, I am not.

mkjv@John:18:19 @ Then the high priest asked Jesus of His disciples and of His teaching.

mkjv@John:18:24 @ Then Annas had sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.

mkjv@John:18:25 @ And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Then they said to him, Are you not also [one] of his disciples? He denied and said, I am not.

mkjv@John:18:27 @ Peter then denied again. And immediately a cock crowed.

mkjv@John:18:28 @ Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas into the praetorium. And it was early. And they did not go into the praetorium, that they should not be defiled, and that they might eat the Passover.

mkjv@John:18:29 @ Then Pilate went out to them and said, What charge do you bring against this man?

mkjv@John:18:30 @ They answered and said to him, If he were not an evildoer, then we would not have delivered him up to you.

mkjv@John:18:31 @ Then Pilate said to them, You take him and judge him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death

mkjv@John:18:33 @ Then Pilate entered into the praetorium again and called Jesus and said to him, Are you the king of the Jews?

mkjv@John:18:36 @ Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight so that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here.

mkjv@John:18:37 @ Pilate then said to Him, Are you a king then? Jesus answered, You say [it] that I am a king. To this [end] I was born, and for this cause I came into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.

mkjv@John:18:39 @ But you have a custom that I should release one to you at the Passover. Then do you desire that I release to you the king of the Jews?

mkjv@John:18:40 @ Then they all cried again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas! But Barabbas was a robber.

mkjv@John:19:1 @ Then Pilate therefore took Jesus and flogged [Him].

mkjv@John:19:4 @ Then Pilate went out again and said to them, Behold, I bring him out to you so that you may know that I find no fault in him.

mkjv@John:19:5 @ Then Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And [Pilate] said to them, Behold the man!

mkjv@John:19:6 @ Then when the chief priests and under-officers saw Him, they cried out, saying, Crucify! Crucify [Him]! Pilate said to them, You take Him and crucify Him, for I find no fault in him.

mkjv@John:19:8 @ Then when Pilate heard that saying, he was the more afraid.

mkjv@John:19:10 @ Then Pilate said to him, Do you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to crucify you, and I have authority to release you?

mkjv@John:19:13 @ Then when Pilate heard that saying, he brought Jesus out and sat down in the judgment seat at a place called the Pavement (but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha).

mkjv@John:19:16 @ Then he delivered Him up to them that He might be crucified. And they took Jesus and led [Him] away.

mkjv@John:19:20 @ Then many of the Jews read this title, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.

mkjv@John:19:21 @ Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, Do not write, the king of the Jews, but that he said, I am king of the Jews.

mkjv@John:19:23 @ Then when they had crucified Jesus, the soldiers took His garments and made four parts, one part to each soldier; and also [His] tunic. And the tunic was without seam, woven from the top throughout.

mkjv@John:19:26 @ Then when Jesus saw [His] mother and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, Woman, behold your son!

mkjv@John:19:27 @ Then He said to the disciple, Behold your mother! And from that hour that disciple took her into [his] own [home].

mkjv@John:19:29 @ Then a vessel full of vinegar was set. And they filled a sponge with sour wine and put [it] upon hyssop, and put [it] to His mouth.

mkjv@John:19:30 @ Then when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And He bowed [His] head and gave up the spirit.

mkjv@John:19:31 @ Then the Jews, because it was Preparation, begged Pilate that their legs might be broken, and [that] they might be taken away, so that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the sabbath. For that sabbath was a high day.

mkjv@John:19:32 @ Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who was crucified with Him.

mkjv@John:19:38 @ And after these things, Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus (but secretly for fear of the Jews) begged of Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus. And Pilate gave permission. Then he came and took the body of Jesus.

mkjv@John:19:40 @ Then they took the body of Jesus and wound it with linens with the spices, as is the custom of the Jews to bury.

mkjv@John:19:42 @ There, then, because of the Preparation of the Jews, because the tomb was near, they laid Jesus.

mkjv@John:20:2 @ Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him.

mkjv@John:20:6 @ Then Simon Peter came following him and went into the tomb. And he saw the linens lying [there].

mkjv@John:20:8 @ Therefore, then, that other disciple also went in, the [one] who came first to the tomb. And he saw and believed.

mkjv@John:20:10 @ Then the disciples went away again to themselves.

mkjv@John:20:19 @ Then the same day at evening, being the first of the sabbaths, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, Peace to you!

mkjv@John:20:20 @ And when He had said this, He showed them [His] hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.

mkjv@John:20:21 @ Then Jesus said to them again, Peace to you. As [My] Father has sent Me, even so I send you.

mkjv@John:20:27 @ Then He said to Thomas, Reach your finger here and behold My hands; and reach your hand here and thrust [it] into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing.

mkjv@John:21:5 @ Then Jesus said to them, Children, do you have anything to eat? They answered Him, No.

mkjv@John:21:7 @ Then that disciple whom Jesus loves said to Peter, It is the Lord! Then hearing that it is the Lord, Simon Peter girded on [his] coat (for he was naked), and cast himself into the sea.

mkjv@John:21:9 @ Then when they went up on the land, they saw a fire of coals there, and a fish lying on [it], and bread.

mkjv@John:21:13 @ Then Jesus came and took the bread and gave to them, and in the same way the little fish.

mkjv@John:21:15 @ Then when they broke fast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, [son] of Jonah, do you love Me more than these? He said to Him, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My lambs.

mkjv@John:21:20 @ Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following (the one who also leaned on His breast at supper, and said, Lord, who is he who betrays You?)

mkjv@John:21:23 @ Then this saying went abroad among the brothers, that that disciple should not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him, He shall not die, but, If I desire that he remain until I come, what [is that] to you?

mkjv@Acts:1:6 @ Then, indeed, these coming together, they asked Him, saying, Lord, do You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?

mkjv@Acts:1:12 @ Then they returned to Jerusalem from [the] mount Of Olive Grove, which is a sabbath day's [journey] from Jerusalem.

mkjv@Acts:1:18 @ Indeed, then, this one purchased a field with the reward of unrighteousness. And falling headlong, he burst apart in [the] middle, and all his bowels gushed out.

mkjv@Acts:2:38 @ Then Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

mkjv@Acts:2:41 @ Then those who gladly received his word were baptized. And the same day there were added about three thousand souls.

mkjv@Acts:4:8 @ Then Peter, filled with [the] Holy Spirit, said to them, Rulers of the people and elders of Israel,

mkjv@Acts:5:9 @ Then Peter said to her, How [is it] that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of [the] Lord? Behold, the feet of those who have buried your husband [are] at the door and they will carry you out.

mkjv@Acts:5:10 @ Then at once she fell down at his feet and expired. And the younger ones found her dead, and, carrying [her] out, buried her beside her husband.

mkjv@Acts:5:26 @ Then the commander went with the officers [and] brought them, not with force, for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned.

mkjv@Acts:5:34 @ Then there stood up one in the sanhedrin, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law honored among all the people. And he commanded the apostles to be put outside a little space.

mkjv@Acts:5:41 @ Then indeed they departed from [the] presence of the sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be shamed for His name.

mkjv@Acts:6:9 @ Then there arose certain of the synagogue which is called [the synagogue] of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of those from Cilicia and from Asia, disputing with Stephen.

mkjv@Acts:7:1 @ Then the high priest said, Then do you so hold these things?

mkjv@Acts:7:4 @ Then he came out of [the] land of the Chaldeans and lived in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, he moved into this land in which you now dwell.

mkjv@Acts:7:33 @ Then the Lord said to him, Loosen the sandal on your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.

mkjv@Acts:7:42 @ Then God turned and gave them over to serve the host of the heavens, as it is written in [the] book of the Prophets: O house of Israel, have you offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness?

mkjv@Acts:8:4 @ Then, indeed, the ones who had been scattered passed through, preaching the gospel, the Word.

mkjv@Acts:8:13 @ Then Simon himself believed also, and being baptized, he continued with Philip. And seeing miracles and mighty works happening, he was amazed.

mkjv@Acts:8:17 @ Then they laid [their] hands on them, and they received [the] Holy Spirit.

mkjv@Acts:8:25 @ Then, indeed, having earnestly testified and having spoken the Word of the Lord also having preached the gospel [to] many villages of the Samaritans, they returned to Jerusalem.

mkjv@Acts:8:29 @ Then the Spirit said to Philip, Go near and join yourself to this chariot.

mkjv@Acts:8:35 @ Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached the gospel of Jesus to him.

mkjv@Acts:9:19 @ And taking food, [he] was strengthened. And Saul was certain days with the disciples in Damascus.

mkjv@Acts:9:25 @ Then the disciples took [him] by night and let him down through the wall in a basket.

mkjv@Acts:9:31 @ Then, indeed, the churches had rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria, and having been built up. And having gone on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they [were] increased.

mkjv@Acts:10:23 @ Then he called them in and lodged [them]. And on the next day Peter went away with them, and certain brothers from Joppa went with him.

mkjv@Acts:10:29 @ Therefore I came without complaint, being sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me.

mkjv@Acts:10:34 @ Then Peter opened [his] mouth and said, Truly I see that God is no respecter of persons;

mkjv@Acts:10:46 @ For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered,

mkjv@Acts:10:48 @ And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they begged him to stay certain days.

mkjv@Acts:11:18 @ When they heard these things, they were silent and glorified God, saying, Then God has also granted repentance to life to the nations.

mkjv@Acts:11:19 @ Then, indeed, they who were scattered abroad by the persecution that rose about Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, preaching the Word to no one except the Jews.

mkjv@Acts:12:5 @ Then, indeed, Peter was kept in prison. But earnest prayer was made to God for him by the church.

mkjv@Acts:12:18 @ And day coming, there was not a little stir among the soldiers, saying, What, then, became of Peter.

mkjv@Acts:13:2 @ [As] they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, So, then, separate Barnabas and Saul to Me for the work to which I have called them.

mkjv@Acts:13:3 @ Then having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them, they let [them] go.

mkjv@Acts:13:4 @ Then these indeed sent out by the Holy Spirit went down to Seleucia. And from there they sailed to Cyprus.

mkjv@Acts:13:9 @ Then Saul (who [is] also Paul), filled with [the] Holy Spirit, set his eyes on him

mkjv@Acts:13:12 @ Then, seeing the thing happening, the proconsul believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord.

mkjv@Acts:15:22 @ Then it pleased the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men from them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; Judas, whose last name was Barsabas; and Silas, chief men among the brothers.

mkjv@Acts:15:30 @ Then indeed they being let go, they came to Antioch. And gathering the multitude, [they] delivered the letter.

mkjv@Acts:15:39 @ Then there was sharp feeling, so as to separate them from each other. And taking Mark, Barnabas sailed to Cyprus.

mkjv@Acts:16:5 @ Then indeed the churches were established in the faith and increased in number daily.

mkjv@Acts:16:8 @ Then passing by Mysia, they came down into Troas.

mkjv@Acts:16:11 @ Then having set sail from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next [day] to Neapolis;

mkjv@Acts:16:29 @ Then asking for a light he rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas.

mkjv@Acts:17:14 @ And then immediately the brothers sent Paul away to go towards the sea, but both Silas and Timothy stayed there.

mkjv@Acts:17:15 @ And those conducting Paul brought him to Athens. And receiving a command to Silas and Timothy to come to him with all speed, they departed.

mkjv@Acts:17:16 @ But awaiting them in Athens, Paul's spirit was pained within him, seeing the city full of idols.

mkjv@Acts:17:17 @ Then indeed he addressed the Jews in the synagogue, and those worshiping, and daily in the market, to those happening to be [there].

mkjv@Acts:17:21 @ (For all the Athenians and strangers who were [there] spent their time in nothing else except to tell or to hear something newer.)

mkjv@Acts:17:22 @ And standing in [the] middle of the Areopagus, Paul said, Men, Athenians, I see that you [are] fearful of gods in everything.

mkjv@Acts:17:23 @ For [as I] passed by and saw the things you worship, I also found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Not knowing then whom you worship, I make Him known to you.

mkjv@Acts:17:29 @ Then being offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like gold or silver or stone, engraved by art and man's imagination.

mkjv@Acts:17:30 @ Truly, then, God overlooking the times of ignorance, now He strictly commands all men everywhere to repent,

mkjv@Acts:18:1 @ And after these things Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinth.

mkjv@Acts:18:14 @ And Paul being about to open [his] mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, If indeed then, it was anything wrong or wicked criminality, O Jews, according to reason I would endure you.

mkjv@Acts:18:17 @ And all the Greeks seized Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat [him] before the judgment seat. And Gallio did not care for any of these things.

mkjv@Acts:18:23 @ And after he had spent some time [there], he departed and went over the country of Galatia and Phrygia in order, strengthening all the disciples.

mkjv@Acts:19:3 @ And he said to them, Then to what were you baptized? And they said, To John's baptism.

mkjv@Acts:19:32 @ Then indeed others cried out, some other things; for the assembly was confused, and most of them did not know why they had come together.

mkjv@Acts:21:13 @ Then Paul answered, What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.

mkjv@Acts:21:26 @ Then taking the men on the next day, being purified with them, Paul went into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, until an offering should be offered for each of them.

mkjv@Acts:21:33 @ Then going near, the chiliarch laid hold on him, and commanded [him] to be bound with two chains. And [he] demanded who he was and what he had done.

mkjv@Acts:21:38 @ Then are you not the Egyptian who before these days caused a riot, and led four thousand men of the assassins out into the wilderness?

mkjv@Acts:22:22 @ And they listened to him until this word, and [then] they lifted up their voice, saying, Take such a one from the earth! For it is not fitting that he should live.

mkjv@Acts:22:29 @ Then immediately, those being about to examine him stood away from him. And the chiliarch also was afraid, fully knowing that he was a Roman, and that he had bound him.

mkjv@Acts:23:3 @ Then Paul said to him, God shall strike you, whitened wall! For do you sit judging me according to the Law, and against law command me to be stricken?

mkjv@Acts:23:5 @ Then Paul said, I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest; for it is written, You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.

mkjv@Acts:23:27 @ This man was taken by the Jews and would have been killed by them. Then I came with an army and rescued him, having understood that he was a Roman.

mkjv@Acts:23:31 @ Then, indeed, taking up Paul, as it was commanded them, the soldiers brought [him] by night to Antipatris.

mkjv@Acts:24:24 @ Then after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess, he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.

mkjv@Acts:25:1 @ Then entering the province, after three days Festus went from Caesarea to Jerusalem.

mkjv@Acts:25:4 @ Then indeed Festus answered that Paul should be kept at Caesarea; he himself would depart shortly.

mkjv@Acts:25:5 @ Then he said, those having power among you may go down with [me]. If there is a thing amiss in this man, let them accuse him.

mkjv@Acts:25:12 @ Then conferring with the sanhedrin, Festus answered, You have appealed to Caesar? To Caesar you shall go.

mkjv@Acts:26:1 @ And Agrippa said to Paul, You are permitted to speak for yourself. Then stretching out his hand, Paul made a defense:

mkjv@Acts:26:4 @ Truly, then, all the Jews know my manner of life from my youth, which was at first among my own nation at Jerusalem,

mkjv@Acts:26:22 @ Then having obtained help from God, I stand until this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying no other things than those which the prophets and Moses said was going to happen;

mkjv@Acts:27:21 @ But there being much fasting, then standing up in their midst, Paul said, O men, being obedient to me [you] ought not to have set sail from Crete, and to have come by this harm and loss.

mkjv@Acts:27:32 @ Then the soldiers cut the ropes of the boat, and let her fall.

mkjv@Acts:28:1 @ And being saved, then they knew that the island was called Melita.

mkjv@Acts:28:5 @ Then indeed he shook off the creature into the fire, suffering no harm.

mkjv@Acts:28:9 @ Then this taking place, the rest who were having infirmities in the island also came, and were healed.

mkjv@Acts:28:20 @ For this cause, then, I called for you, to see and to speak with [you]. For I have this chain around me for the hope of Israel.

mkjv@Romans:2:26 @ If then the uncircumcision keeps the ordinances of the Law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

mkjv@Romans:3:1 @ Then what [is] the superiority of the Jew? Or what [is] the profit of circumcision?

mkjv@Romans:3:6 @ Let it not be! For then how shall God judge the world?

mkjv@Romans:3:9 @ What then? Do we excel? No, in no way; for we have before charged both Jews and Greeks all [with] being under sin,

mkjv@Romans:3:27 @ Then where [is] the boasting? It is excluded. Through what law? Of works? No, but through the law of faith.

mkjv@Romans:3:31 @ Do we then make the Law void through faith? Let it not be! But we establish the Law.

mkjv@Romans:4:1 @ What then shall we say that our father Abraham has found, according to flesh?

mkjv@Romans:4:9 @ [Is] this blessedness then on the circumcision only, or on the uncircumcision also? For we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.

mkjv@Romans:4:10 @ How then was it reckoned? Being in circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.

mkjv@Romans:5:9 @ Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

mkjv@Romans:6:1 @ What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound?

mkjv@Romans:6:15 @ What then? Shall we sin because we are not under Law, but under grace? Let it not be!

mkjv@Romans:6:18 @ Then being made free from sin, you became the slaves of righteousness.

mkjv@Romans:6:21 @ What fruit did you have then [in those things] of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things [is] death.

mkjv@Romans:7:3 @ So then [if], while [her] husband lives, she is married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. But if the husband dies, she is free from the law, [so that] she is no adulteress by becoming another man's wife.

mkjv@Romans:7:7 @ What shall we say then? [Is] the law sin? Let it not be said! But I did not know sin except through the law. For also I did not know lust except the law said, You shall not lust.

mkjv@Romans:7:13 @ Then has that [which is] good become death to me? Let it not be! But sin, that it might appear [to be] sin, working death in me by [that which is] good; in order that sin might become exceedingly sinful by the commandment.

mkjv@Romans:7:16 @ If then I do that which I do not desire, I consent to the law that [it is] good.

mkjv@Romans:7:21 @ I find then a law: when I will to do the right, evil is present with me.

mkjv@Romans:7:25 @ I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.

mkjv@Romans:8:8 @ So then they who are in the flesh cannot please God.

mkjv@Romans:8:17 @ And if we are children, then we are heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ; so that if we suffer with [Him], we may also be glorified together.

mkjv@Romans:8:25 @ But if we hope for that which we do not see, [then] we wait for it with patience.

mkjv@Romans:8:31 @ What then shall we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [can be] against us?

mkjv@Romans:9:14 @ What shall we say then? [Is there] not unrighteousness with God? Let it not be!

mkjv@Romans:9:16 @ So then [it is] not of the [one] willing, nor of the [one] running, but of God, the [One] showing mercy.

mkjv@Romans:9:19 @ You will then say to me, Why does He yet find fault? For who has resisted His will?

mkjv@Romans:9:30 @ What shall we say then? That the nations, who did not follow after righteousness have taken on righteousness, but a righteousness of faith.

mkjv@Romans:10:14 @ How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without preaching?

mkjv@Romans:10:17 @ Then faith [is] of hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

mkjv@Romans:11:1 @ I say then, Did not God put away His people? Let it not be [said]! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of [the] tribe of Benjamin.

mkjv@Romans:11:5 @ Even so then, also in this present time a remnant according to the election of grace has come into being.

mkjv@Romans:11:6 @ But if by grace, then [it is] no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace. But if [it is] of works, then it is no more of grace; otherwise work is no more work.

mkjv@Romans:11:7 @ What then? Israel has not obtained that which it seeks, but the election obtained [it], and the rest were hardened

mkjv@Romans:11:11 @ I say then, Did they not stumble that they fall? Let it not be! But by their slipping away came salvation to the nations, to provoke them to jealousy.

mkjv@Romans:11:19 @ You will say then, The branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.

mkjv@Romans:11:22 @ Behold then [the] kindness, and [the] severity of God; on those having fallen, severity; but on you, kindness, if you continue in the kindness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.

mkjv@Romans:11:30 @ For as you also then disbelieved God, but now have been shown mercy through their disbelief,

mkjv@Romans:12:6 @ Then having gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, if prophecy, according to the proportion of faith;

mkjv@Romans:14:12 @ So then each one of us will give account concerning himself to God.

mkjv@Romans:14:13 @ Then let us not judge one another any more, but rather judge this, not to put a stumbling-block or an offense toward his brother.

mkjv@Romans:14:16 @ Then do not let your good be spoken evil of,

mkjv@Romans:14:19 @ So then let us pursue the things of peace, and the things for building up one another.

mkjv@Romans:15:1 @ Then we who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:1 @ Paul, a called apostle of Jesus Christ through [the] will of God, and Sosthenes our brother,

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:5 @ Who then is Paul, and who [is] Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to each?

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:7 @ So then neither is he who plants anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

mkjv@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then shall each one have praise of God.

mkjv@1Corinthians:5:10 @ yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then you must go out of the world.

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If, then, you truly have judgments of [the things] of this] life, set those who are least esteemed in the church [to judge].

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:7 @ Indeed then there is already on the whole a failure among you, that you have lawsuits with yourselves. Why not instead be wronged? Why not instead be defrauded?

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:15 @ Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make [them] the members of a harlot? Let it not be!

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:26 @ Then I think this is good, because of the present necessity; that [it is] good for a man to be so.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:38 @ So then he who gives in marriage does well. But he who does not give in marriage does better.

mkjv@1Corinthians:8:4 @ Then concerning the eating of the things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in [the] world, and that [there] is no other God except one.

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:18 @ What then is my reward? That when I preach the gospel I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel.

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:25 @ And everyone who strives for the mastery is temperate in all things. Then those truly that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:26 @ So then I run, not as if I were uncertain. And so I fight, not as [one who] beats the air.

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:19 @ What then do I say? That the idol is anything, or that an idolatrous sacrifice is anything?

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:28 @ And God set some in the church, firstly, apostles; secondly, prophets; thirdly, teachers, then works of power, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, kinds of languages.

mkjv@1Corinthians:13:10 @ But when the perfect thing comes, then that which is in part will be caused to cease.

mkjv@1Corinthians:13:12 @ For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall fully know even as I also am fully known.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:13 @ So then he speaking in a language, let him pray that he may interpret.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:15 @ What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the mind; I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the mind.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:26 @ Then how is it, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be for building up.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:39 @ So then, brothers, seek to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in languages.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:5 @ and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the Twelve.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:7 @ Afterward He was seen by James, then by all the apostles.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:14 @ And if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation [is] worthless, and your faith [is] also worthless.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:16 @ For if [the] dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:18 @ Then also those that fell asleep in Christ were lost.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:24 @ then [is] the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He makes to cease all rule and all authority and power.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:28 @ But when all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subject to Him who has subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all things in all.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:54 @ But when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and when this mortal shall put on immortality, then will take place the word that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

mkjv@1Corinthians:16:18 @ For they have refreshed my spirit and yours; then acknowledge such ones.

mkjv@2Corinthians:1:17 @ Then purposing this, did I indeed use lightness? Or the things that I purpose, do I purpose them according to the flesh, so that with me there should be yes, yes, and no, no?

mkjv@2Corinthians:2:2 @ For if I make you sorry, who then is he who makes me glad, but the same who has been made sorry by me?

mkjv@2Corinthians:3:12 @ Then since we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech.

mkjv@2Corinthians:4:7 @ But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us;

mkjv@2Corinthians:4:12 @ So then death works in us, but life in you.

mkjv@2Corinthians:5:6 @ Then being always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are away from home from the Lord;

mkjv@2Corinthians:5:8 @ then we are confident and we are pleased rather to go away from home out of the body, and to come home to the Lord.

mkjv@2Corinthians:5:14 @ For the love of Christ constrains us, judging this, that if one died for all, then all died;

mkjv@2Corinthians:5:20 @ Then we are ambassadors on behalf of Christ, as God exhorting through us, we beseech [you] on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

mkjv@2Corinthians:7:1 @ Then having these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilements of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

mkjv@2Corinthians:7:12 @ Then, though I wrote to you, [it was] not on account of the one who did wrong, nor on account of the one who suffered wrong, but for the sake of revealing our earnestness on your behalf, for you before God.

mkjv@2Corinthians:9:4 @ [I say this] lest perhaps Macedonians should come with me and find you unprepared. We (not to say you) would then be put to shame in this confident boasting.

mkjv@2Corinthians:11:26 @ I have been in travels often; in dangers from waters; in dangers from robbers; in dangers from [my] race; in dangers from [the] heathen; in dangers in [the] city; in dangers in [ the] wilderness; in dangers on [the sea; in dangers among false brothers.

mkjv@2Corinthians:12:10 @ Therefore I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am powerful.

mkjv@Galatians:1:18 @ Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and stayed with him fifteen days.

mkjv@Galatians:1:21 @ Then I went into the regions of Syria and of Cilicia,

mkjv@Galatians:1:23 @ But only they were hearing that he who then persecuted us, now preaches the faith which he once ravaged.

mkjv@Galatians:2:1 @ Then through fourteen years, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with [me] also.

mkjv@Galatians:2:6 @ But from those who seemed to be something (what kind they were then does not matter to me; God does not accept the face of man), for those seeming [important] conferred nothing to me.

mkjv@Galatians:2:21 @ I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness [is] through law, then Christ died without cause.

mkjv@Galatians:3:5 @ Then He supplying the Spirit to you and working powerful works in you, [is it] by works of [the] law, or by hearing of faith?

mkjv@Galatians:3:9 @ So then those of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

mkjv@Galatians:3:19 @ Why then the Law? It was added because of transgressions, until the Seed should come [to those] to whom it had been promised, being ordained through angels in the Mediator's hand.

mkjv@Galatians:3:21 @ [Is] the Law then against the promises of God? Let it not be [said]! For if a law had been given which could have given life, indeed righteousness would have been out of Law.

mkjv@Galatians:3:29 @ And if you [are] Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.

mkjv@Galatians:4:8 @ But then, indeed, not knowing God, you served as slaves [to] those not by nature being gods.

mkjv@Galatians:4:15 @ What then was your blessedness? For I bear you record that, if you were able, plucking out your eyes, [you] would have given [them] to me.

mkjv@Galatians:4:16 @ So then did I become your enemy speaking to you the truth?

mkjv@Galatians:4:29 @ But then even as he born according to flesh persecuted him [born] according to the Spirit, so it is] also now.

mkjv@Galatians:4:31 @ Then, brothers, we are not children of a slave-woman, but of the free woman.

mkjv@Galatians:5:11 @ And I, brothers, if I yet proclaim circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the offense of the Cross has ceased.

mkjv@Galatians:5:16 @ I say, then, Walk in [the] Spirit and you shall not fulfill [the] lusts of [the] flesh.

mkjv@Galatians:6:4 @ But let each one prove his own work, and then he alone will have a boast in himself, and not in another.

mkjv@Galatians:6:10 @ So then as we have time, let us work good toward all, especially toward those of the household of faith.

mkjv@Ephesians:3:16 @ that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man;

mkjv@Ephesians:5:15 @ See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

mkjv@Philippians:1:18 @ What then? Nevertheless, in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached. And I rejoice in this. Yet, also I will rejoice.

mkjv@Philippians:2:2 @ then fulfill my joy, that you may be like-minded, having the same love, [being] of one accord and of one mind.

mkjv@Philippians:4:13 @ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

mkjv@Colossians:2:20 @ If then you died with Christ from the elements of the world, why, as [though] living in [the] world, are you subject to [its] ordinances:

mkjv@Colossians:3:1 @ If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at [the] right hand of God.

mkjv@Colossians:3:4 @ When Christ our Life [is] revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.

mkjv@1Thessalonians:3:1 @ Therefore when we could no longer endure, we were pleased to be left at Athens alone.

mkjv@1Thessalonians:3:7 @ then, my brothers, we were comforted over you, through your faith, even in all our affliction and needs;

mkjv@1Thessalonians:4:1 @ For the rest, then, my brothers, we beseech you and exhort [you] in [the] Lord Jesus, that, as you have received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, so you would abound more [and more].

mkjv@1Thessalonians:4:17 @ Then we who are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the] clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we shall ever be with the Lord.

mkjv@1Thessalonians:5:3 @ For when they shall say, Peace and safety! Then sudden destruction comes on them, as travail upon a woman with child. And they shall not escape.

mkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8 @ And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming,

mkjv@1Timothy:1:12 @ And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who strengthened me, because He counted me faithful, putting [me] into the ministry--

mkjv@1Timothy:2:1 @ First of all, then, I exhort [that] supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks be made for all men,

mkjv@1Timothy:2:13 @ For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

mkjv@1Timothy:3:2 @ Then it behooves the overseer to be without reproach, husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, well-ordered, hospitable, apt at teaching,

mkjv@1Timothy:3:10 @ And let these also first be tested, then let them minister without reproach.

mkjv@2Timothy:4:17 @ But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, that through me the preaching might be fulfilled, and [that] all the nations might hear. And I was delivered out of [the] mouth of the] lion.

mkjv@Philemon:1:17 @ If then you have me as a partner, receive him as me.

mkjv@Hebrews:2:14 @ Since then the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise partook of the same; that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death (that is, the Devil),

mkjv@Hebrews:4:6 @ Since then it remains that some must enter into it, and since they to whom it was first preached did not enter in because of unbelief,

mkjv@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day.

mkjv@Hebrews:4:9 @ So then there remains a rest to the people of God.

mkjv@Hebrews:4:14 @ Since then we have a great High Priest who has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast [our] profession.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:27 @ who does not need, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice daily, first for his own [sins] and then for the people's sins. For He did this once for all, when He offered up Himself.

mkjv@Hebrews:8:7 @ For if that first [covenant] had been without fault, [then] no place would have been sought for the] second.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:1 @ Then truly the first [tabernacle] had also ordinances of divine service and an earthly sanctuary.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:9 @ For it [was] a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him who did the service perfect as regards the conscience,

mkjv@Hebrews:9:26 @ (for then He must have suffered often since [the] foundation of the world), but now once in the end of the world He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

mkjv@Hebrews:10:2 @ For then would they not have ceased to be offered? Because the worshipers, when they had been once for all purged, would have had no more conscience of sin.

mkjv@Hebrews:10:7 @ Then I said, Lo, I come ( in the] volume of the Book it is written of Me) to do Your will, O God.

mkjv@Hebrews:10:9 @ then He said, Lo, I come to do Your will, O God. He takes away the first so that He may establish the second.

mkjv@Hebrews:10:13 @ from then on expecting until His enemies are made His footstool.

mkjv@Hebrews:12:8 @ But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons.

mkjv@Hebrews:12:26 @ whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more I will not only shake the earth, but also the heavens.

mkjv@Hebrews:13:15 @ By Him, then, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, [the] fruit of [our] lips, confessing His name.

mkjv@James:1:15 @ Then when lust has conceived, [it] brings forth sin. And sin, when it is fully formed, brings forth death.

mkjv@James:2:24 @ You see then how a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

mkjv@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom that is from above is first truly pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

mkjv@James:4:14 @ who do not know of the morrow. For what [is] your life? For it is a vapor, which appears for a little time, and then disappears.

mkjv@1Peter:2:10 @ [you] who then were not a people, but now the people of God, those not pitied [then], but now pitied.

mkjv@1Peter:2:13 @ Then be in obedience to every ordinance of men, because of the Lord, whether to a king as supreme,

mkjv@1Peter:5:10 @ But the God of all grace, He calling us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, [He] will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish [you].

mkjv@2Peter:3:6 @ through which the world that then was, being flooded by water, perished.

mkjv@2Peter:3:11 @ Then, all these things being [about to be] dissolved, what sort ought you to be in holy behavior and godliness,

mkjv@Revelation:3:2 @ Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die. For I have not found your works being fulfilled before God.

mkjv@Revelation:3:3 @ Remember then how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.

mkjv@Revelation:22:9 @ Then he said to me, Behold! See, do not do it! For I am your fellow-servant, and of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this Book. Do worship to God.

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