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dourh@Genesis:1:26 @ And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.

dourh@Genesis:2:8 @ And the Lord God had planted a paradise of pleasure from the beginning: wherein he placed man whom he had formed.

dourh@Genesis:3:6 @ And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband who did eat.

dourh@Genesis:3:11 @ And he said to him: And who hath told thee that thou wast naked, but that thou hast eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat?

dourh@Genesis:3:12 @ And Adam said: The woman, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

dourh@Genesis:4:1 @ And Adam knew Eve his wife: who conceived and brought forth Cain, saying: I have gotten a man through God.

dourh@Genesis:4:15 @ And the Lord said to him: No, it shall not be so: but whosoever shall kill Cain, shall be punished sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, that whosoever found him should not kill him.

dourh@Genesis:4:19 @ Who took two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other was Sella.

dourh@Genesis:4:20 @ And Ada brought forth Jabel: who was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of herdsmen.

dourh@Genesis:4:22 @ Sella also brought forth Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artificer in every work of brass and iron. And the sister of Tubalcain was Noema.

dourh@Genesis:4:25 @ Adam also knew his wife again: and she brought forth a son, and called his name Seth, saying: God hath given me another seed, for Abel whom Cain slew.

dourh@Genesis:4:26 @ But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the Lord.

dourh@Genesis:5:10 @ After whose birth he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and begot sons and daughters.

dourh@Genesis:6:7 @ He said: I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them.

dourh@Genesis:7:3 @ But of the beasts that are unclean two and two, the male and female. Of the fowls also of the air seven and seven,the male and the female: that seed may be saved upon the face of the whole earth.

dourh@Genesis:7:19 @ And the waters prevailed beyond measure upon the earth: and all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered.

dourh@Genesis:8:9 @ But she, not finding where her foot might rest, returned to him into the ark: for the waters were upon the whole earth: and he put forth his hand, and caught her, and brought her into the ark.

dourh@Genesis:9:6 @ Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God.

dourh@Genesis:9:18 @ And the sons of Noe who came out of the ark, were Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and Cham is the father of Chanaan.

dourh@Genesis:9:19 @ These three are the sons of Noe: and from these was all mankind spread over the whole earth.

dourh@Genesis:9:29 @ And all his days were in the whole nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.

dourh@Genesis:10:14 @ And Phetrusim, and Chasluim; of whom came forth the Philistines, and the Capthorim.

dourh@Genesis:10:24 @ But Arphaxad begot Sale, of whom was born Heber.

dourh@Genesis:11:9 @ And therefore the name thereof was called Babel, because there the language of the whole earth was confounded: and from thence the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all countries.

dourh@Genesis:12:7 @ And the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him: To thy seed will I give this land. And he built there an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.

dourh@Genesis:13:5 @ But Lot also, who was with Abram, had flocks of sheep, and herds of beasts, and tents.

dourh@Genesis:13:9 @ Behold the whole land is before thee: depart from me I pray thee: if thou wilt go to the left hand, I will take the right: if thou choose the right hand, I will pass to the left.

dourh@Genesis:14:12 @ And Lot also, the son of Abram's brother, who dwelt in Sodom, and his substance.

dourh@Genesis:14:13 @ And behold one that had escaped told Abram the Hebrew, who dwelt in the vale of Mambre the Amorrhite, the brother of Escol, and the brother of Aner: for these had made league with Abram.

dourh@Genesis:14:19 @ Blessed him, and said: Blessed be Abram by the most high God, who created heaven and earth.

dourh@Genesis:14:20 @ And blessed be the most high God, by whose protection the enemies are in thy hands. And he gace him the tithes of all.

dourh@Genesis:15:7 @ And he said to him: I am the Lord who brought thee out from Ur of the Chaldees, to gibe thee this land, and that thou mightest possess it.

dourh@Genesis:16:13 @ And she called the name of the Lord that spoke unto her: Thou the God who hast seen me. For she said: Verily here have I seen the hinder parts of him that seeth me.

dourh@Genesis:16:15 @ And Agar brought forth a son to Abram: who called his name Ismael.

dourh@Genesis:17:12 @ An infant of eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations: he that is born in the house, as well as the bought servant shall be circumcised, and whosoever is not of your stock:

dourh@Genesis:17:14 @ The male, whose dash of his foreskin shall not be circumcised, that soul shall be destroyed out of his people: because he hath broken my covenant.

dourh@Genesis:17:16 @ And I will bless her, and of her I will give thee a son, whom I will bless, and he shell become nations, and kings of people shall spring from him.

dourh@Genesis:17:21 @ But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sara shall bring forth to thee at this time in the next year.

dourh@Genesis:17:23 @ And Abraham took Ismael his son, and all that were born in his house: and all whom he had bought, every male among the men of his house: and he circumcised the flesh of their foreskin forthwith the very same day, as God had commanded him.

dourh@Genesis:18:8 @ And he himself ran to the herd, and took from thence a calf very tender and very good, and gave it to a young man: who made haste and boiled it.

dourh@Genesis:18:14 @ And the Lord said to Abraham: Why did Sera laugh, saying: Shall I who am an old woman bear a child indeed?

dourh@Genesis:18:26 @ Far be it from thee to do this thing, and to slay the just with the wicked, and for the just to be in like case as the wicked, this is not beseeming thee: thou who judgest all the earth, wilt not make this judgment.

dourh@Genesis:18:27 @ And the Lord said to him: If I And in Sodom fifty just within the city, I will spare the whole place for their sake.

dourh@Genesis:18:29 @ What if there be Ave less than fifty just persons? wilt thou for five and forty destroy the whole city? And he said: I will not destroy it, if I find five and forty.

dourh@Genesis:19:8 @ I have two daughters who as yet have not known man: I will bring them out to you, and abuse you them as it shall please you, so that you do no evil to these men, because they are come in under the shadow of my roof.

dourh@Genesis:19:13 @ For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them.

dourh@Genesis:19:28 @ He looked towards Sodom and Gomorrha, and the whole land of that country: and he saw the ashes rise up from the earth as the smoke of a furnace.

dourh@Genesis:19:31 @ And the elder said to the younger Our father is old, and there is no man left on the earth, to come in unto us after the manner of the whole earth.

dourh@Genesis:21:3 @ And Abraham called the name of his son, whom Sara bore him, Isaac.

dourh@Genesis:21:6 @ And Sara said: God hath made a laughter for me: whosoever shall hear of it will laugh with me.

dourh@Genesis:21:7 @ And again she said: Who would believe that Abraham should hear that Sara gave suck to a son, whom she bore to him in his old age.

dourh@Genesis:21:26 @ And Abimelech answered: I knew not who did this thing: and thou didst not tell me, and I heard not of it till today.

dourh@Genesis:22:2 @ He said to him: Take thy only begotten son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and go into the land of vision: and there thou shalt offer him for a holocaust upon one of the mountains which I will show thee.

dourh@Genesis:22:23 @ And Bathuel, of whom was born Rebecca: These eight did Melcha bear to Nachor Abraham's brother.

dourh@Genesis:24:2 @ And he said to the elder servant of his house, who was ruler over all he had: Put thy hand under my thigh,

dourh@Genesis:24:3 @ That I may make thee swear by the Lord the God of heaven and earth, that thou take not a wife for my son, of the daughters of the Chanaanites, among whom I dwell:

dourh@Genesis:24:7 @ The Lord God of heaven, who took me out of my father's house, and out of my native country, who spoke to me, and swore to me, saying: To thy seed will I give this land: he will send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take from thence a wife for my son.

dourh@Genesis:24:14 @ Now, therefore, the maid to whom I shall say: Let down thy pitcher that I may drink: and she shall answer, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let it be the same whom thou hast provided for thy servant Isaac: and by this I shall understand, that thou hast shown kindness to my master.

dourh@Genesis:24:23 @ And he said to her: Whose daughter art thou? tell me: is there any place in thy father's house to lodge?

dourh@Genesis:24:24 @ And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Melcha, whom she bore to Nachor.

dourh@Genesis:24:27 @ Saying: Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not taken away his mercy and truth from my master, and hath brought me the straight way into the house of my master's brother.

dourh@Genesis:24:29 @ And Rebecca had a brother named Laban, who went out in haste to the man, to the well.

dourh@Genesis:24:30 @ And when he had seen the earrings and bracelets in his sister's hands, and had heard all that she related, saying: Thus and thus the man spoke to me: he came to the man who stood by the camels, and near to the spring of water,

dourh@Genesis:24:37 @ And my master made me swear, saying: Thou shalt not take a wife for my son of the Chanaanites, in whose land I dwell:

dourh@Genesis:24:40 @ The Lord, said he, in whose sight I walk, will send his angel with thee, and will direct thy way: and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my own kindred, and of my father's house.

dourh@Genesis:24:43 @ Behold I stand by the well of water, and the virgin, that shall come out to draw water, who shall hear me say: Give me a little water to drink of thy pitcher:

dourh@Genesis:24:44 @ And shall say to me: Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels: let the same be the woman, whom the Lord hath prepared for my master's son.

dourh@Genesis:24:47 @ And I asked her, and said: Whose daughter art thou? And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Nachor, whom Melcha bore to him. So I put earrings on her to adorn her face, and I put bracelets on her hands.

dourh@Genesis:24:48 @ And falling down I adored the Lord, blessing the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath brought me the straight way to take the daughter of my master's brother for his son.

dourh@Genesis:24:61 @ So Rebecca and her maids, being set upon camels, followed the man: who with speed returned to his master.

dourh@Genesis:24:65 @ And said to the servant: Who is that man who cometh towards us along the field? And he said to her: That man is my master. But she quickly took her cloak, and covered herself.

dourh@Genesis:24:67 @ Who brought her into the tent of Sara his mother, and took her to wife: and he loved her so much, that it moderated the sorrow which was occasioned by his mother's death.

dourh@Genesis:25:2 @ Who bore to him Zamran, and Jecsan, and Madan, and Madian, and Jesboc, and Sue.

dourh@Genesis:25:11 @ And after his death, God blessed Isaac his son, who dwelt by the well named Of the living and seeing.

dourh@Genesis:25:12 @ These are the generations of Ismael the son of Abraham, whom Agar the Egyptian, Sara's servant, bore unto him:

dourh@Genesis:25:20 @ Who when he was forty years old, took to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia, sister to Laban.

dourh@Genesis:25:29 @ And Jacob boiled Pottage: to whom Esau, coming faint out of the field,

dourh@Genesis:26:27 @ Isaac said to them: Why are ye come to me, a man whom you hate, and have thrust out from you?

dourh@Genesis:27:18 @ Which when he had carried in, he said: My father? But he answered: I hear. Who art thou, my son?

dourh@Genesis:27:32 @ And Isaac said to him: Why! who art thou? He answered: I am thy firstborn son Esau.

dourh@Genesis:27:33 @ Isaac was struck with fear, and astonished exceedingly: and wondering beyond what can be believed, said Who is he then the even now brought me venison that he had taken, and I ate of all before thou camest? and I have blessed him, and he shall be blessed.

dourh@Genesis:29:13 @ Who, when he heard that Jacob his sister's son was come, ran forth to meet him; and embracing him, and heartily kissing him, brought him into his house. And when he had heard the causes of his journey,

dourh@Genesis:29:29 @ To whom her father gave Bala for her servant.

dourh@Genesis:30:2 @ And Jacob being angry with her, answered: Am I as God, who hath deprived thee of the fruit of thy womb?

dourh@Genesis:30:4 @ And she gave him Bala in marriage: who,

dourh@Genesis:30:8 @ For whom Rachel said: God hath compared me with my sister, and I have prevailed: and she called him Nephtali.

dourh@Genesis:30:21 @ After whom she bore a daughter, named Diana.

dourh@Genesis:30:26 @ Give me my wives, and my children, for whom I have served thee, that I may depart: thou knowest the service that I have rendered thee.

dourh@Genesis:30:36 @ And he set the space of three days' journey betwixt himself and his son in law, who fed the rest of his flock.

dourh@Genesis:30:37 @ And Jacob took green robs of poplar, and of almond, and of place trees, and pilled them in part: so when the bark was taken off, in the parts that were pilled, there appeared whiteness: but the parts that were whole remained green: and by this means the colour was divers.

dourh@Genesis:31:32 @ But whereas thou chargest me with theft: with whomsoever thou shalt find thy gods, let him be slain before our brethren. Search, and if thou find any of thy things with me, take them away. Now when he said this, he knew not that Rachel had stolen the idols.

dourh@Genesis:31:50 @ If thou afflict my daughters, and if thou bring in other wives over them: none is witness of our speech but God, who is present and beholdeth.

dourh@Genesis:32:9 @ And Jacob said: O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, O Lord, who saidst to me: Return to thy land and to the place of thy birth, and I will do well for thee,

dourh@Genesis:32:17 @ And he commanded the first, saying: If thou meet my brother Esau, and he ask thee: Whose art thou? or whither goest thou? or whose are these before thee?

dourh@Genesis:33:11 @ And take the blessing, which I have brought thee, and which God hath given me, who giveth all things. He took it with much ado at his brother's earnest pressing him,

dourh@Genesis:33:15 @ Esau answered: I beseech thee, that some of the people at least, who are with me, may stay to accompany thee in the way. And he said: There is no necessity: I want nothing else but only to find favor, my lord, in thy sight.

dourh@Genesis:35:1 @ In the meantime God said to Jacob: Arise, and go up to Bethel, and dwell there, and make there an altar to God, who appeared to thee when thou didst flee from Esau thy brother.

dourh@Genesis:35:3 @ Arise, and let us go up to Bethel, that we may make there an altar to God: who heard me in the day of my affliction, and accompanied me in my journey.

dourh@Genesis:36:14 @ And these were the sons of Oolibama, the daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sebeon, the wife of Esau, whom she bore to him, Jehus, and Ihelon, and Core.

dourh@Genesis:36:35 @ And after his death, Adad the son of Badad reigned in his stead, who defeated the Madianites in the country of Moab: and the name of his city was Avith.

dourh@Genesis:38:5 @ She bore also a third: whom she called Sela. after whose birth, she ceased to bear any more.

dourh@Genesis:38:6 @ And Juda took a wife for Her his firstborn, whose name was Thamar.

dourh@Genesis:38:14 @ And she put off the garments of her widowhood, and took a veil: and changing her dress, sat in the cross way, that leadeth to Thamnas: because Sela was grown up, and she had not been married to him.

dourh@Genesis:38:20 @ And she arose and went her way: and putting off the apparel which she had taken, put on the garments of her widowhood.

dourh@Genesis:38:27 @ But when she was led to execution, she sent to her father in law, saying: By the man, to whom these things belong, I am with child. See whose ring, and bracelet, and staff this is.

dourh@Genesis:38:32 @ Afterwards his brother came out, on whose hand was the scarlet thread: and she called him Zara.

dourh@Genesis:39:1 @ And Joseph was brought into Egypt, and Putiphar an eunuch of Pharao, chief captain of the army, an Egyptian, bought him of the Ismaelites, by whom he was brought.

dourh@Genesis:39:3 @ Who knew very well that the Lord was with him, and made all that he did to prosper in his hand.

dourh@Genesis:39:11 @ Neither is there any thing which is hot in my power, or that he hath not delivered to me, but thee, who art his wife: how then can I do this wicked thing, and I sin against my God?

dourh@Genesis:39:21 @ And said: The Hebrew servant, whom thou best brought, came to me to abuse me.

dourh@Genesis:39:26 @ Who delivered into his hand all the prisoners that were kept in custody: and whatsoever was done was under him.

dourh@Genesis:41:4 @ And they devoured them, whose bodies were very beautiful and well conditioned. So Pharao awoke.

dourh@Genesis:41:14 @ There was there a young man a Hebrew, servant to the same captain of the soldiers: to whom we told our dreams,

dourh@Genesis:41:31 @ Behold, there shall come seven years of great plenty in the whole land of Egypt:

dourh@Genesis:41:43 @ And again Pharao said to Joseph: Behold, I have appointed thee over the whole land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:41:45 @ And he made him go up into his second chariot, the crier proclaiming that all should bow their knee before him, and that they should know he was made govenor over the whole land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:41:52 @ And before the famine came, Joseph had two sons born: whom Aseneth the daughter of Putiphare priest of Heliopolis bore unto him.

dourh@Genesis:41:56 @ The seven years of scarcity, which Joseph had foretold, began to come: and the famine prevailed in the whole world, but there was bread in all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:42:4 @ Whilst Benjamin was kept at home by Jacob, who said to his brethren: Lest perhaps he take any harm in the journey.

dourh@Genesis:43:14 @ And may my almighty Bod make him favourable to you; and send back with you your brother, whom he keepeth, and this Benjamin: and as for me I shall be desolate without children.

dourh@Genesis:43:22 @ And we have brought other money besides, to buy what we want: we cannot tell who put it in our bags.

dourh@Genesis:43:27 @ But he, courteously saluting them again, asked them, saying: Is the old man your father in health, of whom uou told me? Is he yet living?

dourh@Genesis:43:29 @ And Joseph lifting up his eyes, saw Benjamin his brother, by the same mother, and said: Is this your young brother, of whom you told me? And he said: God be gracious to thee, my son.

dourh@Genesis:44:9 @ With whomsoever of thy servants shall be found that which thou seekest, let him die, and we will be the bondmen of my lord.

dourh@Genesis:44:10 @ And he said to them: Let it be according to your sentence: with whomsoever it shall be found, let him be my servant, and you shall be blameless.

dourh@Genesis:44:16 @ And Juda said to him: What shall we answer my lord? or what shall we say, or be able justly to allege? God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants: behold, we are all bondmen to my lord, both we, and he with whom the cup was found.

dourh@Genesis:44:20 @ And we answered thee, my lord: We have a father an old man, and a young boy, that was born in his old age; whose brother by the mother is dead: and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him tenderly.

dourh@Genesis:44:32 @ Let me be tht proper servant, who took him into my trust, and promised, saying: If I bring him not again, I will be guilty of sin against my father for ever.

dourh@Genesis:45:4 @ And he said mildly to them: Come nearer to me. And when they were come near him, he said: I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:45:8 @ Not by your counsel was I sent hither, but by the will of God: who hath made me as it were a father to Pharao, and lord of his whold house, and governor in all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Genesis:45:9 @ Make haste, and go ye up to my father, and say to him: Thus saith thy son Joseph: God hath made me lord of the whole land of Egypt: come down to me, linger not.

dourh@Genesis:45:27 @ They, on the other side, told the whole order of the thing. And when he saw the wagons and all that he had sent his spirit revived,

dourh@Genesis:46:15 @ These are the sons of Lia, whom she bore in Mesopotamia of Syria, with Dins his daughter. All the souls of her sons and daughters, thirty-three.

dourh@Genesis:46:18 @ These are the sons of Zelpha, whom Laban gave to Lia his daughter. And these she bore to Jacob, sixteen souls.

dourh@Genesis:46:20 @ And sons were born to Joseph, in the land of Egypt, whom Aseneth the daughter of Putiphare priest of Heliopolis bore him: Manasses and Ephraim.

dourh@Genesis:46:22 @ These are the sons of Rachel, whom she bore to Jacob: all the souls, four- teen.

dourh@Genesis:46:25 @ These are the sons of Bala, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter: and these she bore to Jacob: all the souls, seven.

dourh@Genesis:47:13 @ For in the whole world there was want of bread, and a famine had op- pressed the land: more especially of Egypt and Chanaan.

dourh@Genesis:47:22 @ Except the land of the priests, which had been given them by the king: to whom also a certain allowance of food was given out of the public stores, and therefore they were not forced to sell their possessions.

dourh@Genesis:47:26 @ From that time unto this day, in the whole land of Egypt, the fifth part is paid to the king, and it is become as a law, except the land of the priests, which was free from this covenant.

dourh@Genesis:48:5 @ So thy two sons who were born to thee in the land of Egypt before I came hither to thee, shall be mine: Ephraim and Manasses shall be reputed to me as Ruben and Simeon.

dourh@Genesis:48:6 @ But the rest whom thou shalt have after them, shall be thine, and shall be called by the name of their brethren in their possessions.

dourh@Genesis:48:8 @ Then seeing his sons, he said to him: Who are these?

dourh@Genesis:48:9 @ He answered: They are my sons, whom God hath given me in this place. And he said: Bring them to me that I may bless them.

dourh@Genesis:48:14 @ But he stretching forth his right hand, put it upon the head of Ephraim the younger brother; and the left upon the head of Manasses who was the elder, changing his hands.

dourh@Genesis:48:15 @ And Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, and said: God, in whose sight my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, God that feedeth me from my youth until this day;

dourh@Genesis:49:9 @ Juda is a lion's whelp: to the prey, my son, thou art gone up: resting thou hast couched as a lion, and as a lioness, who shall rouse him?

dourh@Exodus:1:15 @ And the king of Egypt spoke to the midwives of the Hebrews: of whom one was called Sephora, the other Phua,

dourh@Exodus:2:14 @ But he answered: Who hath appointed thee prince and judge over us: wilt thou kill me, as thou didst yesterday kill the Egyptian? Moses feared, and said: How is this come to be known?

dourh@Exodus:2:16 @ And the priest of Madian had seven daughters, who came to draw water: and when the troughs were filled, desired to water their father's flocks.

dourh@Exodus:2:22 @ And she bore him a son, whom he called Gersam, saying: I have been a stranger in a foreign country. And she bore another, whom he called Eliezer, saying: For the God of my father, my helper hath delivered me out of the hand of Pharao.

dourh@Exodus:3:11 @ And Moses said to God: Who am I that I should go to Pharao, and should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?

dourh@Exodus:3:14 @ God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. He said: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: HE WHO IS, hath sent me to you.

dourh@Exodus:4:11 @ The Lord said to him: Who made man's mouth? or who made the dumb and the deaf, the seeing and the blind? did not I?

dourh@Exodus:4:13 @ But he said: I beseech thee, Lord send whom thou wilt send.

dourh@Exodus:5:2 @ But he answered: Who is the Lord, that I should hear his voice, and let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.

dourh@Exodus:5:20 @ And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood over against them as they came out from Pharao:

dourh@Exodus:6:6 @ Therefore say to the children of Israel: I am the Lord who will bring you out from the work prison of the Egyptians, and will deliver you from bondage: and redeem you with a high arm, and great judgments.

dourh@Exodus:6:7 @ And I will take you to myself for my people, I will be your God: and you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brought you out from the work prison of the Egyptians.

dourh@Exodus:6:23 @ And Aaron took to wife Elizabeth the daughter of Aminadab, sister of Nahason, who bore him Nadab, and Abiu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.

dourh@Exodus:6:26 @ These are Aaron and Moses, whom the Lord commanded to bring forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their companies.

dourh@Exodus:7:5 @ And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, who have stretched forth my hand upon Egypt, and have brought forth the children of Israel out of the midst of them.

dourh@Exodus:8:21 @ But if thou wilt not let them go, behold I will send in upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy houses all kind of flies: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be filled with flies of divers kinds, and the whole land wherein they shall be.

dourh@Exodus:9:9 @ And be there dust upon all the land of Egypt: for there shall be boils and swelling blains both in men and beasts in the whole land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:9:21 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch forth thy hand towards heaven, that there may be hail in the whole land of Egypt, upon men, and upon beasts, and upon every herb of the field in the land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:9:24 @ And the hail and fire mixed with it drove on together: and it was of so great bigness, as never before was seen in the whole land of Egypt since that nation was founded.

dourh@Exodus:10:8 @ And they called back Moses and Aaron to Pharao: and he said to them: Go, sacrifice to the Lord your God: who are they that shall go?

dourh@Exodus:10:10 @ And Pharao answered: So be the Lord with you, as I shall let you and your children go: who can doubt but that you intend some great evil?

dourh@Exodus:10:14 @ And they came up over the whole land of Egypt: and rested in all the coasts of the Egyptians innumerable, the like as had not been before that time, nor shall be hereafter.

dourh@Exodus:10:15 @ And they covered the whole face of the earth, wasting all things. And the grass of the earth was devoured, and what fruits soever were on the trees, which the hail had left: and there remained not any thing that was green on the trees, or in the herbs of the earth in all Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:11:5 @ And every firstborn in the land of the Egyptians shall die, from the firstborn of Pharao who sitteth on his throne, even to the first born of the handmaid that is at the mill, and all the firstborn of beasts.

dourh@Exodus:12:3 @ Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day of this month let every man take a lamb by their families and houses.

dourh@Exodus:12:6 @ And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month: and the whole multitude of the children of Israel shall sacrifice it in the evening.

dourh@Exodus:12:15 @ Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread: in the first day there shall be no leaven in your houses: whosoever shall eat any thing leavened, from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall perish out of Israel.

dourh@Exodus:12:29 @ And it came to pass at midnight, the Lord slew every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharao, who sat on his throne, unto the firstborn of the captive woman that was in the prison, and all the firstborn of cattle.

dourh@Exodus:14:7 @ And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots that were in Egypt: and the captains of the whole army.

dourh@Exodus:14:9 @ And when the Egyptians followed the steps of them who were gone before, they found them encamped at the sea side: all Pharao's horse and chariots, and the whole army were in Phihahiroth before Beelsephon.

dourh@Exodus:14:13 @ And Moses said to the people: Fear not: stand and see the great wonders of the Lord, which he will do this day: for the Egyptians, whom you see now, you shall see no more for ever.

dourh@Exodus:14:19 @ And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removing, went behind them: and together with him the pillar of the cloud, leaving the forepart,

dourh@Exodus:14:28 @ And the waters returned, and covered the chariots and the horsemen of all the army of Pharao, who had come into the sea after them, neither did there so much as one of them remain.

dourh@Exodus:15:11 @ Who is like to thee, among the strong, O Lord? who is like to thee, glorious in holiness, terrible and praiseworthy, doing wonders?

dourh@Exodus:16:9 @ Moses also said to Aaron: Say to the whole congregation of the children of Israel: Come before the Lord: for he hath heard your murmuring.

dourh@Exodus:18:2 @ He took Sephora the wife of Moses whom he had sent back:

dourh@Exodus:18:3 @ And her two sons, of whom one was called Gersam, his father saying: I have been a stranger in a foreign country.

dourh@Exodus:18:10 @ And he said: Blessed is the Lord, who hath delivered you out of the hand of Pharao, and out of the hand of the Egyptians, who hath delivered his people out of the hand of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:18:13 @ And the next day Moses sat, to judge the people, who stood by Moses from morning until night.

dourh@Exodus:18:21 @ And provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, in whom there is truth, and that hate avarice, and appoint of them rulers of thousands, and of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens.

dourh@Exodus:18:22 @ Who may judge the people at all times: and when any great matter soever shall fall out, let them refer it to thee, and let them judge the lesser matters only: that so it may be lighter for thee, the burden being shared out unto others.

dourh@Exodus:20:2 @ I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

dourh@Exodus:21:8 @ If she displease the eyes of her master to whom she was delivered, he shall let her go: but he shall have no power to sell her to a foreign nation, if he despise her.

dourh@Exodus:21:36 @ But if he knew that his ox was wont to push yesterday and the day before, and his master did not keep him in: he shall pay ox for ox, and shall take the whole carcass.

dourh@Exodus:22:19 @ Whosoever copulateth with a beast shall be put to death.

dourh@Exodus:23:20 @ Behold I will send my angel, who shall go before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place that I have prepared.

dourh@Exodus:23:23 @ And my angel shall go before thee, and shall bring thee in unto the Amorrhite, and the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, whom I will destroy.

dourh@Exodus:23:27 @ I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come: and will turn the backs of all thy enemies before thee.

dourh@Exodus:25:39 @ The whole weight of the candlestick with all the furniture thereof shall be a talent of the purest gold.

dourh@Exodus:28:3 @ And thou shalt speak to all the wise of heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's vestments, in which he being consecrated may minister to me.

dourh@Exodus:29:18 @ And thou shalt offer the whole ram for a burnt offering upon the altar: it is an oblation to the Lord, a most sweet savour of the victim of the Lord.

dourh@Exodus:29:19 @ Thou shalt take also the other ram, upon whose head Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands.

dourh@Exodus:29:46 @ And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who have brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might abide among them, I the Lord their God.

dourh@Exodus:31:13 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: See that thou keep my sabbath: because it is a sign between me and you in your generations: that you may know that I am the Lord, who sanctify you.

dourh@Exodus:32:11 @ But Moses besought the Lord his God, saying: Why, O Lord, is thy indignation kindled against thy people, whom thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt, with great power, and with a mighty hand?

dourh@Exodus:32:13 @ Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou sworest by thy own self, saying: I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven: and this whole land that I have spoken of, I will give to you seed, and you shall possess it for ever.

dourh@Exodus:32:23 @ They said to me: Make us gods, that may go before us: for as to this Moses, who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is befallen him.

dourh@Exodus:33:12 @ And Moses said to the Lord; Thou commandest me to lead forth this people: and thou dost not let me know whom thou wilt send with me, especially whereas thou hast said: I know thee by name, and thou hast found favour in my sight.

dourh@Exodus:33:19 @ He answered: I will shew thee all good, and I will proclaim in the name of the Lord before thee: and I will have mercy on whom I will, and I will be merciful to whom it shall please me.

dourh@Exodus:34:7 @ Who keepest mercy unto thousands: who takest away iniquity, and wickedness, and sin, and no man of himself is innocent before thee. Who renderest the iniquity of the fathers to the children, and to the grandchildren, unto the third and fourth generation.

dourh@Exodus:34:10 @ The Lord answered: I will make a covenant in the sight of all. I will do signs such as were never seen upon the earth, nor in any nation: that this people, in the midst of whom thou art, may see the terrible work of the Lord which I will do.

dourh@Exodus:35:10 @ Whosoever of you is wise, let him come, and make that which the Lord hath commanded:

dourh@Exodus:36:1 @ Beseleel, therefore, and Ooliab, and every wise man, to whom the Lord gave wisdom and understanding, to know how to work artificially, made the things that are necessary for the uses of the sanctuary, and which the Lord commanded.

dourh@Exodus:36:2 @ And when Moses had called them, and every skilful man, to whom the Lord had given wisdom, and such as of their own accord had offered themselves to the making of the work,

dourh@Exodus:38:10 @ Twenty pillars of brass with their sockets, the heads of the pillars, and the whole graving of the work, of silver.

dourh@Exodus:38:23 @ Having for his companion Ooliab the son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan: who also was an excellent artificer in wood, and worker in tapestry and embroidery in violet, purple, scarlet, and fine linen.

dourh@Exodus:39:32 @ And they offered the tabernacle and the roof and the whole furniture, the rings, the boards, the bars, the pillars, and their sockets,

dourh@Leviticus:3:9 @ And they shall offer of the victim of peace offerings a sacrifice to the Lord: the fat and the whole rump,

dourh@Leviticus:5:2 @ Whosoever toucheth any unclean thing, either that which hath been killed by a beast, or died of itself, or any other creeping thing: and forgetteth his uncleanness, he is guilty, and hath offended:

dourh@Leviticus:5:8 @ And he shall give them to the priest: who shall offer the first for sin, and twist back the head of it to the little pinions, so that it stick to the neck, and be not altogether broken off.

dourh@Leviticus:5:12 @ And he shall deliver it to the priest: who shall take a handful thereof, and shall burn it upon the altar for a memorial of him that offered it:

dourh@Leviticus:5:16 @ And he shall make good the damage itself which he hath done, and shall add the fifth part besides, delivering it to the priest, who shall pray for him, offering the ram, and it shall be forgiven him.

dourh@Leviticus:6:2 @ Whosoever shall sin, and despising the Lord, shall deny to his neighbour the thing delivered to his keeping, which was committed to his trust; or shall by force extort any thing, or commit oppression;

dourh@Leviticus:6:5 @ All that he would have gotten by fraud, in the principal, and the fifth part besides to the owner, whom he wronged.

dourh@Leviticus:6:22 @ And the priest that rightfully succeedeth his father, shall offer it hot, for a most sweet odour to the Lord, and it shall be wholly burnt on the altar.

dourh@Leviticus:7:31 @ Who shall burn the fat upon the altar, but the breast shall be Aaron's and his sons'.

dourh@Leviticus:8:21 @ Having first washed the entrails, and the feet, and the whole ram together he burnt upon the altar, because it was a holocaust of most sweet odour to the Lord, as he had commanded him.

dourh@Leviticus:11:24 @ And whosoever shall touch the carcasses of them, shall be defiled, and shall be unclean until the evening:

dourh@Leviticus:11:45 @ For I am the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that I might be your God.

dourh@Leviticus:12:7 @ Who shall offer them before the Lord, and shall pray for her, and so she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. This is the law for her that beareth a man child or a maid child.

dourh@Leviticus:13:2 @ The man in whose skin or flesh shalt arise a different colour or a blister, or as it were something shining, that is, the stroke of the leprosy, shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or any one of his sons.

dourh@Leviticus:13:40 @ The man whose hair falleth off from his head, he is bald and clean:

dourh@Leviticus:13:44 @ Now whosoever shall be defiled with the leprosy, and is separated by the judgment of the priest,

dourh@Leviticus:13:55 @ And when he shall see that the former colour is not returned, nor yet the leprosy spread, he shall judge it unclean, and shall burn it with fire, for the leprosy has taken hold of the outside of the garment, or through the whole.

dourh@Leviticus:14:3 @ Who going out of the camp when he shall And that the leprosy is cleansed,

dourh@Leviticus:14:35 @ He whose house it is, shall go and tell the priest, saying: It seemeth to me, that there is the plague of leprosy in my house,

dourh@Leviticus:15:11 @ Every person whom such a one shall touch, not having washed his hands before, shall wash his clothes: and being washed with water, shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:13 @ If he who suffereth this disease be healed, he shall number seven days after his cleansing, and having washed his clothes, and all his body in living water, he shall be clean.

dourh@Leviticus:15:15 @ Who shall offer one for sin, and the other for a holocaust: and he shall pray for him before the Lord, that he may be cleansed of the issue of his seed.

dourh@Leviticus:15:16 @ The man from whom the seed of copulation goeth out, shall wash all his body with water: and he shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:18 @ The woman, with whom he copulateth, shall be washed with water, and shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:19 @ The woman, who at the return of the month, hath her issue of blood, shall be separated seven days.

dourh@Leviticus:15:23 @ Whosoever shall touch any vessel on which she sitteth, shall wash his clothes: and himself being washed with water, shall be defiled until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:27 @ Whosoever toucheth them shall wash his clothes: and himself being washed with water, shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:16:5 @ And he shall receive from the whole multitude of the children of Israel two buck goats for sin, and one ram for a holocaust.

dourh@Leviticus:16:9 @ That whose lot fell to be offered to the Lord, he shall offer for sin:

dourh@Leviticus:16:10 @ But that whose lot was to be the emissary goat, he shall present alive before the Lord, that he may pour out prayers upon him, and let him go into the wilderness.

dourh@Leviticus:16:17 @ Let no man be in the tabernacle when the high priest goeth into the sanctuary, to pray for himself and his house, and for the whole congregation of Israel, until he come out.

dourh@Leviticus:16:27 @ But the calf and the buck goat, that were sacrificed for sin, and whose blood was carried into the sanctuary, to accomplish the atonement, they shall carry forth without the camp, e and shall burn with fire, their skins and their flesh, and their dung:

dourh@Leviticus:16:28 @ And whosoever burneth them shall wash his clothes, and flesh with water, and so shall enter into the camp.

dourh@Leviticus:16:32 @ And the priest that is anointed, and whose hands are consecrated to do the office of the priesthood in his father's stead, shall make atonement; and he shall be vested with the linen robe and the holy vestments,

dourh@Leviticus:17:3 @ Any man whosoever of the house of Israel if he kill an ox, or a sheep, or a goat in the camp, or without the camp,

dourh@Leviticus:17:7 @ And they shall no more sacrifice their victims to devils, with whom they have committed fornication. It shall be an ordinance for ever to them and to their posterity.

dourh@Leviticus:17:8 @ And thou shalt say to them: The man of the house of Israel, and of the strangers who sojourn among you, that offereth a holocaust or a victim,

dourh@Leviticus:17:10 @ If any man whosoever of the house of Israel, and of the strangers that sojourn among them, eat blood, I will set my face against his soul, and will cut him off from among his people:

dourh@Leviticus:17:13 @ Any man whosoever of the children of Israel, and of the strangers that sojourn among you, if by hunting or fowling, he take a wild beast or a bird, which is lawful to eat, let him pour out its blood, and cover it with earth.

dourh@Leviticus:17:14 @ For the life of all flesh is in the blood: therefore I said to the children of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh at all, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, and whosoever eateth it, shall be cut off.

dourh@Leviticus:18:11 @ Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, whom she bore to thy father, and who is thy sister.

dourh@Leviticus:18:14 @ Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother: neither shalt thou approach to his wife, who is joined to thee by affinity.

dourh@Leviticus:20:24 @ But to you I say: Possess their land which I will give you for an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God, who have separated you from other people.

dourh@Leviticus:20:27 @ A man, or woman, in whom there is a pythonical or divining spirit, dying let them die: they shall stone them: their blood be upon them.

dourh@Leviticus:21:3 @ And for a maiden sister, who hath had no husband:

dourh@Leviticus:21:8 @ And offer the leaves of proposition. Let them therefore be holy, because I also am holy, the Lord, who sanctify them.

dourh@Leviticus:21:9 @ If the daughter of a priest be taken in whoredom, and dishonour the name of her father, she shall be burnt with fire.

dourh@Leviticus:21:10 @ The high priest, that is to say, the priest, is the greatest among his brethren. upon whose head the oil of unction hath been poured, and whose hands have been consecrated for the priesthood, and who hath been vested with the holy vestments, shall not uncover his head, he shall not rend his garments:

dourh@Leviticus:21:15 @ He shall not mingle the stock of his kindred with the common people of his nation: for I am the Lord who sanctify him.

dourh@Leviticus:21:17 @ Say to Aaron: Whosoever of thy seed throughout their families, hath a blemish, he shall not offer bread to his God.

dourh@Leviticus:21:21 @ Whosoever of the seed of Aaron the priest hath a blemish, he shall not approach to offer sacrifices to the Lord, nor bread to his God.

dourh@Leviticus:21:23 @ Yet so that he enter not within the veil, nor approach to the altar, because he hath a blemish, and he must not defile my sanctuary. I am the Lord who sanctify them.

dourh@Leviticus:22:3 @ Say to them and to their posterity: Every man of your race, that approacheth to those things that are consecrated, and which the children of Israel have offered to the Lord, in whom there is uncleanness, shall perish before the Lord. I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:22:4 @ The man of the seed of Aaron, that is a leper, or that suffereth a running of the seed, shall not eat of those things that are sanctified to me, until he be healed. He that toucheth any thing unclean by occasion of the dead, and he whose seed goeth from him as in generation,

dourh@Leviticus:22:9 @ Let them keep my precepts, that they may not fall into sin, and die in the sanctuary, when they shall have defiled it. I am the Lord who sanctify them.

dourh@Leviticus:22:11 @ But he whom the priest hath bought, and he that is his servant, born in his house, these shall eat of them.

dourh@Leviticus:22:16 @ Lest perhaps they bear the iniquity of their trespass, when they shall have eaten the sanctified things. I am the Lord who sanctify them.

dourh@Leviticus:22:18 @ Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The man of the house of Israel, and of the strangers who dwell with you, that offereth his oblation, either paying his vows, or offering of his own accord, whatsoever it be which he presenteth for a holocaust of the Lord,

dourh@Leviticus:22:32 @ Profane not my holy name, that I may be sanctified in the midst of the children of Israel. I am the Lord who sanctify you,

dourh@Leviticus:22:33 @ And who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that I might be your God: I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:23:11 @ Who shall lift up the shed before the Lord, the next day after the sabbath, that it may be acceptable for you, and shall sanctify it.

dourh@Leviticus:24:10 @ And behold there went out the son of a woman of Israel, whom she had of an Egyptian, among the children of Israel, and fell at words in the camp with a man of Israel.

dourh@Leviticus:25:30 @ If he redeem it not, and the whole year be fully out, the buyer shall possess it, and his posterity for ever, and it can- not be redeemed, not even in the jubilee.

dourh@Leviticus:25:38 @ I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that I might give you the land of Chanaan, and might be your God.

dourh@Leviticus:25:55 @ For the children of Israel are my servants, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt.

dourh@Leviticus:26:13 @ I am the Lord your God: who have brought you out of the land of the Egyptians, that you should not serve them, and who have broken the chains of your necks, that you might go upright.

dourh@Leviticus:27:12 @ Who judging whether it be good or bad, shall set the price:

dourh@Leviticus:27:24 @ But in the jubilee, it shall return to the former owner, who had sold it, and had it in the lot of his possession.

dourh@Numbers:1:5 @ Whose names are these: Of Ruben, Elisur the son of Sedeur.

dourh@Numbers:1:17 @ Whom Moses and Aaron took with all the multitude of the common people:

dourh@Numbers:1:44 @ These era they who were numbered by Moses and Aaron, and the twelve princes of Israel, every one by the houses of their kindreds.

dourh@Numbers:1:45 @ And the whole number of the children of Israel by their houses and families, from twenty years old and upward, that were able to go to war,

dourh@Numbers:2:4 @ And the whole sum of the fighting men of his stock, were seventy-four thousand six hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:5 @ Next unto him they of the tribe of Issachar encamped, whose prince was Nathanael, the son of Suar.

dourh@Numbers:2:6 @ And the whole number of his fighting men were fifty-four thousand four hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:11 @ And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty-six thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:12 @ Beside him camped they of the tribe of Simeon: whose prince was Salamiel the son of Surisaddai.

dourh@Numbers:2:13 @ And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:15 @ And the whole army of his fighting men that were numbered, were forty- five thousand six hundred and fifty.

dourh@Numbers:2:18 @ On the west side shall be the camp of the sons of Ephraim, whose prince was Elisama, the son of Ammiud.

dourh@Numbers:2:19 @ The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:20 @ And with them the tribe of the sons of Manasses, whose prince was Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.

dourh@Numbers:2:21 @ And the whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:23 @ And the whole army of his fighting men, that were reckoned up, were thirty-five thousand four hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:25 @ On the north side camped the sons of Dan: whose prince was Ahiezar the son of Ammisaddai.

dourh@Numbers:2:26 @ The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:27 @ Beside him they of the tribe of Aser pitched their tents: whose prince was Phegiel the son of Ochran.

dourh@Numbers:2:28 @ The whole army of his fighting men, that were numbered, were forty-one thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:2:30 @ The whole army of his fighting men, were fifty-three thousand four hundred.

dourh@Numbers:3:3 @ These the names of the sons of Aaron the priests that were anointed, and whose hands were filled and consecrated, to do the functions of priesthood.

dourh@Numbers:3:10 @ To Aaron and to his sons, to whom they are delivered by the children of Israel. But thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons over the service of priesthood. The stranger that approacheth to minister, shall be put to death.

dourh@Numbers:3:49 @ Moses therefore took the money of them that were above, and whom they had redeemed from the Levites,

dourh@Numbers:4:16 @ And over them shall be Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, to whose charge pertaineth the oil to dress the lamps, and the sweet incense, and the sacrifice, that is always offered, and the oil of unction, and whatsoever pertaineth to the service of the tabernacle, and of all the vessels that are in the sanctuary.

dourh@Numbers:4:41 @ This is the people of the Gersonites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the Lord.

dourh@Numbers:4:45 @ This is the number of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron reckoned up according to the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses.

dourh@Numbers:4:46 @ All that were reckoned up of the Levites, and whom Moses and Aaron and the princes of Israel took by name, by the kindreds and houses of their fathers,

dourh@Numbers:5:2 @ Command the children of Israel, that they cast out of the camp every leper, and whosoever hath an issue of seed, or is defiled by the dead:

dourh@Numbers:5:7 @ They shall confess their sin, and restore the principal itself, and the fifth part over and above, to him against whom they have sinned.

dourh@Numbers:5:12 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The man whose wife shall have gone astray, and contemning her husband,

dourh@Numbers:5:14 @ If the spirit of jealousy stir up the husband against his wife, who either is defiled, or is charged with false suspicion,

dourh@Numbers:7:2 @ The princes of Israel and the heads of the families, in every tribe, who were the rulers of them who had been numbered, offered

dourh@Numbers:9:6 @ But behold some who were unclean by occasion of the soul of a men, who could not make the phase on that day, coming to Moses and Aaron,

dourh@Numbers:10:6 @ And at the second sounding and like noise of the trumpet, they who lie on the south side shall take up their tents. And after this manner shall the rest do, when the trumpets shall sound for a march.

dourh@Numbers:10:14 @ The sons of Juda by their troops: whose prince was Nahasson the son of Aminadab.

dourh@Numbers:10:18 @ And the sons of Ruben also marched, by their troops and ranks, whose prince was Helisur the son of Sedeur.

dourh@Numbers:10:22 @ The sons of Ephraim also moved their camp by their troops, in whose army the prince was Elisama the son of Ammiud.

dourh@Numbers:10:25 @ The last of all the camp marched the sons of Dan by their troops, in whose army the prince was Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai.

dourh@Numbers:11:4 @ For a mixt multitude of people, that came up with them, burned with desire, sitting and weeping, the children of Israel also being joined with them, and said: Who shall give us flesh to eat?

dourh@Numbers:11:16 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Gather unto me seventy men of the ancients of Israel, whom thou knowest to be ancients and masters of the people: and thou shalt bring them to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, and shalt make them stand there with thee,

dourh@Numbers:11:18 @ And thou shalt say to the people: Be ye sanctified: to morrow you shall eat flesh: for I have heard you say: Who will give us flesh to eat? it was well with us in Egypt. That the Lord may give you flesh, and you may eat:

dourh@Numbers:11:20 @ But even for a month of days, till it come out at your nostrils, and become loathsome to you, because you have cast off the Lord, who is in the midst of you, and have wept before him, saying: Why came we out of Egypt?

dourh@Numbers:11:21 @ And Moses said: There are six hundred thousand footmen of this people, and sayest thou: I will give them flesh to eat a whole month?

dourh@Numbers:11:26 @ Now there remained in the camp two of the men, of whom one was called Eldad, and the other Medad, upon whom the spirit rested; for they also had been enrolled, but were not gone forth to the tabernacle.

dourh@Numbers:12:7 @ But it is not so with my servant Moses a who is most faithful in all my house:

dourh@Numbers:13:4 @ Moses did what the Lord had commanded, sending from the desert of Pharan, principal men, whose names are these:

dourh@Numbers:13:17 @ These are the names of the men, whom Moses sent to view the land: and he called Osee the son of Nun, Josue.

dourh@Numbers:13:34 @ There we saw certain monsters of the sons of Enac, of the giant kind: in comparison of whom, we seemed like locusts.

dourh@Numbers:14:1 @ Wherefore the whole multitude crying wept that night.

dourh@Numbers:14:6 @ But Josue the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephone, who themselves also had viewed the land, rent their garments,

dourh@Numbers:14:13 @ And Moses said to the Lord: That the Egyptians, from the midst of whom thou hast brought forth this people,

dourh@Numbers:14:14 @ And the inhabitants of this land, (who have heard that thou, O Lord, art among this people, and art seen face to face, and thy cloud protecteth them, and thou goest before them in a pillar of a cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night,)

dourh@Numbers:14:18 @ The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and leaving no man clear, who visitest the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

dourh@Numbers:14:21 @ As I live: and the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.

dourh@Numbers:14:24 @ My servant Caleb, who being full of another spirit hath followed me, I will bring into this land which he hath gone round: and his seed shall possess it.

dourh@Numbers:14:31 @ But your children, of whom you said, that they should be a prey to the enemies, will I bring in: that they may see the land which you have despised.

dourh@Numbers:14:36 @ Therefore all the men, whom Moses had sent to view the land, and who at their return had made the whole multitude to murmur against him, speaking ill of the land that it was naught,

dourh@Numbers:15:4 @ Whosoever immolateth the victim, shall offer a sacrifice of fine flour, the tenth part of an ephi, tempered with the fourth part of a hin of oil:

dourh@Numbers:15:15 @ There shall be all one law and judgment both for you and for them who are strangers in the land.

dourh@Numbers:15:33 @ That they brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole multitude.

dourh@Numbers:15:41 @ I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that I might be your God.

dourh@Numbers:16:2 @ Rose lap against Moses, and with them two hundred and fifty others of the children of Israel, leading men of the synagogue, and who in the time of assembly were called by name.

dourh@Numbers:16:5 @ And speaking to Core and all the multitude, he said: In the morning the Lord will make known who belong to him, and the holy he will join to himself: and whom he shall choose, they shall approach to him.

dourh@Numbers:16:7 @ And putting fire in them to morrow, put incense upon it before the Lord: and whomsoever he shall choose, the same shall be holy: you take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi.

dourh@Numbers:16:24 @ Command the whole people to separate themselves from the tents of Core and Dathan and Abiron.

dourh@Numbers:16:39 @ Then Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers, wherein they had offered, whom the burning fire had devoured, and beat them into plates, fastening them to the altar:

dourh@Numbers:17:5 @ Whomsoever of these I shall choose, his rod shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, wherewith they murmur against you.

dourh@Numbers:17:13 @ Whosoever approacheth to the tabernacle of the Lord, he dieth. Are we all to a man to be utterly destroyed?

dourh@Numbers:19:3 @ And you shall deliver her to Eleazar the priest, who shall bring her forth without the camp, and shall immolate her in the sight of all:

dourh@Numbers:19:22 @ Whatsoever a person toucheth who is unclean, he shall make it unclean: and the person that toucheth any of these things, shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Numbers:20:16 @ And how we cried to the Lord, and he heard us, and sent an angel, who hath brought us out of Egypt. Lo, we are now in the city of Cades, which is in the uttermost of thy borders,

dourh@Numbers:21:1 @ And when king Arad the Chanaanite, who dwelt towards the south, had heard this, to wit, that Israel was come by the way of the spies, he fought against them, and overcoming them carried off their spoils.

dourh@Numbers:21:8 @ And the Lord said to him: Make brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: whosoever being struck shall look on it, shall live.

dourh@Numbers:21:26 @ Hesebon was the city of Sehon the king of the Amorrhites, who fought against the king of Moab: and took all the land, that had been of his dominions, as far as the Arnon.

dourh@Numbers:22:5 @ He sent therefore messengers to Balaam the son of Beer, a soothsayer, who dwelt by the river of the land of the children of Ammon, to call him, and to say: Behold a people is come out of Egypt, that hath covered the face of the earth, sitting over against me.

dourh@Numbers:22:6 @ Come therefore, and curse this people, because it is mightier than I: if by any means I may beat them and drive them out of my land: for I know that he whom thou shalt bless is blessed, and he whom thou shalt curse is cursed.

dourh@Numbers:22:16 @ Who, when they were come to Balaam, said: Thus saith Balac the son of Sephor, Delay not to come to me:

dourh@Numbers:22:22 @ And God was angry. And an angel of the Lord stood in the way against Balaam, who sat on the ass, and had two servants with him.

dourh@Numbers:22:27 @ And when the ass saw the angel standing, she fell under the feet of the rider: who being angry beat her sides more vehemently with a staff.

dourh@Numbers:22:33 @ And unless the ass had turned out of the way, giving place to me who stood against thee, I had slain thee, and she should have lived.

dourh@Numbers:23:8 @ How shall I curse him, whom God hath not cursed? By what means should I detest him, whom the Lord detesteth not?

dourh@Numbers:23:10 @ Who can count the dust of Jacob, and know the number of the stock of Israel? Let my soul die the death of the just, and my last end be like to them.

dourh@Numbers:23:22 @ God hath brought him out of Egypt, whose strength is like to the rhinoceros.

dourh@Numbers:24:3 @ He took up his parable and said: Balaam the son of Beor hath said: The man hath said, whose eye ire stopped up:

dourh@Numbers:24:8 @ God hath brought him out of Egypt, whose strength is like to the rhinoceros. They shall devour the nations that are his enemies, and break their bones, and pierce them with arrows.

dourh@Numbers:24:9 @ Lying down he hath slept as a lion, and as a lioness, whom none shall dare to rouse. He that blesseth thee, shall also himself be blessed: he that curseth thee shall be reckoned accursed.

dourh@Numbers:24:12 @ Balaam made answer to Balac: Did I not say to thy messengers, whom thou sentest to me:

dourh@Numbers:24:15 @ Therefore taking up his parable, again he said: Balaam the son of Beor hath said: The man whose eye is stopped up, hath said:

dourh@Numbers:24:16 @ The hearer of the words of God hath said, who knoweth the doctrine of the Highest, and seeth the visions of the Almighty, who falling hath his eyes opened:

dourh@Numbers:24:20 @ And when he saw Amalec, he took up his parable, and said: Amalec the beginning of nations, whose latter ends shall be destroyed.

dourh@Numbers:24:23 @ And taking up his parable, again he said: Alas, who shall live when God shall do these things?

dourh@Numbers:25:2 @ Who called them to their sacrifices. And they ate of them, and adored their gods.

dourh@Numbers:25:6 @ And behold one of the children of Israel went in before his brethren to a harlot of Madian, in the sight of Moses, and of all the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle.

dourh@Numbers:25:18 @ Because they also have acted like enemies against you, and have guilefully deceived you by the idol Phogor, and Cozbi their sister, a daughter of a prince of Madian, who was slain in the day the plague for the sacrilege of Phogor.

dourh@Numbers:26:2 @ Number the whole sum of the children of Israel from twenty years old and upward, by their houses and kindreds, all that are able to go forth to war.

dourh@Numbers:26:5 @ Ruben the firstborn of Israel. His sons were Henoch, of whom is the family of the Henochites: and Phallu, of whom is the family of the Phalluites:

dourh@Numbers:26:6 @ And Hesron, of whom is the family of the Hesronites: and Charmi, of whom is the family of the Charmites.

dourh@Numbers:26:7 @ These are the families of the stock of Ruben: whose number was found to be forty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty.

dourh@Numbers:26:14 @ These are the families of the stock of Simeon, of which the whole number was twenty-two thousand two hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:18 @ These are the families of Gad, of which the whole number was forty thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:19 @ The sons of Juda, Her and Onan, who both died in the land of Chanaan.

dourh@Numbers:26:20 @ And the sons of Juda by their kindreds were: Sela, of whom is the family of the Selaites: Phares, of whom is the family of the Pharesites: Zare, of whom is the family of the Zarites.

dourh@Numbers:26:21 @ Moreover the sons of Phares were: Hesron, of whom is the family of the Hesronites: and Hamul, of whom is the family of the Hamulites.

dourh@Numbers:26:22 @ These are the families of Juda, of which the whole number was seventy-six thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:23 @ The sons of Issachar, by their kindreds: Thola, of whom is the family of the Tholaites: Phua, of whom is the family of the Phuaites:

dourh@Numbers:26:24 @ Jasub, of whom is the family of the Jasubites: Semran, of whom is the family of the Semranites.

dourh@Numbers:26:25 @ These are the kindreds of Issachar, whose number was sixty-four thousand three hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:26 @ The sons of Zabulon by their kindreds: Sared, of whom is the family of the Saredites: Elon, of whom is the family of the Elonites: Jalel, of whom is the family of the Jalelites.

dourh@Numbers:26:27 @ These are the kindreds of Zabulon, whose number was sixty thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:29 @ Of Manasses was born Machir, of whom is the family of the Machirites. Machir beget Galaad, of whom is the family of the Galaadites.

dourh@Numbers:26:30 @ Galaad had sons: Jezer, of whom is the family of the Jezerites: and Helec, of whom is the family of the Helecites:

dourh@Numbers:26:31 @ And Asriel, of whom is the family of the Asrielites: and Sechem, of whom is the family of the Sechemites:

dourh@Numbers:26:32 @ And Semida, of whom is the family of the Semidaites: and Hepher, of whom is the family of the Hepherites.

dourh@Numbers:26:33 @ And Hepher was the father of Salphaad, who had no sons, but only daughters, whose names are these: Maala, and Noa, and Hegla, and Melcha, and Thersa.

dourh@Numbers:26:35 @ And the sons of Ephraim by their kindreds were these: Suthala, of whom is the family of the Suthalaites: Becher, of whom is the family of the Becherites: Thehen, of whom is the family of the Thehenites.

dourh@Numbers:26:36 @ Now the son of Suthala was Heran, of whom is the family of the Heranites.

dourh@Numbers:26:37 @ These are the kindreds of the sons of Ephraim: whose number was thirty-two thousand five hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:38 @ These are the sons of Joseph by their families. The sons of Benjamin in their kindreds: Bela, of whom is the family of the Belaites: Asbel, of whom is the family of the Asbelites: Ahiram, of whom is the family of the Ahiramites:

dourh@Numbers:26:39 @ Supham, of whom is the family of the Suphamites: Hupham, of whom is the family of the Huphamites.

dourh@Numbers:26:41 @ These are the sons of Benjamin by their kindreds, whose number was forty- five thousand six hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:42 @ The sons of Dan by their kindreds: Suham, of whom is the family of the Suhamites: These are the kindreds of Dan by their families.

dourh@Numbers:26:43 @ All were Suhamites, whose number was sixty-four thousand four hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:44 @ The sons of Aser by their kindreds: Jemna, of whom is the family of the Jemnaites: Jessui, of whom is the family of the Jessuites: Brie, of whom is the family of the Brieites.

dourh@Numbers:26:45 @ The sons of Brie: Heber, of whom is the family of the Heberites: and Melchiel, of whom is the family of the Melchielites.

dourh@Numbers:26:48 @ The sons of Nephtali by their kindreds: Jesiel, of whom is the family of the Jesielites: Guni, of whom is the family of the Gunites:

dourh@Numbers:26:49 @ Jeser, of whom is the family of the Jeserites: Sellem, of whom is the family of the Sellemites.

dourh@Numbers:26:50 @ These are the kindreds of the sons of Nephtali by their families: whose number was forty-five thousand four hundred.

dourh@Numbers:26:57 @ This also is the number of the sons of Levi by their families: Gerson, of whom is the family of the Gersonites: Caath, of whom is the family of the Caathites: Merari, of whom is the family of the Merarites.

dourh@Numbers:26:59 @ Who had to wife Jochabed the daughter of Levi, who was horn to him in Egypt. She bore to her husband Amram sons, Aaron and Moses, and Mary their sister.

dourh@Numbers:26:61 @ Of whom Nadab and Abiu died, when they had offered the strange fire before the Lord.

dourh@Numbers:26:64 @ Among whom there was not one of them that were numbered before by Moses and Aaron in the desert of Sinai.

dourh@Numbers:27:1 @ Then came the daughters of Salphaad, the son of Hepher, the son of Galaad, the son of Machir, the son of Manasses, who was the son of Joseph: and their names are Maala, and Noa, and Hegla, and Melcha, and Thersa.

dourh@Numbers:27:18 @ And the Lord said to him: Take Josue the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and put thy hand upon him.

dourh@Numbers:31:3 @ And Moses forthwith said: Arm of you men to fight, who may take the revenge of the Lord on the Madianites.

dourh@Numbers:31:49 @ We thy servants have reckoned up the number of the fighting men, whom we had under our hand, and not so much as one was wanting.

dourh@Numbers:32:13 @ And the Lord being angry against Israel, led them about through the desert forty years, until the whole generation, that had done evil in his sight, was consumed.

dourh@Numbers:33:1 @ These are the mansions of the children of Israel, who went out of Egypt by their troops under the conduct of Moses and Aaron,

dourh@Numbers:33:4 @ Who were burying their firstborn, whom the Lord had slain (upon their gods also he had executed vengeance,)

dourh@Numbers:33:40 @ And king Arad the Chanaanite, who dwelt towards the south, heard that the children of Israel were come to the land of Chanaan.

dourh@Numbers:34:19 @ Whose names are these: Of the tribe of Juda, Caleb the son of Jephone.

dourh@Numbers:34:29 @ These are they whom the Lord hath commanded to divide the land of Chanaan to the children of Israel,.

dourh@Numbers:35:6 @ And among the cities, which you shall give to the Levites, six shall be separated for refuge to fugitives, that he who hath shed blood may flee to them: and besides these there shall be other forty-two cities,

dourh@Numbers:35:11 @ Determine what cities shall be for the refuge of fugitives, who have shed blood against their will.

dourh@Numbers:35:15 @ As well for the children of Israel as for strangers and sojourners, that he may flee to them, who hath shed blood against his will.

dourh@Numbers:36:6 @ And this is the law promulgated by the Lord touching the daughters of Salphaad: Let them marry to whom they will, only so that it be to men of their own tribe.

dourh@Numbers:36:12 @ Of the family of Manasses, who was the son of Joseph: and the possession that had been allotted to them, remained in the tribe and family of their father.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:4 @ After that he had slain Sehon king of the Amorrhites, who dwelt in Hesebon: and Og king of Basan who abode in Astaroth, and in Edrai,

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:15 @ Let me have from among you wise and understanding men, and such whose conversation is approved among your tribes, that I may appoint them your rulers.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:17 @ And I took out of your tribes men wise and honourable, and appointed them rulers, tribunes, and centurions, and officers over fifties, and over tens, who might teach you all things.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:24 @ And you came all to me, and said: Let us send men who may view the land, and bring us word what way we shall go up, and to what cities we shall go.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:26 @ Who, when they had set forward and had gone up to the mountains, came as far as the valley of the cluster: and having viewed the land,

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:32 @ The Lord God, who is your leader, himself will fight for you, as he did in Egypt in the sight of all.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:35 @ Who went before you in the way, and marked out the place, wherein you should pitch your tents, in the night shewing you the way by fire, and in the day by the pillar of a cloud.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:41 @ Your children, of whom you said that they should be led away captives, and your sons who know not this day the difference of good and evil, they shall go in: and to them I will give the land, and they shall possess it.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:4 @ And command thou the people, saying: You shall pass by the borders of your brethren the children of Esau, who dwell in Seir, and they will be afraid of you.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:12 @ The Horrhites also formerly dwelt in Seir: who being driven out and destroyed, the children of Esau dwelt there, as Israel did in the land of his possession, which the Lord gave him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:20 @ It was accounted a land of giants: and giants formerly dwelt in it, whom the Ammonites call Zomzommims,

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:21 @ A people great and many, and of tall stature, like the Enacims whom the Lord destroyed before their face: and he made them to dwell in their stead,

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:23 @ The Hevites also, that dwelt in Haserim as far as Gaza, were expelled by the Cappadocians: who came out of Cappadocia, and destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:25 @ This day will I begin to send the dread and fear of thee upon the nations that dwell under the whole heaven: that when they hear thy name they may fear and tremble, and be in pain like women in travail.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:42 @ That any one might flee to them who should kill his neighbour unwillingly, and was not his enemy a day or two before, and that he might escape to some one of these cities:

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:46 @ Beyond the Jordan in the valley over against the temple of Phogor, in the land of Sehon king of the Amorrhites, that dwelt in Hesebon, whom Moses slew. And the children of Israel coming out of Egypt,

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:47 @ Possessed his land, and the land of Og king of Basan, of the two kings of the Amorrhites, who were beyond the Jordan towards the rising of the sun:

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:3 @ He made not the covenant with our fathers, but with us, who are now present and living.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:6 @ I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:26 @ What is all flesh, that it should hear the voice of the living God, who speaketh out of the midst of the fire, as we have heard, and be able to live?

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:29 @ Who shall give them to have such a mind, to fear me, and to keep all my commandments at all times, that it may be well with them and with their children for ever?

dourh@Deuteronomy:6:5 @ Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole strength.

dourh@Deuteronomy:6:13 @ Take heed diligently lest thou forget the Lord, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and shalt serve him only, and thou shalt swear by his name.

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:19 @ The exceeding great plagues, which thy eyes saw, and the signs and wonders, and the strong hand, and the stretched out arm, with which the Lord thy God brought thee out: so will he do to all the people, whom thou fearest.

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:14 @ Thy heart be lifted up, and thou remember not the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage:

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:15 @ And was thy leader in the great and terrible wilderness, wherein there was the serpent burning with his breath, and the scorpion and the dipsas, and no waters at all: who brought forth streams out of the hardest rock,

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:2 @ A People great and tall, the sons of the Enacims, whom thou hast seen, and heard of, against whom no man is able to stand.

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:26 @ And praying, I said: 0 Lord God, destroy not thy people, and thy inheritance, which thou hast redeemed in thy greatness, whom thou hast brought out of Egypt with a strong hand.

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:29 @ Who are thy people and thy inheritance, whom thou hast brought out by thy great strength, and in thy stretched out arm.

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:17 @ Because the Lord your God he is the God of gods, and the Lord of lords, a great God and mighty and terrible, a who accepteth no person nor taketh bribes.

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:2 @ Know this day the things that your children know not, who saw not the chastisements of the Lord your God. his great doings and strong hand, and stretched out arm,

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:6 @ And to Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab, who was the son of Ruben: whom the earth, opening her mouth swallowed up with their households and tents, and all their substance, which they had in the midst of Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:31 @ Which are beyond the Jordan, behind the way that goeth to the setting of the sun, in the land of the Chanaanite who dwelleth in the plain country over against Galgala, which is near the valley that reacheth and entereth far.

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:5 @ And that prophet or forger of dreams shall be slain: because he spoke to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house of bondage: to make thee go out of the way, which the Lord thy God commanded thee: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:6 @ If thy brother the son of thy mother, or thy son, or daughter, or thy wife that is in thy bosom, or thy friend, whom thou lovest as thy own soul, would persuade thee secretly, saying: Let us go, and serve strange gods, which thou knowest not, nor thy fathers,

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:10 @ With stones shall he be stoned to death: because he would have withdrawn thee from the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage:

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:2 @ Which shall be celebrated in this order. He to whom any thing is owing from his friend or neighbour or brother, cannot demand it again, because it is the year of remission of the Lord,

dourh@Deuteronomy:16:11 @ And thou shalt feast before the Lord thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger and the fatherless, and the widow, who abide with you: in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, that his name may dwell there:

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:5 @ Thou shalt bring forth the man or the woman, who have committed that most wicked thing, to the gates of thy city, and they shall be stoned.

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:12 @ But he that will be proud, and refuse to obey the commandment of the priest, who ministereth at that time to the Lord thy God, and the decree of the judge, that man shall die, and thou shalt take away the evil from Israel:

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:15 @ Thou shalt set him whom the Lord thy God shall choose out of the number of thy brethren. Thou mayst not make a man of another nation king, that is not thy brother.

dourh@Deuteronomy:18:14 @ These nations, whose land thou shalt possess, hearken to soothsayers and diviners: but thou art otherwise instructed by the Lord thy God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:18:20 @ But the prophet, who being corrupted with pride, shall speak in my name things that I did not command him to say, or in the name of strange gods, shall be slain.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:1 @ When the Lord thy God hath destroyed the nations, whose land he will deliver to thee, and thou shalt possess it, and shalt dwell in the cities and houses thereof:

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:3 @ Paving diligently the way: and thou shalt divide the whole province of thy land equally into three parts: that he who is forced to flee for manslaughter, may have near at hand whither to escape.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:4 @ This shall be the law of the slayer that fleeth, whose life is to be saved: He that killeth his neighbour ignorantly, and who is proved to have had no hatred against him yesterday and the day before:

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:6 @ Lest perhaps the next kinsman of him whose blood was shed, pushed on by his grief should pursue, and apprehend him. if the way be too long, and take away the life of him who is not guilty of death, because he is proved to have had no hatred before against him that was slain.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:12 @ The ancients of his city shall send, and take him out of the place of refuge, and shall deliver him into the hand of the kinsman of him whose blood was shed, and he shall die.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:17 @ Both of them, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the Lord in the sight of the priests and the judges that shall be in those days.

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:1 @ If thou go out to war against thy enemies, and see horsemen and chariots, and the numbers of the enemy's army greater than thine, thou shalt not fear them: because the Lord thy God is with thee, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt.

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:1 @ Then there shall be found in the land, which the Lord thy God will give thee, the corpse of a man slain, and it is not known who is guilty of the murder,

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:5 @ And the priests the sons of Levi shall come, whom the Lord thy God hath chosen to minister to him, and to bless in his name, and that by their word every matter should be decided, and whatsoever is clean or unclean should be judged.

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:8 @ Be merciful to thy people Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, O Lord, and lay not innocent blood to their charge, in the midst of thy people Israel. And the guilt of blood shall be taken from them:

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:18 @ If a man have a stubborn and unruly son, who will not hear the commandments of his father or mother, and being corrected, slighteth obedience:

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:21 @ They shall cast her out of the doors of her father's house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death, and she shall die: because she hath done a wicked thing in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:28 @ If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, who is not espoused, and taking her, lie with her, and the matter come to judgment:

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:1 @ An eunuch, whose testicles are broken or cut away, or yard cut off, shall not enter into the church of the Lord.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:17 @ There shall be no whore among the daughters of Israel, nor whoremonger among the sons of Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:1 @ If there be a controversy between men, and they call upon the judges: they shall give the prize of justice to him whom they perceive to be just: and him whom they find to be wicked, they shall condemn of wickedness.

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:7 @ But if he will not take his brother's wife, who by law belongeth to him, the woman shall go to the gate of the city, and call upon the ancients, and say: My husband's brother refuseth to raise up his brother's name in Israel: and will not take me to wife.

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:18 @ How he met thee: and slew the hindmost of the army, who sat down, being weary, when thou wast spent with hunger and labour, and he feared not God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:5 @ And thou shalt speak thus in the sight of the Lord thy God: The Syrian pursued my father, who went down into Egypt, and sojourned there in a very small number, and grew into a nation great and strong and of an infinite multitude.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:7 @ And we cried to the Lord God of our fathers: who heard us, and looked down upon our af

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:36 @ The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king, whom thou shalt have appointed over thee, into a nation which thou and thy fathers know not: and there thou shalt serve strange gods, wood and stone.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:37 @ And thou shalt be lost, as a proverb and a byword to all people, among whom the Lord shall bring thee in.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:48 @ Thou shalt serve thy enemy, whom the Lord will send upon thee, in hunger, and thirst, and nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put an iron yoke upon thy neck, till he consume thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:49 @ The Lord will bring upon thee a nation from afar, and from the uttermost ends of the earth, like an eagle that flyeth swiftly, whose tongue thou canst not understand,

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:56 @ The tender and delicate woman, that could not go upon the ground, nor set down her foot for over much niceness and tenderness, will envy her husband who lieth in her bosom, the flesh of her son, and of her daughter,

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:62 @ And you shall remain few in number, who before were as the stars of heaven for multitude, because thou heardst not the voice of the Lord thy God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:67 @ In the morning thou shalt say: Who will grant me evening? and at evening: Who will grant me morning? for the fearfulness of thy heart, wherewith thou shalt be terrified, and for those things which thou shalt see with thy eyes.

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:2 @ And Moses called all Israel, and said to them: You have seen all the things that the Lord did before you in the land of Egypt to Pharao, and to all his servants, and to his whole land.

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:18 @ Lest perhaps there should be among you a man or a woman, a family or a tribe, whose heart is turned away this day from the Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of those nations: and there should be among you a root bringing forth gall and bitterness.

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:26 @ And they have served strange gods, and adored them, whom they knew not, and for whom they had not been assigned:

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:8 @ And the Lord who is your leader, he himself will be with thee: he will not leave thee, nor forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:9 @ And Moses wrote this law, and delivered it to the priests the sons of Levi, who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the ancients of Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:13 @ That their children also, who now are ignorant, may hear, and fear the Lord their God, all the days that they lire in the land whither you are going over the Jordan to possess it.

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:25 @ He commanded the Levites, who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord. saying:

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:30 @ Moses therefore spoke, in the hearing of the whole assembly of Israel, the words of this canticle, and finished it even to the end,

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:15 @ The beloved grew fat, and kicked: he grew fat, and thick and gross, he forsook God who made him, and departed from God his saviour.

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:17 @ They sacrificed to devils and not to God: to gods whom they knew not: that were newly come up, whom their fathers worshipped not.

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:36 @ The Lord will judge his people, and will have mercy on his servants: he shall see that their hand is weakened, and that they who were shut up have also failed, and they that remained are consumed.

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:37 @ And he shall say: Where are their gods, in whom they trusted?

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:38 @ Of whose victims they ate the fat, and drank the wine of their drink offerings: let them arise and help you, and protect you in your distress.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:8 @ To Levi also he said: Thy perfection, and thy doctrine be to thy holy man, whom thou hast proved in the temptation, and judged at the waters of contradiction:

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:9 @ Who hath said to his father, and to his mother: I do not know you; and to his brethren: I know you not: and their own children they have not known. These have kept thy word, and observed thy covenant,

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:19 @ They shall call the people to the mountain: there shall they sacrifice the victims of justice. Who shall suck as milk the abundance of the sea, and the hidden treasures of the sands.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:21 @ And he saw his pre-eminence, that in his portion the teacher was laid up: who was with the princes of the people, and did the justices of the Lord, and his judgment with Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:33:29 @ Blessed are thou, Israel: who is like to thee, O people, that art saved by the Lord? the shield of thy help, and the sword of thy glory: thy enemies shall deny thee, and thou shalt tread upon their necks.

dourh@Deuteronomy:34:10 @ And there arose no more a prophet in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face,

dourh@Deuteronomy:34:11 @ In all the signs and wonders, which he sent by him, to do in the land of Egypt to Pharao, and to all his servants, and to his whole land,

dourh@Joshua:2:10 @ the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea at your going in, when you came out of Egypt: and what things you did to the two kings of the Amorrhites, that were beyond the Jordan: Sehon and Og whom you slew.

dourh@Joshua:2:21 @ Whosoever shall go out of the door of thy house, his blood shall be upon his own head, and we shall be quit. But the blood of all that shall be with thee in the house, shall light upon our head, if any man touch them.

dourh@Joshua:3:13 @ And when the priests, that carry the ark of the Lord the God of the whole earth, shall set the soles of their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the waters that are beneath shall run down and go off: and those that come from above, shall stand together upon a heap.

dourh@Joshua:3:16 @ The waters that came down from above stood in one place, and swelling up like a mountain, were seen afar off from the city that is called Adom, to the place of Sarthan: but those that were beneath, ran down into the sea of the wilderness (which now is called the Dead Sea) until they wholly failed.

dourh@Joshua:4:4 @ And Josue called twelve men, whom he had chosen out of the children of Israel, one out of every tribe,

dourh@Joshua:5:1 @ Now when all the kings of the Amorrhites, who dwelt beyond the Jordan westward, and all the kings of Chanaan, who possessed the places near the great sea, had heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the children of Israel, till they passed over, their heart failed them, and there remained no spirit in them, fearing the coming in of the children of Israel.

dourh@Joshua:5:6 @ Luring the forty years of the journey in the wide wilderness, were uncircumcised: till all they were consumed that had not heard the voice of the Lord, and to whom he had sworn before, that he would not shew them the land flowing with milk and honey.

dourh@Joshua:6:17 @ And let this city be an anathema, and all things that are in it, to the Lord. Let only Rahab the harlot live, with all that are with her in the house: for she hid the messengers whom we sent.

dourh@Joshua:6:25 @ But Josue saved Rahab the harlot and her father's house, and all she had, and they dwelt in the midst of Israel until this present day: because she hid the messengers whom he had sent to spy out Jericho. At that time, Josue made an imprecation, saying:

dourh@Joshua:7:4 @ There went up therefore three thou- sand fighting men: who immediately turned their backs,

dourh@Joshua:7:15 @ And whosoever he be that shall be found guilty of this fact, he shall be burnt with fire with all his substance, because he hath transgressed the covenant of the Lord, and hath done wickedness in Israel.

dourh@Joshua:7:22 @ Josue therefore sent ministers: who running to his tent, found all hidden in the same place, together with the silver.

dourh@Joshua:8:22 @ And they also that had taken and set the city on fire, issuing out of the city to meet their own men, began to cut off the enemies who were surrounded by them. So that the enemies being cut off on both sides, not one of so great a multitude was saved.

dourh@Joshua:9:6 @ And they went to Josue, who then abode in the camp at Galgal, and said to him, and to all Israel with him: We are come from a far country, desiring to make peace with you. And the children of Israel answered them, and said:

dourh@Joshua:9:8 @ But they said to Josue: We are thy servants. Josue said to them: Who are you? and whence came you?

dourh@Joshua:9:21 @ But so let them live, as to serve the whole multitude in hewing wood, and bringing in water. As they were speaking these things,

dourh@Joshua:10:6 @ But the inhabitants of the city of Gabaon which was besieged, sent to Josue, who then abode in the camp at Galgal, and said to him: Withdraw not thy hands from helping thy servants: come up quickly and save us, and bring us succour: for all the kings of the Amorrhites, who dwell in the mountains, are gathered together against us.

dourh@Joshua:10:19 @ And stay you not, but pursue after the enemies, and kill all the hindermost of them as they flee, and do not suffer them whom the Lord God hath delivered into your hands to shelter themselves in their cities.

dourh@Joshua:10:25 @ He said again to them: Fear not, neither be ye dismayed, take courage and be strong: for so will the Lord do to all your enemies, against whom you fight.

dourh@Joshua:11:3 @ To the Chanaanites also on the ease and on the west, and the Amorrhite, and the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the Jebusite in the mountains: to the Hevite also who dwelt at the foot of Hermon in the land of Maspha.

dourh@Joshua:11:19 @ There was hot a city that delivered itself to the children of Israel, except the Hevite, who dwelt in Gabaon: for he took all by fight.

dourh@Joshua:12:1 @ These are the kings, whom the children of Israel slew and possessed their land beyond the Jordan towards the rising of the sun, from the torrent Arnon unto mount Hermon, and all the east country that looketh towards the wilderness.

dourh@Joshua:12:2 @ Sehon king of the Amorrhites, who dwelt in Hesebon, and had dominion from Aroer, which is seated upon the bank of the torrent Arnon, and of the middle part in the valley, and of half Galaad, as far as the torrent Jaboc, which is the border of the children of Ammon.

dourh@Joshua:12:4 @ The border of Og the king of Basan, of the remnant of the Raphaims who dwelt in Astaroth, and in Edrai, and had dominion in mount Hermon, and in Salecha, and in all Basan, unto the herders

dourh@Joshua:12:7 @ These are the kings of the land, whom Josue and the children of Israel slew beyond the Jordan on the west side from Baalgad in the held of Libanus, unto the mount, part of which goeth up into Seir: and Josue delivered it in possession to the tribes of Israel, to every one their divisions,

dourh@Joshua:13:8 @ With whom Ruben and Gad have possessed the land, which Moses the servant of the Lord delivered to them beyond the river Jordan, on the east side.

dourh@Joshua:13:10 @ And all the cities of Sehon, king of the Amorrhites, who reigned in Hesebon, unto the borders of the children of Ammon.

dourh@Joshua:13:12 @ All the kingdom of Og in Basan, who reigned in Astaroth and Edrai, he was of the remains of the Raphaims: and Moses overthrew and destroyed them.

dourh@Joshua:13:21 @ And all the cities of the plain, and all the kingdoms of Sehon king of the Amorrhites, that reigned in Hesebon, whom Moses slew with the princes of Madian: Hevi, and Recem, and Sur and Hur, and Rebe, dukes of Sehon inhabitants of the land.

dourh@Joshua:14:3 @ For to two tribes and a half Moses had given possession beyond the Jordan: besides the Levites, who received no land among their brethren:

dourh@Joshua:16:10 @ And the children of Ephraim slew not the Chanaanite, who dwelt in Gazer: and the Chanaanite dwelt in the midst of Ephraim until this day, paying tribute.

dourh@Joshua:17:1 @ And this lot fell to the tribe of Manasses (for he is the firstborn of Joseph) to Machir the firstborn of Manasses the father of Galaad, who was a warlike man, and had for possession Galaad and Basan.

dourh@Joshua:17:3 @ But Salphaad the son of Hepher the son of Galaad the son of Machir the son of Manasses had no sons, but only daughters: whose names are these, Maala and Noa and Hegla and Melcha and Thersa.

dourh@Joshua:17:18 @ But thou shalt pass to the mountain, and shalt cut down the wood, and make thyself room to dwell in: and mayst proceed farther, when thou hast destroyed the Chanaanites, who as thou sayest have iron chariots, and are very strong.

dourh@Joshua:20:3 @ That whosoever shall kill a person unawares may flee to them: and may escape the wrath of the kinsman, who is the avenger of blood:

dourh@Joshua:20:6 @ And he shall dwell in that city, till he stand before judgment to give an account of his fact, and till the death of the high priest, who shall be at that time: then shall the manslayer return, and go into his own city and house from whence he fled.

dourh@Joshua:20:9 @ These cities were appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the strangers, that dwelt among them: that whosoever had killed a person unawares might flee to them, and not die by the hand of the kinsman, coveting to revenge the blood that was shed, until he should stand before the people to lay open his cause.

dourh@Joshua:21:5 @ And to the rest of the children of Caath, that is, to the Levites, who remained, out of the tribes of Ephraim, and of Dan, and the half tribe of Manasses, ten cities.

dourh@Joshua:21:9 @ Of the tribes of the children of Juda and of Simeon Josue gave cities: whose names are these,

dourh@Joshua:22:15 @ Who came to the children of Ruben, and of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses, into the land of Galaad, and said to them:

dourh@Joshua:22:30 @ And when Phinees the priest, and the princes of the embassage, who were with him, had heard this, they were satisfied: and they admitted most willingly the words of the children of Ruben, and Gad, and of the half tribe of Manasses.

dourh@Joshua:23:7 @ Lest after that you are come in among the Gentiles, who will remain among you, you should swear by the name of their gods, and serve them, and adore them:

dourh@Joshua:24:8 @ And I brought you into the land of the Amorrhite, who dwelt beyond the Jordan. And when they fought against you, I delivered them into your hands, and you possessed their land, and slew them.

dourh@Joshua:24:15 @ But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, you have your choice: choose this day that which pleaseth you, whom you would rather serve, whether the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

dourh@Joshua:24:17 @ The Lord our God he brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage: and did very great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way by which we journeyed, and among all the people through whom we passed.

dourh@Judges:1:1 @ After the death of Josue the children of Israel consulted the Lord, saying: Who shall go up before us against the Chanaanite, and shall be the leader of the war?

dourh@Judges:1:8 @ And the children of Juda besieging Jerusalem, took it, and put it to the sword, and set the whole city on fire.

dourh@Judges:1:9 @ And afterwards they went down and fought against the Chanaanite, who dwelt in the mountains, and in the south, and in the plains.

dourh@Judges:1:20 @ And they gave Hebron to Caleb, as Moses had said, who destroyed out of it the three sons of Enac.

dourh@Judges:1:26 @ Who being sent away, went into the land of Hethim, and built there a city, and called it Luza: which is so called until this day.

dourh@Judges:2:7 @ And they served the Lord all his days, and the days of the ancients, that lived a long time after him, and who knew all the works of the Lord, which he had done for Israel.

dourh@Judges:2:12 @ And they left the Lord the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt: and they followed strange gods, and the gods of the people that dwelt round about them, and they adored them: and they provoked the Lord to anger.

dourh@Judges:2:14 @ And the Lord being angry against Israel, delivered them into the hands of plunderers: who took them and sold them to their enemies, that dwelt round about: neither could they stand against their enemies:

dourh@Judges:3:9 @ And they cried to the Lord, who raised them up a saviour, and delivered them, to wit, Othoniel the son of Cenez, the younger brother of Caleb:

dourh@Judges:3:12 @ And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord: who strengthened against them Eglon king of Moab: because they did evil in his sight.

dourh@Judges:3:15 @ And afterwards they cried to the Lord, who raised them up a saviour called Aod, the son of Gera, the son of Jemini, who used the left hand as well as the right. And the children of Israel sent presents to Eglon king of Moab by him.

dourh@Judges:3:31 @ After him was Samgar the son of Anath, who slew of the Philistines six hundred men with a ploughshare: and he also defended Israel.

dourh@Judges:4:2 @ And the Lord delivered them up into the hands of Jaban king of Chanaan, who reigned in Asor: and he had a general of his army named Sisara, and he dwelt in Haroseth of the Gentiles.

dourh@Judges:4:4 @ And there was at that time Debbora a prophetess the wife of Lapidoth, who judged the people,

dourh@Judges:4:22 @ And behold Barac came pursuing after Sisara: and Jahel went out to meet him, and said to him: Come, and I will shew thee, the man whom thou seekest. And when he came into her tent, be saw Sisara lying dead, and the nail fastened in his temples.

dourh@Judges:4:24 @ Who grew daily stronger, and with a mighty hand overpowered Jabin king of Chanaan, till they quite destroyed him.

dourh@Judges:5:15 @ The captains of Issachar were with Debbora, and followed the steps of Barac, who exposed himself to danger, as one going headlong, and into a pit. Ruben being divided against himself, there was found a strife of courageous men.

dourh@Judges:6:30 @ And they said one to another: Who hath done this? And when they inquired for the author of the fact, it was said: Gedeon the son of Joas did all this.

dourh@Judges:7:1 @ Then Jerobaal, who is the same as Gedeon, rising up early and all the people with him, came to the fountain that is called Harad. Now the camp of Madian was in the valley on the north side of the high hill.

dourh@Judges:7:3 @ Speak to the people, and proclaim in the hearing of all, I Whosoever is fearful and timorous, let him return. So two and twenty thousand men went away from mount Galaad and returned home, and only ten thousand remained.

dourh@Judges:7:4 @ And the Lord said to Gedeon: The people are still too many, bring them to the waters, and there I will try them: and of whom I shall say to thee, This shall go with thee, let him go: whom I shall forbid to go, let him return.

dourh@Judges:7:14 @ He to whom he spoke, answered: This is nothing else but the sword of Gedeon the son of Joas a man of Israel. For the Lord hath delivered Madian, and all their camp into his hand.

dourh@Judges:8:4 @ And when Gedeon was come to the Jordan, he passed over it with the three hundred men, that were with him: who were so weary that they could not pursue after them that fled.

dourh@Judges:8:11 @ And Gedeon went up by the way of them that dwelt in tents, on the east of Nobe and Jegbaa, and smote the camp of the enemies, who were secure, and suspected no hurt.

dourh@Judges:8:15 @ And he came to Soccoth and said to them: Behold Zebee and Salmana, concerning whom you upbraided me, saying: Peradventure the hands of Zebee and Salmana, are in thy hands, and therefore thou demandest that we should give bread to the men that are weary and faint.

dourh@Judges:8:18 @ And he said to Zebee and Salmana: What manner of men were they whom you slew in Thabor? They answered: They were like thee, and one of them as the son of a king.

dourh@Judges:8:30 @ And he had seventy sons, who came out of his thigh, for he had many wives.

dourh@Judges:8:31 @ And his concubine, that he had in Sichem, bore him a son, whose name was Abimelech.

dourh@Judges:8:34 @ And they remembered not the Lord their God, who delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies round about:

dourh@Judges:9:5 @ And he came to his father's house in Ephra, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerobaal, seventy men, upon one stone: and there remained only Joatham the youngest son of Jerobaal, who was hidden.

dourh@Judges:9:16 @ Now therefore if you have done well, and without sin in appointing Abimelech king over you, and have dealt well with Jerobaal, and with his house, and have made a suitable return for the benefits of him, who fought for you,

dourh@Judges:9:23 @ And the Lord sent a very evil spirit between Abimelech and the inhabitants of Sichem: who began to detest him,

dourh@Judges:9:24 @ And to leave the crime of the murder of the seventy sons of Jerobaal, and the shedding of their blood upon Abimelech their brother, and upon the rest of the princes of the Sichemites, who aided him.

dourh@Judges:9:28 @ And Gaal the son of Obed cried: Who is Abimelech, and what is Sichem, that we should serve him? Is he not the son of Jerobaal, and hath made Zebul his servant ruler over the men of Emor the father of Sichem? Why then shall we serve him?

dourh@Judges:9:38 @ And Zebul said to him: Where is now thy mouth wherewith thou saidst? Who is Abimelech that we should serve him? Is not this the people which thou didst despise? Go out, and fight against him.

dourh@Judges:9:40 @ Who chased and put him to flight, and drove him to the city: and many were slain of his people, even to the gate of the city:

dourh@Judges:9:46 @ And when they who dwelt in the tower of Sichem had heard this, they went into the temple of their god Berith where they had made a covenant with him, and from thence the place had taken its name, and it was exceeding strong.

dourh@Judges:10:1 @ After Abimelech there arose a ruler in Israel, Thola son of Phua the uncle of Abimelech, a man of Issachar, who dwelt in Samir of mount Ephraim:

dourh@Judges:10:3 @ To him succeeded Jair the Galaadite, who judged Israel for two and twenty years.

dourh@Judges:10:8 @ And they were afflicted, and grievously oppressed for eighteen years, all they that dwelt beyond the Jordan in the land of the Amorrhite, who is in Galaad:

dourh@Judges:10:17 @ And the children of Ammon shouting together, pitched their tents in Galaad: against whom the children of Israel assembled themselves together and camped in Maspha.

dourh@Judges:10:18 @ And the princes of Galaad said one to another: Whosoever of us shall first begin to fight against the children of Ammon, he shall be the leader of the people of Galaad.

dourh@Judges:11:2 @ Now Galaad had a wife of whom he had sons: who after they were grown up, thrust out Jephte, saying: Thou canst not inherit in the house of our father, because thou art born of another mother.

dourh@Judges:11:10 @ They answered him: The Lord who heareth these things, he himself is mediator and witness that we will do as we have promised.

dourh@Judges:11:17 @ And he sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying: Suffer me to pass through thy land. But he would not condescend to his request. He sent also to the king of Moab, who likewise refused to give him passage. He abode therefore in Cades,

dourh@Judges:11:19 @ So Israel sent messengers to Sehon king of the Amorrhites, who dwelt in Hesebon, and they said to him: Suffer me to pass through thy land to the river.

dourh@Judges:11:31 @ Whosoever shall first come forth out of the doors of my house, and shall meet me when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, the same will I offer a holocaust to the Lord.

dourh@Judges:12:9 @ He had thirty sons, and as many daughters, whom he sent abroad, and gave to husbands, and took wives for his sons of the same number, bringing them into his house. And he judged Israel seven years:

dourh@Judges:13:2 @ Now there was a certain man of Saraa, and of the race of Dan, whose name was Manue, and his wife was barren.

dourh@Judges:13:6 @ And when she was come to her husband she said to him: A man of God came to me, having the countenance of an angel, very awful. And when I asked him who he was, and whence he came, and by what name he was called, he would not tell me.

dourh@Judges:13:8 @ Then Manue prayed to the Lord, and said: I beseech thee, O Lord, that the mail of God, whom thou didst send, may come again, and teach us what we ought to do concerning the child that shall be born.

dourh@Judges:13:10 @ She made haste and ran to her husband: and told him saying: Behold the man hath appeared to me whom I saw before.

dourh@Judges:13:19 @ Then Manue took a kid of the flocks, and the libations, and put them upon a rock, offering to the Lord, who doth wonderful things: and he and his wife looked on.

dourh@Judges:14:3 @ And his father and mother said to him: Is there no woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou wilt take a wife of the Philistines, who are uncircumcised? And Samson said to his father: Take this woman for me, for she hath pleased my eyes.

dourh@Judges:14:19 @ And the spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he went down to Ascalon, and slew there thirty men, whose garments he took away and gave to them that had declared the riddle. And being exceeding angry he went up to his father's house:

dourh@Judges:15:2 @ I thought thou hadst hated her, and therefore I gave her to thy friend: but she hath a sister, who is younger and fairer than she, take her to wife instead of her.

dourh@Judges:15:6 @ Then the Philistines said: Who hath done this thing? And it was answered: Samson the son in law of the Thamnathite, because he took away his wife, and gave her to another, hath done these things. And the Philistines went up and burnt both the woman and her father.

dourh@Judges:16:4 @ After this he loved a woman, who dwelt in the valley of Sorec, and she was called Dalila.

dourh@Judges:16:26 @ And he said to the lad that guided his steps: Suffer me to touch the pillars which support the whole house, and let me lean upon them, and rest a little.

dourh@Judges:17:1 @ There was at that time a man of mount Ephraim whose name was Michas,

dourh@Judges:17:2 @ Who said to his mother: The eleven hundred pieces of silver, which thou hadst put aside for thyself, and concerning which thou didst swear in my hearing, behold I have, and they are with me. And she said to him: Blessed be my son by the Lord.

dourh@Judges:17:3 @ So he restored them to his mother, who said to him: I have consecrated and vowed this silver to the Lord, that my son may receive it at my hand, and make a graven and a molten god, so now I deliver it to thee.

dourh@Judges:18:3 @ And knowing the voice of the young man the Levite, and lodging with him, they said to him: Who brought thee hither? what dost thou here? why wouldst thou come hither?

dourh@Judges:18:8 @ And they returned to their brethren in Saraa and Esthaol, who asked them what they had done? to whom they answered:

dourh@Judges:18:15 @ And when they had turned a little aside, they went into the house of the young man the Levite, who was in the house of Michas: and they saluted him with words of peace.

dourh@Judges:18:28 @ There being no man at all who brought them any succour, because they dwelt far from Sidon, and had no society or business with any man. And the city was in the land of Rohob: and they rebuilt it and dwelt therein.

dourh@Judges:18:29 @ Calling the name of the city Dan after the name of their father, who was the son of Israel, which before was called Lais.

dourh@Judges:19:1 @ There was a certain Levite, who dwelt on the side of mount Ephraim, who took a wife of Bethlehem Juda:

dourh@Judges:19:12 @ His master answered him: I will not go into the town of another nation, who are not of the children of Israel, but I will pass over to Gabaa:

dourh@Judges:20:14 @ But out of all the cities which were of their lot, they gathered themselves together into Gabaa, to aid them, and to fight against the whole people of Israel.

dourh@Judges:20:16 @ Who were seven hundred most valiant men, fighting with the left hand as well as with the right: and slinging stones so sure that they could hit even a hair, and not miss by the stone's going on either side.

dourh@Judges:20:18 @ And they arose and came to the house of God, that is, to Silo: and they consulted God, and said: Who shall be in our army the first to go to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the Lord answered them: Let Juda be your leader.

dourh@Judges:20:38 @ Now the children of Israel had given a sign to them, whom they had laid in ambushes, that after they had taken the city, they should make a fire: that by the smoke rising on high, they might shew that the city was taken.

dourh@Judges:21:5 @ Who is there among all the tribes of Israel that came not up with the army of the Lord? for they had bound themselves with a great oath, when they were in Maspha, that whosoever were wanting should be slain.

dourh@Judges:21:8 @ Therefore they said: Who is thereof all the tribes of Israel, that came not up to the Lord to Maspha. And behold the inhabitants of Jabes Galaad were found not to have been in that army.

dourh@Judges:21:14 @ And the children of Benjamin came at that time, and wives were given them of the daughters of Jabes Galaad: but they found no others, whom they might give in like manner.

dourh@Ruth:1:21 @ I went out full, and the Lord hath brought me back empty. Why then do you call me Noemi, whom the Lord hath humbled and the Almighty hath afflicted?

dourh@Ruth:2:1 @ Now her husband Elimelech had a kinsman, a powerful man, and very rich, whose name was Booz.

dourh@Ruth:2:3 @ She went therefore and gleaned the ears of corn after the reapers. And it happened that the owner of that field was Booz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.

dourh@Ruth:2:5 @ And Booz said to the young man that was set over the reapers: Whose maid is this?

dourh@Ruth:2:6 @ And he answered him: This is the Moabitess who came with Noemi, from the land of Moab,

dourh@Ruth:2:12 @ The Lord render unto thee for thy work, and mayest thou receive a full reward of the Lord the God of Israel, to whom thou art come, and under whose wings thou art fled.

dourh@Ruth:2:13 @ And she said: I have found grace in thy eyes, my lord, who hast comforted me and hast spoken to the heart of thy handmaid, who am not like to one of thy maids.

dourh@Ruth:2:19 @ And her mother in law said to her: Where hast thou gleaned to day, and where hast thou wrought? blessed be he that hath had pity on thee. And she told her with whom she had wrought: and she told the man's name, that he was called Booz.

dourh@Ruth:3:2 @ This Booz, with whose maids thou wast joined in the field, is our near kinsman, and behold this night he winnoweth barley in the threshingfloor.

dourh@Ruth:3:9 @ And he said to her: Who art thou? And she answered: I am Ruth thy handmaid: spread thy coverlet over thy servant, for thou art a near kinsman.

dourh@Ruth:3:16 @ And came to her mother in law; who said to her: What hast thou done, daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her.

dourh@Ruth:4:1 @ Then Booz went up to the gate, and sat there. And when he had seen the kinsman going by, of whom he had spoken before, he said to him, calling him by his name: Turn aside for a little while, and sit down here. He turned aside, and sat down.

dourh@Ruth:4:3 @ They sat down, and he spoke to the kinsman: Noemi, who is returned from the country of Moab, will sell a parcel of land that belonged to our brother Elimelech.

dourh@Ruth:4:4 @ I would have thee to understand this, and would tell thee before all that sit here, and before the ancients of my people. If thou wilt take possession of it by the right of kindred: buy it and possess it: but if it please thee not, tell me so, that I may know what I have to do. For there is no near kinsman besides thee, who art first, and me, who am second. But he answered: I will buy the field.

dourh@Ruth:4:5 @ And Booz said to him: When thou shalt buy the field at the woman's hand, thou must take also Ruth the Moabitess, who was the wife of the deceased: to raise up the name of thy kinsman in his inheritance.

dourh@Ruth:4:11 @ Then all the people that were in the gate, and the ancients answered: We are witnesses: The Lord make this woman who cometh into thy house, like Rachel, and Lia, who built up the house of Israel: that she may be an example of virtue in Ephrata, and may have a famous name in Bethlehem:

dourh@Ruth:4:12 @ And that the house may be, as the house of Phares, whom Thamar bore unto Juda, of the seed which the Lord shall give thee of this young woman.

dourh@Ruth:4:14 @ And the women said to Noemi: Blessed be the Lord, who hath not suffered thy family to want a successor, that his name should be preserved in Israel.

dourh@Ruth:4:15 @ And thou shouldst have one to comfort thy soul, and cherish thy old age. For he is born of thy daughter in law: who loveth thee: and is much better to thee, than if thou hadst seven sons.

dourh@1Samuel:1:26 @ And Anna said: I beseech thee, my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord: I am that woman who stood before thee here praying to the Lord.

dourh@1Samuel:2:13 @ Nor the office of the priests to the people: but whosoever had offered a sacrifice, the servant of the priest came, while the flesh was in boiling, with a fleshhook of three teeth in his hand,

dourh@1Samuel:2:25 @ If one man shall sin against another, God may be appeased in his behalf: but if a man shall sin against the Lord, who shall pray for him? And they hearkened not to the voice of their father, because the Lord would slay them.

dourh@1Samuel:2:30 @ Wherefore thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father should minister in my sight, for ever. But now saith the Lord: Far be this from me: but whosoever shall glorify me, him will I glorify: but they that despise me, shall be despised.

dourh@1Samuel:2:35 @ And I will raise me up a faithful priest, who shall do according to my heart, and my soul, and I will build him a faithful house, and he shall walk all days before my anointed.

dourh@1Samuel:2:36 @ And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall remain in thy house, shall come that he may be prayed for, and shall offer a piece of silver, and a roll of bread, and shall say: Put me, I beseech thee, to somewhat of the priestly office, that I may eat a morsel of bread.

dourh@1Samuel:3:11 @ And the Lord said to Samuel: Behold I do a thing in Israel: and whosoever shall hear it, both his ears shall tingle.

dourh@1Samuel:4:8 @ Woe to us: for there was no such great joy yesterday and the day before: Woe to us. Who shall deliver us from the hand of these high gods? these are the gods that struck Egypt with all the plagues in the desert.

dourh@1Samuel:6:20 @ And the men of Bethsames said: Who shall be able to stand before the Lord this holy God? and to whom shall he go up from us?

dourh@1Samuel:7:9 @ And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it whole for a holocaust to the Lord: and Samuel cried to the Lord for Israel, and the Lord heard him.

dourh@1Samuel:8:18 @ And you shall cry out in that day from the face of the king, whom you have chosen to yourselves. and the Lord will not hear you in that day, because you desired unto yourselves a king.

dourh@1Samuel:9:1 @ Now I there was a man of Benjamin whose name was Cis, the son of Abiel, the son of Seror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphia, the son of a man of Jemini, valiant and strong.

dourh@1Samuel:9:2 @ And he had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and goodly man, and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he appeared above all the people.

dourh@1Samuel:9:17 @ And when Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said to him: Behold the man, of whom I spoke to thee, this man shall reign over my people.

dourh@1Samuel:9:20 @ And as for the asses, which were lost three days ago, be not solicitous, because they are found. And for whom shall be all the best things of Israel? Shall they not be for thee and for all thy father's house?

dourh@1Samuel:10:12 @ And one answered another, saying: And who is their father? therefore it became a proverb: Is Saul also among the prophets?

dourh@1Samuel:10:18 @ And he said to the children of Israel: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of all the kings who afflicted you.

dourh@1Samuel:10:19 @ But you this day have rejected your God, who only hath saved you out of all your evils and your tribulations: and you have said: Nay: but set a king over us. Now therefore stand before the Lord by your tribes, and by your families.

dourh@1Samuel:10:24 @ And Samuel said to all the people: Surely you see him whom the Lord hath chosen, that there is none like him among all the people. And all the people cried and said: God save the king.

dourh@1Samuel:10:26 @ Saul also departed to his own house in Gabaa: and there went with him a part of the army, whose hearts God had touched.

dourh@1Samuel:11:7 @ And taking both the oxen, he cut them in pieces, and sent them into all the coasts of Israel by messengers, saying: Whosoever shall not come forth, and follow Saul and Samuel, so shall it be done to his oxen. And the fear of the Lord fell upon the people, and they went out as one man.

dourh@1Samuel:11:12 @ And the people said to Samuel: Who is he that said: Shall Saul reign over us? Bring the men and we will kill them.

dourh@1Samuel:12:6 @ And Samuel said to the people: It is the Lord, who made Moses and Aaron, and brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt.

dourh@1Samuel:12:13 @ Now therefore your king is here, whom you have chosen and desired: Behold the Lord hath given you a king.

dourh@1Samuel:12:14 @ If you will fear the Lord, and serve him, and hearken to his voice, and not provoke the mouth of the Lord: then shall both you, and the king who reigneth over you, be followers of the Lord your God.

dourh@1Samuel:12:24 @ Therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in truth and with your whole heart, for you have seen the great works which he hath done among you.

dourh@1Samuel:13:15 @ And Samuel arose and went up from Galgal to Gabaa of Benjamin. And the rest of the people went up after Saul, to meet the people who fought against them, going from Galgal to Gabaa in the hill of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people, that were found with him, about six hundred men.

dourh@1Samuel:14:15 @ And there was a miracle in the camp, through the fields: yea and all the people of their garrison, who had gone out to plunder, were amazed, and the earth trembled: and it happened as a miracle from God.

dourh@1Samuel:14:16 @ And the watchmen of Saul, who were in Gabaa of Benjamin looked, and behold a multitude overthrown, and fleeing this way and that.

dourh@1Samuel:14:17 @ And Saul said to the people that were with him: Look, and see who is gone from us. And when they had sought, it was found that Jonathan and his armourbearer were not there.

dourh@1Samuel:14:21 @ Moreover the Hebrews that had been with the Philistines yesterday and the day before, and went up with them into the camp, returned to be with the Israelites, who were with Saul and Jonathan.

dourh@1Samuel:14:38 @ And Saul said: Bring hither all the corners of the people: and know, and see by whom this sin hath happened to day.

dourh@1Samuel:14:39 @ As the Lord liveth who is the saviour of Israel, if it was done by Jonathan my son, he shall surely die. In this none of the people gainsaid him.

dourh@1Samuel:14:45 @ And the people said to Saul: Shall Jonathan then die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel? This must not be. As the Lord liveth, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground, for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people delivered Jonathan, that he should not die.

dourh@1Samuel:14:52 @ And there was a great war against the Philistines all the days of Saul. For whomsoever Saul saw to be a valiant man, and fit for war, he took him to himself.

dourh@1Samuel:15:28 @ And Samuel said to him: The Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to thy neighbour who is better than thee.

dourh@1Samuel:16:1 @ And the Lord said to Samuel. How It long wilt thou mourn for Saul, whom I have rejected from reigning over Israel? fill thy horn with oil, and come, that I may send thee to Isai the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.

dourh@1Samuel:16:3 @ And thou shalt call Isai to the sacrifice, and I will shew thee what thou art to do, and thou shalt anoint him whom I shall shew to thee.

dourh@1Samuel:16:11 @ And Samuel said to Isai: Are here all thy sons? He answered: There remaineth yet a young one, who keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said to Isai: Send, and fetch him, for we will not sit down till he come hither.

dourh@1Samuel:16:16 @ Let our lord give orders, and thy servants who are before thee will seek out a man skilful in playing on the harp, that when the evil spirit from the Lord is upon thee, he may play with his hand, and thou mayest bear it more easily.

dourh@1Samuel:16:19 @ Then Saul sent messengers to Isai, saying: Send me David thy son, who is in the pastures.

dourh@1Samuel:17:4 @ And there went out a man baseborn from the camp of the Philistines named Goliath, of Geth, whose height was six cubits and a span:

dourh@1Samuel:17:12 @ Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Juda before mentioned, whose name was Isai, who had eight sons, and was an old man in the days of Saul, and of great age among men.

dourh@1Samuel:17:18 @ And carry these ten little cheeses to the tribune: and go see thy brethren, if they are well: and learn with whom they are placed.

dourh@1Samuel:17:21 @ For Israel had put themselves in array, and the Philistines who stood against them were prepared.

dourh@1Samuel:17:23 @ And as he talked with them, that baseborn man whose name was Goliath, the Philistine, of Geth, shewed himself coming up from the camp of the Philistines: and he spoke according to the same words, and David heard them.

dourh@1Samuel:17:26 @ And David spoke to the men that stood by him, saying: What shall be given to the man that shall kill this Philistine, and shall take away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?

dourh@1Samuel:17:36 @ For I thy servant have killed both a lion and a bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be also as one of them. I will go now, and take away the reproach of the people: for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, who hath dared to curse the army of the living God?

dourh@1Samuel:17:37 @ And David said: The Lord who delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David: Go, and the Lord be with thee.

dourh@1Samuel:17:56 @ And the king said: Inquire thou, whose son this man is.

dourh@1Samuel:18:18 @ And David said to Saul: Who am I, or what is my life, or my father's family in Israel, that I should be son in law of the king?

dourh@1Samuel:19:5 @ And he put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the Lord wrought great salvation for all Israel. Thou sawest it and didst rejoice. Why therefore wilt thou sin against innocent blood by killing David, who is without fault?

dourh@1Samuel:20:10 @ And David answered Jonathan: Who shall bring me word, if thy father should answer thee harshly concerning me?

dourh@1Samuel:21:9 @ And the priest said: Lo, here is the sword of Goliath the Philistine whom thou slewest in the valley of Terebinth, wrapped up in a cloth behind the ephod: if thou wilt take this, take it, for here is no other but this. And David said: There is none like that, give it me.

dourh@1Samuel:22:9 @ And Doeg the Edomite who stood by, and was the chief among the servants of Saul, answering, said: I saw the son of Isai, in Nobe with Achimelech the son of Achitob the priest.

dourh@1Samuel:22:14 @ And Achimelech answering the king, said: And who amongst all thy servants is so faithful as David, who is the king's son in law, and goeth forth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thy house?

dourh@1Samuel:22:20 @ But one of the sons of Achimelech the son of Achitob, whose name was Abiathar, escaped, and fled to David,

dourh@1Samuel:23:13 @ Then David and his men, who were about six hundred, arose, and departing from Ceila, wandered up and down uncertain where they should stay: and it was told Saul that David was fled from Ceila, and had escaped: wherefore he forbore to go out.

dourh@1Samuel:23:22 @ Go therefore, I pray you, and use all diligence, and curiously inquire, and consider the place where his foot is, and who hath seen him there: for he thinketh of me, that I lie craftily in wait for him.

dourh@1Samuel:24:14 @ As also it is said in the old proverb: From the wicked shall wickedness come forth: therefore my hand shall not be upon thee. After whom dost thou come out, O king of Israel?

dourh@1Samuel:24:15 @ After whom dost thou pursue? After a dead dog, after a flea.

dourh@1Samuel:24:20 @ For who when he hath found his enemy, will let him go well away? But the Lord reward thee for this good turn, for what thou hast done to me this day.

dourh@1Samuel:25:10 @ But Nabal answering the servants of David, said: Who is David? and what is the son of Isai? servants are multiplied now a days who flee from their masters.

dourh@1Samuel:25:11 @ Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and the flesh of my cattle, which I have killed for my shearers, and give to men whom I know not whence they are?

dourh@1Samuel:25:25 @ Let not my lord the king, I pray, regard this naughty man Nabal: for according to his name, he is a fool, and folly is with him: but I thy handmaid did not see thy servants, my lord, whom thou sentest.

dourh@1Samuel:25:26 @ Now therefore, my lord, the Lord liveth, and thy soul liveth, who hath withholden thee from coming to blood, and hath saved thy hand to thee: and now let thy enemies be as Nabal, and all they that seek evil to my lord.

dourh@1Samuel:25:32 @ And David said to Abigail: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who sent thee this day to meet me, and blessed be thy speech:

dourh@1Samuel:25:33 @ And blessed be thou, who hast kept me to day, from coming to blood, and revenging me with my own hand.

dourh@1Samuel:25:34 @ Otherwise as the Lord liveth the God of Israel, who hath withholden me from doing thee any evil: if thou hadst not quickly come to meet me, there had not been left to Nabal by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.

dourh@1Samuel:25:39 @ And when David had heard that Nabal was dead, he said: Blessed be the Lord, who hath judged the cause of my reproach at the hand of Nabal, and hath kept his servant from evil, and the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his head. The n David sent and treated with Abigail, that he might take her to himself for a wife.

dourh@1Samuel:25:44 @ But Saul gave Michol his daughter, David's wife, to Phalti, the son of Lais, who was of Gallium.

dourh@1Samuel:26:6 @ David spoke to Achimelech the Hethite, and Abisai the son of Sarvia the brother of Joab, saying: Who will go down with me to Saul into the camp? And Abisai said: I will go with thee.

dourh@1Samuel:26:9 @ And David said to Abisai: Kill him not: for who shall put forth his hand against the Lord's anointed, and shall be guiltless?

dourh@1Samuel:26:14 @ David cried to the people, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying: Wilt thou not answer, Abner? And Abner answering, said: Who art thou, that criest, and disturbest the king?

dourh@1Samuel:26:15 @ And David said to Abner: Art not thou a man? and who is like thee in Israel? why then hast thou not kept thy lord the king? for there came one of the people in to kill the king thy lord.

dourh@1Samuel:26:16 @ This thing is not good, that thou hast done: as the Lord liveth, you are the sons of death, who have not kept your master, the Lord's anointed. And now where is the king's spear, and the cup of water, which was at his head?

dourh@1Samuel:26:19 @ Now therefore hear, I pray thee, my lord the king, the words of thy servant: If the Lord stir thee up against me, let him accept of sacrifice: but if the sons of men, they are cursed in the sight of the Lord, who have cast me out this day, that I should not dwell in the inheritance of the Lord, saying: Go, serve strange gods.

dourh@1Samuel:27:10 @ And Achis said to him: Whom hast thou gone against to day? David answered: Against the south of Juda, and against the south of Jerameel, and against the south of Ceni.

dourh@1Samuel:28:8 @ Then he disguised himself: and put on other clothes, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night, and he said to her: Divine to me by thy divining spirit, and bring me up him whom I shall tell thee.

dourh@1Samuel:28:11 @ And the woman said to him: Whom shall I bring up to thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel.

dourh@1Samuel:29:3 @ And the princes of the Philistines said to Achis: What mean these Hebrews? And Achis said to the princes of the Philistines: Do you not know David, who was the servant of Saul the king of Israel, and hath been with me many days, or years, and I have found no fault in him, since the day that he fled over to me until this day?

dourh@1Samuel:29:5 @ Is not this David, to whom they sung in their dances, saying: Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

dourh@1Samuel:29:10 @ Therefore arise in the morning, thou, and the servants of thy lord, who came with thee: and when you are up before day, and it shall begin to be light, go on your way.

dourh@1Samuel:30:10 @ But David pursued, he and four hundred men: for two hundred stayed, who being weary could not go over the torrent Besor.

dourh@1Samuel:30:13 @ And David said to him: To whom dost thou belong? or whence dost thou come? and whither art thou going? He said: I am a young man of Egypt, the servant of an Amalecite, and my master left me, because I began to be sick three days ago.

dourh@1Samuel:30:17 @ And David slew them from the evening unto the evening of the next day, and there escaped not a man of them, but four hundred young men, who had gotten upon camels, and fled.

dourh@1Samuel:30:21 @ And David came to the two hundred men, who being weary had stayed, and were not able to follow David, and he had ordered them to abide at the torrent Besor: and they came out to meet David, and the people that were with him. And David coming to the people saluted them peaceably.

dourh@1Samuel:30:23 @ But David said: You shall not do so, my brethren, with these things, which the Lord hath given us, who hath kept us, and hath delivered the robbers that invaded us into our hands.

dourh@1Samuel:31:3 @ And the whole weight of the battle was turned upon Saul: and the archers overtook him, and he was grievously wounded by the archers.

dourh@2Samuel:1:2 @ And on the third day, there appeared a man who came out of Saul's camp, with his garments rent, and dust strewed on his head: and when he came to David, he fell upon his face, and adored.

dourh@2Samuel:1:8 @ And he said to me: Who art thou? And I said to him: I am an Amalecite.

dourh@2Samuel:1:9 @ And he said to me: Stand over me, and kill me: for anguish is come upon me, and as yet my whole life is in me.

dourh@2Samuel:1:24 @ Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you with scarlet in delights, who gave ornaments of gold for your attire.

dourh@2Samuel:2:5 @ David therefore sent messengers to the men of Jabes Galaad, and said to them: Blessed be you to the Lord, who have shewn this mercy to your master Saul, and have buried him.

dourh@2Samuel:2:31 @ But the servants of David had killed of Benjamin, and of the men that were with Abner, three hundred and sixty, who all died.

dourh@2Samuel:3:8 @ Why didst thou go in to my father's concubine? And he was exceedingly angry for the words of Isboseth, and said: Am I a dog's head against Juda this day, who have shewn mercy to the house of Saul thy father, and to his brethren and friends, and have not delivered thee into the hands of David, and hast thou sought this day against me to charge me with a matter concerning a woman?

dourh@2Samuel:3:12 @ Abner therefore sent messengers to David for himself, saying: Whose is the land? and that they should say: Make a league with me, and my hand shall be with thee: and I will bring all Israel to thee.

dourh@2Samuel:3:14 @ And David sent messengers to Isboseth the son of Saul, saying: Restore my wife Michol, whom I espoused to me for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.

dourh@2Samuel:4:5 @ And the sons of Remmon the Berothite, Rechab and Baana coming, went into the house of Isboseth in the heat of the day: and he was sleeping upon his bed at noon. And the doorkeeper of the house, who was cleansing wheat, was fallen asleep.

dourh@2Samuel:4:8 @ And they brought the head of Isboseth to David to Hebron: and they said to the king: Behold the head of Isboseth the son of Saul thy enemy who sought thy life: and the Lord hath revenged my lord the king this day of Saul, and of his seed.

dourh@2Samuel:4:9 @ But David answered Rechab, and Baana his brother, the sons of Remmon the Berothite, and said to them: As the Lord liveth, who hath delivered my soul out of all distress,

dourh@2Samuel:4:10 @ The man that told me, and said: Saul is dead, who thought he brought good tidings, I apprehended, and slew him in Siceleg, who should have been rewarded for his news.

dourh@2Samuel:5:9 @ For David had offered that day a reward to whosoever should strike the Jebusites and get up to the gutters of the tops of the houses, and take away the blind and the lame that hated the soul of David: therefore it is said in the proverb: The blind and the lame shall not come into the temple.

dourh@2Samuel:6:2 @ And David arose and went, with all the people that were with him of the men of Juda to fetch the ark of God, upon which the name of the Lord of hosts is invoked, who sitteth over it upon the cherubims.

dourh@2Samuel:6:3 @ And they laid the ark of God upon a new cart: and took it out of the house of Abinadab, who was in Gabaa: and Oza, and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart.

dourh@2Samuel:6:4 @ And when they had taken it out of the house of Abinadab, who was in Gabaa, Ahio having care of the ark of God went before the ark.

dourh@2Samuel:6:21 @ And David said to Michol: Before the Lord, who chose me rather than thy father, and than all his house, and commanded me to be ruler over the people of the Lord in Israel,

dourh@2Samuel:6:22 @ I will both play and make myself meaner than I have done: and I will be little in my own eyes: and with the handmaid of whom thou speakest, I shall appear more glorious.

dourh@2Samuel:7:7 @ In all the places that I have gone through with all the children of Israel, did ever I speak a word to any one of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people Israel, saying: Why have you not built me a house of cedar?

dourh@2Samuel:7:15 @ But my mercy I will not take away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I removed from before my face.

dourh@2Samuel:7:18 @ And David went in, and sat before the Lord, and said: Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that thou hast brought me thus far?

dourh@2Samuel:7:23 @ And what nation is there upon earth, as thy people Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name, and to do for them great and terrible things, upon the earth, before the face of thy people, whom thou redeemedst to thyself out of Egypt, from the nations and their gods.

dourh@2Samuel:9:3 @ And the king said: Is there any one left of the house of Saul, that I may shew the mercy of God unto him? And Siba said to the king: There is a son of Jonathan left, who is lame of his feet.

dourh@2Samuel:9:8 @ He bowed down to him, and said: Who am I thy servant, that thou shouldst look upon such a dead dog as I am?

dourh@2Samuel:9:12 @ And Miphiboseth had a young son whose name was Micha: and all the kindred of the house of Siba served Miphiboseth.

dourh@2Samuel:10:7 @ And when David heard this, he sent Joab and the whole army of warriors.

dourh@2Samuel:10:10 @ And the rest of the people he delivered to Abisai his brother, who set them in array against the children of Ammon.

dourh@2Samuel:10:18 @ And the Syrians fled before Israel, and David slew of the Syrians the men of seven hundred chariots, and forty thousand horsemen: and smote Sobach the captain of the army, who presently died.

dourh@2Samuel:11:3 @ And the king sent, and inquired who the woman was. And it was told him, that she was Bethsabee the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Urias the Hethite.

dourh@2Samuel:11:21 @ Who killed Abimelech the son of Jerobaal? did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, and slew him in Thebes? Why did you go near the wall? Thou shalt say: Thy servant Urias the Hethite is also slain.

dourh@2Samuel:12:4 @ And when a certain stranger was come to the rich man, he spared to take of his own sheep and oxen, to make a feast for that stranger, who was come to him, but took the poor man's ewe, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.

dourh@2Samuel:12:22 @ And he said: While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept for him: for I said: Who knoweth whether the Lord may not give him to me, and the child may live?

dourh@2Samuel:13:1 @ And it came to pass after this, that Amnon the son of David loved the sister of Absalom the son of David, who was very beautiful, and her name was Thamar.

dourh@2Samuel:14:7 @ And behold the whole kindred rising against thy handmaid, saith: Deliver him that hath slain his brother, that we may kill him for the life of his brother, whom he slew, and that we may destroy the heir: and they seek to quench my spark which is left, and will leave my husband no name, nor remainder upon the earth.

dourh@2Samuel:14:27 @ And there were born to Absalom three sons: and one daughter, whose, name was Thamar, and she was very beautiful.

dourh@2Samuel:15:13 @ And there came a messenger to David, saying: All Israel with their whole heart followeth Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:15:18 @ And all his servants walked by him, and the bands of the Cerethi, and the Phelethi, and all the Gethites, valiant warriors, six hundred men who had followed him from Geth on foot, went before the king.

dourh@2Samuel:16:10 @ And the king said: What have I to do with you, ye sons of Sarvia? Let him alone and let him curse: for the Lord hath bid him curse David: and who is he that shall dare say, why hath he done so?

dourh@2Samuel:16:11 @ And the king said to Abisai, and to all his servants: Behold my son, who came forth from my bowels, seeketh my life: how much more now a son of Jemini? let him alone that he may curse as the Lord hath bidden him.

dourh@2Samuel:16:18 @ And Chusai answered Absalom: Nay: for I will be his, whom the Lord hath chosen, and all this people, and all Israel, and with him will I abide.

dourh@2Samuel:16:19 @ Besides this, whom shall I serve? is it not the king's son? as I have served thy father, so will I serve thee also.

dourh@2Samuel:16:21 @ And Achitophel said to Absalom: Go in to the concubines of thy father, whom he hath left to keep the house: that when all Israel shall hear that thou hast disgraced thy father, their hands may be strengthened with thee.

dourh@2Samuel:17:2 @ And coming upon him (for he is now weary, and weak handed) I will defeat him: and when all the people is put to flight that is with him, I will kill the king who will be left alone.

dourh@2Samuel:17:10 @ And the most valiant man whose heart is as the heart of a lion, shall melt for fear: for all the people of Israel know thy father to be a valiant man, and that all who are with him are valiant.

dourh@2Samuel:17:18 @ But a certain boy saw them, and told Absalom: but they making haste went into the house of a certain man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court, and they went down into it.

dourh@2Samuel:17:25 @ Now Absalom appointed Amasa in Joab's stead over the army: and Amasa was the son of a man who was called Jethra of Jezrael, who went in to Abigail the daughter of Naas, the sister of Sarvia who was the mother of Joab.

dourh@2Samuel:18:2 @ And sent forth a third part of the people under the hand of Joab, and a third part under the hand of Abisai the son of Sarvia Joab's brother, and a third part under the hand of Ethai, who was of Geth: and the king said to the people: I also will go forth with you.

dourh@2Samuel:18:8 @ And the battle there was scattered over the face of all the country, and there were many more of the people whom the forest consumed, than whom the sword devoured that day.

dourh@2Samuel:18:28 @ And Achimaas crying out, said to the king: God save thee, O king. And falling down before the king with his face to the ground, he said: Blessed be the Lord thy God, who hath shut up the men that have lifted up their hands against the lord my king.

dourh@2Samuel:19:10 @ But Absalom, whom we anointed over us, is dead in the battle: how long are you silent, and bring not back the king?

dourh@2Samuel:20:1 @ And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Seba, the son of Bochri, a man of Jemini: and he sounded the trumpet, and said: We have no part in David, nor inheritance in the son of Isai: return to thy dwellings, O Israel.

dourh@2Samuel:20:3 @ And when the king was come into his house at Jerusalem, he took the ten women his concubines, whom he had left to keep the house, and put them in ward, allowing them provisions: and he went not in unto them, but they were shut up unto the day of their death living in widowhood.

dourh@2Samuel:20:12 @ And Amasa imbrued with blood, lay in the midst of the way. A certain man saw this that all the people stood still to look upon him, so he removed Amasa out of the highway into the field, and covered him with a garment, that they who passed might not stop on his account.

dourh@2Samuel:21:8 @ So the king took the two sons of Respha the daughter of Aia, whom she bore to Saul, Armoni, and Miphiboseth: and the five sons of Michol the daughter of Saul, whom she bore to Hadriel the son of Berzellai, that was of Molathi:

dourh@2Samuel:21:12 @ And David went, and took the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabes Galaad, who had stolen them from the street of Bethsan, where the Philistines had hanged them when they had slain Saul in Gelboe.

dourh@2Samuel:21:16 @ Jesbibenob, who was of the race of Arapha, the iron of whose spear weighed three hundred ounces, being girded with a new sword, attempted to kill David.

dourh@2Samuel:21:19 @ And there was a third battle in Gob against the Philistines, in which Adeodatus the son of the Forrest an embroiderer of Bethlehem slew Goliath the Gethite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

dourh@2Samuel:22:4 @ I will call on the Lord who is worthy to be praised: and I shall be saved from my enemies.

dourh@2Samuel:22:32 @ Who is God but the Lord: and who is strong but our God?

dourh@2Samuel:22:33 @ God who hath girded me with strength, and made my way perfect.

dourh@2Samuel:22:48 @ God who giveth me revenge, and bringest down people under me,

dourh@2Samuel:22:49 @ Who bringest me forth from my enemies, and liftest me up from them that resist me: from the wicked man thou shalt deliver me.

dourh@2Samuel:23:1 @ Now these are David's last words. David the son of Isai said: The man to whom it was appointed concerning the Christ of the God of Jacob, the excellent psalmist of Israel said:

dourh@2Samuel:23:8 @ These are the names of the valiant men of David. Jesbaham sitting in the chair was the wisest chief among the three, he was like the most tender little worm of the wood, who killed eight hundred men at one onset.

dourh@2Samuel:23:13 @ Moreover also before this the three who were princes among the thirty, went down and came to David in the harvest time into the cave of Odollam: and the camp of the Philistines was in the valley of the giants.

dourh@2Samuel:23:18 @ Abisai also the brother of Joab, the son of Sarvia, was chief among three: and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew, and he was renowned among the three,

dourh@2Samuel:23:23 @ And he was renowned among the three valiant men, who were the most honourable among the thirty: but he attained riot to the first three: and David made him of his privy council.

dourh@2Samuel:24:8 @ And having gone through the whole land, after nine months and twenty days, they came to Jerusalem.

dourh@1Kings:1:7 @ And he conferred with Joab the son of Sarvia, and with Abiathar the priest, who furthered Adonias's side.

dourh@1Kings:1:20 @ And now, my lord O king, the eyes of all Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldst tell them, who shall sit on thy throne, my lord the king, after thee.

dourh@1Kings:1:27 @ Is this word come out from my lord the king, and hast thou not told me thy servant who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?

dourh@1Kings:1:29 @ The king swore and said: As the Lord liveth, who hath delivered my soul out of all distress,

dourh@1Kings:1:48 @ And he said: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who hath given this day one to sit on my throne, my eyes seeing

dourh@1Kings:2:5 @ Thou knowest also what Joab the son of Sarvia hath done to me, what he did to the two captains of the army of Israel, to Abner the son of Ner, and to Amasa the son of Jether: whom he slew, and shed the blood of war in peace, and put the blood of war on his girdle that was about his loins, and in his shoes that were on his feet.

dourh@1Kings:2:8 @ Thou hast also with thee Semei the son of Gera the son of Jemini of Bahurim, who cursed me with a grievous curse, when I went to the camp: but because he came down to meet me when I passed over the Jordan, and I swore to him by the Lord, saying: I will not kill thee with a sword:

dourh@1Kings:2:24 @ And now as the Lord liveth, who hath established me, and placed me upon the throne of David my father, and who hath made me a house, as he promised, Adonias shall be put to death this day.

dourh@1Kings:2:25 @ And king Solomon sent by the hand of Banaias the son of Joiada, who slew him, and he died.

dourh@1Kings:3:9 @ Give therefore to thy servant an understanding heart, to judge thy people, and discern between good and evil. For who shall be able to judge this people, thy people which is so numerous?

dourh@1Kings:3:26 @ But the woman whose child was alive, said to the king, (for her bowels were moved upon her child,) I beseech thee, my lord, give her the child alive, and do not kill it. But the other said: Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it.

dourh@1Kings:4:7 @ And Solomon had twelve governors over all Israel, who provided victuals for the king and for his household: for every one provided necessaries, each man his month in the year.

dourh@1Kings:4:11 @,11Benabinadab, to whom belonged all Nephath-Dor, he had Tapheth the daughter of Solomon to wife.

dourh@1Kings:4:12 @ Bana the son of Ahilud, who governed Thanac and Mageddo, and all Bethsan, which is by Sarthana beneath Jezrael, from Bethsan unto Abelmehula over against Jecmaan.

dourh@1Kings:4:34 @ And they came from all nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth, who heard of his wisdom.

dourh@1Kings:5:5 @ Wherefore I purpose to build a temple to the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord spoke to David my father, saying: my son, whom I will set upon the throne in thy piece, he shall build a house to my name.

dourh@1Kings:5:7 @ Now when Hiram had heard the words of Solomon, he rejoiced exceedingly, and said: Blessed be the Lord God this day, who hath given to David a very wise son over this numerous people.

dourh@1Kings:5:16 @ Besides the overseers who were over every work, in number three thousand, and three hundred that ruled over the people, and them that did the work.

dourh@1Kings:6:22 @ And there was nothing in the temple that was not covered with gold: the whole altar of the oracle he covered also with gold.

dourh@1Kings:7:3 @ And he covered the whole vault with boards of cedar, and it was held up with five and forty pillars. And one row had fifteen pillars,

dourh@1Kings:7:8 @ And in the midst of the porch, was a small house where he sat in judgment, of the like work. He made also a house for the daughter of Pharao (whom Solomon had taken to wife) of the same work, as this porch,

dourh@1Kings:7:14 @ The son of a widow woman of the tribe of Nephtali, whose father was a Tyrian, an artificer in brass, and full of wisdom, and understanding, and skill to work all work in brass. And when he was come to king Solomon, he wrought all his work.

dourh@1Kings:8:15 @ And Solomon said: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who spoke with his mouth to David my father, and with his own hands hath accomplished it, saying:

dourh@1Kings:8:23 @ And said: Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heaven above, or on earth beneath: who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that have walked before thee with all their heart.

dourh@1Kings:8:24 @ Who hast kept with thy servant David my father what thou hast promised him: with thy mouth thou didst speak, and with thy hands thou hast performed, as this day proveth.

dourh@1Kings:8:41 @ Moreover also the stranger, who is not of thy people Israel, when he shall come out of a far country for thy name's sake, (for they shall hear every where of thy great name and thy mighty hand,

dourh@1Kings:8:46 @ But if they sin against thee (for there is no man who sinneth not) and thou being angry deliver them up to their enemies, so that they be led away captives into the land of their enemies far or near;

dourh@1Kings:8:51 @ For they are thy people, and thy inheritance, whom thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt, from the midst of the furnace of iron.

dourh@1Kings:8:56 @ Blessed be the Lord, who hath given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed so much as one word of all the good things that he promised by his servant Moses.

dourh@1Kings:9:9 @ And they shall answer: Because they forsook the Lord their God, who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and followed strange gods, and adored them, and worshipped them: therefore hath the Lord brought upon them all this evil.

dourh@1Kings:10:8 @ Blessed are thy men, and blessed are thy servants, who stand before thee always, and hear thy wisdom.

dourh@1Kings:10:9 @ Blessed be the Lord thy God, whom thou hast pleased, and who hath set thee upon the throne of Israel, because the Lord hath loved Israel for ever, and hath appointed thee king, to do judgment and justice.

dourh@1Kings:11:8 @ And he did in this manner for all his wives that were strangers, who burnt incense, and offered sacrifice to their gods.

dourh@1Kings:11:9 @ And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his mind was turned away from the Lord the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice,

dourh@1Kings:11:13 @ Neither will I take away the whole kingdom, but I will give one tribe to thy son for the sake of David my servant, and Jerusalem which I have chosen.

dourh@1Kings:11:18 @ And they arose out of Madian, and came into Pharan, and they took men with them from Pharan, and went into Egypt to Pharao the king of Egypt: who gave him a house, and appointed him victuals, and assigned him land.

dourh@1Kings:11:23 @ God also raised up against him an adversary, Razon the son of Eliada, 'who had fled from his master Adarezer the king of Soba:

dourh@1Kings:11:26 @ Jeroboam also the son of Nabat an Ephrathite of Sareda, a servant of Solomon, whose mother was named Sarua, a widow woman, lifted up his hand against the king.

dourh@1Kings:11:34 @ Yet I will not take away all the kingdom out of his hand, but I will make him prince all the days of his life, for David my servant's sake, whom I chose, who kept my commandments and my precepts.

dourh@1Kings:12:2 @ But Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who was yet in Egypt, a fugitive from the face of king Solomon, hearing of his death, returned out of Egypt.

dourh@1Kings:12:9 @ And he said to them: What counsel do you give me, that I may answer this people, who have said to me: Make the yoke which thy father put upon us lighter?

dourh@1Kings:12:10 @ And the young men that had been brought up with him, said: Thus shalt thou speak to this people, who have spoken to thee, saying: Thy father made our yoke heavy, do thou ease us. Thou shalt say to them: My little finger is thicker than the back of my father.

dourh@1Kings:12:18 @ Then king Roboam sent Aduram, who was over the tribute: and all Israel stoned him, and he died. Wherefore king Roboam made haste to get him up into his chariot, and he fled to Jerusalem:

dourh@1Kings:12:28 @ And finding out a device he made two golden calves, and said to them: Go ye up no more to Jerusalem: Behold thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt.

dourh@1Kings:12:31 @ And he made temples in the high places, and priests of the lowest of the people, who were not of the sons of Levi.

dourh@1Kings:13:2 @ And he cried out against the altar in the word of the Lord, and said: O altar, altar, thus saith the Lord: Behold a child shall be born to the house of David, Josias by name, and he shall immolate upon thee the priests of the high places, who now burn incense upon thee, and he shall burn men's bones upon thee.

dourh@1Kings:13:12 @ And their father said to them: What way went he? His sons shewed him the way by which the man of God went, who came out of Juda.

dourh@1Kings:13:21 @ And he cried out to the man of God who came out of Juda, saying: Thus saith the Lord: Because thou hast not been obedient to the Lord, and hast not kept the commandment which the Lord thy God commanded thee,

dourh@1Kings:13:23 @ And when he had eaten and drunk, he saddled his ass for the prophet, whom he had brought back.

dourh@1Kings:13:26 @ And when that prophet, who had brought him back out of the way, heard of it, he said: It is the man of God, that was disobedient to the mouth of the Lord, and the Lord hath delivered him to the lion, and he hath torn him, and killed him according to the word of the Lord, which he spoke to him.

dourh@1Kings:13:33 @ After these words Jeroboam came not back from his wicked way: but on the contrary he made of the meanest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he filled his hand, and he was made a priest of the high places.

dourh@1Kings:14:2 @ And Jeroboam said to his wife: Arise, and change thy dress, that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam, and go to Silo, where Ahias the prophet is, who told me, that I should reign over this people.

dourh@1Kings:14:8 @ And rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it to thee, and thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and followed me with all his heart, doing that which was well pleasing in my sight:

dourh@1Kings:14:14 @ And the Lord hath appointed himself a king over Israel, who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam in this day, and in this time:

dourh@1Kings:14:16 @ And the Lord shall give up Israel for the sins of Jeroboam, who hath sinned, and made Israel to sin.

dourh@1Kings:14:24 @ There were also the effeminate in the land, and they did according to all the abominations of the people whom the Lord had destroyed before the face of the children of Israel.

dourh@1Kings:14:28 @ And when the king went into the house of the Lord, they whose office it was to go before him, carried them: and afterwards they brought them back to the armoury of the shieldbearers.

dourh@1Kings:15:18 @ Then Asa took all the silver and gold that remained in the treasures of the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the king's house, and delivered it into the hands of his servants: and sent them to Benadad son of Tabremon the son of Hezion, king of Syria, who dwelt in Damascus, saying:

dourh@1Kings:16:9 @ And his servant Zambri, who was captain of half the horsemen, rebelled against him: now Ela was drinking in Thersa, and drunk in the house of Arsa the governor of Thersa.

dourh@1Kings:16:13 @ For all the sins of Baasa, and the sins of Ela his son, who sinned, and made Israel to sin, provoking the Lord the God of Israel with their vanities.

dourh@1Kings:16:16 @ And when they heard that Zambri had rebelled, and slain the king, all Israel made Amri their king, who was general over Israel in the camp that day.

dourh@1Kings:17:1 @ And Elias the Thesbite of the inhabitants of Galaad said to Achab: As the Lord liveth the God of Israel, in whose sight I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to the words of my mouth.

dourh@1Kings:17:20 @ And he cried to the Lord, and said: O Lord my God, hast thou afflicted also the widow, with whom I am after a so maintained, so as to kill her son?

dourh@1Kings:18:15 @ And Elias said: As the Lord of hosts liveth, before whose face I stand, this day I will shew myself unto him.

dourh@1Kings:18:18 @ And he said: I have not troubled Israel, but thou and thy father's house, who have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and have followed Baalim.

dourh@1Kings:18:19 @ Nevertheless send now, and gather unto me all Israel, unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, who eat at Jezabel's table.

dourh@1Kings:18:31 @ And he took twelve stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord came, saying: Israel shall be thy name.

dourh@1Kings:19:17 @ And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall escape the sword of Hazael, shall be slain by Jehu: and whosoever shall escape the sword of Jehu, shall be slain by Eliseus.

dourh@1Kings:19:18 @ And I will leave me seven thousand men in Israel, whose knees have not been bowed before Baal, and every mouth that hath not worshipped him kissing the hands.

dourh@1Kings:20:5 @ And the messengers came again, and said: Thus saith Benadad, who sent us unto thee: Thy silver, and thy gold, and thy wives, and thy children thou shalt deliver up to me.

dourh@1Kings:20:14 @ And Achab said: By whom? And he said to him: Thus saith the Lord: By the servants of the princes of the provinces. And he said: Who shall begin to fight? And he said: Thou.

dourh@1Kings:20:16 @ And they went out at noon. But Benadad was drinking himself drunk in his pavilion, and the two and thirty kings with him, who were come to help him.

dourh@1Kings:21:1 @ And after these things, Naboth the Jezrahelite, who was in Jezrahel, had at that time a vineyard near the palace of Achab king of Samaria.

dourh@1Kings:21:15 @ And it came to pass when Jezabel heard that Naboth was stoned, and dead, that she said to Achab: Arise and take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezrahelite, who would not agree with thee, and give it thee for money: for Naboth is not alive, but dead.

dourh@1Kings:21:18 @ Arise, and go down to meet Achab king of Israel, who is in Samaria: behold he is going down to the vineyard of Naboth, to take possession of it:

dourh@1Kings:21:25 @ Now there was not such another as Achab, who was sold to do evil in the sight of the Lord: for his wife Jezabel set him on,

dourh@1Kings:21:26 @ And he became abominable, insomuch that he followed the idols which the Amorrhites had made, whom the Lord destroyed before the face of the children of Israel.

dourh@1Kings:22:8 @ And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: There is one man left, by whom we may inquire of the Lord: Micheas the son of Jemla; but I hate him, for he doth not prophesy good to me, but evil. And Josaphat said: Speak not so, O king.

dourh@1Kings:22:20 @ And the Lord said: Who shall deceive Achab king of Israel, that he may go up, and fall at Ramoth Galaad? And one spoke words of this manner, and another otherwise.

dourh@1Kings:22:47 @ And the remnant also of the effeminate, who remained in the days of Asa his father, he took out of the land.

dourh@1Kings:22:53 @ And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the way of his father and his mother, and in the way of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin.

dourh@2Kings:1:7 @ And he said to them: What manner of man was he who met you, and spoke these words?

dourh@2Kings:1:16 @ And said to him: Thus saith the Lord: Because thou hast sent messengers to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron, as though there were not a God in Israel, of whom thou mightest inquire the word; therefore from the bed on which thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down, but thou shalt surely die.

dourh@2Kings:2:15 @ And the sons of the prophets at Jericho, who were over against him, seeing it said: The spirit of Elias hath rested upon Eliseus. And coming to meet him, they worshipped him, falling to the ground,

dourh@2Kings:3:3 @ Nevertheless he stuck to the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, nor did he depart from them.

dourh@2Kings:3:11 @ And Josaphat said: Is there not here a prophet of the Lord, that we may beseech the Lord by him? And one of the servants of the king of Israel answered: Here is Eliseus the son of Saphat, who poured water on the hands of Elias.

dourh@2Kings:3:14 @ And Eliseus said to him: As the Lord of hosts liveth, in whose sight I stand, if I did not reverence the face of Josaphat king of Juda, I would not have hearkened to thee, nor looked on thee.

dourh@2Kings:3:24 @ And they went into the camp of Israel: but Israel rising up defeated Moab, who fled before them. And they being conquerors, went and smote Moab.

dourh@2Kings:4:8 @ And there was a day when Eliseus passed by Sunam: now there was a great woman there, who detained him to eat bread; and as he passed often that way, he turned into her house to eat bread.

dourh@2Kings:4:9 @ And she said to her husband: I perceive that this is a holy man of God, who often passeth by us.

dourh@2Kings:5:16 @ But he answered: As the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. And when he pressed him, he still refused.

dourh@2Kings:6:11 @ And the heart of the king of Syria was troubled for this thing. And calling together his servants, he said: Why do you not tell me who it is that betrays me to the king of Israel?

dourh@2Kings:6:19 @ And Eliseus said to them: This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will shew you the man whom you seek. So he led them into Samaria.

dourh@2Kings:6:33 @ While he was yet speaking to them, the messenger appeared who was coming to him. And he said: Behold, so great an evil is from the Lord: what shall I look for more from the Lord?

dourh@2Kings:7:2 @ Then one of the lords, upon whose hand the king leaned, answering the man of God, said: If the Lord should make hood-gates in heaven, can that possibly be which thou sayest? And he said: Thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.

dourh@2Kings:7:13 @ And one of his servants answered: Let us take the five horses that are remaining in the city (because there are no more in the whole multitude of Israel, for the rest are consumed,) and let us send and see.

dourh@2Kings:7:17 @ And the king appointed that lord on whose hand he leaned, to stand at the gate: and the people trod upon him in the entrance of the gate; and he died, as the man of God had said, when the king came down to him.

dourh@2Kings:8:1 @ And Eliseus spoke to the woman, whose son he had restored to life, saying: Arise, and go thou and thy household, and sojourn wheresoever thou canst find: for the Lord hath exiled a famine, and it shall come upon the land seven years.

dourh@2Kings:8:5 @ And when he was telling the king how he had raised one dead to life, the woman appeared, whose son he had restored to life, crying to the king for her house, and her lands. And Giezi said: My lord O king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Eliseus raised to life.

dourh@2Kings:8:14 @ And when he was departed from Eliseus, he came to his master, who said to him: What saith Eliseus to thee? And he answered: He told me: Thou shalt recover.

dourh@2Kings:9:5 @ And went in thither: and behold the captains of the army were sitting: and he said: I have a word to thee, O prince. And Jehu said: Unto whom of us all? And he said: To thee, O prince.

dourh@2Kings:9:32 @ And Jehu lifted up his face to the window, and said: Who is this? And two or three eunuchs bowed down to him.

dourh@2Kings:9:37 @ And the flesh of Jezabel shall be as dung upon the face of the earth in the field of Jezrahel, so that they who pass by shall say: Is this that same Jezabel?

dourh@2Kings:10:9 @ And when it was light, he went out, and standing said to all the people: You are just: if I conspired against my master, and slew him, who hath slain all these?

dourh@2Kings:10:13 @ He met with the brethren of Ochozias king of Juda, and he said to them: Who are you? And they answered: We are the brethren of Ochozias, and are come down to salute the sons of the king, and the sons of the queen.

dourh@2Kings:10:19 @ Now therefore call to me all the prophets of Baal, and all his servants, and all his priests: let none be wanting, for I have a great sacrifice to offer to Baal: whosoever shall be wanting shall not live. Now Jehu did this craftily, that he might destroy the worshippers of Baal.

dourh@2Kings:10:24 @ And they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings: but Jehu had prepared him fourscore men without, and said to them: If any of the men escape, whom I have brought into your hands, he that letteth him go shall answer life for life.

dourh@2Kings:10:29 @ But yet he departed not from the sills of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, nor did he forsake the golden calves that were in Bethel and Daniel.

dourh@2Kings:10:31 @ But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord the God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, who had made Israel to sin.

dourh@2Kings:11:15 @ But Joiada commended the centurions that were over the army, and said to them: Have her forth without the precinct of the temple, and whosoever shall follow her, let him be slain with the sword. For the priest had said: Let her not be slain in the temple of the Lord.

dourh@2Kings:13:2 @ And he did evil before the Lord, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, and he departed not from them.

dourh@2Kings:13:6 @ But yet they departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin, but walked in them: and there still remained a grove also in Samaria.

dourh@2Kings:13:11 @ And he did that which is evil in the sight of the Lord: he departed not from all the sine of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, but he walked in them.

dourh@2Kings:14:21 @ And all the people of Juda took Azarias, who was sixteen years old, and made him king instead of his father Amasias.

dourh@2Kings:14:24 @ And he did that which was evil before the Lord. He departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin.

dourh@2Kings:14:25 @ He restored the borders of Israel from the entrance of Emath, unto the sea of the wilderness, according to the word of the Lord the God of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonas the son of Amathi, the prophet, who was of Geth, which is in Opher.

dourh@2Kings:15:9 @ And he did that which is evil before the Lord, as his fathers had done: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat who made Israel to sin.

dourh@2Kings:15:18 @ And he did that which was evil before the Lord: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin all his days.

dourh@2Kings:15:24 @ And he did that which was evil before the Lord: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin.

dourh@2Kings:15:28 @ And he did that which was evil before the Lord: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin.

dourh@2Kings:16:7 @ And Achaz sent messengers to Theglathphalasar king of the Assyrians, saying: I am thy servant, and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, who are risen up together against me.

dourh@2Kings:16:15 @ And king Achaz commanded Urias the priest saying: Upon the great altar offer the morning holocaust, and the evening sacrifice, and the king's holocaust, and his sacrifice, and the holocaust of the whole people of the land, and their sacrifices, and their libations: and all the blood of the holocaust, and all the blood of the victim thou shalt pour out upon it: but the altar of brass shall be ready at my pleasure.

dourh@2Kings:17:7 @ For so it was that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharao king of Egypt, and they worshipped strange gods.

dourh@2Kings:17:14 @ And they hearkened not, but hardened their necks like to the neck of their fathers, who would not obey the Lord their God.

dourh@2Kings:17:27 @ And the king of the Assyrians commanded, saying: Carry thither one of the priests whom you brought from thence captive, and let him go, and dwell with them: and let him teach them the ordinances of the God of the land.

dourh@2Kings:17:28 @ So one of the priests who had been carried away captive from Samaria, came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them how they should worship the Lord.

dourh@2Kings:17:34 @ Unto this day they followed the old manner: they fear not the Lord, neither do they keep his ceremonies, and judgments, and law, and the commandment, which the Lord commanded the children of Jacob, whom he surnamed Israel:

dourh@2Kings:17:35 @ With whom he made a covenant, and charged them, saying: You shall not fear strange gods, nor shall you adore them, nor worship them, nor sacrifice to them.

dourh@2Kings:17:36 @ But the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt with great power, and a stretched out arm, him shall you fear, and him shall you adore, and to him shall you sacrifice.

dourh@2Kings:18:18 @ And they called for the king: and there went out to them Eliacim the son of Helcias who was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and Joahe the son of Asaph the recorder.

dourh@2Kings:18:20 @ Perhaps thou hast taken counsel, to prepare thyself for battle. On whom dost thou trust, that thou darest to rebel?

dourh@2Kings:18:22 @ But if you say to me: We trust in the Lord our God: is it not he, whose high places and altars Ezechias hath taken away: and hath commanded Juda and Jerusalem: You shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem?

dourh@2Kings:18:32 @ Till I come, and take you away to a land, like to your own land, a fruitful land, and plentiful in wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olives, and oil and honey, and you shall live, and not die. Hearken not to Ezechias, who deceiveth you, saying: The Lord will deliver us.

dourh@2Kings:18:35 @ Who are they among all the gods of the nations, that have delivered their country out of my hand, that the Lord may deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?

dourh@2Kings:18:37 @ And Eliacim the son of Helcias, who was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and Joahe the son of Asaph the recorder, came to Ezechias, with their garments rent, and told him the words of Rabsaces.

dourh@2Kings:19:2 @ And he sent Eliacim, who was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and the ancients of the priests covered with sackcloths, to Isaias the prophet the son of Amos,

dourh@2Kings:19:4 @ It may be the Lord thy God will hear all the words of Rabsaces, whom the king of the Assyrians his master hath sent to reproach the living God, and to reprove with words, which the Lord thy God hath heard: and do thou offer prayer for the remnants that are found.

dourh@2Kings:19:10 @ Thus shall you say to Ezechias king of Juda: Let not thy God deceive thee, in whom thou trustest: and do not say: Jerusalem shall not be delivered into the hands of the king of the Assyrians.

dourh@2Kings:19:12 @ Have the gods of the nations delivered any of them, whom my fathers have destroyed, to wit, Gozan, and Haran, and Reseph, and the children of Eden that were in Thelassar?

dourh@2Kings:19:15 @ And he prayed in his sight, saying: O Lord God of Israel, who sitteth upon the cherubims, thou alone art the God of all the kings of the earth: thou madest heaven and earth:

dourh@2Kings:19:16 @ Incline thy ear, and hear: open, O Lord, thy eyes, and see: and hear all the words of Sennacherib, who hath sent to upbraid unto us the living God.

dourh@2Kings:19:22 @ Whom hast thou reproached, and whom hast thou blasphemed? against whom hast thou exalted thy voice, and lifted up thy eyes on high? against the holy one of Israel.

dourh@2Kings:20:18 @ And of thy sons also that shall issue from thee, whom thou shalt beget, they shall take away, and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.

dourh@2Kings:21:12 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Behold I will bring on evils upon Jerusalem and Juda: that whosoever shall hear of them, both his ears shall tingle.

dourh@2Kings:22:14 @ So Helcias the priest, and Ahicam, and Achobor, and Saphan, and Asaia went to Holda the prophetess the wife of Sellum the son of Thecua, the son of Araas keeper of the wardrobe, who dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second: and they spoke to her.

dourh@2Kings:22:18 @ But to the king of Juda, who sent you to consult the Lord, thus shall you say: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Forasmuch as thou hast heard the words of the book,

dourh@2Kings:23:5 @ And he destroyed the soothsayers, whom the kings of Juda had appointed to sacrifice in the high places in the cities of Juda, and round about Jerusalem: them also that burnt incense to Baal, and to the sun, and to the moon, and to the twelve signs, and to all the host of heaven.

dourh@2Kings:23:11 @ And he took away the horses which the kings of Juda had given to the sun, at the entering in of the temple of the Lord, near the chamber of Nathanmelech the eunuch, who was in Pharurim: and he burnt the chariots of the sun with fire.

dourh@2Kings:23:15 @ Moreover the altar also that was at Bethel, and the high place, which Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, had made: both the altar, and the high place he broke down and burnt, and reduced to powder, and burnt the grove.

dourh@2Kings:23:16 @ And as Josias turned himself, he saw there the sepulchres that were in the mount: and he sent and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burnt them upon the altar, and defiled it according to the word of the Lord, which the man of God spoke, who had foretold these things.

dourh@2Kings:23:17 @ And he said: What is that monument which I see? And the men of that city answered: It is the sepulchre of the man of God, who came from Juda, and foretold these things which thou hast done upon the altar of Bethel.

dourh@2Kings:23:22 @ Now there was no such a phase kept from the days of the judges, who judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Juda,

dourh@2Kings:25:19 @ And out of the city one eunuch, who was captain over the men of war: and five men of them that had stood before the king, whom he found in the city, and Sopher the captain of the army who exercised the young soldiers of the people of the land: and threescore men of the common people, who were found in the city.

dourh@1Chronicles:1:12 @ Phetrusim also, and Casluim: from whom came the Philistines, and Caphtorim.

dourh@1Chronicles:1:32 @ And the sons of Cetura, Abraham's concubine, whom she bore: Zamran, Jecsan, Madan, Madian, Jesboc, and Sue. And the sons of Jecsan, Saba, and Dadan. And the sons of Dadan: Assurim, and Latussim, and Laomin.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:7 @ And the sons of a Charmi: Achar, who troubled Israel, and sinned by the theft of the anathema.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:17 @ And Abigail bore Amasa, whose father was Jether the Ismahelite.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:18 @ And Caleb the son of Hesron took a wife named Azuba, of whom he had Jerioth: and her sons were Jaser, and Sobab, and Ardon.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:19 @ And when Azuba was dead, Caleb took to wife Ephrata: who bore him Hur.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:24 @ And when Hesron was dead, Caleb went in to Ephrata. Hesron also had to wife Abia who bore him Ashur the father of Thecua.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:26 @ And Jerameel married another wife, named Atara, who was the mother of Onam.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:29 @ And the name of Abisur's wife was Abihail, who bore him Ahobban, and Molid.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:42 @ Now the sons of Caleb the brother of Jerameel were Mesa his firstborn, who was the father of Siph: and the sons of Maresa father of Hebron.

dourh@1Chronicles:2:55 @ And the families of the scribes that dwell in Jabes, singing and making melody, and abiding in tents. These are the Cinites, who came of Calor (Chamath) father of the house of Rechab,

dourh@1Chronicles:3:10 @ And Solomon's son was Roboam: whose son Abia beget Asa. And his son was Josaphat,

dourh@1Chronicles:3:11 @ The father of Joram: and Joram be- got Ochozias, of whom was born Joas:

dourh@1Chronicles:3:13 @ Beget Achaz, the father of Ezechias, of whom was born Manasses.

dourh@1Chronicles:3:21 @ And the son of Hananias was Phaltias the father of Jeseias, whose son was Raphaia. And his son was Arnan, of whom was born Obdia, whose son was Sechenias.

dourh@1Chronicles:3:22 @ The son of Sechenias, was Semeia, whose sons were Hattus, and Jegaal, and Baria, and Naaria, and Saphat, six in number.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:2 @ And Raia the son of Sobal beget Jahath, of whom were born Ahumai, and Laad. These are the families of Sarathi.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:11 @ And Caleb the brother of Sua beget Mahir, who was the father of Esthon.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:18 @ And his wife Judaia, bore Jared the father of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Icuthiel the father of Zanoe. And these are the sons of Bethia the daughter of Pharao, whom Mered took to wife.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:19 @ And the sons of his wife Odaia the sister of Naham the father of Celia, Garmi, and Esthamo, who was of Machathi.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:22 @ And he that made the sun to stand, and the men of Lying, and Secure, and Burning, who were princes in Moab, and who returned into Lahem. Now these are things of old.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:27 @ The sons of Semei were sixteen, and six daughters: but his brethren had not many sons, and the whole kindred could not reach to the sum of the children of Juda.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:41 @ And these whose names are written above, came in the days of Ezechias king of Juda: and they beat down their tents, and slew the inhabitants that were found there, and utterly destroyed them unto this day: and they dwelt in their place, because they found there fat pastures.

dourh@1Chronicles:4:43 @ And they slew the remnant of the Amalecites, who had been able to escape, and they dwelt there in their stead unto this day.

dourh@1Chronicles:5:2 @ But of the race of Juda, who was the strongest among his brethren, came the princes: but the first birthright was accounted to Joseph.)

dourh@1Chronicles:5:6 @ Beera his son, whom Thelgathphalnasar king of the Assyrians carried away captive, and he was prince in the tribe of Ruben.

dourh@1Chronicles:5:25 @ But they forsook the God of their fathers, and went astray after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

dourh@1Chronicles:6:31 @ These are they, whom David set over the singing men of the house of the Lord, after that the p ark was placed:

dourh@1Chronicles:6:39 @ And his brother Asaph, who stood on his right hand, Asaph the son of Barachias, the son of Samaa.

dourh@1Chronicles:6:48 @ Their brethren also the Levites, who were appointed for all the ministry of the tabernacle of the house of the Lord.

dourh@1Chronicles:7:3 @ The sons of Ozi: Izrahia, of whom were born Michael, and Obadia, and Joel, and Jesia, five all great men.

dourh@1Chronicles:7:24 @ And his daughter was Sara, who built Bethoron, the nether and the upper, and Ozensara.

dourh@1Chronicles:7:25 @ And Rapha was his son, and Reseph, and Thale, of whom was born Thaan,

dourh@1Chronicles:7:26 @ Who begot Laadan: and his son was Ammiud, who beget Elisama,

dourh@1Chronicles:7:27 @ Of whom was born Nun, who had Josue for his son.

dourh@1Chronicles:8:6 @ These are the sons of Ahod, heads of families that dwelt in Gabaa, who were removed into Mrtnahsth.

dourh@1Chronicles:8:12 @ And the sons of Elphaal were Heber, and Misaam, and Samad: who built One, and Led, and its daughters.

dourh@1Chronicles:8:28 @ These were the chief fathers, and heads of their families who dwelt in Jerusalem.

dourh@1Chronicles:8:37 @ And Mesa beget Banaa, whose son was Rapha, of whom was born Elasa, who beget Asel.

dourh@1Chronicles:8:38 @ And Asel had six sons whose names were Ezricam, Bochru, Ismahel, Saria, Obdia, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Asel.

dourh@1Chronicles:9:16 @ And Obdia the son of Semeia, the son of Galal, the son of Idithum: and Barachia the son of Asa, the son of Elcana, who dwelt in the suburbs of Netophati.

dourh@1Chronicles:9:22 @ All these that were chosen to be porters at the gates, were two hundred and twelve: and they mere registered in their proper towns: whom David and Samuel the seer appointed in their trust.

dourh@1Chronicles:9:26 @ To these four Levites were committed the whole number of the porters, and they were over the chambers, and treasures, of the house of the Lord.

dourh@1Chronicles:9:33 @ These are the chief of the singing men of the families of the Levites, who dwelt in the chambers, by the temple, that they might serve continually day and night in their ministry.

dourh@1Chronicles:9:43 @ And Mesa beget Banaa: whose son Raphaia beget Elasa: of whom was born Asel.

dourh@1Chronicles:9:44 @ And heel had six sons whose names are, Ezricam, Bochru, Ismahel, Saria, Obdia, Hanan: these are the sons of Asel.

dourh@1Chronicles:11:6 @ And he said: Whosoever shall first strike the Jebusites, shall be the head and chief captain. And Joab the son of Sarvia went up first, and was made the general.

dourh@1Chronicles:11:10 @ These are the chief of the valiant men of David, who helped him to be made king over all Israel, according to the word of the Lord, which he spoke to Israel.

dourh@1Chronicles:11:12 @ And after him was Eleazar his uncle's son the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighties.

dourh@1Chronicles:11:20 @ And Abisai the brother of Joab, he was chief of three, and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew, and he was renowned among the three,

dourh@1Chronicles:11:22 @ Banaias the son of Joiada, a most valiant man, of Cabseel, who had done many acts: he slew the two ariels of Moab: and he went down, and killed a lion in the midst of a pit in the time of snow.

dourh@1Chronicles:11:23 @ And he slew an Egyptian, whose stature was of five cubits, and who had a spear like a weaver's beam: and he went down to him with a staff, and plucked away the spear, that he held in his hand, and slew him with his own spear.

dourh@1Chronicles:11:24 @ These things did Banaias the son of Joiada, who was renowned among the three valiant ones,

dourh@1Chronicles:12:8 @ From Gaddi also there went over to David, when he lay hid in the wilderness most valiant men, and excellent warriors, holding shield and spear: whose faces were like the faces of a lion, and they were swift like the roebucks on the mountains.

dourh@1Chronicles:12:15 @ These are they who passed over the Jordan in the first month, when it is used to how over its banks: and they put to flight all that dwelt in the valleys both toward the east and toward the west.

dourh@1Chronicles:12:23 @ And this is the number of the chiefs of the army who came to David, when he was in Hebron, to transfer to him the kingdom of Saul, according to the word of the Lord.

dourh@1Chronicles:15:2 @ Then David said: No one ought to carry the ark of God, but the Levites, whom the Lord hath chosen to carry it, and to minister unto himself for ever.

dourh@1Chronicles:15:26 @ And when God had helped the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, they offered in sacrifice seven oxen, and seven rams.

dourh@1Chronicles:17:6 @ Abiding with all Israel. Did I ever speak to any one, of all the judges of Israel, whom I charged to feed my people, saying: Why have you not built me a house of cedar?

dourh@1Chronicles:17:16 @ And king David came and sat before the Lord, and said: Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that thou shouldst give such things to me?

dourh@1Chronicles:17:20 @ O Lord there is none like thee: and there is no other God beside thee, of all whom we have heard of with our ears.

dourh@1Chronicles:17:21 @ For what other nation is there upon earth like thy people Israel, whom God went to deliver, and make a people for himself, and by his greatness and terrors cast out nations before their face whom he had delivered out of Egypt?

dourh@1Chronicles:19:5 @ And when they were gone, they sent word to David, who sent to meet them (for they had suffered a great affront) and ordered them to stay at Jericho till their beards grew and then to return.

dourh@1Chronicles:20:5 @ Another battle also was fought against the Philistines, in which Adeodatus the son of Saltus a Bethlehemite slew the brother of Goliath the Gethite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

dourh@1Chronicles:20:6 @ There was another battle also in Geth, in which there was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand and foot: who also was born of the stock of Rapha.

dourh@1Chronicles:20:7 @ He reviled Israel: but Jonathan the son of Samaa the brother of David slew him. These were the sons of Rapha in Geth, who fell by the hand of David and his servants.

dourh@1Chronicles:21:5 @ And he gave David the number of them, whom he had surveyed: and all the number of Israel was found to be eleven hundred thousand men that drew the sword: and of Juda four hundred and seventy thousand fighting men.

dourh@1Chronicles:21:13 @ Either three years' famine: or three months to flee from thy enemies, and not to be able to escape their sword: or three days to have the sword of the Lord, and pestilence in the land, and the angel of the Lord destroying in all the coasts of Israel: now therefore see what I shall answer him who sent me.

dourh@1Chronicles:24:28 @ And the son of Moholi: Eleazar, who had no sons.

dourh@1Chronicles:25:3 @ And of Idithun: the sons of Idithun, Godolias, Serf, Jeseias, and Hasabias, and Mathathias, six, under the hand of their father Idithun, who prophesied with a harp to give thanks and to praise the Lord.

dourh@1Chronicles:25:9 @ And the first lot came forth to Joseph, who was of Asaph. The second to Godolias, to him and his sons, and his brethren twelve.

dourh@1Chronicles:26:25 @ His brethren also, Eliezer, whose son Rohobia, and his son Isaias, and his son Joram, and his son Zechri, and his son Selemith.

dourh@1Chronicles:26:28 @ And all these things that Samuel the seer and Saul the son of Cis, and Abner the son of Ner, and Joab the son of Sarvia had sanctified: and whosoever had sanctified those things, they were under the hand of Selemith and his brethren.

dourh@1Chronicles:27:1 @ Now the children of Israel according to their number, the heads of families, captains of thousands and of hundreds, and officers, that served the king according to their companies, who came in and went out every month in the year, under every chief were four and twenty thousand.

dourh@1Chronicles:27:4 @ The company of the second month was under Dudia, an Ahohite, and after him was another named Macelloth, who commanded a part of the army of four and twenty thousand.

dourh@1Chronicles:27:13 @ The tenth, for the tenth month, was Marai, who was a Netophathite of the race of Zarai: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.

dourh@1Chronicles:27:26 @ And over the tillage, and the husbandmen, who tilled the ground, was Ezri the son of Chelub:

dourh@1Chronicles:28:1 @ And David assembled all the chief men of Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the captains of the companies, who waited on the king: and the captains over thousands, and over hundreds, and them who had the charge over the substance and possessions of the king, and his sons with the officers of the court, and the men of power, and all the bravest of the army at Jerusalem.

dourh@1Chronicles:29:1 @ And king David said to all the assembly: Solomon my son, whom alone God hath chosen, is as yet young and tender: and the work is great, for a house is prepared not for man, but for God.

dourh@1Chronicles:29:14 @ Who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to promise thee all these things? all things are thine: and we have given thee what we received of thy hand.

dourh@2Chronicles:1:10 @ Give me wisdom and knowledge that I may come in and go out before thy people: for who can worthily judge this thy people, which is so great?

dourh@2Chronicles:1:16 @ And there were horses brought him from Egypt, and from Coa by the king's merchants, who went, and bought at a price,

dourh@2Chronicles:2:6 @ Who then can be able to build him a worthy house? if heaven, and the heavens of heavens cannot contain him: who am I that I should be able to build him a house? but to this end only, that incense may be burnt before him.

dourh@2Chronicles:2:7 @ Send me therefore a skilful man, that knoweth how to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, and in iron, in purple, in scarlet and in blue, and that hath skill in engraving, with the artificers, which I have with me in Judea and Jerusalem, whom David my father provided.

dourh@2Chronicles:2:12 @ And he added, saying: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, who hath given to king David a wise and knowing son, endued with understanding and prudence, to build a house to the Lord, and a palace for himself.

dourh@2Chronicles:2:14 @ The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, whose father was a Tyrian, who knoweth how to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, and in iron, and in marble, and in timber, in purple also, and violet, and silk and scarlet: and who knoweth to grave all sort of graving, and to devise ingeniously all that there may be need of in the work with thy artificers, and with the artificers of my lord David thy father.

dourh@2Chronicles:6:4 @ Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who hath accomplished in deed that which he spoke to David my father, saying:

dourh@2Chronicles:6:9 @ But thou shalt not build the house, but thy son, who shall come out of thy loins, he shall build a house to my name.

dourh@2Chronicles:6:14 @ He said: O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heaven nor in earth: who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts:

dourh@2Chronicles:6:15 @ Who hast performed to thy servant David my father all that thou hast promised him: and hast accomplished in fact, what thou hast spoken with thy mouth, as also the present time proveth.

dourh@2Chronicles:6:21 @ And that thou wouldst hear the prayer which thy servant prayeth in it: hearken then to the prayers of thy servant, and of thy people Israel. Whosoever shall pray in this place, hear thou from thy dwelling place, that is, from heaven, and shew mercy.

dourh@2Chronicles:6:32 @ If the stranger also, who is not of thy people Israel, come from a far country, for the sake of thy great name, and thy strong hand, and thy stretched out arm, and adore in this place:

dourh@2Chronicles:7:14 @ And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sine and will heal their land.

dourh@2Chronicles:7:22 @ And they shall answer: Because they forsook the Lord the God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on strange gods, and adored them, and worshipped them: therefore all these evils are come upon them.

dourh@2Chronicles:8:8 @ Of their children, and of the posterity, whom the children of Israel had not slain, Solomon made to be the tributaries, unto this day.

dourh@2Chronicles:8:10 @ And all the chief captains of king Solomon's army were two hundred and fifty, who taught the people.

dourh@2Chronicles:9:7 @ Happy are thy men, and happy are thy servants, who stand always before thee, and hear thy wisdom.

dourh@2Chronicles:9:8 @ Blessed be the Lord thy God, who hath been pleased to set thee on his throne, king of the Lord thy God. Because God loveth Israel, and will preserve them for ever: therefore hath he made thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.

dourh@2Chronicles:9:14 @ Beside the sum which the deputies of divers nations, and the merchants were accustomed to bring, and all the kings of Arabia, and the lords of the lands, who I brought gold and silver to Solomon.

dourh@2Chronicles:10:2 @ And when Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who was in Egypt, (for he was fled thither from Solomon,) heard it, forthwith he returned.

dourh@2Chronicles:10:4 @ Thy father oppressed us with a most grievous yoke, do thou govern us with a lighter hand than thy father, who laid upon us a heavy servitude, and ease some thing of the burden, that we may serve thee.

dourh@2Chronicles:10:6 @ He took counsel with the ancients, who had stood before his father Solomon, while he yet lived, saying: What counsel give you to me, that I may answer the people?

dourh@2Chronicles:10:9 @ And he said to them: What seemeth good to you? or what shall I answer this people, who have said to me: Ease the yoke which thy father laid upon us?

dourh@2Chronicles:10:18 @ And king Roboam sent Aduram, who was over the tributes, and the children of Israel stoned him, and he died: and king Roboam made haste to gee up into his chariot, and fled into Jerusalem.

dourh@2Chronicles:11:16 @ Moreover out of all the tribes of Israel, whosoever gave their heart to seek the Lord the God of Israel, came into Jerusalem to sacrifice their victims be- fore the Lord the God of their fathers.

dourh@2Chronicles:11:20 @ And after her he married Maacha the daughter of Absalom, who bore him Abia and Ethai, and Ziza, and Salomith.

dourh@2Chronicles:12:10 @ Instead of which the king made brazen ones, and delivered them to the captains of the shieldbearers, who guarded the entrance of the palace.

dourh@2Chronicles:13:3 @ And when Abia had begun battle, and had with him four hundred thou- sand most valiant and chosen men, Jeroboam put his army in array against him, eight hundred thousand men, who were also chosen and most valiant for war.

dourh@2Chronicles:13:9 @ And you have cast out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites: and you have made you priests, like all the nations of the earth: whosoever cometh and consecrateth his hand with a bullock of the herd, and with seven rams, is made a priest of those who are no gods.

dourh@2Chronicles:13:10 @ But the Lord is our God, whom we forsake not, and the priests who minister to the Lord are the sons of Aaron, and the Levites are in their order.

dourh@2Chronicles:13:11 @ And they offer holocausts to the Lord, every day, morning and evening, and incense made according to the ordinance of the law, and the leaves are set forth on a most clean table, and there is with us the golden candlestick, and the lamps thereof, to be lighted always in the evening: for we keep the precepts of the Lord our God, whom you have forsaken.

dourh@2Chronicles:13:12 @ Therefore God is the leader in our army, and his priests who sound with trumpets, and resound against you: O children of Israel, fight not against the Lord the God of your fathers, for it is not good for you.

dourh@2Chronicles:13:13 @ While he spoke these things, Jeroboam caused an ambushment to come about behind him. And while he stood facing the enemies, he encompassed Juda. who perceived it not, with his army.

dourh@2Chronicles:16:2 @ Then Asa brought out silver and gold out of the treasures of the house of the Lord, and of the king's treasures, and sent to Benadad king of Syria, who dwelt in Damascus, saying:

dourh@2Chronicles:16:9 @ For the eyes of the Lord behold all the earth, and give strength to those who with a perfect heart trust in him. Wherefore thou hast done foolishly, and for this cause from this time wars shall arise against thee.

dourh@2Chronicles:17:14 @ Of whom this is the number of the houses and families of every one: in Juda captains of the army, Ednas the chief, and with him three hundred thousand most valiant men.

dourh@2Chronicles:17:19 @ All these were at the hand of the king, beside others, whom he had put in the walled cities, in all Juda.

dourh@2Chronicles:18:7 @ And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: There is one man, of whom we may ask the will of the Lord: but I hate him, for he never prophesieth good to me, but always evil: and it is Micheas the son of Jemla. And Josaphat said: Speak not thus, O king.

dourh@2Chronicles:18:19 @ And the Lord said: Who shall deceive Achab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall in Ramoth Galaad? And when one spoke in this manner, and another otherwise:

dourh@2Chronicles:19:11 @ And Amarias the priest your high priest shell be chief in the things which regard God: and Zabadias the son of Ismahel, who is ruler in the house of Juda, shall be over those matters which belong to the king's office: and you have before you the Levites for masters, take courage and do diligently, and the Lord will be with you in good things.

dourh@2Chronicles:20:3 @ And Josaphat being seized with fear betook himself wholly to pray to the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Juda.

dourh@2Chronicles:20:10 @ Now therefore behold the children of Ammon, and of Moab, and mount Seir, through whose lands thou didst not allow Israel to pass, when they came out of Egypt, but they turned aside from them, and slew them not,

dourh@2Chronicles:20:14 @ And Jahaziel the son of Zacharias, the son of Banaias, the son of Jehiel, the son of Mathanias, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, was there, upon whom the spirit of the Lord came in the midst of the multitude,

dourh@2Chronicles:20:22 @ And when they began to sing praises, the Lord turned their ambushments upon themselves, that is to say, of the children of Ammon, and of Moab, and of mount Seir, who were come out to fight against Juda, and they were slain.

dourh@2Chronicles:20:35 @ After these things Josaphat king of Juda made friendship with Ochozias king of Israel, whose works were very wicked.

dourh@2Chronicles:21:9 @ And Joram went over with his princes, and all his cavalry with him, and rose in the night, and defeated the Edomites who had surrounded him, and all the captains of his cavalry.

dourh@2Chronicles:21:16 @ And the Lord stirred up against Joram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, who border on the Ethiopians.

dourh@2Chronicles:21:17 @ And they came up into the land of Juda, and wasted it, and they carried away all the substance that was found in the king's house, his sons also, and his wives: so that there was no son left him but Joachaz, who was the youngest.

dourh@2Chronicles:21:19 @ And as day came after day, and time rolled on, two whole years passed: then after being wasted with a long consumption, so as to void his very bowels, his disease ended with his life. And he died of a most wretched illness, and the people did not make a funeral for him according to the manner of burning, as they had done for his ancestors.

dourh@2Chronicles:22:1 @ And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ochozias his youngest son king in his place: for the rovers of the Arabians, who had broke in upon the camp, had killed all that were his elder brothers. So Ochozias the son of Joram king of Juda reigned.

dourh@2Chronicles:22:7 @ For it was the will of God against Ochozias that he should come to Joram: and when he was come should go out also against Jehu the son of Namsi, whom the Lord had anointed to destroy the house of Achab.

dourh@2Chronicles:22:8 @ So when Jehu was rooting out the house of Achab, he found the princes of Juda, and the sons of the brethren of Ochozias, who served him, and he slew them.

dourh@2Chronicles:22:9 @ And he sought for Ochozias himself, and took him lying hid in Samaria: and when he was brought to him, he killed him, and they buried him: because he was the son of Josaphat, who had sought the Lord with all his heart. And there was no more hope that any one should reign of the race of Ochozias.

dourh@2Chronicles:23:8 @ So the Levites, and all Juda did according to all that Joiada the high priest bad commanded: and they took every one his men that were under him, and that came in by the course of the sabbath, with those who had fulfilled the sabbath, and were to go out. For Joiada the high priest permitted not the companies to depart, which were accustomed to succeed one another every week.

dourh@2Chronicles:23:18 @ And Joiada appointed overseers in the house of the Lord, under the hands of the priests, and the Levites, whom David had distributed in the house of the Lord: to offer holocausts to the Lord, as it is written in the law of Moses, with joy and singing, according to the disposition of David.

dourh@2Chronicles:23:19 @ He appointed also porters in the gates of the house of the Lord, that none who was unclean in any thing should enter in.

dourh@2Chronicles:24:3 @ And Joiada took for him two wives, by whom he had sons and daughters.

dourh@2Chronicles:24:11 @ And when it was time to bring the chest before the king by the hands of the Levites, (for they saw there was much money,) the king's scribe, and he whom the high priest had appointed went in: and they poured out the money that was in the chest: and they carried back the chest to its place: and thus they did from day to day, and there was gathered an immense sum of money.

dourh@2Chronicles:24:12 @ And the king and Joiada gave it to those who were over the works of the house of the Lord: but they hired with it stonecutters, and artificers of every kind of work to repair the house of the Lord: and such as wrought in iron and brass, to uphold what began to be falling.

dourh@2Chronicles:26:1 @ And all the people of Juda took his son Ozias, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of Amasias his father.

dourh@2Chronicles:26:11 @ And the army of his fighting men, that went out to war, was under the hand of Jehiel the scribe, and Maasias the doctor, end under the hand of Henanias, who was one of the king's captains.

dourh@2Chronicles:26:12 @ And the whole number of the chiefs by the families of valiant men were two thousand six hundred.

dourh@2Chronicles:26:13 @ And the whole army under them three hundred and seven thousand five hundred: who were fit for war, and fought for the king against the enemy.

dourh@2Chronicles:26:14 @ And Ozias prepared for them, that is, for the whole army, shields, and spears, and helmets, and coats of mail, and bows, and slings to cast stones.

dourh@2Chronicles:26:18 @ Withstood the king and said: It doth not belong to thee, Ozias, to burn incense to the Lord, but to the priests, that is, to the sons of Aaron, who are consecrated for this ministry: go out of the sanctuary, do not despise: for this thing shall not be accounted to thy glory by the Lord God.

dourh@2Chronicles:28:5 @ And the Lord his God delivered him into the hands of the king of Syria, who defeated him, and took a great booty out of his kingdom, and carried it to Damascus: he was also delivered into the hands of the king of Israel, who overthrew him with a great slaughter.

dourh@2Chronicles:28:7 @ At the same time Zechri a powerful man of Ephraim, slew Maasias the king's son, and Ezricam the governor of his house, and Elcana who was next to the king.

dourh@2Chronicles:28:9 @ At that time there was a prophet of the Lord there, whose name was Oded: and he went out to meet the army that came to Samaria, and said to them: Be- hold the Lord the God of your fathers being angry with Juda, hath delivered them into your hands, and you have butchered them cruelly, so that your cruelty hath reached up to heaven.

dourh@2Chronicles:28:15 @ And the men, whom we mentioned above, rose up and took the captives, and with the spoils clothed all them that were naked: and when they had clothed and shed them, and refreshed them with meat and drink, and anointed them because of their labour, and had taken care of them, they set such of them as could not walk, and were feeble, upon beasts, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm trees to their brethren, and they returned to Samaria.

dourh@2Chronicles:28:20 @ And he brought, against him Thelgathphalnasar king of the Assyrians, who also afflicted him, and plundered him without any resistance.

dourh@2Chronicles:29:23 @ And they brought the he goats for sin before the king, and the whole multitude, and they laid their hand upon them:

dourh@2Chronicles:30:8 @ Be not like your fathers, and brethren, who departed from the Lord the God of their fathers, and he hath given them up to destruction, as you see.

dourh@2Chronicles:30:19 @ For a great part of the people from Ephraim, and Manasses, and Issachar, and Zabulon, that had not been sanctified, ate the phase otherwise than it is written: and Ezechias prayed for them, saying: The Lord who is good will shew mercy,

dourh@2Chronicles:30:20 @ To all them, who with their whole heart, seek the Lord the God of their fathers: and will not impute it to them that they are not sanctified.

dourh@2Chronicles:30:24 @ And it pleased the whole multitude to keep other seven days: which they did with great joy.

dourh@2Chronicles:31:13 @ And after him Jehiel, and Azarias, and Nahath, and Asael, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Jesmachias, and Mahath, and Banaias, overseers under the hand of Chonenias, and Semei his brother, by the commandment of Ezechias the king, and Azarias the high priest of the house of God, to whom all things appertained.

dourh@2Chronicles:31:19 @ Also of the sons of Aaron who were in the fields and in the suburbs of each city, there were men appointed, to distribute portions to all the males, among the priests and the Levites.

dourh@2Chronicles:32:2 @ And when Ezechias saw that Sennacherib was come, and that the whole force of the war was turning against Jerusalem,

dourh@2Chronicles:32:8 @ For with him is an arm of flesh: with us the Lord our God, who is our helper, and fighteth for us. And the people were encouraged with these words of Ezechias king of Juda.

dourh@2Chronicles:32:10 @ Thus saith Sennacherib king of the Assyrians: In whom do you trust, that you sit still besieged in Jerusalem?

dourh@2Chronicles:32:14 @ Who is there among all the gods of the nations, which my fathers have destroyed, that could deliver his people out of my hand, that your God should be able to deliver you out of this hand?

dourh@2Chronicles:32:21 @ And the Lord sent an angel who cut off all the stout men and the warriors, and the captains of the army of the king of the Assyrians: and he returned with disgrace into his own country. And when he was come into the house of his god, his sons that came out of his bowels, slew him with the sword.

dourh@2Chronicles:34:12 @ And they did all faithfully. Now the overseers of the workmen were Jahath and Abdias of the sons of Merari, Zacharias and Mosollam of the sons of Caath, who hastened the work: all Levites skilful to play on instruments.

dourh@2Chronicles:34:22 @ And Helcias and they that were sent with him by the king, went to Olda the prophetess, the wife of Sellum the son of Thecuath, the son of Hasra keeper of the wardrobe: who dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second part: and they spoke to her the words above mentioned.

dourh@2Chronicles:35:3 @ And he spoke to the Levites, by whose instruction all Israel was sanctified to the Lord, saying: Put the ark in the sanctuary of the temple, which Solomon the son of David king of Israel built: for you shall carry it no more: but minister now to the Lord your God, and to his people Israel.

dourh@2Chronicles:35:21 @ But he sent messengers to him, saying: What have I to do with thee, O king of Juda? I come not against thee this day, but I fight against another house, to which God hath commanded me to go in haste: forbear to do against God, who is with me, lest he kill thee.

dourh@2Chronicles:35:25 @ Particularly Jeremias: whose lamentations for Josias all the singing men and singing women repeat unto this day, and it became like a law in Israel: Behold it is found written in the Lamentations.

dourh@2Chronicles:36:13 @ Re also revolted from king Nabuchodonosor, who had made him swear by God: and he hardened his neck and his heart, from returning to the Lord the God of Israel.

dourh@2Chronicles:36:20 @ Whosoever escaped the sword, was led into Babylon, and there served the king and his sons till the reign of the king of Persia.

dourh@2Chronicles:36:22 @ But in the first year d of Cyrus king of the Persians, to fulfil the word of the Lord, which he had spoken by the mouth of Jeremias, the Lord stirred up the heart of Cyrus king of the Persians who commanded it to be proclaimed through all his kingdom, and by writing also, saying:

dourh@2Chronicles:36:23 @ Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians: All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord the God of heaven given to me, and he hath charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea: who is there among you of all his people? The Lord his God be with him, and let him go up.

dourh@Ezra:1:3 @ Who is there among you of all his people? His God be with him. Let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Jndert, and build the house of the Lord the God of Israel: he is the God that is in Jerusalem.

dourh@Ezra:1:5 @ Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Juda and Benjamin, and the priests, and Levites, and every one whose spirit God had raised up, to go up to build the temple of the Lord, which was in Jerusalem.

dourh@Ezra:2:1 @ Now these are the children of the province, that went out of the captivity, which Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had carried away to Babylon, and who returned to Jerusalem and Juda, every man to his city.

dourh@Ezra:2:2 @ Who came with Zorobabel, Josue, Nehemia, Saraia, Rahelaia, Mardochai, Belsan, Mesphar, Beguai, Rehum, Baana. The number of the men of the people of Israel:

dourh@Ezra:2:16 @ The children of Ather, who were of Ezechias, ninety-eight.

dourh@Ezra:2:61 @ And of the children of the priests: the children of Hobia, the children of Accos, the children of Berzellai, who took a wife of the daughters of Berzellai, the Galaadite, and was called by their name:

dourh@Ezra:2:65 @ Besides their menservants, and womenservants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven: and among them singing men, and singing women two hundred.

dourh@Ezra:4:2 @ And they came to Zorobabel, and the chief of the fathers, and said to them: Let us build with you, for we seek your God as ye do: behold we have sacrificed to him, since the days of Asor Haddan king of Assyria, who brought us hither.

dourh@Ezra:4:10 @ And the rest of the nations, whom the great and glorious Asenaphar brought over: and made to dwell in the cities of Samaria and in the rest of the countries of this side of the river in peace.

dourh@Ezra:4:12 @ Be it known to the king, that the Jews, who came up from thee to us, are come to Jerusalem a rebellious and wicked city, which they are building, setting up the ramparts thereof and repairing the walls.

dourh@Ezra:4:20 @ For there have been powerful kings in Jerusalem, who hare had dominion over all the country that is beyond the river: and have received tribute, and toll and revenues.

dourh@Ezra:5:3 @ And at the same time came to them Thathanai, who was governor beyond the river, and Stharbuzanai, and their counsellors: and said thus to them: Who hath given you counsel to build this house, and to repair the walls thereof?

dourh@Ezra:5:4 @ In answer to which we gave them the names of the men who were the promoters of that building.

dourh@Ezra:5:6 @ The copy of the letter that Thathanai governor of the country beyond the river, and Stharbuzanai, and his counsellors the Arphasachites, who dwelt beyond the river, sent to Darius the king.

dourh@Ezra:5:9 @ And we asked those ancients, and said to them thus: Who hath given you authority to build this house, and to repair these walls?

dourh@Ezra:5:14 @ And the vessels also of gold and silver of the temple of God, which Nabuchodonosor had taken out of the temple, that was in Jerusalem, and had brought them to the temple of Babylon, king Cyrus brought out of the temple of Babylon, and they were delivered to one Sassabasar, whom also he appointed governor,

dourh@Ezra:6:6 @ Now therefore Thathanai, governor of the country beyond the river, Stharbuzanai, and your counsellors the Apharsachites, who are beyond the river, depart far from them,

dourh@Ezra:6:11 @ And I have made a decree: That ii any whosoever, shall alter this commandment, a beam be taken from his house. and set up, and he be nailed upon it, and his house be confiscated.

dourh@Ezra:7:15 @ And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered to the God of Israel, whose tabernacle is in Jerusalem.

dourh@Ezra:7:25 @ And thou Esdras according to the wisdom of thy God, which is in thy hand, appoint judges and magistrates, that may judge all the people, that is beyond the river, that is, for them who know the law of thy God, yea and the ignorant teach ye freely.

dourh@Ezra:7:26 @ And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king diligently, judgment shall be executed upon him, either unto death, or unto banishment, or to the confiscation of goods, or at least to prison.

dourh@Ezra:7:27 @ Blessed be the Lord the God of our fathers, who hath put this in the king's heart, to glorify the house of the Lord, which is in Jerusalem,

dourh@Ezra:8:1 @ Now these are the chiefs of families, and the genealogy of them, who came up with me from Babylon in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.

dourh@Ezra:8:13 @ Of the sons of Adonicam, who were the last: and these are their names: Eliphelet, and Jehiel, and Samaias, and with them sixty men.

dourh@Ezra:8:17 @ And I sent them to Eddo, who is chief in the place of Chasphia, and I put in their mouth the words that they should speak to Eddo, and his brethren the Nathinites in the place of Chasphia, that they should bring us ministers of the house of our God.

dourh@Ezra:8:20 @ And of the Nathinites, whom David, and the princes gave for the service of the Levites, Nathinites two hundred and twenty: all these were called by their names.

dourh@Ezra:9:11 @ Which thou hast commanded by the hand of thy servants the prophets, saying: The land which you go to possess, is an unclean land, according to the uncleanness of the people, and of other lands, with their abominations, who have filled it from mouth to mouth with their filth.

dourh@Ezra:10:8 @ And that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the ancients, all his substance should be taken away, and he should be cast out of the company of them that were returned from captivity.

dourh@Nehemiah:1:5 @ And I said: WI beseech thee, 0 Lord God of heaven, strong, great, and terrible, who keepest covenant and mercy with those that love thee, and keep thy commandments:

dourh@Nehemiah:1:10 @ And these are thy servants, and thy people: whom thou hast redeemed by thy great strength, and by thy mighty hand.

dourh@Nehemiah:1:11 @ I beseech thee, O Lord, let thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants who desire to fear thy name: and direct thy servant this day, and give him mercy before this man. For I was the king's cupbearer.

dourh@Nehemiah:2:10 @ And Sanaballat the Horonite, and Tobias the servant, the Ammonite, heard it, and it grieved them exceedingly, that a man was come, who sought the prosperity of the children of Israel.

dourh@Nehemiah:4:3 @ Tobias also the Ammonite who was by him said: Let them build: if a fox go up, he will leap over their stone wall.

dourh@Nehemiah:4:14 @ And I looked and rose up: and I said to the chief men and the magistrates, and to the rest of the common people: be not afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, and your wives, and your houses.

dourh@Nehemiah:6:11 @ And I said: Should such a man as I Bee? and who is there that being as I am, would go into the temple, to save his life? I will not go in.

dourh@Nehemiah:7:5 @ But God had put in my heart, and I assembled the princes and magistrates, and common people, to number them: and I found a book of the number of them who came up at first, and therein it was found written:

dourh@Nehemiah:7:6 @ These are the children of the province, who came up from the captivity of them that had been carried away, whom Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon had carried away, and who returned into Judea, every one into his own city.

dourh@Nehemiah:7:7 @ Who came with Zorobabel, Josue, Nehemias, Azarias, Raamias, Nahamani, Mardochai, Belsam, Mespharath, Begoia, Nahum, Baana. The number of the men of the people of Israel:

dourh@Nehemiah:7:59 @ The children of Saphatia, the children of Hatil, the children of Phochereth, who was born of Sabaim, the son of Amon.

dourh@Nehemiah:7:63 @ And of the priests, the children of Habia, the children of Accos, the children of Berzellai, who took a wife of the daughters of Berzellai the Galaadite, and he was called by their name.

dourh@Nehemiah:7:67 @ Beside their menservants and womenservants, who were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and among them singing men, and singing women, two hundred forty-five.

dourh@Nehemiah:8:9 @ And Nehemias (he is Athersatha) and Esdras the priest and scribe, and the Levites who interpreted to all the people, said: This is a holy day to the Lord our God: do not mourn, nor weep: for all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:7 @ Thou, O Lord God, art he who chosest Abram, and broughtest him forth out of the fire of the Chaldeans, and gavest him the name of Abraham.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:26 @ But they provoked thee to wrath, and departed from thee, and threw thy law behind their backs: and they killed thy prophets, who admonished them earnestly to return to thee: and they were guilty of great blasphemies.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:32 @ Now therefore our God, great, strong and terrible, who keepest covenant and mercy, turn not away from thy face all the labour which hath come upon us, upon our kings, and our princes, and our priests, and our prophets, and our fathers, and all the people from the days of the king of Assur, until this day.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:37 @ And the fruits thereof grow up for the kings, whom thou hast set over us for our sins, and they have dominion over our bodies, and over our beasts, according to their will, and we are in great tribulation.

dourh@Nehemiah:10:36 @ And the firstborn of our sons, and of our cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our oxen, and of our sheep, to be offered in the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house of our God.

dourh@Nehemiah:11:3 @ These therefore are the chief men of the province, who dwelt in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda. And every one dwelt in his possession, in their cities: Israel, the priests, the Levites, the Nathinites, and the children of the servants of Solomon.

dourh@Nehemiah:11:6 @ All these the sons of Phares, who dwelt in Jerusalem, were four hundred sixty-eight valiant men.

dourh@Nehemiah:11:14 @ And their brethren who were very mighty, a hundred twenty-eight: and their ruler Zabdiel son of the mighty.

dourh@Nehemiah:11:16 @ And Sabathai and Jozabed, who were over all the outward business of the house of Cod, of the princes of the Levites,

dourh@Nehemiah:11:19 @ And the porters, Accub, Telmon, and their brethren, who kept the doors: a hundred seventy-two.

dourh@Nehemiah:13:4 @ And over this thing was Eliasib the priest, who was set over the treasury of the house of our God, and was near akin to Tobias.

dourh@Nehemiah:13:16 @ Some Tyrians also dwelt there, who brought fish, and all manner of wares: and they sold them on the sabbaths to the children of Juda in Jerusalem.

dourh@Esther:1:1 @ In the days of Assuerus, who reigned from India to Ethiopia over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces:

dourh@Esther:1:8 @ Neither was there any one to compel them to drink that were not willing, but as the king had appointed, who set over every table one of his nobles, that every man might take what he would.

dourh@Esther:1:13 @ Baked the wise men, who according to the custom of the kings, were always near his person, and all he did was by their counsel, who knew the laws, and judgments of their forefathers:

dourh@Esther:1:14 @ (Now the chief and nearest him were, Charsena, and Sethar, and Admatha, and Tharsis, and Mares, and Marsana, and Mamuchan, seven princes of the Persians, and of the Medes, who saw the face of the king, and were used to sit first after him:)

dourh@Esther:1:15 @ What sentence ought to pass upon Vasthi the queen, who had refused to obey the commandment of king Assuerus, which he had sent to her by the eunuchs?

dourh@Esther:2:3 @ And let some persons be sent through all the provinces to look for beautiful maidens and virgins: and let them bring them to the city of Susan, and put them into the house of the women under the hand of Egeus the eunuch, who is the overseer and keeper of the king's women: and let them receive women's ornaments, and other things necessary for their use.

dourh@Esther:2:4 @ And whosoever among them all shall please the king's eyes, let her be queen instead of Vasthi. The word pleased the king: and he commanded it should be done as they had suggested.

dourh@Esther:2:6 @ Who had been carried away from Jerusalem at the time that Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon carried away Jechonias king of Juda,

dourh@Esther:2:7 @ And he had brought up his brother's daughter Edissa, who by another name was called Esther: now she had lost both her parents: and was exceeding fair and beautiful. And her father and mother being dead, Mardochai adopted her for his daughter.

dourh@Esther:2:14 @ And she that went in at evening, came out in the morning, and from thence she was conducted to the second house, that was under the hand of Susagaz the eunuch, who had the charge over the king's concubines: neither could she re- turn any more to the king, unless the king desired it, and had ordered her by name to come.

dourh@Esther:2:15 @ And as the time came orderly about, the day was at hand, when Esther, the daughter of Abihail the brother of Mardochai, whom he had adopted for his daughter, was to go in to the king. But she sought not women's ornaments, but whatsoever Egeus the eunuch the keeper of the virgins had a mind, he gave her to adorn her. For she was exceeding fair, and her incredible beauty made her appear agreeable and amiable in the eyes of all.

dourh@Esther:2:21 @ At that time, therefore, when Mardochai abode at the king's gate, Bagathan and Thares, two of the king's eunuchs, who were porters, and presided in the first entry of the palace, were angry: and they designed to rise up against the king, and to kill him.

dourh@Esther:2:22 @ And Mardochai had notice of it, and immediately he told it to queen Esther: and she to the king in Mardochai's name, who had reported the thing unto her.

dourh@Esther:3:1 @ After these things, king Assuerus advanced Aman, the son of Amadathi, who was of the race of Agag: and he set his throne above all the princes that were with him.

dourh@Esther:4:5 @ And she called for Athach the eunuch, whom the king had appointed to attend upon her, and she commanded him to go to Mardochai, and learn of him why he did this.

dourh@Esther:4:6 @ And Athach going out went to Mardochai, who was standing in the street of the city, before the palace gate:

dourh@Esther:4:11 @,11All the king's servants, and all the provinces that are under his dominion, know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, cometh into the king's inner court, who is not called for, is immediately to be put to death without any delay: except the king shall hold out the golden sceptre to him, in token of clemency, that so he may live. How then can I go in to the king, who for these thirty days now have not been called unto him?

dourh@Esther:4:14 @ For if thou wilt now hold thy peace, the Jews shall be delivered by some other occasion: and thou, and thy father's house shall perish. And who knoweth whether thou art not therefore come to the kingdom, that thou mightest be ready in such a time as this?

dourh@Esther:4:16 @ Go, and gather together all the Jews whom thou shalt find in Susan, and pray ye for me. Neither eat nor drink for three days and three nights: and I with my handmaids will fast in like manner, and then I will go in to the king, against the law, not being called, and expose myself to death and to danger.

dourh@Esther:6:2 @ They came to that place where it was written, how Mardochai had discovered the treason of Bagathan and Thares the eunuchs, who sought to kill king Assuerus.

dourh@Esther:6:4 @ And the king said immediately: Who is in the court? for Aman was coming in to the inner court of the king's house, to speak to the king, that he might order Mardochai to be hanged upon the gibbet which was prepared for him.

dourh@Esther:6:6 @ And when he was come in, he said to him: What ought to be done to the man whom the king is desirous to honour? But Aman thinking in his heart, and supposing that the king would honour no other but himself,

dourh@Esther:6:7 @ Answered: The man whom the king desireth to honour,

dourh@Esther:6:9 @ And let the first of the king's princes and nobles hold his horse, and going through the street of the city, proclaim before him and say: Thus shall he be honoured, whom the king hath a mind to honour.

dourh@Esther:6:10 @ And the king said to him: Make haste and take the robe and the horse, and do as thou hast spoken to Mardochai the Jew, who sitteth before the gates of the palace. Beware thou pass over any of those things which thou hast spoken.

dourh@Esther:6:11 @ So Aman took the robe and the horse, and arraying Mardochai in the street of the city, and setting him on the horse, went before him, and proclaimed: This honour is he worthy of, whom the king hath a mind to honour.

dourh@Esther:6:13 @ And he told Zares his wife, and his friends, all that had befallen him. And the wise men whom he had in counsel, and his wife answered him: If Mardochai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou canst not resist him, but thou shalt fall in his sight.

dourh@Esther:7:4 @ For we are given up, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. And would God we were sold for bondmen and bondwomen: the evil might be borne with, and I would have mourned in silence: but now we have an enemy, whose cruelty redoundeth upon the king.

dourh@Esther:7:5 @ And king Assuerus answered and said: Who is this, and of what power, that he should do these things?

dourh@Esther:7:9 @ And Harbona, one of the eunuchs that stood waiting on the king, said: Behold the gibbet which he hath prepared for Mardochai, who spoke for the king, standeth in Aman's house, being fifty cubits high. And the king said to him: Hang him upon it.

dourh@Esther:8:9 @ Then the king's scribes and secretaries were called for (now it was the time of the third month which is called Siban) the three and twentieth day of the month, and letters were written, as Mardochai had a mind, to the Jews, and to the governors, and to the deputies, and to the judges, who were rulers over the hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India even to Ethiopia: to province and province, to people and people, according to their languages and characters, and to the Jews, according as they could read and hear.

dourh@Esther:8:10 @ And these letters which were sent in the king's name, were sealed with his ring, and sent by posts: who were to run through all the provinces, to prevent the former letters with new messages.

dourh@Esther:9:6 @ Insomuch that even in Susan they killed five hundred men, besides the ten sons of Aman the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews: whose names are these:

dourh@Esther:9:28 @ These are the days which shall never be forgot: and which all provinces in the whole world shall celebrate throughout all generations: neither is there any city wherein the days of Phurim, that is, of lots, must not be observed by the Jews, and by their posterity, which is bound to these ceremonies.

dourh@Job:1:1 @ There was a man in the land of Hus, whose name was Job, and that man was simple and upright, and fearing God, and avoiding evil.

dourh@Job:3:8 @ Let them curse it who curse the day. who are ready to raise up a leviathan:

dourh@Job:3:14 @ With kings and consuls of the earth, who build themselves solitudes:

dourh@Job:3:23 @ To a man whose way is hidden, and God hath surrounded him with darkness?

dourh@Job:4:2 @ If we begin to speak to thee, perhaps thou wilt take it ill, but who can withhold the words he hath conceived?

dourh@Job:4:7 @ Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished being innocent? or when were the just destroyed?

dourh@Job:4:8 @ On the contrary I have seen those who work iniquity, and sow sorrows, and reap them,

dourh@Job:4:16 @ There stood one whose countenance I knew not, an image before my eyes, and I heard the voice as it were of a gentle wind:

dourh@Job:4:19 @ How much more shall they that dwell in houses of clay, who have an earthly foundation, be consumed as with the moth?

dourh@Job:5:5 @ Whose harvest the hungry shall eat, and the armed man shall take him by violence, and the thirsty shall drink up his riches.

dourh@Job:5:9 @ Who doth great things and unsearchable and wonderful things without number:

dourh@Job:5:10 @ Who giveth rain upon the face of the earth, and watereth all things with waters:

dourh@Job:5:11 @ Who setteth up the humble on high, and comforteth with health those that mourn.

dourh@Job:5:12 @ Who bringeth to nought the designs of the malignant, so that their hands cannot accomplish what they had begun:

dourh@Job:5:13 @ Who catcheth the wise in their craftiness, and disappointeth the counsel of the wicked:

dourh@Job:5:17 @ Blessed is the mall whom God correcteth: refuse not therefore the chastising of the lord:

dourh@Job:6:8 @ Who will grant that my request may come: and that God may give me what I look for?

dourh@Job:9:4 @ He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath resisted him, and hath had peace?

dourh@Job:9:5 @ Who hath removed mountains, and they whom he overthrew in his wrath, knew it not.

dourh@Job:9:6 @ Who shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

dourh@Job:9:7 @ Who commandeth tile sun and it riseth not: and shutteth up the stars as it were under a seal:

dourh@Job:9:8 @ Who alone spreadeth out the heavens, and walketh upon the waves of the sea.

dourh@Job:9:9 @ Who maketh Arcturus, and Orion, and Hyades, and the inner parts of the south.

dourh@Job:9:10 @ Who doth things great and incomprehensible, and wonderful, of which there is no number.

dourh@Job:9:12 @ If he examine on a sudden, who shall answer him? or who can say: Why dost thou so?

dourh@Job:9:13 @ God, whose wrath no mall can resist, and under whom they stoop that bear up the world.

dourh@Job:9:15 @ I, who although I should have any just thing, would not answer, but would make supplication to my judge.

dourh@Job:9:24 @ The earth is given into the hand of the wicked, he covereth the face of the judges thereof: and if it be not he, who is it then?

dourh@Job:10:8 @ Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me wholly round about, and dost thou thus cast me down headlong on a sudden?

dourh@Job:11:10 @ If he shall overturn all things, or shall press them together, who shall contradict him?

dourh@Job:12:3 @ I also have a heart as well as you: for who is ignorant of these things, which you know?

dourh@Job:12:9 @ Who is ignorant that the hand of the Lord hath made all these things?

dourh@Job:12:10 @ In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the spirit of all flesh of man.

dourh@Job:13:9 @ Or shall it please him, from whom nothing can be concealed? or shall he be deceived as a man, with your deceitful dealings?

dourh@Job:13:19 @ Who is he that will plead against me? let him come: why am I consumed holding my peace?

dourh@Job:13:28 @ Who am to be consumed as rottenness, and as a garment that is moth-eaten.

dourh@Job:14:2 @ Who cometh forth like a flower, and is destroyed, and fleeth as a shadow, and never continueth in the same state.

dourh@Job:14:4 @ Who can make him clean that is conceived of unclean seed? is it not thou who only art?

dourh@Job:14:13 @ Who will grant me this, that thou mayest protect me in hell, and hide me till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a. time when thou wilt remember me?

dourh@Job:15:3 @ Thou reprovest him by words, who is not equal to thee, and thou speakest that which is not good for thee.

dourh@Job:15:16 @ How much more is man abominable, and unprofitable, who drinketh iniquity like water?

dourh@Job:15:19 @ To whom alone the earth was given, and no stranger hath passed among them.

dourh@Job:15:34 @ For the congregation of the hypocrite is barren, and fire shall devour their tabernacles, who love to take bribes.

dourh@Job:17:15 @ Where is now then my expectation, and who considereth my patience?

dourh@Job:19:19 @ They that were sometime my counsellors, have abhorred me: and he whom I love most is turned against me.

dourh@Job:19:23 @ Who will grant me that my words may be written? Who will grant me that they may be marked down in a book?

dourh@Job:19:27 @ Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not another: this my hope is laid up in my bosom.

dourh@Job:21:14 @ Who have said to God: Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

dourh@Job:21:15 @ Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what doth it profit us if we pray to him?

dourh@Job:21:22 @ Shall any one teach God knowledge, who judgeth those that are high?

dourh@Job:21:31 @ Who shall reprove his way to his face? and who shall repay him what he hath done?

dourh@Job:22:16 @ Who were taken away before their time, and a flood hath overthrown their foundation.

dourh@Job:22:17 @ Who said to God: Depart from us: and looked upon the Almighty as if he could do nothing:

dourh@Job:22:18 @ Whereas he had filled their houses with good things: whose way of thinking be far from me.

dourh@Job:23:3 @ Who will grant me that I might know and find him, and come even to his throne?

dourh@Job:24:6 @ They reap the field that is not their own, and gather the vintage of his vineyard whom by violence they have oppressed.

dourh@Job:24:7 @ They send men away naked, taking away their clothes who have no covering in the cold:

dourh@Job:24:8 @ Who are wet, with the showers of the mountains, and having no covering embrace the stones.

dourh@Job:24:11 @ They have taken their rest at noon among the stores of them, who after having trodden the winepresses suffer thirst.

dourh@Job:24:25 @ And if it be not so, who can convince me that I have lied, and set my words before God?

dourh@Job:25:2 @ Power and terror are with him, who maketh peace in his high places.

dourh@Job:25:3 @ Is there any numbering of his soldiers? and upon whom shall not his light arise?

dourh@Job:25:6 @ How much less man that is rottenness and the son of man who is a worm?

dourh@Job:26:2 @ Whose helper art thou? is it of him that is weak? and dost thou hold up the arm of him that has no strength?

dourh@Job:26:3 @ To whom hast thou given counsel? perhaps to him that hath no wisdom, and thou hast shewn thy very great prudence.

dourh@Job:26:4 @ Whom hast thou desired to teach? was it not him that made life?

dourh@Job:26:14 @ Lo, these things are said in part of his ways: and seeing we have heard scarce a little drop of his word, who shall be able to behold the thunder of his greatness?

dourh@Job:27:2 @ As God liveth, who hath taken away my judgment, and the Almighty, who hath brought my soul to bitterness,

dourh@Job:28:4 @ The flood divideth from the people that are on their journey, those whom the food of the needy man hath forgotten, and who cannot be come at.

dourh@Job:28:25 @ Who made a weight for the winds and weighed the waters by measure.

dourh@Job:29:2 @ Who will grant me, that I might be according to the months past, according to the days in which God kept me?

dourh@Job:30:1 @ But now the younger in time scorn me, whose fathers I would not have set with the dogs of my flock:

dourh@Job:30:2 @ The strength of whose hands was to me as nothing, and they were thought unworthy of life itself.

dourh@Job:30:3 @ Barren with want and hunger, who gnawed in the wilderness, disfigured with calamity and misery.

dourh@Job:30:5 @ Who snatched up these things out of the valleys, and when they had found any of them, they ran to them with a cry.

dourh@Job:31:31 @ If the men of my tabernacle have not said: Who will give us of his flesh that we may be filled?

dourh@Job:31:35 @ Who would grant me a hearer, that the Almighty may hear my desire; and that he himself that judgeth would write a book,

dourh@Job:34:7 @ What man is there like Job, who drinketh up scorning like water?

dourh@Job:34:8 @ Who goeth in company with them that work iniquity, and walketh with wicked men?

dourh@Job:34:13 @ What other hath he appointed over the earth? or whom hath he set over the world which he made?

dourh@Job:34:18 @ Who saith to the king: Thou art an apostate: who calleth rulers ungodly?

dourh@Job:34:19 @ Who accepteth not the persons of princes: nor hath regarded the tyrant, when he contended against the poor man: for all are the work of his hands.

dourh@Job:34:22 @ There is no darkness, and there is no shadow of death, where they may be hid who work iniquity.

dourh@Job:34:27 @ Who as it were on purpose have revolted from him, and would not understand all his ways:

dourh@Job:34:29 @ For when he granteth peace, who is there that can condemn? When he hideth his countenance, who is there that can behold him, whether it regard nations, or all men?

dourh@Job:34:30 @ Who maketh a man that is a hypocrite to reign for the sins of the people?

dourh@Job:35:10 @ And he hath not said: Where is God, who made me, who hath given songs in the night?

dourh@Job:35:11 @ Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and instructeth us more than the fowls of the air.

dourh@Job:36:23 @ Who can search out his ways? or who can say to him: Thou has wrought iniquity?

dourh@Job:37:12 @ Which go round about, whithersoever the will of him that governeth them shall lead them, to whatsoever he shall command them upon the face of the whole earth:

dourh@Job:37:20 @ Who shall tell him the things I speak? even if a man shall speak, he shall be swallowed up.

dourh@Job:38:2 @ Who is this that wrappeth up sentences in unskillful words?

dourh@Job:38:5 @ Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

dourh@Job:38:6 @ Upon what are its bases grounded? or who laid the corner stone thereof,

dourh@Job:38:8 @ Who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke forth as issuing out of the womb:

dourh@Job:38:25 @ Who gave a course to violent showers, or a way for noisy thunder:

dourh@Job:38:28 @ Who is the father of rain? or who begot the drops of dew?

dourh@Job:38:29 @ Out of whose womb came the ice; and the frost from heaven who hath gendered it?

dourh@Job:38:36 @ Who hath put wisdom in the heart of man? or who gave the cock understanding?

dourh@Job:38:37 @ Who can declare the order of the heavens, or who can make the harmony of heaven to sleep?

dourh@Job:38:41 @ Who provideth food for the raven, when her young ones cry to God, wandering about, because they have no meat?

dourh@Job:39:5 @ Who hath sent out the wild ass free, and who hath loosed his bonds?

dourh@Job:39:6 @ To whom I have given a house in the wilderness, and his dwellings in the barren land.

dourh@Job:40:10 @ Behold behemoth whom I made with thee, he eateth grass like an ox.

dourh@Job:40:14 @ He is the beginning of the ways of God, who made him, he will apply his sword.

dourh@Job:41:1 @ I will not stir him up, like one that is cruel: for who can resist my countenance?

dourh@Job:41:2 @ Who hath given me before that I should repay him? All things that are under heaven are mine.

dourh@Job:41:4 @ Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can go into the midst of his mouth?

dourh@Job:41:5 @ Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.

dourh@Job:41:20 @ As stubble will he esteem the hammer, and he will laugh him to scorn who shaketh the spear.

dourh@Job:41:24 @ There is no power upon earth that can be compared with him who was made to fear no one.

dourh@Job:42:3 @ Who is this that hideth counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have spoken unwisely, and things that above measure exceeded my knowledge.

dourh@Psalms:1:1 @ Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence.

dourh@Psalms:1:3 @ And he shall be like a tree which is planted near the running waters, which shall bring forth its fruit, in due season. And his leaf shall not fall off: and all whosoever he shall do shall prosper.

dourh@Psalms:3:2 @ Why, O Lord, are they multiplied that afflict me? many are they who rise up against me.

dourh@Psalms:3:8 @ For thou hast struck all them who are my adversaries without cause: thou hast broken the teeth of sinners.

dourh@Psalms:4:6 @ Offer up the sacrifice of justice, and trust in the Lord: many say, Who sheweth us good things?

dourh@Psalms:6:6 @ For there is no one in death, that is mindful of thee: and who shall confess to thee in hell?

dourh@Psalms:7:11 @ Just is my help from the Lord: who saveth the upright of heart.

dourh@Psalms:8:2 @ O Lord our Lord, how admirable is thy name in the whole earth! For thy magnificence is elevated above the heavens.

dourh@Psalms:9:2 @ I will give praise to thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will relate all thy wonders.

dourh@Psalms:9:5 @ For thou hast maintained my judgment and my cause: thou hast sat on the throne, who judgest justice.

dourh@Psalms:9:11 @ And let them trust in thee who know thy name: for thou hast not forsaken them that seek thee, O Lord.

dourh@Psalms:9:12 @ Sing ye to the Lord, who dwelleth in Sion: declare his ways among the Gentiles:

dourh@Psalms:12:5 @ Who have said: We will magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is Lord over us?

dourh@Psalms:13:6 @ but I have trusted in thy mercy. My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation: I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me good things: yea I will sing to the name of the Lord the most high.

dourh@Psalms:14:4 @ Shall not all they know that work iniquity, who devour my people as they eat bread?

dourh@Psalms:14:7 @ Who shall give out of Sion the salvation of Israel? when the Lord shall have turned away the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad.

dourh@Psalms:15:1 @ A psalm of David. Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? or who shall rest in thy holy hill?

dourh@Psalms:15:3 @ He that speaketh truth in his heart, who hath not used deceit in his tongue: Nor hath done evil to his neighbour: nor taken up a reproach against his neighbours.

dourh@Psalms:16:3 @ To the saints, who are in his land, he hath made wonderful all my desires in them.

dourh@Psalms:16:7 @ I will bless the Lord, who hath given me understanding: moreover my reins also have corrected me even till night.

dourh@Psalms:17:7 @ Shew forth thy wonderful mercies; thou who savest them that trust in thee.

dourh@Psalms:17:9 @ From the face of the wicked who have afflicted me. My enemies have surrounded my soul:

dourh@Psalms:18:1 @ Unto the end, for David the servant of the Lord, who spoke to the Lord the words of this canticle, in the day that the Lord delivered him from the hands of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. [2 Kings 22.]

dourh@Psalms:18:32 @ For who is God but the Lord? or who is God but our God?

dourh@Psalms:18:33 @ God who hath girt me with strength; and made my way blameless.

dourh@Psalms:18:34 @ Who hath made my feet like the feet of harts: and who setteth me upon high places.

dourh@Psalms:18:35 @ Who teacheth my hands to war: and thou hast made my arms like a brazen bow.

dourh@Psalms:18:48 @ O God, who avengest me, and subduest the people under me, my deliverer from my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:19:13 @ Who can understand sins? from my secret ones cleanse me, O Lord:

dourh@Psalms:20:4 @ May he be mindful of all thy sacrifices: and may thy whole burnt offering be made fat.

dourh@Psalms:24:3 @ Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord: or who shall stand in his holy place?

dourh@Psalms:24:4 @ The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, who hath not taken his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbour.

dourh@Psalms:24:8 @ Who is this King of Glory? the Lord who is strong and mighty: the Lord mighty in battle.

dourh@Psalms:24:10 @ Who is this King of Glory? the Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory.

dourh@Psalms:25:12 @ Who is the man that feareth the Lord? He hath appointed him a law in the way he hath chosen.

dourh@Psalms:26:10 @ In whose hands are iniquities: their right hand is filled with gifts.

dourh@Psalms:27:1 @ The psalm of David before he was anointed. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid?

dourh@Psalms:28:3 @ Draw me not away together with the wicked; and with the workers of iniquity destroy me not: Who speak peace with their neighbour, but evils are in their hearts.

dourh@Psalms:32:1 @ To David himself, understanding. Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

dourh@Psalms:32:2 @ Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

dourh@Psalms:32:9 @ Do not become like the horse and the mule, who have no understanding. With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws, who come not near unto thee.

dourh@Psalms:33:12 @ Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance.

dourh@Psalms:33:15 @ He who hath made the hearts of every one of them: who understandeth all their works.

dourh@Psalms:34:1 @ For David, when he changed his countenance before Achimelech, who dismissed him, and he went his way. [1 Kings 21.]

dourh@Psalms:34:13 @ Who is the man that desireth life: who loveth to see good days?

dourh@Psalms:35:10 @ All my bones shall say: Lord, who is like to thee? Who deliverest the poor from the hand of them that are stronger than he; the needy and the poor from them that strip him.

dourh@Psalms:35:19 @ Let not them that are my enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: who have hated me without cause, and wink with the eyes.

dourh@Psalms:35:26 @ Let them blush: and be ashamed together, who rejoice at my evils. Let them be clothed with confusion and shame, who speak great things against me.

dourh@Psalms:35:27 @ Let them rejoice and be glad, who are well pleased with my justice, and let them say always: The Lord be magnified, who delights in the peace of his servant.

dourh@Psalms:37:7 @ Be subject to the Lord and pray to him Envy not the man who prospereth in his way; the man who doth unjust things.

dourh@Psalms:39:7 @ Surely man passeth as an image: yea, and he is disquieted in vain. He storeth up: and he knoweth not for whom he shall gather these things.

dourh@Psalms:40:5 @ Blessed is the man whose trust is in the name of the Lord; and who hath not had regard to vanities, and lying follies.

dourh@Psalms:41:10 @ For even the man of peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, hath greatly supplanted me.

dourh@Psalms:42:11 @ Whilst my bones are broken, my enemies who trouble me have reproached me; Whilst they say to me day be day: Where is thy God?

dourh@Psalms:43:4 @ And I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth.

dourh@Psalms:44:5 @ Thou art thyself my king and my God, who commandest the saving of Jacob.

dourh@Psalms:48:3 @ With the joy of the whole earth is mount Sion founded, on the sides of the north, the city of the great king.

dourh@Psalms:50:5 @ Gather ye together his saints to him: who set his covenant before sacrifices.

dourh@Psalms:51:21 @ Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations and whole burnt offerings: then shall they lay calves upon thy altar.

dourh@Psalms:53:5 @ Shall not all the workers of iniquity know, who eat up my people as they eat bread?

dourh@Psalms:53:7 @ Who will give out of Sion the salvation of Israel? when God shall bring back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

dourh@Psalms:55:9 @ And I said: Who will give me wings like a dove, and I will fly and be at rest?

dourh@Psalms:55:17 @ Who didst take sweetmeats together with me: in the house of God we walked with consent.

dourh@Psalms:57:3 @ I will cry to God the most High; to God who hath done good to me.

dourh@Psalms:57:5 @ and he hath delivered my soul from the midst of the young lions. I slept troubled. The sons of men, whose teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

dourh@Psalms:59:8 @ Behold they shall speak with their mouth, and a sword is in their lips: for who, say they, hath heard us?

dourh@Psalms:60:11 @ Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?

dourh@Psalms:60:12 @ Wilt not thou, O God, who hast cast us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go out with our armies?

dourh@Psalms:61:8 @ He abideth for ever in the sight of God: his mercy and truth who shall search?

dourh@Psalms:64:6 @ They will shoot at him on a sudden, and will not fear: they are resolute in wickedness. They have talked of hiding snares; they have said: Who shall see them?

dourh@Psalms:65:5 @ Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken to thee: he shall dwell in thy courts. We shall be filled with the good things of thy house; holy is thy temple,

dourh@Psalms:65:6 @ wonderful in justice. Hear us, O God our saviour, who art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and in the sea afar off.

dourh@Psalms:65:7 @ Thou who preparest the mountains by thy strength, being girded with power:

dourh@Psalms:65:8 @ who troublest the depth of the sea, the noise of its waves. The Gentiles shall be troubled,

dourh@Psalms:66:5 @ Come and see the works of God; who is terrible in his counsels over the sons of men.

dourh@Psalms:66:6 @ Who turneth the sea into dry land, in the river they shall pass on foot: there shall we rejoice in him.

dourh@Psalms:66:7 @ Who by his power ruleth for ever: his eyes behold the nations; let not them that provoke him he exalted in themselves.

dourh@Psalms:66:9 @ Who hath set my soul to live: and hath not suffered my feet to be moved:

dourh@Psalms:66:20 @ Blessed be God, who hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

dourh@Psalms:68:5 @ Sing ye to God, sing a psalm to his name, make a way for him who ascendeth upon the west: the Lord is his name. Rejoice ye before him: but the wicked shall be troubled at his presence,

dourh@Psalms:68:6 @ who is the father of orphans, and the judge of widows. God in his holy place:

dourh@Psalms:68:7 @ God who maketh men of one manner to dwell in a house: Who bringeth out them that were bound in strength; in like manner them that provoke, that dwell in sepulchres.

dourh@Psalms:68:25 @ They have seen thy goings, O God, the goings of my God: of my king who is in his sanctuary.

dourh@Psalms:68:31 @ Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, the congregation of bulls with the kine of the people; who seek to exclude them who are tried with silver. Scatter thou the nations that delight in wars:

dourh@Psalms:68:34 @ who mounteth above the heaven of heavens, to the east. Behold he will give to his voice the voice of power:

dourh@Psalms:68:36 @ God is wonderful in his saints: the God of Israel is he who will give power and strength to his people. Blessed be God.

dourh@Psalms:69:5 @ They are multiplied above the hairs of my head, who hate me without cause. My enemies are grown strong who have wrongfully persecuted me: then did I pay that which I took not away.

dourh@Psalms:69:7 @ Let not them be ashamed for me, who look for thee, O Lord, the Lord of hosts. Let them not be confounded on my account, who seek thee, O God of Israel.

dourh@Psalms:69:27 @ Because they have persecuted him whom thou hast smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.

dourh@Psalms:71:19 @ and thy justice, O God, even to the highest great things thou hast done: O God, who is like to thee?

dourh@Psalms:72:18 @ Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone doth wonderful things.

dourh@Psalms:72:19 @ And blessed be the name of his majesty for ever: and the whole earth shall be filled with his majesty. So be it. So be it.

dourh@Psalms:74:8 @ They said in their heart, the whole kindred of them together: Let us abolish all the festival days of God from the land.

dourh@Psalms:76:8 @ Thou art terrible, and who shall resist thee? from that time thy wrath.

dourh@Psalms:76:13 @ even to him who taketh away the spirit of princes: to the terrible with the kings of the earth.

dourh@Psalms:77:14 @ Thy way, O God, is in the holy place: who is the great God like our God?

dourh@Psalms:78:8 @ That they may not become like their fathers, a perverse end exasperating generation. A generation that set not their heart aright: and whose spirit was not faithful to God.

dourh@Psalms:78:9 @ The sons of Ephraim who bend and shoot with the bow: they have turned back in the day of battle.

dourh@Psalms:80:13 @ Why hast thou broken down the hedge thereof, so that all they who pass by the way do pluck it?

dourh@Psalms:80:16 @ And perfect the same which thy right hand hath planted: and upon the son of man whom thou hast confirmed for thyself.

dourh@Psalms:80:18 @ Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand: and upon the son of man whom thou hast confirmed for thyself.

dourh@Psalms:81:11 @ For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

dourh@Psalms:83:2 @ O God, who shall be like to thee? hold not thy peace, neither be thou still, O God.

dourh@Psalms:83:11 @ Who perished at Endor: and became as dung for the earth.

dourh@Psalms:83:13 @ who have said: Let us possess the sanctuary of God for an inheritance.

dourh@Psalms:84:6 @ Blessed is the man whose help is from thee: in his heart he hath disposed to ascend by steps,

dourh@Psalms:86:12 @ I will praise thee, O Lord my God: with my whole heart, and I will glorify thy name for ever:

dourh@Psalms:86:17 @ Shew me a token for good: that they who hate me may see, and be confounded, because thou, O Lord, hast helped me and hast comforted me.

dourh@Psalms:88:6 @ free among the dead. Like the slain sleeping in the sepulchres, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cast off from thy hand.

dourh@Psalms:89:7 @ For who in the clouds can be compared to the Lord: or who among the sons of God shall be like to God?

dourh@Psalms:89:8 @ God, who is glorified in the assembly of the saints: great and terrible above all them that are about him.

dourh@Psalms:89:9 @ O Lord God of hosts, who is like to thee? thou art mighty, O Lord, and thy truth is round about thee.

dourh@Psalms:89:49 @ Who is the man that shall live, and not see death: that shall deliver his soul from the hand of hell?

dourh@Psalms:90:11 @ Who knoweth the power of thy anger, and for thy fear

dourh@Psalms:94:1 @ The Lord is the God to whom revenge belongeth: the God of revenge hath acted freely.

dourh@Psalms:94:4 @ Shall they utter, and speak iniquity: shall all speak who work injustice?

dourh@Psalms:94:12 @ Blessed is the man whom thou shalt instruct, O Lord: and shalt teach him out of thy law.

dourh@Psalms:94:16 @ Who shall rise up for me against the evildoers? or who shall stand with me against the workers of iniquity?

dourh@Psalms:94:20 @ Doth the seat of iniquity stick to thee, who framest labour in commandment?

dourh@Psalms:103:3 @ Who forgiveth all thy iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases.

dourh@Psalms:103:4 @ Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion.

dourh@Psalms:103:5 @ Who satisfieth thy desire with good things: thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle's.

dourh@Psalms:104:2 @ and art clothed with light as with a garment. Who stretchest out the heaven like a pavilion:

dourh@Psalms:104:3 @ who coverest the higher rooms thereof with water. Who makest the clouds thy chariot: who walkest upon the wings of the winds.

dourh@Psalms:104:4 @ Who makest thy angels spirits: and thy ministers a burning fire.

dourh@Psalms:104:5 @ Who hast founded the earth upon its own bases: it shall not be moved for ever and ever.

dourh@Psalms:105:17 @ He sent a man before them: Joseph, who was sold for a slave.

dourh@Psalms:105:26 @ He sent Moses his servant: Aaron the man whom he had chosen.

dourh@Psalms:106:2 @ Who shall declare the powers of the Lord? who shall set forth all his praises?

dourh@Psalms:106:21 @ They forgot God, who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt,

dourh@Psalms:107:2 @ Let them say so that have been redeemed by the Lord, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy: and gathered out of the countries.

dourh@Psalms:107:43 @ Who is wise, and will keep these things: and will understand the mercies of the Lord?

dourh@Psalms:108:11 @ Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?

dourh@Psalms:108:12 @ Wilt not thou, O God, who hast cast us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with our armies?

dourh@Psalms:109:20 @ This is the work of them who detract me before the Lord; and who speak evils against my soul.

dourh@Psalms:111:1 @ I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; in the council of the just: and in the congregation.

dourh@Psalms:113:5 @ Who is as the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high:

dourh@Psalms:113:9 @ Who maketh a barren woman to dwell in a house, the joyful mother of children.

dourh@Psalms:114:8 @ Who turned the rock into pools of water, and the stony hill into fountains of waters.

dourh@Psalms:114:23 @ Blessed be you of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

dourh@Psalms:120:1 @ Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:120:2 @ Blessed are they who search his testimonies: that seek him with their whole heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:10 @ With my whole heart have I sought after thee: let me not stray from thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:21 @ Thou hast rebuked the proud: they are cursed who decline from thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:34 @ Give me understanding, and I will search thy law; and I will keep it with my whole heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:69 @ The iniquity of the proud hath been multiplied over me: but I will seek thy commandments with my whole heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:145 @ I cried with my whole heart, hear me, O Lord: I will seek thy justifications.

dourh@Psalms:122:2 @ My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

dourh@Psalms:124:1 @ To thee have I lifted up my eyes, who dwellest in heaven.

dourh@Psalms:125:6 @ Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us to be a prey to their teeth.

dourh@Psalms:125:8 @ Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

dourh@Psalms:130:4 @ The Lord who is just will cut the necks of sinners:

dourh@Psalms:131:3 @ If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it.

dourh@Psalms:135:1 @ Behold now bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord: Who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.

dourh@Psalms:136:21 @ Blessed be the Lord out of Sion, who dwelleth in Jerusalem.

dourh@Psalms:137:4 @ Who alone doth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:5 @ Who made the heavens in understanding: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:6 @ Who established the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:7 @ Who made the great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:10 @ Who smote Egypt with their firstborn: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:11 @ Who brought Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:13 @ Who divided the Red Sea into parts: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:16 @ Who led his people through the desert: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:17 @ Who smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:137:25 @ Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever.

dourh@Psalms:138:7 @ Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom, in the day of Jerusalem: Who say: Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.

dourh@Psalms:138:8 @ O daughter of Babylon, miserable: blessed shall he be who shall repay thee thy payment which thou hast paid us.

dourh@Psalms:139:1 @ I will praise thee, O lord, with my whole heart: for thou hast heard the words of my mouth. I will sing praise to thee in the sight of his angels:

dourh@Psalms:141:3 @ Who have devised iniquities in their hearts: all the day long they designed battles.

dourh@Psalms:141:5 @ Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the wicked: and from unjust men deliver me. Who have proposed to supplant my steps.

dourh@Psalms:145:1 @ Blessed be the Lord my God, who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers to war.

dourh@Psalms:145:2 @ My mercy, and my refuge: my support, and my deliverer: My protector, and I have hoped in him: who subdueth my people under me.

dourh@Psalms:145:8 @ Whose mouth hath spoken vanity: and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity.

dourh@Psalms:145:10 @ Who givest salvation to kings: who hast redeemed thy servant David from the malicious sword:

dourh@Psalms:145:11 @ Deliver me, And rescue me out of the hand of strange children; whose mouth hath spoken vanity: and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity:

dourh@Psalms:145:12 @ Whose sons are as new plants in their youth: Their daughters decked out, adorned round about after the similitude of a temple:

dourh@Psalms:145:15 @ They have called the people happy, that hath these things: but happy is that people whose God is the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:147:3 @ in the children of men, in whom there is no salvation.

dourh@Psalms:147:5 @ Blessed is he who hath the God of Jacob for his helper, whose hope is in the Lord his God:

dourh@Psalms:147:6 @ who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all things that are in them.

dourh@Psalms:147:7 @ Who keepeth truth for ever: who executeth judgment for them that suffer wrong: who giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth them that are fettered:

dourh@Psalms:148:3 @ Who healeth the broken of heart, and bindeth up their bruises.

dourh@Psalms:148:4 @ Who telleth the number of the stars: and calleth them all by their names.

dourh@Psalms:148:8 @ Who covereth the heaven with clouds, and prepareth rain for the earth. Who maketh grass to grow on the mountains, and herbs for the service of men.

dourh@Psalms:148:9 @ Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that call upon him.

dourh@Psalms:149:14 @ Who hath placed peace in thy borders: and filleth thee with the fat of corn.

dourh@Psalms:149:15 @ Who sendeth forth his speech to the earth: his word runneth swiftly.

dourh@Psalms:149:16 @ Who giveth snow like wool: scattereth mists like ashes.

dourh@Psalms:149:17 @ He sendeth his crystal like morsels: who shall stand before the face of his cold?

dourh@Psalms:149:19 @ Who declareth his word to Jacob: his justices and his judgments to Israel.

dourh@Proverbs:1:12 @ Let us swallow him up alive like hell, and whole as one that goeth down into the pit.

dourh@Proverbs:2:13 @ Who leave the right way, and walk by dark ways:

dourh@Proverbs:2:14 @ Who are glad when they have done evil, and rejoice in most wicked things:

dourh@Proverbs:2:15 @ Whose ways are perverse, and their steps infamous.

dourh@Proverbs:2:16 @ That thou mayst be delivered from the strange women, and from the stranger, who softeneth her words:

dourh@Proverbs:3:12 @ For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth: and as a father in the son he pleaseth himself.

dourh@Proverbs:3:27 @ Do not withhold him from doing good, who is able: if thou art able, do good thyself also.

dourh@Proverbs:7:5 @ That she may keep thee from the woman that is not thine, and from the stranger who sweeteneth her words.

dourh@Proverbs:7:8 @ Who passeth through the street by the corner, and goeth nigh the way of her house.

dourh@Proverbs:9:4 @ Whosoever is a little one, let him come to me. And to the unwise she said:

dourh@Proverbs:11:27 @ Well doth he rise early who seeketh good things; but he that seeketh after evil things shall be oppressed by them.

dourh@Proverbs:13:13 @ Whosoever speaketh ill of any thing, bindeth himself for the time to come: but he that feareth the commandment, shall dwell in peace. Deceitful souls go astray in sins: the just are merciful, and shew mercy.

dourh@Proverbs:17:26 @ It is no good thing to do hurt to the just: nor to strike the prince, who judgeth right.

dourh@Proverbs:18:14 @ The spirit of a man upholdeth his infirmity: but a spirit that is easily angered, who can bear?

dourh@Proverbs:19:4 @ Riches make many friends: but from the poor man, even they whom he had, depart.

dourh@Proverbs:20:1 @ Wine is a luxurious thing, and drunkenness riotous: whosoever is delighted therewith shell not be wise.

dourh@Proverbs:20:6 @ Many men are called merciful: but who shall find a faithful man?

dourh@Proverbs:20:9 @ Who can say: My heart is clean, I am pure from sin?

dourh@Proverbs:20:24 @ The steps of man are guided by the Lord: but who is the man that can understand his own way?

dourh@Proverbs:21:24 @ The proud and the arrogant is called ignorant, who in anger worketh pride.

dourh@Proverbs:22:14 @ The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit: he whom the Lord is angry with, shall fall into it.

dourh@Proverbs:23:20 @ Be not in the feasts of great drinkers, nor in their revellings, who contribute flesh to eat:

dourh@Proverbs:23:28 @ She lieth in wait in the way as a robber, and him whom she shall see unwary, she will kill.

dourh@Proverbs:23:29 @ Who hath woe? whose father hath woe? who hath contentions? who falls into pits? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes?

dourh@Proverbs:24:22 @ For their destruction shall rise suddenly: and who knoweth the ruin of both?

dourh@Proverbs:24:26 @ He shall kiss the lips, who answereth right words.

dourh@Proverbs:27:4 @ Anger hath no mercy, nor fury when it breaketh forth: and who can bear the violence of one provoked?

dourh@Proverbs:30:1 @ The words of Gatherer the son of Vomiter. The vision which the man spoke with whom God is, and who being strengthened by God, abiding with him, said:

dourh@Proverbs:30:4 @ Who hath ascended up into heaven, and descended? who hath held the wind in his hands? who hath bound up the waters together as in a garment? who hath raised up all the borders of the earth? what is his name, and what is the name of his son, if thou knowest?

dourh@Proverbs:30:9 @ Lest perhaps being filled, I should be tempted to deny, and say: Who is the Lord? or being compelled by poverty, I should steal, and forswear the name of my God.

dourh@Proverbs:30:13 @ A generation, whose eyes are lofty, and their eyelids lifted up on high.

dourh@Proverbs:30:20 @ Such is also the way of an adulterous woman, who eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith: I have done no evil.

dourh@Proverbs:30:30 @ A lion, the strongest of beasts, who hath no fear of any thing he meeteth:

dourh@Proverbs:30:31 @ A cock girded about the loins: and a ram: and a king, whom none can resist.

dourh@Proverbs:31:10 @ Who shall find a valiant woman? far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @ Whom I know not whether he will be a wise man or a fool, and he shall have rule over all my labours with which I have laboured and been solicitous: and is there any thing so vain?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:25 @ Who shall so feast and abound with delights as I?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:3:21 @ Who knoweth if the spirit of the children of Adam ascend upward, and if the spirit of the beasts descend downward?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:3:22 @ And I have found that nothing is better than for a man to rejoice in his work, and that this is his portion. For who shall bring him to know the things that shall be after him?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @ There is but one, and he hath not a second, no child, no brother, and yet he ceaseth not to labour, neither are his eyes satisfied with riches, neither doth he reflect, saying: For whom do I labour, and defraud my soul of good things? in this also is vanity, and a grievous vexation.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:13 @ Better is a child that is poor and wise, than a king that is old and foolish, who knoweth not to foresee for hereafter.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:15 @ I saw all men living, that walk under the sun with the second young man, who shall rise up in his place.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:17 @ Keep thy foot, when thou goest into the house of God, and draw nigh to hear. For much better is obedience, than the victims of fools, who know not what evil they do.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:5:13 @ For they are lost with very great affliction: he hath begotten a son, who shall be in extremity of want.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @ And every man to whom God hath given riches, and substance, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to enjoy his portion, and to rejoice of his labour: this is the gift of God.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @ A man to whom God hath given riches, and substance, and honour, and his soul wanteth nothing of all that he desireth: yet God doth not give him power to eat thereof, but a stranger shall eat it up. This is vanity and a great misery.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:6:4 @ For he came in vain, and goeth to darkness, and his name shall be wholly forgotten.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @ What needeth a man to seek things that are above him, whereas he knoweth not what is profitable for him in his life, in all the days of his pilgrimage, and the time that passeth like a shadow? Or who can tell him what shall be after him under the sun?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:14 @ Consider the works of God, that no man can correct whom he hath despised.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:25 @ Much more than it was: it is a great depth, who shall find it out?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:27 @ And I have found a woman more bitter than death, who is the hunter's snare, and her heart is a net, and her hands are bands. He that pleaseth God shall escape from her: but he that is a sinner, shall be caught by her.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:30 @ Only this I have found, that God made man right, and he hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions. Who is as the wise man? and who hath known the resolution of the word?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:10 @ I saw the wicked buried: who also when they were yet living were in the holy place, and were praised in the city as men of just works: but this also is vanity.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @ But though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and by patience be borne withal, I know from thence that it shall be well with them that fear God, who dread his face.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @ There is also another vanity, which is done upon the earth. There are just men to whom evils happen, as though they had done the works of the wicked: and there are wicked men, who are as secure, as though they had the deeds of the just: but this also I judge most vain.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @ Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest, all the days of thy unsteady life, which are given to thee under the sun, all the time of thy vanity: for this is thy portion in life, and in thy labour wherewith thou labourest under the sun.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:10:14 @ A fool multiplieth words. A man cannot tell what hath been before him: and what shall be after him, who can tell him?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:10:17 @ Blessed is the land, whose king is noble, and whose princes eat in due season for refreshment, and not for riotousness.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:11:5 @ As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones are joined together in the womb of her that is with child: so thou knowest not the works of God, who is the maker of all.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:12:7 @ And the dust return into its earth, from whence it was, and the spirit return to God, who gave it.

dourh@Songs:1:6 @ Shew me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou liest in the midday, lest I begin to wander after the flocks of thy companions.

dourh@Songs:2:3 @ As the apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow, whom I desired: and his fruit was sweet to my palate.

dourh@Songs:2:16 @ My beloved to me, and I to him who feedeth among the lilies,

dourh@Songs:3:1 @ In my bed by night I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, and found him not.

dourh@Songs:3:2 @ I will rise, and will go about the city: in the streets and the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, and I found him not.

dourh@Songs:3:3 @ The watchmen who keep the city, found me: Have you seen him, whom my soul loveth?

dourh@Songs:3:4 @ When I had a little passed by them, I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him: and I will not let him go, till I bring him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that bore me.

dourh@Songs:3:6 @ Who is she that goeth up by the desert, as a pillar of smoke of aromatical spices, of myrrh, and frankincense, and of all the powders of the perfumer?

dourh@Songs:6:2 @ I to my beloved, and my beloved to me, who feedeth among the lilies.

dourh@Songs:6:9 @ Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?

dourh@Songs:8:1 @ Who shall give thee to me for my brother, sucking the breasts of my mother, that I may find thee without, and kiss thee, and now no man may despise me?

dourh@Songs:8:5 @ Who is this that cometh up from the desert, flowing with delights, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple tree I raised thee up: there thy mother was corrupted, there she was defloured that bore thee.

dourh@Isaiah:1:5 @ For what shall I strike you any more, you that increase transgression? the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is sad.

dourh@Isaiah:1:12 @ When you came to appear before me, who required these things at your hands, that you should walk in my courts?

dourh@Isaiah:2:22 @ Cease ye therefore from the man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for he is reputed high.

dourh@Isaiah:3:1 @ For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem, and from Juda the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of bread, and the whole strength of water.

dourh@Isaiah:6:8 @ And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send? and who shall go for us? And I said: Lo, here am I, send me.

dourh@Isaiah:7:20 @ In that day the Lord shall shave with a razor that is hired by them that are beyond the river, by the king of the Assyrians, the head and the hairs of the feet, and the whole beard.

dourh@Isaiah:8:17 @ And I will wait for the Lord, who hath hid his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him.

dourh@Isaiah:8:18 @ Behold I and my children, whom the Lord hath given me for a sign, and for a wonder in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwelleth in mount Sion.

dourh@Isaiah:8:19 @ And when they shall say to you: Seek of pythons, and of diviners, who mutter in their enchantments: should not the people seek of their God, for the living of the dead?

dourh@Isaiah:9:13 @ And the people are not returned to him who hath struck them, and have not sought after the Lord of hosts.

dourh@Isaiah:10:3 @ What will you do in the day of visitation, and of the calamity which cometh from afar? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?

dourh@Isaiah:10:15 @ Shall the axe boast itself against him that cutteth with it? or shall the saw exalt itself against him by whom it is drawn? as if a rod should lift itself up against him that lifteth it up, and a staff exalt itself, which is but wood.

dourh@Isaiah:11:10 @ In that day the root of Jesse, who standeth for an ensign of the people, him the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulchre shall be glorious.

dourh@Isaiah:13:5 @ To them that come from a country afar off, from the end of heaven: tile Lord and the instruments of his wrath, to destroy the whole land.

dourh@Isaiah:13:17 @ Behold I will stir up the Medes against them, who shall not seek silver, nor desire gold:

dourh@Isaiah:14:7 @ The whole earth is quiet and still, it is glad and hath rejoiced.

dourh@Isaiah:14:12 @ How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?

dourh@Isaiah:14:27 @ For the Lord of hosts hath decreed, and who can disannul it? and his hand is stretched out: and who shall turn it away?

dourh@Isaiah:14:29 @ Rejoice not thou, whole Philistia, that the rod of him that struck thee is broken in pieces: for out of the root of the serpent shall come forth a basilisk, and his seed shall swallow the bird.

dourh@Isaiah:18:2 @ That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, and in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters. Go, ye swift angels, to a nation rent and torn in pieces: to a terrible people, after which there is no other: to a nation expecting and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled.

dourh@Isaiah:18:3 @ All ye inhabitants of the world, who dwell on the earth, when the sign shall be lifted up on the mountains, you shall see, and you shall hear the sound of the trumpet.

dourh@Isaiah:18:7 @ At that time shall a present be brought to the Lord of hosts, from a people rent and torn in pieces: from a terrible people, after which there hath been no other: from a nation expecting, expecting and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name of the Lord of hosts, to mount Sion.

dourh@Isaiah:20:6 @ And the inhabitants of this isle shall say in that day: Lo this was our hope, to whom we fled for help, to deliver up from the face of the king of the Assyrians: and how shall we be able to escape?

dourh@Isaiah:21:8 @ And a lion cried out: I am upon the watchtower of the Lord, standing continually by day: and I am upon my ward, standing whole nights.

dourh@Isaiah:22:1 @ The burden of the valley of vision. What aileth thee also, that thou too art wholly gone up to the housetops?

dourh@Isaiah:22:15 @ Thus saith the Lord God of hosts: Go, get thee in to him that dwelleth in the tabernacle, to Sobna who is over the temple: and thou shalt say to him:

dourh@Isaiah:23:8 @ Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, that was formerly crowned, whose merchants were princes, and her traders the nobles of the earth?

dourh@Isaiah:23:12 @ And he said: Thou shalt glory no more, O virgin daughter of Sidon, who art oppressed: arise and sail over to Cethim, there also thou shalt have no, rest.

dourh@Isaiah:27:4 @ There is no indignation in m: who shall make me a thorn and a brier in battle: shall march against it, shall I set it on fire together?

dourh@Isaiah:28:1 @ Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, and to the fading flower the glory of his joy, who were on the head of the fat valley, staggering with wine.

dourh@Isaiah:28:4 @ And the fading flower the glory of his joy, who is on the head of the fat valley, shall be as a hasty fruit before the ripeness of autumn: which when he that seeth it shall behold, as soon as he taketh it in his hand, he will eat it up.

dourh@Isaiah:28:9 @ Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand the hearing? them that are weaned from the milk, that are drawn away from the breasts.

dourh@Isaiah:28:12 @ To whom he said: This is my rest, refresh the weary, and this is my refreshing: and they would not hear.

dourh@Isaiah:28:14 @ Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, who rule over my people that is in Jerusalem.

dourh@Isaiah:29:15 @ Woe to you that are deep of heart, to hide your counsel from the Lord: and their works are in the dark, and they say: Who seeth us, and who knoweth us?

dourh@Isaiah:30:2 @ Who walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth, hoping for help in the strength of Pharao, and trusting in the shadow of Egypt.

dourh@Isaiah:30:10 @ Who say to the seers: See not: and to them that behold: Behold not for us those things that are right: speak unto us pleasant things, see errors for us.

dourh@Isaiah:31:9 @ And his strength shall pass away with dread, and his princes fleeing shall be afraid: the Lord hath said it, whose die is in Sion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.

dourh@Isaiah:33:19 @ The shameless people thou shalt not see, the people of profound speech: so that thou canst not understand the eloquence of his tongue, in whom there is no wisdom.

dourh@Isaiah:36:3 @ And there went out to him Eliacim the son of Helcias, who was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and Joahe the son of Asaph the recorder.

dourh@Isaiah:36:5 @ Or with what counsel or strength dost thou prepare for war? on whom dost thou trust, that thou art revolted from me?

dourh@Isaiah:36:7 @ But if thou wilt answer me: We trust in the Lord our God: is it not he whose high places and altars Ezechias hath taken away, and hath said to Juda and Jerusalem: You shall worship before this altar?

dourh@Isaiah:36:20 @ Who is there among all the gods of these lands, that hath delivered his country out of my hand, that the Lord may deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?

dourh@Isaiah:37:2 @ And he sent Eliacim who was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and the ancients of the priests covered with sackcloth, to Isaias the son of Amos the prophet.

dourh@Isaiah:37:4 @ It may be the Lord thy God will hear the words of Rabsaces, whom the king of the Assyrians his master hath sent to blaspheme the living God, and to reproach with words which the Lord thy God hath heard: wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left.

dourh@Isaiah:37:10 @ Thus shall you speak to Ezechias the king of Juda, saying: Let not thy God deceive thee, in whom thou trustest, saying: Jerusalem shall not be given into the hands of the king of the Assyrians.

dourh@Isaiah:37:12 @ Have the gods of the nations delivered them whom my fathers have destroyed, Gozam, and Haram, and Reseph, and the children of Eden, that were in Thalassar?

dourh@Isaiah:37:16 @ O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, who sittest upon the cherubims, thou alone art the God of all the kingdoms of the earth, thou hast made heaven and earth.

dourh@Isaiah:37:23 @ Whom hast thou reproached, and whom hast thou blasphemed, and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice, and lifted up thy eyes on high? Against the Holy One of Israel.

dourh@Isaiah:39:7 @ And of thy children, that shall issue from thee, whom thou shalt beget, they shall take away, and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.

dourh@Isaiah:40:12 @ Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and weighed the heavens with his palm? who hath poised with three fingers the bulk of the earth, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?

dourh@Isaiah:40:13 @ Who hath forwarded the spirit of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor, and hath taught him?

dourh@Isaiah:40:14 @ With whom hath he consulted, and who hath instructed him, and taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and shewed him the way of understanding?

dourh@Isaiah:40:18 @ To whom then have you likened God? or what image will you make for him?

dourh@Isaiah:40:25 @ And to whom have ye likened me, or made me equal, saith the Holy One?

dourh@Isaiah:40:26 @ Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these things: who bringeth out their host by number, and calleth them all by their names: by the greatness of his might, and strength, and power, not one of them was missing.

dourh@Isaiah:40:28 @ Knowest thou not, or hast thou not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, who hath created the ends of the earth: he shall not faint, nor labour, neither is there any searching out of his wisdom.

dourh@Isaiah:41:2 @ Who hath raised up the just one from the east, hath called him to follow him? he shall give the nations in his sight, and he shall rule over kings: he shall give them as the dust to his sword, as stubble driven by the wind, to his bow.

dourh@Isaiah:41:4 @ Who hath wrought and done these things, calling the generations from the beginning? I the Lord, I am the first and the last.

dourh@Isaiah:41:8 @ But thou Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend:

dourh@Isaiah:41:9 @ In whom I have taken thee from the ends of the earth, and from the remote parts thereof have called thee, and said to thee: Thou art my servant, I have chosen thee, and have not cast thee away.

dourh@Isaiah:41:13 @ For I am the Lord thy God, who take thee by the hand, and say to thee: Fear not, I have helped thee.

dourh@Isaiah:41:26 @ Who bath declared from the beginning, that we may know: and from time of old, that we may say: Thou art just. There is none that sheweth, nor that foretelleth, nor that heareth your words.

dourh@Isaiah:41:28 @ And I saw, and there was no one even among them to consult, or who, when I asked, could answer a word.

dourh@Isaiah:42:19 @ Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, but he to whom I have sent my messengers? Who is blind, but he that is sold? or who is blind, but the servant of the Lord?

dourh@Isaiah:42:23 @ Who is there among you that will give ear to this, that will attend and hearken for times to come?

dourh@Isaiah:42:24 @ Who hath given Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to robbers? hath not the Lord himself, against whom we have sinned? And they would not walk in his ways, and they have not hearkened to his law.

dourh@Isaiah:43:9 @ All the nations are assembled together, and the tribes are gathered: who among you can declare this, and shall make us hear the former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, let them be justified, and hear, and say: It is truth.

dourh@Isaiah:43:10 @ You are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that you may know, and believe me, and understand that I myself am. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there shall be none.

dourh@Isaiah:43:13 @ And from the beginning I am the same, and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall turn it away?

dourh@Isaiah:43:16 @ Thus saith the Lord, who made a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters.

dourh@Isaiah:43:17 @ Who brought forth the chariot and the horse, the army and the strong: they lay down to sleep together, and they shall not rise again: they are broken as flax, and are extinct.

dourh@Isaiah:44:1 @ And now hear, O Jacob, my servant, and Israel whom I have chosen.

dourh@Isaiah:44:2 @ Thus saith the Lord that made and formed thee, thy helper from the womb: Fear not, O my servant Jacob, and thou most righteous whom I have chosen.

dourh@Isaiah:44:7 @ Who is like to me? let him call and declare: and let him set before me the order, since I appointed the ancient people: and the things to come, and that shall be hereafter, let them shew unto them.

dourh@Isaiah:44:8 @ Fear ye not, neither be ye troubled, from that time I have made thee to hear, and have declared: you are my witnesses. Is there a God besides me, a maker, whom I have not known?

dourh@Isaiah:44:10 @ Who hath formed a god, and made a graven thing that is profitable for nothing?

dourh@Isaiah:44:26 @ That raise up the word of my servant and perform the counsel of my messengers, who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt be inhabited: and to the cities of Juda: You shall be built, and I will raise up the wastes thereof.

dourh@Isaiah:44:27 @ Who say to the deep: Be thou desolate, and I will dry up thy rivers.

dourh@Isaiah:44:28 @ Who say to Cyrus: Thou art my shepherd, and thou shalt perform all my pleasure. Who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt be built: and to the temple: Thy foundations shall be laid.

dourh@Isaiah:45:1 @ Thus saith the Lord to my anointed Cyrus, whose right hand I have taken hold of, to subdue nations before his face, and to turn the backs of kings, and to open the doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut.

dourh@Isaiah:45:3 @ And I will give thee hidden treasures, and the concealed riches of secret places: that thou mayest know that I am the Lord who call thee by thy name, the God of Israel.

dourh@Isaiah:45:6 @ That they may know who are from the rising of the sun, and they who are from the west, that there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is none else:

dourh@Isaiah:45:21 @ Tell ye, and come, and consult together: who hath declared this from the beginning, who hath foretold this from that time? Have not I the Lord, and there is no God else besides me? A just God and a saviour, there is none besides me.

dourh@Isaiah:46:3 @ Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who are carried by my bowels, are borne up by my womb.

dourh@Isaiah:46:5 @ To whom have you likened me, and made me equal, and compared me, and made me like?

dourh@Isaiah:46:10 @ Who shew from the beginning the things that shall be at last, and from ancient times the things that as yet are not done, saying: My counsel shall stand, and all my will shall be done:

dourh@Isaiah:46:11 @ Who call a bird from the east, and from a far country the man of my own will, and I have spoken, and will bring it to pass: I have created, and I will do it. Hear me, O ye hardhearted, who are far from justice.

dourh@Isaiah:47:9 @ These two things shall come upon thee suddenly in one day, barrenness and widowhood. All things are come upon thee, because of the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great hardness of thy enchanters.

dourh@Isaiah:48:1 @ Hear ye these things, O house of Jacob, you that are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Juda, you who swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in justice.

dourh@Isaiah:48:12 @ Hearken to me, O Jacob, and thou Israel whom I call: I am he, I am the first, and I am the last.

dourh@Isaiah:48:14 @ Assemble yourselves together, all you, and hear: who among them hath declared these things? the Lord hath loved him, he will do his pleasure in Babylon, and his arm shall be on the Chaldeans.

dourh@Isaiah:49:7 @ Thus saith the Lord the redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, to the soul that is despised, to the nation that is abhorred, to the servant of rulers: Kings shall see, end princes shall rise up, and adore for the Lord's sake, because he is faithful, and for the Holy One of Israel, who hath chosen thee.

dourh@Isaiah:49:21 @ And thou shalt-say in thy heart: Who hath begotten these? I was barren and brought not forth, led away, and captive: and who hath brought up these? I was destitute and alone: and these, where were they?

dourh@Isaiah:50:1 @ Thus saith the Lord: What is this bill of the divorce of your mother, with which I have put her away? or who is my creditor, to whom I sold you: behold you are sold for your iniquities, and for your wicked deeds have I put your mother away.

dourh@Isaiah:50:8 @ He is near that justifieth me, who will contend with me? let us stand together, who is my adversary? let him come near to me.

dourh@Isaiah:50:9 @ Behold the Lord God is my helper: who is he that shall condemn me? Lo, they shall all be destroyed as a garment, the moth shall eat them up.

dourh@Isaiah:50:10 @ Who is there among you that feareth the Lord, that heareth the voice of his servant, that hath walked in darkness, and hath no light? let him hope in the name of the Lord, and lean upon his God.

dourh@Isaiah:51:7 @ Hearken to me, you that know what is just, my people who have my law in your heart: fear ye not the reproach of men, and be not afraid of their blasphemies.

dourh@Isaiah:51:10 @ Hast not thou dried up the sea, the water of the mighty deep, who madest the depth of the sea a way, that the delivered might pass over?

dourh@Isaiah:51:12 @ I, I myself will comfort you: who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of a mortal man, and of the son of man, who shall wither away like grass?

dourh@Isaiah:51:13 @ And thou hast forgotten the Lord thy maker, who stretched out the heavens, and founded the earth: and thee hast been afraid continually all the day at the presence of his fury who afflicted thee, and had prepared himself to destroy thee: where is now the fury of the oppressor?

dourh@Isaiah:51:15 @ But I am the Lord thy God, who trouble the sea, and the waves thereof swell: the Lord of hosts is my name.

dourh@Isaiah:51:19 @ There are two things that have happened to thee: who shall be sorry for thee? desolation, and destruction, and the famine, and the sword, who shall comfort thee?

dourh@Isaiah:51:22 @ Thus saith thy Sovereign the Lord and thy God, who will fight for his people: Behold I have taken out of thy hand the cup of dead sleep, the dregs of the cup of my indignation, thou shalt not drink it again any more.

dourh@Isaiah:52:15 @ He shall sprinkle many nations, kings shall shut their mouth at him: for they to whom it was not told of him, have seen: and they that heard not, have beheld.

dourh@Isaiah:53:1 @ Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

dourh@Isaiah:53:8 @ He was taken away from distress, and from judgment: who shall declare his generation? because he is cut oh out of the land of the living: for the wickedness of my people have I struck him.

dourh@Isaiah:54:4 @ Fear not, for thou shalt not be confounded, nor blush: for thou shalt not be put to shame, because thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt remember no more the reproach of thy widowhood.

dourh@Isaiah:54:9 @ This thing is to me as in the days of Noe, to whom I swore, that I would no more bring in the waters of Noe upon the earth: so have I sworn not to be angry with thee, and not to rebuke thee.

dourh@Isaiah:54:15 @ Behold, an inhabitant shall come, who was not with me, he that was a stranger to thee before, shall be joined to thee.

dourh@Isaiah:56:8 @ The Lord God, who gathereth the scattered of Israel, saith: I will still gather unto him his congregation.

dourh@Isaiah:57:4 @ Upon whom have you jested? upon whom have you opened your mouth wide, and put out your tongue? are not you wicked children, a false seed,

dourh@Isaiah:57:5 @ Who seek your comfort in idols under every green tree, sacrificing children in the torrents, under the high rocks?

dourh@Isaiah:57:11 @ For whom hast thou been solicitous and afraid, that thou hast lied, and hast not been mindful of me, nor thought on me in thy heart? for I am silent, and as one that seeth not, and thou hast forgotten me.

dourh@Isaiah:57:15 @ For thus saith the High and the Eminent that inhabiteth eternity: and his name is Holy, who dwelleth in the high and holy place, and with a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.

dourh@Isaiah:58:11 @ And the Lord will give thee rest continually, and will fill thy soul with brightness, and deliver thy bones, and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a fountain of water whose waters shall not fail

dourh@Isaiah:60:8 @ Who are these, that fly as clouds, and as doves to their windows?

dourh@Isaiah:63:1 @ Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bosra, this beautiful one in his robe, walking in the greatness of his strength. I, that speak justice, and am a defender to save.

dourh@Isaiah:65:2 @ I have spread forth my hands all the day to an unbelieving people, who walk in a way that is not good after their own thoughts.

dourh@Isaiah:65:7 @ Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord, who have sacrificed upon the mountains, and have reproached me upon the hills; and I will measure back their first work in their bosom.

dourh@Isaiah:65:8 @ Thus saith the Lord: As if a grain be found in a cluster, and it be said: Destroy it not, because it is a blessing: so will I do for the sake of my servants, that I may not destroy the whole.

dourh@Isaiah:66:2 @ My hand made all these things, and all these things were made, saith the Lord. But to whom shall I have respect, but to him that is poor and little, and of a contrite spirit, and that trembleth at my words?

dourh@Isaiah:66:8 @ Who hath ever heard such a thing? and who hath seen the like to this? shall the earth bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be brought forth at once, because Sion hath been in labour, and hath brought forth her children?

dourh@Isaiah:66:13 @ As one whom the mother caresseth, so will I comfort you, and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

dourh@Jeremiah:1:16 @ And I will pronounce my judgements against them, touching all their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have sacrificed to strange gods, and have adored the work of their own hands.

dourh@Jeremiah:2:28 @ Where are the gods, whom thou hast made thee? let them arise and deliver thee in the time of thy affliction: for according to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Juda.

dourh@Jeremiah:2:33 @ Why dost thou endeavor to shew thy way good to seek my love, thou who has also taught thy malices to be thy ways,

dourh@Jeremiah:3:10 @ And after all this, her treacherous sister Juda hath not returned to me with her whole heart, but with falsehood, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:5:15 @ Behold I will bring upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, saith the Lord: a strong nation, an ancient nation, a nation whose language thou shalt not know, nor understand what they say.

dourh@Jeremiah:5:21 @ Hear, O foolish people, and without understanding: who have eyes, and see not: and ears, and hear not.

dourh@Jeremiah:5:24 @ And they have not said in their heart: let us fear the Lord our God, who giveth us the early and the latter rain in due season: who preserveth for us the fullness of the yearly harvest.

dourh@Jeremiah:6:10 @ To whom shall I speak? and to whom shall I testify, that he may hear? behold, their ears are uncircumcised, and they cannot hear: behold the word of the Lord is become unto them a reproach: and and they will not receive it.

dourh@Jeremiah:7:15 @ And I will cast you away from before my face, as I have cast away all your brethren, the whole seed of Ephraim.

dourh@Jeremiah:8:2 @ And they shall spread them abroad to the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and adored: they shall not be gathered, and they shall not be buried: they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth.

dourh@Jeremiah:9:1 @ Who will give water to my head, and a fountain of tears to my eyes? and I will weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people.

dourh@Jeremiah:9:2 @ Who will give me in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men, and I will leave my people, and depart from them? because they are all adulterers, an assembly of transgressors.

dourh@Jeremiah:9:12 @ Who is the wise man, that may understand this, and to whom the word of the mouth of the Lord may come that he may declare this, why the land hath perished, and is burnt up like a wilderness, which none passeth through?

dourh@Jeremiah:10:7 @ Who shall fear thee, O king of nations? for thine is the glory: among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms there is none like unto thee.

dourh@Jeremiah:10:16 @ The portion of Jacob is not like these: for it is he who formed all things: and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: the Lord of hosts is his name.

dourh@Jeremiah:11:10 @ They are returned to the former iniquities of their fathers, who refused to hear my words: so these likewise have gone after strange gods, to serve them: the house of Israel, and the house of Juda have made void my covenant, which I made with their fathers.

dourh@Jeremiah:11:12 @ And the cities of Juda, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall go, and cry to the gods to whom they offer sacrifice, and they shall not save them in the time of their affliction.

dourh@Jeremiah:11:20 @ But thou, O Lord of Sabaoth, who judgest justly, and triest the reins and hearts, let me see thy revenge on them: for to thee I have revealed my cause.

dourh@Jeremiah:11:21 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord to the men of Anathoth, who seek thy life, and say: Thou shalt not prophesy in the name of the Lord, and thou shalt not die in our hands.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:15 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that prophecy in my name, whom I did not send, that say: Sword and famine shall not be in this land: By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:16 @ And the people to whom they prophecy, shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the fanmine and the sword, and there shall be none to bury them: they and their wives, their sons and their daughters, and I will pour out their wickedness upon them.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:22 @ Are there any among the graven things of the Gentiles that can send rain? or can the heavens give showers? art not thou the Lord our God, whom we have looked for? for thou hast made all these things.

dourh@Jeremiah:15:5 @ For who shall have pity on thee, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan thee? or who shall go to pray for thy peace?

dourh@Jeremiah:16:3 @ For thus saith the Lord concerning the sons and daughters, that are born in this place, and concerning their mothers that bore them: and concerning their fathers, of whom they were born in this land:

dourh@Jeremiah:17:5 @ Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:17:9 @ The heart is perverse above all things, and unsearchable, who can know it?

dourh@Jeremiah:17:10 @ I am the Lord who search the heart and prove the reins: who give to every one according to his way, and according to the fruit of his devices.

dourh@Jeremiah:18:13 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord: Ask among the nations: Who hath heard such horrible things, as the virgin of Israel hath done to excess?

dourh@Jeremiah:19:3 @ And thou shalt say: Hear the word of the Lord, O ye kings of Juda, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold I will bring an affliction upon this place: so that whoever shall hear it, his ears shall tingle:

dourh@Jeremiah:19:4 @ Because they have forsaken me, and have profaned this place: and have sacrificed therein to strange gods, whom neither they nor their fathers knew, nor the kings of Juda: and they have filled this place with the blood of innocents.

dourh@Jeremiah:19:11 @ And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord of hosts: even so will I break this people, and this city, as the potter's vessel is broken, which cannot be made whole again: and they shall be buried in Topheth, because there is no other place to bury in.

dourh@Jeremiah:19:13 @ And the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses of Juda shall be unclean as the place of Topheth: all the houses upon whose roots they have sacrificed to all the host of heaven, and have poured out drink offerings to strange gods.

dourh@Jeremiah:20:1 @ Now Phassur the son of Emmur, the priest, who was appointed chief in the house of the Lord, heard Jeremias prophesying these words.

dourh@Jeremiah:20:6 @ But thou, Phassur, and all that dwell in thy house, shall go into captivity, and thou shalt go to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and there thou shalt be buried, thou and all thy friends, to whom thou hast prophesied a lie.

dourh@Jeremiah:20:12 @ And thou, O Lord of hosts, prover of the just, who seest the reins and the heart: let me see, I beseech thee, thy vengeance on them: for to thee I have laid open my cause.

dourh@Jeremiah:20:17 @ Who slew me not from the womb, that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb an everlasting conception.

dourh@Jeremiah:21:14 @ Behold I come to thee that dwelleth in a valley upon a rock above a plain, saith the Lord: and you say: Who shall strike us? and who shall enter into our houses?

dourh@Jeremiah:22:2 @ And thou shalt say: Hear the word of the Lord, O king of Juda, that sittest upon the throne of David: thou and thy servants, and thy people, who enter in by these gates.

dourh@Jeremiah:22:11 @ For thus saith the Lord to Sellum the son of Josias the king of Juda, who reigned instead of his father, who went forth out of this place: He shall return hither no more:

dourh@Jeremiah:22:14 @ Who saith: I will build me a wide house and large chambers: who openeth to himself windows, and maketh roofs of cedar, and painteth them with vermilion.

dourh@Jeremiah:22:25 @ And I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, and into the hand of them whose face thou fearest, and into the hand of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and into the hand of the Chaldeans.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:7 @ Therefore behold the days to come, saith the Lord, and they shall say no more: The Lord liveth, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt:

dourh@Jeremiah:23:8 @ But the Lord liveth, who hath brought out, and brought hither the seed of the house of Israel from the land of the north, and out of all the lands, to which I had cast them forth: and they shall dwell in their own land.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:18 @ For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord, and hath seen and heard his word? Who hath considered his word and heard it?

dourh@Jeremiah:23:27 @ Who seek to make my people forget my name through their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor: as their fathers forgot my name for Baal.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:30 @ Therefore behold I am against the prophets, saith the Lord: who steal my words every one from his neighbor.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:31 @ Behold I am against the prophets, saith the Lord: who use their tongues, and say: The Lord saith it.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Behold I am against the prophets that have lying dreams, saith the Lord: and tell them, and cause my people to err by their lying, and by their wonders: when I sent them not, nor commanded them, who have not profited this people at all, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:24:5 @ Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Like these good figs, so will I regard the captives of Juda, whom I have sent forth out of this place into the land oif the Chaldeans, for their own good.

dourh@Jeremiah:24:7 @ And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: because they shall return to me with their whole heart.

dourh@Jeremiah:26:5 @ To give ear to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent to you rising up early: and sending, and you have not hearkened:

dourh@Jeremiah:27:5 @ I made the earth, and the men, and the beasts that are upon the face of the earth, by my great power, and by my stretched out arm: and I have given it to whom it seemed good in my eyes.

dourh@Jeremiah:27:8 @ But the nation and kingdom that will not serve Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and whosoever will not bend his neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon: I will visit upon that nation with the sword, and with famine, and with pestilence, saith the Lord: till I consume them by his hand.

dourh@Jeremiah:28:9 @ The prophet that prophesied peace when his word shall come to pass, the prophet shall be known, whom the Lord hath sent in truth.

dourh@Jeremiah:29:1 @ Now these are the words of the letter which Jeremias, the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the residue of the ancients that were carried into captivity, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the people, whom Nabuchodonosor had carried away from Jerusalem to Babylon:

dourh@Jeremiah:29:3 @ By the hand of Elasa the son of Saphan, and Gamarias the son of Helcias, whom Sedecias king of Juda sent to Babylon to Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, saying:

dourh@Jeremiah:29:4 @ Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel, to all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem to Babylon:

dourh@Jeremiah:29:20 @ Hear ye therefore the word of the Lord, all ye of the captivity, whom I have sent out from Jerusalem to Babylon.

dourh@Jeremiah:29:21 @ Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel, to Achab the son of Colias, and to Sedecias the son of Maasias, who prophesy unto you in my name falsely: Behold I will deliver them up into the hands of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon: and he shall kill them before your eyes.

dourh@Jeremiah:29:22 @ And of them shall be taken up a curse by all the captivity of Juda, that are in Babylon, saying: The Lord make thee like Sedecias, and like Achab, whom the king of Babylon fried in the fire:

dourh@Jeremiah:29:27 @ And now why hast thou not rebuked Jeremias the Anathothite, who prophesieth to you?

dourh@Jeremiah:30:9 @ But they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up to them.

dourh@Jeremiah:30:10 @ Therefore fear thou not, my servant Jacob, saith the Lord, neither be dismayed, O Israel: for behold, I will save thee from a country afar off, and thy seed from the land of their captivity: and Jacob shall return, and be at rest, and abound with all good things, and there shall be none whom he may fear:

dourh@Jeremiah:30:21 @ And their leader shall be of themselves: and their prince shall come forth from the midst of them: and I will bring him near, and he shall come to me: for who is this that setteth his heart to approach to me, saith the Lord?

dourh@Jeremiah:31:37 @ Thus saith the Lord, who giveth the sun for the light of the day, the order of the moon and of the stars, for the light of the night: who stirreth up the sea, and the waves thereof roar, the Lord of hosts is his name.

dourh@Jeremiah:31:42 @ And the whole valley of dead bodies and of ashes, and all the country of death, even to the torrent Cedron, and the corner of the horse gate towards the east, the Holy of the Lord: it shall not be plucked up, and it shall not be destroyed any more for ever.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:19 @ Great in counsel and incomprehensible in thought: whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the children of Adam, to render unto every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his devices.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:20 @ Who hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt even until this day, and in Israel, and amongst men, and hast made thee a name as at this day.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:24 @ Behold works are built up against the city to take it: and the city is given into the hands of the Chaldeans, who fight against it, by the sword, and the famine, and the pestilence: and what thou hast spoken, is all come to pass, as thou thyself seest.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:29 @ And the Chaldeans that fight against this city, shall come and set it on fire, and burn it, with the houses upon whose roofs they offered sacrifice to Baal, and poured out drink offerings to strange gods, to provoke me to wrath.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:30 @ For the children of Israel, and the children of Juda, have continually done evil in my eyes from their youth: the children of Israel who even till now provoke me with the work of their hands, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:41 @ And I will rejoice over them, when I shall do them good: and I will plant them in this land in truth, with my whole heart, and with all my soul.

dourh@Jeremiah:33:2 @ Thus saith the Lord, who will do, and will form it, and prepare it, the Lord is his name.

dourh@Jeremiah:33:5 @ Of them that come to fight with the Chaldeans, and to fill them with the dead bodies of the men whom I have slain in my wrath, and in my indignation, hiding my face from this city because of all their wickedness.

dourh@Jeremiah:34:10 @ And all the princes, and all the people who entered into the covenant, heard that every man should let his manservant, and every man his maidservant go free, and should no more have dominion over them: and they obeyed, and let them go free.

dourh@Jeremiah:34:11 @ But afterwards they turned: and brought back again their servants and their handmaids, whom they had let go free, and brought them into subjection as menservants and maidservants.

dourh@Jeremiah:34:14 @ At the end of seven years, let ye go every man his brother being a Hebrew, who hath been sold to thee, so he shall serve thee six years: and thou shalt let him go free from thee: and your fathers did not hearken to me, nor did they incline their ear.

dourh@Jeremiah:34:16 @ And you are fallen back, and have defiled my name: and you have brought back again every man his manservant, and every man his maidservant, whom you had let go free, and set at liberty: and you have brought them into subjection to be your servants and handmaids.

dourh@Jeremiah:35:3 @ And I took Jezonias the son of Jeremias the son of Habsanias, and his brethren, and all his sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites.

dourh@Jeremiah:35:4 @ And I brought them into the house of the Lord, to the treasure house of the sons of Hanan, the son of Jegedelias the man of God, which was by the treasure house of the princes, above the treasure of Maasias the son of Sellum, who was keeper of the entry.

dourh@Jeremiah:36:21 @ And the king sent Judi that he should take the volume: who bringing it out of the chamber of Elisama the scribe, read it in the hearing of the king, and of all the princes that stood about the king.

dourh@Jeremiah:36:32 @ And Jeremias took another volume, and gave it to Baruch the son of Nerias the scribe: who wrote in it from the mouth of Jeremias all the words of the book which Joakim the king of Juda had burnt with fire: and there were added besides many more words than had been before.

dourh@Jeremiah:37:1 @ Now king Sedecias the son of Josias reigned instead of Jechonias the son of Joakim: whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon made king in the land of Juda.

dourh@Jeremiah:37:6 @ Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Thus shall you say to the king of Juda, who sent you to inquire of me: Behold the army of Pharao, which is come forth to help you, shall return into their own land, into Egypt.

dourh@Jeremiah:37:12 @ And when he was come to the gate of Benjamin, the captain of the gate, who I was there in his turn, was one named Jerias, the son of Selemias, the son of Hananias: and he took hold of Jeremias the prophet, saying: Thou art fleeing to the Chaldeans.

dourh@Jeremiah:38:2 @ Thus saith the Lord: Whosoever shell remain in this city, shall die by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence: but he that shall go forth to the Chaldeans, shall live, and his life shall be safe, and he shall live.

dourh@Jeremiah:39:17 @ And I will deliver thee in that day, saith the Lord: and thou shalt not be given into the hands of the men whom thou fearest:

dourh@Jeremiah:40:5 @ And come not with me: but dwell with Godolias the son of Ahicam the son of Saphan, whom the king of Babylon hath made governor over the cities of Juda: dwell therefore with him in the midst of the people: or whithersoever it shall please thee to go, go. And the general of the army gave him victuals and presents, and let him go.

dourh@Jeremiah:41:2 @ And Ismahel the son of Nathanias arose, and the ten men that were with him, and they struck Godolias the son of Ahicam, the son of Saphan with the sword, and slew him whom the king of Babylon had made governor over the land.

dourh@Jeremiah:41:9 @ And the pit into which Ismahel cast all the dead bodies of the men whom he slew because of Godolias, is the same that king Asa made, for fear of Baasa the king of Israel: the same did Ismahel the son of Nathanias fill with them that were slain.

dourh@Jeremiah:41:10 @ Then Ismahel carried away captive all the remnant of the people that were in Masphath: the king's daughters, and all the people that remained in Masphath: whom Nabuzardan the general of the army had committed to Godolias the son of Ahicam. And Ismahel the son of Nathanias took them, and he departed, to go over to the children of Ammon.

dourh@Jeremiah:41:14 @ And all the people whom Ismahel had taken, went back to Masphath: and they returned and went to Johanan the son of Caree.

dourh@Jeremiah:41:16 @ Then Johanan the son of Caree, and all the captains of the soldiers that were with him, took all the remnant of the people whom they had recovered from Ismahel the son of Nathanias, from Masphath, after that he had slain Godolias the son of Ahicam: valiant men for war, and the women, and the children, and the eunuchs, whom he had brought back from Gabaon:

dourh@Jeremiah:41:18 @ From the face of the Chaldeans: for they were afraid of them, because Ismahel the son of Nathanias had slain Godolias the son of Ahicam, whom the king of Babylon had made governor in the land of Juda.

dourh@Jeremiah:42:6 @ Whether it be good or evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom me send thee: that it may be well with us when we shall hearken to the voice of the Lord our God.

dourh@Jeremiah:42:9 @ And he said to them: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel, to whom you sent me, to present your supplications before him:

dourh@Jeremiah:42:11 @ Fear not because of the king of Babylon, of whom you are greatly afraid: fear him not, saith the Lord: for I am with you, to save you, and to deliver you from his hand.

dourh@Jeremiah:44:15 @ Then all the men that knew that their wives sacrificed to other gods: and all the women of whom there stood by a great multitude, and all the people of them that dwelt in the land of Egypt in Phatures, answered Jeremias, saying:

dourh@Jeremiah:44:28 @ And a few men that shall flee from the sword, shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Juda: and all the remnant of Juda that are gone into the land of Egypt to dwell there, shall know whose word shall stand, mine, or theirs.

dourh@Jeremiah:45:4 @ Thus saith the Lord: Thus shalt thou say to him: Behold, them whom I have built, I do destroy: and them whom I have planted, I do pluck up, and all this land.

dourh@Jeremiah:46:2 @ Against Egypt, against the army of Pharao Nechao king of Egypt, which was by the river Euphrates in Charcamis, whom Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon defeated, in the fourth year of Joakim the son of Josias king of Juda.

dourh@Jeremiah:46:7 @ Who is this that cometh up as a flood: and his streams swell like those of rivers?

dourh@Jeremiah:46:18 @ As I live, (saith the King, whose name is the Lord of hosts,) as Thabor is among the mountains, and as Carmel by the sea, so shall he come.

dourh@Jeremiah:48:15 @ Moab is laid waste, and they have cast down her cities: and her choice young men are gone down to the slaughter: saith the king, whose name is the Lord of hosts.

dourh@Jeremiah:49:4 @ Why gloriest thou in the valleys? thy valley hath flowed away, O delicate daughter, that hast trusted in thy treasures, and hast said: Who shall come to me?

dourh@Jeremiah:49:12 @ For thus saith the Lord: Behold they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup, shall certainly drink: and shalt thou come off as innocent? thou shalt not come off as innocent, but drinking thou shalt drink.

dourh@Jeremiah:49:19 @ Behold one shall come up as a lion from the swelling of the Jordan, against the strong and beautiful: for I will make him run suddenly upon her: and who shall be the chosen one whom I may appoint over her? for who is like to m? and who shall abide me? and who is that shepherd that can withstand my countenance?

dourh@Jeremiah:50:13 @ Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but shall be wholly desolate: every one that shall pass by Babylon, shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues.

dourh@Jeremiah:50:20 @ In those days, and at that time, saith the Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none: and the sin of Juda, and there shall none be found: for I will be merciful to them, whom I shall leave.

dourh@Jeremiah:50:23 @ How is the hammer of the whole earth broken, and destroyed! how is Babylon turned into a desert among the nations!

dourh@Jeremiah:50:44 @ Behold he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of the Jordan to the strong and beautiful: for I will make him run suddenly upon her: and who shall be the chosen one whom I may appoint over her? for who is like to me? and who shall bear up against me? and who is that shepherd that can withstand my countenance?

dourh@Jeremiah:51:1 @ Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will raise up as it were a pestilential wind against Babylon and against the inhabitants thereof, who have lifted up their heart against me.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:25 @ Behold I come against thee, thou destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which corruptest the whole earth: and I will stretch out my hand upon thee, and will roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:47 @ Therefore behold the days come, and I will visit the idols of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:56 @ Because the spoiler is come upon her, that is, upon Babylon, and her valiant men are taken, and their bow is weakened, because the Lord, who is a strong revenger, will surely repay.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:57 @ And I will make her princes drunk. and her wise men, and her captains, and her rulers, and her valiant men: and they shall sleep an everlasting sleep, and shall awake no more, saith the whose name is Lord of hosts.

dourh@Jeremiah:52:12 @ And in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month, the same is the nineteenth year of Nabuchodonosor, king of Babylon, came Nabuzardan the general of the army, who stood before the king of Babylon in Jerusalem.

dourh@Jeremiah:52:15 @ But Nabuzardan the general carried away captives some of the poor people, and of the rest of the common sort who remained in the city, and of the fugitives that were fled over to the king of Babylon, and the rest of the multitude.

dourh@Jeremiah:52:25 @ He also took out of the city one eunuch that was chief over the men of war: and seven men of them that were near the king's person, that were found in the city: and a scribe, an officer of the army who exercised the young soldiers: and threescore men of the people of the land, that were found in the midst of the city.

dourh@Jeremiah:52:28 @ This is the people whom Nabuchodonosor carried away captive: in the seventh year, three thousand and twenty-three Jews.

dourh@Lamentations:1:10 @ Jod. The enemy hath put out his hand to all her desirable things: for she hath seen the Gentiles enter into her sanctuary, of whom thou gavest commandment that they should not enter into thy church.

dourh@Lamentations:2:13 @ Mem. To what shall I compare thee? or to what shall I liken thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? to what shall I equal thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Sion? for great as the sea is thy destruction: who shall heal thee?

dourh@Lamentations:2:20 @ Res. Behold, O Lord, and consider whom thou hast thus dealt with: shall women then eat their own fruit, their children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

dourh@Lamentations:3:37 @ Mem. Who is he that hath commanded a thing to be done, when the Lord commandeth it not?

dourh@Lamentations:4:20 @ Res. The breath of our mouth, Christ the Lord, is taken in our sins: to whom we said: Under thy shadow we shall live among the Gentiles.

dourh@Ezekiel:1:18 @ The wheels had also a size, and a height, and a dreadful appearance: and the whole body was full of eyes round about all the four.

dourh@Ezekiel:2:4 @ And they to whom I send thee are children of a hard face, and of an obstinate heart: and thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord God:

dourh@Ezekiel:3:6 @ Nor to many nations of a strange speech, and of an unknown tongue, whose words thou canst not understand: and if thou wert sent to them, they would hearken to thee.

dourh@Ezekiel:5:10 @ Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers: and I will execute judgments in thee, and I will scatter thy whole remnant into every wind.

dourh@Ezekiel:9:6 @ Utterly destroy old and young, maidens, children and women: but upon whomsoever you shall see Thau, kill him not, and begin ye at my sanctuary. So they began at the ancient men who mere before the house.

dourh@Ezekiel:10:7 @ And one cherub stretched out his arm from the midst of the cherubims to the fire that was between the cherubims: and he took, and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen: who took it and went forth.

dourh@Ezekiel:10:12 @ And their whole body, and their necks, and their hands, and their wings, and the circles were full of eyes, round about the four wheels.

dourh@Ezekiel:11:7 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Your slain, whom you have laid in the midst thereof, they are the flesh, and this is the caldron: and I will bring you forth out of the midst thereof.

dourh@Ezekiel:11:15 @ Son of man, thy brethren, thy brethren, thy kinsmen, and all the house of Israel, all they to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said: Get ye far from the Lord, the land is given in possession to us.

dourh@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But as for them whose heart walketh after their scandals and abominations, I will lay their way upon their head, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:12:2 @ Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a provoking house: who have eyes to see, and see not: and ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a provoking house.

dourh@Ezekiel:13:22 @ Because with lies you have made the heart of the just to mourn, whom I have not made sorrowful: and have strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his evil way, and live.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:22 @ Yet there shall be left in it some that shall be saved, who shall bring away their sons and daughters: behold they shall come among you, and you shall see their way, and their doings: and you shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, in all things that I have brought upon it.

dourh@Ezekiel:15:5 @ Even when it was whole it was not fit for work: how much less, when the fire hath devoured and consumed it, shall any work be made of it?

dourh@Ezekiel:16:20 @ And thou hast taken thy sons, and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne to me: and best sacrificed the same to them to be devoured. Is thy fornication small?

dourh@Ezekiel:16:36 @ Thus saith the Lord God: Because thy money hath been poured out, and thy shame discovered through thy fornications with thy lovers, and with the idols of thy abominations, by the blood of thy children whom thou gavest them:

dourh@Ezekiel:16:37 @ Behold, I will gather together all thy lovers with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all whom thou hast loved, with all whom thou hast hated: and I will gather them together against thee on every side, and will discover thy shame in their sight, and they shall see all thy nakedness.

dourh@Ezekiel:16:45 @ Thou art thy mother's daughter, that cast off her husband, and her children: and thou art the sister of thy sisters, who cast off their husbands, and their children: your mother was a Cethite, and your father an Amorrhite.

dourh@Ezekiel:17:16 @ As I live, saith the Lord God: In the place where the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he hath made void, and whose covenant he broke, even in the midst of Babylon shall he die.

dourh@Ezekiel:18:14 @ But if he beget a son, who, seeing all his father's sine, which he hath done, is afraid, and shall not do the like to them:

dourh@Ezekiel:20:9 @ But I did otherwise for my name's sake, that it might not be violated before the nations, in the midst of whom they were, and among whom I made myself known to them, to bring them out of the land of Egypt.

dourh@Ezekiel:21:25 @ But thou profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come that hath been appointed in the time of iniquity:

dourh@Ezekiel:21:27 @ I will shew it to be iniquity, iniquity, iniquity: but this was not done till he came to whom judgment belongeth, and I will give it him.

dourh@Ezekiel:21:29 @ Whilst they see vain things in thy regard, and they divine lies: to bring thee upon the necks of the wicked that are wounded, whose appointed day is come in the time of iniquity.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:6 @ Who were clothed with blue, princes, and rulers, beautiful youths, all horsemen, mounted upon horses.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:7 @ And she committed her fornications with those chosen men, all sons of the Assyrians: and she defiled herself with the uncleanness of all them on whom she doted.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:9 @ Therefore have I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians, upon whose lust she doted.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:20 @ And she was mad with lust after lying with them whose flesh is as the flesh of asses: and whose issue as the issue of horses.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:22 @ Therefore, Ooliba, thus saith the Lord God: Behold I will raise up against thee all thy lovers with whom thy soul hath been glutted: and I will gather them together against thee round about.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:28 @ For thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will deliver thee into the hands of them whom thou hatest, into their hands with whom thy soul hath been glutted.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:37 @ Because they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and they have committed fornication with their idols: moreover also their children, whom they bore to me, they have offered to them to be devoured.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:40 @ They sent for men coming from afar, to whom they had sent a messenger: and behold they came: for whom thou didst wash thyself, and didst paint thy eyes, and wast adorned with women's ornaments.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:6 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose rust is in it, and its rust is not gone out of it: cast it out piece by piece, there hath no lot fallen upon it.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:10 @ Heap together the bones, which I will burn with Are: the flesh shall be consumed, and the whole composition shall be sodden, and the bones shall be consumed.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:21 @ Speak to the house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I will profane my sanctuary, the glory of your realm, and the thing that your eyes de sire, and for which your soul feareth: your sons, and your daughters, whom you have left, shall fall by the sword.

dourh@Ezekiel:26:17 @ And taking up a lamentation over thee, they shall sag to thee: How art thou fallen, that dwellest in the sea, renowned city that wast strong in the sea, with thy inhabitants whom all did dread?

dourh@Ezekiel:27:27 @ Thy riches, and thy treasures, and thy manifold furniture, thy mariners, and thy pilots, who kept thy goods, and were chief over thy people: thy men of war also, that were in thee, with all thy multitude that is in the midst of thee: shall fall in the heart of the sea in the day of thy ruin.

dourh@Ezekiel:28:25 @ Thus saith the Lord God: When I shall have gathered together the house of Israel out of the people among whom they are scattered: I will be sanctified in them before the Gentiles: and they shall dwell in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob.

dourh@Ezekiel:29:13 @ For thus saith the Lord God: At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the people among whom they had been scattered.

dourh@Ezekiel:31:2 @ Son of man, speak to Pharao king of Egypt, and to his people: To whom art thou like in thy greatness?

dourh@Ezekiel:31:18 @ To whom art thou like, O thou that art famous and lofty among the trees of pleasure? Behold, thou art brought down with the trees of pleasure to the lowest parts of the earth: thou shalt sleep in the midst of the uncircumcised, with them that are slain by the sword: this is Pharao, and all his multitude, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:32:19 @ Whom dost thou excel in beauty? go down and sleep with the uncircumcised.

dourh@Ezekiel:32:23 @ Whose graves are set in the lowest parts of the pit: and his multitude lay round about his grave: all of them slain, and fallen by the sword, they that heretofore spread terror in the land of the living.

dourh@Ezekiel:32:29 @ There is Edom, and her kings, and all her princes, who with their army are joined with them that are slain by the sword: and have slept with the uncircumcised, and with them that go down into the pit.

dourh@Ezekiel:32:30 @ There are all the princes of the north, and all the hunters: who were brought down with the slain, fearing, and con- founded in their strength: who slept uncircumcised with them that are slain by the sword, and have borne their shame with them that go down into the pit.

dourh@Ezekiel:33:4 @ Then he that heareth the sound of the trumpet, whosoever he be, and doth not look to himself, if the sword come, and cut him off: his blood shall be upon his own head.

dourh@Ezekiel:35:14 @ Thus saith the Lord God: When the whole earth shall rejoice, I will make thee a wilderness.

dourh@Ezekiel:36:5 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord God: In the fire of my zeal I have spoken of the rest of the nations, and of all Edom, who have taken my land to themselves, for an inheritance with joy, and with all the heart, and with the mind: and have cast it out to lay it waste.

dourh@Ezekiel:36:7 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord God: I have lifted up my hand, that the Gentiles who are round about you, shall themselves bear their shame.

dourh@Ezekiel:38:17 @ Thus saith the Lord God: Thou then art he, of whom I have spoken in the days of old, by my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in the days of those times that I would bring thee upon them.

dourh@Ezekiel:39:10 @ And they shall not bring wood out of the countries, nor cut down out of the forests: for they shall burn the weapons with fire, and shall make a prey of them to whom they had been a prey, and they shall rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:40:3 @ And he brought me in thither, and behold a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed in his hand, and he stood in the gate.

dourh@Ezekiel:40:46 @ But the chamber that looketh towards the north shall be for the priests that watch over the ministry of the altar. These are the sons of Sadoc, who among the sons of Levi, come near to the Lord, to minister to him.

dourh@Ezekiel:43:8 @ They who have set their threshold by my threshold, and their posts by my posts: and there was but a wall between me and them: and they profaned my holy name by the abominations which they committed: for which reason I consumed them in my wrath.

dourh@Ezekiel:43:12 @ And be ashamed of all that they have done. Shew them the form of the house, and of the fashion thereof, the goings out and the comings in, and the whole plan thereof, and all its ordinances, and all its order, and all its laws, and thou shalt write it in their sight: that they may keep the whole form thereof, and its ordinances, and do them.

dourh@Ezekiel:43:20 @ And thou shalt give to the priests, and the Levites, that are of the race of Sadoc, who approach to me, saith the Lord God, to offer to me a calf of the herd for sin.

dourh@Ezekiel:44:15 @ But the priests, and Levites, the sons of Sadoc, who kept the ceremonies or my sanctuary, when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me, to minister to me: and they shall stand before me, to offer me the fat, and the blood, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:44:25 @ And they shall come near no dead person, lest they be defiled, only their father and mother, and son and daughter, and brother and sister, that hath not had another husband: for whom they may become unclean.

dourh@Ezekiel:45:4 @ The holy portion of the land shall be for the priests the ministers of the sanctuary, who come near to the ministry of the Lord: and it shall be a place for their houses, and for the holy place of the sanctuary.

dourh@Ezekiel:45:6 @ And you shall appoint the possession of the city five thousand broad, and five and twenty thousand long, according to the separation of the sanctuary, for the whole house of Israel.

dourh@Ezekiel:48:11 @ The sanctuary shall be for the priests of the sons of Sadoc, who kept my ceremonies, and went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites also went astray.

dourh@Daniel:1:4 @ Children in whom there was no blemish, well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, acute in knowledge, and instructed in science, and such as might stand in the king's palace, that he might teach them the learning, and the tongue of the Chaldeans.

dourh@Daniel:1:10 @ And the prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel: I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed you meat and drink: who if he should see your faces leaner than those of the other youths your equals, you shall endanger my head to the king.

dourh@Daniel:1:11 @ And Daniel said to Malasar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had appointed over Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias:

dourh@Daniel:2:11 @ For the thing that thou askest, O king, is difficult; nor can any one be found that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose conversation is not with men.

dourh@Daniel:2:14 @ Then Daniel inquired concerning the law and the sentence, of Arioch the general of the king's army, who was gone forth to kill the wise men of Babylon.

dourh@Daniel:2:24 @ After this Daniel went in to Arioch, to whom the king had given orders to destroy the wise men of Babylon, and he spoke thus to him: Destroy not the wise men of Babylon: bring me in before the king, and I will tell the solution to the king.

dourh@Daniel:2:26 @ The king answered, and said to Daniel, whose name was Baltassar: Thinkest thou indeed that thou canst tell me the dream that I saw, and the interpretation thereof?

dourh@Daniel:2:28 @ But there is a God in heaven that revealeth mysteries, who hath shewn to thee, O king Nabuchodonosor, what is to come to pass in the latter times. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these:

dourh@Daniel:2:35 @ Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of a summer's thrashingfloor, and they were carried away by the wind: and there was no place found for them: but the stone that struck the statue, became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

dourh@Daniel:3:12 @ Now there are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the works of the province of Babylon, Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago: these men, O king, have slighted thy decree: they worship not thy gods, nor do they adore the golden statue which thou hast set up.

dourh@Daniel:3:13 @ Then Nabuchodonosor in fury, and in wrath, commanded that Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago should be brought: who immediately were brought before the king.

dourh@Daniel:3:15 @ Now therefore if you be ready at what hour soever you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, flute, harp, sackbut, and psaltery, and symphony, and of all kind of music, prostrate yourselves, and adore the statue which I have made: but if you do not adore, you shall be cast the same hour into the furnace of burning fire: and who is the God that shall deliver you out of my hand?

dourh@Daniel:3:17 @ For behold our God, whom we worship, is able to save us from the furnace of burning fire, and to deliver us out of thy hands, O king.

dourh@Daniel:3:28 @ Then Nabuchodonosor breaking forth, said: Blessed be the God of them, to wit, of Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that believed in him: and they changed the king's word, and delivered up their bodies that they might not serve, nor adore any god, except their own God.

dourh@Daniel:4:8 @ Till their colleague Daniel came in before me, whose name is Baltassar, according to the name of my god, who hath in him the spirit of the holy gods: and I told the dream before him.

dourh@Daniel:4:17 @ This is the decree by the sentence of the watchers, and the word And demand of the holy ones; till the living know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men; and he will give it to whomsoever it shall please him, and he will appoint the basest man over it.

dourh@Daniel:4:19 @ Then Daniel, whose name was Baltassar, began silently to think within himself for about one hour: and his thoughts troubled him. But the king answering, said: Baltassar, let not the dream and the interpretation thereof trouble thee. Baltassar answered, and said: My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thy enemies.

dourh@Daniel:4:20 @ The tree which thou sawest which was high and strong, whose height reached to the skies, and the sight thereof into all tire earth:

dourh@Daniel:4:22 @ It is thou, O king, who art grown great and become mighty: for thy greatness hath grown, and hath reached to heaven, and thy power unto the ends of the earth.

dourh@Daniel:4:25 @ They shall cast thee out from among men, and thy dwelling shall be with cattle and with wild beasts, and thou shalt eat grass as an ox, and shalt be wet with the dew of heaven: and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth over the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

dourh@Daniel:4:32 @ And they shall cast thee out from among men, and thy dwelling shall be with cattle and wild beasts: thou shalt eat grass like an ox, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

dourh@Daniel:5:7 @ And the king cried out aloud to bring in the wise men, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. And the king spoke, and said to the wise men of Babylon: Whosoever shall read this writing, and shall make known to me the interpretation thereof, shall be clothed with purple, and shall have a golden chain on his neck, and shall be the third man in my kingdom.

dourh@Daniel:5:12 @ Because a greater spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, and interpretation of dreams, and shewing of secrets, and resolving of difficult things, were found in him, that is, in Daniel: whom the king named Baltarsar. Now therefore let Daniel be called for, and he will tell the interpretation.

dourh@Daniel:5:13 @ Then Daniel was brought in before the king. And the king spoke, and said to him: Art thou Daniel of the children of the captivity of Juda, whom my father the king brought out of Judea?

dourh@Daniel:5:19 @ And for the greatness that he gave to him, all people, tribes, and languages trembled, and were afraid of him: whom he would, he slew: and whom he would, he destroyed: and whom he would, he set up: and whom he would, he brought down.

dourh@Daniel:5:21 @ And he was driven out from the sons of men, and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses, and he did eat grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven: till he knew that the most High ruled in the kingdom of men, and that he will set over it whomsoever it shall please him.

dourh@Daniel:5:23 @ But hast lifted thyself up against the Lord of heaven: and the vessels of his house have been brought before thee: and thou, and thy nobles, and thy wives, and thy concubines have drunk wine in them: and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and of gold, and of brass, of iron, and of wood, and of stone, that neither see, nor hear, nor feel: but the God who hath thy breath in his hand, and all thy ways, thou hast not glorified.

dourh@Daniel:6:1 @ It seemed good to Darius, and he appointed over the kingdom a hundred and twenty governors to be over his whole kingdom.

dourh@Daniel:6:2 @ And three princes over them, of whom Daniel was one: that the governors might give an account to them, and the king might have no trouble.

dourh@Daniel:6:7 @ All the princes of the kingdom, the magistrates, and governors, the senators, and judges have consulted together, that an imperial decree, and an edict be published: That whosoever shall ask any petition of any god, or man, for thirty days, but of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions.

dourh@Daniel:6:13 @ Then they answered, and said before the king: Daniel, who is of the children of the captivity of Juda, hath not regarded thy law, nor the decree that thou hast made: but three times a day he maketh his prayer.

dourh@Daniel:6:16 @ Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of the lions. And the king said to Daniel: Thy God, whom thou always servest, he will deliver thee.

dourh@Daniel:6:20 @ And coming near to the den, cried with a lamentable voice to Daniel, and said to him: Daniel, servant of the living God, hath thy God, whom thou servest always, been able, thinkest thou, to deliver thee from the lions?

dourh@Daniel:6:25 @ Then king Darius wrote to all people, tribes, and languages, dwelling in the whole earth: PEACE be multiplied unto you.

dourh@Daniel:6:27 @ He is the deliverer, and saviour, doing signs and wonders in heaven, and in earth: who hath delivered Daniel out of the lions' den.

dourh@Daniel:7:23 @ And thus he said: The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be greater than all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

dourh@Daniel:7:27 @ And that the kingdom, and power, and the greatness of the kingdom, under the whole heaven, may be given to the people of the saints of the most High: whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all kings shall serve him, and shall obey him.

dourh@Daniel:8:5 @ And I understood: and behold a he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and he touched not the ground, and the he goat had a notable horn between his eyes.

dourh@Daniel:8:13 @ And I heard one of the saints speaking, and one saint said to another, I know not to whom that was speaking: How long shall be the vision, concerning the continual sacrifice, and the sin of the desolation that is made: and the sanctuary, and the strength be trodden under foot?

dourh@Daniel:9:1 @ In the first year of Darius the son of Assuerus of the seed of the Medes, who reigned over the kingdom of the Chaldeans:

dourh@Daniel:9:4 @ And I prayed to the Lord my God, and I made my confession, and said: I beseech thee, O Lord God, great and terrible, who keepest the covenant, and mercy to them that love thee, and keep thy commandments.

dourh@Daniel:9:15 @ And now, O Lord our God, who hast brought forth thy people out of the land of Egypt with a strong hand, and hast made thee a name as at this day: we have sinned, we have committed iniquity,

dourh@Daniel:9:21 @ As I was yet speaking in prayer, behold the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, flying swiftly touched me at the time of the evening sacrifice.

dourh@Daniel:11:38 @ But he shall worship the god Maozim in his place: and a god whom his fathers knew not, he shall worship with gold, and silver, and precious stones, and things of great price.

dourh@Daniel:11:39 @ And he shall do this to fortify Maozim with a strange god, whom he hath acknowledged, and he shall increase glory and shall give them power over many, and shall divide the land gratis.

dourh@Daniel:12:1 @ But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time shall come such as never was from the time that nations began even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book.

dourh@Daniel:13:2 @ And he took a wife whose name was Susanna, the daughter of Helcias, a very beautiful woman, and one that feared God.

dourh@Daniel:13:5 @ And there were two of the ancients of the people appointed judges that year, of whom the Lord said: Iniquity came out from Babylon from the ancient judges, that seemed to govern the people.

dourh@Daniel:13:40 @ But having taken this woman, we asked who the young man was, but she would not tell us: of this thing we are witnesses.

dourh@Daniel:13:42 @ Then Susanna cried out with a loud voice, and said: O eternal God, who knowest hidden things, who knowest all things before they come to pass,

dourh@Daniel:13:45 @ And when she was led to be put to death, the Lord raised up the holy spirit of a young boy, whose name was Daniel.

dourh@Daniel:13:60 @ With that all the assembly cried out with a loud voice, and they blessed God, who saveth them that trust in him.

dourh@Daniel:14:7 @ And the king being angry called for his priests, and said to them: If you tell me not, who it is that eateth up these expenses, you shall die.

dourh@Daniel:14:16 @ And the king said: Are the seals whole, Daniel? And he answered: They are whole, O king.

dourh@Daniel:14:18 @ And Daniel laughed: and he held the king that he should not go in: and he said: Behold the pavement, mark whose footsteps these are.

dourh@Daniel:14:21 @ The king therefore put them to death, and delivered Bel into the power of Daniel: who destroyed him, and his temple.

dourh@Daniel:14:26 @ Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and boiled them together: and he made lumps, and put them into the dragon's mouth, and the dragon burst asunder. And he said: Behold him whom you worshipped.

dourh@Daniel:14:33 @ And the angel of the Lord said to Habacuc: Carry the dinner which thou hast into Babylon to Daniel, who is in the lions' den.

dourh@Daniel:14:42 @ Then the king said: Let all the inhabitants of the whole earth fear the God of Daniel: for he is the Saviour, working signs, and wonders in the earth: who hath delivered Daniel out of the lions' den.

dourh@Hosea:2:13 @ And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim, to whom she burnt incense, and decked herself out with her earrings, and with her jewels, and went after her lovers, and forgot me, saith the Lord.

dourh@Hosea:5:1 @ Hear ye this, O priests, and hearken, O ye house of Israel, and give ear, O house of the king: for there is a judgment against you, because you have been a snare to them whom you should have watched over, and a net spread upon Thabor.

dourh@Hosea:6:9 @ And like the jaws of highway robbers, they conspire with the priests who murder in the way those that pass out Sichem: for they have wrought wickedness.

dourh@Hosea:7:4 @ They are all adulterers, like an oven heated by the baker: the city rested a little from the mingling of the leaven, till the whole was leavened.

dourh@Hosea:13:2 @ And now they have sinned more and more: and they have made to themselves a molten thing of their silver as the likeness of idols: the whole is the work of craftsmen: to these that say: Sacrifice men, ye that adore calves.

dourh@Hosea:13:10 @ Where is thy king? now especially let him save thee in all thy cities: and thy judges, of whom thou saidst: Q Give me kings and princes.

dourh@Hosea:14:10 @ Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know these things? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall in them.

dourh@Joel:2:11 @ And the Lord hath uttered his voice before the face of his army: for his armies are exceeding great, for they are strong and execute his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible: and who can stand it?

dourh@Joel:2:14 @ Who knoweth but he will return, and forgive, and leave a blessing behind him, sacrifice and libation to the Lord your God?

dourh@Joel:2:26 @ And you shall eat in plenty, and shall be filled: and you shall praise the name of the Lord your God, who hath done wonders with you, and my people shall not be confounded for ever.

dourh@Joel:2:32 @ And it shall come to pass, that every one that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved: for in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem shall be salvation, as the Lord hath said, and in the residue whom the Lord shall call.

dourh@Joel:3:2 @ I will gather together all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Josaphat: and I will plead with them there for my people, and for my inheritance Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have parted my land.

dourh@Amos:1:1 @ The words of Amos, who was among herdsmen of Thecua: which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Ozias king of Juda, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joas king of Israel two years before the earthquake.

dourh@Amos:2:9 @ Yet I cast out the Amorrhite before their face: whose height was like the height of cedars, and who was strong as an oak: and I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots beneath.

dourh@Amos:3:1 @ Hear the word that the Lord hath spoken concerning you, O ye children of Israel: concerning the whole family that I brought up out of the land of Egypt, saying:

dourh@Amos:3:8 @ The lion shall roar, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who shall not prophesy?

dourh@Amos:7:2 @ And it came to pass, that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land, I said: O Lord God, be merciful, I beseech thee: who shall raise up Jacob, for he is very little?

dourh@Amos:7:5 @ And I said: O Lord God, cease, I beseech thee, who shall raise up Jacob, for he is a little one?

dourh@Amos:9:5 @ And the Lord the God of hosts is he who toucheth the earth, and it shall melt: and all that dwell therein shall mourn: and it shall rise up as a river, and shall run down as the river of Egypt.

dourh@Amos:9:6 @ He that buildeth his ascension in heaven, and hath founded his bundle upon the earth: who calleth the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth, the Lord is his name.

dourh@Amos:9:10 @ All the sinners of my people shall fall by the sword: who say: The evils shall not approach, and shall not come upon us.

dourh@Obadiah:1:3 @ The pride of thy heart hath lifted thee up, who dwellest in the clefts of the rocks, and settest up thy throne on high: who sayest in thy heart: Who shall bring me down to the ground?

dourh@Jonah:1:9 @ And he said to them: I am a Hebrew, and I fear the Lord the God of heaven, who made both the sea and the dry land.

dourh@Jonah:3:9 @ Who can tell if God will turn, and forgive: and will turn away from his fierce anger, and we shall not perish?

dourh@Micah:2:11 @ Would God I were not a man that hath the spirit, and that I rather spoke a lie: I will let drop to thee of wine, and of drunkenness: and it shall be this people upon whom it shall drop.

dourh@Micah:3:3 @ Who have eaten the flesh of my people, and have flayed their skin from off them: and have broken, and chopped their bones as for the kettle, and as flesh in the midst of the pot.

dourh@Micah:4:6 @ In that day, saith the Lord, I will gather up her that halteth: and her that I had cast out, I will gather up: and her whom I had afflicted.

dourh@Micah:4:13 @ Arise, and tread, O daughter of Sion: for I will make thy horn iron, and thy hoofs I will make brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many peoples, and shalt immolate the spoils of them to the Lord, and their strength to the Lord of the whole earth.

dourh@Micah:5:8 @ And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many peoples as a lion among the beasts of the forests, and as a young lion among the docks of sheep: who when he shall go through and tread down, and take, there is none to deliver.

dourh@Micah:6:11 @ The voice of the Lord crieth to the city, and salvation shall be to them that fear thy name: hear, O ye tribes, and who shall approve it?

dourh@Micah:6:16 @ Thou shalt eat, but shalt not be filled: and thy humiliation shall be in the midst of thee: and thou shalt take hold, but shalt not save: and those whom thou shalt save, I will give up to the sword.

dourh@Micah:7:10 @ And my enemy shall behold, and she shall be covered with shame, who saith to me: Where is the Lord thy God? My eyes shall look down upon her: now shall she be trodden under foot as the mire of the streets.

dourh@Micah:7:18 @ Who is a God like to thee, who takest away iniquity, and passest by the sin of the remnant of thy inheritance? he will send his fury in no more, because he delighteth in mercy.

dourh@Nahum:1:6 @ Who can stand before the face of his indignation? and who shall resist in the fierceness of his anger? his indignation is poured out like fire: and the rocks are melted by him.

dourh@Nahum:3:7 @ And it shall come to pass that every one that shall see thee, shall flee from thee, and shall say: Ninive is laid waste: who shall bemoan thee? whence shall I seek a comforter for thee?

dourh@Nahum:3:19 @ Thy destruction is not hidden, thy wound is grievous: all that have heard the fame of thee, have clapped their hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

dourh@Habakkuk:2:5 @ And as wine deceiveth him that drinketh it: so shall the proud man be, and he shall not be honoured: who hath enlarged his desire like hell: and is himself like death, and he is never satisfied: but will gather together unto him all nations, and heap together unto him all people.

dourh@Habakkuk:3:8 @ Wast thou angry, O Lord, with the rivers? or was thy wrath upon the rivers? or thy indignation in the sea? Who will ride upon thy horses: and thy chariots are salvation.

dourh@Haggai:2:4 @ Who is left among you, that saw this house in its first glory? and how do you see it now? is it not in comparison to that as nothing in your eyes?

dourh@Zechariah:1:4 @ Be not as your fathers, to whom the former prophets have cried, saying: Thus saith the Lord of hosts: Turn ye from your evil ways, and from your wicked thoughts: but they did not give ear, neither did they hearken to me, saith the Lord.

dourh@Zechariah:1:10 @ And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered, and said: These are they, whom the Lord hath sent to walk through the earth.

dourh@Zechariah:3:4 @ Who answered, and said to them that stood before him, saying: Take away the filthy garments from him. And he said to him: Behold I have taken away thy iniquity, and have clothed thee with change of garments.

dourh@Zechariah:4:7 @ Who art thou, O great mountain, before Zorobabel? thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring out the chief stone, and shall give equal grace to the grace thereof.

dourh@Zechariah:4:10 @ For who hath despised little days? and they shall rejoice, and shall see the tin plummet in the hand of Zorobabel. These are the seven eyes of the Lord, that run to and fro through the whole earth.

dourh@Zechariah:4:14 @ And he said: These are two sons of oil who stand before the Lord of the whole earth.

dourh@Zechariah:6:10 @ Take of them of the captivity, of Holdai, and of Tobias, and of Idaias; thou shalt come in that day, and shalt go into the house of Josias, the son of Sophonias, who came out of Babylon.

dourh@Zechariah:11:16 @ For behold I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who shall not visit what is forsaken, nor seek what is scattered, nor heal what is broken, nor nourish that which standeth, and he shall eat the flesh of the fat ones, and break their hoofs.

dourh@Zechariah:12:1 @ The burden of the word of the Lord upon Israel. Thus saith the Lord, who stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundations of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man in him:

dourh@Zechariah:12:10 @ And I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of prayers: and they shall look upon me, whom they have pierced: and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for an only son, and they shall grieve over him, as the manner is to grieve for the death of the firstborn.

dourh@Malachi:1:4 @ But if Edom shall say: We are destroyed, but we will return and build up what hath been destroyed: thus saith the Lord of hosts: They shall build up, and I will throw down: and they shall be called the borders of wickedness, and the people with whom the Lord is angry for ever.

dourh@Malachi:1:10 @ Who is there among you, that will shut the doors, and will kindle the fire on my altar gratis? I have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord of hosts: and I will not receive a gift of your hand.

dourh@Malachi:2:14 @ And you have said: For what cause? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee, and the wife of thy youth, whom thou hast despised: yet she was thy partner, and the wife of thy covenant.

dourh@Malachi:3:1 @ Behold I send my angel, and he shall prepare the way before my face. And presently the Lord, whom you seek, and the angel of the testament, whom you desire, shall come to his temple. Behold he cometh, saith the Lord of hosts.

dourh@Malachi:3:2 @ And who shall be able to think of the day of his coming? and who shall stand to see him? for he is like a refining fire, and like the fuller's herb:

dourh@Malachi:3:9 @ And you are cursed with want, and you afflict me, even the whole nation of you.

dourh@Matthew:1:16 @ And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

dourh@Matthew:2:9 @ Who having heard the king, went their way; and behold the star which they had seen in the east, went before them, until it came and stood over where the child was.

dourh@Matthew:2:14 @ Who arose, and took the child and his mother by night, and retired into Egypt: and he was there until the death of Herod:

dourh@Matthew:2:21 @ Who arose, and took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.

dourh@Matthew:3:7 @ And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them: Ye brood of vipers, who hath shewed you to flee from the wrath to come?

dourh@Matthew:3:11 @ I indeed baptize you in the water unto penance, but he that shall come after me, is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire.

dourh@Matthew:3:12 @ Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.

dourh@Matthew:3:17 @ And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

dourh@Matthew:4:4 @ Who answered and said: It is written, Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.

dourh@Matthew:4:18 @ And Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishers).

dourh@Matthew:5:16 @ So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:5:21 @ You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not kill. And whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment.

dourh@Matthew:5:22 @ But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou Fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

dourh@Matthew:5:28 @ But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

dourh@Matthew:5:29 @ And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. For it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell.

dourh@Matthew:5:30 @ And if thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell.

dourh@Matthew:5:31 @ And it hath been said, Whoseoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a bill of divorce.

dourh@Matthew:5:32 @ But I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, excepting for the cause of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.

dourh@Matthew:5:41 @ And whosoever will force thee one mile, go with him other two,

dourh@Matthew:5:45 @ That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust.

dourh@Matthew:6:1 @ Take heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:6:4 @ That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee.

dourh@Matthew:6:6 @ But thou when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door, pray to thy Father in secret: and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee.

dourh@Matthew:6:9 @ Thus therefore shall you pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

dourh@Matthew:6:18 @ That thou appear not to men to fast, but to thy Father who is in secret: and thy Father who seeth in secret, will repay thee.

dourh@Matthew:6:22 @ The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be lightsome.

dourh@Matthew:6:23 @ But if thy eye be evil thy whole body shall be darksome. If then the light that is in thee, be darkness: the darkness itself how great shall it be!

dourh@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone?

dourh@Matthew:7:11 @ If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?

dourh@Matthew:7:13 @ Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.

dourh@Matthew:7:15 @ Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

dourh@Matthew:7:21 @ Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.

dourh@Matthew:8:32 @ And he said to them: Go. But they going out went into the swine, and behold the whole herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea: and they perished in the waters.

dourh@Matthew:8:34 @ And behold the whole city went out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart from their coasts.

dourh@Matthew:9:20 @ And behold a woman who was troubled with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment.

dourh@Matthew:9:22 @ But Jesus turning and seeing her, said: Be of good heart, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

dourh@Matthew:10:2 @ And the names of the twelve apostles are these: The first, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother,

dourh@Matthew:10:4 @ Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.

dourh@Matthew:10:11 @ And into whatsoever city or town you shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide till you go thence.

dourh@Matthew:10:14 @ And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house or city shake off the dust from your feet.

dourh@Matthew:10:32 @ Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:10:33 @ But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:10:42 @ And whosoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.

dourh@Matthew:11:10 @ For this is he of whom it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee.

dourh@Matthew:11:17 @ Who crying to their companions say: We have piped to you, and you have not danced: we have lamented, and you have not mourned.

dourh@Matthew:11:27 @ All things are delivered to me by my Father. And no one knoweth the Son, but the Father: neither doth any one know the Father, but the Son, and he to whom it shall please the Son to reveal him.

dourh@Matthew:12:10 @ And behold there was a man who had a withered hand, and they asked him, saying: Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him.

dourh@Matthew:12:18 @ Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul hath been well pleased. I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.

dourh@Matthew:12:27 @ And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.

dourh@Matthew:12:32 @ And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.

dourh@Matthew:12:39 @ Who answering said to them: An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign: and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

dourh@Matthew:12:48 @ But he answering him that told him, said: Who is my mother, and who are my brethren?

dourh@Matthew:12:50 @ For whosoever shall do the will of my Father, that is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.

dourh@Matthew:13:11 @ Who answered and said to them: Because to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: but to them it is not given.

dourh@Matthew:13:14 @ And the prophecy of Isaias is fulfilled in them, who saith: By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand: and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive.

dourh@Matthew:13:33 @ Another parable he spoke to them: The kingdom of heaven is like to leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened.

dourh@Matthew:13:37 @ Who made answer and said to them: He that soweth the good seed, is the Son of man.

dourh@Matthew:13:46 @ Who when he had found one pearl of great price, went his way, and sold all that he had, and bought it.

dourh@Matthew:13:52 @ He said unto them: Therefore every scribe instructed in the kingdom of heaven, is like to a man that is a householder, who bringeth forth out of his treasure new things and old.

dourh@Matthew:14:36 @ And they besought him that they might touch but the hem of his garment. And as many as touched, were made whole.

dourh@Matthew:15:5 @ But you say: Whosoever shall say to father or mother, The gift whatsoever proceedeth from me, shall profit thee.

dourh@Matthew:15:22 @ And behold a woman of Canaan who came out of those coasts, crying out, said to him: Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David: my daughter is grieviously troubled by the devil.

dourh@Matthew:15:23 @ Who answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying: Send her away, for she crieth after us:

dourh@Matthew:15:26 @ Who answering, said: It is not good to take the bread of the children, and to cast it to the dogs.

dourh@Matthew:16:6 @ Who said to them: Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

dourh@Matthew:16:13 @ And Jesus came into the quarters of Cesarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is?

dourh@Matthew:16:15 @ Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am?

dourh@Matthew:16:17 @ And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:16:23 @ Who turning, said to Peter: Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.

dourh@Matthew:16:26 @ For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

dourh@Matthew:17:5 @ And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them. And lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him.

dourh@Matthew:17:24 @ He said: Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying: What is thy opinion, Simon? The kings of the earth, of whom do they receive tribute or custom? of their own children, or of strangers?

dourh@Matthew:18:1 @ At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?

dourh@Matthew:18:4 @ Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.

dourh@Matthew:18:7 @ Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh.

dourh@Matthew:18:10 @ See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:18:14 @ Even so it is not the will of your Father, who is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

dourh@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say to you, that if two of you shall consent upon earth, concerning any thing whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be done to them by my Father who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:18:23 @ Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened to a king, who would take an account of his servants.

dourh@Matthew:19:4 @ Who answering, said to them: Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, Made them male and female? And he said:

dourh@Matthew:19:9 @ And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.

dourh@Matthew:19:11 @ Who said to them: All men take not this word, but they to whom it is given.

dourh@Matthew:19:12 @ For there are eunuchs, who were born so from their mother's womb: and there are eunuchs, who were made so by men: and there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. He that can take, let him take it.

dourh@Matthew:19:17 @ Who said to him: Why asketh thou me concerning good? One is good, God. But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

dourh@Matthew:19:25 @ And when they had heard this, the disciples wondered very much, saying: Who then can be saved?

dourh@Matthew:19:28 @ And Jesus said to them: Amen, I say to you, that you, who have followed me, in the regeneration, when the Son of man shall sit on the seat of his majesty, you also shall sit on twelve seats judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

dourh@Matthew:20:1 @ The kingdom of heaven is like to an householder, who went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.

dourh@Matthew:20:21 @ Who said to her: What wilt thou? She saith to him: Say that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left, in thy kingdom.

dourh@Matthew:20:23 @ He saith to them: My chalice indeed you shall drink; but to sit on my right or left hand, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared by my Father.

dourh@Matthew:20:26 @ It shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be the greater among you, let him be your minister:

dourh@Matthew:21:10 @ And when he was come into Jerusalem, the whole city was moved, saying: Who is this?

dourh@Matthew:21:23 @ And when he was come into the temple, there came to him, as he was teaching, the chief priests and ancients of the people, saying: By what authority dost thou these things? and who hath given thee this authority?

dourh@Matthew:21:33 @ Hear ye another parable. There was a man an householder, who planted a vineyard, and made a hedge round about it, and dug in it a press, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen; and went into a strange country.

dourh@Matthew:21:44 @ And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder.

dourh@Matthew:22:2 @ The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who made a marriage for his son.

dourh@Matthew:22:11 @ And the king went in to see the guests: and he saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment.

dourh@Matthew:22:20 @ And Jesus saith to them: Whose image and inscription is this?

dourh@Matthew:22:23 @ That day there came to him the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection; and asked him,

dourh@Matthew:22:28 @ At the resurrection therefore whose wife of the seven shall she be? for they all had her.

dourh@Matthew:22:37 @ Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.

dourh@Matthew:22:40 @ On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.

dourh@Matthew:22:42 @ Saying: What think you of Christ? whose son is he? They say to him: David's.

dourh@Matthew:23:9 @ And call none your father upon earth; for one is your father, who is in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:23:12 @ And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

dourh@Matthew:23:16 @ Woe to you blind guides, that say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but he that shall swear by the gold of the temple, is a debtor.

dourh@Matthew:23:18 @ And whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it, is a debtor.

dourh@Matthew:23:21 @ And whosoever shall swear by temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth in it:

dourh@Matthew:23:24 @ Blind guides, who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.

dourh@Matthew:23:35 @ That upon you may come all the just blood that hath been shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the just, even unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias, whom you killed between the temple and the altar.

dourh@Matthew:24:14 @ And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come.

dourh@Matthew:24:45 @ Who, thinkest thou, is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath appointed over his family, to give them meat in season.

dourh@Matthew:24:46 @ Blessed is that servant, whom when his lord shall come he shall find so doing.

dourh@Matthew:25:1 @ Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.

dourh@Matthew:26:3 @ Then were gathered together the chief priests and ancients of the people into the court of the high priest, who was called Caiphas:

dourh@Matthew:26:13 @ Amen I say to you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, that also which she hath done, shall be told for a memory of her.

dourh@Matthew:26:14 @ Then went one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, to the chief priests,

dourh@Matthew:26:24 @ The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born.

dourh@Matthew:26:48 @ And he that betrayed him, gave them a sign, saying: Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he, hold him fast.

dourh@Matthew:26:59 @ And the chief priests and the whole council sought false witness against Jesus, that they might put him to death:

dourh@Matthew:26:68 @ Saying: Prophesy unto us, O Christ, who is he that struck thee?

dourh@Matthew:27:3 @ Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he was condemned, repenting himself, brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and ancients,

dourh@Matthew:27:9 @ Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremias the prophet, saying: And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was prized, whom they prized of the children of Israel.

dourh@Matthew:27:15 @ Now upon the solemn day the governor was accustomed to release to the people one prisoner, whom they would.

dourh@Matthew:27:17 @ They therefore being gathered together, Pilate said: Whom will you that I release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus that is called Christ?

dourh@Matthew:27:25 @ And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.

dourh@Matthew:27:27 @ Then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the hall, gathered together unto him the whole band;

dourh@Matthew:27:45 @ Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole earth, until the ninth hour.

dourh@Matthew:27:55 @ And there were there many women afar off, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him:

dourh@Matthew:27:56 @ Among whom was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.

dourh@Matthew:27:57 @ And when it was evening, there came a certain rich man of Arimathea, named Joseph, who also himself was a disciple of Jesus.

dourh@Matthew:28:5 @ And the angel answering, said to the women: Fear not you; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

dourh@Matthew:28:11 @ Who when they were departed, behold some of the guards came into the city, and told the chief priests all things that had been done.

dourh@Mark:1:2 @ As it is written in Isaias the prophet: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare the way before thee.

dourh@Mark:1:7 @ And he preached, saying: There cometh after me one mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and loose.

dourh@Mark:1:19 @ And going on from thence a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were mending their nets in the ship:

dourh@Mark:1:24 @ Saying: What have we to do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the Holy One of God.

dourh@Mark:2:3 @ And they came to him, bringing one sick of the palsy, who was carried by four.

dourh@Mark:2:7 @ Why doth this man speak thus? he blasphemeth. Who can forgive sins, but God only?

dourh@Mark:2:15 @ And it came to pass, that as he sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat down together with Jesus and his disciples. For they were many, who also followed him.

dourh@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of God, under Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the loaves of proposition, which was not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave to them who were with him?

dourh@Mark:3:1 @ And he entered again into the synagogue, and there was a man there who had a withered hand.

dourh@Mark:3:3 @ And he said to the man who had the withered hand: Stand up in the midst.

dourh@Mark:3:13 @ And going up into a mountain, he called unto him whom he would himself: and they came to him.

dourh@Mark:3:19 @ And Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.

dourh@Mark:3:22 @ And the scribes who were come down from Jerusalem, said: He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of devils he casteth out devils.

dourh@Mark:3:33 @ And answering them, he said: Who is my mother and my brethren?

dourh@Mark:3:34 @ And looking round about on them who sat about him, he saith: Behold my mother and my brethren.

dourh@Mark:3:35 @ For whosoever shall do the will of God, he is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

dourh@Mark:4:16 @ And these likewise are they that are sown on the stony ground: who when they have heard the word, immediately recieve it with joy.

dourh@Mark:4:18 @ And others there are who are sown among thorns: these are they that hear the word,

dourh@Mark:4:20 @ And these are they who are sown upon the good ground, who hear the word, and receive it, and yield fruit, the one thirty, another sixty, and another a hundred.

dourh@Mark:4:40 @ And he said to them: Why are you fearful? have you not faith yet? And they feared exceedingly: and they said one to another: Who is this (thinkest thou) that both wind and sea obey him?

dourh@Mark:5:3 @ Who had his dwelling in the tombs, and no man now could bind him, not even with chains.

dourh@Mark:5:16 @ And they that had seen it, told them, in what manner he had been dealt with who had the devil; and concerning the swine.

dourh@Mark:5:25 @ And a woman who was under an issue of blood twelve years,

dourh@Mark:5:28 @ For she said: If I shall touch but his garment, I shall be whole.

dourh@Mark:5:30 @ And immediately Jesus knowing in himself the virtue that had proceeded from him, turning to the multitude, said: Who hath touched my garments?

dourh@Mark:5:31 @ And his disciples said to him: Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou who hath touched me?

dourh@Mark:5:32 @ And he looked about to see her who had done this.

dourh@Mark:5:34 @ And he said to her: Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole: go in peace, and be thou whole of thy disease.

dourh@Mark:6:11 @ And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you; going forth from thence, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony to them.

dourh@Mark:6:16 @ Which Herod hearing, said: John whom I beheaded, he is risen again from the dead.

dourh@Mark:6:24 @ Who when she was gone out, said to her mother, What shall I ask? But she said: The head of John the Baptist.

dourh@Mark:6:55 @ And running through that whole country, they began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.

dourh@Mark:6:56 @ And whithersoever he entered, into towns or into villages or cities, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch but the hem of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

dourh@Mark:7:25 @ For a woman as soon as she heard of him, whose daughter had an unclean spirit, came in and fell down at his feet.

dourh@Mark:7:27 @ Who said to her: Suffer first the children to be filled: for it is not good to take the bread of the children, and cast it to the dogs.

dourh@Mark:8:5 @ And he asked them: How many loaves have ye? Who said: Seven.

dourh@Mark:8:27 @ And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi. And in the way, he asked his disciples, saying to them: Whom do men say that I am?

dourh@Mark:8:28 @ Who answered him, saying: John the Baptist; but some Elias, and others as one of the prophets.

dourh@Mark:8:29 @ Then he saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.

dourh@Mark:8:33 @ Who turning about and seeing his disciples, threatened Peter, saying: Go behind me, Satan, because thou savorest not the things that are of God, but that are of men.

dourh@Mark:8:35 @ For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel, shall save it.

dourh@Mark:8:36 @ For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?

dourh@Mark:8:39 @ And he said to them: Amen I say to you, that there are some of them that stand here, who shall not taste death, till they see the kingdom of God coming in power.

dourh@Mark:9:11 @ Who answering, said to them: Elias, when he shall come first, shall restore all things; and as it is written of the Son of man, that he must suffer many things and be despised.

dourh@Mark:9:17 @ Who, wheresoever he taketh him, dasheth him, and he foameth, and gnasheth with the teeth, and pineth away; and I spoke to thy disciples to cast him out, and they could not.

dourh@Mark:9:18 @ Who answering them, said: O incredulous generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.

dourh@Mark:9:35 @ And taking a child, he set him in the midst of them. Whom when he had embraced, he saith to them:

dourh@Mark:9:36 @ Whosoever shall receive one such child as this in my name, receiveth me. And whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.

dourh@Mark:9:37 @ John answered him, saying: Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, who followeth not us, and we forbade him.

dourh@Mark:9:40 @ For whosoever shall give you to drink a cup of water in my name, because you belong to Christ: amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.

dourh@Mark:9:41 @ And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

dourh@Mark:10:4 @ Who said: Moses permitted to write a bill of divorce, and to put her away.

dourh@Mark:10:5 @ To whom Jesus answering, said: Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you that precept.

dourh@Mark:10:11 @ And he saith to them: Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

dourh@Mark:10:14 @ Whom when Jesus saw, he was much displeased, and saith to them: Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.

dourh@Mark:10:15 @ Amen I say to you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall not enter into it.

dourh@Mark:10:22 @ Who being struck sad at that saying, went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

dourh@Mark:10:26 @ Who wondered the more, saying among themselves: Who then can be saved?

dourh@Mark:10:29 @ Jesus answering, said: Amen I say to you, there is no man who hath left house or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my sake and for the gospel,

dourh@Mark:10:30 @ Who shall not receive an hundred times as much, now in this time; houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions: and in the world to come life everlasting.

dourh@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit on my right hand, or on my left, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared.

dourh@Mark:10:42 @ But Jesus calling them, saith to them: You know that they who seem to rule over the Gentiles, lord it over them: and their princes have power over them.

dourh@Mark:10:43 @ But it is not so among you: but whosoever will be greater, shall be your minister.

dourh@Mark:10:44 @ And whosoever will be first among you, shall be the servant of all.

dourh@Mark:10:47 @ Who when he had heard, that it was Jesus of Nazareth, began to cry out, and to say: Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.

dourh@Mark:10:50 @ Who casting off his garment leaped up, and came to him.

dourh@Mark:10:52 @ And Jesus saith to him: Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he saw, and followed him in the way.

dourh@Mark:11:6 @ Who said to them as Jesus had commanded them; and they let him go with them.

dourh@Mark:11:18 @ Which when the chief priests and the scribes had heard, they sought how they might destroy him. For they feared him, because the whole multitude was in admiration at his doctrine.

dourh@Mark:11:23 @ Amen I say to you, that whosoever shall say to this mountain, Be thou removed and be cast into the sea, and shall not stagger in his heart, but believe, that whatsoever he saith shall be done; it shall be done unto him.

dourh@Mark:11:25 @ And when you shall stand to pray, forgive, if you have aught against any man; that your Father also, who is in heaven, may forgive you your sins.

dourh@Mark:11:28 @ And they say to him: By what authority dost thou these things? and who hath given thee this authority that thou shouldst do these things?

dourh@Mark:12:3 @ Who having laid hands on him, beat him, and sent him away empty.

dourh@Mark:12:5 @ And again he sent another, and him they killed: and many others, of whom some they beat, and others they killed.

dourh@Mark:12:14 @ Who coming, say to him: Master, we know that thou art a true speaker, and carest not for any man; for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar; or shall we not give it?

dourh@Mark:12:15 @ Who knowing their wiliness, saith to them: Why tempt you me? bring me a penny that I may see it.

dourh@Mark:12:16 @ And they brought it him. And he saith to them: Whose is this image and inscription? They say to him, Caesar's.

dourh@Mark:12:18 @ And there came to him the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying:

dourh@Mark:12:23 @ In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise again, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.

dourh@Mark:12:30 @ And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment.

dourh@Mark:12:33 @ And that he should be loved with the whole heart, and with the whole understanding, and with the whole soul, and with the whole strength; and to love one's neighbour as one's self, is a greater thing than all holocausts and sacrifices.

dourh@Mark:12:38 @ And he said to them in his doctrine: Beware of the scribes, who love to walk in long robes, and to be saluted in the marketplace,

dourh@Mark:12:40 @ Who devour the houses of widows under the pretence of long prayer: these shall receive greater judgment.

dourh@Mark:12:43 @ And calling his disciples together, he saith to them: Amen I say to you, this poor widow hath cast in more than all they who have cast into the treasury.

dourh@Mark:12:44 @ For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want cast in all she had, even her whole living.

dourh@Mark:13:34 @ Even as a man who going into a far country, left his house; and gave authority to his servants over every work, and commanded the porter to watch.

dourh@Mark:14:9 @ Amen, I say to you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, that also which she hath done, shall be told for a memorial of her.

dourh@Mark:14:11 @ Who hearing it were glad; and they promised him they would give him money. And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.

dourh@Mark:14:20 @ Who saith to them: One of the twelve, who dippeth with me his hand in the dish.

dourh@Mark:14:21 @ And the Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed. It were better for him, if that man had not been born.

dourh@Mark:14:44 @ And he that betrayed him, had given them a sign, saying: Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he; lay hold on him, and lead him away carefully.

dourh@Mark:14:64 @ You have heard the blasphemy. What think you? Who all condemned him to be guilty of death.

dourh@Mark:14:71 @ But he began to curse and to swear, saying; I know not this man of whom you speak.

dourh@Mark:15:1 @ And straightway in the morning, the chief priests holding a consultation with the ancients and the scribes and the whole council, binding Jesus, led him away, and delivered him to Pilate.

dourh@Mark:15:6 @ Now on the festival day he was wont to release unto them one of the prisoners, whomsoever they demanded.

dourh@Mark:15:7 @ And there was one called Barabbas, who was put in prison with some seditious men, who in the sedition had committed murder.

dourh@Mark:15:16 @ And the soldiers led him away into the court of the palace, and they called together the whole band:

dourh@Mark:15:21 @ And they forced one Simon a Cyrenian who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and of Rufus, to take up his cross.

dourh@Mark:15:33 @ And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour.

dourh@Mark:15:39 @ And the centurion who stood over against him, seeing that crying out in this manner he had given up the ghost, said: Indeed this man was the son of God.

dourh@Mark:15:40 @ And there were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joseph, and Salome:

dourh@Mark:15:41 @ Who also when he was in Galilee followed him, and ministered to him, and many other women that came up with him to Jerusalem.

dourh@Mark:15:43 @ Joseph of Arimathea, a noble counsellor, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, came and went in boldly to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.

dourh@Mark:16:3 @ And they said one to another: Who shall roll us back the stone from the door of the sepulchre?

dourh@Mark:16:6 @ Who saith to them: Be not affrighted; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified: he is risen, he is not here, behold the place where they laid him.

dourh@Mark:16:9 @ But he rising early the first day of the week, appeared first to Mary Magdalen, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

dourh@Mark:16:10 @ She went and told them that had been with him, who were mourning and weeping.

dourh@Mark:16:14 @ At length he appeared to the eleven as they were at table: and he upbraided them with their incredulity and hardness of heart, because they did not believe them who had seen him after he was risen again.

dourh@Mark:16:15 @ And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

dourh@Luke:1:2 @ According as they have delivered them unto us, who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word:

dourh@Luke:1:19 @ And the angel answering, said to him: I am Gabriel, who stand before God: and am sent to speak to thee, and to bring thee these good tidings.

dourh@Luke:1:27 @ To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

dourh@Luke:1:29 @ Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be.

dourh@Luke:1:70 @ As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets, who are from the beginning:

dourh@Luke:2:1 @ And it came to pass, that in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be enrolled.

dourh@Luke:2:5 @ To be enrolled with Mary his espoused wife, who was with child.

dourh@Luke:2:11 @ For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David.

dourh@Luke:2:37 @ And she was a widow until fourscore and four years; who departed not from the temple, by fastings and prayers serving night and day.

dourh@Luke:3:7 @ He said therefore to the multitudes that went forth to be baptized by him: Ye offspring of vipers, who hath shewed you to flee from the wrath to come?

dourh@Luke:3:16 @ John answered, saying unto all: I indeed baptize you with water; but there shall come one mightier that I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to loose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

dourh@Luke:3:17 @ Whose fan is in his hand, and he will purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.

dourh@Luke:3:23 @ And Jesus himself was beginning about the age of thirty years; being (as it was supposed) the son of Joseph, who was of Heli, who was of Mathat,

dourh@Luke:3:24 @ Who was of Levi, who was of Melchi, who was of Janne, who was of Joseph,

dourh@Luke:3:25 @ Who was of Mathathias, who was of Amos, who was of Nahum, who was of Hesli, who was of Nagge,

dourh@Luke:3:26 @ Who was of Mahath, who was of Mathathias, who was of Semei, who was of Joseph, who was of Juda,

dourh@Luke:3:27 @ Who was of Joanna, who was of Reza, who was of Zorobabel, who was of Salathiel, who was of Neri,

dourh@Luke:3:28 @ Who was of Melchi, who was of Addi, who was of Cosan, who was of Helmadan, who was of Her,

dourh@Luke:3:29 @ Who was of Jesus, who was of Eliezer, who was of Jorim, who was of Mathat, who was of Levi,

dourh@Luke:3:30 @ Who was of Simeon, who was of Judas, who was of Joseph, who was of Jona, who was of Eliakim,

dourh@Luke:3:31 @ Who was of Melea, who was of Menna, who was of Mathatha, who was of Nathan, who was of David,

dourh@Luke:3:32 @ Who was of Jesse, who was of Obed, who was of Booz, who was of Salmon, who was of Naasson,

dourh@Luke:3:33 @ Who was of Aminadab, who was of Aram, who was of Esron, who was of Phares, who was of Judas,

dourh@Luke:3:34 @ Who was of Jacob, who was of Isaac, who was of Abraham, who was of Thare, who was of Nachor,

dourh@Luke:3:35 @ Who was of Sarug, who was of Ragau, who was of Phaleg, who was of Heber, who was of Sale,

dourh@Luke:3:36 @ Who was of Cainan, who was of Arphaxad, who was of Sem, who was of Noe, who was of Lamech,

dourh@Luke:3:37 @ Who was of Mathusale, who was of Henoch, who was of Jared, who was of Malaleel, who was of Cainan,

dourh@Luke:3:38 @ Who was of Henos, who was of Seth, who was of Adam, who was of God.

dourh@Luke:4:6 @ And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them.

dourh@Luke:4:14 @ And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit, into Galilee, and the fame of him went out through the whole country.

dourh@Luke:4:33 @ And in the synagogue there was a man who had an unclean devil, and he cried out with a loud voice,

dourh@Luke:4:34 @ Saying: Let us alone, what have we to do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the holy one of God.

dourh@Luke:4:43 @ To whom he said: To other cities also I must preach the kingdom of God: for therefore am I sent.

dourh@Luke:5:9 @ For he was wholly astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken.

dourh@Luke:5:10 @ And so were also James and John the sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's partners. And Jesus saith to Simon: Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

dourh@Luke:5:12 @ And it came to pass, when he was ina certain city, behold a man full of leprosy, who seeing Jesus, and falling on his face, besought him, saying: Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

dourh@Luke:5:18 @ And behold, men brought in a bed a man, who had the palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him.

dourh@Luke:5:20 @ Whose faith when he saw, he said: Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.

dourh@Luke:5:21 @ And the scribes and Pharisees began to think, saying: Who is this who speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?

dourh@Luke:5:31 @ And Jesus answering, said to them: They that are whole, need not the physician: but they that are sick.

dourh@Luke:5:34 @ To whom he said: Can you make the children of the bridegroom fast, whilst the bridegroom is with them?

dourh@Luke:6:6 @ And it came to pass also on another sabbath, that he entered into the synagogue, and taught. And there was a man, whose right hand was withered.

dourh@Luke:6:8 @ But he knew their thoughts; and said to the man who had the withered hand: Arise, and stand forth in the midst. And rising he stood forth.

dourh@Luke:6:12 @ And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and he passed the whole night in the prayer of God.

dourh@Luke:6:13 @ And when day was come, he called unto him his disciples; and he chose twelve of them (whom also he named apostles):

dourh@Luke:6:14 @ Simon, whom he surnamed Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,

dourh@Luke:6:15 @ Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, and Simon who is called Zelotes,

dourh@Luke:6:16 @ And Jude, the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who was the traitor.

dourh@Luke:6:18 @ Who were come to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases. And they that were troubled with unclean spirits, were cured.

dourh@Luke:6:33 @ And if you do good to them who do good to you, what thanks are to you? for sinners also do this.

dourh@Luke:6:34 @ And if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thanks are to you? for sinners also lend to sinners, for to receive as much.

dourh@Luke:6:47 @ Every one that cometh to me, and heareth my words, and doth them, I will shew you to whom he is like.

dourh@Luke:6:48 @ He is like to a man building a house, who digged deep, and laid the foundation upon a rock. And when a flood came, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and it could not shake it; for it was founded on a rock.

dourh@Luke:7:2 @ And the servant of a certain centurion, who was dear to him, being sick, was ready to die.

dourh@Luke:7:10 @ And they who were sent, being returned to the house, found the servant whole who had been sick.

dourh@Luke:7:13 @ Whom when the Lord had seen, being moved with mercy towards her, he said to her: Weep not.

dourh@Luke:7:23 @ And blessed is he whosoever shall not be scandalized in me.

dourh@Luke:7:27 @ This is he of whom it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee.

dourh@Luke:7:39 @ And the Pharisee, who had invited him, seeing it, spoke within himself, saying: This man, if he were a prophet, would know surely who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him, that she is a sinner.

dourh@Luke:7:41 @ A certain creditor had two debtors, the one who owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.

dourh@Luke:7:43 @ Simon answering, said: I suppose that he to whom he forgave most. And he said to him: Thou hast judged rightly.

dourh@Luke:7:47 @ Wherefore I say to thee: Many sins are forgiven her, because she hath loved much. But to whom less is forgiven, he loveth less.

dourh@Luke:7:49 @ And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves: Who is this that forgiveth sins also?

dourh@Luke:8:2 @ And certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities; Mary who is called Magdalen, out of whom seven devils were gone forth,

dourh@Luke:8:3 @ And Joanna the wife of Chusa, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who ministered unto him of their substance.

dourh@Luke:8:10 @ To whom he said: To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to the rest in parables, that seeing they may not see, and hearing may not understand.

dourh@Luke:8:13 @ Now they upon the rock, are they who when they hear, receive the word with joy: and these have no roots; for they believe for a while, and in time of temptation, they fall away.

dourh@Luke:8:14 @ And that which fell among thorns, are they who have heard, and going their way, are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and yield no fruit.

dourh@Luke:8:15 @ But that on the good ground, are they who in a good and perfect heart, hearing the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit in patience.

dourh@Luke:8:16 @ Now no man lighting a candle covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it upon a candlestick, that they who come in may see the light.

dourh@Luke:8:18 @ Take heed therefore how you hear. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given: and whosoever hath not, that also which he thinketh he hath, shall be taken away from him.

dourh@Luke:8:21 @ Who answering, said to them: My mother and my brethren are they who hear the word of God, and do it.

dourh@Luke:8:25 @ And he said to them: Where is your faith? Who being afraid, wondered, saying one to another: Who is this, (think you), that he commandeth both the winds and the sea, and they obey him?

dourh@Luke:8:27 @ And when he was come forth to the land, there met him a certain man who had a devil now a very long time, and he wore no clothes, neither did he abide in a house, but in the sepulchres.

dourh@Luke:8:35 @ And they went out to see what was done; and they came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at his feet, clothed, and in his right mind; and they were afraid.

dourh@Luke:8:38 @ Now the man, out of whom the devils were departed, besought him that he might be with him. But Jesus sent him away, saying:

dourh@Luke:8:39 @ Return to thy house, and tell how great things God hath done to thee. And he went through the whole city, publishing how great things Jesus had done to him.

dourh@Luke:8:41 @ And behold there came a man whose name was Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at the feet of Jesus, beseeching him that he would come into his house:

dourh@Luke:8:43 @ And there was a certain woman having an issue of blood twelve years, who had bestowed all her substance on physicians, and could not be healed by any.

dourh@Luke:8:45 @ And Jesus said: Who is it that touched me? And all denying, Peter and they that were with him said: Master, the multitudes throng and press thee, and dost thou say, Who touched me?

dourh@Luke:8:48 @ But he said to her: Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go thy way in peace.

dourh@Luke:8:56 @ And her parents were astonished, whom he charged to tell no man what was done.

dourh@Luke:9:5 @ And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off even the dust of your feet, for a testimony against them.

dourh@Luke:9:9 @ And Herod said: John I have beheaded; but who is this of whom I hear such things? And he sought to see him.

dourh@Luke:9:11 @ Which when the people knew, they followed him; and he received them, and spoke to them of the kingdom of God, and healed them who had need of healing.

dourh@Luke:9:18 @ And it came to pass, as he was alone praying, his disciples also were with him: and he asked them, saying: Whom do the people say that I am?

dourh@Luke:9:20 @ And he said to them: But whom do you say that I am? Simon Peter answering, said: The Christ of God.

dourh@Luke:9:24 @ For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it; for he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall save it.

dourh@Luke:9:25 @ For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, and cast away himself?

dourh@Luke:9:48 @ And said to them: Whosoever shall receive this child in my name, receiveth me; and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth him that sent me. For he that is the lesser among you all, he is the greater.

dourh@Luke:10:22 @ All things are delivered to me by my Father; and no one knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and to whom the Son will reveal him.

dourh@Luke:10:27 @ He answering, said: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind: and thy neighbour as thyself.

dourh@Luke:10:29 @ But he willing to justify himself, said to Jesus: And who is my neighbour?

dourh@Luke:10:30 @ And Jesus answering, said: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, who also stripped him, and having wounded him went away, leaving him half dead.

dourh@Luke:10:39 @ And she had a sister called Mary, who sitting also at the Lord's feet, heard his word.

dourh@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha was busy about much serving. Who stood and said: Lord, hast thou no care that my sister hath left me alone to serve? speak to her therefore, that she help me.

dourh@Luke:11:19 @ Now if I cast out devils by Beelzebub; by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.

dourh@Luke:11:28 @ But he said: Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God, and keep it.

dourh@Luke:11:34 @ The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body will be lightsome: but if it be evil, thy body also will be darksome.

dourh@Luke:11:36 @ If then thy whole body be lightsome, having no part of darkness; the whole shall be lightsome; and as a bright lamp, shall enlighten thee.

dourh@Luke:11:47 @ Woe to you who build the monuments of the prophets: and your fathers killed them.

dourh@Luke:11:51 @ From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, who was slain between the alter and the temple: Yea I say to you, It shall be required of this generation.

dourh@Luke:12:4 @ And I say to you, my friends: Be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

dourh@Luke:12:5 @ But I will shew you whom you shall fear: fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him.

dourh@Luke:12:8 @ And I say to you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God.

dourh@Luke:12:10 @ And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but to him that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.

dourh@Luke:12:14 @ But he said to him: Man, who hath appointed me judge, or divider, over you?

dourh@Luke:12:20 @ But God said to him: Thou fool, this night do they require thy soul of thee: and whose shall those things be which thou hast provided?

dourh@Luke:12:36 @ And you yourselves like to men who wait for their lord, when he shall return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open to him immediately.

dourh@Luke:12:37 @ Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when he cometh, shall find watching. Amen I say to you, that he will gird himself, and make them sit down to meat, and passing will minister unto them.

dourh@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said: Who (thinkest thou) is the faithful and wise steward, whom his lord setteth over his family, to give them their measure of wheat in due season?

dourh@Luke:12:43 @ Blessed is that servant, whom when his lord shall come, he shall find so doing.

dourh@Luke:12:47 @ And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself, and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

dourh@Luke:12:48 @ But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.

dourh@Luke:13:1 @ And there were present, at that very time, some that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

dourh@Luke:13:4 @ Or those eighteen upon whom the tower fell in Siloe, and slew them: think you, that they also were debtors above all the men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

dourh@Luke:13:11 @ And behold there was a woman, who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years: and she was bowed together, neither could she look upwards at all.

dourh@Luke:13:12 @ Whom when Jesus saw, he called her unto him, and said to her: Woman, thou art delivered from thy infirmity.

dourh@Luke:13:16 @ And ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?

dourh@Luke:13:21 @ It is like to leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

dourh@Luke:14:10 @ But when thou art invited, go, sit down in the lowest place; that when he who invited thee, cometh, he may say to thee: Friend, go up higher. Then shalt thou have glory before them that sit at table with thee.

dourh@Luke:14:12 @ And he said to him also that had invited him: When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor thy neighbours who are rich; lest perhaps they also invite thee again, and a recompense be made to thee.

dourh@Luke:14:27 @ And whosoever doth not carry his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

dourh@Luke:15:7 @ I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance.

dourh@Luke:15:30 @ But as soon as this thy son is come, who hath devoured his substance with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

dourh@Luke:16:1 @ And he said also to his disciples: There was a certain rich man who had a steward: and the same was accused unto him, that he had wasted his goods.

dourh@Luke:16:7 @ Then he said to another: And how much dost thou owe? Who said: An hundred quarters of wheat. He said to him: Take thy bill, and write eighty.

dourh@Luke:16:11 @ If then you have not been faithful in the unjust mammon; who will trust you with that which is the true?

dourh@Luke:16:12 @ And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's; who will give you that which is your own?

dourh@Luke:16:14 @ Now the Pharisees, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.

dourh@Luke:16:15 @ And he said to them: You are they who justify yourselves before men, but God knoweth your hearts; for that which is high to men, is an abomination before God.

dourh@Luke:16:19 @ There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen; and feasted sumptuously every day.

dourh@Luke:16:20 @ And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores,

dourh@Luke:16:26 @ And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.

dourh@Luke:17:1 @ And he said to his disciples: It is impossible that scandals should not come: but woe to him through whom they come.

dourh@Luke:17:12 @ And as he entered into a certain town, there met him ten men that were lepers, who stood afar off;

dourh@Luke:17:14 @ Whom when he saw, he said: Go, shew yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass, as they went, they were made clean.

dourh@Luke:17:19 @ And he said to him: Arise, go thy way; for thy faith hath made thee whole.

dourh@Luke:17:33 @ Whosoever shall seek to save his life, shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose it, shall preserve it.

dourh@Luke:17:37 @ Who said to them: Wheresoever the body shall be, thither will the eagles also be gathered together.

dourh@Luke:18:2 @ Saying: There was a judge in a certain city, who feared not God, nor regarded man.

dourh@Luke:18:7 @ And will not God revenge his elect who cry to him day and night: and will he have patience in their regard?

dourh@Luke:18:9 @ And to some who trusted in themselves as just, and despised others, he spoke also this parable:

dourh@Luke:18:17 @ Amen, I say to you: Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a child, shall not enter into it.

dourh@Luke:18:21 @ Who said: All these things have I kept from my youth.

dourh@Luke:18:26 @ And they that heard it, said: Who then can be saved?

dourh@Luke:18:29 @ Who said to them: Amen, I say to you, there is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake,

dourh@Luke:18:30 @ Who shall not receive much more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.

dourh@Luke:18:42 @ And Jesus said to him: Receive thy sight: thy faith hath made thee whole.

dourh@Luke:19:2 @ And behold, there was a man named Zacheus, who was the chief of the publicans, and he was rich.

dourh@Luke:19:3 @ And he sought to see Jesus who he was, and he could not for the crowd, because he was low of stature.

dourh@Luke:19:15 @ And it came to pass, that he returned, having received the kingdom: and he commanded his servants to be called, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

dourh@Luke:19:27 @ But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me.

dourh@Luke:19:37 @ And when he was now coming near the descent of mount Olivet, the whole multitude of his disciples began with joy to praise God with a loud voice, for all the mighty works they had seen,

dourh@Luke:19:38 @ Saying: Blessed be the king who cometh in the name of the Lord, peace in heaven, and glory on high!

dourh@Luke:19:40 @ To whom he said: I say to you, that if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out.

dourh@Luke:19:44 @ And beat thee flat to the ground, and thy children who are in thee: and they shall not leave in thee a stone upon a stone: because thou hast not known the time of thy visitation.

dourh@Luke:20:2 @ And spoke to him, saying: Tell us, by what authority dost thou these things? or, Who is he that hath given thee this authority?

dourh@Luke:20:6 @ But if we say, Of men, the whole people will stone us: for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.

dourh@Luke:20:10 @ And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard. Who, beating him, sent him away empty.

dourh@Luke:20:14 @ Whom when the husbandmen saw, they thought within themselves, saying: This is the heir, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.

dourh@Luke:20:18 @ Whosoever shall fall upon that stone, shall be bruised: and upon whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

dourh@Luke:20:20 @ And being upon the watch, they sent spies, who should feign themselves just, that they might take hold of him in his words, that they might deliver him up to the authority and power of the governor.

dourh@Luke:20:24 @ Shew me a penny. Whose image and inscription hath it? They answering, said to him, Caesar's.

dourh@Luke:20:27 @ And there came to him some of the Sadducees, who deny that there is any resurrection, and they asked him,

dourh@Luke:20:33 @ In the resurrection therefore, whose wife of them shall she be? For all the seven had her to wife.

dourh@Luke:20:46 @ Beware of the scribes, who desire to walk in long robes, and love salutations in the marketplace, and the first chairs in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts:

dourh@Luke:20:47 @ Who devour the houses of widows, feigning long prayer. These shall receive greater damnation.

dourh@Luke:21:8 @ Who said: Take heed you be not seduced; for many will come in my name, saying, I am he; and the time is at hand: go ye not therefore after them.

dourh@Luke:21:21 @ Then let those who are in Judea, flee to the mountains; and those who are in the midst thereof, depart out: and those who are in the countries, not enter into it.

dourh@Luke:21:26 @ Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved;

dourh@Luke:21:35 @ For as a snare shall it come upon all that sit upon the face of the whole earth.

dourh@Luke:22:3 @ And Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve.

dourh@Luke:22:22 @ And the Son of man indeed goeth, according to that which is determined: but yet, woe to that man by whom he shall be betrayed.

dourh@Luke:22:28 @ And you are they who have continued with me in my temptations:

dourh@Luke:22:33 @ Who said to him: Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death.

dourh@Luke:22:56 @ Whom when a certain servant maid had seen sitting at the light, and had earnestly beheld him, she said: This man also was with him.

dourh@Luke:22:64 @ And they blindfolded him, and smote his face. And they asked him, saying: Prophesy, who is it that struck thee?

dourh@Luke:22:70 @ Then said they all: Art thou then the Son of God? Who said: You say that I am.

dourh@Luke:23:1 @ And the whole multitude of them rising up, led him to Pilate.

dourh@Luke:23:7 @ And when he understood that he was of Herod's jurisdiction, he sent him away to Herod, who was also himself at Jerusalem, in those days.

dourh@Luke:23:18 @ But the whole multitude together cried out, saying: Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:

dourh@Luke:23:19 @ Who, for a certain sedition made in the city, and for a murder, was cast into prison.

dourh@Luke:23:25 @ And he released unto them him who for murder and sedition, had been cast into prison, whom they had desired; but Jesus he delivered up to their will.

dourh@Luke:23:27 @ And there followed him a great multitude of people, and of women, who bewailed and lamented him.

dourh@Luke:23:39 @ And one of those robbers who were hanged, blasphemed him, saying: If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

dourh@Luke:23:50 @ And behold there was a man named Joseph, who was a counsellor, a good and just man,

dourh@Luke:23:51 @ (The same had not consented to their counsel and doings;) of Arimathea, a city of Judea; who also himself looked for the kingdom of God.

dourh@Luke:24:10 @ And it was Mary Magdalen, and Joanna, and Mary of James, and the other women that were with them, who told these things to the apostles.

dourh@Luke:24:18 @ And the one of them, whose name was Cleophas, answering, said to him: Art thou only a stranger to Jerusalem, and hast not known the things that have been done there in these days?

dourh@Luke:24:19 @ To whom he said: What things? And they said: Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet, mighty in work and word before God and all the people;

dourh@Luke:24:22 @ Yea and certain women also of our company affrighted us, who before it was light, were at the sepulchre,

dourh@Luke:24:23 @ And not finding his body, came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, who say that he is alive.

dourh@John:1:6 @ There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

dourh@John:1:13 @ Who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

dourh@John:1:15 @ John beareth witness of him, and crieth out, saying: This was he of whom I spoke: He that shall come after me, is preferred before me: because he was before me.

dourh@John:1:18 @ No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

dourh@John:1:19 @ And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to him, to ask him: Who art thou?

dourh@John:1:22 @ They said therefore unto him: Who art thou, that we may give an answer to them that sent us? What sayest thou of thyself?

dourh@John:1:26 @ John answered them, saying: I baptize with water; but there hath stood one in the midst of you, whom you know not.

dourh@John:1:27 @ The same is he that shall come after me, who is preferred before me: the latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose.

dourh@John:1:29 @ The next day, John saw Jesus coming to him, and he saith: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who taketh away the sin of the world.

dourh@John:1:30 @ This is he, of whom I said: After me there cometh a man, who is preferred before me: because he was before me.

dourh@John:1:33 @ And I knew him not; but he who sent me to baptize with water, said to me: He upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining upon him, he it is that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.

dourh@John:1:38 @ And Jesus turning, and seeing them following him, saith to them: What seek you? Who said to him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?

dourh@John:1:40 @ And Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who had heard of John, and followed him.

dourh@John:1:45 @ Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith to him: We have found him of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets did write, Jesus the son of Joseph of Nazareth.

dourh@John:1:47 @ Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him: and he saith of him: Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.

dourh@John:2:9 @ And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water; the chief steward calleth the bridegroom,

dourh@John:3:13 @ And no man hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven.

dourh@John:3:15 @ That whosoever believeth in him, may not perish; but may have life everlasting.

dourh@John:3:16 @ For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

dourh@John:3:26 @ And they came to John, and said to him: Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond the Jordan, to whom thou gavest testimony, behold he baptizeth, and all men come to him.

dourh@John:3:29 @ He that hath the bride, is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, who standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth with joy because of the bridegroom's voice. This my joy therefore is fulfilled.

dourh@John:3:34 @ For he whom God hath sent, speaketh the words of God: for God doth not give the Spirit by measure.

dourh@John:4:9 @ Then that Samaritan woman saith to him: How dost thou, being a Jew, ask of me to drink, who am a Samaritan woman? For the Jews do not communicate with the Samaritans.

dourh@John:4:10 @ Jesus answered, and said to her: If thou didst know the gift of God, and who he is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou perhaps wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

dourh@John:4:12 @ Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

dourh@John:4:13 @ Jesus answered, and said to her: Whosoever drinketh of this water, shall thirst again; but he that shall drink of the water that I will give him, shall not thirst for ever:

dourh@John:4:18 @ For thou hast had five husbands: and he whom thou now hast, is not thy husband. This thou hast said truly.

dourh@John:4:25 @ The woman saith to him: I know that the Messias cometh (who is called Christ); therefore, when he is come, he will tell us all things.

dourh@John:4:26 @ Jesus saith to her: I am he, who am speaking with thee.

dourh@John:4:29 @ Come, and see a man who has told me all things whatsoever I have done. Is not he the Christ?

dourh@John:4:46 @ He came again therefore into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain ruler, whose son was sick at Capharnaum.

dourh@John:4:53 @ The father therefore knew, that it was at the same hour that Jesus said to him, Thy son liveth; and himself believed, and his whole house.

dourh@John:5:4 @ And an angel of the Lord descended at certain times into the pond; and the water was moved. And he that went down first into the pond after the motion of the water, was made whole, of whatsoever infirmity he lay under.

dourh@John:5:6 @ Him when Jesus had seen lying, and knew that he had been now a long time, he saith to him: Wilt thou be made whole?

dourh@John:5:9 @ And immediately the man was made whole: and he took up his bed, and walked. And it was the sabbath that day.

dourh@John:5:11 @ He answered them: He that made me whole, he said to me, Take up thy bed, and walk.

dourh@John:5:12 @ They asked him therefore: Who is that man who said to thee, Take up thy bed, and walk?

dourh@John:5:13 @ But he who was healed, knew not who it was; for Jesus went aside from the multitude standing in the place.

dourh@John:5:14 @ Afterwards, Jesus findeth him in the temple, and saith to him: Behold thou art made whole: sin no more, lest some worse thing happen to thee.

dourh@John:5:15 @ The man went his way, and told the Jews, that it was Jesus who had made him whole.

dourh@John:5:21 @ For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and giveth life: so the Son also giveth life to whom he will.

dourh@John:5:23 @ That all men may honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He who honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father, who hath sent him.

dourh@John:5:24 @ Amen, amen I say unto you, that he who heareth my word, and believeth him that sent me, hath life everlasting; and cometh not into judgment, but is passed from death to life.

dourh@John:5:37 @ And the Father himself who hath sent me, hath given testimony of me: neither have you heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

dourh@John:5:38 @ And you have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him you believe not.

dourh@John:5:44 @ How can you believe, who receive glory one from another: and the glory which is from God alone, you do not seek?

dourh@John:5:45 @ Think not that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuseth you, Moses, in whom you trust.

dourh@John:6:29 @ Jesus answered, and said to them: This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he hath sent.

dourh@John:6:39 @ Now this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day.

dourh@John:6:40 @ And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.

dourh@John:6:42 @ And they said: Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How then saith he, I came down from heaven?

dourh@John:6:44 @ No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him; and I will raise him up in the last day.

dourh@John:6:46 @ Not that any man hath seen the Father; but he who is of God, he hath seen the Father.

dourh@John:6:61 @ Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard, and who can hear it?

dourh@John:6:65 @ But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who he was, that would betray him.

dourh@John:6:69 @ And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

dourh@John:7:20 @ Why seek you to kill me? The multitude answered, and said: Thou hast a devil; who seeketh to kill thee?

dourh@John:7:23 @ If a man receive circumcision on the sabbath day, that the law of Moses may not be broken; are you angry at me because I have healed the whole man on the sabbath day?

dourh@John:7:25 @ Some therefore of Jerusalem said: Is not this he whom they seek to kill?

dourh@John:7:28 @ Jesus therefore cried out in the temple, teaching, and saying: You both know me, and you know whence I am: and I am not come of myself; but he that sent me, is true, whom you know not.

dourh@John:7:39 @ Now this he said of the Spirit which they should receive, who believed in him: for as yet the Spirit was not given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

dourh@John:7:50 @ Nicodemus said to them, (he that came to him by night, who was one of them:)

dourh@John:8:11 @ Who said: No man, Lord. And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more.

dourh@John:8:25 @ They said therefore to him: Who art thou? Jesus said to them: The beginning, who also speak unto you.

dourh@John:8:31 @ Then Jesus said to those Jews, who believed him: If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed.

dourh@John:8:34 @ Jesus answered them: Amen, amen I say unto you: that whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin.

dourh@John:8:40 @ But now you seek to kill me, a man who have spoken the truth to you, which I have heard of God. This Abraham did not.

dourh@John:8:53 @ Art thou greater than our father Abraham, who is dead? and the prophets are dead. Whom dost thou make thyself?

dourh@John:8:54 @ Jesus answered: If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father that glorifieth me, of whom you say that he is your God.

dourh@John:9:1 @ And Jesus passing by, saw a man, who was blind from his birth:

dourh@John:9:2 @ And his disciples asked him: Rabbi, who hath sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?

dourh@John:9:8 @ The neighbours therefore, and they who had seen him before that he was a beggar, said: Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said: This is he.

dourh@John:9:16 @ Some therefore of the Pharisees said: This man is not of God, who keepeth not the sabbath. But others said: How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them.

dourh@John:9:19 @ And asked them, saying: Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then doth he now see?

dourh@John:9:21 @ But how he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes, we know not: ask himself: he is of age, let him speak for himself.

dourh@John:9:34 @ They answered, and said to him: Thou wast wholly born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.

dourh@John:9:36 @ He answered, and said: Who is he, Lord, that I may believe in him?

dourh@John:9:39 @ And Jesus said: For judgment I am come into this world; that they who see not, may see; and they who see, may become blind.

dourh@John:9:40 @ And some of the Pharisees, who were with him, heard: and they said unto him: Are we also blind?

dourh@John:10:12 @ But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep:

dourh@John:10:35 @ If he called them gods, to whom to word of God was spoken, and the scripture cannot be broken;

dourh@John:10:36 @ Do you say of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world: Thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of God?

dourh@John:11:2 @ (And Mary was she that anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair: whose brother Lazarus was sick.)

dourh@John:11:3 @ His sisters therefore sent to him, saying: Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.

dourh@John:11:16 @ Thomas therefore, who is called Didymus, said to his fellow disciples: Let us also go, that we may die with him.

dourh@John:11:27 @ She saith to him: Yea, Lord, I have believed that thou art Christ the Son of the living God, who art come into this world.

dourh@John:11:31 @ The Jews therefore, who were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary that she rose up speedily and went out, followed her, saying: She goeth to the grave to weep there.

dourh@John:11:42 @ And I knew that thou hearest me always; but because of the people who stand about have I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.

dourh@John:11:45 @ Many therefore of the Jews, who were come to Mary and Martha, and had seen the things that Jesus did, believed in him.

dourh@John:11:50 @ Neither do you consider that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.

dourh@John:12:1 @ Jesus therefore, six days before the pasch, came to Bethania, where Lazarus had been dead, whom Jesus raised to life.

dourh@John:12:9 @ A great multitude therefore of the Jews knew that he was there; and they came, not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.

dourh@John:12:19 @ The Pharisees therefore said among themselves: Do you see that we prevail nothing? behold, the whole world is gone after him.

dourh@John:12:20 @ Now there were certain Gentiles among them, who came up to adore on the festival day.

dourh@John:12:21 @ These therefore came to Philip, who was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying: Sir, we would see Jesus.

dourh@John:12:34 @ The multitude answered him: We have heard out of the law, that Christ abideth for ever; and how sayest thou: The Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?

dourh@John:12:38 @ That the saying of Isaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he said: Lord, who hath believed our hearing? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?

dourh@John:12:46 @ I am come a light into the world; that whosoever believeth in me, may not remain in darkness.

dourh@John:12:49 @ For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father who sent me, he gave me commandment what I should say, and what I should speak.

dourh@John:13:1 @ Before the festival day of the pasch, Jesus knowing that his hour was come, that he should pass out of this world to the Father: having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

dourh@John:13:10 @ Jesus saith to him: He that is washed, needeth not but to wash his feet, but is clean wholly. And you are clean, but not all.

dourh@John:13:11 @ For he knew who he was that would betray him; therefore he said: You are not all clean.

dourh@John:13:18 @ I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen. But that the scripture may be fulfilled: He that eateth bread with me, shall lift up his heel against me.

dourh@John:13:20 @ Amen, amen I say to you, he that receiveth whomsoever I send, receiveth me; and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me.

dourh@John:13:22 @ The disciples therefore looked one upon another, doubting of whom he spoke.

dourh@John:13:23 @ Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

dourh@John:13:24 @ Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, and said to him: Who is it of whom he speaketh?

dourh@John:13:25 @ He therefore, leaning on the breast of Jesus, saith to him: Lord, who is it?

dourh@John:13:26 @ Jesus answered: He it is to whom I shall reach bread dipped. And when he had dipped the bread, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.

dourh@John:14:10 @ Do you not believe, that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak to you, I speak not of myself. But the Father who abideth in me, he doth the works.

dourh@John:14:17 @ The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, nor knoweth him: but you shall know him; because he shall abide with you, and shall be in you.

dourh@John:14:24 @ He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words. And the word which you have heard, is not mine; but the Father's who sent me.

dourh@John:14:26 @ But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you.

dourh@John:15:21 @ But all these things they will do to you for my name's sake: because they know not him who sent me.

dourh@John:15:26 @ But when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall give testimony of me.

dourh@John:16:2 @ They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God.

dourh@John:17:2 @ As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he may give eternal life to all whom thou hast given him.

dourh@John:17:3 @ Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

dourh@John:17:6 @ I have manifested thy name to the men whom thou hast given me out of the world. Thine they were, and to me thou gavest them; and they have kept thy word.

dourh@John:17:9 @ I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them whom thou hast given me: because they are thine:

dourh@John:17:11 @ And now I am not in the world, and these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name whom thou has given me; that they may be one, as we also are.

dourh@John:17:12 @ While I was with them, I kept them in thy name. Those whom thou gavest me have I kept; and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition, that the scripture may be fulfilled.

dourh@John:17:20 @ And not for them only do I pray, but for them also who through their word shall believe in me;

dourh@John:17:24 @ Father, I will that where I am, they also whom thou hast given me may be with me; that they may see my glory which thou hast given me, because thou hast loved me before the creation of the world.

dourh@John:18:2 @ And Judas also, who betrayed him, knew the place; because Jesus had often resorted thither together with his disciples.

dourh@John:18:4 @ Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said to them: Whom seek ye?

dourh@John:18:5 @ They answered him: Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith to them: I am he. And Judas also, who betrayed him, stood with them.

dourh@John:18:7 @ Again therefore he asked them: Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.

dourh@John:18:9 @ That the word might be fulfilled which he said: Of them whom thou hast given me, I have not lost any one.

dourh@John:18:13 @ And they led him away to Annas first, for he was father in law to Caiphas, who was the high priest of that year.

dourh@John:18:14 @ Now Caiphas was he who had given the counsel to the Jews: That it was expedient that one man should die for the people.

dourh@John:18:16 @ But Peter stood at the door without. The other disciple therefore, who was known to the high priest, went out, and spoke to the portress, and brought in Peter.

dourh@John:18:21 @ Why asketh thou me? ask them who have heard what I have spoken unto them: behold they know what things I have said.

dourh@John:18:26 @ One of the servants of the high priest (a kinsman to him whose ear Peter cut off) saith to him: Did I not see thee in the garden with him?

dourh@John:19:12 @ And from henceforth Pilate sought to release him. But the Jews cried out, saying: If thou release this man, thou art not Caesar's friend. For whosoever maketh himself a king, speaketh against Caesar.

dourh@John:19:24 @ They said then one to another: Let us not cut it, but let us cast lots for it, whose it shall be; that the scripture might be fulfilled, saying: They have parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture they have cast lot. And the soldiers indeed did these things.

dourh@John:19:26 @ When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son.

dourh@John:19:37 @ And again another scripture saith: They shall look on him whom they pierced.

dourh@John:19:39 @ And Nicodemus also came, (he who at the first came to Jesus by night,) bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight.

dourh@John:20:2 @ She ran, therefore, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and saith to them: They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.

dourh@John:20:8 @ Then that other disciple also went in, who came first to the sepulchre: and he saw, and believed.

dourh@John:20:15 @ Jesus saith to her: Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, thinking it was the gardener, saith to him: Sir, if thou hast taken him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

dourh@John:20:23 @ Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.

dourh@John:20:24 @ Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who is called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.

dourh@John:21:2 @ There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas, who is called Didymus, and Nathanael, who was of Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples.

dourh@John:21:7 @ That disciple therefore whom Jesus loved, said to Peter: It is the Lord. Simon Peter, when he heard that it was the Lord, girt his coat about him, (for he was naked,) and cast himself into the sea.

dourh@John:21:12 @ Jesus saith to them: Come, and dine. And none of them who were at meat, durst ask him: Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.

dourh@John:21:20 @ Peter turning about, saw that disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also leaned on his breast at supper, and said: Lord, who is he that shall betray thee?

dourh@John:21:24 @ This is that disciple who giveth testimony of these things, and hath written these things; and we know that his testimony is true.

dourh@Acts:1:2 @ Until the day on which, giving commandments by the Holy Ghost to the apostles whom he had chosen, he was taken up.

dourh@Acts:1:3 @ To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion, by many proofs, for forty days appearing to them, and speaking of the kingdom of God.

dourh@Acts:1:6 @ They therefore who were come together, asked him, saying: Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

dourh@Acts:1:11 @ Who also said: Ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking up to heaven? This Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, as you have seen him going into heaven.

dourh@Acts:1:16 @ Men, brethren, the scripture must needs be fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was the leader of them that apprehended Jesus:

dourh@Acts:1:17 @ Who was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry.

dourh@Acts:1:21 @ Wherefore of these men who have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus came in and went out among us,

dourh@Acts:1:23 @ And they appointed two, Joseph, called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.

dourh@Acts:1:24 @ And praying, they said: Thou, Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen,

dourh@Acts:2:2 @ And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

dourh@Acts:2:21 @ And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.

dourh@Acts:2:24 @ Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the sorrows of hell, as it was impossible that he should be holden by it.

dourh@Acts:2:36 @ Therefore let all the house of Israel know most certainly, that God hath made both Lord and Christ, this same Jesus, whom you have crucified.

dourh@Acts:2:39 @ For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are far off, whomsoever the Lord our God shall call.

dourh@Acts:3:2 @ And a certain man who was lame from his mother's womb, was carried: whom they laid every day at the gate of the temple, which is called Beautiful, that he might ask alms of them that went into the temple.

dourh@Acts:3:10 @ And they knew him, that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beartiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened to him.

dourh@Acts:3:13 @ The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus, whom you indeed delivered up and denied before the face of Pilate, when he judged he should be released.

dourh@Acts:3:15 @ But the author of life you killed, whom God hath raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses.

dourh@Acts:3:16 @ And in the faith of his name, this man, whom you have seen and known, hath his name strengthened; and the faith which is by him, hath given this perfect soundness in the sight of you all.

dourh@Acts:3:20 @ That when the times of refreshment shall come from the presence of the Lord, and he shall send him who hath been preached unto you, Jesus Christ,

dourh@Acts:3:21 @ Whom heaven indeed must receive, until the times of the restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets, from the beginning of the world.

dourh@Acts:3:24 @ And all the prophets, from Samuel and afterwards, who have spoken, have told of these days.

dourh@Acts:4:4 @ But many of them who had heard the word, believed; and the number of the men was made five thousand.

dourh@Acts:4:9 @ If we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he hath been made whole:

dourh@Acts:4:10 @ Be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him this man standeth here before you whole.

dourh@Acts:4:14 @ Seeing the man also who had been healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.

dourh@Acts:4:22 @ For the man was above forty years old, in whom that miraculous cure had been wrought.

dourh@Acts:4:24 @ Who having heard it, with one accord lifted up their voice to God, and said: Lord, thou art he that didst make heaven and earth, the sea, and all things that are in them.

dourh@Acts:4:25 @ Who, by the Holy Ghost, by the mouth of our father David, thy servant, hast said: Why did the Gentiles rage, and the people meditate vain things?

dourh@Acts:4:27 @ For of a truth there assembled together in this city against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel,

dourh@Acts:4:36 @ And Joseph, who, by the apostles, was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, by interpretation, The son of consolation,) a Levite, a Cyprian born,

dourh@Acts:5:9 @ And Peter said unto her: Why have you agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Behold the feet of them who have buried thy husband are at the door, and they shall carry thee out.

dourh@Acts:5:11 @ And there came great fear upon the whole church, and upon all that heard these things.

dourh@Acts:5:14 @ And the multitude of men and women who believed in the Lord, was more increased:

dourh@Acts:5:16 @ And there came also together to Jerusalem a multitude out of the neighboring cities, bringing sick persons, and such as were troubled with unclean spirits; who were all healed.

dourh@Acts:5:21 @ Who having heard this, early in the morning, entered into the temple, and taught. And the high priest coming, and they that were with him, called together the council, and all the ancients of the children of Israel; and they sent to the prison to have them brought.

dourh@Acts:5:25 @ But one came and told them: Behold, the men whom you put in prison are in the temple standing, and teaching the people.

dourh@Acts:5:30 @ The God of our fathers hath raised up Jesus, whom you put to death, hanging him upon a tree.

dourh@Acts:5:32 @ And we are witnesses of these things and the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to all that obey him.

dourh@Acts:5:36 @ For before these days rose up Theodas, affirming himself to be somebody, to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all that believed him were scattered, and brought to nothing.

dourh@Acts:6:3 @ Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.

dourh@Acts:6:13 @ And they set up false witnesses, who said: This man ceaseth not to speak words against the holy place and the law.

dourh@Acts:7:2 @ Who said: Ye men, brethren, and fathers, hear. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charan.

dourh@Acts:7:18 @ Till another king arose in Egypt, who knew not Joseph.

dourh@Acts:7:20 @ At the same time was Moses born, and he was acceptable to God: who was nourished three months in his father's house.

dourh@Acts:7:24 @ And when he had seen one of them suffer wrong, he defended him; and striking the Egyptian, he avenged him who suffered the injury.

dourh@Acts:7:27 @ But he that did the injury to his neighbour thrust him away, saying: Who hath appointed thee prince and judge over us?

dourh@Acts:7:35 @ This Moses, whom they refused, saying: Who hath appointed thee prince and judge? him God sent to be prince and redeemer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.

dourh@Acts:7:37 @ This is that Moses who said to the children of Israel: A prophet shall God raise up to you of your own brethren, as myself: him shall you hear.

dourh@Acts:7:38 @ This is he that was in the church in the wilderness, with the angel who spoke to him on mount Sina, and with our fathers; who received the words of life to give unto us.

dourh@Acts:7:39 @ Whom our fathers would not obey; but thrust him away, and in their hearts turned back into Egypt,

dourh@Acts:7:40 @ Saying to Aaron: Make us gods to go before us. For as for this Moses, who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him.

dourh@Acts:7:45 @ Which also our fathers receiving, brought in with Jesus, into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drove out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David.

dourh@Acts:7:46 @ Who found grace before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.

dourh@Acts:7:52 @ Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them who foretold of the coming of the Just One; of whom you have been now the betrayers and murderers:

dourh@Acts:7:53 @ Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.

dourh@Acts:7:57 @ And casting him forth without the city, they stoned him; and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man, whose name was Saul.

dourh@Acts:8:7 @ For many of them who had unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, went out.

dourh@Acts:8:9 @ There was therefore great joy in that city. Now there was a certain man named Simon, who before had been a magician in that city, seducing the people of Samaria, giving out that he was some great one:

dourh@Acts:8:10 @ To whom they all gave ear, from the least to the greatest, saying: This man is the power of God, which is called great.

dourh@Acts:8:14 @ Now when the apostles, who were in Jerusalem, had heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John.

dourh@Acts:8:15 @ Who, when they were come, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost.

dourh@Acts:8:19 @ Saying: Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I shall lay my hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said to him:

dourh@Acts:8:27 @ And rising up, he went. And behold a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch, of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge over all her treasures, had come to Jerusalem to adore.

dourh@Acts:8:31 @ Who said: And how can I, unless some man shew me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

dourh@Acts:8:33 @ In humility his judgment was taken away. His generation who shall declare, for his life shall be taken from the earth?

dourh@Acts:8:34 @ And the eunuch answering Philip, said: I beseech thee, of whom doth the prophet speak this? of himself, or of some other man?

dourh@Acts:9:5 @ Who said: Who art thou, Lord? And he: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the goad.

dourh@Acts:9:7 @ And the Lord said to him: Arise, and go into the city, and there it shall be told thee what thou must do. Now the men who went in company with him, stood amazed, hearing indeed a voice, but seeing no man.

dourh@Acts:9:21 @ And all that heard him, were astonished, and said: Is not this he who persecuted in Jerusalem those that called upon this name: and came hither for that intent, that he might carry them bound to the chief priests?

dourh@Acts:9:22 @ But Saul increased much more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt at Damascus, affirming that this is the Christ.

dourh@Acts:9:32 @ And it came to pass that Peter, as he passed through, visiting all, came to the saints who dwelt at Lydda.

dourh@Acts:9:33 @ And he found there a certain man named Eneas, who had kept his bed for eight years, who was ill of the palsy.

dourh@Acts:9:35 @ And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron, saw him: who were converted to the Lord.

dourh@Acts:9:37 @ And it came to pass in those days that she was sick, and died. Whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber.

dourh@Acts:10:5 @ And now send men to Joppe, and call hither one Simon, who is surnamed Peter:

dourh@Acts:10:6 @ He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side. He will tell thee what thou must do.

dourh@Acts:10:7 @ And when the angel who spoke to him was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a soldier who feared the Lord, of them that were under him.

dourh@Acts:10:8 @ To whom when he had related all, he sent them to Joppe.

dourh@Acts:10:17 @ Now, whilst Peter was doubting within himself, what the vision that he had seen should mean, behold the men who were sent from Cornelius, inquiring for Simon's house, stood at the gate.

dourh@Acts:10:18 @ And when they had called, they asked, if Simon, who is surnamed Peter, were lodged there.

dourh@Acts:10:21 @ Then Peter, going down to the men, said: Behold, I am he whom you seek; what is the cause for which you are come?

dourh@Acts:10:22 @ Who said: Cornelius, a centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and having good testimony from all the nation of the Jews, received an answer of an holy angel, to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee.

dourh@Acts:10:32 @ Send therefore to Joppe, and call hither Simon, who is surnamed Peter: he lodgeth in the house of Simon a tanner, by the sea side.

dourh@Acts:10:38 @ Jesus of Nazareth: how God anointed him with the Holy Ghost, and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.

dourh@Acts:10:39 @ And we are witnesses of all things that he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed, hanging him upon a tree.

dourh@Acts:10:41 @ Not to all the people, but to witnesses preordained by God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he arose again from the dead;

dourh@Acts:10:42 @ And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he who was appointed by God, to be judge of the living and of the dead.

dourh@Acts:10:43 @ To him all the prophets give testimony, that by his name all receive remission of sins, who believe in him.

dourh@Acts:10:45 @ And the faithful of the circumcision, who came with Peter, were astonished, for that the grace of the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the Gentiles also.

dourh@Acts:10:47 @ Then Peter answered: Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, who have received the Holy Ghost, as well as we?

dourh@Acts:11:1 @ And the apostles and brethren, who were in Judea, heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.

dourh@Acts:11:13 @ And he told us how he had seen an angel in his house, standing, and saying to him: Send to Joppe, and call hither Simon, who is surnamed Peter,

dourh@Acts:11:14 @ Who shall speak to thee words, whereby thou shalt be saved, and all thy house.

dourh@Acts:11:17 @ If then God gave them the same grace, as to us also who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ; who was I, that could withstand God?

dourh@Acts:11:19 @ Now they who had been dispersed by the persecution that arose on occasion of Stephen, went about as far as Phenice and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none, but to the Jews only.

dourh@Acts:11:20 @ But some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they were entered into Antioch, spoke also to the Greeks, preaching the Lord Jesus.

dourh@Acts:11:23 @ Who, when he was come, and had seen the grace of God, rejoiced: and he exhorted them all with purpose of heart to continue in the Lord.

dourh@Acts:11:25 @ And Barnabas went to Tarsus to seek Saul: whom, when he had found, he brought to Antioch.

dourh@Acts:11:26 @ And they conversed there in the church a whole year; and they taught a great multitude, so that at Antioch the disciples were first named Christians.

dourh@Acts:11:28 @ And one of them named Agabus, rising up, signified by the Spirit, that there should be a great famine over the whole world, which came to pass under Claudius.

dourh@Acts:11:29 @ And the disciples, every man according to his ability, purposed to send relief to the brethren who dwelt in Judea:

dourh@Acts:12:12 @ And considering, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, who was surnamed Mark, where many were gathered together and praying.

dourh@Acts:12:13 @ And when he knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, whose name was Rhode.

dourh@Acts:12:20 @ And he was angry with the Tyrians and the Sidonians. But they with one accord came to him, and having gained Blastus, who was the king's chamberlain, they desired peace, because their countries were nourished by him.

dourh@Acts:12:25 @ And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having fulfilled their ministry, taking with them John, who was surnamed Mark.

dourh@Acts:13:1 @ Now there were in the church which was at Antioch, prophets and doctors, among whom was Barnabas, and Simon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen, who was the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

dourh@Acts:13:6 @ And when they had gone through the whole island, as far as Paphos, they found a certain man, a magician, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-jesu:

dourh@Acts:13:7 @ Who was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, a prudent man. He sending for Barnabas and Saul, desired to hear the word of God.

dourh@Acts:13:22 @ And when he had removed him, he raised them up David to be king: to whom giving testimony, he said: I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man according to my own heart, who shall do all my wills.

dourh@Acts:13:25 @ And when John was fulfilling his course, he said: I am not he, whom you think me to be: but behold, there cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose.

dourh@Acts:13:26 @ Men, brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you fear God, to you the word of this salvation is sent.

dourh@Acts:13:31 @ Who was seen for many days, by them who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who to this present are his witnesses to the people.

dourh@Acts:13:37 @ But he whom God hath raised from the dead, saw no corruption.

dourh@Acts:13:43 @ And when the synagogue was broken up, many of the Jews, and of the strangers who served God, followed Paul and Barnabas: who speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.

dourh@Acts:13:44 @ But the next sabbath day, the whole city almost came together, to hear the word of God.

dourh@Acts:13:49 @ And the word of the Lord was published throughout the whole country.

dourh@Acts:14:3 @ A long time therefore they abode there, dealing confidently in the Lord, who gave testimony to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

dourh@Acts:14:6 @ They understanding it, fled to Lystra, and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the whole country round about, and were there preaching the gospel.

dourh@Acts:14:7 @ And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked.

dourh@Acts:14:8 @ This same heard Paul speaking. Who looking upon him, and seeing that he had faith to be healed,

dourh@Acts:14:14 @ And saying: Ye men, why do ye these things? We also are mortals, men like unto you, preaching to you to be converted from these vain things, to the living God, who made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them:

dourh@Acts:14:15 @ Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways.

dourh@Acts:14:22 @ And when they had ordained to them priests in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, in whom they believed.

dourh@Acts:15:8 @ And God, who knoweth the hearts, gave testimony, giving unto them the Holy Ghost, as well as to us;

dourh@Acts:15:17 @ That the residue of men may seek after the Lord, and all nations upon whom my name is invoked, saith the Lord, who doth these things.

dourh@Acts:15:19 @ For which cause I judge that they, who from among the Gentiles are converted to God, are not to be disquieted.

dourh@Acts:15:22 @ Then it pleased the apostles and ancients, with the whole church, to choose men of their own company, and to send to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas, namely, Judas, who was surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren.

dourh@Acts:15:24 @ Forasmuch as we have heard, that some going out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls; to whom we gave no commandment:

dourh@Acts:15:27 @ We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who themselves also will, by word of mouth, tell you the same things.

dourh@Acts:16:3 @ Him Paul would have to go along with him: and taking him he circumcised him, because of the Jews who were in those places. For they all knew that his father was a Gentile.

dourh@Acts:16:4 @ And as they passed through the cities, they delivered unto them the decrees for to keep, that were decreed by the apostles and ancients who were at Jerusalem.

dourh@Acts:16:14 @ And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one that worshipped God, did hear: whose heart the Lord opened to attend to those things which were said by Paul.

dourh@Acts:16:16 @ And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain girl, having a pythonical spirit, met us, who brought to her masters much gain by divining.

dourh@Acts:16:17 @ This same following Paul and us, cried out, saying: These men are the servants of the most high God, who preach unto you the way of salvation.

dourh@Acts:16:24 @ Who having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.

dourh@Acts:17:3 @ Declaring and insinuating that the Christ was to suffer, and to rise again from the dead; and that this is Jesus Christ, whom I preach to you.

dourh@Acts:17:7 @ Whom Jason hath received; and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.

dourh@Acts:17:10 @ But the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea. Who, when they were come thither, went into the synagogue of the Jews.

dourh@Acts:17:11 @ Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, who received the word with all eagerness, daily searching the scriptures, whether these things were so.

dourh@Acts:17:16 @ Now whilst Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred within him, seeing the city wholly given to idolatry.

dourh@Acts:17:24 @ God, who made the world, and all things therein; he, being Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

dourh@Acts:17:25 @ Neither is he served with men's hands, as though he needed any thing; seeing it is he who giveth to all life, and breath, and all things:

dourh@Acts:17:26 @ And hath made of one, all mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, determining appointed times, and the limits of their habitation.

dourh@Acts:17:31 @ Because he hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in equity, by the man whom he hath appointed; giving faith to all, by raising him up from the dead.

dourh@Acts:17:34 @ But certain men adhering to him, did believe; among whom was also Dionysius, the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

dourh@Acts:18:7 @ And departing thence, he entered into the house of a certain man, named Titus Justus, one that worshipped God, whose house was adjoining to the synagogue.

dourh@Acts:18:26 @ This man therefore began to speak boldly in the synagogue. Whom when Priscilla and Aquila had heard, they took him to them, and expounded to him the way of the Lord more diligently.

dourh@Acts:18:27 @ And whereas he was desirous to go to Achaia, the brethren exhorting, wrote to the disciples to receive him. Who, when he was come, helped them much who had believed.

dourh@Acts:19:3 @ And he said: In what then were you baptized? Who said: In John's baptism.

dourh@Acts:19:4 @ Then Paul said: John baptized the people with the baptism of penance, saying: That they should believe in him who was to come after him, that is to say, in Jesus.

dourh@Acts:19:10 @ And this continued for the space of two years, so that all they who dwelt in Asia, heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Gentiles.

dourh@Acts:19:13 @ Now some also of the Jewish exorcists who went about, attempted to invoke over them that had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, saying: I conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preacheth.

dourh@Acts:19:15 @ But the wicked spirit, answering, said to them: Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?

dourh@Acts:19:16 @ And the man in whom the wicked spirit was, leaping upon them, and mastering them both, prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

dourh@Acts:19:19 @ And many of them who had followed curious arts, brought together their books, and burnt them before all; and counting the price of them, they found the money to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.

dourh@Acts:19:24 @ For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver temples for Diana, brought no small gain to the craftsmen;

dourh@Acts:19:25 @ Whom he calling together, with the workmen of like occupation, said: Sirs, you know that our gain is by this trade;

dourh@Acts:19:27 @ So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought, but also the temple of great Diana shall be reputed for nothing; yea, and her majesty shall begin to be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.

dourh@Acts:19:29 @ And the whole city was filled with confusion; and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.

dourh@Acts:19:31 @ And some also of the rulers of Asia, who were his friends, sent unto him, desiring that he would not venture himself into the theatre.

dourh@Acts:19:37 @ For you have brought hither these men, who are neither guilty of sacrilege, nor of blasphemy against your goddess.

dourh@Acts:19:40 @ For we are even in danger to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no man guilty (of whom we may give account) of this concourse. And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.

dourh@Acts:20:10 @ To whom, when Paul had gone down, he laid himself upon him, and embracing him, said: Be not troubled, for his soul is in him.

dourh@Acts:20:25 @ And now behold, I know that all you, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more.

dourh@Acts:20:28 @ Take heed to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

dourh@Acts:20:32 @ And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build up, and to give an inheritance among all the sanctified.

dourh@Acts:21:4 @ And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.

dourh@Acts:21:8 @ And the next day departing, we came to Caesarea. And entering into the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, we abode with him.

dourh@Acts:21:9 @ And he had four daughters, virgins, who did prophesy.

dourh@Acts:21:11 @ Who, when he was come to us, took Paul's girdle: and binding his own feet and hands, he said: Thus saith the Holy Ghost: The man whose girdle this is, the Jews shall bind in this manner in Jerusalem, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.

dourh@Acts:21:16 @ And there went also with us some of the disciples from Caesarea, bringing with them one Mnason a Cyprian, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge.

dourh@Acts:21:19 @ Whom when he had saluted, he related particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry.

dourh@Acts:21:21 @ Now they have heard of thee that thou teachest those Jews, who are among the Gentiles, to depart from Moses: saying, that they ought not to circumcise their children, nor walk according to the custom.

dourh@Acts:21:23 @ Do therefore this that we say to thee. We have four men, who have a vow on them.

dourh@Acts:21:29 @ (For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with him, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)

dourh@Acts:21:30 @ And the whole city was in an uproar: and the people ran together. And taking Paul, they drew him out of the temple, and immediately the doors were shut.

dourh@Acts:21:32 @ Who, forthwith taking with him soldiers and centurions, ran down to them. And when they saw the tribune and the soldiers they left off beating Paul.

dourh@Acts:21:33 @ Then the tribune coming near, took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains: and demanded who he was, and what he had done.

dourh@Acts:21:37 @ And as Paul was about to be brought into the castle, he saith to the tribune: May speak something to thee? Who said: Canst thou speak Greek?

dourh@Acts:21:38 @ Art not thou that Egyptian who before these days didst raise a tumult, and didst lead forth into the desert four thousand men that were murderers?

dourh@Acts:22:4 @ Who persecuted this way unto death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.

dourh@Acts:22:5 @ As the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the ancients: from whom also receiving letters to the brethren, I went to Damascus, that I might bring them bound from thence to Jerusalem to be punished.

dourh@Acts:22:8 @ And I answered: Who art thou, Lord? And he said to me: I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.

dourh@Acts:22:12 @ And one Ananias, a man according to the law, having testimony of all the Jews who dwelt there,

dourh@Acts:23:14 @ Who came to the chief priests and the ancients, and said: We have bound ourselves under a great curse that we will eat nothing till we have slain Paul.

dourh@Acts:23:18 @ And he taking him, brought him to the tribune, and said: Paul, the prisoner, desired me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath some thing to say to thee.

dourh@Acts:23:21 @ But do not thou give credit to them; for there lie in wait for him more than forty men of them, who have bound themselves by oath neither to eat, nor to drink, till they have killed him: and they are now ready, looking for a promise from thee.

dourh@Acts:23:29 @ Whom I found to be accused concerning questions of their law; but having nothing laid to his charge worthy of death or of bands.

dourh@Acts:23:33 @ Who, when they were come to Caesarea, and had delivered the letter to the governor, did also present Paul before him.

dourh@Acts:24:1 @ And after five days the high priest Ananias came down, with some of the ancients, and one Tertullus an orator, who went to the governor against Paul.

dourh@Acts:24:6 @ Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom, we having apprehended, would also have judged according to our law.

dourh@Acts:24:8 @ Commanding his accusers to come to thee: of whom thou mayest thyself, by examination, have knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him.

dourh@Acts:24:19 @ But certain Jews of Asia, who ought to be present before thee, and to accuse, if they had any thing against me:

dourh@Acts:24:24 @ And after some days, Felix, coming with Drusilla his wife, who was a Jew, sent for Paul, and heard of him the faith, that is in Christ Jesus.

dourh@Acts:25:7 @ Who being brought, the Jews stood about him, who were come down from Jerusalem, objecting many and grievous causes, which they could not prove;

dourh@Acts:25:15 @ About whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests, and the ancients of the Jews, came unto me, desiring condemnation against him.

dourh@Acts:25:16 @ To whom I answered: It is not the custom of the Romans to condemn any man, before that he who is accused have his accusers present, and have liberty to make his answer, to clear himself of the things laid to his charge.

dourh@Acts:25:18 @ Against whom, when the accusers stood up, they brought no accusation of things which I thought ill of:

dourh@Acts:25:19 @ But had certain questions of their own superstition against him, and of one Jesus deceased, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.

dourh@Acts:25:24 @ And Festus saith: King Agrippa, and all ye men who are here present with us, you see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Jews dealt with me at Jerusalem, requesting and crying out that he ought not to live any longer.

dourh@Acts:25:26 @ Of whom I have nothing certain to write to my lord. For which cause I have brought him forth before you, and especially before thee, O king Agrippa, that examination being made, I may have what to write.

dourh@Acts:26:15 @ And I said: Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord answered: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.

dourh@Acts:26:26 @ For the king knoweth of these things, to whom also I speak with confidence. For I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him. For neither was any of these things done in a corner.

dourh@Acts:27:23 @ For an angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, stood by me this night,

dourh@Acts:27:28 @ Who also sounding, found twenty fathoms; and going on a little further, they found fifteen fathoms.

dourh@Acts:27:43 @ But the centurion, willing to save Paul, forbade it to be done; and he commanded that they who could swim, should cast themselves first into the sea, and save themselves, and get to land.

dourh@Acts:28:4 @ And when the barbarians saw the beast hanging on his hand, they said one to another: Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, who though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance doth not suffer him to live.

dourh@Acts:28:7 @ Now in these places were possessions of the chief man of the island, named Publius, who receiving us, for three days entertained us courteously.

dourh@Acts:28:8 @ And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever, and of a bloody flux. To whom Paul entered in; and when he had prayed, and laid his hands on him, he healed him.

dourh@Acts:28:10 @ Who also honoured us with many honours, and when we were to set sail, they laded us with such things as were necessary.

dourh@Acts:28:11 @ And after three months, we sailed in a ship of Alexandria, that had wintered in the island, whose sign was the Castors.

dourh@Acts:28:15 @ And from thence, when the brethren had heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum, and the Three Taverns: whom when Paul saw, he gave thanks to God, and took courage.

dourh@Acts:28:18 @ Who, when they had examined me, would have released me, for that there was no cause of death in me;

dourh@Acts:28:23 @ And when they had appointed him a day, there came very many to him unto his lodgings; to whom he expounded, testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Jesus, out of the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning until evening.

dourh@Acts:28:30 @ And he remained two whole years in his own hired lodging; and he received all that came in to him,

dourh@Romans:1:3 @ Concerning his Son, who was made to him of the seed of David, according to the flesh,

dourh@Romans:1:4 @ Who was predestinated the Son of God in power, according to the spirit of sanctification, by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead;

dourh@Romans:1:5 @ By whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith, in all nations, for his name;

dourh@Romans:1:6 @ Among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ:

dourh@Romans:1:8 @ First I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all, because your faith is spoken of in the whole world.

dourh@Romans:1:9 @ For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make a commemoration of you;

dourh@Romans:1:25 @ Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

dourh@Romans:1:32 @ Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

dourh@Romans:2:1 @ Wherefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest. For wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself. For thou dost the same things which thou judgest.

dourh@Romans:2:3 @ And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them who do such things, and dost the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

dourh@Romans:2:6 @ Who will render to every man according to his works.

dourh@Romans:2:7 @ To them indeed, who according to patience in good work, seek glory and honour and incorruption, eternal life:

dourh@Romans:2:8 @ But to them that are contentious, and who obey not the truth, but give credit to iniquity, wrath and indignation.

dourh@Romans:2:12 @ For whosoever have sinned without the law, shall perish without the law; and whosoever have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law.

dourh@Romans:2:14 @ For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature those things that are of the law; these having not the law are a law to themselves:

dourh@Romans:2:15 @ Who shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them, and their thoughts between themselves accusing, or also defending one another,

dourh@Romans:2:27 @ And shall not that which by nature is uncircumcision, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision art a transgressor of the law?

dourh@Romans:2:28 @ For it is not he is a Jew, who is so outwardly; nor is that circumcision which is outwardly in the flesh:

dourh@Romans:2:29 @ But he is a Jew, that is one inwardly; and the circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

dourh@Romans:3:5 @ But if our injustice commend the justice of God, what shall we say? Is God unjust, who executeth wrath?

dourh@Romans:3:8 @ And not rather (as we are slandered, and as some affirm that we say) let us do evil, that there may come good? whose damnation is just.

dourh@Romans:3:14 @ Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:

dourh@Romans:3:25 @ Whom God hath proposed to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to the shewing of his justice, for the remission of former sins,

dourh@Romans:3:26 @ Through the forbearance of God, for the shewing of his justice in this time; that he himself may be just, and the justifier of him, who is of the faith of Jesus Christ.

dourh@Romans:4:1 @ What shall we say then that Abraham hath found, who is our father according to the flesh.

dourh@Romans:4:6 @ As David also termeth the blessedness of a man, to whom God reputeth justice without works:

dourh@Romans:4:7 @ Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

dourh@Romans:4:8 @ Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin.

dourh@Romans:4:14 @ For if they who are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, the promise is made of no effect.

dourh@Romans:4:16 @ Therefore is it of faith, that according to grace the promise might be firm to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all,

dourh@Romans:4:17 @ (As it is written: I have made thee a father of many nations,) before God, whom he believed, who quickeneth the dead; and calleth those things that are not, as those that are.

dourh@Romans:4:18 @ Who against hope believed in hope; that he might be made the father of many nations, according to that which was said to him: So shall thy seed be.

dourh@Romans:4:24 @ But also for us, to whom it shall be reputed, if we believe in him, that raised up Jesus Christ, our Lord, from the dead,

dourh@Romans:4:25 @ Who was delivered up for our sins, and rose again for our justification.

dourh@Romans:5:2 @ By whom also we have access through faith into this grace, wherein we stand, and glory in the hope of the glory of the sons of God.

dourh@Romans:5:5 @ And hope confoundeth not: because the charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us.

dourh@Romans:5:11 @ And not only so; but also we glory in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received reconciliation.

dourh@Romans:5:12 @ Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned.

dourh@Romans:5:14 @ But death reigned from Adam unto Moses, even over them also who have not sinned after the similitude of the transgression of Adam, who is a figure of him who was to come.

dourh@Romans:5:17 @ For if by one man's offence death reigned through one; much more they who receive abundance of grace, and of the gift, and of justice, shall reign in life through one, Jesus Christ.

dourh@Romans:6:3 @ Know you not that all we, who are baptized in Christ Jesus, are baptized in his death?

dourh@Romans:6:16 @ Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey, whether it be of sin unto death, or of obedience unto justice.

dourh@Romans:7:4 @ Therefore, my brethren, you also are become dead to the law, by the body of Christ; that you may belong to another, who is risen again from the dead, that we may bring forth fruit to God.

dourh@Romans:7:24 @ Unhappy man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

dourh@Romans:8:1 @ There is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh.

dourh@Romans:8:4 @ That the justification of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.

dourh@Romans:8:8 @ And they who are in the flesh, cannot please God.

dourh@Romans:8:14 @ For whosoever are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

dourh@Romans:8:23 @ And not only it, but ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of our body.

dourh@Romans:8:29 @ For whom he foreknew, he also predestinated to be made conformable to the image of his Son; that he might be the firstborn amongst many brethren.

dourh@Romans:8:30 @ And whom he predestinated, them he also called. And whom he called, them he also justified. And whom he justified, them he also glorified.

dourh@Romans:8:31 @ What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?

dourh@Romans:8:33 @ Who shall accuse against the elect of God? God that justifieth.

dourh@Romans:8:34 @ Who is he that shall condemn? Christ Jesus that died, yea that is risen also again; who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

dourh@Romans:8:35 @ Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation? or distress? or famine? or nakedness? or danger? or persecution? or the sword?

dourh@Romans:9:15 @ For he saith to Moses: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy; and I will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy.

dourh@Romans:9:18 @ Therefore he hath mercy on whom he will; and whom he will, he hardeneth.

dourh@Romans:9:19 @ Thou wilt say therefore to me: Why doth he then find fault? for who resisteth his will?

dourh@Romans:9:20 @ O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it: Why hast thou made me thus?

dourh@Romans:9:24 @ Even us, whom also he hath called, nor only of the Jews, but also of the Gentiles.

dourh@Romans:9:30 @ What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who followed not after justice, have attained to justice, even the justice that is of faith.

dourh@Romans:9:33 @ As it is written: Behold I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and a rock of scandal; and whosoever believeth in him shall not be confounded.

dourh@Romans:10:6 @ But the justice which is of faith, speaketh thus: Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to bring Christ down;

dourh@Romans:10:7 @ Or who shall descend into the deep? that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.

dourh@Romans:10:11 @ For the scripture saith: Whosoever believeth in him, shall not be confounded.

dourh@Romans:10:13 @ For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.

dourh@Romans:10:14 @ How then shall they call on him, in whom they have not believed? Or how shall they believe him, of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear, without a preacher?

dourh@Romans:10:16 @ But all do not obey the gospel. For Isaias saith: Lord, who hath believed our report?

dourh@Romans:10:18 @ But I say: Have they not heard? Yes, verily, their sound hath gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the whole world.

dourh@Romans:11:14 @ If, by any means, I may provoke to emulation them who are my flesh, and may save some of them.

dourh@Romans:11:34 @ For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor?

dourh@Romans:11:35 @ Or who hath first given to him, and recompense shall be made him?

dourh@Romans:13:7 @ Render therefore to all men their dues. Tribute, to whom tribute is due: custom, to whom custom: fear, to whom fear: honour, to whom honour.

dourh@Romans:14:4 @ Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? To his own lord he standeth or falleth. And he shall stand: for God is able to make him stand.

dourh@Romans:14:15 @ For if, because of thy meat, thy brother be grieved, thou walkest not now according to charity. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.

dourh@Romans:14:20 @ Destroy not the work of God for meat. All things indeed are clean: but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.

dourh@Romans:15:21 @ But as it is written: They to whom he was not spoken of, shall see, and they that have not heard shall understand.

dourh@Romans:16:1 @ And I commend to you Phebe, our sister, who is in the ministry of the church, that is in Cenchrae:

dourh@Romans:16:4 @ (Who have for my life laid down their own necks: to whom not I only give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles,)

dourh@Romans:16:5 @ And the church which is in their house. Salute Epenetus, my beloved: who is the firstfruits of Asia in Christ.

dourh@Romans:16:6 @ Salute Mary, who hath laboured much among you.

dourh@Romans:16:7 @ Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and fellow prisoners: who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.

dourh@Romans:16:11 @ Salute them that are of Aristobulus' household. Salute Herodian, my kinsman. Salute them that are of Narcissus' household, who are in the Lord.

dourh@Romans:16:12 @ Salute Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. Salute Persis, the dearly beloved, who hath much laboured in the Lord.

dourh@Romans:16:17 @ Now I beseech you, brethren, to mark them who make dissensions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and avoid them.

dourh@Romans:16:22 @ I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

dourh@Romans:16:23 @ Caius, my host, and the whole church, saluteth you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, saluteth you, and Quartus, a brother.

dourh@Romans:16:27 @ To God the only wise, through Jesus Christ, to whom be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

dourh@1Corinthians:1:8 @ Who also will confirm you unto the end without crime, in the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

dourh@1Corinthians:1:9 @ God is faithful: by whom you are called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:1:30 @ But of him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and justice, and sanctification, and redemption:

dourh@1Corinthians:2:16 @ For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that we may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

dourh@1Corinthians:3:5 @ The ministers of him whom you have believed; and to every one as the Lord hath given.

dourh@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Therefore judge not before the time; until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall every man have praise from God.

dourh@1Corinthians:4:7 @ For who distinguisheth thee? Or what hast thou that thou hast not received? And if thou hast received, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

dourh@1Corinthians:4:17 @ For this cause have I sent to you Timothy, who is my dearest son and faithful in the Lord; who will put you in mind of my ways, which are in Christ Jesus; as I teach every where in every church.

dourh@1Corinthians:5:6 @ Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump?

dourh@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If therefore you have judgments of things pertaining to this world, set them to judge, who are the most despised in the church.

dourh@1Corinthians:6:16 @ Or know you not, that he who is joined to a harlot, is made one body? For they shall be, saith he, two in one flesh.

dourh@1Corinthians:6:17 @ But he who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit.

dourh@1Corinthians:6:19 @ Or know you not, that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God; and you are not your own?

dourh@1Corinthians:7:29 @ This therefore I say, brethren; the time is short; it remaineth, that they also who have wives, be as if they had none;

dourh@1Corinthians:7:39 @ A woman is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband die, she is at liberty: let her marry to whom she will; only in the Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:8:6 @ Yet to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

dourh@1Corinthians:8:11 @ And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ hath died?

dourh@1Corinthians:9:7 @ Who serveth as a soldier at any time, at his own charges? Who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? Who feedeth the flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?

dourh@1Corinthians:9:13 @ Know you not, that they who work in the holy place, eat the things that are of the holy place; and they that serve the altar, partake with the altar?

dourh@1Corinthians:9:14 @ So also the Lord ordained that they who preach the gospel, should live by the gospel.

dourh@1Corinthians:10:11 @ Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

dourh@1Corinthians:10:13 @ Let no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human. And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able: but will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:19 @ For there must be also heresies: that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest among you.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:27 @ Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:12:6 @ And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all.

dourh@1Corinthians:12:17 @ If the whole body were the eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling?

dourh@1Corinthians:14:8 @ For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

dourh@1Corinthians:14:11 @ If then I know not the power of the voice, I shall be to him to whom I speak a barbarian; and he that speaketh, a barbarian to me.

dourh@1Corinthians:14:23 @ If therefore the whole church come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in unlearned persons or infidels, will they not say that you are mad?

dourh@1Corinthians:15:6 @ Then he was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once: of whom many remain until this present, and some are fallen asleep.

dourh@1Corinthians:15:9 @ For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

dourh@1Corinthians:15:15 @ Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God: because we have given testimony against God, that he hath raised up Christ; whom he hath not raised up, if the dead rise not again.

dourh@1Corinthians:15:23 @ But every one in his own order: the firstfruits Christ, then they that are of Christ, who have believed in his coming.

dourh@1Corinthians:15:27 @ All things are put under him; undoubtedly, he is excepted, who put all things under him.

dourh@1Corinthians:15:57 @ But thanks be to God, who hath given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

dourh@1Corinthians:16:3 @ And when I shall be with you, whomsoever you shall approve by letters, them will I send to carry your grace to Jerusalem.

dourh@1Corinthians:16:19 @ The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house, with whom I also lodge.

dourh@2Corinthians:1:4 @ Who comforteth us in all our tribulation; that we also may be able to comfort them who are in all distress, by the exhortation wherewith we also are exhorted by God.

dourh@2Corinthians:1:9 @ But we had in ourselves the answer of death, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raiseth the dead.

dourh@2Corinthians:1:10 @ Who hath delivered and doth deliver us out of so great dangers: in whom we trust that he will yet also deliver us.

dourh@2Corinthians:1:19 @ For the Son of God, Jesus Christ who was preached among you by us, by me, and Sylvanus, and Timothy, was not, It is and It is not, but, It is, was in him.

dourh@2Corinthians:1:22 @ Who also hath sealed us, and given the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts.

dourh@2Corinthians:2:2 @ For if I make you sorrowful, who is he then that can make me glad, but the same who is made sorrowful by me?

dourh@2Corinthians:2:3 @ And I wrote this same to you; that I may not, when I come, have sorrow upon sorrow, from them of whom I ought to rejoice: having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all.

dourh@2Corinthians:2:6 @ To him who is such a one, this rebuke is sufficient, which is given by many:

dourh@2Corinthians:2:10 @ And to whom you have pardoned any thing, I also. For, what I have pardoned, if I have pardoned any thing, for your sakes have I done it in the person of Christ.

dourh@2Corinthians:2:14 @ Now thanks be to God, who always maketh us to triumph in Christ Jesus, and manifesteth the odour of his knowledge by us in every place.

dourh@2Corinthians:2:16 @ To the one indeed the odour of death unto death: but to the others the odour of life unto life. And for these things who is so sufficient?

dourh@2Corinthians:3:6 @ Who also hath made us fit ministers of the new testament, not in the letter, but in the spirit. For the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth.

dourh@2Corinthians:4:4 @ In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not shine unto them.

dourh@2Corinthians:4:6 @ For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Christ Jesus.

dourh@2Corinthians:4:11 @ For we who live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake; that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

dourh@2Corinthians:4:14 @ Knowing that he who raised up Jesus, will raise us up also with Jesus, and place us with you.

dourh@2Corinthians:5:4 @ For we also, who are in this tabernacle, do groan, being burthened; because we would not be unclothed, but clothed upon, that that which is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

dourh@2Corinthians:5:5 @ Now he that maketh us for this very thing, is God, who hath given us the pledge of the Spirit.

dourh@2Corinthians:5:12 @ We commend not ourselves again to you, but give you occasion to glory in our behalf; that you may have somewhat to answer them who glory in face, and not in heart.

dourh@2Corinthians:5:15 @ And Christ died for all; that they also who live, may not now live to themselves, but unto him who died for them, and rose again.

dourh@2Corinthians:5:18 @ But all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Christ; and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.

dourh@2Corinthians:5:21 @ Him, who knew no sin, he hath made sin for us, that we might be made the justice of God in him.

dourh@2Corinthians:7:6 @ But God, who comforteth the humble, comforted us by the coming of Titus.

dourh@2Corinthians:8:10 @ And herein I give my advice; for this is profitable for you, who have begun not only to do, but also to be willing, a year ago.

dourh@2Corinthians:8:16 @ And thanks be to God, who hath given the same carefulness for you in the heart of Titus.

dourh@2Corinthians:8:18 @ We have sent also with him the brother, whose praise is in the gospel through all the churches.

dourh@2Corinthians:8:22 @ And we have sent with them our brother also, whom we have often proved diligent in many things; but now much more diligent, with much confidence in you,

dourh@2Corinthians:8:23 @ Either for Titus, who is my companion and fellow labourer towards you, or our brethren, the apostles of the churches, the glory of Christ.

dourh@2Corinthians:9:6 @ Now this I say: He who soweth sparingly, shall also reap sparingly: and he who soweth in blessings, shall also reap blessings.

dourh@2Corinthians:10:1 @ Now I Paul myself beseech you, by the mildness and modesty of Christ, who in presence indeed am lowly among you, but being absent, am bold toward you.

dourh@2Corinthians:10:2 @ But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present, with that confidence wherewith I am thought to be bold, against some, who reckon us as if we walked according to the flesh.

dourh@2Corinthians:10:18 @ For not he who commendeth himself, is approved, but he, whom God commendeth.

dourh@2Corinthians:11:4 @ For if he that cometh preacheth another Christ, whom we have not preached; or if you receive another Spirit, whom you have not received; or another gospel which you have not received; you might well bear with him.

dourh@2Corinthians:11:9 @ And, when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was wanting to me, the brethren supplied who came from Macedonia; and in all things I have kept myself from being burthensome to you, and so I will keep myself.

dourh@2Corinthians:11:15 @ Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to their works.

dourh@2Corinthians:11:29 @ Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is scandalized, and I am not on fire?

dourh@2Corinthians:11:31 @ The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever, knoweth that I lie not.

dourh@2Corinthians:12:17 @ Did I overreach you by any of them whom I sent to you?

dourh@2Corinthians:13:3 @ Do you seek a proof of Christ that speaketh in me, who towards you is not weak, but is mighty in you?

dourh@Galatians:1:1 @ Paul, an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead,

dourh@Galatians:1:2 @ And all the brethren who are with me, to the churches of Galatia.

dourh@Galatians:1:4 @ Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present wicked world, according to the will of God and our Father:

dourh@Galatians:1:5 @ To whom is glory for ever and ever. Amen.

dourh@Galatians:1:15 @ But when it pleased him, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,

dourh@Galatians:1:17 @ Neither went I to Jerusalem, to the apostles who were before me: but I went into Arabia, and again I returned to Damascus.

dourh@Galatians:1:23 @ But they had heard only: He, who persecuted us in times past, doth now preach the faith which once he impugned:

dourh@Galatians:2:2 @ And I went up according to revelation; and communicated to them the gospel, which I preach among the Gentiles, but apart to them who seemed to be some thing: lest perhaps I should run, or had run in vain.

dourh@Galatians:2:3 @ But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Gentile, was compelled to be circumcised.

dourh@Galatians:2:4 @ But because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privately to spy our liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into servitude.

dourh@Galatians:2:5 @ To whom we yielded not by subjection, no not for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.

dourh@Galatians:2:6 @ But of them who seemed to be some thing, (what they were some time, it is nothing to me, God accepteth not the person of man,) for to me they that seemed to be some thing added nothing.

dourh@Galatians:2:8 @ (For he who wrought in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, wrought in me also among the Gentiles.)

dourh@Galatians:2:9 @ And when they had known the grace that was given to me, James and Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship: that we should go unto the Gentiles, and they unto the circumcision:

dourh@Galatians:2:12 @ For before that some came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them who were of the circumcision.

dourh@Galatians:2:20 @ And I live, now not I; but Christ liveth in me. And that I live now in the flesh: I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered himself for me.

dourh@Galatians:3:1 @ O senseless Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been set forth, crucified among you?

dourh@Galatians:3:5 @ He therefore who giveth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you; doth he do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of the faith?

dourh@Galatians:3:7 @ Know ye therefore, that they who are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

dourh@Galatians:3:19 @ Why then was the law? It was set because of transgressions, until the seed should come, to whom he made the promise, being ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

dourh@Galatians:4:5 @ That he might redeem them who were under the law: that we might receive the adoption of sons.

dourh@Galatians:4:8 @ But then indeed, not knowing God, you served them, who, by nature, are not gods.

dourh@Galatians:4:19 @ My little children, of whom I am in labour again, until Christ be formed in you.

dourh@Galatians:4:23 @ But he who was of the bondwoman, was born according to the flesh: but he of the free woman, was by promise.

dourh@Galatians:5:3 @ And I testify again to every man circumcising himself, that he is a debtor to the whole law.

dourh@Galatians:5:4 @ You are made void of Christ, you who are justified in the law: you are fallen from grace.

dourh@Galatians:5:7 @ You did run well, who hath hindered you, that you should not obey the truth?

dourh@Galatians:5:9 @ A little leaven corrupteth the whole lump.

dourh@Galatians:5:10 @ I have confidence in you in the Lord: that you will not be of another mind: but he that troubleth you, shall bear the judgment, whosoever he be.

dourh@Galatians:5:12 @ I would they were even cut off, who trouble you.

dourh@Galatians:5:21 @ Envies, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like. Of the which I foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom of God.

dourh@Galatians:6:1 @ Brethren, and if a man be overtaken in any fault, you, who are spiritual, instruct such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

dourh@Galatians:6:10 @ Therefore, whilst we have time, let us work good to all men, but especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

dourh@Galatians:6:13 @ For neither they themselves who are circumcised, keep the law; but they will have you to be circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.

dourh@Galatians:6:14 @ But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.

dourh@Galatians:6:16 @ And whosoever shall follow this rule, peace on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

dourh@Ephesians:1:1 @ Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to all the saints who are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.

dourh@Ephesians:1:3 @ Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ:

dourh@Ephesians:1:5 @ Who hath predestinated us unto the adoption of children through Jesus Christ unto himself: according to the purpose of his will:

dourh@Ephesians:1:7 @ In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins, according to the riches of his grace,

dourh@Ephesians:1:11 @ In whom we also are called by lot, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to the counsel of his will.

dourh@Ephesians:1:12 @ That we may be unto the praise of his glory, we who before hoped Christ:

dourh@Ephesians:1:13 @ In whom you also, after you had heard the word of truth, (the gospel of your salvation;) in whom also believing, you were signed with the holy Spirit of promise,

dourh@Ephesians:1:14 @ Who is the pledge of our inheritance, unto the redemption of acquisition, unto the praise of his glory.

dourh@Ephesians:1:19 @ And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us, who believe according to the operation of the might of his power,

dourh@Ephesians:1:23 @ Which is his body, and the fulness of him who is filled all in all.

dourh@Ephesians:2:4 @ But God, (who is rich in mercy,) for his exceeding charity wherewith he loved us,

dourh@Ephesians:2:5 @ Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together in Christ, (by whose grace you are saved,)

dourh@Ephesians:2:11 @ For which cause be mindful that you, being heretofore Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision by that which is called circumcision in the flesh, made by hands;

dourh@Ephesians:2:13 @ But now in Christ Jesus, you, who some time were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

dourh@Ephesians:2:14 @ For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and breaking down the middle wall of partition, the enmities in his flesh:

dourh@Ephesians:2:21 @ In whom all the building, being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple in the Lord.

dourh@Ephesians:2:22 @ In whom you also are built together into an habitation of God in the Spirit.

dourh@Ephesians:3:9 @ And to enlighten all men, that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery which hath been hidden from eternity in God, who created all things:

dourh@Ephesians:3:12 @ In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

dourh@Ephesians:3:15 @ Of whom all paternity in heaven and earth is named,

dourh@Ephesians:3:20 @ Now to him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us;

dourh@Ephesians:4:6 @ One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all.

dourh@Ephesians:4:15 @ But doing the truth in charity, we may in all things grow up in him who is the head, even Christ:

dourh@Ephesians:4:16 @ From whom the whole body, being compacted and fitly joined together, by what every joint supplieth, according to the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in charity.

dourh@Ephesians:4:19 @ Who despairing, have given themselves up to lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto covetousness.

dourh@Ephesians:4:22 @ To put off, according to former conversation, the old man, who is corrupted according to the desire of error.

dourh@Ephesians:4:24 @ And put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth.

dourh@Ephesians:6:22 @ Whom I have sent to you for this same purpose, that you may know the things concerning us, and that he may comfort your hearts.

dourh@Philippians:1:1 @ Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ; to all the saints in Christ Jesus, who are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons.

dourh@Philippians:1:6 @ Being confident of this very thing, that he, who hath begun a good work in you, will perfect it unto the day of Christ Jesus.

dourh@Philippians:2:6 @ Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

dourh@Philippians:2:13 @ For it is God who worketh in you, both to will and to accomplish, according to his good will.

dourh@Philippians:2:15 @ That you may be blameless, and sincere children of God, without reproof, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation; among whom you shine as lights in the world.

dourh@Philippians:2:20 @ For I have no man so of the same mind, who with sincere affection is solicitous for you.

dourh@Philippians:3:3 @ For we are the circumcision, who in spirit serve God; and glory in Christ Jesus, not having confidence in the flesh.

dourh@Philippians:3:8 @ Furthermore I count all things to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but as dung, that I may gain Christ:

dourh@Philippians:3:17 @ Be ye followers of me, brethren, and observe them who walk so as you have our model.

dourh@Philippians:3:18 @ For many walk, of whom I have told you often (and now tell you weeping), that they are enemies of the cross of Christ;

dourh@Philippians:3:19 @ Whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things.

dourh@Philippians:3:21 @ Who will reform the body of our lowness, made like to the body of his glory, according to the operation whereby also he is able to subdue all things unto himself.

dourh@Philippians:4:3 @ And I entreat thee also, my sincere companion, help those women who have laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement and the rest of my fellow labourers, whose names are in the book of life.

dourh@Philippians:4:13 @ I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.

dourh@Philippians:4:22 @ The brethren who are with me, salute you. All the saints salute you; especially they that are of Caesar's household.

dourh@Colossians:1:2 @ To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ Jesus, who are at Colossa.

dourh@Colossians:1:6 @ Which is come unto you, as also it is in the whole world, and bringeth forth fruit and groweth, even as it doth in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth.

dourh@Colossians:1:7 @ As you learned of Epaphras, our most beloved fellow servant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ Jesus;

dourh@Colossians:1:8 @ Who also hath manifested to us your love in the spirit.

dourh@Colossians:1:12 @ Giving thanks to God the Father, who hath made us worthy to be partakers of the lot of the saints in light:

dourh@Colossians:1:13 @ Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love,

dourh@Colossians:1:14 @ In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins;

dourh@Colossians:1:15 @ Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

dourh@Colossians:1:18 @ And he is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he may hold the primacy:

dourh@Colossians:1:24 @ Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the church:

dourh@Colossians:1:27 @ To whom God would make known the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ, in you the hope of glory.

dourh@Colossians:1:28 @ Whom we preach, admonishing every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

dourh@Colossians:2:1 @ For I would have you know, what manner of care I have for you and for them that are at Laodicea, and whosoever have not seen my face in the flesh:

dourh@Colossians:2:3 @ In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

dourh@Colossians:2:10 @ And you are filled in him, who is the head of all principality and power:

dourh@Colossians:2:11 @ In whom also you are circumcised with circumcision not made by hand, in despoiling of the body of the flesh, but in the circumcision of Christ:

dourh@Colossians:2:12 @ Buried with him in baptism, in whom also you are risen again by the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him up from the dead.

dourh@Colossians:2:19 @ And not holding the head, from which the whole body, by joints and bands, being supplied with nourishment and compacted, groweth unto the increase of God.

dourh@Colossians:3:4 @ When Christ shall appear, who is your life, then you also shall appear with him in glory.

dourh@Colossians:3:10 @ And putting on the new, him who is renewed unto knowledge, according to the image of him that created him.

dourh@Colossians:4:8 @ Whom I have sent to you for this same purpose, that he may know the things that concern you, and comfort your hearts,

dourh@Colossians:4:9 @ With Onesimus, a most beloved and faithful brother, who is one of you. All things that are done here, they shall make known to you.

dourh@Colossians:4:10 @ Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, saluteth you, and Mark, the cousin german of Barnabus, touching whom you have received commandments; if he come unto you, receive him:

dourh@Colossians:4:11 @ And Jesus, that is called Justus: who are of the circumcision: these only are my helpers in the kingdom of God; who have been a comfort to me.

dourh@Colossians:4:12 @ Epaphras saluteth you, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, who is always solicitous for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect, and full in all the will of God.

dourh@Colossians:4:15 @ Salute the brethren who are at Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church that is in his house.

dourh@1Thessalonians:1:10 @ And to wait for his Son from heaven (whom he raised up from the dead,) Jesus, who hath delivered us from the wrath to come.

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:4 @ But as we were approved by God that the gospel should be committed to us: even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God, who proveth our hearts.

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:12 @ We testified to every one of you, that you would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:13 @ Therefore, we also give thanks to God without ceasing: because, that when you had received of us the word of the hearing of God, you received it not as the word of men, but (as it is indeed) the word of God, who worketh in you that have believed.

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:15 @ Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:8 @ Therefore, he that despiseth these things, despiseth not man, but God, who also hath given his holy Spirit in us.

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:12 @ And we will not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep, that you be not sorrowful, even as others who have no hope.

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:13 @ For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again; even so them who have slept through Jesus, will God bring with him.

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:14 @ For this we say unto you in the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them who have slept.

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:15 @ For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:16 @ Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord.

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:8 @ But let us, who are of the day, be sober, having on the breastplate of faith and charity, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:10 @ Who died for us; that, whether we watch or sleep, we may live together with him.

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:12 @ And we beseech you, brethren, to know them who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you:

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:23 @ And may the God of peace himself sanctify you in all things; that your whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:24 @ He is faithful who hath called you, who also will do it.

dourh@2Thessalonians:1:7 @ And to you who are troubled, rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, with the angels of his power:

dourh@2Thessalonians:1:8 @ In a flame of fire, giving vengeance to them who know not God, and who obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

dourh@2Thessalonians:1:9 @ Who shall suffer eternal punishment in destruction, from the face of the Lord, and from the glory of his power:

dourh@2Thessalonians:1:10 @ When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be made wonderful in all them who have believed; because our testimony was believed upon you in that day.

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:4 @ Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way.

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:8 @ And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him,

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:9 @ Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders,

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:11 @ That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:15 @ Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God and our Father, who hathloved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation, and good hope in grace,

dourh@2Thessalonians:3:3 @ But God is faithful, who will strengthen and keep you from evil.

dourh@2Thessalonians:3:11 @ For we have heard there are some among you who walk disorderly, working not at all, but curiously meddling.

dourh@1Timothy:1:10 @ For fornicators, for them who defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and whatever other thing is contrary to sound doctrine,

dourh@1Timothy:1:12 @ I give thanks who hath strengthened me, even to Christ Jesus our Lord, for that he hath counted me faithful, putting me in the ministry;

dourh@1Timothy:1:13 @ Who before was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and contumelious. But I obtained the mercy of God, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.

dourh@1Timothy:1:15 @ A faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief.

dourh@1Timothy:1:20 @ Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander, whom I have delivered up to Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

dourh@1Timothy:2:4 @ Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

dourh@1Timothy:2:6 @ Who gave himself a redemption for all, a testimony in due times.

dourh@1Timothy:3:7 @ Moreover he must have a good testimony of them who are without: lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

dourh@1Timothy:3:12 @ Let deacons be the husbands of one wife: who rule well their children, and their own houses.

dourh@1Timothy:4:10 @ For therefore we labor and are reviled, because we hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of the faithful.

dourh@1Timothy:4:15 @ Meditate upon these things, be wholly in these things: that thy profiting may be manifest to all.

dourh@1Timothy:5:9 @ Let a widow be chosen of no less than threescore years of age, who hath been the wife of one husband.

dourh@1Timothy:5:17 @ Let the priests that rule well, be esteemed worthy of double honour: especially they who labour in the word and doctrine:

dourh@1Timothy:6:1 @ Whosoever are servants under the yoke, let them count their masters worthy of all honour; lest the name of the Lord and his doctrine be blasphemed.

dourh@1Timothy:6:2 @ But they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but serve them the rather, because they are faithful and beloved, who are partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.

dourh@1Timothy:6:5 @ Conflicts of men corrupted in mind, and who are destitute of the truth, supposing gain to be godliness.

dourh@1Timothy:6:13 @ I charge thee before God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who gave testimony under Pontius Pilate, a good confession,

dourh@1Timothy:6:15 @ Which in his times he shall shew who is the Blessed and only Mighty, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;

dourh@1Timothy:6:16 @ Who only hath immortality, and inhabiteth light inaccessible, whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and empire everlasting. Amen.

dourh@1Timothy:6:17 @ Charge the rich of this world not to be highminded, nor to trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God, (who giveth us abundantly all things to enjoy,)

dourh@2Timothy:1:3 @ I give thanks to God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a pure conscience, that without ceasing, I have a remembrance of thee in my prayers, night and day.

dourh@2Timothy:1:9 @ Who hath delivered us and called us by his holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the times of the world.

dourh@2Timothy:1:10 @ But is now made manifest by the illumination of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath destroyed death, and hath brought to light life and incorruption by the gospel:

dourh@2Timothy:1:12 @ For which cause I also suffer these things: but I am not ashamed. For I know whom I have believed, and I am certain that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him, against that day.

dourh@2Timothy:1:14 @ Keep the good thing committed to thy trust by the Holy Ghost, who dwelleth in us.

dourh@2Timothy:1:15 @ Thou knowest this, that all they who are in Asia, are turned away from me: of whom are Phigellus and Hermogenes.

dourh@2Timothy:2:2 @ And the things which thou hast heard of me by many witnesses, the same commend to faithful men, who shall be fit to teach others also.

dourh@2Timothy:2:4 @ No man, being a soldier to God, entangleth himself with secular businesses; that he may please him to whom he hath engaged himself.

dourh@2Timothy:2:17 @ And their speech spreadeth like a canker: of whom are Hymeneus and Philetus:

dourh@2Timothy:2:18 @ Who have erred from the truth, saying, that the resurrection is past already, and have subverted the faith of some.

dourh@2Timothy:2:19 @ But the sure foundation of God standeth firm, having this seal: the Lord knoweth who are his; and let every one depart from iniquity who nameth the name of the Lord.

dourh@2Timothy:2:26 @ And they may recover themselves from the snares of the devil, by whom they are held captive at his will.

dourh@2Timothy:3:6 @ For of these sort are they who creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, who are led away with divers desires:

dourh@2Timothy:3:14 @ But continue thou in those things which thou hast learned, and which have been committed to thee: knowing of whom thou hast learned them;

dourh@2Timothy:4:1 @ I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming, and his kingdom:

dourh@2Timothy:4:15 @ Whom do thou also avoid, for he hath greatly withstood our words.

dourh@2Timothy:4:18 @ The Lord hath delivered me from every evil work: and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

dourh@Titus:1:2 @ Unto the hope of life everlasting, which God, who lieth not, hath promised before the times of the world:

dourh@Titus:1:10 @ For there are also many disobedient, vain talkers, and seducers: especially they who are of the circumcision:

dourh@Titus:1:11 @ Who must be reproved, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

dourh@Titus:1:14 @ Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, who turn themselves away from the truth.

dourh@Titus:2:8 @ The sound word that can not be blamed: that he, who is on the contrary part, may be afraid, having no evil to say of us.

dourh@Titus:2:14 @ Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and might cleanse to himself a people acceptable, a pursuer of good works.

dourh@Titus:3:6 @ Whom he hath poured forth upon us abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Savior:

dourh@Titus:3:8 @ It is a faithful saying: and these things I will have thee affirm constantly: that they, who believe in God, may be careful to excel in good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.

dourh@Philemon:1:10 @ I beseech thee for my son, whom I have begotten in my bands, Onesimus,

dourh@Philemon:1:11 @ Who hath been heretofore unprofitable to thee, but now is profitable both to me and thee,

dourh@Philemon:1:12 @ Whom I have sent back to thee. And do thou receive him as my own bowels.

dourh@Philemon:1:13 @ Whom I would have retained with me, that in thy stead he might have ministered to me in the bands of the gospel:

dourh@Hebrews:1:1 @ God, who, at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all,

dourh@Hebrews:1:2 @ In these days hath spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world.

dourh@Hebrews:1:3 @ Who being the brightness of his glory, and the figure of his substance, and upholding all things by the word of his power, making purgation of sins, sitteth on the right hand of the majesty on high.

dourh@Hebrews:1:14 @ Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to minister for them, who shall receive the inheritance of salvation?

dourh@Hebrews:2:9 @ But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour: that, through the grace of God, he might taste death for all.

dourh@Hebrews:2:10 @ For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, who had brought many children into glory, to perfect the author of their salvation, by his passion.

dourh@Hebrews:2:11 @ For both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one. For which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying:

dourh@Hebrews:2:13 @ And again: I will put my trust in him. And again: Behold I and my children, whom God hath given me.

dourh@Hebrews:2:14 @ Therefore because the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner hath been partaker of the same: that, through death, he might destroy him who had the empire of death, that is to say, the devil:

dourh@Hebrews:2:15 @ And might deliver them, who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to servitude.

dourh@Hebrews:3:2 @ Who is faithful to him that made him, as was also Moses in all his house.

dourh@Hebrews:3:16 @ For some who heard did provoke: but not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.

dourh@Hebrews:3:17 @ And with whom was he offended forty years? Was it not with them that sinned, whose carcasses were overthrown in the desert?

dourh@Hebrews:3:18 @ And to whom did he swear, that they should not enter into his rest: but to them that were incredulous?

dourh@Hebrews:4:3 @ For we, who have believed, shall enter into rest; as he said: As I have sworn in my wrath; If they shall enter into my rest; and this indeed when the works from the foundation of the world were finished.

dourh@Hebrews:4:6 @ Seeing then it remaineth that some are to enter into it, and they, to whom it was first preached, did not enter because of unbelief:

dourh@Hebrews:4:13 @ Neither is there any creature invisible in his sight: but all things are naked and open to his eyes, to whom our speech is.

dourh@Hebrews:4:15 @ For we have not a high priest, who can not have compassion on our infirmities: but one tempted in all things like as we are, without sin.

dourh@Hebrews:5:2 @ Who can have compassion on them that are ignorant and that err: because he himself also is compassed with infirmity.

dourh@Hebrews:5:7 @ Who in the days of his flesh, with a strong cry and tears, offering up prayers and supplications to him that was able to save him from death, was heard for his reverence.

dourh@Hebrews:5:11 @ Of whom we have much to say, and hard to be intelligibly uttered: because you are become weak to hear.

dourh@Hebrews:5:14 @ But strong meat is for the perfect; for them who by custom have their senses exercised to the discerning of good and evil.

dourh@Hebrews:6:4 @ For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, have tasted also the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

dourh@Hebrews:6:7 @ For the earth that drinketh in the rain which cometh often upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is tilled, receiveth blessing from God.

dourh@Hebrews:6:8 @ But that which bringeth forth thorns and briers, is reprobate, and very near unto a curse, whose end is to be burnt.

dourh@Hebrews:6:10 @ For God is not unjust, that he should forget your work, and the love which you have shewn in his name, you who have ministered, and do minister to the saints.

dourh@Hebrews:6:12 @ That you become not slothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience shall inherit the promises.

dourh@Hebrews:6:13 @ For God making promise to Abraham, because he had no one greater by whom he might swear, swore by himself,

dourh@Hebrews:6:18 @ That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we may have the strongest comfort, who have fled for refuge to hold fast the hope set before us.

dourh@Hebrews:7:1 @ For this Melchisedech was king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him:

dourh@Hebrews:7:2 @ To whom also Abraham divided the tithes of all: who first indeed by interpretation, is king of justice: and then also king of Salem, that is, king of peace:

dourh@Hebrews:7:4 @ Now consider how great this man is, to whom also Abraham the patriarch gave tithes out of the principal things.

dourh@Hebrews:7:5 @ And indeed they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is to say, of their brethren: though they themselves also came out of the loins of Abraham.

dourh@Hebrews:7:6 @ But he, whose pedigree is not numbered among them, received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.

dourh@Hebrews:7:9 @ And (as it may be said) even Levi who received tithes, paid tithes in Abraham:

dourh@Hebrews:7:13 @ For he, of whom these things are spoken, is of another tribe, of which no one attended on the altar.

dourh@Hebrews:7:16 @ Who is made not according to the law of a carnal commandment, but according to the power of an indissoluble life:

dourh@Hebrews:7:27 @ Who needeth not daily (as the other priests) to offer sacrifices first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, in offering himself.

dourh@Hebrews:7:28 @ For the law maketh men priests, who have infirmity: but the word of the oath, which was since the law, the Son who is perfected for evermore.

dourh@Hebrews:8:1 @ Now of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of majesty in the heavens,

dourh@Hebrews:8:5 @ Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things. As it was answered to Moses, when he was to finish the tabernacle: See (saith he) that thou make all things according to the pattern which was shewn thee on the mount.

dourh@Hebrews:9:14 @ How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God?

dourh@Hebrews:10:29 @ How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace?

dourh@Hebrews:11:10 @ For he looked for a city that hath foundations; whose builder and maker is God.

dourh@Hebrews:11:11 @ By faith also Sara herself, being barren, received strength to conceive seed, even past the time of age; because she believed that he was faithful who had promised,

dourh@Hebrews:11:18 @ (To whom it was said: In Isaac shall thy seed be called.)

dourh@Hebrews:11:28 @ By faith he celebrated the pasch, and the shedding of the blood; that he, who destroyed the firstborn, might not touch them.

dourh@Hebrews:11:33 @ Who by faith conquered kingdoms, wrought justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,

dourh@Hebrews:11:38 @ Of whom the world was not worthy; wandering in deserts, in mountains, and in dens, and in caved of the earth.

dourh@Hebrews:12:2 @ Looking on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who having joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sitteth on the right hand of the throne of God.

dourh@Hebrews:12:6 @ For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth; and he scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

dourh@Hebrews:12:7 @ Persevere under discipline. God dealeth with you as with his sons; for what son is there, whom the father doth not correct?

dourh@Hebrews:12:16 @ Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau; who for one mess, sold his first birthright.

dourh@Hebrews:12:23 @ And to the church of the firstborn, who are written in the heavens, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just made perfect,

dourh@Hebrews:12:25 @ See that you refuse him not that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spoke upon the earth, much more shall not we, that turn away from him that speaketh to us from heaven.

dourh@Hebrews:12:26 @ Whose voice then moved the earth; but now he promiseth, saying: Yet once more, and I will move not only the earth, but heaven also.

dourh@Hebrews:13:7 @ Remember your prelates who have spoken the word of God to you; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation,

dourh@Hebrews:13:10 @ We have an altar, whereof they have no power to eat who serve the tabernacle.

dourh@Hebrews:13:11 @ For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the holies by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.

dourh@Hebrews:13:20 @ And may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead the great pastor of the sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the blood of the everlasting testament,

dourh@Hebrews:13:21 @ Fit you in all goodness, that you may do his will; doing in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom is glory for ever and ever. Amen.

dourh@Hebrews:13:23 @ Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty: with whom (if he come shortly) I will see you.

dourh@James:1:5 @ But if any of you want wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men abundantly, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

dourh@James:1:17 @ Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration.

dourh@James:2:10 @ And whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, is become guilty of all.

dourh@James:3:2 @ For in many things we all offend. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man. He is able also with a bridle to lead about the whole body.

dourh@James:3:3 @ For if we put bits into the mouths of horses, that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.

dourh@James:3:6 @ And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is placed among our members, which defileth the whole body, and inflameth the wheel of our nativity, being set on fire by hell.

dourh@James:3:9 @ By it we bless God and the Father: and by it we curse men, who are made after the likeness of God.

dourh@James:3:13 @ Who is a wise man, and endued with knowledge among you? Let him shew, by a good conversation, his work in the meekness of wisdom.

dourh@James:4:4 @ Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God.

dourh@James:4:13 @ But who art thou that judgest thy neighbour? Behold, now you that say: To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and there we will spend a year, and will traffic, and make our gain.

dourh@James:4:17 @ To him therefore who knoweth to do good, and doth it not, to him it is sin.

dourh@James:5:4 @ Behold the hire of the labourers, who have reaped down your fields, which by fraud has been kept back by you, crieth: and the cry of them hath entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

dourh@James:5:10 @ Take, my brethren, for an example of suffering evil, of labour and patience, the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord.

dourh@James:5:11 @ Behold, we account them blessed who have endured. You have heard of the patience of Job, and you have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is merciful and compassionate.

dourh@James:5:20 @ He must know that he who causeth a sinner to be converted from the error of his way, shall save his soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.

dourh@1Peter:1:3 @ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy hath regenerated us unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

dourh@1Peter:1:5 @ Who, by the power of God, are kept by faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.

dourh@1Peter:1:8 @ Whom having not seen, you love: in whom also now, though you see him not, you believe: and believing shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorified;

dourh@1Peter:1:10 @ Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and diligently searched, who prophesied of the grace to come in you.

dourh@1Peter:1:12 @ To whom it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to you they ministered those things which are now declared to you by them that have preached the gospel to you, the Holy Ghost being sent down from heaven, on whom the angels desire to look.

dourh@1Peter:1:15 @ But according to him that hath called you, who is holy, be you also in all manner of conversation holy:

dourh@1Peter:1:17 @ And if you invoke as Father him who, without respect of persons, judgeth according to every one's work: converse in fear during the time of your sojourning here.

dourh@1Peter:1:21 @ Who through him are faithful in God, who raised him up from the dead, and hath given him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God.

dourh@1Peter:1:23 @ Being born again not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by the word of God who liveth and remaineth for ever.

dourh@1Peter:2:4 @ Unto whom coming, as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen and made honourable by God:

dourh@1Peter:2:8 @ And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of scandal, to them who stumble at the word, neither do believe, whereunto also they are set.

dourh@1Peter:2:9 @ But you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

dourh@1Peter:2:10 @ Who in time past were not a people: but are now the people of God. Who had not obtained mercy; but now have obtained mercy.

dourh@1Peter:2:22 @ Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.

dourh@1Peter:2:23 @ Who, when he was reviled, did not revile: when he suffered, he threatened not: but delivered himself to him that judged him unjustly.

dourh@1Peter:2:24 @ Who his own self bore our sins in his body upon the tree: that we, being dead to sins, should live to justice: by whose stripes you were healed.

dourh@1Peter:3:3 @ Whose adorning let it not be the outward plaiting of the hair, or the wearing of gold, or the putting on of apparel:

dourh@1Peter:3:5 @ For after this manner heretofore the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection to their own husbands:

dourh@1Peter:3:6 @ As Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters you are, doing well, and not fearing any disturbance.

dourh@1Peter:3:13 @ And who is he that can hurt you, if you be zealous of good?

dourh@1Peter:3:16 @ But with modesty and fear, having a good conscience: that whereas they speak evil of you, they may be ashamed who falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

dourh@1Peter:3:22 @ Who is on the right hand of God, swallowing down death, that we might be made heirs of life everlasting: being gone into heaven, the angels and powers and virtues being made subject to him.

dourh@1Peter:4:3 @ For the time past is sufficient to have fulfilled the will of the Gentiles, for them who have walked in riotousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and unlawful worshipping of idols.

dourh@1Peter:4:5 @ Who shall render account to him, who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

dourh@1Peter:4:11 @ If any man speak, let him speak, as the words of God. If any man minister, let him do it, as of the power, which God administereth: that in all things God may be honoured through Jesus Christ: to whom is glory and empire for ever and ever. Amen.

dourh@1Peter:5:1 @ The ancients therefore that are among you, I beseech, who am myself also an ancient, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ: as also a partaker of that glory which is to be revealed in time to come:

dourh@1Peter:5:8 @ Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.

dourh@1Peter:5:9 @ Whom resist ye, strong in faith: knowing that the same affliction befalls your brethren who are in the world.

dourh@1Peter:5:10 @ But the God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, will himself perfect you, and confirm you, and establish you.

dourh@1Peter:5:14 @ Salute one another with a holy kiss. Grace be to all you, who are in Christ Jesus. Amen.

dourh@2Peter:1:3 @ As all things of his divine power which appertain to life and godliness, are given us, through the knowledge of him who hath called us by his own proper glory and virtue.

dourh@2Peter:1:4 @ By whom he hath given us most great and precious promises: that by these you may be made partakers of the divine nature: flying the corruption of that concupiscence which is in the world.

dourh@2Peter:1:17 @ For he received from God the Father, honour and glory: this voice coming down to him from the excellent glory: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

dourh@2Peter:2:1 @ But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying teachers, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

dourh@2Peter:2:2 @ And many shall follow their riotousnesses, through whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

dourh@2Peter:2:3 @ And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their perdition slumbereth not.

dourh@2Peter:2:8 @ For in sight and hearing he was just: dwelling among them, who from day to day vexed the just soul with unjust works.

dourh@2Peter:2:10 @ And especially them who walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government, audacious, self willed, they fear not to bring in sects, blaspheming.

dourh@2Peter:2:11 @ Whereas angels who are greater in strength and power, bring not against themselves a railing judgment.

dourh@2Peter:2:15 @ Leaving the right way they have gone astray, having followed the way of Balaam of Bosor, who loved the wages of iniquity,

dourh@2Peter:2:17 @ These are fountains without water, and clouds tossed with whirlwinds, to whom the mist of darkness is reserved.

dourh@2Peter:2:18 @ For, speaking proud words of vanity, they allure by the desires of fleshly riotousness, those who for a little while escape, such as converse in error:

dourh@2Peter:2:19 @ Promising them liberty, whereas they themselves are the slaves of corruption. For by whom a man is overcome, of the same also he is the slave.

dourh@1John:2:2 @ And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.

dourh@1John:2:4 @ He who saith that he knoweth him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

dourh@1John:2:13 @ I write unto you, fathers, because you have known him, who is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one.

dourh@1John:2:22 @ Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son.

dourh@1John:2:23 @ Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son, hath the Father also.

dourh@1John:2:29 @ If you know, that he is just, know ye, that every one also, who doth justice, is born of him.

dourh@1John:3:4 @ Whosoever committeth sin commmitteth also iniquity; and sin is iniquity.

dourh@1John:3:6 @ Whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not; and whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, nor known him.

dourh@1John:3:9 @ Whosoever is born of God, commmitteth not sin: for his seed abideth in him, and he can not sin, because he is born of God.

dourh@1John:3:10 @ In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever is not just, is not of God, nor he that loveth not his brother.

dourh@1John:3:12 @ Not as Cain, who was of the wicked one, and killed his brother. And wherefore did he kill him? Because his own works were wicked: and his brother's just.

dourh@1John:3:15 @ Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. And you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in himself.

dourh@1John:4:3 @ And every spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of God: and this is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he cometh, and he is now already in the world.

dourh@1John:4:15 @ Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God abideth in him, and he in God.

dourh@1John:4:20 @ If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother; he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother, whom he seeth, how can he love God, whom he seeth not?

dourh@1John:4:21 @ And this commandment we have from God, that he, who loveth God, love also his brother.

dourh@1John:5:1 @ Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God. And every one that loveth him who begot, loveth him also who is born of him.

dourh@1John:5:5 @ Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

dourh@1John:5:7 @ And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.

dourh@1John:5:13 @ These things I write to you, that you may know that you have eternal life, you who believe in the name of the Son of God.

dourh@1John:5:16 @ He that knoweth his brother to sin a sin which is not to death, let him ask, and life shall be given to him, who sinneth not to death. There is a sin unto death: for that I say not that any man ask.

dourh@1John:5:18 @ We know that whosoever is born of God, sinneth not: but the generation of God preserveth him, and the wicked one toucheth him not.

dourh@1John:5:19 @ We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness.

dourh@2John:1:1 @ The ancient to the lady Elect, and her children, whom I love in the truth, and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth,

dourh@2John:1:7 @ For many seducers are gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh: this is a seducer and an antichrist.

dourh@2John:1:9 @ Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son.

dourh@3John:1:1 @ The ancient to the dearly beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.

dourh@3John:1:6 @ Who have given testimony to thy charity in the sight of the church: whom thou shalt do well to bring forward on their way in a manner worthy of God.

dourh@3John:1:9 @ I had written perhaps to the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, doth not receive us.

dourh@Jude:1:4 @ For certain men are secretly entered in, (who were written of long ago unto this judgment,) ungodly men, turning the grace of our Lord God into riotousness, and denying the only sovereign Ruler, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

dourh@Jude:1:6 @ And the angels who kept not their principality, but forsook their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains, unto the judgment of the great day.

dourh@Jude:1:13 @ Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own confusion; wandering stars, to whom the storm of darkness is reserved for ever.

dourh@Jude:1:18 @ Who told you, that in the last time there should come mockers, walking according to their own desires in ungodlinesses.

dourh@Jude:1:19 @ These are they, who separate themselves, sensual men, having not the Spirit.

dourh@Jude:1:24 @ Now to him who is able to preserve you without sin, and to present you spotless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,

dourh@Revelation:1:2 @ Who hath given testimony to the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ, what things soever he hath seen.

dourh@Revelation:1:5 @ And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth, who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

dourh@Revelation:1:8 @ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

dourh@Revelation:2:1 @ Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write: These things saith he, who holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks:

dourh@Revelation:2:2 @ I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them that are evil, and thou hast tried them, who say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

dourh@Revelation:2:8 @ And to the angel of the church of Smyrna write: These things saith the First and the Last, who was dead, and is alive:

dourh@Revelation:2:13 @ I know where thou dwellest, where the seat of Satan is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith. Even in those days when Antipas was my faithful witness, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

dourh@Revelation:2:14 @ But I have against thee a few things: because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat, and to commit fornication:

dourh@Revelation:2:18 @ And to the angel of the church of Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like to a flame of fire, and his feet like to fine brass.

dourh@Revelation:2:20 @ But I have against thee a few things: because thou sufferest the woman Jezabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication, and to eat of things sacrificed to idols.

dourh@Revelation:2:24 @ And to the rest who are at Thyatira: Whosoever have not this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will not put upon you any other burthen.

dourh@Revelation:3:9 @ Behold, I will bring of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and adore before thy feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee.

dourh@Revelation:3:10 @ Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of the temptation, which shall come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth.

dourh@Revelation:3:14 @ And to the angel of the church of Laodicea, write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, who is the beginning of the creation of God:

dourh@Revelation:4:8 @ And the four living creatures had each of them six wings; and round about and within they are full of eyes. And they rested not day and night, saying: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.

dourh@Revelation:4:9 @ And when those living creatures gave glory, and honour, and benediction to him that sitteth on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever;

dourh@Revelation:5:2 @ And I saw a strong angel, proclaiming with a loud voice: Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

dourh@Revelation:6:11 @ And white robes were given to every one of them one; and it was said to them, that they should rest for a little time, till their fellow servants, and their brethren, who are to be slain, even as they, should be filled up.

dourh@Revelation:6:12 @ And I saw, when he had opened the sixth seal, and behold there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair: and the whole moon became as blood:

dourh@Revelation:6:17 @ For the great day of their wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?

dourh@Revelation:7:2 @ And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the sign of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

dourh@Revelation:7:10 @ And they cried with a loud voice, saying: Salvation to our God, who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb.

dourh@Revelation:7:13 @ And one of the ancients answered, and said to me: These that are clothed in white robes, who are they? and whence came they?

dourh@Revelation:7:14 @ And I said to him: My Lord, thou knowest. And he said to me: These are they who are come out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and have made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

dourh@Revelation:8:6 @ And the seven angels, who had the seven trumpets, prepared themselves to sound the trumpet.

dourh@Revelation:8:13 @ And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth: by reason of the rest of the voices of the three angels, who are yet to sound the trumpet.

dourh@Revelation:9:4 @ And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads.

dourh@Revelation:9:11 @ A king, the angel of the bottomless pit; whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon; in Latin Exterminans,

dourh@Revelation:9:14 @ Saying to the sixth angel, who had the trumpet: Loose the four angels, who are bound in the great river Euphrates.

dourh@Revelation:9:15 @ And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year: for to kill the third part of men.

dourh@Revelation:9:20 @ And the rest of the men, who were not slain by these plagues, did not do penance from the works of their hands, that they should not adore devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

dourh@Revelation:10:5 @ And the angel, whom I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven,

dourh@Revelation:10:6 @ And he swore by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things which are therein; and the earth, and the things which are in it; and the sea, and the things which are therein: That time shall be no longer.

dourh@Revelation:10:8 @ And I heard a voice from heaven again speaking to me, and saying: Go, and take the book that is open, from the hand of the angel who standeth upon the sea, and upon the earth.

dourh@Revelation:11:16 @ And the four and twenty ancients, who sit on their seats in the sight of God, fell on their faces and adored God, saying:

dourh@Revelation:11:17 @ We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, who art, and who wast, and who art to come: because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and thou hast reigned.

dourh@Revelation:11:18 @ And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest render reward to thy servants the prophets and the saints, and to them that fear thy name, little and great, and shouldest destroy them who have corrupted the earth.

dourh@Revelation:12:4 @ And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she should be delivered, he might devour her son.

dourh@Revelation:12:5 @ And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God, and to his throne.

dourh@Revelation:12:9 @ And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

dourh@Revelation:12:10 @ And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night.

dourh@Revelation:12:13 @ And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman, who brought forth the man child:

dourh@Revelation:12:17 @ And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

dourh@Revelation:13:4 @ And they adored the dragon, which gave power to the beast: and they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? and who shall be able to fight with him?

dourh@Revelation:13:8 @ And all the dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb, which was slain from the beginning of the world.

dourh@Revelation:13:12 @ And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed.

dourh@Revelation:13:15 @ And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain.

dourh@Revelation:14:3 @ And they sung as it were a new canticle, before the throne, and before the four living creatures, and the ancients; and no man could say the canticle, but those hundred forty-four thousand, who were purchased from the earth.

dourh@Revelation:14:4 @ These are they who were not defiled with women: for they are virgins. These follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were purchased from among men, the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb:

dourh@Revelation:14:11 @ And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up for ever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast, and his image, and whoever receiveth the character of his name.

dourh@Revelation:14:12 @ Here is the patience of the saints, who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

dourh@Revelation:14:13 @ And I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me: Write: Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. From henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; for their works follow them.

dourh@Revelation:14:18 @ And another angel came out from the altar, who had power over fire; and he cried with a loud voice to him that had the sharp sickle, saying: Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vineyard of the earth; because the grapes thereof are ripe.

dourh@Revelation:15:4 @ Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and magnify thy name? For thou only art holy: for all nations shall come, and shall adore in thy sight, because thy judgments are manifest.

dourh@Revelation:15:7 @ And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden vials, full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.

dourh@Revelation:16:2 @ And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a sore and grievous wound upon men, who had the character of the beast; and upon them that adored the image thereof.

dourh@Revelation:16:5 @ And I heard the angel of the waters saying: Thou art just, O Lord, who art, and who wast, the Holy One, because thou hast judged these things:

dourh@Revelation:16:9 @ And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who hath power over these plagues, neither did they penance to give him glory.

dourh@Revelation:16:14 @ For they are the spirits of devils working signs, and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.

dourh@Revelation:17:1 @ And there came one of the seven angels, who had the seven vials, and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters,

dourh@Revelation:17:2 @ With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they who inhabit the earth, have been made drunk with the whine of her whoredom.

dourh@Revelation:17:8 @ The beast, which thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall come up out of the bottomless pit, and go into destruction: and the inhabitants on the earth (whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world) shall wonder, seeing the beast that was, and is not.

dourh@Revelation:17:12 @ And the ten horns which thou sawest, are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but shall receive power as kings one hour after the beast.

dourh@Revelation:18:8 @ Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be burnt with the fire; because God is strong, who shall judge her.

dourh@Revelation:18:9 @ And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication, and lived in delicacies with her, shall weep, and bewail themselves over her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning:

dourh@Revelation:18:15 @ The merchants of these things, who were made rich, shall stand afar off from her, for fear of her torments, weeping and mourning.

dourh@Revelation:19:2 @ For true and just are his judgments, who hath judged the great harlot which corrupted the earth with her fornication, and hath revenged the blood of his servants, at her hands.

dourh@Revelation:19:10 @ And I fell down before his feet, to adore him. And he saith to me: See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren, who have the testimony of Jesus. Adore God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

dourh@Revelation:19:20 @ And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet, who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast, and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone.

dourh@Revelation:20:4 @ And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them; and the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not adored the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

dourh@Revelation:20:7 @ And when the thousand years shall be finished, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go forth, and seduce the nations, which are over the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, and shall gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

dourh@Revelation:20:9 @ And there came down fire from God out of heaven, and devoured them; and the devil, who seduced them, was cast into the pool of fire and brimstone, where both the beast

dourh@Revelation:20:11 @ And I saw a great white throne, and one sitting upon it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and there was no place found for them.

dourh@Revelation:20:15 @ And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the pool of fire.

dourh@Revelation:21:8 @ But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

dourh@Revelation:21:9 @ And there came one of the seven angels, who had the vials full of the seven last plagues, and spoke with me, saying: Come, and I will shew thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb.

dourh@Revelation:22:8 @ And I, John, who have heard and seen these things. And after I had heard and seen, I fell down to adore before the feet of the angel, who shewed me these things.

dourh@Wis:1:10 @ And he hath delivered them up to be under the hand of all the kings that are round about us, to be a reproach, and desolation among all the people, among whom the Lord hath scattered us.

dourh@Wis:1:31 @ And now, O Lord God of Israel, who hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a strong hand, and with signs, and with wonders, and with thy great power, and with a mighty arm, and hast made thee a name as at this day,

dourh@Wis:1:49 @ Open thy eyes, and behold: for the dead that are in hell, whose spirit is taken away from their bowels, shall not give glory and justice to the Lord:

dourh@Wis:1:56 @ And many evils have cleaved to us, and the curses which the Lord foretold by Moses his servant: who brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt, to give us a land flowing with milk and honey, as at this day.

dourh@Wis:1:59 @ And we have not hearkened to the voice of the Lord our God according to all the words of the prophets whom he sent to us:

dourh@Wis:2:7 @ Because for this end thou hast put thy fear in our hearts, to the intent that we should call upon thy name, and praise thee in our captivity, for we are converted from the iniquity of our fathers, who sinned before thee.

dourh@Wis:2:8 @ And behold we are at this day in our captivity, whereby thou hast scattered us to be a reproach, and a curse, and an offence, according to all the iniquities of our fathers, who departed from thee, O Lord our God.

dourh@Wis:2:15 @ Who hath found out her place? and who hath gone in to her treasures?

dourh@Wis:2:18 @ That hoard up silver and gold, wherein men trust, and there is no end of their getting? who work in silver and are solicitous, and their works are unsearchable.

dourh@Wis:2:29 @ Who hath gone up into heaven, and taken her, and brought her down from the clouds?

dourh@Wis:2:30 @ Who hath passed over the sea, and found her, and brought her preferably to chosen gold?

dourh@Wis:3:7 @ For you have provoked him who made you, the eternal God, offering sacrifice to devils, and not to God.

dourh@Wis:3:8 @ For you have forgotten God, who brought you up, and you have grieved Jerusalem that nursed you.

dourh@Wis:3:16 @ Who have neither reverenced the ancient, nor pitied children, and have carried away the beloved of the widow, and have left me all alone without children.

dourh@Wis:3:37 @ For behold thy children come, whom thou sentest away scattered, they come gathered together from the east even to the west, at the word of the Holy One rejoicing for the honour of God.

dourh@Wis:5:40 @ Even the Chaldeans themselves dishonour them: who when they hear of one dumb that cannot speak, they present him to Bel, entreating him, that he may speak,

dourh@Wis:5:61 @ And the clouds when God commandeth them to go over the whole world, do that which is commanded them.

dourh@Wis:6:9 @ Therefore I thought it good, and necessary for me to bestow some diligence and labour to interpret this book; and with much watching and study in some space of time, I brought the book to an end, and set it forth for the service of them that are willing to apply their mind, and to learn how they ought to conduct themselves, who purpose to lead their life according to the law of the Lord.

dourh@Tob:1:2 @ Who hath numbered the sand of the sea, and the drops of rain, and the days of the world? Who hath measured the height of heaven, and the breadth of the earth, and the depth of the abyss?

dourh@Tob:1:3 @ Who hath searched out the wisdom of God that goeth before all things?

dourh@Tob:1:6 @ To whom hath the root of wisdom been revealed, and who hath known her wise counsels?

dourh@Tob:1:7 @ To whom hath the discipline of wisdom been revealed and made manifest? and who hath understood the multiplicity of her steps?

dourh@Tob:1:8 @ There is one most high Creator Almighty, and a powerful king, and greatly to be feared, who sitteth upon his throne, and is the God of dominion.

dourh@Tob:1:15 @ Ana they to whom she shall shew herself love her by the sight, and by the knowledge of her great works.

dourh@Tob:2:12 @ For who hath continued in his commandment, and hath been forsaken? or who hath called upon him, and he despised him?

dourh@Tob:2:15 @ Woe to them that are fainthearted, who believe not God: and therefore they shall not be protected by him.

dourh@Tob:5:3 @ And say not: How mighty am I? and who shall bring me under for my deeds? for God will surely take revenge.

dourh@Tob:6:23 @ For the wisdom of doctrine is according to her name, and she is not manifest unto many, but with them to whom she is known, she continueth even to the sight of God.

dourh@Tob:7:12 @ Laugh no man to scorn in the bitterness of his soul: for there is one that humbleth and exalteth, God who seeth

dourh@Tob:7:21 @ Depart not from a wise and good wife, whom thou best gotten in the fear of the Lord: for the grace of her modesty is above gold.

dourh@Tob:7:28 @ If thou hast a wife according to thy soul, cast her not off: and to her that is hateful, trust not thyself. With thy whole heart,

dourh@Tob:10:32 @ Who will justify him that sinneth against his own soul? and who will honour him that dishonoureth his own soul?

dourh@Tob:11:5 @ Many tyrants have sat on the throne, and he whom no man would think on, hath worn the crown.

dourh@Tob:12:1 @ If thou do good, know to whom thou dost it, and there shall be much thanks for thy good deeds.

dourh@Tob:12:13 @ Who will pity an enchanter struck by a serpent, or any that come near wild beasts? so is it with him that keepeth company with a wicked man, and is involved in his sins.

dourh@Tob:13:29 @ The poor man spoke, and they say: Who is this? and if he stumble, they will overthrow him.

dourh@Tob:14:2 @ Happy is he that hath had no sadness of his mind, and who is not fallen from his hope.

dourh@Tob:14:5 @ He that is evil to himself, to whom will he be good? and he shall not take pleasure in his goods.

dourh@Tob:14:23 @ He that considereth her ways in his heart, and hath understanding in her secrets, who goeth after her as one that traceth, and stayeth in her ways:

dourh@Tob:14:24 @ He who looketh in at her windows, and hearkeneth at her door:

dourh@Tob:15:3 @ With the bread of life and understanding, she shall feed him, and give him the water of wholesome wisdom to drink: and she shall be made strong in him, and he shall not be moved:

dourh@Tob:16:8 @ The ancient giants did not obtain pardon for their sine, who were destroyed trusting to their own strength:

dourh@Tob:16:10 @ He had not pity on them, destroying the whole nation that extolled them- selves in their sine.

dourh@Tob:16:11 @ So did he with the six hundred thousand footmen, who were gathered together in the hardness of their heart: and if one had been stiffnecked, it is a wonder if he had escaped unpunished:

dourh@Tob:16:16 @ Say not: I shall be hidden from God. and who shall remember me from on high?

dourh@Tob:16:21 @ And his ways who shall understand, and the storm, which no eye of man see?

dourh@Tob:16:22 @ For many of his works are hidden: hut the works of his justice who shall declare? or who shall endure? for the testament is far from some, and the examination of all is in the end.

dourh@Tob:18:2 @ Who is able to declare his works?

dourh@Tob:18:3 @ For who shall search out his glorious acts?

dourh@Tob:18:4 @ And who shall shew forth the power of his majesty? or who shall be able to declare his mercy?

dourh@Tob:19:17 @ For who is there that hath not offended with his tongue? Admonish thy neighbour before thou threaten him.

dourh@Tob:22:9 @ He speaketh with one that is asleep, who uttereth wisdom to a fool: and in the end of the discourse he saith: Who is this?

dourh@Tob:22:33 @ Who will set a guard before my mouth, and a sure seal upon my lips, that I fall not by them, and that my tongue destroy me not?

dourh@Tob:23:11 @ For as a slave daily put to the question, is never without a blue mark: so every one that sweareth, and nameth, shall not be wholly pure from sin.

dourh@Tob:23:25 @ Every man that passeth beyond his own bed, despising his own soul, and saying: Who seeth me?

dourh@Tob:23:26 @ Darkness compasseth me about, and the walls cover me, and no man seeth me: whom do I fear? the most High will not remember my sins.

dourh@Tob:24:35 @ Who filleth up wisdom as the Phison, and as the Tigris in the days of the new fruits.

dourh@Tob:24:36 @ Who maketh understanding to abound as the Euphrates, who multiplieth it as the Jordan in the time of harvest.

dourh@Tob:24:37 @ Who sendeth knowledge as the light, and riseth up as Gehon in the time of the vintage.

dourh@Tob:24:38 @ Who first hath perfect knowledge of her, and a weaker shall not search her out.

dourh@Tob:25:15 @ Blessed is the man, to whom it is given to have the fear of God: he that holdeth it, to whom shall he be likened?

dourh@Tob:28:5 @ He that is but flesh, nourisheth anger, and doth he ask forgiveness of God? who shall obtain pardon for his sins?

dourh@Tob:28:20 @ He that hearkeneth to it, shall never have rest, neither shall he have a friend in whom he may repose.

dourh@Tob:28:30 @ And take heed lest thou slip with thy tongue, and fall in the sight of thy enemies who lie in wait for thee, and thy fall be incurable unto death.

dourh@Tob:30:15 @ Better is a poor man who is sound, and strong of constitution, than a rich man who is weak and afflicted with evils.

dourh@Tob:31:9 @ Who is he, and we will praise him? for he hath done wonderful things in his life.

dourh@Tob:31:10 @ Who hath been tried thereby, and made perfect, he shall have glory everlasting. He that could have transgressed, and hath not transgressed: and could do evil things, and hath not done them:

dourh@Tob:31:24 @ Sound and wholesome sleep with a moderate man: he shall sleep till morning, and his soul shall be delighted with him.

dourh@Tob:31:33 @ What is his life, who is diminished with wine?

dourh@Tob:33:33 @ And if he rise up and depart, thou knowest not whom to ask, and in what way to seek him.

dourh@Tob:34:18 @ To whom doth he look, and who in his strength?

dourh@Tob:34:29 @ When one prayeth, and another curseth: whose voice will God hear?

dourh@Tob:34:31 @ So a man that fasteth for his sins, and doth the same again, what doth his humbling himself profit him? who will hear his prayer?

dourh@Tob:35:2 @ It is a wholesome sacrifice to take heed to the commandments, and to depart from all iniquity. _J

dourh@Tob:36:14 @ Have mercy on thy people, upon whom thy name is invoked: and upon Israel, m whom thou hast raised up to be thy firstborn.

dourh@Tob:36:28 @ Who will trust him that hath no rest, and that lodgeth wheresoever the night taketh him, as a robber well appointed, that skippeth from city to city.

dourh@Tob:37:4 @ There is a companion who rejoiceth with his friend in his joys, but in the time of trouble, he will be against him.

dourh@Tob:37:5 @ There is a companion who condoleth with his friend for his belly's sake, and he will take up a shield against enemy.

dourh@Tob:37:12 @ Treat not with a man without religion concerning holiness, nor with an unjust man concerning justice, nor with a woman touching her of whom she is jealous, nor with a coward concerning war, nor with a merchant about traffic, nor with a buyer of selling, nor with an envious man of giving thanks,

dourh@Tob:37:15 @ But be continually with a holy man, whomsoever thou shalt know to observe the fear of God,

dourh@Tob:37:16 @ Whose soul is according to thy own soul: and who, when thou shalt stumble in the dark, will be sorry for thee.

dourh@Tob:38:26 @ With what wisdom shall he be furnished that holdeth the plough, and that glorieth in the goad, that driveth the oxen therewith, and is occupied in their labours, and his whole talk is about the offspring of bulls?

dourh@Tob:38:28 @ So every craftsman and workmaster that laboureth night and day, he who maketh graven seals, and by his continual diligence varieth the figure: he shall give his mind to the resemblance of the picture, and by his watching shall finish the work.

dourh@Tob:38:32 @ So doth the potter sitting at his work, turning the wheel about with his feet, who is always carefully set to his work, and maketh all his work by number:

dourh@Tob:39:41 @ Now therefore with the whole heart and mouth praise ye him, and bless the name of the Lord.

dourh@Tob:41:11 @ Woe to you, ungodly men, who have forsaken the law of the most high Lord.

dourh@Tob:42:26 @ He hath established the good things of every one. And who shall be filled with beholding his glory?

dourh@Tob:43:3 @ At noon he burneth the earth, and who can abide his burning heat? As one keeping a furnace in the works of heat:

dourh@Tob:43:35 @ Who shall see him, and declare him? and who shall magnify him as he is from the beginning?

dourh@Tob:44:9 @ And there are some, of whom there is no memorial: who are perished, as if they had never been: and are become as if they had never been born, and their children with them.

dourh@Tob:44:10 @ But these were men of mercy, whose godly deeds have not failed:

dourh@Tob:44:20 @ Abraham was the great father of a multitude of nations, and there was not found the like to him in glory, who kept the law of the most High, and was in covenant with him.

dourh@Tob:45:1 @ Moses was beloved of God, and men: whose memory is in benediction.

dourh@Tob:46:1 @ Valiant in war was Jesus the son of Nave, who was successor of Moses among the prophets, who was great according to his name,

dourh@Tob:46:4 @ Who before him hath so resisted? for the Lord himself brought the enemies.

dourh@Tob:46:13 @ Then all the judges, every one by name, whose heart was not corrupted: who turned not away from the Lord,

dourh@Tob:46:19 @ And called upon the name of the Lord Almighty, in fighting against the enemies who beset him on every side, when he offered a lamb without blemish.

dourh@Tob:48:10 @ With his whole heart he praised the Lord, and loved God that made him: and he gave him power against his enemies:

dourh@Tob:48:19 @ And at the name of the Lord God, whose surname is, God of Israel.

dourh@Tob:48:28 @ Even Roboam that had little wisdom, who turned away the people through his counsel:

dourh@Tob:48:29 @ And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of sin, and their sins were multiplied exceedingly.

dourh@Tob:49:4 @ Thus was Elias magnified in his wondrous works. And who can glory like to thee?

dourh@Tob:49:5 @ Who raisedst up a dead man from below, from the lot of death, by the word of the Lord God.

dourh@Tob:49:6 @ Who broughtest down kings to destruction, and brokest easily their power in pieces, and the glorious from their bed.

dourh@Tob:49:7 @ Who heardest judgment in Sina, and in Horeb the judgments of vengeance.

dourh@Tob:49:8 @ Who anointedst kings to penance, and madest prophets successors after thee.

dourh@Tob:49:9 @ Who wast taken up in a whirlwind of fire, in a chariot of fiery horses.

dourh@Tob:49:10 @ Who art registered in the judgments of times to appease the wrath of the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.

dourh@Tob:49:22 @ And they called upon the Lord who is merciful, and spreading their hands, they lifted them up to heaven: and the holy Lord God quickly heard their voice.

dourh@Tob:50:9 @ For they treated him evil, who was consecrated a prophet from his mother's womb, to overthrow, and pluck up, and destroy, and to build again, and renew.

dourh@Tob:50:14 @ In like manner Jesus the son of Josedec? who in their days built the house, and set up a holy temple to the Lord, prepared for everlasting glory.

dourh@Tob:50:15 @ And let Nehemias be a long time remembered, who raised up for us our walls that were cast down, and set up the gates and the bars, who rebuilt our houses.

dourh@Tob:50:17 @ Nor as Joseph, who was a man born prince of his brethren, the support of his family, the ruler of his brethren, the stay of the people:

dourh@Tob:51:1 @ Simon the high priest, the son of Onias, who in his life propped up the house, and in his days fortified the temple.

dourh@Tob:51:24 @ And now pray ye to the God of all, who hath done great things in all the earth, who hath increased our days from our mother's womb, and hath done with us according to his mercy.

dourh@Tob:51:29 @ Jesus the son of Sirach, of Jerusalem, hath written in this book the doctrine of wisdom and instruction, who renewed wisdom from his heart.

dourh@Bar:1:5 @ Now in the twelfth year of his reign, Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians, who reigned in Ninive the great city, fought against Arphaxad and overcame him,

dourh@Bar:2:11 @ And he went forth he and all the army, with the chariots, and horsemen, and archers, who covered the face of the earth, like locusts.

dourh@Bar:2:13 @ And he took by assault the renowned city of Melothus, and pillaged all the children of Tharsis, and the children of Ismahel, who were over against the face of the desert, and on the south of the land of Cellon.

dourh@Bar:3:1 @ Then the kings and the princes of all the cities and provinces, of Syria, Mesopotamia, and Syria Sobal, and Libya, and Cilicia sent their ambassadors, who coming to Holofernes, said:

dourh@Bar:4:1 @ Then the children of Israel, who dwelt in the land of Juda, hearing these things, were exceedingly afraid of him.

dourh@Bar:4:5 @ And Eliachim the priest wrote to all that were over against Esdrelon, which faceth the great plain near Dothain, and to all by whom there might be a passage of way, that they should take possession of the ascents of the mountains, by which there might be any way to Jerusalem, and should keep watch where the way was narrow between the mountains.

dourh@Bar:4:12 @ Remember Moses the servant of the Lord, who overcame Amalec that trusted in his own strength, and in his power, and in his army, and in his shields, and in his chariots, and in his horsemen, not by fighting with the sword, but by holy prayers:

dourh@Bar:4:15 @ So that even they who offered the holocausts to the Lord, offered the sacrifices to the Lord girded with haircloths, and with ashes upon their head.

dourh@Bar:5:3 @ And he said to them: Tell me what is this people that besetteth the mountains: or what are their cities, and of what sort, and how great: also what is their power, or what is their multitude: or who is the king over their warfare:

dourh@Bar:5:7 @ They dwelt first in Mesopotamia, because they would not follow the gods of their fathers, who were in the land of the Chaldeans.

dourh@Bar:5:9 @ They worshipped one God of heaven, who also commanded them to depart from thence, and to dwell in Charan. And when there was a famine over all the land, they went down into Egypt, and there for four hundred years were so multiplied, that the army of them could not be numbered.

dourh@Bar:5:10 @ And when the king of Egypt oppressed them, and made slaves of them to labour in clay and brick, in the building of his cities, they cried to their Lord, and he struck the whole land of Egypt with divers plagues.

dourh@Bar:5:25 @ But if there be no offense of this people in the sight of their God, we can not resist them, because their God will defend them: and we shall be a reproach to the whole earth.

dourh@Bar:5:27 @ Who is this, that saith the children of Israel can resist king Nabuchodonosor, and his armies, men unarmed, and without force, and without skill in the art of war?

dourh@Bar:6:4 @ And thou shalt find that Nabuchodonosor is lord of the whole earth: and then the sword of my soldiers shall pass through thy sides, and thou shalt be stabbed and fall among the wounded of Israel, and thou shalt breathe no more till thou be destroyed with them.

dourh@Bar:6:17 @ Saying: the God of our fathers, whose power thou hast set forth, will make this return to thee, that thou rather shalt see their destruction.

dourh@Bar:7:2 @ Now there were in his troops a hundred and twenty thousand footmen, and two and twenty thousand horsemen, besides the preparations of those men who had been taken, and who had been brought away out of the provinces and cities of all the youth.

dourh@Bar:7:17 @ We call to witness this day heaven and earth, and the God of our fathers, who taketh vengeance upon us according to our sins, conjuring you to deliver now the city into the hand of the army of Holofernes, that our end may be short by the edge of the sword, which is made longer by the drought of thirst.

dourh@Bar:8:1 @ Now it came to pass, when Judith a widow had heard these words, who was the daughter of Merari, the son of Idox, the son of Joseph, the son of Ozias, the son of Elai, the son of Jamnor, the son of Gedeon, the son of Raphaim, the son of Achitob, the son of Melehias, the son of Enan, the son of Nathanias, the son of Salathiel, the son of Simeon, the son of Ruben:

dourh@Bar:8:2 @ And her husband was Manasses, who died in the time of the barley harvest:

dourh@Bar:8:11 @ And who are you that tempt the Lord?

dourh@Bar:8:18 @ For we have not followed the sins of our fathers, who forsook their God, and worshipped strange gods.

dourh@Bar:9:2 @ O Lord God of my father Simeon, who gavest him a sword to execute vengeance against strangers, who had defiled by their uncleanness, and uncovered the virgin unto confusion:

dourh@Bar:9:3 @ And who gavest their wives to he made a prey, and their daughters into captivity: and all their spoils to be divided to thy servants, who were zealous with thy zeal: assist, I beseech thee, O Lord God, me a widow.

dourh@Bar:9:9 @ So may it be with these also, O Lord, who trust in their multitude, and in their chariots, and in their pikes, and in their shields, and in their arrows, and glory in their spears,

dourh@Bar:9:10 @ And know not that thou art our God, who destroyest wars from the beginning, and the Lord is thy name.

dourh@Bar:9:11 @ Lift up thy arm as from the beginning, and crush their power with thy power: let their power fall in their wrath, who promise themselves to violate thy sanctuary, and defile the dwelling place of thy name, and to beat down with their sword the horn of thy altar.

dourh@Bar:9:17 @ O God of the heavens, creator of the waters, and Lord of the whole creation, hear me a poor wretch, making supplication to thee, and presuming of thy mercy.

dourh@Bar:10:2 @ And she called her maid, and going down into her house she took off her haircloth, and put away the garments of her widowhood,

dourh@Bar:10:18 @ And his officers said to him: Who can despise the people of the Hebrews who have such beautiful women, that we should not think it worth our while for their sakes to fight against them?

dourh@Bar:11:6 @ For the industry of thy mind is spoken of among all nations, and it is told through the whole world, that thou only art excellent, and mighty in all his kingdom, and thy discipline is cried up in all provinces.

dourh@Bar:11:20 @ And Holofernes said to her: God hath done well who sent thee before the people, that thou mightest give them into our hands:

dourh@Bar:12:13 @ And Judith answered him: Who am I, that I should gainsay my lord?

dourh@Bar:13:13 @ And Judith from afar off cried to the watchmen upon the walls: Open the gates for God is with us, who hath shewn his power in Israel.

dourh@Bar:13:17 @ Judith said: Praise ye the Lord our God, who hath not forsaken them that hope in him.

dourh@Bar:13:24 @ Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies.

dourh@Bar:13:25 @ Because he hath so magnified thy name this day, that thy praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever, for that thou hast not spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of thy people, but hast prevented our ruin in the presence of our God.

dourh@Bar:13:27 @ And Achior being called for came, and Judith said to him: The God of Israel, to whom thou gavest testimony, that he revengeth himself of his enemies, he hath cut off the head of all the unbelievers this night by my hand.

dourh@Bar:13:28 @ And that thou mayst find that it is so, behold the head of Holofernes, who in the contempt of his pride despised the God of Israel: and threatened thee with death, saying: When the people of Israel shall be taken, I will command thy sides to be pierced with a sword.

dourh@Bar:15:2 @ So that no one spoke to his neighbor, but hanging down the head, leaving all things behind, they made haste to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they heard, were coming armed upon them, and fled by the ways of the fields, and the paths of the hills.

dourh@Bar:16:9 @ For she put off her the garments of widowhood, and put on her the garments of joy, to give joy to the children of Israel.

dourh@2Macc:1:1 @ Now it came to pass, after that Alexander the son of Philip the Macedonian, who first reigned in Greece, coming out of the land of Cethim, had overthrown Darius king of the Persians and Medes:

dourh@2Macc:1:11 @ And there came out of them a wicked root, Antiochus the Illustrious, the son of king Antiochus, who had been a hostage at Rome: and he reigned in the hundred and thirty-seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks.

dourh@2Macc:1:52 @ And that whosoever would not do according to the word of king Antiochus should be put to death.

dourh@2Macc:1:53 @ According to all these words he wrote to his whole kingdom, and he appointed rulers over the people that should force them to do these things.

dourh@2Macc:1:60 @ And every one with whom the books of the testament of the Lord were found, and whosoever observed the law of the Lord, they put to death, according to the edict of the king.

dourh@2Macc:2:2 @ And he had five sons: John who was surnamed Gaddis:

dourh@2Macc:2:3 @ And Simon, who was surnamed Thasi:

dourh@2Macc:2:4 @ And Judas, who was called Machabeus:

dourh@2Macc:2:5 @ And Eleazar, who was surnamed Abaron: and Jonathan, who was surnamed Apphus.

dourh@2Macc:2:25 @ Moreover the man whom king Antiochus had sent, who compelled them to sacrifice, he slew at the same time, and pulled down the altar.

dourh@2Macc:2:31 @ And it was told to the king's men, and to the army that was in Jerusalem in the city of David, that certain men who had broken the king's commandment, were gone away into the secret places in the wilderness, and that many were gone after them.

dourh@2Macc:2:41 @ And they determined in that day, saying: Whosoever shall come up against us to fight on the sabbath day, we will fight against him: and we will not all die, as our brethren that were slain in the secret places.

dourh@2Macc:2:46 @ And they circumcised all the children whom they found in the confines of Israel that were uncircumcised: and they did valiantly.

dourh@2Macc:2:66 @ And Judas Machabeus who is valiant and strong from his youth up, let him be the leader of your army, and he shall manage the war of the people.

dourh@2Macc:4:6 @ And when it was day, Judas shewed himself in the plain with three thousand men only, who neither had armour nor swords.

dourh@2Macc:4:30 @ And they saw that the army was strong, and he prayed, and said: Blessed art thou, O Saviour of Israel, who didst break the violence of the mighty by the hand of thy servant David, and didst deliver up the camp of the strangers into the hands of Jonathan the son of Saul and of his armourbearer.

dourh@2Macc:4:42 @ And he chose priests without blemish, whose will was set upon the law of God:

dourh@2Macc:4:47 @ Then they took whole stones according to the law, and built a new altar according to the former:

dourh@2Macc:5:4 @ And he remembered the malice of the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock to the people, by lying in wait for them in the way.

dourh@2Macc:5:14 @ And while they were yet reading these letters, behold there came other messengers out Galilee with their garments rent, who related according to these words:

dourh@2Macc:5:62 @ But they were not of the seed of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel.

dourh@2Macc:6:17 @ And Lysias understood that the king was dead, and he set up Antiochus his son to reign, whom he brought up young: and he called his name Eupator.

dourh@2Macc:6:37 @ And upon the beast, there were strong wooden towers, which covered every one of them: and engines upon them: and upon every one thirty-two valiant men, who fought from above; and an Indian to rule the beast.

dourh@2Macc:6:55 @ Now Lysias heard that Philip, whom king Antiochus while he lived had appointed to bring up his son Antiochus, and to reign, to be king,

dourh@2Macc:7:5 @ And there came to him the wicked and ungodly men of Israel: And Alcimus was at the head of them, who desired to be made high priest.

dourh@2Macc:7:7 @ Now therefore send some man whom thou trustest, and let him go, and see all the havock he hath made amongst us, and in the king's lands: and let him punish all his friends and their helpers.

dourh@2Macc:7:26 @ And the king sent Nicanor one of his principal lords, who was a great enemy to Israel: and he commanded him to destroy the people.

dourh@2Macc:8:1 @ Now Judas heard of the fame of the Romans, that they are powerful and strong, and willingly agree to all things that are requested of them: and that whosoever have come to them, they have made amity with them, and that they are mighty in power.

dourh@2Macc:8:6 @ And how Antiochus the great king of Asia, who went to fight against them, having a hundred and twenty elephants, with horsemen, and chariots, and a very great army, was routed by them:

dourh@2Macc:8:9 @ And that they who were in Greece had a mind to go and to destroy them: and they had knowledge thereof,

dourh@2Macc:8:13 @ That whom they had a mind to help to a kingdom, those reigned: and whom they would, they deposed from a kingdom: and they were greatly exalted.

dourh@2Macc:10:43 @ And whosoever shall flee into the temple that is in Jerusalem, and in all the borders thereof, being indebted to the king for any matter, let them be set at liberty, and all that they have in my kingdom, let them have it free.

dourh@2Macc:10:69 @ And king Demetrius made Apollonius his general, who was governor of Celesyria: and he gathered together a great army, and came to Jamnia: and he sent to Jonathan the high priest,

dourh@2Macc:10:72 @ Ask, and learn who I am, and the rest that help me, who also say that your foot cannot stand before our face, for thy fathers have twice been put to flight in their own land:

dourh@2Macc:11:9 @ And he sent ambassadors to Demetrius, saying: Come, let us make a league between us, and I will give thee my daughter whom Alexander hath, and thou shalt reign in the kingdom of thy father.

dourh@2Macc:11:33 @ We have determined to do good to the nation of the Jews who are our friends, and keep the things that are just with us, for their good will which they bear towards us.

dourh@2Macc:11:39 @ Now there was one Tryphon who had been of Alexander's party before: who seeing that all the army murmured against Demetrius, went to Emalchuel the Arabian, who brought up Antiochus the son of Alexander.

dourh@2Macc:11:54 @ And after this Tryphon returned, and with him Antiochus the young boy, who was made king, and put on the diadem.

dourh@2Macc:11:55 @ And there assembled unto him all the hands which Demetrius had sent away, and they fought against Demetrius, who turned his back and fled.

dourh@2Macc:12:7 @ There were letters sent long ago to Onias the high priest from Arius who reigned then among you, to signify that you are our brethren, as the copy here underwritten doth specify.

dourh@2Macc:12:47 @ But he kept with him three thousand men: of whom he sent two thousand into Galilee, and one thousand went with him.

dourh@2Macc:13:17 @ Now Simon knew that he spoke deceitfully to him, nevertheless he ordered the money, and the children to be sent: lest he should bring upon himself a great hatred of the people of Israel, who might have said:

dourh@2Macc:14:45 @ And whosoever shall do otherwise, or shall make void any of these things shall be punished.

dourh@AddDaniel:1:10 @ In the year Bone hundred and eighty- eight, the people that is at Jerusalem, and in Judea, and the senate, and Judas, to Aristobolus, the preceptor of king Ptolemee, who is of the stock of the anointed priests, and to the Jews that are in Egypt, health and welfare.

dourh@AddDaniel:1:17 @ Blessed be God in all things, who hath delivered up the wicked.

dourh@AddDaniel:1:24 @ And the prayer of Nehemias was after this manner: 0 Lord God, Creator of all things, dreadful and strong, just and merciful, who alone art the goad king,

dourh@AddDaniel:1:25 @ Who alone art gracious, who alone art just, and almighty, and eternal, who deliverest Israel from all evil, who didst choose the fathers and didst sanctify them:

dourh@AddDaniel:2:17 @ And we hope that God who hath delivered his people, and hath rendered to all the inheritance, and the kingdom, and the priesthood, and the sanctuary,

dourh@AddDaniel:2:22 @ And the manifestations that from heaven to them, that behaved themselves manfully on the behalf of the Jews, so that, being but a few, they made themselves masters of the whole country, and put to flight; the barbarous multitude:

dourh@AddDaniel:2:30 @ For as the master builder of a new house must have care of the whole building: but he that taketh care to paint it, must seek out fit things for the adorning of it: so must it be judged for us.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:4 @ But one Simon of the tribe of Benjamin, who was appointed overseer of the temple, strove in opposition to the high priest, to bring about some unjust thing in the city.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:5 @ And when he could not overcome Onias he went to Apollonius the son of Tharseas, who at that time was governor of Celesyria and Phenicia:

dourh@AddDaniel:3:7 @ Now when Apollonius had given the king notice concerning the money that he was told of, he called for Heliodorus, who had the charge over his affairs, and sent him with commission to bring him the foresaid money.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:11 @ And that some part of that which wicked Simon had given intelligence of, belonged to Hircanus son of Tobias, a man of great dignity: and that the whole was four hundred talents of silver, and two hundred of gold:

dourh@AddDaniel:3:12 @ But that to deceive them who had trusted to the place and temple which is honoured throughout the whole world, for the reverence and holiness of it, was a thing which could not by any means be done.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:14 @ So on the day he had appointed, Heliodorus entered in to order this mat- tar. But there was no small terror throughout the whole city.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:15 @ And the priests prostrated them- selves before the altar in their priests' vestments, and called upon him from heaven, who made the law concerning things given to be kept, that he would preserve them safe, for them that had deposited them.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:16 @ Now whosoever saw the countenance of the high priest, was wounded in heart: for his face, and the changing of his colour declared the inward sorrow of his mind.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:21 @ For the expectation of the mixed multitude, and of the high priest who was in an agony, would have moved any one to pity.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:26 @ Moreover there appeared two other young men beautiful and strong, bright and glorious, and in comely apparel: who stood by him, on either side, and scourged him without ceasing with many stripes.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:31 @ Then some of the friends of Heliodorus forthwith begged of Onias, that he would call upon the most High to grant him his life, who was ready to give up the ghost.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:37 @ And when the king asked Heliodorus, who might be a fit man to be sent yet once more to Jerusalem, he said:

dourh@AddDaniel:4:1 @ But Simon, of whom we spoke before, and of his country, spoke ill of Onias, as though he had incited Heliodorus to do these things, and had been the promoter of evils:

dourh@AddDaniel:4:2 @ And he presumed to call him a traitor to the kingdom, who provided for the city, and defended his nation, and wed zealous for the law of God.

dourh@AddDaniel:4:4 @ Onias considering the danger of this contention, and that Apollonius, who was the governor of Celesyria and Phenicia, was outrageous, which increased the malice of Simon, went to the king,

dourh@AddDaniel:4:7 @ But after the death of Seleucus, when Antiochus, who was called the Illustrious, had taken possession of the kingdom, Jason the brother of Onias ambitiously sought the high priesthood:

dourh@AddDaniel:4:11 @ And abolishing those things, which had been decreed of special favour by the kings in behalf of the Jews, by the means of John the father of that Eupolemus, who went ambassador to Rome to make amity and alliance, he disannulled the lawful ordinances of the citizens, and brought in fashions that were perverse.

dourh@AddDaniel:4:16 @ For the sake of which they incurred a dangerous contention, and followed earnestly their ordinances, and in all things they coveted to be like them, who were their enemies and murderers.

dourh@AddDaniel:4:21 @ Now when Apollonius the son of Mnestheus was sent into Egypt to treat with the nobles of king Philometor, and Antiochus understood that he was wholly excluded from the affairs of the kingdom, consulting his own interest, he departed thence and came to Joppe, and from thence to Jerusalem:

dourh@AddDaniel:4:26 @ Then Jason, who had undermined his own brother, being himself undermined, was driven out a fugitive into the country of the Ammonites

dourh@AddDaniel:4:47 @ So Menelaus who was guilty of all the evil, was acquitted by him of the accusations: and those poor men, who, if they had pleaded their cause even before Scythians, should have been judged innocent, were condemned to death.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:2 @ And it came to pass that through the whole city of Jerusalem for the space of forty days there were seen horsemen running in the air, in gilded raiment, and armed with spears, like bands of soldiers.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:6 @ But Jason slew his countrymen without mercy, not considering that prosperity against one's own kindred is a very great evil, thinking they had been enemies, and not citizens, whom he conquered.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:14 @ And there were slain in the space o three whole days fourscore thousand, forty thousand were made prisoners, and as many sold.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:18 @ Otherwise had they not been involved in many sins, as Heliodorus, who was sent by king Seleucus to rob treasury, so this man also, as soon as had come, had been forthwith scourged, and put back from his presumption.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:23 @ And in Gazarim, Andronicus and Menelaus, who bore a more heavy hand upon the citizens than the rest.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:25 @ Who when he was come to Jerusalem, pretending peace, rested till the holy day of the sabbath: and then the Jews keeping holiday, he commanded his men to take arms.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:27 @ But Judas Machabeus, who was the tenth, had withdrawn himself into a desert place, and there lived amongst wild beasts in the mountains with his company: and they continued feeding on herbs, that they might not be partakers of the pollution.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:9 @ And whosoever would not conform themselves to the ways of the Gentiles, should be put to death: then was misery to be seen.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:10 @ For two women were accused to have circumcised their children: whom, when they had openly led about through the city with the infants hanging at their breasts, they threw down headlong from the walls.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:14 @ For, not as with other nations (whom the Lord patiently expecteth, that when the day of judgment shall come, he may punish them in the fulness of their sins:)

dourh@AddDaniel:6:30 @ But when he was now ready to die with the stripes, he groaned, and said: O Lord, who hast the holy knowledge, thou knowest manifestly that whereas I might be delivered from death, I suffer grevious pains in body: but in soul am well content to suffer these things be- cause I fear thee.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:31 @ Thus did this man die, leaving not only to young men, but also to the whole nation, the memory of his death for an example of virtue and fortitude.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:2 @ But one of them, who was the eldest, said thus: What wouldst thou ask, or learn of us? we are ready to die rather than to transgress the laws of God, received from our fathers.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:7 @ So when the first was dead after this manner, they brought the next to make him a, mocking stock: and when they had pulled off the skin of his head with the hair, they asked him if he would eat, before he were punished throughout the whole body in every limb.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:9 @ And when he was at the last gasp, he said thus: Thou indeed, O most wicked man, destroyest us out of this present life: but the King of the world will raise us up, who die for his laws, in the resurrection of eternal life.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:20 @ Now the mother was to be ad above measure, and worthy to be remembered by good men, who beheld seven sons slain in the space of one day, and bore it with a good courage, for the hope that she had in God:

dourh@AddDaniel:8:30 @ While she was yet speaking these words, the young man said: For whom do you stay? I will not obey the commandment of the king, but the commandment of the law, which was given us by Moses.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:35 @ For thou hast not yet escaped the judgment of the almighty God, who beholdeth all things.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:40 @ So this man also died undefiled, wholly trusting in the Lord.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:9 @ And he with all speed sent Nicanor the son of Patroclus, one of his special friends, giving him no fewer than twenty thousand armed men of different nations, to root out the whole race of the Jews, joining also with him Gorgias, a good soldier, and of great experience in matters of war.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:14 @ Others sold all that they had left, and withal besought the Lord, that he would deliver them from the wicked Nicanor, who had sold them before he came near them:

dourh@AddDaniel:9:16 @ But Machabeus calling together seven thousand that were with him, exhorted them not to be reconciled to the enemies, nor to fear the multitude of the enemies who came wrongfully against them, but to fight manfully:

dourh@AddDaniel:9:18 @ For, said he, they trust in their weapons, and in their boldness: but we trust in the Almighty Lord, who at a beck can utterly destroy both them that come against us, and the whole world.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:27 @ But when they had gathered together their arms and their spoils, they kept the sabbath: blessing the Lord who had delivered them that day, distilling the beginning of mercy upon them.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:30 @ Moreover they slew above twenty thousand of them that were with Timotheus and Bacchides who fought them, and they made themselves masters of the high strong holds: and they divided amongst them many spoils, giving equal portions to the feeble, the fatherless and the widows, yea and the aged also.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:32 @ They slew also Philarches who was with Timotheus, a wicked man, who had many ways afflicted the Jews.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:33 @ And when they kept the feast of the victory at Jerusalem, they burnt Callisthenes, that had set fire to the holy gates, who had taken refuge in a certain house, rendering to him a worthy reward for his impieties:

dourh@AddDaniel:9:34 @ But as for that most wicked man Nicanor, who had brought a thousand merchants to the sale of the Jews,

dourh@AddDaniel:9:35 @ Being through the help of the Lord brought down by them, of whom he had made no account, laying; aside his garment of glory, fleeing through the midland country, he came alone to Antioch, being rendered very unhappy by the destruction of his army.

dourh@AddDaniel:10:13 @ Then this wicked man prayed to the Lord, of whom he was not like to obtain mercy.

dourh@AddDaniel:10:15 @ And the Jews whom he said he would not account worthy to be so much as buried, but would give them up to be devoured by the birds and wild beasts, and would utterly destroy them with their children, he now promiseth to make equal with the Athenians.

dourh@AddDaniel:10:23 @ But considering that my father also, at what time she led an army into the higher countries, appointed who should reign after him:

dourh@AddDaniel:10:24 @ To the end that if any thing contrary to expectation should fall out, or ally bad tidings should be brought, they that were in the countries, knowing to whom the whole government was left, might not be troubled.

dourh@AddDaniel:10:25 @ Moreover, considering that neighbouring princes and borderers wait for opportunities, and expect what shall be the event, I have appointed my son Antiochus king, whom I often recommended to many of you, when I went into the higher provinces: and I have written to him what I have joined here below.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:14 @ But Gorgias, who was governor of the holds, taking with him the strangers, often fought against the Jews.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:24 @ But Timotheus who before had been overcome by the Jews, having called together a multitude of foreign troops, and assembled horsemen out of Asia, came as though he would take Judea by force of arms.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:30 @ Two of whom took Machabeus between them, and covered him on every side with their arms, and kept him safe: but cast darts and fireballs against the enemy, so that they fell down, being both confounded with blindness, and filled with trouble.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:37 @ And having for two days together pillaged and sacked the fortress, they killed Timotheus, who was found hid in a certain place: they slew also his brother Chereas, and Apollophanes.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:38 @ And when this was done, they blessed the Lord with hymns and thanksgiving, who had done great things in Israel, and given them the victory.

dourh@AddDaniel:12:1 @ A short time after this Lysias the king's lieutenant, and cousin, and who had chief charge over all the affairs, being greatly displeased with what had happened,

dourh@AddDaniel:12:10 @ So they went on courageously, having a helper from Peaven, and the who shewed mercy to them.

dourh@AddDaniel:12:17 @ John and Abesalom who were sent from you, delivering your writings, re- quested that I would accomplish those things which were signified by them.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:3 @ The men of Joppe also were guilty of this kind of wickedness: they desired the Jews who dwelt among them to go with their wives and children into the boats, which they had prepared, as though they had no enmity to them.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:15 @ But Machabeus calling upon the great Lord of the world, who without any rams or engines of war threw down the walls of Jericho in the time of Josue, fiercely assaulted the walls.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:19 @ But Dositheus, and Sosipater, who were captains with Machabeus, slew them that were left by Timotheus in the hold, to the number of ten thousand men.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:20 @ And Machabeus having set in order about him six thousand men, and divided them by bands, went forth against Timetheus, who had with him a hundred and twenty thousand footmen, and two thousand five hundred horsemen.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:22 @ But when the first band of Judas came in sight, the enemies were struck with fear, by the presence of God, who seeth all things, and they were put to flight one from another, so that they were often thrown down by their own companions, and wounded with the strokes of their own swords.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:23 @ But Judas was vehemently earnest in punishing the profane, of whom he slew thirty thousand men.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:24 @ And Timotheus himself fell into the hands of the band of Dositheus and Sosipater, and with many prayers he besought them to let him go with his life, because he had the parents and brethren of many of the Jews, who, by his death, might happen to be deceived.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:28 @ But when they had invocated the Almighty, who with his power breaketh the strength of the enemies, they took the city; and slew five and twenty thou- sand of them that were within.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:41 @ Then they all blessed the just judgment of the Lord, who had discovered the things that were hidden.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:45 @ And because he considered that the who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:46 @ It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.

dourh@AddDaniel:14:2 @ And with him Lysias the regent, who had charge over the affairs of the realm, having with him a hundred and ten thousand footmen, five thousand horse- men, twenty-two elephants, and three hundred chariots armed with hooks.

dourh@AddDaniel:14:25 @ He fought with Jucias: and was overcome. And when he understood that Philip, who had been left over the affairs, had rebelled at Antioch, he was in a consternation of mind, and entreating the Jews, and yielding to them, he swore to all things that seemed reasonable, and, being reconciled, offered sacrifices, honoured the temple, and left gifts.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:3 @ Now one Alcimus, who had been chief priest, but had wilfully defiled himself in the time of mingling with the heathens, seeing that there was no safety for him, nor access to the altar,

dourh@AddDaniel:15:6 @ He answered thereunto: They among the Jews that are called Assideans, of whom Judas Machabeus is captain, nourish wars, and raise seditions, and will not suffer the realm to be in peace.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:11 @ Now when this man had spoken to this effect, the rest also of the king's friends, who were enemies of Judas, incensed Demetrius against him.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:14 @ Then the Gentiles who had fled out of Judea from Judas, came to Nicanor by docks, thinking the miseries and calamities of the Jews to be the welfare of their affairs.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:15 @ Now when the Jews heard of Nicanor's coming, and that the nations were assembled against them, they cast earth upon their heads, and made supplication to him, who chose his people to keep them for ever, and who protected his portion by evident signs.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:26 @ But Alcimus seeing the love they had one to another, and the covenants, came to Demetrius, and told him that Nicanor assented to the foreign interest, for that he meant to make Judas, who was a traitor to the kingdom, his successor.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:32 @ And when they swore unto him, that they knew not where the man was whom he sought, he stretched out his hand to the temple,

dourh@AddDaniel:15:35 @ Thou, O Lord of all things, who wantest nothing, wast pleased that the temple of thy habitation should be amongst us.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:37 @ Now Razias, one of the ancients of Jerusalem, was accused to Nicanor, a man that was a lover of the city, and of good report, who for his affection was called the father of the Jews.

dourh@AddDaniel:16:12 @ Now the vision was in this manner: Onias who had been high priest, a good and virtuous man, modest in his looks, gentle in his manners, and graceful in his speech, and who from a child was exercised in virtues, holding up his hands, prayed for all the people of the Jews:

dourh@AddDaniel:16:21 @ Machabeus considering the coming of the multitude, and the divers preparations of armour, and the fierceness of the beasts, stretching out his hands to heaven, called upon the Lord, that worketh wonders, who giveth victory to them that are worthy, not according to the power of their arms, but according as it seemeth good to him.

dourh@AddDaniel:16:22 @ And in his prayer he said after this manner: Thou, O Lord, who didst send thy angel in the time of Ezechias king of Juda, and didst kill a hundred and eighty-five thousand of the army of Sennacherib:

dourh@AddDaniel:16:24 @ That they may be afraid, who come with blasphemy against thy holy people. And thus he concluded his prayer.

dourh@AddDaniel:16:30 @ And Judas, who was altogether ready, in body and mind, to die for his countrymen, commanded that Nicanor's head, and his hand with the shoulder should be cut off, and carried to Jerusalem.

dourh@EpJeremiah:1:9 @ But when he was a man, he took to wife Anna of his own tribe, and had a son by her, whom he called after his own name,

dourh@EpJeremiah:1:15 @ He therefore went to all that were in captivity, and gave them wholesome admonitions.

dourh@EpJeremiah:1:17 @ And when amongst a great multitude of his kindred, he saw Gabelus in want, who was one of his tribe, taking a note of his hand he gave him the aforesaid sum of money.

dourh@EpJeremiah:1:18 @ But after a long time, Salmanasar the king being dead, when Sennacherib his son, who reigned in his place, had a hatred for the children of Israel:

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:13 @ She said: Blessed is thy name, O God of our fathers: who when thou hast been angry, wilt shew mercy, and in the time of tribulation forgivest the sins of them that call upon thee.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:25 @ And the holy angel of the Lord, Raphael was sent to heal them both, whose prayers at one time were rehearsed in the sight of the Lord.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:8 @ And he answered: I know it: and I have often walked through all the ways thereof, and I have abode with Gabelus our brother, who dwelleth at Rages a city of the Medes, which is situate in the mount of Ecbatana.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:12 @ And Tobias said: What manner of joy shall be to me, who sit in darkness, and see not the light of heaven?

dourh@EpJeremiah:6:11 @ And the angel answering, said: Here is one whose name is Raguel, a near kinsman of thy tribe, and he hath a daughter named Sara, but he hath no son nor any other daughter beside her.

dourh@EpJeremiah:6:16 @ Then the angel Raphael said to him: Hear me, and I will shew thee who they are, over whom the devil can prevail.

dourh@EpJeremiah:6:17 @ For they who in such manner receive matrimony, as to shut out God from themselves, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust, as the horse and mule, which have not understanding, over them the devil hath power.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:6 @ And when he was speaking many good things of him, the angel said to Raguel: Tobias concerning whom thou inquirest is this young man's father.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:12 @ The angel said to him: Be not afraid to give her to this man, for to him who feareth God is thy daughter due to be his wife: therefore another could not have her.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:15 @ So she sent one of her maidservants, who went into the chamber, and found them safe and sound, sleeping both together.

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:1 @ Then Tobias called the angel to him, whom he took to be a man, and said to him: Brother Azarias, I pray thee hearken to my words:

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:5 @ And indeed thou seest how Raguel hath adjured me, whose adjuring I cannot despise.

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:11 @ And may you see your children, and your children's children, unto the third and fourth generation: and may your seed be blessed by the God of Israel, who reigneth for ever and ever.

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:6 @ And Tobias said to her: Hold thy peace, and be not troubled, our son is safe: that man with whom we sent him is very trusty.

dourh@EpJeremiah:12:15 @ For I am the angel Raphael, one of the seven, who stand before the Lord.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:4 @ Because he hath therefore scattered you among the Gentiles, who know not him, that you may declare his wonderful works, and make them know that there is no other almighty God besides him.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:23 @ Blessed be the Lord, who hath exalted it, and may he reign over it for ever and ever, Amen.

dourh@1Esd:1:7 @ For the spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world: and that, which containeth all things, hath knowledge of the voice.

dourh@1Esd:3:10 @ But the wicked shall be punished according to their own devices: who have neglected the just, and have revolted from the Lord.

dourh@1Esd:5:3 @ Saying within themselves, repenting, and groaning for anguish of spirit: These are they, whom we had some time in derision, and for a parable of reproach.

dourh@1Esd:5:21 @ And he will sharpen his severe wrath for a spear, and the whole world shall fight with him against the unwise.

dourh@1Esd:6:4 @ For power is given you by the Lord, and strength by the most High, who will examine your works, and search out your thoughts:

dourh@1Esd:6:26 @ Now the multitude of the wise is the welfare of the whole world: and a wise king is the upholding of the people.

dourh@1Esd:7:17 @ For he hath given me the true knowledge of the things that are: to know the disposition of the whole world, and the virtues of the elements,

dourh@1Esd:8:6 @ And if sense do work: who is a more artful worker than she of those things that are?

dourh@1Esd:8:21 @ And as I knew that I could not otherwise be continent, except God gave it, and this also was a point of wisdom, to know whose gift it was: I went to the Lord, and besought him, and said with my whole heart:

dourh@1Esd:9:1 @ God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word,

dourh@1Esd:9:13 @ For who among men is he that can know the counsel of God? or who can think what the will of God is?

dourh@1Esd:9:16 @ And hardly do we guess aright at things that are upon earth: and with labour do we find the things that are before us. But the things that are in heaven, who shall search out?

dourh@1Esd:9:17 @ And who shall know thy thought, except thou give wisdom, and send thy Holy Spirit from above:

dourh@1Esd:9:19 @ For by wisdom they were healed, whosoever have pleased thee, O Lord, from the beginning.

dourh@1Esd:10:4 @ For whose cause, when water destroyed the earth, wisdom healed it again, directing the course of the just by contemptible wood.

dourh@1Esd:10:6 @ She delivered the just man who fled from the wicked that were perishing, when the fire came down upon Pentapolis:

dourh@1Esd:10:7 @ Whose land for a testimony of their wickedness is desolate, and smoketh to this day, and the trees bear fruits that ripen not, and a standing pillar of salt is a monument of an incredulous soul.

dourh@1Esd:11:15 @ For whom they scorned before, when he was thrown out at the time of his being wickedly exposed to perish, him they admired in the end, when they saw the event: their thirsting being unlike to that of the just.

dourh@1Esd:11:22 @ For great power always belonged to thee alone: and who shall resist the strength of thy arm?

dourh@1Esd:11:23 @ For the whole world before thee is as the least grain of the balance, and as a drop of the morning dew, that falleth down upon the earth:

dourh@1Esd:11:27 @ But thou sparest all: because they are thine, O Lord, who lovest souls.

dourh@1Esd:12:3 @ For those ancient inhabitants of thy holy land, whom thou didst abhor,

dourh@1Esd:12:12 @ For who shall say to thee: What hast thou done? or who shall withstand thy judgment? or who shall come before thee to be a revenger of wicked men? or who shall accuse thee, if the nations perish, which thou hast made?

dourh@1Esd:12:13 @ For there is no other God but thou, who hast care of all, that thou shouldst shew that thou dost not give judgment unjustly.

dourh@1Esd:12:14 @ Neither shall king, nor tyrant in thy sight inquire about them whom thou hast destroyed.

dourh@1Esd:12:15 @ For so much then as thou art just, thou orderest all things justly: thinking it not agreeable to thy power, to condemn him who deserveth not to be punished.

dourh@1Esd:12:21 @ With what circumspection hast thou judged thy own children, to whose parents thou hast sworn and made covenants of good promises?

dourh@1Esd:12:23 @ Wherefore thou hast also greatly tormented them who in their life have lived foolishly and unjustly, by the same things which they worshipped.

dourh@1Esd:12:27 @ For seeing with indignation that they suffered by those very things which they took for gods, when they were destroyed by the same, they acknowledged him the true God, whom in time past they denied that they knew: for which cause the end also of their condemnation came upon them.

dourh@1Esd:13:1 @ But all men are vain, in whom there is not the knowledge of God: and who by these good things that are seen, could not understand him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the workman:

dourh@1Esd:13:3 @ With whose beauty, if they, being delighted, took them to be gods: let them know how much the Lord of them is more beautiful than they: for the first author of beauty made all those things.

dourh@1Esd:13:10 @ But unhappy are they, and their hope is among the dead, who have called gods the works of the hands of men, gold and silver, the inventions of art, and the resemblances of beasts, or an unprofitable stone the work of an ancient hand.

dourh@1Esd:14:15 @ For a father being afflicted with bitter grief, made to himself the image of his son who was quickly taken away: and him who then had died as a man, he began now to worship as a god, and appointed him rites and sacrifices among his servants.

dourh@1Esd:14:17 @ And those whom men could not honour in presence, because they dwelt far off, they brought their resemblance from afar, and made an express image of the king whom they had a mind to honour: that by this their diligence, they might honour as present, him that was absent.

dourh@1Esd:14:31 @ For it is not the power of them, by whom they swear, but the just vengeance of sinners always punisheth the transgression of the unjust.

dourh@1Esd:15:8 @ And of the same clay by a vain labour he maketh a god: he who a little before was made of earth himself, and a little after returneth to the same out of which he was taken, when his life which was lent him shall be called for again.

dourh@1Esd:15:13 @ For that man knoweth that he offendeth above all others, who of earthly matter maketh brittle vessels, and graven gods.

dourh@1Esd:15:17 @ For being mortal himself, he formeth a dead thing with his wicked hands. For he is better than they whom he worshippeth, because he indeed hath lived, though he were mortal, but they never.

dourh@1Esd:16:8 @ And in this thou didst shew to our enemies, that thou art he who deliverest from all evil.

dourh@1Esd:16:26 @ That thy children, O Lord, whom thou lovedst, might know that it is not the growing of fruits that nourisheth men, but thy word preseveth them that believe in thee:

dourh@1Esd:17:8 @ For they who promised to drive away fears and troubles from a sick soul, were sick themselves of a fear worthy to be laughed at.

dourh@1Esd:17:19 @ For the whole world was enlightened with a clear light, and none were hindered in their labours.

dourh@1Esd:18:4 @ The others indeed were worthy to be deprived of light, and imprisoned in darkness, who kept thy children shut up, by whom the pure light of the law was to be given to the world.

dourh@1Esd:18:24 @ For in the priestly robe which he wore, was the whole world: and in the four rows of the stones the glory of the fathers was graven, and thy majesty was written upon the diadem of his head.

dourh@1Esd:19:3 @ For whilst they were yet mourning, and lamenting at the graves of the dead, they took up another foolish device: and pursued them as fugitives whom they had pressed to be gone:

dourh@1Esd:19:9 @ For they fed on their food like horses, and they skipped like lambs, praising thee, O Lord, who hadst delivered them.

dourh@1Esd:19:15 @ But these grievously afflicted them whom they had received with joy, and who lived under the same laws.

dourh@PssSol:1:13 @ To whom thou hast spoken, promising that thou wouldst multiply their seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is on the sea shore.

dourh@PssSol:2:4 @ The little fountain which grew into a river, and was turned into a light, and into the sun, and abounded into many waters, is Esther, whom the king married, and made queen.

dourh@PssSol:2:7 @ And my nation is Israel, who cried to the Lord, and the Lord saved his people: and he delivered us from all evils, and hath wrought great signs and wonders among the nations:

dourh@PssSol:3:1 @ In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who said he was a priest, and of the Levitical race, and Ptolemy his son brought this epistle of Phurim, which they said Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy had interpreted in Jerusalem.

dourh@PssSol:3:3 @ A Jew who dwelt in the city of Susan, a great man and among the first of the king's court, had it dream.

dourh@PssSol:3:4 @ Now he was of the number of the captives, whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had carried away from Jerusalem with Jechonias king of Juda:

dourh@PssSol:4:1 @ And he abode at that time in the king's court with Bagatha and Thara the king's eunuchs, who were porters of the palace.

dourh@PssSol:4:6 @ But Aman the son of Amadathi the Bugite was in great honour with the king, and sought to hurt Mardochai and his people, because of the two eunuchs of the king who were put to death.

dourh@PssSol:5:1 @ And this was the copy of the letter: Artaxerxes the great king who reigneth from India to Ethiopia, to the princes and governors of the hundred and twenty-seven provinces, that are subject to his empire, greeting.

dourh@PssSol:5:4 @ Told me that there was a people scattered through the whole world, which used new laws, and acted against the customs of all nations, despised the commandments of kings, and violated by their opposition the concord of all nations.

dourh@PssSol:5:6 @ We have commanded that all whom Aman shall mark out, who is chief over all the provinces, and second after the king, and whom we honour as a father, shall be utterly destroyed by their enemies, with their wives and children, and that none shall have pity on them. on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month Adar of this present year:

dourh@PssSol:6:3 @ And she prayed to the Lord the God of Israel, saying: O my Lord, who alone art our king, help me a desolate woman, and who have no other helper but thee.

dourh@PssSol:6:14 @ But deliver us by thy hand, and help me, who have no other helper, but thee, O Lord, who hast the knowledge of all things.

dourh@PssSol:6:19 @ O God, who art mighty above all, hear the voice of them, that have no other hope, and deliver us from the hand of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear.

dourh@PssSol:8:4 @ Neither are they content not to re- turn thanks for benefits received, and to violate in themselves the laws of humanity, but they think they can also escape the justice of God who seeth all things.

dourh@PssSol:8:13 @ For with certain new and unheard of devices he hath sought the destruction of Mardochai, by whose fidelity and good services our life was saved, and of Esther the partner of our kingdom, with all their nation:

dourh@PssSol:8:15 @ But we have found that the Jews, who were by that most wicked man appointed to be slain, are in no fault at all, but contrariwise, use just laws,

dourh@PssSol:8:16 @ And are the children of the highest and the greatest, and the ever living God, by whose benefit the kingdom was given both to our fathers and to us, and is kept unto this day.

dourh@PssSol:8:20 @ And you shall aid them that they may kill those who had prepared themselves to kill them, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is called Adar.

dourh@PssSol:8:23 @ That all they who faithfully obey the Persians, receive a worthy reward for their fidelity: but they that are traitors to their kingdom, are destroyed for their wickedness.

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