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rwp@Info @ It has now been forty years since Dr. Marvin R. Vincent wrote his most useful series of volumes entitled _Word Studies in the New Testament_. They are still helpful for those for whom they were designed, but a great deal of water has run under the mill in these years. More scientific methods of philology are now in use. No longer are Greek tenses and prepositions explained in terms of conjectural English translations or interchanged according to the whim of the interpreter. Comparative grammar has thrown a flood of light on the real meaning of New Testament forms and idioms. New Testament writers are no longer explained as using one construction "for" another. New light has come also from the papyri discoveries in Egypt. Unusual Greek words from the standpoint of the literary critic or classical scholar are here found in everyday use in letters and business and public documents. The New Testament Greek is now known to be not a new or peculiar dialect of the Greek language, but the very lingo of the time. The vernacular _Koin‚_, the spoken language of the day, appears in the New Testament as in these scraps of Oxyrhynchus and Fayum papyri. There are specimens of the literary _Koin‚_ in the papyri as also in the writings of Luke, the Epistles of Paul, the Epistle to the Hebrews. A new Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament will come in due time which will take note of the many startling discoveries from the Greek papyri and inscriptions first brought to notice in their bearing on the New Testament by Dr. Adolf Deissmann, then of Heidelberg, now of Berlin. His _Bible Studies_ (Translation by Alexander Grieve, 1901) and his _Light from the Ancient East_ (Revised Edition translated by L.R.M. Strachan, 1927) are accessible to students unfamiliar with the German originals.

rwp@Info @ There is no doubt of the need of a new series of volumes today in the light of the new knowledge. Many ministers have urged me to undertake such a task and finally I have agreed to do it at the solicitation of my publishers. The readers of these volumes (six are planned) are expected to be primarily those who know no Greek or comparatively little and yet who are anxious to get fresh help from the study of words and phrases in the New Testament, men who do not have access to the technical books required, like Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary of the New Testament_. The critical student will appreciate the more delicate distinctions in words. But it is a sad fact that many ministers, laymen, and women, who took courses in Greek at college, university, or seminary, have allowed the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches to choke off the Greek that they once knew. Some, strangely enough, have done it even in the supposed interest of the very gospel whose vivid messages they have thus allowed to grow dim and faint. If some of these vast numbers can have their interest in the Greek New Testament revived, these volumes will be worth while. Some may be incited, as many have been by my volume, _The Minister and His Greek New Testament_, to begin the study of the Greek New Testament under the guidance of a book like Davis's _Beginner's Grammar of the Greek New Testament_. Others who are without a turn for Greek or without any opportunity to start the study will be able to follow the drift of the remarks and be able to use it all to profit in sermons, in Sunday school lessons, or for private edification.

rwp@Info @ The six volumes will follow this order; Volume I, The Gospel according to Matthew and Mark; Vol. II, The Gospel according to Luke; Vol. III, The Acts of the Apostles; Vol. IV, The Pauline Epistles; Vol. V, The Gospel according to John and the Epistle to the Hebrews; Vol. VI, the general Epistles and the Revelation of John. For purely exegetical and expository development a more chronological order would be required. These volumes do not claim to be formal commentary. Nowhere is the whole text discussed, but everywhere those words are selected for discussion which seem to be richest for the needs of the reader in the light of present-day knowledge. A great deal of the personal equation is thus inevitable. My own remarks will be now lexical, now grammatical, now archaeological, now exegetical, now illustrative, anything that the mood of the moment may move me to write that may throw light here and there on the New Testament words and idioms. Another writer might feel disposed to enlarge upon items not touched upon here. But that is to be expected even in the more formal commentaries, useful as they are. To some extent it is true of lexicons. No one man knows everything, even in his chosen specialty, or has the wisdom to pick out what every reader wishes explained. But even diamonds in the rough are diamonds. It is for the reader to polish them as he will. He can turn the light this way and that. There is a certain amount of repetition at some points, part of it on purpose to save time and to emphasize the point.

rwp@Info @ I have called these volumes _Word Pictures_ for the obvious reason that language was originally purely pictographic. Children love to read by pictures either where it is all picture or where pictures are interspersed with simple words. The Rosetta Stone is a famous illustration. The Egyptian hieroglyphics come at the top of the stone, followed by the Demotic Egyptian language with the Greek translation at the bottom. By means of this stone the secret of the hieroglyphs or pictographs was unravelled. Chinese characters are also pictographic. The pictures were first for ideas, then for words, then for syllables, then for letters. Today in Alaska there are Indians who still use pictures alone for communicating their ideas. "Most words have been originally metaphors, and metaphors are continually falling into the rank of words" (Professor Campbell). Rather is it not true that words are metaphors, sometimes with the pictured flower still blooming, sometimes with the blossom blurred? Words have never gotten wholly away from the picture stage. These old Greek words in the New Testament are rich with meaning. They speak to us out of the past and with lively images to those who have eyes to see. It is impossible to translate all of one language into another. Much can be carried over, but not all. Delicate shades of meaning defy the translator. But some of the very words of Jesus we have still as he said: "The words that I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life" (John:6:63|). We must never forget that in dealing with the words of Jesus we are dealing with things that have life and breath. That is true of all the New Testament, the most wonderful of all books of all time. One can feel the very throb of the heart of Almighty God in the New Testament if the eyes of his own heart have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit. May the Spirit of God take of the things of Christ and make them ours as we muse over the words of life that speak to us out of the New Covenant that we call the New Testament. A.T. ROBERTSON. LOUISVILLE, KY. strkjv@Info:1Corinthians @ FIRST CORINTHIANS FROM EPHESUS A.D. 54 OR 55 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION It would be a hard-boiled critic today who would dare deny the genuineness of I Corinthians. The Dutch wild man, Van Manen, did indeed argue that Paul wrote no epistles if indeed he ever lived. Such intellectual banality is well answered by Whateley's _Historic Doubts about Napolean Bonaparte_ which was so cleverly done that some readers were actually convinced that no such man ever existed, but is the product of myth and legend. Even Baur was compelled to acknowledge the genuineness of I and II Corinthians, Galatians and Romans (the Big Four of Pauline criticism). It is a waste of time now to prove what all admit to be true. Paul of Tarsus, the Apostle to the Gentiles, wrote I Corinthians.

rwp@Info_1Corinthians @ We know where Paul was when he wrote the letter for he tells us in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:8|: "But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost." That was, indeed, his plan, but the uproar in Ephesus at the hands of Demetrius caused his departure sooner than he expected (Acts:18:21-20:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12f.|). But he is in Ephesus when he writes.

rwp@Info_1Corinthians @ The occasion of the Epistle is made plain by numerous allusions personal and otherwise. Paul had arrived in Ephesus from Antioch shortly after the departure of Apollos for Corinth with letters of commendation from Priscilla and Aquila (Acts:18:28-19:1|). It is not clear how long Apollos remained in Corinth, but he is back in Ephesus when Paul writes the letter and he has declined Paul's request to go back to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:12|). Some of the household of Chloe had heard or come from Corinth with full details of the factions in the church over Apollos and Paul, clearly the reason why Apollos left (1Corinthians:1:10-12|). Even Cephas nominally was drawn into it, though there is no evidence that Peter himself had come to Corinth. Paul had sent Timothy over to Corinth to put an end to the factions (1Corinthians:4:17|), though he was uneasy over the outcome (1Corinthians:16:10f.|). This disturbance was enough of itself to call forth a letter from Paul. But it was by no means the whole story. Paul had already written a letter, now lost to us, concerning a peculiarly disgusting case of incest in the membership (1Corinthians:5:9|). They were having lawsuits with one another before heathen judges. Members of the church had written Paul a letter about marriage whether any or all should marry (1Corinthians:7:1|). They were troubled also whether it was right to eat meat that had been offered to idols in the heathen temples (1Corinthians:8:1|). Spiritual gifts of an unusual nature were manifested in Corinth and these were the occasion of a deal of trouble (1Corinthians:12:1|). The doctrine of the resurrection gave much trouble in Corinth (1Corinthians:15:12|). Paul was interested in the collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem (1Corinthians:16:1|) and in their share in it. The church in Corinth had sent a committee (Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus) to Paul in Ephesus. He hopes to come himself after passing through Macedonia (1Corinthians:16:5f.|). It is possible that he had made a short visit before this letter (2Corinthians:13:1|), though not certain as he may have intended to go one time without going as he certainly once changed his plans on the subject (2Corinthians:1:15-22|). Whether Titus took the letter on his visit or it was sent on after the return of Timothy is not perfectly clear. Probably Timothy returned to Ephesus from Corinth shortly after the epistle was sent on, possibly by the committee who returned to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:17|), for Timothy and Erastus were sent on from Ephesus to Macedonia before the outbreak at the hands of Demetrius (Acts:19:22|). Apparently Timothy had not fully succeeded in reconciling the factions in Corinth for Paul dispatched Titus who was to meet him at Troas as he went on to Macedonia. Paul's hurried departure from Ephesus (Acts:20:1|) took him to Troas before Titus arrived and Paul's impatience there brought him to Macedonia where he did meet Titus on his return from Corinth (2Corinthians:2:12f.|).

rwp@1Corinthians:1:2 @{The church of God} (\tˆi ekklˆsiƒi tou theou\). Belonging to God, not to any individual or faction, as this genitive case shows. In strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:1| Paul wrote "the church of the Thessalonians in God" (\en the“i\), but "the churches of God" in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:14|. See same idiom in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:32; strkjv@11:16,22; strkjv@15:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:1; strkjv@Galatians:1:13|, etc. {Which is in Corinth} (\tˆi ousˆi en Korinth“i\). See on strkjv@Acts:13:1| for idiom. It is God's church even in Corinth, "_laetum et ingens paradoxon_" (Bengel). This city, destroyed by Mummius B.C. 146, had been restored by Julius Caesar a hundred years later, B.C. 44, and now after another hundred years has become very rich and very corrupt. The very word "to Corinthianize" meant to practise vile immoralities in the worship of Aphrodite (Venus). It was located on the narrow Isthmus of the Peloponnesus with two harbours (Lechaeum and Cenchreae). It had schools of rhetoric and philosophy and made a flashy imitation of the real culture of Athens. See strkjv@Acts:18| for the story of Paul's work here and now the later developments and divisions in this church will give Paul grave concern as is shown in detail in I and II Corinthians. All the problems of a modern city church come to the front in Corinth. They call for all the wisdom and statesmanship in Paul. {That are sanctified} (\hˆgiasmenois\). Perfect passive participle of \hagiaz“\, late form for \hagiz“\, so far found only in the Greek Bible and in ecclesiastical writers. It means to make or to declare \hagion\ (from \hagos\, awe, reverence, and this from \haz“\, to venerate). It is significant that Paul uses this word concerning the {called saints} or {called to be saints} (\klˆtois hagiois\) in Corinth. Cf. \klˆtos apostolos\ in strkjv@1:1|. It is because they are sanctified {in Christ Jesus} (\en Christ“i Iˆsou\). He is the sphere in which this act of consecration takes place. Note plural, construction according to sense, because \ekklˆsia\ is a collective substantive. {With all that call upon} (\sun pƒsin tois epikaloumenois\). Associative instrumental case with \sun\ rather than \kai\ (and), making a close connection with "saints" just before and so giving the Corinthian Christians a picture of their close unity with the brotherhood everywhere through the common bond of faith. This phrase occurs in the LXX (Genesis:12:8; strkjv@Zechariah:13:9|) and is applied to Christ as to Jehovah (2Thessalonians:1:7,9,12; strkjv@Phillipians:2:9,10|). Paul heard Stephen pray to Christ as Lord (Acts:7:59|). Here "with a plain and direct reference to the Divinity of our Lord" (Ellicott). {Their Lord and ours} (\aut“n kai hˆm“n\). This is the interpretation of the Greek commentators and is the correct one, an afterthought and expansion (\epanorth“sis\) of the previous "our," showing the universality of Christ.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:4 @{I thank my God} (\eucharist“ t“i the“i\). Singular as in strkjv@Romans:1:8; strkjv@Phillipians:1:3; strkjv@Philemon:1:4|, but plural in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:2; strkjv@Colossians:1:3|. The grounds of Paul's thanksgivings in his Epistles are worthy of study. Even in the church in Corinth he finds something to thank God for, though in II Cor. there is no expression of thanksgiving because of the acute crisis in Corinth nor is there any in Galatians. But Paul is gracious here and allows his general attitude (always, \pantote\) concerning (\peri\, around) the Corinthians to override the specific causes of irritation. {For the grace of God which was given to you in Christ Jesus} (\epi tˆi chariti tou theou tˆi dotheisˆi humin en Christ“i Iˆsou\). Upon the basis of (\epi\) God's grace, not in general, but specifically given (\dotheisˆi\, first aorist passive participle of \did“mi\), in the sphere of (\en\ as in verse 2|) Christ Jesus.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:6 @{Even as} (\kath“s\). In proportion as (1Thessalonians:1:5|) and so inasmuch as (Phillipians:1:7; strkjv@Ephesians:1:4|). {The testimony of Christ} (\to marturion tou Christou\). Objective genitive, the testimony to or concerning Christ, the witness of Paul's preaching. {Was confirmed in you} (\ebebai“thˆ en humin\). First aorist passive of \bebaio“\, old verb from \bebaios\ and that from \bain“\, to make to stand, to make stable. These special gifts of the Holy Spirit which they had so lavishly received (ch. strkjv@1Corinthians:12|) were for that very purpose.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:9 @{God is faithful} (\pistos ho theos\). This is the ground of Paul's confidence as he loves to say (1Thessalonians:5:24; strkjv@1Corinthians:10:13; strkjv@Romans:8:36; strkjv@Phillipians:1:16|). God will do what he has promised. {Through whom} (\di' hou\). God is the agent (\di'\) of their call as in strkjv@Romans:11:36| and also the ground or reason for their call (\di' hon\) in strkjv@Hebrews:2:10|. {Into the fellowship} (\eis koin“nian\). Old word from \koin“nos\, partner for partnership, participation as here and strkjv@2Corinthians:13:13f.; strkjv@Phillipians:2:1; strkjv@3:10|. Then it means fellowship or intimacy as in strkjv@Acts:2:42; strkjv@Galatians:2:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:14; strkjv@1John:1:3,7|. And particularly as shown by contribution as in strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4; strkjv@9:13; strkjv@Phillipians:1:5|. It is high fellowship with Christ both here and hereafter.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:11 @{For it hath been signified unto me} (\edˆl“thˆ gar moi\). First aorist passive indicative of \dˆlo“\ and difficult to render into English. Literally, It was signified to me. {By them of Chloe} (\hupo t“n Chloˆs\). Ablative case of the masculine plural article \t“n\, by the (folks) of Chloe (genitive case). The words "which are of the household" are not in the Greek, though they correctly interpret the Greek, "those of Chloe." Whether the children, the kinspeople, or the servants of Chloe we do not know. It is uncertain also whether Chloe lived in Corinth or Ephesus, probably Ephesus because to name her if in Corinth might get her into trouble (Heinrici). Already Christianity was working a social revolution in the position of women and slaves. The name {Chloe} means tender verdure and was one of the epithets of Demeter the goddess of agriculture and for that reason Lightfoot thinks that she was a member of the freedman class like Phoebe (Romans:16:1|), Hermes (Romans:16:14|), Nereus (Romans:16:15|). It is even possible that Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus (1Corinthians:16:17|) may have been those who brought Chloe the news of the schisms in Corinth. {Contentions} (\erides\). Unseemly wranglings (as opposed to discussing, \dialegomai\) that were leading to the {schisms}. Listed in works of the flesh (Galatians:5:19f.|) and the catalogues of vices (2Corinthians:12:20; strkjv@Romans:1:19f.; strkjv@1Timothy:6:4|).

rwp@1Corinthians:1:12 @{Now this I mean} (\leg“ de touto\). Explanatory use of \leg“\. Each has his party leader. \Apoll“\ is genitive of \Apoll“s\ (Acts:18:24|), probably abbreviation of \Apoll“nius\ as seen in Codex Bezae for strkjv@Acts:18:24|. See on Acts for discussion of this "eloquent Alexandrian" (Ellicott), whose philosophical and oratorical preaching was in contrast "with the studied plainness" of Paul (1Corinthians:2:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:10|). People naturally have different tastes about styles of preaching and that is well, but Apollos refused to be a party to this strife and soon returned to Ephesus and refused to go back to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:12|). \Cˆphƒ\ is the genitive of \Cˆphƒs\, the Aramaic name given Simon by Jesus (John:1:42|), \Petros\ in Greek. Except in strkjv@Galatians:2:7,8| Paul calls him Cephas. He had already taken his stand with Paul in the Jerusalem Conference (Acts:15:7-11; strkjv@Galatians:2:7-10|). Paul had to rebuke him at Antioch for his timidity because of the Judaizers (Galatians:2:11-14|), but, in spite of Baur's theory, there is no evidence of a schism in doctrine between Paul and Peter. If strkjv@2Peter:3:15f.| be accepted as genuine, as I do, there is proof of cordial relations between them and strkjv@1Corinthians:9:5| points in the same direction. But there is no evidence that Peter himself visited Corinth. Judaizers came and pitted Peter against Paul to the Corinthian Church on the basis of Paul's rebuke of Peter in Antioch. These Judaizers made bitter personal attacks on Paul in return for their defeat at the Jerusalem Conference. Songs:a third faction was formed by the use of Peter's name as the really orthodox wing of the church, the gospel of the circumcision. {And I of Christ} (\eg“ de Christou\). Still a fourth faction in recoil from the partisan use of Paul, Apollos, Cephas, with "a spiritually proud utterance" (Ellicott) that assumes a relation to Christ not true of the others. "Those who used this cry arrogated the common watchword as their _peculium_" (Findlay). This partisan use of the name of Christ may have been made in the name of unity against the other three factions, but it merely added another party to those existing. In scouting the names of the other leaders they lowered the name and rank of Christ to their level.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:13 @{Is Christ divided?} (\memeristai ho Christos;\). Perfect passive indicative, Does Christ stand divided? It is not certain, though probable, that this is interrogative like the following clauses. Hofmann calls the assertory form a "rhetorical impossibility." The absence of \mˆ\ here merely allows an affirmative answer which is true. The fourth or Christ party claimed to possess Christ in a sense not true of the others. Perhaps the leaders of this Christ party with their arrogant assumptions of superiority are the false apostles, ministers of Satan posing as angels of light (2Corinthians:11:12-15|). {Was Paul crucified for you?} (\Mˆ Paulos estaur“thˆ huper hum“n;\). An indignant "No" is demanded by \mˆ\. Paul shows his tact by employing himself as the illustration, rather than Apollos or Cephas. Probably \huper\, over, in behalf of, rather than \peri\ (concerning, around) is genuine, though either makes good sense here. In the _Koin‚_ \huper\ encroaches on \peri\ as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:1|. {Were ye baptized into the name of Paul?} (\eis to onoma Paulou ebaptisthˆte;\). It is unnecessary to say {into} for \eis\ rather than {in} since \eis\ is the same preposition originally as \en\ and both are used with \baptiz“\ as in strkjv@Acts:8:16; strkjv@10:48| with no difference in idea (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 592). Paul evidently knows the idea in strkjv@Matthew:28:19| and scouts the notion of being put on a par with Christ or the Trinity. He is no rival of Christ. This use of \onoma\ for the person is not only in the LXX, but the papyri, ostraca, and inscriptions give numerous examples of the name of the king or the god for the power and authority of the king or god (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 146ff., 196ff.; _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 121).

rwp@1Corinthians:1:18 @{For the word of the cross} (\ho logos gar ho tou staurou\). Literally, "for the preaching (with which I am concerned as the opposite of {wisdom of word} in verse 17|) that (repeated article \ho\, almost demonstrative) of the cross." "Through this incidental allusion to preaching St. Paul passes to a new subject. The discussions in the Corinthian Church are for a time forgotten, and he takes the opportunity of correcting his converts for their undue exaltation of human eloquence and wisdom" (Lightfoot). {To them that are perishing} (\tois men apollumenois\). Dative of disadvantage (personal interest). Present middle participle is here timeless, those in the path to destruction (not annihilation. See strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:10|). Cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:4:3|. {Foolishness} (\m“ria\). Folly. Old word from \m“ros\, foolish. In N.T. only in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:18,21,23; strkjv@2:14; strkjv@3:19|. {But unto us which are being saved} (\tois s“zomenois hˆmin\). Sharp contrast to those that are perishing and same construction with the articular participle. No reason for the change of pronouns in English. This present passive participle is again timeless. Salvation is described by Paul as a thing done in the past, "we were saved" (Romans:8:24|), as a present state, "ye have been saved" (Ep strkjv@2:5|), as a process, "ye are being saved" (1Corinthians:15:2|), as a future result, "thou shalt be saved" (Romans:10:9|). {The power of God} (\dunamis theou\). Songs:in strkjv@Romans:1:16|. No other message has this dynamite of God (1Corinthians:4:20|). God's power is shown in the preaching of the Cross of Christ through all the ages, now as always. No other preaching wins men and women from sin to holiness or can save them. The judgment of Paul here is the verdict of every soul winner through all time.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:20 @{Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world?} (\Pou sophos; pou grammateus; pou sunzˆtˆtˆs tou ai“nos toutou;\). Paul makes use of strkjv@Isaiah:33:18| without exact quotation. The sudden retreat of Sennacherib with the annihilation of his officers. "On the tablet of Shalmaneser in the Assyrian Gallery of the British Museum there is a surprisingly exact picture of the scene described by Isaiah" (Robertson and Plummer). Note the absence of the Greek article in each of these rhetorical questions though the idea is clearly definite. Probably \sophos\ refers to the Greek philosopher, \grammateus\ to the Jewish scribe and \sunzˆtˆtˆs\ suits both the Greek and the Jewish disputant and doubter (Acts:6:9; strkjv@9:29; strkjv@17:18; strkjv@28:29|). There is a note of triumph in these questions. The word \sunzˆtˆtˆs\ occurs here alone in the N.T. and elsewhere only in Ignatius, Eph. 18 quoting this passage, but the papyri give the verb \sunzˆte“\ for disputing (questioning together). {Hath not God made foolish?} (\ouchi em“ranen ho theos;\). Strong negative form with aorist active indicative difficult of precise translation, "Did not God make foolish?" The old verb \m“rain“\ from \m“ros\, foolish, was to be foolish, to act foolish, then to prove one foolish as here or to make foolish as in strkjv@Romans:1:22|. In strkjv@Matthew:5:13; strkjv@Luke:14:34| it is used of salt that is tasteless. {World} (\kosmou\). Synonymous with \ai“n\ (age), orderly arrangement, then the non-Christian cosmos.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:21 @{Seeing that} (\epeidˆ\). Since (\epei\ and \dˆ\) with explanatory \gar\. {Through its wisdom} (\dia tˆs sophias\). Article here as possessive. The two wisdoms contrasted. {Knew not God} (\ouk egn“\). Failed to know, second aorist (effective) active indicative of \gin“sk“\, solemn dirge of doom on both Greek philosophy and Jewish theology that failed to know God. Has modern philosophy done better? There is today even a godless theology (Humanism). "Now that God's wisdom has reduced the self-wise world to ignorance" (Findlay). {Through the foolishness of the preaching} (\dia tˆs m“rias tou kˆrugmatos\). Perhaps "proclamation" is the idea, for it is not \kˆruxis\, the act of heralding, but \kˆrugma\, the message heralded or the proclamation as in verse 23|. The metaphor is that of the herald proclaiming the approach of the king (Matthew:3:1; strkjv@4:17|). See also \kˆrugma\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:4; strkjv@2Timothy:4:17|. The proclamation of the Cross seemed foolishness to the wiseacres then (and now), but it is consummate wisdom, God's wisdom and good-pleasure (\eudokˆsan\). The foolishness of preaching is not the preaching of foolishness. {To save them that believe} (\s“sai tous pisteuontas\). This is the heart of God's plan of redemption, the proclamation of salvation for all those who trust Jesus Christ on the basis of his death for sin on the Cross. The mystery-religions all offered salvation by initiation and ritual as the Pharisees did by ceremonialism. Christianity reaches the heart directly by trust in Christ as the Saviour. It is God's wisdom.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:23 @{But we preach Christ crucified} (\hˆmeis de kˆrussomen Christon estaur“menon\). Grammatically stated as a partial result (\de\) of the folly of both Jews and Greeks, actually in sharp contrast. We proclaim, "we do not discuss or dispute" (Lightfoot). Christ (Messiah) as crucified, as in strkjv@2:2; strkjv@Galatians:3:1|, "not a sign-shower nor a philosopher" (Vincent). Perfect passive participle of \stauro“\. {Stumbling-block} (\skandalon\). Papyri examples mean trap or snare which here tripped the Jews who wanted a conquering Messiah with a world empire, not a condemned and crucified one (Matthew:27:42; strkjv@Luke:24:21|). {Foolishness} (\m“rian\). Folly as shown by their conduct in Athens (Acts:17:32|).

rwp@1Corinthians:1:24 @{But to them that are called} (\autois de tois klˆtois\). Dative case, to the called themselves. {Christ} (\Christon\). Accusative case repeated, object of \kˆrussomen\, both {the power of God} (\theou dunamin\) and {the wisdom of God} (\theou sophian\). No article, but made definite by the genitive. Christ crucified is God's answer to both Jew and Greek and the answer is understood by those with open minds.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:25 @{The foolishness of God} (\to m“ron tou theou\). Abstract neuter singular with the article, the foolish act of God (the Cross as regarded by the world). {Wiser than men} (\soph“teron t“n anthr“p“n\). Condensed comparison, wiser than the wisdom of men. Common Greek idiom (Matthew:5:20; strkjv@John:5:36|) and quite forcible, brushes all men aside. {The weakness of God} (\to asthenes tou theou\). Same idiom here, {the weak act of God}, as men think, {is stronger} (\ischuroteron\). The Cross seemed God's defeat. It is conquering the world and is the mightiest force on earth.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:27 @{God chose} (\exelexato ho theos\). First aorist middle of \ekleg“\, old verb to pick out, to choose, the middle for oneself. It expands the idea in \klˆsin\ (verse 26|). Three times this solemn verb occurs here with the purpose stated each time. Twice the same purpose is expressed, {that he might put to shame} (\hina kataischunˆi\, first aorist active subjunctive with \hina\ of old verb \kataischun“\, perfective use of \kata\). The purpose in the third example is {that he might bring to naught} (\hina katargˆsˆi\, make idle, \argos\, rare in old Greek, but frequent in Paul). The contrast is complete in each paradox: {the foolish things} (\ta m“ra\), {the wild men} (\tous sophous\); {the weak things} (\ta asthenˆ\), {the strong things} (\ta ischura\); {the things that are not} (\ta mˆ onta\), {and that are despised} (\ta exouthenˆmena\, considered nothing, perfect passive participle of \exouthene“\), {the things that are} (\ta onta\). It is a studied piece of rhetoric and powerfully put.

rwp@1Corinthians:1:29 @{That no flesh should glory before God} (\hop“s mˆ kauchˆsˆtai pƒsa sarx en“pion tou theou\). This is the further purpose expressed by \hop“s\ for variety and appeals to God's ultimate choice in all three instances. The first aorist middle of the old verb \kauchaomai\, to boast, brings out sharply that not a single boast is to be made. The papyri give numerous examples of \en“pion\ as a preposition in the vernacular, from adjective \en-“pios\, in the eye of God. One should turn to strkjv@2Corinthians:4:7| for Paul's further statement about our having this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:1 @{Not with excellency of speech or of wisdom} (\ou kath' huperochˆn logou ˆ sophias\). \Huperochˆ\ is an old word from the verb \huperech“\ (Phillipians:4:7|) and means preeminence, rising above. In N.T. only here and strkjv@1Timothy:2:2| of magistrates. It occurs in inscriptions of Pergamum for persons of position (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 255). Here it means excess or superfluity, "not in excellence of rhetorical display or of philosophical subtlety" (Lightfoot). {The mystery of God} (\to mustˆrion tou theou\). Songs:Aleph A C Copt. like strkjv@2:7|, but B D L P read \marturion\ like strkjv@1:6|. Probably {mystery} is correct. Christ crucified is the mystery of God (Colossians:2:2|). Paul did not hesitate to appropriate this word in common use among the mystery religions, but he puts into it his ideas, not those in current use. It is an old word from \mue“\, to close, to shut, to initiate (Phillipians:4:12|). This mystery was once hidden from the ages (Colossians:1:26|), but is now made plain in Christ (1Corinthians:2:7; strkjv@Romans:16:25f.|). The papyri give many illustrations of the use of the word for secret doctrines known only to the initiated (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_).

rwp@1Corinthians:2:2 @{For I determined not to know anything among you} (\ou gar ekrina ti eidenai en humin\). Literally, "For I did not decide to know anything among you." The negative goes with \ekrina\, not with \ti\. Paul means that he did not think it fit or his business to know anything for his message beyond this "mystery of God." {Save Jesus Christ} (\ei mˆ Iˆsoun Christon\). Both the person and the office (Lightfoot). I had no intent to go beyond him and in particular, {and him crucified} (\kai touton estaur“menon\). Literally, {and this one as crucified} (perfect passive participle). This phase in particular (1:18|) was selected by Paul from the start as the centre of his gospel message. He decided to stick to it even after Athens where he was practically laughed out of court. The Cross added to the \scandalon\ of the Incarnation, but Paul kept to the main track on coming to Corinth.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:6 @{Among the perfect} (\en tois teleiois\). Paul is not here drawing a distinction between exoteric and esoteric wisdom as the Gnostics did for their initiates, but simply to the necessary difference in teaching for babes (3:1|) and adults or grown men (common use of \teleios\ for relative perfection, for adults, as is in strkjv@1Corinthians:14:20; strkjv@Phillipians:3:15; strkjv@Ephesians:4:13; strkjv@Hebrews:5:14|). Some were simply old babes and unable in spite of their years to digest solid spiritual food, "the ample teaching as to the Person of Christ and the eternal purpose of God. Such 'wisdom' we have in the Epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians especially, and in a less degree in the Epistle to the Romans. This 'wisdom' is discerned in the Gospel of John, as compared with the other Evangelists" (Lightfoot). These imperfect disciples Paul wishes to develop into spiritual maturity. {Of this world} (\tou ai“nos toutou\). This age, more exactly, as in strkjv@1:20|. This wisdom does not belong to the passing age of fleeting things, but to the enduring and eternal (Ellicott). {Which are coming to naught} (\t“n katargoumen“n\). See on ¯1:28|. Present passive participle genitive plural of \katarge“\. The gradual nullification of these "rulers" before the final and certain triumph of the power of Christ in his kingdom.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:7 @{God's wisdom in a mystery} (\theou sophian en mustˆri“i\). Two points are here sharply made. It is God's wisdom (note emphatic position of the genitive \theou\) in contrast to the wisdom of this age. Every age of the world has a conceit of its own and it is particularly true of this twentieth century, but God's wisdom is eternal and superior to the wisdom of any age or time. God's wisdom is alone absolute. See on ¯2:1| for mystery. It is not certain whether {in a mystery} is to be taken with {wisdom} or {we speak}. The result does not differ greatly, probably with {wisdom}, so long a secret and now at last revealed (Colossians:1:26; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:7|). {That hath been hidden} (\tˆn apokekrummenˆn\). See strkjv@Romans:16:25; strkjv@Colossians:1:26; strkjv@Ephesians:3:5|. Articular perfect passive participle of \apokrupt“\, more precisely defining the indefinite \sophian\ (wisdom). {Foreordained before the worlds} (\pro“risen pro t“n ai“n“n\). This relative clause (\hˆn\) defines still more closely God's wisdom. Note \pro\ with both verb and substantive (\ai“n“n\). Constative aorist of God's elective purpose as shown in Christ crucified (1Corinthians:1:18-24|). "It was no afterthought or change of plan" (Robertson and Plummer). {Unto our glory} (\eis doxan hˆm“n\). "The glory of inward enlightenment as well as of outward exaltation" (Lightfoot).

rwp@1Corinthians:2:8 @{Knoweth} (\egn“ken\). Has known, has discerned, perfect active indicative of \gin“sk“\. They have shown amazing ignorance of God's wisdom. {For had they known it} (\ei gar egn“san\). Condition of the second class, determined as unfulfilled, with aorist active indicative in both condition (\egn“san\) and conclusion with \an\ (\ouk an estaur“san\). Peter in the great sermon at Pentecost commented on the "ignorance" (\kata agnoian\) of the Jews in crucifying Christ (Acts:3:17|) as the only hope for repentance on their part (Acts:3:19|). {The Lord of glory} (\ton Kurion tˆs doxˆs\). Genitive case \doxˆs\, means characterized by glory, "bringing out the contrast between the indignity of the Cross (Hebrews:12:2|) and the majesty of the Victim (Luke:22:69; strkjv@23:43|)" (Robertson and Plummer). See strkjv@James:2:1; strkjv@Acts:7:2; strkjv@Ephesians:1:17; strkjv@Hebrews:9:5|.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:9 @{But as it is written} (\alla kath“s gegraptai\). Elliptical sentence like Rom strkjv@15:3| where \gegonen\ (it has happened) can be supplied. It is not certain where Paul derives this quotation as Scripture. Origen thought it a quotation from the _Apocalypse of Elias_ and Jerome finds it also in the _Ascension of Isaiah_. But these books appear to be post-Pauline, and Jerome denies that Paul obtained it from these late apocryphal books. Clement of Rome finds it in the LXX text of strkjv@Isaiah:64:4| and cites it as a Christian saying. It is likely that Paul here combines freely strkjv@Isaiah:64:4; strkjv@65:17; strkjv@52:15| in a sort of catena or free chain of quotations as he does in strkjv@Romans:3:10-18|. There is also an anacoluthon for \ha\ (which things) occurs as the direct object (accusative) with \eiden\ (saw) and \ˆkousan\ (heard), but as the subject (nominative) with \anebˆ\ (entered, second aorist active indicative of \anabain“\, to go up). {Whatsoever} (\hosa\). A climax to the preceding relative clause (Findlay). {Prepared} (\hˆtoimasen\). First aorist active indicative of \hetoimaz“\. The only instance where Paul uses this verb of God, though it occurs of final glory (Luke:2:31; strkjv@Matthew:20:23; strkjv@25:34; strkjv@Mark:10:40; strkjv@Hebrews:11:16|) and of final misery (Matthew:25:41|). But here undoubtedly the dominant idea is the present blessing to these who love God (1Corinthians:1:5-7|). {Heart} (\kardian\) here as in strkjv@Romans:1:21| is more than emotion. The Gnostics used this passage to support their teaching of esoteric doctrine as Hegesippus shows. Lightfoot thinks that probably the apocryphal _Ascension of Isaiah_ and _Apocalypse of Elias_ were Gnostic and so quoted this passage of Paul to support their position. But the next verse shows that Paul uses it of what is now {revealed} and made plain, not of mysteries still unknown.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:10 @{But unto us God revealed them} (\hˆmin gar apekalupsen ho theos\). Songs:with \gar\ B 37 Sah Cop read instead of \de\ of Aleph A C D. "\De\ is superficially easier; \gar\ intrinsically better" (Findlay). Paul explains why this is no longer hidden, "for God revealed unto us" the wonders of grace pictured in verse 9|. We do not have to wait for heaven to see them. Hence we can utter those things hidden from the eye, the ear, the heart of man. This revelation (\apekalupsen\, first aorist active indicative) took place, at "the entry of the Gospel into the world," not "when we were admitted into the Church, when we were baptized" as Lightfoot interprets it. {Through the Spirit} (\dia tou pneumatos\). The Holy Spirit is the agent of this definite revelation of grace, a revelation with a definite beginning or advent (constative aorist), an unveiling by the Spirit where "human ability and research would not have sufficed" (Robertson and Plummer), "according to the revelation of the mystery" (Romans:16:25|), "the revelation given to Christians as an event that began a new epoch in the world's history" (Edwards). {Searcheth all things} (\panta eraunƒi\). This is the usual form from A.D. 1 on rather than the old \ereuna“\. The word occurs (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_) for a professional searcher's report and \eraunˆtai\, searchers for customs officials. "The Spirit is the organ of understanding between man and God" (Findlay). Songs:in strkjv@Romans:8:27| we have this very verb \erauna“\ again of God's searching our hearts. The Holy Spirit not merely investigates us, but he searches "even the deep things of God" (\kai ta bathˆ tou theou\). _Profunda Dei_ (Vulgate). Cf. "the deep things of Satan" (Revelation:2:24|) and Paul's language in strkjv@Romans:11:33| "Oh the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God." Paul's point is simply that the Holy Spirit fully comprehends the depth of God's nature and his plans of grace and so is fully competent to make the revelation here claimed.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:12 @{But we} (\hˆmeis de\). We Christians like {us} (\hˆmin\) in verse 10| of the revelation, but particularly Paul and the other apostles. {Received} (\elabomen\). Second aorist active indicative of \lamban“\ and so a definite event, though the constative aorist may include various stages. {Not the spirit of the world} (\ou to pneuma tou kosmou\). Probably a reference to the wisdom of this age in verse 6|. See also strkjv@Romans:8:4,6,7; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:4| (\the pneuma heteron\). {But the spirit which is of God} (\alla to pneuma to ek theou\). Rather, "from God" (\ek\), which proceeds from God. {That we might know} (\hina eid“men\). Second perfect subjunctive with \hina\ to express purpose. Here is a distinct claim of the Holy Spirit for understanding (Illumination) the Revelation received. It is not a senseless rhapsody or secret mystery, but God expects us to understand "the things that are freely given us by God" (\ta hupo tou theou charisthenta hˆmin\). First aorist passive neuter plural articular participle of \charizomai\, to bestow. God gave the revelation through the Holy Spirit and he gives us the illumination of the Holy Spirit to understand the mind of the Spirit. The tragic failures of men to understand clearly God's revealed will is but a commentary on the weakness and limitation of the human intellect even when enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:13 @{Which things also we speak} (\ha kai laloumen\). This onomatopoetic verb \lale“\ (from \la-la\), to utter sounds. In the papyri the word calls more attention to the form of utterance while \leg“\ refers more to the substance. But \lale“\ in the N.T. as here is used of the highest and holiest speech. Undoubtedly Paul employs the word purposely for the utterance of the revelation which he has understood. That is to say, there is revelation (verse 10|), illumination (verse 12|), and inspiration (verse 13|). Paul claims therefore the help of the Holy Spirit for the reception of the revelation, for the understanding of it, for the expression of it. Paul claimed this authority for his preaching (1Thessalonians:4:2|) and for his epistles (2Thessalonians:3:14|). {Not in words which man's wisdom teacheth} (\ouk en didaktois anthr“pinˆs sophias logois\). Literally, "not in words taught by human wisdom." The verbal adjective \didaktois\ (from \didask“\, to teach) is here passive in idea and is followed by the ablative case of origin or source as in strkjv@John:6:45|, \esontai pantes didaktoi theou\ (from strkjv@Isaiah:54:13|), "They shall all be taught by God." The ablative in Greek, as is well known, has the same form as the genitive, though quite different in idea (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 516). Songs:then Paul claims the help of the Holy Spirit in the utterance (\laloumen\) of the words, "which the Spirit teacheth (\en didaktois pneumatos\), "in words taught by the Spirit" (ablative \pneumatos\ as above). Clearly Paul means that the help of the Holy Spirit in the utterance of the revelation extends to the words. No theory of inspiration is here stated, but it is not _mere_ human wisdom. Paul's own Epistles bear eloquent witness to the lofty claim here made. They remain today after nearly nineteen centuries throbbing with the power of the Spirit of God, dynamic with life for the problems of today as when Paul wrote them for the needs of the believers in his time, the greatest epistles of all time, surcharged with the energy of God. {Comparing spiritual things with spiritual} (\pneumatikois pneumatika sunkrinontes\). Each of these words is in dispute. The verb \sunkrin“\, originally meant to combine, to join together fitly. In the LXX it means to interpret dreams (Genesis:40:8,22; strkjv@41:12|) possibly by comparison. In the later Greek it may mean to compare as in strkjv@2Corinthians:10:12|. In the papyri Moulton and Milligan (_Vocabulary_) give it only for "decide," probably after comparing. But "comparing," in spite of the translations, does not suit well here. Songs:it is best to follow the original meaning to combine as do Lightfoot and Ellicott. But what gender is \pneumatikois\? Is it masculine or neuter like \pneumatika\? If masculine, the idea would be "interpreting (like LXX) spiritual truths to spiritual persons" or "matching spiritual truths with spiritual persons." This is a possible rendering and makes good sense in harmony with verse 14|. If \pneumatikois\ be taken as neuter plural (associative instrumental case after \sun\ in \sunkrinontes\), the idea most naturally would be, "combining spiritual ideas (\pneumatika\) with spiritual words" (\pneumatikois\). This again makes good sense in harmony with the first part of verse 13|. On the whole this is the most natural way to take it, though various other possibilities exist.

rwp@1Corinthians:2:14 @{Now the natural man} (\psuchikos de anthr“pos\). Note absence of article here, "A natural man" (an unregenerate man). Paul does not employ modern psychological terms and he exercises variety in his use of all the terms here present as \pneuma\ and \pneumatikos, psuchˆ\ and \psuchikos, sarx\ and \sarkinos\ and \sarkikos\. A helpful discussion of the various uses of these words in the New Testament is given by Burton in his _New Testament Word Studies_, pp. 62-68, and in his {Spirit, Soul, and Flesh}. The papyri furnish so many examples of \sarx, pneuma\, and \psuchˆ\ that Moulton and Milligan make no attempt at an exhaustive treatment, but give a few miscellaneous examples to illustrate the varied uses that parallel the New Testament. \Psuchikos\ is a qualitative adjective from \psuchˆ\ (breath of life like \anima\, life, soul). Here the Vulgate renders it by _animalis_ and the German by _sinnlich_, the original sense of animal life as in strkjv@Jude:1:19; strkjv@James:3:15|. In strkjv@1Corinthians:15:44,46| there is the same contrast between \psuchikos\ and \pneumatikos\ as here. The \psuchikos\ man is the unregenerate man while the \pneumatikos\ man is the renewed man, born again of the Spirit of God. {Receiveth not} (\ou dechetai\). Does not accept, rejects, refuses to accept. In strkjv@Romans:8:7| Paul definitely states the inability (\oude gar dunatai\) of the mind of the flesh to receive the things of the Spirit untouched by the Holy Spirit. Certainly the initiative comes from God whose Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to accept the things of the Spirit of God. They are no longer "foolishness" (\m“ria\) to us as was once the case (1:23|). Today one notes certain of the _intelligentsia_ who sneer at Christ and Christianity in their own blinded ignorance. {He cannot know them} (\ou dunatai gn“nai\). He is not able to get a knowledge (ingressive second aorist active infinitive of \gin“sk“\). His helpless condition calls for pity in place of impatience on our part, though such an one usually poses as a paragon of wisdom and commiserates the deluded followers of Christ. {They are spiritually judged} (\pneumatik“s anakrinetai\). Paul and Luke are fond of this verb, though nowhere else in the N.T. Paul uses it only in I Corinthians. The word means a sifting process to get at the truth by investigation as of a judge. In strkjv@Acts:17:11| the Beroeans scrutinized the Scriptures. These \psuchikoi\ men are incapable of rendering a decision for they are unable to recognize the facts. They judge by the \psuchˆ\ (mere animal nature) rather than by the \pneuma\ (the renewed spirit).

rwp@1Corinthians:2:15 @{Judgeth all things} (\anakrinei panta\). The spiritual man (\ho pneumatikos\) is qualified to sift, to examine, to decide rightly, because he has the eyes of his heart enlightened (Ephesians:1:18|) and is no longer blinded by the god of this world (2Corinthians:4:4|). There is a great lesson for Christians who know by personal experience the things of the Spirit of God. Men of intellectual gifts who are ignorant of the things of Christ talk learnedly and patronizingly about things of which they are grossly ignorant. The spiritual man is superior to all this false knowledge. {He himself is judged of no man} (\autos de hup' oudenos anakrinetai\). Men will pass judgment on him, but the spiritual man refuses to accept the decision of his ignorant judges. He stands superior to them all as Polycarp did when he preferred to be burnt to saying, "Lord Caesar" in place of "Lord Jesus." He was unwilling to save his earthly life by the worship of Caesar in place of the Lord Jesus. Polycarp was a \pneumatikos\ man.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:1 @{But as unto carnal} (\all' h“s sarkinois\). Latin _carneus_. "As men o' flesh," Braid Scots; "as worldlings," Moffatt. This form in \-inos\ like \lithinos\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:3| means the material of flesh, "not on tablets of stone, but on fleshen tablets on hearts." Songs:in strkjv@Hebrews:7:16|. But in strkjv@Romans:7:14| Paul says, "I am fleshen (\sarkinos\) sold under sin," as if \sarkinos\ represented the extreme power of the \sarx\. Which does Paul mean here? He wanted to speak the wisdom of God among the adults (1Corinthians:2:6|), the spiritual (\hoi pneumatikoi\, strkjv@2:15|), but he was unable to treat them as \pneumatikoi\ in reality because of their seditions and immoralities. It is not wrong to be \sarkinos\, for we all live in the flesh (\en sarki\, strkjv@Galatians:2:20|), but we are not to live according to the flesh (\kata sarka\, strkjv@Romans:8:12|). It is not culpable to a babe in Christ (\nˆpios\, strkjv@1Corinthians:13:11|), unless unduly prolonged (1Corinthians:14:20; strkjv@Hebrews:5:13f.|). It is one of the tragedies of the minister's life that he has to keep on speaking to the church members "as unto babes in Christ" (\h“s nˆpiois en Christ“i\), who actually glory in their long babyhood whereas they ought to be teachers of the gospel instead of belonging to the cradle roll. Paul's goal was for all the babes to become adults (Colossians:1:28|).

rwp@1Corinthians:3:2 @{I fed you with milk, not with meat} (\gala humas epotisa, ou br“ma\). Note two accusatives with the verb, \epotisa\, first aorist active indicative of \potiz“\, as with other causative verbs, that of the person and of the thing. In the LXX and the papyri the verb often means to irrigate. \Br“ma\ does not mean meat (flesh) as opposed to bread, but all solid food as in "meats and drinks" (Hebrews:9:7|). It is a zeugma to use \epotisa\ with \br“ma\. Paul did not glory in making his sermons thin and watery. Simplicity does not require lack of ideas or dulness. It is pathetic to think how the preacher has to clip the wings of thought and imagination because the hearers cannot go with him. But nothing hinders great preaching like the dulness caused by sin on the part of auditors who are impatient with the high demands of the gospel.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:4 @{For when one saith} (\hotan gar legˆi tis\). Indefinite temporal clause with the present subjunctive of repetition (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 972). Each instance is a case in point and proof abundant of the strife. {Of Paul} (\Paulou\). Predicate genitive, belong to Paul, on Paul's side. {Of Apollos} (\Apoll“\). Same genitive, but the form is the so-called Attic second declension. See the nominative \Apoll“s\ in verse 5|. {Men} (\anthr“poi\). Just mere human creatures (\anthr“poi\, generic term for mankind), in the flesh (\sarkinoi\), acting like the flesh (\sarkikoi\), not \pneumatikoi\, as if still \psuchikoi\. It was a home-thrust. Paul would not even defend his own partisans.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:5 @{What then?} (\ti oun;\). He does not say \tis\ (who), but \ti\ (what), neuter singular interrogative pronoun. {Ministers} (\diakonoi\). Not leaders of parties or sects, but merely servants through whom ye believed. The etymology of the word Thayer gives as \dia\ and \konis\ "raising dust by hastening." In the Gospels it is the servant (Matthew:20:26|) or waiter (John:2:5|). Paul so describes himself as a minister (Colossians:1:23,25|). The technical sense of deacon comes later (Phillipians:1:1; strkjv@1Timothy:3:8,12|). {As the Lord gave to him} (\h“s ho Kurios ed“ken\). Hence no minister of the Lord like Apollos and Paul has any basis for pride or conceit nor should be made the occasion for faction and strife. This idea Paul enlarges upon through chapters strkjv@1Corinthians:3; 4| and it is made plain in chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:12|.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:9 @{God's fellow-workers} (\theou sunergoi\). This old word (co-workers of God) has a new dignity here. God is the major partner in the enterprise of each life, but he lets us work with him. Witness the mother and God with the baby as the product. {God's husbandry} (\theou ge“rgion\). God's tilled land (\gˆ, ergon\). The farmer works with God in God's field. Without the sun, the rains, the seasons the farmer is helpless. {God's building} (\theou oikodomˆ\). God is the Great Architect. We work under him and carry out the plans of the Architect. It is building (\oikos\, house, \dem“\, to build). Let us never forget that God sees and cares what we do in the part of the building where we work for him.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:10 @{As a wise masterbuilder} (\h“s sophos architekt“n\). Paul does not shirk his share in the work at Corinth with all the sad outcome there. He absolves Apollos from responsibility for the divisions. He denies that he himself is to blame. In doing so he has to praise himself because the Judaizers who fomented the trouble at Corinth had directly blamed Paul. It is not always wise for a preacher to defend himself against attack, but it is sometimes necessary. Factions in the church were now a fact and Paul went to the bottom of the matter. God gave Paul the grace to do what he did. This is the only New Testament example of the old and common word \architekt“n\, our architect. \Tekt“n\ is from \tikt“\, to beget, and means a begetter, then a worker in wood or stone, a carpenter or mason (Matthew:13:55; strkjv@Mark:6:3|). \Archi-\ is an old inseparable prefix like \archaggelos\ (archangel), \archepiscopos\ (archbishop), \archiereus\ (chiefpriest). \Architekt“n\ occurs in the papyri and inscriptions in an even wider sense than our use of architect, sometimes of the chief engineers. But Paul means to claim primacy as pastor of the church in Corinth as is true of every pastor who is the architect of the whole church life and work. All the workmen (\tektones\, carpenters) work under the direction of the architect (Plato, _Statesman_, 259). "As a wise architect I laid a foundation" (\themelion ethˆka\). Much depends on the wisdom of the architect in laying the foundation. This is the technical phrase (Luke:6:48; strkjv@14:29|), a cognate accusative for \themelion\. The substantive \themelion\ is from the same root \the\ as \ethˆka\ (\ti-thˆmi\). We cannot neatly reproduce the idiom in English. "I placed a placing" does only moderately well. Paul refers directly to the events described by Luke in strkjv@Acts:18:1-18|. The aorist \ethˆka\ is the correct text, not the perfect \tetheika\. {Another buildeth thereon} (\allos epoikodomei\). Note the preposition \epi\ with the verb each time (10,11,12,14|). The successor to Paul did not have to lay a new foundation, but only to go on building on that already laid. It is a pity when the new pastor has to dig up the foundation and start all over again as if an earthquake had come. {Take heed how he buildeth thereon} (\blepet“ p“s epoikodomei\). The carpenters have need of caution how they carry out the plans of the original architect. Successive architects of great cathedrals carry on through centuries the original design. The result becomes the wonder of succeeding generations. There is no room for individual caprice in the superstructure.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:11 @{Other foundation} (\themelion allon\). The gender of the adjective is here masculine as is shown by \allon\. If neuter, it would be \allo\. It is masculine because Paul has Christ in mind. It is not here \heteron\ a different kind of gospel (\heteron euaggelion\, strkjv@Galatians:1:6; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:4|) which is not another (\allo\, strkjv@Galatians:1:7|) in reality. But another Jesus (2Corinthians:11:4|, \allon Iˆsoun\) is a reflection on the one Lord Jesus. Hence there is no room on the platform with Jesus for another Saviour, whether Buddha, Mahomet, Dowie, Eddy, or what not. Jesus Christ is the one foundation and it is gratuitous impudence for another to assume the role of Foundation. {Than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus} (\para ton keimenon, hos estin Iˆsous Christos\). Literally, "alongside (\para\) the one laid (\keimenon\)," already laid (present middle participle of \keimai\, used here as often as the perfect passive of \tithˆmi\ in place of \tetheimenon\). Paul scouts the suggestion that one even in the interest of so-called "new thought" will dare to lay beside Jesus another foundation for religion. And yet I have seen an article by a professor in a theological seminary in which he advocates regarding Jesus as a landmark, not as a goal, not as a foundation. Clearly Paul means that on this one true foundation, Jesus Christ, one must build only what is in full harmony with the Foundation which is Jesus Christ. If one accuses Paul of narrowness, it can be replied that the architect has to be narrow in the sense of building here and not there. A broad foundation will be too thin and unstable for a solid and abiding structure. It can be said also that Paul is here merely repeating the claim of Jesus himself on this very subject when he quoted strkjv@Psalms:118:22f.| to the members of the Sanhedrin who challenged his authority (Mark:11:10f.; strkjv@Matthew:21:42-45; strkjv@Luke:20:17f.|). Apostles and prophets go into this temple of God, but Christ Jesus is the chief corner stone (\akrog“naios\, strkjv@Ephesians:2:20|). All believers are living stones in this temple (1Peter:2:5|). But there is only one foundation possible.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:17 @{Destroyeth} (\phtheirei\). The outward temple is merely the symbol of God's presence, the Shechinah (the Glory). God makes his home in the hearts of his people or the church in any given place like Corinth. It is a terrible thing to tear down ruthlessly a church or temple of God like an earthquake that shatters a building in ruins. This old verb \phtheir“\ means to corrupt, to deprave, to destroy. It is a gross sin to be a church-wrecker. There are actually a few preachers who leave behind them ruin like a tornado in their path. {Him shall God destroy} (\phtherei touton ho theos\). There is a solemn repetition of the same verb in the future active indicative. The condition is the first class and is assumed to be true. Then the punishment is certain and equally effective. The church-wrecker God will wreck. What does Paul mean by "will destroy"? Does he mean punishment here or hereafter? May it not be both? Certainly he does not mean annihilation of the man's soul, though it may well include eternal punishment. There is warning enough here to make every pastor pause before he tears a church to pieces in order to vindicate himself. {Holy} (\hagios\). Hence deserves reverential treatment. It is not the building or house of which Paul speaks as "the sanctuary of God" (\ton naon tou theou\), but the spiritual organization or organism of God's people in whom God dwells, "which temple ye are" (\hoitines este humeis\). The qualitative relative pronoun \hoitines\ is plural to agree with \humeis\ (ye) and refers to the holy temple just mentioned. The Corinthians themselves in their angry disputes had forgotten their holy heritage and calling, though this failing was no excuse for the ringleaders who had led them on. In strkjv@6:19| Paul reminds the Corinthians again that the body is the temple (\naos\, sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit, which fact they had forgotten in their immoralities.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:18 @{Let no man deceive himself} (\Mˆdeis heauton exapat“\). A warning that implied that some of them were guilty of doing it (\mˆ\ and the present imperative). Excited partisans can easily excite themselves to a pious phrenzy, hypnotize themselves with their own supposed devotion to truth. {Thinketh that he is wise} (\dokei sophos einai\). Condition of first class and assumed to be true. Predicate nominative \sophos\ with the infinitive to agree with subject of \dokei\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1038). Paul claimed to be "wise" himself in verse 10| and he desires that the claimant to wisdom may become wise (\hina genˆtai sophos\, purpose clause with \hina\ and subjunctive) by becoming a fool (\m“ros genesth“\, second aorist middle imperative of \ginomai\) as this age looks at him. This false wisdom of the world (1:18-20,23; strkjv@2:14|), this self-conceit, has led to strife and wrangling. Cut it out.

rwp@1Corinthians:3:21 @{Wherefore let no one glory in men} (\h“ste mˆdeis kauchasth“ en anthr“pois\). The conclusion (\h“ste\) from the self-conceit condemned. This particle here is merely inferential with no effect on the construction (\h“s+te\ = and so) any more than \oun\ would have, a paratactic conjunction. There are thirty such examples of \h“ste\ in the N.T., eleven with the imperative as here (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 999). The spirit of glorying in party is a species of self-conceit and inconsistent with glorying in the Lord (1:31|).

rwp@1Corinthians:3:22 @{Yours} (\hum“n\). Predicate genitive, belong to you. All the words in this verse and 23| are anarthrous, though not indefinite, but definite. The English reproduces them all properly without the definite article except \kosmos\ (the world), and even here just world will answer. Proper names do not need the article to be definite nor do words for single objects like world, life, death. Things present (\enest“ta\, second perfect participle of \enistˆmi\) and things to come divide two classes. Few of the finer points of Greek syntax need more attention than the absence of the article. We must not think of the article as "omitted" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 790). The wealth of the Christian includes all things, all leaders, past, present, future, Christ, and God. There is no room for partisan wrangling here.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:2 @{Here} (\h“de\). Either here on earth or in this matter. It is always local. {Moreover} (\loipon\). Like \loipon\ in strkjv@1:16| which see, accusative of general reference, as for what is left, besides. {It is required} (\zˆteitai\). It is sought. Many MSS. read \zˆteite\, ye seek, an easy change as \ai\ and \e\ came to be pronounced alike (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 186). {That a man be found faithful} (\hina pistos tis heurethˆi\). Non-final use of \hina\ with first aorist passive subjunctive of \heurisk“\, the result of the seeking (\zˆte“\). Fidelity is the essential requirement in all such human relationships, in other words, plain honesty in handling money like bank-clerks or in other positions of trust like public office.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:5 @{Wherefore} (\h“ste\). As in strkjv@3:21| which see. {Judge nothing} (\mˆ ti krinete\). Stop passing judgment, stop criticizing as they were doing. See the words of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:7:1|. The censorious habit was ruining the Corinthian Church. {Before the time} (\pro kairou\). The day of the Lord in strkjv@3:13|. "Do not therefore anticipate the great judgment (\krisis\) by any preliminary investigation (\anakrisis\) which must be futile and incomplete" (Lightfoot). {Until the Lord come} (\he“s an elthˆi ho kurios\). Common idiom of \he“s\ and the aorist subjunctive with or without \an\ for a future event. Simple futurity, but held forth as a glorious hope, the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus as Judge. {Who will both bring to light} (\hos kai ph“tisei\). Future indicative of this late verb (in papyri also) from \ph“s\ (light), to turn the light on the hidden things of darkness. {And make manifest} (\kai phaner“sei\). (Ionic and late) causative verb \phanero“\ from \phaneros\. By turning on the light the counsels of all hearts stand revealed. {His praise} (\ho epainos\). The praise (note article) due him from God (Romans:2:29|) will come to each then (\tote\) and not till then. Meanwhile Paul will carry on and wait for the praise from God.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:6 @{I have in a figure transferred} (\meteschˆmatisa\). First aorist active (not perfect) indicative of \meta-schˆmatiz“\, used by Plato and Aristotle for changing the form of a thing (from \meta\, after, and \schˆma\, form or habit, like Latin _habitus_ from \ech“\ and so different from \morphˆ\ as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:7; strkjv@Romans:12:2|). For the idea of refashioning see Field, _Notes_, p. 169f. and Preisigke, _Fachworter_). Both Greek and Latin writers (Quintilian, Martial) used \schˆma\ for a rhetorical artifice. Paul's use of the word (in Paul only in N.T.) appears also further in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:13-15| where the word occurs three times, twice of the false apostles posing and passing as apostles of Christ and ministers of righteousness, and once of Satan as an angel of light, twice with \eis\ and once with \h“s\. In strkjv@Phillipians:3:21| the word is used for the change in the body of our humiliation to the body of glory. But here it is clearly the rhetorical figure for a veiled allusion to Paul and Apollos "for your sakes" (\dia humas\). {That in us ye may learn} (\hina en hˆmin mathˆte\). Final clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \manthan“\, to learn. As an object lesson in our cases (\en hˆmin\). It is no more true of Paul and Apollos than of other ministers, but the wrangles in Corinth started about them. Songs:Paul boldly puts himself and Apollos to the fore in the discussion of the principles involved. {Not to go beyond the things which are written} (\to Mˆ huper ha gegraptai\). It is difficult to reproduce the Greek idiom in English. The article \to\ is in the accusative case as the object of the verb \mathˆte\ (learn) and points at the words "\Mˆ huper ha gegraptai\," apparently a proverb or rule, and elliptical in form with no principal verb expressed with \mˆ\, whether "think" (Auth.) or "go" (Revised). There was a constant tendency to smooth out Paul's ellipses as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:3; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:26,31|. Lightfoot thinks that Paul may have in mind O.T. passages quoted in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:19,31; strkjv@3:19,20|. {That ye be not puffed up} (\hina mˆ phusiousthe\). Sub-final use of \hina\ (second use in this sentence) with notion of result. It is not certain whether \phusiousthe\ (late verb form like \phusia“, phusa“\, to blow up, to inflate, to puff up), used only by Paul in the N.T., is present indicative with \hina\ like \zˆloute\ in strkjv@Galatians:4:17| (cf. \hina gin“skomen\ in strkjv@1John:5:20|) or the present subjunctive by irregular contraction (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 203, 342f.), probably the present indicative. \Phusio“\ is from \phusis\ (nature) and so meant to make natural, but it is used by Paul just like \phusa“\ or \phusia“\ (from \phusa\, a pair of bellows), a vivid picture of self-conceit. {One for the one against the other} (\heis huper tou henos kata tou heterou\). This is the precise idea of this idiom of partitive apposition. This is the rule with partisans. They are "for" (\huper\) the one and "against" (\kata\, down on, the genitive case) the other (\tou heterou\, not merely another or a second, but the different sort, \heterodox\).

rwp@1Corinthians:4:7 @{Maketh thee to differ} (\se diakrinei\). Distinguishes thee, separates thee. \Diakrin“\ means to sift or separate between (\dia\) as in strkjv@Acts:15:9| (which see) where \metaxu\ is added to make it plainer. All self-conceit rests on the notion of superiority of gifts and graces as if they were self-bestowed or self-acquired. {Which thou didst not receive} (\ho ouk elabes\). "Another home-thrust" (Robertson and Plummer). Pride of intellect, of blood, of race, of country, of religion, is thus shut out. {Dost thou glory} (\kauchasai\). The original second person singular middle ending \-sai\ is here preserved with variable vowel contraction, \kauchaesai=kauchasai\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 341). Paul is fond of this old and bold verb for boasting. {As if thou hadst not received it} (\h“s mˆ lab“n\). This neat participial clause (second aorist active of \lamban“\) with \h“s\ (assumption) and negative \mˆ\ punctures effectually the inflated bag of false pride. What pungent questions Paul has asked. Robertson and Plummer say of Augustine, "Ten years before the challenge of Pelagius, the study of St. Paul's writings, and especially of this verse and of strkjv@Romans:9:16|, had crystallized in his mind the distinctively Augustinian doctrines of man's total depravity, of irresistible grace, and of absolute predestination." Human responsibility does exist beyond a doubt, but there is no foundation for pride and conceit.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:8 @{Already are ye filled?} (\ˆdˆ kekoresmenoi este?\). Perfect passive indicative, state of completion, of \korennumi\, old Greek verb to satiate, to satisfy. The only other example in N.T. is strkjv@Acts:27:38| which see. Paul may refer to strkjv@Deuteronomy:31:20; strkjv@32:15|. But it is keen irony, even sarcasm. Westcott and Hort make it a question and the rest of the sentence also. {Already ye are become rich} (\ˆdˆ eploutˆsate\). Note change to ingressive aorist indicative of \ploute“\, old verb to be rich (cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:8:9|). "The aorists, used instead of perfects, imply indecent haste" (Lightfoot). "They have got a private millennium of their own" (Robertson & Plummer) with all the blessings of the Messianic Kingdom (Luke:22:29f.; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:12; strkjv@2Timothy:2:12|). {Ye have reigned without us} (\ch“ris hˆm“n ebasileusate\). Withering sarcasm. Ye became kings without our company. Some think that Paul as in strkjv@3:21| is purposely employing Stoic phraseology though with his own meanings. If so, it is hardly consciously done. Paul was certainly familiar with much of the literature of his time, but it did not shape his ideas. {I would that ye did reign} (\kai ophelon ge ebasileusate\). More exactly, "And would at least that ye had come to reign (or become kings)." It is an unfulfilled wish about the past expressed by \ophelon\ and the aorist indicative instead of \ei gar\ and the aorist indicative (the ancient idiom). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1003, for the construction with particle \ophelon\ (an unaugmented second aorist form). {That we also might reign with you} (\hina kai hˆmeis humin sunbasileus“men\). Ironical contrast to \ch“ris hˆm“n ebasileusate\, just before. Associative instrumental case of \humin\ after \sun-\.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:11 @{Even unto this present hour} (\achri tˆs arti h“ras\). \Arti\ (just now, this very minute) accents the continuity of the contrast as applied to Paul. Ten verbs and four participles from 11-13| give a graphic picture of Paul's condition in Ephesus when he is writing this epistle. {We hunger} (\pein“men\), {we thirst} (\dips“men\), {are naked} (\gumniteuomen\), late verb for scant clothing from \gumnˆtˆs\, {are buffeted} (\kolaphizometha\), to strike a blow with the fist from \kolaphos\ and one of the few N.T. and ecclesiastical words and see on ¯Matthew:26:67|, {have no certain dwelling place} (\astatoumen\) from \astatos\, strolling about and only here save Anthol. Pal. and Aquila in strkjv@Isaiah:58:7|. Field in _Notes_, p. 170 renders strkjv@1Corinthians:4:11| "and are vagabonds" or spiritual hobos.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:13 @{Being defamed we intreat} (\dusphˆmoumenoi parakaloumen\). The participle \dusphˆmoumenoi\ is an old verb (in I Macc. strkjv@7:41) to use ill, from \dusphˆmos\, but occurs here only in the N.T. Paul is opening his very heart now after the keen irony above. {As the filth of the world} (\h“s perikatharmata tou kosmou\). Literally, sweepings, rinsings, cleansings around, dust from the floor, from \perikathair“\, to cleanse all around (Plato and Aristotle) and so the refuse thrown off in cleansing. Here only in the N.T. and only twice elsewhere. \Katharma\ was the refuse of a sacrifice. In strkjv@Proverbs:21:18| \perikatharma\ occurs for the scapegoat. The other example is Epictetus iii. 22,78, in the same sense of an expiatory offering of a worthless fellow. It was the custom in Athens during a plague to throw to the sea some wretch in the hope of appeasing the gods. One hesitates to take it so here in Paul, though Findlay thinks that possibly in Ephesus Paul may have heard some such cry like that in the later martyrdoms _Christiani ad leones_. At any rate in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:32| Paul says "I fought with wild beasts" and in strkjv@2Corinthians:1:9| "I had the answer of death." Some terrible experience may be alluded to here. The word shows the contempt of the Ephesian populace for Paul as is shown in strkjv@Acts:19:23-41| under the influence of Demetrius and the craftsmen. {The offscouring of all things} (\pant“n peripsˆma\). Late word, here only in N.T., though in Tob. strkjv@5:18. The word was used in a formula at Athens when victims were flung into the sea, \peripsˆma hˆm“n genou\ (Became a \peripsˆma\ for us), in the sense of expiation. The word merely means scraping around from \peripsa“\, offscrapings or refuse. That is probably the idea here as in Tob. strkjv@5:18. It came to have a complimentary sense for the Christians who in a plague gave their lives for the sick. But it is a bold figure here with Paul of a piece with \perikatharmata\.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:14 @{To shame you} (\entrep“n\). Literally, shaming you (present active participle of \entrep“\), old verb to turn one on himself either middle or with reflexive pronoun and active, but the reflexive \heautois\ is not expressed here. See on ¯2Thessalonians:3:14|. The harsh tone has suddenly changed.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:15 @{To admonish} (\nouthet“n\). Literally, admonishing (present active participle of \nouthete“\). See on ¯1Thessalonians:5:12,14|. {For though ye should have} (\ean gar echˆte\). Third-class condition undetermined, but with prospect of being determined (\ean\ and present subjunctive), "for if ye have." {Tutors} (\paidag“gous\). This old word (\pais\, boy, \ag“gos\, leader) was used for the guide or attendant of the child who took him to school as in strkjv@Galatians:3:24| (Christ being the schoolmaster) and also as a sort of tutor who had a care for the child when not in school. The papyri examples (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_) illustrate both aspects of the paedagogue. Here it is the "tutor in Christ" who is the Teacher. These are the only two N.T. examples of the common word. {I begot you} (\humas egennˆsa\). Paul is their {spiritual father} in Christ, while Apollos and the rest are their {tutors} in Christ.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:18 @{Some are puffed up} (\ephusi“thˆsan\). First aorist (effective) passive indicative of \phusio“\ which see on verse ¯6|. {As though I were not coming to you} (\h“s mˆ erchomenou mou pros humas\). Genitive absolute with particle (assuming it as so) with \mˆ\ as negative.

rwp@1Corinthians:4:19 @{If the Lord will} (\ean ho kurios thelˆsˆi\). Third-class condition. See James strkjv@4:15; strkjv@Acts:18:21; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:7| for the use of this phrase. It should represent one's constant attitude, though not always to be spoken aloud. {But the power} (\alla tˆn dunamin\). The puffed up Judaizers did a deal of talking in Paul's absence. He will come and will know their real strength. II Corinthians gives many evidences of Paul's sensitiveness to their talk about his inconsistencies and cowardice (in particular chs. 2 Co 1; 2; 10; 11; 12; 13|). He changed his plans to spare them, not from timidity. It will become plain later that Timothy failed on this mission and that Titus succeeded.

rwp@1Corinthians:5:1 @{Actually} (\hol“s\). Literally, wholly, altogether, like Latin _omnino_ and Greek \pant“s\ (1Corinthians:9:22|). Songs:papyri have it for "really" and also for "generally" or "everywhere" as is possible here. See also strkjv@6:7|. With a negative it has the sense of "not at all" as in strkjv@15:29; strkjv@Matthew:5:34| the only N.T. examples, though a common word. {It is reported} (\akouetai\). Present passive indicative of \akou“\, to hear; so literally, it is heard. "Fornication is heard of among you." Probably the household of Chloe (1:11|) brought this sad news (Ellicott). {And such} (\kai toiautˆ\). Climactic qualitative pronoun showing the revolting character of this particular case of illicit sexual intercourse. \Porneia\ is sometimes used (Acts:15:20,29|) of such sin in general and not merely of the unmarried whereas \moicheia\ is technically adultery on the part of the married (Mark:7:21|). {As is not even among the Gentiles} (\hˆtis oude en tois ethnesin\). Height of scorn. The Corinthian Christians were actually trying to win pagans to Christ and living more loosely than the Corinthian heathen among whom the very word "Corinthianize" meant to live in sexual wantonness and license. See Cicero _pro Cluentio_, v. 14. {That one of you hath his father's wife} (\h“ste gunaika tina tou patros echein\). "Songs:as (usual force of \h“ste\) for one to go on having (\echein\, present infinitive) a wife of the (his) father." It was probably a permanent union (concubine or mistress) of some kind without formal marriage like strkjv@John:4:8|. The woman probably was not the offender's mother (step-mother) and the father may have been dead or divorced. The Jewish law prescribed stoning for this crime (Leviticus:18:8; strkjv@22:11; strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:30|). But the rabbis (Rabbi Akibah) invented a subterfuge in the case of a proselyte to permit such a relation. Perhaps the Corinthians had also learned how to split hairs over moral matters in such an evil atmosphere and so to condone this crime in one of their own members. Expulsion Paul had urged in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:6| for such offenders.

rwp@1Corinthians:5:2 @{And ye are puffed up} (\kai humeis pephusi“menoi este\). Emphatic position of \humeis\ (you). It may be understood as a question. Perfect passive periphrastic indicative of the same verb \phusio“\ used already of the partisans in Corinth (4:6,19,20|). Those of the same faction with this scoundrel justified his rascality. {Did not rather mourn} (\kai ouchi mallon epenthˆsate\). Possibly question also and note strong negative form \ouchi\, which favours it. The very least that they could have done (\mallon\ rather than be puffed up) was to mourn for shame (\penthe“\, old verb for lamentation) as if for one dead. {That he might be taken away} (\hina arthˆi\). The sub-final use of \hina\ of desired result (1:15|) so common in the _Koin‚_. First aorist passive subjunctive of \air“\, to lift up, to carry off. Decent self-respect should have compelled the instant expulsion of the man instead of pride in his rascality.

rwp@1Corinthians:5:3 @{For I verily} (\eg“ men gar\). Emphatic statement of Paul's own attitude of indignation, \eg“\ in contrast with \humeis\. He justifies his demand for the expulsion of the man. {Being absent} (\ap“n\) Although absent (concessive participle) and so of \par“n\ though present. Each with locative case (\t“i s“mati, t“i pneumati\). {Have already judged} (\ˆdˆ kekrika\). Perfect active indicative of \krin“\. I have already decided or judged, as though present (\h“s par“n\). Paul felt compelled to reach a conclusion about the case and in a sentence of much difficulty seems to conceive an imaginary church court where the culprit has been tried and condemned. There are various ways of punctuating the clauses in this sentence in verses 3-5|. It is not merely Paul's individual judgment. The genitive absolute clause in verse 4|, {ye being gathered together} (\sunachthent“n hum“n\, first aorist passive participle of \sunag“\, in regular assembly) {and my spirit} (\kai tou emou pneumatos\) with the assembly (he means) {and meeting in the name of our Lord Jesus} (\en t“i onomati tou Kuriou [hˆm“n] Iˆsou\) with the power of the Lord Jesus (\sun tˆi dunamei tou Kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou\), though this clause can be taken with the infinitive to deliver (\paradounai\). It makes good syntax and sense taken either way. The chief difference is that, if taken with "gathered together" (\sunachthent“n\) Paul assumes less apostolic prerogative to himself. But he did have such power and used it against Elymas (Acts:13:8ff.|) as Peter did against Ananias and Sapphira (Acts:5:1ff.|).

rwp@1Corinthians:5:7 @{Purge out} (\ekkatharate\). First aorist (effective) active imperative of \ekkathair“\, old verb to cleanse out (\ek\), to clean completely. Aorist tense of urgency, do it now and do it effectively before the whole church is contaminated. This turn to the metaphor is from the command to purge out the old (\palaian\, now old and decayed) leaven before the passover feast (Exodus:12:15f.; strkjv@13:7; strkjv@Zephaniah:1:12|). Cf. modern methods of disinfection after a contagious disease. {A new lump} (\neon phurama\). Make a fresh start as a new community with the contamination removed. \Neos\ is the root for \neaniskos\, a young man, not yet old (\gˆraios\). Songs:new wine (\oinon neon\ strkjv@Matthew:9:17|). \Kainos\ is fresh as compared with the ancient (\palaios\). See the distinction in strkjv@Colossians:3:10; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22ff.; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:17|. {Unleavened} (\azumoi\). Without (\a\ privative) leaven, the normal and ideal state of Christians. Rare word among the ancients (once in Plato). They are a new creation (\kainˆ ktisis\), "exemplifying Kant's maxim that you should treat a man as if he were what you would wish him to be" (Robertson and Plummer). {For our passover also hath been sacrificed, even Christ} (\kai gar to pascha hˆm“n etuthˆ Christos\). First aorist passive indicative of \thu“\, old verb to sacrifice. Euphony of consonants, \th\ to \t\ because of \-thˆ\. Reference to the death of Christ on the Cross as the Paschal Lamb (common use of \pascha\ as strkjv@Mark:14:12; strkjv@Luke:22:7|), the figure used long before by the Baptist of Jesus (John:1:29|). Paul means that the Lamb was already slain on Calvary and yet you have not gotten rid of the leaven.

rwp@1Corinthians:6:5 @{I say this to move you to shame} (\pros entropˆn humin leg“\). Old word \entropˆ\ from \entrep“\, to turn in (1Corinthians:4:14| which see). In N.T. only here and strkjv@15:34|. {One wise man} (\sophos\). From sarcasm to pathos Paul turns. {Does there not exist} (\eni\, short form for \enesti\)? With double negative \ouk--oudeis\, expecting the answer yes. Surely {one} such man exists in the church. {Who} (\hos\). Almost consecutive in idea, of such wisdom that he will be able. {To decide between his brethren} (\diakrinai ana meson tou adelphou autou\). \Krinai\ is to judge or decide (first aorist active infinitive of \krin“\ and \dia\ (two) carries on the idea of between. Then \ana meson\ makes it still plainer, in the midst as {arbitrator} between brother and brother like \ana meson emou kai sou\ (Genesis:23:15|). It is even so a condensed expression with part of it unexpressed (\ana meson kai tou adelphou autou\) between brother and his brother. The use of \adelphos\ has a sharp reflection on them for their going to heathen judges to settle disputes between brothers in Christ.

rwp@1Corinthians:6:15 @{Members of Christ} (\melˆ Christou\). Old word for limbs, members. Even the Stoics held the body to be common with the animals (Epictetus, _Diss_. l. iii. 1) and only the reason like the gods. Without doubt some forms of modern evolution have contributed to the licentious views of animalistic sex indulgence, though the best teachers of biology show that in the higher animals monogamy is the rule. The body is not only adapted for Christ (verse 13|), but it is a part of Christ, in vital union with him. Paul will make much use of this figure further on (12:12-31; strkjv@Ephesians:4:11-16; strkjv@5:30|). {Shall I then take away?} (\aras oun;\). First aorist active participle of \air“\, old verb to snatch, carry off like Latin _rapio_ (our rape). {Make} (\poiˆs“\). Can be either future active indicative or first aorist active subjunctive (deliberative). Either makes good sense. The horror of deliberately taking "members of Christ" and making them "members of a harlot" in an actual union staggers Paul and should stagger us. {God forbid} (\mˆ genoito\). Optative second aorist in a negative wish for the future. {May it not happen!} The word "God" is not here. The idiom is common in Epictetus though rare in the LXX. Paul has it thirteen times and Luke once (Luke:20:16|).

rwp@1Corinthians:6:18 @{Flee} (\pheugete\). Present imperative. Have the habit of fleeing without delay or parley. Note abruptness of the asyndeton with no connectives. Fornication violates Christ's rights in our bodies (verses 13-17|) and also ruins the body itself. {Without the body} (\ektos tou s“matos\). Even gluttony and drunkenness and the use of dope are sins wrought on the body, not "within the body" (\entos tou s“matos\) in the same sense as fornication. Perhaps the dominant idea of Paul is that fornication, as already shown, breaks the mystic bond between the body and Christ and hence the fornicator (\ho porneu“n\) {sins against his own body} (\eis to idion s“ma hamartanei\) in a sense not true of other dreadful sins. The fornicator takes his body which belongs to Christ and unites it with a harlot. In fornication the body is the instrument of sin and becomes the subject of the damage wrought. In another sense fornication brings on one's own body the two most terrible bodily diseases that are still incurable (gonorrhea and syphilis) that curse one's own body and transmit the curse to the third and fourth generation. Apart from the high view given here by Paul of the relation of the body to the Lord no possible father or mother has the right to lay the hand of such terrible diseases and disaster on their children and children's children. The moral and physical rottenness wrought by immorality defy one's imagination.

rwp@1Corinthians:6:20 @{For ye were bought with a price} (\ˆgorasthˆte gar timˆs\). First aorist passive indicative of \agoraz“\, old verb to buy in the marketplace (\agora\). With genitive of price. Paul does not here state the price as Peter does in strkjv@1Peter:1:19| (the blood of Christ) and as Jesus does in strkjv@Matthew:20:28| (his life a ransom). The Corinthians understood his meaning. {Glorify God therefore in your body} (\doxasate dˆ ton theon en t“i s“mati hum“n\). Passionate conclusion to his powerful argument against sexual uncleanness. \Dˆ\ is a shortened form of \ˆdˆ\ and is an urgent inferential particle. See on ¯Luke:2:15|. Paul holds to his high ideal of the destiny of the body and urges glorifying God in it. Some of the later Christians felt that Paul's words could be lightened a bit by adding "and in your spirits which are his," but these words are found only in late MSS. and are clearly not genuine. Paul's argument stands four-square for the dignity of the body as the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit united to the Lord Jesus.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:10 @{To the married} (\tois gegamˆkosin\). Perfect active participle of \game“\, old verb, to marry, and still married as the tense shows. {I give charge} (\paraggell“\). Not mere wish as in verses 7,8|. {Not I, but the Lord} (\ouk eg“ alla ho kurios\). Paul had no commands from Jesus to the unmarried (men or women), but Jesus had spoken to the married (husbands and wives) as in strkjv@Matthew:5:31f.; strkjv@19:3-12; strkjv@Mark:10:9-12; strkjv@Luke:16:18|. The Master had spoken plain words about divorce. Paul reenforces his own inspired command by the command of Jesus. In strkjv@Mark:10:9| we have from Christ: "What therefore God joined together let not man put asunder" (\mˆ chorizet“\). {That the wife depart not from her husband} (\gunaika apo andros mˆ choristhˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive (indirect command after \paraggell“\) of \choriz“\, old verb from adverbial preposition \ch“ris\, separately, apart from, from. Here used of divorce by the wife which, though unusual then, yet did happen as in the case of Salome (sister of Herod the Great) and of Herodias before she married Herod Antipas. Jesus also spoke of it (Mark:10:12|). Now most of the divorces are obtained by women. This passive infinitive is almost reflexive in force according to a constant tendency in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 817).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:11 @{But and if she depart} (\ean de kai ch“risthˆi\). Third class condition, undetermined. If, in spite of Christ's clear prohibition, she get separated (ingressive passive subjunctive), {let her remain unmarried} (\menet“ agamos\). Paul here makes no allowance for remarriage of the innocent party as Jesus does by implication. {Or else be reconciled to her husband} (\ˆ t“i andri katallagˆt“\). Second aorist (ingressive) passive imperative of \katallass“\, old compound verb to exchange coins as of equal value, to reconcile. One of Paul's great words for reconciliation with God (2Corinthians:5:18-20; strkjv@Romans:5:10|). \Diallass“\ (Matthew:5:24| which see) was more common in the older Greek, but \katallass“\ in the later. The difference in idea is very slight, \dia-\ accents notion of exchange, \kat-\ the perfective idea (complete reconciliation). Dative of personal interest is the case of \andri\. This sentence is a parenthesis between the two infinitives \ch“risthˆnai\ and \aphienai\ (both indirect commands after \paraggell“\). {And that the husband leave not his wife} (\kai andra mˆ aphienai\). This is also part of the Lord's command (Mark:10:11|). \Apolu“\ occurs in Mark of the husband's act and \aphienai\ here, both meaning to send away. Bengel actually stresses the difference between \ch“risthˆnai\ of the woman as like _separatur_ in Latin and calls the wife "pars ignobilior" and the husband "nobilior." I doubt if Paul would stand for that extreme.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:14 @{Is sanctified in the wife} (\hˆgiastai en tˆi gunaiki\). Perfect passive indicative of \hagiaz“\, to set apart, to hallow, to sanctify. Paul does not, of course, mean that the unbelieving husband is saved by the faith of the believing wife, though Hodge actually so interprets him. Clearly he only means that the marriage relation is sanctified so that there is no need of a divorce. If either husband or wife is a believer and the other agrees to remain, the marriage is holy and need not be set aside. This is so simple that one wonders at the ability of men to get confused over Paul's language. {Else were your children unclean} (\epei ara ta tekna akatharta\). The common ellipse of the condition with \epei\: "since, accordingly, if it is otherwise, your children are illegitimate (\akatharta\)." If the relations of the parents be holy, the child's birth must be holy also (not illegitimate). "He is not assuming that the child of a Christian parent would be baptized; that would spoil rather than help his argument, for it would imply that the child was not \hagios\ till it was baptized. The verse throws no light on the question of infant baptism" (Robertson and Plummer).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:15 @{Is not under bondage} (\ou dedoul“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \doulo“\, to enslave, has been enslaved, does not remain a slave. The believing husband or wife is not at liberty to separate, unless the disbeliever or pagan insists on it. Wilful desertion of the unbeliever sets the other free, a case not contemplated in Christ's words in strkjv@Matthew:5:32; strkjv@19:9|. Luther argued that the Christian partner, thus released, may marry again. But that is by no means clear, unless the unbeliever marries first. {But God hath called us in peace} (\en de eirˆnˆi keklˆken hˆmas\ or \humas\). Perfect active indicative of \kale“\, permanent call in the sphere or atmosphere of peace. He does not desire enslavement in the marriage relation between the believer and the unbeliever.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:17 @{Only} (\ei mˆ\). This use of \ei mˆ\ as an elliptical condition is very common (7:5; strkjv@Galatians:1:7,19; strkjv@Romans:14:14|), "except that" like \plˆn\. Paul gives a general principle as a limitation to what he has just said in verse 15|. "It states the general principle which determines these questions about marriage, and this is afterwards illustrated by the cases of circumcision and slavery" (Robertson and Plummer). He has said that there is to be no compulsory slavery between the believer and the disbeliever (the Christian and the pagan). But on the other hand there is to be no reckless abuse of this liberty, no license. {As the Lord hath distributed to each man} (\hekast“i h“s memeriken ho kurios\). Perfect active indicative of \meriz“\, old verb from \meros\, apart. Each has his lot from the Lord Jesus, has his call from God. He is not to seek a rupture of the marriage relation if the unbeliever does not ask for it. {And so ordain I} (\kai hout“s diatassomai\). Military term, old word, to arrange in all the churches (distributed, \dia-\). Paul is conscious of authoritative leadership as the apostle of Christ to the Gentiles.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:25 @{I have no commandment of the Lord} (\epitagˆn Kuriou ouk ech“\). A late word from \epitass“\, old Greek verb to enjoin, to give orders to. Paul did have (verse 10|) a command from the Lord as we have in Matthew and Mark. It was quite possible for Paul to know this command of Jesus as he did other sayings of Jesus (Acts:20:35|) even if he had as yet no access to a written gospel or had received no direct revelation on the subject from Jesus (1Corinthians:11:23|). Sayings of Jesus were passed on among the believers. But Paul had no specific word from Jesus on the subject of virgins. They call for special treatment, young unmarried women only Paul means (7:25,28,34,36-38|) and not as in strkjv@Revelation:14:4| (metaphor). It is probable that in the letter (7:1|) the Corinthians had asked about this problem. {But I give my judgment} (\gn“mˆn de did“mi\). About mixed marriages (12-16|) Paul had the command of Jesus concerning divorce to guide him. Here he has nothing from Jesus at all. Songs:he gives no "command," but only "a judgment," a deliberately formed decision from knowledge (2Corinthians:8:10|), not a mere passing fancy. {As one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful} (\h“s ˆleˆmenos hupo kuriou pistos einai\). Perfect passive participle of \elee“\, old verb to receive mercy (\eleos\). \Pistos\ is predicate nominative with infinitive \einai\. This language, so far from being a disclaimer of inspiration, is an express claim to help from the Lord in the forming of this duly considered judgment, which is in no sense a command, but an inspired opinion.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:26 @{I think therefore} (\nomiz“ oun\). Paul proceeds to express therefore the previously mentioned judgment (\gn“mˆn\) and calls it his opinion, not because he is uncertain, but simply because it is not a command, but advice. {By reason of the present distress} (\dia tˆn enest“san anagkˆn\). The participle \enest“san\ is second perfect active of \enistˆmi\ and means "standing on" or "present" (cf. strkjv@Galatians:1:4; strkjv@Hebrews:9:9|). It occurs in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:2| of the advent of Christ as not "present." Whether Paul has in mind the hoped for second coming of Jesus in this verse we do not certainly know, though probably so. Jesus had spoken of those calamities which would precede his coming (Matthew:24:8ff.|) though Paul had denied saying that the advent was right at hand (2Thessalonians:2:2|). \Anagkˆ\ is a strong word (old and common), either for external circumstances or inward sense of duty. It occurs elsewhere for the woes preceding the second coming (Luke:21:23|) and also for Paul's persecutions (1Thessalonians:3:7; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:4; strkjv@12:10|). Perhaps there is a mingling of both ideas here. {Namely}. This word is not in the Greek. The infinitive of indirect discourse (\huparchein\) after \nomiz“\ is repeated with recitative \hoti\, "That the being so is good for a man" (\hoti kalon anthr“p“i to hout“s einai\). The use of the article \to\ with \einai\ compels this translation. Probably Paul means for one (\anthr“p“i\, generic term for man or woman) to remain as he is whether married or unmarried. The copula \estin\ is not expressed. He uses \kalon\ (good) as in strkjv@7:1|.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:27 @{Art thou bound to a wife?} (\dedesai gunaiki;\). Perfect passive indicative of \de“\, to bind, with dative case \gunaiki\. Marriage bond as in strkjv@Romans:7:2|. {Seek not to be loosed} (\mˆ zˆtei lusin\). Present active imperative with negative \mˆ\, "Do not be seeking release" (\lusin\) from the marriage bond, old word, here only in N.T. {Seek not a wife} (\mˆ zˆtei gunaika\). Same construction, Do not be seeking a wife. Bachelors as well as widowers are included in \lelusai\ (loosed, perfect passive indicative of \lu“\). This advice of Paul he only urges "because of the present necessity" (verse 26|). Whether he held on to this opinion later one does not know. Certainly he gives the noblest view of marriage in strkjv@Ephesians:5:22-33|. Paul does not present it as his opinion for all men at all times. Men feel it their duty to seek a wife.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:28 @{But and if thou marry} (\ean de kai gamˆsˆis\). Condition of the third class, undetermined with prospect of being determined, with the ingressive first aorist (late form) active subjunctive with \ean\: "But if thou also commit matrimony or get married," in spite of Paul's advice to the contrary. {Thou hast not sinned} (\ouch hˆmartes\). Second aorist active indicative of \hamartan“\, to sin, to miss a mark. Here either Paul uses the timeless (gnomic) aorist indicative or by a swift transition he changes the standpoint (proleptic) in the conclusion from the future (in the condition) to the past. Such mixed conditions are common (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1020, 1023). Precisely the same construction occurs with the case of the virgin (\parthenos\) except that the old form of the first aorist subjunctive (\gˆmˆi\) occurs in place of the late \gamˆsˆi\ above. The MSS. interchange both examples. There is no special point in the difference in the forms. {Shall have tribulation in the flesh} (\thlipsin tˆi sarki hexousin\). Emphatic position of \thlipsin\ (pressure). See strkjv@2Corinthians:12:7| \skolops tˆi sarki\ (thorn in the flesh). {And I would spare you} (\eg“ de hum“n pheidomai\). Possibly conative present middle indicative, I am trying to spare you like \agei\ in strkjv@Romans:2:4| and \dikaiousthe\ in strkjv@Galatians:5:4|.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:29 @{But this I say} (\touto de phˆmi\. Note \phˆmi\ here rather than \leg“\ (verses 8,12|). A new turn is here given to the argument about the present necessity. {The time is shortened} (\ho kairos sunestalmenos estin\). Perfect periphrastic passive indicative of \sustell“\, old verb to place together, to draw together. Only twice in the N.T., here and strkjv@Acts:5:6| which see. Found in the papyri for curtailing expenses. Calvin takes it for the shortness of human life, but apparently Paul pictures the foreshortening of time (opportunity) because of the possible nearness of and hope for the second coming. But in Philippians Paul faces death as his fate (Phillipians:1:21-26|), though still looking for the coming of Christ (3:20|). {That henceforth} (\to loipon hina\). Proleptic position of \to loipon\ before \hina\ and in the accusative of general reference and \hina\ has the notion of result rather than purpose (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 997). {As though they had none} (\h“s mˆ echontes\). This use of \h“s\ with the participle for an assumed condition is regular and \mˆ\ in the _Koin‚_ is the normal negative of the participle. Songs:the idiom runs on through verse 31|.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:30 @{As though they possessed not} (\h“s mˆ katechontes\). See this use of \katech“\, old verb to hold down (Luke:14:9|), to keep fast, to possess, in strkjv@2Corinthians:6:10|. Paul means that all earthly relations are to hang loosely about us in view of the second coming.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:34 @{And there is a difference also between the wife and the virgin} (\kai memeristai kai hˆ gunˆ kai hˆ parthenos\). But the text here is very uncertain, almost hopelessly so. Westcott and Hort put \kai memeristai\ in verse 33| and begin a new sentence with \kai hˆ gunˆ\ and add \hˆ agamos\ after \hˆ gunˆ\, meaning "the widow and the virgin each is anxious for the things of the Lord" like the unmarried man (\ho agamos\, bachelor or widow) in verse 32|. Possibly so, but the MSS. vary greatly at every point. At any rate Paul's point is that the married woman is more disposed to care for the things of the world. But, alas, how many unmarried women (virgins and widows) are after the things of the world today and lead a fast and giddy life.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:35 @{For your own profit} (\pros to hum“n aut“n sumphoron\). Old adjective, advantageous, with neuter article here as substantive, from verb \sumpher“\. In N.T. here only and strkjv@10:33|. Note reflexive plural form \hum“n aut“n\. {Not that I may cast a snare upon you} (\ouch hina brochon humin epibal“\). \Brochon\ is a noose or slip-knot used for lassoing animals, old word, only here in N.T. Papyri have an example "hanged by a noose." \Epibal“\ is second aorist active subjunctive of \epiball“\, old verb to cast upon. Paul does not wish to capture the Corinthians by lasso and compel them to do what they do not wish about getting married. {For that which is seemly} (\pros to euschˆmon\). Old adjective (\eu\, well, \schˆm“n\, shapely, comely, from \schˆma\, figure). For the purpose of decorum. {Attend upon the Lord} (\euparedron\). Adjective construed with \pros to\, before, late word (Hesychius) from \eu\, well, and \paredros\, sitting beside, "for the good position beside the Lord" (associative instrumental case of \Kuri“i\). Cf. Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus (Luke:10:39|). {Without distraction} (\aperispast“s\). Late adverb (Polybius, Plutarch, LXX) from the adjective \aperispastos\ (common in the papyri) from \a\ privative and \perispa“\, to draw around (Luke:10:40|).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:37 @{To keep his own virgin daughter} (\tˆrein tˆn heautou parthenon\). This means the case when the virgin daughter does not wish to marry and the father agrees with her, {he shall do well} (\kal“s poiˆsei\).

rwp@1Corinthians:8:1 @{Now concerning things sacrificed to idols} (\peri de t“n eid“lothut“n\). Plainly the Corinthians had asked also about this problem in their letter to Paul (7:1|). This compound adjective (\eid“lon\, idol, \thutos\, verbal adjective from \thu“\, to sacrifice) is still found only in the N.T. and ecclesiastical writers, not so far in the papyri. We have seen this problem mentioned in the decision of the Jerusalem Conference (Acts:15:29; strkjv@21:25|). The connection between idolatry and impurity was very close, especially in Corinth. See both topics connected in strkjv@Revelation:2:14,20|. By \eid“lothuta\ was meant the portion of the flesh left over after the heathen sacrifices. The heathen called it \hierothuton\ (1Corinthians:10:28|). This leftover part "was either eaten sacrificially, or taken home for private meals, or sold in the markets" (Robertson and Plummer). What were Christians to do about eating such portions either buying in the market or eating in the home of another or at the feast to the idol? Three questions are thus involved and Paul discusses them all. There was evidently difference of opinion on the subject among the Corinthian Christians. Aspects of the matter come forward not touched on in the Jerusalem Conference to which Paul does not here allude, though he does treat it in strkjv@Galatians:2:1-10|. There was the more enlightened group who acted on the basis of their superior knowledge about the non-existence of the gods represented by the idols. {Ye know that we all have knowledge} (\oidamen hoti pantes gn“sin echomen\). This may be a quotation from the letter (Moffatt, _Lit. of N.T._, p. 112). Since their conversion to Christ, they know the emptiness of idol-worship. Paul admits that all Christians have this knowledge (personal experience, \gn“sis\), but this problem cannot be solved by knowledge.

rwp@1Corinthians:8:2 @{Puffeth up} (\phusioi\). From \phusio“\ (present indicative active). See on ¯4:6|. Pride may be the result, not edification (\oikodomei\) which comes from love. Note article (\hˆ\) with both \gn“sis\ and \agapˆ\, making the contrast sharper. See on ¯1Thessalonians:5:11| for the verb \oikodome“\, to build up. Love is the solution, not knowledge, in all social problems. {That he knoweth anything} (\egn“kenai ti\). Perfect active infinitive in indirect discourse after \dokei\ (condition of first class with \ei\). Songs:"has acquired knowledge" (cf. strkjv@3:18|), has gone to the bottom of the subject. {He knoweth not yet} (\oup“ egn“\). Second aorist active indicative, timeless aorist, summary (punctiliar) statement of his ignorance. {As he ought to know} (\kath“s dei gn“nai\). Second aorist active infinitive, ingressive aorist (come to know). Newton's remark that he was only gathering pebbles on the shore of the ocean of truth is pertinent. The really learned man knows his ignorance of what lies beyond. Shallow knowledge is like the depth of the mud hole, not of the crystal spring.

rwp@1Corinthians:8:7 @{Howbeit in all men there is not that knowledge} (\all' ouk en pasin hˆ gn“sis\). The knowledge (\hˆ gn“sis\) of which Paul is speaking. Knowledge has to overcome inheritance and environment, prejudice, fear, and many other hindrances. {Being used until now to the idol} (\tˆi sunˆtheiƒi he“s arti tou eid“lou\). Old word \sunˆtheia\ from \sunˆthˆs\ (\sun, ˆthos\), accustomed to, like Latin _consuetudo_, intimacy. In N.T. only here and strkjv@John:18:39; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:16|. It is the force of habit that still grips them when they eat such meat. They eat it "as an idol sacrifice" (\h“s eid“lothuton\), though they no longer believe in idols. The idol-taint clings in their minds to this meat. {Being weak} (\asthenˆs ousa\). "It is defiled, not by the partaking of polluted food, for food cannot pollute (Mark:7:18f.; strkjv@Luke:11:41|), but by the doing of something which the unenlightened conscience does not allow" (Robertson and Plummer). For this great word \suneidˆsis\ (conscientia, knowing together, conscience) see on ¯Acts:23:1|. It is important in Paul's Epistles, Peter's First Epistle, and Hebrews. Even if unenlightened, one must act according to his conscience, a sensitive gauge to one's spiritual condition. Knowledge breaks down as a guide with the weak or unenlightened conscience. For \asthenˆs\, weak (lack of strength) see on ¯Matthew:26:41|. {Defiled} (\molunetai\). Old word \molun“\, to stain, pollute, rare in N.T. (1Timothy:3:9; strkjv@Revelation:3:4|).

rwp@1Corinthians:8:12 @{Wounding their conscience} (\tuptontes aut“n tˆn suneidˆsin\). Old verb \tupt“\, to smite with fist, staff, whip. The conscience is sensitive to a blow like that, a slap in the face. {Ye sin against Christ} (\eis Christon hamartanete\). That fact they were overlooking. Jesus had said to Saul that he was persecuting him when he persecuted his disciples (Acts:9:5|). One may wonder if Paul knew the words of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:25:40|, "ye did it unto me."

rwp@1Corinthians:9:9 @{Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn} (\ou phim“seis boun alo“nta\). Quotation from strkjv@Deuteronomy:25:4|. Prohibition by \ou\ and the volitive future indicative. \Phimo“\, to muzzle (from \phimos\, a muzzle for dogs and oxen), appears first in Aristophanes (_Clouds_, 592) and not again till LXX and N.T., though in the papyri also. Evidently a vernacular word, perhaps a slang word. See metaphorical use in strkjv@Matthew:22:12,34|. \Alo“nta\ is present active participle of the old verb \aloa“\, occurs in the N.T. only here (and verse 10|) and strkjv@1Timothy:5:18| where it is also quoted. It is probably derived from \halos\ or \halon\, a threshing-floor, or the disc of a shield or of the sun and moon. The Egyptians according to the monuments, used oxen to thresh out the grain, sometimes donkeys, by pulling a drag over the grain. The same process may be found today in Andalusia, Italy, Palestine. A hieroglyphic inscription at Eileithyas reads:

rwp@1Corinthians:9:10 @{He that plougheth} (\ho arotri“n\). Late verb \arotria“\, to plough, for the old \aro“\ from \arotron\ (plough), in LXX and rare in papyri. {In hope of partaking} (\ep' elpidi tou metechein\). The infinitive \aloƒin\ is not repeated nor is \opheilei\ though it is understood, "He that thresheth ought to thresh in hope of partaking." He that ploughs hardly refers to the ox at the plough as he that threshes does. The point is that all the workers (beast or man) share in the fruit of the toil.

rwp@1Corinthians:9:15 @{For it were good for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void} (\kalon gar moi mallon apothanein ˆ to kauchˆma mou oudeis ken“sei\). The tangled syntax of this sentence reflects the intensity of Paul's feeling on the subject. He repeats his refusal to use his privileges and rights to a salary by use of the present perfect middle indicative (\kechrˆmai\). By the epistolary aorist (\egrapsa\) he explains that he is not now hinting for a change on their part towards him in the matter, "in my case" (\en emoi\). Then he gives his reason in vigorous language without a copula (\ˆn\, were): "For good for me to die rather than," but here he changes the construction by a violent anacoluthon. Instead of another infinitive (\ken“sai\) after \ˆ\ (than) he changes to the future indicative without \hoti\ or \hina\, "No one shall make my glorying void," viz., his independence of help from them. \Keno“\ is an old verb, from \kenos\, empty, only in Paul in N.T. See on ¯1Corinthians:1:17|.

rwp@1Corinthians:9:18 @{Songs:as not to use to the full} (\eis to mˆ katachrˆsasthai\). \Eis to\ for purpose with articular infinitive and perfective use of \kata\ (as in strkjv@7:31|) with \chrˆsasthai\ (first aorist middle infinitive).

rwp@1Corinthians:9:22 @{I became weak} (\egenomˆn asthenˆs\). This is the chief point, the climax in his plea for the principle of love on the part of the enlightened for the benefit of the unenlightened (chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:8|). He thus brings home his conduct about renouncing pay for preaching as an illustration of love (8:13|). {All things} (\panta\) {to all men} (\tois pasin\, the whole number) {by all means} (\pant“s\). Pointed play on the word all, {that I may save some} (\hina tinas s“s“\). This his goal and worth all the cost of adaptation. In matters of principle Paul was adamant as about Titus the Greek (Galatians:2:5|). In matters of expediency as about Timothy (Acts:16:3|) he would go half way to win and to hold. This principle was called for in dealing with the problem of eating meat offered to idols (Romans:14:1; strkjv@15:1; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:14|).

rwp@1Corinthians:9:23 @{That I may be a joint partaker thereof} (\hina sunkoin“nos autou gen“mai\). Literally, That I may become co-partner with others in the gospel. The point is that he may be able to share the gospel with others, his evangelistic passion. \Sunkoin“nos\ is a compound word (\sun\, together with, \koin“nos\, partner or sharer). We have two genitives with it in strkjv@Phillipians:1:7|, though \en\ and the locative is used in strkjv@Revelation:1:9|. It is found only in the N.T. and a late papyrus. Paul does not wish to enjoy the gospel just by himself.

rwp@1Corinthians:9:25 @{corruptible crown} (\phtharton stephanon\). \Stephanos\ (crown) is from \steph“\, to put around the head, like the Latin _corona_, wreath or garland, badge of victory in the games. In the Isthmian games it was of pine leaves, earlier of parsley, in the Olympian games of the wild olive. "Yet these were the most coveted honours in the whole Greek world" (Findlay). For the crown of thorns on Christ's head see strkjv@Matthew:27:29; strkjv@Mark:15:17; strkjv@John:19:2,5|. \Diadˆma\ (diadem) was for kings (Revelation:12:3|). Favourite metaphor in N.T., the crown of righteousness (2Timothy:4:8|), the crown of life (James:1:12|), the crown of glory (1Peter:5:4|), the crown of rejoicing (1Thessalonians:2:9|), description of the Philippians (Phillipians:4:1|). Note contrast between \phtharton\ (verbal adjective from \phtheir“\, to corrupt) like the garland of pine leaves, wild olive, or laurel, and \aphtharton\ (same form with \a\ privative) like the crown of victory offered the Christian, the amaranthine (unfading rose) crown of glory (1Peter:5:4|).

rwp@1Corinthians:9:26 @{So} (\hout“s\). Both with \trech“\ (run) and \pukteu“\ (fight). {As not uncertainly} (\h“s ouk adˆl“s\). Instead of exhorting them further Paul describes his own conduct as a runner in the race. He explains \hout“s\. \Adˆl“s\ old adverb, only here in N.T. His objective is clear, with Christ as the goal (Phillipians:3:14|). He kept his eye on Christ as Christ watched him. {Fight} (\pukteu“\). Paul changes the metaphor from the runner to the boxer. Old verb (only here in N.T.) from \puktˆs\ (pugilist) and that from \pugmˆ\ (fist). See on ¯Mark:7:3|). {As not beating the air} (\h“s ouk aera der“n\). A boxer did this when practising without an adversary (cf. doing "the daily dozen") and this was called "shadow-fighting" (\skiamachia\). He smote something more solid than air. Probably \ou\ negatives \aera\, though it still occurs with the participle as a strong and positive negative.

rwp@1Corinthians:9:27 @{But I buffet my body} (\alla hup“piaz“ mou to s“ma\). In Aristophanes, Aristotle, Plutarch, from \hup“pion\, and that from \hupo\ and \ops\ (in papyri), the part of the face under the eyes, a blow in the face, to beat black and blue. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:18:5| which see. Paul does not, like the Gnostics, consider his \sarx\ or his \s“ma\ sinful and evil. But "it is like the horses in a chariot race, which must be kept well in hand by whip and rein if the prize is to be secured" (Robertson and Plummer). The boxers often used boxing gloves (\cestus\, of ox-hide bands) which gave telling blows. Paul was not willing for his body to be his master. He found good as the outcome of this self-discipline (2Corinthians:12:7; strkjv@Romans:8:13; strkjv@Colossians:2:23; strkjv@3:5|). {And bring it into bondage} (\kai doulag“g“\). Late compound verb from \doulag“gos\, in Diodorus Siculus, Epictetus and substantive in papyri. It is the metaphor of the victor leading the vanquished as captive and slave. {Lest by any means} (\mˆ p“s\). Common conjunction for negative purpose with subjunctive as here (\gen“mai\, second aorist middle). {After that I have preached to others} (\allois kˆr–xas\). First aorist active participle of \kˆruss“\ (see on ¯1:23|), common verb to preach, from word \kˆrux\ (herald) and that is probably the idea here. A \kˆrux\ at the games announced the rules of the game and called out the competitors. Songs:Paul is not merely a herald, but a competitor also. {I myself should be rejected} (\autos adokimos gen“mai\). Literally, "I myself should become rejected." \Adokimos\ is an old adjective used of metals, coin, soil (Hebrews:6:8|) and in a moral sense only by Paul in N.T. (1Corinthians:9:27; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:5-7; strkjv@Romans:1:28; strkjv@Titus:1:16; strkjv@2Timothy:3:8|). It means not standing the test (\dokimos\ from \dokimaz“\). Paul means rejected for the {prize}, not for the entrance to the race. He will fail to win if he breaks the rules of the game (Matthew:7:22f.|). What is the prize before Paul? Is it that {reward} (\misthos\) of which he spoke in verse 18|, his glorying of preaching a free gospel? Songs:Edwards argues. Most writers take Paul to refer to the possibility of his rejection in his personal salvation at the end of the race. He does not claim absolute perfection (Phillipians:3:12|) and so he presses on. At the end he has serene confidence (2Timothy:4:7|) with the race run and won. It is a humbling thought for us all to see this wholesome fear instead of smug complacency in this greatest of all heralds of Christ.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:6 @{Were our examples} (\tupoi hˆm“n egenˆthˆsan\). More exactly, examples for us (objective genitive \hˆm“n\, not subjective genitive, of us). The word \tupoi\ (our types) comes from \tupt“\, to strike, and meant originally the mark of a blow as the print of the nails (John:20:25|), then a figure formed by a blow like images of the gods (Acts:7:43|), then an example to be imitated (1Peter:5:3; strkjv@1Timothy:4:12; strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:7; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:9|), or to be avoided as here, and finally a type in a doctrinal sense (Romans:5:14; strkjv@Hebrews:9:24|). {To the intent we should not lust after} (\eis to mˆ einai hˆmas epithumˆtas\). Purpose expressed by \eis\ with the articular infinitive \to einai\ and the accusative of general reference with \epithumˆtas\ (lusters) in the predicate.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:8 @{Neither let us commit fornication} (\mˆde porneu“men\). More exactly, And let us cease practicing fornication as some were already doing (1Corinthians:6:11; strkjv@7:2|). The connection between idolatry and fornication was very close (see Jowett, _Epistles of Paul_, II, p. 70) and see about Baal-Peor (Numbers:25:1-9|). It was terribly true of Corinth where prostitution was part of the worship of Aphrodite. {In one day} (\miƒi hˆmerƒi\). An item that adds to horror of the plague in strkjv@Numbers:25:9| where the total number is 24,000 instead of 23,000 as here for one day.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:16 @{The cup of blessing} (\to potˆrion tˆs eulogias\). The cup over which we pronounce a blessing as by Christ at the institution of the ordinance. {A communion of the blood of Christ} (\koin“nia tou haimatos tou Christou\). Literally, a participation in (objective genitive) the blood of Christ. The word \koin“nia\ is an old one from \koin“nos\, partner, and so here and strkjv@Phillipians:2:1; strkjv@3:10|. It can mean also fellowship (Galatians:2:9|) or contribution (2Corinthians:8:4; strkjv@Phillipians:1:5|). It is, of course, a spiritual participation in the blood of Christ which is symbolized by the cup. Same meaning for \koin“nia\ in reference to "the body of Christ." {The bread which we break} (\ton arton hon kl“men\). The loaf. Inverse attraction of the antecedent (\arton\) to the case (accusative) of the relative (\hon\) according to classic idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 488). \Artos\ probably from \ar“\, to join or fit (flour mixed with water and baked). The mention of the cup here before the bread does not mean that this order was observed for see the regular order of bread and then cup in strkjv@11:24-27|.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:17 @{One bread} (\heis artos\). One loaf. {Who are many} (\hoi polloi\). The many. {We all} (\hoi pantes\). We the all, the whole number, \hoi pantes\ being in apposition with the subject {we} (\hˆmeis\ unexpressed). {Partake} (\metechomen\). Have a part with or in, share in. See on ¯9:12; strkjv@Hebrews:2:14; strkjv@5:13| (partaking of milk). {Of the one bread} (\tou henos artou\). Of the one loaf, the article \tou\ referring to one loaf already mentioned. {One body} (\hen s“ma\). Here the mystical spiritual body of Christ as in strkjv@12:12f.|, the spiritual kingdom or church of which Christ is head (Colossians:1:18; strkjv@Ephesians:5:23|).

rwp@1Corinthians:10:18 @{After the flesh} (\kata sarka\). The literal Israel, the Jewish people, not the spiritual Israel (\Israˆl kata pneuma\) composed of both Jews and Gentiles, the true children of faith (Romans:2:28; strkjv@9:8; Gal strkjv@3:7|). {Communion with the altar} (\koin“noi tou thusiastˆriou\). Same idea in \koin“noi\ participators in, partners in, sharers in (with objective genitive). The word \thusiastˆrion\ is from late verb \thusiaz“\, to offer sacrifice, and that from \thusia\, sacrifice, and that from \thu“\, common verb to slay, to sacrifice (verse 20|). The Israelites who offer sacrifices have a spiritual participation in the altar.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:20 @{But I say that} (\all' hoti\). The verb \phˆmi\ (I say) must be repeated from verse 19| before \hoti\. {To demons, and not to God} (\daimoniois kai ou the“i\). Referring to LXX text of strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:17|. It is probable that by \ou the“i\ Paul means "to a no-god" as also in strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:21| \ep' ouk ethnei\ (by a no-people). This is Paul's reply to the heathen who claimed that they worshipped the gods represented by the images and not the mere wood or stone or metal idols. The word \daimonia\ is an adjective \daimonios\ from \daim“n\, an inferior deity, and with same idea originally, once in this sense in N.T. (Acts:17:18|). Elsewhere in N.T. it has the notion of evil spirits as here, those spiritual forces of wickedness (Ephesians:6:12|) that are under the control of Satan. The word \daimonia\, so common in the Gospels, occurs in Paul's writings only here and strkjv@1Timothy:4:1|. Demonology is a deep and dark subject here pictured by Paul as the explanation of heathenism which is a departure from God (Romans:1:19-23|) and a substitute for the worship of God. It is a terrible indictment which is justified by the licentious worship associated with paganism then and now.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:21 @{Ye cannot} (\ou dunasthe\). Morally impossible to drink the Lord's cup and the cup of demons, to partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons. {Of the table of the Lord} (\trapezˆs Kuriou\). No articles, but definite idea. \Trapeza\ is from \tetra\ (four) and \peza\ (a foot), four-footed. Here {table} means, as often, what is on the table. See strkjv@Luke:22:30| where Jesus says "at my table" (\epi tˆs trapezˆs mou\), referring to the spiritual feast hereafter. Here the reference is plainly to the Lord's Supper (\Kuriakon deipnon\, strkjv@1Corinthians:11:20|). See allusions in O.T. to use of the table in heathen idol feasts (Isaiah:65:11; strkjv@Jeremiah:7:18; strkjv@Ezekiel:16:18f.; strkjv@23:41|). The altar of burnt-offering is called the table of the Lord in strkjv@Malachi:1:7| (Vincent).

rwp@1Corinthians:10:25 @{In the shambles} (\en makell“i\). Only here in N.T. A transliterated Latin word _macellum_, possibly akin to \maceria\ and the Hebrew word for enclosure, though occurring in Ionic and Laconian and more frequent in the Latin. It occurs in Dio Cassius and Plutarch and in the papyri and inscriptions for "the provision market." Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 276) says: "In the Macellum at Pompeii we can imagine to ourselves the poor Christians buying their modest pound of meat in the Corinthian Macellum (1Corinthians:10:25|), with the same life-like reality with which the Diocletian maximum tariff called up the picture of the Galilean woman purchasing her five sparrows." {Asking no questions for conscience sake} (\mˆden anakrinontes dia tˆn suneidˆsin\). As to whether a particular piece of meat had been offered to idols before put in the market. Only a part was consumed in the sacrifices to heathen gods. The rest was sold in the market. Do not be over-scrupulous. Paul here champions liberty in the matter as he had done in strkjv@8:4|.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:26 @This verse gives the reason for Paul's advice. It is a quotation from strkjv@Psalms:24:1| and was a common form of grace before meals. {Fulness} (\plˆr“ma\). Old word from \plˆro“\, to fill, here that with which a thing is filled, whatever fills the earth.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:28 @{But if any man say unto you} (\ean de tis humin eipˆi\). Condition of third class. Suppose at such a banquet a "weak" brother makes the point to you: "This hath been offered in sacrifice" (\touto hierothuton estin\). \Hierothuton\, late word in Plutarch, rare in inscriptions and papyri, only here in N.T. {Eat not} (\mˆ esthiete\). Present imperative with \mˆ\ prohibiting the habit of eating then. Pertinent illustration to the point of doing what is expedient and edifying. {That shewed it} (\ton mˆnusanta\). First aorist active articular participle (accusative case because of \dia\) from \mˆnu“\, old verb, to point out, to disclose. See strkjv@Luke:20:37|.

rwp@1Corinthians:10:29 @{For why is my liberty judged by another conscience?} (\hina ti gar hˆ eleutheria mou krinetai hupo allˆs suneidˆse“s;\). Supply \genˆtai\ (deliberative subjunctive) after \ti\. Paul deftly puts himself in the place of the strong brother at such a banquet who is expected to conform his conscience to that of the weak brother who makes the point about a particular piece of meat. It is an abridgment of one's personal liberty in the interest of the weak brother. Two individualities clash. The only reason is love which builds up (8:2| and all of chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:13|). There is this eternal collision between the forces of progress and reaction. If they work together, they must consider the welfare of each other.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:3 @{But I would have you know} (\thel“ de humas eidenai\). But I wish you to know, censure in contrast to the praise in verse 2|. {The head of Christ is God} (\kephalˆ tou Christou ho theos\). Rather, God is the head of Christ, since \kephalˆ\ is anarthrous and predicate.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:5 @{With her head unveiled} (\akatakalupt“i tˆi kephalˆi\). Associative instrumental case of manner and the predicative adjective (compound adjective and feminine form same as masculine), "with the head unveiled." Probably some of the women had violated this custom. "Amongst Greeks only the \hetairai\, so numerous in Corinth, went about unveiled; slave-women wore the shaven head--also a punishment of the adulteress" (Findlay). Cf. strkjv@Numbers:5:18|. {One and the same thing as if she were shaven} (\hen kai to auto tˆi exurˆmenˆi\). Literally, "One and the same thing with the one shaven" (associative instrumental case again, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 530). Perfect passive articular participle of the verb \xura“\, later form for the old \xure“\. It is public praying and prophesying that the Apostle here has in mind. He does not here condemn the act, but the breach of custom which would bring reproach. A woman convicted of adultery had her hair shorn (Isaiah:7:20|). The Justinian code prescribed shaving the head for an adulteress whom the husband refused to receive after two years. Paul does not tell Corinthian Christian women to put themselves on a level with courtesans.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:6 @{Let her also be shorn} (\kai keirasth“\). Aorist middle imperative of \keir“\, to shear (as sheep). Let her cut her hair close. A single act by the woman. {If it is a shame} (\ei de aischron\). Condition of first class assumed to be true. \Aischron\ is old adjective from \aischos\, bareness, disgrace. Clearly Paul uses such strong language because of the effect on a woman's reputation in Corinth by such conduct that proclaimed her a lewd woman. Social custom varied in the world then as now, but there was no alternative in Corinth. {To be shorn or shaven} (\to keirasthai kai xurasthai\). Articular infinitives subject of copula \estin\ understood, \keirasthai\ first aorist middle, \xurasthai\ present middle. Note change in tense. {Let her be veiled} (\katakaluptesth“\). Present middle imperative of old compound \kata-kalupt“\, here alone in N.T. Let her cover up herself with the veil (down, \kata\, the Greek says, the veil hanging down from the head).

rwp@1Corinthians:11:7 @{The image and glory of God} (\eik“n kai doxa theou\). Anarthrous substantives, but definite. Reference to strkjv@Genesis:1:28; strkjv@2:26| whereby man is made directly in the image (\eik“n\) of God. It is the moral likeness of God, not any bodily resemblance. Ellicott notes that man is the glory (\doxa\) of God as the crown of creation and as endowed with sovereignty like God himself. {The glory of the man} (\doxa andros\). Anarthrous also, man's glory. In strkjv@Genesis:2:26| the LXX has \anthr“pos\ (Greek word for both male and female), not \anˆr\ (male) as here. But the woman (\gunˆ\) was formed from the man (\anˆr\) and this priority of the male (verse 8|) gives a certain superiority to the male. On the other hand, it is equally logical to argue that woman is the crown and climax of all creation, being the last.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:10 @{Ought} (\opheilei\). Moral obligation therefore (\dia touto\, rests on woman in the matter of dress that does not (\ouk opheilei\ in verse 7|) rest on the man. {To have a sign of authority} (\exousian echein\). He means \sˆmeion exousias\ (symbol of authority) by \exousian\, but it is the sign of authority of the man over the woman. The veil on the woman's head is the symbol of the authority that the man with the uncovered head has over her. It is, as we see it, more a sign of subjection (\hypotagˆs\, strkjv@1Timothy:2:10|) than of authority (\exousias\). {Because of the angels} (\dia tous aggelous\). This startling phrase has caused all kinds of conjecture which may be dismissed. It is not preachers that Paul has in mind, nor evil angels who could be tempted (Genesis:6:1f.|), but angels present in worship (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:4:9; strkjv@Psalms:138:1|) who would be shocked at the conduct of the women since the angels themselves veil their faces before Jehovah (Isaiah:6:2|).

rwp@1Corinthians:11:11 @{Howbeit} (\plˆn\). This adversative clause limits the preceding statement. Each sex is incomplete without (\ch“ris\, apart from, with the ablative case) the other. {In the Lord} (\en Kuri“i\). In the sphere of the Lord, where Paul finds the solution of all problems.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:12 @{Of} (\ek\) {--by} (\dia\). Ever since the first creation man has come into existence by means of (\dia\ with genitive) the woman. The glory and dignity of motherhood. Cf. _The Fine Art of Motherhood_ by Ella Broadus Robertson.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:17 @{This} (\touto\). Probably the preceding one about the head-dress of women, and transition to what follows. {I praise you not} (\ouk epain“\). In contrast to the praise in strkjv@11:2|. {For the better} (\eis to kreisson\). Neuter articular comparative of \kratus\, but used as comparative of \kalos\, good. Attic form \kreitton\. {For the worse} (\eis to hˆsson\). Old comparative from \hˆka\, softly, used as comparative of \kakos\, bad. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:12:15|.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:18 @{First of all} (\pr“ton men\). There is no antithesis (\deuteron de\, secondly, or \epeita de\, in the next place) expressed. This is the primary reason for Paul's condemnation and the only one given. {When ye come together in the church} (\sunerchomen“n hˆm“n en ekklˆsiƒi\). Genitive absolute. Here \ekklˆsia\ has the literal meaning of assembly. {Divisions} (\schismata\). Accusative of general reference with the infinitive \huparchein\ in indirect discourse. Old word for cleft, rent, from \schiz“\. Example in papyri for splinter of wood. See on strkjv@1:10|. Not yet formal cleavages into two or more organizations, but partisan divisions that showed in the love-feasts and at the Lord's Supper. {Partly} (\meros ti\). Accusative of extent (to some part) like \panta\ in strkjv@10:33|. He could have said \ek merous\ as in strkjv@13:9|. The rumours of strife were so constant (I keep on hearing, \akou“\).

rwp@1Corinthians:11:19 @{Must be} (\dei einai\). Since moral conditions are so bad among you (cf. chapters 1 to 6). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:18:7|. {Heresies} (\haireseis\). The schisms naturally become {factions} or {parties}. Cf. strifes (\erides\) in strkjv@1:11|. See on ¯Acts:15:5| for \haireseis\, a choosing, taking sides, holding views of one party, heresy (our word). "Heresy is theoretical schism, schism practical heresy." Cf. strkjv@Titus:3:10; strkjv@2Peter:2:1|. In Paul only here and strkjv@Galatians:5:20|. {That} (\hina\). God's purpose in these factions makes {the proved ones} (\hoi dokimoi\) become {manifest} (\phaneroi\). "These \haireseis\ are a magnet attracting unsound and unsettled minds" (Findlay). It has always been so. Instance so-called Christian Science, Russellism, New Thought, etc., today.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:24 @{When he had given thanks} (\eucharistˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \euchariste“\ from which word our word Eucharist comes, common late verb (see on ¯1:14|). {Which is for you} (\to huper hum“n\). \Kl“menon\ (broken) of the Textus Receptus (King James Version) is clearly not genuine. Luke (Luke:22:19|) has \didomenon\ (given) which is the real idea here. As a matter of fact the body of Jesus was not broken (John:19:36|). The bread was broken, but not the body of Jesus. {In remembrance of me} (\eis tˆn emˆn anamnˆsin\). The objective use of the possessive pronoun \emˆn\. Not my remembrance of you, but your remembrance of me. \Anamnˆsis\, from \anamimnˆsk“\, to remind or to recall, is an old word, but only here in N.T. save strkjv@Luke:22:19| which see.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:25 @{After supper} (\meta to deipnˆsai\). \Meta\ and the articular aorist active infinitive, "after the dining" (or the supping) as in strkjv@Luke:22:20|. {The new covenant} (\hˆ kainˆ diathˆkˆ\). For \diathˆkˆ\ see on ¯Matthew:26:28|. For \kainos\ see on ¯Luke:5:38; strkjv@22:20|. The position of \estin\ before \en t“i haimati\ (in my blood) makes it a secondary or additional predicate and not to be taken just with \diathˆkˆ\ (covenant or will). {As oft as ye drink it} (\hosakis an pinˆte\). Usual construction for general temporal clause of repetition (\an\ and the present subjunctive with \hosakis\). Songs:in verse 26|.

rwp@1Corinthians:11:27 @{Unworthily} (\anaxi“s\). Old adverb, only here in N.T., not genuine in verse 29|. Paul defines his meaning in verse 29f|. He does not say or imply that we ourselves must be "worthy" (\axioi\) to partake of the Lord's Supper. No one would ever partake on those terms. Many pious souls have abstained from observing the ordinance through false exegesis here. {Shall be guilty} (\enochos estai\). Shall be held guilty as in strkjv@Matthew:5:21f.| which see. Shall be guilty of a crime committed against the body and blood of the Lord by such sacrilege (cf. strkjv@Hebrews:6:6; strkjv@10:29|).

rwp@1Corinthians:11:29 @{If he discern not the body} (\mˆ diakrin“n to s“ma\). So-called conditional use of the participle, "not judging the body." Thus he eats and drinks judgment (\krima\) on himself. The verb \dia-krin“\ is an old and common word, our {dis-cri-minate}, to distinguish. Eating the bread and drinking the wine as symbols of the Lord's body and blood in death probes one's heart to the very depths.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:2 @{Ye were led away} (\apagomenoi\). The copula \ˆte\ is not expressed (common ellipsis) with the participle (periphrastic imperfect passive), but it has to be supplied to make sense. Some scholars would change \hote\ (when) to \pote\ (once) and so remove the difficulty. {Unto those dumb idols} (\pros ta eid“la ta aph“na\). "Unto the idols the dumb." See strkjv@Psalms:95:5-7| for the voicelessness (\a-ph“na\, old adjective, without voice, \ph“nˆ\) of the idols. Pagans were led astray by demons (1Corinthians:10:19f.|). {Howsoever ye might be led} (\h“s an ˆgesthe\). Rather, "as often as ye were led." For this use of \h“s an\ for the notion of repetition, regular _Koin‚_ idiom, see Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 974. Cf. \hopou an\ in strkjv@Mark:6:56|.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:3 @{Wherefore I give you to understand} (\dio gn“riz“ humin\). Causative idea (only in Aeschylus in old Greek) in papyri (also in sense of recognize) and N.T., from root \gn“\ in \gin“sk“\, to know. {Speaking in the Spirit of God} (\en pneumati theou lal“n\). Either sphere or instrumentality. No great distinction here between \lale“\ (utter sounds) and \leg“\ (to say). {Jesus is anathema} (\anathema Iˆsous\). On distinction between \anathema\ (curse) and \anathˆma\ (offering strkjv@Luke:21:5|) see discussion there. In LXX \anathˆma\ means a thing devoted to God without being redeemed, doomed to destruction (Leviticus:27:28f.; strkjv@Joshua:6:17; strkjv@7:12|). See strkjv@1Corinthians:16:22; strkjv@Galatians:1:8f.; strkjv@Romans:9:3|. This blasphemous language against Jesus was mainly by the Jews (Acts:13:45; strkjv@18:6|). It is even possible that Paul had once tried to make Christians say \Anathema Iˆsous\ (Acts:26:11|). {Jesus is Lord} (\Kurios Iˆsous\). The term \Kurios\, as we have seen, is common in the LXX for God. The Romans used it freely for the emperor in the emperor worship. "Most important of all is the early establishment of a polemical parallelism between the cult of Christ and the cult of Caesar in the application of the term \Kurios\, 'lord.' The new texts have here furnished quite astonishing revelations" (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 349). Inscriptions, ostraca, papyri apply the term to Roman emperors, particularly to Nero when Paul wrote this very letter (_ib._, p. 353f.): "One with 'Nero Kurios' quite in the manner of a formula (without article, like the 'Kurios Jesus' in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3|." "The battle-cries of the spirits of error and of truth contending at Corinth" (Findlay). One is reminded of the demand made by Polycarp that he say \Kurios Caesar\ and how each time he replied \Kurios Iˆsous\. He paid the penalty for his loyalty with his life. Lighthearted men today can say "Lord Jesus" in a flippant or even in an irreverent way, but no Jew or Gentile then said it who did not mean it.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:5 @{Of ministrations} (\diakoni“n\). This old word is from \diakonos\ and has a general meaning of service as here (Romans:11:13|) and a special ministration like that of Martha (Luke:10:40|) and the collection (1Corinthians:16:15; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4|).

rwp@1Corinthians:12:10 @{Workings of miracles} (\energˆmata duname“n\). Workings of powers. Cf. \energ“n dunameis\ in strkjv@Galatians:3:5; strkjv@Hebrews:2:4| where all three words are used (\sˆmeia\, signs, \terata\, wonders, \dunameis\, powers). Some of the miracles were not healings as the blindness on Elymas the sorcerer. {Prophecy} (\prophˆteia\). Late word from \prophˆtˆs\ and \prophˆmi\, to speak forth. Common in papyri. This gift Paul will praise most (chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:14|). Not always prediction, but a speaking forth of God's message under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. {Discernings of spirits} (\diakriseis pneumat“n\). \Diakrisis\ is old word from \diakrin“\ (see strkjv@11:29|) and in N.T. only here; strkjv@Romans:14:1; strkjv@Hebrews:5:14|. A most needed gift to tell whether the gifts were really of the Holy Spirit and supernatural (cf. so-called "gifts" today) or merely strange though natural or even diabolical (1Timothy:4:1; strkjv@1John:4:1f.|). {Divers kinds of tongues} (\genˆ gl“ss“n\). No word for "divers" in the Greek. There has arisen a great deal of confusion concerning the gift of tongues as found in Corinth. They prided themselves chiefly on this gift which had become a source of confusion and disorder. There were varieties (kinds, \genˆ\) in this gift, but the gift was essentially an ecstatic utterance of highly wrought emotion that edified the speaker (14:4|) and was intelligible to God (14:2,28|). It was not always true that the speaker in tongues could make clear what he had said to those who did not know the tongue (14:13|): It was not mere gibberish or jargon like the modern "tongues," but in a real language that could be understood by one familiar with that tongue as was seen on the great Day of Pentecost when people who spoke different languages were present. In Corinth, where no such variety of people existed, it required an interpreter to explain the tongue to those who knew it not. Hence Paul placed this gift lowest of all. It created wonder, but did little real good. This is the error of the Irvingites and others who have tried to reproduce this early gift of the Holy Spirit which was clearly for a special emergency and which was not designed to help spread the gospel among men. See on ¯Acts:2:13-21; strkjv@10:44-46; strkjv@19:6|. {The interpretation of tongues} (\hermˆneia gl“ss“n\). Old word, here only and strkjv@14:26| in N.T., from \hermˆneu“\ from \Hermˆs\ (the god of speech). Cf. on \diermˆneu“\ in strkjv@Luke:24:27; strkjv@Acts:9:36|. In case there was no one present who understood the particular tongue it required a special gift of the Spirit to some one to interpret it if any one was to receive benefit from it.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:19 @{One member} (\hen melos\). Paul applies the logic of verse 17| to any member of the body. The application to members of the church is obvious. It is particularly pertinent in the case of a "church boss."

rwp@1Corinthians:12:22 @{Nay, much rather} (\alla poll“i mallon\). Adversative sense of \alla\, on the contrary. Songs:far from the more dignified members like the eye and the head being independent of the subordinate ones like the hands and feet, they are "much more" (_argumentum a fortiori_, "by much more" \poll“i mallon\, instrumental case) in need of therm. {Those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary} (\ta dokounta melˆ tou s“matos asthenestera huparchein anagkaia estin\). Things are not always what they seem. The vital organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) are not visible, but life cannot exist without them.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:23 @{We bestow} (\peritithemen\). Literally, We place around as if a garland (Mark:15:17|) or a garment (Matthew:27:28|). {More abundant comeliness} (\euschˆmosunˆn perissoteran\). One need only mention the mother's womb and the mother's breast to see the force of Paul's argument here. The word, common in old Greek, from \euschˆm“n\ (\eu\, well, \schˆma\, figure), here only in N.T. One may think of the coal-miner who digs under the earth for the coal to keep us warm in winter. Songs:\aschˆm“n\ (deformed, uncomely), old word, here only in N.T., but see strkjv@7:36| for \aschˆmone“\.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:24 @{Tempered the body together} (\sunekerasen to s“ma\). First aorist active indicative of \sunkerannumi\, to mix together, old word, but in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:4:2|. Plato used this very word of the way God compounded (\sunekerasato\) the various elements of the body in creating soul and body. Paul rejects the idea of the later Gnostics that matter is evil and the physical organs degrading. He gives a noble picture of the body with its wonderful organs planned to be the temple of God's Spirit (6:19|) in opposition to the Epicurean sensualists in Corinth. {To that part which lacked} (\t“i husteroumen“i\). It is a true instinct that gives superior honour to the unseen organs of life.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:25 @{That there should be no schism} (\hina mˆ ˆi schisma\). Purpose of God in his plan for the body. Trouble in one organ affects the whole body. A headache may be due to trouble elsewhere and usually is. {Have the same care} (\to auto merimn“sin\). The very verb \merimna“\ used by Jesus of our anxiety (Matthew:6:27,31|). Paul here personifies the parts of the body as if each one is anxious for the others. The modern knowledge of the billions of cells in the body co-working for the whole confirms Paul's argument.

rwp@1Corinthians:12:27 @{Severally} (\ek merous\). See strkjv@Romans:11:25| \apo merous\ (in part). Each has his own place and function in the body of Christ.

rwp@1Corinthians:13:1 @{With the tongues} (\tais gl“ssais\). Instrumental case. Mentioned first because really least and because the Corinthians put undue emphasis on this gift. Plato (_Symposium_, 197) and many others have written on love, but Paul has here surpassed them all in this marvellous prose-poem. It comes like a sweet bell right between the jangling noise of the gifts in chapters 12 and 14. It is a pity to dissect this gem or to pull to pieces this fragrant rose, petal by petal. Fortunately Paul's language here calls for little comment, for it is the language of the heart. "The greatest, strongest, deepest thing Paul ever wrote" (Harnack). The condition (\ean\ and present subjunctive, \lal“ kai mˆ ech“\, though the form is identical with present indicative) is of the third class, a supposable case. {But have not love} (\agapˆn de mˆ ech“\). This is the _crux_ of the chapter. Love is the way _par excellence_ of strkjv@12:31|. It is not yet clearly certain that \agapˆ\ (a back-formation from \agapa“\) occurs before the LXX and the N.T. Plutarch used \agapˆsis\. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 198) once suspected it on an inscription in Pisidia. It is still possible that it occurs in the papyri (Prayer to Isis). See _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 75 for details. The rarity of \agapˆ\ made it easier for Christians to use this word for Christian love as opposed to \er“s\ (sexual love). See also Moffatt's Love in the N.T. (1930) for further data. The word is rare in the Gospels, but common in Paul, John, Peter, Jude. Paul does not limit \agapˆ\ at all (both toward God and man). Charity (Latin _caritas_) is wholly inadequate. "Intellect was worshipped in Greece, and power in Rome; but where did St. Paul learn the surpassing beauty of love?" (Robertson and Plummer). Whether Paul had ever seen Jesus in the flesh, he knows him in the spirit. One can substitute Jesus for love all through this panegyric. {I am become} (\gegona\). Second perfect indicative in the conclusion rather than the usual future indicative. It is put vividly, "I am already become." Sounding brass (\chalchos ˆch“n\). Old words. Brass was the earliest metal that men learned to use. Our word _echoing_ is \ˆch“n\, present active participle. Used in strkjv@Luke:21:25| of the roaring of the sea. Only two examples in N.T. {Clanging cymbal} (\kumbalon alalazon\). Cymbal old word, a hollow basin of brass. \Alalaz“\, old onomatopoetic word to ring loudly, in lament (Mark:5:38|), for any cause as here. Only two N.T. examples.

rwp@1Corinthians:13:3 @{Bestow to feed} (\Ps“mis“\). First aorist active subjunctive of \ps“miz“\, to feed, to nourish, from \ps“mos\, morsel or bit, and so to feed, by putting a morsel into the mouth like infant (or bird). Old word, but only here in N.T. {To be burned} (\hina kauthˆs“mai\). First future passive subjunctive (Textus Receptus), but D \kauthˆsomai\ (future passive indicative of \kai“\, old word to burn). There were even some who courted martyrdom in later years (time of Diocletian). This Byzantine future subjunctive does not occur in the old MSS. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 876). Aleph A B here read \kauchˆs“mai\, first aorist middle subjunctive of \kauchaomai\ (so Westcott and Hort), "that I may glory." This is correct. {It profiteth me nothing} (\ouden “pheloumai\). Literally, I am helped nothing. \Ouden\ in the accusative case retained with passive verb. See two accusatives with \“phele“\ in strkjv@14:6|. Verb is old and from \ophelos\ (profit).

rwp@1Corinthians:13:4 @Verses 4-7| picture the character or conduct of love in marvellous rhapsody. {Suffereth long} (\makrothumei\). Late _Koin‚_ word (Plutarch) from \makros\, long, \thumos\, passion, ardour. Cf. strkjv@James:5:7f|. {Is kind} (\chrˆsteuetai\). From \chrˆstos\ (useful, gracious, kind) and that from \chraomai\, to use. Not found elsewhere save in Clement of Rome and Eusebius. "Perhaps of Paul's coining" (Findlay). Perhaps a vernacular word ready for Paul. Gentle in behaviour. {Envieth not} (\ou zˆloi\). Present active indicative of \zˆlo“\ (contraction \oei=oi\, same as subjunctive and optative forms). Bad sense of \zˆlos\ from \ze“\, to boil, good sense in strkjv@12:31|. Love is neither jealous nor envious (both ideas). {Vaunteth not itself} (\ou perpereuetai\). From \perperos\, vainglorious, braggart (Polybius, Epictetus) like Latin _perperus_. Only here in N.T. and earliest known example. It means play the braggart. Marcus Anton. V. 5 uses it with \areskeuomai\, to play the toady. {Is not puffed up} (\ou phusioutai\). Present direct middle indicative of \phusio“\ from \phusis\ (late form for \phusa“, phusia“\ from \phusa\, bellows), to puff oneself out like a pair of bellows. This form in Herodas and Menander. Is not arrogant. See on ¯4:6|.

rwp@1Corinthians:13:7 @{Beareth all things} (\panta stegei\). \Steg“\ is old verb from \stegˆ\, roof, already in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:12; strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:1,5| which see. Love covers, protects, forbears (_suffert_, Vulgate). See strkjv@1Peter:4:8| "because love covers a multitude of sins" (\hoti agapˆ kaluptei phˆthos hamarti“n\), throws a veil over. {Believeth all things} (\panta pisteuei\). Not gullible, but has faith in men. {Hopeth all things} (\panta elpizei\). Sees the bright side of things. Does not despair. \Endureth all things\ (\panta hupomenei\). Perseveres. Carries on like a stout-hearted soldier. If one knows Sir Joshua Reynolds's beautiful painting of the Seven Virtues (the four cardinal virtues of the Stoics--temperance, prudence, fortitude, justice--and the three Christian graces--faith, hope, love), he will find them all exemplified here as marks of love (the queen of them all).

rwp@1Corinthians:13:9 @{In part} (\ek merous\). See on ¯12:27|. As opposed to the whole.

rwp@1Corinthians:13:13 @{Abideth} (\menei\). Singular, agreeing in number with \pistis\ (faith), first in list. {The greatest of these} (\meiz“n tout“n\). Predicative adjective and so no article. The form of \meiz“n\ is comparative, but it is used as superlative, for the superlative form \megistos\ had become rare in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 667ff.). See this idiom in strkjv@Matthew:11:11; strkjv@18:1; strkjv@23:11|. The other gifts pass away, but these abide forever. Love is necessary for both faith and hope. Does not love keep on growing? It is quite worth while to call attention to Henry Drummond's famous sermon _The Greatest Thing in the World_ and to Dr. J.D. Jones's able book _The Greatest of These_. Greatest, Dr. Jones holds, because love is an attribute of God.

rwp@1Corinthians:14:4 @{The church} (\ekklˆsian\). No article, literally, "a church" (local use). Not \hˆ ekklˆsia\.

rwp@1Corinthians:14:7 @{Things without life} (\apsucha\). Without a soul (\a\ privative, \psuchˆ\) or life. Old word only here in N.T. {Pipe} (\aulos\). Old word (from \a“, au“\, to blow), only here in N.T. {Harp} (\kithara\). Old word. Stringed instrument as pipe, a wind instrument. {If they give not a distinction in the sounds} (\ean diastolˆn tois phthoggois mˆ d“i\). Third class condition with second aorist active subjunctive \d“i\ from \did“mi\. Common word in late Greek for difference (\diastell“\, to send apart). In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:3:22; strkjv@10:12|. \Phthoggos\ old word (from \phtheggomai\) for musical sounds vocal or instrumental. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:10:18|.

rwp@1Corinthians:14:16 @{Else if thou bless with the spirit} (\epei ean eulogˆis en pneumati\). Third class condition. He means that, if one is praying and praising God (10:16|) in an ecstatic prayer, the one who does not understand the ecstasy will be at a loss when to say "amen" at the close of the prayer. In the synagogues the Jews used responsive amens at the close of prayers (Nehemiah:5:13; strkjv@8:6; strkjv@1Chronicles:16:36; strkjv@Psalms:106:48|). {He that filleth the place of the unlearned} (\ho anaplˆr“n ton topon tou idi“tou\). Not a special part of the room, but the position of the \idi“tou\ (from \idios\, one's own), common from Herodotus for private person (Acts:4:13|), unskilled (2Corinthians:11:6|), uninitiated (unlearned) in the gift of tongues as here and verses 23f|. {At thy giving of thanks} (\epi tˆi sˆi eucharistiƒi\). Just the prayer, not the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper, as is plain from verse 17|.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:3 @{First of all} (\en pr“tois\). Among first things. _In primis_. Not to time, but to importance. {Which I also received} (\ho kai parelabon\). Direct revelation claimed as about the institution of the Lord's Supper (11:23|) and same verbs used (\pared“ka, parelabon\). Four items given by Paul in explaining "the gospel" which Paul preached. Stanley calls it (verses 1-11|) the creed of the early disciples, but "rather a sample of the exact form of the apostle's early teaching, than a profession of faith on the part of converts" (Vincent). The four items are presented by four verbs (died, \apethanen\, was buried, \etaphˆ\, hath been raised, \egˆgertai\, appeared, \“phthˆ\). {Christ died} (\Christos apethanen\). Historical fact and crucial event. {For our sins} (\huper t“n hamarti“n hˆm“n\). \Huper\ means literally over, in behalf, even instead of (Galatians:3:13|), where used of persons. But here much in the sense of \peri\ (Galatians:1:14|) as is common in _Koin‚_. In strkjv@1Peter:3:18| we have \peri hamarti“n, huper adik“n\. {According to the Scriptures} (\kata tas graphas\). As Jesus showed (Luke:22:37; strkjv@24:25|) and as Peter pointed out (Acts:2:25-27; strkjv@3:35|) and as Paul had done (Acts:13:24f.; strkjv@17:3|). Cf. strkjv@Romans:1:2ff|.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:4 @{And that he was buried} (\kai hoti etaphˆ\). Note \hoti\ repeated before each of the four verbs as a separate item. Second aorist passive indicative of \thapt“\, old verb, to bury. This item is an important detail as the Gospels show. {And that he hath been raised} (\kai hoti egˆgertai\). Perfect passive indicative, not \ˆgerthˆ\ like {rose} of the King James' Version. There is reason for this sudden change of tense. Paul wishes to emphasize the permanence of the resurrection of Jesus. He is still risen. {On the third day} (\tˆi hˆmerƒi tˆi tritˆi\). Locative case of time. Whether Paul had seen either of the Gospels we do not know, but this item is closely identified with the fact of Christ's resurrection. We have it in Peter's speech (Acts:10:40|) and Jesus points it out as part of prophecy (Luke:24:46|). The other expression occasionally found "after three days" (Mark:10:34|) is merely free vernacular for the same idea and not even strkjv@Matthew:12:40| disturbs it. See on ¯Luke:24:1| for record of the empty tomb on the first day of the week (the third day).

rwp@1Corinthians:15:5 @{And that he appeared to Cephas} (\kai hoti “phthˆ Kˆphƒi\). First aorist passive indicative of the defective verb \hora“\, to see. Paul means not a mere "vision," but actual appearance. John uses \ephaner“thˆ\ (John:21:14|) from \phanero“\, to make manifest, of Christ's appearance to the seven by the Sea of Galilee. Peter was listed first (\pr“tos\) among the Apostles (Matthew:10:2|). Jesus had sent a special message to him (Mark:16:7|) after his resurrection. This special appearance to Peter is made the determining factor in the joyful faith of the disciples (Luke:24:34|), though mentioned incidentally here. Paul had told all these four facts to the Corinthians in his preaching. He gives further proof of the fact of Christ's resurrection. There are ten appearances given besides the one to Paul. Nine are in the Gospels (Mary Magdalene in John and Mark, the other women in Matthew, the two going to Emmaus in Luke, Simon Peter in Luke and I Corinthians, the ten apostles and others in Luke and John and Mark, the eleven and others in John, the seven by the sea in John, to over five hundred in Galilee in Matthew and Paul and Mark, to the apostles in Jerusalem in Luke and Mark and Acts and I Corinthians) and one in I Corinthians above (to James). It will be seen that Paul mentions only five of the ten, one, that to James, not given elsewhere. What he gives is conclusive evidence of the fact, particularly when re-enforced by his own experience (the sixth appearance mentioned by Paul). The way to prove this great fact is to start with Paul's own witness given in this undoubted Epistle. The natural way to understand Paul's adverbs of time here is chronological: {then} (\eita\), {then} (\epeita\), {then} (\epeita\), {then} (\eita\), {last of all} (\eschaton pant“n\). {To the twelve} (\tois d“deka\). The technical name. Only ten were present, for Judas was dead and Thomas was absent (John:20:24|).

rwp@1Corinthians:15:15 @{False witnesses of God} (\pseudomartures tou theou\). Late word, but \pseudomarture“\, to bear false witness, old and common. The genitive (\tou theou\) can be either subjective (in God's service) or objective (concerning God). Either makes good sense. {Because we witnessed of God} (\hoti emarturˆsamen kata tou theou\). Vulgate has _adversus Deum_. This is the more natural way to take \kata\ and genitive, {against God} not as equal to \peri\ (concerning). He would indeed make God play false in that case, {if so be that the dead are not raised} (\eiper ara nekroi ouk egeirontai\). Condition of first class, assumed as true. Note both \per\ intensive particle {indeed} and \ara\ inferential particle {therefore}.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:17 @{Vain} (\mataia\). Old word from adverb \matˆn\ (Matthew:15:9|), devoid of truth, a lie. Stronger word than \kenon\ in verse 14|. {Ye are yet in your sins} (\eti este en tais hamartiais hum“n\). Because the death of Christ has no atoning value if he did not rise from the dead. In that case he was only a man like other men and did not die for our sins (verse 3|).

rwp@1Corinthians:15:20 @{But now} (\nuni de\). Emphatic form of \nun\ with \-i\ added (cf. strkjv@12:18|). It is the logical triumph of Paul after the _reductio ad impossibile_ (Findlay) of the preceding argument. {The first-fruits} (\aparchˆ\). Old word from \aparchomai\, to offer firstlings or first-fruits. In LXX for first-fruits. In papyri for legacy-duty, entrance-fee, and also first-fruits as here. See also verse 23; strkjv@16:15; strkjv@Romans:8:23|, etc. Christ is "first-born from the dead" (Colossians:1:18|). Others raised from the dead died again, but not so Jesus. {That sleep} (\t“n kekoimˆmen“n\). Perfect middle participle as in strkjv@Matthew:27:52| which see. Beautiful picture of death from which word (\koimaomai\) comes our \cemetery\.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:26 @{The last enemy that shall be abolished is death} (\eschatos echthros katargeitai ho thanatos\). A rather free translation. Literally, "death (note article, and so subject) is done away (prophetic or futuristic use of present tense of same verb as in verse 24|), the last enemy" (predicate and only one "last" and so no article as in strkjv@1John:2:18|).

rwp@1Corinthians:15:27 @{He put} (\hupetaxen\). First aorist active of \hupotass“\, to subject. Supply God (\theos\) as subject (Psalms:8:7|). See strkjv@Hebrews:2:5-9| for similar use. Cf. strkjv@Psalms:8|. {But when he saith} (\hotan de eipˆi\). Here Christ must be supplied as the subject if the reference is to his future and final triumph. The syntax more naturally calls for God as the subject as before. Either way makes sense. But there is no need to take \eipˆi\ (second aorist active subjunctive) as _a futurum exactum_, merely "whenever he shall say." {Are put in subjection} (\hupotetaktai\). Perfect passive indicative, state of completion, final triumph. {It is evident that} (\dˆlon hoti\). Supply \estin\ (is) before \hoti\. {He is excepted who did subject} (\ektos tou hupotaxantos\). "Except the one (God) who did subject (articular aorist active participle) the all things to him (Christ)."

rwp@1Corinthians:15:34 @{Awake up righteously} (\eknˆpsate dikai“s\). Wake up as if from drunkenness. \Eknˆph“\, only here in N.T. sin not (\mˆ hamartanete\). Stop sinning. {No knowledge of God} (\agn“sian theou\). Old word for ignorance, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:2:15|. Ignorance of God, agnosticism. Some today (agnostics) even take pride in it instead of shame (\entropˆn\, turning in on oneself). See on ¯6:5| for \entropˆ\.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:37 @{Not the body which shall be} (\ou to s“ma to genˆsomenon\). Articular future participle of \ginomai\, literally, "not the body that will become." The new {body} (\s“ma\) is not yet in existence, but only the seed (\kokkos\, grain, old word, as in strkjv@Matthew:13:31|). {It may chance} (\ei tuchoi\). Fourth class condition as in strkjv@14:10| which see. Paul is rich in metaphors here, though usually not so (Howson, _Metaphors of St. Paul_). Paul was a city man. We sow seeds, not plants (bodies). The butterfly comes out of the dying worm.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:40 @{Celestial} (\epourania\). Old word, from \epi\, upon, \ouranos\, heaven, existing in heaven. Paul now rises higher in the range of his argument, above the merely {terrestrial} (\epigeia\, upon earth, \epi, ge\) bodies. He has shown differences in the bodies here on earth in plants and in the animal kingdom and now he indicates like differences to be seen in the heavens above us. {Is one} (\hetera men\) {--is another} (\hetera de\). Antithesis that admits glory for bodies on earth and bodies in the heavens. Experience does not argue against a glory for the spiritual body (Phillipians:3:21|).

rwp@1Corinthians:15:41 @{For one star differeth from another star in glory} (\astˆr gar asteros diapherei en doxˆi\). A beautiful illustration of Paul's point. \Asteros\ is the ablative case after \diapherei\ (old verb \diapher“\, Latin _differo_, our _differ_, bear apart). On \astˆr\ see strkjv@Matthew:2:7| and \astron\ strkjv@Luke:21:25|. Stars differ in magnitude and brilliancy. The telescope has added more force to Paul's argument. {In glory} (\en doxˆi\). Old word from \doke“\, to think, to seem. Songs:opinion, estimate, then the shekinah glory of God in the LXX, glory in general. It is one of the great words of the N.T. Jesus is termed the glory in strkjv@James:2:1|.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:42 @{Songs:is the resurrection of the dead} (\hout“s kai hˆ anastasis t“n nekr“n\). Paul now applies his illustrations to his argument to prove the kind of body we shall have after the resurrection. He does it by a series of marvellous contrasts that gather all his points. The earthly and the risen beings differ in duration, value, power (Wendt). {It is sown} (\speiretai\). In death, like the seed (37|). {In incorruption} (\en aphtharsiƒi\). Late word from \a\ privative and \phtheir“\, to corrupt. In LXX, Plutarch, Philo, late papyrus of a Gnostic gospel, and quotation from Epicurus. Vulgate _incorruptio_. The resurrection body has undergone a complete change as compared with the body of flesh like the plant from the seed. It is related to it, but it is a different body of glory.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:47 @{Earthly} (\cho‹kos\). Late rare word, from \chous\, dust. {The second man from heaven} (\ho deuteros anthr“pos ex ouranou\). Christ had a human (\psuchikon\) body, of course, but Paul makes the contrast between the first man in his natural body and the Second Man in his risen body. Paul saw Jesus after his resurrection and he appeared to him "from heaven." He will come again from heaven.

rwp@1Corinthians:15:48 @{As is the earthly} (\hoios ho choikos\). Masculine gender because of \anthr“pos\ and correlative pronouns (\hoios, toioutoi\) of character or quality. All men of dust (\cho‹koi\) correspond to "the man of dust" (\ho cho‹kos\), the first Adam. {As is the heavenly} (\hoios ho epouranios\). Christ in his ascended state (1Thessalonians:4:16; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:7; strkjv@Ephesians:2:6,20; strkjv@Phillipians:3:20f.|).

rwp@1Corinthians:15:56 @{The power of sin} (\hˆ dunamis tˆs hamartias\). See strkjv@Romans:4:15; strkjv@5:20; strkjv@6:14; 7; strkjv@Galatians:2:16; strkjv@3:1-5:4| for Paul's ideas here briefly expressed. In man's unrenewed state he cannot obey God's holy law.

rwp@1Corinthians:16:1 @{Now concerning the collection for the saints} (\peri de tˆs logias tˆs eis tous hagious\). Paul has discussed all the problems raised by the Corinthians. Now he has on his own heart the collection for the saints in Jerusalem (see chapters strkjv@2Corinthians:8; 9|). This word \logia\ (or \-eia\) is now known to be derived from a late verb \logeu“\, to collect, recently found in papyri and inscriptions (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 143). The word \logia\ is chiefly found in papyri, ostraca, and inscriptions that tell of religious collections for a god or a temple (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 105). The introduction of this topic may seem sudden, but the Corinthians were behind with their part of it. They may even have asked further about it. Paul feels no conflict between discussion of the resurrection and the collection. {Songs:also do ye} (\hout“s kai humas poiˆsate\). Paul had given orders (\dietaxa\) to the churches of Galatia and now gives them like commands. As a matter of fact, they had promised a long time before this (2Corinthians:8:10; strkjv@9:1-5|). Now do what you pledged.

rwp@1Corinthians:16:4 @{And if it be meet for me to go also} (\ean de axion ˆi tou kame poreuesthai\). "If the collection be worthy of the going as to me also." Condition of third class (\ean--ˆi\) and the articular infinitive in the genitive (\tou\) after \axion\. The accusative of general reference (\kame\, me also) with the infinitive. Songs:the awkward phrase clears up.

rwp@1Corinthians:16:6 @{It may be} (\tuchon\). Neuter accusative of second aorist active participle of \tugchan“\ used as an adverb (in Plato and Xenophon, but nowhere else in N.T.). {Or even winter} (\ˆ kai paracheimas“\). Future active of late verb \paracheimaz“\ (\cheim“n\, winter). See on ¯Acts:27:12; strkjv@28:11; strkjv@Titus:3:12|. He did stay in Corinth for three months (Acts:20:3|), probably the coming winter. {Whithersoever I go} (\hou ean poreu“mai\). Indefinite local clause with subjunctive. As a matter of fact, Paul had to flee from a conspiracy in Corinth (Acts:20:3|).

rwp@1Corinthians:16:7 @{Now by the way} (\arti en parod“i\). Like our "by the way" (\parodos\), incidentally. {If the Lord permit} (\ean ho Kurios epitrepsˆi\). Condition of the third class. Paul did everything \en Kuri“i\ (Cf. strkjv@Acts:18:21|).

rwp@1Corinthians:16:12 @{And it was not at all his will to come now} (\kai pant“s ouk ˆn thelˆma hina nun elthˆi\). Adversative use of \kai\ = "but." Apollos had left Corinth in disgust over the strife there which involved him and Paul (1Corinthians:1-4|). He had had enough of partisan strife over preachers.

rwp@1Corinthians:16:17 @{At the coming} (\epi tˆi parousiƒi\). At the coming here of Stephanas, etc., the very word used of the \parousia\ of Christ (15:23|). {That which was lacking on your part they supplied} (\to humeteron husterˆma houtoi aneplˆr“san\). Either "these filled up my lack of you" or "these filled up your lack of me." Either makes perfectly good sense and both were true. Which Paul meant we cannot tell.

rwp@1Corinthians:16:22 @\Anathema\. The word seems a bit harsh to us, but the refusal to love Christ (\ou philei\) on the part of a nominal Christian deserves \anathema\ (see on ¯12:3| for this word). \Maran atha\. This Aramaic phrase means "Our Lord (\maran\) cometh (\atha\)" or, used as a proleptic perfect, "has come." It seems to be a sort of watchword (cf. strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:14ff.; strkjv@James:5:7f.; strkjv@Phillipians:4:5; strkjv@Revelation:1:7; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@22:20|), expressing the lively hope that the Lord will come. It was a curious blunder in the King James Version that connected \Maran atha\ with \Anathema\.

rwp@Info_1John @ THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN ABOUT A.D. 85 TO 90 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION RELATION TO THE FOURTH GOSPEL There are few scholars who deny that the Epistles of John and the Fourth Gospel are by the same writer. As a matter of fact "in the whole of the First Epistle there is hardly a single thought that is not found in the Gospel" (Schulze). H. J. Holtzmann (_Jahrbuch fur Protestantische Theologie_, 1882, P. 128) in a series of articles on the "Problem of the First Epistle of St. John in its Relation to the Gospel" thinks that the similarities are closer than those between Luke's Gospel and the Acts. Baur argued that this fact was explained by conscious imitation on the part of one or the other, probably by the author of the Epistle. The solution lies either in identity of authorship or in imitation. If there is identity of authorship, Holtzmann argues that the Epistle is earlier, as seems to me to be true, while Brooke holds that the Gospel is the earlier and that the First Epistle represents the more complete ideas of the author. Both Holtzmann and Brooke give a detailed comparison of likenesses between the First Epistle and the Fourth Gospel in vocabulary, syntax, style, ideas. The arguments are not conclusive as to the priority of Epistle or Gospel, but they are as to identity of authorship. One who accepts, as I do, the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel for the reasons given in Volume V of this series, does not feel called upon to prove the Johannine authorship of the three Epistles that pass under the Apostle's name. Westcott suggests that one compare strkjv@John:1:1-18| with strkjv@1John:1:1-4| to see how the same mind deals with the same ideas in different connections. "No theory of conscious imitation can reasonably explain the subtle coincidences and differences in these two short crucial passages."

rwp@Info_1John @ DESTINATION It is not clear to whom the Epistle is addressed. Like the Gospel, the Epistle of John came out of the Asiatic circle with Ephesus as the centre. Augustine has the strange statement that the Epistle was addressed to the Parthians. There are other ingenious conjectures which come to nothing. The Epistle was clearly sent to those familiar with John's message, possibly to the churches of the Province of Asia (cf. the Seven Churches in Revelation).

rwp@Info_1John @ BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, _Epistles of John_ (Speaker's Comm., 1889). Barrett, _Devotional Comm. on John_ (1910). Baumgartner, _Die Schriften des N.T_. (IV. 3, 1918). Belser, _Komm_. (1906). Bennett, _New-Century Bible_. Brooke, _Int. Crit. Comm_. (Johannine Epistles, 1912). Cox, _Private Letters of St. Paul and St. John_ (1887). Ebrard, _Die Briefe Johannis_ (1859). Ewald, _Die Johanneischen Schriften_ (1861). Findlay, _Fellowship in the Life Eternal_ (1909) Gibbon, _Eternal Life_ (1890). Gore, _Epistles of John_ (1921). Green, _Ephesian Canonical Writings_ (1910). Haring, _Die Johannesbriefe_ (1927). Haupt, _I John_ (1869). Hilgenfeld, _Das Evangelium und die Briefe Johannis nach ihrem Lehrbegriff dargestellt_ (1849). Holtzmann-Bauer, _Hand-Comm. sum N.T_. (1908). Holtzmann, _Das Problem des I Johannesbr. in seinem Ver- haltniss zum Evang_. (Jahrbuch fur Prot. Theologie, 1881, 1882). Huther, _Crit. and Exeget. to the General Eps. of James and John_ (1882). Karl, _Johanneische Studien_ (der I Johannes Brief, 1898). Law, _The Tests of Life_ (1909). Lias, _Epistles of John_ (1887). Loisy, _Les epitres dites de Jean_ (1921) in le quatrieme evan- gile. Lucke, _Comm. on Epistles of John_ (1837). Luthardt, _Strack-Zoeckler Komm_. (1895). Maurice, _The Epistles of St. John_ (1857). Plummer, _Cambridge Greek Test_ (1886). Ramsay, A., _Westminster N.T_. (1910). Ritter, _Die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen_ (1929). Robertson, J. A., _The Johannine Epistles_ (1920). Rothe, _Der erste Brief Johannis_ (1879). Sawtelle, _American Comm_. (1890). Smith, David, _The Expositor's Greek Testament_ (1910). Watson, _Epistles of John_ (1910). Weiss, B., _Die drei Briefe des Apostels Johannis_ (Meyer Komm. 1900). Wendt, _Die Johannesbriefe und das Johanneische Christen- tum_ (1925). Westcott, _The Epistles of St. John_. 3rd ed. (1892). Windisch, _Die Katholischer Briefe_ (Handbuch zum N.T., 2 Aufl., 1930). Wrede, _In Die Heiligen Schriften des N.T_. (2 Aufl., 1924). Wurm, _Die Irrlehrer im I Johannes Brief_ (1903). strkjv@1John:1:1 @{That which} (\ho\). Strictly speaking, the neuter relative here is not personal, but the message "concerning the Word of life" (\peri tou logou tˆs z“ˆs\), a phrase that reminds one at once of the Word (\Logos\) in strkjv@John:1:1,14; strkjv@Revelation:19:14| (an incidental argument for identity of authorship for all these books). For discussion of the \Logos\ see on ¯John:1:1-18|. Here the \Logos\ is described by \tˆs z“ˆs\ (of life), while in strkjv@John:1:4| he is called \hˆ z“ˆ\ (the Life) as here in verse 2| and as Jesus calls himself (John:11:25; strkjv@14:6|), an advance on the phrase here, and in strkjv@Revelation:19:14| he is termed \ho logos tou theou\ (the Word of God), though in strkjv@John:1:1| the \Logos\ is flatly named \ho theos\ (God). John does use \ho\ in a collective personal sense in strkjv@John:6:37,39|. See also \pan ho\ in strkjv@1John:5:4|. {From the beginning} (\ap' archˆs\). Anarthrous as in strkjv@John:1:1; strkjv@6:64; strkjv@16:4|. See same phrase in strkjv@2:7|. The reference goes beyond the Christian dispensation, beyond the Incarnation, to the eternal purpose of God in Christ (John:3:16|), "coeval in some sense with creation" (Westcott). {That which we have heard} (\ho akˆkoamen\). Note fourfold repetition of \ho\ (that which) without connectives (asyndeton). The perfect tense (active indicative of \akou“\) stresses John's equipment to speak on this subject so slowly revealed. It is the literary plural unless John associates the elders of Ephesus with himself (Lightfoot) the men who certified the authenticity of the Gospel (John:21:24|). {That which we have seen} (\ho he“rakamen\). Perfect active, again, of \hora“\, with the same emphasis on the possession of knowledge by John. {With our eyes} (\tois ophthalmois hˆm“n\). Instrumental case and showing it was not imagination on John's part, not an optical illusion as the Docetists claimed, for Jesus had an actual human body. He could be heard and seen. {That which we beheld} (\ho etheasametha\). Repetition with the aorist middle indicative of \theaomai\ (the very form in strkjv@John:1:14|), "a spectacle which broke on our astonished vision" (D. Smith). {Handled} (\epsˆlaphˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \psˆlapha“\, old and graphic verb (from \psa“\, to touch), the very verb used by Jesus to prove that he was not a mere spirit (Luke:24:39|). Three senses are here appealed to (hearing, sight, touch) as combining to show the reality of Christ's humanity against the Docetic Gnostics and the qualification of John by experience to speak. But he is also "the Word of life" and so God Incarnate.

rwp@1John:1:2 @{Was manifested} (\ephaner“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \phanero“\, to make known what already exists, whether invisible (B. Weiss) or visible, "intellectual or sensible" (Brooke). In strkjv@Colossians:3:4| Paul employs it of the second coming of Christ. Verse 2| here is an important parenthesis, a mark of John's style as in strkjv@John:1:15|. By the parenthesis John heaps reassurance upon his previous statement of the reality of the Incarnation by the use of \he“rakamen\ (as in verse 1|) with the assertion of the validity of his "witness" (\marturoumen\) and "message" (\apaggellomen\), both present active indicatives (literary plurals), \apaggell“\ being the public proclamation of the great news (John:16:25|). {The life, the eternal life} (\tˆn z“ˆn tˆn ai“nion\). Taking up \z“ˆ\ of verse 1|, John defines the term by the adjective \ai“nios\, used 71 times in the N.T., 44 times with \z“ˆ\ and 23 in John's Gospel and Epistles (only so used in these books by John). Here lt means the divine life which the Logos was and is (John:1:4; strkjv@1John:1:1|). {Which} (\hˆtis\). Qualitative relative, "which very life." {Was with the Father} (\ˆn pros ton patera\). Not \egeneto\, but \ˆn\, and \pros\ with the accusative of intimate fellowship, precisely as in strkjv@John:1:1| \ˆn pros ton theon\ (was with God). Then John closes the parenthesis by repeating \ephaner“thˆ\.

rwp@1John:1:3 @{That which we have seen} (\ho he“rakamen\). Third use of this form (verses 1,2,3|), this time resumption after the parenthesis in verse 2|. {And heard} (\kai akˆkoamen\). Second (verse 1| for first) use of this form, a third in verse 5|. Emphasis by repetition is a thoroughly Johannine trait. {Declare we} (\apaggellomen\). Second use of this word (verse 2| for first), but \aggelia\ (message) and \anaggellomen\ (announce) in verse 5|. {That ye also may have} (\hina kai humeis echˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \ech“\ (may keep on having). "Ye also" who have not seen Jesus in the flesh as well as those like John who have seen him. Like \kai humin\ (to you also) just before. {Fellowship with us} (\koin“nian meth' hˆm“n\). Common word in this Epistle, from \koin“nos\, partner (Luke:5:10|), and \koin“ne“\, to share, in (1Peter:4:13|), with \meta\ emphasising mutual relationship (Acts:2:42|). This Epistle often uses \ech“\ with a substantive rather than a verb. {Yea, and our fellowship} (\kai hˆ koin“nia de hˆ hˆmetera\). Careful explanation of his meaning in the word "fellowship" (partnership), involving fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and only possible in Christ.

rwp@1John:1:7 @{If we walk} (\ean peripat“men\). Condition of third class also with \ean\ and present active subjunctive (keep on walking in the light with God). {As he} (\h“s autos\). As God is light (verse 5|) and dwells in light unapproachable (1Timothy:6:16|). {One with another} (\met' allˆl“n\). As he has already said in verse 3|. But we cannot have fellowship with one another unless we have it with God in Christ, and to do that we must walk in the light with God. {And the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin} (\kai to haima Iˆsou tou huiou autou katharizei hˆmƒs apo pƒsˆs hamartias\). This clause with \kai\ in true Johannine style is coordinate with the preceding one. Walking in the light with God makes possible fellowship with one another and is made possible also by the blood of Jesus (real blood and no mere phantom, atoning blood of the sinless Son of God for our sins). John is not ashamed to use this word. It is not the mere "example" of Jesus that "cleanses" us from sin. It does cleanse the conscience and life and nothing else does (Hebrews:9:13f.; strkjv@Titus:2:14|). See in verse 9| both forgiveness and cleansing. Cf. strkjv@1John:3:3|.

rwp@1John:1:8 @{If we say} (\ean eip“men\). See verse 6|. {We have no sin} (\hamartian ouk echomen\). For this phrase see strkjv@John:9:41; strkjv@15:22,24|. That is, we have no personal guilt, no principle of sin. This some of the Gnostics held, since matter was evil and the soul was not contaminated by the sinful flesh, a thin delusion with which so-called Christian scientists delude themselves today. {We deceive ourselves} (\heautous plan“men\). Present active indicative of \plana“\, to lead astray. We do not deceive others who know us. Negative statement again of the same idea, "the truth is not in us."

rwp@1John:1:10 @{If we say} (\ean eip“men\). As in verses 6,8|. {We have not sinned} (\ouch hamartˆkamen\). Perfect active indicative of \hamartan“\. This is a denial of any specific acts of sin, while in verse 8| we have the denial of the principle of sin. David Smith observes that the claim to personal perfectionism has two causes, one the stifling of conscience in making God a liar (\pseustˆn\, the word used of the devil by Jesus in strkjv@John:8:44|), and the other ignorance of God's word, which is not in us, else we should not make such a claim.

rwp@1John:2:1 @{My little children} (\teknia mou\). Tender tone with this diminutive of \teknon\ (child), again in strkjv@2:12; strkjv@3:18|, but \paidia\ in strkjv@2:14|. John is now an old man and regards his readers as his little children. That attitude is illustrated in the story of his visit to the robber to win him to Christ. {That ye may not sin} (\hina mˆ hamartˆte\). Purpose (negative) clause with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist (ingressive, commit sin) active subjunctive of \hamartan“\, to sin. John has no patience with professional perfectionists (1:8-10|), but he has still less with loose-livers like some of the Gnostics who went to all sorts of excesses without shame. {If any man sin} (\ean tis hamartˆi\). Third-class condition with \ean\ and second aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive again, "if one commit sin." {We have} (\echomen\). Present active indicative of \ech“\ in the apodosis, a present reality like \echomen\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1|. {An advocate} (\paraklˆton\). See on ¯John:14:16,26; strkjv@15:26; strkjv@16:7| for this word, nowhere else in the N.T. The Holy Spirit is God's Advocate on earth with men, while Christ is man's Advocate with the Father (the idea, but not the word, in strkjv@Romans:8:31-39; strkjv@Hebrews:7:25|). As \dikaios\ (righteous) Jesus is qualified to plead our case and to enter the Father's presence (Hebrews:2:18|).

rwp@1John:2:2 @{And he} (\kai autos\). He himself in his own person, both priest and sacrifice (Hebrews:9:14|). {The propitiation} (\hilasmos\). Late substantive from \hilaskomai\ (Luke:18:13; strkjv@Hebrews:2:17|), in LXX, Philo, Plutarch, in N.T. only here and strkjv@4:10|. Christ himself is the means of propitiation for (\peri\ concerning) our sins. See \hilastˆrion\ in strkjv@Romans:3:15|. {For the whole world} (\peri holou tou kosmou\). It is possible to supply the ellipsis here of \t“n hamarti“n\ (the sins of) as we have it in strkjv@Hebrews:7:27|, but a simpler way is just to regard "the whole world" as a mass of sin (5:19|). At any rate, the propitiation by Christ provides for salvation for all (Hebrews:2:9|) if they will only be reconciled with God (2Corinthians:5:19-21|).

rwp@1John:2:4 @{I know him} (\Egn“ka auton\). Perfect active indicative with recitative \hoti\ like quotation marks just before it. This is one of the pious platitudes, cheap claptrap of the Gnostics, who would bob up in meetings with such explosions. John punctures such bubbles with the sharp addition "and keepeth not" (\ho mˆ tˆr“n\, present active linear participle). "The one who keeps on saying: 'I have come to know him,' and keeps on not keeping his commandments is a liar" (\pseustˆs\, just like Satan, strkjv@John:8:44| and like strkjv@1John:1:8,10|), followed by the negative statement as in strkjv@1:8,10|. There is a whip-cracker effect in John's words.

rwp@1John:2:6 @{Himself also to walk} (\kai autos peripatein\). Present active infinitive after \opheilei\ (ought), "Himself also to keep on walking," a continuous performance, not a spasmodic spurt. {Even as he walked} (\kath“s ekeinos periepatˆsen\). Constative aorist active indicative summing up the life of Christ on earth with the emphatic use of the demonstrative \ekeinos\ in reference to Christ as in strkjv@3:3,5,7,16; strkjv@4:17; strkjv@John:7:11; strkjv@9:12,28; strkjv@19:21|.

rwp@1John:2:9 @{And hateth his brother} (\kai ton adelphon autou mis“n\). Sharp contrast between the love just described and hate. The only way to walk in the light (1:7|) is to have fellowship with God who is light (1:3,5|). Songs:the claim to be in the light is nullified by hating a brother. {Even until now} (\he“s arti\). Up till this moment. In spite of the increasing light and his own boast he is in the dark.

rwp@1John:2:11 @{Blinded} (\etuphl“sen\). First aorist active indicative of \tuphlo“\, the very verb and form used in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4| of the god of this age to keep men from beholding the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God. The first part of the verse repeats verse 9|, but adds this vivid touch of the blinding power of darkness. In the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky the fish in Echo River have eye-sockets, but no eyes.

rwp@1John:2:13 @{Fathers} (\pateres\). Those mature believers with long and rich experience (\egn“kate\, ye have come to know and still know). {Him which is from the beginning} (\ton ap' archˆs\). See strkjv@1:1| as explaining this crisp description of the Word of life (cf. strkjv@John:1:1-18|). {Young men} (\neaniskoi\). The younger element in contrast to the fathers, full of vigor and conflict and victory. {Ye have overcome the evil one} (\nenikˆkate ton ponˆron\). Perfect active indicative of \nika“\, a permanent victory after conflict. The masculine article \ton\ shows that the prince of darkness is the one defeated in this struggle, the devil plain in strkjv@3:8,10| (John:8:44; strkjv@13:2|).

rwp@1John:2:17 @{Passeth away} (\paragetai\). "Is passing by" (linear action, present middle indicative), as in verse 8|. There is consolation in this view of the transitoriness of the conflict with the world. Even the lust which belongs to the world passes also. The one who keeps on doing (\poi“n\ present active participle of \poie“\) the will of God "abides for ever" (\menei eis ton ai“na\) "amid the flux of transitory things" (D. Smith).

rwp@1John:2:18 @{It is the last hour} (\eschatˆ h“ra estin\). This phrase only here in N.T., though John often uses \h“ra\ for a crisis (John:2:4; strkjv@4:21,23; strkjv@5:25,28|, etc.). It is anarthrous here and marks the character of the "hour." John has seven times "the last day" in the Gospel. Certainly in verse 28| John makes it plain that the \parousia\ might come in the life of those then living, but it is not clear that here he definitely asserts it as a fact. It was his hope beyond a doubt. We are left in doubt about this "last hour" whether it covers a period, a series, or the final climax of all just at hand. {As ye heard} (\kath“s ˆkousate\). First aorist active indicative of \akou“\. {Antichrist cometh} (\antichristos erchetai\). "Is coming." Present futuristic or prophetic middle indicative retained in indirect assertion. Songs:Jesus taught (Mark:13:6,22; strkjv@Matthew:24:5,15,24|) and so Paul taught (Acts:20:30; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:3|). These false Christs (Matthew:24:24; strkjv@Mark:13:22|) are necessarily antichrists, for there can be only one. \Anti\ can mean substitution or opposition, but both ideas are identical in the word \antichristos\ (in N.T. only here, strkjv@2:22; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@2John:1:7|). Westcott rightly observes that John's use of the word is determined by the Christian conception, not by the Jewish apocalypses. {Have there arisen} (\gegonasin\). Second perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. {Many antichrists} (\antichristoi polloi\). Not just one, but the exponents of the Gnostic teaching are really antichrists, just as some modern deceivers deserve this title. {Whereby} (\hothen\). By the fact that these many antichrists have come.

rwp@1John:2:22 @{The liar} (\ho pseustˆs\). The liar (with the article) _par excellence_. Rhetorical question to sharpen the point made already about lying in strkjv@1:6,10; strkjv@2:4,21|. See strkjv@5:5| for a like rhetorical question. {But} (\ei mˆ\). Except, if not. {That denieth that Jesus is the Christ} (\ho arnoumenos hoti Iˆsous ouk estin ho Christos\). Common Greek idiom for \ouk\ to appear after \arneomai\ like redundant \mˆ\ in strkjv@Luke:20:27; strkjv@Hebrews:12:19|. The old Latin retains _non_ here as old English did (Shakespeare, _Comedy of Errors_ IV. ii. 7, "He denied you had in him no right"). The Cerinthian Gnostics denied the identity of the man Jesus and Christ (an \aeon\, they held) like the modern Jesus or Christ controversy. {This is the antichrist} (\houtos estin ho antichristos\). The one just mentioned, Cerinthus himself in particular. {Even he that denieth the Father and the Son} (\ho arnoumenos ton patera kai ton huion\). This is the inevitable logic of such a rejection of the Son of God. Jesus had himself said this very same thing (John:5:23f.|).

rwp@1John:2:26 @{Concerning them that would lead you astray} (\peri t“n plan“nt“n humas\). "Concerning those that are trying to lead you astray" (conative use of the present active articular participle of \plana“\. See strkjv@1:8| for this verb. John is doing his part to rescue the sheep from the wolves, as Paul did (Acts:20:29|).

rwp@1John:3:3 @{Set on him} (\ep' aut“i\). Resting upon (\epi\) with locative rather than \eis\, looking to, strkjv@Acts:24:15|. That is upon Christ (Brooke), upon God (D. Smith), upon God in Christ (Westcott). {Purifieth himself} (\hagnizei heauton\). Present active indicative of \hagniz“\, old verb, from \hagnos\ (pure from contamination), used of ceremonial purifications (John:11:55; strkjv@Acts:21:24,26| as in strkjv@Exodus:19:10|) and then of personal internal cleansing of heart (James:4:8|), soul (1Peter:1:22|), self (here). Cf. strkjv@Phillipians:2:12f.| the work of both God and man. {As he is pure} (\kath“s ekeinos hagnos estin\). As in strkjv@2:6; strkjv@3:9| \ekeinos\ (emphatic demonstrative) refers to Christ. Christ can be termed \hagnos\ "in virtue of the perfection of his humanity" (Westcott). Our destiny is to be conformed to the image of God in Christ (Romans:8:29|).

rwp@1John:3:4 @{Sin is lawlessness} (\hˆ hamartia estin hˆ anomia\). The article with both subject and predicate makes them coextensive and so interchangeable. Doing sin is the converse of doing righteousness (2:29|). The present active participle (\poi“n\) means the habit of doing sin.

rwp@1John:3:5 @{He} (\ekeinos\). As in verse 3; strkjv@John:1:18|. {Was manifested} (\ephaner“thˆ\). Same form as in verse 2|, but here of the Incarnation as in strkjv@John:21:1|, not of the second coming (1John:2:28|). {To take away sins} (\hina tas hamartias arˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \air“\ as in strkjv@John:1:29|. In strkjv@Isaiah:53:11| we have \anapher“\ for bearing sins, but \air“\ properly means to lift up and carry away (John:2:16|). Songs:in strkjv@Hebrews:10:4| we find \aphaire“\ and strkjv@Hebrews:10:11| \periaire“\, to take away sins completely (the complete expiation wrought by Christ on Calvary). The plural \hamartias\ here, as in strkjv@Colossians:1:14|, not singular (collective sense) \hamartian\ as in strkjv@John:1:29|. {And in him is no sin} (\kai hamartia en aut“i ouk estin\). "And sin (the sinful principle) in him is not." As Jesus had claimed about himself (John:7:18; strkjv@8:46|) and as is repeatedly stated in the N.T. (2Corinthians:5:21; strkjv@Hebrews:4:15; strkjv@7:26; strkjv@9:13|).

rwp@1John:3:6 @{Sinneth not} (\ouch hamartanei\). Linear present (linear \men“n\, keeps on abiding) active indicative of \hamartan“\, "does not keep on sinning." For \men“\ (abide) see strkjv@2:6; strkjv@John:15:4-10|. {Whosoever sinneth} (\ho hamartan“n\). Present (linear) active articular participle like \men“n\ above, "the one who keeps on sinning" (lives a life of sin, not mere occasional acts of sin as \hamartˆsas\, aorist active participle, would mean). {Hath not seen him} (\ouch he“raken auton\). Perfect active indicative of \hora“\. The habit of sin is proof that one has not the vision or the knowledge (\egn“ken\, perfect active also) of Christ. He means, of course, spiritual vision and spiritual knowledge, not the literal sense of \hora“\ in strkjv@John:1:18; strkjv@20:29|.

rwp@1John:3:7 @{Let no man lead you astray} (\mˆdeis planƒt“ humas\). Present active imperative of \plana“\, "let no one keep on leading you astray." See strkjv@1:8; strkjv@2:26|. Break the spell of any Gnostic charmer. {He that doeth righteousness} (\ho poi“n tˆn dikaiosunˆn\). "He that keeps on doing (present active participle of \poie“\) righteousness." For this idiom with \poie“\ see strkjv@1:6; strkjv@3:4|. {He} (\ekeinos\). Christ as in verse 5|.

rwp@1John:3:8 @{He that doeth sin} (\ho poi“n tˆn hamartian\). "He that keeps on doing sin" (the habit of sin). {Of the devil} (\ek tou diabolou\). In spiritual parentage as Jesus said of the Pharisees in strkjv@John:8:44|. When one acts like the devil he shows that he is not a true child of God. {Sinneth from the beginning} (\ap' archˆs hamartanei\). Linear progressive present active indicative, "he has been sinning from the beginning" of his career as the devil. This is his normal life and those who imitate him become his spiritual children. {That he might destroy} (\hina lusˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \lu“\. This purpose (\eis touto\) Jesus had and has. There is eternal conflict, with final victory over Satan certain.

rwp@1John:3:9 @{Doeth no sin} (\hamartian ou poiei\). Linear present active indicative as in verse 4| like \hamartanei\ in verse 8|. The child of God does not have the habit of sin. {His seed} (\sperma autou\). God's seed, "the divine principle of life" (Vincent). Cf. strkjv@John:1|. {And he cannot sin} (\kai ou dunatai hamartanein\). This is a wrong translation, for this English naturally means "and he cannot commit sin" as if it were \kai ou dunatai hamartein\ or \hamartˆsai\ (second aorist or first aorist active infinitive). The present active infinitive \hamartanein\ can only mean "and he cannot go on sinning," as is true of \hamartanei\ in verse 8| and \hamartan“n\ in verse 6|. For the aorist subjunctive to commit a sin see \hamartˆte\ and \hamartˆi\ in strkjv@2:1|. A great deal of false theology has grown out of a misunderstanding of the tense of \hamartanein\ here. Paul has precisely John's idea in strkjv@Romans:6:1| \epimen“men tˆi hamartiƒi\ (shall we continue in sin, present active linear subjunctive) in contrast with \hamartˆs“men\ in strkjv@Romans:6:15| (shall we commit a sin, first aorist active subjunctive).

rwp@1John:3:10 @{In this} (\en tout“i\). As already shown. A life of sin is proof that one is a child of the devil and not of God. This is the line of cleavage that is obvious to all. See strkjv@John:8:33-39| for the claim of the Pharisees to be the children of Abraham, whereas their conduct showed them to be children of the devil. This is not a popular note with an age that wishes to remove all distinctions between Christians and the world. {Doeth not righteousness} (\ho mˆ poi“n dikaiosunˆn\). Habit (linear present participle) again of not doing righteousness, as in verse 7| of doing it. Cf. \poiei\ and \mˆ poi“n\ (doing and not doing) in strkjv@Matthew:7:24,26|. {Neither} (\kai\). Literally, "and," but with the ellipsis of \ouk estin ek tou theou\ (is not of God). The addition here of this one item about not loving (\mˆ agap“n\) one's brother is like Paul's summary in strkjv@Romans:13:9|, a striking illustration of the general principle just laid down and in accord with strkjv@2:9-11|.

rwp@1John:3:14 @{We know} (\hˆmeis oidamen\). Emphatic expression of \hˆmeis\ (we) in contrast to the unregenerate world, the Christian consciousness shared by writer and readers. {We have passed} (\metabebˆkamen\). Perfect active indicative of \metabain“\, old compound to pass over from one place to another (John:7:3|), to migrate, out of death into life. We have already done it while here on earth. {Because} (\hoti\). Proof of this transition, not the ground of it. {We love the brethren} (\agap“men tous adelphous\). Just this phrase (plural) here alone, but see strkjv@2:9| for the singular. {He that loveth not} (\ho mˆ agap“n\). "The not loving man," general picture and picture of spiritual death.

rwp@1John:3:15 @{A murderer} (\anthr“poktonos\). Old compound (Euripides) from \anthr“pos\ (man) and \ktein“\ (to kill), a man-killer, in N.T. only here and strkjv@John:8:44| (of Satan). {No} (\pƒs--ou\). According to current Hebraistic idiom= \oudeis\ as in strkjv@2:19,21|. {Abiding} (\menousan\). Present active feminine accusative predicate participle of \men“\, "a continuous power and a communicated gift" (Westcott).

rwp@1John:3:17 @{Whoso hath} (\hos an echˆi\). Indefinite relative clause with modal \an\ with \hos\ and the present active subjunctive of \ech“\. {The world's goods} (\ton bion tou kosmou\). "The living or livelihood (not \z“ˆ\, the principle of life, and see strkjv@2:16| for \bios\) of the world" (not in the sense of evil or wicked, but simply this mundane sphere). {Beholdeth} (\the“rei\). Present active subjunctive of \the“re“\, like \echei\ just before. {In need} (\chreian echonta\). "Having need" (present active predicate participle of \ech“\, agreeing with \adelphon\). See the vivid picture of a like case in strkjv@James:2:15f|. {Shutteth up} (\kleisˆi\). First aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \klei“\, to close like the door, changed on purpose from present tense to aorist (graphic slamming the door of his compassion, \splagchna\, common in LXX and N.T. for the nobler viscera, the seat of the emotions, as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:11; strkjv@Colossians:3:12|). Only here in John. {How} (\p“s\). Rhetorical question like that in strkjv@James:2:16| (what is the use?). It is practical, not speculative, that counts in the hour of need.

rwp@1John:3:19 @{Shall we know} (\gn“sometha\). Future middle indicative of \gin“sk“\, at any future emergency, we shall come to know by this (\en tout“i\) "that we are of the truth" (\hoti ek tˆs alˆtheias esmen\). {Before him} (\emprosthen autou\). In the very presence of God we shall have confident assurance (\peisomen tˆn kardian hˆm“n\, either we shall persuade our heart or shall assure our heart) because God understands us.

rwp@1John:3:20 @{Whereinsoever our heart condemn us} (\hoti ean katagin“skˆi hˆm“n hˆ kardia\). A construction like \hoti an\, whatever, in strkjv@John:2:5; strkjv@14:13|. \Katagin“sk“\ occurs only three times in the N.T., here, verse 21; strkjv@Galatians:2:11|. It means to know something against one, to condemn. {Because God is greater than our heart} (\hoti meiz“n estin tˆs kardias hˆm“n\). Ablative \kardias\ after the comparative \meiz“n\. {And knoweth all things} (\kai gin“skei panta\). Just so Peter replied to Jesus in spite of his denials (John:21:17|). God's omniscience is linked with his love and sympathy. God knows every secret in our hearts. This difficult passage strikes the very centre of Christian truth (Brooke).

rwp@1John:3:21 @{If our heart condemn us not} (\ean hˆ kardia mˆ katagin“skˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean mˆ\ and present active subjunctive. The converse of the preceding, but not a claim to sinlessness, but the consciousness of fellowship in God's presence. {Boldness toward God} (\parrˆsian pros ton theon\). Even in prayer (Hebrews:4:16|). See also strkjv@2:28|.

rwp@1John:4:2 @{Hereby know ye} (\en tout“i gin“skete\). Either present active indicative or imperative. The test of "the Spirit of God" (\to pneuma tou theou\) here alone in this Epistle, save verse 13|. With the clamour of voices then and now this is important. The test (\en tout“i\, as in strkjv@3:19|) follows. {That Jesus Christ is come in the flesh} (\Iˆsoun Christon en sarki elˆluthota\). The correct text (perfect active participle predicate accusative), not the infinitive (\elˆluthenai\, B Vg). The predicate participle (see strkjv@John:9:22| for predicate accusative with \homologe“\) describes Jesus as already come in the flesh (his actual humanity, not a phantom body as the Docetic Gnostics held). See this same idiom in strkjv@2John:1:7| with \erchomenon\ (coming). A like test is proposed by Paul for confessing the deity of Jesus Christ in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3| and for the Incarnation and Resurrection of Jesus in strkjv@Romans:10:6-10|.

rwp@1John:4:3 @{Confesseth not} (\mˆ homologei\). Indefinite relative clause with the subjective negative \mˆ\ rather than the usual objective negative \ou\ (verse 6|). It is seen also in strkjv@2Peter:1:9; strkjv@Titus:1:11|, a survival of the literary construction (Moulton, _Prolegomena_, p. 171). The Vulgate (along with Irenaeus, Tertullian, Augustine) reads _solvit_ (\luei\) instead of \mˆ homologei\, which means "separates Jesus," apparently an allusion to the Cerinthian heresy (distinction between Jesus and Christ) as the clause before refers to the Docetic heresy. Many MSS. have here also \en sarki elˆluthota\ repeated from preceding clause, but not A B Vg Cop. and not genuine. {The spirit of the antichrist} (\to tou antichristou\). \Pneuma\ (spirit) not expressed, but clearly implied by the neuter singular article to. It is a repetition of the point about antichrists made in strkjv@2:18-25|. {Whereof} (\ho\). Accusative of person (grammatical neuter referring to \pneuma\) with \akou“\ along with accusative of the thing (\hoti erchetai\, as in strkjv@2:18|, futuristic present middle indicative). Here the perfect active indicative (\akˆkoate\), while in strkjv@2:18| the aorist (\ˆkousate\). {And now already} (\kai nun ˆdˆ\). As in strkjv@2:18| also (many have come). "The prophecy had found fulfilment before the Church had looked for it" (Westcott). It is often so. For \ˆdˆ\ see strkjv@John:4:35; strkjv@9:27|.

rwp@1John:4:6 @{We} (\hˆmeis\). In sharp contrast with the false prophets and the world. We are in tune with the Infinite God. Hence "he that knoweth God" (\ho gin“sk“n ton theon\, present active articular participle, the one who keeps on getting acquainted with God, growing in his knowledge of God) "hears us" (\akouei hˆm“n\). This is one reason why sermons are dull (some actually are, others so to dull hearers) or inspiring. There is a touch of mysticism here, to be sure, but the heart of Christianity is mysticism (spiritual contact with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit). John states the same idea negatively by a relative clause parallel with the preceding articular participle, the negative with both clauses. John had felt the cold, indifferent, and hostile stare of the worldling as he preached Jesus. {By this} (\ek toutou\). "From this," deduction drawn from the preceding; only example in the Epistle for the common \en tout“i\ as in strkjv@4:2|. The power of recognition (\gin“skomen\, we know by personal experience) belongs to all believers (Westcott). There is no reason for Christians being duped by "the spirit of error" (\to pneuma tˆs planˆs\), here alone in the N.T., though we have \pneumasin planois\ (misleading spirits) in strkjv@1Timothy:4:1|. Rejection of the truth may be due also to our not speaking the truth in love (Ephesians:4:15|).

rwp@1John:4:7 @{Of God} (\ek tou theou\). Even human love comes from God, "a reflection of something in the Divine nature itself" (Brooke). John repeats the old commandment of strkjv@2:7f|. Persistence in loving (present tense \agap“men\ indicative and \agap“n\ participle) is proof that one "has been begotten of God" (\ek tou theou gegennˆtai\ as in strkjv@2:29|) and is acquainted with God. Otherwise mere claim to loving God accompanied by hating one's brother is a lie (2:9-11|).

rwp@1John:4:8 @{He that loveth not} (\ho mˆ agap“n\). Present active articular participle of \agapa“\ "keeps on not loving." {Knoweth not God} (\ouk egn“ ton theon\). Timeless aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\, has no acquaintance with God, never did get acquainted with him. {God is love} (\ho theos agapˆ estin\). Anarthrous predicate, not \hˆ agapˆ\. John does not say that love is God, but only that God is love. The two terms are not interchangeable. God is also light (1:5|) and spirit (John:4:24|).

rwp@1John:4:14 @{We have beheld} (\tetheƒmetha\). Perfect middle of \theaomai\ as in verse 12|, though the aorist in strkjv@1:1; strkjv@John:1:14| (\etheƒsametha\). John is qualified to bear witness (\marturoumen\ as in strkjv@1:2|) as Jesus had charged the disciples to do (Acts:1:8|). {Hath sent} (\apestalken\). As in verse 9|, though \apesteilen\ in verse 10|. {To be the Saviour of the world} (\s“tˆra tou kosmou\). Predicate accusative of \s“tˆr\ (Saviour), like \hilasmon\ in verse 10|. This very phrase occurs elsewhere only in strkjv@John:4:42| as the confession of the Samaritans, but the idea is in strkjv@John:3:17|.

rwp@1John:4:17 @{Herein} (\en tout“i\). It is not clear whether the \hina\ clause (sub-final use) is in apposition with \en tout“i\ as in strkjv@John:15:8| or the \hoti\ clause (because) with the \hina\ clause as parenthesis. Either makes sense. Westcott argues for the latter idea, which is reinforced by the preceding sentence. {With us} (\meth' hˆm“n\). Construed with the verb \tetelei“tai\ (is perfected). In contrast to \en hˆmin\ (verses 12,16|), emphasising cooperation. "God works with man" (Westcott). For boldness (\parrˆsian\) in the day of judgment (only here with both articles, but often with no articles as in strkjv@2Peter:2:9|) see strkjv@2:28|. {As he is} (\kath“s ekeinos estin\). That is Christ as in strkjv@2:6; strkjv@3:3,5,7,16|. Same tense (present) as in strkjv@3:7|. "Love is a heavenly visitant" (David Smith). We are in this world to manifest Christ.

rwp@1John:4:20 @{If a man say} (\ean tis eipˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive. Suppose one say. Cf. strkjv@1:6|. {I love God} (\Agap“ ton theon\). Quoting an imaginary disputant as in strkjv@2:4|. {And hateth} (\kai misei\). Continuation of the same condition with \ean\ and the present active subjunctive, "and keep on hating." See strkjv@2:9; strkjv@3:15| for use of \mise“\ (hate) with \adelphos\ (brother). A liar (\pseustˆs\). Blunt and to the point as in strkjv@1:10; strkjv@2:4|. {That loveth not} (\ho mˆ agap“n\). "The one who does not keep on loving" (present active negative articular participle). {Hath seen} (\he“raken\). Perfect active indicative of \hora“\, the form in strkjv@John:1:18| used of seeing God. {Cannot love} (\ou dunatai agapƒin\). "Is not able to go on loving," with which compare strkjv@2:9|, \ou dunatai hamartanein\ (is not able to go on sinning). The best MSS. do not have \p“s\ (how) here.

rwp@1John:5:1 @{That Jesus is the Christ} (\hoti Iˆsous estin ho Christos\). The Cerinthian antichrist denies the identity of Jesus and Christ (2:22|). Hence John insists on this form of faith (\pisteu“n\ here in the full sense, stronger than in strkjv@3:23; strkjv@4:16|, seen also in \pistis\ in verse 4|, where English and Latin fall down in having to use another word for the verb) as he does in verse 5| and in accord with the purpose of John's Gospel (20:31|). Nothing less will satisfy John, not merely intellectual conviction, but full surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. "The Divine Begetting is the antecedent, not the consequent of the believing" (Law). For "is begotten of God" (\ek tou theou gegennˆtai\) see strkjv@2:29; strkjv@3:9; strkjv@4:7; strkjv@5:4,18|. John appeals here to family relationship and family love. {Him that begat} (\ton gennˆsanta\). First aorist active articular participle of \genna“\, to beget, the Father (our heavenly Father). {Him also that is begotten of him} (\ton gegennˆmenon ex autou\). Perfect passive articular participle of \genna“\, the brother or sister by the same father. Songs:then we prove our love for the common Father by our conduct towards our brothers and sisters in Christ.

rwp@1John:5:4 @{For} (\hoti\). The reason why God's commandments are not heavy is the power that comes with the new birth from God. {Whatsoever is begotten of God} (\pƒn to gegennˆmenon ek tou theou\). Neuter singular perfect passive participle of \genna“\ rather than the masculine singular (verse 1|) to express sharply the universality of the principle (Rothe) as in strkjv@John:3:6,8; strkjv@6:37,39|. {Overcometh the world} (\nikƒi ton kosmon\). Present active indicative of \nika“\, a continuous victory because a continuous struggle, "keeps on conquering the world" ("the sum of all the forces antagonistic to the spiritual life," D. Smith). {This is the victory} (\hautˆ estin hˆ nikˆ\). For this form of expression see strkjv@1:5; strkjv@John:1:19|. \Nikˆ\ (victory, cf. \nika“\), old word, here alone in N.T., but the later form \nikos\ in strkjv@Matthew:12:20; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:54f.,57|. {That overcometh} (\hˆ nikˆsasa\). First aorist active articular participle of \nika“\. The English cannot reproduce the play on the word here. The aorist tense singles out an individual experience when one believed or when one met temptation with victory. Jesus won the victory over the world (John:16:33|) and God in us (1John:4:4|) gives us the victory. {Even our faith} (\hˆ pistis hˆm“n\). The only instance of \pistis\ in the Johannine Epistles (not in John's Gospel, though in the Apocalypse). It is our faith in Jesus Christ as shown by our confession (verse 1|) and by our life (verse 2|).

rwp@1John:5:5 @{And who is he that overcometh?} (\tis estin de ho nik“n?\). Not a mere rhetorical question (2:22|), but an appeal to experience and fact. Note the present active articular participle (\nik“n\) like \nikƒi\ (present active indicative in verse 4|), "the one who keeps on conquering the world." See strkjv@1Corinthians:15:57| for the same note of victory (\nikos\) through Christ. See verse 1| for \ho pisteu“n\ (the one who believes) as here. {Jesus is the Son of God} (\Iˆsous estin ho huios tou theou\). As in verse 1| save that here \ho huios tou theou\ in place of \Christos\ and see both in strkjv@2:22f|. Here there is sharp antithesis between "Jesus" (humanity) and "the Son of God" (deity) united in the one personality.

rwp@1John:5:6 @{This} (\houtos\). Jesus the Son of God (verse 5|). {He that came} (\ho elth“n\). Second aorist active articular participle of \erchomai\, referring to the Incarnation as a definite historic event, the preexistent Son of God "sent from heaven to do God's will" (Brooke). {By water and blood} (\di' hudatos kai haimatos\). Accompanied by (\dia\ used with the genitive both as instrument and accompaniment, as in strkjv@Galatians:5:13|) water (as at the baptism) and blood (as on the Cross). These two incidents in the Incarnation are singled out because at the baptism Jesus was formally set apart to his Messianic work by the coming of the Holy Spirit upon him and by the Father's audible witness, and because at the Cross his work reached its culmination ("It is finished," Jesus said). There are other theories that do not accord with the language and the facts. It is true that at the Cross both water and blood came out of the side of Jesus when pierced by the soldier, as John bore witness (John:19:34|), a complete refutation of the Docetic denial of an actual human body for Jesus and of the Cerinthian distinction between Jesus and Christ. There is thus a threefold witness to the fact of the Incarnation, but he repeats the twofold witness before giving the third. The repetition of both preposition (\en\ this time rather than \dia\) and the article (\t“i\ locative case) argues for two separate events with particular emphasis on the blood ("not only" \ouk monon\, "but" \all'\) which the Gnostics made light of or even denied. {It is the Spirit that beareth witness} (\to pneuma estin to marturoun\). Present active articular participle of \marture“\ with article with both subject and predicate, and so interchangeable as in strkjv@3:4|. The Holy Spirit is the third and the chief witness at the baptism of Jesus and all through his ministry. {Because} (\hoti\). Or declarative "that." Either makes sense. In strkjv@John:15:26| Jesus spoke of "the Spirit of truth" (whose characteristic is truth). Here John identifies the Spirit with truth as Jesus said of himself (John:14:6|) without denying personality for the Holy Spirit.

rwp@1John:5:7 @{For there are three who bear witness} (\hoti treis eisin hoi marturountes\). At this point the Latin Vulgate gives the words in the Textus Receptus, found in no Greek MS. save two late cursives (162 in the Vatican Library of the fifteenth century, 34 of the sixteenth century in Trinity College, Dublin). Jerome did not have it. Cyprian applies the language of the Trinity and Priscillian has it. Erasmus did not have it in his first edition, but rashly offered to insert it if a single Greek MS. had it and 34 was produced with the insertion, as if made to order. The spurious addition is: \en t“i ouran“i ho patˆr, ho logos kai to hagion pneuma kai houtoi hoi treis hen eisin kai treis eisin hoi marturountes en tˆi gˆi\ (in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth). The last clause belongs to verse 8|. The fact and the doctrine of the Trinity do not depend on this spurious addition. Some Latin scribe caught up Cyprian's exegesis and wrote it on the margin of his text, and so it got into the Vulgate and finally into the Textus Receptus by the stupidity of Erasmus.

rwp@1John:5:8 @{The Spirit and the water and the blood} (\to pneuma kai to hud“r kai to haima\). The same three witnesses of verses 6,7| repeated with the Spirit first. {The three} (\hoi treis\). The resumptive article. {Agree in one} (\eis to hen eisin\). "Are for the one thing," to bring us to faith in Jesus as the Incarnate Son of God, the very purpose for which John wrote his Gospel (20:31|).

rwp@1John:5:9 @{If we receive} (\ei lambanomen\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and the present active indicative, assumed as true. The conditions for a legally valid witness are laid down in strkjv@Deuteronomy:19:15| (cf. strkjv@Matthew:18:16; strkjv@John:8:17f.; strkjv@10:25; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:1|). {Greater} (\meiz“n\). Comparative of \megas\, because God is always true. {For} (\hoti\). Songs:it applies to this case. {That} (\hoti\). Thus taken in the declarative sense (the fact that) as in strkjv@John:3:19|, though it can be causal (because) or indefinite relative with \memarturˆken\ (what he hath testified, perfect active indicative of \marture“\, as in strkjv@John:1:32; strkjv@4:44|, etc.), a harsh construction here because of \marturia\, though some MSS. do read \hen\ to agree with it (cf. verse 10|). See \hoti ean\ in strkjv@3:20| for that idiom. Westcott notes the Trinity in verses 6-9|: the Son comes, the Spirit witnesses, the Father has witnessed.

rwp@1John:5:10 @{Believeth on} (\pisteu“n eis\). John draws a distinction between "not believing God" (\mˆ pisteu“n t“i the“i\) in next clause, the testimony of God about his Son, and surrender to and reliance on the Son as here (\eis\ and the accusative). See the same distinction less clearly drawn in strkjv@John:6:30f|. See also \eis tˆn marturian\ after \pepisteuken\ in this same verse and strkjv@John:2:23|. {In him} (\en haut“i\). "In himself," though the evidence is not decisive between \haut“i\ and \aut“i\. {Hath made} (\pepoiˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \poie“\ like \memarturˆken\ and \pepisteuken\, permanent state. {A liar} (\pseustˆn\). As in strkjv@1:10|, which see. {Because he hath not believed} (\hoti ou pepisteuken\). Actual negative reason with negative \ou\, not the subjective reason as in strkjv@John:3:18|, where we have \hoti mˆ pepisteuken\). The subjective negative is regular with \ho mˆ pisteu“n\. Relative clause here repeats close of verse 9|.

rwp@1John:5:11 @{That God gave} (\hoti ed“ken ho theos\). Declarative \hoti\ in apposition with \marturia\ as in verse 14; strkjv@John:3:19|. Note aorist active indicative \ed“ken\ (from \did“mi\) as in strkjv@3:23f.|, the great historic fact of the Incarnation (John:3:16|), but the perfect \ded“ken\ in strkjv@1John:3:1| to emphasize the abiding presence of God's love. {Eternal life} (\z“ˆn ai“nion\). Anarthrous emphasizing quality, but with the article in strkjv@1:2|. {In his Son} (\en t“i hui“i autou\). This life and the witness also. This is why Jesus who is life (John:14:6|) came to give us abundant life (John:10:10|).

rwp@1John:5:13 @{I have written} (\egrapsa\). Not epistolary aorist, but refers to verses 1-12| of this Epistle as in strkjv@2:26| to the preceding verses. {That ye may know} (\hina eidˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second perfect active subjunctive of \oida\, to know with settled intuitive knowledge. He wishes them to have eternal life in Christ (John:20:31|) and to know that they have it, but not with flippant superficiality (2:3ff.|). {Unto you that believe on} (\tois pisteuousin eis\). Dative of the articular present active participle of \pisteu“\ and \eis\ as in verse 10|. For this use of \onoma\ (name) with \pisteu“\ see strkjv@3:23; strkjv@John:2:23|.

rwp@1John:5:14 @{Toward him} (\pros auton\). Fellowship with (\pros\, face to face) Christ. For boldness see strkjv@2:28|. {That} (\hoti\). Declarative again, as in verse 11|. {If we ask anything} (\ean ti ait“metha\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and present middle (indirect) subjunctive (personal interest as in strkjv@James:4:3|, though the point is not to be pressed too far, for see strkjv@Matthew:20:20,22; strkjv@John:16:24,26|). {According to his will} (\kata to thelˆma autou\). This is the secret in all prayer, even in the case of Jesus himself. For the phrase see strkjv@1Peter:4:19; strkjv@Galatians:1:4; strkjv@Ephesians:1:5,11|. {He heareth us} (\akouei hˆm“n\). Even when God does not give us what we ask, in particular then (Hebrews:5:7f.|).

rwp@1John:5:16 @{If any man see} (\ean tis idˆi\). Third-class condition with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \eidon\ (\hora“\). {Sinning a sin} (\hamartanonta hamartian\). Present active predicate (supplementary) participle agreeing with \adelphon\ and with cognate accusative \hamartian\. {Not unto death} (\mˆ pros thanaton\). Repeated again with \hamartanousin\ and in contrast with \hamartia pros thanaton\ (sin unto death). Most sins are not mortal sins, but clearly John conceives of a sin that is deadly enough to be called "unto death." This distinction is common in the rabbinic writings and in strkjv@Numbers:18:22| the LXX has \labein hamartian thanatˆphoron\ "to incur a death-bearing sin" as many crimes then and now bear the death penalty. There is a distinction in strkjv@Hebrews:10:26| between sinning wilfully after full knowledge and sins of ignorance (Hebrews:5:2|). Jesus spoke of the unpardonable sin (Mark:3:29; strkjv@Matthew:12:32; strkjv@Luke:12:10|), which was attributing to the devil the manifest work of the Holy Spirit. It is possible that John has this idea in mind when he applies it to those who reject Jesus Christ as God's Son and set themselves up as antichrists. {Concerning this} (\peri ekeinˆs\). This sin unto death. {That he should make request} (\hina er“tˆsˆi\). Sub-final use of \hina\ with the first aorist active subjunctive of \er“ta“\, used here as in strkjv@John:17:15,20| (and often) for request rather than for question. John does not forbid praying for such cases; he simply does not command prayer for them. He leaves them to God.

rwp@1John:5:17 @{All unrighteousness is sin} (\pƒsa adikia hamartia estin\). Unrighteousness is one manifestation of sin as lawlessness (3:4|) is another (Brooke). The world today takes sin too lightly, even jokingly as a mere animal inheritance. Sin is a terrible reality, but there is no cause for despair. Sin not unto death can be overcome in Christ.

rwp@1John:5:18 @{We know} (\oidamen\). As in strkjv@3:2,14; strkjv@5:15,19,20|. He has "ye know" in strkjv@2:20; strkjv@3:5,15|. {Sinneth not} (\ouch hamartanei\). Lineal present active indicative, "does not keep on sinning," as he has already shown in strkjv@3:4-10|. {He that was begotten of God} (\ho gennˆtheis ek tou theou\). First aorist passive articular participle referring to Christ, if the reading of A B is correct (\tˆrei auton\, not \tˆrei heauton\). It is Christ who keeps the one begotten of God (\gegennˆmenos ek tou theou\ as in strkjv@3:9| and so different from \ho gennˆtheis\ here). It is a difficult phrase, but this is probably the idea. Jesus (John:18:37|) uses \gegennˆmai\ of himself and uses also \tˆre“\ of keeping the disciples (John:17:12,15; strkjv@Revelation:3:10|). {The evil one} (\ho ponˆros\). Masculine and personal as in strkjv@2:13|, not neuter, and probably Satan as in strkjv@Matthew:6:13|, not just any evil man. {Touchest him not} (\ouch haptetai autou\). Present middle indicative of \hapt“\, elsewhere in John only strkjv@John:20:17|. It means to lay hold of or to grasp rather than a mere superficial touch (\thiggan“\, both in strkjv@Colossians:2:21|). Here the idea is to touch to harm. The devil cannot snatch such a man from Christ (John:6:38f.|).

rwp@1John:5:21 @{Yourselves} (\heauta\). Neuter plural reflexive because of \teknia\. The active voice \phulassete\ with the reflexive accents the need of effort on their part. Idolatry was everywhere and the peril was great. See strkjv@Acts:7:41: strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:9| for this word.

rwp@Info_1Peter @ THE PLACE OF WRITING Peter states that he is in Babylon (1Peter:5:13|), apparently with his wife (1Corinthians:9:5|). It is not certain whether he means actual Babylon, where Jews had been numerous, or mystical Babylon (Rome) as in the Apocalypse. We do not know when Rome began to be called Babylon. It may have started as a result of Nero's persecution of the Christians after the burning of Rome. The Christians were called "evil-doers" (1Peter:2:12|) in the time of Nero (Tacitus, _Ann_. XV. 44). Songs:we can think of Rome as the place of writing and that Peter uses "Babylon" to hide his actual location from Nero. Whether Peter came to Rome while Paul was still there we do not know, though John Mark was there with Paul (Colossians:4:10|). "At the time when it was written Babylon had not yet unmasked all its terrors, and the ordinary Christian was not in immediate danger of the _tunica ardens_, or the red-hot iron chair, or the wild beasts, or the stake" (Bigg).

rwp@Info_1Peter @ SOME BOOKS Alford, H., Vol. IV. 1 of his _Greek Testament_ (1870). Baldwin, _The Fisherman of Galilee_ (1923). Barnes, _St. Peter in Rome and His Tomb on the Vatican Hill_. Beck, J. T., _Erklarung der Briefe Petri_ (1895). Bennett, W. H., _New-Century Bible_ (1901). Bigg, C., _Intern. Crit. Comm_. (1901). Birks, _Studies in the Life and Character of St. Peter_ (1887). Blenkin, _The First Ep. General of St. Peter_ (1915). Camerlinck, _Commentarius in epistolas catholicas_ (1909). Cooke and Lumby, _Speaker's Comm_. (1881). Couard, _Commentaire_ (1895). Couard, _Simon Petrus der Apostel des Herrn_. Davidson, _St. Peter and His Training_. Elert, _Die Religiositat des Petrus_ (1911). Erbes, _Die Todestage der Apostels Paulus and Petrus_ (1899). Foakes-Jackson, F. J., _Peter Prince of Apostles_ (1927). Foster, Ora D., _The Literary Relations of the First Epistle of Peter_ (1913). Fouard, C., _St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity_ (1892). Gallagher, M., _Was the Apostle Peter Ever at Rome?_ (1894). Goutard, _Essai critique et historique sur la prem. e'pitre de S. Pierre_ (1905). Green, S. G., _The Apostle Peter: His Life and Letters_ (1880). Guignebert, _Lamentations:Primaute' de Pierre et la Venue de Pierre a Rome_ (1909). Gunkel, H., _Die Schriften d. N.T_. 3 Aufl. (1917). Hart, J. H. A., _Expos. Greek Test_. (1910). Henriott, _Saint Pierre_ (1891). Hort, F. J. A., _The First Epistle of St. Peter strkjv@1:1-2:17_ (1898). Howson, J., _Horae Petrinae_ (1883). Jenkins, R. C., _The Apostle Peter. Claims of Catholics_ (1875). Johnstone, _The First Epistle of Peter_ (1888). Kasteren, Van, _Deuteronomy:Eerste Brief Van d. Ap. Petrus_ (1911). Keil, C. F., _Comm. uber die Briefe des Petrus und Juda_ (1883). Knopf, R., _Die Briefe Petri und Juda_ (1912). Kogel, J., _Die Gedankenheit des Ersten Briefes Petri_ (1902). Kuhl, E., _Die Briefe Petri und Judae_ (Meyer Komm., 6 Aufl., 1897). Lietzmann, _Petrus and Paulus in Rom_. Lumby, J. R., _Expositor's Bible_ (1893). Masterman, J. H. B., _Epistles of St. Peter_ (1900). McInnis, J.M., _Simon Peter Fisherman and Philosopher_ (1928). Meyer, F. B., _Peter: Fisherman, Disciple, Apostle_ (1920). Moffatt, James, _Moffatt Comm. on N.T._ (1930). Monneir, J., _Lamentations:premiere e'pitre de l'apotre Pierre_ (1900). Perdelwitz, _Die Mysterienreligion und das Problem des ersten Petrusbriefes_ (1911). Plumptre, _Cambridge Bible_ (1879). Reagan, _The Preaching of Peter, the Beginning of Christian Apologetics_ (1922). Robinson, C. G., _Simon Peter: His Life and Times_ (1889). Ross, J. M. E., _The First Epistle of Peter_ (1913). Salmond, A. D. F., _Schaff's Comm_. (1883). Scharfe, _Die petrinische Stromung der neut. Literatur_ (1893). Schmid, _Petrus in Rome_ (1879). Seeley, _The Life and Writings of St. Peter_. Soden, Von, H., _Hand-Komm_. (3 Aufl., 1899). Taylor, W. M., _Peter the Apostle_ (1876). Thomas, W. H., Griffith, _The Apostle Peter_ (2nd ed., 1905). Thompson, _Life-Work of Peter the Apostle_. Upham, _Simon Peter Shepherd_ (1910). Usteri, J. M., _Wiss. und prakt. Komm. uber den I Petrus- brief_ (1887). Volter, D., _Der I Petrusbrief_ (1906). Weiss, B., _Die erste Petrusbrief und die Kritik_ (1906). _Der petrinische Lehrbegriff_ (1855). Williams, N. M., _American Comm_. Windisch, H., _Die Katholische Briefe. Handbuch zum N.T._ (2 Aufl., 1930). Wohlenberg, G., _Der erste und zweite Petrusbrief und der Judasbrief_. (Zahn Komm., 2 Aufl., 1915.) strkjv@1Peter:1:1 @{Peter} (\Petros\). Greek form for the Aramaic (Chaldaic) \Cˆphƒs\, the nickname given Simon by Jesus when he first saw him (John:1:42|) and reaffirmed in the Greek form on his great confession (Matthew:16:18|), with an allusion to \petra\, another form for a rock, ledge, or cliff. In strkjv@2Peter:1:1| we have both \Sim“n\ and \Petros\. Paul in his Epistles always terms himself Paul, not Saul. Songs:Peter uses this name, not Cephas or Simon, because he is writing to Christians scattered over Asia Minor. The nominative absolute occurs here as in strkjv@James:1:1|, but without \chairein\ as there, the usual form of greeting in letters (Acts:23:26|) so common in the papyri. {An apostle of Jesus Christ} (\apostolos Iˆsou Christou\). This is his official title, but in strkjv@2Peter:1:1| \doulos\ is added, which occurs alone in strkjv@James:1:1|. In II and III John we have only \ho presbuteros\ (the elder), as Peter terms himself \sunpresbuteros\ in strkjv@1Peter:5:1|. Paul's usage varies greatly: only the names in I and II Thessalonians, the title \apostolos\ added and defended in Galatians and Romans as also in I and II Corinthians and Colossians and Ephesians and II Timothy with "by the will of God" added, and in I Timothy with the addition of "according to the command of God." In Philippians Paul has only "\doulos\ (slave) \Christou Iˆsou\," like James and Jude. In Romans and Titus Paul has both \doulos\ and \apostolos\, like II Peter, while in Philemon he uses only \desmios\ (prisoner) \Iˆsou Christou\. {To the elect} (\eklektois\). Without article (with the article in strkjv@Matthew:24:22,24,31|) and dative case, "to elect persons" (viewed as a group). Bigg takes \eklektois\ (old, but rare verbal adjective from \ekleg“\, to pick out, to select) as an adjective describing the next word, "to elect sojourners." That is possible and is like \genos eklekton\ in strkjv@2:9|. See the distinction between \klˆtoi\ (called) and \eklektoi\ (chosen) in strkjv@Matthew:22:14|. {Who are sojourners} (\parepidˆmois\). Late double compound adjective (\para, epidˆmountes\, strkjv@Acts:2:10|, to sojourn by the side of natives), strangers sojourning for a while in a particular place. Songs:in Polybius, papyri, in LXX only twice (Genesis:23:4|; 38 or 39 12), in N.T. only here, strkjv@2:11; strkjv@Hebrews:11:13|. The picture in the metaphor here is that heaven is our native country and we are only temporary sojourners here on earth. {Of the Dispersion} (\diasporƒs\). See strkjv@John:7:35| for literal sense of the word for scattered (from \diaspeir“\, to scatter abroad, strkjv@Acts:8:1|) Jews outside of Palestine, and strkjv@James:1:1| for the sense here to Jewish Christians, including Gentile Christians (only N T. examples). Note absence of the article, though a definite conception (of the Dispersion). The Christian is a pilgrim on his way to the homeland. These five Roman provinces include what we call Asia Minor north and west of the Taurus mountain range (Hort). Hort suggests that the order here suggests that Silvanus (bearer of the Epistle) was to land in Pontus from the Euxine Sea, proceed through Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, to Bithynia, where he would re-embark for Rome. This, he holds, explains the separation of Pontus and Bithynia, though the same province. Only Galatia and Asia are mentioned elsewhere in the N.T. as having Christian converts, but the N.T. by no means gives a full account of the spread of the Gospel, as can be judged from strkjv@Colossians:1:6,23|.

rwp@1Peter:1:2 @{According to} (\kata\). Probably to be connected with \eklektois\ rather than with \apostolos\ in spite of a rather loose arrangement of words and the absence of articles in verses 1,2|. {The foreknowledge} (\progn“sin\). Late substantive (Plutarch, Lucian, papyri) from \progin“sk“\ (1:20|), to know beforehand, only twice in N.T. (here and strkjv@Acts:2:23| in Peter's sermon). In this Epistle Peter often uses substantives rather than verbs (cf. strkjv@Romans:8:29|). {Of God the Father} (\theou patros\). Anarthous again and genitive case. See \patˆr\ applied to God also in strkjv@1:3,17| as often by Paul (Romans:1:7|, etc.). Peter here presents the Trinity (God the Father, the Spirit, Jesus Christ). {In sanctification of the Spirit} (\en hagiasm“i pneumatos\). Clearly the Holy Spirit, though anarthrous like \theou patros\. Late word from \hagiaz“\, to render holy (\hagios\), to consecrate, as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:7|. The subjective genitive here, sanctification wrought by the Spirit as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:13| (where the Trinity mentioned as here). {Unto obedience} (\eis hupakoˆn\). Obedience (from \hupakou“\, to hear under, to hearken) to the Lord Jesus as in strkjv@1:22| "to the truth," result of "the sanctification." {And sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ} (\rantismon haimatos Iˆsou Christou\). Late substantive from \rantiz“\, to sprinkle (Hebrews:9:13|), a word used in the LXX of the sacrifices (Numbers:19:9,13,20|, etc.), but not in any non-biblical source so far as known, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:12:24| (of the sprinkling of blood). Reference to the death of Christ on the Cross and to the ratification of the New Covenant by the blood of Christ as given in strkjv@Hebrews:9:19f.; strkjv@12:24| with allusion to strkjv@Exodus:24:3-8|. Paul does not mention this ritual use of the blood of Christ, but Jesus does (Matthew:26:28; strkjv@Mark:14:24|). Hence it is not surprising to find the use of it by Peter and the author of Hebrews. Hort suggests that Peter may also have an ulterior reference to the blood of the martyrs as in strkjv@Revelation:7:14f.; strkjv@12:11|, but only as illustration of what Jesus did for us, not as having any value. The whole Epistle is a commentary upon \progn“sis theou, hagiasmos pneumatos, haima Christou\ (Bigg). Peter is not ashamed of the blood of Christ. {Be multiplied} (\plˆthuntheiˆ\). First aorist passive optative (volitive) of \plˆthun“\, old verb (from \plˆthus\, fulness), in a wish. Songs:in strkjv@2Peter:1:2; strkjv@Jude:1:2|, but nowhere else in N.T. salutations. Grace and peace (\charis kai eirˆnˆ\) occur together in strkjv@2Peter:1:2|, in strkjv@2John:1:2| (with \eleos\), and in all Paul's Epistles (with \eleos\ added in I and II Timothy).

rwp@1Peter:1:3 @{Blessed be} (\eulogˆtos\). No copula in the Greek (\est“\, let be, or \estin\, is, or \eiˆ\, may be). The verbal adjective (from \euloge“\) occurs in the N.T. only of God, as in the LXX (Luke:1:68|). See also strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3; strkjv@Ephesians:1:3|. {The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ} (\ho theos kai patˆr tou kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\). This precise language in strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3; Ephesians:I:3|; and part of it in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:31; strkjv@Romans:15:6|. See strkjv@John:20:17| for similar language by Jesus. {Great} (\polu\). Much. {Begat us again} (\anagennˆsas hˆmƒs\). First aorist active articular (\ho\, who) participle of \anagenna“\, late, and rare word to beget again, in Aleph for _Sirach_ (_Prol_. 20), in Philo, in Hermetic writings, in N.T. only here and verse 23|. "It was probably borrowed by the New Paganism from Christianity" (Bigg). The Stoics used \anagennˆsis\ for \palingenesia\ (Titus:3:5|). If \an“then\ in strkjv@John:3:3| be taken to mean "again," the same idea of regeneration is there, and if "from above" it is the new birth, anyhow. {Unto a living hope} (\eis elpida z“san\). Peter is fond of the word "living" (present active participle of \za“\) as in strkjv@1:23; strkjv@2:4,5,24; strkjv@4:5,6|. The Pharisees cherished the hope of the resurrection (Acts:23:6|), but the resurrection of Jesus gave it proof and permanence (1Corinthians:15:14,17|). It is no longer a dead hope like dead faith (James:2:17,26|). This revival of hope was wrought "by the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (\dia anastase“s\). Hope rose up with Christ from the dead, though the disciples (Peter included) were slow at first to believe it.

rwp@1Peter:1:4 @{Unto an inheritance} (\eis klˆronomian\). Old word (from \klˆronomos\, heir) for the property received by the heir (Matthew:21:38|), here a picture of the blessedness in store for us pilgrims (Galatians:3:18|). {Incorruptible} (\aphtharton\). Old compound adjective (alpha privative and \phtheir“\, to corrupt), imperishable. Songs:many inheritances vanish away before they are obtained. {Undefiled} (\amianton\). Old verbal adjective (note alliteration) from alpha privative and \miain“\, to defile, without defect or flaw in the title, in N.T. only here, strkjv@James:1:27; strkjv@Hebrews:13:4|. {That fadeth not away} (\amaranton\). Alliterative and verbal adjective again from alpha privative and \marain“\ (to dry up, to wither, as in strkjv@James:1:11|), late and rare word in several inscriptions on tombs, here only in N.T. These inscriptions will fade away, but not this inheritance in Christ. It will not be like a faded rose. {Reserved} (\tetˆrˆmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \tˆre“\, old verb, to take care of, to guard. No burglars or bandits can break through where this inheritance is kept (Matthew:6:19f.; strkjv@John:17:11f.|). Cf. strkjv@Colossians:1:5|, where laid away" (\apokeimenˆn\) occurs. {For you} (\eis humas\). More graphic than the mere dative.

rwp@1Peter:1:5 @{By the power of God} (\en dunamei theou\). No other \dunamis\ (power) like this (Colossians:1:3|). {Are guarded} (\phrouroumenous\). Present (continuous process) passive articular (\tous\) participle of \phroure“\, to garrison, old verb (from \phrouros\ sentinel), a military term (Acts:9:24; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:32|), used of God's love (Phillipians:4:7|) as here. "The inheritance is kept; the heirs are guarded" (Bengel). {Through faith} (\dia piste“s\). Intermediate agency (\dia\), the immediate being (\en\, in, by) God's power. {Unto a salvation} (\eis s“tˆrian\). Deliverance is the goal (\eis\) of the process and final salvation here, consummation as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:8|, from \s“tˆr\ (Saviour, from \s“z“\, to save). {Ready} (\hetoimˆn\). Prepared awaiting God's will (Galatians:3:23; strkjv@Romans:8:18|). {To be revealed} (\apokaluphthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \apokalupt“\, to unveil. Cf. strkjv@Colossians:3:4| for \phanero“\ (to manifest) in this sense. {In the last time} (\en kair“i eschat“i\). This precise phrase nowhere else, but similar ones in strkjv@John:6:39; strkjv@Acts:2:17; strkjv@James:5:3; strkjv@2Timothy:3:1; strkjv@2Peter:3:3; He strkjv@1:2; strkjv@Jude:1:18; strkjv@1John:2:18|. Hort translates it here "in a season of extremity," but it is usually taken to refer to the Day of Judgment. That day no one knows, Jesus said.

rwp@1Peter:1:6 @{Wherein} (\en h“i\). This translation refers the relative \h“i\ to \kair“i\, but it is possible to see a reference to \Christou\ (verse 3|) or to \theou\ (verse 5|) or even to the entire content of verses 3-5|. Either makes sense, though possibly \kair“i\ is correct. {Ye greatly rejoice} (\agalliƒsthe\). Present middle indicative (rather than imperative) of \agalliaomai\, late verb from \agallomai\, to rejoice, only in LXX, N.T., and ecclesiastical literature as in strkjv@Matthew:5:12|. {Now for a little while} (\oligon arti\). Accusative case of time (\oligon\) probably as in strkjv@Mark:6:31|, though it can be used of space (to a small extent) as in strkjv@Luke:5:3|. {If need be} (\ei deon\). Present active neuter singular participle of \dei\ (it is necessary). Some MSS. have \estin\ after \deon\ (periphrastic construction). Condition of first class. {Though ye have been put to grief} (\lupˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle (concessive circumstantial use) of \lupe“\, to make sorrowful (from \lupˆ\, sorrow), old and common verb. See strkjv@2Corinthians:6:10|. {In manifold temptations} (\en poikilois peirasmois\). Just the phrase in strkjv@James:1:2|, which see for discussion. "Trials" clearly right here as there. Seven N.T. writers use \poikilos\ (varied).

rwp@1Peter:1:7 @{The proof of your faith} (\to dokimion hum“n tˆs piste“s\). The identical phrase in strkjv@James:1:3| and probably derived from there by Peter. See there for discussion of \to dokimion\ (the test or touchstone of faith). {Being more precious} (\polutimoteron\). No word for "being" (\on\) in the Greek. The secondary uncials have \polu timi“teron\. The text is the comparative of \polutimos\, late adjective (Plutarch) from \polu\ and \timˆ\ (of great price) as in strkjv@Matthew:13:46|. {Than gold} (\chrusiou\). Ablative case after the comparative adjective. {That perisheth} (\tou apollumenou\). Present middle articular participle of \apollumi\ to destroy. Even gold perishes (wears away). {Though it is proved by fire} (\dia puros de dokimazomenou\). Present passive articular participle (in the ablative like \chrusiou\) of \dokimaz“\ (common verb for testing metals) with \de\, which gives a concessive sense to the participle. Faith stands the test of fire better than gold, but even gold is refined by fire. {That might be found} (\hina heurethˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \heurisk“\, common verb, to find. As in strkjv@2Peter:3:14|, this is the result of the probation by God as the Refiner of hearts. {Unto praise and glory and honour} (\eis epainon kai doxan kai timˆn\). Here probably both to God and man in the result. Cf. strkjv@Matthew:5:11f.; strkjv@Romans:2:7,10; strkjv@1Timothy:1:17|. {At the revelation of Jesus Christ} (\en apokalupsei Iˆsou Christou\). Songs:also in strkjv@1:13; strkjv@4:13; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:7; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:7; strkjv@Luke:17:30| of the second coming of Christ as the Judge and Rewarder (Bigg).

rwp@1Peter:1:8 @{Whom} (\hon\). Relative referring to Christ just before and accusative case, object of both \idontes\ and \agapate\ (ye love). {Not having seen} (\ouk idontes\). Second aorist active participle of \hora“\, to see, with \ouk\ rather than \mˆ\ because it negatives an actual experience in contrast with \mˆ hor“ntes\ (though not seeing, hypothetical case). On whom (\eis hon\) with \pisteuontes\ common construction for "believing on" (\pisteu“ eis\). It is possible that Peter here has in mind the words of Jesus to Thomas as recorded in strkjv@John:20:29| ("Happy are those not seeing and yet believing"). Peter was present and heard the words of Jesus to Thomas, and so he could use them before John wrote his Gospel. {Ye rejoice greatly} (\agalliƒte\). Same form as in verse 6|, only active here instead of middle. {With joy} (\charƒi\). Instrumental case (manner). {Unspeakable} (\aneklalˆt“i\). Late and rare double compound verbal (alpha privative and \eklale“\), here only in N.T., in Dioscorides and Heliodorus, "unutterable," like Paul's "indescribable" (\anekdiˆgˆtos\) gift (2Corinthians:9:15|, here alone in N.T.). {Full of glory} (\dedoxasmenˆi\). Perfect passive participle of \doxaz“\, to glorify, "glorified joy," like the glorified face of Moses (Exodus:34:29ff.; strkjv@2Corinthians:3:10|.

rwp@1Peter:1:9 @{Receiving} (\komizomenoi\). Present middle participle of \komiz“\, old verb, to receive back, to get what is promised (5:4; strkjv@Hebrews:10:36|). {The end of your faith} (\to telos tˆs piste“s\). The conclusion, the culmination of faith (2Corinthians:3:13; strkjv@Romans:2:21f.; strkjv@10:4|). See strkjv@Hebrews:12:2| of Jesus as "Pioneer and Perfecter of Faith." {Even the salvation of your souls} (\s“tˆrian psuch“n\). No "even" in the text, just the accusative of apposition with \telos\, viz., final salvation.

rwp@1Peter:1:11 @{Searching} (\eraun“ntes\). Present active participle of \erauna“\, late form for older \ereuna“\ (both in the papyri), uncompounded verb (John:7:52|), the compound occurring in verse 10| above. {What time or what manner of time} (\eis tina ˆ poion kairon\). Proper sense of \poios\ (qualitative interrogative) kept here as in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:35, strkjv@Romans:3:27|, though it is losing its distinctive sense from \tis\ (Acts:23:34|). The prophets knew what they prophesied, but not at what time the Messianic prophecies would be fulfilled. {The Spirit of Christ which was in them} (\to en autois pneuma Christou\). Peter definitely asserts here that the Spirit of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was in the Old Testament prophets, the Holy Spirit called the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of God (Romans:8:9|), who spoke to the prophets as he would speak to the apostles (John:16:14|). {Did point unto} (\edˆlou\). Imperfect active of \dˆlo“\, to make plain, "did keep on pointing to," though they did not clearly perceive the time. {When it testified beforehand} (\promarturomenon\). Present middle participle of \promarturomai\, a late compound unknown elsewhere save in a writer of the fourteenth century (Theodorus Mech.) and now in a papyrus of the eighth. It is neuter here because \pneuma\ is neuter, but this grammatical gender should not be retained as "it" in English, but should be rendered "he" (and so as to strkjv@Acts:8:15|). Here we have predictive prophecy concerning the Messiah, though some modern critics fail to find predictions of the Messiah in the Old Testament. {The sufferings of Christ} (\ta eis Christon pathˆmata\). "The sufferings for (destined for) Christ" like the use of \eis\ in verse 10| (\eis humas\ for you). {The glories that should follow them} (\tas meta tauta doxas\). "The after these things (sufferings) glories." The plural of \doxa\ is rare, but occurs in strkjv@Exodus:15:11; strkjv@Hosea:9:11|. The glories of Christ followed the sufferings as in strkjv@4:13; strkjv@5:1,6|.

rwp@1Peter:1:12 @{To whom} (\hois\). Dative plural of the relative pronoun. To the prophets who were seeking to understand. Bigg observes that "the connexion between study and inspiration is a great mystery." Surely, but that is no argument for ignorance or obscurantism. We do the best that we can and only skirt the shore of knowledge, as Newton said. {It was revealed} (\apekaluphthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \apokalupt“\, old verb, to reveal, to unveil. Here is revelation about the revelation already received, revelation after research. {Did they minister} (\diˆkonoun\). Imperfect active of \diakone“\, old verb, to minister, "were they ministering." {Have been announced} (\anˆggelˆ\). Second aorist passive indicative of {anaggell“}, to report, to bring back tidings (John:4:25|). {Through them} (\dia t“n\). Intermediate agent (\dia\), "the gospelizers" (\t“n euaggelisamen“n\, articular first aorist middle participle of \euaggeliz“\, to preach the gospel). {By the Holy Ghost} (\pneumati hagi“i\). Instrumental case of the personal agent, "by the Holy Spirit" (without article). {Sent forth from heaven} (\apostalenti\). Second aorist passive participle of \apostell“\ in instrumental case agreeing with \pneumati hagi“i\ (the Spirit of Christ of verse 11|. {Desire} (\epithumousin\). Eagerly desire (present active indicative of \epithume“\, to long for). {To look into} (\parakupsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \parakupt“\, old compound to peer into as in strkjv@Luke:24:12; strkjv@John:20:5,11; strkjv@James:1:25|, which see. For the interest of angels in the Incarnation see strkjv@Luke:2:13f|.

rwp@1Peter:1:13 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). "Because of which thing," the glorious free grace opened for Gentiles and Jews in Christ (verses 3-12|). {Girding up} (\anaz“samenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \anaz“nnumi\, late and rare verb (Judges:18:16; strkjv@Proverbs:29:35; strkjv@31:17|), here only in N.T., vivid metaphor for habit of the Orientals, who quickly gathered up their loose robes with a girdle when in a hurry or starting on a journey. {The loins} (\tas osphuas\). Old word for the part of the body where the girdle (\z“nˆ\) was worn. Metaphor here as in strkjv@Luke:12:35; strkjv@Ephesians:6:14|. {Mind} (\dianoias\). Old word for the faculty of understanding, of seeing through a thing (\dia, noe“\) as in strkjv@Matthew:22:37|. {Be sober} (\nˆphontes\). "Being sober" (present active participle of \nˆph“\, old verb, but in N.T. always as metaphor (1Thessalonians:5:6,8|, etc., and so in strkjv@4:7|). {Perfectly} (\telei“s\). Adverb, old word (here alone in N.T.), from adjective \teleios\ (perfect), connected with \elpisate\ (set your hope, first aorist active imperative of \elpiz“\) in the Revised Version, but Bigg, Hort, and most modern commentators take it according to Peter's usual custom with the preceding verb, \nˆphontes\ ("being perfectly sober," not "hope perfectly"). {That is to be brought} (\tˆn pheromenˆn\). Present passive articular participle of \pher“\, picturing the process, "that is being brought." For "revelation" (\apokalupsei\) see end of verse 7|.

rwp@1Peter:1:14 @{As children of obedience} (\h“s tekna hupakoˆs\). A common Hebraism (descriptive genitive frequent in LXX and N.T., like \huioi tˆs apeitheias\, children of disobedience, in strkjv@Ephesians:2:2|) suggested by \hupakoˆn\ in verse 2|, "children marked by obedience." {Not fashioning yourselves} (\mˆ sunschˆmatizomenoi\). Usual negative \mˆ\ with the participle (present direct middle of \sunschˆmatiz“\, a rare (Aristotle, Plutarch) compound (\sun, schˆmatiz“\, from \schˆma\ from \ech“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:12:2| (the outward pattern in contrast with the inward change \metamorpho“\). See strkjv@Phillipians:2:6f.| for contrast between \schˆma\ (pattern) and \morphˆ\ (form). {According to your former lusts} (\tais proteron epithumiais\). Associative instrumental case after \sunschˆmatizomenoi\ and the bad sense of \epithumia\ as in strkjv@4:2; strkjv@2Peter:1:4; strkjv@James:1:14f|. {In the time of your ignorance} (\en tˆi agnoiƒi hum“n\). "In your ignorance," but in attributive position before "lusts." \Agnoia\ (from \agnoe“\, to be ignorant) is old word, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Acts:3:17; strkjv@17:30; strkjv@Ephesians:4:18|.

rwp@1Peter:1:15 @{But like as he which called you is holy} (\alla kata ton kalesanta humas hagion\). This use of \kata\ is a regular Greek idiom (here in contrast with \sunschˆmatizomenoi\). "But according to the holy one calling you or who called you" (first aorist articular participle of \kale“\, to call). God is our standard or pattern (\kata\), not our lusts. {Be ye yourselves also holy} (\kai autoi hagioi genˆthˆte\). First aorist (ingressive) passive imperative of \ginomai\, to become with allusion (\kai\ also) to \kata\ (God as our example), "Do ye also become holy." For \anastrophˆ\ (manner of life) see verse 18; strkjv@2:12; strkjv@3:1-16; strkjv@James:3:13; strkjv@2Peter:2:7|. Peter uses \anastrophˆ\ eight times. The original meaning (turning up and down, back and forth) suited the Latin word _conversatio_ (_converto_), but not our modern "conversation" (talk, not walk).

rwp@1Peter:1:17 @{If ye call} (\ei epikaleisthe\). Condition of first class and present middle indicative of \epikale“\, to call a name on, to name (Acts:10:18|). {As Father} (\patera\). Predicate accusative in apposition with \ton--krinonta\. {Without respect of persons} (\apros“polˆmpt“s\). Found nowhere else except in the later Ep. of Clem. of Rome and Ep. of Barn., from alpha privative and \pros“polˆmptˆs\ (Acts:10:34|. See strkjv@James:2:9| for \pros“polˆmpte“\ and strkjv@1:1| for \pros“polˆmpsia\) from \pros“pon lamban“\ (in imitation of the Hebrew). {According to each man's work} (\kata to hekastou ergon\). "According to the deed of each one" God judges (\krinonta\) just as Christ judges also (2Corinthians:5:10|). {Pass} (\anastraphˆte\). Second aorist passive imperative of \anastreph“\, metaphorical sense as in strkjv@2Corinthians:1:12; strkjv@2Peter:2:18|. {The time} (\ton chronon\). Accusative case of extent of time. {Of your sojourning} (\tˆs paroikias hum“n\). A late word, found in LXX (Psalms:119:5|) and in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:13:17| and in ecclesiastical writers (one late Christian inscription). It comes from \paroike“\, old verb, to dwell beside (in one's neighbourhood), and so of pilgrims or strangers (\paroikos\ strkjv@Acts:7:6|) as of Jews away from Palestine or of Christians here on earth, then of a local region (our "parish"). Peter here recurs to strkjv@1:1| ("sojourners of the Dispersion"). {In fear} (\en phob“i\). Emphatic position at beginning of the clause with \anastraphˆte\ at the end.

rwp@1Peter:1:18 @{Knowing} (\eidotes\). Second perfect active participle of \oida\, causal participle. The appeal is to an elementary Christian belief (Hort), the holiness and justice of God with the added thought of the high cost of redemption (Bigg). {Ye were redeemed} (\elutr“thˆte\). First aorist passive indicative of \lutro“\, old verb from \lutron\ (ransom for life as of a slave, strkjv@Matthew:20:28|), to set free by payment of ransom, abundant examples in the papyri, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:24:21; strkjv@Titus:2:14|. The ransom is the blood of Christ. Peter here amplifies the language in strkjv@Isaiah:52:3f|. {Not with corruptible things} (\ou phthartois\). Instrumental case neuter plural of the late verbal adjective from \phtheir“\ to destroy or to corrupt, and so perishable, in N.T. here, verse 23; strkjv@1Corinthians:9:25; strkjv@15:53f.; strkjv@Romans:1:23|. \Arguri“i ˆ chrusi“i\ (silver or gold) are in explanatory apposition with \phthartois\ and so in the same case. Slaves were set free by silver and gold. {From your vain manner of life} (\ek tˆs mataias hum“n anastrophˆs\). "Out of" (\ek\), and so away from, the pre-Christian \anastrophˆ\ of verse 15|, which was "vain" (\mataias\. Cf. strkjv@Ephesians:4:17-24|). {Handed down from your fathers} (\patroparadotou\). This adjective, though predicate in position, is really attributive in idea, like \cheiropoiˆtou\ in strkjv@Ephesians:2:11| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 777), like the French idiom. This double compound verbal adjective (\pater, para, did“mi\), though here alone in N.T., occurs in Diodorus, Dion. Halic, and in several inscriptions (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_; Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 266f.). The Jews made a wrong use of tradition (Matthew:15:2ff.|), but the reference here seems mainly to Gentiles (1Peter:2:12|).

rwp@1Peter:1:19 @{But with precious blood} (\alla timi“i haimati\). Instrumental case of \haima\ after \elutr“thˆte\ (repeated from verse 18|). Peter here applies the old adjective \timios\ (from \timˆ\, of Christ in strkjv@1Peter:2:7|) to Christ as in strkjv@1:7| \polutimoteron\ to testing of faith. The blood of anyone is "precious" (costly), far above gold or silver, but that of Jesus immeasurably more so. {As of a lamb} (\h“s amnou\). This word occurs in strkjv@Leviticus:12:8; strkjv@Numbers:15:11; strkjv@Deuteronomy:14:4| of the lamb prescribed for the passover sacrifice (Exodus:12:5|). John the Baptist applies it to Jesus (John:1:29,36|). It occurs also in strkjv@Acts:8:32| quoted from strkjv@Isaiah:53:7f|. Undoubtedly both the Baptist and Peter have this passage in mind. Elsewhere in the N.T. \arnion\ is used of Christ (Revelation:5:6,12|). Jesus is the Paschal Lamb. Peter sees clearly that it was by the blood of Christ that we are redeemed from sin. {Without blemish} (\am“mou\). Without (alpha privative) spot (\m“mos\) as the paschal lamb had to be (Leviticus:22:21|). Songs:Hebrews:9:14|. {Without spot} (\aspilou\). Without (alpha privative) stain (\spilos\ spot) as in strkjv@James:1:27; strkjv@2Peter:3:14; strkjv@1Peter:6:14|. {Even the blood of Christ} (\Christou\). Genitive case with \haimati\, but in unusual position for emphasis and clearness with the participles following.

rwp@1Peter:1:20 @{Who was foreknown indeed} (\proegn“smenou men\). Perfect passive participle (in genitive singular agreeing with \Christou\) of \progin“sk“\, old verb, to know beforehand (Romans:8:29; strkjv@2Peter:3:17|). See \progn“sin theou\ in verse 2|. {Before the foundation of the world} (\pro katabolˆs kosmou\). This precise curious phrase occurs in strkjv@John:17:24| in the Saviour's mouth of his preincarnate state with the Father as here and in strkjv@Ephesians:1:4|. We have \apo katabolˆs kosmou\ in strkjv@Matthew:25:34| (\kosmou\ omitted in strkjv@Matthew:13:35|); strkjv@Luke:11:50; strkjv@Hebrews:4:3; strkjv@9:26; strkjv@Revelation:13:8; strkjv@17:8|. \Katabolˆ\ (from \kataball“\) was originally laying the foundation of a house (Hebrews:6:1|). The preincarnate Messiah appears in the counsels of God also in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:7; strkjv@Colossians:1:26f.; strkjv@Ephesians:1:9f.; strkjv@3:9-11; strkjv@Romans:16:25; strkjv@1Timothy:1:9|. {But was manifested} (\phaner“thentos de\). First aorist (ingressive) passive participle of \phanero“\, referring to the Incarnation in contrast with the preexistence of Christ (cf. strkjv@John:1:31; strkjv@1John:3:5,8|). {At the end of the times} (\ep' eschatou t“n chron“n\). Like \ep' eschatou t“n hˆmer“n\ (Hebrews:1:2|). The plural \chronoi\, doubtless referring to successive periods in human history until the fullness of the time came (Galatians:4:4|). {For your sake} (\di' humƒs\). Proof of God's love, not of their desert or worth (Acts:17:30f.; strkjv@Hebrews:11:39f.|).

rwp@1Peter:1:21 @{Who through him are believers in God} (\tous di' autou pistous eis theon\). Accusative case in apposition with \humƒs\ (you), "the through him (that is Christ as in strkjv@1:8; strkjv@Acts:3:16|) believers (\pistous\ correct text of A B) in God." {Which raised} (\ton egeiranta\). Accusative singular articular (agreeing with \theon\) first aorist active participle of \egeir“\ (cf. \di' anastase“s Iˆsou\ in verse 3|). {Gave glory to him} (\doxan aut“i donta\). Second aorist active participle of \did“mi\ agreeing also with \theon\. See Peter's speech in strkjv@Acts:3:13| about God glorifying (\edoxasen\) Jesus and also the same idea by Peter in strkjv@Acts:2:33-36; strkjv@5:31|. {Songs:that your faith and hope might be in God} (\h“ste tˆn pistin hum“n kai elpida eis theon\). \H“ste\ with the infinitive (\einai\) and the accusative of general reference (\pistin kai elpida\) is used in the N.T. as in the _Koin‚_ for either purpose (Matthew:10:1|) or usually result (Mark:4:37|). Hence here result (so that is) is more probable than design.

rwp@1Peter:1:22 @{Seeing ye have purified} (\hˆgnikotes\). Perfect active participle of \hagniz“\, old verb from \hagnos\ (pure), here with \psuchas\ (souls), with \kardias\ (hearts) in strkjv@James:4:8| as in strkjv@1John:3:3| of moral cleansing also. See the ceremonial sense of the word as in LXX in strkjv@John:11:55; strkjv@Acts:21:24,26; strkjv@24:18|. {In your obedience} (\en tˆi hupakoˆi\). With repetition of the idea in strkjv@1:2,14| (children of obedience). {To the truth} (\tˆs aletheias\). Objective genitive with which compare strkjv@John:17:17,19| about sanctification in the truth and strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:12| about believing the truth. There is cleansing power in the truth of God in Christ. {Unfeigned} (\anupokriton\). Late and rare double compound, here alone in Peter, but see strkjv@James:3:17; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:6|, etc. No other kind of \philadelphia\ (brotherly love) is worth having (1Thessalonians:4:9; strkjv@Hebrews:13:1; strkjv@2Peter:1:7|). {From the heart fervently} (\ek kardias ekten“s\). Late adverb (in inscriptions, Polybius, LXX). The adjective \ektenˆs\ is more common (1Peter:4:8|).

rwp@1Peter:1:23 @{Having been begotten again} (\anagegennˆmenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \anagenna“\, which see in verse 2|. {Not of corruptible seed} (\ouk ek sporƒs phthartˆs\). Ablative with \ek\ as the source, for \phthartos\ see verse 18|, and \sporƒs\ (from \speir“\ to sow), old word (sowing, seed) here only in N.T., though \sporos\ in strkjv@Mark:4:26f.|, etc. For "incorruptible" (\aphthartou\) see verse 4; strkjv@3:4|. {Through the word of God} (\dia logou theou\). See strkjv@James:1:18| for "by the word of truth," verse 25| here, and Peter's use of \logos\ in strkjv@Acts:10:36|. It is the gospel message. {Which liveth and abideth} (\z“ntos kai menontos\). These present active participles (from \za“\ and \men“\) can be taken with \theou\ (God) or with \logou\ (word). In verse 25| \menei\ is used with \rˆma\ (word). Still in strkjv@Daniel:6:26| both \men“n\ and \z“n\ are used with \theos\. Either construction makes sense here.

rwp@1Peter:1:24 @24,25| Quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:40:6-8| (partly like the LXX, partly like the Hebrew). {For} (\dioti\). As in verse 16| (\dia\ and \hoti\), "for that." Songs:in strkjv@2:6|. See a free use of this imagery about the life of man as grass and a flower in strkjv@James:1:11|. The best MSS. here read \autˆs\ (thereof) after \doxa\ (glory) rather than \anthr“pou\ (of man). {Withereth} (\exˆranthˆ\). First aorist (gnomic, timeless) passive indicative of \xˆrain“\ (see strkjv@James:1:11|). {Falleth} (\exepesen\). Second aorist (gnomic, timeless) active indicative of \ekpipt“\ (see strkjv@James:1:11|). In verse 25| note \eis humƒs\ (unto you) like \eis humƒs\ in strkjv@1:4| (\humin\ dative).

rwp@1Peter:2:1 @{Putting away therefore} (\apothemenoi oun\). Second aorist middle participle of \apotithˆmi\, old and common verb, in metaphorical sense either to cleanse defilements (3:21; strkjv@James:1:21|) or to put off clothing (Romans:13:12; strkjv@Colossians:3:5ff.; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22|). Either sense suits here. Therefore (\oun\) because of the new birth (1:23|) and the new life demanded. {Wickedness} (\kakian\). This old word, from \kakos\ (evil), in the ancients meant vice of any kind and note \pƒsan\ (all) here. {Guile} (\dolon\). Old word (from \del“\, to catch with bait), deceit. {Hypocrisies} (\hupokriseis\). Singular (\hupokrisin\) in the best MSS. See strkjv@1:22| (\anupokriton\) and strkjv@Mark:7:6f.| for Christ's denunciation of hypocrites which the disciples did not understand, including Peter (Matthew:15:16ff.|). {Envies} (\phthonous\). Genuine here, not \phonous\ (murders), as B has it. For the word see strkjv@Matthew:27:18|. {Evil speakings} (\katalalias\). Late word (from \katalalos\, defamer, strkjv@Romans:1:30|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:12:20|. "Backbitings." For verb see strkjv@2:12|.

rwp@1Peter:2:2 @{As newborn babes} (\h“s artigennˆta brephˆ\). \Brephos\, old word, originally unborn child (Luke:1:41-44|), then infant (Luke:2:12|), here figuratively, like \nˆpioi\. \Artigennˆta\ is a late and rare compound (Lucian, imperial inscription) from \arti\ and \genna“\, with evident allusion to \anagegennˆmenoi\ in strkjv@1:23|, probably meaning that they were recent converts, possibly slight proof that the Epistle written before Romans by Paul (Kuhl). {Long for} (\epipothˆsate\). First aorist (constative) active imperative of \epipothe“\, old verb for intense yearning (Phillipians:2:26|). {The spiritual milk which is without guile} (\to logikon adolon gala\). \Gala\ is old word for milk as in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7| and as metaphor in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:2|. \Adolos\ is an old compound (here alone in N.T.) adjective (alpha privative and \dolos\ deceit), unadulterated milk which, alas, is so hard to get. \Logikon\ is an old adjective in \-ikos\, from \logos\ (reason, speech), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:12:1|, used here with allusion to \logou\ (1:23|) and \rˆma\ (1:25|), "the sincere milk of the word" ("the milk belonging to the word," either the milk which is the word or the milk contained in the word, that is Christ). Songs:Bigg holds. But in strkjv@Romans:12:1| Paul uses \logikon\ in the sense of "rational" or "spiritual," and that idea is possible here as Hort holds. In the Pelagia legend (Usener) we have the phrase \t“n logik“n probat“n tou Christou\ (the spiritual or rational sheep of Christ). {That ye may grow thereby} (\hina en aut“i auxˆthˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \auxan“\, old and common verb to grow. See this same metaphor in strkjv@Colossians:2:19; strkjv@Ephesians:4:15|. Peter uses the word of God as the food for growth, especially for babes in Christ, not emphasizing the distinction from solid food (\br“ma\) made in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:2; strkjv@Hebrews:5:13|. Salvation (\s“tˆrian\) here is final salvation.

rwp@1Peter:2:4 @{Unto whom} (\pros hon\). The Lord, carrying on the imagery and language of the Psalm. {Coming} (\proserchomenoi\). Present middle participle masculine plural of \proserchomai\ (\proselthate\ in the Psalm) agreeing with the subject of \oikodomeisthe\. {A living stone} (\lithon z“nta\). Accusative case in apposition with \hon\ (whom, the Lord Christ). There is apparent an intentional contradiction between "living" and "stone." Cf. "living hope" in strkjv@1:3| and "living word" in strkjv@1:23|. {Rejected indeed of men} (\hupo anthr“p“n men apodedokimasmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \apodokimaz“\, old verb to repudiate after test (Luke:9:22|), in the accusative case agreeing with \lithon\. {But with God} (\para de the“i\). "By the side of God," as he looks at it, in contrast with the rejection "by men" (\hupo anthr“p“n\). {Elect} (\eklekton\). From strkjv@Isaiah:28:6| as in \entimon\ (precious, for which see strkjv@Luke:7:2|) rather than \dokimon\ (proved) expected after \apodedokimasmenon\ as meaning far more in God's sight, "a pre-eminence of position with" (Hort).

rwp@1Peter:2:5 @{Ye also as living stones} (\kai autoi h“s lithoi z“ntes\). Peter applies the metaphor about Christ as the living stone to the readers, "ye yourselves also." {Are built up a spiritual house} (\oikodomeisthe oikos pneumatikos\). Present passive indicative second person plural of \oikodome“\, the very verb used by Jesus to Peter in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| (\oikodomˆs“\) of building his church on the rock. If the metaphor of a house of living stones seems "violent" (Vincent), it should be remembered that Jesus employed the figure of a house of believers. Peter just carried it a bit farther and Paul uses a temple for believers in one place (1Corinthians:3:16|) and for the kingdom of God in general (Ephesians:2:22|), as does the author of Hebrews (Hebrews:3:6|). This "spiritual house" includes believers in the five Roman provinces of strkjv@1:1| and shows clearly how Peter understood the metaphor of Christ in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| to be not a local church, but the church general (the kingdom of Christ). {To be a holy priesthood} (\eis hierateuma hagion\). Late word (from \hierateu“\, to serve as priest, strkjv@Luke:1:8| alone in N.T.), in LXX (Exodus:19:6|), in N.T. only here and verse 9|, either the office of priest (Hort) or an order or body of priests. At any rate, Peter has the same idea of Rev strkjv@1:6| (\hiereis\, priests) that all believers are priests (Hebrews:4:16|) and can approach God directly. {To offer up} (\anenegkai\). First aorist active infinitive (of purpose here) of \anapher“\, the usual word for offering sacrifices (Hebrews:7:27|). Only these are "spiritual" (\pneumatikas\) as pictured also in strkjv@Hebrews:13:15f|. {Acceptable} (\euprosdektous\). Late (Plutarch) double compound verbal adjective (\eu, pros, dechomai\) as in strkjv@2Corinthians:6:2|.

rwp@1Peter:2:7 @{The preciousness} (\hˆ timˆ\). Or "the honour." Explanation of \entimon\ and \ou mˆ kataischunthˆi\ and only true "for you which believe" (\tois pisteuousin\ ethical dative of articular present active participle of \pisteu“\ to believe). {But for such as disbelieve} (\apistousin de\). Dative present active participle again of \apiste“\, opposite of \pisteu“\ (Luke:24:11|). {Was made the head of the corner} (\egenˆthˆ eis kephalˆn g“nias\). This verse is from strkjv@Psalms:118:22| with evident allusion to strkjv@Isaiah:28:16| (\kephalˆn g“nias=akrog“niaion\). See strkjv@Matthew:21:42; strkjv@Mark:12:10; strkjv@Luke:20:17|, where Jesus himself quotes strkjv@Psalms:118:22| and applies the rejection of the stone by the builders (\hoi oikodomountes\, the experts) to the Sanhedrin's conduct toward him. Peter quoted it also (and applied it as Jesus had done) in his speech at the Beautiful Gate (Acts:4:11|). Here he quotes it again to the same purpose.

rwp@1Peter:2:8 @{And} (\kai\). Peter now quotes strkjv@Isaiah:8:14| and gives a new turn to the previous quotation. To the disbelieving, Christ was indeed "a stone of stumbling (\lithos proskommatos\) and rock of offence (\petra skandalou\)," quoted also by Paul in strkjv@Romans:9:32f.|, which see for discussion. \Proskomma\ (from \proskopt“\, to cut against) is an obstacle against which one strikes by accident, while \skandalon\ is a trap set to trip one, but both make one fall. Too much distinction need not be made between \lithos\ (a loose stone in the path) and \petra\ (a ledge rising out of the ground). {For they} (\hoi\). Causal use of the relative pronoun. {Stumble at the word, being disobedient} (\proskoptousin t“i log“i apeithountes\). Present active indicative of \proskopt“\ with dative case, \log“i\, and present active participle of \apeithe“\ (cf. \apistousin\ in strkjv@2:7|) as in strkjv@3:1|. \T“i log“i\ can be construed with \apeithountes\ (stumble, being disobedient to the word). {Whereunto also they were appointed} (\eis ho kai etethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \tithˆmi\. See this idiom in strkjv@1Timothy:2:7|. "Their disobedience is not ordained, the penalty of their disobedience is" (Bigg). They rebelled against God and paid the penalty.

rwp@1Peter:2:10 @{Which in time past} (\hoi pote\). "Who once upon a time." {No people} (\ou laos\). This phrase from strkjv@Hosea:2:23|. Note use of \ou\ (not \oudeis\) with \laos\ like Hebrew negative. {Which had not obtained mercy} (\hoi ouk eleˆmenoi\). Perfect passive articular participle of \elee“\ and the emphatic negative \ou\, with which compare Paul's use of strkjv@Hosea:1; 2| in strkjv@Romans:9:25|, which may have been known to Peter or not. {But now have obtained mercy} (\nun de eleˆthentes\). Change to first aorist passive participle from "the long antecedent state" to "the single event of conversion which ended it" (Hort).

rwp@1Peter:2:12 @{Seemly} (\kalˆn\). Predicate adjective with \anastrophˆn\, for which see strkjv@1:15,18|. The Gentiles are on the watch for slips in moral conduct by the Christians. {That} (\hina\). Final conjunction with \doxas“sin\ (they may glorify, first aorist active subjunctive of \doxaz“\, the purpose of the Christians about the Gentiles. {Wherein} (\en h“i\). "In what thing." {As evil-doers} (\h“s kakopoi“n\). As they did and do, old word (from \kakon\ and \poie“\, strkjv@John:18:30|), in N.T. only here and verse 14| in correct text. Heathen talk against us (\katalalousin\) gleefully. {By your good works} (\ek t“n kal“n erg“n\). "Out of (as a result of) your good (beautiful) deeds." {Which they behold} (\epopteuontes\). Present active participle of \epopteu“\, old verb (from, \epoptˆs\, overseer, spectator, strkjv@2Peter:1:16|), to be an overseer, to view carefully, in N.T. only here and strkjv@3:2|. {In the day of visitation} (\en hˆmerƒi episkopˆs\). From strkjv@Isaiah:10:33|. Cf. its use in strkjv@Luke:19:44|, which see for the word \episkopˆ\ (from \episkope“\, to inspect (Hebrews:12:15|). Clear echo here of strkjv@Matthew:5:16|.

rwp@1Peter:2:13 @{Be subject to} (\hupotagˆte\). Second aorist passive imperative second person plural of \hupotass“\, to subject to, as in strkjv@3:22|. {Every ordinance of man} (\pasˆi anthr“pinˆi ktisei\). Dative case of old and common word \ktisis\ (from \ktiz“\, to create, to found), act of creation (Romans:1:20|), a creature or creation (Romans:1:25|), all creation (Colossians:1:15|), an institution as here (in Pindar so). For \anthr“pinos\ (human) see strkjv@James:3:7|. Peter here approves no special kind of government, but he supports law and order as Paul does (Romans:13:1-8|) unless it steps in between God and man (Acts:4:20|). {For the Lord's sake} (\dia ton kurion\). For Jesus' sake. That is reason enough for the Christian not to be an anarchist (Matthew:22:21|). The heathen were keen to charge the Christians with any crime after Nero set the fashion. "It should not be forgotten that, in spite of the fine language of the philosophers, the really popular religions in Greece and Rome were forms of devil-worship, intimately blended with magic in all its grades" (Bigg). {As supreme} (\h“s huperechonti\). Dative singular of present active participle of \huperech“\, old verb (intransitive), to stand out above (to have it over), as in strkjv@Romans:13:1|. It is not the divine right of kings, but the fact of the king as the outstanding ruler.

rwp@1Peter:2:14 @{Unto governors} (\hˆgemosin\). Dative again of \hˆgem“n\, a leader (from \hˆgeomai\, to lead), old and common word (Matthew:10:18|). {As sent by him} (\h“s di' autou pempomenois\). Present passive participle of \pemp“\. \Di' autou\ is "by God," as Jesus made plain to Pilate; even Pilate received his authority ultimately "from above" (John:18:11|). {For vengeance on evil-doers} (\eis ekdikˆsin kakopoi“n\). Objective genitive with \ekdikˆsin\, for which see strkjv@Luke:18:7f|. {For praise to them that do well} (\epainon agathopoi“n\). Objective genitive again, \agathopoios\, a late word (Plutarch, Sirach) from \agathon\ and \poie“\ here only in N.T. Found in a magical papyrus.

rwp@1Peter:2:15 @{By well-doing} (\agathopoiountas\). Present active participle of \agathopoie“\, only in LXX and N.T. (Mark:3:4|). In accusative case agreeing with \humas\ understood, accusative of general reference with \phimoin\, present active infinitive (epexegetic infinitive after \to thelˆma tou theou\, the will of God), late and rare verb (from \phimos\ muzzle), as in strkjv@Matthew:22:12|. {The ignorance of foolish men} (\tˆn t“n aphron“n anthr“p“n agn“sian\). \Agn“sia\ is late and rare word (in the papyri) from alpha privative and \gn“sis\ (knowledge), in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:15:24| (disgraceful ignorance in both instances). Note alliteration.

rwp@1Peter:2:16 @{As free} (\h“s eleutheroi\). Note nominative again connected with \hupotagˆte\ in verse 13|, not with \phimoin\ in verse 14| (a parenthesis in fact). For this ethical sense of \eleutheros\ see strkjv@Galatians:4:26|. {And not using your freedom} (\kai mˆ echontes tˆn eleutherian\). "And not holding your liberty" (present active participle of \ech“\, with usual negative \mˆ\ with participle. {For a cloke of wickedness} (\h“s epikalumma tˆs kakias\). \Epikalumma\ (from \epikalupt“\ strkjv@Romans:4:7|) is a rare word (Aristotle, LXX) for veil, here only in N.T. and in figurative sense for pretext to do wickedness under, a thing, alas, that sometimes happens. {But as bondservants of God} (\all' h“s theou douloi\). Paul's proud title. There is no such thing as absolute freedom (personal freedom), for that is anarchy. Cf. strkjv@Romans:6:22| "enslaved to God."

rwp@1Peter:2:18 @{Servants} (\hoi oiketai\). Note article with the class as with \andres\ (3:7|), though not with \gunaikes\ (3:1|). \Oiketˆs\, old word from \oikos\ (house), means one in the same house with another (Latin _domesticus_), particularly house servants (slaves) in distinction from the general term \doulos\ (slave). "Ye domestics." See similar directions to Christian servants (slaves) in strkjv@Colossians:3:22-25; strkjv@Ephesians:6:5-7; strkjv@1Timothy:6:1f.; strkjv@Titus:2:9f|. \Oiketˆs\ in N.T. occurs only here, strkjv@Luke:16:13; strkjv@Acts:10:7; strkjv@Romans:14:4|. {Be in subjection} (\hupotassomenoi\). Present middle participle of \hupotass“\, common late compound to subject oneself to one (Luke:2:51|). Either the participle is here used as an imperative (so in strkjv@3:1,7|) as in strkjv@Romans:12:16f.|, or the imperative \este\ has to be supplied (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 945). {To your masters} (\tois despotais\). Dative case of \despotˆs\, old word for absolute owner in contrast with \doulos\. It is used also of God (Luke:2:29; strkjv@Acts:4:24,29|) and of Christ (2Peter:2:1; strkjv@Jude:1:4|). \Kurios\ has a wider meaning and not necessarily suggesting absolute power. {To the good and gentle} (\tois agathois kai epieikesin\). Dative case also with the article with class. For \epieikˆs\ see on ¯James:3:17|. There were slave-owners (masters) like this as there are housekeepers and employers of workmen today. This is no argument for slavery, but only a sidelight on a condition bad enough at its best. {To the froward} (\tois skoliois\). "To the crooked." Old word, also in strkjv@Luke:3:5; strkjv@Acts:2:40; strkjv@Phillipians:2:15|. Unfortunately there were slave-holders as there are employers today, like this group. The test of obedience comes precisely toward this group.

rwp@1Peter:2:19 @{For this is acceptable} (\touto gar charis\). "For this thing (neuter singular \touto\, obedience to crooked masters) is grace" (\charis\ is feminine, here "thanks" as in strkjv@Romans:7:25|). "Acceptable" calls for \euprosdekton\ (2:5|), which is not the text here. {If a man endureth griefs} (\ei huopherei tis lupas\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and present active indicative of \hupopher“\, old verb, to bear up under, in N.T. only here, strkjv@1Corinthians:10:13; strkjv@2Timothy:3:11|. Note plural of \lupˆ\ (grief). {For conscience toward God} (\dia suneidˆsin theou\). Suffering is not a blessing in and of itself, but, if one's duty to God is involved (Acts:4:20|), then one can meet it with gladness of heart. \Theou\ (God) is objective genitive. For \suneidˆsis\ (conscience) see on ¯Acts:23:1; strkjv@1Corinthians:8:7|. It occurs again in strkjv@1Peter:3:16|. {Suffering wrongfully} (\pasch“n adik“s\). Present active participle of \pasch“\ and the common adverb \adik“s\, unjustly, here alone in N.T. This is the whole point, made clear already by Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:5:10-12|, where Jesus has also "falsely" (\pseudomenoi\). See also strkjv@Luke:6:32-34|.

rwp@1Peter:2:20 @{For what glory} (\poion gar kleos\). Qualitative interrogative (what kind of glory). "What price glory?" \Kleos\ is old word from \kle“\ (\kale“\, to call), report, praise, glory, here only in N.T. {If ye shall take it patiently} (\ei hupomeneite\). First-class condition with \ei\ and future active indicative of \hupomen“\, for which see strkjv@James:1:12|. Same condition also in next sentence (\all' ei\, etc.). {When ye sin} (\hamartanontes\). Present active participle of \hamartan“\ (continued repetition). {And are buffeted for it} (\kai kolaphizomenoi\). Present passive participle of \kolaphiz“\, late word (from \kolaphos\ fist), only in N.T. (cf. strkjv@Matthew:26:67|) and ecclesiastical writers. Repeated action again. No posing as a martyr allowed here. Christians do sometimes deserve persecution, as Jesus implied (Matthew:5:10-12|). {When ye do well} (\agathopoiountes\). Present active participle of \agathopoie“\ as in verse 15|. {And suffer for it} (\kai paschontes\). Present active participle of \pasch“\ (verse 19|). No "for it" in the Greek here or in the previous sentence. {This is acceptable with God} (\touto charis para the“i\). "This thing (neuter) is thanks (verse 19|) by the side of (\para\) God (as God looks at it)."

rwp@1Peter:2:21 @{For hereunto were ye called} (\eis touto gar eklˆthˆte\). First aorist indicative of \kale“\, to call. They were called to suffer without flinching (Hort), if need be. {Because} (\hoti\). The fact that Christ suffered (\epathen\) lifts their suffering to a new plane. {Leaving you an example} (\humin hupolimpan“n hupogrammon\). Present active participle of the late Ionic verb \hupolimpan“\ (in the papyri) for the common \hupoleip“\, to leave behind (under), here only in N.T. \Hupogrammos\ is also a late and rare word (from \hupograph“\, to write under), a writing-copy for one to imitate, in II Macc. strkjv@2:28; Philo, Clement of Rome, here only in N.T. Clement of Alex. (_Strom_. V. 8. 49) uses it of the copy-head at the top of a child's exercise book for the child to imitate, including all the letters of the alphabet. The papyri give many examples of \hupographˆ\ and \hupograph“\ in the sense of copying a letter. {That ye should follow his steps} (\hina epakolouthˆsˆte tois ichnesin autou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \epakolouthe“\, old verb, to follow closely upon, with the associative-instrumental (1Timothy:5:10,24|) or the locative here. \Ichnos\ is old word (from \hik“\, to go), tracks, footprints, in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Corinthians:12:18; strkjv@Romans:4:12|. Peter does not mean that Christ suffered only as an example (1:18|), but he did leave us his example for our copying (1John:2:6|).

rwp@1Peter:2:22 @{Who did no sin} (\hos hamartian ouk epoiˆsen\). Quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:53:9|. He has already expressed the sinlessness of Christ in strkjv@1:19|. The next clause is a combination of strkjv@Isaiah:53:9; strkjv@Zephaniah:3:13|. For "guile" (\dolos\) see verse 1|. {Was found} (\heurethˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. Christ's guilelessness stood the test of scrutiny (Vincent), as Peter knew (Matthew:26:60; strkjv@John:18:38; strkjv@19:4,6|).

rwp@1Peter:2:23 @{When he was reviled} (\loidoroumenos\). Present passive participle of \loidore“\, old verb (from \loidoros\, reviler, strkjv@1Corinthians:5:11|) as in strkjv@John:9:28|. {Reviled not again} (\ouk anteloidorei\). Imperfect active (for repeated incidents) of \antiloidore“\, late and rare compound (Plutarch, Lucian, one papyrus example with compound following the simplex verb as here, Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_), here only in N.T. Idiomatic use of \anti\ (in turn, return, back). {Threatened not} (\ouk ˆpeilei\). Imperfect again (repeated acts) of \apeile“\, old compound (from \apeilˆ\, threat, strkjv@Acts:9:1|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:4:17|. {But committed himself} (\paredidou de\). Imperfect active again (kept on committing himself) of \paradid“mi\, to hand over, usually of one to a judge, but here not of another (as the Sanhedrin), but himself (supply \heauton\), for Jesus uses this very idea in strkjv@Luke:23:46| as he dies. Jesus thus handed himself and his cause over to the Father who judges righteously (\t“i krinonti dikai“s\, dative of present active articular participle of \krin“\).

rwp@1Peter:2:24 @{Who his own self} (\hos autos\). Intensive pronoun with the relative referring to Christ (note relatives also in verses 22,23|). {Bare our sins} (\anˆnegken tas hamartias hˆm“n\). Second aorist active indicative of \anapher“\, common verb of bringing sacrifice to the altar. Combination here of strkjv@Isaiah:53:12; strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23|. Jesus is the perfect sin offering (Hebrews:9:28|). For Christ's body (\s“ma\) as the offering see strkjv@1Corinthians:11:24|. "Here St. Peter puts the Cross in the place of the altar" (Bigg). {Upon the tree} (\epi to xulon\). Not tree here as in strkjv@Luke:23:31|, originally just wood (1Corinthians:3:12|), then something made of wood, as a gibbet or cross. Songs:used by Peter for the Cross in strkjv@Acts:5:30; strkjv@10:39|; and by Paul in strkjv@Galatians:3:13| (quoting strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23|). {Having died unto sins} (\tais hamartiais apogenomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \apoginomai\, old compound to get away from, with dative (as here) to die to anything, here only in N.T. {That we might live unto righteousness} (\hina tˆi dikaiosunˆi zˆs“men\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \za“\ with the dative (cf. strkjv@Romans:6:20|). Peter's idea here is like that of Paul in strkjv@Romans:6:1-23|, especially verses 2,10f.|). {By whose stripes ye were healed} (\hou t“i m“l“pi iathˆte\). From strkjv@Isaiah:53:5|. First aorist passive indicative of \iaomai\, common verb to heal (James:5:16|) and the instrumental case of \m“l“ps\, rare word (Aristotle, Plutarch) for bruise or bloody wound, here only in N.T. Cf. strkjv@1:18|. Writing to slaves who may have received such stripes, Peter's word is effective.

rwp@1Peter:2:25 @{For ye were going astray like sheep} (\ˆte gar h“s probata plan“menoi\). Brought from strkjv@Isaiah:53:6|, but changed to periphrastic imperfect indicative with \ˆte\ and present middle participle of \plana“\, to wander away. Recall the words of Jesus in strkjv@Luke:15:4-7|. {But are now returned} (\alla epestraphˆte\). Second aorist passive indicative of \epistreph“\, old verb, to turn, to return (Matthew:10:13|). {Unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls} (\epi ton poimena kai episkopon t“n psuch“n hum“n\). Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd (John:10:11|, and see also strkjv@Hebrews:13:20|). Here alone is Christ called our "Bishop" (overseer). See both ideas combined in strkjv@Ezekiel:34:11|. Philo calls God \Episcopos\. Jesus is also \Apostolos\ strkjv@Hebrews:3:1|) and he deserves all other titles of dignity that we can give him.

rwp@1Peter:3:1 @{In like manner} (\homoi“s\). Adverb closely connected with \hupotassomenoi\, for which see strkjv@2:18|. {Ye wives} (\gunaikes\). Without article. About wives see also strkjv@Colossians:3:18; strkjv@Ephesians:5:22; strkjv@Titus:2:4|. {To your own husbands} (\tois idiois andrasin\). \Idiois\ occurs also in Ephesians and Titus, but not in Colossians. It strengthens the idea of possession in the article \tois\. Wives are not enjoined to be in subjection to the husbands of other women, as some think it fine to be (affinities!) {Even if any obey not the word} (\kai ei tines apeithousin t“i log“i\). Condition of first class and dative case of \logos\ (1:23,25; strkjv@2:8|), that is, remain heathen. {That they be gained} (\hina kerdˆthˆsontai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first future passive indicative of \kerdain“\, old verb, to gain (from \kerdos\, gain, interest) as in strkjv@Matthew:18:15|. See the future with \hina\ also in strkjv@Luke:20:10; strkjv@Revelation:3:9|. {Without the word} (\aneu logou\). Probably here "word from their wives" (Hart), the other sense of \logos\ (talk, not technical "word of God"). {By the behaviour of their wives} (\dia tˆs t“n gunaik“n anastrophˆs\). Won by pious living, not by nagging. Many a wife has had this blessed victory of grace.

rwp@1Peter:3:2 @{Beholding} (\epopteusantes\). First aorist active participle of \epopteu“\, for which see strkjv@2:12|. See strkjv@2:12| also for \anastrophˆn\ manner of life). {Chaste} (\hagnˆn\). Pure because "in fear" (\en phob“i\), no word in the Greek for "coupled," fear of God, though in strkjv@Ephesians:5:33| fear (reverence for) of the husband is urged.

rwp@1Peter:3:4 @{But the hidden man of the heart} (\all' ho kruptos tˆs kardias anthr“pos\). Here \anthr“pos\ is in contrast with \kosmos\ just before. See Paul's use of \anthr“pos\ for the outer and old, the inner and new man (2Corinthians:4:16; strkjv@Romans:7:22; strkjv@Colossians:3:9; strkjv@Ephesians:3:16; strkjv@4:22,24|). See also the Jew \en krupt“i\ (Romans:2:29|) and what Jesus said about God seeing "in secret" (Matthew:6:4,6|). {In the incorruptible apparel of a meek and quiet spirit} (\en t“i aphthart“i tou hˆsuchiou kai prae“s pneumatos\). No word in the Greek for "apparel" (\kosm“i\). For \aphthartos\ see strkjv@1:4,23|. For \praus\ see strkjv@Matthew:5:5; strkjv@11:29|. \Pneuma\ (spirit) is here disposition or temper (Bigg), unlike any other use in the N.T. In strkjv@3:18,19; strkjv@4:6| it means the whole inner man as opposed to \sarx\ or \s“ma\, very much as \psuchˆ\ is used as opposed to \s“ma\. {Which} (\ho\). Spirit just mentioned. {Of great price} (\poluteles\). Old word (from \polu\ and \telos\, cost), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Mark:14:3; strkjv@1Timothy:2:9|.

rwp@1Peter:3:5 @{Adorned themselves} (\ekosmoun heautas\). Imperfect active of customary action, "used to adorn themselves." \Kosme“\ is old verb from \kosmos\ in the sense in verse 3|. See strkjv@Hebrews:11:11,35| for like tribute to holy women of the O.T. The participle \hupotassomenai\ repeats verse 1|.

rwp@1Peter:3:6 @{As Sarah} (\h“s Sarra\). {Obeyed Abraham} (\hupˆkouen t“i Abraam\). Imperfect active of \hupakou“\, "used to obey" (with dative). {Calling him lord} (\kurion auton kalousa\). Present active participle of \kale“\. See Gen strkjv@18:12|. {Whose children ye now are} (\hˆs egenˆthˆte tekna\). First aorist passive indicative of \ginomai\, "whose children ye became." {If ye do well} (\agathopoiousai\). Present active feminine plural participle of \agathopoie“\ (2:15|), "doing good." {And are not put in fear by any terror} (\kai mˆ phoboumenai mˆdemian ptoˆsin\). Free quotation from strkjv@Proverbs:3:25|, "and not fearing any terror" (cognate accusative of \ptoˆsis\, after \phoboumenai\, present middle participle, late and rare word from \ptoe“\, to terrify, as in strkjv@Luke:21:9|, here only in N.T.). Perhaps Peter regards Sarah's falsehood as the yielding to a sudden terror (Hart). Hannah could also be named along with Sarah. The women somehow do not organize "daughters of Sarah" societies.

rwp@1Peter:3:7 @{Ye husbands likewise} (\hoi andres homoi“s\). Probably "likewise" here refers to honouring all men (2:17|), not "likewise" of strkjv@3:1|. {Dwell with} (\sunoikountes\). Present active participle of \sunoike“\, old verb for domestic association, here only in N.T. Used as imperative here like the participle in strkjv@2:18; strkjv@3:1|. {According to knowledge} (\kata gn“sin\). "With an intelligent recognition of the nature of the marriage relation" (Vincent). {Giving honour unto the woman as unto the weaker vessel} (\h“s asthenester“i skeuei t“i gunaikei“i aponemontes timˆn\). Present active participle of \aponem“\, old verb, to assign, to portion out (or off), here only in N.T. \Skeuos\ is an old and common word for vessel, furniture, utensil (Matthew:12:29; strkjv@2Timothy:2:20|). Here both husband and wife are termed vessels or "parts of the furniture of God's house" (Bigg). See Paul's use of \skeuos\ for ministers (2Corinthians:4:7|). \Gunaikei“i\ here is an adjective (female, feminine) from \gunˆ\ (woman, wife). She is termed "the weaker" (\t“i asthenester“i\), not for intellectual or moral weakness, but purely for physical reasons, which the husband must recognize with due consideration for marital happiness. {Joint-heirs of the grace of life} (\sunklˆronomoi charitos z“ˆs\). Late double compound found in an Ephesian inscription and the papyri, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Romans:8:17; strkjv@Ephesians:3:6; strkjv@Hebrews:11:9|. God's gift of life eternal belongs to woman as well as to man. In the eyes of God the wife may be superior to the husband, not merely equal. {To the end that your prayers be not hindered} (\eis to mˆ egkoptesthai tas proseuchas hum“n\). Purpose clause with \eis to\ and the present passive infinitive (with negative \mˆ\) of \egkopt“\, to cut in, to interrupt, late verb (Polybius), as in strkjv@Romans:15:22|, etc. Very vivid to us now with our telephones and radios when people cut in on us. \Proseuchas\ (prayers) is the accusative of general reference. Husbands surely have here cause to consider why their prayers are not answered.

rwp@1Peter:3:8 @{Finally} (\to telos\). Adverbial accusative. Conclusion, not of the Epistle, but only of the addresses to various classes. No verb (\este\ imperative, be) here. {Likeminded} (\homophrones\). Old compound (\homos, phrˆn\), here only in N.T. {Compassionate} (\sumpatheis\). Old adjective (\sun, pasch“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:12:15|. Our "sympathetic" in original sense. {Loving as brethren} (\philadelphoi\). Old compound (\philos, adelphos\), here only in N.T. {Tender-hearted} (\eusplagchnoi\). Late and rare compound (\eu\ and \splagchnon\), in Hippocrates, Apocrypha, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:4:32|. {Humble minded} (\tapeinophrones\). Late compound (\tapeinos, phrˆn\), in Plutarch, strkjv@Proverbs:29:23|, here only in N.T.

rwp@1Peter:3:9 @{Not rendering evil for evil} (\mˆ apodidontes kakon anti kakou\). \Mˆ\ and the present active participle of \apodid“mi\, to give back. The same phrase in strkjv@Romans:12:17| and the same idea in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:15|. Peter may have obtained it from Paul or both from strkjv@Proverbs:17:13; strkjv@20:22|, "an approximation to Christ's repeal of the \lex talionis\ (Matthew:5:38ff.|) which Plato first opposed among the Greeks" (Hart). Common use of \anti\ for exchange. {Reviling for reviling} (\loidorian anti loidorias\). Allusion to strkjv@2:23| (Christ's own example). {But contrariwise blessing} (\tounantion de eulogountes\). Adverbial accusative and crasis (\to enantion\) of the neuter article and the adjective \enantios\ (\en, antios\, opposite, strkjv@Matthew:14:24|), "on the contrary." For \eulogountes\ (present active participle of \euloge“\) see strkjv@Luke:6:28; strkjv@Romans:12:14| (imperative \eulogeite\). {For hereunto were ye called} (\hoti eis touto eklˆthˆte\). See strkjv@2:21| for this verb and use of \eis touto\ (pointing to the preceding argument). {That ye should inherit a blessing} (\hina eulogian klˆronomˆsˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \klˆronome“\, a plain reference to Esau, who wanted "to inherit the blessing" (Hebrews:12:17|) after he had sold his birthright. Christians are the new Israel (both Gentiles and Jews) and are the spiritual descendants of Isaac (Galatians:4:22ff.|).

rwp@1Peter:3:10 @{For} (\gar\). Reason for the entire exhortation in verses 8,9| and introducing in verses 10-12| a quotation from strkjv@Psalms:34:13-17| with some slight changes. {Would love life} (\thel“n z“ˆn agapƒin\). "Wishing to love life." This present life. The LXX expressions are obscure Hebraisms. The LXX has \agap“n\ (participle present active of \agapa“\, not the infinitive \agapƒin\. {Let him refrain} (\pausat“\). Third person singular first aorist active imperative of \pau“\ to make stop, whereas the LXX has \pauson\ (second person singular). {His tongue} (\tˆn gl“ssan\). See strkjv@James:3:1-12|. {That they speak no guile} (\tou mˆ lalˆsai dolon\). Purpose clause with genitive article \tou\ (negative \mˆ\) and the first aorist active infinitive of \lale“\. But it can also be explained as the ablative case with the redundant negative \mˆ\ after a verb of hindering (\pausat“\) like strkjv@Luke:4:42|. See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1061. "Let him refrain his lips from speaking guile."

rwp@1Peter:3:13 @{That will harm you} (\ho kak“s“n humas\). Future active articular participle of \kako“\, old verb (from \kakos\, bad) as in strkjv@Acts:7:6,19|. Any real hurt, either that wishes to harm you or that can harm. See the words in strkjv@Isaiah:50:9|. {If ye be} (\ean genˆsthe\). Rather, "if ye become" (condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\). {Zealous of that which is good} (\tou agathou zˆl“tai\). "Zealots for the good" (objective genitive after \zˆl“tai\ (zealots, not zealous), old word from \zˆlo“\ (1Corinthians:12:12|).

rwp@1Peter:3:14 @{But and if ye should suffer} (\all' ei kai paschoite\). "But if ye should also (or even) suffer." Condition of the fourth class with \ei\ and the optative (undetermined with less likelihood), a rare condition in the vernacular _Koin‚_, since the optative was a dying mode. If matters, in spite of the prophetic note of victory in verse 13|, should come to actual suffering "for righteousness' sake" (\dia dikaiosunˆn\) as in strkjv@Matthew:5:10| (\heneken\, not \dia\), then "blessed" (\makarioi\, the very word of Jesus there which see, a word meaning "happy," not \eulogˆtoi\) "are ye" (not in the Greek). If the conclusion were expressed regularly, it would be \eiˆte an\ (ye would be), not \este\ (ye are). It is interesting to note the third-class condition in verse 13| just before the fourth-class one in verse 14|. {Fear not their fear} (\ton phobon aut“n mˆ phobˆthˆte\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the first aorist (ingressive) passive subjunctive of \phobeomai\, to fear, and the cognate accusative \phobon\ (fear, terror). "Do not fear their threats" (Bigg). Quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:8:12f|. {Neither be troubled} (\mˆde taraxthˆte\). Prohibition with \mˆde\ and the first aorist (ingressive) subjunctive of \tarass“\, to disturb (Matthew:2:6; strkjv@John:12:27|). Part of the same quotation. Cf. strkjv@3:6|.

rwp@1Peter:3:15 @{Sanctify} (\hagiasate\). First aorist active imperative of \hagiaz“\. This instead of being afraid. {Christ as Lord} (\kurion ton Christon\). \Ton Christon\, direct object with article and \kurion\ predicate accusative (without article). This is the correct text, not \ton theon\ of the Textus Receptus. An adaptation to Christ of strkjv@Isaiah:8:13|. {Being ready always} (\hetoimoi aei\). No participle in the Greek, old adjective (Titus:3:1|). {To give answer} (\pros apologian\). "For an apology," the old sense of \apologia\, an answer back, a defence (not excuse), as in strkjv@Acts:22:1|, from \apologeomai\ to defend (not to apologize). {A reason concerning the hope that is in you} (\logon peri tˆs en humin elpidos\). Original sense of \logon\ (accusative of the thing with \aitounti\ with \humƒs\, accusative of the person) "concerning the in you hope." Ready with a spoken defence of the inward hope. This attitude calls for an intelligent grasp of the hope and skill in presenting it. In Athens every citizen was expected to be able to join in the discussion of state affairs. {Yet with meekness and fear} (\alla meta prautˆtos kai phobou\). Of God (2:18; strkjv@3:2,4|), not of man.

rwp@1Peter:3:16 @{Having a good conscience} (\suneidˆsin echontes agathˆn\). Present active participle of \ech“\. See strkjv@2:18| for \suneidˆsin\ and strkjv@3:21| for \suneidˆsis agathˆ\ again ("a quasi-personification," Hart). {That they may be put to shame} (\hina kataischunth“sin\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \kataischun“\, old verb, to put to shame (Luke:13:17; strkjv@1Peter:2:6|). {Wherein ye are spoken against} (\en h“i katalaleisthe\). Present passive indicative of \katalale“\, for which see strkjv@2:12| with \en h“i\ also. Peter may be recalling (Hart) his own experience at Pentecost when the Jews first scoffed and others were cut to the heart (Acts:2:13,37|). {Who revile} (\hoi epˆreazontes\). Articular present active participle of \epˆreaz“\, old verb (from \epˆreia\, spiteful abuse), to insult, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:6:28|. {In Christ} (\en Christ“i\). Paul's common mystical phrase that Peter has three times (here, strkjv@5:10,14|), not in John, though the idea is constantly in John. Peter here gives a new turn (cf. strkjv@2:12|) to \anastrophˆ\ (manner of life). "Constantly the apostle repeats his phrases with new significance and in a new light" (Bigg).

rwp@1Peter:3:17 @{Better} (\kreitton\). Comparative of \kratus\ as in strkjv@2Peter:2:21; strkjv@Hebrews:1:4|. Patient endurance not only silences calumny (verse 16|), is Christlike (verse 18|), but it has a value of its own (verse 17|). {If the will of God should so will} (\ei theloi to thelˆma tou theou\). Condition of the fourth class again (\ei--theloi\) with \ei\ and the optative. For a like pleonasm see strkjv@John:7:17|. {For well-doing than for evil-doing} (\agathopoiountas ˆ kakopoiountas\). Accusative plural agreeing with \humƒs\ understood (accusative of general reference with the infinitive \paschein\ (to suffer) of the participles from \agathopoie“\ (see strkjv@2:15|) and \kakopoie“\ (Mark:3:4|, and see strkjv@1Peter:2:14| for \kakopoios\).

rwp@1Peter:3:18 @{Because Christ also died} (\hoti kai Christos apethanen\). Songs:the best MSS.; later ones \epathen\ (suffered). The example of Christ should stir us to patient endurance. {For sins} (\peri hamarti“n\). "Concerning sins" (not his, but ours, strkjv@1:18|). \Peri\ (around, concerning) with \hamartias\ in the regular phrase for the sin offering (Leviticus:5:7; strkjv@6:30|), though \huper hamartias\ does occur (Ezekiel:43:25|). Songs:in the N.T. we find both \peri hamarti“n\ (Hebrews:5:3|) and \huper hamarti“n\ (Hebrews:5:1|). {Once} (\hapax\). Once for all (Hebrews:9:28|), not once upon a time (\pote\). {The righteous for the unrighteous} (\dikaios huper adik“n\). Literally, "just for unjust" (no articles). See strkjv@1Peter:2:19| for the sinlessness of Christ as the one perfect offering for sin. This is what gives Christ's blood value. He has no sin himself. Some men today fail to perceive this point. {That he might bring us to God} (\hina hˆmƒs prosagagˆi t“i the“i\). Purpose clause with \hina\, with second aorist active subjunctive of \prosag“\ and the dative case \t“i the“i\. The MSS. vary between \hˆmƒs\ (us) and \humƒs\ (you). The verb \prosag“\ means to lead or bring to (Matthew:18:24|), to approach God (cf. \prosag“gˆn\ in strkjv@Ephesians:2:18|), to present us to God on the basis of his atoning death for us, which has opened the way (Romans:3:25; strkjv@Hebrews:10:19f|.) {Being put to death in the flesh} (\thanat“theis men sarki\). First aorist passive participle of \thanato“\, old verb (from \thanatos\ death), to put to death. \Sarki\ is locative case of \sarx\. {But quickened in the spirit} (\z“opoiˆtheis de pneumati\). First aorist passive participle of \z“opoie“\ rare (Aristotle) verb (from \z“opoios\ making alive), to make alive. The participles are not antecedent to \apethanen\, but simultaneous with it. There is no such construction as the participle of subsequent action. The spirit of Christ did not die when his flesh did, but "was endued with new and greater powers of life" (Thayer). See strkjv@1Corinthians:15:22| for the use of the verb for the resurrection of the body. But the use of the word \pneumati\ (locative case) in contrast with \sarki\ starts Peter's mind off in a long comparison by way of illustration that runs from verses 19-22|. The following verses have caused more controversy than anything in the Epistle.

rwp@1Peter:3:19 @{In which also} (\en h“i kai\). That is, in spirit (relative referring to \pneumati\). But, a number of modern scholars have followed Griesbach's conjecture that the original text was either \N“e kai\ (Noah also), or \En“ch kai\ (Enoch also), or \en h“i kai En“ch\ (in which Enoch also) which an early scribe misunderstood or omitted \En“ch kai\ in copying (\homoioteleuton\). It is allowed in Stier and Theile's _Polyglott_. It is advocated by J. Cramer in 1891, by J. Rendel Harris in _The Expositor_ (1901), and _Sidelights on N.T. Research_ (p. 208), by Nestle in 1902, by Moffatt's New Translation of the New Testament. Windisch rejects it as inconsistent with the context. There is no manuscript for the conjecture, though it would relieve the difficulty greatly. Luther admits that he does not know what Peter means. Bigg has no doubt that the event recorded took place between Christ's death and his resurrection and holds that Peter is alluding to Christ's _Descensus ad Inferos_ in strkjv@Acts:2:27| (with which he compares strkjv@Matthew:27:52f.; strkjv@Luke:23:34; strkjv@Ephesians:4:9|). With this Windisch agrees. But Wohlenberg holds that Peter means that Christ in his preexistent state preached to those who rejected the preaching of Noah who are now in prison. Augustine held that Christ was in Noah when he preached. Bigg argues strongly that Christ during the time between his death and resurrection preached to those who once heard Noah (but are now in prison) and offered them another chance and not mere condemnation. If so, why did Jesus confine his preaching to this one group? Songs:the theories run on about this passage. One can only say that it is a slim hope for those who neglect or reject Christ in this life to gamble with a possible second chance after death which rests on very precarious exegesis of a most difficult passage in Peter's Epistle. Accepting the text as we have, what can we make of it? {He went and preached} (\poreutheis ekˆruxen\). First aorist passive (deponent) participle of \poreuomai\ and first aorist active indicative of \kˆruss“\, the verb commonly used of the preaching of Jesus. Naturally the words mean personal action by Christ "in spirit" as illustration of his "quickening" (verse 18|) whether done before his death or afterwards. It is interesting to observe that, just as the relative \en h“i\ here tells something suggested by the word \pneumati\ (in spirit) just before, so in verse 21| the relative \ho\ (which) tells another illustration of the words \di' hudatos\ (by water) just before. Peter jumps from the flood in Noah's time to baptism in Peter's time, just as he jumped backwards from Christ's time to Noah's time. He easily goes off at a word. What does he mean here by the story that illustrates Christ's quickening in spirit? {Unto the spirits in prison} (\tois en phulakˆi pneumasin\). The language is plain enough except that it does not make it clear whether Jesus did the preaching to spirits in prison at the time or to people whose spirits are now in prison, the point of doubt already discussed. The metaphorical use of \en phulakˆi\ can be illustrated by strkjv@2Peter:2:4; strkjv@Jude:1:6; strkjv@Revelation:20:7| (the final abode of the lost). See strkjv@Hebrews:12:23| for the use of \pneumata\ for disembodied spirits.

rwp@1Peter:3:20 @{Which aforetime were disobedient} (\apeithˆsasin pote\). First aorist active participle of \apeithe“\ (for which verb see strkjv@3:20|) in the dative plural agreeing with \pneumasin\. These spirits now in prison once upon a time (\pote\) were disobedient (typical rebels, Hart calls them). {Waited} (\apexedecheto\). Imperfect middle of the double compound \apekdechomai\, late verb, probably first by Paul (1Corinthians:1:7|), though in the apocryphal _Acta Pauli_ (iii) and other late writings cited by Nageli (p. 43). Perfective use of the two prepositions (\apo, ek\) to wait out to the end, as for Christ's Second Coming (Phillipians:3:20|). A hundred years apparently after the warning (Genesis:5:32; strkjv@6:3; strkjv@7:6|) Noah was preparing the ark and Noah as a preacher of righteousness (2Peter:2:5|) forewarned the people, who disregarded it. {While the ark was a preparing} (\kataskeuazomenˆs kib“tou\). Genitive absolute with present passive participle of \kataskeuaz“\, old compound (Matthew:11:10|), for \kib“tos\ (ark) see on ¯Matthew:24:38|. {Wherein} (\eis hˆn\). "Into which" (the ark). {That is} (\tout' estin\). Explanatory expression like our English idiom (Romans:10:6|, etc.). {Souls} (\psuchai\). Persons of both sexes (living men) as in strkjv@Acts:2:41; strkjv@27:37|, etc. {Were saved} (\dies“thˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \dias“z“\, old compound, to bring safe through as in strkjv@Acts:27:44|. {Through water} (\di' hudatos\). "By means of water" as the intermediate agent, an apparent change in the use of \dia\ in composition just before (local use) to the instrumental use here. They came through the water in the ark and so were saved by the water in spite of the flood around them. Peter lays stress (Hart) on the water rather than on the ark (Hebrews:11:7|) for the sake of the following illustration.

rwp@1Peter:3:21 @{Which also} (\ho kai\). Water just mentioned. {After a true likeness} (\antitupon\). Water in baptism now as an anti-type of Noah's deliverance by water. For \baptisma\ see on ¯Matthew:3:7|. For \antitupon\ see on ¯Hebrews:9:24| (only other N.T. example) where the word is used of the earthly tabernacle corresponding (\antitupa\) to the heavenly, which is the pattern (\tupon\ strkjv@Hebrews:8:5|) for the earthly. Songs:here baptism is presented as corresponding to (prefigured by) the deliverance of Noah's family by water. It is only a vague parallel, but not over-fanciful. {Doth now save you} (\humas nun s“zei\). Simplex verb (\s“z“\, not the compound \dias“z“\). The saving by baptism which Peter here mentions is only symbolic (a metaphor or picture as in strkjv@Romans:6:2-6|), not actual as Peter hastens to explain. {Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh} (\ou sarkos apothesis rupou\). \Apothesis\ is old word from \apotithˆmi\ (2:1|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Peter:1:14|. \Rupou\ (genitive of \rupos\) is old word (cf. \ruparos\, filthy, in strkjv@James:2:2; strkjv@Revelation:22:11|), here only in N.T. (cf. strkjv@Isaiah:3:3; strkjv@4:4|). Baptism, Peter explains, does not wash away the filth of the flesh either in a literal sense, as a bath for the body, or in a metaphorical sense of the filth of the soul. No ceremonies really affect the conscience (Hebrews:9:13f.|). Peter here expressly denies baptismal remission of sin. {But the interrogation of a good conscience toward God} (\alla suneidˆse“s agathˆs eper“tˆma eis theon\). Old word from \eper“ta“\ (to question as in strkjv@Mark:9:32; strkjv@Matthew:16:1|), here only in N.T. In ancient Greek it never means answer, but only inquiry. The inscriptions of the age of the Antonines use it of the Senate's approval after inquiry. That may be the sense here, that is, avowal of consecration to God after inquiry, having repented and turned to God and now making this public proclamation of that fact by means of baptism (the symbol of the previous inward change of heart). Thus taken, it matters little whether \eis theon\ (toward God) be taken with \eper“tˆma\ or \suneidˆse“s\. {Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ} (\di' anastase“s Iˆsou Christou\). For baptism is a symbolic picture of the resurrection of Christ as well as of our own spiritual renewal (Romans:6:2-6|). See strkjv@1:3| for regeneration made possible by the resurrection of Jesus.

rwp@1Peter:3:22 @{Having gone} (\poreutheis\). First aorist (deponent) participle (not periphrastic) of \poreuomai\. {Being made subject} (\hupotagent“n\). Second aorist passive participle of \hupotass“\ (see strkjv@2:18; strkjv@3:1|) in the genitive absolute construction. {Unto him} (\aut“i\). Christ. See strkjv@1Corinthians:15:28|.

rwp@1Peter:4:1 @{For as much then as Christ suffered in the flesh} (\Christou oun pathontos sarki\). Genitive absolute with second aorist active participle of \pasch“\, to suffer, and the locative case of \sarx\ (flesh). The \oun\ (then, therefore) draws and applies the main lesson of strkjv@3:18-22|, the fact that Christ suffered for us. {Arm ye yourselves also} (\kai humeis hoplisasthe\). Direct middle first aorist imperative of \hopliz“\, old verb from \hoplon\ (weapon, strkjv@John:18:3|), in metaphorical sense, here only in N.T. {With the same mind} (\tˆn autˆn ennoian\). Accusative of the thing (content), \ennoian\, old word (from \en, nous\), putting in mind, thinking, will, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|. "Here again _Christus Patiens_ is our \hupogrammos\" (Bigg). {For} (\hoti\). Reason for the exhortation. {Hath ceased from sin} (\pepautai hamartias\). Perfect middle indicative of \pau“\ to make cease and the ablative singular \hamartias\, but B reads the dative plural \hamartiais\ (cf. strkjv@Romans:6:1f.|). Temptation has lost its appeal and power with such a man.

rwp@1Peter:4:3 @{Past} (\parelˆluth“s\). Perfect active participle of the compound verb \parerchomai\, old verb, to go by (beside) as in strkjv@Matthew:14:15| with \h“ra\ (hour). {May suffice} (\arketos\). No copula in the Greek, probably \estin\ (is) rather than \dunatai\ (can). Late and rare verbal adjective from \arke“\, to suffice, in the papyri several times, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:6:34; strkjv@10:25|, apparently referring to Christ's words in strkjv@Matthew:6:34| (possibly an axiom or proverb). {To have wrought} (\kateirgasthai\). Perfect middle infinitive of \katergazomai\, common compound (\kata, ergon\ work) as in strkjv@1Corinthians:5:3|. {The desire} (\to boulˆma\). Correct text, not \thelˆma\. Either means the thing desired, willed. Jews sometimes fell in with the ways of Gentiles (Romans:2:21-24; strkjv@3:9-18; strkjv@Ephesians:2:1-3|) as today some Christians copy the ways of the world. {And to have walked} (\peporeumenous\). Perfect middle participle of \poreuomai\ in the accusative plural of general reference with the infinitive \kateirgasthai\. Literally, "having walked or gone." {In lasciviousness} (\en aselgeiais\). All these sins are in the locative case with \en\. "In unbridled lustful excesses" (2Peter:2:7; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:21|). {Lusts} (\epithumiais\). Cf. strkjv@2:11; strkjv@4:2|. {Winebibbings} (\oinophlugiais\). Old compound (\oinos\, wine, \phlu“\, to bubble up), for drunkenness, here only in N.T. (also in strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:20|). {Revellings} (\komois\). Old word (from \keimai\, to lie down), rioting drinking parties, in N.T. here and strkjv@Galatians:5:21; strkjv@Romans:13:13|. {Carousings} (\potois\). Old word for drinking carousal (from \pin“\, to drink), here only in the N.T. In the light of these words it seems strange to find modern Christians justifying their "personal liberty" to drink and carouse, to say nothing of the prohibition law. The Greeks actually carried lust and drunkenness into their religious observances (Aphrodite, for instance). {Abominable idolatries} (\athemitois eid“lolatriais\). To the Christian all "idolatry," (\eid“lon, latreia\), worship of idols, is "abominable," not allowed (alpha privative and \themitos\, \themistos\ the old form, verbal of \themiz“\, to make lawful), but particularly those associated with drinking and licentiousness. The only other N.T. example of \athemitos\ is by Peter also (Acts:10:28|) and about the Mosaic law. That may be the idea here, for Jews often fell into idolatrous practices (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 274).

rwp@1Peter:4:4 @{Wherein} (\en h“i\). "In which thing" (manner of life). {They think it strange} (\xenizontai\). Present passive indicative of \xeniz“\, old verb (from \xenos\, stranger), to entertain a guest (Acts:10:23|), to astonish (Acts:17:20|). See also strkjv@4:12|. "They are surprised or astonished." {That ye run not with them} (\mˆ suntrechont“n hum“n\). Genitive absolute (negative \mˆ\) with present active participle of \suntrech“\, old compound, to run together like a crowd or a mob as here (just like our phrase, "running with certain folks"). {Into the same excess of riot} (\eis tˆn autˆn tˆs as“tias anachusin\). \Anachusin\ (from \anache“\ to pour forth) is a late and rare word, our overflowing, here only in N.T. \As“tias\ is the character of an abandoned man (\as“tos\, cf. \as“t“s\ in strkjv@Luke:15:13|), old word for a dissolute life, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Ephesians:5:18; strkjv@Titus:1:6|. {Speaking evil of you} (\blasphˆmountes\). Present active participle of \blasphˆme“\ as in strkjv@Luke:22:65|. "The Christians were compelled to stand aloof from all the social pleasures of the world, and the Gentiles bitterly resented their puritanism, regarding them as the enemies of all joy, and therefore of the human race" (Bigg).

rwp@1Peter:4:5 @{Who shall give account} (\hoi apod“sousin logon\). Future active indicative of \apodid“mi\. For this use with \logon\ (account) see strkjv@Matthew:12:36; strkjv@Luke:16:2; strkjv@Acts:19:40; strkjv@Hebrews:13:17|. For the sudden use of the relative \hoi\ see strkjv@Romans:3:8|. {To him that is ready to judge} (\t“i hetoim“s krinonti\). Dative, "to the one readily judging," correct text, not \hetoim“s echonti krinai\, "to the one ready to judge," which "softens the rugged original" (Hart). That is Christ apparently (1:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10|), but the Father in strkjv@1:17|. {The quick and the dead} (\z“ntas kai nekrous\). "Living and dead." Those living at the time and those already dead (1Thessalonians:4:15|).

rwp@1Peter:4:8 @{Above all things} (\pro pant“n\). See this phrase in strkjv@James:5:12|. {Being fervent} (\ektenˆ echontes\). Present active participle of \echontes\ and predicate accusative of adjective \ektenˆs\ (from \ektein“\, to stretch out), stretched out, here only in N.T., "holding intent you love among yourselves." {For love covereth a multitude of sins} (\hoti agapˆ kaluptei plˆthos hamarti“n\). See strkjv@James:5:20| for meaning, sins of the one loved, not of the one loving.

rwp@1Peter:4:10 @{Gift} (\charisma\). Late N.T. word (in late papyri) from \charizomai\, to give graciously. It is used here by Peter as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians:12:4,9,29-31; strkjv@Romans:12:6|). {Ministering} (\diakonountes\). Present active participle plural of \diakone“\, common verb (Matthew:20:28|), though \hekastos\ (each) is singular. {As good stewards} (\h“s kaloi oikonomoi\). For "steward" (\oikonomos\, house-manager) see strkjv@Luke:16:1; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:1| (used by Paul of himself) and of any bishop (Titus:1:7|), but here of any Christian. See \kalos\ used with \diakonos\ in strkjv@1Timothy:4:6|. {Of the manifold grace of God} (\poikilˆs charitos theou\). For \poikilos\ (many-colored) see on ¯1:6; strkjv@James:1:2|.

rwp@1Peter:4:12 @{Think it not strange} (\mˆ xenizesthe\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the present passive imperative of \xeniz“\, for which verb see strkjv@4:4|. "Be not amazed." {Concerning the fiery trial among you} (\tei en humin pur“sei\). Instrumental case, "by the among you burning," metaphorical sense of old word (since Aristotle), from \puro“\, to burn (\pur\ fire). See strkjv@1:7| for the metaphor. See strkjv@Revelation:18:9,18| only other N.T. examples. It occurs in strkjv@Proverbs:27:21| for the smelting of gold and silver and so in strkjv@Psalms:56:10| (LXX strkjv@65:10): "Thou didst smelt us as silver is smelted" (\epur“sas hˆmƒs h“s puroutai to argurion\). {Which cometh upon you} (\humin ginomenˆi\). Present middle participle of \ginomai\ (already coming) with dative case \humin\. {To prove you} (\pros peirasmon\). "For testing." {As though a strange thing happened unto you} (\h“s xenou humin sumbainontos\). Genitive absolute with \h“s\, giving the alleged reason, and \humin\, dative case with \sumbainontos\ (present active participle of \sumbain“\, to go together, to happen (Mark:10:32|), agreeing with \xenou\ (strange, strkjv@Hebrews:13:9|).

rwp@1Peter:4:13 @{Inasmuch} (\katho\). "In so far forth as" ("according to which thing"), old conjunction, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:8:12; strkjv@Romans:8:26|. {Ye are partakers of} (\koin“neite\). Present active indicative of \koin“ne“\, old verb (from \koin“nos\, partner), to share in either with genitive (Hebrews:2:14|) or dative as here (\pathˆmasin\). {That ye may rejoice with exceeding joy} (\hina charˆte agalli“menoi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist passive subjunctive of \chair“\, with the present middle participle of \agallia“\ to exult (1:8|), "that ye may rejoice exulting." See strkjv@1:6-8| for this same idea associated with the second coming of Christ as here.

rwp@1Peter:4:14 @{If ye are reproached} (\ei oneidizesthe\). Condition of first class assumed as true with \ei\ and present passive indicative of \oneidiz“\, for which verb see strkjv@James:1:5|. {For the name of Christ} (\en onomati Christou\). "In the matter of the name of Christ." For the idea see strkjv@Matthew:5:11f.; strkjv@19:29; strkjv@Acts:5:41; strkjv@9:16; strkjv@21:13|. This is the only N.T. example of just \onoma Christou\, here used because of the use of \Christianos\ in verse 16|. For the beatitude \makarioi\ see strkjv@Matthew:5:11f|. {The Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God} (\to tˆs doxˆs kai to tou theou pneuma\). Note repetition of the article (\to\) though \pneuma\ only once. The reference is to the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Glory and of God. {Resteth upon you} (\eph' hˆmas anapauetai\). Quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:11:2|. Present middle indicative of \anapau“\, to give rest, refresh (Matthew:11:28|). "He rests upon the Christian as the Shechinah rested upon the tabernacle" (Bigg). Cf. strkjv@1:8; strkjv@Matthew:3:16|.

rwp@1Peter:4:15 @{Let no one of you suffer} (\mˆ tis hum“n paschet“\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present active imperative (habit prohibited). {As} (\h“s\). Charged as and being so. Two specific crimes (murderer, thief) and one general phrase (\kakopoios\, evildoer, strkjv@1Peter:2:12,14|), and one unusual term \allotriepiscopos\ (a meddler in other men's matters). Note \ˆ h“s\ (or as) = or "also only as" (Wohlenberg). The word was apparently coined by Peter (occurring elsewhere only in Dionys. Areop. and late eccles. writers) from \allotrios\ (belonging to another, strkjv@2Corinthians:10:15|) and \episkopos\, overseer, inspector, strkjv@1Peter:2:25|). The idea is apparently one who spies out the affairs of other men. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 224) gives a second-century papyrus with \allotri“n epithumˆtˆs\ a _speculator alienorum_. Epictetus has a like idea (iii. 22. 97). Biggs takes it to refer to "things forbidden." Clement of Alexandria tells of a disciple of the Apostle John who became a bandit chief. Ramsay (_Church in the Roman Empire_, pp. 293, 348) thinks the word refers to breaking up family relationships. Hart refers us to the gadders-about in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:11; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:11| and women as gossipers in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:13|. It is interesting to note also that \episkopos\ here is the word for "bishop" and so suggests also preachers meddling in the work of other preachers.

rwp@1Peter:4:17 @{For the time is come} (\hoti ho kairos\). No predicate, probably \estin\ (is) to be supplied. The phrase that follows comes from the vision of Ezekiel (chapter strkjv@Ezekiel:9|). The construction is unusual with \tou arxasthai\ (genitive articular aorist middle infinitive of \arch“\), not exactly purpose or result, and almost in apposition (epexegetic), but note \tou elthein\ used as subject in strkjv@Luke:17:1|. The persecution on hand (1:7|) was a foretaste of more to come. By "house of God" he can mean the same as the "spiritual house" of strkjv@2:5| or a local church. Biggs even takes it to refer to the family. {And if it begin first at us} (\ei de pr“ton aph'hˆm“n\). Condition of first class again, with the verb \archetai\ understood. "From us" (\aph' hˆm“n\) more exactly. {End} (\telos\). Final fate. {Of them that obey not the gospel of God} (\t“n apeithount“n t“i tou theou euaggeli“i\). "Of those disobeying the gospel of God." See the same idea in strkjv@Romans:2:8|. See strkjv@Mark:1:14| for believing in the gospel.

rwp@1Peter:5:1 @{Who am a fellow-elder} (\ho sunpresbuteros\). Earliest use of this compound in an inscription of B.C. 120 for fellow-elders (alderman) in a town, here only in N.T., in eccles. writers. For the word \presbuteros\ in the technical sense of officers in a Christian church (like elder in the local synagogues of the Jews) see strkjv@Acts:11:30; strkjv@20:17|. It is noteworthy that here Peter the Apostle (1:1|) calls himself an elder along with (\sun\) the other "elders." {A witness} (\martus\). This is what Jesus had said they must be (Acts:1:8|) and what Peter claimed to be (Acts:3:15; strkjv@10:39|). Songs:Paul was to be a \martus\ (Acts:22:15|). {Who am also a partaker} (\ho kai koin“nos\). "The partner also," "the partaker also." See strkjv@Luke:5:10; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:7; strkjv@2Peter:1:4|. See same idea in strkjv@Romans:8:17|. In strkjv@Galatians:3:23; strkjv@Romans:8:18| we have almost this about the glory about to be revealed to us where \mell“\ as here is used with the infinitive.

rwp@1Peter:5:2 @{Tend} (\poimanate\). First aorist active imperative of \poimain“\, old verb, from \poimˆn\ (shepherd) as in strkjv@Luke:17:7|. Jesus used this very word to Peter in the interview by the Sea of Galilee (John:21:16|) and Peter doubtless has this fact in mind here. Paul used the word to the elders at Miletus (Acts:20:28|). See strkjv@2:25| for the metaphor. {Flock} (\poimnion\). Old word, likewise from \poimˆn\, contraction of \poimenion\ (Luke:12:32|). {Exercising the oversight} (\episkopountes\). Present active participle of \episkope“\, old word (in strkjv@Hebrews:12:15| alone in N.T.), omitted here by Aleph B. {Not by constraint} (\mˆ anagkast“s\). Negative \mˆ\ because of the imperative. Old adverb from verbal adjective \anagkastos\, here alone in N.T. {But willingly} (\alla hekousi“s\). By contrast. Old adverb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:10:26|. {Nor yet for filthy lucre} (\mˆde aischrokerd“s\). A compound adverb not found elsewhere, but the old adjective \aischrokerdˆs\ is in strkjv@1Timothy:3:8; strkjv@Titus:1:7|. See also strkjv@Titus:1:11| "for the sake of filthy lucre" (\aischrou kerdous charin\). Clearly the elders received stipends, else there could be no such temptation. {But of a ready mind} (\alla prothum“s\). Old adverb from \prothumos\ (Matthew:26:41|), here only in N.T.

rwp@1Peter:5:3 @{Lording it over} (\katakurieuontes\). Present active participle of \katakurieu“\, late compound (\kata, kurios\) as in strkjv@Matthew:20:25|. {The charge allotted to you} (\t“n klˆr“n\). "The charges," "the lots" or "the allotments." See it in strkjv@Acts:1:17,25| in this sense. The old word meant a die (Matthew:27:25|), a portion (Colossians:1:12; strkjv@1Peter:1:4|), here the charges assigned (cf. strkjv@Acts:17:4|). From the adjective \klˆrikos\ come our cleric, clerical, clerk. Wycliff translated it here "neither as having lordship in the clergie." {Making yourselves ensamples} (\tupoi ginomenoi\). Present active participle of \ginomai\ and predicate nominative \tupoi\ (types, models) for which phrase see strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:7|. Continually becoming. See strkjv@2:21| for \hupogrammos\ (writing-copy). {To the flock} (\tou poimniou\). Objective genitive.

rwp@1Peter:5:4 @{When the chief Shepherd shall be manifested} (\phaner“thentos tou archipoimenos\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle of \phanero“\, to manifest, and genitive of \archipoimˆn\, a compound (\archi, poimˆn\) after analogy of \archiereus\, here only in N.T., but in _Testam. of Twelve Patrs_. (Jud. 8) and on a piece of wood around an Egyptian mummy and also on a papyrus A.D. 338 (Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 100). See strkjv@Hebrews:13:20| for \ho poimˆn ho megas\ (the Shepherd the great). {Ye shall receive} (\komieisthe\). Future of \komiz“\ (1:9|, which see). {The crown of glory that fadeth not away} (\ton amarantinon tˆs doxˆs stephanon\). For "crown" (\stephanos\) see strkjv@James:1:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:9:25; strkjv@2Timothy:4:8; strkjv@Revelation:2:10; strkjv@3:10; strkjv@4:4|. In the Gospels it is used only of the crown of thorns, but Jesus is crowned with glory and honor (Hebrews:2:9|). In all these passages it is the crown of victory as it is here. See strkjv@1:4| for \amarantos\, unfading. \Amarantinos\ is made from that word as the name of a flower \amaranth\ (so called because it never withers and revives if moistened with water and so used as a symbol of immortality), "composed of amaranth" or "amarantine," "the amarantine (unfading) crown of glory."

rwp@1Peter:5:5 @{Be subject} (\hopotagˆte\). Second aorist passive imperative of \hupotass“\. {Unto the elder} (\presbuterois\). Dative case. Here the antithesis between younger and elder shows that the word refers to age, not to office as in strkjv@5:1|. See a like change in meaning in strkjv@1Timothy:5:1,17|. {All} (\pantes\). All ages, sexes, classes. {Gird yourselves with humility} (\tˆn tapeinophrosunˆn egkomb“sasthe\). First aorist middle imperative of \egkomboomai\, late and rare verb (in Apollodorus, fourth cent. B.C.), here only in N.T., from \en\ and \kombos\ (knot, like the knot of a girdle). \Egkomb“ma\ was the white scarf or apron of slaves. It is quite probable that Peter here is thinking of what Jesus did (John:13:4ff.|) when he girded himself with a towel and taught the disciples, Peter in particular (John:13:9ff.|), the lesson of humility (John:13:15|). Peter had at last learned the lesson (John:21:15-19|). {The proud} (\huperˆphanois\). Dative plural of \huperˆphanos\ (James:4:6; strkjv@Romans:1:30|) after \antitassetai\ (present middle indicative of \antitass“\ as in strkjv@James:4:6| (quoted there as here from strkjv@Proverbs:3:34|).

rwp@1Peter:5:7 @{Casting} (\epiripsantes\). First aorist active participle of \epiript“\, old verb, to throw upon, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:19:35| (casting their clothes on the colt), here from strkjv@Psalms:55:22|. For \merimna\ see strkjv@Matthew:6:25,31,34|. {He careth} (\aut“i melei\). Impersonal verb \melei\ (present active indicative) with dative \aut“i\, "it is a care to him." God does care (Luke:21:18|).

rwp@1Peter:5:8 @{Be watchful} (\grˆgorˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \grˆgore“\, late present imperative from perfect \egrˆgora\ (to be awake) from \egeir“\ (to arouse), as in strkjv@Matthew:24:42|. For \nˆpsate\ see strkjv@1:13; strkjv@4:7|. {Your adversary} (\ho antidikos hum“n\). Old word for opponent in a lawsuit (Matthew:5:25|). {The devil} (\diabolos\). Slanderer. See on ¯Matthew:4:1|. {As a roaring lion} (\h“s “ruomenos le“n\). But Jesus is also pictured as the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation:5:5|). But Satan {roars} at the saints. Present middle participle \“ruomai\, old verb, here only in N.T., to howl like a wolf, dog, or lion, of men to sing loud (Pindar). See strkjv@Psalms:22:13|. {Whom he may devour} (\katapiein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \katapin“\, to drink down. B does not have \tina\, Aleph has \tina\ (somebody), "to devour some one," while A has interrogative \tina\, "whom he may devour" (very rare idiom). But the devil's purpose is the ruin of men. He is a "peripatetic" (\peripatei\) like the peripatetic philosophers who walked as they talked. Satan wants all of us and sifts us all (Luke:22:31|).

rwp@1Peter:5:9 @{Whom withstand} (\h“i antistˆte\). Imperative second aorist active (intransitive) of \anthistˆmi\; same form in strkjv@James:4:7|, which see. Dative case of relative (\h“i\). For the imperative in a subordinate clause see verse 12; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:10; strkjv@2Timothy:4:15; strkjv@Hebrews:13:7|. Cowardice never wins against the devil (2Timothy:1:7|), but only courage. {Steadfast in your faith} (\stereoi tˆi pistei\). Locative case \pistei\. \Stereos\ is old adjective for solid like a foundation (2Timothy:2:19|). {The same sufferings} (\ta auta t“n pathˆmat“n\). An unusual construction with the genitive rather than the usual \ta auta pathˆmata\, perhaps as Hofmann suggests, "the same tax of sufferings" ("the same things in sufferings"). Probably this is correct and is like Xenophon's phrase in the _Memorabilia_ (IV. 8. 8), \ta tou gˆr“s epiteleisthai\ (to pay the tax of old age). {Are accomplished} (\epiteleisthai\). Present (and so process) middle (you are paying) or passive (is paid) infinitive of \epitele“\, old verb, to accomplish (2Corinthians:7:1|). {In your brethren who are in the world} (\tˆi en t“i kosm“i hum“n adelphotˆti\). Associate-instrumental case \adelphotˆti\ (in N.T. only here and strkjv@2:17|, which see) after \ta auta\ (like strkjv@1Corinthians:11:5|) or dative after \epiteleisthai\. Even so \eidotes\ (second perfect active participle of \oida\) with an infinitive usually means "knowing how to" (object infinitive) as in strkjv@Luke:12:56; strkjv@Phillipians:3:18| rather than "knowing that" (indirect assertion) as taken above.

rwp@1Peter:5:10 @{The God of all grace} (\ho theos tˆs charitos\). See strkjv@4:10| for \poikilˆs charitos theou\ (of the variegated grace of God). {In Christ} (\en Christ“i\). A Pauline phrase (2Corinthians:5:17-19|), but Petrine also. For God's "calling" us (\kalesas\) see strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:23f.; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:8f.; strkjv@Romans:8:29f|. {After that ye have suffered a little while} (\oligon pathontas\). Second aorist active participle of \pasch“\, antecedent to the principal verbs which are future active (\katartisei\, to mend, strkjv@Mark:1:19; strkjv@Galatians:6:1|, \stˆrixei\, for which see strkjv@Luke:9:51; strkjv@22:32|, \sthen“sei\ from \sthenos\ and so far a \hapax legomenon\ like \enischu“\ according to Hesychius). For \oligon\ see strkjv@1:6|.

rwp@1Peter:5:12 @{By Silvanus} (\dia Silouanou\). Probably this postscript (12-14|) is in Peter's own handwriting, as Paul did (2Thessalonians:3:17f.; strkjv@Galatians:6:11-18|). If so, Silvanus (Silas) was the amanuensis and the bearer of the Epistle. {As I account him} (\h“s logizomai\). Peter uses Paul's phrase (1Corinthians:4:1; strkjv@Romans:8:18|) in giving approval to Paul's former companion (Acts:15:40|). {I have written} (\egrapsa\). Epistolary aorist applying to this Epistle as in strkjv@1Corinthians:5:11| (not strkjv@1Corinthians:5:9|); strkjv@1Corinthians:9:15; strkjv@Galatians:6:11; strkjv@Romans:15:15; strkjv@Philemon:1:19,21|. {Briefly} (\di' olig“n\). "By few words," as Peter looked at it, certainly not a long letter in fact. Cf. strkjv@Hebrews:13:22|. {Testifying} (\epimartur“n\). Present active participle of \epimarture“\, to bear witness to, old compound, here alone in N.T., though the double compound \sunepimarture“\ in strkjv@Hebrews:2:4|. {That this is the true grace of God} (\tautˆn einai alˆthˆ charin tou theou\). Infinitive \einai\ in indirect assertion and accusative of general reference (\tautˆn\) and predicate accusative \charin\. Peter includes the whole of the Epistle by God's grace (1:10|) and obedience to the truth (John:1:17; Gal strkjv@2:5; strkjv@Colossians:1:6|). {Stand ye fast therein} (\eis hˆn stˆte\). "In which (grace) take your stand" (ingressive aorist active imperative of \histˆmi\).

rwp@Info_1Thessalonians @ There are excellent commentaries on the Thessalonian Epistles. On the Greek text one may note those by Dibelius, _Handbuch zum N.T. Zweite Auflage_ (1925); Dobschutz, _Meyer-Kommentar_ (1909); Ellicott, _Crit. and Grammat. Comm._ (1884); Findlay, _Cambridge Gk. Test._ (1904); Frame, _Intern. Critical Comm._ (1912); Lightfoot, _Notes on Epistles of Paul_ (1895); Mayer, _Die Thessalonischerbriefe_ (1908); Milligan, _St. Paul's Epistles to the Thess._ (1908); Moffatt, _Expos. Gk. Test._ (1910); Plummer, _First Thess._ (1908), _Second Thess._ (1908); Wohlenberg, _Zahn-Komm. 2 aufl._ (1908). On the English text note those by Adeney, _New Century Bible_ (1907); Denney, _Expos. Bible_ (1892); Findlay, _Cambridge Bible_ (1891); Hutchinson, _Lectures on I & II Thess._ (1883). strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:1 @{Paul, and Silvanus, and Timothy} (\Paulos kai Silouanos kai Timotheos\). Nominative absolute as customary in letters. Paul associates with himself Silvanus (Silas of Acts, spelled \Silbanos\ in D and the papyri), a Jew and Roman citizen, and Timothy, son of Jewish mother and Greek father, one of Paul's converts at Lystra on the first tour. They had both been with Paul at Thessalonica, though Timothy is not mentioned by Luke in Acts in Macedonia till Beroea (Acts:17:14f.|). Timothy had joined Paul in Athens (1Thessalonians:3:1f.|), had been sent back to Thessalonica, and with Silas had rejoined Paul in Corinth (1Thessalonians:3:5; strkjv@Acts:18:5, strkjv@2Corinthians:1:19|). Silas is the elder and is mentioned first, but neither is in any sense the author of the Epistle any more than Sosthenes is co-author of I Corinthians or Timothy of II Corinthians, though Paul may sometimes have them in mind when he uses "we" in the Epistle. Paul does not here call himself "apostle" as in the later Epistles, perhaps because his position has not been so vigorously attacked as it was later. Ellicott sees in the absence of the word here a mark of the affectionate relations existing between Paul and the Thessalonians. {Unto the church of the Thessalonians} (\tˆi ekklˆsiƒi Thessalonike“n\). The dative case in address. Note absence of the article with \Thessalonike“n\ because a proper name and so definite without it. This is the common use of \ekklˆsia\ for a local body (church). The word originally meant "assembly" as in strkjv@Acts:19:39|, but it came to mean an organization for worship whether assembled or unassembled (cf. strkjv@Acts:8:3|). The only superscription in the oldest Greek manuscripts (Aleph B A) is \Pros Thessalonikeis A\ ({To the Thessalonians First}). But probably Paul wrote no superscription and certainly he would not write A to it before he had written II Thessalonians (B). His signature at the close was the proof of genuineness (2Thessalonians:3:17|) against all spurious claimants (2Thessalonians:2:2|). Unfortunately the brittle papyrus on which he wrote easily perished outside of the sand heaps and tombs of Egypt or the lava covered ruins of Herculaneum. What a treasure that autograph would be! {In God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ} (\en the“i patri kai kuri“i Jˆsou Christ“i\). This church is grounded in (\en\, with the locative case) and exists in the sphere and power of {God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ}. No article in the Greek, for both \the“i patri\ and \kuri“i Jˆsou Christ“i\ are treated as proper names. In the very beginning of this first Epistle of Paul we meet his Christology. He at once uses the full title, "Lord Jesus Christ," with all the theological content of each word. The name "Jesus" (Saviour, strkjv@Matthew:1:21|) he knew, as the "Jesus of history," the personal name of the Man of Galilee, whom he had once persecuted (Acts:9:5|), but whom he at once, after his conversion, proclaimed to be "the Messiah," (\ho Christos\, strkjv@Acts:9:22|). This position Paul never changed. In the great sermon at Antioch in Pisidia which Luke has preserved (Acts:13:23|) Paul proved that God fulfilled his promise to Israel by raising up "Jesus as Saviour" (\s“tˆra Iˆsoun\). Now Paul follows the Christian custom by adding \Christos\ (verbal from \chri“\, to anoint) as a proper name to Jesus (Jesus Christ) as later he will often say "Christ Jesus" (Colossians:1:1|). And he dares also to apply \kurios\ (Lord) to "Jesus Christ," the word appropriated by Claudius (_Dominus_, \Kurios\) and other emperors in the emperor-worship, and also common in the Septuagint for God as in strkjv@Psalms:32:1f.| (quoted by Paul in strkjv@Romans:4:8|). Paul uses \Kurios\ of God (1Corinthians:3:5|) or of Jesus Christ as here. In fact, he more frequently applies it to Christ when not quoting the Old Testament as in strkjv@Romans:4:8|. And here he places "the Lord Jesus Christ" in the same category and on the same plane with "God the father." There will be growth in Paul's Christology and he will never attain all the knowledge of Christ for which he longs (Phillipians:3:10-12|), but it is patent that here in his first Epistle there is no "reduced Christ" for Paul. He took Jesus as "Lord" when he surrendered to Jesus on the Damascus Road: "And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said to me" (Acts:22:10|). It is impossible to understand Paul without seeing clearly this first and final stand for the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul did not get this view of Jesus from current views of Mithra or of Isis or any other alien faith. The Risen Christ became at once for Paul the Lord of his life. {Grace to you and peace} (\charis humin kai eirˆnˆ\). These words, common in Paul's Epistles, bear "the stamp of Paul's experience" (Milligan). They are not commonplace salutations, but the old words "deepened and spiritualised" (Frame). The infinitive (\chairein\) so common in the papyri letters and seen in the New Testament also (Acts:15:23; strkjv@23:26; strkjv@James:1:1|) here gives place to \charis\, one of the great words of the New Testament (cf. strkjv@John:1:16f.|) and particularly of the Pauline Epistles. Perhaps no one word carries more meaning for Paul's messages than this word \charis\ (from \chair“\, rejoice) from which \charizomai\ comes. {Peace} (\eirˆnˆ\) is more than the Hebrew _shal“m_ so common in salutations. One recalls the "peace" that Christ leaves to us (John:14:27|) and the peace of God that passes all understanding (Phillipians:4:7|). This introduction is brief, but rich and gracious and pitches the letter at once on a high plane.

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:2 @{We give thanks} (\eucharistoumen\). Late denominative verb \euchariste“\ from \eucharistos\ (grateful) and that from \eu\, well and \charizomai\, to show oneself kind. See \charis\ in verse 1|. "The plural implies that all three missionaries prayed together" (Moffatt). {Always} (\pantote\). Late word, rare in LXX. Songs:with \euchariste“\ in strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:3; strkjv@2:13; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:4; strkjv@Ephesians:5:20; strkjv@Phillipians:1:3|. Moffatt takes it to mean "whenever Paul was at his prayers." Of course, he did not make audible prayer always, but he was always in the spirit of prayer, "a constant attitude" (Milligan), "in tune with the Infinite." {For you all} (\peri pant“n hum“n\). Paul "encircled (\peri\, around) them all," including every one of them and the church as a whole. Distance lends enchantment to the memory of slight drawbacks. Paul is fond of this phrase "you all," particularly in Phil. (Phillipians:1:3,7|). {Making mention} (\mneian poioumenoi\). Paul uses this very idiom in Rom strkjv@1:9; strkjv@Ephesians:1:16; strkjv@Philemon:1:4|. Milligan cites a papyrus example of \mneian poioumenoi\ in prayer (B. Y. U. 652, 5). Did Paul have a prayer list of the Thessalonian disciples which he read over with Silas and Timothy? {In} here is \epi=\"in the time of our prayers." "Each time that they are engaged in prayers the writers mention the names of the converts" (Frame).

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:3 @{Remembering} (\mnˆmoneuontes\). Present active participle of old verb from adjective \mnˆm“n\ (mindful) and so to call to mind, to be mindful of, used either with the accusative as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:9| or the genitive as here. {Without ceasing} (\adialeipt“s\). Double compound adverb of the _Koin‚_ (Polybius, Diodorus, Strabo, papyri) from the verbal adjective \a-dia-leiptos\ (\a\ privative and \dia-leip“\, to leave off). In the N.T. alone by Paul and always connected with prayer. Milligan prefers to connect this adverb (amphibolous in position) with the preceding participle \poioumenoi\ rather than with \mnˆmoneuontes\ as Revised Version and Westcott and Hort rightly do. {Your work of faith} (\hum“n tou ergou tˆs piste“s\). Note article with both \ergou\ and \piste“s\ (correlation of the article, both abstract substantives). \Ergou\ is genitive case the object of \mnˆmoneuontes\ as is common with verbs of emotion (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 508f.), though the accusative \kopon\ occurs in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:9| according to common Greek idiom allowing either case. \Ergou\ is the general term for work or business, employment, task. Note two genitives with \ergou\. \Hum“n\ is the usual possessive genitive, {your work}, while \tˆs piste“s\ is the descriptive genitive, marked by, characterized by, faith, "the activity that faith inspires" (Frame). It is interesting to note this sharp conjunction of these two words by Paul. We are justified by faith, but faith produces works (Romans:6-8|) as the Baptist taught and as Jesus taught and as James does in strkjv@James:2|. {Labour of love} (\tou kopou tˆs agapˆs\). Note article with both substantives. Here again \tou kopou\ is the genitive the object of \mnˆmoneuontes\ while \tˆs agapˆs\ is the descriptive genitive characterizing the "labour" or "toil" more exactly. \Kopos\ is from \kopt“\, to cut, to lash, to beat the bread, to toil. In strkjv@Revelation:14:13| the distinction is drawn between \kopou\ (toil) from which the saints rest and \erga\ (works, activities) which follow with them into heaven. Songs:here it is the labour that love prompts, assuming gladly the toil. \Agapˆ\ is one of the great words of the N.T. (Milligan) and no certain example has yet been found in the early papyri or the inscriptions. It occurs in the Septuagint in the higher sense as with the sensuous associations. The Epistle of Aristeas calls love (\agapˆ\) God's gift and Philo uses \agapˆ\ in describing love for God. "When Christianity first began to think and speak in Greek, it took up \agapˆ\ and its group of terms more freely, investing them with the new glow with which the N.T. writings make us familiar, a content which is invariably religious" (Moffatt, _Love in the New Testament_, p. 40). The New Testament never uses the word \er“s\ (lust). {Patience of hope} (\tˆs hupomonˆs tˆs elpidos\). Note the two articles again and the descriptive genitive \tˆs elpidos\. It is patience marked by hope, "the endurance inspired by hope" (Frame), yes, and sustained by hope in spite of delays and set-backs. \Hupomonˆ\ is an old word (\hupo, men“\, to remain under), but it "has come like \agapˆ\ to be closely associated with a distinctively Christian virtue" (Milligan). The same order as here (\ergou, kopos, hupomonˆ\) appears in strkjv@Revelation:2:2| and Lightfoot considers it" an ascending scale as practical proofs of self-sacrifice." The church in Thessalonica was not old, but already they were called upon to exercise the sanctifying grace of hope (Denney). {In our Lord Jesus Christ} (\tou Kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\). The objective genitive with \elpidos\ (hope) and so translated by "in" here (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 499f.). Jesus is the object of this hope, the hope of his second coming which is still open to us. Note "Lord Jesus Christ" as in verse 1|. {Before our God and Father} (\emprosthen tou theou kai patros hˆm“n\). The one article with both substantives precisely as in strkjv@Galatians:1:4|, not "before God and our Father," both article and possessive genitive going with both substantives as in strkjv@2Peter:1:1,11; strkjv@Titus:2:13| (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 785f.). The phrase is probably connected with \elpidos\. \Emprosthen\ in the N.T. occurs only of place, but it is common in the papyri of time. The picture here is the day of judgment when all shall appear before God.

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:4 @{Knowing} (\eidotes\). Second perfect active participle of \oida\ (\eidon\), a so-called causal participle=since we know, the third participle with the principal verb \eucharistoumen\, the Greek being fond of the circumstantial participle and lengthening sentences thereby (Robertson, _Grammar_, P. 1128). {Beloved by God} (\ˆgapˆmenoi hupo [tou] theou\). Perfect passive participle of \agapa“\, the verb so common in the N.T. for the highest kind of love. Paul is not content with the use of \adelphoi\ here (often in this Epistle as strkjv@2:1,14,17; strkjv@3:7; strkjv@4:1,10|), but adds this affectionate phrase nowhere else in the N.T. in this form (cf. strkjv@Jude:1:3|) though in Sirach strkjv@45:1 and on the Rosetta Stone. But in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:13| he quotes "beloved by the Lord" from strkjv@Deuteronomy:33:12|. The use of \adelphoi\ for members of the same brotherhood can be derived from the Jewish custom (Acts:2:29,37|) and the habit of Jesus (Matthew:12:48|) and is amply illustrated in the papyri for burial clubs and other orders and guilds (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {Your election} (\tˆn eklogˆn hum“n\). That is the election of you by God. It is an old word from \eklegomai\ used by Jesus of his choice of the twelve disciples (John:15:16|) and by Paul of God's eternal selection (Ephesians:1:4|). The word \eklogˆ\ is not in the LXX and only seven times in the N.T. and always of God's choice of men (Acts:9:15; strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:4; strkjv@Romans:9:11; strkjv@11:5,7,58; strkjv@2Peter:1:10|). The divine \eklogˆ\ was manifested in the Christian qualities of verse 3| (Moffatt).

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:5 @{How that} (\hoti\). It is not certain whether \hoti\ here means "because" (\quia\) as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:7; strkjv@1Corinthians:2:14; strkjv@Romans:8:27| or declarative \hoti\ "how that," knowing the circumstances of your election (Lightfoot) or explanatory, as in strkjv@Acts:16:3; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:1; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:15; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:3f.; strkjv@Romans:13:11|. {Our gospel} (\to euaggelion hˆm“n\). The gospel (see on ¯Matthew:4:23; strkjv@Mark:1:1,15| for \euaggelion\) which we preach, Paul's phrase also in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:14; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:3; strkjv@Romans:2:16; strkjv@16:25; strkjv@2Timothy:2:8|. Paul had a definite, clear-cut message of grace that he preached everywhere including Thessalonica. This message is to be interpreted in the light of Paul's own sermons in Acts and Epistles, not by reading backward into them the later perversions of Gnostics and sacramentarians. This very word was later applied to the books about Jesus, but Paul is not so using the term here or anywhere else. In its origin Paul's gospel is of God (1Thessalonians:2:2,8,9|), in its substance it is Christ's (3:2; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:8|), and Paul is only the bearer of it (1Thessalonians:2:4,9; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:14|) as Milligan points out. Paul and his associates have been entrusted with this gospel (1Thessalonians:2:4|) and preach it (Galatians:2:2|). Elsewhere Paul calls it God's gospel (2Corinthians:11:7; strkjv@Romans:1:1; strkjv@15:16|) or Christs (1Corinthians:9:12; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12; strkjv@9:13; strkjv@10:14; strkjv@Galatians:1:7; strkjv@Romans:15:19; strkjv@Phillipians:1:27|). In both instances it is the subjective genitive. {Came unto you} (\egenˆthˆ eis humƒs\). First aorist passive indicative of \ginomai\ in practically same sense as \egeneto\ (second aorist middle indicative as in the late Greek generally). Songs:also \eis humƒs\ like the _Koin‚_ is little more than the dative \humin\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 594). {Not only--but also} (\ouk--monon, alla kai\). Sharp contrast, negatively and positively. The contrast between \logos\ (word) and \dunamis\ (power) is seen also in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:4; strkjv@4:20|. Paul does not refer to miracles by \dunamis\. {In the Holy Spirit and much assurance} (\en pneumati hagi“i kai plˆrophoriƒi pollˆi\). Preposition \en\ repeated with \log“i, dunamei\, but only once here thus uniting closely {Holy Spirit} and {much assurance}. No article with either word. The word \plˆrophoriƒi\ is not found in ancient Greek or the LXX. It appears once in Clement of Rome and one broken papyrus example. For the verb \plˆrophore“\ see on ¯Luke:1:1|. The substantive in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:2; strkjv@Hebrews:6:11; strkjv@10:22|. It means the full confidence which comes from the Holy Spirit. {Even as ye know} (\kath“s oidate\). Paul appeals to the Thessalonians themselves as witnesses to the character of his preaching and life among them. {What manner of men we showed ourselves toward you} (\hoioi egenˆthˆmen humin\). Literally, {What sort of men we became to you}. Qualitative relative \hoioi\ and dative \humin\ and first aorist passive indicative \egenˆthˆmen\, (not \ˆmetha\, we were). An epexegetical comment with {for your sake} (\di' humƒs\) added. It was all in their interest and for their advantage, however it may have seemed otherwise at the time.

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:6 @{Imitators of us and of the Lord} (\mimˆtai hˆm“n kai tou kuriou\). \Mimˆtˆs\ (\-tˆs\ expresses the agent) is from \mimeomai\, to imitate and that from \mimos\ (\mimic\, actor). Old word, more than "followers," in the N.T. only six times (1Thessalonians:1:6; strkjv@2:14; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:16; strkjv@11:1; strkjv@Ephesians:5:1; strkjv@Hebrews:6:12|). Again Paul uses \ginomai\, to become, not \eimi\, to be. It is a daring thing to expect people to "imitate" the preacher, but Paul adds "and of the Lord," for he only expected or desired "imitation" as he himself imitated the Lord Jesus, as he expressly says in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:1|. The peril of it all is that people so easily and so readily imitate the preacher when he does not imitate the Lord. The fact of the "election" of the Thessalonians was shown by the character of the message given them and by this sincere acceptance of it (Lightfoot). {Having received the word} (\dexamenoi ton logon\). First aorist middle participle of \dechomai\, probably simultaneous action (receiving), not antecedent. {In much affliction} (\en thlipsei pollˆi\). Late word, pressure. Tribulation (Latin _tribulum_) from \thlib“\, to press hard on. Christianity has glorified this word. It occurs in some Christian papyrus letters in this same sense. Runs all through the N.T. (2Thessalonians:1:4; strkjv@Romans:5:3|). Paul had his share of them (Colossians:1:24; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:4|) and so he understands how to sympathize with the Thessalonians (1Thessalonians:3:3f.|). They suffered after Paul left Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:2:14|). {With joy of the Holy Spirit} (\meta charas pneumatos hagiou\). The Holy Spirit gives the joy in the midst of the tribulations as Paul learned (Romans:5:3|). "This paradox of experience" (Moffatt) shines along the pathway of martyrs and saints of Christ.

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:7 @{Songs:that ye became} (\h“ste genesthai humas\). Definite result expressed by \h“ste\ and the infinitive \genesthai\ (second aorist middle of \ginomai\) as is common in the _Koin‚_. {An ensample} (\tupon\). Songs:B D, but Aleph A C have \tupous\ (plural). The singular looks at the church as a whole, the plural as individuals like \humƒs\. \Tupos\ is an old word from \tupt“\, to strike, and so the mark of a blow, print as in John strkjv@20:25|. Then the figure formed by the blow, image as in strkjv@Acts:7:43|. Then the mould or form (Romans:6:17; strkjv@Acts:23:25|). Then an example or pattern as in strkjv@Acts:7:44|, to be imitated as here, strkjv@Phillipians:3:17|, etc. It was a great compliment for the church in Thessalonica to be already a model for believers in Macedonia and Achaia. Our word _type_ for printers is this same word with one of its meanings. Note separate article with both Macedonia (\tˆi Makedoniƒi\) and Achaia (\tˆi Achaiƒi\) treated as separate provinces as they were.

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:8 @{From you hath sounded forth} (\aph' hum“n exˆchˆtai\). Perfect passive indicative of \exˆche“\, late compound verb (\ex, ˆchos, ˆch“, ˆchˆ\, our echo) to sound out of a trumpet or of thunder, to reverberate like our echo. Nowhere else in the N.T. Songs:"from you" as a sounding board or radio transmitting station (to use a modern figure). It marks forcibly "both the clear and the persuasive nature of the \logos tou Kuriou\" (Ellicott). This phrase, the word of the Lord, may be subjective with the Lord as its author or objective with the Lord as the object. It is both. It is a graphic picture with a pardonable touch of hyperbole (Moffatt) for Thessalonica was a great commercial and political centre for disseminating the news of salvation (on the Egnation Way). {But in every place} (\all' en panti top“i\). In contrast to Macedonia and Achaia. The sentence would naturally stop here, but Paul is dictating rapidly and earnestly and goes on. {Your faith to God-ward} (\hˆ pistis hum“n hˆ pros ton theon\). Literally, {the faith of you that toward the God}. The repeated article makes clear that their faith is now directed toward the true God and not toward the idols from which they had turned (verse 10|). {Is gone forth} (\exelˆluthen\). Second perfect active indicative of old verb \exerchomai\, to go out, state of completion like \exˆchˆtai\ above. {Songs:that we need not to speak anything} (\h“ste mˆ chreian echein hˆmƒs lalein ti\). \H“ste\ with the infinitive for actual result as in verse 7|. No vital distinction between \lalein\ (originally to chatter as of birds) and \legein\, both being used in the _Koin‚_ for speaking and preaching (in the N.T.).

rwp@1Thessalonians:1:9 @{They themselves} (\autoi\). The men of Macedonia, voluntarily. {Report} (\apaggellousin\). Linear present active indicative, keep on reporting. {What manner of entering in} (\hopoian eisodon\). What sort of entrance, qualitative relative in an indirect question. {We had} (\eschomen\). Second aorist active (ingressive) indicative of the common verb \ech“\. {And how} (\kai p“s\). Here the interrogative adverb \p“s\ in this part of the indirect question. This part about "them" (you) as the first part about Paul. The verb \epistreph“\ is an old verb for turning and is common in the Acts for Gentiles turning to God, as here from idols, though not by Paul again in this sense. In strkjv@Galatians:4:9| Paul uses it for turning to the weak and beggarly elements of Judaism. {From idols} (\apo t“n eidol“n\). Old word from \eidos\ (figure) for image or likeness and then for the image of a heathen god (our _idol_). Common in the LXX in this sense. In strkjv@Acts:14:15| Paul at Lystra urged the people {to turn from these vain things to the living God} (\apo tout“n t“n matai“n epistrephein epi theon z“nta\), using the same verb \epistrephein\. Here also Paul has a like idea, {to serve a living and true God} (\douleuein the“i z“nti kai alˆthin“i\). No article, it is true, but should be translated "the living and true God" (cf. strkjv@Acts:14:15|). Not "dead" like the idols from which they turned, but alive and genuine (\alˆthinos\, not \alˆthˆs\).

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:1 @{For yourselves know} (\autoi gar oidate\). This explanatory \gar\ takes up in verses 1-12| the allusion in strkjv@1:9| about the "report" concerning the entrance (\eisodon\, way in, \eis, hodon\), {unto you} (\tˆn pros humƒs\). Note repeated article to sharpen the point. This proleptic accusative is common enough. It is expanded by the epexegetic use of the \hoti\ clause {that it hath not been found vain} (\hoti ou kenˆ gegonen\). Literally, {that it has not become empty}. Second perfect active (completed state) of \ginomai\. Every pastor watches wistfully to see what will be the outcome of his work. Bengel says: _Non inanis, sed plena virtutis_. Cf. strkjv@1:5|. \Kenos\ is hollow, empty, while \mataios\ is fruitless, ineffective. In strkjv@1Corinthians:15:14,17| Paul speaks of \kenon to kˆrugma\ ({empty the preaching}) and \mataia hˆ pistis\ ({vain the faith}). One easily leads to the other.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:2 @{But having suffered before} (\alla propathontes\). Strong adversative \alla\, antithesis to \kenˆ\. Appeal to his personal experiences in Thessalonica known to them ({as ye know}, \kath“s oidate\). Second aorist active participle of \propasch“\, old compound verb, but here alone in the N.T. The force of \pro-\ (before) is carried over to the next verb. The participle may be regarded as temporal (Ellicott) or concessive (Moffatt). {And been shamefully entreated in Philippi} (\kai hubristhentes en Philippois\). First aorist passive participle of \hubriz“\, old verb, to treat insolently. "More than the bodily suffering it was the personal indignity that had been offered to him as a Roman citizen" (Milligan), for which account see strkjv@Acts:16:16-40|, an interesting example of how Acts and the Epistles throw light on each other. Luke tells how Paul resented the treatment accorded to him as a Roman citizen and here Paul shows that the memory still rankled in his bosom. {We waxed bold in our God} (\eparrˆsiasametha en t“i the“i hˆm“n\). Ingressive first aorist middle of \parrˆsiazomai\, old deponent verb from \parrˆsia\ (full story, \pan-, rˆsia\). In his reply to Festus (Acts:26:26|) Paul uses \parrˆsiazomenos lal“\, {being bold I speak}, while here he has {we waxed bold to speak} (\eparrˆsiasametha lalˆsai\). The insult in Philippi did not close Paul's mouth, but had precisely the opposite effect "in our God." It was not wild fanaticism, but determined courage and confidence in God that spurred Paul to still greater boldness in Thessalonica, {unto you} (\pros humƒs\), be the consequences what they might, {the gospel of God in much conflict}, (\to euaggelion tou theou en poll“i ag“ni\). This figure of the athletic games (\ag“n\) may refer to outward conflict like strkjv@Phillipians:1:30| or inward anxiety (Colossians:2:1|). He had both in Thessalonica.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:3 @{Exhortation} (\paraklˆsis\). Persuasive discourse, calling to one's side, for admonition, encouragement, or comfort. {Not of error} (\ouk ek planˆs\). This word is same as \plana“\, to lead astray (2Timothy:3:13|) like Latin _errare_. Passive idea of {error} here rather than deceit. That is seen in {nor in guile} (\oude en dol“i\) from \del“\, to catch with bait. Paul is keenly sensitive against charges against the correctness of his message and the purity of his life. {Nor of uncleanness} (\oude ex akatharsias\). "This disclaimer, startling as it may seem, was not unneeded amidst the impurities consecrated by the religions of the day" (Lightfoot). There was no necessary connection in the popular mind between religion and morals. The ecstatic initiations in some of the popular religions were grossly sensual.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:4 @{But even as we have been approved by God} (\alla kath“s dedokimasmetha hupo tou theou\). Perfect passive indicative of \dokimaz“\, old verb to put to the test, but here the tense for completed state means tested and proved and so approved by God. Paul here claims the call of God for his ministry and the seal of God's blessing on his work and also for that of Silas and Timothy. {To be entrusted with the gospel} (\pisteuthˆnai to euaggelion\). First aorist passive infinitive of \pisteu“\, common verb for believing, from \pistis\ (faith), but here to entrust rather than to trust. The accusative of the thing is retained in the passive according to regular Greek idiom as in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:17; strkjv@Galatians:2:7; strkjv@Romans:3:2; strkjv@1Timothy:1:11; strkjv@Titus:1:3|, though the active had the dative of the person. {Songs:we speak} (\hout“s laloumen\). Simple, yet confident claim of loyalty to God's call and message. Surely this should be the ambition of every preacher of the gospel of God. {Not as pleasing men} (\ouch h“s anthr“pois areskontes\). Dative case with \aresk“\ as in strkjv@Galatians:1:10|. Few temptations assail the preacher more strongly than this one to please men, even if God is not pleased, though with the dim hope that God will after all condone or overlook. Nothing but experience will convince some preachers how fickle is popular favour and how often it is at the cost of failure to please God. And yet the preacher wishes to win men to Christ. It is all as subtle as it is deceptive. God tests our hearts (the very verb \dokimaz“\ used in the beginning of this verse) and he is the only one whose approval matters in the end of the day (1Corinthians:4:5|).

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:6 @{Nor seeking glory of men} (\oute zˆtountes ex anthr“p“n doxan\). "Upon the repudiation of covetousness follows naturally the repudiation of worldly ambition" (Milligan). See strkjv@Acts:20:19; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:5; strkjv@Ephesians:4:2|. This third disclaimer is as strong as the other two. Paul and his associates had not tried to extract praise or glory out of (\ex\) men. {Neither from you nor from others} (\oute aph' hum“n oute aph' all“n\). He widens the negation to include those outside of the church circles and changes the preposition from \ex\ (out of) to \apo\ (from). {When we might have been burdensome, as apostles of Christ} (\dunamenoi en barei einai h“s Christou apostoloi\). Westcott and Hort put this clause in verse 7|. Probably a concessive participle, {though being able to be in a position of weight} (either in matter of finance or of dignity, or a burden on your funds or "men of weight" as Moffatt suggests). Milligan suggests that Paul "plays here on the double sense of the phrase" like the Latin proverb: _Honos propter onus_. Songs:he adds, including Silas and Timothy, {as Christ's apostles}, as missionaries clearly, whether in the technical sense or not (cf. strkjv@Acts:14:4,14; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:23; strkjv@11:13; strkjv@Romans:16:7; strkjv@Phillipians:2:25; strkjv@Revelation:2:2|). They were entitled to pay as "Christ's apostles" (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:7ff.|), though they had not asked for it.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:8 @{Even so, being affectionately desirous of you} (\hout“s omeiromenoi hum“n\). Clearly the correct text rather than \himeiromenoi\ from \himeir“\, old verb to long for. But the verb \homeiromai\ (Westcott and Hort _om_., smooth breathing) occurs nowhere else except MSS. in strkjv@Job:3:21; strkjv@Psalms:62:2| (Symmachus) and the Lycaonian sepulchral inscription (4th cent. A.D.) about the sorrowing parents \homeiromenoi peri paidos\, {greatly desiring their son} (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). Moulton suggests that it comes from a root \smer\, remember, and that \o-\ is a derelict preposition \o\ like \o-duromai, o-kell“, “-keanos\. Wohlenberg (Zahn, _Kommentar_) calls the word "a term of endearment," "derived from the language of the nursery" (Milligan). {We were well pleased} (\ˆudokoumen\). Imperfect active of \eudoke“\, common verb in later Greek and in N.T. (see on strkjv@Matthew:3:17|), picturing Paul's idea of their attitude while in Thessalonica. Paul often has it with the infinitive as here. {To impart} (\metadounai\). Second aorist active infinitive of \metadid“mi\, old verb to share with (see on strkjv@Luke:3:11|). Possible zeugma with {souls} (\psuchas\), though Lightfoot renders "lives." Paul and his associates held nothing back. {Because ye were become very dear to us} (\dioti agapˆtoi hˆmin egenˆthˆte\). Note \dioti\ (double cause, \dia, hoti\, for that), use of \ginomai\ again for become, and dative \hˆmin\ with verbal \agapˆtoi\, beloved and so dear. A beautiful picture of the growth of Paul's affection for them as should be true with every pastor.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:9 @{Travail} (\mochthon\). Old word for difficult labour, harder than \kopos\ (toil). In the N.T. only here, strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:27|. Note accusative case here though genitive with \mnˆmoneu“\ in strkjv@1:3|. {Night and day} (\nuktos kai hˆmeras\). Genitive case, both by day and by night, perhaps beginning before dawn and working after dark. Songs:in strkjv@3:10|. {That we might not burden any of you} (\pros to mˆ epibarˆsai tina hum“n\). Use of \pros\ with the articular infinitive to express purpose (only four times by Paul). The verb \epibare“\ is late, but in the papyri and inscriptions for laying a burden (\baros\) on (\epi-\) one. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:5|. Paul boasted of his financial independence where he was misunderstood as in Thessalonica and Corinth (2Corinthians:9-12|), though he vindicated his right to remuneration. {We preached} (\ekˆruxamen\). {We heralded} (from \kˆrux\, herald) to you, common verb for preach.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:10 @{How holily and righteously and unblameably} (\h“s hosi“s kai dikai“s kai amempt“s\). Paul calls the Thessalonians and God as witnesses (\martures\) to his life toward you the believers (\humin tois pisteuousin\) dative of personal interest. He employs three common adverbs that show how holily toward God and how righteously toward men so that they did not blame him and his associates in either respect. Songs:there is a reason for each adverb. All this argues that Paul spent a considerable time in Thessalonica, more than the three sabbaths mentioned by Luke. The pastor ought to live so that his life will bear close inspection.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:11 @{As a father with his own children} (\h“s patˆr tekna heautou\). Change from the figure of the mother-nurse in verse 7|. There is ellipse of a principal verb with the participles \parakalountes, paramuthoumenoi, marturoumenoi\. Lightfoot suggests \enouthetoumen\ (we admonished) or \egenˆthˆmen\ (we became). The three participles give three phases of the minister's preaching (exhorting, encouraging or consoling, witnessing or testifying). They are all old verbs, but only the first (\parakale“\) is common in the N.T.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:12 @{To the end that} (\eis to\). Final use of \eis\ and the articular infinitive, common idiom in the papyri and Paul uses \eis\ to and the infinitive fifty times (see again in strkjv@3:2|), some final, some sub-final, some result (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 989-91). {Walk worthily of God} (\peripatein axi“s tou theou\). Present infinitive (linear action), and genitive case with adverb \axi“s\ as in strkjv@Colossians:1:10| (cf. strkjv@Phillipians:1:27; strkjv@Ephesians:4:1|), like a preposition. {Calleth} (\kalountos\). Present active participle, keeps on calling. Some MSS. have \kalesantos\, called. {Kingdom} (\basileian\) here is the future consummation because of glory (\doxan\) as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:5; strkjv@1Corinthians:6:9; strkjv@15:50; strkjv@Galatians:5:21; strkjv@2Timothy:4:1,18|), but Paul uses it for the present kingdom of grace also as in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:20; strkjv@Romans:14:17; strkjv@Colossians:1:13|.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:14 @{Imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea} (\mimˆtai t“n ekklˆsi“n tou theou t“n ous“n en tˆi Ioudaiƒi\). On \mimˆtai\ see on ¯1:5|. "This passage, implying an affectionate admiration of the Jewish churches on the part of St. Paul, and thus entirely bearing out the impression produced by the narrative in the Acts, is entirely subversive of the theory maintained by some and based on a misconception of strkjv@Galatians:2|, and by the fiction of the Pseudo-Clementines, of the feud existing between St. Paul and the Twelve" (Lightfoot). {In Christ Jesus} (\en Christ“i Iˆsou\). It takes this to make a _Christian_ church of God. Note order here {Christ Jesus} as compared with {Jesus Christ} in strkjv@1:1,3|. {Ye also--even as they} (\kai humeis--kai autoi\). Note \kai\ twice (correlative use of \kai\). {Countrymen} (\sumphulet“n\). Fellow-countrymen or tribesmen. Late word that refers primarily to Gentiles who no doubt joined the Jews in Thessalonica who instigated the attacks on Paul and Silas so that it "was taken up by the native population, without whose co-operation it would have been powerless" (Lightfoot). {Own} (\idi“n\) here has apparently a weakened force. Note \hupo\ here with the ablative both with \sumphulet“n\ and \Ioudai“n\ after the intransitive \epathete\ (suffered). The persecution of the Christians by the Jews in Judea was known everywhere.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:15 @{Who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets} (\t“n kai ton Kurion apokteinant“n Iˆsoun kai tous prophˆtas\). First aorist active participle of \apoktein“\. Vivid justification of his praise of the churches in Judea. The Jews killed the prophets before the Lord Jesus who reminded them of their guilt (Matthew:23:29|). Paul, as Peter (Acts:2:23|), lays the guilt of the death of Christ on the Jews. {And drove us out} (\kai hˆmƒs ekdi“xant“n\). An old verb to drive out or banish, to chase out as if a wild beast. Only here in N.T. It is Paul's vivid description of the scene told in strkjv@Acts:17:5ff.| when the rabbis and the hoodlums from the agora chased him out of Thessalonica by the help of the politarchs. {Please not God} (\The“i mˆ areskont“n\). The rabbis and Jews thought that they were pleasing God by so doing as Paul did when he ravaged the young church in Jerusalem. But Paul knows better now. {And are contrary to all men} (\kai pasin anthr“pois enanti“n\). Dative case with the adjective \enanti“n\ (old and common word, face to face, opposite). It seems like a bitter word about Paul's countrymen whom he really loved (Romans:9:1-5; strkjv@10:1-6|), but Paul knew only too well the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile as he shows in strkjv@Ephesians:2| and which only the Cross of Christ can break down. Tacitus (_Hist_. V. 5) says that the Jews are _adversus omnes alios hostile odium_.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:16 @{Forbidding us} (\k“luont“n hˆmƒs\). Explanatory participle of the idea in \enanti“n\. They show their hostility to Paul at every turn. Right here in Corinth, where Paul is when he writes, they had already shown venomous hostility toward Paul as Luke makes plain (Acts:18:6ff.|). They not simply oppose his work among the Jews, but also to the Gentiles (\ethnesi\, nations outside of the Abrahamic covenant as they understood it). {That they may be saved} (\hina s“th“sin\). Final use of \hina\ with first aorist passive subjunctive of \s“z“\ old verb to save. It was the only hope of the Gentiles, Christ alone and not the mystery-religions offered any real hope. {To fill up their sins alway} (\eis to anaplˆr“sai aut“n tas hamartias pantote\). Another example of \eis to\ and the infinitive as in verse 12|. It may either be God's conceived plan to allow the Jews to go on and fill up (\anaplˆr“sai\, note \ana\, fill up full, old verb) or it may be the natural result from the continual (\pantote\) sins of the Jews. {Is come} (\ephthasen\). First aorist (timeless aorist) active indicative of \phthan“\ which no longer means to come before as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:15| where alone in the N.T. it retains the old idea of coming before. Some MSS. have the perfect active \ephthaken\, prophetic perfect of realization already. Frame translates it: "But the wrath has come upon them at last." This is the most likely meaning of \eis telos\. Paul vividly foresees and foretells the final outcome of this attitude of hate on the part of the Jews. _Tristis exitus_, Bengel calls it. Paul speaks out of a sad experience.

rwp@1Thessalonians:2:17 @{Being bereaved of you} (\aporphanisthentes aph' hum“n\). First aorist passive participle of the rare compound verb (\aporphaniz“\, in Aeschylus, but nowhere else in N.T.). Literally, {being orphaned from you} (\aph' hum“n\, ablative case). Paul changes the figure again (\trophos\ or mother nurse in verse 7|, \nˆpios\ or babe in verse 7|, \patˆr\ or father in verse 11|) to {orphan} (\orphanos\). He refers to the period of separation from them, {for a short season} (\pros kairon h“ras\) for a season of an hour. This idiom only here in N.T., but \pros kairon\ in strkjv@Luke:8:13| and \pros h“ran\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:7:8|. But it has seemed long to Paul. Precisely how long he had been gone we do not know, some months at any rate. {In presence, not in heart} (\pros“p“i ou kardiƒi\). Locative case. \Pros“pon\, old word (\pros, ops\, in front of the eye, face) for face, look, person. Literally, {in face or person}. His heart was with them, though they no longer saw his face. Heart, originally \kardia\, is the inner man, the seat of the affections and purposes, not always in contrast with intellect (\nous\). "Out of sight, not out of mind" (Rutherford). {Endeavoured the more exceedingly} (\perissoter“s espoudasamen\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \spoudaz“\, old word to hasten (from \spoudˆ, speud“\). {We became zealous}. Comparative adverb \perissoter“s\ from \perisson\, more abundantly than before being orphaned from you. {Your face} (\to pros“pon hum“n\). Cf. his {face} above. {With great desire} (\en pollˆi epithumiƒi\). {In much longing} (\epithumia\ from \epi\ and \thumos\, \epithume“\, to run after, to yearn after, whether good or bad).

rwp@1Thessalonians:3:1 @{When we could no longer forbear} (\mˆketi stegontes\). \Steg“\ is old verb to cover from \stegˆ\, roof (Mark:2:4|), to cover with silence, to conceal, to keep off, to endure as here and strkjv@1Corinthians:9:12; strkjv@13:7|. In the papyri in this sense (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). \Mˆketi\ usual negative with participle in the _Koin‚_ rather than \ouketi\. {We thought it good} (\ˆudokˆsamen\). Either literary plural as in strkjv@2:18| or Paul and Silas as more likely. If so, both Timothy and Silas came to Athens (Acts:17:15f.|), but Timothy was sent ({we sent}, \epempsamen\, verse 2|) right back to Thessalonica and later Paul sent Silas on to Beroea or Thessalonica (verse 5|, {I sent}, \epempsa\). Then both Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia to Corinth (Acts:18:5|). {Alone} (\monoi\). Including Silas. {God's minister} (\diakonon tou theou\). See on ¯Matthew:22:13| for this interesting word, here in general sense not technical sense of deacon. Some MSS. have {fellow-worker} (\sunergon\). Already {apostle} in strkjv@2:7| and now {brother, minister} (and possibly {fellow-worker}).

rwp@1Thessalonians:3:3 @{That no man be moved} (\to mˆdena sainesthai\). Epexegetical articular infinitive in accusative case of general reference. \Sain“\ is old word to wag the tail, to flatter, beguile and this sense suits here (only N.T. example). The sense of "moved" or troubled or disheartened is from \siainesthai\ the reading of F G and found in the papyri. {We are appointed} (\keimetha\). Present middle, used here as passive of \tithˆmi\. We Christians are set {hereunto} (\eis touto\) to be beguiled by tribulations. We must resist.

rwp@1Thessalonians:3:6 @{Even now} (\arti\). Just now, Timothy having come (\elthontos Timotheou\, genitive absolute). Why Silas is not named is not clear, unless he had come from Beroea or elsewhere in Macedonia. {Glad tidings of} (\euaggelisamenou\). First aorist middle participle of the verb for evangelizing (gospelizing). {Good remembrance} (\mneian\). Same word used by Paul strkjv@1:2|. {Longing to see us} (\epipothountes hˆmƒs idein\). Old and strong verb, \epi-\, directive, to long after. Mutual longing that pleased Paul ("we also you").

rwp@1Thessalonians:3:10 @{Exceedingly} (\huperekperissou\). Double compound adverb, only in strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:10; strkjv@5:13| (some MSS. \-“s\). Like piling Ossa on Pelion, \periss“s\, abundantly, \ek perissou\, out of bounds, \huperekperissou\, more than out of bounds (overflowing all bounds). {And perfect} (\kai katartisai\). First aorist active articular infinitive of purpose (\eis to idein--kai\) of \katartiz“\, to mend nets (Matthew:4:21|) or men (Galatians:6:1|) repair. Chiefly late. {That which is lacking in} (\ta husterˆmata\). The shortcomings, the lacks or left-overs (Colossians:1:24|). From \hustere“\ (\husteron\), to be late.

rwp@1Thessalonians:3:11 @{Our God and Father himself} (\autos ho theos kai patˆr hˆm“n\). Note one article with both substantives for one person. {And our Lord Jesus} (\kai ho Kurios hˆm“n Iˆsous\). Separate article here with \Iˆsous\. In strkjv@Titus:2:13; strkjv@2Peter:1:1| only one article (not two) treating "our God and Saviour Jesus Christ" as one just like "our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" in strkjv@2Peter:1:11; strkjv@2:20; strkjv@3:18|. {Direct our way} (\kateuthunai tˆn hodon hˆm“n\). First aorist optative (acute accent on penult, not circumflex first aorist active infinitive) of \kateuthun“\, old verb to make straight path. Singular verb also, though both God and Christ mentioned as subject (unity in the Godhead). Apart from \mˆ genoito\ ({may it not come to pass}) the optative in a wish of the third person is found in N.T. only in strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:11,12; strkjv@5:23; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:17; strkjv@3:5,16; strkjv@Romans:15:5,13|.

rwp@1Thessalonians:3:13 @{To the end he may stablish} (\eis to stˆrixai\). Another example of \eis\ and the articular infinitive of purpose. Same idiom in strkjv@3:2|. From \stˆriz“\, from \stˆrigx\, a support. {Unblameable} (\amemptous\). Old compound adjective (\a\ privative and verbal of \memphomai\, to blame). Rare in N.T. Predicate position here. Second coming of Christ again.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:1 @{Finally} (\loipon\). Accusative of general reference of \loipos\, as for the rest. It does not mean actual conclusion, but merely a colloquial expression pointing towards the end (Milligan) as in strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11; strkjv@2Timothy:4:8|. Songs:\to loipon\ in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:1; strkjv@Phillipians:3:1; strkjv@4:8|. {We beseech} (\er“t“men\). Not "question" as in ancient Greek, but as often in N.T. (1Thessalonians:5:12; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:1; strkjv@Phillipians:4:3|) and also in papyri to make urgent request of one. {How ye ought} (\to p“s dei humƒs\). Literally, explanatory articular indirect question (\to p“s\) after \parelabˆte\ according to common classic idiom in Luke (Luke:1:62; strkjv@22:2,4,23,24|) and Paul (Romans:8:26|). {That ye abound} (\hina perisseuˆte\). Loose construction of the \hina\ clause with present subjunctive after two subordinate clauses with \kath“s\ (as, even as) to be connected with "beseech and exhort." {More and more} (\mallon\). Simply {more}, but added to same idea in \perisseuˆte\. See also verse 11|.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:4 @{That each one of you know how} (\eidenai hekaston hum“n\). Further epexegetic infinitive (second perfect active), learn how and so know how (learn the habit of purity). {To possess himself of his own vessel} (\to heautou skeuos ktasthai\). Present middle infinitive of \ktaomai\, to acquire, not \kektˆsthai\, to possess. But what does Paul mean by "his own vessel"? It can only mean his own body or his own wife. Objections are raised against either view, but perhaps he means that the man shall acquire his own wife "in sanctification and honour," words that elevate the wife and make it plain that Paul demands sexual purity on the part of men (married as well as unmarried). There is no double standard here. When the husband comes to the marriage bed, he should come as a chaste man to a chaste wife.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:5 @{Not in the passion of lust} (\mˆ en pathei epithumias\). Plain picture of the wrong way for the husband to come to marriage. {That know not God} (\ta mˆ eidota ton theon\). Second perfect participle of \oida\. The heathen knew gods as licentious as they are themselves, but not God. One of the reasons for the revival of paganism in modern life is professedly this very thing that men wish to get rid of the inhibitions against licentiousness by God.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:8 @{Therefore} (\toigaroun\). This old triple compound particle (\toi, gar, oun\) is in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:12:1|. Paul applies the logic of the case. {He that rejecteth} (\ho athet“n\). This late verb (Polybius and LXX) is from \a-thetos\ (\a\ privative and verbal of \tithˆmi\, to proscribe a thing, to annul it. {But God} (\alla ton theon\). Paul sees this clearly and modern atheists see it also. In order to justify their licentiousness they do not hesitate to set aside God.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:13 @{We would not have} (\ou thelomen\). We do not wish. {You ignorant} (\humas agnoein\). Old word, not to know (\a\ privative, \gno-\, root of \gin“sk“\). No advantage in ignorance of itself. {Concerning them that fall asleep} (\peri t“n koim“men“n\). Present passive (or middle) participle (Aleph B) rather than the perfect passive \kekoimˆmen“n\ of many later MSS. From old \koima“\, to put to sleep. Present tense gives idea of repetition, from time to time fall asleep. Greeks and Romans used this figure of sleep for death as Jesus does (John:11:11|) and N.T. generally (cf. our word _cemetery_). Somehow the Thessalonians had a false notion about the dead in relation to the second coming. {Even as the rest which have no hope} (\kath“s hoi loipoi hoi mˆ echontes elpida\). This picture of the hopelessness of the pagan world about the future life is amply illustrated in ancient writings and particularly by inscriptions on tombs (Milligan). Some few pagans clung to this hope, but most had none.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:16 @{With a shout} (\en keleusmati\). Note this so-called instrumental use of \en\. Old word, here only in N.T., from \keleu“\, to order, command (military command). Christ will come as Conqueror. {With the voice of the archangel} (\en ph“nˆi archaggelou\). Further explanation of \keleusmati\ (command). The only archangel mentioned in N.T. is Michael in strkjv@Jude:1:9|. But note absence of article with both \ph“nˆi\ and \archaggelou\. The reference may be thus indefinite. {With the trump of God} (\en salpiggi theou\). Trumpet. See same figure in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:52|. {The dead in Christ shall rise first} (\hoi nekroi en Christ“i anastˆsontai pr“ton\). {First} here refers plainly to the fact that, so far from the dead in Christ having no share in the Parousia, they will rise before those still alive are changed.

rwp@1Thessalonians:4:17 @{Then} (\epeita\). The next step, not the identical time (\tote\), but immediately afterwards. {Together with them} (\hama sun autois\). Note both \hama\ (at the same time) and \sun\ (together with) with the associative instrumental case \autois\ (the risen saints). {Shall be caught up} (\harpagˆsometha\). Second future passive indicative of \harpaz“\, old verb to seize, to carry off like Latin _rapio_. {To meet the Lord in the air} (\eis apantˆsin tou Kuriou eis aera\). This special Greek idiom is common in the LXX like the Hebrew, but Polybius has it also and it occurs in the papyri (Moulton, _Proleg_., p. 14, n. 3). This rapture of the saints (both risen and changed) is a glorious climax to Paul's argument of consolation. {And so} (\kai hout“s\). This is the outcome, to be forever with the Lord, whether with a return to earth or with an immediate departure for heaven Paul does not say. To be with Christ is the chief hope of Paul's life (1Thessalonians:5:10; strkjv@Phillipians:1:23; strkjv@Colossians:3:4; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:8|).

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:6 @{Songs:then} (\ara oun\). Two inferential particles, accordingly therefore, as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:15| and only in Paul in N.T. {Let us not sleep} (\mˆ katheud“men\). Present active subjunctive (volitive), let us not go on sleeping. {Let us watch} (\grˆgor“men\). Present active subj. (volitive) again, let us keep awake (late verb \grˆgore“\ from perfect \egrˆgora\). {Be sober} (\nˆph“men\). Present active subjunctive (volitive). Old verb not to be drunk. In N.T. only in figurative sense, to be calm, sober-minded. Also in verse 8| with the metaphor of drunkenness in contrast.

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:8 @{Putting on the breastplate of faith and love} (\endusamenoi th“raka piste“s kai agapˆs\). First aorist (ingressive) middle participle of \endu“\. The same figure of breastplate in strkjv@Ephesians:6:14|, only there "of righteousness." The idea of watchfulness brings the figure of a sentry on guard and armed to Paul's mind as in strkjv@Romans:13:12| "the weapons of light." The word \th“rax\ (breastplate) is common in the LXX. {For a helmet, the hope of salvation} (\perikephalaian elpida s“tˆrias\). Same figure in strkjv@Ephesians:6:17| and both like strkjv@Isaiah:59:17|. Late word meaning around (\peri\) the head (\kephalˆ\) and in Polybius, LXX, and in the papyri. \S“tˆrias\ is objective genitive.

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:11 @{Build each other up} (\oikodomeite heis ton hena\). Literally, build ye, one the one (\heis\ nominative in partitive apposition with unexpressed \humeis\ subject of \oikodomeite\. Then \ton hena\ the accusative in partitive apposition with the unexpressed \heautous\ or \allˆlous\. See the same idiom in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:6| {one in behalf of the one}, \heis huper tou henos\. Build is a favourite Pauline metaphor.

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:12 @{Them that labour among you} (\tous kopi“ntas en humin\). Old word for toil even if weary. {And are over you in the Lord} (\kai proistamenous hum“n en Kuri“i\). Same article with this participle. Literally, those who stand in front of you, your leaders in the Lord, the presbyters or bishops and deacons. Get acquainted with them and follow them. {And admonish you} (\kai nouthetountas humas\). Old verb from \nouthetˆs\ and this from \nous\ (mind) and \tithˆmi\, to put. Putting sense into the heads of people. A thankless, but a necessary, task. The same article connects all three participles, different functions of the same leaders in the church.

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:14 @{Admonish the disorderly} (\noutheteite tous ataktous\). Put sense into the unruly mob who break ranks (\a\ privative and \taktos\, verbal adjective of \tass“\, to keep military order). Recall the idlers from the market-place used against Paul (Acts:17:5|). This is a challenging task for any leader. {Encourage the fainthearted} (\paramutheisthe tous oligopsuchous\). Old verb to encourage or console as in strkjv@John:11:31|, though not so common in N.T. as \parakale“\, the compound adjective (\oligos\, little or small, \psuchˆ\, soul), small-souled, little-souled, late word in LXX. The verb \oligopsuche“\ occurs in the papyri. Local conditions often cause some to lose heart and wish to drop out, be quitters. These must be held in line. {Support the weak} (\antechesthe t“n asthen“n\). Middle voice with genitive of \antech“\, old verb, in N.T. only in middle, to cling to, to hold on to (with genitive). The weak are those tempted to sin (immorality, for instance). {Be long-suffering toward all} (\makrothumeite pros pantas\). These disorderly elements try the patience of the leaders. Hold out with them. What a wonderful ideal Paul here holds up for church leaders!

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:22 @{Abstain from every form of evil} (\apo pantos eidous ponˆrou apechesthe\). Present middle (direct) imperative of \ap-ech“\ (contrast with \kat-ech“\) and preposition \apo\ repeated with ablative as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:3|. Note use of \ponˆrou\ here for evil without the article, common enough idiom. \Eidos\ (from \eidon\) naturally means look or appearance as in strkjv@Luke:3:23; strkjv@9:29; strkjv@John:5:37; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:7|. But, if so taken, it is not semblance as opposed to reality (Milligan). The papyri give several examples of \eidos\ in the sense of class or kind and that idea suits best here. Evil had a way of showing itself even in the spiritual gifts including prophecy.

rwp@1Thessalonians:5:23 @{The God of peace} (\ho theos tˆs eirˆnˆs\). The God characterized by peace in his nature, who gladly bestows it also. Common phrase (Milligan) at close of Paul's Epistles (2Corinthians:13:11; strkjv@Romans:15:33; strkjv@16:20; strkjv@Phillipians:4:9|) and {the Lord of peace} in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:6|. {Sanctify you} (\hagiasai humƒs\). First aorist active optative in a wish for the future. New verb in LXX and N.T. for the old \hagiz“\, to render or to declare holy (\hagios\), to consecrate, to separate from things profane. {Wholly} (\holoteleis\). Predicate adjective in plural (\holos\, whole, \telos\, end), not adverb \holotel“s\. Late word in Plutarch, Hexapla, and in inscription A.D. 67 (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). Here alone in N.T. Here it means the whole of each of you, every part of each of you, "through and through" (Luther), qualitatively rather than quantitatively. {Your spirit and soul and body} (\hum“n to pneuma kai hˆ psuchˆ kai to s“ma\). Not necessarily trichotomy as opposed to dichotomy as elsewhere in Paul's Epistles. Both believers and unbelievers have an inner man (soul \psuchˆ\, mind \nous\, heart \kardia\, the inward man \ho es“ anthr“pos\) and the outer man (\s“ma, ho ex“ anthr“pos\). But the believer has the Holy Spirit of God, the renewed spirit of man (1Corinthians:2:11; strkjv@Romans:8:9-11|). {Be preserved entire} (\holoklˆron tˆrˆtheiˆ\). First aorist passive optative in wish for the future. Note singular verb and singular adjective (neuter) showing that Paul conceives of the man as "an undivided whole" (Frame), prayer for the consecration of both body and soul (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:6|). The adjective \holoklˆron\ is in predicate and is an old form and means complete in all its parts (\holos\, whole, \klˆros\, lot or part). There is to be no deficiency in any part. \Teleios\ (from \telos\, end) means final perfection. {Without blame} (\amempt“s\). Old adverb (\a\ privative, \memptos\, verbal of \memphomai\, to blame) only in I Thess. in N.T. (2:10; strkjv@3:13; strkjv@5:23|). Milligan notes it in certain sepulchral inscriptions discovered in Thessalonica. {At the coming} (\en tˆi parousiƒi\). The Second Coming which was a sustaining hope to Paul as it should be to us and mentioned often in this Epistle (see on ¯2:19|).

rwp@1Timothy:1:5 @{The end} (\to telos\). See strkjv@Romans:6:21; strkjv@10:4| for \telos\ (the good aimed at, reached, result, end). {Love} (\agapˆ\). Not "questionings." strkjv@Romans:13:9|. "Three conditions for the growth of love" (Parry): "Out of a pure heart" (\ek katharas kardias\, O.T. conception), "and a good conscience" (\kai suneidˆse“s agathˆs\, for which see strkjv@Romans:2:25|), "and faith unfeigned" (\kai piste“s anupokritou\, late compound verbal in strkjv@2Corinthians:6:6; strkjv@Romans:12:9|).

rwp@1Timothy:1:6 @{Having swerved} (\astochˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \astoche“\, compound _Koin‚_ verb (Polybius, Plutarch) from \astochos\ (\a\ privative and \stochos\, a mark), "having missed the mark." In N.T. only here, strkjv@6:21; strkjv@2Timothy:2:18|. With the ablative case \h“n\ (which). {Have turned aside} (\exetrapˆsan\). Second aorist passive indicative of \ektrep“\, old and common verb, to turn or twist out or aside. In medical sense in strkjv@Hebrews:12:13|. As metaphor in strkjv@1Timothy:1:6; strkjv@6:20; strkjv@2Timothy:4:4|. {Vain talking} (\mataiologian\). Late word from \mataiologos\, only here in N.T., in the literary _Koin‚_.

rwp@1Timothy:1:7 @{Teachers of the law} (\nomodidaskaloi\). Compound only in N.T. (here, strkjv@Luke:5:17; strkjv@Acts:5:34|) and ecclesiastical writers. {Though they understand} (\noountes\). Concessive participle of \noe“\, old verb (Ephesians:3:4,20|). {Neither what} (\mˆte ha\). Relative \ha\ (which things). {Nor whereof} (\mˆte peri tin“n\). Here the interrogative \tin“n\ used in sense of relative \h“n\. It may be regarded as the use of an indirect question for variety (Parry). {They confidently affirm} (\diabebaiountai\). Present middle indicative of the common _Koin‚_ compound, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Titus:3:8|.

rwp@1Timothy:1:9 @{Is not made for} (\ou keitai\). The use of \keitai\ for \tetheitai\ (perfect passive of \tithˆmi\) is a common enough idiom. See the same point about law in strkjv@Galatians:18-23; strkjv@Romans:13:13|. For "knowing this" (\eid“s touto\) see strkjv@Ephesians:5:5|. {Unruly} (\anupotaktois\). Dative (like all these words) of the late verbal (\a\ privative and \hupotass“\). In N.T. only here, strkjv@Titus:1:6,10; strkjv@Hebrews:2:8|. {Ungodly} (\asebesi\). See strkjv@Romans:4:5; strkjv@5:6|. {Sinners} (\hamart“lois\). See strkjv@Romans:3:7|. {Unholy} (\anosiois\). Common word (\a\ privative and \hosios\. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:3:2|. {Profane} (\bebˆlois\). Old word from \bain“\, to go, and \bˆlos\, threshold. See strkjv@Hebrews:12:16|. {Murderers of fathers} (\patrol“iais\). Late form for common Attic \patral“iais\ (from \patˆr\, father, and \aloia“\, to smite) only here in N.T. {Murderers of mothers} (\mˆtrol“iais\). Late form Attic \mˆtral“iais\. Only here in N.T. {Manslayers} (\andraphonois\). Old compound (\anˆr\, man, \phonos\, murder). Only here in N.T.

rwp@1Timothy:1:12 @{I thank} (\charin ech“\). "I have gratitude to." Common phrase (Luke:17:9|), not elsewhere in Paul. {That enabled me} (\t“i endunam“santi me\). First aorist active articular participle of \endunamo“\. Late verb, but regular Pauline idiom (Romans:4:20; strkjv@Phillipians:4:13; strkjv@Ephesians:6:10; strkjv@1Timothy:1:12; strkjv@2Timothy:4:17|). {Appointing me to his service} (\themenos eis diakonian\). Second aorist middle participle. Pauline phrase and atmosphere (Acts:20:24; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:5; strkjv@12:18,28; strkjv@2Corinthians:3:6; strkjv@4:1; strkjv@Colossians:1:23; Eph. strkjv@3:7; strkjv@1Timothy:4:6; strkjv@2Timothy:4:5,11|).

rwp@1Timothy:1:13 @{Before} (\to proteron\). Accusative of general reference of the articular comparative, "as to the former-time," formerly, as in strkjv@Galatians:4:13|. {Though I was} (\onta\). Concessive participle agreeing with \me\. {Blasphemer} (\blasphˆmon\). Old word either from \blax\ (stupid) and \phˆmˆ\, speech, or from \blapt“\, to injure. Rare in N.T. but Paul uses \blasphˆme“\, to blaspheme in strkjv@Romans:2:24|. {Persecutor} (\di“ktˆs\). Songs:far found only here. Probably made by Paul from \di“k“\, which he knew well enough (Acts:22:4,7; strkjv@26:14f.; strkjv@Galatians:1:13,23; strkjv@Phillipians:3:6; strkjv@2Timothy:3:12|). {Injurious} (\hubristˆn\). Substantive, not adjective, "an insolent man." Old word from \hubriz“\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:30|. {I obtained mercy} (\eleˆthˆn\). First aorist passive indicative of \elee“\, old verb. See strkjv@2Corinthians:4:1; strkjv@Romans:11:30f|. {Ignorantly} (\agno“n\). Present active participle of \agnoe“\, "not knowing." Old verb (Romans:2:4|). In a blindness of heart. {In unbelief} (\en apistiƒi\). See strkjv@Romans:11:20,25|.

rwp@1Timothy:1:16 @{In me as chief} (\en emoi pr“t“i\). Probably starts with the same sense of \pr“tos\ as in verse 15| (rank), but turns to order (first in line). Paul becomes the "specimen" sinner as an encouragement to all who come after him. {Might shew forth} (\endeixˆtai\). First aorist middle subjunctive (purpose with \hina\) of \endeiknumi\, to point out, for which see strkjv@Ephesians:2:7| (same form with \hina\). {Longsuffering} (\makrothumian\). Common Pauline word (2Corinthians:6:6|). {For an ensample} (\pros hupotup“sin\). Late and rare word (in Galen, Sext. Emp., Diog. Laert., here only in N.T.) from late verb \hupotupo“\ (in papyri) to outline. Songs:substantive here is a sketch, rough outline. Paul is a sample of the kind of sinners that Jesus came to save. See \hupodeigma\ in strkjv@2Peter:2:6|.

rwp@1Timothy:1:17 @This noble doxology is a burst of gratitude for God's grace to Paul. For other doxologies see strkjv@Galatians:1:5; strkjv@Romans:11:36; strkjv@16:27; strkjv@Phillipians:4:20; strkjv@Ephesians:3:21; strkjv@1Timothy:6:16|. White suggests that Paul may have often used this doxology in his prayers. Lock suggests "a Jewish liturgical formula" (a needless suggestion in view of Paul's wealth of doxologies seen above). For God's creative activity (King of the ages) see strkjv@1Corinthians:10:11; strkjv@Ephesians:2:7; strkjv@3:9,11|. {Incorruptible} (\aphthart“i\). As an epithet of God also in strkjv@Romans:1:23|. {Invisible} (\aorat“i\). Epithet of God in strkjv@Colossians:1:15|. {The only God} (\mon“i the“i\). Songs:Romans:16:27; strkjv@John:5:44; strkjv@17:3|. {For ever and ever} (\eis tous ai“nas t“n ai“n“n\). "Unto the ages of ages." Cf. strkjv@Ephesians:3:21| "of the age of the ages."

rwp@1Timothy:1:18 @{I commit} (\paratithemai\). Present middle indicative of old and common verb, to place beside (\para\) as food on table, in the middle to entrust (Luke:12:48|) and used by Jesus as he was dying (Luke:23:46|). Here it is a banking figure and repeated in strkjv@2Timothy:2:2|. {According to the prophecies which went before on thee} (\kata tas proagousas epi se prophˆteias\). Intransitive use of \proag“\, to go before. When Timothy first comes before us (Acts:16:2|) "he was testified to" (\emartureito\) by the brethren. He began his ministry rich in hopes, prayers, predictions. {That by them thou mayest war the good warfare} (\hina strateuˆi en autais tˆn kalˆn strateian\). Cognate accusative (\strateian\, old word from \strateu“\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4|) with \strateuˆi\ (second person singular middle present subjunctive of \strateu“\, old verb chiefly in Paul in N.T., strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:3|). As if in defensive armour.

rwp@1Timothy:1:19 @{Holding faith and a good conscience} (\ech“n pistin kai agathˆn suneidˆsin\). Possibly as a shield (Ephesians:6:16|) or at any rate possessing (Romans:2:20|) faith as trust and a good conscience. A leader expects them of his followers and must show them himself. {Having thrust from them} (\ap“samenoi\). First aorist indirect middle participle of \ap“the“\, to push away from one. Old verb (see strkjv@Romans:11:1f.|). {Made shipwreck} (\enauagˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \nauage“\, old verb from \nauagos\ (shipwrecked, \naus\, ship, \agnumi\, to break), to break a ship to pieces. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:11:25|. {Concerning the faith} (\peri tˆn pistin\). Rather, "concerning their faith" (the article here used as a possessive pronoun, a common Greek idiom).

rwp@1Timothy:2:6 @{A ransom for all} (\antilutron huper pant“n\). "A reminiscence of the Lord's own saying" (Lock) in strkjv@Matthew:20:28| (Mark:10:45|) where we have \lutron anti poll“n\. In the papyri \huper\ is the ordinary preposition for the notion of substitution where benefit is involved as in this passage. \Anti\ has more the idea of exchange and \antilutron huper\ combines both ideas. \Lutron\ is the common word for ransom for a slave or a prisoner. Paul may have coined \antilutron\ with the saying of Christ in mind (only one MS. of strkjv@Psalms:48:9| and Orph. _Litt_. 588). See strkjv@Galatians:1:4| "who gave himself for our sins." {The testimony} (\to marturion\). Either the nominative absolute or the accusative absolute in apposition to the preceding clause like \to adunaton\ in strkjv@Romans:8:3|. {In its own times} (\kairois idiois\). Locative case as in strkjv@6:15; strkjv@Titus:1:3|. See strkjv@Galatians:6:9| for "due season." There is no predicate or participle here, "the testimony in its due seasons" (plural).

rwp@1Timothy:2:10 @{Becometh} (\prepei\). Old word for seemly. Paul wishes women to wear "becoming" clothes, but \theosebeian\ (godliness, from \theosebˆs\, strkjv@John:9:31|, \theos, sebomai\, worship) is part of the "style" desired. Only here in N.T. Good dress and good works combined.

rwp@1Timothy:2:14 @{Being beguiled} (\exapatˆtheisa\). First aorist passive participle of \exapate“\, old compound verb, in N.T. only by Paul (2Thessalonians:2:3; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:18; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:3; strkjv@Romans:7:11; strkjv@16:18; strkjv@1Timothy:2:14|). Not certain that \ex-\ here means "completely deceived" in contrast to simplex (\ouk ˆpatˆthˆ\) used of Adam, though possible. {Hath fallen} (\gegonen\). Second perfect indicative active, permanent state. See strkjv@1Corinthians:11:7|.

rwp@1Timothy:3:4 @{Ruling} (\proistamenon\). Present middle participle of \proistˆmi\, old word to place before and (intransitive as here) to stand before. See strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:12; strkjv@Romans:12:8|. {In subjection} (\en hupotagˆi\). See verse 11|.

rwp@1Timothy:3:5 @{If a man knoweth not} (\ei tis ouk oiden\). Condition of first class, assumed as true. {How to rule} (\prostˆnai\). Second aorist active infinitive of same verb \proistˆmi\ and with \oiden\ means "know how to rule," not "know that he rules." {How} (\p“s\). Rhetorical question expecting negative answer. {Shall he take care of} (\epimelˆsetai\). Future middle of \epimeleomai\, old compound (\epi\, direction of care towards) verb, in LXX, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:10:34f|. {The church of God} (\ekklˆsias theou\). Anarthrous as in verse 15|, elsewhere with article (1Corinthians:10:32; strkjv@15:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:1; strkjv@Galatians:1:13|). The local church described as belonging to God. No one in N.T. but Paul (Acts:20:28|) so describes the church. This verse is a parenthesis in the characteristics of the bishop.

rwp@1Timothy:3:6 @{Not a novice} (\mˆ neophuton\). Our "neophyte." Vernacular word from Aristophanes on, in LXX, and in papyri in the original sense of "newly-planted" (\neos, phu“\). Only here in N.T. {Lest} (\hina mˆ\). "That not." {Being puffed up} (\tuph“theis\). First aorist passive participle of \tupho“\, old word (from \tuphos\, smoke, pride), to raise a smoke or mist (a smoke-screen of pride). In N.T. only here; strkjv@6:4; strkjv@2Timothy:3:4|. {He fall into} (\empesˆi eis\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \hina mˆ\, negative purpose, of \empipt“\, old verb, to fall into. Note both \en\ and \eis\ as in strkjv@Matthew:12:11; strkjv@Luke:10:36|. {The condemnation of the devil} (\krima tou diabolou\). See strkjv@Romans:3:8| for \krima\. Best to take \tou diabolou\ as objective genitive, though subjective in verse 7|, "the condemnation passed on or received by the devil" (not just "the slanderer," any slanderer).

rwp@1Timothy:3:10 @{First be proved} (\dokimazesth“san pr“ton\). Present passive imperative third plural of \dokimaz“\, old and common verb, to test as metals, etc. (1Thessalonians:2:4|, and often in Paul). How the proposed deacons are to be "first" tested before approved Paul does not say. See strkjv@Phillipians:1:10| for the two senses (test, approve) of the word. {Let them serve as deacons} (\diakoneit“san\). Present active imperative of \diakone“\ (same root as \diakonos\), common verb, to minister, here "to serve as deacons." Cf. \diakonein\ in strkjv@Acts:6:2|. See also verse 13|. {If they be blameless} (\anegklˆtoi ontes\). "Being blameless" (conditional participle, \ontes\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:1:8; strkjv@Colossians:1:22| for \anegklˆtos\.

rwp@1Timothy:3:16 @{Without controversy} (\homologoumen“s\). Old adverb from the participle \homologoumenos\ from \homologe“\. Here only in N.T. "Confessedly." {Great} (\mega\). See strkjv@Ephesians:5:32|. "A great mystery." {The mystery of godliness} (\to tˆs eusebeias mustˆrion\). See verse 9| "the mystery of the faith," and strkjv@2:2| for \eusebeia\. Here the phrase explains "a pillar and stay of the truth" (verse 15|). See in particular Co strkjv@1:27|. "The revealed secret of true religion, the mystery of Christianity, the Person of Christ" (Lock). {He who} (\hos\). The correct text, not \theos\ (God) the reading of the Textus Receptus (Syrian text) nor \ho\ (neuter relative, agreeing with \mustˆrion\) the reading of the Western documents. Westcott and Hort print this relative clause as a fragment of a Christian hymn (like strkjv@Ephesians:5:14|) in six strophes. That is probably correct. At any rate \hos\ (who) is correct and there is asyndeton (no connective) in the verbs. Christ, to whom \hos\ refers, is the mystery (Colossians:1:27; strkjv@2:2|). {Was manifested} (\ephaner“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \phanero“\, to manifest. Here used to describe the incarnation (\en sarki\) of Christ (an answer also to the Docetic Gnostics). The verb is used by Paul elsewhere of the incarnation (Romans:16:26; strkjv@Colossians:1:26|) as well as of the second coming (Colossians:3:4|). {Justified in the spirit} (\edikai“thˆ en pneumati\). First aorist passive indicative of \dikaio“\, to declare righteous, to vindicate. Christ was vindicated in his own spirit (Hebrews:9:14|) before men by overcoming death and rising from the dead (Romans:1:3f.|). {Seen of angels} (\“phthˆ aggelois\). First aorist passive indicative of \hora“\, to see, with either the instrumental or the dative case of angels (\aggelois\). The words were probably suggested by the appearance of Jesus (\“phthˆ\, the usual form for the resurrection appearances of Christ) of the angels at the tomb and at the ascension of Christ. See strkjv@Phillipians:2:10; strkjv@1Peter:3:22| for the appearance of Jesus to the angels in heaven at the ascension. Some would take "angels" here to be "messengers" (the women). {Preached among the nations} (\ekˆruchthˆ en ethnesin\). First aorist passive indicative of \kˆruss“\, to proclaim. The word \ethnos\ may mean "all creation" (Colossians:1:23|) and not just Gentiles as distinct from Jews. Paul had done more of this heralding of Christ among the Gentiles than any one else. It was his glory (Ephesians:3:1,8|). Cf. strkjv@2:7|. {Believed on in the world} (\episteuthˆ en kosm“i\). First aorist indicative passive again of \pisteu“\, to believe (2Thessalonians:1:10|). Cf. strkjv@1:15; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:19|. {Received up in glory} (\anelˆmphthˆ en doxˆi\). First aorist passive again (six verbs in the same voice and tense in succession, a rhythmic arrangement like a hymn). Cf. strkjv@Romans:8:29f|. This time the verb is \analamban“\, the verb used of the ascension (Acts:1:11,22|, which see). In a wonderful way this stanza of a hymn presents the outline of the life of Christ.

rwp@1Timothy:4:2 @{Through the hypocrisy of men that speak lies} (\en hupokrisei pseudolog“n\). For \hupokrisis\, see strkjv@Galatians:2:13|. \Pseudologos\ (\pseudˆs, leg“\) _Koin‚_ word from Aristophanes on. Here only in N.T. "A good classical word for liars on a large scale" (Parry). {Branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron} (\kekaustˆriasmen“n tˆn idian suneidˆsin\). Accusative case \suneidˆsin\ retained with the perfect passive participle of \kaustˆriaz“\, a rare verb only here and once in Strabo. Branded with the mark of Satan (2Timothy:2:26|) as Paul was with the marks of Christ (Galatians:6:17|). Agreeing in case with \pseudolog“n\.

rwp@1Timothy:4:3 @{Forbidding to marry} (\k“luont“n gamein\). Present active participle of common verb \k“lu“\, to hinder, genitive case agreeing with \pseudolog“n\. See strkjv@Colossians:2:16,21f.|, where Paul condemns the ascetic practices of the Gnostics. The Essenes, Therapeutae and other oriental sects forbade marriage. In strkjv@1Corinthians:7| Paul does not condemn marriage. {To abstain from meats} (\apechesthai br“mat“n\). Infinitive dependent, not on \k“luont“n\, but on the positive idea \keleuont“n\ (implied, not expressed). Ablative case of \br“mat“n\ after \apechesthai\ (present direct middle, to hold oneself away from). See strkjv@1Corinthians:8-10; strkjv@Romans:14; 15| for disputes about "meats offered to idols" and Co strkjv@1:22f.| for the Gnostic asceticism. {Which God created} (\ha ho theos ektisen\). First active indicative of \ktiz“\ (Co strkjv@1:16|). Cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:10:25|. {To be received} (\eis metalˆmpsin\). "For reception." Old word, only here in N.T. {By them that believe and know} (\tois pistois kai epegn“kosi\). Dative case, "for the believers and those who (one article unites closely) have known fully" (perfect active participle of \epigin“sk“\), a Pauline use of the word (Colossians:1:6|).

rwp@1Timothy:4:4 @{Creature} (\ktisma\). Late word from \ktiz“\, result of creating. See strkjv@Genesis:1:31; strkjv@Mark:7:15; strkjv@Romans:14:14| for the idea stated. {To be rejected} (\apoblˆton\). Old verbal adjective in passive sense from \apoball“\, to throw away, here only in N.T. {If it be received} (\lambanomenon\). "Being received." Present passive participle of \lamban“\, in conditional sense, "with thanksgiving."

rwp@1Timothy:4:6 @{If thou put the brethren in mind of these things} (\tauta hupotithemenos tois adelphois\). Present middle participle of \hupotithˆmi\, to place under, to suggest, old and common verb, here only in N.T., "suggesting these things to the brethren." {Thou shalt be a good minister of Christ Jesus} (\kalos esˆi diakonos Christou Iˆsou\). This beautiful phrase covers one's whole service for Christ (3:1-7|). {Nourished in} (\entrephomenos\). Present passive participle of \entreph“\, old verb, to nourish in, used by Plato of "nourished in the laws," here only in the N.T. {The words of the faith} (\tois logois tˆs piste“s\). Locative case. The right diet for babes in Christ. The Bolshevists in Russia are feeding the children on atheism to get rid of God. {Which thou hast followed} (\hˆi parˆkolouthˆkas\). Perfect active indicative of \parakolouthe“\, old verb, to follow beside, of persons (often in old Greek) or of ideas and things (Luke:1:3; strkjv@1Timothy:4:6; strkjv@2Timothy:3:10|). With associative instrumental case \hˆi\ (which).

rwp@1Timothy:4:13 @{Till I come} (\he“s erchomai\). "While I am coming" (present indicative with \he“s\), not "till I come" (\he“s elth“\). {Give heed} (\proseche\). Present active imperative, supply \ton noun\, "keep on putting thy mind on." {The reading} (\tˆi anagn“sei\). Old word from \anagin“sk“\. See strkjv@2Corinthians:3:14|. Probably in particular the public reading of the Scriptures (Acts:13:15|), though surely private reading is not to be excluded. {To exhortation} (\tˆi paraklˆsei\), {to teaching} (\tˆi didaskaliƒi\). Two other public functions of the minister. Probably Paul does not mean for the exhortation to precede the instruction, but the reverse in actual public work. Exhortation needs teaching to rest it upon, a hint for preachers today.

rwp@1Timothy:4:14 @{Neglect not} (\mˆ amelei\). Present active imperative in prohibition of \amele“\, old verb, rare in N.T. (Matthew:22:5; strkjv@1Timothy:4:14; strkjv@Hebrews:2:3; strkjv@8:9|). From \amelˆs\ (\a\ privative and \melei\, not to care). Use with genitive. {The gift that is in thee} (\tou en soi charismatos\). Late word of result from \charizomai\, in papyri (Preisigke), a regular Pauline word in N.T. (1Corinthians:1:7; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:11; strkjv@Romans:1:11|; etc.). Here it is God's gift to Timothy as in strkjv@2Timothy:1:6|. {By prophecy} (\dia prophˆteias\). Accompanied by prophecy (1:18|), not bestowed by prophecy. {With the laying on of the hands of the presbytery} (\meta epithese“s t“n cheir“n tou presbuteriou\). In strkjv@Acts:13:2f.|, when Barnabas and Saul were formally set apart to the mission campaign (not then ordained as ministers, for they were already that), there was the call of the Spirit and the laying on of hands with prayer. Here again \meta\ does not express instrument or means, but merely accompaniment. In strkjv@2Timothy:1:6| Paul speaks only of his own laying on of hands, but the rest of the presbytery no doubt did so at the same time and the reference is to this incident. There is no way to tell when and where it was done, whether at Lystra when Timothy joined Paul's party or at Ephesus just before Paul left Timothy there (1:3|). \Epithesis\ (\from epitithˆmi\, to lay upon) is an old word, in LXX, etc. In the N.T. we find it only here, strkjv@2Timothy:1:16; strkjv@Acts:8:18; strkjv@Hebrews:6:2|, but the verb \epitithˆmi\ with \tas cheiras\ more frequently (Acts:6:6| of the deacons; strkjv@8:19; strkjv@13:3; strkjv@1Timothy:5:22|, etc.). \Presbuterion\ is a late word (ecclesiastical use also), first for the Jewish Sanhedrin (Luke:22:66; strkjv@Acts:22:5|), then (here only in N.T.) of Christian elders (common in Ignatius), though \presbuteros\ (elder) for preachers (bishops) is common (Acts:11:30; strkjv@15:2; strkjv@20:17|, etc.).

rwp@1Timothy:5:1 @{Rebuke not an elder} (\presbuter“i mˆ epiplˆxˆis\). Dative case \presbuter“i\ used in the usual sense of an older man, not a minister (bishop as in strkjv@3:2|) as is shown by "as a father." First aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive with negative \mˆ\ (prohibition against committing the act) of \epiplˆss“\, to strike upon, old verb, but here only in N.T. and in figurative sense with words rather than with fists. Respect for age is what is here commanded, an item appropriate to the present time. {The younger men as brethren} (\ne“terous h“s adelphous\). Comparative adjective \ne“teros\ from \neos\ (young). No article, "younger men." Wise words for the young minister to know how to conduct himself with old men (reverence) and young men (fellowship, but not stooping to folly with them).

rwp@1Timothy:5:2 @{The elder women as mothers} (\presbuteras h“s mˆteras\). Anarthrous again, "older women as mothers." Respect and reverence once more. {The younger as sisters, in all purity} (\ne“teras h“s adelphas en pasˆi hagniƒi\). Anarthrous also and comparative form as in verse 1|. See strkjv@4:12| for \hagnia\. No sort of behavior will so easily make or mar the young preacher as his conduct with young women.

rwp@1Timothy:5:5 @{Desolate} (\memon“menˆ\). Perfect passive participle of \mono“\ (from \monos\), "left alone," old verb, here alone in N.T. Without husband, children, or other close kin. {Hath her hope set on God} (\ˆlpiken epi theon\). Perfect active indicative of \elpiz“\, "hath placed her hope (and keeps it) on God." Text doubtful whether God (\theon\) or Lord (\Kurion\). {Continues} (\prosmenei\). See on ¯1:3|. With dative case here. {Night and day} (\nuktos kai hˆmeras\). "By night and by day" (genitive, not accusative). Paul does not say that she should pray "all night and day."

rwp@1Timothy:5:6 @{She that giveth herself to pleasure} (\hˆ spatal“sa\). Present active participle of \splatala“\, late verb (Polybius) from \spatalˆ\ (riotous, luxurious living). In N.T. only here and strkjv@James:5:5|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:9 @{Let none be enrolled as a widow} (\chˆra katalegesth“\). Present passive imperative of \kataleg“\, old verb, to set down in an official list, only here in N.T. "Let a widow be enrolled," the negative coming later, "having become of no less than sixty years" (\mˆ elatton et“n hexˆkonta gegonuia\). Second perfect active participle of \ginomai\. For the case of \et“n\, see strkjv@Luke:2:42|. This list of genuine widows (verses 3,5|) apparently had some kind of church work to do (care for the sick, the orphans, etc.). {The wife of one man} (\henos andros gunˆ\). Widows on this list must not be married a second time. This interpretation is not so clear for strkjv@3:2,12; strkjv@Titus:1:6|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:13 @{And withal} (\hama de kai\). See strkjv@Philemon:1:22| for this very phrase, "and at the same time also." Such young enrolled widows have other perils also. {They learn to be idle} (\argai manthanousin\). There is no \einai\ (to be) in the Greek. This very idiom without \einai\ after \manthan“\ occurs in Plato and Dio Chrysostom, though unusual. \Argai\ (idle) is old adjective (\a\ privative and \ergon\, without work). See strkjv@Matthew:20:3; strkjv@Titus:1:12|. {Going about} (\perierchomenai\). Present middle participle of \perierchomai\, old compound verb. See strkjv@Acts:19:13| of strollers. {From house to house} (\tas oikias\). Literally "the houses," "wandering around the houses." Vivid picture of idle tattlers and gossipers. {But tattlers also} (\alla kai phluaroi\). Old word from \phlu“\ (to boil up, to throw up bubbles, like blowing soap bubbles). Only here in N.T. \Phluare“\ in strkjv@3John:1:10| only in N.T. {And busybodies} (\kai periergoi\). Old word (from \peri, ergon\), busy about trifles to the neglect of important matters. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:19|. See strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:11| for \periergazomai\. {Things which they ought not} (\ta mˆ deonta\). "The not necessary things," and, as a result, often harmful. See strkjv@Titus:1:11| \ha mˆ dei\ (which things are not necessary).

rwp@1Timothy:5:14 @{I desire} (\boulomai\). See strkjv@2:8|. {The younger widows} (\ne“teras\). No article and no word for widows, though that is clearly the idea. \Ne“teras\ is accusative of general reference with \gamein\ (to marry) the object (present infinitive active) of \boulomai\. {Bear children} (\teknogonein\). A compound verb here only in N.T. and nowhere else save in Anthol. See \teknogonia\ in strkjv@2:15|. {Rule the household} (\oikodespotein\). Late verb from \oikodespotˆs\ (Mark:14:14|), twice in the papyri, only here in N.T. Note that the wife is here put as ruler of the household, proper recognition of her influence, "new and improved position" (Liddon). {Occasion} (\aphormˆn\). Old word (\apo, hormˆ\), a base to rush from, Pauline use in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:12; strkjv@11:12; strkjv@Galatians:5:13|. {To the adversary} (\t“i antikeimen“i\). Dative case of the articular participle of \antikeimai\, a Pauline idiom (Phillipians:1:28|). {Reviling} (\loidorias\). Old word (from \loidore“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:3:9|. Genitive case with \charin\.

rwp@1Timothy:5:17 @{The elders that rule well} (\hoi kal“s proest“tes presbuteroi\). See verse 1| for ordinary sense of \presbuteros\ for "older man." But here of position in same sense as \episkopos\ (3:2|) as in strkjv@Titus:1:5| = \episkopos\ in verse 7|. Cf. Luke's use of \presbuteros\ (Acts:20:17|) = Paul's \episkopous\ (Acts:20:28|). \Proest“tes\ is second perfect active participle of \proistˆmi\ (intransitive use) for which see strkjv@3:4|. {Let be counted worthy} (\axiousth“san\). Present passive imperative of \axio“\, to deem worthy (2Thessalonians:1:11|). With genitive case here. {Of double honour} (\diplˆs timˆs\). Old and common contract adjective (\diploos\, two-fold, in opposition to \haploos\, single fold). But why "of double honour"? See strkjv@6:1| for "of all honour." White suggests "remuneration" rather than "honour" for \timˆs\ (a common use for price or pay). Liddon proposes "honorarium" (both honour and pay and so "double"). Wetstein gives numerous examples of soldiers receiving double pay for unusual services. Some suggest twice the pay given the enrolled widows. {Especially those who labour in word and teaching} (\malista hoi kopi“ntes en log“i kai didaskaliƒi\). Either those who work hard or toil (usual meaning of \kopia“\, strkjv@2Timothy:2:6|) in preaching and teaching (most probable meaning. See verse 18|) or those who teach and preach and not merely preside (a doubtful distinction in "elders" at this time). See strkjv@Titus:1:8f|. See both \kopia“\ and \proistamai\ used for same men (elders) in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:12| and the use of \kopia“\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:10; strkjv@16:16|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:20 @{Them that sin} (\tous hamartanontas\). The elders who continue to sin (present active participle). {In the sight of all} (\en“pion pant“n\). "In the eye of (\ho en opi “n\, the one who is in the eye of, then combined = \en“pion\) all" the elders (or even of the church). See next verse 21| and strkjv@Galatians:1:20|. Public rebuke when a clear case, not promiscuous gossip. {May be in fear} (\phobon ech“sin\). Present active subjunctive with \hina\ (final clause), "may keep on having fear" (of exposure). Possibly, "the rest of the elders."

rwp@1Timothy:5:21 @{The elect angels} (\t“n eklekt“n aggel“n\). For this triad of God, Christ, angels, see strkjv@Luke:9:26|. "Elect" in the sense of the "holy" angels who kept their own principality (Jude:1:6|) and who did not sin (2Peter:2:4|). Paul shows his interest in angels in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:9; strkjv@11:10|. {Observe} (\phulaxˆis\). First aorist active subjunctive of \phulass“\, to guard, to keep (Romans:2:26|). Subfinal use of \hina\. {Without prejudice} (\ch“ris prokrimatos\). Late and rare word (from \prokin“\, to judge beforehand), three times in the papyri, here only in N.T. "Without prejudgment." {By partiality} (\kata prosklisin\). Late word from \prosklin“\, to incline towards one (Acts:5:36|), only here in N.T.

rwp@1Timothy:5:22 @{Lay hands hastily} (\cheiras tache“s epitithei\). Present active imperative of \epitithˆmi\ in the sense of approval (ordination) as in strkjv@Acts:6:6; strkjv@13:3|. But it is not clear whether it is the case of ministers just ordained as in strkjv@4:14| (\epithesis\), or of warning against hasty ordination of untried men, or the recognition and restoration of deposed ministers (verse 20|) as suits the context. The prohibition suits either situation, or both. {Be partakers of other men's sins} (\koin“nei hamartiais allotriais\). Present active imperative of \koin“ne“\ (from \koin“nos\, partner) with \mˆ\ in prohibition with associative instrumental case as in strkjv@2John:1:11; strkjv@Romans:12:13|. On \allotrios\ (belonging to another) see strkjv@Romans:14:4|. {Keep thyself pure} (\seauton hagnon tˆrei\). "Keep on keeping thyself pure." Present active imperative of \tˆre“\.

rwp@1Timothy:6:2 @{Let not despise them} (\mˆ kataphroneit“san\). Negative imperative active third plural of \kataphrone“\, to think down on. See strkjv@4:12|. He must not presume on the equality of Christian brotherhood not allowed by the state's laws. Some of these Christian slaves might be pastors of churches to which the master belonged. For the difficulty of the Christian master's position, see strkjv@1Corinthians:7:22; strkjv@Philemon:1:16|. {But rather} (\alla mallon\). Render the Christian Master better service. {They that partake of the benefit} (\hoi tˆs energesias antilambanomenoi\). For \euergesias\ (genitive case after participle) see strkjv@Acts:4:9|, only other N.T. example of this old word. Present middle participle of \antilamban“\, old verb, to take in turn, to lay fast hold of, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:1:54; strkjv@Acts:20:35|.

rwp@1Timothy:6:4 @{He is puffed up} (\tetuph“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \tupho“\, for which see strkjv@3:6|. {Knowing nothing} (\mˆden epistamenos\). Present middle participle of \epistamai\. Ignorance is a frequent companion of conceit. {Doting} (\nos“n\). Present active participle of \nose“\, to be sick, to be morbid over, old word, only here in N.T. {Disputes of words} (\logomachias\). Our "logomachy." From \logomache“\ (2Timothy:2:14|), and that from \logos\ and \machomai\, to fight over words, late and rare word, here only in N.T. See Plato (_Tim_. 1085 F) for "wars in words" (\machas en logois\). {Whereof} (\ex h“n\). "From which things." {Surmisings} (\huponoiai\). Old word from \huponoe“\, to surmise, to suspect (Acts:25:18|), only here in N.T. All these words are akin (envy, \phthonos\, strife, \eris\, railings or slanders, \blasphˆmiai\), all products of an ignorant and conceited mind.

rwp@1Timothy:6:5 @{Wranglings} (\diaparatribai\). Late and rare (Clem. of Alex.) double compound (\dia\, mutual or thorough, \paratribai\, irritations or rubbings alongside). "Mutual irritations" (Field). {Corrupted in mind} (\diephtharmen“n ton noun\). Perfect passive participle of \diaphtheir“\, to corrupt, genitive case agreeing with \anthr“p“n\ (of men) and retaining the accusative \ton noun\. {Bereft of the truth} (\apesterˆmen“n tˆs alˆtheias\). Perfect passive participle of \apostere“\, old verb (1Corinthians:6:8|) with the ablative case after it (\alˆtheias\). {A way of gain} (\porismon\). Late word from \poriz“\, to provide, to gain. Only here in N.T. "Rich Christians." Predicate accusative with \einai\ (indirect assertion) in apposition with \eusebeian\, the accusative of general reference.

rwp@1Timothy:6:10 @{The love of money} (\hˆ philarguria\). Vulgate, _avaritia_. Common word (from \philarguros\, strkjv@2Timothy:3:12|, and that from \philos, arguros\), only here in N.T. Refers to verse 9| (\boulomenoi ploutein\). {A root of all kinds of evil} (\riza pant“n t“n kak“n\). A root (\riza\). Old word, common in literal (Matthew:3:10|) and metaphorical sense (Romans:11:11-18|). Field (_Ot. Norv_.) argues for "the root" as the idea of this predicate without saying that it is the only root. Undoubtedly a proverb that Paul here quotes, attributed to Bion and to Democritus (\tˆn philargurian einai mˆtropolin pant“n t“n kak“n\), where "metropolis" takes the place of "root." Surely men today need no proof of the fact that men and women will commit any sin or crime for money. {Reaching after} (\oregomenoi\). Present middle participle of \oreg“\ (see strkjv@3:1|) with genitive \hˆs\ (which). {Have been led astray} (\apeplanˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \apoplana“\, old compound verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:13:22|. {Have pierced themselves through} (\heautous periepeiran\). First aorist active (with reflexive pronoun) of late compound \peripeir“\, only here in N.T. Perfective use of \peri\ (around, completely to pierce). {With many sorrows} (\odunais pollais\). Instrumental case of \odunˆ\ (consuming, eating grief). In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:9:2|.

rwp@1Timothy:6:13 @{Who quickeneth all things} (\tou z“ogonountos ta panta\). Present active participle of \z“ogone“\ (\z“ogonos\, from \z“os, gen“\), late word to give life, to bring forth alive, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:7:19|. See strkjv@1Samuel:2:6|. {Before Pontius Pilate} (\epi Pontiou Peilatou\). Not "in the time of," but "in the presence of." {Witnessed} (\marturˆsantos\). Note \marture“\, not \homologe“\ as in verse 12|. Christ gave his evidence as a witness to the Kingdom of God. Evidently Paul knew some of the facts that appear in strkjv@John:18|.

rwp@1Timothy:6:20 @{Guard that which is committed unto thee} (\tˆn parathˆkˆn phulaxon\). "Keep (aorist of urgency) the deposit." \Parathˆkˆn\ (from \paratithˆmi\, to place beside as a deposit, strkjv@2Timothy:2:2|), a banking figure, common in the papyri in this sense for the Attic \parakatathˆkˆ\ (Textus Receptus here, strkjv@2Timothy:1:12,14|). See substantive also in strkjv@2Timothy:1:12,14|. {Turning away from} (\ektrepomenos\). Present middle participle of \ektrep“\, for which see strkjv@1:6; strkjv@5:15|. {Babblings} (\kenoph“nias\). From \kenoph“nos\, uttering emptiness. Late and rare compound, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:2:16|. {Oppositions} (\antitheseis\). Old word (\anti, thesis\), antithesis, only here in N.T. {Of the knowledge which is falsely so called} (\tˆs pseud“numou gn“se“s\). "Of the falsely named knowledge." Old word (\pseudˆs, onoma\). Our "pseudonymous." Only here in N.T.

rwp@Info_2Corinthians @ FIRST CORINTHIANS FROM EPHESUS A.D. 54 OR 55 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION It would be a hard-boiled critic today who would dare deny the genuineness of I Corinthians. The Dutch wild man, Van Manen, did indeed argue that Paul wrote no epistles if indeed he ever lived. Such intellectual banality is well answered by Whateley's _Historic Doubts about Napolean Bonaparte_ which was so cleverly done that some readers were actually convinced that no such man ever existed, but is the product of myth and legend. Even Baur was compelled to acknowledge the genuineness of I and II Corinthians, Galatians and Romans (the Big Four of Pauline criticism). It is a waste of time now to prove what all admit to be true. Paul of Tarsus, the Apostle to the Gentiles, wrote I Corinthians.

rwp@Info_2Corinthians @ We know where Paul was when he wrote the letter for he tells us in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:8|: "But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost." That was, indeed, his plan, but the uproar in Ephesus at the hands of Demetrius caused his departure sooner than he expected (Acts:18:21-20:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12f.|). But he is in Ephesus when he writes.

rwp@Info_2Corinthians @ The occasion of the Epistle is made plain by numerous allusions personal and otherwise. Paul had arrived in Ephesus from Antioch shortly after the departure of Apollos for Corinth with letters of commendation from Priscilla and Aquila (Acts:18:28-19:1|). It is not clear how long Apollos remained in Corinth, but he is back in Ephesus when Paul writes the letter and he has declined Paul's request to go back to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:12|). Some of the household of Chloe had heard or come from Corinth with full details of the factions in the church over Apollos and Paul, clearly the reason why Apollos left (1Corinthians:1:10-12|). Even Cephas nominally was drawn into it, though there is no evidence that Peter himself had come to Corinth. Paul had sent Timothy over to Corinth to put an end to the factions (1Corinthians:4:17|), though he was uneasy over the outcome (1Corinthians:16:10f.|). This disturbance was enough of itself to call forth a letter from Paul. But it was by no means the whole story. Paul had already written a letter, now lost to us, concerning a peculiarly disgusting case of incest in the membership (1Corinthians:5:9|). They were having lawsuits with one another before heathen judges. Members of the church had written Paul a letter about marriage whether any or all should marry (1Corinthians:7:1|). They were troubled also whether it was right to eat meat that had been offered to idols in the heathen temples (1Corinthians:8:1|). Spiritual gifts of an unusual nature were manifested in Corinth and these were the occasion of a deal of trouble (1Corinthians:12:1|). The doctrine of the resurrection gave much trouble in Corinth (1Corinthians:15:12|). Paul was interested in the collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem (1Corinthians:16:1|) and in their share in it. The church in Corinth had sent a committee (Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus) to Paul in Ephesus. He hopes to come himself after passing through Macedonia (1Corinthians:16:5f.|). It is possible that he had made a short visit before this letter (2Corinthians:13:1|), though not certain as he may have intended to go one time without going as he certainly once changed his plans on the subject (2Corinthians:1:15-22|). Whether Titus took the letter on his visit or it was sent on after the return of Timothy is not perfectly clear. Probably Timothy returned to Ephesus from Corinth shortly after the epistle was sent on, possibly by the committee who returned to Corinth (1Corinthians:16:17|), for Timothy and Erastus were sent on from Ephesus to Macedonia before the outbreak at the hands of Demetrius (Acts:19:22|). Apparently Timothy had not fully succeeded in reconciling the factions in Corinth for Paul dispatched Titus who was to meet him at Troas as he went on to Macedonia. Paul's hurried departure from Ephesus (Acts:20:1|) took him to Troas before Titus arrived and Paul's impatience there brought him to Macedonia where he did meet Titus on his return from Corinth (2Corinthians:2:12f.|).

rwp@2Corinthians:1:3 @{Blessed} (\eulogˆtos\). From old verb \euloge“\, to speak well of, but late verbal in LXX and Philo. Used of men in strkjv@Genesis:24:31|, but only of God in N.T. as in strkjv@Luke:1:68| and chiefly in Paul (2Corinthians:11:31; strkjv@Romans:1:25|). Paul has no thanksgiving or prayer as in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:4-9|, but he finds his basis for gratitude in God, not in them. {The God and Father} (\ho theos kai patˆr\). Songs:rightly, only one article with both substantives as in strkjv@2Peter:1:1|. Paul gives the deity of Jesus Christ as our Lord (\Kuriou\), but he does not hesitate to use the language here as it occurs. See strkjv@1Peter:1:3; strkjv@Ephesians:1:3| where the language is identical with that here. {The father of mercies} (\ho patˆr t“n oiktirm“n\) and God of all comfort (\kai theos pasˆs paraklˆse“s\). Paul adds an item to each word. He is the compassionate Father characterized by mercies (\oiktirm“n\, old word from \oikteir“\, to pity, and here in plural, emotions and acts of pity). He is the God of all comfort (\paraklˆse“s\, old word from \parakale“\, to call to one's side, common with Paul). Paul has already used it of God who gave eternal comfort (2Thessalonians:2:16|). The English word comfort is from the Latin _confortis_ (brave together). The word used by Jesus of the Holy Spirit as the Comforter or Paraklete is this very word (John:14:16; strkjv@16:7|). Paul makes rich use of the verb \parakale“\ and the substantive \paraklˆsis\ in this passage (3-7|). He urges all sorrowing and troubled hearts to find strength in God.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:4 @{In all our affliction} (\epi pasˆi tˆi thlipsei hˆm“n\). \Thlipsis\ is from \thlib“\, to press, old and common word, as tribulation is from Latin _tribulum_ (roller). See on ¯Matthew:13:21| and strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:6|. The English affliction is Latin _afflictio_ from _ad-fligere_, to strike on. {That we may be able to comfort} (\eis to dunasthai hˆmas parakalein\). Purpose clause with \eis\ and the articular infinitive with the accusative of general reference, a common idiom. Paul here gives the purpose of affliction in the preacher's life, in any Christian's life, to qualify him for ministry to others. Otherwise it will be professional and perfunctory. {Wherewith} (\hˆs\). Genitive case of the relative attracted to that of the antecedent \paraklˆse“s\. The case of the relative here could have been either the accusative \hˆn\ with the passive verb retained as in strkjv@Mark:10:38| or the instrumental \hˆi\. Either is perfectly good Greek (cf. strkjv@Ephesians:1:6; strkjv@4:1|). Personal experience of God's comfort is necessary before we can pass it on to others.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:5 @{The sufferings of Christ} (\ta pathˆmata tou Christou\). Subjective genitive, Christ's own sufferings. {Abound unto us} (\perisseuei eis hˆmas\). Overflow unto us so that we suffer like sufferings and become fellow sufferers with Christ (4:10f.; strkjv@Romans:8:17; strkjv@Phillipians:3:10; strkjv@Colossians:1:24|). {Through Christ} (\dia tou Christou\). The overflow (\perisseuei\) of comfort comes also through Christ. Is Paul thinking of how some of the Jewish Christians in Corinth have become reconciled with him through Christ? Partnership with Christ in suffering brings partnership in glory also (Romans:8:17; strkjv@1Peter:4:13|).

rwp@2Corinthians:1:7 @{Our hope for you} (\hˆ elpis hˆm“n huper hum“n\). The old word \elpis\, from \elpiz“\, to hope, has the idea of waiting with expectation and patience. Songs:here it is "steadfast" (\bebaia\, stable, fast, from \bain“\, to plant the feet down). {Partakers} (\koin“noi\). Partners as in strkjv@Luke:5:10|.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:8 @{Concerning our affliction} (\huper tˆs thlipse“s hˆm“n\). Manuscripts read also \peri\ for in the _Koin‚_ \huper\ (over) often has the idea of \peri\ (around). Paul has laid down his philosophy of afflictions and now he cites a specific illustration in his own recent experience. {In Asia} (\en Asiƒi\). Probably in Ephesus, but what it was we do not know whether sickness or peril. We do know that the disciples and the Asiarchs would not allow Paul to face the mob in the amphitheatre gathered by Demetrius (Acts:20:30f.|). In strkjv@Romans:16:4| Paul says that Prisca and Aquila laid down their necks for him, risked their very lives for him. It may have been a later plot to kill Paul that hastened his departure from Ephesus (Acts:20:1|). He had a trial so great that "we were weighed down exceedingly beyond our power" (\kath' huperbolˆn huper dunamin ebarˆthˆmen\). Old verb from \baros\, weight, \barus\, weighty. First aorist passive indicative. See on ¯1Corinthians:12:31| for \kath' huperbolˆn\ (cf. our hyperbole). It was beyond Paul's power to endure if left to himself. {Insomuch that we despaired even of life} (\h“ste exaporˆthˆnai hˆmas kai tou zˆin\). Usual clause of result with \h“ste\ and the infinitive. First aorist passive infinitive \exaporˆthˆnai\, late compound for utter despair (perfective use of \ex\ and at a complete loss, \a\ privative and \poros\, way). There seemed no way out. {Of life} (\tou zˆin\). Ablative case of the articular infinitive, of living.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:11 @{Ye also helping together on our behalf} (\sunupourgount“n kai hum“n huper hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of late compound verb (\sun\ and \hupourge“\ for \hupo\ and \ergon\). Paul relied on God and felt the need of the prayer of God's people. {By means of many} (\ek poll“n pros“p“n\). \Pros“pon\ means face (\pros, ops\). The word is common in all Greek. The papyri use it for face, appearance, person. It occurs twelve times in II Corinthians. It certainly means face in eight of them (3:7,13,18; strkjv@8:24; strkjv@10:1,7; strkjv@11:20|). In strkjv@5:12| it means outward appearance. It may mean face or person here, strkjv@2:10; strkjv@4:6|. It is more pictorial to take it here as face "that out of many upturned faces" thanks may be given (\hina--eucharistˆthˆi\ first aorist passive subjunctive) for the gift to us by means of many (\dia pollon\). It is indeed a difficult sentence to understand.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:12 @{Glorying} (\kauchˆsis\). Act of glorying, while in verse 14| \kauchˆma\ is the thing boasted of. {The testimony of our conscience} (\to marturion tˆs suneidˆse“s hˆm“n\). In apposition with \kauchˆsis\. {Sincerity of God} (\eilikrineiƒi tou theou\). Like \dikaiosunˆ theou\ (Romans:1:17; strkjv@3:21|), the God-kind of righteousness. Songs:the God-kind (genitive case) of sincerity. Late word from \eilikrinˆs\. See on ¯1Corinthians:5:8|. {Not in fleshly wisdom} (\ouk en sophiƒi sarkikˆi\). See on ¯1Corinthians:1:17; strkjv@2:4,13f|. Paul uses \sarkikos\ five times and it occurs only twice elsewhere in N.T. See on ¯1Corinthians:3:3|. {We behaved ourselves} (\anestraphˆmen\). Second aorist passive indicative of \anastreph“\, old verb, to turn back, to turn back and forth, to walk. Here the passive is used as in late Greek as if middle. {More abundantly to you-ward} (\perissoter“s pros humas\). They had more abundant opportunity to observe how scrupulous Paul was (Acts:18:11|).

rwp@2Corinthians:1:14 @{As also ye did acknowledge us in part} (\kath“s kai epegn“te hˆmas apo merous\). Gracious acknowledgment (second aorist active indicative of \epign“sk“\) to the original Pauline party (1Corinthians:1:12; strkjv@3:4|) that he had seemed to care so little for them. And now in his hour of victory he shows that, if he is their ground of glorying, they are his also (cf. strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:19f.; strkjv@Phillipians:2:16|).

rwp@2Corinthians:1:16 @{And again} (\kai palin\). This would have been the second benefit or joy. But he changed his plans and did not make that trip directly to Corinth, but came on to Macedonia first (Acts:19:21; strkjv@20:1f.; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:2; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12|). {To be set forward by you} (\huph' hum“n propemphthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \propemp“\. Paul uses this same verb in strkjv@Romans:15:24| for the same service by the Roman Christians on his proposed trip to Spain. The Corinthians, especially the anti-Pauline party, took advantage of Paul's change of plans to criticize him sharply for vacillation and flippancy. How easy it is to find fault with the preacher! Songs:Paul has to explain his conduct.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:21 @{Establishes} (\bebai“n\). Present active participle from \bebaios\, firm. An apt metaphor in Corinth where confirmation of a bargain often took place (\bebai“sis\) as Deissmann shows (_Bible Studies_, p. 109) and as verse 22| makes plain. {Anointed} (\chrisas\). From \chri“\, to anoint, old verb, to consecrate, with the Holy Spirit here as in strkjv@1John:2:20|.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:22 @{Sealed us} (\sphragisamenos hˆmas\). From \sphragiz“\ old verb, common in LXX and papyri for setting a seal to prevent opening (Daniel:6:17|), in place of signature (1Kings:21:18|). Papyri examples show a wide legal use to give validity to documents, to guarantee genuineness of articles as sealing sacks and chests, etc. (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 238; Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {The earnest of the Spirit} (\ton arrab“na tou pneumatos\). A word of Semitic origin (possibly Phoenician) and spelled both \arab“n\ and \arrab“n\. It is common in the papyri as earnest money in a purchase for a cow or for a wife (a dowry). In N.T. only here; strkjv@5:5; strkjv@Ephesians:1:14|. It is part payment on the total obligation and we use the very expression today, "earnest money." It is God, says Paul, who has done all this for us and God is Paul's pledge that he is sincere. He will come to Corinth in due time. This earnest of the Spirit in our hearts is the witness of the Spirit that we are God's.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:23 @{But I call God for a witness upon my soul} (\Eg“ de martura ton theon epikaloumai epi tˆn emˆn psuchˆn\). Solemn attestation, "calling heaven to witness is frequent in literature from Homer onwards" (Plummer). Thus God is described above (cf. strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:5,10; strkjv@Romans:1:9; strkjv@Galatians:1:20; strkjv@Phillipians:1:8|). {To spare you} (\pheidomenos hum“n\). Present middle participle (causal rather than final) of \pheidomai\, old verb, to hold back, to spare. Ablative case \hum“n\.

rwp@2Corinthians:2:1 @{That I would not come again to you with sorrow} (\to mˆ palin en lupˆi pros humas elthein\). Articular second aorist active infinitive with negative \mˆ\ in apposition with \touto\ (this) preceding. What does Paul mean by "again" (\palin\)? Had he paid another visit besides that described in strkjv@Acts:18| which was in sorrow (\en lupˆi\)? Or does he mean that having had one joyful visit (that in strkjv@Acts:18|) he does not wish the second one to be in sorrow? Either interpretation is possible as the Greek stands and scholars disagree. Songs:in strkjv@12:14| "The third time I am ready to come" may refer to the proposed second visit (1:15f.|) and the present plan (a third). And so as to strkjv@13:1|. There is absolutely no way to tell clearly whether Paul had already made a second visit. If he had done so, it is a bit odd that he did not plainly say so in strkjv@1:15f.| when he is apologizing for not having made the proposed visit ("a second benefit").

rwp@2Corinthians:2:2 @{Who then?} (\kai tis?\). For this use of \kai\ see on ¯Mark:10:26; strkjv@John:9:36|. The \kai\ accepts the condition (first class \ei--lup“\) and shows the paradox that follows. \Lupe“\ is old word from \lupˆ\ (sorrow) in causative sense, to make sorry. {Maketh glad} (\euphrain“n\). Present active participle of old word from \eu\, well, and \phrˆn\, mind, to make joyful, causative idea like \lupe“\.

rwp@2Corinthians:2:3 @{I wrote this very thing} (\egrapsa touto auto\). Is this (and \egrapsa\ in verses 4,9,12|) the epistolary aorist referring to the present letter? In itself that is possible as the epistolary aorist does occur in the N.T. as in strkjv@8:18; strkjv@9:3| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 854f.). If not epistolary aorist as seems improbable from the context and from strkjv@7:8-12|, to what Epistle does he refer? To strkjv@1Corinthians:5| or to a lost letter? It is possible, of course, that, when Paul decided not to come to Corinth, he sent a letter. The language that follows in verses 3,4; strkjv@7:8-12| can hardly apply to I Corinthians. {Should have sorrow} (\lupˆn sch“\). Second aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive of \ech“\, should get sorrow, after \hina mˆ\ negative final particles. {From them of whom} (\aph' h“n\). Antecedent omitted, \apo tout“n aph' h“n\ (from those from whom). {I ought} (\edei me\). Imperfect for unrealized present obligation as often and like English. {Having confidence} (\pepoith“s\). Second perfect active participle of \peith“\ (1:9|).

rwp@2Corinthians:2:4 @{Anguish} (\sunochˆs\). Ablative case after \ek\ (out of). Old word from \sunech“\, to hold together. Songs:contraction of heart (Cicero, _contractio animi_), a spiritual _angina pectoris_. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:21:25|. {With many tears} (\dia poll“n dakru“n\). He dictated that letter "through tears" (accompanied by tears). Paul was a man of heart. He writes to the Philippians with weeping (\klai“n\) over the enemies of the Cross of Christ (Phillipians:3:18|). He twice mentions his tears in his speech at Miletus (Acts:20:19-31|). {But that ye might know the love} (\alla tˆn agapˆn hina gn“te\). Proleptic position of \agapˆn\ and ingressive second aorist active subjunctive \gn“te\, come to know.

rwp@2Corinthians:2:5 @{If any} (\ei tis\). Scholars disagree whether Paul refers to strkjv@1Corinthians:5:1|, where he also employs \tis, toioutos\, and \Satanƒs\ as here, or to the ringleader of the opposition to him. Either view is possible. In both cases Paul shows delicacy of feeling by not mentioning the name. {But in part} (\alla apo merous\). "But to some extent to you all." The whole Corinthian Church has been injured in part by this man's wrongdoing. There is a parenthesis ({that I press not too heavily}, \hina mˆ epibar“\) that interrupts the flow of ideas. \Epibare“\, to put a burden on (\epi, baros\), is a late word, only in Paul in N.T. (here and strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:9; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:8|). He does not wish to give pain by too severe language.

rwp@2Corinthians:2:12 @{To Troas} (\eis tˆn Tr“iada\). Luke does not mention this stop at Troas on the way from Ephesus to Macedonia (Acts:20:1f.|), though he does mention two other visits there (Acts:16:8; strkjv@20:6|). {When a door was opened unto me} (\thuras moi ane“igmenˆs\). Genitive absolute with second perfect passive participle of \anoignumi\. Paul used this very metaphor in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:9|. He will use it again in strkjv@Colossians:4:3|. Here was an open door that he could not enter.

rwp@2Corinthians:2:13 @{I had no relief} (\ouk eschˆka anesin\). Perfect active indicative like that in strkjv@1:9|, vivid dramatic recital, not to be treated as "for" the aorist (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 896, 898ff.). He still feels the shadow of that restlessness. \Anesis\, from \aniˆmi\, to let up, to hold back, is old word for relaxing or release (Acts:24:34|). {For my spirit} (\t“i pneumati mou\). Dative of interest. {Because I found not Titus} (\t“i mˆ heurein me Titon\). Instrumental case of the articular infinitive with negative \mˆ\ and accusative of general reference \me\, "by the not finding Titus as to me." {Taking my leave of them} (\apotaxamenos autois\). First aorist middle participle of \apotass“\, old verb, to set apart, in middle in late Greek to separate oneself, to bid adieu to as in strkjv@Mark:6:46|.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:2 @{Ye are our epistle} (\hˆ epistolˆ hˆm“n humeis este\). Bold turn. Paul was writing in their hearts. {Known and read} (\gin“skomenˆ kai anagin“skomenˆ\). Play on the word. Literally true. Professing Christians are the Bible that men read and know.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:4 @{Through Christ} (\dia tou Christou\). It is not self-conceit on Paul's part, but through Christ.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:5 @{Of ourselves} (\aph' heaut“n\). Starting from ourselves (reflexive pronoun). {As from ourselves} (\h“s ex haut“n\). He says it over again with preposition \ex\ (out of). He has no originating power for such confidence. {Sufficiency} (\hikanotˆs\). Old word, only here in N.T.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:7 @{Of death} (\tou thanatou\). Subjective genitive, marked by death in its outcome (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:15:56; strkjv@Galatians:3:10|). The letter kills. {Engraven on stones} (\entetup“menˆ lithois\). Perfect passive participle of \entupo“\, late verb, to imprint a figure (\tupos\). Used by Aristias (67) of the "inlaid" work on the table sent by Ptolemy Philadelphus to Jerusalem. \Lithois\ in locative case. {Came with glory} (\egenˆthˆ en doxˆi\). In glory. As it did, condition of first class, assumed as true. See strkjv@Exodus:34:29,35|. {Look steadfastly} (\atenisai\). Late verb from \atenˆs\ (stretched, intent, \tein“\ and \a\ intensive) as in strkjv@Luke:4:20; strkjv@Acts:3:4|. {Was passing away} (\katargoumenˆn\). Late verb, to render of no effect, and present passive participle here as in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:6|.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:13 @{Put a veil upon his face} (\etithei kalumma epi to pros“pon autou\). Imperfect active of \tithˆmi\, used to put (Exodus:34:33|). {That the children of Israel should not look steadfastly} (\pros to mˆ atenisai tous huious\). Purpose expressed by \pros\ and the articular infinitive with negative \mˆ\ and the accusative of general reference. The Authorized Version had a wrong translation here as if to hide the glory on his face.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:14 @{But their minds were hardened} (\alla ep“r“thˆ ta noˆmata aut“n\). Their thoughts (\noˆmata\) literally. \P“ro“\ (first aorist passive indicative here) is late verb from \p“ros\, hard skin, to cover with thick skin (callus), to petrify. See on ¯Mark:6:52; strkjv@8:17|. {Of the old covenant} (\tˆs palaias diathˆkˆs\). The Old Testament. \Palaios\ (ancient) in contrast to \kainos\ (fresh, verse 6|). See strkjv@Matthew:13:52|. {The same veil} (\to auto kalumma\). Not that identical veil, but one that has the same effect, that blinds their eyes to the light in Christ. This is the tragedy of modern Judaism. {Unlifted} (\mˆ anakaluptomenon\). Present passive participle of \anakalupt“\, old verb, to draw back the veil, to unveil. {Is done away} (\katargeitai\). Same verb as in verses 7,11|.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:15 @{Whensoever Moses is read} (\hˆnika an anagin“skˆtai M“usˆs\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hˆnika\ an and the present passive subjunctive. {A veil lieth upon their heart} (\epi tˆn kardian aut“n keitai\). Vivid and distressing picture, a fact that caused Paul agony of heart (Romans:9:1-5|). With wilful blindness the rabbis set aside the word of God by their tradition in the time of Jesus (Mark:7:8f.|).

rwp@2Corinthians:3:16 @{It shall turn} (\epistrepsei\). The heart of Israel. {The veil is taken away} (\periaireitai to kalumma\). Present passive indicative of \periaire“\, old verb, to take from around, as of anchors (Acts:27:40|), to cut loose (Acts:28:13|), for hope to be taken away (Acts:27:20|). Here Paul has in mind strkjv@Exodus:34:34| where we find of Moses that \periˆireito to kalumma\ (the veil was taken from around his face) whenever he went before the Lord. After the ceremony the veil is taken from around (\peri-\) the face of the bride.

rwp@2Corinthians:3:18 @{We all} (\hˆmeis pantes\). All of us Christians, not merely ministers. {With unveiled face} (\anakekalummen“i pros“p“i\). Instrumental case of manner. Unlike and like Moses. {Reflecting as in a mirror} (\katoptrizomenoi\). Present middle participle of \katoptriz“\, late verb from \katoptron\, mirror (\kata, optron\, a thing to see with). In Philo (_Legis Alleg_. iii. 33) the word means beholding as in a mirror and that idea suits also the figure in strkjv@1Corinthians:13:12|. There is an inscription of third century B.C. with \egkatoptrisasthai eis to hud“r\, to look at one's reflection in the water. Plutarch uses the active for mirroring or reflecting and Chrysostom takes it so here. Either makes good sense. The point that Paul is making is that we shall not lose the glory as Moses did. But that is true if we keep on beholding or keep on reflecting (present tense). Only here in N.T. {Are transformed} (\metamorphoumetha\). Present passive (are being transformed) of \metamorpho“\, late verb and in papyri. See on ¯Matthew:17:2; strkjv@Mark:9:2| where it is translated "transfigured." It is the word used for heathen mythological metamorphoses. {Into the same image} (\tˆn autˆn eikona\). Accusative retained with passive verb \metamorphoumetha\. Into the likeness of God in Christ (1Corinthians:15:48-53; strkjv@Romans:8:17,29; strkjv@Colossians:3:4; strkjv@1John:3:2|). {As from the Lord the Spirit} (\kathaper apo Kuriou pneumatos\). More likely, "as from the Spirit of the Lord."

rwp@2Corinthians:4:1 @{We faint not} (\ouk egkakoumen\). Present active indicative of \egkake“\, late verb (\en, kakos\) to behave badly in, to give in to evil, to lose courage. In Symmachus (LXX), Polybius, and papyri. It is the faint-hearted coward. Paul speaks of himself (literary plural). Can he not speak for all of us?

rwp@2Corinthians:4:2 @{But we have renounced} (\alla apeipametha\). Indirect middle second aorist (timeless aorist) indicative of \apeipon\ (defective verb) with \a\ of first aorist ending, to speak forth, to speak off or away from. Common verb in the active, but rare in middle and only here in N.T. {The hidden things of shame} (\ta krupta tˆs aischunˆs\). They do attack the minister. His only safety is in instant and courageous defiance to all the powers of darkness. It is a terrible thing to see a preacher caught in the toils of the tempter. {In craftiness} (\en panourgiƒi\). Old word from \panourgos\ (\pan, ergon\), a doer of any deed (good or bad), clever, cunning, deceitful. See on ¯Luke:20:23|. {Handling deceitfully} (\dolountes\). Present active participle of \dolo“\, from \dolos\, deceit (from \del“\, to catch with bait), old and common verb, in papyri and inscriptions, to ensnare, to corrupt with error. Only here in N.T. Used of adulterating gold or wine. {To every conscience of men} (\pros pƒsan suneidˆsin anthr“p“n\). Not to whim, foible, prejudice. See strkjv@3:1-6| for "commending" (\sunistanontes\).

rwp@2Corinthians:4:4 @{The god of this world} (\ho theos tou ai“nos toutou\). "Age," more exactly, as in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:20|. Satan is "the god of this age," a phrase nowhere else in the N.T., but Jesus uses the same idea in strkjv@John:12:31; strkjv@14:30| and Paul in strkjv@Ephesians:2:2; strkjv@6:12| and John in strkjv@1John:5:19|. Satan claimed the rule over the world in the temptations with Jesus. {Blinded} (\etuphl“sen\). First aorist active of \tuphlo“\, old verb to blind (\tuphlos\, blind). They refused to believe (\apist“n\) and so Satan got the power to blind their thoughts. That happens with wilful disbelievers. {The light} (\ton ph“tismon\). The illumination, the enlightening. Late word from \photiz“\, to give light, in Plutarch and LXX. In N.T. only in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4,6|. Accusative case of general reference here with the articular infinitive (\eis to mˆ augasai\ that should not dawn). That is, if \augasai\ is intransitive as is likely, though it is transitive in the old poets (from \augˆ\, radiance. Cf. German _Auge_=eye). If it is transitive, the idea would be "that they should not see clearly the illumination, etc."

rwp@2Corinthians:4:6 @{God who said} (\ho theos ho eip“n\). Paraphrase of strkjv@Genesis:1:3|. {Who shined} (\hos elampsen\). Like a lamp in the heart (cf. strkjv@Matthew:5:15|). Miners carry a lamp on the forehead, Christians carry one in their hearts lit by the Spirit of God. {To give the light} (\pros ph“tismon\). For the illumination. {In the face of Jesus Christ} (\en pros“p“i Iˆsou Christou\). The Christian who looks on the face of Jesus Christ as Moses looked upon the glory of God will be able to give the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God. See strkjv@2:10| for \pros“pon\.

rwp@2Corinthians:4:7 @{This treasure} (\ton thˆsauron touton\). On \thˆsauron\ see strkjv@Matthew:6:19-21|. It is the power of giving the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God (verse 6|). "The power is limitless, but it is stored in very unlikely receptacles" (Plummer). This warning Paul gives in contrast (\de\) with the exultation of verse 6| (Bernard). {In earthen vessels} (\en ostrakinois skeuesin\). This adjective is common in the LXX with \skeuos, aggos\ and \aggeion\. It occurs again in strkjv@2Timothy:2:20| with \skeuˆ\. It is found also in the papyri with \skeuos\ as here. It is from \ostrakon\, baked clay (same root as \osteon\, bone), so many fragments of which are found in Egypt with writing on them. We are but earthen jars used of God for his purposes (Romans:9:20ff.|) and so fragile. {The exceeding greatness} (\hˆ huperbolˆ\). See on ¯1Corinthians:12:31| for this word, "the preeminence of the power." This is God's purpose (\hina--ˆi\). God, not man, is the {dynamo} (\dunamis\). It comes from God (\tou theou\, ablative) and does not originate with us (\mˆ ex hˆm“n\).

rwp@2Corinthians:4:8 @{Pressed} (\thlibomenoi\). From \thlib“\, to press as grapes, to contract, to squeeze. Series of present passive participles here through verse 9| that vividly picture Paul's ministerial career. {Yet not straitened} (\all' ou stenoch“roumenoi\). Each time the exception is stated by \all' ou\. From \stenoch“re“\ (\stenoch“ros\, from \stenos\, narrow, \ch“ros\, space), to be in a narrow place, to keep in a tight place. Late verb, in LXX and papyri. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:6:12|. {Yet not unto despair} (\all' ouk exaporoumenoi\). Late perfective compound with \ex-\ of \exapore“\. A very effective play on words here, lost, but not lost out.

rwp@2Corinthians:4:16 @{Wherefore we faint not} (\dio ouk egkakoumen\). Repeats from verse 1|. {Our outward man} (\ho ex“ hˆm“n anthr“pos\), {our inward man} (\ho es“ hˆm“n\). In strkjv@Romans:7:22; strkjv@Colossians:3:9; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22f.|, we have the inward man and the outward for the higher and the lower natures (the spirit and the flesh). "Here the decay (\diaphtheiretai\) of the bodily organism is set over against the growth in grace (\anakainoutai\, is refreshed) of the man himself" (Bernard). Plato (_Republ_. ix, p. 589) has \ho entos anthr“pos\. Cf. "the hidden man of the heart" (1Peter:3:4|). {Day by day} (\hˆmerƒi kai hˆmerƒi\). This precise idiom is not in LXX nor rest of N.T. It may be colloquial use of locative in repetition.

rwp@2Corinthians:4:18 @{While we look not} (\mˆ skopount“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with participle of \skope“\ from \skopos\, goal. {Temporal} (\proskaira\). Rather temporary, for a season (\pros kairon\). Late word. See on ¯Matthew:13:21|. See strkjv@1Corinthians:13:12; strkjv@Hebrews:11:1|.

rwp@2Corinthians:5:1 @{If--be dissolved} (\ean--kataluthˆi\). Third class condition, \ean\ and first aorist passive subjunctive. The very word used (\katalu“\) for striking down a tent. {The earthly house of our tabernacle} (\hˆ epigeios hˆm“n oikia tou skˆnous\). Rather, "If our earthly (see on ¯1Corinthians:15:40| for \epigeios\) house of the tent (\skˆnos\, another form of \skˆnˆ\, tent, from root \ska\, to cover)." Appositive genitive, the house (\oikia\) is the tent. {We have} (\echomen\). Present indicative. We possess the title to it now by faith. "Faith is the title-deed (\hupostasis\) to things hoped for" (Hebrews:11:7|). {A building from God} (\oikodomˆn ek theou\). This \oikodomˆ\ (found in Aristotle, Plutarch, LXX, etc., and papyri, though condemned by Atticists) is more substantial than the \skˆnos\. {Not made with hands} (\acheiropoiˆton\). Found first in strkjv@Mark:14:58| in charge against Jesus before the Sanhedrin (both the common verbal \cheiropoiˆton\ and the newly made vernacular \acheiropoiˆton\, same verbal with \a\ privative). Elsewhere only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:11|. Spiritual, eternal home.

rwp@2Corinthians:5:3 @{Being clothed} (\endusamenoi\). First aorist middle participle, having put on the garment. {Naked} (\gumnoi\). That is, disembodied spirits, "like the souls in Sheol, without form, and void of all power of activity" (Plummer).

rwp@2Corinthians:5:12 @{As giving you occasion of glorying} (\aphormˆn didontes humin kauchˆmatos\). An old Greek word (\apo, hormˆ\, onset, rush), a base of operations, material with which to glory, as we say "a tip" only much more. {That ye may have wherewith to answer} (\hina echˆte pros\). Literally, "That ye may have something against (for facing those, etc.)." Paul wishes his champions in Corinth to know the facts. {In appearance, and not in heart} (\en pros“p“i kai mˆ en kardiƒi\). He means the Judaizers who were braggarts about their orthodox Judaism.

rwp@2Corinthians:5:15 @{Should no longer live unto themselves} (\hina mˆketi heautois z“sin\). The high doctrine of Christ's atoning death carries a correspondingly high obligation on the part of those who live because of him. Selfishness is ruled out by our duty to live "unto him who for their sakes died and rose again."

rwp@2Corinthians:5:17 @{A new creature} (\kainˆ ktisis\). A fresh start is made (\kainˆ\). \Ktisis\ is the old word for the act of creating (Romans:1:20|), but in N.T. by metonymy it usually bears the notion of \ktisma\, the thing created or creature as here. {The old things are passed away} (\ta archaia parˆlthen\). Did pass by, he means. Second aorist active of \parerchomai\, to go by. The ancient (\archaia\) way of looking at Christ among other things. And yet today there are scholars who are trying to revive the old prejudiced view of Jesus Christ as a mere man, a prophet, to give us "a reduced Christ." That was once Paul's view, but it passed by forever for him. It is a false view and leaves us no gospel and no Saviour. {Behold, they are become new} (\idou, gegone kaina\). Perfect active indicative of \ginomai\, have become new (fresh, \kaina\) to stay so.

rwp@2Corinthians:5:18 @{Who reconciled us to himself through Christ} (\tou katallaxantos hˆmas heaut“i dia Christou\). Here Paul uses one of his great doctrinal words, \katallass“\, old word for exchanging coins. \Diallass“\, to change one's mind, to reconcile, occurs in N.T. only in strkjv@Matthew:5:24| though in papyri (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 187), and common in Attic. \Katallass“\ is old verb, but more frequent in later writers. We find \sunallass“\ in strkjv@Acts:7:26| and \apokatallass“\ in strkjv@Colossians:1:20f.; strkjv@Ephesians:2:16| and the substantive \katallagˆ\ in strkjv@Romans:5:11; strkjv@11:15| as well as here. It is hard to discuss this great theme without apparent contradiction. God's love (John:3:16|) provided the means and basis for man's reconciliation to God against whom he had sinned. It is all God's plan because of his love, but God's own sense of justice had to be satisfied (Romans:3:26|) and so God gave his Son as a propitiation for our sins (Romans:3:25; strkjv@Colossians:1:20; strkjv@1John:2:2; strkjv@4:10|). The point made by Paul here is that God needs no reconciliation, but is engaged in the great business of reconciling us to himself. This has to be done on God's terms and is made possible through (\dia\) Christ. {And gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation} (\kai dontos hˆmin tˆn diakonian tˆs katallagˆs\). It is a ministry marked by reconciliation, that consists in reconciliation. God has made possible through Christ our reconciliation to him, but in each case it has to be made effective by the attitude of each individual. The task of winning the unreconciled to God is committed to us. It is a high and holy one, but supremely difficult, because the offending party (the guilty) is the hardest to win over. We must be loyal to God and yet win sinful men to him.

rwp@2Corinthians:5:20 @{We are ambassadors therefore on behalf of Christ} (\huper Christou oun presbeuomen\). Old word from \presbus\, an old man, first to be an old man, then to be an ambassador (here and strkjv@Ephesians:6:20| with \en halusˆi\ in a chain added), common in both senses in the Greek. "The proper term in the Greek East for the Emperor's Legate" (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 374), in inscriptions and papyri. Songs:Paul has a natural pride in using this dignified term for himself and all ministers. The ambassador has to be _persona grata_ with both countries (the one that he represents and the one to which he goes). Paul was Christ's _Legate_ to act in his behalf and in his stead. {As though God were intreating by us} (\h“s tou theou parakalountos di' hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with \h“s\ used with the participle as often to give the reason (apparent or real). Here God speaks through Christ's Legate. {Be ye reconciled to God} (\katallagˆte t“i the“i\). Second aorist passive imperative of \katallass“\ and used with the dative case. "Get reconciled to God," and do it now. This is the ambassador's message as he bears it to men from God.

rwp@2Corinthians:5:21 @{Him who knew no sin} (\ton mˆ gnonta hamartian\). Definite claim by Paul that Jesus did not commit sin, had no personal acquaintance (\mˆ gnonta\, second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\) with it. Jesus made this claim for himself (John:8:46|). This statement occurs also in strkjv@1Peter:2:22; strkjv@Hebrews:4:15; strkjv@7:26; strkjv@1John:3:5|. Christ was and is "a moral miracle" (Bernard) and so more than mere man. {He made to be sin} (\hamartian epoiˆsen\). The words "to be" are not in the Greek. "Sin" here is the substantive, not the verb. God "treated as sin" the one "who knew no sin." But he knew the contradiction of sinners (Hebrews:12:3|). We may not dare to probe too far into the mystery of Christ's suffering on the Cross, but this fact throws some light on the tragic cry of Jesus just before he died: "My God, My God, why didst thou forsake me?" (Matthew:27:46|). {That we might become} (\hina hˆmeis gen“metha\). Note "become." This is God's purpose (\hina\) in what he did and in what Christ did. Thus alone can we obtain God's righteousness (Romans:1:17|).

rwp@2Corinthians:6:1 @{Working together with him} (\sunergountes\). We are co-workers, partners with God (1Corinthians:3:9|), in this work of grace. {In vain} (\eis kenon\). Into emptiness. The plan of God, the work of Christ on the Cross, the pleas of the ambassador may all be nullified by the recipient of the message.

rwp@2Corinthians:6:11 @{Our mouth is open unto you} (\to stoma hˆm“n ane“igen pros humas\). Second perfect active indicative of \anoig“\ and intransitive, stand open. He has kept back nothing in his portrayal of the glory of the ministry as the picture of the open mouth shows. {Our heart is enlarged} (\hˆ kardia hˆm“n peplatuntai\). Perfect passive indicative of old verb \platun“\, to broaden, from \platus\, broad. In N T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:23:5| (cf. phylacteries). Hence his freedom of speech for "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew:12:34|).

rwp@2Corinthians:6:12 @{Ye are not straitened in us} (\ou stenoch“reisthe en hˆmin\). The same figure as in verse 11|. See on ¯4:8| for \stenoch“re“\. There is no restraint in me (my heart). My adversaries may have caused some of you to tighten up your affections (\splagchna\ for affection as in strkjv@James:5:11; strkjv@1Peter:3:8|).

rwp@2Corinthians:6:14 @{Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers} (\mˆ ginesthe heterozugountes apistois\). No other example of this verb has yet been found, though the adjective from which it is apparently formed, \heterozugos\ (yoked with a different yoke) occurs in strkjv@Leviticus:19:19| of the union of beasts of different kinds. In strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:10| we read: "Thou shalt not plough with an ox and an ass together." Literally, "Stop becoming (\mˆ ginesthe\ present imperative, not \mˆ genˆsthe\ aorist subj.) unequally yoked with unconverted heathen (unbelievers)." Some were already guilty. Marriage is certainly included, but other unions may be in mind. Cf. strkjv@Ephesians:5:7|. Paul gives as the reason (\gar\) for this prohibition five words in questions to distinguish the contrasts. {Fellowship} (\metochˆ\). Sharing with and followed by associative instrumental case of \dikaiosunˆi\ (righteousness) and iniquity (\anomiƒi\). A pertinent challenge today when church members wink at violations of laws of the land and laws of God. {Communion} (\koin“nia\). Partnership to light (\ph“ti\ dative case) with (\pros\), facing darkness.

rwp@2Corinthians:6:17 @{Saith the Lord} (\legei Kurios\). strkjv@Isaiah:52:5; strkjv@Ezekiel:20:33|. Cf. strkjv@Revelation:18:4|. {Unclean thing} (\akathartou\). Or unclean person. Genitive case is the same for both.

rwp@2Corinthians:7:2 @{Open your hearts to us} (\ch“rˆsate hˆmas\). Old verb (from \ch“ros\, place), to leave a space, to make a space for, and transitive here as in strkjv@Matthew:19:11|. He wishes no further \stenoch“ria\, tightness of heart, in them (6:12|). "Make room for us in your hearts." He makes this plea to all, even the stubborn minority. {We wronged no man} (\oudena ˆdikˆsamen\). A thing that every preacher ought to be able to say. Cf. strkjv@4:2; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:3; strkjv@Acts:20:26f|. {We corrupted no man} (\oudena ephtheiramen\). We ruined no one. "It may refer to money, or morals, or doctrine" (Plummer). He is answering the Judaizers. {We took advantage of no man} (\oudena epleonektˆsamen\). That charge was made in Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:4:6|) which see for this late verb and also on ¯2Corinthians:2:11|. He got the best of (note \pleon\ more in the root) no one in any evil way.

rwp@2Corinthians:7:3 @{Not to condemn you} (\pros katakrisin ou\). "Not for condemnation." Late word from \katakrin“\, found in Vettius Valens, and here only in N.T. {To die together and live together} (\eis to sunapothanein kai sunzˆin\). "For the dying together (second aorist ingressive active infinitive of \sunapothnˆsk“\) and living together (present active infinitive)." One article (\to\) with both infinitives. You are in our hearts to share death and life.

rwp@2Corinthians:7:5 @{When we had come} (\elthont“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with second aorist active participle of \erchomai\. Paul now returns to the incident mentioned in strkjv@2:12| before the long digression on the glory of the ministry. {Had no relief} (\oudemian eschˆken anesin\). Perfect active indicative precisely as in strkjv@2:13| which see, "has had no relief" (dramatic perfect). {Afflicted} (\thlibomenoi\). Present passive participle of \thlib“\ as in strkjv@4:8|, but with anacoluthon, for the nominative case agrees not with the genitive \hˆm“n\ nor with the accusative \hˆmas\ in verse 6|. It is used as if a principal verb as in strkjv@9:11; strkjv@11:6; strkjv@Romans:12:16| (Moulton, _Prolegomena_, p. 182; Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1132-35). {Without were fightings} (\ex“then machai\). Asyndeton and no copula, a parenthesis also in structure. Perhaps pagan adversaries in Macedonia (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:15:32|). {Within were fears} (\es“then phoboi\). Same construction. "Mental perturbations" (Augustine) as in strkjv@11:28|.

rwp@2Corinthians:7:11 @{This selfsame thing} (\auto touto\). "This very thing," "the being made sorry according to God" (\to kata theon lupˆthˆnai\, articular first aorist passive infinitive with which \auto touto\ agrees and the proleptic subject of the verb \kateirgasato\. {Earnest care} (\spoudˆn\). Diligence, from \speud“\, to hasten. Cf. strkjv@Romans:12:11|. {Yea} (\alla\). Not adversative use of \alla\, but copulative as is common (half dozen examples here). {Clearing of yourselves} (\apologia\). In the old notion of \apologia\ (self-vindication, self-defence) as in strkjv@1Peter:3:15|. {Indignation} (\aganaktˆsin\). Old word, only here in N.T. From \aganakteo\ (Mark:10:14|, etc.). {Avenging} (\ekdikˆsin\). Late word from \ekdike“\, to avenge, to do justice (Luke:18:5; strkjv@21:22|), vindication from wrong as in strkjv@Luke:18:7|, to secure punishment (1Peter:2:14|). {Pure} (\hagnous\). Kin to \hagios\ (\haz“\, to reverence), immaculate.

rwp@2Corinthians:7:12 @{But that your earnest care for us might be made manifest} (\all' heineken tou phaner“thˆnai tˆn spoudˆn hum“n tˆn huper hˆm“n\). Songs:the correct text, not "our care for you." Easy to interchange Greek \hum“n\ (your) and \hˆm“n\ (our). Usual construction with preposition \heneken\ and genitive of articular infinitive with accusative of general reference.

rwp@2Corinthians:7:15 @{Whilst he remembereth} (\anamimnˆskomenou\). Present middle participle of \anamimnˆsk“\, to remind, in the genitive case agreeing with \autou\ (his, of him). {The obedience of you all} (\tˆn pant“n hum“n hupakouˆn\). A remarkable statement of the complete victory of Titus in spite of a stubborn minority still opposing Paul. {With fear and trembling} (\meta phobou kai tromou\). He had brought a stern message (1Corinthians:5:5|) and they had trembled at the words of Titus (cf. strkjv@Ephesians:6:5; strkjv@Phillipians:2:12|). Paul had himself come to the Corinthians at first with a nervous dread (1Corinthians:2:3|).

rwp@2Corinthians:8:2 @{Proof} (\dokimˆi\). Tests as of metals as in strkjv@2:9|. {Abundance} (\perisseia\). Late word from \perisseu“\, to overflow. {Their deep poverty} (\hˆ kata bathous pt“cheia aut“n\). \Pt“cheia\ is old word from \pt“cheu“\, to be a beggar, as of Jesus in strkjv@8:9| (from \pt“chos\, cowering in fear and poverty, as in strkjv@Luke:14:13|, but ennobled by Christ as in strkjv@Matthew:5:3; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:9|). Poverty down deep. Strabo (LX 419) has \kata bathous\, down to the bottom. {Liberality} (\haplotˆtos\). From \haplous\, single, simple (Matthew:6:22|). "The passage from single-mindedness or simplicity to liberality is not quite obvious" (Plummer). Perhaps "heartiness" supplies the connecting link. See also strkjv@9:11-13|.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:4 @{Beseeching us with much intreaty in regard of this grace} (\meta pollˆs paraklˆse“s deomenoi hˆm“n tˆn charin\). Literally, "with much intreaty begging of us the favour and the partnership in the ministry to the saints." The accusative (\charin\) after \deomai\ is unusual. By \charis\ Paul means the privilege of giving (cf. strkjv@Acts:24:27|). Apparently Paul had been reluctant to press the Macedonians because of their manifest poverty. They demanded the right to have a share in it.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:6 @{Insomuch that we exhorted Titus} (\eis to parakalesai hˆmas Titon\). Use of \eis to\ and the infinitive for result with accusative of general reference (\hˆmas\). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1003. {He had made a beginning before} (\proenˆrxato\). First aorist active indicative of the double compound verb \pro-en-archomai\, still found only here and verse 10|, to make a start before others. {Complete} (\epitelesei\) First aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \epitele“\, to finish, with perfective use of \epi\ in composition.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:9 @{Though he was rich} (\plousios “n\). Concessive present participle \“n\ from \eimi\, to be. {Be became poor} (\ept“cheusen\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \pt“cheu“\ (see verse 2| on \pt“cheia\). {Through his poverty} (\tˆi ekeinou pt“cheiƒi\). Instrumental case, by means of. {Might become rich} (\ploutˆsˆte\). Ingressive first aorist active subjunctive of \ploute“\, to be rich with \hina\ (that). See on ¯Luke:1:53; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:8|.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:10 @{Judgment} (\gn“mˆn\). Deliberate opinion, but not a "command" (\epitagˆ\ verse 8|). Cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:7:25|. {A year ago} (\apo perusi\) From last year. {Not only to do, but also to will} (\ou monon to poiˆsai, alla kai to thelein\). Articular infinitives the objects of \proenˆrxasthe\ on which verb see verse 6|). That is to say, the Corinthians promised before any others.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:11 @{The readiness to will} (\hˆ prothumia tou thelein\). Old word from \prothumos\ (\pro, thumos\), forwardness, eagerness (Acts:17:11|). They were quick to pledge. {The completion also} (\kai to epitelesai\). The finishing also (articular first aorist active infinitive). {Out of your ability} (\ek tou echein\). "Out of the having," literally, and so, "out of what you can give" (verse 12|).

rwp@2Corinthians:8:16 @{Which putteth} (\t“i didonti\). Present active articular participle, "who is continually giving." Hence Titus is full of zealous care for you.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:18 @{We have sent with him} (\sunepempsamen met' autou\). Epistolary aorist. {The brother} (\ton adelphon\). This may be, probably is, Luke who may also be the brother of Titus (see also strkjv@12:18|) according to a common Greek idiom where the article is used as "his." But this idiom is not necessary. As a matter of fact, we do not know who this brother is. {Is spread through all the churches} (\dia pas“n t“n ekklˆsi“n\). No verb in the Greek (ellipsis).

rwp@2Corinthians:8:19 @{But who was also appointed} (\alla kai cheirotonˆtheis\). Anacoluthon. The first aorist passive participle \cheirotonˆtheis\ is from \cheirotone“\, old verb to stretch out the hands (\cheir tein“\) and so to vote in public. The idea is that this brother was chosen by the churches, not by Paul. Only here in N.T. save strkjv@Acts:14:23| where it means to appoint without notion of raising the hands. In strkjv@Acts:10:41| we have \procheirotone“\. {To travel with us} (\sunekdˆmos\). Late word for travelling companion. Songs:in the inscriptions (\sun\, together with, \ekdˆmos\, away from home).

rwp@2Corinthians:8:20 @{Avoiding this} (\stellomenoi touto\). Present middle participle of \stell“\, old verb, to set, to arrange. Songs:"arranging for ourselves this." {That any man should blame us} (\mˆ tis hˆmas m“mˆsˆtai\). Literally, "lest any one blame us" (negative purpose with \mˆ\ and first aorist middle subjunctive of \m“meomai\. See on ¯6:3|, only other N.T. example). {Bounty} (\hadrotˆti\). Old word from \hadros\, thick, stout, ripe, rich, great as in strkjv@1Kings:1:9; strkjv@2Kings:10:6|. Only here in N.T.

rwp@2Corinthians:8:23 @{About Titus} (\huper Titou\). There is no verb expressed. Supply "inquire." He endorses Titus up to the hilt. He is "my partner" (\koin“nos emos\) and "fellow-worker" (\sunergos\). {Messengers of the churches} (\apostoloi ekklˆsi“n\). Apostles in the general sense of "sent ones" (from \apostell“\, to send) by the churches and responsible to the churches for the handling of the funds. {The glory of Christ} (\doxa Christou\). Financial agents, please observe.

rwp@2Corinthians:9:5 @{I thought} (\hegˆsamˆn\). Epistolary aorist again. See strkjv@Phillipians:2:25| for the expression here. {Go before} (\proelth“sin\). Second aorist active of \proerchomai\. Go to you before I come. {Make up beforehand} (\prokatartis“si\). Late and rare double compound verb \prokatartiz“\ (in Hippocrates). Only here in N.T. See \katartiz“\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:10|. {Your afore-promised bounty} (\tˆn proepˆggelmenˆn eulogian hum“n\). "Blessing" (\eulogia\) literally, but applied to good deeds also as well as good words (Genesis:33:11|). Note third use of "pro" before. He literally rubs it in that the pledge was overdue. {That the same might be ready} (\tautˆn hetoimˆn einai\). Here the infinitive alone (\einai\) is used to express purpose without \h“ste\ or \eis to\ or \pros to\ with the accusative of general reference (\tautˆn\). The feminine form \hetoimˆn\ is regular (1Peter:1:5|) though \hetoimos\ also occurs with the feminine like the masculine (Matthew:25:10|). {And not of extortion} (\kai mˆ h“s pleonexian\). "And not as covetousness." Some offerings exhibit covetousness on the part of the giver by their very niggardliness.

rwp@2Corinthians:9:6 @{Sparingly} (\pheidomen“s\). Late and rare adverb made from the present middle participle \pheidomenos\ from \pheidomai\, to spare. It occurs in Plutarch (Alex. 25).

rwp@2Corinthians:9:11 @{Enriched} (\ploutizomenoi\). Present passive participle of \ploutiz“\ for which see on ¯1Corinthians:1:5; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:10| only other N.T. examples. {Liberality} (\haplotˆta\). See on ¯8:2|. Anacoluthon with nominative participle too far from \perisseuˆte\ for agreement. More like the independent use of the participle.

rwp@2Corinthians:9:13 @{Seeing that they glorify God} (\doxazontes ton theon\). Anacoluthon again. The nominative participle used independently like \ploutizomenoi\ in verse 11|. {Obedience} (\hupotagˆi\). Late and rare word from \hupotass“\, to subject, middle to obey. Only in Paul in N.T. {Of your confession} (\tˆs homologias hum“n\). Old word from \homologe“\ (\homologos, homou, leg“\), to say together. It is either to profess (Latin _profiteor_, to declare openly) or to confess (Latin _confiteor_, to declare fully, to say the same thing as another). Both confess and profess are used to translate the verb and each idea is present in the substantive. Only the context can decide. Actions speak louder than words. The brethren in Jerusalem will know by this collection that Gentiles make as good Christians as Jews. {For the liberality of your contribution} (\haplotˆti tˆs koin“nias\). This is the point that matters just now. Paul drives it home. On this use of \koin“nia\ see on ¯8:4|.

rwp@2Corinthians:9:14 @{While they themselves long after you} (\aut“n epipothount“n\). Genitive absolute of present active participle of \epipothe“\ (5:2|). {In you} (\eph' humin\). Upon you.

rwp@2Corinthians:10:1 @{Now I Paul myself} (\Autos de eg“ Paulos\). Cf. strkjv@Galatians:5:2|. Paul now turns to the third part of the epistle in chapters 10-13| in which he vigorously defends himself against the accusations of the stubborn minority of Judaizers in Corinth. Great ministers of Christ through the ages have had to pass through fiery trials like these. Paul has shown the way for us all. He speaks of himself now plainly, but under compulsion, as is clear. It may be that at this point he took the pen from the amanuensis and wrote himself as in strkjv@Galatians:6:11|. {By the meekness and gentleness of Christ} (\dia tes prautˆtos kai epieikias tou Christou\). This appeal shows (Plummer) that Paul had spoken to the Corinthians about the character of Christ. Jesus claimed meekness for himself (Matthew:11:29|) and felicitated the meek (Matthew:5:5|) and he exemplified it abundantly (Luke:23:34|). See on ¯Matthew:5:15; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:21| for this great word that has worn thin with us. Plutarch combines \prautˆs\ with \epieikia\ as Paul does here. Matthew Arnold suggested "sweet reasonableness" for \epieikeia\ in Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch. It is in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:24:4| (\to epieikes\ in strkjv@Phillipians:4:5|). In Greek Ethics the equitable man was called \epieikˆs\, a man who does not press for the last farthing of his rights (Bernard). {Lowly among you} (\tapeinos en humin\). The bad use of \tapeinos\, the old use, but here alone in N.T. in that meaning. Socrates and Aristotle used it for littleness of soul. Probably Paul here is quoting one of the sneers of his traducers in Corinth about his humble conduct while with them (1Corinthians:2:23; strkjv@2Corinthians:7:6|) and his boldness (\ap“n tharr“\) when away (1Corinthians:7:16|). "It was easy to satirize and misrepresent a depression of spirits, a humility of demeanour, which were either the direct results of some bodily affliction, or which the consciousness of this affliction had rendered habitual" (Farrar). The words stung Paul to the quick.

rwp@2Corinthians:10:2 @{I beseech} (\deomai\). Songs:here, but \parakal“\ in verse 1|. Perhaps, "I beg" suits the new turn here. {That I may not when present show courage} (\to mˆ par“n tharrˆsai\). Articular infinitive (aorist active of \tharre“\) in the accusative case with negative \mˆ\ the direct object of \deomai\. Literally, "I beg the not when present (\par“n\ nominative present participle agreeing with subject of \tharr“\ in spite of being in the accusative infinitive clause, \to mˆ tharrˆsai\) showing courage." The example of humility in Christ makes Paul drop "from magisterial exhortation to earnest entreaty" (Plummer). {As if we walked according to the flesh} (\h“s kata sarka peripatountas\). Another sneering charge as made plain by the use of \h“s\ with the participle for the alleged reason.

rwp@2Corinthians:10:4 @{The weapons of our warfare} (\ta hopla tˆs strateias\). \Strateia\ (old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Timothy:1:18|) is {campaign} and not army as some MSS. have (\stratia\). But both \strateia\ and \stratia\ occur in the papyri for the same word (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 181f.). For \hopla\ (Latin _arma_) see on ¯6:7; Rom strkjv@6:13; strkjv@13:12|. {Of the flesh} (\sarkika\). See on ¯1Corinthians:3:3; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:12|. They had accused him of artifices and craft. {Mighty before God} (\dunata t“i the“i\). This dative of personal interest (ethical dative) can be like \asteios t“i the“i\ (Acts:7:20|), in God's eyes, as it looks to God. {To the casting down of strongholds} (\pros kathairesin ochur“mat“n\). \Kathairesis\ is old word from \kathaire“\, to take down, to tear down walls and buildings. Carries on the military metaphor. \Ochur“ma\ is old word, common in the Apocrypha, from \ochuro“\, to fortify, and that from \ochuros\ (from \ech“\, to hold fast). Nowhere else in N.T. In Cilicia the Romans had to tear down many rocky forts in their attacks on the pirates.

rwp@2Corinthians:10:5 @{Casting down imaginations} (\logismous kathairountes\). The same military figure (\kathairesis\) and the present active participle agreeing with \strateuometha\ in verse 3| (verse 4| a parenthesis). The reasonings or imaginations (\logismous\, old word from \logizomai\, to reckon, only here in N.T. and strkjv@Romans:2:15|) are treated as forts or citadels to be conquered. {Every high thing that is exalted} (\pan hups“ma epairomenon\). Same metaphor. \Hups“ma\ from \hupso“\ is late _Koin‚_ word (in LXX, Plutarch, Philo, papyri) for height and that figure carried on by \epairomenon\. Paul aims to pull down the top-most perch of audacity in their reasonings against the knowledge of God. We need Paul's skill and courage today. {Bringing every thought into captivity} (\aichmal“tizontes pƒn noˆma\). Present active participle of \aichmal“tiz“\, common _Koin‚_ verb from \aichmal“tos\, captive in war (\aichmˆ\, spear, \hal“tos\ verbal of \haliskomai\, to be taken). See on ¯Luke:21:24|. Paul is the most daring of thinkers, but he lays all his thoughts at the feet of Jesus. For \noˆma\ (device) see on ¯2:11|. {To the obedience of Christ} (\eis tˆn hupakoˆn tou Christou\). Objective genitive, "to the obedience unto Christ." That is Paul's conception of intellectual liberty, freedom in Christ. Deissmann (_St. Paul_, p. 141) calls this "the mystic genitive."

rwp@2Corinthians:10:10 @{They say} (\phasin\). Reading of B old Latin Vulgate, but Westcott and Hort prefer \phˆsin\ (says one, the leader). This charge Paul quotes directly. {Weighty and strong} (\bareiai kai ischurai\). These adjectives can be uncomplimentary and mean "severe and violent" instead of "impressive and vigorous." The adjectives bear either sense. {His bodily presence} (\hˆ parousia tou s“matos\). This certainly is uncomplimentary. "The presence of his body." It seems clear that Paul did not have a commanding appearance like that of Barnabas (Acts:14:12|). He had some physical defect of the eyes (Galatians:4:14|) and a thorn in the flesh (2Corinthians:12:7|). In the second century _Acts of Paul and Thecla_ he is pictured as small, short, bow-legged, with eye-brows knit together, and an aquiline nose. A forgery of the fourth century in the name of Lucian describes Paul as "the bald-headed, hook-nosed Galilean." However that may be, his accusers sneered at his personal appearance as "weak" (\asthenˆs\). {His speech of no account} (\ho logos exouthenˆmenos\). Perfect passive participle of \exouthene“\, to treat as nothing (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:1:28|). The Corinthians (some of them) cared more for the brilliant eloquence of Apollos and did not find Paul a trained rhetorician (1Corinthians:1:17; strkjv@2:1,4; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:6|). He made different impressions on different people. "Seldom has any one been at once so ardently hated and so passionately loved as St. Paul" (Deissmann, _St. Paul_, p. 70). "At one time he seemed like a man, and at another he seemed like an angel" (_Acts of Paul and Thecla_). He spoke like a god at Lystra (Acts:14:8-12|), but Eutychus went to sleep on him (Acts:20:9|). Evidently Paul winced under this biting criticism of his looks and speech.

rwp@2Corinthians:10:15 @{In other men's labours} (\en allotriois kopois\). \Allotrios\ means belonging to another as in strkjv@Luke:16:12|. Paul founded the church in Corinth. {As your faith groweth} (\auxanomenˆs tˆs piste“s\). Genitive absolute of the present passive participle of \auxan“\, to grow. {We shall be magnified} (\megalunthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \megalun“\, old verb (Luke:1:46|) to make great (cf. strkjv@Phillipians:1:20| of Christ). Indirect discourse after \elpida\ (hope) with the construction of \elpiz“\, to hope.

rwp@2Corinthians:10:16 @{Even unto the parts beyond you} (\eis ta huperekeina hum“n\). Compound adverb (\huper, ekeina\, beyond those places) used as preposition. Found only here and in ecclesiastical writers. {Things ready to our hand} (\ta hetoima\). He had a plenty besides that he could use.

rwp@2Corinthians:11:6 @{Rude in speech} (\idi“tˆs t“i log“i\). Locative case with \idi“tˆs\ for which word see on ¯Acts:4:13; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:16,23,24|. The Greeks regarded a man as \idi“tˆs\ who just attended to his own affairs (\ta idia\) and took no part in public life. Paul admits that he is not a professional orator (cf. strkjv@10:10|), but denies that he is unskilled in knowledge (\all' ou tˆi gn“sei\). {Among all men} (\en pƒsin\). He has made his mastery of the things of Christ plain among all men. He knew his subject.

rwp@2Corinthians:11:7 @{In abasing myself} (\emauton tapein“n\). Humbling myself by making tents for a living while preaching in Corinth. He is ironical still about "doing a sin" (\hamartian epoiˆsa\). {For nought} (\d“rean\). _Gratis_. Accusative of general reference, common adverb. It amounts to sarcasm to ask if he did a sin in preaching the gospel free of expense to them "that ye may be exalted."

rwp@2Corinthians:11:12 @{That I may cut off occasion} (\hina ekkops“ tˆn aphormˆn\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \ekkopt“\, old verb to cut out or off (Matthew:3:10; strkjv@5:30|). See strkjv@2Corinthians:5:12| for \aphormˆn\. {From them which desire an occasion} (\t“n thelont“n aphormˆn\). Ablative case after \ekkops“\. There are always some hunting for occasions to start something against preachers. {They may be found} (\heureth“sin\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \heurisk“\, to find with final conjunction \hina\.

rwp@2Corinthians:11:13 @{False apostles} (\pseudapostoloi\). From \pseudˆs\, false, and \apostolos\. Paul apparently made this word (cf. strkjv@Revelation:2:2|). In verse 26| we have \pseudadelphos\, a word of like formation (Galatians:2:4|). See also \pseudochristoi\ and \pseudoprophˆtai\ in strkjv@Mark:13:22|. {Deceitful} (\dolioi\). Old word from \dolos\ (lure, snare), only here in N.T. (cf. strkjv@Romans:16:18|). {Fashioning themselves} (\metaschˆmatizomenoi\). Present middle (direct) participle of the old verb \metaschˆmatiz“\ for which see on strkjv@1Corinthians:4:6|. Masquerading as apostles of Christ by putting on the outward habiliments, posing as ministers of Christ ("gentlemen of the cloth," nothing but cloth). Paul plays with this verb in verses 13,14,15|.

rwp@2Corinthians:11:23 @{As one beside himself} (\paraphron“n\). Present active participle of \paraphrone“\. Old verb from \paraphr“n\ (\para, phrˆn\), beside one's wits. Only here in N.T. Such open boasting is out of accord with Paul's spirit and habit. {I more} (\huper eg“\). This adverbial use of \huper\ appears in ancient Greek (Euripides). It has no effect on \eg“\, not "more than I," but "I more than they." He claims superiority now to these "superextra apostles." {More abundant} (\perissoter“s\). See on ¯7:15|. No verbs with these clauses, but they are clear. {In prisons} (\en phulakais\). Plural also in strkjv@6:5|. Clement of Rome (_Cor_. V.) says that Paul was imprisoned seven times. We know of only five (Philippi, Jerusalem, Caesarea, twice in Rome), and only one before II Corinthians (Philippi). But Luke does not tell them all nor does Paul. Had he been in prison in Ephesus? Songs:many think and it is possible as we have seen. {Above measure} (\huperballont“s\). Old adverb from the participle \huperballont“n\ (\huperball“\, to hurl beyond). Here only in N.T. {In deaths oft} (\en thanatois pollakis\). He had nearly lost his life, as we know, many times (1:9f.; strkjv@4:11|).

rwp@2Corinthians:11:28 @{Besides those things that are without} (\ch“ris t“n parektos\). Probably, "apart from those things beside these just mentioned." Surely no man ever found glory in such a peck of troubles as Paul has here recounted. His list should shame us all today who are disposed to find fault with our lot. {That which presseth upon me daily} (\hˆ epistasis moi hˆ kath' hˆmeran\). For this vivid word \epistasis\ see strkjv@Acts:24:12|, the only other place in the N.T. where it occurs. It is like the rush of a mob upon Paul. {Anxiety for all the churches} (\hˆ merimna pas“n t“n ekklˆsi“n\). Objective genitive after \merimna\ (distractions in different directions, from \meriz“\) for which word see on ¯Matthew:13:22|. Paul had the shepherd heart. As apostle to the Gentiles he had founded most of these churches.

rwp@2Corinthians:11:33 @{Through a window} (\dia thuridos\). For this late word see on ¯Acts:20:9|, the only N.T. example. {Was I let down} (\echalasthˆn\). First aorist passive of \chala“\, the very word used by Luke in strkjv@Acts:9:25|. {In a basket} (\en sarganˆi\). Old word for rope basket whereas Luke (Acts:9:25|) has \en sphuridi\ (the word for the feeding of the 4,000 while \kophinos\ is the one for the 5,000). This was a humiliating experience for Paul in this oldest city of the world whither he had started as a conqueror over the despised Christians.

rwp@2Corinthians:12:2 @{I know a man} (\oida anthr“pon\). Paul singles out one incident of ecstasy in his own experience that he declines to describe. He alludes to it in this indirect way as if it were some other personality. {Fourteen years ago} (\pro et“n dekatessar“n\). Idiomatic way of putting it, the preposition \pro\ (before) before the date (Robertson, _Grammar, p. 621f.) as in strkjv@John:12:1|. The date was probably while Paul was at Tarsus (Acts:9:30; strkjv@11:25|). We have no details of that period. {Caught up} (\harpagenta\). Second aorist passive participle of \harpaz“\, to seize (see on strkjv@Matthew:11:12|). {Even to the third heaven} (\he“s tritou ouranou\). It is unlikely that Paul alludes to the idea of seven heavens held by some Jews (_Test. of the Twelve Pat._, Levi ii. iii.). He seems to mean the highest heaven where God is (Plummer).

rwp@2Corinthians:12:7 @{By reason of the exceeding greatness} (\tˆi huperbolˆi\). Instrumental case, "by the excess." {That I should not be exalted overmuch} (\hina mˆ huperair“mai\). Present passive subjunctive in final clause of \huperair“\, old verb to lift up beyond, only here in N.T. This clause is repeated at the end of the sentence. {A thorn in the flesh} (\skolops tˆi sarki\). This old word is used for splinter, stake, thorn. In the papyri and inscriptions examples occur both for splinter and thorn as the meaning. In the LXX it is usually thorn. The case of \tˆi sarki\ can be either locative (in) or dative (for). What was it? Certainly it was some physical malady that persisted. All sorts of theories are held (malaria, eye-trouble, epilepsy, insomnia, migraine or sick-headache, etc.). It is a blessing to the rest of us that we do not know the particular affliction that so beset Paul. Each of us has some such splinter or thorn in the flesh, perhaps several at once. {Messenger of Satan} (\aggelos Satana\). Angel of Satan, the affliction personified. {Buffet} (\kolaphizˆi\). See on ¯Matthew:26:67; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:11| for this late and rare word from \kolaphos\, fist. The messenger of Satan kept slapping Paul in the face and Paul now sees that it was God's will for it to be so.

rwp@2Corinthians:12:8 @{Concerning this thing} (\huper toutou\). More likely, "concerning this messenger of Satan." {That it might depart from me} (\hina apostˆi aph' emou\). Second aorist active (intransitive) subjunctive of \aphistˆmi\ in final clause, "that he stand off from me for good."

rwp@2Corinthians:12:10 @{Wherefore I take pleasure} (\dio eudok“\). For this noble word see on ¯Matthew:3:17; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:8|. The enemies of Paul will have a hard time now in making Paul unhappy by persecutions even unto death (Phillipians:1:20-26|). He is not courting martyrdom, but he does not fear it or anything that is "for Christ's sake" (\huper Christou\). {For when} (\hotan gar\). "For whenever," indefinite time. {Then I am strong} (\tote dunatos eimi\). At that very time, but not in myself, but in the fresh access of power from Christ for the emergency.

rwp@2Corinthians:12:12 @{Of an apostle} (\tou apostolou\). "Of the apostle" (definite article). Note the three words here for miracles wrought by Paul (\sˆmeia\, signs, \terata\, wonders, \dunameis\, powers or miracles) as in strkjv@Hebrews:2:4|.

rwp@2Corinthians:12:21 @{When I come again} (\palin elthontos mou\). Genitive absolute. Paul assumes it as true. {Lest my God humble me} (\mˆ tapein“sˆi me ho theos mou\). Negative final clause (\mˆ\ and first aorist active subjunctive), going back to \phoboumai\ in 20|. He means a public humiliation as his fear. The conduct of the church had been a real humiliation whether he refers to a previous visit or not. {That have sinned heretofore} (\t“n proˆmartˆkot“n\). Genitive plural of the articular perfect active participle of \proamartan“\ to emphasize continuance of their sinful state as opposed to \mˆ metanoˆsant“n\ (did not repent) in the aorist tense.

rwp@2Corinthians:13:9 @{For we rejoice} (\chairomen gar\). Paul had far rather be weak in the sense of failing to exercise his apostolic power because they did the noble thing. He is no Jonah who lamented when Ninevah repented. {Your perfecting} (\hum“n katartisin\). Late word from \katartiz“\, to fit, to equip (see verb in verse 11|). In Plutarch, only here in N.T.

rwp@Info_2John @ SECOND JOHN ABOUT A.D. 85 TO 90 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION There is little to add to what was said about the First Epistle except that here the author terms himself "the elder" (\ho presbuteros\) and writes to "the elect lady" (\eklektˆi kuriƒi\). There is dispute about both of these titles. Some hold that it is the mythical "presbyter John" of whom Papias may speak, if so understood, but whose very existence is disproved by Dom Chapman in _John the Presbyter and the Fourth Gospel_ (1911). Peter the apostle (1Peter:1:1|) calls himself "fellow-elder" (\sunpresbuteros\) with the other elders (1Peter:5:1|). The word referred originally to age (Luke:15:25|), then to rank or office as in the Sanhedrin (Matthew:16:21; strkjv@Acts:6:12|) and in the Christian churches (Acts:11:30; strkjv@20:17; strkjv@1Timothy:5:17,19|) as here also. A few even deny that the author is the same as in the First Epistle of John, but just an imitator. But the bulk of modern scholarly opinion agrees that the same man wrote all three Epistles and the Fourth Gospel (the Beloved Disciple, and many still say the Apostle John) whatever is true of the Apocalypse. There is no way of deciding whether "the elect lady" is a woman or a church. The obvious way of taking it is to a woman of distinction in one of the churches, as is true of "the co-elect lady in Babylon" (1Peter:5:13|), Peter's wife, who travelled with him (1Corinthians:9:5|). Some even take \kuria\ to be the name of the lady (Cyria). Some also take it to be "Eklecta the lady." Dr. Findlay (_Fellowship in the Life Eternal_, p. 31) holds that Pergamum is the church to which the letter was sent. The same commentaries treat I, II, and III John as a rule, though Poggel has a book on II, III John (1896) and Bresky (1906) has _Das Verhaltnis des Zweiten Johannesbriefes zum dritten_. Dr. J. Rendel Harris has an interesting article in _The Expositor_ of London for March, 1901, on "The Problem of the Address to the Second Epistle of John," in which he argues from papyri examples that \kuria\ here means "my dear" or "my lady." But Findlay (_Fellowship in the Life Eternal_, p. 26) argues that "the qualifying adjunct 'elect' lifts us into the region of Christian calling and dignity." It is not certain that II John was written after I John, though probable. Origen rejected it and the Peshitta Syriac does not have II and III John. strkjv@2John:1:1 @{And her children} (\kai tois teknois autˆs\). As with \eklektˆ kuria\, so here \tekna\ may be understood either literally as in strkjv@1Timothy:3:4|, or spiritually, as in strkjv@Galatians:4:19,25; strkjv@1Timothy:1:2|. For the spiritual sense in \teknia\ see strkjv@1John:2:1,12|. {Whom} (\hous\). Masculine accusative plural, though \teknois\ is neuter plural (dative), construction according to sense, not according to grammatical gender, "embracing the mother and the children of both sexes" (Vincent). See thus \hous\ in strkjv@Galatians:4:19|. {I} (\Eg“\). Though \ho presbuteros\ is third person, he passes at once after the Greek idiom to the first and there is also special emphasis here in the use of \agap“\ with the addition of \en alˆtheiƒi\ (in truth, in the highest sphere, as in strkjv@John:17:19; strkjv@3John:1:1|) and \ouk eg“ monos\ (not I only, "not I alone"). Brooke argues that this language is unsuitable if to a single family and not to a church. But Paul employs this very phrase in sending greetings to Prisca and Aquila (Romans:16:4|). {That know} (\hoi egn“kotes\). Perfect active articular participle of \gin“sk“\, "those that have come to know and still know."

rwp@2John:1:3 @{Shall be with us} (\estai meth' hˆm“n\). He picks up the words before in reverse order. Future indicative here, not a wish with the optative (\eie\) as we have in strkjv@1Peter:1:2; strkjv@2Peter:1:2|. The salutation is like that in the Pastoral Epistles: "\Charis\, the wellspring in the heart of God; \eleos\, its outpourings; \eirˆnˆ\, its blessed effect" (David Smith). {And from Jesus Christ} (\kai para Iˆsou Christou\). The repetition of \para\ (with the ablative) is unique. "It serves to bring out distinctly the twofold personal relation of man to the Father and to the Son" (Westcott). "The Fatherhood of God, as revealed by one who being His Son _can_ reveal the Father, and who as man (\Iˆsou\) can make him known to men" (Brooke).

rwp@2John:1:4 @{I rejoice} (\echarˆn\). Second aorist passive of \chair“\ as in strkjv@3John:1:3|, "of a glad surprise" (D. Smith), as in strkjv@Mark:14:11|, over the discovery about the blessing of their godly home on these lads. {Greatly} (\lian\). Only here and strkjv@3John:1:3| in John's writings. {I have found} (\heurˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \heurisk“\ as in strkjv@John:1:41|, our "eureka," here with its usual force, a continued discovery. "He sits down at once and writes to Kyria. How glad she would be that her lads, far away in the great city, were true to their early faith" (David Smith). {Certain of thy children} (\ek t“n tekn“n\). No \tinas\ as one would expect before \ek\, a not infrequent idiom in the N.T. (John:16:17|). {Walking} (\peripatountas\). Present active accusative supplementary participle agreeing with \tinas\ understood. Probably members of the church off here in Ephesus. {In truth} (\en alˆtheiƒi\). As in verse 1; strkjv@3John:1:4|. {We received} (\elabomen\). Second aorist active (possibly, though not certainly, literary plural) of \lamban“\. This very idiom (\entolˆn lamban“\) in strkjv@John:10:18; strkjv@Acts:17:15; Co strkjv@4:10|. Perhaps the reference here is to strkjv@1John:2:7f.; strkjv@3:23|.

rwp@2John:1:5 @{Beseech} (\er“t“\). For pray as in strkjv@1John:5:16|. {Lady} (\kuria\). Vocative case and in the same sense as in 1|. {As though I wrote} (\h“s graph“n\). Common idiom \h“s\ with the participle (present active) for the alleged reason. {New} (\kainˆn\). As in strkjv@1John:2:7f.|, which see. {We had} (\eichamen\). Imperfect active (late \-a\ form like \eichan\ in strkjv@Mark:8:7|) of \ech“\ and note \eichete\ with \ap' archˆs\ in strkjv@1John:2:7|. Not literary plural, John identifying all Christians with himself in this blessing. {That we love one another} (\hina agap“men allˆlous\). Either a final clause after \er“t“\ as in strkjv@John:17:15| or an object clause in apposition with \entolˆn\, like strkjv@1John:2:27; strkjv@3:23| and like verse 6|.

rwp@2John:1:7 @{Deceivers} (\planoi\). Late adjective (Diodorus, Josephus) meaning wandering, roving (1Timothy:4:1|). As a substantive in N.T. of Jesus (Matthew:27:63|), of Paul (2Corinthians:6:8|), and here. See the verb (\t“n planont“n humƒs\) in strkjv@1John:2:26| of the Gnostic deceivers as here and also of Jesus (John:7:12|). Cf. strkjv@1John:1:8|. {Are gone forth} (\exˆlthan\, alpha ending). Second aorist active indicative of \exerchomai\, perhaps an allusion to the crisis when they left the churches (1John:2:19|, same form). {Even they that confess not} (\hoi mˆ homologountes\). "The ones not confessing" (\mˆ\ regular negative with the participle). The articular participle describes the deceivers (\planoi\). {That Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh} (\Iˆsoun Christon erchomenon en sarki\). "Jesus Christ coming in the flesh." Present middle participle of \erchomai\ treating the Incarnation as a continuing fact which the Docetic Gnostics flatly denied. In strkjv@1John:4:2| we have \elˆluthota\ (perfect active participle) in this same construction with \homologe“\, because there the reference is to the definite historical fact of the Incarnation. There is no allusion here to the second coming of Christ. {This} (\houtos\). See strkjv@1John:2:18,22; strkjv@5:6,20|. {The deceiver and the antichrist} (\ho planos kai ho antichristos\). Article with each word, as in strkjv@Revelation:1:17|, to bring out sharply each separate phrase, though one individual is referred to. The one _par excellence_ in popular expectation (1John:2:22|), though many in reality (1John:2:18; strkjv@3John:1:7|).

rwp@2John:1:10 @{If any one cometh and bringeth not} (\ei tis erchetai kai ou pherei\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and two present indicatives (\erchetai, pherei\). {This teaching} (\tautˆn tˆn didachˆn\). This teaching of Christ of verse 9|, which is the standard by which to test Gnostic deceivers (verse 7|). John does not refer to entertaining strangers (He strkjv@13:2; strkjv@1Timothy:5:10|), but to the deceiving propagandists who were carrying dissension and danger with them. {Receive him not} (\mˆ lambanete auton\). Present active imperative with \mˆ\. For \lamban“\ in this sense see strkjv@John:1:12; strkjv@6:21; strkjv@13:20|. {Into your house} (\eis oikian\). Definite without the article like our at home, to town. {Give him no greeting} (\chairein aut“i mˆ legete\). "Say not farewell to him." Apparently \chairein\ here (present active infinitive, object of \legete\ present active imperative with negative \mˆ\) is used of farewell as in strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11|, though usually in the N.T. (Acts:15:23; strkjv@23:26; strkjv@James:1:1|) of the salutation. But here the point turns on the stranger bringing into the house (or trying to do so) his heretical and harmful teaching which seems to be after the salutation is over. The usual greeting to a house is given in strkjv@Luke:10:5|. On the other hand, if \chairein\ means greeting, not farewell, here, it can very well be understood of the peril of allowing these Gnostic propagandists to spread their pernicious teachings (cf. Mormons or Bolshevists) in home and church (usually meeting in the home). This is assuming that the men were known and not mere strangers.

rwp@2John:1:11 @{Partaketh in his evil works} (\koin“nei tois ergois autou tois ponˆrois\). Associative instrumental case with \koin“nei\ as in strkjv@1Timothy:5:22|, common verb from \koin“nos\ (partner). It is to be borne in mind that the churches often met in private homes (Romans:16:5; strkjv@Colossians:4:15|), and if these travelling deceivers were allowed to spread their doctrines in these homes and then sent on with endorsement as Apollos was from Ephesus to Corinth (Acts:18:27|), there was no way of escaping responsibility for the harm wrought by these propagandists of evil. It is not a case of mere hospitality to strangers.

rwp@2John:1:12 @{I would not} (\ouk eboulˆthˆn\). Epistolary aorist (first passive indicative). {With paper and ink} (\dia chartou kai melanos\). The \chartˆs\ was a leaf of papyrus prepared for writing by cutting the pith into strips and pasting together, old word (Jeremiah:43:23|), here only in N.T. \Melas\ is old adjective for black (Matthew:5:36; strkjv@Revelation:6:5,12|), and for black ink here, strkjv@3John:1:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:3:3|. Apparently John wrote this little letter with his own hand. {To come} (\genesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive of \ginomai\ after \elpiz“\, I hope. {Face to face} (\stoma pros stoma\). "Mouth to mouth." Songs:in strkjv@3John:1:14; strkjv@Numbers:12:8|. "Face to face" (\pros“pon pros pros“pon\) we have in strkjv@1Corinthians:13:12|. {Your} (\hum“n\). Or "our" (\hˆm“n\). Both true. {That may be fulfilled} (\hina peplˆr“menˆ ˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the periphrastic perfect passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\, as in strkjv@1John:1:4|, which see.

rwp@Info_2Peter @ SLOW IN GENERAL ACCEPTANCE It was accepted in the canon by the council at Laodicea (372) and at Carthage (397). Jerome accepted it for the Vulgate, though it was absent from the Peshito Syriac Version. Eusebius placed it among the disputed books, while Origen was inclined to accept it. Clement of Alexandria accepted it and apparently wrote a commentary on it. It is probable that the so-called Apocalypse of Peter (early second century) used it and the Epistle of Jude:either used it or II Peter used Jude. There are undoubted allusions also to phrases in II Peter in Aristides, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Ignatius, Clement of Rome. When one considers the brevity of the Epistle, the use of it is really as strong as one can expect. Athanasius and Augustine accepted it as genuine, as did Luther, while Calvin doubted and Erasmus rejected it. It may be said for it that it won its way under criticism and was not accepted blindly.

rwp@Info_2Peter @ CLAIMS PETRINE AUTHORSHIP Not only so, but in fuller form than strkjv@1Peter:1:1|, for the writer terms himself "Simon (Symeon in some MSS.) Peter," a fact that has been used against the genuineness. If no claim had been made, that would have been considered decisive against him. Simon (Symeon was the Jewish form as used by James in strkjv@Acts:15:14|) is the real name (John:1:42|) and Peter merely the Greek for Cephas, the nickname given by Christ. There is no reason why both could not properly be employed here. But the claim to Petrine authorship, if not genuine, leaves the Epistle pseudonymous. That was a custom among some Jewish writers and even Christian writers, as the spurious Petrine literature testifies (Gospel of Peter, Apocalypse of Peter, etc.), works of a heretical or curious nature. Whatever the motive for such a pious fraud, the fact remains that II Peter, if not genuine, has to take its place with this pseudonymous literature and can hardly be deemed worthy of a place in the New Testament. And yet there is no heresy in this Epistle, no startling new ideas that would lead one to use the name of Simon Peter. It is the rather full of edifying and orthodox teaching.

rwp@Info_2Peter @ AND YET THE EPISTLE DIFFERS IN STYLE FROM FIRST PETER This is a fact, though one greatly exaggerated by some scholars. There are many points of similarity, for one thing, like the habit of repeating words (\epichorˆge“\ in strkjv@2Peter:1:10,19, \bebaios\ in strkjv@2Peter:1:12,13,15|, \prophˆteia\ in strkjv@2Peter:1:20; strkjv@3:3|, etc.). These repetitions occur all through the Epistle as in I Peter. "This is a matter of very high importance" (Bigg). Again in both Epistles there is a certain dignity of style with a tendency to iambic rhythm. There is more quotation of the Old Testament in I Peter, but frequent allusion to words and phrases in II Peter. There are more allusions to words and facts in the Gospels in I Peter than in II Peter, though some do occur in II Peter. Besides those already given, note strkjv@2Peter:1:8| (Luke:13:7f.|), strkjv@2Peter:2:1| (Matthew:10:33|), strkjv@2Peter:2:20| (Matthew:12:45; strkjv@Luke:11:26|), strkjv@2Peter:3:4| (Matthew:24:1ff.|), and possibly strkjv@2Peter:1:3| to Christ's calling the apostles. Both appear to know and use the O.T. Apocrypha. Both are fond of the plural of abstract substantives. Both make sparing use of Greek particles. Both use the article similarly, idiomatically, and sometimes not using it. There are some 361 words in 1 Peter not in II Peter, 231 in II Peter not in I Peter. There are 686 \hapax legomena\ in N.T., 54 in II Peter instead of the average of 62, a large number when the brevity of the Epistle is considered. There are several ways of explaining these variations. One way is to say that they are written by different men, but difference of subject has to be borne in mind. All writers and artists have an early and a later manner. Another solution is that Peter employed different amanuenses. Silvanus was the one for I Peter (1Peter:5:12|). Mark was Peter's usual interpreter, but we do not know who was the amanuensis for II Peter, if indeed one was used. We know from strkjv@Acts:4:13| that Peter and John were considered unlettered men (\agrammatoi kai idi“tai\). II Peter and the Apocalypse illustrate this statement. II Peter may have more of Peter's real style than I Peter.

rwp@Info_2Peter @ THE RESEMBLANCE TO THE EPISTLE OF JUDE This is undoubted, particularly between Jude:and the second chapter of II Peter. Kuhl argues that strkjv@2Peter:2:1-3:2| is an interpolation, though the same style runs through out the Epistle. "The theory of interpolation is always a last and desperate expedient" (Bigg). In II Peter 2 we have the fallen angels, the flood, the cities of the plain with Lot, Balaam. In Jude:we have Israel in the wilderness, the fallen angels, the cities of the plain (with no mention of Lot, Cain, Balaam, Korah). Jude:mentions the dispute between Michael and Satan, quotes Enoch by name. There is rather more freshness in Jude:than in II Peter, though II Peter is more intelligible. Evidently one had the other before him, besides other material. Which is the earlier? There is no way to decide this point clearly. Every point is looked at differently and argued differently by different writers. My own feeling is that Jude:was before (just before) II Peter, though it is only a feeling and not a conviction.

rwp@Info_2Peter @ BOOKS ON II PETER BESIDES THOSE ON I PETER ALSO Abbott, E. A., _The Expositor_ (Jan. to March, 1822). Chase, F. H., _Hastings D B_ (Second Peter). Deuteronomy:Zwaan, _2 Peter en Judas_ (1909). Dietlein, W. O., _Der 2 Brief Petri_ (1851). Grosch, H., _Die Echtheit des zweiten Briefes Petri_ (1889). Henkel, K., _Der zweite Brief des Apostelfursten Petrus_ (1904). Hofmann, J. C., _Der zweite Brief Petri und der Brief Juda (1875) Hundhausen, _Das zweite Pontifkalschreiben des Apostels Petrus_ (1873). James, M. R., _The Second Epistle of Peter and the Epistle of Jude_ (Cambridge Greek Testament, 1912). Lumby, J. R., _2 Peter and Jude_ (in Bible Commentary). Mayor, J. B., _The Epistle of St. Jude:and the Second Epistle of St. Peter_ (1907). Plummer, A., _The Second Epistle of Peter and the Epistle of Jude_ (Vol. 3, N.T. Commentary for English Readers by Ellicott). Robson, E. I., _Studies in the Second Epistle of St. Peter_ (1915). Schott, Th., _Der zweite Brief Petri und der Brief Juda_ (1863). Schott, _Der 2 Br. Petri und der Br. Juda Erkl_. (1863). Schweenhorst, H., _Das Verhaltnis des Judasbriefes zum zweiten Petrusbriefe_ (1904). Snyman, D. R., _The Authenticity of the Second Epistle of Peter_ (thesis in 1923 for Th.D. degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary). Spitta, F, _Der zweite Brief des Petrus und der Brief des Judas_ (1885). Strachan, R. D., _Expositor's Greek Testament_ (1910), Ullman, C., _Der 2 Brief Petri Krit. untersuch._ (1821). Warfield, B. B., _A Defence of 2 Peter_ (Southern Presbyterian Review, January, 1882).,_Dr. Edwin A. Abbott on the Genuineness of Second Peter (Southern Presbyterian Review_, 1883). Werdermann, _H., Die Irrlehrer des Judasbriefes und 2 Petrusbriefes_ (1913). Wiesinger, J. T. A., _Der zweite Brief des Apostels Petrus und der Brief des Judas_ (1862). strkjv@2Peter:1:1 @{Simon Peter} (\Sim“n Petros\). Aleph A K L P have \Syme“n\ as in strkjv@Acts:15:14|, while B has \Sim“n\. The two forms occur indifferently in I Macc. strkjv@2:3, 65 for the same man. {Servant and apostle} (\doulos kai apostolos\). Like strkjv@Romans:1:1; strkjv@Titus:1:1|. {To them that have obtained} (\tois lachousin\). Dative plural articular participle second aorist active of \lagchan“\, old verb, to obtain by lot (Luke:1:9|), here with the accusative (\pistin\) as in strkjv@Acts:1:17|. {Like precious} (\isotimon\). Late compound adjective (\isos\, equal, \timˆ\, honor, price), here only in N.T. But this adjective (Field) is used in two ways, according to the two ideas in \timˆ\ (value, honor), either like in value or like in honor. This second idea is the usual one with \isotimos\ (inscriptions and papyri, Josephus, Lucian), while \polutimos\ has the notion of price like \timˆ\ in strkjv@1:7,19; strkjv@2:4,6f|. The faith which they have obtained is like in honor and privilege with that of Peter or any of the apostles. {With us} (\hˆmin\). Associative-instrumental case after \isotimon\. Equal to \tˆi hˆm“n\ (the faith of us). {In the righteousness} (\en dikaiosunˆi\). Definite because of the preposition \en\ and the following genitive even though anarthrous. The O.T. sense of \dikaiosunˆ\ applied to God (Romans:1:17|) and here to Christ. {Of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ} (\tou theou hˆm“n kai s“tˆros Iˆsou Christou\). Songs:the one article (\tou\) with \theou\ and \s“tˆros\ requires precisely as with \tou kuriou hˆm“n kai s“tˆros Iˆsou Christou\ (of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ), one person, not two, in strkjv@1:11| as in strkjv@2:20; strkjv@3:2,18|. Songs:in strkjv@1Peter:1:3| we have \ho theos kai patˆr\ (the God and Father), one person, not two. The grammar is uniform and inevitable (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 786), as even Schmiedel (Winer-Schmiedel, _Grammatik_, p. 158) admits: "Grammar demands that one person be meant." Moulton (_Prol._, p. 84) cites papyri examples of like usage of \theos\ for the Roman emperors. See the same idiom in strkjv@Titus:2:13|. The use of \theos\ by Peter as a predicate with Jesus Christ no more disproves the Petrine authorship of this Epistle than a like use in strkjv@John:1:1| disproves the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel and the same use in strkjv@Titus:2:13| disproves the genuineness of Titus. Peter had heard Thomas call Jesus God (John:20:28|) and he himself had called him the Son of God (Matthew:16:16|).

rwp@2Peter:1:2 @{Be multiplied} (\plˆthuntheiˆ\). First aorist passive optative of \plˆthun“\ in a wish for the future (volitive use) as in strkjv@1Peter:1:2; strkjv@Jude:1:2|. {In the knowledge} (\en epign“sei\). Full (additional, \epi\) knowledge as in strkjv@1:8| (only \gn“sis\ in strkjv@1:5,6; strkjv@3:18|), but \epign“sin\ again in strkjv@1:3,8; strkjv@2:20|. As in Colossians, so here full knowledge is urged against the claims of the Gnostic heretics to special \gn“sis\. {Of God and of Jesus our Lord} (\tou theou kai Iˆsou tou kuriou hˆm“n\). At first sight the idiom here seems to require one person as in strkjv@1:1|, though there is a second article (\tou\) before \kuriou\, and \Iˆsou\ is a proper name. But the text here is very uncertain. Bengel, Spitta, Zahn, Nestle accept the short reading of P and some Vulgate MSS. and some minuscles with only \tou kuriou hˆm“n\ (our Lord) from which the three other readings may have come. Elsewhere in II Peter \gn“sis\ and \epign“sis\ are used of Christ alone. The text of II Peter is not in a good state of preservation.

rwp@2Peter:1:3 @{Seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us} (\h“s hˆmin tˆs theias duname“s autou ded“rˆmenˆs\). Genitive absolute with the causal particle \h“s\ and the perfect middle participle of \d“re“\, old verb, to bestow (\d“rea\, gift), usually middle as here, in N.T. elsewhere only strkjv@Mark:15:45|. \Autou\ refers to Christ, who has "divine power" (\tˆs theias duname“s\), since he is \theos\ (1:1|). \Theios\ (from \theos\) is an old adjective in N.T. here and verse 4| only, except strkjv@Acts:17:29|, where Paul uses \to theion\ for deity, thus adapting his language to his audience as the papyri and inscriptions show. The use of \theios\ with an imperial connotation is very common in the papyri and the inscriptions. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, pp. 360-368) has shown the singular linguistic likeness between strkjv@2Peter:1:3-11| and a remarkable inscription of the inhabitants of Stratonicea in Caria to Zeus Panhemerios and Hecate dated A.D. 22 (in full in C I H ii No. 2715 a b). One of the likenesses is the use of \tˆs theias duname“s\. Peter may have read this inscription (cf. Paul in Athens) or he may have used "the familiar forms and formulae of religious emotion" (Deissmann), "the official liturgical language of Asia Minor." Peter is fond of \dunamis\ in this Epistle, and the \dunamis\ of Christ "is the sword which St. Peter holds over the head of the False Teachers" (Bigg). {All things that pertain unto life and godliness} (\panta ta pros z“ˆn kai eusebeian\). "All the things for life and godliness." The new life in Christ who is the mystery of godliness (1Timothy:3:16|). \Eusebeia\ with its cognates (\eusebˆs, euseb“s, eusebe“\) occurs only in this Epistle, Acts, and the Pastoral Epistles (from \eu\, well, and \sebomai\, to worship). {Of him that called us} (\tou kalesantos\). Genitive of the articular first aorist active participle of \kale“\. Christ called Peter and all other Christians. {By his own glory and virtue} (\dia doxˆs kai aretˆs\). Songs:B K L, but Aleph A C P read \idiƒi doxˆi kai aretˆi\ (either instrumental case "by" or dative "to"). Peter is fond of \idios\ (own, strkjv@1Peter:3:1,5; strkjv@2Peter:2:16,22|, etc.). "Glory" here is the manifestation of the Divine Character in Christ. For \aretˆ\ see on ¯1Peter:2:9| and strkjv@Phillipians:4:8; strkjv@2Peter:1:5|.

rwp@2Peter:1:4 @{Whereby} (\di' h“n\). Probably the "glory and virtue" just mentioned, though it is possible to take it with \panta ta pros\, etc., or with \hˆmin\ (unto us, meaning "through whom"). {He hath granted} (\ded“rˆtai\). Perfect middle indicative of \d“re“\, for which see verse 3|. {His precious and exceeding great promises} (\ta timia kai megista epaggelmata\). \Epaggelma\ is an old word (from \epaggell“\) in place of the common \epaggelia\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@3:13|. \Timios\ (precious, from \timˆ\, value), three times by Peter (1Peter:1:7| of faith; strkjv@1:19| of the blood of Christ; strkjv@2Peter:1:4| of Christ's promises). \Megista\ is the elative superlative used along with a positive adjective (\timia\). {That ye may become} (\hina genˆsthe\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\. {Through these} (\dia tout“n\). The promises. {Partakers} (\koin“noi\). Partners, sharers in, for which word see strkjv@1Peter:5:1|. {Of the divine nature} (\theias phuse“s\). This phrase, like \to theion\ in strkjv@Acts:17:29|, "belongs rather to Hellenism than to the Bible" (Bigg). It is a Stoic phrase, but not with the Stoic meaning. Peter is referring to the new birth as strkjv@1Peter:1:23| (\anagegennˆmenoi\). The same phrase occurs in an inscription possibly under the influence of Mithraism (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {Having escaped} (\apophugontes\). Second aorist active participle of \apopheug“\, old compound verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2:18-20|, with the ablative here (\phthorƒs\, old word from \phtheir“\, moral decay as in strkjv@2:12|) and the accusative there. {By lust} (\en epithumiƒi\). Caused by, consisting in, lust. "Man becomes either regenerate or degenerate" (Strachan).

rwp@2Peter:1:5 @{Yea, and for this very cause} (\kai auto touto de\). Adverbial accusative (\auto touto\) here, a classic idiom, with both \kai\ and \de\. Cf. \kai touto\ (Phillipians:1:29|), \touto men--touto de\ (Hebrews:10:33|). "The soul of religion is the practical part" (Bunyan). Because of the new birth and the promises we have a part to play. {Adding on your part} (\pareisenegkantes\). First aorist active participle of \pareispher“\, old double compound, to bring in (\eispher“\), besides (\para\), here only in N.T. {All diligence} (\spoudˆn pƒsan\). Old word from \speud“\ to hasten (Luke:19:5f.|). This phrase (\pƒsan spoudˆn\) occurs in strkjv@Jude:1:3| with \poioumenos\ and on the inscription in Stratonicea (verse 3|) with \ispheresthai\ (certainly a curious coincidence, to say the least, though common in the _Koin‚_). {In your faith} (\en tˆi pistei hum“n\). Faith or \pistis\ (strong conviction as in strkjv@Hebrews:11:1,3|, the root of the Christian life strkjv@Ephesians:2:8|) is the foundation which goes through various steps up to love (\agapˆ\). See similar lists in strkjv@James:1:30; strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:3; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:3f.; strkjv@Galatians:5:22f.; strkjv@Romans:5:3f.; strkjv@8:29f|. Hermas (Vis. iii. 8. 1-7) has a list called "daughters" of one another. Note the use of \en\ (in, on) with each step. {Supply} (\epichorˆgˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \epichorˆge“\, late and rare double compound verb (\epi\ and \chorˆge“\ strkjv@1Peter:4:11| from \chorˆgos\, chorus-leader, \choros\ and \hˆgeomai\, to lead), to fit out the chorus with additional (complete) supplies. Both compound and simplex (more common) occur in the papyri. In strkjv@1:11| and already in strkjv@2Corinthians:9:10; strkjv@Galatians:3:5; strkjv@Colossians:2:19|. {Virtue} (\aretˆn\). Moral power, moral energy, vigor of soul (Bengel). See 3|. {Knowledge} (\gn“sin\). Insight, understanding (1Corinthians:16:18; strkjv@John:15:15|).

rwp@2Peter:1:8 @{For if these things are yours and abound} (\tauta gar humin huparchonta kai pleonazonta\). Present active circumstantial (conditional) participles neuter plural of \huparch“\ and \pleonaz“\ (see strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:12|) with dative case \humin\, "these things existing for you (or in you) and abounding." {They make you to be} (\kathistˆsin\). "Render" (present active indicative of \kathistˆmi\, old verb, strkjv@James:3:6|), singular because \tauta\ neuter plural. {Not idle nor unfruitful} (\ouk argous oude akarpous\). Accusative predicative plural with \humas\ understood, both adjectives with alpha privative, for \argos\ see strkjv@James:2:20| and for \akarpos\ strkjv@Matthew:13:22|. {Knowledge} (\epign“sin\). "Full (additional) knowledge" as in strkjv@1:2|.

rwp@2Peter:1:9 @{He that lacketh these things} (\h“i mˆ parestin tauta\). "To whom (dative case of possession) these things are not (\mˆ\ because a general or indefinite relative clause)." {Seeing only what is near} (\mu“paz“n\). Present active participle of \mu“paz“\, a rare verb from \mu“ps\ (in Aristotle for a near-sighted man) and that from \mue“ tous “pas\ (to close the eyes in order to see, not to keep from seeing). The only other instance of \mu“paz“\ is given by Suicer from Ps. Dion. Eccl. Hier. ii. 3 (\mu“pasousˆi kai apostrephomenˆi\) used of a soul on which the light shines (blinking and turning away). Thus understood the word here limits \tuphlos\ as a short-sighted man screwing up his eyes because of the light. {Having forgotten} (\lˆthˆn lab“n\). "Having received forgetfulness." Second aorist active participle of \lamban“\ and accusative \lˆthˆn\, old word, from \lˆthomai\, to forget, here only in N.T. See strkjv@2Timothy:1:5| for a like phrase \hupomnˆsin lab“n\ (having received remembrance). {The cleansing} (\tou katharismou\). See strkjv@Hebrews:1:3| for this word for the expiatory sacrifice of Christ for our sins as in strkjv@1Peter:1:18; strkjv@2:24; strkjv@3:18|. In strkjv@1Peter:3:21| Peter denied actual cleansing of sin by baptism (only symbolic). If there is a reference to baptism here, which is doubtful, it can only be in a symbolic sense. {Old} (\palai\). Of the language as in strkjv@Hebrews:1:1|.

rwp@2Peter:1:10 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of the exhortation and argument in verses 5-9|. {Give the more diligence} (\mƒllon spoudasate\). "Become diligent (first aorist ingressive active imperative of \spoudaz“\ as in strkjv@2Timothy:2:15; strkjv@2Peter:1:15|) the more" (\mallon\, not less). {To make} (\poieisthai\). Present middle infinitive of \poie“\, to make for yourselves. {Calling and election} (\klˆsin kai eklogˆn\). Both words (\klˆsin\, the invitation, \eklogˆn\, actual acceptance). See for \eklogˆ\ strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:4; strkjv@Romans:9:11|. {If ye do} (\poiountes\). Present active circumstantial (conditional) participle of \poie“\, "doing." {Ye shall never stumble} (\ou mˆ ptaisˆte pote\). Strong double negative (\ou mˆ pote\) with first aorist active subjunctive of \ptai“\, old verb to stumble, to fall as in strkjv@James:2:10; strkjv@3:2|.

rwp@2Peter:1:11 @{Thus} (\hout“s\). As shown in verse 10|. {Shall be supplied} (\epichorˆgˆthˆsetai\). Future passive of \epichorˆge“\, for which see verse 5|. You supply the virtues above and God will supply the entrance (\hˆ eisodos\, old word already in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:9|, etc.). {Richly} (\plousi“s\). See strkjv@Colossians:3:16| for this adverb. {Into the eternal kingdom} (\eis tˆn ai“nion basileian\). The believer's inheritance of strkjv@1Peter:1:4| is here termed kingdom, but "eternal" (\ai“nion\ feminine same as masculine). Curiously again in the Stratonicea inscription we find \tˆs ai“niou archˆs\ (of the eternal rule) applied to "the lords of Rome." But this is the spiritual reign of God in men's hearts here on earth (1Peter:2:9|) and in heaven. {Of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ} (\tou kuriou hˆm“n kai s“tˆros Iˆsou Christou\). For which idiom see on ¯1:1|.

rwp@2Peter:1:12 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Since they are possessed of faith that conduces to godliness which they are diligently practising now he insists on the truth and proposes to do his part by them about it. {I shall be ready always} (\mellˆs“ aei\). Future active of \mell“\ (Matthew:24:6|), old verb, to be on the point of doing and used with the infinitive (present, aorist, or future). It is not here a periphrastic future, but rather the purpose of Peter to be ready in the future as in the past and now (Zahn). {To put you in remembrance} (\humas hupomimnˆskein\). Present active infinitive of \hupomimnˆsk“\, old causative compound (\hupo, mimnˆsk“\, like our suggest), either with two accusatives (John:14:26|) or \peri\ with the thing as here), "to keep on reminding you of those things" (\peri tout“n\). {Though ye know them} (\kaiper eidotas\). Second perfect active concessive participle of \oida\, agreeing (acc. plural), with \humas\. Cf. strkjv@Hebrews:5:8|. {Are established} (\estˆrigmenous\). Perfect passive concessive participle of \stˆriz“\ (1Peter:5:10|). The very verb (\stˆrison\) used by Jesus to Peter (Luke:22:32|). {In the truth which is with you} (\en tˆi parousˆi alˆtheiƒi\). "In the present truth" (the truth present to you), \parousˆi\ present active participle of \pareimi\, to be beside one. See strkjv@Colossians:1:6| for this use of \par“n\. Firmly established in the truth, but all the same Peter is eager to make them stronger.

rwp@2Peter:1:15 @Peter may also have had an intimation by vision of his approaching death (cf. the legend _Domine quo vadis_) as Paul often did (Acts:16:9; strkjv@18:9; strkjv@21:11; strkjv@23:11; strkjv@27:23|). {At every time} (\hekastote\). As need arises, old adverb, here alone in N.T. {After my decease} (\meta tˆn emˆn exodon\). For \exodos\ meaning death see strkjv@Luke:9:31|, and for departure from Egypt (way out, \ex, hodos\) see strkjv@Hebrews:11:22|, the only other N.T. examples. Here again Peter was present on the Transfiguration mount when the talk was about the "exodus" of Jesus from earth. {That ye may be able} (\echein humas\). Literally, "that ye may have it," the same idiom with \ech“\ and the infinitive in strkjv@Mark:14:8; strkjv@Matthew:18:25|. It is the object-infinitive after \spoudas“\ (I will give diligence, for which see verse 10|). {To call these things to remembrance} (\tˆn tout“n mnˆmˆn poieisthai\). Present middle infinitive of \poie“\ (as in verse 10|). \Mnˆmˆ\ is an old word (from \mnaomai\), here alone in N.T. This idiom, like the Latin _mentionem facere_, is common in the old writers (papyri also both for "mention" and "remembrance"), here only in N.T., but in strkjv@Romans:1:20| we have \mneian poioumai\ (I make mention). Either sense suits here. It is possible, as Irenaeus (iii. I. I) thought, that Peter had in mind Mark's Gospel, which would help them after Peter was gone. Mark's Gospel was probably already written at Peter's suggestion, but Peter may have that fact in mind here.

rwp@2Peter:1:16 @{We did not follow} (\ouk exakolouthˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \exakolouthe“\, late compound verb, to follow out (Polybius, Plutarch, LXX, papyri, inscriptions as of death following for any Gentile in the temple violating the barrier), with emphatic negative \ouk\, "not having followed." See also strkjv@2:2| for this verb. {Cunningly devised fables} (\sesophismenois muthois\). Associative instrumental case of \muthos\ (old term for word, narrative, story, fiction, fable, falsehood). In N.T. only here and the Pastoral Epistles (1Timothy:1:4|, etc.). Perfect passive participle of \sophiz“\, old word (from \sophos\), only twice in N.T., in causative sense to make wise (2Timothy:3:15|), to play the sophist, to invent cleverly (here) and so also in the old writers and in the papyri. Some of the false teachers apparently taught that the Gospel miracles were only allegories and not facts (Bigg). Cf. strkjv@2:3| for "feigned words." {When we made known unto you} (\egn“risamen humin\). First aorist active indicative of \gn“riz“\, to make known unto you. Possibly by Peter himself. {The power and coming} (\tˆn dunamin kai parousian\). These words can refer (Chase) to the Incarnation, just as is true of \epiphaneia\ in strkjv@2Timothy:1:10| (second coming in strkjv@1Timothy:6:14|), and is true of \parousia\ (2Corinthians:7:6| of Titus). But elsewhere in the N.T. \parousia\ (technical term in the papyri for the coming of a king or other high dignitary), when used of Christ, refers to his second coming (2Peter:3:4,12|). {But we were eye-witnesses} (\all' epoptai genˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \ginomai\, "but having become eye-witnesses." \Epoptai\, old word (from \epopt“\ like \epopteu“\ in strkjv@1Peter:2:12; strkjv@3:2|), used of those who attained the third or highest degree of initiates in the Eleusinian mysteries (common in the inscriptions). Cf. \autoptˆs\ in strkjv@Luke:1:2|. {Of his majesty} (\tˆs ekeinou megaleiotˆtos\). Late and rare word (LXX and papyri) from \megaleios\ (Acts:2:11|), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:9:43| (of God); strkjv@Acts:19:27| (of Artemis). Peter clearly felt that he and James and John were lifted to the highest stage of initiation at the Transfiguration of Christ. Emphatic \ekeinou\ as in strkjv@2Timothy:2:26|.

rwp@2Peter:1:17 @{For he received} (\lab“n gar\). Second aorist active participle nominative singular of \lamban“\, "he having received," but there is no finite verb, anacoluthon, changing in verse 19| (after parenthesis in 18|) to \echomen bebaioteron\ rather than \ebebai“sen\. {When there came such a voice to him} (\ph“nˆs enechtheisˆs aut“i toiasde\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle feminine singular of \pher“\ (cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:13|), repeated \enechtheisan\ in verse 18|. \Ph“nˆ\ (voice) is used also of Pentecost (Acts:2:6|). \Toiosde\ (classical demonstrative) occurs here alone in the N.T. {From the excellent glory} (\hupo tˆs megaloprepous doxˆs\). "By the majestic glory." \Megaloprepˆs\, old compound (\megas\, great, \prepei\, it is becoming), here only in N.T., several times in O.T., Apocr. (II Macc. strkjv@8:15), adverb in the inscriptions. Probably a reference to \nephelˆ ph“teinˆ\ (bright cloud, shekinah) in strkjv@Matthew:17:5|. The words given here from the "voice" agree exactly with strkjv@Matthew:17:5| except the order and the use of \eis hon\ rather than \en h“i\. Mark (Mark:9:7|) and Luke (Luke:9:35|) have \akouete\. But Peter did not need any Gospel for his report here.

rwp@2Peter:1:18 @{This voice} (\tautˆn tˆn ph“nˆn\). The one referred to in verse 17|. {We heard} (\ˆkousamen\). First aorist active indicative of \akou“\, a definite experience of Peter. {Brought} (\enechtheisan\). "Borne" as in verse 17|. {When we were with him} (\sun aut“i ontes\). Present active participle of \eimi\, "being with him." {In the holy mount} (\en t“i hagi“i orei\). Made holy by the majestic glory. See strkjv@Ezekiel:28:14| for "holy mount of God," there Sinai, this one probably one of the lower slopes of Hermon. Peter's account is independent of the Synoptic narrative, but agrees with it in all essentials.

rwp@2Peter:1:19 @{The word of prophecy} (\ton prophˆtikon logon\). "The prophetic word." Cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:10|, a reference to all the Messianic prophecies. {Made more sure} (\bebaioteron\). Predicate accusative of the comparative adjective \bebaios\ (2Peter:1:10|). The Transfiguration scene confirmed the Messianic prophecies and made clear the deity of Jesus Christ as God's Beloved Son. Some with less likelihood take Peter to mean that the word of prophecy is a surer confirmation of Christ's deity than the Transfiguration. {Whereunto} (\h“i\). Dative of the relative referring to "the prophetic word made more sure." {That ye take heed} (\prosechontes\). Present active participle with \noun\ (mind) understood, "holding your mind upon" with the dative (\h“i\). {As unto a lamp} (\h“s luchn“i\). Dative also after \prosechontes\ of \luchnos\, old word (Matthew:5:15|). {Shining} (\phainonti\). Dative also present active participle of \phain“\, to shine (John:1:5|). Songs:of the Baptist (John:5:35|). {In a dark place} (\en auchmˆr“i top“i\). Old adjective, parched, squalid, dirty, dark, murky, here only in N.T., though in Aristotle and on tombstone for a boy. {Until the day dawn} (\he“s hou hˆmera diaugasˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \diaugaz“\ with temporal conjunction \he“s hou\, usual construction for future time. Late compound verb \diaugaz“\ (Polybius, Plutarch, papyri) from \dia\ and \augˆ\, to shine through, here only in N.T. {The day-star} (\ph“sphoros\). Old compound adjective (\ph“s\, light, \pher“\, to bring), light-bringing, light-bearer (Lucifer) applied to Venus as the morning star. Our word \phosphorus\ is this word. In the LXX \he“sphoros\ occurs. Cf. strkjv@Malachi:4:2; strkjv@Luke:1:76-79; strkjv@Revelation:22:16| for "dawn" applied to the Messiah. {Arise} (\anateilˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \anatell“\ (James:1:11; strkjv@Matthew:5:45|).

rwp@2Peter:1:21 @{For} (\gar\). The reason for the previous statement that no prophet starts a prophecy himself. He is not a self-starter. {Came} (\ˆnechthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \pher“\ (verses 17f.|). {By the will of man} (\thelˆmati anthr“pou\). Instrumental case of \thelˆma\. Prophecy is of divine origin, not of one's private origination (\idias epiluse“s\). {Moved by the Holy Ghost} (\hupo pneumatos hagiou pheromenoi\). Present passive participle of \pher“\, moved from time to time. There they "spoke from God." Peter is not here warning against personal interpretation of prophecy as the Roman Catholics say, but against the folly of upstart prophets with no impulse from God.

rwp@2Peter:2:1 @{But there arose} (\egenonto de\). Second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\ (cf. \ginetai\ in strkjv@1:20|). {False prophets also} (\kai pseudoprophˆtai\). In contrast with the true prophets just pictured in strkjv@1:20f|. Late compound in LXX and Philo, common in N.T. (Matthew:7:15|). Allusion to the O.T. times like Balaam and others (Jeremiah:6:13; strkjv@28:9; strkjv@Ezekiel:13:9|). {False teachers} (\pseudodidaskaloi\). Late and rare compound (\pseudˆs, didaskalos\) here alone in N.T. Peter pictures them as in the future here (\esontai\, shall be) and again as already present (\eisin\, are, verse 17|), or in the past (\eplanˆthˆsan\, they went astray, verse 15|). {Shall privily bring in} (\pareisaxousin\). Future active of \pareisag“\, late double compound \pareisag“\, to bring in (\eisag“\), by the side (\para\), as if secretly, here alone in N.T., but see \pareisaktous\ in strkjv@Galatians:2:4| (verbal adjective of this same verb). {Destructive heresies} (\haireseis ap“leias\). Descriptive genitive, "heresies of destruction" (marked by destruction) as in strkjv@Luke:16:8|. \Hairesis\ (from \haire“\) is simply a choosing, a school, a sect like that of the Sadducees (Acts:5:17|), of the Pharisees (Acts:15:5|), and of Christians as Paul admitted (Acts:24:5|). These "tenets" (Galatians:5:20|) led to destruction. {Denying} (\arnoumenoi\). Present middle participle of \arneomai\. This the Gnostics did, the very thing that Peter did, alas (Matthew:26:70|) even after Christ's words (Matthew:10:33|). {Even the Master} (\kai ton despotˆn\). Old word for absolute master, here of Christ as in strkjv@Jude:1:4|, and also of God (Acts:4:24|). Without the evil sense in our "despot." {That bought them} (\ton agorasanta autous\). First aorist active articular participle of \agoraz“\, same idea with \lutro“\ in strkjv@1Peter:1:18f|. These were professing Christians, at any rate, these heretics. {Swift destruction} (\tachinˆn ap“leian\). See strkjv@1:14| for \tachinˆn\ and note repetition of \ap“leian\. This is always the tragedy of such false prophets, the fate that they bring on (\epagontes\) themselves.

rwp@2Peter:2:4 @{For if God spared not} (\ei gar ho theos ouk epheisato\). First instance (\gar\) of certain doom, that of the fallen angels. Condition of the first class precisely like that in strkjv@Romans:11:21| save that here the normal apodosis (\hum“n ou pheisetai\) is not expressed as there, but is simply implied in verse 9| by \oiden kurios ruesthai\ (the Lord knows how to deliver) after the parenthesis in verse 8|. {Angels when they sinned} (\aggel“n hamartˆsant“n\). Genitive case after \epheisato\ (first aorist middle indicative of \pheidomai\) and anarthrous (so more emphatic, even angels), first aorist active participle of \hamartan“\, "having sinned." {Cast them down to hell} (\tartar“sas\). First aorist active participle of \tartaro“\, late word (from \tartaros\, old word in Homer, Pindar, LXX strkjv@Job:40:15; strkjv@41:23|, Philo, inscriptions, the dark and doleful abode of the wicked dead like the Gehenna of the Jews), found here alone save in a scholion on Homer. \Tartaros\ occurs in Enoch strkjv@20:2 as the place of punishment of the fallen angels, while Gehenna is for apostate Jews. {Committed} (\pared“ken\). First aorist active indicative of \paradid“mi\, the very form solemnly used by Paul in strkjv@Romans:1:21,26,28|. {To pits of darkness} (\seirois zophou\). \Zophos\ (kin to \gnophos, nephos\) is an old word, blackness, gloom of the nether world in Homer, in N.T. only here, verse 17; strkjv@Jude:1:13; strkjv@Hebrews:12:18|. The MSS. vary between \seirais\ (\seira\, chain or rope) and \seirois\ (\seiros\, old word for pit, underground granary). \Seirois\ is right (Aleph A B C), dative case of destination. {To be reserved unto judgment} (\eis krisin tˆroumenous\). Present (linear action) passive participle of \tˆre“\. "Kept for judgment." Cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:4|. Aleph A have \kolazomenous tˆrein\ as in verse 9|. Note \krisis\ (act of judgment).

rwp@2Peter:2:5 @{The ancient world} (\archaiou kosmou\). Genitive case after \epheisato\ (with \ei\ understood) repeated (the second example, the deluge). This example not in Jude. Absence of the article is common in the prophetic style like II Peter. For \archaios\ see strkjv@Luke:9:8|. {Preserved} (\ephulaxen\). Still part of the long protasis with \ei\, first aorist active indicative of \phulass“\. {With seven others} (\ogdoon\). "Eighth," predicate accusative adjective (ordinal), classic idiom usually with \auton\. See strkjv@1Peter:3:20| for this same item. Some take \ogdoon\ with \kˆruka\ (eighth preacher), hardly correct. {A preacher of righteousness} (\dikaiosunˆs kˆruka\). "Herald" as in strkjv@1Timothy:2:7; strkjv@2Timothy:1:11| alone in N.T., but \kˆruss“\ is common. It is implied in strkjv@1Peter:3:20| that Noah preached to the men of his time during the long years. {When he brought} (\epaxas\). First aorist active participle (instead of the common second aorist active \epagag“n\) of \eisag“\, old compound verb to bring upon, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:5:28| (by Peter here also). {A flood} (\kataklusmon\). Old word (from \katakluz“\, to inundate), only of Noah's flood in N.T. (Matthew:24:38ff.; strkjv@Luke:17:27; strkjv@2Peter:2:5|). {Upon the world of the ungodly} (\kosmoi aseb“n\). Anarthrous and dative case \kosm“i\. The whole world were "ungodly" (\asebeis\ as in strkjv@1Peter:4:18|) save Noah's family of eight.

rwp@2Peter:2:6 @{Turning into ashes} (\tephr“sas\). First aorist participle of \tephro“\, late word from \tephra\, ashes (in Dio Cassius of an eruption of Vesuvius, Philo), here alone in N.T. {The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah} (\poleis Sodom“n kai Gomorrƒs\). Genitive of apposition after \poleis\ (cities), though it makes sense as possessive genitive, for strkjv@Jude:1:7| speaks of the cities around these two. The third example, the cities of the plain. See strkjv@Genesis:19:24f|. {Condemned them} (\katekrinen\). First aorist active indicative of \katakrin“\, still part of the protasis with \ei\. {With an overthrow} (\katastrophˆi\). Instrumental case or even dative like \thanat“i\ with \katakrin“\ in strkjv@Matthew:20:18|. But Westcott and Hort reject the word here because not in B C Coptic. {Having made them} (\tetheik“s\). Perfect active participle of \tithˆmi\. {An example} (\hupodeigma\). For which see strkjv@James:5:10; strkjv@John:13:15|. Cf. strkjv@1Peter:2:21|. {Unto those that should live ungodly} (\mellont“n asebesin\). Rather, "unto ungodly men of things about to be" (see strkjv@Hebrews:11:20| for this use of \mellont“n\). But Aleph A C K L read \asebein\ (present active infinitive) with \mellont“n\=\asebˆsont“n\ (future active participle of \asebe“\), from which we have our translation.

rwp@2Peter:2:7 @{And delivered} (\kai erusato\). First aorist middle of \ruomai\ as in strkjv@Matthew:6:13|, still part of the protasis with \ei\. {Righteous Lot} (\dikaion Lot\). This adjective \dikaios\ occurs three times in verses 7,8|. See Wisdom strkjv@10:6. {Sore distressed} (\kataponoumenon\). Present passive participle of \katapone“\, late and common verb, to work down, to exhaust with labor, to distress, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:7:24|. {By the lascivious life of the wicked} (\hupo tˆs t“n athesm“n en aselgeiƒi anastrophˆs\). "By the life in lasciviousness of the lawless." \Athesmos\ (alpha privative and \thesmos\), late and common adjective (cf. \athemitos\ strkjv@1Peter:4:3|) for rebels against law (of nature and conscience here). \Anastrophˆ\ is frequent in I Peter.

rwp@2Peter:2:8 @{For} (\gar\). Parenthetical explanation in verse 8| of the remark about Lot. {Dwelling} (\enkatoik“n\). Present active participle of \enkatoike“\, old but rare double compound, here only in N.T. {In seeing and hearing} (\blemmati kai akoˆi\). "By sight (instrumental case of \blemma\, old word, from \blep“\ to see, here only in N.T.) and hearing" (instrumental case of \akoˆ\ from \akou“\, to hear, common as strkjv@Matthew:13:14|). {From day to day} (\hˆmeran ex hˆmerƒs\). "Day in day out." Accusative of time and ablative with \ex\. Same idiom in strkjv@Psalms:96:2| for the more common \ex hˆmeras eis hˆmeran\. {Vexed} (\ebasanizen\). Imperfect active (kept on vexing) of \basaniz“\, old word, to test metals, to torment (Matthew:8:29|). {With their lawless deeds} (\anomois ergois\). Instrumental case of cause, "because of their lawless (contrary to law) deeds." For \anomos\ see strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8|.

rwp@2Peter:2:9 @{The Lord knoweth how} (\oiden kurios\). The actual apodosis of the long protasis begun in verse 4|. God can deliver his servants as shown by Noah and Lot and he will deliver you. The idiomatic use of \oida\ and the infinitive (\ruesthai\ present middle and see verse 7|) for knowing how as in strkjv@Matthew:7:11; strkjv@James:4:17|. {The godly} (\eusebeis\). Old anarthrous adjective (from \eu\ and \sebomai\, to worship), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:10:2,7| (by Peter). For {temptation} (\peirasmou\) see strkjv@James:1:2,12; strkjv@1Peter:1:6|. {To keep} (\tˆrein\). Present active infinitive of \tˆre“\ after \oiden\. {Unrighteous} (\adikous\). As in strkjv@1Peter:3:18|. {Under punishment} (\kolazomenous\). Present passive participle of \kolaz“\, old verb (from \kolos\, lopped off), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:4:21|. Present tense emphasises continuity of the punishment. See \kolasin ai“nion\ in strkjv@Matthew:25:46|.

rwp@2Peter:2:10 @{Chiefly} (\malista\). Especially. He turns now to the libertine heretics (verses 2,7|). {After the flesh} (\opis“ sarkos\). Hebraistic use of \opis“\ as with \hamarti“n\ (sins) in strkjv@Isaiah:65:2|. Cf. strkjv@Matthew:4:19; strkjv@1Timothy:5:15|. {Of defilement} (\miasmou\). Old word (from \miain“\ strkjv@Titus:1:15|), here only in N.T. {Despise dominion} (\kuriotˆtos kataphronountas\). \Kuriotˆs\ is late word for lordship (perhaps God or Christ) (from \Kurios\), in strkjv@Colossians:1:16; strkjv@Ephesians:1:21; strkjv@Jude:1:8|. Genitive case after \kataphrountas\ (thinking down on, strkjv@Matthew:6:24|). {Daring} (\tolmˆtai\). Old substantive (from \tolma“\, to dare), daring men, here only in N.T. {Self-willed} (\authadeis\). Old adjective (from \autos\ and \hˆdomai\), self-pleasing, arrogant, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Titus:1:7|. {They tremble not to rail at dignities} (\doxas ou tremousin blasphˆmountes\). "They tremble not blaspheming dignities." \Trem“\ is old verb (Mark:5:33|), used only in present as here and imperfect. Here with the complementary participle \blasphˆmountes\ rather than the infinitive \blasphˆmein\. See strkjv@Jude:1:8|. Perhaps these dignities (\doxas\) are angels (\evil\).

rwp@2Peter:2:11 @{Whereas} (\hopou\). Loose use of \hopou\ (in Xenophon) = "wherein." {Though greater} (\meizones ontes\). Than the evil \doxai\. Concessive participle and comparative adjective. {In might and strength} (\ischui kai dunamei\). Locative case. Both indwelling strength (\ischus\, strkjv@Mark:12:30|) and ability (\dunamis\, strkjv@Matthew:25:15|). {Railing judgment} (\blasphemon krisin\). "Blasphemous accusation." {Against them} (\kat' aut“n\). The evil angels (\doxai\). {Before the Lord} (\para kuri“i\). In God's presence. See strkjv@Jude:1:9| and possibly Enoch 9.

rwp@2Peter:2:12 @{But these} (\houtoi de\). The false teachers of verse 1|. {As creatures} (\z“a\). Living creatures, old word, from \z“os\ (alive), strkjv@Jude:1:10; strkjv@Revelation:4:6-9|. {Without reason} (\aloga\). Old adjective, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Jude:1:10; strkjv@Acts:25:27|. Brute beasts like \thˆria\ (wild animals). {Born} (\gegennˆmena\). Perfect passive participle of \genna“\. {Mere animals} (\phusika\). Old adjective in \-ikos\ (from \phusis\, nature), natural animals, here only in N.T. {To be taken} (\eis hal“sin\). "For capture" (old substantive, from \halo“\, here only in N.T.). {And destroyed} (\kai phthoran\). "And for destruction" just like a beast of prey caught. See strkjv@1:4|. {In matters whereof they are ignorant} (\en hois agnoousin\). "In which things they are ignorant." Here \en hois\ = \en toutois ha\ (in those things which), a common Greek idiom. For \agnoe“\ (present active indicative) see strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:13; strkjv@1Timothy:1:7| for a like picture of loud ignoramuses posing as professional experts. {Shall in their destroying surely be destroyed} (\en tˆi phthorƒi aut“n phtharˆsontai\). Second future passive of \phtheir“\. Rhetorical Hebraism in the use of \en phthorƒi\ (same root as \phtheir“\), word four times in II Peter. See strkjv@Jude:1:10|.

rwp@2Peter:2:13 @{Suffering wrong} (\adikoumenoi\). Present middle or passive participle of \adike“\ to do wrong. Songs:Aleph B P, but A C K L have \komioumenoi\ (future middle participle of \komiz“\), shall receive. {As the hire of wrong-doing} (\misthon adikias\). The Elephantine papyrus has the passive of \adike“\ in the sense of being defrauded, and that may be the idea here. Peter plays on words again here as often in II Peter. The picture proceeds now with participles like \hˆgoumenoi\ (counting). {Pleasure} (\hˆdonˆn\). See strkjv@James:4:1,3|. {To revel in the daytime} (\tˆn en hˆmerƒi truphˆn\). "The in the daytime revel" (old word \truphˆ\ from \thrupt“\, to enervate, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:7:25|). {Spots} (\spiloi\). Old word for disfiguring spot, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:5:27|. {Blemishes} (\m“moi\). Old word for blot (kin to \mu“\), only here in N.T. See strkjv@1Peter:1:19| for \am“mos kai aspilos\. {Revelling} (\entruph“ntes\). Present active participle of \entrupha“\, old compound for living in luxury, only here in N.T. {In their love-feasts} (\en tais agapais\). Songs:B Sah, but Aleph A C K L P read \apatais\ (in their deceivings). If \agapais\ is genuine as it is in strkjv@Jude:1:12|, they are the only N.T. examples of this use of \agapˆ\. {While they feast with you} (\suneu“choumenoi\). Present passive participle of late and rare verb \suneu“che“\ (\sun\, together, and \eu“che“\, to feed abundantly) to entertain with. Clement of Alex. (_Paed_. ii. I. 6) applies \eu“chia\ to the \agapˆ\.

rwp@2Peter:2:14 @{Of adultery} (\moichalidos\). Rather, "of an adulteress," like strkjv@James:4:4|. Vivid picture of a man who cannot see a woman without lascivious thoughts toward her (Mayor). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:5:28|. {That cannot cease} (\akatapastous\). Reading of A B in place of \akatapaustous\ (alpha privative and verbal of \katapau“\, to cease). "Unable to stop." This a late verbal, only here in N.T. It is probable that \akatapastous\ is merely a misspelling of \akatapaustous\. {From sin} (\hamartias\). Ablative case as in strkjv@1Peter:4:1| (\hamartias\). Insatiable lust. {Enticing} (\deleazontes\). Present active participle of \deleaz“\, to catch by bait as in verse 18; strkjv@James:1:14|. {Unsteadfast} (\astˆriktous\). Late verbal adjective (alpha privative and \stˆriz“\), in Longinus and Vettius Valens, here alone in N.T. {Exercised} (\gegumnasmenˆn\). Perfect passive predicate participle with \echontes\, from \gumnaz“\ precisely as in strkjv@Hebrews:5:14|. Rhetorical metaphor from the gymnasium. {In covetousness} (\pleonexias\). Genitive case after the participle. {Children of cursing} (\kataras tekna\). Hebraism like \tekna hupakoˆs\ in strkjv@1Peter:1:14| = accursed (\kataratoi\).

rwp@2Peter:2:15 @{Forsaking} (\kataleipontes\). Present active participle of \kataleip“\ (continually leaving) or \katalipontes\ (second aorist active), having left. {The right way} (\eutheian hodon\). "The straight way" of strkjv@1Samuel:12:23| (cf. strkjv@Matthew:7:13f.| for this use of \hodos\), "the way of truth" (2:2|). {They went astray} (\eplanˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \plana“\, like strkjv@Mark:12:24|. {The way of Balaam} (\tˆi hod“i tou Balaam\). Associative instrumental case after \exakolouthˆsantes\, for which verb see strkjv@1:16; strkjv@2:2|. These false teachers, as shown in verse 13|, followed the way of Balaam, "who loved the hire of wrong-doing" (\hos misthon adikias ˆgapˆsen\).

rwp@2Peter:2:16 @{But he was rebuked} (\elegxin de eschen\). "But he had rebuke." Second aorist active indicative of \ech“\ and accusative of \elegxis\ (late word from \elegch“\, a periphrasis for \elegch“\, here only in N.T. {For his own transgression} (\idias paranomias\). Objective genitive of \paranomia\, old word (from \paranomos\ lawbreaker), here only in N.T. {A dumb ass} (\hupozugion aph“non\). Dumb is without voice, old word for idols and beasts. The adjective \hupozugios\ (\hupo zugon on\) "being under a yoke," is applied to the ass as the common beast of burden (papyri, Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 160), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:21:5|. {Spake} (\phthegxamenon\). First aorist middle participle of \phtheggomai\, old verb, to utter a sound, in N.T. only here, verse 18, strkjv@Acts:4:18|. {Stayed} (\ek“lusen\). First aorist active indicative of \k“lu“\, to hinder. {Madness} (\paraphronian\). Only known example of this word instead of the usual \paraphrosunˆ\ or \paraphronˆsis\. It is being beside one's wits.

rwp@2Peter:2:17 @{Without water} (\anudroi\). As in strkjv@Matthew:12:43; strkjv@Luke:11:24|. Old word for common and disappointing experience of travellers in the orient. {Mists} (\homichlai\). Old word for fog, here alone in N.T. {Driven by a storm} (\hupo lailapos elaunomenai\). \Lailaps\ is a squall (Mark:4:37; strkjv@Luke:8:23|, only other N.T. examples). See strkjv@James:3:4| for another example of \elaun“\ for driving power of wind and waves. {For whom} (\hois\). Dative case of personal interest. {The blackness} (\ho zophos\). See verse 4| for this word. {Hath been reserved} (\tetˆrˆtai\). Perfect passive participle of \tˆre“\, for which see verses 4,9|.

rwp@2Peter:2:18 @{Great swelling words} (\huperogka\). Old compound adjective (\huper\ and \ogkos\, a swelling, swelling above and beyond), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Jude:1:16|. {Of vanity} (\mataiotˆtos\). Late and rare word (from \mataios\, empty, vain), often in LXX, in N.T. here, strkjv@Romans:8:20; strkjv@Ephesians:4:17|. {By lasciviousness} (\aselgeiais\). Instrumental plural, "by lascivious acts." Note asyndeton as in strkjv@1:9,17|. {Those who are just escaping} (\tous olig“s apopheugontas\). Songs:A B read \olig“s\ (slightly, a little), while Aleph C K L P read \ont“s\ (actually). \Olig“s\ late and rare, only here in N.T. Songs:again the Textus Receptus has \apophugontas\ (second aorist active participle, clean escaped) while the correct text is the present active \apopheugontas\. {From them that live in error} (\tous en planˆi anastrephomenous\). Accusative case after \apopheugontas\ (escaping from) according to regular idiom. Peter often uses \anastreph“\ and \anastrophˆ\.

rwp@2Peter:2:20 @{After they have escaped} (\apophugontes\). Second aorist active participle here (see verse 18|). {The defilements} (\ta miasmata\). Old word miasma, from \miain“\, here only in N.T. Our "miasma." The body is sacred to God. Cf. \miasmou\ in verse 10|. {They are again entangled} (\palin emplakentes\). Second aorist passive participle of \emplek“\, old verb, to inweave (noosed, fettered), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:2:4|. {Overcome} (\hˆtt“ntai\). Present passive indicative of \hˆttao“\, for which see verse 19|, "are repeatedly worsted." Predicate in the condition of first class with \ei\. It is not clear whether the subject here is "the deluded victims" (Bigg) or the false teachers themselves (Mayor). See strkjv@Hebrews:10:26| for a parallel. {Therein} (\toutois\). Songs:locative case (in these "defilements"), but it can be instrumental case ("by these," Strachan). {With them} (\autois\). Dative of disadvantage, "for them." {Than the first} (\t“n pr“t“n\). Ablative case after the comparative \cheirona\. See this moral drawn by Jesus (Matthew:12:45; strkjv@Luke:11:26|).

rwp@2Peter:2:21 @{It were better} (\kreitton ˆn\). Apodosis of a condition of second class without \an\, as is usual with clauses of possibility, propriety, obligation (Matthew:26:24; strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10; strkjv@Romans:7:7; strkjv@Hebrews:9:26|). {Not to have known} (\mˆ epegn“kenai\). Perfect active infinitive of \epigin“sk“\ (cf. \epign“sei\, verse 20|) to know fully. {The way of righteousness} (\tˆn hodon tˆs dikaiosunˆs\). For the phrase see strkjv@Matthew:21:33|, also the way of truth (2:2|), the straight way (2:15|). {After knowing it} (\epignousin\). Second aorist active participle of \epigin“sk“\ (just used) in the dative plural agreeing with \autois\ (for them). {To turn back} (\hupostrepsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \hupostreph“\, old and common verb, to turn back, to return. {From} (\ek\). Out of. Songs:in strkjv@Acts:12:25| with \hupostreph“\. With ablative case. See strkjv@Romans:7:12| for \hagia\ applied to \hˆ entolˆ\ (cf. strkjv@1Timothy:6:14|). II Peter strikes a high ethical note (1:5ff.|). {Delivered} (\paradotheisˆs\). First aorist passive participle feminine ablative singular of \paradid“mi\.

rwp@2Peter:2:22 @{It has happened} (\sumbebˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \sumbain“\, for which see strkjv@1Peter:4:12|. {According to the true proverb} (\to tˆs alˆthous paroimias\). "The word (\to\ used absolutely, the matter of, as in strkjv@Matthew:21:21; strkjv@James:4:14|) of the true proverb" (\paroimia\ a wayside saying, for which see strkjv@John:10:6; strkjv@16:25,29|). The first proverb here given comes from strkjv@Proverbs:26:11|. \Exerama\ is a late and rare word (here only in N.T., in Diosc. and Eustath.) from \exera“\, to vomit. {The sow that had washed} (\h–s lousamenˆ\). \H–s\, old word for hog, here only in N.T. Participle first aorist direct middle of \lou“\ shows that it is feminine (anarthrous). This second proverb does not occur in the O.T., probably from a Gentile source because about the habit of hogs. Epictetus and other writers moralize on the habit of hogs, having once bathed in a filthy mud-hole, to delight in it. {To wallowing} (\eis kulismon\). "To rolling." Late and rare word (from \kuli“\, strkjv@Mark:9:20|), here only in N.T. {In the mire} (\borborou\). Objective genitive, old word for dung, mire, here only in N.T. J. Rendel Harris (_Story of Ahikar_, p. LXVII) tells of a story about a hog that went to the bath with people of quality, but on coming out saw a stinking drain and went and rolled himself in it.

rwp@2Peter:3:2 @{That ye should remember} (\mnˆsthˆnai\). First aorist passive (deponent) infinitive of \mimnˆsk“\, to remind. Purpose (indirect command) is here expressed by this infinitive. Imperative in strkjv@Jude:1:17|. {Spoken before} (\proeirˆmen“n\). Perfect passive participle of \proeipon\ (defective verb). Genitive case \rˆmat“n\ after \mnˆsthˆnai\. {And the commandment} (\kai tˆs entolˆs\). Ablative case with \hupo\ (agency). {Of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles} (\t“n apostol“n hum“n tou kuriou kai s“tˆros\). \Hum“n\ (your) is correct, not \hˆm“n\ (our). But the several genitives complicate the sense. If \dia\ (through) occurred before \t“n apostol“n\, it would be clear. It is held by some that Peter would not thus speak of the twelve apostles, including himself, and that the forger here allows the mask to slip, but Bigg rightly regards this a needless inference. The meaning is that they should remember the teaching of their apostles and not follow the Gnostic libertines.

rwp@2Peter:3:3 @{Knowing this first} (\touto pr“ton gin“skontes\). Present active participle of \gin“sk“\. See strkjv@1:20| for this identical phrase. Nominative absolute here where accusative \gin“skontas\ would be regular. Peter now takes up the \parousia\ (1:16|) after having discussed the \dunamis\ of Christ. {In the last days} (\ep' eschat“n t“n hˆmer“n\). "Upon the last of the days." strkjv@Jude:1:18| has it \ep' eschatou chronou\ (upon the last time). In strkjv@1Peter:1:5| it is \en kair“i eschat“i\ (in the last time), while strkjv@1Peter:1:20| has \ep' eschatou t“n chron“n\ (upon the last of the times). John has usually \tˆi eschatˆi hˆmerƒi\ (on the last day, strkjv@6:39f.|). Here \eschat“n\ is a predicate adjective like \summus mons\ (the top of the mountain). {Mockers with mockery} (\empaigmonˆi empaiktai\). Note Peter's play on words again, both from \empaiz“\ (Matthew:2:16|), to trifle with, and neither found elsewhere save \empaiktˆs\ in strkjv@Jude:1:18; strkjv@Isaiah:3:4| (playing like children).

rwp@2Peter:3:5 @{For this they wilfully forget} (\lanthanei gar autous touto thelontas\). Literally, "for this escapes them being willing." See this use of \lanthan“\ (old verb, to escape notice of, to be hidden from) in strkjv@Acts:26:26|. The present active participle \thelontas\ (from \thel“\, to wish) has almost an adverbial sense here. {Compacted} (\sunest“sa\). See Paul's \sunestˆken\ (Colossians:1:17|) "consist." Second perfect active (intransitive) participle of \sunistˆmi\, feminine singular agreeing with \gˆ\ (nearest to it) rather than with \ouranoi\ (subject of \ˆsan\ imperfect plural). There is no need to make Peter mean the Jewish mystical "seven heavens" because of the plural which was used interchangeably with the singular (Matthew:5:9f.|). {Out of water and amidst water} (\ex hudatos kai di' hudatos\). Out of the primeval watery chaos (Genesis:1:2|), but it is not plain what is meant by \di' hudatos\, which naturally means "by means of water," though \dia\ with the genitive is used for a condition or state (Hebrews:12:1|). The reference may be to strkjv@Genesis:1:9|, the gathering together of the waters. {By the word of God} (\t“i tou theou log“i\). Instrumental case \log“i\, "by the fiat of God" (Genesis:1:3; strkjv@Hebrews:11:3| \rˆmati theou\).

rwp@2Peter:3:6 @{By which means} (\di' h“n\). The two waters above or the water and the word of God. Mayor against the MSS. reads \di' hou\ (singular) and refers it to \log“i\ alone. {Being overshadowed} (\kataklustheis\). First aorist passive participle of \katakluz“\, old compound, here only in N.T., but see \kataklusmos\ in strkjv@2:5|. {With water} (\hudati\). Instrumental case of \hud“r\. {Perished} (\ap“leto\). Second aorist middle indicative of \apollumi\.

rwp@2Peter:3:7 @{That now are} (\nun\). "The now heavens" over against "the then world" (\ho tote kosmos\ verse 6|). {By the same word} (\t“i aut“i log“i\). Instrumental case again referring to \log“i\ in verse 6|. {Have been stored up} (\tethˆsaurismenoi eisin\). Perfect passive indicative of \thˆsauriz“\, for which verb see strkjv@Matthew:6:19; strkjv@Luke:12:21|. {For fire} (\puri\). Dative case of \pur\, not with fire (instrumental case). The destruction of the world by fire is here pictured as in strkjv@Joel:2:30f.; strkjv@Psalms:50:3|. {Being reserved} (\tˆroumenoi\). Present passive participle of \tˆre“\, for which see strkjv@2:4|. {Against} (\eis\). Unto. As in strkjv@2:4,9| and see strkjv@1Peter:1:4| for the inheritance reserved for the saints of God.

rwp@2Peter:3:9 @{Is not slack concerning his promise} (\ou bradunei tˆs epaggelias\). Ablative case \epaggelias\ after \bradunei\ (present active indicative of \bradun“\, from \bradus\, slow), old verb, to be slow in, to fall short of (like \leipetai sophias\ in strkjv@James:1:5|), here and strkjv@1Timothy:3:15| only in N.T. {Slackness} (\bradutˆta\). Old substantive from \bradus\ (James:1:19|), here only in N.T. God is not impotent nor unwilling to execute his promise. {To youward} (\eis humas\). \Pros\ rather than \eis\ after \makrothumei\ in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:14| and \epi\ in strkjv@James:5:7|, etc. {Not wishing} (\mˆ boulomenos\). Present middle participle of \boulomai\. Some will perish (verse 7|), but that is not God's desire. Any (\tinas\). Rather than "some" (\tines\) above. Accusative with the infinitive \apolesthai\ (second aorist middle of \apollumi\. God wishes "all" (\pantas\) to come (\ch“rˆsai\ first aorist active infinitive of \ch“re“\, old verb, to make room). See strkjv@Acts:17:30; strkjv@Romans:11:32; strkjv@1Timothy:2:4; strkjv@Hebrews:2:9| for God's provision of grace for all who will repent.

rwp@2Peter:3:10 @{The day of the Lord} (\hˆmera kuriou\). Songs:Peter in strkjv@Acts:2:20| (from strkjv@Joel:3:4|) and Paul in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:2,4; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:5:5|; and day of Christ in strkjv@Phillipians:2:16| and day of God in strkjv@2:12| and day of judgment already in strkjv@2:9; strkjv@3:7|. This great day will certainly come (\hˆxei\). Future active of \hˆk“\, old verb, to arrive, but in God's own time. {As a thief} (\h“s kleptˆs\). That is suddenly, without notice. This very metaphor Jesus had used (Luke:12:39; strkjv@Matthew:24:43|) and Paul after him (1Thessalonians:5:2|) and John will quote it also (Revelation:3:3; strkjv@16:15|). {In the which} (\en hˆi\). The day when the Lord comes. {Shall pass away} (\pareleusontai\). Future middle of \parerchomai\, old verb, to pass by. {With a great noise} (\roizˆdon\). Late and rare adverb (from \roize“, roizos\)-- Lycophron, Nicander, here only in N.T., onomatopoetic, whizzing sound of rapid motion through the air like the flight of a bird, thunder, fierce flame. {The elements} (\ta stoicheia\). Old word (from \stoichos\ a row), in Plato in this sense, in other senses also in N.T. as the alphabet, ceremonial regulations (Hebrews:5:12; strkjv@Galatians:4:3; strkjv@5:1; strkjv@Colossians:2:8|). {Shall be dissolved} (\luthˆsetai\). Future passive of \lu“\, to loosen, singular because \stoicheia\ is neuter plural. {With fervent heat} (\kausoumena\). Present passive participle of \kauso“\, late verb (from \kausos\, usually medical term for fever) and nearly always employed for fever temperature. Mayor suggests a conflagration from internal heat. Bigg thinks it merely a vernacular (Doric) future for \kausomena\ (from \kai“\, to burn). {Shall be burned up} (\katakaˆsetai\). Repeated in verse 12|. Second future passive of the compound verb \katakai“\, to burn down (up), according to A L. But Aleph B K P read \heurethˆsetai\ (future passive of \heurisk“\, to find) "shall be found." There are various other readings here. The text seems corrupt.

rwp@2Peter:3:11 @{To be dissolved} (\luomen“n\). Present passive participle (genitive absolute with \tout“n pant“n\, these things all) of \lu“\, either the futuristic present or the process of dissolution presented. {What manner of persons} (\potapous\). Late qualitative interrogative pronoun for the older \podapos\ as in strkjv@Matthew:8:27|, accusative case with \dei huparchein\ agreeing with \humƒs\ (you). See strkjv@1:8| for \huparch“\. {In all holy living and godliness} (\en hagiais anastrophais kai eusebeiais\). "In holy behaviours and pieties" (Alford). Plural of neither word elsewhere in N.T., but a practical plural in \pƒsa anastrophˆ\ in strkjv@1Peter:1:15|.

rwp@2Peter:3:12 @{Looking for} (\prosdok“ntas\). Present active participle of \prosdoka“\ (Matthew:11:3|) agreeing in case (accusative plural) with \humƒs\. {Earnestly desiring} (\speudontas\). Present active participle, accusative also, of \speud“\, old verb, to hasten (like our speed) as in strkjv@Luke:2:16|, but it is sometimes transitive as here either (preferably so) to "hasten on the parousia" by holy living (cf. strkjv@1Peter:2:12|), with which idea compare strkjv@Matthew:6:10; strkjv@Acts:3:19f.|, or to desire earnestly (Isaiah:16:5|). {Being on fire} (\puroumenoi\). Present passive participle of \puro“\, old verb (from pur), same idea as in verse 10|. {Shall melt} (\tˆketai\). Futuristic present passive indicative of \tˆk“\, old verb, to make liquid, here only in N.T. Hort suggests \tˆxetai\ (future middle), though strkjv@Isaiah:34:4| has \takˆsontai\ (second future passive). The repetitions here make "an effective refrain" (Mayor).

rwp@2Peter:3:13 @{Promise} (\epaggelma\). As in strkjv@1:4|. The reference is to strkjv@Isaiah:65:17f.; strkjv@66:22|. See also strkjv@Revelation:21:1|. For \kainos\ (new) see on ¯Matthew:26:29|. For the expectant attitude in \prosdok“men\ (we look for) repeated from verse 12| and again in verse 14|, see \apekdechometha\ (we eagerly look for) in strkjv@Phillipians:3:20|. {Wherein} (\en hois\). The new heavens and earth. {Dwelleth} (\katoikei\). Has its home (\oikos\). Certainly "righteousness" (\dikaiosunˆ\) is not at home in this present world either in individuals, families, or nations.

rwp@2Peter:3:15 @{In his sight} (\aut“i\). Ethical dative. Referring to Christ. {Is salvation} (\s“tˆrian\). Predicate accusative after \hˆgeisthe\ in apposition with \makrothumian\ (long-suffering), an opportunity for repentance (cf. strkjv@1Peter:3:20|). The Lord here is Christ. {Our beloved brother Paul} (\ho agapˆtos adelphos Paulos\). Paul applies the verbal \agapˆtos\ (beloved) to Epaphras (Colossians:1:7|), Onesimus (Colossians:4:9; strkjv@Philemon:1:16|), to Tychicus (Colossians:4:7; strkjv@Ephesians:6:21|), and to four brethren in strkjv@Romans:16| (Epainetus strkjv@Romans:16:5|, Ampliatus strkjv@Romans:16:8|, Stachys strkjv@Romans:16:9|, Persis strkjv@Romans:16:12|). It is not surprising for Peter to use it of Paul in view of Gal strkjv@2:9f.|, in spite of strkjv@Galatians:2:11-14|. {Given to him} (\dotheisan aut“i\). First aorist passive participle of \did“mi\ with dative case. Peter claimed wisdom for himself, but recognises that Paul had the gift also. His language here may have caution in it as well as commendation. "St. Peter speaks of him with affection and respect, yet maintains the right to criticise" (Bigg).

rwp@2Peter:3:16 @{As also in all his epistles} (\h“s kai en pasais epistolais\). We do not know to how many Peter here refers. There is no difficulty in supposing that Peter "received every one of St. Paul's Epistles within a month or two of its publication" (Bigg). And yet Peter does not here assert the formation of a canon of Paul's Epistles. {Speaking in them of these things} (\lal“n en autais peri tout“n\). Present active participle of \lale“\. That is to say, Paul also wrote about the second coming of Christ, as is obviously true. {Hard to be understood} (\dusnoˆta\). Late verbal from \dus\ and \noe“\ (in Aristotle, Lucian, Diog. Laert.), here only in N.T. We know that the Thessalonians persisted in misrepresenting Paul on this very subject of the second coming as Hymenaeus and Philetus did about the resurrection (2Timothy:2:17|) and Spitta holds that Paul's teaching about grace was twisted to mean moral laxity like strkjv@Galatians:3:10; strkjv@Romans:3:20,28; strkjv@5:20| (with which cf. strkjv@6:1| as a case in point), etc. Peter does not say that he himself did not understand Paul on the subject of faith and freedom. {Unlearned} (\amatheis\). Old word (alpha privative and \manthan“\ to learn), ignorant, here only in N.T. {Unsteadfast} (\astˆriktoi\). See on ¯2:14|. {Wrest} (\streblousin\). Present active indicative of \streblo“\, old verb (from \streblos\ twisted, \streph“\, to turn), here only in N.T. {The other scriptures} (\tas loipas graphas\). There is no doubt that the apostles claimed to speak by the help of the Holy Spirit (1Thessalonians:5:27; strkjv@Colossians:4:16|) just as the prophets of old did (2Peter:1:20f.|). Note \loipas\ (rest) here rather than \allas\ (other). Peter thus puts Paul's Epistles on the same plane with the O.T., which was also misused (Matthew:5:21-44; strkjv@15:3-6; strkjv@19:3-10|).

rwp@2Peter:3:17 @{Knowing these things beforehand} (\progin“skontes\). Present active participle of \progin“sk“\ as in strkjv@1Peter:1:20|. Cf. \pr“ton gin“sk“\ (1:20; strkjv@3:1|). Hence they are without excuse for misunderstanding Peter or Paul on this subject. {Beware} (\phulassesthe\). Present middle imperative of \phulass“\, common verb, to guard. {Lest} (\hina mˆ\). Negative purpose, "that not." {Being carried away} (\sunapachthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \sunapag“\, old verb double compound, to carry away together with, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Galatians:2:13|. {With the error} (\tˆi planˆi\). Instrumental case, "by the error" (the wandering). {Of the wicked} (\t“n athesm“n\). See on strkjv@2:7|. {Ye fall from} (\ekpesˆte\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \hina mˆ\ of \ekpipt“\, old verb, to fall out of, with the ablative here (\stˆrigmou\, steadfastness, late word from \stˆriz“\, here alone in N.T.) as in strkjv@Galatians:5:4| (\tˆs charitos exepesate\, ye fell out of grace).

rwp@2Peter:3:18 @{But grow} (\auxanete de\). Present active imperative of \auxan“\, in contrast with such a fate pictured in verse 17|, "but keep on growing." {In the grace and knowledge} (\en chariti kai gn“sei\). Locative case with \en\. Grow in both. Keep it up. See on ¯1:1| for the idiomatic use of the single article (\tou\) here, "of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." {To him} (\aut“i\). To Christ. {For ever} (\eis hˆmeran ai“nos\). "Unto the day of eternity." Songs:Sirach strkjv@18:9f. One of the various ways of expressing eternity by the use of \ai“n\. Songs:\eis ton ai“na\ in strkjv@John:6:5; strkjv@12:34|.

rwp@2Thessalonians:1:2 @{From God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ} (\apo theou patros kai Kuriou Iˆsou Christou\). These words are not genuine in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:1|, but are here and they appear in all the other Pauline Epistles. Note absence of article both after \en\ and \apo\, though both God and Lord Jesus Christ are definite. In both cases Jesus Christ is put on a par with God, though not identical. See on ¯1Thessalonians:1:1| for discussion of words, but note difference between \en\, in the sphere of, by the power of, and \apo\, from, as the fountain head and source of grace and peace.

rwp@2Thessalonians:1:3 @{We are bound} (\opheilomen\). Paul feels a sense of obligation to keep on giving thanks to God (\eucharistein t“i the“i\, present infinitive with dative case) because of God's continued blessings on the Thessalonians. He uses the same idiom again in strkjv@2:13| and nowhere else in his thanksgivings. It is not necessity (\dei\) that Paul here notes, but a sense of personal obligation as in strkjv@1John:2:6| (Milligan). {Even as it is meet} (\kath“s axion estin\). \Opheilomen\ points to the divine, \axion\ to the human side of the obligation (Lightfoot), perhaps to cheer the fainthearted in a possible letter to him in reply to Paul's First Thessalonian epistle (Milligan). This adjective \axios\ is from \ag“\, to drag down the scales, and so weighty, worthy, worthwhile, old word and appropriate here. {For that your faith groweth exceedingly} (\hoti huperauxanei hˆ pistis hum“n\). Causal use of \hoti\ referring to the obligation stated in \opheilomen\. The verb \huperauxan“\ is one of Paul's frequent compounds in \huper\ (\huper-bain“\, strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:6|; \huper-ek-tein“\, strkjv@2Corinthians:10:14|; \huper-en-tugchan“\, strkjv@Romans:8:26|; \huper-nika“\, strkjv@Romans:8:37|; \huper-pleonaz“\, strkjv@1Timothy:1:14|) and occurs only here in N.T. and rare elsewhere (Galen, Dio Cass.). Figure of the tree of faith growing above (\huper\) measure. Cf. parable of Jesus about faith-like a grain of mustard seed (Matthew:13:31f.|). {Aboundeth} (\pleonazei\). Same verb in strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:12|, here a fulfilment of the prayer made there. Milligan finds _diffusive_ growth of love in this word because of "each one" (\henos hekastou\). Frame finds in this fulfilment of the prayer of strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:12| one proof that II Thessalonians is later than I Thessalonians.

rwp@2Thessalonians:1:8 @{Rendering} (\didontos\). Genitive of present active participle of \did“mi\, to give, agreeing with \Iˆsou\. {Vengeance} (\ekdikˆsin\). Late word from \ekdike“\, to vindicate, in Polybius and LXX. {To them that know not God} (\tois mˆ eidosin theon\). Dative plural of perfect active participle \eid“s\. Apparently chiefly Gentiles in mind (1Thessalonians:4:3; strkjv@Galatians:4:8; strkjv@Romans:1:28; strkjv@Ephesians:2:12|), though Jews are also guilty of wilful ignorance of God (Romans:2:14|). {And to them that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus} (\kai tois mˆ hupakouousin t“i euaggeli“i tou kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou\). Repetition of the article looks like another class and so Jews (Romans:10:16|). Both Jews as instigators and Gentiles as officials (\politarchs\) were involved in the persecution in Thessalonica (Acts:17:5-9; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:6|). Note the use of "gospel" here as in strkjv@Mark:1:15| "believe in the gospel."

rwp@2Thessalonians:1:10 @{When he shall come} (\hotan elthˆi\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \hotan\, future and indefinite temporal clause (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 971ff.) coincident with \en tˆi apokalupsei\ in verse 7|. {To be glorified} (\endoxasthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive (purpose) of \endoxaz“\, late verb, in N.T. only here and verse 12|, in LXX and papyri. {In his saints} (\en tois hagiois autou\). The sphere in which Christ will find his glory at the Revelation. {And to be marvelled at} (\kai thaumasthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive (purpose), common verb \thaumaz“\. {That believed} (\tois pisteusasin\). Why aorist active participle instead of present active \pisteuousin\ (that believe)? Frame thinks that Paul thus reassures those who believed his message when there (1Thessalonians:1:6ff.; strkjv@2:13f.|). The parenthetical clause, though difficult, falls in with this idea: {Because our testimony unto you was believed} (\hoti episteuthˆ to marturion hˆm“n eph' humas\). Moffatt calls it an anti-climax. {On that day} (\en tˆi hˆmerƒi ekeinˆi\). The day of Christ's coming (2Timothy:1:12,18; strkjv@4:8|).

rwp@2Thessalonians:1:12 @{That} (\hop“s\). Rare with Paul compared with \hina\ (1Corinthians:1:29; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:14|). Perhaps here for variety (dependent on \hina\ clause in verse 11|). {The name} (\to onoma\). The Old Testament (LXX) uses \onoma\ embodying the revealed character of Jehovah. Songs:here the {Name} of our Lord Jesus means the Messiahship and Lordship of Jesus. The common Greek idiom of \onoma\ for title or dignity as in the papyri (Milligan) is not quite this idiom. The papyri also give examples of \onoma\ for person as in O.T. and strkjv@Acts:1:15| (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 196ff.). {In you, and ye in him} (\en humin, kai humeis en aut“i\). This reciprocal glorying is Pauline, but it is also like Christ's figure of the vine and the branches in strkjv@John:15:1-11|. {According to the grace} (\kata tˆn charin\). Not merely standard, but also aim (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 609). {Of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ} (\tou theou hˆm“n kai kuriou Iˆsou Christou\). Here strict syntax requires, since there is only one article with \theou\ and \kuriou\ that one person be meant, Jesus Christ, as is certainly true in strkjv@Titus:2:13; strkjv@2Peter:1:1| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p.786). This otherwise conclusive syntactical argument, admitted by Schmiedel, is weakened a bit by the fact that \Kurios\ is often employed as a proper name without the article, a thing not true of \s“tˆr\ in strkjv@Titus:2:13; strkjv@2Peter:1:1|. Songs:in strkjv@Ephesians:5:5| \en tˆi basileiƒi tou Christou kai theou\ the natural meaning is {in the Kingdom of Christ and God} regarded as one, but here again \theos\, like \Kurios\, often occurs as a proper name without the article. Songs:it has to be admitted that here Paul may mean "according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ," though he may also mean "according to the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ."

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:2 @{To the end that} (\eis to\). One of Paul's favourite idioms for purpose, \eis to\ and the infinitive. {Ye be not quickly shaken} (\mˆ tache“s saleuthˆnai humas\). First aorist passive infinitive of \saleu“\, old verb to agitate, to cause to totter like a reed (Matthew:11:7|), the earth (Hebrews:12:26|). Usual negative \mˆ\ and accusative of general reference \humas\ with the infinitive. {From your mind} (\apo tou noos\). Ablative case of nous, mind, reason, sober sense, "from your witte" (Wyclif), to "keep their heads." {Nor yet be troubled} (\mˆde throeisthai\). Old verb \throe“\, to cry aloud (from \throos\, clamour, tumult), to be in a state of nervous excitement (present passive infinitive, as if it were going on), "a continued state of agitation following the definite shock received (\saleuthˆnai\)" (Milligan). {Either by spirit} (\mˆte dia pneumatos\). By ecstatic utterance (1Thessalonians:5:10|). The nervous fear that the coming was to be at once prohibited by \mˆde\ Paul divides into three sources by \mˆte, mˆte, mˆte\. No individual claim to divine revelation (the gift of prophecy) can justify the statement. {Or by word} (\mˆte dia logou\). Oral statement of a conversation with Paul (Lightfoot) to this effect {as from us}. An easy way to set aside Paul's first Epistle by report of a private remark from Paul. {Or by epistle as from us} (\mˆte di' epistolˆs h“s di' hˆm“n\). In strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:13-5:3| Paul had plainly said that Jesus would come as a thief in the night and had shown that the dead would not be left out in the rapture. But evidently some one claimed to have a private epistle from Paul which supported the view that Jesus was coming at once, {as that the day of the Lord is now present} (\h“s hoti enestˆken hˆ hˆmera tou kuriou\). Perfect active indicative of \enistˆmi\, old verb, to place in, but intransitive in this tense to stand in or at or near. Songs:"is imminent" (Lightfoot). The verb is common in the papyri. In strkjv@1Corinthians:3:22; strkjv@Romans:8:38| we have a contrast between \ta enest“ta\, the things present, and \ta mellonta\, the things future (to come). The use of \h“s hoti\ may be disparaging here, though that is not true in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:19|. In the _Koin‚_ it comes in the vernacular to mean simply "that" (Moulton, _Proleg_., p. 212), but that hardly seems the case in the N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1033). Here it means "to wit that," though "as that" or "as if" does not miss it much. Certainly it flatly denies that by conversation or by letter he had stated that the second coming was immediately at hand. "It is this misleading assertion that accounts both for the increased discouragement of the faint-hearted to encourage whom Paul writes strkjv@1:3-2:17|, and for the increased meddlesomeness of the idle brethren to warn whom Paul writes strkjv@3:1-18|" (Frame). It is enough to give one pause to note Paul's indignation over this use of his name by one of the over-zealous advocates of the view that Christ was coming at once. It is true that Paul was still alive, but, if such a "pious fraud" was so common and easily condoned as some today argue, it is difficult to explain Paul's evident anger. Moreover, Paul's words should make us hesitate to affirm that Paul definitely proclaimed the early return of Jesus. He hoped for it undoubtedly, but he did not specifically proclaim it as so many today assert and accuse him of misleading the early Christians with a false presentation.

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:3 @{Let no man beguile you in any wise} (\mˆ tis humas exapatˆsˆi kata mˆdena tropon\). First aorist active subjunctive of \exapata“\ (old verb to deceive, strengthened form of simple verb \apata“\) with double negative (\mˆ tis, mˆdena\) in accord with regular Greek idiom as in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:11| rather than the aorist imperative which does occur sometimes in the third person as in strkjv@Mark:13:15| (\mˆ katabat“\). Paul broadens the warning to go beyond conversation and letter. He includes "tricks" of any kind. It is amazing how gullible some of the saints are when a new deceiver pulls off some stunts in religion. {For it will not be} (\hoti\). There is an ellipse here of \ouk estai\ (or \genˆsetai\) to be supplied after \hoti\. Westcott and Hort make an anacoluthon at the end of verse 4|. The meaning is clear. \Hoti\ is causal, because, but the verb is understood. The second coming not only is not "imminent," but will not take place before certain important things take place, a definite rebuff to the false enthusiasts of verse 2|. {Except the falling away come first} (\ean mˆ elthˆi hˆ apostasia pr“ton\). Negative condition of the third class, undetermined with prospect of determination and the aorist subjunctive. \Apostasia\ is the late form of \apostasis\ and is our word apostasy. Plutarch uses it of political revolt and it occurs in I Macc. strkjv@2:15 about Antiochus Epiphanes who was enforcing the apostasy from Judaism to Hellenism. In strkjv@Joshua:22:22| it occurs for rebellion against the Lord. It seems clear that the word here means a religious revolt and the use of the definite article (\hˆ\) seems to mean that Paul had spoken to the Thessalonians about it. The only other New Testament use of the word is in strkjv@Acts:21:21| where it means apostasy from Moses. It is not clear whether Paul means revolt of the Jews from God, of Gentiles from God, of Christians from God, or of the apostasy that includes all classes within and without the body of Christians. But it is to be {first} (\pr“ton\) before Christ comes again. Note this adverb when only two events are compared (cf. strkjv@Acts:1:1|). {And the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition} (\kai apokaluphthˆi ho anthr“pos tˆs anomias, ho huios tˆs ap“leias\). First aorist passive subjunctive after \ean mˆ\ and same condition as with \elthˆi\. The use of this verb \apokalupt“\, like \apokalupsin\ of the second coming in strkjv@1:7|, seems to note the superhuman character (Milligan) of the event and the same verb is repeated in verses 6,8|. The implication is that {the man of sin} is hidden somewhere who will be suddenly manifested just as false apostles pose as angels of light (2Corinthians:11:13ff.|), whether the crowning event of the apostasy or another name for the same event. Lightfoot notes the parallel between the man of sin, of whom sin is the special characteristic (genitive case, a Hebraism for the lawless one in verse 8|) and Christ. Both Christ and the adversary of Christ are revealed, there is mystery about each, both make divine claims (verse 4|). He seems to be the Antichrist of strkjv@1John:2:18|. The terrible phrase, the son of perdition, is applied to Judas in strkjv@John:17:12| (like Judas doomed to perdition), but here to the lawless one (\ho anomos\, verse 8|), who is not Satan, but some one definite person who is doing the work of Satan. Note the definite article each time.

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:4 @{He that opposeth and exalteth himself} (\ho antikeimenos kai huperairomenos\). Like John's Antichrist this one opposes (\anti-\) Christ and exalts himself (direct middle of \huperair“\, old verb to lift oneself up {above} others, only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:12:7| in N.T.), but not Satan, but an agent of Satan. This participial clause is in apposition with the two preceding phrases, the man of sin, the son of perdition. Note strkjv@1Corinthians:8:5| about one called God and strkjv@Acts:17:23| for \sebasma\ (from \sebazomai\), object of worship, late word, in N.T. only in these two passages. {Songs:that he sitteth in the temple of God} (\h“ste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai\). Another example of the infinitive with \h“ste\ for result. Caius Caligula had made a desperate attempt to have his statue set up for worship in the Temple in Jerusalem. This incident may lie behind Paul's language here. {Setting himself forth as God} (\apodeiknunta heauton hoti estin theos\). Present active participle (\mi\ form) of \apodeiknumi\, agreeing in case with \auton\, {showing himself that he is God}. Caligula claimed to be God. Moffatt doubts if Paul is identifying this deception with the imperial cultus at this stage. Lightfoot thinks that the deification of the Roman emperor supplied Paul's language here. Wetstein notes a coin of Julius with \theos\ on one side and \Thessalonike“n\ on the other. In strkjv@1John:2:18| we are told of "many antichrists" some of whom had already come. Hence it is not clear that Paul has in mind only one individual or even individuals at all rather than evil principles, for in verse 6| he speaks of \to katechon\ (that which restraineth) while in verse 7| it is \ho katech“n\ (the one that restraineth). Frame argues for a combination of Belial and Antichrist as the explanation of Paul's language. But the whole subject is left by Paul in such a vague form that we can hardly hope to clear it up. It is possible that his own preaching while with them gave his readers a clue that we do not possess.

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:5 @{When I was yet with you} (\eti “n pros humas\). The present participle takes the time of the verb \elegon\ (imperfect active), {I used to tell you these things}. Songs:Paul recalls their memory of his words and leaves us without the clue to his idea. We know that one of the charges against him was that Jesus was another king, a rival to Caesar (Acts:17:7|). That leads one to wonder how far Paul went when there in contrasting the kingdom of the world of which Rome was ruler and the kingdom of God of which Christ is king. Frame notes Paul's abrupt question here "with an unfinished sentence behind him" (verses 3f.|), even "with a trace of impatience."

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:10 @{With all deceit of unrighteousness} (\en pasˆi apatˆi adikias\). This pastmaster of trickery will have at his command all the energy and skill of Satan to mislead and deceive. How many illustrations lie along the pathway of Christian history. {For them that are perishing} (\tois apollumenois\). Dative case of personal interest. Note this very phrase in strkjv@2Corinthians:2:15; strkjv@4:3|. Present middle participle of \appollumi\, to destroy, the dreadful process goes on. {Because} (\anth' hon\). In return for which things (\anti\ and the genitive of the relative pronoun). Same idiom in strkjv@Luke:1:20; strkjv@12:3; strkjv@19:44; strkjv@Acts:12:23| and very common in the LXX. {The love of the truth} (\tˆn agapˆn tˆs alˆtheias\). That is the gospel in contrast with _lying_ and _deceit_. {That they might be saved} (\eis to s“thˆnai autous\). First aorist passive infinitive of \s“z“\ with \eis to\, again, epexegetic purpose of {the truth} if they had heeded it.

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:13 @See strkjv@1:3| for same beginning. {Beloved of the Lord} (\ˆgapˆmenoi hupo kuriou\). Perfect passive participle of \agapa“\ with \hupo\ and the ablative as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:4|, only here \kuriou\ instead of \theou\, the Lord Jesus rather than God the Father. {Because that God chose you} (\hoti heilato humas ho theos\). First aorist middle indicative of \haire“\, to take, old verb, but uncompounded only in N.T. here, strkjv@Phillipians:1:22; strkjv@Hebrews:11:25|, and here only in sense of {choose}, that being usually \exaireomai\ or \prooriz“\. {From the beginning} (\ap' archˆs\). Probably the correct text (Aleph D L) and not \aparchˆn\ (first fruits, B G P), though here alone in Paul's writings and a hard reading, the eternal choice or purpose of God (1Corinthians:2:7; strkjv@Ephesians:1:4; strkjv@2Timothy:1:9|), while \aparchˆn\ is a favourite idea with Paul (1Corinthians:15:20,23; strkjv@16:15; strkjv@Romans:8:23; strkjv@11:16; strkjv@16:5|). {Unto salvation} (\eis s“tˆrian\). The ultimate goal, final salvation. {In sanctification of the Spirit} (\en hagiasm“i pneumatos\). Subjective genitive \pneumatos\, sanctification wrought by the Holy Spirit. {And belief of the truth} (\kai pistei alˆtheias\). Objective genitive \alˆtheias\, belief in the truth.

rwp@2Thessalonians:2:16 @{And God our Father} (\kai [ho] theos ho patˆr hˆm“n\). It is uncertain whether the first article \ho\ is genuine as it is absent in B D. Usually Paul has the Father before Christ except here, strkjv@2Corinthians:13:13; strkjv@Galatians:1:1|. {Which loved us} (\ho agapˆsas hˆmas\). This singular articular participle refers to \ho patˆr\, "though it is difficult to see how St. Paul could otherwise have expressed his thought, if he had intended to refer to the Son, as well as to the Father. There is probably no instance in St. Paul of a plural adjective or verb, when the two Persons of the Godhead are mentioned" (Lightfoot). {Eternal comfort} (\paraklˆsin ai“nian\). Distinct feminine form of \ai“nios\ here instead of masculine as in strkjv@Matthew:25:46|.

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:2 @{And that we may be delivered} (\kai hina rusth“men\). A second and more personal petition (Milligan). First aorist passive subjunctive of \ruomai\, old verb to rescue. Note change in tense from present to aorist (effective aorist). {From unreasonable and evil men} (\apo t“n atop“n kai ponˆr“n anthr“p“n\). Ablative case with \apo\. Originally in the old Greek \atopos\ (\a\ privative and \topos\) is out of place, odd, unbecoming, perverse, outrageous, both of things and persons. \Ponˆros\ is from \pone“\, to work (\ponos\), looking on labour as an annoyance, bad, evil. Paul had a plague of such men in Corinth as he had in Thessalonica. {For all have not faith} (\ou gar pant“n hˆ pistis\). Copula \estin\ not expressed. \Pant“n\ is predicate possessive genitive, faith (article with abstract substantive) does not belong to all. Hence their evil conduct.

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:5 @{Direct} (\kateuthunai\). First aorist active optative of wish for the future as in strkjv@2:17; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:23| from \kateuthun“\, old verb, as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:11| (there {way}, here {hearts}) and strkjv@Luke:1:79| of {feet} (\podas\). Perfective use of \kata\. Bold figure for making smooth and direct road. The Lord here is the Lord Jesus. {Into the love of God} (\eis tˆn agapˆn tou theou\). Either subjective or objective genitive makes sense and Lightfoot pleads for both, "not only as an objective attribute of deity, but as a ruling principle in our hearts," holding that it is "seldom possible to separate the one from the other." Most scholars take it here as subjective, the characteristic of God. {Into the patience of Christ} (\eis tˆn hupomnˆn tou Christou\). There is the same ambiguity here, though the subjective idea, the patience shown by Christ, is the one usually accepted rather than "the patient waiting for Christ" (objective genitive).

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:7 @{How ye ought to imitate us} (\p“s dei mimeisthai hˆmas\). Literally, how it is necessary to imitate us. The infinitive \mimeisthai\ is the old verb \mimeomai\ from \mimos\ (actor, mimic), but in N.T. only here (and verse 9|), strkjv@Hebrews:13:7; strkjv@3John:1:11|. It is a daring thing to say, but Paul knew that he had to set the new Christians in the midst of Jews and Gentiles a model for their imitation (Phillipians:3:17|). {For we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you} (\hoti ouk ˆtaktˆsamen en humin\). First aorist active indicative of old verb \atakte“\, to be out of ranks of soldiers. Specific denial on Paul's part in contrast to verse 6,17|.

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:10 @{This} (\touto\). What he proceeds to give. {If any will not work, neither let him eat} (\hoti ei tis ou thelei ergazesthai mˆde esthiet“\). Recitative \hoti\ here not to be translated, like our modern quotation marks. Apparently a Jewish proverb based on strkjv@Genesis:3:19|. Wetstein quotes several parallels. Moffatt gives this from Carlyle's _Chartism_: "He that will not work according to his faculty, let him perish according to his necessity." Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 314) sees Paul borrowing a piece of workshop morality. It was needed, as is plain. This is a condition of the first class (note negative \ou\) with the negative imperative in the conclusion.

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:11 @{For we hear} (\akouomen gar\). Fresh news from Thessalonica evidently. For the present tense compare strkjv@1Corinthians:11:18|. The accusative and the participle is a regular idiom for indirect discourse with this verb (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040-2). Three picturesque present participles, the first a general description, \peripatountas atakt“s\, the other two specifying with a vivid word-play, {that work not at all, but are busy-bodies} (\mˆden ergazomenous alla periergazomenous\). Literally, {doing nothing but doing around}. Ellicott suggests, {doing no business but being busy bodies}. "The first persecution at Thessalonica had been fostered by a number of fanatical loungers (Acts:17:5|)" (Moffatt). These theological dead-beats were too pious to work, but perfectly willing to eat at the hands of their neighbours while they piddled and frittered away the time in idleness.

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:12 @{We command and exhort} (\paraggellomen kai parakaloumen\). Paul asserts his authority as an apostle and pleads as a man and minister. {That with quietness they work, and eat their own bread} (\hina meta hˆsuchias ergazomenoi ton heaut“n arton esthi“sin\). Substance of the command and exhortation by \hina\ and the present subjunctive \esthi“sin\. Literally, {that working with quietness they keep on eating their own bread}. The precise opposite of their conduct in verse 11|.

rwp@2Thessalonians:3:16 @{The Lord of peace himself} (\autos ho kurios tˆs eirˆnˆs\). See strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:23| for {the God of peace himself}. {Give you peace} (\doiˆ humin tˆn eirˆnˆn\). Second aorist active optative (_Koin‚_) of \did“mi\, not \d“ˆi\ (subjunctive). Songs:also strkjv@Romans:15:5; strkjv@2Timothy:1:16,18|. The Lord Jesus whose characteristic is peace, can alone give real peace to the heart and to the world. (John:14:27|).

rwp@2Timothy:1:4 @{Night and day} (\nuktos kai hˆmeras\). Genitive of time, "by night and by day." As in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:9; strkjv@3:10|. {Longing} (\epipoth“n\). Present active participle of \epipothe“\, old word, eight times in Paul (1Thessalonians:3:6; strkjv@Phillipians:1:8|, etc.). {Remembering thy tears} (\memnˆmenos sou t“n dakru“n\). Perfect middle participle of \mimnˆsk“\, old and common verb with the genitive, only here in the Pastorals and elsewhere by Paul only in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:2|. Probably an allusion to the scene at Miletus (Acts:20:37|). Cf. strkjv@Acts:20:19|. {That I may be filled with joy} (\hina charas plˆr“th“\). Final clause with \hina\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\ (with genitive case \charas\), a verb common with Paul (Romans:8:4; strkjv@13:8|).

rwp@2Timothy:1:5 @{Having been reminded} (\hupomnˆsin lab“n\). "Having received (second aorist active participle of \lamban“\) a reminder" (old word from \hupomimnˆsk“\, to remind, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:1:13|). For the idiom see strkjv@Romans:7:8,11|. A reminder by another while \anamnˆsis\ remembrance (1Corinthians:11:24f.|) is rather a recalling by oneself (Vincent). {Of the unfeigned faith} (\tˆs anupokritou piste“s\). Late compound for which see strkjv@2Corinthians:6:6; strkjv@Romans:12:9|. {Dwelt} (\en“ikˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \enoike“\, old verb, in N.T. only in Paul (Romans:8:11; strkjv@Colossians:3:16|). {First} (\pr“ton\). Adverb, not adjective (\pr“tˆ\). {In thy grandmother Lois} (\en tˆi mammˆi L“idi\). Old word, originally the infantile word for \mˆtˆr\ (mother), then extended by writers to grandmother as here. Common for grandmother in the papyri. Lois is the mother of Eunice, Timothy's mother, since Timothy's father was a Greek (Acts:16:1|). Probably both grandmother and mother became Christians. {I am persuaded} (\pepeismai\). Perfect passive indicative of \peith“\, "I stand persuaded." In the Pastorals only here and verse 12|, common in Paul's other writings (Romans:8:38|, etc.).

rwp@2Timothy:1:8 @{Be not ashamed of} (\mˆ epaischunthˆis\). First aorist (ingressive) passive subjunctive (in prohibition) of \epaischunomai\, old word, to be ashamed. Again in verse 16| without augment (\epaischunthˆn\), transitive use of the passive voice as often in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 818). See strkjv@Romans:1:16; strkjv@6:21|. "Do not become ashamed" (as he had not). {The testimony of our Lord} (\to marturion tou kuriou\). For the old word \marturion\ see strkjv@1Corinthians:1:6; strkjv@2:1|. Paul probably has in mind the saying of Jesus preserved in strkjv@Mark:8:38| (Luke:9:26|). See also strkjv@2:12|. {His prisoner} (\ton desmion autou\). As in strkjv@Phillipians:1:12; strkjv@Philemon:1:1,9; strkjv@Ephesians:3:1; strkjv@4:1| (the first Roman captivity). Paul is in his last captivity and refers to it again in verse 16; strkjv@2:9|. {Suffer hardship with} (\sunkakopathˆson\). First aorist active imperative of the double compound \sunkakopathe“\, first known use and in N.T. only here and strkjv@2:3| (in eccles. writers). But \kakopathe“\, to suffer evil, is old verb (2:9; strkjv@4:5|). Paul is fond of compounds of \sun\. Paul challenges Timothy by this verb which he apparently coins for the purpose to a joint (\sun\) suffering with the Lord Jesus and Paul "for the gospel" (\t“i euaggeli“i\, dative case rather than associative instrumental "with"). {According to the power of God} (\kata dunamin theou\). Given by God (2Corinthians:6:7|).

rwp@2Timothy:1:9 @{Called us with a holy calling} (\kalesantos klˆsei hagiƒi\). Probably dative, "to a holy calling." \Klˆsis\ here apparently not the invitation, but the consecrated service, "the upward calling" (Phillipians:3:14|). See strkjv@1Corinthians:7:20; strkjv@Ephesians:4:1,4| for the use of \kale“\ with \klˆsis\. Paul often uses \kale“\ of God's calling men (1Thessalonians:2:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:9; strkjv@Galatians:1:6; strkjv@Romans:8:20; strkjv@9:11|). {Purpose} (\prothesin\). See strkjv@Romans:9:11; strkjv@Ephesians:1:11| for \prothesin\. {Which was given} (\tˆn dotheisan\). First aorist passive articular participle agreeing with \charis\ (grace), a thoroughly Pauline expression (1Corinthians:3:10; strkjv@Romans:12:3,6|, etc.), only here in Pastoral Epistles. {Before times eternal} (\pro chron“n ai“ni“n\). See strkjv@Titus:1:2|.

rwp@2Timothy:1:10 @{But hath now been manifested} (\phaner“theisan de nun\). First aorist passive participle of \phanero“\ agreeing with \charin\. See strkjv@Titus:1:3; strkjv@Colossians:1:26; strkjv@3:4| for \phanero“\ and the contrast made. {By the appearing} (\dia tˆs epiphaneias\). Only here of the Incarnation (except the verb, strkjv@Titus:2:11; strkjv@3:4|), but for the second coming see strkjv@Titus:2:13|. {Who abolished death} (\katargˆsantos men ton thanaton\). First aorist active participle of \katarge“\, the very phrase in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:26; strkjv@Hebrews:2:14|. {Brought to light} (\ph“tisantos de\). First aorist active participle of \ph“tiz“\, literary _Koin‚_ word for which see strkjv@1Corinthians:4:5; strkjv@Ephesians:1:18|, to turn the light on. {Life and incorruption} (\z“ˆn kai aphtharsian\). The opposite of \thanatos\, "life and immortality" (unchangeable life).

rwp@2Timothy:1:17 @{When he was in Rome} (\genomenos en Romˆi\). Second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ (coming to Rome, happening in Rome). {He sought me diligently and found me} (\spoudai“s ezˆtˆsen me kai heuren\). Effective aorists both of them (first of \zˆte“\, second of \heurisk“\). He did it at the risk of his own life apparently.

rwp@2Timothy:1:18 @{Grant to him to and mercy} (\d“iˆ aut“i heurein eleos\). Second aorist active optative in wish for the future again as in verse 16|. Find mercy from the Lord (Jesus) as he found me. {Thou knowest very well} (\beltion su gin“skeis\). Literally, "thou knowest better (than I)," for he did those things in Ephesus where thou art. Only N.T. example of \beltion\, in D text of strkjv@Acts:10:28|.

rwp@2Timothy:2:2 @{From me} (\par' emou\). As in strkjv@1:13|. Paul was Timothy's chief teacher of Christ. {Among many witnesses} (\dia poll“n martur“n\). Plutarch has \dia\ in this sense and Field (_Ot. Norv._) suggests that it is a legal phrase "supported by many witnesses." Not mere spectators, but testifiers. See Paul's use of \dia\ strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:2; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:4; strkjv@Romans:2:27; strkjv@14:20|. Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:1-8| gives many witnesses of the resurrection of Christ. {Commit thou} (\parathou\). Second aorist middle imperative of \paratithˆmi\ (1Timothy:1:18|) to deposit, same metaphor as \parathˆkˆ\ in strkjv@1:12,14|. "Deposit thou." {Faithful} (\pistois\). "Trustworthy," "reliable," as in strkjv@1Timothy:1:12| of Paul himself. {Able} (\hikanoi\). Capable, qualified, as in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:16; strkjv@3:5|. {Others also} (\kai heterous\). Not necessarily "different," but "others in addition." This is the way to pass on the torch of the light of the knowledge of God in Christ. Paul taught Timothy who will teach others who will teach still others, an endless chain of teacher-training and gospel propaganda.

rwp@2Timothy:2:4 @{No soldier on service} (\oudeis strateuomenos\). "No one serving as a soldier." See strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7| for this old verb and strkjv@2Corinthians:10:3; strkjv@1Timothy:1:18| for the metaphorical use. {Entangleth himself} (\empleketai\). Old compound, to inweave (see strkjv@Matthew:27:29| for \plek“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Peter:2:20|. Present middle (direct) indicative. {In the affairs} (\tais pragmateiais\). Old word (from \pragmateuomai\, strkjv@Luke:19:13|), business, occupation, only here in N.T. {Of this life} (\tou biou\). No "this" in the Greek, "of life" (course of life as in strkjv@1Timothy:2:2|, not existence \z“ˆ\). {Him who enrolled him as a soldier} (\t“i stratologˆsanti\). Dative case after \aresˆi\ (first aorist active subjunctive of \aresk“\, to please, strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:4|, purpose clause with \hina\) of the articular first aorist active participle of \stratologe“\, literary _Koin‚_ word (\stratologos\, from \stratos\ and \leg“\), only here in N.T.

rwp@2Timothy:2:5 @{If also a man contend in the games} (\ean de kai athlˆi tis\). Condition of third class with present (linear) active subjunctive of \athle“\, old and common verb (from \athlos\, a contest), only this verse in N.T., but \sunathle“\ in strkjv@Phillipians:1:27|. Note sharp distinction between \athlˆi\ (present subjunctive, engage in a contest in general) and \athlˆsˆi\ (first aorist active subjunctive, engage in a particular contest). Not "except he have contended," but simply "unless he contend" (in any given case) "lawfully" (\nomim“s\). Old adverb, agreeably to the law, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Timothy:1:8|. {Is not crowned} (\ou stephanoutai\). Present passive indicative of \stephano“\, old verb (from \stephanos\, crown), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:2:7,9|. One apodosis for two protases. The victor in the athletic contests was crowned with a garland.

rwp@2Timothy:2:6 @{The husbandman that laboureth} (\ton kopi“nta ge“rgon\). "The toiling tiller of the soil" (\ge“rgon\, from \gˆ\ and \erg“\, worker of the earth). See \ge“rgion\ (field) in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:9| and also strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7|. {First} (\pr“ton\). As is natural and right. {To partake} (\metalambanein\). Old word as in strkjv@Acts:2:46| to share in. Paul elsewhere uses \metech“\ as in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:12|.

rwp@2Timothy:2:8 @{Risen from the dead} (\egˆgermenon ek nekr“n\). Perfect passive participle of \egeir“\, still risen as the perfect tense shows in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:4,12-20|. Predicate accusative. "Remember Jesus Christ as risen from the dead." This is the cardinal fact about Christ that proves his claim to be the Messiah, the Son of God. Christ is central for Paul here as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|. {Of the seed of David} (\ek spermatos Daueid\). The humanity of Christ as in strkjv@Romans:1:3; strkjv@Phillipians:2:7f|. {According to my gospel} (\kata to euaggelion mou\). Paul's very phrase in strkjv@Romans:2:16; strkjv@16:25|. Not a written gospel, but my message. See also strkjv@1Corinthians:15:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:7; strkjv@Galatians:1:11; strkjv@2:2; strkjv@1Timothy:1:11|.

rwp@2Timothy:2:15 @{Give diligence} (\spoudason\). First aorist active imperative of \spoudaz“\, old word, as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:17; strkjv@Galatians:2:10|. {To present} (\parastˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \paristˆmi\ as in strkjv@Colossians:1:22,28|. {Approved unto God} (\dokimon t“i the“i\). Dative case \the“i\ with \dokimon\, predicate accusative, old adjective (from \dechomai\), for which see strkjv@1Corinthians:11:19; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:18|. {A workman} (\ergatˆn\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:11:3; strkjv@Phillipians:3:2|. {That needeth not to be ashamed} (\anepaischunton\). Late double compound verbal adjective (\a\ privative, \epaischun“\), in Josephus and here alone. {Handling aright} (\orthotomounta\). Present active participle of \orthotome“\, late and rare compound (\orthotomos\), cutting straight, \orthos\ and \temn“\), here only in N.T. It occurs in strkjv@Proverbs:3:6; strkjv@11:5| for making straight paths (\hodous\) with which compare strkjv@Hebrews:12:13| and "the Way" in strkjv@Acts:9:2|. Theodoret explains it to mean ploughing a straight furrow. Parry argues that the metaphor is the stone mason cutting the stones straight since \temn“\ and \orthos\ are so used. Since Paul was a tent-maker and knew how to cut straight the rough camel-hair cloth, why not let that be the metaphor? Certainly plenty of exegesis is crooked enough (crazy-quilt patterns) to call for careful cutting to set it straight.

rwp@2Timothy:2:19 @{Howbeit} (\mentoi\). Strong adversative, "however." {Firm} (\stereos\). Old adjective, solid, compact, in N.T. only here, strkjv@1Peter:5:9; strkjv@Hebrews:5:12,14|. See \stere“ma\ in strkjv@Colossians:2:5|. For \themelios\ see strkjv@1Corinthians:3:11; Rom strkjv@15:20; strkjv@1Timothy:6:19|. Cf. \hedrai“ma\ in strkjv@1Timothy:3:15|. {Seal} (\sphragis\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:9:2; strkjv@Romans:4:11|. {Knoweth} (\egn“\). Timeless aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\. Quotation from strkjv@Numbers:16:5|. {Let every one depart} (\apostˆt“ pƒs\). Paraphrase of strkjv@Numbers:16:27; strkjv@Isaiah:26:13; strkjv@52:11; strkjv@Jeremiah:20:9|. Second aorist active imperative of \aphistˆmi\ (intransitive use), "Let every one stand off from." Probably another echo of the rebellion of Korah.

rwp@2Timothy:2:20 @{In a great house} (\en megalˆi oikiƒi\). Metaphor of a palace. He doubtless has the Kingdom of God in mind, but he works out the metaphor of a great house of the rich and mighty. {Vessels} (\skeuˆ\). Old word \skeuos\. See strkjv@Romans:9:21| for the same double use as here. {Of gold} (\chrusƒ\). Old contracted adjective \chruseos\, only here by Paul. {Of silver} (\argurƒ\). Old contracted adjective \argureos\, in N.T. here, strkjv@Acts:19:24; strkjv@Revelation:9:20|. {Of wood} (\xulina\). Old adjective, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:9:20|. {Of earth} (\ostrakina\). Late adjective, from \ostrakon\, baked clay, in LXX, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:4:7|.

rwp@2Timothy:2:21 @{If a man purge himself} (\ean tis ekkatharˆi\). Paul drops the metaphor of the house and takes up the individual as one of the "vessels." Condition of third class with first aorist active subjunctive of \ekkathair“\, old verb, to cleanse out, in LXX, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:5:7|. {From these} (\apo tout“n\). From the vessels for dishonour of verse 20|. {Sanctified} (\hˆgiasmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \hagiaz“\, for which verb see strkjv@1Corinthians:6:11|. {Meet for the master's use} (\euchrˆston t“i despot“i\). Dative case \despotˆi\ (for which word see strkjv@1Timothy:6:1|) with \euchrˆston\, neuter singular like \hˆgiasmenon\ agreeing with \skeuos\. Old verbal adjective (\eu\ and \chraomai\, to use well), useful or usable for the master. In N.T. only here and strkjv@4:11|. See \achrˆston\ in strkjv@Philemon:11|. {Prepared} (\hˆtoimasmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \hetoimaz“\, in a state of readiness, old and common word, elsewhere by Paul only strkjv@1Corinthians:2:9| (LXX).

rwp@2Timothy:2:25 @{Correcting} (\paideuonta\). See strkjv@Titus:2:12|. "Schooling" (Parry). {Oppose themselves} (\antidiatithemenous\). Present middle (direct) participle of \antidiatithˆmi\, late double compound (Diodorus, Philo) to place oneself in opposition, here only in N.T. {If peradventure God may give} (\mˆ pote d“iˆ ho theos\). Here Westcott and Hort read the late form of the second aorist active optative of \did“mi\ for the usual \doiˆ\ as they do in strkjv@1:18|. But there it is a wish for the future and so regular, while here the optative with \mˆ pote\ in a sort of indirect question is used with a primary tense \dei\ (present) and parallel with an undoubted subjunctive \ananˆps“sin\, while in strkjv@Luke:3:15| \mˆ pote eie\ is with a secondary tense. Examples of such an optative do occur in the papyri (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 989) so that we cannot go as far as Moulton does and say that we "must" read the subjunctive \d“ˆi\ here (_Prolegomena_, pp. 55, 193). {Repentance} (\metanoian\). "Change of mind" (2Corinthians:7:10; strkjv@Romans:2:4|). {Unto the knowledge of the truth} (\eis epign“sin alˆtheias\). Paul's word "full knowledge" (Co strkjv@1:9|).

rwp@2Timothy:2:26 @{They may recover themselves} (\ananˆps“sin\). First aorist active subjunctive of \ananˆph“\, late and rare word, to be sober again, only here in N.T., though \nˆph“\ is in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:6|. {Out of the snare of the devil} (\ek tˆs tou diabolou pagidos\). They have been caught while mentally intoxicated in the devil's snare (1Timothy:3:7|). See strkjv@Romans:11:9| for \pagis\. {Taken captive} (\ez“grˆmenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \z“gre“\, old verb, to take alive (\z“os, agre“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:5:10| (of Peter). "Taken captive alive." {By him unto his will} (\hup' autou eis to ekeinou thelˆma\). This difficult phrase is understood variously. One way is to take both \autou\ and \ekeinou\, to refer to the devil. Another way is to take both of them to refer to God. Another way is to take \autou\ of the devil and \ekeinou\, of God. This is probably best, "taken captive by the devil" "that they may come back to soberness to do the will of God." There are difficulties in either view.

rwp@2Timothy:3:4 @{Traitors} (\prodotai\). Old word (from \prodid“mi\), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:6:16; strkjv@Acts:7:52|. {Headstrong} (\propeteis\). Old word (from \pro\ and \pipt“\), falling forward, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:36|. {Puffed up} (\tetuph“menoi\). Perfect passive participle of \tupho“\. See strkjv@1Timothy:3:6|. {Lovers of pleasure} (\philˆdonoi\). Literary _Koin‚_ word (\philos, hˆdonˆ\), only here in N.T. {Lovers of God} (\philotheoi\). Old word (\philos, theos\), only here in N.T.

rwp@2Timothy:3:5 @{A form of godliness} (\morph“sin eusebeias\). For \morph“sin\, see strkjv@Romans:2:20|. The outward shape without the reality. {Having denied} (\ˆrnˆmenoi\). Perfect middle participle of \arneomai\ (see strkjv@2:12f.|). {Power} (\dunamin\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:4:20|. See strkjv@Romans:1:29-31| for similar description. {Turn away} (\apotrepou\). Present middle (direct) imperative of \apotrep“\, "turn thyself away from." Old verb, only here in N.T. See IV Macc. strkjv@1:33.

rwp@2Timothy:3:6 @{That creep} (\hoi endunontes\). Old and common verb (also \endu“\) either to put on (1Thessalonians:5:8|) or to enter (to slip in by insinuation, as here). See same idea in strkjv@Jude:1:4| (\pareiseduˆsan\), strkjv@2Peter:2:1| (\pareisaxousin\), strkjv@Galatians:2:4| (\pareisˆlthon\ and \pareisaktous\). These stealthy "creepers" are pictured also in strkjv@Titus:1:11|. {Take captive} (\aichmal“tizontes\). "Taking captive." Present active participle of \aichmal“tiz“\, for which see strkjv@2Corinthians:10:5; strkjv@Romans:7:23|. {Silly women} (\gunaikaria\). Literally, "little women" (diminutive of \gunˆ\), found in Diocles (comedian of 5 century B.C.) and in Epictetus. The word here is neuter (grammatical gender) plural. Used contemptuously here (only N.T. example). Ramsay suggests "society ladies." It is amazing how gullible some women are with religious charlatans who pose as exponents of "new thought." {Laden with sins} (\ses“reumena hamartiais\). Perfect passive participle of \s“reu“\, old word from Aristotle down (from \s“ros\, a heap) to heap up. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:12:20|. Associative instrumental case \hamartiais\. {Divers} (\poikilais\). Many coloured. See strkjv@Titus:3:3|. One has only to recall Schweinfurth, the false Messiah of forty odd years ago with his "heavenly harem" in Illinois and the recent infamous "House of David" in Michigan to understand how these Gnostic cults led women into licentiousness under the guise of religion or of liberty. The priestesses of Aphrodite and of Isis were illustrations ready to hand. \Agomena\ (present passive participle) means "continually led astray or from time to time."

rwp@2Timothy:3:8 @{Like as} (\hon tropon\). "In which manner." Adverbial accusative and incorporation of the antecedent \tropon\ into the relative clause. {Jannes and Jambres} (\Iannˆs kai Iambrˆs\). Traditional names of the magicians who withstood Moses (_Targum of Jonathan_ on strkjv@Exodus:7:11|). {Withstood} (\antestˆsan\). Second aorist active (intransitive) of \anthistˆmi\, to stand against, "they stood against" (with dative \M“usei\). Same word used of Elymas in strkjv@Acts:13:8| and repeated here \anthistantai\ (present middle indicative). Paul here pictures the seducers of the \gunaikaria\ above. {Corrupted in mind} (\katephtharmenoi ton noun\). Perfect passive participle of \kataphtheir“\, old compound, in N.T. only here in critical text. See strkjv@2Corinthians:11:3; strkjv@1Timothy:6:5| for \diaphtheir“\. The accusative \noun\ is retained in the passive. {Reprobate} (\adokimoi\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:9:27; strkjv@Titus:1:16|. They had renounced their trust (\pistin\) in Christ.

rwp@2Timothy:3:12 @{That would live godly} (\hoi thelontes zˆin euseb“s\). "Those who desire (will, determine) to live godly." Paul does not regard his experience as peculiar, but only part of the price of loyal service to Christ. {Shall suffer persecution} (\di“chthˆsontai\). Future passive of \di“k“\, "shall be persecuted" (shall be hunted as wild beasts).

rwp@2Timothy:3:13 @{Impostors} (\goˆtes\). Old word from wailers (\goa“\, to bewail), professional mourners, deceivers, jugglers. Here only in the N.T. Modern impostors know all the tricks of the trade. {Shall wax worse and worse} (\prokopsousin epi to cheiron\). "Shall cut forward to the worse stage." See strkjv@2:16| for \prokopt“\. \Cheiron\ is comparative of \kakos\, "to the worse than now." {Deceiving and being deceived} (\plan“ntes kai plan“menoi\). Present active and present passive participles of \plana“\. The tragedy of it all is that these seducers are able to deceive others as well as themselves.

rwp@2Timothy:3:14 @{But abide thou} (\su de mene\). Emphatic contrast (\su de\), "But thou." Present active imperative of \men“\, common verb, to remain. {In the things which} (\en hois\). The antecedent to \hois\ is not expressed ("in which things") and the relative is attracted from \ha\ accusative with \emathes\ (didst learn, second aorist active indicative of \manthan“\) to the case of the unexpressed antecedent (locative with \en\). {Hast been assured of} (\epist“thˆs\). First aorist passive indicative of \pisto“\, old verb (from \pistos\, faithful), to make reliable, only here in N.T. {Knowing from whom} (\eid“s para tin“n\). Second perfect active participle of \oida\. Note \tin“n\ (ablative case after \para\ in an indirect question). The list included the O.T. prophets, Paul, Eunice, Lois. There ought to be moral authority in such personages.

rwp@2Timothy:3:15 @{From a babe} (\apo brephous\). Only here in the Pastorals. This teaching from the fifth year, covering the whole of Timothy's recollections. See strkjv@Mark:9:21| \ek paidiothen\, from a child. {Thou has known} (\oidas\). Present active indicative, progressive perfect reaching from a babe till now. Would that Christian parents took like pains today. {The sacred writings} (\hiera grammata\). "Sacred writings" or "Holy Scriptures." Here alone in N.T., though in Josephus (Proem to _Ant_. 3; _Apion_ 1, etc.) and in Philo. The adjective \hieros\ occurs in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:13| of the temple worship, and \gramma\ in contrast to \pneuma\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:6f.; strkjv@Romans:2:29| and in strkjv@John:5:47| of Moses' writings, in strkjv@Acts:28:21| of an epistle, in strkjv@Galatians:6:11| of letters (characters). In Ephesus there were \Ephesia grammata\ that were \bebˆla\ (Acts:19:19|), not \hiera\. {To make thee wise} (\se sophisai\). First aorist active infinitive of \sophiz“\, old verb (from \sophos\), in N.T. only here, and strkjv@2Peter:1:16|. {Which is in} (\tˆs en\). Common idiom with the article, "the in." The use of the Scriptures was not magic, but of value when used "through faith that is in Christ Jesus."

rwp@2Timothy:3:16 @{Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable} (\pƒsa graphˆ theopneustos kai “phelimos\). There are two matters of doubt in this clause. One is the absence of the article \hˆ\ before \graphˆ\, whether that makes it mean "every scripture" or "all scripture" as of necessity if present. Unfortunately, there are examples both ways with both \pƒs\ and \graphˆ\. Twice we find \graphˆ\ in the singular without the article and yet definite (1Peter:2:6; strkjv@2Peter:1:20|). We have \pƒs Israˆl\ (Romans:11:26|) for all Israel (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 772). Songs:far as the grammatical usage goes, one can render here either "all scripture" or "every scripture." There is no copula (\estin\) in the Greek and so one has to insert it either before the \kai\ or after it. If before, as is more natural, then the meaning is: "All scripture (or every scripture) is inspired of God and profitable." In this form there is a definite assertion of inspiration. That can be true also of the second way, making "inspired of God" descriptive of "every scripture," and putting \estin\ (is) after \kai\: "All scripture (or every scripture), inspired of God, is also profitable." {Inspired of God} (\theopneustos\). "God-breathed." Late word (Plutarch) here only in N.T. Perhaps in contrast to the commandments of men in strkjv@Titus:1:14|. {Profitable} (\“phelimos\). See strkjv@1Timothy:4:8|. See strkjv@Romans:15:4|. Four examples of \pros\ (facing, with a view to, for): \didaskalian\, teaching; \elegmon\, reproof, in LXX and here only in N.T.; \epanorth“sin\, correction, old word, from \epanortho“\, to set up straight in addition, here only in N.T., with which compare \epidiortho“\ in strkjv@Titus:1:5|; \paideian\, instruction, with which compare strkjv@Ephesians:6:4|.

rwp@2Timothy:3:17 @{The man of God} (\ho tou theou anthr“pos\). See strkjv@1Timothy:6:11|. {May be complete} (\hina ˆi artios\). Final clause with \hina\ and present subjunctive of \eimi\. \Artios\ is old word (from root \ar“\, to fit), specially adapted, here only in N.T. {Furnished completely} (\exˆrtismenos\). Perfect passive participle of \exartiz“\, rare verb, to furnish (fit) fully (perfective use of \ex\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:21:5|. In Josephus. For \katartiz“\, see strkjv@Luke:6:40; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11|.

rwp@2Timothy:4:1 @{I charge thee} (\diamarturomai\). Rather, "I testify." See strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:6|. See strkjv@1Timothy:5:21| for this verb and appeal to God and Christ. {Who shall judge} (\tou mellontos krinein\). "The one going or about to judge" (regular idiom with \mell“\). The quick and the dead (\z“ntas kai nekrous\). "Living and dead." See strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:16f|. {And by his appearing} (\kai tˆn epiphaneian\). Accusative of conjuration (verbs of swearing), after \diamarturomai\ as is \basileian\ (by his kingdom). See strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:27|. For \epiphaneian\, see strkjv@1:10; strkjv@Titus:2:13; strkjv@1Timothy:6:14; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8|.

rwp@2Timothy:4:3 @{A time when} (\kairos hote\). One of the \akair“s\ (out of season) times. {Will not endure} (\ouk anexontai\). Future middle (direct) of \anech“\. "Will not hold themselves back from" (Col. strkjv@3:13|). Having itching ears (\knˆthomenoi tˆn akoˆn\). Present middle (causative) participle of \knˆth“\, late and rare form of the Attic \kna“\, to scratch, to tickle, here only in N.T. "Getting the ears (the hearing, \tˆn akoˆn\) tickled." The Vulgate has \prurientes\. Cf. the Athenians (Acts:17:21|). Clement of Alexandria tells of speakers tickling (\knˆthontes\) the ears of those who want to be tickled. This is the temptation of the merely "popular" preacher, to furnish the latest tickle.

rwp@2Timothy:4:6 @{I am already being offered} (\ˆdˆ spendomai\). Present (progressive) passive indicative of \spend“\, old verb, to pour out a libation or drink offering. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Phillipians:2:17|. "What was then a possibility is now a certainty" (Parry). The sacrifice of Paul's life-blood has begun. {Of my departure} (\tˆs analuse“s mou\). Our very word "analysis." Old word from \analu“\, to loosen up or back, to unloose. Only here in N.T., though \analusai\ for death is used by Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:1:23| which see for the metaphor. {Is come} (\ephestˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \ephistˆmi\ (intransitive use). See strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:3; strkjv@Luke:21:34|. The hour has struck. The time has come.

rwp@2Timothy:4:8 @{Henceforth} (\loipon\). Accusative case, "for the rest." {There is laid up for me} (\apokeitai moi\). Present passive of \apokeimai\, old verb, to be laid away. See strkjv@Colossians:1:5| for the hope laid away. Paul's "crown of righteousness" (\ho tˆs dikaiosunˆs stephanos\, genitive of apposition, the crown that consists in righteousness and is also the reward for righteousness, the victor's crown as in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:25| which see) "is laid away" for him. {At that day} (\en ekeinˆi tˆi hˆmerƒi\). That great and blessed day (1:12,18|). {The righteous judge} (\ho dikaios kritˆs\). "The just judge," the umpire who makes no mistakes who judges us all (2Corinthians:5:10|). {Shall give me} (\apod“sei moi\). Future active of \apodid“mi\. "Will give back" as in strkjv@Romans:2:6| and in full. {But also to all them that have loved his appearing} (\alla pƒsin tois ˆgapˆkosin tˆn epiphaneian autou\). Dative case of the perfect active participle of \agapa“\, to love, who have loved and still love his second coming. \Epiphaneia\ here can as in strkjv@1:10| be interpreted of Christ's Incarnation.

rwp@2Timothy:4:11 @{Only Luke is with me} (\Loukas estin monos met' emou\). Luke is with Paul now in Rome as during the first Roman imprisonment (Philemon:1:24; strkjv@Colossians:4:14|). {Take Mark} (\Markon analab“n\). Second aorist active participle of \analamban“\, old verb, to pick up, as in strkjv@Ephesians:6:13,16|. "Pick up Mark." {He is useful to me} (\estin moi euchrˆstos\). See strkjv@2:21| for \euchrˆstos\. Paul had long ago changed his opinion of Mark (Colossians:4:10|) because Mark had changed his conduct and had made good in his ministry. Now Paul longs to have the man that he once scornfully rejected (Acts:15:37ff.|).

rwp@2Timothy:4:13 @{The cloke} (\tˆn phelonˆn\). More common form \pheilonˆ\. By metathesis for \phainolˆ\, Latin _paenula_, though which language transliterated the word into the other is not known. The meaning is also uncertain, though probably "cloke" as there are so many papyri examples in that sense (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). Milligan (N.T. _Documents_, p. 20) had previously urged "book wrap" as probable but he changed his mind and rightly so. {With Carpus} (\para Karp“i\). "Beside Carpus," at his house. Not mentioned elsewhere. Probably a visit to Troas after Paul's return from Crete. {The books} (\ta biblia\). Probably papyrus rolls. One can only guess what rolls the old preacher longs to have with him, probably copies of Old Testament books, possibly copies of his own letters, and other books used and loved. The old preacher can be happy with his books. {Especially the parchments} (\malista tas membranas\). Latin _membrana_. The dressed skins were first made at Pergamum and so termed "parchments." These in particular would likely be copies of Old Testament books, parchment being more expensive than papyrus, possibly even copies of Christ's sayings (Luke:1:1-4|). We recall that in strkjv@Acts:26:24| Festus referred to Paul's learning (\ta grammata\). He would not waste his time in prison.

rwp@2Timothy:4:16 @{At my first defence} (\en tˆi pr“tˆi apologiƒi\). Original sense of "apology" as in strkjv@Phillipians:1:7,16|. Either the first stage in this trial or the previous trial and acquittal at the end of the first Roman imprisonment. Probably the first view is correct, though really there is no way to decide. {No one took my part} (\oudeis moi paregeneto\). "No one came by my side" (second aorist middle indicative of \paraginomai\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:16:3|. {But all forsook me} (\alla pantes me egkateleipon\). Same verb and tense used of Demas above (verse 10|), "But all were forsaking me" (one by one) or, if aorist \egkatelipon\, "all at once left me." {May it not be laid to their account} (\mˆ autois logistheiˆ\). First aorist passive optative in future wish with negative \mˆ\. Common Pauline verb \logizomai\ (1Corinthians:13:5; strkjv@Romans:4:3,5|).

rwp@2Timothy:4:20 @{Erastus} (\Erastos\). See strkjv@Acts:19:22; strkjv@Romans:16:23|. {Trophimus} (\Trophimon\). A native of Ephesus and with Paul in Jerusalem (Acts:20:4; strkjv@21:29|). {At Miletus sick} (\en Milˆt“i asthenounta\). Present active participle of \asthene“\, to be weak. Probably on Paul's return from Crete.

rwp@2Timothy:4:21 @{Before winter} (\pro cheim“nos\). Pathetic item if Paul was now in the Mamertine Dungeon in Rome with winter coming on and without his cloak for which he asked. How long he had been in prison this time we do not know. He may even have spent the previous winter or part of it here. Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia are all unknown otherwise. Irenaeus does speak of Linus. {The Lord be with thy Spirit} (\ho kurios meta tou pneumatos sou\). Let us hope that Timothy and Mark reached Paul before winter, before the end came, with the cloak and with the books. Our hero, we may be sure, met the end nobly. He is already more than conqueror in Christ who is by his side and who will welcome him to heaven and give him his crown. Luke, Timothy, Mark will do all that mortal hands can do to cheer the heart of Paul with human comfort. He already had the comfort of Christ in full measure.

rwp@3John:1:3 @{I rejoiced greatly} (\echarˆn lian\). As in strkjv@2John:1:4; strkjv@Phillipians:4:10|, not epistolary aorist, but reference to his emotions at the good tidings about Gaius. {When brethren came} (\erchomen“n adelph“n\). Genitive absolute with present middle participle of \erchomai\, and so with \marturount“n\ (bare witness, present active participle of \marture“\). Present participle here denotes repetition, from time to time. {To the truth} (\tˆi alˆtheiƒi\). Dative case. "As always in the Johannine writings, 'truth' covers every sphere of life, moral, intellectual, spiritual" (Brooke). {Even as thou walkest in truth} (\kath“s su en alˆtheiƒi peripateis\). "Thou" in contrast to Diotrephes (verse 9|) and others like him. On \peripate“\ see strkjv@1John:1:6| and on \en alˆtheiƒi\ see strkjv@2John:1:4|.

rwp@3John:1:6 @{Before the church} (\en“pion ekklˆsias\). Public meeting as the anarthrous use of \ekklˆsia\ indicates, like \en ekklˆsiƒi\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:14:19,35|. {Thou wilt do well} (\kal“s poiˆseis\). Future active of \poie“\ with adverb \kal“s\, a common polite phrase in letters (papyri) like our "please." See also strkjv@Acts:10:33; strkjv@James:2:19; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:37f.; strkjv@Phillipians:4:14; strkjv@2Peter:1:19|. {To set forward on their journey} (\propempsas\). First aorist active participle (simultaneous action) of \propemp“\, to send forward, "sending forward," old word, in N.T. in strkjv@Acts:15:3; strkjv@20:38; strkjv@21:5; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:6,11; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:16; strkjv@Romans:15:24; strkjv@Titus:3:13|. {Worthily of God} (\axi“s tou theou\). Precisely this phrase in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:12| and the genitive with \axi“s\ also in strkjv@Romans:16:2; strkjv@Phillipians:1:27; strkjv@Colossians:1:10; strkjv@Ephesians:4:1|. See strkjv@John:13:20| for Christ's words on the subject. "Since they are God's representatives, treat them as you would God" (Holtzmann). From Homer's time (_Od_. XV. 74) it was customary to speed the parting guest, sometimes accompanying him, sometimes providing money and food. Rabbis were so escorted and Paul alludes to the same gracious custom in strkjv@Romans:15:24; strkjv@Titus:3:13|.

rwp@3John:1:7 @{For the sake of the Name} (\huper tou onomatos\). The name of Jesus. See strkjv@Acts:5:4; strkjv@Romans:1:5| for \huper tou onomatos\ and strkjv@James:2:7| for the absolute use of "the name" as in strkjv@1Peter:4:16|. "This name is in essence the sum of the Christian creed" (Westcott) as in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3; strkjv@Romans:10:9|. It is like the absolute use of "the Way" (Acts:9:2; strkjv@19:9,23; strkjv@24:22|). {Taking nothing} (\mˆden lambanontes\). Present active participle with the usual negative with participles (1John:2:4|). {Of the Gentiles} (\apo t“n ethnik“n\). Instead of the usual \ethn“n\ (Luke:2:32|), late adjective for what is peculiar to a people (\ethnos\) and then for the people themselves (Polybius, Diodorus, not in LXX), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:5:47; strkjv@6:7; strkjv@18:17|. Like our heathen, pagan. John is anxious that Christian missionaries receive nothing from the heathen, as our missionaries have to watch against the charge of being after money. There were many travelling lecturers out for money. Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:9| defends the right of preachers to pay, but refuses himself to accept it from Corinth because it would be misunderstood (cf. strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:6ff.; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:16ff. strkjv@12:16ff.|). Note \apo\ here as in collecting taxes (Matthew:17:25|) rather than \para\, which may be suggestive.

rwp@3John:1:9 @{I wrote somewhat unto the church} (\egrapsa ti tˆi ekklˆsiƒi\). A few MSS. add \an\ to indicate that he had not written (conclusion of second-class condition), clearly spurious. Not epistolary aorist nor a reference to II John as Findlay holds, but an allusion to a brief letter of commendation (Acts:18:27; strkjv@2Corinthians:3:1; strkjv@Colossians:4:10|) sent along with the brethren in verses 5-7| or to some other itinerant brethren. Westcott wrongly thinks that \ti\ is never used of anything important in the N.T. (Acts:8:9; strkjv@Galatians:6:3|), and hence that this lost letter was unimportant. It may have been brief and a mere introduction. \Diotrephes\ (\Dios\ and \treph“\, nourished by Zeus). This ambitious leader and sympathiser with the Gnostics would probably prevent the letter referred to being read to the church, whether it was II John condemning the Gnostics or another letter commending Demetrius and John's missionaries. Hence he sends Gaius this personal letter warning against Diotrephes. {Who loveth to have the preeminence among them} (\ho philopr“teu“n aut“n\). Present active articular participle of a late verb, so far found only here and in ecclesiastical writers (the example cited by Blass being an error, Deissmann, _Light_ etc., p. 76), from \philopr“tos\, fond of being first (Plutarch), and made like \philopone“\ (papyri), to be fond of toil. This ambition of Diotrephes does not prove that he was a bishop over elders, as was true in the second century (as Ignatius shows). He may have been an elder (bishop) or deacon, but clearly desired to rule the whole church. Some forty years ago I wrote an article on Diotrephes for a denominational paper. The editor told me that twenty-five deacons stopped the paper to show their resentment against being personally attacked in the paper. {Receiveth us not} (\ouk epidechetai hˆmƒs\). Present active indicative of this old compound, in N.T. only here and verse 10|. Diotrephes refused to accept John's authority or those who sided with him, John's missionaries or delegates (cf. strkjv@Matthew:10:40|).

rwp@3John:1:10 @{If I come} (\ean elth“\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\. He hopes to come (verse 14|), as he had said in strkjv@2John:1:12| (one argument for identifying II John with the letter in strkjv@3John:1:9|). {I will bring to remembrance} (\hupomnˆs“\). Future active indicative of \hupomimnˆsk“\, old compound (John:14:26; strkjv@2Peter:1:12|). The aged apostle is not afraid of Diotrephes and here defies him. {Which he doeth} (\ha poiei\). Present active indicative, "which he keeps on doing." {Prating against us} (\phluar“n hˆmƒs\). Present active participle of old verb (from \phluaros\, babbling strkjv@1Timothy:5:13|), to accuse idly and so falsely, here only in N.T. with accusative \hˆmƒs\ (us). {With wicked words} (\logois ponˆrois\). Instrumental case. Not simply foolish chatter, but malevolent words. {Not content} (\mˆ arkoumenos\). Present passive participle of \arke“\ with usual negative \mˆ\. For this verb in this sense see strkjv@1Timothy:6:8; strkjv@Hebrews:13:5|, only there \epi\ is absent. John knows that the conduct of Diotrephes will not stand the light. See Paul's threats of exposure (1Corinthians:4:21; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:11; strkjv@13:1-3|). And John is the apostle of love all the same. {He himself} (\autos\). That was bad enough. {Them that would} (\tous boulomenous\). "Those willing or wishing or receive the brethren" from John. {He forbiddeth} (\k“luei\). "He hinders." Present active indicative of \k“lu“\ and means either actual success in one case (punctiliar use of the present indicative) or repetition in several instances (linear action) or conative action attempted, but not successful as in strkjv@Matthew:3:14| (this same verb) and strkjv@John:10:32|. {Casteth them out of the church} (\ek tˆs ekklˆsias ekballei\). Here again \ekballei\ can be understood in various ways, like \k“luei\. This verb occurs in strkjv@John:2:15| for casting out of the temple the profaners of it and for casting the blind man out of the synagogue (John:9:34f.|). If this ancient "church-boss" did not succeed in expelling John's adherents from the church, he certainly tried to do it.

rwp@3John:1:11 @{Imitate not} (\mˆ mimou\). Present middle imperative in prohibition (do not have the habit of imitating) of \mimeomai\ (from \mimos\, actor, mimic), old word, in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:7,9; strkjv@Hebrews:13:7|. {That which is evil} (\to kakon\). "The bad," as in strkjv@Romans:12:21| (neuter singular abstract). {But that which is good} (\alla to agathon\). "But the good." As in strkjv@Romans:12:21| again. Probably by the contrast between Diotrephes and Demetrius. {He that doeth good} (\ho agathopoi“n\). Articular present active participle of \agathopoie“\, late and rare verb, in contrast with \ho kakopoi“n\ (old and common verb) as in strkjv@Mark:3:4; strkjv@Luke:6:9; strkjv@1Peter:3:17|. {Is of God} (\ek tou theou estin\). As in strkjv@1John:3:9f|. {Hath not seen God} (\ouch he“raken ton theon\). As in strkjv@1John:3:6|. He does not say \ek tou diabolou\ as Jesus does in strkjv@John:8:44|, but he means it.

rwp@3John:1:12 @{Demetrius hath the witness of all men} (\Dˆmˆtri“i memarturˆtai hupo pant“n\). Perfect passive indicative of \marture“\, "it has been witnessed to Demetrius (dative case) by all." We know nothing else about him, unless, as is unlikely, he be identified with Demas as a shortened form (Philemon:1:24; strkjv@Colossians:4:4; strkjv@2Timothy:4:10|), who has come back after his desertion or with the Ephesian silversmith (Acts:19:21ff.|), who may have been converted under John's ministry, which one would like to believe, though there is no evidence for it. He may indeed be the bearer of this letter from Ephesus to Gaius and may also have come under suspicion for some reason and hence John's warm commendation. {And of the truth itself} (\kai hupo autˆs tˆs alˆtheias\). A second commendation of Demetrius. It is possible, in view of strkjv@1John:5:6| (the Spirit is the truth), that John means the Holy Spirit and not a mere personification of the truth. {Yea we also} (\kai hˆmeis de\). A third witness to Demetrius, that is John himself (literary plural). {Thou knowest} (\oidas\). "The words in strkjv@John:21:24| sound like an echo of this sentence" (Westcott). John knew Demetrius well in Ephesus.

rwp@Info_Acts @ LUKE THE AUTHOR It ought to be possible to assume this as a fact since the work of Ramsay and Harnack on various phases of the problems concerning the Acts. Harnack, in particular, has covered the ground with his accustomed thoroughness and care in his two volumes (_The Acts of the Apostles_, English Translation by Rev. J. R. Wilkinson, 1909; _The Date of the Acts and the Synoptic Gospels_, English Translation by Rev. J. R. Wilkinson, 1911). Ramsay's view may be found in Chapter I of _St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen_, Chapter XII of _Pauline and Other Studies_. A good summary of the matter appears in Part V of _The Synoptic Gospels and the Book of Acts_ by Dr. D. A. Hayes, in Robertson's _Luke the Historian in the Light of Research_, and in the introduction to the various commentaries by Knowling, Rackham, Furneaux, Rendall, Hackett, Meyer-Wendt, Zahn, Blass, Campbell-Morgan, Stokes. In Part I of _The Acts of the Apostles_, Vol. II of _The Beginnings of Christianity_, edited by Foakes-Jackson and Kirsopp Lake both sides are ably presented: _The Case for the Tradition_ by C. W. Emmet, _The Case against the Tradition_ by H. Windisch. _The Internal Evidence of Acts_ is discussed by the Editors, Foakes-Jackson and Lake, with an adverse conclusion against Luke. Henry J. Cadbury surveys _The Tradition_ (the external evidence) and draws a negative conclusion likewise on the ground that the early writers who ascribe Acts to Luke were not critical scholars. A similar position is taken by Cadbury in his more recent volume, _The Making of Luke--Acts_ (1927). But all the same the traditional view that Luke is the author of the Acts holds the field with those who are not prejudiced against it. The view of Baur that Acts is a _Tendenz_ writing for the purpose of healing the breach between Peter and Paul and showing that the two factions came together had great influence for a while. In fact both Ramsay and Harnack at first held it. Ramsay broke away first and he was followed by Harnack. Both were influenced to change their views by the accumulation of evidence to the effect that the author of both the Gospel and Acts is Luke the Physician and Friend of Paul. Part of this evidence has already been given in the Introduction to the Gospel according to Luke.

rwp@Info_Acts @ THE DATE There are three views about the date of the Acts. Baur and his Tubingen School held the second century to be the date of this late pamphlet as they termed it after the fashion of the Clementine Homilies. But that view is now practically abandoned save by the few who still strangely oppose the Lukan authorship. Probably the majority of those who accept the Lukan authorship place it in the latter part of the first century for two reasons. One is that the Gospel according to Luke is dated by them after the destruction of Jerusalem because of the prophecy by Jesus of the encompassing of the city by armies. Predictive prophecy that would be and so it is considered a prophecy _post eventum_. The other reason is the alleged use of the _Antiquities_ of Josephus by Luke. Josephus finished this work A.D. 93 so that, if Luke did use it, he must have written the Acts after that date. Usually this argument is made to show that Luke could not have written it at all, but some hold that he may have lived to an age that would allow it. But it cannot be assumed that Luke used Josephus because of his mention of Theudas and Judas the Galilean. They differ so widely (Acts:5:36f|. and Josephus, _Ant_. XX. v, 1, 2) that Von Dobschutz (_Dictionary of the Apostolic Church_, art. Josephus) argues that the two accounts are entirely independent of each other. Songs:Luke (Luke:13:1f.|) alludes to a Galilean revolt not mentioned by Josephus and Josephus records three revolts under Pilate not referred to by Luke. A comparison of the accounts of the death of Agrippa I in strkjv@Acts:12:20-23| and _Ant_. XIX. viii, 2 redounds to the credit of Luke. The Josephus phase of the argument may be brushed to one side. The third view, held by Harnack and adopted here, is that Luke wrote the Acts while with Paul in Rome and finished the book before Paul's release, that is by A.D. 63. This is the obvious and natural way to take the language of Luke at the close of Acts. Events had gone no farther and so he ends the narrative right there. It is argued against this that Luke contemplated a third volume and for this reason closed with the arrival of Paul in Rome. But the use of \pr“ton\ (first) in strkjv@Acts:1:1| is a common _Koin‚_ idiom and does not imply three volumes any more than first and second stories with us means that the house has three. Of course this date for the Acts puts the date of the Gospel further back either in Caesarea (57 to 59) or in Rome (60 to 62). And that means that Mark's Gospel is still earlier since Luke used it for his Gospel and the Logia (Q) earlier still. But all these dates are probable in the light of all the known facts.

rwp@Info_Acts @ THE HISTORICAL VALUE It was once a fad with a certain school of critics to decry Luke in the Acts as wholly untrustworthy, not above the legendary stage. But the spade has done well by Luke for inscriptions and papyri have brought remarkable confirmation for scores of points where Luke once stood all alone and was discounted because he stood alone. These will be duly noted in the proper places as they occur. Ramsay has done most in this restoration of the rank of Luke as a credible historian, as shown in particular in his _St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen_ and in _The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament_. In every instance where discoveries have been made they have confirmed the testimony of Luke as concerning _politarchs_ in Thessalonica, _proconsul_ in Cyprus, etc. The result is that the balance of evidence is now in favour of Luke even when he still stands alone or seems to be opposed by Josephus. Luke, as it stands today, is a more credible historian than Josephus. Ramsay dares to call Luke, all things considered, the greatest of all historians, even above Thucydides. An interesting book on this phase of the subject is Chase's _The Credibility of the Acts of the Apostles_ (1902).

rwp@Info_Acts @ THE TEXT OF THE ACTS A special problem arises concerning the text of Acts inasmuch as the Codex Bezae (D) with some other Western support presents a great many additions to the Neutral-Alexandrian text of Aleph A B C. Blass has even proposed the idea that Luke himself issued two editions of the book, an attractive hypothesis that is not generally accepted. J. M. Wilson has published _The Acts of the Apostles from Codex Bezae_. The whole subject is elaborately treated by J. H. Ropes in Vol. III, _The Text of Acts_ in Part I of _The Beginnings of Christianity_. Besides thorough discussion of all the problems of text involved Ropes gives the text of the Vatican Codex (B) on the left page and that of Codex Bezae (D) on the right, making comparison easy. Blass's ideas appear in his _Acta Apostolorum_.

rwp@Acts:1:1 @{The former treatise} (\ton men pr“ton\). Literally, the first treatise. The use of the superlative is common enough and by no means implies, though it allows, a third volume. This use of \pr“tos\ where only two are compared is seen between the Baptist and Jesus (John:1:15|), John and Peter (John:20:4|). The idiom is common in the papyri (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 662, 669). The use of \men solitarium\ here, as Hackett notes, is common in Acts. It is by no means true that \men\ requires a following \de\ by contrast. The word is merely a weakened form of \mˆn\=surely, indeed. The reference is to the "first treatise" and merely emphasizes that. The use of \logos\ (word) for treatise or historical narrative is common in ancient Greek as in Herodotus 6 and 9. Plato (_Phaedo_, p. 61 B) makes a contrast between \muthos\ and \logos\. {I made} (\epoiˆsamˆn\). Aorist middle indicative, the middle being the usual construction for mental acts with \poie“\. {O Theophilus} (\O Theophile\). The interjection \O\ here as is common, though not in strkjv@Luke:1:3|. But the adjective \kratiste\ (most excellent) is wanting here. See remarks on Theophilus on ¯Luke:1:3|. Hackett thinks that he lived at Rome because of the way Acts ends. He was a man of rank. He may have defrayed the expense of publishing both Luke and Acts. Perhaps by this time Luke may have reached a less ceremonious acquaintance with Theophilus. {Which Jesus began} (\h“n ˆrxato Iˆsous\). The relative is attracted from the accusative \ha\ to the genitive \h“n\ because of the antecedent \pant“n\ (all). The language of Luke here is not merely pleonastic as Winer held. Jesus "began" "both to do and to teach" (\poiein te kai didaskein\). Note present infinitives, linear action, still going on, and the use of \te--kai\ binds together the life and teachings of Jesus, as if to say that Jesus is still carrying on from heaven the work and teaching of the disciples which he started while on earth before his ascension. The record which Luke now records is really the Acts of Jesus as much as the Acts of the Apostles. Dr. A. T. Pierson called it "The Acts of the Holy Spirit," and that is true also. The Acts, according to Luke, is a continuation of the doings and teachings of Jesus. "The following writings appear intended to give us, and do, in fact, profess to give us, that which Jesus _continued_ to do and teach after the day in which he was taken up" (Bernard, _Progress of Doctrine in the N.T._).

rwp@Acts:1:2 @{Until the day in which} (\achri hˆs hˆmeras\). Incorporation of the antecedent into the relative clause and the change of case \hˆi\ (locative) to \hˆs\ (genitive). {Was received up} (\anelˆmpthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \analamban“\. Common verb to lift anything up (Acts:10:16|) or person as Paul (Acts:20:13|). Several times of the Ascension of Jesus to heaven (Mark:16:19; strkjv@Acts:1:2,11,22; strkjv@1Timothy:3:16|) with or without "into heaven" (\eis ton ouranon\). This same verb is used of Elijah's translation to heaven in the LXX (2Kings:2:11|). The same idea, though not this word, is in strkjv@Luke:24:51|. See strkjv@Luke:9:51| for \analˆmpsis\ of the Ascension. {Had given commandment} (\enteilamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \entell“\ (from \en\ and \tell“\, to accomplish), usually in the middle, old verb, to enjoin. This special commandment refers directly to what we call the commission given the apostles before Christ ascended on high (John:20:21-23; strkjv@Matthew:28:16-20; strkjv@Mark:16:15-18; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:6; strkjv@Luke:24:44-49|). He had given commands to them when they were first chosen and when they were sent out on the tour of Galilee, but the immediate reference is as above. {Through the Holy Spirit} (\dia pneumatos hagiou\). In his human life Jesus was under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This applies to the choice of the apostles (Luke:6:13|) and to these special commands before the Ascension. {Whom he had chosen} (\hous exelexato\). Aorist middle indicative, not past perfect. The same verb (\eklexamenos\) was used by Luke in describing the choice of the twelve by Jesus (Luke:6:13|). But the aorist does not stand "for" our English pluperfect as Hackett says. That is explaining Greek by English. The Western text here adds: "And ordered to proclaim the gospel."

rwp@Acts:1:3 @{To whom also} (\hois kai\). He chose them and then also manifested himself to these very same men that they might have personal witness to give. {Shewed himself alive} (\parestˆsen heauton z“nta\). To the disciples the first Sunday evening (Mark:16:14; strkjv@Luke:24:36-43; strkjv@John:20:19-25|), the second Sunday evening (John:20:26-29|), at the Sea of Tiberias (John:21:1-23|), on the mountain in Galilee (Matthew:28:16-20; strkjv@Mark:16:15-18; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:6|), to the disciples in Jerusalem and Olivet (Luke:24:44-53; strkjv@Mark:16-19f.; strkjv@Acts:1:1-11|). Luke uses this verb \paristˆmi\ 13 times in the Acts both transitively and intransitively. It is rendered by various English words (present, furnish, provide, assist, commend). The early disciples including Paul never doubted the fact of the Resurrection, once they were convinced by personal experience. At first some doubted like Thomas (Mark:16:14; strkjv@Luke:24:41; strkjv@John:20:24f.; strkjv@Matthew:28:17|). But after that they never wavered in their testimony to their own experience with the Risen Christ, "whereof we are witnesses" Peter said (Acts:3:15|). They doubted at first, that we may believe, but at last they risked life itself in defence of this firm faith. {After his passion} (\meta to pathein auton\). Neat Greek idiom, \meta\ with the articular infinitive (second aorist active of \pasch“\) and the accusative of general reference, "after the suffering as to him." For \pathein\ used absolutely of Christ's suffering see also strkjv@Acts:17:3; strkjv@26:23|. {By many proofs} (\en pollois tekmˆriois\). Literally, "in many proofs." \Tekmˆrion\ is only here in the N.T., though an old and common word in ancient Greek and occurring in the _Koin‚_ (papyri, etc.). The verb \tekmair“\, to prove by sure signs, is from \tekmar\, a sign. Luke does not hesitate to apply the definite word "proofs" to the evidence for the Resurrection of Christ after full investigation on the part of this scientific historian. Aristotle makes a distinction between \tekmˆrion\ (proof) and \sˆmeion\ (sign) as does Galen the medical writer. {Appearing} (\optanomenos\). Present middle participle from late verb \optan“\, late _Koin‚_ verb from root \opt“\ seen in \opsomai, “phthˆn\. In LXX, papyri of second century B.C. (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 83). Only here in the N.T. For \optasia\ for vision see strkjv@Acts:26:19; strkjv@Luke:1:22; strkjv@24:23|. {By the space of forty days} (\di' hˆmer“n tesserakonta\). At intervals (\dia\, between) during the forty days, ten appearances being known to us. Jesus was not with them continually now in bodily presence. The period of forty days is given here alone. The Ascension was thus ten days before Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came. Moses was in the mount forty days (Exodus:24:18|) and Jesus fasted forty days (Matthew:4:2|). In the Gospel of Luke 24 this separation of forty days between the Resurrection and the Ascension is not drawn. {The things concerning the Kingdom of God} (\ta peri tˆs basileias tou theou\). This phrase appears 33 times in Luke's Gospel, 15 times in Mark, 4 times in Matthew who elsewhere has "the kingdom of heaven," once in John, and 6 times in Acts. No essential distinction is to be drawn between the two for the Jews often used "heaven" rather than "God" to avoid using the Tetragrammaton. But it is noticeable how the word kingdom drops out of Acts. Other words like gospel (\euaggelion\) take the place of "kingdom." Jesus was fond of the word "kingdom" and Luke is fond of the idiom "the things concerning" (\ta peri\). Certainly with Jesus the term "kingdom" applies to the present and the future and covers so much that it is not strange that the disciples with their notions of a political Messianic kingdom (Acts:1:6|) were slow to comprehend the spiritual nature of the reign of God.

rwp@Acts:1:4 @{Being assembled together with them} (\sunalizomenos\). Present passive participle from \sunaliz“\, an old verb in Herodotus, Xenophon, etc., from sun, with, and \haliz“\, from \halˆs\, crowded. The margin of both the Authorized and the Revised Versions has "eating with them" as if from \sun\ and \hals\ (salt). Salt was the mark of hospitality. There is the verb \halisthˆte en aut“i\ used by Ignatius _Ad Magnes_. X, "Be ye salted in him." But it is more than doubtful if that is the idea here though the Vulgate does have _convescens illis_ "eating with them," as if that was the common habit of Jesus during the forty days (Wendt, Feine, etc.). Jesus did on occasion eat with the disciples (Luke:24:41-43; strkjv@Mark:16:14|). {To wait for the promise of the Father} (\perimenein tˆn epaggelian tou patros\). Note present active infinitive, to keep on waiting for (around, \peri\). In the Great Commission on the mountain in Galilee this item was not given (Matthew:28:16-20|). It is the subjective genitive, the promise given by the Father (note this Johannine use of the word), that is the Holy Spirit ("the promise of the Holy Spirit," objective genitive). {Which ye heard from me} (\hˆn ˆkousate mou\). Change from indirect discourse (command), infinitives \ch“rizesthai\ and \perimenein\ after \parˆggeilen\ to direct discourse without any \ephˆ\ (said he) as the English (Italics). Luke often does this (_oratior ariata_). Note also the ablative case of \mou\ (from me). Luke continues in verse 5| with the direct discourse giving the words of Jesus.

rwp@Acts:1:5 @{Baptized with water} (\ebaptisen hudati\) {and with the Holy Ghost} (\en pneumati baptisthˆsesthe hagi“i\). The margin has "in the Holy Ghost" (Spirit, it should be). The American Standard Version renders "in" both with "water" and "Holy Spirit" as do Goodspeed (American Translation) and Mrs. Montgomery (Centenary Translation). John's own words (Matthew:3:11|) to which Jesus apparently refers use \en\ (in) both with water and Spirit. There is a so-called instrumental use of \en\ where we in English have to say "with" (Revelation:13:10| \en machairˆi\, like \machairˆi\, strkjv@Acts:12:2|). That is to say \en\ with the locative presents the act as located in a certain instrument like a sword (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 589f.). But the instrumental case is more common without \en\ (the locative and instrumental cases having the same form). Songs:it is often a matter of indifference which idiom is used as in strkjv@John:21:8| we have \t“i ploiari“i\ (locative without \en\). They came {in} (locative case without \en\) the boat. Songs:in strkjv@John:1:31| \en hudati baptiz“n\ baptizing in water. No distinction therefore can be insisted on here between the construction \hudati\ and \en pneumati\ (both being in the locative case, one without, one with \en\). Note unusual position of the verb \baptisthˆsesthe\ (future passive indicative) between \pneumati\ and \hagi“i\. This baptism of the Holy Spirit was predicted by John (Matthew:3:11|) as the characteristic of the Messiah's work. Now the Messiah himself in his last message before his Ascension proclaims that in a few days the fulfilment of that prophecy will come to pass. The Codex Bezae adds here "which ye are about to receive" and "until the Pentecost" to verse 5|. {Not many days hence} (\ou meta pollas tautas hˆmeras\). A neat Greek idiom difficult to render smoothly into English: "Not after many days these." The litotes (not many=few) is common in Luke (Luke:7:6; strkjv@15:13; strkjv@Acts:17:27; strkjv@19:11; strkjv@20:12; strkjv@21:39; strkjv@28:14; strkjv@28:2|). The predicate use of \tautas\ (without article) is to be noted. "These" really means as a starting point, "from these" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 702). It was ten days hence. This idiom occurs several times in Luke (Luke:24:21; strkjv@Acts:24:21|), as elsewhere (John:4:18; strkjv@2Peter:3:1|). In strkjv@Luke:2:12| the copula is easily supplied as it exists in strkjv@Luke:1:36; strkjv@2:2|.

rwp@Acts:1:6 @{They therefore} (\hoi men oun\). Demonstrative use of \hoi\ with \men oun\ without any corresponding \de\ just as in strkjv@1:1| \men\ occurs alone. The combination \men oun\ is common in Acts (27 times). Cf. strkjv@Luke:3:18|. The \oun\ is resumptive and refers to the introductory verses (1:1-5|), which served to connect the Acts with the preceding Gospel. The narrative now begins. {Asked} (\ˆr“t“n\). Imperfect active, repeatedly asked before Jesus answered. {Lord} (\kurie\). Here not in the sense of "sir" (Matthew:21:30|), but to Jesus as Lord and Master as often in Acts (19:5,10|, etc.) and in prayer to Jesus (7:59|). {Dost thou restore} (\ei apokathistaneis\). The use of \ei\ in an indirect question is common. We have already seen its use in direct questions (Matthew:12:10; strkjv@Luke:13:23| which see for discussion), possibly in imitation of the Hebrew (frequent in the LXX) or as a partial condition without conclusion. See also strkjv@Acts:7:1; strkjv@19:2; strkjv@21:37; strkjv@22:25|. The form of the verb \apokathistan“\ is late (also \apokathista“\) omega form for the old and common \apokathistˆmi\, double compound, to restore to its former state. As a matter of fact the Messianic kingdom for which they are asking is a political kingdom that would throw off the hated Roman yoke. It is a futuristic present and they are uneasy that Jesus may yet fail to fulfil their hopes. Surely here is proof that the eleven apostles needed the promise of the Father before they began to spread the message of the Risen Christ. They still yearn for a political kingdom for Israel even after faith and hope have come back. They need the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (John:14-16|) and the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts:1:4f.|).

rwp@Acts:1:8 @{Power} (\dunamin\). Not the "power" about which they were concerned (political organization and equipments for empire on the order of Rome). Their very question was ample proof of their need of this new "power" (\dunamin\), to enable them (from \dunamai\, to be able), to grapple with the spread of the gospel in the world. {When the Holy Ghost is come upon you} (\epelthontos tou hagiou pneumatos eph' humas\). Genitive absolute and is simultaneous in time with the preceding verb "shall receive" (\lˆmpsesthe\). The Holy Spirit will give them the "power" as he comes upon them. This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit referred to in verse 5|. {My witnesses} (\mou martures\). Correct text. "Royal words of magnificent and Divine assurance" (Furneaux). Our word martyrs is this word \martures\. In strkjv@Luke:24:48| Jesus calls the disciples "witnesses to these things" (\martures tout“n\, objective genitive). In strkjv@Acts:1:22| an apostle has to be a "witness to the Resurrection" of Christ and in strkjv@10:39| to the life and work of Jesus. Hence there could be no "apostles" in this sense after the first generation. But here the apostles are called "my witnesses." "His by a direct personal relationship" (Knowling). The expanding sphere of their witness when the Holy Spirit comes upon them is "unto the uttermost part of the earth" (\he“s eschatou tˆs gˆs\). Once they had been commanded to avoid Samaria (Matthew:10:5|), but now it is included in the world program as already outlined on the mountain in Galilee (Matthew:28:19; strkjv@Mark:16:15|). Jesus is on Olivet as he points to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the uttermost (last, \eschatou\) part of the earth. The program still beckons us on to world conquest for Christ. "The Acts themselves form the best commentary on these words, and the words themselves might be given as the best summary of the Acts" (Page). The events follow this outline (Jerusalem till the end of chapter 7, with the martyrdom of Stephen, the scattering of the saints through Judea and Samaria in chapter 8, the conversion of Saul, chapter 9, the spread of the gospel to Romans in Caesarea by Peter (chapter 10), to Greeks in Antioch (chapter 11), finally Paul's world tours and arrest and arrival in Rome (chapters 11 to 28).

rwp@Acts:1:9 @{As they were looking} (\blepont“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute. The present participle accents the fact that they were looking directly at Jesus. {He was taken up} (epˆrthˆ). First aorist passive indicative of \epair“\, old and common verb meaning to lift up. In strkjv@Luke:24:51| we have "he was borne up" (\anephereto\) and in strkjv@Acts:1:2, strkjv@1:11; strkjv@1Timothy:3:6| "was received up" (\anelˆmpthˆ\). {Received} (\hupelaben\). Second aorist active indicative of \hupolamban“\, literally here "took under him." He seemed to be supported by the cloud. "In glory" Paul adds in strkjv@1Timothy:3:16|. {Out of their sight} (\apo t“n ophthalm“n aut“n\). From their eyes (\apo\ with ablative case).

rwp@Acts:1:10 @{Were looking steadfastly} (\atenizontes ˆsan\). Periphrastic imperfect active of \ateniz“\, a late intensive verb (intensive \a\ and \tein“\, to stretch). Common in Acts and also in strkjv@Luke:4:20; strkjv@22:56| as well as strkjv@Acts:10:4|, which see. {As he went} (\poreuomenou autou\). Genitive absolute of present middle participle. They saw him slipping away from their eyes as the cloud bore him away. {Stood by them} (\pareistˆkeisan autois\). Past perfect active indicative of \paristˆmi\ and intransitive (note \i\ in B instead of \ei\ for augment, mere itacism).

rwp@Acts:1:13 @{Into the upper chamber} (\eis to huper“ion\). The upstairs or upper room (\huper\ is upper or over, the adjective \huper“ios\), the room upstairs where the women staid in Homer, then a room up under the flat roof for retirement or prayer (Acts:9:37,39|), sometimes a large third story room suitable for gatherings (Acts:20:9|). It is possible, even probable, that this is the "large upper room" (\an“geon mega\) of strkjv@Mark:14:15; strkjv@Luke:22:12|. The Vulgate has _coenaculum_ for both words. The word is used in the N.T. only in Acts. It was in a private house as in strkjv@Luke:22:11| and not in the temple as strkjv@Luke:24:53| might imply, "continually" (\dia pantos\) these words probably meaning on proper occasions. {They were abiding} (\ˆsan katamenontes\). Periphrastic imperfect active. Perfective use of \kata\, to abide permanently. It is possible that this is the house of Mary the mother of John Mark where the disciples later met for prayer (Acts:12:12|). Here alone in the N.T., though old compound. Some MSS. here read \paramenontes\. This could mean constant residence, but most likely frequent resort for prayer during these days, some being on hand all the time as they came and went. {Simon the Zealot} (\Simon ho Zˆl“tˆs\). Called Simon the Cananaean (\ho Cananaios\) in strkjv@Matthew:10:4, strkjv@Mark:3:18|, but Zealot in strkjv@Luke:6:16| as here giving the Greek equivalent of the Aramaic word because Luke has Gentiles in mind. The epithet (member of the party of Zealots) clung to him after he became an apostle and distinguishes him from Simon Peter. See Vol. I on the Gospel of Matthew for discussion of the four lists of the apostles. {Judas the son of James} (\Joudas Iak“bou\). Literally, Judas of James, whether son or brother (cf. strkjv@Jude:1:1|) we do not really know. "Of James" is added to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot (John:14:22|). However we take it, he must be identified with the Thaddaeus (=Lebbaeus) of Mark and Matthew to make the list in the third group identical. No name appears in Acts for that of Judas Iscariot.

rwp@Acts:1:14 @{With one accord} (\homothumadon\). Old adverb in \-don\ from adjective \homothumos\ and that from \homos\, same, and \thumos\, mind or spirit, with the same mind or spirit. Common in ancient Greek and papyri. In the N.T. eleven times in Acts and nowhere else save strkjv@Romans:15:6|. See strkjv@Matthew:18:19|. {Continued} (\ˆsan proskarterountes\). Periphrastic imperfect active of \proskartere“\, old verb from \pros\ (perfective use) and \kartere“\ from \karteros\, strong, steadfast, like the English "carry on." Already in strkjv@Mark:3:9| which see and several times in Acts and Paul's Epistles. They "stuck to" the praying (\tˆi proseuchˆi\, note article) for the promise of the Father till the answer came. {With the women} (\sun gunaixin\). Associative instrumental case plural of \gunˆ\ after \sun\. As one would expect when praying was the chief work on hand. More women certainly included than in strkjv@Luke:8:2; strkjv@Mark:15:40f.; strkjv@Matthew:27:55f.; strkjv@Luke:23:49; strkjv@Mark:15:47; strkjv@Matthew:27:61; strkjv@Luke:23:55f.; strkjv@Mark:16:1; strkjv@Matthew:28:1; strkjv@Luke:24:1f.; strkjv@John:20:1, 11-18; strkjv@Matthew:28:9f|. There were probably other women also whose testimony was no longer scouted as it had been at first. Codex Bezae adds here "and children." {And Mary the mother of Jesus} (\kai Mariam tˆi mˆtri tou Iˆsou\). A delicate touch by Luke that shows Mary with her crown of glory at last. She had come out of the shadow of death with the song in her heart and with the realization of the angel's promise and the prophecy of Simeon. It was a blessed time for Mary. {With his brethren} (\sun tois adelphois autou\). With his brothers, it should be translated. They had once disbelieved in him (John:7:5|). Jesus had appeared to James (1Corinthians:15:7|) and now it is a happy family of believers including the mother and brothers (half-brothers, literally) of Jesus. They continue in prayer for the power from on high.

rwp@Acts:1:22 @{Beginning} (\arxamenos\). Aorist middle participle of \arch“\, agreeing (nominative) with \ho kurios Iˆsous\ (the Lord Jesus). The ministry of Jesus began with the ministry of John. Strictly speaking \arxamenos\ should be the accusative and agree with \martura\ (witness) in verse 22|, but the construction is a bit free. The ministry of Jesus began with the baptism of John and lasted until the Ascension. {A witness with us of his resurrection} (\martura tˆs anastase“s autou sun hˆmin\). This Peter considers the essential thing in a successor to Judas. The one chosen should be a personal witness who can speak from his own experience of the ministry, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus. One can easily see that this qualification will soon put an end to those who bear such personal testimony.

rwp@Acts:1:24 @{Show us the one whom thou hast chosen} (\anadeixon hon exelex“\). First aorist active imperative of \anadeiknumi\, to show up, make plain. First aorist middle indicative second person singular of \ekleg“\, to pick out, choose, select. In this prayer they assume that God has made a choice. They only wish to know his will. They call God the {heart-searcher} or {heart-knower} (\kardiogn“sta\, vocative singular), a late word, here and strkjv@Acts:15:8| only in the N.T. Modern physicians have delicate apparatus for studying the human heart.

rwp@Acts:2:1 @{Was now come} (\en t“i sunplˆrousthai\). Luke's favourite idiom of \en\ with the articular present infinitive passive and the accusative of general reference, "in the being fulfilled completely (perfective use of \sun-\) as to the day of Pentecost." Common verb, but only in Luke in N.T. In literal sense of filling a boat in strkjv@Luke:8:23|, about days in strkjv@Luke:9:51| as here. Whether the disciples expected the coming of the Holy Spirit on this day we do not know. Blass holds that the present tense shows that the day had not yet come. It is a Hebrew idiom (Exodus:7:25|) and Luke may mean that the day of Pentecost was not yet over, was still going on, though Hackett takes it for the interval (fifty days) between Passover and Pentecost. Apparently this day of Pentecost fell on the Jewish Sabbath (our Saturday). It was the feast of first fruits. {All together in one place} (\pantes homou epi to auto\). All together in the same place. Note \homou\ here (correct text), not \homothumadon\ as in strkjv@1:14|, and so a bit of tautology.

rwp@Acts:2:3 @{Parting asunder} (\diamerizomenai\). Present middle (or passive) participle of \diameriz“\, old verb, to cleave asunder, to cut in pieces as a butcher does meat (aorist passive in strkjv@Luke:11:17f.|). Songs:middle here would mean, parting themselves asunder or distributing themselves. The passive voice would be "being distributed." The middle is probably correct and means that "the fire-like appearance presented itself at first, as it were, in a single body, and then suddenly parted in this direction and that; so that a portion of it rested on each of those present" (Hackett). The idea is not that each tongue was cloven, but each separate tongue looked like fire, not real fire, but looking like (\h“sei\, as if) fire. The audible sign is followed by a visible one (Knowling). "Fire had always been, with the Jews, the symbol of the Divine presence (cf. strkjv@Exodus:3:2; strkjv@Deuteronomy:5:4|). No symbol could be more fitting to express the Spirit's purifying energy and refining energy" (Furneaux). The Baptist had predicted a baptizing by the Messiah in the Holy Spirit and in fire (Matthew:3:11|). {It sat} (\ekathisen\). Singular verb here, though plural \“pthˆsan\ with tongues (\gl“ssai\). A tongue that looked like fire sat upon each one.

rwp@Acts:2:4 @{With other tongues} (\heterais gl“ssais\). Other than their native tongues. Each one began to speak in a language that he had not acquired and yet it was a real language and understood by those from various lands familiar with them. It was not jargon, but intelligible language. Jesus had said that the gospel was to go to all the nations and here the various tongues of earth were spoken. One might conclude that this was the way in which the message was to be carried to the nations, but future developments disprove it. This is a third miracle (the sound, the tongues like fire, the untaught languages). There is no blinking the fact that Luke so pictures them. One need not be surprised if this occasion marks the fulfilment of the Promise of the Father. But one is not to confound these miraculous signs with the Holy Spirit. They are merely proof that he has come to carry on the work of his dispensation. The gift of tongues came also on the house of Cornelius at Caesarea (Acts:10:44-47; strkjv@11:15-17|), the disciples of John at Ephesus (Acts:19:6|), the disciples at Corinth (1Corinthians:14:1-33|). It is possible that the gift appeared also at Samaria (Acts:8:18|). But it was not a general or a permanent gift. Paul explains in strkjv@1Corinthians:14:22| that "tongues" were a sign to unbelievers and were not to be exercised unless one was present who understood them and could translate them. This restriction disposes at once of the modern so-called tongues which are nothing but jargon and hysteria. It so happened that here on this occasion at Pentecost there were Jews from all parts of the world, so that some one would understand one tongue and some another without an interpreter such as was needed at Corinth. The experience is identical in all four instances and they are not for edification or instruction, but for adoration and wonder and worship. {As the Spirit gave them utterance} (\kath“s to pneuma edidou apophtheggesthai autois\). This is precisely what Paul claims in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:10,28|, but all the same without an interpreter the gift was not to be exercised (1Corinthians:14:6-19|). Paul had the gift of tongues, but refused to exercise it except as it would be understood. Note the imperfect tense here (\edidou\). Perhaps they did not all speak at once, but one after another. \Apophtheggesthai\ is a late verb (LXX of prophesying, papyri). Lucian uses it of the ring of a vessel when it strikes a reef. It is used of eager, elevated, impassioned utterance. In the N.T. only here, verse 14; strkjv@26:25|. \Apophthegm\ is from this verb.

rwp@Acts:2:6 @{When this sound was heard} (\genomenˆs tˆs ph“nˆs tautˆs\). Genitive absolute with aorist middle participle. Note \ph“nˆ\ this time, not \ˆcho\ as in verse 1|. \Ph“nˆ\ originally meant sound as of the wind (John:3:8|) or an instrument (1Corinthians:14:7,8,10|), then voice of men. The meaning seems to be that the excited "other tongues" of verse 4| were so loud that the noise drew the crowd together. The house where the 120 were may have been (Hackett) on one of the avenues leading to the temple. {Were confounded} (\sunechuthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \sunche“\ or \sunchun“\, to pour together precisely like the Latin _confundo_, to confound. The Vulgate has it _mente confusa est_. It is an old verb, but in the N.T. only in Acts five times (2:6; strkjv@9:22; strkjv@19:32; strkjv@21:27,31|). {In his own language} (\tˆi idiƒi dialekt“i\). Locative case. Each one could understand his own language when he heard that. Every one that came heard somebody speaking in his native tongue.

rwp@Acts:2:7 @{Were amazed} (\existanto\). Imperfect middle of \existˆmi\, to stand out of themselves, wide-open astonishment. {Marvelled} (\ethaumazon\). Imperfect active. The wonder grew and grew. {Galileans} (\Galilaioi\). There were few followers of Jesus as yet from Jerusalem. The Galileans spoke a rude Aramaic (Mark:14:70|) and probably crude Greek vernacular also. They were not strong on language and yet these are the very people who now show such remarkable linguistic powers. These people who have come together are all Jews and therefore know Aramaic and the vernacular _Koin‚_, but there were various local tongues "wherein we were born" (\en hˆi egennˆthˆmen\). An example is the Lycaonian (Acts:14:11|). These Galilean Christians are now heard speaking these various local tongues. The lists in verses 9-11| are not linguistic, but geographical and merely illustrate how widespread the Dispersion (\Diaspora\) of the Jews was as represented on this occasion. Jews were everywhere, these "Jews among the nations" (Acts:21:21|). Page notes four main divisions here: (I) The Eastern or Babylonian, like the Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians. (2) The Syrian like Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia. (3) The Egyptian like Egypt, Libya, Cyrene. (4) The Roman. {Jews and proselytes} (\prosˆlutoi\). These last from \proserchomai\, to come to, to join, Gentile converts to Judaism (circumcision, baptism, sacrifice). This proselyte baptism was immersion as is shown by I. Abrahams (_Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels_, p. 38). Many remained uncircumcised and were called proselytes of the gate.

rwp@Acts:2:11 @{Cretes and Arabians}. These two groups "seem to have been added to the list as an afterthought" (Knowling). Crete is an island to itself and Arabia was separate also though near Judea and full of Jews. The point is not that each one of these groups of Jews spoke a different language, but that wherever there was a local tongue they heard men speaking in it. {We do hear them speaking} (\akouomen lalount“n aut“n\). Genitive case \aut“n\ with \akou“\ the participle \lalount“n\ agreeing with \aut“n\, a sort of participial idiom of indirect discourse (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040ff.). {The mighty works} (\ta megaleia\). Old adjective for magnificent. In LXX, but only here (not genuine in strkjv@Luke:1:49|) in the N.T. Cf. strkjv@2Peter:1:16| for \megaleiotˆs\ (majesty).

rwp@Acts:2:14 @{Standing up with the eleven} (\statheis sun tois hendeka\). Took his stand with the eleven including Matthias, who also rose up with them, and spoke as their spokesman, a formal and impressive beginning. The Codex Bezae has "ten apostles." Luke is fond of this pictorial use of \statheis\ (first aorist passive participle of \histˆmi\) as seen nowhere else in the N.T. (Luke:18:11,40; strkjv@19:8; strkjv@Acts:5:20; strkjv@17:22; strkjv@27:21|). {Lifted up his voice} (\epˆren tˆn ph“nˆn autou\). This phrase only in Luke in the N.T. (Luke:11:29; strkjv@Acts:2:14; strkjv@14:11; strkjv@22:22|), but is common in the old writers. First aorist active indicative of \epair“\. The large crowd and the confusion of tongues demanded loud speaking. "This most solemn, earnest, yet sober speech" (Bengel). Codex Bezae adds "first" after "voice." Peter did it to win and hold attention. {Give ear unto my words} (\en“tisasthe ta rhˆmata mou\). Late verb in LXX and only here in the N.T. First aorist middle from \en“tizomai\ (\en, ous\, ear) to give ear to, receive into the ear. People's ears differ greatly, but in public speech they have to be reached through the ear. That puts an obligation on the speaker and also on the auditors who should sit where they can hear with the ears which they have, an obligation often overlooked.

rwp@Acts:2:17 @{In the last days} (\en tais eschatais hˆmerais\). Joel does not have precisely these words, but he defines "those days" as being "the day of the Lord" (cf. strkjv@Isaiah:2:2; strkjv@Micah:4:1|). {I will pour forth} (\ekche“\). Future active indicative of \ekche“\. This future like \edomai\ and \piomai\ is without tense sign, probably like the present in the futuristic sense (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 354). Westcott and Hort put a different accent on the future, but the old Greek had no accent. The old Greek had \ekcheus“\. This verb means to pour out. {Of my Spirit} (\apo tou pneumatos\). This use of \apo\ (of) is either because of the variety in the manifestations of the Spirit (1Corinthians:12|) or because the Spirit in his entirety remains with God (Holtzmann, Wendt). But the Hebrew has it: "I will pour out my Spirit" without the partitive idea in the LXX. {And your daughters} (\kai hai thugateres h–m“n\). Anna is called a prophetess in strkjv@Luke:2:36| and the daughters of Philip prophesy (Acts:21:9|) and verse 18| (handmaidens). See also strkjv@1Corinthians:11:5| (\prophˆtousa\). {Visions} (\horaseis\). Late word for the more common \horama\, both from \hora“\, to see. In strkjv@Revelation:4:3| it means appearance, but in strkjv@Revelation:9:17| as here an ecstatic revelation or vision. {Dream dreams} (\enupniois enupniasthˆsontai\). Shall dream with (instrumental case) dreams. First future passive of \enupniaz“\ from \enupnios\ (\en\ and \hupnos\, in sleep), a common late word. Only here in the N.T. (this from Joel as all these verses 17-21| are) and strkjv@Jude:1:8|. {Yea and} (\kai ge\). Intensive particle \ge\ added to \kai\ (and), an emphatic addition (=Hebrew _vegam_). {Servants} (\doulous\), {handmaidens} (\doulas\). Slaves, actual slaves of men. The humblest classes will receive the Spirit of God (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:1:26-31|). But the word "prophesy" here is not in the LXX (or the Hebrew).

rwp@Acts:2:19 @{Wonders} (\terata\). Apparently akin to the verb \tˆre“\, to watch like a wonder in the sky, {miracle} (\miraculum\), marvel, portent. In the New Testament the word occurs only in the plural and only in connection with \sˆmeia\ (signs) as here and in verse 43|. But {signs} (\sˆmeia\) here is not in the LXX. See on strkjv@Matthew:11:20|. In verse 22| all three words occur together: powers, wonders, signs (\dunamesi, terasi, sˆmeiois\). {As above} (\an“\). This word is not in the LXX nor is "beneath" (\kat“\), both probably being added to make clearer the contrast between heaven and earth. {Blood and fire and vapour of smoke} (\haima kai pur kai atmida kapnou\). A chiasm as these words illustrate bloodshed and destruction by fire as signs here on earth.

rwp@Acts:2:20 @{Shall be turned} (\metastraphˆsetai\). Second future passive of \metastreph“\, common verb, but only three times in the N.T. (Acts:2:20| from Joel; strkjv@James:4:9; strkjv@Galatians:1:7|). These are the "wonders" or portents of verse 19|. It is worth noting that Peter interprets these "portents" as fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost, though no such change of the sun into darkness or of the moon into blood is recorded. Clearly Peter does not interpret the symbolism of Joel in literal terms. This method of Peter may be of some service in the Book of Revelation where so many apocalyptic symbols occur as well as in the great Eschatological Discourse of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:24,25|. In strkjv@Matthew:24:6,29| Jesus had spoken of wars on earth and wonders in heaven. {Before the day of the Lord come, that great and notable day} (\prin elthein hˆmeran kuriou tˆn megalˆn kai epiphanˆ\). The use of \prin\ with the infinitive and the accusative of general reference is a regular Greek idiom. The use of the adjectives with the article is also good Greek, though the article is not here repeated as in strkjv@1:25|. The Day of the Lord is a definite conception without the article. {Notable} (\epiphanˆ\) is the same root as epiphany (\epiphaneia\) used of the Second Coming of Christ (2Thessalonians:2:8; strkjv@1Timothy:6:14; strkjv@2Timothy:4:1; strkjv@Titus:2:13|). It translates here the Hebrew word for "terrible." In the Epistles the Day of the Lord is applied (Knowling) to the Coming of Christ for judgment (1Thessalonians:5:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14; strkjv@Phillipians:1:10|).

rwp@Acts:2:23 @{Him} (\touton\). "This one," resumptive and emphatic object of "did crucify and slay." {Being delivered up} (\ekdoton\). Verbal adjective from \ekdid“mi\, to give out or over. Old word, but here only in the N.T. Delivered up by Judas, Peter means. {By the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God} (\tˆi h“rismenˆi boulˆi kai progn“sˆi tou theou\). Instrumental case. Note both purpose (\boulˆ\) and foreknowledge (\progn“sis\) of God and "determined" (\h“rismenˆ\, perfect passive participle, state of completion). God had willed the death of Jesus (John:3:16|) and the death of Judas (Acts:1:16|), but that fact did not absolve Judas from his responsibility and guilt (Luke:22:22|). He acted as a free moral agent. {By the hand} (\dia cheiros\). Luke is fond of these figures (hand, face, etc.) very much like the Hebrew though the vernacular of all languages uses them. {Lawless men} (\anom“n\). Men without law, who recognize no law for their conduct, like men in high and low stations today who defy the laws of God and man. Old word, very common in the LXX. {Ye did crucify} (\prospˆxantes\). First aorist active participle of \prospˆgnumi\, rare compound word in Dio Cassius and here only in the N.T. One must supply \t“i staur“i\ and so it means "fastened to the cross," a graphic picture like Paul's "nailed to the cross" (\prosˆl“sas t“i staur“i\) in strkjv@Colossians:2:14|. {Did slay} (\aneilate\). Second aorist active indicative with first aorist vowel \a\ instead of \o\ as is common in the _Koin‚_. This verb \anaire“\, to take up, is often used for kill as in strkjv@Acts:12:2|. Note Peter's boldness now under the power of the Holy Spirit. He charges the people to their faces with the death of Christ.

rwp@Acts:2:25 @{Concerning him} (\eis auton\). Peter interprets strkjv@Psalms:16:8-11| as written by David and with reference to the Messiah. There is but one speaker in this Psalm and both Peter here and Paul in strkjv@Acts:13:36| make it the Messiah. David is giving his own experience which is typical of the Messiah (Knowling). {I beheld} (\proor“mˆn\). Imperfect middle without augment of \proora“\, common verb, but only twice in the N.T., to see beforehand (Acts:21:29|) or to see right before one as here. This idea of \pro-\ is made plainer by "before my face" (\en“pion mou\). {On my right hand} (\ek dexi“n mou\). The Lord Jehovah like a defender or advocate stands at David's right hand as in trials in court (Psalms:109:31|). {That} (\hina\) here is almost result. {Moved} (\saleuth“\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \saleu“\, to shake like an earthquake.

rwp@Acts:2:29 @{I may say} (\exon eipein\). Supply \estin\ before \exon\, periphrastic present indicative of \exeimi\, to allow, permit. The Authorized Version has "Let me speak," supplying \esto\ present imperative. {Freely} (\meta parrˆsias\). Telling it all (\pan, rhˆsia\ from \eipon\, to speak), with fulness, with boldness. Luke is fond of the phrase (as in strkjv@4:13|). It is a new start for Simon Peter, full of boldness and courage. {The patriarch} (\tou patriarchou\). Transliteration of the word, from \patria\, family, and \arch“\, to rule, the founder of a family. Late word in LXX. Used of Abraham (Hebrews:7:4|), of the twelve sons of Jacob as founders of the several tribes (Acts:7:8|), and here of David as head of the family from whom the Messiah comes. {Was buried} (\etaphˆ\). Second aorist passive indicative of \thapt“\. His tomb was on Mt. Zion where most of the kings were buried. The tomb was said to have fallen into ruins in the time of the Emperor Hadrian. Josephus (_Ant_. XVI. 7, 1) attributes most of the misfortunes of Herod's family to the fact that he tried to rifle the tomb of David.

rwp@Acts:2:31 @{Foreseeing} (\proid“n\). Second aorist active participle. Did it as a prophet. {Of the Christ} (\tou Christou\). Of the Messiah. See under verse 32|. This is a definite statement by Peter that David knew that in strkjv@Psalms:16| he was describing the resurrection of the Messiah.

rwp@Acts:2:33 @{By the right hand of God} (\tˆi dexiƒi tou theou\). This translation makes it the instrumental case. The margin has it "at" instead of "by," that is the locative case. And it will make sense in the true dative case, "to the right hand of God." These three cases came to have the same form in Greek. strkjv@Romans:8:24| furnishes another illustration of like ambiguity (\tˆi elpidi\), saved by hope, in hope, or for hope. Usually it is quite easy to tell the case when the form is identical. {Exalted} (\hups“theis\). First aorist passive participle of \hupso“\, to lift up. Here both the literal and tropical sense occurs. Cf. strkjv@John:12:32|. {The promise of the Holy Spirit} (\tˆn epaggelian tou pneumatos tou hagiou\). The promise mentioned in strkjv@1:4| and now come true, consisting in the Holy Spirit "from the Father" (\para tou patros\), sent by the Father and by the Son (John:15:26; strkjv@16:7|). See also strkjv@Galatians:3:14|. {He hath poured forth} (\execheen\). Aorist active indicative of \ekche“\ the verb used by Joel and quoted by Peter already in verses 17,18|. Jesus has fulfilled his promise. {This which ye see and hear} (\touto ho humeis kai blepete kai akouete\). This includes the sound like the rushing wind, the tongues like fire on each of them, the different languages spoken by the 120. "The proof was before their eyes in this new energy from heaven" (Furneaux), a culminating demonstration that Jesus was the Messiah.

rwp@Acts:2:37 @{They were pricked in their heart} (\katenugˆsan tˆn kardian\). Second aorist indicative of \katanuss“\, a rare verb (LXX) to pierce, to sting sharply, to stun, to smite. Homer used it of horses dinting the earth with their hoofs. The substantive \katanuxis\ occurs in strkjv@Romans:11:8|. Here only in the N.T. It is followed here by the accusative of the part affected, the heart. {What shall we do?} (\Ti poiˆs“men\). Deliberative subjunctive first aorist active. The sermon went home, they felt the sting of Peter's words, compunction (\compungo\). Codex Bezae adds: "Show us."

rwp@Acts:2:38 @{Repent ye} (\metanoˆsate\). First aorist (ingressive) active imperative. Change your mind and your life. Turn right about and do it now. You _crucified_ this Jesus. Now _crown_ him in your hearts as Lord and Christ. This first. {And be baptized every one of you} (\kai baptisthˆt“ hekastos h–m“n\). Rather, "And let each one of you be baptized." Change of number from plural to singular and of person from second to third. This change marks a break in the thought here that the English translation does not preserve. The first thing to do is make a radical and complete change of heart and life. Then let each one be baptized after this change has taken place, and the act of baptism be performed "in the name of Jesus Christ" (\en t“i onomati Iˆsou Christou\). In accordance with the command of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:28:19| (\eis to onoma\). No distinction is to be insisted on between \eis to onoma\ and \en t“i onomati\ with \baptiz“\ since \eis\ and \en\ are really the same word in origin. In strkjv@Acts:10:48| \en t“i onomati Iˆsou Christou\ occurs, but \eis\ to \onoma\ in strkjv@8:16; strkjv@19:5|. The use of \onoma\ means in the name or with the authority of one as \eis onoma prophˆtou\ (Matthew:10:41|) as a prophet, in the name of a prophet. In the Acts the full name of the Trinity does not occur in baptism as in strkjv@Matthew:28:19|, but this does not show that it was not used. The name of Jesus Christ is the distinctive one in Christian baptism and really involves the Father and the Spirit. See on ¯Matthew:28:19| for discussion of this point. "Luke does not give the form of words used in baptism by the Apostles, but merely states the fact that they baptized those who acknowledged Jesus as Messiah or as Lord" (Page). {Unto the remission of your sins} (\eis aphesin t“n hamarti“n h–m“n\). This phrase is the subject of endless controversy as men look at it from the standpoint of sacramental or of evangelical theology. In themselves the words can express aim or purpose for that use of \eis\ does exist as in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:7| \eis doxan hˆm“n\ (for our glory). But then another usage exists which is just as good Greek as the use of \eis\ for aim or purpose. It is seen in strkjv@Matthew:10:41| in three examples \eis onoma prophˆtou, dikaiou, mathˆtou\ where it cannot be purpose or aim, but rather the basis or ground, on the basis of the name of prophet, righteous man, disciple, because one is, etc. It is seen again in strkjv@Matthew:12:41| about the preaching of Jonah (\eis to kˆrugma I“na\). They repented because of (or at) the preaching of Jonah. The illustrations of both usages are numerous in the N.T. and the _Koin‚_ generally (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 592). One will decide the use here according as he believes that baptism is essential to the remission of sins or not. My view is decidedly against the idea that Peter, Paul, or any one in the New Testament taught baptism as essential to the remission of sins or the means of securing such remission. Songs:I understand Peter to be urging baptism on each of them who had already turned (repented) and for it to be done in the name of Jesus Christ on the basis of the forgiveness of sins which they had already received. {The gift of the Holy Ghost} (\tˆn d“rean tou hagiou pneumatos\). The gift consists (Acts:8:17|) in the Holy Spirit (genitive of identification).

rwp@Acts:2:40 @{With many other words} (\heterois logois pleiosin\). Instrumental case. Not necessarily "different" (\heterois\), but "further," showing that Luke does not pretend to give all that Peter said. This idea is also brought out clearly by \pleiosin\ ("more," not "many"), more than these given by Luke. {He testified} (\diemarturato\). First aorist middle of \diamarturomai\, old verb, to make solemn attestation or call to witness (perfective use of \dia\), while \marture“\ is to bear witness. Page insists that here it should be translated "protested solemnly" to the Jews as it seems to mean in strkjv@Luke:16:28; strkjv@Acts:20:23; strkjv@1Timothy:5:21; strkjv@2Timothy:2:14; strkjv@4:1|. {And exhorted} (\kai parekalei\). Imperfect active, kept on exhorting. {Save yourselves} (\s“thˆte\). First aorist passive of \s“z“\. Literally, Be ye saved. {Crooked} (\skolias\). Old word, opposite of \orthos\, straight. _Pravus_ the opposite of _rectus_, a perversity for turning off from the truth. Cf. strkjv@Luke:9:41; strkjv@Phillipians:2:15|.

rwp@Acts:2:42 @{They continued steadfastly} (\ˆsan proskarturountes\). Periphrastic active imperfect of \proskarture“\ as in strkjv@Acts:1:14| (same participle in verse 46|). {Fellowship} (\koin“niƒi\). Old word from \koin“nos\ (partner, sharer in common interest) and this from \koinos\ what is common to all. This partnership involves participation in, as the blood of Christ (Phillipians:2:1|) or co-operation in the work of the gospel (Phillipians:1:5|) or contribution for those in need (2Corinthians:8:4; strkjv@9:13|). Hence there is wide diversity of opinion concerning the precise meaning of \koin“nia\ in this verse. It may refer to the distribution of funds in verse 44| or to the oneness of spirit in the community of believers or to the Lord's Supper (as in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:16|) in the sense of communion or to the fellowship in the common meals or \agapae\ (love-feasts). {The breaking of bread} (\tˆi klasei tou artou\). The word \klasis\ is an old word, but used only by Luke in the N.T. (Luke:24:35; strkjv@Acts:2:42|), though the verb \kla“\ occurs in other parts of the N.T. as in verse 46|. The problem here is whether Luke refers to the ordinary meal as in strkjv@Luke:24:35| or to the Lord's Supper. The same verb \kla“\ is used of breaking bread at the ordinary meal (Luke:24:30|) or the Lord's Supper (Luke:22:19|). It is generally supposed that the early disciples attached so much significance to the breaking of bread at the ordinary meals, more than our saying grace, that they followed the meal with the Lord's Supper at first, a combination called \agapai\ or love-feasts. "There can be no doubt that the Eucharist at this period was preceded uniformly by a common repast, as was the case when the ordinance was instituted" (Hackett). This led to some abuses as in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:20|. Hence it is possible that what is referred to here is the Lord's Supper following the ordinary meal. "To simply explain \tˆi klasei tou artou\ as='The Holy Communion' is to pervert the plain meaning of words, and to mar the picture of family life, which the text places before us as the ideal of the early believers" (Page). But in strkjv@Acts:20:7| they seem to have come together especially for the observance of the Lord's Supper. Perhaps there is no way to settle the point conclusively here. {The prayers} (\tais proseuchais\). Services where they prayed as in strkjv@1:14|, in the temple (Acts:3:1|), in their homes (4:23|).

rwp@Acts:2:45 @{Sold} (\epipraskon\). Imperfect active, a habit or custom from time to time. Old and common verb, \piprask“\. {Parted} (\diemerizon\). Imperfect again of \diameriz“\, old verb for dividing or distributing between (\dia\) people. {According as any man had need} (\kathoti an tis chreian eichen\). Regular Greek idiom for comparative clause with \an\ and imperfect indicative corresponding precisely with the three preceding imperfects (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 967).

rwp@Acts:2:46 @{With one accord in the temple} (\homothumadon en t“i hier“i\). See on ¯1:14| for \homothumadon\. They were still worshipping in the temple for no breach had yet come between Christians and Jews. Daily they were here and daily breaking bread at home (\kat' oikon\) which looks like the regular meal. {They did take their food} (\metelambanon trophˆs\). Imperfect tense again and clearly referring to the regular meals at home. Does it refer also to the possible \agapai\ or to the Lord's Supper afterwards as they had common meals "from house to house" (\kat' oikon\)? We know there were local churches in the homes where they had "worship rooms," the church in the house. At any rate it was "with singleness" (\aphelotˆti\) of heart. The word occurs only here in the N.T., though a late _Koin‚_ word (papyri). It comes from \aphelˆs\, free from rock (\phelleus\ is stony ground), smooth. The old form was \apheleia\.

rwp@Acts:2:47 @{Having favor} (\echontes charin\). Cf. strkjv@Luke:2:52| of the Boy Jesus. {Added} (\prosetithei\). Imperfect active, kept on adding. If the Lord only always "added" those who join our churches. Note verse 41| where same verb is used of the 3,000. {To them} (\epi to auto\). Literally, "together." Why not leave it so? "To the church" (\tˆi ekklˆsiƒi\) is not genuine. Codex Bezae has "in the church." {Those that were being saved} (\tous s“zomenous\). Present passive participle. Probably for repetition like the imperfect \prosetithei\. Better translate it "those saved from time to time." It was a continuous revival, day by day. \S“z“\ like \s“tˆria\ is used for "save" in three senses (beginning, process, conclusion), but here repetition is clearly the point of the present tense.

rwp@Acts:3:4 @{Fastening his eyes} (\atenisas\). First aorist (ingressive) active participle of \ateniz“\. For this verb see on strkjv@Luke:4:20; strkjv@Acts:1:10|. Peter fixed his eyes on the beggar and invited him to look (\blepson\) on them.

rwp@Acts:3:7 @{Took him by the right hand} (\piasas auton tˆs dexiƒs cheiros\). Doric form \piaz“\ for \piez“\. Genitive of the part affected. Peter had to pull him up on his feet before he would try to walk.

rwp@Acts:3:8 @{Leaping up} (\exallomenos\). Present middle participle, leaping out repeatedly after Peter pulled him up. Only here in the N.T. {He stood} (\estˆ\). Second aorist active. {Walked} (\periepatei\). Went on walking, imperfect active. He came into the temple repeating these new exercises (walking, leaping, praising God).

rwp@Acts:3:10 @{They took knowledge of him} (\epegin“skon\). Imperfect active, inchoative, began to perceive. {Were filled} (\eplˆsthˆsan\). Effective first aorist passive. {At that which had happened} (\t“i sumbebˆkoti\). Perfect active participle of \sumbain“\.

rwp@Acts:3:11 @The Codex Bezae adds "as Peter and John went out." {As he held} (\kratountos autou\). Genitive absolute of \krate“\, to hold fast, with accusative rather than genitive to get hold of (Acts:27:13|). Old and common verb from \kratos\ (strength, force). Perhaps out of gratitude and partly from fear (Luke:8:38|). {In the porch that is called Solomon's} (\epi tˆi stoƒi tˆi kaloumenˆi Solom“ntos\). The adjective Stoic (\stoikos\) is from this word \stoa\ (porch). It was on the east side of the court of the Gentiles (Josephus, _Ant_. XX. 9, 7) and was so called because it was built on a remnant of the foundations of the ancient temple. Jesus had once taught here (John:10:23|). {Greatly wondering} (\ekthamboi\). Wondering out of (\ek\) measure, already filled with wonder (\thambous\, verse 10|). Late adjective. Construction according to sense (plural, though \laos\ singular) as in strkjv@5:16; strkjv@6:7; strkjv@11:1|, etc.

rwp@Acts:3:12 @{Answered} (\apekrinato\). First aorist middle indicative. The people looked their amazement and Peter answered that. {Ye men of Israel} (\Andres Israˆleitai\). Covenant name and so conciliatory, the stock of Israel (Phillipians:3:5|). {At this man} (\epi tout“i\). Probably so, though it could be "at this thing." {Fasten you your eyes} (\atenizete\). The very verb used about Peter in verse 4|. {On us} (\hˆmin\). Dative case, emphatic proleptical position before \ti atenizete\. {On us why do ye fasten your eyes? As though} (\h“s\). \H“s\ with the participle gives the alleged reason, not always the true one. {Power} (\dunamei\). Instrumental case, _causa effectiva_. {Godliness} (\eusebeiƒi\). _Causa meritoria_. {Had made} (\pepoiˆkosin\). Perfect active participle of \poie“\. {To walk} (\tou peripatein\). Articular infinitive in the genitive case of result, purpose easily shading off into result (ecbatic infinitive) as here as is true also of \hina\.

rwp@Acts:3:13 @{His servant Jesus} (\ton paida Iˆsoun\). This phrase occurs in strkjv@Isaiah:42:1; strkjv@52:13| about the Messiah except the name "Jesus" which Peter adds, the first part of the quotation is from strkjv@Exodus:3:6; strkjv@5:30|. The LXX translated the Hebrew _ebhedh_ by \pais\, the servant of Jehovah being a Messianic designation. But the phrase "servant of God" (\pais theou\) is applied also to Israel (Luke:1:54|) and to David (Luke:1:69; strkjv@Acts:4:25|). Paul terms himself \doulos theou\ (Titus:1:1|). \Pais\ is just child (boy or girl), and it was also used of a slave (Matthew:8:6,8,13|). But it is not here \huios\ (son) that Peter uses, but \pais\. Luke quotes Peter as using it again in this Messianic sense in strkjv@Acts:3:26; strkjv@4:27,30|. {Whom ye delivered up} (\hon humeis men pared“kate\). Note emphatic use of \humeis\ (ye). No \de\ to correspond to \men\. First aorist active (\k\ aorist) plural indicative of \paradid“mi\ (usual form \paredote\, second aorist). {When he} (\ekeinou\). Emphatic pronoun, that one, in contrast with "ye" (\humeis\), genitive absolute with \krinantos\, here the nearest word (Pilate), the latter.

rwp@Acts:3:15 @{But the Prince of life ye killed} (\ton de archˆgon tˆs z“ˆs apekteinate\). "The magnificent antithesis" (Bengel) Peter here draws between their asking for a murderer and killing the Prince (or Author) of life. Peter pictures Jesus as the source of all life as is done in strkjv@John:1:1-18; strkjv@Colossians:1:14-20; strkjv@Hebrews:1:2f|. \Archˆgos\ (\archˆ\, beginning, \ag“\, to lead) is an adjective "furnishing the first cause or occasion" in Euripides, Plato. Thence substantive, the originator, the leader, the pioneer as of Jesus both Beginner and Finisher (Hebrews:12:2|). See also strkjv@Hebrews:2:10; strkjv@Acts:5:31| where it is applied to Jesus as "Prince and Saviour." But God raised him from the dead in contrast to what they had done. {Whereof we are witnesses} (\hou hˆmeis martures esmen\). Of which fact (the resurrection) or of whom as risen, \hou\ having the same form in the genitive singular for masculine or neuter. Peter had boldly claimed that all the 120 have seen the Risen Christ. There is no denial of that claim.

rwp@Acts:3:16 @{By faith in his name} (\tˆi pistei tou onomatos autou\). Instrumental case of \pistei\ (Aleph and B do not have \epi\) and objective genitive of \onomatos\. {His name} (\to onoma autou\). Repeats the word name to make the point clear. Cf. verse 6| where Peter uses "the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth" when he healed the man. {Made strong} (\estere“sen\). Same verb used in verse 7| (and strkjv@16:5|). Nowhere else in the N.T. Old verb from \stereos\, firm, solid. {Through him} (\di' autou\). Through Jesus, the object of faith and the source of it. {Perfect soundness} (\holoklˆrian\). Perfect in all its parts, complete, whole (from \holos\, whole, \klˆros\, allotment). Late word (Plutarch) once in LXX (Isaiah:1:6|) and here alone in the N.T., but adjective \holoklˆros\, old and common (James:1:4; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:23|).

rwp@Acts:3:17 @{And now} (\kai nun\). Luke is fond of these particles of transition (7:34; strkjv@10:5; strkjv@20:25; strkjv@22:16|) and also \kai ta nun\ (4:29; strkjv@5:38; strkjv@22:32; strkjv@27:22|), and even \kai nun idou\ (13:11; strkjv@20:22|). {I wot} (\oida\). Old English for "I know." {In ignorance} (\kata agnoian\). This use of \kata\ occurs in the _Koin‚_. See also strkjv@Philemon:1:14|. One may see strkjv@Luke:23:34| for the words of the Saviour on the Cross. "They had sinned, but their sin was not of so deep a dye that it could not have been still more heinous" (Hackett). If they had known what they were doing, they would not knowingly have crucified the Messiah (1Corinthians:2:8|).

rwp@Acts:3:19 @{Repent therefore} (\metanoˆsate oun\). Peter repeats to this new crowd the command made in strkjv@Acts:2:38| which see. God's purpose and patience call for instant change of attitude on their part. Their guilt does not shut them out if they will turn. {And turn again} (\kai epistrepsate\). Definitely turn to God in conduct as well as in mind. {That your sins may be blotted out} (\pros to exaliphthˆnai hum“n tas hamartias\). Articular infinitive (first aorist passive of \exaleiph“\, to wipe out, rub off, erase, smear out, old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:14|) with the accusative of general reference and with \pros\ and the accusative to express purpose. {That so} (\hop“s an\). Final particle with \an\ and the aorist active subjunctive \elth“sin\ (come) and not "when" as the Authorized Version has it. Some editors put this clause in verse 20| (Westcott and Hort, for instance). {Seasons of refreshing} (\kairoi anapsuxe“s\). The word \anapsuxis\ (from \anapsuch“\, to cool again or refresh, strkjv@2Timothy:1:16|) is a late word (LXX) and occurs here alone in the N.T. Surely repentance will bring "seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord."

rwp@Acts:3:20 @{And that he may send the Christ who hath been appointed for you, even Jesus} (\kai aposteilˆi ton prokecheirismenon humin Christon Iˆsoun\). First aorist active subjunctive with \hop“s an\ as in strkjv@15:17| and strkjv@Luke:2:35|. There is little real difference in idea between \hop“s an\ and \hina an\. There is a conditional element in all purpose clauses. The reference is naturally to the second coming of Christ as verse 21| shows. Knowling admits "that there is a spiritual presence of the enthroned Jesus which believers enjoy as a foretaste of the visible and glorious Presence of the \Parousia\." Jesus did promise to be with the disciples all the days (Matthew:28:20|), and certainly repentance with accompanying seasons of refreshing help get the world ready for the coming of the King. The word \prokecheirismenon\ (perfect passive participle of \procheiriz“\, from \procheiros\, at hand, to take into one's hands, to choose) is the correct text here, not \prokekˆrugmenon\. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:22:14; strkjv@26:16|. It is not "Jesus Christ" here nor "Christ Jesus," but "the Messiah, Jesus," identifying Jesus with the Messiah. See the Second Epiphany of Jesus foretold also in strkjv@1Timothy:6:15| and the First Epiphany described in strkjv@1Peter:1:20|.

rwp@Acts:3:21 @{Restoration} (\apokatastase“s\). Double compound (\apo, kata, histˆmi\), here only in the N.T., though common in late writers. In papyri and inscriptions for repairs to temples and this phrase occurs in Jewish apocalyptic writings, something like the new heaven and the new earth of strkjv@Revelation:21:1|. Paul has a mystical allusion also to the agony of nature in strkjv@Romans:8:20-22|. The verb \apokathistˆmi\ is used by Jesus of the spiritual and moral restoration wrought by the Baptist as Elijah (Matthew:17:11; strkjv@Mark:9:12|) and by the disciples to Jesus in strkjv@Acts:1:6|. Josephus uses the word of the return from captivity and Philo of the restitution of inheritances in the year of jubilee. As a technical medical term it means complete restoration to health. See a like idea in \palingenesia\ (renewal, new birth) in strkjv@Matthew:19:28; strkjv@Titus:3:5|. This universalism of Peter will be clearer to him after Joppa and Caesarea.

rwp@Acts:3:26 @{Unto you first} (\Humin pr“ton\). The Jews were first in privilege and it was through the Jews that the Messiah was to come for "all the families of the earth." {His servant} (\ton paida autou\). As in verse 13|, the Messiah as God's Servant. {To bless you} (\eulogounta humas\). Present active participle to express purpose, blessing you (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 991). In turning away (\en t“i apostrephein\). Articular infinitive in the locative case, almost preserved in the English.

rwp@Acts:4:2 @{Being sore troubled} (\diaponoumenoi\). Present passive participle of old verb \diapone“\ (perfective use of \dia\) to be worked up, indignant. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@16:8|. {Because} (\dia to\). The articular infinitive with two accusatives, one the object (the people), the other ("they") of general reference. {In Jesus} (\en Iˆsou\). In the case of Jesus, an actual instance of resurrection which the Sadducees denied (Matthew:22:23|). This same use of \en\ appears in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:6| (in us). The Sadducees were also aristocrats and political ecclesiastics who disliked popular disturbances. In particular, they resented the claim about Jesus whom they had helped crucify.

rwp@Acts:4:13 @{The boldness} (\tˆn parrˆsian\). Telling it all (\pan, rˆsia\). See also verses 29,31|. Actually Peter had turned the table on the Sanhedrin and had arraigned them before the bar of God. {Had perceived} (\katalabomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \katalamban“\, common verb to grasp strongly (\kata\), literally or with the mind (especially middle voice), to comprehend. The rulers recalled Peter and John from having seen them often with Jesus, probably during the temple teaching, etc. {They were unlearned} (\agrammatoi eisin\). Present indicative retained in indirect discourse. Unlettered men without technical training in the professional rabbinical schools of Hillel or Shammai. Jesus himself was so regarded (John:7:15|, "not having learned letters"). {And ignorant} (\kai idi“tai\). Old word, only here in the N.T. and strkjv@1Corinthians:14:24; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:6|. It does not mean "ignorant," but a layman, a man not in office (a private person), a common soldier and not an officer, a man not skilled in the schools, very much like \agrammatos\. It is from \idios\ (one's own) and our "idiosyncracy" is one with an excess of such a trait, while "idiot" (this very word) is one who has nothing but his idiosyncracy. Peter and John were men of ability and of courage, but they did not belong to the set of the rabbis. {They marvelled} (\ethaumazon\). Imperfect (inchoative) active, began to wonder and kept it up. {Took knowledge of them} (\epegin“skon autous\). Imperfect (inchoative) active again, they began to recognize them as men that they had seen with Jesus.

rwp@Acts:4:20 @{For we cannot but speak} (\ou dunametha gar hˆmeis--mˆ lalein\). Both negatives hold here, "For we (note emphatic \hˆmeis\) are not able not to speak" (what we saw and heard). This is defiance of the civil and ecclesiastical authorities that was justified, for the temple authorities stepped in between the conscience and God. Peter and John were willing to pay the price of this defiance with their lives. This is the courage of martyrs through all the ages.

rwp@Acts:4:21 @{When they had further threatened them} (\prosapeilˆsamenoi\). The "further" is in "pros" (in addition), {Finding nothing how they might punish them} (\mˆden heuriskontes to p“s kolas“ntai autous\). Note the article "to" before \p“s\ (how), "the how." Aorist middle deliberative subjunctive \kolas“ntai\ in indirect question after \p“s\ from \kolaz“\, to lop (\kolos\, lopped), to curb, to prune, to correct, to punish. Old verb, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@2Peter:2:9|. {Glorified God} (\edoxazon ton theon\). Imperfect active, kept on glorifying God while the Sanhedrin were threatening Peter and John. It was to laugh at the helplessness of the Sanhedrin.

rwp@Acts:4:25 @{By the mouth of our father David} (\tou patros hˆm“n dia pneumatos hagiou stomatos Daueid\). From strkjv@Psalms:2:1f|. here ascribed to David. Baumgarten suggests that the whole company sang the second Psalm and then Peter applied it to this emergency. The Greek MSS. do not have \dia\ (by) here before \stomatos\, but only \dia\ before \pneumatos hagiou\ (the Holy Spirit). Hort calls this a "primitive error" perhaps due to an early scribe who omitted this second \dia\ so close to the first \dia\ (Robertson, _Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the N.T._, p. 238). A small list of such primitive errors is there given as suggested by Dr. Hort. {Why} (\hina ti\). This Greek idiom calls for \genˆtai\ (second aorist middle subjunctive), {That what may happen}. {The Gentiles} (\ethnˆ\). Songs:always in LXX, while \laoi\ (peoples) can include Jews. {Did rage} (\ephruaxan\). First aorist active indicative of \phruass“\, late word, to neigh like a horse, to prance or stamp the ground, to put on lofty airs. Only here in the N.T. in this quotation from strkjv@Psalms:2:1|. {Imagine} (\emeletˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \meleta“\. Old verb from \meletˆ\ (care), to practise, to caution, as orators and rhetoricians. Only here in the N.T. in this quotation.

rwp@Acts:4:30 @{While thou stretchest forth thy hand} (\en t“i tˆn cheira ekteinein se\). Luke's favourite idiom, "In the stretching out (articular present active infinitive) the hand as to thee" (accusative of general reference), the second allusion to God's "hand" in this prayer (verse 28|). {To heal} (\eis iasin\). For healing. See verse 22|. {And that signs and wonders may be done} (\kai sˆmeia kai terata ginesthai\). Either to be taken as in the same construction as \ekteinein\ with \en t“i\ as Revised Version has it here or to be treated as subordinate purpose to \en t“i ekteinein\ (as Knowling, Page, Wendt, Hackett). The latter most likely true. They ask for a visible sign or proof that God has heard this prayer for courage to be faithful even unto death.

rwp@Acts:4:31 @{The place was shaken} (\esaleuthˆ ho topos\). By an earthquake most likely as in strkjv@16:26|, but none the less a token of God's presence and power (Psalms:114:7; strkjv@Isaiah:2:19,21; strkjv@Hebrews:12:26f.|). {Were gathered together} (\ˆsan sunˆgmenoi\). Periphrastic past perfect passive of \sunag“\. {They spake} (\elaloun\). Imperfect active indicative, began to speak, after being filled (\eplˆsthˆsan\, aorist passive indicative) with the Holy Spirit. Luke uses the very words of the prayer in verse 29| to describe their conduct.

rwp@Acts:4:32 @{Of one heart and soul} (\kardia kai psuchˆ mia\). It is not possible to make sharp distinction between heart and soul here (see strkjv@Mark:12:30|), only that there was harmony in thought and affection. But the English translation is curiously unlike the Greek original. "There was one heart and soul (nominative case, not genitive as the English has it) in the multitude (\tou plˆthous\, subjective genitive) of those who believed." {Not one of them} (\oude heis\). More emphatic than \oudeis\, "not even one." {Common} (\koina\). In the use of their property, not in the possession as Luke proceeds to explain. The word \koinos\ is kin to \sun\ (together with)=\xun\ (Epic) and so \xunos=koinos\. See this word already in strkjv@2:44|. The idea of unclean (Acts:10:15|) is a later development from the original notion of common to all.

rwp@Acts:4:33 @{Gave their witness} (\apedidoun to marturion\). Imperfect active of \apodid“mi\, old verb to give back, to pay back a debt (Luke:7:42|), but a late omega form instead of the usual \apedidosan\. They kept on giving their witness with power after the answer to their prayer (verse 31|). {Of the resurrection} (\tˆs anastase“s\). It was on this issue that the Sadducees had arrested them (4:1-3|).

rwp@Acts:4:34 @{That lacked} (\endeˆs\). Literally, in need, old adjective, here only in the N.T. {Were} (\hupˆrchon\). Imperfect active of \huparch“\, to exist. {Sold them and brought} (\p“lountes epheron\). Present active participle and imperfect active indicative. Selling they brought from time to time, as there was occasion by reason of need. Hence the wants were kept supplied. {Laid them} (\etithoun\). Imperfect active again, _repetition_, of \tithˆmi\, late omega form for the usual \etithesan\.

rwp@Acts:4:37 @{Having a held} (\huparchontos aut“i agrou\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \huparch“\ and dative of possession. {Sold it and brought} (\p“lˆsas ˆnegken\). Aorist active participle of \p“le“\ and second aorist active indicative of \pher“\ because a single definite instance. Songs:also with \ethˆken\ (laid), first aorist active.

rwp@Acts:5:2 @{Kept back} (\enosphisato\). First aorist middle indicative of \nosphiz“\, old verb from \nosphi\, afar, apart, and so to set apart, to separate for oneself, but only here, verse 3; strkjv@Titus:2:10| in the N.T. {His wife also being privy to it} (\suneiduiˆs kai tˆs gunaikos\). Genitive absolute with second perfect participle of \sunoida\, to know together with one, "his wife also knowing it together with him." {Brought a certain part} (\enegkas meros ti\). Aorist active participle of \pher“\, for a definite act. The praise of Joseph was too much for Ananias, but he was not willing to turn over all. He wanted praise for giving all and yet he took care of himself by keeping some. Thus he started the Ananias Club that gave a new meaning to his lovely name (God is gracious).

rwp@Acts:5:3 @{Filled} (\eplˆr“sen\). The very verb used of the filling by the Holy Spirit (4:31|). Satan the adversary is the father of lies (John:8:44|). He had entered into Judas (Luke:22:3; strkjv@John:13:27|) and now he has filled the heart of Ananias with a lie. {To lie to the Holy Spirit} (\pseusasthai se to pneuma to hagion\). Infinitive (aorist middle) of purpose with accusative of general reference (\se\) and the accusative of the person (object) as often in Greek writers, though here only in the N.T. with this verb. Usual dative of the person in verse 4| (\anthr“pois\, men, \t“i the“i\, God). The Holy Spirit had been given them to guide them into truth (John:15:13|).

rwp@Acts:5:4 @{Whiles it remained} (\menon\). Present active participle of mend, unsold, Peter means. {After it was sold} (\prathen\). First aorist passive of \piprask“\, to sell. {How is that thou hast conceived} (\Ti hoti ethou\). _Quid est quod_. See strkjv@Luke:2:49|. See also strkjv@Acts:5:9|. Second aorist middle indicative second person singular of \tithˆmi\. The devil filled his heart (verse 3|), but all the same Ananias did it too and is wholly responsible.

rwp@Acts:5:5 @{Hearing} (\akou“n\). Present active participle of \akou“\, while hearing. {Fell down} (\pes“n\). Second aorist active participle of \pipt“\, fell all of a sudden while listening. {Gave up the ghost} (\exepsuxen\). First aorist active indicative of \ekpsuch“\, late verb in LXX and Hippocrates, to breathe out, to expire. In the N.T. only here, verse 10; strkjv@12:23|. It is needless to blame Peter for the death of Ananias. He had brought the end upon himself. It was the judgment of God. Physically the nervous shock could have caused the collapse.

rwp@Acts:5:7 @{And it was about the space of three hours after} (\egeneto de h“s h“r“n tri“n diastˆma\). Literally "Now there came an interval (\diastˆma\, distance, space between) of about (\h“s\) three hours." {When} (\kai\). This use of \kai\ after \egeneto\ is characteristic of Luke's style in the Gospel. {Not knowing} (\mˆ eiduia\). Feminine singular of second perfect active participle of \oida\. \Mˆ\ usual negative of the participle in the _Koin‚_.

rwp@Acts:5:15 @{Insomuch that} (\h“ste\). With the present infinitive \ekpherein\ and \tithenai\, regular Greek idiom for result. {Into the streets} (\eis tas plateias\). Supply \hodous\ (ways), into the broad ways. {On beds and couches} (\epi klinari“n kai krabatt“n\). Little beds (\klinaria\ diminutive of \klinˆ\) and camp beds or pallets (see on ¯Mark:2:4,9,11|). {As Peter came by} (\erchomenou Petrou\). Genitive absolute with present middle participle. {At the least his shadow might overshadow} (\kan hˆ skia episkiasei\). Future active indicative with \hina\ (common with \hop“s\ in ancient Greek) and \kan\ (crasis for \kai ean\=even if), even if only the shadow. The word for shadow (\skia\, like our "sky") is repeated in the verb and preserved in our "overshadow." There was, of course, no virtue or power in Peter's shadow. That was faith with superstition, of course, just as similar cases in the Gospels occur (Matthew:9:20; strkjv@Mark:6:56; strkjv@John:9:5|) and the use of Paul's handkerchief (Acts:19:12|). God honours even superstitious faith if it is real faith in him. Few people are wholly devoid of superstition.

rwp@Acts:5:16 @{Came together} (\sunˆrcheto\). Imperfect middle, kept on coming. {Round about} (\perix\). Old adverb, strengthened form of \peri\, only here in the N.T. {Vexed} (\ochloumenous\). Present passive participle of \ochle“\, to excite a mob (\ochlos\) against one, to trouble, annoy. Old word, only here in the N.T., though \enochle“\ in strkjv@Luke:6:18|. {Were healed every one} (\etherapeuonto hapantes\). Imperfect passive, were healed one at a time, repetition.

rwp@Acts:5:17 @{Which is the sect of the Sadducees} (\hˆ ousa hairesis t“n Saddoukai“n\). Literally, "the existing sect of the Sadducees" or "the sect which is of the Sadducees," \hˆ\ being the article, not the relative. \Hairesis\ means a choosing, from \haireomai\, to take for oneself, to choose, then an opinion chosen or tenet (possibly strkjv@2Peter:2:1|), then parties or factions (Gal strkjv@5:20; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:19|; possibly strkjv@2Peter:2:1|). It is applied here to the Sadducees; to the Pharisees in strkjv@Acts:15:5; strkjv@26:5|; to the Christians in strkjv@24:5-14; strkjv@28:22|. Already Luke has stated that the Sadducees started the persecution of Peter and John (Acts:4:1f.|). Now it is extended to "the apostles" as a whole since Christianity has spread more rapidly in Jerusalem than before it began.

rwp@Acts:5:20 @{And stand} (\kai stathentes\). First aorist passive participle (intransitive, ingressive aorist), take a stand. Bold and pictorial command. {All the words of this life} (\panta ta rhˆmata tˆs z“ˆs tautˆs\). Not just a Hebraism for "all these words of life." Probably "this life" which the Sadducees deny and of which the angel is now speaking, this eternal life. (John:6:63,68; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:19|).

rwp@Acts:5:21 @{About daybreak} (\hupo ton orthron\). From \ornumi\, to stir up, to arouse, so the dawn (Luke:24:1; strkjv@John:8:2|). Old word, but in the N.T. only these three passages. "Under the dawn" or "about dawn." _Sub lucem_. The temple doors would be open for early worshippers and traffickers (John:2:14|). {Taught} (\edidaskon\). Imperfect active, began to teach. {The council} (\to sunedrion\). The Sanhedrin. {The senate} (\tˆn gerousian\). From \ger“n\, an old man, just as the Latin _senatus_ is from _senex_, old. Like the \gerontes\ in Homer and the Elder Statesmen in Japan. Apparently the senate of the people were also part of the Sanhedrin and the use of "and" (\kai\) is explanatory and adds this item in particular. Page thinks that this group of elders were not members of the Sanhedrin at all. {To the prison house} (\eis to desm“tˆrion\), another word for prison (\tˆrˆsis dˆmosia\ in verse 18|, \hˆ phulakˆ\ in verse 19|). See also verses 22,23,25|. This from \desmos\, bond, and \tˆre“\, to keep, place where bound men are kept.

rwp@Acts:5:22 @{The officers} (\hoi hupˆretai\). Under-rowers, literally (Matthew:5:25|). The servants or officers who executed the orders of the Sanhedrin. {Shut} (\kekleismenon\). Perfect passive participle of \klei“\. Shut tight. {Standing at the doors} (\hest“tas epi t“n thur“n\). Graphic picture of the sentinels at the prison doors.

rwp@Acts:5:24 @{They were much perplexed} (\diˆporoun\). Imperfect active of \diapore“\ old verb by Luke only in the N.T. See already on strkjv@Acts:2:12|. They continued puzzled. {Whereunto this would grow} (\ti an genoito touto\). More exactly, {As to what this would become}. Second aorist middle optative of \ginomai\ with \an\, the conclusion of a condition of the fourth class (undetermined with less likelihood of determination), the unexpressed condition being "if the thing should be allowed to go on." The indirect question simply retains the optative with \an\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1021, 1044). If they had only known how this grain of mustard seed would grow into the greatest tree on earth and how dwarfed the tree of Judaism would be beside it!

rwp@Acts:5:30 @{Ye slew} (\diecheirisasthe\). First aorist middle indicative of \diacheirizomai\, old verb from \dia\ and \cheir\ (hand), to take in hand, manage, to lay hands on, manhandle, kill. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:26:21|. {Hanging him upon a tree} (\kremasantes epi xulou\). First aorist active participle of \kremannumi\ (\kremannu“\ seen already in strkjv@Matthew:18:6| and strkjv@Luke:23:39|). Peter refers to strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23| as Paul does in strkjv@Galatians:3:13|, the curse pronounced on every one who "hangs upon a tree."

rwp@Acts:5:31 @{Exalt} (\ups“sen\) In contrast to their murder of Christ as in strkjv@2:23f|. Peter repeats his charges with increased boldness. {With his right hand} (\tˆi dexiƒi autou\). Songs:instrumental case, or at his right hand (locative case), or even "to his right hand" (dative case) as in strkjv@2:33|. {Prince and Saviour} (\archˆgon kai s“tˆra\). See on ¯3:15|. Clearly "Prince" here. {To give} (\tou dounai\). Genitive of articular infinitive (second aorist active of \did“mi\) of purpose.

rwp@Acts:5:32 @{We are witnesses} (\hˆmeis esmen martures\). As in strkjv@2:32|. {Things} (\rhˆmat“n\). Literally, sayings, but like the Hebrew _dabhar_ for "word" it is here used for "things." {And so is the Holy Ghost} (\kai to pneuma to hagion\). The word for "is" (\estin\) is not in the Greek, but this is plainly the meaning. Peter claims the witness of the Holy Spirit to the raising of Jesus Christ, God's Son, by the Father.

rwp@Acts:5:33 @{Were cut to the heart} (\dieprionto\). Imperfect passive of \diapri“\ old verb (\dia, pri“\), to saw in two (\dia\), to cut in two (to the heart). Here it is rage that cuts into their hearts, not conviction of sin as in strkjv@Acts:2:37|. Only here and strkjv@Acts:7:54| (after Stephen's speech) in the N.T. (cf. Simeon's prophecy in strkjv@Luke:2:35|). {Were minded} (\eboulonto\). Imperfect middle of \boulomai\. They were plotting and planning to kill (\anelein\, as in strkjv@Acts:2:23; strkjv@Luke:23:33| which see) then and there. The point in strkjv@4:7| was whether the apostles deserved stoning for curing the cripple by demoniacal power, but here it was disobedience to the command of the Sanhedrin which was not a capital offence. "They were on the point of committing a grave judicial blunder" (Furneaux).

rwp@Acts:5:34 @{Gamaliel} (\Gamaliˆl\). The grandson of Hillel, teacher of Paul (Acts:22:3|), later president of the Sanhedrin, and the first of the seven rabbis termed "Rabban." It is held by some that he was one of the doctors who heard the Boy Jesus in the temple (Luke:2:47|) and that he was a secret disciple like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, but there is no evidence of either position. Besides, he appears here as a loyal Pharisee and "a doctor of the law" (\nomodidaskalos\). This word appears already in strkjv@Luke:5:17| of the Pharisaic doctors bent on criticizing Jesus, which see. Paul uses it of Judaizing Christians (1Timothy:1:7|). Like other great rabbis he had a great saying: "Procure thyself a teacher, avoid being in doubt; and do not accustom thyself to give tithes by guess." He was a man of judicial temper and not prone to go off at a tangent, though his brilliant young pupil Saul went to the limit about Stephen without any restraint on the part of Gamaliel so far as the record goes. Gamaliel champions the cause of the apostles as a Pharisee to score a point against the Sadducees. He acts as a theological opportunist, not as a disciple of Christ. He felt that a temporizing policy was best. There are difficulties in this speech of Gamaliel and it is not clear how Luke obtained the data for the address. It is, of course, possible that Saul was present and made notes of it for Luke afterwards. {Had in honour of all the people} (\timios panti t“i la“i\). Ethical dative. \Timios\ from \timˆ\, old word meaning precious, dear. {The men} (\tous anthr“pous\). Correct text as in verse 35|, not "the apostles" as Textus Receptus.

rwp@Acts:5:37 @{Of the enrolment} (\tˆs apographˆs\). Described by Josephus (_Ant_. XV. 1, 1). The same word used by Luke of the first enrolment started by Augustus B.C. 8 to 6 (Luke:2:2|). See the discussion on ¯Luke:2:2|. This is the second enrolment in the fourteen year cycle carried on for centuries as shown by numerous dated papyri. Ramsay (_The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the N.T._) has produced proof from inscriptions that Quirinius was twice in Syria as Luke reports (Robertson, _Luke the Historian in the Light of Research_). {Drew away} (\apestˆse\). Causative sense of the first aorist active indicative of \aphistˆmi\, made people (\laon\, no need of "some of the") to revolt (apostatize) with him. {He also} (\kakeinos\, crasis for \kai ekeinos\). That one, also. {Were scattered abroad} (\dieskorpisthˆsan\). First aorist (effective) passive indicative of \diaskorpiz“\, old verb to disperse. Used of sheep (Mark:14:27|), of property (Luke:15:13|). Aorist here after imperfect (\epeithonto\) as in verse 36|.

rwp@Acts:5:42 @{Every day} (\pƒsan hˆmeran\). Accusative of extent of time, all through every day. {In the temple and at home} (\en t“i hier“i kai kat' oikon\). This was a distinct triumph to go back to the temple where they had been arrested (verse 25|) and at home or from house to house, as it probably means (cf. strkjv@2:46|). It was a great day for the disciples in Jerusalem. {They ceased not} (\ouk epauonto\). Imperfect middle. They kept it up. {Jesus as the Christ} (\ton Christon Iˆsoun\). Jesus is the direct object of the participles \didaskontes\ (teaching) and \euaggelizomenoi\ (preaching or evangelizing) while "the Christ" (\ton Christon\) is the predicate accusative. These words give the substance of the early apostolic preaching as these opening chapters of Acts show, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of promise. Gamaliel had opened the prison doors for them and they took full advantage of the opportunity that now was theirs.

rwp@Acts:6:2 @{The multitude} (\to plˆthos\). The whole church, not just the 120. {Fit} (\areston\). Pleasing, verbal adjective from \aresk“\, to please, old word, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:12:3; strkjv@John:8:29; strkjv@1John:3:22|. _Non placet_. {Should forsake} (\kataleipsantas\). Late first aorist active participle for usual second aorist \katalipontas\ from \kataleip“\, to leave behind. {Serve tables} (\diakonein trapezais\). Present active infinitive of \diakone“\ from \diakonos\ (\dia\ and \konis\, dust), to raise a dust in a hurry, to serve, to minister either at table (John:12:20|), or other service (John:12:25f.|), to serve as deacon (1Timothy:3:10,13|). "Tables" here hardly means money-tables as in strkjv@John:2:15|, but rather the tables used in the common daily distribution of the food (possibly including the love-feasts, strkjv@Acts:2:43-47|). This word is the same root as \diakonia\ (ministration) in verse 1| and \diakonos\ (deacon) in strkjv@Phillipians:1:1; strkjv@1Timothy:3:8-13|. It is more frequently used in the N.T. of ministers (preachers) than of deacons, but it is quite possible, even probable, that the office of deacon as separate from bishop or elder grew out of this incident in strkjv@Acts:6:1-7|. Furneaux is clear that these "seven" are not to be identified with the later "deacons" but why he does not make clear.

rwp@Acts:6:3 @{Of good report} (\marturoumenous\). Present passive participle of \marture“\, to bear witness to. Men with a good reputation as well as with spiritual gifts (the Holy Spirit and wisdom). {We may appoint} (\katastˆsomen\). Future active indicative of \kathistˆmi\, we shall appoint. The action of the apostles follows the choice by the church, but it is promised as a certainty, not as a possibility. The Textus Receptus has a first aorist active subjunctive here (\katastˆs“men\).

rwp@Acts:6:4 @{But we} (\hemeis de\). In contrast to the work given the seven. {The ministry of the word} (\tˆi diakoniƒi tou logou\). The same word \diakoniƒi\ employed in verse 1|, but here about preaching as the special ministry with which the apostles were concerned. For "continue steadfastly" (\proskarterˆsomen\) see on ¯2:42|.

rwp@Acts:6:6 @{They laid their hands on them} (\epethˆkan autois tas cheiras\). First aorist active indicative of \epitithˆmi\. Probably by the apostles who ratified the choice (verse 3|). The laying on of hands "was a symbol of the impartation of the gifts and graces which they needed to qualify them for the office. It was of the nature of a prayer that God would bestow the necessary gifts, rather than a pledge that they were actually conferred" (Hackett).

rwp@Acts:6:9 @{The synagogue of the Libertines} (\ek tˆs sunag“gˆs tˆs legomenˆs Libertin“n\). The Libertines (Latin _libertinus_, a freedman or the son of a freedman) were Jews, once slaves of Rome (perhaps descendants of the Jews taken to Rome as captives by Pompey), now set free and settled in Jerusalem and numerous enough to have a synagogue of their own. Schuerer calls a Talmudic myth the statement that there were 480 synagogues in Jerusalem. There were many, no doubt, but how many no one knows. These places of worship and study were in all the cities of the later times where there were Jews enough to maintain one. Apparently Luke here speaks of five such synagogues in Jerusalem (that of the Libertines, of the Cyrenians, of the Alexandrians, of Cilicia, and of Asia). There probably were enough Hellenists in Jerusalem to have five such synagogues. But the language of Luke is not clear on this point. He may make only two groups instead of five since he uses the article \t“n\ twice (once before \Libertin“n kai Kurˆnai“n kai Alexandre“n\, again before \apo Kilikias kai Asias\). He also changes from the genitive plural to \apo\ before Cilicia and Asia. But, leaving the number of the synagogues unsettled whether five or two, it is certain that in each one where Stephen appeared as a Hellenist preaching Jesus as the Messiah he met opposition. Certain of them "arose" (\anestˆsan\) "stood up" after they had stood all that they could from Stephen, "disputing with Stephen" (\sunzˆtountes t“i Stephan“i\). Present active participle of \sunzˆte“\, to question together as the two on the way to Emmaus did (Luke:24:15|). Such interruptions were common with Jews. They give a skilled speaker great opportunity for reply if he is quick in repartee. Evidently Stephen was fully equipped for the emergency. One of their synagogues had men from Cilicia in it, making it practically certain that young Saul of Tarsus, the brilliant student of Gamaliel, was present and tried his wits with Stephen. His ignominious defeat may be one explanation of his zest in the stoning of Stephen (Acts:8:1|).

rwp@Acts:6:12 @{They stirred up the people} (\sunekinˆsan ton laon\). They shook the people together like an earthquake. First aorist active indicative of \sunkine“\, to throw into commotion. Old verb, but here only in the N.T. The elders and the scribes (Pharisees) are reached, but no word about the Sadducees. This is the first record of the hostility of the masses against the disciples (Vincent). {Came upon him} (\epistantes\). Second aorist (ingressive) active participle of \ephistˆmi\. Rushed at him. {Seized} (\sunˆrpasan\). Effective aorist active of \sunarpaz“\ as if they caught him after pursuit.

rwp@Acts:6:13 @{False witnesses} (\marturas pseudeis\). Just as Caiaphas did with Jesus. {Ceaseth not} (\ou pauetai\). Wild charge just like a false witness that Stephen talks in the synagogues against the law and the holy temple.

rwp@Acts:7:2 @{Brethren and fathers} (\andres adelphoi kai pateres\). The spectators (brethren) and members of the Sanhedrin (fathers) as Paul in strkjv@Acts:22:1|. {Hearken} (\akousate\). First aorist (ingressive) active imperative, Give me your attention now. {The God of glory} (\Hosea:theos tˆs doxˆs\). The God characterized by glory (genitive case, genus or kind) as seen in the Shekinah, the visible radiance of God. Jesus is also called "the Glory"=the Shekinah in strkjv@James:2:1|. Cf. strkjv@Exodus:25:22; strkjv@40:34; strkjv@Leviticus:9:6; strkjv@Hebrews:9:5|. By these words Stephen refutes the charge of blasphemy against God in strkjv@Acts:6:11|. {Appeared} (\“phthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \hora“\. See on ¯Luke:23:43|. Before there was temple or tabernacle and away over in Mesopotamia (Ur of the Chaldees, strkjv@Genesis:11:31|), even before (\prin ˆ\ with the infinitive) he dwelt in Haran (\Charran\, or Carrae not far from Edessa, where Crassus met death after his defeat by the Parthians B.C. 53).

rwp@Acts:7:4 @{When his father was dead} (\meta to apothanein auton\). \Meta\ with the accusative of the articular infinitive and the accusative of general reference (\auton\), regular Greek idiom. In strkjv@Genesis:11:32| it is stated that Terah died at Haran at the age of 205. There are various explanations of the discrepancy, but no one that seems certain. It is possible (Hackett, Felten) that Abraham is mentioned first in strkjv@Genesis:11:26| because he became the most prominent and was really younger than Haran his brother who died before the first migration who was really sixty years older than Abraham. According to this view Terah was 130 years old at the birth of Abraham, leaving Abraham 75 at the death of Terah (205). {Wherein ye now dwell} (\eis hˆn humeis nun katoikeite\). Note \eis\ in the sense of \en\ as often. Note also emphatic use of \humeis\ (ye) and now (\nun\).

rwp@Acts:7:8 @{The covenant of circumcision} (\diathˆkˆn peritomˆs\). A covenant marked by (genitive) circumcision (no article) of which circumcision is the sign (Romans:4:11|) as set forth in strkjv@Genesis:17:9-14|. In the ancient Greek \diathˆkˆ\ was usually will (Latin, _testamentum_) and \sunthˆkˆ\ was used for covenant (\sun\, together, rather than \dia\, between). But the LXX and the N.T. use \diathˆkˆ\ for covenant (will in strkjv@Hebrews:9:15f.|) as Lightfoot on strkjv@Galatians:3:16| says: "The LXX translation and New Testament writers probably preferred \diathˆkˆ\ as better expressing the {free grace} of God than \sunthˆkˆ\." {And so} (\kai hout“s\). After the covenant was made and as a sign and seal of it.

rwp@Acts:7:9 @{Moved with jealousy} (\zˆl“santes\). First aorist active participle of \zˆlo“\, old verb from \zˆlos\ (Acts:5:17|), to burn or boil with zeal, and then with envy as here (17:5|, etc.) and strkjv@Genesis:37:11|.

rwp@Acts:7:12 @{That there was corn} (\onta sitia\). Participle (present active of \eimi\) in indirect discourse, after \akousas\, "heard of corn being in Egypt." \Sitia\ is diminutive of \sitos\ and means grain (wheat, barley, not our maize or Indian corn), old word also for provisions, victuals, here only in the N.T. {The first time} (\pr“ton\). While Jacob himself remained in Canaan before he went down to Egypt and died there (verse 15f.|).

rwp@Acts:7:19 @{Dealt subtilly} (\katasophisamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \katasophizomai\, late compound (\kata\ and \sophiz“\, old verb, to make wise, to become wise, then to play the sophist), perfective use of \kata\. In the LXX, but here only in the N.T. To use fraud, craft, deceit. {That they should cast out their babes} (\tou poiein ta brephˆ ektheta\). \Tou poiein\ (genitive of the articular present infinitive) can be either design or result. The Revised Version here takes it as purpose while the Authorized as result. In either case Pharaoh required the Israelites to expose their children to death, a possible practice done voluntarily in heathen China and by heathen in so-called Christian lands. But the Israelites fought against such an iniquity. The word \ektheta\ (exposed, cast out) is a verbal adjective from \ektithˆmi\. It is an old word, but here only in the N.T. and not in the LXX. {To the end they might not live} (\eis to mˆ z“ogoneisthai\). Purpose with \eis\ and the articular infinitive (present middle). This compound verb is from \z“ogonos\ (from \z“os\, alive, and \gen“\, to bear) and is used by late writers and the LXX. It is three times in the N.T. (here, strkjv@Luke:17:33; strkjv@1Timothy:6:13|) in the sense to preserve alive.

rwp@Acts:7:21 @{When he was cast out} (\ektethentos autou\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle of \ektithˆmi\. {Took up} (\aneilato\). Second aorist middle indicative (with first aorist vowel \a\ instead of \e\ as often in the _Koin‚_) of \anaire“\, common in the N.T. in the sense of take up and make away with, to kill as in verse 28|, but here only in the N.T. in the original sense of taking up from the ground and with the middle voice (for oneself). Quoted here from strkjv@Exodus:2:5|. The word was used of old for picking up exposed children as here. Vincent quotes Aristophanes (_Clouds_, 531): "I exposed (the child), and some other women, having taken it, adopted (\aneileto\) it." Vulgate has _sustulit_. "Adopted" is the idea here. "After the birth of a child the father took it up to his bosom, if he meant to rear it; otherwise it was doomed to perish" (Hackett). {Nourished him for her own son} (\anethrepsato auton heautˆi eis huion\). Literally, "she nursed him up for herself (\heautˆi\ besides middle voice) as a son." This use of \eis\=as occurs in the old Greek, but is very common in the LXX as a translation of the Hebrew _le_. The tradition is that she designed Moses for the throne as the Pharaoh had no son (Josephus, _Ant_. ii. 9, 7).

rwp@Acts:7:23 @{When he was well-nigh forty years old} (\H“s eplˆrouto aut“i tessarakontaetˆs chronos\). A rather awkward Greek idiom for the English: "When a forty year old time (same idiom in strkjv@Acts:13:18| and only twice in the N.T.) was being fulfilled (\eplˆrouto\, imperfect passive) for him (dative case)." The life of Moses is divided into three periods of forty years each (in Egypt 40 years, in Midian 40, governed Israel 40, 120 when he died, strkjv@Deuteronomy:34:7|). {It came into his heart} (\anebˆ epi tˆn kardian autou\). Second aorist active indicative of \anabain“\, common verb. Came up as if from the lower deeps of his nature. This Hebrew image occurs in strkjv@Jeremiah:3:16; strkjv@Isaiah:65:17; strkjv@1Corinthians:2:9|. {To visit} (\episkepsasthai\). First aorist middle infinitive of \episkeptomai\, old verb to go to see for oneself, with his own eyes, to help if possible. Used of God visiting his people (Luke:7:16|). Our "visit" is from Latin _video_, to see, _visito_, to go to see. During the Welsh mining troubles the Prince of Wales made a sympathetic visit to see for himself the actual condition of the coal miners. Moses desired to know first hand how his kinsmen were faring.

rwp@Acts:7:24 @{Suffer wrong} (\adikoumenon\). Present passive participle of \adikˆo\. By blows (Exodus:2:11|). {Avenged} (\epoiˆsen ekdikˆsin\). First aorist active indicative of \poie“\. This idiom occurs in strkjv@Luke:18:7| with \ekdikˆsin\ (this from \ekdike“\ and that from \ekdikos\ without right or law \dikˆ\ and then exacting law of right out of \ek\ one, exacting vengeance). {Him that was oppressed} (\t“i kataponoumen“i\). Present passive articular participle in the dative case of \kataponeo\, to tire down with toil, to treat roughly, common in late Greek, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@2Peter:2:7| (sore distressed). The man was on the point of being overcome. {Smiting} (\pataxas\). First aorist active participle of \patass“\, in the old Greek the beat of the heart, only in the LXX and N.T. to smite a deadly blow as here like \plˆss“\.

rwp@Acts:7:26 @{The day following} (\tˆi epiousˆi hˆmerƒi\). Locative case, "on the following day" (from \epeimi\, to come upon, to approach, present active participle \epi“n -ousa, -on\). Common phrase in old Greek both with \hˆmera\ (day) as here and without as strkjv@16:11|. Only in Acts in the N.T. {Appeared} (\“phthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \hora“\ not with idea that only a vision but rather that it was sudden or unexpected. {As they strove} (\machomenois\). Present middle participle of \machomai\, actually fighting. {Would have set them at one again} (\sunˆllassen autous eis eirˆnen\). Better, he tried to reconcile them (or change them into peace). It is the conative imperfect active as in strkjv@Matthew:3:14| of \sunallass“\, only here in the N.T. though common in the old Greek. Vulgate has _reconciliabat_. The usual word in the N.T. for reconcile is \katallass“\. {Do ye wrong one to another} (\adikeite allˆlous\). The same word used in verse 24| of the wrong done one of the Hebrews by the Egyptian, but here both are "brethren."

rwp@Acts:7:31 @{The sight} (\to horama\). Used of visions in the N.T. as in strkjv@Matthew:17:9|. {As he drew near} (\proserchomenou autou\). Genitive absolute with present middle participle of \proserchomai\. {A voice of the Lord} (\ph“nˆ kuriou\). Here the angel of Jehovah of verse 30| is termed Jehovah himself. Jesus makes powerful use of these words in his reply to the Sadducees in defence of the doctrine of the resurrection and the future life (Mark:12:26; strkjv@Matthew:22:32; strkjv@Luke:20:37f.|) that God here describes himself as the God of the living. {Trembled} (\entromos genomenos\). Literally, becoming tremulous or terrified. The adjective \entromos\ (\en, tromos\ from \trem“\, to tremble, to quake) occurs in Plutarch and the LXX. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:16:29|. {Durst not} (\ouk etolma\). Imperfect active, was not daring, negative conative imperfect.

rwp@Acts:7:38 @{In the church in the wilderness} (\en tˆi ekklˆsiƒi en tˆi erˆm“i\). Better rendered "congregation" here as in strkjv@Hebrews:2:12| (Psalms:22:22|), the people of Israel gathered at Mt. Sinai, the whole nation. Moses is here represented as receiving the law from an angel as in strkjv@Hebrews:2:2; strkjv@Galatians:3:19| (Deuteronomy:33:2|, LXX) and so was a mediator (\mesitˆs\) or middle man between the angel and the people whereas Jesus is the Mediator of a better covenant (Hebrews:8:6|). But Exodus does not speak of an angel. {Living oracles} (\logia z“nta\). A \logion\ is a little word (diminutive of \logos\). Common in the old Greek, LXX, Philo, in ecclesiastical writers for sayings of Christ, Papias (for instance) saying that Matthew wrote in Hebrew (Aramaic) "Logia of Jesus." Oxyrhynchus papyri fragments called "Logia of Jesus" are of much interest though only fragments. The Greeks used it of the "oracles" or brief sayings from Delphi. In the N.T. the word occurs only four times (Acts:7:38; strkjv@Romans:3:2; strkjv@Hebrews:5:12; strkjv@1Peter:4:11|). Here the participle \z“nta\, living, is the same used by Peter (1Peter:2:4f|.), stone (\lithos\) of Christ and Christians. The words from God to Moses are still "living" today. In strkjv@1Peter:4:11| the word is applied to one who speaks \logia theou\ (oracles of God). In strkjv@Romans:3:2| Paul refers to the substance of the law and of prophecy. In strkjv@Hebrews:5:12| the writer means the substance of the Christian religious teaching.

rwp@Acts:7:44 @{The tabernacle of the testimony} (\hˆ skˆnˆ tou marturiou\). Probably suggested by the mention of "the tabernacle of Moloch" (verse 43|). See on ¯Matthew:17:4| for discussion of \skˆnˆ\ (from \skia\, shadow, root \ska\, to cover). This first sanctuary was not the temple, but the tent in the wilderness. "Stephen passes on from the conduct of the Israelites to his other argument that God is not necessarily worshipped in a particular spot" (Page). {According to the figure} (\kata ton tupon\). According to the type or pattern. \Tupos\ is from \tupt“\, to strike, to smite, and is the print of the blow (John:20:25|), then the figure formed by a blow or impression like our type, a model or example. Quoted from strkjv@Exodus:25:40|. Common word in the old Greek. {That he had seen} (\hon he“rakei\). Past perfect active of \hora“\, to see (double reduplication).

rwp@Acts:7:45 @{Which} (\hˆn\). Agreeing with \skˆnˆn\, not with \tupon\. {In their turn} (\diadexamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \diadechomai\, to receive through another, to receive in sucession or in turn. Late Greek, only here in N.T. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 115) argues from a second century B.C. papyrus that \diadochos\ means rather deputy or court official than successor. {With Joshua} (\meta Iˆsou\). With Jesus, the Greek form of Joshua (contracted from Jehoshua, strkjv@Matthew:1:21|), as in strkjv@Hebrews:4:8|. {When they entered on the possession of the nations} (\en tˆi kataschesei t“n ethn“n\). Literally "in (or at the time of) the possession of the nations." See on ¯7:5| for the only other N.T. instance of \kataschesis\. {Which} (\h“n\). The nations, genitive by attraction to case of \ethn“n\. {Thrust out} (\ex“sen\). First aorist active indicative of \ex“the“\, to push out, common verb, here, only in N.T. save some MSS. in strkjv@Acts:27:39|.

rwp@Acts:7:51 @{Stiffnecked} (\sklˆrotrachˆloi\). From \sklˆros\ (hard) and \trachˆlos\, neck, both old words, but this compound only in the LXX and here alone in the N.T. Critics assume that Stephen was interrupted at this point because of the sharp tone of the speech. That may be true, but the natural climax is sufficient explanation. {Uncircumcised in heart} (\aperitmˆtoi kardiais\). Late adjective common in LXX and here only in the N.T. Verbal of \peritemn“\, to cut around and \a\ privative. Both of these epithets are applied to the Jews in the O.T. (Exodus:32:9; strkjv@33:3,5; strkjv@34:9; strkjv@Leviticus:26:41; strkjv@Deuteronomy:9:6; strkjv@Jeremiah:6:10|). \Kardiais\ is locative plural like \“sin\ (ears), but some MSS. have genitive singular \kardias\ (objective genitive). No epithet could have been more galling to these Pharisees than to be turned "uncircumcised in heart" (Romans:2:29|). They had only the physical circumcision which was useless. {Ye always} (\humeis aei\). Emphatic position of humeis and "always" looks backward over the history of their forefathers which Stephen had reviewed. {Resist} (\antipiptete\). Old word to fall against, to rush against. Only here in the N.T., but used in the O.T. which is here quoted (Numbers:27:14|). Their fathers had made "external worship a substitute for spiritual obedience" (Furneaux). Stephen has shown how God had revealed himself gradually, the revelation sloping upward to Christ Jesus. "And as he saw his countrymen repeating the old mistake--clinging to the present and the material, while God was calling them to higher spiritual levels--and still, as ever, resisting the Holy Spirit, treating the Messiah as the patriarchs had treated Joseph, and the Hebrews Moses--the pity of it overwhelmed him, and his mingled grief and indignation broke out in words of fire, such as burned of old on the lips of the prophets" (Furneaux). Stephen, the accused, is now the accuser, and the situation becomes intolerable to the Sanhedrin.

rwp@Acts:7:54 @{When they heard} (\akouontes\). Present active participle of \akou“\, while hearing. {They were cut to the heart} (\dieprionto tais kardiais\). See strkjv@5:33| where the same word and form (imperfect passive of \diapri“\) is used of the effect of Peter's speech on the Sadducees. Here Stephen had sent a saw through the hearts of the Pharisees that rasped them to the bone. {They gnashed on him with their teeth} (\ebruchon tous odontas ep' auton\). Imperfect (inchoative) active of \bruch“\ (Attic \bruk“\), to bite with loud noise, to grind or gnash the teeth. Literally, They began to gnash their teeth at (\ep'\) him (just like a pack of hungry, snarling wolves). Stephen knew that it meant death for him.

rwp@Acts:7:56 @{Opened} (\diˆnoigmenous\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \dianoignumi\ (cf. strkjv@Matthew:3:16; strkjv@Luke:3:21|). {The son of man} (\ton huion tou anthr“pou\). Elsewhere in the N.T. in Christ's own words. Here Stephen may refer to the words of Jesus as preserved in strkjv@Matthew:26:64|.

rwp@Acts:7:57 @{Stopped their ears} (\suneschon ta “ta aut“n\). Second aorist active of \sunech“\, to hold together. They held their ears together with their hands and affected to believe Stephen guilty of blasphemy (cf. strkjv@Matthew:26:65|). {Rushed upon him with one accord} (\h“rmˆsan homothumadon ep' auton\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \horma“\, to rush impetuously as the hogs did down the cliff when the demons entered them (Luke:8:33|). No vote was taken by the Sanhedrin. No scruple was raised about not having the right to put him to death (John:8:31|). It may have taken place after Pilate's recall and before his successor came or Pilate, if there, just connived at such an incident that did not concern Rome. At any rate it was mob violence like modern lynching that took the law into the hands of the Sanhedrin without further formalities. {Out of the city} (\ek tˆs pole“s\). To keep from defiling the place with blood. But they sought to kill Paul as soon as they got him out of the temple area (Acts:21:30f.|). {Stoned} (\elithoboloun\). Imperfect active indicative of \lithobole“\, began to stone, from \lithobolos\ (\lithos\, stone, \ball“\, to throw), late Greek verb, several times in the N.T. as strkjv@Luke:13:34|. Stoning was the Jewish punishment for blasphemy (Leviticus:24:14-16|). {The witnesses} (\hoi martures\). The false testifiers against Stephen suborned by the Pharisees (Acts:6:11,13|). These witnesses had the privilege of casting the first stones (Deuteronomy:13:10; strkjv@17:7|) against the first witness for Christ with death (_martyr_ in our modern sense of the word). {At the feet of a young man named Saul} (\para tous podas neaniou kaloumenou Saulou\). Beside (\para\) the feet. Our first introduction to the man who became the greatest of all followers of Jesus Christ. Evidently he was not one of the "witnesses" against Stephen, for he was throwing no stones at him. But evidently he was already a leader in the group of Pharisees. We know from later hints from Saul (Paul) himself that he had been a pupil of Gamaliel (Acts:22:3|). Gamaliel, as the Pharisaic leader in the Sanhedrin, was probably on hand to hear the accusations against Stephen by the Pharisees. But, if so, he does not raise his voice against this mob violence. Saul does not seem to be aware that he is going contrary to the views of his master, though pupils often go further than their teachers.

rwp@Acts:7:60 @{Kneeled down} (\theis ta gonata\). Second aorist active participle of \tithˆmi\, placing the knees (on the ground). This idiom is not in the old Greek for kneeling, but Luke has it five times (Luke:22:41; strkjv@Acts:7:60; strkjv@9:40; strkjv@22:36; strkjv@21:5|) and Mark once (15:19|). Jesus was standing at the right hand of God and Stephen knelt before him in worship and called on him in prayer. {Lay not this sin to their charge} (\mˆ stˆsˆis autois tautˆn tˆn hamartian\). First aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive with \mˆ\, regular Greek idiom, Place not to them or against them (dative \autois\) this sin. The very spirit of Jesus towards his enemies as he died upon the Cross (Luke:23:34|). {He fell asleep} (\ekoimˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \koima“\, to put to sleep. Old verb and the metaphor of sleep for death is common in all languages, but it is peculiarly appropriate here as Jesus used it of Lazarus. See also strkjv@Acts:13:36; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:18|, etc. Our word cemetery (\koimˆtˆrion\) is the sleeping place of the dead. Knowling calls \ekoimˆthˆ\ here "a picture word of rest and calmness which stands in dramatic contrast to the rage and violence of the scene."

rwp@Acts:8:1 @{Was consenting} (\ˆn suneudok“n\). Periphrastic imperfect of \suneudoke“\, a late double compound (\sun, eu, doke“\) that well describes Saul's pleasure in the death (\anairesis\, taking off, only here in the N.T., though old word) of Stephen. For the verb see on ¯Luke:23:32|. Paul himself will later confess that he felt so (Acts:22:20|), coolly applauding the murder of Stephen, a heinous sin (Romans:1:32|). It is a gruesome picture. Chapter 7 should have ended here. {On that day} (\en ekeinˆi tˆi hˆmerƒi\). On that definite day, that same day as in strkjv@2:41|. {A great persecution} (\di“gmos megas\). It was at first persecution from the Sadducees, but this attack on Stephen was from the Pharisees so that both parties are now united in a general persecution that deserves the adjective "great." See on ¯Matthew:13:21| for the old word \di“gmos\ from \di“k“\, to chase, hunt, pursue, persecute. {Were all scattered abroad} (\pantes diesparˆsan\). Second aorist passive indicative of \diaspeir“\, to scatter like grain, to disperse, old word, in the N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:8:1,4; strkjv@11:19|. {Except the apostles} (\plˆn t“n apostol“n\). Preposition \plˆn\ (adverb from \pleon\, more) with the ablative often in Luke. It remains a bit of a puzzle why the Pharisees spared the apostles. Was it due to the advice of Gamaliel in strkjv@Acts:5:34-40|? Or was it the courage of the apostles? Or was it a combination of both with the popularity of the apostles in addition?

rwp@Acts:8:3 @{Laid waste} (\elumaineto\). Imperfect middle of \lumainomai\, old verb (from \lumˆ\, injury), to dishonour, defile, devastate, ruin. Only here in the N.T. Like the laying waste of a vineyard by a wild boar (Psalms:79:13|). Picturesque description of the havoc carried on by Saul now the leader in the persecution. He is victor over Stephen now who had probably worsted him in debate in the Cilician synagogue in Jerusalem. {Into every house} (\kata tous oikous\). But Luke terms it "the church" (\tˆn ekklˆsian\). Plainly not just an "assembly," but an organized body that was still "the church" when scattered in their own homes, "an unassembled assembly" according to the etymology. Words do not remain by the etymology, but travel on with usage. {Haling} (\sur“n\). Literally, dragging forcibly (=hauling). Present active participle of \sur“\, old verb. {Men and women} (\andras kai gunaikas\). A new feature of the persecution that includes the women. They met it bravely as through all the ages since (cf. strkjv@9:2; strkjv@22:4|). This fact will be a bitter memory for Paul always. {Committed} (\paredidou\). Imperfect active of \paradid“mi\, old verb, kept on handing them over to prison.

rwp@Acts:8:4 @{They therefore} (\hoi men oun\). Demonstrative \hoi\ as often (1:6|, etc.) though it will make sense as the article with the participle \diasparentes\. The general statement is made here by \men\ and a particular instance (\de\) follows in verse 5|. The inferential particle (\oun\) points back to verse 3|, the persecution by young Saul and the Pharisees. Jesus had commanded the disciples not to depart from Jerusalem till they received the Promise of the Father (1:4|), but they had remained long after that and were not carrying the gospel to the other peoples (1:8|). Now they were pushed out by Saul and began as a result to carry out the Great Commission for world conquest, that is those "scattered abroad" (\diasparentes\, second aorist passive participle of \diaspeir“\). This verb means disperse, to sow in separate or scattered places (\dia\) and so to drive people hither and thither. Old and very common verb, especially in the LXX, but in the N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:8:1,4; strkjv@11:19|. {Went about} (\diˆlthon\). Constative second aorist active of \dierchomai\, to go through (from place to place, \dia\). Old and common verb, frequent for missionary journeys in the Acts (5:40; strkjv@8:40; strkjv@9:32; strkjv@11:19; strkjv@13:6|). {Preaching the word} (\euaggelizomenoi ton logon\). Evangelizing or gospelizing the word (the truth about Christ). In strkjv@11:19| Luke explains more fully the extent of the labours of these new preachers of the gospel. They were emergency preachers, not ordained clergymen, but men stirred to activity by the zeal of Saul against them. The blood of the martyrs (Stephen) was already becoming the seed of the church. "The violent dispersion of these earnest disciples resulted in a rapid diffusion of the gospel" (Alvah Hovey).

rwp@Acts:8:6 @{Gave heed} (\proseichon\). Imperfect active as in verses 10,11|, there with dative of the person (\aut“i\), here with the dative of the thing (\tois legomenois\). There is an ellipse of \noun\ (mind). They kept on giving heed or holding the mind on the things said by Philip, spell-bound, in a word. {When they heard} (\en t“i akouein autous\). Favourite Lukan idiom, \en\ and the locative case of the articlar infinitive with the accusative of general reference "in the hearing as to them." {Which he did} (\ha epoiei\). Imperfect active again, which he kept on doing from time to time. Philip wrought real miracles which upset the schemes of Simon Magus.

rwp@Acts:8:7 @{For many} (\polloi gar\). Songs:the correct text of the best MSS., but there is an anacoluthon as this nominative has no verb with it. It was "the unclean spirits" that "came out" (\exˆrchonto\, imperfect middle). The margin of the Revised Version has it "came forth," as if they came out of a house, a rather strained translation. The loud outcry is like the demons cast out by Jesus (Mark:3:11; strkjv@Luke:4:41|). {Palsied} (\paralelumenoi\, perfect passive participle). Luke's usual word, loosened at the side, with no power over the muscles. Furneaux notes that "the servant was reaping where the Master had sown. Samaria was the mission field white for the harvest (John:4:35|)." The Samaritans who had been bewitched by Simon are now carried away by Philip.

rwp@Acts:8:9 @{Simon} (\Sim“n\). One of the common names (Josephus, _Ant_. XX. 7, 2) and a number of messianic pretenders had this name. A large number of traditions in the second and third centuries gathered round this man and Baur actually proposed that the Simon of the Clementine Homilies is really the apostle Paul though Paul triumphed over the powers of magic repeatedly (Acts:13:6-12; strkjv@19:11-19|), "a perfect absurdity" (Spitta, _Apostelgeschichte_, p. 149). One of the legends is that this Simon Magus of Acts is the father of heresy and went to Rome and was worshipped as a god (so Justin Martyr). But a stone found in the Tiber A.D. 1574 has an inscription to _Semoni Sanco Deo Fidio Sacrum_ which is (Page) clearly to Hercules, Sancus being a Sabine name for Hercules. This Simon in Samaria is simply one of the many magicians of the time before the later gnosticism had gained a foothold. "In his person Christianity was for the first time confronted with superstition and religious imposture, of which the ancient world was at this period full" (Furneaux). {Which beforetime used sorcery} (\proupˆrchen mageu“n\). An ancient idiom (periphrastic), the present active participle \mageu“n\ with the imperfect active verb from \prouparch“\, the idiom only here and strkjv@Luke:23:12| in the N.T. Literally "Simon was existing previously practising magic." This old verb \mageu“\ is from \magos\ (a \magus\, seer, prophet, false prophet, sorcerer) and occurs here alone in the N.T. {Amazed} (existan“n). Present active participle of the verb \existan“\, later form of \existˆmi\, to throw out of position, displace, upset, astonish, chiefly in the Gospels in the N.T. Same construction as \mageu“n\. {Some great one} (\tina megan\). Predicate accusative of general reference (infinitive in indirect discourse). It is amazing how gullible people are in the presence of a manifest impostor like Simon. The Magi were the priestly order in the Median and Persian empires and were supposed to have been founded by Zoroaster. The word \magoi\ (magi) has a good sense in strkjv@Matthew:2:1|, but here and in strkjv@Acts:13:6| it has the bad sense like our "magic."

rwp@Acts:8:11 @{Because that of long time he had amazed them with his sorceries} (\dia to hikan“i chron“i tais magiais exestakenai autous\). Causal use of \dia\ with the accusative articular infinitive (perfect active _Koin‚_ form and transitive, \exestakenai\). Same verb as in verse 9| participle \existan“n\ and in verse 13| imperfect passive \existato\ (cf. also strkjv@2:7| already). \Chron“i\ is associative instrumental and \magiais\ instrumental case.

rwp@Acts:8:13 @{And Simon also himself believed} (\Hosea:de Sim“n kai autos episteusen\). Note the same verb in the aorist tense \episteusen\. What did he believe? Evidently that Jesus was this "power of God" not himself (Simon). He saw that the miracles wrought by Philip in the name of Christ were genuine while he knew that his own were frauds. He wanted this power that Philip had to add to his own pretensions. "He was probably half victim of self-delusion, half conscious impostor" (Furneaux). He was determined to get this new "power," but had no sense of personal need of Jesus as Saviour for his sins. Songs:he submitted to baptism (\baptistheis\, first aorist passive participle of \baptiz“\), clear proof that baptism does not convey salvation. {He continued with Philip} (\ˆn proskarter“n t“i Philipp“i\). Periphrastic imperfect of the verb \proskartere“\ (see on ¯2:46|). He stuck to Philip (dative case) to find out the secret of his power. {Beholding} (\the“r“n\). Watching the signs and miracles (powers, \dunameis\ that threw his "power" in the shade) as they were wrought (\ginomenas\, present middle participle of \ginomai\). The more he watched the more the wonder grew (\existato\). He had "amazed" (verse 9|) the people by his tricks and he was himself more "amazed" than they by Philip's deeds.

rwp@Acts:8:15 @{That they might receive} (\hop“s lab“sin\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \lamban“\, final clause with \hop“s\. Did they wish the Samaritan Pentecost to prove beyond a doubt that the Samaritans were really converted when they believed? They had been baptized on the assumption that the Holy Spirit had given them new hearts. The coming of the Holy Spirit with obvious signs (cf. strkjv@10:44-48|) as in Jerusalem would make it plain.

rwp@Acts:8:16 @{He was fallen} (\ˆn epipept“kos\). Periphrastic past perfect active of \epipipt“\, old verb. The participle is neuter here because of the grammatical gender of \pneuma\, but the translation should be "he" (natural gender), not "it." We should not use "it" for the Holy Spirit. {Only they had been baptized} (\monon de babaptismenoi hupˆrchon\). Periphrastic past perfect passive of \baptiz“\ with \huparch“\ (see verse 9| \proupˆrchon\), instead of \ˆsan\. {Into the name} (\eis to onoma\). Better, in the name (see on ¯2:38|).

rwp@Acts:8:18 @{When Simon saw} (\Id“n de ho Sim“n\). This participle (second aorist active of \hora“\) shows plainly that those who received the gift of the Holy Spirit spoke with tongues. Simon now saw power transferred to others. Hence he was determined to get this new power. {He offered them money} (\prosˆnegken chrˆmata\). Second aorist active indicative of \prospher“\. He took Peter to be like himself, a mountebank performer who would sell his tricks for enough money. Trafficking in things sacred like ecclesiastical preferments in England is called "Simony" because of this offer of Simon.

rwp@Acts:8:21 @{Lot} (\klˆros\). Same idea as "part" (\meris\), only as a figure. {Matter} (\logoi\). Literally, word or subject (as in strkjv@Luke:1:4; strkjv@Acts:15:6|), the power of communicating the Holy Spirit. This use of \logos\ is in the ancient Greek. {Straight} (\eutheia\). Quotation from strkjv@Psalms:78:37|. Originally a mathematically straight line as in strkjv@Acts:9:11|, then moral rectitude as here.

rwp@Acts:8:23 @{That thou art} (\se onta\). Participle in indirect discourse after \hor“\ (I see). {In the gall of bitterness} (\eis cholˆn pikrias\). Old word from \cholas\ either from \che“\, to pour, or \chloˆ\, yellowish green, bile or gall. In the N.T. only in strkjv@Matthew:27:34| and here. In LXX in sense of wormwood as well as bile. See strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:18; strkjv@32:32; strkjv@Lamentations:3:15; strkjv@Job:16:14|. "Gall and bitterness" in strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:18|. Here the gall is described by the genitive \pikrias\ as consisting in "bitterness." In strkjv@Hebrews:12:15| "a root of bitterness," a bitter root. This word \pikria\ in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:12:15; strkjv@Romans:3:14; strkjv@Ephesians:4:31|. The "bond of iniquity" (\sundesmon adikias\) is from strkjv@Isaiah:58:6|. Paul uses this word of peace (Ephesians:4:3|), of love (Colossians:3:14|), of the body (Colossians:2:19|). Peter describes Simon's offer as poison and a chain.

rwp@Acts:8:24 @{Pray ye for me} (\Deˆthˆte humeis huper emou\). Emphasis on \humeis\ (you). First aorist passive imperative. Simon is thoroughly frightened by Peter's words, but shows no sign of personal repentance or change of heart. He wants to escape the penalty for his sin and hopes that Peter can avert it. Peter had clearly diagnosed his case. He was an unconverted man in spite of his profession of faith and baptism. There is no evidence that he ever changed his life at all. {Which} (\h“n\). Genitive by attraction of the accusative relative \ha\ to case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\ (of those things), a common Greek idiom.

rwp@Acts:8:27 @{A eunuch of great authority} (\eunouchos dunastˆs\). Eunuchs were often employed by oriental rulers in high posts. _Dynasty_ comes from this old word \dunastˆs\ used of princes in strkjv@Luke:1:52| and of God in strkjv@1Timothy:6:15|. Eunuchs were not allowed to be Jews in the full sense (Deuteronomy:23:1|), but only proselytes of the gate. But Christianity is spreading to Samaritans and to eunuchs. {Candace} (\Kandakˆs\). Not a personal name, but like Pharaoh and Ptolemy, the title of the queens of Ethiopia. This eunuch apparently brought the gospel to Ethiopia. {Treasure} (\gazˆs\). Persian word, common in late Greek and Latin for the royal treasure, here only in the N.T. {For to worship} (\proskunˆs“n\). Future active participle expressing purpose, a common idiom in the ancient Greek, but rare in the N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1128).

rwp@Acts:8:30 @{Understandest thou what thou readest?} (\Ara ge gin“skeis ha anagin“skeis?\) The interrogative particle \ara\ and the intensive particle \ge\ indicate doubt on Philip's part. The play (\paranomasia\) upon the words in the Greek is very neat: {Do you know what you know again (read)?} The verb for read (\anagin“sko\) means to know the letters again, recognize, read. The famous comment of Julian about the Christian writings is often quoted: \Anegn“n, egn“n, kategn“n\ (I read, I understood, I condemned). The keen retort was: \Anegn“s, all'ouk egn“s, ei gar egn“s, ouk an kategn“s\ (You read, but did not understand; for if you had understood, you would not have condemned).

rwp@Acts:8:32 @{The place} (\he periochˆ\). See the verb \periechei\ so used in strkjv@1Peter:2:6|. The word is used either of the section as in Codex A before the beginning of Mark or the contents of a passage. He was here reading one particular passage (Isaiah:53:7f.|). The quotation is from the LXX which has some variations from the Hebrew.

rwp@Acts:8:36 @{What doth hinder me to be baptized?} (\Ti k“luei me baptisthˆnai?\). Evidently Philip had said something about baptism following faith and conversion. Verse 37| is not a genuine part of Acts, a western addition. Later baptismal liturgies had it.

rwp@Acts:8:40 @{He preached the gospel} (\euˆggelizeto\). Imperfect middle describing the evangelistic tour of Philip "till he came to Caesarea" (\he“s tou elthein auton\, genitive articular infinitive with the preposition \he“s\ and the accusative of general reference) where he made his home and headquarters thereafter (Acts:21:28|) and was known as the Evangelist.

rwp@Acts:9:1 @{Yet} (\eti\). As if some time elapsed between the death of Stephen as is naturally implied by the progressive persecution described in strkjv@8:3|. The zeal of Saul the persecutor increased with success. {Breathing threatening and slaughter} (\enpne“n apeilˆs kai phonou\). Present active participle of old and common verb. Not "breathing out," but "breathing in" (inhaling) as in Aeschylus and Plato or "breathing on" (from Homer on). The partitive genitive of \apeilˆs\ and \phonou\ means that threatening and slaughter had come to be the very breath that Saul breathed, like a warhorse who sniffed the smell of battle. He breathed on the remaining disciples the murder that he had already breathed in from the death of the others. He exhaled what he inhaled. Jacob had said that "Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf" (Genesis:49:27|). This greatest son of Benjamin was fulfilling this prophecy (Furneaux). The taste of blood in the death of Stephen was pleasing to young Saul (8:1|) and now he revelled in the slaughter of the saints both men and women. In strkjv@26:11| Luke quotes Paul as saying that he was "exceedingly mad against them."

rwp@Acts:9:2 @{Asked} (\ˆitˆsato\). First aorist middle indicative, the indirect middle, asked for himself (as a favour to himself). Felten notes that "Saul as a Pharisee makes request of a Sadducee" (the high priest) either Caiaphas if before A.D. 35, but if in 36 Jonathan, son of Caiaphas or if in 37 Theophilus, another son of Caiaphas. {Letters} (\epistolas\). Julius Ceasar and Augustus had granted the high priest and Sanhedrin jurisdiction over Jews in foreign cities, but this central ecclesiastical authority was not always recognized in every local community outside of Judea. Paul says that he received his authority to go to Damascus from the priests (Acts strkjv@26:10|) and "the estate of the elders" (22:5|), that is the Sanhedrin. {To Damascus} (\eis Damaskon\). As if no disciples of importance (outside the apostles in Jerusalem) were left in Judea. Damascus at this time may have been under the rule of Aretas of Arabia (tributary to Rome) as it certainly was a couple of years later when Saul escaped in a basket (2Corinthians:11:32|). This old city is the most enduring in the history of the world (Knowling). It is some 150 miles Northeast from Jerusalem and watered by the river Abana from Anti-Lebanon. Here the Jews were strong in numbers (10,000 butchered by Nero later) and here some disciples had found refuge from Saul's persecution in Judea and still worshipped in the synagogues. Paul's language in strkjv@Acts:26:11| seems to mean that Damascus is merely one of other "foreign cities" to which he carried the persecution. {If he found} (\ean heurˆi\). Third class condition with aorist subjunctive retained after secondary tense (asked). {The Way} (\tˆs hodou\). A common method in the Acts for describing Christianity as the Way of life, absolutely as also in strkjv@19:9,23; strkjv@22:4; strkjv@24:14,22| or the way of salvation (16:17|) or the way of the Lord (18:25|). It is a Jewish definition of life as in strkjv@Isaiah:40:3| "the way of the Lord," strkjv@Psalms:1:6| "the way of the righteous," "the way of the wicked." Jesus called himself "the way" (John:14:6|), the only way to the Father. The so-called Epistle of Barnabas presents the Two Ways. The North American Indians call Christianity the Jesus Road. {That he might bring them bound} (\hop“s dedemenous agagˆi\). Final clause with \hop“s\ (less common than \hina\) and aorist (effective) subjunctive (\agagˆi\, reduplicated aorist of \ag“\, common verb) and perfect passive participle (\dedemenous\) of \de“\, in a state of sheer helplessness like his other victims both men and women. Three times (8:3; strkjv@9:2; strkjv@22:4|) this fact of persecuting women is mentioned as a special blot in Paul's cruelty (the third time by Paul himself) and one of the items in his being chief of sinners (1Timothy:1:15|).

rwp@Acts:9:3 @{As he journeyed} (\en t“i poreuesthai\). Luke's common idiom for a temporal clause (in the journeying), \en\ with the locative articular middle infinitive. {Drew nigh} (\eggizein\). Present active infinitive, was drawing nigh. {Shone round about him} (\auton periˆstrapsen\). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \periastrapt“\, late compound verb common in LXX and Byzantine writers, here and strkjv@22:6| alone in the N.T. "A light from heaven suddenly flashed around him." It was like a flash of lightning. Paul uses the same verb in strkjv@22:5|, but in strkjv@26:13| he employs \perilampsan\ (shining around). There are numerous variations in the historical narrative of Saul's conversion in strkjv@9:3-18| and Luke's report of Paul's two addresses, one on the steps of the Tower of Antonia facing the murderous mob (22:6-16|), the other before Festus and Agrippa (26:12-20|). A great deal of capital has been made of these variations to the discredit of Luke as a writer as if he should have made Paul's two speeches conform at every point with his own narrative. This objection has no weight except for those who hold that Luke composed Paul's speeches freely as some Greek writers used to do. But, if Luke had notes of Paul's speeches or help from Paul himself, he naturally preserved the form of the two addresses without trying to make them agree with each other in all details or with his own narrative in chapter 9. Luke evidently attached great importance to the story of Saul's conversion as the turning point not simply in the career of the man, but an epoch in the history of apostolic Christianity. In broad outline and in all essentials the three accounts agree and testify to the truthfulness of the account of the conversion of Saul. It is impossible to overestimate the worth to the student of Christianity of this event from every angle because we have in Paul's Epistles his own emphasis on the actual appearance of Jesus to him as the fact that changed his whole life (1Corinthians:15:8; strkjv@Galatians:1:16f.|). The variations that appear in the three accounts do not mar the story, when rightly understood, as we shall see. Here, for instance, Luke simply mentions "a light from heaven," while in strkjv@22:6| Paul calls it "a great (\hikanon\) light" "about noon" and in strkjv@26:13| "above the brightness of the sun," as it would have to be "at midday" with the sun shining.

rwp@Acts:9:4 @{He fell upon the earth} (\pes“n epi tˆn gˆn\). Second aorist active participle. Songs:in strkjv@22:7| Paul says: "I fell unto the ground" (\epesa eis to edaphos\) using an old word rather than the common \gˆn\. In strkjv@26:14| Paul states that "we were all fallen to the earth" (\pant“n katapesont“n hˆm“n eis tˆn gˆn\, genitive absolute construction). But here in verse 7| "the men that journeyed with him stood speechless" (\histˆkeisan eneoi\). But surely the points of time are different. In strkjv@26:14| Paul refers to the first appearance of the vision when all fell to the earth. Here in verse 7| Luke refers to what occurred after the vision when both Saul and the men had risen from the ground. {Saul, Saul} (\Saoul, Saoul\). The Hebrew form occurs also in strkjv@22:7; strkjv@26:14| where it is expressly stated that the voice was in the Hebrew (Aramaic) tongue as also in strkjv@9:17| (Ananias). Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 316) terms this use of \Saoul\ "the historian's sense of liturgical rhythm." For the repetition of names by Jesus note strkjv@Luke:10:41| (Martha, Martha), strkjv@Luke:22:31| (Simon, Simon). {Me} (\me\). In persecuting the disciples, Saul was persecuting Jesus, as the words of Jesus in verse 5| made plain. Christ had already spoken of the mystic union between himself and his followers (Matthew:10:40; strkjv@25:40,45; strkjv@John:15:1-5|). The proverb (Pindar) that Jesus quotes to Saul about kicking against the goad is genuine in strkjv@26:14|, but not here.

rwp@Acts:9:7 @{That journeyed with him} (\hoi sunodeuontes aut“i\). Not in the older Greek, but in the _Koin‚_, with the associative instrumental. {Speechless} (\eneoi\). Mute. Only here in N.T., though old word. {Hearing the voice, but beholding no man} (\akouontes men tˆs ph“nˆs, mˆdena de the“rountes\). Two present active participles in contrast (\men, de\). In strkjv@22:9| Paul says that the men "beheld the light" (\to men ph“s etheasanto\), but evidently did not discern the person. Paul also says there, "but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me" (\tˆn de ph“nˆn ouk ˆkousan tou lalountos moi\). Instead of this being a flat contradiction of what Luke says in strkjv@9:7| it is natural to take it as being likewise (as with the "light" and "no one") a distinction between the "sound" (original sense of \ph“nˆ\ as in strkjv@John:3:8|) and the separate words spoken. It so happens that \akou“\ is used either with the accusative (the extent of the hearing) or the genitive (the specifying). It is possible that such a distinction here coincides with the two senses of \ph“nˆ\. They heard the sound (9:7|), but did not understand the words (22:9|). However, this distinction in case with \akou“\, though possible and even probable here, is by no means a necessary one for in strkjv@John:3:8| where \ph“nˆn\ undoubtedly means "sound" the accusative occurs as Luke uses \ˆkousen ph“nˆn\ about Saul in strkjv@Acts:9:4|. Besides in strkjv@22:7| Paul uses \ˆkousa ph“nˆs\ about himself, but \ˆkousa ph“nˆn\ about himself in strkjv@76:14|, interchangeably.

rwp@Acts:9:8 @{He saw nothing} (\ouden eblepen\). Imperfect active indicative, was seeing nothing. "The glory of that light" (22:11|) when he saw Jesus had blinded his eyes now wide open (\ane“igmen“n\, perfect passive participle of \anoig“\ with double reduplication). The blindness was proof that something had happened to him and that it was no hallucination that he had seen the Risen Christ. Saul arose after the others were on their feet. {They led him by the hand} (\cheirag“gountes\). From \cheirag“gos\ (\cheir\, hand and \ag“\, to lead). Only here in the N.T., but in LXX and late writers though not in the old Greek. It was a pathetic picture to see the masterful Saul, victorious persecutor and conqueror of the disciples, now helpless as a child.

rwp@Acts:9:9 @{Not seeing} (\mˆ blep“n\). The usual negative \mˆ\ of the participle. It was a crisis for Saul, this sudden blindness for three days (\hˆmeras treis\, accusative of extent of time). Later (Galatians:4:15|) Paul has an affection of the eyes which may have been caused by this experience on the road to Damascus or at least his eyes may have been predisposed by it to weakness in the glare of the Syrian sun in the land where today so much eye trouble exists. He neither ate nor drank anything, for his appetite had gone as often happens in a crisis of the soul. These must have been days of terrible stress and strain.

rwp@Acts:9:12 @{Coming in and laying} (\eiselthonta kai epithenta\). Second aorist (ingressive) active participles picturing the punctiliar act as a sort of indirect discourse after verbs of sensation (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040-2). Some ancient documents do not have "in a vision" here. {Receive his sight} (\anablepsei\). First aorist active subjunctive with \hop“s\ (purpose). See again as in strkjv@9:17|.

rwp@Acts:9:13 @{How much evil} (\hosa kaka\). How many evil things. Saul's reputation (26:10|) as a persecutor had preceded him. {To thy saints} (\tois hagiois\). Dative of disadvantage. "Used here for the first time as a name for the Christians" (Knowling), but it came to be the common and normal (Hackett) term for followers of Christ (9:32,41; strkjv@26:10; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:2|, etc.). This common word is from \to hagos\, religious awe or reverence and is applied to God's name (Luke:1:49|), God's temple (Matthew:24:15|), God's people as set apart for God (Luke:1:70; strkjv@2:23; strkjv@Romans:1:7|, etc.). Ananias in his ignorance saw in Saul only the man with an evil reputation while Jesus saw in Saul the man transformed by grace to be a messenger of mercy.

rwp@Acts:9:15 @{A chosen vessel} (\skeuos eklogˆs\). A vessel of choice or selection. The genitive of quality is common in the Hebrew, as in the vernacular _Koin‚_. Jesus chose Saul before Saul chose Jesus. He felt of himself that he was an earthen vessel (2Corinthians:4:7|) unworthy of so great a treasure. It was a great message that Ananias had to bear to Saul. He told it in his own way (9:17; strkjv@22:14f.|) and in strkjv@26:16f.| Paul blends the message of Jesus to Ananias with that to him as one. {Before the Gentiles} (\en“pion t“n ethn“n\). This was the chief element in the call of Saul. He was to be an apostle to the Gentiles (Ephesians:3:6-12|).

rwp@Acts:9:17 @{Laying his hands on him} (\epitheis ep' auton tas cheiras\). As in the vision Saul saw (verse 12|). {Brother Saul} (\Saoul adelphe\). All suspicion has vanished and Ananias takes Saul to his heart as a brother in Christ. It was a gracious word to Saul now under suspicion on both sides. {The Lord, even Jesus} (\ho kurios, Iˆsous\). Undoubted use of \kurios\ as Lord and applied to Jesus. {Who appeared} (\ho ophtheis\). First aorist passive participle of \hora“\, was seen as in strkjv@26:16| and with the dative also (\soi\). {Thou camest} (\ˆrchou\). Imperfect indicative middle, "thou wert coming." {Be filled with the Holy Spirit} (\plˆstheis pneumatos hagiou\). This enduement of special power he will need as an apostle (Hackett) and as promised by Jesus (1:8; strkjv@Galatians:2:7|).

rwp@Acts:9:18 @{Fell off} (\apepesan\). Second aorist active indicative (note--an ending like first aorist) of \apopipt“\, old verb, but here alone in the N.T. {As if it were scales} (\h“s lepides\). Chiefly late word (LXX) from \lep“\, to peel, and only here in the N.T. See Tobit strkjv@11:13, "The white film peeled from his eyes" (\elepisthˆ\). Luke does not say that actual "scales" fell from the eyes of Saul, but that it felt that way to him as his sight returned, "as if" (\h“s\). Medical writers use the word \lepis\ for pieces of the skin that fall off (Hobart, _Medical Language of St. Luke_, p. 39). Luke may have heard Paul tell of this vivid experience. {Was baptized} (\ebaptisthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative. Apparently by Ananias (22:16|) as a symbol of the new life in Christ already begun, possibly in the pool in the house of Judas as today water is plentiful in Damascus or in Abana or Pharpar (Furneaux), better than all the waters of Israel according to Naaman (2Kings:5:12|).

rwp@Acts:9:20 @{He proclaimed Jesus} (\ekˆrussen ton Iˆsoun\). Imperfect indicative, inchoative, began to preach. Jesus, not Christ, is the correct text here. He did this first preaching in the Jewish synagogues, a habit of his life when possible, and following the example of Jesus. {That he is the Son of God} (\hoti houtos estin ho huios tou theou\). This is Paul's platform as a Christian preacher, one that he always occupied to the very end. It was a complete reversal of his previous position. Jesus had turned him completely around. It is the conclusion that Saul now drew from the vision of the Risen Christ and the message through Ananias. By "the Son of God" Saul means the Messiah of promise and hope, the Messianic sense of the Baptist (John:1:34|) and of Nathanael (John:1:49|) for Saul is now proclaiming his faith in Jesus in the very synagogues where he had meant to arrest those who professed their faith in him. Peter laid emphasis on the Resurrection of Jesus as a glorious fact and proclaimed Jesus as Lord and Christ. Paul boldly calls Jesus the Son of God with full acknowledgment of his deity from the very start. Thomas had come to this place slowly (John:20:28|). Saul begins with this truth and never leaves it. With this faith he can shake the world. There is no power in any other preaching.

rwp@Acts:9:21 @{Were amazed} (\existanto\). Imperfect middle indicative of \existˆmi\. They continued to stand out of themselves in astonishment at this violent reversal in Saul the persecutor. {Made havock} (\porthˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \porthe“\, to lay waste, an old verb, but only here and strkjv@Galatians:1:13,23| by Paul, an interesting coincidence. It is the old proverb about Saul among the prophets (1Samuel:10:12|) revived with a new meaning (Furneaux). {Had come} (\elˆluthei\). Past perfect indicative active. {Might bring} (\agagˆi\). Second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \ag“\ with \hina\ (purpose). {Bound} (\dedemenous\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\. Interesting tenses.

rwp@Acts:9:22 @{Increased the more} (\mƒllon enedunamouto\). Imperfect passive indicative of \endunamo“\, to receive power (late verb), progressive increase in strength as opposition grew. Saul's recantation stirred controversy and Saul grew in power. See also Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:4:13; strkjv@1Timothy:1:12; strkjv@2Timothy:2:1; strkjv@4:17; strkjv@Romans:4:20|. Christ, the dynamo of spiritual energy, was now pouring power (Acts:1:8|) into Paul who is already filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts:9:17|). {Confounded} (\sunechunnen\). Imperfect active indicative of \sunchunn“\ (late form of \sunche“\, to pour together, commingle, make confusion. The more Saul preached, the more the Jews were confused. {Proving} (\sunbibaz“n\). Present active participle of \sunbibaz“\, old verb to make go together, to coalesce, to knit together. It is the very word that Luke will use in strkjv@16:10| of the conclusion reached at Troas concerning the vision of Paul. Here Saul took the various items in the life of Jesus of Nazareth and found in them the proof that he was in reality "the Messiah" (\ho Christos\). This method of argument Paul continued to use with the Jews (Acts:17:3|). It was irresistible argument and spread consternation among the Jews. It was the most powerful piece of artillery in the Jewish camp that was suddenly turned round upon them. It is probable that at this juncture Saul went into Arabia for several years (Galatians:1:12-24|). Luke makes no mention of this important event, but he leaves ample room for it at this point.

rwp@Acts:9:23 @{When many days were fulfilled} (\H“s eplˆrounto hˆmerai hikanai\). Imperfect passive indicative of \plˆro“\, old and common verb, were in process of being fulfilled. How "many" (considerable, \hikanai\, common word for a long period) Luke does not say nor does he say that Saul spent all of this period in Damascus, as we know from strkjv@Galatians:1:16-18| was not the case. Paul there states definitely that he went away from Damascus to Arabia and returned there before going back to Jerusalem and that the whole period was about "three years" which need not mean three full years, but at least portions of three. Most of the three years was probably spent in Arabia because of the two explosions in Damascus (before his departure and on his return) and because he was unknown in Jerusalem as a Christian on his arrival there. It cannot be argued from the frequent lacunae in the Acts that Luke tells all that was true or that he knew. He had his own methods and aims as every historian has. We are at perfect liberty to supplement the narrative in the Acts with items from Paul's Epistles. Songs:we must assume the return of Saul from Arabia at this juncture, between verses 22,23|, when Saul resumed his preaching in the Jewish synagogues with renewed energy and grasp after the period of mature reflection and readjustment in Arabia. {Took counsel together} (\sunebouleusanto\). First aorist (effective) middle indicative of \sunbouleu“\, old and common verb for counselling (\bouleu“\) together (\sun\). Things had reached a climax. It was worse than before he left for Arabia. Paul was now seeing the fulfilment of the prophecy of Jesus about him (9:16|). {To kill him} (\anelein auton\). Second aorist (effective) active infinitive of \anaire“\, to take up, to make away with, to kill (Luke:23:32; strkjv@Acts:12:1|, etc.). The infinitive expresses purpose here as is done in verse 24| by \hop“s\ and the aorist active subjunctive of the same verb (\anel“sin\). Saul now knew what Stephen had suffered at his hands as his own life was in peril in the Jewish quarter of Damascus. It was a picture of his old self. He may even have been scourged here (2Corinthians:11:24|).

rwp@Acts:9:25 @{Through the wall} (\dia tou teichous\). Paul in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:33| explains \dia tou teichous\ as being \dia thuridos\ (through a window) which opened into the house on the inside of the wall as is true today in Damascus as Hackett saw there. See strkjv@Joshua:2:15f.| (cf. strkjv@1Samuel:19:12|) for the way that Rahab let out the spies "by a cord through the window." {Lowering him} (\auton chalasantes\). First aorist active participle of \chala“\, old and common verb in a nautical sense (Acts:27:17,30|) as well as otherwise as here. Same verb used by Paul of this experience (2Corinthians:11:33|). {In a basket} (\en sphuridi\). The word used when the four thousand were fed (Mark:8:8; strkjv@Matthew:15:37|). A large basket plaited of reeds and distinguished in strkjv@Mark:8:19f.| (Matthew:16:9f.|) from the smaller \kophinos\. Paul uses \sarganˆ\, a basket made of ropes. This escape by night by the help of the men whom he had come to destroy was a shameful memory to Paul (2Corinthians:11:33|). Wendt thinks that the coincidences in language here prove that Luke had read II Corinthians. That, of course, is quite possible.

rwp@Acts:9:27 @{Took him} (\epilabomenos\). Second aorist middle (indirect) participle of \epilamban“\, common verb to lay hold of. Barnabas saw the situation and took Saul to himself and listened to his story and believed it. It is to the credit of Barnabas that he had the insight and the courage to stand by Saul at the crucial moment in his life when the evidence seemed to be against him. It is a pleasing hypothesis that this influential disciple from Cyprus had gone to the University of Tarsus where he met Saul. If so, he would know more of him than those who only knew his record as a persecutor of Christians. That fact Barnabas knew also, but he was convinced that Jesus had changed the heart of Saul and he used his great influence (Acts:4:36; strkjv@11:22|) to win the favour of the apostles, Peter in particular (Galatians:1:19|) and James the half-brother of Jesus. The other apostles were probably out of the city as Paul says that he did not see them. {To the apostles} (\pros tous apostolous\). Both Barnabas and James are termed apostles in the general sense, though not belonging to the twelve, as Paul did not, though himself later a real apostle. Songs:Barnabas introduced Saul to Peter and vouched for his story, declared it fully (\diˆgˆsato\, in detail) including Saul's vision of Jesus (\eiden ton kurion\) as the vital thing and Christ's message to Saul (\elalˆsen aut“i\) and Saul's bold preaching (\ˆparrˆsiasato\, first aorist middle indicative of \parrˆsiaz“\ from \pan--rˆsia\ telling it all as in strkjv@Acts:2:29|). Peter was convinced and Saul was his guest for two weeks (Galatians:1:18|) with delightful fellowship (\historˆsai\). He had really come to Jerusalem mainly "to visit" (to see) Peter, but not to receive a commission from him. He had that from the Lord (Galatians:1:1f.|). Both Peter and James could tell Saul of their special experiences with the Risen Christ. Furneaux thinks that Peter was himself staying at the home of Mary the mother of John Mark (Acts:12:12|) who was a cousin of Barnabas (Colossians:4:10|). This is quite possible. At any rate Saul is now taken into the inner circle of the disciples in Jerusalem.

rwp@Acts:9:29 @{Preaching boldly} (\parrˆsiazomenos\). For a while. Evidently Saul did not extend his preaching outside of Jerusalem (Galatians:1:22|) and in the city preached mainly in the synagogues of the Hellenists (\pros tous Hellenistas\) as Stephen had done (Acts:8:9|). As a Cilician Jew he knew how to speak to the Hellenists. {Disputed} (\sunezˆtei\). Imperfect active of \sunzˆte“\, the very verb used in strkjv@6:9| of the disputes with Stephen in these very synagogues in one of which (Cilicia) Saul had probably joined issue with Stephen to his own discomfort. It was intolerable to these Hellenistic Jews now to hear Saul taking the place of Stephen and using the very arguments that Stephen had employed. {But they went about to kill him} (\Hoi de epecheiroun anelein auton\). Demonstrative \hoi\ with \de\ and the conative imperfect of \epicheire“\, to put the hand to, to try, an old verb used in the N.T. only three times (Luke:1:1; strkjv@Acts:9:29; strkjv@19:3|). They offer to Saul the same conclusive answer that he gave to Stephen, death. Paul tells how the Lord Jesus appeared to him at this juncture in a vision in the temple (Acts:22:17-21|) with the distinct command to leave Jerusalem and how Paul protested that he was willing to meet the fate of Stephen in whose death he had a shameful part. That is to Saul's credit, but the Lord did not want Saul to be put to death yet. His crown of martyrdom will come later.

rwp@Acts:9:30 @{Knew it} (\epignontes\). Second aorist active participle of \epigin“sk“\, to know fully. The disciples saw it clearly, so they {conducted} (\katˆgagon\, effective second aorist active indicative of \katag“\). {Sent forth} (\exapesteilan\). Double compound (\ex\, out, \apo\, away or off). Sent him out and off {to Tarsus} (\eis Tarson\). Silence is preserved by Luke. But it takes little imagination to picture the scene at home when this brilliant young rabbi, the pride of Gamaliel, returns home a preacher of the despised Jesus of Nazareth whose disciples he had so relentlessly persecuted. What will father, mother, sister think of him now?

rwp@Acts:9:31 @{Songs:the church} (\Hˆ men oun ekklˆsia\). The singular \ekklˆsia\ is undoubtedly the true reading here (all the great documents have it so). By this time there were churches scattered over Judea, Galilee, and Samaria (Galatians:1:22|), but Luke either regards the disciples in Palestine as still members of the one great church in Jerusalem (instance already the work of Philip in Samaria and soon of Peter in Joppa and Caesarea) or he employs the term \ekklˆsia\ in a geographical or collective sense covering all of Palestine. The strictly local sense we have seen already in strkjv@8:1,3| (and strkjv@Matthew:18:17|) and the general spiritual sense in strkjv@Matthew:16:18|. But in strkjv@Acts:8:3| it is plain that the term is applied to the organization of Jerusalem Christians even when scattered in their homes. The use of \men oun\ (so) is Luke's common way of gathering up the connection. The obvious meaning is that the persecution ceased because the persecutor had been converted. The wolf no longer ravined the sheep. It is true also that the effort of Caligula A.D. 39 to set up his image in the temple in Jerusalem for the Jews to worship greatly excited the Jews and gave them troubles of their own (Josephus, _Ant_. XVIII. 8, 2-9). {Had peace} (\eichen eirˆnˆn\). Imperfect active. Kept on having peace, enjoying peace, because the persecution had ceased. Many of the disciples came back to Jerusalem and the apostles began to make preaching tours out from the city. This idiom (\ech“ eirˆnˆn\) occurs again in strkjv@Romans:5:1| (\eirˆnˆn ech“men\, present active subjunctive) where it has been grievously misunderstood. There it is an exhortation to keep on enjoying the peace with God already made, not to make peace with God which would be \eirˆnˆn sch“men\ (ingressive aorist subjunctive). {Edified} (\oikodomoumenˆ\). Present passive participle, linear action also. One result of the enjoyment of peace after the persecution was the continued edification (Latin word _aedificatio_ for building up a house), a favourite figure with Paul (1Corinthians:14; strkjv@Ephesians:3|) and scattered throughout the N.T., old Greek verb. In strkjv@1Peter:2:5| Peter speaks of "the spiritual house" throughout the five Roman provinces being "built up" (cf. strkjv@Matthew:16:18|). {In the comfort of the Holy Spirit} (\tˆi paraklˆsei tou hagiou pneumatos\). Either locative ({in}) or instrumental case ({by}). The Holy Spirit had been promised by Jesus as "another Paraclete" and now this is shown to be true. The only instance in Acts of the use of \paraklˆsis\ with the Holy Spirit. The word, of course, means calling to one's side (\parakale“\) either for advice or for consolation. {Was multiplied} (\eplˆthuneto\). Imperfect middle passive. The multiplication of the disciples kept pace with the peace, the edification, the walking in the fear of the Lord, the comfort of the Holy Spirit. The blood of the martyrs was already becoming the seed of the church. Stephen had not borne his witness in vain.

rwp@Acts:9:33 @{Aenias} (\Ainean\). Old Greek name and so probably a Hellenistic Jew. He was apparently a disciple already (the saint, verse 32|). Luke the physician notes that he had been bed ridden for eight years. See on ¯5:15| for "bed" (\krabattou\) and ¯8:7; strkjv@Luke:5:18| for "paralyzed" (\paralelumenos\, perfect passive participle of \paralu“\ with \ˆn\, periphrastic past perfect passive).

rwp@Acts:9:37 @{In an upper chamber} (\en huper“i“i\). See on ¯1:13|. Also in verse 39|. In that house. This service was rendered by the women, though Luke has \lousantes\ (masculine plural aorist active participle of \lou“\), a general way of saying "they washed." The interment was not hurried as in Jerusalem (Ananias and Sapphira) and the upper room is where the body was usually placed.

rwp@Acts:9:38 @{Delay not} (\mˆ oknˆsˆis\). Ingressive aorist active subjunctive in prohibition. Direct discourse and not indirect as late MSS. have (aorist active infinitive, \oknˆsai\). Possibly the two messengers started before Dorcas was quite dead, though we do not know. Peter had recently healed Aeneas and the disciples may have had faith enough to believe that he could raise the dead by the power of Christ. W. M. Ramsay doubts if Dorcas was really dead, but why see legends in these supernatural events?

rwp@Acts:9:39 @{Stood by him} (\parestˆsan aut“i\). Second aorist active indicative, intransitive, of \paristˆmi\). Vivid picture of this group of widows as they stood around Peter, weeping (\klaiousai\) and showing (\epideiknumenai\, present middle as belonging to themselves, pointing with pride to) the very inner garments (\chit“nas\) and outer garments (\himatia\), like the Latin _tunica_ and _toga_, which she made from time to time (\epoiei\, imperfect active, repeated action). It was a heart-breaking scene.

rwp@Acts:9:40 @{Put them all forth} (\ekbal“n ex“ pantas\). Second aorist (effective) active participle of \ekball“\, a rather strong word, perhaps with some difficulty. Cf. strkjv@Mark:5:40| which incident Peter may have recalled. The words are not genuine in strkjv@Luke:8:54|. Peter's praying alone reminds one of Elijah (1Kings:17:20|) and the widow's son and Elisha for the Shunammite's son (2Kings:4:33|). {Tabitha, arise} (\Tabeitha, anastˆthi\). With sublime faith like \Taleitha koum\ of Jesus in strkjv@Mark:5:41|. {She sat up} (\anekathisen\). Effective aorist active indicative of \anakathiz“\. Often in medical writers, only here in the N.T. and strkjv@Luke:7:15| where Westcott and Hort have in the margin the uncompounded form \ekathisen\. Vivid picture.

rwp@Acts:10:1 @{Cornelius} (\Kornˆlios\). The great Cornelian family of Rome may have had a freedman or descendant who is {centurion} (\hekaton-tarchˆs\, leader of a hundred, Latin _centurio_). See on ¯Matthew:8:5|. These Roman centurions always appear in a favourable light in the N.T. (Matthew:8:5; strkjv@Luke:7:2; strkjv@23:47; strkjv@Acts:10:1; strkjv@22:25; strkjv@27:3|). Furneaux notes the contrasts between Joppa, the oldest town in Palestine, and Caesarea, built by Herod; the Galilean fisherman lodging with a tanner and the Roman officer in the seat of governmental authority. {Of the band called the Italian} (\ek speirˆs tˆs kaloumenˆs Italikˆs\). A legion had ten cohorts or "bands" and sixty centuries. The word \speirˆs\ (note genitive in \-es\ like the Ionic instead of \-as\) is here equal to the Latin _cohors_. In the provinces were stationed cohorts of Italic citizens (volunteers) as an inscription at Carnuntum on the Danube (Ramsay) has shown (epitaph of an officer in the second Italic cohort). Once more Luke has been vindicated. The soldiers could, of course, be Roman citizens who lived in Caesarea. But the Italian cohorts were sent to any part of the empire as needed. The procurator at Caesarea would need a cohort whose loyalty he could trust, for the Jews were restless.

rwp@Acts:10:3 @{Coming in} (\eiselthonta\). Ingressive second aorist active participle, not present. Songs:punctiliar, "saw come," not "saw coming." Songs:also "say" or "speak," not "saying." Luke repeats the account of this vision to Cornelius twice (10:30; strkjv@11:13|) and also the story of the vision to Peter (10:1-16,28; strkjv@11:5|).

rwp@Acts:10:9 @{On the morrow} (\tˆi epaurion\). Locative case of article with the compound adverb (\hˆmerƒi\ day being understood), the second day after leaving Caesarea, 28 miles from Joppa. The third day (the next morrow, verse 23|) they start back home and the fourth day (on the morrow again, verse 24|) they reach Caesarea. {As they} (\ekein“n\). The party of three from Caesarea. Genitive absolute with present participle \hodoiporount“n\ (journeying) and \eggizont“n\ (drew nigh). {The housetop} (\to d“ma\). Old word and in Gospels (Luke:3:19|, etc.), but only here in Acts. From \dem“\, to build, and so any part of the building (hall, dining room, and then roof). The roof was nearly flat with walls around and so was a good place for meditation and prayer and naps.

rwp@Acts:10:11 @{Beholdeth} (\the“rei\). Vivid historical present and change from past time. {Opened} (\ane“igmenon\, perfect passive participle with double reduplication, state of completion). {Descending} (\katabainon\). Present active participle describing the process. {Sheet} (\othonˆn\). Old word for linen cloth and only here in the N.T. Accusative case in apposition with \skeuos\ (vessel). {Let down} (\Kathiemenon\). Present passive participle of \Kathiˆmi\. Old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:5:19; strkjv@Acts:9:25|. Linear action here picturing the process, "being let down." {By four corners} (\tessarsin archais\). Instrumental case of \archˆ\, beginning. We say "end" or extremity for this use of the word. The picture is the sheet held up by four cords to which the sheet is fastened. strkjv@Isaiah:11:12| had said that Israel would be gathered from the four corners of the earth. Knowling follows Hobart in taking the four corners of the sheet to be a medical phrase for bandage (the end of a bandage).

rwp@Acts:10:14 @{Not so, Lord} (\Mˆdam“s, kurie\). The negative \mˆdam“s\ calls for the optative \eiˆ\ (may it not be) or the imperative \est“\ (let it be). It is not \oudam“s\, a blunt refusal (I shall not do it). And yet it is more than a mild protest as Page and Furneaux argue. It is a polite refusal with a reason given. Peter recognizes the invitation to slay (\thuson\) the unclean animals as from the Lord (\kurie\) but declines it three times. {For I have never eaten anything} (\hoti oudepote ephagon pan\). Second aorist active indicative, I never did anything like this and I shall not do it now. The use of \pan\ (everything) with \oudepote\ (never) is like the Hebrew (_lo--k“l_) though a like idiom appears in the vernacular _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 752). {Common and unclean} (\koinon kai akatharton\). \Koinos\ from epic \xunos\ (\xun, sun\, together with) originally meant common to several (Latin _communis_) as in strkjv@Acts:2:44; strkjv@4:32; strkjv@Titus:1:4; strkjv@Jude:1:3|. The use seen here (also strkjv@Mark:7:2,5; strkjv@Romans:14:14; strkjv@Hebrews:10:29; strkjv@Revelation:21:27; strkjv@Acts:10:28; strkjv@11:8|), like Latin _vulgaris_ is unknown in ancient Greek. Here the idea is made plain by the addition of \akatharton\ (unclean), ceremonially unclean, of course. We have the same double use in our word "common." See on ¯Mark:7:18f.| where Mark adds the remarkable participle \kathariz“n\ (making all meats clean), evidently from Peter who recalls this vision. Peter had been reared from childhood to make the distinction between clean and unclean food and this new proposal even from the Lord runs against all his previous training. He did not see that some of God's plans for the Jews could be temporary. This symbol of the sheet was to show Peter ultimately that Gentiles could be saved without becoming Jews. At this moment he is in spiritual and intellectual turmoil.

rwp@Acts:10:16 @{Thrice} (\epitris\). For three times. Peter remained unconvinced even by the prohibition of God. Here is a striking illustration of obstinacy on the part of one who acknowledges the voice of God to him when the command of the Lord crosses one's preferences and prejudices. There are abundant examples today of precisely this thing. In a real sense Peter was maintaining a pose of piety beyond the will of the Lord. Peter was defiling what God had cleansed. {Was received up} (\anelˆmphthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \analamban“\, to take up. The word used of the Ascension (1:22|).

rwp@Acts:10:17 @{Was much perplexed in himself} (\en heaut“i diˆporei\). Imperfect active of \diapore“\, intensive compound (\dia\, thoroughly, and \a\ privative and \poros\, way), to be completely at a loss to know what road to take. Old verb, but in N.T. only in Luke and Acts. Page notes that Luke is singularly fond of verbs compounded with \dia\. See on ¯Luke:9:7| and strkjv@Acts:2:12|. When out of the ecstasy he was more puzzled than ever. {Might be} (\an eiˆ\). Optative with \an\ in indirect question simply retained from the direct (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1021, 1044). See strkjv@Acts:17:18|, for the direct and strkjv@Luke:1:62| for the indirect (\an theloi\ both times). It is the conclusion of a fourth class condition. {Having made inquiry} (\dier“tˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \dier“ta“\, another compound of \dia\, to ask one after another, to ask through, old verb, but only here in the N.T. It took diligent inquiry to find the obscure house of Simon the tanner. {Stood before the gate} (\epestˆsan epi ton pul“na\). Second aorist active indicative of \ephistˆmi\, intransitive. Note repetition of \epi\. The messengers stopped right at the folding gates of the passage (\pul“na\) which led from the street to the inner court or house.

rwp@Acts:10:19 @{Thought} (\dienthumoumenou\). Genitive absolute of present middle participle of \dienthumeomai\, a double compound (\dia\ and \en-\ with \thumos\) and another \hapax legomenon\ save in ecclesiastical writers, though \enthumeomai\ is common enough and Textus Receptus so reads here. Peter was revolving in his mind, through and through, in and out, to find the meaning of the strange vision.

rwp@Acts:10:20 @{But} (\alla\). Songs:usually, though it is open to question whether \alla\ is adversative here and not rather, "Now then." {Get thee down} (\katabˆthi\). Second aorist active imperative, at once. {Go} (\poreuou\). Present middle imperative, go on. {Nothing doubting} (\mˆden diakrinomenos\). Another compound of \dia\, old and common verb for a divided mind (\dia\ like \duo\, two). Note usual negative of the present middle participle, the subjective \mˆden\. The notion of wavering (James:1:6|) is common with this verb in the middle voice. In strkjv@Acts:11:12| the aorist active (\mˆden diakrinanta\) is used perhaps with the idea of conduct towards others rather than his own internal doubt as here (Page). {For I} (\hoti eg“\). The Holy Spirit assumes responsibility for the messengers from Cornelius and thus connects their mission with the vision which was still troubling Peter. Peter had heard his name called by the man (verse 19|).

rwp@Acts:10:22 @{Righteous} (\dikaios\). In the Jewish sense as in strkjv@Luke:1:6; strkjv@2:25|. {Well reported of} (\marturoumenos\). Present passive participle as in strkjv@6:3|. Cf. the other centurion in strkjv@Luke:7:4|. {Nation} (\ethnous\). Not \laou\, for the speakers are Gentiles. {Was warned} (\echrˆmatisthˆ\). First aorist passive of \chrˆmatiz“\, old word for doing business, then consulting an oracle, and here of being divinely (word God not expressed) warned as in strkjv@Matthew:2:12,22; strkjv@Luke:2:26; strkjv@Hebrews:11:7|. Then to be called or receive a name from one's business as in strkjv@Acts:11:26; strkjv@Romans:7:3|.

rwp@Acts:10:25 @{That Peter entered} (\tou eiselthein ton Petron\). This is a difficult construction, for the subject of \egeneto\ (it happened) has to be the articular genitive infinitive \tou eiselthein\ with the accusative of general reference \ton Petron\. Most commentators consider it inexplicable. It is probably an extension of the ordinary articular infinitive under the influence of the Hebrew infinitive construct without regard to the case, regarding it as a fixed case form and so using it as nominative. Precisely this construction of \tou\ and the infinitive as the subject of a verb occurs in the LXX (2Chronicles:6:7|, etc.). See Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1067f. for full discussion of this obvious Hebraism. Somewhat similar examples appear in strkjv@Acts:20:3; strkjv@27:1|. But the Codex Bezae avoids this awkward idiom by the genitive absolute (\proseggizontos tou Petrou\) and some additional details (one of the servants ran forward and announced that he was come). {Worshipped him} (\prosekunˆsen\). "Cornelius was not an idolator and would not have honoured Peter as a god" (Furneaux). The word probably means here reverence like old English usage (Wycliff) and not actual worship, though Peter took it that way (verse 26|). Jesus accepted such worship (Matthew:8:2; strkjv@Luke:5:8| by Peter).

rwp@Acts:10:27 @{As he talked with him} (\sunomil“n aut“i\). Present active participle of \sunomile“\, rare compound and here alone in the N.T., with associative instrumental case. The uncompounded verb is common enough though in the N.T. only in strkjv@Luke:24:14| which see and strkjv@Acts:20:11; strkjv@24:26|. {Findeth} (\heuriskei\). Vivid historical present indicative active. {Come together} (\sunelˆluthotas\). Second perfect active participle of \sunerchomai\. It was an expectant group of Gentiles eager for Peter's interpretation of the vision of Cornelius.

rwp@Acts:10:28 @{How that it is an unlawful thing} (\h“s athemiton estin\). The conjunction \h“s\ is sometimes equivalent to \hoti\ (that). The old form of \athemitos\ was \athemistos\ from \themisto\ (\themiz“, themis\, law custom) and \a\ privative. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:4:3| (Peter both times). But there is no O.T. regulation forbidding such social contact with Gentiles, though the rabbis had added it and had made it binding by custom. There is nothing more binding on the average person than social custom. On coming from the market an orthodox Jew was expected to immerse to avoid defilement (Edersheim, _Jewish Social Life_, pp. 26-28; Taylor's _Sayings of the Jewish Fathers_, pp. 15, 26, 137, second edition). See also strkjv@Acts:11:3; strkjv@Galatians:2:12|. It is that middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile (Ephesians:2:14|) which Jesus broke down. {One of another nation} (\allophul“i\). Dative case of an old adjective, but only here in the N.T. (\allos\, another, \phulon\, race). Both Juvenal (_Sat_. XIV. 104, 105) and Tacitus (_History_, V. 5) speak of the Jewish exclusiveness and separation from Gentiles. {And yet unto} (\kamoi\). Dative of the emphatic pronoun (note position of prominence) with \kai\ (\crasis\) meaning here "and yet" or adversative "but" as often with \kai\ which is by no means always merely the connective "and" (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1182f.). Now Peter takes back both the adjectives used in his protest to the Lord (verse 14|) "common and unclean." It is a long journey that Peter has made. He here refers to "no one" (\mˆdena\), not to "things," but that is great progress.

rwp@Acts:10:30 @{Four days ago} (\apo tetartˆs hˆmeras\). From the fourth day, reckoning backwards from this day. {I was keeping the ninth hour of prayer} (\ˆmˆn tˆn enatˆn proseuchomenos\). Periphrastic middle imperfect and accusative of extension of time (all the ninth hour).

rwp@Acts:10:33 @{And thou hast well done that thou art come} (\su te kal“s epoiˆsas paragenomenos\). "And thou didst well in coming." A regular formula for expressing thanks as in strkjv@Phillipians:4:14; strkjv@3John:1:6; strkjv@2Peter:1:19|. The participle completes the idea of \kal“s poie“\ neatly. Cornelius commends Peter for his courage in breaking away from Jewish custom and takes no offence at the implied superiority of the Jews over the Gentiles. Cornelius and his circle of kinsmen and close friends are prepared soil for a new era in the history of Christianity. The Samaritans were now nominal Jews and the Ethiopian eunuch was a single case, but here Peter the chief apostle, not Philip the preaching deacon (evangelist), was involved. It was a crisis. Cornelius reveals an open mind for the message of God through Peter. {Commanded thee} (\prostetagmena soi\). Perfect passive participle with the dative case (\soi\). Cornelius is a military man and he employs a military term (\prostass“\, old word to command). He is ready for orders from the Lord.

rwp@Acts:10:37 @{Ye know} (\humeis oidate\). Peter reminds his Gentile audience that the main facts concerning Jesus and the gospel were known to them. Note emphatic expression of \humeis\ (you). {Beginning} (\arxamenos\). The Textus Receptus has \arxamenon\ (accusative), but the nominative is given by Aleph A B C D E H and is certainly correct. But it makes a decided anacoluthon. The accusative would agree with \rhˆma\ used in the sense of message or story as told by the disciples. The nominative does not agree with anything in the sentence. The same phrase occurs in strkjv@Luke:23:5|. Here is this aorist middle participle almost used like an adverb. See a similar loose use of \arxamenos\ in the same sense by Peter in strkjv@Acts:1:22|. The baptism of John is given as the _terminus a quo_. The story began with a skip to Galilee after the baptism just like the Gospel of Mark. This first message of Peter to the Gentiles (10:37-44|) corresponds in broad outline with Mark's Gospel. Mark heard Peter preach many times and evidently planned his Gospel (the Roman Gospel) on this same model. There is in it nothing about the birth and childhood of Jesus nor about the intervening ministry supplied by John's Gospel for the period (a year) between the baptism and the Galilean Ministry. Peter here presents an objective statement of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus with proof from the Scriptures that he is the Messiah. It is a skilful presentation.

rwp@Acts:10:38 @{Jesus of Nazareth} (\Iˆsoun ton apo Nazareth\). Jesus the one from Nazareth, the article before the city identifying him clearly. The accusative case is here by \prolepsis\, Jesus being expressed for emphasis before the verb "anointed" and the pronoun repeated pleonastically after it. "Jesus transfers the mind from the gospel-history to the personal subject of it" (Hackett). {God anointed him} (\echrisen, auton, ho theos\). First aorist active of the verb \chri“\, to anoint, from which the verbal \Christos\ is formed (Acts:2:36|). The precise event referred to by Peter could be the Incarnation (Luke:1:35f.|), the Baptism (Luke:3:22|), the Ministry at Nazareth (Luke:4:14|). Why not to the life and work of Jesus as a whole? {Went about doing good} (\diˆlthen euerget“n\). Beautiful description of Jesus. Summary (constative) aorist active of \dierehomai\, to go through (\dia\) or from place to place. The present active participle \euerget“n\ is from the old verb \euergete“\ (\eu\, well, \ergon\, work) and occurs only here in the N.T. The substantive \euergetˆs\ (benefactor) was often applied to kings like Ptolemy Euergetes and that is the sense in strkjv@Luke:22:25| the only N.T. example. But the term applies to Jesus far more than to Ptolemy or any earthly king (Cornelius a Lapide). {And healing} (\kai i“menos\). And in particular healing. Luke does not exclude other diseases (cf. strkjv@Luke:13:11,16|), but he lays special emphasis on demoniacal possession (cf. strkjv@Mark:1:23|). {That were oppressed} (\tous katadunasteuomenous\). Present passive articular participle of \katadunasteu“\. A late verb in LXX and papyri. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@James:2:6| (best MSS.). One of the compounds of \kata\ made transitive. The reality of the devil (the slanderer, \diabolos\) is recognized by Peter. {For God was with him} (\hoti ho theos ˆn met' autou\). Surely this reason does not reveal "a low Christology" as some charge. Peter had used the same language in strkjv@Acts:7:9| and earlier in strkjv@Luke:1:28,66| as Nicodemus does in strkjv@John:3:2|.

rwp@Acts:10:39 @{And we are witnesses} (\kai hˆmeis martures\). Compare "ye yourselves know" (verse 37|). Peter thus appeals to what the audience know and to what the disciples know. He made the same claim about personal witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus at Pentecost (2:32|). Here Peter affirms full knowledge of the work of Jesus in Judea (for whole country including Galilee and Perea) and Jerusalem (given mainly in John's Gospel). In the Greek \h“n\ (which) is attracted into the genitive case to agree with the antecedent \pant“n\ (all), a common enough idiom. {Whom also they slew} (\hon kai aneilan\). Second aorist active indicative of \anaire“\ with \a\ as often in Acts (2:23; strkjv@5:30|). But note \kai\ (also) in the old MSS., not in the Textus Receptus. They "also" slew him, went that far, "this crowning atrocity" (Vincent), \kai\ could here be "even." {Hanging him on a tree} (\kremasantes epi xulou\). This same expression used by Peter in strkjv@5:30| which see for discussion.

rwp@Acts:10:41 @{Chosen before} (\prokecheirotonˆmenois\). Perfect passive participle dative plural from \procheirotone“\, to choose or designate by hand (\cheirotone“, cheir\, hand, and \tein“\, to stretch, as in strkjv@Acts:14:23; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:19|), beforehand (\pro\), a double compound as old as Plato, but here alone in the N.T. Peter is evidently stating the thing as it happened and not trying to make a convincing story by saying that both friends and foes saw him after his resurrection. It is the "historian's candour" (Paley) in Luke here that adds to the credibility of the narrative. The sceptical Jews would not have believed and Jesus was kept from open contact with the world of sin after his Passion. {To us who did eat and drink with him} (\hˆmin hoitines sunephagomen kai sunepiomen aut“i\). The "who" (\hoitines\) is first person agreeing with "us" (\hˆmin\). Second aorist active indicative of the common verbs \sunesthi“\ and \sumpin“\. \Aut“i\ is associative instrumental case. There are difficulties to us in understanding how Jesus could eat and drink after the resurrection as told here and in strkjv@Luke:24:41-3|, but at any rate Peter makes it clear that it was no hallucination or ghost, but Jesus himself whom they saw after he rose from the dead, "after the rising as to him" (\meta to anastˆnai auton\, \meta\ with the accusative articular infinitive second aorist active and the accusative \auton\ of general reference). Furneaux dares to think that the disciples misunderstood Jesus about eating after the resurrection. But that is to deny the testimony merely because we cannot explain the transition state of the body of Jesus.

rwp@Acts:10:42 @{He charged} (\parˆggeilen\). First aorist active indicative as in strkjv@1:4|. There Jesus is the subject and so probably here, though Page insists that \ho theos\ (God) is here because of verse 40|. {To testify} (\diamarturasthai\). First aorist middle infinitive. See on ¯2:40|. {Ordained} (\h“rismenos\). Perfect passive participle of \horiz“\, old verb, to mark out, to limit, to make a horizon. {Judge} (\kritˆs\). The same point made by Peter in strkjv@1Peter:4:5|. He does not use the word "Messiah" to these Gentiles though he did say "anointed" (\echrisen\) in verse 38|. Peter's claim for Jesus is that he is the Judge of Jew and Gentile (living and dead).

rwp@Acts:10:43 @{Every one that believeth} (\panta ton pisteuonta\). This accusative active participle of general reference with the infinitive in indirect discourse is the usual idiom. Only \labein\ (second aorist active infinitive of \lamban“\) is not indirect statement so much as indirect command or arrangement. The prophets bear witness to Jesus Christ to this effect. It is God's plan and no race distinctions are drawn. Peter had already said the same thing at Pentecost (2:38|), but now he sees himself that Gentiles do not have to become Jews, but have only to believe in Jesus as Messiah and Judge as foretold by the prophets. It was glorious news to Cornelius and his group. {Through his name} (\dia tou onomatos autou\), not as a _title_ or magic formula (Acts:18:13|), but the power of Christ himself represented by his name.

rwp@Acts:10:44 @{While Peter yet spake} (\eti lalountos tou Petrou\). Genitive absolute of present participle, still going on. {The Holy Ghost fell} (\epepesen to pneuma to hagion\). Second aorist active indicative of \epipipt“\, old verb to fall upon, to recline, to come upon. Used of the Holy Spirit in strkjv@8:16; strkjv@10:44; strkjv@11:15|. It appears that Peter was interrupted in his sermon by this remarkable event. The Jews had received the Holy Spirit (2:4|), the Samaritans (8:17|), and now Gentiles. But on this occasion it was before baptism, as was apparently true in Paul's case (9:17f.|). In strkjv@8:16; strkjv@19:5| the hands of the apostles were also placed after baptism on those who received the Holy Spirit. Here it was unexpected by Peter and by Cornelius and was indubitable proof of the conversion of these Gentiles who had accepted Peter's message and had believed on Jesus Christ as Saviour.

rwp@Acts:10:46 @{They heard} (\ˆkouon\). Imperfect active, were hearing, kept on hearing. {Speak} (\lalount“n\). Present active participle, speaking, for they kept it up. {With tongues} (\gl“ssais\). Instrumental case as in strkjv@2:4,11| which see. The fuller statement there makes it clear that here it was new and strange tongues also as in strkjv@19:6; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:4-19|. This sudden manifestation of the Holy Spirit's power on uncircumcised Gentiles was probably necessary to convince Peter and the six brethren of the circumcision that God had opened the door wide to Gentiles. It was proof that a Gentile Pentecost had come and Peter used it effectively in his defence in Jerusalem (Acts:11:15|).

rwp@Acts:10:47 @{Can any man forbid the water?} (\Mˆti to hud“r dunatai k“l–sai tis?\). The negative \mˆti\ expects the answer _No_. The evidence was indisputable that these Gentiles were converted and so were entitled to be baptized. See the similar idiom in strkjv@Luke:6:39|. Note the article with "water." Here the baptism of the Holy Spirit had preceded the baptism of water (Acts:1:5; strkjv@11:16|). "The greater had been bestowed; could the lesser be withheld?" (Knowling). {That these should not be baptized} (\tou mˆ baptisthˆnai toutous\). Ablative case of the articular first aorist passive infinitive of \baptiz“\ with the redundant negative after the verb of hindering (\k“l–sai\) and the accusative of general reference (\toutous\). The redundant negative after the verb of hindering is not necessary though often used in ancient Greek and in the _Koin‚_ (papyri). Without it see strkjv@Matthew:19:14; strkjv@Acts:8:36| and with it see strkjv@Luke:4:42; strkjv@24:16; strkjv@Acts:14:18|. Cf. Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1061, 1094, 1171. The triple negatives here are a bit confusing to the modern mind (\mˆti\ in the question, \k“l–sai\, to hinder or to cut off, \mˆ\ with \baptisthˆnai\). Literally, Can any one cut off the water from the being baptized as to these? Meyer: "The water is in this animated language conceived as the element offering itself for the baptism." {As well as we} (\h“s kai hˆmeis\). The argument was conclusive. God had spoken. Note the query of the eunuch to Philip (Acts:8:36|).

rwp@Acts:11:2 @{They that were of the circumcision} (\hoi ek peritomˆs\). Literally, those of circumcision (on the side of circumcision, of the circumcision party). The phrase in strkjv@10:46| is confined to the six brethren with Peter in Caesarea (11:12|). That can hardly be the meaning here for it would mean that they were the ones who brought the charge against Peter though Hort takes this view. All the disciples in Jerusalem were Jews so that it can hardly mean the whole body. In strkjv@Galatians:2:12| the phrase has the narrower sense of the Judaizing or Pharisaic wing of the disciples (Acts:15:5|) who made circumcision necessary for all Gentile converts. Probably here by anticipation Luke so describes the beginning of that great controversy. The objectors probably did not know of Peter's vision at Joppa, but only of the revolutionary conduct of Peter in Caesarea. These extremists who spoke probably had abundant sympathy in their protest. The apostles are mentioned in verse 1|, but are not referred to in verse 2|. Apparently they are in contrast with the circumcision party in the church. {Contended} (\diekrinonto\). Imperfect middle of the common verb \diakrin“\, to {separate}. Here to separate oneself apart (\dia\), to take sides against, to make a cleavage (\dia\, two, in two) as in strkjv@Jude:1:9|. Songs:Peter is at once put on the defensive as the contention went on. It is plain that Peter was not regarded as any kind of pope or overlord.

rwp@Acts:11:3 @{Thou wentest in} (\eisˆlthes\). Direct form, but Westcott and Hort have it \eisˆlthen\ (he went in), indirect form. Songs:with \sunephages\ (didst eat) and \sunephagen\ (did eat). The direct is more vivid. {Men uncircumcised} (\andras akrobustian echontas\). "Men having uncircumcision." It is a contemptuous expression. They did not object to Peter's preaching to the Gentiles, but to his going into the house of Cornelius and eating with them, violating his supposed obligations as a Jew (Hackett). It was the same complaint in principle that the Pharisees had made against Jesus when he ate with publicans and sinners (Luke:15:12|). The Jews had not merely the Mosaic regulations about clean and unclean food, but also the fact that at a Gentile table some of the meat may have been an idol sacrifice. And Peter himself had similar scruples when the vision came to him at Joppa and when he entered the house of Cornelius in Caesarea strkjv@10:28|). Peter had been led beyond the circumcision party.

rwp@Acts:11:4 @{Began} (\arxamenos\). Not pleonastic here, but graphically showing how Peter began at the beginning and gave the full story of God's dealings with him in Joppa and Caesarea. {Expounded} (\exetitheto\). Imperfect middle of \ektithˆmi\, to set forth, old verb, but in the N.T. only in Acts (7:21; strkjv@11:4; strkjv@18:26; strkjv@28:23|), a deliberate and detailed narrative "in order" (\kathexˆs\). Old word for in succession. In the N.T. only in strkjv@Luke:1:2; strkjv@8:1; strkjv@Acts:3:24; strkjv@11:14; strkjv@18:23|. Luke evidently considered this defence of Peter important and he preserves the marks of authenticity. It came originally from Peter himself (verses 5,6,15,16|). "The case of Cornelius was a test case of primary importance" (Page), "the first great difficulty of the early Church." Part of the story Luke gives three times (10:3-6,30-32; strkjv@11:13f.|). See the discussion chapter 10 for details given here.

rwp@Acts:11:6 @{When I had fastened my eyes} (\atenisas\). This personal touch Peter adds from his own experience. See on strkjv@Luke:4:20; strkjv@Acts:3:4,12| for this striking verb \ateniz“\, to stretch the eyes towards, first aorist active participle here. {I considered} (\katanoe“\). Imperfect active of \kataneo“\ to put the mind down on, to ponder, I was pondering. {And saw} (\kai eidon\). Second aorist active indicative, saw in a flash.

rwp@Acts:11:7 @{A voice saying} (\ph“nˆs legousˆs\). Genitive case after \ˆkousa\ (cf. strkjv@9:7| and accusative strkjv@9:4| which see for discussion). Participle \legousˆs\ (present active of \leg“\) agreeing with \ph“nˆs\, a kind of indirect discourse use of the participle.

rwp@Acts:11:12 @{Making no distinction} (\mˆden diakrinanta\). Songs:Westcott and Hort (first aorist active participle) instead of \mˆden diakrinomenon\ "nothing doubting" (present middle participle) like strkjv@10:20|. The difference in voice shows the distinction in meaning. {We entered into the man's house} (\eisˆlthomen eis ton oikon tou andros\). Peter confesses it, but shows that the other six went in also. He avoids mention of Cornelius's name and office.

rwp@Acts:11:13 @{Standing and saying} (\stathenta kai eiponta\). More precisely, "stand and say" (punctiliar act, first aorist passive and second aorist active participles). {Fetch Simon} (\metapempsai Sim“na\). First aorist middle imperative. Third time mentioned (10:5,22; strkjv@11:13|). Perhaps Peter is anxious to make it plain that he did not go of his own initiative into the house of Cornelius. He went under God's direct orders.

rwp@Acts:11:15 @{As I began to speak} (\en t“i arxasthai me lalein\). \En\ with the locative of the articular aorist infinitive \arxasthai\ (punctiliar action simply) and the accusative of general reference. The second infinitive \lalein\ (to speak) is dependent on \arxasthai\, "In the beginning to speak as to me." {Even as on us at the beginning} (\h“sper kai eph' hˆmƒs en archˆi\). Peter recalls vividly the events at Pentecost, the speaking with tongues and all. It is noteworthy that Peter does not here repeat his sermon. "He rests his defence, not on what he said, but on what God did" (Furneaux).

rwp@Acts:11:16 @{I remembered} (\emnˆsthˆn\). First aorist passive indicative of the common verb \mimnˆsk“\, to remind. Peter recalls the very words of Jesus as reported in strkjv@Acts:1:5|. Peter now understands this saying of Jesus as he had not done before. That is a common experience with us all as new experiences of grace open richer veins in God's truth (John:12:16|). Peter clearly sees that the water baptism is merely the symbol or picture of the spiritual baptism in the heart.

rwp@Acts:11:17 @{The like gift} (\tˆn isˆn d“rean\). The equal gift, equal in quality, rank, or measure. Common word. {When we believed} (\pisteusasin\). First aorist active participle of \pisteu“\ in the dative case. It agrees both with \hˆmin\ (unto us) and with \autois\ (unto them), "having believed on the Lord Jesus Christ." Both classes (Gentiles and Jews) trusted in Christ, and both received the Holy Spirit. {Who was I} (\eg“ tis ˆmˆn\). Note order, "_I_, who was I." "{That I could withstand God}" (\dunatos k“l–sai ton theon\). Literally, "able to withstand or hinder God." It is a rhetorical question, really two questions. Who was I? Was I able to hinder God? Peter's statement of the facts made an unanswerable defence. And yet Peter (Galatians:2:11|) will later in Antioch play the coward before emissaries from Jerusalem on this very point of eating with Gentile Christians.

rwp@Acts:11:18 @{Held their peace} (\hˆsuchasan\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \hˆsuchaz“\, old verb to be quiet, to keep quiet. The wrangling (verse 2|) ceased. The critics even "glorified God" (\edoxasan\, ingressive aorist again). {Then to the Gentiles also} (\Ara kai tois ethnesin\). \Ergo\ as in strkjv@Luke:11:20,48| and like \ara oun\ in strkjv@Romans:5:18|. In ancient Greek inferential \ara\ cannot come at the beginning of a clause as here. It was reluctant acquiescence in the undoubted fact that God had "granted repentance unto life" to these Gentiles in Caesarea, but the circumcision party undoubtedly looked on it as an exceptional case and not to be regarded as a precedent to follow with other Gentiles. Peter will see in this incident (Acts:15:8|) the same principle for which Paul contends at the Jerusalem Conference. Furneaux suggests that this conduct of Peter in Caesarea, though grudgingly acquiesced in after his skilful defence, decreased his influence in Jerusalem where he had been leader and helped open the way for the leadership of James the Lord's brother.

rwp@Acts:11:19 @{They therefore that were scattered abroad} (\hoi men oun diasparentes\). Precisely the same words used in strkjv@8:4| about those scattered by Saul (which see) and a direct reference to it is made by the next words, "upon the tribulation that arose about Stephen" (\apo tˆs thlipse“s tˆs genomenˆs epi Stephan“i\). As a result of (\apo\), in the case of (\epi\) Stephen. From that event Luke followed Saul through his conversion and back to Jerusalem and to Tarsus. Then he showed the activity of Peter outside of Jerusalem as a result of the cessation of the persecution from the conversion of Saul with the Gentile Pentecost in Caesarea and the outcome in Jerusalem. Now Luke starts over again from the same persecution by Saul and runs a new line of events up to Antioch parallel to the other, probably partly following. {Except to Jews only} (\ei mˆ monon Ioudaiois\). Clearly these disciples did not know anything about the events in Caesarea and at first their flight preceded that time. But it was a wonderful episode, the eager and loyal preaching of the fleeing disciples. The culmination in Antioch was probably after the report of Peter about Caesarea. This Antioch by the Orontes was founded 300 B.C. by Seleucus Nicator and was one of five cities so named by the Seleucides. It became the metropolis of Syria though the Arabs held Damascus first. Antioch ranked next to Rome and Alexandria in size, wealth, power, and vice. There were many Jews in the cosmopolitan population of half a million. It was destined to supplant Jerusalem as the centre of Christian activity.

rwp@Acts:11:20 @{Spake} (\elaloun\). Inchoative imperfect active, began to speak. For them it was an experiment. {Unto the Greeks also} (\kai pros tous Hellˆnas\). This is undoubtedly the correct reading in spite of Hellenists (\Hellˆnistas\) or Grecian Jews in B E H L P. \Hellˆnas\ is read by A and D and a corrector of Aleph. The presence of "also" or "even" (\kai\) in Aleph A B makes no sense unless "Greeks" is correct. Hellenists or Grecian Jews as Christians were common enough as is seen in strkjv@Acts:2; 6|. Saul also had preached to the Hellenists in Jerusalem (9:29|). Hellenists were merely one kind of Jews in contrast with those who spoke Aramaic (Acts:6|). It is true that the case of Cornelius was first in importance, but it is not clear that it was before the work in Antioch. Probably the report of the work among the Greeks in Antioch reached Jerusalem after Peter's defence in strkjv@11:1-18|. That explains the calm tone about it and also why Barnabas and not Peter was sent to investigate. Peter and John (Acts:8|) had condoned Philip's work in Samaria and Peter was the agent in the work among the Romans in Caesarea. His position was now well-known and his services discounted for this new crisis. These Greeks in Antioch were apparently in part pure heathen and not "God-fearers" like Cornelius. A man of wisdom was called for. These preachers were themselves Hellenists (verse 19|) and open to the lessons from their environment without a vision such as Peter had at Joppa. "It was a departure of startling boldness" (Furneaux) by laymen outside of the circle of official leaders.

rwp@Acts:11:23 @{The grace of God, was glad} (\tˆn charin tˆn tou theou echarˆ\). Note repetition of the article, "the grace that of God." The verb (second aorist passive indicative of \chair“\) has the same root as \charis\. See the same _suavis paronomasia_ in strkjv@Luke:1:28|. "Grace brings gladness" (Page). "A smaller man would have raised difficulties as to circumcision or baptism" (Furneaux). {He exhorted} (\parekalei\). Imperfect active, picturing the continuous encouragement from Barnabas. {With purpose of heart} (\tˆi prothesei tˆs kardias\). Placing before (from \pro-tithˆmi\), old word for set plan as in strkjv@Acts:27:13; strkjv@Romans:8:28|. The glow of the first enthusiasm might pass as often happens after a revival. Barnabas had a special gift (4:36|) for work like this. {Cleave unto the Lord} (\prosmenein [en] t“i kuri“i\). Dative case (locative if \en\ is genuine) of \kurios\ (here Jesus again) after \prosemenein\ to keep on remaining loyal to (present active infinitive). Persistence was needed in such a pagan city.

rwp@Acts:11:26 @{Even for a whole year} (\kai eniauton holon\). Accusative of extent of time, probably the year A.D. 44, the year preceding the visit to Jerusalem (11:30|), the year of the famine. The preceding years with Tarsus as headquarters covered A.D. 37 (39) to 44. {They were gathered together with the church} (\sunachthˆnai en tˆi ekklˆsiƒi\). First aorist passive infinitive of \sunag“\, old verb, probably here to meet together as in strkjv@Matthew:28:12|. In strkjv@Acts:14:27| the verb is used of gathering together the church, but here \en tˆi ekklˆsiƒi\ excludes that idea. Barnabas met together "in the church" (note first use of the word for the disciples at Antioch). This peculiar phrase accents the leadership and co-operation of Barnabas and Saul in teaching (\didaxai\, first aorist active infinitive) much people. Both infinitives are in the nominative case, the subject of \egeneto\ (it came to pass). {And that the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch} (\chrˆmatisai te pr“t“s en Antiocheiƒi tous mathˆtas Christianous\). This first active infinitive \chrˆmatisai\ is also a subject of \egeneto\ and is added as a separate item by the use of \te\ rather than \kai\. For the word itself in the sense of divine command see on ¯Matthew:2:12,22; strkjv@Luke:2:26; strkjv@Acts:10:22|. Here and in strkjv@Romans:7:3| it means to be called or named (assuming a name from one's business, \chrˆma\, from \chraomai\, to use or to do business). Polybius uses it in this sense as here. \Tous mathˆtas\ (the disciples) is in the accusative of general reference with the infinitive. \Christianous\ (Christians) is simply predicate accusative. This word is made after the pattern of \Herodianus\ (Matthew:22:16|, \Her“idianoi\, followers of Herod), \Caesarianus\, a follower of Caesar (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 377, gives papyri examples of the genitive \Kaisaros\ meaning also "belonging to Caesar" like the common adjective \Caesarianus\). It is made thus like a Latin adjective, though it is a Greek word, and it refers to the Hebrew belief in a Messiah (Page). The name was evidently given to the followers of Christ by the Gentiles to distinguish them from the Jews since they were Greeks, not Grecian Jews. The Jews would not call them Christians because of their own use of \Christos\ the Messiah. The Jews termed them Galileans or Nazarenes. The followers of Christ called themselves disciples (learners), believers, brethren, saints, those of the Way. The three uses of Christian in the N.T. are from the heathen standpoint (here), strkjv@Acts:26:28| (a term of contempt in the mouth of Agrippa), and strkjv@1Peter:4:16| (persecution from the Roman government). It is a clear distinction from both Jews and Gentiles and it is not strange that it came into use first here in Antioch when the large Greek church gave occasion for it. Later Ignatius was bishop in Antioch and was given to the lions in Rome, and John Chrysostom preached here his wonderful sermons.

rwp@Acts:11:27 @{Prophets} (\prophˆtai\). Christian prophets these were (cf. strkjv@13:1|) who came from Jerusalem (the headquarters, strkjv@8:15|). Judas and Silas are called prophets (14:4; strkjv@15:32|). They were not just fore-tellers, but forth-tellers. The prophet had inspiration and was superior to the speaker with tongues (1Corinthians:14:3|). John was a prophet (Luke:7:26|). We need prophets in the ministry today.

rwp@Acts:11:28 @{Signified} (\esˆmainen\). Imperfect active in Westcott and Hort, but aorist active \esˆmƒnen\ in the margin. The verb is an old one from \sˆma\ (\sˆmeion\) a sign (cf. the symbolic sign in strkjv@21:11|). Here Agabus (also in strkjv@21:10|) does predict a famine through the Holy Spirit. {Should be} (\mellein esesthai\). \Mell“\ occurs either with the present infinitive (16:27|), the aorist infinitive (12:6|), or the future as here and strkjv@24:15; strkjv@27:10|. {Over all the world} (\eph' holˆn tˆn oikoumenˆn\). Over all the inhabited earth (\gˆn\, understood). Probably a common hyperbole for the Roman empire as in strkjv@Luke:2:1|. Josephus (_Ant_. VIII. 13, 4) appears to restrict it to Palestine. {In the days of Claudius} (\epi Klaudiou\). He was Roman Emperor A.D. 41-44. The Roman writers (Suetonius, Dio Cassius, Tacitus) all tell of dearths (_assiduae sterilitates_) during the brief reign of Claudius who was preceded by Caligula and followed by Nero.

rwp@Acts:11:30 @{Sending} (\aposteilantes\). First aorist active participle of \apostell“\, coincident action with \epoiˆsan\ (did). {To the elders} (\pros tous presbuterous\). The first use of that term for the Christian preachers. In strkjv@20:17,28| "elders" and "bishops" are used interchangeably as in strkjv@Titus:1:5,7|. The term probably arose gradually and holds a position in the church similar to the same term in the synagogue. The apostles were apparently absent from Jerusalem at this time and they were no longer concerned with serving tables. In strkjv@21:18| Paul presented the later collection also to the elders. Since Peter and James (till his death) were in Jerusalem during the persecution in chapter 12 it is probable that the visit of Barnabas and Saul to Jerusalem came really after that persecution for Peter left Jerusalem (12:17|). The elders here mentioned may include the preachers in Judea also outside of Jerusalem (26:20|).

rwp@Acts:12:1 @{About that time} (\kat' ekeinon ton kairon\). Same phrase in strkjv@Romans:9:9|. That is, the early part of A.D. 44 since that is the date of Herod's death. As already suggested, Barnabas and Saul came down from Antioch to Jerusalem after the persecution by Herod at the end of 44 or the beginning of 45. {Herod the king} (\Hˆr“idˆs ho basileus\). Accurate title at this particular time. Herod Agrippa I, grandson of Herod the Great, was King of Palestine A.D. 42 to 44; only for these three years was a Herod king over Palestine since the death of Herod the Great and never afterwards. Archelaus never actually became king though he had the popular title at first (Matthew:2:22|). {Put forth his hands} (\epebalen tas cheiras\). Second aorist active indicative of \epiball“\, old verb, to cast upon or against. The same idiom with \tas cheiras\ (the hands, common Greek idiom with article rather than possessive pronoun) in strkjv@4:3; strkjv@5:18|. {To afflict} (\kak“sai\). First aorist active infinitive of \kako“\, old word to do harm or evil to (\kakos\), already in strkjv@7:6,19|. Outside of Acts in the N.T. only strkjv@1Peter:5:13|. Infinitive of purpose. Probably the first who were afflicted were scourged or imprisoned, not put to death. It had been eight years or more since the persecution over the death of Stephen ceased with the conversion of Saul. But the disciples were not popular in Jerusalem with either Sadducees or Pharisees. The overtures to the Gentiles in Caesarea and Antioch may have stirred up the Pharisees afresh (cf. strkjv@6:14|). Herod Agrippa I was an Idumean through his grandfather Herod the Great and a grandson of Mariamne the Maccabean princess. He was a favourite of Caligula the Roman Emperor and was anxious to placate his Jewish subjects while retaining the favour of the Romans. Songs:he built theatres and held games for the Romans and Greeks and slew the Christians to please the Jews. Josephus (_Ant_. XIX. 7, 3) calls him a pleasant vain man scrupulously observing Jewish rites. Here we have for the first time political power (after Pilate) used against the disciples.

rwp@Acts:12:5 @{Therefore} (\men oun\). Because of the preceding situation. {Was kept} (\etˆreito\). Imperfect passive, continuously guarded, waiting for the feast to be over. {But prayer was made earnestly} (\proseuchˆ de ˆn ekten“s ginomenˆ\). Probably \de\ here is not adversative (but), merely parallel (and) as Page argues. It was a crisis for the Jerusalem church. James had been slain and Peter was to be the next victim. Hence "earnestly" (late adverb from \ektenˆs\, strained, from \ektein“\, to stretch. In the N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:22:44; strkjv@1Peter:1:22|) prayer was {going up} (\ginomenˆ\, present middle participle, periphrastic imperfect with \ˆn\). It looked like a desperate case for Peter. Hence the disciples prayed the more earnestly.

rwp@Acts:12:6 @{Was about to bring him forth} (\ˆmellen prosagagein\ or \proagagein\). The MSS. vary, but not \anagagein\ of verse 4|. {The same night} (\tˆi nukti ekeinˆi\). Locative case, {on that (very) night}. {Was sleeping} (\ˆn koim“menos\). Periphrastic middle imperfect. {Bound with two chains} (\dedemenos halusesin dusin\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\, to bind, followed by instrumental case. One chain was fastened to each soldier (one on each side of Peter). {Kept} (\etˆroun\). Imperfect active, were keeping. Two guards outside before the door and two inside, according to Roman rule. Did Peter recall the prophecy of Jesus that he should be put to death in his old age (John:21:18|)? Jesus had not said, as Furneaux does, that he would die by crucifixion.

rwp@Acts:12:7 @{Stood by him} (\epestˆ\). Ingressive second aorist active indicative of \ephistˆmi\, intransitive. This very form occurs in strkjv@Luke:2:9| of the sudden appearance of the angel of the Lord to the shepherds. Page notes that this second aorist of \ephistˆmi\ occurs seven times in the Gospel of Luke, eight times in the Acts, and nowhere else in the N.T. Note also the same form \apestˆ\ (departed from, from \aphistˆmi\, stood off from) of the disappearance of the angel in verse 10|. {In the cell} (\en t“i oikˆmati\). Literally, a dwelling place or habitation (from \oike“\, to dwell, \oikos\, house), but here not the prison as a whole as in Thucydides, but the room in the prison (cell) where Peter was chained to the two guards. Old word, but only here in the N.T. {He smote Peter on the side} (\pataxas tˆn pleuran tou Petrou\). More exactly, "smote the side of Peter." Strongly enough to wake Peter up who was sound asleep and yet not rouse the two guards. It was probably between 3 A.M. and 6 A.M., hours when changes in the guards were made. {Rise up} (\anasta\). Short form (_Koin‚_) of \anastˆthi\, second aorist active imperative of \anistˆmi\, intransitive. Songs:also strkjv@Acts:9:11| (Westcott and Hort text); strkjv@Ephesians:5:14|. {Fell off} (\exepesan\). Second aorist active with \a\ ending like first aorist of \expipt“\, old verb. This miracle was necessary if Peter was to escape without rousing the two guards.

rwp@Acts:12:9 @{Wist not} (\ouk ˆidei\). Past perfect of \oida\ used as imperfect, did not know. {Followed} (\ˆkolouthei\). Imperfect active, kept on following as the angel had directed (verse 8|). That it was true (\hoti alˆthes estin\). Indirect assertion and so present tense retained. Note "true" (\alˆthes\) in the sense of reality or actuality. {Which was done} (\to ginomenon\). Present middle participle, that which was happening. {Thought he saw a vision} (\edokei horama blepein\). Imperfect active, kept on thinking, puzzled as he was. \Blepein\ is the infinitive in indirect assertion without the pronoun (he) expressed which could be either nominative in apposition with the subject as in strkjv@Romans:1:22| or accusative of general reference as in strkjv@Acts:5:36; strkjv@8:9| (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1036-40). Peter had had a vision in Joppa (10:10|) which Luke describes as an "ecstasy," but here is objective fact, at least Luke thought so and makes that distinction. Peter will soon know whether he is still in the cell or not as we find out that a dream is only a dream when we wake up.

rwp@Acts:12:10 @{When they were past} (\dielthontes\). Second aorist active participle of \dierchomai\, transitive with \dia\ in composition. {The first and the second ward} (\pr“tˆn phulakˆn kai deuteran\). It is not clear to what this language refers. Some take it to mean single soldiers, using \phulakˆn\ in the sense of a guard (one before the door, one at the iron gate). But it seems hardly likely that the two soldiers with whom Peter had been stationed are meant. Probably the "first ward" means the two soldiers of the quaternion stationed by the door and the second ward some other soldiers, not part of the sixteen, further on in the prison by the iron gate. However understood, the difficulties of escape are made plain. {Unto the iron gate that leadeth into the city} (\epi tˆn pulˆn tˆn sidˆrƒn tˆn pherousan eis tˆn polin\). Note the triple use of the article (the gate the iron one the one leading into the city). For this resumptive use of the article see Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 762, 764. This iron gate may have opened from a court out into the street and effectually barred escape. {Opened to them} (\ˆnoigˆ autois\). Second aorist passive indicative of \anoig“\, the usual later form though \ˆnoichthˆ\ (first aorist passive) occurs also, was opened. {Of its own accord} (\automatˆ\). Old compound adjective (\autos\, self, obsolete \ma“\, to desire eagerly, feminine form though masculine \automatos\ also used as feminine). In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:4:28|. It was a strange experience for Peter. The Codex Bezae adds here "went down the seven steps" (\katebˆsan tous hepta bathmous\), an interesting detail that adds to the picture. {One street} (\rhumˆn mian\). The angel saw Peter through one of the narrow streets and then left him. We have no means of knowing precisely the location of the prison in the city. On "departed" (\apestˆ\) see on verse ¯7|.

rwp@Acts:12:11 @{Was come to himself} (\en heaut“i genomenos\). Second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ with \en\ and the locative case, "becoming at himself." In strkjv@Luke:15:17| we have \eis heauton elth“n\ (coming to himself, as if he had been on a trip away from himself). {Now I know of a truth} (\nun oida alˆth“s\). There was no further confusion of mind that it was an ecstasy as in strkjv@10:10|. But he was in peril for the soldiers would soon learn of his escape, when the change of guards came at 6 A.M. {Delivered me} (\exeilato me\). Second aorist middle indicative of \exaire“\. The Lord rescued me of himself by his angel. {Expectation} (\prosdokias\). Old word from \prosdoka“\, to look for. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:21:26|. James had been put to death and the Jewish people were eagerly waiting for the execution of Peter like hungry wolves.

rwp@Acts:12:12 @{When he had considered} (\sunid“n\). Second aorist active participle of \suneidon\ (for the defective verb \sunora“\), to see together, to grasp as a whole, old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@14:6|, save the perfect indicative \sunoida\ (1Corinthians:4:4|) and participle (Acts:5:2|). It is the word from which \suneidˆsis\ (conscience) comes (Romans:2:15|). Peter's mind worked rapidly and he decided what to do. He took in his situation clearly. {To the house of Mary} (\epi tˆn oikian tˆs Marias\). Another Mary (the others were Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, Mary wife of Cleopas, Mary the mother of James and Joses). She may have been a widow and was possessed of some means since her house was large enough to hold the large group of disciples there. Barnabas, cousin of John Mark her son (Colossians:4:10|), was also a man of property or had been (Acts:4:36f.|). It is probable that the disciples had been in the habit of meeting in her house, a fact known to Peter and he was evidently fond of John Mark whom he afterwards calls "my son" (1Peter:5:13|) and whom he had met here. The upper room of strkjv@Acts:1:13| may have been in Mary's house and Mark may have been the man bearing a pitcher of water (Luke:22:10|) and the young man who fled in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark:14:51f.|). There was a gate and portress here as in the house of the highpriest (John:18:16|). Peter knew where to go and even at this early hour hoped to find some of the disciples. Mary is one of the many mothers who have become famous by reason of their sons, though she was undoubtedly a woman of high character herself. {Were gathered together and were praying} (\ˆsan sunˆthroismenoi kai proseuchomenoi\). Note difference in the tenses, one periphrastic past perfect passive (\sunathroiz“\ old verb, in the N.T. here only and strkjv@19:25| and the uncompounded \throiz“\ in strkjv@Luke:24:33|) and the periphrastic imperfect. The praying apparently had been going on all night and a large number (many, \hikanoi\) of the disciples were there. One recalls the time when they had gathered to pray (4:31|) after Peter had told the disciples of the threats of the Sanhedrin (4:23|). God had rescued Peter then. Would he let him be put to death now as James had been?

rwp@Acts:12:13 @{When he knocked at the door of the gate} (\krousantos autou tˆn thuran tou pul“nos\). Genitive absolute with aorist active participle of \krou“\, common verb to knock or knock at. Songs:from the outside (Luke:13:25|). \Pul“n\ here is the gateway or passageway from the door (\thura\) that leads to the house. In verse 14| it is still the passageway without the use of \thura\ (door, so for both door and passageway). {To answer} (\hupakousai\). To listen under before opening. First aorist active infinitive of \hupakou“\, common verb to obey, to hearken. {A maid} (\paidiskˆ\). Portress as in strkjv@John:18:17|. A diminutive of \pais\, a female slave (so on an ostracon of second century A.D., Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 200). {Rhoda}. A rose. Women can have such beautiful names like Dorcas (Gazelle), Euodia (Sweet Aroma), Syntyche (Good Luck). Mark or Peter could tell Luke her name.

rwp@Acts:12:14 @{When she knew} (\epignousa\). Second aorist (ingressive) active participle of \epigin“sk“\, to know fully or in addition (\epi\), to recognize. She knew Peter and his voice from his frequent visits there. {For joy} (\apo tˆs charƒs\). From her joy (ablative case), life-like picture of the maid who left Peter standing outside with the door to the passageway unopened. Note the aorist tenses for quick action (\ouk ˆnoixen\), \eisdramousa\ (from \eistrech“\, defective verb, only here in the N.T.), \apˆggeilen\. {Stood} (\hestanai\). Second perfect active infinitive of \histˆmi\, intransitive, in indirect assertion with \ton Petron\ (Peter) accusative of general reference. The slave girl acted as if she were a member of the family (Furneaux), but she left Peter in peril.

rwp@Acts:12:15 @{Thou art mad} (\mainˆi\). Present middle indicative second person singular. Old verb, only in the middle voice. Festus used the same word to Paul (26:24|). The maid was undoubtedly excited, but it was a curious rebuff from those who had been praying all night for Peter's release. In their defence it may be said that Stephen and James had been put to death and many others by Saul's persecution. {She confidently affirmed} (\diischurizeto\). Imperfect middle of \diischurizomai\, an old word of vigorous and confident assertion, originally to lean upon. Only here in the N.T. The girl stuck to her statement. {It is his angel} (\Hosea:aggelos estin autou\). This was the second alternative of the disciples. It was a popular Jewish belief that each man had a guardian angel. Luke takes no position about it. No scripture teaches it.

rwp@Acts:12:16 @{Continued knocking} (\epemenen krou“n\). Imperfect active and present participle. Now all heard the knocking. {When they had opened} (\anoixantes\). First aorist active participle of \anoig“\ or \-numi\. The whole group rushed out to the courtyard this time to make sure. {They were amazed} (\exestˆsan\). The frequent second aorist active (intransitive) indicative of \existˆmi\.

rwp@Acts:12:17 @There were probably loud exclamations of astonishment and joy. {Beckoning with the hand} (\kataseisas tˆi cheiri\). First aorist active participle of \katasei“\, old verb to signal or shake down with the hand (instrumental case \cheiri\). In the N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:12:17; strkjv@13:16; strkjv@19:33; strkjv@21:40|. The speaker indicates by a downward movement of the hand his desire for silence (to hold their peace, \sigƒin\, present active infinitive, to keep silent). Peter was anxious for every precaution and he wanted their instant attention. {Declared} (\diˆgˆsato\). First aorist middle of \diˆgeomai\, old verb to carry through a narrative, give a full story. See also strkjv@Acts:9:27| of Barnabas in his defence of Saul. Peter told them the wonderful story. {Unto James and the brethren} (\Iak“b“i kai tois adelphois\). Dative case after \apaggeilate\ (first aorist active imperative). Evidently "James and the brethren" were not at this meeting, probably meeting elsewhere. There was no place where all the thousands of disciples in Jerusalem could meet. This gathering in the house of Mary may have been of women only or a meeting of the Hellenists. It is plain that this James the Lord's brother, is now the leading presbyter or elder in Jerusalem though there were a number (11:30; strkjv@21:18|). Paul even terms him apostle (Gal strkjv@1:19|), though certainly not one of the twelve. The twelve apostles probably were engaged elsewhere in mission work save James now dead (Acts:12:2|) and Peter. The leadership of James is here recognized by Peter and is due, partly to the absence of the twelve, but mainly to his own force of character. He will preside over the Jerusalem Conference (Acts:15:13|). {To another place} (\eis heteron topon\). Probably Luke did not know the place and certainly it was prudent for Peter to conceal it from Herod Agrippa. Probably Peter left the city. He is back in Jerusalem at the Conference a few years later (Acts:15:7|) and after the death of Herod Agrippa. Whether Peter went to Rome during these years we do not know. He was recognized later as the apostle to the circumcision (Gal strkjv@2:7; strkjv@1Peter:1:1|) and apparently was in Rome with John Mark when he wrote the First Epistle (1Peter:5:13|), unless it is the real Babylon. But, even if Peter went to Rome during this early period, there is no evidence that he founded the church there. If he had done so, in the light of strkjv@2Corinthians:10:16| it would be strange that Paul had not mentioned it in writing to Rome, for he was anxious not to build on another man's foundation (Romans:15:20|). Paul felt sure that he himself had a work to do in Rome. Unfortunately Luke has not followed the ministry of Peter after this period as he does Paul (appearing again only in chapter strkjv@Acts:15|). If Peter really left Jerusalem at this time instead of hiding in the city, he probably did some mission work as Paul says that he did (1Corinthians:9:5|).

rwp@Acts:12:19 @{He examined} (\anakrinas\). First aorist active participle of \anakrin“\, old verb to sift up and down, to question thoroughly, in a forensic sense (Luke:23:14; strkjv@Acts:4:9; strkjv@12:19; strkjv@28:18|). {That they should be put to death} (\apachthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive (indirect command) of \apag“\, old verb to lead away, especially to execution as in strkjv@Matthew:27:31|. Here it is used absolutely. This was the ordinary Roman routine and not a proof of special cruelty on the part of Herod Agrippa. {Tarried} (\dietriben\). Imperfect active. Herod Agrippa made his home in Jerusalem, but he went to Caesarea to the public games in honour of Emperor Claudius.

rwp@Acts:12:20 @{Was highly displeased} (\ˆn thumomach“n\). Periphrastic imperfect active of \thumomache“\, late compound of \thumos\ (passionate heat) and \machomai\, to fight. Only here in the N.T., to fight desperately, to have a hot quarrel. Whether it was open war with the Phoenicians or just violent hostility we do not know, save that Phoenicia belonged to Syria and Herod Agrippa had no authority there. The quarrel may have been over commercial matters. {They came with one accord} (\homothumadon parˆsan\). The representatives of Tyre and Sidon. See on ¯1:14| for \homothumadon\. Tyre was a colony of Sidon and had become one of the chief commercial cities of the world by reason of the Phoenician ships. {The king's chamberlain} (\ton epi tou koit“nos tou basileos\). The one over the bedchamber (\koit“nos\, late word from \koitˆ\, bed, here only in the N.T.). {Made their friend} (\peisantes\). First aorist active participle of \peith“\, to persuade. Having persuaded (probably with bribes as in strkjv@Matthew:28:14|). {They asked for peace} (\ˆitounto eirˆnˆn\). Imperfect middle of \aite“\, kept on asking for peace. {Because their country was fed} (\dia to trephesthai aut“n tˆn choran\). Causal sentence with \dia\ and the articular infinitive (present passive of \treph“\, to nourish or feed) and the accusative of general reference, "because of the being fed as to their country." Tyre and Sidon as large commercial cities on the coast received large supplies of grain and fruits from Palestine. Herod had cut off the supplies and that brought the two cities to action.

rwp@Acts:12:21 @{Upon a set day} (\taktˆi hˆmerƒi\). Locative case and the verbal adjective of \tass“\, to arrange, appoint, old word, here only in the N.T. Josephus (_Ant_. XVII. 6, 8; XIX. 8, 2) gives a full account of the occasion and the death of Herod Agrippa. It was the second day of the festival in honour of the Emperor Claudius, possibly his birthday rather than the _Quinquennalia_. The two accounts of Luke and Josephus supplement each other with no contradiction. Josephus does not mention the name of Blastus. {Arrayed himself in royal apparel} (\endusamenos esthˆta basilikˆn\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle of \endun“\ or \endu“\, common verb to put on. Literally, having put royal apparel on himself (a robe of silver tissue, Josephus says). The rays of the sun shone on this brilliant apparel and the vast crowd in the open amphitheatre became excited as Herod began to speak. {Made an oration} (\edˆmˆgorei\). Imperfect active of \dˆmˆgore“\, old verb from \dˆmˆgoros\ (haranguer of the people), and that from \dˆmos\ (people) and \agoreu“\, to harangue or address the people. Only here in the N.T. He kept it up.

rwp@Acts:12:23 @{Smote him} (\epataxen auton\). Effective aorist active indicative of \patass“\, old verb, used already in verse 7| of gentle smiting of the angel of the Lord, here of a severe stroke of affliction. Like Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel:4:30|) pride went before a fall. He was struck down in the very zenith of his glory. {Because} (\anth' h“n\). \Anti\ with the genitive of the relative pronoun, "in return for which things." He accepted the impious flattery (Hackett) instead of giving God the glory. He was a nominal Jew. {He was eaten of worms} (\genomenos sk“lˆkobr“tos\). Ingressive aorist middle participle, "becoming worm-eaten." The compound verbal adjective (\sk“lˆx\, worm, \br“tos\, eaten, from \bibr“sk“\) is a late word (II Macc. strkjv@9:9) of the death of Antiochus Epiphanes, used also of a tree (Theophrastus), here only in the N.T. The word \sk“lˆx\ was used of intestinal worms and Herodotus (IV. 205) describes Pheretima, Queen of Cyrene, as having swarms of worms which ate her flesh while still alive. Josephus (_Ant_. XIX. 8, 2) says that Herod Agrippa lingered for five days and says that the rotting of his flesh produced worms, an item in harmony with the narrative in Luke. Josephus gives further details, one a superstitious sight of an owl sitting on one of the ropes of the awning of the theatre while the people flattered him, an omen of his death to him. Luke puts it simply that God smote him. {Gave up the ghost} (\exepsuxen\). Effective aorist active of \ekpsuch“\, to breathe out, late verb, medical term in Hippocrates, in the N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:5:5,10; strkjv@12:23|. Herod was carried out of the theatre a dying man and lingered only five days.

rwp@Acts:12:25 @{From Jerusalem} (\ex Ierousalˆm\). Probably correct text, though D has \apo\. Westcott and Hort follow Aleph B in reading \eis\ (to) Jerusalem, an impossible reading contradicted by strkjv@11:29f.; strkjv@13:1|. The ministration (\diakonian\) referred to is that in strkjv@11:29f.| which may have taken place, in point of time, after the death of Herod. {Taking with them} (\sunparalabontes\). Taking along (\para\) with (\sun\) them, John Mark from Jerusalem (12:12|) to Antioch (13:1|). The aorist participle does not express subsequent action as Rackham here argues (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 861-863).

rwp@Acts:13:1 @{In the church that was there} (\kata tˆn ousan ekklˆsian\). Possibly distributed throughout the church (note "in the church" strkjv@11:26|). Now a strong organization there. Luke here begins the second part of Acts with Antioch as the centre of operations, no longer Jerusalem. Paul is now the central figure instead of Peter. Jerusalem had hesitated too long to carry out the command of Jesus to take the gospel to the whole world. That glory will now belong to Antioch. {Prophets and teachers} (\prophˆtai kai didaskaloi\). All prophets were teachers, but not all teachers were prophets who were for-speakers of God, sometimes fore-speakers like Agabus in strkjv@11:28|. The double use of \te\ here makes three prophets (Barnabas, Symeon, Lucius) and two teachers (Manaen and Saul). Barnabas heads the list (11:22|) and Saul comes last. Symeon Niger may be the Simon of Cyrene who carried the Saviour's cross. Lucius of Cyrene was probably one of the original evangelists (11:20|). The name is one of the forms of Luke, but it is certainly not Luke the Physician. Manaen shows how the gospel was reaching some of the higher classes (home of Herod Antipas). {Foster-brother} (\suntrophos\). Old word for nourished with or brought up with one _collactaneus_ (Vulgate). These are clearly the outstanding men in the great Greek church in Antioch.

rwp@Acts:13:3 @{When they had fasted} (\nˆsteusantes\). Either finishing the same fast in verse 2| or another one (Hackett), but clearly a voluntary fast. {Laid their hands upon them} (\epithentes tas cheiras autois\). Second aorist active participle of \epitithˆmi\. Not ordination to the ministry, but a solemn consecration to the great missionary task to which the Holy Spirit had called them. Whether the whole church took part in this ceremony is not clear, though in strkjv@15:40| "the brethren" did commend Paul and Silas. Perhaps some of them here acted for the whole church, all of whom approved the enterprise. But Paul makes it plain in strkjv@Phillipians:4:15| that the church in Antioch did not make financial contribution to the campaign, but only goodwill. But that was more than the church at Jerusalem would have done as a whole since Peter had been arraigned there for his activities in Caesarea (Acts:11:1-18|). Clearly Barnabas and Saul had to finance the tour themselves. It was Philippi that first gave money to Paul's campaigns. There were still heathen enough in Antioch, but the church approved the going of Barnabas and Saul, their very best.

rwp@Acts:13:4 @{Songs:they} (\autoi men oun\). They themselves indeed therefore. No contrast is necessary, though there is a slight one in verses 5,6|. Luke again refers to the Holy Spirit as the source of their authority for this campaign rather than the church at Antioch. {Sent forth} (\ekpemphthentes\). Old verb from \ekpemp“\ and first aorist passive participle, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:17:10|. {Sailed} (\apepleusan\). Effective aorist active indicative of \apople“\, old verb to sail away, depart from. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@14:26; strkjv@20:15; strkjv@27:1|. Barnabas was from Cyprus where there were many Jews.

rwp@Acts:13:9 @{But Saul, who is also called Paul} (\Saulos de, ho kai Paulos\). By this remarkably brief phrase Luke presents this epoch in the life of Saul Paul. The "also" (\kai\) does not mean that the name Paul was given now for the first time, rather than he had always had it. As a Jew and a Roman citizen, he undoubtedly had both names all the time (cf. John Mark, Symeon Niger, Barsabbas Justus). Jerome held that the name of Sergius Paulus was adopted by Saul because of his conversion at this time, but this is a wholly unlikely explanation, "an element of vulgarity impossible to St. Paul " (Farrar). Augustine thought that the meaning of the Latin _paulus_ (little) would incline Saul to adopt, "but as a proper name the word rather suggested the glories of the Aemilian family, and even to us recalls the name of another Paulus, who was 'lavish of his noble life'" (Page). Among the Jews the name Saul was naturally used up to this point, but from now on Luke employs Paul save when there is a reference to his previous life (Acts:22:7; strkjv@26:14|). His real career is work among the Gentiles and Paul is the name used by them. There is a striking similarity in sound between the Hebrew Saul and the Roman Paul. Paul was proud of his tribe of Benjamin and so of King Saul (Phillipians:3:5|). {Filled with the Holy Spirit} (\plˆstheis pneumatos hagiou\). First aorist (ingressive) passive participle of \pimplˆmi\ with the genitive case. A special influx of power to meet this emergency. Here was a cultured heathen, typical of the best in Roman life, who called forth all the powers of Paul plus the special help of the Holy Spirit to expose the wickedness of Elymas Barjesus. If one wonders why the Holy Spirit filled Paul for this emergency rather than Barnabas, when Barnabas was named first in strkjv@13:2|, he can recall the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit in his choice of agents (1Corinthians:12:4-11|) and also the special call of Paul by Christ (Acts:9:15; strkjv@26:17f.|). {Fastened his eyes} (\atenisas\). As already in strkjv@Luke:4:20; strkjv@22:56; strkjv@Acts:3:4,12; strkjv@6:15; strkjv@10:4|.

rwp@Acts:13:10 @{Of all guile} (\pantos dolou\). From \del“\, to catch with bait, old word, already seen in strkjv@Matthew:26:4; strkjv@Mark:7:22; strkjv@14:1|. Paul denounces Elymas as a trickster. {All villainy} (\pƒsˆs rhƒidiourgias\). Late compound from \rhƒidiourgos\ (\rhƒidios\, easy, facile, \ergon\, deed, one who does a thing adroitly and with ease). Songs:levity in Xenophon and unscrupulousness in Polybius, Plutarch, and the papyri. Only here in the N.T., though the kindred word \rhƒidiourgˆma\ occurs in strkjv@Acts:18:14|. With deadly accuracy Paul pictured this slick rascal. {Thou son of the devil} (\huie diabolou\). Damning phrase like that used by Jesus of the Pharisees in strkjv@John:8:44|, a slanderer like the \diabolos\. This use of son (\huios\) for characteristic occurs in strkjv@Acts:3:25; strkjv@4:36|, a common Hebrew idiom, and may be used purposely by Paul in contrast with the name Barjesus (son of Jesus) that Elymas bore (13:6|). {Enemy of all righteousness} (\echthre pƒsˆs dikaiosunˆs\). Personal enemy to all justice, sums up all the rest. Note triple use of "all" (\pantos, pƒsˆs, pƒsˆs\), total depravity in every sense. {Wilt thou not cease?} (\ou pausˆi\). An impatient rhetorical question, almost volitive in force (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 874). Note \ou\, not \mˆ\, {To pervert} (\diastreph“n\). Present active participle describing the actual work of Elymas as a perverter or distorter (see verse 8|). More exactly, Wilt thou not cease perverting? {The right ways of the Lord} (\tas hodous tou kuriou tas eutheias\). The ways of the Lord the straight ones as opposed to the crooked ways of men (Isaiah:40:4; strkjv@42:16; strkjv@Luke:3:5|). The task of John the Baptist as of all prophets and preachers is to make crooked paths straight and to get men to walk in them. This false prophet was making even the Lord's straight ways crooked. Elymas has many successors.

rwp@Acts:13:11 @{Upon thee} (\epi se\). The use of \epi\ with the accusative is rich and varied, the precise shade of meaning depending on the content. The "hand of the Lord" might be kindly (Acts:11:21|) or hostile (Hebrews:10:31|), but when God's hand touches one's life (Job:19:21|) it may be in judgment as here with Elymas. He has not humbled himself under the mighty hand of God (1Peter:5:6|). {Not seeing} (\mˆ blep“n\). Repeating with negative participle the negative idea in "blind" (\tuphlos\). "It was a judicial infliction; blindness for blindness, darkness without for wilful darkness within" (Furneaux). He was an example of the blind leading the blind that was to cease and Sergius Paulus was to be led into the light. The blindness was to be "for a season" (\achri kairou\, strkjv@Luke:4:13|), if it should please God to restore his sight. Paul apparently recalls his own blindness as he entered Damascus. {A mist} (\achlus\). Especially a dimness of the eyes, old poetic word and late prose, in LXX, only here in N.T. Galen uses it of the opacity of the eye caused by a wound. {He went about seeking some one to lead him by the hand} (\periag“n ezˆtei cheirag“gous\). A rather free rendering. Literally, "going about (\periag“n\, present active participle of \periag“\) he was seeking (\ezˆtei\, imperfect active of \zˆte“\) guides (\cheirag“gous\, from \cheir\, hand, and \ag“gos\, guide, from \ag“\, one who leads by the hand)." The very verb \cheirag“ge“\, to lead by the hand, Luke uses of Paul in strkjv@9:8|, as he entered Damascus.

rwp@Acts:13:12 @{Believed} (\episteusen\). Ingressive aorist active indicative. Renan considers it impossible that a Roman proconsul could be converted by a miracle. But it was the teaching about the Lord (\tou kuriou\, objective genitive) by which he was astonished (\ekplˆssomenos\, present passive participle of \ekplˆss“\, see on ¯Matthew:7:28|) or struck out as well as by the miracle. The blindness came "immediately" (\paraehrˆma\) upon the judgment pronounced by Paul. It is possible that Sergius Paulus was converted to Christ without openly identifying himself with the Christians as his baptism is not mentioned as in the case of Cornelius. But, even if he was baptized, he need not have been deposed from his proconsulship as Furneaux and Rackham argue because his office called for "official patronage of idolatrous worship." But that could have been merely perfunctory as it probably was already. He had been a disciple of the Jewish magician, Elymas Barjesus, without losing his position. Imperial persecution against Christianity had not yet begun. Furneaux even suggests that the conversion of a proconsul to Christianity at this stage would have called for mention by the Roman and Greek historians. There is the name Sergia Paullina in a Christian cemetery in Rome which shows that one of his family was a Christian later. One will believe what he wills about Sergius Paulus, but I do not see that Luke leaves him in the category of Simon Magus who "believed" (8:13|) for revenue only.

rwp@Acts:13:13 @{Paul and his company} (\hoi peri Paulon\). Neat Greek idiom as in Plato, Cratylus 440 C \hoi peri Herakleiton\. On this idiom see Gildersleeve, _Syntax_, p. 264. It means a man and his followers, "those around Paul." Now Paul ranks first always in Acts save in strkjv@14:2; strkjv@15:12,25| for special reasons. Heretofore Saul (Paul) held a secondary position (9:27; strkjv@11:30; strkjv@13:1f.|). "In nothing is the greatness of Barnabas more manifest than in his recognition of the superiority of Paul and acceptance of a secondary position for himself" (Furneaux). {Set sail} (\anachthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \anag“\. Thirteen times in the Acts and strkjv@Luke:8:22| which see. They sailed up to sea and came down (\katag“, katabain“\) to land. Songs:it looks. {Departed from them} (\apoch“rˆsas ap' aut“n\). First aorist active participle of \apoch“re“\, old verb to withdraw, go away from. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:7:23; strkjv@Luke:9:39|. He is called John there as in verse 5| and Mark in strkjv@15:39|, though John Mark in strkjv@12:12,25|. This may be accidental or on purpose (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 317). Luke is silent on John's reasons for leaving Paul and Barnabas. He was the cousin of Barnabas and may not have relished the change in leadership. There may have been change in plans also now that Paul is in command. Barnabas had chosen Cyprus and Paul has led them to Perga in Pamphylia and means to go on into the highlands to Antioch in Pisidia. There were perils of many sorts around them and ahead (2Corinthians:11:26|), perils to which John Mark was unwilling to be exposed. Paul will specifically charge him at Antioch with desertion of his post (Acts:15:39|). It is possible, as Ramsay suggests, that the mosquitoes at Perga gave John malaria. If so, they bit Paul and Barnabas also. He may not have liked Paul's aggressive attitude towards the heathen. At any rate he went home to Jerusalem instead of to Antioch, _zu seiner Mutter_ (Holtzmann). It was a serious breach in the work, but Paul and Barnabas stuck to the work.

rwp@Acts:13:16 @{Paul stood up} (\anastas Paulos\). The Jewish custom was to sit while speaking (Luke:4:20|), but the Greek and Roman was to stand (Acts:17:22|). It is possible as Lewin (_Life of St. Paul_, Vol. 1, p. 141) suggests that here Paul stepped upon the platform and then took his seat as he began to speak or he may have followed the Greek and Roman custom. Paul is the leader now and the more gifted speaker (Acts:14:12|), so that he responds to the courteous invitation of the rulers. {Beckoning} (\kataseisas\). First aorist active participle of \katasei“\, old verb to shake down, a dramatic gesture for quiet and order like Peter in strkjv@12:17| and Paul on the steps of the tower of Antonia (21:40|). {And ye that fear God} (\kai hoi phoboumenoi ton theon\). Evidently large numbers of these Gentiles like Cornelius in Caesarea were present. They offered Paul a great opportunity for reaching the purely pagan Gentiles. This (verses 16-41|) is the first full report of a sermon of Paul's that Luke has preserved for us. He is now a practised preacher of the gospel that he began proclaiming at Damascus, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of promise and the Saviour of the whole world both Jew and Gentile if they will only believe on him and be saved. It is possible that Paul here based his sermon on the passages of the law and the prophets that had just been read. He uses two words from the LXX, one in verse 19| from strkjv@Deuteronomy:1:31| \etrophophorˆsen\ (as a nursing-father bare he them), the reading of many old MSS. and the one preferred by the American Committee, the other in verse 17| from strkjv@Isaiah:1:2| \hups“sen\ (exalted). At any rate it is clear that Paul spoke in Greek so that all could understand his sermon. He may have written out notes of this sermon afterwards for Luke. The keynotes of Paul's theology as found in his Epistles appear in this sermon. It is interesting to observe the steady growth of Paul's Christology as he faced the great problems of his day. Here we see Paul's gospel for the Jews and the God-fearers (Gentiles friendly to the Jews).

rwp@Acts:13:19 @{When he had destroyed} (\kathel“n\). Second aorist active participle of \kathaire“\, to tear down, old verb. {He gave them for an inheritance} (\kateklˆronomˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of the double compound verb \kata-klˆro-nome“\, late verb in LXX (Numbers:34:18; strkjv@Deuteronomy:3:28; strkjv@Joshua:14:1|) and only here in the N.T., to distribute by lot, to distribute as an inheritance. This is the correct reading and not \kateklˆrodotˆsen\ from \kataklˆrodote“\ of the Textus Receptus. These two verbs were confused in the MSS. of the LXX as well as here. {For about four hundred and fifty years} (\h“s etesin tetrakosiois kai pentˆkonta\). Associative instrumental case with an expression of time as in strkjv@8:11; strkjv@Luke:8:29| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 527). The oldest MSS. (Aleph A B C Vg Sah Boh) place these figures before "after these things" and so in verse 19|. This is the true reading and is in agreement with the notation in strkjv@1Kings:6:1|. The difficulty found in the Textus Receptus (King James Version) thus disappears with the true text. The four hundred and fifty years runs therefore from the birth of Isaac to the actual conquest of Canaan and does not cover the period of the Judges. See on ¯Acts:7:6|.

rwp@Acts:13:20 @{And after these things} (\kai meta tauta\). That is, the time of the Judges then began. Cf. strkjv@Judges:2:16|. {Until Samuel the prophet} (\he“s Samouˆl prophˆtou\). The _terminus ad quem_. He was the last of the judges and the first of the prophets who selected the first king (Saul) under God's guidance. Note the absence of the Greek article with \prophˆtou\.

rwp@Acts:13:22 @{When he had removed him} (\metastˆsas auton\). First aorist active participle of \methistˆmi\, old verb to transfer, to transpose (note force of \meta\). This verb occurs in strkjv@Luke:16:4| by the unjust steward about his removal from office. Cf. strkjv@1Samuel:15:16|. {To be} (\eis\). As or for, Greek idiom like the Hebrew _le_, common in the LXX. {A man after my heart} (\andra kata tˆn kardian mou\). The words quoted by Paul as a direct saying of God are a combination of strkjv@Psalms:89:20, 21; strkjv@1Samuel:13:14| (the word of the Lord to Samuel about David). Knowling thinks that this free and rather loose quotation of the substance argues for the genuineness of the report of Paul's sermon. Hackett observes that the commendation of David is not absolute, but, as compared with the disobedient Saul, he was a man who did God's will in spite of the gross sin of which he repented (Psalms:51|). Note "wills" (\thelˆmata\), plural, of God.

rwp@Acts:13:24 @{When John had first preached} (\prokˆruxantos I“anou\). Literally, John heralding beforehand, as a herald before the king (Luke:3:3|). Genitive absolute of first aorist active participle of \prokˆruss“\, old verb to herald beforehand, here alone in the N.T., though Textus Receptus has it also in strkjv@Acts:3:20|. {Before his coming} (\pro pros“pou tˆs eisodou autou\). Literally, before the face of his entering in (here act of entrance as strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:9|, not the gate as in strkjv@Hebrews:10:19|). See strkjv@Malachi:3:1| quoted in strkjv@Matthew:11:10| (Luke:7:27|) for this Hebrew phrase and also strkjv@Luke:1:76|. {The baptism of repentance} (\baptisma metanoias\). Baptism marked by, characterized by (genitive case, case of kind or species) repentance (change of mind and life). The very phrase used of John's preaching in strkjv@Mark:1:4; strkjv@Luke:3:3|. It is clear therefore that Paul understood John's ministry and message as did Peter (Acts:2:38; strkjv@10:37|).

rwp@Acts:13:27 @{Because they knew him not} (\touton agnoˆsantes\). First aorist active participle (causal) of \agnoe“\, old verb, not to know. Peter gives "ignorance" (\agnoia\) as the excuse of the Jews in the death of Christ (3:17|) and Paul does the same about his conduct before his conversion (1Timothy:1:13|). This ignorance mitigated the degree of their guilt, but it did not remove it, for it was willing ignorance and prejudice. {The voices of the prophets which are read} (\tas ph“nas t“n prophˆt“n tas anagin“skomenas\). Object also of \agnoˆsantes\, though it could be the object of \eplˆr“san\ (fulfilled) if \kai\ is taken as "also". The "voices" were heard as they were read aloud each Sabbath in the synagogue. In their ignorant condemnation they fulfilled the prophecies about the suffering Messiah.

rwp@Acts:13:28 @{Though they found no cause of death} (\mˆdemian aitian thanatou heurontes\). Second aorist active with usual negative of the participle. As a matter of fact the Sanhedrin did charge Jesus with blasphemy, but could not prove it (Matthew:26:65; strkjv@27:24; strkjv@Luke:23:22|). At this time no Gospel had probably been written, but Paul knew that Jesus was innocent. He uses this same idiom about his own innocence (Acts:28:18|). {That he should be slain} (\anairethˆnai auton\). First aorist passive infinitive, the accusative case, the direct object of \ˆitˆsanto\ (first aorist middle indicative, asked as a favour to themselves).

rwp@Acts:13:31 @{Was seen for many days} (\“phthˆ epi hˆmeras pleious\). The common verb (first aorist passive indicative of \hora“\, to see) for the appearance of the Risen Christ, the one used by Paul of his own vision of Christ (1Corinthians:15:8|), which is not reported by Luke here. For more days (than a few), the language means, forty in all (1:3|). {Of them that came up with him} (\tois sunanabƒsin aut“i\). Dative (after \“phthˆ\) articular participle (second aorist active of \sunanabain“\) with associative instrumental case (\aut“i\), the very men who knew him best and who could not be easily deceived about the reality of his resurrection. But this fact rules Paul out on this point, for he had not fellowshipped with Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem. {Who are now his witnesses} (\hoitines nun eisin martures autou\). The very point that Peter used to clinch his argument with such powerful effect (2:32; strkjv@3:15|).

rwp@Acts:13:32 @{We bring you good tidings of the promise} (\hˆmeis humƒs euaggelizometha tˆn epaggelian\). Two accusatives here (person and thing), old Greek did not use accusative of the person with this verb as in strkjv@16:10; strkjv@Luke:3:18|. Note "we you" together. Here the heart of Paul's message on this occasion.

rwp@Acts:13:38 @{Through this man} (\dia toutou\). This very man whom the Jews had crucified and whom God had raised from the dead. Remission of sins (\aphesis hamarti“n\) is proclaimed (\kataggelletai\) to you. This is the keynote of Paul's message as it had been that of Peter at Pentecost (2:38; strkjv@5:31; strkjv@10:43|). Cf. strkjv@26:18|. This glorious message Paul now presses home in his exhortation.

rwp@Acts:13:39 @{And by him every one that believeth is justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses} (\kai apo pant“n h“n ouk ˆdunˆthˆte en nom“i M“use“s dikaiothˆnai en tout“i pƒs ho pisteu“n dikaioutai\). This is a characteristic Greek sentence with the principal clause at the end and Pauline to the core. A literal rendering as to the order would be: "And from all the things from (\apo\ not repeated in the Greek, but understood, the ablative case being repeated) which ye were not able to be justified in this one every one who believes is justified." The climax is at the close and gives us the heart of Paul's teaching about Christ. "We have here the germ of all that is most characteristic in Paul's later teaching. It is the argument of the Epistle to Galatians and Romans in a sentence" (Furneaux). The failure of the Mosaic law to bring the kind of righteousness that God demands is stated. This is made possible in and by (\en\) Christ alone. Paul's favourite words occur here, \pisteu“\, believe, with which \pistis\, faith, is allied, \dikaio“\, to set right with God on the basis of faith. In strkjv@Romans:6:7| Paul uses \apo\ also after \dikaio“\. These are key words (\pisteu“\ and \dikaio“\) in Paul's theology and call for prolonged and careful study if one is to grasp the Pauline teaching. \Dikaio“\ primarily means to make righteous, to declare righteous like \axio“\, to deem worthy (\axios\). But in the end Paul holds that real righteousness will come (Romans:6-8|) to those whom God treats as righteous (Romans:3-5|) though both Gentile and Jew fall short without Christ (Romans:1-3|). This is the doctrine of grace that will prove a stumbling block to the Jews with their ceremonial works and foolishness to the Greeks with their abstract philosophical ethics (1Corinthians:1:23-25|). It is a new and strange doctrine to the people of Antioch.

rwp@Acts:13:42 @{And as they went out} (\Exiont“n de aut“n\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \exeimi\, to go out, old verb, in the N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:12:42; strkjv@17:15; strkjv@20:7; strkjv@27:43|. As they (Paul and Barnabas) were going out with all the excitement and hubbub created by the sermon. {They besought} (\parekaloun\). Imperfect active, inchoative, began to beseech. The Textus Receptus inserts wrongly \ta ethnˆ\ (the Gentiles) as if the Jews were opposed to Paul from the first as some doubtless were. But both Jews and Gentiles asked for the repetition of the sermon (\lalˆthˆnai\, first aorist passive infinitive object of \parekaloun\ with accusative of general reference). {The next Sabbath} (\eis to metaxu sabbaton\). Late use (Josephus, Plutarch, etc.) of \metaxu\ (\meta\ and \xun\=\sun\) in sense of after or next instead of between (sense of \meta\ prevailing). Note use of \eis\ for "on" or "by."

rwp@Acts:13:43 @{When the synagogue broke up} (\lutheisˆs tˆs sunag“gˆs\). Genitive absolute of first aorist passive participle of \lu“\. Apparently Paul and Barnabas had gone out before the synagogue was formally dismissed. {Of the devout proselytes} (\t“n sebomen“n prosˆlut“n\). Of the worshipping proselytes described in verses 16,25| as "those who fear God" (cf. strkjv@16:14|) employed usually of the uncircumcised Gentiles who yet attended the synagogue worship, but the word \prosˆlutoi\ (\pros, ˆlutos\ verbal from \erchomai\, a new-comer) means usually those who had become circumcised (proselytes of righteousness). Yet the rabbis used it also of proselytes of the gate who had not yet become circumcised, probably the idea here. In the N.T. the word occurs only in strkjv@Matthew:23:15; strkjv@Acts:2:10; strkjv@6:5; strkjv@13:43|. Many (both Jews and proselytes) followed (\ˆkolouthˆsan\, ingressive aorist active indicative of \akolouthe“\) Paul and Barnabas to hear more without waiting till the next Sabbath. Songs:we are to picture Paul and Barnabas speaking (\proslalountes\, late compound, in N.T. only here and strkjv@28:20|) to eager groups. {Urged} (\epeithon\). Imperfect active of \peith“\, either descriptive (were persuading) or conative (were trying to persuade). Paul had great powers of persuasion (18:4; strkjv@19:8,26; strkjv@26:28; strkjv@28:23; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:11; strkjv@Galatians:1:10|). These Jews "were beginning to understand for the first time the true meaning of their national history" (Furneaux), "the grace of God" to them.

rwp@Acts:13:44 @{The next Sabbath} (\t“i erchomen“i sabbat“i\). Locative case, on the coming (\erchomen“i\, present middle participle of \erchomai\) Sabbath. Songs:the best MSS., though some have \echomen“i\ (present middle participle of \ech“\ in sense of near, bordering, following as in strkjv@Luke:13:33; strkjv@Acts:29:15|). {Almost} (\schedon\). Old word, but in N.T. only here, strkjv@Acts:19:26; strkjv@Hebrews:9:22|. {Was gathered together} (\sunˆchthˆ\). First aorist (effective) passive indicative of \sunag“\, old and common verb. The "whole city" could hardly all gather in the synagogue. Perhaps Paul spoke in the synagogue and Barnabas to the overflow outside (see verse 46|). It was an eager and earnest gathering "to hear (\akousai\, first aorist active infinitive of purpose) the word of God" and a great opportunity for Paul and Barnabas. The Codex Bezae has it "to hear Paul." It was the new preacher (Paul) that drew the big crowd. It was a crowd such as will later hang on the words of John Wesley and George Whitfield when they preach Jesus Christ.

rwp@Acts:13:46 @{Spake out boldly} (\parrˆsiasamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \parrˆsiazomai\, to use freedom in speaking, to assume boldness. Both Paul and Barnabas accepted the challenge of the rabbis. They would leave their synagogue, but not without a word of explanation. {It was necessary to you first} (\Humin ˆn anagkaion pr“ton\). They had done their duty and had followed the command of Jesus (1:8|). They use the very language of Peter in strkjv@3:26| (\humin pr“ton\) "to you first." This position Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles will always hold, the Jew first in privilege and penalty (Romans:1:16; strkjv@2:9,10|). {Ye thrust it from you} (\ap“theisthe auton\). Present middle (indirect, from yourselves) indicative of \ap“the“\, to push from. Vigorous verb seen already in strkjv@Acts:7:27,39| which see. {Judge yourselves unworthy} (\ouk axious krinete heautous\). Present active indicative of the common verb \krin“\, to judge or decide with the reflexive pronoun expressed. Literally, Do not judge yourselves worthy. By their action and their words they had taken a violent and definite stand. {Lo, we turn to the Gentiles} (\idou strephometha eis ta ethnˆ\). It is a crisis (\idou\, lo): "Lo, we turn ourselves to the Gentiles." Probably also aoristic present, we now turn (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 864-70). \Strephometha\ is probably the direct middle (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 806-08) though the aorist passive \estraphˆn\ is so used also (7:39|). It is a dramatic moment as Paul and Barnabas turn from the Jews to the Gentiles, a prophecy of the future history of Christianity. In strkjv@Romans:9-11| Paul will discuss at length the rejection of Christ by the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles to be the real (the spiritual) Israel.

rwp@Acts:13:47 @{For so hath the Lord commanded us} (\hout“s gar entetaltai hˆmin ho kurios\). Perfect middle indicative of \entell“\, poetic (Pindar) and late verb to enjoin (1:2|). The command of the Lord Paul finds in strkjv@Isaiah:49:6| quoted by Simeon also (Luke:2:32|). The conviction of Paul's mind was now made clear by the fact of the rejection by the Jews. He could now see more clearly the words of the prophet about the Gentiles: The Messiah is declared by God in Isaiah to be "a light to the Gentiles" (\ethn“n\, objective genitive), "a light for revelation to the Gentiles" (\ph“s eis apokalupsin ethn“n\, strkjv@Luke:2:32|). Songs:Paul is carrying out the will of God in turning to the Gentiles. He will still appeal to the Jews elsewhere as they allow him to do so, but not here. {That thou shouldest be} (\tou einai se\). Genitive articular infinitive of purpose with the accusative of general reference. This is all according to God's fixed purpose (\tetheika\, perfect active indicative of \tithˆmi\). {Unto the uttermost part of the earth} (\he“s eschatou tˆs gˆs\). Unto the last portion (genitive neuter, not feminine) of the earth. It is a long time from Paul to now, not to say from Isaiah to now, and not yet has the gospel been carried to half of the people of earth. God's people are slow in carrying out God's plans for salvation.

rwp@Acts:13:48 @{As the Gentiles heard this they were glad} (\akouonta ta ethnˆ echairon\). Present active participle of \akou“\ and imperfect active of \chair“\, linear action descriptive of the joy of the Gentiles. {Glorified the word of God} (\edoxazon ton logon tou theou\). Imperfect active again. The joy of the Gentiles increased the fury of the Jews. "The synagogue became a scene of excitement which must have been something like the original speaking with tongues" (Rackham). The joy of the Gentiles was to see how they could receive the higher blessing of Judaism without circumcision and other repellent features of Jewish ceremonialism. It was the gospel of grace and liberty from legalism that Paul had proclaimed. Whether strkjv@Galatians:4:13| describes this incident or not (the South Galatian theory), it illustrates it when Gentiles received Paul as if he were Christ Jesus himself. It was triumph with the Gentiles, but defeat with the Jews. {As many as were ordained to eternal life} (\hosoi ˆsan tetagmenoi eis z“ˆn ai“nion\). Periphrastic past perfect passive indicative of \tass“\, a military term to place in orderly arrangement. The word "ordain" is not the best translation here. "Appointed," as Hackett shows, is better. The Jews here had voluntarily rejected the word of God. On the other side were those Gentiles who gladly accepted what the Jews had rejected, not all the Gentiles. Why these Gentiles here ranged themselves on God's side as opposed to the Jews Luke does not tell us. This verse does not solve the vexed problem of divine sovereignty and human free agency. There is no evidence that Luke had in mind an _absolutum decretum_ of personal salvation. Paul had shown that God's plan extended to and included Gentiles. Certainly the Spirit of God does move upon the human heart to which some respond, as here, while others push him away. {Believed} (\episteusan\). Summary or constative first aorist active indicative of \pisteu“\. The subject of this verb is the relative clause. By no manner of legerdemain can it be made to mean "those who believe were appointed." It was saving faith that was exercised only by those who were appointed unto eternal life, who were ranged on the side of eternal life, who were thus revealed as the subjects of God's grace by the stand that they took on this day for the Lord. It was a great day for the kingdom of God.

rwp@Acts:13:51 @{But they shook off the dust of their feet against them} (\Hoi de ektinaxamenoi ton koniorton t“n pod“n ep' autous\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle of \ektinass“\, to shake out or off. Homer uses it for knocking out teeth. In the papyri. The middle aorist participle occurs again in strkjv@18:6| and the active imperative with the dust of the feet in strkjv@Mark:6:11| (Luke:10:11| has \apomassometha\). and strkjv@Matthew:10:14| (command of Jesus). It is a dramatic gesture that forbids further intercourse. "As a protest against the injustice which cast them out. The sandal was taken off and the dust shaken out as a symbolic token that the very soil of the country was defiling" (Furneaux). {Unto Iconium} (\eis Ikonion\). About 45 miles southeast from Antioch in Pisidia, at the foot of the Taurus mountains. At various times it was reckoned also in Pisidia or Phrygia as well as Lycaonia, Phrygian in population and distinguished by Luke (Acts:14:6|) from Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia. As compared with Antioch (a Roman colony) it was a native Phrygian town. When the province of Galatia was divided, Iconium became the capital of Lycaonia and eclipsed Antioch in Pisidia. Strictly speaking at this time Lystra and Derbe were cities of Lycaonia-Galatica while Iconium was in Phrygia-Galatica (all three in the Roman Province of Galatia). It was at the meeting place of several Roman roads and on the highway from east to west. It is still a large town Konieh with 30,000 population.

rwp@Acts:13:52 @{And the disciples} (\hoi te\ or \hoi de mathˆtai\). The Gentile Christians in Antioch in Pisidia. Persecution had precisely the opposite effect to the intention of the Jews for they "were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit" (\eplˆrounto charas kai pneumatos hagiou\). Imperfect passive, they kept on being filled. It had been so before (Acts:4:31; strkjv@8:4; strkjv@9:31; strkjv@12:24|). The blood of the martyrs is still the seed of the church.

rwp@Acts:14:2 @{That were disobedient} (\hoi apeithˆsantes\). First aorist active articular participle, not the present \apeithountes\ as the Textus Receptus has it. But the meaning is probably the Jews that disbelieved, rather than that disobeyed. Strictly \apeithe“\ does mean to disobey and \apiste“\ to disbelieve, but that distinction is not observed in strkjv@John:3:36| nor in strkjv@Acts:19:9; strkjv@28:24|. The word \apeithe“\ means to be \apeithˆs\, to be unwilling to be persuaded or to withhold belief and then also to withhold obedience. The two meanings run into one another. To disbelieve the word of God is to disobey God. {Made them evil affected} (\ekak“san\). First aorist active indicative of \kako“\, old verb from \kakos\, to do evil to, to ill-treat, then in later Greek as here to embitter, to exasperate as in strkjv@Psalms:105:32| and in Josephus. In this sense only here in the N.T. Evidently Paul preached the same message as in Antioch for it won both Jews and Gentiles, and displeased the rabbis. Codex Bezae adds here that "the chiefs of the synagogue and the rulers" brought persecution upon Paul and Barnabas just as was argued about Antioch. Outside the synagogue the Jews would poison the minds of the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas. "The story of Thecla suggests a means, and perhaps the apostles were brought before the magistrates on some charge of interference with family life. The magistrates however must have seen at once that there was no legal case against them; and by a sentence of acquittal or in some other way the Lord gave peace" (Rackham). As we have it, the story of Paul and Thecla undoubtedly has apocryphal features, though Thecla may very well be an historical character here at Iconium where the story is located. Certainly the picture of Paul herein drawn cannot be considered authentic though a true tradition may underlie it: "bald, bowlegged, strongly built, small in stature, with large eyes and meeting eyebrows and longish nose; full of grace; sometimes looking like a man, sometimes having the face of an angel."

rwp@Acts:14:3 @{Long time therefore} (\hikanon men oun chronon\). Accusative of duration of time (possibly six months) and note \men oun\. There is an antithesis in \eschisthˆ de\ (verse 4|) and in verse 5| (\egeneto de\). After the persecution and vindication there was a season of great opportunity which Paul and Barnabas used to the full, "speaking boldly" (\parrˆsiazomenoi\ as in strkjv@13:46| at Antioch in Pisidia, "in the Lord" (\epi t“i kuri“i\), upon the basis of the Lord Jesus as in strkjv@4:17f|. And the Lord Jesus "bore witness to the word of his grace" as he always does, "granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands" (\didonti sˆmeia kai terata ginesthai dia t“n cheir“n aut“n\). Present participle (\didonti\) and present infinitive (\ginesthai\) repetition of both signs and wonders (note both words) just as had happened with Peter and John and the other apostles (2:43; strkjv@4:29f.; strkjv@5:12|; cf. strkjv@Hebrews:2:4|). The time of peace could not last forever with such a work of grace as this. A second explosion of persecution was bound to come and some of the MSS. actually have \ek deuterou\ (a second time).

rwp@Acts:14:4 @{But the multitude of the city was divided} (\eschisthˆ de to plˆthos tˆs pole“s\). First aorist passive indicative of \schiz“\, old verb to split, to make a schism or factions as Sadducees and Pharisees (23:7|). This division was within the Gentile populace. Part held (\hoi men ˆsan\), literally "some were with the Jews" (\sun tois Ioudaiois\), part with the apostles (\hoi de sun tois apostolois\). Common demonstrative of contrast (\hoi men, hoi de\, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 694). The Jewish leaders made some impression on the Gentiles as at Antioch in Pisidia and later at Thessalonica (17:4f.|). This is the first time in the Acts that Paul and Barnabas are termed "apostles" (see also verse 14|). Elsewhere in the Acts the word is restricted to the twelve. Certainly Luke does not here employ it in that technical sense. To have followed Jesus in his ministry and to have seen the Risen Christ was essential to the technical use (1:22f.|). Whether Barnabas had seen the Risen Christ we do not know, but certainly Paul had (1Corinthians:9:1f.; strkjv@15:8|). Paul claimed to be an apostle on a par with the twelve (Galatians:1:1,16-18|). The word originally means simply one sent (John:13:16|) like messengers of the churches with the collection (2Corinthians:8:23|). The Jews used it of those sent from Jerusalem to collect the temple tribute. Paul applies the word to James the Lord's brother (Galatians:1:19|), to Epaphroditus (Phillipians:2:25|) as the messenger of the church in Philippi, to Silvanus and Timothy (1Thessalonians:2:6; strkjv@Acts:18:5|), apparently to Apollos (1Corinthians:4:9|), and to Andronicus and Junias (Romans:16:6f.|). He even calls the Judaizers "false apostles" (2Corinthians:11:13|).

rwp@Acts:14:5 @{An onset} (\hormˆ\). A rush or impulse as in strkjv@James:3:4|. Old word, but only twice in the N.T. (here and James). It probably denotes not an actual attack so much as the open start, the co-operation of both Jews and Gentiles (the disaffected portion), "with their rulers" (\sun tois archousin aut“n\), that is the rulers of the Jewish synagogue (13:27|). The city officials would hardly join in a mob like this, though Hackett and Rackham think that the city magistrates were also involved as in Antioch in Pisidia (13:50|). {To entreat them shamefully} (\hubrisai\). First aorist active infinitive of \hubriz“\, old verb to insult insolently. See on ¯Matthew:22:6; strkjv@Luke:18:32|. {To stone} (\lithobolˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \lithobole“\, late verb from \lithobolos\ (\lithos\, stone, \ball“\, to throw) to pelt with stones, the verb used of the stoning of Stephen (7:58|). See on ¯Matthew:21:35|. The plan to stone them shows that the Jews were in the lead and followed by the Gentile rabble. "Legal proceedings having failed the only resource left for the Jews was illegal violence" (Rackham).

rwp@Acts:14:6 @{They became aware of it} (\sunidontes\). Second aorist (ingressive) active participle of \sunora“\ (\suneidon\), old word to see together, to become conscious of as already in strkjv@12:12|. In the N.T. only by Luke and Paul. {Fled} (\katephugon\). Second aorist (effective) active indicative of \katapheug“\, old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:6:18|. Paul and Barnabas had no idea of remaining to be stoned (lynched) by this mob. It is a wise preacher who always knows when to stand his ground and when to leave for the glory of God. Paul and Barnabas were following the directions of the Lord Jesus given to the twelve on their special tour of Galilee (Matthew:10:23|). Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia (still part of the Province of Galatia, though in another _Regio_), not far from the base of the Black Mountain. Professor Sterrett has apparently identified Lystra by an inscription about six hours (18 miles) south-southwest from Iconium near the village Khatyn Serai and Derbe probably near the village Losta or Zosta though its location is really not known. Lystra had been made a colony in B.C. 6 and Derbe was the frontier city of the Roman empire in the southeast. These are the only cities mentioned, but they were of importance and show that Paul kept to his plan of going to centres of influence. The new imperial road from Antioch and Iconium reached these cities. {The region round about} (\tˆn perich“ron\) was "a high table land, ill-watered, bleak, but suited for sheep pasture" (Page).

rwp@Acts:14:9 @{The same} (\houtos\). Just "this one." {Heard} (\ˆkouen\). Imperfect active, was listening to Paul speaking (\lalountos\). Either at the gate or in the market place (17:17|) Paul was preaching to such as would listen or could understand his Greek (_Koin‚_). Ramsay (_St. Paul the Traveller_, pp. 114, 116) thinks that the cripple was a proselyte. At any rate he may have heard of the miracles wrought at Iconium (verse 3|) and Paul may have spoken of the work of healing wrought by Jesus. This man was "no mendicant pretender," for his history was known from his birth. {Fastening his eyes upon him} (\atenisas aut“i\). Just as in strkjv@13:9| of Paul and strkjv@1:10| which see. Paul saw a new hope in the man's eyes and face. {He had faith} (\echei pistin\). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse. {To be made whole} (\tou s“thˆnai\). Genitive of articular first aorist passive infinitive (purpose and result combined) of \s“z“\, to make sound and also to save. Here clearly to make whole or well as in strkjv@Luke:7:50| (cf. strkjv@Acts:3:16; strkjv@4:10|).

rwp@Acts:14:11 @{Lifted up their voice} (\epˆran tˆn ph“nˆn aut“n\). First aorist active of \epair“\. In their excitement they elevated their voices. {In the speech of Lycaonia} (\Lukaonisti\). Adverb from verb \lukaoniz“\, to use the language of Lycaonia found here alone, but formed regularly like \Ebraisti\ (John:5:2|), \Hellˆnisti\ (Acts:21:37|), \R“maisti\ (John:19:20|). Paul was speaking in Greek, of course, but the excitement of the crowd over the miracle made them cry out in their native tongue which Paul and Barnabas did not understand. Hence it was not till preparations for offering sacrifice to them had begun that Paul understood the new role in which he and Barnabas were held. {In the likeness of men} (\homoi“thentes anthr“pois\). First aorist passive participle of \homoi“\, to liken, with the associative instrumental case. In this primitive state the people hold to the old Graeco-Roman mythology. The story of Baucis and Philemon tells how Jupiter (Zeus) and Mercury (Hermes) visited in human form the neighbouring region of Phrygia (Ovid, _Meta_. VIII. 626). Jupiter (Zeus) had a temple in Lystra.

rwp@Acts:14:14 @{Having heard} (\akousantes\). Such elaborate preparation "with the multitudes" (\sun tois ochlois\) spread rumours and some who spoke Greek told Paul and Barnabas. It is possible that the priest of Jupiter may have sent a formal request that the visiting "gods" might come out to the statue by the temple gates to make it a grand occasion. They rent their garments (\diarrˆxantes\). First aorist active participle from \diarrˆgnumi\, old verb to rend in two. Like the high priest in strkjv@Matthew:26:65| as if an act of sacrilege was about to be committed. It was strange conduct for the supposed gods! {Sprang forth} (\exepˆdˆsan\). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \ekpˆda“\ (note \ek\), old verb, here only in the N.T. It was all a sign of grief and horror with loud outcries (\krazontes\).

rwp@Acts:14:15 @{Sirs} (\andres\). Literally, Men. Abrupt, but courteous. {We also are men of like passions with you} (\kai hˆmeis homoiopatheis esmen humin anthr“poi\). Old adjective from \homoios\ (like) and \pasch“\, to experience. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@James:5:17|. It means "of like nature" more exactly and affected by like sensations, not "gods" at all. Their conduct was more serious than the obeisance of Cornelius to Peter (10:25f.|). \Humin\ is associative instrumental case. {And bring you good tidings} (\euaggelizomenoi\). No "and" in the Greek, just the present middle participle, "gospelizing you." They are not gods, but evangelists. Here we have Paul's message to a pagan audience without the Jewish environment and he makes the same line of argument seen in strkjv@Acts:17:21-32; strkjv@Romans:1:18-23|. At Antioch in Pisidia we saw Paul's line of approach to Jews and proselytes (Acts:13:16-41|). {That ye should turn from these vain things} (\apo tout“n t“n matai“n epistrephein\). He boldly calls the worship of Jupiter and Mercury and all idols "vain" or empty things, pointing to the statues and the temple. {Unto the living God} (\epi theon z“nta\). They must go the whole way. Our God is a live God, not a dead statue. Paul is fond of this phrase (2Corinthians:6:16; strkjv@Romans:9:26|). {Who made} (\hos epoiˆsen\). The one God is alive and is the Creator of the Universe just as Paul will argue in Athens (Acts:17:24|). Paul here quotes strkjv@Psalms:146:6| and has strkjv@Genesis:1:1| in mind. See also strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:9| where a new allegiance is also claimed as here.

rwp@Acts:14:16 @{In the generations gone by} (\en tais par“ichˆmenais geneais\). Perfect middle participle from \paroichomai\, to go by, old verb, here alone in the N.T. {Suffered} (\eiasen\). Constative aorist active indicative of \ea“\ (note syllabic augment). Paul here touches God in history as he did just before in creation. God's hand is on the history of all the nations (Gentile and Jew), only with the Gentiles he withdrew the restraints of his grace in large measure (Acts:17:30; strkjv@Romans:1:24,26,28|), judgment enough for their sins. {To walk in their ways} (\poreuesthai tais hodois aut“n\). Present middle infinitive, to go on walking, with locative case without \en\. This philosophy of history does not mean that God was ignorant or unconcerned. He was biding his time in patience.

rwp@Acts:14:17 @{And yet} (\kaitoi\). Old Greek compound particle (\kai toi\). In the N.T. twice only, once with finite verb as here, once with the participle (Hebrews:4:3|). {Without witness} (\amarturon\). Old adjective (\a\ privative and \martus\, witness), only here in the N.T. {Left} (\aphˆken\). First aorist active (\k\ aorist indicative of \aphiˆmi\). {In that he did good} (\agathourg“n\). Present active causal participle of \agathourge“\, late and rare verb (also \agathoerge“\ strkjv@1Timothy:6:18|), reading of the oldest MSS. here for \agathopoie“\, to do good. Note two other causal participles here parallel with \agathourg“n\, viz., \didous\ ("giving you") present active of \did“mi, empipl“n\ ("filling") present active of \empimpla“\ (late form of \empimplˆmi\). This witness to God (his doing good, giving rains and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts with food and gladness) they could receive without the help of the Old Testament revelation (Romans:1:20|). Zeus was regarded as the god of rain (Jupiter Pluvius) and Paul claims the rain and the fruitful (\karpophorous, karpos\, and \pher“\, fruit bearing, old word, here alone in N.T.) seasons as coming from God. Lycaonia was often dry and it would be an appropriate item. "Mercury, as the God of merchandise, was also the dispenser of food" (Vincent). Paul does not talk about laws of nature as if they governed themselves, but he sees the living God "behind the drama of the physical world" (Furneaux). These simple country people could grasp his ideas as he claims everything for the one true God. {Gladness} (\euphrosunˆs\). Old word from \euphr“n\ (\eu\ and \phrˆn\), good cheer. In the N.T. only strkjv@Acts:2:28| and here. Cheerfulness should be our normal attitude when we consider God's goodness. Paul does not here mention Christ because he had the single definite purpose to dissuade them from worshipping Barnabas and himself.

rwp@Acts:14:18 @{Scarce} (\molis\). Adverb in same sense as old \mogis\, from \molos\, toil. {Restrained} (\katepausan\). Effective first aorist active indicative of \katapau“\, old verb in causative sense to make abstain from. {From doing sacrifice unto them} (\tou mˆ thuein autois\). Ablative case of the articular infinitive with redundant negative after \katepausan\, regular Greek idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1094, 1171). It had been a harrowing and well-nigh a horrible ordeal, but finally Paul had won. If only nobody else had interposed!

rwp@Acts:14:19 @{But there came thither Jews from Antioch and Iconium} (\Epˆlthan de apo Antiocheias kai Ikoniou Ioudaioi\). Came to or upon them, \epˆlthan\, second aorist (ingressive) indicative of \eperchomai\. Whether news of the miracle had reached those cities we do not know. These may have been travelling grain merchants. At any rate there was an interval in which Paul and Barnabas won some disciples (verse 22|). There would be a natural reaction, even revulsion, in the minds of many who had come so near to worshipping Paul and Barnabas. The pendulum swings easily from one extreme to the other. The hostile Jews from Antioch and Iconium may even have followed Paul and Barnabas along the fine Roman road on purpose to keep them on the run. They had driven them out of Antioch and out of Iconium and now appear at Lystra at an opportune moment for their work. {Having persuaded the multitudes} (\peisantes tous ochlous\). First aorist (effective) active participle of \peith“\. They had complete success with many and struck at the psychological moment. {They stoned Paul} (\lithasantes ton Paulon\). First aorist active participle of \lithaz“\, late verb from \lithos\ for throwing stones (used by Paul referring to this one incident when alone he was stoned, strkjv@2Corinthians:11:25|). The wounds inflicted may have left some of the scars (\stigmata\) mentioned in strkjv@Galatians:6:17|. They stoned Paul as the chief speaker (Mercury) and passed by Barnabas (Jupiter). It was a Jewish mode of punishment as against Stephen and these Jews knew that Paul was the man that they had to deal with. Hackett notes that the Jews with two exceptions incited the persecutions which Paul endured. The exceptions were in Philippi (16:16-40|) and Ephesus (19:23-41|). {Dragged him out of the city} (\esuron ex“ tˆs pole“s\). They hurled Stephen outside of the city before stoning him (\7:58\). It was a hurried and irregular proceeding, but they were dragging (imperfect active of \sur“\, old verb) Paul out now. {Supposing that he were dead} (\nomizontes auton tethnˆkenai\). Present active participle with infinitive (second perfect active of \thnˆsk“\) in indirect discourse with accusative of general reference. The Jews are jubilant this time with memories of Paul's escape at Antioch and Iconium. The pagan mob feel that they have settled accounts for their narrow escape from worshipping two Jewish renegade preachers. It was a good day's work for them all. Luke does not say that Paul was actually dead.

rwp@Acts:14:20 @{Stood round about him} (\kukl“sant“n auton\). Genitive absolute with first aorist active participle of \kuklo“\, old verb from \kuklos\ (circle, cycle) to make a circle round, to encircle. The would-be murderers left and a group of disciples gathered round to see if Paul was dead or alive and, if dead, to bury him. In that group Timothy may very well have been along with Eunice and Barnabas. Timothy, a lad of about fifteen, would not soon forget that solemn scene (2Timothy:3:11|). But Paul suddenly (apparently a miraculous recovery) rose up (\anastas\) and entered the city to the surprise and joy of the disciples who were willing to brave persecution with Paul. {With Barnabas} (\sun t“i Barnabƒi\). With the assistance of Barnabas. It was plainly unwise to continue in Lystra so that they set out on the next day (\tˆi epaurion\, ten times in Acts), shaken and bruised as Paul was. Derbe was some forty miles distant, near the pass to the Cilician Gates.

rwp@Acts:14:21 @{When they had preached the gospel to that city} (\euaggelisamenoi tˆn polin ekeinˆn\). Having evangelized (first aorist middle participle) that city, a smaller city and apparently with no trouble from the Jews. {Had made many disciples} (\mathˆteusantes hikanous\). First aorist active participle of \mathˆteu“\ from \mathˆtˆs\, a learner or disciple. Late verb in Plutarch, to be a disciple (Matthew:27:57| like strkjv@John:19:38|) and then to disciple (old English, Spenser), to make a disciple as in strkjv@Matthew:28:19| and here. Paul and Barnabas were literally here obeying the command of Jesus in discipling people in this heathen city. {They returned to Lystra and to Iconium, and to Antioch} (\hupestrepsan eis tˆn Lustran kai eis Ikonion kai eis Antiocheian\). Derbe was the frontier city of the Roman empire. The quickest way to return to Antioch in Syria would have been by the Cilician Gates or by the pass over Mt. Taurus by which Paul and Silas will come to Derbe in the second tour (Acts:15:41-16:1|), but difficult to travel in winter. But it was necessary to revisit the churches in Lystra, Iconium, Antioch in Pisidia and to see that they were able to withstand persecution. Paul was a Roman citizen though he had not made use of this privilege as yet for his own protection. Against mob violence it would count for little, but he did not hesitate. Paul had been stoned in Lystra, threatened in Iconium, expelled in Antioch. He shows his wisdom in conserving his work.

rwp@Acts:14:23 @{And when they had appointed for them elders in every church} (\cheirotonˆsantes de autois kat' ekklˆsian presbuterous\). They needed also some form of organization, though already churches. Note distributive use of \kata\ with \ekklˆsian\ (2:46; strkjv@5:42; strkjv@Titus:1:5|). \Cheirotone“\ (from \cheirotonos\, extending the hand, \cheir\, hand, and \tein“\, to stretch) is an old verb that originally meant to vote by show of the hands, finally to appoint with the approval of an assembly that chooses as in strkjv@2Corinthians:8:19|, and then to appoint without regard to choice as in Josephus (_Ant_. XIII. 2, 2) of the appointment of Jonathan as high priest by Alexander. Songs:in strkjv@Acts:10:41| the compound \procheiratone“\ is used of witnesses appointed by God. But the seven (deacons) were first selected by the Jerusalem church and then appointed (\katastˆsomen\) by the apostles. That is probably the plan contemplated by Paul in his directions to Titus (Titus:1:5|) about the choice of elders. It is most likely that this plan was the one pursued by Paul and Barnabas with these churches. They selected the elders in each instance and Paul and Barnabas "ordained" them as we say, though the word \cheirotone“\ does not mean that. "Elders" were mentioned first in strkjv@11:30|. Later Paul will give the requirements expected in these "elders" or "bishops" (Phillipians:1:1|) as in strkjv@1Timothy:3:1-7; strkjv@Titus:1:5-9|. It is fairly certain that these elders were chosen to correspond in a general way with the elders in the Jewish synagogue after which the local church was largely copied as to organization and worship. Paul, like Jesus, constantly worshipped and spoke in the synagogues. Already it is plain, as at Antioch in Syria (11:26|), that the Christians can no longer count on the use of the Jewish synagogue. They must have an organization of their own. The use of the plural here implies what was true at Philippi (Phillipians:1:1|) and Ephesus (Acts:20:17,28|) that each church (one in each city) "had its college of elders" (Hackett) as in Jerusalem (21:18|). Elder (\presbuteros\) was the Jewish name and bishop (\episkopos\) the Greek name for the same office. "Those who are called elders in speaking of Jewish communities are called bishops in speaking of Gentile communities" (Hackett). Hovey rightly holds against Hackett that teaching was a normal function of these elders, pastors or bishops as they were variously called (1Timothy:3:2; strkjv@Titus:1:9; strkjv@1Corinthians:12:28,30; strkjv@Ephesians:4:11|). {Had prayed with fasting} (\proseuxamenoi meta nˆstei“n\). It was a serious matter, this formal setting apart of these "elders" in the churches. Songs:it was done in a public meeting with prayer and fasting as when Paul and Barnabas were sent forth from Antioch in Syria (13:3|) on this mission tour. {They commended them to the Lord} (\parethento autous t“i kuri“i\). Second aorist middle indicative of \paratithˆmi\. Old and solemn word, to entrust, to deposit as in a bank (1Timothy:1:18; strkjv@2Timothy:2:2|). Cf. \parathˆkˆ\ in strkjv@1Timothy:6:20; strkjv@2Timothy:1:12,14|. It was all that they could now do, to commit them to the Lord Jesus. Jesus used this word on the cross (Luke:22:32|). {On whom they had believed} (\eis hon pepisteukeisan\). Past perfect indicative (without augment) of \pisteu“\. They had "trusted" in Jesus (2Timothy:1:12|) and Paul now "entrusts" them to him with confidence. It was a solemn and serious occasion in each instance as it always is to set apart men for the ministry. These men may not have been ideal men for this service, but they were the only ones available and they were chosen from the actual membership in each instance, men who knew local conditions and problems.

rwp@Acts:14:26 @{They sailed away to Antioch} (\apepleusan eis Antiocheian\). Effective aorist active indicative of \apople“\, to sail off. They had been gone some eighteen months. {They had been committed} (\ˆsan paradedomenoi\). Periphrastic past perfect passive of \paradid“mi\, old and common verb. High and serious thoughts filled the hearts of these first returned missionaries as they neared home. The grace of God had been with them. They had fulfilled (\eplˆr“san\) the work to which they had been set apart by the Holy Spirit with the prayers of the Antioch church. They now had a wondrous story to tell.

rwp@Acts:14:27 @{Gathered the church together} (\sunagagontes tˆn ekklˆsian\). Second aorist active participle of \sunag“\. It "was the first missionary meeting in history" (Furneaux). It was not hard to get the church together when the news spread that Paul and Barnabas had returned. "The suitability of the Gospel to become the religion of the world had not before been put to the test" (Furneaux). Doubtless many "wise-acres" had predicted failure as they did for William Carey and for Adoniram Judson and Luther Rice. {Rehearsed} (\anˆggellon\). Imperfect active. It was a long story for they had many things to tell of God's dealings "with them" (\met' aut“n\) for God had been "with them" all the while as Jesus had said he would be (Matthew:28:20|, \meth' h–m“n\). Paul could recount some of the details given later in strkjv@2Corinthians:11|. {And how} (\kai hoti\). Or "and that" in particular, as the upshot of it all. {He had opened a door of faith unto the Gentiles} (\ˆnoixen tois ethnesin thuran piste“s\). Three times in Paul's Epistles (1Corinthians:16:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12; strkjv@Colossians:4:3|) he employed the metaphor of "door," perhaps a reminiscence of the very language of Paul here. This work in Galatia gained a large place in Paul's heart (Galatians:4:14f.|). The Gentiles now, it was plain, could enter the kingdom of God (verse 22|) through the door of faith, not by law or by circumcision or by heathen philosophy or mythology.

rwp@Acts:14:28 @{And they tarried no little time} (\dietribon de chronon ouk oligon\). Imperfect active of \diatrib“\, old verb to rub hard, to consume, with accusative of extent of time. It was a happy time of fellowship. The experiment entered upon by the church of Antioch was now a pronounced success. It was at the direct command of the Holy Spirit, but they had prayed for the absent missionaries and rejoiced at their signal success. There is no sign of jealousy on the part of Barnabas when Paul returns as the chief hero of the expedition. A new corner has been turned in the history of Christianity. There is a new centre of Christian activity. What will Jerusalem think of the new developments at Antioch? Paul and Barnabas made no report to Jerusalem.

rwp@Acts:15:1 @{And certain men came down from Judea} (\kai tines katelthontes apo tˆs Ioudaias\). Evidently the party of the circumcision in the church in Jerusalem (11:2|) had heard of the spread of the gospel among the Gentiles in Cyprus, Pamphylia, and South Galatia (Phrygia, Pisidia, Lycaonia). Possibly John Mark after his desertion at Perga (13:13|) told of this as one of his reasons for coming home. At any rate echoes of the jubilation in Antioch in Syria would be certain to reach Jerusalem. The Judaizers in Jerusalem, who insisted that all the Gentile Christians must become Jews also, had acquiesced in the case of Cornelius and his group (11:1-18|) after plain proof by Peter that it was the Lord's doing. But they had not agreed to a formal campaign to turn the exception into the rule and to make Christianity mainly Gentile with a few Jews instead of mainly Jewish with a few Gentiles. Since Paul and Barnabas did not come up to Jerusalem, the leaders among the Judaizers decided to go down to Antioch and attack Paul and Barnabas there. They had volunteered to go without church action in Jerusalem for their activity is disclaimed by the conference (Acts:15:24|). In strkjv@Galatians:2:4| Paul with some heat describes these Judaizers as "false brethren, secretly introduced who sneaked in to spy out our liberty." It is reasonably certain that this visit to Jerusalem described in strkjv@Galatians:2:1-10| is the same one as the Jerusalem Conference in Acts strkjv@15:5-29| in spite of the effort of Ramsay to identify it with that in strkjv@11:29f|. Paul in Galatians is not giving a list of his visits to Jerusalem. He is showing his independence of the twelve apostles and his equality with them. He did not see them in strkjv@11:29f.|, but only "the elders." In strkjv@Acts:15| Luke gives the outward narrative of events, in strkjv@Galatians:2:1-10| Paul shows us the private interview with the apostles when they agreed on their line of conduct toward the Judaizers. In strkjv@Galatians:2:2| by the use of "them" (\autois\) Paul seems to refer to the first public meeting in Acts before the private interview that came in between verses strkjv@15:5-6|. If we recall the difficulty that Peter had on the subject of preaching the gospel to the heathen (10:1-11:18|), we can the better understand the attitude of the Judaizers. They were men of sincere convictions without a doubt, but they were obscurantists and unable and unwilling to receive new light from the Lord on a matter that involved their racial and social prejudices. They recalled that Jesus himself had been circumcised and that he had said to the Syro-Phoenician woman that he had come only save to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew:15:24ff.|). They argued that Christ had not repealed circumcision. Songs:one of the great religious controversies of all time was begun, that between spiritual religion and ritualistic or ceremonial religion. It is with us yet with baptism taking the place of circumcision. These self-appointed champions of circumcision for Gentile Christians were deeply in earnest. {Taught the brethren} (\edidaskon tous adelphous\). Inchoative imperfect active, began to teach and kept it up. Their attitude was one of supercilious superiority. They probably resented the conduct of Barnabas, who, when sent by the Church in Jerusalem to investigate the conversion of the Greeks in Antioch (11:20-26|), did not return and report till a strong church had been established there with the help of Saul and only then with a big collection to confuse the issue. Paul and Barnabas were on hand, but the Judaizers persisted in their efforts to force their views on the church in Antioch. It was a crisis. {Except ye be circumcised after the custom of Moses, ye cannot be saved} (\ean me peritmˆthˆte t“i ethei M“use“s, ou dunasthe s“thˆnai\). There was the dictum of the Judaizers to the Gentiles. Paul and Barnabas had been circumcised. This is probably the precise language employed, for they spoke in Greek to these Greeks. It is a condition of the third class (undetermined, but with prospect of being determined, \ean\ plus the first aorist passive subjunctive of \peritemn“\). There was thus hope held out for them, but only on condition that they be circumcised. The issue was sharply drawn. The associative instrumental case (\t“i ethei\) is customary. "Saved" (\s“thˆnai\) here is the Messianic salvation. This doctrine denied the efficacy of the work of Christ.

rwp@Acts:15:2 @{When Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and questioning with them} (\Genomenˆs stase“s kai zˆtˆse“s ouk oligˆs t“i Paul“i kai Barnabƒi pros autous\). Genitive absolute of second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\, genitive singular agreeing with first substantive \stase“s\. Literally, "No little (litotes for much) strife and questioning coming to Paul and Barnabas (dative case) with them " (\pros autous\, face to face with them). Paul and Barnabas were not willing to see this Gentile church brow-beaten and treated as heretics by these self-appointed regulators of Christian orthodoxy from Jerusalem. The work had developed under the leadership of Paul and Barnabas and they accepted full responsibility for it and stoutly resisted these Judaizers to the point of sedition (riot, outbreak in strkjv@Luke:23:25; strkjv@Acts:19:40|) as in strkjv@23:7|. There is no evidence that the Judaizers had any supporters in the Antioch church so that they failed utterly to make any impression. Probably these Judaizers compelled Paul to think through afresh his whole gospel of grace and so they did Paul and the world a real service. If the Jews like Paul had to believe, it was plain that there was no virtue in circumcision (Galatians:2:15-21|). It is not true that the early Christians had no disagreements. They had selfish avarice with Ananias and Sapphira, murmuring over the gifts to the widows, simony in the case of Simon Magus, violent objection to work in Caesarea, and now open strife over a great doctrine (grace vs. legalism). {The brethren appointed} (\etaxan\). "The brethren" can be supplied from verse 1| and means the church in Antioch. The church clearly saw that the way to remove this deadlock between the Judaizers and Paul and Barnabas was to consult the church in Jerusalem to which the Judaizers belonged. Paul and Barnabas had won in Antioch. If they can win in Jerusalem, that will settle the matter. The Judaizers will be answered in their own church for which they are presuming to speak. The verb \etaxan\ (\tass“\, to arrange) suggests a formal appointment by the church in regular assembly. Paul (Galatians:2:2|) says that he went up by revelation (\kat' apokalupsin\), but surely that is not contradictory to the action of the church. {Certain others of them} (\tinas allous\). Certainly Titus (Galatians:2:1,3|), a Greek and probably a brother of Luke who is not mentioned in Acts. Rackham thinks that Luke was in the number. {The apostles and elders} (\tous apostolous kai presbuterous\). Note one article for both (cf. "the apostles and the brethren" in strkjv@11:1|). "Elders" now (11:30|) in full force. The apostles have evidently returned now to the city after the death of Herod Agrippa I stopped the persecution.

rwp@Acts:15:3 @{They therefore} (\hoi men oun\). Luke's favourite method of resumptive narrative as we have seen (11:19|, etc.), demonstrative \hoi\ with \men\ (indeed) and \oun\ (therefore). {Being brought on their way by the church} (\propemphthentes hupo tˆs ekklˆsias\). First aorist passive participle of \propemp“\, old verb, to send forward under escort as a mark of honour as in strkjv@20:38; strkjv@21:5; strkjv@3John:1:6|. They were given a grand send-off by the church in Antioch. {Passed through} (\diˆrchonto\). Imperfect middle describing the triumphal procession through both (\te kai\) Phoenicia and Samaria. {The conversion} (\tˆn epistrophˆn\). The turning. {They caused great joy} (\epoioun charan megalˆn\). Imperfect active. They were raising a constant paean of praise as they proceeded toward Jerusalem. Probably the Judaizers had gone on or kept still.

rwp@Acts:15:5 @{But there rose up} (\exanestˆsan de\). Second aorist active indicative (intransitive). Note both \ex\ and \an\. These men rose up out of the crowd at a critical moment. They were believers in Christ (\pepisteukotes\, having believed), but were still members of "the sect of the Pharisees" (\tˆs hairese“s t“n Pharisai“n\). Evidently they still held to the Pharisaic narrowness shown in the attack on Peter (11:2f.|). Note the dogmatism of their "must" (\dei\) after the opposition of Paul and Barnabas to their "except" (\ean me\) at Antioch (15:1|). They are unconvinced and expected to carry the elders with them. Codex Bezae says that they had appealed to the elders (15:2,5|). At any rate they have made the issue in open meeting at the height of the jubilation. It is plain from verse 6| that this meeting was adjourned, for another gathering came together then. It is here that the private conference of which Paul speaks in strkjv@Galatians:2:1-10| took place. It was Paul's chance to see the leaders in Jerusalem (Peter, James, and John) and he won them over to his view of Gentile liberty from the Mosaic law so that the next public conference (Acts:15:6-29|) ratified heartily the views of Paul, Barnabas, Peter, James, and John. It was a diplomatic triumph of the first order and saved Christianity from the bondage of Jewish ceremonial sacramentalism. Songs:far as we know this is the only time that Paul and John met face to face, the great spirits in Christian history after Jesus our Lord. It is a bit curious to see men saying today that Paul surrendered about Titus and had him circumcised for the sake of peace, the very opposite of what he says in Galatians, "to whom I yielded, no not for an hour." Titus as a Greek was a red flag to the Judaizers and to the compromisers, but Paul stood his ground.

rwp@Acts:15:7 @{When there had been much questioning} (\pollˆs zˆtˆse“s genomenˆs\). Genitive absolute with second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\. Evidently the Judaizers were given full opportunity to air all their grievances and objections. They were allowed plenty of time and there was no effort to shut off debate or to rush anything through the meeting. {Peter rose up} (\anastas Petros\). The wonder was that he had waited so long. Probably Paul asked him to do so. He was the usual spokesman for the apostles and his activities in Jerusalem were well-known. In particular his experience at Caesarea (Acts:10|) had caused trouble here in Jerusalem from this very same party of the circumcism (Acts:11:1-18|). It was fitting that Peter should speak. This is the last time that Peter appears in the Acts. {A good while ago} (\aph' hˆmer“n archai“n\). From ancient days. The adjective \archaios\ is from \archˆ\, beginning, and its actual age is a matter of relativity. Songs:Mnason (Acts:21:16|) is termed "an ancient disciple." It was probably a dozen years since God "made choice" (\exelexato\) to speak by Peter's mouth to Cornelius and the other Gentiles in Caesarea. His point is that what Paul and Barnabas have reported is nothing new. The Judaizers made objection then as they are doing now.

rwp@Acts:15:8 @{Which knoweth the heart} (\kardiogn“stˆs\). Late word from \kardia\ (heart) and \gn“stˆs\ (known, \gin“sk“\). In the N.T. only here and strkjv@1:24| which see. {Giving them the Holy Spirit} (\dous to pneuma to hagion\). And before their baptism. This was the Lord's doing. They had accepted (11:18|) this witness of God then and it was true now of these other Gentile converts.

rwp@Acts:15:9 @{He made no distinction between us and them} (\outhen diekrinen metaxu hˆm“n te kai aut“n\). He distinguished nothing (first aorist active ind.) between (both \dia\ and \metaxu\) both (\te kai\) us and them. In the matter of faith and conversion God treated us Jews as heathen and the heathen as Jews. {Cleansing their hearts by faith} (\tˆi pistei katharisas tas kardias aut“n\). Not by works nor by ceremonies. Peter here has a thoroughly Pauline and Johannine idea of salvation for all both Jew and Greek. Cf. strkjv@10:15|.

rwp@Acts:15:12 @{Kept silence} (\esigˆsen\). Ingressive first aorist active of \siga“\, old verb, to hold one's peace. All the multitude became silent after Peter's speech and because of it. {Hearkened} (\ˆkouon\). Imperfect active of \akou“\, descriptive of the rapt attention, were listening. {Unto Barnabas and Paul} (\Barnaba kai Paulou\). Note placing Barnabas before Paul as in verse 25|, possibly because in Jerusalem Barnabas was still better known than Paul. {Rehearsing} (\exˆgoumen“n\). Present middle participle of \exˆgeomai\, old verb, to go through or lead out a narrative of events as in strkjv@Luke:24:35; strkjv@Acts:10:8| which see. Three times (14:27; strkjv@15:4,12|) Paul is described as telling the facts about their mission work, facts more eloquent than argument (Page). One of the crying needs in the churches is fuller knowledge of the facts of mission work and progress with enough detail to give life and interest. The signs and wonders which God had wrought among the Gentiles set the seal of approval on the work done through (\dia\) Barnabas and Paul. This had been Peter's argument about Cornelius (11:17|). This same verb (\exˆgˆsato\) is used by James in verse 14| referring to Peter's speech.

rwp@Acts:15:13 @{After they had held their peace} (\meta to sigˆsai autous\). Literally, "after the becoming silent (ingressive aorist active of the articular infinitive) as to them (Barnabas and Paul, accusative of general reference)." {James answered} (\apekrithˆ Iak“bos\). First aorist passive (deponent) indicative. It was expected that James, as President of the Conference, would speak last. But he wisely waited to give every one an opportunity to speak. The challenge of the Judaizers called for an opinion from James. Furneaux thinks that he may have been elected one of the twelve to take the place of James the brother of John since Paul (Galatians:1:19|) calls him apostle. More likely he was asked to preside because of his great gifts and character as chief of the elders.

rwp@Acts:15:16 @{I will build again} (\anoikodomˆs“\). Here LXX has \anastˆs“\. Compound (\ana\, up or again) of \oikodome“\, the verb used by Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| of the general church or kingdom as here which see. {The tabernacle of David} (\tˆn skˆnˆn Daueid\), a poetical figure of the throne of David (2Samuel:7:12|) now "the fallen tent" (\tˆn pept“kuian\), perfect active participle of \pipt“\, state of completion. {The ruins thereof} (\ta katestrammena autˆs\). Literally, "the ruined portions of it." Perfect passive participle of \katastreph“\, to turn down. It is a desolate picture of the fallen, torn down tent of David. {I will let it up} (\anorth“s“\). Old verb from \anortho“\ (\ana, orthos\), to set upright. See on strkjv@Luke:3:13| of the old woman whose crooked back was set straight.

rwp@Acts:15:20 @{But that we write unto them} (\alla episteilai autois\). By way of contrast (\alla\). First aorist active infinitive of \epistell“\, old verb to send to one (message, letter, etc.). Our word \epistle\ (\epistolˆ\ as in verse 30|) comes from this verb. In the N.T. only here, He strkjv@13:22|, and possibly strkjv@Acts:21:25|. {That they abstain from} (\tou apechesthai\). The genitive of the articular infinitive of purpose, present middle (direct) of \apech“\, old verb, to hold oneself back from. The best old MSS. do not have \apo\, but the ablative is clear enough in what follows. James agrees with Peter in his support of Paul and Barnabas in their contention for Gentile freedom from the Mosaic ceremonial law. The restrictions named by James affect the moral code that applies to all (idolatry, fornication, murder). Idolatry, fornication and murder were the outstanding sins of paganism then and now (Revelation:22:15|). Harnack argues ably against the genuineness of the word \pniktou\ (strangled) which is absent from D Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian. It is a nice point, though the best MSS. have it in accord with strkjv@Leviticus:17:10-16|. The problem is whether the words were added because "blood" was understood as not "murder," but a reference to the Mosaic regulation or whether it was omitted to remove the ceremonial aspect and make it all moral and ethical. The Western text omits the word also in verse 29|. But with the word retained here and in verse 29| the solution of James is not a compromise, though there is a wise concession to Jewish feeling. {Pollutions of idols} (\alisgˆmat“n\). From \alisge“\ only in the LXX and this substantive nowhere else. The word refers to idolatrous practices (pollutions) and things sacrificed to idols (\eid“luth“n\) in verse 29|, not to sacrificial meat sold in the market (1Corinthians:10:27|), a matter not referred to here. Cf. strkjv@Leviticus:17:1-9|. All the four items in the position of James (accepting \pniktou\) are mentioned in strkjv@Leviticus:17,18|.

rwp@Acts:15:22 @{Then it seemed good} (\Tote edoxen\). First aorist active indicative of \doke“\. A regular idiom at the beginning of decrees. This Eirenicon of James commended itself to the whole assembly. Apparently a vote was taken which was unanimous, the Judaizers probably not voting. The apostles and the elders (\tois apostolois kai tois presbuterois\, article with each, dative case) probably all vocally expressed their position. {With the whole church} (\sun holei tˆi ekklˆsiƒi\). Probably by acclamation. It was a great victory. But James was a practical leader and he did not stop with speeches and a vote. {To choose men out of their company} (\eklezamenous andras ex aut“n\). Accusative case, though dative just before (\tois apostolois\, etc.), of first aorist middle participle of \ekleg“\, to select. This loose case agreement appears also in \grapsantes\ in verse 23| and in MSS. in verse 25|. It is a common thing in all Greek writers (Paul, for instance), especially in the papyri and in the Apocalypse of John. {Judas called Barsabbas} (\Ioudan ton kaloumenon Barsabban\). Not otherwise known unless he is a brother of Joseph Barsabbas of strkjv@1:23|, an early follower of Jesus. The other, Silas, is probably a shortened form of Silvanus (\Silouanos\, strkjv@1Peter:5:12|), the companion of Paul in his second mission tour (Acts:15:32,41; strkjv@16:25|). {Chief men} (\hˆgoumenous\). Leaders, leading men (participle from \hˆgeomai\, to lead).

rwp@Acts:15:23 @{And they wrote} (\grapsantes\). First aorist active participle of \graph“\ and the nominative as if a principal verb \epempsan\ had been used instead of \pempsai\, the first aorist active infinitive (anacoluthon). This committee of four (Judas, Silas, Barnabas, Paul) carried the letter which embodied the decision of the Conference. This letter is the writing out of the judgment of James and apparently written by him as the President. {The apostles and the elders, brethren} (\hoi apostoloi kai hoi presbuteroi, adelphoi\). Songs:the oldest and best MSS. without \kai\ (and) before "brethren." This punctuation is probably correct and not "elder brethren." The inquiry had been sent to the apostles and elders (verse 2|) though the whole church joined in the welcome (verse 4|) and in the decision (verse 22|). The apostles and elders send the epistle, but call themselves "brothers to brothers," _Fratres Fratibus Salutem_. "The brothers" (\tois adelphois\) addressed (dative case) are of the Gentiles (\ex ethn“n\) and those in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia, because they were immediately involved. But the decision of this Conference was meant for Gentile Christians everywhere (16:4|). {Greeting} (\Chairein\). The customary formula in the beginning of letters, the absolute infinitive (usually \chairein\) with the nominative absolute also as in strkjv@James:1:1; strkjv@Acts:23:26| and innumerable papyri (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1902f.).

rwp@Acts:15:24 @{Certain which went from us} (\tines ex hˆm“n\, Aleph B omit \exelthontes\). A direct blow at the Judaizers, put in delicate language (we heard \ˆkousamen\) as if only at Antioch (15:1|), and not also in Jerusalem in open meeting (15:5|). {Have troubled you with words} (\etaraxan humas logois\). What a picture of turmoil in the church in Antioch, words, words, words. Aorist tense of the common verb \tarass“\, to agitate, to make the heart palpitate (John:14:1,27|) and instrumental case of \logois\. {Subverting your souls} (\anaskeuazontes tas psuchas hum“n\). Present active participle of \anaskeuaz“\, old verb (\ana\ and \skeuos\, baggage) to pack up baggage, to plunder, to ravage. Powerful picture of the havoc wrought by the Judaizers among the simple-minded Greek Christians in Antioch. {To whom we gave no commandment} (\hois ou diesteilametha\). First aorist middle indicative of \diastell“\, old verb to draw asunder, to distinguish, to set forth distinctly, to command. This is a flat disclaimer of the whole conduct of the Judaizers in Antioch and in Jerusalem, a complete repudiation of their effort to impose the Mosaic ceremonial law upon the Gentile Christians.

rwp@Acts:15:26 @{Have hazarded their lives} (\paraded“kosi tas psuchas aut“n\). Perfect active participle dative plural of \paradid“mi\, old word, to hand over to another, and with \psuchas\, to hand over to another their lives. The sufferings of Paul and Barnabas in Pisidia and Lycaonia were plainly well-known just as the story of Judson in Burmah is today. On the use of "name" here see on ¯3:6|.

rwp@Acts:15:27 @{Who themselves also shall tell you the same things by word of mouth} (\kai autous dia logou apaggellontas ta auta\). Literally, "they themselves also by speech announcing the same things." The present participle, as here, sometimes is used like the future to express purpose as in strkjv@3:26| \eulogounta\ after \apesteilen\ and so here \apaggellontas\ after \apestalkamen\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1128). Judas and Silas are specifically endorsed (perfect active indicative of \apostell“\) as bearers of the epistle who will also verbally confirm the contents of the letter.

rwp@Acts:15:28 @{To the Holy Spirit and to us} (\t“i pneumati t“i hagi“i kai hˆmin\). Dative case after \edoxen\ (third example, verses 22,25,28|). Definite claim that the church in this action had the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That fact was plain to the church from what had taken place in Caesarea and in this campaign of Paul and Barnabas (verse 8|). Jesus had promised that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth (John:16:13|). Even so the church deliberated carefully before deciding. What a blessing it would be if this were always true! But even so the Judaizers are only silenced for the present, not convinced and only waiting for a better day to start over again. {No greater burden} (\mˆden pleon baros\). The restrictions named did constitute some burden (cf. strkjv@Matthew:20:12|), for the old word \baros\ means weight or heaviness. Morality itself is a restraint upon one's impulses as is all law a prohibition against license.

rwp@Acts:15:29 @{Than these necessary things} (\plˆn tout“n t“n epanagkes\). This old adverb (from \epi\ and \anagkˆ\) means on compulsion, of necessity. Here only in the N.T. For discussion of these items see on verses 20,21|. In comparison with the freedom won this "burden" is light and not to be regarded as a compromise in spite of the arguments of Lightfoot and Ramsay. It was such a concession as any converted Gentile would be glad to make even if "things strangled" be included. This "necessity" was not a matter of salvation but only for fellowship between Jews and Gentiles. The Judaizers made the law of Moses essential to salvation (15:16|). {It shall be well with you} (\eu praxete\). Ye shall fare well. A classical idiom used here effectively. The peace and concord in the fellowship of Jews and Gentiles will justify any slight concession on the part of the Gentiles. This letter is not laid down as a law, but it is the judgment of the Jerusalem Christians for the guidance of the Gentiles (16:4|) and it had a fine effect at once (15:30-35|). Trouble did come later from the Judaizers who were really hostile to the agreement in Jerusalem, but that opposition in no way discredits the worth of the work of this Conference. No sane agreement will silence perpetual and professional disturbers like these Judaizers who will seek to unsettle Paul's work in Antioch, in Corinth, in Galatia, in Jerusalem, in Rome. {Fare ye well} (\Err“sthe\). _Valete_. Perfect passive imperative of \rh“nnumi\, to make strong. Common at the close of letters. Be made strong, keep well, fare well. Here alone in the N.T. though some MSS. have it in strkjv@23:30|.

rwp@Acts:15:30 @{Songs:they} (\hoi men oun\). As in verse 3|. {When they were dismissed} (\apoluthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \apolu“\, common verb to loosen, to dismiss. Possibly (Hackett) religious services were held as in verse 33| (cf. strkjv@13:3|) and perhaps an escort for part of the way as in verse 3|. {The multitude} (\to plˆthos\). Public meeting of the church as in verses 1-3|. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 232) gives illustrations from the inscriptions of the use of \plˆthos\ for official, political, and religious gatherings. The committee formally "delivered" (\eped“kan\) the epistle to the church authorities.

rwp@Acts:15:31 @{When they had read it} (\anagnontes\). Second aorist active participle of \anagin“sk“\. Public reading, of course, to the church. {They rejoiced} (\echarˆsan\). Second aorist (ingressive) passive indicative of \chair“\. They burst into exultant joy showing clearly that they did not consider it a weak compromise, but a glorious victory of Gentile liberty. {For the consolation} (\epi tˆi paraklˆsei\). The encouragement, the cheer in the letter. See \parekalesan\ in verse 32|. Consolation and exhortation run into one another in this word.

rwp@Acts:15:32 @{Being themselves also prophets} (\kai autoi prophˆtai ontes\). As well as Paul and Barnabas and like Agabus (11:27-30|), for-speakers for Christ who justify the commendation in the letter (verse 27|) "with many words" (\dia logou pollou\), "with much talk," and no doubt with kindly words concerning the part played at the Conference by Paul and Barnabas. {Confirmed} (\epestˆrixan\). See on ¯14:22|. It was a glorious time with no Judaizers to disturb their fellowship as in 1-3|.

rwp@Acts:15:38 @{But Paul thought not good to take with them} (\Paulos de ˆxiou--mˆ sunparalambanein touton\). The Greek is far more effective than this English rendering. It is the imperfect active of \axio“\, old verb to think meet or right and the present active infinitive of the same verb (\sunparalamban“\) with negative used with this infinitive. Literally, "But Paul kept on deeming it wise not to be taking along with them this one." Barnabas looked on it as a simple punctiliar proposal (aorist infinitive), but Paul felt a lively realization of the problem of having a quitter on his hands (present infinitive). Each was insistent in his position (two imperfects). Paul had a definite reason for his view describing John Mark as "him who withdrew from them from Pamphylia" (\ton apostanta ap' aut“n apo Pamphulias\). Second aorist active articular participle of \aphistˆmi\, intransitive use, "the one who stood off from, apostatized from" (our very word "apostasy"). And also as the one who "went not with them to the work" (\kai mˆ sunelthonta autois eis to ergon\). At Perga Mark had faced the same task that Paul and Barnabas did, but he flinched and flickered and quit. Paul declined to repeat the experiment with Mark.

rwp@Acts:15:39 @{A sharp contention} (\paroxusmos\). Our very word paroxysm in English. Old word though only twice in the N.T. (here and strkjv@Hebrews:10:24|), from \paroxun“\, to sharpen (\para, oxus\) as of a blade and of the spirit (Acts:17:16; strkjv@1Corinthians:13:5|). This "son of consolation" loses his temper in a dispute over his cousin and Paul uses sharp words towards his benefactor and friend. It is often so that the little irritations of life give occasion to violent explosions. If the incident in strkjv@Galatians:2:11-21| had already taken place, there was a sore place already that could be easily rubbed. And if Mark also joined with Peter and Barnabas on that occasion, Paul had fresh ground for irritation about him. But there is no way to settle differences about men and we can only agree to disagree as Paul and Barnabas did. {Songs:that they parted asunder from one another} (\h“ste apoch“risthˆnai autous ap' allˆl“n\). Actual result here stated by \h“ste\ and the first aorist passive infinitive of \apoch“riz“\, old verb to sever, to separate, here only and strkjv@Revelation:6:4| in the N.T. The accusative of general reference (\autous\) is normal. For construction with \h“ste\ see Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 999f. {And Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus} (\ton te Barnaban paralabonta ton Markon ekpleusai eis Kupron\). Second infinitival clause \ekpleusai\ after \h“ste\ connected by \te\. The same participle is used here minus \sun, paralabonta\ (second aorist active). Barnabas and Mark sailed out (\ekpleusai\ from \ekple“\) from the harbour of Antioch. This is the last glimpse that Luke gives us of Barnabas, one of the noblest figures in the New Testament. Paul has a kindly reference to him in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:6|. No one can rightly blame Barnabas for giving his cousin John Mark a second chance nor Paul for fearing to risk him again. One's judgment may go with Paul, but one's heart goes with Barnabas. And Mark made good with Barnabas, with Peter (1Peter:5:13|) and finally with Paul (Colossians:4:10; strkjv@2Timothy:4:11|). See my little book on John Mark (_Making Good in the Ministry_). Paul and Barnabas parted in anger and both in sorrow. Paul owed more to Barnabas than to any other man. Barnabas was leaving the greatest spirit of the time and of all times.

rwp@Acts:15:40 @{Chose} (\epilexamenos\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle of \epileg“\, choosing for himself, as the successor of Barnabas, not of Mark who had no place in Paul's plans at this time. {Commended} (\paradotheis\). First aorist passive of \paradid“mi\, the same verb employed about Paul and Barnabas (14:26|) on their return from the first tour. It is clear now that the sympathy of the church at Antioch is with Paul rather than with Barnabas in the cleavage that has come. The church probably recalled how in the pinch Barnabas flickered and went to the side of Peter and that it was Paul who for the moment stood _Paulus contra mundum_ for Gentile liberty in Christ against the threat of the Judaizers from Jerusalem. Silas had influence in the church in Jerusalem (verse 22|) and was apparently a Roman citizen (16:37|) also. He is the Silas or Silvanus of the epistles (1Thessalonians:1:1; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:19; strkjv@1Peter:5:12|). It is remarkable that Peter mentions both Mark and Silas as with him (1Peter:5:12f.|) at the same time.

rwp@Acts:15:41 @{Went through} (\diˆrcheto\). Imperfect middle. Songs:Paul went forth on his second mission tour with heart-aches and high hopes mingled together. {Syria and Cilicia} (\tˆn Surian kai tˆn Kilikian\). He took the opposite course from the first tour, leaving Cyprus to Barnabas and Mark. Probably Paul had established these churches while in Tarsus after leaving Jerusalem (Acts:9:30; strkjv@Galatians:1:21|). Paul would go "by the Gulf of Issus through the Syrian Gates, a narrow road between steep rocks and the sea, and then inland, probably past Tarsus and over Mt. Taurus by the Cilician gates" (Page). This second tour will occupy Luke's story in Acts through strkjv@18:22|.

rwp@Acts:16:2 @{Was well reported of} (\emartureito\). Imperfect passive. It was a continuous witness that was borne the young disciple both in his home town of Lystra and in Derbe. Already he had so borne himself that his gifts and graces for the ministry were recognized. It is a wise precaution that the approval of the local church is necessary for the licensing and the ordaining of a preacher. If God has called a man for the work signs of it will be manifest to others.

rwp@Acts:16:4 @{They delivered them} (\paredidosan autois\). Imperfect active, kept on delivering to them in city after city. This is a proof of Paul's loyalty to the Jerusalem compact (Knowling). The circumcision of Timothy would indicate also that the points involved were under discussion and that Paul felt no inconsistency in what he did. {The decrees} (\ta dogmata\). Old word from \doke“\, to give an opinion. It is used of public decrees of rulers (Luke:2:1; strkjv@Acts:17:7|), of the requirements of the Mosaic law (Colossians:2:14|), and here of the regulations or conclusions of the Jerusalem Conference. Silas was with Paul and his presence gave added dignity to the passing out of the decrees, a charter of Gentile freedom, since he was one of the committee from Jerusalem to Antioch (15:22,27,32|). {Which had been ordained} (\ta kekrimena\). Perfect passive articular participle of \krin“\, to judge, emphasizing the permanence of the conclusions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. {For to keep} (\phulassein\). This present active infinitive likewise accents that it is a charter of liberty for continual living, not a temporary compromise.

rwp@Acts:16:6 @{The region of Phrygia and Galatia} (\tˆn Phrugian kai Galatikˆn ch“ran\). This is probably the correct text with one article and apparently describes one "Region" or District in The Province of Galatia which was also Phrygian (the old-ethnographic name with which compare the use of Lycaonia in strkjv@14:6|). Strictly speaking Derbe and Lystra, though in the Province of Galatia, were not Phrygian, and so Luke would here be not resumptive of the record in verses 1-5|; but a reference to the country around Iconium and Antioch in Pisidia in North Galatia is not included. This verse is hotly disputed at every point by the advocates of the North Galatian theory as represented by Chase and the South Galatian theory by Ramsay. Whatever is true in regard to the language of Luke here and in strkjv@18:23|, it is still possible for Paul in strkjv@Galatians:1:2| to use the term Galatia of the whole province of that name which could, in fact, apply to either South or North Galatia or to both. He could, of course, use it also in the ethnographic sense of the real Gauls or Celts who dwelt in North Galatia. Certainly the first tour of Paul and Barnabas was in the Province of Galatia though touching only the Regions of Pisidia, Phrygia, and Lycaonia, which province included besides the Gauls to the north. In this second tour Lycaonia has been already touched (Derbe and Lystra) and now Phrygia. The question arises why Luke here and in strkjv@18:23| adds the term "of Galatia" (\Galatikˆn\) though not in strkjv@13:14| (Pisidian Antioch) nor in strkjv@14:6| (cities of Lycaonia). Does Luke mean to use "of Galatia" in the same ethnographic sense as "of Phrygia" or does he here add the province (Galatia) to the name of the Region (Phrygia)? In itself either view is possible and it really matters very little except that the question is raised whether Paul went into the North Galatian Region on this occasion or later (18:23|). He could have done so and the Epistle be addressed to the churches of South Galatia, North Galatia, or the province as a whole. But the Greek participle \k“luthentes\ ("having been forbidden") plays a part in the argument that cannot be overlooked whether Luke means to say that Paul went north or not. This aorist passive participle of \k“lu“\, to hinder, can only express simultaneous or antecedent action, not subsequent action as Ramsay argues. No example of the so-called subsequent use of the aorist participle has ever been found in Greek as all Greek grammarians agree (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 860-63, 1112-14). The only natural meaning of \k“luthentes\ is that Paul with Silas and Timothy "passed through the region of Phrygia and Galatia" because they were hindered by the Holy Spirit from speaking the word in Asia (the Province of Asia of which Ephesus was the chief city and west of Derbe and Lystra). This construction implies that the country called "the region of Phrygia and Galatia" is not in the direct line west toward Ephesus. What follows in verse 7| throws further light on the point.

rwp@Acts:16:8 @{Passing by Mysia} (\parelthontes tˆn Musian\). Literally, passing alongside or skirting Mysia, neglecting it without preaching there. Strictly they passed through part of it to reach Troas. {To Troas} (\eis Troiada\). This city, named Alexandria Troas after Alexander the Great, was the seaport of Mysia, though a Roman colony and not counted as part of either Asia or Bithynia. New Ilium, on the site of the old Troy, was four miles farther north. It was the place to take ship for Philippi. Twice again Paul will be here (2Corinthians:2:12; strkjv@Acts:20:6|).

rwp@Acts:16:9 @{A vision} (\horama\). Old word, eleven times in Acts, once in strkjv@Matthew:17:9|. Twice Paul had been hindered by the Holy Spirit from going where he wanted to go. Most men would have gone back home with such rebuffs, but not so Paul. Now the call is positive and not negative, to go "far hence to the Gentiles" (22:21|). He had little dreamed of such a call when he left Antioch. Paul's frequent visions always came at real crises in his life. {A man of Macedonia} (\anˆr Maked“n\). Ramsay follows Renan in the view that this was Luke with whom Paul had conversed about conditions in Macedonia. Verse 10| makes it plain that Luke was now in the party, but when he joined them we do not know. Some hold that Luke lived at Antioch in Syria and came on with Paul and Silas, others that he joined them later in Galatia, others that he appeared now either as Paul's physician or new convert. Ramsay thinks that Philippi was his home at this time. But, whatever is true about Luke, the narrative must not be robbed of its supernatural aspect (10:10; strkjv@22:17|). {Was standing} (\ˆn hest“s\). Second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\, intransitive, periphrastic imperfect. Vivid picture. {Help us} (\boˆthˆson hˆmin\). Ingressive first aorist active imperative of \boˆthe“\ (\boˆ, the“\), to run at a cry, to help. The man uses the plural for all including himself. It was the cry of Europe for Christ.

rwp@Acts:16:10 @{We sought} (\ezˆtˆsamen\). This sudden use of the plural, dropped in strkjv@17:1| when Paul leaves Philippi, and resumed in strkjv@20:5| when Paul rejoins Luke in Philippi, argues conclusively that Luke, the author, is in the party ("we" portions of Acts) and shows in a writer of such literary skill as Luke that he is not copying a document in a blundering sort of way. Paul told his vision to the party and they were all ready to respond to the call. {Concluding} (\sunbibazontes\). A very striking word, present active participle of \sunbibaz“\, old verb to make go together, to coalesce or knit together, to make this and that agree and so to conclude. Already in strkjv@9:22| of Paul's preaching. This word here gives a good illustration of the proper use of the reason in connection with revelation, to decide whether it is a revelation from God, to find out what it means for us, and to see that we obey the revelation when understood. God had called them to preach to the Macedonians. They had to go.

rwp@Acts:16:12 @{To Philippi} (\eis Philippous\). The plural like \Athˆnai\ (Athens) is probably due to separate sections of the city united (Winer-Moulton, _Grammar_, p. 220). The city (ancient name Krenides or Wells) was renamed after himself by Philip, the father of Alexander the Great. It was situated about a mile east of the small stream Gangites which flows into the river Strymon some thirty miles away. In this valley the Battle of Philippi was fought B.C. 42 between the Second Triumvirate (Octavius, Antonius, Lepidus) and Brutus and Cassius. In memory of the victory Octavius made it a colony (\kol“nia\) with all the privileges of Roman citizenship, such as freedom from scourging, freedom from arrest save in extreme cases, and the right of appeal to the emperor. This Latin word occurs here alone in the N.T. Octavius planted here a colony of Roman veterans with farms attached, a military outpost and a miniature of Rome itself. The language was Latin. Here Paul is face to face with the Roman power and empire in a new sense. He was a new Alexander, come from Asia to conquer Europe for Christ, a new Caesar to build the Kingdom of Christ on the work of Alexander and Caesar. One need not think that Paul was conscious of all that was involved in destiny for the world. Philippi was on the Egnatian Way, one of the great Roman roads, that ran from here to Dyrrachium on the shores of the Adriatic, a road that linked the east with the west. {The first of the district} (\pr“tˆ tˆs meridos\). Philippi was not the first city of Macedonia nor does Luke say so. That honour belonged to Thessalonica and even Amphipolis was larger than Philippi. It is not clear whether by \meris\ Luke means a formal division of the province, though the _Koin‚_ has examples of this geographical sense (papyri). There is no article with \pr“tˆ\ and Luke may not mean to stress unduly the position of Philippi in comparison with Amphipolis. But it was certainly a leading city of this district of Macedonia. {We were tarrying} (\ˆmen diatribontes\). Periphrastic imperfect active.

rwp@Acts:16:13 @{By a river side} (\para potamon\). The little river Gangites (or Gargites) was one mile west of the town. Philippi as a military outpost had few Jews. There was evidently no synagogue inside the city, but "without the gates" (\ex“ tˆs pulˆs\) they had noticed an enclosure "where we supposed" (\hou enomizomen\, correct text, imperfect active), probably as they came into the city, "was a place of prayer" (\proscuchˆn einai\). Infinitive with accusative of general reference in indirect discourse. \Proseuchˆ\ is common in the LXX and the N.T. for the act of prayer as in strkjv@Acts:2:42| then for a place of prayer either a synagogue (III Macc. strkjv@7:20) or more often an open air enclosure near the sea or a river where there was water for ceremonial ablutions. The word occurs also in heathen writers for a place of prayer (Schurer, _Jewish People_, Div. II, Vol. II, p. 69, Engl. Tr.). Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 222) quotes an Egyptian inscription of the third century B.C. with this sense of the word and one from Panticapaeum on the Black Sea of the first century A.D. (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 102). Juvenal (III. 296) has a sneering reference to the Jewish \proseucha\. Josephus (_Ant_. XIV. 10, 23) quotes a decree of Halicarnassus which allowed the Jews "to make their prayers (\proseuchas\) on the seashore according to the custom of their fathers." There was a synagogue in Thessalonica, but apparently none in Amphipolis and Apollonia (Acts:17:1|). The rule of the rabbis required ten men to constitute a synagogue, but here were gathered only a group of women at the hour of prayer. In pioneer days in this country it was a common thing to preach under bush arbours in the open air. John Wesley and George Whitfield were great open air preachers. Paul did not have an inspiring beginning for his work in Europe, but he took hold where he could. The conjecture was correct. It was a place of prayer, but only a bunch of women had come together (\tais sunelthousais gunaixin\), excuse enough for not preaching to some preachers, but not to Paul and his party. The "man of Macedonia" turned out to be a group of women (Furneaux). Macedonian inscriptions show greater freedom for women in Macedonia than elsewhere at this time and confirm Luke's story of the activities of women in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea. {We sat down and spake} (\kathisantes elaloumen\). Having taken our seats (aorist active participle of \kathiz“\) we began to speak or preach (inchoative imperfect of \lale“\, often used for preaching). Sitting was the Jewish attitude for public speaking. It was not mere conversation, but more likely conversational preaching of an historical and expository character. Luke's use of the first person plural implies that each of the four (Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke) preached in turn, with Paul as chief speaker.

rwp@Acts:16:14 @{Lydia} (\Ludia\). Her birthplace was Thyatira in Lydia. She may have been named after the land, though Lydia is a common female name (see Horace). Lydia was itself a Macedonian colony (Strabo, XIII. 4). Thyatira (note plural form like Philippi and one of the seven churches of Asia here strkjv@Revelation:2:18|) was famous for its purple dyes as old as Homer (Iliad, IV. 141) and had a guild of dyers (\hoi bapheis\) as inscriptions show. {A seller of purple} (\porphurop“lis\). A female seller of purple fabrics (\porphura, p“lis\). Late word, masculine form in an inscription. There was a great demand for this fabric as it was used on the official toga at Rome and in Roman colonies. We still use the term "royal purple." See on ¯Luke:16:19|. Evidently Lydia was a woman of some means to carry on such an important enterprise from her native city. She may have been a freed-woman, since racial names were often borne by slaves. {One that worshipped God} (\sebomenˆ ton theon\). A God-fearer or proselyte of the gate. There was a Jewish settlement in Thyatira which was especially interested in the dyeing industry. She probably became a proselyte there. Whether this was true of the other women we do not know. They may have been Jewesses or proselytes like Lydia, probably all of them employees of hers in her business. When Paul writes to the Philippians he does not mention Lydia who may have died meanwhile and who certainly was not Paul's wife. She was wealthy and probably a widow. {Heard us} (\ˆkouen\). Imperfect active of \akou“\, was listening, really listening and she kept it up, listening to each of these new and strange preachers. {Opened} (\diˆnoixen\). First aorist active indicative of \dianoig“\, old word, double compound (\dia, ana, oig“\) to open up wide or completely like a folding door (both sides, \dia\, two). Only the Lord could do that. Jesus had opened (the same verb) the mind of the disciples to understand the Scriptures (Luke:24:45|). {To give heed} (\prosechein\). To hold the mind (\ton noun\ understood), present active infinitive. She kept her mind centred on the things spoken by Paul whose words gripped her attention. She rightly perceived that Paul was the foremost one of the group. He had personal magnetism and power of intellect that the Spirit of God used to win the heart of this remarkable woman to Christ. It was worth coming to Philippi to win this fine personality to the Kingdom of God. She will be the chief spirit in this church that will give Paul more joy and co-operation than any of his churches. It is not stated that she was converted on the first Sabbath, though this may have been the case. "One solitary convert, a woman, and she already a seeker after God, and a native of that very Asia where they had been forbidden to preach" (Furneaux). But a new era had dawned for Europe and for women in the conversion of Lydia.

rwp@Acts:16:15 @{And when she was baptized} (\h“s de ebaptisthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \baptiz“\. The river Gangites was handy for the ordinance and she had now been converted and was ready to make this public declaration of her faith in Jesus Christ. {And her household} (\kai ho oikos autˆs\). Who constituted her "household"? The term \oikos\, originally means the building as below, "into my house" and then it includes the inmates of a house. There is nothing here to show whether Lydia's "household" went beyond "the women" employed by her who like her had heard the preaching of Paul and had believed. "Possibly Euodia and Syntyche and the other women, strkjv@Phillipians:4:2,3|, may have been included in the family of Lydia, who may have employed many slaves and freed women in her trade" (Knowling). "This statement cannot be claimed as any argument for infant baptism, since the Greek word may mean her servants or her work-people" (Furneaux). In the household baptisms (Cornelius, Lydia, the jailor, Crispus) one sees "infants" or not according to his predilections or preferences. {If ye have judged me} (\ei kekrikate me\). Condition of the first class, assumed to be true (\ei\ and the indicative, here perfect active of \krin“\). She had confessed her faith and submitted to baptism as proof that she was "faithful to the Lord" (\pistˆn t“i kuri“i\), believing on the Lord. "If she was fit for that, surely she was fit to be their hostess" (Furneaux). And Paul and his party had clearly no comfortable place to stay while in Philippi. The ancient hotels or inns were abominable. Evidently Paul demurred for there were four of them and he did not wish to sacrifice his independence or be a burden even to a woman of wealth. {And she constrained us} (\kai parebiasato hˆmas\). Effective first aorist middle of \parabiazomai\, late word, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:24:29|. Some moral force (\bia\) or hospitable persuasion was required (cf. strkjv@1Samuel:28:23|), but Lydia had her way as women usually do. Songs:he accepted Lydia's hospitality in Philippi, though he worked for his own living in Thessalonica (2Thessalonians:3:8|) and elsewhere (2Corinthians:11:9|). Songs:far only women have been won to Christ in Philippi. The use of "us" shows that Luke was not a householder in Philippi.

rwp@Acts:16:16 @{A spirit of divination} (\pneuma puth“na\). Songs:the correct text with accusative (apparition, a spirit, a python), not the genitive (\puth“nos\). Hesychius defines it as \daimonion manikon\ (a spirit of divination). The etymology of the word is unknown. Bengel suggests \puthesthai\ from \punthanomai\, to inquire. Python was the name given to the serpent that kept guard at Delphi, slain by Apollo, who was called \Puthios Apollo\ and the prophetess at Delphi was termed Pythia. Certainly Luke does not mean to credit Apollo with a real existence (1Corinthians:8:4|). But Plutarch (A.D. 50-100) says that the term \puth“nes\ was applied to ventriloquists (\eggastrimuthoi\). In the LXX those with familiar spirits are called by this word ventriloquists (Leviticus:19:31; strkjv@20:6,27|, including the witch of Endor strkjv@1Samuel:28:7|). It is possible that this slave girl had this gift of prophecy "by soothsaying" (\manteuomenˆ\). Present middle participle of \manteuomai\, old heathen word (in contrast with \prophˆteu“\) for acting the seer (\mantis\) and this kin to \mainomai\, to be mad, like the howling dervishes of later times. This is the so-called instrumental use of the circumstantial participles. {Brought} (\pareichen\). Imperfect active of \parech“\, a steady source of income. {Much gain} (\ergasian pollˆn\). Work, business, from \ergazomai\, to work. {Her masters} (\tois kuriois autˆs\). Dative case. Joint owners of this poor slave girl who were exploiting her calamity, whatever it was, for selfish gain, just as men and women today exploit girls and women in the "white slave" trade. As a fortune-teller she was a valuable asset for all the credulous dupes of the community. Simon Magus in Samaria and Elymas Barjesus in Cyprus had won power and wealth as soothsayers.

rwp@Acts:16:17 @{The Most High God} (\tou theou tou hupsistou\). Pagan inscriptions use this language for the Supreme Being. It looks like supernatural testimony like that borne by the demoniacs to Jesus as "son of the Most High God" (Luke:8:28|. Cf; also strkjv@Mark:1:24; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@Matthew:8:29; strkjv@Luke:4:41|, etc.). She may have heard Paul preach about Jesus as the way of salvation. {The way of salvation} (\hodon s“tˆrias\). A way of salvation, strictly speaking (no article). There were many "ways of salvation" offered to men then as now.

rwp@Acts:16:19 @{Was gone} (\exˆlthen\). Was gone out of the slave girl, second aorist active indicative of \exerchomai\. "The two most important social revolutions worked by Christianity have been the elevation of woman and the abolition of slavery" (Furneaux). Both are illustrated here (Lydia and this slave girl). "The most sensitive part of 'civilized' man is the pocket" (Ramsay). {Laid hold on} (\epilabomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \epilamban“\ as in strkjv@9:27; strkjv@17:19|, but here with hostile intent. {Dragged} (\heilkusan\). First aorist active indicative of \helku“\, late form of the old verb \helk“\ (also in strkjv@James:2:6|) to draw as a sword, and then to drag one forcibly as here and strkjv@21:30|. It is also used of spiritual drawing as by Jesus in strkjv@John:12:32|. Here it is by violence. {Into the marketplace} (\eis tˆn agoran\). Into the Roman forum near which would be the courts of law as in our courthouse square, as in strkjv@17:17|. Marketing went on also (Mark:7:4|), when the crowds collect (Mark:6:56|), from \ageir“\, to collect or gather. {Unto the rulers} (\epi tous archontas\). General Greek term for "the magistrates."

rwp@Acts:16:22 @{Rose up together} (\sunepestˆ\). Second aorist (ingressive) active of the double compound \sunephistˆmi\, intransitive, old verb, but only here in the N.T. (cf. \katepestˆsan\ in strkjv@18:12|). There was no actual attack of the mob as Paul and Silas were in the hands of the officers, but a sudden and violent uprising of the people, the appeal to race and national prejudice having raised a ferment. {Rent their garments off them} (\perirˆxantes aut“n ta himatia\). First aorist active participle of \perirˆgnumi\, old verb, to break off all around, to strip or rend all round. Here only in the N.T. The duumvirs probably gave orders for Paul and Silas to be stripped of their outer garments (\himatia\), though not actually doing it with their own hands, least of all not stripping off their own garments in horror as Ramsay thinks. That would call for the middle voice. In II Macc. strkjv@4:38 the active voice is used as here of stripping off the garments of others. Paul in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:2| refers to the shameful treatment received in Philippi, "insulted" (\hubristhentas\). As a Roman citizen this was unlawful, but the duumvirs looked on Paul and Silas as vagabond and seditious Jews and "acted with the highhandedness characteristic of the fussy provincial authorities" (Knowling). {Commanded} (\ekeleuon\). Imperfect active, repeatedly ordered. The usual formula of command was: "Go, lictors; strip off their garments; let them be scourged." {To beat them with rods} (\rhabdizein\). Present active infinitive of \rhabdiz“\, old verb, but in the N.T.=_virgis caedere_ only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:11:25| where Paul alludes to this incident and two others not given by Luke (\tris erhabdisthˆn\). He came near getting another in Jerusalem (Acts:22:25|). Why did not Paul say here that he was a Roman citizen as he does later (verse 37|) and in Jerusalem (22:26f.|)? It might have done no good in this hubbub and no opportunity was allowed for defence of any kind.

rwp@Acts:16:23 @{When they had laid} (\epithentes\). Second aorist (constative) active participle of \epitithˆmi\, to place upon. {Many stripes} (\pollas plˆgas\). The Jewish law was forty stripes save one (2Corinthians:11:24|). The Roman custom depended on the caprice of the judge and was a terrible ordeal. It was the custom to inflict the stripes on the naked body (back) as Livy 2.5 says: "_Missique lictores ad sumendum supplicium, nudatos virgis caedunt_." On \plˆgas\ (from \plˆss“\, to strike a blow) see on ¯Luke:10:30; strkjv@12:47f|. {The jailor} (\t“i desmophulaki\). Late word (\desmos, phulax\, keeper of bonds), in the N.T. only here (verses 23,27,36|). The LXX has the word \archidesmophulax\ (Genesis:39:21-23|). Chrysostom calls this jailor Stephanus, he was of Achaia (1Corinthians:16:15|). {To keep safely} (\asphal“s tˆrein\). Present active infinitive, to keep on keeping safely, perhaps "as dangerous political prisoners" (Rackham). He had some rank and was not a mere turnkey.

rwp@Acts:16:24 @{Into the inner prison} (\eis tˆn es“teran phulakˆn\). The comparative form from the adverb \es“\ (within), Ionic and old Attic for \eis“\. In the LXX, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:6:19|. The Roman public prisons had a vestibule and outer prison and behind this the inner prison, a veritable dungeon with no light or air save what came through the door when open. One has only to picture modern cells in our jails, the dungeons in feudal castles, London prisons before the time of Howard, to appreciate the horrors of an inner prison cell in a Roman provincial town of the first century A.D. {Made their feet fast} (\tous podas ˆsphalisato aut“n\). First aorist (effective) middle of \asphaliz“\, from \asphalˆs\ (safe), common verb in late Greek, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:24:64ff|. The inner prison was safe enough without this refinement of cruelty. {In the stocks} (\eis to xulon\). \Xulon\, from \xu“\, to scrape or plane, is used for a piece of wood whether a cross or gibbet (Acts:5:30; strkjv@10:39; strkjv@13:29; strkjv@Galatians:3:13; strkjv@1Peter:2:24|) or a log or timber with five holes (four for the wrists and ankles and one for the neck) or two for the feet as here, \xulopedˆ\, Latin _vervus_, to shackle the feet stretched apart (Job:33:11|). This torment was practiced in Sparta, Athens, Rome, and Adonirom Judson suffered it in Burmah. \Xulon\ is also used in the N.T. for stick or staff (Matthew:26:47|) and even a tree (Luke:23:31|). Tertullian said of Christians in the stocks: _Nihil crus sentit in vervo, quum animus in caelo est_ (Nothing the limb feels in the stocks when the mind is in heaven).

rwp@Acts:16:25 @{About midnight} (\kata de mesonuktion\). Middle of the night, old adjective seen already in strkjv@Mark:13:35; strkjv@Luke:11:5| which see. {Were praying and singing} (\proseuchomenoi humnoun\). Present middle participle and imperfect active indicative: Praying they were singing (simultaneously, blending together petition and praise). \Humne“\ is an old verb from \humnos\ (cf. strkjv@Isaiah:12:4; strkjv@Daniel:3:23|). Paul and Silas probably used portions of the Psalms (cf. strkjv@Luke:1:39f.,67f.; strkjv@2:28f.|) with occasional original outbursts of praise. {Were listening to them} (\epˆkro“nto aut“n\). Imperfect middle of \epakroaomai\. Rare verb to listen with pleasure as to a recitation or music (Page). It was a new experience for the prisoners and wondrously attractive entertainment to them.

rwp@Acts:16:26 @{Earthquake} (\seismos\). Old word from \sei“\, to shake. Luke regarded it as an answer to prayer as in strkjv@4:31|. He and Timothy were not in prison. {Songs:that the foundations of the prison house were shaken} (\h“ste saleuthˆnai ta themelia tou desm“tˆriou\). Regular construction of the first aorist passive infinitive and the accusative of general reference with \h“ste\ for actual result just like the indicative. This old word for prison house already in strkjv@Matthew:11:2; strkjv@Acts:5:21,23| which see. \Themelia\ is neuter plural of the adjective \themelios\, from \thema\ (thing laid down from \tithˆmi\). Songs:already in strkjv@Luke:6:48; strkjv@14:29|. If the prison was excavated from rocks in the hillside, as was often the case, the earthquake would easily have slipped the bars of the doors loose and the chains would have fallen out of the walls. {Were opened} (\ˆne“ichthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \anoig“\ (or \-numi\) with triple augment (\ˆ, e, “\), while there is no augment in \anethˆ\ (first aorist passive indicative of \aniˆmi\, were loosed), old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@27:40; strkjv@Ephesians:6:9; strkjv@Hebrews:13:5|.

rwp@Acts:16:27 @{Being roused out of sleep} (\exupnos genomenos\). Becoming \exupnos\ (rare word, only here in N.T., in LXX and Josephus). An earthquake like that would wake up any one. {Open} (\ane“igmenos\). Perfect passive participle with double reduplication in predicate position, standing open. {Drew his sword} (\spasamenos tˆn machairan\). First aorist middle participle of \spa“\, to draw, as in strkjv@Mark:14:47|, drawing his own sword himself. Our word spasm from this old word. {Was about} (\ˆmellen\). Imperfect active of \mell“\ with both syllabic and temporal augment and followed here by present infinitive. He was on the point of committing suicide as Brutus had done near here. Stoicism had made suicide popular as the escape from trouble like the Japanese _harikari_. {Had escaped} (\ekpepheugenai\). Second perfect active infinitive of \ekpheug“\, old verb with perfective force of \ek\, to flee out, to get clean away. This infinitive and accusative of general reference is due to indirect discourse after \nomiz“n\. Probably the prisoners were so panic stricken by the earthquake that they did not rally to the possibility of escape before the jailor awoke. He was responsible for the prisoners with his life (12:19; strkjv@27:42|).

rwp@Acts:16:30 @{Brought them out} (\progag“n autous ex“\). Second aorist active participle of \proag“\, to lead forward. He left the other prisoners inside, feeling that he had to deal with these men whom he had evidently heard preach or had heard of their message as servants of the Most High God as the slave girl called them. There may have been superstition behind his fear, but there was evident sincerity.

rwp@Acts:16:31 @{To be saved} (\hina s“th“\). Final clause with \hina\ and first aorist passive subjunctive. What did he mean by "saved"? Certainly more than escape from peril about the prisoners or because of the earthquake, though these had their influences on him. Cf. way of salvation in verse 17|. {Believe on the Lord Jesus} (\Pisteuson epi ton kurion Iˆsoun\). This is what Peter told Cornelius (10:43|). This is the heart of the matter for both the jailor and his house.

rwp@Acts:16:33 @{Washed their stripes} (\elousen apo t“n plˆg“n\). Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 227) cites an inscription of Pergamum with this very construction of \apo\ and the ablative, to wash off, though it is an old verb. This first aorist active indicative of \lou“\, to bathe, succinctly shows what the jailor did to remove the stains left by the rods of the lictors (verse 22|). \Nipt“\ was used for washing parts of the body. {And was baptized, he and all his, immediately} (\kai ebaptisthˆ autos kai hoi autou hapantes parachrˆma\). The verb is in the singular agreeing with \autos\, but it is to be supplied with \hoi autou\, and it was done at once.

rwp@Acts:16:34 @{He brought them up} (\anagag“n\). Second aorist active participle of \anag“\. It looks as if his house was above the prison. The baptism apparently took place in the pool or tank in which he bathed Paul and Silas (Deuteronomy:Wette) or the rectangular basin (_impluvium_) in the court for receiving the rain or even in a swimming pool or bath (\kolumbˆthra\) found within the walls of the prison (Kuinoel). Meyer: "Perhaps the water was in the court of the house; and the baptism was that of immersion, which formed an essential part of the symbolism of the act." {Set meat} (\parethˆken trapezan\). Set a "table" before them with food on it. They had probably had no food for a day. {With all his house} (\panoikei\). Adverb, once in Plato, though usually \panoikiƒi\. In LXX, but here alone in the N.T. It is in an amphibolous position and can be taken either with "rejoiced" (\ˆgalliasato\) or "having believed" (\pepisteuk“s\, perfect active participle, permanent belief), coming between them. The whole household (family, warden, slaves) heard the word of God, believed in the Lord Jesus, made confession, were baptized, and rejoiced. Furneaux considers the haste in baptism here "precipitate" as in the baptism of the eunuch. But why delay?

rwp@Acts:16:35 @{The serjeants} (\tous rhabdouchous\). Fasces-bearers, regular Greek word (\rhabdos, ech“\) for Latin _lictores_ though Cicero says that they should carry _baculi_, not _fasces_. Was this message because of the earthquake, the influence of Lydia, or a belated sense of justice on the part of the magistrates (praetors)? Perhaps a bit of all three may be true. The Codex Bezae expressly says that the magistrates "assembled together in the market place and recollecting the earthquake that had happened they were afraid."

rwp@Acts:16:36 @{Now therefore} (\nun oun\). Note both particles (time and inference). It was a simple matter to the jailor and he was full of glee over this happy outcome.

rwp@Acts:16:37 @{Unto them} (\pros autous\). The lictors by the jailor. The reply of Paul is a marvel of brevity and energy, almost every word has a separate indictment showing the utter illegality of the whole proceeding. {They have beaten us} (\deirantes hˆmas\). First aorist active participle of \der“\, old verb to flay, to skin, to smite. The _Lex Valeria_ B.C. 509 and the _Lex Poscia_ B.C. 248 made it a crime to inflict blows on a Roman citizen. Cicero says, "To fetter a Roman citizen was a crime, to scourge him a scandal, to slay him--parricide." Claudius had "deprived the city of Rhodes of its freedom for having crucified some citizen of Rome" (Rackham). {Publicly} (\dˆmosiƒi\). This added insult to injury. Common adverb (\hod“i\) supplied with adjective, associative instrumental case, opposed to \idiƒi\ or \kat' oikous\, strkjv@Acts:20:20|) {Uncondemned} (\akatakritous\). This same verbal adjective from \kata-krin“\ with \a\ privative is used by Paul in strkjv@22:25| and nowhere else in the N.T. Rare in late Greek like \akatagn“stos\, but in late _Koin‚_ (papyri, inscriptions). The meaning is clearly "without being tried." Paul and Silas were not given a chance to make a defence. They were sentenced unheard (25:16|). Even slaves in Roman law had a right to be heard. {Men that are Romans} (\anthr“pous Romaious huparchontas\). The praetors did not know, of course, that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens any more than Lysias knew it in strkjv@Acts:22:27|. Paul's claim is not challenged in either instance. It was a capital offence to make a false claim to Roman citizenship. {Have cast us into prison} (\ebalan eis phulakˆn\). Second aorist active indicative of \ball“\, old verb, with first aorist ending as often in the _Koin‚_ (\-an\, not \-on\). This was the climax, treating them as criminals. {And now privily} (\kai nun lathrƒi\). Paul balances their recent conduct with the former. {Nay verily, but} (\ou gar, alla\). No indeed! It is the use of \gar\ so common in answers (\ge+ara\) as in strkjv@Matthew:27:23|. \Alla\ gives the sharp alternative. {Themselves} (\autoi\). As a public acknowledgment that they had wronged and mistreated Paul and Silas. Let them come themselves and lead us out (\exagaget“san\, third person plural second aorist active imperative of \exag“\). It was a bitter pill to the proud praetors.

rwp@Acts:16:40 @{Into the house of Lydia} (\pros tˆn Ludian\). No word in the Greek for "house," but it means the house of Lydia. Note "the brethren" here, not merely Luke and Timothy, but other brethren now converted besides those in the house of the jailor. The four missionaries were guests of Lydia (verse 15|) and probably the church now met in her home. {They departed} (\exˆlthan\). Paul and Silas, but not Luke and Timothy. Note "they" here, not "we." Note also the \-an\ ending instead of \-on\ as above. The movements of Timothy are not perfectly clear till he reappears at Beroea (17:15|). It seems unlikely that he came to Thessalonica with Paul and Silas since only Paul and Silas obtained security there (17:9|) and were sent on to Beroea (17:10|). Probably Timothy was sent to Thessalonica from Philippi with gifts of which Paul spoke later (Phillipians:4:15f.|). Then he followed Paul and Silas to Beroea.

rwp@Acts:17:1 @{When they had passed through} (\diodeusantes\). First aorist active participle of \diodeu“\, common verb in the _Koin‚_ (Polybius, Plutarch, LXX, etc.), but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:8:1|. It means literally to make one's way (\hodos\) through (\dia\). They took the Egnatian Way, one of the great Roman roads from Byzantium to Dyrrachium (over 500 miles long) on the Adriatic Sea, opposite Brundisium and so an extension of the Appian Way. {Amphipolis} (\tˆn Amphipolin\). Songs:called because the Strymon flowed almost around (\amphi\) it, the metropolis of Macedonia Prima, a free city, about 32 miles from Philippi, about three miles from the sea. Paul and Silas may have spent only a night here or longer. {Apollonia} (\tˆn Apoll“nian\). Not the famous Apollonia in Illyria, but 32 miles from Amphipolis on the Egnatian Way. Songs:here again a night was spent if no more. Why Paul hurried through these two large cities, if he did, we do not know. There are many gaps in Luke's narrative that we have no way of filling up. There may have been no synagogues for one thing. {To Thessalonica} (\eis Thessalonikˆn\). There was a synagogue here in this great commercial city, still an important city called Saloniki, of 70,000 population. It was originally called Therma, at the head of the Thermaic Gulf. Cassander renamed it Thessalonica after his wife, the sister of Alexander the Great. It was the capital of the second of the four divisions of Macedonia and finally the capital of the whole province. It shared with Corinth and Ephesus the commerce of the Aegean. One synagogue shows that even in this commercial city the Jews were not very numerous. As a political centre it ranked with Antioch in Syria and Caesarea in Palestine. It was a strategic centre for the spread of the gospel as Paul later said for it sounded (echoed) forth from Thessalonica throughout Macedonia and Achaia (1Thessalonians:1:8|).

rwp@Acts:17:2 @{As his custom was} (\kata to ei“thos t“i Paul“i\). The same construction in strkjv@Luke:4:16| about Jesus in Nazareth (\kata to ei“thos aut“i\) with the second perfect active participle neuter singular from \eth“\. Paul's habit was to go to the Jewish synagogue to use the Jews and the God-fearers as a springboard for his work among the Gentiles. {For three Sabbaths} (\epi sabbata tria\). Probably the reference is to the first three Sabbaths when Paul had a free hand in the synagogue as at first in Antioch in Pisidia. Luke does not say that Paul was in Thessalonica only three weeks. He may have spoken there also during the week, though the Sabbath was the great day. Paul makes it plain, as Furneaux shows, that he was in Thessalonica a much longer period than three weeks. The rest of the time he spoke, of course, outside of the synagogue. Paul implies an extended stay by his language in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:8|. The church consisted mainly of Gentile converts (2Thessalonians:3:4,7,8|) and seems to have been well organized (1Thessalonians:5:12|). He received help while there several times from Philippi (Phillipians:4:16|) and even so worked night and day to support himself (1Thessalonians:2:9|). His preaching was misunderstood there in spite of careful instruction concerning the second coming of Christ (1Thessalonians:4:13-5:5; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:1-12|). {Reasoned} (\dielexato\). First aorist middle indicative of \dialegomai\, old verb in the active to select, distinguish, then to revolve in the mind, to converse (interchange of ideas), then to teach in the Socratic ("dialectic") method of question and answer (cf. \dielegeto\ in verse 17|), then simply to discourse, but always with the idea of intellectual stimulus. With these Jews and God-fearers Paul appealed to the Scriptures as text and basis (\apo\) of his ideas.

rwp@Acts:17:3 @{Opening and alleging} (\dianoig“n kai paratithemenos\). Opening the Scriptures, Luke means, as made plain by the mission and message of Jesus, the same word (\dianoig“\) used by him of the interpretation of the Scriptures by Jesus (Luke:24:32|) and of the opening of the mind of the disciples also by Jesus (Luke:24:45|) and of the opening of Lydia's heart by the Lord (16:14|). One cannot refrain from saying that such exposition of the Scriptures as Jesus and Paul gave would lead to more opening of mind and heart. Paul was not only "expounding" the Scriptures, he was also "propounding" (the old meaning of "allege") his doctrine or setting forth alongside the Scriptures (\para-tithemenos\), quoting the Scripture to prove his contention which was made in much conflict (1Thessalonians:2:2|), probably in the midst of heated discussion by the opposing rabbis who were anything but convinced by Paul's powerful arguments, for the Cross was a stumbling-block to the Jews (1Corinthians:1:23|). {That it behoved the Christ to suffer} (\hoti ton Christon edei pathein\). The second aorist active infinitive is the subject of \edei\ with \ton Christon\, the accusative of general reference. This is Paul's major premise in his argument from the Scriptures about the Messiah, the necessity of his sufferings according to the Scriptures, the very argument made by the Risen Jesus to the two on the way to Emmaus (Luke:24:25-27|). The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah was a passage in point that the rabbis had overlooked. Peter made the same point in strkjv@Acts:3:18| and Paul again in strkjv@Acts:26:23|. The minor premise is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. {To rise again from the dead} (\anastˆnai ek nekr“n\). This second aorist active infinitive \anastˆnai\ is also the subject of \edei\. The actual resurrection of Jesus was also a necessity as Paul says he preached to them (1Thessalonians:4:14|) and argued always from Scripture (1Corinthians:15:3-4|) and from his own experience (Acts:9:22; strkjv@22:7; strkjv@26:8,14; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:8|). {This Jesus is the Christ} (\houtos estin ho Christos, ho Iˆsous\). More precisely, "This is the Messiah, viz., Jesus whom I am proclaiming unto you." This is the conclusion of Paul's line of argument and it is logical and overwhelming. It is his method everywhere as in Damascus, in Antioch in Pisidia, here, in Corinth. He spoke as an eye-witness.

rwp@Acts:17:5 @{Moved with jealousy} (\zˆl“santes\). Both our English words, {zeal} and {jealousy}, are from the Greek \zˆlos\. In strkjv@13:45| the Jews (rabbis) "were filled with jealousy" (\eplˆsthˆsan zˆlou\). That is another way of saying the same thing as here. The success of Paul was entirely too great in both places to please the rabbis. Songs:here is jealousy of Jewish preachers towards Christian preachers. It is always between men or women of the same profession or group. In strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:3-10| Paul hints at some of the slanders spread against him by these rabbis (deceivers, using words of flattery as men-pleasers, after vain-glory, greed of gain, etc.). {Took unto them} (\proslabomenoi\). Second aorist middle (indirect, to themselves) participle of \proslamban“\, old and common verb. {Certain vile fellows of the rabble} (\t“n agorai“n andras tinas ponˆrous\). The \agora\ or market-place was the natural resort for those with nothing to do (Matthew:20:4|) like the court-house square today or various parks in our cities where bench-warmers flock. Plato (_Protagoras_ 347 C) calls these \agoraioi\ (common word, but in N.T. only here and strkjv@19:38|) idlers or good-for-nothing fellows. They are in every city and such "bums" are ready for any job. The church in Thessalonica caught some of these peripatetic idlers (2Thessalonians:3:10f.|) "doing nothing but doing about." Songs:the Jewish preachers gather to themselves a choice collection of these market-loungers or loafers or wharf-rats. The Romans called them _subrostrani_ (hangers round the rostrum or _subbasilicari_). {Gathering a crowd} (\ochlopoiˆsantes\). Literally, making or getting (\poie“\) a crowd (\ochlos\), a word not found elsewhere. Probably right in the \agora\ itself where the rabbis could tell men their duties and pay them in advance. Instance Hyde Park in London with all the curious gatherings every day, Sunday afternoons in particular. {Set the city on an uproar} (\ethoruboun\). Imperfect active of \thorube“\, from \thorubos\ (tumult), old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@20:10; strkjv@Matthew:9:23; strkjv@Mark:4:39|. They kept up the din, this combination of rabbis and rabble. {Assaulting the house of Jason} (\epistantes tˆi oikiƒi Iasonos\). Second aorist (ingressive) active of \ephistˆmi\, taking a stand against, rushing at, because he was Paul's host. He may have been a Gentile (Jason the name of an ancient king of Thessaly), but the Jews often used it for Joshua or Jesus (II Macc. strkjv@1:7). {They sought} (\ezˆtoun\). Imperfect active. They burst into the house and searched up and down. {Them} (\autous\). Paul and Silas. They were getting ready to have a lynching party.

rwp@Acts:17:6 @{When they found them not} (\mˆ heurontes\). Usual negative \mˆ\ with the participle in the _Koin‚_, second aorist (effective) active participle, complete failure with all the noise and "bums." {They dragged} (\esuron\). Imperfect active, vivid picture, they were dragging (literally). See already strkjv@8:3; strkjv@16:19|. If they could not find Paul, they could drag Jason his host and some other Christians whom we do not know. {Before the rulers of the city} (\epi tous politarchas\). This word does not occur in Greek literature and used to be cited as an example of Luke's blunders. But now it is found in an inscription on an arch in the modern city preserved in the British Museum. It is also found in seventeen inscriptions (five from Thessalonica) where the word or the verb \politarche“\ occurs. It is a fine illustration of the historical accuracy of Luke in matters of detail. This title for city officers in Thessalonica, a free city, is correct. They were burgomasters or "rulers of the city." {Crying} (\bo“ntes\). Yelling as if the house was on fire like the mob in Jerusalem (21:28|). {These that have turned the world upside down} (\hoi tˆn oikoumenˆn anastat“santes\). The use of \oikoumenˆn\ (supply \gen\ or \ch“ran\, the inhabited earth, present passive participle of \oike“\) means the Roman Empire, since it is a political charge, a natural hyperbole in their excitement, but the phrase occurs for the Roman Empire in strkjv@Luke:2:1|. It is possible that news had come to Thessalonica of the expulsion of the Jews from Rome by Claudius. There is truth in the accusation, for Christianity is revolutionary, but on this particular occasion the uproar (verse 5|) was created by the rabbis and the hired loafers. The verb \anastato“\ (here first aorist active participle) does not occur in the ancient writers, but is in LXX and in strkjv@Acts:17:6; strkjv@21:38; strkjv@Galatians:5:12|. It occurs also in Harpocration (A.D. 4th cent.) and about 100 B.C. \exanastato“\ is found in a fragment of papyrus (Tebtunis no. 2) and in a Paris Magical Papyrus l. 2243f. But in an Egyptian letter of Aug. 4, 41 A.D. (Oxyrhynchus Pap. no. 119, 10) "the bad boy" uses it = "he upsets me" or " he drives me out of my senses" (\anastatoi me\). See Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 84f. It is not a "Biblical word" at all, but belongs to the current _Koin‚_. It is a vigorous and graphic term.

rwp@Acts:17:7 @{Whom Jason hath received} (\hous hupodedektai Ias“n\). Present perfect middle indicative of \hupodechomai\, to entertain, old verb, but in N.T. only in strkjv@Luke:10:38; strkjv@19:6; strkjv@Acts:17:7; strkjv@James:2:25|. This is Jason's crime and he is the prisoner before the politarchs. {These all} (\houtoi pantes\). Jason, the "brethren" of verse 6|, Paul and Silas, and all Christians everywhere. {Contrary} (\apenanti\). Late compound preposition (\apo, en, anti\) found in Polybius, LXX, here only in the N.T. {The decrees of Caesar} (\t“n dogmat“n Kaisaros\). This was a charge of treason and was a sure way to get a conviction. Probably the Julian _Leges Majestatis_ are in mind rather than the definite decree of Claudius about the Jews (Acts:18:2|). {Saying that there is another king, one Jesus} (\Basilea heteron legontes einai Iˆsoun\). Note the very order of the words in the Greek indirect discourse with the accusative and infinitive after \legontes\. \Basilea heteron\ comes first, a different king, another emperor than Caesar. This was the very charge that the smart student of the Pharisees and Herodians had tried to catch Jesus on (Mark:12:14|). The Sanhedrin made it anyhow against Jesus to Pilate (Luke:23:2|) and Pilate had to notice it. "Although the emperors never ventured to assume the title _rex_ at Rome, in the Eastern provinces they were regularly termed _basileus_" (Page). The Jews here, as before Pilate (John:19:15|), renounce their dearest hope of a Messianic king. It is plain that Paul had preached about Jesus as the Messiah, King of the Kingdom of God over against the Roman Empire, a spiritual kingdom, to be sure, but the Jews here turn his language to his hurt as they did with Jesus. As a matter of fact Paul's preaching about the kingdom and the second coming of Christ was gravely misunderstood by the Christians at Thessalonica after his departure (1Thessalonians:4:13-5:4; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2|). The Jews were quick to seize upon his language about Jesus Christ to his own injury. Clearly here in Thessalonica Paul had faced the power of the Roman Empire in a new way and pictured over against it the grandeur of the reign of Christ.

rwp@Acts:17:10 @{Immediately by night} (\euthe“s dia nuktos\). Paul's work had not been in vain in Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:1:7f.; strkjv@2:13,20|). Paul loved the church here. Two of them, Aristarchus and Secundus, will accompany him to Jerusalem (Acts:20:4|) and Aristarchus will go on with him to Rome (27:2|). Plainly Paul and Silas had been in hiding in Thessalonica and in real danger. After his departure severe persecution came to the Christians in Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:2:14; strkjv@3:1-5; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:6|). It is possible that there was an escort of Gentile converts with Paul and Silas on this night journey to Beroea which was about fifty miles southwest from Thessalonica near Pella in another district of Macedonia (Emathia). There is a modern town there of some 6,000 people. {Went} (\apˆiesan\). Imperfect third plural active of \apeimi\, old verb to go away, here alone in the N.T. A literary, almost Atticistic, form instead of \apˆlthon\. {Into the synagogue of the Jews} (\eis tˆn sunag“gˆn t“n Ioudai“n\). Paul's usual custom and he lost no time about it. Enough Jews here to have a synagogue.

rwp@Acts:17:12 @{Many therefore} (\Polloi men oun\). As a result of this Bible study. {Also of the Greek women of honourable estate}. The word \Hellˆnis\ means Greek woman, but the word \gunˆ\ is added. In particular women of rank (\euschˆmon“n\, from \eu\ and \ech“\, graceful figure and the honourable standing) as in strkjv@13:50| (Mark:15:43|). Probably Luke means by implication that the "men" (\andr“n\) were also noble Greeks though he does not expressly say so. Songs:then the Jews were more open to the message, the proselytes or God-fearers followed suit, with "not a few" (\ouk oligoi\) real Greeks (both men and women) believing. It was quick and fine work.

rwp@Acts:17:13 @{Was proclaimed} (\katˆggelˆ\). Second aorist passive indicative of \kataggell“\, common late verb as in strkjv@Acts:16:21|. {Of Paul} (\hupo Paulou\). By Paul, of course. {Stirring up and troubling the multitudes} (\saleuontes kai tarassontes tous ochlous\). Shaking the crowds like an earthquake (4:31|) and disturbing like a tornado (17:8|). Success at Thessalonica gave the rabbis confidence and courage. The attack was sharp and swift. The Jews from Antioch in Pisidia had likewise pursued Paul to Iconium and Lystra. How long Paul had been in Beroea Luke does not say. But a church was established here which gave a good account of itself later and sent a messenger (Acts:20:4|) with their part of the collection to Jerusalem. This quiet and noble town was in a whirl of excitement over the attacks of the Jewish emissaries from Thessalonica who probably made the same charge of treason against Paul and Silas.

rwp@Acts:17:15 @{But they that conducted Paul} (\hoi de kathistanontes ton Paulon\). Articular present active participle of \kathistan“\ (late form in A B of \kathistˆmi\ or \kathista“\), an old verb with varied uses to put down, to constitute, to conduct, etc. This use here is in the LXX (Joshua:6:23|) and old Greek also. {To Athens} (\he“s Athˆn“n\). To make sure of his safe arrival. {That they should come to him with all speed} (\hina h“s tachista elth“sin pros auton\). Note the neat Greek idiom \h“s tachista\ as quickly as possible (good Attic idiom). The indirect command and purpose (\hina-elth“sin\, second aorist active subjunctive) is also neat Greek (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1046). {Departed} (\exˆiesan\). Imperfect active of \exeimi\, old Greek word, but rare in N.T. All in Acts (13:42; strkjv@17:15; strkjv@20:7; strkjv@27:43|)

rwp@Acts:17:16 @{Now while Paul waited for them in Athens} (\En de tais Athˆnais ekdechomenou autous tou Paulou\). Genitive absolute with present middle participle of \ekdechomai\, old verb to receive, but only with the sense of looking out for, expecting found here and elsewhere in N.T We know that Timothy did come to Paul in Athens (1Thessalonians:3:1,6|) from Thessalonica and was sent back to them from Athens. If Silas also came to Athens, he was also sent away, possibly to Philippi, for that church was deeply interested in Paul. At any rate both Timothy and Silas came from Macedonia to Corinth with messages and relief for Paul (Acts:18:5; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:8f.|). Before they came and after they left, Paul felt lonely in Athens (1Thessalonians:3:1|), the first time on this tour or the first that he has been completely without fellow workers. Athens had been captured by Sulla B.C. 86. After various changes Achaia, of which Corinth is the capital, is a separate province from Macedonia and A.D. 44 was restored by Claudius to the Senate with the Proconsul at Corinth. Paul is probably here about A.D. 50. Politically Athens is no longer of importance when Paul comes though it is still the university seat of the world with all its rich environment and traditions. Rackham grows eloquent over Paul the Jew of Tarsus being in the city of Pericles and Demosthenes, Socrates and Plato and Aristotle, Sophocles and Euripides. In its Agora Socrates had taught, here was the Academy of Plato, the Lyceum of Aristotle, the Porch of Zeno, the Garden of Epicurus. Here men still talked about philosophy, poetry, politics, religion, anything and everything. It was the art centre of the world. The Parthenon, the most beautiful of temples, crowned the Acropolis. Was Paul insensible to all this cultural environment? It is hard to think so for he was a university man of Tarsus and he makes a number of allusions to Greek writers. Probably it had not been in Paul's original plan to evangelize Athens, difficult as all university seats are, but he cannot be idle though here apparently by chance because driven out of Macedonia. {Was provoked} (\par“xuneto\). Imperfect passive of \paroxun“\, old verb to sharpen, to stimulate, to irritate (from \para, oxus\), from \paroxusmos\ (Acts:15:39|), common in old Greek, but in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:13:5|. It was a continual challenge to Paul's spirit when he beheld (\the“rountos\, genitive of present participle agreeing with \autou\ (his), though late MSS. have locative \the“rounti\ agreeing with \en aut“i\). {The city full of idols} (\kateid“lon ousan tˆn polin\). Note the participle \ousan\ not preserved in the English (either the city being full of idols or that the city was full of idols, sort of indirect discourse). Paul, like any stranger was looking at the sights as he walked around. This adjective \kateid“lon\ (perfective use of \kata\ and \eid“lon\ is found nowhere else, but it is formed after the analogy of \katampelos, katadendron\), full of idols. Xenophon (_de Republ. Ath_.) calls the city \holˆ bomos, holˆ thuma theois kai anathˆma\ (all altar, all sacrifice and offering to the gods). These statues were beautiful, but Paul was not deceived by the mere art for art's sake. The idolatry and sensualism of it all glared at him (Romans:1:18-32|). Renan ridicules Paul's ignorance in taking these statues for idols, but Paul knew paganism better than Renan. The superstition of this centre of Greek culture was depressing to Paul. One has only to recall how superstitious cults today flourish in the atmosphere of Boston and Los Angeles to understand conditions in Athens. Pausanias says that Athens had more images than all the rest of Greece put together. Pliny states that in the time of Nero Athens had over 30,000 public statues besides countless private ones in the homes. Petronius sneers that it was easier to find a god than a man in Athens. Every gateway or porch had its protecting god. They lined the street from the Piraeus and caught the eye at every place of prominence on wall or in the agora.

rwp@Acts:17:18 @{And certain also of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers encountered him} (\tines de kai t“n Epikouri“n kai St“ik“n philosoph“n suneballon aut“i\). Imperfect active of \sunball“\, old verb, in the N.T. only by Luke, to bring or put together in one's mind (Luke:2:19|), to meet together (Acts:20:14|), to bring together aid (18:27|), to confer or converse or dispute as here and already strkjv@4:15| which see. These professional philosophers were always ready for an argument and so they frequented the agora for that purpose. Luke uses one article and so groups the two sects together in their attitude toward Paul, but they were very different in fact. Both sects were eager for argument and both had disdain for Paul, but they were the two rival practical philosophies of the day, succeeding the more abstruse theories of Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had turned men's thought inward (\Gn“thi Seauton\, Know Thyself) away from the mere study of physics. Plato followed with a profound development of the inner self (metaphysics). Aristotle with his cyclopaedic grasp sought to unify and relate both physics and metaphysics. Both Zeno and Epicurus (340-272 B.C.) took a more practical turn in all this intellectual turmoil and raised the issues of everyday life. Zeno (360-260 B.C.) taught in the \Stoa\ (Porch) and so his teaching was called Stoicism. He advanced many noble ideas that found their chief illustration in the Roman philosophers (Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius). He taught self-mastery and hardness with an austerity that ministered to pride or suicide in case of failure, a distinctly selfish and unloving view of life and with a pantheistic philosophy. Epicurus considered practical atheism the true view of the universe and denied a future life and claimed pleasure as the chief thing to be gotten out of life. He did not deny the existence of gods, but regarded them as unconcerned with the life of men. The Stoics called Epicurus an atheist. Lucretius and Horace give the Epicurean view of life in their great poems. This low view of life led to sensualism and does today, for both Stoicism and Epicureanism are widely influential with people now. "Eat and drink for tomorrow we die," they preached. Paul had doubtless become acquainted with both of these philosophies for they were widely prevalent over the world. Here he confronts them in their very home. He is challenged by past-masters in the art of appealing to the senses, men as skilled in their dialectic as the Pharisaic rabbis with whom Paul had been trained and whose subtleties he had learned how to expose. But, so far as we know, this is a new experience for Paul to have a public dispute with these philosophical experts who had a natural contempt for all Jews and for rabbis in particular, though they found Paul a new type at any rate and so with some interest in him. "In Epicureanism, it was man's sensual nature which arrayed itself against the claims of the gospel; in Stoicism it was his self-righteousness and pride of intellect" (Hackett). Knowling calls the Stoic the Pharisee of philosophy and the Epicurean the Sadducee of philosophy. Socrates in this very agora used to try to interest the passers-by in some desire for better things. That was 450 years before Paul is challenged by these superficial sophistical Epicureans and Stoics. It is doubtful if Paul had ever met a more difficult situation. {What would this babbler say?} (\Ti an theloi ho spermologos houtos legein?\). The word for "babbler" means "seed-picker" or picker up of seeds (\sperma\, seed, \leg“\, to collect) like a bird in the agora hopping about after chance seeds. Plutarch applies the word to crows that pick up grain in the fields. Demosthenes called Aeschines a \spermologos\. Eustathius uses it of a man hanging around in the markets picking up scraps of food that fell from the carts and so also of mere rhetoricians and plagiarists who picked up scraps of wisdom from others. Ramsay considers it here a piece of Athenian slang used to describe the picture of Paul seen by these philosophers who use it, for not all of them had it ("some," \tines\). Note the use of \an\ and the present active optative \theloi\, conclusion of a fourth-class condition in a rhetorical question (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1021). It means, What would this picker up of seeds wish to say, if he should get off an idea? It is a contemptuous tone of supreme ridicule and doubtless Paul heard this comment. Probably the Epicureans made this sneer that Paul was a charlatan or quack. {Other some} (\hoi de\). But others, in contrast with the "some" just before. Perhaps the Stoics take this more serious view of Paul. {He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods} (\zen“n daimoni“n dokei kataggeleus einai\). This view is put cautiously by \dokei\ (seems). \Kataggeleus\ does not occur in the old Greek, though in ecclesiastical writers, but Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 99) gives an example of the word "on a marble stele recording a decree of the Mitylenaens in honour of the Emperor Augustus," where it is the herald of the games. Here alone in the N.T. \Daimonion\ is used in the old Greek sense of deity or divinity whether good or bad, not in the N.T. sense of demons. Both this word and \kataggeleus\ are used from the Athenian standpoint. \Xenos\ is an old word for a guest-friend (Latin _hospes_) and then host (Romans:16:23|), then for foreigner or stranger (Matthew:25:31; strkjv@Acts:17:21|), new and so strange as here and strkjv@Hebrews:13:9; strkjv@1Peter:4:12|, and then aliens (Ephesians:2:12|). This view of Paul is the first count against Socrates: Socrates does wrong, introducing new deities (\adikei S“kratˆs, kaina daimonia eispher“n\, Xen. _Mem_. I). On this charge the Athenians voted the hemlock for their greatest citizen. What will they do to Paul? This Athens was more sceptical and more tolerant than the old Athens. But Roman law did not allow the introduction of a new religion (_religio illicita_). Paul was walking on thin ice though he was the real master philosopher and these Epicureans and Stoics were quacks. Paul had the only true philosophy of the universe and life with Jesus Christ as the centre (Colossians:1:12-20|), the greatest of all philosophers as Ramsay justly terms him. But these men are mocking him. {Because he preached Jesus and the resurrection} (\hoti ton Iˆsoun kai tˆn anastasin euˆggelizato\). Reason for the view just stated. Imperfect middle indicative of \euaggeliz“\, to "gospelize." Apparently these critics considered \anastasis\ (Resurrection) another deity on a par with Jesus. The Athenians worshipped all sorts of abstract truths and virtues and they misunderstood Paul on this subject. They will leave him as soon as he mentions the resurrection (verse 32|). It is objected that Luke would not use the word in this sense here for his readers would not under stand him. But Luke is describing the misapprehension of this group of philosophers and this interpretation fits in precisely.

rwp@Acts:17:19 @{And they took hold of him} (\epilabomenoi de autou\). Second aorist middle participle of \epilamban“\, old verb, but in the N.T. only in the middle, here with the genitive \autou\ to lay hold of, but with no necessary sense of violence (Acts:9:27; strkjv@23:27; strkjv@Mark:8:23|), unless the idea is that Paul was to be tried before the Court of Areopagus for the crime of bringing in strange gods. But the day for that had passed in Athens. Even so it is not clear whether "{unto the Areopagus} (\epi ton Areion Pagon\") means the Hill of Mars (west of the Acropolis, north of the agora and reached by a flight of steps in the rock) or the court itself which met elsewhere as well as on the hills, usually in fact in the Stoa Basilica opening on the agora and near to the place where the dispute had gone on. Raphael's cartoon with Paul standing on Mars Hill has made us all familiar with the common view, but it is quite uncertain if it is true. There was not room on the summit for a large gathering. If Paul was brought before the Court of Areopagus (commonly called the Areopagus as here), it was not for trial as a criminal, but simply for examination concerning his new teaching in this university city whether it was strictly legal or not. Paul was really engaged in proselytism to turn the Athenians away from their old gods to Jesus Christ. But "the court of refined and polished Athenians was very different from the rough provincial magistrates of Philippi, and the philosophers who presented Paul to their cognizance very different from the mob of Thessalonians" (Rackham). It was all very polite. {May we know?} (\Dunametha gn“nai\). Can we come to know (ingressive second aorist active infinitive). {This new teaching} (\hˆ kainˆ hautˆ didachˆ\). On the position of \hautˆ\ see Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 700f. The question was prompted by courtesy, sarcasm, or irony. Evidently no definite charge was laid against Paul.

rwp@Acts:17:20 @{For thou bringest certain strange things} (\xenizonta gar tina eisphereis\). The very verb used by Xenophon (_Mem_. I) about Socrates. \Xenizonta\ is present active neuter plural participle of \xeniz“\ and from \xenos\ (verse 18|), "things surprising or shocking us." {We would know therefore} (\boulometha oun gn“nai\). Very polite still, we wish or desire, and repeating \gn“nai\ (the essential point).

rwp@Acts:17:22 @{Stood in the midst of the Areopagus} (\statheis en mes“i tou Areiou Pagou\). First aorist passive of \histˆmi\ used of Peter in strkjv@2:14|. Majestic figure whether on Mars Hill or in the Stoa Basilica before the Areopagus Court. There would be a crowd of spectators and philosophers in either case and Paul seized the opportunity to preach Christ to this strange audience as he did in Caesarea before Herod Agrippa and the crowd of prominent people gathered by Festus for the entertainment. Paul does not speak as a man on trial, but as one trying to get a hearing for the gospel of Christ. {Somewhat superstitious} (\h“s deisidaimonesterous\). The Authorized Version has "too superstitious," the American Standard "very religious." \Deisidaim“n\ is a neutral word (from \deid“\, to fear, and \daim“n\, deity). The Greeks used it either in the good sense of pious or religious or the bad sense of superstitious. Thayer suggests that Paul uses it "with kindly ambiguity." Page thinks that Luke uses the word to represent the religious feeling of the Athenians (_religiosus_) which bordered on superstition. The Vulgate has _superstitiosiores_. In strkjv@25:19| Festus uses the term \deisidaimonia\ for "religion." It seems unlikely that Paul should give this audience a slap in the face at the very start. The way one takes this adjective here colours Paul's whole speech before the Council of Areopagus. The comparative here as in verse 21| means more religions than usual (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 664f.), the object of the comparison not being expressed. The Athenians had a tremendous reputation for their devotion to religion, "full of idols" (verse 16|).

rwp@Acts:17:23 @{For} (\gar\). Paul gives an illustration of their religiousness from his own experiences in their city. {The objects of your worship} (\ta sebasmata hum“n\). Late word from \sebazomai\, to worship. In N T. only here and strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:4|. The use of this word for temples, altars, statues, shows the conciliatory tone in the use of \deisidaimonesterous\ in verse 22|. {An altar} (\b“mon\). Old word, only here in the N.T. and the only mention of a heathen altar in the N.T {With this inscription} (\en h“i epegegrapto\). On which had been written (stood written), past perfect passive indicative of \epigraph“\, old and common verb for writing on inscriptions (\epigraphˆ\, strkjv@Luke:23:38|). {To an Unknown God} (\AGNOSTO THEO\). Dative case, dedicated to. Pausanias (I. 1, 4) says that in Athens there are "altars to gods unknown" (\b“moi the“n agn“st“n\). Epimenides in a pestilence advised the sacrifice of a sheep to the befitting god whoever he might be. If an altar was dedicated to the wrong deity, the Athenians feared the anger of the other gods. The only use in the N.T. of \agn“stos\, old and common adjective (from \a\ privative and \gn“stos\ verbal of \gin“sk“\, to know). Our word agnostic comes from it. Here it has an ambiguous meaning, but Paul uses it though to a stern Christian philosopher it may be the "confession at once of a bastard philosophy and of a bastard religion" (Hort, _Hulsean Lectures_, p. 64). Paul was quick to use this confession on the part of the Athenians of a higher power than yet known to them. Songs:he gets his theme from this evidence of a deeper religious sense in them and makes a most clever use of it with consummate skill. {In ignorance} (\agnoountes\). Present active participle of \agnoe“\, old verb from same root as \agn“stos\ to which Paul refers by using it. {This set I forth unto you} (\touto ego kataggell“ humin\). He is a \kataggeleus\ (verse 18|) as they suspected of a God, both old and new, old in that they already worship him, new in that Paul knows who he is. By this master stroke he has brushed to one side any notion of violation of Roman law or suspicion of heresy and claims their endorsement of his new gospel, a shrewd and consummate turn. He has their attention now and proceeds to describe this God left out of their list as the one true and Supreme God. The later MSS. here read \hon--touton\ (whom--this one) rather than \ho--touto\ (what--this), but the late text is plainly an effort to introduce too soon the personal nature of God which comes out clearly in verse 24|.

rwp@Acts:17:24 @{The God that made the world} (\Hosea:theos ho poiˆsas ton kosmon\). Not a god for this and a god for that like the 30,000 gods of the Athenians, but the one God who made the Universe (\kosmos\ on the old Greek sense of orderly arrangement of the whole universe). {And all things therein} (\kai panta ta en aut“i\). All the details in the universe were created by this one God. Paul is using the words of strkjv@Isaiah:42:5|. The Epicureans held that matter was eternal. Paul sets them aside. This one God was not to be confounded with any of their numerous gods save with this "Unknown God." {Being Lord of heaven and earth} (\ouranou kai gˆs huparch“n kurios\). \Kurios\ here owner, absolute possessor of both heaven and earth (Isaiah:45:7|), not of just parts. {Dwelleth not in temples made with hands} (\ouken cheiropoiˆtois naois katoikei\). The old adjective \cheiropoiˆtos\ (\cheir, poie“\) already in Stephen's speech (7:48|). No doubt Paul pointed to the wonderful Parthenon, supposed to be the home of Athene as Stephen denied that God dwelt alone in the temple in Jerusalem.

rwp@Acts:17:25 @{As though he needed anything} (\prosdeomenos tinos\). Present middle participle of \prosdeomai\, to want besides, old verb, but here only in the N.T. This was strange doctrine for the people thought that the gods needed their offerings for full happiness. This self-sufficiency of God was taught by Philo and Lucretius, but Paul shows that the Epicurean missed it by putting God, if existing at all, outside the universe. {Seeing he himself giveth to all} (\autos didous pasin\). This Supreme Personal God is the source of life, breath, and everything. Paul here rises above all Greek philosophers.

rwp@Acts:17:26 @{And he made of one} (\epoiˆsen te ex henos\). The word \haimatos\ (blood) is absent from Aleph A B and is a later explanatory addition. What Paul affirms is the unity of the human race with a common origin and with God as the Creator. This view runs counter to Greek exclusiveness which treated other races as barbarians and to Jewish pride which treated other nations as heathen or pagan (the Jews were \laos\, the Gentiles \ethnˆ\). The cosmopolitanism of Paul here rises above Jew and Greek and claims the one God as the Creator of the one race of men. The Athenians themselves claimed to be \antochthonous\ (indigenous) and a special creation. Zeno and Seneca did teach a kind of cosmopolitanism (really pantheism) far different from the personal God of Paul. It was Rome, not Greece, that carried out the moral ideas of Zeno. Man is part of the universe (verse 24|) and God created (\epoiˆsen\) man as he created (\poiˆsas\) the all. {For to dwell} (\katoikein\). Infinitive (present active) of purpose, so as to dwell. {Having determined} (\horisas\). First aorist active participle of \horiz“\, old verb to make a horizon as already in strkjv@19:42| which see. Paul here touches God's Providence. God has revealed himself in history as in creation. His hand appears in the history of all men as well as in that of the Chosen People of Israel. {Appointed seasons} (\prostetagmenous kairous\). Not the weather as in strkjv@14:17|, but "the times of the Gentiles" (\kairoi ethn“n\) of which Jesus spoke (Luke:21:24|). The perfect passive participle of \prostass“\, old verb to enjoin, emphasizes God's control of human history without any denial of human free agency as was involved in the Stoic Fate (\Heirmarmenˆ\). {Bounds} (\horothesias\). Limits? Same idea in strkjv@Job:12:23|. Nations rise and fall, but it is not blind chance or hard fate. Thus there is an interplay between God's will and man's activities, difficult as it is for us to see with our shortened vision.

rwp@Acts:17:27 @{That they should seek God} (\Zˆtein ton theon\). Infinitive (present active) of purpose again. Seek him, not turn away from him as the nations had done (Romans:1:18-32|). {If haply they might feel after him} (\ei ara ge psˆlaphˆseian auton\). First aorist active (Aeolic form) optative of \psˆlapha“\, old verb from \psa“\, to touch. Songs:used by the Risen Jesus in his challenge to the disciples (Luke:24:39|), by the Apostle John of his personal contact with Jesus (1John:1:1|), of the contact with Mount Sinai (Hebrews:12:18|). Here it pictures the blind groping of the darkened heathen mind after God to "find him" (\heuroien\, second aorist active optative) whom they had lost. One knows what it is in a darkened room to feel along the walls for the door (Deuteronomy:28:29; strkjv@Job:5:14; strkjv@12:25; strkjv@Isaiah:59:10|). Helen Keller, when told of God, said that she knew of him already, groping in the dark after him. The optative here with \ei\ is due to the condition of the fourth class (undetermined, but with vague hope of being determined) with aim also present (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1021). Note also \ara ge\ the inferential particle \ara\ with the delicate intensive particle \ge\. {Though he is not far from each one of us} (\kai ge ou makran apo henos hekastou hˆm“n huparchonta\). More exactly with B L (\kai ge\ instead of \kaitoi\ or \kaitoi ge\), "and yet being not far from each one of us," a direct statement rather than a concessive one. The participle \huparchonta\ agrees with \auton\ and the negative \ou\ rather than the usual \me\ with the participle makes an emphatic negative. Note also the intensive particle \ge\.

rwp@Acts:17:29 @{We ought not to think} (\ouk opheilomen nomizein\). It is a logical conclusion (\oun\, therefore) from the very language of Aratus and Cleanthes. {That the Godhead is like} (\to theion einai homoion\). Infinitive with accusative of general reference in indirect discourse. \To theion\ is strictly "the divine" nature like \theiotˆs\ (Romans:1:20|) rather than like \theotˆs\ (Colossians:2:9|). Paul may have used \to theion\ here to get back behind all their notions of various gods to the real nature of God. The Athenians may even have used the term themselves. After \homoios\ (like) the associative instrumental case is used as with \chrus“i, argur“i, lith“i\. {Graven by art and device of man} (\charagmati technˆs kai enthumˆse“s anthr“pou\). Apposition with preceding and so \charagmati\ in associative instrumental case. Literally, graven work or sculpture from \charass“\, to engrave, old word, but here alone in N.T. outside of Revelation (the mark of the beast). Graven work of art (\technˆs\) or external craft, and of thought or device (\enthumˆse“s\) or internal conception of man.

rwp@Acts:17:30 @{The times of ignorance} (\tous chronous tˆs agnoias\). The times before full knowledge of God came in Jesus Christ. Paul uses the very word for their ignorance (\agnoountes\) employed in verse 23|. {Overlooked} (\huperid“n\). Second aorist active participle of \huperora“\ or \hupereid“\, old verb to see beyond, not to see, to overlook, not "to wink at" of the Authorized Version with the notion of condoning. Here only in the N.T. It occurs in the LXX in the sense of overlooking or neglecting (Psalms:18:62; strkjv@55:1|). But it has here only a negative force. God has all the time objected to the polytheism of the heathen, and now he has made it plain. In Wisdom strkjv@11:23 we have these words: "Thou overlookest the sins of men to the end they may repent." {But now} (\ta nun\). Accusative of general reference, "as to the now things or situation." All is changed now that Christ has come with the full knowledge of God. See also strkjv@27:22|. {All everywhere} (\pantas pantachou\). No exceptions anywhere. {Repent} (\metanoein\). Present active infinitive of \metanoe“\ in indirect command, a permanent command of perpetual force. See on \metanoe“\ ¯Acts:2:38| and the Synoptic Gospels. This word was the message of the Baptist, of Jesus, of Peter, of Paul, this radical change of attitude and life.

rwp@Acts:17:31 @{Inasmuch as} (\kathoti\). According as (\kata, hoti\). Old causal conjunction, but in N.T. only used in Luke's writings (Luke:1:7; strkjv@19:9; strkjv@Acts:2:45; strkjv@4:35; strkjv@17:31|). {Hath appointed a day} (\estˆsen hˆmeran\) First aorist active indicative of \histˆmi\, to place, set. God did set the day in his counsel and he will fulfil it in his own time. {Will judge} (\mellei krinein\). Rather, is going to judge, \mell“\ and the present active infinitive of \krin“\. Paul here quotes strkjv@Psalms:9:8| where \krinei\ occurs. {By the man whom he hath ordained} (\en andri h“i h“risen\). Here he adds to the Psalm the place and function of Jesus Christ, a passage in harmony with Christ's own words in strkjv@Matthew:25|. \H“i\ (whom) is attracted from the accusative, object of \h“risen\ (first aorist active indicative of \horiz“\) to the case of the antecedent \andri\. It has been said that Paul left the simple gospel in this address to the council of the Areopagus for philosophy. But did he? He skilfully caught their attention by reference to an altar to an Unknown God whom he interprets to be the Creator of all things and all men who overrules the whole world and who now commands repentance of all and has revealed his will about a day of reckoning when Jesus Christ will be Judge. He has preached the unity of God, the one and only God, has proclaimed repentance, a judgment day, Jesus as the Judge as shown by his Resurrection, great fundamental doctrines, and doubtless had much more to say when they interrupted his address. There is no room here for such a charge against Paul. He rose to a great occasion and made a masterful exposition of God's place and power in human history. {Whereof he hath given assurance} (\pistin parasch“n\). Second aorist active participle of \parech“\, old verb to furnish, used regularly by Demosthenes for bringing forward evidence. Note this old use of \pistis\ as conviction or ground of confidence (Hebrews:11:1|) like a note or title-deed, a conviction resting on solid basis of fact. All the other uses of \pistis\ grow out of this one from \peith“\, to persuade. {In that he hath raised him from the dead} (\anastˆsas auton ek nekr“n\). First aorist active participle of \anistˆmi\, causal participle, but literally, "having raised him from the dead." This Paul knew to be a fact because he himself had seen the Risen Christ. Paul has here come to the heart of his message and could now throw light on their misapprehension about "Jesus and the Resurrection" (verse 18|). Here Paul has given the proof of all his claims in the address that seemed new and strange to them.

rwp@Acts:17:32 @{The resurrection of the dead} (\anastasin nekr“n\). Rather, "a resurrection of dead men." No article with either word. The Greeks believed that the souls of men lived on, but they had no conception of resurrection of the body. They had listened with respect till Paul spoke of the actual resurrection of Jesus from the dead as a fact, when they did not care to hear more. {Some mocked} (\hoi men echleuazon\). Imperfect active of \chleuaz“\, a common verb (from \chleuˆ\, jesting, mockery). Only here in the N.T. though late MSS. have it in strkjv@2:13| (best MSS. \diachleuaz“\). Probably inchoative here, began to mock. In contempt at Paul's statement they declined to listen further to "this babbler" (verse 18|) who had now lost what he had gained with this group of hearers (probably the light and flippant Epicureans). {But others} (\hoi de\). A more polite group like those who had invited him to speak (verse 19|). They were unconvinced, but had better manners and so were in favour of an adjournment. This was done, though it is not clear whether it was a serious postponement or a courteous refusal to hear Paul further (probably this). It was a virtual dismissal of the matter. " It is a sad story--the noblest of ancient cities and the noblest man of history--and he never cared to look on it again" (Furneaux).

rwp@Acts:17:34 @{Clave unto him and believed} (\kollˆthentes aut“i episteusan\). First aorist passive of this strong word \kolla“\, to glue to, common in Acts (5:13; strkjv@8:29; strkjv@9:26; strkjv@10:28|) No sermon is a failure which leads a group of men (\andres\) to believe (ingressive aorist of \pisteu“\) in Jesus Christ. Many so-called great or grand sermons reap no such harvest. {Dionysius the Areopagite} (\Dionusios ho Areopagitˆs\). One of the judges of the Court of the Areopagus. That of itself was no small victory. He was one of this college of twelve judges who had helped to make Athens famous. Eusebius says that he became afterwards bishop of the Church at Athens and died a martyr. {A woman named Damaris} (\gunˆ onomati Damaris\). A woman by name Damaris. Not the wife of Dionysius as some have thought, but an aristocratic woman, not necessarily an educated courtezan as Furneaux holds. And there were "others" (\heteroi\) with them, a group strong enough to keep the fire burning in Athens. It is common to say that Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:1-5| alludes to his failure with philosophy in Athens when he failed to preach Christ crucified and he determined never to make that mistake again. On the other hand Paul determined to stick to the Cross of Christ in spite of the fact that the intellectual pride and superficial culture of Athens had prevented the largest success. As he faced Corinth with its veneer of culture and imitation of philosophy and sudden wealth he would go on with the same gospel of the Cross, the only gospel that Paul knew or preached. And it was a great thing to give the world a sermon like that preached in Athens.

rwp@Acts:18:1 @{To Corinth} (\eis Korinthon\). Mummius had captured and destroyed Corinth B.C. 146. It was restored by Julius Caesar B.C. 46 as a boom town and made a colony. It was now the capital of the province of Achaia and the chief commercial city of Greece with a cosmopolitan population. It was only fifty miles from Athens. The summit of Acrocorinthus was 1,800 feet high and the ports of Cenchreae and Lechaeum and the Isthmus across which ships were hauled gave it command of the trade routes between Asia and Rome. The temple of Aphrodite on the Acrocorinthus had a thousand consecrated prostitutes and the very name to Corinthianize meant immorality. Not the Parthenon with Athene faced Paul in Corinth, but a worse situation. Naturally many Jews were in such a mart of trade. Philippi, Thessalonica, Beroea, Athens, all had brought anxiety to Paul. What could he expect in licentious Corinth?

rwp@Acts:18:2 @{Aquila} (\Akulan\). Luke calls him a Jew from Pontus, apparently not yet a disciple, though there were Jews from Pontus at the great Pentecost who were converted (2:9|). Aquila who made the famous A.D. translation of the O.T. was also from Pontus. Paul "found" (\heur“n\, second aorist active participle of \heurisk“\) though we do not know how. Edersheim says that a Jewish guild always kept together whether in street or synagogue so that by this bond they probably met. {Lately come from Italy} (\prosphat“s elˆluthota apo tˆs Italias\). Second perfect participle of \erchomai\. _Koin‚_ adverb, here only in the N.T., from adjective \prosphatos\ (\pro, spha“\ or \sphaz“\, to kill), lately slaughtered and so fresh or recent (Hebrews:10:20|). {With his wife Priscilla} (\kai Priskillan gunaika autou\). Diminutive of \Priska\ (Romans:16:3; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:19|). Prisca is a name in the Acilian family and the Prisci was the name of another noble clan. Aquila may have been a freedman like many Jews in Rome. Her name comes before his in verses 18,26; strkjv@Romans:16:3; strkjv@2Timothy:4:9|. {Because Claudius had commanded} (\dia to diatetachenai Klaudion\). Perfect active articular infinitive of \diatass“\, old verb to dispose, arrange, here with accusative of general reference. \Dia\ here is causal sense, "because of the having ordered as to Claudius." This was about A.D. 49, done, Suetonius says (_Claudius_ C. 25), because "the Jews were in a state of constant tumult at the instigation of one Chrestus" (probably among the Jews about Christ so pronounced). At any rate Jews were unpopular in Rome for Tiberius had deported 4,000 to Sardinia. There were 20,000 Jews in Rome. Probably mainly those implicated in the riots actually left.

rwp@Acts:18:3 @{Because he was of the same trade} (\dia to homotechnon einai\). Same construction with \dia\ as above. \Homotechnon\ is an old word (\homos, technˆ\), though here alone in N.T. Rabbi Judah says: "He that teacheth not his son a trade, doth the same as if he taught him to be a thief." Songs:it was easy for Paul to find a home with these "tentmakers by trade" (\skˆnoipoioi tˆi technˆi\). Late word from \skˆnˆ\ and \poie“\, here only in the N.T. They made portable tents of leather or of cloth of goat's hair. Songs:Paul lived in this home with this noble man and his wife, all the more congenial if already Christians which they soon became at any rate. They worked as partners in the common trade. Paul worked for his support elsewhere, already in Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:2:9; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:8|) and later at Ephesus with Aquila and Priscilla (Acts:18:18,26; strkjv@20:34; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:19|). They moved again to Rome (Romans:16:3|) and were evidently a couple of considerable wealth and generosity. It was a blessing to Paul to find himself with these people. Songs:he "abode" (\emenen\, imperfect active) with them and "they wrought" (\ˆrgazonto\, imperfect middle), happy and busy during week days.

rwp@Acts:18:5 @{Was constrained by the word} (\suneicheto t“i log“i\). This is undoubtedly the correct text and not \t“i pneumati\ of the Textus Receptus, but \suneicheto\ is in my opinion the direct middle imperfect indicative, not the imperfect passive as the translations have it (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 808). Paul held himself together or completely to the preaching instead of just on Sabbaths in the synagogue (verse 4|). The coming of Silas and Timothy with the gifts from Macedonia (1Thessalonians:3:6; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:9; strkjv@Phillipians:4:15|) set Paul free from tent-making for a while so that he began to devote himself (inchoative imperfect) with fresh consecration to preaching. See the active in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:14|. He was now also assisted by Silas and Timothy (2Corinthians:1:19|). {Testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ} (\diamarturomenos tois Ioudaiois einai ton Christon Iˆsoun\). Paul's witness everywhere (9:22; strkjv@17:3|). This verb \diamarturomenos\ occurs in strkjv@2:40| (which see) for Peter's earnest witness. Perhaps daily now in the synagogue he spoke to the Jews who came. \Einai\ is the infinitive in indirect discourse (assertion) with the accusative of general reference. By \ton Christon\ Paul means "the Messiah." His witness is to show to the Jews that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah.

rwp@Acts:18:8 @{Crispus} (\Krispos\). Though a Jew and ruler of the synagogue (cf. strkjv@13:15|), he had a Latin name. Paul baptized him (1Corinthians:1:14|) himself, perhaps because of his prominence, apparently letting Silas and Timothy baptize most of the converts (1Corinthians:1:14-17|). Probably he followed Paul to the house of Titus Justus. It looked like ruin for the synagogue. {With all his house} (\sun hol“i t“i oik“i autou\). Another household conversion, for Crispus "believed (\episteusen\) in the Lord with all his house." {Hearing believed and were baptized} (\akouontes episteuon kai ebaptizonto\). Present active participle and imperfect indicatives active and passive, expressing repetition for the "many" others who kept coming to the Lord in Corinth. It was a continual revival after Silas and Timothy came and a great church was gathered here during the nearly two years that Paul laboured in Corinth (possibly A.D. 51 and 52).

rwp@Acts:18:10 @{Because I am with thee} (\dioti eg“ eimi meta sou\). Jesus had given this promise to all believers (Matthew:28:20|) and here he renews it to Paul. This promise changes Paul's whole outlook. Jesus had spoken to Paul before, on the way to Damascus (9:4|), in Jerusalem (22:17f.|), in Troas (16:9|), in great crises of his life. He will hear him again (23:11; strkjv@27:23|). Paul knows the voice of Jesus. {No man shall set on thee to harm thee} (\oudeis epithˆsetai soi tou kak“sai se\). Future direct middle indicative of \epitithˆmi\, old and common verb, here in direct middle to lay or throw oneself upon, to attack. Jesus kept that promise in Corinth for Paul. \Tou kak“sai\ is genitive articular infinitive of purpose of \kako“\, to do harm to. Paul would now face all the rabbis without fear. {I have much people} (\laos estin moi polus\). Dative of personal interest. "There is to me much people," not yet saved, but who will be if Paul holds on. There is the problem for every preacher and pastor, how to win the elect to Christ.

rwp@Acts:18:12 @{When Gallio was proconsul of Achaia} (\Galli“nos de anthupatou ontos tˆs Achaias\). Genitive absolute of present participle \ontos\. Brother of Seneca the Stoic (Nero's tutor) and uncle of Lucan the author of the \Pharsalia\. His original name was M. Annaeus Novatus till he was adopted by Gallio the rhetorician. The family was Spanish. Gallio was a man of culture and refinement and may have been chosen proconsul of Achaia for this reason. Statius calls him "_dulcis Gallio_." Seneca says of him: _Nemo enim mortalium uni tam dulcis quam hic omnibus_ (No one of mortals is so pleasant to one person as he is to all). Luke alone among writers says that he was proconsul, but Seneca speaks of his being in Achaia where he caught fever, a corroboration of Luke. But now a whitish grey limestone inscription from the Hagios Elias quarries near Delphi (a letter of Claudius to Delphi) has been found which definitely names Gallio as proconsul of Achaia (\authupatos tˆs Achaias\). The province of Achaia after various shifts (first senatorial, then imperial) back and forth with Macedonia, in A.D. 44 Claudius gave back to the Senate with proconsul as the title of the governor. It is amazing how Luke is confirmed whenever a new discovery is made. The discovery of this inscription has thrown light also on the date of Paul's work in Corinth as it says that Gallio came in the 26th acclamation of Claudius as Emperor in A.D. 51, that would definitely fix the time of Paul in Corinth as A.D. 50 and 51 (or 51 and 52). Deissmann has a full and able discussion of the whole matter in Appendix I to his _St. Paul_. {Rose up} (\katepestˆsan\). Second aorist active of \kat-eph-istˆmi\, intransitive, to take a stand against, a double compound verb found nowhere else. They took a stand (\estˆsan\) against (\kata\, down on, \epi\, upon), they made a dash or rush at Paul as if they would stand it no longer. {Before the judgment seat} (\epi to bˆma\). See on ¯12:21|. The proconsul was sitting in the basilica in the forum or agora. The Jews had probably heard of his reputation for moderation and sought to make an impression as they had on the praetors of Philippi by their rush (\sunepestˆ\, strkjv@16:22|). The new proconsul was a good chance also (25:2|). Songs:for the second time Paul faces a Roman proconsul (Sergius Paulus, strkjv@13:7|) though under very different circumstances.

rwp@Acts:18:18 @{Having tarried after this yet many days} (\eti prosmeinas hˆmeras hikanas\). First aorist (constative) active participle of \prosmen“\, old verb, to remain besides (\pros\ as in strkjv@1Timothy:1:3|) and that idea is expressed also in \eti\ (yet). The accusative is extent of time. On Luke's frequent use of \hikanos\ see strkjv@8:11|. It is not certain that this period of "considerable days" which followed the trial before Gallio is included in the year and six months of verse 11| or is in addition to it which is most likely. Vindicated as Paul was, there was no reason for haste in leaving, though he usually left after such a crisis was passed. {Took his leave} (\apotaxamenos\). First aorist middle (direct), old verb, to separate oneself, to bid farewell (Vulgate _valefacio_), as in verse 21; strkjv@Mark:6:46|. {Sailed thence} (\exeplei\). Imperfect active of \ekple“\, old and common verb, inchoative imperfect, started to sail. Only Priscilla and Aquila are mentioned as his companions though others may have been in the party. {Having shorn his head} (\keiramenos tˆn kephalˆn\). First aorist middle (causative) of \keir“\, old verb to shear (sheep) and the hair as also in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:6|. The participle is masculine and so cannot refer to Priscilla. Aquila comes next to the participle, but since mention of Priscilla and Aquila is parenthetical and the two other participles (\prosmeinas, apotaxamenos\) refer to Paul it seems clear that this one does also. {For he had a vow} (\eichen gar euchˆn\). Imperfect active showing the continuance of the vow up till this time in Cenchreae, the port of Corinth when it expired. It was not a Nazarite vow which could be absolved only in Jerusalem. It is possible that the hair was only polled or trimmed, cut shorter, not "shaved" (\xura“\ as in strkjv@21:24|) for there is a distinction as both verbs are contrasted in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:6| (\keirƒsthai ˆ xurƒsthai\). It is not clear what sort of a vow Paul had taken nor why he took it. It may have been a thank offering for the outcome at Corinth (Hackett). Paul as a Jew kept up his observance of the ceremonial law, but refused to impose it on the Gentiles.

rwp@Acts:18:19 @{Came} (\katˆntˆsan\). Came down, as usual in speaking of coming to land (16:1|). {To Ephesus} (\eis Epheson\). This great city on the Cayster, the capital of the Province of Asia, the home of the worship of Diana (Artemis) with a wonderful temple, Paul at last had reached, though forbidden to come on the way out on this tour (16:6|). Here Paul will spend three years after his return from Jerusalem. {He left them there} (\kakeinous katelipen autou\). That is, Priscilla and Aquila he left (second aorist active indicative) here (\autou\). But Luke mentions the departure by way of anticipation before he actually went away (verse 21|). {But he himself} (\autos de\). Paul again the leading person in the narrative. On this occasion he may have gone alone into the synagogue. {He reasoned} (\dielexato\). Luke's favourite word for Paul's synagogue discourses (17:2,17; strkjv@18:4| which see) as also strkjv@19:8,9|.

rwp@Acts:18:20 @{When they asked him} (\er“t“nt“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute of present participle of \er“ta“\, old verb to ask a question, common in _Koin‚_ to make a request as here. {He consented not} (\ouk epeneusen\). First aorist active indicative of \epineu“\, old verb to express approval by a nod, only here in the N.T.

rwp@Acts:18:21 @{I shall return} (\anakamps“\). Future active indicative of \anakampt“\, old verb to bend back, turn back (Matthew:2:2|). {If God will} (\tou theou thelontos\). Genitive absolute of present active participle. This expression (\ean\ with subjunctive) occurs also in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:19; strkjv@16:7; strkjv@James:4:15|. Such phrases were common among Jews, Greeks, and Romans, and are today. It is simply a recognition that we are in God's hands. The Textus Receptus has here a sentence not in the best MSS.: "I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem." This addition by D and other documents may have been due to a desire to give a reason for the language in verse 22| about "going up" to Jerusalem. Whether Paul said it or not, it was in the spring when he made this journey with a company of pilgrims probably going to the feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem. We know that later Paul did try to reach Jerusalem for Pentecost (20:16|) and succeeded. As the ship was leaving, Paul had to go, but with the hope of returning soon to Ephesus as he did.

rwp@Acts:18:22 @{He went up and saluted the church} (\anabas kai aspasamenos tˆn ekklˆsian\). The language could refer to the church in Caesarea where Paul had just landed, except for several things. The going up (\anabas\, second aorist active participle of \anabain“\) is the common way of speaking of going to Jerusalem which was up from every direction save from Hebron. It was the capital of Palestine as people in England today speaking of going up to London. Besides "he went down to Antioch" (\katebˆ eis Antiocheian\, second aorist active indicative of \katabain“\) which language suits better leaving Jerusalem than Caesarea. Moreover, there was no special reason for this trip to Caesarea, but to Jerusalem it was different. Here Paul saluted the church in the fourth of his five visits after his conversion (9:26; strkjv@11:30; strkjv@15:4; strkjv@18:22; strkjv@21:17|). The apostles may or may not have been in the city, but Paul had friends in Jerusalem now. Apparently he did not tarry long, but returned to Antioch to make a report of his second mission tour as he had done at the close of the first when he and Barnabas came back (14:26-28|). He had started on this tour with Silas and had picked up Timothy and Luke, but came back alone. He had a great story to tell.

rwp@Acts:18:23 @{Having spent some time} (\poiˆsas chronon tina\). Literally, having done some time. How long we do not know, probably not long. There are those who place the visit of Peter here to which Paul alludes in strkjv@Galatians:2:11ff.| and which we have located while Paul was here the last time (Acts:15:35|). {He departed} (\exˆlthen\). Thus simply and alone Paul began the third mission tour without a Barnabas or a Silas. {Went through} (\dierchomenos\). Present middle participle, going through. {The region of Galatia and Phrygia} (\ten Galatikˆn ch“ran kai Phrygian\). See on ¯Acts:16:6| for discussion of this phrase, here in reverse order, passing through the Galatic region and then Phrygia. Does Luke mean Lycaonia (Derbe and Lystra) and Phrygia (Iconium and Pisidian Antioch)? Or does he mean the route west through the old Galatia and the old Phrygia on west into Asia? The same conflict exists here over the South Galatian and the North Galatian theories. Phrygia is apparently distinguished from the Galatic region here. It is apparently A.D. 52 when Paul set out on this tour. {In order} (\kathexˆs\). In succession as in strkjv@11:4|, though the names of the cities are not given. {Stablishing} (\stˆriz“n\). As he did in the second tour (15:41|, \epistˆriz“n\, compound of this same verb) which see.

rwp@Acts:18:24 @{Apollos} (\Apoll“s\). Genitive \-“\ Attic second declension. Probably a contraction of \Apollonios\ as D has it here. {An Alexandrian} (\Alexandreus\). Alexander the Great founded this city B.C. 332 and placed a colony of Jews there which flourished greatly, one-third of the population at this time. There was a great university and library there. The Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy developed here of which Philo was the chief exponent who was still living. Apollos was undoubtedly a man of the schools and a man of parts. {A learned man} (\anˆr logios\). Or eloquent, as the word can mean either a man of words (like one "wordy," verbose) or a man of ideas, since \logos\ was used either for reason or speech. Apollos was doubtless both learned (mighty in the Scriptures) and eloquent, though eloquence varies greatly in people's ideas. {Mighty in the Scriptures} (\dunatos “n en tais graphais\). Being powerful (\dunatos\ verbal of \dunamai\ and same root as \dunamis\, dynamite, dynamo) in the Scriptures (in the knowledge and the use of the Scriptures), as should be true of every preacher. There is no excuse for ignorance of the Scriptures on the part of preachers, the professed interpreters of the word of God. The last lecture made to the New Testament English class in Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by John A. Broadus was on this passage with a plea for his students to be mighty in the Scriptures. In Alexandria Clement of Alexandria and Origen taught in the Christian theological school.

rwp@Acts:18:26 @{They took him unto them} (\proselabonto\). Second aorist middle (indirect) indicative of \proslamban“\, old verb, to their home and heart as companion (cf. the rabbis and the ruffians in strkjv@17:5|). Probably for dinner after service. {Expounded} (\exethento\). Second aorist (effective) middle indicative of \ektithˆmi\ seen already in strkjv@11:4|, to set forth. {More carefully} (\akribesteron\). Comparative adverb of \akrib“s\. More accurately than he already knew. Instead of abusing the young and brilliant preacher for his ignorance they (particularly Priscilla) gave him the fuller story of the life and work of Jesus and of the apostolic period to fill up the gaps in his knowledge. It is a needed and delicate task, this thing of teaching gifted young ministers. They do not learn it all in schools. More of it comes from contact with men and women rich in grace and in the knowledge of God's ways. He was not rebaptized, but only received fuller information.

rwp@Acts:18:27 @{Encouraged him} (\protrepsamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \protrep“\, old verb, to urge forward, to push on, only here in the N.T. Since Apollos wanted (\boulomenou autou\, genitive absolute) to go into Achaia, the brethren (including others besides Priscilla and Aquila) wrote (\egrapsan\) a letter of introduction to the disciples in Corinth to receive him (\apodexasthai auton\), a nice letter of recommendation and a sincere one also. But Paul will refer to this very letter later (2Corinthians:3:1|) and observe that he himself needed no such letter of commendation. The Codex Bezae adds here that certain Corinthians who had come to Ephesus heard Apollos and begged him to cross over with them to Corinth. This may very well be the way that Apollos was led to go. Preachers often receive calls because visitors from other places hear them. Priscilla and Aquila were well known in Corinth and their approval would carry weight. But they did not urge Apollos to stay longer in Ephesus. {Helped them much} (\sunebaleto polu\). Second aorist middle indicative of \sunball“\ used in strkjv@17:18| for "dispute," old verb to throw together, in the N.T. always in the active save here in the middle (common in Greek writers) to put together, to help. {Through grace} (\dia tˆs charitos\). This makes sense if taken with "believed," as Hackett does (cf. strkjv@13:48; strkjv@16:14|) or with "helped" (1Corinthians:3:10; strkjv@15:10; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:12|). Both are true as the references show.

rwp@Acts:18:28 @{Powerfully} (\euton“s\). Adverb from \eutonos\ (\eu\, well, \tein“\, to stretch), well-strung, at full stretch. {Confuted} (\diakatˆlegcheto\). Imperfect middle of the double compound verb \dia-kat-elegchomai\, to confute with rivalry in a contest, here alone. The old Greek has \dielegch“\, to convict of falsehood, but not this double compound which means to argue down to a finish. It is the imperfect tense and does not mean that Apollos convinced these rabbis, but he had the last word. {Publicly} (\dˆmosiƒi\). See strkjv@5:18; strkjv@16:37|. In open meeting where all could see the victory of Apollos. {Shewing} (\epideiknus\). Present active participle of \epideiknumi\, old verb to set forth so that all see. {By the Scriptures} (\dia t“n graph“n\). In which Apollos was so "mighty" (verse 24|) and the rabbis so weak for they knew the oral law better than the written (Mark:7:8-12|). {That Jesus was the Christ} (\einai ton Christon Iˆsoun\). Infinitive and the accusative in indirect assertion. Apollos proclaims the same message that Paul did everywhere (17:3|). He had not yet met Paul, but he had been instructed by Priscilla and Aquila. He is in Corinth building on the foundation laid so well by Paul (1Corinthians:3:4-17|). Luke has here made a brief digression from the story of Paul, but it helps us understand Paul better There are those who think that Apollos wrote Hebrews, a guess that may be correct.

rwp@Acts:19:1 @{While Apollos was at Corinth} (\en t“i ton Apoll“ einai en Korinth“i\). Favourite idiom with Luke, \en\ with the locative of the articular infinitive and the accusative of general reference (Luke:1:8; strkjv@2:27|, etc.). {Having passed through the upper country} (\dielthonta ta an“terika merˆ\). Second aorist active participle of \dierchomai\, accusative case agreeing with \Paulon\, accusative of general reference with the infinitive \elthein\, idiomatic construction with \egeneto\. The word for "upper" (\an“terika\) is a late form for \an“tera\ (Luke:14:10|) and occurs in Hippocrates and Galen. It refers to the highlands (cf. Xenophon's _Anabasis_) and means that Paul did not travel the usual Roman road west by Colossae and Laodicea in the Lycus Valley, cities that he did not visit (Colossians:2:1|). Instead he took the more direct road through the Cayster Valley to Ephesus. Codex Bezae says here that Paul wanted to go back to Jerusalem, but that the Holy Spirit bade him to go into Asia where he had been forbidden to go in the second tour (16:6|). Whether the upper "parts" (\merˆ\) here points to North Galatia is still a point of dispute among scholars. Songs:he came again to Ephesus as he had promised to do (18:21|). The province of Asia included the western part of Asia Minor. The Romans took this country B.C. 130. Finally the name was extended to the whole continent. It was a jewel in the Roman empire along with Africa and was a senatorial province. It was full of great cities like Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea (the seven churches of strkjv@Revelation:2;3|), Colossae, Hierapolis, Apamea, to go no further. Hellenism had full sway here. Ephesus was the capital and chief city and was a richer and larger city than Corinth. It was located at the entrance to the valley of the Maeander to the east. Here was the power of Rome and the splendour of Greek culture and the full tide of oriental superstition and magic. The Temple of Artemis was one of the seven wonders of the world. While in Ephesus some hold that Paul at this time wrote the Epistle to the Galatians after his recent visit there, some that he did it before his recent visit to Jerusalem. But it is still possible that he wrote it from Corinth just before writing to Rome, a point to discuss later. {Certain disciples} (\tinas mathˆtas\). Who were they? Apollos had already gone to Corinth. They show no connection with Priscilla and Aquila. Luke calls them "disciples" or "learners" (\mathˆtas\) because they were evidently sincere though crude and ignorant. There is no reason at all for connecting these uninformed disciples of the Baptist with Apollos. They were floating followers of the Baptist who drifted into Ephesus and whom Paul found. Some of John's disciples clung to him till his death (John:3:22-25; strkjv@Luke:7:19; strkjv@Matthew:14:12|). Some of them left Palestine without the further knowledge of Jesus that came after his death and some did not even know that, as turned out to be the case with the group in Ephesus.

rwp@Acts:19:2 @{Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed?} (\ei pneuma hagion elabete pisteusantes?\). This use of \Pi\ in a direct question occurs in strkjv@1:6|, is not according to the old Greek idiom, but is common in the LXX and the N.T. as in strkjv@Luke:13:23| which see (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 916). Apparently Paul was suspicious of the looks or conduct of these professed disciples. The first aorist active participle \pisteusantes\ is simultaneous with the second aorist active indicative \elabete\ and refers to the same event. {Nay, we did not so much as hear whether the Holy Spirit was} (\All' oude ei pneuma hagion estin ˆkousamen\). The reply of these ignorant disciples is amazing. They probably refer to the time of their baptism and mean that, when baptized, they did not hear whether (\ei\ in indirect question) the Holy Spirit was (\estin\ retained as in strkjv@John:7:39|). Plain proof that they knew John's message poorly.

rwp@Acts:19:6 @{When Paul had laid his hands upon them} (\epithentos autois tou Paulou cheiras\). Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of \epitithˆmi\. This act of laying on of the hands was done in Samaria by Peter and John (8:16|) and in Damascus in the case of Paul (9:17|) and was followed as here by the descent of the Holy Spirit in supernatural power. {They spake with tongues} (\elaloun gl“ssais\). Inchoative imperfect, began to speak with tongues as in Jerusalem at Pentecost and as in Caesarea before the baptism. {Prophesied} (\eprophˆteuon\). Inchoative imperfect again, began to prophesy. The speaking with tongues and prophesying was external and indubitable proof that the Holy Spirit had come on these twelve uninformed disciples now fully won to the service of Jesus as Messiah. But this baptism in water did not "convey" the Holy Spirit nor forgiveness of sins. Paul was not a sacramentalist.

rwp@Acts:19:8 @{Spake boldly} (\eparrˆsiazeto\). Imperfect middle, kept on at it for three months. Cf. same word in strkjv@18:26|. {Persuading} (\peith“n\). Present active conative participle of \peith“\, trying to persuade (28:23|). Paul's idea of the Kingdom of God was the church of God which he (Jesus, God's Son) had purchased with his own blood (Acts:20:28|, calling Christ God). Nowhere else had Paul apparently been able to speak so long in the synagogue without interruption unless it was so at Corinth. These Jews were already interested (18:30|).

rwp@Acts:19:9 @{But when some were hardened} (\h“s de tines esklˆrunonto\). Imperfect passive of \sklˆrun“\, causative like _hiphil_ in Hebrew, to make hard (\sklˆros\) or rough or harsh (Matthew:25:24|). In LXX and Hippocrates and Galen (in medical writings). In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:9:18| and 4 times in strkjv@Hebrews:3:8,13,15; strkjv@4:7,8| quoting and referring to strkjv@Psalms:95:8| about hardening the heart like a gristle. The inevitable reaction against Paul went on even in Ephesus though slowly. {Disobedient} (\epeithoun\). Imperfect again, showing the growing disbelief and disobedience (\apeithˆs\), both ideas as in strkjv@14:2; strkjv@17:5|, first refusal to believe and then refusal to obey. Both \sklˆrun“\ and \apeithe“\ occur together, as here, in Ecclus. strkjv@30:12. {Speaking evil of the Way} (\kakologountes tˆn hodon\). Late verb from \kakologos\ (speaker of evil) for the old \kak“s leg“\. Already in strkjv@Mark:7:10; strkjv@9:39; strkjv@Matthew:15:4|. Now these Jews are aggressive opponents of Paul and seek to injure his influence with the crowd. Note "the Way" as in strkjv@9:2| for Christianity. {He departed from them} (\apostas ap' aut“n\). Second aorist active participle of \aphistˆmi\, made an "apostasy" (standing off, cleavage) as he did at Corinth (18:7|, \metabas\, making a change). {Separated the disciples} (\aph“risen tous mathˆtas\). First aorist active indicative of \aphoriz“\, old verb to mark limits (horizon) as already in strkjv@13:2|. Paul himself was a spiritual Pharisee "separated" to Christ (Romans:1:1|). The Jews regarded this withdrawal as apostasy, like separating the sheep from the goats (Matthew:25:32|). Paul now made a separate church as he had done at Thessalonica and Corinth. {In the school of Tyrannus} (\en tˆi scholˆi Turannou\). \Scholˆ\ (our school) is an old word from \schein\ (\ech“\) to hold on, leisure and then in later Greek (Plutarch, etc.) a place where there is leisure as here. Only this example in the N.T. This is the Greek notion of "school," the Jewish being that of "yoke" as in strkjv@Matthew:11:29|. The name Tyrannus (our tyrant) is a common one. It is an inscription in the Columbarium of the Empress Livia as that of a physician in the court. Furneaux suggests the possibility that a relative of this physician was lecturing on medicine in Ephesus and so as a friend of Luke, the physician, would be glad to help Paul about a place to preach. It was probably a public building or lecture hall with this name whether hired by Paul or loaned to him. The pagan sophists often spoke in such halls. The Codex Bezae adds "from the fifth hour to the tenth" as the time allotted Paul for his work in this hall, which is quite possible, from just before midday till the close of the afternoon (from before the noon meal till two hours before sunset) each day. Here Paul had great freedom and a great hearing. As the church grows there will be other places of meeting as the church in the house of Aquila and Priscilla (1Corinthians:16:19|).

rwp@Acts:19:12 @{Handkerchiefs} (\soudaria\). Latin word for \sudor\ (sweat). Used in strkjv@Luke:19:20; strkjv@John:11:44; strkjv@20:7|. In two papyri marriage-contracts this word occurs among the toilet articles in the dowry (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 223). {Aprons} (\simikinthia\). Latin word also, _semicinctilum_ (\semi, cingo\). Only here in the N.T. Linen aprons used by servants or artisans (Martial XIV. 153). Paul did manual work at Ephesus (20:34|) and so wore these aprons. {Departed} (\apallalsethai\). Present passive infinitive with \h“ste\ for actual result as in verse 10|. If one wonders how God could honour such superstitious faith, he should remember that there is no power in superstition or in magic, but in God. If God never honoured any faith save that entirely free from superstition, how about Christian people who are troubled over the number 13, over the moon, the rabbit's foot? The poor woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of Christ's garment and was healed (Luke:8:44-46|) as others sought to do (Matthew:14:36|). God condescends to meet us in our ignorance and weakness where he can reach us. Elisha had a notion that some of the power of Elijah resided in his mantle (2Kings:2:13|). Some even sought help from Peter's shadow (Acts:5:15|).

rwp@Acts:19:13 @{Of the strolling Jews, exorcists} (\t“n perierchomen“n Ioudai“n exorkist“n\). These exorcists travelled around (\peri\) from place to place like modern Gypsy fortune-tellers. The Jews were especially addicted to such practices with spells of sorcery connected with the name of Solomon (Josephus, _Ant_. VIII. 2.5). See also Tobit strkjv@8:1-3. Jesus alludes to those in Palestine (Matthew:12:27; strkjv@Luke:11:19|). The exorcists were originally those who administered an oath (from \exorkiz“\, to exact an oath), then to use an oath as a spell or charm. Only instance here in the N.T. These men regarded Paul as one of their own number just as Simon Magus treated Simon Peter. Only here these exorcists paid Paul the compliment of imitation instead of offering money as Magus did. {To name over} (\onomazein epi\). They heard what Paul said and treated his words as a magic charm or spell to drive the evil spirits out. {I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth} (\Horkiz“ humas ton Iˆsoun hon Paulos kˆrussei\). Note two accusatives with the verb of swearing (cf. strkjv@Mark:5:7|) as a causative verb (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 483). The papyri furnish numerous instances of \horkiz“\ in such constructions (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 281). Note also the article with Jesus, "the Jesus," as if to identify the magic word to the demons with the addition "whom Paul preaches." They thought that success turned on the correct use of the magical formula. The Ephesian mysteries included Christianity, so they supposed.

rwp@Acts:19:16 @{Leaped on them} (\ephalomenos ep' autous\). Second aorist (ingressive) middle participle of \ephallomai\, old verb to spring upon like a panther, here only in the N.T. {Mastered} (\katakurieusas\). First aorist (effective) active participle of \katakurieu“\, late verb from \kata\ and \kurios\, to become lord or master of. {Both} (\amphoter“n\). Papyri examples exist where \amphoteroi\ means "all" or more than "two" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 745). Songs:here \amphoteroi\ includes all seven. "Both" in old English was used for more than two. {Songs:that} (\h“ste\). Another example (verses 10,11|) of \h“ste\ with the infinitive for result. {Naked} (\gumnous\). Probably with torn garments, {Wounded} (\tetraumatismenous\). Perfect passive participle of \traumatiz“\, old verb to wound, from \trauma\ (a wound). In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:20:12|.

rwp@Acts:19:18 @{Came} (\ˆrchonto\). Imperfect middle, kept coming, one after another. Even some of the believers were secretly under the spell of these false spiritualists just as some Christians today cherish private contacts with so-called occult powers through mediums, seances, of which they are ashamed. {Confessing} (\exomologoumenoi\). It was time to make a clean breast of it all, to turn on the light, to unbosom their secret habits. {Declaring their deeds} (\anaggellontes tas praxeis aut“n\). Judgment was beginning at the house of God. The dupes (professing believers, alas) of these jugglers or exorcists now had their eyes opened when they saw the utter defeat of the tricksters who had tried to use the name of Jesus without his power. The boomerang was tremendous. The black arts were now laid bare in their real character. Gentile converts had a struggle to shake off their corrupt environment.

rwp@Acts:19:19 @{Not a few of them that practised curious arts} (\hikanoi t“n ta perierga praxant“n\). Considerable number of the performers or exorcists themselves who knew that they were humbugs were led to renounce their evil practices. The word \perierga\ (curious) is an old word (\peri, erga\) originally a piddler about trifles, a busybody (1Timothy:5:13|), then impertinent and magical things as here. Only two examples in the N.T. It is a technical term for magic as the papyri and inscriptions show. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 323) thinks that these books here burned were just like the Magic Papyri now recovered from Egypt. {Burned them in the sight of all} (\katekaion en“pion pant“n\). Imperfect active of \katakai“\. It probably took a good while to do it, burned them completely (up, we say; down, the Greeks say, perfective use of \kata\). These Magical Papyri or slips of parchment with symbols or magical sentences written on them called \Ephesia Grammata\ (Ephesian Letters). These Ephesian Letters were worn as amulets or charms. {They brought them together} (\sunenegkantes\). Second aorist active participle of \sunpher“\. What a glorious conflagration it would be if in every city all the salacious, blasphemous, degrading books, pamphlets, magazines, and papers could be piled together and burned. {They counted} (\sunepsˆphisan\). First aorist active indicative of \sunpsˆphiz“\, to reckon together. In LXX (Jeremiah:29:49|). Only here in N.T. \Sunkatapsˆphiz“\ in strkjv@1:26|. {Fifty thousand pieces of silver} (\arguriou muriadas pente\). Five ten thousand (\muriadas\) pieces of silver. Ephesus was largely Greek and probably the silver pieces were Greek drachmae or the Latin denarius, probably about ten thousand dollars or two thousand English pounds.

rwp@Acts:19:21 @{Purposed in the spirit} (\etheto en t“i pneumati\). Second aorist middle indicative for mental action and "spirit" expressed also. A new stage in Paul's career begins here, a new division of the Acts. {Passed through} (\dielth“n\). Word (\dierchomai\) used ten times in Acts (cf. strkjv@19:1|) of missionary journeys (Ramsay). {Macedonia and Achaia} (\tˆn Makedonian kai Achaian\). This was the way that he actually went, but originally he had planned to go to Achaia (Corinth) and then to Macedonia, as he says in strkjv@2Corinthians:1:15f.|, but he had now changed that purpose, perhaps because of the bad news from Corinth. Already when he wrote I Corinthians he proposed to go first to Macedonia (1Corinthians:16:5-7|). He even hoped to spend the winter in Corinth "if the Lord permit" and to remain in Ephesus till Pentecost, neither of which things he did. {I must also see Rome} (\dei me kai R“mˆn idein\). This section of Acts begins with Rome in the horizon of Paul's plans and the book closes with Paul in Rome (Rackham). Here he feels the necessity of going as in strkjv@Romans:1:15| he feels himself "debtor" to all including "those in Rome" (Romans:1:16|). Paul had long desired to go to Rome (Rom strkjv@1:10|), but had been frequently hindered (Romans:1:13|), but he has definitely set his face to go to Rome and on to Spain (Romans:15:23-29|). Paley calls sharp attention to this parallel between strkjv@Acts:19:21| and strkjv@Romans:1:10-15; strkjv@15:23-29|. Rome had a fascination for Paul as the home of Aquila and Priscilla and numerous other friends (Romans:16|), but chiefly as the capital of the Roman Empire and a necessary goal in Paul's ambition to win it to Jesus Christ. His great work in Asia had stirred afresh in him the desire to do his part for Rome. He wrote to Rome from Corinth not long after this and in Jerusalem Jesus in vision will confirm the necessity (\dei\) that Paul see Rome (Acts strkjv@23:11|).

rwp@Acts:19:22 @{Timothy and Erastus} (\Timotheon kai Eraston\). Paul had sent Timothy to Corinth (1Corinthians:4:17|) and had requested kindly treatment of this young minister in his difficult task of placating the divided church (1Corinthians:16:10-11|) that he might return to Paul as he evidently had before Paul leaves Ephesus. He then despatched Titus to Corinth to finish what Timothy had not quite succeeded in doing with instructions to meet him in Troas. Now Timothy and Erastus (cf. strkjv@Romans:16:23; strkjv@2Timothy:4:20|) go on to Macedonia to prepare the way for Paul who will come on later. {He himself stayed in Asia for a while} (\autos epeschen chronon eis tˆn Asian\). Literally, He himself had additional time in Asia. Second aorist active indicative of \epech“\, old and common idiom, only here in the N.T. in this sense and the verb only in Luke and Paul. The reason for Paul's delay is given by him in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:8f.|, the great door wide open in Ephesus. Here again Luke and Paul supplement each other. Pentecost came towards the end of May and May was the month of the festival of Artemis (Diana) when great multitudes would come to Ephesus. But he did not remain till Pentecost as both Luke and Paul make plain.

rwp@Acts:19:24 @{Demetrius, a silversmith} (\Dˆmˆtrios argurokopos\). The name is common enough and may or may not be the man mentioned in strkjv@3John:1:12| who was also from the neighbourhood of Ephesus. There is on an inscription at Ephesus near the close of the century a Demetrius called \neopoios Artemidos\ a temple warden of Artemis (Diana). Zoeckler suggests that Luke misunderstood this word \neopoios\ and translated it into \argurokopos\, a beater (\kopt“\, to beat) of silver (\arguros\, silver), "which made silver shrines of Artemis" (\poi“n naous\ (\argurous\) \Artemidos\). It is true that no silver shrines of the temple have been found in Ephesus, but only numerous terra-cotta ones. Ramsay suggests that the silver ones would naturally be melted down. The date is too late anyhow to identify the Demetrius who was \neopoios\ with the Demetrius \argurokopos\ who made little silver temples of Artemis, though B does not have the word \argurous\. The poor votaries would buy the terra-cotta ones, the rich the silver shrines (Ramsay, _Paul the Traveller_, p. 278). These small models of the temple with the statue of Artemis inside would be set up in the houses or even worn as amulets. It is a pity that the Revised Version renders Artemis here. Diana as the Ephesian Artemis is quite distinct from the Greek Artemis, the sister of Apollo, the Diana of the Romans. This temple, built in the 6th century B.C., was burnt by Herostratus Oct. 13 B.C. 356, the night when Alexander the Great was born. It was restored and was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Artemis was worshipped as the goddess of fertility, like the Lydian Cybele, a figure with many breasts. The great festival in May would offer Demetrius a golden opportunity for the sale of the shrines. {Brought no little business} (\pareicheto ouk oligˆn ergasian\). Imperfect middle, continued to bring (furnish, provide). The middle accents the part that Demetrius played as the leader of the guild of silversmiths, work for himself and for them. {Unto the craftsmen} (\tais technitais\). The artisans from \technˆ\ (craft, art). Trade guilds were common in the ancient world. Demetrius had probably organized this guild and provided the capital for the enterprise.

rwp@Acts:19:25 @{Whom he gathered together} (\hous sunathroisas\). First aorist active participle of \sunathroiz“\, old verb to assemble together (\athroos\, a crowd), in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:12:12|. {With the workmen of like occupation} (\kai tous peri ta toiauta ergatas\). "And the workmen concerning such things," apparently those who made the marble and terra-cotta shrines who would also be affected in the same way. It was a gathering of the associated trades, not for a strike, for employer and employees met together, but in protest against the preaching of Paul. {We have our wealth} (\hˆ euporia hˆmin estin\). The wealth is to us (dative of possession). This old word for wealth occurs here alone in the N.T. It is from \eu\ and \poros\, easy to pass through, easy to accomplish, to be well off, wealthy, welfare, weal, well-being, rich. Demetrius appeals to this knowledge and self-interest of the artisans as the basis for their zeal for Artemis, piety for revenue.

rwp@Acts:19:26 @{At Ephesus} (\Ephesou\). Genitive of place as also with \Asias\ (Asia). Cf. Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 494f. {This Paul} (\ho Paulos houtos\). Contemptuous use of \houtos\. {Hath turned away} (\metestˆsen\). Changed, transposed. First aorist active indicative, did change. Tribute to Paul's powers as a preacher borne out by Luke's record in strkjv@19:10|. There may be an element of exaggeration on the part of Demetrius to incite the workmen to action, for the worship of Artemis was their wealth. Paul had cut the nerve of their business. There had long been a Jewish colony in Ephesus, but their protest against idolatry was as nothing compared with Paul's preaching (Furneaux). {Which are made with hands} (\hoi dia cheir“n ginomenoi\). Note the present tense, made from time to time. No doubt Paul had put the point sharply as in Athens (Acts:17:29|). Isaiah (Isaiah:44:9-17|) had pictured graphically the absurdity of worshipping stocks and stones, flatly forbidden by the Old Testament (Exodus:20:4; strkjv@Psalms:135:15-18|). The people identified their gods with the images of them and Demetrius reflects that point of view. He was jealous of the brand of gods turned out by his factory. The artisans would stand by him on this point. It was a reflection on their work.

rwp@Acts:19:27 @{This our trade} (\touto to meros\). Part, share, task, job, trade. {Come into disrepute} (\eis apelegmon elthein\). Not in the old writers, but in LXX and _Koin‚_. Literally, reputation, exposure, censure, rejection after examination, and so disrepute. Their business of making gods would lose caste as the liquor trade (still called the trade in England) has done in our day. They felt this keenly and so Demetrius names it first. They felt it in their pockets. {Of the great goddess Artemis} (\tˆs megalˆs theas Artemidos\). She was generally known as the Great (\hˆ Megalˆ\). An inscription found at Ephesus calls her "the greatest god" (\hˆ megistˆ theos\). The priests were eunuchs and there were virgin priestesses and a lower order of slaves known as temple-sweepers (\ne“koroi\, verse 35|). They had wild orgiastic exercises that were disgraceful with their Corybantic processions and revelries. {Be made of no account} (\eis outhen logisthˆnai\). Be reckoned as nothing, first aorist passive infinitive of \logizomai\ and \eis\. {Should even be deposed of her magnificence} (\mellein te kai kathaireisthai tˆs megaleiotˆtos autˆs\). Note the present infinitive after \mellein\, ablative case (so best MSS.) after \kathaire“\, to take down, to depose, to deprive of. The word \megaleiotˆs\ occurs also in strkjv@Luke:9:43| (the majesty of God) and in strkjv@2Peter:1:16| of the transfiguration of Christ. It is already in the LXX and Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 363) thinks that the word runs parallel with terms used in the emperor-cult. {All Asia and the world} \holˆ (hˆ) Asia kai (hˆ) oikoumenˆ\. See strkjv@11:28| for same use of \oikoumenˆ\. An exaggeration, to be sure, but Pausanias says that no deity was more widely worshipped. Temples of Artemis have been found in Spain and Gaul. _Multitudo errantium non efficit veritatem_ (Bengel). Even today heathenism has more followers than Christianity. To think that all this splendour was being set at naught by one man and a despised Jew at that!

rwp@Acts:19:28 @{They were filled with wrath} (\genomenoi plereis thumou\). Having become full of wrath. {Cried out} (\ekrazon\). Inchoative imperfect, began to cry out and kept it up continuously. Reiteration was characteristic of the orgiastic exercises. The Codex Bezae adds after \thumou\ (wrath): \Dramontes eis tˆn amphodon\ (running into the street), which they certainly did after the speech of Demetrius. {Great is Artemis of the Ephesians} (\Megalˆ hˆ Artemis Ephesi“n\). D (Codex Bezae) omits \hˆ\ (the) and makes it read: "Great Artemis of the Ephesians." This was the usual cry of the votaries in their orgies as the inscriptions show, an ejaculatory outcry or prayer instead of an argument as the other MSS. have it. That is vivid and natural (Ramsay, _Church in the Roman Empire_, pp. 135ff.). Yet on this occasion the artisans were making an argumentative protest and plea against Paul. An inscription at Dionysopolis has "Great is Apollo."

rwp@Acts:19:29 @{With the confusion} (\tˆs sugchuse“s\). Genitive case after \eplˆsthˆ\. An old word, but in the N.T. only here, from verb \sugche“\, to pour together like a flood (only in Acts in the N.T.). Vivid description of the inevitable riot that followed "the appearance of such a body in the crowded agora of an excitable city" (Rackham) "vociferating the city's watch-word." {They rushed} (\h“rmˆsan\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \horma“\, old verb for impetuous dashing, a case of mob psychology (mob mind), with one accord (\homothumadon\ as in strkjv@Acts:1:14|, etc.). {Into the theatre} (\eis to theatron\). A place for seeing (\theaomai\) spectacles, originally for dramatic representation (Thucydides, Herodotus), then for the spectators, then for the spectacle or show (1Corinthians:4:9|). The theatre (amphitheatre) at Ephesus can still be traced in the ruins (Wood, _Ephesus_) and shows that it was of enormous size capable of seating fifty-six thousand persons (some estimate it only 24,500). It was the place for large public gatherings of any sort out of doors like our football and baseball parks. In particular, gladiatorial shows were held in these theatres. {Having seized Gaius and Aristarchus men of Macedonia} (\sunarpasantes Gaion kai Aristarchon Makedonas\). See strkjv@6:12| for this same verb. They wanted some victims for this "gladiatorial" show. These two men were "Paul's companions in travel" (\sunekdˆmous Paulou\), together (\sun\) with Paul in being abroad, away from home or people (\ek-dˆmous\, late word, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:8:19|). How the mob got hold of Gaius (Acts:20:4|) and Aristarchus (20:4; strkjv@27:2; strkjv@Colossians:4:10; strkjv@Philemon:1:24|) we do not know whether by accidental recognition or by search after failure to get Paul. In strkjv@Romans:16:4| Paul speaks of Priscilla and Aquila as those "who for my life laid down their own necks." Paul lived with them in Ephesus as in Corinth. It is possible that Demetrius led the mob to their house and that they refused to allow Paul to go or to be seized at the risk of their own lives. Paul himself may have been desperately ill at this time as we know was the case once during his stay in Ephesus when he felt the answer of death in himself (2Corinthians:1:9|) and when God rescued him. That may mean that, ill as he was, Paul wanted to go and face the mob in the theatre, knowing that it meant certain death.

rwp@Acts:19:31 @{Certain also of the chief officers of Asia} (\tines de kai t“n Asiarch“n\). These "Asiarchs" were ten officers elected by cities in the province who celebrated at their own cost public games and festivals (Page). Each province had such a group of men chosen, as we now know from inscriptions, to supervise the funds connected with the worship of the emperor, to preside at games and festivals even when the temple services were to gods like Artemis. Only rich men could act, but the position was eagerly sought. {Being his friends} (\ontes aut“i philoi\). Evidently the Asiarchs had a high opinion of Paul and were unwilling for him to expose his life to a wild mob during the festival of Artemis. They were at least tolerant toward Paul and his preaching. "It was an Asiarch who at Smyrna resisted the cry of the populace to throw Polycarp to the lions" (Furneaux). {Besought him} (\parekaloun auton\). Imperfect active, showing that the messengers sent had to insist over Paul's protest. "{Not to adventure himself}" (\mˆ dounai heauton\). It was a hazard, a rash adventure "to give himself" (second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\). Just this sense of "adventure" with the idiom occurs only here in the N.T., though in Polybius V., 14, 9. But the phrase itself Paul uses of Jesus who gave himself for our sins (Galatians:1:4; strkjv@1Timothy:2:6; strkjv@Titus:2:14|). It is not the first time that friends had rescued Paul from peril (Acts:9:25,30; strkjv@17:10,14|). The theatre was no place for Paul. It meant certain death.

rwp@Acts:19:33 @{And they brought Alexander out of the crowd} (\ek de tou ochlou sunebibasan Alexandron\). The correct text (Aleph A B) has this verb \sunebibasan\ (from \sunbibaz“\, to put together) instead of \proebibasan\ (from \probibaz“\, to put forward). It is a graphic word, causal of \bain“\, to go, and occurs in strkjv@Acts:16:10; strkjv@Colossians:2:19; strkjv@Ephesians:4:16|. Evidently some of the Jews grew afraid that the mob would turn on the Jews as well as on the Christians. Paul was a Jew and so was Aristarchus, one of the prisoners. The Jews were as strongly opposed to idolatry as were the Christians. {The Jews putting him forward} (\probalont“n auton t“n Ioudai“n\). Genitive absolute of the second aorist active participle of \proball“\, old verb to push forward as leaves in the spring (Luke:21:30|). In the N.T. only in these two passages. Alexandria had already disgraceful scenes of Jew-baiting and there was real peril now in Ephesus with this wild mob. Songs:Alexander was pushed forward as the champion to defend the Jews to the excited mob. He may be the same Alexander the coppersmith who did Paul much evil (2Timothy:4:14|), against whom Paul will warn Timothy then in Ephesus. "The Jews were likely to deal in the copper and silver required for the shrines, so he may have had some trade connexion with the craftsmen which would give him influence" (Furneaux). {Beckoned with the hand} (\kataseisas tˆn cheira\). Old verb \katasei“\, to shake down, here the hand, rapidly waving the hand up and down to get a hearing. In the N.T. elsewhere only in strkjv@Acts:12:17; strkjv@13:16; strkjv@21:40| where "with the hand" (\tˆi cheiri\, instrumental case) is used instead of \tˆn cheira\ (the accusative). {Would have made a defence unto the people} (\ˆthelen apologeisthai t“i dˆm“i\). Imperfect active, wanted to make a defence, tried to, started to, but apparently never got out a word. \Apologeisthai\ (present middle infinitive, direct middle, to defend oneself), regular word for formal apology, but in N.T. only by Luke and Paul (twice in Gospel, six times in Acts, and in strkjv@Romans:2:15; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:19|).

rwp@Acts:19:34 @{When they perceived} (\epignontes\). Recognizing, coming to know fully and clearly (\epi-\), second aorist (ingressive) active participle of \epigin“sk“\. The masculine plural is left as nominative absolute or \pendens\ without a verb. The rioters saw at once that Alexander was (\estin\, present tense retained in indirect assertion) a Jew by his features. {An with one voice cried out} (\ph“nˆ egeneto mia ek pant“n krazont“n\). Anacoluthon or construction according to sense. Literally, "one voice arose from all crying." \Krazont“n\ agrees in case (ablative) with \pant“n\, but Aleph A have \krazontes\. This loose construction is not uncommon (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 436f.). Now at last the crowd became unanimous (one voice) at the sight of a hated Jew about to defend their attacks on the worship of Artemis. The unanimity lasted "about the space of two hours" (\hosei epi h“ras duo\), "as if for two hours." Their creed centred in this prolonged yell: "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians" with which the disturbance started (verse 28|).

rwp@Acts:19:35 @{The town-clerk} (\ho grammateus\). Ephesus was a free city and elected its own officers and the recorder or secretary was the chief magistrate of the city, though the proconsul of the province of Asia resided there. This officer is not a mere secretary of another officer or like the copyists and students of the law among the Jews, but the most influential person in Ephesus who drafted decrees with the aid of the \stratˆgoi\, had charge of the city's money, was the power in control of the assembly, and communicated directly with the proconsul. Inscriptions at Ephesus give frequently this very title for their chief officer and the papyri have it also. The precise function varied in different cities. His name appeared on the coin at Ephesus issued in his year of office. {Had quieted the multitude} (\katasteilas ton ochlon\). First aorist active participle of \katastell“\, to send down, arrange dress (Euripides), lower (Plutarch), restrain (papyrus example), only twice in the N.T. (here and verse 36|, be quiet), but in LXX and Josephus. He evidently took the rostrum and his very presence as the city's chief officer had a quieting effect on the billowy turmoil and a semblance of order came. He waited, however, till the hubbub had nearly exhausted itself (two hours) and did not speak till there was a chance to be heard. {Saith} (\phˆsin\). Historical present for vividness. {How that}. Merely participle \ousan\ and accusative \polin\ in indirect discourse, no conjunction at all (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040ff.), common idiom after \gin“sk“\, to know. {Temple-keeper} (\ne“koron\). Old word from \ne“s\ (\naos)\, temple, and \kore“\, to sweep. Warden, verger, cleaner of the temple, a sacristan. Songs:in Xenophon and Plato. Inscriptions so describe Ephesus as \ne“koron tˆs Artemidos\ as Luke has it here and also applied to the imperial _cultus_ which finally had several such temples in Ephesus. Other cities claimed the same honour of being \ne“koros\, but it was the peculiar boast of Ephesus because of the great temple of Artemis. A coin of A.D. 65 describes Ephesus as \ne“koros\. There are papyri examples of the term applied to individuals, one to Priene as \ne“koros\ of the temple in Ephesus (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). {And of the image which fell down from Jupiter} (\kai tou diopetous\). Supply \agalma\ (image), "the from heaven-fallen image." From Zeus (\Dios\) and \pet“\ (\pipt“, pipet“\), to fall. Zeus (Jupiter) was considered lord of the sky or heaven and that is the idea in \diopetous\ here. The legend about a statue fallen from heaven occurs concerning the statue of Artemis at Tauris, Minerva at Athens, etc. Thus the recorder soothed the vanity (Rackham) of the crowd by appeal to the world-wide fame of Ephesus as sacristan of Artemis and of her heaven-fallen image.

rwp@Acts:19:36 @{Cannot be gainsaid} (\anantirˆt“n oun ont“n\). Genitive absolute with \oun\ (therefore). Undeniable (\an, anti, rˆtos\), verbal adjective. Occasionally in late Greek (Polybius, etc.), only here in N.T., but adverb \anantirˆt“s\ in strkjv@Acts:10:29|. These legends were accepted as true and appeased the mob. {Ye ought} (\deon estin\). It is necessary. Periphrastic present indicative instead of \dei\ like strkjv@1Peter:1:6; strkjv@1Timothy:5:13f|. {Be quiet} (\katestalmenous\). Perfect passive participle of \katastell“\ (see verse 35|). {Rash} (\propetes\). Old adjective from \pro\ and \pet“\, to fall forward, headlong, precipitate. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:3:4|, though common in the _Koin‚_. Better look before you leap.

rwp@Acts:19:38 @{Have a matter against any one} (\echousin pros tina logon\). For this use of \ech“ logon\ with \pros\ see strkjv@Matthew:5:32; strkjv@Colossians:3:13|. The town-clerk names Demetrius and the craftsmen (\technitai\) as the parties responsible for the riot. {The courts are open} (\agoraioi agontai\). Supply \hˆmerai\ (days), court days are kept, or \sunodoi\, court-meetings are now going on, Vulgate _conventus forenses aguntur_. Old adjective from \agora\ (forum) marketplace where trials were held. Cf. strkjv@Acts:17:4|. There were regular court days whether they were in session then or not. {And there are proconsuls} (\kai anthupatoi eisin\). Asia was a senatorial province and so had proconsuls (general phrase) though only one at a time, "a rhetorical plural" (Lightfoot). Page quotes from an inscription of the age of Trajan on an aqueduct at Ephesus in which some of Luke's very words occur (\ne“koros, anthupatos, grammateus, dˆmos\). {Let them accuse one another} (\egkaleit“san allˆlois\). Present active imperative of \egkale“\ (\en, kale“\), old verb to call in one's case, to bring a charge against, with the dative. Luke uses the verb six times in Acts for judicial proceedings (19:38,40; strkjv@23:28,29; strkjv@26:2,7|). The town-clerk makes a definite appeal to the mob for orderly legal procedure as opposed to mob violence in a matter where money and religious prejudice unite, a striking rebuke to so-called lynch-law proceedings in lands today where Christianity is supposed to prevail.

rwp@Acts:20:1 @{After the uproar was ceased} (\meta to pausasthai ton thorubon\). Literally, after the ceasing (accusative of articular aorist middle infinitive of \pau“\, to make cease) as to the uproar (accusative of general reference). Noise and riot, already in strkjv@Matthew:26:5; strkjv@27:24; strkjv@Mark:5:38; strkjv@14:2|; and see in strkjv@Acts:21:34; strkjv@24:18|. Pictures the whole incident as bustle and confusion. {Took leave} (\aspamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \aspazomai\, old verb from \a\ intensive and \spa“\, to draw, to draw to oneself in embrace either in greeting or farewell. Here it is in farewell as in strkjv@21:6|. Salutation in strkjv@21:7,19|. {Departed for to go into Macedonia} (\exˆlthen poreuesthai eis Makedonian\). Both verbs, single act and then process. Luke here condenses what was probably a whole year of Paul's life and work as we gather from II Corinthians, one of Paul's "weighty and powerful" letters as his enemies called them (2Corinthians:10:10|). "This epistle more than any other is a revelation of S. Paul's own heart: it is his spiritual autobiography and _apologia pro vita sua_."

rwp@Acts:20:2 @{Those parts} (\ta merˆ ekeina\). We have no way of knowing why Luke did not tell of Paul's stay in Troas (2Corinthians:2:12f.|) nor of meeting Titus in Macedonia (2Corinthians:2:13-7:16|) nor of Paul's visit to Illyricum (Romans:15:19f.|) to give time for II Corinthians to do its work (2Corinthians:13|), one of the most stirring experiences in Paul's whole career when he opened his heart to the Corinthians and won final victory in the church by the help of Titus who also helped him round up the great collection in Achaia. He wrote II Corinthians during this period after Titus arrived from Corinth. The unity of II Corinthians is here assumed. Paul probably met Luke again in Macedonia, but all this is passed by except by the general phrase: "had given them much exhortation" (\parakalesas autous log“i poll“i\). Literally, "having exhorted them (the Macedonian brethren) with much talk" (instrumental case). {Into Greece} (\eis tˆn Hellada\). That is, Achaia (18:12; strkjv@19:21|), and particularly Corinth, whither he had at last come again after repeated attempts, pauses, and delays (2Corinthians:13:1|). Now at last the coast was clear and Paul apparently had an open door in Corinth during these three months, so completely had Titus at last done away with the opposition of the Judaizers there.

rwp@Acts:20:3 @{When he had spent three months there} (\poiˆsas mˆnas treis\). Literally, "having done three months," the same idiom in strkjv@Acts:14:33; strkjv@18:23; strkjv@James:5:13|. During this period Paul may have written Galatians as Lightfoot argued and certainly did Romans. We do not have to say that Luke was ignorant of Paul's work during this period, only that he did not choose to enlarge upon it. {And a plot was laid against him by the Jews} (\genomenˆs epiboulˆs aut“i hupo t“n Ioudai“n\). Genitive absolute, "a plot by the Jews having come against him." \Epiboulˆ\ is an old word for a plot against one. In the N.T. only in Acts (9:24; strkjv@20:3,19; strkjv@23:30|). Please note that this plot is by the Jews, not the Judaizers whom Paul discusses so vehemently in strkjv@2Corinthians:10-13|. They had given Paul much anguish of heart as is shown in I Cor. and in strkjv@2Corinthians:1-7|, but that trouble seems now past. It is Paul's old enemies in Corinth who had cherished all these years their defeat at the hands of Gallio (Acts:18:5-17|) who now took advantage of Paul's plans for departure to compass his death if possible. {As he was about to set sail for Syria} (\mellonti anagesthai eis tˆn Surian\). The participle \mellonti\ agrees in case (dative) with \aut“i\. For the sense of intending see also verse 13|. \Anagesthai\ (present middle infinitive) is the common word for putting out to sea (going up, they said, from land) as in strkjv@13:13|. {He determined} (\egeneto gn“mˆs\). The best MSS. here read \gn“mˆs\ (predicate ablative of source like \epiluse“s\, strkjv@2Peter:1:20|, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 514), not \gn“mˆ\ (nominative). "He became of opinion." The Jews had heard of Paul's plan to sail for Syria and intended in the hurly-burly either to kill him at the docks in Cenchreae or to push him overboard from the crowded pilgrim ship bound for the passover. Fortunately Paul learned of their plot and so eluded them by going through Macedonia. The Codex Bezae adds here that "the Spirit bade him return into Macedonia."

rwp@Acts:20:4 @{Accompanied him} (\suneipeto aut“i\). Imperfect of \sunepomai\, old and common verb, but only here in the N.T. The singular is used agreeing with the first name mentioned \S“patros\ and to be supplied with each of the others. Textus Receptus adds here "into Asia" (\achri tˆs Asias\, as far as Asia), but the best documents (Aleph B Vulg. Sah Boh) do not have it. As a matter of fact, Trophimus went as far as Jerusalem (Acts:21:29|) and Aristarchus as far as Rome (27:2; strkjv@Colossians:4:10|), The phrase could apply only to Sopatros. It is not clear though probable that Luke means to say that these seven brethren, delegates of the various churches (2Corinthians:8:19-23|) started from Corinth with Paul. Luke notes the fact that they accompanied Paul, but the party may really have been made up at Philippi where Luke himself joined Paul, the rest of the party having gone on to Troas (20:5f.|). These were from Roman provinces that shared in the collection (Galatia, Asia, Macedonia, Achaia). In this list three were from Macedonia, Sopater of Beroea, Aristarchus and Secundus of Thessalonica; two from Galatia, Gaius of Derbe and Timothy of Lystra; two from Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus. It is a bit curious that none are named from Achaia. Had Corinth failed after all (2Corinthians:8; 9|) to raise its share of the collection after such eager pledging? Rackham suggests that they may have turned their part over directly to Paul. Luke joined Paul in Philippi and could have handled the money from Achaia. It was an important event and Paul took the utmost pains to remove any opportunity for scandal in the handling of the funds.

rwp@Acts:20:7 @{Upon the first day of the week} (\en de miƒi t“n sabbat“n\). The cardinal \miƒi\ used here for the ordinal \pr“tˆi\ (Mark:16:9|) like the Hebrew _ehadh_ as in strkjv@Mark:16:2; strkjv@Matthew:28:1; strkjv@Luke:24:1; strkjv@John:20:1| and in harmony with the _Koin‚_ idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 671). Either the singular (Mark:16:9|) \sabbatou\ or the plural \sabbaton\ as here was used for the week (sabbath to sabbath). For the first time here we have services mentioned on the first day of the week though in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:2| it is implied by the collections stored on that day. In strkjv@Revelation:1:10| the Lord's day seems to be the day of the week on which Jesus rose from the grave. Worship on the first day of the week instead of the seventh naturally arose in Gentile churches, though strkjv@John:20:26| seems to mean that from the very start the disciples began to meet on the first (or eighth) day. But liberty was allowed as Paul makes plain in strkjv@Romans:14:5f|. {When we were gathered together} (\sunˆgmen“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute, perfect passive participle of \sunag“\, to gather together, a formal meeting of the disciples. See this verb used for gatherings of disciples in strkjv@Acts:4:31; strkjv@11:26; strkjv@14:27; strkjv@15:6,30; strkjv@19:7,8; strkjv@1Corinthians:5:4|. In strkjv@Hebrews:10:25| the substantive \episunag“gˆn\ is used for the regular gatherings which some were already neglecting. It is impossible for a church to flourish without regular meetings even if they have to meet in the catacombs as became necessary in Rome. In Russia today the Soviets are trying to break up conventicles of Baptists. They probably met on our Saturday evening, the beginning of the first day at sunset. Songs:these Christians began the day (Sunday) with worship. But, since this is a Gentile community, it is quite possible that Luke means our Sunday evening as the time when this meeting occurs, and the language in strkjv@John:20:19| "it being evening on that day the first day of the week" naturally means the evening following the day, not the evening preceding the day. {To break bread} (\klasai arton\). First aorist active infinitive of purpose of \kla“\. The language naturally bears the same meaning as in strkjv@2:42|, the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper which usually followed the \Agapˆ\. See strkjv@1Corinthians:10:16|. The time came, when the \Agapˆ\ was no longer observed, perhaps because of the abuses noted in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:20ff|. Rackham argues that the absence of the article with bread here and its presence (\ton arton\) in verse 11| shows that the \Agapˆ\ is ] referred to in verse 7| and the Eucharist in verse 11|, but not necessarily so because \ton arton\ may merely refer to \arton\ in verse 7|. At any rate it should be noted that Paul, who conducted this service, was not a member of the church in Troas, but only a visitor. {Discoursed} (\dielegeto\). Imperfect middle because he kept on at length. {Intending} (\mell“\). Being about to, on the point of. {On the morrow} (\tˆi epaurion\). Locative case with \hˆmerƒi\ understood after the adverb \epaurion\. If Paul spoke on our Saturday evening, he made the journey on the first day of the week (our Sunday) after sunrise. If he spoke on our Sunday evening, then he left on our Monday morning. {Prolonged his speech} (\Pareteinen ton logon\). Imperfect active (same form as aorist) of \paratein“\, old verb to stretch beside or lengthwise, to prolong. Vivid picture of Paul's long sermon which went on and on till midnight (\mechri mesonuktiou\). Paul's purpose to leave early next morning seemed to justify the long discourse. Preachers usually have some excuse for the long sermon which is not always clear to the exhausted audience.

rwp@Acts:20:9 @{Sat} (\kathezomenos\). Sitting (present middle participle describing his posture). {In the window} (\epi tˆs thuridos\). Old word diminutive from \thura\, door, a little door. Latticed window (no glass) opened because of the heat from the lamps and the crowd. Our window was once spelt _windore_ (Hudibras), perhaps from the wrong idea that it was derived from _wind_ and _door_. Eutychus (a common slave name) was sitting on (\epi\) the window sill. Ahaziah "fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber" (2Kings:1:2|). In the N.T. \thuris\ only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:11:33| (\dia thuridos\) through which Paul was let down through the wall in Damascus. {Borne down with deep sleep} (\katapheromenos hupn“i bathei\). Present passive participle of \katapher“\, to bear down, and followed by instrumental case (\hupn“i\). Describes the gradual process of going into deep sleep. Great medical writers use \bathus\ with \hupnos\ as we do today (deep sleep). D here has \basei\ (heavy) for \bathei\ (deep). {As Paul discoursed yet longer} (\dialegomenou tou Paulou epi pleion\). Genitive absolute of present middle participle of \dialegomai\ (cf. verse 7|). with \epi pleion\. Eutychus struggled bravely to keep awake, vainly hoping that Paul would finish. But he went on "for more." {Being born down by his sleep} (\katenechtheis apo tou hupnou\). First aorist (effective) passive showing the final result of the process described by \katapheromenos\, finally overcome as a result of (\apo\) the (note article \tou\) sleep (ablative case). These four participles (\kathezomenos, katapheromenos, dialegomenou, katenechtheis\) have no connectives, but are distinguished clearly by case and tense. The difference between the present \katapheromenos\ and the aorist \katenechtheis\ of the same verb is marked. {Fell down} (\epesen kat“\). Effective aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ with the adverb \kat“\, though \katapipt“\ (compound verb) could have been used (Acts:26:14; strkjv@28:6|). Hobart (_Medical Language of St. Luke_) thinks that Luke shows a physician's interest in the causes of the drowsiness of Eutychus (the heat, the crowd, the smell of the lamps, the late hour, the long discourse). Cf. strkjv@Luke:22:45|. {From the third story} (\apo tou tristegou\). From \treis\ (three) and \stegˆ\ (roof), adjective \tristegos\ having three roofs. {Was taken up dead} (\ˆrthˆ nekros\). First aorist passive indicative of \air“\. Luke does not say \h“s\ (as) or \h“sei\ (Mark:9:26| as if). The people considered him dead and Luke the physician seems to agree with that view.

rwp@Acts:20:10 @{Fell on him} (\epepesen aut“i\). Second aorist active indicative of \epipipt“\ with dative case as Elijah did (1Kings:17:21|) and Elisha (2Kings:4:34|). {Embracing} (\sunperilab“n\). Second aorist active participle of \sunperilamban“\, old verb to embrace completely (take hold together round), but only here in the N.T. In strkjv@Ezra:5:3|. {Make ye no ado} (\mˆ thorubeisthe\). Stop (\mˆ\ and present middle imperative of \thorube“\) making a noise (\thorubos\) as the people did on the death of Jairus's daughter (Matthew:9:23| \thoruboumenou\ and strkjv@Mark:5:38| \thorubou\) when Jesus asked \Ti thorubeisthe?\ {For his life is in him} (\hˆ gar psuchˆ autou en aut“i estin\). This language is relied on by Ramsay, Wendt, Zoeckler to show that Eutychus had not really died, but had merely swooned. Paul's language would suit that view, but it suits equally well the idea that he had just been restored to life and so is indecisive. Furneaux urges also the fact that his friends did not bring him back to the meeting till morning (verse 12|) as additional evidence that it was a case of swooning rather than of death. But this again is not conclusive as they would naturally not take him back at once. One will believe here as the facts appeal to him.

rwp@Acts:20:11 @{When he was gone up} (\anabas\). Second aorist active participle in sharp contrast to \katabas\ (went down) of verse 10|. {Had broken bread} (\klasas ton arton\). Probably the Eucharist to observe which ordinance Paul had come and tarried (verse 7|), though some scholars distinguish between what took place in verse 7| and verse 11|, needlessly so as was stated on verse 7|. {And eaten} (\kai geusamenos\). The word is used in strkjv@10:10| of eating an ordinary meal and so might apply to the \Agapˆ\, but it suits equally for the Eucharist. The accident had interrupted Paul's sermon so that it was observed now and then Paul resumed his discourse. {And had talked with them a long while} (\eph' hikanon te homilˆsas\). Luke, as we have seen, is fond of \hikanos\ for periods of time, for a considerable space of time, "even till break of day" (\achri augˆs\). Old word for brightness, radiance like German _Auge_, English eye, only here in the N.T. Occurs in the papyri and in modern Greek for dawn. This second discourse lasted from midnight till dawn and was probably more informal (as in strkjv@10:27|) and conversational (\homilˆsas\, though our word homiletics comes from \homile“\) than the discourse before midnight (\dialegomai\, verses 7,9|). He had much to say before he left. {Songs:he departed} (\hout“s exˆlthen\). Thus Luke sums up the result. Paul left (went forth) only after all the events narrated by the numerous preceding participles had taken place. Effective aorist active indicative \exelthen\. \Hout“s\ here equals \tum demum\, now at length (Acts:27:7|) as Page shows.

rwp@Acts:20:13 @{To the ship} (\epi to ploion\). Note article. It is possible that Paul's party had chartered a coasting vessel from Philippi or Troas to take them to Patara in Lycia. Hence the boat stopped when and where Paul wished. That is possible, but not certain, for Paul could simply have accommodated himself to the plans of the ship's managers. {To take in Paul} (\analambanein ton Paulon\). Songs:in verse 14|. Same use in strkjv@2Timothy:4:11|: "Picking up Mark" (\Markon analab“n\). Assos was a seaport south of Troas in Mysia in the province of Asia. {He had appointed} (\diatetagmenos ˆn\). Past perfect periphrastic middle of \diatass“\, old verb to give orders (military in particular). {To go by land} (\pezeuein\). Present active infinitive of \pezeu“\, old verb to go on foot, not on horse back or in a carriage or by ship. Here only in the N.T. It was about twenty miles over a paved Roman road, much shorter (less than half) than the sea voyage around Cape Lectum. It was a beautiful walk in the spring-time and no doubt Paul enjoyed it whatever his reason was for going thus to Assos while the rest went by sea. Certainly he was entitled to a little time alone, this one day, as Jesus sought the Father in the night watches (Matthew:14:23|).

rwp@Acts:20:17 @{Called to him} (\metekalesato\). Aorist middle (indirect) indicative of \metakale“\, old verb to call from one place to another (\meta\ for "change"), middle to call to oneself, only in Acts in the N.T. (7:14; strkjv@10:32; strkjv@20:17; strkjv@24:25|). Ephesus was some thirty miles, a stiff day's journey each way. They would be with Paul the third day of the stay in Miletus. {The elders of the church} (\tous presbuterous tˆs ekklˆsias\). The very men whom Paul terms "bishops" (\episkopous\) in verse 28| just as in strkjv@Titus:1:5,7| where both terms (\presbuterous, ton episkopon\) describe the same office. The term "elder" applied to Christian ministers first appears in strkjv@Acts:11:30| in Jerusalem and reappears in strkjv@15:4,6,22| in connection with the apostles and the church. The "elders" are not "apostles" but are "bishops" (cf. strkjv@Phillipians:1:1|) and with "deacons" constitute the two classes of officers in the early churches. Ignatius shows that in the early second century the office of bishop over the elders had developed, but Lightfoot has shown that it was not so in the first century. Each church, as in Jerusalem, Philippi, Ephesus, had a number of "elders" ("bishops") in the one great city church. Hackett thinks that other ministers from the neighbourhood also came. It was a noble group of preachers and Paul, the greatest preacher of the ages, makes a remarkable talk to preachers with all the earmarks of Pauline originality (Spitta, _Apostelgeschichte_, p. 252) as shown by the characteristic Pauline words, phrases, ideas current in all his Epistles including the Pastoral (testify, course, pure, take heed, presbyter, bishop, acquire, apparel). Luke heard this address as he may and probably did hear those in Jerusalem and Caesarea (Acts:21-26|). Furneaux suggests that Luke probably took shorthand notes of the address since Galen says that his students took down his medical lectures in shorthand: "At any rate, of all the speeches in the Acts this contains most of Paul and least of Luke.... It reveals Paul as nothing else does. The man who spoke it is no longer a man of eighteen centuries ago: he is of yesterday; of today. He speaks as we speak and feels as we feel; or rather as we fain would speak and feel." We have seen and listened to Paul speak to the Jews in Antioch in Pisidia as Luke pictures the scene, to the uneducated pagans at Lystra, to the cultured Greeks in Athens. We shall hear him plead for his life to the Jewish mob in Jerusalem, to the Roman governor Felix in Caesarea, to the Jewish "King" Herod Agrippa II in Caesarea, and at last to the Jews in Rome. But here Paul unbosoms himself to the ministers of the church in Ephesus where he had spent three years (longer than with any other church) and where he had such varied experiences of prowess and persecution. He opens his heart to these men as he does not to the average crowd even of believers. It is Paul's _Apologia pro sua Vita_. He will probably not see them again and so the outlook and attitude is similar to the farewell discourse of Jesus to the disciples in the upper room (John:13-17|). He warns them about future perils as Jesus had done. Paul's words here will repay any preacher's study today. There is the same high conception of the ministry here that Paul had already elaborated in strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12-6:10| (see my _Glory of the Ministry_). It is a fitting time and occasion for Paul to take stock of his ministry at the close of the third mission tour. What wonders had God wrought already.

rwp@Acts:20:19 @[After what manner I was with you} (\p“s meth' h–m“n egenomˆn\). Literally, "How I came (from Asia and so was) with you." Cf. strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:5; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:1-10| where Paul likewise dares to refer boldly to his life while with them "all the time" (\ton panta chronon\). Accusative of duration of time. Songs:far as we know, Paul stuck to Ephesus the whole period. He had devoted himself consecratedly to the task in Ephesus. Each pastor is bishop of his field and has a golden opportunity to work it for Christ. One of the saddest things about the present situation is the restlessness of preachers to go elsewhere instead of devoting themselves wholly to the task where they are. 19|. {Serving the Lord} (\douleu“n t“i kuri“i\). It was Paul's glory to be the \doulos\ (bond-slave) as in strkjv@Romans:1:1; strkjv@Phillipians:1:1|. Paul alone, save Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:6:24; strkjv@Luke:16:13|, uses \douleu“\ six times for serving God (Page). {With all lowliness of mind} (\meta pasˆs tapeinophrosunˆs\). Lightfoot notes that heathen writers use this word for a grovelling, abject state of mind, but Paul follows Christ in using it for humility, humble-mindedness that should mark every Christian and in particular the preacher. {With tears} (\dakru“n\). Construed with \meta\. Paul was a man of the deepest emotion along with his high intellectuality. He mentions his tears again in verse 31|, tears of sorrow and of anxiety. He refers to his tears in writing the sharp letter to the church in Corinth (2Corinthians:2:4|) and in denouncing the sensual apostates in strkjv@Phillipians:3:18|. Adolphe Monod has a wonderful sermon on the tears of Paul. Consider also the tears of Jesus. {Trials which befell me} (\peirasm“n t“n sumbant“n moi\). Construed also with \meta\. Second aorist active participle of \sunbain“\, to walk with, to go with, to come together, to happen, to befall. Very common in this sense in the old Greek (cf. strkjv@Acts:3:10|). {By the plots of the Jews} (\en tais epiboulais t“n Ioudai“n\). Like the plot (\epiboulˆ\) against him in Corinth (20:3|) as well as the earlier trial before Gallio and the attacks in Thessalonica. In strkjv@Acts:19:9| Luke shows the hostile attitude of the Jews in Ephesus that drove Paul out of the synagogue to the school of Tyrannus. He does not describe in detail these "plots" which may easily be imagined from Paul's own letters and may be even referred to in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:10; strkjv@15:30ff.; strkjv@16:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:4-10; strkjv@7:5; strkjv@11:23|. In fact, one has only to dwell on the allusions in strkjv@2Corinthians:11| to picture what Paul's life was in Ephesus during these three years. Luke gives in strkjv@Acts:19| the outbreak of Demetrius, but Paul had already fought with "wild-beasts" there.

rwp@Acts:20:20 @{How that I shrank not} (\h“s ouden hupesteilamen\). Still indirect discourse (question) after \epistasthe\ (ye know) with \h“s\ like \p“s\ in verse 18|. First aorist middle of \hupostell“\, old verb to draw under or back. It was so used of drawing back or down sails on a ship and, as Paul had so recently been on the sea, that may be the metaphor here. But it is not necessarily so as the direct middle here makes good sense and is frequent, to withdraw oneself, to cower, to shrink, to conceal, to dissemble as in strkjv@Habbakkuk:2:4| (Hebrews:10:38|). Demosthenes so used it to shrink from declaring out of fear for others. This open candour of Paul is supported by his Epistles (1Thessalonians:2:4,11; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:2; strkjv@Galatians:1:10|). {From declaring unto you} (\tou mˆ anaggeilai humin\). Ablative case of the articular first aorist active infinitive of \anaggell“\ with the redundant negative after verbs of hindering, etc. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1094). {Anything that was profitable} (\t“n sumpheront“n\). Partitive genitive after \ouden\ of the articular present active participle of \sumpher“\, to bear together, be profitable. {Publicly} (\dˆmosiƒi\, adverb) {and from house to house} (\kai kat' oikous\). By (according to) houses. It is worth noting that this greatest of preachers preached from house to house and did not make his visits merely social calls. He was doing kingdom business all the while as in the house of Aquila and Priscilla (1Corinthians:16:19|).

rwp@Acts:20:21 @{Testifying} (\diamarturomenos\). As Peter did (Acts:2:40|) where Luke uses this same word thoroughly Lucan and Pauline. Songs:again in verses 23,24|. Paul here as in strkjv@Romans:1:16| includes both Jews and Greeks, to the Jew first. {Repentance toward God} (\tˆn eis theon metanoian\) {and faith toward our Lord Jesus} (\kai pistin eis ton kurion hˆm“n Iˆsoun\). These two elements run through the Epistle to the Romans which Paul had recently written and sent from Corinth. These two elements appear in all Paul's preaching whether "to Jews or Gentiles, to philosophers at Athens or to peasants at Lystra, he preached repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus" (Knowling).

rwp@Acts:20:22 @{Bound in the spirit} (\dedemenos t“i pneumati\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\, to bind, with the locative case. "Bound in my spirit" he means, as in strkjv@19:21|, from a high sense of duty. The mention of "the Holy Spirit" specifically in verse 23| seems to be in contrast to his own spirit here. His own spirit was under the control of the Holy Spirit (Romans:8:16|) and the sense does not differ greatly. {Not knowing} (\mˆ eid“s\). Second perfect active participle of \oida\ with \mˆ\. {That shall befall me} (\ta sunantˆsonta emoi\). Articular future active participle of \sunanta“\, to meet with (Acts:10:25|), to befall (with associative instrumental case) and compare with \sumbant“n\ (befell) in verse 19|. One of the rare instances of the future participle in the N.T.

rwp@Acts:20:24 @{But I hold not my life of any account} (\all' oudenos logou poioumai tˆn psuchˆn\). Neat Greek idiom, accusative \psuchˆn\ and genitive \logou\ and then Paul adds "dear unto myself" (\timian emaut“i\) in apposition with \psuchˆn\ (really a combination of two constructions). {Songs:that I may accomplish my course} (\h“s telei“s“ dromon mou\). Rather, "In order that" (purpose, not result). Aleph and B read \telei“s“\ here (first aorist active subjunctive) rather than \telei“sai\ (first aorist active infinitive). It is the lone instance in the N.T. of \h“s\ as a final particle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 987). Paul in strkjv@Acts:13:25| in his sermon at Antioch in Pisidia described John as fulfilling his course and in strkjv@2Timothy:4:7| he will say: "I have finished my course" (\ton dromon teteleka\). He will run the race to the end. {Which I received from the Lord Jesus} (\hˆn elabon para tou kuriou Iˆsou\). Of that fact he never had a doubt and it was a proud boast (Gal strkjv@1:1; strkjv@Romans:11:13|). {The gospel of the grace of God} (\to euaggelion tˆs charitos tou theou\). To Paul the gospel consisted in the grace of God. See this word "grace" (\charis\) in Romans and his other Epistles.

rwp@Acts:20:26 @{I testify} (\marturomai\). Elsewhere in the N.T. only in Paul's Epistles (Galatians:5:3; strkjv@Ephesians:4:17; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:12|). It means "I call to witness" while \marture“\ means "I bear witness." {This day} (\en tˆi sˆmeron hˆmerƒi\). The today day, the last day with you, our parting day. {I am pure from the blood of all men} (\katharos eimi apo tou haimatos pant“n\). Paul was sensitive on this point as in Corinth (Acts:18:6|). It is much for any preacher to claim and it ought to be true of all. The papyri also give this use of \apo\ with the ablative rather than the mere ablative after \katharos\.

rwp@Acts:20:29 @{After my departing} (\meta tˆn aphixin mou\). Not his death, but his departure from them. From \aphikneomai\ and usually meant arrival, but departure in Herodotus IX. 17, 76 as here. {Grievous wolves} (\lukoi bareis\). \Bareis\ is heavy, rapacious, harsh. Jesus had already so described false teachers who would raven the fold (John:10:12|). Whether Paul had in mind the Judaizers who had given him so much trouble in Antioch, Jerusalem, Galatia, Corinth or the Gnostics the shadow of whose coming he already foresaw is not perfectly clear. But it will not be many years before Epaphras will come to Rome from Colossae with news of the new peril there (Epistle to the Colossians). In writing to Timothy (1Timothy:1:20|) Paul will warn him against some who have already made shipwreck of their faith. In strkjv@Revelation:2:2| John will represent Jesus as describing false apostles in Ephesus. {Not sparing the flock} (\mˆ pheidomenoi tou poimniou\). Litotes again as so often in Acts. Sparing the flock was not the fashion of wolves. Jesus sent the seventy as lambs in the midst of wolves (Luke:10:3|). In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus had pictured the false prophets who would come as ravening wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew:7:15|).

rwp@Acts:20:30 @{From among your own selves} (\ex hum“n aut“n\). In sheep's clothing just as Jesus had foretold. The outcome fully justified Paul's apprehensions as we see in Colossians, Ephesians, I and II Timothy, Revelation. False philosophy, immorality, asceticism will lead some astray (Colossians:2:8,18; strkjv@Ephesians:4:14; strkjv@5:6|). John will picture "antichrists" who went out from us because they were not of us (1John:2:18f.|). There is a false optimism that is complacently blind as well as a despondent pessimism that gives up the fight. {Perverse things} (\diestrammena\). Perfect passive participle of \diastreph“\, old verb to turn aside, twist, distort as in strkjv@Acts:13:8,10|. {To draw away} (\tou apospƒin\). Articular genitive present active participle of purpose from \apospa“\, old verb used to draw the sword (Matthew:26:51|), to separate (Luke:22:41; strkjv@Acts:21:1|). The pity of it is that such leaders of dissension can always gain a certain following. Paul's long residence in Ephesus enabled him to judge clearly of conditions there.

rwp@Acts:20:31 @{Wherefore watch ye} (\dio grˆgoreite\). Paul has concluded his defence of himself and his warning. Now he exhorts on the basis of it (\dio\) because of which thing. The very command of Jesus concerning the perils before his return as in strkjv@Mark:13:35| (\grˆgoreite\), the very form (late present imperative from the second perfect \egrˆgora\ of \egeir“\, to arouse). Stay awake. {I ceased not to admonish} (\ouk epausamˆn nouthet“n\). Participle describes Paul, I did not cease admonishing, night and day (\nukta kai hˆmeran\, accusative of extent of time, for three years \trietian\, accusative of extent of time also). \Nouthet“n\ is from \nouthete“\, to put sense into one. Songs:Paul kept it up with tears (verse 19|) if so be he could save the Ephesians from the impending perils. Forewarned is to be forearmed. Paul did his duty by them.

rwp@Acts:20:32 @{And now} (\kai ta nun\). Same phrase as in verses 22,25| save that \idou\ (behold) is wanting and the article \ta\ occurs before \nun\, accusative of general reference. And as to the present things (or situation) as in strkjv@4:29|. {I commend} (\paratithemai\). Present middle indicative of \paratithˆmi\, old verb to place beside, middle, to deposit with one, to interest as in strkjv@1Timothy:1:18; strkjv@2Timothy:2:2|. Paul can now only do this, but he does it hopefully. Cf. strkjv@1Peter:4:19|. {The word of his grace} (\t“i log“i tˆs charitos autou\). The instrumentality through preaching and the Holy Spirit employed by God. Cf. strkjv@Colossians:4:6; strkjv@Ephesians:4:29|. {Which is able to build up} (\t“i dunamen“i oikodomˆsai\). God works through the word of his grace and so it is able to build up (edify); a favourite Pauline word (1Corinthians:3:10-14; strkjv@3:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1; strkjv@Ephesians:2:20-22; strkjv@2Timothy:3:15|; etc.), and strkjv@James:1:21|. The very words "build" and "inheritance among the sanctified" will occur in strkjv@Ephesians:1:11; strkjv@2:30; strkjv@3:18| and which some may recall on reading. Cf. strkjv@Colossians:1:12|. Stephen in strkjv@Acts:7:5| used the word "inheritance" (\klˆronomian\), nowhere else in Acts, but in strkjv@Ephesians:1:14,18; strkjv@5:5|. In strkjv@Ephesians:1:18| the very expression occurs "his inheritance among the saints " (\tˆn klˆronomian autou en tois hagiois\).

rwp@Acts:20:36 @{He kneeled down} (\theis ta gonata autou\). Second aorist active participle of \tithˆmi\, to place. The very idiom used in strkjv@7:60| of Stephen. Not in ancient writers and only six times in the N.T. (Mark:15:19; strkjv@Luke:22:41; strkjv@Acts:7:60; strkjv@9:40; strkjv@20:36; strkjv@21:5|). Certainly kneeling in prayer is a fitting attitude (cf. Jesus, strkjv@Luke:22:41|), though not the only proper one (Matthew:6:5|). Paul apparently prayed aloud (\prosˆuxato\).

rwp@Acts:20:37 @{They all wept sore} (\hikanos klauthmos egeneto pant“n\). Literally, There came considerable weeping of all (on the part of all, genitive case). {Kissed him} (\katephiloun auton\). Imperfect active of \kataphile“\, old verb, intensive with \kata\ and repetition shown also by the tense: They kept on kissing or kissed repeatedly, probably one after the other falling on his neck. Cf. also strkjv@Matthew:26:49|.

rwp@Acts:20:38 @{Sorrowing} (\odun“menoi\). Present middle participle of \oduna“\, old verb to cause intense pain, to torment (Luke:16:24|), middle to distress oneself (Luke:2:48; strkjv@Acts:20:38|). Nowhere else in N.T. {Which he had spoken} (\h“i eirˆkei\). Relative attracted to the case of the antecedent \log“i\ (word). Past perfect indicative of \eipon\. {They brought him on his way} (\proepempon auton\). Imperfect active of \propemp“\, old verb to send forward, to accompany as in strkjv@Acts:15:3; strkjv@20:38; strkjv@21:5; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:6,11; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:16; strkjv@Titus:3:13; strkjv@3John:1:6|. Graphic picture of Paul's departure from this group of ministers.

rwp@Acts:21:1 @{Were parted from them} (\apospasthentas ap' aut“n\). First aorist passive participle of \apospa“\ same verb as in strkjv@20:30; strkjv@Luke:22:41|. {Had set sail} (\anachthˆnai\). First aorist passive of \anag“\, the usual verb to put out (up) to sea as in verse 2| (\anˆchthˆmen\). {We came with a straight course} (\euthudromˆsantes ˆlthomen\). The same verb (aorist active participle of \euthudrome“\) used by Luke in strkjv@16:11| of the voyage from Troas to Samothrace and Neapolis, which see. {Unto Cos} (\eis tˆn Ko\). Standing today, about forty nautical miles south from Miletus, island famous as the birthplace of Hippocrates and Apelles with a great medical school. Great trading place with many Jews. {The next day} (\tˆi hexˆs\). Locative case with \hˆmerƒi\ (day) understood. The adverb \hexˆs\ is from \ech“\ (future \hex“\) and means successively or in order. This is another one of Luke's ways of saying "on the next day" (cf. three others in strkjv@20:15|). {Unto Rhodes} (\eis tˆn Rhodon\). Called the island of roses. The sun shone most days and made roses luxuriant. The great colossus which represented the sun, one of the seven wonders of the world, was prostrate at this time. The island was at the entrance to the Aegean Sea and had a great university, especially for rhetoric and oratory. There was great commerce also. {Unto Patara} (\eis Patara\). A seaport on the Lycian coast on the left bank of the Xanthus. It once had an oracle of Apollo which rivalled that at Delphi. This was the course taken by hundreds of ships every season.

rwp@Acts:21:2 @{Having found a ship} (\heurontes ploion\). Paul had used a small coasting vessel (probably hired) that anchored each night at Cos, Rhodes, Patara. He was still some four hundred miles from Jerusalem. But at Patara Paul caught a large vessel (a merchantman) that could sail across the open sea. {Crossing over unto Phoenicia} (\diaper“n eis Phoinikˆn\). Neuter singular accusative (agreeing with \ploion\) present active participle of \diapera“\, old verb to go between (\dia\) and so across to Tyre. {We went aboard} (\epibantes\). Second aorist active participle of \epibain“\.

rwp@Acts:21:3 @{When we had come in sight of Cyprus} (\anaphanantes tˆn Kupron\). First aorist active participle of \anaphain“\ (Doric form \-phanƒntes\ rather than the Attic \-phˆnantes\), old verb to make appear, bring to light, to manifest. Having made Cyprus visible or rise up out of the sea. Nautical terms. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:19:11| which see. {On the left hand} (\eu“numon\). Compound feminine adjective like masculine. They sailed south of Cyprus. {We sailed} (\epleomen\). Imperfect active of common verb \ple“\, kept on sailing till we came to Syria. {Landed at Tyre} (\katˆlthomen eis Turon\). Came down to Tyre. Then a free city of Syria in honour of its former greatness (cf. the long siege by Alexander the Great). {There} (\ekeise\). Thither, literally. Only one other instance in N.T., strkjv@22:5| which may be pertinent = \ekei\ (there). {Was to unlade} (\ˆn apophortizomenon\). Periphrastic imperfect middle of \apophortiz“\, late verb from \apo\ and \phortos\, load, but here only in the N.T. Literally, "For thither the boat was unloading her cargo," a sort of "customary" or "progressive" imperfect (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 884). {Burden} (\gomon\). Cargo, old word, from \gem“\, to be full. Only here and strkjv@Revelation:18:11f.| in N.T. Probably a grain or fruit ship. It took seven days here to unload and reload.

rwp@Acts:21:4 @{Having found} (\aneurontes\). Second aorist active participle of \aneurisk“\, to seek for, to find by searching (\ana\). There was a church here, but it was a large city and the number of members may not have been large. Probably some of those that fled from Jerusalem who came to Phoenicia (Acts:11:19|) started the work here. Paul went also through Phoenicia on the way to the Jerusalem Conference (15:3|). As at Troas and Miletus, so here Paul's indefatigible energy shows itself with characteristic zeal. {Through the Spirit} (\dia tou pneumatos\). The Holy Spirit undoubtedly who had already told Paul that bonds and afflictions awaited him in Jerusalem (20:23|). {That he should not set foot in Jerusalem} (\mˆ epibainein eis Ierosoluma\). Indirect command with \mˆ\ and the present active infinitive, not to keep on going to Jerusalem (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1046). In spite of this warning Paul felt it his duty as before (20:22|) to go on. Evidently Paul interpreted the action of the Holy Spirit as information and warning although the disciples at Tyre gave it the form of a prohibition. Duty called louder than warning to Paul even if both were the calls of God.

rwp@Acts:21:5 @{That we had accomplished the days} (\exartisai hˆmƒs tas hˆmeras\). First aorist active infinitive of \exartiz“\, to furnish perfectly, rare in ancient writers, but fairly frequent in the papyri. Only twice in the N.T., here and strkjv@2Timothy:3:17|. Finish the exact number of days (seven) of verse 4|. The accusative of general reference \hˆmƒs\ is the usual construction and the infinitive clause is the subject of \egeneto\. We departed and went on our journey (\exelthontes eporeuometha\). Sharp distinction between the first aorist active participle \exelthontes\ (from \exerchomai\, to go out) and the imperfect middle \eporeuometha\ from \poreu“\ (we were going on). {And they all, with wives and children, brought us on our way} (\propempont“n hˆmƒs pant“n sun gunaixi kai teknois\). No "and" in the Greek, simply genitive absolute, "They all with wives and children accompanying us," just as at Miletus (20:28|), same verb \propemp“\ which see. The first mention of children in connection with the apostolic churches (Vincent). Vivid picture here as at Miletus, evident touch of an eyewitness. {Till we were out of the city} (\he“s ex“ tˆs pole“s\). Note both adverbial prepositions (\he“s ex“\) clear outside of the city.

rwp@Acts:21:7 @{Had finished} (\dianusantes\). First aorist active participle of \dianu“\, old verb to accomplish (\anu“\) thoroughly (\dia\), only here in the N.T. {From Tyre} (\apo Turou\). Page takes (Hackett also) with \katˆntˆsamen\ (we arrived) rather than with "\ton ploun\" (the voyage) and with good reason: "And we, having (thereby) finished the voyage, arrived from Tyre at Ptolemais." Ptolemais is the modern Acre, called Accho in strkjv@Judges:1:31|. The harbour is the best on the coast of Palestine and is surrounded by mountains. It is about thirty miles south of Tyre. It was never taken by Israel and was considered a Philistine town and the Greeks counted it a Phoenician city. It was the key to the road down the coast between Syria and Egypt and had successively the rule of the Ptolemies, Syrians, Romans. {Saluted} (\aspasamenoi\). Here greeting as in strkjv@21:19| rather than farewell as in strkjv@20:1|. The stay was short, one day (\hˆmeran mian\, accusative), but "the brethren" Paul and his party found easily. Possibly the scattered brethren (Acts:11:19|) founded the church here or Philip may have done it.

rwp@Acts:21:9 @{Virgins which did prophesy} (\parthenoi prophˆteusai\). Not necessarily an "order" of virgins, but Philip had the honour of having in his home four virgin daughters with the gift of prophecy which was not necessarily predicting events, though that was done as by Agabus here. It was more than ordinary preaching (cf. strkjv@19:6|) and was put by Paul above the other gifts like tongues (1Corinthians:14:1-33|). The prophecy of Joel (2:28f.|) about their sons and daughters prophesying is quoted by Peter and applied to the events on the day of Pentecost (Acts:2:17|). Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:5| gives directions about praying and prophesying by the women (apparently in public worship) with the head uncovered and sharply requires the head covering, though not forbidding the praying and prophesying. With this must be compared his demand for silence by the women in strkjv@1Corinthians:14:34-40; strkjv@1Timothy:2:8-15| which it is not easy to reconcile. One wonders if there was not something known to Paul about special conditions in Corinth and Ephesus that he has not told. There was also Anna the prophetess in the temple (Luke:2:36|) besides the inspired hymns of Elizabeth (Luke:1:42-45|) and of Mary (Luke:1:46-55|). At any rate there was no order of women prophets or official ministers. There were Old Testament prophetesses like Miriam, Deborah, Huldah. Today in our Sunday schools the women do most of the actual teaching. The whole problem is difficult and calls for restraint and reverence. One thing is certain and that is that Luke appreciated the services of women for Christ as is shown often in his writings (Luke:8:1-3|, for instance) before this incident.

rwp@Acts:21:11 @{Coming} (\elth“n\, second aorist active participle of \erchomai\), taking (\aras\, first aorist active participle of \air“\, to take up), {binding} (\dˆsas\, first aorist active participle of \de“\, to bind). Vivid use of three successive participles describing the dramatic action of Agabus. {Paul's girdle} (\tˆn z“nˆn tou Paulou\). Old word from \z“nnumi\, to gird. See on ¯12:8|. {His own feet and hands} (\heautou tous podas kai tas cheiras\). Basis for the interpretation. Old Testament prophets often employed symbolic deeds (1Kings:22:11; strkjv@James:2:2; strkjv@Jeremiah:13:1-7; strkjv@Ezekiel:4:1-6|). Jesus interpreted the symbolism of Peter's girding himself (John:21:18|). {So} (\hout“s\). As Agabus had bound himself. Agabus was just from Jerusalem and probably knew the feeling there against Paul. At any rate the Holy Spirit revealed it to him as he claims. {Shall deliver} (\parad“sousin\). Like the words of Jesus about himself (Matthew:20:19|). He was "delivered" into the hands of the Gentiles and it took five years to get out of those hands.

rwp@Acts:21:12 @{Both we and they of that place} (\hˆmeis te kai hoi entopioi\). Usual use of \te kai\ (both--and). \Entopioi\, old word, only here in N.T. {Not to go up} (\tou mˆ anabainein\). Probably ablative of the articular present active infinitive with redundant negative \me\ after \parekaloumen\ (imperfect active, conative). We tried to persuade him from going up. It can be explained as genitive, but not so likely: We tried to persuade him in respect to not going up. Vincent cites the case of Regulus who insisted on returning from Rome to Carthage to certain death and that of Luther on the way to the Diet of Worms. Spalatin begged Luther not to go on. Luther said: "Though devils be as many in Worms as tiles upon the roofs, yet thither will I go." This dramatic warning of Agabus came on top of that in Tyre (21:4|) and Paul's own confession in Miletus (20:23|). It is small wonder that Luke and the other messengers together with Philip and his daughters (prophetesses versus prophet?) joined in a chorus of dissuasion to Paul.

rwp@Acts:21:13 @{What are you doing weeping?} (\Ti poieite klaiontes?\) Strong protest as in strkjv@Mark:11:5|. {Breaking my heart} (\sunthruptontes mou tˆn kardian\). The verb \sunthrupt“\, to crush together, is late _Koin‚_ for \apothrupt“\, to break off, both vivid and expressive words. Songs:to enervate and unman one, weakening Paul's determination to go on with his duty. {I am ready} (\Eg“ hetoim“s ech“\). I hold (myself) in readiness (adverb, \hetoim“s\). Same idiom in strkjv@2Corinthians:12:14|. {Not only to be bound} (\ou monon dethˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \de“\ and note \ou monon\ rather than \mˆ monon\, the usual negative of the infinitive because of the sharp contrast (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1095). Paul's readiness to die, if need be, at Jerusalem is like that of Jesus on the way to Jerusalem the last time. Even before that Luke (9:51|) said that "he set his face to go on to Jerusalem." Later the disciples will say to Jesus, "Master, the Jews were but now seeking to stone thee; and goest thou thither?" (John:11:8|). The stature of Paul rises here to heroic proportions "for the name of the Lord Jesus" (\huper tou onomatos tou kuriou Iˆsou\).

rwp@Acts:21:14 @{When he would not be persuaded} (\mˆ peithomenou autou\). Genitive absolute of the present passive participle of \peith“\. Literally, "he not being persuaded." That was all. Paul's will (\kardia\) was not broken, not even bent. {We ceased} (\hˆsuchasamen\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \hˆsuchaz“\, old verb to be quiet, silent. {The will of the Lord be done} (\tou kuriou to thelˆma ginesth“\). Present middle imperative of \ginomai\. There is a quaint naivete in this confession by the friends of Paul. Since Paul would not let them have their way, they were willing for the Lord to have his way, acquiescence after failure to have theirs.

rwp@Acts:21:15 @{We took up our baggage} (\episkeuasamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \episkeuaz“\, old verb to furnish (\skeuos, epi\) with things necessary, to pack up, saddle horses here Ramsay holds. Here only in the N.T. {Went up} (\anebainomen\). Inchoative imperfect active of \anabain“\, we started to go up.

rwp@Acts:21:16 @{Certain of the disciples} (\t“n mathˆt“n\). The genitive here occurs with \tines\ understood as often in the Greek idiom, the partitive genitive used as nominative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 502). {Bringing} (\agontes\). Nominative plural participle agreeing with \tines\ understood, not with case of \mathˆt“n\. {One Mnason of Cyprus, an early disciple, with whom we should lodge} (\par h“i xenisth“men Mnas“ni tini Kupri“i archai“i mathˆtˆi\). A thoroughly idiomatic Greek idiom, incorporation and attraction of the antecedent into the relative clause (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 718). \Mnas“ni\ is really the object of \agontes\ or the accusative with \para\ or \pros\ understood and should be accusative, but it is placed in the clause after the relative and in the same locative case with the relative \h“i\ (due to \par'\, beside, with). Then the rest agrees in case with \Mnas“ni\. He was originally from Cyprus, but now in Caesarea. The Codex Bezae adds \eis tina k“mˆn\ (to a certain village) and makes it mean that they were to lodge with Mnason at his home there about halfway to Jerusalem. This may be true. The use of the subjunctive \xenisth“men\ (first aorist passive of \xeniz“\, to entertain strangers as in strkjv@Acts:10:6,23,32| already) may be volitive of purpose with the relative (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 955, 989). The use of \archai“i\ for "early" may refer to the fact that he was one of the original disciples at Pentecost as Peter in strkjv@15:7| uses \hˆmer“n archai“n\ (early days) to refer to his experience at Ceasarea in strkjv@Acts:10|. "As the number of the first disciples lessened, the next generation accorded a sort of honour to the survivors" (Furneaux).

rwp@Acts:21:20 @{Glorified} (\edoxazon\). Inchoative imperfect, began to glorify God, though without special praise of Paul. {How many thousands} (\posai muriades\). Old word for ten thousand (Acts:19:19|) and then an indefinite number like our "myriads" (this very word) as strkjv@Luke:12:1; strkjv@Acts:21:20; strkjv@Jude:1:14; strkjv@Revelation:5:11; strkjv@9:16|. But it is a surprising statement even with allowable hyperbole, but one may recall strkjv@Acts:4:4| (number of the men--not women--about five thousand); strkjv@5:14| (multitudes both of men and women); strkjv@6:7|. There were undoubtedly a great many thousands of believers in Jerusalem and all Jewish Christians, some, alas, Judaizers (Acts:11:2; strkjv@15:1,5|). This list may include the Christians from neighbouring towns in Palestine and even some from foreign countries here at the Feast of Pentecost, for it is probable that Paul arrived in time for it as he had hoped. But we do not have to count the hostile Jews from Asia (verse 27|) who were clearly not Christians at all. {All zealous for the law} (\pantes zˆl“tai tou nomou\). Zealots (substantive) rather than zealous (adjective) with objective genitive (\tou nomou\). The word zealot is from \zˆlo“\, to burn with zeal, to boil. The Greek used \zˆl“tˆs\ for an imitator or admirer. There was a party of Zealots (developed from the Pharisees), a group of what would be called "hot-heads," who brought on the war with Rome. One of this party, Simon Zelotes (Acts:1:13|), was in the number of the twelve apostles. It is important to understand the issues in Jerusalem. It was settled at the Jerusalem Conference (Acts:15; strkjv@Galatians:2|) that the Mosaic ceremonial law was not to be imposed upon Gentile Christians. Paul won freedom for them, but it was not said that it was wrong for Jewish Christians to go on observing it if they wished. We have seen Paul observing the passover in Philippi (Acts:20:6|) and planning to reach Jerusalem for Pentecost (20:16|). The Judaizers rankled under Paul's victory and power in spreading the gospel among the Gentiles and gave him great trouble in Galatia and Corinth. They were busy against him in Jerusalem also and it was to undo the harm done by them in Jerusalem that Paul gathered the great collection from the Gentile Christians and brought it with him and the delegates from the churches. Clearly then Paul had real ground for his apprehension of trouble in Jerusalem while still in Corinth (Romans:15:25|) when he asked for the prayers of the Roman Christians (verses 30-32|). The repeated warnings along the way were amply justified.

rwp@Acts:21:21 @{They have been informed concerning thee} (\katˆchˆthˆsan peri sou\). First aorist passive indicative of \katˆche“\. A word in the ancient Greek, but a few examples survive in the papyri. It means to sound (echo, from \ˆch“\, our word) down (\kata\), to resound, re-echo, to teach orally. Oriental students today (Arabs learning the Koran) often study aloud. In the N.T. only in strkjv@Luke:1:4| which see; strkjv@Acts:18:25; strkjv@21:21; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:19; strkjv@Galatians:6:6; strkjv@Romans:2:18|. This oral teaching about Paul was done diligently by the Judaizers who had raised trouble against Peter (Acts:11:2|) and Paul (15:1,5|). They had failed in their attacks on Paul's world campaigns. Now they try to undermine him at home. In Paul's long absence from Jerusalem, since strkjv@18:22|, they have had a free hand, save what opposition James would give, and have had great success in prejudicing the Jerusalem Christians against Paul. Songs:James, in the presence of the other elders and probably at their suggestion, feels called upon to tell Paul the actual situation. {That thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses} (\hoti apostasian didaskeis apo M“use“s tous kata ta ethnˆ pantas Ioudaious\). Two accusatives with \didaskeis\ (verb of teaching) according to rule. Literally, "That thou art teaching all the Jews among (\kata\) the Gentiles (the Jews of the dispersion as in strkjv@2:9|) apostasy from Moses." That is the point, the dreadful word \apostasian\ (our apostasy), a late form (I Macc. strkjv@2:15) for the earlier \apostasis\ (cf. strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:3| for \apostasia\). "In the eyes of the church at Jerusalem this was a far more serious matter than the previous question at the Conference about the status of Gentile converts" (Furneaux). Paul had brought that issue to the Jerusalem Conference because of the contention of the Judaizers. But here it is not the Judaizers, but the elders of the church with James as their spokesman on behalf of the church as a whole. They do not believe this false charge, but they wish Paul to set it straight. Paul had made his position clear in his Epistles (I Corinthians, Galatians, Romans) for all who cared to know. {Telling them not to circumcise their children} (\leg“n mˆ peritemnein autous ta tekna\). The participle \leg“n\ agrees with "thou" (Paul), the subject of \didaskeis\. This is not indirect assertion, but indirect command, hence the negative \mˆ\ instead of \ou\ with the infinitive (Robertson, _Grammar_, p.1046). The point is not that Paul stated what the Jewish Christians in the dispersion do, but that he says that they (\autous\ accusative of general reference) are not to go on circumcising (\peritemnein\, present active infinitive) their children. Paul taught the very opposite (1Corinthians:7:18|) and had Timothy circumcised (Acts:16:3|) because he was half Jew and half Greek. His own practice is stated in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:19| ("to the Jews as a Jew"). {Neither to walk after the customs} (\mˆde tois ethesin peripatein\). Locative case with infinitive \peripatein\. The charge was here enlarged to cover it all and to make Paul out an enemy of Jewish life and teachings. That same charge had been made against Stephen when young Saul (Paul) was the leader (6:14|): "Will change the customs (\ethˆ\ the very word used here) which Moses delivered unto us." It actually seemed that some of the Jews cared more for Moses than for God (Acts:6:11|). Songs:much for the charge of the Judaizers.

rwp@Acts:21:24 @{These take} (\toutous paralab“n\). Second aorist active participle of \paralamban“\. Taking these alone. {Purify thyself with them} (\hagnisthˆti sun autois\). First aorist passive imperative of \hagniz“\, old verb to purify, to make pure (\hagnos\). See the active voice in strkjv@James:4:8; strkjv@1Peter:1:22; strkjv@1John:3:3|. It is possible to see the full passive force here, "Be purified." But a number of aorist passives in the _Koin‚_ supplant the aorist middle forms and preserve the force of the middle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 819). That is possible here. Hence, "Purify thyself" is allowable. The word occurs in strkjv@Numbers:6:1| for taking the Nazarite vow. The point is that Paul takes the vow with them. Note \hagnismou\ in verse 26|. {Be at charges for them} (\dapanˆson ep' autois\). First aorist active imperative of old verb \dapana“\, to incur expense, expend. Spend (money) upon (\ep'\) them. Ramsay (_St. Paul the Traveller_, etc., p. 310) argues that Paul had use of considerable money at this period, perhaps from his father's estate. The charges for five men would be considerable. "A poor man would not have been treated with the respect paid him at Caesarea, on the voyage, and at Rome" (Furneaux). {That they may shave their heads} (\hina xurˆsontai tˆn kephalˆn\). Note \tˆn kephalˆn\, the head (singular). Future middle indicative of \xura“\, late form for the old \xure“\, to shave, middle to shave oneself or (causative) to get oneself shaved. This use of \hina\ with the future indicative is like the classic \hop“s\ with the future indicative and is common in the N.T. as in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 984). {And all shall know} (\kai gn“sontai\). This future middle indicative of \gin“sk“\ (cf. \akousontai\ in verse 22|) may be independent of \hina\ or dependent on it like \xurˆsontai\, though some MSS. (H L P) have \gn“sin\ (second aorist subjunctive, clearly dependent on \hina\). {Of which} (\h“n\). Genitive plural of the relative \ha\ (accusative) object of the perfect passive verb \katˆchˆntai\ (cf. verse 21| \katˆchˆthˆsan\) attracted into the case of the omitted antecedent \tout“n\. The instruction still in effect. {But that thou thyself walkest orderly} (\alla stoicheis kai autos\). \Stoicheis\ is an old verb to go in a row (from \stoichos\, row, rank, series), to walk in a line or by rule. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Galatians:5:25; strkjv@Romans:4:12; strkjv@Phillipians:3:16|. The rule is the law and Paul was not a sidestepper. The idea of the verb is made plain by the participle \phulass“n ton nomon\ (keeping or observing the law).

rwp@Acts:21:25 @{We wrote} (\epesteilamen\). First aorist active of \epistell“\, to send to and so to write like our epistle (\epistolˆ\). Old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:15:20; strkjv@Hebrews:13:22|. It is the very word used by James in this "judgment" at the Conference (Acts:15:20|, \episteilai\). B D here read \apesteilamen\ from \apostell“\, to send away, to give orders. Wendt and Schuerer object to this as a gloss. Rather is it an explanation by James that he does not refer to the Gentile Christians whose freedom from the Mosaic ceremonial law was guaranteed at the Jerusalem Conference. James himself presided at that Conference and offered the resolution that was unanimously adopted. James stands by that agreement and repeats the main items (four: anything sacrificed to idols, blood, anything strangled, fornication, for discussion see strkjv@Acts:15|) from which they are to keep themselves (direct middle \phulassesthai\ of \phulass“\, indirect command after \krinantes\ with accusative, \autous\, of general reference). James has thus again cleared the air about the Gentiles who have believed (\pepisteukot“n\, perfect active participle genitive plural of \pisteu“\). He asks that Paul will stand by the right of Jewish Christians to keep on observing the Mosaic law. He has put the case squarely and fairly.

rwp@Acts:21:26 @{Took the men} (\paralab“n tous andras\). The very phrase used in verse 24| to Paul. {The next day} (\tˆi echomenˆi\). One of the phrases in strkjv@20:15| for the coming day. Locative case of time. {Purifying himself with them} (\sun autois hagnistheis\, first aorist passive participle of \hagniz“\). The precise language again of the recommendation in verse 24|. Paul was conforming to the letter. {Went into the temple} (\eisˆiei eis to hieron\). Imperfect active of \eiseimi\ as in verse 18| which see. Went on into the temple, descriptive imperfect. Paul joined the four men in their vow of separation. {Declaring} (\diaggell“n\). To the priests what day he would report the fulfilment of the vow. The priests would desire notice of the sacrifice. This verb only used by Luke in N.T. except strkjv@Romans:11:17| (quotation from the LXX). It is not necessary to assume that the vows of each of the five expired on the same day (Rackham). {Until the offering was offered for every one of them} (\he“s hou prosˆnechthˆ huper henos hekastou aut“n hˆ prosphora\). This use of \he“s hou\ (like \he“s\, alone) with the first aorist passive indicative \prosˆnechthˆ\ of \prospher“\, to offer, contemplates the final result (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 974f.) and is probably the statement of Luke added to Paul's announcement. He probably went into the temple one day for each of the brethren and one for himself. The question arises whether Paul acted wisely or unwisely in agreeing to the suggestion of James. What he did was in perfect harmony with his principle of accommodation in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:20| when no principle was involved. It is charged that here on this occasion Paul was unduly influenced by considerations of expediency and was willing for the Jewish Christians to believe him more of a Jew than was true in order to placate the situation in Jerusalem. Furneaux calls it a compromise and a failure. I do not so see it. To say that is to obscure the whole complex situation. What Paul did was not for the purpose of conciliating his opponents, the Judaizers, who had diligently spread falsehoods about him in Jerusalem as in Corinth. It was solely to break the power of these "false apostles" over the thousands in Jerusalem who have been deluded by Paul's accusers. Songs:far as the evidence goes that thing was accomplished. In the trouble that comes in Jerusalem and Caesarea the Judaizers cut no figure at all. The Jewish Christians do not appear in Paul's behalf, but there was no opportunity for them to do so. The explosion that came on the last day of Paul's appearance in the temple was wholly disconnected from his offerings for the four brethren and himself. It must be remembered that Paul had many kinds of enemies. The attack on him by these Jews from Asia had no connexion whatever with the slanders of the Judaizers about Paul's alleged teachings that Jewish Christians in the dispersion should depart from the Mosaic law. That slander was put to rest forever by his following the advice of James and justifies the wisdom of that advice and Paul's conduct about it.

rwp@Acts:21:27 @{The seven days} (\hai hepta hˆmerai\). For which Paul had taken the vow, though there may be an allusion to the pentecostal week for which Paul had desired to be present (20:16|). There is no necessary connexion with the vow in strkjv@18:15|. In strkjv@24:17| Paul makes a general reference to his purpose in coming to Jerusalem to bring alms and offerings (\prosphoras\, sacrifices). Paul spent seven days in Troas (20:6|), Tyre (21:4|), and had planned for seven here if not more. It was on the last of the seven days when Paul was completing his offerings about the vows on all five that the incident occurred that was to make him a prisoner for five years. {When they saw him in the temple} (\theasamenoi auton en t“i hier“i\). First aorist middle participle of \theaomai\ (from \thea\, a view, cf. theatre) to behold. In the very act of honouring the temple these Jews from Asia raise a hue and cry that he is dishonouring it. Paul was not known by face now to many of the Jerusalem Jews, though once the leader of the persecution after the death of Stephen and the outstanding young Jew of the day. But the Jews in Ephesus knew him only too well, some of whom are here at the pentecostal feast. They had plotted against him in Ephesus to no purpose (Acts:19:23-41; strkjv@20:19|), but now a new opportunity had come. It is possible that the cry was led by Alexander put forward by the Jews in Ephesus (19:33|) who may be the same as Alexander the coppersmith who did Paul so much harm (2Timothy:4:14|). Paul was not in the inner sanctuary (\ho naos\), but only in the outer courts (\to hieron\). {Stirred up all the multitude} (\sunecheon panta ton ochlon\). Imperfect (kept on) active of \sunche“\ or \sunchun“\ (\-unn“\), to pour together, to confuse as in strkjv@Acts:2:6; strkjv@9:22; strkjv@19:31,32; strkjv@21:31| and here to stir up by the same sort of confusion created by Demetrius in Ephesus where the same word is used twice (19:31,32|). The Jews from Ephesus had learned it from Demetrius the silversmith. {Laid hands on him} (\epebalan ep' auton tas cheiras\). Second aorist (ingressive, with endings of the first aorist, \-an\) active indicative of \epiball“\, old verb to lay upon, to attack (note repetition of \epi\). They attacked and seized Paul before the charge was made.

rwp@Acts:21:28 @{Help} (\boˆtheite\). Present active imperative of \boˆthe“\, to run (\the“\) at a cry (\boˆ\), as if an outrage had been committed like murder or assault. {All men everywhere} (\panta pantachˆi\). Alliterative. \Pantachˆi\ is a variation in MSS., often \pantachou\, and here only in the N.T. The charges against Paul remind one of those against Stephen (Acts:6:13|) in which Paul had participated according to his confession (22:20|). Like the charges against Stephen and Jesus before him truth and falsehood are mixed. Paul had said that being a Jew would not save a man. He had taught the law of Moses was not binding on Gentiles. He did hold, like Jesus and Stephen, that the temple was not the only place to worship God. But Paul gloried himself in being a Jew, considered the Mosaic law righteous for Jews, and was honouring the temple at this very moment. {And moreover also he brought Greeks also into the temple} (\eti te kai Hellˆnas eisˆgagen eis to hieron\). Note the three particles (\eti te kai\), {and} (\te\) {still more} (\eti\) {also} or {even} (\kai\). Worse than his teaching (\didask“n\) is his dreadful deed: he actually brought (\eisˆgagen\, second aorist active indicative of \eisag“\). This he had a right to do if they only went into the court of the Gentiles. But these Jews mean to imply that Paul had brought Greeks beyond this court into the court of Israel. An inscription was found by Clermont-Ganneau in Greek built into the walls of a mosque on the Via Dolorosa that was on the wall dividing the court of Israel from the court of the Gentiles. Death was the penalty to any Gentile who crossed over into the Court of Israel (_The Athenaeum_, July, 1871). {Hath defiled this holy place} (\kekoin“ken ton hagion topon touton\). Present perfect active of \koino“\, to make common (see on ¯10:14|). Note vivid change of tense, the defilement lasts (state of completion). All this is the substance of the call of these shrewd conspirators from Ephesus, Jews (not Jewish Christians, not even Judaizers) who hated him for his work there and who probably "spoke evil of the Way before the multitude" there so that Paul had to separate the disciples from the synagogue and go to the School of Tyrannus (19:9f.|). These enemies of Paul had now raised the cry of "fire" and vanish from the scene completely (24:19|). This charge was absolutely false as we shall see, made out of inferences of hate and suspicion.

rwp@Acts:21:29 @{For} (\gar\). Luke adds the reason for the wild charges made against Paul. {They had before seen} (\ˆsan proe“rakotes\). Periphrastic past perfect of \proora“\, old verb to see before, whether time or place. Only twice in the N.T., here and strkjv@Acts:2:25| quoted from strkjv@Psalms:15:8|. Note the double reduplication in \-e“-\ as in Attic (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 364). {With him in the city Trophimus the Ephesian} (\Trophimon ton Ephesion en tˆi polei sun aut“i\). The Jews from Asia (Ephesus) knew Trophimus by sight as well as Paul. One day they saw both of them together (\sun\) in the city. That was a fact. They had just seized Paul in the temple (\hieron\). That was another fact. {They supposed} (\enomizon\). Imperfect active of \nomiz“\, common to think or suppose. Perfectly harmless word, but they did, as so many people do, put their supposed inference on the same basis with the facts. They did not see Trophimus with Paul now in the temple, nor had they ever seen him there. They simply argued that, if Paul was willing to be seen down street with a Greek Christian, he would not hesitate to bring him (therefore, did bring him, \eisˆgagen\ as in verse 28|) into the temple, that is into the court of Israel and therefore both Paul and Trophimus were entitled to death, especially Paul who had brought him in (if he had) and, besides, they now had Paul. This is the way of the mob-mind in all ages. Many an innocent man has been rushed to his death by the fury of a lynching party.

rwp@Acts:21:30 @{All the city was shaken} (\ekinˆthˆ hˆ polis holˆ\). First aorist passive of \kine“\, common verb for violent motion and emotion. See also strkjv@24:5| where the word is used by Tertullus of Paul as the stirrer up of riots! {The people ran together} (\egeneto sundromˆ tou laou\). Rather, There came a running together (\sun-dromˆ\ from \sun-trech“\) of the people. The cry spread like wildfire over the city and there was a pell-mell scramble or rush to get to the place of the disturbance. {They laid hold on Paul} (\epilabomenoi tou Paulou\). Second aorist middle participle of \epilambanomai\ with the genitive (cf. \epebalan\ in verse 27|). {Dragged} (\heilkon\). Imperfect active of \helk“\ (and also \helku“\), old verb to drag or draw. Imperfect tense vividly pictures the act as going on. They were saving the temple by dragging Paul outside. Curiously enough both \epilabomenoi\ and \heilkusan\ occur in strkjv@16:19| about the arrest of Paul and Silas in Philippi. {Straightway the doors were shut} (\euthe“s ekleisthˆsan hai thurai\). With a bang and at once. First aorist (effective) passive of \klei“\. The doors between the inner court and the court of the Gentiles. But this was only the beginning, the preparation for the real work of the mob. They did not wish to defile the holy place with blood. The doors were shut by the Levites.

rwp@Acts:21:32 @{Forthwith} (\exautˆs\). Common in the _Koin‚_ (\ex autˆs\, supply \h“ras\, hour). {He took} (\paralab“n\). See verses 24,26|. {Centurions} (\hekatontarchas\). See on ¯Luke:7:2| for discussion. Plural shows that Lysias the chiliarch took several hundred soldiers along (a centurion with each hundred). {Ran down} (\katedramen\). Effective second aorist active indicative of \katatrech“\. From the tower of Antonia, vivid scene. {And they} (\hoi de\). Demonstrative use of \hoi\. The Jewish mob who had begun the work of killing Paul (verse 31|). {Left off beating Paul} (\epausanto tuptontes ton Paulon\). The participle with \pauomai\ describes what they were already doing, the supplementary participle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1121). They stopped before the job was over because of the sudden onset of the Roman soldiers. Some ten years before in a riot at the passover the Roman guard marched down and in the panic several hundred were trampled to death.

rwp@Acts:21:33 @{Came near} (\eggisas\). First aorist active participle of \eggiz“\, to draw near, _Koin‚_ verb from \eggus\, near, and common in the N.T. {Laid hold on him} (\epelabeto antou\). See same verb in verse 30|. {To be bound} (\dethˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \de“\ (see verse 11|). {With two chains} (\halusesi dusi\). Instrumental case of \halusis\, old word from \a\ privative and \lu“\ (not loosing, i.e. chaining). With two chains as a violent and seditious person, probably leader of a band of assassins (verse 38|). See on ¯Mark:5:4|. {Inquired} (\epunthaneto\). Imperfect middle of \punthanomai\, old and common verb used mainly by Luke in the N.T. Lysias repeated his inquiries. {Who he was} (\tis eiˆ\). Present active optative of \eimi\ changed from \estin\ (present indicative) in the indirect question, a change not obligatory after a past tense, but often done in the older Greek, rare in the N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1043f.). {And what he had done} (\kai ti estin pepoiˆk“s\). Periphrastic perfect active indicative of \poie“\ here retained, not changed to the optative as is true of \eiˆ\ from \estin\ in the same indirect question, illustrating well the freedom about it.

rwp@Acts:21:34 @{Some shouting one thing, some another} (\alloi allo ti epeph“noun\). Same idiom of \alloi allo\ as in strkjv@19:32| which see. The imperfect of \epiph“ne“\, to call out to, suits well the idiom. This old verb occurs in the N.T. only in Luke and Acts (already in strkjv@12:22|). {When he could not know} (\mˆ dunamenou autou gn“nai\). Genitive absolute of present middle participle of \dunamai\ with negative \mˆ\ and second aorist active infinitive of \gin“sk“\. {The certainty} (\to asphales\). Neuter articular adjective from \a\ privative and \sphall“\, to make totter or fall. Old word, in the N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:21:34; strkjv@22:30; strkjv@25:26; strkjv@Phillipians:3:1; strkjv@Hebrews:6:19|. {Into the castle} (\eis tˆn parembolˆn\). _Koin‚_ word from \paremball“\, to cast in by the side of, to assign soldiers a place, to encamp (see on ¯Luke:19:43|). Songs:\parembolˆ\ comes to mean an interpolation, then an army drawn up (Hebrews:11:34|), but mainly an encampment (Hebrews:13:11,13|), frequent in Polybius and LXX. Songs:here barracks of the Roman soldiers in the tower of Antonia as in verse 37; strkjv@22:24; strkjv@23:10,16,32|.

rwp@Acts:21:36 @{Followed after} (\ˆkolouthei\). Imperfect active of \akoluthe“\, was following. Cheated of their purpose to lynch Paul, they were determined to have his blood. {Crying out} (\krazontes\). Construction according to sense, plural masculine participle agreeing with neuter singular substantive \plˆthos\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 401). {Away with him} (\Aire auton\). The very words used by the mob to Pilate when they chose Barabbas in preference to Jesus (Luke:23:18|, \Aire touton\). He will hear it again from this same crowd (Acts:22:22|). It is the present imperative (\aire\) as in strkjv@Luke:23:18|, but some may have used the urgent aorist active imperative as also in the case of Jesus strkjv@John:19:15|, \ƒron, ƒron\ with \staur“son\ added). Luke does not say that this mob demanded crucifixion for Paul. He was learning what it was to share the sufferings of Christ as the sullen roar of the mob's yells rolled on and on in his ears.

rwp@Acts:21:37 @{May I say something unto thee?} (\Ei exestin moi eipein ti pros se?\). On this use of \ei\ in a direct question see on ¯1:6|. The calm self-control of Paul in the presence of this mob is amazing. His courteous request to Lysias was in Greek to the chiliarch's amazement. {Dost thou know Greek?} (\Hellˆnisti gin“skeis?\). Old Greek adverb in \-i\ from \Hellˆniz“\, meaning "in Greek." "Do you know it in Greek?" In the N.T. only here and strkjv@John:19:20|. {Art thou not then the Egyptian?} (\Ouk ara su ei ho Aiguptios?\). Expects the answer _Yes_ and \ara\ argues the matter (therefore). The well-known (\ho\) Egyptian who had given the Romans so much trouble. {Stirred up to sedition} (\anastat“sas\). First aorist active participle of \anastato“\, a late verb from \anastatos\, outcast, and so to unsettle, to stir up, to excite, once known only in LXX and strkjv@Acts:17:6| (which see); strkjv@21:38; strkjv@Galatians:5:12|, but now found in several papyri examples with precisely this sense to upset. {Of the Assassins} (\t“n sikari“n\). Latin word _sicarius_, one who carried a short sword \sica\ under his cloak, a cutthroat. Josephus uses this very word for bands of robbers under this Egyptian (_War_ II. 17,6 and 13,5; _Ant_. XX. 8,10). Josephus says that there were 30,000 who gathered on the Mount of Olives to see the walls of Jerusalem fall down and not merely 4,000 as Lysias does here. But Lysias may refer to the group that were armed thus (banditti) the core of the mob of 30,000. Lysias at once saw by Paul's knowledge of Greek that he was not the famous Egyptian who led the Assassins and escaped himself when Felix attacked and slew the most of them.

rwp@Acts:21:40 @{When he had given him leave} (\epitrepsantos autou\). Genitive absolute of aorist active participle of the same verb \epitrep“\. {Standing on the stairs} (\hest“s epi t“n anabathm“n\). Second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\, to place, but intransitive to stand. Dramatic scene. Paul had faced many audiences and crowds, but never one quite like this. Most men would have feared to speak, but not so Paul. He will speak about himself only as it gives him a chance to put Christ before this angry Jewish mob who look on Paul as a renegade Jew, a turncoat, a deserter, who went back on Gamaliel and all the traditions of his people, who not only turned from Judaism to Christianity, but who went after Gentiles and treated Gentiles as if they were on a par with Jews. Paul knows only too well what this mob thinks of him. {Beckoned with the hand} (\kateseise tˆi cheiri\). He shook down to the multitude with the hand (instrumental case \cheiri\), while Alexander, Luke says (19:33|), "shook down the hand" (accusative with the same verb, which see). In strkjv@26:1| Paul reached out the hand (\ekteinas tˆn cheira\). {When there was made a great silence} (\pollˆs sigˆs genomenˆs\). Genitive absolute again with second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\, "much silence having come." Paul waited till silence had come. {In the Hebrew language} (\tˆi Ebraidi dialekt“i\). The Aramaean which the people in Jerusalem knew better than the Greek. Paul could use either tongue at will. His enemies had said in Corinth that "his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible" (2Corinthians:10:10|). But surely even they would have to admit that Paul's stature and words reach heroic proportions on this occasion. Self-possessed with majestic poise Paul faces the outraged mob beneath the stairs.

rwp@Acts:22:3 @{I am a Jew} (\Eg“ eimi anˆr Ioudaios\). Note use of \Eg“\ for emphasis. Paul recounts his Jewish advantages or privileges with manifest pride as in strkjv@Acts:26:4f.; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:22; strkjv@Galatians:1:14; strkjv@Phillipians:3:4-7|. {Born} (\gegennˆmenos\). Perfect passive participle of \genna“\. See above in strkjv@21:39| for the claim of Tarsus as his birth-place. He was a Hellenistic Jew, not an Aramaean Jew (cf. strkjv@Acts:6:1|). {Brought up} (\anatethrammenos\). Perfect passive participle again of \anatreph“\, to nurse up, to nourish up, common old verb, but in the N.T. only here, strkjv@7:20ff.|, and MSS. in strkjv@Luke:4:16|. The implication is that Paul was sent to Jerusalem while still young, "from my youth" (26:4|), how young we do not know, possibly thirteen or fourteen years old. He apparently had not seen Jesus in the flesh (2Corinthians:5:16|). {At the feet of Gamaliel} (\pros tous podas Gamaliˆl\). The rabbis usually sat on a raised seat with the pupils in a circle around either on lower seats or on the ground. Paul was thus nourished in Pharisaic Judaism as interpreted by Gamaliel, one of the lights of Judaism. For remarks on Gamaliel see chapter strkjv@5:34ff|. He was one of the seven Rabbis to whom the Jews gave the highest title \Rabban\ (our Rabbi). \Rabbi\ (my teacher) was next, the lowest being \Rab\ (teacher). "As Aquinas among the schoolmen was called _Doctor Angelicus_, and Bonaventura _Doctor Seraphicus_, so Gamaliel was called _the Beauty of the Law_" (Conybeare and Howson). {Instructed} (\pepaideumenos\). Perfect passive participle again (each participle beginning a clause), this time of \paideu“\, old verb to train a child (\pais\) as in strkjv@7:22| which see. In this sense also in strkjv@1Timothy:1:20; strkjv@Titus:2:12|. Then to chastise as in strkjv@Luke:23:16,22| (which see); strkjv@2Timothy:2:25; strkjv@Hebrews:12:6f|. {According to the strict manner} (\kata akribeian\). Old word, only here in N.T. Mathematical accuracy, minute exactness as seen in the adjective in strkjv@26:5|. See also strkjv@Romans:10:2; Gal strkjv@1:4; strkjv@Phillipians:3:4-7|. {Of our fathers} (\patr“iou\). Old adjective from \pater\, only here and strkjv@24:14| in N.T. Means descending from father to son, especially property and other inherited privileges. \Patrikos\ (patrician) refers more to personal attributes and affiliations. {Being zealous for God} (\zˆl“tˆs huparch“n tou theou\). Not adjective, but substantive {zealot} (same word used by James of the thousands of Jewish Christians in Jerusalem, strkjv@21:20| which see) with objective genitive \tou theou\ (for God). See also verse 14; strkjv@28:17; strkjv@2Timothy:1:3| where he makes a similar claim. Songs:did Peter (Acts:3:13; strkjv@5:30|) and Stephen (7:32|). Paul definitely claims, whatever freedom he demanded for Gentile Christians, to be personally "a zealot for God" "even as ye all are this day" (\kath“s pantes humeis este sˆmeron\). In his conciliation he went to the limit and puts himself by the side of the mob in their zeal for the law, mistaken as they were about him. He was generous surely to interpret their fanatical frenzy as zeal for God. But Paul is sincere as he proceeds to show by appeal to his own conduct.

rwp@Acts:22:5 @{Doth bear me witness} (\marturei moi\). Present active indicative as if still living. Caiaphas was no longer high priest now, for Ananias is at this time (23:2|), though he may be still alive. {All the estate of the elders} (\pan to presbuterion\). All the eldership or the Sanhedrin (4:5|) of which Paul was probably then a member (26:10|). Possibly some of those present were members of the Sanhedrin then (some 20 odd years ago). {From whom} (\par' h“n\). The high priest and the Sanhedrin. {Letters unto the brethren} (\epistalas pros tous adelphous\). Paul still can tactfully call the Jews his "brothers" as he did in strkjv@Romans:9:3|. There is no bitterness in his heart. {Journeyed} (\eporeuomˆn\). Imperfect middle indicative of \poreuomai\, and a vivid reality to Paul still as he was going on towards Damascus. {To bring also} (\ax“n kai\). Future active participle of \ag“\, to express purpose, one of the few N.T. examples of this classic idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1118). {Them which were there} (\tous ekeise ontas\). _Constructio praegnans_. The usual word would be \ekei\ (there), not \ekeise\ (thither). Possibly the Christians who had fled to Damascus, and so were there (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 548). {In bonds} (\dedemenous\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\, predicate position, "bound." {For to be punished} (\hina tim“rˆth“sin\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \tim“re“\, old verb to avenge, to take vengeance on. In the N.T. only here, and strkjv@26:11|. Pure final clause with \hina\. He carried his persecution outside of Palestine just as later he carried the gospel over the Roman empire.

rwp@Acts:22:6 @{And it came to pass} (\egeneto de\). Rather than the common \kai egeneto\ and with the infinitive (\periastrapsai\), one of the three constructions with \kai (de) egeneto\ by Luke (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1042f.), followed by \kai\, by finite verb, by subject infinitive as here. {As I made my journey} (\moi poreuomen“i\). To me (dative after \egeneto\, happened to me) journeying (participle agreeing with \moi\). See this same idiom in verse 17|. Luke uses \egeneto de\ seventeen times in the gospel and twenty-one in the Acts. {Unto Damascus} (\tˆi Damask“i\). Dative after \eggizonti\ (drawing nigh to). {About noon} (\peri mesˆmbrian\). Mid (\mesos\) day (\hˆmera\), old word, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@8:26| which see where it may mean "toward the south." An item not in ch. 9. {Shone round about me} (\periastrapsai peri eme\). First aorist active infinitive of \periastrapt“\, to flash around, in LXX and late Greek, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@9:3| which see. Note repetition of \peri\. {A great light} (\ph“s hikanon\). Luke's favourite word \hikanon\ (considerable). Accusative of general reference with the infinitive.

rwp@Acts:22:11 @{I could not see} (\ouk eneblepon\). Imperfect active of \emblep“\, I was not seeing, same fact stated in strkjv@9:8|. Here the reason as "for the glory of that light" (\apo tˆs doxˆs tou ph“tos ekeinou\). {Being led by the hand} (\cheirag“goumenos\). Present passive participle of \cheirag“ge“\, the same verb used in strkjv@9:8| (\cheirag“gountes\) which see. Late verb, in the N.T. only in these two places. In LXX.

rwp@Acts:22:15 @{A witness for him} (\martus aut“i\). As in strkjv@1:8|. {Of what} (\h“n\). Attraction of the accusative relative \ha\ to the genitive case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\. {Thou hast seen and heard} (\he“rakas\, present perfect active indicative \kai ˆkousas\, first aorist active indicative). This subtle change of tense is not preserved in the English. Blass properly cites the perfect \he“raka\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:1| as proof of Paul's enduring qualification for the apostleship.

rwp@Acts:22:17 @{When I had returned} (\moi hupostrepsanti\), {while I prayed} (\proseuchomenou mou\), {I fell} (\genesthai me\). Note dative \moi\ with \egeneto\ as in verse 6|, genitive \mou\ (genitive absolute with \proseuchomenou\), accusative of general reference \me\ with \genesthai\, and with no effort at uniformity, precisely as in strkjv@15:22,23| which see. The participle is especially liable to such examples of anacolutha (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 439).

rwp@Acts:22:20 @{Was shed} (\exechunneto\). Imperfect passive of \ekchunn“\ (see on ¯Matthew:23:35|), was being shed. {Witness} (\marturos\). And "martyr" also as in strkjv@Revelation:2:13; strkjv@17:6|. Transition state for the word here. {I also was standing by} (\kai autos ˆmˆn ephest“s\). Periphrastic second past perfect in form, but imperfect (linear) in sense since \hest“s=histamenos\ (intransitive). {Consenting} (\suneudok“n\). The very word used by Luke in strkjv@Acts:8:1| about Paul. _Koin‚_ word for being pleased at the same time with (cf. strkjv@Luke:11:48|). Paul adds here the item of "guarding the clothes of those who were slaying (\anairount“n\ as in strkjv@Luke:23:32; strkjv@Acts:12:2|) him" (Stephen). Paul recalls the very words of protest used by him to Jesus. He did not like the idea of running away to save his own life right where he had helped slay Stephen. He is getting on dangerous ground.

rwp@Acts:22:22 @{They gave him audience} (\ˆkouon\). Imperfect active, they kept on listening, at least with respectful attention. {Unto this word} (\achri toutou tou logou\). But "this word" was like a spark in a powder magazine or a torch to an oil tank. The explosion of pent-up indignation broke out instantly worse than at first (21:30|). {Away with such a fellow from the earth} (\Aire apo tˆs gˆs ton toiouton\). They renew the cry with the very words in strkjv@21:36|, but with "from the earth" for vehemence. {For it is not fit} (\ou gar kathˆken\). Imperfect active of \kathˆk“\, old verb to come down to, to become, to fit. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:28|. The imperfect is a neat Greek idiom for impatience about an obligation: It was not fitting, he ought to have been put to death long ago. The obligation is conceived as not lived up to like our "ought" (past of owe). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 886.

rwp@Acts:22:23 @{As they cried out} (\kraugazont“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \kraugaz“\, a rare word in the old Greek from \kraugˆ\ (a cry). See on ¯Matthew:12:19|. Two other genitive absolutes here, \rhiptount“n\ (throwing off, present active participle, frequent active variation of \rhipt“\) and \ballont“n\ (present active participle of \ball“\, flinging). These present participles give a lively picture of the uncontrolled excitement of the mob in their spasm of wild rage.

rwp@Acts:22:26 @{What art thou about to do?} (\Ti melleis poiein?\). On the point of doing, sharp warning.

rwp@Acts:22:27 @{Art thou a Roman?} (\Su Romaios ei?\). {Thou} (emphatic position) a Roman? It was unbelievable.

rwp@Acts:22:29 @{Departed from him} (\apestˆsan ap' autou\). Second aorist active indicative (intransitive) of \aphistˆmi\, stood off from him at once. {Was afraid} (\ephobˆthˆ\). Ingressive aorist passive indicative of \phobeomai\, became afraid. He had reason to be. {That he was a Roman} (\hoti Romaios estin\). Indirect assertion with tense of \estin\ retained. {Because he had bound him} (\hoti auton ˆn dedek“s\). Causal \hoti\ here after declarative \hoti\ just before. Periphrastic past perfect active of \de“\, to bind.

rwp@Acts:22:30 @{To know the certainty} (\gn“nai to asphales\). Same idiom in strkjv@21:34| which see. {Wherefore he was accused} (\to ti kategoreitai\). Epexegetical after to \asphales\. Note article (accusative case) with the indirect question here as in strkjv@Luke:22:1,23,24| (which see), a neat idiom in the Greek. {Commanded} (\ekeleusen\). Songs:the Sanhedrin had to meet, but in the Tower of Antonia, for he brought Paul down (\katagag“n\, second aorist active participle of \katag“\). {Set him} (\estˆsen\). First aorist active (transitive) indicative of \histˆmi\, not the intransitive second aorist \estˆ\. Lysias is determined to find out the truth about Paul, more puzzled than ever by the important discovery that he has a Roman citizen on his hands in this strange prisoner.

rwp@Acts:23:2 @{Ananias} (\Hananias\). Not the one in strkjv@Luke:3:2; strkjv@John:18:13; strkjv@Acts:4:7|, but the son of Nebedaeus, nominated high priest by Herod, King of Chalcis, A.D. 48 and till A.D. 59. He was called to Rome A.D. 52 to answer "a charge of rapine and cruelty made against him by the Samaritans, but honourably acquitted" (Page). Though high priest, he was a man of bad character. {Them that stood by him} (\tois parest“sin aut“i\). Dative case of second perfect participle of \paristˆmi\, to place, and intransitive. See the same form in verse 4| (\parest“tes\). {To smite him on the mouth} (\tuptein autou to stoma\). See on ¯12:45; strkjv@18:17|. Cf. the treatment of Jesus (John:18:22|). Ananias was provoked by Paul's self-assertion while on trial before his judges. "The act was illegal and peculiarly offensive to a Jew at the hands of a Jew" (Knowling). More self-control might have served Paul better. Smiting the mouth or cheek is a peculiarly irritating offence and one not uncommon among the Jews and this fact gives point to the command of Jesus to turn the other check (Luke:6:29| where \tupt“\ is also used).

rwp@Acts:23:3 @{Thou whited wall} (\toiche kekoniamene\). Perfect passive participle of \konia“\ (from \konia\, dust or lime). The same word used in strkjv@Matthew:23:27| for "whited sepulchres" (\taphoi kekoniamenoi\) which see. It is a picturesque way of calling Ananias a hypocrite, undoubtedly true, but not a particularly tactful thing for a prisoner to say to his judge, not to say Jewish high priest. Besides, Paul had hurled back at him the word \tuptein\ (smite) in his command, putting it first in the sentence (\tuptein se mellei ho theos\) in strong emphasis. Clearly Paul felt that he, not Ananias, was living as a good citizen in God's commonwealth. {And sittest thou to judge me?} (\Kai su kathˆi krin“n me?\) Literally, "And thou (being what thou art) art sitting (\kathˆi\, second person singular middle of \kathˆmai\, late form for \kathˆsai\, the uncontracted form) judging me." Cf. strkjv@Luke:22:30|. \Kai su\ at the beginning of a question expresses indignation. {Contrary to the law} (\paranom“n\). Present active participle of \paranome“\, old verb to act contrary to the law, here alone in the N.T., "acting contrary to the law."

rwp@Acts:23:6 @{But when Paul perceived} (\gnous de ho Paulos\). Perceiving (second aorist ingressive of \gin“sk“\). Paul quickly saw that his cause was ruined before the Sanhedrin by his unwitting attack on the high priest. It was impossible to get a fair hearing. Hence, Vincent says, "Paul, with great tact, seeks to bring the two parties of the council into collision with each other." Songs:Alford argues with the motto "divide and conquer." Farrar condemns Paul and takes strkjv@24:21| as a confession of error here, but that is reading into Paul's word about the resurrection more than he says. Page considers Luke's report meagre and unsatisfactory. Rackham thinks that the trial was already started and that Paul repeated part of his speech of the day before when "the Sadducees received his words with ostentatious scepticism and ridicule: this provoked counter-expressions of sympathy and credulity among the Pharisees." But all this is inference. We do not have to adopt the Jesuitical principle that the end justifies the means in order to see shrewdness and hard sense in what Paul said and did. Paul knew, of course, that the Sanhedrin was nearly evenly divided between Pharisees and Sadducees, for he himself had been a Pharisee. {I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees} (\Eg“ Pharisaios eimi huios Pharisai“n\). This was strictly true as we know from his Epistles (Phillipians:3:5|). {Touching the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question} (\peri elpidos kai anastase“s nekr“n krinomai\). This was true also and this is the point that Paul mentions in strkjv@24:21|. His failure to mention again the fact that he was a Pharisee throws no discredit on Luke's report here. The chief point of difference between Pharisees and Sadducees was precisely this matter of the resurrection. And this was Paul's cardinal doctrine as a Christian minister. It was this fact that convinced him that Jesus was the Messiah and was "the very centre of his faith" (Page) and of his preaching. It was not a mere trick for Paul to proclaim this fact here and so divide the Sanhedrin. As a matter of fact, the Pharisees held aloof when the Sadducees persecuted Peter and the other apostles for preaching resurrection in the case of Jesus and even Gamaliel threw cold water on the effort to punish them for it (Acts:5:34-39|). Songs:then Paul was really recurring to the original cleavage on this point and was able to score a point against the Sadducees as Gamaliel, his great teacher, had done before him. Besides, "Paul and Pharisaism seem to us such opposite ideas that we often forget that to Paul Christianity was the natural development of Judaism" (Page). Paul shows this in strkjv@Galatians:3; strkjv@Romans:9-11|.

rwp@Acts:23:7 @{When he had so said} (\touto autou lalountos\). Genitive absolute of present participle (Westcott and Hort) rather than aorist (\eipontos\). While he was saying this. {A dissension} (\stasis\). This old word for standing or station (Hebrews:9:8|) from \histˆmi\, to place, we have seen already to mean insurrection (Acts:19:40| which see). Here it is strife as in strkjv@15:2|. {Was divided} (\eschisthˆ\). See on ¯14:4|.

rwp@Acts:23:10 @{When there arose a great dissension} (\pollˆs tˆs ginomenˆs stase“s\). Present middle participle (genitive absolute). Literally, "dissension becoming much." {Lest Paul should be torn in pieces by them} (\mˆ diaspasthˆi ho Paulos\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \diaspa“\, to draw in two, to tear in pieces, old verb, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:5:4| of tearing chains in two. The subjunctive with \mˆ\ is the common construction after a verb of fearing (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 995). {The soldiers} (\to strateuma\). The army, the band of soldiers and so in verse 27|. {To go down} (\kataban\). Second aorist active participle of \katabain“\, having gone down. {Take him by force} (\harpasai\). To seize. The soldiers were to seize and save Paul from the midst of (\ek mesou\) the rabbis or preachers (in their rage to get at each other). Paul was more of a puzzle to Lysias now than ever.

rwp@Acts:23:11 @{The night following} (\tˆi epiousˆi nukti\). Locative case, on the next (following) night. {The Lord} (\ho kurios\). Jesus. Paul never needed Jesus more than now. On a previous occasion the whole church prayed for Peter's release (12:5|), but Paul clearly had no such grip on the church as that, though he had been kindly welcomed (21:18|). In every crisis Jesus appears to him (cf. strkjv@Acts:18:9|). It looked dark for Paul till Jesus spoke. Once before in Jerusalem Jesus spoke words of cheer (22:18|). Then he was told to leave Jerusalem. Now he is to have "cheer" or "courage" (\tharsei\). Jesus used this very word to others (Matthew:9:2,22; strkjv@Mark:10:49|). It is a brave word. {Thou hast testified} (\diemartur“\). First aorist middle indicative second person singular of \diamarturomai\, strong word (see on ¯22:18|). {Must thou} (\se dei\). That is the needed word and on this Paul leans. His hopes (19:21|) of going to Rome will not be in vain. He can bide Christ's time now. And Jesus has approved his witness in Jerusalem.

rwp@Acts:23:15 @{Ye} (\humeis\). Emphatic. {Signify} (\emphanisate\). First aorist active imperative of \emphaniz“\. Make plain from \emphanˆs\, chiefly in Acts. Repeated in verse 22|. The authority is with the chiliarch not with the Sanhedrin, but he had appealed to the Sanhedrin for advice. {As though ye would judge of his case more exactly} (\h“s mellontas diagin“skein akribesteron ta peri autou\). \H“s\ with the participle gives the alleged reason as here. Songs:also in verse 20|. \Diagnosk“\, old verb to distinguish accurately, only here in N.T. and strkjv@24:22|. {Or ever come near} (\pro tou eggisai auton\). "Before the coming near as to him." \Pro\ and the genitive of the articular infinitive of \eggiz“\ with accusative of general reference. {We are ready to slay him} (\hetoimoi esmen tou anelein auton\). Genitive of purpose of the articular infinitive after the adjective \hetoimoi\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1061). \Anelein\, second aorist active of \anaire“\.

rwp@Acts:23:16 @{Their lying in wait} (\tˆn enedran\). Old word from \en\ (in) and \hedra\ (seat), ambush. In N.T. only here and strkjv@25:3|. Accusative object of \akousas\. {He came} (\paragenomenos\). Second aorist middle participle of \paraginomai\. It may mean, "having come upon them" and so discount their plot, a graphic touch. Vincent thinks that some Pharisee, since Paul was a Pharisee and so a member of the "guild," told his nephew of the plot. Perhaps, and perhaps not. {Told Paul} (\apˆggeilen t“i Paul“i\). This nephew is not known otherwise. He may be a student here from Tarsus as Paul once was. Anyhow he knows what to do when he catches on to the conspirators. He had enough address to get into the barracks where Paul was. He ran the risk of death if discovered.

rwp@Acts:23:17 @{Called unto him} (\proskalesamenos\). First aorist participle indirect middle, calling to himself. Paul laid his plans as energetically as if Jesus had not promised that he would see Rome (23:11|). {Bring} (\apage\). "Take away."

rwp@Acts:23:25 @{And he wrote} (\grapsas\). First aorist active participle of \graph“\, agreeing with the subject (Lysias) of \eipen\ (said) back in verse 23| (beginning). {After this form} (\echousan ton tupon touton\). Textus Receptus has \periechousan\. The use of \tupon\ (type or form) like _exemplum_ in Latin (Page who quotes Cicero _Ad Att_. IX. 6. 3) may give merely the purport or substantial contents of the letter. But there is no reason for thinking that it is not a genuine copy since the letter may have been read in open court before Felix, and Luke was probably with Paul. The Roman law required that a subordinate officer like Lysias in reporting a case to his superior should send a written statement of the case and it was termed _elogium_. A copy of the letter may have been given Paul after his appeal to Caesar. It was probably written in Latin. The letter is a "dexterous mixture of truth and falsehood" (Furneaux) with the stamp of genuineness. It puts things in a favourable light for Lysias and makes no mention of his order to scourge Paul.

rwp@Acts:23:27 @{Was seized} (\sullˆmphthenta\). First aorist passive participle of \sullamban“\. {Rescued him having learned that he was a Roman} (\exeilamen math“n hoti Romaios estin\). Wendt, Zoeckler, and Furneaux try to defend this record of two facts by Lysias in the wrong order from being an actual lie as Bengel rightly says. Lysias did rescue Paul and he did learn that he was a Roman, but in this order. He did not first learn that he was a Roman and then rescue him as his letter states. The use of the aorist participle (\math“n\ from \manthan“\) after the principal verb \exeilamen\ (second aorist middle of \exaire“\, to take out to oneself, to rescue) can be either simultaneous action or antecedent. There is in Greek no such idiom as the aorist participle of subsequent action (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1112-14). Lysias simply reversed the order of the facts and omitted the order for scourging Paul to put himself in proper light with Felix his superior officer and actually poses as the protector of a fellow Roman citizen.

rwp@Acts:23:30 @{When it was shown to me that there would be a plot} (\mˆnutheisˆs moi epiboulˆs esesthai\). Two constructions combined; genitive absolute (\mˆnutheisˆs epiboulˆs\, first aorist passive participle of \mˆnu“\) and future infinitive (\esesthai\ as if \epiboulˆn\ accusative of general reference used) in indirect assertion after \mˆnu“\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 877). {Charging his accusers also} (\paraggeilas kai tois katˆgorois\). First aorist active participle of \paraggell“\ with which compare \math“n\ above (verse 27|), not subsequent action. Dative case in \katˆgorois\. {Before thee} (\epi sou\). Common idiom for "in the presence of" when before a judge (like Latin _apud_) as in strkjv@24:20,21; strkjv@25:26; strkjv@26:2|. What happened to the forty conspirators we have no way of knowing. Neither they nor the Jews from Asia are heard of more during the long five years of Paul's imprisonment in Caesarea and Rome.

rwp@Acts:23:31 @{As it was commanded them} (\kata to diatetagmenon autois\). "According to that which was commanded them," perfect passive articular participle of \diatass“\. {By night} (\dia nuktos\). Through the night, travelling by night forty miles from Jerusalem to Antipatris which was founded by Herod the Great and was on the road from Jerusalem to Caesarea, a hard night's ride.

rwp@Acts:23:33 @{And they} (\hoitines\). Which very ones, the cavalry, the horsemen of verse 31|. {Delivered} (\anadontes\). Second aorist active participle of \anadid“mi\, old verb to give up, to hand over, here only in the N.T. {Presented Paul also} (\parestˆsan kai ton Paulon\). First aorist active (transitive, not second aorist intransitive) indicative of \paristˆmi\, common verb to present or place beside. What would Paul's friends in Caesarea (Philip and his daughters) think of the prophecy of Agabus now so quickly come true.

rwp@Acts:23:34 @{When he had read it} (\anagnous\). Second aorist active participle of \anagin“sk“\, to know again, to read. {Of what province he was} (\ek poias eparcheias estin\). Tense of \estin\ (is) retained in indirect question. \Poias\ is strictly "of what kind of" province, whether senatorial or imperial. Cilicia, like Judea, was under the control of the propraetor of Syria (imperial province). Paul's arrest was in Jerusalem and so under the jurisdiction of Felix unless it was a matter of insurrection when he could appeal to the propraetor of Syria.

rwp@Acts:24:1 @{And with an Orator, one Tertullus} (\kai rhˆtoros Tertullou tinos\). A deputation of elders along with the high priest Ananias, not the whole Sanhedrin, but no hint of the forty conspirators or of the Asian Jews. The Sanhedrin had become divided so that now it is probably Ananias (mortally offended) and the Sadducees who take the lead in the prosecution of Paul. It is not clear whether after five days is from Paul's departure from Jerusalem or his arrival in Caesarea. If he spent nine days in Jerusalem, then the five days would be counted from then (verse 11|). The employment of a Roman lawyer (Latin _orator_) was necessary since the Jews were not familiar with Roman legal procedure and it was the custom in the provinces (Cicero _pro Cael_. 30). The speech was probably in Latin which Paul may have understood also. \Rhˆt“r\ is a common old Greek word meaning a forensic orator or advocate but here only in the N.T. The Latin _rhetor_ was a teacher of rhetoric, a very different thing. Tertullus is a diminutive of Tertius (Romans:16:22|). {Informed} (\enephanisan\). Same verb as in strkjv@23:15,22|, somewhat like our modern "indictment," certainly accusations "against Paul" (\kata tou Paulou\). They were down on Paul and the hired barrister was prosecuting attorney. For the legal form see _Oxyrhynchus Papyri_, Vol. II., p. 162, line 19.

rwp@Acts:24:2 @{When he (Paul) was called} (\klˆthentos autou\). Genitive absolute (as so often in Acts) with first aorist passive participle of \kale“\. Seeing that by thee we enjoy much peace (\pollˆs eirˆnˆs tugchanontes dia sou\). Literally, obtaining much peace by thee. A regular piece of flattery, _captatio benevolentiae_, to ingratiate himself into the good graces of the governor. Felix had suppressed a riot, but Tacitus (_Ann_. XII. 54) declares that Felix secretly encouraged banditti and shared the plunder for which the Jews finally made complaint to Nero who recalled him. But it sounded well to praise Felix for keeping peace in his province, especially as Tertullus was going to accuse Paul of being a disturber of the peace. {And that by thy providence} (\kai dia tˆs pronoias\). Forethought, old Greek word from \pronoos\ (\pronoe“\ in strkjv@1Timothy:5:8; strkjv@Romans:12:17; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:21|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:13:14|. "Providence" is Latin _Providentia_ (foreseeing, _provideo_). Roman coins often have _Providentia Caesaris_. Post-Augustan Latin uses it of God (Deus). {Evils are corrected for this nation} (\diorth“mat“n ginomen“n t“i ethnei tout“i\). Genitive absolute again, \ginomen“n\, present middle participle describing the process of reform going on for this nation (dative case of personal interest). \Diorth“ma\ (from \diortho“\, to set right) occurs from Aristotle on of setting right broken limbs (Hippocrates) or reforms in law and life (Polybius, Plutarch). "Reform continually taking place for this nation." Felix the Reform Governor of Judea! It is like a campaign speech, but it doubtless pleased Felix.

rwp@Acts:24:5 @{For we have found} (\heurontes gar\). Second aorist active participle of \heurisk“\, but without a principal verb in the sentence. Probably we have here only a "summary of the charges against Paul" (Page). {A pestilent fellow} (\loimon\). An old word for pest, plague, pestilence, Paul the pest. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:21:11| (\loimoi kai limoi\, pestilences and famines) which see. Latin _pestis_. Think of the greatest preacher of the ages being branded a pest by a contemporary hired lawyer. {A mover of insurrections} (\kinounta staseis\). This was an offence against Roman law if it could be proven. "Plotted against at Damascus, plotted against at Jerusalem, expelled from Pisidian Antioch, stoned at Lystra, scourged and imprisoned at Philippi, accused of treason at Thessalonica, haled before the proconsul at Corinth, cause of a serious riot at Ephesus, and now finally of a riot at Jerusalem" (Furneaux). Specious proof could have been produced, but was not. Tertullus went on to other charges with which a Roman court had no concern (instance Gallio in Corinth). {Throughout the world} (\kata tˆn oikoumenˆn\). The Roman inhabited earth (\gˆn\) as in strkjv@17:6|. {A ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes} (\pr“tostatˆn tˆs t“n Naz“rai“n hairese“s\). \Pr“tostatˆs\ is an old word in common use from \pr“tos\ and \histˆmi\, a front-rank man, a chief, a champion. Here only in the N.T. This charge is certainly true. About "sect" (\hairesis\) see on ¯5:17|. \Naz“raioi\ here only in the plural in the N.T., elsewhere of Jesus (Matthew:2:23; strkjv@26:71; strkjv@Luke:18:37; strkjv@John:18:5,7; strkjv@19:19; strkjv@Acts:2:22; strkjv@3:6; strkjv@4:10; strkjv@6:14; strkjv@22:8; strkjv@26:9|). The disciple is not above his Master. There was a sneer in the term as applied to Jesus and here to his followers.

rwp@Acts:24:10 @{When the governor had beckoned to him} (\neusantos aut“i tou hˆgemonos\). Genitive absolute again with first aorist active participle of \neu“\, to give a nod, old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@John:13:24|. "The governor nodding to him." {Forasmuch as I know} (\epistamenos\). Knowing, from \epistamai\. {That thou hast been of many years a judge} (\ek poll“n et“n onta se kritˆn\). The participle in indirect assertion after \epistamenos\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1041). Paul goes as far as he can in the way of a compliment. For seven years Felix has been governor, \onta\ being a sort of progressive present participle with \ek poll“n et“n\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 892). {Cheerfully} (\euthum“s\). Old adverb from \euthumos\ (\eu\ and \thumos\, good spirit), here only in N.T. {Make my defence} (\apologoumai\). Old and regular word for this idea as in strkjv@Luke:21:14| which see.

rwp@Acts:24:11 @{Seeing that thou canst take knowledge} (\dunamenou sou epign“nai\). Genitive absolute again. The same word and form (\epign“nai\) used by Tertullus, if in Greek, in verse 8| to Felix. Paul takes it up and repeats it. {Not more than twelve days} (\ou pleious hˆmerai d“deka\). Here \ˆ\ (than) is absent without change of case to the ablative as usually happens. But this idiom is found in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 666). {Since} (\aph' hˆs\). Supply \hˆmeras\, "from which day." {To worship} (\proskunˆs“n\). One of the few examples of the future participle of purpose so common in the old Attic.

rwp@Acts:24:16 @{Herein} (\en tout“i\). His whole confession of belief in verses 14,15|. {Do I also exercise myself} (\kai autos ask“\). "Do I also myself take exercise," take pains, labour, strive. Old word in Homer to work as raw materials, to adorn by art, then to drill. Our word ascetic comes from this root, one who seeks to gain piety by rules and severe hardship. Paul claims to be equal to his accusers in efforts to please God. {Void of offence} (\aproskopon\). This word belongs to the papyri and N.T. (only in Paul), not in the ancient writers. The papyri examples (Moulton Milligan, _Vocabulary_) use the word to mean "free from hurt or harm." It is a privative and \proskopt“\ (to cut or stumble against). Page likes "void of offence" since that can be either active "not stumbling" as in strkjv@Phillipians:1:10| or passive "not stumbled against" as in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:32| (the first toward God and the second toward men), the only other N.T. examples. Hence the word here appears in both senses (the first towards God, the second towards men). Paul adds "alway" (\dia pantos\), a bold claim for a consistent aim in life. "Certainly his conscience acquitted him of having caused any offence to his countrymen" (Rackham). Furneaux thinks that it must have been wormwood and gall to Ananias to hear Paul repeat here the same words because of which he had ordered Paul to be smitten on the mouth (23:1f.|).

rwp@Acts:24:17 @{After many years} (\di' et“n pleion“n\). "At an interval (\dia\) of more (\pleion“n\) years" (than a few, one must add), not "after many years." If, as is likely Paul went up to Jerusalem in strkjv@Acts:18:22|, that was some five years ago and would justify "\pleion“n\" (several years ago or some years ago). {To bring alms} (\eleˆmosunas poiˆson\). Another (see \proskunˆs“n\ in verse 11|) example of the future participle of purpose in the N.T. These "alms" (on \eleˆmosunas\ see on ¯Matthew:6:1,4; strkjv@Acts:10:2|, common in Tobit and is in the papyri) were for the poor saints in Jerusalem (1Corinthians:16:1-4; strkjv@2Corinthians:8; 9; strkjv@Romans:15:26|) who were none the less Jews. "And offerings" (\kai prosphoras\). The very word used in strkjv@21:26| of the offerings or sacrifices made by Paul for the four brethren and himself. It does not follow that it was Paul's original purpose to make these "offerings" before he came to Jerusalem (cf. strkjv@18:18|). He came up to worship (verse 11|) and to be present at Pentecost (20:16|).

rwp@Acts:24:18 @{Amidst which} (\en hail\). That is, "in which offerings" (in presenting which offerings, strkjv@21:27|). {They found me} (my accusers here present, \heuron me\), {purified in the temple} (\hˆgnismenon en t“i hier“i\). Perfect passive participle of \hagniz“\ (same verb in strkjv@21:24,26|) state of completion of the Jewish sacrifices which had gone on for seven days (21:27|), the very opposite of the charges made. {With no crowd} (\ou meta ochlou\). "Not with a crowd" till the Asiatic Jews gathered one (21:27|). {Nor yet with tumult} (\oude meta thorubou\). They made the tumult (27:30|), not Paul. Till they made the stir, all was quiet.

rwp@Acts:24:20 @{These men themselves} (\autoi houtoi\). Since the Asiatic Jews are not present and these men are. {Wrong doing} (\adikˆma\). Or misdeed. Old word from \adike“\, to do wrong. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:18:14; strkjv@Revelation:18:5|. Paul uses "\adikˆma\" from the standpoint of his accusers. "To a less sensitive conscience his action before the Sanhedrin would have seemed venial enough" (Furneaux). {When I stood} (\stantos mou\). Genitive absolute, second aorist active participle of \histˆmi\ (intransitive), "when I took my stand." {Before the council} (\epi tou sunedriou\). Same use of \epi\ with genitive as in verse 19|.

rwp@Acts:24:21 @{Except it be} (\e\). Literally, "than," but after interrogative \ti = ti allo\ "what else than." {For this one voice} (\peri mias tautˆs ph“nˆs\). The normal Greek idiom with the attributive use of \houtos\ calls for the article before \mias\, though some inscriptions show it as here (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 702). {That} (\hˆs\). Genitive of the relative attracted to the case of the antecedent {ph“nˆs}. {I cried} (\ekekraxa\). Reduplicated aorist as is usual with this verb in the LXX (Judges:3:15|). Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 348. {Touching} (\peri\). Concerning (around, about). {I am called in question} (\krinomai\). As in strkjv@23:6|. {Before you} (\eph' hum“n\). Same idiom as in verses 19,20|.

rwp@Acts:24:22 @{Having more exact knowledge} (\akribesteron eid“s\). "Knowing" (second perfect active participle of \oida\) "more accurately" (comparative of adverb \akrib“s\). More accurately than what? Than the Sanhedrin supposed he had "concerning the Way" (\ta peri tˆs hodou\, the things concerning the Way, common in Acts for Christianity). How Felix had gained this knowledge of Christianity is not stated. Philip the Evangelist lived here in Caesarea and there was a church also. Drusilla was a Jewess and may have told him something. Besides, it is wholly possible that Felix knew of the decision of Gallio in Corinth that Christianity was a _religio licita_ as a form of Judaism. As a Roman official he knew perfectly well that the Sanhedrin with the help of Tertullus had failed utterly to make out a case against Paul. He could have released Paul and probably would have done so but for fear of offending the Jews whose ruler he was and the hope that Paul (note "alms" in verse 17|) might offer him bribes for his liberty. {Deferred them} (\anebaleto autous\). Second aorist middle indicative of \anaball“\, old verb (only here in N.T.) to throw or toss up, to put back or off, in middle to put off from one, to delay, to adjourn. Felix adjourned the case without a decision under a plausible pretext, that he required the presence of Lysias in person, which was not the case. Lysias had already said that Paul was innocent and was never summoned to Caesarea, so far as we know. Since Paul was a Roman citizen, Lysias could have thrown some light on the riot, if he had any. {Shall come down} (\katabˆi\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \katabain“\. {I will determine your matter} (\diagn“somai ta kath' humƒs\). Future middle of \diagin“sk“\, old and common verb to know accurately or thoroughly (\dia\). In the N.T. only here (legal sense) and strkjv@23:15|. "The things according to you" (plural, the matters between Paul and the Sanhedrin).

rwp@Acts:24:25 @{Was terrified} (\emphobos genomenos\). Ingressive aorist middle of \ginomai\, "becoming terrified." \Emphobos\ (\en\ and \phobos\) old word, in the N.T. only strkjv@Luke:24:5; strkjv@Acts:10:5; strkjv@24:25; strkjv@Revelation:11:13|. Paul turned the tables completely around and expounded "the faith in Christ Jesus" as it applied to Felix and Drusilla and discoursed (\dialegomenou autou\, genitive absolute) concerning "righteousness" (\dikaiosunˆs\) which they did not possess, "self-control" or temperance (\egkrateias\) which they did not exhibit, and "the judgment to come" (\tou krimatos tou mellontos\) which was certain to overtake them. Felix was brought under conviction, but apparently not Drusilla. Like another Herodias her resentment was to be feared (Knowling). {Go thy way for this time} (\to nun echon poreuou\). The ancient Greek has this use of \to nun echon\ (Tobit strkjv@7:11) in the accusative of time, "as for the present or holding the now." {When I have a convenient season} (\kairon metalab“n\). Second aorist active participle of the old verb \metalamban“\, to find a share in, to obtain. It was his "excuse" for dodging the personal turn that Paul had given.

rwp@Acts:24:27 @{But when two years were fulfilled} (\dietias de plˆr“theisˆs\). Genitive absolute first aorist passive of \plˆro“\, common verb to fill full. \Dietia\, late word in LXX and Philo, common in the papyri, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:28:30|. Compound of \dia\, two (\duo, dis\) and \etos\, year. Songs:Paul lingered on in prison in Caesarea, waiting for the second hearing under Felix which never came. Caesarea now became the compulsory headquarters of Paul for two years. With all his travels Paul spent several years each at Tarsus, Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus, though not as a prisoner unless that was true part of the time at Ephesus for which there is some evidence though not of a convincing kind. We do not know that Luke remained in Caesarea all this time. In all probability he came and went with frequent visits with Philip the Evangelist. It was probably during this period that Luke secured the material for his Gospel and wrote part or all of it before going to Rome. He had ample opportunity to examine the eyewitnesses who heard Jesus and the first attempts at writing including the Gospel of Mark (Luke:1:1-4|). {Was succeeded by} (\elaben diadochon\). Literally, "received as successor." \Diadochos\ is an old word from \diadechomai\, to receive in succession (\dia, duo\, two) and occurs here alone in the N.T. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 115) gives papyri examples where \hoi diadochoi\ means "higher officials at the court of the Ptolemies," probably "deputies," a usage growing out of the "successors" of Alexander the Great (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_), though here the original notion of "successor" occurs (cf. Josephus, _Ant_. XX. 8, 9). Luke does not tell why Felix "received" a successor. The explanation is that during these two years the Jews and the Gentiles had an open fight in the market-place in Caesarea. Felix put the soldiers on the mob and many Jews were killed. The Jews made formal complaint to the Emperor with the result that Felix was recalled and Porcius Festus sent in his stead. {Porcius Festus} (\Porkion Phˆston\). We know very little about this man. He is usually considered a worthier man than Felix, but Paul fared no better at his hands and he exhibits the same insincerity and eagerness to please the Jews. Josephus (_Ant_. XX. 8, 9) says that "Porcius Festus was sent as a successor to Felix." The precise year when this change occurred is not clear. Albinus succeeded Festus by A.D. 62, so that it is probable that Festus came A.D. 58 (or 59). Death cut short his career in a couple of years though he did more than Felix to rid the country of robbers and _sicarii_. Some scholars argue for an earlier date for the recall of Felix. Nero became Emperor Oct. 13, A.D. 54. Poppaea, his Jewish mistress and finally wife, may have had something to do with the recall of Felix at the request of the Jews. {Desiring to gain favour with the Jews} (\thel“n te charita katathesthai tois Ioudaiois\). Reason for his conduct. Note second aorist (ingressive) middle infinitive \katathesthai\ from \katatithˆmi\, old verb to place down, to make a deposit, to deposit a favour with, to do something to win favour. Only here and strkjv@25:9| in N.T., though in some MSS. in strkjv@Mark:15:46|. It is a banking figure. {Left Paul in bonds} (\katelipe ton Paulon dedemenon\). Effective aorist active indicative of \kataleip“\, to leave behind. Paul "in bonds" (\dedemenon\, perfect passive participle of \de“\, to bind) was the "deposit" (\katathesthai\) for their favour. Codex Bezae adds that Felix left Paul in custody "because of Drusilla" (\dia Drousillan\). She disliked Paul as much as Herodias did John the Baptist. Songs:Pilate surrendered to the Jews about the death of Jesus when they threatened to report him to Caesar. Some critics would date the third group of Paul's Epistles (Philippians, Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians) to the imprisonment here in Caesarea, some even to one in Ephesus. But the arguments for either of these two views are more specious than convincing. Furneaux would even put strkjv@2Timothy:4:9-22| here in spite of the flat contradiction with strkjv@Acts:21:29| about Trophimus being in Jerusalem instead of Miletus (2Timothy:4:20|), a "mistake" which he attributes to Luke! That sort of criticism can prove anything.

rwp@Acts:25:1 @{Having come into the province} (\epibas tˆi eparcheiƒi\). Second aorist active participle of \epibain“\, to set foot upon. Literally, "Having set foot upon his province." \Eparcheia\ is a late word for province, in N.T. only here and strkjv@23:34|. Judea was not strictly a province, but a department (Page) of the province of Syria which was under a _propraetor_ (\legatus Caesaris\) while Judea was under a _procurator_ (\epitropos\). {After three days} (\meta treis hˆmeras\). Songs:in strkjv@Acts:28:17| in Rome. That is on the third day, with a day of rest in between. Precisely the language used of the resurrection of Jesus "after three days" = "on the third day." Songs:by common usage then and now.

rwp@Acts:25:3 @{Asking favour against him} (\aitoumenoi charin kat' autou\). A favour to themselves (middle voice), not to Paul, but "against" (\kat'\, down, against) him. {That he would send for} (\hop“s metapempsˆtai\). First aorist middle subjunctive of \metapemp“\ (see strkjv@24:24,26|) with final particle \hop“s\ like \hina\. Aorist tense for single case. {Laying wait} (\enedran poiountes\). See on ¯23:16| for the word \enedra\. Old idiom (Thucydides) for laying a plot or ambush as here. Only these two uses of \enedra\ in N.T. Two years before the Sanhedrin had agreed to the plot of the forty conspirators. Now they propose one on their own initiative. {On the way} (\kata tˆn hodon\). Down along, up and down along the way. Plenty of opportunity would occur between Caesarea and Jerusalem for ambush and surprise attacks.

rwp@Acts:25:5 @{Them therefore which are of power among you} (\hoi oun en humin dunatoi\). "The mighty ones among you," "the men of power" (\dunatoi\) and authority, "the first men," the Sanhedrin, in other words. Note change here by Luke from indirect discourse in verse 4|, to direct in verse 5| (\phˆsin\, says he). {Go down with me} (\sunkatabantes\). Double compound (\sun, kata\) second aorist active participle of \sunkatabain“\. It was a fair proposal. {If there is anything amiss in the man} (\ei ti estin en t“i andri atopon\). Condition of the first class, assuming that there is (to be courteous to them), but not committing himself on the merits of the case. \Atopon\ is an old word, specially common in Plato, meaning "out of place." In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:23:41| which see; strkjv@Acts:28:6; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:2|. Note present tense active voice of \katˆgoreit“san\ (imperative) of \katˆgore“\, repeat their accusations.

rwp@Acts:25:6 @{On the morrow} (\tˆi epaurion\). Locative case of the article with \hˆmerƒi\ understood (\epaurion\, adverb, tomorrow). Festus lost no time for the chief men had come down with him. {Sat on the judgment seat} (\kathisas epi tou bˆmatos\). A legal formality to give weight to the decision. Ingressive aorist active participle. For this use of \bˆma\ for judgment seat see on ¯Mt. strkjv@27:19; strkjv@John:19:13; Acts strkjv@12:21; strkjv@18:12; strkjv@25:10,17|. Same phrase repeated in strkjv@25:17|. {To be brought} (\achthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \ag“\ after \ekeleusen\ (commanded). Same words repeated in strkjv@25:17| by Festus.

rwp@Acts:25:7 @{When he was come} (\paragenomenou autou\). Genitive absolute of common verb \paraginomai\ (cf. strkjv@24:24|). {Which had come down} (\hoi katabebˆkotes\). Perfect active participle of \katabain“\. They had come down on purpose at the invitation of Festus (verse 5|), and were now ready. {Stood round about him} (\periestˆsan auton\). Second aorist (ingressive) active (intransitive) of \periistˆmi\, old verb, "Took their stand around him," "_periculum intentantes_" (Bengel). Cf. strkjv@Luke:23:10| about Christ. They have no lawyer this time, but they mass their forces so as to impress Festus. {Bringing against him} (\katapherontes\). Bearing down on. See on ¯20:9; strkjv@26:10|, only N.T. examples of this ancient verb. {Many and grievous charges} (\polla kai barea aiti“mata\). This word \aiti“ma\ for old form \aitiama\ is found in one papyrus (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_) in sense of "blame." But the charges were no "heavier" than those made by Tertullus (24:5-8|). Paul's reply proves this and they were also probably on court record (Furneaux). See this adjective \barus\ (heavy) used with \lukoi\ (wolves) in strkjv@20:29|. {Which they could not prove} (\ha ouk ischuon apodeixai\). Imperfect active of \ischu“\, to have strength or power as in strkjv@19:16,20|. Repetition and reiteration and vehemence took the place of proof (\apodeixai\, first aorist active infinitive of \apodeiknumi\, to show forth, old verb, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Acts:2:22| which see and strkjv@1Corinthians:4:9|).

rwp@Acts:25:8 @{While Paul said in his defence} (\tou Paulou apologoumenou\). Genitive absolute again, present middle participle of \apologeomai\, old verb to make defence as in strkjv@19:33; strkjv@24:10; strkjv@26:1,2|. The recitative \hoti\ of the Greek before a direct quotation is not reproduced in English. {Have I sinned at all} (\ti hˆmarton\). Constative aorist active indicative of \hamartan“\, to miss, to sin. The \ti\ is cognate accusative (or adverbial accusative). Either makes sense. Paul sums up the charges under the three items of law of the Jews, the temple, the Roman state (Caesar). This last was the one that would interest Festus and, if proved, would render Paul guilty of treason (\majestas\). Nero was Emperor A.D. 54-68, the last of the emperors with any hereditary claim to the name "Caesar." Soon it became merely a title like Kaiser and Czar (modern derivatives). In Acts only "Caesar" and "Augustus" are employed for the Emperor, not "King" (\Basileus\) as from the time of Domitian. Paul's denial is complete and no proof had been presented. Luke was apparently present at the trial.

rwp@Acts:25:10 @{I am standing before Caesar's judgment-seat} (\Hest“s epi tou bˆmatos Kaisaros eimi\). Periphrastic present perfect indicative (\hest“s eimi\), second perfect participle \hest“s\ of \histˆmi\ (intransitive). Paul means to say that he is a Roman citizen before a Roman tribunal. Festus was the representative of Caesar and had no right to hand him over to a Jewish tribunal. Festus recognized this by saying to Paul "wilt thou" (\theleis\). {Where I ought to be judged} (\hou me dei krinesthai\). Rather, "Where I must be judged," for \dei\ expresses necessity (it is necessary). Paul exposes the conduct of Festus with merciless precision. {As thou also very well knowest} (\h“s kai su kallion epigin“skeis\). "As thou also dost understand (hast additional knowledge, \epigin“skeis\) better" (than thou art willing to admit). That this is Paul's meaning by the use of the comparative \kallion\ (positive \kal“s\) is made plain by the confession of Festus to Agrippa in verse 18|. Paul says that Festus knows that he has done no wrong to the Jews at all (\ouden ˆdikˆka\) and yet he is trying to turn him over to the wrath of the Jews in Jerusalem.

rwp@Acts:25:11 @{If I am a wrong-doer} (\ei men oun adik“\). Condition of the first class with \ei\ and the present active indicative of \adike“\ (\a\ privative and \dikˆ\): "If I am in the habit of doing injustice," assuming it to be true for the sake of argument. {And have committed anything worthy of death} (\kai axion thanatou pepracha\). Same condition with the difference in tense (\pepracha\, perfect active indicative) of a single case instead of a general habit. Assuming either or both Paul draws his conclusion. {I refuse not to die} (\ou paraitoumai to apothanein\). Old verb to ask alongside, to beg from, to deprecate, to refuse, to decline. See on ¯Luke:14:18f|. Josephus (_Life_, 29) has \thanein ou paraitoumai\. Here the articular second aorist active infinitive is in the accusative case the object of \paraitoumai\: "I do not beg off dying from myself." {But if none of these things is} (\ei de ouden estin\). \De\ here is contrasted with \men\ just before. No word for "true" in the Greek. \Estin\ ("is") in the Greek here means "exists." Same condition (first class, assumed as true). {Whereof these accuse me} (\h“n houtoi katˆgorousin mou\). Genitive of relative \hon\ by attraction from \ha\ (accusative with \katˆgorousin\) to case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\ ("of these things"). \Mou\ is genitive of person after \katˆgorousin\. {No man can give me up to them} (\oudeis me dunatai autois charisasthai\). "Can" legally. Paul is a Roman citizen and not even Festus can make a free gift (\charisasthai\) of Paul to the Sanhedrin. {I appeal unto Caesar} (\Kaisara epikaloumai\). Technical phrase like Latin _Caesarem appello_. Originally the Roman law allowed an appeal from the magistrate to the people (_provocatio ad populum_), but the emperor represented the people and so the appeal to Caesar was the right of every Roman citizen. Paul had crossed the Rubicon on this point and so took his case out of the hands of dilatory provincial justice (really injustice). Roman citizens could make this appeal in capital offences. There would be expense connected with it, but better that with some hope than delay and certain death in Jerusalem. Festus was no better than Felix in his vacillation and desire to curry favour with the Jews at Paul's expense. No doubt Paul's long desire to see Rome (19:21; strkjv@Romans:15:22-28|) and the promise of Jesus that he would see Rome (Acts:23:11|) played some part in Paul's decision. But he made it reluctantly for he says in Rome (Acts:28:19|): "I was constrained to appeal." But acquittal at the hands of Festus with the hope of going to Rome as a free man had vanished.

rwp@Acts:25:13 @{When certain days were passed} (\Hˆmer“n diagenomenon\). Genitive absolute of \diaginomai\, to come between, "days intervening." {Agrippa the King} (\Agrippas ho basileus\). Agrippa II son of Agrippa I of strkjv@Acts:12:20-23|. On the death of Herod King of Chalcis A.D. 48, Claudius A.D. 50 gave this Herod Agrippa II the throne of Chalcis so that Luke is correct in calling him king, though he is not king of Judea. But he was also given by Claudius the government of the temple and the right of appointing the high priest. Later he was given also the tetrarchies of Philip and Lysanias. He was the last Jewish king in Palestine, though not king of Judea. He angered the Jews by building his palace so as to overlook the temple and by frequent changes in the high priesthood. He made his capital at Caesarea Philippi which he called Neronias in honour of Nero. Titus visited it after the fall of Jerusalem. {Bernice} (\Bernikˆ\). He was her brother and yet she lived with him in shameful intimacy in spite of her marriage to her uncle Herod King of Chalcis and to Polemon King of Cilicia whom she left. Schuerer calls her both a Jewish bigot and a wanton. She afterwards became the mistress of Titus. {Arrived at Caesarea} (\katˆntˆsan eis Kaisarian\). Came down (first aorist active of \katanta“\) to Caesarea from Jerusalem. {And saluted Festus} (\aspasamenoi ton Phˆston\). The Textus Receptus has \aspasomenoi\ the future participle, but the correct text is the aorist middle participle \aspasamenoi\ which cannot possibly mean subsequent action as given in the Canterbury Revision "and saluted." It can only mean contemporaneous (simultaneous) action "saluting" or antecedent action like the margin "having saluted." But antecedent action is not possible here, so that simultaneous action is the only alternative. It is to be noted that the salutation synchronized with the arrival in Caesarea (note \kata\, down, the effective aorist tense), not with the departure from Jerusalem, nor with the whole journey. Rightly understood the aorist participle here gives no trouble at all (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 861-3).

rwp@Acts:25:14 @{Tarried} (\dietribon\). Imperfect active of \diatrib“\, common verb for spending time (Acts:12:19|, etc.). {Many days} (\pleious hˆmeras\). More days (than a few). Accusative case for extent of time. {Laid Paul's case} (\anetheto ta kata ton Paulon\). Second aorist middle indicative of \anatithˆmi\, old verb to set before, to place up, as if for consultation in conference. Only twice in N.T. here and strkjv@Galatians:2:2|. The motive of Festus is not given, though it was natural enough in view of the quandary of Festus about Paul (the things about Paul) and Agrippa's interest in and responsibility for Jewish worship in the temple in Jerusalem. It is quite possible that Festus had a bit of \ennui\ over the visit of these Jewish dignitaries as "more days" went by. Hence the tone of Festus about Paul in this proposal for the entertainment of Agrippa and Bernice is certainly one of superficial and supremely supercilious indifference. {Left a prisoner} (\katalelimmenos desmios\). Perfect passive participle of \kataleip“\, to leave behind. Paul is one of Felix's left overs (left behind), a sort of "junk" left on his hands. This cowardly Roman procurator thus pictures the greatest of living men and the greatest preacher of all time to this profligate pair (brother and sister) of sinners. Undoubtedly today in certain circles Christ and his preachers are held up to like contempt.

rwp@Acts:25:17 @{When they were come together here} (\sunelthont“n enthade\). Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of \sunerchomai\, but without \aut“n\ (they), merely understood. {Delay} (\anabolˆn\). Old word from \anaball“\, only here in N.T.

rwp@Acts:25:19 @{But had} (\de eichon\). Descriptive imperfect active of \ech“\ and \de\ of contrast (but). {Concerning their own religion} (\peri tˆs idias deisidaimonias\). See on ¯17:22| for discussion of this word. Festus would hardly mean "superstition," whatever he really thought, because Agrippa was a Jew. {And of one Jesus} (\kai peri tinos Iˆsou\). This is the climax of supercilious scorn toward both Paul and "one Jesus." {Who was dead} (\tethnˆkotos\). Perfect active participle of \thnˆsk“\ agreeing with \Iˆsou\ (genitive). As being dead. {Whom Paul affirmed to be alive} (\hon ephasken ho Paulos zˆin\). Imperfect active of \phask“\, old form of \phˆmi\ to say, in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:24:9; strkjv@Romans:1:22|. Infinitive \zˆin\ in indirect discourse with \hon\ (whom) the accusative of general reference. With all his top-loftical airs Festus has here correctly stated the central point of Paul's preaching about Jesus as no longer dead, but living.

rwp@Acts:25:20 @{Being perplexed} (\aporoumenos\). Present middle participle of the common verb \apore“\ (\a\ privative and \poros\ way), to be in doubt which way to turn, already in strkjv@Mark:6:20| which see and strkjv@Luke:24:4|. The Textus Receptus has \eis\ after here, but critical text has only the accusative which this verb allows (Mark:6:20|) as in Thucydides and Plato. {How to inquire concerning these things} (\tˆn peri tout“n zˆtˆsin\). Literally, "as to the inquiry concerning these things." This is not the reason given by Luke in verse 9| (wanting to curry favour with the Jews), but doubtless this motive also actuated Festus as both could be true. {Whether he would go to Jerusalem} (\ei bouloito poreuesthai eis Ierosoluma\). Optative in indirect question after \elegon\ (asked or said) imperfect active, though the present indicative could have been retained with change of person: "Dost thou wish, etc.," (\ei boulˆi\, etc.). See Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1031, 1044. This is the question put to Paul in verse 9| though \theleis\ is there used.

rwp@Acts:25:21 @{When Paul had appealed} (\tou Paulou epikalesamenou\). Genitive absolute with first aorist middle participle of \epikaleomai\, the technical word for appeal (verses 11,12|). The first aorist passive infinitive \tˆrˆthˆnai\ (to be kept) is the object of the participle. {For the decision of the emperor} (\eis tˆn tou Sebastou diagn“sin\). \Diagn“sin\ (cf. \diagn“somai\ strkjv@24:22|, I will determine) is the regular word for a legal examination (\cognitio\), thorough sifting (\dia\), here only in N.T. Instead of "the Emperor" it should be "the Augustus," as \Sebastos\ is simply the Greek translation of _Augustus_, the adjective (Revered, Reverent) assumed by Octavius B.C. 27 as the \agnomen\ that summed up all his various offices instead of _Rex_ so offensive to the Romans having led to the death of Julius Caesar. The successors of Octavius assumed _Augustus_ as a title. The Greek term \Sebastos\ has the notion of worship (cf. \sebasma\ in Acts strkjv@17:25|). In the N.T. only here, verse 25; strkjv@27:1| (of the legion). It was more imposing than "Caesar" which was originally a family name (always official in the N.T.) and it fell in with the tendency toward emperor-worship which later played such a large part in Roman life and which Christians opposed so bitterly. China is having a revival of this idea in the insistence on bowing three times to the picture of Sun-Yat-Sen. {Till I should send him to Caesar} (\he“s an anapemps“ auton pros Kaisara\). Here \anapemps“\ can be either future indicative or first aorist subjunctive (identical in first person singular), aorist subjunctive the usual construction with \he“s\ for future time (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 876). Literally, "send up" (\ana\) to a superior (the emperor). Common in this sense in the papyri and _Koin‚_ writers. Here "Caesar" is used as the title of Nero instead of "Augustus" as \Kurios\ (Lord) occurs in verse 26|.

rwp@Acts:25:23 @{When Agrippa was come and Bernice} (\elthontos tou Agrippa kai tˆs Bernikˆs\). Genitive absolute, the participle agreeing in number and gender (masculine singular, \elthontos\) with \Agrippa\, \Bernikˆs\ being added as an afterthought. {With great pomp} (\meta pollˆs phantasias\). \Phantasia\ is a _Koin‚_ word (Polybius, Diodorus, etc.) from the old verb \phantaz“\ (Hebrews:12:21|) and it from \phain“\, common verb to show, to make an appearance. This is the only N.T. example of \phantasia\, though the kindred common word \phantasma\ (appearance) occurs twice in the sense of apparition or spectre (Matthew:14:26; strkjv@Mark:6:49|). Herodotus (VII. 10) used the verb \phantaz“\ for a showy parade. Festus decided to gratify the wish of Agrippa by making the "hearing" of Paul the prisoner (verse 22|) an occasion for paying a compliment to Agrippa (Rackham) by a public gathering of the notables in Caesarea. Festus just assumed that Paul would fall in with this plan for a grand entertainment though he did not have to do it. {Into the place of hearing} (\eis to akroatˆrion\). From \akroaomai\ (to be a hearer) and, like the Latin _auditorium_, in Roman law means the place set aside for hearing, and deciding cases. Here only in the N.T. Late word, several times in Plutarch and other _Koin‚_ writers. The hearing was "semi-official" (Page) as is seen in verse 26|. {With the chief captains} (\sun te chiliarchois\). \Chiliarchs\, each a leader of a thousand. There were five cohorts of soldiers stationed in Caesarea. {And the principal men of the city} (\kai andrasin tois kat' exochˆn\). The use of \kat' exochˆn\, like our French phrase _par excellence_, occurs here only in the N.T., and not in the ancient Greek, but it is found in inscriptions of the first century A.D. (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). \Exochˆ\ in medical writers is any protuberance or swelling. Cf. our phrase "outstanding men." {At the command of Festus} (\keleusantos tou Phˆstou\). Genitive absolute again, "Festus having commanded."

rwp@Acts:25:24 @{Which are here present with us} (\hoi sunparontes hˆmin\). Present articular participle of \sunpareimi\ (only here in N.T.) with associative instrumental case \hˆmin\. {Made suit to me} (\enetuchon moi\). Second aorist active indicative of \entugchan“\, old verb to fall in with a person, to go to meet for consultation or supplication as here. Common in old Greek and _Koin‚_. Cf. strkjv@Romans:8:27,34|. See \enteuxis\ (petition) strkjv@1Timothy:2:1|. Papyri give many examples of the technical sense of \enteuxis\ as petition (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 121). Some MSS. have plural here \enetuchon\ rather than the singular \enetuchen\. {Crying} (\bo“ntes\). Yelling and demanding with loud voices. {That he ought not to live any longer} (\mˆ dein auton zˆin mˆketi\). Indirect command (demand) with the infinitive \dein\ for \dei\ (it is necessary). The double negative (\mˆ--mˆketi\) with \zˆin\ intensifies the demand.

rwp@Acts:25:26 @{No certain thing} (\asphales ti--ou\). Nothing definite or reliable (\a\ privative, \sphall“\, to trip). All the charges of the Sanhedrin slipped away or were tripped up by Paul. Festus confesses that he had nothing left and thereby convicts himself of gross insincerity in his proposal to Paul in verse 9| about going up to Jerusalem. By his own statement he should have set Paul free. The various details here bear the marks of the eyewitness. Luke was surely present and witnessed this grand spectacle with Paul as chief performer. {Unto my lord} (\t“i kuri“i\). Augustus (Octavius) and Tiberius refused the title of \kurios\ (lord) as too much like _rex_ (king) and like master and slave, but the servility of the subjects gave it to the other emperors who accepted it (Nero among them). Antoninus Pius put it on his coins. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 105) gives an ostracon dated Aug. 4, A.D. 63 with the words "in the year nine of Nero the lord" (\enatou Ner“nos tou kuriou\). Deissmann (_op. cit._, pp. 349ff.) runs a most interesting parallel "between the cult of Christ and the cult of Caesar in the application of the term \kurios\, lord" in ostraca, papyri, inscriptions. Beyond a doubt Paul has all this fully in mind when he says in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3| that "no one is able to say \Kurios Iˆsous\ except in the Holy Spirit" (cf. also strkjv@Phillipians:2:11|). The Christians claimed this word for Christ and it became the test in the Roman persecutions as when Polycarp steadily refused to say " Lord Caesar" and insisted on saying "Lord Jesus" when it meant his certain death. {Before you} (\eph' hum“n\). The whole company. In no sense a new trial, but an examination in the presence of these prominent men to secure data and to furnish entertainment and pleasure to Agrippa (verse 22|). {Especially before thee} (\malista epi sou\). Out of courtesy. It was the main reason as verse 22| shows. Agrippa was a Jew and Festus was glad of the chance to see what he thought of Paul's case. {After examination had} (\tˆs anakrise“s genomenˆs\). Genitive absolute, "the examination having taken place." \Anakrisis\ from \anakrin“\ (cf. strkjv@12:19; strkjv@24:8; strkjv@28:18|) is a legal term for preliminary examination. Only here in the N.T. Inscriptions and papyri give it as examination of slaves or other property. {That I may have somewhat to write} (\hop“s sch“ ti graps“\). Ingressive aorist subjunctive \sch“\ (may get) with \hop“s\ (final particle like \hina\). \Ti graps“\ in indirect question after \sch“\ is either future indicative or aorist subjunctive (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1045). Festus makes it plain that this is not a "trial," but an examination for his convenience to help him out of a predicament.

rwp@Acts:26:1 @{Thou art permitted} (\epitrepetai soi\). Literally, It is permitted thee. As if Agrippa were master of ceremonies instead of Festus. Agrippa as a king and guest presides at the grand display while Festus has simply introduced Paul. {For thyself} (\huper seautou\). Some MSS. have \peri\ (concerning). Paul is allowed to speak in his own behalf. No charges are made against him. In fact, Festus has admitted that he has no real proof of any charges. {Stretched forth his hand} (\ekteinas tˆn cheira\). Dramatic oratorical gesture (not for silence as in strkjv@12:17; strkjv@13:16|) with the chain still upon it (verse 29|) linking him to the guard. First aorist active participle of \ektein“\, to stretch out. {Made his defence} (\apelogeito\). Inchoative imperfect of \apologeomai\ (middle), "began to make his defence." This is the fullest of all Paul's defences. He has no word of censure of his enemies or of resentment, but seizes the opportunity to preach Christ to such a distinguished company which he does with "singular dignity" (Furneaux). He is now bearing the name of Christ "before kings" (Acts:9:15|). In general Paul follows the line of argument of the speech on the stairs (chapter strkjv@Acts:22|).

rwp@Acts:26:3 @{Especially because thou art expert} (\malista gn“stˆn onta se\). Or like the margin, "because thou art especially expert," according as \malista\ is construed. \Gn“stˆn\ is from \gin“sk“\ and means a knower, expert, connoisseur. Plutarch uses it and Deissmann (_Light_, etc., p. 367) restores it in a papyrus. Agrippa had the care of the temple, the appointment of the high priest, and the care of the sacred vestments. But the accusative \onta se\ gives trouble here coming so soon after \sou\ (genitive with \epi\). Some MSS. insert \epistamenos\ or \eid“s\ (knowing) but neither is genuine. Page takes it as "governed by the sense of thinking or considering." Knowling considers it an anacoluthon. Buttmann held it to be an accusative absolute after the old Greek idiom. \Tuchon\ is such an instance though used as an adverb (1Corinthians:16:6|). It is possible that one exists in strkjv@Ephesians:1:18|. See other examples discussed in Robertson's _Grammar_, pp. 490f. {Customs and questions} (\eth“n te kai zˆtˆmat“n\). Both _consuetudinum in practicis_ and _quaestionum in theoreticis_ (Bengel). Agrippa was qualified to give Paul an understanding and a sympathetic hearing. Paul understands perfectly the grand-stand play of the whole performance, but he refused to be silent and chose to use this opportunity, slim as it seemed, to get a fresh hearing for his own case and to present the claims of Christ to this influential man. His address is a masterpiece of noble apologetic. {Patiently} (\makrothum“s\). Adverb from \makrothumos\. Only here in the N.T., though \makrothumia\ occurs several times. Vulgate has _longanimiter_. Long spirit, endurance, opposite of impatience. Songs:Paul takes his time.

rwp@Acts:26:5 @{Having knowledge of me from the first} (\progin“skontes me an“then\). Literally, "knowing me beforehand" (both \pro\ and \an“then\), from the beginning of Paul's public education in Jerusalem (Knowling). Cf. strkjv@2Peter:3:17|. {If they be willing to testify} (\ean thel“sin marturein\). Condition of third class (\ean\ and subjunctive). A neat turning of the tables on the distinguished audience about Paul's Jerusalem reputation before his conversion. {After the straitest sect} (\tˆn akribestatˆn hairesin\). This is a true superlative (not elative) and one of the three (also \hagi“tatos\, strkjv@Jude:1:20|, \timi“tatos\ strkjv@Revelation:18:12; strkjv@21:11|) superlatives in \-tatos\ in the N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 279f., 670), though common enough in the LXX and the papyri. \Hairesin\ (choosing) is properly used here with Pharisees (Josephus, _Life_, 38). {Religion} (\thrˆskeias\). From \thrˆskeu“\ and this from \thrˆskos\ (James:1:26|), old word for religious worship or discipline, common in the papyri and inscriptions (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_) for reverent worship, not mere external ritual. In N.T. only here, strkjv@James:1:26f.; strkjv@Colossians:2:18|. {I lived a Pharisee} (\ezˆsa Pharisaios\). Emphatic position. Paul knew the rules of the Pharisees and played the game to the full (Galatians:1:14; strkjv@Phillipians:3:5f.|). The Talmud makes it plain what the life of a Pharisee was. Paul had become one of the leaders and stars of hope for his sect.

rwp@Acts:26:10 @{I both shut up many} (\pollous te katekleisa\). Effective aorist active of \kataklei“\, old word to shut down like a trap door, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:3:20|. Double use of \te\ (both--and). {Having received authority from the chief priests} (\tˆn para t“n archiere“n exousian lab“n\). "The authority," he says. Paul was the official persecutor of the saints under the direction of the Sanhedrin. He mentions "chief priests" (Sadducees), though a Pharisee himself. Both parties were co-operating against the saints. {And when they were put to death} (\anairoumen“n te aut“n\). Genitive absolute with present passive participle of \anaire“\. {I gave my vote against them} (\katˆnegka psˆphon\). "I cast down my pebble" (a black one). The ancient Greeks used white pebbles for acquittal (Revelation:2:17|), black ones for condemnation as here (the only two uses of the word in the N.T.). Paul's phrase (not found elsewhere) is more vivid than the usual \katapsˆphiz“\ for voting. They literally cast the pebbles into the urn. Cf. \sumpsˆphiz“\ in strkjv@Acts:19:19|, \sugkatapsephizo\ in strkjv@Acts:1:26|. If Paul's language is taken literally here, he was a member of the Sanhedrin and so married when he led the persecution. That is quite possible, though he was not married when he wrote strkjv@1Corinthians:7:7f.|, but a widower. It is possible to take the language figuratively for approval, but not so natural.

rwp@Acts:26:13 @{At midday} (\hˆmeras mesˆs\). Genitive of time and idiomatic use of \mesos\, in the middle of the day, more vivid than \mesˆmbrian\ (22:6|). {Above the brightness of the sun} (\huper tˆn lamprotˆta tou hˆliou\). Here alone not in strkjv@Acts:9; 22|, though implied in strkjv@9:3; strkjv@22:6|, "indicating the supernatural character of the light" (Knowling). Luke makes no effort to harmonize the exact phrases here with those in the other accounts and Paul here (verse 16|) blends together what Jesus said to him directly and the message of Jesus through Ananias (9:15|). The word \lamprotˆs\, old word, is here alone in the N.T. {Shining round about me} (\perilampsan me\). First aorist active participle of \perilamp“\, common _Koin‚_ verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:2:9|.

rwp@Acts:26:14 @{When we were all fallen} (\pant“n katapesont“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with second aorist active participle of \katapipt“\. In the Hebrew language (\tˆi Ebraidi dialekt“i\). Natural addition here, for Paul is speaking in Greek, not Aramaic as in strkjv@22:2|. {It is hard for thee to kick against the goad} (\sklˆron soi pros kentra laktizein\). Genuine here, but not in chapters 9,22|. A common proverb as Aeschylus _Ag_. 1624: \Pros kentra mˆ laktize\. "It is taken from an ox that being pricked with a goad kicks and receives a severer wound" (Page). Cf. the parables of Jesus (Matthew:13:35|). Blass observes that Paul's mention of this Greek and Latin proverb is an indication of his culture. Besides he mentions (not invents) it here rather than in chapter 22| because of the culture of this audience. \Kentron\ means either sting as of bees (II Macc. strkjv@14:19) and so of death (1Corinthians:15:55|) or an iron goad in the ploughman's hand as here (the only two N.T. examples). Note plural here (goads) and \laktizein\ is present active infinitive so that the idea is "to keep on kicking against goads." This old verb means to kick with the heel (adverb \lax\, with the heel), but only here in the N.T. There is a papyrus example of kicking (\laktiz“\) with the feet against the door.

rwp@Acts:26:17 @{Delivering thee} (\exairoumenos se\). Present middle participle of \exaire“\, old verb and usually so rendered, but the old Greek also uses it for "choose" as also in LXX (Isaiah:48:10|). The papyri give examples of both meanings and either makes good sense here. God was continually rescuing Paul "out of the hands of Jews and Gentiles and Paul was a chosen vessel" (9:15|). Modern scholars are also divided.

rwp@Acts:26:18 @{To open} (\anoixai\). First aorist active infinitive of purpose. {That they may turn} (\tou epistrepsai\). Another infinitive of purpose first aorist active (genitive case and articular), epexegetic to \anoixai\. {That they may receive} (\tou labein\). Another genitive articular infinitive of purpose subordinate (epexegetic) to \tou epistrepsai\. {Sanctified by faith in me} (\hˆgiasmenois pistei tˆi eis eme\). Perfect passive participle of \hagiaz“\, instrumental case of \pistei\, article before \eis eme\ ("by faith, that in me"). These important words of Jesus to Paul give his justification to this cultured audience for his response to the command of Jesus. This was the turning point in Paul's career and it was a step forward and upward.

rwp@Acts:26:20 @{But declared} (\alla apˆggellon\). Imperfect active of \apaggell“\, repeatedly. {Throughout all the country of Judea} (\pƒsan te tˆn ch“ran tˆs Ioudaias\). The accusative here in the midst of the datives (\tois en Damask“i, Ierosolumois, tois ethnesin\) seems strange and Page feels certain that \eis\ should be here even though absent in Aleph A B. But the accusative of extent of space will explain it (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 469). {Doing works worthy of repentance} (\axia tˆs metanoias erga prassontas\). Accusative case of present active participle \prassontas\ because of the implied \autous\ with the present infinitive \metanoein\ (repent) and \epistrephein\ (turn), though the dative \prassousin\ could have been used to agree with \ethnesin\ (Gentiles). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:3:8| for similar language used of the Baptist. Paul, the greatest of theologians, was an interesting practical preacher.

rwp@Acts:26:22 @{Having therefore obtained} (\oun tuch“n\). Second aorist active participle of old verb \tugchan“\. {The help that is from God} (\epikourias tˆs apo tou theou\). Old word from \epikoure“\, to aid, and that from \epikouros\, ally, assister. Only here in N.T. God is Paul's ally. All of the plots of the Jews against Paul had failed so far. {I stand} (\hestˆka\). Second perfect of \histˆmi\, to place, intransitive to stand. Picturesque word (Page) of Paul's stability and fidelity (cf. strkjv@Phillipians:4:1; strkjv@Ephesians:6:13|). {Both to small and great} (\mikr“i te kai megal“i\). Dative singular (rather than instrumental, taking \marturoumenos\ middle, not passive) and use of \te kai\ links the two adjectives together in an inclusive way. These two adjectives in the singular (representative singular rather than plural) can apply to age (young and old) or to rank (Revelation:11:18|) as is specially suitable here with Festus and Agrippa present. In strkjv@Acts:8:10| (Hebrews:8:11|) the phrase explains \pantes\ (all). {Saying nothing but what} (\ouden ektos leg“n h“n\). "Saying nothing outside of those things which." The ablative relative \h“n\ is attracted into the case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\ and so ablative after \ektos\ (adverbial preposition common in LXX, the papyri. In N.T. here and strkjv@1Corinthians:6:18; strkjv@15:27; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:2f.|). Cf. strkjv@Luke:16:29| about Moses and the prophets.

rwp@Acts:26:23 @{How that the Christ must suffer} (\ei pathˆtos ho Christos\). Literally, "if the Messiah is subject to suffering." \Ei\ can here mean "whether" as in strkjv@Hebrews:7:15|. This use of a verbal in \-tos\ for capability or possibility occurs in the N.T. alone in \pathˆtos\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 157). This word occurs in Plutarch in this sense. It is like the Latin _patibilis_ and is from _pasch“_. Here alone in N.T. Paul is speaking from the Jewish point of view. Most rabbis had not rightly understood strkjv@Isaiah:53|. When the Baptist called Jesus "the Lamb of God" (John:1:29|) it was a startling idea. It is not then "must suffer" here, but "can suffer." The Cross of Christ was a stumbling-block to the rabbis. {How that he first by the resurrection of the dead} (\ei pr“tos ex anastase“s nekr“n\). Same construction with \ei\ (whether). This point Paul had often discussed with the Jews: "whether he (the Messiah) by a resurrection of dead people." Others had been raised from the dead, but Christ is the first (\pr“tos\) who arose from the dead and no longer dies (Romans:6:19|) and proclaims light (\ph“s mellei kataggellein\). Paul is still speaking from the Jewish standpoint: "is about to (going to) proclaim light." See verse 18| for "light" and strkjv@Luke:2:32|. {Both to the people and to the Gentiles} (\t“i te la“i kai tois ethnesin\). See verse 17|. It was at the word Gentiles (\ethnˆ\) that the mob lost control of themselves in the speech from the stairs (22:21f.|). Songs:it is here, only not because of that word, but because of the word "resurrection" (\anastasis\).

rwp@Acts:26:24 @{As he thus made his defence} (\tauta autou apologoumenou\). Genitive absolute again with present middle participle. Paul was still speaking when Festus interrupted him in great excitement. {With a loud voice} (\megalˆi tˆi ph“nˆi\). Associative instrumental case showing manner (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 530) and the predicate use of the adjective, "with the voice loud" (elevated). {Thou art mad} (\mainˆi\). Old verb for raving. See also strkjv@John:10:20; strkjv@Acts:12:15; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:23|. The enthusiasm of Paul was too much for Festus and then he had spoken of visions and resurrection from the dead (verse 8|). "Thou art going mad" (linear present), Festus means. {Thy much learning doth turn thee to madness} (\ta polla se grammata eis manian peritrepei\). "Is turning thee round." Old verb \peritrep“\, but only here in N.T. Festus thought that Paul's "much learning" (="many letters," cf. strkjv@John:7:15| of Jesus) of the Hebrew Scriptures to which he had referred was turning his head to madness (wheels in his head) and he was going mad right before them all. The old word \mania\ (our mania, frenzy, cf. maniac) occurs here only in N.T. Note unusual position of \se\ between \polla\ and \grammata\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 418, 420)

rwp@Acts:26:26 @{For the king knoweth of these things} (\epistatai gar peri tout“n ho basileus\). \Epistatai\ (present middle probably Ionic form of \ephistˆmi\) is a literary word and suits well here (cf. strkjv@24:10|). {Freely} (\parrˆsiazomenos\). Present middle participle, speaking fully, making a clean breast of it. From \parrˆsia\ (\pan, rhˆsis\) (cf. strkjv@13:46|). {Is hidden from him} (\lanthanein auton\). Escapes his notice. Infinitive in indirect discourse after \peithomai\ (I am persuaded).

rwp@Acts:27:1 @{That we should sail} (\tou apoplein hˆmas\). This genitive articular infinitive with \ekrithˆ\ like the LXX construction translating the Hebrew infinitive construct is awkward in Greek. Several similar examples in strkjv@Luke:17:1; strkjv@Acts:10:25; strkjv@20:3| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1068). Luke alone uses this old verb in N.T. He uses nine compounds of \ple“\, to sail. Note the reappearance of "we" in the narrative. It is possible, of course, that Luke was not with Paul during the series of trials at Caesarea, or at least, not all the time. But it is natural for Luke to use "we" again because he and Aristarchus are travelling with Paul. In Caesarea Paul was the centre of the action all the time whether Luke was present or not. The great detail and minute accuracy of Luke's account of this voyage and shipwreck throw more light upon ancient seafaring than everything else put together. Smith's _Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul_ is still a classic on the subject. Though so accurate in his use of sea terms, yet Luke writes like a landsman, not like a sailor. Besides, the character of Paul is here revealed in a remarkable fashion. {They delivered} (\paredidoun\). Imperfect active \“mega\ form rather than the old \-mi\ form \paredidosan\ as in strkjv@4:33|, from \paradid“mi\. Perhaps the imperfect notes the continuance of the handing over. {Certain other prisoners} (\tinas heterous desm“tas\). Bound (\desm“tas\) like Paul, but not necessarily appellants to Caesar, perhaps some of them condemned criminals to amuse the Roman populace in the gladiatorial shows, most likely pagans though \heterous\ does not have to mean different kind of prisoners from Paul. {Of the Augustan band} (\speirˆs Sebastˆs\). Note Ionic genitive \speirˆs\, not \speiras\. See on ¯Matthew:27:1; strkjv@Acts:10:1|. \Cohortis Augustae\. We do not really know why this cohort is called "Augustan." It may be that it is part of the imperial commissariat (_frumentarii_) since Julius assumes chief authority in the grain ship (verse 11|). These legionary centurions when in Rome were called _peregrini_ (foreigners) because their work was chiefly in the provinces. This man Julius may have been one of them.

rwp@Acts:27:3 @{The next day} (\tˆi heterƒi\). Locative case with \hˆmerƒi\ understood. {We touched} (\katˆchthˆmen\). First aorist passive of \katag“\, the usual term for "coming down" from the seas as \anag“\ above (and verse 4|) is for "going up" to sea. Songs:it _looks_ to sailors. Sidon was 67 miles from Caesarea, the rival of Tyre, with a splendid harbour. The ship stopped here for trade. {Treated Paul kindly} (\philanthr“p“s t“i Paul“i chrˆsamenos\). "Using (\chrˆsamenos\, first aorist middle participle of \chraomai\, to use) Paul (instrumental case used with this verb) kindly" (\philanthr“p“s\, "philanthropically," adverb from \phil-anthr“pos\, love of mankind). He was kindly to Paul throughout the voyage (verse 43; strkjv@28:16|), taking a personal interest in his welfare. {Refresh himself} (\epimeleias tuchein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \tugchan“\ (to obtain) with the genitive \epimeleias\, old word from \epimelˆs\, careful, only here in the N.T. Whether it was mere hospitality we do not know. It may have been medical attention required because of Paul's long confinement. This is Paul's first visit to Sidon, but Christians were already in Phoenicia (11:19|) and so Paul had "friends" here.

rwp@Acts:27:4 @{We sailed under the lee of Cyprus} (\hupepleusamen tˆn Kupron\). First aorist active indicative of \hupople“\, to sail under. Cyprus was thus on the left between the ship and the wind from the northwest, under the protection of Cyprus. {Because the winds were contrary} (\dia to tous anemous einai enantious\). The articular infinitive after \dia\ and the accusative of general reference (\anemous\) with predicate accusative (\enantious\, facing them, in their very teeth if they went that way). The Etesian winds were blowing from the northwest so that they could not cut straight across from Sidon to Patara with Cyprus on the right. They must run behind Cyprus and hug the shore of Cilicia and Pamphylia.

rwp@Acts:27:5 @{When we had sailed across} (\diapleusantes\). First aorist active participle of \diaple“\ (another compound of \ple“\). {The sea which is off Cilicia and Pamphylia} (\to pelagos to kata tˆn Kilikian kai Pamphulian\). \Pelagos\ is properly the high sea as here. In strkjv@Matthew:18:6| (which see) Jesus uses it of "the depth of the sea." Only these examples in the N.T. The current runs westward along the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia and the land would protect from the wind. {We came to Myra of Lycia} (\katˆlthamen eis Murra tˆs Lukias\). Literally, "We came down." This town was two and a half miles from the coast of Lycia. The port Andriace had a fine harbour and did a large grain business. No disciples are mentioned here nor at Lasea, Melita, Syracuse, Rhegium.

rwp@Acts:27:7 @{When we had sailed slowly} (\braduploountes\). Present active participle of \braduploe“\ (\bradus\, slow, \plous\, voyage). Literally, "sailing slowly," not "having or had sailed slowly." Only here and in Artemidorus (sec. cent. A.D.). It may mean "tacking" before the wind. Polybius uses \tachuploe“\, to sail swiftly. {Many days} (\en hikanais hˆmerais\). See on ¯Luke:7:6| for \hikanos\. Literally, "in considerable days." {With difficulty} (\molis\). Used in old Greek, like \mogis\ (Luke:9:39|) from \molos\, toil (see strkjv@Acts:14:18|). {Over against Cnidus} (\kata tˆn Knidon\). "Down along Cnidus." A hundred and thirty miles from Myra, the southwest point of Asia Minor and the western coast. Here the protection of the land from the northwest wind ceased. {The wind not further suffering us} (\mˆ prose“ntos hˆmƒs tou anemou\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \prosea“\, one of the few words still "not found elsewhere" (Thayer). Regular negative \mˆ\ with participles. They could not go on west as they had been doing since leaving Myra. {We sailed under the lee of Crete} (\hupepleusamen tˆn Krˆtˆn\). See under verse ¯4|. Instead of going to the right of Crete as the straight course would have been they sailed southwest with Crete to their right and got some protection against the wind there. {Over against Salmone} (\kata Salm“nˆn\). Off Cape Salmone, a promontory on the east of the island.

rwp@Acts:27:8 @{Coasting along} (\paralegomenoi\). Present middle participle of \paraleg“\, to lay beside, not from \leg“\, to collect or \leg“\, to say. Diodorus Siculus uses \paralegomai\ in precisely this sense of coasting along, like Latin _legere oram_. In N.T. only here and verse 13|. {Fair Havens} (\Kalous Limenas\). This harbour is named Kalus Limeonas, a small bay two miles east of Cape Matala. It opens to the East and Southeast, but is not fit to winter in. This harbour would protect them for a time from the winds. {The city of Lasea} (\polis Lasea\). Neither Lasea nor Fair Havens is mentioned by any ancient writer, two of the hundred cities of Crete.

rwp@Acts:27:9 @{Where much time was spent} (\Hikanou chronou diagenomenou\). Genitive absolute again with second aorist middle participle of \diaginomai\, to come in between (\dia\). "Considerable time intervening," since they became weatherbound in this harbour, though some take it since they left Caesarea. {And the voyage was now dangerous} (\kai ontos ˆdˆ episphalous\). Genitive absolute, "and the voyage being already (\ˆdˆ\=Latin _jam_) dangerous" (old word from \epi\ and \sphall“\, to trip, to fall, and so prone to fall, here only in N.T.). {Because the Fast was now already gone by} (\dia to kai tˆn nˆsteian ˆdˆ parelˆluthenai\). Accusative (after \dia\) of the articular infinitive perfect active of \parerchomai\, to pass by, with the accusative of general reference (\nˆsteian\, the great day of atonement of the Jews, strkjv@Leviticus:16:29ff.|) occurring about the end of September. The ancients considered navigation on the Mediterranean unsafe from early October till the middle of March. In A.D. 59 the Fast occurred on Oct. 5. There is nothing strange in Luke using this Jewish note of time as in strkjv@20:6| though a Gentile Christian. Paul did it also (1Corinthians:16:8|). It is no proof that Luke was a Jewish proselyte. We do not know precisely when the party left Caesarea (possibly in August), but in ample time to arrive in Rome before October if conditions had been more favourable. But the contrary winds had made the voyage very slow and difficult all the way (verse 7|) besides the long delay here in this harbour of Fair Havens. {Paul admonished them} (\parˆinˆi ho Paulos\). Imperfect active of \paraine“\, old word to exhort from \para\ and \aine“\, to praise (3:8|), only here and verse 22| in N.T. It is remarkable that a prisoner like Paul should venture to give advice at all and to keep on doing it (imperfect tense inchoative, began to admonish and kept on at it). Paul had clearly won the respect of the centurion and officers and also felt it to be his duty to give this unasked for warning. {I perceive} (\the“r“\). Old word from \the“ros\, a spectator. See strkjv@Luke:10:18|. Paul does not here claim prophecy, but he had plenty of experience with three shipwrecks already (2Corinthians:11:25|) to justify his apprehension. {Will be} (\mellein esesthai\). Infinitive in indirect assertion followed by future infinitive after \mellein\ in spite of \hoti\ which would naturally call for present indicative \mellei\, an anacoluthon due to the long sentence (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 478). {With injury} (\meta hubre“s\). An old word from \huper\ (above, upper, like our "uppishness") and so pride, insult, personal injury, the legal word for personal assault (Page). Josephus (_Ant_. III. 6, 4) uses it of the injury of the elements. {Loss} (\zˆmian\). Old word, opposite of \kerdos\, gain or profit (Phillipians:3:7f.|). Nowhere else in N.T. {Lading} (\phortiou\). Diminutive of \phortos\ (from \pher“\, to bear) only in form. Common word, but in N.T. only here in literal sense, as metaphor in strkjv@Matthew:11:30; strkjv@23:4; strkjv@Luke:11:46; strkjv@Galatians:6:5|. {But also of our lives} (\alla kai t“n psuch“n\). Common use of \psuchˆ\ for life, originally "breath of life" (Acts:20:10|), and also "soul" (14:2|). Fortunately no lives were lost, though all else was. But this outcome was due to the special mercy of God for the sake of Paul (verse 24|), not to the wisdom of the officers in rejecting Paul's advice. Paul begins now to occupy the leading role in this marvellous voyage.

rwp@Acts:27:12 @{Because the haven was not commodious to winter in} (\aneuthetou tou limenos huparchontos pros paracheimasian\). Genitive absolute again present tense of \huparch“\: "The harbour being unfit (\aneuthetou\, this compound not yet found elsewhere, simplex in strkjv@Luke:9:62; strkjv@14:35; strkjv@Hebrews:6:7|) for wintering" (\paracheimasia\, only here in N.T., but in Polybius and Diodorus, in an inscription A.D. 48, from \paracheimaz“\). {The more part advised} (\hoi pleiones ethento boulˆn\). Second aorist middle indicative of \tithˆmi\, ancient idiom with \boulˆn\, to take counsel, give counsel. Lysias held a council of the officers of the ship on the issue raised by Paul. {If by any means they could reach Phoenix and winter there} (\ei p“s dunainto katantˆsantes eis Phoinika paracheimasai\). The optative \dunainto\ (present middle of \dunamai\) here with \ei\ is a condition of the fourth class with the notion of purpose implied and indirect discourse (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1021). "We vote for going on the chance that we may be able" (Page). Phoenix is the town of palms (John:12:13|), the modern Lutro, the only town in Crete on the southern coast with a harbour fit for wintering, though Wordsworth and Page argue for Phineka which suits Luke's description better. The verb \paracheimaz“\, to winter, is from \para\ and \cheim“n\ (see also strkjv@28:11|). Used in several _Koin‚_ writers. {Looking northeast and southeast} (\bleponta kata liba kai kata ch“ron\). There are two ways of interpreting this language. \Lips\ means the southwest wind and \ch“ros\ the northwest wind. But what is the effect of \kata\ with these words? Does it mean "facing" the wind? If so, we must read "looking southwest and northwest." But \kata\ can mean down the line of the wind (the way the wind is blowing). If so, then it is proper to translate "looking northeast and southeast." This translation suits Lutro, the other suits Phoenike. Ramsay takes it to be Lutro, and suggests that sailors describe the harbour by the way it looks as they go into it (the subjectivity of the sailors) and that Luke so speaks and means Lutro which faces northeast and southeast. On the whole Lutro has the best of the argument.

rwp@Acts:27:13 @{When the south wind blew softly} (\hupopneusantos notou\). Genitive absolute with aorist active participle of \hupopne“\, old verb to blow under, then to blow gently, here only in N.T. "A south wind having blown gently," in marked contrast to the violent northwest wind that they had faced so long. They were so sure of the wisdom of their decision that they did not even draw up the small boat attached by a rope to the vessel's stern (verse 16|). It was only some forty miles to Lutro. {Their purpose} (\tˆs prothese“s\, set before them, from \protithˆmi\), genitive after \krate“\ (\kekratˆkenai\, perfect active infinitive in indirect discourse). {They weighed anchor} (\ƒrantes\). First aorist active participle of \air“\, old verb used in technical sense with \tas agkuras\ (anchors) understood as in Thucydides I. 52; II. 23, "having lifted the anchors." Page takes it simply as "moving." {Sailed along Crete} (\parelegonto tˆn Krˆtˆn\). Imperfect middle. See verse 8|, "were coasting along Crete." {Close in shore} (\ƒsson\). Comparative adverb of \agki\, near, and so "nearer" to shore. Only here in N.T.

rwp@Acts:27:15 @{When the ship was caught} (\sunarpasthentos tou ploiou\). Genitive absolute again with first aorist passive of \sunarpaz“\, old word, in N.T. only strkjv@Luke:8:29; strkjv@Acts:6:12; strkjv@19:29|, and here. Graphic picture as if the ship was seized by a great monster. {Face the wind} (\antophthalmein t“i anem“i\). Dative case with the vivid infinitive of \antophthalme“\ from \antophthalmos\, looking in the eye, or eye to eye (\anti\, facing and \opthalmos\, eye). Eyes were painted on the prows of vessels. The ship could not face the wind enough to get to Phoenix. Modern sailors talk of sailing into the eye of the wind. We were not able to look the wind in the eye. _Koin‚_ verb used by Polybius. Some MSS. have it in strkjv@Acts:6:11|, but only here in N.T. In Wisdom of Sol. strkjv@12:14 it is used of a prince who cannot look God in the face. Clement of Rome 34 uses it of an idle workman not able to look his employer in the face (Milligan and Moulton's _Vocabulary_). {We gave way} (\epidontes\). Second aorist active participle of \epidid“mi\, giving way to the wind. {Were driven} (\epherometha\). Imperfect passive of \pher“\, "we were being borne along." We "scudded before the gale" (Page). "The suddenness of the hurricane gave no time to furl the great mainsail" (Furneaux).

rwp@Acts:27:16 @{Running under the lee of} (\hupodramontes\). Second aorist active participle of \hupotrech“\. Same use of \hupo\ as in \hupepleusamen\ (verses 4,8|) for "under the lee", under the protection of. \Nˆsion\ is diminutive of \nˆsos\, a small island. The MSS. vary between Cauda (B) and Clauda (Aleph). {To secure the boat} (\perikrateis genesthai tˆs skaphˆs\). "To become masters (\perikrateis\ from \peri\ and \kratos\, power over, found in Susannah and ecclesiastical writers, and here only in N.T.) of the boat ("dug out," like Indian boats, literally, from \skapt“\, to dig, old word, here only in N.T. and verses 30,32|). The smooth water behind the little island enabled them to do this. {When they had hoisted it up} (\hˆn ƒrantes\). "Which (the little boat) having hoisted up (\arantes\, verse 13|)." Even so it was "with difficulty" (\molis\). Perhaps the little boat was waterlogged. {Used helps} (\boˆtheiais echr“nto\). Imperfect middle of \chraomai\ with instrumental case. The "helps" were ropes or chains, no doubt. {Under-girding the ship} (\hupoz“nnuntes to ploion\). Present active participle of \hupoz“nnumi\. Old verb, here only in N.T. Probably cables (\hupoz“mata\) or ropes were used under the hull of the ship laterally or even longitudinally, tightly secured on deck. This "frapping" was more necessary for ancient vessels because of the heavy mast. The little island made it possible to do this also. {Lest we be cast upon the Syrtis} (\mˆ eis tˆn Surtin ekpes“sin\). Final clause after verb of fearing (\phoboumenoi\) with \mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \ekpipt“\, old verb to fall out or off, to be cast away. Songs:here and verses 26,29|, a classical use of the verb for a ship driven out of its course on to shoals or rocks (Page who cites Xenophon, _Anab_. VII. 5, 12). The Syrtis was the name for two quicksands between Carthage and Cyrenaica, this clearly being the Syrtis Major most dangerous because of the sandbanks (\surtis\, from \sur“\). The wind would drive the ship right into this peril if something were not done. {They lowered the gear} (\chalasantes to skeuos\). First aorist active participle of \chala“\ (cf. strkjv@Luke:5:4| for lowering the nets). \Skeuos\ means vessel or gear. They slackened or reduced sail, especially the mainsail, but leaving enough to keep the ship's head as close to the wind as was practicable. {Songs:were driven} (\hout“s epheronto\). Imperfect passive indicative again as in verse 15| with the addition of \hout“s\ (thus). The ship was now fixed as near to the wind (E N E) as possible (seven points). That would enable the ship to go actually W by N and so avoid the quicksands. J. Smith has shown that, a day being lost around Cauda, the ship going 36 miles in 24 hours in 13 days would make 468 miles. The Island of Malta (Melita) is precisely in that direction (W by N) from Cauda and is 480 miles. Page sees a difficulty about this explanation of the steady drift of the ship in the word \diapheromenon\ in verse 27|, but that was at the end of the drifting and the varied winds could have come then and not before. The whole narrative as explained carefully in Smith's _Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul_ is a masterpiece of precise and accurate scholarship. A resume of his results appears in my _Luke the Historian in the Light of Research_.

rwp@Acts:27:18 @{As we laboured exceedingly with the storm} (\sphodr“s cheimazomen“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with present passive participle of \cheimaz“\, old verb to afflict with a tempest (\cheima\, stormy weather), to toss upon the waves, here alone in N.T. {They began to throw overboard} (\ekbalˆn epoiounto\). Literally, "They began to make (inchoative imperfect middle of \poie“\) a casting out" (\ekbolˆn\ from \ekball“\, to cast out, old word, only here in N.T.). Cf. Latin _jacturam facere_. This to lighten the ship by throwing overboard the cargo. The grain in the ship would shift and make it list and so added to the danger. {They cast out} (\eripsan\). Third person plural aorist active of \ript“\, not \eripsamen\ as Textus Receptus. {With their own hands} (\autocheires\). Old word (\autos, cheir\) but here alone in N.T. Vivid and graphic touch by Luke who, of course, watched every movement day by day. {The tackling} (\tˆn skeuˆn\). The furniture of the ship that could be spared. It was becoming desperate.

rwp@Acts:27:21 @{When they had been long without food} (\pollˆs te asitias huparchousˆs\). Genitive absolute, the old word \asitia\ from \asitos\ (verse 33|) \a\ privative and \sitos\, food, here alone in N.T. Literally, "There being much abstinence from food." They had plenty of grain on board, but no appetite to eat (sea-sickness) and no fires to cook it (Page). "Little heart being left for food" (Randall). Galen and other medical writers use \asitia\ and \asitos\ for want of appetite. {Stood forth} (\statheis\). As in strkjv@1:15; strkjv@2:14; strkjv@17:22|. Pictorial word (Page) that sets forth the vividness and solemnity of the scene (Knowling). {Ye should have hearkened unto me} (\edei men peitharchˆsantas moi\). Literally, "It was necessary for you hearkening unto me not to set sail (\mˆ anagesthai\)." It was not the "I told you so" of a small nature, "but a reference to the wisdom of his former counsel in order to induce acceptance of his present advice" (Furneaux). The first aorist active participle is in the accusative of general reference with the present infinitive \anagesthai\. {And have gotten this injury and loss} (\kerdˆsai te tˆn hubrin tautˆn kai tˆn zˆmian\). This Ionic form \kerdˆsai\ (from \kerda“\) rather than \kerdˆnai\ or \kerdƒnai\ is common in late Greek (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 349). The Revised Version thus carries over the negative \mˆ\ to this first aorist active infinitive \kerdˆsai\ from \kerda“\ (cf. on ¯Matthew:16:26|). But Page follows Thayer in urging that this is not exact, that Paul means that by taking his advice they ought to have escaped this injury and loss. "A person is said in Greek 'to gain a loss' when, being in danger of incurring it, he by his conduct saves himself from doing so." This is probably Paul's idea here.

rwp@Acts:27:22 @{And now} (\kai ta nun\). Accusative plural neuter article of general reference in contrast with \men\ in verse 21|. Paul shows modesty (Bengel) in the mild contrast. {No loss of life} (\apobolˆ psuchˆs oudemia\). Old word from \apoball“\, to throw away, only twice in N.T. strkjv@Romans:11:15| (rejection) and here. He had foretold such loss of life as likely (verse 10|), but he now gives his reason for his changed view.

rwp@Acts:27:27 @{As we were driven to and fro} (\diapheromen“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with present passive participle of \diapher“\, old verb to bear different ways (\dia=duo\, two), this way and that. Continued to be tossed to and fro in the rough seas. It would seem so to those on board. It does not necessarily mean that the wind had changed. The fourteenth night is reckoned from the time they left Fair Havens. {In the sea of Adria} (\en t“i Hadriƒi\). Not the Adriatic Sea as we now call the sea between Italy and the mainland of Illyricum, but all the lower Mediterranean between Italy and Greece. Luke's usage is like that of Strabo. {Surmised} (\hupenooun\). Imperfect active indicative of \huponoe“\, inchoative, began to suspect. {That they were drawing near to some country} (\prosagein tina autois ch“ran\). Infinitive with accusative of general reference in indirect assertion. \Prosag“\ is here used intransitively and Luke writes from the sailor's standpoint that a certain land was drawing near to them (\autois\, dative). The sailors heard the sound of breakers and grew uneasy.

rwp@Acts:27:28 @{They sounded} (\bolisantes\). First aorist active participle of \boliz“\ rare verb only here and in Eustathius who says it was familiar in ancient Greek. Apparently from \bolis\, a missile or dart, and so to throw down the lead into the sea, to heave the lead, to take soundings. The inscriptions give \bolimos\ for "leaden." {Twenty fathoms} (\orguias eikosi\). This old word, from \oreg“\, to stretch, means the distance from one outstretched middle finger tip to the other likewise out-stretched. {After a little space} (\brachu diastˆsantes\). Literally, "standing apart a little" (second aorist active participle of \diistˆmi\), that is, the ship going a short distance further on. A ship today approaching St. Paul's Bay by the rocky point of Koura would pass first twenty, then fifteen fathoms (Furneaux).

rwp@Acts:27:30 @{The sailors} (\t“n naut“n\). Old word from \naus\ (ship), in N.T. only here, verse 30; strkjv@Revelation:18:17|. {Were seeking} (\zˆtount“n\). Genitive absolute again with present active participle of \zˆte“\ to seek. {Had lowered} (\chalasant“n\). Aorist active participle of \chalaz“\. {Under colour} (\prophasei\). Possibly the same word as "prophecy" (from \pro-phˆmi\, to speak forth), but here pretence, pretext, although it may come from \prophain“\, to show forth. The use here is an old one and appears also in strkjv@Mark:12:40; strkjv@Luke:20:47; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:5; strkjv@Phillipians:1:18|. {As though} (\h“s\). The alleged reason, a common Greek idiom with \h“s\ and the participle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 966). Here with \mellont“n\. {From the foreship} (\ek pr“irˆs\). Old word for prow of the ship. In the N.T. only here and verse 41|. Note here \ekteinein\ (lay out, stretch out) rather than \rhipsantes\ (casting) in verse 29|, for they pretended to need the small boat to stretch out or lay out the anchors in front.

rwp@Acts:27:33 @{While the day was coming on} (\achri hou hˆmera ˆmellen ginesthai\). More likely here \achri hou\ (for \achri toutou h“i\) with the imperfect \ˆmellen\, has its usual meaning, "until which time day was about to come on (\ginesthai\, present middle infinitive, linear action)." That is Paul kept on exhorting or beseeching (\parekalei\, imperfect active) them until dawn began to come on (cf. verse 39| when day came). In strkjv@Hebrews:3:13| \achri hou\ with the present indicative has to mean "so long as" or while, but that is not true here (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 975). See on ¯Acts:2:46| for the same phrase for partaking food (\metalamban“ trophˆs\, genitive case) as also in strkjv@27:34|. Paul wanted them to be ready for action when day really came. "Fourteenth day" repeated (verse 27|), only here in the accusative of duration of time (\hˆmeran\). It is not clear whether the "waiting" (\prosdok“ntes\, present active participle predicate nominative complementary participle after \diateleite\, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1121) means fourteen days of continuous fasting or only fourteen successive nights of eager watching without food. Galen and Dionysius of Halicarnassus employ the very idiom used here by Luke (\asitos diatele“\). {Having taken nothing} (\mˆthen proslabomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \proslamban“\ with the accusative \mˆthen\ rather than the more usual \mˆden\. Probably Paul means that they had taken no regular meals, only bits of food now and then.

rwp@Acts:27:36 @{Then were they all of good cheer} (\euthumoi de genomenoi\). More exactly, "Then all becoming cheerful," because of Paul's words and conduct. {Took food} (\proselabonto trophˆs\). Partitive genitive here (some food), not accusative as verse 33|. Paul's courage was contagious.

rwp@Acts:27:38 @{When they had eaten enough} (\koresthentes trophˆs\). First aorist passive of \korennumi\, old verb to satisfy, to satiate, with the genitive. Literally, "Having been satisfied with food." Here only in the N.T. {They lightened} (\ekouphizon\). Inchoative imperfect active, began to lighten. Old verb from \kouphos\ and originally to be light, but transitive to lighten, as here, from Hippocrates on. {Throwing out the wheat} (\ekballomenoi ton siton\). The cargo of wheat. The second \ekbolˆ\ (verse 18|) or casting out and overboard which was only partially done at first.

rwp@Acts:27:40 @{Casting off} (\perielontes\). Second aorist active of \periaire“\. Literally, "Having taken away from around," that is all four anchors from around the stern. Cf. the other verbs with \agkuras\ in verse 29,30|. {They left them in the sea} (\ei“n eis tˆn thalassan\). Imperfect active of \ea“\, either descriptive or inchoative. They let the anchors go and the ropes fell down into the sea. {At the same time loosing the bands of the rudders} (\hama anentes tas zeuktˆrias t“n pˆdali“n\). On the use of \hama\ with the participle, old Greek idiom see Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1139. The second aorist active participle of \aniˆmi\, to relax, loosen up. Old verb, in N.T. strkjv@Acts:16:26; strkjv@27:40; strkjv@Ephesians:6:9; strkjv@Hebrews:13:5|. Thayer notes that \zeuktˆrias\ (bands) occurs nowhere else, but several papyri use it of yokes and waterwheels (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). The word for rudders (\pˆdalion\) is an old one (from \pˆdon\, the blade of an oar), but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@James:3:4|. Page notes that the ancient ships had a pair of paddle rudders like those of the early northmen, one on each quarter. The paddle rudders had been fastened while the ship was anchored. {Hoisting up the foresail to the wind} (\eparantes ton artem“na tˆi pneousˆi\). Supply \aurƒi\ (breeze) after \pneousˆi\ (blowing). It is not clear what "sail" is meant by "\artem“na\." No other example in Greek is known, though the scholiast to Juvenal XII. 68 explains \velo prora suo\ by _artemone solo_. Hence "foresail" is probably correct. {They made for the beach} (\kateichon eis ton aigialon\). Imperfect active of \katech“\, to hold down, perhaps inchoative. "They began to hold the ship steadily for the beach."

rwp@Acts:27:41 @{But lighting upon} (\peripesontes de\). Second aorist active participle of \peripipt“\, old verb to fall into and so be encompassed by as in strkjv@Luke:10:30; strkjv@James:1:2|. There is a current on one side of St. Paul's Bay between a little island (Salmonetta) and Malta which makes a sand bank between the two currents. Unexpectedly the ship stuck in this sandbar. {Where two seas met} (\dithalasson\). Used in Strabo and Dio Chrysostom for divided seas (\dis, thalassa\). {They ran the vessel aground} (\epekeilan tˆn naun\). First aorist active indicative of old verb \epikell“\, to run a ship ashore. Only here in N.T. Here also we have the only N.T. use of \naus\ for ship (from \na“, ne“\, to swim) so common in ancient Greek. Our word navy is from this word through the Latin. {Struck} (\ereisasa\). First aorist active participle of \ereid“\, old verb to fix firmly. Only here in N.T. {Unmoveable} (\asaleutos\). From \a\ privative and \saleu“\ to shake. Old word. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:12:28|. {Began to break up} (\elueto\). Inchoative imperfect passive of the old verb \lu“\, to loosen. The prow was stuck in the sand-bar, and the stern was breaking to pieces by the opposing waves lashing on both sides. It was a critical moment.

rwp@Acts:27:42 @{Counsel was to kill} (\boulˆ egeneto hina--apoktein“sin\). The soldiers did not relish the idea of the escape of the prisoners. Hence there came this "counsel" (\boulˆ\). Regular Greek idiom for purpose (\hina\ and aorist active subjunctive of \apoktein“\, to kill). Soldiers were responsible for the lives of prisoners (Acts:12:19|). {Swim out} (\ekkolumbˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \ekkolumba“\, old verb to swim out and so away. {Escape} (\diaphugˆi\). Second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \diapheug“\, to make a clean (\dia\) escape.

rwp@Acts:28:2 @{The barbarians} (\hoi barbaroi\). The Greeks called all men "barbarians" who did not speak Greek (Romans:1:14|), not "barbarians" in our sense of rude and uncivilized, but simply "foreign folk." Diodorus Siculus (V. 12) says that it was a colony of the Phoenicians and so their language was Punic (Page). The word originally meant an uncouth repetition (\barbar\) not understood by others (1Corinthians:14:11|). In strkjv@Colossians:3:11| Paul couples it with Scythian as certainly not Christian. These are (with verse 4| below) the only N.T. instances. {Showed us} (\pareichan\). Imperfect active of \parech“\ with \-an\ instead of \-on\ as \eichan\ in strkjv@Mark:8:7| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 339). It was their habit on this occasion, Luke means, they kept on showing. {No common kindness} (\ou tˆn tuchousan philanthr“pian\). The old word \philanthr“pia\ (\philos\, \anthr“pos\), love of mankind, occurs in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Titus:3:4| (adverb in strkjv@27:3|). See on ¯19:11| for this use of \ou tˆn tuchousan\, "not the kindness that happens every day." They were not "wreckers" to take advantage of the calamity. {They kindled a fire} (\hapsantes puran\). The only N.T. example and verse 3| of the old word \pura\ (from \pur\, fire), a pile of burning fuel (sticks). First aorist active participle of \hapt“\, to set fire to, to kindle. Cf. \anapt“\ in strkjv@Luke:12:49|. {Received us all} (\proselabonto pantas hˆmƒs\). Second aorist middle (indirect indicative of \proslamban“\. They took us all to themselves (cf. strkjv@Acts:18:26|). {The present} (\ton ephest“ta\). Second perfect active participle (intransitive) of \ephistˆmi\, "the rain that stood upon them" (the pouring rain). Only in Luke and Paul in N.T.

rwp@Acts:28:3 @{When Paul had gathered} (\sustrepsantos tou Paulou\). Genitive absolute with first aorist active participle of \sustreph“\, old verb to twist or turn together or roll into a bundle. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:17:22|. {A bundle of sticks} (\phrugan“n ti plˆthos\). "Some multitude (or pile) of dry twigs" (\phrugan“n\ from \phrug“\ or \phruss“\, to dry. Only here in N.T.). {Laid} (\epithentos\). Songs:genitive absolute again with second aorist active participle of \epitithˆmi\, to place upon. Few things show Paul to better advantage than this incident. {By reason of the heat} (\apo tˆs thermˆs\). Old word, only here in N.T. Ablative case with \apo\ (from the heat). The viper was in a state of torpor in the bundle of sticks. The heat wakened him. {A viper} (\echidna\). The old word used by the Baptist of the Pharisees (Matthew:3:7; strkjv@Luke:3:7|) and by Jesus also (Matthew:12:34; strkjv@23:33|). It is objected that there is little wood in the island today and no vipers, though Lewin as late as 1853 believes that he saw a viper near St. Paul's Bay. But the island now has 1,200 people to the square mile and snakes of any kind have a poor chance. The viper has also disappeared from Arran as the island became more frequented (Knowling). Ramsay thinks that the small constrictor (_Coronella Austriaca_) which still exists in the island may be the "viper," though it has no poison fangs, but clings and bites. The natives thought that it was a poisonous viper. {Fastened on his hand} (\kathˆpse tˆs cheiros autou\). First aorist active indicative of \kathapt“\, to fasten down on with the genitive case. Old verb, here only in N.T. Cf. strkjv@Mark:16:18|.

rwp@Acts:28:4 @{The beast} (\to thˆrion\). Diminutive of \thˆr\ and so little beast. See on ¯Mark:1:13|. Aristotle and the medical writers apply the word to venomous serpents, the viper in particular (Knowling), as Luke does here. Vincent calls attention to the curious history of our word "_treacle_" for molasses (Latin _theriaca_) from \thˆriakˆ\, an antidote made from the flesh of vipers. Coverdale translates strkjv@Jeremiah:8:22|: "There is no more treacle in Gilead." Jeremy Taylor: "We kill the viper and make treacle of him." {Hanging from his hand} (\kremamenon ek tˆs cheiros autou\). Vivid picture of the snake dangling from Paul's hand. Present middle participle of \kremamai\, late form for \kremannumi\, to hang up, to suspend (cf. strkjv@Galatians:3:13|). {No doubt} (\pant“s\). Literally, By all means, old adverb. Cf. strkjv@21:22; strkjv@Luke:4:23; strkjv@1Corinthians:9:22|. Only by Luke and Paul in the N.T. "They _knew_ that he was a prisoner being taken to Rome on some grave charge, and _inferred_ that the charge was murder" (Page). {Though he hath escaped} (\dias“thenta\). First aorist passive participle of \dias“z“\ (same verb used in strkjv@24:43,44; strkjv@28:1|), so-called concessive use of the participle (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1129). {Yet Justice} (\dikˆ\). An abstraction personified like the Latin _Justitia_ (Page). The natives speak of \Dikˆ\ as a goddess, but we know nothing of such actual worship in Malta, though the Greeks worshipped abstractions as in Athens. {Hath not suffered} (\ouk eiasen\). Did not suffer. They look on Paul as a doomed man as good as dead. These people thought that calamity was proof of guilt, poor philosophy and worse theology.

rwp@Acts:28:5 @{Shook off} (\apotinaxas\). First aorist active participle of \apotinass“\, to shake off. Rare word (Euripides, Galen, LXX). In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:9:5|.

rwp@Acts:28:6 @{But they expected} (\hoi de prosedok“n\). Imperfect active, were expecting, continued to expect. {That he would have swollen} (\auton mellein pimprasthai\). More exactly, "Expecting him to be about (or that he was about) to swell up." \Pimprasthai\ is present middle infinitive from \pimprˆmi\, to blow, to burn, to inflame, to cause to swell. \Prˆth“\, to swell, seems connected and both use the aorist \eprˆsa\. Our word "inflammation" likewise means a burning and a swelling. This verb is a common medical term used as Luke has it. It occurs here only in N.T. {Or fallen down dead suddenly} (\ˆ katapiptein aphn“ nekron\). Rather, "or was about to fall down dead suddenly." The two common results of a bite by a viper or other poisonous snake, both medical terms used by Luke. {But when they were long in expectation} (\epi polu de aut“n prosdok“nt“n\). Genitive absolute. "But while they were expecting for much time." {Nothing amiss come to him} (\mˆden atopon eis auton ginomenon\). "Nothing out of place coming to him" (present middle participle). \Mˆden\ the usual negative of the participle and the accusative case the object of \the“rount“n\ (genitive absolute). {Changed their minds} (\metabalomenoi\). Aorist middle (direct) participle of \metaball“\, old verb to turn about or around, turning themselves about, changing their minds. Plato uses this very verb in middle voice for changing the mind. {That he was a god} (\auton einai theon\). Accusative and infinitive in indirect discourse. At Lystra Paul was first received as a god (Mercury) and then they stoned him to kill him (Acts:14:11,19|). Songs:fickle is popular favour.

rwp@Acts:28:11 @{Which had wintered} (\parakecheimakoti\). Perfect active participle of \paracheimaz“\, to pass the winter. Old verb, in N.T. only strkjv@27:12; strkjv@28:11; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:6; strkjv@Titus:3:12|. The locative case agreeing with \ploi“i\. Navigation in the Mediterranean usually opened up in February (always by March), spring beginning on Feb. 9 (Page). {Whose sign was the Twin Brothers} (\parasˆm“i Dioskourois\). The word \parasˆm“i\ can be either a substantive (as Revised Version has it) or an adjective "marked by the sign," examples of both uses common in ancient Greek. \Dioskourois\ is in apposition with \parasˆm“i\. The word means the twin sons (\kouros\ or \koros\) of Zeus (\Dios\, genitive of \Zeus\) and Leda, viz., Castor and Pollux. The Attic used the dual, \t“ Dioskor“\. Castor and Pollux were the tutelary deities of sailors whose figures were painted one on each side of the prow of the ship. This sign was the name of the ship. Songs:they start in another grain ship of Alexandria bound for Rome.

rwp@Acts:28:12 @{Touching} (\katachthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \katag“\, to go down to land, just the opposite of \anˆchthˆmen\ in verse 11| from \anag“\, to go up to sea. {At Syracuse} (\eis Surakousas\). The chief city of Sicily and eighty miles from Malta. Perhaps open weather and a southerly wind helped them across. Here it was that Alcibiades wrecked the power and glory of Athens. Why the ship spent three days we do not know.

rwp@Acts:28:14 @{Where we found brethren} (\hou heurontes adelphous\). Possibly from Alexandria, but, as Blass observes, it is no more strange to find "brethren" in Christ in Puteoli when Paul arrives than in Rome. There was a large Jewish quarter. {Seven days} (\hˆmeras hepta\). Accusative of extent of time. Paul and his party remained so long at the urgent request of the brethren. He was still a prisoner, but clearly Julius was only too glad to show another courtesy to Paul to whom they all owed their lives. It was 130 miles by land from Puteoli to Rome over one of the great Roman roads. {And so we came to Rome} (\kai hout“s eis tˆn Romˆn ˆlthamen\). Songs:at last. Luke is exultant as Page observes: _Paulus Romae captivus: triumphus unicus_. It is the climax of the book of Acts (19:21; strkjv@23:11|), but not the close of Paul's career. Page rightly remarks that a new paragraph should begin with verse 15|, for brethren came from Rome and this part of the journey is touched with the flavour of that incident. The great event is that Paul reached Rome, but not as he had once hoped (Romans:15:22-29|).

rwp@Acts:28:15 @{When they heard of us} (\akousantes ta peri hˆm“n\). How "they heard the things concerning us" we do not know. Good news had its way of travel even before the days of telegraph, telephone, daily papers. Possibly Julius had to send on special couriers with news of his arrival after the shipwreck. Possibly some of the brethren in Puteoli at once (beginning of the week) sent on news to the brethren in Rome. The church in Rome had long ago received Paul's letter from Corinth at the hands of Phoebe. {To meet us} (\eis apantˆsin hˆmin\). Idiomatic phrase, "for meeting with us" (associative instrumental case). _Koin‚_ word \apantˆsis\ from verb \apanta“\, to meet, in N.T. only here; strkjv@Matthew:25:6; strkjv@1Timothy:4:17|. Use after \eis\ rather than infinitive like a translation Hebraism (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 91). {As far as the Market of Appius} (\achri Appiou Phorou\). The Forum of Appius, 90 miles from Puteoli, 40 from Rome, on the great Appian Way. The Censor Appius Claudius had constructed this part of the road, B.C. 312. Paul probably struck the Appian Way at Capua. Portions of this great stone highway are still in use. If one wishes to tread where Paul trod, he can do it here. Appii Forum had a bad reputation, the haunt of thieves, thugs, and swindlers. What would this motley crowd think of Paul chained to a soldier? {Three Taverns} (\Tri“n Tabern“n\). Genitive case after \achri\ like \Appiou Phorou\. About 30 miles from Rome. _Tres Tabernae_. {Whom} (\hous\). Two groups of the disciples came (one Gentile, one Jewish, Rackham thinks), one to Appii Forum, the other to Three Taverns. It was a joyous time and Julius would not interfere. {Took courage} (\elabe tharsos\). The old substantive \tharsos\ is here alone in the N.T. Jesus himself had exhorted Paul to be of good courage (\tharsei\ strkjv@Acts:23:11|) as he had done the disciples (John:16:33|). Paul had passed through enough to cause depression, whether he was depressed or not, but he deeply appreciated this kindly sympathy.

rwp@Acts:28:17 @{Those that were the chief of the Jews} (\tous ontas t“n Ioudai“n pr“tous\). This use of \pr“tos\ for the leading men of a city or among the Jews we have already had in strkjv@13:50; strkjv@25:2; strkjv@Luke:19:47|. Literally, "Those that were first among the Jews." The position of the participle \ontas\ between the article and the adjective \pr“tous\ is regular (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 777). {When they were come together} (\sunelthont“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute again. Paul could not go to the synagogue, as his custom was, being a bound prisoner. Songs:he invited the Jewish leaders to come to his lodging and hear his explanation of his presence in Rome as a prisoner with an appeal to Caesar. He is anxious that they may understand that this appeal was forced upon him by Festus following Felix and lot because he has come to make an attack on the Jewish people. He was sure that false reports had come to Rome. These non-Christian Jews accepted Paul's invitation. {Nothing against} (\ouden enantion\). Adjective here as in strkjv@26:9|, not preposition as in strkjv@7:10; strkjv@8:32|. From \en\ and \antios\ (\anti\), face to face. Concessive participle \poiˆsas\ as in verse 4| (\dias“thenta\) which see. {Yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans} (\desmios ex Ierosolum“n paredothˆn eis tas cheiras t“n Romai“n\). This condensed statement does not explain how he "was delivered," for in fact the Jews were trying to kill him when Lysias rescued him from the mob (22:27-36|). The Jews were responsible for his being in the hands of the Romans, though they had hoped to kill him first.

rwp@Acts:28:18 @{When they had examined me} (\anakrinantes me\). First aorist active participle of \anakrin“\, the same verb used already in strkjv@24:8; strkjv@25:6,26| of the judicial examinations by Felix and Festus. {Desired} (\eboulonto\). Imperfect middle of attempted action or picture of their real attitude. This is a correct statement as the words of both Felix and Festus show. {Because there was} (\dia to--huparchein\). Accusative case with \dia\ (causal use) with the articular infinitive, "Because of the being no cause of death in me" (\en emoi\, in my case, \aitia\, usual word for crime or charge of crime).

rwp@Acts:28:19 @{When the Jews spake against it} (\antilegont“n t“n Ioudai“n\). Genitive absolute again, \antilegont“n\ (\antileg“\) common verb for speaking against as in strkjv@13:45|. _Clementer dicit_ (Bengel). "The word is a mild one to describe the bitter enmity of the Jews" (Knowling). {I was constrained} (\ˆnagkasthˆn\). "I was compelled," first aorist passive indicative of \anagkaz“\, the very word used of Paul's efforts to get the Christians to blaspheme (26:11|) which see. Paul was compelled to appeal to Caesar (see strkjv@25:11,12| for this phrase), unless Paul was willing to be the victim of Jewish hate when he had done no wrong. {Not that I had aught to accuse my nation of} (\ouch h“s tou ethnous mou ech“n ti katˆgorein\). This use of \h“s\ with a participle (\ech“n\) is common in Greek for the alleged reason. The genitive case with the infinitive \katˆgorein\ is regular. Paul says \ethnos\ instead of \laos\ as in strkjv@24:17; strkjv@26:4|.

rwp@Acts:28:23 @{Appointed} (\taxamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \tass“\. Formal arrangement as in strkjv@Matthew:28:16| when Jesus appointed the mountain for his meeting in Galilee. {In great number} (\pleiones\). Comparative of \polus\, "more than a few." {Expounded} (\exetitheto\). Imperfect middle of \ektithˆmi\, to set forth, as in strkjv@11:4; strkjv@18:26|. He did it with detail and care and spent all day at it, "from morning till evening" (\apo pr“i he“s hesperas\). In N.T. only here, strkjv@4:3| and strkjv@Luke:24:29|, though common word. {Persuading them concerning Jesus} (\peith“n autous peri tou Iˆsou\). Conative present active participle, trying to persuade. It was only about Jesus that he could make good his claim concerning the hope of Israel (verse 20|). It was Paul's great opportunity. Songs:he appealed both to Moses and to the prophets for proof as it was his custom to do.

rwp@Acts:28:25 @{When they agreed not} (\asumph“noi ontes\). Old adjective, only here in N.T., double compound (\a\ privative, \sum, ph“nˆ\), without symphony, out of harmony, dissonant, discordant. It was a triumph to gain adherents at all in such an audience. {They departed} (\apeluonto\). Imperfect middle (direct) indicative, "They loosed themselves from Paul." Graphic close. {After that Paul had spoken one word} (\eipontos tou Paulou rhˆma hen\). Genitive absolute. One last word (like a preacher) after the all day exposition. {Well} (\kal“s\). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:14:7; strkjv@Mark:7:6,9| (irony). Here strong indignation in the very position of the word (Page). {To your fathers} (\pros tous pateras hum“n\). Songs:Aleph A B instead of \hˆm“n\ (our) like Stephen in strkjv@7:52| whose words Paul had heard. By mentioning the Holy Spirit Paul shows (Knowling) that they are resisting God (7:52|).

rwp@Info_Colossians @ THE OCCASION The Epistle itself gives it as being due to the arrival of Epaphras from Colossae (Colossians:1:7-9; strkjv@4:12f.|). He is probably one of Paul's converts while in Ephesus who in behalf of Paul (Colossians:1:7|) evangelized the Lycus Valley (Colossae, Hierapolis, Laodicea) where Paul had never been himself (Colossians:2:1; strkjv@4:13-16|). Since Paul's departure for Rome, the "grievous wolves" whom he foresaw in Miletus (Acts:20:29f.|) had descended upon these churches and were playing havoc with many and leading them astray much as new cults today mislead the unwary. These men were later called Gnostics (see Ignatius) and had a subtle appeal that was not easy to withstand. The air was full of the mystery cults like the Eleusinian mysteries, Mithraism, the vogue of Isis, what not. These new teachers professed new thought with a world-view that sought to explain everything on the assumption that matter was essentially evil and that the good God could only touch evil matter by means of a series of aeons or emanations so far removed from him as to prevent contamination by God and yet with enough power to create evil matter. This jejune theory satisfied many just as today some are content to deny the existence of sin, disease, death in spite of the evidence of the senses to the contrary. In his perplexity Epaphras journeyed all the way to Rome to obtain Paul's help.

rwp@Info_Colossians @ PURPOSE OF THE EPISTLE Epaphras did not come in vain, for Paul was tremendously stirred by the peril to Christianity from the Gnostics (\hoi gn“stikoi\, the knowing ones). He had won his fight for freedom in Christ against the Judaizers who tried to fasten Jewish sacramentarianism upon spiritual Christianity. Now there is an equal danger of the dissipation of vital Christianity in philosophic speculation. In particular, the peril was keen concerning the Person of Christ when the Gnostics embraced Christianity and applied their theory of the universe to him. They split into factions on the subject of Christ. The Docetic (from \doke“\, to seem) Gnostics held that Jesus did not have a real human body, but only a phantom body. He was, in fact, an aeon and had no real humanity. The Cerinthian (followers of Cerinthus) Gnostics admitted the humanity of the man Jesus, but claimed that the Christ was an aeon that came on Jesus at his baptism in the form of a dove and left him on the Cross so that only the man Jesus died. At once this heresy sharpened the issue concerning the Person of Christ already set forth in strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|. Paul met the issue squarely and powerfully portrayed his full-length portrait of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Son of Man (both deity and humanity) in opposition to both types of Gnostics. Songs:then Colossians seems written expressly for our own day when so many are trying to rob Jesus Christ of his deity. The Gnostics took varying views of moral issues also as men do now. There were the ascetics with rigorous rules and the licentious element that let down all the bars for the flesh while the spirit communed with God. One cannot understand Colossians without some knowledge of Gnosticism such as may be obtained in such books as Angus's _The Mystery-Religions and Christianity_, Glover's _The Conflict of Religion in the Early Roman Empire_, Kennedy's St. _Paul and the Mystery-Religions_, Lightfoot's _Commentary on Colossians_.

rwp@Colossians:1:4 @{Having heard of} (\akousantes\). Literary plural unless Timothy is included. Aorist active participle of \akou“\ of antecedent action to \eucharistoumen\. Epaphras (verse 8|) had told Paul. {Your faith in Jesus Christ} (\tˆn pistin hum“n en Iˆsou Christ“i\). See strkjv@Ephesians:1:15| for similar phrase. No article is needed before \en\ as it is a closely knit phrase and bears the same sense as the objective genitive in strkjv@Galatians:2:16| (\dia piste“s Christou Iˆsou\, by faith in Christ Jesus). {Which ye have} (\hˆn echete\). Probably genuine (Aleph A C D), though B omits it and others have the article (\tˆn\). There is a real distinction here between \en\ (sphere or basis) and \eis\ (direction towards), though they are often identical in idea.

rwp@Colossians:1:5 @{Because of the hope} (\dia tˆn elpida\). See strkjv@Romans:8:24|. It is not clear whether this phrase is to be linked with \eucha istoumen\ at the beginning of verse 3| or (more likely) with \tˆn agapˆn\ just before. Note also here \pistis\ (faith), \agapˆ\ (love), \elpis\ (hope), though not grouped together so sharply as in strkjv@1Corinthians:13:13|. Here hope is objective, the goal ahead. {Laid up} (\apokeimeinˆn\). Literally, "laid away or by." Old word used in strkjv@Luke:19:20| of the pound laid away in a napkin. See also \apothˆsauriz“\, to store away for future use (1Timothy:6:19|). The same idea occurs in strkjv@Matthew:6:20| (treasure in heaven) and strkjv@1Peter:1:4| and it is involved in strkjv@Philemon:3:20|. {Ye heard before} (\proˆkousate\). First aorist indicative active of this old compound \proakou“\, though only here in the N.T. Before what? Before Paul wrote? Before the realization? Before the error of the Gnostics crept in? Each view is possible and has advocates. Lightfoot argues for the last and it is probably correct as is indicated by the next clause. {In the word of the truth of the gospel} (\en t“i log“i tˆs alˆtheias tou euaggeliou\). "In the preaching of the truth of the gospel" (Galatians:2:5,14|) which is come (\parontos\, present active participle agreeing with \euaggeliou\, being present, a classical use of \pareimi\ as in strkjv@Acts:12:20|). They heard the pure gospel from Epaphras before the Gnostics came.

rwp@Colossians:1:6 @{In all the world} (\en panti t“i kosm“i\). A legitimate hyperbole, for the gospel was spreading all over the Roman Empire. {Is bearing fruit} (\estin karpophoroumenon\). Periphrastic present middle indicative of the old compound \karpophore“\, from \karpophoros\ (Acts:14:17|) and that from \karpos\ and \pher“\. The periphrastic present emphasizes the continuity of the process. See the active participle \karpophorountes\ in verse 10|. {Increasing} (\auxanomenon\). Periphrastic present middle of \auxan“\. Repeated in verse 10|. The growing and the fruit-bearing go on simultaneously as always with Christians (inward growth and outward expression). {Ye heard and knew} (\ˆkousate kai epegn“te\). Definite aorist indicative. They heard the gospel from Epaphras and at once recognized and accepted (ingressive second aorist active of \epigin“sk“\, to know fully or in addition). They fully apprehended the grace of God and should be immune to the shallow vagaries of the Gnostics.

rwp@Colossians:1:8 @{Who also declared} (\ho kai dˆl“sas\). Articular first aorist active participle of \dˆlo“\, old verb, to make manifest. Epaphras told Paul about their "love in the Spirit," grounded in the Holy Spirit.

rwp@Colossians:1:9 @{That ye may be filled with} (\hina plˆr“thˆte\). First aorist (effective) passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\, to fill full. {The knowledge of his will} (\tˆn epign“sin tou thelˆmatos autou\). The accusative case is retained with this passive verb. \Epign“sis\ is a _Koin‚_ word (Polybius, Plutarch, etc.) for additional (\epi\) or full knowledge. The word is the keynote of Paul's reply to the conceit of Gnosticism. The cure for these intellectual upstarts is not ignorance, not obscurantism, but more knowledge of the will of God. {In all spiritual wisdom and understanding} (\en pasˆi sophiƒi kai sunesei pneumatikˆi\). Both \pasei\ (all) and \pneumatikˆi\ (spiritual) are to be taken with both \sophiƒi\ and \sunesei\. In strkjv@Ephesians:1:8| Paul uses \phronˆsei\ (from \phrˆn\, intellect) rather than \sunesei\ (grasp, from \suniˆmi\, to send together). \Sunesis\ is the faculty of deciding in particular cases while \sophia\ gives the general principles (Abbott). Paul faces Gnosticism with full front and wishes the freest use of all one's intellectual powers in interpreting Christianity. The preacher ought to be the greatest man in the world for he has to deal with the greatest problems of life and death.

rwp@Colossians:1:10 @{To walk worthily of the Lord} (\peripatˆsai axi“s tou Kuriou\). This aorist active infinitive may express purpose or result. Certainly this result is the aim of the right knowledge of God. "The end of all knowledge is conduct" (Lightfoot). See strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:12; strkjv@Phillipians:1:27; strkjv@Ephesians:4:1| for a like use of \axi“s\ (adverb) with the genitive. {In the knowledge of God} (\tˆi epign“sei tou theou\). Instrumental case, "by means of the full knowledge of God." This is the way for fruit-bearing and growth to come. Note both participles (\karpophorountes kai auxanomenoi\) together as in verse 6|. {Unto all pleasing} (\eis pƒsan areskian\). In order to please God in all things (1Thessalonians:4:1|). \Areskia\ is late word from \areskeu“\, to be complaisant (Polybius, Plutarch) and usually in bad sense (obsequiousness). Only here in N.T., but in good sense. It occurs in the good sense in the papyri and inscriptions.

rwp@Colossians:1:11 @{Strengthened} (\dunamoumenoi\). Present passive participle of late verb \dunamo“\ (from \dunamis\), to empower, "empowered with all power." In LXX and papyri and modern Greek. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:11:34| and MSS. in strkjv@Ephesians:6:10| (W H in margin). {According to the might of his glory} (\kata to kratos tˆs doxˆs autou\). \Kratos\ is old word for perfect strength (cf. \krate“, kratilos\). In N.T. it is applied only to God. Here his might is accompanied by glory (_Shekinah_). {Unto all patience and longsuffering} (\eis pƒsan hupomonˆn kai makrothumian\). See both together also in strkjv@James:5:10f.; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:4,6; strkjv@2Timothy:3:10|. \Hupomonˆ\ is remaining under (\hupomen“\) difficulties without succumbing, while \makrothumia\ is the long endurance that does not retaliate (Trench).

rwp@Colossians:1:12 @{Who made us meet} (\t“i hikan“santi hˆmƒs\). Or "you" (\humƒs\). Dative case of the articular participle of \hikano“\, late verb from \hikanos\ and in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:3:6| (which see), "who made us fit or adequate for." {To be partakers} (\eis merida\). "For a share in." Old word for share or portion (from \meros\) as in strkjv@Acts:8:21; strkjv@16:12; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:15| (the only other N.T. examples). {Of the inheritance} (\tou klˆrou\). "Of the lot," "for a share of the lot." Old word. First a pebble or piece of wood used in casting lots (Acts:1:26|), then the allotted portion or inheritance as here (Acts:8:21|). Cf. strkjv@Hebrews:3:7-4:11|. {In light} (\en t“i ph“ti\). Taken with \merida\ (portion) "situated in the kingdom of light" (Lightfoot).

rwp@Colossians:1:14 @{In whom} (\en h“i\). In Christ as in strkjv@Ephesians:1:7|. This great sentence about Christ carries on by means of three relatives (\en h“i\ 14|, \hos\ 15|, \hos\ 18|) and repeated personal pronoun (\autos\), twice with \hoti\ (15,19|), thrice with \kai\ (17,18,20|), twice alone (16,20|). {Our redemption} (\tˆn apolutr“sin\). See on ¯Romans:3:24| for this great word (_Koin‚_), a release on payment of a ransom for slave or debtor (Hebrews:9:15|) as the inscriptions show (Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 327). {The forgiveness of our sins} (\tˆn aphesin t“n hamarti“n\). Accusative case in apposition with \apolutr“sin\ as in strkjv@Ephesians:1:7| ({remission}, sending away, \aphesis\, after the {redemption} \apolutr“sis\, buying back). Only here we have \hamarti“n\ (sins, from \hamartan“\, to miss) while in strkjv@Ephesians:1:7| we find \parapt“mat“n\ (slips, fallings aside, from \parapipt“\).

rwp@Colossians:1:15 @{The image} (\eik“n\). In predicate and no article. On \eik“n\, see strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4; strkjv@3:18; strkjv@Romans:8:29; strkjv@Colossians:3:10|. Jesus is the very stamp of God the Father as he was before the Incarnation (John:17:5|) and is now (Phillipians:2:5-11; strkjv@Hebrews:1:3|). {Of the invisible God} (\tou theou tou aoratou\). But the one who sees Jesus has seen God (John:14:9|). See this verbal adjective (\a\ privative and \hora“\) in strkjv@Romans:1:20|. {The first born} (\pr“totokos\). Predicate adjective again and anarthrous. This passage is parallel to the \Logos\ passage in strkjv@John:1:1-18| and to strkjv@Hebrews:1:1-4| as well as strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11| in which these three writers (John, author of Hebrews, Paul) give the high conception of the Person of Christ (both Son of God and Son of Man) found also in the Synoptic Gospels and even in Q (the Father, the Son). This word (LXX and N.T.) can no longer be considered purely "Biblical" (Thayer), since it is found In inscriptions (Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 91) and in the papyri (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary, etc._). See it already in strkjv@Luke:2:7| and Aleph for strkjv@Matthew:1:25; strkjv@Romans:8:29|. The use of this word does not show what Arius argued that Paul regarded Christ as a creature like "all creation" (\pƒsˆs ktise“s\, by metonomy the _act_ regarded as _result_). It is rather the comparative (superlative) force of \pr“tos\ that is used (first-born of all creation) as in strkjv@Colossians:1:18; strkjv@Romans:8:29; strkjv@Hebrews:1:6; strkjv@12:23; strkjv@Revelation:1:5|. Paul is here refuting the Gnostics who pictured Christ as one of the aeons by placing him before "all creation" (angels and men). Like \eik“n\ we find \pr“totokos\ in the Alexandrian vocabulary of the \Logos\ teaching (Philo) as well as in the LXX. Paul takes both words to help express the deity of Jesus Christ in his relation to the Father as \eik“n\ (Image) and to the universe as \pr“totokos\ (First-born).

rwp@Colossians:1:16 @{All things} (\ta panta\). The universe as in strkjv@Romans:11:35|, a well-known philosophical phrase. It is repeated at the end of the verse. {In him were created} (\en aut“i ektisthˆ\). Paul now gives the reason (\hoti\, for) for the primacy of Christ in the work of creation (16f.|). It is the constative aorist passive indicative \ektisthˆ\ (from \ktiz“\, old verb, to found, to create (Romans:1:25|). This central activity of Christ in the work of creation is presented also in strkjv@John:1:3; strkjv@Hebrews:1:2| and is a complete denial of the Gnostic philosophy. The whole of creative activity is summed up in Christ including the angels in heaven and everything on earth. God wrought through "the Son of his love." All earthly dignities are included. {Have been created} (\ektistai\). Perfect passive indicative of \ktiz“\, "stand created," "remain created." The permanence of the universe rests, then, on Christ far more than on gravity. It is a Christo-centric universe. {Through him} (\di' autou\). As the intermediate and sustaining agent. He had already used \en aut“i\ (in him) as the sphere of activity. {And unto him} (\kai eis auton\). This is the only remaining step to take and Paul takes it (1Corinthians:15:28|) See strkjv@Ephesians:1:10| for similar use of \en aut“i\ of Christ and in strkjv@Colossians:1:19; 20| again we have \en aut“i, di' autou, eis auton\ used of Christ. See strkjv@Hebrews:2:10| for \di' hon\ (because of whom) and \di' hou\ (by means of whom) applied to God concerning the universe (\ta panta\). In strkjv@Romans:11:35| we find \ex autou kai di' autou kai eis auton ta panta\ referring to God. But Paul does not use \ex\ in this connection of Christ, but only \en\, \dia\, and \eis\. See the same distinction preserved in strkjv@1Corinthians:8:6| (\ex\ of God, \dia\, of Christ).

rwp@Colossians:1:18 @{The head of the body} (\hˆ kephalˆ tou s“matos\). Jesus is first also in the spiritual realm as he is in nature (verses 18-20|). Paul is fond of the metaphor of the body (\s“ma\) for believers of which body Christ is the head (\kephalˆ\) as seen already in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:3; strkjv@12:12,27; strkjv@Romans:12:5|. See further strkjv@Colossians:1:24: strkjv@2:19; strkjv@Ephesians:1:22f.; strkjv@4:2,15; strkjv@5:30|. {The church} (\tˆs ekklˆsias\) Genitive case in explanatory apposition with \tou s“matos\. This is the general sense of \ekklˆsia\, not of a local body, assembly, or organization. Here the contrast is between the realm of nature (\ta panta\) in verses 15-17| and the realm of spirit or grace in verses 18-20|. A like general sense of \ekklˆsia\ occurs in strkjv@Ephesians:1:22f.; strkjv@5:24-32; strkjv@Hebrews:12:23|. In strkjv@Ephesians:2:11-22| Paul uses various figures for the kingdom of Christ (commonwealth \politeia\, verse 12|, one new man \eis hena kainon anthr“pon\, verse 15|, one body \en heni s“mati\, verse 16|, family of God \oikeioi tou theou\, verse 19|, building or temple \oikodomˆ\ and \naos\, verses 20-22|). {Who} (\hos\). Causal use of the relative, "in that he is." {The beginning} (\hˆ archˆ\). It is uncertain if the article (\hˆ\) is genuine. It is absolute without it. Christ has priority in time and in power. See strkjv@Revelation:3:14| for his relation as \archˆ\ to creation and strkjv@1Corinthians:15:20,23| for \aparchˆ\ used of Christ and the resurrection and strkjv@Acts:3:14| for \archˆgos\ used of him as the author of life and strkjv@Hebrews:2:10| of Jesus and salvation and strkjv@Hebrews:12-2| of Jesus as the pioneer of faith. {That in all things he might have the preeminence} (\hina genˆtai en pƒsin autos pr“teu“n\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\, "that he himself in all things (material and spiritual) may come to (\genˆtai\, not \ˆi\, be) hold the first place" (\pr“teu“n\, present active participle of \pr“teu“\, old verb, to hold the first place, here only in the N.T.). Christ is first with Paul in time and in rank. See strkjv@Revelation:1:5| for this same use of \pr“totokos\ with \t“n nekr“n\ (the dead).

rwp@Colossians:1:20 @{Through him} (\di' autou\). As the sufficient and chosen agent in the work of reconciliation (\apokatallaxai\, first aorist active infinitive of \apokatallass“\, further addition to \eudokˆsen\, was pleased). This double compound (\apo, kata\ with \allass“\) occurs only here, verse 22; strkjv@Ephesians:2:16|, and nowhere else so far as known. Paul's usual word for "reconcile" is \katallass“\ (2Corinthians:5:18-20; strkjv@Romans:5:10|), though \diallass“\ (Matthew:5:24|) is more common in Attic. The addition of \apo\ here is clearly for the idea of complete reconciliation. See on ¯2Corinthians:5:18-20| for discussion of \katallass“\, Paul's great word. The use of \ta panta\ (the all things, the universe) as if the universe were somehow out of harmony reminds us of the mystical passage in strkjv@Romans:8:19-23| which see for discussion. Sin somehow has put the universe out of joint. Christ will set it right. {Unto himself} (\eis auton\). Unto God, though \auton\ is not reflexive unless written \hauton\. {Having made peace} (\eirˆnopoiˆsas\). Late and rare compound (Proverbs:10:10| and here only in N.T.) from \eirˆnopoios\, peacemaker (Matthew:5:9|; here only in N.T.). In strkjv@Ephesians:2:15| we have \poi“n eirˆnˆn\ (separate words) {making peace}. Not the masculine gender, though agreeing with the idea of Christ involved even if \plˆr“ma\ be taken as the subject of \eudokˆsen\, a participial anacoluthon (construction according to sense as in strkjv@2:19|). If \theos\ be taken as the subject of \eudokˆsen\ the participle \eirˆnopoiˆsas\ refers to Christ, not to \theos\ (God). {Through the blood of his cross} (\dia tou haimatos tou staurou autou\). This for the benefit of the Docetic Gnostics who denied the real humanity of Jesus and as clearly stating the _causa medians_ (Ellicott) of the work of reconciliation to be the Cross of Christ, a doctrine needed today. {Or things in the heavens} (\eite ta en tois ouranois\). Much needless trouble has been made over this phrase as if things in heaven were not exactly right. It is rather a hypothetical statement like verse 16| not put in categorical form (Abbott), _universitas rerum_ (Ellicott).

rwp@Colossians:1:21 @{And you} (\kai humƒs\). Accusative case in a rather loose sentence, to be explained as the object of the infinitive \parastˆsai\ in verse 22| (note repeated \humƒs\ there) or as the anticipated object of \apokatˆllaxen\ if that be the genuine form in verse 22|. It can be the accusative of general reference followed by anacoluthon. See similar idiom in strkjv@Ephesians:2:1,12|. {Being in time past alienated} (\pote ontas apˆllotri“menous\). Periphrastic perfect passive participle (continuing state of alienation) of \apallotrio“\, old word from Plato on, to estrange, to render \allotrios\ (belonging to another), alienated from God, a vivid picture of heathenism as in strkjv@Romans:1:20-23|. Only other N.T. examples in strkjv@Ephesians:2:12; strkjv@4:18|. \Enemies\ (\exthrous\). Old word from \echthos\ (hatred). Active sense here, {hostile} as in strkjv@Matthew:13:28; strkjv@Romans:8:7|, not passive {hateful} (Romans:11:28|). {In your mind} (\tˆi dianoiƒi\). Locative case. \Dianoia\ (\dia, nous\), mind, intent, purpose. Old word. It is always a tragedy to see men use their minds actively against God. {In your evil works} (\en tois ergois tois ponˆrois\). Hostile purpose finds natural expression in evil deeds.

rwp@Colossians:1:23 @{If so be that ye continue in the faith} (\ei ge epimenete tˆi pistei\). Condition of the first class (determined as fulfilled), with a touch of eagerness in the use of \ge\ (at least). \Epi\ adds to the force of the linear action of the present tense (continue and then some). {Pistei} is in the locative case (in faith). {Grounded} (\tethemeli“menoi\). Perfect passive participle of \themelio“\, old verb from \themelios\ (adjective, from \thema\ from \tithˆmi\, laid down as a foundation, substantive, strkjv@1Corinthians:3:11f.|). Picture of the saint as a building like strkjv@Ephesians:2:20|. {Steadfast} (\hedraioi\). Old adjective from \hedra\ (seat). In N.T. only here, strkjv@1Corinthians:7:37; strkjv@15:58|. Metaphor of seated in a chair. {Not moved away} (\mˆ metakinoumenoi\). Present passive participle (with negative \mˆ\) of \metakine“\, old verb, to move away, to change location, only here in N.T. Negative statement covering the same ground. {From the hope of the gospel} (\apo tˆs elpidos tou euaggeliou\). Ablative case with \apo\. The hope given by or in the gospel and there alone. {Which ye heard} (\hou ˆkousate\). Genitive case of relative either by attraction or after \ˆkousate\. The Colossians had in reality heard the gospel from Epaphras. {Preached} (\kˆruchthentos\). First aorist passive participle of \kˆruss“\, to herald, to proclaim. {In all creation} (\en pasˆi ktisei\). \Ktisis\ is the act of founding (Romans:1:20|) from \ktiz“\ (verse 16|), then a created thing (Romans:1:25|), then the sum of created things as here and strkjv@Revelation:3:14|. It is hyperbole, to be sure, but Paul does not say that all men are converted, but only that the message has been heralded abroad over the Roman Empire in a wider fashion than most people imagine. {A minister} (\diakonos\). General term for service (\dia, konis\, raising a dust by speed) and used often as here of preachers like our "minister" today, one who serves. Jesus used the verb \diakonˆsai\ of himself (Mark:10:45|). Our "deacon" is this word transliterated and given a technical meaning as in strkjv@Phillipians:1:1|.

rwp@Colossians:1:24 @{Now I rejoice} (\nun chairomen\). This is not a new note for Paul. See him in jail in Philippi (Acts:16:25|) and in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:16-33; strkjv@Romans:5:3; strkjv@Phillipians:2:18|. {Fill up on my part} (\antanaplˆr“\). Very rare double compound verb (here only in N.T.) to fill (\plˆro“\) up (\ana\), in turn (\anti\). It is now Paul's "turn" at the bat, to use a baseball figure. Christ had his "turn," the grandest of all and suffered for us all in a sense not true of any one else. It is the idea of balance or correspondence in \anti\ as seen in Demosthenes's use of this verb (_Deuteronomy:Symm_., p. 282), "the poor balancing the rich." And yet Christ did not cause suffering to cease. There is plenty left for Paul and for each of us in his time. {That which is lacking} (\ta husterˆmata\). "The left-overs," so to speak. Late word from \hustere“\, to come behind, to be left, to fail. See strkjv@Luke:21:4; strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:10; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:14; strkjv@9:12|. {For his body's sake} (\huper tou s“matos autou\). As Paul showed in his exultation in suffering in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:16-33|, though not in the same sense in which Christ suffered and died for us as Redeemer. Paul attaches no atoning value whatever to his own sufferings for the church (see also verse 18|).

rwp@Colossians:1:26 @{The mystery} (\to mustˆrion\). See on strkjv@1Corinthians:2:7| for this interesting word from \mustˆs\ (initiate), from \mue“\, to wink, to blink. The Gnostics talked much of "mysteries." Paul takes their very word (already in common use, strkjv@Matthew:13:11|) and uses it for the gospel. {Which hath been hid} (\to apokekrummenon\). Perfect passive articular participle from \apokrupt“\, old verb, to hide, to conceal from (1Corinthians:2:7; strkjv@Ephesians:3:9|). {But now it hath been manifested} (\nun de ephaner“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \phanero“\, to make manifest (\phaneros\). The construction is suddenly changed (anacoluthon) from the participle to the finite verb.

rwp@Colossians:1:27 @{God was pleased} (\ˆthelˆsen ho theos\). First aorist active indicative of \thel“\, to will, to wish. "God willed" this change from hidden mystery to manifestation. {To make known} (\gn“risai\). First aorist active infinitive of \gn“riz“\ (from \gin“sk“\). Among the Gentiles (\en tois ethnesin\). This is the crowning wonder to Paul that God had included the Gentiles in his redemptive grace, "the riches of the glory of this mystery" (\to ploutos tˆs doxˆs tou mustˆriou toutou\) and that Paul himself has been made the minister of this grace among the Gentiles (Ephesians:3:1-2|). He feels the high honour keenly and meets the responsibility humbly. {Which} (\ho\). Grammatical gender (neuter) agreeing with \mustˆriou\ (mystery), supported by A B P Vulg., though \hos\ (who) agreeing with \Christos\ in the predicate is read by Aleph C D L. At any rate the idea is simply that the personal aspect of "this mystery" is "Christ in you the hope of glory" (\Christos en humin hˆ elpis tˆs doxˆs\). He is addressing Gentiles, but the idea of \en\ here is in, not among. It is the personal experience and presence of Christ in the individual life of all believers that Paul has in mind, the indwelling Christ in the heart as in strkjv@Ephesians:3:17|. He constitutes also the hope of glory for he is the \Shekinah\ of God. Christ is our hope now (1Timothy:1:1|) and the consummation will come (Romans:8:18|).

rwp@Colossians:1:29 @{Whereunto} (\eis ho\). That is "to present every man perfect in Christ." {I labour also} (\kai kopi“\). Late verb \kopia“\, from \kopos\ (toil), to grow weary from toil (Matthew:11:28|), to toil on (Phillipians:2:16|), sometimes for athletic training. In papyri. {Striving} (\ag“nizomenos\). Present middle participle of common verb \ag“nizomai\ (from \ag“n\, contest, as in strkjv@2:1|), to contend in athletic games, to agonize, a favourite metaphor with Paul who is now a prisoner. {Working} (\energeian\). Our word "energy." Late word from \energˆs\ (\en, ergon\), efficiency (at work). Play on the word here with the present passive participle of \energe“, energoumenˆn\ (energy energized) as in strkjv@Ephesians:1:19f|. Paul was conscious of God's "energy" at work in him "mightily" (\en dunamei\), "in power" like dynamite.

rwp@Colossians:2:2 @{May be comforted} (\paraklˆth“sin\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \parakale“\ (for which see strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3-7|) in final clause with \hina\. {Being knit together} (\sunbibasthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \sunbibaz“\, old verb, causal of \bain“\, to make go together, to coalesce in argument (Acts:16:10|), in spiritual growth (Colossians:2:19|), in love as here. Love is the \sundesmos\ (3:14|) that binds all together. {Unto all riches} (\eis pan ploutos\). Probably some distinction intended between \en\ (in love as the sphere) and \eis\ (unto as the goal). {Of the full assurance of understanding} (\tˆs plˆrophorias tˆs sunese“s\). On \plˆrophoria\, see strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:5|. From \plˆrophore“\ (see strkjv@Luke:1:1|) and only in N.T. (1Thessalonians:1:5; strkjv@Colossians:2:2; strkjv@Hebrews:6:11; strkjv@10:22|), Clement of Rome (_Cor_. 42) and one papyrus example. Paul desires the full use of the intellect in grasping the great mystery of Christ and it calls for the full and balanced exercise of all one's mental powers. {That they may know} (\eis epign“sin\). "Unto full knowledge." This use of \epign“sis\ (full, additional knowledge) is Paul's reply to the Gnostics with the limited and perverted \gn“sis\ (knowledge). {The mystery of God, even Christ} (\tou mustˆriou tou theou, Christou\). The MSS. differ widely here, but this is Westcott and Hort's reading. Genitive (objective) with \epign“sin\ and \Christou\ in apposition. Christ is "the mystery of God," but no longer hidden, but manifested (1:26|) and meant for us to know to the fulness of our capacity.

rwp@Colossians:2:4 @{This I say} (\touto leg“\). Paul explains why he has made this great claim for Christ at this point in his discussion. {May delude} (\paralogizˆtai\). Present middle subjunctive of \paralogizomai\, old verb, only here in N.T., from \para\ and \logizomai\, to count aside and so wrong, to cheat by false reckoning, to deceive by false reasoning (Epictetus). {With persuasiveness of speech} (\en pithanologiƒi\). Rare word (Plato) from \pithanos\ and \logos\, speech, adapted to persuade, then speciously leading astray. Only here in N.T. One papyrus example. The art of persuasion is the height of oratory, but it easily degenerates into trickery and momentary and flashy deceit such as Paul disclaimed in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:4| (\ouk en pithois sophias logois\) where he uses the very adjective \pithos\ (persuasive) of which \pithanos\ (both from \peith“\) is another form. It is curious how winning champions of error, like the Gnostics and modern faddists, can be with plausibility that catches the gullible.

rwp@Colossians:2:5 @{Though} (\ei kai\). Not \kai ei\ (even if). {Yet} (\alla\). Common use of \alla\ in the apodosis (conclusion) of a conditional or concessive sentence. {Your order} (\tˆn taxin\). The military line (from \tass“\), unbroken, intact. A few stragglers had gone over to the Gnostics, but there had been no panic, no breach in the line. {Steadfastness} (\stere“ma\). From \stereo“\ (from \stereos\) to make steady, and probably the same military metaphor as in \taxin\ just before. The solid part of the line which can and does stand the attack of the Gnostics. See strkjv@Acts:16:5| where the verb \stereo“\ is used with \pistis\ and strkjv@1Peter:5:9| where the adjective \stereos\ is so used. In strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:6,8,11| Paul speaks of his own \taxis\ (orderly conduct).

rwp@Colossians:2:7 @{Rooted} (\erriz“menoi\). Perfect passive participle of old verb \rizo“\ from \riza\, root. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:3:17|. Paul changes the figure from walk to growing tree. {Builded up in him} (\epoikodomoumenoi en aut“i\). Present passive participle (rooted to stay so) of \epoikodome“\, old verb, to build upon as in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:10,12|. The metaphor is changed again to a building as continually going up (present tense). {Stablished} (\bebaioumenoi\). Present passive participle of \bebaio“\, old verb from \bebaios\ (from \bain“, bai“\), to make firm or stable. {In your faith} (\tˆi pistei\). Locative case, though the instrumental case, {by your faith}, makes good sense also. {Even as ye were taught} (\kath“s edidachthˆte\). First aorist passive indicative of \didask“\, an allusion to \parelabete\ in verse 6| and to \emathete\ in strkjv@1:7|. {In thanksgiving} (\en eucharistiƒi\). Hence they had no occasion to yield to the blandishments of the Gnostic teachers.

rwp@Colossians:2:8 @{Take heed} (\blepete\). Present active imperative second person plural of \blep“\, common verb for warning like our "look out," "beware," "see to it." {Lest there shall be any one} (\mˆ tis estai\). Negative purpose with the future indicative, though the aorist subjunctive also occurs as in strkjv@2Corinthians:12:6|. {That maketh spoil of you} (\ho sulag“g“n\). Articular present active participle of \sulag“ge“\, late and rare (found here first) verb (from \sulˆ\, booty, and \ag“\, to lead, to carry), to carry off as booty a captive, slave, maiden. Only here in N.T. Note the singular here. There was some one outstanding leader who was doing most of the damage in leading the people astray. {Through his philosophy} (\dia tˆs philosophias\). The only use of the word in the N.T. and employed by Paul because the Gnostics were fond of it. Old word from \philosophos\ (\philos, sophos\, one devoted to the pursuit of wisdom) and in N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:17:18|. Paul does not condemn knowledge and wisdom (see verse 2|), but only this false philosophy, "knowledge falsely named" (\pseud“numos gn“sis\, strkjv@1Timothy:6:20|), and explained here by the next words. {And vain deceit} (\kai kenˆs apatˆs\). Old word for trick, guile, like riches (Matthew:13:22|). Descriptive of the philosophy of the Gnostics. {Tradition} (\paradosin\). Old word from \paradid“mi\, a giving over, a passing on. The word is colourless in itself. The tradition may be good (2Thessalonians:2:15; strkjv@3:6|) or bad (Mark:7:3|). Here it is worthless and harmful, merely the foolish theories of the Gnostics. {Rudiments} (\stoicheia\). Old word for anything in a \stoichos\ (row, series) like the letters of the alphabet, the materials of the universe (2Peter:3:10,12|), elementary teaching (Hebrews:5:12|), elements of Jewish ceremonial training (Acts:15:10; Gal strkjv@4:3,9|), the specious arguments of the Gnostic philosophers as here with all their aeons and rules of life. {And not after Christ} (\kai ou kata Christon\). Christ is the yardstick by which to measure philosophy and all phases of human knowledge. The Gnostics were measuring Christ by their philosophy as many men are doing today. They have it backwards. Christ is the measure for all human knowledge since he is the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe.

rwp@Colossians:2:9 @{For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily} (\hoti en aut“i katoikei pƒn to plˆr“ma tˆs theotˆtos s“matik“s\). In this sentence, given as the reason (\hoti\, because) for the preceding claim for Christ as the measure of human knowledge Paul states the heart of his message about the Person of Christ. There dwells (at home) in Christ not one or more aspects of the Godhead (the very \essence\ of God, from \theos, deitas\) and not to be confused with \theiotes\ in strkjv@Romans:1:20| (from \theios\, the {quality} of God, _divinitas_), here only in N.T. as \theiotˆs\ only in strkjv@Romans:1:20|. The distinction is observed in Lucian and Plutarch. \Theiotˆs\ occurs in the papyri and inscriptions. Paul here asserts that "all the \plˆr“ma\ of the Godhead," not just certain aspects, dwells in Christ and in bodily form (\s“matik“s\, late and rare adverb, in Plutarch, inscription, here only in N.T.), dwells now in Christ in his glorified humanity (Phillipians:2:9-11|), "the body of his glory" (\t“i s“mati tˆs doxˆs\). The fulness of the God-head was in Christ before the Incarnation (John:1:1,18; strkjv@Phillipians:2:6|), during the Incarnation (John:1:14,18; strkjv@1John:1:1-3|). It was the Son of God who came in the likeness of men (Phillipians:2:7|). Paul here disposes of the Docetic theory that Jesus had no human body as well as the Cerinthian separation between the man Jesus and the aeon Christ. He asserts plainly the deity and the humanity of Jesus Christ in corporeal form.

rwp@Colossians:2:10 @{Ye are made full} (\este peplˆr“menoi\). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of \plˆro“\, but only one predicate, not two. Christ is our fulness of which we all partake (John:1:16; strkjv@Ephesians:1:23|) and our goal is to be made full of God in Christ (Ephesians:3:19|). "In Christ they find the satisfaction of every spiritual want" (Peake). {The head} (\hˆ kaphalˆ\). There is no other place for Christ. He is first (1:18|) in time and in rank. All rule and authority comes after Christ whether angels, aeons, kings, what not.

rwp@Colossians:2:11 @{Ye were also circumcised} (\kai perietmˆthˆte\). First aorist passive indicative of \peritemn“\, to circumcise. But used here as a metaphor in a spiritual sense as in strkjv@Romans:2:29| "the circumcision of the heart." {Not made with hands} (\acheiropoiˆt“i\). This late and rare negative compound verbal occurs only in the N.T. (Mark:14:58; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1; strkjv@Colossians:2:11|) by merely adding \a\ privative to the old verbal \cheiropoiˆtos\ (Acts:7:48; strkjv@Ephesians:2:11|), possibly first in strkjv@Mark:14:58| where both words occur concerning the temple. In strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1| the reference is to the resurrection body. The feminine form of this compound adjective is the same as the masculine. {In the putting off} (\en tˆi apekdusei\). As if an old garment (the fleshly body). From \apekduomai\ (Colossians:2:15|, possibly also coined by Paul) and occurring nowhere else so far as known. The word is made in a perfectly normal way by the perfective use of the two Greek prepositions (\apo, ek\), "a resource available for and generally used by any real thinker writing Greek" (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). Paul had as much right to mint a Greek compound as any one and surely no one ever had more ideas to express and more power in doing it. {Of Christ} (\tou Christou\). Specifying genitive, the kind of circumcision that belongs to Christ, that of the heart.

rwp@Colossians:2:12 @{Having been buried with him in baptism} (\suntaphentes aut“i en t“i baptismati\). Second aorist passive participle of \sunthapt“\, old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:6:4|, followed by associative instrumental case (\aut“i\). Thayer's Lexicon says: "For all who in the rite of baptism are plunged under the water, thereby declare that they put faith in the expiatory death of Christ for the pardon of their past sins." Yes, and for all future sins also. This word gives Paul's vivid picture of baptism as a symbolic burial with Christ and resurrection also to newness of life in him as Paul shows by the addition "wherein ye were also raised with him" (\en h“i kai sunˆgerthˆte\). "In which baptism" (\baptismati\, he means). First aorist passive indicative of \sunegeir“\, late and rare verb (Plutarch for waking up together), in LXX, in N.T. only in strkjv@Colossians:2:12; strkjv@3:1; strkjv@Ephesians:2:6|. In the symbol of baptism the resurrection to new life in Christ is pictured with an allusion to Christ's own resurrection and to our final resurrection. Paul does not mean to say that the new life in Christ is caused or created by the act of baptism. That is grossly to misunderstand him. The Gnostics and the Judaizers were sacramentalists, but not so Paul the champion of spiritual Christianity. He has just given the spiritual interpretation to circumcision which itself followed Abraham's faith (Romans:4:10-12|). Cf. strkjv@Galatians:3:27|. Baptism gives a picture of the change already wrought in the heart "through faith" (\dia tˆs piste“s\). {In the working of God} (\tˆs energeias tou theou\). Objective genitive after \piste“s\. See strkjv@1:29| for \energeia\. God had power to raise Christ from the dead (\tou egeirantos\, first aorist active participle of \egeir“\, the fact here stated) and he has power (energy) to give us new life in Christ by faith.

rwp@Colossians:2:13 @{And you} (\kai humas\). Emphatic position, object of the verb \sunez“opoiˆsen\ (did he quicken) and repeated (second \humƒs\). You Gentiles as he explains. {Being dead through your trespasses} (\nekrous ontas tois parapt“masin\). Moral death, of course, as in strkjv@Romans:6:11; strkjv@Ephesians:2:1,5|. Correct text does not have \en\, but even so \parapt“masin\ (from \parapipt“\, to fall beside or to lapse, strkjv@Hebrews:6:6|), a lapse or misstep as in strkjv@Matthew:6:14; strkjv@Romans:5:15-18; strkjv@Galatians:6:1|, can be still in the locative, though the instrumental makes good sense also. {And the uncircumcision of your flesh} (\kai tˆi akroboustiƒi tˆs sarkos hum“n\). "Dead in your trespasses and your alienation from God, of which the uncircumcision of your flesh was a symbol" (Abbott). Clearly so, "the uncircumcision" used merely in a metaphorical sense. {Did he quicken together with him} (\sunez“opoiˆsen sun aut“i\). First aorist active indicative of the double compound verb \sunz“opoie“\, to make alive (\z“os, poie“\) with (\sun\, repeated also with \aut“i\, associative instrumental), found only here and in strkjv@Ephesians:2:5|, apparently coined by Paul for this passage. Probably \theos\ (God) is the subject because expressly so stated in strkjv@Ephesians:2:4f.| and because demanded by \sun aut“i\ here referring to Christ. This can be true even if Christ be the subject of \ˆrken\ in verse 14|. {Having forgiven us} (\charisamenos hˆmin\). First aorist middle participle of \charizomai\, common verb from \charis\ (favour, grace). Dative of the person common as in strkjv@3:13|. The act of forgiving is simultaneous with the quickening, though logically antecedent.

rwp@Colossians:2:14 @{Having blotted out} (\exaleipsas\). And so "cancelled." First aorist active participle of old verb \exaleiph“\, to rub out, wipe off, erase. In N.T. only in strkjv@Acts:3:19| (LXX); strkjv@Revelation:3:5; strkjv@Colossians:2:14|. Here the word explains \charisamenos\ and is simultaneous with it. Plato used it of blotting out a writing. Often MSS. were rubbed or scraped and written over again (palimpsests, like Codex C). {The bond written in ordinances that was against us} (\to kath' hˆm“n cheirographon tois dogmasin\). The late compound \cheirographon\ (\cheir\, hand, \graph“\) is very common in the papyri for a certificate of debt or bond, many of the original \cheirographa\ (handwriting, "chirography"). See Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 247. The signature made a legal debt or bond as Paul says in strkjv@Philemon:1:18f.|: "I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it." Many of the papyri examples have been "crossed out" thus X as we do today and so cancelled. One decree is described as "neither washed out nor written over" (Milligan, N. T. _Documents_, p. 16). Undoubtedly "the handwriting in decrees" (\dogmasin\, the Mosaic law, strkjv@Ephesians:2:15|) was against the Jews (Exodus:24:3; strkjv@Deuteronomy:27:14-26|) for they accepted it, but the Gentiles also gave moral assent to God's law written in their hearts (Romans:2:14f.|). Songs:Paul says "against us" (\kath' hˆm“n\) and adds "which was contrary to us" (\ho ˆn hupenantion hˆmin\) because we (neither Jew nor Gentile) could not keep it. \Hupenantios\ is an old double compound adjective (\hupo, en, antios\) set over against, only here in N.T. except strkjv@Hebrews:10:27| when it is used as a substantive. It is striking that Paul has connected the common word \cheirographon\ for bond or debt with the Cross of Christ (Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 332). {And he hath taken it out of the way} (\kai ˆrken ek tou mesou\). Perfect active indicative of \air“\, old and common verb, to lift up, to bear, to take away. The word used by the Baptist of Jesus as "the Lamb of God that bears away (\air“n\) the sin of the world" (John:1:29|). The perfect tense emphasizes the permanence of the removal of the bond which has been paid and cancelled and cannot be presented again. Lightfoot argues for Christ as the subject of \ˆrken\, but that is not necessary, though Paul does use sudden anacolutha. God has taken the bond against us "out of the midst" (\ek tou mesou\). Nailing it to the cross (\prosˆl“sas auto t“i staur“i\). First aorist active participle of old and common verb \prosˆlo“\, to fasten with nails to a thing (with dative \staur“i\). Here alone in N.T., but in III Macc. strkjv@4:9 with the very word \staur“i\. The victim was nailed to the cross as was Christ. "When Christ was crucified, God nailed the Law to His cross" (Peake). Hence the "bond" is cancelled for us. Business men today sometimes file cancelled accounts. No evidence exists that Paul alluded to such a custom here.

rwp@Colossians:2:18 @{Rob you of your prize} (\katabrabeuet“\). Late and rare compound (\kata, brabeu“\, strkjv@Colossians:3:15|) to act as umpire against one, perhaps because of bribery in Demosthenes and Eustathius (two other examples in Preisigke's _Worterbuch_), here only in the N.T. Songs:here it means to decide or give judgment against. The judge at the games is called \brabeus\ and the prize \brabeion\ (1Corinthians:9:24; strkjv@Phillipians:3:14|). It is thus parallel to, but stronger than, \krinet“\ in verse 16|. {By a voluntary humility} (\thel“n en tapeinophrosunˆi\). Present active participle of \thel“\, to wish, to will, but a difficult idiom. Some take it as like an adverb for "wilfully" somewhat like \thelontas\ in strkjv@2Peter:3:5|. Others make it a Hebraism from the LXX usage, "finding pleasure in humility." The Revised Version margin has "of his own mere will, by humility." Hort suggested \en ethelotapeinophrosunˆi\ (in gratuitous humility), a word that occurs in Basil and made like \ethelothrˆskia\ in verse 23|. {And worshipping of the angels} (\kai thrˆskeiƒi t“n aggel“n\). In strkjv@3:12| humility (\tapeinophrosunˆn\) is a virtue, but it is linked with worship of the angels which is idolatry and so is probably false humility as in verse 23|. They may have argued for angel worship on the plea that God is high and far removed and so took angels as mediators as some men do today with angels and saints in place of Christ. {Dwelling in the things which he hath seen} (\ha heoraken embateu“n\). Some MSS. have "not," but not genuine. This verb \embateu“\ (from \embatˆs\, stepping in, going in) has given much trouble. Lightfoot has actually proposed \kenembateu“n\ (a verb that does not exist, though \kenembate“\ does occur) with \ai“ra\, to tread on empty air, an ingenious suggestion, but now unnecessary. It is an old word for going in to take possession (papyri examples also). W. M. Ramsay (_Teaching of Paul_, pp. 287ff.) shows from inscriptions in Klaros that the word is used of an initiate in the mysteries who "set foot in" (\enebateusen\) and performed the rest of the rites. Paul is here quoting the very work used of these initiates who "take their stand on" these imagined revelations in the mysteries. {Vainly puffed up} (\eikˆi phusioumenos\). Present passive participle of \phusio“\, late and vivid verb from \phusa\, pair of bellows, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:4:6,18f.; strkjv@8:1|. Powerful picture of the self-conceit of these bombastic Gnostics.

rwp@Colossians:2:19 @{Not holding fast the Head} (\ou krat“n tˆn kephalˆn\). Note negative \ou\, not \mˆ\, actual case of deserting Christ as the Head. The Gnostics dethroned Christ from his primacy (1:18|) and placed him below a long line of aeons or angels. They did it with words of praise for Christ as those do now who teach Christ as only the noblest of men. The headship of Christ is the keynote of this Epistle to the Colossians and the heart of Paul's Christology. {From whom} (\ex hou\). Masculine ablative rather than \ex hˆs\ (\kephalˆs\) because Christ is the Head. He develops the figure of the body of which Christ is Head (1:18,24|). {Being supplied} (\epichorˆgoumenon\). Present passive participle (continuous action) of \epichorˆge“\, for which interesting verb see already strkjv@2Corinthians:9:10; strkjv@Galatians:3:5| and further strkjv@2Peter:1:5|. {Knit together} (\sunbibazomenon\). Present passive participle also (continuous action) of \sunbibaz“\, for which see strkjv@Colossians:2:2|. {Through the joints} (\dia t“n haph“n\). Late word \haphˆ\ (from \hapt“\, to fasten together), connections (_junctura_ and _nexus_ in the Vulgate). {And bonds} (\kai sundesm“n\). Old word from \sunde“\, to bind together. Aristotle and Galen use it of the human body. Both words picture well the wonderful unity in the body by cells, muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, skin, glands, etc. It is a marvellous machine working together under the direction of the head. {Increaseth with the increase of God} (\auxei tˆn auxˆsin tou theou\). Cognate accusative (\auxˆsin\) with the old verb \auxei\.

rwp@Colossians:2:20 @{If ye died} (\ei apethanete\). Condition of the first class, assumed as true, \ei\ and second aorist active indicative of \apothnˆsk“\, to die. He is alluding to the picture of burial in baptism (2:12|). {From the rudiments of the world} (\apo t“n stoichei“n tou kosmou\). See strkjv@2:8|. {As though living in the world} (\h“s z“ntes en kosm“i\). Concessive use of the participle with \h“s\. The picture is that of baptism, having come out (F. B. Meyer) on the other side of the grave, we are not to act as though we had not done so. We are in the Land of Beulah. {Why do ye subject yourselves to ordinances?} (\ti dogmatizesthe?\). Late and rare verb (three examples in inscriptions and often in LXX) made from \dogma\, decree or ordinance. Here it makes good sense either as middle or passive. In either case they are to blame since the bond of decrees (2:14|) was removed on the Cross of Christ. Paul still has in mind the rules of the ascetic wing of the Gnostics (2:16ff.|).

rwp@Colossians:3:2 @{Set your mind on} (\phroneite\). "Keep on thinking about." It does matter what we think and we are responsible for our thoughts. {Not on the things that are upon the earth} (\mˆ ta epi tˆs gˆs\). Paul does not mean that we should never think the things upon the earth, but that these should not be our aim, our goal, our master. The Christian has to keep his feet upon the earth, but his head in the heavens. He must be heavenly-minded here on earth and so help to make earth like heaven.

rwp@Colossians:3:5 @{Mortify} (\nekr“sate\). First aorist active imperative of \nekro“\, late verb, to put to death, to treat as dead. Latin Vulgate _mortifico_, but "mortify" is coming with us to mean putrify. Paul boldly applies the metaphor of death (2:20; strkjv@3:3|) pictured in baptism (2:12|) to the actual life of the Christian. He is not to go to the other Gnostic extreme of license on the plea that the soul is not affected by the deeds of the body. Paul's idea is that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians:6:19|). He mentions some of these "members upon the earth" like fornication (\porneian\), uncleanness (\akatharsian\), passion (\pathos\), evil desire (\epithumian kakˆn\), covetousness (\pleonexian\) "the which is idolatry" (\hˆtis estin eid“lolatria\). See the longer list of the works of the flesh in Gal strkjv@5:19-21|, though covetousness is not there named, but it is in strkjv@Ephesians:4:19; strkjv@5:5|.

rwp@Colossians:3:9 @{Lie not to another} (\mˆ pseudesthe eis allˆlous\). Lying (\pseudos\) could have been included in the preceding list where it belongs in reality. But it is put more pointedly thus in the prohibition (\mˆ\ and the present middle imperative). It means either "stop lying" or "do not have the habit of lying." {Seeing that ye have put off} (\apekdusamenoi\). First aorist middle participle (causal sense of the circumstantial participle) of the double compound verb \apekduomai\, for which see strkjv@2:15|. The \apo\ has the perfective sense (wholly), "having stripped clean off." The same metaphor as \apothesthe\ in verse 8|. {The old man} (\ton palaion anthr“pon\). Here Paul brings in another metaphor (mixes his metaphors as he often does), that of the old life of sin regarded as "the ancient man" of sin already crucified (Romans:6:6|) and dropped now once and for all as a mode of life (aorist tense). See same figure in strkjv@Ephesians:4:22|. \Palaios\ is ancient in contrast with \neos\ (young, new) as in strkjv@Matthew:9:17| or \kainos\ (fresh, unused) as in strkjv@Matthew:13:52|. {With his doings} (\sun tais praxesin autou\). Practice must square with profession.

rwp@Colossians:3:10 @{And have put on} (\kai endusamenoi\). First aorist middle participle (in causal sense as before) of \endun“\, old and common verb (Latin _induo_, English endue) for putting on a garment. Used of putting on Christ (Galatians:3:27; strkjv@Romans:13:14|). {The new man} (\ton neon\). "The new (young as opposed to old \palaion\) man" (though \anthr“pon\ is not here expressed, but understood from the preceding phrase). In strkjv@Ephesians:4:24| Paul has \endusasthai ton kainon\ (fresh as opposed to worn out) \anthr“pon\. {Which is being renewed} (\ton anakainoumenon\). Present passive articular participle of \anakaino“\. Paul apparently coined this word on the analogy of \ananeomai\. \Anakainiz“\ already existed (Hebrews:6:6|). Paul also uses \anakain“sis\ (Romans:12:2; strkjv@Titus:3:5|) found nowhere before him. By this word Paul adds the meaning of \kainos\ to that of \neos\ just before. It is a continual refreshment (\kainos\) of the new (\neos\, young) man in Christ Jesus. {Unto knowledge} (\eis epign“sin\). "Unto full (additional) knowledge," one of the keywords in this Epistle. {After the image} (\kat' eikona\). An allusion to strkjv@Genesis:1:26,28|. The restoration of the image of God in us is gradual and progressive (2Corinthians:3:18|), but will be complete in the final result (Romans:8:29; strkjv@1John:3:2|).

rwp@Colossians:3:12 @{Put on therefore} (\endusasthe oun\). First aorist middle imperative of \endun“\ (verse 10|). He explains and applies (\oun\ therefore) the figure of "the new man" as "the new garment." {As God's elect} (\h“s eklektoi tou theou\). Same phrase in strkjv@Romans:8:33; strkjv@Titus:1:1|. In the Gospels a distinction exists between \klˆtos\ and \eklektos\ (Matthew:24:22,24,31|), but no distinction appears in Paul's writings. Here further described as "holy and beloved" (\hagioi kai ˆgapˆmenoi\). The items in the new clothing for the new man in Christ Paul now gives in contrast with what was put off (3:8|). The garments include a heart of compassion (\splagchna oiktirmou\, the nobler _viscera_ as the seat of emotion as in strkjv@Luke:1:78; strkjv@Phillipians:1:8|), kindness (\chrˆstotˆta\, as in strkjv@Galatians:5:22|), humility (\tapeinophrosunˆn\, in the good sense as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:3|), meekness (\prautˆta\, in strkjv@Galatians:5:23| and in strkjv@Ephesians:4:2| also with \tapeinophrosunˆ\), long-suffering (\makrothumian\, in strkjv@Galatians:5:22; strkjv@Colossians:1:11; strkjv@James:5:10|).

rwp@Colossians:3:13 @{Forbearing one another} (\anechomenoi allˆl“n\). Present middle (direct) participle of \anech“\ with the ablative case (\allˆl“n\), "holding yourselves back from one another." {Forgiving each other} (\charizomenoi heautois\). Present middle participle also of \charizomai\ with the dative case of the reflexive pronoun (\heautois\) instead of the reciprocal just before (\allˆl“n\). {If any man have} (\ean tis echˆi\). Third class condition (\ean\ and present active subjunctive of \ech“\). {Complaint} (\momphˆn\). Old word from \memphomai\, to blame. Only here in N.T. Note \pros\ here with \tina\ in the sense of against for comparison with \pros\ in strkjv@2:31|. {Even as the Lord} (\kath“s kai ho Kurios\). Some MSS. read \Christos\ for \Kurios\. But Christ's forgiveness of us is here made the reason for our forgiveness of others. See strkjv@Matthew:6:12,14f.| where our forgiveness of others is made by Jesus a prerequisite to our obtaining forgiveness from God.

rwp@Colossians:3:16 @{The word of Christ} (\ho logos tou Christou\). This precise phrase only here, though "the word of the Lord" in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:8; strkjv@4:15; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:1|. Elsewhere "the word of God." Paul is exalting Christ in this Epistle. \Christou\ can be either the subjective genitive (the word delivered by Christ) or the objective genitive (the word about Christ). See strkjv@1John:2:14|. {Dwell} (\enoikeit“\). Present active imperative of \enoike“\, to make one's home, to be at home. {In you} (\en humin\). Not "among you." {Richly} (\plousi“s\). Old adverb from \plousios\ (rich). See strkjv@1Timothy:6:17|. The following words explain \plousi“s\. {In all wisdom} (\en pasˆi sophiƒi\). It is not clear whether this phrase goes with \plousi“s\ (richly) or with the participles following (\didaskontes kai nouthetountes\, see strkjv@1:28|). Either punctuation makes good sense. The older Greek MSS. had no punctuation. There is an anacoluthon here. The participles may be used as imperatives as in strkjv@Romans:12:11f.,16|. {With psalms} (\psalmois\, the Psalms in the Old Testament originally with musical accompaniment), {hymns} (\humnois\, praises to God composed by the Christians like strkjv@1Timothy:3:16|), {spiritual songs} (\“idais pneumatikais\, general description of all whether with or without instrumental accompaniment). The same song can have all three words applied to it. {Singing with grace} (\en chariti ƒidontes\). In God's grace (2Corinthians:1:12|). The phrase can be taken with the preceding words. The verb \ƒid“\ is an old one (Ephesians:5:19|) for lyrical emotion in a devout soul. {In your hearts} (\en tais kardiais hum“n\). Without this there is no real worship "to God" (\t“i the“i\). How can a Jew or Unitarian in the choir lead in the worship of Christ as Saviour? Whether with instrument or with voice or with both it is all for naught if the adoration is not in the heart.

rwp@Colossians:3:18 @{Wives} (\kai gunaikes\). The article here distinguishes class from class and with the vocative case can be best rendered "Ye wives." Songs:with each group. {Be in subjection to your husbands} (\hupotassesthe tois andrasin\). "Own" (\idiois\) is genuine in strkjv@Ephesians:5:22|, but not here. The verb \hupotassomai\ has a military air, common in the _Koin‚_ for such obedience. Obedience in government is essential as the same word shows in strkjv@Romans:13:1,5|. {As is fitting in the Lord} (\h“s anˆken en Kuri“i\). This is an idiomatic use of the imperfect indicative with verbs of propriety in present time (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 919). Wives have rights and privileges, but recognition of the husband's leadership is essential to a well-ordered home, only the assumption is that the husband has a head and a wise one.

rwp@Colossians:3:20 @{Obey your parents} (\hupakouete tois goneusin\). Old verb to listen under (as looking up), to hearken, to heed, to obey. {In all things} (\kata panta\). This is the hard part for the child, not occasional obedience, but continual. Surely a Christian father or mother will not make unreasonable or unjust demands of the child. Nowhere does modern civilization show more weakness than just here. Waves of lawlessness sweep over the world because the child was not taught to obey. Again Paul argues that this is "in the Lord" (\en Kuri“i\).

rwp@Colossians:3:22 @{Your masters according to the flesh} (\tois kata sarka kuriois\). "Lords" really, but these Christian slaves (\douloi\) had Christ as lord, but even so they were to obey their lords in the flesh. {Not with eye-service} (\mˆ en ophthalmodouliais\). Another Pauline word (here only and strkjv@Ephesians:6:6|), elsewhere only in Christian writers after Paul, an easy and expressive compound, service while the master's eye was on the slave and no longer. {Men-pleasers} (\anthr“pareskoi\). Late compound only in LXX and Paul (here and strkjv@Ephesians:6:6|). {In singleness of heart} (\en haplotˆti kardias\). Songs:in strkjv@Ephesians:6:5|. Old and expressive word from \haplous\ (simple, without folds). See strkjv@2Corinthians:11:3|. {Fearing the Lord} (\phoboumenoi ton Kurion\). Rather than the lords according to the flesh.

rwp@Colossians:3:23 @{Whatsoever ye do} (\ho ean poiˆte\). See same idiom in strkjv@3:17| except \ho\ instead of \pƒn hoti\. {Heartily} (\ek psuchˆs\). From the soul and not with mere eye service. In strkjv@Ephesians:6:7| Paul adds \met' eunoias\ (with good will) in explanation of \ek psuchˆs\. {As unto the Lord} (\h“s t“i Kuri“i\). Even when unto men. This is the highest test of worthwhile service. If it were only always true!

rwp@Colossians:4:1 @{That which is just and equal} (\to dikaion kai tˆn isotˆta\). Paul changes from \to ison\ (like \to dikaion\, neuter singular adjective with article for abstract idea) to the abstract substantive \isotˆs\, old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:8:13f|. If employers always did this, there would be no labour problem. {A Master in heaven} (\Kurion en ouran“i\). A wholesome reminder to the effect that he keeps his eye on the conduct of masters of men here towards their employees.

rwp@Colossians:4:2 @{Continue steadfastly} (\proskartereite\). See strkjv@Mark:3:9; strkjv@Acts:2:42,46| for this interesting word from \pros\ and \karteros\ (strong), common in the _Koin‚_. {Watching} (\grˆgorountes\). Present active participle of \grˆgore“\, late present made on perfect active stem \egrˆgora\ with loss of \e-\, found first in Aristotle.

rwp@Colossians:4:6 @{Seasoned with salt} (\halati ˆrtumenos\). The same verb \artu“\ (old verb from \air“\, to fit, to arrange) about salt in strkjv@Mark:9:50; strkjv@Luke:14:34|. Nowhere else in the N.T. Not too much salt, not too little. Plutarch uses salt of speech, the wit which flavours speech (cf. Attic salt). Our word salacious is this same word degenerated into vulgarity. Grace and salt (wit, sense) make an ideal combination. Every teacher will sympathize with Paul's desire "that ye know how ye must answer each one" (\eidenai p“s dei humas heni ekast“i apokrinesthai\). Who does know?

rwp@Colossians:4:10 @{Aristarchus} (\Aristarchos\). He was from Thessalonica and accompanied Paul to Jerusalem with the collection (Acts:19:29; strkjv@20:4|) and started with Paul to Rome (Acts:27:2; strkjv@Philemon:1:24|). Whether he has been with Paul all the time in Rome we do not know, but he is here now. {My fellow-prisoner} (\ho sunaichmal“tos mou\). One of Paul's compounds, found elsewhere only in Lucian. Paul uses it of Epaphras in strkjv@Philemon:1:23|, but whether of actual voluntary imprisonment or of spiritual imprisonment like \sunstrati“tes\ (fellow-soldier) in strkjv@Phillipians:2:25; strkjv@Philemon:1:2| we do not know. Abbott argues for a literal imprisonment and it is possible that some of Paul's co-workers (\sun-ergoi\) voluntarily shared imprisonment with him by turns. {Mark} (\Markos\). Once rejected by Paul for his defection in the work (Acts:15:36-39|), but now cordially commended because he had made good again. {The cousin of Barnabas} (\ho anepsios Barnabƒ\). It was used for "nephew" very late, clearly "cousin" here and common so in the papyri. This kinship explains the interest of Barnabas in Mark (Acts:12:25; strkjv@13:5; strkjv@15:36-39|). {If he come unto you, receive him} (\ean elthˆi pros humas dexasthe auton\). This third class conditional sentence (\ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\) gives the substance of the commands (\entolas\) about Mark already sent, how we do not know. But Paul's commendation of Mark is hearty and unreserved as he does later in strkjv@2Timothy:4:11|. The verb \dechomai\ is the usual one for hospitable reception (Matthew:10:14; strkjv@John:4:45|) like \prosdechomai\ (Phillipians:2:29|) and \hupodechomai\ (Luke:10:38|).

rwp@Colossians:4:12 @{Epaphras who is one of you} (\Epaphrƒs ho ex hum“n\). See strkjv@1:7| for previous mention of this brother who had brought Paul news from Colossae. {Always striving for you} (\pantote ag“nizomenos huper hˆm“n\). See strkjv@1:29| of Paul. {That ye may stand} (\hina stathˆte\). Final clause, first aorist passive subjunctive (according to Aleph B) rather than the usual second aorist active subjunctives (\stˆte\) of \histˆmi\ (according to A C D). {Fully assured} (\peplˆrophorˆmenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \plˆrophore“\, late compound, for which see strkjv@Luke:1:1; strkjv@Romans:14:5|.

rwp@Colossians:4:14 @{Luke, the beloved physician} (\Loukas ho iatros ho agapˆtos\). Mentioned also in strkjv@Philemon:1:24; strkjv@2Timothy:4:11|. The author of the Gospel and the Acts. Both Mark and Luke are with Paul at this time, possibly also with copies of their Gospels with them. The article here (repeated) may mean "my beloved physician." It would seem certain that Luke looked after Paul's health and that Paul loved him. Paul was Luke's hero, but it was not a one-sided affection. It is beautiful to see preacher and physician warm friends in the community. {Demas} (\Dˆmas\). Just his name here (a contraction of Demetrius), but in strkjv@2Timothy:4:10| he is mentioned as one who deserted Paul.

rwp@stops at verse 14, and what Robertson shows as 15 is part of 14.

rwp@Info_Ephesians @ SPECIAL BOOKS ON EPHESIANS One may note Abbott (_Int. Crit. Comm_. 1897), Gross Alexander (1910), Beet (1891), Belser (1908), Candlish (1895), Dale (_Lectures on Ephesians_), Dibelius (_Handbuch_, 1912), Eadie (1883), Ellicott (1884), Ewald (_Zahn Komm._, 2 Auf. 1910), Findlay (1892), Gore (_Practical Exposition_, 1898), Haupt (_Meyer Komm._, 8 Auf. 1902), Hitchcock (1913), Hort (_Intr_. 1895), Knabenbauer (1913), Krukenberg (1903), Lidgett (1915), Lock (1929), Lueken (1906), Martin (_New Century Bible_), McPhail (1893), McPherson (1892), Meinertz (1917), Moule (1900), Mullins (1913), Murray (1915), Oltramare (1891), Robinson (1903), Salmond (1903), E. F. Scott (_Moffatt Comm._, 1930), Stroeter (_The Glory of the Body of Christ_, 1909), Von Soden (2 Aufl. 1893), F. B. Westcott (1906), Wohlenberg (1895). strkjv@Ephesians:1:1 @{Of Christ Jesus} (\Christou Iˆsou\). Songs:B D, though Aleph A L have \Iˆsou Christou\. Paul is named as the author and so he is. Otherwise the Epistle is pseudepigraphic. {By the will of God} (\dia thelˆmatos theou\). As in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:1; strkjv@Romans:1:1|. {At Ephesus} (\en Ephes“i\). In Aleph and B these words are inserted by later hands, though both MSS. give the title \Pros Ephesious\. Origen explains the words \tois hagiois tois ousin\ as meaning "the saints that are" (genuine saints), showing that his MSS. did not have the words \en Ephes“i\. The explanation of the insertion of these words has already been given in the remarks on "The Destination" as one copy of the general letter that was preserved in Ephesus. It is perfectly proper to call it the Epistle to the Ephesians if we understand the facts.

rwp@Ephesians:1:3 @{Blessed} (\eulogˆtos\). Verbal of \euloge“\, common in the LXX for Hebrew _baruk_ (Vulgate _benedictus_) and applied usually to God, sometimes to men (Genesis:24:31|), but in N.T. always to God (Luke:1:68|), while \eulogˆmenos\ (perfect passive participle) is applied to men (Luke:1:42|). "While \eulogˆmenos\ points to an isolated act or acts, \eulogˆtos\ describes the intrinsic character" (Lightfoot). Instead of the usual \eucharistoumen\ (Colossians:1:3|) Paul here uses \eulogˆtos\, elsewhere only in strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3| in opening, though in a doxology in strkjv@Romans:1:25; strkjv@9:5; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:31|. The copula here is probably \estin\ (is), though either \est“\ (imperative) or \eiˆ\ (optative as wish) will make sense. {The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ} (\ho theos kai patˆr tou Kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\). \Kai\ is genuine here, though not in strkjv@Colossians:1:3|. The one article (\ho\) with \theos kai patˆr\ links them together as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:3; strkjv@3:11,13; strkjv@Galatians:1:4|. See also the one article in strkjv@2Peter:1:1,11|. In strkjv@Ephesians:1:17| we have \ho theos tou Kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\, and the words of Jesus in strkjv@John:20:17|. {Who hath blessed us} (\ho eulogˆsas humƒs\). First aorist active participle of \euloge“\, the same word, antecedent action to the doxology (\eulogˆtos\). {With} (\en\). So-called instrumental use of \en\ though {in} is clear. {Every spiritual blessing} (\pasˆi eulogiƒi pneumatikˆi\). Third use of the root \eulog\ (verbal, verb, substantive). Paul lovingly plays with the idea. The believer is a citizen of heaven and the spiritual blessings count for most to him. {In the heavenly places in Christ} (\en tois epouraniois en Christ“i\). In four other places in Eph. (1:20; strkjv@2:6; strkjv@3:10; strkjv@6:12|). This precise phrase (with \en\) occurs nowhere else in the N.T. and has a clearly local meaning in strkjv@1:20; strkjv@2:6; strkjv@3:10|, doubtful in strkjv@6:12|, but probably so here. In strkjv@2:6| the believer is conceived as already seated with Christ. Heaven is the real abode of the citizen of Christ's kingdom (Phillipians:3:20|) who is a stranger on earth (Phillipians:1:27; strkjv@Ephesians:2:19|). The word \epouranios\ (heavenly) occurs in various passages in the N.T. in contrast with \ta epigeia\ (the earthly) as in strkjv@John:3:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:40,48,49; strkjv@Phillipians:2:10|, with \patris\ (country) in strkjv@Hebrews:11:16|, with \klˆsis\ (calling) in strkjv@Hebrews:3:1|, with \d“rea\ (gift) in strkjv@Hebrews:6:4|, with \basileia\ (kingdom) in strkjv@2Timothy:4:18|.

rwp@Ephesians:1:5 @{Having foreordained us} (\Proorisas hˆmƒs\). First aorist active participle of \prooriz“\, late and rare compound to define or decide beforehand. Already in strkjv@Acts:4:28; strkjv@1Corinthians:2:7; strkjv@Romans:8:29|. See also verse 11|. Only other N.T. example in verse 11|. To be taken with \exelexato\ either simultaneous or antecedent (causal). {Unto adoption as sons} (\eis huiothesian\). For this interesting word see strkjv@Galatians:4:5; strkjv@Romans:8:15; strkjv@9:4|. {Unto himself} (\eis auton\). Unto God. {According to the good pleasure of his will} (\kata tˆn eudokian tou thelˆmatos autou\). Here \eudokian\ means {purpose} like \boulˆn\ in verse 11| rather than {benevolence} (good pleasure). Note the preposition \kata\ here for standard.

rwp@Ephesians:1:6 @{To the praise} (\eis epainon\). Note the prepositions in this sentence. {Which} (\hˆs\). Genitive case of the relative \hˆn\ (cognate accusative with \echarit“sen\ (he freely bestowed), late verb \charito“\ (from \charis\, grace), in N.T. attracted to case of antecedent \charitos\ only here and strkjv@Luke:1:28|. {In the Beloved} (\en t“i ˆgapˆmen“i\). Perfect passive participle of \agapa“\. This phrase nowhere else in the N.T. though in the Apostolic Fathers.

rwp@Ephesians:1:7 @{In whom} (\en h“i\). Just like strkjv@Colossians:1:14| with \parapt“mat“n\ (trespasses) in place of \hamarti“n\ (sins) and with the addition of \dia tou haimatos autou\ (through his blood) as in strkjv@Colossians:1:20|. Clearly Paul makes the blood of Christ the cost of redemption, the ransom money (\lutron\, strkjv@Matthew:20:28; strkjv@Mark:10:45|; \antilutron\, strkjv@1Timothy:2:6|). See strkjv@Colossians:1:9|.

rwp@Ephesians:1:12 @{To the end that we should be} (\eis to einai hˆmƒs\). Final clause with \eis\ to and the infinitive \einai\ (see the mere infinitive \einai\ in verse 4|) and the accusative of general reference. {Who had before hoped in Christ} (\tous proˆlpikotas en t“i Christ“i\). Articular perfect active participle of \proelpiz“\, late and rare compound (here only in N.T.) and the reference of \pro\ not clear. Probably the reference is to those who like Paul had once been Jews and had now found the Messiah in Jesus, some of whom like Simeon and Anna had even looked for the spiritual Messiah before his coming.

rwp@Ephesians:1:15 @{And which ye shew toward all the saints} (\kai tˆn eis pantas tous hagious\). The words "ye show" do not occur in the Greek. The Textus Receptus has \ten agapˆn\ (the love) before \tˆn\ supported by D G K L Syr., Lat., Copt., but Aleph A B P Origen do not have the word \agapˆn\. It could have been omitted, but is probably not genuine. The use of the article referring to \pistin\ and the change from \en\ to \eis\ probably justifies the translation "which ye shew toward."

rwp@Ephesians:1:17 @{The Father of glory} (\ho patˆr tˆs doxˆs\). The God characterized by glory (the Shekinah, strkjv@Hebrews:9:5|) as in strkjv@Acts:7:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:2:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3; strkjv@James:2:1|. {That--may give} (\hina--d“iˆ\). In strkjv@Colossians:1:9| \hina\ is preceded by \aitoumenoi\, but here the sub-final use depends on the general idea asking in the sentence. The form \d“iˆ\ is a late _Koin‚_ optative (second aorist active) for the usual \doiˆ\. It occurs also in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:16; strkjv@Romans:15:5; strkjv@2Timothy:1:16,18| in the text of Westcott and Hort. Here B 63 read \d“i\ (like strkjv@John:15:16|) second aorist active subjunctive, the form naturally looked for after a primary tense (\pauomai\). This use of the volitive optative with \hina\ after a primary tense is rare, but not unknown in ancient Greek. {A spirit of wisdom and revelation} (\pneuma sophias kai apokalupse“s\). The Revised Version does not refer this use of \pneuma\ to the Holy Spirit (cf. strkjv@Galatians:6:1; strkjv@Romans:8:15|), but it is open to question if it is possible to obtain this wisdom and revelation apart from the Holy Spirit. {In the knowledge of him} (\en epign“sei autou\). In the full knowledge of Christ as in Colossians.

rwp@Ephesians:1:18 @{Having the eyes of your heart enlightened} (\peph“tismenous tous ophthalmous tˆs kardias hum“n\). A beautiful figure, the heart regarded as having eyes looking out toward Christ. But the grammar is difficult. There are three possible interpretations. One is an anacoluthon, the case of \peph“tismenous\ being changed from the dative \humin\ (to you) to the accusative because of the following infinitive like \eklexamenous\ (Acts:15:22|) after \apostolois\. Another way of explaining it is to regard it as a tertiary predicate of \d“iˆ\, a loose expansion of \pneuma\. The third way is to regard the construction as the accusative absolute, a rare idiom possible in strkjv@Acts:26:3; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:3; strkjv@1Timothy:2:6|. In this case, the participle merely agrees with \tous ophthalmous\, not with \humin\, "the eyes of your heart having been enlightened." Otherwise \tous ophthalmous\ is the accusative retained after the passive participle. {That ye may know} (\eis to eidenai\). Final use of \eis to\ and the infinitive (second perfect of \oida\) as in verse 12|. Note three indirect questions after \eidenai\ (what the hope \tis hˆ elpis\, what the riches \tis ho ploutos\, and what the surpassing greatness \kai ti to huperballon megethos\). When the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the heart, one will be able to see all these great truths. {In the saints} (\en tois hagiois\). Our riches is in God, God's is in his saints.

rwp@Ephesians:1:19 @{The exceeding greatness of his power} (\to huperballon megethos tˆs duname“s autou\). \Megethos\ is an old word (from \megas\), but here only in N.T. \Huperballon\, present active participle of \huperball“\, reappears in strkjv@2:7; strkjv@3:19| and seen already in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:10; strkjv@9:14|. To enlightened eyes the greatness of God's power is even more "surpassing."

rwp@Ephesians:1:20 @{Which he wrought} (\enˆrgˆken\). Reading of A B rather than aorist \enˆrgˆsen\. Perfect active indicative, "which he has wrought." \Hˆn\ is cognate accusative of the relative referring to \energeian\ (energy) with \enˆrgˆken\ and note also \kratous\ (strength) and \ischuos\ (might), three words trying to express what surpasses (\huperballon\) expression or comprehension. {Made him to sit} (\kathisas\). First aorist active participle of \kathiz“\ in causative sense as in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:4|. Metaphorical local expression like \dexiƒi\ and \en tois epour aniois\.

rwp@Ephesians:1:23 @{Which} (\hˆtis\). "Which in fact is," explanatory use of \hˆtis\ rather than \hˆ\. {The fulness of him that filleth all in all} (\to plˆr“ma tou ta panta en pƒsin plˆroumenou\). This is probably the correct translation of a much disputed phrase. This view takes \plˆr“ma\ in the passive sense (that which is filled, as is usual, strkjv@Colossians:1:19|) and \plˆroumenou\ as present middle participle, not passive. All things are summed up in Christ (1:10|), who is the \plˆr“ma\ of God (Colossians:1:19|), and in particular does Christ fill the church universal as his body. Hence we see in Ephesians the Dignity of the Body of Christ which is ultimately to be filled with the fulness (\plˆr“ma\) of God (3:19|) when it grows up into the fulness (\plˆr“ma\) of Christ (4:13,16|).

rwp@Ephesians:2:1 @{And you did he quicken} (\kai humƒs\). The verb for {did he quicken} does not occur till verse 5| and then with \hˆmƒs\ (us) instead of \humƒs\ (you). There is a like ellipsis or anacoluthon in strkjv@Colossians:1:21,22|, only there is no change from \humƒs\ to \hˆmƒs\. {When ye were dead} (\ontas nekrous\). Present active participle referring to their former state. Spiritually dead. {Trespasses and sins} (\parapt“masin kai hamartiais\). Both words (locative case) though only one in verse 5|.

rwp@Ephesians:2:3 @{We also all} (\kai hˆmeis pantes\). We Jews. {Once lived} (\anestraphˆmen pote\). Second aorist passive indicative of \anastreph“\, old verb, to turn back and forth, to live (2Corinthians:1:12|). Cf. \pote periepatˆsate\, of the Gentiles in verse 2|. {The desires} (\ta thelˆmata\). Late and rare word except in LXX and N.T., from \thel“\, to will, to wish. Plural here "the wishes," "the wills" of the flesh like \tais epithumiais tˆs sarkos\ just before. Gentiles had no monopoly of such sinful impulses. {Of the mind} (\t“n dianoi“n\). Plural again, "of the thoughts or purposes." {Were by nature children of wrath} (\ˆmetha tekna phusei orgˆs\). This is the proper order of these words which have been the occasion of much controversy. There is no article with \tekna\. Paul is insisting that Jews as well as Gentiles ("even as the rest") are the objects of God's wrath (\orgˆs\) because of their lives of sin. See strkjv@Romans:2:1-3:20| for the full discussion of this to Jews unpalatable truth. The use of \phusei\ (associative instrumental case of manner) is but the application of Paul's use of "all" (\pantes\) as shown also in strkjv@Romans:3:20; strkjv@5:12|. See \phusei\ of Gentiles in strkjv@Romans:2:14|. The implication of original sin is here, but not in the form that God's wrath rests upon little children before they have committed acts of sin. The salvation of children dying before the age of responsibility is clearly involved in strkjv@Romans:5:13f|.

rwp@Ephesians:2:8 @{For by grace} (\tˆi gar chariti\). Explanatory reason. "By the grace" already mentioned in verse 5| and so with the article. {Through faith} (\dia piste“s\). This phrase he adds in repeating what he said in verse 5| to make it plainer. "Grace" is God's part, "faith" ours. {And that} (\kai touto\). Neuter, not feminine \tautˆ\, and so refers not to \pistis\ (feminine) or to \charis\ (feminine also), but to the act of being saved by grace conditioned on faith on our part. Paul shows that salvation does not have its source (\ex hum“n\, out of you) in men, but from God. Besides, it is God's gift (\d“ron\) and not the result of our work.

rwp@Ephesians:2:10 @{Workmanship} (\poiˆma\). Old word from \poie“\ with the ending \-mat\ meaning result. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:1:20|. {Created} (\ktisthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \ktiz“\, not the original creation as in strkjv@Colossians:1:16; strkjv@Ephesians:3:9|, but the moral and spiritual renewal in Christ, the new birth, as in strkjv@Ephesians:2:15; strkjv@4:24|. {For good works} (\epi ergois agathois\). Probably the true dative of purpose here with \epi\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 605). Purpose of the new creation in Christ. {Which} (\hois\). Attraction of the relative \ha\ (accusative after \proˆtoimasen\) to case of the antecedent \ergois\. {Afore prepared} (\proˆtoimasen\). First aorist active indicative of \proˆtoimaz“\, old verb to make ready beforehand. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:9:23|. Good works by us were included in the eternal foreordination by God. {That we should walk in them} (\hina en autois peripatˆs“men\). Expexegetic final clause explanatory of the election to good works.

rwp@Ephesians:2:12 @{Separate from Christ} (\ch“ris Christou\). Ablative case with adverbial preposition \ch“ris\, describing their former condition as heathen. {Alienated from the commonwealth of Israel} (\apˆllotri“menoi tˆs politeias tou Israˆl\). Perfect passive participle of \apallotrio“\, for which see strkjv@Colossians:1:21|. Here followed by ablative case \politeias\, old word from \politeu“\, to be a citizen (Phillipians:1:27|) from \politˆs\ and that from \polis\ (city). Only twice in N.T., here as commonwealth (the spiritual Israel or Kingdom of God) and strkjv@Acts:22:28| as citizenship. {Strangers from the covenants of the promise} (\xenoi t“n diathˆk“n tˆs epaggelias\). For \xenos\ (Latin _hospes_), as stranger see strkjv@Matthew:25:35,38,43f.|, as guest-friend see strkjv@Romans:16:23|. Here it is followed by the ablative case \diathˆk“n\. {Having no hope} (\elpida mˆ echontes\). No hope of any kind. In strkjv@Galatians:4:8| \ouk\ (strong negative) occurs with \eidotes theon\, but here \mˆ\ gives a more subjective picture (1Thessalonians:4:5|). {Without God} (\atheoi\). Old Greek word, not in LXX, only here in N.T. Atheists in the original sense of being without God and also in the sense of hostility to God from failure to worship him. See Paul's words in strkjv@Romans:1:18-32|. "In the world" (\en t“i kosm“i\) goes with both phrases. It is a terrible picture that Paul gives, but a true one.

rwp@Ephesians:2:13 @{But now} (\nuni de\). Strong contrast, as opposed to "at that time." {Afar off} (\makran\). Adverb (accusative feminine adjective with \hodon\ understood). From the \politeia\ and its hope in God. {Are made nigh} (\egenˆthˆte eggus\). First aorist passive indicative of \ginomai\, a sort of timeless aorist. Nigh to the commonwealth of Israel in Christ. {In the blood of Christ} (\en t“i haimati tou Christou\). Not a perfunctory addition, but essential (1:7|), particularly in view of the Gnostic denial of Christ's real humanity.

rwp@Ephesians:2:14 @{For he is our peace} (\autos gar estin hˆ eirˆnˆ hˆm“n\). He himself, not just what he did (necessary as that was and is). He is our peace with God and so with each other (Jews and Gentiles). {Both one} (\ta amphotera hen\). "The both" (Jew and Gentile). Jesus had said "other sheep I have which are not of this fold" (John:10:16|). {One} (\hen\) is neuter singular (oneness, unity, identity) as in strkjv@Galatians:3:28|. Race and national distinctions vanish in Christ. If all men were really in Christ, war would disappear. {Brake down the middle wall of partition} (\to mesotoichon tou phragmou lusas\). "Having loosened (first aorist active participle of \lu“\, see strkjv@John:2:19|) the middle-wall (late word, only here in N.T., and very rare anywhere, one in papyri, and one inscription) of partition (\phragmou\, old word, fence, from \phrass“\, to fence or hedge, as in strkjv@Matthew:21:33|)." In the temple courts a partition wall divided the court of the Gentiles from the court of Israel with an inscription forbidding a Gentile from going further (Josephus, _Ant_. VIII. 3, 2). See the uproar when Paul was accused of taking Trophimus beyond this wall (Acts:21:28|).

rwp@Ephesians:2:15 @{Having abolished} (\katargˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \katarge“\, to make null and void. {The enmity} (\tˆn echthran\). But it is very doubtful if \tˆn echthran\ (old word from \echthros\, hostile, strkjv@Luke:23:12|) is the object of \katargˆsas\. It looks as if it is in apposition with to \mesotoichon\ and so the further object of \lusas\. The enmity between Jew and Gentile was the middle wall of partition. And then it must be decided whether "in his flesh" (\en tˆi sarki autou\) should be taken with \lusas\ and refer especially to the Cross (Colossians:1:22|) or be taken with \katargˆsas\. Either makes sense, but better sense with \lusas\. Certainly "the law of commandments in ordinances (\ton nomon t“n entol“n en dogmasin\) is governed by \katargˆsas\. {That he might create} (\hina ktisˆi\). Final clause with first aorist active subjunctive of \ktiz“\. {The twain} (\tous duo\). The two men (masculine here, neuter in verse 14|), Jew and Gentile. {One new man} (\eis hena kainon anthr“pon\). Into one fresh man (Colossians:3:9-11|) "in himself" (\en haut“i\). Thus alone is it possible. {Making peace} (\poi“n eirˆnˆn\). Thus alone can it be done. Christ is the peace-maker between men, nations, races, classes.

rwp@Ephesians:2:19 @{Songs:then} (\ara oun\). Two inferential particles (accordingly therefore). {No more} (\ouketi\). No longer. {Sojourners} (\paroikoi\). Old word for dweller by (near by, but not in). Songs:Acts:7:6,29; strkjv@1Peter:2:11| (only other N.T. examples). Dwellers just outside the house or family of God. {Fellow-citizens} (\sunpolitai\, old, but rare word, here only in N.T.), members now of the \politeia\ of Israel (verse 12|), the opposite of \xenoi kai paroikoi\. {Of the household of God} (\oikeioi tou theou\). Old word from \oikos\ (house, household), but in N.T. only here, strkjv@Galatians:6:10; strkjv@1Timothy:5:8|. Gentiles now in the family of God (Romans:8:29|).

rwp@Ephesians:2:20 @{Being built upon} (\epoikodomˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \epoikodome“\, for which double compound verb see strkjv@1Corinthians:3:10; Co; strkjv@2:17|. {The foundation} (\epi t“i themeli“i\). Repetition of \epi\ with the locative case. See strkjv@1Corinthians:3:11| for this word. {Of the apostles and prophets} (\ton apostol“n kai prophˆt“n\). Genitive of apposition with \themeli“i\, consisting in. If one is surprised that Paul should refer so to the apostles, he being one himself, Peter does the same thing (2Peter:3:2|). Paul repeats this language in strkjv@3:5|. {Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone} (\ont“s akrog“nianiou autou Christou Iˆsou\). Genitive absolute. The compound \akrog“niaios\ occurs only in the LXX (first in strkjv@Isaiah:28:16|) and in the N.T. (here, strkjv@1Peter:2:6|). \Lithos\ (stone) is understood. Jesus had spoken of himself as the stone, rejected by the Jewish builders (experts), but chosen of God as the head of the corner (Matthew:21:42|), \eis kephalˆn g“nias\. "The \akrog“niaios\ here is the primary foundation-stone at the angle of the structure by which the architect fixes a standard for the bearings of the walls and cross-walls throughout" (W. W. Lloyd).

rwp@Ephesians:2:21 @{Each several building} (\pƒsa oikodomˆ\). Songs:without article Aleph B D G K L. \Oikodomˆ\ is a late word from \oikos\ and \dem“\, to build for building up (edification) as in strkjv@Ephesians:4:29|, then for the building itself as here (Mark:13:1f.|). Ordinary Greek idiom here calls for "every building," not for "all the building" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 772), though it is not perfectly clear what that means. Each believer is called a \naos theou\ (1Corinthians:3:16|). One may note the plural in strkjv@Mark:13:1| (\oikodomai\) of the various parts of the temple. Perhaps that is the idea here without precise definition of each \oikodomˆ\. But there are examples of \pƒs\ without the article where "all" is the idea as in \pƒsˆs ktise“s\ (all creation) in strkjv@Colossians:1:15|. {Fitly framed together} (\sunarmologoumenˆ\). Double compound from \sun\ and \harmologos\ (binding, \harmos\, joint and \leg“\), apparently made by Paul and in N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:4:16|. Architectural metaphor. {Into a holy temple} (\eis naon hagion\). The whole structure with all the \oikodomai\. Another metaphor for the Kingdom of God with which compare Peter's "spiritual house" (\oikos pneumatikos\) in which each is a living stone being built in (1Peter:2:5|).

rwp@Ephesians:3:1 @{For this cause} (\toutou charin\). Use of \charin\ (accusative of \charis\) as a preposition with the genitive and referring to the preceding argument about God's elective grace. It is possible that Paul started to make the prayer that comes in verses 14-21| when he repeats \toutou charin\. If so, he is diverted by his own words "the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you Gentiles" (\ho desmios tou Christou Iˆsou huper hum“n t“n ethn“n\) to set forth in a rich paragraph (1-13|) God's use of him for the Gentiles.

rwp@Ephesians:3:2 @{If so be that ye have heard} (\ei ge ˆkousate\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and first aorist active indicative and with the intensive particle \ge\ that gives a delicate touch to it all. On \oikonomian\ (stewardship, dispensation) see strkjv@1:9; strkjv@3:9; strkjv@Colossians:1:25|.

rwp@Ephesians:3:6 @{To wit}. Not in the Greek. But the infinitive (\einai\) clause is epexegetical and gives the content of the revelation, a common idiom in the N.T. \Ta ethnˆ\ is in the accusative of general reference. Paul is fond of compounds with \sun\ and here uses three of them. {Fellow-heirs} (\sunklˆronoma\). Late and rare (Philo, inscriptions and papyri). See also strkjv@Romans:8:17|. {Fellow-members of the body} (\suns“ma\). First found here and only here save in later ecclesiastical writers. Preuschen argues that it is equivalent to \sundoulos\ in strkjv@Colossians:1:7| (\s“ma\ in sense of \doulos\). {Fellow-partakers} (\sunmetocha\). Another late and rare word (Josephus). Only here in N.T. In one papyrus in sense of joint possessor of a house.

rwp@Ephesians:3:9 @{To make see} (\ph“tisai\). First aorist active infinitive of \photiz“\, late verb, to turn the light on. With the eyes of the heart enlightened (Ephesians:1:18|) one can then turn the light for others to see. See strkjv@Colossians:1:26|.

rwp@Ephesians:3:15 @{Every family} (\pƒsa patria\). Old word (\patra\ is the usual form) from \patˆr\, descent from a common ancestor as a tribe or race. Some take it here as = \patrotˆs\, fatherhood, but that is most unlikely. Paul seems to mean that all the various classes of men on earth and of angels in heaven get the name of family from God the Father of all.

rwp@Ephesians:3:17 @{That Christ may dwell} (\katoikˆsai ton Christon\). Another infinitive (first aorist active) after \hina d“i\. \Katoike“\ is an old verb to make one's home, to be at home. Christ (\Christon\ accusative of general reference) is asked to make his home in our hearts. This is the ideal, but a deal of fixing would have to be done in our hearts for Christ. {Being rooted and grounded in love} (\en agapˆi erriz“menoi kai tethemeli“menoi\). But it is not certain whether \en agapˆi\ should go with these participles or with the preceding infinitive \katoikˆsai\ (dwell). Besides, these two perfect passive participles (from \rizo“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:7|, and from \themelio“\, see also strkjv@Colossians:1:23|) are in the nominative case and are to be taken with \hina exischusˆte\ and are proleptically placed before \hina\. Verse 18| should really begin with these participles. Paul piles up metaphors (dwelling, rooted, grounded).

rwp@Ephesians:3:20 @{That is able to do} (\t“i dunamen“i poiˆsai\). Dative case of the articular participle (present middle of \dunamai\). Paul is fully aware of the greatness of the blessings asked for, but the Doxology ascribes to God the power to do them for us. {Above all} (\huper panta\). Not simply \panta\, but \huper\ beyond and above all. {Exceedingly abundantly} (\huperekperissou\). Late and rare double compound (\huper, ek, perissou\) adverb (LXX, strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:10; strkjv@5:13; strkjv@Ephesians:3:20|). It suits well Paul's effort to pile Pelion on Ossa. {That we ask} (\h“n aitoumetha\). Ablative of the relative pronoun attracted from the accusative \ha\ to the case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\. Middle voice (\aitoumetha\) "we ask for ourselves." {Or think} (\ˆ nooumen\). The highest aspiration is not beyond God's "power" (\dunamin\) to bestow.

rwp@Ephesians:4:6 @{One God and Father of all} (\heis theos kai patˆr pant“n\). Not a separate God for each nation or religion. One God for all men. See here the Trinity again (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit). {Who is over all} (\ho epi pant“n\), {and through all} (\kai dia pant“n\), {and in all} (\kai en pƒsin\). Thus by three prepositions (\epi, dia, en\) Paul has endeavoured to express the universal sweep and power of God in men's lives. The pronouns (\pant“n, pant“n, pƒsin\) can be all masculine, all neuter, or part one or the other. The last "in all" is certainly masculine and probably all are.

rwp@Ephesians:4:9 @{Now this} (\to de\). Paul picks out the verb \anabas\ (second aorist active participle of \anabain“\, to go up), changes its form to \anebˆ\ (second aorist indicative), and points the article (\to\) at it. Then he concludes that it implied a previous \katabas\ (coming down). {Into the lower parts of the earth} (\eis ta kat“tera tˆs gˆs\). If the \anabas\ is the Ascension of Christ, then the \katabas\ would be the Descent (Incarnation) to earth and \tˆs gˆs\ would be the genitive of apposition. What follows in verse 10| argues for this view. Otherwise one must think of the death of Christ (the descent into Hades of strkjv@Acts:2:31|).

rwp@Ephesians:4:12 @{For the perfecting} (\pros ton katartismon\). Late and rare word (in Galen in medical sense, in papyri for house-furnishing), only here in N.T., though \katartisis\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:13:9|, both from \katartiz“\, to mend (Matthew:4:21; strkjv@Galatians:6:1|). "For the mending (repair) of the saints." {Unto the building up} (\eis oikodomˆn\). See strkjv@2:21|. This is the ultimate goal in all these varied gifts, "building up."

rwp@Ephesians:4:14 @{That we may be no longer children} (\hina mˆketi “men nˆpioi\). Negative final clause with present subjunctive. Some Christians are quite content to remain "babes" in Christ and never cut their eye-teeth (Hebrews:5:11-14|), the victims of every charlatan who comes along. {Tossed to and fro} (\klud“nizomenoi\). Present passive participle of \klud“nizomai\, late verb from \klud“n\ (wave, strkjv@James:1:6|), to be agitated by the waves, in LXX, only here in N.T. One example in Vettius Valens. {Carried about} (\peripheromenoi\). Present passive participle of \peripher“\, old verb, to carry round, whirled round "by every wind (\anem“i\, instrumental case) of teaching." In some it is all wind, even like a hurricane or a tornado. If not anchored by full knowledge of Christ, folks are at the mercy of these squalls. {By the sleight} (\en tˆi kubiƒi\). "In the deceit," "in the throw of the dice" (\kubia\, from \kubos\, cube), sometimes cheating. {In craftiness} (\en panourgiƒi\). Old word from \panourgos\ (\pan, ergon\, any deed, every deed), cleverness, trickiness. {After the wiles of error} (\pros tˆn methodian tˆs planˆs\). \Methodia\ is from \methodeu“\ (\meta, hodos\) to follow after or up, to practise deceit, and occurs nowhere else (Ephesians:4:13; strkjv@6:11|) save in late papyri in the sense of method. The word \planˆs\ (wandering like our "planet") adds to the evil idea in the word. Paul has covered the whole ground in this picture of Gnostic error.

rwp@Ephesians:4:16 @{From which} (\ex hou\). Out of which as the source of energy and direction. {Fitly framed} (\sunarmologoumenon\). See strkjv@2:21| for this verb. {Through that which every joint supplieth} (\dia pasˆs haphˆs tˆs epichorˆgias\). Literally, "through every joint of the supply." See strkjv@Colossians:2:19| for \haphˆ\ and strkjv@Phillipians:1:19| for the late word \epichorˆgia\ (only two examples in N.T.) from \epichorˆge“\, to supply (Colossians:2:19|). {In due measure} (\en metr“i\). Just "in measure" in the Greek, but the assumption is that each part of the body functions properly in its own sphere. {Unto the building up of itself} (\eis oikodomˆn heautou\). Modern knowledge of cell life in the human body greatly strengthens the force of Paul's metaphor. This is the way the body grows by cooperation under the control of the head and all "in love" (\en agapˆi\).

rwp@Ephesians:4:18 @{Being darkened} (\eskot“menoi ontes\). Periphrastic perfect passive participle of \skoto“\, old verb from \skotos\ (darkness), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:9:2; strkjv@16:10|. {In their understanding} (\tˆi dianoiƒi\). Locative case. Probably \dianoia\ (\dia, nous\) includes the emotions as well as the intellect (\nous\). It is possible to take \ontes\ with \apˆllotri“menoi\ (see strkjv@2:12|) which would then be periphrastic (instead of \eskot“menoi\) perfect passive participle. {From the life of God} (\tˆs z“ˆs tou theou\). Ablative case \z“ˆs\ after \apˆllotri“menoi\ (2:12|). {Because of the ignorance} (\dia tˆn agnoian\). Old word from \agnoe“\, not to know. Rare in N.T. See strkjv@Acts:3:17|. {Hardening} (\p“r“sin\). Late medical term (Hippocrates) for callous hardening. Only other N.T. examples are strkjv@Mark:3:5; strkjv@Romans:11:25|.

rwp@Ephesians:4:19 @{Being past feeling} (\apˆlgˆkotes\). Perfect active participle of \apalge“\, old word to cease to feel pain, only here in N.T. {To lasciviousness} (\tˆi aselgeiƒi\). Unbridled lust as in strkjv@2Corinthians:12:21; strkjv@Galatians:5:19|. {To work all uncleanness} (\eis ergasian akatharsias pasˆs\). Perhaps prostitution, "for a trading (or work) in all uncleanness." Certainly Corinth and Ephesus could qualify for this charge. {With greediness} (\en pleonexiƒi\). From \pleonektˆs\, one who always wants more whether money or sexual indulgence as here. The two vices are often connected in the N.T.

rwp@Ephesians:4:22 @{That ye put away} (\apothesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive of \apotithˆmi\ with the metaphor of putting off clothing or habits as \apothesthe\ in strkjv@Colossians:3:8| (which see) with the same addition of "the old man" (\ton palaion anthr“pon\) as in strkjv@Colossians:3:9|. For \anastrophˆn\ (manner of life) see strkjv@Galatians:1:13|. {Which waxeth corrupt} (\ton phtheiromenon\). Either present middle or passive participle of \phtheir“\, but it is a process of corruption (worse and worse).

rwp@Ephesians:4:25 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of putting off the old man, and putting on the new man. {Putting away} (\apothemenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \apotithˆmi\ (verse 22|). {Lying} (\pseudos\), {truth} (\alˆtheian\) in direct contrast. {Each one} (\hekastos\). Partitive apposition with \laleite\. See strkjv@Colossians:3:8| \mˆ pseudesthe\.

rwp@Ephesians:4:26 @{Be ye angry and sin not} (\orgizesthe kai mˆ hamartanete\). Permissive imperative, not a command to be angry. Prohibition against sinning as the peril in anger. Quotation from strkjv@Psalms:4:4|. {Let not the sun go down upon your wrath} (\ho hˆlios mˆ epiduet“ epi parorgism“i\). Danger in settled mood of anger. \Parorgismos\ (provocation), from \parorgiz“\, to exasperate to anger, occurs only in LXX and here in N.T.

rwp@Ephesians:4:31 @{Bitterness} (\pikria\). Old word from \pikros\ (bitter), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:8:23; strkjv@Romans:3:14; strkjv@Hebrews:12:15|. {Clamour} (\kraugˆ\). Old word for outcry (Matthew:25:6; strkjv@Luke:1:42|). See strkjv@Colossians:3:8| for the other words. {Be put away} (\arthˆt“\). First aorist passive imperative of \air“\, old verb, to pick up and carry away, to make a clean sweep.

rwp@Ephesians:4:32 @{Be ye kind to one another} (\ginesthe eis allˆlous chrˆstoi\). Present middle imperative of \ginomai\, "keep on becoming kind (\chrˆstos\, used of God in strkjv@Romans:2:4|) toward one another." See strkjv@Colossians:3:12f|. {Tenderhearted} (\eusplagchnoi\). Late word (\eu, splagchna\) once in Hippocrates, in LXX, here and strkjv@1Peter:3:8| in N.T.

rwp@Ephesians:5:4 @{Filthiness} (\aischrotˆs\). Old word from \aischros\ (base), here alone in N.T. {Foolish talking} (\m“rologia\). Late word from \m“rologos\ (\m“ros, logos\), only here in N.T. {Jesting} (\eutrapelia\). Old word from \eutrapelos\ (\eu, trep“\, to turn) nimbleness of wit, quickness in making repartee (so in Plato and Plutarch), but in low sense as here ribaldry, scurrility, only here in N.T. All of these disapproved vices are \hapax legomena\ in the N.T. {Which are not befitting} (\ha ouk anˆken\). Same idiom (imperfect with word of propriety about the present) in strkjv@Colossians:3:18|. Late MSS. read \ta ouk anˆkonta\ like \ta mˆ kathˆkonta\ in strkjv@Romans:1:28|.

rwp@Ephesians:5:5 @{Ye know of a surety} (\iste gin“skontes\). The correct text has \iste\, not \este\. It is the same form for present indicative (second person plural) and imperative, probably indicative here, "ye know." But why \gin“skontes\ added? Probably, "ye know recognizing by your own experience." {No} (\pƒs--ou\). Common idiom in the N.T. like the Hebrew= _oudeis_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 732). {Covetous man} (\pleonektˆs, pleon ech“\). Old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10f.; strkjv@6:10|. {Which is} (\ho estin\). Songs:Aleph B. A D K L have \hos\ (who), but \ho\ is right. See strkjv@Colossians:3:14| for this use of \ho\ (which thing is). On \eid“lolatrˆs\ (idolater) see strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10f|. {In the Kingdom of Christ and God} (\en tˆi basileiƒi tou Christou kai theou\). Certainly the same kingdom and Paul may here mean to affirm the deity of Christ by the use of the one article with \Christou kai theou\. But Sharp's rule cannot be insisted on here because \theos\ is often definite without the article like a proper name. Paul did teach the deity of Christ and may do it here.

rwp@Ephesians:5:7 @{Partakers with them} (\sunmetochoi aut“n\). Late double compound, only here in N.T., joint (\sun\) shares with (\metochoi\) them (\aut“n\). These Gnostics.

rwp@Ephesians:5:11 @{Have no fellowship with} (\mˆ sunkoin“neite\). No partnership with, present imperative with \mˆ\. Followed by associative instrumental case \ergois\ (works). {Unfruitful} (\akarpois\). Same metaphor of verse 9| applied to darkness (\skotos\). {Reprove} (\elegchete\). Convict by turning the light on the darkness.

rwp@Ephesians:5:21 @{Subjecting yourselves to one another} (\hupotassomenoi allˆlois\). Present middle participle of \hupotass“\, old military figure to line up under (Colossians:3:18|). The construction here is rather loose, coordinate with the preceding participles of praise and prayer. It is possible to start a new paragraph here and regard \hupotassomenoi\ as an independent participle like an imperative.

rwp@Ephesians:5:23 @{For the husband is the head of the wife} (\hoti anˆr estin kephalˆ tˆs gunaikos\). "For a husband is head of the (his) wife." No article with \anˆr\ or \kephalˆ\. {As Christ also is the head of the church} (\h“s kai ho Christos kephalˆ tˆs ekklˆsias\). No article with \kephalˆ\, "as also Christ is head of the church." This is the comparison, but with a tremendous difference which Paul hastens to add either in an appositional clause or as a separate sentence. {Himself the saviour of the body} (\autos s“tˆr tou s“matos\). He means the church as the body of which Christ is head and Saviour.

rwp@Ephesians:5:26 @{That he might sanctify it} (\hina autˆn hagiasˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \hagiaz“\. Jesus stated this as his longing and his prayer (John:17:17-19|). This was the purpose of Christ's death (verse 25|). {Having cleansed it} (\katharisas\). First aorist active participle of \kathariz“\, to cleanse, either simultaneous action or antecedent. {By the washing of water} (\t“i loutr“i tou hudatos\). If \loutron\ only means bath or bathing-place ( = \loutron\), then \loutr“i\ is in the locative. If it can mean bathing or washing, it is in the instrumental case. The usual meaning from Homer to the papyri is the bath or bathing-place, though some examples seem to mean bathing or washing. Salmond doubts if there are any clear instances. The only other N.T. example of \loutron\ is in strkjv@Titus:3:5|. The reference here seems to be to the baptismal bath (immersion) of water, "in the bath of water." See strkjv@1Corinthians:6:11| for the bringing together of \apelousasthe\ and \hˆgiasthˆte\. Neither there nor here does Paul mean that the cleansing or sanctification took place in the bath save in a symbolic fashion as in strkjv@Romans:6:4-6|. Some think that Paul has also a reference to the bath of the bride before marriage. Still more difficult is the phrase "with the word" (\en rˆmati\). In strkjv@John:17:17| Jesus connected "truth" with "sanctify." That is possible here, though it may also be connected with \katharisas\ (having cleansed). Some take it to mean the baptismal formula.

rwp@Ephesians:5:33 @{Nevertheless} (\plˆn\). "Howbeit," not to dwell unduly (Abbott) on the matter of Christ and the church. {Do ye also severally love} (\kai humeis hoi kath' hena hekastos agapƒt“\). An unusual idiom. The verb \agapƒt“\ (present active imperative) agrees with \hekastos\ and so is third singular instead of \agapƒte\ (second plural) like \humeis\. The use of \hoi kath' hena\ after \humeis\ = " ye one by one " and then \hekastos\ takes up (individualizes) the "one" in partitive apposition and in the third person. {Let the wife see that she fear} (\hˆ gunˆ hina phobˆtai\). There is no verb in the Greek for "let see" (\blepet“\). For this use of \hina\ with the subjunctive as a practical imperative without a principal verb (an elliptical imperative) see strkjv@Mark:5:23; strkjv@Matthew:20:32; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:29; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:7; strkjv@Ephesians:4:29; strkjv@5:33| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 994). "Fear" (\phobˆtai\, present middle subjunctive) here is "reverence."

rwp@Ephesians:6:3 @{That it may be well with thee} (\hina eu soi genˆtai\). From strkjv@Exodus:20:12|, "that it may happen to thee well." {And thou mayest live long on the earth} (\kai esˆi makrochronios epi tˆs gˆs\). Here \esˆi\ (second person singular future middle) takes the place of \genˆi\ in the LXX (second person singular second aorist middle subjunctive). \Makrochronios\ is a late and rare compound adjective, here only in N.T. (from LXX, strkjv@Exodus:20:12|).

rwp@Ephesians:6:9 @{And forbear threatening} (\anientes tˆn apeilˆn\). Present active participle of \aniˆmi\, old verb, to loosen up, to relax. "Letting up on threatening." \Apeilˆ\ is old word for threat, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:4:29; strkjv@9:1|. {Both their Master and yours} (\kai aut“n kai hum“n ho kurios\). He says to "the lords" (\hoi kurioi\) of the slaves. Paul is not afraid of capital nor of labour. {With him} (\par' aut“i\). "By the side of him (God)."

rwp@Ephesians:6:12 @{Our wrestling is not} (\ouk estin hˆmin hˆ palˆ\). "To us the wrestling is not." \Palˆ\ is an old word from \pall“\, to throw, to swing (from Homer to the papyri, though here only in N.T.), a contest between two till one hurls the other down and holds him down (\katech“\). Note \pros\ again (five times) in sense of "against," face to face conflict to the finish. {The world-rulers of this darkness} (\tous kosmokratoras tou skotous toutou\). This phrase occurs here alone. In strkjv@John:14:30| Satan is called "the ruler of this world" (\ho arch“n tou kosmou toutou\). In strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4| he is termed "the god of this age" (\ho theos tou ai“nos toutou\). The word \kosmokrat“r\ is found in the Orphic Hymns of Satan, in Gnostic writings of the devil, in rabbinical writings (transliterated) of the angel of death, in inscriptions of the Emperor Caracalla. These "world-rulers" are limited to "this darkness" here on earth. {The spiritual hosts of wickedness} (\ta pneumatika tˆs ponˆrias\). No word for "hosts" in the Greek. Probably simply, "the spiritual things (or elements) of wickedness." \Ponˆria\ (from \ponˆros\) is depravity (Matthew:22:18; strkjv@1Corinthians:5:8|). {In the heavenly places} (\en tois epouraniois\). Clearly so here. Our "wrestling" is with foes of evil natural and supernatural. We sorely need "the panoply of God" (furnished by God).

rwp@Ephesians:6:14 @{Stand therefore} (\stˆte oun\). Second aorist active imperative of \histˆmi\ (intransitive like the others). Ingressive aorist here, "Take your stand therefore" (in view of the arguments made). {Having girded your loins with truth} (\periz“samenoi tˆn osphun hum“n en alˆtheiƒi\). First aorist middle participle (antecedent action) of \periz“nnu“\, old verb, to gird around, direct middle (gird yourselves) in strkjv@Luke:12:37|; but indirect here with accusative of the thing, "having girded your own loins." Songs:\endusamenoi\ (having put on) is indirect middle participle. {The breast-plate of righteousness} (\ton th“raka tˆs dikaiosunˆs\). Old word for breast and then for breastplate. Same metaphor of righteousness as breastplate in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:8|.

rwp@Ephesians:6:15 @{Having shod} (\hupodˆsamenoi\). "Having bound under" (sandals). First aorist middle participle of \hupode“\, old word, to bind under (Mark:6:9; strkjv@Acts:12:8|, only other N.T. example). {With the preparation} (\en hetoimasiƒi\). Late word from \hetoimaz“\, to make ready, only here in N.T. Readiness of mind that comes from the gospel whose message is peace.

rwp@Ephesians:6:16 @{Taking up} (\analabontes\). See verse 13|. {The shield of faith} (\ton thureon tˆs piste“s\). Late word in this sense a large stone against the door in Homer, from \thura\, door, large and oblong (Latin _scutum_), \aspis\ being smaller and circular, only here in N.T. {To quench} (\sbesai\). First aorist active infinitive of \sbennumi\, old word, to extinguish (Matthew:12:20|). {All the fiery darts} (\panta ta belˆ ta pepur“mena\). \Belos\ is an old word for missile, dart (from \ball“\, to throw), only here in N.T. \Pepur“mena\ is perfect passive participle of \puro“\, old verb, to set on fire, from \pur\ (fire). These darts were sometimes ablaze in order to set fire to the enemies' clothing or camp or homes just as the American Indians used to shoot poisoned arrows.

rwp@Info_Epistles-General @ GENERAL EPISTLES BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION NOT A HAPPY TITLE There are various explanations of the term catholic (\katholikai epistolai\) as applied to this group of seven short letters by four writers (one by James, two by Peter, one by Jude, three by John). The Latin for \katholikos\ is _generalis_, though the Vulgate terms these letters _Catholicae_. The meaning is not orthodox as opposed to heretical or canonical, though they are sometimes termed \Epistolae canonicae\. As a matter of fact five of the seven (all but First Peter and First John) Eusebius placed among the "disputed" (\antilegomena\) books of the New Testament. "A canonical book is primarily one which has been measured and tested, and secondarily that which is itself a measure or standard" (Alfred Plummer). Canon is from \kan“n\ (cane) and is like a yardstick cut to the right measure and then used as a measure. Some see in the term \katholikos\ the idea that these Epistles are meant for both Jews and Gentiles, but the Epistle of James seems addressed to Jewish Christians. There were two other chief groups of New Testament writings in the old Greek manuscripts (the Gospels and Acts, then the Epistles of Paul). This group of seven Epistles and the Apocalypse constitute the remainder of the New Testament. The usual interpretation of the term \katholikos\ here is that these seven Epistles were not addressed to any particular church, but are general in their distribution. This is clearly true of I Peter, as is shown by the language in strkjv@1Peter:1:1|, where seven Roman provinces are mentioned. The language of strkjv@2Peter:3:1| bears the same idea. Apparently the Epistle of Jude:is general also as is I John. But II John is addressed to "an elect lady" (verse strkjv@2John:1:1|) and III John to Gaius (verse strkjv@3John:1:1|), both of them individuals, and therefore in no sense are these two brief letters general or catholic. The earliest instance of the word \katholikos\ is in an inscription (B.C. 6) with the meaning "general" (\tˆi katholikˆi mou prothesei\, my general purpose). It was common after that. The earliest example of it in Christian literature is in Ignatius' Epistle to the Church of Smyrna (VIII) where he has "the catholic church" (\hˆ katholikˆ ekklˆsia\), "the general church," not a local body. Clement of Alexandria (_Strom_. IV. xv) applies this adjective to the letter sent to the Gentile Christians "in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia" from the Jerusalem Conference (Acts:15:23|).

rwp@Info_Epistles-Pastorial @ THE FOURTH GROUP THE PASTORAL EPISTLES FIRST TIMOTHY TITUS SECOND TIMOTHY A.D. 65 TO 68 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION It is necessary to discuss introductory matters concerning the three because they are common to them all. It is true that some modern scholars admit as Pauline the personal passages in strkjv@2Timothy:1:15-18; strkjv@4:9-22| while they deny the genuineness of the rest. But that criticism falls by its own weight since precisely the same stylistic characteristics appear in these admitted passages as in the rest and no earthly reason can be advanced for Paul's writing mere scraps or for the omission of the other portions and the preservation of these by a second century forger.

rwp@Info_Epistles-Pastorial @ Objections on internal grounds are made on the lines laid down by Baur and followed by Renan. They are chiefly four. The "most decisive" as argued by McGiffert (_History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age_, p. 402) is that "the Christianity of the Pastoral Epistles is not the Christianity of Paul." He means as we know Paul in the other Epistles. But this charge is untrue. It is true that Paul here lists faith with the virtues, but he does that in strkjv@Galatians:5:22|. Nowhere does Paul give a loftier word about faith than in strkjv@1Timothy:1:12-17|. Another objection urged is that the ecclesiastical organization seen in the Pastoral Epistles belongs to the second century, not to the time of Paul's life. Now we have the Epistles of Ignatius in the early part of the second century in which "bishop" is placed over "elders" of which there is no trace in the New Testament (Lightfoot). A forger in the second century would certainly have reproduced the ecclesiastical organization of that century instead of the first as we have it in the Pastoral Epistles. There is only here the normal development of bishop (=elder) and deacon. A third objection is made on the ground that there is no room in Paul's life as we know it in the Acts and the other Pauline Epistles for the events alluded to in the Pastoral Epistles and it is also argued on late and inconclusive testimony that Paul was put to death A.D. 64 and had only one Roman imprisonment. If Paul was executed A.D. 64, this objection has force in it, though Bartlet (_The Apostolic Age_) tries to make room for them in the period covered by the Acts. Duncan makes the same attempt for the Pauline scraps admitted by him as belonging to the hypothecated imprisonment in Ephesus. But, if we admit the release of Paul from the first Roman imprisonment, there is ample room before his execution in A.D. 68 for the events referred to in the Pastoral Epistles and the writing of the letters (his going east to Ephesus, Macedonia, to Crete, to Troas, to Corinth, to Miletus, to Nicopolis, to Rome), including the visit to Spain before Crete once planned for (Romans:15:24,28|) and mentioned by Clement of Rome as a fact ("the limit of the west"). The fourth objection is that of the language in the Pastoral Epistles. Probably more men are influenced by this argument than by any other. The ablest presentation of this difficulty is made by P. N. Harrison in _The Problem of the Pastoral Epistles_ (1921). Besides the arguments Dr. Harrison has printed the Greek text in a fashion to help the eye see the facts. Words not in the other Pauline Epistles are in red, Pauline phrases (from the other ten) are underlined, _hapax legomena_ are marked by an asterisk. At a superficial glance one can see that the words here not in the other Pauline Epistles and the common Pauline phrases are about equal. The data as to mere words are broadly as follows according to Harrison: Words in the Pastorals, not elsewhere in the N.T. (Pastoral _hapax legomena_) 175 (168 according to Rutherford); words in the other ten Pauline Epistles not elsewhere in the N.T. 470 (627 according to Rutherford). Variations in MSS. will account for some of the difficulty of counting. Clearly there is a larger proportion of new words in the Pastorals (about twice as many) than in the other Pauline Epistles. But Harrison's tables show remarkable differences in the other Epistles also. The average of such words per page in Romans is 4, but 5.6 in II Corinthians, 6.2 in Philippians, and only 4 in Philemon. Parry (_Comm._, p. CXVIII) notes that of the 845 words in the Pastorals as compared with each other 278 occur only in I Tim., 96 only in Titus, 185 only in II Tim. "If vocabulary alone is taken, this would point to separate authorship of each epistle." And yet the same style clearly runs through all three. After all vocabulary is not wholly a personal problem. It varies with age in the same person and with the subject matter also. Precisely such differences exist in the writings of Shakespeare and Milton as critics have long ago observed. The only problem that remains is whether the differences are so great in the Pastoral Epistles as to prohibit the Pauline authorship when "Paul the aged" writes on the problem of pastoral leadership to two of the young ministers trained by him who have to meet the same incipient Gnostic heresy already faced in Colossians and Ephesians. My judgment is that, all things considered, the contents and style of the Pastoral Epistles are genuinely Pauline, mellowed by age and wisdom and perhaps written in his own hand or at least by the same amanuensis in all three instances. Lock suggests Luke as the amanuensis for the Pastorals.

rwp@Info_Epistles-Pastorial @ The conclusion of Lock is that "either they are genuine 'letters' or artificial 'Epistles'" (_Int. Crit. Comm._, p. XXV). If not genuine, they are forgeries in Paul's name (pseudepigraphic). "The argument from style is in favour of the Pauline authorship, that from vocabulary strongly, though not quite conclusively, against it" (Lock, _Op. Cit._, p. XXIX). I should put the case for the Pauline authorship more strongly than that and shall treat them as Paul's own. Parry (_Comm._, p. CXIII) well says: "It is not reasonable to expect that a private letter, addressed to a personal friend, for his own instruction and consideration, should exhibit the same features as a letter addressed to a community for public, oral communication."

rwp@Info_Epistles-Paul @ THE REASON FOR HIS EPISTLES In a real sense Paul's Epistles are tracts for the times, not for the age in general, but to meet real emergencies. He wrote to a particular church or group of churches or persons to meet immediate needs brought to his attention by messengers or letters. Dr. Deissmann contends strongly for the idea of calling Paul's Epistles "letters" rather than "Epistles." He gives a studied literary character to "epistles" as more or less artificial and written for the public eye rather than for definite effect. Four of Paul's Epistles are personal (those to Philemon, Titus, and Timothy) beyond a doubt, but in these which can properly be termed personal letters there are the principles of the gospel applied to personal, social, and ecclesiastical problems in such a pungent fashion that they possess permanent value. In the earliest group of Paul's Epistles, he reminds the Thessalonians of the official character of the Epistle which was meant for the church as a whole (1Thessalonians:5:27|). He says also: "But if any one does not obey our word by the epistle, mark this one, not to associate with him, that he may be put to shame" (2Thessalonians:3:14|). He calls attention to his signature as proof of the genuineness of every epistle (2Thessalonians:3:17|). He gave directions for the public reading of his epistles (Colossians:4:16|). He regarded them as the expression of God's will through the life of the churches and he put his whole heart into them. Two great controversies stirred Paul's life. That with the Judaizers called forth the great doctrinal group (I Corinthians, II Corinthians, Galatians, Romans). That with the Gnostics occasioned the Epistles to the Colossians and the Ephesians (Laodiceans) and this controversy ran on into the Pastoral Epistles. Each Epistle had its particular occasion which will be pointed out in due season. But even in the short ones like Philippians, Colossians and Ephesians Paul deals with the sublimest of all themes, the Person of Christ, with a masterfulness never equalled elsewhere. Even in I Corinthians, which deals so largely with church problems in Corinth, two great chapters rise to the heights of real eloquence (Chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:13| on Love and Chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:15| on the Resurrection). Romans, the greatest of his Epistles, has the fullest discussion of Paul's gospel of grace and Chapter strkjv@1Corinthians:8| has a sweep of imagination and a grasp of faith unsurpassed. Hence, while denying to Paul the artificial rules of the rhetoricians attributed to him by Blass, I cannot agree that Paul's church Epistles are mere incidental letters. It is not a question whether Paul was writing for posterity or for the present emergency. He wrote for the present emergency in the most effective possible way. He brought the whole gospel message to bear upon the varied and pressing problems of the early Christians in the power of the Holy Spirit with the eloquence of a mind all ablaze with the truth and with a heart that yearned for their souls for Christ. They are not literary epistles, but they are more than personal letters. They are thunderbolts of passion and power that struck centre and that strike fire now for all who will take the trouble to come to them for the mind of Christ that is here.

rwp@Info_Epistles-Paul @ DATES OF HIS EPISTLES Unfortunately there is not complete agreement among scholars as to the dates of some of Paul's Epistles. Baur denied the Pauline authorship of all the Epistles save I and II Corinthians, Galatians, Romans. Today some deny that Paul wrote the Pastoral Epistles, though admitting the others. Some admit Pauline fragments even in the Pastoral Epistles, but more about this when these Epistles are reached. There is more doubt about the date of Galatians than any of the others. Lightfoot put it just before Romans, while Ramsay now makes it the earliest of all. The Epistle itself has no notes of place or time. The Epistles to the Thessalonians were written from Corinth after Timothy had been sent from Athens by Paul to Thessalonica (1Thessalonians:3:1f.|) and had just returned to Paul (1Thessalonians:3:6|) which we know was in Corinth (Acts:18:5|) shortly before Gallio came as Proconsul of Achaia (Acts:18:12|). We can now feel certain from the new "acclamation" of Claudius in the inscription at Delphi recently explained by Deissmann in his _St. Paul_ that the Thessalonian Epistles were written 50 to 51 A.D. We know also that he wrote I Corinthians while in Ephesus (1Corinthians:16:8|) and before pentecost, though the precise year is not given. But he spent three years at Ephesus in round numbers (Acts:19:8,10; strkjv@20:31|) and he wrote just before he left, probably spring of A.D. 54 or 55. He wrote II Corinthians from Macedonia shortly after leaving Ephesus (2Corinthians:2:12|) ] apparently the same year. Romans was written from Corinth and sent by Phoebe of Cenchreae (Romans:16:1f.|) unless strkjv@Romans:16| be considered a separate Epistle to Ephesus as some hold, a view that does not commend itself to me. Deissmann (_New Testament in the Light of Modern Research_, p. 33) accepts a modern theory that Ephesus was the place of the writing of the first prison Epistles (Philippians, Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians) as well as I Corinthians and Galatians and dates them all between A.D. 52 and 55. But we shall find that these prison Epistles most naturally fall to Rome between A.D. 61 and 63. If the Pastoral Epistles are genuine, as I hold, they come between A.D. 65 and 68. Bartlet argues for a date before A.D. 64, accepting the view that Paul was put to death then. But it is still far more probable that Paul met his death in Rome in A.D. 68 shortly before Nero's death which was June 8, A.D. 68. It will thus be seen that the dates of several of the Epistles are fairly clear, while some remain quite uncertain. In a broad outlook they must all come between A.D. 50 and 68.

rwp@Info_Epistles-Paul @ The study of Paul's Epistles in the order of their writing is the best possible way of seeing his own growth as a theologian and interpreter of Christ. Sabatier long ago laid emphasis on this point in his book _The Apostle Paul_ as did Matheson in _The Spiritual Development of Paul_. It is a tragedy to have to read Paul's Epistles as printed in the usual Greek text of Westcott and Hort and the English translations, beginning with Romans and ending with Philemon. In the manuscripts that give Paul's Epistles Romans comes first as the largest and most important, but Titus and Philemon come after II Timothy (the last just before his death). We know something of Paul's early preaching how he laid emphasis on the Messiahship of Jesus proven by his resurrection, Paul himself having seen the Risen Christ (Acts:9:22|). This conviction and experience lay at the foundation of all his work and he never faltered concerning it (Acts:17:3). In the earliest sermon of which we have a full report Paul proclaims justification by faith in Christ with forgiveness of sins (Acts:13:38f.|), blessings not obtained by the law of Moses. In the unfolding life of Paul he grappled with great problems of Jewish rabbinism and Greek philosophy and mystery-religions and Paul himself grew in stature as he courageously and victoriously faced Judaizer and Gnostic. There are scholars who claim that Paul surrendered to the appeal of Gnostic sacramentarianism and so went back on his great doctrine of justification by faith, not by works. It will be shown at the proper time that this view misinterprets Paul's attitude. The events given by Luke in the Acts fit in with the self-revelation of Paul in his own Epistles as we read them. Each one of the four groups of Epistles has a slightly different style and vocabulary as is natural when one comes to think of it. The same thing is true of the plays of Shakespeare and the poems of Milton. Style is the man, Buffon says. Yes, but style is also a function of the subject. Particularly is this true of vocabulary which has to vary with the different topics treated. But style in the same man varies with different ages. Ripened old age mellows the exuberance of youth and the passionate vehemence of manhood. We shall see Paul himself in his Epistles, letting himself go in various ways and in different moods. But in all the changing phases of his life and work there is the same masterful man who glories in being the slave of Jesus Christ and the Apostle to the Gentiles. The passion of Paul is Christ and one can feel the throb of the heart of the chief of sinners who became the chief of saints in all his Epistles. There is the Pauline glow and glory in them all.

rwp@Galatians:1:4 @{For our sins} (\huper t“n hamarti“n\). Some MSS. have \peri\ (concerning). In the _Koin‚_ this use of \huper\ as like \peri\ has come to be common. He refers to the death of Christ (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:15:3; strkjv@Galatians:2:20; strkjv@Romans:5:6f.|). As a rule \peri\ occurs of things, \huper\ of persons. {Deliver} (\exelˆtai\). Second aorist middle subjunctive (final clause with \hop“s\) of \exaire“\, old verb to pluck out, to rescue (Acts:23:27|). "Strikes the keynote of the epistle. The gospel is a rescue, an emancipation from a state of bondage" (Lightfoot). {Out of this present evil world} (\ek tou ai“nos tou enest“tos ponˆrou\). Literally, "out of the age the existing one being evil." The predicate position of \ponˆrou\ calls emphatic attention to it. Each word here is of interest and has been already discussed. See on ¯Matthew:13:22| for \ai“n\, strkjv@Matthew:6:23| for \ponˆros\. \Enest“tos\ is genitive masculine singular of \enest“s\ second perfect (intransitive) participle of \enistˆmi\ for which see on ¯2Thessalonians:2:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:22; strkjv@7:26|. It is present as related to future (Romans:8:38; strkjv@Hebrews:9:9|). {According to the will of God} (\kata to thelˆma tou theou\). Not according to any merit in us.

rwp@Galatians:1:9 @{Songs:say I now again} (\kai arti palin leg“\). Paul knows that he has just made what some will consider an extreme statement. But it is a deliberate one and not mere excitement. He will stand by it to the end. He calls down a curse on any one who proclaims a gospel to them contrary to that which they had received from him.

rwp@Galatians:1:11 @{Which was preached} (\to euaggelisthen\). Play on the word \euaggelion\ by first aorist passive participle of \euaggeliz“\, "the gospel which was gospelized by me." {It is not after man} (\ouk estin kata anthr“pon\). Not after a human standard and so he does not try to conform to the human ideal. Paul alone (1Corinthians:3:3; strkjv@9:8; strkjv@15:32; strkjv@Romans:3:15|) in the N.T. uses this old and common idiom.

rwp@Galatians:1:13 @{My manner of life} (\tˆn emˆn anastrophˆn\). Late word in this sense from Polybius on from \anastrephomai\. In the older writers it meant literally "return" or "turning back." See strkjv@1Peter:1:15|. It is absent in this sense in the papyri though the verb is common. {In the Jews' religion} (\en t“i Ioudaism“i\). "In Judaism." The word in N.T. only here and next verse, already in II Macc. strkjv@2:21; strkjv@8:1; strkjv@14:38; IV Macc. strkjv@4:26. In these passages it means the Jewish religion as opposed to the Hellenism that the Syrian Kings were imposing upon the Jews. Songs:later Justin Martyr (386 D) will use \Christianismos\ for Christianity. Both words are made from verbs in \-iz“\. {Beyond measure} (\kath' huperbolˆn\). "According to excess" (throwing beyond, \huperbolˆ\). {I persecuted} (\edi“kon\). Imperfect active, "I used to persecute" (see strkjv@Acts:7-9| for the facts). {Made havock of it} (\eporthoun autˆn\). Customary action again, imperfect of old verb \porthe“\, to lay waste, to sack. In N.T. only here, verse 23|, and strkjv@Acts:9:31| (used by Christians in Damascus of Saul after his conversion of his former conduct, the very word of Paul here). Paul heard them use it of him and it stuck in his mind.

rwp@Galatians:1:14 @{I advanced} (\proekopton\). Imperfect active again of \prokopt“\, old verb, to cut forward (as in a forest), to blaze a way, to go ahead. In N.T. only here, strkjv@Romans:13:12; strkjv@2Timothy:2:16; strkjv@3:9,13|. Paul was a brilliant pupil under Gamaliel. See strkjv@Phillipians:3:4-6|. He was in the lead of the persecution also. {Beyond many of mine own age} (\huper pollous sunˆliki“tas\). Later compound form for the Attic \hˆliki“tˆs\ which occurs in Dion Hal. and inscriptions (from \sun\, with, and \hˆlikia\, age). Paul modestly claims that he went "beyond" (\huper\) his fellow-students in his progress in Judaism. {More exceedingly zealous} (\perissoter“s zˆlotˆs\). Literally, "more exceedingly a zealot." See on ¯Acts:1:13; strkjv@21:20; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:12|. Like Simon Zelotes. {For the traditions of my fathers} (\t“n patrik“n mou paradose“n\). Objective genitive after \zˆlotˆs\. \Patrik“n\ only here in N.T., though old word from \patˆr\ (father), paternal, descending from one's father. For \patr“ios\ see strkjv@Acts:22:3,14|. Tradition (\paradosis\) played a large part in the teaching and life of the Pharisees (Mark:7:1-23|). Paul now taught the Christian tradition (2Thessalonians:2:15|).

rwp@Galatians:1:18 @{Then after three years} (\epeita meta tria etˆ\). A round number to cover the period from his departure from Jerusalem for Damascus to his return to Jerusalem. This stay in Damascus was an important episode in Paul's theological readjustment to his new experience. {To visit Cephas} (\historˆsai Kˆphƒn\). First aorist infinitive of \histore“\, old verb (from \hist“r\, one who knows by inquiry), to gain knowledge by visiting. Only here in N.T. If we turn to strkjv@Acts:9:26-30|, we shall see that the visit of two weeks to Peter came after Barnabas endorsed Paul to the suspicious disciples in Jerusalem and probably while he was preaching in the city. It was a delightful experience, but Peter did not start Paul upon his apostleship. He visited him as an equal. Peter no doubt had much to say to Paul.

rwp@Galatians:1:23 @{They only heard} (\monon akouontes ˆsan\). Periphrastic imperfect, "They were only hearing from time to time." {That once persecuted us} (\ho di“k“n hˆmas pote\). Present active articular participle, a sort of participle of antecedent time suggested by \pote\, "the one who used to persecute us once upon a time." {The faith} (\tˆn pistin\). Here used in the sense of "the gospel" as in strkjv@Acts:6:7|.

rwp@Galatians:2:1 @{Then after the space of fourteen years I went up again} (\epeita dia dekatessar“n et“n palin anebˆn\) This use of \dia\ for interval between is common enough. Paul is not giving a recital of his visits to Jerusalem, but of his points of contact with the apostles in Jerusalem. As already observed, he here refers to the Jerusalem Conference given by Luke in strkjv@Acts:15| when Paul and Barnabas were endorsed by the apostles and elders and the church over the protest of the Judaizers who had attacked them in Antioch (Acts:15:1f.|). But Paul passes by another visit to Jerusalem, that in strkjv@Acts:11:30| when Barnabas and Saul brought alms from Antioch to Jerusalem and delivered them to "the elders" with no mention of the apostles who were probably out of the city since the events in strkjv@Acts:12| apparently preceded that visit and Peter had left for another place (Acts:12:17|). Paul here gives the inside view of this private conference in Jerusalem that came in between the two public meetings (Acts:15:4,6-29|). {With Barnabas} (\meta Barnabƒ\). As in strkjv@Acts:15:2|. {Taking Titus also with me} (\sunparalab“n kai Titon\). Second aorist active participle of \sunparalamban“\ the very verb used in strkjv@Acts:15:37f.| of the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas about Mark. Titus is not mentioned in Acts 15 nor anywhere else in Acts for some reason, possibly because he was Luke's own brother. But his very presence was a challenge to the Judaizers, since he was a Greek Christian.

rwp@Galatians:2:3 @{Being a Greek} (\Hellˆn “n\). Concessive participle, though he was a Greek. {Was compelled to be circumcised} (\ˆnagkasthˆ peritmˆthˆnai\). First aorist passive indicative of \anagkaz“\ and first aorist passive infinitive of \peritemn“\. Curiously enough some scholars interpret this language to mean that Paul voluntarily had Titus circumcised, instead of being compelled to do it, an impossible view in my opinion in the light of verse 5| and wholly inconsistent with the whole context. Paul means that he stood his ground against compulsion and all force.

rwp@Galatians:2:6 @{Somewhat} (\ti\). Something, not somebody. Paul refers to the Big Three (Cephas, James, and John). He seems a bit embarrassed in the reference. He means no disrespect, but he asserts his independence sharply in a tangled sentence with two parentheses (dashes in Westcott and Hort). {Whatsoever they were} (\hopoioi pote ˆsan\). Literally, "What sort they once were." {Hopoioi} is a qualitative word (1Thessalonians:1:9; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:13; strkjv@James:1:24|). Lightfoot thinks that these three leaders were the ones who suggested the compromise about Titus. That is a possible, but not the natural, interpretation of this involved sentence. The use of \de\ (but) in verse 6| seems to make a contrast between the three leaders and the pleaders for compromise in verses 4f|. {They, I say, imparted nothing to me} (\emoi gar ouden prosanethento\). He starts over again after the two parentheses and drops the construction \apo t“n dokount“n\ and changes the construction (anacoluthon) to \hoi dokountes\ (nominative case), the men of reputation and influences whom he names in verses 8f|. See the same verb in strkjv@1:16|. They added nothing in the conference to me. The compromisers tried to win them, but they finally came over to my view. Paul won his point, when he persuaded Peter, James, and John to agree with him and Barnabas in their contention for freedom for the Gentile Christians from the bondage of the Mosaic ceremonial law.

rwp@Galatians:2:12 @{For before that certain came from James} (\pro tou gar elthein tinas apo Iak“bou\). The reason (\gar\) for Paul's condemnation of Peter. Articular infinitive in the genitive after \pro\ with the accusative of general reference (\tinas\), "for before the coming as to some from James." Does Paul mean to say that these "certain" ones had been sent by James to Antioch to inspect the conduct of Peter and the other Jewish brethren? Some scholars think so. No doubt these brethren let the idea get out that they were emissaries "from James." But that idea is inconsistent with the position of James as president of the conference and the author of the resolution securing liberty to the Gentile Christians. No doubt these brethren threatened Peter to tell James and the church about his conduct and they reminded Peter of his previous arraignment before the Jerusalem Church on this very charge (Acts:11:1-18|). As a matter of fact the Jerusalem Conference did not discuss the matter of social relations between Jews and Gentiles though that was the charge made against Peter (Acts:11:1ff.|). {He did eat with the Gentiles} (\meta t“n ethn“n sunˆsthien\). It was his habit (imperfect tense). {He drew back} (\hupestellen\). Imperfect tense, inchoative action, "he began to draw himself (\heauton\) back." Old word \hupostell“\. See middle voice to dissemble (Acts:20:20,27|), to shrink (Hebrews:10:38|). {Separated himself} (\aph“rizen heauton\). Inchoative imperfect again, "began to separate himself" just like a Pharisee (see on ¯1:15|) and as if afraid of the Judaizers in the Jerusalem Church, perhaps half afraid that James might not endorse what he had been doing. {Fearing them that were of the circumcision} (\phoboumenos tous ek peritomˆs\). This was the real reason for Peter's cowardice. See strkjv@Acts:11:2| for "\hoi ek peritomˆs\" (they of the circumcision), the very phrase here. It was not that Peter had changed his views from the Jerusalem resolutions. It was pure fear of trouble to himself as in the denials at the trial of Christ.

rwp@Galatians:2:13 @{Dissembled likewise with him} (\sunupekrithˆsan aut“i kai\). First aorist passive indicative of the double compound verb \sunupokrinomai\, a late word often in Polybius, only here in N.T. One example in Polybius means to pretend to act a part with. That idea here would help the case of the rest of the Jews, but does not accord with Paul's presentation. {Insomuch that even Barnabas} (\h“ste kai Barnabas\). Actual result expressed by \h“ste\ and the indicative and \kai\ clearly means "even." {Was carried away with their dissimulation} (\sunapˆchthˆ aut“n tˆi hupokrisei\). First aorist passive indicative of \sunapag“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Peter:3:17|. \Hupokrisei\ is in the instrumental case and can only mean hypocrisy in the bad sense (Matthew:23:28|), not merely acting a part. It was a solemn moment when Paul saw the Jerusalem victory vanish and even Barnabas desert him as they followed the timid cowardice of Peter. It was _Paulus contra mundum_ in the cause of spiritual freedom in Christ.

rwp@Galatians:2:15 @{Not sinners of the Gentiles} (\ouk ex ethn“n hamart“loi\). The Jews regarded all Gentiles as "sinners" in contrast with themselves (cf. strkjv@Matthew:26:45| "sinners" and strkjv@Luke:18:32| "Gentiles"). It is not clear whether verses 15-21| were spoken by Paul to Peter or whether Paul is now simply addressing the Galatians in the light of the controversy with Peter. Burton thinks that he is "mentally addressing Peter, if not quoting from what he said to him."

rwp@Galatians:2:16 @{Is not justified} (\ou dikaioutai\). Present passive indicative of \dikaio“\, an old causative verb from \dikaios\, righteous (from \dike\, right), to make righteous, to declare righteous. It is made like \axio“\, to deem worthy, and \koino“\, to consider common. It is one of the great Pauline words along with \dikaiosunˆ\, righteousness. The two ways of getting right with God are here set forth: by faith in Christ Jesus (objective genitive), by the works of the law (by keeping all the law in the most minute fashion, the way of the Pharisees). Paul knew them both (see strkjv@Romans:7|). In his first recorded sermon the same contrast is made that we have here (Acts:13:39|) with the same word \dikaio“\, employed. It is the heart of his message in all his Epistles. The terms faith (\pistis\), righteousness (\dikaiosunˆ\), law (\nomos\), works (\erga\) occur more frequently in Galatians and Romans because Paul is dealing directly with the problem in opposition to the Judaizers who contended that Gentiles had to become Jews to be saved. The whole issue is here in an acute form. {Save} (\ean mˆ\). Except. {Even we} (\kai hˆmeis\). We Jews believed, had to believe, were not saved or justified till we did believe. This very point Peter had made at the Jerusalem Conference (Acts:15:10f.|). He quotes strkjv@Psalms:143:2|. Paul uses \dikaiosunˆ\ in two senses (1) Justification, on the basis of what Christ has done and obtained by faith. Thus we are set right with God. strkjv@Romans:1-5|. (2) Sanctification. Actual goodness as the result of living with and for Christ. strkjv@Romans:6-8|. The same plan exists for Jew and Gentile.

rwp@Galatians:2:17 @{We ourselves were found sinners} (\heurethˆmen kai autoi hamart“loi\). Like the Gentiles, Jews who thought they were not sinners, when brought close to Christ, found that they were. Paul felt like the chief of sinners. {A minister of sin} (\hamartias diakonos\). Objective genitive, a minister to sin. An illogical inference. We were sinners already in spite of being Jews. Christ simply revealed to us our sin. {God forbid} (\mˆ genoito\). Literally, "May it not happen." Wish about the future (\mˆ\ and the optative).

rwp@Galatians:2:21 @{I do not make void the grace of God} (\ouk athet“ tˆn charin tou theou\). Common word in LXX and Polybius and on, to make ineffective (\a\ privative and \tithˆmi\, to place or put). Some critic would charge him with that after his claim to such a close mystic union with Christ. {Then Christ died for nought} (\ara Christos d“rean apethanen\). Condition of first class, assumed as true. If one man apart from grace can win his own righteousness, any man can and should. Hence (\ara\, accordingly) Christ died gratuitously (\d“rean\), unnecessarily. Adverbial accusative of \d“rea\, a gift. This verse is a complete answer to those who say that the heathen (or any mere moralist) are saved by doing the best that they know and can. No one, apart from Jesus, ever did the best that he knew or could. To be saved by law (\dia nomou\) one has to keep all the law that he knows. That no one ever did.

rwp@Galatians:3:1 @{Who did bewitch you?} (\tis humas ebaskanen?\). Somebody "fascinated" you. Some aggressive Judaizer (5:7|), some one man (or woman). First aorist active indicative of \baskain“\, old word kin to \phask“\ (\bask“\), to speak, then to bring evil on one by feigned praise or the evil eye (hoodoo), to lead astray by evil arts. Only here in the N.T. This popular belief in the evil eye is old (Deuteronomy:28:54|) and persistent. The papyri give several examples of the adjective \abaskanta\, the adverb \abaskant“s\ (unharmed by the evil eye), the substantive \baskania\ (witchcraft). {Before whose eyes Jesus Christ was openly set forth crucified} (\hois kat' ophthalmous Iˆsous Christos proegraphˆ estaur“menos\). Literally, "to whom before your very eyes Jesus Christ was portrayed as crucified." Second aorist passive indicative of \prograph“\, old verb to write beforehand, to set forth by public proclamation, to placard, to post up. This last idea is found in several papyri (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_) as in the case of a father who posted a proclamation that he would no longer be responsible for his son's debts. \Graph“\ was sometimes used in the sense of painting, but no example of \prograph“\ with this meaning has been found unless this is one. With that idea it would be to portray, to picture forth, a rendering not very different from placarding. The foolish Galatians were without excuse when they fell under the spell of the Judaizer. \Estaur“menos\ is perfect passive participle of \stauro“\, the common verb to crucify (from \stauros\, stake, cross), to put on the cross (Matthew:20:19|), same form as in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:2|.

rwp@Galatians:3:2 @{This only} (\touto monon\). Paul strikes at the heart of the problem. He will show their error by the point that the gifts of the Spirit came by the hearing of faith, not by works of the law.

rwp@Galatians:3:5 @{Supplieth} (\epichorˆg“n\). It is God. See on ¯2Corinthians:9:10| for this present active participle. Cf. strkjv@Phillipians:1:19; strkjv@2Peter:1:5|. {Worketh miracles} (\energ“n dunameis\). On the word \energe“\ see strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:13; strkjv@1Corinthians:12:6|. It is a great word for God's activities (Phillipians:2:13|). "In you" (Lightfoot) is preferable to "among you" for \en humin\ (1Corinthians:13:10; strkjv@Matthew:14:2|). The principal verb for "doeth he it" (\poiei\) is not expressed. Paul repeats the contrast in verse 2| about "works of the law" and "the hearing of faith."

rwp@Galatians:3:8 @{Foreseeing} (\proidousa\). Second aorist active participle of \proora“\. The Scripture is here personified. Alone in this sense of "sight," but common with \legei\ or \eipen\ (says, said) and really in verse 22| "hath shut up" (\sunekleisen\). {Would justify} (\dikaioi\). Present active indicative, "does justify." {Preached the gospel beforehand} (\proeuˆggelisato\). First aorist middle indicative of \proeuaggelizomai\ with augment on \a\ though both \pro\ and \eu\ before it in composition. Only instance in N.T. It occurs in Philo. and Schol. Soph. This Scripture announced beforehand the gospel on this point of justification by faith. He quotes the promise to Abraham in strkjv@Genesis:12:3; strkjv@18:18|, putting \panta ta ethnˆ\ (all the nations) in strkjv@18:18| for \pƒsai hai phulai\ (all the tribes) of the earth. It is a crucial passage for Paul's point, showing that the promise to Abraham included all the nations of the earth. The verb \eneuloge“\ (future passive here) occurs in the LXX and here only in N.T. (not strkjv@Acts:3:25| in correct text). {In thee} (\en soi\). "As their spiritual progenitor" (Lightfoot).

rwp@Galatians:3:10 @{Under a curse} (\hupo kataran\). Picture of the curse hanging over them like a Damocles' blade. Cf. strkjv@Romans:3:9| "under sin" (\huph' hamartian\). The word for "curse" (\katara\) is an old one (\kata\, down, \ara\, imprecation), often in LXX, in N.T. only here and 13; strkjv@James:3:10; strkjv@2Peter:2:14|. Paul quotes strkjv@Deuteronomy:27:26|, the close of the curses on Mt. Ebal. He makes a slight explanatory modification of the LXX changing \logois\ to \gegrammenois en t“i bibli“i\. The idea is made clearer by the participle (\gegrammenois\) and \bibli“i\ (book). The curse becomes effective only when the law is violated. {Cursed} (\epikataratos\). Verbal adjective from \epikataraomai\, to imprecate curses, late word, common in LXX. In N.T. only here and verse 13|, but in inscriptions also (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 96). The emphasis is on "continueth" (\emmenei\) and "all" (\pƒsin\).

rwp@Galatians:3:13 @{Redeemed us} (\hˆmas exˆgorasen\). First aorist active of the compound verb \exagoraz“\ (Polybius, Plutarch, Diodorus), to buy from, to buy back, to ransom. The simple verb \agoraz“\ (1Corinthians:6:20; strkjv@7:23|) is used in an inscription for the purchase of slaves in a will (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 324). See also strkjv@Galatians:4:5; strkjv@Colossians:4:5; strkjv@Ephesians:5:16|. Christ purchased us {from the curse of the law} (\ek tˆs kataras tou nomou\). "Out from (\ek\ repeated) under (\hupo\ in verse 10|) the curse of the law." {Having become a curse for us} (\genomenos huper hˆm“n katara\). Here the graphic picture is completed. We were under (\hupo\) a curse, Christ became a curse {over} (\huper\) us and so between us and the overhanging curse which fell on him instead of on us. Thus he bought us out (\ek\) and we are free from the curse which he took on himself. This use of \huper\ for substitution is common in the papyri and in ancient Greek as in the N.T. (John:11:50; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:14f.|). {That hangeth on a tree} (\ho kremamenos epi xulou\). Quotation from strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23| with the omission of \hupo theou\ (by God). Since Christ was not cursed by God. The allusion was to exposure of dead bodies on stakes or crosses (Joshua:10:26|). \Xulon\ means wood, not usually tree, though so in strkjv@Luke:23:31| and in later Greek. It was used of gallows, crosses, etc. See strkjv@Acts:5:30; strkjv@10:39; strkjv@1Peter:2:24|. On the present middle participle from the old verb \kremannumi\, to hang, see on ¯Matthew:18:6; strkjv@Acts:5:30|.

rwp@Galatians:3:15 @{After the manner of men} (\kata anthr“pon\). After the custom and practice of men, an illustration from life. {Though it be but a man's covenant, yet when it hath been confirmed} (\hom“s anthr“pou kekur“menˆn diathˆkˆn\). Literally, "Yet a man's covenant ratified." On \Diathˆkˆ\ as both covenant and will see on ¯Matthew:26:28; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:25; strkjv@2Corinthians:3:6; strkjv@Hebrews:9:16f|. On \kuro“\, to ratify, to make valid, see on ¯2Corinthians:2:8|. Perfect passive participle here, state of completion, authoritative confirmation. {Maketh it void} (\athetei\). See on ¯2:21| for this verb. Both parties can by agreement cancel a contract, but not otherwise. {Addeth thereto} (\epidiatassetai\). Present middle indicative of the double compound verb \epidiatassomai\, a word found nowhere else as yet. But inscriptions use \diatassomai, diataxis, diatagˆ, diatagma\ with the specialized meaning to "determine by testamentary disposition" (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 90). It was unlawful to add (\epi\) fresh clauses or specifications (\diataxeis\).

rwp@Galatians:3:17 @{Now this I say} (\touto de leg“\). Now I mean this. He comes back to his main point and is not carried afield by the special application of \sperma\ to Christ. {Confirmed beforehand by God} (\prokekur“menˆn hupo tou theou\). Perfect passive participle of \prokuro“\, in Byzantine writers and earliest use here. Nowhere else in N.T. The point is in \pro\ and \hupo tou theou\ (by God) and in \meta\ (after) as Burton shows. {Four hundred and thirty years after} (\meta tetrakosia kai triakonta etˆ\). Literally, "after four hundred and thirty years." This is the date in strkjv@Exodus:12:40| for the sojourn in Egypt (cf. strkjv@Genesis:15:13|). But the LXX adds words to include the time of the patriarchs in Canaan in this number of years which would cut the time in Egypt in two. Cf. strkjv@Acts:7:6|. It is immaterial to Paul's argument which chronology is adopted except that "the longer the covenant had been in force the more impressive is his statement" (Burton). {Doth not disannul} (\ouk akuroi\). Late verb \akuro“\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:15:6; strkjv@Mark:7:13| (from \a\ privative and \kuros\, authority). On \katargˆsai\ see strkjv@1Corinthians:1:28; strkjv@2:6; strkjv@15:24,26|.

rwp@Galatians:3:19 @{What then is the law?} (\ti oun ho nomos?\). Or, why then the law? A pertinent question if the Abrahamic promise antedates it and holds on afterwards. {It was added because of transgressions} (\t“n parabase“n charin prosetethˆ\). First aorist passive of \prostithˆmi\, old verb to add to. It is only in apparent contradiction to verses 15ff.|, because in Paul's mind the law is no part of the covenant, but a thing apart "in no way modifying its provisions" (Burton). \Charin\ is the adverbial accusative of \charis\ which was used as a preposition with the genitive as early as Homer, in favour of, for the sake of. Except in strkjv@1John:3:12| it is post-positive in the N.T. as in ancient Greek. It may be causal (Luke:7:47; strkjv@1John:3:12|) or telic (Titus:1:5,11; strkjv@Jude:1:16|). It is probably also telic here, not in order to create transgressions, but rather "to make transgressions palpable" (Ellicott), "thereby pronouncing them to be from that time forward transgressions of the law" (Rendall). \Parabasis\, from \parabain“\, is in this sense a late word (Plutarch on), originally a slight deviation, then a wilful disregarding of known regulations or prohibitions as in strkjv@Romans:2:23|. {Till the seed should come} (\achris an elthˆi to sperma\). Future time with \achris an\ and aorist subjunctive (usual construction). Christ he means by \to sperma\ as in verse 16|. {The promise hath been made} (\epˆggeltai\). Probably impersonal perfect passive rather than middle of \epaggellomai\ as in II Macc. strkjv@4:27. {Ordained through angels} (\diatageis di' aggel“n\). Second aorist passive participle of \diatass“\ (see on ¯Matthew:11:1|). About angels and the giving of the law see on strkjv@Deuteronomy:33:2| (LXX); strkjv@Acts:7:38,52; strkjv@Hebrews:2:2|; Josephus (_Ant_. XV. 5. 3). {By the hand of a mediator} (\en cheiri mesitou\). \En cheiri\ is a manifest Aramaism or Hebraism and only here in the N.T. It is common in the LXX. \Mesitˆs\, from \mesos\ is middle or midst, is a late word (Polybius, Diodorus, Philo, Josephus) and common in the papyri in legal transactions for arbiter, surety, etc. Here of Moses, but also of Christ (1Timothy:2:5; strkjv@Hebrews:8:6; strkjv@9:15; strkjv@12:24|).

rwp@Galatians:3:22 @{Hath shut up} (\sunekleisen\). Did shut together. First aorist active indicative of \sunklei“\, old verb to shut together, on all sides, completely as a shoal of fish in a net (Luke:5:6|). Songs:verse 23; strkjv@Romans:11:32|. {Under sin} (\hupo hamartian\). See \hupo kataran\ in verse 10|. As if the lid closed in on us over a massive chest that we could not open or as prisoners in a dungeon. He uses \ta panta\ (the all things), the totality of everything. See strkjv@Romans:3:10-19; strkjv@11:32|. {That} (\hina\). God's purpose, personifying scripture again. {Might be given} (\dothˆi\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \did“mi\ with \hina\.

rwp@Galatians:3:23 @{Before faith came} (\pro tou elthein tˆn pistin\). "Before the coming (second aorist active infinitive of \erchomai\, definite event) as to the Faith" (note article, meaning the faith in verse 22| made possible by the historic coming of Christ the Redeemer), the faith in Christ as Saviour (verse 22|). {We were kept in ward under the law} (\huper nomon ephrouroumetha\). Imperfect passive of \phroure“\, to guard (from \phrouros\, a guard). See on ¯Acts:9:24; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:32|. It was a long progressive imprisonment. {Unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed} (\eis tˆn mellousan pistin apokaluphthˆnai\). "Unto the faith (verse 22| again) about to be revealed." \Mell“\ and the first aorist passive infinitive (regular idiom).

rwp@Galatians:4:1 @{Songs:long as} (\eph' hoson chronon\). "For how long a time," incorporation of the antecedent (\chronon\) into the relative clause. {The heir} (\ho klˆronomos\). Old word (\klˆros\, lot, \nemomai\, to possess). Illustration from the law of inheritance carrying on the last thought in strkjv@3:29|. {A child} (\nˆpios\). One that does not talk (\nˆ, epos\, word). That is a minor, an infant, immature intellectually and morally in contrast with \teleioi\, full grown (1Corinthians:3:1; strkjv@14:20; strkjv@Phillipians:3:15; strkjv@Ephesians:4:13|). {From a bondservant} (\doulou\). Slave. Ablative case of comparison after \diapherei\ for which verb see on ¯Matthew:6:26|. {Though he is lord of all} (\Kurios pant“n “n\). Concessive participle \“n\, "being legally owner of all" (one who has the power, \ho ech“n kuros\).

rwp@Galatians:4:6 @{Because ye are sons} (\hoti este huioi\). This is the reason for sending forth the Son (4:4| and here). We were "sons" in God's elective purpose and love. \Hoti\ is causal (1Corinthians:12:15; strkjv@Romans:9:7|). {The Spirit of his Son} (\to pneuma tou huioi autou\). The Holy Spirit, called the Spirit of Christ (Romans:8:9f.|), the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phillipians:1:19|). The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son (John:15:26|). {Crying, Abba, Father} (\krazon Abba ho patˆr\). The participle agrees with \pneuma\ neuter (grammatical gender), not neuter in fact. An old, though rare in present as here, onomatopoetic word to croak as a raven (Theophrastus, like Poe's _The Raven_), any inarticulate cry like "the unuttered groanings" of strkjv@Romans:8:26| which God understands. This cry comes from the Spirit of Christ in our hearts. \Abba\ is the Aramaic word for father with the article and \ho patˆr\ translates it. The articular form occurs in the vocative as in strkjv@John:20:28|. It is possible that the repetition here and in strkjv@Romans:8:15| may be "a sort of affectionate fondness for the very term that Jesus himself used" (Burton) in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark:14:36|). The rabbis preserve similar parallels. Most of the Jews knew both Greek and Aramaic. But there remains the question why Jesus used both in his prayer. Was it not natural for both words to come to him in his hour of agony as in his childhood? The same thing may be true here in Paul's case.

rwp@Galatians:4:9 @{Now that ye have come to know God} (\nun de gnontes\). Fine example of the ingressive second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\, come to know by experience through faith in Christ. {Rather to be known of God} (\mallon de gn“sthentes hupo theou\). First aorist passive participle of the same verb. He quickly turns it round to the standpoint of God's elective grace reaching them (verse 6|). {How} (\p“s\). "A question full of wonder" (Bengel). See strkjv@1:6|. {Turn ye back again?} (\epistrephete palin?\). Present active indicative, "Are ye turning again?" See \metatithesthe\ in strkjv@1:6|. {The weak and beggarly rudiments} (\ta asthenˆ kai pt“cha stoicheia\). The same \stoicheia\ in verse 3| from which they had been delivered, "weak and beggarly," still in their utter impotence from the Pharisaic legalism and the philosophical and religious legalism and the philosophical and religious quests of the heathen as shown by Angus's _The Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman World_. These were eagerly pursued by many, but they were shadows when caught. It is pitiful today to see some men and women leave Christ for will o' the wisps of false philosophy. {Over again} (\palin an“then\). Old word, from above (\an“\) as in strkjv@Matthew:27:51|, from the first (Luke:1:3|), then "over again" as here, back to where they were before (in slavery to rites and rules).

rwp@Galatians:4:10 @{Ye observe} (\paratˆreisthe\). Present middle indicative of old verb to stand beside and watch carefully, sometimes with evil intent as in strkjv@Luke:6:7|, but often with scrupulous care as here (so in Dio Cassius and Josephus). The meticulous observance of the Pharisees Paul knew to a nicety. It hurt him to the quick after his own merciful deliverance to see these Gentile Christians drawn into this spider-web of Judaizing Christians, once set free, now enslaved again. Paul does not itemize the "days" (Sabbaths, fast-days, feast-days, new moons) nor the "months" (Isaiah:66:23|) which were particularly observed in the exile nor the "seasons" (passover, pentecost, tabernacles, etc.) nor the "years" (sabbatical years every seventh year and the Year of Jubilee). Paul does not object to these observances for he kept them himself as a Jew. He objected to Gentiles taking to them as a means of salvation.

rwp@Galatians:4:16 @{Your enemy} (\echthros hum“n\). Active sense of \echthros\, hater with objective genitive. They looked on Paul now as an enemy to them. Songs:the Pharisees and Judaizers generally now regarded him. {Because I tell you the truth} (\alˆtheu“n humin\). Present active participle of \alˆtheu“\, old verb from \alˆthˆs\, true. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:4:15|. "Speaking the truth." It is always a risky business to speak the truth, the whole truth. It may hit and hurt.

rwp@Galatians:4:20 @{I could with} (\ˆthelon\). Imperfect active, I was wishing like Agrippa's use of \eboulomˆn\ in strkjv@Acts:25:22|, "I was just wishing. I was longing to be present with you just now (\arti\)." {To change my voice} (\allaxai tˆn ph“nˆn mou\). Paul could put his heart into his voice. The pen stands between them. He knew the power of his voice on their hearts. He had tried it before. {I am perplexed} (\aporoumai\). I am at a loss and know not what to do. \Apore“\ is from \a\ privative and \poros\, way. I am lost at this distance from you. {About you} (\en humin\). In your cases. For this use of \en\ see strkjv@2Corinthians:7:16; strkjv@Galatians:1:24|.

rwp@Galatians:4:21 @{That desire to be under the law} (\hoi hupo nomon thelontes einai\). "Under law" (no article), as in strkjv@3:23; strkjv@4:4|, legalistic system. Paul views them as on the point of surrender to legalism, as "wanting" (\thelontes\) to do it (1:6; strkjv@3:3; strkjv@4:11,17|). Paul makes direct reference to these so disposed to "hear the law." He makes a surprising turn, but a legitimate one for the legalists by an allegorical use of Scripture.

rwp@Galatians:4:24 @{Which things contain an allegory} (\hatina estin allˆgoroumena\). Literally, "Which things are allegorized" (periphrastic present passive indicative of \allˆgore“\). Late word (Strabo, Plutarch, Philo, Josephus, ecclesiastical writers), only here in N.T. The ancient writers used \ainittomai\ to speak in riddles. It is compounded of \allo\, another, and \agoreu“\, to speak, and so means speaking something else than what the language means, what Philo, the past-master in the use of allegory, calls the deeper spiritual sense. Paul does not deny the actual historical narrative, but he simply uses it in an allegorical sense to illustrate his point for the benefit of his readers who are tempted to go under the burden of the law. He puts a secondary meaning on the narrative just as he uses \tupik“s\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:11| of the narrative. We need not press unduly the difference between allegory and type, for each is used in a variety of ways. The allegory in one sense is a speaking parable like Bunyan's _Pilgrim's Progress_, the Prodigal Son in strkjv@Luke:15|, the Good Shepherd in strkjv@John:10|. But allegory was also used by Philo and by Paul here for a secret meaning not obvious at first, one not in the mind of the writer, like our illustration which throws light on the point. Paul was familiar with this rabbinical method of exegesis (Rabbi Akiba, for instance, who found a mystical sense in every hook and crook of the Hebrew letters) and makes skilful use of that knowledge here. Christian preachers in Alexandria early fell victims to Philo's allegorical method and carried it to excess without regard to the plain sense of the narrative. That startling style of preaching survives yet to the discredit of sound preaching. Please observe that Paul says here that he is using allegory, not ordinary interpretation. It is not necessary to say that Paul intended his readers to believe that this allegory was designed by the narrative. He illustrates his point by it. {For these are} (\hautai gar eisin\). Allegorically interpreted, he means. {From Mount Sinai} (\apo orous Sinƒ\). Spoken from Mount Sinai. {Bearing} (\genn“sa\). Present active participle of \genna“\, to beget of the male (Matthew:1:1-16|), more rarely as here to bear of the female (Luke:1:13,57|). {Which is Hagar} (\hˆtis estin Hagar\). Allegorically interpreted.

rwp@Galatians:4:25 @{This Hagar} (\to Hagar\). Neuter article and so referring to the word Hagar (not to the woman, \hˆ\ Hagar) as applied to the mountain. There is great variety in the MSS. here. The Arabians are descendants of Abraham and Hagar (her name meaning wanderer or fugitive). {Answereth to} (\suntoichei\). Late word in Polybius for keeping step in line (military term) and in papyri in figurative sense as here. Lightfoot refers to the Pythagorean parallels of opposing principles (\sunstoichiai\) as shown here by Paul (Hagar and Sarah, Ishmael and Isaac, the old covenant and the new covenant, the earthly Jerusalem and the heavenly Jerusalem). That is true, and there is a correlative correspondence as the line is carried on.

rwp@Galatians:5:1 @{With freedom} (\tˆi eleutheriƒi\). Rather dative case instead of instrumental, "for freedom," "for the (article) freedom that belongs to us children of the freewoman" (4:31|). {Did Christ set us free} (\hˆmas Christos ˆleuther“sen\). Effective aorist active indicative of \eleuthero“\ (from \erchomai\, to go, go free). {Stand fast therefore} (\stˆkete oun\). See on strkjv@Mark:3:31; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:13| for this late word from perfect stem of \histˆmi\, "keep on standing therefore," "stay free since Christ set you free." {Be not entangled again} (\mˆ palin enechesthe\). "Stop being held in by a yoke of bondage." Common word for ensnare by trap. The Judaizers were trying to lasso the Galatians for the old yoke of Judaism.

rwp@Galatians:5:8 @{This persuasion} (\hˆ peismonˆ\). "The art of persuasion," the effort of the Judaizers to persuade you. Only here and in ecclesiastical writers.

rwp@Galatians:5:14 @{Even in this} (\en t“i\). Just the article with \en\, "in the," but it points at the quotation from strkjv@Leviticus:19:18|. Jews (Luke:10:29|) confined "neighbour" (\plˆsion\) to Jews. Paul uses here a striking paradox by urging obedience to the law against which he has been arguing, but this is the moral law as proof of the new love and life. See also strkjv@Romans:13:8|, precisely as Jesus did (Matthew:22:40|).

rwp@Galatians:5:19 @{Manifest} (\phanera\). Opposed to "hidden" (\krupta\). Ancient writers were fond of lists of vices and virtues. Cf. Stalker's sermons on _The Seven Cardinal Virtues_ and _The Seven Deadly Sins_. There are more than seven in this deadly list in verses 19-21|. He makes the two lists in explanation of the conflict in verse 17| to emphasize the command in verses 13f|. There are four groups in Paul's list of manifest vices: (I) Sensual sins like fornication (\porneia\, prostitution, harlotry), uncleanness (\akatharsia\, moral impurity), lasciviousness (\aselgeia\, wantonness), sexual vice of all kinds prevailed in heathenism. (2) Idolatry (\eid“latreia\, worship of idols) and witchcraft (\pharmakeia\ from \pharmakon\, a drug, the ministering of drugs), but the sorcerers monopolized the word for a while in their magical arts and used it in connection with idolatry. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:18:23|. See strkjv@Acts:19:19| \perierga\, curious arts. (3) Personal relations expressed by eight words, all old words, sins of the spirit, like enmities (\exthrai\, personal animosities), strife (\eris\, rivalry, discord), jealousies (\zˆlos\ or \zˆloi\, MSS. vary, our very word), wraths (\thumoi\, stirring emotions, then explosions), factions (\eritheiai\, from \erithos\, day labourer for hire, worker in wool, party spirit), divisions (\dichostasiai\, splits in two, \dicha\ and \stasis\), heresies (\haireseis\, the very word, but really choosings from \haireomai\, preferences), envyings (\phthonoi\, feelings of ill-will). Surely a lively list. (4) {Drunkenness} (\methai\, old word and plural, drunken excesses, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:21:34; strkjv@Romans:13:13|), revellings (\k“moi\, old word also for drinking parties like those in honour of Bacchus, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:13:13; strkjv@1Peter:4:3|). {And such like} (\kai ta homoia toutois\). And the things like these (associative instrumental \toutois\ after \homoia\, like). It is not meant to be exhaustive, but it is representative.

rwp@Galatians:6:1 @{If a man be overtaken} (\ean kai prolˆmphthˆi anthr“pos\). Condition of third class, first aorist passive subjunctive of \prolamban“\, old verb to take beforehand, to surprise, to detect. {Trespass} (\parapt“mati\). Literally, a falling aside, a slip or lapse in the papyri rather than a wilful sin. In Polybius and Diodorus. _Koin‚_ word. {Ye which are spiritual} (\hoi pneumatikoi\). See on ¯1Corinthians:3:1|. The spiritually led (5:18|), the spiritual experts in mending souls. {Restore} (\katartizete\). Present active imperative of \katartiz“\, the very word used in strkjv@Matthew:4:21| of mending nets, old word to make \artios\, fit, to equip thoroughly. {Looking to thyself} (\skop“n seauton\). Keeping an eye on as in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:18| like a runner on the goal. {Lest thou also be tempted} (\mˆ kai su peirasthˆis\). Negative purpose with first aorist passive subjunctive. Spiritual experts (preachers in particular) need this caution. Satan loves a shining mark.

rwp@Galatians:6:6 @{That is taught} (\ho katˆchoumenos\). For this late and rare verb \katˆche“\, see on ¯Luke:1:4; strkjv@Acts:18:25; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:19|. It occurs in the papyri for legal instruction. Here the present passive participle retains the accusative of the thing. The active (\t“i katˆchounti\) joined with the passive is interesting as showing how early we find paid teachers in the churches. Those who receive instruction are called on to "contribute" (better than "communicate" for \koin“neit“\) for the time of the teacher (Burton). There was a teaching class thus early (1Thessalonians:5:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:12:28; strkjv@Ephesians:4:11; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:17|).

rwp@Galatians:6:7 @{Be not deceived} (\mˆ planƒsthe\). Present passive imperative with \mˆ\, "stop being led astray" (\plana“\, common verb to wander, to lead astray as in strkjv@Matthew:24:4f.|). {God is not mocked} (\ou muktˆrizetai\). This rare verb (common in LXX) occurs in Lysias. It comes from \muktˆr\ (nose) and means to turn the nose up at one. That is done towards God, but never without punishment, Paul means to say. In particular, he means "an evasion of his laws which men think to accomplish, but, in fact, cannot" (Burton). {Whatsoever a man soweth} (\ho ean speirˆi anthr“pos\). Indefinite relative clause with \ean\ and the active subjunctive (either aorist or present, form same here). One of the most frequent of ancient proverbs (Job:4:8|; Arist., _Rhet_. iii. 3). Already in strkjv@2Corinthians:9:6|. Same point in strkjv@Matthew:7:16; strkjv@Mark:4:26f|. {That} (\touto\). That very thing, not something different. {Reap} (\therisei\). See on ¯Matthew:6:26| for this old verb.

rwp@Galatians:6:9 @{Let us not be weary in well-doing} (\to kalon poiountes mˆ enkak“men\). Volitive present active subjunctive of \enkake“\ on which see strkjv@Luke:18:1; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:1,16| (\en, kakos\, evil). Literally, "Let us not keep on giving in to evil while doing the good." It is curious how prone we are to give in and to give out in doing the good which somehow becomes prosy or insipid to us. {In due season} (\kair“i idi“i\). Locative case, "at its proper season" (harvest time). Cf. strkjv@1Timothy:2:6; strkjv@6:15| (plural). {If we faint not} (\mˆ ekluomenoi\). Present passive participle (conditional) with \mˆ\. Cf. \eklu“\, old verb to loosen out. Literally, "not loosened out," relaxed, exhausted as a result of giving in to evil (\enkak“men\).

rwp@Galatians:6:11 @{With how large letters} (\pˆlikois grammasin\). Paul now takes the pen from the amanuensis (cf. strkjv@Romans:16:22|) and writes the rest of the Epistle (verses 11-18|) himself instead of the mere farewell greeting (2Thessalonians:3:17; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:21; strkjv@Colossians:4:18|). But what does he mean by "with how large letters"? Certainly not "how large a letter." It has been suggested that he employed large letters because of defective eyesight or because he could only write ill-formed letters because of his poor handwriting (like the print letters of children) or because he wished to call particular attention to this closing paragraph by placarding it in big letters (Ramsay). This latter is the most likely reason. Deissmann, (_St. Paul_, p. 51) argues that artisans write clumsy letters, yes, and scholars also. Milligan (_Documents_, p. 24; _Vocabulary_, etc.) suggests the contrast seen in papyri often between the neat hand of the scribe and the big sprawling hand of the signature. {I have written} (\egrapsa\). Epistolary aorist. {With mine own hand} (\tˆi emˆi cheiri\). Instrumental case as in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:21|.

rwp@Galatians:6:13 @{They who receive circumcision} (\hoi peritemnomenoi\). Present causative middle of \peritemn“\, those who are having themselves circumcised. Some MSS. read \hoi peritetmˆmenoi\), "they who have been circumcised" (perfect passive participle). Probably the present (\peritemnomenoi\) is correct as the harder reading.

rwp@Galatians:6:14 @{Far be it from me} (\emoi mˆ genoito\). Second aorist middle optative of \ginomai\ in a negative (\mˆ\) wish about the future with dative case: "May it not happen to me." See strkjv@2:17|. The infinitive \kauchƒsthai\ (to glory) is the subject of \genoito\ as is common in the LXX, though not elsewhere in the N.T. {Hath been crucified unto me} (\emoi estaur“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \stauro“\, stands crucified, with the ethical dative again (\emoi\). This is one of the great sayings of Paul concerning his relation to Christ and the world in contrast with the Judaizers. Cf. strkjv@2:19f.; strkjv@3:13; strkjv@4:4f.; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:23f.; strkjv@Romans:1:16; strkjv@3:21ff.; strkjv@4:25; strkjv@5:18|. {World} (\kosmos\) has no article, but is definite as in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:19|. Paul's old world of Jewish descent and environment is dead to him (Phillipians:3:3f.|).

rwp@Info_Hebrews @ THE STYLE It is called an epistle and so it is, but of a peculiar kind. In fact, as has been said, it begins like a treatise, proceeds like a sermon, and concludes like a letter. It is, in fact, more like a literary composition than any other New Testament book as Deissmann shows: "It points to the fact that the Epistle to the Hebrews, with its more definitely artistic, more literary language (corresponding to its more theological subject matter), constituted an epoch in the history of the new religion. Christianity is beginning to lay hands on the instruments of culture; the literary and theological period has begun" (_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 70f.). But Blass (_Die Rhythmen der asianischen und romischen Kunstprosa_, 1905) argues that the author of Hebrews certainly and Paul probably were students of Greek oratory and rhetoric. He is clearly wrong about Paul and probably so about the author of Hebrews. There is in Hebrews more of "a studied rhetorical periodicity" (Thayer), but with many "parenthetical involutions" (Westcott) and with less of "the impetuous eloquence of Paul." The eleventh chapter reveals a studied style and as a whole the Epistle belongs to the literary _Koin‚_ rather than to the vernacular. Moulton (_Cambridge Biblical Essays_, p. 483) thinks that the author did not know Hebrew but follows the Septuagint throughout in his abundant use of the Old Testament.

rwp@Info_Hebrews @ THE AUTHOR Origen bluntly wrote: "Who wrote the Epistle God only knows certainly" as quoted by Eusebius. Origen held that the thoughts were Paul's while Clement of Rome or Luke may have written the book. Clement of Alexandria (Eusebius says) thought that Paul wrote it in Hebrew and that Luke translated it into Greek. No early writer apparently attributed the Greek text to Paul. Eusebius thought it was originally written in Hebrew whether by Paul or not and translated by Clement of Rome. But there is no certainty anywhere in the early centuries. It was accepted first in the east and later in the west which first rejected it. But Jerome and Augustine accepted it. When the Renaissance came Erasmus had doubts, Luther attributed it to Apollos, Calvin denied the Pauline authorship. In North Africa it was attributed to Barnabas. In modern times Harnack has suggested Priscilla, but the masculine participle in strkjv@Hebrews:11:32| (\me diˆgoumenon\) disposes of that theory. The oldest Greek MSS. (Aleph A B) have simply \Pros Hebraious\ as the title, but they place it before the Pastoral Epistles, while the Textus Receptus puts it after the Pastoral Epistles and Philemon. In the light of all the facts one can only make a guess without a sense of certainty. For myself I should with Luther guess Apollos as the most likely author of this book which is full of the Spirit of God.

rwp@Info_Hebrews @ SOME BOOKS ON HEBREWS ANDEL, _Deuteronomy:Brief aan de Hebraer_ (1906). ANDERSON, R., _The Hebrews Epistle in the Light of the Types_ (1911). AYLES, _Destination, Date and Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1899). BAILEY, _Leading Ideas of the Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1907). BLASS, F., _Brief an die Hebraer, Text, Angabe der Rhythmen_ (1903). BLEEK, F., _Der Hebraerbrief Erklart_ (1840). BRUCE, A. B., _The Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1899). DALE, R. W., _The Jewish Temple in the Christian Church_ (1865). DAVIDSON, A. B., _The Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1882). DELITZSCH, F., _Commentary on the Hebrews_ (1857). DIBELIUS, M., _Der Verfasser des Hebraerbriefes_ (1910). DODS, M., _Expositor's Greek Testament_ (1910). DU BOSE, W. P., _High Priesthood and sacrifice_ (1908). EDWARDS, T. C., _Expositor's Bible_ (1888). FARRAR, F. W., _Cambridge Greek Testament_ (1893). GOODSPEED, E. J., _Bible for Home and School_ (1908). GRIFFTH-THOMAS, W. H., _Let Us Go On_ (1923). HEIGL, _Verfalser und Addresse des Briefes an die Hebraer_ (1905). HOLLMANN, _Schriften d. N. T_. 2 Aufl. (1907). KENDRICK, A. C., _American Commentary_ (1890). LIDGETT, J. S., _Sonship and Salvation_ (1921). LOWRIE, _An Explanation of Hebrews_ (1921). LUNEMANN, G., _Meyer Komm_. (1882). MACFADYEN, J. F., _Through the Eternal Spirit_ (1925). MACNEILL, _The Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1914). MENEGOZ, E., _Lamentations:Theologie de l'epitre aux Hebreaux_ (1894). MILLIGAN, G., _The Theology of the Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1899). MOFFATT JAMES, _Int. and Cosit. Comm_. (1924) MOULE, H. C., _Messages from the Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1909). MURRAY, ANDREW, _Devotional Commentary_. NAIRNE, A., _The Epistle of Priesthood_ (1913). NAIRNE, A., _The Alexandrian Gospel_ (1917). PEAKE, A. S., _New Century Bible_ (1904). PORTER, S. J., _The Twelve-Gemmed Crown_ (1913). RENDALL, F., _The Theology of the Hebrew Christians_ (1886). RIGGENBACH, M., _Zoeckler Komm_. 2 Aufl. (1913). ROTHERHAM, _The Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1906). SAPHIR, A., _Exposition of Hebrews_. SCOTT, E. F., _The Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1922). SEEBERG, A., _Der Brief an die Hebraer_ (1912). SLOT, _Deuteronomy:Letterkundige Vorm van den Brief aan de Hebraer (1912). SODEN, VON, _Hand-Comm_. (1899). THOLUCK, A., _Komm. zum Briefe an die Hebraer_. VAUGHAN, C. J., _Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1899). WADE, _The Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1923). WEISS, B., _Meyer-Komm_. 6 Aufl. (1902). WEISS, B., _Der Hebraerbrief in Zeitgeschichtlicher Bekuch- tung_ (1910). WELCH, _Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews_ (1899). WESTCOTT, B. F., _Epistle to the Hebrews_ (3rd ed. 1906). WICKHAM, E. C., _Westminster Comm_. (1910). WINDISCH, H., _Handbuch zum N.T_. (1913). WREDE, W., _Das literarisches Ratsel des Hebraerbriefs_ (1906). strkjv@Hebrews:1:1 @{God} (\ho theos\). This Epistle begins like Genesis and the Fourth Gospel with God, who is the Author of the old revelation in the prophets and of the new in his Son. Verses 1-3| are a _proemium_ (Delitzsch) or introduction to the whole Epistle. The periodic structure of the sentence (1-4|) reminds one of strkjv@Luke:1:1-4, strkjv@Romans:1:1-7, strkjv@1John:1:1-4|. The sentence could have concluded with \en hui“i\ in verse 2|, but by means of three relatives (\hon, di' hou, hos\) the author presents the Son as "the exact counterpart of God" (Moffatt). {Of old time} (\palai\). "Long ago" as in strkjv@Matthew:11:21|. {Having spoken} (\lalˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \lale“\, originally chattering of birds, then used of the highest form of speech as here. {Unto the fathers} (\tois patrasin\). Dative case. The Old Testament worthies in general without "our" or "your" as in strkjv@John:6:58; strkjv@7:22; strkjv@Romans:9:5|. {In the prophets} (\en tois prophˆtais\). As the quickening power of their life (Westcott). strkjv@Songs:4:7|. {By divers portions} (\polumer“s\). "In many portions." Adverb from late adjective \polumerˆs\ (in papyri), both in _Vettius Valens_, here only in N.T., but in Wisdom strkjv@7:22 and Josephus (_Ant_. VIII, 3, 9). The Old Testament revelation came at different times and in various stages, a progressive revelation of God to men. {In divers manners} (\polutrop“s\). "In many ways." Adverb from old adjective \polutropos\, in Philo, only here in N.T. The two adverbs together are "a sonorous hendiadys for 'variously'" (Moffatt) as Chrysostom (\diaphor“s\). God spoke by dream, by direct voice, by signs, in different ways to different men (Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, etc.).

rwp@Hebrews:1:2 @{At the end of these days} (\ep' eschatou t“n hˆmer“n tout“n\). In contrast with \palai\ above. {Hath spoken} (\elalˆsen\). First aorist indicative of \lale“\, the same verb as above, "did speak" in a final and full revelation. {In his Son} (\en hui“i\). In sharp contrast to \en tois prophˆtais\. "The Old Testament slopes upward to Christ" (J. R. Sampey). No article or pronoun here with the preposition \en\, giving the absolute sense of "Son." Here the idea is not merely what Jesus said, but what he is (Dods), God's Son who reveals the Father (John:1:18|). "The revelation was a _son-revelation_" (Vincent). {Hath appointed} (\ethˆken\). First aorist (kappa aorist) active of \tithˆmi\, a timeless aorist. {Heir of all things} (\klˆronomon pant“n\). See strkjv@Mark:12:6| for \ho klˆronomos\ in Christ's parable, perhaps an allusion here to this parable (Moffatt). The idea of sonship easily passes into that of heirship (Galatians:4:7; strkjv@Romans:8:17|). See the claim of Christ in strkjv@Matthew:11:27; strkjv@28:18| even before the Ascension. {Through whom} (\di' hou\). The Son as Heir is also the Intermediate Agent (\dia\) in the work of creation as we have it in strkjv@Colossians:1:16f.; strkjv@John:1:3|. {The worlds} (\tous ai“nas\). "The ages" (_secula_, Vulgate). See strkjv@11:3| also where \tous ai“nas=ton kosmon\ (the world) or the universe like \ta panta\ (the all things) in strkjv@1:3; strkjv@Romans:11:36; strkjv@Colossians:1:16|. The original sense of \ai“n\ (from \aei\, always) occurs in strkjv@Hebrews:5:20|, but here "by metonomy of the container for the contained" (Thayer) for "the worlds" (the universe) as in LXX, Philo, Josephus.

rwp@Hebrews:1:3 @{Being} (\“n\). Absolute and timeless existence (present active participle of \eimi\) in contrast with \genomenos\ in verse 4| like \ˆn\ in strkjv@John:1:1| (in contrast with \egeneto\ in strkjv@1:14|) and like \huparch“n\ and \genomenos\ in strkjv@Phillipians:2:6f|. {The effulgence of his glory} (\apaugasma tˆs doxˆs\). The word \apaugasma\, late substantive from \apaugaz“\, to emit brightness (\augˆ, augaz“\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:4|), here only in the N.T., but in Wisdom strkjv@7:26 and in Philo. It can mean either reflected brightness, refulgence (Calvin, Thayer) or effulgence (ray from an original light body) as the Greek fathers hold. Both senses are true of Christ in his relation to God as Jesus shows in plain language in strkjv@John:12:45; strkjv@14:9|. "The writer is using metaphors which had already been applied to Wisdom and the Logos" (Moffatt). The meaning "effulgence" suits the context better, though it gives the idea of eternal generation of the Son (John:1:1|), the term Father applied to God necessarily involving Son. See this same metaphor in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:6|. {The very image of his substance} (\charaktˆr tˆs hupostase“s\). \Charaktˆr\ is an old word from \charass“\, to cut, to scratch, to mark. It first was the agent (note ending \=tˆr\) or tool that did the marking, then the mark or impress made, the exact reproduction, a meaning clearly expressed by \charagma\ (Acts:17:29; strkjv@Revelation:13:16f.|). Menander had already used (Moffatt) \charaktˆr\ in the sense of our "character." The word occurs in the inscriptions for "person" as well as for "exact reproduction" of a person. The word \hupostasis\ for the being or essence of God "is a philosophical rather than a religious term" (Moffatt). Etymologically it is the sediment or foundation under a building (for instance). In strkjv@11:1| \hypostasis\ is like the "title-deed" idea found in the papyri. Athanasius rightly used strkjv@Hebrews:1:1-4| in his controversy with Arius. Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11| pictures the real and eternal deity of Christ free from the philosophical language here employed. But even Paul's simpler phrase \morphˆ theou\ (the form of God) has difficulties of its own. The use of \Logos\ in strkjv@John:1:1-18| is parallel to strkjv@Hebrews:1:1-4|. {And upholding} (\pher“n te\). Present active participle of \pher“\ closely connected with \“n\ (being) by \te\ and like strkjv@Colossians:1:17| in idea. The newer science as expounded by Eddington and Jeans is in harmony with the spiritual and personal conception of creation here presented. {By the word of his power} (\t“i rˆmati tˆs duname“s autou\). Instrumental case of \rˆma\ (word). See strkjv@11:3| for \rˆmati theou\ (by the word of God) as the explanation of creation like Genesis, but here \autou\ refers to God's Son as in strkjv@1:2|. {Purification of sins} (\katharismon t“n hamarti“n\). \Katharismos\ is from \kathariz“\, to cleanse (Matthew:8:3; strkjv@Hebrews:9:14|), here only in Hebrews, but in same sense of cleansing from sins, strkjv@2Peter:1:9; strkjv@Job:7:21|. Note middle participle \poiˆsamenos\ like \heuramenos\ in strkjv@9:12|. This is the first mention of the priestly work of Christ, the keynote of this Epistle. {Sat down} (\ekathisen\). First aorist active of \kathiz“\, "took his seat," a formal and dignified act. {Of the Majesty on high} (\tˆs megalosunˆs en hupsˆlois\). Late word from \megas\, only in LXX (Deuteronomy:32:3; strkjv@2Samuel:7:23|, etc.), Aristeas, strkjv@Hebrews:1:3; strkjv@8:1; strkjv@Jude:1:25|. Christ resumed his original dignity and glory (John:17:5|). The phrase \en hupsˆlois\ occurs in the Psalms (Psalms:93:4|), here only in N.T., elsewhere \en hupsistois\ in the highest (Matthew:21:9; strkjv@Luke:2:14|) or \en tois epouraniois\ in the heavenlies (Ephesians:1:3,20|). Jesus is here pictured as King (Prophet and Priest also) Messiah seated at the right hand of God.

rwp@Hebrews:1:4 @{Having become} (\genomenos\). Second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\. In contrast with on in verse 3|. {By so much} (\tosout“i\). Instrumental case of \tosoutos\ correlative with \hos“i\ (as) with comparative in both clauses (\kreitt“n\, better, comparative of \kratus\, \diaphor“teron\, more excellent, comparative of \diaphoros\). {Than the angels} (\t“n aggel“n\). Ablative of comparison after \kreitt“n\, as often. {Than they} (\par' autous\). Instead of the ablative \aut“n\ here the preposition \para\ (along, by the side of) with the accusative occurs, another common idiom as in strkjv@3:3; strkjv@9:23|. \Diaphoros\ only in Hebrews in N.T. except strkjv@Romans:12:6|. {Hath inherited} (\keklˆronomˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \klˆronome“\ (from \klˆronomos\, heir, verse 2|), and still inherits it, the name (\onoma\, oriental sense of rank) of "Son" which is superior to prophets as already shown (1:2|) and also to angels (1:4-2:18|) as he now proceeds to prove. Jesus is superior to angels as God's Son, his deity (1:4-2:4|). The author proves it from Scripture (1:4-14|).

rwp@Hebrews:1:6 @{And when he again bringeth in} (\hotan de palin eisagagˆi\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \eisag“\. If \palin\ is taken with \eisagagˆi\, the reference is to the Second Coming as in strkjv@9:28|. If \palin\ merely introduces another quotation (Psalms:97:7|) parallel to \kai palin\ in verse 5|, the reference is to the incarnation when the angels did worship the Child Jesus (Luke:2:13f.|). There is no way to decide certainly about it. {The first-born} (\ton pr“totokon\). See strkjv@Psalms:89:28|. For this compound adjective applied to Christ in relation to the universe see strkjv@Colossians:1:15|, to other men, strkjv@Romans:8:29; strkjv@Colossians:1:18|, to the other children of Mary, strkjv@Luke:2:7|; here it is used absolutely. {The world} (\tˆn oikoumenˆn\). "The inhabited earth." See strkjv@Acts:17:6|. {Let worship} (\proskunˆsat“san\). Imperative first aorist active third plural of \proskune“\, here in the full sense of worship, not mere reverence or courtesy. This quotation is from the LXX of strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:43|, but is not in the Hebrew, though most of the LXX MSS. (except F) have \huioi theou\, but the substance does occur also in strkjv@Psalms:97:7| with \hoi aggeloi autou\.

rwp@Hebrews:1:7 @{Of the angels} (\pros tous aggelous\). "With reference to" (\pros\) as in strkjv@Luke:20:9|. Songs:"of the Son" in verse 8|. Note \men\ here and \de\ in verse 8| in carefully balanced contrast. The quotation is from strkjv@Psalms:104:4|. {Winds} (\pneumata\). "Spirits" the word also means. The meaning (note article with \aggelous\, not with \pneumata\) apparently is one that can reduce angels to the elemental forces of wind and fire (Moffatt). {A flame of fire} (\puros phloga\). Predicate accusative of \phlox\, old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:16:24|. Lunemann holds that the Hebrew here is wrongly rendered and means that God makes the wind his messengers (not angels) and flaming fire his servants. That is all true, but that is not the point of this passage. Preachers also are sometimes like a wind-storm or a fire.

rwp@Hebrews:1:9 @{Hath anointed thee} (\echrisen se\). First aorist active indicative of \chri“\, to anoint, from which verb the verbal \Christos\ (Anointed One) comes. See Christ's use of \echrisen\ in strkjv@Luke:4:18| from strkjv@Isaiah:66:1|. {With the oil of gladness} (\elaion agalliase“s\). Accusative case with \echrisen\ (second accusative besides \se\). Perhaps the festive anointing on occasions of joy (12:2|). See strkjv@Luke:1:44|. {Fellows} (\metochous\). Old word from \metech“\, partners, sharers, in N.T. only in Hebrews save strkjv@Luke:5:7|. Note \para\ with accusative here, beside, beyond, above (by comparison, extending beyond).

rwp@Hebrews:1:14 @{Ministering spirits} (\leitourgika pneumata\). Thayer says that \leitourgikos\ was not found in profane authors, but it occurs in the papyri for "work tax" (money in place of service) and for religious service also. The word is made from \leitourgia\ (Luke:1:23; strkjv@Hebrews:8:6; strkjv@9:21|). {Sent forth} (\apostellomena\). Present passive participle of \apostell“\, sent forth repeatedly, from time to time as occasion requires. {For the sake of} (\dia\). With the accusative, the usual causal meaning of \dia\. {That shall inherit} (\tous mellontas klˆronomein\). "That are going to inherit," common idiom of \mell“\ (present active participle) with the infinitive (present active here), "destined to inherit" (Matthew:11:14|). {Salvation} (\s“tˆrian\). Here used of the final salvation in its consummation. Only here in the N.T. do we have "inherent salvation," but see strkjv@6:12; strkjv@12:17|. We do not have here the doctrine of special guardian angels for each of us, but simply the fact that angels are used for our good. "And if so, may we not be aided, inspired, guided by a cloud of witnesses--not witnesses only, but helpers, agents like ourselves of the immanent God?" (Sir Oliver Lodge, _The Hibbert Journal_, Jan., 1903, p. 223).

rwp@Hebrews:2:1 @{Therefore} (\dia touto\). Because Jesus is superior to prophets and angels and because the new revelation is superior to the old. The author often pauses in his argument, as here, to drive home a pungent exhortation. {Ought} (\dei\). It is necessity, necessity rather than obligation (\chrˆ\). {To give heed} (\prosechein\). Present active infinitive with \noun\ (accusative singular of \nous\) understood as in strkjv@Acts:8:6|. {More earnest} (\perissoter“s\). Comparative adverb, "more earnestly," "more abundantly" as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:7| {To the things that were heard} (\tois akoustheisin\). Dative plural neuter of the articular participle first aorist passive of \akou“\. {Lest haply we drift away} (\mˆ pote pararu“men\). Negative clause of purpose with \mˆ pote\ and the second aorist passive subjunctive of \pararre“\, old verb to flow by or past, to glide by, only here in N.T. (cf. strkjv@Proverbs:3:21|). Xenophon (Cyrop. IV. 52) uses it of the river flowing by. Here the metaphor is that "of being swept along past the sure anchorage which is within reach" (Westcott), a vivid picture of peril for all ("we," \hˆmas\).

rwp@Hebrews:2:3 @{How shall we escape?} (\p“s hˆmeis ekpheuxometha;\). Rhetorical question with future middle indicative of \ekpheug“\ and conclusion of the condition. {If we neglect} (\amelˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \amele“\, "having neglected." {Songs:great salvation} (\tˆlikautˆs s“tˆrias\). Ablative case after \amelˆsantes\. Correlative pronoun of age, but used of size in the N.T. (James:3:4; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:10|). {Which} (\hˆtis\). "Which very salvation," before described, now summarized. {Having at the first been spoken} (\archˆn labousa laleisthai\). Literally, "having received a beginning to be spoken," "having begun to be spoken," a common literary _Koin‚_ idiom (Polybius, etc.). {Through the Lord} (\dia tou kuriou\). The Lord Jesus who is superior to angels. Jesus was God's full revelation and he is the source of this new and superior revelation. {Was confirmed} (\ebebai“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \bebaio“\, from \bebaios\ (stable), old verb as in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:6|. {By them that heard} (\hupo t“n akousant“n\). Ablative case with \hupo\ of the articular first aorist active participle of \akou“\. Those who heard the Lord Jesus. Only one generation between Jesus and the writer. Paul (Galatians:1:11|) got his message directly from Christ.

rwp@Hebrews:2:4 @{God also bearing witness with them} (\sunepimarturountos tou theou\). Genitive absolute with the present active participle of the late double compound verb \sunepimarture“\, to join (\sun\) in giving additional (\epi\) testimony (\marture“\). Here only in N.T., but in Aristotle, Polybius, Plutarch. {Both by signs} (\sˆmeiois te kai\) {and wonders} (\kai terasin\) {and by manifold powers} (\kai poikilais dunamesin\) {and by gifts of the Holy Ghost} (\kai pneumatos hagiou merismois\). Instrumental case used with all four items. See strkjv@Acts:2:22| for the three words for miracles in inverse order (powers, wonders, signs). Each word adds an idea about the \erga\ (works) of Christ. \Teras\ (wonder) attracts attention, \dunamis\ (power) shows God's power, \sˆmeion\ reveals the purpose of God in the miracles. For \poikilais\ (manifold, many-coloured) see strkjv@Matthew:4:24; strkjv@James:1:2|. For \merismos\ for distribution (old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|) see strkjv@1Corinthians:12:4-30|. {According to his own will} (\kata tˆn autou thelˆsin\). The word \thelˆsis\ is called a vulgarism by Pollux. The writer is fond of words in \-is\.

rwp@Hebrews:2:5 @{For not unto angels} (\ou gar aggelois\). The author now proceeds to show (2:5-18|) that the very humanity of Jesus, the Son of Man, likewise proves his superiority to angels. {The world to come} (\tˆn oikoumenˆn tˆn mellousan\). The new order, the salvation just described. See a like use of \mell“\ (as participle) with \s“tˆria\ (1:14|), \ai“n\ (6:4f.|), \agatha\ (9:11; strkjv@10:1|), \polis\ (13:14|). {Whereof we speak} (\peri hˆs laloumen\). The author is discussing this new order introduced by Christ which makes obsolete the old dispensation of rites and symbols. God did not put this new order in charge of angels.

rwp@Hebrews:2:6 @{But one somewhere} (\de pou tis\). See strkjv@4:4| for a like indefinite quotation. Philo uses this "literary mannerism" (Moffatt). He quotes strkjv@Psalms:8:5-7| and extends here to 8a|. {Hath testified} (\diemarturato\). First aorist middle indicative of \diamarturomai\, old verb to testify vigorously (Acts:2:40|). {What} (\Ti\). Neuter, not masculine \tis\ (who). The insignificance of man is implied. {The son of man} (\huios anthr“pou\). Not \ho huios tou anthr“pou\ which Jesus used so often about himself, but literally here "son of man" like the same words so often in Ezekiel, without Messianic meaning here. {Visited} (\episkeptˆi\). Second person singular present indicative middle of \episkeptomai\, old verb to look upon, to look after, to go to see (Matthew:25:36|), from which verb \episcopos\, overseer, bishop, comes.

rwp@Hebrews:2:8 @{In that he subjected} (\en t“i hupotaxai\). First aorist active articular infinitive of \hupatass“\ in the locative case, "in the subjecting." {He left} (\aphˆken\). First aorist active indicative (kappa aorist) of \aphiˆmi\. {Nothing that is not subject to him} (\ouden aut“i anupotakton\). Later verbal of \hupotass“\ with \a\ privative. Here in passive sense, active sense in strkjv@1Timothy:1:9|. Man's sovereignty was meant to be all-inclusive including the administration of "the world to come." "He is crowned king of nature, invested with a divine authority over creation" (Moffatt). But how far short of this destiny has man come! {But now we see not yet} (\nun de oup“ hor“men\). Not even today in the wonderful twentieth century with man's triumphs over nature has he reached that goal, wonderful as are the researches by the help of telescope and microscope, the mechanism of the airplane, the submarine, steam, electricity, radio.

rwp@Hebrews:2:9 @{Even Jesus} (\Iˆsoun\). We do not see man triumphant, but we do see Jesus, for the author is not ashamed of his human name, realizing man's destiny, "the very one who has been made a little lower than the angels" (\ton brachu ti par' aggelous ˆlatt“menon\), quoting and applying the language of the Psalm in verse 7| to Jesus (with article \ton\ and the perfect passive participle of \elatta“\). But this is not all. Death has defeated man, but Jesus has conquered death. {Because of the suffering of death} (\dia to pathˆma tou thanatou\). The causal sense of \dia\ with the accusative as in strkjv@1:14|. Jesus in his humanity was put lower than the angels "for a little while" (\brachu ti\). Because of the suffering of death we see (\blepomen\) Jesus crowned (\estephan“menon\, perfect passive participle of \stephano“\ from verse 7|), crowned already "with glory and honour" as Paul shows in strkjv@Phillipians:2:9-11| (more highly exalted, \huperups“sen\) "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow." There is more glory to come to Jesus surely, but he is already at God's right hand (1:3|). {That by the grace of God he should taste death for every man} (\hop“s chariti theou huper pantos geusˆtai thanatou\). This purpose clause (\hop“s\ instead of the more usual \hina\) is pregnant with meaning. The author interprets and applies the language of the Psalm to Jesus and here puts Christ's death in behalf of (\huper\), and so instead of, every man as the motive for his incarnation and death on the Cross. The phrase to taste death (\geuomai thanatou\) occurs in the Gospels (Matthew:16:28; strkjv@Mark:9:1; strkjv@Luke:9:27; strkjv@John:8:52|), though not in the ancient Greek. It means to see death (Hebrews:11:5|), "a bitter experience, not a rapid sip" (Moffatt). His death was in behalf of every one (not everything as the early Greek theologians took it). The death of Christ (Andrew Fuller) was sufficient for all, efficient for some. It is all "by the grace (\chariti\, instrumental case) of God," a thoroughly Pauline idea. Curiously enough some MSS. read \ch“ris theou\ (apart from God) in place of \chariti theou\, Nestorian doctrine whatever the origin.

rwp@Hebrews:2:10 @{It became him} (\eprepen aut“i\). Imperfect active of \prep“\, old verb to stand out, to be becoming or seemly. Here it is impersonal with \telei“sai\ as subject, though personal in strkjv@Hebrews:7:26|. \Aut“i\ (him) is in the dative case and refers to God, not to Christ as is made plain by \ton archˆgon\ (author). One has only to recall strkjv@John:3:16| to get the idea here. The voluntary humiliation or incarnation of Christ the Son a little lower than the angels was a seemly thing to God the Father as the writer now shows in a great passage (2:10-18|) worthy to go beside strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|. {For whom} (\di' hon\). Referring to \aut“i\ (God) as the reason (cause) for the universe (\ta panta\). {Through whom} (\di' hou\). With the genitive \dia\ expresses the agent by whom the universe came into existence, a direct repudiation of the Gnostic view of intermediate agencies (aeons) between God and the creation of the universe. Paul puts it succinctly in strkjv@Romans:11:36| by his \ex autou kai di' autou kai eis auton ta panta\. The universe comes out of God, by means of God, for God. This writer has already said that God used his Son as the Agent (\di' hou\) in creation (1:2|), a doctrine in harmony with strkjv@Colossians:1:15f.| (\en aut“i, di' autou eis auton\) and strkjv@John:1:3|. {In bringing} (\agagonta\). Second aorist active participle of \ag“\ in the accusative case in spite of the dative \aut“i\ just before to which it refers. {The author} (\ton archˆgon\). Old compound word (\archˆ\ and \ag“\) one leading off, leader or prince as in strkjv@Acts:5:31|, one blazing the way, a pioneer (Dods) in faith (Hebrews:12:2|), author (Acts:3:15|). Either sense suits here, though author best (verse 9|). Jesus is the author of salvation, the leader of the sons of God, the Elder Brother of us all (Romans:8:29|). {To make perfect} (\telei“sai\). First aorist active infinitive of \teleio“\ (from \teleios\). If one recoils at the idea of God making Christ perfect, he should bear in mind that it is the humanity of Jesus that is under discussion. The writer does not say that Jesus was sinful (see the opposite in strkjv@4:15|), but simply that "by means of sufferings" God perfected his Son in his human life and death for his task as Redeemer and Saviour. One cannot know human life without living it. There was no moral imperfection in Jesus, but he lived his human life in order to be able to be a sympathizing and effective leader in the work of salvation.

rwp@Hebrews:2:11 @{He that sanctifieth} (\ho hagiaz“n\). Present active articular participle of \hagiaz“\. Jesus is the sanctifier (9:13f.; strkjv@13:12|). {They that are sanctified} (\hoi hagiazomenoi\). Present passive articular participle of \hagiaz“\. It is a process here as in strkjv@10:14|, not a single act, though in strkjv@10:10| the perfect passive indicative presents a completed state. {Of one} (\ex henos\). Referring to God as the Father of Jesus and of the "many sons" above (verse 10|) and in harmony with verse 14| below. Even before the incarnation Jesus had a kinship with men though we are not sons in the full sense that he is. {He is not ashamed} (\ouk epaischunetai\). Present passive indicative of \epaischunomai\, old compound (Romans:1:16|). Because of the common Father Jesus is not ashamed to own us as "brothers" (\adelphous\), unworthy sons though we be.

rwp@Hebrews:2:14 @{Are sharers in flesh and blood} (\kekoin“nˆken haimatos kai sarkos\). The best MSS. read "blood and flesh." The verb is perfect active indicative of \koin“ne“\, old verb with the regular genitive, elsewhere in the N.T. with the locative (Romans:12:13|) or with \en\ or \eis\. "The children have become partners (\koin“noi\) in blood and flesh." {Partook} (\metesche\). Second aorist active indicative of \metech“\, to have with, a practical synonym for \koin“ne“\ and with the genitive also (\t“n aut“n\). That he might bring to nought (\hina katargˆsˆi\). Purpose of the incarnation clearly stated with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \katarge“\, old word to render idle or ineffective (from \kata, argos\), causative verb (25 times in Paul), once in Luke (Luke:13:7|), once in Hebrews (here). "By means of death" (his own death) Christ broke the power (\kratos\) of the devil over death (paradoxical as it seems), certainly in men's fear of death and in some unexplained way Satan had sway over the realm of death (Zechariah:3:5f.|). Note the explanatory \tout' estin\ (that is) with the accusative after it as before it. In strkjv@Revelation:12:7| Satan is identified with the serpent in Eden, though it is not done in the Old Testament. See strkjv@Romans:5:12; strkjv@John:8:44; strkjv@14:30; strkjv@16:11; strkjv@1John:3:12|. Death is the devil's realm, for he is the author of sin. "Death as death is no part of the divine order" (Westcott).

rwp@Hebrews:2:15 @{And might deliver} (\kai apallaxˆi\). Further purpose with the first aorist active subjunctive of \appallass“\, old verb to change from, to set free from, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:12:58; strkjv@Acts:19:12|. {Through fear of death} (\phob“i thanatou\). Instrumental case of \phobos\. The ancients had great fear of death though the philosophers like Seneca argued against it. There is today a flippant attitude towards death with denial of the future life and rejection of God. But the author of Hebrews saw judgement after death (9:27f.|). Hence our need of Christ to break the power of sin and Satan in death. {All their lifetime} (\dia pantos tou zˆin\). Present active infinitive with \pas\ and the article in the genitive case with \dia\, "through all the living." {Subject to bondage} (\enochoi douleias\). Old adjective from \enech“\, "held in," "bound to," with genitive, bond-slaves of fear, a graphic picture. Jesus has the keys of life and death and said: "I am the life." Thank God for that.

rwp@Hebrews:2:17 @{Wherefore} (\hothen\). Old relative adverb (\ho\ and enclitic \then\, whence of place (Matthew:12:44|), of source (1John:2:18|), of cause as here and often in Hebrews (3:1; strkjv@7:25; strkjv@8:3; strkjv@9:18; strkjv@11:19|). {It behoved him} (\“pheilen\). Imperfect active of \opheil“\, old verb to owe, money (Matthew:18:28|), service and love (Romans:13:8|), duty or obligation as here and often in N.T. (Luke:17:10|). Jesus is here the subject and the reference is to the incarnation. Having undertaken the work of redemption (John:3:16|), voluntarily (John:10:17|), Jesus was under obligation to be properly equipped for that priestly service and sacrifice. {In all things} (\kata panta\). Except yielding to sin (Hebrews:4:15|) and yet he knew what temptation was, difficult as it may be for us to comprehend that in the Son of God who is also the Son of man (Mark:1:13|). Jesus fought through to victory over Satan. {To be made like unto his brethren} (\tois adelphois homoi“thˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \homoio“\, old and common verb from \homoios\ (like), as in strkjv@Matthew:6:8|, with the associative instrumental case as here. Christ, our Elder Brother, resembles us in reality (Phillipians:2:7| "in the likeness of men") as we shall resemble him in the end (Romans:8:29| "first-born among many brethren"; strkjv@1John:3:2| "like him"), where the same root is used as here (\hoi“ma, homoios\). That he might be (\hina genˆtai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\, to become, "that he might become." That was only possible by being like his brethren in actual human nature. {Merciful and faithful high priest} (\eleˆm“n kai pistos archiereus\). The sudden use of \archiereus\ here for Jesus has been anticipated by strkjv@1:3; strkjv@2:9| and see strkjv@3:1|. Jesus as the priest-victim is the chief topic of the Epistle. These two adjectives (\eleˆm“n\ and \pistos\) touch the chief points in the function of the high priest (5:1-10|), sympathy and fidelity to God. The Sadducean high priests (Annas and Caiaphas) were political and ecclesiastical tools and puppets out of sympathy with the people and chosen by Rome. {In things pertaining to God} (\ta pros ton theon\). The adverbial accusative of the article is a common idiom. See the very idiom \ta pros ton theon\ in strkjv@Exodus:18:19; strkjv@Romans:15:17|. This use of \pros\ we had already in strkjv@Hebrews:1:7f|. On the day of atonement the high priest entered the holy of holies and officiated in behalf of the people. {To make propitiation for} (\eis to hilaskesthai\). Purpose clause with \eis to\ and the infinitive (common Greek idiom), here present indirect middle of \hilaskomai\, to render propitious to oneself (from \hilaos\, Attic \hile“s\, gracious). This idea occurs in the LXX (Psalms:65:3|), but only here in N.T., though in strkjv@Luke:18:13| the passive form (\hilasthˆti\) occurs as in strkjv@2Kings:5:18|. In strkjv@1John:2:2| we have \hilasmos\ used of Christ (cf. strkjv@Hebrews:7:25|). The inscriptions illustrate the meaning in strkjv@Hebrews:2:17| as well as the LXX.

rwp@Hebrews:2:18 @{In that} (\en h“i\). Literally, "In which" (\=en tout“i en h“i\, in that in which), a causal idea, though in strkjv@Romans:14:22| \en h“i\ means "wherein." {Hath suffered} (\peponthen\). Second perfect active indicative of \pasch“\, permanent part of Christ's experience. {Being tempted} (\peirastheis\). First aorist passive participle of \peiraz“\. The temptation to escape the shame of the Cross was early and repeatedly presented to Christ, by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew:4:8-11|), by Peter in the spirit of Satan (Matthew:16:22f.|), in Gethsemane (Matthew:26:39|), and caused intense suffering to Jesus (Luke:22:44; strkjv@Hebrews:5:8|). {He is able} (\dunatai\). This word strikes the heart of it all. Christ's power to help is due not merely to his deity as God's Son, but also to his humanity without which he could not sympathize with us (Hebrews:4:15|). {To succour} (\boˆthˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of the old compound verb \boˆthe“\ (\boˆ\, a cry, \the“\, to run), to run at a cry or call for help (Matthew:15:25|). {Them that are tempted} (\tois peirazomenois\). Dative plural of the articular participle (present passive) of \peiraz“\. These Jewish Christians were daily tempted to give up Christ, to apostatize from Christianity. Jesus understands himself (\autos\) their predicament and is able to help them to be faithful.

rwp@Hebrews:3:1 @{Holy brethren} (\adelphoi hagioi\). Only here in N.T., for \hagiois\ in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:27| only in late MSS. See strkjv@Hebrews:2:11| for same idea. First time the author makes direct appeal to the readers, though first person in strkjv@2:1|. {Partakers} (\metochoi\). See strkjv@Luke:5:7| for "partners" in the fishing, elsewhere in N.T. only in Hebrews (1:9; strkjv@6:4; strkjv@12:8|) in N.T. {Of a heavenly calling} (\klˆse“s epouraniou\). Only here in the N.T., though same idea in strkjv@9:15|. See \hˆ an“ klˆsis\ in strkjv@Phillipians:3:14| (the upward calling). The call comes from heaven and is to heaven in its appeal. {Consider} (\katanoˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \katanoe“\, old compound verb (\kata, nous\), to put the mind down on a thing, to fix the mind on as in strkjv@Matthew:7:3; strkjv@Luke:12:24|. {Even Jesus} (\Iˆsoun\). No "even" in the Greek, just like the idiom in strkjv@2:9|, the human name held up with pride. {The Apostle and High Priest of our confession} (\ton apostolon kai archierea tˆs homologias hˆm“n\). In descriptive apposition with \Iˆsoun\ and note the single article \ton\. This is the only time in the N.T. that Jesus is called \apostolos\, though he often used \apostell“\ of God's sending him forth as in strkjv@John:17:3| (\apesteilas\). This verb is used of Moses as sent by God (Exodus:3:10|). Moffatt notes that \apostolos\ is Ionic for \presbeutˆs\, "not a mere envoy, but an ambassador or representative sent with powers." The author has already termed Jesus high priest (2:17|). For \homologia\ (confession) see strkjv@2Corinthians:9:13; strkjv@1Timothy:6:12|. These Hebrew Christians had confessed Jesus as their Apostle and High Priest. They do not begin to understand what Jesus is and means if they are tempted to give him up. The word runs through Hebrews with an urgent note for fidelity (4:14; strkjv@10:23|). See \homologe“\ (\homon\, same, \leg“\, say), to say the same thing, to agree, to confess, to profess.

rwp@Hebrews:3:2 @{Who was faithful} (\piston onta\). Present active participle with predicate accusative agreeing with \Iˆsoun\, "as being faithful." {That appointed him} (\t“i poiˆsanti auton\). See strkjv@1Samuel:12:6|. Dative case of the articular participle (aorist active) of \poie“\ and the reference is to God. Note \pistos\ as in strkjv@2:17|. {As also was Moses} (\h“s kai M“usˆs\). The author makes no depreciatory remarks about Moses as he did not about the prophets and the angels. He cheerfully admits that Moses was faithful "in all his house" (\en hol“i t“i oik“i autou\), an allusion to strkjv@Numbers:12:7| (\ean hol“i t“i oik“i mou\) about Moses. The "his" is God's. The use of \oikos\ for the people (family) of God, not the building, but the group (1Timothy:3:15|) in which God is the Father. But wherein is Jesus superior to Moses? The argument is keen and skilful.

rwp@Hebrews:3:3 @{Hath been counted worthy of more glory than Moses} (\pleionos doxˆs para M“usˆn ˆxi“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \axio“\, to deem worthy, permanent situation described with definite claim of Christ's superiority to Moses. \Doxˆs\ in genitive case after \ˆxi“tai\. For \para\ after the comparative \pleionos\ see strkjv@1:4,9; strkjv@2:7|. {By so much as} (\kath' hoson\). A proportionate measurement (common use of \kata\ and the quantitative relative \hosos\). {Than the house} (\tou oikou\). Ablative case of comparison after \pleiona\. The architect is superior to the house just as Sir Christopher Wren is superior to St. Paul's Cathedral. The point in the argument calls for Jesus as the builder (\ho kataskeuasas\, first aorist active participle of \kataskeuaz“\, to found or build). But it is God's house as \autou\ means (verses 2,5|) and \hou\ in verse 6|. This house of God existed before Moses (11:2,25|). Jesus as God's Son founded and supervised this house of God.

rwp@Hebrews:3:5 @{And Moses} (\kai M“usˆs men\). "Now Moses indeed on his part" (\men\ contrasted with \de\). {In} (\en\). Moses was in "God's house" "as a servant" (\h“s therap“n\). Old word, in LXX, only here in N.T. and quoted from strkjv@Numbers:12:7f|. Kin to the verb \therapeu“\, to serve, to heal, and \therapeia\, service (Luke:9:11|) and a group of servants (Luke:12:42|). {For a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken} (\eis marturion t“n lalˆthˆsomen“n\). Objective genitive of the articular future passive participle of \lale“\. It is not certain what it means whether the "testimony" (\marturion\) is to Moses or to God and whether it points on to Christ. In strkjv@9:9| see \parabolˆ\ applied to the old dispensation as a symbol pointing to Christ and Christianity. {But Christ} (\Christos de\). In contrast with Moses (\men\ in verse 5|). {As a son} (\h“s huios\). Instead of a \therap“n\ (servant). {Over his house} (\epi ton oikon autou\). The difference between \epi\ and \en\ added to that between \huios\ and \therap“n\. It is very neat and quite conclusive, especially when we recall the high place occupied by Moses in Jewish thought. In strkjv@Acts:7:11| the Jews accused Stephen of speaking "blasphemous words against Moses and God" (putting Moses on a par with God).

rwp@Hebrews:3:12 @{Take heed} (\blepete\). Present active imperative as in strkjv@Phillipians:3:2| (three times) of \blep“\ in place of the more usual \horate\. Solemn warning to the Jewish Christians from the experience of the Israelites as told in strkjv@Psalms:95|. {Lest haply there shall be} (\mˆ pote estai\). Negative purpose with \mˆ pote\ and the future indicative as in strkjv@Mark:14:2|. But we have in strkjv@Colossians:2:8| \mˆ tis estai\ as in strkjv@Hebrews:12:25|; \mˆ\ occurs with the aorist subjunctive, and \mˆ pote\ with present subjunctive (Hebrews:4:1|) or aorist subjunctive (Acts:5:39|). {In any one of you} (\en tini hum“n\). The application is personal and pointed. {An evil heart of unbelief} (\kardia ponˆra apistias\). A remarkable combination. {Heart} (\kardia\) is common in the LXX (about 1,000 times), but "evil heart" only twice in the O.T. (Jeremiah:16:12; strkjv@18:12|). \Apistias\ is more than mere unbelief, here rather disbelief, refusal to believe, genitive case describing the evil heart marked by disbelief which is no mark of intelligence then or now. {In falling away from the living God} (\en t“i apostˆnai apo theou z“ntos\). "In the falling away" (locative case with \en\ of the second aorist active (intransitive) infinitive of \aphistˆmi\, to stand off from, to step aside from (\apo\ with the ablative case \theou\) the living God (common phrase in the O.T. and the N.T. for God as opposed to lifeless idols)). "Remember that to apostatize from Christ in whom you have found God is to apostatize from God" (Dods). That is true today. See strkjv@Ezekiel:20:8| for this use of the verb.

rwp@Hebrews:3:13 @{Songs:long as it is called today} (\achris hou to sˆmeron kaleitai\). The only instance in the N.T. of this conjunction (\achri\ or \achris\ or \achris hou\, etc.) with the present indicative in the sense of "so long as" or "while" like \he“s\. Elsewhere it means "until" and with either the aorist indicative (Acts:7:18|), the future (Revelation:17:17|), or the aorist subjunctive (Revelation:7:3|). {Lest any one of you be hardened} (\hina mˆ sklˆrunthˆi tis ex hum“n\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ (that not) and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \sklˆrun“\, the vivid verb from verse 8|. {By the deceitfulness of sin} (\apatˆi tˆs hamartias\). Instrumental case \apatˆi\ (trick, fraud) as is always the case with sin (Romans:7:11; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:10|). Apostasy (12:4|) is their peril and it is a trick of sin.

rwp@Hebrews:3:14 @{For we are become partakers of Christ} (\metochoi gar tou Christou gegonamen\). Second perfect active of \ginomai\, "we have become," not the equivalent of \esmen\ (are). For \metochoi\ see strkjv@1:9; strkjv@3:1; strkjv@6:4|. We have become partners with Christ and hence (\gar\, for) should not be tricked into apostasy. {If we hold fast} (\ean per katasch“men\). The same condition as in verse 6| with \per\ (indeed, forsooth) added to \ean\. Jonathan Edwards once said that the sure proof of election is that one holds out to the end. {The beginning of our confidence} (\tˆn archˆn tˆs hupostase“s\). For \hupostasis\ see strkjv@1:3; strkjv@11:1|. These faltering believers (some even apostates) began with loud confidence and profession of loyalty. And now?

rwp@Hebrews:3:15 @{While it is said} (\en t“i legesthai\). Locative case with \en\ of the articular present passive infinitive of \leg“\, "in the being said." Thus the author (cf. same phrase in strkjv@Psalms:42:4|) introduces the repeated quotation from verses 7,8|. Probably it is to be connected with \katasch“men\, though it can be joined with \parakaleite\ in verse 13| (treating 14| as a parenthesis).

rwp@Hebrews:3:17 @{With them that sinned} (\tois hamartˆsasin\). Dative masculine plural after \pros“chthisen\ (cf. verse 10|) of the articular first aorist active participle of \hamartan“\ (\hamartˆsas\, not \hamart“n\). {Carcases} (\k“la\). Old word for members of the body like the feet, in LXX a dead body (Numbers:14:29|), here only in N.T.

rwp@Hebrews:3:18 @{That they should not enter} (\mˆ eiseleusesthai\). Negative \mˆ\ (cf. \ei\ in verse 11|) and the future middle infinitive in indirect discourse. {To them that were disobedient} (\tois apeithˆsasin\). Dative masculine plural of the articular first aorist active participle of \apeithe“\, active disobedience with which compare \apistias\ in verse 12,19|.

rwp@Hebrews:4:1 @{Let us fear therefore} (\phobˆth“men oun\). First aorist passive volitive subjunctive of \phobeomai\, to be afraid. There is no break in the argument on strkjv@Psalms:95|. This is a poor chapter division. The Israelites perished because of disbelief. We today face a real peril. {Lest haply} (\mˆ pote\) Here with the present subjunctive (\dokei\), but future indicative in strkjv@3:12|, after the verb of fearing. For the optative see strkjv@2Timothy:2:25|. {A promise being left} (\kataleipomenˆs epaggelias\). Genitive absolute of the present passive participle of \kataleip“\, to leave behind. God's promise still holds good for us in spite of the failure of the Israelites. {Should seem to have come short of it} (\dokei husterˆkenai\). Perfect active infinitive of \hustere“\, old verb from \husteros\ (comparative of root \ud\ like our out, outer, outermost), to be too late, to fail to reach the goal as here, common in the N.T. (11:37; strkjv@12:15|).

rwp@Hebrews:4:2 @{For indeed we have had good tidings preached unto us} (\kai gar esmen euˆggelismenoi esmen\). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of \euaggeliz“\ (from \euaggelion\, good news, glad tidings) to bring good news, used here in its original sense as in verse 6| of the Israelites (\euaggelisthentes\ first aorist passive participle). {Even as also they} (\kathaper kakeinoi\). See verse 6|. We have the promise of rest as the Israelites had. The parallel holds as to the promise, the privilege, the penalty. {The word of hearing} (\ho logos tˆs akoˆs\). As in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:13|. Genitive \akoˆs\ describing \logos\, the word marked by hearing (the word heard). {Because they were not united by faith with them that heard} (\mˆ sunkekerasmenous tˆi pistei tois akousasin\). \Mˆ\, the usual negative of the participle. A very difficult phrase. The text is uncertain whether the participle (perfect passive of \sunkerannumi\, old verb to mix together) ends in \-os\ agreeing with \logos\ or \-ous\ agreeing with \ekeinous\ (them). Taking it in \-ous\ the translation is correct. \Pistei\ is in the instrumental case and \tois akousasin\ in the associative instrumental after \sun\.

rwp@Hebrews:4:3 @{Do enter} (\eiserchometha\). Emphatic futuristic present middle indicative of \eiserchomai\. We are sure to enter in, we who believe. {He hath said} (\eirˆken\). Perfect active indicative for the permanent value of God's word as in strkjv@1:13; strkjv@4:4; strkjv@10:9,13; strkjv@13:5; strkjv@Acts:13:34|. God has spoken. That is enough for us. Songs:he quotes again what he has in verse 11| from strkjv@Psalms:95|. {Although the works were finished} (\kaitoi t“n erg“n genˆthent“n\). Genitive absolute with concessive use of the participle. Old particle, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:14:17| (with verb). {From the foundation of the world} (\apo katabolˆs kosmou\). \Katabolˆ\, late word from \kataball“\, usually laying the foundation of a house in the literal sense. In the N.T. usually with \apo\ (Matthew:25:44|) or \pro\ (John:17:24|) about the foundation of the world.

rwp@Hebrews:4:12 @{The word of God} (\ho logos tou theou\). That just quoted about the promise of rest and God's rest, but true of any real word of God. {Living} (\z“n\). Cf. the Living God (3:12|). In Philo and the Book of Wisdom the Logos of God is personified, but still more in strkjv@John:1:1-18| where Jesus is pictured as the Logos on a par with God. "Our author is using Philonic language rather than Philonic ideas" (Moffatt). See strkjv@John:6:63|: "The words which I have spoken are spirit and are life." {Active} (\energˆs\). Energetic, powerful (John:1:12; strkjv@Phillipians:3:21; strkjv@Colossians:1:29|). {Sharper} (\tom“teros\). Comparative of \tomos\, cutting (from \temn“\, to cut), late adjective, here only in the N.T. {Than} (\huper\). Often so after a comparative (Luke:16:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:13|). {Two-edged} (\distomon\). "Two-mouthed" (\di-, stoma\), double-mouthed like a river (Polybius), branching ways (Sophocles), applied to sword (\xiphos\) by Homer and Euripides. {Piercing} (\diiknoumenos\). Present middle participle of \diikneomai\, old verb to go through, here only in N.T. {Even to the dividing} (\achri merismou\). Old word from \meriz“\ (\meros\, part), to partition. {Of soul and spirit} (\psuchˆs kai pneumatos\). As in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:23; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:45|, but not an argument for trichotomy. Psychology is constantly changing its terminology. {Of both joints and marrow} (\harm“n te kai muel“n\). From \ar“\, to join, comes \harmos\, old word, here only in the N.T. \Muelos\ (from \mu“\, to shut), old word, here only in N.T. This surgeon goes into and through the joints and marrow, not cleaving between them. {Quick to discern} (\kritikos\). Verbal adjective in \-ikos\, from \krin“\, skilled in judging, as the surgeon has to be and able to decide on the instant what to do. Songs:God's word like his eye sees the secret lurking doubt and unbelief "of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (\enthumˆse“n kai ennoi“n kardias\). The surgeon carries a bright and powerful light for every dark crevice and a sharp knife for the removal of all the pus revealed by the light. It is a powerful picture here drawn.

rwp@Hebrews:4:13 @{That is not manifest} (\aphanˆs\). Old adjective (\a\ privative and \phain“\, to show), here only in the N.T. God's microscope can lay bare the smallest microbe of doubt and sin. {Naked} (\gumna\). Both soul and body are naked to the eye of God. {Laid open} (\tetrachˆlismena\). Perfect passive participle of \trachˆliz“\, late verb to bend back the neck (\trachˆlos\, strkjv@Matthew:18:6|) as the surgeon does for operating, here only in N.T. See strkjv@Romans:16:4| for the peril of risking one's neck (\trachˆlon hupotithenai\). God's eyes see all the facts in our inmost hearts. There are no mental reservations from God. {With whom we have to do} (\pros hon hˆmin ho logos\). "With whom the matter or account for us is." There is a slight play here on \logos\ of verse 12|. Surely every servant of Christ today needs to gaze into this revealing mirror and be honest with himself and God.

rwp@Hebrews:4:14 @{A great high priest} (\archierea megan\). The author now takes up the main argument of the Epistle, already alluded to in strkjv@1:3; strkjv@2:17f.; strkjv@3:1|, the priestly work of Jesus as superior to that of the Levitical line (4:14-12:3|). Jesus is superior to the prophets (1:1-3|), to angels (1:4-2:18|), to Moses (3:1-4:13|), he has already shown. Here he only terms Jesus "great" as high priest (a frequent adjective with high priest in Philo) but the superiority comes out as he proceeds. {Who hath passed through the heavens} (\dielˆluthota tous ouranous\). Perfect active participle of \dierchomai\, state of completion. Jesus has passed through the upper heavens up to the throne of God (1:3|) where he performs his function as our high priest. This idea will be developed later (6:19f.; strkjv@7:26-28; strkjv@9:11f.,24f.|). {Jesus the Son of God} (\Iˆsoun ton huion tou theou\). The human name linked with his deity, clinching the argument already made (1:1-4:13|). {Let us hold fast our confession} (\krat“men tˆs homologias\). Present active volitive subjunctive of \krate“\, old verb (from \kratos\, power), with genitive to cling to tenaciously as here and strkjv@6:18| and also with the accusative (2Thessalonians:2:15; strkjv@Colossians:2:19|). "Let us keep on holding fast." This keynote runs all through the Epistle, the exhortation to the Jewish Christians to hold on to the confession (3:1|) of Christ already made. Before making the five points of Christ's superior priestly work (better priest than Aaron, strkjv@5:1-7:25|; under a better covenant, strkjv@8:1-13|; in a better sanctuary, strkjv@9:1-12|; offering a better sacrifice, strkjv@9:13-10:18|; based on better promises, strkjv@10:19-12:3|), the author gives a double exhortation (4:14-16|) like that in strkjv@2:1-4| to hold fast to the high priest (14f.|) and to make use of him (16|).

rwp@Hebrews:4:15 @{That cannot be touched with the feeling} (\mˆ dunamenon sunpathˆsai\). "Not able to sympathize with." First aorist passive infinitive of \sunpathe“\, late compound verb from the late adjective \sunpathos\ (Romans:12:15|), both from \sunpasch“\, to suffer with (1Corinthians:12:26; strkjv@Romans:8:17|), occurring in Aristotle and Plutarch, in N.T. only in Hebrews (here and strkjv@10:34|). {One that hath been tempted} (\pepeirasmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \peiraz“\, as already shown in strkjv@2:17f|. {Without sin} (\ch“ris hamartias\). This is the outstanding difference that must never be overlooked in considering the actual humanity of Jesus. He did not yield to sin. But more than this is true. There was no latent sin in Jesus to be stirred by temptation and no habits of sin to be overcome. But he did have "weaknesses" (\astheneiai\) common to our human nature (hunger, thirst, weariness, etc.). Satan used his strongest weapons against Jesus, did it repeatedly, and failed. Jesus remained "undefiled" (\amiantos\) in a world of sin (John:8:46|). This is our ground of hope, the sinlessness of Jesus and his real sympathy.

rwp@Hebrews:5:1 @{In things pertaining to God} (\ta pros ton theon\). Accusative of general reference as in strkjv@2:17| (Romans:15:17|). The two essential points about any high priest are human sympathy (5:1-3|) and divine appointment (5:4|). He is taken from men and appointed in behalf of men. {That he may offer} (\hina prospherˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \prospher“\, "that he keep on offering (from time to time)." {Both gifts} (\d“ra\) {and sacrifices} (\kai thusias\). General term (\d“ra\) and bloody offerings, but the two together are inclusive of all as in strkjv@8:3; strkjv@9:9| (1Kings:8:64|). {For sins} (\huper hamarti“n\). His own included (7:27|) except in the case of Jesus.

rwp@Hebrews:5:2 @{Who can bear gently} (\metriopathein dunamenos\). Present active infinitive of the late verb \metriopathe“\ (\metrios\, moderate, \pate“\, to feel or suffer). It is a philosophical term used by Aristotle to oppose the \apatheia\ (lack of feeling) of the Stoics. Philo ranks it below \apatheia\. Josephus (_Ant_. XII. 32) uses it of the moderation of Vespasian and Titus towards the Jews. It occurs here only in the N.T. "If the priest is cordially to plead with God for the sinner, he must bridle his natural disgust at the loathsomeness of sensuality, his impatience at the frequently recurring fall, his hopeless alienation from the hypocrite and the superficial, his indignation at any confession he hears from the penitent" (Dods). {With the ignorant} (\tois agnoousin\). Dative case of the articular present active participle of \agnoe“\, old verb not to know (Mark:9:32|). {And erring} (\kai plan“menois\). Present middle participle (dative case) of \plana“\. The one article with both participles probably makes it a hendiadys, sins of ignorance (both accidence and sudden passion) as opposed to high-handed sins of presumption and deliberate purpose. People who sinned "willingly" (\hekousi“s\, strkjv@10:26|) had no provision in the Levitical system. For deliberate apostasy (3:12; strkjv@10:26|) no pardon is offered. {Is compassed with infirmity} (\perikeitai astheneian\). Present passive indicative of the old verb \perikeimai\ here used transitively as in strkjv@Acts:28:20| (\halusin\, chain). The priest himself has weakness lying around him like a chain. Not so Jesus.

rwp@Hebrews:5:3 @{For himself} (\peri heautou\). Note \peri\ three times here (\peri tou laou, peri heautou, peri hamarti“n\), but in verse 1| \huper anthr“p“n, huper hamarti“n\. In the _Koin‚_ this interchange of \peri\ (around) and \huper\ (over) is common (Matthew:26:28|).

rwp@Hebrews:5:7 @{In the days of his flesh} (\en tais hˆmerais tˆs sarkos autou\). Here (verses 7-9|) the author turns to the other requirement of a high priest (human sympathy). Since Jesus was "without sin" (4:15|) he did not have to offer sacrifices "for himself," yet in all other points he felt the sympathy of the human high priest, even more so by reason of his victory over sin. {Having offered up} (\prosenegkas\). Second aorist active (\-a\ form) participle of \prospher“\ (cf. verse 3|). An allusion to the Agony of Christ in Gethsemane. {Supplications} (\hiketˆrias\). Socrates, Polybius, Job:(Job:40:22|) combine this word with \deˆseis\ (prayers) as here. The older form was \hikesia\. The word \hiketˆrios\ is an adjective from \hiketˆs\ (a suppliant from \hik“\, to come to one) and suggests one coming with an olive-branch (\elaia\). Here only in the N.T. {With strong crying and tears} (\meta kraugˆs ischuras kai dakru“n\). See strkjv@Luke:22:44f|. for a picture of the scene in Gethsemane (anguish and pathos). No doubt the writer has in mind other times when Jesus shed tears (John:11:35; strkjv@Luke:19:41|), but Gethsemane chiefly. {To save him from death} (\s“zein ek thanatou\). A reference to the cry of Jesus in Gethsemane (Matthew:26:39|). {Having been heard for his godly fear} (\eisakoustheis apo tˆs eulabeias\). Old word from \eulabˆs\ (taking hold well, strkjv@Luke:2:25| from \eu, lamban“\, the verb \eulabeomai\ in N.T. only in strkjv@Hebrews:11:7|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@12:28|. Fine picture of Christ's attitude toward the Father in the prayer in Gethsemane and in all his prayers. Jesus in Gethsemane at once surrendered his will to that of the Father who heard his plea and enabled him to acquiesce in the Father's will.

rwp@Hebrews:5:8 @{Though he was a Son} (\kaiper “n huios\). Concessive participle with \kaiper\, regular Greek idiom as in strkjv@7:5; strkjv@12:17|. {Yet learned obedience} (\emathen hupakoˆn\). Second aorist active indicative of \manthan“\. Succinct and crisp statement of the humanity of Jesus in full harmony with strkjv@Luke:2:40,52| and with strkjv@Hebrews:2:10|. {By the things which he suffered} (\aph' h“n epathen\). There is a play on the two verbs (\emathen--epathen\), paronomasia. Second aorist active indicative of \pasch“\. He always did his Father's will (John:8:29|), but he grew in experience as in wisdom and stature and in the power of sympathy with us.

rwp@Hebrews:5:9 @{Having been made perfect} (\telei“theis\). First aorist passive participle of \teleio“\, the completion of the process of training mentioned by this same verb in strkjv@2:10| "by means of sufferings" (\dia pathˆmat“n\) as stated again here in verse 8|. {The author of eternal salvation} (\aitios s“tˆrias ai“niou\). Common adjective from \aitia\ (cause), causing, often in Greek with \s“tˆrias\ (Aeschines, Philo), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:23:4,14,22; strkjv@Acts:19:40|. See same idea in strkjv@Hebrews:2:10| (\archˆgon\). See strkjv@Isaiah:45:17|.

rwp@Hebrews:5:10 @{Named of God} (\prosagoreutheis\). First aorist passive participle of \prosagoreu“\, old verb to salute, to address, only here in N.T. Common in Plutarch.

rwp@Hebrews:5:12 @{Teachers} (\didaskaloi\). Predicate nominative after \einai\. {By reason of the time} (\dia ton chronon\). Alas, what a commentary on modern Christians. {That some one teach you the rudiments} (\tou didaskein humas tina ta stoicheia\). Neat Greek idiom, genitive case of the articular infinitive (need of the teaching) with two accusatives of the person (\humas\, you) and the thing (\ta stoicheia\, the rudiments) and the accusative of general reference (\tina\, as to some one). For \stoicheia\ see strkjv@Galatians:4:3,9; strkjv@Colossians:2:8|. {Of the first principles of the oracles of God} (\tˆs archˆs t“n logi“n tou theou\). Three genitives linked to each other. \Archˆs\ (beginning) illustrates \ta stoicheia\, just before, the A B C of Christian teaching like strkjv@Hebrews:6:1f|. \Logion\ is a diminutive of logos, divine oracles being usually brief, common in the O.T. and Philo for God's words, in N.T. used for the O.T. (Acts:7:38; Rom strkjv@3:2|), of God's word through Christians (1Peter:4:11|), of the substance of Christian teaching (Hebrews:5:12|). {Of milk} (\galaktos\). Because still babes (1Corinthians:3:2|) and not able to chew "solid food" (\stereƒs trophˆs\), without intellectual and spiritual teeth.

rwp@Hebrews:5:14 @{For full-grown men} (\telei“n\). Predicate genitive. The word is for adults, relative perfection (\teleioi\) in contrast with babes as in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:6; strkjv@3:1; strkjv@13:11; strkjv@Phillipians:3:15; strkjv@Ephesians:4:4|, not absolute perfection (Matthew:5:48|). {Their senses} (\ta aisthˆtˆria\). The organs of perception (Stoic term for sense organs) from \aisthanomai\ (Luke:9:45|), in Plato, Galen, Hippocrates, here only in N.T. {Exercised} (\gegumnasmena\). Perfect passive participle of \gumnaz“\, to exercise (naked, \gumnos\). Galen uses \aisthˆtˆria gegumnasmena\ together after \ech“\ as we have here. For this predicate use of the participle with \ech“\ see strkjv@Luke:13:6; strkjv@14:19f|. "By reason of use" one gains such skill. {To discern} (\pros diakrisin\). "For deciding between" (from \diakrin“\), old word with ablative \kalou te kai kakou\ (between good and evil). See strkjv@1Corinthians:12:1; Rom strkjv@14:1|.

rwp@Hebrews:6:1 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of the argument already made about the difficulty of the subject and the dulness of the readers. {Let us cease to speak} (\aphentes ton logon\). Second aorist active participle of \aphiˆmi\, to leave off or behind. {Of the first principles of Christ} (\tˆs archˆs tou Christou\). Objective genitive \Christou\ (about Christ). "Leaving behind the discussion of the beginning about Christ," another way of saying again \ta stoicheia tˆs archˆs t“n logi“n tou theou\ of strkjv@5:12|. {And press on} (\kai pher“metha\). Volitive present subjunctive passive, "Let us be borne on" (both the writer and the readers). The Pythagorean Schools use \pher“metha\ in precisely this sense of being borne on to a higher stage of instruction. Bleek quotes several instances of Greek writers using together as here of \aphentes pher“metha\ (Eurip., _Androm_. 393, for instance). {Unto perfection} (\epi tˆn teleiotˆta\). Old word from \teleios\ mature, adults as in strkjv@5:14|. Only twice in N.T. (here and strkjv@Colossians:3:14|). Let us go on to the stage of adults, not babes, able to masticate solid spiritual food. The writer will assume that the readers are adults in his discussion of the topic. {Not laying again the foundation} (\mˆ palin themelion kataballomenoi\). The regular idiom for laying down the foundation of a building (\themelion\, strkjv@Luke:6:48f.|). The metaphor is common (1Corinthians:3:11|) and the foundation is important, but one cannot be laying the foundation always if he is to build the house. There are six items mentioned here as part of the "foundation," though the accusative \didachˆn\ in apposition with \themelion\ may mean that there are only four included in the \themelion\. Two are qualitative genitives after \themelion\ (\metanoias\ and \piste“s\). What is meant by "dead works" (\apo nekr“n erg“n\) is not clear (9:14|), though the reference may be to touching a corpse (Numbers:19:1f.; strkjv@31:19|). There are frequent allusions to the deadening power of sin (James:2:17,26; strkjv@John:7:25; Rom strkjv@6:1,11; strkjv@7:8; strkjv@Colossians:2:13; strkjv@Ephesians:2:1,5|). The use of repentance and faith together occurs also elsewhere (Mark:1:15; strkjv@Acts:20:21; strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:9|).

rwp@Hebrews:6:4 @{As touching those who were once enlightened} (\tous hapax ph“tisthentas\). First aorist passive articular participle (the once for all enlightened) of \photiz“\, old and common verb (from \ph“s\) as in strkjv@Luke:11:36|. The metaphorical sense here (cf. strkjv@John:1:9; strkjv@Ephesians:1:18; strkjv@Hebrews:10:32|) occurs in Polybius and Epictetus. The accusative case is due to \anakainizein\ in verse 6|. \Hapax\ here is "once for all," not once upon a time (\pote\) and occurs again (9:7,26,27,28; strkjv@12:26,27|). {Tasted of the heavenly gift} (\geusamenous tˆs d“reas tˆs epouraniou\). First aorist middle participle of \geu“\, old verb once with accusative (verse 5|, \kalon rˆma, dunameis\), usually with genitive (Hebrews:2:9|) as here. {Partakers of the Holy Ghost} (\metochous pneumatos hagiou\). See strkjv@3:14| for \metochoi\. These are all given as actual spiritual experiences. {And then fell away} (\kai parapesontas\). No "then" here, though the second aorist (effective) active participle of \parapipt“\, old verb to fall beside (aside), means that. Only here in N.T. In Gal strkjv@5:4| we have \tˆs charitos exepesate\ (ye fell out of grace, to law, Paul means).

rwp@Hebrews:6:6 @{It is impossible to renew them again} (\adunaton palin anakainizein\). The \adunaton\ (impossible) comes first in verse 4| without \estin\ (is) and there is no "them" in the Greek. There are three other instances of \adunaton\ in Hebrews (6:18; strkjv@10:4; strkjv@11:6|). The present active infinitive of \anakainiz“\ (late verb, \ana, kainos\, here only in the N.T., but \anakaino“\, strkjv@2Corinthians:4:16; strkjv@Colossians:3:10|) with \adunaton\ bluntly denies the possibility of renewal for apostates from Christ (cf. strkjv@3:12-4:2|). It is a terrible picture and cannot be toned down. The one ray of light comes in verses 8-12|, not here. {Seeing they crucify to themselves afresh} (\anastraurountas heautois\). Present active participle (accusative plural agreeing with \tous... parapesontas\) of \anastauro“\, the usual verb for crucify in the old Greek so that \ana-\ here does not mean "again" or "afresh," but "up," _sursum_, not _rursum_ (Vulgate). This is the reason why renewal for such apostates is impossible. They crucify Christ. {And put him to an open shame} (\kai paradeigmatizontas\). Present active participle of \paradeigmatiz“\, late verb from \paradeigma\ (example), to make an example of, and in bad sense to expose to disgrace. Simplex verb \deigmatisai\ in this sense in strkjv@Matthew:1:19|.

rwp@Hebrews:6:7 @{Which hath drunk} (\hˆ piousa\). Articular second aorist active participle of \pin“\, to drink. {Herbs} (\botanˆn\). Old word from \bosk“\, to feed, green plant, only here in N.T. Cf. our botany. {Meet} (\eutheton\). Old compound verbal (\eu, tithˆmi\) well-placed, fit (Luke:9:62|). {It is tilled} (\ge“rgeitai\). Present passive indicative of \ge“rge“\, old and rare verb from \ge“rgos\ (tiller of the soil, \gˆ, ergon\, strkjv@2Timothy:2:6|), here only in the N.T. {Receives} (\metalambanei\). Present active indicative of \metalamban“\, old verb to share in, with genitive (\eulogias\) as here (Acts:2:46|) or with accusative (Acts:24:25|).

rwp@Hebrews:6:8 @{If it beareth} (\ekpherousa\). Present active participle of \ekpher“\, conditional participle. For "thorns and thistles" see strkjv@Matthew:7:16| for both words (\akanthas kai tribolous\). Roman soldiers scattered balls with sharp iron spikes, one of which was called _tribulus_, to hinder the enemy's cavalry. {Rejected} (\adokimos\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:9:27; strkjv@Romans:1:28|. For \kataras eggus\ (nigh unto a curse) see Gal strkjv@3:10|. {To be burned} (\eis kausin\). "For burning." Common sight in clearing up ground.

rwp@Hebrews:6:9 @{But we are persuaded} (\pepeismetha de\). Perfect passive indicative of \peith“\, literary plural. Note Paul's use of \pepeismai\ in strkjv@2Timothy:1:12|. {Better things} (\ta kreissona\). "The better things" than those pictures in strkjv@6:4-8|. {That accompany salvation} (\echomena s“tˆrias\). "Things holding on to salvation" (Mark:1:38|), a common Greek phrase \echomena\, present middle participle of \ech“\. {Though we thus speak} (\ei kai hout“s laloumen\). Concessive condition of the first class. Explanatory, not apologetic, of his plain talk. {Not unrighteous to forget} (\ou gar adikos epilathesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive of \epilanthan“\ with genitive case (\ergou\, work, \agapˆs\, love). But even God cannot remember what they did not do. {In that ye ministered and still do minister} (\diakonˆsantes kai diakonountes\). First aorist active and present active participle of the one verb \diakone“\, the sole difference being the tense (single act _aorist_, repeated acts _present_).

rwp@Hebrews:6:13 @{Made promise} (\epaggeilamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \epaggell“\. Could swear by none greater (\kat' oudenos eichen meizonos omosai\). Imperfect active of \ech“\ in sense of \edunato\ as often with \omosai\ (first aorist active infinitive of \omnu“\) and \“mosen\ (he sware) is first aorist active indicative.

rwp@Hebrews:6:14 @{Surely} (\ei mˆn\). By itacism for \ˆ mˆn\ (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 205). The quotation is from strkjv@Genesis:22:16f|. (the promise renewed to Abraham with an oath after offering of Isaac). {Blessing} (\eulog“n\). Hebraism (present active participle) for the Hebrew infinitive absolute and so with \plˆthun“n\ (multiplying).

rwp@Hebrews:6:15 @{Having patiently endured} (\makrothumˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \makrothumos\ (\makros, thumos\, long spirit) illustrating \makrothumia\ of verse 12|. {He obtained} (\epetuchen\). Second aorist (effective) active indicative of \epetugchan“\, old verb with genitive. God was true to his word and Abraham was faithful.

rwp@Hebrews:6:18 @{By two immutable things} (\dia duo pragmat“n ametathet“n\). See verse 17|. God's promise and God's oath, both unchangeable. {In which it is impossible for God to lie} (\en hois adunaton pseusasthai theon\). Put this "impossibility" by that in verses 4-6|. {Theon} is accusative of general reference with \pseusasthai\, first aorist middle infinitive of \pseudomai\. {That we may have} (\hina ech“men\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the present active subjunctive of \ech“\, "that we may keep on having." {Strong consolation} (\ischuran paraklˆsin\). "Strong encouragement" by those two immutable things. {Who have fled for refuge} (\hoi kataphugontes\). Articular effective second aorist active participle of \katapheug“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:14:6|. The word occurs for fleeing to the cities of refuge (Deuteronomy:4:42; strkjv@19:5; strkjv@Joshua:20:9|). {To lay hold of} (\kratˆsai\). First aorist active (single act) infinitive of \krate“\ in contrast with present tense in strkjv@4:14| (hold fast). {Set before us} (\prokeimenˆs\). Placed before us as the goal. See this same participle used with the "joy" (\charas\) set before Jesus (12:2|).

rwp@Hebrews:6:19 @{Which} (\hˆn\). Which hope. What would life be without this blessed hope based on Christ as our Redeemer? {As an anchor of the soul} (\h“s agkuran tˆs psuchˆs\). Old word, literally in strkjv@Acts:27:29|, figuratively here, only N.T. examples. The ancient anchors were much like the modern ones with iron hooks to grapple the rocks and so hold on to prevent shipwreck (1Timothy:1:19|). {Both sure and steadfast} (\asphalˆ te kai bebaian\). This anchor of hope will not slip (alpha privative and \sphall“\, to totter) or lose its grip (\bebaia\, from \bain“\, to go, firm, trusty). {That which is within the veil} (\to es“teron tou katapetasmatos\). The Holy of Holies, "the inner part of the veil" (the space behind the veil), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:16:24| (of the inner prison). The anchor is out of sight, but it holds. That is what matters.

rwp@Hebrews:7:1 @{This Melchizedek} (\houtos ho Melchisedek\). The one already mentioned several times with whose priesthood that of Christ is compared and which is older and of a higher type than that of Aaron. See strkjv@Genesis:14:18-20; strkjv@Psalms:110| for the only account of Melchizedek in the Old Testament. It is a daring thing to put Melchizedek above Aaron, but the author does it. Moffatt calls verses 1-3| "a little sermon" on strkjv@6:20|. It is "for ever" (\eis ton ai“na\) that he explains. Melchizedek is the only one in his line and stands alone in the record in Genesis. The interpretation is rabbinical in method, but well adapted to Jewish readers. The description is taken verbatim from Genesis except that "who met" (\ho sunantˆsas\) is here applied to Melchizedek from strkjv@Genesis:14:17| instead of to the King of Sodom. They both met Abraham as a matter of fact. For this verb (first aorist active participle of \sunanta“\) see strkjv@Luke:9:37|. {Slaughter} (\kopˆs\). Old word for cutting (\kopt“\, to cut), here only in N.T. These kings were Amraphel, Arioch, Chedorlaomer, Tidal. Amraphel is usually taken to be Khammurabi. {Priest of God Most High} (\hiereus tou theou tou hupsistou\). He is called "priest" and note \tou hupsistou\ applied to God as the Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews did. It is used also of Zeus and the Maccabean priest-kings. The demons apply it to God (Mark:5:7; strkjv@Luke:8:28|).

rwp@Hebrews:7:2 @{A tenth} (\dekatˆn\). It was common to offer a tenth of the spoils to the gods. Songs:Abraham recognized Melchizedek as a priest of God. {Divided} (\emerisen\). First aorist active of \meriz“\, from \meros\ (portion), to separate into parts. From this point till near the end of verse 3| (the Son of God) is a long parenthesis with \houtos\ of verse 1| as the subject of \menei\ (abideth) as the Revised Version punctuates it. Philo had made popular the kind of exegesis used here. The author gives in Greek the meaning of the Hebrew words Melchizedek (King of righteousness, cf. strkjv@1:8|) and Salem (peace).

rwp@Hebrews:7:3 @{Without father, without mother, without genealogy} (\apat“r, amˆt“r, agenealogˆtos\). Alliteration like strkjv@Romans:1:30|, the first two old words, the third coined by the author (found nowhere else) and meaning simply "devoid of any genealogy." The argument is that from silence, made much of by Philo, but not to be pressed. The record in Genesis tells nothing of any genealogy. Melchizedek stands alone. He is not to be understood as a miraculous being without birth or death. Melchizedek has been made more mysterious than he is by reading into this interpretation what is not there. {Made like} (\aph“moi“menos\). Perfect passive participle of \aphomoio“\, old verb, to produce a facsimile or copy, only here in N.T. The likeness is in the picture drawn in Genesis, not in the man himself. Such artificial interpretation does not amount to proof, but only serves as a parallel or illustration. {Unto the Son of God} (\t“i hui“i tou theou\). Associative instrumental case of \huios\. {Abideth a priest} (\menei hiereus\). According to the record in Genesis, the only one in his line just as Jesus stands alone, but with the difference that Jesus continues priest in fact in heaven. {Continually} (\eis to diˆnekes\). Old phrase (for the continuity) like \eis ton ai“na\, in N.T. only in Hebrews (7:3; strkjv@10:1,14,21|).

rwp@Hebrews:7:5 @{The priest's office} (\tˆn hierateian\). LXX and _Koin‚_ word from \hiereus\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:1:9|. {To take tithes} (\apodekatoin\). Present active infinitive (in \-oin\, not \-oun\, as the best MSS. give it) of \apodekato“\ a LXX word (\apo, dekato“\), to take a tenth from (\apo\). {Brethren} (\adelphous\). Accusative case in apposition with \laon\ (people) unaffected by the explanatory phrase \tout' estin\ (that is). {Though come out} (\kaiper exelˆluthotas\). Concessive participle (cf. strkjv@5:8|) with \kaiper\ (perfect active of \exerchomai\).

rwp@Hebrews:7:6 @{He whose genealogy is not counted} (\ho mˆ genealogoumenos\). Articular participle with negative \mˆ\ (usual with participles) of the old verb \genealoge“\ trace ancestry (cf. verse 3|) {Hath taken tithes} (\dedekat“ken\). Perfect active indicative of \dekato“\, standing on record in Genesis. {Hath blessed} (\eulogˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \euloge“\, likewise standing on record. Note the frequent perfect tenses in Hebrews. {Him that hath the promises} (\ton echonta tas epaggelias\). Cf. strkjv@6:12,13-15| for allusion to the repeated promises to Abraham (Genesis:12:3,7; strkjv@13:14; strkjv@15:5; strkjv@17:5; strkjv@22:16-18|).

rwp@Hebrews:7:7 @{Dispute} (\antilogias\). Ablative case with \ch“ris\. For the word see strkjv@6:16|. The writer makes a parenthetical generalization and uses the article and neuter adjective (\to elasson\, the less, \hupo tou kreittonos\, by the better), a regular Greek idiom.

rwp@Hebrews:7:8 @{Here} (\h“de\). In the Levitical system. {There} (\ekei\). In the case of Melchizedek. {Of whom it is witnessed} (\marturoumenos\). "Being witnessed," present passive participle of \marture“\ (personal construction, not impersonal). {That he lives} (\hoti zˆi\). Present active indicative of \za“\). The Genesis record tells nothing of his death.

rwp@Hebrews:7:9 @{Songs:to say} (\h“s epos eipein\). An old idiom, here only in the N.T., common in Philo, used to limit a startling statement, an infinitive for conceived result with \h“s\. {Hath paid tithes} (\dedekat“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \dekato“\, "has been tithed." This could only be true of Levi "so to speak."

rwp@Hebrews:7:12 @{The priesthood being changed} (\metatithemenˆs tˆs hierosunˆs\). Genitive absolute with present passive participle of \metatithˆmi\, old word to transfer (Galatians:1:6|). {A change} (\metathesis\). Old substantive from \metatithˆmi\. In N.T. only in Heb. (7:12; strkjv@11:5; strkjv@12:27|). God's choice of another kind of priesthood for his Son, left the Levitical line off to one side, forever discounted, passed by "the order of Aaron" (\tˆn taxin Aar“n\).

rwp@Hebrews:7:17 @{It is witnessed} (\martureitai\). Present passive indicative of \marture“\. The author aptly quotes again strkjv@Psalms:110:4|.

rwp@Hebrews:7:18 @{A disannulling} (\athetˆsis\). Late word from \athete“\ (alpha privative and \tithˆmi\), to set aside (Mark:6:26|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@9:26|. Common in the papyri in a legal sense of making void. Involved in \metathesis\ (change in verse 12|). {Foregoing} (\proagousˆs\). Present active participle of \proag“\, to go before (1Timothy:1:18|). {Because of its weakness} (\dia to autˆs asthenes\). Neuter abstract adjective with article for quality as in verse 7| with \dia\ and accusative case for reason. {Unprofitableness} (\an“pheles\). Old compound (alpha privative and \ophelos\) useless, and neuter singular like \asthenes\. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Titus:3:9|.

rwp@Hebrews:7:21 @{Have been made} (\eisin gegonotes\). Periphrastic perfect active indicative of \ginomai\ (perfect active participle of \ginomai\) and then \eisin\. The parenthesis runs from \hoi men gar\ (for they) to \eis ton ai“na\ (for ever, end of verse 21|). {But he with an oath} (\ho de meta hork“mosias\). Positive statement in place of the negative one in verse 20|.

rwp@Hebrews:7:23 @{Many in number} (\pleiones\). Comparative predicate adjective, "more than one," in succession, not simultaneously. {Because they are hindered} (\dia to k“luesthai\). Articular infinitive (present passive) with \dia\ and the accusative case, "because of the being hindered." {By death} (\thanat“i\). Instrumental case. {From continuing} (\paramenein\). Present active infinitive of the compound (remain beside) as in strkjv@Phillipians:1:25| and in the ablative case.

rwp@Hebrews:7:25 @{Wherefore} (\hothen\). Since he alone holds this priesthood. {To the uttermost} (\eis to panteles\). Old idiom, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:13:10|. Vulgate renders it _in perpetuum_ (temporal idea) or like \pantote\. This is possible, but the common meaning is completely, utterly. {Draw near} (\proserchomenous\). Present middle participle of \proserchomai\, the verb used in strkjv@4:16| which see. {To make intercession} (\eis to entugchanein\). Purpose clause with \eis\ and the articular present active infinitive of \entugchan“\ for which verb see strkjv@Romans:8:34|. "His intercession has red blood in it, unlike Philo's conception" (Moffatt).

rwp@Hebrews:7:26 @{Became us} (\hˆmin eprepen\). Imperfect active indicative of \prep“\ as in strkjv@2:10|, only there it was applied to God while here to us. "Such" (\toioutos\) refers to the Melchizedek character of Jesus as high priest and in particular to his power to help and save (2:17f.|) as just explained in strkjv@7:24f.| Moffatt notes that "it is generally misleading to parse a rhapsody" but the adjectives that follow picture in outline the qualities of the high priest needed by us. {Holy} (\hosios\). Saintly, pious, as already noted. Cf. strkjv@Acts:2:24; strkjv@13:35|. {Guileless} (\akakos\). Without malice, innocent. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:16:18|. {Undefiled} (\amiantos\). Untainted, stainless. In the papyri. Not merely ritual purity (Leviticus:21:10-15|), but real ethical cleanness. {Separated from sinners} (\kech“rismenos apo t“n hamart“l“n\). Perfect passive participle. Probably referring to Christ's exaltation (9:28|). {Made higher than the heavens} (\hupsˆloteros t“n ouran“n genomenos\). "Having become higher than the heavens." Ablative case (\ouran“n\) after the comparative adjective (\hupsˆloteros\).

rwp@Hebrews:7:27 @{First} (\proteron\). Regular adverb for comparison between two, though \pr“ton\ often occurs also (John:1:41|), with \epeita\ (then) following. {For the sins} (\ton\). Only the article in the Greek with repetition of \huper\ or of \hamarti“n\. {When he offered up himself} (\heauton anenegkas\). First aorist active participle of \anapher“\, to offer up. See same idea in strkjv@9:14| where \heauton prosˆnegken\ is used. Old verb for sacrifice to place on the altar (1Peter:2:5,24|).

rwp@Hebrews:7:28 @{After the law} (\meta ton nomon\). As shown in verses 11-19|, and with an oath (Psalms:110:4|). {Son} (\huion\). As in strkjv@Psalms:2:7; strkjv@Hebrews:1:2| linked with strkjv@Psalms:110:4|. {Perfected} (\tetelei“menon\). Perfect passive participle of \teleio“\. The process (2:10|) was now complete. Imperfect and sinful as we are we demand a permanent high priest who is sinless and perfectly equipped by divine appointment and human experience (2:17f.; strkjv@5:1-10|) to meet our needs, and with the perfect offering of himself as sacrifice.

rwp@Hebrews:8:1 @{In the things which we are saying} (\epi tois legomenois\). Locative case of the articular present passive participle of \leg“\ after \epi\ as in strkjv@Luke:5:5; strkjv@Hebrews:11:4|, "in the matter of the things being discussed." {The chief point} (\kephalaion\). Neuter singular of the adjective \kephalaios\ (from \kephalˆ\, head), belonging to the head. Vulgate _capitulum_, nominative absolute in old and common sense, the main matter (even so without the article as in Thucydides), "the pith" (Coverdale), common in the papyri as in Greek literature. The word also occurs in the sense of the sum total or a sum of money (Acts:22:28|) as in Plutarch, Josephus, and also in the papyri (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {Such an high priest} (\toiouton archierea\). As the one described in chapters strkjv@4:16-7:28| and in particular strkjv@7:26| (\toioutos\) strkjv@7:27,28|. But the discussion of the priestly work of Jesus continues through strkjv@12:3|. \Toioutos\ is both retrospective and prospective. Here we have a summary of the five points of superiority of Jesus as high priest (8:1-6|). He is himself a better priest than Aaron (\toioutos\ in strkjv@8:1| such as shown in strkjv@4:16-7:28|); he works in a better sanctuary (8:2,5|); he offers a better sacrifice (8:3f.|); he is mediator of a better covenant (8:6|); his work rests on better promises (8:6|); hence he has obtained a better ministry as a whole (8:6|). In this resum‚ (\kephelaion\) the author gives the pith (\kephalaion\) of his argument, curiously enough with both senses of \kephalaion\ (pith, summary) pertinent. He will discuss the four points remaining thus: (1) the better covenant, strkjv@8:7-13|. (2) The better sanctuary, strkjv@9:1-12|. (3) The better sacrifice, strkjv@9:13-10:18|. (4) The better promises, strkjv@10:19-12:3|. One point (the better high priest, like Melchizedek) has already been discussed (4:16-7:28|). {Sat down} (\ekathisen\). Repetition of strkjv@1:3| with \tou thronou\ (the throne) added. This phrase prepares the way for the next point.

rwp@Hebrews:8:2 @{Minister} (\leitourgos\). See on ¯Romans:13:6; strkjv@Phillipians:2:25|. {Of the sanctuary} (\t“n hagi“n\). "Of the holy places" (\ta hagia\), without any distinction (like strkjv@9:8f.; strkjv@10:19; strkjv@13:11|) between the holy place and the most holy place as in strkjv@9:2f|. {Of the true tabernacle} (\tˆs skˆnˆs tˆs alˆthinˆs\). By way of explanation of \t“n hagi“n\. For \skˆnˆ\ see strkjv@Matthew:17:4| and \skˆnos\ (2Corinthians:5:1|), old word used here for the antitype or archetype of the tabernacle in the wilderness in which Aaron served, the ideal tabernacle in heaven of which the earthly tabernacle was a symbol and reproduced in the temple which merely copied the tabernacle. Hence it is the "genuine" tabernacle and see strkjv@John:1:9| for \alˆthinos\. {Pitched} (\epˆxen\). First aorist active indicative of \pˆgnumi\, old verb to fasten as the pegs of a tent, here only in the N.T. Cf. strkjv@Numbers:24:6|.

rwp@Hebrews:8:3 @{Is appointed} (\kathistatai\). As in strkjv@5:1|. {To offer} (\eis to prospherein\). Articular infinitive accusative case with \eis\ as is common while \hina prospherˆi\ (\hina\ with present active subjunctive) for purpose in strkjv@5:1|, with \d“ra te kai thusias\ as there. {It is necessary} (\anagkaion\). A moral and logical necessity (from \anagkˆ\ necessity) as seen in strkjv@Acts:13:46; strkjv@Phillipians:1:24|. {This high priest also} (\kai touton\). "This one also," no word for high priest, accusative of general reference with the infinitive \echein\ (have). {Somewhat to offer} (\ti h“ prosenegkˆi\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \prospher“\ (verse 3|). Vulgate _aliquid quod offerat_. The use of the subjunctive in this relative clause is probably volitive as in strkjv@Acts:21:16; strkjv@Hebrews:12:28| (possibly here merely futuristic), but note \ho prospherei\ (present indicative) in strkjv@9:7|. See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 955.

rwp@Hebrews:8:4 @{On earth} (\epi gˆs\). As opposed to \en tois ouranois\ (verse 1|). Condition of second class, determined as unfulfilled. {He would not be a priest at all} (\oud' an ˆn hiereus\). "Not even would he be a priest." Conclusion of second class condition with \an\ and imperfect indicative (\ˆn\). {Seeing there are those} (\ont“n t“n\). Genitive absolute with \ont“n\ (from \eimi\) and the articular present active participle of \prospher“\ (verse 3|). Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi and so could not serve here.

rwp@Hebrews:8:8 @{Finding fault with them} (\memphomenos autous\). Present middle participle of \memphomai\ (cf. \amemptos\), old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:9:19|. The covenant was all right, but the Jews failed to keep it. Hence God made a new one of grace in place of law. Why do marriage covenants so often fail to hold? The author quotes in verses 8-12; strkjv@Jeremiah:38:31-34| (in LXX strkjv@31:31-34|) in full which calls for little explanation or application to prove his point (verse 13|). {I will make} (\sunteles“\). Future active of \suntele“\, old compound verb to accomplish as in strkjv@Mark:13:4; strkjv@Romans:9:28|. {A new covenant} (\diathˆkˆn kainˆn\). In strkjv@12:24| we have \diathˆkˆs neas\, but \kainˆs\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:25|. \Kainos\ is fresh, on new lines as opposed to the old (\palaios\) as in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:6,14|; \neos\ is young or not yet old.

rwp@Hebrews:8:9 @{In the day that I took them} (\en hˆmerƒi epilabomenou mou\). Genitive absolute (\mou\ and second aorist middle participle of \epilamban“\), "a Hellenistic innovation" (Moffatt) in imitation of the Hebrew after \hˆmerƒi\ in place of \en hˆi epelabomen\, occurring also in Barn. strkjv@2:28. {By the hand} (\tˆs cheiros\). Technical use of the genitive of the part affected. {To lead them forth} (\exagagein autous\). Second aorist active infinitive of \exag“\ to denote purpose. {For they continued not} (\hoti autoi ouk enemeinan\). First aorist active indicative of \emmen“\, old verb to remain in (Acts:14:22|). The Israelites broke the covenant. Then God annulled it. {I regarded not} (\ˆmelˆsa\). "I neglected" as in strkjv@2:3|. The covenant was void when they broke it.

rwp@Hebrews:8:10 @{This} (\hautˆ\). The "new" one of verse 8|. {That I will make} (\hˆn diathˆsomai\). Future middle of \diatithˆmi\, "that I will covenant," cognate accusative (\hˆn\), using the same root in the verb as in \diathˆkˆ\. {I will put} (\didous\). "Giving," present active participle of \did“mi\, to give. {Into their mind} (\eis tˆn dianoian aut“n\). Their intellect, their moral understanding, all the intellect as in Aristotle (Colossians:1:21; strkjv@Ephesians:4:18|). {On their heart} (\epi kardias aut“n\). Either genitive singular or accusative plural. \Kardia\ is the seat of man's personal life (Westcott), the two terms covering the whole of man's inward nature. {A god} (\eis theon\). Note the Hebraistic use of \eis\ in the predicate instead of the usual nominative \theos\ as in "a people" (\eis laon\). This was the ideal of the old covenant (Exodus:6:7|), now at last to be a fact.

rwp@Hebrews:8:13 @{In that he saith} (\en t“i legein\). Locative case of the articular present active infinitive of \leg“\, "in the saying as to him." {He hath made the first old} (\pepalai“ken tˆn pr“tˆn\). Perfect active indicative of \palaio“\, old verb from \palaios\ (in contrast with \kainos\, fresh, new), to treat as old and out of date. The conclusion is to the point. {That which is becoming old and waxeth aged} (\to palaioumenon kai gˆraskon\). \Gˆrask“\ is old verb from \gˆras\ (age) like \ger“n\ (old man) and refers to the decay of old age so that both ideas appear here in opposition to \kainos\ (\palaios\) and \neos\ (\geraios\). {Is nigh unto vanishing away} (\eggus aphanismou\). Genitive case with \eggus\ and late word for disappearance (from \aphaniz“\, strkjv@Matthew:6:19|), here only in the N.T. The author writes as if the Old Testament legal and ceremonial system were about to vanish before the new covenant of grace. If he wrote after A.D. 70, would he not have written "has vanished away"?

rwp@Hebrews:9:1 @{Even the first covenant} (\kai hˆ pr“tˆ\). \Kai\ (even) is doubtful. No word for covenant with \pr“te\ (cf. strkjv@8:7|). {Had} (\eiche\). Imperfect active, used to have. {Ordinances} (\dikai“mata\). Regulations (from \dikaio“\) as in strkjv@Luke:1:6; strkjv@Romans:5:16|. {Of divine service} (\latreias\). No word for "divine," though worship is meant as in strkjv@Romans:9:4; strkjv@Phillipians:3:3|. Genitive case. {And its sanctuary, a sanctuary of this world} (\to te hagion kosmikon\). By \to hagion\ the author describes the whole sanctuary (Exodus:36:3; strkjv@Numbers:3:38|) like \t“n hagi“n\ in strkjv@8:2|. \Kosmikon\ is a late adjective (Aristotle, Plutarch) from \kosmos\, relating to this world, like \epi gˆs\ (upon earth) of strkjv@8:4|. It is in the predicate position, not attributive.

rwp@Hebrews:9:2 @{A tabernacle the first} (\skˆnˆ hˆ pr“tˆ\). See strkjv@8:2| for \skˆnˆ\. Large tents usually had two divisions (the outer and the inner or the first and the second). Note \pr“tˆ\ for the first of two as with the first covenant (8:7,13; strkjv@9:1|). The large outer tent was entered first and was called \Hagia\ (Holy), the first division of the tabernacle. The two divisions are here termed two tabernacles. {Was prepared} (\kateskeuasthˆ\). First aorist passive of \kataskeuaz“\. See strkjv@3:3|. For the furniture see strkjv@Exodus:25; 26|. Three items are named here: the candlestick (\hˆ luchnia\, late word for \luchnion\) or lampstand, necessary since there were no windows (Exodus:25:31-39|); the table (\hˆ trapeza\, old word, strkjv@Matthew:15:27|) for the bread (Exodus:25:23-30; strkjv@Leviticus:24:6| of pure gold); the shewbread (\hˆ prothesis t“n art“n\) as in strkjv@Exodus:25:30; strkjv@40:23; strkjv@Leviticus:24:5-9|. Probably a hendiadys for the table with the loaves of God's Presence.

rwp@Hebrews:9:4 @{Having a golden censer} (\chrusoun echousa thumiatˆrion\). The present active participle \echousa\ (feminine singular) agrees with \skˆnˆ\ (the Holy of Holies). It is not certain whether \thumiatˆrion\ here means censer or altar of incense. In the LXX (2Chronicles:26:19; strkjv@Exodus:8:11|; IV Macc. strkjv@7:11) it means censer and apparently so in the inscriptions and papyri. But in Philo and Josephus it means altar of incense for which the LXX has \thusiastˆrion tou thumiatos\ (Exodus:30:1-10|). Apparently the altar of incense was in the Holy Place, though in strkjv@Exodus:30:1-10| it is left quite vague. B puts it in verse 2|. Songs:we leave the discrepancy unsettled. At any rate the altar of incense was used for the Holy of Holies ("its ritual associations," Dods). {The ark of the covenant} (\tˆn kib“ton tˆs diathˆkˆs\). A box or chest four feet long, two and a half broad and high (Exodus:25:10f.|). The Scotch have a "meal-ark." {Wherein} (\en hˆi\). In the ark. There were three treasures in the ark of the covenant (a pot of manna, Aaron's rod, the tables of the covenant). For the pot of manna (golden added in the LXX) see strkjv@Exodus:16:32-34|. For Aaron's rod that budded (\hˆ blastˆsasa\, first aorist active participle of \blastan“\) see strkjv@Numbers:17:1-11|. For the tables of the covenant see strkjv@Exodus:25:16f.; strkjv@31:18; strkjv@Deuteronomy:9:9; strkjv@10:5|. Not definitely clear about these items in the ark, but on front, except that strkjv@1Kings:8:9| states that it did contain the tables of the covenant. For \plakes\ (tables) see strkjv@2Corinthians:3:3| (only other N.T. example).

rwp@Hebrews:9:5 @{Above it} (\huperan“ autˆs\). Up above, in local sense as in strkjv@Ephesians:4:10|, with ablative case \autˆs\ (it, the ark). {Cherubim of glory} (\Cheroubein doxˆs\). Hebrew word (dual form), two in number, made of gold (Exodus:25:18-22|). They are called \z“a\ (living creatures) in the LXX (Isaiah:6:2f.; strkjv@Ezekiel:1:5-10; strkjv@10:5-20|). {Overshadowing} (\kataskiazonta\). Present active participle of \kataskiaz“\, old verb to shadow down on, cover with shade, only here in the N.T. {The mercy seat} (\to hilastˆrion\). The pinions of the Cherubim spread over the rectangular gold slab on top of the ark termed the mercy seat. Here the adjective \hilastˆrios\ has to mean mercy seat, the place, not the propitiatory gift or propitiation, as in strkjv@Romans:3:25| (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 124-35). {Severally} (\kata meros\). In detail, distributive use of \kata\ with \meros\ (part).

rwp@Hebrews:9:6 @{These things having been thus prepared} (\tout“n hout“s kateskeuasmen“n\). Genitive absolute with the perfect passive participle of \kataskeuaz“\ for which verb see verse 2|. A mere summary has been made of the furniture. {Go in} (\eisiasin\). Present active indicative of \eiseimi\, to go in, old verb, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Acts:3:3; strkjv@21:18,26|. {Accomplishing} (\epitelountes\). Present active participle of \epitele“\ for which see strkjv@8:5|.

rwp@Hebrews:9:7 @{Alone} (\monos\). Predicate adjective with \ho archiereus\. {Once in the year} (\hapax tou eniautou\). Once for each year (not \pote\, at any time) with genitive of time. {Not without blood} (\ou ch“ris haimatos\). According to strkjv@Leviticus:16:14f|. Not even he could enter the second tent (Holy of Holies) without blood. {The errors of the people} (\t“n tou laou agnoˆmat“n\). Late word from \agnoe“\, not to know (5:2|), only here in the N.T., but in LXX, papyri, and inscriptions where a distinction is drawn between errors (\agnoˆmata\) and crimes (\harmartˆmata\). In strkjv@Genesis:43:12| \agnoˆma\ is "an oversight." But these sins of ignorance (\agnoˆmata\) were sins and called for atonement. See strkjv@Hebrews:10:26| for wilful sinning.

rwp@Hebrews:9:8 @{The Holy Ghost this signifying} (\touto dˆlountos tou pneumatos tou hagiou\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \dˆlo“\, to make plain. Used as in strkjv@12:27|. {The way into the Holy place} (\tˆn t“n hagi“n hodon\). Here as in verses 12,25| \t“n hagi“n\ is used for the very Presence of God as in strkjv@8:2| and is in the objective genitive. \Hodon\ is the accusative of general reference with the infinitive. {Hath not yet been made manifest} (\mˆp“ pephaner“sthai\). Perfect passive infinitive of \phanero“\, to make plain (\phaneros\) in indirect discourse after \dˆlountos\ with negative \mˆp“\. {While as the first tabernacle is yet standing} (\eti tˆs pr“tˆs skˆnˆs echousˆs stasin\). Another genitive absolute with present active participle of \ech“\ (having standing \stasin\), "the first tabernacle still having a place." The veil at the entrance kept the people out of the first tent as the second veil (verse 3|) kept the priests out of the Holy of Holies (the very Presence of God).

rwp@Hebrews:9:9 @{Which} (\hˆtis\). "Which very thing," the first tent (\tˆs pr“tˆs skˆnˆs\, division of the tabernacle), a parenthesis and explanation. {A parable} (\parabolˆ\). Only in the Synoptic Gospels in the N.T. and strkjv@Hebrews:9:9; strkjv@11:19|. See on ¯Matthew:13:3| for the word (from \paraball“\, to place alongside). Here like \tupos\ (type or shadow of "the heavenly reality," Moffatt). {For the time now present} (\eis ton kairon ton enestˆkota\). "For the present crisis " (\kairon\, not \ai“na\, age, not \chronon\, time). Perfect active articular (repeated article) participle of \enistˆmi\ (intransitive), the age in which they lived, not the past, not the future. See strkjv@1Corinthians:3:22; strkjv@Romans:8:38| for contrast between \enest“ta\ and \mellonta\. This age of crisis, foreshadowed by the old tabernacle, pointed on to the richer fulfilment still to come. {According to which} (\kath' hˆn\). Here the relative refers to \parabolˆ\ just mentioned, not to \skˆnˆs\. See strkjv@5:1; strkjv@8:3|. {As touching the conscience} (\kata suneidˆsin\). For \suneidˆsis\ see strkjv@1Corinthians:8:10; strkjv@10:17; strkjv@Romans:2:15|. This was the real failure of animal sacrifice (10:1-4|). {Make the worshipper perfect} (\telei“sai ton latreuonta\). First aorist active infinitive (2:10|). At best it was only ritual or ceremonial purification (7:11|), that called for endless repetition (10:1-4|).

rwp@Hebrews:9:10 @{Only with meats and drinks and divers washings} (\monon epi br“masin kai pomasin kai diaphorois baptismois\). The parenthesis of the Revised Version here is unnecessary. The use of \epi\ here with the locative case is regular, "in the matter of" (Luke:12:52; strkjv@John:12:16; strkjv@Acts:21:24|). What ritual value these Levitical sacrifices had was confined to minute regulations about diet and ceremonial cleansing (clean and unclean). For "divers" (\diaphorois\, late adjective, in N.T. only in strkjv@Hebrews:1:4; strkjv@8:6; strkjv@9:10; strkjv@Romans:12:6|) say "different" or "various." \Baptismois\ is, of course, the Jewish ceremonial immersions (cf. strkjv@Mark:7:4; strkjv@Exodus:29:4; strkjv@Leviticus:11:25,28f.; strkjv@Numbers:8:7; strkjv@Revelation:6:2|). {Carnal ordinances} (\dikai“masin sarkos\). But the correct text is undoubtedly simply \dikai“mata sarkos\ (nominative case), in apposition with \d“ra te kai thusiai\ (gifts and sacrifices). See strkjv@9:1| for \dikai“mata\. {Imposed} (\epikeimena\). Present middle or passive participle of \epikeimai\, old verb to lie upon (be laid upon). Cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:9:16|. {Until a time of reformation} (\mechri kairou diorth“se“s\). Definite statement of the temporary nature of the Levitical system already stated in strkjv@7:10-17; strkjv@8:13| and argued clearly by Paul in strkjv@Galatians:3:15-22|. \Diorth“sis\ is a late word, here alone in N.T. (from \diortho“\, to set right or straight), used by Hippocrates for making straight misshapen limbs like \anortho“\ in strkjv@Hebrews:12:12|. Here for reformation like \diorth“ma\ (reform) in strkjv@Acts:24:2f|. Christianity itself is the great Reformation of the current Judaism (Pharisaism) and the spiritual Judaism foreshadowed by the old Abrahamic promise (see strkjv@Galatians:3; strkjv@Romans:9|).

rwp@Hebrews:9:11 @{Having come} (\paragenomenos\). Second aorist middle participle of \paraginomai\. This is the great historic event that is the crux of history. "Christ came on the scene, and all was changed" (Moffatt). {Of the good things to come} (\t“n mellont“n agath“n\). But B D read \genomen“n\ (that are come). It is a nice question which is the true text. Both aspects are true, for Christ is High Priest of good things that have already come as well as of the glorious future of hope. Westcott prefers \genomen“n\, Moffatt \mellont“n\. {Through the greater and more perfect tabernacle} (\dia tˆs meizonos kai teleioteras skˆnˆs\). Probably the instrumental use of \dia\ (2Corinthians:2:4; strkjv@Romans:2:27; strkjv@14:20|) as accompaniment, not the local idea (4:14; strkjv@10:20|). Christ as High Priest employed in his work the heavenly tabernacle (8:2|) after which the earthly was patterned (9:24|). {Not made with hands} (\ou cheiropoiˆtou\). Old compound verbal for which see strkjv@Mark:14:58; strkjv@Acts:7:48; strkjv@17:24|. Cf. strkjv@Hebrews:8:2|. Here in the predicate position. {Not of this creation} (\ou tautˆs tˆs ktise“s\). Explanation of \ou chieropoiˆtou\. For \ktisis\ see strkjv@2Corinthians:5:17; strkjv@Romans:8:19|. For the idea see strkjv@2Corinthians:4:18; strkjv@Hebrews:8:2|. This greater and more perfect tabernacle is heaven itself (9:24|).

rwp@Hebrews:9:12 @{Through his own blood} (\dia tou idiou haimatos\). This is the great distinction between Christ as High Priest and all other high priests. They offer blood (verse 7|), but he offered his own blood. He is both victim and High Priest. See the same phrase in strkjv@13:12; strkjv@Acts:20:28|. {Once for all} (\ephapax\). In contrast to the repeated (annual) entrances of the Levitical high priests (9:7|). {Into the holy place} (\eis ta hagia\). Here, as in verses 8,24| heaven itself. {Having obtained} (\heuramenos\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle of \heurisk“\, simultaneous action with \eisˆlthen\, and by or of himself "as the issue of personal labour directed to this end" (Westcott). The value of Christ's offering consists in the fact that he is the Son of God as well as the Son of man, that he is sinless and so a perfect sacrifice with no need of an offering for himself, and that it is voluntary on his part (John:10:17|). \Lutr“sis\ (from \lutro“\) is a late word for the act of ransoming (cf. \lutron\, ransom), in O.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:1:68; strkjv@2:38|. But \apolutr“sis\ elsewhere (as in strkjv@Luke:21:28; strkjv@Romans:3:24; strkjv@Hebrews:9:15; strkjv@11:35|). For "eternal" (\ai“nian\, here feminine form) see strkjv@6:2|. The author now turns to discuss the better sacrifice (9:13-10:18|) already introduced.

rwp@Hebrews:9:13 @{Ashes} (\spodos\). Old word, in N. T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:11:21; strkjv@Luke:10:13|. Common in LXX. {Of a heifer} (\damale“s\). Old word (\damalis\), a red heifer whose ashes mingled with water (\meta hudatos\, verse 19|) were sprinkled (\rantizousa\, present active participle of \rantiz“\, in LXX, though \rain“\ more common) on the contaminated or defiled ones (Numbers:19|) as the blood of bulls and goats was offered for sins (Leviticus:16|). {Sanctify} (\hagiazei\). First-class condition, assumed as true. This ceremonial ritual does serve "for the cleansing (\katharotˆta\, old word here only in N.T.) of the flesh," but not for the conscience (verse 9|). The cow was \am“mon\, the individual \katharos\.

rwp@Hebrews:9:16 @{A testament} (\diathˆkˆ\). The same word occurs for covenant (verse 15|) and will (verse 16|). This double sense of the word is played upon also by Paul in strkjv@Galatians:3:15f|. We say today "The New Testament" (_Novum Testamentum_) rather than " The New Covenant." Both terms are pertinent. {That made it} (\tou diathemenou\). Genitive of the articular second aorist middle participle of \diatithˆmi\ from which \diathˆkˆ\ comes. The notion of will here falls in with \klˆronomia\ (inheritance, strkjv@1Peter:1:4|) as well as with \thanatos\ (death). {Of force} (\bebaia\). Stable, firm as in strkjv@3:6,14|. {Where there hath been death} (\epi nekrois\). "In the case of dead people." A will is only operative then. {For doth it ever avail while he that made it liveth?} (\epei mˆ pote ischuei hote zˆi ho diathemenos;\). This is a possible punctuation with \mˆ pote\ in a question (John:7:26|). Without the question mark, it is a positive statement of fact. Aleph and D read \tote\ (then) instead of \pote\. The use of \mˆ\ in a causal sentence is allowable (John:3:18|, \hoti mˆ\).

rwp@Hebrews:9:19 @{When every commandment had been spoken} (\lalˆtheisˆs\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle feminine singular of \lale“\. The author uses the account in strkjv@Exodus:24:3f.| "with characteristic freedom" (Moffatt). There is nothing there about the water, the scarlet wool (\erion\, diminutive of \eros, eiros\, old word, here and in strkjv@Revelation:1:14|; for \kokkinos\ see on ¯Matthew:27:6,28|), and hyssop (\huss“pou\, a plant mentioned in strkjv@John:19:29|). It had become the custom to mingle water with the blood and to use a wisp of wool or a stem of hyssop for sprinkling (Numbers:10:2-10|). {Both the book itself} (\auto te to biblion\). There is nothing in Exodus about sprinkling the book of the covenant, though it may very well have been done. He omits the use of oil in strkjv@Exodus:40:9f.; strkjv@Leviticus:8:10f.| and applies blood to all the details. {Sprinkled} (\erantisen\). First aorist active indicative from \rantiz“\ (from \rantos\ and this from \rain“\), like \baptiz“\ from \bapt“\. Cf. strkjv@Mark:7:4; strkjv@Hebrews:10:22; strkjv@Revelation:19:13|.

rwp@Hebrews:9:21 @{In like manner with the blood} (\t“i haimati homoi“s\). Instrumental case of \haima\ (blood). But the use of the article does not necessarily refer to the blood mentioned in verse 19|. In strkjv@Exodus:40:9| Moses sprinkled the tabernacle with oil. It had not been erected at the time of strkjv@Exodus:24:5f|. Josephus (_Ant_. III. 8, 6) gives a tradition that blood was used also at this dedication. Blood was used annually in the cleansing rites on the day of atonement.

rwp@Hebrews:9:22 @{I may almost say} (\schedon\). Old adverb, only three times in the N.T., here, strkjv@Acts:13:44; strkjv@19:26|. Here it qualifies the entire clause, not just \panta\. {With blood} (\en haimati\). In blood. There were exceptions (Exodus:19:10; strkjv@32:30f.; strkjv@Leviticus:5:11f.; strkjv@15:5; strkjv@Numbers:16:46f.; strkjv@31:23f.|, etc.). {Apart from shedding of blood} (\ch“ris haimatekchusias\). A double compound first found here (coined by the writer) and later in ecclesiastical writers (\haima\, blood, \ek\, out, \che“\, to pour, like \ekchusis haimatos\ strkjv@1Kings:18:28|). "Pouring out of blood." The author seems to have in mind Christ's words in strkjv@Matthew:26:28|: "This is my blood of the covenant which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins." The blood is the vital principle and is efficacious as an atonement. The blood of Christ sets aside all other plans for pardon.

rwp@Hebrews:9:23 @{The copies} (\ta hupodeigmata\). See strkjv@8:5| for this word, the earthly (8:4; strkjv@9:1|) tabernacle. {With these} (\toutois\). Instrumental case of \houtos\, like the rites above described (verse 19|), perhaps with some disparagement. {Themselves} (\auta\). The heavenly realities (8:2,5; strkjv@9:11f.|). {With better sacrifices} (\kreittosin thusiais\). Instrumental case again. Point of this section (9:13-10:18|). {Than these} (\para tautas\). Use of \para\ and the accusative case after a comparative as in strkjv@1:4,9|. To us it seems a bit strained to speak of the ritual cleansing or dedication of heaven itself by the appearance of Christ as Priest-Victim. But the whole picture is highly mystical.

rwp@Hebrews:9:24 @{Made with hands} (\cheiropoiˆta\). See verse 11| for this word. {Like in pattern to the true} (\antitupa t“n alˆthin“n\). Late compound word, only twice in N.T. (here, strkjv@1Peter:3:21|). Polybius uses \antitupos\ for infantry "opposite" to the cavalry. In modern Greek it means a copy of a book. Here it is the "counterpart of reality" (Moffatt). Moses was shown a \tupos\ (model) of the heavenly realities and he made an \antitupon\ on that model, "answering to the type" (Dods) or model. In strkjv@1Peter:3:21| \antitupos\ has the converse sense, "the reality of baptism which corresponds to or is the antitype of the deluge" (Dods). {Now to appear} (\nun emphanisthˆnai\). Purpose clause by the first aorist passive infinitive of \emphaniz“\ (Matthew:27:53; strkjv@John:14:21f.|). For the phrase see strkjv@Psalms:42:3|. For this work of Christ as our High Priest and Paraclete in heaven see strkjv@Hebrews:7:25; strkjv@Romans:8:34; strkjv@1John:2:1f|.

rwp@Hebrews:9:26 @{Else must he often have suffered} (\epei edei auton pollakis pathein\). A common elliptical use of \epei\ after which one must supply "if that were true" or "in that case," a protasis of a condition of the second class assumed to be untrue. The conclusion with \edei\ is without \an\ (verbs of necessity, obligation, etc.). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 963. The conclusion with \an\ occurs in strkjv@10:2|. See also strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10|. "Since, if that were true, it would be necessary for him to suffer often." {Since the foundation of the world} (\apo katabolˆs kosmou\). See strkjv@4:3| for this phrase. The one sacrifice of Christ is of absolute and final value (1Peter:1:19f.; strkjv@Revelation:13:8|). {At the end} (\epi sunteleiƒi\). Consummation or completion as in strkjv@Matthew:13:39f.| which see. {Hath he been manifested} (\pephaner“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \phanero“\, permanent state. See "the primitive hymn or confession of faith" (Moffatt) in strkjv@1Timothy:3:16| and also strkjv@1Peter:1:20|. Jesus came once for all (Hebrews:1:2|). {To put away sin} (\eis athetˆsin tˆs hamartias\). See strkjv@7:18| for the word \athetˆsis\. "The sacrifice of Christ dealt with sin as a principle: the Levitical sacrifices with individual transgressions" (Vincent).

rwp@Hebrews:9:28 @{Once} (\hapax\). "Once for all" (verse 26|) as already stated. {Shall appear a second time} (\ek deuterou ophthˆsetai\). Future passive indicative of \hora“\. Blessed assurance of the Second Coming of Christ, but this time "apart from sin" (\ch“ris hamartias\, no notion of a second chance then). {Unto salvation} (\eis s“tˆrian\). Final and complete salvation for "them that wait for him" (\tois auton apekdechomenois\). Dative plural of the articular participle present middle of \apekdechomai\, the very verb used by Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:3:20| of waiting for the coming of Christ as Saviour.

rwp@Hebrews:10:2 @{Else they would not have ceased?} (\epei ouk an epausanto;\). Ellipsis of condition after \epei\ (since if they really did perfect) with the conclusion of the second-class condition (\an\ and the aorist middle indicative of \pauomai\). {To be offered} (\prospheromenai\). Regular idiom, participle (present passive) with \pauomai\ (Acts:5:42|). {Because} (\dia to\). \Dia\ with the accusative of the articular infinitive, "because of the having" (\echein\) as to the worshippers (\tous latreuontas\, accusative of general reference of the articular participle), not "would have had." {No more conscience of sins} (\mˆdemian eti suneidˆsin hamarti“n\). Rather "consciousness of sins" as in strkjv@9:14|. {Having been once cleansed} (\hapax kekatharismenous\). Perfect passive participle of \kathariz“\, "if they had once for all been cleansed."

rwp@Hebrews:10:5 @{When he cometh into the world} (\eiserchomenos eis ton kosmon\). Reference to the Incarnation of Christ who is represented as quoting strkjv@Psalms:40:7-9| which is quoted. The text of the LXX is followed in the main which differs from the Hebrew chiefly in having \s“ma\ (body) rather than \“tia\ (ears). The LXX translation has not altered the sense of the Psalm, "that there was a sacrifice which answered to the will of God as no animal sacrifice could" (Moffatt). Songs:the writer of Hebrews "argues that the Son's offering of himself is the true and final offering for sin, because it is the sacrifice, which, according to prophecy, God desired to be made" (Davidson). {A body didst thou prepare for me} (\s“ma katˆrtis“ moi\). First aorist middle indicative second person singular of \katartiz“\, to make ready, equip. Using \s“ma\ (body) for \“tia\ (ears) does not change the sense, for the ears were the point of contact with God's will.

rwp@Hebrews:10:6 @{Thou hadst no pleasure} (\ouk eudokˆsas\). First aorist active indicative of \eudoke“\, common for God's good pleasure (Matthew:3:17|). God took no pleasure in the animal offering (\thusian\), the meal-offering (\prosphoran\), the burnt-offering (\holokaut“mata\), the sin-offering (\peri hamartias\, concerning sin).

rwp@Hebrews:10:7 @{Then} (\tote\). When it was plain that God could not be propitiated by such sacrifices. {Lo, I am come} (\Idou hˆk“\). The Messiah is represented as offering himself to do God's will (\tou poiˆsai to thelˆma sou\, the genitive articular infinitive of purpose). {In the roll of the book it is written of me} (\en kephalidi bibliou gegraptai peri emou\). Stands written (\gegraptai\, perfect passive indicative). \Kephalis\ is a diminutive of \kephalˆ\ (head), a little head, then roll only here in N.T., but in the papyri. Here it refers "to the O.T. as a prediction of Christ's higher sacrifice" (Moffatt).

rwp@Hebrews:10:10 @{We have been sanctified} (\hˆgiasmenoi esmen\). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of \hagiaz“\, to set apart, to sanctify. The divine will, unfulfilled in animal sacrifices, is realized in Christ's offering of himself. "He came to be a great High Priest, and the body was prepared for him, that by the offering of it he might put sinful men for ever into the perfect religious relation to God" (Denney, _The Death of Christ_, p. 234).

rwp@Hebrews:10:11 @{Standeth} (\hestˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \histˆmi\ (intransitive), vivid picture. {Ministering and offering} (\leitourg“n kai prospher“n\). Present active participles graphically describing the priest. {Take away} (\perielein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \periaire“\, old verb to take from around, to remove utterly as in strkjv@Acts:27:20|.

rwp@Hebrews:10:12 @{When he had offered} (\prosenegkas\). Second aorist active participle (with first aorist ending \-as\ in place of \-on\) of \prospher“\, single act in contrast to present participle \prospher“n\ above. {One sacrifice} (\mian thusian\). This the main point. The one sacrifice does the work that the many failed to do. One wonders how priests who claim that the "mass" is the sacrifice of Christ's body repeated explain this verse. {For ever} (\eis to diˆnekes\). Can be construed either with \mian thusian\ or with \ekathisen\ (sat down). See strkjv@1:3| for \ekathisen\.

rwp@Hebrews:10:14 @{He hath perfected} (\tetelei“ken\). Perfect active indicative of \teleio“\. He has done what the old sacrifices failed to do (verse 1|). {Them that are sanctified} (\tous hagiazomenous\). Articular participle (accusative case) present passive of \hagiaz“\ (note perfect in verse 10|) either because of the process still going on or because of the repetition in so many persons as in strkjv@2:11|.

rwp@Hebrews:10:15 @{And the Holy Ghost also beareth witness to us} (\marturei de hˆmin kai to pneuma to hagion\). \Marture“\ is common in Philo for Scripture quotation. The author confirms his interpretation of strkjv@Psalms:40:7-9| by repeating from Jeremiah (Jeremiah:31:31ff.|) what he had already quoted (8:8-12|). {After he hath said} (\meta to eirˆkenai\). Accusative case after \meta\ of the articular infinitive perfect active, "after the having said."

rwp@Hebrews:10:16 @{With them} (\pros autous\). The author changes \t“i oik“i Israel\ (8:10|) thus without altering the sense. He also changes the order of "heart" (\kardias\) and "mind" (\dianoian\) from that in strkjv@8:10|.

rwp@Hebrews:10:17 @Here again the writer adds "their iniquities" (\t“n anomi“n\) to "sins" of strkjv@8:12| and reads \mnˆsthˆsomai\ (first future passive) with \ou mˆ\ rather than \mnˆsth“\ (first aorist passive subjunctive) of strkjv@8:12| (the more common idiom). It is uncertain also whether the writer means verse 17| to be the principal clause with 15,16| as subordinate or the whole quotation to be subordinate to \meta to eirˆkenai\ of verse 15| with anacoluthon in verse 18|. At any rate verse 17| in the quotation does not follow immediately after verse 16| as one can see in strkjv@8:10-12| (skipping part of strkjv@8:10| and all of strkjv@8:11|).

rwp@Hebrews:10:18 @{There is no more offering for sin} (\ouketi prosphora peri hamartias\). This is the logical and triumphant conclusion concerning the better sacrifice offered by Christ (9:13-10:18|). As Jeremiah had prophesied, there is actually remission (\aphesis\, removal) of sins. Repetition of the sacrifice is needless.

rwp@Hebrews:10:22 @{Let us draw near} (\proserch“metha\). Present middle volitive subjunctive as in strkjv@4:16| with which exhortation the discussion began. There are three exhortations in verses strkjv@22:25| (Let us draw near, \proserch“metha\, let us hold fast, \katech“men\, let us consider one another, \katano“men allˆlous\). Four items are added to this first exhortation. {With a true heart} (\meta alˆthinˆs kardias\). With loyalty and fealty. {In fulness of faith} (\en plˆrophoriƒi piste“s\). See strkjv@6:11| for this very phrase. {Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience} (\rerantismenoi tas kardias apo suneidˆse“s ponˆras\). Perfect passive participle of \rantiz“\ with the accusative retained in the passive, an evident allusion to the sprinkling of blood in the old tabernacle (9:18-22|) and the shedding of Christ's blood for the cleansing of our consciences (10:1-4|). Cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:2| for "the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ." {Our body washed with pure water} (\lelousmenoi to s“ma hudati kathar“i\). Perfect passive (or middle) of \lou“\, old verb to bathe, to wash. Accusative also retained if passive. \Hudati\ can be either locative (in) or instrumental (with). See strkjv@Ephesians:5:26; strkjv@Titus:3:5| for the use of \loutron\. If the reference here is to baptism (quite doubtful), the meaning is a symbol (Dods) of the previous cleansing by the blood of Christ.

rwp@Hebrews:10:23 @{Let us hold fast} (\katech“men\). Present (keep on holding fast) active volitive subjunctive of \katech“\ as in strkjv@3:6,14|. {That it waver not} (\aklinˆ\). Common compound adjective (alpha privative and \klin“\, unwavering, not leaning, here only in N.T. It is a confession of hope, not of despair. {That promised} (\ho epaggeilamenos\). First aorist middle articular participle of \epaggell“\. This is the argument remaining to be discussed (10:26-12:3|) and already alluded to (6:13f.; strkjv@8:6|). The ministry of Jesus rests upon "better promises." How better? God is "faithful," but he made the other promises also. We shall see.

rwp@Hebrews:10:26 @{If we sin wilfully} (\hekousi“s hamartanont“n hˆm“n\). Genitive absolute with the present active participle of \hamartan“\, circumstantial participle here in a conditional sense. {After that we have received} (\meta to labein\). "After the receiving" (accusative case of the articular infinitive second aorist active of \lamban“\ after \meta\). {Knowledge} (\epign“sin\). "Full knowledge," as in strkjv@6:4f|. {There remaineth no more} (\ouketi apoleipetai\). "No longer is there left behind" (present passive indicative as in strkjv@4:9|), for one has renounced the one and only sacrifice for sin that does or can remove sin (10:1-18|).

rwp@Hebrews:10:28 @{Hath set at naught} (\athetˆsas\). First aorist active participle of \athete“\, late compound, very common in LXX, from alpha privative and \tithˆmi\, to render null and void, to set aside, only here in Hebrews (see strkjv@Mark:7:9|), but note \athetˆsis\ (Hebrews:7:18; strkjv@9:26|). {Without mercy} (\ch“ris oiktirm“n\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3|. This was the law (Deuteronomy:17:6|) for apostates. {On the word of two or three} (\epi dusin ˆ trisin\). "On the basis of two or three." For this use of \epi\ with the locative see strkjv@9:17|.

rwp@Hebrews:10:29 @{How much} (\pos“i\). Instrumental case of degree or measure. An argument from the less to the greater, "the first of Hillel's seven rules for exegesis" (Moffatt). {Think ye} (\dokeite\). An appeal to their own sense of justice about apostates from Christ. {Sorer} (\cheironos\). "Worse," comparative of \kakos\ (bad). {Punishment} (\tim“rias\). Genitive case with \axi“thˆsetai\ (first future passive of \axio“\, to deem worthy). The word \tim“ria\ originally meant vengeance. Old word, in LXX, only here in N.T. {Who hath trodden under foot the Son of God} (\ho ton huion tou theou katapatˆsas\). First aorist active articular participle of \katapate“\, old verb (Matthew:5:13|) for scornful neglect like strkjv@Zechariah:12:3|. See same idea in strkjv@Hebrews:6:6|. {Wherewith he was sanctified} (\en h“i hˆgiasthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \hagiaz“\. It is an unspeakable tragedy that should warn every follower of Christ not to play with treachery to Christ (cf. strkjv@6:4-8|). {An unholy thing} (\koinon\). Common in the sense of uncleanness as Peter used it in strkjv@Acts:10:14|. Think of one who thus despises "the blood of Christ wherewith he was sanctified." And yet there are a few today who sneer at the blood of Christ and the gospel based on his atoning sacrifice as "a slaughter house" religion! {Hath done despite} (\enubrisas\). First aorist active participle of \enubriz“\, old verb to treat with contumely, to give insult to, here only in the N.T. It is a powerful word for insulting the Holy Spirit after receiving his blessings (6:4|).

rwp@Hebrews:10:31 @{A fearful thing} (\phoberon\). Old adjective (from \phobe“\, to frighten). In N.T. only in Heb. (10:27,31; strkjv@12:21|). The sense is not to be explained away. The wrath of God faces wrongdoers. {To fall} (\to empesein\). "The falling" (articular infinitive second aorist active of \empipt“\, to fall in, followed here by \eis\). We are not dealing with a dead or an absentee God, but one who is alive and alert (3:12|).

rwp@Hebrews:10:32 @{Call to remembrance} (\anamimnˆskesthe\). Present middle imperative of \anamimnˆsk“\, as in strkjv@2Corinthians:7:15| "remind yourselves." The former days were some distance in the past (5:12|), some years at any rate. It is a definite experience of people in a certain place. Jerusalem Christians had had experiences of this nature, but so had others. {After ye were enlightened} (\ph“tisthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \ph“tiz“\ in the same sense as in strkjv@6:4| (regeneration) and like "the full knowledge of the truth" in strkjv@10:26|. {Conflict} (\athlˆsin\). Late word from \athle“\, to engage in a public contest in the games (2Timothy:2:5|), only here in the N.T. It occurs in the inscriptions. Cf. strkjv@2:10| for the benefit of "sufferings" in training.

rwp@Hebrews:10:33 @{Partly} (\touto men\) {and partly} (\touto de\). Accusative of general reference (\touto\) with \men\ and \de\ for contrast. {Being made a gazing-stock} (\theatrizomenoi\). Late verb to bring upon the stage, to hold up to derision. See Paul's use of \theatron\ of himself in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:9|. {By reproaches and afflictions} (\oneidismois te kai thlipsesin\). Instrumental case. See strkjv@Romans:15:3|. {Partakers} (\koin“noi\). Partners (Luke:5:10|) with those (\t“n\ objective genitive). {Songs:used} (\hout“s anastrephomen“n\). Present middle articular participle of \anastreph“\, to conduct oneself (2Corinthians:1:12|).

rwp@Hebrews:10:34 @{Ye had compassion on} (\sunepathˆsate\). First aorist active indicative of \sunpathe“\, old verb to have a feeling with, to sympathize with. {Them that were in bonds} (\tois desmiois\). Associative instrumental case, "with the prisoners" (the bound ones). Used of Paul (Ephesians:3:1; strkjv@2Timothy:1:8|). {Took joyfully} (\meta charas prosedexasthe\). First aorist middle (indirect) indicative, "ye received to yourselves with joy." See strkjv@Romans:13:1,3; strkjv@15:7|. {The spoiling} (\tˆn harpagˆn\). "The seizing," "the plundering." Old word from \harpaz“\. See strkjv@Matthew:23:35|. {Of your possessions} (\t“n huparchont“n hum“n\). "Of your belongings." Genitive of the articular present active neuter plural participle of \huparch“\ used as a substantive (cf. \hum“n\ genitive) as in strkjv@Matthew:19:21|. {That ye yourselves have} (\echein heautous\). Infinitive (present active of \ech“\) in indirect discourse after \gin“skontes\ (knowing) with the accusative of general reference (\heautous\, as to yourselves), though some MSS. omit \heautous\, some have \heautois\ (dative, for yourselves), and some \en heautois\ (in yourselves). The predicate nominative \autoi\ could have been used agreeing with \gin“skontes\ (cf. strkjv@Romans:1:22|). {A better possession} (\kreissona huparxin\). Common word in the same sense as \ta huparchonta\ above, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:2:45|. In place of their plundered property they have treasures in heaven (Matthew:6:20|). {Abiding} (\menousan\). Present active participle of \men“\. No oppressors (legal or illegal) can rob them of this (Matthew:6:19ff.|).

rwp@Hebrews:10:35 @{Cast not away therefore your boldness} (\mˆ apobalˆte oun tˆn parrˆsian hum“n\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \apoball“\. Old verb to throw away from one as worthless, only twice in the N.T., here in a figurative sense and strkjv@Mark:10:50| in a literal sense (garment by Bartimaeus). The Jewish Christians in question were in peril of a panic and of stampeding away from Christ. Recall \katech“men\ in verse 23|.

rwp@Hebrews:10:37 @{A very little while} (\mikron hoson hoson\). From strkjv@Isaiah:26:20| as an introduction to the quotation from strkjv@Habbakkuk:2:3f|. {He that cometh} (\ho erchomenos\). The article \ho\ is added to \erchomenos\ in strkjv@Habbakkuk:2:3| and is given here a Messianic application.

rwp@Hebrews:11:2 @{Therein} (\en tautˆi\). That is, "in faith," feminine demonstrative referring to \pistis\. {The elders} (\hoi presbuteroi\). More nearly like "the fathers," not the technical sense of elders (officers) usual in the N.T., but more like "the tradition of the elders" (Mark:7:3,5; strkjv@Matthew:15:2|). {Had witness borne to them} (\emarturˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive of \marture“\ (cf. strkjv@7:8|), "were testified to."

rwp@Hebrews:11:3 @{By faith} (\pistei\). Instrumental case of \pistis\ which he now illustrates in a marvellous way. Each example as far as verse 31| is formally and with rhetorical skill introduced by \pistei\. After that only a summary is given. {We understand} (\nooumen\). Present active indicative of \noe“\, old verb (from \nous\, intellect) as in strkjv@Matthew:15:17; strkjv@Romans:1:20|. The author appeals to our knowledge of the world in which these heroes lived as an illustration of faith. Recent books by great scientists like Eddington and Jeans confirm the position here taken that a Supreme Mind is behind and before the universe. Science can only stand still in God's presence and believe like a little child. {The worlds} (\tous ai“nas\). "The ages" as in strkjv@1:2| (cf. Einstein's fourth dimension, time). Accusative case of general reference. {Have been framed} (\katˆrtisthai\). Perfect passive infinitive of \katartiz“\, to mend, to equip, to perfect (Luke:6:40|), in indirect discourse after \nooumen\. {Songs:that} (\eis to\). As a rule \eis to\ with the infinitive is final, but sometimes as here it expresses result as in strkjv@Romans:12:3| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1003). {Hath been made} (\gegonenai\). Perfect active infinitive of \ginomai\. {What is seen} (\to blepomenon\). Present passive articular participle (accusative case of general reference) of \blep“\. {Of things which do appear} (\ek phainomen“n\). Ablative case with \ek\ (out of) of the present passive participle. The author denies the eternity of matter, a common theory then and now, and places God before the visible universe as many modern scientists now gladly do.

rwp@Hebrews:11:4 @{A more excellent sacrifice} (\pleiona thusian\). Literally, "more sacrifice" (comparative of \polus\, much). For this rather free use of \plei“n\ with the point implied rather than stated see strkjv@Matthew:6:25; strkjv@Luke:10:31; strkjv@12:23; strkjv@Hebrews:3:3|. {Than Cain} (\para Kain\). For this use of \para\ after comparative see strkjv@1:4,9|. For the incident see strkjv@Genesis:4:4|. {Through which} (\di' hˆs\). The sacrifice (\thusia\). {He had Witness borne to him} (\emarturˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \marture“\ as in verse 2|, "he was witnessed to." {That he was righteous} (\einai dikaios\). Infinitive in indirect discourse after \emarturˆthˆ\, personal construction of \dikaios\ (predicate nominative after \einai\) agreeing with the subject of \emarturˆthˆ\ (cf. strkjv@Romans:1:22|, \einai sophoi\). {God bearing witness} (\marturountos tou theou\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \marture“\. {Through it} (\di' autˆs\). Through his faith (as shown by his sacrifice). Precisely why Abel's sacrifice was better than that of Cain apart from his faith is not shown. {Being dead} (\apothan“n\). Second aorist active participle of \apothnˆsk“\, "having died." {Yet speaketh} (\eti lalei\). Cf. strkjv@Genesis:4:10; strkjv@Hebrews:12:24|. Speaks still through his faith.

rwp@Hebrews:11:5 @{Was translated} (\metetethˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \metatithˆmi\, old verb to transpose, to change as in strkjv@7:12; strkjv@Acts:7:16|. {That he should not see death} (\tou mˆ idein thanaton\). Here again \tou\ with the infinitive usually expresses purpose, but in this case result is the idea as in strkjv@Matthew:21:23; strkjv@Romans:1:24; strkjv@7:3|, etc. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1002). {He was not found} (\ouch hˆurisketo\). Imperfect passive of \heurisk“\ from strkjv@Genesis:5:24|. Was still not found. {Translated} (\metethˆken\). First aorist active of same verb as \metetethˆ\ just before. {Translation} (\metathese“s\). Substantive from the same verb \metatithˆmi\, used already in strkjv@7:12| for change. See also strkjv@12:27|. Our very word "metathesis." {He hath had witness borne him} (\memarturˆtai\). Perfect passive indicative of \marture“\, stands on record still, "he has been testified to." {That he had been well-pleasing unto God} (\euarestˆkenai t“i the“i\). Perfect active infinitive of \euareste“\, late compound from \euarestos\ (well-pleasing), in N.T. only in strkjv@Hebrews:11:5f.; strkjv@13:16|. With dative case \the“i\. Quoted here from strkjv@Genesis:5:22,24|. The word is common of a servant pleasing his master.

rwp@Hebrews:11:7 @{Being warned of God} (\chrˆmatistheis\). First aorist passive participle of \chrˆmatiz“\, old word for oracular or divine communications as already in strkjv@8:5| (cf. strkjv@Matthew:2:12,22|, etc.). {Moved with godly fear} (\eulabˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \eulabeomai\, old verb from \eulabˆs\ (from \eu\ and \labein\, to take hold well or carefully), to show oneself \eulabˆs\, to act circumspectly or with reverence, here only in N.T. (save Textus Receptus in strkjv@Acts:23:10|), often in LXX. {An ark} (\kib“ton\). strkjv@Genesis:6:15; strkjv@Matthew:24:38|. Shaped like a box (cf. strkjv@Hebrews:9:4|). {Through which} (\di' hˆs\). Through his faith as shown in building the ark. {The world} (\ton kosmon\). Sinful humanity as in verse 38|. {Heir} (\klˆronomos\). In strkjv@2Peter:2:5| Noah is called "a preacher of righteousness" as here "heir of righteousness." He himself believed his message about the flood. Like Enoch he walked with God (Genesis:6:9|).

rwp@Hebrews:11:8 @{Not knowing whither he went} (\mˆ epistamenos pou erchetai\). Usual negative \mˆ\ with a participle (present middle from \epistamai\, old and common verb to put the mind on). Present middle indicative (\erchetai\) preserved in the indirect question after the secondary tense \exˆlthen\ (went out) from which \epistamenos\ gets its time. Abraham is a sublime and graphic example of faith. He did not even know where the land was that he was going to receive "as an inheritance" (\eis klˆronomian\).

rwp@Hebrews:11:10 @{He looked for} (\exedecheto\). Imperfect middle of \ekdechomai\ (see on ¯10:13|) picturesque progressive imperfect, his steady and patient waiting in spite of disappointment. {The foundations} (\tous themelious\). Not just "tents" (\skˆnais\, verse 9|). Ahraham set his steady gaze on heaven as his real home, being a mere pilgrim (\paroikos\) on earth. {Builder} (\technitˆs\). Old word from \technˆ\ (craft) or trade (Acts:17:29; strkjv@18:3|), craftsman, artificer, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:24,38|. {Maker} (\dˆmiourgos\). Old word from \dˆmios\ (public) and \ergon\, a worker for the public, artisan, framer, here only in N.T.

rwp@Hebrews:11:12 @{And that as good as dead} (\kai tauta nenekr“menou\). Accusative of general reference (\tauta\), sometimes singular as in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:8|. The perfect passive participle from \nekro“\, late verb to make dead, to treat as dead (Romans:4:19|), here by hyperbole. {By the sea shore} (\para to cheilos tˆs thalassˆs\). "Along the lip of the sea" (from strkjv@Genesis:22:17|), \cheilos\ here alone in this sense in the N.T. {Innumerable} (\anarithmˆtos\). Old compound verbal adjective (alpha privative and \arithme“\, to number), here alone in N.T.

rwp@Hebrews:11:13 @{In faith} (\kata pistin\). Here a break in the routine \pistei\ (by faith), "according to faith," either for literary variety "or to suggest \pistis\ as the sphere and standard of their characters" (Moffatt). {These all} (\houtoi pantes\). Those in verses 9-12| (Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob). {Not having the promises} (\mˆ komisamenoi tas epaggelias\). First aorist middle participle of \komiz“\, to obtain, as in strkjv@10:36; strkjv@11:39|. And yet the author mentions Abraham (6:15|) as having obtained the promise. He received the promise of the Messiah, but did not live to see the Messiah come as we have done. It is in this sense that we have "better promises." {Greeted them} (\aspasamenoi\). First aorist middle participle of \aspazomai\, to salute (Matthew:5:47|). Abraham rejoiced to see Christ's day in the dim distance (John:8:56|). {Strangers} (\zenoi\). Foreigners. "To reside abroad carried with it a certain stigma" (Moffatt). But they "confessed" it (Genesis:23:4; strkjv@47:9|). {Pilgrims} (\parepidˆmoi\). Late double compound (\para, epi, dˆmos\), a sojourner from another land, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:1:1; strkjv@2:11|.

rwp@Hebrews:11:17 @{Being tried} (\peirazomenos\). Present passive participle of \peiraz“\. The test was still going on. {Offered up} (\prosenˆnochen\). Perfect active indicative of \prospher“\, the verb so often used in this Epistle. The act was already consummated so far as Abraham was concerned when it was interrupted and it stands on record about him. See strkjv@Genesis:22:1-18|. {He that had gladly received the promises} (\ho tas epaggelias anadexamenos\). \Anadechomai\ is old verb to welcome, to entertain, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:28:7|. It seemed the death of his hopes. {Was offering up} (\prosepheren\). It is the imperfect of an interrupted action like \ekaloun\ in strkjv@Luke:1:59|.

rwp@Hebrews:11:18 @{To whom it was said} (\pros elalˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \lale“\ (Genesis:21:12|). God's very words were in the heart of Abraham now about Isaac "his only son" (\ton monogenˆ\. Cf. strkjv@Luke:7:12|).

rwp@Hebrews:11:19 @{Accounting} (\logisamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \logizomai\. Abraham had God's clear command that contravened God's previous promise. This was his solution of his difficult situation. {God is able} (\dunatai ho theos\). God had given him Isaac in his old age. God can raise him from the dead. It was Abraham's duty to obey God. {In a parable} (\en parabolˆi\). See already strkjv@9:9| for \parabolˆ\. Because of (\hothen\, whence) Abraham's superb faith Isaac was spared and so he received him back (\ekomisato\) as almost from the dead. This is the test that Abraham stood of which James speaks (James:2:23|).

rwp@Hebrews:11:22 @{When his end was nigh} (\teleut“n\). Present active participle of \teleuta“\, to finish or close (Matthew:2:19|), "finishing his life." {Of the departure} (\peri tˆs exodou\). Late compound for way out, exit as here, metaphorically of death as here (Luke:9:31; strkjv@2Peter:1:15|). {Concerning his bones} (\peri t“n oste“n autou\). Uncontracted form as in strkjv@Matthew:23:27|.

rwp@Hebrews:11:25 @{Choosing rather} (\mallon helomenos\). "Rather having chosen" (second aorist middle of \haire“\, to take for oneself a position). {To be entreated with} (\sunkakoucheisthai\). Present passive infinitive of the double compound \sunkakouche“\ (from \sun, kakos, ech“\), to treat ill with (associative instrumental case), only known example save one in the papyri (second century A.D.), though \kakouche“\ in strkjv@Hebrews:11:37; strkjv@13:3|. {To enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season} (\proskairon echein hamartias apolausin\). Literally, "to have temporary pleasure of sin." \Apolausis\ is old word from \apolau“\, to enjoy, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Timothy:6:17|. \Proskairos\ (from \pros, kairos\) is a common _Koin‚_ word as the antithesis to \ai“nios\ (eternal) as in strkjv@Matthew:13:21; strkjv@Mark:4:17; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:18| (only N.T. examples). To have been disloyal to God's people would have brought enjoyment to Moses in the Egyptian Court for a short while only.

rwp@Hebrews:11:27 @{Not fearing} (\mˆ phobˆtheis\). Negative \mˆ\ with first aorist passive participle of \phobe“\ here used transitively with the accusative as in strkjv@Matthew:10:26|. Moses did flee from Egypt after slaying the Egyptian (Exodus:2:15|), but the author omits that slaughter and ignores it as the dominant motive in the flight of Moses. \Thumon\ (wrath) is common in the N.T. (Luke:4:28|), though here only in Hebrews. {He endured} (\ekarterˆsen\). First aorist (constative) active indicative of \kartere“\, old word from \karteros\, strong, here only in N.T. Moses had made his choice before slaying the Egyptian. He stuck to its resolutely. {As seeing him who is invisible} (\ton aoraton h“s hor“n\). This is the secret of his choice and of his loyalty to God and to God's people. This is the secret of loyalty in any minister today who is the interpreter of God to man (2Corinthians:4:16-18|).

rwp@Hebrews:11:28 @{He kept} (\pepoiˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \poie“\, to make, "he has made," emphasizing the permanent nature of the feast. {The sprinkling of the blood} (\tˆn proschusin tou haimatos\). Rather, "the pouring of the blood" (\proschusis\ from \prosche“\, to pour upon), only here in the N.T. (earliest known example). An allusion to the command in strkjv@Exodus:12:7,22| but in the LXX \prosche“\ is the usual term for the act (Exodus:24:6; strkjv@29:16; strkjv@Leviticus:1:5,11; strkjv@Deuteronomy:16:6|). {That the destroyer of the first-born should not touch them} (\hina mˆ ho olothreu“n ta pr“totoka thigˆi aut“n\). Negative final clause with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \thiggan“\, old verb to touch with genitive, in the N.T. only here, strkjv@12:20; strkjv@Colossians:2:21|. The articular participle \ho olothreu“n\ is from strkjv@Exodus:11:23|. For \pr“totoka\ see strkjv@Luke:2:7; strkjv@Exodus:12:29|.

rwp@Hebrews:11:29 @{Which assaying to do} (\hˆs pieran labontes\). Literally, "of which taking trial" (second aorist active participle of \lamban“\, to take). The idiom \peiran lambanein\ occurs in strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:56|, in N.T. only here and verse 36|, though a classical idiom (Demosthenes, etc.). {Were swallowed up} (\katepothˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \katapin“\, to drink down, to swallow down (Matthew:23:24|).

rwp@Hebrews:11:30 @{Fell down} (\epesan\). "Fell," second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ with first aorist endings as often in the _Koin‚_. {After they had been compassed} (\kukl“thenta\). First aorist passive participle of \kuklo“\, old verb to encircle (from \kuklos\, circle) as in strkjv@Acts:14:20|. Antecedent action here.

rwp@Hebrews:11:31 @{Having received the spies with peace} (\dexamenˆ tous kataskopous met' eirˆnˆs\). First aorist middle participle of \dechomai\, to welcome (Luke:10:8,10|). \Kataskopos\ is an old compound (\kataskope“\, strkjv@Galatians:2:4|), used of scout or spy, in LXX, here only in N.T.

rwp@Hebrews:11:32 @{And what shall I more say?} (\Kai ti eti leg“;\). Deliberative present active subjunctive (same form as indicative, \leg“\). It is both a literary and an oratorical idiom here. He feels helpless to go on in the same style as he has done from Abel to Rahab (11:4-31|). {Will fail me if I tell about} (\epileipsei me diˆgoumenon peri\). Literally, "will leave me telling about." Present middle participle of \diˆgeomai\, to lead through, carry a discussion through, and masculine (disposing of Priscilla as possible author) with \me\. Vivid and picturesque description of the author's embarrassment of riches as he contemplates the long list of the heroes of faith during the long years in Palestine. He mentions six names (Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephtha, David, Samuel) and then summarizes the rest under "the prophets" (\t“n prophˆt“n\, the for-speakers for God) of whom Samuel was the leader.

rwp@Hebrews:11:37 @{They were stoned} (\elithasthˆsan\). Like Zechariah son of Jehoiada (2Chronicles:24:20|). "A characteristic Jewish punishment" (Vincent). First aorist passive indicative of \lithaz“\ (John:10:31|). {They were sawn asunder} (\epristhˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \pri“\ or \priz“\, old verb (\prion\, a saw). Cruel Jewish punishment (Amos:1:3|) said to have been inflicted on Isaiah. {They were tempted} (\epeirasthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \peiraz“\. The MSS. vary greatly in the text here and the order of these two items. This mild word seems an anticlimax after \epristhˆsan\. One of the seven brothers was fried (II Macc. strkjv@7:4) and so \eprˆsthesan\ (were burned) from \pimpra“\ (Acts:28:6|) has been suggested. {With the sword} (\en phon“i machairˆs\). "In (by) slaughter of the sword" (Ionic form of the genitive \machaires\ as in strkjv@Exodus:17:13; strkjv@Numbers:21:24|). The fate of unpopular prophets (1Kings:10:10; strkjv@Jeremiah:26:23|). {They went about} (\periˆlthon\). Constative aorist active indicative of \perierchomai\ (picturesque compound verb). Here the sufferings of the living. {In sheep skins} (\en mˆl“tais\). Late word from \mˆlon\ (sheep), rough garment of prophets as Elijah (1Kings:19:13,19|), here only in N.T. In Byzantine Greek a monk's garb. {In goatskins} (\en aigeiois dermasin\). \Derma\, old word from \der“\, to flay (Matthew:21:35|), here only in N.T. \Aigeios\, old adjective (from \aix\, goat), here only in N.T. {Being destitute} (\husteroumenoi\). Present passive participle of \hustere“\, old verb to be left behind, used by Paul of himself (2Corinthians:11:9|). {Afflicted} (\thlibomenoi\). Present passive participle of \thlib“\, common verb to oppress. {Evil entreated} (\kakouchoumenoi\). Present passive participle of \kakouche“\, late compound verb from obsolete \kakouchos\ (\kakos\ and \ech“\), in LXX (1Kings:2:26|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@13:3|. See \sunkakoucheisthai\ in strkjv@11:25|.

rwp@Hebrews:11:38 @{Of whom the world was not worthy} (\h“n ouk ˆn axios ho kosmos\) Graphic picture in a short parenthetical relative clause (\h“n\, genitive plural with \axios\), a phrase to stir the blood of the readers. {Wandering} (\plan“menoi\). Present middle participle of \plana“\, like lost sheep, hunted by wolves. {Caves} (\spˆlaiois\). Old word from \speos\ (cavern) as in strkjv@Matthew:21:13|. {Holes} (\opais\). Old word, perhaps from \ops\ (root of \hora“\, to see), opening, in N.T. only here and strkjv@James:3:11|. Cf. strkjv@1Kings:18:4|; II Macc. strkjv@5:27; strkjv@10:6 (about Judas Maccabeus and others).

rwp@Hebrews:11:40 @{God having provided} (\tou theou problepsamenou\). Genitive absolute with first aorist middle participle of \problep“\, late compound to foresee, here only in the N.T. {Some better thing} (\kreitton ti\). "Something better," "the better promises" of strkjv@8:6|. {That apart from us they should not be made perfect} (\hina mˆ ch“ris hˆm“n telei“th“sin\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \teleio“\. But this glorious and gracious purpose (foresight) of God is not due to any special merit in us. It is simply the fulness of the time in God's dispensation of grace of which we are the beneficiaries. But all the same and all the more (_noblesse oblige_), we should prove worthy of our heritage and of God's goodness to us and be loyal to Christ.

rwp@Hebrews:12:1 @{Therefore} (\toigaroun\). Triple compound inferential participle (\toi, gar, oun\) like the German _doch denn nun_, a conclusion of emphasis, old particle, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:8|. There should be no chapter division here, since strkjv@12:1-3| really is the climax in the whole argument about the better promises (10:19-12:3|) with a passionate appeal for loyalty to Christ. {Us also} (\kai hˆmeis\). We as well as "these all" of strkjv@11:39| and all the more because of the "something better" given us in the actual coming of Christ. {Compassed about} (\echontes perikeimenon\). Literally, "having (\echontes\, present active participle of \ech“\) lying around us" (\perikeimenon\, present middle participle of \perikeimai\, old verb as in strkjv@Luke:17:2|). {Cloud of witnesses} (\nephos martur“n\). Old word (Latin _nubes_), here only in the N.T., for vast mass of clouds. \Nephelˆ\ is a single cloud. The metaphor refers to the great amphitheatre with the arena for the runners and the tiers upon tiers of seats rising up like a cloud. The \martures\ here are not mere spectators (\theatai\), but testifiers (witnesses) who testify from their own experience (11:2,4,5,33,39|) to God's fulfilling his promises as shown in chapter strkjv@Hebrews:11|. {Laying aside} (\apothemenoi\). Second aorist-middle (indirect, from ourselves) participle of \apotithˆmi\, old verb as in strkjv@Colossians:3:8| (laying off old clothes). The runners ran in the stadium nearly naked. {Every weight} (\ogkon panta\). Old word (kin to \enegkein, pher“\) like \phortos, baros\. Here every encumbrance that handicaps like doubt, pride, sloth, anything. No trailing garment to hinder or trip one. {The sin which doth so easily beset us} (\tˆn euperistaton hamartian\). "The easily besetting sin." There are a dozen possible renderings of this double compound verbal from \eu\, well, and \periistˆmi\, to place around or to stand around (intransitive). The Vulgate has _circumstans nos peccatum_ (the sin standing around us). Probably this is the true idea here, "the easily encompassing (or surrounding) sin." In this case apostasy from Christ was that sin. In our cases it may be some other sin. The verbal adjective reminds one of the ring of wild beasts in the jungle that encircle the camp-fire at night each ready to pounce upon a careless victim. {Let us run} (\trech“men\). Present active volitive subjunctive of \trech“\, "let us keep on running." {With patience} (\di' hupomonˆs\). Not with impatience, doubt, or despair. {The race that is set before us} (\ton prokeimenon hˆmin ag“na\). Note the article and the present middle participle of \prokeimai\, old compound (already in strkjv@6:18|, and also in strkjv@12:2|). Dative case (\hˆmin\) of personal interest.

rwp@Hebrews:12:2 @{Looking unto} (\aphor“ntes eis\). Present active participle of \aphora“\, old verb to look away, "looking away to Jesus." In N.T. only here and strkjv@Phillipians:2:23|. Fix your eyes on Jesus, after a glance at "the cloud of witnesses," for he is the goal. Cf. Moses in strkjv@11:26| (\apeblepen\). {The author} (\ton archˆgon\). See strkjv@2:10| for this word. "The pioneer of personal faith" (Moffatt). {Perfecter} (\telei“tˆn\). A word apparently coined by the writer from \teleio“\ as it has been found nowhere else. Vulgate has _consummator_. {For the joy} (\anti tˆs charas\). Answering to, in exchange for (verse 16|), at the end of the race lay the joy "set before him" (\prokeimenˆs aut“i\), while here was the Cross (\stauron\) at this end (the beginning of the race) which he endured (\hupemeinen\, aorist active indicative of \hupomen“\), {despising shame} (\aischunˆs kataphronˆsas\). The cross at his time brought only shame (most shameful of deaths, "yea, the death of the cross" strkjv@Phillipians:2:8|). But Jesus despised that, in spite of the momentary shrinking from it, and did his Father's will by submitting to it. {Hath sat down} (\kekathiken\). Perfect active indicative of \kathiz“\, and still is there (1:3|).

rwp@Hebrews:12:3 @{Consider} (\analogisasthe\). First aorist middle imperative of \analogizomai\, old word to reckon up, to compare, to weigh, only here in the N.T. See \katanoˆsate\ in strkjv@3:1|. Understanding Jesus is the key to the whole problem, the cure for doubt and hesitation. {Endured} (\hupomemenˆkota\). Perfect active participle of the same verb \hupomen“\ used in verse 2|. {Gainsaying} (\antilogian\). Old word from \antilogos\ (from \antileg“\), already in strkjv@6:16; strkjv@7:7|. {Of sinners} (\hupo t“n hamart“l“n\). "By sinners." {Against themselves} (\eis heautous\). Against their better selves if a genuine reading. But \eis heauton\ (against himself), against Christ, is far more likely correct. {That ye wax not weary} (\hina mˆ kamˆte\). Negative final clause with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \kamn“\, old verb to be weary as here or sick as in strkjv@James:5:15|. {Fainting in your souls} (\tais psuchais hum“n ekluomenoi\). Present passive participle of \eklu“\, old verb to loosen out, to set free, and in passive to be enfeebled, to be tired out (here in soul with locative case), as in verse 5|. The rest of the Epistle drives home the argument.

rwp@Hebrews:12:4 @{Resisted} (\antikatestˆte\). Second aorist active indicative (intransitive) of the double compound \antikathistˆmi\, old verb to stand in opposition against in line of battle, intransitively to stand face to face (\anti\) against (\kata\), here only in the N.T. {Unto blood} (\mechris haimatos\). "Up to blood." As was true of Jesus and many of the other heroes of faith in chapter strkjv@Hebrews:11|. {Striving} (\antag“nizomenoi\). Present middle participle of \antag“nizomai\, old verb with the same figure in \antikatestˆte\. {Against sin} (\pros hamartian\). Face to face with sin as in verse 1|.

rwp@Hebrews:12:8 @{If ye are without chastening} (\ei ch“ris este paideias\). Condition of first class, determined as fulfilled. Note position of \este\ (are) between the preposition \ch“ris\ and \paideias\ (ablative case). {Have been made} (\gegonasin\). Perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. {Partakers} (\metochoi\). Partners (3:14|). {Then} (\ara\). Accordingly, correspondingly. {Bastards} (\nothoi\). Old word, here only in N.T. Illegitimate.

rwp@Hebrews:12:9 @{Furthermore} (\eita\). The next step in the argument (Mark:4:17|). {We had} (\eichomen\). Imperfect indicative of customary action, "we used to have." {To chasten us} (\paideutas\). Predicate accusative after \eichomen\, "as chasteners." Old word from \paideu“\, as agent (\-tˆs\). Only once in LXX (Hosea:5:2|) and twice in N.T. (here and strkjv@Romans:2:20|). {We gave them reverence} (\enetrepometha\). Imperfect middle of old word \entrep“\, to turn in or at. Here "we turned ourselves to" as in strkjv@Matthew:21:37|, habitual attitude of reverence. {Shall we be in subjection} (\hupotagˆsometha\). Second future passive of \hupotass“\. There is no \de\ here to correspond to \men\ in the first part of the verse. {Unto the father of spirits} (\t“i patri t“n pneumat“n\). Rather, "Unto the Father of our spirits" (note article \ton\). As God is.

rwp@Hebrews:12:10 @{They} (\hoi men\). Demonstrative \hoi\ in contrast (\men\). {Chastened} (\epaideuon\). Imperfect active, used to chasten. {As seemed good to them} (\kata to dokoun autois\). "According to the thing seeming good to them." \Dokoun\ is present active neuter singular articular participle of \doke“\. {But he} (\ho de\). Demonstrative with \de\ vs. \men\. {For our profit} (\epi to sumpheron\). Present active articular neuter singular participle of \sumpher“\, to bear together as in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:7|. {That we may be partakers} (\eis to metalabein\). Articular second aorist active infinitive of \metalamban“\ with \eis\ for purpose, "for the partaking." {Of his holiness} (\tˆs hagiotˆtos autou\). Genitive with \metalabein\ (to share in). Rare word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:1:12|.

rwp@Hebrews:12:11 @{For the present} (\pros to paron\). A classical phrase (Thucydides), \pros\ with the accusative neuter singular articular participle of \pareimi\, to be beside. {Not joyous, but grievous} (\ou charas, alla lupˆs\). Predicate ablative (springing from) or predicate genitive (marked by). Either makes sense, but note predicate ablative in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:7| (\kai tou theou kai mˆ ex hˆm“n\). {Peaceable fruit} (\karpon eirˆnikon\). Old adjective from \eirˆnˆ\ (peace), in N.T. only here and strkjv@James:3:17|. Peaceable after the chastening is over. {Exercised thereby} (\di' autˆs gegumnasmenois\). Perfect passive participle (dative case) of \gumnaz“\, state of completion, picturing the discipline as a gymnasium like strkjv@5:14; strkjv@1Timothy:4:17|.

rwp@Hebrews:12:12 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of the chastening. {Lift up} (\anorth“sate\). First aorist active imperative of \anortho“\, old compound (from \ana, orthos\) to make straight, in N.T. here and strkjv@Luke:13:13; strkjv@Acts:15:16|. {Hang down} (\pareimenas\). Perfect passive participle of \pariˆmi\, old verb to let pass, to relax, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:11:42|. {Palsied} (\paralelumena\). Perfect passive participle of \paralu“\, old verb to loosen on the side, to dissolve, to paralyze (Luke:5:18,24|).

rwp@Hebrews:12:15 @{Looking carefully} (\episkopountes\). Present active participle of \episkope“\, to have oversight, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:5:2|. Cf. \episcopos\ (bishop). {Lest there be any man} (\mˆ tis\). Negative purpose clause with \ei\ (present active subjunctive) omitted. {Falleth short of} (\huster“n apo\). Present active participle of \hustere“\ (see strkjv@4:1|) agreeing with \tis\. Followed here by \apo\ and the ablative. {Root of bitterness}. (\riza pikrias\). Quoted from strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:18|. Vivid picture. {Springing up} (\an“ phuousa\). Present active participle of \phu“\, to sprout. Pictured here as a quick process. Also from strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:18|. {Trouble} (\enochlˆi\). Present active subjunctive (in final clause with \mˆ tis\) of \enochle“\, old verb to trouble with a crowd, to annoy. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:6:18|. {Be defiled} (\mianth“sin\). First aorist passive subjunctive (in final clause with \mˆ\) of \mian“\, old verb to dye, to stain, to defile as in strkjv@Titus:1:15| (the conscience). The contagion of sin is terrible as any disease.

rwp@Hebrews:12:18 @{Ye are not come} (\ou proselˆluthate\). Perfect active indicative of \proserchomai\. There is no word here in the Greek for "a mount" like \orei\ in verses 20,22| (and strkjv@Exodus:19:12f.; strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:11|), but it is clearly understood since the dative participles agree with it unless they be taken as descriptive of \puri\ ("a palpable and kindled fire " when \puri\ would be the dative case after \proselˆluthate\). {That might be touched} (\psˆlaph“men“i\). Present passive participle (dative case) of \psˆlapha“\, old verb to handle, to touch (Luke:24:39|). {That burned with fire} (\kekaumen“i puri\). Perfect passive participle of \kai“\, old verb to burn, with instrumental case \puri\ (fire), unless the other view (above) is correct.

rwp@Hebrews:12:19 @{Unto blackness} (\gnoph“i\). Dative case of \gnophos\ (late form for earlier \dnophos\ and kin to \nephos\, cloud), here only in N.T. Quoted here from strkjv@Exodus:10:22|. {Darkness} (\zoph“i\). Old word, in Homer for the gloom of the world below. In the Symmachus Version of strkjv@Exodus:10:22|, also in strkjv@Jude:1:6; strkjv@2Peter:2:4,15|. {Tempest} (\thuellˆi\). Old word from \thu“\ (to boil, to rage), a hurricane, here only in N.T. From strkjv@Exodus:10:22|. {The sound of a trumpet} (\salpiggos ˆch“i\). From strkjv@Exodus:19:16|. \Echos\ is an old word (our \echo\) as in strkjv@Luke:21:25; strkjv@Acts:2:2|. {The voice of words} (\ph“nˆi rˆmat“n\). From strkjv@Exodus:19:19; strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:12|. {Which voice} (\hˆs\). Relative referring to \ph“nˆ\ (voice) just before, genitive case with \akousantes\ (heard, aorist active participle). {Intreated} (\parˆitˆsanto\). First aorist middle (indirect) indicative of \paraiteomai\, old verb, to ask from alongside (Mark:15:6|), then to beg away from oneself, to depreciate as here, to decline (Acts:25:11|), to excuse (Luke:14:18|), to avoid (1Timothy:4:7|). {That no word should be spoken unto them} (\prostethˆnai autois logon\). First aorist passive infinitive of \prostithˆmi\, old word to add, here with accusative of general reference (\logon\), "that no word be added unto them." Some MSS. have here a redundant negative \mˆ\ with the infinitive because of the negative idea in \parˆitˆsanto\ as in strkjv@Galatians:5:7|.

rwp@Hebrews:12:20 @{For they could not endure} (\ouk epheron gar\). Imperfect active of \pher“\, "for they were not enduring (bearing)." {That which was enjoined} (\to diastellomenon\). Present passive articular participle of \diastell“\, old verb to distinguish, to dispose, to order. The quotation is from strkjv@Exodus:19:12f|. The people appealed to Moses (Exodus:20:19|) and the leaders did so also (Deuteronomy:5:23f.|), both in terror. {If even} (\kan\). "Even if." Condition of third class with second aorist active subjunctive of \thiggan“\ as in strkjv@11:28|, followed by genitive \orous\ (mountain). {It shall be stoned} (\lithobolˆthˆsetai\). From strkjv@Exodus:19:13|. Late compound verb from \lithobolos\ (from \lithos, ball“\) as in strkjv@Matthew:21:35|.

rwp@Hebrews:12:21 @{Fearful} (\phoberon\). As in strkjv@10:27,31|, only in Heb. in N.T. {The appearance} (\to phantazomenon\). Present passive articular participle of \phantaz“\, old verb from \phain“\, to make visible, here only in N.T. "The manifestation." {I exceedingly fear and quake} (\ekphobos eimi kai entromos\). "I am terrified (\ekphobos\, late compound like \ekphobe“\, to frighten, strkjv@Mark:9:6|) and trembling" (\entromos\, late compound like \entrem“\, to tremble at, as in strkjv@Acts:7:32; strkjv@16:29|). \Ekphobos\ is quoted from strkjv@Deuteronomy:9:19|.

rwp@Hebrews:12:23 @{To the general assembly} (\panˆgurei\). Old word (from \pas\ and \aguris, ageir“\). Here only in N.T. \Panˆguriz“\ occurs in strkjv@Isaiah:66:10| for keeping a festal holiday. Possibly to be connected with \aggel“n\, though not certain. {Church of the firstborn} (\ekklˆsiƒi pr“totok“n\). Probably an additional item besides the angelic host as the people of Israel are called firstborn (Exodus:4:22|). The word \ekklˆsia\ here has the general sense of all the redeemed, as in strkjv@Matthew:16:18; strkjv@Colossians:1:18; strkjv@Ephesians:5:24-32|, and equivalent to the kingdom of God. {Who are enrolled in heaven} (\apogegrammen“n en ouranois\). Perfect passive participle of \apograph“\, old verb to write off, to copy, to enroll as in strkjv@Luke:2:1,3,5| (only N.T. examples). Enrolled as citizens of heaven even while on earth (Luke:10:20; strkjv@Phillipians:1:27; strkjv@3:20; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@Revelation:13:8|, etc.). {To God the Judge of all} (\kritˆi the“i pant“n\). All these chief substantives in the dative case. People should not forget that God is the Judge of all men. {Made perfect} (\tetelei“men“n\). Perfect passive participle of \teleio“\, perfected at last (11:40|).

rwp@Hebrews:12:25 @{See} (\blepete\). Earnest word as in strkjv@3:12|. Driving home the whole argument of the Epistle by this powerful contrast between Mount Zion and Mount Sinai. The consequences are dreadful to apostates now, for Zion has greater terrors than Sinai, great as those were. {That ye refuse not} (\mˆ paraitˆsˆsthe\). Negative purpose with \mˆ\ and the first aorist middle subjunctive of \paraiteomai\, the same verb used in verse 19| about the conduct of the Israelites at Sinai and also below. {Him that speaketh} (\ton lalounta\). Present active articular participle of \lale“\ as in verse 24| (Jesus speaking by his blood). {For if they did not escape} (\ei gar ekeinoi ouk exephugon\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and second aorist active indicative of \ekpheug“\, to escape. Direct reference to Sinai with use of the same verb again (\paraitˆsamenoi\, when they refused). {Him that warned} (\ton chrˆmatizonta\). That is Moses. For \chrˆmatiz“\ see strkjv@8:5; strkjv@11:7|. {Much more we} (\polu mallon hˆmeis\). Argument from the less to the greater, \polu\, adverbial accusative case. The verb has to be supplied from the condition, "We shall not escape." Our chance to escape is far less, "we who turn away (\apostrephomenoi\, middle participle, turn ourselves away from) the one from heaven (\ton ap' ouran“n\)," God speaking through his Son (1:2|).

rwp@Hebrews:12:27 @{And this word} (\to de\). He uses the article to point out "\eti hapax\" which he explains (\dˆloi\, signifies, present active indicative of \dˆlo“\). {The removing} (\tˆn metathesin\). For this word see strkjv@7:12; strkjv@11:5|. For the transitory nature of the world see strkjv@1Corinthians:7:31; strkjv@1John:2:17|. "There is a divine purpose in the cosmic catastrophe" (Moffatt). {Made} (\pepoiˆmen“n\). Perfect passive participle of \poie“\. Made by God, but made to pass away. {That those things which are not shaken may remain} (\hina meinˆi ta mˆ saleuomena\). Final clause with \mˆ\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \men“\. The Kingdom of God is not shaken, fearful as some saints are about it.

rwp@Hebrews:12:29 @{A consuming fire} (\pur katanaliskon\). From strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:24|. Present active participle of \katanalisk“\, old compound verb, here only in the N.T. This verse is to be coupled with strkjv@10:31|.

rwp@Hebrews:13:1 @{Brotherly love} (\philadelphia\). Late word from \philadelphos\ (1Peter:3:8|). See strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:9|. It is always in order in a church. {To show love unto strangers} (\tˆs philoxenias\). Old word for hospitality, from \philoxenos\ (1Timothy:3:2|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:12:3|. In genitive case with \epilanthanesthe\ (present middle imperative, cf. strkjv@Hebrews:6:10|). {Have entertained angels unawares} (\elathon xenisantes aggelous\). Second aorist active indicative of \lanthan“\, old verb to escape notice and first aorist active participle of \xeniz“\, old verb to entertain a guest (\xenos\, stranger), according to a classic idiom seen with \lanthan“, tugchan“, phthan“\, by which the chief idea is expressed by the participle (supplementary participle), here meaning, "some escaped notice when entertaining angels." The reference is to strkjv@Genesis:18; 19| (Abraham and Sarah did this very thing).

rwp@Hebrews:13:2 @{As bound with them} (\h“s sundedemenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \sunde“\, old verb, here only in N.T. For sympathy with prisoners see strkjv@10:34|. {As being yourselves also in the body} (\h“s kai autoi ontes en s“mati\). And so subject to evil treatment. See strkjv@11:37| for \kakouche“\ and strkjv@11:25| for \sunkakouche“\.

rwp@Hebrews:13:5 @{Be ye free from the love of money} (\aphilarguros ho tropos\). No copula, but supply \esto\: "Let your manner of life (\tropos\, way, strkjv@Matthew:23:37|), be without love of money" (\aphilarguros\, double compound), once found only in the N.T., here and strkjv@1Timothy:3:3|, but now several times--or the adverb \aphilargur“s\ --in papyri and inscriptions (Deissmann, _Light_, etc., pp. 85f.). Alpha privative and \philos\ and \arguros\. The N.T. is full of the peril of money on the character as modern life is also. {Content with such things as ye have} (\arkoumenoi tois parousin\). Present passive participle of \arke“\, to suffice, to be content as in strkjv@Luke:3:14|. Cf. \autarkˆs\ in strkjv@Phillipians:4:11|. Here in the nominative plural with no substantive or pronoun (anacoluthon, as in strkjv@2Corinthians:1:7|) or the participle used as a principal verb as in strkjv@Romans:12:16|. "Contented with the present things" (\tois parousin\, associative instrumental case of \ta paronta\, present active neuter plural participle of \pareimi\, to be present or on hand). {For himself hath said} (\autos gar eirˆken\). God himself as in strkjv@Acts:20:33| of Christ. Perfect active indicative as in strkjv@1:13; strkjv@4:3f.; strkjv@10:9|. The quotation is a free paraphrase of strkjv@Genesis:28:15; strkjv@Deuteronomy:31:8; strkjv@Joshua:1:5; strkjv@1Chronicles:28:20|. Philo (de Confus. Ling. 32) has it in this form, "a popular paraphrase" (Moffatt). Note the five negatives strengthening each other (\ou mˆ\ with the second aorist active subjunctive \an“\ from \aniˆmi\, to relate, as in strkjv@Acts:16:26|; \oud' ou mˆ\ with second aorist active subjunctive \egkatalip“\ from \egkataleip“\, to leave behind, as in strkjv@Matthew:27:46; strkjv@2Timothy:4:10|). A noble promise in times of depression.

rwp@Hebrews:13:6 @{Songs:that we say} (\h“ste hˆmas legein\). The usual construction (the infinitive) with \h“ste\ in the _Koin‚_ even when the idea is result instead of purpose. The accusative \hˆmas\ is that of general reference. {With good courage} (\tharrountas\). Present active participle of \tharre“\ (Ionic and early Attic \tharse“\, strkjv@Matthew:9:2|) as in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:6,8|. The accusative agreeing with \hˆmas\, "being of good courage." The quotation is from strkjv@Psalms:118:6|. {My helper} (\emoi boˆthos\). "Helper to me" (ethical dative \emoi\). \Boˆthos\ is old adjective (cf. \boˆthe“\, to help, strkjv@2:18|), often in LXX as substantive, here only in N.T. {I will not fear} (\ou phobˆthˆsomai\). Volitive first future passive of \phobeomai\.

rwp@Hebrews:13:7 @{Remember} (\mnˆmoneuete\). Present active imperative of \mnˆmoneu“\, old verb to be _mindful_ of (from \mnˆm“n\, mindful) with genitive (John:15:20|) or accusative (Matthew:16:9|). "Keep in mind." Cf. strkjv@11:22|. {Them that had the rule over you} (\t“n hˆgoumen“n hum“n\). Present middle participle of \hˆgeomai\ with genitive of the person (\hum“n\) as in verses 17,24|. The author reminds them of the founders of their church in addition to the long list of heroes in chapter strkjv@Acts:11|. See a like exhortation to respect and follow their leaders in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:12f|. Few lessons are harder for the average Christian to learn, viz., good following. {The word of God} (\ton logon tou theou\). The preaching of these early disciples, apostles, and prophets (1Corinthians:1:17|). {And considering the issue of their life} (\h“n anathe“rountes tˆn ekbasin tˆs anastrophˆs\). No "and" in the Greek, but the relative \h“n\ (whose) in the genitive case after \anastrophˆs\, "considering the issue of whose life." Present active participle of \anathe“re“\, late compound, to look up a subject, to investigate, to observe accurately, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:17:23|. \Ekbasis\ is an old word from \ekbain“\, to go out (Hebrews:11:15|, here only in N.T.), originally way out (1Corinthians:10:13|), but here (only other N.T. example) in sense of end or issue as in several papyri examples (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). {Imitate their faith} (\mimeisthe tˆn pistin\). Present middle imperative of \mimeomai\, old verb (from \mimos\, actor, mimic), in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:7,9; strkjv@3John:1:11|. Keep on imitating the faith of the leaders.

rwp@Hebrews:13:9 @{Be not carried away} (\mˆ parapheresthe\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present passive imperative of \parapher“\, old verb to lead along (Jude:1:12|), to carry past (Mark:14:36|), to lead astray as here. {By divers and strange teachings} (\didachais poikilais kai xenais\). For \poikilos\ (many coloured) see strkjv@2:4|. \Xenos\ for guest we have had in strkjv@11:13|, but here as adjective meaning unheard of (1Peter:4:12|) as in older Greek also. The new is not always wrong any more than the old is always right (Matthew:13:52|). But the air was already full of new and strange teachings that fascinated many by their very novelty. The warning here is always needed. Cf. strkjv@Galatians:1:6-9; strkjv@2Timothy:3:16|. {That the heart be established by grace} (\chariti bebaiousthai tˆn kardian\). Present passive infinitive of \bebaio“\ (from \bain“\) to make stable with the instrumental case \chariti\ (by grace) and the accusative of general reference (\tˆn kardian\). How true it is that in the atmosphere of so many windy theories only the heart is stable that has an experience of God's grace in Christ. {That occupied themselves} (\hoi peripatountes\). "That walked" in the ritualistic Jewish rules about meats. {Were not profited} (\ouk “phelˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \“phele“\, to help. Mere Jewish ceremonialism and ritualism failed to build up the spiritual life. It was sheer folly to give up Christ for Pharisaism or for Moses.

rwp@Hebrews:13:13 @{Let us therefore go forth to him} (\toinun exerch“metha pros auton\). Inferential particle (\toi, nun\), usually post-positive (Luke:20:25; strkjv@1Corinthians:9:26|) only N.T. examples. Present middle volitive subjunctive of \exerchomai\. "Let us keep on going out there to him." If a separation has to come between Judaism and Christianity, let us give up Judaism, and go out to Christ "outside the camp" and take our stand with him there on Golgotha, "bearing his reproach (\ton oneidismon autou pherontes\) as Jesus himself endured the Cross despising the shame (12:2|) and as Moses accepted "the reproach of the Messiah" (11:26|) in his day. The only decent place for the follower of Christ is beside the Cross of Christ with the reproach and the power (Romans:8:1f.|) in it. This is the great passionate plea of the whole Epistle.

rwp@Hebrews:13:17 @{Obey} (\peithesthe\). Present middle imperative of \peith“\ with dative case. {Submit} (\hupeikete\). Present active imperative of \hupeik“\, old compound to yield under, to give up. Here only in N.T. {They watch} (\agrupnousin\). Present active indicative of \agrupne“\ old verb (from \agre“\, to search, \hupnos\, sleep), to seek after sleep, to be sleepless, be watchful (Mark:13:33|). {As they that shall give account} (\h“s logon apod“sontes\). Regular Greek idiom with \h“s\ and the future participle. For \logon apodid“mi\, to render account, see strkjv@Matthew:12:36|. These leaders as good shepherds recognize keenly their responsibility for the welfare of the flock. {And not with grief} (\kai mˆ stenazontes\). "And not groaning" (cf. strkjv@Romans:8:23|). {Unprofitable} (\alusiteles\). Old double compound adjective (alpha privative and \lusitelˆs\ and this from \lu“\, to pay, and \telos\, tax, useful or profitable as strkjv@Luke:17:2|), not profitable, not advantageous, by _litotes_, hurtful, pernicious. Common rhetorical _litotes_, here only in N.T.

rwp@Hebrews:13:20 @{The God of peace} (\ho theos tˆs eirˆnˆs\). God is the author and giver of peace, a Pauline phrase (6 times) as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:23|. {Who brought again from the dead} (\ho anagag“n ek nekr“n\). Second aorist active articular participle of \anag“\ (cf. strkjv@Romans:10:7|), the only direct mention of the resurrection of Jesus in the Epistle, though implied often (1:3|, etc.). {That great shepherd of the sheep} (\ton poimena t“n probat“n ton megan\). This phrase occurs in strkjv@Isaiah:63:11| except \ton megan\ which the author adds as in strkjv@4:14; strkjv@10:21|. Songs:here, "the shepherd of the sheep the great one." {With the blood of the eternal covenant} (\en haimati diathˆkˆs ai“niou\). This language is from strkjv@Zechariah:9:11|. The language reminds us of Christ's own words in strkjv@Mark:14:24| (Matthew:26:28; strkjv@Luke:22:20; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:25|) about "my blood of the covenant."

rwp@Hebrews:13:21 @{Make you perfect} (\katartisai\). First aorist active optative of \katartiz“\, to equip, as in strkjv@10:5|. A wish for the future. See strkjv@1Corinthians:1:10; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11; strkjv@2Timothy:3:17|. {Working in us} (\poi“n en hemin\). "Doing in us." Some MSS. read "in you." {Well-pleasing} (\euareston\). Compound adjective (\eu, arestos\). Usually with the dative (Romans:12:2|), here with \en“pion autou\ more like the Hebrew. This is one of the noblest doxologies in the N.T.

rwp@Hebrews:13:23 @{Hath been set at liberty} (\apolelumenon\). Perfect passive participle of \apolu“\, to set free, in indirect discourse after \gin“skete\. Possibly from prison if he came to Rome at Paul's request (2Timothy:4:11,21|). {Shortly} (\tacheion\). Same comparative as in verse 19|, "sooner" than I expect (?).

rwp@Info_James @ THE EPISTLE OF JAMES BEFORE A.D. 50 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION THE AUTHOR He claims to be James, and so the book is not anonymous. It is either genuine or pseudonymous. He does not claim to be the brother of the Lord Jesus, as one might expect. James the brother of John was put to death by Herod Agrippa I about A.D. 44 (Acts:12:2|). But James the brother of Jesus (Galatians:1:19|) was still alive and became a leader of the church in Jerusalem (Acts:12:17|), presiding over the Conference in Jerusalem (Acts:15:13-21|) and apparently writing the message from the Conference to the Gentile churches (Acts:15:22-29|), and was still the leading elder in Jerusalem on Paul's last visit (Acts:21:18-25|). James does not claim here to be an apostle and he was not one of the twelve apostles, and the dispute about accepting it of which Eusebius spoke was about its apostolicity since James was only an apostle by implication (Galatians:1:19|) in the general sense of that term like Barnabas (Acts:14:14|), perhaps Silas and Timothy (1Thessalonians:2:7|), certainly not on a par with Paul, who claimed equality with the twelve. James, like the other brothers of Jesus, had once disbelieved his claims to be the Messiah (John:7:6f.|), but he was won by a special vision of the Risen Christ (1Corinthians:15:7|) and was in the upper room before the great pentecost (Acts:1:14|). It is plain that he had much to overcome as a zealous Jew to become a Christian, though he was not a mere cousin of Jesus or a son of Joseph by a former marriage. He was strictly the half-brother of Jesus, since Joseph was not the actual father of Jesus. There is no reason to believe that he was a Nazirite. We know that he was married (1Corinthians:9:5|). He came to be called James the Just and was considered very devout. The Judaizers had counted on him to agree with them against Paul and Barnabas, but he boldly stood for Gentile freedom from the ceremonial law. The Judaizers still claimed him at Antioch and used his name wrongly to frighten Peter thereby (Galatians:2:12|). But to the end he remained the loyal friend to Paul and his gospel rightly understood (Acts:21:18-25|). Clement of Alexandria (_Hypot_. vii) says that, when he bore strong testimony to Jesus as the Son of man, they flung him down from the gable of the temple, stoned him, and beat him to death with a club. But Josephus (_Ant_. XX. ix. I) says that the Sadducees about A.D. 62 had James and some others brought before the Sanhedrin (Ananus presiding) and had them stoned as transgressors of the law. At any rate he won a martyr's crown like Stephen and James the brother of John.

rwp@Info_James @ THE STYLE James assumes the doctrinal features of Christianity, but he is concerned mainly with the ethical and social aspects of the gospel that Jewish followers of Christ may square their lives with the gospel which they believe and profess. But this fact does not justify Luther in calling the Epistle of James "a veritable Epistle of straw." Luther imagined that James contradicted Paul's teaching of justification by faith. That is not true and the criticism of Luther is unjust. We shall see that, though James and Paul use the same words (faith, works, justify), they mean different things by them. It is possible that both Paul and Peter had read the Epistle of James, though by no means certain. M. Jones (_New Testament in the Twentieth Century_, p. 316) thinks that the author was familiar with Stoic philosophy. This is also possible, though he may have learned it only indirectly through the Wisdom of Solomon and Philo. What is true is that the author writes in the easy and accurate _Koin‚_ Greek of a cultivated Jew (the literary _Koin‚_, not the vernacular), though not the artificial or stilted language of a professional stylist. Principal Patrick (_James the Lord's Brother_, p. 298) holds that he "had a wide knowledge of Classical Greek." This does not follow, though he does use the manner "of the Hellenistic diatribe" (Ropes, _Int. and Crit. Comm_., p. 19) so common at that time. Ropes (pp. 10-22) points out numerous parallels between James and the popular moral addresses of the period, familiar since the days of Socrates and at its height in Seneca and Epictetus. The use of an imaginary interlocutor is one instance (James:2:18f.; strkjv@5:13f.|) as is the presence of paradox (James:1:2,10; strkjv@2:5|; etc.). But the style of James is even more kin to that seen in the Jewish wisdom literature like Proverbs, the Wisdom of Solomon, etc. It is thus both tract and Epistle, a brief Christian sermon on a high plane for a noble purpose. But it is all natural and not artificial. The metaphors are many, but brief and remind one constantly of the Master's use of them in the Sermon on the Mount. Did not Mary the mother of Jesus and James make frequent use of such homely parables? The author shows acquaintance with the LXX, but there are few Hebraisms in the language, though the style is Hebraic, as is the whole tone of the book (Hebraic and Christian). "The style is especially remarkable for constant hidden allusions to our Lord's sayings, such as we find in the first three Gospels" (Hort).

rwp@Info_James @ RECENT BOOKS ON JAMES Baljon, J. M. S., _Comm. op de katholieke brieven_ (1904). Bardenhewer, O., _Der Brief des hl. Jakobus_ (1928). Bartmann, _St. Paulus und St. Jakobus_. Belser, J. E., _Epistel des hl. Jakobus_ (1909). Beyschlag, W., _Der Brief des Jakobus_. Meyer Komm. 6 Aufl. (1898). Brown, Charles, _The General Epistle of James_. 2nd ed. (1907). Camerlinck, _Commentarius in epistolas catholicas_ (1909). Carpenter, W. Boyd, _The Wisdom of James the Just_ (1903). Carr, Arthur, _The General Epistle of James_. Cambridge Greek Testament. New ed. (1905). Chaine, J., _L Epitre de S. Jacques_ (1927). Dale, R. W., _Discourses on the Epistle of James (1895). Deems, C. F., _The Gospel of Common Sense_. Dibelius, _M., Meyer's Comm. 7 Aufl. (1921). Feine, _Der Jakobusbrief_, etc. (1893). Fitch, _James the Lord's Brother_. Gaugusch, L., _Der Lehrgehalt der Jakobus-epistel_ (1914). Grafe, _Stellung und Bedeutung des Jakobusbriefes_ (1904). Grosheide, F. W., _Deuteronomy:brief aan de Hebreen en de brief des Jakobus_ (1927). Hauck, F., _Der Br. d. Jak. in Zahn's Komm_. (1926). Hollmann, G., _Die Schriften d. N.T_. 3 Aufl. (1917). Holtzmann, O., _Das N.T. II_ (1926). Hort, F. J. A., _The Epistle of James as far as strkjv@4:7_ (1909). Huther, J. E., _Meyer's Komm_. 3 Aufl. (1870). Johnstone, R., _Lectures Exegetical and Practical_. 2nd ed. (1889). Knowling, R. J., _Comm. on the Epistle of St. James_ (1904). Westminster Series. Mayor, J. B., _The Epistle of St. James_. 3rd ed. (1910). Meinertz, _Der Jakobusbrief und sein Verfasser_ (1905). Meyer, A., _Das Ratsel des Jak_. (1930). Moffatt, James, _The General Epistles (James, Peter, and Judas_) (1928). Osterley, W. E., _The Epistle of St. James_. Expos. Gk. Test. (1910). Parry, J., _The General Epistle of James_ (1904). Patrick, W., _James, the Lord's Brother_ (1906). Plummer, A., _The General Epistle of St. James_. Expos. Bible (1891). Rendall, G. H., _The Epistle of St. James and Judaic Chris- tianity_ (1927). Robertson, A. T., _Studies in the Epistle of James_. 3rd ed. (1923). First in 1915 as _Pract. and Social Aspects of Christianity_. Ropes, J. H., _A Crit. and Exeget. Comm. on the Epistle of St. James_. Int. and Crit. Comm. (1916). Smith, H. M., _The Epistle of James_ (1925). Soden, H. Von, _Der Brief des Jakobus_. Hand-Comm. (1893). Spitta, F., _Der Brief des Jakobus untersucht_ (1896). Taylor, J. F., _The Apostle of Patience_ (1907). Weiss, B., _Die Katholische Briefe_ (1902). _Der Jakobusbrief und die neuere Kritik_ (1904). Windisch, H., _Die Katholische Briefe. Handbuch Zum N.T._, 2 Aufl. (1930). strkjv@James:1:1 @{James} (\Iak“bos\). Grecised form (nominative absolute) of the Hebrew \Iak“b\ (so LXX). Common name among the Jews, and this man in Josephus (_Ant_. XX.9.1) and three others of this name in Josephus also. {Servant} (\doulos\). Bond-servant or slave as Paul (Romans:1:1; strkjv@Phillipians:1:1; strkjv@Titus:1:1|). {Of the Lord Jesus Christ} (\kuriou Iˆsou Christou\). Here on a par with God (\theou\) and calls himself not \adelphos\ (brother) of Jesus, but \doulos\. The three terms here as in strkjv@2:1| have their full significance: Jesus is the Messiah and Lord. James is not an Ebionite. He accepts the deity of Jesus his brother, difficult as it was for him to do so. The word \kurios\ is frequent in the LXX for _Elohim_ and _Jahweh_ as the Romans applied it to the emperor in their emperor worship. See strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3| for \Kurios Iˆsous\ and strkjv@Phillipians:2:11| for \Kurios Iˆsous Christos\. {To the twelve tribes} (\tais d“deka phulais\). Dative case. The expression means "Israel in its fulness and completeness" (Hort), regarded as a unity (Acts:26:7|) with no conception of any "lost" tribes. {Which are of the Dispersion} (\tais en tˆi diasporƒi\). "Those in the Dispersion" (repeated article). The term appears in strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:25| (LXX) and comes from \diaspeir“\, to scatter (sow) abroad. In its literal sense we have it in strkjv@John:7:34|, but here and in strkjv@1Peter:1:1| Christian Jews are chiefly, if not wholly, in view. The Jews at this period were roughly divided into Palestinian Jews (chiefly agriculturists) and Jews of the Dispersion (dwellers in cities and mainly traders). In Palestine Aramaic was spoken as a rule, while in the Western Diaspora the language was Greek (_Koin‚_, LXX), though the Eastern Diaspora spoke Aramaic and Syriac. The Jews of the Diaspora were compelled to compare their religion with the various cults around them (comparative religion) and had a wider outlook on life. James writes thus in cultural _Koin‚_ but in the Hebraic tone. {Greeting} (\chairein\). Absolute infinitive (present active of \chair“\) as in strkjv@Acts:15:23| (the Epistle to Antioch and the churches of Syria and Galatia). It is the usual idiom in the thousands of papyri letters known to us, but in no other New Testament letter. But note \chairein legete\ in strkjv@2John:1:10,11|.

rwp@James:1:3 @{Knowing} (\gin“skontes\). Present active participle of \gin“sk“\ (experimental knowledge, the only way of getting this view of "trials" as "all joy"). {The proof} (\to dokimion\). Now known (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, pp. 259ff.) from the papyri examples of \dokimios\ as an adjective in the same sense (good gold, standard gold) as \dokimos\ proved or tested (James:1:12|). The use of \to dokimion\ (neuter article with neuter single adjective) here and in strkjv@1Peter:1:7|, clearly means "the genuine element in your faith," not "crucible" nor "proving." Your faith like gold stands the test of fire and is approved as standard. James here, as in verse 6; strkjv@2:1; strkjv@5:15|, regards faith (\pistis\) like Paul "as the very foundation of religion" (Mayor). {Worketh} (\katergazetai\). Present (durative) middle indicative of the compound verb with the perfective sense of \kata\ as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:12|, which see. {Patience} (\hupomonˆn\). Old and common word for remaining under (\hupomen“\), "staying power" (Ropes), as in strkjv@Colossians:1:11|.

rwp@James:1:4 @{Let have} (\echet“\). Present active imperative of \ech“\, let it keep on having. {Perfect} (\teleion\). See strkjv@Romans:5:3f.| for a like chain of blessings. Carry on the work to the end or completion (from \telos\, end) as in strkjv@John:17:4| (\to ergon telei“sas\, having finished the work). {That ye may be} (\hina ˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \eimi\. This is the goal of patience. {Perfect and entire} (\teleioi kai holoklˆroi\). Perfected at the end of the task (\telos\) and complete in all parts (\holoklˆroi\, \holos\ whole and \klˆros\ lot or part). "Perfected all over." These two adjectives often occur together in Philo, Plutarch, etc. See strkjv@Acts:3:16| for \holoklˆrian\ (perfect soundness). {Lacking in nothing} (\en mˆdeni leipomenoi\). Present passive participle of \leip“\ to leave. Negative statement of the preceding positive as often in James (cf. strkjv@1:6|). There is now a digression (verses 5-8|) from the discussion of \peirasmos\, which is taken up again in verse 9|. The word \leipomenoi\ (lacking) suggests the digression.

rwp@James:1:5 @{Lacketh wisdom} (\leipetai sophias\). Condition of first class, assumed as true, \ei\ and present passive indicative of \leip“\ to be destitute of, with ablative case \sophias\. "If any one falls short of wisdom." A banking figure, to have a shortage of wisdom (not just knowledge, \gn“se“s\, but wisdom \sophias\, the practical use of knowledge). {Let him ask} (\aiteit“\). Present active imperative of \aite“\, "let him keep on asking." {Of God} (\para tou theou\). "From (from beside) God," ablative case with \para\. Liberally (\hapl“s\). This old adverb occurs here only in the N.T. (from \haplous\, single-fold, strkjv@Matthew:6:22|, and \haplotˆs\, simplicity, generosity, is common-- strkjv@2Corinthians:8:2; strkjv@Romans:12:8|). But the adverb is common in the papyri by way of emphasis as simply or at all (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). Mayor argues for the sense of "unconditionally" (the logical moral sense) while Hort and Ropes agree and suggest "graciously." The other sense of "abundantly" or "liberally" suits the idea in \haplotˆs\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:8:2; strkjv@Romans:12:8|, but no example of the adverb in this sense has been found unless this is one here. See strkjv@Isaiah:55:1| for the idea of God's gracious giving and the case of Solomon (1Kings:3:9-12; strkjv@Proverbs:2:3|). {Upbraideth not} (\mˆ oneidizontos\). Present active participle of \oneidiz“\ (old verb to reproach, to cast in one's teeth, strkjv@Matthew:5:11|) in the ablative case like \didontos\ agreeing with \theou\ and with the usual negative of the participle (\me\). This is the negative statement of \didontos hapl“s\ (giving graciously). The evil habit of giving stinging words along with the money is illustrated in Sirach strkjv@41:22 and Plutarch (_Deuteronomy:adulat._, p. 64A). ] Cf. strkjv@Hebrews:4:16|. {And it shall be given him} (\kai dothˆsetai aut“i\). First future passive of \did“mi\, a blessed promise in accord with the words of Jesus (Matthew:7:7,11; strkjv@Luke:11:13|), meaning here not only "wisdom," but all good gifts, including the Holy Spirit. There are frequent reminiscences of the words of Jesus in this Epistle.

rwp@James:1:6 @{In faith} (\en pistei\). Faith here "is the fundamental religious attitude" (Ropes), belief in God's beneficent activity and personal reliance on him (Oesterley). {Nothing doubting} (\mˆden diakrinomenos\). Negative way of saying \en pistei\ (in faith), present passive participle of \diakrin“\, old verb to separate (\krin“\) between (\dia\), to discriminate as shown clearly in strkjv@Acts:11:12, strkjv@15:9|, but no example of the sense of divided against oneself has been found earlier than the N.T., though it appears in later Christian writings. It is like the use of \diamerizomai\ in strkjv@Luke:11:18| and occurs in strkjv@Matthew:21:21; strkjv@Mark:11:23; strkjv@Acts:10:20; strkjv@Romans:2:4; strkjv@4:20; strkjv@14:23|. It is a vivid picture of internal doubt. {Is like} (\eoiken\). Second perfect active indicative with the linear force alone from \eik“\ to be like. Old form, but in N.T. only here and verse 23| (a literary touch, not in LXX). {The surge of the sea} (\klud“ni thalassˆs\). Old word (from \kluz“\ to wash against) for a dashing or surging wave in contrast with \kuma\ (successive waves), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:8:24|. In associative instrumental case after \eoiken\. In strkjv@Ephesians:4:14| we have \kludoniz“\ (from \klud“n\), to toss by waves. {Driven by the wind} (\anemizomen“i\). Present passive participle (agreeing in case with \klud“ni\) of \anemiz“\, earliest known example and probably coined by James (from \anemos\), who is fond of verbs in \-iz“\ (Mayor). The old Greek used \anemo“\. In strkjv@Ephesians:4:14| Paul uses both \kludoniz“\ and \peripher“ anem“i\. It is a vivid picture of the sea whipped into white-caps by the winds. {Tossed} (\ripizomen“i\). Present passive participle also in agreement with \klud“ni\ from \ripiz“\, rare verb (Aristophanes, Plutarch, Philo) from \ripis\ (a bellows or fire-fan), here only in N.T. It is a picture of "the restless swaying to and fro of the surface of the water, blown upon by shifting breezes" (Hort), the waverer with slight rufflement.

rwp@James:1:10 @{In that he is made low} (\en tˆi tapein“sei autou\). "In his low estate." Play on \tapein“sis\ (from \tapeino“\, strkjv@Phillipians:3:7|), like \tapeinos\ of verse 9|, old word in various senses, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:1:48; strkjv@Acts:8:33; strkjv@Phillipians:3:21|. The Cross of Christ lifts up the poor and brings down the high. It is the great leveller of men. {As the flower of the grass} (\h“s anthos chortou\). From the LXX (Isaiah:40:6|). \Chortos\ means pasture, then grass (Mark:6:39|) or fodder. \Anthos\ is old word, in N.T. only here, verse 11; strkjv@1Peter:1:24| (same quotation). This warning is here applied to "the rich brother," but it is true of all. {He shall pass away} (\pareleusetai\). Future middle indicative (effective aoristic future, shall pass completely away from earth).

rwp@James:1:13 @{Let no one say} (\mˆdeis leget“\). Present active imperative, prohibiting such a habit. {When he is tempted} (\peirazomenos\). Present passive participle of \peiraz“\, here in evil sense of tempt, not test, as in strkjv@Matthew:4:1|. Verses 12-18| give a vivid picture of temptation. {I am tempted of God} (\apo theou peirazomai\). The use of \apo\ shows origin (\apo\ with ablative case), not agency (\hupo\), as in strkjv@Mark:1:13|, of Satan. It is contemptible, but I have heard wicked and weak men blame God for their sins. Cf. strkjv@Proverbs:19:3|; Sirach strkjv@15:11f. Temptation does not spring "from God." {Cannot be tempted with evil} (\apeirastos kak“n\). Verbal compound adjective (alpha privative and \peiraz“\), probably with the ablative case, as is common with alpha privative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 516), though Moulton (_Prolegomena_, p. 74) treats it as the genitive of definition. The ancient Greek has \apeiratos\ (from \peira“\), but this is the earliest example of \apeirastos\ (from \peiraz“\) made on the same model. Only here in the N.T. Hort notes \apeiratos kak“n\ as a proverb (Diodorus, Plutarch, Josephus) "free from evils." That is possible here, but the context calls for "untemptable" rather than "untempted." {And he himself tempteth no man} (\peirazei de autos oudena\). Because "untemptable."

rwp@James:1:14 @{When he is drawn away by his own lust} (\hupo tˆs idias epithumias exelkomenos\). \Epithumia\ is old word for craving (from \epithume“\, to have a desire for) either good (Phillipians:1:23|) or evil (Romans:7:7|) as here. Like a fish drawn out from his retreat. {Enticed} (\deleazomenos\). Present passive participle of \deleaz“\, old verb from \delear\ (bait), to catch fish by bait or to hunt with snares and Philo has \huph' hˆdonˆs deleazetai\ (is enticed by pleasure). In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Peter:2:14,18|. Allured by definite bait.

rwp@James:1:15 @{Then} (\eita\). The next step. {The lust} (\hˆ epithumia\). Note article, the lust (verse 14|) which one has. {When it hath conceived} (\sullabousa\). Second aorist active participle of \sullamban“\, old word to grasp together, in hostile sense (Acts:26:21|), in friendly sense of help (Phillipians:4:3|), in technical sense of a woman taking a man's seed in conception (Luke:1:24|), here also of lust (as a woman), "having conceived." The will yields to lust and conception takes place. {Beareth sin} (\tiktei hamartian\). Present active indicative of \tikt“\ to bring forth as a mother or fruit from seed, old verb, often in N.T., here only in James. Sin is the union of the will with lust. See strkjv@Psalms:7:14| for this same metaphor. {The sin} (\hˆ hamartia\). The article refers to \hamartia\ just mentioned. {When it is full-grown} (\apotelestheisa\). First aorist passive participle of \apotele“\, old compound verb with perfective use of \apo\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:13:32|. It does not mean "full-grown" like \teleio“\, but rather completeness of parts or functions as opposed to rudimentary state (Hort) like the winged insect in contrast with the chrysalis or grub (Plato). The sin at birth is fully equipped for its career (Romans:6:6; strkjv@Colossians:3:5|). {Bringeth forth death} (\apokuei thanaton\). Late compound (\kue“\ to be pregnant, perfective use of \apo\) to give birth to, of animals and women, for normal birth (papyrus example) and abnormal birth (Hort). A medical word (Ropes) rather than a literary one like \tikt“\. The child of lust is sin, of sin is death, powerful figure of abortion. The child is dead at birth. For death as the fruit of sin see strkjv@Romans:6:21-23; strkjv@8:6|. "The birth of death follows of necessity when one sin is fully formed" (Hort).

rwp@James:1:17 @{Gift} (\dosis\) {--boon} (\d“rˆma\). Both old substantives from the same original verb (\did“mi\), to give. \Dosis\ is the act of giving (ending \-sis\), but sometimes by metonymy for the thing given like \ktisis\ for \ktisma\ (Colossians:1:15|). But \d“rˆma\ (from \d“re“\, from \d“ron\ a gift) only means a gift, a benefaction (Romans:5:16|). The contrast here argues for "giving" as the idea in \dosis\. Curiously enough there is a perfect hexameter line here: \pƒsa do / sis aga / thˆ kai / pƒn d“ / rˆma te / leion\. Such accidental rhythm occurs occasionally in many writers. Ropes (like Ewald and Mayor) argues for a quotation from an unknown source because of the poetical word \d“rˆma\, but that is not conclusive. {From above} (\an“then\). That is, from heaven. Cf. strkjv@John:3:31; strkjv@19:11|. {Coming down} (\katabainon\). Present active neuter singular participle of \katabain“\ agreeing with \d“rˆma\, expanding and explaining \an“then\ (from above). {From the Father of lights} (\apo tou patros t“n ph“t“n\). "Of the lights" (the heavenly bodies). For this use of \patˆr\ see strkjv@Job:38:28| (Father of rain); strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3; strkjv@Ephesians:1:17|. God is the Author of light and lights. {With whom} (\par' h“i\). For \para\ (beside) with locative sense for standpoint of God see \para t“i the“i\ (Mark:10:27; strkjv@Romans:2:11; strkjv@9:14; strkjv@Ephesians:6:9|. {Can be no} (\ouk eni\). This old idiom (also in strkjv@Galatians:3:28; strkjv@Colossians:3:11|) may be merely the original form of \en\ with recessive accent (Winer, Mayor) or a shortened form of \enesti\. The use of \eni en\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:5| argues for this view, as does the use of \eine\ (\einai\) in Modern Greek (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 313). {Variation} (\parallagˆ\). Old word from \parallass“\, to make things alternate, here only in N.T. In Aristeas in sense of alternate stones in pavements. Dio Cassius has \parallaxis\ without reference to the modern astronomical parallax, though James here is comparing God (Father of the lights) to the sun (Malachi:4:2|), which does have periodic variations. {Shadow that is cast by turning} (\tropˆs aposkiasma\). \Tropˆ\ is an old word for "turning" (from \trep“\ to turn), here only in N.T. \Aposkiasma\ is a late and rare word (\aposkiasmos\ in Plutarch) from \aposkiaz“\ (\apo, skia\) a shade cast by one object on another. It is not clear what the precise metaphor is, whether the shadow thrown on the dial (\aposkiaz“\ in Plato) or the borrowed light of the moon lost to us as it goes behind the earth. In fact, the text is by no means certain, for Aleph B papyrus of fourth century actually read \hˆ tropˆs aposkiasmatos\ (the variation of the turning of the shadow). Ropes argues strongly for this reading, and rather convincingly. At any rate there is no such periodic variation in God like that we see in the heavenly bodies.

rwp@James:1:18 @{Of his own will} (\boulˆtheis\). First aorist passive participle of \boulomai\. Repeating the metaphor of birth in verse 15|, but in good sense. God as Father acted deliberately of set purpose. {He brought us forth} (\apekuˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \apokue“\ (verse 15|), only here of the father (4 Macc. strkjv@15:17), not of the mother. Regeneration, not birth of all men, though God is the Father in the sense of creation of all men (Acts:17:28f.|). {By the word of truth} (\log“i alˆtheias\). Instrumental case \log“i\. The reference is thus to the gospel message of salvation even without the article (2Corinthians:6:7|) as here, and certainly with the article (Colossians:1:5; strkjv@Ephesians:1:13; strkjv@2Timothy:2:15|). The message marked by truth (genitive case \alˆtheias\). {That we should be} (\eis to einai hˆmƒs\). Purpose clause \eis to\ and the infinitive \einai\ with the accusative of general reference \hˆmƒs\ (as to us). {A kind of first-fruits} (\aparchˆn tina\). "Some first-fruits" (old word from \aparchomai\), of Christians of that age. See strkjv@Romans:16:5|.

rwp@James:1:21 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Because of this principle. See strkjv@Ephesians:4:25|. {Putting away} (\apothemenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \apotithˆmi\, to put off, metaphor of removing clothing as in strkjv@Romans:13:12; strkjv@Colossians:3:8; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22,25; strkjv@1Peter:2:1|. {Filthiness} (\ruparian\). Late word (Plutarch) from \ruparos\, dirty (James:2:2|), here only in N.T. Surely a dirty garment. {Overflowing of wickedness} (\perisseian kakias\). \Perisseia\ is a late word (from \perissos\, abundant, exceeding), only four times in N.T., in strkjv@2Corinthians:8:2| with \charas\ (of joy), in strkjv@Romans:5:17| with \charitos\ (of grace). \Kakia\ (from \kakos\, evil) can be either general like \ruparia\ (filthiness, naughtiness), or special like "malice." But any of either sense is a "superfluity." {With meekness} (\en pra–tˆti\). In docility. "The contrast is with \orgˆ\ rather than \kakias\" (Ropes). {The implanted word} (\ton emphuton logon\). This old verbal adjective (from \emphu“\ to implant, to grow in), only here in N.T., meaning properly ingrown, inborn, not \emphuteuton\ (engrafted). It is "the rooted word" (verse 18|), sown in the heart as the soil or garden of God (Matthew:13:3-23; strkjv@15:13; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:6|). {Able to save} (\dunamenon s“sai\). Cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:9; strkjv@James:2:14; strkjv@4:12; strkjv@5:20; strkjv@Romans:1:16|. Ultimate salvation (effective aorist active infinitive \s“sai\ from \s“z“\).

rwp@James:1:22 @{But be ye} (\ginesthe de\). Rather, "But keep on becoming" (present middle imperative of \ginomai\). {Doers of the word} (\poiˆtai logou\). Old word for agent (\-tˆs\) from \poie“\ to do as in strkjv@4:11; strkjv@Romans:2:13|, but in strkjv@Acts:17:28| our "poet" (long regarded as a "doer" or "maker"). {Hearers} (\akroatai\). Old word for agent again from \akroamai\ (to be a hearer), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:2:13|. {Deluding yourselves} (\paralogizomenoi heautous\). Present middle (direct) participle of \paralogizomai\, to reckon aside (\para\) and so wrong, to cheat, to deceive. Redundant reflexive \heautous\ with the middle. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:4|. Such a man does not delude anyone but himself.

rwp@James:1:23 @{And not a doer} (\kai ou poiˆtˆs\). Condition of first class, assumed as true, and \ou\ (rather than \mˆ\) contrasts \poiˆtˆs\ with \akroatˆs\. {Unto a man beholding} (\andri katanoounti\). Associative instrumental case after \eoiken\ as in strkjv@1:6|. Note \andri\ as in strkjv@1:8| in contrast with \gunaiki\ (woman), not \anthr“p“i\ (general term for man). Present active participle of \katanoe“\ to put the mind down on (\kata, nous\), to consider attentively, to take note of, as in verse 24| (\katenoˆsen\). {His natural face} (\to pros“pon tˆs genese“s autou\). "The face of his birth" (origin, lineage, nativity). For this use of \genesis\ see strkjv@3:6; strkjv@Matthew:1:1,18; strkjv@Luke:1:13|. {In a mirror} (\en esoptr“i\). Old word (from \eis, opt“\) in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:13:12|. The mirrors of the ancients were not of glass, but of polished metal (of silver or usually of copper and tin). See \katoptrizomai\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:18|.

rwp@James:1:25 @{He that looketh into} (\ho parakupsas\). First aorist active articular participle of \parakupt“\, old verb, to stoop and look into (John:20:5,11|), to gaze carefully by the side of, to peer into or to peep into (1Peter:1:12|). Here the notion of beside (\para\) or of stooping (\kupt“\) is not strong. Sometimes, as Hort shows, the word means only a cursory glance, but the contrast with verse 24| seems to preclude that here. {The perfect law} (\nomon teleion\). For \teleion\ see strkjv@1:17|. See strkjv@Romans:7:12| for Paul's idea of the law of God. James here refers to the word of truth (1:18|), the gospel of grace (Galatians:6:2; strkjv@Romans:12:2|). {The law of liberty} (\ton tˆs eleutherias\). "That of liberty," explaining why it is "perfect" (2:12| also), rests on the work of Christ, whose truth sets us free (John:8:32; strkjv@2Corinthians:3:16; strkjv@Romans:8:2|). {And so continueth} (\kai parameinas\). First aorist active articular participle again of \paramen“\, parallel with \parakupsas\. \Paramen“\ is to stay beside, and see strkjv@Phillipians:1:25| for contrast with the simplex \men“\. {Being} (\genomenos\). Rather, "having become" (second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ to become). {Not a hearer that forgetteth} (\ouk akroatˆs epilˆsmonˆs\). "Not a hearer of forgetfulness" (descriptive genitive, marked by forgetfulness). \Epilˆsmonˆ\ is a late and rare word (from \epilˆsm“n\, forgetful, from \epilanthomai\, to forget, as in verse 24|), here only in N.T. {But a doer that worketh} (\alla poiˆtˆs ergou\). "But a doer of work," a doer marked by work (descriptive genitive \ergou\), not by mere listening or mere talk. {In his doing} (\en tˆi poiˆsei autou\). Another beatitude with \makarios\ as in strkjv@1:12|, like the Beatitudes in strkjv@Matthew:5:3-12|. \Poiˆsis\ is an old word (from \poie“\ for the act of doing), only here in N.T.

rwp@James:1:26 @{Thinketh himself to be religious} (\dokei thrˆskos einai\). Condition of first class (\ei-dokei\). \Thrˆskos\ (of uncertain etymology, perhaps from \threomai\, to mutter forms of prayer) is predicate nominative after \einai\, agreeing with the subject of \dokei\ (either "he seems" or "he thinks"). This source of self-deception is in saying and doing. The word \thrˆskos\ is found nowhere else except in lexicons. Hatch (_Essays in Biblical Greek_, pp. 55-57) shows that it refers to the external observances of public worship, such as church attendance, almsgiving, prayer, fasting (Matthew:6:1-18|). It is the Pharisaic element in Christian worship. {While he bridleth not his tongue} (\mˆ chalinag“g“n gl“ssan heautou\). "Not bridling his own tongue." A reference to verse 19| and the metaphor is repeated in strkjv@3:12|. This is the earliest known example of the compound \chalinag“ge“\ (\chalinos\, bridle \ago\, to lead). It occurs also in Lucian. The picture is that of a man putting the bridle in his own mouth, not in that of another. See the similar metaphor of muzzling (\phimo“\) one's mouth (Matthew:22:12| \ephim“thˆ\). {Deceiveth} (\apat“n\). Present active participle from \apatˆ\ (deceit). He plays a trick on himself. {Religion} (\thrˆskeia\). Later form of \thrˆskiˆ\ (Herodotus) from \thrˆskos\ above. It means religious worship in its external observances, religious exercise or discipline, but not to the exclusion of reverence. In the N.T. we have it also in strkjv@Acts:26:5| of Judaism and in strkjv@Colossians:2:18| of worshipping angels. It is vain (\mataios\, feminine form same as masculine) or empty. Comes to nothing.

rwp@James:2:1 @{My brethren} (\adelphoi mou\). Transition to a new topic as in strkjv@1:19; strkjv@2:5,14; strkjv@3:1; strkjv@5:7|. {Hold not} (\mˆ echete\). Present active imperative of \ech“\ with negative \mˆ\, exhortation to stop holding or not to have the habit of holding in the fashion condemned. {The faith of our Lord Jesus Christ} (\tˆn pistin tou kuriou hˆm“n Iˆsou Christou\). Clearly objective genitive, not subjective (faith of), but "faith in our Lord Jesus Christ," like \echete pistin theou\ (Mark:11:22|), "have faith in God." See the same objective genitive with \pistis\ in strkjv@Acts:3:6; strkjv@Galatians:2:16; strkjv@Romans:3:22; strkjv@Revelation:14:12|. Note also the same combination as in strkjv@1:1| "our Lord Jesus Christ" (there on a par with God). {The Lord of Glory} (\tˆs doxˆs\). Simply "the Glory." No word for "Lord" (\kuriou\) in the Greek text. \Tˆs doxˆs\ clearly in apposition with \tou kuriou Iˆsou Christou\. James thus terms "our Lord Jesus Christ" the Shekinah Glory of God. See strkjv@Hebrews:9:5| for "the cherubim of Glory." Other New Testament passages where Jesus is pictured as the Glory are strkjv@Romans:9:4; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:6; strkjv@Ephesians:1:17; strkjv@Hebrews:1:3|. Cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:8:9; strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|. {With respect of persons} (\en pros“polˆmpsiais\). A Christian word, like \pros“polˆmptˆs\ (Acts:10:34|) and \pros“polˆmpteite\ (James:2:9|), not in LXX or any previous Greek, but made from \pros“pon lambanein\ (Luke:20:21; strkjv@Galatians:2:6|), which is \a\ Hebrew idiom for _panim nasa_, "to lift up the face on a person," to be favorable and so partial to him. See \pros“polˆmpsia\ in this sense of partiality (respect of persons) in strkjv@Romans:2:11; strkjv@Colossians:3:25; strkjv@Ephesians:6:9| (nowhere else in N.T.). Do not show partiality.

rwp@James:2:2 @{For} (\gar\). An illustration of the prohibition. {If there come in} (\ean eiselthˆi\). Condition of third class (supposable case) with \ean\ and second (ingressive) aorist active subjunctive of \eiserchomai\. {Into your synagogue} (\eis sunag“gˆn hum“n\). The common word for the gathering of Jews for worship (Luke:12:11|) and particularly for the building where they met (Luke:4:15,20,28|, etc.). Here the first is the probable meaning as it clearly is in strkjv@Hebrews:10:25| (\tˆn episunag“gˆn heaut“n\), where the longer compound occurs. It may seem a bit odd for a Christian church (\ekklˆsia\) to be termed \sunag“gˆ\, but James is writing to Jewish Christians and this is another incidental argument for the early date. Epiphanius (_Haer_. XXX. 18) states that the Ebionites call their church \sunag“gˆ\, not \ekklˆsia\. In the fourth century an inscription has \sunag“gˆ\ for the meeting-house of certain Christians. {A man with a gold ring} (\anˆr chrusodaktulios\). "A gold-fingered man," "wearing a gold ring." The word occurs nowhere else, but Lucian has \chrusocheir\ (gold-handed) and Epictetus has \chrusous daktulious\ (golden seal-rings). "Hannibal, after the battle of Cannae, sent as a great trophy to Carthage, three bushels of gold-rings from the fingers of Roman knights slain in battle" (Vincent). {In fine clothing} (\en esthˆti lamprƒi\). "In bright (brilliant) clothing" as in strkjv@Luke:23:11; strkjv@Acts:10:30; strkjv@Revelation:18:41|. In contrast with "vile clothing" (\en ruparƒi esthˆti\), "new glossy clothes and old shabby clothes" (Hort). \Ruparos\ (late word from \rupos\, filth, strkjv@1Peter:3:21|) means filthy, dirty. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:22:11| (filthy). {Poor man} (\pt“chos\). Beggarly mendicant (Matthew:19:21|), the opposite of \plousios\ (rich).

rwp@James:2:3 @{And ye have regard to} (\epiblepsˆte de epi\). First aorist active subjunctive (still with \ean\ of verse 2|) of \epiblep“\, followed by repeated preposition \epi\, to gaze upon, old compound, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:1:48; strkjv@9:38|. {Weareth} (\phorounta\). "Wearing," present active participle of the old frequentative verb \phore“\ (from \pher“\), to bear constantly, to wear (Matthew:11:8|). Note repeated article \tˆn\ (the) with \esthˆta\ pointing to verse 2|. {And say} (\kai eipˆte\). Continuing the third-class condition with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \eipon\. {Sit thou here in a good place} (\su kathou h“de kal“s\). Emphatic position of \su\, "Do thou sit here in a good place." Present middle imperative of \kathˆmai\ to sit for the literary \kathˆso\. See strkjv@Matthew:23:6| for the first seats in the synagogue (places of honour). {And ye say to the poor man} (\kai t“i pt“ch“i eipˆte\). Third class condition with \ean\ continued as before (\eipˆte\). Note article \t“i\ pointing to verse 2|. {Stand thou there} (\su stˆthi ekei\). Second aorist (intransitive) active imperative of \histˆmi\, to place. Ingressive aorist, Take a stand. \Su\ emphatic again. The MSS. vary in the position of \ekei\ (there). {Or sit under my footstool} (\ˆ kathou hupo to hupopodion mou\). For this use of \hupo\ "down against" or "down beside" see strkjv@Exodus:19:17| \hupo to oros\ ("at the foot of the mountain") and \hupo se\ ("at thy feet") (Deuteronomy:33:3|). Conquerors often placed their feet on the necks of the victims (Luke:20:43|).

rwp@James:2:4 @{Are ye not divided in your own mind?} (\ou diekrithˆte en heautois;\). First aorist (gnomic) passive indicative of \diakrin“\, to separate, conclusion of the third-class condition (future) in a rhetorical question in the gnomic aorist (as if past) with ou expecting an affirmative answer. For this idiom (gnomic aorist) in a conclusion of the third-class condition see strkjv@1Corinthians:7:28|. "Were ye not divided in (among) yourselves?" Cf. strkjv@1:6; strkjv@Matthew:21:21|. {Judges with evil thoughts} (\kritai dialogism“n ponˆr“n\). Descriptive genitive as in strkjv@1:25|. \Dialogismos\ is an old word for reasoning (Romans:1:21|). Reasoning is not necessarily evil, but see strkjv@Matthew:15:19| (\ponˆroi\) and strkjv@Mark:7:21| (\kakoi\) for evil reasonings, and strkjv@1Timothy:2:8| without an adjective. See strkjv@James:1:8; strkjv@4:8| for \dipsuchos\. They are guilty of partiality (a divided mind) as between the two strangers.

rwp@James:2:5 @{Did not God choose?} (\ouch ho theos exelexato;\). Affirmative answer expected. First aorist middle (indirect, God chose for himself) indicative of \ekleg“\, the very form used by Paul three times of God's choice in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:27f|. {As to the world} (\t“i kosm“i\). The ethical dative of interest, as the world looks at it as in strkjv@Acts:7:20; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:18; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:4; strkjv@James:4:4|. By the use of the article (the poor) James does not affirm that God chose all the poor, but only that he did choose poor people (Matthew:10:23-26; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:26-28|). {Rich in faith} (\plousious en pistei\). Rich because of their faith. As he has shown in strkjv@1:9f|. {Which he promised} (\hˆs epeggeilato\). Genitive of the accusative relative \hˆn\ attracted to the case of the antecedent \basileias\ (the Messianic kingdom), the same verb and idea already in strkjv@1:12| (\epˆggeilato\). Cf. the beatitude of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:5:3| for the poor in spirit.

rwp@James:2:6 @{But ye have dishonoured the poor man} (\humeis de ˆtimasate ton pt“chon\). First aorist active indicative of \atimaz“\, old verb from \atimos\, dishonoured (Matthew:13:57|). In the act of partiality pictured in strkjv@2:3|. {Oppress you} (\katadunasteuousin hum“n\). Not very common compound (\katadunasteu“\, present active indicative, from \kata\ and \dunastˆs\, potentate, strkjv@Luke:1:52|), used of the devil in strkjv@Acts:10:38| (only other N.T. example). Examples in papyri of harsh treatment by men in authority. Already poor Christians are feeling pressure from rich Jews as overlords. {Drag you} (\helkousin humas\). Old and vigorous word for violent treatment, as of Paul in strkjv@Acts:16:19; strkjv@21:30|. Cf. such violence in strkjv@Luke:12:58; strkjv@Acts:8:3|. {Before the judgment-seats} (\eis kritˆria\). "To courts of justice" as in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:2,4| (only other N.T. examples). Common in the papyri in this sense. From \krin“\ to judge, \kritˆs\ (judge), place where judgment is given.

rwp@James:2:7 @{Blaspheme} (\blasphˆmousin\). Present active indicative of common verb \blasphˆme“\ (from \blasphˆmos\, speaking evil, \blax\ or \blapt“\ and \phˆmˆ\), as in strkjv@Luke:22:65|. {The honourable name} (\to kalon onoma\). "The beautiful name." {By the which ye were called} (\to epiklˆthen eph' humƒs\). "The one called upon you" (first aorist passive articular participle of \epikale“\, to put a name upon, to give a surname to, as strkjv@Acts:10:18|). What name is that? Almost certainly the name of Christ as we see it in strkjv@Acts:11:26; strkjv@26:28; strkjv@1Peter:4:14,16|. It was blasphemy to speak against Christ as some Jews and Gentiles were doing (Acts:13:45; strkjv@18:6; strkjv@26:11; strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3; strkjv@1Timothy:1:13|). Cf. strkjv@Acts:15:17|.

rwp@James:2:8 @{Howbeit} (\mentoi\). Probably not adversative here, but simply confirmatory, "if now," "if indeed," "if really." Common in Xenophon in this sense. See the contrast (\de\) in verse 9|. {If ye fulfil} (\ei teleite\). Condition of first class, assumed as true with \ei\ and present active indicative of \tele“\, old verb, to bring to completion, occurring in strkjv@Romans:2:27| also with \nomos\ (law). Jesus used \plˆro“\ in strkjv@Matthew:4:17|. James has \tˆre“\ in strkjv@2:10|. {The royal law} (\nomon basilikon\). Old adjective for royal, regal (from \basileus\ king), as of an officer (John:4:46|). But why applied to \nomos\? The Romans had a phrase, _lex regia_, which came from the king when they had kings. The absence of the article is common with \nomos\ (4:11|). It can mean a law fit to guide a king, or such as a king would choose, or even the king of laws. Jesus had said that on the law of love hang all the law and the prophets (Matthew:22:40|), and he had given the Golden Rule as the substance of the Law and the prophets (Matthew:7:12|). This is probably the royal law which is violated by partiality (James:2:3|). It is in accord with the Scripture quoted here (Leviticus:19:18|) and ratified by Jesus (Luke:10:28|).

rwp@James:2:9 @{But if ye have respect of persons} (\ei de pros“polˆmpteite\). Condition of first class by contrast with that in verse 8|. For this verb (present active indicative), formed from \pros“pon lamban“\, here alone in the N.T., see in strkjv@2:1|. A direct reference to the partiality there pictured. {Ye commit sin} (\hamartian ergazesthe\). "Ye work a sin." A serious charge, apparently, for what was regarded as a trifling fault. See strkjv@Matthew:7:23|, \hoi ergazomenoi tˆn anomian\ (ye that work iniquity), an apparent reminiscence of the words of Jesus there (from strkjv@Psalms:6:8|). {Being convicted} (\elegchomenoi\). Present passive participle of \elegch“\, to convict by proof of guilt (John:3:20; strkjv@8:9,46; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:24|). {As transgressors} (\h“s parabatai\). For this word from \parabain“\, to step across, to transgress, see strkjv@Galatians:2:18; strkjv@Romans:2:25,27|. See this very sin of partiality condemned in strkjv@Leviticus:19:15; strkjv@Deuteronomy:1:17; strkjv@16:19|. To the law and to the testimony.

rwp@James:2:14 @{What doth it profit?} (\ti ophelos;\). Rhetorical question, almost of impatience. Old word from \ophell“\, to increase, in N.T. only here, verse 16; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:32|. "\Ti ophelos\ was a common expression in the vivacious style of a moral diatribe" (Ropes). {If a man say} (\ean legˆi tis\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and the present active subjunctive of \leg“\, "if one keep on saying." {He hath faith} (\pistin echein\). Infinitive in indirect assertion after \legˆi\. {But have not works} (\erga de mˆ echˆi\). Third-class condition continued, "but keeps on not having (\mˆ\ and present active subjunctive \echˆi\) works." It is the spurious claim to faith that James here condemns. {Can that faith save him?} (\mˆ dunatai hˆ pistis s“sai auton;\). Negative answer expected (\mˆ\). Effective aorist active infinitive \s“sai\ (from \s“z“\). The article \hˆ\ here is almost demonstrative in force as it is in origin, referring to the claim of faith without works just made.

rwp@James:2:15 @{If a brother or sister be naked} (\ean adelphos ˆ adelphˆ gumnoi huparch“sin\). Condition again of third class (supposable case) with \ean\ and present active subjunctive of \huparch“\, to exist, in the plural though \ˆ\ (or) is used and not \kai\ (and). Hence \gumnoi\ is masculine plural in the predicate nominative. It does not here mean absolutely naked, but without sufficient clothing as in strkjv@Matthew:25:36ff.; strkjv@John:21:7; strkjv@Acts:19:16|. {In lack of daily food} (\leipomenoi tˆs ephˆmerou trophˆs\). Present passive participle of \leip“\ and ablative case \trophˆs\ like \leipetai sophias\ (1:5|). The old adjective \ephˆmeros\ (\ho epi hˆmeran “n\, that which is for a day) occurs here only in the N.T., though \ephˆmeria\ (daily routine) is found in strkjv@Luke:1:5,8|. This phrase occurs in Diodorus, but not in LXX.

rwp@James:2:18 @{Yea, a man will say} (\all' erei tis\). Future active of \eipon\. But \all'\ here is almost certainly adversative (But some one will say), not confirmatory. James introduces an imaginary objector who speaks one sentence: "Thou hast faith and I have works" (\Su pistin echeis kag“ erga ech“\). Then James answers this objector. The objector can be regarded as asking a short question: "Hast thou faith?" In that case James replies: "I have works also." {Show me thy faith apart from thy works} (\deixon moi tˆn pistin sou ch“ris t“n erg“n\). This is the reply of James to the objector. First aorist active imperative of \deiknumi\, tense of urgency. The point lies in \ch“ris\, which means not "without," but "apart from," as in strkjv@Hebrews:11:6| (with the ablative case), "the works that properly belong to it and should characterise it" (Hort). James challenges the objector to do this. {And I by my works will shew thee my faith} (\kag“ soi deix“ ek t“n erg“n mou tˆn pistin\). It is not faith _or_ works, but proof of real faith (live faith _vs_. dead faith). The mere profession of faith with no works or profession of faith shown to be alive by works. This is the alternative clearly stated. Note \pistin\ (faith) in both cases. James is not here discussing "works" (ceremonial works) as a means of salvation as Paul in strkjv@Galatians:3; strkjv@Romans:4|, but works as proof of faith.

rwp@James:2:19 @{Thou believest that God is one} (\su pisteueis hoti heis theos estin\). James goes on with his reply and takes up mere creed apart from works, belief that God exists (there is one God), a fundamental doctrine, but that is not belief or trust in God. It may be mere creed. {Thou doest well} (\kal“s poieis\). That is good as far as it goes, which is not far. {The demons also believe} (\kai ta daimonia pisteuousin\). They go that far (the same verb \pisteu“\). They never doubt the fact of God's existence. {And shudder} (\kai phrissousin\). Present active indicative of \phriss“\, old onomatopoetic verb to bristle up, to shudder, only here in N.T. Like Latin _horreo_ (horror, standing of the hair on end with terror). The demons do more than believe a fact. They shudder at it.

rwp@James:2:21 @{Justified by works} (\ex erg“n edikai“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \dikaio“\ (see Galatians and Romans for this verb, to declare righteous, to set right) in a question with \ouk\ expecting an affirmative answer. This is the phrase that is often held to be flatly opposed to Paul's statement in strkjv@Romans:4:1-5|, where Paul pointedly says that it was the faith of Abraham (Romans:4:9|) that was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness, not his works. But Paul is talking about the faith of Abraham before his circumcision (4:10|) as the basis of his being set right with God, which faith is symbolized in the circumcision. James makes plain his meaning also. {In that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar} (\anenegkas Isaak ton huion autou epi to thusiastˆrion\). They use the same words, but they are talking of different acts. James points to the offering (\anenegkas\ second aorist--with first aorist ending--active participle of \anapher“\) of Isaac on the altar (Genesis:22:16f.|) as _proof_ of the faith that Abraham already had. Paul discusses Abraham's faith as the basis of his justification, that and not his circumcision. There is no contradiction at all between James and Paul. Neither is answering the other. Paul may or may not have seen the Epistle of James, who stood by him loyally in the Conference in Jerusalem (Acts:15; strkjv@Galatians:2|).

rwp@James:2:23 @{Was fulfilled} (\eplˆr“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \plˆro“\, the usual verb for fulfilling Scripture. Songs:James quotes strkjv@Genesis:15:6| as proving his point in verse 21| that Abraham had works with his faith, the very same passage that Paul quotes in strkjv@Romans:4:3| to show that Abraham's faith preceded his circumcision and was the basis of his justification. And both James and Paul are right, each to illustrate a different point. {And he was called the friend of God} (\kai philos theou eklˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \kalˆo\. Not a part of the Scripture quoted. Philo calls Abraham the friend of God and see _Jubilees_ strkjv@19:9; strkjv@30:20. The Arabs today speak of Abraham as God's friend. It was evidently a common description before James used it, as in strkjv@Isaiah:41:8; strkjv@2Chronicles:20:7|.

rwp@James:2:25 @{Rahab the harlot} (\Raab hˆ pornˆ\). Her vicious life she left behind, but the name clung to her always. For our purposes the argument of James may seem stronger without the example of Rahab (Joshua:2:1-21; strkjv@6:17; 22-25; strkjv@Matthew:1:5; strkjv@Hebrews:11:31|). It is even said in Jewish Midrash that Rahab married Joshua and became an ancestor of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. {In that she received} (\hupodexamenˆ\). First aorist middle participle of \hupodechomai\, to welcome. {The messengers} (\tous aggelous\). Original meaning of \aggelos\ (Matthew:11:10|). In strkjv@Hebrews:11:31| we have \kataskopous\ (spies, scouts). {Sent out} (\ekbalousa\). Second aorist active participle of \ekball“\, to hurl out. {Another way} (\heterƒi hod“i\). "By another way" (instrumental case), by a window instead of a door (Joshua:2:15f.|).

rwp@James:2:26 @{Apart from the spirit} (\ch“ris pneumatos\). "Apart from breath" (the breath of life). It is not easy to tell when one is dead, but the absence of a sign of breath on a glass before the mouth and nose is proof of death. Startling picture of dead faith in our churches and church members with only a name to live (Revelation:3:2|).

rwp@James:3:2 @{In many things} (\polla\). Accusative neuter plural either cognate with \ptaiomen\ or accusative of general reference. On \ptaiomen\ (stumble) see on ¯2:10|. James includes himself in this list of stumblers. {If not} (\ei-ou\). Condition of first class with \ou\ (not \mˆ\) negativing the verb \ptaiei\. {In word} (\en log“i\). In speech. The teacher uses his tongue constantly and so is in particular peril on this score. {The same} (\houtos\). "This one" (not \ho autos\ the same). {A perfect man} (\teleios anˆr\). "A perfect husband" also, for \anˆr\ is husband as well as man in distinction from woman (\gunˆ\). The wife is at liberty to test her husband by this rule of the tongue. {To bridle the whole body also} (\chalinag“gˆsai kai holon to s“ma\). See strkjv@1:26| for this rare verb applied to the tongue (\gl“ssan\). Here the same metaphor is used and shown to apply to the whole body as horses are led by the mouth. The man follows his own mouth whether he controls the bridle therein (1:26|) or someone else holds the reins. James apparently means that the man who bridles his tongue does not stumble in speech and is able also to control his whole body with all its passions. See strkjv@Titus:1:11| about stopping people's mouths (\epistomiz“\).

rwp@James:3:4 @{The ships also} (\kai ta ploia\). Old word from \ple“\, to sail (Matthew:4:21|). Another metaphor like "horses" (\hippoi\). "There is more imagery drawn from mere natural phenomena in the one short Epistle of James than in all St. Paul's epistles put together" (Howson). {Though they are so great} (\tˆlikauta onta\). Concessive participle of \eimi\. The quantitative pronoun \tˆlikoutos\ occurs in the N.T. only here, strkjv@2Corinthians:1:10; strkjv@Hebrews:2:3; strkjv@Revelation:16:18|. If James had only seen the modern mammoth ships. But the ship on which Paul went to Malta carried 276 persons (Acts:27:37|). {And are driven} (\kai elaunomena\). Present passive participle of \elaun“\, old verb, in this sense (2Peter:2:17|) for rowing (Mark:6:48; strkjv@John:6:19|). {Rough} (\sklˆron\). Old adjective (from \skell“\, to dry up), harsh, stiff, hard (Matthew:25:24|). {Are yet turned} (\metagetai\). Present passive indicative of the same verb, \metag“\, in verse 3|. James is fond of repeating words (1:13f.; strkjv@2:14,16; strkjv@2:21,25|). {By a very small rudder} (\hupo elachistou pˆdaliou\). For the use of \hupo\ (under) with things see strkjv@Luke:8:14; strkjv@2Peter:2:7|. There is possibly personification in the use of \hupo\ for agency in strkjv@James:1:14; strkjv@2:9; strkjv@Colossians:2:18|. \Pˆdaliou\ (from \pˆdon\, the blade of an oar) is an old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:27:40|. \Elachistou\ is the elative superlative as in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:3| (from the Epic \elachus\ for \mikros\). {The impulse} (\hˆ hormˆ\). Old word for rapid, violent motion, here of the hand that worked the rudder, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:14:5| (rush or onset of the people). {Of the steersman} (\tou euthunontos\). Present active genitive articular participle of \euthun“\, old verb, to make straight (from \euthus\, straight, level, strkjv@Mark:1:3|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@John:1:23|. Used also of the shepherd, the charioteer, and today it would apply to the chauffeur. "The twin figure of the control of horse and of ship are frequently found together in later Greek writers" (Ropes). As in Plutarch and Philo. {Willeth} (\bouletai\). Present middle indicative of \boulomai\, common verb to will. Here intention of the steersman lies back of the impact of the hand on the rudder.

rwp@James:3:6 @{The tongue is a fire} (\hˆ gl“ssa pur\). Songs:necessarily since there is no article with \pur\ (apparently same word as German _feuer_, Latin _purus_, English _pure, fire_). This metaphor of fire is applied to the tongue in strkjv@Proverbs:16:27; strkjv@26:18-22|; Sirach strkjv@28:22. {The world of iniquity} (\ho kosmos tˆs adikias\). A difficult phrase, impossible to understand according to Ropes as it stands. If the comma is put after \pur\ instead of after \adikias\, then the phrase may be the predicate with \kathistatai\ (present passive indicative of \kathistˆmi\, "is constituted," or the present middle "presents itself"). Even so, \kosmos\ remains a difficulty, whether it means the "ornament" (1Peter:3:3|) or "evil world" (James:1:27|) or just "world" in the sense of widespread power for evil. The genitive \adikias\ is probably descriptive (or qualitative). Clearly James means to say that the tongue can play havoc in the members of the human body. {Which defileth the whole body} (\hˆ spilousa holon to s“ma\). Present active participle of \spilo“\ late _Koin‚_, verb, to stain from \spilos\ (spot, also late word, in N.T. only in strkjv@Ephesians:5:27; strkjv@2Peter:2:13|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Judges:1:23|. Cf. strkjv@1:27| \aspilon\ (unspotted). {Setteth on fire} (\phlogizousa\). Present active participle of \phlogiz“\, old verb, to set on fire, to ignite, from \phlox\ (flame), in N.T. only in this verse. See \anaptei\ (verse 5|). {The wheel of nature} (\ton trochon genese“s\). Old word for wheel (from \trech“\, to run), only here in N.T. "One of the hardest passages in the Bible" (Hort). To what does \trochon\ refer? For \genese“s\ see strkjv@1:23| apparently in the same sense. Vincent suggests "the wheel of birth" (cf. strkjv@Matthew:1:1,18|). The ancient writers often use this same phrase (or \kuklos\, cycle, in place of \trochos\), but either in a physiological or a philosophical sense. James may have caught the metaphor from the current use, but certainly he has no such Orphic or Pythagorean doctrine of the transmigration of souls, "the unending round of death and rebirth" (Ropes). The wheel of life may be considered either in motion or standing still, though setting on fire implies motion. There is no reference to the zodiac. {And is set on fire by hell} (\kai phlogizomenˆ hupo gehennˆs\). Present passive participle of \phlogiz“\, giving the continual source of the fire in the tongue. For the metaphor of fire with \gehenna\ see strkjv@Matthew:5:22|.

rwp@James:3:7 @{Kind} (\phusis\). Old word from \phu“\, order of nature (Romans:1:26|), here of all animals and man, in strkjv@2Peter:1:4| of God and redeemed men. {Of beasts} (\thˆri“n\). Old word diminutive from \thˆr\ and so "little beasts" originally, then wild animals in general (Mark:1:13|), or quadrupeds as here. These four classes of animals come from strkjv@Genesis:9:2f|. {Birds} (\petein“n\). Old word for flying animals (from \petomai\, to word from \herp“\, to crawl (Latin _serpo_), hence serpents. {Things in the sea} (\enali“n\). Old adjective (\en, hals\, sea, salt) in the sea, here only in N.T. The four groups are put in two pairs here by the use of \te kai\ with the first two and the second two. See a different classification in strkjv@Acts:10:12; strkjv@11:6|. {Is tamed} (\damazetai\). Present passive indicative of \damaz“\, old verb kin to Latin _dominus_ and English tame, in N.T. only in this passage and strkjv@Mark:5:4|. The present tense gives the general picture of the continuous process through the ages of man's lordship over the animals as stated in strkjv@Genesis:1:28|. {Hath been tamed} (\dedamastai\). Perfect passive indicative of the same verb, repeated to present the state of conquest in some cases (domestic animals, for instance). {By mankind} (\tˆi phusei tˆi anthr“pinˆi\). Instrumental case with repeated article and repetition also of \phusis\, "by the nature the human." For \anthr“pinos\ see strkjv@Acts:17:25|.

rwp@James:3:9 @{Therewith} (\en autˆi\). This instrumental use of \en\ is not merely Hebraistic, but appears in late _Koin‚_ writers (Moulton, _Prol._, pp. 11f., 61f.). See also strkjv@Romans:15:6|. {We bless} (\eulogoumen\). Present active indicative of \euloge“\, old verb from \eulogos\ (a good word, \eu, logos\), as in strkjv@Luke:1:64| of God. "This is the highest function of speech" (Hort). {The Lord and Father} (\ton kurion kai patera\). Both terms applied to God. {Curse we} (\katar“metha\). Present middle indicative of the old compound verb \kataraomai\, to curse (from \katara\ a curse), as in strkjv@Luke:6:28|. {Which are made after the likeness of God} (\tous kath' homoi“sin theou gegonotas\). Second perfect articular participle of \ginomai\ and \homoi“sis\, old word from \homoio“\ (to make like), making like, here only in N.T. (from strkjv@Genesis:1:26; strkjv@9:6|), the usual word being \homoi“ma\, resemblance (Phillipians:2:7|). It is this image of God which sets man above the beasts. Cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:3:18|.

rwp@James:3:11 @{The fountain} (\hˆ pˆgˆ\). Old word for spring (John:4:14|). {Opening} (\opˆs\). Old word for fissure in the earth, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:11:38| (caves). {Send forth} (\bruei\). Present active indicative of \bru“\, old verb, to bubble up, to gush forth, here only in N.T. The use of \mˆti\ shows that a negative answer is expected in this rhetorical question. {The sweet and the bitter} (\to gluku kai to pikron\). Cognate accusatives with \bruei\. Separate articles to distinguish sharply the two things. The neuter singular articular adjective is a common way of presenting a quality. \Glukus\ is an old adjective (in N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:10:9f.|), the opposite of \pikron\ (from old root, to cut, to prick), in N.T. only here and verse 14| (sharp, harsh).

rwp@James:3:13 @{Who} (\Tis\). Rhetorical interrogative like strkjv@Luke:11:11|. Common in Paul and characteristic of the diatribe. James here returns to the standpoint of verse 1| about many teachers. Speech and wisdom are both liable to abuse (1Corinthians:1:5,17; strkjv@2:1-3:20|). {Wise and understanding} (\sophos kai epistˆm“n\). \Sophos\ is used for the practical teacher (verse 1|), \epistˆm“n\ (old word from \epistamai\, here only in N.T.) for an expert, a skilled and scientific person with a tone of superiority. In strkjv@Deuteronomy:1:13,15; strkjv@4:6|, the two terms are practically synonyms. {Let him shew} (\deixat“\). First aorist active imperative of \deiknumi\, old verb to show. As about faith in strkjv@2:18|. Emphatic position of this verb. {By his good life} (\ek tˆs kalˆs anastrophˆs\). For this literary _Koin‚_ word from \anastrephomai\ (walk, conduct) see strkjv@Galatians:1:13|. Actions speak louder than words even in the case of the professional wise man. Cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:15|. {In meekness of wisdom} (\en prautˆti sophias\). As in strkjv@1:21| of the listener, so here of the teacher. Cf. strkjv@Matthew:5:5; strkjv@11:29| and Zac strkjv@9:9| of King Messiah quoted in strkjv@Matthew:21:5|. Startling combination.

rwp@James:3:14 @{Bitter jealousy} (\zˆlon pikron\). \Zˆlos\ occurs in N.T. in good sense (John:2:17|) and bad sense (Acts:5:17|). Pride of knowledge is evil (1Corinthians:8:1|) and leaves a bitter taste. See "root of bitterness" in strkjv@Hebrews:12:14| (cf. strkjv@Ephesians:4:31|). This is a condition of the first class. {Faction} (\erithian\). Late word, from \erithos\ (hireling, from \eritheu“\ to spin wool), a pushing forward for personal ends, partisanship, as in strkjv@Phillipians:1:16|. {In your heart} (\en tˆi kardiƒi hum“n\). The real fountain (\pˆgˆ\, verse 11|). {Glory not} (\mˆ katakauchƒsthe\). Present middle imperative of \katakauchaomai\, for which see strkjv@2:13|. Wisdom is essential for the teacher. Boasting arrogance disproves the possession of wisdom. {Lie not against the truth} (\pseudesthe kata tˆs alˆtheias\). Present middle imperative of \pseudomai\, old verb, to play false, with \mˆ\ carried over. Lying against the truth is futile. By your conduct do not belie the truth which you teach; a solemn and needed lesson. Cf. strkjv@Romans:1:18f., strkjv@2:18,20|.

rwp@James:3:15 @{This wisdom} (\hautˆ hˆ sophia\). All talk and disproved by the life, counterfeit wisdom, not real wisdom (1:5; strkjv@3:17|). {Coming down from above} (\katerchomenˆ an“then\). As in strkjv@1:5,17|. All true wisdom comes from God. {Earthly} (\epigeios\). Old adjective, on earth (\epi, gˆ\), as in strkjv@John:3:12|, then with earthly limitations (Phillipians:3:19|), as here. {Sensual} (\psuchikˆ\). Old adjective, belonging to the \psuchˆ\, the sensuous or animal life (1Corinthians:2:14| and here). {Devilish} (\daimoni“dˆs\). Late adjective from \daimonion\ (demon) and so demoniacal or demon-like, here only in N.T.

rwp@James:3:18 @{Is sown in peace} (\en eirˆnˆi speiretai\). Present passive indicative of \speir“\, to sow. The seed which bears the fruit is sown, but James catches up the metaphor of \karpos\ (fruit) from verse 17|. Only in peace is the fruit of righteousness found. {For them that make peace} (\tois poiousin eirˆnˆn\). Dative case of the articular participle of \poie“\. See strkjv@Ephesians:2:15| for this phrase (doing peace), and strkjv@Colossians:1:20| for \eirˆnopoie“\, of Christ, and strkjv@Matthew:5:9| for \eirˆnopoioi\ (peacemakers). Only those who act peaceably are entitled to peace.

rwp@James:4:1 @{Whence} (\pothen\). This old interrogative adverb (here twice) asks for the origin of wars and fights. James is full of interrogatives, like all diatribes. {Wars} (\polemoi\) {--fightings} (\machai\). {War} (\polemos\, old word, strkjv@Matthew:24:6|) pictures the chronic state or campaign, while \machˆ\ (also old word, strkjv@2Corinthians:7:5|) presents the separate conflicts or battles in the war. Songs:James covers the whole ground by using both words. The origin of a war or of any quarrel is sometimes hard to find, but James touches the sore spot here. {Of your pleasures} (\ek t“n hˆdon“n hum“n\). Old word from \hˆdomai\. Ablative case here after \ek\, "out of your sinful, sensual lusts," the desire to get what one does not have and greatly desires. {That war} (\t“n strateuomen“n\). Present middle articular participle (ablative case agreeing with \hˆdon“n\) of \strateu“\, to carry on a campaign, here as in strkjv@1Peter:2:11| of the passions in the human body. James seems to be addressing nominal Christians, "among you" (\en humin\). Modern church disturbances are old enough in practice.

rwp@James:4:2 @{Ye lust} (\epithumeite\). Present active indicative of \epithume“\, old word (from \epi, thumos\, yearning passion for), not necessarily evil as clearly not in strkjv@Luke:22:15| of Christ, but usually so in the N.T., as here. Coveting what a man or nation does not have is the cause of war according to James. {Ye kill and covet} (\phoneuete kai zˆloute\). Present active indicatives of \phoneu“\ (old verb from \phoneus\, murderer) and \zˆlo“\, to desire hotly to possess (1Corinthians:12:31|). It is possible (perhaps probable) that a full stop should come after \phoneuete\ (ye kill) as the result of lusting and not having. Then we have the second situation: "Ye covet and cannot obtain (\epituchein\, second aorist active infinitive of \epitugchan“\), and (as a result) ye fight and war." This punctuation makes better sense than any other and is in harmony with verse 1|. Thus also the anticlimax in \phoneuete\ and \zˆloute\ is avoided. Mayor makes the words a hendiadys, "ye murderously envy." {Ye have not, because ye ask not} (\ouk echete dia to mˆ aiteisthai humas\). James refers again to \ouk echete\ (ye do not have) in verse 2|. Such sinful lusting will not obtain. "Make the service of God your supreme end, and then your desires will be such as God can fulfil in answer to your prayer" (Ropes). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:6:31-33|. The reason here is expressed by \dia\ and the accusative of the articular present middle infinitive of \aite“\, used here of prayer to God as in strkjv@Matthew:7:7f|. \Humƒs\ (you) is the accusative of general reference. Note the middle voice here as in \aiteisthe\ in 3|. Mayor argues that the middle here, in contrast with the active, carries more the spirit of prayer, but Moulton (_Prol_., p. 160) regards the distinction between \aite“\ and \aiteomai\ often "an extinct subtlety."

rwp@James:4:4 @{Ye adulteresses} (\moichalides\). \Moichoi kai\ (ye adulterers) is spurious (Syrian text only). The feminine form here is a common late word from the masculine \moichoi\. It is not clear whether the word is to be taken literally here as in strkjv@Romans:7:3|, or figuratively for all unfaithful followers of Christ (like an unfaithful bride), as in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:1f.; strkjv@Ephesians:5:24-28| (the Bride of Christ). Either view makes sense in this context, probably the literal view being more in harmony with the language of verses 2f|. In that case James may include more than Christians in his view, though Paul talks plainly to church members about unchastity (Ephesians:5:3-5|). {Enmity with God} (\echthra tou theou\). Objective genitive \theou\ with \echthra\ (predicate and so without article), old word from \echthros\, enemy (Romans:5:10|), with \eis theon\ (below and strkjv@Romans:8:7|). {Whosoever therefore would be} (\hos ean oun boulˆthˆi\). Indefinite relative clause with \hos\ and modal \ean\ and the first aorist passive (deponent) subjunctive of \boulomai\, to will (purpose). {A friend of the world} (\philos tou kosmou\). Predicate nominative with infinitive \einai\ agreeing with \hos\. See strkjv@2:23| for \philos theou\ (friend of God). {Maketh himself} (\kathistatai\). Present passive (not middle) indicative as in strkjv@3:6|, "is constituted," "is rendered." {An enemy of God} (\echthros tou theou\). Predicate nominative and anarthrous and objective genitive (\theou\).

rwp@James:4:6 @{More grace} (\meizona charin\). "Greater grace." Greater than what? "Greater grace in view of the greater requirement" (Ropes), like strkjv@Romans:5:20f|. God does this. {Wherefore} (\dio\). To prove this point James quotes strkjv@Proverbs:3:34|. {God resisteth the proud} (\ho theos huperˆphanois antitassetai\). Present middle (direct) indicative of \antitass“\, old military term, to range in battle against, with dative case (Romans:13:2|) as in strkjv@5:6|. \Huperˆphanois\ (\huper, phainomai\) is like our vernacular "stuck-up folks" (Romans:1:30|), "haughty persons." {But giveth grace to the humble} (\tapeinois de did“sin charin\). Anarthrous adjective again, "to humble or lowly persons," for which word see strkjv@1:9f|. Cf. strkjv@2:5-7; strkjv@5:1-6|.

rwp@James:4:8 @{Draw nigh to God} (\eggisate t“i the“i\). First aorist active imperative of \eggiz“\, late verb from \eggus\ (near) as in strkjv@Matthew:3:2|. With dative case again of personal relation. The priests in the sanctuary drew nigh to God (Exodus:19:22|), as we should now. {Cleanse your hands} (\katharisate cheiras\). First aorist active imperative of \kathariz“\, to cleanse, from dirt in a ritual sense (Exodus:30:19-21; strkjv@Mark:7:3,19|). Here it is figurative, as in strkjv@Hosea:1:16; strkjv@Psalms:24:4|. If we always had clean (from sin) hands and hearts? {Ye sinners} (\hamart“loi\). A sharp term to strike the conscience, "a reproach meant to startle and sting" (Ropes). {Purify your hearts} (\hagnisate kardias\). First aorist active imperative of \hagniz“\, old verb from \hagnos\ (James:3:17|), ceremonially (Acts:21:24,26|), but here morally as in strkjv@1Peter:1:22; strkjv@1John:3:3|. Anarthrous use of \kardias\ as of \cheiras\ (wash hands, purify hearts). {Ye double-minded} (\dipsuchoi\). As in strkjv@1:8|.

rwp@James:4:12 @{One only} (\heis\). No "only" in the Greek, but \heis\ here excludes all others but God. {The lawgiver} (\ho nomothetˆs\). Old compound (from \nomos, tithˆmi\), only here in N.T. In strkjv@Psalms:9:20|. Cf. \nomothete“\ in strkjv@Hebrews:7:11; strkjv@8:6|. {To save} (\s“sai\, first aorist active infinitive of \s“z“\) {and to destroy} (\kai apolesai\, first aorist active infinitive of \apollumi\ to destroy). Cf. the picture of God's power in strkjv@Matthew:10:28|, a common idea in the O.T. (Deuteronomy:32:39; strkjv@1Samuel:2:16; strkjv@2Kings:5:7|). {But who art thou?} (\su de tis ei;\). Proleptic and emphatic position of \su\ (thou) in this rhetorical question as in strkjv@Romans:9:20; strkjv@14:4|. {Thy neighbour} (\ton plˆsion\). "The neighbour" as in strkjv@James:2:8|.

rwp@James:4:13 @{Go to now} (\age nun\). Interjectional use of \age\ (from \ag“\) as in strkjv@5:1| (only N.T. instances) with a plural verb (\hoi legontes\, present active articular participle, ye that say) as is common in ancient Greek like \ide nun ˆkousate\ (Matthew:26:65|). {Today or tomorrow} (\sˆmeron ˆ aurion\). Correct text (Aleph B), not \kai\ (and). {Into this city} (\eis tˆnde tˆn polin\). Old demonstrative \hode\, rare in N.T. (Luke:10:39|) save in neuter plural \tade\ (these things strkjv@Acts:21:11|). One would point out the city on the map (Mayor) as he made the proposal (we will go, \poreusometha\). {And spend a year there} (\kai poiˆsomen ekei eniauton\). Another future (active of \poie“\). "We will do a year there." {And trade} (\kai emporeusometha\). Future middle of \emporeuomai\ (\en, poreuomai\, to go in), old verb from \emporos\ (a merchant or trader, a drummer, one going in and getting the trade, strkjv@Matthew:13:45|), a vivid picture of the Jewish merchants of the time. {And get gain} (\kai kerdˆsomen\). Future (Ionic form) active of \kerdain“\, old verb from \kerdos\ (gain, strkjv@Phillipians:1:21|), as in strkjv@Matthew:16:26|.

rwp@James:4:14 @{Whereas ye know not} (\hoitines ouk epistasthe\). The longer relative \hostis\ defines here more precisely (like Latin _qui_) \hoi legontes\ (ye who say) of verse 13| in a causal sense, as in strkjv@Acts:10:47|, "who indeed do not know" (present middle indicative of \epistamai\). {What shall be on the morrow} (\tˆs aurion\). Supply \hˆmeras\ (day) after \aurion\. This is the reading of B (Westcott) "on the morrow" (genitive of time), but Aleph K L cursives have \to tˆs aurion\ ("the matter of tomorrow"), while A P cursives have \ta tˆs aurion\ ("the things of tomorrow"). The sense is practically the same, though \to tˆs aurion\ is likely correct. {What is your life?} (\poia hˆ z“ˆ hum“n\). Thus Westcott and Hort punctuate it as an indirect question, not direct. \Poia\ is a qualitative interrogative (of what character). {As vapour} (\atmis\). This is the answer. Old word for mist (like \atmos\, from which our "atmosphere"), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:2:19| with \kapnou\ (vapour of smoke (from strkjv@Joel:2:30|). {For a little time} (\pros oligon\). See same phrase in strkjv@1Timothy:4:8|, \pros kairon\ in strkjv@Luke:8:13|, \pros h“ran\ in strkjv@John:5:35|. {That appeareth and then vanisheth away} (\phainomenˆ epeita kai aphanizomenˆ\). Present middle participles agreeing with \atmis\, "appearing, then also disappearing," with play on the two verbs (\phainomai, aphaniz“\ as in strkjv@Matthew:6:19|, from \aphanˆs\ hidden strkjv@Hebrews:4:13|) with the same root \phan\ (\phain“, a-phan-ˆs\).

rwp@James:4:15 @{For that ye ought to say} (\anti tou legein humƒs\). "Instead of the saying as to you" (genitive of the articular infinitive with the preposition \anti\ and the accusative of general reference with \legein\), "instead of your saying." {If the Lord will} (\ean ho kurios thelˆi\). Condition of the third class with \ean\ and the present active subjunctive (or first aorist active \thelesˆi\ in some MSS). The proper attitude of mind (Acts:18:21; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:19; strkjv@16:7; strkjv@Romans:1:19; strkjv@Phillipians:2:19,24; strkjv@Hebrews:6:3|), not to be uttered always in words like a charm. This Hellenistic formula was common among the ancient heathen, as today among modern Arabs like the Latin _deo volente_. {This or that} (\touto ˆ ekeino\). Applicable to every act.

rwp@James:4:16 @{In your vauntings} (\en tais alazoniais hum“n\). Old word for braggart talk (from \alazoneuomai\, to act the \alaz“n\ empty boaster strkjv@Romans:1:30|), common in Aristophanes, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1John:2:16|. {Glorying} (\kauchˆsis\). Act of glorying, late word from \kauchaomai\, good if for Christ (1Thessalonians:2:19|), bad if for self as here.

rwp@James:4:17 @{To him that knoweth} (\eidoti\). Dative case of second perfect participle \eid“s\ (from \oida\), and with the infinitive to know how, "to one knowing how." {To do good} (\kalon poiein\). "To do a good deed." {And doeth it not} (\kai mˆ poiounti\). Dative again of the present active participle of \poie“\, "and to one not doing it." Cf. "not a doer" (1:23|) and strkjv@Matthew:7:26|. {Sin} (\hamartia\). Unused knowledge of one's duty is sin, the sin of omission. Cf. strkjv@Matthew:23:23|.

rwp@James:5:1 @{Come now, ye rich} (\age nun hoi plousioi\). Exclamatory interjection as in strkjv@4:13|. Direct address to the rich as a class as in strkjv@1Timothy:6:17|. Apparently here James has in mind the rich as a class, whether believer, as in strkjv@1:10f.|, or unbeliever, as in strkjv@2:1f.,6|. The plea here is not directly for reform, but a warning of certain judgment (5:1-6|) and for Christians "a certain grim comfort in the hardships of poverty" (Ropes) in strkjv@5:7-11|. {Weep and howl} (\klausate ololuzontes\). "Burst into weeping (ingressive aorist active imperative of \klai“\ as in strkjv@4:9|), howling with grief" (present active participle of the old onomatopoetic verb \ololuz“\, here only in N.T., like Latin _ululare_, with which compare \alalaz“\ in strkjv@Matthew:5:38|. {For your miseries} (\epi tais talaip“riais hum“n\). Old word from \talaip“ros\ (Romans:7:24|) and like \talaip“re“\ in strkjv@James:4:9| (from \tla“\ to endure and \p“ros\ a callus). {That are coming upon you} (\tais eperchomenais\). Present middle participle of the old compound \eperchomai\ to come upon, used here in futuristic prophetic sense.

rwp@James:5:3 @{Are rusted} (\kati“tai\). Perfect passive indicative (singular for \chrusos\ and \arguros\ are grouped as one) of \katio“\, late verb (from \ios\, rust) with perfective sense of \kata\, to rust through (down to the bottom), found only here, Sir. strkjv@12:11, Epictetus (_Diss_. 4, 6, 14). {Rust} (\ios\). Poison in strkjv@James:3:8; strkjv@Romans:3:13| (only N.T. examples of old word). Silver does corrode and gold will tarnish. Dioscorides (V.91) tells about gold being rusted by chemicals. Modern chemists can even transmute metals as the alchemists claimed. {For a testimony} (\eis marturion\). Common idiom as in strkjv@Matthew:8:4| (use of \eis\ with accusative in predicate). {Against you} (\humin\). Dative of disadvantage as in strkjv@Mark:6:11| (\eis marturion autois\) where in the parallel passage (Luke:9:5|) we have \eis marturion ep' autous\. "To you" will make sense, as in strkjv@Matthew:8:4; strkjv@10:18|, but "against" is the idea here as in strkjv@Luke:21:13|. {Shall eat} (\phagetai\). Future middle (late form from \ephagon\) of defective verb \esthi“\, to eat. {Your flesh} (\tas sarkas\). The plural is used for the fleshy parts of the body like pieces of flesh (Revelation:17:16; strkjv@19:18,21|). Rust eats like a canker, like cancer in the body. {As fire} (\h“s pur\). Editors differ here whether to connect this phrase with \phagetai\, just before (as Mayor), for fire eats up more rapidly than rust, or with the following, as Westcott and Hort and Ropes, that is the eternal fire of Gehenna which awaits them (Matthew:25:41; strkjv@Mark:9:44|). This interpretation makes a more vivid picture for \ethˆsaurisate\ (ye have laid up, first aorist active indicative of \thˆsauriz“\, strkjv@Matthew:6:19| and see strkjv@Proverbs:16:27|), but it is more natural to take it with \phagetai\.

rwp@James:5:4 @{The hire} (\ho misthos\). Old word for wages (Matthew:20:8|). {Labourers} (\ergat“n\). Any one who works (\ergazomai\), especially agricultural workers (Matthew:9:37|). {Who mowed} (\t“n amˆsant“n\). Genitive plural of the articular first aorist active participle of \ama“\ (from \hama\, together), old verb, to gather together, to reap, here only in N.T. {Fields} (\ch“ras\). Estates or farms (Luke:12:16|). {Which is of you kept back by fraud} (\ho aphusterˆmenos aph' hum“n\). Perfect passive articular participle of \aphustere“\, late compound (simplex \hustere“\ common as strkjv@Matthew:19:20|), to be behindhand from, to fail of, to cause to withdraw, to defraud. Pitiful picture of earned wages kept back by rich Jews, old problem of capital and labour that is with us yet in acute form. {The cries} (\hai boai\). Old word from which \boa“\ comes (Matthew:3:3|), here only in N.T. The stolen money "cries out" (\krazei\), the workers cry out for vengeance. {That reaped} (\t“n therisant“n\). Genitive plural of the articular participle first aorist active of \theriz“\ (old verb from \theros\, summer, strkjv@Matthew:24:32|), to reap, to harvest while summer allows (Matthew:6:26|). {Have entered} (\eiselˆluthan\). Perfect active third person plural indicative of \eiserchomai\, old and common compound, to go or come into. This late form is by analogy of the aorist for the usual form in \-asi\. {Of the Lord of Sabaoth} (\Kuriou Saba“th\). "Of the Lord of Hosts," quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:5:9| as in strkjv@Romans:9:29|, transliterating the Hebrew word for "Hosts," an expression for the omnipotence of God like \Pantokrat“r\ (Revelation:4:8|). God hears the cries of the oppressed workmen even if the employers are deaf.

rwp@James:5:5 @{Ye have lived delicately} (\etruphˆsate\). First aorist (constative, summary) active indicative of \trupha“\, old verb from \truphˆ\ (luxurious living as in strkjv@Luke:7:25|, from \thrupt“\, to break down, to enervate), to lead a soft life, only here in N.T. {Taken your pleasure} (\espatalˆsate\). First aorist (constative) active indicative of \spatala“\, late and rare verb to live voluptuously or wantonly (from \spatalˆ\, riotous living, wantonness, once as bracelet), in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Timothy:5:6|. {Ye have nourished} (\ethrepsate\). First aorist (constative) active indicative of \treph“\, old verb, to feed, to fatten (Matthew:6:26|). They are fattening themselves like sheep or oxen all unconscious of "the day of slaughter" (\en hˆmerƒi sphagˆs\, definite without the article) ahead of them. For this use of \sphagˆs\ see strkjv@Romans:8:36| (\probata sphagˆs\, sheep for the slaughter, \sphagˆ\ from \sphaz“\, to slay), consummate sarcasm on the folly of sinful rich people.

rwp@James:5:6 @{Ye have condemned} (\katedikasate\). First aorist active indicative of \katadikaz“\, old verb (from \katadikˆ\, condemnation, strkjv@Acts:25:15|). The rich controlled the courts of justice. {Ye have killed the righteous one} (\ephoneusate ton dikaion\). First aorist active indicative of \phoneu“\ (2:11; strkjv@4:2|). "The righteous one" (\t“n dikaion\) is the generic use of the singular with article for the class. There is probably no direct reference to one individual, though it does picture well the death of Christ and also the coming death of James himself, who was called the Just (Eus. _H.E_. ii. 23). Stephen (Acts:7:52|) directly accuses the Sanhedrin with being betrayers and murderers (\prodotai kai phoneis\) of the righteous one (\tou dikaiou\). {He doth not resist you} (\ouk antitassetai humin\). It is possible to treat this as a question. Present middle indicative of \antitass“\, for which see strkjv@James:4:6|. Without a question the unresisting end of the victim (\ton dikaion\) is pictured. With a question (\ouk\, expecting an affirmative answer) God or Lord is the subject, with the final judgment in view. There is no way to decide definitely.

rwp@James:5:7 @{Be patient therefore} (\makrothumˆsate oun\). A direct corollary (\oun\, therefore) from the coming judgment on the wicked rich (5:1-6|). First aorist (constative) active imperative of \makrothume“\, late compound (Plutarch, LXX) from \makrothumos\ (\makros, thumos\, of long spirit, not losing heart), as in strkjv@Matthew:18:26|. The appeal is to the oppressed brethren. Catch your wind for a long race (long-tempered as opposed to short-tempered). See already the exhortation to patience (\hupomonˆ\) in strkjv@1:3f.,12| and repeated in strkjv@5:11|. They will need both submission (\hupomen“\ strkjv@5:11|) and steadfastness (\makrothumia\ strkjv@5:10|). {Until the coming of the Lord} (\he“s tˆs parousias\). The second coming of Christ he means, the regular phrase here and in verse 8| for that idea (Matthew:24:3,37,39; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:19|, etc.). {The husbandman} (\ho ge“rgos\). The worker in the ground (\gˆ, erg“\) as in strkjv@Matthew:21:33f|. {Waiteth for} (\ekdechetai\). Present middle indicative of \ekdechomai\, old verb for eager expectation as in strkjv@Acts:17:16|. {Precious} (\timion\). Old adjective from \timˆ\ (honor, price), dear to the farmer because of his toil for it. See strkjv@1Peter:1:19|. {Being patient over it} (\makrothum“n ep' aut“i\). Present active participle of \makrothume“\ just used in the exhortation, picturing the farmer longing and hoping over his precious crop (cf. strkjv@Luke:18:7| of God). {Until it receive} (\he“s labˆi\). Temporal clause of the future with \he“s\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \lamban“\, vividly describing the farmer's hopes and patience. {The early and latter rain} (\pro‹mon kai opsimon\). The word for rain (\hueton\ strkjv@Acts:14:17|) is absent from the best MSS. The adjective \pro‹mos\ (from \pr“‹\, early) occurs here only in N.T., though old in the form \pro‹mos\ and \pr“‹s\. See strkjv@Deuteronomy:11:14; strkjv@Jeremiah:5:24|, etc. for these terms for the early rain in October or November for the germination of the grain, and the latter rain (\opsimon\, from \opse\, late, here only in N.T.) in April and May for maturing the grain.

rwp@James:5:14 @{Is any among you sick?} (\asthenei tis en humin;\). Present active indicative of \asthene“\, old verb, to be weak (without strength), often in N.T. (Matthew:10:8|). {Let him call for} (\proskalesasth“\). First aorist (ingressive) middle imperative of \proskale“\. Note change of tense (aorist) and middle (indirect) voice. Care for the sick is urged in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:14| ("help the sick"). Note the plural here, "elders of the church, as in strkjv@Acts:20:17; strkjv@15:6,22; strkjv@21:18; strkjv@Phillipians:1:1| (bishops). {Let them pray over him} (\proseuxasth“san ep' auton\). First aorist middle imperative of \proseuchomai\. Prayer for the sick is clearly enjoined. {Anointing him with oil} (\aleipsantes elai“i\). First aorist active participle of \aleiph“\, old verb, to anoint, and the instrumental case of \elaion\ (oil). The aorist participle can be either simultaneous or antecedent with \proseuxasth“san\ (pray). See the same use of \aleiph“ elai“i\ in strkjv@Mark:6:13|. The use of olive oil was one of the best remedial agencies known to the ancients. They used it internally and externally. Some physicians prescribe it today. It is clear both in strkjv@Mark:6:13| and here that medicinal value is attached to the use of the oil and emphasis is placed on the worth of prayer. There is nothing here of the pagan magic or of the later practice of "extreme unction" (after the eighth century). It is by no means certain that \aleiph“\ here and in strkjv@Mark:6:13| means "anoint" in a ceremonial fashion rather than "rub" as it commonly does in medical treatises. Trench (N.T. Synonyms) says: "\Aleiphein\ is the mundane and profane, \chriein\ the sacred and religious, word." At bottom in James we have God and medicine, God and the doctor, and that is precisely where we are today. The best physicians believe in God and want the help of prayer.

rwp@James:5:15 @{The prayer of faith} (\hˆ euchˆ tˆs piste“s\). Cf. strkjv@1:6| for prayer marked by faith. {Shall save} (\s“sei\). Future active of \s“z“\, to make well. As in strkjv@Matthew:9:21f.; strkjv@Mark:6:56|. No reference here to salvation of the soul. The medicine does not heal the sick, but it helps nature (God) do it. The doctor cooperates with God in nature. {The sick} (\ton kamnonta\). Present active articular participle of \kamn“\, old verb, to grow weary (Hebrews:12:3|), to be sick (here), only N.T. examples. {The Lord shall raise him up} (\egerei auton ho kurios\). Future active of \egeir“\. Precious promise, but not for a professional "faith-healer" who scoffs at medicine and makes merchandise out of prayer. {And if he have committed sins} (\kan hamartias ˆi pepoiˆk“s\). Periphrastic perfect active subjunctive (unusual idiom) with \kai ean\ (crasis \kan\) in condition of third class. Supposing that he has committed sins as many sick people have (Mark:2:5ff.; strkjv@John:5:14; strkjv@9:2f.; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:30|). {It shall be forgiven him} (\aphethˆsetai aut“i\). Future passive of \aphiˆmi\ (impersonal passive as in strkjv@Matthew:7:2,7; strkjv@Romans:10:10|). Not in any magical way, not because his sickness has been healed, not without change of heart and turning to God through Christ. Much is assumed here that is not expressed.

rwp@James:5:16 @{Confess therefore your sins one to another} (\exomologeisthe oun allˆlois tas hamartias\). Present middle (indirect) of \exomologe“\. Confession of sin to God is already assumed. But public confession of certain sins to one another in the meetings is greatly helpful in many ways. This is not confessing to one man like a priest in place of the public confession. One may confess to the pastor without confessing to God or to the church, with little benefit to anybody. {Pray for one another} (\proseuchesthe huper allˆl“n\). Present middle imperative. Keep this up. {That ye may be healed} (\hop“s iathˆte\). Purpose clause with \hop“s\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \iaomai\. Probably of bodily healing (verse 14|), though \iaomai\ is used also of healing of the soul (Matthew:13:15; strkjv@1Peter:2:24; strkjv@Hebrews:12:13|) as Mayor takes it here. {Availeth much} (\polu ischuei\). "Has much force." Present active indicative of \ischu“\ (from \ischus\, strength). {In its working} (\energoumenˆ\). Probably the present middle participle of \energe“\ as Paul apparently uses it in strkjv@Galatians:5:6; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:12; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:7|, meaning "when it works." The passive is possible, as is the usual idiom elsewhere. Mayor argues strongly for the passive here, "when it is exercised" (Ropes).

rwp@James:5:17 @{Of like passions with us} (\homoiopathˆs hˆmin\). Associative-instrumental case \hˆmin\ as with \homoios\. This old compound adjective (\homoios, pasch“\), suffering the like with another, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:14:15|. {He prayed fervently} (\proseuchˆi prosˆuxato\). First aorist middle indicative of \proseuchomai\ and the instrumental case \proseuchˆi\ (cognate substantive), after idiom for intensity in classical Greek, like \pheugein phugˆi\, to flee with all speed (_figura etymologica_), but particularly frequent in the LXX (Genesis:2:17; strkjv@31:30|) in imitation of the Hebrew infinitive absolute. Songs:Luke:22:15; strkjv@John:3:29; strkjv@Acts:4:17|. {That it might not rain} (\tou mˆ brexai\). Genitive of the articular infinitive (\brexai\, first aorist active of \brech“\, old verb, to moisten, strkjv@Luke:7:38|, to rain, strkjv@Matthew:5:45|) with negative \mˆ\ used either for direct purpose, for an object clause as here and strkjv@Acts:3:12; strkjv@15:20|, or even for result. {For three years and six months} (\eniautous treis kai mˆnas hex\). Accusative of extent of time.

rwp@James:5:20 @{Let him know} (\gin“sket“\). Present active imperative third person singular of \gin“sk“\, but Westcott and Hort read \gin“skete\ (know ye) after B. In either case it is the conclusion of the condition in verse 19|. {He which converteth} (\ho epistrepsas\). First aorist active articular participle of \epistreph“\ of verse 19|. {From the error} (\ek planˆs\). "Out of the wandering" of verse 19| (\planˆ\, from which \plana“\ is made). See strkjv@1John:4:6| for contrast between "truth" and "error." {A soul from death} (\psuchˆn ek thanatou\). The soul of the sinner (\hamart“lon\) won back to Christ, not the soul of the man winning him. A few MSS. have \autou\ added (his soul), which leaves it ambiguous, but \autou\ is not genuine. It is ultimate and final salvation here meant by the future (\s“sei\). {Shall cover a multitude of sins} (\kalupsei plˆthos hamarti“n\). Future active of \kalupt“\, old verb, to hide, to veil. But whose sins (those of the converter or the converted)? The Roman Catholics (also Mayor and Ropes) take it of the sins of the converter, who thus saves himself by saving others. The language here will allow that, but not New Testament teaching in general. It is apparently a proverbial saying which Resch considers one of the unwritten sayings of Christ (Clem. Al. _Paed_. iii. 12). It occurs also in strkjv@1Peter:4:8|, where it clearly means the sins of others covered by love as a veil thrown over them. The saying appears also in strkjv@Proverbs:10:12|: "Hatred stirs up strife, but love hides all transgressions"--that is "love refuses to see faults" (Mayor admits). That is undoubtedly the meaning in strkjv@1Peter:4:8; strkjv@James:5:20|.

rwp@Info_John @ THE FOURTH GOSPEL BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION GREATEST OF BOOKS The test of time has given the palm to the Fourth Gospel over all the books of the world. If Luke's Gospel is the most beautiful, John's Gospel is supreme in its height and depth and reach of thought. The picture of Christ here given is the one that has captured the mind and heart of mankind. It is not possible for a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son of God to be indifferent to modern critical views concerning the authorship and historical value of this Holy of Holies of the New Testament. Here we find _The Heart of Christ_ (E. H. Sears), especially in chapters strkjv@John:14-17|. If Jesus did not do or say these things, it is small consolation to be told that the book at least has symbolic and artistic value for the believer. The language of the Fourth Gospel has the clarity of a spring, but we are not able to sound the bottom of the depths. Lucidity and profundity challenge and charm us as we linger over it.

rwp@Info_John @ A PERSONAL WITNESS It is manifest all through the book that the writer is the witness who is making the contribution of his personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry. In strkjv@John:1:14| he plainly says that "the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory" (\etheasametha tˆn doxan autou\). He here associates others with him in this witness to the glory of the Word, but in strkjv@John:21:25| he employs the singular "I suppose" (\oimai\) in sharp dis- tinction from the plural "we know" (\oidamen\) just before. The writer is present in nearly all the scenes described. The word witness (\marture“, marturia\) so common in this Gospel (John:1:7,8,19; strkjv@3:11,26,33; strkjv@5:31; strkjv@12:17; strkjv@21:24|, etc.) illustrates well this point of view. In the Gospel of Luke we have the work of one who was not a personal witness of Christ (Luke:1:1-4|). In the Gospel of Matthew we possess either the whole work of a personal follower and apostle or at least the Logia of Matthew according to Papias preserved in it. In Mark's Gospel we have as the basis the preaching of Simon Peter as preserved by his interpreter John Mark. John's Gospel claims to be the personal witness of "the disciple whom Jesus loved" and as such deserves and has received exceptional esteem. One may note all through the book evidences of an eye-witness in the vivid details.

rwp@Info_John @ NO EARLY MARTYRDOM FOR THE APOSTLE JOHN In 1862 a fragment of the Chronicle of Georgius Hamartolus, a Byzantine monk of the ninth century, was published. It is the _Codex Coislinianus_, Paris, 305, which differs from the other manuscripts of this author in saying that John according to Papias was slain by the Jews (\hupo Ioudai“n anˆirethˆ\) while the other manuscripts say that John rested in peace (\en eirˆnˆi anepausato\). The passage also quotes Eusebius to the effect that John received Asia as his sphere of work and lived and died in Ephesus. This same George the Sinner misquotes Origen about the death of John for Origen really says that the Roman king condemned him to the Isle of Patmos, not to death. Another fragment of Philip of Side, apparently used by Georgius, makes the same erroneous reference to Papias. It is therefore a worthless legend growing out of the martyrdom promised James and John by Jesus (Mark:10:39; strkjv@Matthew:20:23|) and realized by James first of all (Acts:12:1f.|). John drank the cup in the exile to Patmos. The correction to Peter in strkjv@John:21:20-23| would have no meaning if the Apostle John had already been put to death.

rwp@Info_John @ THE AUTHOR THE APOSTLE JOHN Loisy (_Leviticus:Quatr. Evangile_, p. 132) says that if one takes literally what is given in the body of the Gospel of the Beloved Disciple he is bound to be one of the twelve. Loisy does not take it "literally." But why not? Are we to assume that the author of this greatest of books is playing a part or using a deliberate artifice to deceive? It may be asked why John does not use his own name instead of a _nom de plume_. Reference can be made to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, no one of which gives the author's name. One can see a reason for the turn here given since the book consists so largely of personal experiences of the author with Christ. He thus avoids the too frequent use of the personal pronoun and preserves the element of witness which marks the whole book. One by one the other twelve apostles disappear if we test their claims for the authorship. In the list of seven in chapter strkjv@John:21| it is easy to drop the names of Simon Peter, Thomas, and Nathanael. There are left two unnamed disciples and the sons of Zebedee (here alone mentioned, not even named, in the book). John in this Gospel always means the Baptist. Why does the author so uniformly slight the sons of Zebedee if not one of them himself? In the Acts Luke does not mention his own name nor that of Titus his brother, though so many other friends of Paul are named. If the Beloved Disciple is John the Apostle, the silence about James and himself is easily understood. James is ruled out because of his early death (Acts:12:1|). The evidence in the Gospel points directly to the Apostle John as the author.

rwp@Info_John @ A DIFFERENT STYLE OF TEACHING Songs:different is it in fact that some men bluntly assert that Jesus could not have spoken in the same fashion as presented in the Synoptics and in the Fourth Gospel. Such critics need to recall the Socrates of Xenophon's _Memorabilia_ and of Plato's _Dialogues_. There is a difference beyond a doubt, but there is also some difference in the reports in the Synoptics. Jesus for the most part spoke in Aramaic, sometimes in Greek, as to the great crowds from around Palestine (the Sermon on the Mount, for instance). There is the Logia of Jesus (Q of criticism) preserved in the non-Markan portions of Matthew and Luke besides Mark, and the rest of Matthew and Luke. Certain natural individualities are preserved. The difference is greater in the Fourth Gospel, because John writes in the ripeness of age and in the richness of his long experience. He gives his reminiscences mellowed by long reflection and yet with rare dramatic power. The simplicity of the language leads many to think that they understand this Gospel when they fail to see the graphic pictures as in chapters strkjv@John:7-11|. The book fairly throbs with life. There is, no doubt, a Johannine style here, but curiously enough there exists in the Logia (Q) a genuine Johannine passage written long before the Fourth Gospel (Matthew:11:25-30; strkjv@Luke:10:21-24|). The use of "the Father" and "the Son" is thoroughly Johannine. It is clear that Jesus used the Johannine type of teaching also. Perhaps critics do not make enough allowance for the versatility and variety in Jesus.

rwp@Info_John @ HISTORICAL VALUE OF THE FOURTH GOSPEL It is just here that the chief attack is made on the Fourth Gospel even by some who admit the Johannine authorship. It is now assumed by some that the Fourth Gospel is not on a par with the Synoptics in historical reliability and some harmonies omit it entirely or place it separately at the close, though certainly Tatian used it with the Synoptics in his _Diatessaron_, the first harmony of the Gospels. Some even follow Schmiedel in seeing only a symbolic or parabolic character in the miracles in the Fourth Gospel, particularly in the narrative of the raising of Lazarus in chapter strkjv@John:11| which occurs here alone. But John makes this miracle play quite an important part in the culmination of events at the end. Clearly the author professes to be giving actual data largely out of his own experience and knowledge. It is objected by some that the Fourth Gospel gives an unnatural picture of Christ with Messianic claims at the very start. But the Synoptics give that same claim at the baptism and temptation, not to mention Luke's account of the Boy Jesus in the temple. The picture of the Jews as hostile to Jesus is said to be overdrawn in the Fourth Gospel. The answer to that appears in the Sermon on the Mount, the Sabbath miracles, the efforts of the Pharisees and lawyers to catch Jesus in his talk, the final denunciation in strkjv@Matthew:23|, all in the Synoptics. The opposition to Jesus grew steadily as he revealed himself more clearly. Some of the difficulties raised are gratuitous as in the early cleansing of the temple as if it could not have happened twice, confounding the draught of fishes in chapter strkjv@John:21| with that in strkjv@Luke:5|, making Mary of Bethany at the feast of a Simon in chapter strkjv@John:12| the same as the sinful woman at the feast of another Simon in strkjv@Luke:7|, making John's Gospel locate the last passover meal a day ahead instead of at the regular time as the Synoptics have it. Rightly interpreted these difficulties disappear. In simple truth, if one takes the Fourth Gospel at its face value, the personal recollections of the aged John phrased in his own way to supplement the narratives in the Synoptics, there is little left to give serious trouble. The Jerusalem ministry with the feasts is a case in point. The narrative of the call of the first disciples in chapter strkjv@John:1| is another. The author followed Simon in bringing also his own brother James to Jesus. John was present in the appearance of Christ before Annas, and Pilate. He was at the Cross when no other apostles were there. He took the mother of Jesus to his home and then returned to the Cross. He saw the piercing of the side of Jesus. He knew and saw the deed of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. E. H. Askwith has a most helpful discussion of this whole problem in _The Historical Value of the Fourth Gospel_ (1910).

rwp@Info_John @ BUT DIFFERENT FROM THE APOCALYPSE It should be said at once that the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel does not depend on that of the Apocalypse. In fact, some men hold to the Johannine authorship of the Apocalypse who deny that of the Gospel while some hold directly the opposite view. Some deny the Johannine authorship of both Gospel and Apocalypse, while the majority hold to the Johannine authorship of Gospel, Epistles, and Apocalypse as was the general rule till after the time of Origen. The author of the Apocalypse claims to be John (Revelation:1:4,9; strkjv@22:8|), though what John he does not say. Denial of the existence of a "Presbyter John" naturally leads one to think of the Apostle John. Origen says that John, the brother of James, was banished to the Isle of Patmos where he saw the Apocalypse. There is undoubted radical difference in language between the Apocalypse and the other Johannine books which will receive discussion when the Apocalypse is reached. Westcott explained these differences as due to the early date of the Apocalypse in the reign of Vespasian before John had become master of the Greek language. Even J. H. Moulton (_Prolegomena_, p. 9, note 4) says bluntly: "If its date was 95 A.D., the author cannot have written the fourth Gospel only a short time after." Or before, he would say. But the date of the Apocalypse seems definitely to belong to the reign of Domitian. Songs:one ventures to call attention to the statement in strkjv@Acts:4:13| where Peter and John are described as \agrammatoi kai idi“tai\ (unlettered and private or unschooled men). It is curious also that it is precisely in 2Peter and the Apocalypse that we have so many grammatical solecisms and peculiarities. We know that the Fourth Gospel was reviewed by a group of John's friends in Ephesus, while he was apparently alone in the Isle of Patmos. The excitement of the visions would naturally increase the uncouth vernacular of the Apocalypse so much like that in the Greek papyri as seen in Milligan's _Greek Papyri_, for instance. This being true, one is able, in spite of Moulton's dictum, to hold to the Johannine authorship of both Gospel and Apocalypse and not far apart in date.

rwp@Info_John @ THE UNITY OF THE GOSPEL This has been attacked in various ways in spite of the identity of style throughout. There are clearly three parts in the Gospel: the Prologue, strkjv@John:1:1-18|, the Body of the Book, strkjv@John:1:19-20:31|, the Epilogue, strkjv@John:21|. But there is no evidence that the Prologue was added by another hand, even though the use of Logos (Word) for Christ does not occur thereafter. This high conception of Christ dominates the whole book. Some argue that the Epilogue was added by some one else than John, but here again there is no proof and no real reason for the supposition. It is possible, as already stated, that John stopped at strkjv@John:20:31| and then added strkjv@John:21| before sending the book forth after his friends added strkjv@John:21:24| as their endorsement of the volume. Some scholars claim that they detect various displacements in the arrangement of the material, but such subjective criticism is never convincing. There are undoubtedly long gaps in the narrative as between chapters 5 and 6, but John is not giving a continuous narrative, but only a supplementary account assuming knowledge of the Synoptics. It is held that editorial comments by redactors can be detected here and there. Perhaps, and perhaps not. The unity of this great book stands even if that be true.

rwp@Info_John @ ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF THE BOOK The late Dr. C. F. Burney of Oxford wrote a volume called, _The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel_ (1922) in which he tried to prove that the Fourth Gospel is really the first in time and was originally written in Aramaic. The theory excited some interest, but did not convince either Aramaic or Greek scholars to an appreciable extent. Some of the examples cited are plausible and some quite fanciful. This theory cannot be appealed to in any serious interpretation of the Fourth Gospel. The author was beyond doubt a Jew, but he wrote in the _Koin‚_ Greek of his time that is comparatively free from crude Semiticisms, perhaps due in part to the help of the friends in Ephesus.

rwp@Info_John @ JOHN'S PORTRAIT OF CHRIST No one questions that the Fourth Gospel asserts the deity of Christ. It is in the Prologue at the very start: "And the Word was God" (John:1:1|) and in the correct text of strkjv@John:1:18|, "God only begotten" (\theos monogenˆs\). It occurs repeatedly in the book as in the witness of the Baptist: "This is the Son of God" (John:1:34|). It is in the charge of the Pharisees (John:5:18|) and the claim of Christ himself (John:5:20-23; strkjv@6:48; strkjv@8:12,58; strkjv@11:25; strkjv@14:9; strkjv@17:5|) with the full and frank conviction of the author in strkjv@John:20:31|. He has made good his purpose. He has proven that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God. With some critics this purpose has vitiated the entire book. The effort has been made to show that Paul, Peter, the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Synoptics give a lower view of Christ without the term \theos\ applied to him. In particular it was once argued that Q, the Logia of Jesus, used by Matthew and Luke (the non-Markan portions in both Matthew and Luke), gives a reduced picture of Jesus as on a lower plane than God, the Arian or Ritschlian view at any rate as answering for God to us though not God in actual nature. But in the Logia of Jesus we find the same essential picture of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Son of Man as I have shown in my _The Christ of the Logia_ (1924). The only way to get rid of the deity of Christ in the New Testament is to throw overboard all the books in it as legendary or reflections of late theological development away from the original picture. The very earliest picture drawn of Christ that has been preserved to us, that in the Logia of Jesus (drawn W. M. Ramsay believes before Christ's crucifixion), is in essential agreement with the fully drawn portrait in the Fourth Gospel. Each picture in the Four Gospels adds touches of its own, but the features are the same, those of the God-Man Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. The brilliant blind preacher of Edinburgh, George Matheson, sees this clearly (_Studies in the Portrait of the Messiah_, 1900; _St. John's Portrait of Christ_, 1910).

rwp@Info_John @ A BRIEF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RECENT LITERATURE (SINCE 1880) ABBOT, EZRA, _On the Authorship of the Fourth Gospel_ (1880). ABBOT, PEABODY, and LIGHTFOOT, _The Fourth Gospel_ (1891). ABBOTT, E.A., _Johannine Vocabulary_ (1935).,_Johannine Grammar_ (1906). APPEL, _Die Echtheit des Johannesevangeliums_ (1915). ASKWITH, E.H., _The Historical Value of the Fourth Gospel_ (1910). BACON, B.W., _The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate_ (1910). BALDENSPERGER, W., _Der Prolog des vierten Evangeliums_ (1898). BARTH, K., _The Gospel of John and the Synoptic Gospels_ (1907). BAUER, W., _Das Johannes-Evangelium_. 2 Aufl. (1925). BELZER, _Das Evangelium des heiligen Johannes_ (1905). BERNARD, J. H., _Gospel according to St. John_ (2 vols., 1929), in Int. Crit. Comm. BERT, _Das Evangelium des Johannes_ (1922). BLASS, F., _Evangelium secundum Johannem_ (1902). BROOKE, A. E., _The Historical Value of the Fourth Gospel_ (Cambridge Biblical Essays, pp. 289 to 328. 1909). BURCH, VACHER, _The Structure and Message of St. John's Gospel_ (1928). BURNEY, C. F., _The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel_ (1922). CALMES, _L'Evangile selon S. Jean_ (1904). CANDLER, W. A., _Practical Studies in the Gospel of John_ (3 vols,, 1912-15). CARPENTER, J. ESTLIN, _The Johannine Writings_ (1927). CHAPMAN, DOM JOHN, _John the Presbyter and the Fourth Gospel_ (1911). CHARNWOOD, LORD, _According to St. John_ (1925). CLEMEN, C., _Die Entstehung des Johannesevangeliums_ (1912). D'ALMA, _Lamentations:Controverse du quatrieme evangile_ (1908).,Philo et le quotrieme evangile_ (1911). DAUSCH' _Das Johannesevangelium_ (1909). DELFF, H., _Das vierte Evangelium wiederhergestellt_ (1890).,Neue Beitrage zur Kritik und Erklarung des vierten Evangeliums (1890). DODS, M., _Expositor's Bible_ (2 vols., 1891).,Expositor's Greek Testament_ (1897). DRUMMOND, JAMES, _An Inquiry into the Character and Author- ship of the Fourth Gospel_ (1904). EVANS, H. H., _St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel_ (1888). EWALD, P., _Das Hauptproblem der Evangelienfrage und der Weg zu seiner Losung_ (1890). FOUARD, S., _Jean et la hn de l'age apostolique_ (1904). GARDNER, P., _The Ephesian Gospel_ (1915). GARVIE, A. E., _The Beloved Disciple_ (1922). GOBEL, _Die Reden des Herrn nach Johannes_ (2 vols., 1906, 1910). GODET, F., _Comm. on the Gospel of St. John_ (Tr., 2 vols., 1886--90). GOGUEL, M., _Les sources du recit Johannique de la Passion_ (1910).,Leviticus:quatrieme evangile_ (1924). GORDON, S. D., _Quiet Talks on St. John's Gospel_. GORE, C., _Exposition of the Gospel of John_ (1920). GREEN, A. V., _The Ephesian Canonical Writings_ (1910). GREGORY, C. R., _Wellhausen und Johannes_ (1910). GRILL, J., _Untersuchungen uber die Entstehung des vierten Evangeliums_ (1902). GUMBEL, _Das Johannesevangelium Eine Erganzung des Lukas ev_. (1911). HARRIS, J. RENDEL, _The Origin of the Prologue to St. John's Gospel_ (1917). HAYES, D. A., _John and His Writings_ (1917). HOERNLE, E. S., _The Record of the Loved Disciple_ etc. (1913). HOLLAND, H. S., _The Philosophy of Faith and the Fourth Gospel_ (1919).,_The Fourth Gospel_ (1923). HOLTZMANN, H. J., _Evangelium, Briefe, und Offenbarung des Johannes_. 3 Aufl. (1908). HOLTZMANN, _Hand-Comm_. 3 Aufl. von Bauer (1908). HOVEY, A. H., _In American Comm_. (1885). HOWARD, W. F., _The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation_ (1931). IVERACH, JAMES, _Gospel of John_ (Int. Stand. Bible Encycl.). JACKSON, H. L., _The Fourth Gospel and Some Recent German Criticism_ (1906).,_The Problem of the Fourth Gospel_ (1918). JOHNSTON, J. S., _The Philosophy of the Fourth Gospel_ (1909). KEISKER, _The Inner Witness of the Fourth Gospel_ (1922). KREYENBUHL, _Neue Losung der Johanneischen Frage_ (1905). LARFIELD, _Die beide Johannes von Ephesus_ (1914). LEATHES, STANLEY, _The Witness of St. John to Christ_. LEPIN, _L'origine du quatrieme evangile_ (1907; 1927).,_Lamentations:valeur historique du quatrieme euangile_ (1910). LEWIS, F. G., _The Irenaeus Testimony to the Fourth Gospel_ (1908). LEWIS, F. G., _Disarrangements in the Fourth Gospel_ (1910). LIGHTFOOT, J. B., _Biblical Essays_ (pages 1-198; I-III, 1893). LLOYD, J. P. D., _The Son of Thunder_ (1932). LOISY, A., _Leviticus:quatrieme evangile_ (1903). LOWRIE, _The Doctrine of John_ (1899). LYMAN, MARY ELY, _The Fourth Gospel and the Life of Today_ (1931). MANSON, W., _The Incarnate Glory_ (1923). MAURICE, F. D., _The Gospel of St. John_ (1906). McGREGoR, G. H., _The Moffatt Commentary_ (1930). MONTGOMERY, J. A., _The Origin of the Gospel According to St. John_ (1923). MOUSE, _Johannes und Paulus_ (1915). MUIRHEAD, L. A., _The Message of the Fourth Gospel_ (1925). NOLLOTH, C. F., _The Fourth Evangelist_ (1925). NUNN, H. P. V., _The Son of Zebedee and the Fourth Gospel (1927). ORR, JAMES, _The Authenticity of St. John's Gospel Deduced from Internal Evidence_. OVERBECK, _Das Johannesevangelium_ (1911). PLUMMER, A., _Cambridge Greek Testament_ (1913). REVILLE, J., _Leviticus:quatrieme evangile_ (1901). REYNOLDS, H. R., _Gospel of John_ (Hastings, D. B., 1899). RICHMOND, W., _The Gospel of the Rejection_ (1906). ROBERTSON, A. T., _The Divinity of Christ in the Gospel of John_ (1916). ROBINSON, A., _The Historical Character of St. John's Gospel_ (1929). ROBINSON, B. W., _The Gospel of John_ (1925). SANDAY, W., _Criticism of the Fourth Gospel_ (1905). SCHLATTER, _Die Sprache und Heimath des vierten Evangelisten_ (1903). SCHMIEDEL, P. W., _The Johannine Writings_ (1908). SCOTT, E. F., _The Fourth Gospel: Its Purpose and Theology_ (1906). SCOTT, E. F., _The Historical and Religious Value of the Fourth Gospel_ (1903). SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, C. E., _St. John, Apostle, Evangelist and Prophet_ (1909). SELBIE, W. B., _Belief and Life: Studies in the Thought of the Fourth Gospel_ (1916). SMITH, J. R., _The Teaching of the Fourth Gospel_ (1903). SMITH, P. V., _The Fourth Gospel: Its Historical Importance_ (1926). SPEER, R. E., _The Greatest Book in the World_ (1915). SPITTA, F., _Das Johannesevangelium als Quelle der Geschichte Jesu_ (1910). STANGE, _Die Eigenart des Johanneischen Produktion_ (1914). STANTON, V. H., _The Fourth Gospel_ (Part III of Gospels as Hist. Documents, 1921). STEVENS, G. B., _The Johannine Theology_ (1898). STRACHAN, R. H., _Gospel of John_ (Hastings, D C G 1906).,The Fourth Gospel: Its Significance and Environ- ment_ (1917).,The Fourth Evangelist: Dramatist or Historian_ (1925). TILLMANN, FRITZ, _Das Johannesevangelium Uebersetzt und Erklart_ (1931). VEDDER, H. C., _The Johannine Writings and the Johannine Problems_ (1917). WARSCHAUER, J., _The Problem of the Fourth Gospel_. WATKINS, W. H., _Modern Criticism Considered in its Rela- tion to the Fourth Gospel_ (1890). WATSON, H. A., _The Mysticism of St. John's Gospel_ (1916). WEARING, _The World View of the Fourth Gospel_ (1918). WEISS, B., _Meyer Komm_. 9 Aufl. (1902).,_Das Johannesevangelium als einheitliches Werk_ (1911). WELLHAUSEN, J., _Das Evangelium Johannis_ (1908). WENDT, H. H., _The Gospel according to St. John: An Inquiry into its Genesis and Historical Value_ (1911).,_Die Schichten im vierten Evangelium_ (1911). WESTCOTT, B. F., _The Gospel according to St. John_ (2 vols., 1908). WHITELAW, _The Gospel of John_ (1888). WINDISCH, H., _Johannes und die Synoptiker_ (1927). WORSLEY, _The Fourth Gospel and the Synoptists_ (1911). WREDE, W., _Charakter und Tendenz del Johannesevangelium_ (1903). ZAHN, TH., _Dal Evangelium Johannis (1908). 6 Aufl. (1921). strkjv@John:1:1 @{In the beginning} (\en archˆi\). \Archˆ\ is definite, though anarthrous like our at home, in town, and the similar Hebrew _be reshith_ in strkjv@Genesis:1:1|. But Westcott notes that here John carries our thoughts beyond the beginning of creation in time to eternity. There is no argument here to prove the existence of God any more than in Genesis. It is simply assumed. Either God exists and is the Creator of the universe as scientists like Eddington and Jeans assume or matter is eternal or it has come out of nothing. {Was} (\ˆn\). Three times in this sentence John uses this imperfect of \eimi\ to be which conveys no idea of origin for God or for the Logos, simply continuous existence. Quite a different verb (\egeneto\, became) appears in verse 14| for the beginning of the Incarnation of the Logos. See the distinction sharply drawn in strkjv@8:58| "before Abraham came (\genesthai\) I am" (\eimi\, timeless existence). {The Word} (\ho logos\). \Logos\ is from \leg“\, old word in Homer to lay by, to collect, to put words side by side, to speak, to express an opinion. \Logos\ is common for reason as well as speech. Heraclitus used it for the principle which controls the universe. The Stoics employed it for the soul of the world (\anima mundi\) and Marcus Aurelius used \spermatikos logos\ for the generative principle in nature. The Hebrew _memra_ was used in the Targums for the manifestation of God like the Angel of Jehovah and the Wisdom of God in strkjv@Proverbs:8:23|. Dr. J. Rendel Harris thinks that there was a lost wisdom book that combined phrases in Proverbs and in the Wisdom of Solomon which John used for his Prologue (_The Origin of the _Prologue to St. John_, p. 43) which he has undertaken to reproduce. At any rate John's standpoint is that of the Old Testament and not that of the Stoics nor even of Philo who uses the term \Logos\, but not John's conception of personal pre-existence. The term \Logos\ is applied to Christ only in strkjv@John:1:1,14; strkjv@Revelation:19:13; strkjv@1John:1:1| "concerning the Word of life" (an incidental argument for identity of authorship). There is a possible personification of "the Word of God" in strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|. But the personal pre-existence of Christ is taught by Paul (2Corinthians:8:9; strkjv@Phillipians:2:6f.; strkjv@Colossians:1:17|) and in strkjv@Hebrews:1:2f.| and in strkjv@John:17:5|. This term suits John's purpose better than \sophia\ (wisdom) and is his answer to the Gnostics who either denied the actual humanity of Christ (Docetic Gnostics) or who separated the \aeon\ Christ from the man Jesus (Cerinthian Gnostics). The pre-existent Logos "became flesh" (\sarx egeneto\, verse 14|) and by this phrase John answered both heresies at once. {With God} (\pros ton theon\). Though existing eternally with God the Logos was in perfect fellowship with God. \Pros\ with the accusative presents a plane of equality and intimacy, face to face with each other. In strkjv@1John:2:1| we have a like use of \pros\: "We have a Paraclete with the Father" (\paraklˆton echomen pros ton patera\). See \pros“pon pros pros“pon\ (face to face, strkjv@1Corinthians:13:12|), a triple use of \pros\. There is a papyrus example of \pros\ in this sense \to gn“ston tˆs pros allˆlous sunˆtheias\, "the knowledge of our intimacy with one another" (M.&M., _Vocabulary_) which answers the claim of Rendel Harris, _Origin of Prologue_, p. 8) that the use of \pros\ here and in strkjv@Mark:6:3| is a mere Aramaism. It is not a classic idiom, but this is _Koin‚_, not old Attic. In strkjv@John:17:5| John has \para soi\ the more common idiom. {And the Word was God} (\kai theos ˆn ho logos\). By exact and careful language John denied Sabellianism by not saying \ho theos ˆn ho logos\. That would mean that all of God was expressed in \ho logos\ and the terms would be interchangeable, each having the article. The subject is made plain by the article (\ho logos\) and the predicate without it (\theos\) just as in strkjv@John:4:24| \pneuma ho theos\ can only mean "God is spirit," not "spirit is God." Songs:in strkjv@1John:4:16| \ho theos agapˆ estin\ can only mean "God is love," not "love is God" as a so-called Christian scientist would confusedly say. For the article with the predicate see Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 767f. Songs:in strkjv@John:1:14| \ho Logos sarx egeneto\, "the Word became flesh," not "the flesh became Word." Luther argues that here John disposes of Arianism also because the Logos was eternally God, fellowship of Father and Son, what Origen called the Eternal Generation of the Son (each necessary to the other). Thus in the Trinity we see personal fellowship on an equality.

rwp@John:1:3 @{All things} (\panta\). The philosophical phrase was \ta panta\ (the all things) as we have it in strkjv@1Corinthians:8:6; strkjv@Romans:11:36; strkjv@Colossians:1:16|. In verse 10| John uses \ho kosmos\ (the orderly universe) for the whole. {Were made} (egeneto). Second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\, the constative aorist covering the creative activity looked at as one event in contrast with the continuous existence of \ˆn\ in verses 1,2|. All things "came into being." Creation is thus presented as a becoming (\ginomai\) in contrast with being (\eimi\). {By him} (\di' autou\). By means of him as the intermediate agent in the work of creation. The Logos is John's explanation of the creation of the universe. The author of Hebrews (Hebrews:1:2|) names God's Son as the one "through whom he made the ages." Paul pointedly asserts that "the all things were created in him" (Christ) and "the all things stand created through him and unto him" (Colossians:1:16|). Hence it is not a peculiar doctrine that John here enunciates. In strkjv@1Corinthians:8:6|, Paul distinguishes between the Father as the primary source (\ex hou\) of the all things and the Son as the intermediate agent as here (\di' hou\). {Without him} (\ch“ris autou\). Old adverbial preposition with the ablative as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:14|, "apart from." John adds the negative statement for completion, another note of his style as in strkjv@John:1:20; strkjv@1John:1:5|. Thus John excludes two heresies (Bernard) that matter is eternal and that angels or aeons had a share in creation. {Not anything} (\oude hen\). "Not even one thing." Bernard thinks the entire Prologue is a hymn and divides it into strophes. That is by no means certain. It is doubtful also whether the relative clause "that hath been made" (\ho gegonen\) is a part of this sentence or begins a new one as Westcott and Hort print it. The verb is second perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. Westcott observes that the ancient scholars before Chrysostom all began a new sentence with \ho gegonen\. The early uncials had no punctuation.

rwp@John:1:4 @{In him was life} (\en aut“i z“ˆ ˆn\). That which has come into being (verse 3|) in the Logos was life. The power that creates and sustains life in the universe is the Logos. This is what Paul means by the perfect passive verb \ektistai\ (stands created) in strkjv@Colossians:1:16|. This is also the claim of Jesus to Martha (John:11:25|). This is the idea in strkjv@Hebrews:1:3| "bearing (upholding) the all things by the word of his power." Once this language might have been termed unscientific, but not so now after the spiritual interpretation of the physical world by Eddington and Jeans. Usually in John \z“ˆ\ means spiritual life, but here the term is unlimited and includes all life; only it is not \bios\ (manner of life), but the very principle or essence of life. That is spiritual behind the physical and to this great scientists today agree. It is also personal intelligence and power. Some of the western documents have \estin\ here instead of \ˆn\ to bring out clearly the timelessness of this phrase of the work of the \Logos\. {And the life was the light of men} (\kai hˆ z“ˆ ˆn to ph“s t“n anthr“p“n\). Here the article with both \z“ˆ\ and \ph“s\ makes them interchangeable. "The light was the life of men" is also true. That statement is curiously like the view of some physicists who find in electricity (both light and power) the nearest equivalent to life in its ultimate physical form. Later Jesus will call himself the light of the world (John:8:12|). John is fond of these words life and light in Gospel, Epistles, Revelation. He here combines them to picture his conception of the Pre-incarnate Logos in his relation to the race. He was and is the Life of men (\t“n anthr“pon\, generic use of the article) and the Light of men. John asserts this relation of the Logos to the race of men in particular before the Incarnation.

rwp@John:1:6 @{There came a man} (\egeneto anthr“pos\). Definite event in the long darkness, same verb in verse 3|. {Sent} (\apestalmenos\). Perfect passive participle of \apostell“\, to send. {From God} (\para theou\). From the side of (\para\) God (ablative case \theou\). {Whose name} (\onoma aut“i\). "Name to him," nominative parenthetic and dative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 460). {John} (\I“anˆs\). One \n\ in Westcott and Hort. In the giving of the name see strkjv@Luke:1:59-63|, Hellenized form of Jonathan, Joanan (Gift of God), used always of the Baptist in this Gospel which never mentions the name of John son of Zebedee (the sons of Zebedee once, strkjv@21:2|).

rwp@John:1:7 @{For witness} (\eis marturian\). Old word from \marture“\ (from \martus\), both more common in John's writings than the rest of the N.T. This the purpose of the Baptist's ministry. {That he might bear witness} (\hina marturˆsˆi\). Final clause with \hina\ and aorist active subjunctive of \marture“\ to make clearer \eis marturian\. {Of the light} (\peri tou ph“tos\). "Concerning the light." The light was shining and men with blinded eyes were not seeing the light (John:1:26|), blinded by the god of this world still (2Corinthians:4:4|). John had his own eyes opened so that he saw and told what he saw. That is the mission of every preacher of Christ. But he must first have his own eyes opened. {That all might believe} (\hina pisteus“sin\). Final clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \pisteu“\, ingressive aorist "come to believe." This is one of John's great words (about 100 times), "with nine times the frequency with which it is used by the Synoptists" (Bernard). And yet \pistis\, so common in Paul, John uses only in strkjv@1John:5:4| and four times in the Apocalypse where \pisteu“\ does not occur at all. Here it is used absolutely as in strkjv@John:1:50|, etc. {Through him} (\di' autou\). As the intermediate agent in winning men to believe in Christ (the Logos) as the Light and the Life of men. This is likewise the purpose of the author of this book (21:31|). The preacher is merely the herald to point men to Christ.

rwp@John:1:9 @{There was} (\ˆn\). Imperfect indicative. Emphatic position at the beginning of the sentence and so probably not periphrastic conjugation with \erchomenon\ (coming) near the end, though that is possible. {The true light} (\to ph“s to alˆthinon\). "The light the genuine," not a false light of wreckers of ships, but the dependable light that guides to the harbor of safety. This true light had been on hand all the time in the darkness (\ˆn\ imperfect, linear action) before John came. {Even the light} (not in the Greek). Added in the English to make plain this interpretation. {Lighteth every man} (\ph“tizei panta anthr“pon\). Old verb (from \ph“s\) to give light as in strkjv@Revelation:22:5; strkjv@Luke:11:35f|. The Quakers appeal to this phrase for their belief that to every man there is given an inner light that is a sufficient guide, the Quaker's text it is called. But it may only mean that all the real light that men receive comes from Christ, not necessarily that each one receives a special revelation. {Coming} (\erchomenon\). This present middle participle of \erchomai\ can be taken with \anthr“pon\ just before (accusative masculine singular), "every man as he comes into the world." It can also be construed with \ph“s\ (nominative neuter singular). This idea occurs in strkjv@John:3:19; strkjv@11:27; strkjv@12:46|. In the two last passages the phrase is used of the Messiah which makes it probable here. But even so the light presented in strkjv@11:27; strkjv@12:46| is that of the Incarnate Messiah, not the Pre-incarnate Logos. Here \kosmos\ rather than \panta\ occurs in the sense of the orderly universe as often in this Gospel. See strkjv@Ephesians:1:4|.

rwp@John:1:12 @{As many as received him} (\hosoi elabon auton\). Effective aorist active indicative of \lamban“\ "as many as did receive him," in contrast with \hoi idioi\ just before, exceptional action on the part of the disciples and other believers. {To them} (\autois\). Dative case explanatory of the relative clause preceding, an anacoluthon common in John 27 times as against 21 in the Synoptists. This is a common Aramaic idiom and is urged by Burney (_Aramaic Origin_, etc., p. 64) for his theory of an Aramaic original of the Fourth Gospel. {The right} (\exousian\). In strkjv@5:27| \ed“ken\ (first aorist active indicative of \did“mi\) \exousian\ means authority but includes power (\dunamis\). Here it is more the notion of privilege or right. {To become} (\genesthai\). Second aorist middle of \ginomai\, to become what they were not before. {Children of God} (\tekna theou\). In the full spiritual sense, not as mere offspring of God true of all men (Acts:17:28|). Paul's phrase \huioi theou\ (Gal strkjv@3:26|) for believers, used also by Jesus of the pure in heart (Matthew:5:9|), does not occur in John's Gospel (but in strkjv@Revelation:21:7|). It is possible that John prefers \ta tekna tou theou\ for the spiritual children of God whether Jew or Gentile (John:11:52|) because of the community of nature (\teknon\ from root \tek-\, to beget). But one cannot follow Westcott in insisting on "adoption" as Paul's reason for the use of \huioi\ since Jesus uses \huioi theou\ in strkjv@Matthew:5:9|. Clearly the idea of regeneration is involved here as in strkjv@John:3:3|. {Even to them that believe} (\tois pisteuousin\). No "even" in the Greek, merely explanatory apposition with \autois\, dative case of the articular present active participle of \pisteu“\. {On his name} (\eis to onoma\). Bernard notes \pisteu“ eis\ 35 times in John, to put trust in or on. See also strkjv@2:23; strkjv@3:38| for \pisteu“ eis to onoma autou\. This common use of \onoma\ for the person is an Aramaism, but it occurs also in the vernacular papyri and \eis to onoma\ is particularly common in the payment of debts (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). See strkjv@Acts:1:15| for \onomata\ for persons.

rwp@John:1:14 @{And the Word became flesh} (\kai ho logos sarx egeneto\). See verse 3| for this verb and note its use for the historic event of the Incarnation rather than \ˆn\ of verse 1|. Note also the absence of the article with the predicate substantive \sarx\, so that it cannot mean "the flesh became the Word." The Pre-existence of the Logos has already been plainly stated and argued. John does not here say that the Logos entered into a man or dwelt in a man or filled a man. One is at liberty to see an allusion to the birth narratives in strkjv@Matthew:1:16-25; strkjv@Luke:1:28-38|, if he wishes, since John clearly had the Synoptics before him and chiefly supplemented them in his narrative. In fact, one is also at liberty to ask what intelligent meaning can one give to John's language here apart from the Virgin Birth? What ordinary mother or father ever speaks of a child "becoming flesh"? For the Incarnation see also strkjv@2Corinthians:8:9; strkjv@Galatians:4:4; strkjv@Romans:1:3; strkjv@8:3; strkjv@Phillipians:2:7f.; strkjv@1Timothy:3:16; strkjv@Hebrews:2:14|. "To explain the exact significance of \egeneto\ in this sentence is beyond the powers of any interpreter" (Bernard). Unless, indeed, as seems plain, John is referring to the Virgin Birth as recorded in Matthew and Luke. "The Logos of philosophy is, John declares, the Jesus of history" (Bernard). Thus John asserts the deity and the real humanity of Christ. He answers the Docetic Gnostics who denied his humanity. {Dwelt among us} (\eskˆn“sen en hˆmin\). First aorist ingressive aorist active indicative of \skˆno“\, old verb, to pitch one's tent or tabernacle (\skˆnos\ or \skˆnˆ\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:7-15; strkjv@12:12; strkjv@13:6; strkjv@21:3|. In Revelation it is used of God tabernacling with men and here of the Logos tabernacling, God's Shekinah glory here among us in the person of his Son. {We beheld his glory} (\etheasametha tˆn doxan autou\). First aorist middle indicative of \theaomai\ (from \thea\, spectacle). The personal experience of John and of others who did recognize Jesus as the Shekinah glory (\doxa\) of God as James, the brother of Jesus, so describes him (James:2:1|). John employs \theaomai\ again in strkjv@1:32| (the Baptist beholding the Spirit coming down as a dove) and strkjv@1:38| of the Baptist gazing in rapture at Jesus. Songs:also strkjv@4:35; strkjv@11:45; strkjv@1John:1:1f.; strkjv@4:12,14|. By this word John insists that in the human Jesus he beheld the Shekinah glory of God who was and is the Logos who existed before with God. By this plural John speaks for himself and all those who saw in Jesus what he did. {As of the only begotten from the Father} (\h“s monogenous para patros\). Strictly, "as of an only born from a father," since there is no article with \monogenous\ or with \patros\. In strkjv@John:3:16; strkjv@1John:4:9| we have \ton monogenˆ\ referring to Christ. This is the first use in the Gospel of \patˆr\ of God in relation to the Logos. \Monogenˆs\ (only born rather than only begotten) here refers to the eternal relationship of the Logos (as in strkjv@1:18|) rather than to the Incarnation. It distinguishes thus between the Logos and the believers as children (\tekna\) of God. The word is used of human relationships as in strkjv@Luke:7:12; strkjv@8:42; strkjv@9:38|. It occurs also in the LXX and strkjv@Hebrews:11:17|, but elsewhere in N.T. only in John's writings. It is an old word in Greek literature. It is not clear whether the words \para patros\ (from the Father) are to be connected with \monogenous\ (cf. strkjv@6:46; strkjv@7:29|, etc.) or with \doxan\ (cf. strkjv@5:41,44|). John clearly means to say that "the manifested glory of the Word was as it were the glory of the Eternal Father shared with His only Son" (Bernard). Cf. strkjv@8:54; strkjv@14:9; strkjv@17:5|. {Full} (\plˆrˆs\). Probably indeclinable accusative adjective agreeing with \doxan\ (or genitive with \monogenous\) of which we have papyri examples (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 275). As nominative \plˆrˆs\ can agree with the subject of \eskˆn“sen\. {Of grace and truth} (\charitos kai alˆtheias\). Curiously this great word \charis\ (grace), so common with Paul, does not occur in John's Gospel save in strkjv@1:14,16,17|, though \alˆtheia\ (truth) is one of the keywords in the Fourth Gospel and in 1John, occurring 25 times in the Gospel and 20 in the Johannine Epistles, 7 times in the Synoptics and not at all in Revelation (Bernard). In strkjv@1:17| these two words picture the Gospel in Christ in contrast with the law of Moses. See Epistles of Paul for origin and use of both words.

rwp@John:1:15 @{Beareth witness} (\marturei\). Historical (dramatic) present indicative of this characteristic word in John (cf. strkjv@1:17f.|). See strkjv@1:32,34| for historical examples of John's witness to Christ. This sentence is a parenthesis in Westcott and Hort's text, though the Revised Version makes a parenthesis of most of verse 14|. The witness of John is adduced in proof of the glory full of grace and truth already claimed for the Incarnate Logos. {Crieth} (\kekragen\). Second perfect active indicative of \kraz“\, old verb for loud crying, repeated in dramatic form again for emphasis recalling the wonderful Voice in the wilderness which the Beloved Disciple can still hear echoing through the years. {This was} (\houtos ˆn\). Imperfect indicative where John throws the tense back in past time when he looked forward to the coming of the Messiah as in strkjv@Acts:3:10| where we should prefer "is" (\estin\). Gildersleeve (_Syntax_, p. 96) calls this the "imperfect of sudden appreciation of the real state of things." {Of whom I said} (\hon eipon\). But B C and a corrector of Aleph (Westcott and Hort) have \ho eip“n\ "the one who said," a parenthetical explanation about the Baptist, not the words of the Baptist about Christ. {After me} (\opis“ mou\). See also strkjv@1:27|. Later in time John means. He described "the Coming One" (\ho erchomenos\) before he saw Jesus. The language of John here is precisely that in strkjv@Matthew:3:11| \ho opis“ mou erchomenos\ (cf. strkjv@Mark:1:7|). The Beloved Disciple had heard the Baptist say these very words, but he also had the Synoptic Gospels. {Is become} (\gegonen\). Second perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. It is already an actual fact when the Baptist is speaking. {Before me} (\emprosthen mou\). In rank and dignity, the Baptist means, \ho ischuroteros mou\ "the one mightier than I" (Mark:1:7|) and \ischuroteros mou\ "mightier than I" (Matthew:3:11|). In strkjv@John:3:28| \emprosthen ekeinou\ (before him, the Christ) does mean priority in time, but not here. This superior dignity of the Messiah John proudly recognizes always (John:3:25-30|). {For he was before me} (\hoti pr“tos mou ˆn\). Paradox, but clear. He had always been (\ˆn imperfect\) before John in his Pre-incarnate state, but "after" John in time of the Incarnation, but always ahead of John in rank immediately on his Incarnation. \Pr“tos mou\ (superlative with ablative) occurs here when only two are compared as is common in the vernacular _Koin‚_. Songs:the Beloved Disciple came first (\pr“tos\) to the tomb, ahead of Peter (20:4|). Songs:also \pr“ton hum“n\ in strkjv@15:18| means "before you" as if it were \proteron hum“n\. Verse 30| repeats these words almost exactly.

rwp@John:1:16 @{For} (\hoti\). Correct text (Aleph B C D L) and not \kai\ (and) of the Textus Receptus. Explanatory reason for verse 14|. {Of his fulness} (\ek tou plˆr“matos\). The only instance of \plˆr“ma\ in John's writings, though five times of Christ in Paul's Epistles (Colossians:1:19; strkjv@2:9; strkjv@Ephesians:1:23; strkjv@3:19; strkjv@4:13|). See strkjv@Colossians:1:19| for discussion of these terms of the Gnostics that Paul employs for all the attributes of God summed up in Christ (Colossians:2:9|) and so used here by John of the Incarnate Logos. {We all} (\hˆmeis pantes\). John is facing the same Gnostic depreciation of Christ of which Paul writes in Colossians. Songs:here John appeals to all his own contemporaries as participants with him in the fulness of the Logos. {Received} (\elabomen\). Second aorist active indicative of \lamban“\, a wider experience than beholding (\etheasametha\, verse 14|) and one that all believers may have. {Grace for grace} (\charin anti charitos\). The point is in \anti\, a preposition disappearing in the _Koin‚_ and here only in John. It is in the locative case of \anta\ (end), "at the end," and was used of exchange in sale. See strkjv@Luke:11:11|, \anti ichthuos ophin\, "a serpent for a fish," strkjv@Hebrews:12:2| where "joy" and "cross" are balanced against each other. Here the picture is "grace" taking the place of "grace" like the manna fresh each morning, new grace for the new day and the new service.

rwp@John:1:17 @{Was given} (\edothˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \did“mi\. {By Moses} (\dia M“use“s\). "Through Moses" as the intermediate agent of God. {Came} (\egeneto\). The historical event, the beginning of Christianity. {By Jesus Christ} (\dia Iˆsou Christou\). "Through Jesus Christ," the intermediate agent of God the Father. Here in plain terms John identifies the Pre-incarnate Logos with Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. The full historical name "Jesus Christ" is here for the first time in John. See also strkjv@17:3| and four times in 1John and five times in Revelation. Without Christ there would have been no Christianity. John's theology is here pictured by the words "grace and truth" (\hˆ charis kai hˆ alˆtheia\), each with the article and each supplementary to the other. It is grace in contrast with law as Paul sets forth in Galatians and Romans. Paul had made grace "a Christian commonplace" (Bernard) before John wrote. It is truth as opposed to Gnostic and all other heresy as Paul shows in Colossians and Ephesians. The two words aptly describe two aspects of the Logos and John drops the use of \Logos\ and \charis\, but clings to \alˆtheia\ (see strkjv@8:32| for the freedom brought by truth), though the ideas in these three words run all through his Gospel.

rwp@John:1:18 @{No man hath seen God at any time} (\theon oudeis he“raken p“pote\). "God no one has ever seen." Perfect active indicative of \hora“\. Seen with the human physical eye, John means. God is invisible (Exodus:33:20; strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:12|). Paul calls God \aoratos\ (Colossians:1:15; strkjv@1Timothy:1:17|). John repeats the idea in strkjv@John:5:37; strkjv@6:46|. And yet in strkjv@14:7| Jesus claims that the one who sees him has seen the Father as here. {The only begotten Son} (\ho monogenˆs huios\). This is the reading of the Textus Receptus and is intelligible after \h“s monogenous para patros\ in verse 14|. But the best old Greek manuscripts (Aleph B C L) read \monogenˆs theos\ (God only begotten) which is undoubtedly the true text. Probably some scribe changed it to \ho monogenˆs huios\ to obviate the blunt statement of the deity of Christ and to make it like strkjv@3:16|. But there is an inner harmony in the reading of the old uncials. The Logos is plainly called \theos\ in verse 1|. The Incarnation is stated in verse 14|, where he is also termed \monogenˆs\. He was that before the Incarnation. Songs:he is "God only begotten," "the Eternal Generation of the Son" of Origen's phrase. {Which is in the bosom of the Father} (\ho “n eis ton kolpon tou patros\). The eternal relation of the Son with the Father like \pros ton theon\ in verse 1|. In strkjv@3:13| there is some evidence for \ho “n en t“i ouran“i\ used by Christ of himself while still on earth. The mystic sense here is that the Son is qualified to reveal the Father as Logos (both the Father in Idea and Expression) by reason of the continual fellowship with the Father. {He} (\ekinos\). Emphatic pronoun referring to the Son. {Hath declared him} (\exˆgˆsato\). First aorist (effective) middle indicative of \exˆgeomai\, old verb to lead out, to draw out in narrative, to recount. Here only in John, though once in Luke's Gospel (24:35|) and four times in Acts:(10:8; strkjv@15:12,14; strkjv@21:19|). This word fitly closes the Prologue in which the Logos is pictured in marvellous fashion as the Word of God in human flesh, the Son of God with the Glory of God in him, showing men who God is and what he is.

rwp@John:1:19 @{And this is the witness of John} (\kai hautˆ estin hˆ marturia tou I“anou\). He had twice already alluded to it (verses 7f., 15|) and now he proceeds to give it as the most important item to add after the Prologue. Just as the author assumes the birth narratives of Matthew and Luke, so he assumes the Synoptic accounts of the baptism of Jesus by John, but adds various details of great interest and value between the baptism and the Galilean ministry, filling out thus our knowledge of this first year of the Lord's ministry in various parts of Palestine. The story in John proceeds along the same lines as in the Synoptics. There is increasing unfolding of Christ to the disciples with increasing hostility on the part of the Jews till the final consummation in Jerusalem. {When the Jews sent unto him} (\hote apesteilan pros auton hoi Ioudaioi\). John, writing in Ephesus near the close of the first century long after the destruction of Jerusalem, constantly uses the phrase "the Jews" as descriptive of the people as distinct from the Gentile world and from the followers of Christ (at first Jews also). Often he uses it of the Jewish leaders and rulers in particular who soon took a hostile attitude toward both John and Jesus. Here it is the Jews from Jerusalem who sent (\apesteilan\, first aorist active indicative of \apostell“\). {Priests and Levites} (\hiereis kai Leueitas\). Sadducees these were. Down below in verse 24| the author explains that it was the Pharisees who sent the Sadducees. The Synoptics throw a flood of light on this circumstance, for in strkjv@Matthew:3:7| we are told that the Baptist called the Pharisees and Sadducees "offspring of vipers" (Luke:3:7|). Popular interest in John grew till people were wondering "in their hearts concerning John whether haply he were the Christ" (Luke:3:15|). Songs:the Sanhedrin finally sent a committee to John to get his own view of himself, but the Pharisees saw to it that Sadducees were sent. {To ask him} (\hina er“tˆs“sin auton\). Final \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \er“ta“\, old verb to ask a question as here and often in the _Koin‚_ to ask for something (John:14:16|) like \aite“\. {Who art thou?} (\su tis ei;\). Direct question preserved and note proleptic position of \su\, "Thou, who art thou?" The committee from the Sanhedrin put the question sharply up to John to define his claims concerning the Messiah.

rwp@John:1:21 @{And they asked him} (\kai ˆr“tˆsan auton\). Here the paratactic \kai\ is like the transitional \oun\ (then). {What then?} (\Ti oun;\). Argumentative \oun\ like Paul's \ti oun\ in strkjv@Romans:6:15|. _Quid ergo?_ {Art thou Elijah?} (\Su Elias ei;\). The next inevitable question since Elijah had been understood to be the forerunner of the Messiah from strkjv@Malachi:4:5|. In strkjv@Mark:9:11f.| Jesus will identify John with the Elijah of Malachi's prophecy. Why then does John here flatly deny it? Because the expectation was that Elijah would return in person. This John denies. Jesus only asserts that John was Elijah in spirit. Elijah in person they had just seen on the Mount of Transfiguration. {He saith} (\legei\). Vivid dramatic present. {I am not} (\ouk eimi\). Short and blunt denial. {Art thou the prophet?} (\ho prophˆtˆs ei su;\). "The prophet art thou?" This question followed naturally the previous denials. Moses (Deuteronomy:18:15|) had spoken of a prophet like unto himself. Christians interpreted this prophet to be the Messiah (Acts:3:22; strkjv@7:37|), but the Jews thought him another forerunner of the Messiah (John:7:40|). It is not clear in strkjv@John:6:15| whether the people identified the expected prophet with the Messiah, though apparently so. Even the Baptist later became puzzled in prison whether Jesus himself was the true Messiah or just one of the forerunners (Luke:7:19|). People wondered about Jesus himself whether he was the Messiah or just one of the looked for prophets (Mark:8:28; strkjv@Matthew:16:14|). {And he answered} (\kai apekrithˆ\). First aorist passive (deponent passive, sense of voice gone) indicative of \apokrinomai\, to give a decision from myself, to reply. {No} (\Ou\). Shortest possible denial.

rwp@John:1:22 @{They said therefore} (\eipan oun\). Second aorist active indicative of defective verb \eipon\ with \a\ instead of usual \o\. Note \oun\, inferential here as in verse 21| though often merely transitional in John. {Who art thou?} (\Tis ei;\). Same question as at first (verse 19|), but briefer. {That we give answer} (\hina apokrisin d“men\). Final use of \hina\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \did“mi\ with \apokrisin\ from \apokrinomai\, above, old substantive as in strkjv@Luke:2:47|. {To those that sent} (\tois pempsasin\). Dative case plural of the articular participle first aorist active of \pemp“\. {What sayest thou of thyself?} (\Ti legeis peri seautou;\). This time they opened wide the door without giving any hint at all.

rwp@John:1:25 @{Why then baptizest thou?} (\Ti oun baptizeis;\). In view of his repeated denials (three here mentioned). {If thou art not} (\ei su ouk ei\). Condition of first class. They did not interpret his claim to be "the voice" to be important enough to justify the ordinance of baptism. Abrahams (_Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels_) shows that proselyte baptism was probably practised before John's time, but its use by John was treating the Jews as if they were themselves Gentiles.

rwp@John:1:26 @{In the midst of you standeth} (\mesos hum“n stˆkei\). Adjective as in strkjv@19:18|, not \en mes“i hum“n\. Present active indicative of late verb \stˆk“\ from perfect stem \hestˆka\. John had already baptized Jesus and recognized him as the Messiah. {Whom ye know not} (\hon humeis ouk oidate\). This was the tragedy of the situation (1:11|). Apparently this startling declaration excited no further inquiry from the committee.

rwp@John:1:27 @{Coming after me} (\opis“ mou erchomenos\). No article (\ho\) in Aleph B. John as the forerunner of the Messiah has preceded him in time, but not in rank as he instantly adds. {The latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to unloose} (\hou ouk eimi axios hina lus“ autou ton himanta tou hupodˆmatos\). Literally, "of whom I am not worthy that I unloose the latchet (see strkjv@Mark:1:7| for \himas\) of his sandal (see strkjv@Matthew:3:11| for \hupodˆma\, bound under the foot)." Only use of \axios\ with \hina\ in John, though used by Paul in this saying of the Baptist (Acts:13:25|), \hikanos hina\ in strkjv@Matthew:3:8|, but \hikanos lusai\ (aorist active infinitive instead of \lus“\, aorist active subjunctive) in strkjv@Mark:1:7| (Luke:3:16|) and \bastasai\ in strkjv@Matthew:3:11|.

rwp@John:1:29 @{On the morrow} (\tˆi epaurion\). Locative case with \hˆmˆrƒi\ (day) understood after the adverb \epaurion\. "Second day of this spiritual diary" (Bernard) from verse 19|. {Seeth Jesus coming} (\blepei ton Iˆsoun erchomenon\). Dramatic historical present indicative (\blepei\) with vivid present middle participle (\erchomenon\). Graphic picture. {Behold the Lamb of God} (\ide ho amnos tou theou\). Exclamation \ide\ like \idou\, not verb, and so nominative \amnos\. Common idiom in John (1:36; strkjv@3:26|, etc.). For "the Lamb of God" see strkjv@1Corinthians:5:7| (cf. strkjv@John:19:36|) and strkjv@1Peter:1:19|. The passage in strkjv@Isaiah:53:6f.| is directly applied to Christ by Philip in strkjv@Acts:8:32|. See also strkjv@Matthew:8:17; strkjv@1Peter:2:22f.; strkjv@Hebrews:9:28|. But the Jews did not look for a suffering Messiah (John:12:34|) nor did the disciples at first (Mark:9:32; strkjv@Luke:24:21|). But was it not possible for John, the Forerunner of the Messiah, to have a prophetic insight concerning the Messiah as the Paschal Lamb, already in strkjv@Isaiah:53|, even if the rabbis did not see it there? Symeon had it dimly (Luke:2:35|), but John more clearly. Songs:Westcott rightly. Bernard is unwilling to believe that John the Baptist had more insight on this point than current Judaism. Then why and how did he recognize Jesus as Messiah at all? Certainly the Baptist did not have to be as ignorant as the rabbis. {Which taketh away the sin of the world} (\ho air“n tˆn hamartian tou kosmou\). Note singular \hamartian\ not plural \hamartias\ (1John:3:5|) where same verb \air“\, to bear away, is used. The future work of the Lamb of God here described in present tense as in strkjv@1John:1:7| about the blood of Christ. He is the Lamb of God for the world, not just for Jews.

rwp@John:1:32 @{Bare witness} (\emarturˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \marture“\. Another specimen of John's witness to the Messiah (1:7,15,19,29,35,36|). {I have beheld} (\tetheamai\). Perfect middle indicative of \theaomai\, the realization of the promise of the sign (verse 33|) by which he should recognize the Messiah. As a matter of fact, we know that he so recognized Jesus as Messiah when he came for baptism before the Holy Spirit came (Matthew:3:14ff.|). But this sight of the Spirit descending as a dove upon Jesus at his baptism (Mark:1:10; strkjv@Matthew:3:16; strkjv@Luke:3:22|) became permanent proof to him. John's allusion assumes the Synoptic record. The Semites regarded the dove as a symbol of the Spirit.

rwp@John:1:34 @{I have seen} (\he“raka\). Present perfect active of \hora“\. John repeats the statement of verse 32| (\tetheamai\). {Have borne witness} (\memarturˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \marture“\ for which verb see 32|. {This is the Son of God} (\ho huios tou theou\). The Baptist saw the Spirit come on Jesus at his baptism and undoubtedly heard the Father's voice hail him as "My Beloved Son" (Mark:1:11; strkjv@Matthew:3:17; strkjv@Luke:3:22|). Nathanael uses it as a Messianic title (John:1:49|) as does Martha (11:27|). The Synoptics use it also of Christ (Mark:3:11; strkjv@Matthew:14:33; strkjv@Luke:22:70|). Caiaphas employs it to Christ as a Messianic title (Matthew:26:63|) and Jesus confessed under oath that he was (verse strkjv@Matthew:26:64|), thus applying the term to himself as he does in John's Gospel (5:25; strkjv@10:36; strkjv@11:4|) and by implication (the Father, the Son) in strkjv@Matthew:11:27| (Luke:10:22|). Hence in the Synoptics also Jesus calls himself the Son of God. The phrase means more than just Messiah and expresses the peculiar relation of the Son to the Father (John:3:18; strkjv@5:25; strkjv@17:5; strkjv@19:7; strkjv@20:31|) like that of the Logos with God in strkjv@1:1|.

rwp@John:1:36 @{He looked} (\emblepsas\). First aorist active participle of \emblep“\, antecedent action before \legei\ (says). {As he walked} (\peripatounti\). Present active participle in dative case after \emblepsas\ and like \erchomenon\ in verse 29| vividly pictures the rapture of John in this vision of Jesus, so far as we know the third and last glimpse of Jesus by John (the baptism, verse 29|, and here). {Saith} (\legei\). Historical present, change from \histˆkei\ before. He repeats part of the tribute in verse 29|.

rwp@John:1:37 @{Heard him speak} (\ˆkousan autou lalountos\). First active indicative of \akou“\ and present active participle of \lale“\ in genitive case agreeing with \autou\, object of \akou“\. "Heard him speaking" (kind of indirect discourse). John had disciples (\mathˆtai\, learners, from \manthan“\, to learn). {They followed Jesus} (\ˆkolouthˆsan t“i Iˆsou\). Associative instrumental case after verb (first aorist active indicative, ingressive aorist, of \akolouthe“\). These two disciples of the Baptist (Andrew and John) took him at his word and acted on it. John the Baptist had predicted and portrayed the Messiah, had baptized him, had interpreted him, and now for the second time had identified him.

rwp@John:1:38 @{Turned} (\strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, vividly picturing the sudden act of Jesus on hearing their steps behind him. {Beheld} (\theasamenos\). First aorist middle participle of \theaomai\ (verse 32|). Both participles here express antecedent action to \legei\ (saith). {Following} (\akolothountas\). Present active participle of \akolouthe“\ (verse 37|). It was Christ's first experience of this kind and the two came from the Baptist to Jesus. {What seek ye?} (\Ti zˆteite;\). Not "whom" (\tina\ strkjv@18:4; strkjv@20:15|), but "what purpose have you." The first words of Jesus preserved in this Gospel. See strkjv@Luke:2:49; strkjv@Matthew:3:15| for words spoken before this and strkjv@Mark:1:15| for Mark's first report in the Galilean ministry. {Rabbi} (\Rabbei\). Aramaic title for "Teacher" which John here translates by \Didaskale\ as he is writing late and for general readers. Luke, a Greek Christian, does not use it, but John recalls his first use of this term to Jesus and explains it. Matthew has it only in the greeting of Judas to the Master (Matthew:26:25,49|) and Mark once by Judas (Mark:14:45|) and twice by Peter (Mark:9:5; strkjv@11:21|). John's Gospel has the disciples at first addressing Jesus by Rabbi while others address him by \Kurie\ (Lord or Sir) as in strkjv@4:11,49; strkjv@5:7|. Peter uses \Kurie\ in strkjv@6:68|. In the end the disciples usually say \Kurie\ (13:6,25|, etc.), but Mary Magdalene says \Rabbounei\ (20:16|). {Being interpreted} (\methermˆmeuomenon\). Present passive participle of \methermˆneu“\, late compound of \meta\ and \hermˆneu“\, to explain (John:1:42|), old word from \Hermes\, the god of speech (hermeneutics). John often explains Aramaic words (1:38,41,42; strkjv@4:25; strkjv@9:7|, etc.). {Where abidest thou?} (\Pou meneis;\). They wished a place for quiet converse with Jesus.

rwp@John:1:42 @{Looked upon him} (\emblepsas aut“i\). See verse 36| for same word and form of John's eager gaze at Jesus. Luke uses this word of Jesus when Peter denied him (Luke:22:61|). {He brought him} (\ˆgagen auton\). Effective second aorist active indicative of \ago\ as if Andrew had to overcome some resistance on Simon's part. {Thou shalt be called Cephas} (\su klˆthˆsˆi Kˆphƒs\). Apparently before Simon spoke. We do not know whether Jesus had seen Simon before or not, but he at once gives him a nickname that will characterize him some day, though not yet, when he makes the noble confession (Matthew:16:17f.|), and Jesus will say, "Thou art Peter." Here the future passive indicative of \kale“\ is only prophecy. The Aramaic \Cˆphƒs\ (rock) is only applied to Simon in John except by Paul (1Corinthians:1:12; strkjv@Galatians:1:18|, etc.). But the Greek \Petros\ is used by all. In the ancient Greek \petra\ was used for the massive ledge of rock like Stone Mountain while \petros\ was a detached fragment of the ledge, though itself large. This distinction may exist in strkjv@Matthew:16:17f.|, except that Jesus probably used Aramaic which would not have such a distinction.

rwp@John:1:45 @{Philip findeth} (\heuriskei Philippos\). Dramatic present again. Philip carries on the work. One wins one. If that glorious beginning had only kept on! Now it takes a hundred to win one. {Nathaniel} (\ton Nathanaˆl\). It is a Hebrew name meaning "God has given" like the Greek \Theodore\ (Gift of God). He was from Cana of Galilee (John:21:2|), not far from Bethsaida and so known to Philip. His name does not occur in the Synoptics while Bartholomew (a patronymic, _Bar Tholmai_) does not appear in John. They are almost certainly two names of the same man. Philip uses \heurˆkamen\ (verse 41|) also to Nathanael and so unites himself with the circle of believers, but instead of \Messian\ describes him "of whom (\hon\ accusative with \egrapsen\) Moses in the law (Deuteronomy:18:15|) and the prophets (so the whole O.T. as in strkjv@Luke:24:27,44|) did write." {Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph} (\Iˆsoun huion tou I“sˆph ton apo Nazaret\). More exactly, "Jesus, son of Joseph, the one from Nazareth." Jesus passed as son (no article in the Greek) of Joseph, though John has just described him as "God-only Begotten" in verse 18|, but certainly Philip could not know this. Bernard terms this part "the irony of St. John" for he is sure that his readers will agree with him as to the real deity of Jesus Christ. These details were probably meant to interest Nathanael.

rwp@John:1:48 @{Whence knowest thou me?} (\Pothen me gin“skeis;\). Nathanael is astonished at this tribute, at any knowledge about himself by Jesus. He had overheard Christ's comment and longed to know its source. {Before Philip called thee} (\Pro tou se Philippon ph“nˆsai\). Idiomatic Greek, \pro\ and the ablative case of the articular aorist active infinitive (\tou ph“nˆsai\, from \ph“ne“\, to call) with \se\ as the object and \Philippon\, the accusative of general reference, "before the calling thee as to Philip." {When thou wast under the fig tree} (\onta hupo tˆn sukˆn\). "Being under the fig tree," accusative present participle agreeing with \se\. The fig tree was a familiar object in Palestine, probably in leaf at this time, the accusative with \hupo\ may suggest that Nathanael had withdrawn there for prayer. Note genitive with \hupokat“\ in verse 50|. Jesus saw Nathanael's heart as well as his mere presence there. He saw him in his worship and so knew him.

rwp@John:1:49 @{Thou art the Son of God} (\su ei ho huios tou theou\). Whether Nathanael had heard the Baptist say this of Jesus (1:34|) we do not know, apparently not, but Nathanael was a student of the Old Testament as Philip implied (1:45|) and was quick to put together his knowledge, the statement of Philip, and the manifest supernatural knowledge of Jesus as just shown. There is no reason for toning down the noble confession of Nathanael in the light of Christ's claim in verse 51|. Cf. the confession of Peter in strkjv@6:69; strkjv@Matthew:16:16| and Martha's in strkjv@John:11:27|. Nathanael goes further. {Thou art King of Israel} (\Basileus ei tou Israˆl\). To us this seems an anti-climax, but not so to Nathanael for both are Messianic titles in strkjv@Psalms:2| and Jesus is greeted in the Triumphal Entry as the King of Israel (John:12:13|).

rwp@John:1:51 @{Verily, Verily} (\Amˆn, amˆn\). Hebrew word transliterated into Greek and then into English, our "amen." John always repeats it, not singly as in the Synoptics, and only in the words of Jesus, an illustration of Christ's authoritative manner of speaking as shown also by \leg“ humin\ (I say unto you). Note plural \humin\ though \aut“i\ just before is singular (to him). Jesus addresses thus others besides Nathanael. {The heaven opened} (\ton ouranon ane“igota\). Second perfect active participle of \anoig“\ with double reduplication, standing open. The words remind one of what took place at the baptism of Jesus (Matthew:3:16; strkjv@Luke:3:21|), but the immediate reference is to the opened heaven as the symbol of free intercourse between God and man (Isaiah:64:1|) and as it was later illustrated in the death of Stephen (Acts:7:56|). There is a quotation from strkjv@Genesis:28:12f.|, Jacob's vision at Bethel. That was a dream to Jacob, but Christ is himself the bond of fellowship between heaven and earth, between God and man, for Jesus is both "the Son of God" as Nathanael said and "the Son of Man" (\epi ton huion tou anthr“pou\) as Jesus here calls himself. God and man meet in Christ. He is the true Jacob's Ladder. "I am the Way," Jesus will say. He is more than King of Israel, he is the Son of Man (the race). Songs:quickly has this Gospel brought out in the witness of the Baptist, the faith of the first disciples, the claims of Jesus Christ, the fully developed picture of the Logos who is both God and man, moving among men and winning them to his service. At the close of the ministry Christ will tell Caiaphas that he will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven (Mark:14:62|). Here at the start Jesus is conscious of the final culmination and in apocalyptic eschatological language that we do not fully understand he sets forth the dignity and majesty of his Person.

rwp@John:2:1 @{The third day} (\tˆi hˆmerƒi tˆi tritˆi\). "On the day the third" (locative case), from the start to Galilee when Philip was found (1:43|), seven days since strkjv@1:19|. {There was a marriage} (\gamos egeneto\). "A wedding (or marriage festival) took place." See on ¯Matthew:22:8|. {In Cana of Galilee} (\en Kana tˆs Galilaias\). This town, the home of Nathanael (21:2|), is only mentioned again in strkjv@4:46| as the home of the nobleman. There was a Cana in Coele-Syria. It is usually located at _Kefr Kenna_ (3 1/2 miles from Nazareth), though _Ain Kana_ and _Khirbet Kana_ are also possible. Bernard thinks that it was probably on Wednesday afternoon the fourth day of the week (usual day for marriage of virgins), when the party of Jesus arrived. {And the mother of Jesus was there} (\kai ˆn hˆ mˆtˆr tou Iˆsou ekei\). When they arrived. John does not mention her name, probably because already well known in the Synoptics. Probably Joseph was already dead. Mary may have been kin to the family where the wedding took place, an intimate friend clearly.

rwp@John:2:3 @{When the wine failed} (\husterˆsantos oinou\). Genitive absolute with first aorist active participle of \hustere“\, old verb from \husteros\, late or lacking. See same use in strkjv@Mark:10:21|. A longer Western paraphrase occurs in some manuscripts. It was an embarrassing circumstance, especially to Mary, if partly due to the arrival of the seven guests. {They have no wine} (\Oinon ouk echousin\). The statement of the fact was in itself a hint and a request. But why made by the mother of Jesus and why to Jesus? She would not, of course, make it to the host. Mary feels some kind of responsibility and exercises some kind of authority for reasons not known to us. Mary had treasured in her heart the wonders connected with the birth of Jesus (Luke:2:19,51|). The ministry of the Baptist had stirred her hopes afresh. Had she not told Jesus all that she knew before he went to the Jordan to be baptized of John? This group of disciples meant to her that Jesus had begun his Messianic work. Songs:she dares propose the miracle to him.

rwp@John:2:6 @{Waterpots} (\hudriai\). Old word from \hud“r\ (water) and used in papyri for pots or pans for holding money or bread as well as water. These stone (\lithinai\ as in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:3|) jars full of water were kept handy ({set there}, \keimenai\, present middle participle of \keimai\) at a feast for ceremonial cleansing of the hands (2Kings:3:11; strkjv@Mark:7:3|), "after the Jews' manner of purifying" (\kata ton katharismon t“n Ioudai“n\). See strkjv@Mark:1:44; strkjv@Luke:2:22| for the word \katharismos\ (from \kathariz“\) which fact also raised a controversy with disciples of John because of his baptizing (John:3:25|). {Containing} (\ch“rousai\). Present active participle feminine plural of \ch“re“\, old verb from \ch“ros\, place, space, having space or room for. {Two or three firkins apiece} (\ana metrˆtas duo ˆ treis\). The word \metrˆtˆs\, from \metre“\, to measure, simply means "measurer," an amphora for measuring liquids (in Demosthenes, Aristotle, Polybius), the Hebrew _bath_ (2Chronicles:4:5|), here only in N.T., about 8 1/2 English gallons. Each \hudria\ thus held about 20 gallons. This common distributive use of \ana\ occurs here only in this Gospel, but is in strkjv@Revelation:4:8|. In strkjv@John:4:28| a much smaller \hudria\ was used for carrying water.

rwp@John:2:9 @{Tasted} (\egeusato\). First aorist middle indicative of \geuomai\. As it was his function to do. {The water now become wine} (\to hud“r oinon gegenˆmenon\). Accusative case, though the genitive also occurs with \geuomai\. Perfect passive participle of \ginomai\ and \oinon\, predicative accusative. The tablemaster knew nothing of the miracle, "whence it was" (\pothen estin\, indirect question retaining present indicative). The servants knew the source of the water, but not the power that made the wine. {Calleth the bridegroom} (\ph“nei ton numphion\). As apparently responsible for the supply of the wine ({thou hast kept} \tetˆrˆkas\). See strkjv@Matthew:9:15| for \numphios\. When men have drunk freely (\hotan methusth“sin\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \methusk“\. The verb does not mean that these guests are now drunk, but that this is a common custom to put "the worse" (\ton elass“\, the less, the inferior) wine last. It is real wine that is meant by \oinos\ here. Unlike the Baptist Jesus mingled in the social life of the time, was even abused for it (Matthew:11:19; strkjv@Luke:7:34|). But this fact does not mean that today Jesus would approve the modern liquor trade with its damnable influences. The law of love expounded by Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:8-10| and in strkjv@Romans:14,15| teaches modern Christians to be willing gladly to give up what they see causes so many to stumble into sin.

rwp@John:2:11 @{This beginning of his signs did Jesus} (\tautˆn epoiˆsen archˆn t“n sˆmei“n ho Iˆsous\). Rather, "this Jesus did as a beginning of his signs," for there is no article between \tautˆn\ and \archˆn\. "We have now passed from the 'witness' of the Baptist to the 'witness' of the works of Jesus" (Bernard). This is John's favourite word "signs" rather than wonders (\terata\) or powers (\dunameis\) for the works (\erga\) of Jesus. \Sˆmeion\ is an old word from \sˆmain“\, to give a sign (12:33|). He selects eight in his Gospel by which to prove the deity of Christ (20:30|) of which this is the first. {Manifested his glory} (\ephaner“sen tˆn doxan autou\). First aorist (effective) active indicative of \phanero“\, that glory of which John spoke in strkjv@1:14|. {Believed on him} (\episteusan eis auton\). First aorist active indicative of \pisteu“\, to believe, to put trust in, so common in John. These six disciples (learners) had already believed in Jesus as the Messiah (1:35-51|). Now their faith was greatly strengthened. Songs:it will be all through this Gospel. Jesus will increasingly reveal himself while the disciples will grow in knowledge and trust and the Jews will become increasingly hostile till the culmination.

rwp@John:2:12 @{He went down to Capernaum} (\katebˆ eis Kapharnaoum autos\). Second aorist active indicative of \katabain“\. Cana was on higher ground. This brief stay ({not many days}, \ou pollas hˆmeras\) in this important city (Tell Hum) on the north shore of Galilee was with Christ's mother, brothers (apparently friendly at first) and the six disciples, all in the fresh glow of the glory manifested at Cana. Surely Mary's heart was full.

rwp@John:2:14 @{Those that sold} (\tous p“lountas\). Present active articular participle of \p“le“\, to sell. They were in the Court of the Gentiles within the temple precinct (\en t“i hier“i\), but not in the \naos\ or temple proper. The sacrifices required animals (oxen, \boas\, sheep, \probata\, doves, \peristeras\) and "changers of money" (\kermatistas\, from \kermatiz“\, to cut into small pieces, to change money, only here in N.T., late and rare). Probably their very presence in his Father's house angered Jesus. The Synoptics (Mark:11:15-17; strkjv@Matthew:21:12f.; strkjv@Luke:10:45f.|) record a similar incident the day after the Triumphal Entry. If there was only one, it would seem more natural at the close. But why could it not occur at the beginning also? Here it is an obvious protest by Christ at the beginning of his ministry as in the Synoptics it is an indignant outcry against the desecration. The cessation was only temporary in both instances.

rwp@John:2:19 @{Destroy this temple} (\lusate ton naon touton\). First aorist active imperative of \lu“\, to loosen or destroy. It is the permissive imperative, not a command to do it. Note also \naos\, not \hieron\, the sanctuary, symbol of God's \naos\, in our hearts (1Corinthians:3:16f.|). There is much confusion about this language since Jesus added: "And in three days I will raise it up" (\kai en trisin hˆmerais eger“ auton\). Those who heard Jesus, including the disciples till after the resurrection (verse 22|), understood the reference to be to Herod's temple. Certainly that is the obvious way to take it. But Jesus often spoke in parables and even in enigmas. He may have spoken of the literal temple as a parable for his own body which of course they would not understand, least of all the resurrection in three days.

rwp@John:2:20 @{Forty and six years was this temple in building} (\Tesserakonta kai hex etesin oikodomˆthˆ ho naos houtos\). "Within forty and six years (associative instrumental case) was built (first aorist passive indicative, constative or summary use of the aorist, of \oikodome“\, without augment) this temple." As a matter of fact, it was not yet finished, so distrustful had the Jews been of Herod. {And wilt thou?} (\kai su;\). An evident sneer in the use of \su\ (thou, an unknown upstart from Galilee, of the peasant class, not one of the Sanhedrin, not one of the ecclesiastics or even architects).

rwp@John:2:23 @{In Jerusalem} (\en tois Ierosolumois\). The form \Ierosoluma\ as in strkjv@2:13| always in this Gospel and in Mark, and usually in Matthew, though \Ierousalˆm\ only in Revelation, and both forms by Luke and Paul. {During the feast} (\en tˆi heortˆi\). The feast of unleavened bread followed for seven days right after the passover (one day strictly), though \to pascha\ is used either for the passover meal or for the whole eight days. {Believed on his name} (\episteusan eis to onoma autou\). See on ¯1:12| for this phrase. Only one has to watch for the real import of \pisteu“\. {Beholding his signs} (\the“rountes autou ta sˆmeia\). Present active participle (causal use) of \the“re“\. {Which he did} (\ha epoiei\). "Which he was doing" (imperfect tense). He did his first sign in Cana, but now he was doing many in Jerusalem. Already Jesus had become the cynosure of all eyes in Jerusalem at this first visit in his ministry.

rwp@John:2:24 @{But Jesus did not trust himself to them} (\autos de Iˆsous ouk episteuen hauton autois\). "But Jesus himself kept on refusing (negative imperfect) to trust himself to them." The double use of \pisteu“\ here is shown by strkjv@Acts:8:13| where Simon Magus "believed" (\episteusen\) and was baptized, but was unsaved. He merely believed that he wanted what Philip had. {For that he knew all men} (\dia to auton gin“skein pantas\). Causal use of \dia\ and the accusative case of the articular infinitive \to gin“skein\ (because of the knowing) with the object of the infinitive (\pantas\, all men) and the accusative of general reference (\auton\, as to himself).

rwp@John:2:25 @{And because he needed not} (\kai hoti chreian eichen\). Imperfect active, "and because he did not have need." {That any one should bear witness concerning man} (\hina tis marturˆsˆi peri tou anthr“pou\). Non-final use of \hina\ with first aorist active subjunctive of \marture“\ and the generic article (\peri tou anthr“pou\) concerning mankind as in the next clause also. {For he himself knew} (\autos gar egin“sken\). Imperfect active, "for he himself kept on knowing" as he did from the start. {What was in man} (\ti ˆn en t“i anthr“p“i\). Indirect question with \estin\ of the direct changed to the imperfect \ˆn\, a rare idiom in the _Koin‚_. This supernatural knowledge of man is a mark of deity. Some men of genius can read men better than others, but not in the sense meant here.

rwp@John:3:1 @{Now} (\de\). Songs:often in John \de\ is explanatory and transitional, not adversative. Nicodemus is an instance of Christ's knowledge of men (2:25|) and of one to whom he did trust himself unlike those in strkjv@2:24|. As a Pharisee "he belonged to that party which with all its bigotry contained a salt of true patriotism and could rear such cultured and high-toned men as Gamaliel and Paul" (Marcus Dods). {Named Nicodemus} (\Nikodˆmos onoma\). Same construction as in strkjv@1:6|, "Nicodemus name to him." Songs:Revelation:6:8|. It is a Greek name and occurs in Josephus (_Ant_. XIV. iii. 2) as the name of an ambassador from Aristobulus to Pompey. Only in John in N.T. (here, strkjv@7:50; strkjv@19:39|). He was a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin, and wealthy. There is no evidence that he was the young ruler of strkjv@Luke:18:18| because of \arch“n\ (ruler) here.

rwp@John:3:2 @{The same} (\houtos\). "This one." {By night} (\nuktos\). Genitive of time. That he came at all is remarkable, not because there was any danger as was true at a later period, but because of his own prominence. He wished to avoid comment by other members of the Sanhedrin and others. Jesus had already provoked the opposition of the ecclesiastics by his assumption of Messianic authority over the temple. There is no ground for assigning this incident to a later period, for it suits perfectly here. Jesus was already in the public eye (2:23|) and the interest of Nicodemus was real and yet he wished to be cautious. {Rabbi} (\Rabbei\). See on ¯1:38|. Technically Jesus was not an acknowledged Rabbi of the schools, but Nicodemus does recognize him as such and calls him "My Master" just as Andrew and John did (1:38|). It was a long step for Nicodemus as a Pharisee to take, for the Pharisees had closely scrutinized the credentials of the Baptist in strkjv@1:19-24| (Milligan and Moulton's _Comm_.). {We know} (\oidamen\). Second perfect indicative first person plural. He seems to speak for others of his class as the blind man does in strkjv@9:31|. Westcott thinks that Nicodemus has been influenced partly by the report of the commission sent to the Baptist (1:19-27|). {Thou art a teacher come from God} (\apo theou elˆluthas didaskalos\). "Thou hast come from God as a teacher." Second perfect active indicative of \erchomai\ and predicative nominative \didaskalos\. This is the explanation of Nicodemus for coming to Jesus, obscure Galilean peasant as he seemed, evidence that satisfied one of the leaders in Pharisaism. {Can do} (\dunatai poiein\). "Can go on doing" (present active infinitive of \poie“\ and so linear). {These signs that thou doest} (\tauta ta sˆmeia ha su poieis\). Those mentioned in strkjv@2:23| that convinced so many in the crowd and that now appeal to the scholar. Note \su\ (thou) as quite out of the ordinary. The scorn of Jesus by the rulers held many back to the end (John:12:42|), but Nicodemus dares to feel his way. {Except God be with him} (\ean mˆ ˆi ho theos met' autou\). Condition of the third class, presented as a probability, not as a definite fact. He wanted to know more of the teaching accredited thus by God. Jesus went about doing good because God was with him, Peter says (Acts:10:38|).

rwp@John:3:3 @{Except a man be born anew} (\ean mˆ tis gennˆthˆi an“then\). Another condition of the third class, undetermined but with prospect of determination. First aorist passive subjunctive of \genna“\. \An“then\. Originally "from above" (Mark:15:38|), then "from heaven" (John:3:31|), then "from the first" (Luke:1:3|), and then "again" (\palin an“then\, strkjv@Galatians:4:9|). Which is the meaning here? The puzzle of Nicodemus shows (\deuteron\, verse 4|) that he took it as "again," a second birth from the womb. The Vulgate translates it by _renatus fuerit denuo_. But the misapprehension of Nicodemus does not prove the meaning of Jesus. In the other passages in John (3:31; strkjv@19:11,23|) the meaning is "from above" (\desuper\) and usually so in the Synoptics. It is a second birth, to be sure, regeneration, but a birth from above by the Spirit. {He cannot see the kingdom of God} (\ou dunatai idein tˆn basileian tou theou\). To participate in it as in strkjv@Luke:9:27|. For this use of \idein\ (second aorist active infinitive of \hora“\) see strkjv@John:8:51; strkjv@Revelation:18:7|.

rwp@John:3:5 @{Of water and the Spirit} (\ex hudatos kai pneumatos\). Nicodemus had failed utterly to grasp the idea of the spiritual birth as essential to entrance into the Kingdom of God. He knew only Jews as members of that kingdom, the political kingdom of Pharisaic hope which was to make all the world Jewish (Pharisaic) under the King Messiah. Why does Jesus add \ex hudatos\ here? In verse 3| we have "\an“then\" (from above) which is repeated in verse 7|, while in verse 8| we have only \ek tou pneumatos\ (of the Spirit) in the best manuscripts. Many theories exist. One view makes baptism, referred to by \ex hudatos\ (coming up out of water), essential to the birth of the Spirit, as the means of obtaining the new birth of the Spirit. If so, why is water mentioned only once in the three demands of Jesus (3,5,7|)? Calvin makes water and Spirit refer to the one act (the cleansing work of the Spirit). Some insist on the language in verse 6| as meaning the birth of the flesh coming in a sac of water in contrast to the birth of the Spirit. One wonders after all what was the precise purpose of Jesus with Nicodemus, the Pharisaic ceremonialist, who had failed to grasp the idea of spiritual birth which is a commonplace to us. By using water (the symbol before the thing signified) first and adding Spirit, he may have hoped to turn the mind of Nicodemus away from mere physical birth and, by pointing to the baptism of John on confession of sin which the Pharisees had rejected, to turn his attention to the birth from above by the Spirit. That is to say the mention of "water" here may have been for the purpose of helping Nicodemus without laying down a fundamental principle of salvation as being by means of baptism. Bernard holds that the words \hudatos kai\ (water and) do not belong to the words of Jesus, but "are a gloss, added to bring the saying of Jesus into harmony with the belief and practice of a later generation." Here Jesus uses \eiselthein\ (enter) instead of \idein\ (see) of verse 3|, but with the same essential idea (participation in the kingdom).

rwp@John:3:6 @{That which is born} (\to gegennˆmenon\). Perfect passive articular participle. The sharp contrast between flesh (\sarx\) and Spirit (\pneuma\), drawn already in strkjv@1:13|, serves to remind Nicodemus of the crudity of his question in strkjv@3:4| about a second physical birth.

rwp@John:3:10 @{The teacher of Israel} (\ho didaskalos tou Israˆl\). The well-known or the authorized (the accepted) teacher of the Israel of God. Note both articles. {And understandest not these things?} (\kai tauta ou gin“skeis;\). After being told by Jesus and after so propitious a start. His Pharisaic theology had made him almost proof against spiritual apprehension. It was outside of his groove (rote, rut, rot, the three terrible r's of mere traditionalism).

rwp@John:3:11 @{We speak that we do know} (\ho oidamen laloumen\). Jesus simply claims knowledge of what he has tried to make plain to the famous Rabbi without success. John uses \lale“\ some 60 times, half of them by Jesus, very little distinction existing between the use of \lale“\ and \leg“\ in John. Originally \lale“\ referred to the chatter of birds. Note John's frequent use of \amˆn amˆn\ and \leg“\ (double emphasis). {And bear witness of that we have seen} (\kai ho he“rakamen marturoumen\). The same use of neuter singular relative \ho\ as before. Perfect active indicative of \hora“\. He is not a dreamer, guesser, or speculator. He is bearing witness from personal knowledge, strange as this may seem to Nicodemus. {And ye receive not our witness} (\kai tˆn marturian hˆm“n ou lambanete\). This is the tragedy of the matter as John has shown (1:11,26|) and as will continue to be true even today. Jesus probably associates here with himself ("we") those who have personal experience of grace and so are qualified as witnesses. Note the plural in strkjv@1John:1:1f|. Bernard thinks that John has here read into the words of Jesus the convictions of a later age, a serious charge to make.

rwp@John:3:12 @{If I told} (\ei eipon\). Condition of the first class, assumed to be true. {Earthly things} (\ta epigeia\). Things upon the earth like \ta epi tˆs gˆs\ (Colossians:3:2|), not things of an earthly nature or worldly or sinful. The work of the kingdom of God including the new birth which Nicodemus did not understand belongs to \ta epigeia\. {If I tell you heavenly things} (\ean eip“ humin ta epourania\). Condition of the third class, undetermined. What will Nicodemus do in that case? By \ta epourania\ Jesus means the things that take place in heaven like the deep secrets of the purpose of God in the matter of redemption such as the necessity of the lifting up of Christ as shown in verse 14|. Both Godet and Westcott note that the two types of teaching here pointed out by Jesus (the earthly, the heavenly) correspond in general to the difference between the Synoptics (the earthly) and the Fourth Gospel (the heavenly), a difference noted here in the Fourth Gospel as shown by Jesus himself. Hence the one should not be pitted against the other. There are specimens of the heavenly in the Synoptics as in strkjv@Matthew:11:25ff.; strkjv@Luke:10:18ff|.

rwp@John:3:13 @{But he that descended out of heaven} (\ei mˆ ho ek tou ouranou katabas\). The Incarnation of the Pre-existent Son of God who was in heaven before he came down and so knows what he is telling about "the heavenly things." There is no allusion to the Ascension which came later. This high conception of Christ runs all through the Gospel and is often in Christ's own words as here. {Which is in heaven} (\ho “n en t“i ouran“i\). This phrase is added by some manuscripts, not by Aleph B L W 33, and, if genuine, would merely emphasize the timeless existence of God's Son who is in heaven even while on earth. Probably a gloss. But "the Son of man" is genuine. He is the one who has come down out of heaven.

rwp@John:3:26 @{Rabbi} (\Rabbei\). Greeting John just like Jesus (1:38; strkjv@3:2|). {Beyond Jordan} (\peran tou Iordanou\). Evident reference to John's witness to Jesus told in strkjv@1:29-34|. {To whom thou hast borne witness} (\h“i su memarturˆkas\). Note avoidance of calling the name of Jesus. Perfect active indicative of \marture“\ so common in John (1:7|, etc.). These disciples of John are clearly jealous of Jesus as a rival of John and they distinctly blame John for his endorsement of one who is already eclipsing him in popularity. {The same baptizeth} (\houtos baptizei\). "This one is baptizing." Not personally (4:2|), as John did, but through his six disciples. {And all men come to him} (\kai pantes erchontai pros auton\). Linear present middle indicative, "are coming." The sight of the growing crowds with Jesus and the dwindling crowds with John stirred John's followers to keenest jealousy. What a life-like picture of ministerial jealousy in all ages.

rwp@John:3:29 @{The bridegroom} (\numphios\). Predicate nominative without article. Both \numphˆ\ (bride) and \numphios\ are old and common words. Jesus will use this metaphor of himself as the Bridegroom (Mark:2:19|) and Paul develops it (2Corinthians:11:2; strkjv@Ephesians:5:23-32|) and so in Revelation (19:7; strkjv@21:2|). John is only like the _paranymph_ (\paranumphios\) or "the friend of the bridegroom." His office is to bring groom and bride together. Songs:he stands expectant (\hestˆk“s\, second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\) and listens (\akou“n\, present active participle of \akou“\) with joy ({rejoiceth greatly}, \charƒi chairei\, "with joy rejoices") to the music of the bridegroom's voice. {This my joy therefore is fulfilled} (\hautˆ oun hˆ chara peplˆr“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \plˆro“\, stands filled like a cup to the brim with joy.

rwp@John:3:30 @{Must} (\dei\). It has to be (see strkjv@3:14|). He is to go on growing (present active infinitive \auxanein\) while I go on decreasing (present passive infinitive \elattousthai\, from comparative \elatt“n\, less). These are the last words that we have from John till the despondent message from the dungeon in Machaerus whether Jesus is after all the Messiah (Matthew:11:2; strkjv@Luke:7:19|). He went on to imprisonment, suspense, martyrdom, while Jesus grew in popular favour till he had his _via dolorosa_. "These last words of St. John are the fulness of religious sacrifice and fitly close his work" (Westcott).

rwp@John:3:31 @{Is above all} (\epan“ pant“n\). Ablative case with the compound preposition \epan“\. See the same idea in strkjv@Romans:9:5|. Here we have the comments of Evangelist (John) concerning the last words of John in verse 30| which place Jesus above himself. He is above all men, not alone above the Baptist. Bernard follows those who treat verses 31-36| as dislocated and put them after verse 21| (the interview with Nicodemus), but they suit better here. {Of the earth} (\ek tˆs gˆs\). John is fond of this use of \ek\ for origin and source of character as in strkjv@1:46; strkjv@1John:4:5|. Jesus is the one that comes out of heaven (\ho ek tou ouranou erchomenos\) as he has shown in strkjv@1:1-18|. Hence he is "above all."

rwp@John:4:2 @{Although Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples} (\kaitoige Iˆsous autos ouk ebaptizen all' hoi mathˆtai autou\). Parenthetical explanation that applies also to strkjv@3:22|. Imperfect tense means that it was not the habit of Jesus. This is the only N.T. instance of \kaitoige\ (and yet indeed), compound conjunction (\kaitoi\ in strkjv@Acts:14:17; strkjv@Hebrews:4:3|) with intensive particle \ge\ added. This is the last mention of baptism under the direction of Jesus till the Great Commission (Matthew:28:19|). It is possible that Jesus stopped the baptizing because of the excitement and the issue raised about his Messianic claims till after his resurrection when he enjoined it upon his disciples as a rite of public enlistment in his service.

rwp@John:4:6 @{Jacob's well} (\pˆgˆ tou Iak“b\). "A spring of Jacob" (here and verse 14|), but \phrear\ (well, pit, cistern) in verses 11,12|. It is really a cistern 100 feet deep dug by a stranger apparently in a land of abundant springs (Genesis:26:19|). {Wearied} (\kekopiak“s\). Perfect active participle of \kopia“\, a state of weariness. The verb means to toil excessively (Luke:5:5|). John emphasizes the human emotions of Jesus (1:14; strkjv@11:3,33,35,38,41f.; strkjv@12:27; strkjv@13:21; strkjv@19:28|). {With his journey} (\ek tˆs hodoiporias\). As a result (\ek\) of the journey. Old compound word from \hodoporos\ (wayfarer), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:11:26|. {Sat} (\ekathezeto\). Imperfect (descriptive) middle of \kathezomai\, "was sitting." {Thus} (\hout“s\). Probably "thus wearied," graphic picture. {By the well} (\epi tˆi pˆgˆi\). Literally, "upon the curbstone of the well." {Sixth hour} (\h“s hektˆ\). Roman time, about 6 P.M., the usual time for drawing water.

rwp@John:4:11 @{Sir} (\Kurie\). Songs:it has to mean here in the mouth of the Samaritan woman, not Lord. {Thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep} (\oute antlˆma echeis kai to phrear estin bathu\). This broken construction of \oute-kai\ (neither--and) occurs in N.T. elsewhere only in strkjv@3John:1:10|. \Antlˆma\ (from \antle“\, to draw) is a late word for that which is drawn, then (Plutarch) for the act of drawing, and then for the rope as here to draw with. This well (\phrear\) is 100 feet deep and Jesus had no rope. The bucket of skin ("with three cross sticks at the mouth to keep it open," Vincent) was kept at the well to be let down by a goat's hair rope. {That living water} (\to hud“r to z“n\). "The water the living," with the article referring to the language of Jesus in verse 10|. She is still thinking only of literal water.

rwp@John:4:12 @{Art thou} (\Mˆ su ei\). Expecting a negative answer. {Greater than our father Jacob} (\meiz“n ei tou patros hˆm“n Iak“b\). Ablative case \patros\ after the comparative adjective \meiz“n\ (positive \megas\). The Samaritans claimed descent from Jacob through Joseph (tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh). {Cattle} (\thremmata\). Old word from \treph“\, to nourish, nursling, child, flock, cattle. Only here in N.T.

rwp@John:4:13 @{Every one that drinketh} (\pas ho pin“n\). Present active articular participle with \pas\, parallel to the indefinite relative with the second aorist active subjunctive (\hos an piˆi\) in verse 14|. With this difference in the tenses used (\pin“n\, keep on drinking, \piˆi\, once for all). Note \ek\ and the ablative both times, out of the water. Jesus pointed to the well ("this water").

rwp@John:4:14 @{That I shall give him} (\hou eg“ d“s“ aut“i\). Relative \hou\ attracted to the case (genitive) of the antecedent (\hudatos\). Future active indicative of \did“mi\. {Shall never thirst} (\ou mˆ dipsˆsei eis ton aiona\). The double negative \ou mˆ\ is used with either the future indicative as here or the aorist subjunctive, the strongest possible negative. See both constructions (\ou mˆ peinasˆi\ and \ou me dipsˆsei\) in strkjv@John:6:35|. Jesus has not answered the woman's question save by the necessary implication here that he is superior to Jacob. {A well of water springing up unto eternal life} (\pˆgˆ hudatos hallomenou eis z“ˆn ai“nion\). "Spring (or fountain) of water leaping (bubbling up) unto life eternal." Present middle participle of \hallomai\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:3:8; strkjv@14:10|. The woman's curiosity is keenly excited about this new kind of water.

rwp@John:4:16 @{Go, call thy husband} (\Hupage ph“nˆson sou ton andra\). Two imperatives (present active, first aorist active). Had she started to leave after her perplexed reply? Her frequent trips to the well were partly for her husband. We may not have all the conversation preserved, but clearly Jesus by this sudden sharp turn gives the woman a conviction of sin and guilt without which she cannot understand his use of water as a metaphor for eternal life.

rwp@John:4:17 @{I have no husband} (\ouk ech“ andra\). The Greek \anˆr\ means either "man" or "husband." She had her "man," but he was not a legal "husband." Her language veils her deceit. {Thou saidst well} (\kal“s eipes\). Jesus saw through the double sense of her language and read her heart as he only can do, a supernatural gift of which John often speaks (1:48; strkjv@2:24f.; strkjv@5:20|). {For thou hast had five husbands} (\pente gar andras esches\). "For thou didst have five men." Second aorist (constative) active indicative of \ech“\. {Is not thy husband} (\ouk estin sou anˆr\). In the full and legal sense of \anˆr\, not a mere "man." {This hast thou said truly} (\touto alˆthes eirˆkas\). "This a true thing thou hast said." Note absence of article with \alˆthes\ (predicate accusative). Perfect active indicative \eirˆkas\ here, not aorist \eipes\ (verse 17|).

rwp@John:4:19 @{Sir} (\Kurie\). Songs:still. {I perceive} (\the“r“\). "I am beginning to perceive" from what you say, your knowledge of my private life (verse 29|). See strkjv@2:23| for \the“re“\ which John's Gospel has 23 times, of bodily sight (20:6,14|), of mental contemplation (12:45; strkjv@14:17|). See both \the“re“\ and \optomai\ in strkjv@1:51; strkjv@16:16|. {That thou art a prophet} (\hoti prophˆtˆs ei su\). "That a prophet art thou" (emphasis on "thou"). She felt that this was the explanation of his knowledge of her life and she wanted to change the subject at once to the outstanding theological dispute.

rwp@John:4:23 @{And now is} (\kai nun estin\). See this same phrase in strkjv@5:25|. This item could not be added in verse 21| for local worship was not abolished, but spiritual independence of place was called for at once. Songs:contrast strkjv@5:25,28; strkjv@16:25,32|. {The true worshippers} (\hoi alˆthinoi proskunˆtai\). See strkjv@1:9| for \alˆthinos\ (genuine). \Proskunˆtˆs\ is a late word from \proskune“\, to bow the knee, to worship, occurs here only in N.T., but is found in one pre-Christian inscription (Deissmann, _Light_, etc., p. 101) and in one of the 3rd century A.D. (Moulton & Milligan, _Vocabulary_). {In spirit and truth} (\en pneumati kai alˆtheiƒi\). This is what matters, not where, but how (in reality, in the spirit of man, the highest part of man, and so in truth). All this is according to the Holy Spirit (Romans:8:5|) who is the Spirit of truth (John:16:13|). Here Jesus has said the final word on worship, one needed today. {Seeketh} (\zˆtei\). The Father has revealed himself in the Son who is the truth (John:14:6,9|). It does matter whether we have a true conception of God whom we worship. {To be his worshippers} (\tous proskunountas auton\). Rather, "seeks such as those who worship him" (predicate accusative articular participle in apposition with \toioutous\ (such). John pictures the Father as seeking worshippers, a doctrine running all through the Gospel (3:16; strkjv@6:44; strkjv@15:16; strkjv@1John:4:10|).

rwp@John:4:37 @{For herein} (\en gar tout“i\). In this relation between the sower and the reaper. {The saying} (\ho logos\). Like strkjv@1Timothy:1:15; strkjv@3:1|, etc. Probably a proverb that is particularly true (\alˆthinos\ for which see strkjv@1:9|) in the spiritual realm. {One soweth, and another reapeth} (\allos estin ho speir“n kai allos ho theriz“n\). "One is the sower and another the reaper." It is sad when the sower misses the joy of reaping (Job:31:8|) and has only the sowing in tears (Psalms:126:5f.|). This may be the punishment for sin (Deuteronomy:28:30; strkjv@Micah:6:15|). Sometimes one reaps where he has not sown (Deuteronomy:6:11; strkjv@Joshua:24:13|). It is the prerogative of the Master to reap (Matthew:25:26f.|), but Jesus here lets the disciples share his joy.

rwp@John:4:39 @{Because of the saying of the woman who testified} (\dia ton logon tˆs gunaikos marturousˆs\). She bore her witness clearly and with discretion. She told enough to bring her neighbours to Christ. They knew her evil life and she frankly confessed Christ's rebuke to her. She had her share in this harvest. How timid and cowardly we often are today in not giving our testimony for Christ to our neighbour.

rwp@John:4:43 @{After the two days} (\Meta tas duo hˆmeras\). Those in verse 40|. {Into Galilee} (\eis tˆn Galilaian\). As he had started to do (verse 3|) before the interruption at Sychar.

rwp@John:4:44 @{For Jesus himself testified} (\autos gar Iˆsous emarturˆsen\). John's explanation of the conduct of Jesus by quoting a proverb often used by Jesus (Mark:6:4; strkjv@Matthew:13:57; strkjv@Luke:4:24| in reference to Nazareth), but not necessarily used by Jesus on this occasion. A similar proverb has been found in Plutarch, Pliny, Seneca. {A prophet hath no honour in his own country} (\prophˆtˆs en tˆi idiƒi patridi timˆn ouk echei\). What is meant by \patridi\? In the Synoptics (Luke:4:24; strkjv@Mark:6:4; strkjv@Matthew:13:57|) the reference is to Nazareth where he was twice rejected. But what has John in mind in quoting it here? He probably knew the quotations in the Synoptics. Does John refer to Judea by "his own country"? If so, the application hardly fits for he had already explained that Jesus was leaving Judea because he was too popular there (4:1-3|). If he means Galilee, he immediately mentions the cordial welcome accorded Jesus there (verse 45|). But even so this is probably John's meaning for he is speaking of the motive of Jesus in going into Galilee where he had not yet laboured and where he apparently had no such fame as in Judea and now in Samaria.

rwp@John:4:45 @{Songs:when} (\hote oun\). Transitional use of \oun\, sequence, not consequence. {Received him} (\edexanto auton\). First aorist middle of \dechomai\, "welcomed him." Jesus had evidently anticipated a quiet arrival. {Having seen} (\he“rakotes\). Perfect active participle of \hora“\. Note \the“rountes\ in strkjv@2:23| about this very thing at the feast in Jerusalem. The miracles of Jesus at that first passover made a stir. {For they also went} (\kai autoi gar ˆlthon\). The Samaritans did not go and so Jesus was a new figure to them, but the Galileans, as orthodox Jews, did go and so were predisposed in his favour.

rwp@John:4:46 @{Again} (\palin\). A second time. {Unto Cana} (\eis tˆn Kana\). Note article, "the Cana of Galilee" already mentioned in strkjv@2:1|. {Where he made the water wine} (\hopou epoiˆsen to hud“r oinon\). That outstanding first miracle would still be remembered in Cana and would indicate that Jesus had some friends there. {Nobleman} (\basilikos\). One connected with the king (\basileus\), whether by blood or by office. Probably here it is one of the courtiers of Herod the tetrarch of Galilee, Chuzas (Luke:8:3|), Manaen (Acts:13:1|), or some one else. Some of the manuscripts used \basiliskos\, a petty king, a diminutive of \basileus\. {Was sick} (\ˆsthenei\). Imperfect active of \asthene“\ (\a\ privative and \sthenos\, without strength, strkjv@Matthew:25:36|), continued sick. {At Capernaum} (\en Kapharnaoum\). Some miles from Cana near where the Jordan enters the Sea of Galilee.

rwp@John:4:47 @{When he heard} (\akousas\). First aorist active participle of \akou“\. The news spread rapidly about Jesus. {Was come} (\hˆkei\). Present active indicative of \hˆk“\, one of the perfective presents, retained in indirect discourse. He had heard the people talk about the miracles in Jerusalem and the first one in Cana. {Went and besought} (\apˆlthen kai ˆr“ta\). Ingressive aorist indicative (went off at once) and imperfect active (\ˆr“ta\, began to beg and kept it up). {That he would come down} (\hina katabˆi\, \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \katabain“\, come down at once) {and heal his son} (\kai iasˆtai autou ton huion\, \hina\ construction, sub-final use or object clause, with first aorist middle subjunctive of \iaomai\, completely heal). {For he was at the point of death} (\ˆmellen gar apothnˆskein\). Reason (\gar\) for the urgency. Imperfect active of \mell“\ with present active infinitive old and common verb for what is about to be and it is used with the infinitive present as here, the aorist infinitive (Revelation:13:16|), or the future infinitive (Acts:11:28|). The idiom is used of the impending death of Jesus (John:11:51; strkjv@12:33; strkjv@18:32|).

rwp@John:4:49 @{Sir} (\Kurie\). See strkjv@1:38|. {Come down} (\katabˆthi\). Second aorist active imperative, tense and tone of urgency. \Ere my child die\ (\prin apothanein to paidion mou\). Regular idiom with \prin\ in positive clause, second aorist active infinitive of \apothnˆsk“\ and accusative of general reference, "before dying as to my child." Bengel notes that he only thought Jesus had power before death as even Martha and Mary felt at first (11:21,32|). But the father's heart goes out to Jesus.

rwp@John:4:50 @{Thy son liveth} (\ho huios sou zˆi\). "Thy son is living," and will not now die, Jesus means. Words too good and gracious to be true. His son is healed without Jesus even going to Capernaum, "absent treatment" so to speak, but without the cure being absent. {Believed the word} (\episteusen t“i log“i\). Instantaneous faith (aorist active indicative), trusted the word (dative case \log“i\). {Went his way} (\eporeueto\). Inchoative imperfect middle, "started on his way," acted on his faith.

rwp@John:4:52 @{Inquired} (\eputheto\). Second aorist middle indicative of \punthanomai\. {Began to mend} (\kompsoteron eschen\). Second aorist ingressive active indicative of \ech“\ (took a turn, got better) and comparative of adverb \komps“s\. Arrian (_Epictetus iii. 10.13) has \komps“s echeis\ from a physician, "Thou hast it fine," "Thou art doing finely." The papyri give several similar examples. \Komps“s\ (neat) is from \kome“\, to take care of. {At the seventh hour} (\h“ran hebdomˆn\). The accusative case without a preposition as in strkjv@Revelation:3:3|, though we have \peri h“ran enatˆn\ (about the ninth hour) in strkjv@Acts:10:3|. See the accusative also in strkjv@Exodus:9:18| \tautˆn tˆn h“ran aurion\ (tomorrow about this hour). The accusative has the notion of extension and can be thus loosely used. It can even mean here "during the seventh hour." In verse 53| the locative is more exact, "at that hour" (\en ekeinˆi tˆi h“rƒi\). The seventh hour would be (Roman time) seven P.M.

rwp@John:4:54 @{The second sign that} (\deuteron sˆmeion\). No article, simply predicate accusative, "This again a second sign did Jesus having come out of Judea into Galilee." The first one was also in Cana (2:1ff.|), but many were wrought in Jerusalem also (2:23|).

rwp@John:5:1 @{After these things} (\meta tauta\). John is fond of this vague phrase (3:22; strkjv@6:1|). He does not mean that this incident follows immediately. He is supplementing the Synoptic Gospels and does not attempt a full story of the work of Jesus. Some scholars needlessly put chapter 5 after chapter 6 because in chapter 6 Jesus is in Galilee as at the end of chapter 4. But surely it is not incongruous to think of Jesus making a visit to Jerusalem before the events in chapter 6 which undoubtedly come within a year of the end (6:4|). {A feast of the Jews} (\heortˆ t“n Ioudai“n\). Some manuscripts have the article (\hˆ\) "the feast" which would naturally mean the passover. As a matter of fact there is no way of telling what feast it was which Jesus here attended. Even if it was not the passover, there may well be another passover not mentioned besides the three named by John (2:13,23; strkjv@6:4: strkjv@12:1|). {Went up} (\anebˆ\). Second aorist active indicative of \anabain“\. It was up towards Jerusalem from every direction save from Hebron.

rwp@John:5:2 @{There is} (\estin\). Bengel argues that this proves a date before the destruction of Jerusalem, but it is probably only John's vivid memory. {By the sheep gate} (\epi tˆi probatikˆi\). Supply \pulˆi\ (gate) which occurs with the adjective \probatikˆ\ (pertaining to sheep, \probata\) in strkjv@Nehemiah:3:1,22|. {A pool} (\kolumbˆthra\). A diving or swimming pool (from \kolumba“\, to swim, strkjv@Acts:27:43|), old word, only here in N.T. {Which is called} (\hˆ epilegomenˆ\). "The surnamed" (present passive participle, only N.T. example except strkjv@Acts:15:40| first aorist middle participle \epilexamenos\). {In Hebrew} (\Ebraisti\). "In Aramaic" strictly as in strkjv@19:13,17,20; strkjv@20:16; strkjv@Revelation:9:11; strkjv@16:16|. {Bethesda} (\Bethesda\, or House of Mercy. Songs:A C Syr cu). Aleph D L 33 have \Bethzatha\ or House of the Olive, while B W Vulg. Memph. have \Bethsaida\. {Having five porches} (\pente stoas echousa\). \Stoa\ was a covered colonnade where people can gather from which Stoic comes (Acts:17:18|). See strkjv@John:10:23; strkjv@Acts:3:11|. Schick in 1888 found twin pools north of the temple near the fortress of Antonia one of which has five porches. It is not, however, certain that this pool existed before A.D. 70 when the temple was destroyed (Sanday, _Sacred Sites of the Gospels_, p. 55). Some have identified it with the Pool of Siloam (9:7|), though John distinguishes them. There is also the Virgin's Well, called the Gusher, because it periodically bubbles over from a natural spring, a kind of natural siphon. This is south of the temple in the Valley of Kedron and quite possibly the real site.

rwp@John:5:6 @{Knew that he had been a long time} (\gnous hoti polun ˆdˆ chronon echei\). How Jesus "knew" (\gnous\, second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\) we are not told, whether supernatural knowledge (2:24f.|) or observation or overhearing people's comments. In \ˆdˆ echei\ we have a progressive present active indicative, "he has already been having much time" (\chronon\, accusative of extent of time). {Wouldest thou be made whole?} (\Theleis hugiˆs genesthai;\). "Dost thou wish to become whole?" Predicate nominative \hugiˆs\ with \genesthai\ (second aorist middle infinitive). It was a pertinent and sympathetic question.

rwp@John:5:10 @{Unto him that was cured} (\t“i tetherapeumen“i\). Perfect passive articular participle of \therapeu“\ (only example in John), "to the healed man." See strkjv@Matthew:8:7|. {To take up thy bed} (\ƒrai ton krabatton\). The very words of Jesus (verse 8|), only infinitive (first aorist active). Carrying burdens was considered unlawful on the Sabbath (Exodus:23:12; strkjv@Nehemiah:13:19; strkjv@Jeremiah:17:21|). Stoning was the rabbinical punishment. The healing of the man was a minor detail.

rwp@John:5:13 @{He that was healed} (\ho iatheis\). First aorist passive articular participle of \iaomai\ (John's usual word). {Who it was} (\tis estin\). Present tense preserved in indirect question. {Had conveyed himself away} (\exeneusen\). First aorist active indicative of \ekne“\, old verb to swim out, to slip out, or from \ekneu“\, to turn out, to turn the head to one side (to one side with which compare \eneneuon\, they nodded, strkjv@Luke:1:62|). Either of these verbs can explain the form here. The aorist tense simply states an antecedent action without being a pastperfect. {A multitude being in the place} (\ochlou ontos en t“i top“i\). Genitive absolute and the reason for Christ's departure.

rwp@John:5:14 @{Findeth him} (\heuriskei auton\). Dramatic present as in strkjv@1:45|, possibly after search as in strkjv@9:35|. {Sin no more} (\mˆketi hamartane\). "No longer go on sinning." Present active imperative with \mˆketi\, a clear implication that disease was due to personal sin as is so often the case. Jesus used the same words to the woman taken in adultery in the spurious passage (John:8:11|). He had suffered for 38 years. All sickness is not due to personal sin (9:3|), but much is and nature is a hard paymaster. Jesus is here living up to his name (Matthew:1:21|). {Lest a worse thing befall thee} (\hina mˆ cheiron soi ti genˆtai\). Negative final clause with second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\. \Cheiron\ is comparative of \kakos\, bad. Worse than the illness of 38 years, bad as that is. He will now be sinning against knowledge.

rwp@John:5:17 @{Answered} (\apekrinato\). Regular aorist middle indicative of \apokrinomai\, in John here only and verse 19|, elsewhere \apekrithˆ\ as in verse 11|. {My Father} (\ho pater mou\). Not "our Father," claim to peculiar relation to the Father. {Worketh even until now} (\he“s arti ergazetai\). Linear present middle indicative, "keeps on working until now" without a break on the Sabbath. Philo points out this fact of the continuous activity of God. Justin Martyr, Origen and others note this fact about God. He made the Sabbath for man's blessing, but cannot observe it himself. {And I work} (\kag“ ergazomai\). Jesus puts himself on a par with God's activity and thus justifies his healing on the Sabbath.

rwp@John:5:19 @{The Son} (\ho huios\). The absolute use of the Son in relation to the Father admitting the charge in verse 18| and defending his equality with the Father. {Can do nothing by himself} (\ou dunatai poiein aph'heautou ouden\). True in a sense of every man, but in a much deeper sense of Christ because of the intimate relation between him and the Father. See this same point in strkjv@5:30; strkjv@7:28; strkjv@8:28; strkjv@14:10|. Jesus had already made it in strkjv@5:17|. Now he repeats and defends it. {But what he seeth the Father doing} (\an mˆ ti blepˆi ton patera poiounta\). Rather, "unless he sees the Father doing something." Negative condition (\an mˆ\=\ean mˆ\, if not, unless) of third class with present (habit) subjunctive (\blepˆi\) and present active participle (\poiounta\). It is a supreme example of a son copying the spirit and work of a father. In his work on earth the Son sees continually what the Father is doing. In healing this poor man he was doing what the Father wishes him to do. {For what things soever he doeth, these the Son also doeth in like manner} (\ha gar an ekeinos poiˆi tauta kai ho huios homoi“s poiei\). Indefinite relative clause with \an\ and the present active subjunctive (\poiˆi\). Note \ekeinos\, emphatic demonstrative, that one, referring to the Father. This sublime claim on the part of Jesus will exasperate his enemies still more.

rwp@John:5:23 @{That all may honour the Son} (\hina pantes tim“sin ton huion\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \tima“\ (may keep on honouring the Son). {He that honoureth not the Son} (\ho mˆ tim“n ton huion\). Articular present active participle of \tima“\ with negative \mˆ\. Jesus claims here the same right to worship from men that the Father has. Dishonouring Jesus is dishonouring the Father who sent him (8:49; strkjv@12:26; strkjv@15:23; strkjv@1John:2:23|). See also strkjv@Luke:10:16|. There is small comfort here for those who praise Jesus as teacher and yet deny his claims to worship. The Gospel of John carries this high place for Christ throughout, but so do the other Gospels (even Q, the Logia of Jesus) and the rest of the New Testament.

rwp@John:5:25 @{And now is} (\kai nun estin\). See strkjv@4:23| for this phrase. Not the future resurrection in verse 28|, but the spiritual resurrection here and now. {The dead} (\hoi nekroi\). The spiritually dead, dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians:2:1,5; strkjv@5:14|). {Shall hear the voice of the Son of God} (\akousousin tˆs ph“nˆs tou huiou tou theou\). Note three genitives (\ph“nˆs\ after \akousousin\, \huiou\ with \ph“nˆs\, \theou\ with \huiou\). Note three articles (correlation of the article) and that Jesus here calls himself "the Son of God" as in strkjv@10:36; strkjv@11:4|. {Shall live} (\zˆsousin\). Future active indicative, shall come to life spiritually.

rwp@John:5:26 @{In himself} (\en heaut“i\). The Living God possesses life wholly in himself and so he has bestowed this power of life to the Son as already stated in the Prologue of the Logos (1:3|). For "gave" (\ed“ken\, timeless aorist active indicative) see also strkjv@3:35; strkjv@17:2,24|. The particles "as" (\h“sper\) and "so" (\hout“s\) mark here the fact, not the degree (Westcott).

rwp@John:5:27 @{Because he is the Son of man} (\hoti huios anthr“pou estin\). Rather, "because he is a son of man" (note absence of articles and so not as the Messiah), because the judge of men must partake of human nature himself (Westcott). Bernard insists that John is here giving his own reflections rather than the words of Jesus and uses \huios anthr“pou\ in the same sense as \ho huios tou anthr“pou\ (always in the Gospels used by Jesus of himself). But that in my opinion is a wrong view since we have here ostensibly certainly the words of Jesus himself. Songs:in strkjv@Revelation:1:13; strkjv@4:14| \huion anthr“pou\ means "a son of man."

rwp@John:5:29 @{Unto the resurrection of life} (\eis anastasin z“ˆs\). \Anastasis\ is an old word (Aeschylus) from \anistˆmi\, to raise up, to arise. This combination occurs nowhere else in the N.T. nor does "the resurrection of judgement" (\eis anastasin krise“s\), but in strkjv@Luke:14:14| there is the similar phrase "in the resurrection of the just" (\en tˆi anastasei t“n dikai“n\). Only there note both articles. Here without the articles it can mean "to a resurrection of life" and "to a resurrection of judgement," though the result is practically the same. There are two resurrections as to result, one to life, one to judgement. See both in strkjv@Daniel:12:2|.

rwp@John:5:31 @{If I bear witness of myself} (\Ean eg“ martur“ peri emautou\). Condition of third class, undetermined with prospect of determination (\ean\ and present active subjunctive of \marture“\). The emphasis is on \eg“\ (I alone with no other witness). {Is not true} (\ouk estin alˆthˆs\). In law the testimony of a witness is not received in his own case (Jewish, Greek, Roman law). See strkjv@Deuteronomy:19:15| and the allusion to it by Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:18:16|. See also strkjv@2Corinthians:13:1; strkjv@1Timothy:5:19|. And yet in strkjv@8:12-19| Jesus claims that his witness concerning himself is true because the Father gives confirmation of his message. The Father and the Son are the two witnesses (8:17|). It is a paradox and yet true. But here Jesus yields to the rabbinical demand for proof outside of himself. He has the witness of another (the Father, strkjv@5:32,37|), the witness of the Baptist (5:33|), the witness of the works of Jesus (5:36|), the witness of the Scriptures (5:39|), the witness of Moses in particular (5:45|).

rwp@John:5:32 @{Another} (\allos\). The Father, not the Baptist who is mentioned in verse 33|. This continual witness of the Father (\ho martur“n\, who is bearing witness, and \marturei\, present active indicative) is mentioned again in verses 36-38| as in strkjv@8:17|.

rwp@John:5:33 @{Ye have sent} (\humeis apestalkate\). Emphatic use of \humeis\ (ye) and perfect active indicative of \apostell“\, official and permanent fact and so the witness of the Baptist has to be recognized as trustworthy by the Sanhedrin. The reference is to the committee in strkjv@1:19-28|. {He hath borne witness} (\memarturˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \marture“\ showing the permanent and abiding value of John's testimony to Christ as in strkjv@1:34; strkjv@3:26; strkjv@5:37|. Songs:also strkjv@19:35| of the testimony concerning Christ's death. This was the purpose of the Baptist's mission (1:7|).

rwp@John:5:34 @{But the witness which I receive} (\Eg“ de ou tˆn marturian lamban“\). "But I do not receive the witness" simply from a man (like John). The \eg“\ (I) in sharp contrast with \humeis\ (ye) of verse 33|. Jesus complained of Nicodemus for not accepting his witness (3:11|). Cf. also strkjv@3:32|. In strkjv@1John:5:9| the witness of God is greater than that of men and this Jesus has. {That ye may be saved} (\hina humeis s“thˆte\). Final clause with \hina\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \s“z“\. This was the purpose of Christ's coming, that the world might be saved (3:17|).

rwp@John:5:35 @{He} (\ekeinos\). "That one" (John of 33|). Common demonstrative (that one) in John to point out the subject. Used in strkjv@1:8| of the Baptist as here. John was now in prison and so Christ uses \ˆn\ (was). His active ministry is over. {The lamp} (\ho luchnos\). The lamp in the room (Mark:4:21|). Old word for lamp or candle as in strkjv@Matthew:5:15|. Used of Christ (the Lamb) as the Lamp of the New Jerusalem (Revelation:21:23|). \Lampas\ (Matthew:25:1,3|, etc.) is a torch whose wick is fed with oil. The Baptist was not the Light (\to ph“s\, strkjv@1:8|), but a lamp shining in the darkness. "When the Light comes, the lamp is no longer needed" (Bernard). "_Non Lux iste, sed lucerna_." Jesus by his own claim is the Light of the World (8:12; strkjv@9:5; strkjv@12:46|). And yet all believers are in a sense "the light of the world" (Matthew:5:14|) since the world gets the Light of Christ through us. {That burneth} (\ho kaiomenos\). See strkjv@Matthew:5:15| for this verb used with \luchnos\ (lighting a candle or lamp). The lamp that is lit and is burning (present passive participle of \kai“\, and so is consumed). {And shineth} (\kai phain“n\). See strkjv@1:4| for this verb used of the Logos shining in the darkness. Cf. strkjv@1John:2:8|. John was giving light as he burned for those in darkness like these Jews. {And ye were willing} (\humeis de ˆthelˆsate\). "But ye became willing." Ingressive aorist active indicative of \thel“\. Reference again to strkjv@1:19|. Cf. also for the temporary popularity of the Baptist strkjv@Mark:1:5; strkjv@Matthew:3:5; strkjv@11:7; strkjv@21:26|. The Jews were attracted to John "like moths to a candle" (Bernard). {To rejoice} (\agalliathˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \agalliaomai\, late word for \agallomai\ for which see strkjv@Matthew:5:12|. "They were attracted by his brightness, not by his warmth" (Bengel). Even so the brightness of John's shining did not really enlighten their minds. "The interest in the Baptist was a frivolous, superficial, and short-lived excitement" (Vincent). It was only "for an hour" (\pros h“ran\) when they turned against him.

rwp@John:5:36 @{But the witness which I have is greater than that of John} (\Eg“ de ech“ tˆn marturian meiz“ tou I“anou\). Literally, "But I have the witness greater than John's." \Meiz“\ (\meizona\) is predicate accusative and \I“anou\ is ablative of comparison after \meiz“\. Good as the witness of John is, Christ has superior testimony. {To accomplish} (\hina telei“s“\). Final clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \teleio“\, the same idiom in strkjv@4:34|. Jesus felt keenly the task laid on him by the Father (cf. strkjv@3:35|) and claimed at the end that he had performed it (17:4; strkjv@19:30|). Jesus held that the highest form of faith did not require these "works" (\erga\) as in strkjv@2:23; strkjv@10:38; strkjv@14:11|. But these "works" bear the seal of the Father's approval (5:20,36; strkjv@10:25|) and to reject their witness is wrong (10:25; strkjv@10:37f.; strkjv@15:24|). {The very works} (\auta ta erga\). "The works themselves," repeating \ta erga\ just before for vernacular emphasis. {Hath sent me} (\me apestalken\). Perfect active indicative of \apostell“\, the permanence of the mission. Cf. strkjv@3:17|. The continuance of the witness is emphasized in strkjv@5:32; strkjv@8:18|.

rwp@John:5:37 @{He hath borne witness} (\ekeinos memarturˆken\). \Ekeinos\ (that one; cf. strkjv@5:35,38|), not \autos\. Perfect active indicative of \marture“\, the direct witness of the Father, besides the indirect witness of the works. Jesus is not speaking of the voice of the Father at his baptism (Mark:1:11|), the transfiguration (Mark:9:7|), nor even at the time of the visit of the Greeks (John:12:28|). This last voice was heard by many who thought it was thunder or an angel. The language of Jesus refers to the witness of the Father in the heart of the believers as is made plain in strkjv@1John:5:9,10|. God's witness does not come by audible "voice" (\ph“nˆn\) nor visible "form" (\eidos\). Cf. strkjv@1:18; strkjv@6:46; strkjv@1John:4:12|. \Akˆkoate\ is perfect active indicative of \akou“\, to hear, and \he“rakate\ is perfect active indicative of \hora“\, to see. It is a permanent state of failure to hear and see God. The experience of Jacob in Peniel (Genesis:32:30|) was unusual, but Jesus will say that those who have seen him have seen the Father (John:14:9|), but here he means the Father's "voice" and "form" as distinct from the Son.

rwp@John:5:39 @{Ye search} (\eraunƒte\). Proper spelling as the papyri show rather than \ereunƒte\, the old form (from \ereuna\, search) as in strkjv@7:52|. The form here can be either present active indicative second person plural or the present active imperative second person plural. Only the context can decide. Either makes sense here, but the reason given "because ye think" (\hoti humeis dokeite\, clearly indicative), supports the indicative rather than the imperative. Besides, Jesus is arguing on the basis of their use of "the Scriptures" (\tas graphas\). The plural with the article refers to the well-known collection in the Old Testament (Matthew:21:42; strkjv@Luke:24:27|). Elsewhere in John the singular refers to a particular passage (2:22; strkjv@7:38; strkjv@10:35|). {In them ye have eternal life} (\en autais z“ˆn ai“nion echein\). Indirect assertion after \dokeite\ without "ye" expressed either as nominative (\humeis\) or accusative (\humas\). Bernard holds that in John \doke“\ always indicates a mistaken opinion (5:45; strkjv@11:13,31; strkjv@13:29; strkjv@16:20; strkjv@20:15|). Certainly the rabbis did make a mechanical use of the letter of Scripture as a means of salvation. {These are they} (\ekeinai eisin hai\). The true value of the Scriptures is in their witness to Christ (of me, \peri emou\). Luke (24:27,45|) gives this same claim of Jesus, and yet some critics fail to find the Messiah in the Old Testament. But Jesus did.

rwp@John:5:43 @{In my Father's name} (\en t“i onomati tou patros mou\). Seven times Jesus in John speaks of the "Name" of the Father (5:43; strkjv@10:25; strkjv@12:28; strkjv@17:6,11,12,26|). See strkjv@1:12| for use of \onoma\ (Luke:1:49|). {And ye receive me not} (\kai ou lambanete me\). "And yet ye do not receive me," as in verse 40|, "the Gospel of the Rejection" (1:11; strkjv@3:11,32; strkjv@12:37|) often applied to the Fourth Gospel. {If another come} (\ean allos elthˆi\). Condition of third class (\ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\). Note \allos\, not \heteros\, like \allon Iˆsoun\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:4|. Similar prophecies occur in strkjv@Mark:13:6,22| (Matthew:24:5,24|), all general in character like Antichrist in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8-12|. There is no occasion for a reference to any individual like Barcochba (about A.D. 134) as Pfleiderer and Schmiedel hold. These Messianic upstarts all come "in their own name" and always find a following. {Him ye will receive} (\ekeinon lˆmpsesthe\). "That one," whoever he is, as Jesus said. Future active indicative of \lamban“\. Credulous about the false Messiahs, incredulous about Christ.

rwp@John:6:5 @{Lifting up his eyes} (\eparas tous ophthalmous\). First aorist active participle of \epair“\. See the same phrase in strkjv@4:35| where it is also followed by \theaomai\; strkjv@11:41; strkjv@17:1; strkjv@Luke:6:20|. Here it is particularly expressive as Jesus looked down from the mountain on the approaching multitude. {Cometh unto him} (\erchetai pros auton\). Present middle indicative, "is coming to him." The same \ochlos polus\ (here \polus ochlos\) of verse 2| that had followed Jesus around the head of the lake. {Whence are we to buy?} (\Pothen agoras“men;\). Deliberative subjunctive (aorist active). John passes by the earlier teaching and healing of the Synoptics (Mark:6:34f.; strkjv@Matthew:14:14f.; strkjv@Luke:9:11f.|) till mid-afternoon. In John also Jesus takes up the matter of feeding the multitude with Philip (from the other Bethsaida, strkjv@1:44|) whereas in the Synoptics the disciples raise the problem with Jesus. Songs:the disciples raise the problem in the feeding of the four thousand (Mark:8:4; strkjv@Matthew:15:33|). See strkjv@Numbers:11:13-22| (about Moses) and strkjv@2Kings:4:42f|. (about Elisha). {Bread} (\artous\). "Loaves" (plural) as in strkjv@Matthew:4:3|. {That these may eat} (\hina phag“sin houtoi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \esthi“\ (defective verb).

rwp@John:6:6 @{To prove him} (\peiraz“n auton\). Present active participle of \peiraz“\, testing him, not here in bad sense of tempting as so often (Matthew:4:1|). {What he would do} (\ti ˆmellen poiein\). Indirect question with change of tense to imperfect. As in strkjv@2:25| so here John explains why Jesus put the question to Philip.

rwp@John:6:7 @{Two hundred pennyworth of bread} (\diakosi“n dˆnari“n artoi\). "Loaves of two hundred denarii." The Roman coin originally for ten asses (afterwards sixteen), about 16 2/3 cents. The denarius was the usual pay for a day's labour (Matthew:20:2,9,13|). This item in strkjv@Mark:6:37|, but not in Matthew or Luke. {That every one may take a little} (\hina hekastos brachu labˆi\). Final clause with \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \lamban“\. This detail in John alone.

rwp@John:6:11 @{The loaves} (\tous artous\). Those of verse 9|. {Having given thanks} (\eucharistˆsas\). The usual grace before meals (Deuteronomy:8:10|). The Synoptics use "blessed" \eulogˆsen\ (Mark:6:41; strkjv@Matthew:14:19; strkjv@Luke:9:16|). {He distributed} (\died“ken\). First aorist active indicative of \diadid“mi\, old verb to give to several (\dia\, between). {To them that were set down} (\tois anakeimenois\). Present middle participle (dative case) of \anakeimai\, old verb to recline like \anapesein\ in verse 10|. {As much as they would} (\hoson ˆthelon\). Imperfect active of \thel“\, "as much as they wished."

rwp@John:6:13 @{Twelve baskets} (\d“deka kophinous\). One for each of the apostles. What about the lad? Stout wicker baskets (coffins, Wycliff) in distinction from the soft and frail \sphurides\ used at the feeding of the four thousand (Mark:8:8; strkjv@Matthew:15:37|). Here all the Gospels (Mark:6:43; strkjv@Matthew:14:20; strkjv@Luke:9:17; strkjv@John:6:13|) use \kophinoi\. The same distinction between \kophinoi\ and \sphurides\ is preserved in the allusion to the incidents by Jesus in strkjv@Mark:8:19,20; strkjv@Matthew:16:9,10|. {Unto them that had eaten} (\tois bebr“kosin\). Articular perfect active participle (dative case) of \bibr“sk“\, old verb to eat, only here in N.T., though often in LXX.

rwp@John:6:15 @{Perceiving} (\gnous\). Second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\. It was not hard for Christ to read the mind of this excited mob. {They were about} (\mellousin\). Present active indicative of \mell“\. Probably the leaders were already starting. {Take him by force} (\harpazein\). Present active infinitive of \harpaz“\, old verb for violent seizing (Matthew:11:12; strkjv@13:19|). There was a movement to start a revolution against Roman rule in Palestine by proclaiming Jesus King and driving away Pilate. {To make him king} (\hina poiˆs“sin basilea\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \poie“\ with \basilea\ as predicate accusative. It was a crisis that called for quick action. {Himself alone} (\autos monos\). At first he had the disciples with him (verse 3|). But he sent them hurriedly by boat to the western side (Mark:6:45f.; strkjv@Matthew:14:22f.|) because clearly the apostles were sympathetic with the revolutionary impulse of the crowd. Then Jesus sent the multitudes away also and went up into the mountain alone. He was alone in every sense, for no one but the Father understood him at this stage, not even his own disciples. He went up to pray (Mark:6:46; strkjv@Matthew:14:23|).

rwp@John:6:16 @{When evening came} (\h“s opsia egeneto\). "The late hour" (\h“ra\ understood), and so in late Greek the adjective is used as a substantive. It is late evening (real evening), not the early evening in mid-afternoon (Matthew:14:15|). The disciples were in no hurry to start back to Bethsaida in Galilee (Mark:6:45|), Capernaum in John (John:6:17|).

rwp@John:6:18 @{And the sea was rising} (\hˆ te thalassa diegeireto\). Imperfect (without augment) passive of \diegeir“\, late compound to wake up thoroughly, to arouse. {By reason of a great wind that blew} (\anemou megalou pneontos\). Genitive absolute with present active participle of \pne“\, to blow, "a great wind blowing."

rwp@John:6:19 @{When therefore they had rowed} (\elˆlakotes oun\). Perfect active participle of \elaun“\, old verb to march (Xenophon), to drive (James:3:4|), to row (Mark:6:48|). {Furlongs} (\stadious\). Stadia, accusative of extent of space, a little over halfway across, "in the midst of the sea" (Mark:6:47|). It was about forty stadia (six miles) across. {They behold} (\the“rousin\). Graphic dramatic present active indicative of \the“re“\, vividly preserving the emotions of the disciples. {Walking} (\peripatounta\). Present active participle in the accusative case agreeing with \Iˆsoun\. {Drawing nigh unto the boat} (\eggus tou ploiou ginomenon\). Present middle participle of \ginomai\ describing the process. "Coming near the boat." They behold Jesus slipping closer and closer to them on the water. {They were afraid} (\ephobˆthˆsan\). Ingressive aorist passive indicative of \phobeomai\, "they became afraid." Sudden change to the regular historical sequence.

rwp@John:6:22 @{Which stood} (\ho hestˆk“s\). Perfect active (intransitive) participle of \histˆmi\, to put, to stand. Jesus had sent the multitudes away the evening before (Mark:6:45; strkjv@Matthew:14:22|), but evidently some did not go very far, still lingering in excitement on the eastern side of the lake next morning. {Boat} (\ploiarion\). Diminutive of \ploion\, little boat (Mark:3:9|). {Entered not with} (\ou suneisˆlthen\). Second aorist active of the double compound verb \suneiserchomai\, followed by associative instrumental case \mathˆtais\. {Went away alone} (\monoi apˆlthon\). Second aorist active indicative of \aperchomai\, to go away or off. \Monoi\ is predicate nominative. These people noted these three items.

rwp@John:6:24 @{When the multitude therefore saw} (\hote oun eiden ho ochlos\). Resumption and clarification of the complicated statements of verse 22|. {That Jesus was not there} (\hoti Iˆsous ouk estin ekei\). Present indicative retained in indirect discourse. They still did not understand how Jesus had crossed over, but they acted on the basis of the plain fact. {They themselves got into} (\enebˆsan autoi eis\). Second aorist active indicative of \embain“\ followed by \eis\ (both \en\ and \eis\ together as often in N.T.). {Seeking Jesus} (\zˆtountes ton Iˆsoun\). Present active participle of \zˆte“\. They had a double motive apart from the curiosity explained in verse 22|. They had clearly not given up the impulse of the evening before to make Jesus king (6:15|) and they had hopes of still another bountiful repast at the hands of Jesus as he said (6:26|).

rwp@John:6:25 @{When they found him} (\heurontes auton\). Second aorist active participle of \heurisk“\. Found him after search and in the synagogue as John explains (verse 59|) in Capernaum, perhaps that very synagogue built by a centurion (Luke:7:5|). {Rabbi} (\Rabbei\). See on ¯1:38| for this courteous title. {When camest thou hither?} (\pote h“de gegonas;\). Second perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. "When hast thou come?" We sought you anxiously on the other side of the lake and could not see how you came across (verses 22-24|).

rwp@John:6:26 @{Not because ye saw signs} (\ouch hoti eidete sˆmeia\). Second aorist active indicative of the defective verb \hora“\. They had seen the "signs" wrought by Jesus (verse 2|), but this one had led to wild fanaticism (verse 14|) and complete failure to grasp the spiritual lessons. {But because ye ate of the loaves} (\all' hoti ephagete ek t“n art“n\). Second aorist active indicative of \esthi“\, defective verb. {Ye were filled} (\echortasthˆte\). First aorist passive indicative of \chortaz“\, from \chortos\ (grass) as in verse 10|, to eat grass, then to eat anything, to satisfy hunger. They were more concerned with hungry stomachs than with hungry souls. It was a sharp and deserved rebuke.

rwp@John:6:27 @{Work not for} (\mˆ ergazesthe\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and present middle imperative of \ergazomai\, old verb from \ergon\, work. {The meat} (\tˆn br“sin\). The act of eating (Romans:14:17|), corrosion (Matthew:6:19|), the thing eaten as here (2Corinthians:9:10|). See on ¯John:4:32|. {Which perisheth} (\tˆn apollumenˆn\). Present middle participle of \apollumi\. They were already hungry again. {Unto eternal life} (\eis z“ˆn ai“nion\). Mystical metaphor quite beyond this crowd hungry only for more loaves and fishes. Bernard thinks that John has here put together various sayings of Christ to make one discourse, a gratuitous interpretation. {Will give} (\d“sei\). Future active indicative of \did“mi\. The outcome is still future and will be decided by their attitude towards the Son of man (verse 51|). {For him the Father, even God, hath sealed} (\touton gar ho patˆr esphragisen ho theos\). Literally, "For this one the Father sealed, God." First aorist active indicative of \sphragiz“\, to seal. See elsewhere in strkjv@John:3:33| (attestation by man). Sealing by God is rare in N.T. (2Corinthians:1:22; strkjv@Ephesians:1:13; strkjv@4:30|). It is not clear to what item, if any single one, John refers when the Father set his seal of approval on the Son. It was done at his baptism when the Holy Spirit came upon him and the Father spoke to him. Cf. strkjv@5:37|.

rwp@John:6:32 @{It was not Moses that gave you} (\ou M“usˆs ed“ken humin\). "Not Moses gave you." Blunt and pointed denial (aorist active indicative of \did“mi\) that Moses was the giver of the bread from heaven (the manna). Moses was not superior to Christ on this score. {But my Father} (\all ho patˆr mou\). Not "our Father," but same claim as in strkjv@5:17f|. Which caused so much anger in Jerusalem. {Gives} (\did“sin\). Present active indicative, not aorist (\ed“ken\). Continual process. {The true bread out of heaven} (\ton arton ek tou ouranou ton alˆthinon\). "The bread out of heaven" as the manna and more "the genuine bread" of which that was merely a type. On \alˆthinos\ see strkjv@1:9; strkjv@4:23|.

rwp@John:6:33 @{The bread of God} (\ho artos tou theou\). All bread is of God (Matthew:6:11|). The manna came down from heaven (Numbers:11:9|) as does this bread (\ho katabain“n\). Refers to the bread (\ho artos\, masculine). Bernard notes that this phrase (coming down) is used seven times in this discourse (33,38,41,42,50,51,58|). {Giveth life} (\z“ˆn didous\). Chrysostom observes that the manna gave nourishment (\trophˆ\), but not life (\z“ˆ\). This is a most astounding statement to the crowd.

rwp@John:6:34 @{Lord} (\Kurie\). Used now instead of _Rabbi_ (25) though how much the people meant by it is not clear. {Evermore give us this bread} (\pantote dos hˆmin ton arton touton\). Second aorist active imperative second singular like \dos\ in strkjv@Matthew:6:11| (urgent petition). What kind of bread do they mean? The Jewish commentaries and Philo speak of the manna as typifying heavenly bread for the soul. Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:3| seems to refer to the manna as "spiritual food." Like the woman at the well (4:15|) they long "always" to have "this bread," a perpetual supply. It is probably to this crowd as the water in strkjv@4:15| was to the woman.

rwp@John:6:35 @{I am the bread of life} (\Eg“ eimi ho artos tˆs z“ˆs\). This sublime sentence was startling in the extreme to the crowd. Philo does compare the manna to the \theios logos\ in an allegorical sense, but this language is far removed from Philo's vagueness. In the Synoptics (Mark:14:22; strkjv@Matthew:26:26; strkjv@Luke:22:19|) Jesus uses bread (\artos\) as the symbol of his body in the Lord's Supper, but here Jesus offers himself in place of the loaves and fishes which they had come to seek (24,26|). He is the bread of life in two senses: it has life in itself, the living bread (51|), and it gives life to others like the water of life, the tree of life. John often has Jesus saying "I am" (\eg“ eimi\). As also in strkjv@6:41,48,51; strkjv@8:12; strkjv@10:7,9,11,14; strkjv@11:25; strkjv@14:6; strkjv@15:1,5|. {He that cometh to me} (\ho erchomenos pros eme\). The first act of the soul in approaching Jesus. See also verse 37|. {Shall not hunger} (\ou mˆ peinasˆi\). Strong double negative \ou me\ with first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive, "shall not become hungry." {He that believeth on me} (\ho pisteu“n eis eme\). The continuous relation of trust after coming like \pisteuˆte\ (present tense) in verse 29|. See both verbs used together also in strkjv@7:37f|. {Shall never thirst} (\ou mˆ dipsˆsei p“pote\). Songs:the old MSS. the future active indicative instead of the aorist subjunctive as above, an even stronger form of negation with \p“pote\ (1:18|) added.

rwp@John:6:45 @{Taught of God} (\didaktoi theou\). A free quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:54:13| with this phrase in the LXX. There is here the ablative case \theou\ with the passive verbal adjective \didaktoi\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 516). In strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:9| we have the compound verbal \theodidaktoi\. The same use of \didaktos\ with the ablative occurs in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:13|. {And hath learned} (\kai math“n\). Second aorist active participle of \manthan“\. It is not enough to hear God's voice. He must heed it and learn it and do it. This is a voluntary response. This one inevitably comes to Christ.

rwp@John:6:48 @{I am the bread of life} (\eg“ eimi ho artos tˆs z“ˆs\). Jesus repeats the astounding words of verse 35| after fuller explanation. The believer in Christ has eternal life because he gives himself to him.

rwp@John:6:51 @{The living bread} (\ho artos ho z“n\). "The bread the living." Repetition of the claim in 35,41,48|, but with a slight change from \z“ˆs\ to \z“n\ (present active participle of \za“\). It is alive and can give life. See strkjv@4:10| for living water. In strkjv@Revelation:1:17| Jesus calls himself the Living One (\ho z“n\). {For ever} (\eis ton ai“na\). Eternally like \ai“nion\ with \z“ˆn\ in 47|. {I shall give} (\eg“ d“s“\). Emphasis on \eg“\ (I). Superior so to Moses. {Is my flesh} (\hˆ sarx mou estin\). See on ¯1:14| for \sarx\ the Incarnation. This new idea creates far more difficulty to the hearers who cannot grasp Christ's idea of self-sacrifice. {For the life of the world} (\huper tˆs tou kosmou z“ˆs\). Over, in behalf of, \huper\ means, and in some connexions instead of as in strkjv@11:50|. See strkjv@1:30| for the Baptist's picture of Christ as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. See also strkjv@3:17; strkjv@4:42; strkjv@1John:3:16; strkjv@Matthew:20:28; strkjv@Galatians:3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:14f.; strkjv@Romans:5:8|. Jesus has here presented to this Galilean multitude the central fact of his atoning death for the spiritual life of the world.

rwp@John:6:54 @{He that eateth} (\ho tr“g“n\). Present active participle for continual or habitual eating like \pisteuete\ in verse 29|. The verb \tr“g“\ is an old one for eating fruit or vegetables and the feeding of animals. In the N.T. it occurs only in strkjv@John:6:54,56,58; strkjv@13:18; strkjv@Matthew:24:38|. Elsewhere in the Gospels always \esthi“\ or \ephagon\ (defective verb with \esthi“\). No distinction is made here between \ephagon\ (48,50,52,53,58|) and \tr“g“\ (54,56,57,58|). Some men understand Jesus here to be speaking of the Lord's Supper by prophetic forecast or rather they think that John has put into the mouth of Jesus the sacramental conception of Christianity by making participation in the bread and wine the means of securing eternal life. To me that is a violent misinterpretation of the Gospel and an utter misrepresentation of Christ. It is a grossly literal interpretation of the mystical symbolism of the language of Jesus which these Jews also misunderstood. Christ uses bold imagery to picture spiritual appropriation of himself who is to give his life-blood for the life of the world (51|). It would have been hopeless confusion for these Jews if Jesus had used the symbolism of the Lord's Supper. It would be real dishonesty for John to use this discourse as a propaganda for sacramentalism. The language of Jesus can only have a spiritual meaning as he unfolds himself as the true manna.

rwp@John:6:58 @{This is the bread} (\houtos estin ho artos\). Summary and final explanation of the true manna (from verse 32| on) as being Jesus Christ himself.

rwp@John:6:59 @{In the synagogue} (\en sunag“gˆi\). Definite like our in church, though article absent. Only use of the word in John except strkjv@18:20|. "Among the ruins at _Tell Hum_, the probable site of Capernaum, have been found among the remains of a synagogue a block of stone perhaps the lintel, carved with a pot of manna, and with a pattern of vine leaves and clusters of grapes" (Vincent).

rwp@John:6:61 @{Knowing in himself} (\eid“s en heaut“i\). Second perfect active participle of \oida\. See strkjv@2:25| for this supernatural insight into men's minds. {Murmured} (\gogguzousin\). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse. See 41| for \gogguz“\. {At this} (\peri toutou\). "Concerning this word." {Cause to stumble} (\skandalizei\). Common Synoptic verb from \skandalon\ for which see strkjv@Matthew:5:29|. In John again only in strkjv@16:1|.

rwp@John:6:62 @{What then if ye should behold} (\ean oun the“rˆte\). No "what" in the Greek. Condition of third class with \ean\ and present active subjunctive, "if ye then behold." {Ascending} (\anabainonta\). Present active participle picturing the process. {Where he was before} (\hopou ˆn to proteron\). Neuter articular adjective as adverb (accusative of general reference, at the former time as in strkjv@9:8; strkjv@Galatians:3:13|). Clear statement of Christ's pre-existence in his own words as in strkjv@3:13; strkjv@17:5| (cf. strkjv@1:1-18|).

rwp@John:6:63 @{That quickeneth} (\to z“opoioun\). Articular present active participle of \z“opoie“\ for which see strkjv@5:21|. For the contrast between \pneuma\ (spirit) and \sarx\ (flesh) see already strkjv@3:6|. {The words} (\ta rˆmata\). Those in this discourse (I have just spoken, \lelalˆka\), for they are the words of God (3:34; strkjv@8:47; strkjv@17:8|). No wonder they "are spirit and are life" (\pneuma estin kai z“ˆ estin\). The breath of God and the life of God is in these words of Jesus. Never man spoke like Jesus (7:46|). There is life in his words today.

rwp@John:6:64 @{That believe not} (\hoi ou pisteuousin\). Failure to believe kills the life in the words of Jesus. {Knew from the beginning} (\ˆidei ex archˆs\). In the N.T. we have \ex archˆs\ only here and strkjv@16:4|, but \ap' archˆs\ in apparently the same sense as here in strkjv@15:27; strkjv@1John:2:7,24; strkjv@3:11| and see strkjv@Luke:1:2; strkjv@1John:1:1|. From the first Jesus distinguished between real trust in him and mere lip service (2:24; strkjv@8:31|), two senses of \pisteu“\. {Were} (\eisin\). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse. {And who it was that should betray him} (\kai tis estin ho parad“s“n\). Same use of \estin\ and note article and future active participle of \paradid“mi\, to hand over, to betray. John does not say here that Jesus knew that Judas would betray him when he chose him as one of the twelve, least of all that he chose him for that purpose. What he does say is that Jesus was not taken by surprise and soon saw signs of treason in Judas. The same verb is used of John's arrest in strkjv@Matthew:4:12|. Once Judas is termed traitor (\prodotˆs\) in strkjv@Luke:6:16|. Judas had gifts and was given his opportunity. He did not have to betray Jesus.

rwp@John:6:66 @{Upon this} (\ek toutou\). Same idiom in strkjv@19:12|. "Out of this saying or circumstance." Jesus drew the line of cleavage between the true and the false believers. {Went back} (\apˆlthon eis ta opis“\). Aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \aperchomai\ with \eis ta opis“\, "to the rear" (the behind things) as in strkjv@18:6|. {Walked no more with him} (\ouketi met' autou periepatoun\). Imperfect active of \peripate“\. The crisis had come. These half-hearted seekers after the loaves and fishes and political power turned abruptly from Jesus, walked out of the synagogue with a deal of bluster and were walking with Jesus no more. Jesus had completely disillusioned these hungry camp-followers who did not care for spiritual manna that consisted in intimate appropriation of the life of Jesus as God's Son.

rwp@John:6:67 @{Would ye also go away?} (\Mˆ kai humeis thelete hupagein;\). Jesus puts it with the negative answer (\mˆ\) expected. See strkjv@21:5| where Jesus also uses \mˆ\ in a question. Judas must have shown some sympathy with the disappointed and disappearing crowds. But he kept still. There was possibly restlessness on the part of the other apostles.

rwp@John:6:69 @{We have believed} (\hˆmeis pepisteukamen\). Perfect active indicative of \pisteu“\, "We have come to believe and still believe" (verse 29|). {And know} (\kai egn“kamen\). Same tense of \gin“sk“\, "We have come to know and still know." {Thou art the Holy One of God} (\su ei ho hagios tou theou\). Bernard follows those who believe that this is John's report of the same confession given by the Synoptics (Mark:8:27f.; strkjv@Matthew:16:13-20; strkjv@Luke:9:18f.|), an utterly unjustifiable conclusion. The details are wholly different. Here in the synagogue in Capernaum, there on Mt. Hermon near Caesarea Philippi. What earthly difficulty is there in supposing that Peter could make a noble confession twice? That is to my mind a wooden conception of the apostles in their growing apprehension of Christ.

rwp@John:6:70 @{And one of you is a devil} (\kai ex hum“n heis diabolos estin\). Jesus does not say that Judas was a devil when he chose him, but that he is one now. In strkjv@13:2,27| John speaks of the devil entering Judas. How soon the plan to betray Jesus first entered the heart of Judas we do not know (12:4|). One wonders if the words of Jesus here did not cut Judas to the quick.

rwp@John:7:3 @{His brethren} (\hoi adelphoi autou\). "His brothers" (half-brothers actually), who "were not believing on him" (\oude episteuon eis auton\) as stated in verse 5|. They were hostile to the Messianic assumptions of Jesus, a natural attitude as one can well see, though at first they were friendly (2:12|). {Depart hence} (\metabˆthi enteuthen\). Second aorist active imperative of \metabain“\, to pass to another place (5:24; strkjv@13:1|). It was impertinence on their part. {That thy disciples also may behold} (\hina kai hoi mathˆtai sou the“rˆsousin\). Final clause with \hina\ and the future active indicative of \the“re“\. Jesus had many disciples in Judea at the start (2:23; strkjv@4:1|) and had left it because of the jealousy of the Pharisees over his success (4:3|). The brothers may have heard of the great defection in the synagogue in Capernaum (6:66|), but the advice is clearly ironical. {Which thou doest} (\ha poieis\). To what works they refer by this language we do not know. But Jesus had been away from Galilee for some months and from Judea for a year and a half. Perhaps the brothers of Jesus may actually have been eager to rush Jesus into the hostile atmosphere of Jerusalem again.

rwp@John:7:7 @{Cannot hate} (\ou dunatai misein\). Because of "the law of moral correspondence" (Westcott), often in John for "inherent impossibility" (Vincent). The brothers of Jesus here belong to the unbelieving world (\kosmos\) which is unable to love Jesus (15:18,23,24|) and which Jesus had already exposed ("testify," \martur“\, strkjv@5:42,45|). This unbelieving "world" resented the exposure (3:19|, cf. strkjv@18:37|).

rwp@John:7:13 @{Howbeit} (\mentoi\). See strkjv@4:27| for this compound particle (\men, toi\), by way of exception, but yet. {Spake} (\elalei\). Imperfect active of \lale“\, "was speaking," picturing the whispering or secret talk ({no man openly}, \oudeis parrˆsiƒi\). Best MSS. do not have \en\ here with \parrˆsiƒi\ (locative or instrumental case of manner) as in strkjv@7:26; strkjv@10:24; strkjv@11:54|, but \en\ genuine in strkjv@7:4; strkjv@Colossians:2:15|. This adverbial use of \parrˆsiƒi\ is common enough (Mark:8:37|). {For fear of the Jews} (\dia ton phobon t“n Ioudai“n\). Objective genitive. The crowds really feared the Jewish leaders and evidently did not wish to involve Jesus or themselves. See the same phrase and attitude on the part of the disciples in strkjv@19:38; strkjv@20:19|.

rwp@John:7:14 @{But when it was now in the midst of the feast} (\ˆdˆ de tˆs heortˆs mesousˆs\). Literally, "But feast being already midway." Genitive absolute, present active participle, of \meso“\, old verb from \mesos\, in LXX, here only in N.T. The feast of tabernacles was originally seven days, but a last day (verse 37; strkjv@Leviticus:23:36|) was added, making eight in all. {And taught} (\kai edidasken\). Imperfect active of \didask“\, probably inchoative, "began to teach." He went up (\anebˆ\, effective aorist, arrived). The leaders had asked (verse 11|) where Jesus was. There he was now before their very eyes.

rwp@John:7:15 @{Marvelled} (\ethaumazon\). Picturesque imperfect active of \thaumaz“\, "were wondering." After all the bluster of the rulers (verse 13|) here was Jesus teaching without interruption. {Knoweth letters} (\grammata oiden\). Second perfect active indicative used as present. \Grammata\, old word from \graph“\, to write, is originally the letters formed (Galatians:6:11|), then a letter or epistle (Acts:28:21|), then the sacred Scriptures (John:5:47; strkjv@2Timothy:3:15|), then learning like Latin _litterae_ and English letters (Acts:26:24; strkjv@John:7:15|). "The marvel was that Jesus showed Himself familiar with the literary methods of the time, which were supposed to be confined to the scholars of the popular teachers" (Westcott). {Having never learned} (\mˆ memathˆk“s\). Perfect active participle of \manthan“\ with \mˆ\, the usual negative (subjective) with the participle. It is not the wisdom of Jesus that disconcerted the Jewish leaders, but his learning (Marcus Dods). And yet Jesus had not attended either of the rabbinical theological schools in Jerusalem (Hillel, Shammai). He was not a rabbi in the technical sense, only a carpenter, and yet he surpassed the professional rabbis in the use of their own methods of debate. It is sometimes true today that unschooled men in various walks of life forge ahead of men of lesser gifts with school training. See the like puzzle of the Sanhedrin concerning Peter and John (Acts:4:13|). This is not an argument against education, but it takes more than education to make a real man. Probably this sneer at Jesus came from some of the teachers in the Jerusalem seminaries. "Christ was in the eyes of the Jews a merely self-taught enthusiast" (Westcott).

rwp@John:7:16 @{Mine} (\emˆ\). Possessive pronoun, "not mine in origin." Jesus denies that he is self-taught, though not a schoolman. {But his that sent me} (\alla tou pempsantos me\). Genitive case of the articular participle (first aorist active of \pemp“\). His teaching is not self-originated nor is it the product of the schools (see the Talmud in contrast with the New Testament). Jesus often in John uses this idiom of "the one who sent me" of the Father (4:34; strkjv@5:23,24,30,37; strkjv@6:38-40,44; strkjv@7:16,18,28|, etc.). The bold claim is here made by Jesus that his teaching is superior in character and source to that of the rabbis.

rwp@John:7:19 @{And yet} (\kai\). Clear use of \kai\ in the adversative sense of "and yet" or "but." They marvelled at Christ's "ignorance" and boasted of their own knowledge of the law of Moses. And yet they violated that law by not practising it. {Why seek ye to kill me?} (\Ti me zˆteite apokteinai;\). A sudden and startling question as an illustration of their failure to do the law of Moses. Jesus had previously known (5:39,45-47|) that the Jews really rejected the teaching of Moses while professing to believe it. On that very occasion they had sought to kill him (5:18|), the very language used here. Apparently he had not been to Jerusalem since then. He undoubtedly alludes to their conduct then and charges them with the same purpose now.

rwp@John:7:21 @{One work} (\hen ergon\). Direct allusion to the healing of the impotent man when in Jerusalem before (5:1ff.|). He had wrought others before (2:23; strkjv@4:45|), but this one on the Sabbath caused the rulers to try to kill Jesus (5:18|). Some wondered then, others had murder in their hearts. This crowd here is ignorant.

rwp@John:7:26 @{They say nothing unto him} (\ouden autoi legousin\). But only make sneering comments about him (7:16|) in spite of his speaking "openly" (\parrˆsiƒi\, for which word see strkjv@7:13; strkjv@18:20|) before all. lt was sarcasm about the leaders, though an element of surprise on the part of "these shrewd townsmen" (Bernard) may have existed also. {Can it be that the rulers indeed know} (\mˆ pote alˆth“s egn“sin hoi archontes\). Negative answer expected by \mˆ pote\ and yet there is ridicule of the rulers in the form of the question. See a like use of \mˆ pote\ in strkjv@Luke:3:15|, though nowhere else in John. \Egn“san\ (second aorist ingressive active indicative of \gin“sk“\) may refer to the examination of Jesus by these rulers in strkjv@5:19ff.| and means, "Did they come to know or find out" (and so hold now)? {That this is the Christ} (\hoti houtos estin ho Christos\). The Messiah of Jewish hope.

rwp@John:7:27 @{Howbeit} (\alla\). Clearly adversative here. {This man} (\touton\). Possibly contemptuous use of \houtos\ as may be true in 25,26|. {Whence he is} (\pothen estin\). The Galilean Jews knew the family of Jesus (6:42|), but they knew Jesus only as from Nazareth, not as born in Bethlehem (verse 42|). {When the Christ cometh} (\ho Christos hotan erchˆtai\). Prolepsis of \ho Christos\ and indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the present middle subjunctive \erchˆtai\ rather than the more usual second aorist active \elthˆi\ as in verse 31|, a trifle more picturesque. This is a piece of popular theology. "Three things come wholly unexpected--Messiah, a godsend, and a scorpion" (_Sanhedrin_ 97a). The rulers knew the birthplace to be Bethlehem (7:42; strkjv@Matthew:2:5f.|), but some even expected the Messiah to drop suddenly from the skies as Satan proposed to Jesus to fall down from the pinnacle of the temple. The Jews generally expected a sudden emergence of the Messiah from concealment with an anointing by Elijah (_Apoc. of Bar_. XXIX. 3; 2Esdr. strkjv@7:28; strkjv@13:32; Justin Martyr, _Tryph_. 110).

rwp@John:7:32 @{The Pharisees} (\hoi Pharisaioi\). This group of the Jewish rulers (7:11,15,25f.|) was particularly hostile to Christ, though already the Sadducees had become critical (Matthew:16:6|) and they join here (\hoi archiereis\, the chief priests being Sadducees) in determining to silence Jesus by bringing him before the Sanhedrin. They had heard the whispered talk about Jesus before he arrived (7:12f.|) and still more now. {Heard the multitude murmuring} (\ˆkousan tou ochlou gogguzontos\). First aorist active indicative of \akou“\ with the genitive case and the descriptive participle of the vivid onomatopoetic verb \gogguz“\ (verse 12|) now grown louder like the hum of bees. It was the defence of Jesus by a portion of the crowd (7:31|) that irritated the Pharisees. Here the Pharisees take the initiative and enlist the Sadducees in the Sanhedrin (for this combination see strkjv@7:45; strkjv@11:47,57; strkjv@Matthew:21:45; strkjv@27:62|, the organized court) to send "officers" (\hupˆretas\) "to take him" (\hina pias“sin auton\, final clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \piaz“\ for which verb see verse 30|). For \hupˆretas\ (temple police here) see verse 45; strkjv@18:3,12,22; strkjv@19:6; strkjv@Acts:5:22,26|. For the word see strkjv@Matthew:5:25; strkjv@Luke:1:2|, "an under rower" (\hupo, eretˆs\), any assistant.

rwp@John:7:34 @{And shall not find me} (\kai ouch heurˆsete me\). Future active indicative of \heurisk“\. Jesus had said: "Seek and ye shall find" (Matthew:7:7|), but this will be too late. Now they were seeking (verse 30|) to kill Jesus, then they will seek deliverance, but too late. {Where I am} (\hopou eimi eg“\). No conflict with verse 33|, but the essential eternal spiritual home of Christ "in absolute, eternal being and fellowship with the Father" (Vincent). {Ye cannot come} (\humeis ou dunasthe elthein\). This fellowship was beyond the comprehension of these hostile Jews. See the same idea in strkjv@7:36| by the Jews; strkjv@8:21| to the Jews and then to the disciples with the addition of "now" (\arti\, strkjv@13:33|, \nun\ in strkjv@13:36|).

rwp@John:7:35 @{Among themselves} (\pros heautous\). These Jewish leaders of verse 32| talk among themselves about what Jesus said in a spirit of contempt (this man or fellow, \houtos\). {That} (\hoti\). Almost result like \hoti\ in strkjv@Matthew:8:27|. {Will he go?} (\mˆ mellei poreuesthai;\). Negative answer expected in an ironical question, "Is he about to go?" {Unto the Dispersion among the Greeks} (\eis tˆn diasporan t“n Hellˆn“n\). Objective genitive \t“n Hellˆn“n\ (of the Greeks) translated here "among," because it is the Dispersion of Jews among the Greeks. \Diaspora\ is from \diaspeir“\, to scatter apart (Acts:8:1,4|). It occurs in Plutarch and is common in the LXX, in the N.T. only here, strkjv@James:1:1; strkjv@1Peter:1:1|. There were millions of these scattered Jews. {And teach the Greeks} (\kai didaskein tous Hellˆnas\). Confessing his failure to teach the Jews in Palestine, "thus ignorantly anticipating the course Christianity took; what seemed unlikely and impossible to them became actual" (Dods).

rwp@John:7:45 @{Why did ye not bring him?} (\Dia ti ouk ˆgagete auton;\). Second aorist active indicative of \ag“\. Indignant outburst of the Sanhedrin (both Sadducees and Pharisees) at the failure of the (\tous\, note article here referring to verse 32|) temple police to arrest Jesus. "Apparently they were sitting in expectation of immediately questioning him" (Dods). They were stunned at this outcome.

rwp@John:7:49 @{This multitude} (\ho ochlos houtos\). The Pharisees had a scorn for the _amhaaretz_ or "people of the earth" (cf. our "clod-hoppers") as is seen in rabbinic literature. It was some of the \ochlos\ (multitude at the feast especially from Galilee) who had shown sympathy with Jesus (7:12,28f.|). {Which knoweth not the law} (\ho mˆ ginosk“n\). Present active articular participle of \gin“sk“\ with \mˆ\ usual negative of the participle in the _Koin‚_. "No brutish man is sin-fearing, nor is one of the people of the earth pious" (_Aboth_, II. 6). See the amazement of the Sanhedrin at Peter and John in strkjv@Acts:4:13| as "unlettered and private men" (\agrammatoi kai idi“tai\). No wonder the common people (\ochlos\) heard Jesus gladly (Mark:12:37|). The rabbis scouted and scorned them. {Are accursed} (\eparatoi eisin\). Construction according to sense (plural verb and adjective with collective singular \ochlos\). \Eparatoi\ is old verbal adjective from \eparaomai\, to call down curses upon, here only in the N.T.

rwp@John:7:52 @{Art thou also of Galilee?} (\Mˆ kai su ek tˆs Galilaias ei;\). Formally negative answer expected by \mˆ\, but really they mean to imply that Nicodemus from local feeling or prejudice has lined himself up with this Galilean mob (\ochlos\) of sympathizers with Jesus and is like Jesus himself a Galilean. "These aristocrats of Jerusalem had a scornful contempt for the rural Galileans" (Bernard). {That out of Galilee ariseth no prophet} (\hoti ek tˆs Galilaias prophˆtˆs ouk egeiretai\). As a matter of fact Jonah, Hosea, Nahum, possibly also Elijah, Elisha, and Amos were from Galilee. It was simply the rage of the Sanhedrin against Jesus regardless of the facts. Westcott suggests that they may have reference to the future, but that is a mere excuse for them.

rwp@John:7:53 @This verse and through strkjv@8:12| (the passage concerning the woman taken in adultery) is certainly not a genuine part of John's Gospel. The oldest and best MSS. (Aleph A B C L W) do not have it. It first appears in Codex Bezae. Some MSS. put it at the close of John's Gospel and some place it in Luke. It is probably a true story for it is like Jesus, but it does not belong to John's Gospel. The Canterbury Version on which we are commenting puts the passage in brackets. Westcott and Hort place it at the end of the Gospel. With this explanation we shall proceed. {They went} (\eporeuthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \poreuomai\ used as a deponent verb without passive idea. In this context the verb has to refer to the Sanhedrin with a rather pointless contrast to Jesus.

rwp@John:8:1 @{But Jesus went} (\Iˆsous de eporeuthˆ\). Same deponent use of \poreuomai\ as in strkjv@7:53| and in contrast to the Sanhedrin's conduct, though it seems "pointless" (Dods). Apparently Jesus was lodging in the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

rwp@John:8:2 @{Early in the morning} (\orthrou\). Genitive of time, \orthros\ meaning daybreak, old word, not in John, though in strkjv@Luke:24:1; strkjv@Acts:5:21|. John uses \pr“i\ (18:28; strkjv@20:1; strkjv@21:4|). {He came again into the temple} (\palin paregeneto eis to hieron\). If the paragraph is genuine, the time is the next day after the eighth and last day of the feast. If not genuine, there is no way of telling the time of this apparently true incident. {And all the people came unto him} (\kai pƒs ho laos ˆrcheto pros auton\). Imperfect middle of \erchomai\ picturing the enthusiasm of the whole (\pas\) crowd now as opposed to the divisions in chapter 7. {Taught} (\edidasken\). Imperfect active of \didask“\. He took his seat (\kathisas\, ingressive active participle of \kathiz“\) as was customary for Jesus and began to teach (inchoative imperfect). Songs:the picture.

rwp@John:8:3 @{The scribes and the Pharisees} (\hoi grammateis kai hoi Pharisaioi\). John does not mention "scribes," though this combination (note two articles) is common enough in the Synoptics (Luke:5:30; strkjv@6:7|, etc.). {Bring} (\agousin\). Vivid dramatic present active indicative of \ag“\. Dods calls this "in itself an unlawful thing to do" since they had a court for the trial of such a case. Their purpose is to entrap Jesus. {Taken in adultery} (\epi moicheiƒi kateilemmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \katalamban“\, old compound to seize (Mark:9:18|), to catch, to overtake (John:12:35|), to overcome (or overtake) in strkjv@1:5|. {Having let her in the midst} (\stˆsantes autˆn en mes“i\). First aorist active (transitive) participle of \histˆmi\. Here all could see her and what Jesus did with such a case. They knew his proneness to forgive sinners.

rwp@John:8:4 @{Hath been taken} (\kateilˆptai\). Perfect passive indicative of \katalamban“\ (see verse 3|), caught and still guilty. {In adultery} (\moicheuomenˆ\). Present passive participle of \moicheu“\, "herself suffering adultery" (Matthew:5:32|). Used of married people. Not in John. {In the very act} (\ep' autoph“r“i\). Old adjective (\autoph“ros, autos\, self, and \ph“r\, thief) caught in the act of theft, then extended to any crime in which one is caught. Old idiom, but not elsewhere in the Greek Bible. One example in a Berlin papyrus.

rwp@John:8:6 @{Tempting him} (\peirazontes auton\). Evil sense of this present active participle of \peiraz“\, as so often (Mark:8:11; strkjv@10:2|, etc.). {That they might have whereof to accuse him} (\hina ech“sin katˆgorein autou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \ech“\. This laying of traps for Jesus was a common practice of his enemies (Luke:11:16|, etc.). Note present active infinitive of \katˆgore“\ (see strkjv@Matthew:12:10| for the verb) to go on accusing (with genitive \autou\). It was now a habit with these rabbis. {Stooped down} (\kat“ kupsas\). First aorist active participle of \kupt“\, old verb to bow the head, to bend forward, in N.T. only here and verse 8; strkjv@Mark:1:7|. The use of \kat“\ (down) gives a vivid touch to the picture. {With his finger} (\t“i daktul“i\). Instrumental case of \daktulos\ for which see strkjv@Matthew:23:4|. {Wrote on the ground} (\kategraphen eis tˆn gˆn\). Imperfect active of \katagraph“\, old compound, here only in N.T., to draw, to delineate, to write down, apparently inchoative, began to write on the sand as every one has done sometimes. The only mention of writing by Jesus and the use of \katagraph“\ leaves it uncertain whether he was writing words or drawing pictures or making signs. If we only knew what he wrote! Certainly Jesus knew how to write. And yet more books have been written about this one who wrote nothing that is preserved than any other person or subject in human history. There is a tradition that Jesus wrote down the names and sins of these accusers. That is not likely. They were written on their hearts. Jesus alone on this occasion showed embarrassment over this woman's sin.

rwp@John:8:7 @{When they continued asking} (\h“s epemenon er“t“ntes\). Imperfect active indicative of \epimen“\ (waiting in addition or still, \epi\, old verb) with supplementary active participle of \er“ta“\, to question. See same construction in strkjv@Acts:12:16| The verb \epimen“\ does not occur in John. They saw that Jesus seemed embarrassed, but did not know that it was as much because of "the brazen hardness of the prosecutors" as because of the shame of the deed. {He lifted himself up} (\anekupsen\). First aorist active indicative of \anakupt“\, the opposite of \katakupt“\, to bend down (verse 8|) or of \kat“ kupt“\ (verse 6|). {He that is without sin} (\ho anamartˆtos\). Verbal adjective (\an\ privative and \hamartˆtos\ from \hamartan“\), old word, either one who has not sinned as here and strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:19| or one who cannot sin, not in the N.T. {Among you} (\hum“n\). Objective genitive. {First cast} (\pr“tos balet“\). The nominative \pr“tos\ means first before others, be the first to cast, not cast before he does something else. See strkjv@20:4|. The verb is second aorist imperative of \ball“\, old verb to fling or cast. Jesus thus picks out the executioner in the case.

rwp@John:8:8 @{Again he stooped down} (\palin katakupsas\). First aorist active participle of \katakupt“\, old and rare verb (in Epictetus II, 16. 22) instead of \kat“ kupsas\ in verse 6|. {With his finger} (\t“i daktul“i\). Not genuine, only in D and Western class. {Wrote on the ground} (\egraphen eis tˆn gˆn\). Imperfect active of the simplex \graph“\, not \katagraph“\. The second picture of Jesus writing on the ground.

rwp@John:8:10 @{Lifted up himself} (\anakupsas\). First aorist active participle of \anakupt“\ as in verse 7|. {Where are they?} (\Pou eisin;\). Jesus had kept on writing on the ground as the accusers had slipped away one by one. {Did no man condemn thee?} (\oudeis se katekrinen;\). First aorist active indicative of \katakrin“\, old and common verb to give judgment against (down on) one, but not in John. No one dared to cast a stone at the woman on Christ's terms.

rwp@John:8:11 @{No man, Lord} (\Oudeis, Kurie\). "No one, Sir." She makes no excuse for her sin. Does she recognize Jesus as "Lord"? {Neither do I condemn thee} (\Oude eg“ se katakrin“\). Jesus does not condone her sin. See strkjv@8:15| for "I do not judge (condemn) any one." But he does give the poor woman another chance. {Henceforth sin no more} (\apo tou nun mˆketi hamartane\). See also strkjv@5:14| where this same language is used to the impotent man. It literally means (prohibition with present active imperative): "Henceforth no longer go on sinning." One can only hope that the woman was really changed in heart and life. Jesus clearly felt that even a wicked woman can be saved.

rwp@John:8:12 @{Again therefore} (\palin oun\). This language fits in better with strkjv@7:52| than with strkjv@8:11|. Just suppose Jesus is in the temple on the following day. {Unto them} (\autois\). The Pharisees and crowds in the temple after the feast was past. {I am the light of the world} (\eg“ eimi to ph“s tou kosmou\). Jesus had called his followers "the light of the world" (Matthew:5:14|), but that was light reflected from him. Already Jesus (the Logos) had been called the true light of men (1:9; strkjv@3:19|). The Psalmist calls God his Light (27:1|). Songs:Isaiah:60:19|. At the feast of tabernacles in the Court of the Women where Jesus was on this day (8:20|) there were brilliant candelabra and there was the memory of the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. But with all this background this supreme and exclusive claim of Jesus (repeated in strkjv@9:5|) to being the light of the whole world (of Gentiles as well as of Jews) startled the Pharisees and challenged their opposition. {Shall have the light of life} (\hexei to ph“s tˆs z“ˆs\). The light which springs from and issues in life (Westcott). Cf. strkjv@6:33,51| about Jesus being the Bread of Life. In this sublime claim we come to a decisive place. It will not do to praise Jesus and deny his deity. Only as the Son of God can we justify and accept this language which otherwise is mere conceit and froth.

rwp@John:8:13 @{Of thyself} (\peri seautou\). This technical objection was according to the rules of evidence among the rabbis. "No man can give witness for himself" (_Mishnah, Ketub_. 11. 9). Hence, they say, "not true" (\ouk alˆthes\), not pertinent. "They were still in the region of pedantic rules and external tests." In strkjv@John:5:31| Jesus acknowledged this technical need of further witness outside of his own claims (John:19-30|) and proceeded to give it (John:32-47|) in the testimony of the Baptist, of the Father, of his works, of the Scriptures, and of Moses in particular.

rwp@John:8:14 @{Even if} (\kan\). That is \kai ean\, a condition of the third class with the present active subjunctive \martur“\. Jesus means that his own witness concerning himself is true (\alˆthes\) even if it contravenes their technical rules of evidence. He can and does tell the truth all by himself concerning himself. {For I know whence I came and whither I go} (\hoti oida pothen ˆlthon kai pou hupag“\). In this terse sentence with two indirect questions Jesus alludes to his pre-existence with the Father before his Incarnation as in strkjv@17:5| and to the return to the Father after the death and resurrection as in strkjv@13:3; strkjv@14:2f|. He again puts both ideas together in one crisp clause in strkjv@16:28| for the apostles who profess to understand him then. But here these Pharisees are blind to the words of Jesus. "But ye know not whence I come nor whither I go" (\humeis de ouk oidate pothen erchomai ˆ pou hupag“\). He had spoken of his heavenly destiny (7:33|). Jesus alone knew his personal consciousness of his coming from, fellowship with, and return to the Father. Stier (_Words of the Lord Jesus_) argues that one might as well say to the sun, if claiming to be the sun, that it was night, because it bore witness of itself. The answer is the shining of the sun.

rwp@John:8:16 @{Yea and if I judge} (\kai ean krin“ de eg“\). "And even if I pass judgment." Condition of third class again. {True} (alˆthinˆ). See strkjv@1:9| for \alˆthinos\, genuine, soundly based (cf. \dikaia\ in strkjv@5:30|), "satisfying our perfect conception" (Westcott), not merely true (\alˆthes\) in the particular facts (verse 14|). {For I am not alone} (\hoti monos ouk eimi\). Jesus now takes up the technical criticism in verse 13| after justifying his right to speak concerning himself. {But I and the Father that sent me} (\all eg“ kai ho pempsas me patˆr\). See strkjv@16:32| for a like statement about the Father being with Christ. It is not certain that \patˆr\ is genuine here (omitted by Aleph D, but in B L W), but the Father is clearly meant as in strkjv@7:18,33|. Jesus gives the Father as the second witness.

rwp@John:8:20 @{In the treasury} (\en t“i gazophulaki“i\). See already strkjv@Mark:12:41; strkjv@Luke:21:1| for this word for the treasure-chambers of the temple. "It abutted on the Court of the Women, and against its walls were placed chests, trumpet-like in form, as receptacles for the offerings of the worshippers" (Bernard). The Persian word _gaza_ (treasure) occurs only once in the N.T. (Acts:8:27|) and the compound (\phulakˆ\, guard) only here in John. Jesus hardly taught within a treasure-chamber. It probably means "at the treasury in the temple." This court was probably the most public part of the temple (Vincent). {And} (\kai\)="and yet" as in strkjv@1:10|, etc. {Because his hour was not yet come} (\hoti oup“ elˆluthei hˆ h“ra autou\). {Reason} (\hoti\) given why no one seized (\epiasen\, cf. strkjv@7:30|) him. \Elˆluthei\ is past perfect active of \erchomai\, "had not yet come." This very use of \h“ra\ appears in strkjv@2:4| and the very clause in strkjv@7:30| which see.

rwp@John:8:21 @{Again} (\palin\). Probably \palin\ (again) in verse 12| refers to a day after the feast is over since the last day is mentioned in strkjv@7:37|. Songs:then here again we probably move on to another day still beyond that in verse 12|. {And ye shall seek me} (\kai zˆtˆsete me\). As in strkjv@7:34|, "the search of despair" (Bernard), seeking for the Messiah when it is too late, the tragedy of Judaism today (1:11|). {And ye shall die in your sin} (\kai en tˆi hamartiƒi hum“n apothaneisthe\). Future middle indicative of \apothnˆsk“\ which is the emphatic word here (cf. strkjv@Ezekiel:3:18; strkjv@18:18; strkjv@Proverbs:24:9|). Note singular \hamartiƒi\ (sin) here, but plural \hamartiais\ (sins) when the phrase is repeated in verse 24| (sin in its essence, sin in its acts). {Ye cannot come} (\humeis ou dunasthe elthein\). Precise language of strkjv@7:34| to the Jews and to the apostles in strkjv@13:33|.

rwp@John:8:23 @{Ye are from beneath} (\humeis ek t“n kat“\). This language, peculiar to John, could take up the idea in Josephus that these rabbis came from Gehenna whence they will go as children of the devil (8:44|), but the use of \ek tou kosmou toutou\ ("of this world" in origin) as parallel to what we have here seems to prove that the contrast between \kat“\ and \an“\ here is between the earthly (sensual) and the heavenly as in strkjv@James:3:15-17|. See also strkjv@Colossians:3:1|. This is the only use of \kat“\ in John (except strkjv@8:6|). These proud rabbis had their origin in this world of darkness (1:9|) with all its limitations. {I am from above} (\eg“ ek t“n an“ eimi\). The contrast is complete in origin and character, already stated in strkjv@3:31|, and calculated to intensify their anger.

rwp@John:8:25 @{Who art thou?} (\Su tis ei;\). Proleptic use of \su\ before \tis\, "Thou, who art thou?" Cf. strkjv@1:19|. He had virtually claimed to be the Messiah and on a par with God as in strkjv@5:15|. They wish to pin him down and to charge him with blasphemy. {Even that which I have also spoken unto you from the beginning} (\tˆn archˆn hoti kai lal“ humin\). A difficult sentence. It is not clear whether it is an affirmation or a question. The Latin and Syriac versions treat it as affirmative. Westcott and Hort follow Meyer and take it as interrogative. The Greek fathers take it as an exclamation. It seems clear that the adverbial accusative \tˆn archˆn\ cannot mean "from the beginning" like \ap' archˆs\ (15:27|) or \ex archˆs\ (16:4|). The LXX has \tˆn archˆn\ for "at the beginning" or "at the first" (Genesis:43:20|). There are examples in Greek, chiefly negative, where \tˆn archˆn\ means "at all," "essentially," "primarily." Vincent and Bernard so take it here, "Primarily what I am telling you." Jesus avoids the term Messiah with its political connotations. He stands by his high claims already made.

rwp@John:8:27 @{They perceived not} (\ouk egn“san\). Second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\. "Preoccupied as they were with thoughts of an earthly deliverer" (Westcott) and prejudiced against recognizing Jesus as the one sent from God. {That he spake to them of the Father} (\hoti ton patera autois elegen\). Indirect assertion, but with the present indicative (\legei\) changed to the imperfect (\elegen\) as was sometimes done (2:25|) after a secondary tense.

rwp@John:8:28 @{When ye have lifted up the Son of man} (\hotan hups“sˆte ton huion tou anthr“pou\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ (\hote + an\) and the first aorist active subjunctive of \hupso“\, to lift up (_Koin‚_ verb from \hupsos\, height), used several times in John of the Cross of Christ (3:14; strkjv@8:28; strkjv@12:32,34|). It is unnecessary to render the aorist subjunctive as if a future perfect, simply "whenever ye lift up" (actually lift up, ingressive aorist). In strkjv@Acts:2:33| the verb is used of the Ascension. {Shall ye know} (\gn“sesthe\). Future (ingressive aoristic) middle of \gin“sk“\. _Cognoscetis ex re quod nunc ex verbo non creditis_ (Bengel). But the knowledge from the facts like the fall of Jerusalem will come too late and will not bring a change of heart. The Holy Spirit will convict them concerning judgment (16:8|). For {I am} (\eg“ eimi\) see on verse ¯24|. {As the Father taught me} (\Kath“s edidasken me ho patˆr\). This claim Jesus repeats (see verse 26|) and clearly makes on his arrival at the feast (7:16f.|). This fact marks Jesus off from the rabbis.

rwp@John:8:31 @{Which had believed him} (\tous pepisteukotas aut“i\). Articular perfect active participle of \pisteu“\ with dative \aut“i\ (trusted him) rather than \eis auton\ (on him) in verse 30|. They believed him (cf. strkjv@6:30|) as to his claims to being the Messiah with their own interpretation (6:15|), but they did not commit themselves to him and may represent only one element of those in verse 30|, but see strkjv@2:23| for \pisteu“ eis\ there. {If ye abide in my word} (\ean humeis meinˆte en t“i log“i t“i em“i\). Third-class condition with \ean\ and first aorist (constative) active subjunctive. {Are ye truly my disciples} (\alˆth“s mathˆtai mou este\). Your future loyalty to my teaching will prove the reality of your present profession. Songs:the conclusion of this future condition is put in the present tense. As then, so now. We accept church members on _profession_ of trust in Christ. Continuance in the word (teaching) proves the sincerity or insincerity of the profession. It is the acid test of life.

rwp@John:8:34 @{Every one that committeth sin is the bondservant of sin} (\pas ho poi“n tˆn hamartian doulos estin [tˆs hamartias]\). The Western class omits \tˆs hamartias\ (sin), but that is the idea anyhow. Note the use of \poi“n\ (present active participle, continuous habit or practice), not \poiˆsas\ (aorist active participle for single act), precisely as in strkjv@1John:3:4-8|. Note also strkjv@3:21| for \ho poi“n tˆn alˆtheian\ (the one who practises the truth). Sin, like the worst narcotic, is habit forming. Hence the problem today for criminologists for paroled or pardoned criminals nearly always go back to crime, sink again into sin, the slaves of sin. Xenophon has this notion of the slavery of sin (_Memor_. IV. 5. 3). Songs:Paul clearly in strkjv@Romans:6:17,20| "slaves of sin" (\douloi tˆs hamartias\).

rwp@John:8:36 @{If therefore the son shall make you free} (\ean oun ho huios humas eleuther“sˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive. "If therefore the Son set you free," as he has the power to do. {Ye shall be free indeed} (\ont“s eleutheroi esesthe\). Old and common adverb from participle \ont“n\, actually, really (cf. strkjv@Luke:24:34|). But this spiritual freedom was beyond the concept or wish of these Jews.

rwp@John:8:38 @{With my Father} (\para t“i patri\). Locative case of \patˆr\ and article used as possessive (common idiom), "by the side of my Father," picture of intimate fellowship like \pros ton theon\ (face to face with God) in strkjv@1:1|. {From your father} (\para tou patros\). Ablative case with \para\ (from the side of) and same possessive use of \tou\ in each instance, though "the" will really answer both times. But \ho patˆr\ does not mean the same person. Christ's Father by contrast is not their father.

rwp@John:8:44 @{Ye are of your father the devil} (\humeis ek tou patros tou diabolou\). Certainly they can "understand" (\gin“skete\ in 43|) this "talk" (\lalian\) though they will be greatly angered. But they had to hear it (\akouein\ in 43|). It was like a bombshell in spite of the preliminary preparation. {Your will to do} (\thelete poiein\). Present active indicative of \thel“\ and present active infinitive, "Ye wish to go on doing." This same idea Jesus presents in strkjv@Matthew:13:38| (the sons of the evil one, the devil) and strkjv@23:15| (twofold more a son of Gehenna than you). See also strkjv@1John:3:8| for "of the devil" (\ek tou diabolou\) for the one who persists in sinning. In strkjv@Revelation:12:9| the devil is one who leads all the world astray. The Gnostic view that Jesus means "the father of the devil" is grotesque. Jesus does not, of course, here deny that the Jews, like all men, are children of God the Creator, like Paul's offspring of God for all men in strkjv@Acts:17:28|. What he denies to these Pharisees is that they are spiritual children of God who do his will. They do the lusts and will of the devil. The Baptist had denied this same spiritual fatherhood to the merely physical descendants of Abraham (Matthew:3:9|). He even called them "broods of vipers" as Jesus did later (Matthew:12:34|). {A murderer} (\anthr“poktonos\). Old and rare word (Euripides) from \anthr“pos\, man, and \ktein“\, to kill. In N.T. only here and strkjv@1John:3:15|. The Jews were seeking to kill Jesus and so like their father the devil. {Stood not in the truth} (\en tˆi alˆtheiƒi ouk estˆken\). Since \ouk\, not \ouch\, is genuine, the form of the verb is \esteken\ the imperfect of the late present stem \stˆk“\ (Mark:11:25|) from the perfect active \hestˆka\ (intransitive) of \histˆmi\, to place. {No truth in him} (\ouk estin alˆtheia en aut“i\). Inside him or outside (environment). The devil and truth have no contact. {When he speaketh a lie} (\hotan lalˆi to pseudos\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the present active subjunctive of \lale“\. But note the article \to\: "Whenever he speaks the lie," as he is sure to do because it is his nature. Hence "he speaks out of his own" (\ek t“n idi“n lalei\) like a fountain bubbling up (cf. strkjv@Matthew:12:34|). {For he is a liar} (\hoti pseustˆs estin\). Old word for the agent in a conscious falsehood (\pseudos\). See strkjv@1John:1:10; strkjv@Romans:3:4|. Common word in John because of the emphasis on \alˆtheia\ (truth). {And the father thereof} (\kai ho patˆr autou\). Either the father of the lie or of the liar, both of which are true as already shown by Jesus. {Autou} in the genitive can be either neuter or masculine. Westcott takes it thus, "because he is a liar and his father (the devil) is a liar," making "one," not the devil, the subject of "whenever he speaks," a very doubtful expression.

rwp@John:8:46 @{Which of you convicteth me of sin?} (\Tis ex hum“n elegchei me peri hamaritas;\). See on strkjv@3:20; strkjv@16:8| (the work of the Holy Spirit) for \elegch“\ for charge and proof. The use of \hamartia\ as in strkjv@1:29| means sin in general, not particular sins. The rhetorical question which receives no answer involves sinlessness (Hebrews:4:15|) without specifically saying so. Bernard suggests that Jesus paused after this pungent question before going on. {Why do ye not believe me?} (\Dia ti humeis ou pisteuete moi;\). This question drives home the irrationality of their hostility to Jesus. It was based on prejudice and predilection.

rwp@John:8:47 @{He that is of God} (\ho “n ek tou theou\). See this use of \ek\ in strkjv@3:31f|. "Their not listening proved that they were not of God" (Dods). They were of the earth and the devil, not of God.

rwp@John:8:48 @{Thou art a Samaritan and hast a demon} (\Samareitˆs ei su kai daimonion echeis\). On the spur of the moment in their rage and fury they can think of no meaner things to say. They know, of course, that Jesus was not a Samaritan, but he had acted like a Samaritan in challenging their peculiar spiritual privileges (4:9,39|). The charge of having a demon was an old one by the Pharisees (Matthew:12:24|) and it is repeated later (John:10:20|).

rwp@John:8:53 @{Art thou greater than our father Abraham?} (\Mˆ su meiz“n ei tou patros hˆm“n Abraam;\). Negative answer expected by \mˆ\ with ablative case of comparison in \patros\ after \meiz“n\. The question was designed to put Jesus in a difficult position, for Abraham and the prophets all "died." They do not see that Jesus uses death in a different sense. {Whom makest thou thyself?} (\tina seauton poieis;\). \Seauton\ is predicate accusative with \poieis\. They suspect that Jesus is guilty of blasphemy as they charged in strkjv@5:18| in making himself equal with God. Later they will make it specifically (10:33; strkjv@19:7|). They set a trap for Jesus for this purpose.

rwp@John:8:57 @{Thou art not yet fifty years old} (\pentˆkonta eti oup“ echeis\). Literally, "Thou hast not yet fifty years." Not meaning that Jesus was near that age at all. It was the crisis of completed manhood (Numbers:4:3|) and a round number. Jesus was about thirty to thirty-three. {And hast thou seen Abraham?} (\Kai Abraam he“rakas;\). Songs:A C D and B W Theta have \he“rakes\, both second person singular of the perfect active indicative of \hora“\. But Aleph, Sin-syr., Coptic versions (accepted by Bernard) have \kai Abraam he“rake se?\ "Has Abraam seen thee?" Either makes sense here.

rwp@John:8:58 @{Before Abraham was} (\prin Abraam genesthai\). Usual idiom with \prin\ in positive sentence with infinitive (second aorist middle of \ginomai\) and the accusative of general reference, "before coming as to Abraham," "before Abraham came into existence or was born." {I am} (\eg“ eimi\). Undoubtedly here Jesus claims eternal existence with the absolute phrase used of God. The contrast between \genesthai\ (entrance into existence of Abraham) and \eimi\ (timeless being) is complete. See the same contrast between \en\ in strkjv@1:1| and \egeneto\ in strkjv@1:14|. See the contrast also in strkjv@Psalms:90:2| between God (\ei\, art) and the mountains (\genˆthˆnai\). See the same use of \eimi\ in strkjv@John:6:20; strkjv@9:9; strkjv@8:24,28; strkjv@18:6|.

rwp@John:9:1 @{As he passed by} (\parag“n\). Present active participle of \parag“\, old verb to go along, by, or past (Matthew:20:30|). Only example in this Gospel, but in strkjv@1John:2:8,17|. The day was after the stirring scenes in chapter 8, but not at the feast of dedication as Westcott argues. That comes three months later (10:22|). {From his birth} (\ek genetˆs\). Ablative case with \ek\ of old word from \gen“, ginomai\. Here alone in N.T., but the phrase \tuphlos ek genetˆs\ is common in Greek writers. Probably a well-known character with his stand as a beggar (verse 5|).

rwp@John:9:2 @{Who did sin?} (\tis hˆmarten;\). Second aorist active indicative of \hamartan“\. See strkjv@Acts:3:2; strkjv@14:8| for two examples of lameness from birth. Blindness is common in the Orient and Jesus healed many cases (cf. strkjv@Mark:8:23; strkjv@10:46|) and mentions this fact as one of the marks of the Messiah in the message to the Baptist (Matthew:11:5|). This is the only example of congenital blindness healed. It is not clear that the disciples expected Jesus to heal this case. They are puzzled by the Jewish notion that sickness was a penalty for sin. The Book of Job:had shown that this was not always the case and Jesus shows it also (Luke:13:1-5|). If this man was guilty, it was due to prenatal sin on his part, a curious notion surely. The other alternative charged it upon his parents. That is sometimes true (Exodus:20:5|, etc.), but by no means always. The rabbinical casuists loved to split hairs on this problem. Ezekiel (Ezekiel:18:20|) says: "The soul that sinneth it shall die" (individual responsibility for sin committed). There is something in heredity, but not everything. {That he should be born blind} (\hina tuphlos gennˆthˆi\). Probably consecutive (or sub-final) use of \hina\ with first aorist passive subjunctive of \genna“\.

rwp@John:9:5 @{When I am in the world} (\hotan en t“i kosm“i “\). Indefinite relative clause with \hotan\ and present active subjunctive \“\, "whenever I am in the world." The Latin Vulgate renders here \hotan\ by _quamdiu_ so long as or while as if it were \he“s\. But clearly Jesus here refers to the historic Incarnation (17:11|) and to any previous visitations in the time of the patriarchs, prophets, etc. Jesus as God's Son is always the Light of the World (1:4,10; strkjv@8:12|), but here the reference is limited to his manifestation "in the world." {I am the light of the world} (\ph“s eimi tou kosmou\). The absence of the definite article (\to ph“s\ in strkjv@8:12|) is to be noted (Westcott). Literally, "I am light to the world, whenever I am in the world." "The display of the character varies with the occasion" (Westcott).

rwp@John:9:7 @{Wash} (\nipsai\). First aorist middle imperative second person singular of \nipt“\, later form of \niz“\, to wash, especially parts of the body. Certainly bathing the eyes is good for eye trouble, and yet we are not to infer that the cure was due to the use of the clay or to the washing. {In the pool of Siloam} (\eis tˆn kolumbˆthran tou Sil“am\). The word \kolumbˆthra\ (from \kolumba“\, to swim) is a common word for swimming-pool, in N.T. only here and strkjv@5:2,7|. The name _Siloam_ is Hebrew (Isaiah:8:6|) and means "sent" (\apestalmenos\, perfect passive participle of \apostell“\). It was situated south of the temple area and was apparently connected by a subterranean tunnel with the Virgin's Well (5:2|) according to Bernard. The water was conducted artificially to the pool of Siloam. {Washed} (\enipsato\). First aorist direct middle (cf. \nipsai\), apparently bathing and not merely washing his eyes. {Came seeing} (\ˆlthen blep“n\). Jesus had healed him. He was tested by the demand to bathe his eyes.

rwp@John:9:8 @{Neighbours} (\geitones\). From \gˆ\ (land), of the same land, old word. See strkjv@Luke:14:2|. {Saw him} (\the“rountes\). Present active participle of \the“re“\, who used to observe him. {Aforetime} (\to proteron\). Adverbial accusative, "the former time," formerly. {That he was a beggar} (\hoti prosaitˆs ˆn\). See strkjv@4:19; strkjv@12:19| for declarative \hoti\ after \the“re“\. But it is entirely possible that \hoti\ here is "because" (Westcott). \Prosaitˆs\ is a late word for beggar, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:10:46|. It is from \prosaite“\, to ask in addition (see \prosait“n\ below), a thing that beggars know how to do. {Is not this he that sat and begged?} (\Ouch houtos estin ho kathˆmenos kai prosait“n;\). He had his regular place and was a familiar figure. But now his eyes are wide open.

rwp@John:9:14 @{Now it was the sabbath} (\ˆn de sabbaton\). Literally, "Now it was a sabbath" (no article). To the Pharisees this fact was a far more important matter than whether or how the thing was done. See Volumes I and II for discussions of the minute Sabbath regulations of the rabbis.

rwp@John:9:16 @{Because he keepeth not the sabbath} (\hoti to sabbaton ou tˆrei\). This is reason (causal \hoti\) enough. He violates our rules about the Sabbath and therefore is a Sabbath-breaker as charged when here before (5:10,16,18|). Hence he is not "from God" (\para theou\). Songs:some. {How can a man that is a sinner do such signs?} (\P“s dunatai anthr“pos hamart“los toiauta sˆmeia poiein;\). This was the argument of Nicodemus, himself a Pharisee and one of the Sanhedrin, long ago (3:2|). It was a conundrum for the Pharisees. No wonder there was "a division" (\schisma\, schism, split, from \schiz“\) as in strkjv@7:43; strkjv@10:19|.

rwp@John:9:17 @{Unto the blind man again} (\t“i tuphl“i palin\). The doctors disagree and they ask the patient whose story they had already heard (verse 15|). {In that he opened thine eyes} (\hoti ˆne“ixen sou tous ophthalmous\). Causal use of \hoti\ and triple augment in the first aorist active indicative of \anoig“\. They offer the excuse that the man's experience particularly qualified him to explain the "how," overlooking the fact he had already told his story and also trying to conceal their own hopeless division of opinion. {He is a prophet} (\prophˆtˆs estin\). The man will go that far anyhow.

rwp@John:9:19 @{Is this your son who ye say was born blind? how doth he now see?} (\Houtos estin ho huios hum“n, hon humeis lˆgete hoti tuphlos egennˆthˆ; p“s oun blepei arti;\). It was shrewdly put with three questions in one in order to confuse the parents if possible and give the hostile Pharisees a handle.

rwp@John:9:24 @{A second time} (\ek deuterou\). He had given the Pharisees the facts the first time (9:15|). It was really the third time (see \palin\ in strkjv@9:17|). Now it was like a joke unless the Pharisees meant to imply that his previous story was untrue. {Give glory to God} (\dos doxan t“i the“i\). Second aorist active imperative of \did“mi\ (cf. \sches, hes\). This phrase does not mean gratitude to God as in strkjv@Luke:17:18|. It is rather an adjuration to speak the truth (Joshua:7:19; strkjv@1Samuel:6:5|) as if he had not done it before. Augustine says: "_Quid est Daniel:gloriam Deo? Nega quod accepisti._" Is a sinner (\hamart“los estin\). They can no longer deny the fact of the cure since the testimony of the parents (9:19|) and now wish the man to admit that he was lying in saying that Jesus healed him. He must accept their ecclesiastical authority as proving that Jesus had nothing to do with the cure since Jesus is a sinner. They wish to decide the fact by logic and authority like all persecutors through the ages. Recall the Pharisaic distinction between \dikaios\ (righteous) and \hamart“los\ (sinner).

rwp@John:9:25 @{One thing I know} (\hen oida\). This man is keen and quick and refuses to fall into the trap set for him. He passes by their quibbling about Jesus being a "sinner" (\hamart“los\) and clings to the one fact of his own experience. {Whereas I was blind, now I see} (\tuphlos “n arti blep“\). Literally, "Being blind I now see." The present active participle \“n\ of \eimi\ by implication in contrast with \arti\ (just now, at this moment) points to previous and so past time. It must be borne in mind that the man did not at this stage know who Jesus was and so had not yet taken him as Saviour (9:36-38|).

rwp@John:9:28 @{They reviled him} (\eloidorˆsan auton\). First aorist active indicative of \loidore“\, old verb from \loidoros\ (reviler, strkjv@1Corinthians:5:11|), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Acts:23:4; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:12; strkjv@1Peter:2:23|. {Thou art his disciple} (\su mathˆtˆs ei ekeinou\). Probably a fling in \ekeinou\ (of that fellow). He had called him a prophet (9:17|) and became a joyful follower later (9:36-38|). {But we are disciples of Moses} (\hˆmeis de tou M“use“s esmen mathˆtai\). This they said with proud scorn of the healed beggar. All orthodox rabbis so claimed.

rwp@John:9:31 @{God does not hear sinners} (\ho theos hamart“l“n ouk akouei\). Note genitive case with \akouei\. This was the argument of the Pharisees in strkjv@9:16|. It is frequent in the O.T. (Job:27:9; strkjv@Psalms:66:18; strkjv@Isaiah:1:15; strkjv@59:2|, etc.). The conclusion is inevitable from this premise. Jesus is not \hamart“los\. {If any man be a worshipper of God} (\ean tis theosebˆs ˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and present active subjunctive \ˆi\. \Theosebˆs\ (\theos\, God, \sebomai\, to worship) is an old compound adjective, here alone in the N.T. {And do his will} (\kai to thelˆma autou poiei\). Same condition with present active subjunctive of \poie“\, "keep on doing his will."

rwp@John:9:32 @{Since the world began} (\ek tou ai“nos\). Literally, "from the age," "from of old." Elsewhere in the N.T. we have \apo tou ai“nos\ or \ap 'ai“nos\ (Luke:1:70; strkjv@Acts:3:31; strkjv@15:18|) as is common in the LXX. {Of a man born blind} (\tuphlou gegennˆmenou\). Perfect passive participle of \genna“\. This is the chief point and the man will not let it be overlooked, almost rubs it in, in fact. It was congenital blindness.

rwp@John:9:34 @{Thou wast altogether born in sin} (\en hamartiais su egennˆthˆs holos\). First aorist passive indicative of \genna“\. "In sins thou wast begotten (or born) all of thee." \Holos\ is predicate nominative and teaches total depravity in this case beyond controversy, the Pharisees being judges. {And dost thou teach us?} (\kai su didaskeis hˆmas;\). The audacity of it all. Note emphasis on \su\ (thou). It was insufferable. He had not only taught the rabbis, but had utterly routed them in argument. {And they cast him out} (\kai exebalon auton ex“\). Effective second aorist active indicative of \ekball“\ intensified by the addition of \ex“\. Probably not yet expulsion from the synagogue (9:22|) which required a formal meeting of the Sanhedrin, but certainly forcible driving of the gifted upstart from their presence. See strkjv@6:37| for another use of \ekball“ ex“\ besides strkjv@9:35|.

rwp@John:9:35 @{Finding him} (\heur“n auton\). Second aorist active participle of \heurisk“\, after search because of what he had heard (\ˆkousen\). {Dost thou believe on the Son of God?} (\Su pisteueis eis ton huion tou theou;\). Songs:A L Theta and most versions, but Aleph B D W Syr-sin read \tou anthr“pou\ (the Son of Man), almost certainly correct. In either case it is a distinct Messianic claim quite beyond the range of this man's limited knowledge, keen as he is.

rwp@John:9:39 @{For judgement} (\eis krima\). The Father had sent the Son for this purpose (3:17|). This world (\kosmos\) is not the home of Jesus. The \krima\ (judgement), a word nowhere else in John, is the result of the \krisis\ (sifting) from \krin“\, to separate. The Father has turned over this process of sifting (\krisis\) to the Son (5:22|). He is engaged in that very work by this miracle. {They which see not} (\hoi mˆ blepontes\). The spiritually blind as well as the physically blind (Luke:4:18; strkjv@Isaiah:42:18|). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive \blep“sin\ (may keep on seeing). This man now sees physically and spiritually. {And that they which see may become blind} (\kai hoi blepontes tuphloi gen“ntai\). Another part of God's purpose, seen in strkjv@Matthew:11:25; strkjv@Luke:10:21|, is the curse on those who blaspheme and reject the Son. Note ingressive aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\ and predicate nominative. \Hoi blepontes\ are those who profess to see like these Pharisees, but are really blind. Blind guides they were (Matthew:23:16|). Complacent satisfaction with their dim light.

rwp@John:9:41 @{If ye were blind} (\ei tuphloi ˆte\). Condition of second class with imperfect indicative in the protasis. The old word \tuphlos\ is from \tuph“\, to raise a smoke, to blind by smoke (literally and metaphorically). Here, of course, it is moral blindness. If the Pharisees were born morally blind, they would, like idiots, be without responsibility. {Ye would not have sin} (\ouk an eichete hamartian\). Regular form for conclusion of second-class condition, \an\ with imperfect. {But now ye say} (\nun de legete\). In contrast to the previous condition. See like contrast in strkjv@15:22,24|. They arrogantly asserted superior knowledge. {We see} (\blepomen\). The ignorant mob do not (7:49|). It is sin against light and is hopeless (Mark:3:29; strkjv@Matthew:12:31f.|). "Ye are witnesses against yourselves" (\martureite heautois\, strkjv@Matthew:23:31|).

rwp@John:10:1 @{Verily, Verily} (\Amˆn, amˆn\). Solemn prelude by repetition as in strkjv@1:51|. The words do not ever introduce a fresh topic (cf. strkjv@8:34,51,58|). Songs:in strkjv@10:7|. The Pharisees had previously assumed (Vincent) they alone were the authoritative guides of the people (9:24,29|). Songs:Jesus has a direct word for them. Songs:Jesus begins this allegory in a characteristic way. John does not use the word \parabolˆ\, but \paroimia\ (verse 6|), and it really is an allegory of the Good Shepherd and self-explanatory like that of the Prodigal Son in strkjv@Luke:15|. He first tells it in verses 1-5| and then explains and expands it in verses 7-18|. {Into the fold of the sheep} (\eis tˆn aulˆn t“n probat“n\). Originally \aulˆ\ (from \a“\, to blow) in Homer's time was just an uncovered space around the house enclosed by a wall, then a roofless enclosure in the country where flocks were herded as here and verse 16|. It later came to mean the house itself or palace (Matthew:26:3,58|, etc.). In the papyri it means the court attached to the house. {Climbeth up} (\anabain“n\). Present active participle of \anabain“\, to go up. One who goes up, not by the door, has to climb up over the wall. {Some other way} (\allachothen\). Rare word for old \allothen\, but in 4Macc. strkjv@1:7 and in a papyrus. Only here in N.T. {The same} (\ekeinos\). "That one" just described. {Is a thief and a robber} (\kleptˆs estin kai lˆistˆs\). Both old and common words (from \klept“\, to steal, \lˆizomai\, to plunder). The distinction is preserved in the N.T. as here. Judas was a \kleptˆs\ (John:12:6|), Barabbas a robber (18:40|) like the two robbers (Matthew:27:38,44|) crucified with Jesus erroneously termed thieves like "the thief on the cross" by most people. See strkjv@Mark:11:17|. Here the man jumping over the wall comes to steal and to do it by violence like a bandit. He is both thief and robber.

rwp@John:10:2 @{The shepherd of the sheep} (\poimˆn estin t“n probat“n\). No article with \poimˆn\, "a shepherd to the sheep." He comes in by the door with the sheep whom he leads. Old word is \poimˆn\, root meaning to protect. Jesus applies it to himself in verse 16| and implies it here. It is used of Christ in strkjv@1Peter:2:25; strkjv@Hebrews:13:20|. Paul applies it to ministers in strkjv@Ephesians:4:11|. Jesus uses the verb \poimain“\, to shepherd, to Peter (John:21:16|) and Peter uses it to other preachers (1Peter:5:2|) and Paul uses it for bishops (elders) in strkjv@Acts:20:28|. Our word pastor is simply Latin for shepherd. Christ is drawing a sharp contrast after the conduct of the Pharisees towards the blind man between himself and them.

rwp@John:10:3 @{To him} (\tout“i\). "To this one," the shepherd, in dative case. {The porter} (\ho thur“ros\). Old word for doorkeeper (\thura\, door, \“ra\, care, carer for the door). Used for man (Mark:13:34; strkjv@John:10:3|) or woman (John:18:16ff.|), only N.T. examples. The porter has charge of the sheep in the fold at night and opens the door in the morning for the shepherd. It is not certain that Jesus meant this detail to have a special application. The Holy Spirit, of course, does open the door of our hearts for Jesus through various agencies. {Hear his voice} (\tˆs ph“nˆs autou akouei\). Hear and heed (verse 27|). Note genitive case \ph“nˆs\ (accusative in strkjv@3:8|). {By name} (\kat' onoma\). Several flocks might be herded in the same fold overnight. But the shepherd knows his own (\ta idia\) sheep (verse 27|) and calls their names. "It is still common for Eastern shepherds to give particular names to their sheep" (Bernard). {And leadeth them out} (\kai exagei auta\). Old and common verb, present active indicative. The sheep follow readily (verse 27|) because they know their own shepherd's voice and his name for each of them and because he has led them out before. They love and trust their shepherd.

rwp@John:10:9 @{The door} (\hˆ thura\). Repeated from verse 7|. {By me if any man enter in} (\di' emou ean tis eiselthˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \eiserchomai\. Note proleptic and emphatic position of \di' emou\. One can call this narrow intolerance, if he will, but it is the narrowness of truth. If Jesus is the Son of God sent to earth for our salvation, he is the only way. He had already said it in strkjv@5:23|. He will say it again more sharply in strkjv@14:6|. It is unpalatable to the religious dogmatists before him as it is to the liberal dogmatists today. Jesus offers the open door to "any one" (\tis\) who is willing (\thelei\) to do God's will (7:17|). {He shall be saved} (\s“thˆsetai\). Future passive of \s“z“\, the great word for salvation, from \s“s\, safe and sound. The sheep that comes into the fold through Jesus as the door will be safe from thieves and robbers for one thing. He will have entrance (\eisleusetai\) and outgo (\exeleusetai\), he will be at home in the daily routine (cf. strkjv@Acts:1:21|) of the sheltered flock. {And shall find pasture} (\kai nomˆn heurˆsei\). Future (linear future) indicative of \heurisk“\, old word from \nem“\, to pasture. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:2:17| (in sense of growth). This same phrase occurs in strkjv@1Chronicles:4:40|. The shepherd leads the sheep to pasture, but this phrase pictures the joy of the sheep in the pasture provided by the shepherd.

rwp@John:10:11 @{I am the good shepherd} (\eg“ eimi ho poimˆn ho kalos\). Note repetition of the article, "the shepherd the good one." Takes up the metaphor of verses 2ff|. Vulgate _pastor bonus_. Philo calls his good shepherd \agathos\, but \kalos\ calls attention to the beauty in character and service like "good stewards" (1Peter:4:10|), "a good minister of Christ Jesus" (1Timothy:4:6|). Often both adjectives appear together in the ancient Greek as once in the New Testament (Luke:8:15|). "Beauty is as beauty does." That is \kalos\. {Layeth down his life for his sheep} (\tˆn psuchˆn autou tithˆsin huper t“n probat“n\). For illustration see strkjv@1Samuel:17:35| (David's experience) and strkjv@Isaiah:31:4|. Dods quotes Xenophon (_Mem_. ii. 7, 14) who pictures even the sheep dog as saying to the sheep: "For I am the one that saves you also so that you are neither stolen by men nor seized by wolves." Hippocrates has \psuchˆn katetheto\ (he laid down his life, i.e. died). In strkjv@Judges:12:3| \ethˆka tˆn psuchˆn\ means "I risked my life." The true physician does this for his patient as the shepherd for his sheep. The use of \huper\ here (over, in behalf of, instead of), but in the papyri \huper\ is the usual preposition for substitution rather than \anti\. This shepherd gives his life for the sin of the world (1:29; strkjv@1John:2:2|).

rwp@John:10:12 @{He that is a hireling} (\ho misth“tos\). Old word from \mistho“\, to hire (Matthew:20:1|) from \misthos\ (hire, wages, strkjv@Luke:10:7|), in N.T. only in this passage. Literally, "the hireling and not being a shepherd" (\ho misth“tos kai ouk “n poimˆn\). Note \ouk\ with the participle \“n\ to emphasize the certainty that he is not a shepherd in contrast with \mˆ eiserchomenos\ in verse 1| (conceived case). See same contrast in strkjv@1Peter:1:8| between \ouk idontes\ and \mˆ hor“ntes\. The hireling here is not necessarily the thief and robber of verses 1,8|. He may conceivably be a nominal shepherd (pastor) of the flock who serves only for the money, a sin against which Peter warned the shepherds of the flock "not for shameful gain" (1Peter:5:2|). {Whose own} (\hou idia\). Every true shepherd considers the sheep in his care "his own" (\idia\) even if he does not actually "own" them. The mere "hireling" does not feel so. {Beholdeth} (\the“rei\). Vivid dramatic present, active indicative of \the“re“\, a graphic picture. {The wolf coming} (\ton lukon erchomenon\). Present middle predicate participle of \erchomai\. {Leaveth the sheep, and fleeth} (\aphiˆsin ta probata kai pheugei\). Graphic present actives again of \aphiˆmi\ and \pheug“\. The cowardly hireling cares naught for the sheep, but only for his own skin. The wolf was the chief peril to sheep in Palestine. See strkjv@Matthew:10:6| where Jesus says: "Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves." {And the wolf snatcheth them and scattereth them} (\kai ho lukos harpazei kai skorpizei\). Vivid parenthesis in the midst of the picture of the conduct of the hireling. Bold verbs these. For the old verb \harpaz“\ see strkjv@John:6:15; strkjv@Matthew:11:12|, and for \skorpiz“\, late word (Plutarch) for the Attic \skedannumi\, see strkjv@Matthew:12:30|. It occurs in the vision of Ezekiel (Ezekiel:34:5|) where because of the careless shepherds "the sheep became meat to all the beasts of the field, and were scattered." Jesus uses \harpaz“\ in strkjv@10:29| where no one is able "to snatch" one out of the Father's hand.

rwp@John:10:13 @{Because he is a hireling} (\hoti misth“tos estin\). And only that, without the shepherd heart that loves the sheep. Reason given for the conduct of the hireling after the parenthesis about the wolf. {And careth not for the sheep} (\kai ou melei aut“i peri t“n probat“n\). Literally, "and it is no care to him about the sheep." This use of the impersonal \melei\ (present active indicative) is quite common, as in strkjv@Matthew:22:16|. But God does care (1Peter:5:7|).

rwp@John:10:16 @{Other sheep} (\alla probata\). Sheep, not goats, but "not of this fold" (\ek tˆs aulˆs tautˆs\). See verse 1| for \aulˆ\. Clearly "his flock is not confined to those enclosed in the Jewish fold, whether in Palestine or elsewhere" (Westcott). Christ's horizon takes in all men of all races and times (John:11:52; strkjv@12:32|). The world mission of Christ for all nations is no new idea with him (Matthew:8:11; strkjv@Luke:13:28|). God loved the world and gave his Son for the race (\John strkjv@3:16\), {Them also I must bring} (\kakeina dei me agagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \ag“\ with \dei\ expressing the moral urgency of Christ's passion for God's people in all lands and ages. Missions in Christ's mind takes in the whole world. This is according to prophecy (Isaiah:42:6; strkjv@49:6; strkjv@56:8|) for the Messiah is to be a Light also to the Gentiles. It was typified by the brazen serpent (John:3:14|). Christ died for every man. The Pharisees doubtless listened in amazement and even the disciples with slow comprehension. {And they shall hear my voice} (\kai tˆs ph“nˆs mou akousontai\). Future middle indicative of \akou“\ with the genitive \ph“nˆs\. These words read like a transcript from the Acts and the Epistles of Paul (Romans:9-11| in particular). See especially Paul's words in strkjv@Acts:28:28|. Present-day Christianity is here foretold. Only do we really listen to the voice of the Shepherd as we should? Jesus means that the Gentiles will hearken if the Jews turn away from him. {And they shall become one flock, one shepherd} (\kai genˆsontai mia poimnˆ, heis poimˆn\). Future middle indicative of \ginomai\, plural, not singular \genˆsetai\ as some MSS. have it. All (Jews and Gentiles) will form one flock under one Shepherd. Note the distinction here by Jesus between \poimnˆ\ (old word, contraction of \poimenˆ\ from \poimˆn\, shepherd), as in strkjv@Matthew:26:31|, and \aulˆ\ (fold) just before. There may be many folds of the one flock. Jerome in his Vulgate confused this distinction, but he is wrong. His use of _ovile_ for both \aulˆ\ and \pomnion\ has helped Roman Catholic assumptions. Christ's use of "flock" (\poimnˆ\) here is just another metaphor for kingdom (\basileia\) in strkjv@Matthew:8:11| where the children of the kingdom come from all climes and nations. See also the various metaphors in strkjv@Ephesians:2| for this same idea. There is only the one Great Shepherd of the sheep (Hebrews:13:20|), Jesus Christ our Lord.

rwp@John:10:21 @{Of one possessed with a demon} (\daimonizomenou\). Genitive of present passive participle of \daimoniz“\. They had heard demoniacs talk, but not like this. {Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?} (\mˆ daimonion dunatai tuphlon ophthalmous anoixai;\). Negative answer expected. Demons would more likely put out eyes, not open them. It was an unanswerable question.

rwp@John:10:23 @{Was walking} (\periepatei\). Imperfect active of \peripate“\, to walk around, picturesque imperfect. {In Solomon's porch} (\en tˆi stoƒi tou Solom“nos\). A covered colonnade or portico in which people could walk in all weather. See strkjv@Acts:3:11; strkjv@5:12| for this porch. This particular part of Solomon's temple was left uninjured by the Babylonians and survived apparently till the destruction of the temple by Titus A.D. 70 (Josephus, _Ant_. XX. 9,7). When John wrote, it was, of course, gone.

rwp@John:10:24 @{Came round about him} (\ekukl“san auton\). Aorist active indicative of \kuklo“\, old verb from \kuklos\ (cycle, circle). See strkjv@Acts:14:20| for the circle of disciples around Paul when stoned. Evidently the hostile Jews cherished the memory of the stinging rebuke given them by Jesus when here last, particularly the allegory of the Good Shepherd (10:1-19|), in which he drew so sharply their own picture. {How long dost thou hold us in suspense?} (\he“s pote tˆn psuchˆn hˆm“n aireis;\). Literally, "Until when dost thou lift up our soul?" But what do they mean by this metaphor? \Air“\ is common enough to lift up the eyes (John:11:41|), the voice (Luke:17:13|), and in strkjv@Psalms:25:1; strkjv@86:4| (Josephus, _Ant_. III. ii. 3) we have "to lift up the soul." We are left to the context to judge the precise meaning. Clearly the Jews mean to imply doubt and suspense. The next remark makes it clear. {If thou art the Christ} (\ei su ei ho Christos\). Condition of first class assumed to be true for the sake of argument. {Tell us plainly} (\eipon hˆmin parrˆsiƒi\). Conclusion with \eipon\ rather than the usual \eipe\ as if first aorist active imperative like \luson\. The point is in "plainly" (\parrˆsiƒi\), adverb as in strkjv@7:13,26| which see. That is to say "I am the Christ" in so many words. See strkjv@11:14; strkjv@16:29| for the same use of \parrˆsiƒi\. The demand seemed fair enough on the surface. They had made it before when here at the feast of tabernacles (8:25|). Jesus declined to use the word \Christos\ (Messiah) then as now because of the political bearing of the word in their minds. The populace in Galilee had once tried to make him king in opposition to Pilate (John:6:14f.|). When Jesus does confess on oath before Caiaphas that he is the Christ the Son of God (Mark:14:61f.; strkjv@Matthew:26:63f.|), the Sanhedrin instantly vote him guilty of blasphemy and then bring him to Pilate with the charge of claiming to be king as a rival to Caesar. Jesus knew their minds too well to be caught now.

rwp@John:10:25 @{I told you, and you believe not} (\eipon humin kai ou pisteuete\). It was useless to say more. In strkjv@7:14-10:18| Jesus had shown that he was the Son of the Father as he had previously claimed (5:17-47|), but it was all to no purpose save to increase their rage towards him. {These bear witness of me} (\tauta marturei peri emou\). His works confirm his words as he had shown before (5:36|). They believe neither his words nor his works.

rwp@John:10:36 @{Of him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world} (\hon ho patˆr hˆgiasen kai apesteilen eis ton kosmon\). Another relative clause with the antecedent (\touton\, it would be, object of \legete\) unexpressed. Every word counts heavily here in contrast with the mere judges of strkjv@Psalms:82:6|. {Thou blasphemest} (\hoti blasphˆmeis\). Recitative \hoti\ again before direct quotation. {Because I said} (\hoti eipon\). Causal use of \hoti\ and regular form \eipon\ (cf. \eipa\ in verse 34|). {I am the Son of God} (\huios tou theou eimi\). Direct quotation again after \eipon\. This Jesus had implied long before as in strkjv@2:16| (my Father) and had said in strkjv@5:18-30| (the Father, the Son), in strkjv@9:35| in some MSS., and virtually in strkjv@10:30|. They will make this charge against Jesus before Pilate (19:7|). Jesus does not use the article here with \huios\, perhaps (Westcott) fixing attention on the character of Son rather than on the person as in strkjv@Hebrews:1:2|. There is no answer to this question with its arguments.

rwp@John:10:40 @{Again} (\palin\). Referring to strkjv@1:28| (Bethany beyond Jordan). \Palin\ does not mean that the other visit was a recent one. {At the first} (\to pr“ton\). Adverbial accusative (extent of time). Same idiom in strkjv@12:16; strkjv@19:39|. Here the identical language of strkjv@1:28| is used with the mere addition of \to pr“ton\ (\hopou ˆn I“anˆs baptiz“n\, "where John was baptizing"). {And there he abode} (\kai emenen ekei\). Imperfect (continued) active of \men“\, though some MSS. have the constative aorist active \emeinen\. Probably from here Jesus carried on the first part of the later Perean Ministry (Luke:13:22-16:10|) before the visit to Bethany at the raising of Lazarus (John:11:1-44|).

rwp@John:11:1 @{Was sick} (\ˆn asthen“n\). Periphrastic imperfect active of \asthene“\, old verb (from \asthenˆs\, \a\ privative, and \sthenos\, strength). {Lazarus} (\Lazaros\). See on ¯Luke:16:20| for the name of another man in the parable, a shortened form of Eleazer, only other N.T. use, but in Josephus and rabbinical writings. No connexion between this Lazarus and the one in the parable. {Of Bethany} (\apo Bˆthanias\). Use of \apo\ as in strkjv@1:44| Philip of Bethsaida and strkjv@1:45| Joseph of Nazareth. This Bethany is about two miles (11:18|) east of Jerusalem on the south-east slope of Olivet and is now called El Azariyeh, from the name Lazarus. Jesus is still apparently at the other Bethany beyond Jordan (10:40|). It is doubtful if a distinction is meant here by \apo\ and \ek\ between Bethany as the residence and some other village (\ek tˆs k“mˆs\) as the birthplace of Lazarus and the sisters. {Of Mary and Martha} (\Marias kai Marthas\). Note \Marthas\, not \Marthˆs\ for the genitive. Elsewhere (John:11:19; strkjv@Luke:10:38|) Martha comes first as the mistress and hostess. The two sisters are named for further identification of Lazarus. Martha was apparently the elder sister (11:5,19; strkjv@Luke:10:38f.|). "The identification of Mary with Mary Magdalene is a mere conjecture supported by no direct evidence, and opposed to the general tenor of the Gospels" (Westcott).

rwp@John:11:2 @{And it was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair} (\ˆn de Mariam hˆ aleipsasa ton kurion mur“i kai ekmaxasa tous podas autou tais thrixin autˆs\). This description is added to make plainer who Mary is "whose brother Lazarus was sick" (\hˆs ho adelphos Lazaros ˆsthenei\). There is an evident proleptic allusion to the incident described by John in strkjv@12:1-8| just after chapter 11. As John looks back from the end of the century it was all behind him, though the anointing (\hˆ aleipsasa\, first aorist active articular participle of \aleiph“\, old verb for which see strkjv@Mark:6:13|) took place after the events in chapter 11. The aorist participle is timeless and merely pictures the punctiliar act. The same remark applies to \ekmaxasa\, old verb \ekmass“\, to wipe off or away (Isaiah:12:3; strkjv@13:5; strkjv@Luke:7:38,44|). Note the Aramaic form \Mariam\ as usual in John, but \Marias\ in verse 1|. When John wrote, it was as Jesus had foretold (Matthew:26:13|), for the fame of Mary of Bethany rested on the incident of the anointing of Jesus. The effort to link Mary of Bethany with Mary Magdalene and then both names with the sinful woman of strkjv@Luke:7:36-50| is gratuitous and to my mind grotesque and cruel to the memory of both Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene. Bernard may be taken as a specimen: "The conclusion is inevitable that John (or his editor) regarded Mary of Bethany as the same person who is described by Luke as \hamart“los\." This critical and artistic heresy has already been discussed in Vol. II on Luke's Gospel. Suffice it here to say that Luke introduces Mary Magdalene as an entirely new character in strkjv@8:2| and that the details in strkjv@Luke:7:36-50; strkjv@John:12:1-8| have only superficial resemblances and serious disagreements. John is not here alluding to Luke's record, but preparing for his own in chapter 12. What earthly difficulty is there in two different women under wholly different circumstances doing a similar act for utterly different purposes?

rwp@John:11:3 @{Sent saying} (\apesteilan legousai\). First aorist active indicative of \apostell“\ and present active participle. The message was delivered by the messenger. {Thou lovest} (\phileis\). \Phile“\ means to love as a friend (see \philos\ in verse 11|) and so warmly, while \agapa“\ (akin to \agamai\, to admire, and \agathos\, good) means high regard. Here both terms occur of the love of Jesus for Lazarus (\ˆgapa\ in verse 5|). Both occur of the Father's love for the Son (\agapƒi\ in strkjv@3:35|, \philei\ in strkjv@5:20|). Hence the distinction is not always observed.

rwp@John:11:4 @{Heard it} (\akousas\). The messenger delivered the message of the sisters. The reply of Jesus is for him and for the apostles. {Is not unto death} (\ouk estin pros thanaton\). Death in the final issue, to remain dead. Lazarus did die, but he did not remain dead. See \hamartia pros thanaton\ in strkjv@1John:5:16|, "sin unto death" (final death). {But for the glory of God} (\all' huper tˆs doxˆs tou theou\). In behalf of God's glory, as the sequel shows. Cf. strkjv@9:3| about the man born blind. The death of Lazarus will illustrate God's glory. In some humble sense those who suffer the loss of loved ones are entitled to some comfort from this point made by Jesus about Lazarus. In a supreme way it is true of the death of Christ which he himself calls glorification of himself and God (13:31|). In strkjv@7:39| John had already used \doxaz“\ of the death of Christ. {That the Son of God may be glorified thereby} (\hina doxasthˆi ho huios tou theou di' autˆs\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \doxaz“\. Here Jesus calls himself "the Son of God." In strkjv@8:54| Jesus had said: "It is my Father that glorifieth me." The raising of Lazarus from the tomb will bring glory to the Son of God. See strkjv@17:1| for this idea in Christ's prayer. The raising of Lazarus will also bring to an issue his own death and all this involves the glorification of the Father (7:39; strkjv@12:16; strkjv@13:31; strkjv@14:13|). The death of Lazarus brings Jesus face to face with his own death.

rwp@John:11:16 @{Didymus} (\Didumos\). The word means twin. Clearly Thomas had a twin brother or sister. Applied two other times to him (20:24; strkjv@21:2|). The Aramaic word for Thomas means Twin and Didymus is just the Greek equivalent of Thomas. He may even in Greek circles have been called Didymus. {His fellow disciples} (\tois sunmathˆtais\). Dative case and article use like "his." Only use of \sunmathˆtes\ in the N.T., rare word (in Plato). {Us also} (\kai hˆmeis\). As well as Jesus, since he is bent on going. {That we may die with him} (\hina apothan“men met' autou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \apothnˆsk“\. Die with Jesus, Thomas means. Lazarus is already dead and they will kill Jesus (verse 8|). Pessimistic courage surely.

rwp@John:11:19 @{Had come} (\elˆlutheisan\). Past perfect of \erchomai\. These Jews were probably not hostile to Jesus. There were seven days of solemn mourning (1Samuel:31:13|). The presence of so many indicates the prominence of the family. {To Martha and Mary} (\pros tˆn Marthan kai Mariam\). Correct text, not the Textus Receptus \pros tas peri Marthan kai Mariam\ (to the women about Martha and Mary). {To console them} (\hina paramuthˆs“ntai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist middle subjunctive of \paramutheomai\, old verb (\para\, beside, \muthos\, word), to put in a word beside, to offer consolation. Again in verse 31|. See strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:11; strkjv@5:14|. See strkjv@Job:2:13| for these visits of consolation, often deplorable enough, though kindly meant.

rwp@John:11:20 @{That Jesus was coming} (\hoti Iˆsous erchetai\). Present middle indicative retained in indirect discourse after the secondary tense \ˆkousen\ (first aorist active). {Went and met him} (\hupˆntˆsen aut“i\). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of \hupanta“\, old compound verb, to go to meet (Matthew:8:28|) with the associative instrumental case \aut“i\. {But Mary still sat in the house} (\Mariam de en t“i oik“i ekathezeto\). Imperfect middle of \kathezomai\, old verb to sit down, graphic picture of Mary, "while Mary was sitting in the house." Both Martha and Mary act true to form here as in strkjv@Luke:10:38-42|.

rwp@John:11:21 @{Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died} (\Kurie, ei ˆs h“de ouk an apethanen ho adelphos mou\). Condition of the second class with \ei\ and the imperfect \ˆs\ (no aorist of \eimi\, to be) in the condition and \an\ with the second aorist active indicative of \apothnˆsk“\. Mary (verse 32|) uses these identical words to Jesus. Clearly they had said so to each other with wistful longing if not with a bit of reproach for his delay. But they used \ˆs\, not \ˆlthes\ or \egenou\. But busy, practical Martha comes to the point.

rwp@John:11:22 @{And even now I know} (\kai nun oida\). Rather just, "Even now I know." \Alla\ (but) of the Textus Receptus is not genuine. {Whatsoever thou shalt ask of God} (\hosa an aitˆsˆi ton theon\). Indefinite relative (\hosa\, as many things as) with \an\ and the first aorist middle (indirect middle, thou thyself asking) subjunctive of \aite“\. Martha uses \aite“\ (usual word of prayer of men to God) rather than \er“ta“\ (usual word of Jesus praying to the Father), but in strkjv@16:23| we have \er“ta“\ used of prayer to Jesus and \aite“\ of prayer to God. But the distinction is not to be pressed. "As many things as thou dost ask of God." {God will give} (\d“sei soi ho theos\). Repetition of \ho theos\ for emphasis. Martha still has courageous faith in the power of God through Jesus and Jesus in verse 41| says practically what she has said here.

rwp@John:11:23 @{Thy brother will rise again} (\anastˆsetai ho adelphos sou\). Future middle (intransitive) of \anistˆmi\. The words promise Martha what she has asked for, if Jesus means that.

rwp@John:11:24 @{In the resurrection at the last day} (\en tˆi anastasei en tˆi eschatˆi hˆmerƒi\). Did Jesus mean only that? She believed it, of course, and such comfort is often offered in case of death, but that idea did not console Martha and is not what she hinted at in verse 22|.

rwp@John:11:25 @{I am the resurrection and the life} (\Eg“ eimi hˆ anastasis kai hˆ z“ˆ\). This reply is startling enough. They are not mere doctrines about future events, but present realities in Jesus himself. "The Resurrection is one manifestation of the Life: it is involved in the Life" (Westcott). Note the article with both \anastasis\ and \z“ˆ\. Jesus had taught the future resurrection often (6:39|), but here he means more, even that Lazarus is now alive. {Though he die} (\kan apothanˆi\). "Even if he die," condition (concession) of third class with \kai ean\ (\kan\) and the second aorist active subjunctive of \apothnˆsk“\ (physical death, he means). {Yet shall he live} (\zˆsetai\). Future middle of \za“\ (spiritual life, of course).

rwp@John:11:26 @{Shall never die} (\ou mˆ apothanˆi eis ton ai“na\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \apothnˆsk“\ again (but spiritual death, this time), "shall not die for ever" (eternal death). {Believest thou this?} (\pisteueis touto;\) Sudden test of Martha's insight and faith with all the subtle turns of thought involved.

rwp@John:11:27 @{Yea, Lord} (\Nai, kurie\). Martha probably did not understand all that Jesus said and meant, but she did believe in the future resurrection, in eternal life for believers in Christ, in the power of Christ to raise even the dead here and now. She had heroic faith and makes now her own confession of faith in words that outrank those of Peter in strkjv@Matthew:16:16| because she makes hers with her brother dead now four days and with the hope that Jesus will raise him up now. {I have believed} (\pepisteuka\). Perfect active indicative of \pisteu“\. It is my settled and firm faith. Peter uses this same tense in strkjv@6:69|. {That thou art the Son of God} (\hoti su ei ho Christos ho huios tou theou\). The Messiah or the Christ (1:41|) was to be also "the Son of God" as the Baptist said he had found Jesus to be (1:34|), as Peter confessed on Hermon for the apostles (Matthew:16:16|), as Jesus claimed to be (John:11:41|) and confessed on oath before Caiaphas that he was (Matthew:26:63f.|), and as John stated that it was his purpose to prove in his Gospel (20:31|). But no one said it under more trying circumstances than Martha. {Even he that cometh into the world} (\ho eis ton kosmon erchomenos\). No "even" in the Greek. This was a popular way of putting the people's expectation (6:14; strkjv@Matthew:11:3|). Jesus himself spoke of his coming into the world (9:39; strkjv@16:28; strkjv@8:37|).

rwp@John:11:29 @{And she} (\kai ekeinˆ\). Emphatic use of the demonstrative \ekeinos\ as often in John, "And that one." {Arose quickly} (\ˆgerthˆ\). First aorist (ingressive) passive of \egeir“\ and intransitive. Naturally so on the sudden impulse of joy. {And went unto him} (\kai ˆrcheto pros auton\). Imperfect middle, possibly inchoative, started towards him, certainly picturing her as she was going.

rwp@John:11:30 @{Now Jesus was not yet come into the town} (\oup“ de elˆluthei ho Iˆsous eis tˆn k“mˆn\). Explanatory parenthesis with past perfect as in verse 19|. Martha had her interview while he was still coming (verse 20|) and left him (went off, \apˆlthen\, verse 28|) to hurry to Mary with the news. Why Jesus tarried still where he had met Martha we do not know. Westcott says, "as though He would meet the sisters away from the crowd of mourners."

rwp@John:11:31 @{Followed her} (\ˆkolouthˆsan autˆi\). First aorist active indicative of \akolouthe“\ with associative instrumental case (\autˆi\). This crowd of consolers (\paramuthoumenoi\) meant kindly enough, but did the one wrong thing for Mary wished to see Jesus alone. People with kind notions often so act. The secrecy of Martha (verse 28|) was of no avail. {Supposing that she was going unto the tomb} (\doxantes hoti hupagei eis to mnˆmeion\). First aorist active participle of \doke“\, justifying their conduct by a wrong inference. Note retention of present tense \hupagei\ in indirect discourse after the secondary tense \ˆkolouthˆsan\. {To weep there} (\hina klausˆi ekei\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \klai“\, old verb to weep. Sometimes to wail or howl in oriental style of grief, but surely not that here. At any rate this supposed purpose of Mary was a real reason for this crowd {not} to go with her.

rwp@John:11:32 @{Fell down at his feet} (\epesen autou pros tous podas\). Second aorist active of \pipt“\, to fall. Note unusual position of \autou\. This impulsive act like Mary. She said precisely what Martha had said to Jesus (verse 21|). But she said no more, only wept (verse 33|).

rwp@John:11:33 @{When Jesus therefore saw her weeping} (\Iˆsous oun h“s eiden autˆn klaiousan\). Proleptic position of "Jesus," "Jesus therefore when he saw." She was weeping at the feet of Jesus, not at the tomb. {And the Jews also weeping} (\kai tous Ioudaious klaiontas\). Mary's weeping was genuine, that of the Jews was partly perfunctory and professional and probably actual "wailing" as the verb \klai“\ can mean. \Klai“\ is joined with \alalaz“\ in strkjv@Mark:5:38|, with \ololuz“\ in strkjv@James:5:1|, with \thorube“\ in strkjv@Mark:5:39|, with \penthe“\ in strkjv@Mark:16:10|. It was an incongruous combination. {He groaned in the spirit} (\enebrimˆsato t“i pneumati\). First aorist middle indicative of \embrimaomai\, old verb (from \en\, and \brimˆ\, strength) to snort with anger like a horse. It occurs in the LXX (Daniel:11:30|) for violent displeasure. The notion of indignation is present in the other examples of the word in the N.T. (Mark:1:43; strkjv@14:5; strkjv@Matthew:9:30|). Songs:it seems best to see that sense here and in verse 38|. The presence of these Jews, the grief of Mary, Christ's own concern, the problem of the raising of Lazarus--all greatly agitated the spirit of Jesus (locative case \t“i pneumati\). He struggled for self-control. {Was troubled} (\etaraxen heauton\). First aorist active indicative of \tarass“\, old verb to disturb, to agitate, with the reflexive pronoun, "he agitated himself" (not passive voice, not middle). "His sympathy with the weeping sister and the wailing crowd caused this deep emotion" (Dods). Some indignation at the loud wailing would only add to the agitation of Jesus.

rwp@John:11:35 @{Jesus wept} (\edakrusen ho Iˆsous\). Ingressive first aorist active indicative of \dakru“\, old verb from \dakru\ or \dakruon\, a tear (Acts:20:19|), only here in N.T. It never means to wail, as \klai“\ sometimes does. "Jesus burst into tears." \Klai“\ is used of Jesus in strkjv@Luke:19:41|. See strkjv@Hebrews:5:7| "with strong crying and tears" (\meta kraugˆs kai dakru“n\). Apparently this was as Jesus started towards (see verse 38|) the tomb. In a sense it was a reaction from the severe strain in verse 33|, but chiefly it was the sheer human sympathy of his heart with Martha and Mary touched with the feeling of our common weakness (Hebrews:4:15|). Often all that we can do is to shed tears in grief too deep for words. Jesus understood and understands. This is the shortest verse in the Bible, but no verse carries more meaning in it.

rwp@John:11:37 @{Could not this man} (\ouk edunato houtos\). Imperfect middle of \dunamai\. They do not say \dunatai\ (can, present middle indicative). But clearly the opening of the blind man's eyes (chapter 9) had made a lasting impression on some of these Jews, for it was done three months ago. {Have caused that this man also should not die} (\poiˆsai hina kai houtos mˆ apothanˆi\). First aorist active infinitive of \poie“\ with \hina\, like the Latin _facere ut_ (sub-final use, Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 985), with the second aorist active subjunctive \apothanˆi\ and negative \mˆ\. These Jews share the view expressed by Martha (verse 21|) and Mary (verse 32|) that Jesus could have {prevented} the death of Lazarus.

rwp@John:11:38 @{Again groaning in himself} (\palin embrim“menos en heaut“i\). Direct reference to the use of this same word (present middle participle here) in verse 33|, only with \en heaut“i\ (in himself) rather than \t“i pneumati\ (in his spirit), practically the same idea. The speculation concerning his power stirred the depths of his nature again. {Cometh to the tomb} (\erchetai eis to mnˆmeion\). Vivid historical present. {A cave} (\spˆlaion\). Old word (from \speos\, cavern). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:21:13|. {Lay against it} (\epekeito ep' aut“i\). Imperfect middle of \epikeimai\, old verb to lie upon as in strkjv@21:9| and figuratively (1Corinthians:9:16|). Note repetition of \epi\ with locative case. The use of a cave for burial was common (Genesis:23:19|). Either the body was let down through a horizontal opening (hardly so here) or put in a tomb cut in the face of the rock (if so, \epi\ can mean "against"). The stones were used to keep away wild animals from the bodies.

rwp@John:11:39 @{Take ye away the stone} (\arate ton lithon\). First aorist active imperative of \air“\. They could do this much without the exercise of Christ's divine power. It was a startling command to them. {By this time he stinketh} (\ˆdˆ ozei\). Present active indicative of old verb, here only in N.T. (cf. strkjv@Exodus:8:14|). It means to give out an odour, either good or bad. {For he hath been dead four days} (\tetartaios gar estin\). The Greek simply says, "For he is a fourth-day man." It is an old ordinal numeral from \tetartos\ (fourth). Herodotus (ii. 89) has \tetartaios genesthai\ of one four days dead as here. The word is only here in the N.T. The same idiom occurs in strkjv@Acts:28:13| with \deuteraioi\ (second-day men). Lightfoot (_Hor. Hebr._) quotes a Jewish tradition (_Beresh. Rabba_) to the effect that the soul hovers around the tomb for three days hoping to return to the body, but on the fourth day leaves it. But there is no suggestion here that Martha held that notion. Her protest is a natural one in spite of her strong faith in verses 22-27|.

rwp@John:11:40 @{Said I not unto thee?} (\Ouk eipon soi;\). Jesus pointedly reminds Martha of his promise to raise Lazarus (verses 25f.|). {That if thou believedst} (\hoti ean pisteusˆis\). Indirect discourse with \ean\ and the first aorist active subjunctive (condition of third class) retained after the secondary tense \eipon\. He had not said this very phrase, \ean pisteusˆis\, to Martha, but he did say to her: \Pisteueis touto\; (Believest thou this?). He meant to test Martha as to her faith already hinted at (verse 22|) on this very point. Jesus had also spoken of increase of faith on the part of the disciples (verse 15|). {Thou shouldest see the glory of God} (\opsˆi tˆn doxan tou theou\). Future middle indicative of the old defective verb \hora“\ retained in the conclusion of this condition in indirect discourse. Jesus means the glory of God as shown in the resurrection of Lazarus as he had already said to the disciples (verse 4|) and as he meant Martha to understand (verse 25|) and may in fact have said to her (the report of the conversation is clearly abridged). Hence Bernard's difficulty in seeing how Martha could understand the words of Jesus about the resurrection of Lazarus here and now seems fanciful and far-fetched.

rwp@John:11:42 @{And I knew} (\eg“ de ˆidein\). Past perfect of \oida\ used as imperfect. This confident knowledge is no new experience with Jesus. It has "always" (\pantote\) been so. {Which standeth around} (\ton periest“ta\). Second perfect active (intransitive) articular participle of \periistˆmi\. It was a picturesque and perilous scene. {That they may believe} (\hina pisteus“sin\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first ingressive aorist active subjunctive of \pisteu“\, "that they may come to believe." {That thou didst send me} (\hoti su me apesteilas\). First aorist active indicative of \apostell“\ and note position of \su me\ side by side. This claim Jesus had long ago made (5:36|) and had repeatedly urged (10:25,38|). Here was a supreme opportunity and Jesus opens his heart about it.

rwp@John:11:44 @{He that was dead came forth} (\exˆlthen ho tethnˆk“s\). Literally, "Came out the dead man," (effective aorist active indicative and perfect active articular participle of \thnˆsk“\). Just as he was and at once. {Bound hand and foot} (\dedemenos tous podas kai tas cheiras\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\ with the accusative loosely retained according to the common Greek idiom (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 486), but literally "as to the feet and hands" (opposite order from the English). Probably the legs were bound separately. {With grave-clothes} (\keiriais\). Or "with bands." Instrumental case of this late and rare word (in Plutarch, medical papyrus in the form \kˆria\, and strkjv@Proverbs:7:16|). Only here in N.T. {His face} (\hˆ opsis autou\). Old word, but \pros“pon\ is usual in N.T. See strkjv@Revelation:1:16| for another instance. {Was bound about} (\periededeto\). Past perfect passive of \peride“\, old verb to bind around, only here in N.T. {With a napkin} (\soudari“i\). Instrumental case of \soudarion\ (Latin word _sudarium_ from _sudor_, sweat). In N.T. here, strkjv@20:7; strkjv@Luke:19:20; strkjv@Acts:19:12|. Our handkerchief. {Loose him} (\lusate auton\). First aorist active imperative of \lu“\. From the various bands. {Let him go} (\aphete auton hupagein\). Second aorist active imperative of \aphiˆmi\ and present active infinitive.

rwp@John:11:45 @{Beheld that which he did} (\theasamenoi ho epoiˆsen\). First aorist middle participle of \theaomai\ and first aorist active indicative of \poie“\ in the relative (\ho\) clause. They were eye-witnesses of all the details and did not depend on hearsay. {Believed on him} (\episteusan eis auton\). Such a result had happened before (7:31|), and all the more in the presence of this tremendous miracle which held many to Jesus (12:11,17|).

rwp@John:11:48 @{If we let him thus alone} (\ean aph“men auton hout“s\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \apiˆmi\. "Suppose we leave him thus alone." Suppose also that he keeps on raising the dead right here next door to Jerusalem! {All will believe on him} (\pantes pisteusousin eis auton\). Future active of \pisteu“\. The inevitable conclusion, "all" (\pantes\), not just "some" (\tines\). as now. {And the Romans will come} (\kai eleusontai hoi R“maioi\). Another inevitable result with the future middle of \erchomai\. Only if the people take Jesus as their political Messiah (6:15|) as they had once started to do. This is a curious muddle for the rulers knew that Jesus did not claim to be a political Messiah and would not be a rival to Caesar. And yet they use this fear (their own belief about the Messiah) to stir themselves to frenzy as they will use it with Pilate later. {And take away both our place and our nation} (\kai arousin hˆm“n kai ton topon kai to ethnos\). Future active of \air“\, another certain result of their inaction. Note the order here when "place" (job) is put before nation (patriotism), for all the world like modern politicians who make the fate of the country turn on their getting the jobs which they are seeking. In the course of time the Romans will come, not because of the leniency of the Sanhedrin toward Jesus, but because of the uprising against Rome led by the Zealots and they will destroy both temple and city and the Sanhedrin will lose their jobs and the nation will be scattered. Future historians will say that this fate came as punishment on the Jews for their conduct toward Jesus.

rwp@John:11:51 @{Not of himself} (\aph' heautou ouk\). Not wholly of himself, John means. There was more in what Caiaphas said than he understood. His language is repeated in strkjv@18:14|. {Prophesied} (\eprophˆteusen\). Aorist active indicative of \prophˆteu“\. But certainly unconscious prophecy on his part and purely accidental. Caiaphas meant only what was mean and selfish. {That Jesus should die} (\hoti emellen Iˆsous apothnˆskein\). Imperfect active of \mell“\ in indirect discourse instead of the usual present retained after a secondary tense (\eprophˆteusen\) as sometimes occurs (see strkjv@2:25|).

rwp@John:11:52 @{But that he might also gather together into one} (\all' hina sunagagˆi eis hen\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \sunag“\. Caiaphas was thinking only of the Jewish people (\laou, ethnos\, verse 50|). The explanation and interpretation of John here follow the lead of the words of Jesus about the other sheep and the one flock in strkjv@10:16|. {That are scattered abroad} (\ta dieskorpismena\). Perfect passive articular participle of \diaskorpiz“\, late verb (Polybius, LXX) to scatter apart, to winnow grain from chaff, only here in John. The meaning here is not the Diaspora (Jews scattered over the world), but the potential children of God in all lands and all ages that the death of Christ will gather "into one" (\eis hen\). A glorious idea, but far beyond Caiaphas.

rwp@John:11:55 @{Was near} (\ˆn eggus\). See strkjv@2:13| for the same phrase. This last passover was the time of destiny for Jesus. {Before the passover to purify themselves} (\pro tou pascha hina hagnis“sin heautous\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \hagniz“\, old verb from \hagnos\ (pure), ceremonial purification here, of course. All this took time. These came "from the country" (\ek tˆs ch“ras\), from all over Palestine, from all parts of the world, in fact. John shifts the scene to Jerusalem just before the passover with no record of the way that Jesus came to Jerusalem from Ephraim. The Synoptic Gospels tell this last journey up through Samaria into Galilee to join the great caravan that crossed over into Perea and came down on the eastern side of the Jordan opposite Jericho and then marched up the mountain road to Bethany and Bethphage just beside Jerusalem. This story is found in strkjv@Luke:17:11-19:28; strkjv@Mark:10:1-52; strkjv@Matthew:19:1-20:34|. John simply assumes the Synoptic narrative and gives the picture of things in and around Jerusalem just before the passover (11:56,57|).

rwp@John:11:56 @{They sought therefore for Jesus} (\ezˆtoun oun ton Iˆsoun\). Imperfect active of \zˆte“\ and common \oun\ of which John is so fond. They were seeking Jesus six months before at the feast of tabernacles (7:11|), but now they really mean to kill him. {As they stood in the temple} (\en t“i hier“i hestˆkotes\). Perfect active participle (intransitive) of \histˆmi\, a graphic picture of the various groups of leaders in Jerusalem and from other lands, "the knots of people in the Temple precincts" (Bernard). They had done this at the tabernacles (7:11-13|), but now there is new excitement due to the recent raising of Lazarus and to the public order for the arrest of Jesus. {That he will not come to the feast?} (\hoti ou mˆ elthˆi eis tˆn heortˆn;\). The form of the question (indirect discourse after \dokeite\) assumes strongly that Jesus will not (\ou mˆ\, double negative with second aorist active \elthˆi\ from \erchomai\) dare to come this time for the reason given in verse 57|.

rwp@John:12:2 @{Songs:they made him a supper there} (\epoiˆsan oun aut“i deipnon ekei\). Here again \oun\ is not inferential, but merely transitional. This supper is given by Mark (Mark:14:3-9|) and Matthew (Matthew:26:6-13|) just two days (Mark:14:1|) before the passover, that is on our Tuesday evening (beginning of Jewish Wednesday), while John mentions (12:2-9|) it immediately after the arrival of Jesus in Bethany (12:1|). One must decide which date to follow. Mark and Matthew and Luke follow it with the visit of Judas to the Sanhedrin with an offer to betray Jesus as if exasperated by the rebuke by Jesus at the feast. Bernard considers that John "is here more probably accurate." It all turns on John's purpose in putting it here. This is the last mention of Jesus in Bethany and he may have mentioned it proleptically for that reason as seems to me quite reasonable. Westcott notes that in chapter 12 John closes his record of the public ministry of the Lord relative to the disciples at this feast (1-11|), to the multitude in the triumphal entry (12-19|), to the world outside in the visit of the Greeks (20-36a|), and with two summary judgements (36b-50|). There is no further reason to refer to the feast in the house of another Simon when a sinful woman anointed Jesus (Luke:7:36-50|). It is no credit to Luke or to John with Mark and Matthew to have them all making a jumble like that. There were two anointings by two absolutely different women for wholly different purposes. See the discussion on Luke for further details. {And Martha served} (\kai hˆ Martha diˆkonei\). Imperfect active of \diakone“\, picturing Martha true to the account of her in strkjv@Luke:10:40| (\pollˆn diakonian\, \diakonein\ as here). But this fact does not show that Martha was the wife of this Simon at all. They were friends and neighbours and Martha was following her bent. It is Mark (Mark:14:3|) and Matthew (Matthew:26:6|) who mention the name of the host. It is not Simon the Pharisee (Luke:7:36|), but Simon the leper (Mark:14:3; strkjv@Matthew:26:6|) in whose house they meet. The name is common enough. The Simon in Luke was sharply critical of Jesus; this one is full of gratitude for what Jesus has done for him. {That sat at meat} (\t“n anakeimen“n\). "That lay back," reclined as they did, articular participle (ablative case after \ek\) of the common verb \anakeimai\. Perhaps Simon gave the feast partly in honour of Lazarus as well as of Jesus since all were now talking of both (John:12:9|). It was a gracious occasion. The guests were Jesus, the twelve apostles, and Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.

rwp@John:12:5 @{Sold} (\eprathˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \piprask“\, old verb to sell (Matthew:13:46|). {For three hundred pence} (\triakosi“n dˆnari“n\). Genitive of price. Same item in strkjv@Mark:14:5|, while in strkjv@Matthew:26:9| it is simply "for much" (\pollou\). But all three have "given to the poor" (\edothˆ pt“chois\). First aorist passive indicative of \did“mi\ with dative case \pt“chois\ (note absence of the article, poor people), real beggars, mendicants (Matthew:19:21; strkjv@Luke:14:13|). But only John singles out Judas as the one who made the protest against this waste of money while Mark says that "some" had indignation and Matthew has it that "the disciples" had indignation. Clearly Judas was the spokesman for the group who chimed in and agreed with his protest. The amount here spent by Mary (ten guineas) would equal a day labourer's wages for a year (Dods).

rwp@John:12:6 @{Not because he cared for the poor} (\ouch hoti peri t“n pt“ch“n emelen aut“i\). Literally, "not because it was a care to him concerning the poor" (impersonal imperfect of \melei\, it was a care). John often makes explanatory comments of this kind as in strkjv@2:21f.; strkjv@7:22,39|. {But because he was a thief} (\alle hoti kleptˆs ˆn\). Clearly the disciples did not know then that Judas was a petty thief. That knowledge came later after he took the bribe of thirty pieces of silver for betraying Jesus (Matthew:26:15|), for the disciples did not suspect Judas of treachery (13:28f.|), let alone small peculations. There is no reason for thinking that John is unfair to Judas. "Temptation commonly comes through that for which we are naturally fitted" (Westcott). In this case Judas himself was "the poor beggar" who wanted this money. {And having the bag took away what was put therein} (\kai to gl“ssokomon ech“n ta ballomena ebastazen\). This is the correct text. This compound for the earlier \gl“ssokomeion\ (from \gl“ssa\, tongue, and \kome“\, to tend) was originally a receptacle for the tongues or mouth-pieces of wind instruments. The shorter form is already in the Doric inscriptions and is common in the papyri for "money-box" as here. It occurs also in Josephus, Plutarch, etc. In N.T. only here and strkjv@13:29| in same sense about Judas. \Ballomena\ is present passive participle (repeatedly put in) of \ball“\, to cast or fling. The imperfect active (custom) of \bastaz“\, old verb to pick up (John:10:31|), to carry (19:17|), but here and strkjv@20:15| with the sense to bear away as in Polybius, Josephus, Diogenes Laertes, and often so in the papyri.

rwp@John:12:9 @{The common people} (\ho ochlos polus\). This is the right reading with the article \ho\, literally, "the people much or in large numbers." One is reminded of the French idiom. Gildersleeve (_Syntax_, p. 284) gives a few rare examples of the idiom \ho anˆr agathos\. Westcott suggests that \ochlos polus\ came to be regarded as a compound noun. This is the usual order in the N.T. rather than \polus ochlos\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 774). Mark (Mark:12:37|) has \ho polus ochlos\. Moulton (_Proleg_., p. 84) terms \ho ochlos polus\ here and in verse 12| "a curious misplacement of the article." John's use of \ochlos\ is usually the common crowd as "riff-raff." {That he was} (\hoti estin\). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse after the secondary tense (\egn“\, second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\). These "Jews" are not all hostile to Jesus as in strkjv@5:10; strkjv@6:41|, etc., but included some who were friendly (verse 11|). {But that they might see Lazarus also} (\all' hina kai ton Lazaron id“sin\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \hora“\. Motive enough to gather a great crowd, to see one raised from the dead (cf. verse 1| for the same phrase, "whom he had raised from the dead"). Some of the very witnesses of the raising of Lazarus will bear witness later (verse 17|). It was a tense situation.

rwp@John:12:12 @{On the morrow} (\tˆi epaurion\). Locative case. Supply \hˆmerƒi\ (day) after the adverb \epaurion\ ("on the tomorrow day"). That is on our Sunday, Palm Sunday. {A great multitude} (\ho ochlos polus\). Same idiom rendered "the common people" in verse 9| and should be so translated here. {That had come} (\ho elth“n\). Second aorist active participle, masculine singular of \erchomai\ agreeing with \ochlos\, "that came." {When they heard} (\akousantes\). First aorist active masculine plural participle of \akou“\, construction according to sense (plural, though \ochlos\ singular). {Was coming} (\erchetai\). Present middle indicative of \erchomai\ retained in indirect discourse after a secondary tense. It is a vivid picture. What they heard was: "Jesus is coming into Jerusalem." He is defying the Sanhedrin with all their public advertisement for him.

rwp@John:12:13 @{Took} (\elabon\). Second aorist active indicative of \lamban“\. {The branches of the palm-trees} (\ta baia t“n phoinik“n\). \Phoinix\ is an old word for palm-tree (Revelation:7:9| for the branches) and in strkjv@Acts:27:12| the name of a city. \Baion\ is apparently a word of Egyptian origin, palm branches, here only in N.T., but in the papyri and I Macc. strkjv@13:51. Here we have "the palm branches of the palm-trees." The use in 1 Macc. strkjv@13:51 (cf. II Macc. strkjv@10:7) is in the account of Simon's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Bernard notes that to carry palms was a mark of triumphant homage to a victor or a king (Revelation:7:9|). Palm-trees grew on the Mount of Olives (Mark:11:8|) on the road from Bethany to Jerusalem. The crowds (one in front and one behind, strkjv@Mark:11:9; strkjv@Matthew:21:9; strkjv@John:2:18|) cut the branches as they came (Matthew:21:8|). {To meet him} (\eis hupantˆsin aut“i\). Literally, {for a meeting} (\hupantˆsis\, late word from the verb \hupanta“\, strkjv@Matthew:8:28; strkjv@John:11:20,30; strkjv@12:18|, in the papyri, but only here in the N.T.) with him" (\aut“i\, associative instrumental case after \hupantˆsin\ as after the verb in verse 18|). It was a scene of growing excitement. {And cried out} (\kai ekraugazon\). Imperfect active of \kraugaz“\, old and rare verb (from \kraugˆ\) as in strkjv@Matthew:12:19; strkjv@John:19:15|. {Hosannah} (\H“sannah\). Transliteration of the Hebrew word meaning "Save now." The LXX renders it by \S“son dˆ\ (Save now). {Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord} (\eulogˆmenos ho erchomenos en onomati kuriou\). Perfect passive participle of \euloge“\. Quotation from strkjv@Psalms:118:25f.|, written, some think, for the dedication of the second temple, or, as others think, for the feast of tabernacles after the return (Ezra:3:1f.|). It was sung in the processional recitation then as a welcome to the worshippers. Here the words are addressed to the Messiah as is made plain by the addition of the words, "even the king of Israel" (\kai ho basileus tou Israˆl\) as Nathanael called him (1:49|). Jesus is here hailed by the multitudes as the long-looked for Messiah of Jewish hope and he allows them so to greet him (Luke:19:38-40|), a thing that he prevented a year before in Galilee (John:6:14f.|). It is probable that "in the name of the Lord" should be taken with "blessed" as in strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:5; strkjv@2Samuel:6:18; strkjv@1Kings:22:16; strkjv@2Kings:2:24|. The Messiah was recognized by Martha as the Coming One (John:11:27|) and is so described by the Baptist (Matthew:11:3|). Mark (Mark:11:10|) adds "the kingdom that cometh" while Luke (19:38|) has "the king that cometh." "It was this public acclamation of Jesus as King of Israel or King of the Jews which was the foundation of the charge made against him before Pilate (18:33|)" (Bernard).

rwp@John:12:14 @{Found} (\heur“n\). Second aorist active participle of \heurisk“\. Through the disciples, of course, as in strkjv@Mark:11:2-6| (Matthew:21:2-3,6; strkjv@Luke:19:30f.|). {A young ass} (\onarion\). Late diminutive of \onos\, in Epictetus and the papyri (even the double diminitive, \onaridion\), only here in the N.T. See discussion of ¯Matthew:21:5| where \kai\ has been wrongly rendered "and" instead of "even." Rightly understood Matthew has Jesus riding only the colt like the rest.

rwp@John:12:16 @{Understood not} (\ouk egn“san\). Second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\. Another comment by John concerning the failure of the disciples to know what was happening (cf. strkjv@2:22; strkjv@7:39|). {At the first} (\to pr“ton\). Adverbial accusative, as in strkjv@10:40; strkjv@19:39|. {Was glorified} (\edoxasthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \doxaz“\, to glorify, used of his death already in strkjv@7:39| and by Jesus himself of his death, resurrection, and ascension in strkjv@12:23; strkjv@13:31|. {Then remembered they} (\tote emnˆsthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \mimnˆsk“\. It was easier to understand then and they had the Holy Spirit to help them (16:13-15|). {Were written of him} (\ˆn ep' aut“i gegrammena\). Periphrastic past perfect passive of \graph“\ with neuter plural participle agreeing with \tauta\ (these things) and singular verb, though the plural \ˆsan\ could have been used. Note the threefold repetition of \tauta\ in this verse, "clumsy" Bernard calls it, but making for clarity. The use of \ep' aut“i\ for "of him" rather than \peri autou\ is unusual, but occurs in strkjv@Revelation:10:11; strkjv@22:16|. {They had done} (\epoiˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \poie“\, simply, "they did."

rwp@John:12:17 @{Bare witness} (\emarturei\). Imperfect active of \marture“\. This crowning triumph of Jesus gave an added sense of importance to the crowds that were actually with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead. For this description of this portion of the crowd see strkjv@11:45f.; strkjv@12:1,9-11|.

rwp@John:12:22 @{Andrew} (\t“i Andreƒi\). Another apostle with a Greek name and associated with Philip again (John:6:7f.|), the man who first brought his brother Simon to Jesus (1:41|). Andrew was clearly a man of wisdom for a crisis. Note the vivid dramatic presents here, {cometh} (\erchetai\), {telleth} (\legei\). What was the crisis? These Greeks wish an interview with Jesus. True Jesus had said something about "other sheep" than Jews (10:16|), but he had not explained. Philip and Andrew wrestle with the problem that will puzzle Peter on the housetop in Joppa (Acts:10:9-18|), that middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile that was only broken down by the Cross of Christ (Ephesians:2:11-22|) and that many Christians and Jews still set up between each other. Andrew has no solution for Philip and they bring the problem, but not the Greeks, to Jesus.

rwp@John:12:23 @{The hour is come} (\elˆluthen hˆ h“ra\). The predestined hour, seen from the start (2:4|), mentioned by John (7:30; strkjv@8:20|) as not yet come and later as known by Jesus as come (13:1|), twice again used by Jesus as already come (in the prayer of Jesus, strkjv@17:1; strkjv@Mark:14:41|, just before the betrayal in the Garden). The request from the Greeks for this interview stirs the heart of Jesus to its depths. {That the Son of man should be glorified} (\hina doxasthˆi ho huios tou anthr“pou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ (not in the sense of \hote\, when) and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \doxaz“\, same sense as in strkjv@12:16, strkjv@13:31|. The Cross must come before Greeks can really come to Jesus with understanding. But this request shows that interest in Jesus now extends beyond the Jewish circles.

rwp@John:12:24 @{Except} (\ean mˆ\). Negative condition of third class (undetermined, supposable case) with second aorist active participle \pes“n\ (from \pipt“\, to fall) and the second aorist active subjunctive of \apothnˆsk“\, to die. {A grain of wheat} (\ho kokkos tou sitou\). Rather, "the grain of wheat." {By itself alone} (\autos monos\). Both predicate nominatives after \menei\. It is not necessary to think (nor likely) that Jesus has in mind the Eleusinian mysteries which became a symbol of the mystery of spring. Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:36| uses the same illustration of the resurrection that Jesus does here. Jesus shows here the paradox that life comes through death. Whether the Greeks heard him or not we do not know. If so, they heard something not in Greek philosophy, the Christian ideal of sacrifice, "and this was foreign to the philosophy of Greece" (Bernard). Jesus had already spoken of himself as the bread of life (6:35-65|). {But if it die} (\ean de apothanˆi\). Parallel condition of the third class. Grains of wheat have been found in Egyptian tombs three or four thousand years old, but they are now dead. They bore no fruit.

rwp@John:12:25 @{Loseth it} (\apolluei autˆn\). The second paradox. Present active indicative of \apollu“\. This great saying was spoken at various times as in strkjv@Mark:8:35| (Matthew:16:25; strkjv@Luke:9:24|) and strkjv@Mark:10:39| (Luke:17:33|). See those passages for discussion of \psuchˆ\ (life or soul). For "he that hateth his life" (\ho mis“n tˆn psuchˆn autou\) see the sharp contrasts in Luke strkjv@14:26-35| where \mise“\ is used of father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, as well as one's own life. Clearly \mise“\ means "hate" when the issue is between Christ and the dearest things of life as happens when the choice is between martyrdom and apostasy. In that case one keeps his soul for eternal life by losing his life (\psuchˆ\, each time) here. That is the way to "guard" (\phulaxei\) life by being true to Christ. This is the second paradox to show Christ's philosophy of life.

rwp@John:12:29 @{That it had thundered} (\brontˆn gegonenai\). Perfect active infinitive of \ginomai\ in indirect discourse after \elegen\ and the accusative of general reference (\brontˆn\, thunder, as in strkjv@Mark:3:17|), "that thunder came to pass." Songs:the crowd "standing by" (\hest“s\, second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\), but Jesus understood his Father's voice. {An angel hath spoken to him} (\Aggelos aut“i lelalˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \lale“\. So, when Jesus spoke to Saul on the way to Damascus, those with Saul heard the voice, but did not understand (Acts:9:7; strkjv@22:9|).

rwp@John:12:31 @{The judgement} (\krisis\). No article, "A judgement." The next few days will test this world. {The prince of this world} (\ho arch“n tou kosmou toutou\). This phrase here, descriptive of Satan as in possession of the evil world, occurs again in strkjv@14:30; strkjv@16:11|. In the temptations Satan claims power over the world and offers to share it with Jesus (Matthew:4:8-10; strkjv@Luke:4:5-8|). Jesus did not deny Satan's power then, but here proclaims final victory over him. {Shall be cast out} (\ekblˆthˆsetai ex“\). Future passive of \ekball“\. Note \ex“\, clean out. The Book of Revelation also proclaims final victory over Satan.

rwp@John:12:32 @{And I, if I be lifted from the earth} (\kag“ an hups“th“ ek tˆs gˆs\). Note proleptic position of \eg“\ (I). Condition of third class (undetermined with prospect) with \an\ (=\ean\ here) with first aorist passive subjunctive of \hupso“\, the verb used in strkjv@3:14| of the brazen serpent and of the Cross of Christ as here and also in strkjv@8:28|. Westcott again presses \ek\ instead of \apo\ to make it refer to the ascension rather than to the Cross, a wrong interpretation surely. {Will draw all men unto myself} (\pantas helkus“ pros emauton\). Future active of \helku“\, late form of \helk“\, to draw, to attract. Jesus had already used this verb of the Father's drawing power (6:44|). The magnetism of the Cross is now known of all men, however little they understand the mystery of the Cross. By "all men" (\pantas\) Jesus does not mean every individual man, for some, as Simeon said (Luke:2:34|) are repelled by Christ, but this is the way that Greeks (verse 22|) can and will come to Christ, by the way of the Cross, the only way to the Father (14:6|).

rwp@John:12:33 @{Signifying} (\sˆmain“n\). Present active participle of \semain“\, old verb to give a sign (\sˆmeion\) as in strkjv@Acts:25:27|, and the whole phrase repeated in strkjv@18:32| and nearly so in strkjv@21:19|. The indirect question here and in strkjv@18:32| has the imperfect \emellen\ with present infinitive rather than the usual present \mellei\ retained while in strkjv@21:19| the future indicative \doxasei\ occurs according to rule. The point in \poi“i\ (qualitative relative in the instrumental case with \thanat“i\) is the Cross (lifted up) as the kind of death before Christ.

rwp@John:12:36 @{Believe in the light} (\pisteuete eis to ph“s\). That is, "believe in me as the Messiah" (8:12; strkjv@9:5|). {That ye may become sons of light} (\hina huioi ph“tos genˆsthe\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist subject of \ginomai\, to become. They were not "sons of light," a Hebrew idiom (cf. strkjv@17:12; strkjv@Luke:16:8| with the contrast), an idiom used by Paul in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:5; strkjv@Ephesians:5:8|. It is equivalent to "enlightened men" (Bernard) and Jesus called his disciples the light of the world (Matthew:5:14|). {Hid himself from them} (\ekrubˆ ap' aut“n\). Second aorist passive indicative of \krupt“\, late form (in LXX) for old \ekruphˆ\, "was hidden from them," as in strkjv@8:59|. This part of verse 36| begins a new paragraph.

rwp@John:12:37 @{Though he had done so many signs before them} (\tosauta autou sˆmeia pepoiˆkotos emprosthen aut“n\). Genitive absolute with perfect active participle in concessive sense of \poie“\. {Yet they believed not on him} (\ouk episteuon eis auton\). No "yet" in the Greek. Negative imperfect active of \pisteu“\, "they kept on not believing on him," stubborn refusal in face of the light (verse 35|).

rwp@John:12:48 @{Rejecteth} (\athet“n\). Present active participle of \athete“\, late _Koin‚_ verb (from \athetos\, \a\ privative, and \tithˆmi\), to render null and void, only here in John, but see strkjv@Mark:6:26; strkjv@7:9|. {One that judgeth him} (\ton krinonta auton\). Articular present active participle of \krin“\. See same idea in strkjv@5:45; strkjv@9:50|. {The same} (\ekeinos\). "That" very word of Christ which one rejects will confront him and accuse him to the Father "at the last day" (\en tˆi eschatˆi hˆmerai\, this phrase peculiar to John). There is no escaping it. And yet Jesus himself will bear witness for or against the one whose conduct has already revealed his attitude towards the message of God (Matthew:10:32; strkjv@Luke:12:8f.|).

rwp@John:13:1 @{Now before the feast of the passover} (\pro de tˆs heortˆs tou pascha\). Just before, John means, not twenty-four hours before, that is our Thursday evening (beginning of 15th of Nisan, sunset to sunset Jewish day), since Jesus was crucified on Friday 15th of Nisan. Hence Jesus ate the regular passover meal at the usual time. The whole feast, including the feast of unleavened bread, lasted eight days. For a discussion of the objections to this interpretation of John in connexion with the Synoptic Gospels one may consult my _Harmony of the Gospels_, pp. 279-84, and David Smith's _In the Days of His Flesh_, Appendix VIII. The passover feast began on the 15th Nisan at sunset, the passover lamb being slain the afternoon of 14th Nisan. There seems no real doubt that this meal in strkjv@John:13:1-30| is the real passover meal described by the Synoptics also (Mark:14:18-21; strkjv@Matthew:26:21-25; strkjv@Luke:22:21-23|), followed by the institution of the Lord's Supper. Thus understood verse 1| here serves as an introduction to the great esoteric teaching of Christ to the apostles (John:13:2-17:26|), called by Barnas Sears _The Heart of Christ_. This phrase goes with the principal verb \ˆgapˆsen\ (loved). {Knowing} (\eid“s\). Second perfect active participle, emphasizing the full consciousness of Christ. He was not stumbling into the dark as he faced "his hour" (\autou hˆ h“ra\). See strkjv@18:4; strkjv@19:28| for other examples of the insight and foresight (Bernard) of Jesus concerning his death. See on strkjv@12:23| for use before by Jesus. {That he should depart} (\hina metabˆi\). Sub-final use of \hina\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \metabain“\, old word, to go from one place to another, here (5:24; strkjv@1John:3:14|) to go from this world (8:23|) back to the Father from whom he had come (14:12,28; strkjv@16:10,28; strkjv@17:5|). {His own which were in the world} (\tous idious tous en t“i kosm“i\). His own disciples (17:6,9,11|), those left in the world when he goes to the Father, not the Jews as in strkjv@1:11|. See strkjv@Acts:4:23; strkjv@1Timothy:5:8| for the idiom. John pictures here the outgoing of Christ's very heart's love (chs. strkjv@John:13-17|) towards these men whom he had chosen and whom he loved "unto the end" (\eis telos\) as in strkjv@Matthew:10:22; strkjv@Luke:18:15|, but here as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:16| rather "to the uttermost." The culmination of the crisis ("his hour") naturally drew out the fulness of Christ's love for them as is shown in these great chapters (John:13-17|).

rwp@John:13:2 @{During supper} (\deipnou ginomenou\). Correct text, present middle participle of \ginomai\ (not \genomenou\, second aorist middle participle, "being ended") genitive absolute. Verse 4| shows plainly that the meal was still going on. {The devil having already put} (\tou diabolou ˆdˆ beblˆkotos\). Another genitive absolute without a connective (asyndeton), perfect active participle of \ball“\, to cast, to put. Luke (Luke:22:3|) says that Satan entered Judas when he offered to betray Jesus. Hence John's "already" (\ˆdˆ\) is pertinent. John repeats his statement in verse 27|. In strkjv@John:6:70| Jesus a year ago had seen that Judas was a devil. {To betray him} (\hina paradoi auton\). Cf. strkjv@Acts:5:3|. Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \paradid“mi\ (form in \-oi\ as in strkjv@Mark:14:10| rather than the usual \-“i\ in strkjv@Luke:22:4|). Satan had an open door by now into the heart of Judas.

rwp@John:13:5 @{Poureth} (\ballei\). Vivid present again. Literally, "putteth" (as in verse 2|, \ball“\). {Into the basin} (\eis ton niptˆra\). From verb \nipt“\ (later form of \niz“\ in this same verse and below) to wash, found only here and in quotations of this passage. Note the article, "the basin" in the room. {Began to wash} (\ˆrxato niptein\). Back to the aorist again as with \diez“sen\ (verse 4|). \Nipt“\ was common for washing parts of the body like the hands or the feet. {To wipe} (\ekmassein\). "To wipe off" as in strkjv@12:3|. {With the towel} (\t“i lenti“i\). Instrumental case and the article (pointing to \lention\ in verse 4|). {Wherewith} (\h“i\). Instrumental case of the relative \ho\. {He was girded} (\ˆn diez“smenos\). Periphrastic past perfect of \diaz“nnu“\ for which verb see verse 4|.

rwp@John:13:7 @{I... thou} (\eg“... su\). Jesus repeats the pronouns used by Peter in similar contrast. {Not now} (\ouk arti\). Just now \arti\ means (9:19,25|). Used again by Jesus (verse 33|) and Peter (verse 37|). {But thou shalt understand hereafter} (\gn“sˆi de meta tauta\). Future middle of \gin“sk“\ (instead of the verb \oida\) to know by experience. "Thou shalt learn after these things," even if slowly.

rwp@John:13:8 @{Thou shalt never wash my feet} (\ou mˆ nipsˆis mou tous podas eis ton ai“na\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with first aorist active subjunctive of \nipt“\ with \eis ton ai“na\ (for ever) added and \mou\ (my) made emphatic by position. Peter's sudden humility should settle the issue, he felt. {If I wash thee not} (\ean mˆ nips“ se\). Third-class condition with \ean mˆ\ (negative). Jesus picks up the challenge of Peter whose act amounted to irreverence and want of confidence. "The first condition of discipleship is self-surrender" (Westcott). Songs:"Jesus, waiting with the basin" (Dods), concludes. {Thou hast no part with me} (\ouk echeis meros met' emou\). Not simply here at the supper with its fellowship, but in the deeper sense of mystic fellowship as Peter was quick to see. Jesus does not make foot-washing essential to spiritual fellowship, but simply tests Peter's real pride and mock-humility by this symbol of fellowship.

rwp@John:13:10 @{He that is bathed} (\ho leloumenos\). Perfect passive articular participle of \lou“\, to bathe the whole body (Acts:9:37|). {Save to wash his feet} (\ei mˆ tous podas nipsasthai\). Aleph and some old Latin MSS. have only \nipsasthai\, but the other words are genuine and are really involved by the use of \nipsasthai\ (first aorist middle infinitive of \nipt“\, to wash parts of the body) instead of \lousasthai\, to bathe the whole body (just used before). The guest was supposed to bathe (\lou“\) before coming to a feast and so only the feet had to be washed (\nipt“\) on removing the sandals. {Clean} (\katharos\). Because of the bath. For \katharos\ meaning external cleanliness see strkjv@Matthew:23:26; strkjv@27:59;| but in strkjv@John:15:3| it is used for spiritual purity as here in "ye are clean" (\katharoi\). {Every whit} (\holos\). All of the body because of the bath. For this same predicate use of \holos\ see strkjv@9:34|. {But not all} (\all' ouchi pantes\). Strongly put exception (\ouchi\). Plain hint of the treachery of Judas who is reclining at the table after having made the bargain with the Sanhedrin (Mark:14:11|). A year ago Jesus knew that Judas was a devil and said to the apostles: "One of you is a devil" (6:64,70|). But it did not hurt them then nor did they suspect each other then or now. It is far-fetched to make Jesus here refer to the cleansing power of his blood or to baptism as some do.

rwp@John:13:11 @{For he knew him that should betray him} (\ˆidei gar ton paradidonta auton\). Past perfect \ˆidei\ used as imperfect. Jesus had known for a year at least (6:64,70|) and yet he treated Judas with his usual courtesy. The articular present participle of \paradid“mi\, "the betraying one," for Judas was already engaged in the process. Did Judas wince at this thrust from Jesus?

rwp@John:13:12 @{Sat down again} (\anepesen palin\). Second aorist active indicative of \anapipt“\, old compound verb to fall back, to lie down, to recline. \Palin\ (again) can be taken either with \anepesen\, as here, or with \eipen\ (he said again). {Know ye what I have done to you?} (\gin“skete ti pepoiˆka humin;\). "Do ye understand the meaning of my act?" Perfect active indicative of \poie“\ with dative case (\humin\). It was a searching question, particularly to Simon Peter and Judas.

rwp@John:13:13 @{Ye} (\humeis\). Emphatic. {Call me} (\ph“neite me\). "Address me." \Ph“ne“\ regular for addressing one with his title (1:48|). {Master} (\Hosea:didaskalos\). Nominative form (not in apposition with \me\ accusative after \ph“neite\), but really vocative in address with the article (called titular nominative sometimes) like \Hosea:Kurios kai ho theos mou\ in strkjv@20:28|. "Teacher." See strkjv@11:28| for Martha's title for Jesus to Mary. {Lord} (\Hosea:Kurios\). Another and separate title. In strkjv@1:38| we have \Didaskale\ (vocative form) for the Jewish \Rabbei\ and in strkjv@9:36,38| \Kurie\ for the Jewish _Mari_. It is significant that Jesus approves (\kal“s\, well) the application of both titles to himself as he accepts from Thomas the terms \kurios\ and \theos\. {For I am} (\eimi gar\). Jesus distinctly claims here to be both Teacher and Lord in the full sense, at the very moment when he has rendered this menial, but symbolic, service to them. Here is a hint for those who talk lightly about "the peril of worshipping Jesus!"

rwp@John:13:16 @{Is not greater} (\ouk estin meiz“n\). Comparative adjective of \megas\ (greater) followed by the ablative case \kuriou\ (contrast between slave, lord) and \tou pempsantos\ (articular participle of \pemp“\, to send, with contrast with apostle, "one sent" (\apostolos\) from \apostell“\). Jesus here enforces the dignity of service. In strkjv@Luke:22:27| Jesus argues this point a bit. In strkjv@Luke:6:40| the contrast is between the pupil and the teacher, though some pupils consider themselves superior to the teacher. In strkjv@Matthew:10:24| Jesus uses both forms of the saying (pupil and slave). He clearly repeated this \logion\ often.

rwp@John:13:18 @{Not of you all} (\ou peri pant“n\). As in verse 11|, he here refers to Judas whose treachery is no surprise to Jesus (6:64,70|). {Whom I have chosen} (\tinas exelexamˆn\). Indirect question, unless \tinas\ is here used as a relative like \hous\. The first aorist middle indicative of \ekleg“\ is the same form used in strkjv@6:70|. Jesus refers to the choice (Luke:6:13| \eklexamenos\, this very word again) of the twelve from among the large group of disciples. \That the scripture might be fulfilled\ (\all' hina hˆ graphˆ plˆr“thˆi\). See the same clause in strkjv@17:12|. Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\. This treachery of Judas was according to the eternal counsels of God (12:4|), but none the less Judas is responsible for his guilt. For a like elliptical clause see strkjv@9:3; strkjv@15:25|. The quotation is from the Hebrew of strkjv@Psalms:41:9|. {He that eateth} (\ho tr“g“n\). Present active participle of old verb to gnaw, to chew, to eat, in N.T. only in John (6:54,56,57,58; strkjv@13:18|) and strkjv@Matthew:26:38|. LXX has here \ho esthi“n\. {Lifted up his heel against me} (\epˆren ep' eme tˆn pternan autou\). First aorist active indicative of \epair“\. \Pterna\, old word for heel, only here in N.T. The metaphor is that of kicking with the heel or tripping with the heel like a wrestler. It was a gross breach of hospitality to eat bread with any one and then turn against him so. The Arabs hold to it yet.

rwp@John:13:19 @{From henceforth} (\ap' arti\). "From now on," as in strkjv@14:7; strkjv@Matthew:23:39; strkjv@Revelation:14:13|. {Before it come to pass} (\pro tou genesthai\). \Pro\ with ablative of the articular second aorist middle infinitive \ginomai\ (before the coming to pass). {When it is come to pass} (\hotan genˆtai\). Indefinite relative clause with \hotan\ and the second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\, "whenever it does come to pass." {That ye may believe} (\hina pisteuˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \pisteu“\, "that ye may keep on believing." Cf. strkjv@Isaiah:48:5|. {That I am he} (\hoti eg“ eimi\). As Jesus has repeatedly claimed to be the Messiah (8:24,58|, etc.). Cf. also strkjv@14:29| (\pisteusˆte\ here); strkjv@16:4|.

rwp@John:13:21 @{He was troubled in the spirit} (\etarachthˆ toi pneumati\). First aorist passive indicative of \tarass“\ and the locative case of \pneuma\. See already strkjv@11:33; strkjv@12:27| for this use of \tarass“\ for the agitation of Christ's spirit. In strkjv@14:1,27| it is used of the disciples. Jesus was one with God (5:19|) and yet he had our real humanity (1:14|). {Testified} (\emarturˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \marture“\, definite witness as in strkjv@4:44; strkjv@18:37|. {One of you shall betray me} (\heis ex hum“n parad“sei me\). Future active of \paradid“mi\, to betray, the word so often used of Judas. This very language occurs in strkjv@Mark:14:18; strkjv@Matthew:26:21| and the idea in strkjv@Luke:22:21|. Jesus had said a year ago that "one of you is a devil" (John:6:70|), but it made no such stir then. Now it was a bolt from the blue sky as Jesus swept his eyes around and looked at the disciples.

rwp@John:13:22 @{Looked one on another} (\eblepon eis allˆlous\). Inchoative imperfect of \blep“\, "began to glance at one another in bewilderment (doubting, \aporoumenoi\, present passive participle of \apore“\, to be at a loss, to lose one's way, \a\ privative and \poros\, way). They recalled their strife about precedence and Judas betrayed nothing. {Concerning whom he spake} (\peri tinos legei\). Indirect question retaining present active indicative \legei\. See same note in ¯Mark:14:19; strkjv@Matthew:26:22; strkjv@Luke:22:23|.

rwp@John:13:25 @{He} (\ekeinos\). "That one" (John). {Leaning back} (\anapes“n\). Second aorist active participle of \anapipt“\, to fall back. {As he was} (\hout“s\). "Thus." It was easily done.

rwp@John:13:27 @{Then entered Satan into him} (\tote eisˆlthen eis ekeinon ho Satanas\). The only time the word Satan occurs in the Gospel. As he had done before (13:2; strkjv@Luke:22:3|) until Christ considered him a devil (6:70|). This is the natural outcome of one who plays with the devil. {That thou doest, do quickly} (\Hosea:poieis poiˆson tacheion\). Aorist active imperative of \poie“\. "Do more quickly what thou art doing." \Tacheion\ is comparative of \tache“s\ (John:11:31|) and in N.T. only here, strkjv@20:4; strkjv@Hebrews:13:19,23|. See the eagerness of Jesus for the passion in strkjv@Luke:12:50|.

rwp@John:13:28 @{No one knew} (\oudeis egn“\). Second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\. The disciples had not yet perceived the treacherous heart of Judas.

rwp@John:13:30 @{Having received the sop} (\lab“n to ps“mion\). Second aorist active participle of \lamban“\. Judas knew what Jesus meant, however ignorant the disciples. Songs:he acted "straightway" (\euthus\). {And it was night} (\ˆn de nux\). Darkness falls suddenly in the orient. Out into the terror and the mystery of this dreadful night (symbol of his devilish work) Judas went.

rwp@John:13:33 @{Little children} (\teknia\). Diminutive of \tekna\ and affectionate address as Jesus turns to the effect of his going on these disciples. Only here in this Gospel, but common in I John (1John:2:1|, etc.), and nowhere else in N.T. {Yet a little while} (\eti mikron\). Accusative of extent of time. See also strkjv@7:33; strkjv@8:21| (to which Jesus here refers); strkjv@16:16-19|. {Songs:now I say unto you} (\kai humin leg“ arti\). This juncture point (\arti\) of time relatively to the past and the future (9:25; strkjv@16:12,31|).

rwp@John:13:37 @{"Why can I not follow thee even now?"} (\dia ti ou dunamai soi akolouthein arti;\). The use of \arti\ (right now, this minute) instead of \nun\ (at this time, verse 36|) illustrates the impatience of Peter. {I will lay down my life for thee} (\ten psuchˆn mou huper sou thˆs“\). Future active indicative of \tithˆmi\. Peter, like the rest, had not yet grasped the idea of the death of Christ, but, like Thomas (11:16|), he is not afraid of danger. He had heard Christ's words about the good shepherd (10:11|) and knew that such loyalty was the mark of a good disciple.

rwp@John:14:1 @{Let not your heart be troubled} (\mˆ tarassesth“ hum“n hˆ kardia\). Not here the physical organ of life (Luke:21:34|), but the seat of spiritual life (\pneuma, psuchˆ\), the centre of feeling and faith (Romans:10:10|), "the focus of the religious life" (Vincent) as in strkjv@Matthew:22:37|. See these words repeated in strkjv@14:27|. Jesus knew what it was to have a "troubled" heart (11:33; strkjv@13:31|) where \tarass“\ is used of him. Plainly the hearts of the disciples were tossed like waves in the wind by the words of Jesus in strkjv@13:38|. {Ye believe... believe also} (\pisteuete... kai pisteuete\). Songs:translated as present active indicative plural second person and present active imperative of \pisteu“\. The form is the same. Both may be indicative (ye believe... and ye believe), both may be imperative (believe... and believe or believe also), the first may be indicative (ye believe) and the second imperative (believe also), the first may be imperative (keep on believing) and the second indicative (and ye do believe, this less likely). Probably both are imperatives (Mark:11:22|), "keep on believing in God and in me."

rwp@John:14:3 @{If I go} (\ean poreuth“\). Third-class condition (\ean\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \poreuomai\). {And prepare} (\kai hetoimas“\). Same condition and first aorist active subjunctive of the same verb \hetoimaz“\. {I come again} (\palin erchomai\). Futuristic present middle, definite promise of the second coming of Christ. {And will receive you unto myself} (\kai paralˆmpsomai humas pros emauton\). Future middle of \paralamban“\. Literally, "And I shall take you along (\para-\) to my own home" (cf. strkjv@13:36|). This blessed promise is fulfilled in death for all believers who die before the Second Coming. Jesus comes for us then also. {That where I am there ye may be also} (\hina hopou eimi eg“ kai humeis ˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \eimi\. This the purpose of the departure and the return of Christ. And this is heaven for the believer to be where Jesus is and with him forever.

rwp@John:14:6 @{I am the way, and the truth, and the life} (\Eg“ eimi hˆ hodos kai hˆ alˆtheia kai hˆ z“ˆ\). Either of these statements is profound enough to stagger any one, but here all three together overwhelm Thomas. Jesus had called himself "the life" to Martha (11:25|) and "the door" to the Pharisees (10:7|) and "the light of the world" (8:12|). He spoke "the way of God in truth" (Mark:12:14|). He is the way to God and the only way (verse 6|), the personification of truth, the centre of life. {Except by me} (\ei mˆ di' emou\). There is no use for the Christian to wince at these words of Jesus. If he is really the Incarnate Son of God (1:1,14,18|, they are necessarily true.

rwp@John:14:7 @{If ye had known me} (\ei egn“keite me\). Past perfect indicative of \gin“sk“\, to know by personal experience, in condition of second class as is made plain by the conclusion (\an ˆidete\) where \oida\, not \gin“sk“\ is used. Thomas and the rest had not really come to know Jesus, much as they loved him. {From henceforth ye know him} (\ap' arti gin“skete auton\). Probably inchoative present active indicative, "ye are beginning to know the Father from now on." {And have seen him} (\kai he“rakate\). Perfect active indicative of \hora“\. Because they had seen Jesus who is the Son of God, the Image of God, and like God (1:18|). Hence God is like Jesus Christ. It is a bold and daring claim to deity. The only intelligible conception of God is precisely what Jesus here says. God is like Christ.

rwp@John:14:9 @{Songs:long time} (\tosouton chronon\). Accusative of extent of time. {And dost thou not know me?} (\kai ouk egn“kas me;\). Perfect active indicative of \gin“sk“\. Jesus patiently repeats his language to Philip with the crisp statement: "he that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (\ho he“rak“s eme e“raken ton patera\). Perfect active participle and perfect active indicative of \hora“\, state of completion. {Thou} (\su\). Emphatic--After these years together.

rwp@John:14:10 @{Believest thou not?} (\ou pisteueis;\). Jesus had a right to expect greater faith from these men than from the blind man (9:35|) or Martha (11:27|). His words in strkjv@14:1| are clearly needed. This oneness with the Father Jesus had already stated (10:38|) as shown by his "words" (\rˆmata\) and his "works" (\erga\). Cf. strkjv@3:34; strkjv@5:19; strkjv@6:62|.

rwp@John:14:17 @{The Spirit of truth} (\to pneuma tˆs alˆtheias\). Same phrase in strkjv@15:27; strkjv@16:13; strkjv@1John:4:6|, "a most exquisite title" (Bengel). The Holy Spirit is marked by it (genitive case), gives it, defends it (cf. strkjv@1:17|), in contrast to the spirit of error (1John:4:6|). {Whom} (\ho\). Grammatical neuter gender (\ho\) agreeing with \pneuma\ (grammatical), but rightly rendered in English by "whom" and note masculine \ekeinos\ (verse 26|). He is a person, not a mere influence. {Cannot receive} (\ou dunatai labein\). Left to itself the sinful world is helpless (1Corinthians:2:14; strkjv@Romans:8:7f.|), almost Paul's very language on this point. The world lacks spiritual insight (\ou the“rei\) and spiritual knowledge (\oude gin“skei\). It failed to recognize Jesus (1:10|) and likewise the Holy Spirit. {Ye know him} (\humeis gin“skete auto\). Emphatic position of \humeis\ (ye) in contrast with the world (15:19|), because they have seen Jesus the Revealer of the Father (verse 9|). {Abides} (\menei\). Timeless present tense. {With you} (\par' humin\). "By your side," "at home with you," not merely "with you" (\meth' hum“n\) "in the midst of you." {In you} (\en humin\). In your hearts. Songs:note \meta\ (16|), \para, en\.

rwp@John:14:22 @{Not Iscariot} (\ouch ho Iskari“tˆs\). Judas Iscariot had gone (13:30|), but John is anxious to make it clear that this Judas (common name, two apostles also named James) was not the infamous traitor. He is also called Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus (Mark:3:17; strkjv@Matthew:10:3|) and the brother (or son) of James (6:15; strkjv@Acts:1:13|). This is the fourth interruption of the talk of Jesus (by Peter, strkjv@13:36|; by Thomas, strkjv@14:5|; by Philip, strkjv@14:8|; by Judas, strkjv@14:22|). {And not to the world} (\kai ouchi t“i kosm“i\). Judas caught at the word \emphaniz“\ in verse 21| as perhaps a Messianic theophany visible to all the world as at the judgment (5:27f.|). He seems to suspect a change of plan on the part of Jesus (\ti gegonen hoti\=how has it happened that).

rwp@John:14:23 @{If a man love me} (\ean tis agapƒi me\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and present active subjunctive, "if one keep on loving me." That is key to the spiritual manifestation (\emphaniz“\). {We will come} (\eleusometha\). Future middle of \erchomai\ and first person plural (the Father and I), not at the judgment, but here and now. {And make our abode with him} (\kai monˆn par' aut“i poiˆsometha\). See verse 2| for the word \monˆ\ (dwelling, abiding place). If the Holy Spirit "abides" (\menei\, verse 17|) in you, that heart becomes a temple (\naos\) of the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians:3:16f.|), and so a fit dwelling place for the Father and the Son, a glorious and uplifting reality.

rwp@John:14:24 @{He that loveth me not} (\ho mˆ agap“n me\). Present active articular participle of \agapa“\ with negative \mˆ\, "the one who keeps on not loving me." {Is not mine, but the Father's} (\ouk estin emos, alla tou patros\). Predicative possessive pronoun \emos\ and the predicate genitive of possession \patros\.

rwp@John:14:25 @{Have I spoken} (\lelalˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \lale“\, for permanent keeping (\tˆre“\ verse 23|). {While yet abiding with you} (\par' humin men“n\). Present active participle, no "yet" (\eti\) in the Greek, "while remaining beside (\par'\) you" before departing for the coming of the other Paraclete.

rwp@John:14:27 @{My peace} (\eirˆnˆn tˆn emˆn\). This is Christ's bequest to the disciples before he goes, the _shalom_ of the orient for greeting and parting, used by Jesus in his appearances after the resurrection (20:19,21,26|) as in strkjv@2John:1:3; strkjv@3John:1:14|, but here and in strkjv@16:33| in the sense of spiritual peace such as only Christ can give and which his Incarnation offers to men (Luke:2:14|). {Neither let it be fearful} (\medˆ deiliat“\). Added to the prohibition in verse 1|, only N.T. example of \deilia“\ (rare word in Aristotle, in a papyrus of one condemned to death), common in LXX, like palpitating of the heart (from \deilos\).

rwp@John:15:2 @{Branch} (\klˆma\). Old word from \kla“\, to break, common in LXX for offshoots of the vine, in N.T. only here (verses 2-6|), elsewhere in N.T. \klados\ (Mark:4:32|, etc.), also from \kla“\, both words meaning tender and easily broken parts. {In me} (\en emoi\). Two kinds of connexion with Christ as the vine (the merely cosmic which bears no fruit, the spiritual and vital which bears fruit). The fruitless (not bearing fruit, \mˆ pheron karpon\) the vine-dresser "takes away" (\airei\) or prunes away. Probably (Bernard) Jesus here refers to Judas. {Cleanseth} (\kathairei\). Present active indicative of old verb \kathair“\ (clean) as in verse 3|, only use in N.T., common in the inscriptions for ceremonial cleansing, though \kathariz“\ is more frequent (Hebrews:10:2|). {That it may bear more fruit} (\hina karpon pleiona pherˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \pher“\, "that it may keep on bearing more fruit" (more and more). A good test for modern Christians and church members.

rwp@John:15:4 @{Abide in me} (\meinate en emoi\). Constative aorist active imperative of \men“\. The only way to continue "clean" (pruned) and to bear fruit is to maintain vital spiritual connexion with Christ (the vine). Judas is gone and Satan will sift the rest of them like wheat (Luke:22:31f.|). Blind complacency is a peril to the preacher. {Of itself} (\aph' heautou\). As source (from itself) and apart from the vine (cf. strkjv@17:17|). {Except it abide} (\ean mˆ menˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean\, negative \mˆ\, and present active (keep on abiding) subjunctive of \men“\. Same condition and tense in the application, "except ye abide in me."

rwp@John:15:5 @{Ye the branches} (\humeis ta klˆmata\). Jesus repeats and applies the metaphor of verse 1|. {Apart from me} (\ch“ris emou\). See strkjv@Ephesians:2:12| for \ch“ris Christou\. There is nothing for a broken off branch to do but wither and die. For the cosmic relation of Christ see strkjv@John:1:3| (\ch“ris autou\).

rwp@John:15:6 @{He is cast forth} (\eblˆthˆ ex“\). Timeless or gnomic use of the first aorist passive indicative of \ball“\ as the conclusion of a third-class condition (see also verses 4,7| for the same condition, only constative aorist subjunctive \meinˆte\ and \meinˆi\ in verse 7|). The apostles are thus vividly warned against presumption. Jesus as the vine will fulfil his part of the relation as long as the branches keep in vital union with him. {As a branch} (\h“s to klˆma\). {And is withered} (\exˆranthˆ\). Another timeless first aorist passive indicative, this time of \xˆrain“\, same timeless use in strkjv@James:1:11| of grass, old and common verb. They gather (\sunagousin\). Plural though subject not expressed, the servants of the vine-dresser gather up the broken off branches. {Are burned} (\kaietai\). Present passive singular of \kai“\, to burn, because \klˆmata\ (branches) is neuter plural. See this vivid picture also in strkjv@Matthew:13:41f.,49f|.

rwp@John:15:22 @{They had not had sin} (\hamartian ouk eichosan\). Conclusion of condition of second class without \an\ because context makes it clear (\nun de\) without it (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1013). The imperfect active indicative with \-osan\ instead of \-on\ (also in verse 24|) as common in the LXX, and occurs in the papyri and the inscriptions and the Boeotian dialect. {Excuse} (\prophasin\). Old word (1Thessalonians:2:5|) either from \prophain“\, to show forth, or \prophˆmi\, to speak forth. Mere pretence, in John only here and verse 24|.

rwp@John:15:25 @{But this cometh to pass} (\all'\). Ellipsis in the Greek (no verb), as in strkjv@9:3; strkjv@13:18|. {In their law} (\en t“i nom“i aut“n\). Cf. strkjv@8:17; strkjv@10:34| for this standpoint. "Law" (\nomos\) here is for the whole of Scripture as in strkjv@12:34|. The allusion is to strkjv@Psalms:69:4| (or strkjv@Psalms:35:19|). The hatred of the Jews toward Jesus the promised Messiah (1:11|) is "part of the mysterious purpose of God" (Bernard) as shown by \hina plˆr“thˆi\ (first aorist passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\, to fulfil). {Without a cause} (\d“rean\). Adverbial accusative of \d“rea\ from \did“mi\, gratuitously, then unnecessarily or _gratis_ (in two _Koin‚_ tablets, Nageli) as here and strkjv@Galatians:2:21|.

rwp@John:15:26 @{When the Comforter is come} (\hotan elthˆi ho paraklˆtos\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\, "whenever the Comforter comes." {Whom I will send unto you from the Father} (\hon eg“ pemps“ humin para tou patros\). As in strkjv@16:7|, but in strkjv@14:16,26| the Father sends at the request of or in the name of Jesus. Cf. strkjv@Luke:24:49; strkjv@Acts:2:33|. This is the Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and from the Son. {Which} (\ho\). Grammatical neuter to agree with \pneuma\, and should be rendered "who" like \ho\ in strkjv@14:26|. {Proceedeth from the Father} (\para tou patros ekporeuetai\). "From beside the Father" as in the preceding clause. {He} (\ekeinos\). Emphatic masculine pronoun, not neuter (\ekeino\) though following \ho\. {Shall bear witness of me} (\marturˆsei peri emou\). Future active of \marture“\. This is the mission of the Paraclete (16:14|) as it should be ours.

rwp@John:15:27 @{And ye also bear witness} (\kai humeis de martureite\). Present active indicative or imperative (do ye bear witness), same form of \marture“\. "Ye also" as well as the Holy Spirit, ye also when filled with and taught by the Holy Spirit the things concerning Jesus. It is here that Christians fail most. {Have been} (\este\). Progressive present of \eimi\, "are with me from the beginning of my ministry as in strkjv@14:9|. They were chosen to be with Christ (Mark:3:14|).

rwp@John:16:7 @{It is expedient for you} (\sumpherei humin\). Present active indicative of \sumpher“\, old verb to bear together. See strkjv@11:50| where the phrase is used by Caiaphas "for us," here "for you" (\humin\ ethical dative). {That I go away} (\hina eg“ apelth“\). Subject clause the subject of \sumpherei\, \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \aperchomai\. The reason (\gar\) for this startling statement follows. {If I go not away} (\ean mˆ apelth“\). Third-class condition with \ean\ and the negative \mˆ\ with \apelth“\ as before. {Will not come} (\ou mˆ elthˆi\). Strong double negative with second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\. The Holy Spirit was, of course, already at work in the hearts of men, but not in the sense of witnessing as Paraclete which could only take place after Jesus had gone back to the Father. {But if I go} (\ean de poreuth“\). Third-class condition again (\ean\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \poreuomai\). {I will send} (\pemps“\). First person future as in 15|.

rwp@John:16:8 @{And he} (\kai ekeinos\). Emphatic demonstrative masculine pronoun. {When he is come} (\elth“n\). Second aorist active participle of \erchomai\, "having come" or "coming." {Will convict the world} (\elegxei ton kosmon\). Future active of \elegch“\, old word for confuting, convicting by proof already in strkjv@3:29; strkjv@8:46|. Jesus had been doing this (7:7|), but this is pre-eminently the work of the Holy Spirit and the most needed task today for our complacent age. {In respect of sin} (\peri hamartias\). Concerning the reality of sin as missing the mark and as wronging God and man, and not a mere slip or animal instinct or devoid of moral responsibility or evil. Some scientists and psychologists (Freudians and behaviourists) seem bent on destroying man's sense of sin. Hence crime waves even in youth. {And of righteousness} (\kai peri dikaiosunˆs\). The opposite of "sin" and to be yearned for after conviction. Cf. strkjv@Romans:1:19-3:21| about the necessity of the God-kind of righteousness and the Sermon on the Mount for Christ's idea of righteousness. {And of judgment} (\kai peri krise“s\). As certain to come as condemnation because of sin and the lack of righteousness. These are not played out motives in human life, but basal. For this ministry we have the help of the Paraclete. The Paraclete is here spoken of "not as man's advocate with God (1John:2:1|), but as Christ's advocate with the world" (Bernard).

rwp@John:16:12 @{But ye cannot bear them now} (\all' ou dunasthe bastazein arti\). The literal sense of \bastaz“\, to bear, occurs in strkjv@12:6|. For the figurative as here see strkjv@Acts:15:10|. The untaught cannot get the full benefit of teaching (1Corinthians:3:1; strkjv@Hebrews:5:11-14|). The progressive nature of revelation is a necessity.

rwp@John:16:13 @{Howbeit} (\de\). One of the most delicate and difficult particles to translate, varying from "and" to "but." {When he, the Spirit of truth, is come} (\hotan elthˆi ekeinos, to pneuma tˆs alˆtheias\). Indefinite relative clause (\hotan\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\, no _futurum exactum_), "whenever he comes." Note \ekeinos\ (masculine demonstrative pronoun, though followed by neuter \pneuma\ in apposition. See strkjv@15:26| for this phrase about the Holy Spirit. He shall guide you (\hodˆgˆsei humas\). Future active of old verb \hodˆge“\ (from \hodˆgos\, from \hodos\, way, \hˆgeomai\, to lead). See strkjv@Psalms:24:5| for "lead me into thy truth" (\hodˆgˆson me eis tˆn alˆtheian sou\). Christ is both the Way and the Truth (14:6|) and the Holy Spirit is the Guide who shows the way to the Truth (verse 14|). This he does gradually. We are still learning the truth in Christ. {From himself} (\aph' heautou\). In this he is like Christ (1:26; strkjv@12:49; strkjv@14:10|). {He shall declare} (\anaggelei\). Future active of \anaggell“\, as in strkjv@4:25|. See it also repeated in verse 14|. {The things that are yet to come} (\ta erchomena\). Neuter plural articular participle of \erchomai\, "the coming things." This phrase only here in the N.T. The things already begun concerning the work of the Kingdom (Luke:7:19ff.; strkjv@18:30|) not a chart of future history. See strkjv@Luke:7:20; strkjv@John:6:14; strkjv@11:27| for \ho erchomenos\ (the coming one) used of the Messiah.

rwp@John:16:24 @{Hitherto} (\he“s arti\). Up till now the disciples had not used Christ's name in prayer to the Father, but after the resurrection of Jesus they are to do so, a distinct plea for parity with the Father and for worship like the Father. {May be fulfilled} (\ˆi peplˆr“menˆ\). Periphrastic perfect passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\ in a purpose clause with \hina\. See strkjv@15:11| for some verb (first aorist passive subjunctive with \hina\) and strkjv@1John:1:4| for same form as here, emphasizing the abiding permanence of the joy.

rwp@John:16:30 @{Now know we} (\nun oidamen\). They had failed to understand the plain words of Jesus about going to the Father heretofore (16:5|), but Jesus read their very thoughts (16:19f.|) and this fact seemed to open their minds to grasp his idea. {Should ask} (\er“tƒi\). Present active subjunctive with \hina\ in original sense of asking a question. {By this} (\en tout“i\). In Christ's supernatural insight into their very hearts. {From God} (\apo theou\). Compare \para tou patros\ (verse 27|) and \ek tou patros\ (verse 28|), \apo, ek, para\ all with the ablative of source or origin.

rwp@John:16:31 @{Do ye now believe?} (\arti pisteuete;\). For \arti\ (just now) see strkjv@9:19; strkjv@13:33,37|. Their belief in Christ was genuine _as far as it went_, but perils await them of which they are ignorant. They are too self-confident as their despair at Christ's death shows.

rwp@John:17:1 @{Lifting up} (\eparas\). First aorist active participle of \epair“\, old and common verb with \ophthalmous\ (eyes) as in strkjv@4:35; strkjv@6:5; strkjv@11:41|. {Father} (\Pater\). Vocative form as in verses 5,11; strkjv@11:41|, Christ's usual way of beginning his prayers. It is inconceivable that this real _Lord's Prayer_ is the free composition of a disciple put into the mouth of Jesus. It is rather "the tenacious memory of an old man recalling the greatest days of his life" (Bernard), aided by the Holy Spirit promised for this very purpose (John:14:26; strkjv@16:13f.|). Jesus had the habit of prayer (Mark:1:35; strkjv@6:46; strkjv@Matthew:11:25f.; strkjv@Luke:3:21; strkjv@5:16; strkjv@6:12; strkjv@9:18,28; strkjv@11:22,42; strkjv@23:34,46; strkjv@John:11:41; strkjv@12:27|). He prayed here for himself (1-5|), for the disciples (6-19|), for all believers (20-26|). The prayer is similar in spirit to the Model Prayer for us in strkjv@Matthew:6:9-13|. The hour for his glorification has come as he had already told the disciples (13:31f.; strkjv@12:23|). {Glorify thy Son} (\doxason sou ton huion\). First aorist active imperative of \doxaz“\, the only personal petition in this prayer. Jesus had already used this word \doxaz“\ for his death (13:31f.|). Here it carries us into the very depths of Christ's own consciousness. It is not merely for strength to meet the Cross, but for the power to glorify the Father by his death and resurrection and ascension, "that the Son may glorify thee" (\hina ho huios doxasˆi se\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive.

rwp@John:17:4 @{I glorified thee on the earth} (\eg“ se edoxasa epi tˆs gˆs\). Verse 3| is parenthetical and so verse 4| goes on after verse 2|. He had prayed for further glorification. {Having accomplished} (\telei“sas\). First aorist active participle of \teleio“\, old verb from \teleios\ (perfect). Used in strkjv@4:34| by Jesus with \to ergon\ as here. That was Christ's "food" (\br“ma\) and joy. Now as he faces death he has no sense of failure as some modern critics say, but rather fulness of attainment as in strkjv@19:30| (\tetelestai\). Christ does not die as a disappointed man, but as the successful messenger, apostle (\apesteilƒs\, verse 3|) of the Father to men. {Thou hast given} (\ded“kas\). Perfect active indicative of \did“mi\, regarded as a permanent task.

rwp@John:17:13 @{That they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves} (\hina ech“sin tˆn charan tˆn emˆn peplˆr“menˆn en heautois\). Purpose clause with present active subjunctive of \ech“\, "that they may keep on having Christ's joy in their faithfulness realized in themselves." \Peplˆr“menˆn\ is the perfect passive participle of \plˆro“\ in the predicate position. For the use of \plˆro“\ with \chara\ (joy) see strkjv@15:11; strkjv@16:24; strkjv@Phillipians:2:2|.

rwp@John:17:17 @{Sanctify} (\hagiason\). First aorist active imperative of \hagiaz“\. To consecrate or set apart persons or things to God. See strkjv@Exodus:28:41; strkjv@29:1,36; strkjv@40:13|. See Paul's prayer for the Thessalonians (1Thessalonians:5:23|). This is done in the sphere (\en\) of truth (God's truth), God's Word (not human speculation, but God's message to us).

rwp@John:17:19 @{I sanctify myself} (\eg“ hagiaz“ emauton\). To his holy ministry to which the Father "sanctified" (\hˆgiasen\) him (John:10:36|). {That they themselves also may be sanctified in truth} (\hina “sin kai autoi hˆgiasmenoi en alˆtheiƒi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the periphrastic perfect passive subjunctive of \hagiaz“\ (that they may remain sanctified). The act of Christ helps us, but by no means takes the place of personal consecration on the part of the believer. This high and holy prayer and act of Christ should shame any one who uses the livery of heaven to serve the devil in as does, alas, sometimes happen (2Corinthians:11:13-15|).

rwp@John:18:14 @{He which gave command} (\ho sumbouleusas\). First aorist active articular participle of \sumbouleu“\, old verb (Matthew:26:4|). The reference is to strkjv@John:11:50|. {It was expedient} (\sumpherei\). Present active indicative retained in indirect assertion after secondary tense (\ˆn\, was). Here we have the second aorist active infinitive \apothanein\ as the subject of \sumpherei\, both good idioms in the _Koin‚_.

rwp@John:18:15 @{Followed} (\ˆkolouthei\). Imperfect active of \akolouthe“\, "was following," picturesque and vivid tense, with associative instrumental case \t“i Iˆsou\. {Another disciple} (\allos mathˆtˆs\). Correct text without article \ho\ (genuine in verse 16|). Peter's companion was the Beloved Disciple, the author of the book (John:21:24|). {Was known unto the high priest} (\ˆn gn“stos t“i archierei\). Verbal adjective from \gin“sk“\, to know (Acts:1:19|) with dative case. How well known the word does not say, not necessarily a personal friend, well enough known for the portress to admit John. "The account of what happened to Peter might well seem to be told from the point of view of the servants' hall" (Sanday, _Criticism of the Fourth Gospel_, p. 101). {Entered in with Jesus} (\suneisˆlthen t“i Iˆsou\). Second aorist active indicative of the double compound \suneiserchomai\, old verb, in N.T. here and strkjv@6:22|. With associative instrumental case. {Into the court} (\eis tˆn aulˆn\). It is not clear that this word ever means the palace itself instead of the courtyard (uncovered enclosure) as always in the papyri (very common). Clearly courtyard in strkjv@Mark:14:66| (Matthew:26:69; strkjv@Luke:22:55|). Apparently Annas had rooms in the official residence of Caiaphas.

rwp@John:18:17 @{The maid} (\hˆ paidiskˆ\). Feminine form of \paidiskos\, diminutive of \pais\. See strkjv@Matthew:26:69|. When "the maid the portress" (apposition). {Art thou also?} (\mˆ kai su ei;\). Expecting the negative answer, though she really believed he was. {This man's} (\tou anthr“pou toutou\). Contemptuous use of \houtos\ with a gesture toward Jesus. She made it easy for Peter to say no.

rwp@John:18:21 @{Ask them that have heard me} (\er“tˆson tous akˆkootas\). First aorist (tense of urgent and instant action) active imperative of \er“ta“\ and the articular perfect active participle accusative masculine plural of \akou“\, to hear. There were abundant witnesses to be had. Multitudes had heard Jesus in the great debate in the temple on Tuesday of this very week when the Sanhedrin were routed to the joy of the common people who heard Jesus gladly (Mark:12:37|). They still know.

rwp@John:18:22 @{When he had said this} (\tauta autou eipontos\). Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of \eipon\, to say. {Standing by} (\parestˆk“s\). Perfect active (intransitive) participle of \paristˆmi\ (transitive), to place beside. One of the temple police who felt his importance as protector of Annas. {Struck Jesus with his hand} (\ed“ken rapisma t“i Iˆsou\). Late word \rapisma\ is from \rapiz“\, to smite with a rod or with the palm of the hand (Matthew:26:67|). It occurs only three times in the N.T. (Mark:14:65; strkjv@John:18:22; strkjv@19:3|), in each of which it is uncertain whether the blow is with a rod or with the palm of the hand (probably this, a most insulting act). The papyri throw no real light on it. "He gave Jesus a slap in the face." Cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:11:20|. {So} (\hout“s\). As Jesus had done in verse 21|, a dignified protest in fact by Jesus.

rwp@John:18:23 @{If I have spoken evil} (\ei kak“s elalˆsa\). Condition of first class (assumed to be true), with \ei\ and aorist active indicative. Jesus had not spoken evilly towards Annas, though he did not here turn the other cheek, one may note. For the sake of argument, Jesus puts it as if he did speak evilly. Then prove it, that is all. {Bear witness of the evil} (\marturˆson peri tou kakou\). First aorist active imperative of \marture“\, to testify. This is the conclusion (apodosis). Jesus is clearly entitled to proof of such a charge if there is any. {But if well} (\ei de kal“s\). Supply the same verb \elalˆsa\. The same condition, but with a challenging question as the apodosis. {Smitest} (\dereis\). Old verb \der“\, to flay, to skin, to beat, as in strkjv@Matthew:21:35; strkjv@Luke:22:63; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:20| (of an insulting blow in the face as here).

rwp@John:18:24 @{Therefore sent him} (\apesteilen oun auton\). First aorist active of \apostell“\, not past perfect (had sent). The preliminary examination by Annas was over. {Bound} (\dedemenon\). Perfect passive participle of \de“\, to bind. Jesus was bound on his arrest (verse 12|) and apparently unbound during the preliminary examination by Annas.

rwp@John:18:28 @{They lead} (\agousin\). Dramatic historical present of \ag“\, plural "they" for the Sanhedrists (Luke:23:1|). John gives no details of the trial before the Sanhedrin (only the fact, strkjv@John:18:24,28|) when Caiaphas presided, either the informal meeting at night (Mark:14:53,55-65; strkjv@Matthew:26:57,59-68; strkjv@Luke:22:54,63-65|) or the formal ratification meeting after dawn (Mark:15:1; strkjv@Matthew:27:1; strkjv@Luke:22:66-71|), but he gives much new material of the trial before Pilate (18:28-38|). {Into the palace} (\eis to prait“rion\). For the history and meaning of this interesting Latin word, _praetorium_, see on ¯Matthew:27:27; strkjv@Acts:23:35; strkjv@Phillipians:1:13|. Here it is probably the magnificent palace in Jerusalem built by Herod the Great for himself and occupied by the Roman Procurator (governor) when in the city. There was also one in Caesarea (Acts:23:35|). Herod's palace in Jerusalem was on the Hill of Zion in the western part of the upper city. There is something to be said for the Castle of Antonia, north of the temple area, as the location of Pilate's residence in Jerusalem. {Early} (\pr“i\). Technically the fourth watch (3 A.M. to 6 A.M.). There were two violations of Jewish legal procedure (holding the trial for a capital case at night, passing condemnation on the same day of the trial). Besides, the Sanhedrin no longer had the power of death. A Roman court could meet any time after sunrise. John (19:14|) says it was "about the sixth hour" when Pilate condemned Jesus. {That they might not be defiled} (\hina mˆ mianth“sin\). Purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \miain“\, to stain, to defile. For Jewish scruples about entering the house of a Gentile see strkjv@Acts:10:28; strkjv@11:3|. {But might eat the passover} (\alla phag“sin to pascha\). Second aorist active subjunctive of the defective verb \esthi“\, to eat. This phrase may mean to eat the passover meal as in strkjv@Matthew:27:17| (Mark:14:12,14; strkjv@Luke:22:11,15|), but it does not have to mean that. In strkjv@2Chronicles:30:22| we read: "And they did eat the festival seven days" when the paschal festival is meant, not the paschal lamb or the paschal supper. There are eight other examples of \pascha\ in John's Gospel and in all of them the feast is meant, not the supper. If we follow John's use of the word, it is the feast here, not the meal of strkjv@John:13:2| which was the regular passover meal. This interpretation keeps John in harmony with the Synoptics.

rwp@John:18:30 @{If this man were not an evil-doer} (\ei mˆ ˆn houtos kakon poi“n\). Condition (negative) of second class (periphrastic imperfect indicative), assumed to be untrue, with the usual apodosis (\an\ and aorist indicative, first aorist plural with \k\). This is a pious pose of infallibility not in the Synoptics. They then proceeded to make the charges (Luke:23:2|) as indeed John implies (18:31,33|). Some MSS. here read \kakopoios\ (malefactor) as in strkjv@1Peter:2:12,14|, with which compare Luke's \kakourgos\ (23:32f.|; so also strkjv@2Timothy:2:9|), both meaning evil-doer. Here the periphrastic present participle \poi“n\ with \kakon\ emphasizes the idea that Jesus was a habitual evil-doer (Abbott). It was an insolent reply to Pilate (Bernard).

rwp@John:18:33 @{Again} (\palin\). Back into the palace where Pilate was before. {Called} (\eph“nˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \ph“ne“\. Jesus was already inside the court (verse 28|). Pilate now summoned him to his presence since he saw that he had to handle the case. The charge that Jesus claimed to be a king compelled him to do so (Luke:23:2|). {Art thou the King of the Jews?} (\su ei ho basileus t“n Ioudai“n;\). This was the vital problem and each of the Gospels has the question (Mark:15:2; strkjv@Matthew:27:1; strkjv@Luke:23:3; strkjv@John:18:33|), though Luke alone (23:2|) gives the specific accusation. {Thou} (\su\). Emphatic. Jesus did claim to be the spiritual king of Israel as Nathanael said (John:1:49|) and as the ecstatic crowd hailed him on the Triumphal Entry (John:12:13|), but the Sanhedrin wish Pilate to understand this in a civil sense as a rival of Caesar as some of the Jews wanted Jesus to be (John:6:15|) and as the Pharisees expected the Messiah to be.

rwp@John:18:34 @{Of thyself} (\apo seautou\). Whether a sincere inquiry on Pilate's part or a trap from the Sanhedrin.

rwp@John:18:35 @{Amos:I a Jew?} (\mˆti eg“ Ioudaios eimi;\). Proud and fine scorn on Pilate's part at the idea that he had a personal interest in the question. Vehement negation implied. Cf. strkjv@4:29| for \mˆti\ in a question. The gulf between Jew and Gentile yawns wide here. {Nation} (\ethnos\ as in strkjv@11:48-52|, rather than \laos\, while both in strkjv@11:50|). For \pared“kan\ see verse 30|. {What hast thou done?} (\ti epoiˆsas;\). First aorist active indicative of \poie“\. Blunt and curt question. "What didst thou do?" "What is thy real crime?" John's picture of this private interview between Pilate and Jesus is told with graphic power.

rwp@John:18:37 @{Art thou a king then?} (\oukoun basileus ei su;\). Compound of \ouk\ and \oun\ and is clearly ironical expecting an affirmative answer, only here in the N.T., and in LXX only in A text in strkjv@2Kings:5:23|. {Thou sayest that} (\su legeis hoti\). In strkjv@Matthew:27:11; strkjv@Mark:15:2; strkjv@Luke:23:3|, \su legeis\ clearly means "yes," as \su eipas\ (thou saidst) does in strkjv@Matthew:26:64| (= "I am," \eg“ eimi\, in strkjv@Mark:41:62|). Hence here \hoti\ had best be taken to mean "because": "Yes, because I am a king." {Have I been born} (\eg“ gegennˆmai\). Perfect passive indicative of \genna“\. The Incarnation was for this purpose. Note repetition of \eis touto\ (for this purpose), explained by \hina marturˆs“ tˆi alˆtheiƒi\ (that I may bear witness to the truth), \hina\ with first aorist active subjunctive of \marture“\. Paul (1Timothy:6:13|) alludes to this good confession when Christ bore witness (\marturˆsantos\) before Pilate. Jesus bore such witness always (John:3:11,32; strkjv@7:7; strkjv@8:14; strkjv@Revelation:1:5|).

rwp@John:19:5 @{Wearing} (\phor“n\). Present active participle of \phore“\, an early frequentative of \pher“\, denoting a continual wearing, though not true here (only temporary). Jesus bore the mockery with kingly dignity as part of the shame of the Cross (Hebrews:12:2|). {Behold, the man} (\Idou ho anthr“pos\). _Ecce Homo!_ by Pilate. This exclamatory introduction of Jesus in mock coronation robes to the mob was clearly intended to excite pity and to show how absurd the charge of the Sanhedrin was that such a pitiable figure should be guilty of treason. Pilate failed utterly in this effort and did not dream that he was calling attention to the greatest figure of history, the Man of the ages.

rwp@John:19:9 @{Whence art thou?} (\pothen ei su;\). Pilate knew that Jesus was from Galilee (Luke:23:6f.|). He is really alarmed. See a like question by the Jews in strkjv@8:25|. {Gave him no answer} (\apokrisin ouk ed“ken aut“i\). See same idiom in strkjv@1:22|. \Apokrisis\ (old word from \apokrinomai\) occurs also in strkjv@Luke:2:47; strkjv@20:26|. The silence of Jesus, like that before Caiaphas (Mark:14:61; strkjv@Matthew:26:63|) and Herod (Luke:23:9|), irritates the dignity of Pilate in spite of his fears.

rwp@John:19:11 @{Thou wouldest have} (\ouk eiches\). Imperfect active indicative without \an\, but apodosis of second-class condition as in strkjv@15:22,24|. {Except it were given thee} (\ei mˆ ˆn dedomenon\). Periphrastic past perfect indicative of \did“mi\ (a permanent possession). {From above} (\an“then\). From God (cf. strkjv@3:3|), the same doctrine of government stated by Paul in strkjv@Romans:13:1f|. Pilate did not get his "authority" from the Sanhedrin, but from Caesar. Jesus makes God the source of all real "authority." {Hath greater sin} (\meizona hamartian echei\). The same idiom in strkjv@9:41|. Caiaphas has his authority from God also and has used Pilate for his own base end.

rwp@John:19:12 @{Sought} (\ezˆtei\). Imperfect active, "kept on seeking," "made renewed efforts to release him." He was afraid to act boldly against the will of the Jews. {If thou release this man} (\ean touton apolusˆis\). Condition of third class, a direct threat to Pilate. He knew all the time that the Sanhedrin might tell Caesar on him. {Thou art not Caesar's friend} (\ouk ei philos tou kaisaros\). Later to Vespasian this was an official title, here simply a daring threat to Pilate. {Speaketh against Caesar} (\antilegei t“i kaisari\). Caesar brooks no rival. Jesus had allowed himself to be acclaimed king of Israel in the Triumphal Entry (John:12:13; strkjv@Mark:11:10; strkjv@Luke:19:38|). The Sanhedrin have caught Pilate in their toils.

rwp@John:19:17 @{Bearing the cross for himself} (\bastaz“n haut“i ton stauron\). Cf. strkjv@Luke:14:27| for this very picture in the words of Jesus. The dative case of the reflexive pronoun \haut“i\ "for himself" is in strict accord with Roman custom. "A criminal condemned to be crucified was required to carry his own cross" (Bernard). But apparently Jesus under the strain of the night before and the anguish of heart within him gave out so that Simon of Cyrene was impressed to carry it for Jesus (Mark:15:21f.; strkjv@Matthew:27:32f.; strkjv@Luke:23:26|). See strkjv@Mark:15:22f.; strkjv@Matthew:27:33f.; strkjv@Luke:23:33| for the meaning of "place of a skull" or Calvary and Golgotha in Hebrew (Aramaic). Luke has simply \Kranion\ (Skull), a skull-looking place.

rwp@John:19:23 @{Four parts} (\tessera merˆ\). There were four soldiers, the usual quaternion (\tetradion\, strkjv@Acts:12:9|) besides the centurion (Mark:15:39; strkjv@Matthew:27:54; strkjv@Luke:23:47|). The clothes (\himatia\, outer clothes) of the criminal were removed before the crucifixion and belonged to the soldiers. Luke (Luke:23:34|) mentions the division of the garments, but not the number four. The four pieces would be the head gear, the sandals, the girdle, the \tallith\ (outer garment with fringes). {The coat was without seam} (\ho chit“n araphos\). For \chit“n\ (the inner garment) see strkjv@Matthew:5:40|. \Araphos\ is compound of \a\ privative and \rapt“\, to sew together, and so seamless (unsewed together), only here in N.T. It occurs elsewhere in Josephus, _Ant_. III. 6, 4. {Woven} (\huphantos\). Verbal (old word) from \huphain“\ (some MSS. in strkjv@Luke:12:27|), only here in N.T.

rwp@John:19:26 @{His mother} (\tˆn mˆtera\). Common Greek idiom, the article as possessive. {Standing by} (\parest“ta\). Perfect active (intransitive) participle of \paristˆmi\, vivid and picturesque scene. The dying Saviour thinks of the comfort of his mother. {Whom he loved} (\hon ˆgapa\). Imperfect active. Surely John is justified in inserting this phrase here. If John were his cousin, that helps explain why Jesus turns the care of his mother over to him. But the brothers of Jesus are not present and disbelieved his claims. John is the only one of the apostles with courage enough to take his stand with the women by the Cross. There is no disrespect in the use of "Woman" (\Gunai\) here as there was not in strkjv@2:4|. This trust is to John, though Salome, John's own mother, was standing there.

rwp@John:19:29 @{Was set} (\ekeito\). Imperfect middle. John, as eyewitness, had noticed it there. {Of vinegar} (\oxous\). Not vinegar drugged with myrrh (Mark:15:23|) and gall (Matthew:27:34|) which Jesus had refused just before the crucifixion. {Sponge} (\spoggon\). Old word, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Mark:15:36; strkjv@Matthew:27:48|, our "sponge." {They put} (\perithentes\). Second aorist active participle of \peritithˆmi\, to place around. {Upon hyssop} (\huss“p“i\). {A reed} (\kalam“i\) as Mark and Matthew have it. The reed of the hyssop bush was only three or four feet long.

rwp@John:19:30 @{Had received} (\elaben\). Second aorist active indicative of \lamban“\. Jesus took the vinegar (a stimulant), though he had refused the drugged vinegar. It is finished (\tetelestai\). Same for as in verse 28|. A cry of victory in the hour of defeat like \nenikˆka\ in strkjv@16:33|. Jesus knew the relation of his death to redemption for us (Mark:10:45; strkjv@Matthew:20:28; strkjv@26:28|). {Bowed his head} (\klinas tˆn kephalˆn\). First aorist active participle of \klin“\. This vivid detail only in John. {Gave up his spirit} (\pared“ken to pneuma\). With the quotation of strkjv@Psalms:31:5| according to strkjv@Luke:23:46|, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (the last of the seven sayings of Jesus on the Cross that are preserved for us). Jesus died with the words of this Psalm upon his lips. The apostle John had come back to the Cross.

rwp@John:19:31 @{The Preparation} (\paraskeuˆ\). Friday. See verse 14|. {Might not remain} (\mˆ meinˆi\). Negative final clause with \hina mˆ\ and first aorist active (constative) subjunctive of \men“\. {A high day} (\megalˆ\). A "great" day, since "the sabbath day following synchronized with the first day of unleavened bread which was a 'great' day" (Bernard). A double reason therefore for wanting the bodies removed before sunset when the Sabbath began. {That their legs might be broken} (\hina kateag“sin auton ta skelˆ\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist passive subjunctive of \katagnumi\ with the augment retained in the subjunctive, a "false augment" common in later Greek as in the future in strkjv@Matthew:12:20| with this verb (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 365). This _crurifragium_ was done with a heavy mallet and ended the sufferings of the victim. {Legs} (\skelˆ\). Old word, here only in N.T. {Might be taken away} (\arth“sin\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \air“\ with \hina\ also.

rwp@John:19:32 @{Which was crucified with him} (\tou sunstaur“thentos aut“i\). First aorist passive articular participle of \sunstauro“\ with associative instrumental case. Cf. Paul's \Christ“i sunestaur“mai\ (Galatians:2:19|).

rwp@John:19:33 @{Already dead} (\ˆdˆ tethnˆkota\). Perfect active participle of \thnˆsk“\. Songs:then Jesus died before the robbers, died of a broken heart. {They brake not} (\ou kateaxan\). The augment is proper here (see 32|).

rwp@John:19:34 @{With a spear} (\logchˆi\). Instrumental case of this old word, here only in the N.T. {Pierced his side} (\autou tˆn pleuran enuxen\). First aorist active indicative of \nuss“\, old word to pierce, here only in N.T., and \pleuran\ (side), another old word, occurs in N.T. only here and strkjv@John:20:20,25,27|. {Blood and water} (\haima kai hud“r\). Dr. W. Stroud (_Physical Cause of the Death of Christ_) argues that this fact proves that the spear pierced the left side of Jesus near the heart and that Jesus had died literally of a broken heart since blood was mixed with water.

rwp@John:19:35 @{He that hath seen} (\ho he“rak“s\). Perfect active articular participle of \hora“\. John the Apostle was there and saw this fact (still sees it, in fact). This personal witness disproves the theory of the Docetic Gnostics that Jesus did not have a real human body. {He knoweth} (\ekeinos oiden\). That is John does like strkjv@9:37|. It is possible that \ekeinos\ may be a solemn appeal to God as in strkjv@1:33| or Christ as in strkjv@1John:3:5|. Bernard argues that the final editor is distinguishing the Beloved Disciple from himself and is endorsing him. But the example of Josephus (_War_. III. 7, 16) is against this use of \ekeinos\. John is rather referring to himself as still alive.

rwp@John:19:38 @{But secretly for fear of the Jews} (\kekrummenos de dia ton phobon t“n Ioudai“n\). Perfect passive participle of \krupt“\. An example of the rulers described in strkjv@12:41-43| who through cowardice feared to own their faith in Jesus as the Messiah. But it must be put down to the credit of Joseph that he showed courage in this darkest hour when the majority had lost heart. {That he might take away} (\hina arˆi\). Final clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \air“\. Else the body of Jesus might have gone to the potter's field. Pilate gladly consented.

rwp@John:20:1 @{Now on the first day of the week} (\tˆi de miƒi t“n sabbat“n\). Locative case of time when. Both Mark (Mark:16:2|) and Luke (Luke:24:1|) have this very idiom of the cardinal \tˆi miƒi\, instead of the usual ordinal \tˆi pr“tˆi\ (first), an idiom common in the papyri and in the modern Greek (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 671). In all three instances also we have the genitive plural \t“n sabbat“n\ for "the week" as in strkjv@Acts:20:7|. The singular \sabbaton\ also occurs for "the week" as in strkjv@Luke:18:12; strkjv@Mark:16:9|. {Cometh Mary Magdalene} (\Maria hˆ Magdalˆnˆ erchetai\). Vivid historical present. Mary Magdalene is not to be confounded with Mary of Bethany. {While it was yet dark} (\skotias eti ousˆs\). Genitive absolute. For \skotia\ see strkjv@John:6:17; strkjv@Matthew:10:27|. Mark (Mark:16:2|) says the sun was risen on their actual arrival. She started from the house while still dark. {Taken away} (\ˆrmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \air“\, predicate accusative in apposition with \ton lithon\.

rwp@John:20:3 @{They went} (\ˆrchonto\). Imperfect middle picturing the scene, "they were going." The two started instantly (\exˆlthen\, aorist active indicative).

rwp@John:20:5 @{Stooping and looking in} (\parakupsas\). Originally to stoop and look, but in the LXX (Genesis:26:8; strkjv@Judges:5:28; strkjv@1Kings:6:4|, etc.) and the papyri rather just to peep in and so Field (_Ot. Norv_.) urges here. See also verse 11; strkjv@Luke:24:12| (the verse bracketed by Westcott and Hort). For \othonia\ (linen cloth) see strkjv@John:19:40|. {Lying} (\keimena\). Present middle participle of \keimai\, predicative accusative. John notices this fact at once. If the body had been removed, these clothes would have gone also. John's timid nature made him pause (yet, \mentoi\, however).

rwp@John:20:7 @{The napkin} (\to soudarion\). Already in strkjv@11:44| which see. This napkin for the head was in a separate place. {Rolled up} (\entetuligmenon\). Perfect passive participle, predicate accusative like \keimenon\, from \entuliss“\, late verb, to wrap in, to roll up, already in strkjv@Matthew:27:59; strkjv@Luke:23:53|. It was arranged in an orderly fashion. There was no haste. {By itself} (\ch“ris\). Old adverb, "apart," "separately."

rwp@John:20:9 @{For} (\gar\). Explanatory use of \gar\. {The Scripture} (\tˆn graphˆn\). Probably strkjv@Psalms:16:10|. Jesus had repeatedly foretold his resurrection, but that was all forgotten in the great sorrow on their hearts. Only the chief priests and Pharisees recalled the words of Jesus (Matthew:27:62ff.|). {Must} (\dei\). For this use of \dei\ concerning Christ's death and resurrection see strkjv@Mark:8:31; strkjv@Matthew:26:54; strkjv@Luke:9:22; strkjv@17:25; strkjv@22:37; strkjv@24:7,26,44; strkjv@John:3:14; strkjv@12:34; strkjv@Acts:1:16|. Jesus had put emphasis on both the fact and the necessity of his resurrection which the disciples slowly perceived.

rwp@John:20:14 @{She turned herself back} (\estraphˆ eis ta opis“\). Second aorist passive indicative of \streph“\ in an intransitive and almost reflective sense. In the disappearance of the aorist middle before the aorist passive see Robertson, _Grammar_, p.817. See also \strapheisa\ (second aorist passive participle) in verse 16|. On \eis ta opis“\ see strkjv@6:66; strkjv@18:6|. {Standing} (\hest“ta\). Second perfect active (intransitive) of \histˆmi\. Instinctively Mary felt the presence of some one behind her. {Was} (\estin\). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse after \ˆidei\ (knew).

rwp@John:20:18 @{And telleth} (\aggellousa\). Present active participle, "announcing." {I have seen the Lord} (\He“raka ton kurion\). Perfect active indicative of \hora“\. She will always carry in her heart that vision (picture) of the Risen Christ. She tells this fact before she delivers Christ's message to the brethren of Christ. {How that}. No word in the Greek, but a conjunction like \h“s\ is implied. \Hoti\ here is recitative. The disciples (brethren) did not believe Mary's story nor that of the other women (Luke:24:11; strkjv@Mark:16:11|). Paul does not mention the vision to Mary or the women in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:5-7|. But Mary Magdalene was the first one to see the Risen Lord.

rwp@John:20:19 @{When therefore it was evening on that day} (\ousˆs oun opsias tˆi hˆmerƒi ekeinei\). Genitive absolute with \opsia\ (\opsios\, late), old word with \h“ra\ (hour) understood and here for the time from six to nine (6:16|) and the locative case of time with \hˆmerƒi\ (day). John often uses this note of time (1:39; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@11:53; strkjv@14:20; strkjv@16:23,26|). The addition of \tˆi miƒi sabbat“n\ (see strkjv@20:1| for this use of \miƒi\ like \pr“tˆi\) proves that John is using Roman time, not Jewish, for here evening follows day instead of preceding it. {When the doors were shut} (\t“n thur“n kekleismen“n\). Genitive absolute again with perfect passive participle of \klei“\, shut to keep the Jews out. News of the empty tomb had already spread (Matthew:28:11|). See strkjv@John:7:13| for the phrase "for fear of the Jews"; cf. strkjv@12:42|. {Stood in the midst} (\estˆ eis to meson\). Second aorist (ingressive) active (intransitive) of \histˆmi\, "stepped into the midst." {Peace be unto you} (\Eirˆnˆ humin\). The usual oriental salutation as in verses 21,26; strkjv@Luke:24:36|, here with probable reference to strkjv@John:14:27| (Christ's legacy of peace).

rwp@John:20:22 @{He breathed on them} (\enephusˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \emphusa“\, late verb, here only in N.T. though eleven times in the LXX and in the papyri. It was a symbolic art with the same word used in the LXX when God breathed the breath of life upon Adam (Genesis:2:7|). It occurs also in strkjv@Ezekiel:37:9|. See Christ's promise in strkjv@John:16:23|. Jesus gives the disciples a foretaste of the great pentecost. {Receive ye the Holy Ghost} (\labete pneuma hagion\). Second aorist (ingressive) active imperative of \lamban“\. Note absence of article here (\pneuma hagion\) though \to pneuma to hagion\ in strkjv@14:26|. No real distinction is to be observed, for Holy Spirit is treated as a proper name with or without the article.

rwp@John:20:23 @{Whosesoever sins ye forgive} (\an tin“n aphˆte tas hamartias\). "If the sins of any ye forgive" (\aphˆte\, second aorist active subjunctive with \an\ in the sense of \ean\), a condition of the third class. Precisely so with "retain" (\kratˆte\, present active subjunctive of \krate“\). {They are forgiven} (\aphe“ntai\). Perfect passive indicative of \aphiˆmi\, Doric perfect for \apheintai\. {Are retained} (\kekratˆntai\). Perfect passive indicative of \krate“\. The power to forgive sin belongs only to God, but Jesus claimed to have this power and right (Mark:2:5-7|). What he commits to the disciples and to us is the power and privilege of giving assurance of the forgiveness of sins by God by correctly announcing the terms of forgiveness. There is no proof that he actually transferred to the apostles or their successors the power in and of themselves to forgive sins. In strkjv@Matthew:16:19; strkjv@18:18| we have a similar use of the rabbinical metaphor of binding and loosing by proclaiming and teaching. Jesus put into the hands of Peter and of all believers the keys of the Kingdom which we should use to open the door for those who wish to enter. This glorious promise applies to all believers who will tell the story of Christ's love for men.

rwp@John:20:27 @{Then saith he to Thomas} (\eita legei t“i Thomƒi\). Jesus turns directly to Thomas as if he had come expressly for his sake. He reveals his knowledge of the doubt in the mind of Thomas and mentions the very tests that he had named (25|). {Be not faithless} (\mˆ ginou apistos\). Present middle imperative of \ginomai\ in prohibition, "stop becoming disbelieving." The doubt of Thomas in the face of the witness of the others was not a proof of his superior intelligence. Sceptics usually pose as persons of unusual mentality. The medium who won Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to spiritualism has confessed that it was all humbug, but he deceived the gullible novelist. But Thomas had carried his incredulity too far. Note play on \apistos\ (disbelieving) and \pistos\ (believing).

rwp@John:20:31 @{Are written} (\gegraptai\). Perfect passive indicative of \graph“\, "have been written" by John. {That ye may believe} (\hina pisteuˆte\). Purpose with \hina\ and the present active subjunctive of \pisteu“\, "that you may keep on believing." The book has had precisely this effect of continuous and successive confirmation of faith in Jesus Christ through the ages. {Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God} (\Iˆsous estin ho Christos ho huios tou theou\). The man named Jesus is identical with the Messiah (the Anointed One) as opposed to the Cerinthian separation of the Jesus of history and the Christ (\aeon\) of theology. And the Docetic notion of a phantom body for Jesus with no actual human body is also false. Jesus is the Son of God with all that this high term implies, the Logos of strkjv@John:1:1-18| (the Prologue). "Very God of very God," Incarnate Revealer of God. But there is a further purpose. {And that believing ye may have life in his name} (\kai hina pisteuontes z“ˆn echˆte en t“i onomati autou\). Note present participle \pisteuontes\ (continuing to believe) and the present active subjunctive \echˆte\ (keep on having). "Life" (\z“ˆn\) is eternal life so often mentioned in this Gospel, life to be found only in the name (and power) of Jesus Christ the Son of God. This verse constitutes a fitting close for this wonderful book and John may at first have intended to stop here. But before he published the work he added the Epilogue (Chapter XXI) which is written in the same style and gives a beautiful picture of the Risen Christ with a side-light on John and Peter (restored to fellowship).

rwp@John:21:1 @{Manifested himself} (\ephanerosen heauton\). First aorist active indicative of \phanero“\ with the reflexive pronoun (cf. strkjv@7:4; strkjv@13:4|). For the passive see strkjv@1:31; strkjv@21:14|. Jesus was only seen during the forty days now and then (Acts:1:3|), ten instances being recorded. The word \phanero“\ is often used of Christ on earth (John:1:31; strkjv@2:11; strkjv@1Peter:1:20; strkjv@1John:1:2|), of his works (John:3:5|), of the second coming (1John:2:28|), of Christ in glory (Colossians:3:4; strkjv@1John:3:2|). {At} (\epi\). By or upon. {Of Tiberias} (\tˆs Tiberiados\). As in strkjv@6:1| instead of the usual "Sea of Galilee." Tiberias, the capital city of Galilee, gave this epithet to the Sea of Galilee. This is not the appearance in Galilee prearranged by Jesus (Mark:16:7; strkjv@Matthew:28:7,16|).

rwp@John:21:4 @{When day was now breaking} (\pr“ias ˆdˆ ginomenˆs\). Genitive absolute and note present middle participle (dawn coming on and still dark). In strkjv@Matthew:27:1| the aorist participle (\genomenˆs\) means that dawn had come. For "beach" (\aigialon\) see strkjv@Matthew:13:2|. {Was} (\estin\). Present indicative retained in indirect assertion.

rwp@John:21:8 @{In the little boat} (\t“i ploiari“i\). Locative case of \ploiarion\ (diminutive) for the larger boat (\ploion\, verses 3,6|) could come no closer to shore. But the words seem interchangeable in strkjv@6:17,19,21,22,24|. {About two hundred cubits off} (\h“s apo pˆch“n diakosi“n\). For \pˆchus\, cubit, see strkjv@Matthew:6:27| and for \h“s apo\ see strkjv@11:18|. {Dragging} (\surontes\). Present active participle of \sur“\ for which see strkjv@Acts:8:3|.

rwp@John:21:9 @{Got out} (\apebˆsan\). As in strkjv@Luke:5:2|. {They see} (\blepousin\). Vivid historical present. {A fire of coals} (\anthrakian\). See strkjv@18:18| for this word. Cf. our "anthracite." {There} (\keimenˆn\). Lying as placed, present middle participle of \keimai\. {Fish} (\opsarion\). As in strkjv@6:9,11|, like \prosphagion\ above. {Laid thereon} (\epikeimenon\). Songs:broiling with bread ready (toast).

rwp@John:21:13 @{Taketh the bread, and giveth them} (\lambanei ton arton kai did“sin autois\). Vivid presents again. Jesus acts as host at this early breakfast, his last meal with these seven faithful followers.

rwp@John:21:15 @{Lovest thou me more than these?} (\agapƒis me pleon tout“n;\). Ablative case of comparison \tout“n\ (disciples) after \pleon\. Peter had even boasted that he would stand by Christ though all men forsook him (Mark:14:29|). We do not know what passed between Jesus and Peter when Jesus first appeared to him (Luke:24:34|). But here Christ probes the inmost recesses of Peter's heart to secure the humility necessary for service. {I love thee} (\phil“ su\). Peter makes no claim here to superior love and passes by the "more than these" and does not even use Christ's word \agapa“\ for high and devoted love, but the humbler word \phile“\ for love as a friend. He insists that Christ knows this in spite of his conduct. {Feed my lambs} (\Boske ta arnia mou\). For the old word \bosk“\ (to feed as a herdsman) see strkjv@Matthew:8:33|. Present active imperative here. \Arnia\ is a diminutive of \arnos\ (lamb).

rwp@John:21:17 @{Lovest thou me?} (\phileis me;\). This time Jesus picks up the word \phile“\ used by Peter and challenges that. These two words are often interchanged in the N.T., but here the distinction is preserved. Peter was cut to the heart (\elupˆthˆ\, first aorist passive of \lupe“\, to grieve) because Jesus challenges this very verb, and no doubt the third question vividly reminds him of the three denials in the early morning by the fire. He repeats his love for Jesus with the plea: "Thou knowest all things." {Feed my sheep} (\boske ta probatia\). Many MSS. both here and in verse 16| read \probata\ (sheep) instead of \probatia\ (little sheep or lambs).

rwp@John:21:19 @{By what manner of death} (\poi“i thanat“i\). Undoubtedly John, who is writing long after Peter's death, seems to mean that Peter was to die (and did die) a martyr's death. "Whither thou wouldest not." There is a tradition that Peter met death by crucifixion and asked to be crucified head downwards, but that is not made plain here.

rwp@John:21:20 @{Turning about} (\epistrapheis\). Second aorist passive participle of \epistreph“\, old verb, here a sudden turning round (ingressive aorist). For the simplex verb \streph“\ see strkjv@20:14,16|. {Following} (\akolouthounta\). Following both Jesus and Peter, perhaps having heard the graphic dialogue above.

rwp@Info_Jude:@ THE EPISTLE OF JUDE ABOUT A.D. 65 TO 67 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION THE AUTHOR He calls himself Judas, but this was a very common name. In the N.T. itself we have Judas Iscariot and Judas not Iscariot (John:14:22|; also called Judas of James, son or brother, strkjv@Luke:6:6|), Judas a brother of our Lord (Matthew:13:55|), Judas of Galilee (Acts:5:37|), Judas of Damascus (Acts:9:11|), Judas Barsabbas (Acts:15:22|). The author explains that he is a "slave" of Jesus Christ as James did (Jude:1:1|), and adds that he is also a brother of James. Clement of Alexandria thinks that, like James, he deprecated being called the brother of the Lord Jesus (as by Hegesippus later) as claiming too much authority. Keil identifies him with Jude:the Apostle (not Iscariot), but that is most unlikely. The Epistle is one of the disputed books of Eusebius. It was recognized in the canon in the Third Council of Carthage (A.D. 397). It appears in the Muratorian Canon (A.D. 170).

rwp@Info_Jude:@ THE RELATION TO II PETER Beyond a doubt one of these Epistles was used by the other, as one can see by comparing particularly strkjv@Jude:1:3-18| and strkjv@2Peter:2:1-18|. As already said concerning II Peter, scholars are greatly divided on this point, and in our present state of knowledge it does not seem possible to reach a solid conclusion. The probability is that not much time elapsed between them. Mayor devotes a whole chapter to the discussion of the relation between II Peter and Jude:and reaches the conclusion "that in Jude:we have the first thought, in Peter the second thought." That is my own feeling, but it is all so subjective that I have no desire to urge the point unduly. Bigg is equally positive that II Peter comes before Jude.

rwp@Info_Jude:@ THE USE OF APOCRYPHAL BOOKS Jude:(verse strkjv@Jude:1:14|) quotes from "Enoch" by name and says that he "prophesied." What he quotes is a combination of various passages in the Book of Enoch as we have it now. It used to be held that part of Enoch was later than Jude, but Charles seems to have disproved that, though the book as we have it has many interpolations. Tertullian wanted to canonise Enoch because of what Jude:says, whereas Chrysostom says that the authenticity of Jude:was doubted because of the use of Enoch. In verse strkjv@Jude:1:9| there seems to be an allusion to the _Assumption of Moses_, another apocryphal book, but it is the use of "prophesied" in verse strkjv@Jude:1:14| about Enoch that gave most offence. It is possible, of course, that Jude:did not attach the full sense to that term.

rwp@Info_Jude:@ SPECIAL BOOKS ON JUDE (Apart from those on II Peter or the Catholic Epistles) Chase, F. H., _Jude:in Hastings D B_ (1899). Ermoni, V., _L'epitre de Jude_ (1903, in Vigoroux, Diction- naire de la Bible). Georchin, B., _Der Brief Judas_ (1901). Kasteren, J. P., _Deuteronomy:brief uan den apostel Judas_ (1916). Maier, F., _Der Judasbrief_ (1906). Mayor, J. B., _The Epistle of Jude_ (in Expositor's Greek Testament, 1910). Plummer, A., _St. James and St. Jude_ (Expositor's Bible). Rampf, M. F., _Der Brief Juda_ (1854). Stier, R., _Der Brief Judas, des Bruders des Herrn_ (1850). Wandel, G., _Der Brief des Judas_ (1898). strkjv@Jude:1:1 @{Servant} (\doulos\). Precisely as James (James:1:1|), only James added \kuriou\ (Lord). {Brother of James} (\adelphos Iak“bou\). Thus Jude:identifies himself. But not the "Judas of James" (Luke:6:16; strkjv@Acts:1:13|). {To them that are called} (\tois--klˆtois\). But this translation (treating \klˆtois\ as a substantive like strkjv@Romans:1:6; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:24|) is by no means certain as two participles come in between \tois\ and \klˆtois\. \Klˆtois\ may be in the predicate position (being called), not attributive. But see strkjv@1Peter:1:1|. {Beloved in God the Father} (\en the“i patri ˆgapˆmenois\). Perfect passive participle of \agapa“\, but no precise parallel to this use of \en\ with \agapa“\. {Kept for Jesus Christ} (\Iˆsou Christ“i tetˆrˆmenois\). Perfect passive participle again with dative, unless it is the instrumental, "kept by Jesus Christ," a quite possible interpretation.

rwp@Jude:1:3 @{Beloved} (\agapˆtoi\). As in strkjv@3John:1:2|. {All diligence} (\pƒsan spoudˆn\). As in strkjv@2Peter:1:5|. {Of our common salvation} (\peri tˆs koinˆs hˆm“n s“tˆrias\). See this use of \koinos\ (common to all) in strkjv@Titus:1:4| with \pistis\, while in strkjv@2Peter:1:1| we have \isotimon pistin\, which see. {I was constrained} (\anagkˆn eschon\). "I had necessity" like strkjv@Luke:14:18; strkjv@Hebrews:7:27|. {To contend earnestly} (\epag“nizesthai\). Late and rare (in Plutarch, inscriptions) compound, here only in N.T. A little additional (\epi\) striving to the already strong \ag“nizesthai\ (\ag“n\ contest). Cf. strkjv@1Timothy:6:12| \ag“nizou ton kalon ag“na\. {For the faith} (\tˆi--pistei\). Dative of advantage. Here not in the original sense of trust, but rather of the thing believed as in verse 20; strkjv@Galatians:1:23; strkjv@3:23; strkjv@Phillipians:1:27|. {Once for all delivered} (\hapax paradotheisˆi\). First aorist passive participle feminine dative singular of \paradid“mi\, for which see strkjv@2Peter:2:21|. See also strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:15; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:2; strkjv@1Timothy:6:20|.

rwp@Jude:1:4 @{Are crept in} (\pareiseduˆsan\). Second aorist passive indicative of \pareisdu“\ (\-n“\), late (Hippocrates, Plutarch, etc.) compound of \para\ (beside) and \eis\ (in) and \du“\ to sink or plunge, so to slip in secretly as if by a side door, here only in N.T. {Set forth} (\progegrammenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \prograph“\, to write of beforehand, for which verb see strkjv@Galatians:3:1; strkjv@Romans:15:4|. {Unto this condemnation} (\eis touto to krima\). See strkjv@2Peter:2:3| for \krima\ and \ekpalai\. \Palai\ here apparently alludes to verses 14,15| (Enoch). {Ungodly men} (\asebeis\). Keynote of the Epistle (Mayor), in 15| again as in strkjv@2Peter:2:5; strkjv@3:7|. {Turning} (\metatithentes\). Present active participle of \metatithˆmi\, to change, for which verb see strkjv@Galatians:1:6|. For the change of "grace" (\charita\) into "lasciviousness (\eis aselgeian\) see strkjv@1Peter:2:16; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@2Peter:2:19; strkjv@3:16|. {Our only Master and Lord} (\ton monon despotˆn kai kurion hˆm“n\). For the force of the one article for one person see on ¯2Peter:1:1|. For \despotˆn\ of Christ see strkjv@2Peter:2:1|. {Denying} (\arnoumenoi\). strkjv@Songs:2Peter:2:1|. See also strkjv@Matthew:10:33; strkjv@1Timothy:5:8; strkjv@Titus:1:16; strkjv@1John:2:22|.

rwp@Jude:1:5 @{To put you in remembrance} (\hupomnˆsai\). See strkjv@2Peter:1:12| \hupomimnˆskein\ (present active infinitive there, first aorist active infinitive here). {Though ye know all things once for all} (\eidotas hapax panta\). Concessive perfect (sense of present) active participle as in strkjv@2Peter:1:12|, but without \kaiper\. {The Lord} (\kurios\). Some MSS. add \Iˆsous\. The use of \kurios\ here is usually understood to mean the Lord Jesus Christ, as Clement of Alex. (_Adumbr_. p. 133) explains, strkjv@Exodus:23:20|, by \ho mustikos ekeinos aggelos Iˆsous\ (that mystical angel Jesus). For the mystic reference to Christ see strkjv@1Corinthians:10:4,9; strkjv@Hebrews:11:26|. Some MSS. here add \theos\ instead of \Iˆsous\. {Afterward} (\to deuteron\). Adverbial accusative, "the second time." After having saved the people out of Egypt. {Destroyed} (\ap“lesen\). First aorist active indicative of \apollumi\, old verb, to destroy. {Them that believed not} (\tous mˆ pisteusantas\). First aorist active articular participle of \pisteu“\. The reference is to strkjv@Numbers:14:27-37|, when all the people rescued from Egypt perished except Caleb and Joshua. This first example by Jude:is not in II Peter, but is discussed in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:5-11; strkjv@Hebrews:3:18-4:2|.

rwp@Jude:1:6 @{And angels} (\aggelous de\). The second example in Jude, the fallen angels, accusative case after \tetˆrˆken\ (perfect active indicative of \tˆre“\, for which verb see strkjv@2Peter:2:4,7|) at the end of the verse (two emphatic positions, beginning and end of the clause). {Kept not} (\mˆ tˆrˆsantas\). First aorist active participle with negative \mˆ\, with play on "kept not" and "he hath kept." {Principality} (\archˆn\). Literally, "beginning," "rule," (first place of power as in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:24; strkjv@Romans:8:38|). In strkjv@Acts:10:11| it is used for "corners" (beginnings) of the sheet. In strkjv@Ephesians:6:12| the word is used for evil angels. See strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:8|. Both Enoch and Philo (and Milton) discuss the fallen angels. {But left} (\alla apolipontas\). Second aorist active participle of \apoleip“\, old verb, to leave behind (2Timothy:4:13,20|). {Their own proper habitation} (\to idion oikˆtˆrion\). Old word for dwelling-place (from \oikˆtˆr\, dweller at home, from \oikos\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:5:2| (the body as the abode of the spirit). {In everlasting bonds} (\desmois aidiois\). Either locative (in) or instrumental (by, with). \Aidios\ (from \aei\, always), old adjective, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:20| (of God's power and deity). It is synonymous with \ai“nios\ (Matthew:25:46|). Mayor terms \aidios\ an Aristotelian word, while \ai“nios\ is Platonic. {Under darkness} (\hupo zophon\). See strkjv@2Peter:2:4| for \zophos\. In Wisd. strkjv@17:2 we find \desmioi skotous\ (prisoners of darkness). {Great} (\megalˆs\). Not in strkjv@2Peter:2:9|, which see for discussion.

rwp@Jude:1:7 @{Even as} (\h“s\). Just "as." The third instance (Jude:passes by the deluge) in Jude, the cities of the plain. {The cities about them} (\hai peri autas poleis\). These were also included, Admah and Zeboiim (Deuteronomy:29:23; strkjv@Hosea:11:8|). Zoar, the other city, was spared. {In like manner} (\ton homoion tropon\). Adverbial accusative (cf. \h“s\). Like the fallen angels. {Having given themselves over to fornication} (\ekporneusasai\). First aorist active participle feminine plural of \ekporneu“\, late and rare compound (perfective use of \ek\, outside the moral law), only here in N.T., but in LXX (Genesis:38:24; strkjv@Exodus:34:15f.|, etc.). Cf. \aselgeian\ in verse 4|. {Strange flesh} (\sarkos heteras\). Horrible licentiousness, not simply with women not their wives or in other nations, but even unnatural uses (Romans:1:27|) for which the very word "sodomy" is used (Genesis:19:4-11|). The pronoun \heteras\ (other, strange) is not in strkjv@2Peter:2:10|. {Are set forth} (\prokeintai\). Present middle indicative of \prokeimai\, old verb, to lie before, as in strkjv@Hebrews:12:1f|. {As an example} (\deigma\). Predicate nominative of \deigma\, old word (from \deiknumi\ to show), here only in N.T., sample, specimen. strkjv@2Peter:2:6| has \hupodeigma\ (pattern). {Suffering} (\hupechousai\). Present active participle of \hupech“\, old compound, to hold under, often with \dikˆn\ (right, justice, sentence strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:9|) to suffer sentence (punishment), here only in N.T. {Of eternal fire} (\puros ai“niou\). Like \desmois aidiois\ in verse 7|. Cf. the hell of fire (Matthew:5:22|) and also strkjv@Matthew:25:46|. Jude:has no mention of Lot.

rwp@Jude:1:8 @{Yet} (\mentoi\). See strkjv@John:4:27|. In spite of these warnings. {In like manner} (\homoi“s\). Like the cities of the plain. {These also} (\kai houtoi\). The false teachers of verse 4|. {In their dreamings} (\enupniazomenoi\). Present middle participle of \enupniaz“\, to dream (from \enupnion\ dream, strkjv@Acts:2:17|, from \en\ and \hupnos\, in sleep), in Aristotle, Hippocrates, Plutarch, papyri, LXX (Joel:2:28|), here only in N.T. Cf. strkjv@Colossians:2:18|. {Defile} (\miainousin\). Present active indicative of \minain“\, old verb, to stain, with sin (Titus:1:15|) as here. strkjv@2Peter:2:10| has \miasmou\. {Set at nought} (\athetousin\). Present active indicative of \athete“\, to annul. Both \kuriotˆs\ (dominion) and \doxai\ (dignities) occur in strkjv@2Peter:2:10|, which see for discussion.

rwp@Jude:1:9 @{Michael the archangel} (\ho Michael ho archaggelos\). Michael is mentioned also in strkjv@Daniel:10:13,21; strkjv@12:1; strkjv@Revelation:12:7|. \Archaggelos\ in N.T. occurs only here and strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:16|, but in strkjv@Daniel:10:13,20; strkjv@12:1|. {Contending with the devil} (\t“i diabol“i diakrinomenos\). Present middle participle of \diakrin“\, to separate, to strive with as in strkjv@Acts:11:2|. Dative case \diabol“i\. {When he disputed} (\hote dielegeto\). Imperfect middle of \dialegomai\ as in strkjv@Mark:9:34|. {Concerning the body of Moses} (\peri tou M“use“s s“matos\). Some refer this to strkjv@Zechariah:3:1|, others to a rabbinical comment on strkjv@Deuteronomy:34:6|. There is a similar reference to traditions in strkjv@Acts:7:22; strkjv@Galatians:3:19; strkjv@Hebrews:2:2; strkjv@2Timothy:3:8|. But this explanation hardly meets the facts. {Durst not bring} (\ouk etolmˆsen epenegkein\). "Did not dare (first aorist active indicative of \tolma“\), to bring against him" (second aorist active infinitive of \epipher“\). {A railing accusation} (\krisin blasphˆmias\). "Charge of blasphemy" where strkjv@2Peter:2:11| has "\blasphˆmon krisin\." Peter also has \para kuri“i\ (with the Lord), not in Jude. {The Lord rebuke thee} (\epitimˆsai soi kurios\). First aorist active optative of \epitima“\, a wish about the future. These words occur in strkjv@Zechariah:3:1-10| where the angel of the Lord replies to the charges of Satan. Clement of Alex. (_Adumb. in Ep. Judae_) says that Jude:quoted here the _Assumption of Moses_, one of the apocryphal books. Origen says the same thing. Mayor thinks that the author of the _Assumption of Moses_ took these words from Zechariah and put them in the mouth of the Archangel Michael. There is a Latin version of the _Assumption_. Some date it as early as B.C. 2, others after A.D. 44.

rwp@Jude:1:10 @{Whatsoever things they know not} (\hosa ouk oidasin\). Here strkjv@2Peter:2:12| has \en hois agnoousin\. The rest of the sentence is smoother than strkjv@2Peter:2:12|. {Naturally} (\phusik“s\). Here only in N.T. strkjv@2Peter:2:12| has \gegennˆmena phusika\. Jude:has the article \ta\ with \aloga z“a\ and the present passive \phtheirontai\ instead of the future passive \phtharˆsontai\.

rwp@Jude:1:12 @{Hidden rocks} (\spilades\). Old word for rocks in the sea (covered by the water), as in Homer, here only in N.T. strkjv@2Peter:2:13| has \spiloi\. {Love-feasts} (\agapais\). Undoubtedly the correct text here, though A C have \apatais\ as in strkjv@2Peter:2:14|. For disorder at the Lord's Supper (and love-feasts?) see strkjv@1Corinthians:11:17-34|. The Gnostics made it worse, so that the love-feasts were discontinued. {When they feast with you} (\suneu“choumenoi\). See strkjv@2Peter:2:13| for this very word and form. Masculine gender with \houtoi hoi\ rather than with the feminine \spilades\. Cf. strkjv@Revelation:11:4|. Construction according to sense. {Shepherds that feed themselves} (\heautous poimainontes\). "Shepherding themselves." Cf. strkjv@Revelation:7:17| for this use of \poimain“\. Clouds without water (\nephelai anudroi\). \Nephelˆ\ common word for cloud (Matthew:24:30|). strkjv@2Peter:2:17| has \pˆgai anudroi\ (springs without water) and then \homichlai\ (mists) and \elaunomenai\ (driven) rather than \peripheromenai\ here (borne around, whirled around, present passive participle of \peripher“\ to bear around), a powerful picture of disappointed hopes. {Autumn trees} (\dendra phthinop“rina\). Late adjective (Aristotle, Polybius, Strabo) from \phthin“\, to waste away, and \op“ra\, autumn, here only in N.T. For \akarpa\ (without fruit) see strkjv@2Peter:1:8|. {Twice dead} (\dis apothanonta\). Second aorist active participle of \apothnˆsk“\. Fruitless and having died. Having died and also "uprooted" (\ekriz“thenta\). First aorist passive participle of \ekrizo“\, late compound, to root out, to pluck up by the roots, as in strkjv@Matthew:13:29|.

rwp@Jude:1:13 @{Wild waves} (\kumata agria\). Waves (Matthew:8:24|, from \kue“\, to swell) wild (from \agros\, field, wild honey strkjv@Matthew:3:4|) like untamed animals of the forest or the sea. {Foaming out} (\epaphrizonta\). Late and rare present active participle of \epaphriz“\, used in Moschus for the foaming waves as here. Cf. strkjv@Isaiah:57:20|. {Shame} (\aischunas\). Plural "shames" (disgraces). Cf. strkjv@Phillipians:3:19|. {Wandering stars} (\asteres planˆtai\). "Stars wanderers." \Planˆtˆs\, old word (from \plana“\), here alone in N.T. Some refer this to comets or shooting stars. See strkjv@Isaiah:14:12| for an allusion to Babylon as the day-star who fell through pride. {For ever} (\eis ai“na\). The rest of the relative clause exactly as in strkjv@2Peter:2:17|.

rwp@Jude:1:16 @{Murmurers} (\goggustai\). Late onomatopoetic word for agent, from \gogguz“\ (Matthew:20:11; strkjv@1Corinthians:10:10|) in the LXX (Exodus:16:8; strkjv@Numbers:11:1,14-29|). {Complainers} (\mempsimoiroi\). Rare word (Isocrates, Aristotle, Plutarch) from \memphomai\ to complain and \moira\ lot or fate. Here alone in N.T. {Lusts} (\epithumias\). As in strkjv@2Peter:3:3|. {Swelling} (\huperogka\). Songs:in strkjv@2Peter:2:18| (big words). {Showing respect of persons} (\thaumazontes pros“pa\). Present active participle of \thaumaz“\ to admire, to wonder at. Nowhere else in N.T. with \pros“pa\, but a Hebraism (in strkjv@Leviticus:19:15; strkjv@Job:13:10|) like \lambanein pros“pon\ (Luke:20:21|) and \blepein pros“pon\ (Matthew:22:16|) and \prosop“lempte“\ (James:2:9|). Cf. strkjv@James:2:1|. {For the sake of advantage} (\“pheleias charin\). To themselves. See also verse 11|. The covetousness of these Gnostic leaders is plainly shown in strkjv@2Peter:2:3,14|. For \charin\ as preposition with genitive see strkjv@Ephesians:3:1,14|.

rwp@Jude:1:19 @{They who make separations} (\hoi apodiorizontes\). Present active articular participle of the double compound \apodioriz“\ (from \apo, dia, horiz“, horos\, boundary, to make a horizon), rare word, in Aristotle for making logical distinctions, here only in N.T. \Dioriz“\ occurs in strkjv@Leviticus:20:24| and \aphoriz“\ in strkjv@Matthew:25:32|, etc. See \haireseis\ in strkjv@2Peter:2:1|. {Sensual} (\psuchikoi\). Old adjective from \psuchˆ\ as in strkjv@1Corinthians:2:14; strkjv@15:44; strkjv@James:3:15|. Opposed to \pneumatikos\. Not used by Peter. {Having not the Spirit} (\pneuma mˆ echontes\). Usual negative \mˆ\ with the participle (present active of \ech“\). Probably \pneuma\ here means the Holy Spirit, as is plain in verse 20|. Cf. strkjv@Romans:8:9|.

rwp@Jude:1:20 @{Building up} (\epoikodomountes\). Present active participle of \epoikodome“\, old compound with metaphor of a house (\oikos\), common in Paul (1Corinthians:3:9-17; strkjv@Colossians:2:7; strkjv@Ephesians:2:20|). {On your most holy faith} (\tˆi hagi“tatˆi hum“n pistei\). For the spiritual temple see also strkjv@1Peter:2:3-5|. See \pistis\ (faith) in this sense (cf. strkjv@Hebrews:11:1|) in strkjv@2Peter:1:5| with the list of graces added. A true superlative here \hagi“tatˆi\, not elative. {Praying in the Holy Spirit} (\en pneumati hagi“i proseuchomenoi\). This is the way to build themselves up on their faith.

rwp@Jude:1:21 @{Keep yourselves} (\heautous tˆrˆsate\). First aorist active imperative (of urgency) of \tˆre“\. In verse 1| they are said to be kept, but note the warning in verse 5| from the angels who did not keep their dominion. See also strkjv@James:1:27|. In strkjv@Phillipians:2:12| both sides (human responsibility and divine sovereignty are presented side by side). {Looking for} (\prosdechomenoi\). Present middle participle of \prosdechomai\, the very form in strkjv@Titus:2:13|. The same idea in \prosdok“ntes\ in strkjv@2Peter:3:14|.

rwp@Jude:1:22 @{And on some} (\kai hous men\). Demonstrative plural of \hos men--hos de\ (\hous de\, below), not the relative \hous\, but by contrast (\men, de\). Songs:Matthew:13:8|. {Have mercy} (\eleƒte\). Present active imperative of \elea“\ (rare form in strkjv@Romans:9:16| also for the usual \elee“\ strkjv@Matthew:9:27|). But A C read \elegchete\, refute, in place of \eleate\. The text of this verse is in much confusion. {Who are in doubt} (\diakrinomenous\). Present middle participle of \diakrin“\, in the accusative case agreeing with \hous men\, though K L P have the nominative. If the accusative and \eleate\ is read, see strkjv@James:1:6| for the idea (doubters). If \elegchete\ is read, see strkjv@Jude:1:9| for the idea (disputers).

rwp@Jude:1:23 @{And some save} (\hous de s“zete\). B omits \hous de\. {Snatching them out of the fire} (\ek puros harpazontes\). Present active participle of \harpaz“\, old verb, to seize. Quotation from strkjv@Amos:4:11| and strkjv@Zechariah:3:3|. Cf. strkjv@Psalms:106:18|. Firemen today literally do this rescue work. Do Christians? {And on some have mercy with fear} (\hous de eleƒte en phob“i\). In fear "of the contagion of sin while we are rescuing them" (Vincent). For this idea see strkjv@1Peter:1:17; strkjv@3:15; strkjv@2Corinthians:7:1; strkjv@Phillipians:2:12|. {Spotted} (\espil“menon\). Perfect passive participle of \spilo“\, late and common verb (from \spilos\, spot, strkjv@2Peter:2:13|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@James:3:6|.

rwp@Info_Luke @ THE SAME AUTHOR FOR GOSPEL AND ACTS The author of Acts refers to the Gospel specifically as "the first treatise," \ton pr“ton logon\, (Acts:1:1|) and both are addressed to Theophilus (Luke:1:3; strkjv@Acts:1:1|). He speaks of himself in both books as "me" (\kamoi\, strkjv@Luke:1:3|) and {I made} (\epoiˆsamˆn\, strkjv@Acts:1:1|). He refers to himself with others as "we" and "us" as in strkjv@Acts:16:10|, the "we" sections of Acts. The unity of Acts is here assumed until the authorship of Acts is discussed in Volume III. The same style appears in Gospel and Acts, so that the presumption is strongly in support of the author's statement. It is quite possible that the formal Introduction to the Gospel (Luke:1:1-4|) was intended to apply to the Acts also which has only an introductory clause. Plummer argues that to suppose that the author of Acts imitated the Gospel purposely is to suppose a literary miracle. Even Cadbury, who is not convinced of the Lucan authorship, says: "In my study of Luke and Acts, their unity is a fundamental and illuminating axiom." He adds: "They are not merely two independent writings from the same pen; they are a single continuous work. Acts is neither an appendix nor an afterthought. It is probably an integral part of the author's original plan and purpose."

rwp@Info_Luke @ THIS COMPANION OF PAUL A PHYSICIAN The argument for this position lies in the use of medical terms throughout the Gospel and the Acts. Hobart in his _Medical Language of St. Luke_ proves that the author of both Gospel and Acts shows a fondness for medical terms best explained by the fact that he was a physician. Like most enthusiasts he overdid it and some of his proof does not stand the actual test of sifting. Harnack and Hawkins in his _Horae Synopticae_ have picked out the most pertinent items which will stand. Cadbury in his _Style and Literary Method of Luke_ denies that Luke uses Greek medical words more frequently in proportion than Josephus, Philo, Plutarch, or Lucian. It is to miss the point about Luke merely to count words. It is mainly the interest in medical things shown in Luke and Acts. The proof that Luke is the author of the books does not turn on this fact. It is merely confirmatory. Paul calls Luke "the beloved physician" (\ho iatros ho agapˆtos\, strkjv@Colossians:4:14|), "my beloved physician." Together they worked in the Island of Malta (Acts:28:8-10|) where many were healed and Luke shared with Paul in the appreciation of the natives who "came and were healed (\etherapeuonto\) who also honoured us with many honours." The implication there is that Paul wrought miracles of healing (\iasato\), while Luke practised his medical art also. Other notes of the physician's interest will be indicated in the discussion of details like his omitting Mark's apparent discredit of physicians (Mark:5:26|) by a milder and more general statement of a chronic case (Luke:8:43|).

rwp@Info_Luke @ THE DATE OF THE GOSPEL There are two outstanding facts to mark off the date of this Gospel by Luke. It was later than the Gospel of Mark since Luke makes abundant use of it. It was before the Acts of the Apostles since he definitely refers to it in strkjv@Acts:1:1|. Unfortunately the precise date of both _termini_ is uncertain. There are still some scholars who hold that the author of the Acts shows knowledge of the _Antiquities_ of Josephus and so is after A.D. 85, a mistaken position, in my opinion, but a point to be discussed when Acts is reached. Still others more plausibly hold that the Acts was written after the destruction of Jerusalem and that the Gospel of Luke has a definite allusion to that event (Luke:21:20f.|), which is interpreted as a prophecy _post eventum_ instead of a prediction by Christ a generation beforehand. Many who accept this view hold to authorship of both Acts and Gospel by Luke. I have long held the view, now so ably defended by Harnack, that the Acts of the Apostles closes as it does for the simple and obvious reason that Paul was still a prisoner in Rome. Whether Luke meant the Acts to be used in the trial in Rome, which may or may not have come to pass, is not the point. Some argue that Luke contemplated a third book which would cover the events of the trial and Paul's later career. There is no proof of that view. The outstanding fact is that the book closes with Paul already a prisoner for two years in Rome. If the Acts was written about A.D. 63, as I believe to be the case, then obviously the Gospel comes earlier. How much before we do not know. It so happens that Paul was a prisoner a little over two years in Caesarea. That period gave Luke abundant opportunity for the kind of research of which he speaks in strkjv@Luke:1:1-4|. In Palestine he could have access to persons familiar with the earthly life and teachings of Jesus and to whatever documents were already produced concerning such matters. Luke may have produced the Gospel towards the close of the stay of Paul in Caesarea or during the early part of the first Roman imprisonment, somewhere between A.D. 59 and 62. The other testimony concerns the date of Mark's Gospel which has already been discussed in volume I. There is no real difficulty in the way of the early date of Mark's Gospel. All the facts that are known admit, even argue for a date by A.D. 60. If Mark wrote his Gospel in Rome, as is possible, it would certainly be before A.D. 64, the date of the burning of Rome by Nero. There are scholars, however, who argue for a much earlier date for his gospel, even as early as A.D. 50. The various aspects of the Synoptic problem are ably discussed by Hawkins in his _Horae Synopticae_, by Sanday and others in _Oxford Studies in the Synoptic Problem_, by Streeter in his _The Four Gospels_, by Hayes in his _The Synoptic Gospels and the Book of Acts_, by Harnack in his _Date of the Acts and the Synoptic Gospels_, by Stanton in his _The Gospels as Historical Documents_, and by many others. My own views are given at length in my _Studies in Mark's Gospel_ and in _Luke the Historian in the Light of Research_.

rwp@Info_Luke @ THE SOURCES OF THE GOSPEL In his Preface or Prologue (Luke:1:1-4|) the author tells us that he had two kinds of sources, oral and written, and that they were many, how many we have no way of telling. It is now generally accepted that we know two of his written sources, Mark's Gospel and Q or the Logia of Jesus (written by Matthew, Papias says). Mark is still preserved and it is not difficult for any one by the use of a harmony of the Gospels to note how Luke made use of Mark, incorporating what he chose, adapting it in various ways, not using what did not suit his purposes. The other source we only know in the non-Markan portions of Matthew and Luke, that is the material common to both, but not in Mark. This also can be noted by any one in a harmony. Only it is probable that this source was more extensive than just the portions used by both Matthew and Luke. It is probable that both Matthew and Luke each used portions of the Logia not used by the other. But there is a large portion of Luke's Gospel which is different from Mark and Matthew. Some scholars call this source L. There is little doubt that Luke had another document for the material peculiar to him, but it is also probable that he had several others. He spoke of "many." This applies especially to chapters 9 to 21. But Luke expressly says that he had received help from "eye-witnesses and ministers of the word," in oral form this means. It is, then, probable that Luke made numerous notes of such data and used them along with the written sources at his command. This remark applies particularly to chapters 1 and 2 which have a very distinct Semitic (Aramaic) colouring due to the sources used. It is possible, of course, that Mary the mother of Jesus may have written a statement concerning these important matters or that Luke may have had converse with her or with one of her circle. Ramsay, in his volume, _Was Christ Born at Bethlehem?_ shows the likelihood of Luke's contact with Mary or her circle during these two years at Caesarea. Luke handles the data acquired with care and skill as he claims in his Prologue and as the result shows. The outcome is what Renan called the most beautiful book in the world.

rwp@Info_Luke @ THE CHARACTER OF THE BOOK Literary charm is here beyond dispute. It is a book that only a man with genuine culture and literary genius could write. It has all the simple grace of Mark and Matthew plus an indefinable quality not in these wonderful books. There is a delicate finish of detail and proportion of parts that give the balance and poise that come only from full knowledge of the subject, the chief element in a good style according to Dr. James Stalker. This scientific physician, this man of the schools, this converted Gentile, this devoted friend of Paul, comes to the study of the life of Christ with a trained intellect, with an historian's method of research, with a physician's care in diagnosis and discrimination, with a charm of style all his own, with reverence for and loyalty to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. One could not afford to give up either of the Four Gospels. They each supplement the other in a wonderful way. John's Gospel is the greatest book in all the world, reaching the highest heights of all. But if we had only Luke's Gospel, we should have an adequate portrait of Jesus Christ as Son of God and Son of Man. If Mark's is the Gospel for the Romans and Matthew's for the Jews, the Gospel of Luke is for the Gentile world. He shows the sympathy of Jesus for the poor and the outcast. Luke understands women and children and so is the universal Gospel of mankind in all phases and conditions. It is often called the Gospel of womanhood, of infancy, of prayer, of praise. We have in Luke the first Christian hymns. With Luke we catch some glimpses of the child Jesus for which we are grateful. Luke was a friend and follower of Paul, and verbal parallels with Paul's Epistles do occur, but there is no Pauline propaganda in the Gospel as Moffatt clearly shows (_Intr. to Lit. of the N.T._, p. 281). The Prologue is in literary _Koin‚_ and deserves comparison with those in any Greek and Latin writers. His style is versatile and is often coloured by his source. He was a great reader of the Septuagint as is shown by occasional Hebraisms evidently due to reading that translation Greek. He has graciousness and a sense of humour as McLachlan and Ragg show. Every really great man has a saving sense of humour as Jesus himself had. Ramsay dares to call Luke, as shown by the Gospel and Acts, the greatest of all historians not even excepting Thucydides. Ramsay has done much to restore Luke to his rightful place in the estimation of modern scholars. Some German critics used to cite strkjv@Luke:2:1-7| as a passage containing more historical blunders than any similar passage in any historian. The story of how papyri and inscriptions have fully justified Luke in every statement here made is carefully worked out by Ramsay in his various books, especially in _The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament_. The main feature of this proof appears also in my _Luke the Historian in the Light of Research_. Songs:many items, where Luke once stood alone, have been confirmed by recent discoveries that the burden of proof now rests on those who challenge Luke in those cases where he still stands alone.

rwp@Luke:1:1 @{Forasmuch as} (\epeidˆper\). Here alone in the N.T., though common in literary Attic. Appears in the papyri. A triple compound (\epei\ = since, \dˆ\ = admittedly true, \per\ = intensive particle to emphasize importance). {Many} (\polloi\). How many no one knows, but certainly more than two or three. We know that Luke used the Logia of Jesus written by Matthew in Aramaic (Papias) and Mark's Gospel. Undoubtedly he had other written sources. {Have taken in hand} (\epecheirˆsan\). A literal translation of \epicheire“\ (from \cheir\, hand and \epi\, upon). Both Hippocrates and Galen use this word in their introduction to their medical works. Here only in the N.T., though a common literary word. Common in the papyri for undertaking with no idea of failure or blame. Luke does not mean to cast reflection on those who preceded him. The apocryphal gospels were all much later and are not in his mind. Luke had secured fuller information and planned a book on a larger scale and did surpass them with the result that they all perished save Mark's Gospel and what Matthew and Luke possess of the Logia of Jesus. There was still room for Luke's book. That motive influences every author and thus progress is made. {To draw up, a narrative} (\anataxasthai diˆgˆsin\). Ingressive aorist middle infinitive. This verb \anataxasthai\ has been found only in Plutarch's _Moral_. 968 CD about an elephant "rehearsing" by moonlight certain tricks it had been taught (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). That was from memory going regularly through the thing again. But the idea in the word is plain enough. The word is composed of \tass“\, a common verb for arranging things in proper order and \ana\, again. Luke means to say that those before him had made attempts to rehearse in orderly fashion various matters about Christ. "The expression points to a connected series of narratives in some order (\taxis\), topical or chronological rather than to isolated narratives" (Bruce). "They had produced something more than mere notes or anecdotes" (Plummer). \Diˆgˆsis\ means leading or carrying a thing through, not a mere incident. Galen applies this word some seventy-five times to the writing of Hippocrates. {Which have been fulfilled} (\t“n peplˆr“phorˆmen“n\). Perfect passive participle from \plˆrophore“\ and that from \plˆrˆs\ (full) and \pher“\ (to bring). Hence to bring or make full. The verb is rare outside of the LXX and the N.T. Papyri examples occur for finishing off a legal matter or a financial matter in full. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 86f.) gives examples from the papyri and inscriptions for completing a task or being convinced or satisfied in mind. The same ambiguity occurs here. When used of persons in the N.T. the meaning is to be convinced, or fully persuaded (Romans:4:21; strkjv@14:5; strkjv@Hebrews:6:11; strkjv@10:22|). When used of things it has the notion of completing or finishing (2Timothy:4:5,17|). Luke is here speaking of "matters" (\pragmat“n\). Luke may refer to the matters connected with Christ's life which have been brought to a close among us or accomplished. Bruce argues plausibly that he means fulness of knowledge "concerning the things which have become widely known among us Christians." In strkjv@Colossians:2:2| we have "fulness of understanding" (\tˆs plˆrophorias tˆs sunese“s\). In modern Greek the verb means to inform. The careful language of Luke here really pays a tribute to those who had preceded him in their narratives concerning Christ.

rwp@Luke:1:2 @{Even as} (\kath“s\). This particle was condemned by the Atticists though occurring occasionally from Aristotle on. It is in the papyri. Luke asserts that the previous narratives had their sound basis. {Delivered unto us} (\pared“san hˆmin\). Second aorist active indicative of \paradid“mi\. Luke received this tradition along with those who are mentioned above (the many). That is he was not one of the "eyewitnesses." He was a secondary, not a primary, witness of the events. Tradition has come to have a meaning of unreliability with us, but that is not the idea here. Luke means to say that the handing down was dependable, not mere wives' fables. Those who drew up the narratives had as sources of knowledge those who handed down the data. Here we have both written and oral sources. Luke had access to both kinds. {Which from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word} (\hoi ap' archˆs autoptai kai hupˆretai genomenoi tou logou\). "Who" is better than "which" for the article here. The word for {eyewitnesses} (\autoptai\) is an old Greek word and appears in the papyri also. It means seeing with one's own eyes. It occurs here only in the N.T. We have the very word in the medical term _autopsy_. Greek medical writers often had the word. It is a different word from \epoptai\ (eyewitness) in strkjv@2Peter:1:16|, a word used of those who beheld heavenly mysteries. The word for "ministers" (\hupˆretai\), under rowers or servants we have had already in strkjv@Matthew:5:25; strkjv@26:58; strkjv@Mark:14:54,65|, which see. We shall see it again in strkjv@Luke:4:20| of the attendant in the synagogue. In the sense of a preacher of the gospel as here, it occurs also in strkjv@Acts:26:16|. Here "the word" means the gospel message, as in strkjv@Acts:6:4; strkjv@8:4|, etc. {From the beginning} apparently refers to the beginning of the ministry of Jesus as was true of the apostles (Acts:1:22|) and of the early apostolic preaching (Acts:10:37-43|). The Gospel of Mark follows this plan. The Gospel of Luke goes behind this in chapters 1 and 2 as does Matthew in chapters 1 and 2. But Luke is not here referring to himself. The matters about the childhood of Jesus Christ would not form part of the traditional preaching for obvious reasons.

rwp@Luke:1:3 @{It seemed good to me also} (\edoxe kamoi\). A natural conclusion and justification of Luke's decision to write his narrative. They had ample reason to draw up their narratives. Luke has more reason to do so because of his fuller knowledge and wider scope. {Having traced the course of all things} (\parˆkolouthˆkoti pƒsin\). The perfect active participle of a common verb of the ancient Greek. Literally it means to follow along a thing in mind, to trace carefully. Both meanings occur abundantly in the ancient Greek. Cadbury (Appendix C to _Beginnings of Christianity_, Vol. II, pp. 489ff.) objects to the translation "having traced" here as implying research which the word does not here mean. Milligan (_Vocabulary_) is somewhat impressed by this argument. See my discussion of the point in Chapter XVI of _Studies in the Text of the N.T._ (The Implications in Luke's Preface) where the point is made that Luke here claims fulness of knowledge before he began to write his book. He had the traditions of the eyewitnesses and ministers of the word and the narratives previously drawn up. Whether he was a personal contemporary with any or all of these events we do not know and it is not particularly pertinent. He had _mentally_ followed along by the side of these events. Galen used this verb for the investigation of symptoms. Luke got himself ready to write before he began by full and accurate knowledge of the subject. \Akrib“s\ (accurately) means going into minute details, from \akron\, the topmost point. And he did it {from the first} (\an“then\). He seems to refer to the matters in Chapters strkjv@1:5-2:52|, the Gospel of the Infancy. {In order} (\kathexˆs\). Chronological order in the main following Mark's general outline. But in strkjv@9:51-18:10| the order is often topical. He has made careful investigation and his work deserves serious consideration. {Most excellent Theophilus} (\kratiste Theophile\). The name means god-lover or god-beloved. He may have been a believer already. He was probably a Gentile. Ramsay holds that "most excellent" was a title like "Your Excellency" and shows that he held office, perhaps a Knight. Songs:of Felix (Acts:23:26|) and Festus (Acts:26:25|). The adjective does not occur in the dedication in strkjv@Acts:1:1|.

rwp@Luke:1:5 @{There was} (\egeneto\). Not the usual \en\ for "was," but there arose or came into notice. With this verse the literary _Koin‚_ of verses 1 to 4 disappears. To the end of chapter 2 we have the most Hebraistic (Aramaic) passage in Luke's writings, due evidently to the use of documents or notes of oral tradition. Plummer notes a series of such documents ending with strkjv@1:80, strkjv@2:40, strkjv@2:52|. If the mother of Jesus was still alive, Luke could have seen her. She may have written in Aramaic an account of these great events. Natural reserve would keep her from telling too much and from too early publicity. Luke, as a physician, would take special interest in her birth report. The supernatural aspects disturb only those who do not admit the real Incarnation of Jesus Christ and who are unable to believe that God is superior to nature and that the coming of the Son of God to earth justifies such miraculous manifestations of divine power. Luke tells his story from the standpoint of Mary as Matthew gives his from the standpoint of Joseph. The two supplement each other. We have here the earliest documentary evidence of the origins of Christianity that has come down to us (Plummer). {Herod, King of Judea} (\Hˆr“idou basile“s tˆs Ioudaias\). This note of time locates the events before the death of Herod the Great (as he was called later), appointed King of Judea by the Roman Senate B.C. 40 at the suggestion of Octavius and Antony. He died B.C. 4. {Of the course of Abijah} (\ex ephˆmerias Abia\). Not in old Greek, but in LXX and modern Greek. Papyri have a verb derived from it, \ephˆmere“\. Daily service (Nehemiah:13:30; strkjv@1Chronicles:25:8|) and then a course of priests who were on duty for a week (1Chronicles:23:6; strkjv@28:13|). There were 24 such courses and that of Abijah was the eighth (1Chronicles:24:10; strkjv@2Chronicles:8:14|). Only four of these courses (Jedaiah, Immer, Pashur, Harim) returned from Babylon, but these four were divided into twenty-four with the old names. Each of these courses did duty for eight days, sabbath to sabbath, twice a year. On sabbaths the whole course did duty. At the feast of tabernacles all twenty-four courses were present. {Of the daughters of Aaron} (\ek t“n thugater“n Aar“n\). "To be a priest and married to a priest's daughter was a double distinction" (Plummer). Like a preacher married to a preacher's daughter.

rwp@Luke:1:7 @{Because that} (\kathoti\). Good Attic word, according to what. Only in Luke and Acts in the N.T. In the papyri. {Well stricken in years} (\probebˆkotes en tais hˆmerais aut“n\). Wycliff has it right: "Had gone far in their days." Perfect active participle. See also verse 18|.

rwp@Luke:1:8 @{While he executed the priest's office} (\en t“i hierateuein auton\). A favourite idiom in Luke, \en\ with the articular infinitive and the accusative of general reference where the genitive absolute could have been used or a temporal conjunction and finite verb. It is proper Greek, but occurs often in the LXX, which Luke read, particularly in imitation of the Hebrew infinitive construct. The word \hierateu“\ does not appear in the ancient Greek, but in the LXX and this one example in Luke. It is on the Rosetta Stone and the early inscriptions so that the word was simply applied by the LXX translators from current usage.

rwp@Luke:1:9 @{His lot was} (\elache\). Literally, {he obtained the lot}. Second aorist active indicative of \lagchan“\, to obtain by lot, a very old verb from Homer on. It is used either with the genitive as here, or the accusative as in strkjv@Acts:1:17; strkjv@2Peter:1:1|. Papyri show examples with the accusative. It was only once in a lifetime that a priest obtained the lot of going (\eiselth“n\, here nominative aorist active participle agreeing with the subject of \elache\) into the sanctuary (\ton naon\, not \to hieron\, the outer courts) and burning incense on the golden altar. "It was the great moment of Zacharias's life, and his heart was no doubt alert for the supernatural" (Ragg). The fortunate lot was "a white stone" to which strkjv@Revelation:2:17| may refer. {Burn incense} (\tou thumiasai\). Here only in the N.T. Occurs on inscriptions. Hobart finds it used by medical writers for fumigating herbs. "Ascending the steps to the Holy Place, the priests spread the coals on the golden altar, and arranged the incense, and the chief operating priest was then left alone within the Holy Place to await the signal of the president to burn the incense. It was probably at this time that the angel appeared to Zacharias" (Vincent).

rwp@Luke:1:17 @{Before his face} (\en“pion autou\). Not in the ancient Greek, but common in the papyri as in LXX and N.T. It is a vernacular _Koin‚_ word, adverb used as preposition from adjective \en“pios\, and that from \ho en “pi “n\ (the one who is in sight). {Autou} here seems to be "the Lord their God" in verse 16| since the Messiah has not yet been mentioned, though he was to be actually the Forerunner of the Messiah. {In the spirit and power of Elijah} (\en pneumati kai dunamei Eleiƒ\). See strkjv@Isaiah:40:1-11; strkjv@Malachi:3:1-5|. John will deny that he is actually Elijah in person, as they expected (John:1:21|), but Jesus will call him Elijah in spirit (Mark:9:12; strkjv@Matthew:17:12|). {Hearts of fathers} (\kardias pater“n\). Paternal love had died out. This is one of the first results of conversion, the revival of love in the home. {Wisdom} (\phronˆsei\). Not \sophia\, but a word for practical intelligence. {Prepared} (\kateskeuasmenon\). Perfect passive participle, state of readiness for Christ. This John did. This is a marvellous forecast of the character and career of John the Baptist, one that should have caught the faith of Zacharias.

rwp@Luke:1:24 @{Conceived} (\sunelaben\). Luke uses this word eleven times and it occurs only five other times in the N.T. It is a very old and common Greek word. He alone in the N.T. has it for conceiving offspring (1:24,31,36; strkjv@2:21|) though strkjv@James:1:15| uses it of lust producing sin. Hobart (_Medical Language of Luke_, p. 91) observes that Luke has almost as many words for pregnancy and barrenness as Hippocrates (\en gastri echein\, strkjv@21:23|; \egkuos\, strkjv@2:5|; \steira\, strkjv@1:7|; \ateknos\, strkjv@20:28|). {Hid} (\periekruben\). Only here in the N.T., but in late _Koin‚_ writers. Usually considered second aorist active indicative from \perikrupt“\, though it may be the imperfect indicative of a late form \perikrub“\. If it is aorist it is the constative aorist. The preposition \peri\ makes it mean completely (on all sides) hid.

rwp@Luke:1:27 @{Betrothed} (\emnˆsteumenˆn\). Perfect passive participle. Betrothal usually lasted a year and unfaithfulness on the part of the bride was punished with death (Deuteronomy:23:24f.|).

rwp@Luke:1:28 @{Highly favoured} (\kecharit“menˆ\). Perfect passive participle of \charito“\ and means endowed with grace (\charis\), enriched with grace as in strkjv@Ephesians:1:6|, _non ut mater gratiae, sed ut filia gratiae_ (Bengel). The Vulgate _gratiae plena_ "is right, if it means 'full of grace _which thou hast received_'; wrong, if it means 'full of grace _which thou hast to bestow_"' (Plummer). The oldest MSS. do not have "Blessed art thou among women" here, but in verse 42|.

rwp@Luke:1:32 @{The Son of the Most High} (\huios Hupsistou\). There is no article in the Greek, but the use of Most High in verse 35| clearly of God as here. In strkjv@Luke:6:35| we find "sons of the Most High" (\huioi Hupsistou\) so that we cannot insist on deity here, though that is possible. The language of strkjv@2Samuel:7:14; strkjv@Isaiah:9:7| is combined here.

rwp@Luke:1:35 @{Shall overshadow thee} (\episkiasei\). A figure of a cloud coming upon her. Common in ancient Greek in the sense of obscuring and with accusative as of Peter's shadow in strkjv@Acts:5:15|. But we have seen it used of the shining bright cloud at the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew:17:5; strkjv@Mark:9:7; strkjv@Luke:9:34|). Here it is like the Shekinah glory which suggests it (Exodus:40:38|) where the cloud of glory represents the presence and power of God. {Holy, the Son of God} (\Hagion huios theou\). Here again the absence of the article makes it possible for it to mean "Son of God." See strkjv@Matthew:5:9|. But this title, like the Son of Man (\Hosea:huios tou anthr“pou\) was a recognized designation of the Messiah. Jesus did not often call himself Son of God (Matthew:27:43|), but it is assumed in his frequent use of the Father, the Son (Matthew:11:27; strkjv@Luke:10:21; strkjv@John:5:19ff.|). It is the title used by the Father at the baptism (Luke:3:22|) and on the Mount of Transfiguration (Luke:9:35|). The wonder of Mary would increase at these words. The Miraculous Conception or Virgin Birth of Jesus is thus plainly set forth in Luke as in Matthew. The fact that Luke was a physician gives added interest to his report.

rwp@Luke:1:39 @{Arose} (\anastƒsa\). Luke is very fond of this word, sixty times against twenty-two in the rest of the N.T. {Into the hill country} (\eis tˆn orinˆn\). Luke uses this adjective twice in this context (here and strkjv@1:65|) instead of \to oros\, the mountains. It is an old word and is in the LXX, but nowhere else in the N.T. The name of the city where Zacharias lived is not given unless Judah here means Juttah (Joshua:15:55|). Hebron was the chief city of this part of Judea.

rwp@Luke:1:42 @{With a loud cry} (\kraugˆi megalˆi\). A moment of ecstatic excitement. {Blessed art thou} (\eulogˆmenˆ\). Perfect passive participle. A Hebraistic equivalent for the superlative.

rwp@Luke:1:47 @{Hath rejoiced} (\ˆgalliasen\). This is aorist active indicative. Greek tenses do not correspond to those in English. The verb \agallia“\ is a Hellenistic word from the old Greek \agall“\. It means to exult. See the substantive \agalliasis\ in strkjv@Luke:1:14,44|. Mary is not excited like Elisabeth, but breathes a spirit of composed rapture. {My spirit} (\to pneuma mou\). One need not press unduly the difference between "soul" (\psuchˆ\) in verse 46| and "spirit" here. Bruce calls them synonyms in parallel clauses. Vincent argues that the soul is the principle of individuality while the spirit is the point of contact between God and man. It is doubtful, however, if the trichotomous theory of man (body, soul, and spirit) is to be insisted on. It is certain that we have an inner spiritual nature for which various words are used in strkjv@Mark:12:30|. Even the distinction between intellect, emotions, and will is challenged by some psychologists. {God my Saviour} (\t“i the“i t“i sotˆri mou\). Article with each substantive. God is called Saviour in the O.T. (Deuteronomy:32:15, strkjv@Psalms:24:5; strkjv@95:1|).

rwp@Luke:1:50 @{Fear} (\phoboumenois\). Dative of the present middle participle. Here it is reverential fear as in strkjv@Acts:10:2; strkjv@Colossians:3:22|. The bad sense of dread appears in strkjv@Matthew:21:46; strkjv@Mark:6:20; strkjv@Luke:12:4|.

rwp@Luke:1:62 @{Made signs} (\eneneuon\). Imperfect tense, repeated action as usual when making signs. In strkjv@1:22| the verb used of Zacharias is \dianeu“n\. {What he would have him called} (\to ti an theloi kaleisthai auto\). Note article \to\ with the indirect question, accusative of general reference. The optative with \an\ is here because it was used in the direct question (cf. strkjv@Acts:17:18|), and is simply retained in the indirect. {What would he wish him to be called?} ({if he could speak}), a conclusion of the fourth-class condition.

rwp@Luke:1:74 @{Delivered} (\rhusthentas\). First aorist passive participle of an old verb, \rhuomai\. The accusative case appears, where the dative could have been used to agree with \hˆmin\, because of the infinitive \latreuein\ (verse 74|) {to serve} (from {latros}, for hire). But Plato uses the word of service for God so that the bad sense does not always exist.

rwp@Luke:1:78 @{Tender mercy} (\splagchna eleous\). Bowels of mercy literally (1Peter:3:8; strkjv@James:3:11|). Revised margin has it, hearts of mercy. {The dayspring from on high} (\anatolˆ ex hupsous\). Literally, rising from on high, like the rising sun or stars (Isaiah:60:19|). The word is used also of a sprouting plant or branch (Jeremiah:23:5; strkjv@Zechariah:6:12|), but that does not suit here. {Shall visit} (\epeskepsetai\), correct text, cf. strkjv@1:68|.

rwp@Luke:1:79 @{To shine upon} (\epiphƒnai\). First aorist active infinitive of \epiphain“\ (liquid verb). An old verb to give light, to shine upon, like the sun or stars. See also strkjv@Acts:27:20; strkjv@Titus:2:11; strkjv@3:4|. {The shadow of death} (\skiƒi thanatou\). See strkjv@Psalms:107:10|, where darkness and shadow of death are combined as here. Cf. also strkjv@Isaiah:9:1|. See on ¯Matthew:4:16|. To guide (\tou kateuth–nai\). Genitive of the articular infinitive of purpose. The light will enable them in the dark to see how to walk in a straight path that leads to "the way of peace." We are still on that road, but so many stumble for lack of light, men and nations.

rwp@Luke:2:6 @{That she should be delivered} (\tou tekein autˆn\). {For the bearing the child as to her}. A neat use of the articular infinitive, second aorist active, with the accusative of general reference. From \tikt“\, common verb.

rwp@Luke:2:7 @{Her firstborn} (\ton pr“totokon\). The expression naturally means that she afterwards had other children and we read of brothers and sisters of Jesus. There is not a particle of evidence for the notion that Mary refused to bear other children because she was the mother of the Messiah. {Wrapped in swaddling clothes} (\espargan“sen\). From \sparganon\, a swathing band. Only here and verse 12| in the N.T., but in Euripides, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Plutarch. Frequent in medical works. {In a manger} (\en phatnˆi\). In a crib in a stall whether in a cave (Justin Martyr) or connected with the inn we do not know. The cattle may have been out on the hills or the donkeys used in travelling may have been feeding in this stall or another near. {In the inn} (\en t“i katalumati\). A lodging-house or khan, poor enough at best, but there was not even room in this public place because of the crowds for the census. See the word also in strkjv@Luke:22:11; strkjv@Mark:14:14| with the sense of guest-room (cf. strkjv@1Kings:1:13|). It is the Hellenistic equivalent for \katag“geion\ and appears also in one papyrus. See strkjv@Exodus:4:24|. There would sometimes be an inner court, a range or arches, an open gallery round the four sides. On one side of the square, outside the wall, would be stables for the asses and camels, buffaloes and goats. Each man had to carry his own food and bedding.

rwp@Luke:2:14 @{Among men in whom he is well pleased} (\en anthr“pois eudokias\). The Textus Receptus (Authorized Version also has \eudokia\, but the genitive \eudokias\ is undoubtedly correct, supported by the oldest and best uncials. (Aleph, A B D W). C has a lacuna here. Plummer justly notes how in this angelic hymn Glory and Peace correspond, in the highest and on earth, to God and among men of goodwill. It would be possible to connect "on earth" with "the highest" and also to have a triple division. There has been much objection raised to the genitive \eudokias\, the correct text. But it makes perfectly good sense and better sense. As a matter of fact real peace on earth exists only among those who are the subjects of God's goodwill, who are characterized by goodwill toward God and man. This word \eudokia\ we have already had in strkjv@Matthew:11:26|. It does not occur in the ancient Greek. The word is confined to Jewish and Christian writings, though the papyri furnish instances of \eudokˆsis\. Wycliff has it "to men of goodwill."

rwp@Luke:2:15 @{Said to one another} (\elaloun pros allˆlous\). Imperfect tense, inchoative, "began to speak," each to the other. It suggests also repetition, they kept saying, {Now} (\dˆ\). A particle of urgency. {This thing} (\to rhˆma touto\). A Hebraistic and vernacular use of \rhˆma\ (something said) as something done. See on ¯Luke:1:65|. The ancient Greek used \logos\ in this same way.

rwp@Luke:2:16 @{With haste} (\speusantes\). Aorist active participle of simultaneous action. {Found} (\aneuran\). Second aorist active indicative of a common Greek verb \aneurisk“\, but only in Luke in the N.T. The compound \ana\ suggests a search before finding.

rwp@Luke:2:21 @{His name was called Jesus} (\kai eklˆthˆ to onoma autou Iˆsous\). The \kai\ is left untranslated or has the sense of "then" in the apodosis. The naming was a part of the ceremony of circumcision as is shown also in the case of John the Baptist (Luke:1:59-66|).

rwp@Luke:2:23 @{In the law of the Lord} (\en nom“i Kuriou\). No articles, but definite by preposition and genitive. Vincent notes that "law" occurs in this chapter five times. Paul (Gal strkjv@4:4|) will urge that Jesus "was made under the law" as Luke here explains. The law did not require that the child be brought to Jerusalem. The purification concerned the mother, the presentation the son.

rwp@Luke:2:25 @{Devout} (\eulabˆs\). Used only by Luke (Acts:2:5; strkjv@8:2; strkjv@22:12|) in the N.T. Common in ancient Greek from Plato on. It means taking hold well or carefully (\eu\ and \labein\) and so reverently, circumspectly. {Looking for the consolation of Israel} (\prosdechomenos paraklˆsin tou Israel\). Old Greek verb to admit to one's presence (Luke:15:2|) and then to expect as here and of Anna in verse 38|. {Paraklˆsin} here means the Messianic hope (Isaiah:11:10; strkjv@40:1|), calling to one's side for cheer. {Upon him} (\ep' auton\). This is the explanation of his lively Messianic hope. It was due to the Holy Spirit. Simeon and Anna are representatives of real piety in this time of spiritual dearth and deadness.

rwp@Luke:2:27 @{When the parents brought in the child Jesus} (\en t“i eisagagein tous goneis to paidion Iˆsoun\). A neat Greek and Hebrew idiom difficult to render into English, very common in the LXX; {In the bringing the Child Jesus as to the parents}. The articular infinitive and two accusatives (one the object, the other accusative of general reference). {After the custom of the law} (\kata to eithismenon tou nomou\). Here the perfect passive participle \eithismenon\, neuter singular from \ethiz“\ (common Greek verb, to accustom) is used as a virtual substantive like \to ethos\ in strkjv@1:8|. Luke alone in the N.T. uses either word save \ethos\ in strkjv@John:19:40|, though \ei“tha\ from \eth“\, occurs also in strkjv@Matthew:27:15; strkjv@Mark:10:1|.

rwp@Luke:2:29 @{Now lettest thou} (\nun apolueis\). Present active indicative, {Thou art letting}. The _Nunc Dimittis_, adoration and praise. It is full of rapture and vivid intensity (Plummer) like the best of the Psalms. The verb \apolu“\ was common for the manumission of slaves and Simeon here calls himself "thy slave (\doulon sou\), Lord (\Despota\, our despot)." See strkjv@2Peter:2:1|.

rwp@Luke:2:33 @{His father and his mother} (\ho patˆr autou kai hˆ mˆtˆr\). Luke had already used "parents" in strkjv@2:27|. He by no means intends to deny the Virgin Birth of Jesus so plainly stated in strkjv@1:34-38|. He merely employs here the language of ordinary custom. The late MSS. wrongly read "and Joseph" instead of "his father." {Were marvelling} (\ˆn thaumazontes\). The masculine gender includes the feminine when both are referred to. But \ˆn\ is singular, not \ˆsan\, the normal imperfect plural in this periphrastic imperfect. This is due to the wide space between copula and participle. The copula \ˆn\ agrees in number with \ho patˆr\ while the participle coming last agrees with both \ho pater kai hˆ mˆtˆr\ (cf. strkjv@Matthew:17:3; strkjv@22:40|). If one wonders why they marvelled at Simeon's words after what they had heard from Gabriel, Elisabeth, and the Shepherds, he should bear in mind that every parent is astonished and pleased at the fine things others see in the child. It is a mark of unusual insight for others to see so much that is obvious to the parent. Simeon's prophecy had gone beyond the angel's outline and it was surprising that he should know anything about the child's destiny.

rwp@Luke:2:34 @{Is set for the falling and the rising up of many in Israel} (\Keitai eis pt“sin kai anastasin poll“n en t“i Israˆl\). Present indicative of the old defective verb appearing only in present and imperfect in the N.T. Sometimes it is used as the passive of \tithˆmi\ as here. The falling of some and the rising up of others is what is meant. He will be a stumbling-block to some (Isaiah:8:14; strkjv@Matthew:21:42,44; strkjv@Romans:9:33; strkjv@1Peter:2:16f.|) who love darkness rather than light (John:3:19|), he will be the cause of rising for others (Romans:6:4,9; strkjv@Ephesians:2:6|). "Judas despairs, Peter repents: one robber blasphemes, the other confesses" (Plummer). Jesus is the magnet of the ages. He draws some, he repels others. This is true of all epoch-making men to some extent. {Spoken against} (\antilegomenon\). Present passive participle, continuous action. It is going on today. Nietzsche regarded Jesus Christ as the curse of the race because he spared the weak.

rwp@Luke:2:35 @{A sword} (\rhomphaia\). A large sword, properly a long Thracian javelin. It occurs in the LXX of Goliath's sword (1Samuel:17:51|). How little Mary understood the meaning of Simeon's words that seemed so out of place in the midst of the glorious things already spoken, a sharp thorn in their roses, a veritable bitter-sweet. But one day Mary will stand by the Cross of Christ with this Thracian javelin clean through her soul, \stabat Mater Dolorosa\ (John:19:25|). It is only a parenthesis here, and a passing cloud perhaps passed over Mary's heart already puzzled with rapture and ecstasy. {May be revealed} (\apokaluphth“sin\). Unveiled. First aorist passive subjunctive after \hop“s an\ and expresses God's purpose in the mission of the Messiah. He is to test men's thoughts (\dialogismoi\) and purposes. They will be compelled to take a stand for Christ or against him. That is true today.

rwp@Luke:2:37 @{Which departed not} (\hˆ ouk aphistato\). Imperfect indicative middle. She kept on not leaving. The Spirit kept her in the temple as he led Simon to the temple (Plummer). The case of "the temple" (\tou hierou\) is ablative. {Night and day} (\nukta kai hˆmeran\). Accusative of duration of time, all night and all day. She never missed a service in the temple.

rwp@Luke:2:38 @{Coming up} (\epistƒsa\). Second aorist active participle. The word often has the notion of coming suddenly or bursting in as of Martha in strkjv@Luke:10:40|. But here it probably means coming up and standing by and so hearing Simeon's wonderful words so that her words form a kind of footnote to his. {Gave thanks} (\anth“mologeito\). Imperfect middle of a verb (\anthomologe“\) in common use in Greek writers and in the LXX though here alone in the N.T. It had the idea of a mutual agreement or of saying something before one (\anti\). Anna was evidently deeply moved and repeated her thanksgiving and kept speaking (\elalei\, imperfect again) "to all them that were looking for (\prosdechomenois\, as in strkjv@1:35| of Simeon) the redemption of Jerusalem (\lutr“sin Ierousalˆm\)." There was evidently a group of such spirits that gathered in the temple either men around her and Simeon or whom she met from time to time. There was thus a nucleus of old saints in Jerusalem prepared for the coming of the Messiah when he at last appears as the Messiah in Jerusalem (John 2 and 3). These probably all passed away. But they had a happy hour of hope and joy. The late MSS. have "in Jerusalem" but "of Jerusalem" is correct. What they meant by the "redemption of Jerusalem" is not clear, whether political or spiritual or both. Simeon was looking for the consolation of Israel (2:25|) and Zacharias (1:68|) sang of redemption for Israel (Isaiah:40:2|).

rwp@Luke:2:40 @{The child grew} (\ˆuxane\). Imperfect indicative of a very ancient verb (\auxan“\). This child grew and waxed strong (\ekrataiouto\, imperfect middle), a hearty vigorous little boy (\paidion\). Both verbs Luke used in strkjv@1:80| of the growth of John the Baptist as a child. Then he used also \pneumati\, in spirit. Here in addition to the bodily development Luke has "filled with wisdom" (\plˆroumenon sophiƒi\). Present passive participle, showing that the process of filling with wisdom kept pace with the bodily growth. If it were only always true with others! We need not be troubled over this growth in wisdom on the part of Jesus any more than over his bodily growth. "The intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth of the Child, like the physical, was real. His was a perfect humanity developing perfectly, unimpeded by hereditary or acquired defects. It was the first instance of such a growth in history. For the first time a human infant was realizing the ideal of humanity" (Plummer). {The grace of God} (\charis theou\). In full measure.

rwp@Luke:2:42 @{Twelve years old} (\et“n d“deka\). Predicate genitive. Luke does not say that Jesus had not been to Jerusalem before, but at twelve a Jewish boy became a "son of the law" and began to observe the ordinances, putting on the phylacteries as a reminder. {They went up} (\anabainont“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute with present active participle, a loose construction here, for the incident narrated took place _after_ they had gone up, not _while_ they were gong up. "On their usual going up" (Plummer).

rwp@Luke:2:43 @{When they had fulfilled the days} (\telei“sant“n tas hˆmeras\). Genitive absolute again, but aorist participle (effective aorist). "The days" may mean the full seven days (Exodus:12:15f.; strkjv@Leviticus:23:6-8; strkjv@Deuteronomy:16:3|), or the two chief days after which many pilgrims left for home. {As they were returning} (\en t“i hupostrephein antous\). The articular infinitive with \en\, a construction that Luke often uses (1:21; strkjv@2:27|). {The boy, Jesus} (\Iˆsous ho pais\). More exactly, "Jesus the boy." In verse 40| it was "the child " (\to paidion\), here it is "the boy" (\ho pais\, no longer the diminutive form). It was not disobedience on the part of "the boy" that made him remain behind, but intense interest in the services of the temple; "involuntary preoccupation" (Bruce) held him fast.

rwp@Luke:2:45 @{Seeking for him} (\anazˆtountes auton\). Present participle of the same verb. This was all that was worth while now, finding the lost boy.

rwp@Luke:2:49 @{Son} (\teknon\). Child, literally. It was natural for Mary to be the first to speak. {Why} (\Ti\). The mother's reproach of the boy is followed by a confession of negligence on her part and of Joseph ({sorrowing}, \odun“menoi\). {Thy father} (\ho pater sou\). No contradiction in this. Alford says: "Up to this time Joseph had been so called by the holy child himself, but from this time never." {Sought} (\ezˆtoumen\). Imperfect tense describing the long drawn out search for three days. {How is it that} (\Ti hoti\). The first words of Jesus preserved to us. This crisp Greek idiom without copula expresses the boy's amazement that his parents should not know that there was only one possible place in Jerusalem for him. {I must be} (\dei einai me\). Messianic consciousness of the necessity laid on him. Jesus often uses \dei\ (must) about his work. Of all the golden dreams of any boy of twelve here is the greatest. {In my Father's house} (\en tois tou patros mou\). Not "about my Father's business," but "in my Father's house" (cf. strkjv@Genesis:41:51|). Common Greek idiom. And note "my," not "our." When the boy first became conscious of his peculiar relation to the Father in heaven we do not know. But he has it now at twelve and it will grow within him through the years ahead in Nazareth.

rwp@Luke:2:51 @{He was subject unto them} (\ˆn hupotassomenos autois\). Periphrastic imperfect passive. He continued subject unto them, this wondrous boy who really knew more than parents and rabbis, this gentle, obedient, affectionate boy. The next eighteen years at Nazareth (Luke:3:23|) he remained growing into manhood and becoming the carpenter of Nazareth (Mark:6:3|) in succession to Joseph (Matthew:13:55|) who is mentioned here for the last time. Who can tell the wistful days when Jesus waited at Nazareth for the Father to call him to his Messianic task? {Kept} (\dietˆrei\). Imperfect active. Ancient Greek word (\diatˆre“\), but only here and strkjv@Acts:15:29| in the N.T. though in strkjv@Genesis:37:11|. She kept thoroughly (\dia\) all these recent sayings (or things, \rhˆmata\). In strkjv@2:19| \sunetˆrei\ is the word used of Mary after the shepherds left. These she kept pondering and comparing all the things. Surely she has a full heart now. Could she foresee how destiny would take Jesus out beyond her mother's reach?

rwp@Luke:3:2 @{The Word of God came unto John} (\egeneto rhˆma theou epi I“anˆn\). The great epoch marked by \egeneto\ rather than \ˆn\. \Rhˆma theou\ is some particular utterance of God (Plummer), common in LXX, here alone in the N.T. Then John is introduced as the son of Zacharias according to Chapter 1. Matthew describes him as the Baptist, Mark as the Baptizer. No other Gospel mentions Zacharias. Mark begins his Gospel here, but Matthew and Luke have two Infancy Chapters before. Luke alone tells of the coming of the word to John. All three Synoptics locate him "in the wilderness" (\en tˆi erˆm“i\) as here, strkjv@Mark:1:4; strkjv@Matthew:3:1| (adding "of Judea").

rwp@Luke:3:3 @{All the region round about Jordan} (\pƒsan perich“ron tou Iordanou\). The wilderness was John's abode (1:80|) so that he began preaching where he was. It was the plain (Genesis:13:10f.|) or valley of the Jordan, El Ghor, as far north as Succoth (2Chronicles:4:17|). Sometimes he was on the eastern bank of the Jordan (John:10:40|), though usually on the west side. His baptizing kept him near the river. {The baptism of repentance unto remission of sins} (\baptisma metanoias eis aphesin hamarti“n\). The same phrase as in strkjv@Mark:1:4|, which see for discussion of these important words. The word remission (\aphesis\) "occurs in Luke more frequently than in all the other New Testament writers combined" (Vincent). In medical writers it is used for the relaxing of disease.

rwp@Luke:3:7 @{To the multitude that went out} (\tois exporeuomenois ochlois\). Plural, {Multitudes}. The present participle also notes the repetition of the crowds as does \elegen\ (imperfect), he used to say. strkjv@Matthew:3:7-10| singles out the message of John to the Pharisees and Sadducees, which see for discussion of details. Luke gives a summary of his preaching to the crowds with special replies to these inquiries: the multitudes, 10,11|, the publicans 12,13|, the soldiers 14|. {To be baptized of him} (\baptisthˆnai hup' autou\). This is the purpose of their coming. strkjv@Matthew:3:7| has simply "to his baptism." John's metaphors are from the wilderness (vipers, fruits, axe, slave boy loosing sandals, fire, fan, thrashing-floor, garner, chaff, stones). {Who warned you?} (\tis hepedeixen humin;\). The verb is like our "suggest" by proof to eye, ear, or brain (Luke:6:47; strkjv@12:5; strkjv@Acts:9:16; strkjv@20:35; strkjv@Matthew:3:7|). Nowhere else in the N.T. though common ancient word (\hupodeiknumi\, show under, point out, give a tip or private hint).

rwp@Luke:3:14 @{Soldiers also} (\kai strateuomenoi\). Men on service, _militantes_ rather than _milites_ (Plummer). Songs:Paul in strkjv@2Timothy:2:4|. An old word like \strati“tˆs\, soldier. Some of these soldiers acted as police to help the publicans. But they were often rough and cruel. {Do violence to no man} (\mˆdena diaseisˆte\). Here only in the N.T., but in the LXX and common in ancient Greek. It means to shake (seismic disturbance, earthquake) thoroughly (\dia\) and so thoroughly to terrify, to extort money or property by intimidating (3Macc. strkjv@7:21). The Latin employs _concutere_, so. It was a process of blackmail to which Socrates refers (Xenophon, _Memorabilia_, ii. 9,1). This was a constant temptation to soldiers. Might does not make right with Jesus. {Neither exact anything wrongfully} (\mˆde sukophantˆsˆte\). In Athens those whose business it was to inform against any one whom they might find exporting figs out of Attica were called fig-showers or sycophants (\sukophantai\). From \sukon\, fig, and \phain“\, show. Some modern scholars reject this explanation since no actual examples of the word meaning merely a fig-shower have been found. But without this view it is all conjectural. From the time of Aristophanes on it was used for any malignant informer or calumniator. These soldiers were tempted to obtain money by informing against the rich, blackmail again. Songs:the word comes to mean to accuse falsely. The sycophants came to be a regular class of informers or slanderers in Athens. Socrates is quoted by Xenophon as actually advising Crito to employ one in self-defence, like the modern way of using one gunman against another. Demosthenes pictures a sycophant as one who "glides about the market like a scorpion, with his venomous sting all ready, spying out whom he may surprise with misfortune and ruin and from whom he can most easily extort money, by threatening him with an action dangerous in its consequences" (quoted by Vincent). The word occurs only in Luke in the N.T., here and in strkjv@Luke:19:8| in the confession of Zaccheus. It occurs in the LXX and often in the old Greek. {Be content with your wages} (\arkeisthe tois ops“niois hum“n\). Discontent with wages was a complaint of mercenary soldiers. This word for wages was originally anything cooked (\opson\, cooked food), and bought (from \“neomai\, to buy). Hence, "rations," "pay," wages. \Opsarion\, diminutive of \opson\, was anything eaten with bread like broiled fish. Songs:\ops“nion\ comes to mean whatever is bought to be eaten with bread and then a soldier's pay or allowance (Polybius, and other late Greek writers) as in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7|. Paul uses the singular of a preacher's pay (2Corinthians:11:8|) and the plural of the wages of sin (Romans:6:23|) = death (death is the diet of sin).

rwp@Luke:3:19 @{Reproved} (\elegchomenos\). Present passive participle of \elegch“\, an old verb meaning in Homer to treat with contempt, then to convict (Matthew:18:15|), to expose (Ephesians:5:11|), to reprove as here. The substantive \elegchos\ means proof (Hebrews:11:1|) and \elegmos\, censure (2Timothy:3:16|). Josephus (_Ant_. XVIII. V.4) shows how repulsive this marriage was to Jewish feeling. {Evil things} (\ponˆr“n\). Incorporated into the relative sentence. The word is from \ponos, pone“\, toil, work, and gives the active side of evil, possibly with the notion of work itself as evil or at least an annoyance. The "evil eye" (\ophthalmos ponˆros\ in strkjv@Mark:7:22|) was a "mischief working eye" (Vincent). In strkjv@Matthew:6:23| it is a diseased eye. Songs:Satan is "the evil one" (Matthew:5:37; strkjv@6:13|, etc.). It is a very common adjective in the N.T. as in the older Greek. {Had done} (\epoiˆsen\). Aorist active indicative, not past perfect, merely a summary constative aorist, {he did}.

rwp@Luke:3:21 @{When all the people were baptised} (\en t“i baptisthˆnai hapanta ton laon\). The use of the articular aorist infinitive here with \en\ bothers some grammarians and commentators. There is no element of time in the aorist infinitive. It is simply punctiliar action, literally "in the being baptized as to all the people." Luke does not say that all the people were baptized before Jesus came or were baptized at the same time. It is merely a general statement that Jesus was baptized in connexion with or at the time of the baptizing of the people as a whole. {Jesus also having been baptized} (\kai Iˆsou baptisthentos\). Genitive absolute construction, first aorist passive participle. In Luke's sentence the baptism of Jesus is merely introductory to the descent of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the Father. For the narrative of the baptism see strkjv@Mark:1:9; strkjv@Matthew:3:13-16|. {And praying} (\kai proseuchomenou\). Alone in Luke who so often mentions the praying of Jesus. Present participle and so naturally meaning that the heaven was opened while Jesus was praying though not necessarily in answer to his prayer. {The heaven was opened} (\ane“ichthˆnai ton ouranon\). First aorist passive infinitive with double augment, whereas the infinitive is not supposed to have any augment. The regular form would be \anoichthˆnai\ as in D (Codex Bezae). Songs:the augment appears in the future indicative \kateaxei\ (Matthew:12:20|) and the second aorist passive subjunctive \kateag“sin\ (John:19:31|). Such unusual forms appear in the _Koin‚_. This infinitive here with the accusative of general reference is the subject of \egeneto\ (it came to pass). strkjv@Matthew:3:16| uses the same verb, but strkjv@Mark:1:10| has \schizomenous\, rent asunder.

rwp@Luke:3:23 @{Jesus Himself} (\autos Iˆsous\). Emphatic intensive pronoun calling attention to the personality of Jesus at this juncture. When he entered upon his Messianic work. {When he began to teach} (\archomenos\). The words "to teach" are not in the Greek text. The Authorized Version "began to be about thirty years of age," is an impossible translation. The Revised Version rightly supplies "to teach" (\didaskein\) after the present participle \archomenos\. Either the infinitive or the participle can follow \archomai\, usually the infinitive in the _Koin‚_. It is not necessary to supply anything (Acts:1:22|). {Was about thirty years of age} (\ˆn h“sei et“n triakonta\). Tyndale has it right "Jesus was about thirty yere of age when he beganne." Luke does not commit himself definitely to precisely thirty years as the age of Christ. The Levites entered upon full service at that age, but that proves nothing about Jesus. God's prophets enter upon their task when the word of God comes to them. Jesus may have been a few months under or over thirty or a year or two less or more. {Being Son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli} (\“n huios h“s enomizeto I“sˆph tou Helei\). For the discussion of the genealogy of Jesus see on ¯Matthew:1:1-17|. The two genealogies differ very widely and many theories have been proposed about them. At once one notices that Luke begins with Jesus and goes back to Adam, the Son of God, while Matthew begins with Abraham and comes to "Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ" (Matthew:1:16|). Matthew employs the word "begot" each time, while Luke has the article \tou\ repeating \huiou\ (Son) except before Joseph. They agree in the mention of Joseph, but Matthew says that "Jacob begat Joseph" while Luke calls "Joseph the son of Heli." There are other differences, but this one makes one pause. Joseph, of course, did not have two fathers. If we understand Luke to be giving the real genealogy of Jesus through Mary, the matter is simple enough. The two genealogies differ from Joseph to David except in the cases of Zorobabel and Salathiel. Luke evidently means to suggest something unusual in his genealogy by the use of the phrase "as was supposed" (\h“s enomizeto\). His own narrative in strkjv@Luke:1:26-38| has shown that Joseph was not the actual father of Jesus. Plummer objects that, if Luke is giving the genealogy of Jesus through Mary, \huios\ must be used in two senses here (son as was supposed of Joseph, and grandson through Mary of Heli). But that is not an unheard of thing. In neither list does Matthew or Luke give a complete genealogy. Just as Matthew uses "begat" for descent, so does Luke employ "son" in the same way for descendant. It was natural for Matthew, writing for Jews, to give the legal genealogy through Joseph, though he took pains to show in strkjv@Matthew:1:16,18-25| that Joseph was not the actual father of Jesus. It was equally natural for Luke, a Greek himself and writing for the whole world, to give the actual genealogy of Jesus through Mary. It is in harmony with Pauline universality (Plummer) that Luke carries the genealogy back to Adam and does not stop with Abraham. It is not clear why Luke adds "the Son of God" after Adam (3:38|). Certainly he does not mean that Jesus is the Son of God only in the sense that Adam is. Possibly he wishes to dispose of the heathen myths about the origin of man and to show that God is the Creator of the whole human race, Father of all men in that sense. No mere animal origin of man is in harmony with this conception.

rwp@Luke:4:2 @{Being tempted} (\peirazomenos\). Present passive participle and naturally parallel with the imperfect passive \ˆgeto\ (was led) in verse 1|. This is another instance of poor verse division which should have come at the end of the sentence. See on ¯Matthew:4:1; strkjv@Mark:1:13| for the words "tempt" and "devil." The devil challenged the Son of man though also the Son of God. It was a contest between Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, and the slanderer of men. The devil had won with Adam and Eve. He has hopes of triumph over Jesus. The story of this conflict is given only in strkjv@Matthew:4:1-11; strkjv@Luke:4:1-13|. There is a mere mention of it in strkjv@Mark:1:12f|. Songs:then here is a specimen of the Logia of Jesus (Q), a non-Markan portion of Matthew and Luke, the earliest document about Christ. The narrative could come ultimately only from Christ himself. It is noteworthy that it bears all the marks of the high conception of Jesus as the Son of God found in the Gospel of John and in Paul and Hebrews, the rest of the New Testament in fact, for Mark, Matthew, Luke, Acts, Peter, and Jude:follow in this same strain. The point is that modern criticism has revealed the Messianic consciousness of Jesus as God's Son at his Baptism and in his Temptations at the very beginning of his ministry and in the oldest known documents about Christ (The Logia, Mark's Gospel). {He did eat nothing} (\ouk ephagen ouden\). Second aorist (constative) active indicative of the defective verb \esthi“\. Mark does not give the fast. strkjv@Matthew:4:2| has the aorist active participle \nˆsteusas\ which usually means a religious fast for purposes of devotion. That idea is not excluded by Luke's words. The entrance of Jesus upon his Messianic ministry was a fit time for this solemn and intense consecration. This mental and spiritual strain would naturally take away the appetite and there was probably nothing at hand to eat. The weakness from the absence of food gave the devil his special opportunity to tempt Jesus which he promptly seized. {When they were completed} (\suntelestheis“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute with the first aorist passive participle feminine plural because \hemer“n\ (days) is feminine. According to Luke the hunger (\epeinasen\, became hungry, ingressive aorist active indicative) came at the close of the forty days as in strkjv@Matthew:4:2|.

rwp@Luke:4:3 @{The Son of God} (\huios tou theou\). No article as in strkjv@Matthew:4:3|. Songs:refers to the relationship as Son of God rather than to the office of Messiah. Manifest reference to the words of the Father in strkjv@Luke:3:22|. Condition of the first class as in Matthew. The devil assumes that Jesus is Son of God. {This stone} (\t“i lith“i tout“i\). Perhaps pointing to a particular round stone that looked in shape and size like a loaf of bread. Stanley (_Sinai and Palestine_, p. 154) on Mt. Carmel found crystallizations of stones called "Elijah's melons." The hunger of Jesus opened the way for the diabolic suggestion designed to inspire doubt in Jesus toward his Father. Matthew has "these stones." {Bread} (\artos\). Better "loaf." For discussion of this first temptation see on ¯Matthew:4:3f|. Jesus felt the force of each of the temptations without yielding at all to the sin involved. See discussion on Matthew also for reality of the devil and the objective and subjective elements in the temptations. Jesus quotes strkjv@Deuteronomy:8:3| in reply to the devil.

rwp@Luke:4:7 @{Wilt worship before me} (\proskunˆsˆis en“pion emou\). strkjv@Matthew:4:9| has it more bluntly "worship me." That is what it really comes to, though in Luke the matter is more delicately put. It is a condition of the third class (\ean\ and the subjunctive). Luke has it "thou therefore if" (\su oun ean\), in a very emphatic and subtle way. It is the ingressive aorist (\proskunˆsˆis\), just bow the knee once up here in my presence. The temptation was for Jesus to admit Satan's authority by this act of prostration (fall down and worship), a recognition of authority rather than of personal merit. {It shall all be thine} (\estai sou pƒsa\). Satan offers to turn over all the keys of world power to Jesus. It was a tremendous grand-stand play, but Jesus saw at once that in that case he would be the agent of Satan in the rule of the world by bargain and graft instead of the Son of God by nature and world ruler by conquest over Satan. The heart of Satan's program is here laid bare. Jesus here rejected the Jewish idea of the Messiah as an earthly ruler merely. "He rejects Satan as an ally, and thereby has him as an implacable enemy" (Plummer.)

rwp@Luke:4:9 @{Led him} (\ˆgagen\). Aorist active indicative of \ag“\. strkjv@Matthew:4:5| has \paralambanei\ (dramatic present). {The wing of the temple} (\to pterugion tou hierou\). See on ¯Matthew:4:5|. It is not easy to determine precisely what it was. {From hence} (\enteuthen\). This Luke adds to the words in Matthew, which see. {To guard thee} (\tou diaphulaxai se\). Not in strkjv@Matthew:4:6| quoted by Satan from strkjv@Psalms:91:11,12|. Satan does not misquote this Psalm, but he misapplies it and makes it mean presumptuous reliance on God. This compound verb is very old, but occurs here alone in the N.T. and that from the LXX. Luke repeats \hoti\ (recitative \hoti\ after \gegraptai\, is written) after this part of the quotation.

rwp@Luke:4:13 @{Every temptation} (\panta peirasmon\). These three kinds exhaust the avenues of approach (the appetites, the nerves, the ambitions). Satan tried them all. They formed a cycle (Vincent). Hence "he was in all points tempted like as we are" (Hebrews:4:15|). "The enemy tried all his weapons, and was at all points defeated" (Plummer). Probably all during the forty days the devil tempted him, but three are representatives of all. {For a season} (\achri kairou\). Until a good opportunity should return, the language means. We are thus to infer that the devil returned to his attack from time to time. In the Garden of Gethsemane he tempted Jesus more severely than here. He was here trying to thwart the purpose of Jesus to go on with his Messianic plans, to trip him at the start. In Gethsemane the devil tried to make Jesus draw back from the culmination of the Cross with all its agony and horror. The devil attacked Jesus by the aid of Peter (Mark:8:33|), through the Pharisees (John:8:40ff.|), besides Gethsemane (Luke:22:42,53|).

rwp@Luke:4:14 @{Returned} (\hupestrepsen\). Luke does not fill in the gap between the temptations in the wilderness of Judea and the Galilean Ministry. He follows the outline of Mark. It is John's Gospel alone that tells of the year of obscurity (Stalker) in various parts of the Holy Land. {In the power of the Spirit} (\en tˆi dunamei tou pneumatos\). Luke in these two verses (14,15|) gives a description of the Galilean Ministry with three marked characteristics (Plummer): the power of the spirit, rapid spread of Christ's fame, use of the Jewish synagogues. Luke often notes the power of the Holy Spirit in the work of Christ. Our word dynamite is this same word \dunamis\ (power). {A fame} (\phˆmˆ\). An old Greek word found in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:9:26|. It is from \phˆmi\, to say. Talk ran rapidly in every direction. It assumes the previous ministry as told by John.

rwp@Luke:4:15 @{And he taught} (\kai autos edidasken\). Luke is fond of this mode of transition so that it is not certain that he means to emphasize "he himself" as distinct from the rumour about him. It is the imperfect tense, descriptive of the habit of Jesus. The synagogues were an open door to Jesus before the hostility of the Pharisees was aroused. {Being glorified} (\doxazomenos\). Present passive participle, durative action like the imperfect \edidasken\. General admiration of Jesus everywhere. He was the wonder teacher of his time. Even the rabbis had not yet learned how to ridicule and oppose Jesus.

rwp@Luke:4:16 @{Where he had been brought up} (\hou ˆn tethrammenos\). Past perfect passive periphrastic indicative, a state of completion in past time, from \treph“\, a common Greek verb. This visit is before that recorded in strkjv@Mark:6:1-6; strkjv@Matthew:13:54-58| which was just before the third tour of Galilee. Here Jesus comes back after a year of public ministry elsewhere and with a wide reputation (Luke:4:15|). Luke may have in mind strkjv@2:51|, but for some time now Nazareth had not been his home and that fact may be implied by the past perfect tense. {As his custom was} (\kata to ei“thos aut“i\). Second perfect active neuter singular participle of an old \eth“\ (Homer), to be accustomed. Literally according to what was customary to him (\aut“i\, dative case). This is one of the flashlights on the early life of Jesus. He had the habit of going to public worship in the synagogue as a boy, a habit that he kept up when a grown man. If the child does not form the habit of going to church, the man is almost certain not to have it. We have already had in Matthew and Mark frequent instances of the word synagogue which played such a large part in Jewish life after the restoration from Babylon. {Stood up} (\anestˆ\). Second aorist active indicative and intransitive. Very common verb. It was the custom for the reader to stand except when the Book of Esther was read at the feast of Purim when he might sit. It is not here stated that Jesus had been in the habit of standing up to read here or elsewhere. It was his habit to go to the synagogue for worship. Since he entered upon his Messianic work his habit was to teach in the synagogues (Luke:4:15|). This was apparently the first time that he had done so in Nazareth. He may have been asked to read as Paul was in Antioch in Pisidia (Acts:13:15|). The ruler of the synagogue for that day may have invited Jesus to read and speak because of his now great reputation as a teacher. Jesus could have stood up voluntarily and appropriately because of his interest in his home town. {To read} (\anagn“nai\). Second aorist active infinitive of \anagin“sk“\, to recognize again the written characters and so to read and then to read aloud. It appears first in Pindar in the sense of read and always so in the N.T. This public reading aloud with occasional comments may explain the parenthesis in strkjv@Matthew:24:15| (Let him that readeth understand).

rwp@Luke:4:18 @{Anointed me} (\echrisen me\). First aorist active indicative of the verb \chri“\ from which {Christ} (\Christos\) is derived, the Anointed One. Isaiah is picturing the Jubilee year and the release of captives and the return from the Babylonian exile with the hope of the Messiah through it all. Jesus here applies this Messianic language to himself. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me" as was shown at the baptism (Luke:3:21|) where he was also "anointed" for his mission by the Father's voice (3:22|). {To the poor} (\pt“chois\). Jesus singles this out also as one of the items to tell John the Baptist in prison (Luke:7:22|). Our word _Gospel_ is a translation of the Greek \Euaggelion\, and it is for the poor. {He hath sent me} (\apestalken me\). Change of tense to perfect active indicative. He is now on that mission here. Jesus is God's _Apostle_ to men (John:17:3|, Whom thou didst send). {Proclaim} (\kˆruxai\). As a herald like Noah (2Peter:2:5|). {To the captives} (\aichmal“tois\). Prisoners of war will be released (\aichmˆ\, a spear point, and \hal“tos\, from \haliskomai\, to be captured). Captured by the spear point. Common word, but here only in the N.T. {Set at liberty} (\aposteilai\). First aorist active infinitive of \apostell“\. Same verb as \apestalken\, above. Brought in here from strkjv@Isaiah:58:6|. Plummer suggests that Luke inserts it here from memory. But Jesus could easily have turned back the roll and read it so. {Them that are bruised} (\tethrausmenous\). Perfect passive participle of \thrau“\, an old verb, but here only in the N.T. It means to break in pieces broken in heart and often in body as well. One loves to think that Jesus felt it to be his mission to mend broken hearts like pieces of broken earthenware, real rescue-mission work. Jesus mends them and sets them free from their limitations.

rwp@Luke:4:20 @{He closed the book} (\ptuxas to biblion\). Aorist active participle of \ptuss“\. Rolled up the roll and gave it back to the attendant who had given it to him and who put it away again in its case. {Sat down} (\ekathisen\). Took his seat there as a sign that he was going to speak instead of going back to his former seat. This was the usual Jewish attitude for public speaking and teaching (Luke:5:3; strkjv@Matthew:5:1; strkjv@Mark:4:1; strkjv@Acts:16:13|). {Were fastened on him} (\ˆsan atenizontes aut“i\). Periphrastic imperfect active and so a vivid description. Literally, the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing fixedly upon him. The verb \ateniz“\ occurs in Aristotle and the Septuagint. It is from the adjective \atenˆs\ and that from \tein“\, to stretch, and copulative or intensive \a\, not \a\ privative. The word occurs in the N.T. here and in strkjv@22:56|, ten times in Acts, and in strkjv@2Corinthians:3:7,13|. Paul uses it of the steady eager gaze of the people at Moses when he came down from the mountain when he had been communing with God. There was something in the look of Jesus here that held the people spellbound for the moment, apart from the great reputation with which he came to them. In small measure every effective speaker knows what it is to meet the eager expectations of an audience.

rwp@Luke:4:21 @{And he began to say} (\ˆrxato de legein\). Aorist ingressive active indicative and present infinitive. He began speaking. The moment of hushed expectancy was passed. These may or may not be the first words uttered here by Jesus. Often the first sentence is the crucial one in winning an audience. Certainly this is an arresting opening sentence. {Hath been fulfilled} (\peplˆr“tai\). Perfect passive indicative, {stands fulfilled}. "Today this scripture (Isaiah:61:1,2|, just read) stands fulfilled in your ears." It was a most amazing statement and the people of Nazareth were quick to see the Messianic claim involved. Jesus could only mean that the real year of Jubilee had come, that the Messianic prophecy of Isaiah had come true today, and that in him they saw the Messiah of prophecy. There are critics today who deny that Jesus claimed to be the Messiah. To be able to do that, they must reject the Gospel of John and all such passages as this one. And it is no apocalyptic eschatological Messiah whom Jesus here sets forth, but the one who forgives sin and binds up the broken-hearted. The words were too good to be true and to be spoken here at Nazareth by one of their own townsmen!

rwp@Luke:4:22 @{Bare him witness} (\emarturoun\). Imperfect active, perhaps inchoative. They all began to bear witness that the rumours were not exaggerations (4:14|) as they had supposed, but had foundation in fact if this discourse or its start was a fair sample of his teaching. The verb \marture“\ is a very old and common one. It is frequent in Acts, Paul's Epistles, and the Johannine books. The substantive \martur\ is seen in our English \martyr\, one who witnesses even by his death to his faith in Christ. {And wondered} (\kai ethaumazon\). Imperfect active also, perhaps inchoative also. They began to marvel as he proceeded with his address. This verb is an old one and common in the Gospels for the attitude of the people towards Jesus. {At the words of grace} (\epi tois logois tˆs charitos\). See on ¯Luke:1:30; strkjv@2:52| for this wonderful word \charis\ so full of meaning and so often in the N.T. The genitive case (case of genus or kind) here means that the words that came out of the mouth of Jesus in a steady stream (present tense, \ekporeuomenois\) were marked by fascination and charm. They were "winning words" as the context makes plain, though they were also "gracious" in the Pauline sense of "grace." There is no necessary antithesis in the ideas of graceful and gracious in these words of Jesus. {Is not this Joseph's son?} (\Ouchi huios estin I“sˆph houtos;\). Witness and wonder gave way to bewilderment as they began to explain to themselves the situation. The use of \ouchi\ intensive form of \ouk\ in a question expects the answer "yes." Jesus passed in Nazareth as the son of Joseph as Luke presents him in strkjv@3:23|. He does not stop here to correct this misconception because the truth has been already amply presented in strkjv@1:28-38; strkjv@2:49|. This popular conception of Jesus as the son of Joseph appears also in strkjv@John:1:45|. The puzzle of the people was due to their previous knowledge of Jesus as the carpenter (Mark:6:3|; the carpenter's son, strkjv@Matthew:13:55|). For him now to appear as the Messiah in Nazareth where he had lived and laboured as the carpenter was a phenomenon impossible to credit on sober reflection. Songs:the mood of wonder and praise quickly turned with whispers and nods and even scowls to doubt and hostility, a rapid and radical transformation of emotion in the audience.

rwp@Luke:4:23 @{Doubtless} (\pant“s\). Adverb. Literally, at any rate, certainly, assuredly. Cf. strkjv@Acts:21:22; strkjv@28:4|. {This parable} (\tˆn parabolˆn tautˆn\). See discussion on ¯Matthew:13|. Here the word has a special application to a crisp proverb which involves a comparison. The word physician is the point of comparison. Luke the physician alone gives this saying of Jesus. The proverb means that the physician was expected to take his own medicine and to heal himself. The word \parabolˆ\ in the N.T. is confined to the Synoptic Gospels except strkjv@Hebrews:9:9; strkjv@11:19|. This use for a proverb occurs also in strkjv@Luke:5:36; strkjv@6:39|. This proverb in various forms appears not only among the Jews, but in Euripides and Aeschylus among the Greeks, and in Cicero's _Letters_. Hobart quotes the same idea from Galen, and the Chinese used to demand it of their physicians. The point of the parable seems to be that the people were expecting him to make good his claim to the Messiahship by doing here in Nazareth what they had heard of his doing in Capernaum and elsewhere. "Establish your claims by direct evidence" (Easton). This same appeal (Vincent) was addressed to Christ on the Cross (Matthew:27:40,42|). There is a tone of sarcasm towards Jesus in both cases. {Heard done} (\ˆkousamen genomena\). The use of this second aorist middle participle \genomena\ after \ˆkousamen\ is a neat Greek idiom. It is punctiliar action in indirect discourse after this verb of sensation or emotion (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040-42, 1122-24). {Do also here} (\poiˆson kai h“de\). Ingressive aorist active imperative. Do it here in thy own country and town and do it now. Jesus applies the proverb to himself as an interpretation of their real attitude towards himself.

rwp@Luke:4:29 @{They rose up and cast him forth} (\anastantes exebalon\). Second aorist ingressive active participle and second aorist effective active indicative. A movement towards lynching Jesus. {Unto the brow of the hill} (\hˆos ophruos tou orous\). Eyebrow (\ophrus\), in Homer, then any jutting prominence. Only here in the N.T. Hippocrates speaks of the eyebrow hanging over. {Was built} (\“ikodomˆto\). Past perfect indicative, stood built. {That they might throw him down headlong} (\h“ste katakrˆmnisai auton\). Neat Greek idiom with \h“ste\ for intended result, "so as to cast him down the precipice." The infinitive alone can convey the same meaning (Matthew:2:2; strkjv@20:28; strkjv@Luke:2:23|). \Krˆmnos\ is an overhanging bank or precipice from \kremannumi\, to hang. \Kata\ is down. The verb occurs in Xenophon, Demosthenes, LXX, Josephus. Here only in the N.T. At the southwest corner of the town of Nazareth such a cliff today exists overhanging the Maronite convent. Murder was in the hearts of the people. By pushing him over they hoped to escape technical guilt.

rwp@Luke:4:31 @{Came down} (\katˆlthen\). strkjv@Mark:1:21| has the historical present, {they go into} (\eisporeuontai\). Capernaum (Tell Hum) is now the headquarters of the Galilean ministry, since Nazareth has rejected Jesus. strkjv@Luke:4:31-37| is parallel with strkjv@Mark:1:21-28| which he manifestly uses. It is the first of Christ's miracles which they give. {Was teaching them} (\ˆn didask“n autous\). Periphrastic imperfect. Mark has \edidasken\ first and then \en didask“n\. "Them" here means the people present in the synagogue on the sabbath, construction according to sense as in strkjv@Mark:1:22|.

rwp@Luke:4:33 @{Which had} (\ech“n\). Mark has \en\. {A spirit of an unclean demon} (\pneuma daimoniou akathartou\). Mark has "unclean spirit." Luke's phrase here is unique in this combination. Plummer notes that Matthew has \daimonion\ ten times and \akatharton\ twice as an epithet of \pneuma\; Mark has \daimonion\ thirteen times and \akatharton\ eleven times as an epithet of \pneuma\. Luke's Gospel uses \daimonion\ twenty-two times and \akatharton\ as an epithet, once of \daimonion\ as here and once of \pneuma\. In Mark the man is in (\en\) the power of the unclean spirit, while here the man "has" a spirit of an unclean demon. {With a loud voice} (\ph“nˆi megalˆi\). Not in Mark. Really a scream caused by the sudden contact of the demon with Jesus.

rwp@Luke:4:35 @{Had thrown him down in the midst} (\rhipsan auton eis to meson\). First aorist (effective) participle of \rhipt“\, an old verb with violent meaning, to fling, throw, hurl off or down. {Having done him no hurt} (\mˆden blapsan auton\). Luke as a physician carefully notes this important detail not in Mark. \Blapt“\, to injure, or hurt, occurs in the N.T. only here and in strkjv@Mark:16:18|, though a very common verb in the old Greek.

rwp@Luke:4:38 @{He rose up} (\anastas\). Second aorist active participle of \anistˆmi\, a common verb. B. Weiss adds here "from the teacher's seat." Either from his seat or merely leaving the synagogue. This incident of the healing of Peter's mother-in-law is given in strkjv@Mark:1:29-34| and strkjv@Matthew:8:14-17|, which see for details. {Into the house of Simon} (\eis tˆn oikian Sim“nos\). "Peter's house" (Matthew:8:14|). "The house of Simon and Andrew" (Mark:1:29|). Paul's reference to Peter's wife (1Corinthians:9:5|) is pertinent. They lived together in Capernaum. This house came also to be the Capernaum home of Jesus. {Simon's wife's mother} (\penthera tou Sim“nos\). The word \penthera\ for mother-in-law is old and well established in usage. Besides the parallel passages (Mark:1:30; strkjv@Matthew:8:14; strkjv@Luke:4:38|) it occurs in the N.T. only in strkjv@Luke:12:53|. The corresponding word \pentheros\, father-in-law, occurs in strkjv@John:18:13| alone in the N.T. {Was holden with a great fever} (\ˆn sunechomenˆ puret“i megal“i\). Periphrastic imperfect passive, the analytical tense accenting the continuous fever, perhaps chronic and certainly severe. Luke employs this verb nine times and only three others in the N.T. (Matthew:4:24| passive with diseases here; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:14| active; strkjv@Phillipians:1:23| passive). In strkjv@Acts:28:8| the passive "with dysentery" is like the construction here and is a common one in Greek medical writers as in Greek literature generally. Luke uses the passive with "fear," strkjv@Luke:8:37|, the active for holding the hands over the ears (Acts:7:57|) and for pressing one or holding together (Luke:8:45; strkjv@19:43; strkjv@22:63|), the direct middle for holding oneself to preaching (Acts:18:5|). It is followed here by the instrumental case. Hobart (_Medical Language of Luke_, p. 3) quotes Galen as dividing fevers into "great" (\megaloi\) and "small" (\smikroi\).

rwp@Luke:4:39 @{He stood over her} (\epistas epan“ autˆs\). Second aorist active participle. Only in Luke. Surely we are not to take Luke to mean that Jesus here took the exorcist's position and was rebuking a malignant personality. The attitude of Jesus is precisely that of any kindly sympathetic physician. strkjv@Mark:1:31; strkjv@Matthew:8:15| mention the touch of her hand rather than the tender look over her head. {Rebuked} (\epetimˆsen\). Only in Luke. Jesus bade the fever leave her as he spoke to the wind and the waves and Luke uses this same verb (8:24|). {Rose up and ministered} (\anastƒsa diˆkonei\). Second aorist active participle as in verse 38|, but inchoative imperfect tense \diˆkonei\, from \diakone“\ (note augment of compound verb). She rose up immediately, though a long high fever usually leaves one very weak. The cure was instantaneous and complete. She began to minister at once and kept it up.

rwp@Luke:4:40 @{When the sun was setting} (\dunontos tou hˆliou\). Genitive absolute and present participle (\dun“\, late form of \du“\) picturing the sunset scene. Even strkjv@Mark:1:32| has here the aorist indicative \edusen\ (punctiliar active). It was not only cooler, but it was the end of the sabbath when it was not regarded as work (Vincent) to carry a sick person (John:5:10|). And also by now the news of the cure of the demoniac of Peter's mother-in-law had spread all over the town. {Had} (\eichon\). Imperfect tense including all the chronic cases. {With divers diseases} (\nosois poikilais\). Instrumental case. For "divers" say "many coloured" or "variegated." See on ¯Matthew:4:24; strkjv@Mark:1:34|. {Brought} (\ˆgagon\). Constative summary second aorist active indicative like strkjv@Matthew:8:16|, \prosenegkan\, where strkjv@Mark:1:32| has the imperfect \epheron\, brought one after another. {He laid his hands on every one of them and healed them} (\ho de heni hekast“i aut“n tas cheiras epititheis etherapeuen autous\). Note the present active participle \epititheis\ and the imperfect active \etherapeuen\, picturing the healing one by one with the tender touch upon each one. Luke alone gives this graphic detail which was more than a mere ceremonial laying on of hands. Clearly the cures of Jesus reached the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of human nature. He is Lord of life and acted here as Master of each case as it came.

rwp@Luke:4:41 @{Came out} (\exˆrcheto\, singular, or \exˆrchonto\, plural). Imperfect tense, repetition, from one after another. {Thou art the Son of God} (\Su ei ho huios tou theou\). More definite statement of the deity of Jesus than the witness of the demoniac in the synagogue (Luke:4:34; strkjv@Mark:1:24|), like the words of the Father (Luke:3:22|) and more so than the condition of the devil (Luke:4:3,9|). In the Canterbury Revision "devils" should always be "demons" (\daimonia\) as here. {Suffered them not to speak} (\ouk eia auta lalein\). Imperfect third singular active of \ea“\, very old and common verb with syllabic augment \ei\. The tense accents the continued refusal of Jesus to receive testimony to his person and work from demons. Cf. strkjv@Matthew:8:4| to the lepers. {Because they knew} (\hoti ˆideisan\). Causal, not declarative, \hoti\. Past perfect of the second perfect \oida\. {That he was the Christ} (\ton Christon auton einai\). Infinitive in indirect assertion with the accusative of general reference. \Ton Christon\ = {the Anointed}, the Messiah.

rwp@Luke:4:42 @{When it was day} (\genomenˆs hˆmeras\). Genitive absolute with aorist middle participle. strkjv@Mark:1:35| notes it was "a great while before day" (which see for discussion) when Jesus rose up to go after a restless night. No doubt, because of the excitement of the previous sabbath in Capernaum. He went out to pray (Mark:1:35|). {Sought after him} (\epezˆtoun auton\). Imperfect active indicative. The multitudes kept at it until "they came unto him" (\ˆlthon he“s autou\, aorist active indicative). They accomplished their purpose, \he“s autou\, right up to him. {Would have stayed him} (\kateichon auton\). Better, {They tried to hinder him}. The conative imperfect active of \katech“\, an old and common verb. It means either to hold fast (Luke:8:15|), to take, get possession of (Luke:14:9|) or to hold back, to retain, to restrain (Philemon:1:13; strkjv@Romans:1:18; strkjv@7:6; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:6; strkjv@Luke:4:42|). In this passage it is followed by the ablative case. {That he should not go from them} (\tou mˆ poreuesthai ap' aut“n\). Literally, "from going away from them." The use of \mˆ\ (not) after \kateichon\ is the neat Greek idiom of the redundant negative after a verb of hindering like the French _ne_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1171).

rwp@Luke:5:1 @{Pressed upon him} (\epikeisthai\). Luke in this paragraph (5:1-11; strkjv@Mark:1:16-20; strkjv@Matthew:4:18-22|) does not follow the chronology of Mark as he usually does. It seems reasonably clear that the renewed call of the four fishermen came before the first tour of Galilee in strkjv@Luke:4:42-44|. It is here assumed that Luke is describing in his own way the incident given in Mark and Matthew above. Luke singles out Simon in a graphic way. This verb \epikeisthai\ is an old one and means to \lie upon\, rest upon as of a stone on the tomb (John:11:38|) or of fish on the burning coals (John:21:9|). Songs:it is used of a tempest (Acts:27:20|) and of the urgent demands for Christ's crucifixion (Luke:23:23|). Here it vividly pictures the eager crowds around Jesus. \En t“i epikeisthai\ is a favourite idiom with Luke as we have already seen, \en\ with the articular infinitive in the locative case. {That} (\kai\). \Kai\ does not technically mean the declarative conjunction "that," but it is a fair rendering of the somewhat awkward idiom of Luke to a certain extent imitating the Hebrew use of _wav_. {Was standing} (\ˆn hest“s\). Periphrastic second past perfect of \histˆmi\ which here is equal to a practical imperfect. {By the lake} (\para tˆn limnˆn\). The use of the accusative with \para\, alongside, after a verb of rest used to be called the pregnant use, came and was standing. But that is no longer necessary, for the accusative as the case of extension is the oldest of the cases and in later Greek regains many of the earlier uses of the other cases employed for more precise distinctions. See the same idiom in verse 2|. We need not here stress the notion of extension. "With characteristic accuracy Luke never calls it a sea, while the others never call it a lake" (Plummer).

rwp@Luke:5:4 @{Had left speaking} (\epausato lal“n\). He ceased speaking (aorist middle indicative and present active participle, regular Greek idiom). {Put out into the deep} (\epanagage eis to bathos\). The same double compound verb as in verse 3|, only here second aorist active imperative second person singular. {Let down} (\chalasate\). Peter was master of the craft and so he was addressed first. First aorist active imperative second person plural. Here the whole crew are addressed. The verb is the regular nautical term for lowering cargo or boats (Acts:27:17,30|). But it was used for lowering anything from a higher place (Mark:2:4; strkjv@Acts:9:25; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:33|). For a catch (\eis agran\). This purpose was the startling thing that stirred up Simon.

rwp@Luke:5:5 @{Master} (\epistata\). Used only by Luke in the N.T. and always in addresses to Christ (8:24,45; strkjv@9:33,49; strkjv@17:13|). Common in the older writers for superintendent or overseer (one standing over another). This word recognizes Christ's authority. {We toiled} (\kopiasantes\). This verb is from \kopos\ (\work, toil\) and occurs from Aristophanes on. It used to be said that the notion of weariness in toil appears only in the LXX and the N.T. But Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 312f.) cites examples from inscriptions on tombstones quite in harmony with the use in the N.T. Peter's protest calls attention also to the whole night of fruitless toil. {But at thy word} (\epi de t“i rhˆmati sou\). On the base of \epi\. Acquiescence to show his obedience to Christ as "Master," but with no confidence whatsoever in the wisdom of this particular command. Besides, fishing in this lake was Peter's business and he really claimed superior knowledge on this occasion to that of Jesus.

rwp@Luke:5:7 @{They beckoned} (\kateneusan\). Possibly they were too far away for a call to be understood. Simon alone had been ordered to put out into the deep. Songs:they used signs. {Unto their partners} (\tois metechois\). This word \metochos\, from \metech“\, to have with, means participation with one in common blessings (Hebrews:3:1,14; strkjv@6:4; strkjv@12:8|). While \koin“nos\ (verse 10| here of James and John also) has the notion of personal fellowship, partnership. Both terms are here employed of the two pairs of brothers who have a business company under Simon's lead. {Help them} (\sullabesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive. Take hold together with and so to help. Paul uses it in strkjv@Phillipians:4:3|. It is an old word that was sometimes employed for seizing a prisoner (Luke:22:54|) and for conception (_con-capio_) by a woman (Luke:1:24|). {Songs:that they began to sink} (\h“ste buthizesthai auta\). Consecutive use of \h“ste\ and the infinitive (present tense, inchoative use, beginning to sink). An old verb from \buthos\. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@1Timothy:6:9|.

rwp@Luke:5:12 @{Behold} (\kai idou\). Quite a Hebraistic idiom, this use of \kai\ after \egeneto\ (almost like \hoti\) with \idou\ (interjection) and no verb. {Full of leprosy} (\plˆrˆs lepras\). strkjv@Mark:1:40| and strkjv@Matthew:8:2| have simply "a leper" which see. Evidently a bad case full of sores and far advanced as Luke the physician notes. The law (Leviticus:13:12f.|) curiously treated advanced cases as less unclean than the earlier stages. {Fell on his face} (\pes“n epi pros“pon\). Second aorist active participle of \pipt“\, common verb. strkjv@Mark:1:40| has "kneeling" (\gonupet“n\) and strkjv@Matthew:8:40| "worshipped" (\prosekunei\). All three attitudes were possible one after the other. All three Synoptics quote the identical language of the leper and the identical answer of Jesus. His condition of the third class turned on the "will" (\thelˆis\) of Jesus who at once asserts his will (\thˆl“\) and cleanses him. All three likewise mention the touch (\hˆpsato\, verse 13|) of Christ's hand on the unclean leper and the instantaneous cure.

rwp@Luke:5:14 @{To tell no man} (\mˆdeni eipein\). This is an indirect command after the verb "charged" (\parˆggeilen\). But Luke changes (_constructio variata_) to the direct quotation, a common idiom in Greek and often in Luke (Acts:1:4f.|). Here in the direct form he follows strkjv@Mark:1:43; strkjv@Matthew:8:4|. See discussion there about the direction to go to the priest to receive a certificate showing his cleansing, like our release from quarantine (Leviticus:13:39; strkjv@14:2-32|). {For a testimony unto them} (\eis marturion autois\). The use of \autois\ (them) here is "according to sense," as we say, for it has no antecedent in the context, just to people in general. But this identical phrase with absence of direct reference occurs in Mark and Matthew, pretty good proof of the use of one by the other. Both strkjv@Matthew:8:4; strkjv@Luke:5:14| follow strkjv@Mark:1:44|.

rwp@Luke:5:17 @{That} (\kai\). Use of \kai\ = \hoti\ (that) like the Hebrew _wav_, though found in Greek also. {He} (\autos\). Luke sometimes has \autos\ in the nominative as unemphatic "he" as here, not "he himself." {Was teaching} (\ˆn didask“n\). Periphrastic imperfect again like our English idiom. {Were sitting by} (\ˆsan kathˆmenoi\). Periphrastic imperfect again. There is no "by" in the Greek. {Doctors of the law} (\nomodidaskaloi\). A compound word formed after analogy of \hierodidaskalos\, but not found outside of the N.T. and ecclesiastical writers, one of the very few words apparently N.T. in usage. It appears here and strkjv@Acts:5:34; strkjv@1Timothy:1:7|. It is not likely that Luke and Paul made the word, but they simply used the term already in current use to describe teachers and interpreters of the law. Our word "doctor" is Latin for "teacher." These "teachers of the law" are called elsewhere in the Gospels "scribes" (\grammateis\) as in Matthew and Mark (see on ¯Matthew:5:20; strkjv@23:34|) and strkjv@Luke:5:21; strkjv@19:47; strkjv@21:1; strkjv@22:2|. Luke also employs \nomikos\ (one skilled in the law, \nomos\) as in strkjv@10:25|. One thinks of our LL.D. (Doctors of Civil and Canon Law), for both were combined in Jewish law. They were usually Pharisees (mentioned here for the first time in Luke) for which see on ¯Matthew:3:7,20|. Luke will often speak of the Pharisees hereafter. Not all the "Pharisees" were "teachers of the law" so that both terms often occur together as in verse 21| where Luke has separate articles (\hoi grammateis kai hoi Pharisaioi\), distinguishing between them, though one article may occur as in strkjv@Matthew:5:20| or no article as here in verse 17|. Luke alone mentions the presence here of these Pharisees and doctors of the law "which were come" (\hoi ˆsan elˆluthotes\, periphrastic past perfect active, {had come}). {Out of every village of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem} (\ek pasˆs k“mˆs tˆs Galilaias kai Ioudaias kai Ierousalˆm\). Edersheim (_Jewish Social Life_) observes that the Jews distinguished Jerusalem as a separate district in Judea. Plummer considers it hyperbole in Luke to use "every village." But one must recall that Jesus had already made one tour of Galilee which stirred the Pharisees and rabbis to active opposition. Judea had already been aroused and Jerusalem was the headquarters of the definite campaign now organized against Jesus. One must bear in mind that strkjv@John:4:1-4| shows that Jesus had already left Jerusalem and Judea because of the jealousy of the Pharisees. They are here on purpose to find fault and to make charges against Jesus. One must not forget that there were many kinds of Pharisees and that not all of them were as bad as these legalistic and punctilious hypocrites who deserved the indictment and exposure of Christ in strkjv@Matthew:23|. Paul himself is a specimen of the finer type of Pharisee which, however, developed into the persecuting fanatic till Jesus changed his whole life. {The power of the Lord was with him to heal} (\dunamis Kuriou ˆn eis to iƒsthai auton\). Songs:the best texts. It is neat Greek, but awkward English: "Then was the power of the Lord for the healing as to him (Jesus)." Here \Kuriou\ refers to Jehovah. {Dunamis} (dynamite) is one of the common words for "miracles" (\dunameis\). What Luke means is that Jesus had the power of the Lord God to heal with. He does not mean that this power was intermittent. He simply calls attention to its presence with Jesus on this occasion.

rwp@Luke:5:22 @{Perceiving} (\epignous\). Same form (second aorist active participle of \epigin“sk“\, common verb for knowing fully) in strkjv@Mark:2:8|. {Reason ye} (\dialogizesthe\) as in strkjv@Mark:2:8|. strkjv@Matthew:9:4| has \enthumeisthe\.

rwp@Luke:5:30 @{The Pharisees and their scribes} (\hoi Pharisaioi kai hoi grammateis aut“n\). Note article with each substantive and the order, not "scribes and Pharisees," but "the Pharisees and the scribes of them" (the Pharisees). Some manuscripts omit "their," but strkjv@Mark:2:16| (the scribes of the Pharisees) shows that it is correct here. Some of the scribes were Sadducees. It is only the Pharisees who find fault here. {Murmured} (\egogguzon\). Imperfect active. Picturesque onomatopoetic word that sounds like its meaning. A late word used of the cooing of doves. It is like the buzzing of bees, like \tonthorruz“\ of literary Greek. They were not invited to this feast and would not have come if they had been. But, not being invited, they hang on the outside and criticize the disciples of Jesus for being there. The crowd was so large that the feast may have been served out in the open court at Levi's house, a sort of reclining garden party. {The publicans and sinners} (\t“n tel“n“n kai hamart“l“n\). Here Luke is quoting the criticism of the critics. Note one article making one group of all of them.

rwp@Luke:6:4 @{Did take} (\lab“n\). Second aorist active participle of \lamban“\. Not in Mark and Matthew. See strkjv@Matthew:12:1-8; strkjv@Mark:2:23-28| for discussion of details about the shewbread and the five arguments in defence of his conduct on the sabbath (example of David, work of the priests on the sabbath, prophecy of strkjv@Hosea:6:6|, purpose of the sabbath for man, the Son of Man lord of the sabbath). It was an overwhelming and crushing reply to these pettifogging ceremonialists to which they could not reply, but which increased their anger. Codex D transfers verse 5| to after verse 10| and puts here the following: "On the same day beholding one working on the sabbath he said to him: Man, if you know what you are doing, happy are you; but if you do not know, cursed are you and a transgressor of the law."

rwp@Luke:6:6 @{On another sabbath} (\en heter“i sabbat“i\). This was a second (\heteron\, as it often means), but not necessarily the next, sabbath. This incident is given by all three synoptics (Mark:3:1-6; strkjv@Matthew:12:9-14; strkjv@Luke:6:6-11|). See Matt. and Mark for details. Only Luke notes that it was on a sabbath. Was this because Luke as a physician had to meet this problem in his own practise? {Right hand} (\hˆ dexia\). This alone in Luke, the physician's eye for particulars.

rwp@Luke:6:7 @{The scribes and the Pharisees} (\hoi grammateis kai hoi Pharisaioi\). Only Luke here though Pharisees named in strkjv@Matthew:12:14| and Pharisees and Herodians in strkjv@Mark:3:6|. {Watched him} (\paretˆrounto auton\). Imperfect middle, were watching for themselves on the side (\para\). strkjv@Mark:3:2| has the imperfect active \paretˆroun\. Common verb, but the proposition \para\ gave an extra touch, watching either assiduously like the physician at the bedside or insidiously with evil intent as here. {Would heal} (\therapeusei\). But the present active indicative (\therapeuei\) may be the correct text here. Songs:Westcott and Hort. {That they might find out how to accuse him} (\hina heur“sin katˆgorein autou\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \heurisk“\ and the infinitive with it means to find out how to do a thing. They were determined to make a case against Jesus. They felt sure that their presence would prevent any spurious work on the part of Jesus.

rwp@Luke:6:9 @{I ask you} (\eper“t“ humƒs\). They had questions in their hearts about Jesus. He now asks in addition (\ep'\) an open question that brings the whole issue into the open. {A life} (\psuchˆn\). Songs:the Revised Version. The rabbis had a rule: _Periculum vitae pellit sabbatum_. But it had to be a Jew whose life was in peril on the sabbath. The words of Jesus cut to the quick. {Or to destroy it} (\ˆ apolesai\). On this very day these Pharisees were plotting to destroy Jesus (verse 7|).

rwp@Luke:6:10 @{He looked round about on them all} (\periblepsamenos\). First aorist middle participle as in strkjv@Mark:3:5|, the middle voice giving a personal touch to it all. Mark adds "with anger" which Luke here does not put in. All three Gospels have the identical command: {Stretch forth thy hand} (\exteinon tˆn cheira sou\). First aorist active imperative. {Stretch out}, clean out, full length. All three Gospels also have the first aorist passive indicative \apekatestathˆ\ with the double augment of the double compound verb \apokathistˆmi\. As in Greek writers, so here the double compound means complete restoration to the former state.

rwp@Luke:6:13 @{When it was day} (\hote egeneto hˆmera\). When day came, after the long night of prayer. {He chose from them twelve} (\eklexamenos ap' aut“n d“deka\). The same root (\leg\) was used for picking out, selecting and then for saying. There was a large group of "disciples" or "learners" whom he "called" to him (\proseph“nˆsen\), and from among whom he chose (of himself, and for himself, indirect middle voice (\eklexamenos\). It was a crisis in the work of Christ. Jesus assumed full responsibility even for the choice of Judas who was not forced upon Jesus by the rest of the Twelve. "You did not choose me, but I chose you," (John:15:16|) where Jesus uses \exelexasthe\ and \exelexamˆn\ as here by Luke. {Whom also he named apostles} (\hous kai apostolous “nomasen\). Songs:then Jesus gave the twelve chosen disciples this appellation. Aleph and B have these same words in strkjv@Mark:3:14| besides the support of a few of the best cursives, the Bohairic Coptic Version and the Greek margin of the Harclean Syriac. Westcott and Hort print them in their text in strkjv@Mark:3:14|, but it remains doubtful whether they were not brought into Mark from strkjv@Luke:6:13| where they are undoubtedly genuine. See strkjv@Matthew:10:2| where the connection with sending them out by twos in the third tour of Galilee. The word is derived from \apostell“\, to send (Latin, _mitto_) and apostle is missionary, one sent. Jesus applies the term to himself (\apesteilas\, strkjv@John:17:3|) as does strkjv@Hebrews:3:1|. The word is applied to others, like Barnabas, besides these twelve including the Apostle Paul who is on a par with them in rank and authority, and even to mere messengers of the churches (2Corinthians:8:23|). But these twelve apostles stand apart from all others in that they were all chosen at once by Jesus himself "that they might be with him" (Mark:3:14|), to be trained by Jesus himself and to interpret him and his message to the world. In the nature of the case they could have no successors as they had to be personal witnesses to the life and resurrection of Jesus (Acts:1:22|). The selection of Matthias to succeed Judas cannot be called a mistake, but it automatically ceased. For discussion of the names and groups in the list see discussion on ¯Matthew:10:1-4; strkjv@Mark:3:14-19|.

rwp@Luke:6:17 @{He came down with them} (\katabas met' aut“n\). Second aorist active participle of \katabain“\, common verb. This was the night of prayer up in the mountain (Mark:31:3; strkjv@Luke:6:12|) and the choice of the Twelve next morning. The going up into the mountain of strkjv@Matthew:5:1| may simply be a summary statement with no mention of what Luke has explained or may be a reference to the elevation, where he "sat down" (Matthew:5:1|), above the plain or "level place" (\epi topou pedinou\) on the mountain side where Jesus "stood" or "stopped" (\estˆ\). It may be a level place towards the foot of the mountain. He stopped his descent at this level place and then found a slight elevation on the mountain side and began to speak. There is not the slightest reason for making Matthew locate this sermon on the mountain and Luke in the valley as if the places, audiences, and topics were different. For the unity of the sermon see discussion on ¯Matthew:5:1f|. The reports in Matthew and Luke begin alike, cover the same general ground and end alike. The report in Matthew is longer chiefly because in Chapter 5, he gives the argument showing the contrast between Christ's conception of righteousness and that of the Jewish rabbis. Undoubtedly, Jesus repeated many of the crisp sayings here at other times as in Luke 12, but it is quite gratuitous to argue that Matthew and Luke have made up this sermon out of isolated sayings of Christ at various times. Both Matthew and Luke give too much that is local of place and audience for that idea. strkjv@Matthew:5:1| speaks of "the multitudes" and "his disciples." strkjv@Luke:6:17| notes "a great multitude of his disciples, and a great number of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon." They agree in the presence of disciples and crowds besides the disciples from whom the twelve apostles were chosen. It is important to note how already people were coming from "the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon" "to hear him and to be healed (\iathˆnai\, first aorist passive of \iaomai\) of their diseases."

rwp@Luke:6:18 @{With unclean spirits} (\apo pneumat“n akathart“n\). In an amphibolous position for it can be construed with "troubled," (present passive participle \enochloumenoi\) or with "were healed" (imperfect passive, \etherapeuonto\). The healings were repeated as often as they came. Note here both verbs, \iaomai\ and \therapeu“\, used of the miraculous cures of Jesus. \Therapeu“\ is the verb more commonly employed of regular professional cures, but no such distinction is made here.

rwp@Luke:6:20 @{And he lifted up his eyes} (\kai autos eparas tous opthalmous autou\). First aorist active participle from \epair“\. Note also Luke's favourite use of \kai autos\ in beginning a paragraph. Vivid detail alone in Luke. Jesus looked the vast audience full in the face. strkjv@Matthew:5:2| mentions that "he opened his mouth and taught them" (began to teach them, inchoative imperfect, \edidasken\). He spoke out so that the great crowd could hear. Some preachers do not open their mouths and do not look up at the people, but down at the manuscript and drawl along while the people lose interest and even go to sleep or slip out. {Ye poor} (\hoi pt“choi\). {The poor}, but "yours" (\humetera\) justifies the translation "ye." Luke's report is direct address in all the four beatitudes and four woes given by him. It is useless to speculate why Luke gives only four of the eight beatitudes in Matthew or why Matthew does not give the four woes in Luke. One can only say that neither professes to give a complete report of the sermon. There is no evidence to show that either saw the report of the other. They may have used a common source like Q (the Logia of Jesus) or they may have had separate sources. Luke's first beatitude corresponds with Matthew's first, but he does not have "in spirit" after "poor." Does Luke represent Jesus as saying that poverty itself is a blessing? It can be made so. Or does Luke represent Jesus as meaning what is in Matthew, poverty of spirit? {The kingdom of God} (\hˆ basileia tou theou\). strkjv@Matthew:5:3| has "the kingdom of heaven" which occurs alone in Matthew though he also has the one here in Luke with no practical difference. The rabbis usually said "the kingdom of heaven." They used it of the political Messianic kingdom when Judaism of the Pharisaic sort would triumph over the world. The idea of Jesus is in the sharpest contrast to that conception here and always. See on ¯Matthew:3:2| for discussion of the meaning of the word "kingdom." It is the favourite word of Jesus for the rule of God in the heart here and now. It is both present and future and will reach a glorious consummation. Some of the sayings of Christ have apocalyptic and eschatological figures, but the heart of the matter is here in the spiritual reality of the reign of God in the hearts of those who serve him. The kingdom parables expand and enlarge upon various phases of this inward life and growth.

rwp@Luke:6:33 @{Do good} (\agathopoiˆte\). Third-class condition, \ean\ and present subjunctive. This verb not in old Greek, but in LXX. {Even sinners} (\kai hoi hamart“loi\). Even the sinners, the article distinguishing the class. strkjv@Matthew:5:46| has "even the publicans" and strkjv@5:47| "even the Gentiles." That completes the list of the outcasts for "sinners" includes "harlots" and all the rest.

rwp@Luke:6:35 @{But} (\plˆn\). Plain adversative like \plˆn\ in verse 24|. Never despairing (\mˆden apelpizontes\). \Mˆden\ is read by A B L Bohairic and is the reading of Westcott and Hort. The reading \mˆdena\ is translated "despairing of no man." The Authorized Version has it "hoping for nothing again," a meaning for \apelpiz“\ with no parallel elsewhere. Field (_Otium Nor._ iii. 40) insists that all the same the context demands this meaning because of \apelpizein\ in verse 34|, but the correct reading there is \elpizein\, not \apelpizein\. Here Field's argument falls to the ground. The word occurs in Polybius, Diodorus, LXX with the sense of despairing and that is the meaning here. D and Old Latin documents have _nihil desperantes_, but the Vulgate has _nihil inde sperantes_ (hoping for nothing thence) and this false rendering has wrought great havoc in Europe. "On the strength of it Popes and councils have repeatedly condemned the taking of any interest whatever for loans. As loans could not be had without interest, and Christians were forbidden to take it, money lending passed into the hands of the Jews, and added greatly to the unnatural detestation in which Jews were held" (Plummer). By "never despairing" or "giving up nothing in despair" Jesus means that we are not to despair about getting the money back. We are to help the apparently hopeless cases. Medical writers use the word for desperate or hopeless cases. {Sons of the Most High} (\huoi Hupsistou\). In strkjv@1:32| Jesus is called "Son of the Highest" and here all real children or sons of God (Luke:20:36|) are so termed. See also strkjv@1:35,76| for the use of "the Highest" of God. He means the same thing that we see in strkjv@Matthew:5:45,48| by "your Father." {Toward the unthankful and evil} (\epi tous acharistous kai ponˆrous\). God the Father is kind towards the unkind and wicked. Note the one article with both adjectives.

rwp@Luke:6:38 @{Pressed down} (\pepiesmenon\). Perfect passive participle from \piez“\, old verb, but here alone in the N.T., though the Doric form \piaz“\, to seize, occurs several times (John:7:30,32,44|). {Shaken together} (\sesaleumenon\). Perfect passive participle again from common verb \saleu“\. {Running over} (\huperekchunnomenon\). Present middle participle of this double compound verb not found elsewhere save in A Q in strkjv@Joel:2:24|. \Chun“\ is a late form of \che“\. There is asyndeton here, no conjunction connecting these participles. The present here is in contrast to the two preceding perfects. The participles form an epexegesis or explanation of the "good measure" (\metron kalon\). Into your bosom (\eis ton kolpon hum“n\). The fold of the wide upper garment bound by the girdle made a pocket in common use (Exodus:4:6; strkjv@Proverbs:6:27; strkjv@Psalms:79:12; strkjv@Isaiah:65:6f.; strkjv@Jeremiah:32:18|). Songs:Isaiah:65:7|: {I will measure their former work unto their bosom. Shall be measured to you again} (\antimetrˆthˆsetai\). Future passive indicative of the verb here only in the N.T. save late MSS. in strkjv@Matthew:7:2|. Even here some MSS. have \metrˆthˆsetai\. The \anti\ has the common meaning of in turn or back, measured back to you in requital.

rwp@Luke:6:40 @{The disciple is not above his master} (\ouk estin mathˆtˆs huper ton didaskalon\). Literally, a learner (or pupil) is not above the teacher. Precisely so in strkjv@Matthew:10:24| where "slave" is added with "lord." But here Luke adds: "But everyone when he is perfected shall be as his master" (\katˆrtismenos de pƒs estai h“s ho didaskalos autou\). The state of completion, perfect passive participle, is noted in \katˆrtismenos\. The word is common for mending broken things or nets (Matthew:4:21|) or men (Galatians:6:1|). Songs:it is a long process to get the pupil patched up to the plane of his teacher.

rwp@Luke:6:45 @{Bringeth forth} (\propherei\). In a similar saying repeated later. strkjv@Matthew:12:34f.| has the verb \ekballei\ (throws out, casts out), a bolder figure. "When men are natural, heart and mouth act in concert. But otherwise the mouth sometimes professes what the heart does not feel" (Plummer).

rwp@Luke:6:47 @{Hears and does} (\akou“n kai poi“n\). Present active participles. Songs:in strkjv@Matthew:7:24|. (Present indicative.) {I will show you} (\hupodeix“ humin\). Only in Luke, not Matthew.

rwp@Luke:6:48 @{Digged and went deep} (\eskapsen kai ebathunen\). Two first aorist indicatives. Not a _hendiadys_ for dug deep. \Skapt“\, to dig, is as old as Homer, as is \bathun“\, to make deep. {And laid a foundation} (\kai ethˆken themelion\). That is the whole point. This wise builder struck the rock before he laid the foundation. {When a flood arose} (\plˆmmurˆs genomenˆs\). Genitive absolute. Late word for flood, \plˆmmura\, only here in the N.T., though in strkjv@Job:40:18|. {Brake against} (\proserˆxen\). First aorist active indicative from \prosrˆgnumi\ and in late writers \prosrˆss“\, to break against. Only here in the N.T. strkjv@Matthew:7:25| has \prosepesan\, from \prospipt“\, to fall against. {Could not shake it} (\ouk ischusen saleusai autˆn\). Did not have strength enough to shake it. {Because it had been well builded} (\dia to kal“s oikodomˆsthai autˆn\). Perfect passive articular infinitive after \dia\ and with accusative of general reference.

rwp@Luke:6:49 @{He that heareth and doeth not} (\ho de akousas kai mˆ poiˆsas\). Aorist active participle with article. Particular case singled out (punctiliar, aorist). {Like a man} (\homoios estin anthr“p“i\). Associative instrumental case after \homoios\ as in verse 47|. {Upon the earth} (\epi tˆn gˆn\). strkjv@Matthew:7:26| has "upon the sand" (\epi tˆn ammon\), more precise and worse than mere earth. But not on the rock. {Without a foundation} (\ch“ris themeliou\). The foundation on the rock after deep digging as in verse 48|. {It fell in} (\sunepesen\). Second aorist active of \sunpipt“\, to fall together, to collapse. An old verb from Homer on, but only here in the N.T. {The ruin} (\to rˆgma\). The crash like a giant oak in the forest resounded far and wide. An old word for a rent or fracture as in medicine for laceration of a wound. Only here in the N.T.

rwp@Luke:7:3 @{Sent unto him elders of the Jews} (\apesteilen pros auton presbouterous t“n Ioudai“n\). strkjv@Matthew:8:5| says "the centurion came unto him." For discussion of this famous case of apparent discrepancy see discussion on Matthew. One possible solution is that Luke tells the story as it happened with the details, whereas Matthew simply presents a summary statement without the details. What one does through another he does himself. {Asking him} (\er“t“n auton\). Present active participle, masculine singular nominative, of the verb \er“ta“\ common for asking a question as in the old Greek (Luke:22:68|). But more frequently in the N.T. the verb has the idea of making a request as here. This is not a Hebraism or an Aramaism, but is a common meaning of the verb in the papyri (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 168). It is to be noted here that Luke represents the centurion himself as "asking" through the elders of the Jews (leading citizens). In strkjv@Matthew:8:6| the verb is \parakal“n\ (beseeching). {That he would come and save} (\hop“s elth“n dias“sˆi\). \Hina\ is the more common final or sub-final (as here) conjunction, but \hop“s\ still occurs. \Dias“sˆi\ is effective aorist active subjunctive, to bring safe through as in a storm (Acts:28:1,4|). Common word.

rwp@Luke:7:4 @{Besought} (\parekaloun\). Imperfect active, began and kept on beseeching. This is the same verb used by Matthew in strkjv@Matthew:8:5| of the centurion himself. {Earnestly} (\spoudai“s\). From \spoudˆ\ haste. Songs:eagerly, earnestly, zealously, for time was short. {That thou shouldst do this for him} (\h“i parexˆi touto\). Second future middle singular of \parech“\. Old and common verb, furnish on thy part. \H“i\ is relative in dative case almost with notion of contemplated result (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 961).

rwp@Luke:7:6 @{Went with them} (\eporeueto sun autois\). Imperfect indicative middle. He started to go along with them. {Now} (\ˆdˆ\). Already like Latin _jam_. In strkjv@1Corinthians:4:8| \nun ˆdˆ\ like _jam nunc_. {Sent friends} (\epempsen philous\). This second embassy also, wanting in Matthew's narrative. He "puts the message of both into the mouth of the centurion himself" (Plummer). Note saying (\leg“n\), present active singular participle, followed by direct quotation from the centurion himself. {Trouble not thyself} (\Mˆ skullou\). Present middle (direct use) imperative of \skull“\, old verb originally meaning to skin, to mangle, and then in later Greek to vex, trouble, annoy. Frequent in the papyri in this latter sense. {For I am not worthy that} (\ou gar hikanos eimi hina\). The same word \hikanos\, not \axios\, as in strkjv@Matthew:8:8|, which see for discussion, from \hik“, hikan“\, to fit, to reach, be adequate for. \Hina\ in both places as common in late Greek. See strkjv@Matthew:8:8| also for "roof" (\stegˆn\, covering).

rwp@Luke:7:9 @{Turned} (\strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, to turn. Common verb. A vivid touch not in Matthew's account. In both Matthew and Luke Jesus marvels at the great faith of this Roman centurion beyond that among the Jews. As a military man he had learned how to receive orders and to execute them and hence to expect obedience to his commands, He recognized Jesus as Master over disease with power to compel obedience.

rwp@Luke:7:12 @{Behold} (\kai idou\). The \kai\ introduces the apodosis of the temporal sentence and has to be left out in translations. It is a common idiom in Luke, \kai idou\. {There was carried out} (\exekomizeto\). Imperfect passive indicative. Common verb in late Greek for carrying out a body for burial, though here only in the N.T. (\ekkomiz“\). Rock tombs outside of the village exist there today. {One that was dead} (\tethnˆk“s\). Perfect active participle of \thnˆsk“\, to die. {The only son of his mother} (\monogenˆs huios tˆi mˆtri auto–\). Only begotten son to his mother (dative case). The compound adjective \monogenˆs\ (\monos\ and \genos\) is common in the old Greek and occurs in the N.T. about Jesus (John:3:16,18|). The "death of a widow's only son was the greatest misfortune conceivable" (Easton). {And she was a widow} (\kai autˆ ˆn chˆra\). This word \chˆra\ gives the finishing touch to the pathos of the situation. The word is from \chˆros\, bereft. The mourning of a widow for an only son is the extremity of grief (Plummer). {Much people} (\ochlos hikanos\). Considerable crowd as often with this adjective \hikanos\. Some were hired mourners, but the size of the crowd showed the real sympathy of the town for her.

rwp@Luke:7:15 @{Sat up} (\anekathisen\). First aorist active indicative. The verb in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:9:40|. Medical writers often used it of the sick sitting up in bed (Hobart, _Med. Lang. of St. Luke_, p. 11). It is objected that the symmetry of these cases (daughter of Jairus raised from the death-bed, this widow's son raised from the bier, Lazarus raised from the tomb) is suspicious, but no one Gospel gives all three (Plummer). {Gave him to his mother} (\ed“ken auton tˆi mˆtri autou\). Tender way of putting it. "For he had already ceased to belong to his mother" (Bengel). Songs:in strkjv@Luke:9:42|.

rwp@Luke:7:19 @{Calling unto him} (\proskalesamenos\). First aorist middle (indirect) participle. {Two} (\duo tinas\). Certain two. Not in strkjv@Matthew:11:2|. {Saying} (\leg“n\). John saying by the two messengers. The message is given precisely alike in strkjv@Matthew:11:3|, which see. In both we have \heteron\ for "another," either a second or a different kind. In verse 20| Westcott and Hort read \allon\ in the text, \heteron\ in the margin. \Prosdok“men\, may be present indicative or present subjunctive (deliberative), the same contract form (\ao= “, a“ “\).

rwp@Luke:7:21 @{In that hour he cured} (\en ekeinˆi tˆi horƒi etherapeusen\). This item is not in Matthew. Jesus gave the two disciples of John an example of the direct method. They had heard. Then they saw for themselves. {Diseases} (\nos“n\), {plagues} (\mastig“n\), {evil spirits} (\pneumat“n ponˆr“n\), all kinds of bodily ills, and he singles out the {blind} (\tuphlois\) to whom in particular he bestowed sight (\echarizato blepein\), gave as a free gift (from \charis\, grace) seeing (\blepein\).

rwp@Luke:7:24 @{When the messengers of John were departed} (\apelthont“n t“n aggel“n I“anou\). Genitive absolute of aorist active participle. strkjv@Matthew:11:7| has the present middle participle \poreuomen“n\, suggesting that Jesus began his eulogy of John as soon as the messengers (angels, Luke calls them) were on their way. The vivid questions about the people's interest in John are precisely alike in both Matthew and Luke.

rwp@Luke:7:29 @{Justified God} (\edikai“san ton theon\). They considered God just or righteous in making these demands of them. Even the publicans did. They submitted to the baptism of John (\baptisthentes to baptisma tou I“anou\. First aorist passive participle with the cognate accusative retained in the passive. Some writers consider verses 29,30| a comment of Luke in the midst of the eulogy of John by Jesus. This would be a remarkable thing for so long a comment to be interjected. It is perfectly proper as the saying of Jesus.

rwp@Luke:7:30 @{Rejected for themselves} (\ˆthetˆsan eis heautous\). The first aorist active of \athete“\ first seen in LXX and Polybius. Occurs in the papyri. These legalistic interpreters of the law refused to admit the need of confession of sin on their part and so set aside the baptism of John. They annulled God's purposes of grace so far as they applied to them. {Being not baptized by him} (\mˆ baptisthentes hup' autou\). First aorist passive participle. \Mˆ\ is the usual negative of the participle in the _Koin‚_.

rwp@Luke:7:37 @{A woman which was in the city, a sinner} (\gunˆ hˆtis en tˆi polei hamart“los\). Probably in Capernaum. The use of \hˆtis\ means "Who was of such a character as to be" (cf. strkjv@8:3|) and so more than merely the relative \hˆ\, who, that is, "who was a sinner in the city," a woman of the town, in other words, and known to be such. \Hamart“los\, from \hamartan“\, to sin, means devoted to sin and uses the same form for feminine and masculine. It is false and unjust to Mary Magdalene, introduced as a new character in strkjv@Luke:8:2|, to identify this woman with her. Luke would have no motive in concealing her name here and the life of a courtesan would be incompatible with the sevenfold possession of demons. Still worse is it to identify this courtesan not only with Mary Magdalene, but also with Mary of Bethany simply because it is a Simon who gives there a feast to Jesus when Mary of Bethany does a beautiful deed somewhat like this one here (Mark:14:3-9; strkjv@Matthew:26:6-13; strkjv@John:12:2-8|). Certainly Luke knew full well the real character of Mary of Bethany (10:38-42|) so beautifully pictured by him. But a falsehood, once started, seems to have more lives than the cat's proverbial nine. The very name Magdalene has come to mean a repentant courtesan. But we can at least refuse to countenance such a slander on Mary Magdalene and on Mary of Bethany. This sinful woman had undoubtedly repented and changed her life and wished to show her gratitude to Jesus who had rescued her. Her bad reputation as a harlot clung to her and made her an unwelcome visitor in the Pharisee's house. {When she knew} (\epignousa\). Second aorist active participle from \epigin“sk“\, to know fully, to recognize. She came in by a curious custom of the time that allowed strangers to enter a house uninvited at a feast, especially beggars seeking a gift. This woman was an intruder whereas Mary of Bethany was an invited guest. "Many came in and took their places on the side seats, uninvited and yet unchallenged. They spoke to those at table on business or the news of the day, and our host spoke freely to them" (Trench in his _Parables_, describing a dinner at a Consul's house at Damietta). {He was sitting at meat} (\katakeitai\). Literally, he is reclining (present tense retained in indirect discourse in Greek). {An alabaster cruse of ointment} (\alabastron murou\). See on ¯Matthew:26:7| for discussion of \alabastron\ and \murou\.

rwp@Luke:7:38 @{Standing behind at his feet} (\stƒsa opis“ para tous podas autou\). Second aorist active participle from \histˆmi\ and intransitive, first aorist \estˆsa\ being transitive. The guest removed his sandals before the meal and he reclined on the left side with the feet outward. She was standing beside (\para\) his feet {weeping} (\klaiousa\). She was drawn irresistibly by gratitude to Jesus and is overcome with emotion before she can use the ointment; her tears (\tois dakrusin\, instrumental case of \dakru\) take the place of the ointment. {Wiped them with the hair of her head} (\tais thrixin tˆs kephalˆs autˆs exemassen\). Inchoative imperfect of an old verb \ekmass“\, to rub out or off, began to wipe off, an act of impulse evidently and of embarrassment. "Among the Jews it was a shameful thing for a woman to let down her hair in public; but she makes this sacrifice" (Plummer). Songs:Mary of Bethany wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair (John:12:3|) with a similar sacrifice out of her great love for Jesus. This fact is relied on by some to prove that Mary of Bethany had been a woman of bad character, surely an utter failure to recognize Mary's motive and act. {Kissed} (\katephilei\). Imperfect active of \kataphile“\, to kiss repeatedly (force of \kata\), and accented by the tense of continued action here. The word in the N.T. occurs here, of the prodigal's father (15:20|), of the kiss of Judas (Mark:14:45; strkjv@Matthew:26:49|), of the Ephesian elders (Acts:20:37|). " Kissing the feet was a common mark of deep reverence, especially to leading rabbis" (Plummer). {Anointed them with the ointment} (\ˆleiphen t“i mur“i\). Imperfect active again of \aleiph“\, a very common verb. \Chri“\ has a more religious sense. The anointing came after the burst of emotional excitement.

rwp@Luke:7:40 @{Answering} (\apokritheis\). First aorist passive participle, redundant use with \eipen\. Jesus answers the thoughts and doubts of Simon and so shows that he knows all about the woman also. Godet notes a tone of Socratic irony here.

rwp@Luke:7:44 @{Turning} (\strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle. {Seest thou} (\blepeis\). For the first time Jesus looks at the woman and he asks the Pharisee to look at her. She was behind Jesus. Jesus was an invited guest. The Pharisee had neglected some points of customary hospitality. The contrasts here made have the rhythm of Hebrew poetry. In each contrast the first word is the point of defect in Simon: {water} (44), {kiss} (45), {oil} (46).

rwp@Luke:7:45 @{Hath not ceased to kiss} (\ou dielipen kataphilousa\). Supplementary participle.

rwp@Luke:7:49 @{Who even forgiveth sins} (\hos kai hamartias aphiˆsin\). Present indicative active of same verb, \aphiˆmi\. Once before the Pharisees considered Jesus guilty of blasphemy in claiming the power to forgive sins (Luke:5:21|). Jesus read their inmost thoughts as he always does.

rwp@Luke:8:4 @{By a parable} (\dia parabolˆs\). strkjv@Mark:4:2| says "in parables" as does strkjv@Matthew:13:3|. This is the beginning of the first great group of parables as given in strkjv@Mark:4:1-34| and strkjv@Matthew:13:1-53|. There are ten of these parables in Mark and Matthew and only two in strkjv@Luke:8:4-18| (The Sower and the Lamp, strkjv@8:16|) though Luke also has the expression "in parables" (8:10|). See strkjv@Matthew:13| and strkjv@Mark:4| for discussion of the word parable and the details of the Parable of the Sower. Luke does not locate the place, but he mentions the great crowds on hand, while both Mark and Matthew name the seaside as the place where Jesus was at the start of the series of parables.

rwp@Luke:8:6 @{Upon the rock} (\epi tˆn petran\). strkjv@Mark:4:5| "the rocky ground" (\epi to petr“des\), strkjv@Matthew:13:5| "the rocky places. {As soon as it grew} (\phuen\). Second aorist passive participle of \phu“\, an old verb to spring up like a sprout. {Withered away} (\exˆranthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \zˆrain“\, old verb, to dry up. {Moisture} (\ikmada\). Here only in the N.T., though common word.

rwp@Luke:8:7 @{Amidst the thorns} (\en mes“i t“n akanth“n\). strkjv@Mark:4:7| has \eis\ (among) and strkjv@Matthew:13:7| has \epi\ "upon." {Grew with it} (\sunphueisai\). Same participle as \phuen\ above with \sun-\ (together). {Choked} (\apepnixan\). From \apopnig“\, to choke off as in strkjv@Matthew:13:7|. In strkjv@Mark:4:7| the verb is \sunepnixan\ (choked together).

rwp@Luke:8:9 @{Asked} (\epˆr“t“n\). Imperfect of \eper“ta“\ (\epi\ and \er“ta“\) where strkjv@Mark:4:10| has \ˆr“t“n\ (uncompounded imperfect), both the tense and the use of \epi\ indicate eager and repeated questions on the part of the disciples, perhaps dimly perceiving a possible reflection on their own growth. {What this parable might be} (\tis hautˆ eiˆ hˆ parabolˆ\). A mistranslation, What this parable was (or meant). The optative \eiˆ\ is merely due to indirect discourse, changing the indicative \estin\ (is) of the direct question to the optative \eiˆ\ of the indirect, a change entirely with the writer or speaker and without any change of meaning (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1043f.).

rwp@Luke:8:10 @{The mysteries} (\ta mustˆria\). See for this word on ¯Matthew:13:11; strkjv@Mark:4:11|. Part of the mystery here explained is how so many people who have the opportunity to enter the kingdom fail to do so because of manifest unfitness. {That} (\hina\). Here strkjv@Mark:4:11| also has \hina\ while strkjv@Matthew:13:13| has \hoti\ (because). On the so-called causal use of \hina\ as here equal to \hoti\ see discussion on ¯Matthew:13:13; strkjv@Mark:4:11|. Plummer sensibly argues that there is truth both in the causal \hoti\ of Matthew and the final \hina\ of Mark and Matthew. "But the principle that he who hath shall receive more, while he who hath not shall be deprived of what he seemeth to have, explains both the \hina\ and the \hoti\. Jesus speaks in parables because the multitudes see without seeing and hear without hearing. But He also speaks in parable {in order that} they may see without seeing and hear without hearing." Only for "hearing" Luke has "understand" \suni“sin\, present subjunctive from a late omega form \suni“\ instead of the \-mi\ verb \suniˆmi\.

rwp@Luke:8:11 @{Is this} (\estin de hautˆ\). Means this. Jesus now proceeds to interpret his own parable. {The seed is the word of God} (\ho sporos estin ho logos tou theou\). The article with both subject and predicate as here means that they are interchangeable and can be turned round: The word of God is the seed. The phrase "the word of God" does not appear in Matthew and only once in Mark (Mark:7:13|) and John (John:10:35|), but four times in Luke (5:1; strkjv@8:11,21; strkjv@11:28|) and twelve times in Acts. In strkjv@Mark:4:14| we have only "the word." In strkjv@Mark:3:31| we have "the will of God," and in strkjv@Matthew:12:46| "the will of my Father" where strkjv@Luke:8:21| has "the word of God." This seems to show that Luke has the subjective genitive here and means the word that comes from God.

rwp@Luke:8:12 @{Those by the wayside} (\hoi para tˆn hodon\). As in strkjv@Mark:4:15; strkjv@Matthew:13:19| so here the people who hear the word = the seed are discussed by metonymy. {The devil} (\ho diabolos\). The slanderer. Here strkjv@Mark:4:15| has Satan. {From their heart} (\apo tˆs kardias aut“n\). Here Mark has "in them." It is the devil's business to snatch up the seed from the heart before it sprouts and takes root. Every preacher knows how successful the devil is with his auditors. strkjv@Matthew:13:19| has it "sown in the heart." {That they may not believe and be saved} (\hina mˆ pisteusantes s“th“sin\). Peculiar to Luke. Negative purpose with aorist active participle and first aorist (ingressive) passive subjunctive. Many reasons are offered today for the failure of preachers to win souls. Here is the main one, the activity of the devil during and after the preaching of the sermon. No wonder then that the sower must have good seed and sow wisely, for even then he can only win partial success.

rwp@Luke:8:13 @{Which for a while believe} (\hoi pros kairon pisteuousin\). Ostensibly they are sincere and have made a real start in the life of faith. {They fall away} (\aphistantai\). Present middle indicative. They stand off, lose interest, stop coming to church, drop out of sight. It is positively amazing the number of new church members who "stumble" as strkjv@Mark:4:17| has it (\skandalizontai\), do not like the pastor, take offence at something said or done by somebody, object to the appeals for money, feel slighted. The "season of trial" becomes a "season of temptation" (\en kair“i peirasmou\) for these superficial, emotional people who have to be periodically rounded up if kept within the fold.

rwp@Luke:8:15 @{In an honest and good heart} (\en kardiƒi kalˆi kai agathˆi\). Peculiar to Luke. In verse 8| the land (\gˆn\) is called \agathˆn\ (really good, generous) and in verse 15| we have \en tˆi kalˆi gˆi\ ({in the beautiful or noble land}). Songs:Luke uses both adjectives of the heart. The Greeks used \kalos k' agathos\ of the high-minded gentleman. It is probable that Luke knew this idiom. It occurs here alone in the N.T. It is not easy to translate. We have such phrases as "good and true," "sound and good," "right and good," no one of which quite suits the Greek. Certainly Luke adds new moral qualities not in the Hellenic phrase. The English word "honest" here is like the Latin _honestus_ (fair, noble). The words are to be connected with "hold fast" (\katechousin\), "hold it down" so that the devil does not snatch it away, having depth of soil so that it does not shrivel up under the sun, and is not choked by weeds and thorns. It bears fruit (\karpophorousin\, an old expressive verb, \karpos\ and \phore“\). That is the proof of spiritual life. {In patience} (\en hupomonˆi\). There is no other way for real fruit to come. Mushrooms spring up overnight, but they are usually poisonous. The best fruits require time, cultivation, patience.

rwp@Luke:8:16 @{When he hath lighted a lamp} (\luchnon hapsas\). It is a portable lamp (\luchnon\) that one lights (\hapsas\ aorist active participle of \hapt“\, to kindle, fasten to, light). {With a vessel} (\skeuei\, instrumental case of \skeuos\). Here strkjv@Mark:4:21| has the more definite figure "under the bushel" as has strkjv@Matthew:5:15|. {Under the bed} (\hupokat“ klinˆs\). Here strkjv@Mark:4:21| has the regular \hupo tˆn klinˆn\ instead of the late compound \hupokat“\. Ragg notes that Matthew distributes the sayings of Jesus given here by strkjv@Luke:8:16-18; strkjv@Mark:4:21-25| concerning the parable of the lamp and gives them in three separate places (Matthew:5:15; strkjv@10:26; strkjv@13:12|). That is true, but it does not follow that Mark and Luke have bunched together separate sayings or that Matthew has scattered sayings delivered only on one occasion. One of the slowest lessons for some critics to learn is that Jesus repeated favourite sayings on different occasions and in different groupings just as every popular preacher and teacher does today. See on ¯Mark:4:21| for further discussion of the lamp and stand. {May see the light} (\Blep“sin to ph“s\). In strkjv@Matthew:5:16| Jesus has it "may see your good works." The purpose of light is to let one see something else, not the light. Note present subjunctive (\blep“sin\), linear action "Jesus had kindled a light within them. They must not hide it, but must see that it spreads to others" (Plummer). The parable of the lamp throws light on the parable of the sower.

rwp@Luke:8:19 @{His mother and brethren} (\hˆ mˆtˆr kai hoi adelphoi autou\). strkjv@Mark:3:31-35; strkjv@Matthew:12:46-50| place the visit of the mother and brothers of Jesus before the parable of the sower. Usually Luke follows Mark's order, but he does not do so here. At first the brothers of Jesus (younger sons of Joseph and Mary, I take the words to mean, there being sisters also) were not unfriendly to the work of Jesus as seen in strkjv@John:2:12| when they with the mother of Jesus are with him and the small group (half dozen) disciples in Capernaum after the wedding in Cana. But as Jesus went on with his work and was rejected at Nazareth (Luke:4:16-31|), there developed an evident disbelief in his claims on the part of the brothers who ridiculed him six months before the end (John:7:5|). At this stage they have apparently come with Mary to take Jesus home out of the excitement of the crowds, perhaps thinking that he is beside himself (Mark:3:21|). They hardly believed the charge of the rabbis that Jesus was in league with Beelzebub. Certainly the mother of Jesus could give no credence to that slander. But she herself was deeply concerned and wanted to help him if possible. See discussion of the problem in my little book _The Mother of Jesus_ and also on ¯Mark:3:31| and ¯Matthew:12:46|. {Come to him} (\suntuchein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \suntugchan“\, an old verb, though here alone in the N.T., meaning to meet with, to fall in with as if accidentally, here with associative instrumental case \aut“i\.

rwp@Luke:8:21 @{These which hear the word of God and do it} (\hoi ton logon tou theou akouontes kai poiountes\). The absence of the article with "mother" and "brothers" probably means, as Plummer argues, "Mother to me and brothers to me are those who &c." No one is a child of God because of human parentage (John:1:13|). "Family ties are at best temporal; spiritual ties are eternal" (Plummer). Note the use of "hear and do" together here as in strkjv@Matthew:7:24; strkjv@Luke:6:47| at the close of the Sermon on the Mount. The parable of the sower is almost like a footnote to that sermon. Later Jesus will make "doing" a test of friendship for him (John:15:14|).

rwp@Luke:8:34 @{Saw what had come to pass} (\idontes to gegonos\). This item only in Luke. Note the neat Greek idiom \to gegonos\, articular second perfect active participle of \ginomai\. Repeated in verse 35| and in strkjv@Mark:5:14|. Note numerous participles here in verse 35| as in strkjv@Mark:5:15|.

rwp@Luke:8:43 @{Had spent all her living upon physicians} (\eis iatrous prosanal“sasa holon ton bion\). First aorist active participle of an old verb \prosanalisk“\, only here in the N.T. But Westcott and Hort reject this clause because it is not in B D Syriac Sinaitic. Whether genuine or not, the other clause in strkjv@Mark:5:26| certainly is not in Luke: "had suffered many things of many physicians." Probably both are not genuine in Luke who takes care of the physicians by the simple statement that it was a chronic case: {could not be healed of any} (\ouk ischusen ap' oudenos therapeuthˆnai\). He omitted also what Mark has: "and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse."

rwp@Luke:8:46 @{For I perceived that power had gone forth from me} (\eg“ gar egn“n dunamin exelˆluthuian ap' emou\). \Egn“n\ is second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\, knowledge by personal experience as here. It is followed by the second perfect active participle \exelˆluthuian\ in indirect discourse (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1040-42). Jesus felt the sensation of power already gone. Who does not know what this sense of "goneness" or exhaustion of nervous energy means?

rwp@Luke:9:5 @{As many as receive you not} (\hosoi an mˆ dech“ntai humas\). Indefinite relative plural with \an\ and present middle subjunctive and the negative \mˆ\. Here strkjv@Matthew:10:14| has the singular (whosoever) and strkjv@Mark:6:11| has "whatsoever place." {For a testimony against them} (\eis marturion ep' autous\). Note use of \ep' autous\ where strkjv@Mark:6:11| has simply the dative \autois\ (disadvantage), really the same idea.

rwp@Luke:9:6 @{Went} (\diˆrchonto\). Imperfect middle, continuous and repeated action made plainer also by three present participles (\exerchomenoi, euaggelizomenoi, therapeuontes\), describing the wide extent of the work through all the villages (\kata tas k“mas\, distributive use of \kata\) everywhere (\pantachou\) in Galilee.

rwp@Luke:9:7 @{All that was done} (\ta ginomena panta\). Present middle participle, "all that was coming to pass." {He was much perplexed} (\diˆporei\). Imperfect active of \diapore“\, to be thoroughly at a loss, unable to find a way out (\dia, a\ privative, \poros\, way), common ancient verb, but only in Luke's writings in the N.T. {Because it was said} (\dia to legesthai\). Neat Greek idiom, the articular passive infinitive after \dia\. Three reports came to the ears of Herod as Luke has it, each introduced by \hoti\ (that) in indirect discourse: "By some" (\hupo tin“n\), "by some" (\hupo tin“n de\), "by others" (\all“n de, hupo\ not here expressed, but carried over). The verbs in the indirect discourse here (verses 7,8|) are all three aorists (\ˆgerthˆ\ first passive; \ephanˆ\ second passive; \anestˆ\ second active), not past perfects as the English has them.

rwp@Luke:9:10 @{Declared} (\diˆgˆsanto\). First aorist middle of \diˆgeomai\, to carry a narrative through to the end. Jesus listened to it all. {They had done} (\epoiˆsan\). Aorist active indicative, they did. {He took them} (\paralab“n autous\). Second aorist active participle of \paralamban“\. Very common verb. {Bethsaida} (\Bˆthsaida\). Peculiar to Luke. Bethsaida Julias is the territory of Philip, for it is on the other side of the Sea of Galilee (John:6:1|).

rwp@Luke:9:16 @{The five... the two} (\tous pente... tous duo\). Pointing back to verse 13|, fine example of the Greek article. {And gave} (\kai edidou\). Imperfect active of \did“mi\, kept on giving. This picturesque imperfect is preceded by the aorist \kateklasen\ (brake), a single act. This latter verb in the N.T. only here and the parallel in strkjv@Mark:6:41|, though common enough in ancient Greek. We say "break off" where here the Greek has "break down" (or thoroughly), perfective use of \kata\.

rwp@Luke:9:18 @{As he was praying} (\en t“i einai auton proseuchomenon\). Common Lukan idiom of \en\ with the articular infinitive for a temporal clause, only here Luke has the periphrastic infinitive (\einai proseuchomenon\) as also in strkjv@11:1|. This item about Christ's praying alone in Luke. {Alone} (\kata monas\). In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:4:10|. Perhaps \ch“ras\ (places) is to be supplied with \monas\ (lonely places). {Were with him} (\sunˆsan aut“i\). This seems like a contradiction unless "alone" is to be taken with \sunˆsan\. Westcott and Hort put \sunˆntˆsan\ in the margin. This would mean that as Jesus was praying alone, the disciples fell in with him. At any rate he was praying apart from them.

rwp@Luke:9:27 @{Till they see} (\he“s an id“sin\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \he“s\ and \an\ referring to the future, an idiomatic construction. Songs:in strkjv@Mark:9:1; strkjv@Matthew:16:28|. In all three passages "shall not taste of death" (\ou mˆ geus“ntai thanatou\, double negative with aorist middle subjunctive) occurs also. Rabbinical writings use this figure. Like a physician Christ tasted death that we may see how to die. Jesus referred to the cross as "this cup" (Mark:14:36; strkjv@Matthew:26:39; strkjv@Luke:22:42|). Mark speaks of the kingdom of God as "come" (\elˆluthuian\, second perfect active participle). Matthew as "coming" (\erchomenon\) referring to the Son of man, while Luke has neither form. See Matthew and Mark for discussion of the theories of interpretation of this difficult passage. The Transfiguration follows in a week and may be the first fulfilment in the mind of Jesus. It may also symbolically point to the second coming.

rwp@Luke:9:28 @{About eight days} (\h“sei hˆmerai okt“\). A _nominativus pendens_ without connexion or construction. strkjv@Mark:9:2| (Matthew:17:1|) has "after six days" which agrees with the general statement. {Into the mountain} (\eis to oros\). Probably Mount Hermon because we know that Jesus was near Caesarea Philippi when Peter made the confession (Mark:8:27; strkjv@Matthew:16:13|). Hermon is still the glory of Palestine from whose heights one can view the whole of the land. It was a fit place for the Transfiguration. {To pray} (\proseuxasthai\). Peculiar to Luke who so often mentions Christ's habit of prayer (cf. strkjv@3:21|). See also verse 29| "as he was praying" (\en t“i proseuchesthai\, one of Luke's favourite idioms). {His countenance was altered} (\egeneto to eidos tou pros“pou autou heteron\). Literally, "the appearance of his face became different." strkjv@Matthew:17:2| says that "his face did shine as the sun." Luke does not use the word "transfigured" (\metemorph“thˆ\) in strkjv@Mark:9:2; strkjv@Matthew:17:2|. He may have avoided this word because of the pagan associations with this word as Ovid's \Metamorphoses\. {And his raiment became white and dazzling} (\kai ho himatismos autou leukos exastrapt“n\). Literally, {And his raiment white radiant}. There is no _and_ between "white" and "dazzling." The participle \exastrapt“n\ is from the compound verb meaning to flash (\astrapt“\) out or forth (\ex\). The simple verb is common for lightning flashes and bolts, but the compound in the LXX and here alone in the N.T. See strkjv@Mark:9:3| "exceeding white" and strkjv@Matthew:17:2| "white as the light."

rwp@Luke:9:31 @{There talked with him} (\sunelaloun aut“i\). Imperfect active, were talking with him. {Who appeared in glory} (\hoi ophthentes en doxˆi\). First aorist passive participle of \hora“\. This item peculiar to Luke. Compare verse 26|. {Spake of his decease} (\elegon tˆn exodon\). Imperfect active, were talking about his \exodus\ (departure from earth to heaven) very much like our English word "decease" (Latin _decessus_, a going away). The glorious light graphically revealed Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus about the very subject concerning which Peter had dared to rebuke Jesus for mentioning (Mark:8:32; strkjv@Matthew:16:22|). This very word \exodus\ (way out) in the sense of death occurs in strkjv@2Peter:1:15| and is followed by a brief description of the Transfiguration glory. Other words for death (\thanatos\) in the N.T. are \ekbasis\, going out as departure (Hebrews:13:7|), \aphixis\, departing (Acts:20:29|), \analusis\, loosening anchor (2Timothy:4:6|) and \analusai\ (Phillipians:1:23|). {To accomplish} (\plˆroun\). To fulfil. Moses had led the Exodus from Egypt. Jesus will accomplish the exodus of God's people into the Promised Land on high. See on Mark and Matthew for discussion of significance of the appearance of Moses and Elijah as representatives of law and prophecy and with a peculiar death. The purpose of the Transfiguration was to strengthen the heart of Jesus as he was praying long about his approaching death and to give these chosen three disciples a glimpse of his glory for the hour of darkness coming. No one on earth understood the heart of Jesus and so Moses and Elijah came. The poor disciples utterly failed to grasp the significance of it all.

rwp@Luke:9:32 @{Were heavy with sleep} (\ˆsan bebarˆmenoi hupn“i\). Periphrastic past perfect of \bare“\, a late form for the ancient \barun“\ (not in N.T. save Textus Receptus in strkjv@Luke:21:34|). This form, rare and only in passive (present, aorist, perfect) in the N.T., is like \barun“\, from \barus\, and that from \baros\, weight, burden (Galatians:6:2|). \Hupn“i\ is in the instrumental case. They had apparently climbed the mountain in the early part of the night and were now overcome with sleep as Jesus prolonged his prayer. Luke alone tells of their sleep. The same word is used of the eyes of these three disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew:26:43|) and of the hearts of many (Luke:21:34|). {But when they were fully awake} (\diagrˆgorˆsantes de\). First aorist active participle of this late (Herodian) and rare compound verb (here alone in the N.T.), \diagrˆgore“\ (Luke is fond of compounds with \dia\). The simple verb \grˆgore“\ (from the second perfect active \egrˆgora\) is also late, but common in the LXX and the N.T. The effect of \dia\ can be either to remain awake in spite of desire to sleep (margin of Revised Version) or to become thoroughly awake (ingressive aorist tense also) as Revised Version has it. This is most likely correct. The Syriac Sinaitic has it "When they awoke." Certainly they had been through a strain. {His glory} (\tˆn doxan autou\). See also verse 26| in the words of Jesus.

rwp@Luke:9:33 @{As they were departing from him} (\en t“i diach“rizesthai autous ap' autou\). Peculiar to Luke and another instance of Luke's common idiom of \en\ with the articular infinitive in a temporal clause. This common verb occurs here only in the N.T. The present middle voice means to separate oneself fully (direct middle). This departing of Moses and Elijah apparently accompanied Peter's remark as given in all three Gospels. See for details on Mark and Matthew. {Master} (\Epistata\) here, {Rabbi} (Mark:9:5|), {Lord} (\Kurie\, strkjv@Matthew:17:4|). {Let us make} (\poiˆs“men\, first aorist active subjunctive) as in strkjv@Mark:9:5|, but strkjv@Matthew:17:4| has "I will make" (\poiˆs“\). It was near the time of the feast of the tabernacles. Songs:Peter proposes that they celebrate it up here instead of going to Jerusalem for it as they did a bit later (John:7|). {Not knowing what he said} (\mˆ eid“s ho legei\). Literally, {not understanding what he was saying} (\mˆ\, regular negative with participle and \legei\, present indicative retained in relative clause in indirect discourse). Luke puts it more bluntly than Mark (Peter's account), "For he wist not what to answer; for they became sore afraid" (Mark:9:6|). Peter acted according to his impulsive nature and spoke up even though he did not know what to say or even what he was saying when he spoke. He was only half awake as Luke explains and he was sore afraid as Mark (Peter) explains. He had bewilderment enough beyond a doubt, but it was Peter who spoke, not James and John.

rwp@Luke:9:34 @{Overshadowed them} (\epeskiazen autous\). Imperfect active (aorist in strkjv@Matthew:17:5|) as present participle in strkjv@Mark:9:7|, inchoative, the shadow began to come upon them. On Hermon as on many high mountains a cloud will swiftly cover the cap. I have seen this very thing at Blue Ridge, North Carolina. This same verb is used of the Holy Spirit upon Mary (Luke:1:35|). Nowhere else in the N.T., though an old verb (\epi, skiaz“\, from \skia\, shadow). {As they entered into the cloud} (\en t“i eiselthein autous eis tˆn nephelˆn\). Luke's idiom of \en\ with the articular infinitive again (aorist active this time, on the entering in as to them). All six "entered into" the cloud, but only Peter, James, and John "became afraid" (\ephobˆthˆsan\, ingressive first aorist passive).

rwp@Luke:9:37 @{On the next day} (\tˆi hexˆs hˆmerƒi\). Alone in Luke. It shows that the Transfiguration took place on the preceding night. {They were come down} (\katelthont“n aut“n\). Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of \katerchomai\, a common enough verb, but in the N.T. only in Luke's writings save strkjv@James:3:15|. {Met him} (\sunˆntˆsen aut“i\). First aorist active of \sunanta“\, common compound verb, to meet with, only in Luke's writings in the N.T. save strkjv@Hebrews:7:1|. With associative instrumental case \aut“i\.

rwp@Luke:9:41 @{How long shall I be with you and bear with you?} (\he“s pote esomai pros humƒs kai anexomai hum“n;\). Here the two questions of strkjv@Mark:9:19| (only one in strkjv@Matthew:17:17|) are combined in one sentence. {Bear with} (\anexomai\, direct middle future) is, hold myself from you (ablative case \hum“n\). {Faithless} (\apistos\) is disbelieving and perverse (\diestrammenˆ\, perfect passive participle of \diastreph“\), is twisted, turned, or torn in two.

rwp@Luke:9:42 @{As he was yet a coming} (\eti proserchomenou autou\). Genitive absolute. While he was yet coming (the boy, that is, not Jesus). Note quaint English "a coming" retained in the Revised Version. {Dashed him} (\errˆxen auton\). First aorist active indicative of \rˆgnumi\ or \rˆss“\, to rend or convulse, a common verb, used sometimes of boxers giving knockout blows. {Tare grievously} (\sunesparaxen\). Rare word as only here and strkjv@Mark:9:20| in the N.T., which see. {Gave him back to his father} (\aped“ken auton t“i patri autou\). Tender touch alone in Luke as in strkjv@7:15|. {They were all astonished} (\exeplˆssonto de pantes\). Imperfect passive of the common verb \ekplˆss“\ or \ekplˆgnumi\, to strike out, a picturesque description of the amazement of all at the easy victory of Jesus where the nine disciples had failed. {At the majesty of God} (\epi tˆi megaleiotˆti tou theou\). A late word from the adjective \megaleios\ and that from \megas\ (great). In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:27| of Artemis and in strkjv@2Peter:1:16| of the Transfiguration. It came to be used by the emperors like our word "Majesty." {Which he did} (\hois epoiei\). This is one of the numerous poor verse divisions. This sentence has nothing to do with the first part of the verse. The imperfect active \epoiei\ covers a good deal not told by Luke (see strkjv@Mark:9:30; strkjv@Matthew:17:22|). Note the attraction of the relative {hois} into the case of {pƒsin}, its antecedent.

rwp@Luke:9:46 @{A reasoning} (\dialogismos\). A dispute. The word is from \dialogizomai\, the verb used in strkjv@Mark:9:33| about this incident. In Luke this dispute follows immediately after the words of Jesus about his death. They were afraid to ask Jesus about that subject, but strkjv@Matthew:18:1| states that they came to Jesus to settle it. {Which of them should be greatest} (\to tis an eiˆ meiz“n aut“n\). Note the article with the indirect question, the clause being in the accusative of general reference. The optative with \an\ is here because it was so in the direct question (potential optative with \an\ retained in the indirect). But Luke makes it plain that it was not an abstract problem about greatness in the kingdom of heaven as they put it to Jesus (Matthew:18:1|), but a personal problem in their own group. Rivalries and jealousies had already come and now sharp words. By and by James and John will be bold enough to ask for the first places for themselves in this political kingdom which they expect (Mark:10:35; strkjv@Matthew:20:20|). It is a sad spectacle.

rwp@Luke:9:47 @{Took a little child} (\epilabomenos paidion\). Second aorist middle participle of the common verb \epilamban“\. Strictly, Taking a little child to himself (indirect middle). strkjv@Mark:9:36| has merely the active \lab“n\ of the simple verb \lamban“\. Set him by his side (\estˆsen auto par' heaut“i\). "In his arms" strkjv@Mark:9:36| has it, "in the midst of them" strkjv@Matthew:18:3| says. All three attitudes following one another (the disciples probably in a circle around Jesus anyhow) and now the little child (Peter's child?) was slipped down by the side of Jesus as he gave the disciples an object lesson in humility which they sorely needed.

rwp@Luke:9:49 @{And John answered} (\apokritheis de I“anˆs\). As if John wanted to change the subject after the embarrassment of the rebuke for their dispute concerning greatness (Luke:9:46-48|). {Master} (\epistata\). Only in Luke in the N.T. as already four times (5:5; strkjv@8:24,45; strkjv@9:33|). {We forbade him} (\ek“luomen auton\). Conative imperfect as in strkjv@Mark:9:38|, We tried to hinder him. {Because he followeth not with us} (\hoti ouk akolouthei meth hˆm“n\). Present tense preserved for vividness where Mark has imperfect {ˆkolouthei}. Note also here "with us" (\meth' hˆm“n\) where Mark has associative instrumental \hˆmin\. It is a pitiful specimen of partisan narrowness and pride even in the Beloved Disciple, one of the Sons of Thunder. The man was doing the Master's work in the Master's name and with the Master's power, but did not run with the group of the Twelve.

rwp@Luke:9:51 @{When the days were well-nigh come} (\en t“i sumplˆrousthai tas hˆmeras\). Luke's common idiom \en\ with the articular infinitive, "in the being fulfilled as to the days." This common compound occurs in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:8:23; strkjv@Acts:2:1|. The language here makes it plain that Jesus was fully conscious of the time of his death as near as already stated (Luke:9:22,27,31|). {That he should be received up} (\tˆs analˆmpse“s autou\). Literally, "of his taking up." It is an old word (from Hippocrates on), but here alone in the N.T. It is derived from \analamban“\ (the verb used of the Ascension, strkjv@Acts:1:2,11,22; strkjv@1Timothy:3:16|) and refers here to the Ascension of Jesus after His Resurrection. Not only in John's Gospel (John:17:5|) does Jesus reveal a yearning for a return to the Father, but it is in the mind of Christ here as evidently at the Transfiguration (9:31|) and later in strkjv@Luke:12:49f|. {He steadfastly set his face} (\autos to pros“pon estˆrisen\). Note emphatic \autos\, {he himself}, with fixedness of purpose in the face of difficulty and danger. This look on Christ's face as he went to his doom is noted later in strkjv@Mark:10:32|. It is a Hebraistic idiom (nine times in Ezekiel), this use of face here, but the verb (effective aorist active) is an old one from \stˆriz“\ (from \stˆrigx\, a support), to set fast, to fix. {To go to Jerusalem} (\tou poreuesthai eis Ierousalˆm\). Genitive infinitive of purpose. Luke three times mentions Christ making his way to Jerusalem (9:51; strkjv@13:22; strkjv@17:11|) and John mentions three journeys to Jerusalem during the later ministry (John:7:10; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@12:1|). It is natural to take these journeys to be the same in each of these Gospels. Luke does not make definite location of each incident and John merely supplements here and there. But in a broad general way they seem to correspond.

rwp@Luke:9:54 @{Saw this} (\idontes\). Second aorist active participle of \hora“\. Saw the messengers returning. {We bid} (\theleis eip“men\). Deliberative subjunctive \eip“men\ after \theleis\ without \hina\, probably two questions, Dost thou wish? Shall we bid? Perhaps the recent appearance of Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration reminded James and John of the incident in strkjv@2Kings:1:10-12|. Some MSS. add here "as Elijah did." The language of the LXX is quoted by James and John, these fiery Sons of Thunder. Note the two aorist active infinitives (\katabˆnai, anal“sai\, the first ingressive, the second effective).

rwp@Luke:9:55 @{But he turned} (\strapheis de\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, common verb, to turn round. Dramatic act. Some ancient MSS. have here: {Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of} (\ouk oidate poiou pneumatos este\). This sounds like Christ and may be a genuine saying though not a part of Luke's Gospel. A smaller number of MSS. add also: {For the Son of Man came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them} (\Hosea:gar huios tou anthr“pou ouk ˆlthen psuchas anthr“p“n apolesai alla s“sai\), a saying reminding us of strkjv@Matthew:5:17; strkjv@Luke:19:10|. Certain it is that here Jesus rebuked the bitterness of James and John toward Samaritans as he had already chided John for his narrowness towards a fellow-worker in the kingdom.

rwp@Luke:9:60 @{Leave the dead to bury their own dead} (\aphes tous nekrous thapsai tous heaut“n nekrous\). This paradox occurs so in strkjv@Matthew:8:22|. The explanation is that the spiritually dead can bury the literally dead. For such a quick change in the use of the same words see strkjv@John:5:21-29| (spiritual resurrection from sin in strkjv@John:5:21-27|, bodily resurrection from the grave, strkjv@John:5:28,29|) and strkjv@John:11:25f|. The harshness of this proverb to the scribe probably is due to the fact that he was manifestly using his aged father as an excuse for not giving Christ active service. {But go thou and publish abroad the kingdom of God} (\su de apelth“n diaggelle tˆn basileian tou theou\). The scribe's duty is put sharply (\But do thou, su de\). Christ called him to preach, and he was using pious phrases about his father as a pretext. Many a preacher has had to face a similar delicate problem of duty to father, mother, brothers, sisters and the call to preach. This was a clear case. Jesus will help any man called to preach to see his duty. Certainly Jesus does not advocate renunciation of family duties on the part of preachers.

rwp@Luke:9:62 @{Having put his hand to the plough} (\epibal“n tˆn cheira ep' arotron\). Second aorist active participle of \epiball“\, an old and common verb, to place upon. Note repetition of preposition \epi\ before \arotron\ (plough). This agricultural proverb is as old as Hesiod. Pliny observes that the ploughman who does not bend attentively to his work goes crooked. It has always been the ambition of the ploughman to run a straight furrow. The Palestine _fellah_ had good success at it. {And looking back} (\kai blep“n eis ta opis“\). Looking to the things behind. To do that is fatal as any ploughman knows. The call to turn back is often urgent. {Fit} (\euthetos\). From \eu\ and \tithˆmi\=well-placed, suited for, adapted to. "The first case is that of inconsiderate impulse, the second that of conflicting duties, the third that of a divided mind" (Bruce).

rwp@Luke:10:1 @{Appointed} (\anedeixen\). First aorist active indicative of \anadeiknumi\, an old verb, not only common, but in LXX. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:1:24|. Cf. \anadeixis\ in strkjv@Luke:1:80|. To show forth, display, proclaim, appoint. {Seventy others} (\heterous hebdomˆkonta kai\). The "also" (\kai\) and the "others" point back to the mission of the Twelve in Galilee (9:1-6|). Some critics think that Luke has confused this report of a mission in Judea with that in Galilee, but needlessly so. What earthly objection can there be to two similar missions? B D Syr. Cur. and Syr. Sin. have "seventy-two." The seventy elders were counted both ways and the Sanhedrin likewise and the nations of the earth. It is an evenly balanced point. {Two and two} (\ana duo\). For companionship as with the Twelve though strkjv@Mark:6:7| has it \duo\ (vernacular idiom). B K have here \ana duo\, a combination of the idiom in strkjv@Mark:6:7| and that here. {He himself was about to come} (\ˆmellen autos erchesthai\). Imperfect of \mell“\ with present infinitive and note \autos\. Jesus was to follow after and investigate the work done. This was only a temporary appointment and no names are given, but they could cover a deal of territory.

rwp@Luke:10:8 @{Such things as are set before you} (\ta paratithemena humin\). The things placed before you from time to time (present passive participle, repetition). Every preacher needs this lesson of common politeness. These directions may seem perfunctory and even commonplace, but every teacher of young preachers knows how necessary they are. Hence they were given both to the Twelve and to the Seventy.

rwp@Luke:10:11 @{Even the dust} (\kai ton koniorton\). Old word from \konis\, dust, and \ornumi\, to stir up. We have seen it already in strkjv@Matthew:10:14; strkjv@Luke:9:5|. Dust is a plague in the east. Shake off even that. {Cleaveth} (\kollˆthenta\). First aorist passive participle of \kolla“\, to cling as dust and mud do to shoes. Hence the orientals took off the sandals on entering a house. {We wipe off} (\apomassometha\). Middle voice of an old verb \apomass“\, to rub off with the hands. Nowhere else in the N.T. But \ekmass“\, occurs in strkjv@Luke:7:38,44|. {Against you} (\Humin\). Fine example of the dative of disadvantage (the case of personal interest, the dative).

rwp@Luke:10:15 @{Shalt thou be exalted?} (\mˆ hups“thˆsˆi;\). \Mˆ\ expects the answer No. The verb is future passive indicative second singular of \hupso“\, to lift up, a late verb from \hupsos\, height. It is used by Jesus of the Cross (John:12:32|). {Unto Hades} (\he“s Haidou\). See on ¯Matthew:16:18| for this word which is here in contrast to Heaven as in strkjv@Isaiah:14:13-15|. Hades is not Gehenna. "The desolation of the whole neighbourhood, and the difficulty of identifying even the site of these flourishing towns, is part of the fulfilment of this prophecy" (Plummer). Ragg notes the omission of Nazareth from this list of cities of neglected privilege and opportunity. "Is it the tender memories of boyhood that keep from His lips the name of the arch-rejector (4:28| sqq.) Nazareth?"

rwp@Luke:10:18 @{I beheld Satan fallen} (\ethe“roun ton Satanƒn pesonta\). Imperfect active (I was beholding) and second aorist (constative) active participle of \pipt“\ (not {fallen}, \pept“kota\, perfect active participle, nor {falling}, \piptonta\, present active participle, but {fall}, \pesonta\). As a flash of lightning out of heaven, quick and startling, so the victory of the Seventy over the demons, the agents of Satan, forecast his downfall and Jesus in vision pictured it as a flash of lightning.

rwp@Luke:10:19 @{And over all the power of the enemy} (\kai epi pƒsan tˆn dunamin tou echthrou\). This is the heart of "the authority" (\tˆn exousian\) here given by Jesus which is far beyond their expectations. The victory over demons was one phase of it. The power to tread upon serpents is repeated in strkjv@Mark:16:18| (the Appendix) and exemplified in Paul's case in Malta (Acts:28:3-5|). But protection from physical harm is not the main point in this struggle with Satan "the enemy" (Matthew:13:25; strkjv@Romans:16:20; strkjv@1Peter:5:8|). {Nothing shall in any wise hurt you} (\ouden humƒs ou mˆ adikˆsei\). Text has future active indicative, while some MSS. read \adikˆsˆi\, aorist active subjunctive of \adike“\, common verb from \adikos\ (\a\ privative and \dikos\), to suffer wrong, to do wrong. The triple negative here is very strong. Certainly Jesus does not mean this promise to create presumption or foolhardiness for he repelled the enemy's suggestion on the pinnacle of the temple.

rwp@Luke:10:21 @{In that same hour} (\en autˆi tˆi h“rƒi\). Literally, "at the hour itself," almost a demonstrative use of \autos\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 686) and in Luke alone in the N.T. (2:38; strkjv@10:21; strkjv@12:12; strkjv@20:19|). strkjv@Matthew:11:25| uses the demonstrative here, "at that time" (\en ekein“i t“i kair“i\). {Rejoiced in the Holy Spirit} (\ˆgalliasato t“i pneumati t“i hagi“i\). First aorist middle of the late verb \agallia“\ for \agall“\, to exult. Always in the middle in the N.T. save strkjv@Luke:1:47| in Mary's _Magnificat_. This holy joy of Jesus was directly due to the Holy Spirit. It is joy in the work of his followers, their victories over Satan, and is akin to the joy felt by Jesus in strkjv@John:4:32-38| when the vision of the harvest of the world stirred his heart. The rest of this verse is precisely like strkjv@Matthew:11:25f.|, a peculiarly Johannine passage in Matthew and Luke, but not in Mark, and so from Q (the Logia of Jesus). It has disturbed critics who are unwilling to admit the Johannine style and type of teaching as genuine, but here it is. See on Matthew for discussion. "That God had proved his independence of the human intellect is a matter for thankfulness. Intellectual gifts, so far from being necessary, are often a hindrance" (Plummer).

rwp@Luke:10:25 @{And tempted him} (\ekpeiraz“n auton\). Present active participle, conative idea, trying to tempt him. There is no "and" in the Greek. He "stood up (\anestˆ\, ingressive second aorist active) trying to tempt him." \Peiraz“\ is a late form of \peira“\ and \ekpeiraz“\ apparently only in the LXX, and N.T. (quoted by Jesus from strkjv@Deuteronomy:6:16| in strkjv@Matthew:4:7; strkjv@Luke:4:12| against Satan). Here and strkjv@1Corinthians:10:9|. The spirit of this lawyer was evil. He wanted to entrap Jesus if possible. {What shall I do to inherit eternal life?} (\Ti poiˆsas z“ˆn ai“niou klˆronomˆs“;\). Literally, "By doing what shall I inherit eternal life?" Note the emphasis on "doing" (\poiˆsas\). The form of his question shows a wrong idea as to how to get it. {Eternal life} (\z“ˆn ai“nion\) is endless life as in John's Gospel (John:16:9; strkjv@18:18,30|) and in strkjv@Matthew:25:46|, which see.

rwp@Luke:10:27 @{And he answering} (\ho de apokritheis\). First aorist participle, no longer passive in idea. The lawyer's answer is first from the _Shema_ (Deuteronomy:6:3; strkjv@11:13|) which was written on the phylacteries. The second part is from strkjv@Leviticus:19:18| and shows that the lawyer knew the law. At a later time Jesus himself in the temple gives a like summary of the law to a lawyer (Mark:12:28-34; strkjv@Matthew:22:34-40|) who wanted to catch Jesus by his question. There is no difficulty in the two incidents. God is to be loved with all of man's four powers (heart, soul, strength, mind) here as in strkjv@Mark:12:30|.

rwp@Luke:10:30 @{Made answer} (\hupolab“n\). Second aorist active participle of \hupolamban“\ (see strkjv@7:43|), to take up literally, and then in thought and speech, old verb, but in this sense of interrupting in talk only in the N.T. {Was going down} (\katebainen\). Imperfect active describing the journey. {Fell among robbers} (\lˆistais periepesen\). Second aorist ingressive active indicative of \peripipt“\, old verb with associative instrumental case, to fall among and to be encompassed by (\peri\, around), to be surrounded by robbers. A common experience to this day on the road to Jericho. The Romans placed a fort on this "red and bloody way." These were bandits, not petty thieves. {Stripped} (\ekdusantes\). Of his clothing as well as of his money, the meanest sort of robbers. {Beat him} (\plˆgas epithentes\). Second aorist active participle of \epitithˆmi\, a common verb. Literally, "placing strokes or blows" (\plˆgas\, plagues) upon him. See strkjv@Luke:12:48; strkjv@Acts:16:23; strkjv@Revelation:15:1,6,8| for "plagues." {Half-dead} (\hˆmithanˆ\). Late word from \hˆmi\, half, and \thnˆsk“\, to die. Only here in the N.T. Vivid picture of the robbery.

rwp@Luke:10:35 @{On the morrow} (\epi tˆn aurion\). Towards the morrow as in strkjv@Acts:4:5|. (Cf. also strkjv@Acts:3:1|). Syriac Sinaitic has it "at dawn of the day." An unusual use of \epi\. {Took out} (\ekbal“n\). Second aorist active participle of \ekball“\. It could mean, "fling out," but probably only means "drew out." Common verb. {Two pence} (\duo dˆnaria\). About thirty-five cents, but worth more in purchasing power. {To the host} (\t“i pandochei\). The innkeeper. Here only in the N.T. {Whatsoever thou spendest more} (\hoti an prosdapanˆsˆis\). Indefinite relative clause with \an\ and the aorist active subjunctive of \prosdapana“\, to spend besides (\pros\), a late verb for the common \prosanalisk“\ and here only in the N.T. {I will repay} (\ego apod“s“\). Emphatic. What he had paid was merely by way of pledge. He was a man of his word and known to the innkeeper as reliable. {When I come back again} (\en t“i epanerchesthai me\). Luke's favourite idiom of \en\ and the articular infinitive with accusative of general reference. Double compound verb \epanerchomai\.

rwp@Luke:10:36 @{Proved neighbour to him that fell} (\plˆsion gegonenai tou empesontos\). Second perfect infinitive of \ginomai\ and second aorist active participle of \empipt“\. Objective genitive, became neighbour to the one, etc. Jesus has changed the lawyer's standpoint and has put it up to him to decide which of "these three" (\tout“n t“n tri“n\, priest, Levite, Samaritan) acted like a neighbour to the wounded man.

rwp@Luke:10:38 @{Now as they went on their way} (\ˆn de t“i poreuesthai autous\). Luke's favourite temporal clause again as in verse 35|. {Received him into her house} (\hupedexato auton eis tˆn oikian\). Aorist middle indicative of \hupodechomai\, an old verb to welcome as a guest (in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:19:6; strkjv@Acts:17:7; strkjv@James:2:25|). Martha is clearly the mistress of the home and is probably the elder sister. There is no evidence that she was the wife of Simon the leper (John:12:1f.|). It is curious that in an old cemetery at Bethany the names of Martha, Eleazar, and Simon have been found.

rwp@Luke:10:39 @{Which also sat} (\hˆ kai parakathestheisa\). First aorist passive participle of \parakathezomai\, an old verb, but only here in the N.T. It means to sit beside (\para\) and \pros\ means right in front of the feet of Jesus. It is not clear what the point is in \kai\ here. It may mean that Martha loved to sit here also as well as Mary. {Heard} (\ˆkouen\). Imperfect active. She took her seat by the feet of Jesus and went on listening to his talk.

rwp@Luke:10:40 @{Was cumbered} (\periespƒto\). Imperfect passive of \perispa“\, an old verb with vivid metaphor, to draw around. One has sometimes seen women whose faces are literally drawn round with anxiety, with a permanent twist, distracted in mind and in looks. {She came up to him} (\epistƒsa\). Second aorist active participle of \ephistˆmi\, an old verb to place upon, but in the N.T. only in the middle voice or the intransitive tenses of the active (perfect and second aorist as here). It is the ingressive aorist here and really means. stepping up to or bursting in or upon Jesus. It is an explosive act as is the speech of Martha. {Dost thou not care} (\ou melei soi\). This was a reproach to Jesus for monopolizing Mary to Martha's hurt. {Did leave me} (\me kateleipen\). Imperfect active, she kept on leaving me. {Bid her} (\eipon autˆi\). Late form instead of \eipe\, second aorist active imperative, common in the papyri. Martha feels that Jesus is the key to Mary's help. {That she help me} (\hina moi sunantilabˆtai\). Sub-final use of \hina\ with second aorist middle subjunctive of \sunantilambanomai\, a double compound verb (\sun\, with, \anti\, at her end of the line, and \lambanomai\, middle voice of \lamban“\, to take hold), a late compound appearing in the LXX, Diodorus and Josephus. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 87) finds it in many widely scattered inscriptions "throughout the whole extent of the Hellenistic world of the Mediterranean." It appears only twice in the N.T. (here and strkjv@Romans:8:26|). It is a beautiful word, to take hold oneself (middle voice) at his end of the task (\anti\) together with (\sun\) one.

rwp@Luke:10:41 @{Art anxious} (\merimnƒis\). An old verb for worry and anxiety from \meriz“\ (\meris\, part) to be divided, distracted. Jesus had warned against this in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew:6:25,28,31,34|. See also strkjv@Luke:12:11,22,26|). {And troubled} (\kai thorubazˆi\). From \thorubazomai\, a verb found nowhere else so far. Many MSS. here have the usual form \turbazˆi\, from \turbaz“\. Apparently from \thorubos\, a common enough word for tumult. Martha had both inward anxiety and outward agitation. {But one thing is needful} (\henos de estin chreia\). This is the reading of A C and may be correct. A few manuscripts have: "There is need of few things." Aleph B L (and Westcott and Hort) have: "There is need of few things or one," which seems like a conflate reading though the readings are all old. See Robertson, _Introduction to Textual Criticism of the N.T._, p. 190. Jesus seems to say to Martha that only one dish was really necessary for the meal instead of the "many" about which she was so anxious.

rwp@Luke:10:42 @{The good portion} (\tˆn agathˆn merida\). The best dish on the table, fellowship with Jesus. This is the spiritual application of the metaphor of the dishes on the table. Salvation is not "the good portion" for Martha had that also. {From her} (\autˆs\). Ablative case after \aphairˆthˆsetai\ (future passive indicative). Jesus pointedly takes Mary's side against Martha's fussiness.

rwp@Luke:11:1 @{As he was praying in a certain place} (\en t“i einai auton en top“i tini proseuchomenon\). Characteristically Lukan idiom: \en\ with articular periphrastic infinitive (\einai proseuchomenon\) with accusative of general reference (\auton\). {That}. Not in the Greek, asyndeton (\kai egeneto eipen\). {When he ceased} (\h“s epausato\). Supply \proseuchomenos\ (praying), complementary or supplementary participle. {Teach us} (\didaxon hˆmas\). Jesus had taught them by precept (Matthew:6:7-15|) and example (Luke:9:29|). Somehow the example of Jesus on this occasion stirred them to fresh interest in the subject and to revival of interest in John's teachings (Luke:5:33|). Songs:Jesus gave them the substance of the Model Prayer in Matthew, but in shorter form. Some of the MSS. have one or all of the phrases in Matthew, but the oldest documents have it in the simplest form. See on ¯Matthew:6:7-15| for discussion of these details (Father, hallowed, kingdom, daily bread, forgiveness, bringing us into temptation). In strkjv@Matthew:6:11| "give" is \dos\ (second aorist active imperative second singular, a single act) while here strkjv@Luke:11:3| "give" is \didou\ (present active imperative, both from \did“mi\) and means, "keep on giving." Songs:in strkjv@Luke:11:4| we have "For we ourselves also forgive" (\kai gar autoi aphiomen\), present active indicative of the late \“\ verb \aphi“\ while strkjv@Matthew:6:12| has "as we also forgave" (\h“s kai hˆmeis aphˆkamen\), first aorist (\k\ aorist) active of \aphiˆmi\. Songs:also where strkjv@Matthew:6:12| has "debts" (\ta opheilˆmata\) strkjv@Luke:11:4| has "sins" (\tas hamartias\). But the spirit of each prayer is the same. There is no evidence that Jesus meant either form to be a ritual. In both strkjv@Matthew:6:13; strkjv@Luke:11:4| \mˆ eisenegkˆis\ occurs (second aorist subjunctive with \mˆ\ in prohibition, ingressive aorist). "Bring us not" is a better translation than "lead us not." There is no such thing as God enticing one to sin (James:1:13|). Jesus urges us to pray not to be tempted as in strkjv@Luke:22:40| in Gethsemane.

rwp@Luke:11:8 @{Though} (\ei kai\). \Kai ei\ would be "Even if," a different idea. {Because he is his friend} (\dia to einai philon autou\). \Dia\ and the accusative articular infinitive with accusative of general reference, a causal clause="because of the being a friend of his." {Yet because of his importunity} (\dia ge tˆn anaidian autou\). From \anaidˆs\, shameless, and that from \a\ privative and \aid“s\, shame, shamelessness, impudence. An old word, but here alone in the N.T. Examples in the papyri. The use of \ge\ here, one of the intensive particles, is to be noted. It sharpens the contrast to "though" by "yet." As examples of importunate prayer Vincent notes Abraham in behalf of Sodom (Genesis:18:23-33|) and the Syro-Phoenician woman in behalf of her daughter (Matthew:15:22-28|).

rwp@Luke:11:11 @{Of which of you that is a father} (\tina de ex hum“n ton patera\). There is a decided anacoluthon here. The MSS. differ a great deal. The text of Westcott and Hort makes \ton patera\ (the father) in apposition with \tina\ (of whom) and in the accusative the object of \aitˆsei\ (shall ask) which has also another accusative (both person and thing) "a loaf." Songs:far so good. But the rest of the sentence is, {will ye give him a stone?} (\mˆ lithon epid“sei aut“i;\). \Mˆ\ shows that the answer No is expected, but the trouble is that the interrogative \tina\ in the first clause is in the accusative the object of \aitˆsei\ while here the same man (he) is the subject of \epid“sei\. It is a very awkward piece of Greek and yet it is intelligible. Some of the old MSS. do not have the part about "loaf" and "stone," but only the two remaining parts about "fish" and "serpent," "egg" and "scorpion." The same difficult construction is carried over into these questions also.

rwp@Luke:11:21 @{Fully armed} (\kath“plismenos\). Perfect passive participle of \kathopliz“\, an old verb, but here only in the N.T. Note perfective use of \kata\ in composition with \hopliz“\, to arm (from \hopla\, arms). Note indefinite temporal clause (\hotan\ and present subjunctive \phulassˆi\). {His own court} (\tˆn heautou aulˆn\). His own homestead. strkjv@Mark:3:27; strkjv@Matthew:12:29| has "house" (\oikian\). \Aulˆ\ is used in the N.T. in various senses (the court in front of the house, the court around which the house is built, then the house as a whole). {His goods} (\ta huparchonta autou\). "His belongings." Neuter plural present active participle of \huparch“\ used as substantive with genitive.

rwp@Luke:11:22 @{But when} (\epan de\). Note \hotan\ in verse 21|. {Stronger than he} (\ischuroteros autou\). Comparative of \ischuros\ followed by the ablative. {Come upon him and overcome him} (\epelth“n nikˆsˆi auton\). Second aorist active participle of \eperchomai\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \nika“\. Aorist tense here because a single onset while in verse 22| the guarding (\phulassˆi\, present active subjunctive) is continuous. {His whole armour} (\tˆn panoplian autou\). An old and common word for all the soldier's outfit (shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, breastplate). Tyndale renders it "his harness." In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:6:11,13| where the items are given. {Wherein he trusted} (\eph' hˆi epepoithei\). Second past perfect active of \peith“\, to persuade. The second perfect \pepoitha\ is intransitive, to trust. Old and common verb. He trusted his weapons which had been so efficacious. {His spoils} (\ta skula autou\). It is not clear to what this figure refers. Strong as Satan is Jesus is stronger and wins victories over him as he was doing then. In strkjv@Colossians:2:15| Christ is pictured as triumphing openly over the powers of evil by the Cross.

rwp@Luke:11:24 @{And finding none} (\kai mˆ heuriskon\). Here strkjv@Matthew:12:43| has \kai ouch heuriskei\ (present active indicative instead of present active participle). strkjv@Luke:11:24-26| is almost verbatim like strkjv@Matthew:12:43-45|, which see. Instead of just "taketh" (\paralambanei\) in verse 26|, Matthew has "taketh with himself" (\paralambanei meth' heautou\). And Luke omits: "Even so shall it be also unto this evil generation" of strkjv@Matthew:12:45|. {Than the first} (\t“n pr“t“n\). Ablative case after the comparative \cheirona\. The seven demons brought back remind one of the seven that afflicted Mary Magdalene (Luke:8:2|).

rwp@Luke:11:27 @{As he said these things} (\en t“i legein auton\). Luke's common idiom, \en\ with articular infinitive. Verses 27,28| are peculiar to Luke. His Gospel in a special sense is the Gospel of Woman. This woman "speaks well, but womanly" (Bengel). Her beatitude (\makaria\) reminds us of Elisabeth's words (Luke:1:42|, \eulogˆmenˆ\). She is fulfilling Mary's own prophecy in strkjv@1:48| (\makariousin me\, shall call me happy).

rwp@Luke:11:29 @{Were gathering together unto him} (\epathroizomen“n\). Genitive absolute present middle participle of \epathroiz“\, a rare verb, Plutarch and here only in the N.T., from \epi\ and \athroiz“\ (a common enough verb). It means to throng together (\athroos\, in throngs). Vivid picture of the crowds around Jesus. {But the sign of Jonah} (\ei mˆ to sˆmeion I“nƒ\). Luke does not give here the burial and resurrection of Jesus of which Jonah's experience in the big fish was a type (Matthew:12:39ff.|), but that is really implied (Plummer argues) by the use here of "shall be given" (\dothˆsetai\) and "shall be" (\estai\), for the resurrection of Jesus is still future. The preaching of Jesus ought to have been sign enough as in the case of Jonah, but the resurrection will be given. Luke's report is much briefer and omits what is in strkjv@Matthew:12:41|.

rwp@Luke:11:37 @{Now as he spake} (\en de t“i lalˆsai\). Luke's common idiom, \en\ with the articular infinitive (aorist active infinitive) but it does not mean "after he had spoken" as Plummer argues, but simply "in the speaking," no time in the aorist infinitive. See strkjv@3:21| for similar use of aorist infinitive with \en\. {Asketh} (\er“tƒi\). Present active indicative, dramatic present. Request, not question. {To dine} (\hop“s aristˆsˆi\). Note \hop“s\ rather than the common \hina\. Aorist active subjunctive rather than present, for a single meal. The verb is from \ariston\ (breakfast). See distinction between \ariston\ and \deipnon\ (dinner or supper) in strkjv@Luke:14:12|. It is the morning meal (breakfast or lunch) after the return from morning prayers in the synagogue (Matthew:22:4|), not the very early meal called \akratisma\. The verb is, however, used for the early meal on the seashore in strkjv@John:21:12,15|. {With him} (\par' aut“i\). By his side. {Sat down to meat} (\anepesen\). Second aorist active indicative of \anapipt“\, old verb, to recline, to fall back on the sofa or lounge. No word here for "to meat."

rwp@Luke:11:39 @{The Lord} (\ho kurios\). The Lord Jesus plainly and in the narrative portion of Luke. {Now} (\nun\). Probably refers to him. You Pharisees do now what was formerly done. {The platter} (\tou pinakos\). The dish. Old word, rendered "the charger" in strkjv@Matthew:14:8|. Another word for "platter" (\paropsis\) in strkjv@Matthew:23:25| means "side-dish." {But your inward part} (\to de es“then hum“n\). The part within you (Pharisees). They keep the external regulations, but their hearts are full of plunder (\harpagˆs\, from \harpaz“\, to seize) and wickedness (\ponˆrias\, from \ponˆros\, evil man). See strkjv@Matthew:23:25| for a like indictment of the Pharisees for care for the outside of the cup but neglect of what is on the inside. Both inside and outside should be clean, but the inside first.

rwp@Luke:11:40 @{Howbeit} (\plˆn\). See strkjv@Luke:6:24|. Instead of devoting so much attention to the outside. {Those things which are within} (\ta enonta\). Articular neuter plural participle from \eneimi\, to be in, common verb. This precise phrase only here in the N.T. though in the papyri, and it is not clear what it means. Probably, give as alms the things within the dishes, that is have inward righteousness with a brotherly spirit and the outward becomes "clean" (\kathara\). Properly understood, this is not irony and is not Ebionism, but good Christianity (Plummer).

rwp@Luke:11:48 @{Consent} (\suneudokeite\). Double compound (\sun, eu, doke“\), to think well along with others, to give full approval. A late verb, several times in the N.T., in strkjv@Acts:8:1| of Saul's consenting to and agreeing to Stephen's death. It is a somewhat subtle, but just, argument made here. Outwardly the lawyers build tombs for the prophets whom their fathers (forefathers) killed as if they disapproved what their fathers did. But in reality they neglect and oppose what the prophets teach just as their fathers did. Songs:they are "witnesses" (\martures\) against themselves (Matthew:23:31|).

rwp@Luke:11:50 @{That... may be required} (\hina... ekzˆtˆthˆi\). Divinely ordered sequence, first aorist passive subjunctive of \ekzˆte“\, a late and rare verb outside of LXX and N.T., requiring as a debt the blood of the prophets. {Which was shed} (\to ekkechumenon\). Perfect passive participle of \ekche“\ and \ekchunn“\ (an Aeolic form appearing in the margin of Westcott and Hort here, \ekchunnomenon\, present passive participle). If the present passive is accepted, it means the blood which is perpetually shed from time to time. {From the foundation of the world} (\apo katabolˆs kosmou\). See also strkjv@Matthew:25:34; strkjv@John:17:24; strkjv@Ephesians:1:4|, etc. It is a bold metaphor for the purpose of God.

rwp@Luke:11:52 @{Ye took away the key of knowledge} (\ˆrate tˆn kleida tˆs gn“se“s\). First aorist active indicative of \air“\, common verb. But this is a flat charge of obscurantism on the part of these scribes (lawyers), the teachers (rabbis) of the people. They themselves (\autoi\) refused to go into the house of knowledge (beautiful figure) and learn. They then locked the door and hid the key to the house of knowledge and hindered (\ek“lusate\, effective aorist active) those who were trying to enter (\tous eiserchomenous\, present participle, conative action). It is the most pitiful picture imaginable of blind ecclesiastics trying to keep others as blind as they were, blind leaders of the blind, both falling into the pit.

rwp@Luke:11:53 @{From thence} (\k'akeithen\). Out of the Pharisee's house. What became of the breakfast we are not told, but the rage of both Pharisees and lawyers knew no bounds. {To press upon him} (\enechein\). An old Greek verb to hold in, to be enraged at, to have it in for one. It is the same verb used of the relentless hatred of Herodias for John the Baptist (Mark:6:19|). {To provoke him to speak} (\apostomatizein\). From \apo\ and \stoma\ (mouth). Plato uses it of repeating to a pupil for him to recite from memory, then to recite by heart (Plutarch). Here (alone in the N.T.) the verb means to ply with questions, to entice to answers, to catechize. {Of many things} (\peri pleion“n\). "Concerning more (comparative) things." They were stung to the quick by these woes which laid bare their hollow hypocrisy.

rwp@Luke:12:1 @{In the meantime} (\en hois\). It is a classic idiom to start a sentence or even a paragraph as here with a relative, "in which things or circumstances," without any expressed antecedent other than the incidents in strkjv@11:53f|. In strkjv@12:3| Luke actually begins the sentence with two relatives \anth' h“n hosa\ (wherefore whatsoever). {Many thousands} (\muriad“n\). Genitive absolute with \episunachtheis“n\ (first aorist passive participle feminine plural because of \muriad“n\), a double compound late verb, \episunag“\, to gather together unto. The word "myriads" is probably hyperbolical as in strkjv@Acts:21:20|, but in the sense of ten thousand, as in strkjv@Acts:19:19|, it means a very large crowd apparently drawn together by the violent attacks of the rabbis against Jesus. {Insomuch that they trode one upon another} (\h“ste katapatein allˆlous\). The imagination must complete the picture of this jam. {Unto his disciples first of all} (\pros tous mathˆtas autou pr“ton\). This long discourse in strkjv@Luke:12| is really a series of separate talks to various groups in the vast crowds around Jesus. This particular talk goes through verse 12|. {Beware of} (\prosechete heautois apo\). Put your mind (\noun\ understood) for yourselves (dative) and avoid (\apo\ with the ablative). {The leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy} (\tˆs zumˆs hˆtis estin hupocrisis t“n Pharisai“n\). In strkjv@Mark:8:15| Jesus had coupled the lesson of the Pharisees with that of Herod, in strkjv@Matthew:16:6| with that of the Sadducees also. He had long ago called the Pharisees hypocrites (Matthew:6:2,5,16|). The occasion was ripe here for this crisp saying. In strkjv@Matthew:13:33| leaven does not have an evil sense as here, which see. See strkjv@Matthew:23:13| for hypocrites. Hypocrisy was the leading Pharisaic vice (Bruce) and was a mark of sanctity to hide an evil heart.

rwp@Luke:12:5 @{Whom ye shall fear} (\tina phobˆthˆte\). First aorist passive subjunctive deliberative retained in the indirect question. \Tina\ is the accusative, the direct object of this transitive passive verb (note \apo\ in verse 4|). {Fear him who} (\phobˆthˆte ton\). First aorist passive imperative, differing from the preceding form only in the accent and governing the accusative also. {After he hath killed} (\meta to apokteinai\). Preposition \meta\ with the articular infinitive. Literally, "After the killing" (first aorist active infinitive of the common verb \apoktein“\, to kill. {Into hell} (\eis tˆn geennan\). See on ¯Matthew:5:22|. Gehenna is a transliteration of _Ge-Hinnom_, Valley of Hinnon where the children were thrown on to the red-hot arms of Molech. Josiah (2Kings:23:10|) abolished these abominations and then it was a place for all kinds of refuse which burned ceaselessly and became a symbol of punishment in the other world. {This one fear} (\touton phobˆthˆte\). As above.

rwp@Luke:12:15 @{From all covetousness} (\apo pasˆs pleonexias\). Ablative case. From every kind of greedy desire for more (\pleon\, more, \hexia\, from \ech“\, to have) an old word which we have robbed of its sinful aspects and refined to mean business thrift. {In the abundance of the things which he possesseth} (\en t“i perisseuein tini ek t“n huparchont“n aut“i\). A rather awkward Lukan idiom: "In the abounding (articular infinitive) to one out of the things belonging (articular participle) to him."

rwp@Luke:12:22 @{Unto his disciples} (\pros tous mathˆtas autou\). Songs:Jesus turns from the crowd to the disciples (verses 22-40|, when Peter interrupts the discourse). From here to the end of the chapter Luke gives material that appears in Matthew, but not in one connection as here. In Matthew part of it is in the charge to the Twelve on their tour in Galilee, part in the eschatological discourse on the Mount of Olives. None of it is in Mark. Hence Q or the Logia seems to be the source of it. The question recurs again whether Jesus repeated on other occasions what is given here or whether Luke has here put together separate discourses as Matthew is held by many to have done in the Sermon on the Mount. We have no way of deciding these points. We can only say again that Jesus would naturally repeat his favourite sayings like other popular preachers and teachers. Songs:Luke:12:22-31| corresponds to strkjv@Matthew:6:25-33|, which see for detailed discussion. The parable of the rich fool was spoken to the crowd, but this exhortation to freedom from care (22-31|) is to the disciples. Songs:the language in strkjv@Luke:12:22| is precisely that in strkjv@Matthew:6:25|. See there for \mˆ merimnƒte\ (stop being anxious) and the deliberative subjunctive retained in the indirect question (\phagˆte, endusˆsthe\). Songs:verse 23| here is the same in strkjv@Matthew:6:25| except that there it is a question with \ouch\ expecting the affirmative answer, whereas here it is given as a reason (\gar\, for) for the preceding command.

rwp@Luke:12:25 @{A cubit} (\pˆchun\). strkjv@Matthew:6:27| has \pˆchun hena\ (one cubit, though \hena\ is sometimes merely the indefinite article. {Stature} (\hˆlikian\) as in Matthew, which see.

rwp@Luke:12:32 @{Little flock} (\to mikron poimnion\). Vocative with the article as used in Hebrew and often in the _Koin‚_ and so in the N.T. See both \pater\ and \ho patˆr\ in the vocative in strkjv@Luke:10:21|. See Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 465f. \Poimnion\ (flock) is a contraction from \poimenion\ from \poimˆn\ (shepherd) instead of the usual \poimnˆ\ (flock). Songs:it is not a diminutive and \mikron\ is not superfluous, though it is pathetic. {For it is your Father's good pleasure} (\hoti eudokˆsen ho patˆr hum“n\). First aorist active indicative of \eudoke“\. Timeless aorist as in strkjv@Luke:3:22|. This verse has no parallel in Matthew.

rwp@Luke:12:35 @{Be girded about} (\est“san periez“smenai\). Periphrastic perfect passive imperative third plural of the verb \periz“nnumi\ or \periz“nnu“\ (later form), an old verb, to gird around, to fasten the garments with a girdle. The long garments of the orientals made speed difficult. It was important to use the girdle before starting. Cf. strkjv@17:8; strkjv@Acts:12:8|. {Burning} (\kaiomenoi\). Periphrastic present middle imperative, already burning and continuously burning. The same point of the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew:25:1-13|) is found here in condensed form. This verse introduces the parable of the waiting servants (Luke:12:35-40|).

rwp@Luke:12:36 @{When he shall return from the marriage feast} (\pote analusˆi ek t“n gam“n\). The interrogative conjunction \pote\ and the deliberative aorist subjunctive retained in the indirect question. The verb \analu“\, very common Greek verb, but only twice in the N.T. (here and strkjv@Phillipians:1:23|). The figure is breaking up a camp or loosening the mooring of a ship, to depart. Perhaps here the figure is from the standpoint of the wedding feast (plural as used of a single wedding feast in strkjv@Luke:14:8|), departing from there. See on ¯Matthew:22:2|. {When he cometh and knocketh} (\elthontos kai krousantos\). Genitive absolute of the aorist active participle without \autou\ and in spite of \autoi\ (dative) being used after \anoix“sin\ (first aorist active subjunctive of \anoig“\).

rwp@Luke:12:47 @{Which knew} (\ho gnous\). Articular participle (second aorist active, punctiliar and timeless). The one who knows. Songs:as to \mˆ hetoimasas ˆ poiˆsas\ (does not make ready or do). {Shall be beaten with many stripes} (\darˆsetai pollas\). Second future passive of \der“\, to skin, to beat, to flay (see on strkjv@Matthew:21:35; strkjv@Mark:12:3,5|). The passive voice retains here the accusative \pollas\ (supply \plˆgas\, present in strkjv@Luke:10:30|). The same explanation applies to \oligas\ in verse 48|.

rwp@Luke:12:49 @{I came to cast fire} (\Pur ˆlthon balein\). Suddenly Jesus lets the volcano in his own heart burst forth. The fire was already burning. "Christ came to set the world on fire, and the conflagration had already begun" (Plummer). The very passion in Christ's heart would set his friends on fire and his foes in opposition as we have just seen (Luke:11:53f.|). It is like the saying of Jesus that he came to bring not peace, but a sword, to bring cleavage among men (Matthew:10:34-36|). {And what will I, if it is already kindled?} (\kai ti thel“ ei ˆdˆ anˆphthˆ;\). It is not clear what this passage means. Probably \ti\ is be taken in the sense of "how" (\p“s\). How I wish. Then \ei\ can be taken as equal to \hoti\. How I wish that it were already kindled. \Anˆphthˆ\ is first aorist passive of \anapt“\, to set fire to, to kindle, to make blaze. Probably Luke means the conflagration to come by his death on the Cross for he changes the figure and refers to that more plainly.

rwp@Luke:12:51 @{But rather division} (\all' ˆ diamerismon\). Peace at any price is not the purpose of Christ. It is a pity for family jars to come, but loyalty to Christ counts more than all else. These ringing words (Luke:12:51-53|) occur in strkjv@Matthew:10:34-36| in the address to the Twelve for the Galilean tour. See discussion of details there. These family feuds are inevitable where only part cleave to Christ. In Matthew we have \kata\ with the genitive whereas in Luke it is \epi\ with the dative (and accusative once).

rwp@Luke:13:2 @{Sinners above all} (\hamart“loi para pantas\). \Para\ means "beside," placed beside all the Galileans, and so beyond or above (with the accusative). {Have suffered} (\peponthasin\). Second perfect active indicative third plural from \pasch“\, common verb, to experience, suffer. The tense notes that it is "an irrevocable fact" (Bruce).

rwp@Luke:13:6 @{Planted} (\pephuteumenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \phuteu“\, to plant, an old verb, from \phuton\, a plant, and that from \phu“\, to grow. But this participle with \eichen\ (imperfect active of \ech“\) does not make a periphrastic past perfect like our English "had planted." It means rather, he had a fig tree, one already planted in his vineyard.

rwp@Luke:13:12 @{He called her} (\proseph“nˆsen\). To come to him (\pros\). {Thou art loosed} (\apolelusai\). Perfect passive indicative of \apolu“\, common verb, loosed to stay free. Only N.T. example of use about disease.

rwp@Luke:13:14 @{Answered} (\apokritheis\). First aorist passive participle of \apokrinomai\. No one had spoken to him, but he felt his importance as the ruler of the synagogue and was indignant (\aganakt“n\, from \agan\ and \achomai\, to feel much pain). His words have a ludicrous sound as if all the people had to do to get their crooked backs straightened out was to come round to his synagogue during the week. He forgot that this poor old woman had been coming for eighteen years with no result. He was angry with Jesus, but he spoke to the multitude (\t“i ochl“i\). {Ought} (\dei\). Really, must, necessary, a direct hit at Jesus who had "worked" on the sabbath in healing this old woman. {And not} (\kai mˆ\). Instead of \kai ou\, because in the imperative clause.

rwp@Luke:13:17 @{Were put to shame} (\katˆischunonto\). Imperfect passive of \kataischun“\, old verb, to make ashamed, make one feel ashamed. Passive here, to blush with shame at their predicament. {Rejoiced} (\echairen\). Imperfect active. Sharp contrast in the emotions of the two groups. {Were done} (\ginomenois\). Present middle participle, were continually being done.

rwp@Luke:13:19 @{A grain of mustard seed} (\kokk“i sinape“s\). Either the _sinapis nigra_ or the _salvadora persica_, both of which have small seeds and grow to twelve feet at times. The Jews had a proverb: "Small as a mustard seed." Given by strkjv@Mark:4:30-32; strkjv@Matthew:13:31f.| in the first great group of parables, but just the sort to be repeated. {Cast into his own garden} (\ebalen eis kˆpon heautou\). Different from "earth" (Mark) or "field" (Matthew.)" \Kˆpos\, old word for garden, only here in the N.T. and strkjv@John:19:1,26; strkjv@19:41|. {Became a tree} (\egeneto eis dendron\). Common Hebraism, very frequent in LXX, only in Luke in the N.T., but does appear in _Koin‚_ though rare in papyri; this use of \eis\ after words like _ginomai_. It is a translation Hebraism in Luke. {Lodged} (\kateskˆn“sen\). Mark and Matthew have \kataskˆnoin\ infinitive of the same verb, to make tent (or nest).

rwp@Luke:13:28 @{There} (\ekei\). Out there, outside the house whence they are driven. {When ye shall see} (\hotan opsˆsthe\). First aorist middle subjunctive (of a late aorist \“psamˆn\) of \hora“\, though \opsesthe\ (future middle) in margin of Westcott and Hort, unless we admit here a "future" subjunctive like Byzantine Greek (after Latin). {And yourselves cast forth without} (\humƒs de ekballomenous ex“\). Present passive participle, continuous action, "you being cast out" with the door shut. See on ¯Matthew:8:11f.| for this same picture.

rwp@Luke:13:29 @{Shall sit down} (\anaklithˆsontai\). Future passive indicative third plural. Recline, of course, is the figure of this heavenly banquet. Jesus does not mean that these will be saved in different ways, but only that many will come from all the four quarters of the earth.

rwp@Luke:13:33 @{The day following} (\tˆi echomenˆi\). See strkjv@Acts:20:15|. The same as the third day in verse 32|. A proverb. {It cannot be} (\ouk endechetai\). It is not accepted, it is inadmissible. A severely ironical indictment of Jerusalem. The shadow of the Cross reaches Perea where Jesus now is as he starts toward Jerusalem.

rwp@Luke:14:3 @{Answering} (\apokritheis\). First aorist passive participle without the passive meaning. Jesus answered the thoughts of those mentioned in verse 1|. Here "lawyers and Pharisees" are treated as one class with one article (\tous\) whereas in strkjv@7:30| they are treated as two classes with separate articles. {Or not} (\ˆ ou\). The dilemma forestalled any question by them. {They held their peace} (\hˆsuchasan\). Ingressive aorist active of old verb \hˆsuchaz“\. They became silent, more so than before.

rwp@Luke:14:4 @{Took him} (\epilabomenos\). Second aorist middle participle of \epilamban“\, an old verb, only in the middle in the N.T. It is not redundant use, "took and healed," but "took hold of him and healed him." Only instance in the N.T. of its use in a case of healing. {Let him go} (\apelusen\). Probably, dismissed from the company to get him away from these critics.

rwp@Luke:14:7 @{A parable for those which were bidden} (\pros tous keklˆmenous parabolˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \kale“\, to call, to invite. This parable is for the guests who were there and who had been watching Jesus. {When he marked} (\epech“n\). Present active participle of \epech“\ with \ton noun\ understood, holding the mind upon them, old verb and common. {They chose out} (\exelegonto\). Imperfect middle, were picking out for themselves. {The chief seats} (\tas pr“toklisias\). The first reclining places at the table. Jesus condemned the Pharisees later for this very thing (Matthew:23:6; strkjv@Mark:12:39; strkjv@Luke:20:46|). On a couch holding three the middle place was the chief one. At banquets today the name of the guests are usually placed at the plates. The place next to the host on the right was then, as now, the post of honour.

rwp@Luke:14:10 @{Sit down} (\anapese\). Second aorist active imperative of \anapipt“\, to fall up or back, to lie back or down. Late Greek word for \anaklin“\ (cf. \kataklin“\ in verse 8|). {He that hath bidden thee} (\ho keklˆk“s se\). Perfect active participle as in verse 12| (\t“i keklˆkoti\) with which compare \ho kalesas\ in verse 9| (first aorist active participle). {He may say} (\erei\). The future indicative with \hina\ does occur in the _Koin‚_ (papyri) and so in the N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 984). {Go up higher} (\prosanabˆthi\). Second aorist active imperative second singular of \prosanabain“\, an old double compound verb, but here only in the N.T. Probably, "Come up higher," because the call comes from the host and because of \pros\.

rwp@Luke:14:13 @{When thou makest a feast} (\hotan dochˆn poiˆis\). \Hotan\ and the present subjunctive in an indefinite temporal clause. \Dochˆ\ means reception as in strkjv@Luke:5:29|, late word, only in these two passages in the N.T. Note absence of article with these adjectives in the Greek (poor people, maimed folks, lame people, blind people).

rwp@Luke:14:18 @{With one consent} (\apo mias\). Some feminine substantive like \gn“mˆs\ or \psuchˆs\ has to be supplied. This precise idiom occurs nowhere else. It looked like a conspiracy for each one in his turn did the same thing. {To make excuse} (\paraiteisthai\). This common Greek verb is used in various ways, to ask something from one (Mark:15:6|), to deprecate or ask to avert (Hebrews:12:19|), to refuse or decline (Acts:25:11|), to shun or to avoid (2Timothy:2:23|), to beg pardon or to make excuses for not doing or to beg (Luke:14:18ff.|). All these ideas are variations of \aite“\, to ask in the middle voice with \para\ in composition. {The first} (\ho pr“tos\). In order of time. There are three of the "many" ("all"), whose excuses are given, each more flimsy than the other. {I must needs} (\ech“ anagkˆn\). I have necessity. The land would still be there, a strange "necessity." {Have me excused} (\eche me parˆitˆmenon\). An unusual idiom somewhat like the English perfect with the auxiliary "have" and the modern Greek idiom with \ech“\, but certainly not here a Greek periphrasis for \parˆitˆso\. This perfect passive participle is predicate and agrees with \me\. See a like idiom in strkjv@Mark:3:1; strkjv@Luke:12:19| (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 902f.). The Latin had a similar idiom, _habe me excusatum_. Same language in verse 19|.

rwp@Luke:14:25 @{And he turned} (\kai strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, common verb. It is a dramatic act on the part of Jesus, a deliberate effort to check the wild and unthinking enthusiasm of the crowds who followed just to be following. Note "many multitudes" (\ochloi polloi\) and the imperfect tense \suneporeuonto\, were going along with him.

rwp@Luke:14:26 @{Hateth not} (\ou misei\). An old and very strong verb \mise“\, to hate, detest. The orientals use strong language where cooler spirits would speak of preference or indifference. But even so Jesus does not here mean that one must hate his father or mother of necessity or as such, for strkjv@Matthew:15:4| proves the opposite. It is only where the element of choice comes in (cf. strkjv@Matthew:6:24|) as it sometimes does, when father or mother opposes Christ. Then one must not hesitate. The language here is more sharply put than in strkjv@Matthew:10:37|. The \ou\ here coalesces with the verb \misei\ in this conditional clause of the first class determined as fulfilled. It is the language of exaggerated contrast, it is true, but it must not be watered down till the point is gone. In mentioning "and wife" Jesus has really made a comment on the excuse given in verse 20| (I married a wife and so I am not able to come). {And his own life also} (\eti te kai tˆn psuchˆn heautou\). Note \te kai\, both--and. "The \te\ (B L) binds all the particulars into one bundle of _renuncianda_" (Bruce). Note this same triple group of conjunctions (\eti te kai\) in strkjv@Acts:21:28|, "And moreover also," "even going as far as his own life." Martyrdom should be an ever-present possibility to the Christian, not to be courted, but not to be shunned. Love for Christ takes precedence "over even the elemental instinct of self-preservation" (Ragg).

rwp@Luke:14:28 @{Build a tower} (\purgon oikodomˆsai\). A common metaphor, either a tower in the city wall like that by the Pool of Siloam (Luke:13:4|) or a watchtower in a vineyard (Matthew:21:33|) or a tower-shaped building for refuge or ornament as here. This parable of the rash builder has the lesson of counting the cost. {Sit down} (\kathisas\). Attitude of deliberation. {First} (\pr“ton\). First things first. Songs:in verse 31|. {Count} (\psˆphizei\). Common verb in late writers, but only here and strkjv@Revelation:13:18| in the N.T. The verb is from \psˆphos\, a stone, which was used in voting and so counting. Calculate is from the Latin _calculus_, a pebble. To vote was to cast a pebble (\tithˆmi psˆphon\). Luke has Paul using "deposit a pebble" for casting his vote (Acts:26:10|). {The cost} (\tˆn dapanˆn\). Old and common word, but here only in the N.T. from \dapt“\, to tear, consume, devour. Expense is something which eats up one's resources. {Whether he hath wherewith to complete it} (\ei echei eis apartismon\). If he has anything for completion of it. \Apartismon\ is a rare and late word (in the papyri and only here in the N.T.). It is from \apartiz“\, to finish off (\ap-\ and \artiz“\ like our articulate), to make even or square. Cf. \exˆrtismenos\ in strkjv@2Timothy:3:17|.

rwp@Luke:14:29 @{Lest haply} (\hina mˆpote\). Double final particles (positive and negative with addition of \pote\). Used here with aorist middle subjunctive in \arx“ntai\ (begin). {When he hath laid... and was not able} (\thentos autou... kai mˆ ischuontos\) {to finish} (\ektelesai\). First aorist active infinitive. Note perfective use of \ek\, to finish out to the end. Two genitive absolutes, first, second aorist active participle \thentos\; second, present active participle \ischuontos\. {To mock him} (\aut“i empaizein\). An old verb, \em-paiz“\, to play like a child (\pais\), at or with, to mock, scoff at, to trifle with like Latin _illudere_.

rwp@Luke:14:33 @{Renounceth not} (\ouk apotassetai\). Old Greek word to set apart as in a military camp, then in the middle voice to separate oneself from, say good-bye to (Luke:9:61|), to renounce, forsake, as here. {All that he hath} (\pasin tois heautou huparchousin\). Dative case, says good-bye to all his property, "all his own belongings" (neuter plural participle used as substantive) as named in verse 26|. This verse gives the principle in the two parables of the rash builder and of the rash king. The minor details do not matter. The spirit of self-sacrifice is the point.

rwp@Luke:15:1 @{All the publicans and sinners} (\pantes hoi tel“nai kai hoi hamart“loi\). The two articles separate the two classes (all the publicans and the sinners). They are sometimes grouped together (5:30; strkjv@Matthew:9:11|), but not here. The publicans are put on the same level with the outcasts or sinners. Songs:in verse 2| the repeated article separates Pharisees and scribes as not quite one. The use of "all" here may be hyperbole for very many or the reference may be to these two classes in the particular place where Jesus was from time to time. {Were drawing near unto him} (\ˆsan aut“i eggizontes\). Periphrastic imperfect of \eggiz“\, from \eggus\ (near), late verb. {For to hear} (\akouein\). Just the present active infinitive of purpose.

rwp@Luke:15:2 @{Both... and} (\te... kai\). United in the complaint. {Murmured} (\diegogguzon\). Imperfect active of \diagogguz“\, late Greek compound in the LXX and Byzantine writers. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:19:7|. The force of \dia\ here is probably between or among themselves. It spread (imperfect tense) whenever these two classes came in contact with Jesus. As the publicans and the sinners were drawing near to Jesus just in that proportion the Pharisees and the scribes increased their murmurings. The social breach is here an open yawning chasm. {This man} (\houtos\). A contemptuous sneer in the use of the pronoun. They spoke out openly and probably pointed at Jesus. {Receiveth} (\prosdechetai\). Present middle indicative of the common verb \prosdechomai\. In strkjv@12:36| we had it for expecting, here it is to give access to oneself, to welcome like \hupedexato\ of Martha's welcome to Jesus (Luke:10:38|). The charge here is that this is the habit of Jesus. He shows no sense of social superiority to these outcasts (like the Hindu "untouchables" in India). {And eateth with them} (\kai sunesthiei autois\). Associative instrumental case (\autois\) after \sun-\ in composition. This is an old charge (Luke:5:30|) and a much more serious breach from the standpoint of the Pharisees. The implication is that Jesus prefers these outcasts to the respectable classes (the Pharisees and the scribes) because he is like them in character and tastes, even with the harlots. There was a sting in the charge that he was the "friend" (\philos\) of publicans and sinners (Luke:7:34|).

rwp@Luke:15:4 @{In the wilderness} (\en tˆi erˆm“i\). Their usual pasturage, not a place of danger or peril. It is the owner of the hundred sheep who cares so much for the one that is lost. He knows each one of the sheep and loves each one. {Go after that which is lost} (\poreuetai epi to apol“los\). The one lost sheep (\apol“los\, second perfect active participle of \apollumi\, to destroy, but intransitive, to be lost). There is nothing more helpless than a lost sheep except a lost sinner. The sheep went off by its own ignorance and folly. The use of \epi\ for the goal occurs also in strkjv@Matthew:22:9; strkjv@Acts:8:26; strkjv@9:11|. {Until he find it} (\he“s heurˆi auto\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \heurisk“\, common verb, with \he“s\, common Greek idiom. He keeps on going (\poreuetai\, linear present middle indicative) until success comes (effective aorist, \heurˆi\).

rwp@Luke:15:6 @{Rejoice with me} (\suncharˆte moi\). Second aorist passive of \sunchair“\, an old and common verb for mutual joy as in strkjv@Phillipians:2:17f|. Joy demands fellowship. Same form in verse 9|. Songs:the shepherd {calls together} (\sunkalei\, note \sun\ again) both his friends and his neighbours. This picture of the Good Shepherd has captured the eye of many artists through the ages.

rwp@Luke:15:7 @{Over one sinner that repenteth} (\epi heni hamart“l“i metanoounti\). The word sinner points to verse 1|. Repenting is what these sinners were doing, these lost sheep brought to the fold. The joy in heaven is in contrast with the grumbling Pharisees and scribes. {More than over} (\ˆ epi\). There is no comparative in the Greek. It is only implied by a common idiom like our "rather than." {Which need no repentance} (\hoitines ou chreian echousin metanoias\). Jesus does not mean to say that the Pharisees and the scribes do not need repentance or are perfect. He for the sake of argument accepts their claims about themselves and by their own words condemns them for their criticism of his efforts to save the lost sheep. It is the same point that he made against them when they criticized Jesus and the disciples for being at Levi's feast (Luke:5:31f.|). They posed as "righteous." Very well, then. That shuts their mouths on the point of Christ's saving the publicans and sinners.

rwp@Luke:15:8 @{Ten pieces of silver} (\drachmas deka\). The only instance in the N.T. of this old word for a coin of 65.5 grains about the value of the common \dˆnarius\ (about eighteen cents), a quarter of a Jewish shekel. The double drachma (\didrachmon\) occurs in the N.T. only in strkjv@Matthew:17:24|. The root is from \drassomai\, to grasp with the hand (1Corinthians:3:19|), and so a handful of coin. Ten drachmas would be equal to nearly two dollars, but in purchasing power much more. {Sweep} (\saroi\). A late colloquial verb \saro“\ for the earlier \sair“\, to clear by sweeping. Three times in the N.T. (Luke:11:25; strkjv@15:8; strkjv@Matthew:12:44|). The house was probably with out windows (only the door for light and hence the lamp lit) and probably also a dirt floor. Hence Bengel says: _non sine pulvere_. This parable is peculiar to Luke.

rwp@Luke:15:9 @{Her friends and neighbours} (\tas philas kai geitonas\). Note single article and female friends (feminine article and \philas\). \He“s hou eurˆi\ here as in verse 4|, only \hou\ added after \he“s\ (until which time) as often. {Which I lost} (\hˆn ap“lesa\). First aorist active indicative of \apollumi\. She lost the coin (note article). The shepherd did not lose the one sheep.

rwp@Luke:15:12 @{The portion} (\to meros\). The Jewish law alloted one-half as much to the younger son as to the elder, that is to say one-third of the estate (Deuteronomy:21:17|) at the death of the father. The father did not have to abdicate in favour of the sons, but "this very human parable here depicts the impatience of home restraints and the optimistic ambition of youth" (Ragg). {And he divided} (\ho de dieilen\). The second aorist active indicative of \diaire“\, an old and common verb to part in two, cut asunder, divide, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:12:11|. The elder son got his share also of the "substance" or property or estate (\tˆs ousias\), "the living" (\ton bion\) as in strkjv@Mark:12:44|, not "life" as in strkjv@Luke:8:14|.

rwp@Luke:15:17 @{But when he came to himself} (\eis heauton de elth“n\). As if he had been far from himself as he was from home. As a matter of fact he had been away, out of his head, and now began to see things as they really were. Plato is quoted by Ackerman (_Christian Element in Plato_) as thinking of redemption as coming to oneself. {Hired servants} (\misthioi\). A late word from \misthos\ (hire). In the N.T. only in this chapter. The use of "many" here suggests a wealthy and luxurious home. {Have bread enough and to spare} (\perisseuontai art“n\). Old verb from \perissos\ and that from \peri\ (around). Present passive here, "are surrounded by loaves" like a flood. {I perish} (\eg“ de lim“i h“de apollumai\). Every word here counts: While I on the other hand am here perishing with hunger. It is the linear present middle of \apollumi\. Note \eg“\ expressed and \de\ of contrast.

rwp@Luke:15:18 @{I will arise and go} (\anastas proreusomai\). This determination is the act of the will after he comes to himself and sees his real condition. {I did sin} (\hˆmarton\). That is the hard word to say and he will say it first. The word means to miss the mark. I shot my bolt and I missed my aim (compare the high-handed demand in verse 12|).

rwp@Luke:15:20 @{To his father} (\pros ton patera heautou\). Literally, to his own father. He acted at once on his decision. {Yet afar off} (\eti autou makran apechontos\). Genitive absolute. \Makran\ agrees with \hodon\ understood: While he was yet holding off a distant way. This shows that the father had been looking for him to come back and was even looking at this very moment as he came in sight. {Ran} (\dram“n\). Second aorist active participle of the defective verb \trech“\. The eager look and longing of the father. {Kissed} (\katephilˆsen\). Note perfective use of \kata\ kissed him much, kissed him again and again. The verb occurs so in the older Greek.

rwp@Luke:15:24 @{And is alive} (\kai anezˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \anaza“\, to live again. Literally, he was dead and he came back to life. {He was lost} (\ˆn apol“l“s\, periphrastic past perfect active of \apollumi\ and intransitive, in a lost state) and he was found (\heurethˆ\). He was found, we have to say, but this aorist passive is really timeless, he is found after long waiting (effective aorist) The artists have vied with each other in picturing various items connected with this wonderful parable.

rwp@Luke:15:25 @{As he came and drew nigh} (\h“s erchomenos ˆggisen\). More exactly, "As, coming, he drew nigh," for \erchomenos\ is present middle participle and \ˆggisen\ is aorist active indicative. {Music} (\sumph“nias\). Our word "symphony." An old Greek word from \sumph“nos\ (\sun\, together, and \ph“nˆ\, voice or sound), {harmony, concord}, by a band of musicians. Here alone in the N.T. {And dancing} (\kai chor“n\). An old word again, but here alone in the N.T. Origin uncertain, possibly from \orchos\ by metathesis (\orcheomai\, to dance). A circular dance on the green.

rwp@Luke:15:27 @{Is come} (\hˆkei\). Present indicative active, but a stem with perfect sense, old verb \hˆk“\ retaining this use after perfect tenses came into use (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 893). {Hath killed} (\ethusen\). Aorist active indicative and literally means, {did kill}. Difficult to handle in English for our tenses do not correspond with the Greek. {Hath received} (\apelaben\). Second aorist active indicative with similar difficulty of translation. Note \apo\ in compositions, like _re-_ in "receive," hath gotten him back (\ap-\). {Safe and sound} (\hugiainonta\). Present active participle of \hugiain“\ from \hugiˆs\, to be in good health. In spite of all that he has gone through and in spite of the father's fears.

rwp@Luke:15:28 @{But he was angry} (\“rgisthˆ\). First aorist (ingressive) passive indicative. But he became angry, he flew into a rage (\orgˆ\). This was the explosion as the result of long resentment towards the wayward brother and suspicion of the father's partiality for the erring son. {Would not go in} (\ouk ˆthelen eiselthein\). Imperfect tense (was not willing, refused) and aorist active (ingressive) infinitive. {Entreated} (\parekalei\). Imperfect tense, he kept on beseeching him.

rwp@Luke:15:32 @{It was meet} (\edei\). Imperfect tense. It expressed a necessity in the father's heart and in the joy of the return that justifies the feasting. \Euphranthˆnai\ is used again (first aorist passive infinitive) and \charˆnai\ (second aorist passive infinitive) is more than mere hilarity, deep-seated joy. The father repeats to the elder son the language of his heart used in verse 24| to his servants. A real father could do no less. One can well imagine how completely the Pharisees and scribes (verse 2|) were put to silence by these three marvellous parables. The third does it with a graphic picture of their own attitude in the case of the surly elder brother. Luke was called a painter by the ancients. Certainly he has produced a graphic pen picture here of God's love for the lost that justifies forever the coming of Christ to the world to seek and to save the lost. It glorifies also soul-saving on the part of his followers who are willing to go with Jesus after the lost in city and country, in every land and of every race.

rwp@Luke:16:1 @{Unto the disciples} (\kai pros tous mathˆtas\). The three preceding parables in chapter 15 exposed the special faults of the Pharisees, "their hard exclusiveness, self-righteousness, and contempt for others" (Plummer). This parable is given by Luke alone. The \kai\ (also) is not translated in the Revised Version. It seems to mean that at this same time, after speaking to the Pharisees (chapter 15), Jesus proceeds to speak a parable to the disciples (16:1-13|), the parable of the Unjust Steward. It is a hard parable to explain, but Jesus opens the door by the key in verse 9|. {Which had a steward} (\hos ˆichen oikonomon\). Imperfect active, continued to have. Steward is house-manager or overseer of an estate as already seen in strkjv@Luke:12:42|. {Was accused} (\dieblˆthˆ\). First aorist indicative passive, of \diaball“\, an old verb, but here only in the N.T. It means to throw across or back and forth, rocks or words and so to slander by gossip. The word implies malice even if the thing said is true. The word \diabolos\ (slanderer) is this same root and it is used even of women, she-devils (1Timothy:3:11|). {That he was wasting} (\h“s diaskorpiz“n\). For the verb see on ¯15:13|. The use of \h“s\ with the participle is a fine Greek idiom for giving the alleged ground of a charge against one. {His goods} (\ta huparchonta autou\). "His belongings," a Lukan idiom.

rwp@Luke:16:3 @{Within himself} (\en heaut“i\). As soon as he had time to think the thing over carefully. He knew that he was guilty of embezzlement of the Master's funds. {Taketh away} (\aphaireitai\). Present (linear) middle indicative of \aphaire“\, old verb to take away. Here the middle present means, He is taking away for himself. {To beg I am not ashamed} (\epaitein aischunomai\). The infinitive with \aischunomai\ means ashamed to begin to beg. The participle, \epait“n aischunomai\ would mean, ashamed while begging, ashamed of begging while doing it.

rwp@Luke:16:4 @{I am resolved} (\egn“n\). Second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\. A difficult tense to reproduce in English. I knew, I know, I have known, all miss it a bit. It is a burst of daylight to the puzzled, darkened man: I've got it, I see into it now, a sudden solution. {What to do} (\ti poiˆs“\). Either deliberative first aorist active subjunctive or deliberative future active indicative. {When I am put out} (\hotan metastath“\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \methistˆmi\, (\meta, histˆmi\), old verb, to transpose, transfer, remove. He is expecting to be put out. {They may receive me} (\dex“ntai\). First aorist middle subjunctive of \dechomai\, common verb. Subjunctive with final particle \hina\. He wishes to put the debtors under obligation to himself. {Debtors} (\t“n chreophilet“n\). A late word. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:7:41| from \chreos\, loan, and \opheiletˆs\, debtor. It is probable that he dealt with "each one" separately.

rwp@Luke:16:9 @{By the mammon of unrighteousness} (\ek tou mam“nƒ tˆs adikias\). By the use of what is so often evil (money). In strkjv@Matthew:6:24| mammon is set over against God as in strkjv@Luke:16:13| below. Jesus knows the evil power in money, but servants of God have to use it for the kingdom of God. They should use it discreetly and it is proper to make friends by the use of it. {When it shall fail} (\hotan eklipˆi\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \hotan\, future time. The mammon is sure to fail. {That they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles} (\hina dex“ntai humas eis tas ai“nious skˆnas\). This is the purpose of Christ in giving the advice about their making friends by the use of money. The purpose is that those who have been blessed and helped by the money may give a welcome to their benefactors when they reach heaven. There is no thought here of purchasing an entrance into heaven by the use of money. That idea is wholly foreign to the context. These friends will give a hearty welcome when one gives him mammon here. The wise way to lay up treasure in heaven is to use one's money for God here on earth. That will give a cash account there of joyful welcome, not of purchased entrance.

rwp@Luke:16:12 @{That which is your own} (\to h–meteron\). But Westcott and Hort read \to hˆmeteron\ (our own) because of B L Origen. The difference is due to itacism in the pronunciation of \h–-\ and \hˆ\ alike (long \i\). But the point in the passage calls for "yours" as correct. Earthly wealth is ours as a loan, a trust, withdrawn at any moment. It belongs to another (\en t“i allotri“i\). If you did not prove faithful in this, who will give you what is really yours forever? Compare "rich toward God" (Luke:12:21|).

rwp@Luke:16:20 @{Beggar} (\pt“chos\). Original meaning of this old word. See on ¯Matthew:5:3|. The name Lazarus is from \Eleazaros\, "God a help," and was a common one. _Lazar_ in English means one afflicted with a pestilential disease. {Was laid} (\ebeblˆto\). Past perfect passive of the common verb \ball“\. He had been flung there and was still there, "as if contemptuous roughness is implied" (Plummer). {At his gate} (\pros ton pul“na autou\). Right in front of the large portico or gateway, not necessarily a part of the grand house, porch in strkjv@Matthew:26:71|. {Full of sores} (\heilk“menos\). Perfect passive participle of \helko“\, to make sore, to ulcerate, from \helkos\, ulcer (Latin _ulcus_). See use of \helkos\ in verse 21|. Common in Hippocrates and other medical writers. Here only in the N.T.

rwp@Luke:16:25 @{Receivedst} (\apelabes\). Second aorist indicative of \apolamban“\, old verb to get back what is promised and in full. See also strkjv@Luke:6:34; strkjv@18:30; strkjv@23:41|. {Evil things} (\ta kaka\). Not "his," but "the evil things" that came upon him. {Thou art in anguish} (\odunƒsai\). Like \kauchƒsai\ in strkjv@Romans:2:17|. They contracted \-aesai\ without the loss of \s\. Common in the _Koin‚_.

rwp@Luke:16:28 @{That he may testify} (\hop“s diamarturˆtai\). An old verb for solemn and thorough (\dia-\) witness. The Rich Man labours under the delusion that his five brothers will believe the testimony of Lazarus as a man from the dead.

rwp@Luke:17:1 @{It is impossible} (\anendekton estin\). See \ouk endechetai\ in strkjv@13:33|. Alpha privative (\an-\) and \endektos\, verbal adjective, from \endechomai\. The word occurs only in late Greek and only here in the N.T. The meaning is inadmissible, unallowable. {But that occasions of stumbling should come} (\tou ta skandala mˆ elthein\). This genitive articular infinitive is not easy to explain. In strkjv@Acts:10:25| there is another example where the genitive articular infinitive seems to be used as a nominative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1040). The loose Hebrew infinitive construction may have a bearing here, but one may recall that the original infinitives were either locatives (\-eni\) or datives (\-ai\). \Ta skandala\ is simply the accusative of general reference. Literally, the not coming as to occasions of stumbling. For \skandalon\ (a trap) see on ¯Matthew:5:29; strkjv@16:23|. It is here only in Luke. The positive form of this saying appears in strkjv@Matthew:18:7|, which see.

rwp@Luke:17:3 @{If thy brother sin} (\ean hamartˆi\). Second aorist (ingressive) subjunctive in condition of third class.

rwp@Luke:17:8 @{And will not rather say} (\all' ouk erei\). {But will not say?} \Ouk\ in a question expects the affirmative answer. {Gird thyself} (\periz“samenos\). Direct middle first aorist participle of \periz“nnumi\, to gird around. {Till I have eaten and drunken} (\he“s phag“ kai pi“\). More exactly, till I eat and drink. The second aorist subjunctives are not future perfects in any sense, simply punctiliar action, effective aorist. {Thou shalt eat and drink} (\phagesai kai piesai\). Future middle indicative second person singular, the uncontracted forms \-esai\ as often in the _Koin‚_. These futures are from the aorist stems \ephagon\ and \epion\ without _sigma_.

rwp@Luke:17:14 @{As they went} (\en t“i hupagein autous\). Favourite Lukan idiom of \en\ with articular infinitive as in strkjv@17:11| and often.

rwp@Luke:18:1 @{To the end that} (\pros to dein\). {With a view to the being necessary}, \pros\ and the articular infinitive. The impersonal verb \dei\ here is in the infinitive and has another infinitive loosely connected with it \proseuchesthai\, to pray. {Not to faint} (\mˆ enkakein\). Literally, not to give in to evil (\en, kake“\, from \kakos\, bad or evil), to turn coward, lose heart, behave badly. A late verb used several times in the N.T. (2Corinthians:4:1,16,| etc.).

rwp@Luke:18:2 @Regarded not (\mˆ entrepomenos\). Present middle participle of \entrep“\, old verb, to turn one on himself, to shame one, to reverence one. This was a "hard-boiled" judge who knew no one as his superior. See on ¯Matthew:21:37|.

rwp@Luke:18:5 @{Yet} (\ge\). Delicate intensive particle of deep feeling as here. {Because this widow troubleth me} (\dia to parechein moi kopon tˆn chˆran tautˆn\). Literally, because of the furnishing me trouble as to this widow (accusative of general reference with the articular infinitive). {Lest she wear me out} (\hina mˆ hup“piazˆi me\). Some take it that the judge is actually afraid that the widow may come and assault him, literally beat him under the eye. That idea would be best expressed here by the aorist tense.

rwp@Luke:18:7 @{And he is longsuffering} (\makrothumei\). This present active indicative comes in awkwardly after the aorist subjunctive \poiˆsˆi\ after \ou mˆ\, but this part of the question is positive. Probably \kai\ here means "and yet" as so often (John:9:30; strkjv@16:32|, etc.). God delays taking vengeance on behalf of his people, not through indifference, but through patient forbearance.

rwp@Luke:18:10 @{Stood} (\statheis\). First aorist passive participle of \histˆmi\. Struck an attitude ostentatiously where he could be seen. Standing was the common Jewish posture in prayer (Matthew:6:5; strkjv@Mark:11:25|). {Prayed thus} (\tauta prosˆucheto\). Imperfect middle, was praying these things (given following). {With himself} (\pros heauton\). A soliloquy with his own soul, a complacent recital of his own virtues for his own self-satisfaction, not fellowship with God, though he addresses God. {I thank thee} (\eucharist“ soi\). But his gratitude to God is for his own virtues, not for God's mercies to him. One of the rabbis offers a prayer like this of gratitude that he was in a class by himself because he was a Jew and not a Gentile, because he was a Pharisee and not of the _am-haaretz_ or common people, because he was a man and not a woman. {Extortioners} (\harpages\). An old word, \harpax\ from same root as \harpaz“\, to plunder. An adjective of only one gender, used of robbers and plunderers, grafters, like the publicans (Luke:3:13|), whether wolves (Matthew:7:15|) or men (1Corinthians:5:19f.|). The Pharisee cites the crimes of which he is not guilty. {Or even} (\ˆ kai\). As the climax of iniquity (Bruce), he points to "this publican." Zaccheus will admit robbery (Luke:19:8|). {God} (\ho theos\). Nominative form with the article as common with the vocative use of \theos\ (so verse 13; strkjv@John:20:28|).

rwp@Luke:18:13 @{Standing afar off} (\makrothen hest“s\). Second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\, intransitive like \statheis\ above. But no ostentation as with the Pharisee in verse 11|. At a distance from the Pharisee, not from the sanctuary. {Would not lift} (\ouk ˆthelen oude epƒrai\). Negatives (double) imperfect of {thel“}, was not willing even to lift up, refused to lift (\epƒrai\, first aorist active infinitive of the liquid compound verb, \ep-air“\). Smote (\etupte\). Imperfect active of \tupt“\, old verb, kept on smiting or beating. Worshippers usually lifted up their closed eyes to God. {Be merciful} (\hilasthˆti\). First aorist passive imperative of \hilaskomai\, an old verb, found also in LXX and inscriptions (\exhilaskomai\, Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 224). {A sinner} (\t“i hamart“l“i\). The sinner, not a sinner. It is curious how modern scholars ignore this Greek article. The main point in the contrast lies in this article. The Pharisee thought of others as sinners. The publican thinks of himself alone as the sinner, not of others at all.

rwp@Luke:18:14 @{This man} (\houtos\). This despised publican referred to contemptuously in verse 11| as "this" (\houtos\) publican. {Rather than the other} (\par' ekeinon\). In comparison with (placed beside) that one. A neat Greek idiom after the perfect passive participle \dedikaiomenos\. {For} (\hoti\). This moral maxim Christ had already used in strkjv@14:11|. Plummer pertinently asks: "Why is it assumed that Jesus did not repeat his sayings?"

rwp@Luke:18:18 @{Ruler} (\arch“n\). Not in strkjv@Mark:10:17; strkjv@Matthew:19:16|. {What shall I do to inherit?} (\Ti poiˆsas klˆronomˆs“;\). "By doing what shall I inherit?" Aorist active participle and future active indicative. Precisely the same question is asked by the lawyer in strkjv@Luke:10:25|. This young man probably thought that by some one act he could obtain eternal life. He was ready to make a large expenditure for it. {Good} (\agathon\). See on ¯Mark:10:17; strkjv@Matthew:19:16| for discussion of this adjective for absolute goodness. Plummer observes that no Jewish rabbi was called "good" in direct address. The question of Jesus will show whether it was merely fulsome flattery on the part of the young man or whether he really put Jesus on a par with God. He must at any rate define his attitude towards Christ.

rwp@Luke:18:31 @{Took unto him} (\paralab“n\). Second aorist active participle of \paralamban“\. Taking along with himself. Songs:Mark:10:32|. strkjv@Matthew:20:17| adds \kat' idian\ (apart). Jesus is making a special point of explaining his death to the Twelve. {We go up} (\anabainomen\). Present active indicative, we are going up. {Unto the Son of man} (\t“i hui“i tou anthr“pou\). Dative case of personal interest. The position is amphibolous and the construction makes sense either with "shall be accomplished" (\telesthˆsetai\) or "that are written" (\ta gegrammena\), probably the former. Compare these minute details of the prophecy here (verses 32f.|) with the words in strkjv@Mark:10:33f.; strkjv@Matthew:20:18f.|, which see.

rwp@Luke:18:35 @{Unto Jericho} (\eis Iereich“\). See on ¯Matthew:20:29; strkjv@Mark:10:46|, for discussion of the two Jerichos in Mark and Matt. (the old and the new as here). {Begging} (\epait“n\). Asking for something. He probably was by the wayside between the old Jericho and the new Roman Jericho. Mark gives his name Bartimaeus (10:46|). strkjv@Matthew:20:30| mentions two.

rwp@Luke:19:4 @{Ran on before} (\prodram“n eis to emprosthen\). Second aorist active participle of \protrech“\ (defective verb). "Before" occurs twice (\pro-\ and \eis to emprosthen\). {Into a sycamore tree} (\epi sukomorean\). From \sukon\, fig, and \moron\, mulberry. The fig-mulberry and quite a different tree from the sycamine tree in strkjv@17:6|, which see. It bore a poor fruit which poor people ate (Amos:7:14|). It was a wide open tree with low branches so that Zacchaeus could easily climb into it. {That way} (\ekeinˆs\). Feminine for \hodos\ (way) is understood. Genitive case with \di\ in composition (\dierchesthai\) or as an adverbial use.

rwp@Luke:19:5 @{Make haste and come down} (\speusas katabˆthi\). Simultaneous aorist active participle (\speusas\) with the second aorist active imperative. "Come down in a hurry."

rwp@Luke:19:6 @{He made haste and came down} (\speusas katebˆ\). Luke repeats the very words of Jesus with the same idiom. {Received him joyfully} (\hupedexato auton chair“n\). The very verb used of Martha's welcome to Jesus (10:38|). "Joyfully" is the present active participle, "rejoicing" (\chair“n\).

rwp@Luke:19:8 @{Stood} (\statheis\). Apparently Jesus and Zacchaeus had come to the house of Zacchaeus and were about to enter when the murmur became such a roar that Zacchaeus turned round and faced the crowd. {If I have wrongfully exacted aught of any man} (\ei tinos ti esukophantˆsa\). A most significant admission and confession. It is a condition of the first class (\ei\ and the aorist active indicative) that assumes it to be true. His own conscience was at work. He may have heard audible murmurs from the crowd. For the verb \sukophantein\, see discussion on ¯3:14|, the only two instances in the N.T. He had extorted money wrongfully as they all knew. {I return fourfold} (\apodid“mi tetraploun\). I offer to do it here and now on this spot. This was the Mosaic law (Exodus:22:1; strkjv@Numbers:5:6f.|). Restitution is good proof of a change of heart. D. L. Moody used to preach it with great power. Without this the offer of Zacchaeus to give half his goods to the poor would be less effective. "It is an odd coincidence, nothing more, that the fig-mulberry (sycamore) should occur in connexion with the _fig_-shewer (sycophant)."

rwp@Luke:19:10 @{The lost} (\to apol“los\). The neuter as a collective whole, second perfect active participle of \apollumi\, to destroy. See strkjv@Luke:15| for the idea of the lost.

rwp@Luke:19:11 @{He added and spake} (\prostheis eipen\). Second aorist active participle of \prostithˆmi\ with \eipen\. It is a Hebrew idiom seen also in strkjv@Luke:20:1f.| he added to send (\prosetheto pempsai\) and in strkjv@Acts:12:3| "he added to seize" (\prosetheto sullabein\). This undoubted Hebraism occurs in the N.T. in Luke only, probably due to the influence of the LXX on Luke the Greek Christian. {To appear} (\anaphainesthai\). Present passive infinitive of an old verb to be made manifest, to be shown up. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:21:3|.

rwp@Luke:19:15 @{When he was come back again} (\en t“i epanelthein auton\). "On the coming back again as to him." Luke's favourite idiom of the articular infinitive after \en\ and with the accusative of general reference. {Had given} (\ded“kei\). Past perfect active indicative without augment of \did“mi\. {That he might know} (\hina gnoi\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \ginosk“\. The optative would be \gnoiˆ\.

rwp@Luke:19:20 @{I kept} (\eichon\). Imperfect active of \ech“\. I kept on keeping. {Laid up} (\apokeimenˆn\). Present passive participle agreeing with \hˆn\ (which), used often as perfect passive of \tithˆmi\ as here, laid away or off (\apo\). It is not the periphrastic construction, but two separate verbs, each with its own force. {In a napkin} (\en soudari“i\). A Latin word _sudarium_ from _sudor_ (sweat) transliterated into Greek, a sweatcloth handkerchief or napkin. Found in papyrus marriage contracts as part of the dowry (second and third centuries A.D., Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 223). Used also for swathing the head of the dead (John:11:44; strkjv@20:7|).

rwp@Luke:19:23 @{Then wherefore} (\kai dia ti\). Note this inferential use of \kai-\ in that case. {Into the bank} (\epi trapezan\). Literally, {upon a table}. This old word \trapeza\, from \tetrapeza\ (\tetra\, four, \pous\, foot). It means then any table (Mark:7:28|), food on the table (Acts:16:34|), feast or banquet (Romans:11:9|), table of the money-changers (John:2:15; strkjv@Mark:11:15; strkjv@Matthew:21:12|), or bank as here. Our word bank is from Old English _bench_. {With interest} (\sun tok“i\). Not usury, but proper and legal interest. Old word from \tikt“\, to bring forth. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:25:27|. {Should have required it} (\an auto epraxa\). Conclusion of second-class condition the condition or apodosis being implied in the participle "coming" (\elth“n\), and the previous question. On this technical use of \prass“\ (\epraxa\) see strkjv@Luke:3:13|.

rwp@Luke:19:37 @{At the descent} (\pros tˆi katabasei\). Epexegetic of "drawing nigh." They were going by the southern slope of the Mount of Olives. As they turned down to the city, the grand view stirred the crowd to rapturous enthusiasm. This was the first sight of the city on this route which is soon obscured in the descent. The second view bursts out again (verse 41|). It was a shout of triumph from the multitude with their long pent-up enthusiasm (verse 11|), restrained no longer by the parable of the pounds. {For all the mighty works which they had seen} (\peri pas“n eidon duname“n\). Neat Greek idiom, incorporation of the antecedent (\duname“n\) into the relative clause and attraction of the case of the relative from the accusative \has\ to the genitive \h“n\. And note "all." The climax had come, Lazarus, Bartimaeus, and the rest.

rwp@Luke:19:39 @{Some of the Pharisees} (\tines t“n Pharisai“n\). Luke seems to imply by "from the multitude" (\apo tou ochlou\) that these Pharisees were in the procession, perhaps half-hearted followers of the mob. But strkjv@John:12:19| speaks of Pharisees who stood off from the procession and blamed each other for their failure and the triumph of Jesus. These may represent the bolder spirits of their same group who dared to demand of Jesus that he rebuke his disciples.

rwp@Luke:19:43 @{Shall cast up a bank} (\parembalousin charaka\). Future active indicative of \paremball“\, a double compound (\para, en, ball“\) of long usage, finally in a military sense of line of battle or in camp. Here alone in the N.T. Songs:also the word \charaka\ (\charax\) for bank, stake, palisade, rampart, is here alone in the N.T., though common enough in the old Greek. {Compass thee round} (\perikukl“sousin se\). Future active indicative. Another common compound to make a circle (\kuklos\) around (\peri\), though here only in the N.T. {Keep thee in} (\sunexousin se\). Shall hold thee together on every side (\pantothen\). See about \sunech“\ on strkjv@4:38|.

rwp@Luke:19:47 @{He was teaching} (\ˆn didask“n\). Periphrastic imperfect. {Daily} (\to kath' hˆmeran\). Note the accusative neuter article, "as to the according to the day," very awkward English surely, but perfectly good Greek. The same idiom occurs in strkjv@11:3|. {Sought} (\ezˆtoun\). Imperfect active, conative imperfect, were seeking, trying to seek. {The principal men of the people} (\hoi pr“toi tou laou\). The first men of the people. The position after the verb and apart from the chief priests and the scribes calls special attention to them. Some of these "first men" were chief priests or scribes, but not all of them. The lights and leaders of Jerusalem were bent on the destruction (\apolesai\) of Jesus. The raising of Lazarus from the dead brought them together for this action (John:11:47-53; strkjv@12:9-11|).

rwp@Luke:19:48 @{They could not find} (\ouch hˆuriskon\). Imperfect active. They kept on not finding. {What they might do} (\to ti poiˆs“sin\). First aorist active deliberative subjunctive in a direct question retained in the indirect. Note the article \to\ (neuter accusative) with the question. {Hung upon him} (\exekremeto autou\). Imperfect middle of \ekkremamai\, an old verb (\mi\ form) to hang from, here only in the N.T. The form is an \omega\ form from \ekkremomai\, a constant tendency to the \omega\ form in the _Koin‚_. It pictures the whole nation (save the leaders in verse 47|) hanging upon the words of Jesus as if in suspense in mid-air, rapt attention that angered these same leaders. Tyndale renders it "stuck by him."

rwp@Luke:20:12 @{They wounded} (\traumatisantes\). First aorist active participle of \traumatiz“\. An old verb, from \trauma\, a wound, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:16|.

rwp@Luke:20:17 @{He looked upon them} (\emblepsas autois\). Not in Mark and Matthew. First aorist active participle of \emblep“\, to look on. It was a piercing glance. The scripture quoted is from strkjv@Psalms:118:22| and is in strkjv@Mark:11:10; strkjv@Matthew:21:42|, which see for the inverted attraction of the case \lithon\ (stone) to that of the relative \hon\ (which).

rwp@Luke:20:20 @{They watched him} (\paratˆrˆsantes\). First aorist active participle of \paratˆre“\, a common Greek verb to watch on the side or insidiously or with evil intent as in strkjv@Luke:6:7| (\paretˆrounto\) of the scribes and Pharisees. See on ¯Mark:3:2|. There is no "him" in the Greek. They were watching their chance. {Spies} (\enkathetous\). An old verbal adjective from \enkathiˆmi\, to send down in or secretly. It means liers in wait who are suborned to spy out, one who is hired to trap one by crafty words. Only here in the N.T. {Feigned themselves} (\hupokrinomenous heautous\). Hypocritically professing to be "righteous" (\dikaious\). "They posed as scrupulous persons with a difficulty of conscience" (Plummer). {That they might take hold of his speech} (\hina epilab“ntai autou logou\). Second aorist middle of \epilamban“\, an old verb for seizing hold with the hands and uses as here the genitive case. These spies are for the purpose of (\hina\) catching hold of the talk of Jesus if they can get a grip anywhere. This is their direct purpose and the ultimate purpose or result is also stated, "so as to deliver him up" (\h“ste paradounai auton\). Second aorist active infinitive of \paradid“mi\, to hand over, to give from one's side to another. The trap is all set now and ready to be sprung by these "spies." {Of the governor} (\tou hˆgemonos\). The Sanhedrin knew that Pilate would have to condemn Jesus if he were put to death. Songs:then all their plans focus on this point as the goal. Luke alone mentions this item here.

rwp@Luke:20:21 @{Rightly} (\orth“s\). Matthew (Matthew:22:16|) notes that these "spies" were "disciples" (students) of the Pharisees and Mark (Mark:12:13|) adds that the Herodians are also involved in the plot. These bright theologues are full of palaver and flattery and openly endorse the teaching of Jesus as part of their scheme. {Acceptest not the person of any} (\ou lambaneis pros“pon\). Dost not take the face (or personal appearance) as the test. It is a Hebraism from which the word \pros“polempsia\ (James:2:1|) comes. Originally it meant to lift the face, to lift the countenance, to regard the face, to accept the face value. See strkjv@Mark:12:13-17; strkjv@Matthew:22:15-22| for discussion of details here. They both have \blepeis\ here.

rwp@Luke:20:23 @{Perceived} (\katanoˆsas\). From \katanoe“\, to put the mind down on. Mark has \eid“s\, "knowing," and Matthew \gnous\, coming to know or grasping (second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\). {Craftiness} (\panourgian\). Old word for doing any deed. Matthew has "wickedness" (\ponˆrian\) and Mark "hypocrisy" (\hupokrisin\). Unscrupulous they certainly were. They would stoop to any trick and go the limit.

rwp@Luke:20:45 @{In the hearing of all the people} (\akouontos pantos tou laou\). Genitive absolute, "while all the people were listening" (present active participle). That is the time to speak. The details in this verse and verse 47| are precisely those given in strkjv@Mark:12:38f.|, which see for discussion of details. strkjv@Matthew:23:1-39| has a very full and rich description of this last phase of the debate in the temple where Jesus drew a full-length portrait of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes in their presence. It was a solemn climax to this last public appearance of Christ in the temple when Jesus poured out the vials of his indignation as he had done before (Matthew:16:2; strkjv@Luke:11:37-54; 12-1|).

rwp@Luke:21:12 @{But before all these things} (\pro de tout“n pant“n\). In strkjv@Mark:13:8; strkjv@Matthew:24:8| these things are termed "the beginning of travail." That may be the idea here. Plummer insists that priority of time is the point, not magnitude. {Bringing you} (\apagomenous\). Present passive participle from \apag“\, an old verb to lead off or away. But here the participle is in the accusative plural, not the nominative like \paradidontes\ (present active participle, delivering you up), agreeing with \humas\ not expressed the object of \paradidontes\, "you being brought before or led off." "A technical term in Athenian legal language" (Bruce).

rwp@Luke:21:13 @{It shall turn unto you} (\apobˆsetai humin\). Future middle of \apobain“\. It will come off, turn out for you (dative of advantage). {For a testimony} (\eis marturion\). To their loyalty to Christ. Besides, "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."

rwp@Luke:21:20 @{Compassed with armies} (\kukloumenˆn hupo stratoped“n\). Present passive participle of \kuklo“\, to circle, encircle, from \kuklos\, circle. Old verb, but only four times in N.T. The point of this warning is the present tense, being encircled. It will be too late after the city is surrounded. It is objected by some that Jesus, not to say Luke, could not have spoken (or written) these words before the Roman armies came. One may ask why not, if such a thing as predictive prophecy can exist and especially in the case of the Lord Jesus. The word \stratoped“n\ (\stratos\, army, \pedon\, plain) is a military camp and then an army in camp. Old word, but only here in the N.T. {Then know} (\tote gn“te\). Second aorist active imperative of \gin“sk“\. Christians did flee from Jerusalem to Pella before it was too late as directed in strkjv@Luke:21:21; strkjv@Mark:13:14f.; strkjv@Matthew:24:16f|.

rwp@Luke:21:22 @{That may be fulfilled} (\tou plˆsthˆnai\). Articular infinitive passive to express purpose with accusative of general reference. The O.T. has many such warnings (Hosea:9:7; strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:49-57|, etc.).

rwp@Luke:21:26 @{Men fainting} (\apopsuchont“n anthr“p“n\). Genitive absolute of \apopsuch“\, to expire, to breathe off or out. Old word. Here only in N.T. {Expectation} (\prosdokias\). Old word from \prosdoka“\, to look for or towards. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:12:11|. {The world} (\tˆi oikoumenˆi\). Dative case, "the inhabited" (earth, \gˆi\).

rwp@Luke:21:31 @{Coming to pass} (\ginomena\). Present middle participle of \ginomai\ and so descriptive of the process. {Nigh} (\eggus\). The consummation of the kingdom is here meant, not the beginning.

rwp@Luke:21:34 @{Lest haply your hearts be overcharged} (\mˆ pote barˆth“sin hai kardiai hum“n\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \bare“\, an old verb to weigh down, depress, with \mˆ pote\. {With surfeiting} (\en krepalˆi\). A rather late word, common in medical writers for the nausea that follows a debauch. Latin _crapula_, the giddiness caused by too much wine. Here only in the N.T. {Drunkenness} (\methˆi\). From \methu\ (wine). Old word but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:13:13; strkjv@Galatians:5:21|. {Cares of this life} (\merimnais bi“tikais\). Anxieties of life. The adjective \bi“tikos\ is late and in the N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:6:3f|. {Come on you} (\epistˆi\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \ephistˆmi\, ingressive aorist. Construed also with \mˆ pote\. {Suddenly} (\ephnidios\). Adjective in predicate agreeing with \hˆmera\ (day). {As a snare} (\h“s pagis\). Old word from \pˆgnumi\, to make fast a net or trap. Paul uses it several times of the devil's snares for preachers (1Timothy:3:7; strkjv@2Timothy:2:26|).

rwp@Luke:22:2 @{Sought} (\ezˆtoun\). Imperfect active of \zˆte“\, were seeking, conative imperfect. {How they might put him to death} (\to p“s anel“sin auton\). Second aorist active deliberative subjunctive (retained in indirect question) of \anaire“\, to take up, to make away with, to slay. Common in Old Greek. Luke uses it so here and in strkjv@23:32| and eighteen times in the Acts, a favourite word with him. Note the accusative neuter singular article \to\ with the whole clause, "as to the how, etc." {For they feared} (\ephobounto gar\). Imperfect middle describing the delay of the "how." The triumphal entry and the temple speeches of Jesus had revealed his tremendous power with the people, especially the crowds from Galilee at the feast. They were afraid to go on with their plan to kill him at the feast.

rwp@Luke:22:3 @{Satan entered into Judas} (\eisˆlthen eis Ioudan\). Ingressive aorist active indicative. Satan was now renewing his attack on Jesus suspended temporarily (Luke:4:13|) "until a good chance." He had come back by the use of Simon Peter (Mark:8:33; strkjv@Matthew:16:23|). The conflict went on and Jesus won ultimate victory (Luke:10:18|). Now Satan uses Judas and has success with him for Judas allowed him to come again and again (John:13:27|). Judas evidently opened the door to his heart and let Satan in. Then Satan took charge and he became a devil as Jesus said (John:6:70|). This surrender to Satan in no way relieves Judas of his moral responsibility.

rwp@Luke:22:4 @{Went away} (\apelth“n\). Second aorist active participle of \aperchomai\. He went off under the impulse of Satan and after the indignation over the rebuke of Jesus at the feast in Simon's house (John:12:4-6|). {Captains} (\stratˆgois\). Leaders of the temple guards (Acts:4:1|), the full title, "captains of the temple," occurs in verse 52|. {How he might deliver him unto them} (\to p“s autois parad“i auton\). The same construction as in verse 2|, the article \to\ with the indirect question and deliberative subjunctive second aorist active (\parad“i\).

rwp@Luke:22:6 @{Consented} (\ex“mologˆsen\). Old verb, but the ancients usually used the simple form for promise or consent rather than the compound. This is the only instance of this sense in the N.T. It is from \homologos\ (\homos\, same, and \leg“\, to say), to say the same thing with another and so agree. {Opportunity} (\eukarian\). From \eukairos\ (\eu, kairos\), a good chance. Old word, but in the N.T. only here and parallel passage strkjv@Matthew:26:16|. {In the absence of the multitude} (\ater ochlou\). \Ater\ is an old preposition, common in the poets, but rare in prose. Also in verse 35|. It means "without," "apart from," like \ch“ris\. The point of Judas was just this. He would get Jesus into the hands of the Sanhedrin during the feast in spite of the crowd. It was necessary to avoid tumult (Matthew:26:5|) because of the popularity of Jesus.

rwp@Luke:22:15 @{With desire I have desired} (\epithumiƒi epethumˆsa\). A Hebraism common in the LXX. Associative instrumental case of substantive and first aorist active indicative of same like a cognate accusative. Peculiar to Luke is all this verse. See this idiom in strkjv@John:3:29; strkjv@Acts:4:17|. {Before I suffer} (\pro tou me pathein\). Preposition \pro\ with articular infinitive and accusative of general reference, "before the suffering as to me." \Pathein\ is second aorist active infinitive of \pasch“\.

rwp@Luke:22:20 @{After the supper} (\meta to deipnˆsai\). Preposition \meta\ and the accusative articular infinitive. The textual situation here is confusing, chiefly because of the two cups (verses 17,20|). Some of the documents omit the latter part of verse 19| and all of verse 20|. It is possible, of course, that this part crept into the text of Luke from strkjv@1Corinthians:11:24f|. But, if this part is omitted, Luke would then have the order reversed, the cup before the bread. Songs:there are difficulties whichever turn one takes here with Luke's text whether one cup or two cups. {The New Covenant} (\he kainˆ diathˆkˆ\). See on ¯Matthew:26:28; strkjv@Mark:14:24| for "covenant." Westcott and Hort reject "new" there, but accept it here and in strkjv@1Corinthians:11:25|. See on ¯Luke:5:38| for difference between \kainˆ\ and \nea\. "The ratification of a covenant was commonly associated with the shedding of blood; and what was written in blood was believed to be indelible" (Plummer). {Poured out} (\ekchunnomenon\). Same word in strkjv@Mark:14:24; strkjv@Matthew:26:28| translated "shed." Late form present passive participle of \ekchunn“\ of \ekche“\, to pour out.

rwp@Luke:22:21 @{That betrayeth} (\tou paradidontos\). Present active participle, actually engaged in doing it. The hand of Judas was resting on the table at the moment. It should be noted that Luke narrates the institution of the Lord's Supper before the exposure of Judas as the traitor while Mark and Matthew reverse this order.

rwp@Luke:22:22 @{As it hath been determined} (\kata to h“rismenon\). Perfect passive participle of \horiz“\, to limit or define, mark off the border, our "horizon." But this fact does not absolve Judas of his guilt as the "woe" here makes plain.

rwp@Luke:22:23 @{Which of them it was} (\to tis ara eiˆ ex aut“n\). Note the article \to\ with the indirect question as in verses 2,4|. The optative \eiˆ\ here is changed from the present active indicative \estin\, though it was not always done, for see \dokei\ in verse 24| where the present indicative is retained. They all had their hands on the table. Whose hand was it?

rwp@Luke:22:31 @{Asked to have you} (\exˆitˆsato\). First aorist indirect middle indicative of \exaite“\, an old verb to beg something of one and (middle) for oneself. Only here in the N.T. The verb is used either in the good or the bad sense, but it does not mean here "obtained by asking" as margin in Revised Version has it. {That he might sift you} (\tou siniasai\). Genitive articular infinitive of purpose. First aorist active infinitive of \siniaz“\, to shake a sieve, to sift, from \sinion\, a winnowing fan. Later word. Here only in the N.T.

rwp@Luke:22:32 @{That thy faith fail not} (\hina mˆ eklipˆi he pistis mou\). Second aorist active subjunctive of purpose with \hina\ after \edeˆthˆn\ ({I prayed}) of \ekleip“\, old verb. Our word _eclipse_ is this word. Evidently Jesus could not keep Satan from attacking Peter. He had already captured Judas. Did he not repeatedly attack Jesus? But he could and did pray for Peter's faith and his praying won in the end, though Peter stumbled and fell. {And do thou} (\kai su\). The words single out Peter sharply. {Once thou hast turned again} (\pote epistrepsas\). First aorist active participle of \epistreph“\, common verb to turn to, to return. But the use of this word implied that Peter would fall though he would come back and "strengthen thy brethren."

rwp@Luke:22:41 @{About a stone's throw} (\h“sei lithou bolˆn\). Accusative of extent of space. Luke does not tell of leaving eight disciples by the entrance to Gethsemane nor about taking Peter, James, and John further in with him. {Kneeled down} (\theis ta gonata\). Second aorist active participle from \tithˆmi\. strkjv@Mark:14:35| says "fell on the ground" and strkjv@Matthew:26:39| "fell on his face." All could be true at different moments. {Prayed} (\prosˆucheto\). Imperfect middle, was praying, kept on praying.

rwp@Luke:22:42 @{If thou be willing} (\ei boulei\). This condition is in the first petition at the start. {Be done} (\ginesth“\). Present middle imperative, keep on being done, the Father's will.

rwp@Luke:22:49 @{What would follow} (\to esomenon\). Article and the future middle participle of \eimi\, to be. {Shall we smite with a sword?} (\ei pataxomen en machairˆi;\). Note \ei\ in a direct question like the Hebrew. Luke alone gives this question. Instrumental use of \en\. They had the two swords already mentioned (22:38|).

rwp@Luke:22:55 @{When they had kindled a fire} (\periapsant“n pur\). Genitive absolute, first aorist active participle of \periapt“\, an old verb, but here only in the N.T. Kindle around, make a good fire that blazes all over. It was April and cool at night. The servants made the fire. {And had sat down together} (\kai sunkathisant“n\). Genitive absolute again. Note \sun-\ (together), all had taken seats around the fire. {Peter sat in the midst of them} (\ekathˆto ho Petros mesos aut“n\). Imperfect tense, he was sitting, and note \mesos\, nominative predicate adjective with the genitive, like strkjv@John:1:26|, good Greek idiom.

rwp@Luke:22:59 @{After the space of about one hour} (\diastasˆs h“sei h“ras mias\). Genitive absolute with second aorist active participle feminine singular of \diistˆmi\. This classical verb in the N.T. is used only by Luke (22:59; strkjv@24:51; strkjv@Acts:27:28|). It means standing in two or apart, about an hour intervening. {Confidently affirmed} (\diischurizeto\). Imperfect middle, he kept affirming strongly. An old verb (\dia, ischurizomai\), to make oneself strong, to make emphatic declaration. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:12:15|. {For he is a Galilean} (\kai gar Galilaios estin\). strkjv@Matthew:26:73| makes it plain that it was his speech that gave him away, which see.

rwp@Luke:22:61 @{The Lord turned} (\strapheis ho kurios\). Second aorist passive participle of \streph“\, coming verb. Graphic picture drawn by Luke alone. {Looked upon Peter} (\eneblepsen t“i Petr“i\). Ingressive aorist active indicative of \enblep“\, an old and vivid verb, to glance at. {Remembered} (\hupemnˆsthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \hupomimnˆsk“\, common verb to remind one of something (\hupo\ giving a suggestion or hint). The cock crowing and the look brought swiftly back to Peter's mind the prophecy of Jesus and his sad denials. The mystery is how he had forgotten that warning.

rwp@Luke:22:62 @{And he went out and wept bitterly} (\kai exelth“n ex“ eklausen pikr“s\). A few old Latin documents omit this verse which is genuine in strkjv@Matthew:26:75|. It may be an insertion here from there, but the evidence for the rejection is too slight. It is the ingressive aorist (\eklausen\), he burst into tears. "Bitter" is a common expression for tears in all languages and in all hearts.

rwp@Luke:22:63 @{That held} (\hoi sunechontes\). See on ¯8:45; strkjv@19:43| for this verb \sunech“\. Here alone in the N.T. for holding a prisoner (holding together). The servants or soldiers, not the Sanhedrin. {Mocked} (\enepaizon\). Imperfect active, were mocking, inchoative, began to mock, to play like boys. {And beat him} (\derontes\). Present active participle of \der“\, to flay, tan, or hide. Literally, "beating."

rwp@Luke:22:64 @{Blindfolded} (\perikalupsantes\). First aorist active participle of \perikalupt“\, old verb, to put a veil around. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:14:65|. See strkjv@Mark:14:65; strkjv@Matthew:26:67f.| for further discussion.

rwp@Luke:22:67 @{If thou art the Christ} (\Ei su ei ho Christos\). The Messiah, they mean. The condition is the first class, assuming it to be true. {If I tell you} (\Ean humin eip“\). Condition of the third class, undetermined, but with likelihood of being determined. This is the second appearance of Jesus before the Sanhedrin merely mentioned by strkjv@Mark:15:1; strkjv@Matthew:27:1| who give in detail the first appearance and trial. Luke merely gives this so-called ratification meeting after daybreak to give the appearance of legality to their vote of condemnation already taken (Mark:14:64; strkjv@Matthew:26:66|). {Ye will not believe} (\ou mˆ pisteusˆte\). Double negative with the aorist subjunctive, strongest possible negative. Songs:as to verse 68|.

rwp@Luke:22:70 @{Art thou the Son of God?} (\Su oun ei ho huios tou theou;\). Note how these three epithets are used as practical equivalents. They ask about "the Messiah." Jesus affirms that he is the Son of Man and will sit at the right hand of the power of God. They take this to be a claim to be the Son of God (both humanity and deity). Jesus accepts the challenge and admits that he claims to be all three (Messiah, the Son of man, the Son of God). {Ye say} (\Humeis legete\). Just a Greek idiom for "Yes" (compare "I am" in strkjv@Mark:14:62| with "Thou has said" in strkjv@Matthew:26:64|).

rwp@Luke:23:2 @{Began to accuse} (\ˆrxanto katˆgorein\). They went at it and kept it up. Luke mentions three, but neither of them includes their real reason nor do they mention their own condemnation of Jesus. They had indulged their hatred in doing it, but they no longer have the power of life and death. Hence they say nothing to Pilate of that. {We found} (\heuramen\). Second aorist active indicative with first aorist vowel \a\. Probably they mean that they had caught Jesus in the act of doing these things (_in flagrante delicto_) rather than discovery by formal trial. {Perverting our nation} (\diastrephonta to ethnos hˆm“n\). Present active participle of \diastreph“\, old verb to turn this way and that, distort, disturb. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:13:10|. The Sanhedrin imply that the great popularity of Jesus was seditious. {Forbidding to give tribute to Caesar}, (\k“luonta phorous kaisari didonai\). Note object infinitive \didonai\ after the participle \k“luonta\. Literally, hindering giving tribute to Caesar. This was a flat untruth. Their bright young students had tried desperately to get Jesus to say this very thing, but they had failed utterly (Luke:20:25|). {Saying that he himself is Christ a king} (\legonta hauton Christon basilea einai\). Note the indirect discourse here after the participle \legonta\ with the accusative (\hauton\ where \auton\ could have been used), and the infinitive. This charge is true, but not in the sense meant by them. Jesus did claim to be the Christ and the king of the kingdom of God. But the Sanhedrin wanted Pilate to think that he set himself up as a rival to Caesar. Pilate would understand little from the word "Christ," but "King" was a different matter. He was compelled to take notice of this charge else he himself would be accused to Caesar of winking at such a claim by Jesus.

rwp@Luke:23:7 @{When he knew} (\epignous\). Second aorist active participle from \epigin“sk“\, having gained full (\epi\, added knowledge). {Of Herod's jurisdiction} (\ek tˆs exousias Hˆr“idou\). Herod was naturally jealous of any encroachment by Pilate, the Roman Procurator of Judea. Songs:here was a chance to respect the prerogative (\exousia\) of Herod and get rid of this troublesome case also. {Sent him up} (\anepempsen\). First aorist active indicative of \anapemp“\. This common verb is used of sending back as in verse 11| or of sending up to a higher court as of Paul to Caesar (Acts:25:21|). {Who himself also was} (\onta kai auton\). Being also himself in Jerusalem. Present active participle of \eimi\.

rwp@Luke:23:8 @{Was exceeding glad} (\echarˆ lian\). Second aorist passive indicative of \chair“\, ingressive aorist, became glad. {Of a long time} (\ex hikan“n chron“n\). For this idiom see strkjv@8:27; strkjv@20:9; strkjv@Acts:8:11|). {He hoped} (\ˆlpizen\). Imperfect active. He was still hoping. He had long ago gotten over his fright that Jesus was John the Baptist come to life again (9:7-9|). {Done} (\ginomenon\). Present middle participle. He wanted to see a miracle happening like a stunt of a sleight-of-hand performer.

rwp@Luke:23:11 @{Set him at nought} (\exouthenˆsas\). First aorist active participle from \exouthene“\, to count as nothing, to treat with utter contempt, as zero. {Arraying him in gorgeous apparel} (\peribal“n esthˆta lampran\). Second aorist active participle of \periball“\, to fling around one. \Lampran\ is brilliant, shining as in strkjv@James:2:2|, so different from the modest dress of the Master. This was part of the shame.

rwp@Luke:23:12 @{For before they were at enmity between themselves} (\proupˆrchon gar en echthrƒi ontes pros heautous\). A periphrastic imperfect of the double compound \prouperch“\, an old verb, to exist (\huparch“\) previously (\pro-\), here alone in the N.T., with \ontes\ (participle of \eimi\) added.

rwp@Luke:23:13 @{Called together} (\sunkalesamenos\). First aorist middle participle (to himself). Pilate included "the people" in the hope that Jesus might have some friends among them.

rwp@Luke:23:14 @{As one that perverteth the people} (\h“s apostrephonta ton laon\). Pilate here condenses the three charges in verse 2| into one (Plummer). He uses a more common compound of \streph“\ here, \apostreph“\, to turn away from, to seduce, to mislead, whereas \diastreph“\ in verse 2| has more the notion of disturbing (turning this way and that). Note the use of \h“s\ with the particle, the alleged reason. Pilate understands the charge against Jesus to be that he is a revolutionary agitator and a dangerous rival to Caesar, treason in plain words. {Having examined him before you} (\en“pion hum“n anakrinas\). Right before your eyes I have given him a careful examination (\ana\) up and down, \krin“\, to judge, sift. Old and common verb in the general sense and in the forensic sense as here and which Luke alone has in the N.T. (Luke:23:14; strkjv@4:9; strkjv@12:19; strkjv@28:18; strkjv@Acts:24:8|) except strkjv@1Corinthians:9:3|. {Whereof} (\h“n\). Attraction of the relative \ha\ to the case (genitive) of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\.

rwp@Luke:23:16 @{Chastise} (\paideusas\). First aorist active participle of \paideu“\, to train a child (\pais\), and then, as a part of the training, punishment. Our English word chasten is from the Latin _castus_, pure, chaste, and means to purify (cf. strkjv@Hebrews:12:6f.|). Perhaps Pilate may have split a hair over the word as Wycliff puts it: "I shall deliver him amended." But, if Jesus was innocent, Pilate had no doubt to "chastise" him to satisfy a mob. Verse 17| is omitted by Westcott and Hort as from strkjv@Mark:15:6; strkjv@Matthew:27:15|.

rwp@Luke:23:26 @{They laid hold} (\epilabomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of the common verb \epilamban“\. The soldiers had no scruples about taking hold of any one of themselves (middle voice). strkjv@Mark:15:21; strkjv@Luke:27:32| use the technical word for this process \aggareu“\, which see for discussion and also about Cyrene. {Laid on him} (\epethˆkan\). \K\ first aorist of \epitithˆmi\. {To bear it} (\pherein\). Present infinitive, to go on bearing.

rwp@Luke:23:28 @{Turning} (\strapheis\). Luke is fond of this second aorist passive participle of \streph“\ (7:9,44,55; strkjv@10:23|). If he had been still carrying the Cross, he could not have made this dramatic gesture. {Weep not} (\mˆ klaiete\). Present active imperative with \mˆ\, Stop weeping.

rwp@Luke:23:34 @{Father forgive them} (\Pater, aphes autois\). Second aorist active imperative of \aphiˆmi\, with dative case. Some of the oldest and best documents do not contain this verse, and yet, while it is not certain that it is a part of Luke's Gospel, it is certain that Jesus spoke these words, for they are utterly unlike any one else. Jesus evidently is praying for the Roman soldiers, who were only obeying, but not for the Sanhedrin. {Cast lots} (\ebalon klˆron\). Second aorist active indicative of \ball“\. See strkjv@Mark:15:24; strkjv@Matthew:27:35|. strkjv@John:19:23f|. shows how the lot was cast for the seamless garment, the four soldiers dividing the other garments.

rwp@Luke:23:45 @{The sun's light failing} (\tou hˆliou ekleipontos\). Genitive absolute of the present active participle of \ekleip“\, an old verb, to leave out, omit, pass by, to fail, to die. The word was used also of the eclipse of the sun or moon. But this was impossible at this time because the moon was full at the passover. Hence many documents change this correct text to "the sun was darkened" (\eskotisthˆ ho hˆlios\) to obviate the difficulty about the technical eclipse. But the sun can be darkened in other ways. In a London fog at noon the street lights are often turned on. The Revised Version translates it correctly, "the sun's light failing." Leave the darkness unexplained. {In the midst} (\meson\). In the middle. strkjv@Mark:15:38; strkjv@Matthew:27:51| have "in two" (\eis duo\).

rwp@Luke:23:48 @{Certainly} (\ont“s\). Really, old adverb from the participle \on\ from \eimi\, to be. Used also in strkjv@24:34| of the resurrection of Jesus. {A righteous man} (\dikaios\). strkjv@Mark:15:39| (Matthew:27:54|) which see, represents the centurion as saying \theou huios\ (God's Son) which may mean to him little more than "righteous man." {That came together} (\sunparagenomenoi\). Double compound (\sun\, together, \para\, along), that came along together. {To this sight} (\epi tˆn the“rian tautˆn\). This spectacle (\the“rian\ from \the“re“\, verse 35|). {Returned} (\hupestrephon\). Imperfect active of \hupostreph“\. See them slowly wending their way back to the city from this Tragedy of the Ages which they had witnessed in awe.

rwp@Luke:23:53 @{Took it down} (\kathel“n\). Second aorist active participle of \kathaire“\ as in strkjv@Mark:15:46|. {Wrapped} (\enetulixen\), as in strkjv@Matthew:27:59| where strkjv@Mark:15:46| has \eneilˆsen\ (wound), which see. strkjv@John:19:40| has "bound" (\edˆsan\). See Matt. and Mark also for the linen cloth (\sindoni\). {Hewn in stone} (\laxeut“i\). From \laxeu“\ (\las\, a stone, \xe“\, to polish). In the LXX and here only in the N.T. Nowhere else so far as known. See the usual Greek verb \latome“\ in strkjv@Mark:15:46; strkjv@Matthew:27:60|. {Where never man had yet lain} (\hou ouk en oudeis oup“ keimenos\). Triple negative and periphrastic past perfect passive in sense (\keimai\), though periphrastic imperfect passive in form. Same item in strkjv@John:19:40| who uses \ˆn tetheimenos\ (periphrastic past perfect passive in form).

rwp@Luke:23:55 @{Had come with him} (\ˆsan sunelˆluthuiai\). Periphrastic past perfect active of \sunerchomai\. {Followed after} (\katakolouthˆsasai\). Aorist active participle of \katakolouthe“\, an old verb, but in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:16:17|. It is possible that they followed after Joseph and Nicodemus so that they "beheld the tomb," (\etheasanto to mnˆmeion\), and also "how his body was laid" (\h“s etethˆ to s“ma autou\). First aorist passive indicative of \tithˆmi\. They may in fact, have witnessed the silent burial from a distance. The Syriac Sinaitic and the Syriac Curetonian give it thus: "and the women, who came with Him from Galilee went to the sepulchre in their footsteps, and saw the body when they had brought it in there." At any rate the women saw "that" and "how" the body of Jesus was laid in this new tomb of Joseph in the rocks.

rwp@Luke:24:1 @{At early dawn} (\orthrou batheos\). Genitive of time. Literally, at deep dawn. The adjective \bathus\ (deep) was often used of time. This very idiom occurs in Aristophanes, Plato, et cetera. strkjv@John:20:1| adds "while it was yet dark." That is, when they started, for the sun was risen when they arrived (Mark:16:2|). {Which they had prepared} (\ha hˆtoimasan\). strkjv@Mark:16:1| notes that they bought other spices after the sabbath was over besides those which they already had (Luke:23:56|).

rwp@Luke:24:2 @{Rolled away} (\apokekulismenon\). Perfect passive participle of \apokuli“\, late verb and in the N.T. only in this context (Mark:16:3; strkjv@Matthew:28:2|) while strkjv@John:20:1| has \ˆrmenon\ (taken away).

rwp@Luke:24:4 @{While they were perplexed thereabout} (\en t“i aporeisthai autas peri toutou\). Luke's common Hebraistic idiom, \en\ with the articular infinitive (present passive \aporeisthai\ from \apore“\, to lose one's way) and the accusative of general reference. {Two men} (\andres duo\). Men, not women. strkjv@Mark:16:5| speaks of a young man (\neaniskon\) while strkjv@Matthew:28:5| has "an angel." We need not try to reconcile these varying accounts which agree in the main thing. The angel looked like a man and some remembered two. In verse 23| Cleopas and his companion call them "angels." {Stood by} (\epestˆsan\). Second aorist active indicative of \ephistˆmi\. This common verb usually means to step up suddenly, to burst upon one. {In dazzling apparel} (\en esthˆti astraptousˆi\). This is the correct text. This common simplex verb occurs only twice in the N.T., here and strkjv@Luke:17:24| (the Transfiguration). It has the same root as \astrapˆ\ (lightning). The "men" had the garments of "angels."

rwp@Luke:24:12 @This entire verse is a Western non-interpolation. This incident is given in complete form in strkjv@John:18:2-10| and most of the words in this verse are there also. It is of a piece with many items in this chapter about which it is not easy to reach a final conclusion. {Stooping and looking in} (\parakupsas\). First aorist active participle of \parakupt“\, to stoop besides and peer into. Old verb used also in strkjv@John:20:5,11; strkjv@James:1:25; strkjv@1Peter:1:12|. {By themselves} (\mona\). Without the body. {To his home} (\pros hauton\). Literally, "to himself."

rwp@Luke:24:16 @{Were holden that they should not know him} (\ekratounto tou mˆ epign“nai auton\). Imperfect passive of \krate“\, continued being held, with the ablative case of the articular infinitive, "from recognizing him," from knowing him fully (\epi-gn“nai\, ingressive aorist of \epigin“sko\). The \mˆ\ is a redundant negative after the negative idea in \ekratounto\.

rwp@Luke:24:21 @{But we hoped} (\hˆmeis de ˆlpizomen\). Imperfect active, we were hoping. Note emphasis in \hˆmeis\ (we). {Redeem} (\lutrousthai\). From the bondage of Rome, no doubt. {Yea and beside all this} (\alla ge kai sun pƒsin toutois\). Particles pile up to express their emotions. {Yea} (\alla\ here affirmative, as in verse 22|, not adversative) at least (\ge\) also (\kai\) together with all these things (\sun pƒsin toutois\). Like Pelion on Ossa with them in their perplexity. {Now the third day} (\tritˆn tautˆn hˆmeran agei\). A difficult idiom for the English. "One is keeping this a third day." And he is still dead and we are still without hope.

rwp@Luke:24:25 @{Foolish men} (\anoˆtoi\). Literally without sense (\nous\), not understanding. Common word. {Slow of heart} (\bradeis tˆi kardiƒi\). Slow in heart (locative case). Old word for one dull, slow to comprehend or to act. {All that} (\pƒsin hois\). Relative attracted from the accusative \ha\ to the case of the antecedent \pƒsin\ (dative). They could only understand part of the prophecies, not all.

rwp@Luke:24:30 @{When he had sat down} (\en t“i kataklithˆnai auton\). Luke's common idiom as in verses 4,15|. Note first aorist passive infinitive (on the reclining as to him). {Gave} (\epedidou\). Imperfect, inchoative idea, began to give to them, in contrast with the preceding aorist (punctiliar) participles.

rwp@Luke:24:32 @{Was not our heart burning?} (\Ouchi hˆ kardia hem“n kaiomenˆ ˆn;\). Periphrastic imperfect middle. {Spake} (\elalei\). Imperfect active, was speaking. This common verb \lale“\ is onomatopoetic, to utter a sound, \la-la\ and was used of birds, children chattering, and then for conversation, for preaching, for any public speech. {Opened} (\diˆnoigen\). Imperfect active indicative of the same verb used of the eyes in verse 31|.

rwp@Luke:24:33 @{That very hour} (\autˆi tˆi h“rƒi\). Locative case and common Lukan idiom, at the hour itself. They could not wait. {Gathered} (\ˆthroismenous\). Perfect passive participle of \athroiz“\, old verb from \athroos\ (copulative \a\ and \throos\, crowd). Only here in the N.T.

rwp@Luke:24:34 @{Saying} (\legontas\). Accusative present active participle agreeing with "the eleven and those with them" in verse 33|. {Indeed} (\ont“s\). Really, because "he has appeared to Simon" (\“pthˆ Sim“ni\). First aorist passive indicative of \hora“\. This is the crucial evidence that turned the scales with the disciples and explains "indeed." Paul also mentions it (1Corinthians:15:5|).

rwp@Luke:24:37 @{Terrified} (\ptoˆthentes\). First aorist passive participle of \ptoe“\, old verb and in the N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:21:9| which see. {Affrighted} (\emphoboi genomenoi\). Late adjective from \en\ and \phobos\ (fear). Both these terms of fear are strong. {Supposed} (\edokoun\). Imperfect active of \doke“\, kept on thinking so.

rwp@Luke:24:44 @{While I was yet with you} (\eti “n sun humin\). Literally, {Being yet with you}. The participle \“n\ takes the time of the principal verb.

rwp@Luke:24:47 @{Beginning} (\arxamenoi\). Aorist middle participle of \arch“\, but the nominative plural with no syntactical connection (an anacoluthon).

rwp@Luke:24:51 @{He parted from them} (\diestˆ ap' aut“n\). Second aorist active (intransitive) indicative of \diistˆmi\. He stood apart (\dia\) and he was gone. Some manuscripts do not have the words "and was carried into heaven." But we know that Jesus was taken up into heaven on a cloud (Acts:1:9|).

rwp@Luke:24:52 @{Worshipped him} (\proskunˆsantes auton\). Here again we have one of Westcott and Hort's Western non-interpolations that may be genuine or not. {With great joy} (\meta charas megalˆs\). Now that the Ascension has come they are no longer in despair. Joy becomes the note of victory as it is today. No other note can win victories for Christ. The bells rang in heaven to greet the return of Jesus there, but he set the carillon of joy to ringing on earth in human hearts in all lands and for all time.

rwp@Info_Mark @ This Gospel is the briefest of the four, but is fullest of striking details that apparently came from Peter's discourses which Mark heard, such as green grass, flower beds (Mark:6:38|), two thousand hogs (Mark:5:13|), looking round about (Mark:3:5,34|). Peter usually spoke in Aramaic and Mark has more Aramaic phrases than the others, like _Boanerges_ (Mark:3:17|), _Talitha cumi_ (Mark:5:41|), _Korban_ (Mark:7:11|), _Ephphatha_ (Mark:7:34|), _Abba_ (Mark:14:36|). The Greek is distinctly vernacular _Koin‚_ like one-eyed (\monophthalmon\, strkjv@Mark:9:47|) as one would expect from both Peter and Mark. There are also more Latin phrases and idioms like _centurio_ (Mark:15:39|), _quadrans_ (Mark:12:42|), _flagellare_ (Mark:15:15|), _speculator_ (Mark:6:27|), _census_ (Mark:12:14|), _sextarius_ (Mark:7:4|), _praetorium_ (Mark:15:6|), than in the other Gospels, so much so that C. H. Turner raises the question whether Mark wrote first in Latin, or at any rate in Rome. There are some who hold that Mark wrote first in Aramaic, but the facts are sufficiently accounted for by the fact of Peter's preaching and the activity in Rome. Some even think that he wrote the Gospel in Rome while with Peter who suggested and read the manuscript. B.W. Bacon holds that this Gospel has a distinct Pauline flavour and may have had several recensions. The Ur-Marcus theory does not have strong support now. Mark was once a co-worker with Barnabas and Paul, but deserted them at Perga. Paul held this against Mark and refused to take him on the second mission tour. Barnabas took Mark, his cousin, with him and then he appeared with Simon Peter with whom he did his greatest work. When Mark had made good with Barnabas and Peter, Paul rejoiced and commends him heartily to the Colossians (Colossians:4:10|) In the end Paul will ask Timothy to pick up Mark and bring him along with him to Paul in Rome, for he has found him useful for ministry, this very young man who made such a mistake that Paul would have no more of him. This tribute to Mark by Paul throws credit upon both of them as is shown in my _Making Good in the Ministry_. The character of the Gospel of Mark is determined largely by the scope of Peter's preaching as we see it in strkjv@Acts:10:36-42|, covering the period in outline from John the Baptist to the Resurrection of Jesus. There is nothing about the birth of the Baptist or of Jesus. This peculiarity of Mark's Gospel cannot be used against the narratives of the Virgin Birth of Jesus in Matthew and Luke, since Mark tells nothing whatever about his birth at all.

rwp@Info_Mark @ The closing passage in the Textus Receptus, strkjv@Mark:16:9-20|, is not found in the oldest Greek Manuscripts, Aleph and B, and is probably not genuine. A discussion of the evidence will appear at the proper place. Swete points out that Mark deals with two great themes, the Ministry in Galilee (Chs. 1 to 9) and the Last Week in Jerusalem (11 to 16) with a brief sketch of the period of withdrawal from Galilee (ch. 10). The first fourteen verses are introductory as strkjv@Mark:16:9-20| is an appendix. The Gospel of Mark pictures Christ in action. There is a minimum of discourse and a maximum of deed. And yet the same essential pictures of Christ appear here as in the Logia, in Matthew, in Luke, in John, in Paul, in Peter, in Hebrews as is shown in my _The Christ of the Logia_. The cry of the critics to get back to the Synoptics and away from Paul and John has ceased since it is plain that the Jesus of Mark is the same as the Christ of Paul. There is a different shading in the pictures, but the same picture, Son of God and Son of Man, Lord of life and death, worker of miracles and Saviour from sin. This Gospel is the one for children to read first and is the one that we should use to lay the foundation for our picture of Christ. In my _Harmony of the Gospels_ I have placed Mark first in the framework since Matthew, Luke, and John all follow in broad outline his plan with additions and supplemental material. Mark's Gospel throbs with life and bristles with vivid details. We see with Peter's eyes and catch almost the very look and gesture of Jesus as he moved among men in his work of healing men's bodies and saving men's souls. strkjv@Mark:1:1 @{The beginning} (\archˆ\). There is no article in the Greek. It is possible that the phrase served as a heading or title for the paragraph about the ministry of the Baptist or as the superscription for the whole Gospel (Bruce) placed either by Mark or a scribe. And then the Gospel of Jesus Christ means the Message about Jesus Christ (objective genitive). The word Gospel here (\euaggelion\) comes close to meaning the record itself as told by Mark. Swete notes that each writer has a different starting point (\archˆ\). Mark, as the earliest form of the evangelic tradition, begins with the work of the Baptist, Matthew with the ancestry and birth of the Messiah, Luke with the birth of the Baptist, John with the Preincarnate Logos, Paul with the foundation of each of the churches (Phillipians:4:15|). {The Son of God} (\Huiou theou\). Aleph 28, 255 omit these words, but B, D, L, have them and the great mass of the manuscripts have \huiou tou theou\. If this is a heading added to what Mark wrote, the heading may have existed early in two forms, one with, one without "Son of God." If Mark wrote the words, there is no reason to doubt the genuineness since he uses the phrase elsewhere.

rwp@Mark:1:2 @{In Isaiah, the prophet} (\en t“i Esaiƒi t“i prophˆtˆi\). The quotation comes from strkjv@Malachi:3:1| and strkjv@Isaiah:40:3|. The Western and Neutral classes read Isaiah, the Alexandrian and Syrian, "the prophets," an evident correction because part of it is from Malachi. But Isaiah is mentioned as the chief of the prophets. It was common to combine quotations from the prophets in _testimonia_ and _catenae_ (chains of quotations). This is Mark's only prophetic quotation on his own account (Bruce).

rwp@Mark:1:4 @{John came} (\egeneto I“anˆs\). His coming was an epoch (\egeneto\), not a mere event (\ˆn\). His coming was in accordance with the prophetic picture (\kath“s\, strkjv@1:2|). Note the same verb about John in strkjv@John:1:6|. The coming of John the Baptizer was the real beginning of the spoken message about Christ. He is described as {the baptizing one} (\ho haptiz“n\) in the wilderness (\en tˆi erˆm“i\). The baptizing took place in the River Jordan (Mark:1:5,9|) which was included in the general term the wilderness or the deserted region of Judea. {Preached the baptism of repentance} (\kˆruss“n baptisma metanoias\). Heralded a repentance kind of baptism (genitive case, genus case), a baptism marked by repentance. See on ¯Matthew:3:2| for discussion of repent, an exceedingly poor rendering of John's great word \metanoias\. He called upon the Jews to change their minds and to turn from their sins, "confessing their sins" (\exomologoumenoi tas hamartias aut“n\). See strkjv@Matthew:3:16|. The public confessions produced a profound impression as they would now. {Unto remission of sins} (\eis aphesin hamarti“n\). This is a difficult phrase to translate accurately. Certainly John did not mean that the baptism was the means of obtaining the forgiveness of their sins or necessary to the remission of sins. The trouble lies in the use of \eis\ which sometimes is used when purpose is expressed, but sometimes when there is no such idea as in strkjv@Matthew:10:41| and strkjv@Matthew:12:41|. Probably "with reference to" is as good a translation here as is possible. The baptism was on the basis of the repentance and confession of sin and, as Paul later explained (Romans:6:4|), was a picture of the death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ. This symbol was already in use by the Jews for proselytes who became Jews. John is treating the Jewish nation as pagans who need to repent, to confess their sins, and to come back to the kingdom of God. The baptism in the Jordan was the objective challenge to the people.

rwp@Mark:1:6 @{Clothed with camel's hair} (\endedumenos trichas kamˆlou\). Matthew (Matthew:3:4|) has it a garment (\enduma\) of camel's hair. Mark has it in the accusative plural the object of the perfect passive participle retained according to a common Greek idiom. It was, of course, not camel's skin, but rough cloth woven of camel's hair. For the locusts and wild honey, see on ¯Matthew:3:4|. Dried locusts are considered palatable and the wild honey, or "mountain honey" as some versions give it (\meli agrion\), was bountiful in the clefts of the rocks. Some Bedouins make their living yet by gathering this wild honey out of the rocks.

rwp@Mark:1:7 @{Mightier than I} (\ho ischuroteros mou\). In each of the Synoptics. Gould calls it a skeptical depreciation of himself by John. But it was sincere on John's part and he gives a reason for it. {The Latchet} (\ton himanta\). The thong of the sandal which held it together. When the guest comes into the house, performed by a slave before one enters the bath. Mark alone gives this touch.

rwp@Mark:1:9 @{In the Jordan} (\eis ton Iordanˆn\). Songs:in verse 10|, \ek tou hudatos\, out of the water, after the baptism into the Jordan. Mark is as fond of "straightway" (\euthus\) as Matthew is of "then" (\tote\). {Rent asunder} (\schizomenous\). Split like a garment, present passive participle. Jesus saw the heavens parting as he came up out of the water, a more vivid picture than the "opened" in strkjv@Matthew:3:16| and strkjv@Luke:3:21|. Evidently the Baptist saw all this and the Holy Spirit coming down upon Jesus as a dove because he later mentions it (John:1:32|). The Cerinthian Gnostics took the dove to mean the heavenly _aeon Christ_ that here descended upon the man Jesus and remained with him till the Cross when it left him, a sort of forecast of the modern distinction between the Jesus of history and the theological Christ.

rwp@Mark:1:11 @{Thou art} (\su ei\). Songs:Luke:3:22|. strkjv@Matthew:3:17| has {this is} (\houtos estin\) which see. Songs:both Mark and Luke have "in thee," while Matthew has "in whom."

rwp@Mark:1:12 @{Driveth him forth} (\auton ekballei\). Vivid word, bolder than Matthew's "was led up" (\anˆchthˆ\) and Luke's "was led" (\ˆgeto\). It is the same word employed in the driving out of demons (Mark:1:34,39|). Mark has here "straightway" where Matthew has "then" (see on verse ¯9|). The forty days in the wilderness were under the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit. The entire earthly life of Jesus was bound up with the Holy Spirit from his birth to his death and resurrection.

rwp@Mark:1:14 @{Jesus came into Galilee} (\ˆlthen ho Iˆsous eis tˆn Galilaian\). Here Mark begins the narrative of the active ministry of Jesus and he is followed by Matthew and Luke. Mark undoubtedly follows the preaching of Peter. But for the Fourth Gospel we should not know of the year of work in various parts of the land (Perea, Galilee, Judea, Samaria) preceding the Galilean ministry. John supplements the Synoptic Gospels at this point as often. The arrest of John had much to do with the departure of Jesus from Judea to Galilee (John:4:1-4|). {Preaching the gospel of God} (\kˆruss“n to euaggelion tou theou\). It is the subjective genitive, the gospel that comes from God. Swete observes that repentance (\metanoia\) is the keynote in the message of the Baptist as gospel (\euaggelion\) is with Jesus. But Jesus took the same line as John and proclaimed both repentance and the arrival of the kingdom of God. Mark adds to Matthew's report the words "the time is fulfilled" (\peplˆr“tai ho kairos\). It is a significant fact that John looks backward to the promise of the coming of the Messiah and signalizes the fulfilment as near at hand (perfect passive indicative). It is like Paul's fulness of time (\plˆr“ma tou chronou\) in strkjv@Galatians:4:4| and fulness of the times (\plˆr“ma ton kair“n\) in strkjv@Ephesians:1:10| when he employs the word \kairos\, opportunity or crisis as here in Mark rather than the more general term \chronos\. Mark adds here also: "and believe in the gospel" (\kai pisteuete en t“i euaggeli“i\). Both repent and believe in the gospel. Usually faith in Jesus (or God) is expected as in John strkjv@14:1|. But this crisis called for faith in the message of Jesus that the Messiah had come. He did not use here the term Messiah, for it had come to have political connotations that made its use at present unwise. But the kingdom of God had arrived with the presence of the King. It does make a difference what one believes. Belief or disbelief in the message of Jesus made a sharp cleavage in those who heard him. "Faith in the message was the first step; a creed of some kind lies at the basis of confidence in the Person of Christ, and the occurrence of the phrase \pistuete en t“i euaggeli“i\ in the oldest record of the teaching of our Lord is a valuable witness to this fact" (Swete).

rwp@Mark:1:16 @{And passing along by the Sea of Galilee} (\kai parag“n para tˆn thalassan tˆs Galilaias\). Mark uses \para\ (along, beside) twice and makes the picture realistic. He catches this glimpse of Christ in action. Casting a {net} (\amphiballontas\). Literally casting on both sides, now on one side, now on the other. Matthew (Matthew:4:18|) has a different phrase which see. There are two papyri examples of the verb \amphiball“\, one verb absolutely for fishing as here, the other with the accusative. It is fishing with a net, making a cast, a haul. These four disciples were fishermen (\halieis\) and were {partners} (\metochoi\) as Luke states (Luke:5:7|).

rwp@Mark:1:19 @{A little further} (\oligon\). A Marcan detail. {Mending their nets} (\katartizontas ta diktua\). See on ¯Matthew:4:21|. Getting ready that they might succeed better at the next haul.

rwp@Mark:1:21 @{And taught} (\edidasken\). Inchoative imperfect, began to teach as soon as he entered the synagogue in Capernaum on the sabbath. The synagogue in Capernaum afforded the best opening for the teaching of Jesus. He had now made Capernaum (Tell Hum) his headquarters after the rejection in Nazareth as explained in strkjv@Luke:4:16-31| and strkjv@Matthew:4:13-16|. The ruins of this synagogue have been discovered and there is even talk of restoring the building since the stones are in a good state of preservation. Jesus both taught (\didask“\) and preached (\kˆruss“\) in the Jewish synagogues as opportunity was offered by the chief or leader of the synagogue (\archisunag“gos\). The service consisted of prayer, praise, reading of scripture, and exposition by any rabbi or other competent person. Often Paul was invited to speak at such meetings. In strkjv@Luke:4:20| Jesus gave back the roll of Isaiah to the attendant or beadle (\t“i hupˆretˆi\) whose business it was to bring out the precious manuscript and return it to its place. Jesus was a preacher of over a year when he began to teach in the Capernaum synagogue. His reputation had preceded him (Luke:4:14|).

rwp@Mark:1:22 @{They were astonished} (\exeplˆssonto\). Pictorial imperfect as in strkjv@Luke:4:32| describing the amazement of the audience, "meaning strictly to strike a person out of his senses by some strong feeling, such as fear, wonder, or even joy" (Gould). {And not as their scribes} (\kai ouch h“s hoi grammateis\). strkjv@Luke:4:32| has only "with authority" (\en exousiƒi\). Mark has it "as having authority" (\h“s ech“n exousian\). He struck a note not found by the rabbi. They quoted other rabbis and felt their function to be expounders of the traditions which they made a millstone around the necks of the people. By so doing they set aside the word and will of God by their traditions and petty legalism (Mark:7:9,13|). They were casuists and made false interpretations to prove their punctilious points of external etiquette to the utter neglect of the spiritual reality. The people noticed at once that here was a personality who got his power (authority) direct from God, not from the current scribes. "Mark omits much, and is in many ways a meagre Gospel, but it makes a distinctive contribution to the evangelic history _in showing by a few realistic touches_ (this one of them) _the remarkable personality of Jesus_" (Bruce). See on strkjv@Matthew:7:29| for the like impression made by the Sermon on the Mount where the same language occurs. The chief controversy in Christ's life was with these scribes, the professional teachers of the oral law and mainly Pharisees. At once the people see that Jesus stands apart from the old group. He made a sensation in the best sense of that word. There was a buzz of excitement at the new teacher that was increased by the miracle that followed the sermon.

rwp@Mark:1:23 @{With an unclean spirit} (\en pneumati akathart“i\). This use of \en\ "with" is common in the Septuagint like the Hebrew _be_, but it occurs also in the papyri. It is the same idiom as "in Christ," "in the Lord" so common with Paul. In English we speak of our being in love, in drink, in his cups, etc. The unclean spirit was in the man and the man in the unclean spirit, a man in the power of the unclean spirit. Luke has "having," the usual construction. See on ¯Matthew:22:43|. Unclean spirit is used as synonymous with {demon} (\daimonion\). It is the idea of estrangement from God (Zechariah:13:2|). The whole subject of demonology is difficult, but no more so than the problem of the devil. Jesus distinguishes between the man and the unclean spirit. Usually physical or mental disease accompanied the possession by demons. One wonders today if the degenerates and confirmed criminals so common now are not under the power of demons. The only cure for confirmed criminals seems to be conversion (a new heart).

rwp@Mark:1:27 @{They questioned among themselves} (\sunzˆtein autous\). By look and word. {A new teaching} (\didachˆ kainˆ\). One surprise had followed another this day. The teaching was fresh (\kainˆ\), original as the dew of the morning on the blossoms just blown. That was a novelty in that synagogue where only staid and stilted rabbinical rules had been heretofore droned out. This new teaching charmed the people, but soon will be rated as heresy by the rabbis. And it was with authority (\kat' exousian\). It is not certain whether the phrase is to be taken with "new teaching," "It's new teaching with authority behind it," as Moffatt has it, or with the verb; "with authority commandeth even the unclean spirits" (\kai tois pneumasin tois akathartois epitassei\). The position is equivocal and may be due to the fact that "Mark gives the incoherent and excited remarks of the crowd in this natural form" (Swete). But the most astonishing thing of all is that the demons "obey him" (\hupakouousin aut“i\). The people were accustomed to the use of magical formulae by the Jewish exorcists (Matthew:12:27; strkjv@Acts:19:13|), but here was something utterly different. Simon Magus could not understand how Simon Peter could do his miracles without some secret trick and even offered to buy it (Acts:8:19|).

rwp@Mark:1:35 @{In the morning, a great while before day} (\pr“i ennucha lian\). Luke has only "when it was day" (\genomenˆs hˆmeras\). The word \pr“i\ in Mark means the last watch of the night from three to six A.M. \Ennucha lian\ means in the early part of the watch while it was still a bit dark (cf. strkjv@Mark:16:2| \lian pr“i\). {Rose up and went out} (\anastas exˆlthen\). Out of the house and out of the city, off (\apˆlthen\, even if not genuine, possibly a conflate reading from strkjv@6:32,46|). "Flight from the unexpected reality into which His ideal conception of His calling had brought Him" (H.J. Holtzmann). Gould notes that Jesus seems to retreat before his sudden popularity, to prayer with the Father "that he might not be ensnared by this popularity, or in any way induced to accept the ways of ease instead of duty." But Jesus also had a plan for a preaching tour of Galilee and "He felt He could not begin too soon. He left in the night, fearing opposition from the people" (Bruce). Surely many a popular preacher can understand this mood of Jesus when in the night he slips away to a solitary place for prayer. Jesus knew what it was to spend a whole night in prayer. He knew the blessing of prayer and the power of prayer. {And there prayed} (\k'akei prosˆucheto\). Imperfect tense picturing Jesus as praying through the early morning hours.

rwp@Mark:1:41 @{Being moved with compassion} (\splagchnistheis\). Only in Mark. First aorist passive participle.

rwp@Mark:1:44 @{For a testimony unto them} (\eis marturion autois\). Without the formal testimony of the priests the people would not receive the leper as officially clean.

rwp@Mark:2:1 @{Again into Capernaum after some days} (\palin eis Kapharnaoum di' hˆmer“n\). After the first tour of Galilee when Jesus is back in the city which is now the headquarters for the work in Galilee. The phrase \di' hˆmer“n\ means days coming in between (\dia, duo\, two) the departure and return. {In the house} (\en oik“i\). More exactly, {at home}, in the home of Peter, now the home of Jesus. Another picture directly from Peter's discourse. Some of the manuscripts have here \eis oikon\, illustrating the practical identity in meaning of \en\ and \eis\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 591-6). {It was noised} (\ˆkousthˆ\). It was heard (first aorist, passive indicative from \akou“\, to hear). People spread the rumour, "He is at home, he is indoors."

rwp@Mark:2:6 @{Sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts} (\ekei kathˆmenoi kai dialogizomenoi en tais kardiais aut“n\). Another of Mark's pictures through Peter's eyes. These scribes (and Pharisees, strkjv@Luke:5:21|) were there to cause trouble, to pick flaws in the teaching and conduct of Jesus. His popularity and power had aroused their jealousy. There is no evidence that they spoke aloud the murmur in their hearts, "within themselves" (Matthew:9:3|). It was not necessary, for their looks gave them away and Jesus knew their thoughts (Matthew:9:4|) and perceived their reasoning (Luke:5:22|). {Instantly Jesus recognized it in his own spirit} (\euthus epignous ho Iˆsous t“i pneumati autou\, strkjv@Mark:2:8|). The Master at once recognizes the hostile atmosphere in the house. The debate (\dialogizomenoi\) in their hearts was written on their faces. No sound had come, but feeling did.

rwp@Mark:2:7 @{He blasphemeth} (\blasphˆmei\). This is the unspoken charge in their hearts which Jesus read like an open book. The correct text here has this verb. They justify the charge with the conviction that God alone has the power (\dunatai\) to forgive sins. The word \blasphˆme“\ means injurious speech or slander. It was, they held, blasphemy for Jesus to assume this divine prerogative. Their logic was correct. The only flaw in it was the possibility that Jesus held a peculiar relation to God which justified his claim. Songs:the two forces clash here as now on the deity of Christ Jesus. Knowing full well that he had exercised the prerogative of God in forgiving the man's sins he proceeds to justify his claim by healing the man.

rwp@Mark:2:10 @{That ye may know} (\hina eidˆte\). The scribes could have said either of the alternatives in verse 9| with equal futility. Jesus could say either with equal effectiveness. In fact Jesus chose the harder first, the forgiveness which they could not see. Songs:he now performs the miracle of healing which all could see, that all could know that (the Son of Man, Christ's favourite designation of himself, a claim to be the Messiah in terms that could not be easily attacked) he really had the authority and power (\exousian\) to forgive sins. He has the right and power here on earth to forgive sins, here and now without waiting for the day of judgment. {He saith to the sick of the palsy} (\legei\). This remarkable parenthesis in the middle of the sentence occurs also in strkjv@Matthew:9:6| and strkjv@Luke:5:24|, proof that both Matthew and Luke followed Mark's narrative. It is inconceivable that all three writers should independently have injected the same parenthesis at the same place.

rwp@Mark:2:14 @{And as he passed by} (\kai parag“n\). Present participle active, was passing by. Jesus was constantly on the alert for opportunities to do good. An unlikely specimen was Levi (Matthew), son of Alpheus, sitting at the toll-gate (\tel“nion\) on the Great West Road from Damascus to the Mediterranean. He was a publican (\tel“nˆs\) who collected toll for Herod Antipas. The Jews hated or despised these publicans and classed them with sinners (\hamart“loi\). The challenge of Jesus was sudden and sharp, but Levi (Matthew) was ready to respond at once. He had heard of Jesus and quickly decided. Great decisions are often made on a moment's notice. Levi is a fine object lesson for business men who put off service to Christ to carry on their business.

rwp@Mark:2:26 @{The house of God} (\ton oikon tou theou\). The tent or tabernacle at Nob, not the temple in Jerusalem built by Solomon. {When Abiathar was high priest} (\epi Abiathar archiere“s\). Neat Greek idiom, in the time of Abiathar as high priest. There was confusion in the Massoretic text and in the LXX about the difference between Ahimelech (Abimelech) and Abiathar (2Samuel:8:17|), Ahimelech's son and successor (1Samuel:21:2; strkjv@22:20|). Apparently Ahimelech, not Abiathar was high priest at this time. It is possible that both father and son bore both names (1Samuel:22:20; strkjv@2Samuel:8:17; strkjv@1Chronicles:18:16|), Abiathar mentioned though both involved. \Epi\ may so mean in the passage about Abiathar. Or we may leave it unexplained. They had the most elaborate rules for the preparation of the shewbread (\tous artous tˆs prothese“s\), the loaves of presentation, the loaves of the face or presence of God. It was renewed on the commencement of the sabbath and the old bread deposited on the golden table in the porch of the Sanctuary. This old bread was eaten by the priests as they came and went. This is what David ate.

rwp@Mark:2:27 @{For man} (\dia ton anthr“pon\). Mark alone has this profound saying which subordinates the sabbath to man's real welfare (mankind, observe, generic article with \anthr“pos\, class from class). Man was not made for the sabbath as the rabbis seemed to think with all their petty rules about eating an egg laid on the sabbath or looking in the glass, _et cetera_. See 2Macc. strkjv@5:19 and _Mechilta_ on strkjv@Exodus:31:13|: "The sabbath is delivered unto you and ye are not delivered unto the sabbath." Christianity has had to fight this same battle about institutionalism. The church itself is for man, not man for the church.

rwp@Mark:3:1 @{Had his hand withered} (\exˆrammenˆn ech“n tˆn cheira\). He had his ({the} in the Greek, common idiom with article as possessive) hand (right hand, strkjv@Luke:6:6|) in a withered state, perfect passive participle (adjective \xˆran\ in Matthew and Luke), showing that it was not congenital, but the result of injury by accident or disease. Bengel: _Non ex utero, sed morbo aut vulnere_.

rwp@Mark:3:5 @{When he had looked round on them with anger} (\periblepsamenos autous met' orgˆs\). Mark has a good deal to say about the looks of Jesus with this word (3:5,34; strkjv@5:37; strkjv@9:8; strkjv@10:23; strkjv@11:11|) as here. Songs:Luke only once, strkjv@Luke:6:10|. The eyes of Jesus swept the room all round and each rabbinical hypocrite felt the cut of that condemnatory glance. This indignant anger was not inconsistent with the love and pity of Jesus. Murder was in their hearts and Jesus knew it. Anger against wrong as wrong is a sign of moral health (Gould). {Being grieved at the hardness of their hearts} (\sunlupoumenos epi tˆi p“r“sei tˆs kardias aut“n\). Mark alone gives this point. The anger was tempered by grief (Swete). Jesus is the Man of Sorrows and this present participle brings out the continuous state of grief whereas the momentary angry look is expressed by the aorist participle above. Their own heart or attitude was in a state of moral ossification (\p“r“sis\) like hardened hands or feet. \P“ros\ was used of a kind of marble and then of the _callus_ on fractured bones. "They were hardened by previous conceptions against this new truth" (Gould). See also on ¯Matthew:12:9-14|.

rwp@Mark:3:8 @{Hearing what great things he did} (\akouontes hosa poiei\). Masculine plural present participle, though \plˆthos\ is neuter singular (construction according to sense in both number and gender). This crowd by the sea came from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, beyond Jordan (Decapolis and Perea), Tyre and Sidon, Phoenicia, North, South, East, and Northwest, even from Idumea (mentioned here alone in the N.T.) won by John Hyrcanus to Palestine. "In our Lord's time Idumea was practically a part of Judea with a Jewish circumcised population" (George Adam Smith). Many of these were probably Gentiles (Phoenicia and Decapolis) and may have known only the Greek language. The fame of Jesus had spread through all the regions round about. There was a jam as the crowds came to Jesus by the Sea of Galilee.

rwp@Mark:3:9 @{That a little boat should wait on him} (\hina ploiarion proskarterˆi aut“i\). The boat was to keep close (note present tense subjunctive of \proskartere“\) to the shore in constant readiness and move as Jesus did. Whether he needed it or not is not told, but it was there at hand. {Lest they should throng him} (\hina mˆ thlib“sin auton\). Press or crush him. Jesus stayed with the crowds for they needed him. Present subjunctive again.

rwp@Mark:3:17 @{Boanerges, which is Sons of thunder} (\Boanˆrges ho estin huioi brontˆs\). This Hebrew nickname is given only by Mark and the reason for it is not clear. It may refer to the fiery temperament revealed in strkjv@Luke:9:34| when James and John wanted to call down fire on the Samaritan villages that were unfriendly to them. The word literally means {sons of tumult, sons of thunder} in Syriac. No other epithets are given by Mark save descriptions to distinguish as Simon the Cananaean (or Zealot) and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him (verse 19|). Andrew, (from \anˆr\, a man) and Philip (Philippos, fond of horses) are both Greek names. Bartholomew, son of Tolmai, is the Nathanael of John's Gospel (John:21:2|). He probably had both names. Matthew is a Hebrew name meaning gift of God (\Maththaios\). Thomas is Hebrew and means Twin (Didymus, strkjv@John:11:16|). There are two uses of the name of James (\Iac“bos\, Jacob). Thaddeus is another name for Lebbaeus.

rwp@Mark:3:19 @{He cometh into a house} (\erchetai eis oikon\). Historical present again and no article with noun. He comes home from the mountain, probably the house of Simon as in strkjv@1:29|. Mark passes by the Sermon on the Mount given by Matthew and Luke on the mountain (plateau on the mountain in Luke). We have to allow a reasonable interval for Mark's narrative. Mark's Gospel is full of action and does not undertake to tell all that Jesus did and said.

rwp@Mark:3:20 @{Songs:that they could not so much as eat bread} (\h“ste mˆ dunasthai autous mˆde arton phagein\). Note infinitive with \h“ste\. Apparently Jesus and the disciples indoors with the great crowd in the house and at the door as in strkjv@1:32; strkjv@2:2| to which Mark refers by "again." The jam was so great that they could not rest, could not eat, and apparently Jesus could not even teach. The crowd reassembled at once on Christ's return from the mountain.

rwp@Mark:3:29 @{Guilty of an eternal sin} (\enochos estin ai“niou hamartˆmatos\). The genitive of the penalty occurs here with \enochos\. In saying that Jesus had an unclean spirit (verse 30|) they had attributed to the devil the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the unpardonable sin and it can be committed today by men who call the work of Christ the work of the devil, Nietzsche may be cited as an instance in point. Those who hope for a second probation hereafter may ponder carefully how a soul that eternally sins in such an environment can ever repent. That is eternal punishment. The text here is \hamartˆmatos\ (sin), not \krise“s\ (judgment), as the Textus Receptus has it.

rwp@Mark:3:34 @{Looking round on them} (\periblepsamenos\). Another of Mark's life-like touches. Jesus calls those who do the will of God his mother, brothers, and sisters. This does not prove that the sisters were actually there. The brothers were hostile and that gives point to the tragic words of Jesus. One's heart goes out to Mary who has to go back home without even seeing her wondrous Son. What did it all mean to her at this hour?

rwp@Mark:4:11 @{Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God} (\Humin to mustˆrion dedotai tˆs basileias tou theou\). See on ¯Matthew:13:11| for word \mustˆrion\. Here (Mark:4:11; strkjv@Matthew:13:11; strkjv@Luke:8:10|) alone in the Gospels, but in Paul 21 times and in the Revelation 4 times. It is frequent in Daniel and O.T. Apocrypha. Matthew and Luke use it here in the plural. Matthew and Luke add the word {to know} (\gn“nai\), but Mark's presentation covers a wider range than growing knowledge, the permanent possession of the mystery even before they understand it. The secret is no longer hidden from the initiated. Discipleship means initiation into the secret of God's kingdom and it will come gradually to these men. {But unto them that are without} (\ekeinois de tois ex“\). Peculiar to Mark, those outside our circle, the uninitiated, the hostile group like the scribes and Pharisees, who were charging Jesus with being in league with Beelzebub. strkjv@Luke:8:10| has "to the rest" (\tois loipois\), strkjv@Matthew:13:11| simply "to them" (\ekeinois\). Without the key the parables are hard to understand, for parables veil the truth of the kingdom being stated in terms of another realm. Without a spiritual truth and insight they are unintelligible and are often today perverted. The parables are thus a condemnation on the wilfully blind and hostile, while a guide and blessing to the enlightened. {That} (\hina\). Mark has the construction of the Hebrew "lest" of strkjv@Isaiah:6:9f|. with the subjunctive and so strkjv@Luke:8:10|, while strkjv@Matthew:13:13| uses causal \hoti\ with the indicative following the LXX. See on ¯Matthew:13:13| for the so-called causal use of \hina\. Gould on strkjv@Mark:4:12| has an intelligent discussion of the differences between Matthew and Mark and Luke. He argues that Mark here probably "preserves the original form of Jesus' saying." God ironically commands Isaiah to harden the hearts of the people. If the notion of purpose is preserved in the use of \hina\ in Mark and Luke, there is probably some irony also in the sad words of Jesus. If \hina\ is given the causative use of \hoti\ in Matthew, the difficulty disappears. What is certain is that the use of parables on this occasion was a penalty for judicial blindness on those who will not see.

rwp@Mark:4:12 @{Lest haply they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them} (\mˆpote epistreps“sin kai aphethˆi autois\). Luke does not have these difficult words that seem in Isaiah to have an ironical turn, though strkjv@Matthew:13:15| does retain them even after using \hoti\ for the first part of the quotation. There is no way to make \mˆpote\ in strkjv@Mark:4:12| and strkjv@Matthew:13:15| have a causal sense. It is the purpose of condemnation for wilful blindness and rejection such as suits the Pharisees after their blasphemous accusation against Jesus. Bengel says: _iam ante non videbant, nunc accedit iudicium divinum_. Jesus is pronouncing their doom in the language of Isaiah. It sounds like the dirge of the damned.

rwp@Mark:4:15 @{Where the word is sown} (\hopou speiretai ho logos\). Explanatory detail only in Mark. {Satan} (\Satanƒs\) where strkjv@Matthew:13:19| has {the evil one} (\ho ponˆros\) and strkjv@Luke:8:12| {the devil} (\ho diabolos\). {Sown in them} (\esparmenon eis autous\). Within them, not just among them, "in his heart" (Matt.).

rwp@Mark:4:21 @{Not to be put on the stand?} (\ouch hina epi tˆn luchnian tethˆi;\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \tithˆmi\ with \hina\ (purpose). The lamp in the one-room house was a familiar object along with the bushel, the bed, the lampstand. Note article with each. \Mˆti\ in the Greek expects the answer no. It is a curious instance of early textual corruption that both Aleph and B, the two oldest and best documents, have \hupo tˆn luchnian\ (under the lampstand) instead of \epi tˆn luchnian\, making shipwreck of the sense. Westcott and Hort actually put it in the margin but that is sheer slavery to Aleph and B. Some of the crisp sayings were repeated by Jesus on other occasions as shown in Matthew and Luke. To put the lamp under the bushel (\modion\) would put it out besides giving no light. Songs:as to the bed or table-couch (\klinˆn\) if it was raised above the floor and liable to be set on fire.

rwp@Mark:4:24 @{What ye hear} (\ti akouete\). strkjv@Luke:8:18| has it "how ye hear" (\p“s akouete\). Both are important. Some things should not be heard at all for they besmirch the mind and heart. What is worth hearing should be heard rightly and heeded. {With what measure} (\en h“i metr“i\). See already in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew:7:2; strkjv@Luke:6:38|).

rwp@Mark:4:27 @{Should sleep and rise} (\katheudˆi kai egeirˆtai\). Present subjunctive for continued action. Songs:also {spring up and grow} (\blastƒi kai mˆkunˆtai\) two late verbs. The process of growth goes on all night and all day (\nukta kai hˆmeran\, accusative of time). {He knoweth not how} (\h“s ouk oiden autos\). Note position of \h“s\ (beginning) and \autos\ (end) of clause: {How knows not he}. The mystery of growth still puzzles farmers and scientists of today with all our modern knowledge. But nature's secret processes do not fail to operate because we are ignorant. This secret and mysterious growth of the kingdom in the heart and life is the point of this beautiful parable given only by Mark. "When man has done his part, the actual process of growth is beyond his reach or comprehension" (Swete).

rwp@Mark:4:28 @{Of herself} (\automatˆ\). Automatically, we say. The secret of growth is in the seed, not in the soil nor in the weather nor in the cultivating. These all help, but the seed spontaneously works according to its own nature. The word \automatˆ\ is from \autos\ (self) and \memaa\ desire eagerly from obsolete \ma“\. Common word in all Greek history. Only one other example in N.T., in strkjv@Acts:12:10| when the city gate opens to Peter of its own accord. "The mind is adapted to the truth, as the eye to the light" (Gould). Songs:we sow the seed, God's kingdom truth, and the soil (the soul) is ready for the seed. The Holy Spirit works on the heart and uses the seed sown and makes it germinate and grow, "first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear" (\pr“ton chorton, eiten stachun, eiten plˆrˆ siton en t“i stachui\). This is the law and order of nature and also of grace in the kingdom of God. Hence it is worth while to preach and teach. "This single fact creates the confidence shown by Jesus in the ultimate establishment of his kingdom in spite of the obstacles which obstruct its progress" (Gould).

rwp@Mark:4:37 @{There ariseth a great storm of wind} (\ginetai lailaps megalˆ anemou\). Mark's vivid historical present again. strkjv@Matthew:8:24| has \egeneto\ (arose) and strkjv@Luke:8:23| \katebˆ\ (came down). Luke has also \lailaps\, but Matthew \seismos\ (tempest), a violent upheaval like an earthquake. \Lailaps\ is an old word for these cyclonic gusts or storms. Luke's "came down" shows that the storm fell suddenly from Mount Hermon down into the Jordan Valley and smote the Sea of Galilee violently at its depth of 682 feet below the Mediterranean Sea. The hot air at this depth draws the storm down with sudden power. These sudden storms continue to this day on the Sea of Galilee. The word occurs in the LXX of the whirlwind out of which God answered Job:(Job:38:1|) and in strkjv@Jonah:1:4|. {The waves beat into the boat} (\ta kumata epeballen eis to ploion\). Imperfect tense (were beating) vividly picturing the rolling over the sides of the boat "so that the boat was covered with the waves" (Matthew:8:24|). Mark has it: "insomuch that the boat was now filling" (\h“ste ˆdˆ gemizesthai to ploion\). Graphic description of the plight of the disciples.

rwp@Mark:5:2 @{Out of the boat} (\ek tou ploiou\). Straightway (\euthus\) Mark says, using the genitive absolute (\exelthontos autou\) and then repeating \aut“i\ associative instrumental after \apˆntˆsen\. The demoniac greeted Jesus at once. Mark and strkjv@Luke:9:27| mention only one man while Matthew notes two demoniacs, perhaps one more violent than the other. Each of the Gospels has a different phrase. Mark has "a man with an unclean spirit" (\en pneumati akathart“i\), strkjv@Matthew:8:28| "two possessed with demons" (\duo daimonizomenoi\), strkjv@Luke:8:27| "one having demons" (\tis ech“n daimonia\). Mark has many touches about this miracle not retained in Matthew and Luke. See on ¯Matthew:8:28|.

rwp@Mark:5:5 @{He was crying out, and cutting himself with stones} (\ˆn kraz“n kai katakopt“n heauton lithois\). Further vivid details by Mark. Night and day his loud scream or screech could be heard like other demoniacs (cf. strkjv@1:26; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@9:26|). The verb for cutting himself occurs here only in the N.T., though an old verb. It means to _cut down_ (perfective use of \kata-\). We say _cut up_, gash, hack to pieces. Perhaps he was scarred all over with such gashes during his moments of wild frenzy night and day in the tombs and on the mountains. Periphrastic imperfect active with \ˆn\ and the participles.

rwp@Mark:5:7 @{I adjure thee by God} (\horkiz“ se ton theon\). The demoniac puts Jesus on oath (two accusatives) after the startled outcry just like the one in strkjv@1:24|, which see. He calls Jesus here "son of the Most High God" (\huie tou theou tou hupsistou\) as in strkjv@Luke:8:28| (cf. strkjv@Genesis:14:18f.|). {Torment me not} (\mˆ me basanisˆis\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the ingressive aorist subjunctive. The word means to test metals and then to test one by torture (cf. our "third degree"). Same word in all three Gospels.

rwp@Mark:5:13 @{And he gave them leave} (\kai epetrepsen autois\). These words present the crucial difficulty for interpreters as to why Jesus allowed the demons to enter the hogs and destroy them instead of sending them back to the abyss. Certainly it was better for hogs to perish than men, but this loss of property raises a difficulty of its own akin to the problem of tornadoes and earthquakes. The question of one man containing so many demons is difficult also, but not much more so than how one demon can dwell in a man and make his home there. One is reminded of the man out of whom a demon was cast, but the demon came back with seven other demons and took possession. Gould thinks that this man with a legion of demons merely makes a historical exaggeration. "I feel as if I were possessed by a thousand devils." That is too easy an explanation. See on ¯Matthew:8:32| for "rushed down the steep." {They were choked} (\epnigonto\). Imperfect tense picturing graphically the disappearance of pig after pig in the sea. strkjv@Luke:8:33| has \apegnigˆ\, {choked off}, constative second aorist passive indicative, treated as a whole, strkjv@Matthew:8:32| merely has "perished" (\apethanon\; died).

rwp@Mark:5:15 @{They come to Jesus} (\erchontai pros ton Iˆsoun\). Vivid present. To Jesus as the cause of it all, "to meet Jesus" (\eis hupantˆsin Iˆsou\, strkjv@Matthew:8:34|). {And behold} (\the“rousin\). Present tense again. {And they were afraid} (\kai ephobˆthˆsan\). They became afraid. Mark drops back to the ingressive aorist tense (passive voice). They had all been afraid of the man, but there he was "sitting clothed and in his right mind," (\kathˆmenon himatismenon kai s“phronounta\. Note the participles). "At the feet of Jesus," Luke adds (Luke:8:35|). For a long time he had worn no clothes (Luke:8:17|). Here was the healing of the wild man and the destruction of the hogs all by this same Jesus.

rwp@Mark:5:17 @{To depart from their borders} (\apelthein apo t“n hori“n\). Once before the people of Nazareth had driven Jesus out of the city (Luke:4:16-31|). Soon they will do it again on his return there (Mark:6:1-6; strkjv@Matthew:13:54-58|). Here in Decapolis pagan influence was strong and the owners of the hogs cared more for the loss of their property than for the healing of the wild demoniac. In the clash between business and spiritual welfare business came first with them as often today. All three Gospels tell of the request for Jesus to leave. They feared the power of Jesus and wanted no further interference with their business affairs.

rwp@Mark:5:23 @{My little daughter} (\to thugatrion mou\). Diminutive of \thugatˆr\ (Matthew:9:18|). "This little endearing touch in the use of the diminutive is peculiar to Mark" (Vincent). "Is at the point of death" (\eschat“s echei\). Has it in the last stages. strkjv@Matthew:9:18| has: "has just died" (\arti eteleusen\), Luke "she lay a dying" (\apethnˆsken\, imperfect, she was dying). It was a tragic moment for Jairus. {I pray thee}, not in the Greek. This ellipsis before \hina\ not uncommon, a sort of imperative use of \hina\ and the subjunctive in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 943).

rwp@Mark:5:30 @{Perceiving in himself} (\epignous en heaut“i\). She thought, perhaps, that the touch of Christ's garment would cure her without his knowing it, a foolish fancy, no doubt, but one due to her excessive timidity. Jesus felt in his own consciousness. The Greek idiom more exactly means: "Jesus perceiving in himself the power from him go out" (\tˆn ex autou dunamin exelthousan\). The aorist participle here is punctiliar simply and timeless and can be illustrated by strkjv@Luke:10:18|: "I was beholding Satan fall" (\ethe“roun ton Satanƒn pesonta\), where \pesonta\ does not mean _fallen_ (\pept“kota\) as in strkjv@Revelation:9:1| nor falling (\piptonta\) but simply the constative aorist {fall} (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 684). Songs:here Jesus means to say: "I felt in myself the power from me go." Scholars argue whether in this instance Jesus healed the woman by conscious will or by unconscious response to her appeal. Some even argue that the actual healing took place after Jesus became aware of the woman's reaching for help by touching his garment. What we do know is that Jesus was conscious of the going out of power from himself. strkjv@Luke:8:46| uses \egn“n\ (personal knowledge), but Mark has \epignous\ (personal and additional, clear knowledge). One may remark that no real good can be done without the outgoing of power. That is true of mother, preacher, teacher, doctor. {Who touched my garments?} (\Tis mou hˆpsato t“n himati“n;\). More exactly, {Who touched me on my clothes}; The Greek verb uses two genitives, of the person and the thing. It was a dramatic moment for Jesus and for the timid woman. Later it was a common practice for the crowds to touch the hem of Christ's garments and be healed (Mark:6:56|). But here Jesus chose to single out this case for examination. There was no magic in the garments of Jesus. Perhaps there was superstition in the woman's mind, but Jesus honoured her darkened faith as in the case of Peter's shadow and Paul's handkerchief.

rwp@Mark:5:31 @{Thronging thee} (\sunthlibonta se\). See verse 24|. The disciples were amazed at the sensitiveness of Jesus to the touch of the crowd. They little understood the drain on Jesus from all this healing that pulled at his heart-strings and exhausted his nervous energy even though the Son of God. He had the utmost human sympathy.

rwp@Mark:5:33 @{Fearing and trembling, knowing} (\phobˆtheisa kai tremousa, eiduia\). These participles vividly portray this woman who had tried to hide in the crowd. She had heard Christ's question and felt his gaze. She had to come and confess, for something "has happened" (\gegonen\, second perfect active indicative, still true) to her. {Fell down before him} (\prosepesen aut“i\). That was the only proper attitude now. {All the truth} (\pƒsan tˆn alˆtheian\). Secrecy was no longer possible. She told "the pitiful tale of chronic misery" (Bruce).

rwp@Mark:5:36 @{Not heeding} (\parakousas\). This is the sense in strkjv@Matthew:18:17| and uniformly so in the LXX. But here the other sense of hearing aside, overhearing what was not spoken directly to him, probably exists also. "Jesus might overhear what was said and disregard its import" (Bruce). Certainly he ignored the conclusion of the messengers. The present participle \laloumenon\ suits best the idea of overhearing. Both Mark and strkjv@Luke:8:50| have "Fear not, only believe" (\mˆ phobou, monon pisteue\). This to the ruler of the synagogue (\t“i archisunag“g“i\) who had remained and to whom the messenger had spoken.

rwp@Mark:5:37 @{Save Peter, and James, and John} (\ei mˆ Petron kai lak“bon kai I“anˆn\). Probably the house was too small for the other disciples to come in with the family. The first instance of this inner circle of three seen again on the Mount of Transfiguration and in the Garden of Gethsemane. The one article in the Greek treats the group as a unit.

rwp@Mark:5:40 @{And they laughed him to scorn} (\kai kategel“n\). "They jeered at him" (Weymouth). Note imperfect tense. They kept it up. And note also \kat-\ (perfective use). Exactly the same words in strkjv@Matthew:9:24| and strkjv@Luke:8:53|. The loud laughter was ill suited to the solemn occasion. But Jesus on his part (\autos de\) took charge of the situation. {Taketh the father of the child and her mother and them that were with him} (\paralambanei ton patera tou paidiou kai tˆn mˆtera kai tous met' autou\). Having put out (\ekbal“n\) the rest by a stern assertion of authority as if he were master of the house, Jesus takes along with him these five and enters the chamber of death "where the child was" (\hopou ˆn to paidion\). He had to use pressure to make the hired mourners leave. The presence of some people will ruin the atmosphere for spiritual work.

rwp@Mark:5:42 @{Rose up, and walked} (\anestˆ kai periepatei\). Aorist tense (single act) followed by the imperfect ({the walking went on}). {For she was twelve years old} (\ˆn gar et“n d“deka\). The age mentioned by Mark alone and here as explanation that she was old enough to walk. {Amazed} (\exestˆsan\). We have had this word before in strkjv@Matthew:12:23| and strkjv@Mark:2:12|, which see. Here the word is repeated in the substantive in the associative instrumental case (\ekstasei megalˆi\), with a great ecstasy, especially on the part of the parents (Luke:8:56|), and no wonder.

rwp@Mark:6:2 @{Began to teach} (\ˆrxato didaskein\). As was now his custom in the synagogue on the sabbath. The ruler of the synagogue (\archisunag“gos\, see strkjv@Matthew:5:22|) would ask some one to speak whensoever he wished. The reputation of Jesus all over Galilee opened the door for him. Jesus may have gone to Nazareth for rest, but could not resist this opportunity for service. {Whence hath this man these things?} (\Pothen tout“i tauta;\). Laconic and curt, {Whence these things to this fellow?} With a sting and a fling in their words as the sequel shows. They continued to be amazed (\exeplˆssonto\, imperfect tense passive). They challenge both the apparent {wisdom} (\sophia\) with which he spoke and {the mighty works} or powers (\hai dunameis\) {such as those} (\toiautai\) {coming to pass} (\ginomenai\, present middle participle, repeatedly wrought) {by his hands} (\dia t“n cheir“n\). They felt that there was some hocus-pocus about it somehow and somewhere. They do not deny the wisdom of his words, nor the wonder of his works, but the townsmen knew Jesus and they had never suspected that he possessed such gifts and graces.

rwp@Mark:6:3 @{Is not this the carpenter?} (\Ouch houtos estin ho tekt“n;\). strkjv@Matthew:13:55| calls him "the carpenter's son" (\ho tou tektonos huios\). He was both. Evidently since Joseph's death he had carried on the business and was "the carpenter" of Nazareth. The word \tekt“n\ comes from \tekein, tikt“\, to beget, create, like \technˆ\ (craft, art). It is a very old word, from Homer down. It was originally applied to the worker in wood or builder with wood like our carpenter. Then it was used of any artisan or craftsman in metal, or in stone as well as in wood and even of sculpture. It is certain that Jesus worked in wood. Justin Martyr speaks of ploughs, yokes, et cetera, made by Jesus. He may also have worked in stone and may even have helped build some of the stone synagogues in Galilee like that in Capernaum. But in Nazareth the people knew him, his family (no mention of Joseph), and his trade and discounted all that they now saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears. This word carpenter "throws the only flash which falls on the continuous tenor of the first thirty years from infancy to manhood, of the life of Christ" (Farrar). That is an exaggeration for we have strkjv@Luke:2:41-50| and "as his custom was" (Luke:4:16|), to go no further. But we are grateful for Mark's realistic use of \tekt“n\ here. {And they were offended in him} (\kai eskandalizonto en aut“i\). Songs:exactly strkjv@Matthew:13:56|, {were made to stumble in him}, trapped like game by the \skandalon\ because they could not explain him, having been so recently one of them. "The Nazarenes found their stumbling block in the person or circumstances of Jesus. He became--\petra skandalou\ (1Peter:2:7,8; strkjv@Romans:9:33|) to those who disbelieved" (Swete). Both Mark and strkjv@Matthew:13:57|, which see, preserve the retort of Jesus with the quotation of the current proverb about a prophet's lack of honour in his own country. strkjv@John:4:44| quoted it from Jesus on his return to Galilee long before this. It is to be noted that Jesus here makes a definite claim to being a prophet (\prophˆtˆs\, forspeaker for God), a seer. He was much more than this as he had already claimed to be Messiah (John:4:26; strkjv@Luke:4:21|), the Son of man with power of God (Mark:1:10; strkjv@Matthew:9:6; strkjv@Luke:5:24|), the Son of God (John:5:22|). They stumble at Jesus today as the townspeople of Nazareth did. {In his own house} (\en tˆi oikiƒi autou\). Also in strkjv@Matthew:13:57|. This was the saddest part of it all, that his own brothers in his own home disbelieved his Messianic claims (John:7:5|). This puzzle was the greatest of all.

rwp@Mark:6:6 @{And he marvelled because of their unbelief} (\kai ethaumasen dia tˆn apistian aut“n\). Aorist tense, but Westcott and Hort put the imperfect in the margin. Jesus had divine knowledge and accurate insight into the human heart, but he had human limitations in certain things that are not clear to us. He marvelled at the faith of the Roman centurion where one would not expect faith (Matthew:8:10; strkjv@Luke:7:9|). Here he marvels at the lack of faith where he had a right to expect it, not merely among the Jews, but in his own home town, among his kinspeople, even in his own home. One may excuse Mary, the mother of Jesus, from this unbelief, puzzled, as she probably was, by his recent conduct (Mark:3:21,31|). There is no proof that she ever lost faith in her wonderful Son. {He went round about the villages teaching} (\periˆgen tƒs k“mas kukl“i didask“n\). A good illustration of the frequent poor verse division. An entirely new paragraph begins with these words, the third tour of Galilee. They should certainly be placed with verse 7|. The Revised Version would be justified if it had done nothing else than give us paragraphs according to the sense and connection. "Jesus resumes the role of a wandering preacher in Galilee" (Bruce). Imperfect tense, \periˆgen\.

rwp@Mark:6:7 @{By two and two} (\duo duo\). This repetition of the numeral instead of the use of \ana duo\ or \kata duo\ is usually called a Hebraism. The Hebrew does have this idiom, but it appears in Aeschylus and Sophocles, in the vernacular _Koin‚_ (Oxyrhynchus Papyri No. 121), in Byzantine Greek, and in modern Greek (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 122f.). Mark preserves the vernacular _Koin‚_ better than the other Gospels and this detail suits his vivid style. The six pairs of apostles could thus cover Galilee in six different directions. Mark notes that he "began to send them forth" (\ˆrxato autous apostellein\). Aorist tense and present infinitive. This may refer simply to this particular occasion in Mark's picturesque way. But the imperfect tense \edidou\ means he kept on giving them all through the tour, a continuous power (authority) over unclean spirits singled out by Mark as representing "all manner of diseases and all manner of sickness" (Matthew:10:1|), "to cure diseases" (\iasthai\, strkjv@Luke:9:1|), healing power. They were to preach and to heal (Luke:9:1; strkjv@Matthew:10:7|). Mark does not mention preaching as a definite part of the commission to the twelve on this their first preaching tour, but he does state that they did preach (6:12|). They were to be missioners or missionaries (\apostellein\) in harmony with their office (\apostoloi\).

rwp@Mark:6:9 @{Shod with sandals} (\hupodedemenous sandalia\). Perfect passive participle in the accusative case as if with the infinitive \poreuesthai\ or \poreuthˆnai\, (to go). Note the aorist infinitive middle, \endusasthai\ (text of Westcott and Hort), but \endusˆsthe\ (aorist middle subjunctive) in the margin. Change from indirect to direct discourse common enough, not necessarily due to "disjointed notes on which the Evangelist depended" (Swete). strkjv@Matthew:10:10| has "nor shoes" (\mˆde hupodˆmata\), possibly preserving the distinction between "shoes" and "sandals" (worn by women in Greece and by men in the east, especially in travelling). But here again extra shoes may be the prohibition. See on ¯Matthew:10:10| for this. {Two coats} (\duo chit“nas\). Two was a sign of comparative wealth (Swete). The mention of "two" here in all three Gospels probably helps us to understand that the same thing applies to shoes and staff. "In general, these directions are against luxury in equipment, and also against their providing themselves with what they could procure from the hospitality of others" (Gould).

rwp@Mark:6:11 @{For a testimony unto them} (\eis marturion autois\). Not in Matthew. strkjv@Luke:9:5| has "for a testimony against them" (\eis marturion epi autous\). The dative \autois\ in Mark is the dative of disadvantage and really carries the same idea as \epi\ in Luke. The dramatic figure of {shaking out} (\ektinaxate\, effective aorist imperative, Mark and Matthew), {shaking off} (\apotinassete\, present imperative, Luke).

rwp@Mark:6:13 @{They cast out many demons and they anointed with oil} (\exeballon kai ˆleiphon elai“i\). Imperfect tenses, continued repetition. Alone in Mark. This is the only example in the N.T. of \aleiph“ elai“i\ used in connection with healing save in strkjv@James:5:14|. In both cases it is possible that the use of oil (olive oil) as a medicine is the basis of the practice. See strkjv@Luke:10:34| for pouring oil and wine upon the wounds. It was the best medicine of the ancients and was used internally and externally. It was employed often after bathing. The papyri give a number of examples of it. The only problem is whether \aleiph“\ in Mark and James is used wholly in a ritualistic and ceremonial sense or partly as medicine and partly as a symbol of divine healing. The very word \aleiph“\ can be translated rub or anoint without any ceremony. "Traces of a ritual use of the unction of the sick appear first among Gnostic practices of the second century" (Swete). We have today, as in the first century, God and medicine. God through nature does the real healing when we use medicine and the doctor.

rwp@Mark:6:19 @{And Herodias set herself against him} (\Hˆ de Hˆr“idias eneichen aut“i\). Dative of disadvantage. Literally, {had it in for him}. This is modern slang, but is in exact accord with this piece of vernacular _Koin‚_. No object of \eichen\ is expressed, though \orgˆn\ or \cholon\ may be implied. The tense is imperfect and aptly described the feelings of Herodias towards this upstart prophet of the wilderness who had dared to denounce her private relations with Herod Antipas. Gould suggests that she "kept her eye on him" or kept up her hostility towards him. She never let up, but bided her time which, she felt sure, would come. See the same idiom in strkjv@Genesis:49:23|. She {desired to kill him} (\ˆthelen auton apokteinai\). Imperfect again. {And she could not} (\kai ouk ˆdunato\). \Kai\ here has an adversative sense, but she could not. That is, not yet. "The power was wanting, not the will" (Swete).

rwp@Mark:6:22 @{The daughter of Herodias herself} (\tˆs thugatros autˆs Hˆr“idiados\). Genitive absolute again. Some ancient manuscripts read \autou\ (his, referring to Herod Antipas. Songs:Westcott and Hort) instead of \autˆs\ (herself). In that case the daughter of Herodias would also have the name Herodias as well as Salome, the name commonly given her. That is quite possible in itself. It was toward the close of the banquet, when all had partaken freely of the wine, that Herodias made her daughter come in and dance (\eiselthousˆs kai orchˆsamenˆs\) in the midst (Matthew). "Such dancing was an almost unprecedented thing for women of rank, or even respectability. It was mimetic and licentious, and performed by professionals" (Gould). Herodias stooped thus low to degrade her own daughter like a common \hetaira\ in order to carry out her set purpose against John. {She pleased Herod and them that sat at meat} (\ˆresen Hˆr“idˆi kai tois sunanakeimenois\). The maudlin group lounging on the divans were thrilled by the licentious dance of the half-naked princess. {Whatsoever thou wilt} (\ho ean thelˆis\) The drunken Tetrarch had been caught in the net of Herodias. It was a public promise.

rwp@Mark:6:31 @{Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest awhile} (\Deute humeis autoi kat' idian eis erˆmon topon kai anapauesthe oligon\). It was plain that they were over-wrought and excited and needed refreshment (\anapauesthe\, middle voice, refresh yourselves, "rest up" literally). This is one of the needed lessons for all preachers and teachers, occasional change and refreshment. Even Jesus felt the need of it. {They had no leisure so much as to eat} (\oude phagein eukairoun\). Imperfect tense again. Crowds were coming and going. Change was a necessity.

rwp@Mark:6:34 @{They were as sheep not having a shepherd} (\ˆsan h“s probata mˆ echonta poimena\). Matthew has these words in another context (Matthew:9:26|), but Mark alone has them here. \Mˆ\ is the usual negative for the participle in the _Koin‚_. These excited and exciting people (Bruce) greatly needed teaching. strkjv@Matthew:14:14| mentions healing as does strkjv@Luke:9:11| (both preaching and healing). But a vigorous crowd of runners would not have many sick. The people had plenty of official leaders but these rabbis were for spiritual matters blind leaders of the blind. Jesus had come over for rest, but his heart was touched by the pathos of this situation. Songs:"he began to teach them many things" (\ˆrxato didaskein autous polla\). Two accusatives with the verb of teaching and the present tense of the infinitive. He kept it up.

rwp@Mark:6:39 @{By companies} (\sumposia sumposia\). Distribution expressed by repetition as in strkjv@Mark:6:7| (\duo duo\) instead of using \ana\ or \kata\. Literally our word _symposium_ and originally a drinking party, Latin _convivium_, then the party of guests of any kind without the notion of drinking. Songs:in Plutarch and the LXX (especially I Macca.). {Upon the green grass} (\epi t“i chl“r“i chort“i\). Another Markan touch. It was passover time (John:6:4|) and the afternoon sun shone upon the orderly groups upon the green spring grass. See on ¯Matthew:14:15|. They may have been seated like companies at tables, open at one end.

rwp@Mark:6:45 @{To Bethsaida} (\pros Bˆthsaidan\). This is Bethsaida on the Western side, not Bethsaida Julias on the Eastern side where they had just been (Luke:9:10|). {While he himself sendeth the multitude away} (\he“s autos apoluei ton ochlon\). strkjv@Matthew:14:22| has it "till he should send away" (\he“s hou apolusˆi\) with the aorist subjunctive of purpose. Mark with the present indicative \apoluei\ pictures Jesus as personally engaged in persuading the crowds to go away now. strkjv@John:6:41f.| explains this activity of Jesus. The crowds had become so excited that they were in the mood to start a revolution against the Roman government and proclaim Jesus king. He had already forced in reality the disciples to leave in a boat {to go before him} (\proagein\) in order to get them out of this atmosphere of overwrought excitement with a political twist to the whole conception of the Messianic Kingdom. They were in grave danger of being swept off their feet and falling heedlessly into the Pharisaic conception and so defeating the whole teaching and training of Jesus with them. See on ¯Matthew:14:22,23|. To this pass things had come one year before the Crucifixion. He had done his best to help and bless the crowds and lost his chance to rest. No one really understood Jesus, not the crowds, not the disciples. Jesus needed the Father to stay and steady him. The devil had come again to tempt him with world dominion in league with the Pharisees, the populace, and the devil in the background.

rwp@Mark:6:48 @{Seeing them distressed in rowing} (\id“n autous basanizomenous en t“i elaunein\). See also strkjv@Matthew:8:29| for the word \basaniz“\, to torture, torment (Matthew:4:24|) with a touch-stone, then to distress as here. Papyri have \dia basan“n\ used on slaves like our third degree for criminals. \Elaunein\ is literally to drive as of ships or chariots. They drove the boat with oars. Common in Xenophon for marching. {About the fourth watch of the night} (\peri tetartˆn phulakˆn tˆs nuktos\). That is, between three and six A.M. The wind was {contrary to them} (\enantios autois\), that is in their faces and rowing was difficult, "a great wind" (John:6:18|), and as a result the disciples had made little progress. They should have been over long before this. {And he would have passed by them} (\kai ˆthelen parelthein autous\). Only in Mark. He wished to pass by them, _praeterire eos_ (Vulgate). Imperfect tense \ˆthelen\. {They thought} (\edoxan\). A natural conclusion. {And cried out} (\anekraxan\). {Cried up}, literally, a shriek of terror, or scream.

rwp@Mark:6:54 @{Knew him} (\epignontes auton\). Recognizing Jesus, knowing fully (\epi\) as nearly all did by now. Second aorist active participle.

rwp@Mark:7:2 @{With defiled, that is unwashen hands} (\koinais chersin, tout' estin aniptois\). Associative instrumental case. Originally \koinos\ meant what was common to everybody like the _Koin‚_ Greek. But in later Greek it came also to mean as here what is vulgar or profane. Songs:Peter in strkjv@Acts:10:14| "common and unclean." The next step was the ceremonially unclean. The emissaries of the Pharisees and the scribes from Jerusalem had seen "some of the disciples" eat without washing their hands, how many we are not told. Swete suggests that in going through the plain the disciples were seen eating some of the bread preserved in the twelve baskets the afternoon before across the lake. There was no particular opportunity to wash the hands, a very proper thing to do before eating for sanitary reasons. But the objection raised is on ceremonial, not sanitary, grounds.

rwp@Mark:7:3 @{Diligently} (\pugmˆi\). Instrumental case, {with the fist}, up to the elbow, rubbing one hand and arm with the other hand clenched. Aleph had \pukna\ probably because of the difficulty about \pugmˆi\ (kin to Latin _pugnus_). Schultess considers it a dry wash or rubbing of the hands without water as a ritualistic concession. The middle voice \nips“ntai\ means their own hands. This verb is often used for parts of the body while \lou“\ is used of the whole body (John:13:10|). On the tradition of the elders see on ¯Matthew:15:2|.

rwp@Mark:7:14 @{And he called to him the multitude again} (\kai proskalesamenos palin ton ochlon\). Aorist middle participle, calling to himself. The rabbis had attacked the disciples about not washing their hands before eating. Jesus now turned the tables on them completely and laid bare their hollow pretentious hypocrisy to the people. {Hear me all of you and understand} (\akousate mou pantes kai suniete\). A most pointed appeal to the people to see into and see through the chicanery of these ecclesiastics. See on ¯Matthew:15:11| for discussion.

rwp@Mark:7:19 @{Making all meats clean} (\kathariz“n panta ta br“mata\). This anacoluthon can be understood by repeating {he says} (\legei\) from verse 18|. The masculine participle agrees with Jesus, the speaker. The words do not come from Jesus, but are added by Mark. Peter reports this item to Mark, probably with a vivid recollection of his own experience on the housetop in Joppa when in the vision Peter declined three times the Lord's invitation to kill and eat unclean animals (Acts:10:14-16|). It was a riddle to Peter as late as that day. "Christ asserts that _Levitical_ uncleanness, such as eating with unwashed hands, is of small importance compared with _moral_ uncleanness" (Vincent). The two chief words in both incidents, here and in Acts, are {defile} (\koino“\) and {cleanse} (\kathariz“\). "What God cleansed do not thou treat as defiled" (Acts:10:15|). It was a revolutionary declaration by Jesus and Peter was slow to understand it even after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Jesus was amply justified in his astonished question: {Perceive ye not?} (\ou noeite;\). They were making little use of their intelligence in trying to comprehend the efforts of Jesus to give them a new and true spiritual insight.

rwp@Mark:7:21 @{Evil thoughts} (\hoi dialogismoi hoi kakoi\). These come out of the heart (\ek tˆs kardias\), the inner man, and lead to the dreadful list here given like the crimes of a modern police court: {fornications} (\porneiai\, usually of the unmarried), {adulteries} (\moichaiai\, of the married), {thefts} (\klopai\, stealings), {covetings} (\pleonexiai\, craze for more and more), {murders} (\phonoi\, growing out of the others often), {wickednesses} (\ponˆriai\, from \ponos\, toil, then drudge, bad like our _knave_, serving boy like German _Knabe_, and then criminal), {deceit} (\dolos\, lure or snare with bait), {lasciviousness} (\aselgeia\, unrestrained sex instinct), {evil eye} (\ophthalmos ponˆros\) or eye that works evil and that haunts one with its gloating stare, {railing} (\blasphˆmia\, blasphemy, hurtful speech), {pride} (\huperˆphania\, holding oneself above others, stuck up), {foolishness} (\aphrosunˆ\, lack of sense), a fitting close to it all.

rwp@Mark:7:24 @{Into the borders of Tyre and Sidon} (\eis ta horia Turou kai Sid“nos\). The departure from Capernaum was a withdrawal from Galilee, the second of the four withdrawals from Galilee. The first had been to the region of Bethsaida Julias in the territory of Herod Philip. This is into distinctly heathen land. It was not merely the edge of Phoenicia, but into the parts of Tyre and Sidon (Matthew:15:21|). There was too much excitement among the people, too much bitterness among the Pharisees, too much suspicion on the part of Herod Antipas, too much dulness on the part of the disciples for Jesus to remain in Galilee. {And he could not be hid} (\kai ouk ˆdunasthˆ lathein\). Jesus wanted to be alone in the house after all the strain in Galilee. He craved a little privacy and rest. This was his purpose in going into Phoenicia. Note the adversative sense of \kai\ here= "but."

rwp@Mark:7:26 @{A Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by race} (\Hellˆnis, Surophoinikissa t“i genei\). "A Greek in religion, a Syrian in tongue, a Phoenician in race" (Bruce), from Euthymius Zigabenus. She was not a Phoenician of Carthage. {She besought} (\ˆr“ta\). Imperfect tense. She kept at it. This verb, as in late Greek, is here used for a request, not a mere question. Abundant examples in the papyri in this sense.

rwp@Mark:7:29 @{For this saying} (\dia touton ton logon\). She had faith, great faith as strkjv@Matthew:15:28| shows, but it was her quick and bright repartee that pleased Jesus. He had missed his rest, but it was worth it to answer a call like this.

rwp@Mark:7:30 @{And the demon gone out} (\kai to daimonion exelˆluthos\). This was her crumb from the children's table. The perfect active participle expresses the state of completion. The demon was gone for good and all.

rwp@Mark:7:33 @{Took him aside} (\apolabomenos auton\). The secrecy here observed was partly to avoid excitement and partly to get the attention of the deaf and dumb demoniac. He could not hear what Jesus said. Songs:Jesus put his fingers into his ears, spat, and touched his tongue. There was, of course, no virtue in the spittle and it is not clear why Jesus used it. Saliva was by some regarded as remedial and was used by exorcists in their incantations. Whether this was a concession to the man's denseness one does not know. But it all showed the poor man that Jesus healed him in his own way.

rwp@Mark:8:10 @{Into the parts of Dalmanutha} (\eis ta merˆ Dalmanoutha\). strkjv@Matthew:15:39| calls it "the borders of Magadan." Both names are unknown elsewhere, but apparently the same region of Galilee on the western side of the lake not far from Tiberias. Mark here uses "parts" (\merˆ\) in the same sense as "borders" (\horia\) in strkjv@7:24| just as Matthew reverses it with "parts" in strkjv@Matthew:15:21| and "borders" here in strkjv@Matthew:15:39|. Mark has here "with his disciples" (\meta t“n mathˆt“n autou\) only implied in strkjv@Matthew:15:39|.

rwp@Mark:8:11 @{And the Pharisees came forth} (\kai exˆlthon hoi Pharisaioi\). At once they met Jesus and opened a controversy. strkjv@Matthew:16:1| adds "and Sadducees," the first time these two parties appear together against Jesus. See discussion on ¯Matthew:16:1|. The Pharisees and Herodians had already joined hands against Jesus in the sabbath controversy (Mark:3:6|). They {began to question with him} (\ˆrxanto sunzˆtein aut“i\). Dispute, not mere inquiry, associative instrumental case of \autoi\. They began at once and kept it up (present infinitive).

rwp@Mark:8:12 @{He sighed deeply in his spirit} (\anastenaxas t“i pneumati\). The only instance of this compound in the N.T. though in the LXX. The uncompounded form occurs in strkjv@Mark:7:34| and it is common enough. The preposition \ana-\ intensifies the meaning of the verb (perfective use). "The sigh seemed to come, as we say, from the bottom of his heart, the Lord's human spirit was stirred to its depths" (Swete). Jesus resented the settled prejudice of the Pharisees (and now Sadducees also) against him and his work. {There shall no sign be given unto this generation} (\ei dothˆsetai tˆi geneƒi tautˆi sˆmeion\). strkjv@Matthew:16:4| has simply \ou dothˆsetai\, plain negative with the future passive indicative. Mark has \ei\ instead of \ou\, which is technically a conditional clause with the conclusion unexpressed (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1024), really aposiopesis in imitation of the Hebrew use of \im\. This is the only instance in the N.T. except in quotations from the LXX (Hebrews:3:11; strkjv@4:3,5|). It is very common in the LXX. The rabbis were splitting hairs over the miracles of Jesus as having a possible natural explanation (as some critics do today) even if by the power of Beelzebub, and those not of the sky (from heaven) which would be manifested from God. Songs:they put up this fantastic test to Jesus which he deeply resents. strkjv@Matthew:16:4| adds "but the sign of Jonah" mentioned already by Jesus on a previous occasion (Matthew:12:39-41|) at more length and to be mentioned again (Luke:11:32|). But the mention of the sign of Jonah was "an absolute refusal of signs in their sense" (Bruce). And when he did rise from the dead on the third day, the Sanhedrin refused to be convinced (see Acts 3 to 5).

rwp@Mark:8:14 @{Bread} (\artous\). {Loaves}, plural. {More than one loaf} (\ei mˆ hina arton\). Except one loaf. Detail only in Mark. Practically for thirteen men when hungry.

rwp@Mark:8:17 @Mark here (vv. 17-20|) gives six keen questions of Jesus while strkjv@Matthew:16:8-11| gives as four that really include the six of Mark running some together. The questions reveal the disappointment of Jesus at the intellectual dulness of his pupils. The questions concern the intellect (\noeite\, from \nous, suniete\, comprehend), the heart in a {hardened state} (\pep“r“menˆn\, perfect passive predicate participle as in strkjv@Mark:6:52|, which see), the eyes, the ears, the memory of both the feeding of the five thousand and the four thousand here sharply distinguished even to the two kinds of baskets (\kophinous, sphurid“n\). The disciples did recall the number of baskets left over in each instance, twelve and seven. Jesus "administers a sharp rebuke for their preoccupation with mere temporalities, as if there were nothing higher to be thought of _than bread_" (Bruce). "For the time the Twelve are way-side hearers, with hearts like a beaten path, into which the higher truths cannot sink so as to germinate" (Bruce).

rwp@Mark:8:27 @{Into the villages of Caesarea Philippi} (\eis tƒs k“mas Kaisariƒs tˆs Philippou\). Parts (\merˆ\) strkjv@Matthew:16:13| has, the Caesarea of Philippi in contrast to the one down on the Mediterranean Sea. Mark means the villages belonging to the district around Caesarea Philippi. This region is on a spur of Mount Hermon in Iturea ruled by Herod Philip so that Jesus is safe from annoyance by Herod Antipas or the Pharisees and Sadducees. Up here on this mountain slope Jesus will have his best opportunity to give the disciples special teaching concerning the crucifixion just a little over six months ahead. Songs:Jesus asked (\epˆr“tƒ\, descriptive imperfect) {Who do men say that I am?} (\Tina me legousin hoi anthr“poi einai;\). strkjv@Matthew:16:13| has "the Son of Man" in place of "I" here in Mark and in strkjv@Luke:9:18|. He often described himself as "the Son of Man." Certainly here the phrase could not mean merely "a man." They knew the various popular opinions about Jesus of which Herod Antipas had heard (Mark:3:21,31|). It was time that the disciples reveal how much they had been influenced by their environment as well as by the direct instruction of Jesus.

rwp@Mark:8:29 @{Thou art the Christ} (\Su ei ho Christos\). Mark does not give "the Son of the living God" (Matthew:16:16|) or "of God" (Luke:9:20|). The full confession is the form in Matthew. Luke's language means practically the same, while Mark's is the briefest. But the form in Mark really means the full idea. Mark omits all praise of Peter, probably because Peter had done so in his story of the incident. For criticism of the view that Matthew's narrative is due to ecclesiastical development and effort to justify ecclesiastical prerogatives, see discussion on ¯Matthew:16:16,18|. The disciples had confessed him as Messiah before. Thus strkjv@John:1:41; strkjv@4:29; strkjv@6:69; strkjv@Matthew:14:33|. But Jesus had ceased to use the word Messiah to avoid political complications and a revolutionary movement (John:6:14f.|). But did the disciples still believe in Jesus as Messiah after all the defections and oppositions seen by them? It was a serious test to which Jesus now put them.

rwp@Mark:8:33 @{He turning about and seeing his disciples} (\epistrapheis kai id“n tous mathˆtƒs autou\). Peter had called Jesus off to himself (\proskalesamenos\), but Jesus quickly wheeled round on Peter (\epistrapheis\, only \strapheis\ in Matthew). In doing that the other disciples were in plain view also (this touch only in Mark). Hence Jesus rebukes Peter in the full presence of the whole group. Peter no doubt felt that it was his duty as a leader of the Twelve to remonstrate with the Master for this pessimistic utterance (Swete). It is even possible that the others shared Peter's views and were watching the effect of his daring rebuke of Jesus. It was more than mere officiousness on the part of Peter. He had not risen above the level of ordinary men and deserves the name of Satan whose role he was now acting. It was withering, but it was needed. The temptation of the devil on the mountain was here offered by Peter. It was Satan over again. See on ¯Matthew:16:23|.

rwp@Mark:8:38 @{For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words} (\hos gar ean epaischunthˆi me kai tous emous logous\). More exactly, {whosoever is ashamed} (first aorist passive subjunctive with indefinite relative and \ean = an\. See Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 957-9. It is not a statement about the future conduct of one, but about his present attitude toward Jesus. The conduct of men toward Christ now determines Christ's conduct then (\epaischunthˆsetai\, first future passive indicative). This passive verb is transitive and uses the accusative (\me, auton\). {In this adulterous and sinful generation} (\en tˆi geneƒi tautˆi tˆi moichalidi kai hamart“l“i\). Only in Mark. {When he cometh} (\hotan elthˆi\). Aorist active subjunctive with reference to the future second coming of Christ with the glory of the Father with his holy angels (cf. strkjv@Matthew:16:27|). This is a clear prediction of the final eschatological coming of Christ. This verse could not be separated from strkjv@Mark:9:1| as the chapter division does. These two verses in strkjv@Mark:8:38; strkjv@9:1| form one paragraph and should go together.

rwp@Mark:9:1 @{Till they see the kingdom of God come with power} (\he“s an id“sin tˆn basileian tou theou elˆluthuian en dunamei\). In strkjv@8:38| Jesus clearly is speaking of the second coming. To what is he referring in strkjv@9:1|? One is reminded of strkjv@Mark:13:32; strkjv@Matthew:24:36| where Jesus expressly denies that anyone save the Father himself (not even the Son) knows the day or the hour. Does he contradict that here? It may be observed that Luke has only "see the kingdom of God," while Matthew has "see the Son of man coming" (\erchomenon\, present participle, a process). Mark has "see the kingdom of God come" (\elˆluthuian\, perfect active participle, already come) and adds "with power." Certainly the second coming did not take place while some of those standing there still lived. Did Jesus mean that? The very next incident in the Synoptic Gospels is the Transfiguration on Mount Hermon. Does not Jesus have that in mind here? The language will apply also to the coming of the Holy Spirit on the great Day of Pentecost. Some see in it a reference to the destruction of the temple. It is at least open to question whether the Master is speaking of the same event in strkjv@Mark:8:38; strkjv@9:1|.

rwp@Mark:9:3 @{Glistering, exceeding white} (\stilbonta leuka lian\). Old words, all of them. strkjv@Matthew:17:2| has {white as the light} (\leuka h“s to ph“s\), strkjv@Luke:9:29| "white and dazzling" (\leukos exastrapt“n\) like lightning. {Songs:as no fuller on earth can whiten them} (\hoia gnapheus epi tˆs gˆs ou dunatai hout“s leukƒnai\). \Gnaph“\ is an old word to card wool. Note \hout“s\, so, so white. Some manuscripts in Matthew add \h“s chi“n\, as snow. Probably the snow-capped summit of Hermon was visible on this very night. See on ¯Matthew:17:2| for "transfigured."

rwp@Mark:9:6 @{For he wist not what to answer} (\ou gar ˆidei ti apokrithˆi\). Deliberative subjunctive retained in indirect question. But why did Peter say anything? Luke says that he spoke, "not knowing what he said," as an excuse for the inappropriateness of his remarks. Perhaps Peter felt embarrassed at having been asleep (Luke:9:32|) and the feast of tabernacles or booths (\skˆnai\) was near. See on ¯Matthew:17:4|. Peter and the others apparently had not heard the talk of Moses and Elijah with Jesus about his decease (\exodon\, exodus, departure) and little knew the special comfort that Jesus had found in this understanding of the great approaching tragedy concerning which Peter had shown absolute stupidity (Mark:8:32f.|) so recently. See on ¯Matthew:17:5| about the overshadowing and the voice.

rwp@Mark:9:15 @{Were greatly amazed} (\exethambˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive ingressive aorist with perfective compound \ex-\. The sudden and opportune appearance of Jesus in the midst of the dispute when no one was looking for him turned all eyes to him. He would not fail, however the disciples might do so. The people were awed for the moment and then running began to welcome him (\protrechontes ˆspazonto\). Present participle and imperfect middle indicative.

rwp@Mark:9:19 @{Bring him unto me} (\pherete auton pros me\). The disciples had failed and their unbelief had led to this fiasco. Even the disciples were like and part of the {faithless} (\apistos\, unbelieving) generation in which they lived. The word {faithless} does not here mean treacherous as it does with us. But Jesus is not afraid to undertake this case. We can always come to Jesus when others fail us.

rwp@Mark:9:23 @{If thou canst} (\to ei dunˆi\). The Greek has a neat idiom not preserved in the English translation. The article takes up the very words of the man and puts the clause in the accusative case of general reference. "As to the 'if thou canst,' all things can (\dunata\) to the one who believes." The word for "possible" is \dunata\, the same root as \dunˆi\ (canst). This quick turn challenges the father's faith. On this use of the Greek article see Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 766.

rwp@Mark:9:28 @{Privately, saying} (\kat' idian hoti\). Indoors the nine disciples seek an explanation for their colossal failure. They had cast out demons and wrought cures before. The Revisers are here puzzled over Mark's use of \hoti\ as an interrogative particle meaning {why} where strkjv@Matthew:17:19| has \dia ti\. Some of the manuscripts have \dia ti\ here in strkjv@Mark:9:28| as all do in strkjv@Matthew:17:19|. See also strkjv@Mark:2:16| and strkjv@9:11|. It is probable that in these examples \hoti\ really means {why}. See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 730. The use of \hos\ as interrogative "is by no means rare in the late Greek" (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, p. 126).

rwp@Mark:9:32 @{But they understood not the saying} (\hoi de ˆgnooun to rhˆma\). An old word. Chiefly in Paul's Epistles in the N.T. Imperfect tense. They continued not to understand. They were agnostics on the subject of the death and resurrection even after the Transfiguration experience. As they came down from the mountain they were puzzled again over the Master's allusion to his resurrection (Mark:9:10|). strkjv@Matthew:17:23| notes that "they were exceeding sorry" to hear Jesus talk this way again, but Mark adds that they "were afraid to ask him" (\ephobounto auton eper“tˆsai\). Continued to be afraid (imperfect tense), perhaps with a bitter memory of the term "Satan" hurled at Peter when he protested the other time when Jesus spoke of his death (Mark:8:33; strkjv@Matthew:16:23|). strkjv@Luke:9:45| explains that "it was concealed from them," probably partly by their own preconceived ideas and prejudices.

rwp@Mark:9:34 @{But they held their peace} (\Hoi de esi“p“n\). Imperfect tense. Put thus to them, they felt ashamed that the Master had discovered their jealous rivalry. It was not a mere abstract query, as they put it to Jesus, but it was a canker in their hearts.

rwp@Mark:9:35 @{He sat down and called the twelve} (\kathisas eph“nˆsen tous d“deka\). Deliberate action of Jesus to handle this delicate situation. Jesus gives them the rule of greatness: "If any man would be first (\pr“tos\) he shall be last (\eschatos\) of all, and minister (\diakonos\) of all." This saying of Christ, like many others, he repeated at other times (Mark:10:43f.; strkjv@Matthew:23:8ff.; strkjv@Luke:22:24f.|). strkjv@Matthew:18:2| says that he called a little child, one there in the house, perhaps Peter's child. strkjv@Luke:9:47| notes that he "set him by his side." Then Jesus {taking him in his arms} (\enagkalisamenos\, aorist middle participle, late Greek word from \agkalˆ\ as in strkjv@Luke:2:28|) spoke again to the disciples.

rwp@Mark:9:38 @{Because he followed not us} (\hoti ouk ˆkolouthei hˆmin\). Note vivid imperfect tense again. John evidently thought to change the subject from the constraint and embarrassment caused by their dispute. Songs:he told about a case of extra zeal on his part expecting praise from Jesus. Perhaps what Jesus had just said in verse 37| raised a doubt in John's mind as to the propriety of his excessive narrowness. One needs to know the difference between loyalty to Jesus and stickling over one's own narrow prejudices.

rwp@Mark:9:50 @{Have salt in yourselves} (\echete en heautois hala\). Jesus had once called them the salt of the earth (Matthew:5:13|) and had warned them against losing the saltness of the salt. If it is \analon\, nothing can {season} (\artu“\) it and it is of no use to season anything else. It is like an exploded shell, a burnt-out crater, a spent force. This is a warning for all Christians.

rwp@Mark:10:4 @{To write a bill of divorcement and to put her away} (\biblion apostasiou grapsai kai apolusai\). The word for "bill" (\biblion\) is a diminutive and means "little book," like the Latin _libellus_, from which comes our word _libel_ (Vincent). Wycliff has it here "a libel of forsaking." This same point the Pharisees raise in strkjv@Matthew:19:7|, showing probably that they held to the liberal view of Hillel, easy divorce for almost any cause. That was the popular view as now. See on ¯Matthew:19:7| for this and for discussion of "for your hardness of heart" (\sklˆrokardia\). Jesus expounds the purpose of marriage (Genesis:2:24|) and takes the stricter view of divorce, that of the school of Shammai. See on ¯Matthew:19:1-12| for discussion. strkjv@Mark:10:10| notes that the disciples asked Jesus about this problem "in the house" after they had gone away from the crowd.

rwp@Mark:10:16 @{He took them in his arms} (\enagkalisamenos\). A distinct rebuke to the protest of the over-particular disciples. This word already in strkjv@Mark:9:36|. In strkjv@Luke:2:28| we have the full idiom, to receive into the arms (\eis tƒs agkalas dechesthai\). Songs:with tender fondling Jesus repeatedly blessed (\kateulogei\, imperfect), laying his hands upon each of them (\titheis\, present participle). It was a great moment for each mother and child.

rwp@Mark:10:18 @{Why callest thou me good?} (\Ti me legeis agathon;\). Songs:Luke:18:19|. strkjv@Matthew:19:17| has it: "Why asketh thou concerning that which is good? "The young ruler was probably sincere and not using mere fulsome compliment, but Jesus challenges him to define his attitude towards him as was proper. Did he mean "good" (\agathos\) in the absolute sense as applied to God? The language is not a disclaiming of deity on the part of Jesus. {That I may inherit} (\hina klˆronomˆs“\). strkjv@Matthew:19:16| has (\sch“\), that I may "get."

rwp@Mark:10:21 @{Looking upon him loved him} (\emblepsas aut“i ˆgapˆsen\). Mark alone mentions this glance of affection, ingressive aorist participle and verb. Jesus fell in love with this charming youth. {One thing thou lackest} (\Hen se husterei\). strkjv@Luke:18:22| has it: "One thing thou lackest yet" (\Eti hen soi leipei\). Possibly two translations of the same Aramaic phrase. strkjv@Matthew:19:20| represents the youth as asking "What lack I yet?" (\Ti eti huster“;\). The answer of Jesus meets that inquiry after more than mere outward obedience to laws and regulations. The verb \huster“\ is from the adjective \husteros\ (behind) and means to be too late, to come short, to fail of, to lack. It is used either with the accusative, as here, or with the ablative as in strkjv@2Corinthians:11:5|, or the dative as in Textus Receptus here, \soi\.

rwp@Mark:10:28 @{Peter began to say} (\ˆrxato legein ho Petros\). It was hard for Peter to hold in till now. strkjv@Matthew:19:27| says that "Peter answered" as if the remark was addressed to him in particular. At any rate Peter reminds Jesus of what they had left to follow him, four of them that day by the sea (Mark:1:20; strkjv@Matthew:4:22; strkjv@Luke:5:11|). It was to claim obedience to this high ideal on their part in contrast with the conduct of the rich young ruler.

rwp@Mark:10:32 @{And they were amazed} (\kai ethambounto\). Imperfect tense describing the feelings of the disciples as Jesus was walking on in front of them (\ˆn proag“n autous\, periphrastic imperfect active), an unusual circumstance in itself that seemed to bode no good as they went on through Perea towards Jerusalem. In fact, {they that followed were afraid} (\hoi de akolouthountes ephobounto\) as they looked at Jesus walking ahead in solitude. The idiom (\hoi de\) may not mean that all the disciples were afraid, but only some of them. "The Lord walked in advance of the Twelve with a solemnity and a determination which foreboded danger" (Swete). Cf. strkjv@Luke:9:5|. They began to fear coming disaster as they neared Jerusalem. They read correctly the face of Jesus. {And he took again the twelve} (\kai paralab“n tous d“deka\). Matthew has "apart" from the crowds and that is what Mark also means. Note \paralab“n\, taking to his side. {And began to tell them the things that were to happen to him} (\ˆrxato autois legein ta mellonta aut“i sumbainein\). He had done it before three times already (Mark:8:31; strkjv@9:13; strkjv@9:31|). Songs:Jesus tries once more. They had failed utterly heretofore. How is it now? Luke adds (18:34|): "They understood none of these things." But Mark and Matthew show how the minds of two of the disciples were wholly occupied with plans of their own selfish ambition while Jesus was giving details of his approaching death and resurrection.

rwp@Mark:10:39 @See on ¯Matthew:20:23-28| for discussion on these memorable verses (39-45|) identical in both Matthew and Mark. In particular in verse 45| note the language of Jesus concerning his death as "a ransom for many" (\lutron anti poll“n\), words of the Master that were not understood by the apostles when spoken by Jesus and which have been preserved for us by Peter through Mark. Some today seek to empty these words of all real meaning as if Jesus could not have or hold such a conception concerning his death for sinners.

rwp@Mark:10:46 @{From Jericho} (\apo Iereich“\). See on ¯Matthew:20:29| for discussion of this phrase and Luke's (Luke:18:35|) "nigh unto Jericho" and the two Jerichos, the old and the new Roman (Luke). The new Jericho was "about five miles W. of the Jordan and fifteen E. of Jerusalem, near the mouth of the _Wady Kelt_, and more than a mile south of the site of the ancient town" (Swete). {Great multitude} (\ochlou hikanou\). Considerable, more than sufficient. Often in Luke and the papyri in this sense. See strkjv@Matthew:3:11| for the other sense of fit for \hikanos\. {Bartimaeus} (\Bartimaios\). Aramaic name like Bartholomew, \bar\ meaning son like Hebrew _ben_. Songs:Mark explains the name meaning "the son of Timaeus" (\ho huios Timaiou\). Mark alone gives his name while strkjv@Matthew:20:30| mentions two which see for discussion. {Blind beggar} (\tuphlos prosaitˆs\), "begging" (\epait“n\) Luke has it (Luke:18:35|). All three Gospels picture him as {sitting by the roadside} (\ekathˆto para tˆn hodon\). It was a common sight. Bartimaeus had his regular place. Vincent quotes Thomson concerning Ramleh: "I once walked the streets counting all that were either blind or had defective eyes, and it amounted to about one-half the male population. The women I could not count, for they are rigidly veiled" (_The Land and the Book_). The dust, the glare of the sun, the unsanitary habits of the people spread contagious eye-diseases.

rwp@Mark:10:49 @{Stood still} (\stas\). Second aorist active ingressive participle. Songs:Matthew:20:32|. strkjv@Luke:18:40| has \statheis\, aorist passive participle. {He calleth thee} (\ph“nei se\). That was joyful news to Bartimaeus. Vivid dramatic presents here in Mark.

rwp@Mark:10:50 @{Casting away his garment} (\apobal“n to himation autou\). Second aorist active participle. Outer robe in his haste. {Sprang up} (\anapˆdˆsas\). Leaping up, vivid details again in Mark.

rwp@Mark:10:52 @{Followed} (\ˆkolouthei\). Imperfect tense picturing joyful Bartimaeus as he followed the caravan of Jesus into the new Jericho. {Made thee whole} (\ses“ken\). Perfect active indicative. The word commonly means {save} and that may be the idea here.

rwp@Mark:11:2 @{As ye enter} (\eisporeuomenoi\). Songs:also strkjv@Luke:19:30|. Present middle participle. {Colt} (\p“lon\). Songs:Luke:19:30|. strkjv@Matthew:21:2| speaks of the ass (\onon\) also. {Whereon no one ever yet sat} (\eph' hon oudeis anthr“p“n ekathisen\). Songs:Luke:19:30|.

rwp@Mark:11:4 @{A colt tied at the door without in the open street} (\p“lon dedemenon pros thuran ex“ epi tou amphodou\). A carefully drawn picture. The colt was outside the house in the street, but fastened (bound, perfect passive participle) to the door. "The better class of houses were built about an open court, from which a passage way under the house led to the street outside. It was at this outside opening to the street that the colt was tied" (Gould). The word \amphodos\ (from \amph“\, both, and \hodos\, road) is difficult. It apparently means road around a thing, a crooked street as most of them were (cf. Straight Street in strkjv@Acts:9:11|). It occurs only here in the N.T. besides D in strkjv@Acts:19:28|. It is very common in the papyri for _vicus_ or "quarter." {And they loose him} (\kai luousin auton\). Dramatic present tense. Perhaps Peter was one of those sent this time as he was later (Luke:22:8|). If so, that explains Mark's vivid details here.

rwp@Mark:11:5 @{Certain of those that stood there} (\tines t“n ekei hestˆkot“n\). Perfect active participle, genitive plural. Bystanders. strkjv@Luke:19:33| terms them "the owners thereof" (\hoi kurioi autou\). The lords or masters of the colt. They make a natural protest.

rwp@Mark:11:11 @{When he had looked round about upon all things} (\periblepsamenos panta\). Another Markan detail in this aorist middle participle. Mark does not give what strkjv@Luke:19:39-55| has nor what strkjv@Matthew:21:10-17| does. But it is all implied in this swift glance at the temple before he went out to Bethany with the Twelve, {it being now eventide} (\opse ˆdˆ ousˆs tˆs h“rƒs\). Genitive absolute, the hour being already late. What a day it had been! What did the apostles think now?

rwp@Mark:11:20 @{As they passed by in the morning} (\paraporeuomenoi pr“i\). Literally, passing by in the morning. The next morning. They went back by the lower road up the Mount of Olives and came down each morning by the steep and more direct way. Hence they saw it. strkjv@Matthew:21:20| does not separate the two mornings as Mark does. {From the roots} (\ek riz“n\). Mark alone gives this detail with \exˆrammenˆn\ perfect passive predicate participle from \xˆrain“\.

rwp@Mark:11:21 @{Peter calling to remembrance} (\anamnˆstheis ho Petros\). First aorist participle, being reminded. Only in Mark and due to Peter's story. For his quick memory see also strkjv@14:72|. {Which thou cursedst} (\hˆn katˆras“\). First aorist middle indicative second person singular from \kataraomai\. It almost sounds as if Peter blamed Jesus for what he had done to the fig tree.

rwp@Mark:11:23 @{Shall not doubt in his heart} (\mˆ diakrithˆi en tˆi kardiƒi autou\). First aorist passive subjunctive with \hos an\. The verb means a divided judgment (\dia\ from \duo\, two, and \krin“\, to judge). Wavering doubt. Not a single act of doubt (\diakrithˆi\), but continued faith (\pisteuˆi\). {Cometh to pass} (\ginetai\). Futuristic present middle indicative.

rwp@Mark:11:27 @{The chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders} (\hoi archiereis kai hoi grammateis kai hoi presbuteroi\). Note the article with each separate group as in strkjv@Luke:20:1| and strkjv@Matthew:21:23|. These three classes were in the Sanhedrin. Clearly a large committee of the Sanhedrin including both Sadducees and Pharisees here confront Jesus in a formal attack upon his authority for cleansing the temple and teaching in it.

rwp@Mark:11:32 @{But should we say} (\alla eip“men\). Deliberative subjunctive with aorist active subjunctive again. It is possible to supply \ean\ from verse 31| and treat it as a condition as there. Songs:Matthew:21:26| and strkjv@Luke:20:6|. But in Mark the structure continues rugged after "from men" with anacoluthon or even aposiopesis--"they feared the people" Mark adds. Matthew has it: "We fear the multitude." Luke puts it: "all the people will stone us." All three Gospels state the popular view of John as a prophet. Mark's "verily" is \ont“s\ really, actually. They feared John though dead as much as Herod Antipas did. His martyrdom had deepened his power over the people and disrespect towards his memory now might raise a storm (Swete).

rwp@Mark:12:1 @{He began to speak unto them in parables} (\ˆrxato autois en parabolais lalein\). Mark's common idiom again. He does not mean that this was the beginning of Christ's use of parables (see strkjv@4:2|), but simply that his teaching on this occasion took the parabolic turn. "The circumstances called forth the parabolic mood, that of one whose heart is chilled, and whose spirit is saddened by a sense of loneliness, and who, retiring within himself, by a process of reflection, frames for his thoughts forms which half conceal, half reveal them" (Bruce). Mark does not give the Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew:21:28-32|) nor that of the Marriage Feast of the King's Son (Matthew:22:1-14|). He gives here the Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen. Also in strkjv@Matthew:21:33-46| and strkjv@Luke:20:9-19|. See discussion in Matthew. strkjv@Matthew:21:33| calls the man "a householder" (\oikodespotˆs\). {A pit for the winepress} (\hupolˆnion\). Only here in the N.T. Common in the LXX and in late Greek. Matthew had \lˆnon\, winepress. This is the vessel or trough under the winepress on the hillside to catch the juice when the grapes were trodden. The Romans called it _lacus_ (lake) and Wycliff _dalf_ (lake), like delved. See on Matthew for details just alike. {Husbandmen} (\ge“rgois\). Workers in the ground, tillers of the soil (\ergon, gˆ\).

rwp@Mark:12:12 @{Against them} (\pros autous\). Songs:Luke. It was a straight shot, this parable of the Rejected Stone (12:10f.|) and the longer one of the Wicked Husbandmen. There was no mistaking the application, for he had specifically explained the application (Matthew:21:43-45|). The Sanhedrin were so angry that they actually started or sought to seize him, but fear of the populace now more enthusiastic for Jesus than ever held them back. They went off in disgust, but they had to listen to the Parable of the King's Son before going (Matthew:22:1-14|).

rwp@Mark:12:34 @{Discreetly} (\nounech“s\). From \nous\ (intellect) and \ech“\, to have. Using the mind to good effect is what the adverb means. He had his wits about him, as we say. Here only in the N.T. In Aristotle and Polybius. \Nounechont“s\ would be the more regular form, adverb from a participle. {Not far} (\ou makran\). Adverb, not adjective, feminine accusative, a long way (\hodon\ understood). The critical attitude of the lawyer had melted before the reply of Jesus into genuine enthusiasm that showed him to be near the kingdom of God. {No man after that} (\oudeis ouketi\). Double negative. The debate was closed (\etolma\, imperfect tense, dared). Jesus was complete victor on every side.

rwp@Mark:12:42 @{One poor widow} (\mia chˆra pt“chˆ\). Luke has \penichra\, a poetical late form of \penˆs\. In the N.T. the \pt“chos\ is the pauper rather than the mere peasant, the extreme opposite of the rich (\plousioi\). The money given by most was copper (\chalkon\). {Two mites} (\duo lepta\). \Leptos\ means peeled or stripped and so very thin. Two \lepta\ were about two-fifths of a cent. {Farthing} (\kodrantes\, Latin _quadrans_, a quarter of an _as_).

rwp@Mark:13:5 @{Take need that no man lead you astray} (\Blepete mˆ tis h–mƒs planˆsˆi\). Same words in strkjv@Matthew:24:4|. strkjv@Luke:21:8| has it "that ye be not led astray" (\mˆ planˆthˆte\). This word \plana“\ (our _planet_) is a bold one. This warning runs through the whole discussion. It is pertinent today after so many centuries. About the false Christs then and now see on ¯Matthew:24:5|. It is amazing the success that these charlatans have through the ages in winning the empty-pated to their hare-brained views. Only this morning as I am writing a prominent English psychologist has challenged the world to a radio communication with Mars asserting that he has made frequent trips to Mars and communicated with its alleged inhabitants. And the daily papers put his ebullitions on the front page. For discussion of the details in verses 6-8| see on ¯Matthew:24:5-8|. All through the ages in spite of the words of Jesus men have sought to apply the picture here drawn to the particular calamity in their time.

rwp@Mark:13:7 @{Must needs come to pass} (\dei genesthai\). Already there were outbreaks against the Jews in Alexandria, at Seleucia with the slaughter of more than fifty thousand, at Jamnia, and elsewhere. Caligula, Claudius, Nero will threaten war before it finally comes with the destruction of the city and temple by Titus in A.D. 70. Vincent notes that between this prophecy by Jesus in A.D. 30 (or 29) and the destruction of Jerusalem there was an earthquake in Crete (A.D. 46 or 47), at Rome (A.D. 51), at Apamaia in Phrygia (A.D. 60), at Campania (A.D. 63). He notes also four famines during the reign of Claudius A.D. 41-54. One of them was in Judea in A.D. 44 and is alluded to in strkjv@Acts:11:28|. Tacitus (_Annals_ xvi. 10-13) describes the hurricanes and storms in Campania in A.D. 65.

rwp@Mark:13:13 @{But he that endureth to the end} (\ho de hupomeinas eis telos\). Note this aorist participle with the future verb. The idea here is true to the etymology of the word, remaining under (\hupomen“\) until the end. The divisions in families Jesus had predicted before (Luke:12:52f.; strkjv@14:25f.|). {Be saved} (\s“thˆsetai\). Here Jesus means final salvation (effective aorist future passive), not initial salvation.

rwp@Mark:13:25 @{The stars shall be falling} (\hoi asteres esontai piptontes\). Periphrastic future indicative, \esontai\, future middle indicative and \piptontes\, present active participle.

rwp@Mark:13:27 @{Shall gather together his elect} (\episunaxei tous eklektous autou\). This is the purpose of God through the ages. {From the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven} (\ap' akrou gˆs he“s akrou ouranou\). The Greek is very brief, "from the tip of earth to the tip of heaven." This precise phrase occurs nowhere else.

rwp@Mark:13:28 @{Coming to pass} (\ginomena\). Present middle participle, linear action. See on ¯Matthew:24:32-36| for details of verses 28-32| (the Parable of the Fig Tree).

rwp@Mark:14:10 @{He that was one of the twelve} (\ho heis t“n d“deka\). Note the article here, "the one of the twelve," Matthew has only \heis\, "one." Some have held that Mark here calls Judas the primate among the twelve. Rather he means to call attention to the idea that he was the one of the twelve who did this deed.

rwp@Mark:14:15 @{And he} (\kai autos\). Emphatic, and he himself. {A large upper room} (\anagaion mega\). Anything above ground (\gˆ\), and particularly upstairs as here. Here and in strkjv@Luke:22:12|. Example in Xenophon. Jesus wishes to observe this last feast with his disciples alone, not with others as was often done. Evidently this friend of Jesus was a man who would understand. {Furnished} (\estr“menon\). Perfect passive participle of \str“nnumi\, state of readiness. "Strewed with carpets, and with couches properly spread" (Vincent).

rwp@Mark:14:18 @{As they sat} (\anakeimen“n aut“n\). Reclined, of course. It is a pity that these verbs are not translated properly in English. Even Leonardo da Vinci in his immortal painting of the Last Supper has Jesus and his apostles sitting, not reclining. Probably he took an artist's license for effect. {Even he that eateth with me} (\ho esthi“n met' emou\). See strkjv@Psalms:4:9|. To this day the Arabs will not violate hospitality by mistreating one who breaks bread with them in the tent.

rwp@Mark:14:36 @{Abba, Father} (\Abba ho patˆr\). Both Aramaic and Greek and the article with each. This is not a case of translation, but the use of both terms as is strkjv@Galatians:4:6|, a probable memory of Paul's childhood prayers. About "the cup" see on ¯Matthew:26:39|. It is not possible to take the language of Jesus as fear that he might die before he came to the Cross. He was heard (Hebrews:5:7f.|) and helped to submit to the Father's will as he does instantly. {Not what I will} (\ou ti eg“ thel“\). Matthew has "as" (\h“s\). We see the humanity of Jesus in its fulness both in the Temptations and in Gethsemane, but without sin each time. And this was the severest of all the temptations, to draw back from the Cross. The victory over self brought surrender to the Father's will.

rwp@Mark:14:40 @{Very heavy} (\katabarunomenoi\). Perfective use of \kata-\ with the participle. Matthew has the simple verb. Mark's word is only here in the N.T. and is rare in Greek writers. Mark has the vivid present passive participle, while Matthew has the perfect passive \bebarˆmenoi\. {And they wist not what to answer him} (\kai ouk ˆideisan ti apokrith“sin aut“i\). Deliberative subjunctive retained in the indirect question. Alone in Mark and reminds one of the like embarrassment of these same three disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mark:9:6|). On both occasions weakness of the flesh prevented their real sympathy with Jesus in his highest and deepest experiences. "Both their shame and their drowsiness would make them dumb" (Gould).

rwp@Mark:14:56 @{Their witness agreed not together} (\isai hai marturiai ouk ˆsan\). Literally, the testimonies were not equal. They did not correspond with each other on essential points. {Many were bearing false witness} (\epseudomarturoun\, imperfect, repeated action) {against him}. No two witnesses bore joint testimony to justify a capital sentence according to the law (Deuteronomy:19:15|). Note imperfects in these verses (55-57|) to indicate repeated failures.

rwp@Mark:14:57 @{Bare false witness} (\epseudomarturoun\). In desperation some attempted once more (conative imperfect).

rwp@Mark:14:58 @{Made with hands} (\cheiropoiˆton\). In Mark alone. An old Greek word. The negative form \acheiropoiˆton\ here occurs elsewhere only in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1; strkjv@Colossians:2:11|. In strkjv@Hebrews:9:11| the negative \ou\ is used with the positive form. It is possible that a real \logion\ of Jesus underlies the perversion of it here. Mark and Matthew do not quote the witnesses precisely alike. Perhaps they quoted Jesus differently and therein is shown part of the disagreement, for Mark adds verse 59| (not in Matthew). "And not even so did their witness agree together," repeating the point of verse 57|. Swete observes that Jesus, as a matter of fact, did do what he is quoted as saying in Mark: "He said what the event has proved to be true; His death destroyed the old order, and His resurrection created the new." But these witnesses did not mean that by what they said. The only saying of Jesus at all like this preserved to us is that in strkjv@John:2:19|, when he referred not to the temple in Jerusalem, but to the temple of his body, though no one understood it at the time.

rwp@Mark:14:60 @{Stood up in the midst} (\anastas eis meson\). Second aorist active participle. For greater solemnity he arose to make up by bluster the lack of evidence. The high priest stepped out into the midst as if to attack Jesus by vehement questions. See on ¯Matthew:26:59-68| for details here.

rwp@Mark:14:72 @{Called to mind} (\anemnˆsthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative. strkjv@Matthew:26:75| has the uncompounded verb \emnˆsthˆ\ while strkjv@Luke:22:61| has another compound \hupemnˆsthˆ\, was reminded. {When he thought thereon} (\epibal“n\). Second aorist active participle of \epiball“\. It is used absolutely here, though there is a reference to \to rhˆma\ above, the word of Jesus, and the idiom involves \ton noun\ so that the meaning is to put the mind upon something. In strkjv@Luke:15:12| there is another absolute use with a different sense. Moulton (_Prolegomena_, p. 131) quotes a Ptolemaic papyrus Tb P 50 where \epibal“n\ probably means "set to," put his mind on. {Wept} (\eklaien\). Inchoative imperfect, began to weep. strkjv@Matthew:26:75| has the ingressive aorist \eklausen\, burst into tears.

rwp@Mark:15:2 @{Art thou the King of the Jews?} (\Su ei ho basileus t“n Ioudai“n;\). This is the only one of the charges made by the Sanhedrin to Pilate (Luke:23:2|) that he notices. He does not believe this one to be true, but he has to pay attention to it or be liable to charges himself of passing over a man accused of rivalry and revolution against Caesar. strkjv@John:18:28-32| gives the interview with Jesus that convinces Pilate that he is a harmless religious fanatic. See on ¯Matthew:26:11|. {Thou sayest} (\su legeis\). An affirmation, though in strkjv@John:18:34-37| there is a second and fuller interview between Pilate and Jesus. "Here, as in the trial before the Sanhedrin, this is the one question that Jesus answers. It is the only question on which his own testimony is important and necessary" (Gould). The Jews were out on the pavement or sidewalk outside the palace while Pilate came out to them from above on the balcony (John:18:28f.|) and had his interviews with Jesus on the inside, calling Jesus thither (John:18:33|).

rwp@Mark:15:10 @{He perceived} (\egin“sken\). Imperfect tense descriptive of Pilate's growing apprehension from their conduct which increased his intuitive impression at the start. It was gradually dawning on him. Both Mark and Matthew give "envy" (\phthonon\) as the primary motive of the Sanhedrin. Pilate probably had heard of the popularity of Jesus by reason of the triumphal entry and the temple teaching. {Had delivered} (\paraded“keisan\). Past perfect indicative without augment where strkjv@Matthew:27:18| has the first aorist (kappa aorist) indicative \pared“kan\, not preserving the distinction made by Mark. The aorist is never used "as" a past perfect.

rwp@Mark:15:11 @{Stirred up} (\aneseisan\). {Shook up} like an earthquake (\seismos\). strkjv@Matthew:27:20| has a weaker word, "persuaded" (\epeisan\). Effective aorist indicative. The priests and scribes had amazing success. If one wonders why the crowd was fickle, he may recall that this was not yet the same people who followed him in triumphal entry and in the temple. That was the plan of Judas to get the thing over before those Galilean sympathizers waked up. "It was a case of regulars against an irregular, of priests against prophet" (Gould). "But Barabbas, as described by Mark, represented a popular passion, which was stronger than any sympathy they might have for so unworldly a character as Jesus--the passion for _political liberty_" (Bruce). "What unprincipled characters they were! They accuse Jesus to Pilate of political ambition, and they recommend Barabbas to the people for the same reason" (Bruce). The Sanhedrin would say to the people that Jesus had already abdicated his kingly claims while to Pilate they went on accusing him of treason to Caesar. {Rather} (_mƒllon_). Rather than Jesus. It was a gambler's choice.

rwp@Mark:15:23 @{They offered him} (\edidoun aut“i\). Imperfect tense where Matthew has the aorist \ed“kan\. {Mingled with myrrh} (\esmurnismenon\). Perfect passive participle. The verb means flavoured with myrrh, myrrhed wine. It is not inconsistent with ¯Matthew:27:34| "mingled with gall," which see. {But he received it not} (\hos de ouk elaben\). Note the demonstrative \hos\ with \de\. Matthew has it that Jesus was not willing to take. Mark's statement is that he refused it.

rwp@Mark:15:39 @{The centurion} (\ho kenturi“n\). A Latin word (_centurio_) used also in verse 44| and here only in the N.T. {Which stood by over against him} (\ho parestˆk“s ex enantias autou\). This description alone in Mark, picturing the centurion "watching Jesus" (Matthew:27:54|). {So} (\hout“s\). With the darkness and the earthquake. See on ¯Matthew:27:54| for discussion of "the Son of God," more probably "a Son of God."

rwp@Mark:15:43 @{A councillor of honourable estate} (\euschˆm“n bouleutˆs\). A senator or member of the Sanhedrin of high standing, rich (Matthew:27:57|). {Looking for the Kingdom of God} (\ˆn prosdechomenos tˆn basileian tou theou\). Periphrastic imperfect. Also strkjv@Luke:23:51|. The very verb used by Luke of Simeon and Anna (Luke:2:25,38|). strkjv@Matthew:27:57| calls him "Jesus' disciple" while strkjv@John:19:38| adds "secretly for fear of the Jews." He had evidently taken no public stand for Jesus before now. {Boldly} (\tolmˆsas\). Aorist (ingressive) active participle, becoming bold. It is the glory of Joseph and Nicodemus, secret disciples of Jesus, that they took a bold stand when the rest were in terror and dismay. That is love psychology, paradoxical as it may seem.

rwp@Mark:15:46 @{Wound} (\eneilˆsen\). This word is only here in the N.T. As \entuliss“\ is only in strkjv@Matthew:27:59; strkjv@Luke:23:53; strkjv@John:20:7|. Both verbs occur in the papyri, Plutarch, etc. They both mean to wrap, wind, roll in. The body of Jesus was wound in the linen cloth bought by Joseph and the hundred pounds of spices brought by Nicodemus (John:19:39|) for burying were placed in the folds of the linen and the linen was bound around the body by strips of cloth (John:19:40|). The time was short before the sabbath began and these two reverently laid the body of the Master in Joseph's new tomb, hewn out of a rock. The perfect passive participle (\lelatomˆmenon\) is from \latomos\, a stonecutter (\l“s\, stone, \temn“\, to cut). For further details see on ¯Matthew:27:57-60|. strkjv@Luke:23:53| and strkjv@John:19:41| also tell of the new tomb of Joseph. Some modern scholars think that this very tomb has been identified in Gordon's Calvary north of the city. {Against the door} (\epi tˆn thuran\). Matthew has the dative \tˆi thurƒi\ without \epi\ and adds the adjective "great" (\megan\).

rwp@Mark:15:47 @{Beheld} (\ethe“roun\). Imperfect tense picturing the two Marys "sitting over against the sepulchre" (Matthew:27:61|) and watching in silence as the shadows fell upon all their hopes and dreams. Apparently these two remained after the other women who had been beholding from afar the melancholy end (Mark:15:40|) had left and "were watching the actions of Joseph and Nicodemus" (Swete). Probably also they saw the body of Jesus carried and hence they knew where it was laid and saw that it remained there (\tetheitai\, perfect passive indicative, state of completion). "It is evident that they constituted themselves a party of observation" (Gould).

rwp@Mark:16:2 @{When the sun was risen} (\anateilantos tou hˆliou\). Genitive absolute, aorist participle, though some manuscripts read \anatellontos\, present participle. strkjv@Luke:24:1| has it "at early dawn" (\orthrou batheos\) and strkjv@John:20:1| "while it was yet dark." It was some two miles from Bethany to the tomb. Mark himself gives both notes of time, "very early" (\lian pr“i\), "when the sun was risen." Probably they started while it was still dark and the sun was coming up when they arrived at the tomb. All three mention that it was on the first day of the week, our Sunday morning when the women arrive. The body of Jesus was buried late on Friday before the sabbath (our Saturday) which began at sunset. This is made clear as a bell by strkjv@Luke:23:54| "and the sabbath drew on." The women rested on the sabbath (Luke strkjv@23:56|). This visit of the women was in the early morning of our Sunday, the first day of the week. Some people are greatly disturbed over the fact that Jesus did not remain in the grave full seventy-two hours. But he repeatedly said that he would rise on the third day and that is precisely what happened. He was buried on Friday afternoon. He was risen on Sunday morning. If he had really remained in the tomb full three days and then had risen after that, it would have been on the fourth day, not on the third day. The occasional phrase "after three days" is merely a vernacular idiom common in all languages and not meant to be exact and precise like "on the third day." We can readily understand "after three days" in the sense of "on the third day." It is impossible to understand "on the third day" to be "on the fourth day." See my _Harmony of the Gospels_, pp. 289-91.

rwp@Mark:16:4 @{Looking up they see} (\anablepsasai the“rousin\). With downcast eyes and heavy hearts (Bruce) they had been walking up the hill. Mark has his frequent vivid dramatic present "behold." Their problem is solved for the stone lies rolled back before their very eyes. strkjv@Luke:24:2| has the usual aorist "found." {For} (\gar\). Mark explains by the size of the stone this sudden and surprising sight right before their eyes.

rwp@Mark:16:5 @{Entering into the tomb} (\eiselthousai eis to mnˆmeion\). Told also by strkjv@Luke:24:3|, though not by Matthew. {A young man} (\neaniskon\). An angel in strkjv@Matthew:28:5|, two men in strkjv@Luke:24|. These and like variations in details show the independence of the narrative and strengthen the evidence for the general fact of the resurrection. The angel sat upon the stone (Matthew:28:2|), probably at first. Mark here speaks of the young man {sitting on the right side} (\kathˆmenon en tois dexiois\) inside the tomb. Luke has the two men standing by them on the inside (Luke strkjv@24:4|). Possibly different aspects and stages of the incident. {Arrayed in a white robe} (\peribeblˆmenon stolˆn leukˆn\). Perfect passive participle with the accusative case of the thing retained (verb of clothing). strkjv@Luke:24:4| has "in dazzling apparel." {They were amazed} (\exethambˆthˆsan\). They were utterly (\ex\ in composition) amazed. strkjv@Luke:24:5| has it "affrighted." strkjv@Matthew:28:3f.| tells more of the raiment white as snow which made the watchers quake and become as dead men. But this was before the arrival of the women. Mark, like Matthew and Luke, does not mention the sudden departure of Mary Magdalene to tell Peter and John of the grave robbery as she supposed (John:20:1-10|).

rwp@Mark:16:10 @{She} (\ekeinˆ\). Only instance of this pronoun (=\illa\) absolutely in Mark, though a good Greek idiom. (See strkjv@John:19:35|.) See also verses 11,20|. {Went} (\poreutheisa\). First aorist passive participle. Common word for going, but in Mark so far only in strkjv@9:30| in the uncompounded form. Here also in verses 12,15|. {Them that had been with him} (\tois met' autou genomenois\). This phrase for the disciples occurs here alone in Mark and the other Gospels if the disciples (\mathˆtai\) are meant. All these items suggest another hand than Mark for this closing portion. {As they mourned and wept} (\penthousin kai klaiousin\). Present active participles in dative plural agreeing with \tois... genomenois\ and describing the pathos of the disciples in their utter bereavement and woe.

rwp@Mark:16:13 @{Neither believed they them} (\oude ekeinois episteusan\). The men fared no better than the women. But Luke's report of the two on the way to Emmaus is to the effect that they met a hearty welcome by them in Jerusalem (Luke:24:33-35|). This shows the independence of the two narratives on this point. There was probably an element who still discredited all the resurrection stories as was true on the mountain in Galilee later when "some doubted" (Matthew:28:17|).

rwp@Mark:16:14 @{To the eleven themselves} (\autois tois hendeka\). Both terms, eleven and twelve (John:20:24|), occur after the death of Judas. There were others present on this first Sunday evening according to strkjv@Luke:24:33|. {Afterward} (\husteron\) is here alone in Mark, though common in Matthew. {Upbraided} (\“neidisen\). They were guilty of unbelief (\apistian\) and hardness of heart (\sklˆrokardian\). Doubt is not necessarily a mark of intellectual superiority. One must steer between credulity and doubt. That problem is a vital one today in all educated circles. Some of the highest men of science today are devout believers in the Risen Christ. Luke explains how the disciples were upset by the sudden appearance of Christ and were unable to believe the evidence of their own senses (Luke:24:38-43|).

rwp@Mark:16:15 @{To the whole creation} (\pƒsˆi tˆi ktisei\). This commission in Mark is probably another report of the missionary _Magna Charta_ in strkjv@Matthew:28:16-20| spoken on the mountain in Galilee. One commission has already been given by Christ (John:20:21-23|). The third appears in strkjv@Luke:24:44-49; strkjv@Acts:1:3-8|.

rwp@Mark:16:20 @{The Lord working with them} (\tou kuriou sunergountos\). Genitive absolute. This participle not in Gospels elsewhere nor is \bebaiountos\ nor the compound \epakolouthount“n\, all in Paul's Epistles. \Pantacho–\ once in Luke. Westcott and Hort give the alternative ending found in L: "And they announced briefly to Peter and those around him all the things enjoined. And after these things Jesus himself also sent forth through them from the east even unto the west the holy and incorruptible proclamation of the eternal salvation."

rwp@Info_Matthew @ In the Gospel itself we find Matthew the publican (Matthew:9:9; strkjv@10:3|) though Mark (Mark:2:14|) and Luke (Luke:5:27|) call him Levi the publican. Evidently therefore he had two names like John Mark. It is significant that Jesus called this man from so disreputable a business to follow him. He was apparently not a disciple of John the Baptist. He was specially chosen by Jesus to be one of the Twelve Apostles, a business man called into the ministry as was true of the fishermen James and John, Andrew and Simon. In the lists of the Apostles he comes either seventh or eighth. There is nothing definite told about him in the Gospels apart from the circle of the Twelve after the feast which he gave to his fellow publicans in honor of Jesus.

rwp@Matthew:1:1 @{The Book} (\biblos\). There is no article in the Greek, but the following genitives make it definite. It is our word Bible that is here used, _the_ Book as Sir Walter Scott called it as he lay dying. The usual word for book is a diminutive form (\biblion\), a little book or roll such as we have in strkjv@Luke:4:17|, "The roll of the prophet Isaiah." The pieces of papyrus (\papuros\), our paper, were pasted together to make a roll of varying lengths according to one's needs. Matthew, of course, is not applying the word book to the Old Testament, probably not to his own book, but to "the genealogical table of Jesus Christ" (\biblos genese“s Iˆsou Christou\), "the birth roll of Jesus Christ" Moffatt translates it. We have no means of knowing where the writer obtained the data for this genealogy. It differs radically from that in strkjv@Luke:3:23-38|. One can only give his own theory of the difference. Apparently in Matthew we have the actual genealogy of Joseph which would be the legal pedigree of Jesus according to Jewish custom. In Luke we apparently have the actual genealogy of Mary which would be the real line of Jesus which Luke naturally gives as he is writing for the Gentiles.

rwp@Matthew:1:2 @{Begat} (\egennˆsen\). This word comes, like some of the early chapters of Genesis, with regularity through verse 16, until the birth of Jesus is reached when there is a sudden change. The word itself does not always mean immediate parentage, but merely direct descent. In verse 16| we have "Joseph the husband of Mary, from whom was begotten Jesus who is called Christ" (\ton I“sˆph ton andra Marias ex hˆs egennˆthˆ Iˆsous ho legomenos Christos\). The article occurs here each time with the object of "begat," but not with the subject of the verb to distinguish sharply the proper names. In the case of David the King (1:6|) and Joseph the husband of Mary (1:16|) the article is repeated. The mention of the brethren of Judah (1:2|) and of both Phares and Zara (1:3|) may show that Matthew was not copying a family pedigree but making his own table. All the Greek manuscripts give verse 16| as above save the Ferrar Group of minuscules which are supported by the Sinaitic Syriac Version. Because of this fact Von Soden, whose text Moffatt translates, deliberately prints his text "_Jacob begat Jesus_" (\I“sˆph de egennˆsen Iˆsoun\). But the Sinaitic Syriac gives the Virgin Birth of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:1:18-25|. Hence it is clear that "begat" here in strkjv@1:16| must merely mean line of descent or the text has been tampered with in order to get rid of the Virgin Birth idea, but it was left untouched in strkjv@1:18-25|. I have a full discussion of the problem in chapter XIV of _Studies in the Text of the New Testament_. The evidence as it now stands does not justify changing the text of the Greek uncials to suit the Sinaitic Syriac. The Virgin Birth of Jesus remains in strkjv@1:16|. The spelling of these Hebrew names in English is usually according to the Hebrew form, not the Greek. In the Greek itself the Hebrew spelling is often observed in violation of the Greek rules for the ending of words with no consonants save _n,r,s_. But the list is not spelled consistently in the Greek, now like the Hebrew as in Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, now like the Greek as in Judah, Solomon, Hezekiah, though the Hebrew style prevails.

rwp@Matthew:1:18 @{The birth of Jesus Christ} (\tou [Iˆsou] Christou hˆ genesis\). In the Greek Jesus Christ comes before birth as the important matter after strkjv@1:16|. It is not certain whether "Jesus" is here a part of the text as it is absent in the old Syriac and the Old Latin while the Washington Codex has only "Christ." The Vatican Codex has "Christ Jesus." But it is plain that the story of the birth of Jesus Christ is to be told briefly as follows, "on this wise" (\hout“s\), the usual Greek idiom. The oldest and best manuscripts have the same word genealogy (\genesis\) used in strkjv@1:1|, not the word for birth (begotten) as in strkjv@1:16| (\gennˆsis\). "It is in fact the word Genesis. The evangelist is about to describe, not the genesis of the heaven and the earth, but the genesis of Him who made the heaven and the earth, and who will yet make a new heaven and a new earth" (Morison).

rwp@Matthew:1:18 @{Betrothed to Joseph} (\Mnˆsteutheisˆs t“i I“sˆph\). Matthew proceeds to explain his statement in strkjv@1:16| which implied that Joseph, though the legal father of Jesus in the royal line, was not the actual father of Mary's Son. Betrothal with the Jews was a serious matter, not lightly entered into and not lightly broken. The man who betrothed a maiden was legally husband (Genesis:29:21; strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:23f.|) and "an informal cancelling of betrothal was impossible" (McNeile). Though they did not live together as husband and wife till actual marriage, breach of faithfulness on the part of the betrothed was treated as adultery and punished with death. _The New Testament in Braid Scots_ actually has "mairry't till Joseph" for "betrothed to Joseph." Matthew uses the genitive absolute construction here, a very common Greek idiom.

rwp@Matthew:1:18 @{Of the Holy Ghost} (\ek pneumatos hagiou\). The discovery that Mary was pregnant was inevitable and it is plain that she had not told Joseph. She "was found with child" (\heurethˆ en gastri echousa\). This way of putting it, the usual Greek idiom, plainly shows that it was the discovery that shocked Joseph. He did not as yet know what Matthew plainly asserts that the Holy Ghost, not Joseph and not any man, was responsible for the pregnancy of Mary. The problem of the Virgin Birth of Jesus has been a disturbing fact to some through all the ages and is today to those who do not believe in the pre-existence of Christ, the Son of God, before his Incarnation on earth. This is the primal fact about the Birth of Christ. The Incarnation of Christ is clearly stated by Paul (2Corinthians:8:9; strkjv@Phillipians:2:5-11|; and involved in strkjv@Colossians:1:15-19|) and by John (John:1:14; strkjv@17:5|). If one frankly admits the actual pre-existence of Christ and the real Incarnation, he has taken the longest and most difficult step in the matter of the supernatural Birth of Christ. That being true, no merely human birth without the supernatural element can possibly explain the facts. Incarnation is far more than the Indwelling of God by the Holy Spirit in the human heart. To admit real incarnation and also full human birth, both father and mother, creates a greater difficulty than to admit the Virgin Birth of Jesus begotten by the Holy Spirit, as Matthew here says, and born of the Virgin Mary. It is true that only Matthew and Luke tell the story of the supernatural birth of Jesus, though strkjv@John:1:14| seems to refer to it. Mark has nothing whatever concerning the birth and childhood of Jesus and so cannot be used as a witness on the subject. Both Matthew and Luke present the birth of Jesus as not according to ordinary human birth. Jesus had no human father. There is such a thing in nature as parthenogenesis in the lower orders of life. But that scientific fact has no bearing here. We see here God sending his Son into the world to be the world's Saviour and he gave him a human mother, but not a human father so that Jesus Christ is both Son of God and Son of Man, the God Man. Matthew tells the story of the birth of Jesus from the standpoint of Joseph as Luke gives it from the standpoint of Mary. The two narratives harmonize with each other. One credits these most wonderful of all birth narratives according as he believes in the love and power of Almighty God to do what he wills. There is no miracle with God who has all power and all knowledge. The laws of nature are simply the expression of God's will, but he has not revealed all his will in the laws that we discover. God is Spirit. He is Person. He holds in his own power all life. strkjv@John:3:16| is called the Little Gospel because it puts briefly the love of God for men in sending his own Son to live and die for us.

rwp@Matthew:1:20 @{An angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream} (\aggelos kuriou kat' onar ephanˆ aut“i\). This expression (\aggelos kuriou\) is without the article in the New Testament except when, as in strkjv@1:24|, there is reference to the angel previously mentioned. Sometimes in the Old Testament Jehovah Himself is represented by this phrase. Surely Joseph needed God's help if ever man did. If Jesus was really God's Son, Joseph was entitled to know this supreme fact that he might be just to both Mary and her Child. It was in a dream, but the message was distinct and decisive for Joseph. He is called "Son of David" as had been shown by Matthew in strkjv@Matthew:1:16|. Mary is called his "wife" (\tˆn gunaika sou\). He is told "not to become afraid" (ingressive first aorist passive subjunctive in prohibition, (\mˆ phobˆthˆis\), "to take to his side" (\paralabein\, ingressive aorist active infinitive) her whom he had planned (\enthumˆthentos\, genitive absolute again, from \en\ and \thumos\) to send away with a writ of divorce. He had pondered and had planned as best he knew, but now God had called a halt and he had to decide whether he was willing to shelter Mary by marrying her and, if necessary, take upon himself whatever stigma might attach to her. Joseph was told that the child was begotten of the Holy Spirit and thus that Mary was innocent of any sin. But who would believe it now if he told it of her? Mary knew the truth and had not told him because she could not expect him to believe it.

rwp@Matthew:1:21 @{Thou shalt call his name Jesus} (\Kalesies to onoma autou Iˆsoun\). The rabbis named six whose names were given before birth: "Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Solomon, Josiah, and the name of the Messiah, whom may the Holy One, blessed be His name, bring in our day." The angel puts it up to Joseph as the putative father to name the child. "Jesus is the same as Joshua, a contraction of Jehoshuah (Numbers:13:16; strkjv@1Chronicles:7:27|), signifying in Hebrew, 'Jehovah is helper,' or 'Help of Jehovah'" (Broadus). Songs:Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua (Hebrews:4:8|). He is another Joshua to lead the true people of God into the Promised Land. The name itself was common enough as Josephus shows. Jehovah is Salvation as seen in Joshua for the Hebrews and in Jesus for all believers. "The meaning of the name, therefore, finds expression in the title _Saviour_ applied to our Lord (Luke:1:47; strkjv@2:11; strkjv@John:4:42|)" (Vincent). He will save (\s“sei\) his people from their sins and so be their Saviour (\S“tˆr\). He will be prophet, priest, and king, but "Saviour" sums it all up in one word. The explanation is carried out in the promise, "for he is the one who (\autos\) will save (\s“sei\ with a play on the name Jesus) his people from their sins." Paul will later explain that by the covenant people, the children of promise, God means the spiritual Israel, all who believe whether Jews or Gentiles. This wonderful word touches the very heart of the mission and message of the Messiah. Jesus himself will show that the kingdom of heaven includes all those and only those who have the reign of God in their hearts and lives. {From their sins} (\apo t“n hamarti“n aut“n\). Both sins of omission and of commission. The substantive (\hamartia\) is from the verb (\hamartanein\) and means missing the mark as with an arrow. How often the best of us fall short and fail to score. Jesus will save us away from (\apo\) as well as out of (\ex\) our sins. They will be cast into oblivion and he will cover them up out of sight.

rwp@Matthew:1:22 @{That it may be fulfilled} (\hina plˆr“thˆi\). Alford says that "it is impossible to interpret \hina\ in any other sense than in order that." That was the old notion, but modern grammarians recognize the non-final use of this particle in the _Koin‚_ and even the consecutive like the Latin _ut_. Some even argue for a causal use. If the context called for result, one need not hesitate to say so as in strkjv@Mark:11:28; strkjv@John:9:36; strkjv@1John:1:9; strkjv@Revelation:9:20; strkjv@13:13|. See discussion in my _Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research_, pp. 997-9. All the same it is purpose here, God's purpose, Matthew reports the angel as saying, spoken "by (\hupo\, immediate agent) the Lord through (\dia\, intermediate agent) the prophet." {"All this has happened"} (\touto de holon gegonen\, present perfect indicative), stands on record as historical fact. But the Virgin Birth of Jesus is not due to this interpretation of strkjv@Isaiah:7:14|. It is not necessary to maintain (Broadus) that Isaiah himself saw anything more in his prophecy than that a woman then a virgin, would bear a son and that in the course of a few years Ahaz would be delivered from the king of Syria and Israel by the coming of the Assyrians. This historical illustration finds its richest fulfilment in the birth of Jesus from Mary. "Words of themselves are empty. They are useful only as vessels to convey things from mind to mind" (Morison). The Hebrew word for young woman is translated by virgin (\parthenos\), but it is not necessary to conclude that Isaiah himself contemplated the supernatural birth of Jesus. We do not have to say that the idea of the Virgin Birth of Jesus came from Jewish sources. Certainly it did not come from the pagan myths so foreign to this environment, atmosphere and spirit. It is far simpler to admit the supernatural fact than try to explain the invention of the idea as a myth to justify the deification of Jesus. The birth, life, and death of Jesus throw a flood of light on the Old Testament narrative and prophecies for the early Christians. In Matthew and John in particular we often see "that the events of Christ's life were divinely ordered for the express purpose of fulfilling the Old Testament" (McNeile). See strkjv@Matthew:2:15,23; strkjv@4:14-17; strkjv@8:17; strkjv@12:17-21; strkjv@13:25; strkjv@21:4f.; strkjv@John:12:38f.; strkjv@13:18; strkjv@19:24,28,36f|.

rwp@Matthew:1:25 @{And knew her not} (\kai ouk egin“sken autˆn\). Note the imperfect tense, continuous or linear action. Joseph lived in continence with Mary till the birth of Jesus. Matthew does not say that Mary bore no other children than Jesus. "Her firstborn" is not genuine here, but is a part of the text in strkjv@Luke:2:7|. The perpetual virginity of Mary is not taught here. Jesus had brothers and sisters and the natural meaning is that they were younger children of Joseph and Mary and not children of Joseph by a previous marriage. Songs:Joseph "called his name Jesus" as the angel had directed and the child was born in wedlock. Joseph showed that he was an upright man in a most difficult situation.

rwp@Matthew:2:1 @{Now when Jesus was born} (\tou de Iˆsou gennˆthentos\). The fact of the birth of Jesus is stated by the genitive absolute construction (first aorist passive participle of the same verb \genna“\ used twice already of the birth of Jesus, strkjv@1:16,20|, and used in the genealogy, strkjv@1:2-16|). Matthew does not propose to give biographic details of the supernatural birth of Jesus, wonderful as it was and disbelieved as it is by some today who actually deny that Jesus was born at all or ever lived, men who talk of the Jesus Myth, the Christ Myth, etc. "The main purpose is to show the reception given by the world to the new-born Messianic King. Homage from afar, hostility at home; foreshadowing the fortunes of the new faith: reception by the Gentiles, rejection by the Jews" (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:2:2 @{For we saw his star in the east} (\eidomen gar autou ton astera en tˆi anatolˆi\). This does not mean that they saw the star which was in the east. That would make them go east to follow it instead of west from the east. The words "in the east" are probably to be taken with "we saw" i.e. we were in the east when we saw it, or still more probably "we saw his star at its rising" or "when it rose" as Moffatt puts it. The singular form here (\tˆi anatolˆi\) does sometimes mean "east" (Revelation:21:13|), though the plural is more common as in strkjv@Matthew:2:1|. In strkjv@Luke:1:78| the singular means dawn as the verb (\aneteilen\) does in strkjv@Matthew:4:16| (Septuagint). The Magi ask where is the one born king of the Jews. They claim that they had seen his star, either a miracle or a combination of bright stars or a comet. These men may have been Jewish proselytes and may have known of the Messianic hope, for even Vergil had caught a vision of it. The whole world was on tiptoe of expectancy for something. Moulton (_Journal of Theological Studies_, 1902, p. 524) "refers to the Magian belief that a star could be the _fravashi_, the counterpart or angel (cf. strkjv@Matthew:18:10|) of a great man" (McNeile). They came to worship the newly born king of the Jews. Seneca (_Epistle_ 58) tells of Magians who came to Athens with sacrifices to Plato after his death. They had their own way of concluding that the star which they had seen pointed to the birth of this Messianic king. Cicero (_Deuteronomy:Divin_. i. 47) "refers to the constellation from which, on the birthnight of Alexander, Magians foretold that the destroyer of Asia was born" (McNeile). Alford is positive that no miracle is intended by the report of the Magi or by Matthew in his narrative. But one must be allowed to say that the birth of Jesus, if really God's only Son who has become Incarnate, is the greatest of all miracles. Even the methods of astrologers need not disturb those who are sure of this fact.

rwp@Matthew:2:8 @{Sent them to Bethlehem and said} (\pempsas autous eis Bˆthleem eipen\). Simultaneous aorist participle, "sending said." They were to "search out accurately" (\exetasate akrib“s\) concerning the child. Then "bring me word, that I also may come and worship him." The deceit of Herod seemed plausible enough and might have succeeded but for God's intervention to protect His Son from the jealous rage of Herod.

rwp@Matthew:2:9 @{Went before them} (\proˆgen autous\). Imperfect tense, kept on in front of them, not as a guide to the town since they now knew that, but to the place where the child was, the inn according to strkjv@Luke:2:7|. Justin Martyr says that it was in a cave. The stall where the cattle and donkeys stayed may have been beneath the inn in the side of the hill.

rwp@Matthew:2:15 @{Until the death of Herod} (\he“s tˆs teleutˆs Hˆr“idou\). The Magi had been warned in a dream not to report to Herod and now Joseph was warned in a dream to take Mary and the child along (\mellei zˆtein tou apolesai\ gives a vivid picture of the purpose of Herod in these three verbs). In Egypt Joseph was to keep Mary and Jesus till the death of Herod the monster. Matthew quotes strkjv@Hosea:11:1| to show that this was in fulfilment of God's purpose to call his Son out of Egypt. He may have quoted again from a collection of _testimonia_ rather than from the Septuagint. There is a Jewish tradition in the Talmud that Jesus "brought with him magic arts out of Egypt in an incision on his body" (_Shabb_. 104b). "This attempt to ascribe the Lord's miracles to Satanic agency seems to be independent of Matthew, and may have been known to him, so that one object of his account may have been to combat it" (McNeile).

rwp@Matthew:2:16 @{Slew all the male children that were in Bethlehem} (\aneilen pantas tous paidas tous en Bˆthleem\). The flight of Joseph was justified, for Herod was violently enraged (\ethum“thˆ lian\) that he had been mocked by the Magi, deluded in fact (\enepaichthˆ\). Vulgate _illusus esset_. Herod did not know, of course, how old the child was, but he took no chances and included all the little boys (\tous paidas\, masculine article) in Bethlehem two years old and under, perhaps fifteen or twenty. It is no surprise that Josephus makes no note of this small item in Herod's chamber of horrors. It was another fulfilment of the prophecy in strkjv@Jeremiah:31:15|. The quotation (2:18|) seems to be from the Septuagint. It was originally written of the Babylonian captivity but it has a striking illustration in this case also. Macrobius (_Sat_. II. iv. II) notes that Augustus said that it was better to be Herod's sow (\hus\) than his son (\huios\), for the sow had a better chance of life.

rwp@Matthew:2:20 @{For they are dead} (\tethnˆkasin\). Only Herod had sought to kill the young child, but it is a general statement of a particular fact as is common with people who say: "They say." The idiom may be suggested by strkjv@Exodus:4:19|: "For all are dead that sought thy life."

rwp@Matthew:3:1 @{And in those days cometh John the Baptist} (\en de tais hˆmerais paraginetai I“anˆs ho Baptistˆs\). Here the synoptic narrative begins with the baptism of John (Mt. strkjv@3:1; strkjv@Mark:1:2; strkjv@Luke:3:1|) as given by Peter in strkjv@Acts:1:22|, "from the baptism of John, unto the day that he was received up from us" (cf. also strkjv@Acts:10:37-43|, Peter's summary to Cornelius very much like the outline of Mark's Gospel). Matthew does not indicate the date when John appeared as Luke does in ch. 3 (the fifteenth year of Tiberius's reign). It was some thirty years after the birth of John, precisely how long after the return of Joseph and Mary to Nazareth we do not know. Moffatt translates the verb (\paraginetai\) "came on the scene," but it is the historical present and calls for a vivid imagination on the part of the reader. There he is as he comes forward, makes his appearance. His name John means "Gift of Jehovah" (cf. German _Gotthold_) and is a shortened form of Johanan. He is described as "the Baptist," "the Baptizer" for that is the rite that distinguishes him. The Jews probably had proselyte baptism as I. Abrahams shows (_Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels_, p. 37). But this rite was meant for the Gentiles who accepted Judaism. John is treating the Jews as Gentiles in demanding baptism at their hands on the basis of repentance.

rwp@Matthew:3:1 @{Preaching in the wilderness of Judea} (\Kˆruss“n en tˆi erˆm“i tˆs Ioudaias\). It was the rough region in the hills toward the Jordan and the Dead Sea. There were some people scattered over the barren cliffs. Here John came in close touch with the rocks, the trees, the goats, the sheep, and the shepherds, the snakes that slipped before the burning grass over the rocks. He was the Baptizer, but he was also the Preacher, heralding his message out in the barren hills at first where few people were, but soon his startling message drew crowds from far and near. Some preachers start with crowds and drive them away.

rwp@Matthew:3:2 @{For the kingdom of heaven is at hand} (\ˆggiken gar hˆ Basileia t“n ouran“n\). Note the position of the verb and the present perfect tense. It was a startling word that John thundered over the hills and it re-echoed throughout the land. The Old Testament prophets had said that it would come some day in God's own time. John proclaims as the herald of the new day that it has come, has drawn near. How near he does not say, but he evidently means very near, so near that one could see the signs and the proof. The words "the kingdom of heaven" he does not explain. The other Gospels use "the kingdom of God" as Matthew does a few times, but he has "the kingdom of heaven" over thirty times. He means "the reign of God," not the political or ecclesiastical organization which the Pharisees expected. His words would be understood differently by different groups as is always true of popular preachers. The current Jewish apocalypses had numerous eschatological ideas connected with the kingdom of heaven. It is not clear what sympathy John had with these eschatological features. He employs vivid language at times, but we do not have to confine John's intellectual and theological horizon to that of the rabbis of his day. He has been an original student of the Old Testament in his wilderness environment without any necessary contact with the Essenes who dwelt there. His voice is a new one that strikes terror to the perfunctory theologians of the temple and of the synagogue. It is the fashion of some critics to deny to John any conception of the spiritual content of his words, a wholly gratuitous criticism.

rwp@Matthew:3:7 @{The Pharisees and Sadducees} (\t“n Pharisai“n kai Saddoukai“n\). These two rival parties do not often unite in common action, but do again in strkjv@Matthew:16:1|. "Here a strong attraction, there a strong repulsion, made them for the moment forget their differences" (McNeile). John saw these rival ecclesiastics "coming for baptism" (\erchomenous epi to baptisma\). Alford speaks of "the Pharisees representing hypocritical superstition; the Sadducees carnal unbelief." One cannot properly understand the theological atmosphere of Palestine at this time without an adequate knowledge of both Pharisees and Sadducees. The books are numerous besides articles in the Bible dictionaries. I have pictured the Pharisees in my first (1916) Stone Lectures, _The Pharisees and Jesus_. John clearly grasped the significance of this movement on the part of the Pharisees and Sadducees who had followed the crowds to the Jordan. He had welcomed the multitudes, but right in the presence of the crowds he exposes the hypocrisy of the ecclesiastics. {Ye offspring of vipers} (\gennˆmata echidn“n\). Jesus (Matthew:12:34; strkjv@23:33|) will use the same language to the Pharisees. Broods of snakes were often seen by John in the rocks and when a fire broke out they would scurry (\phugein\) to their holes for safety. "The coming wrath" was not just for Gentiles as the Jews supposed, but for all who were not prepared for the kingdom of heaven (1Thessalonians:1:10|). No doubt the Pharisees and Sadducees winced under the sting of this powerful indictment.

rwp@Matthew:3:8 @{Fruit worthy of repentance} (\Karpon axion tˆs metanoias\). John demands proof from these men of the new life before he administers baptism to them. "The fruit is not the change of heart, but the acts which result from it" (McNeile). It was a bold deed for John thus to challenge as unworthy the very ones who posed as lights and leaders of the Jewish people. "Any one can do (\poiˆsate, vide\ strkjv@Genesis:1:11|) acts externally good but only a good man can grow a crop of right acts and habits" (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:3:13 @{Then cometh Jesus} (\tote paraginetai ho Iˆsous\). The same historical present used in strkjv@3:1|. He comes all the way from Galilee to Jordan "to be baptized by him" (\tou baptisthˆnai hupo autou\). The genitive articular infinitive of purpose, a very common idiom. The fame of John had reached Nazareth and the hour has come for which Jesus has waited.

rwp@Matthew:3:16 @{The Spirit of God descending as a dove} (\pneuma theou katabainon h“sei peristeran\). It is not certain whether Matthew means that the Spirit of God took the form of a dove or came upon Jesus as a dove comes down. Either makes sense, but Luke (Luke:3:22|) has it "in bodily form as a dove" and that is probably the idea here. The dove in Christian art has been considered the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

rwp@Matthew:4:3 @{If thou art the Son of God} (\ei huios ei tou theou\). More exactly, "If thou art Son of God," for there is no article with "Son." The devil is alluding to the words of the Father to Jesus at the baptism: "This is my Son the Beloved." He challenges this address by a condition of the first class which assumes the condition to be true and deftly calls on Jesus to exercise his power as Son of God to appease his hunger and thus prove to himself and all that he really is what the Father called him. {Become bread} (\artoi gen“ntai\). Literally, "that these stones (round smooth stones which possibly the devil pointed to or even picked up and held) become loaves" (each stone a loaf). It was all so simple, obvious, easy. It would satisfy the hunger of Christ and was quite within his power. {It is written} (\gegraptai\). Perfect passive indicative, stands written and is still in force. Each time Jesus quotes Deuteronomy to repel the subtle temptation of the devil. Here it is strkjv@Deuteronomy:8:3| from the Septuagint. Bread is a mere detail (Bruce) in man's dependence upon God.

rwp@Matthew:4:8 @{And showeth him} (\kai deiknusin aut“i\). This wonderful panorama had to be partially mental and imaginative, since the devil caused to pass in review "all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them." But this fact does not prove that all phases of the temptations were subjective without any objective presence of the devil. Both could be true. Here again we have the vivid historical present (\deiknusin\). The devil now has Christ upon a very high mountain whether the traditional Quarantania or not. It was from Nebo's summit that Moses caught the vision of the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy:34:1-3|). Luke (Luke:4:5|) says that the whole panorama was "in a moment of time" and clearly psychological and instantaneous.

rwp@Matthew:4:9 @{All these things will I give thee} (\tauta soi panta d“s“\). The devil claims the rule of the world, not merely of Palestine or of the Roman Empire. "The kingdoms of the cosmos" (4:8|) were under his sway. This word for world brings out the orderly arrangement of the universe while \hˆ oikoumenˆ\ presents the inhabited earth. Jesus does not deny the grip of the devil on the world of men, but the condition (\ean\ and aorist subjunctive, second class undetermined with likelihood of determination), was spurned by Jesus. As Matthew has it Jesus is plainly to "fall down and worship me" (\pes“n prokunˆsˆis moi\), while Luke (Luke:4:7|) puts it, "worship before me" (\en“pion emou\), a less offensive demand, but one that really involved worship of the devil. The ambition of Jesus is thus appealed to at the price of recognition of the devil's primacy in the world. It was compromise that involved surrender of the Son of God to the world ruler of this darkness. "The temptation was threefold: to gain a temporal, not a spiritual, dominion; to gain it at once; and to gain it by an act of homage to the ruler of this world, which would make the self-constituted Messiah the vice-regent of the devil and not of God" (McNeile).

rwp@Matthew:4:13 @{Dwelt in Capernaum} (\Kat“ikˆsen eis Kapharnaoum\). He went first to Nazareth, his old home, but was rejected there (Luke:4:16-31|). In Capernaum (probably the modern \Tell H–m\) Jesus was in a large town, one of the centres of Galilean political and commercial life, a fishing mart, where many Gentiles came. Here the message of the kingdom would have a better chance than in Jerusalem with its ecclesiastical prejudices or in Nazareth with its local jealousies. Songs:Jesus "made his home" (\kat“ikˆsen\) here.

rwp@Matthew:4:21 @{Mending their nets} (\katartizontas ta diktua aut“n\). These two brothers, James and John, were getting their nets ready for use. The verb (\katartiz“\) means to adjust, to articulate, to mend if needed (Luke:6:40; strkjv@Romans:9:22; strkjv@Galatians:6:1|). Songs:they promptly left their boat and father and followed Jesus. They had also already become disciples of Jesus. Now there are four who follow him steadily.

rwp@Matthew:4:24 @{The report of him went forth into all Syria} (\apˆlthen hˆ akoˆ autou eis holˆn tˆn Syrian\). Rumour (\akoˆ\) carries things almost like the wireless or radio. The Gentiles all over Syria to the north heard of what was going on in Galilee. The result was inevitable. Jesus had a moving hospital of patients from all over Galilee and Syria. "{Those that were sick}" (\tous kak“s echontas\), literally "those who had it bad," cases that the doctors could not cure. "{Holden with divers diseases and torments}" (\poikilais nosois kai basanois sunechomenous\). "Held together" or "compressed" is the idea of the participle. The same word is used by Jesus in strkjv@Luke:12:50| and by Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:1:23| and of the crowd pressing on Jesus (Luke:8:45|). They brought these difficult and chronic cases (present tense of the participle here) to Jesus. Instead of "divers" say "various" (\poikilais\) like fever, leprosy, blindness. The adjective means literally many colored or variegated like flowers, paintings, jaundice, etc. Some had "torments" (\basanois\). The word originally (oriental origin) meant a touchstone, "Lydian stone" used for testing gold because pure gold rubbed on it left a peculiar mark. Then it was used for examination by torture. Sickness was often regarded as "torture." These diseases are further described "in a descending scale of violence" (McNeile) as "demoniacs, lunatics, and paralytics" as Moffatt puts it, "demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics" as Weymouth has it, (\daimonizomenous kai selˆniazomenous kai paralutikous\), people possessed by demons, lunatics or "moon-struck" because the epileptic seizures supposedly followed the phases of the moon (Bruce) as shown also in strkjv@Matthew:17:15|, paralytics (our very word). Our word "lunatic" is from the Latin _luna_ (moon) and carries the same picture as the Greek \selˆniazomai\ from \selˆnˆ\ (moon). These diseases are called "torments."

rwp@Matthew:4:25 @{Great multitudes} (\ochloi polloi\). Note the plural, not just one crowd, but crowds and crowds. And from all parts of Palestine including Decapolis, the region of the Ten Greek Cities east of the Jordan. No political campaign was equal to this outpouring of the people to hear Jesus and to be healed by Jesus.

rwp@Matthew:5:1 @{He went up into the mountain} (\anebˆ eis to oros\). Not "a" mountain as the Authorized Version has it. The Greek article is poorly handled in most English versions. We do not know what mountain it was. It was the one there where Jesus and the crowds were. "Delitzsch calls the Mount of Beatitudes the Sinai of the New Testament" (Vincent). He apparently went up to get in closer contact with the disciples, "seeing the multitudes." Luke (Luke:6:12|) says that he went out into the mountain to pray, Mark (Mark:3:13|) that he went up and called the twelve. All three purposes are true. Luke adds that after a whole night in prayer and after the choice of the twelve Jesus came down to a level place on the mountain and spoke to the multitudes from Judea to Phoenicia. The crowds are great in both Matthew and in Luke and include disciples and the other crowds. There is no real difficulty in considering the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and the Sermon on the Plain in Luke as one and the same. See full discussion in my _Harmony of the Gospels_.

rwp@Matthew:5:3 @{Blessed} (\makarioi\). The English word "blessed" is more exactly represented by the Greek verbal \eulogˆtoi\ as in strkjv@Luke:1:68| of God by Zacharias, or the perfect passive participle \eulogˆmenos\ as in strkjv@Luke:1:42| of Mary by Elizabeth and in strkjv@Matthew:21:9|. Both forms come from \euloge“\, to speak well of (\eu, logos\). The Greek word here (\makarioi\) is an adjective that means "happy" which in English etymology goes back to hap, chance, good-luck as seen in our words haply, hapless, happily, happiness. "Blessedness is, of course, an infinitely higher and better thing than mere happiness" (Weymouth). English has thus ennobled "blessed" to a higher rank than "happy." But "happy" is what Jesus said and the _Braid Scots New Testament_ dares to say "Happy" each time here as does the _Improved Edition of the American Bible Union Version_. The Greek word is as old as Homer and Pindar and was used of the Greek gods and also of men, but largely of outward prosperity. Then it is applied to the dead who died in the Lord as in strkjv@Revelation:14:13|. Already in the Old Testament the Septuagint uses it of moral quality. "Shaking itself loose from all thoughts of outward good, it becomes the express symbol of a happiness identified with pure character. Behind it lies the clear cognition of sin as the fountain-head of all misery, and of holiness as the final and effectual cure for every woe. For knowledge as the basis of virtue, and therefore of happiness, it substitutes faith and love" (Vincent). Jesus takes this word "happy" and puts it in this rich environment. "This is one of the words which have been transformed and ennobled by New Testament use; by association, as in the Beatitudes, with unusual conditions, accounted by the world miserable, or with rare and difficult" (Bruce). It is a pity that we have not kept the word "happy" to the high and holy plane where Jesus placed it. "If you know these things, happy (\makarioi\) are you if you do them" (John:13:17|). "Happy (\makarioi\) are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John:20:29|). And Paul applies this adjective to God, "according to the gospel of the glory of the happy (\makariou\) God" (1Timothy:1:11|. Cf. also strkjv@Titus:2:13|). The term "Beatitudes" (Latin _beatus_) comes close to the meaning of Christ here by \makarioi\. It will repay one to make a careful study of all the "beatitudes" in the New Testament where this word is employed. It occurs nine times here (3-11|), though the beatitudes in verses 10 and 11 are very much alike. The copula is not expressed in either of these nine beatitudes. In each case a reason is given for the beatitude, "for" (\hoti\), that shows the spiritual quality involved. Some of the phrases employed by Jesus here occur in the Psalms, some even in the Talmud (itself later than the New Testament, though of separate origin). That is of small moment. "The originality of Jesus lies in putting the due value on these thoughts, collecting them, and making them as prominent as the Ten Commandments. No greater service can be rendered to mankind than to rescue from obscurity neglected moral commonplaces " (Bruce). Jesus repeated his sayings many times as all great teachers and preachers do, but this sermon has unity, progress, and consummation. It does not contain all that Jesus taught by any means, but it stands out as the greatest single sermon of all time, in its penetration, pungency, and power. {The poor in spirit} (\hoi pt“choi t“i pneumati\). Luke has only "the poor," but he means the same by it as this form in Matthew, "the pious in Israel, for the most part poor, whom the worldly rich despised and persecuted" (McNeile). The word used here (\pt“choi\) is applied to the beggar Lazarus in strkjv@Luke:16:20,22| and suggests spiritual destitution (from \pt“ss“\ to crouch, to cower). The other word \penˆs\ is from \penomai\, to work for one's daily bread and so means one who works for his living. The word \pt“chos\ is more frequent in the New Testament and implies deeper poverty than \penˆs\. "The kingdom of heaven" here means the reign of God in the heart and life. This is the _summum bonum_ and is what matters most.

rwp@Matthew:5:4 @{They that mourn} (\hoi penthountes\). This is another paradox. This verb "is most frequent in the LXX for mourning for the dead, and for the sorrows and sins of others" (McNeile). "There can be no comfort where there is no grief" (Bruce). Sorrow should make us look for the heart and hand of God and so find the comfort latent in the grief.

rwp@Matthew:5:5 @{The meek} (\hoi praeis\). Wycliff has it "Blessed be mild men." The ancients used the word for outward conduct and towards men. They did not rank it as a virtue anyhow. It was a mild equanimity that was sometimes negative and sometimes positively kind. But Jesus lifted the word to a nobility never attained before. In fact, the Beatitudes assume a new heart, for the natural man does not find in happiness the qualities mentioned here by Christ. The English word "meek" has largely lost the fine blend of spiritual poise and strength meant by the Master. He calls himself "meek and lowly in heart" (Matthew:11:29|) and Moses is also called meek. It is the gentleness of strength, not mere effeminacy. By "the earth" (\tˆn gˆn\) Jesus seems to mean the Land of Promise (Psalms:37:11|) though Bruce thinks that it is the whole earth. Can it be the solid earth as opposed to the sea or the air?

rwp@Matthew:5:8 @{Shall see God} (\ton theon opsontai\). Without holiness no man will see the Lord in heaven (Hebrews:12:14|). The Beatific Vision is only possible here on earth to those with pure hearts. No other can see the King now. Sin befogs and beclouds the heart so that one cannot see God. Purity has here its widest sense and includes everything.

rwp@Matthew:5:11 @{Falsely, for my sake} (\pseudomenoi heneken emou\). Codex Bezae changes the order of these last Beatitudes, but that is immaterial. What does matter is that the bad things said of Christ's followers shall be untrue and that they are slandered for Christ's sake. Both things must be true before one can wear a martyr's crown and receive the great reward (\misthos\) in heaven. No prize awaits one there who deserves all the evil said of him and done to him here.

rwp@Matthew:5:15 @{Under the bushel} (\hupo ton modion\). Not a bushel. "The figure is taken from lowly cottage life. There was a projecting stone in the wall on which the lamp was set. The house consisted of a single room, so that the tiny light sufficed for all" (Bruce). It was not put under the bushel (the only one in the room) save to put it out or to hide it. The bushel was an earthenware grain measure. "{The stand}" (\tˆn luchnian\), not "candlestick." It is "lamp-stand" in each of the twelve examples in the Bible. There was the one lamp-stand for the single room.

rwp@Matthew:5:18 @{One jot or one tittle} (\i“ta hen ˆ mia kerea\). "Not an iota, not a comma" (Moffatt), "not the smallest letter, not a particle" (Weymouth). The iota is the smallest Greek vowel, which Matthew here uses to represent the Hebrew _yod_ (jot), the smallest Hebrew letter. "Tittle" is from the Latin _titulus_ which came to mean the stroke above an abbreviated word, then any small mark. It is not certain here whether \kerea\ means a little horn, the mere point which distinguishes some Hebrew letters from others or the "hook" letter _Vav_. Sometimes _yod_ and _vav_ were hardly distinguishable. "In _Vay_. R. 19 the guilt of altering one of them is pronounced so great that if it were done the world would be destroyed" (McNeile).

rwp@Matthew:5:20 @{Shall exceed} (\perisseusˆi pleion\). Overflow like a river out of its banks and then Jesus adds "more" followed by an unexpressed ablative (\tˆs dikaiosunˆs\), brachylogy. A daring statement on Christ's part that they had to be better than the rabbis. They must excel the scribes, the small number of regular teachers (5:21-48|), and the Pharisees in the Pharisaic life (6:1-18|) who were the separated ones, the orthodox pietists.

rwp@Matthew:5:22 @{But I say unto you} (\eg“ de leg“ humin\). Jesus thus assumes a tone of superiority over the Mosaic regulations and proves it in each of the six examples. He goes further than the Law into the very heart. "{Raca}" (\Raka\) and "{Thou fool}" (\M“re\). The first is probably an Aramaic word meaning "Empty," a frequent word for contempt. The second word is Greek (dull, stupid) and is a fair equivalent of "raca." It is urged by some that \m“re\ is a Hebrew word, but Field (_Otium Norvicense_) objects to that idea. "_Raca_ expresses contempt for a man's head=you stupid! _M“re_ expresses contempt for his heart and character=you scoundrel" (Bruce). "{The hell of fire}" (\tˆn geennan tou puros\), "the Gehenna of fire," the genitive case (\tou puros\) as the genus case describing Gehenna as marked by fire. Gehenna is the Valley of Hinnom where the fire burned continually. Here idolatrous Jews once offered their children to Molech (2Kings:23:10|). Jesus finds one cause of murder to be abusive language. Gehenna "should be carefully distinguished from Hades (\hƒidˆs\) which is never used for the place of punishment, but for the _place of departed spirits_, without reference to their moral condition" (Vincent). The place of torment is in Hades (Luke:16:23|), but so is heaven.

rwp@Matthew:5:24 @{First be reconciled} (\pr“ton diallagˆthi\). Second aorist passive imperative. Get reconciled (ingressive aorist, take the initiative). Only example of this compound in the New Testament where usually \katallass“\ occurs. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 187, New Ed.) gives a papyrus example second century A.D. A prodigal son, Longinus, writes to his mother Nilus: "I beseech thee, mother, be reconciled (\dialagˆti\) with me." The boy is a poor speller, but with a broken heart he uses the identical form that Jesus does. "The verb denotes mutual concession after mutual hostility, an idea absent from \katallass“\" (Lightfoot). This because of \dia\ (two, between two).

rwp@Matthew:5:26 @{The last farthing} (\ton eschaton kodrantˆn\). A Latin word, _quadrans, 1/4 of an _as_ (\assarion\) or two mites (Mark:12:42|), a vivid picture of inevitable punishment for debt. This is emphasized by the strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with the aorist subjunctive.

rwp@Matthew:5:28 @{In his heart} (\en tˆi kardiƒi autou\). Not just the centre of the blood circulation though it means that. Not just the emotional part of man's nature, but here the inner man including the intellect, the affections, the will. This word is exceedingly common in the New Testament and repays careful study always. It is from a root that means to quiver or palpitate. Jesus locates adultery in the eye and heart before the outward act. Wunsche (_Beitrage_) quotes two pertinent rabbinical sayings as translated by Bruce: "The eye and the heart are the two brokers of sin." "Passions lodge only in him who sees." Hence the peril of lewd pictures and plays to the pure.

rwp@Matthew:5:34 @{Swear not at all} (\mˆ omosai hol“s\). More exactly "not to swear at all" (indirect command, and aorist infinitive). Certainly Jesus does not prohibit oaths in a court of justice for he himself answered Caiaphas on oath. Paul made solemn appeals to God (1Thessalonians:5:27; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:31|). Jesus prohibits all forms of profanity. The Jews were past-masters in the art of splitting hairs about allowable and forbidden oaths or forms of profanity just as modern Christians employ a great variety of vernacular "cuss-words" and excuse themselves because they do not use the more flagrant forms.

rwp@Matthew:5:39 @{Resist not him that is evil} (\me antistˆnai t“i ponˆr“i\). Here again it is the infinitive (second aorist active) in indirect command. But is it "the evil man" or the "evil deed"? The dative case is the same form for masculine and neuter. Weymouth puts it "not to resist a (the) wicked man," Moffatt "not to resist an injury," Goodspeed "not to resist injury." The examples will go with either view. Jesus protested when smitten on the cheek (John:18:22|). And Jesus denounced the Pharisees (Matthew:23|) and fought the devil always. The language of Jesus is bold and picturesque and is not to be pressed too literally. Paradoxes startle and make us think. We are expected to fill in the other side of the picture. One thing certainly is meant by Jesus and that is that personal revenge is taken out of our hands, and that applies to "lynch-law." Aggressive or offensive war by nations is also condemned, but not necessarily defensive war or defence against robbery and murder. Professional pacifism may be mere cowardice.

rwp@Matthew:6:6 @{Into thy closet} (\eis to tameion\). The word is a late syncopated form of \tamieion\ from \tamias\ (steward) and the root \tam-\ from \temn“\, to cut. Songs:it is a store-house, a separate apartment, one's private chamber, closet, or "den" where he can withdraw from the world and shut the world out and commune with God.

rwp@Matthew:6:11 @{Our daily bread} (\ton arton hˆm“n ton epiousion\). This adjective "daily" (\epiousion\) coming after "Give us this day" (\dos hˆmŒn sˆmeron\) has given expositors a great deal of trouble. The effort has been made to derive it from \epi\ and \“n\ (\ousa\). It clearly comes from \epi\ and \i“n\ (\epi\ and \eimi\) like \tˆi epiousˆi\ ("on the coming day," "the next day," strkjv@Acts:16:12|). But the adjective \epiousios\ is rare and Origen said it was made by the Evangelists Matthew and Luke to reproduce the idea of an Aramaic original. Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_ say: "The papyri have as yet shed no clear light upon this difficult word (Matthew:6:11; strkjv@Luke:11:3|), which was in all probability a new coinage by the author of the Greek Q to render his Aramaic Original" (this in 1919). Deissmann claims that only about fifty purely New Testament or "Christian" words can be admitted out of the more than 5,000 used. "But when a word is not recognizable at sight as a Jewish or Christian new formation, we must consider it as an ordinary Greek word until the contrary is proved. \Epiousios\ has all the appearance of a word that originated in trade and traffic of the everyday life of the people (cf. my hints in _Neutestamentliche Studien Georg Heinrici dargebracht_, Leipzig, 1914, pp. 118f.). The opinion here expressed has been confirmed by A. Debrunner's discovery (_Theol. Lit. Ztg_. 1925, Col. 119) of \epiousios\ in an ancient housekeeping book" (_Light from the Ancient East_, New ed. 1927, p. 78 and note 1). Songs:then it is not a word coined by the Evangelist or by Q to express an Aramaic original. The word occurs also in three late MSS. after 2Macc. strkjv@1:8, \tous epiousious\ after \tous artous\. The meaning, in view of the kindred participle (\epiousˆi\) in strkjv@Acts:16:12|, seems to be "for the coming day," a daily prayer for the needs of the next day as every housekeeper understands like the housekeeping book discovered by Debrunner.

rwp@Matthew:6:12 @{Our debts} (\ta opheilˆmata hˆm“n\). Luke (Luke:11:4|) has "sins" (\hamartias\). In the ancient Greek \opheilˆma\ is common for actual legal debts as in strkjv@Romans:4:4|, but here it is used of moral and spiritual debts to God. "Trespasses" is a mistranslation made common by the Church of England Prayer Book. It is correct in verse 14| in Christ's argument about prayer, but it is not in the Model Prayer itself. See strkjv@Matthew:18:28,30| for sin pictured again by Christ "as debt and the sinner as a debtor" (Vincent). We are thus described as having wronged God. The word \opheilˆ\ for moral obligation was once supposed to be peculiar to the New Testament. But it is common in that sense in the papyri (Deismann, _Bible Studies_, p. 221; _Light from the Ancient East,_ New ed., p. 331). We ask forgiveness "in proportion as" (\h“s\) we _also_ have forgiven those in debt to us, a most solemn reflection. \Aphˆkamen\ is one of the three k aorists (\ethˆka, ed“ka, hˆka\). It means to send away, to dismiss, to wipe off.

rwp@Matthew:6:13 @{From the evil one} (\apo tou ponˆrou\). The ablative case in the Greek obscures the gender. We have no way of knowing whether it is \ho ponˆros\ (the evil one) or \to ponˆron\ (the evil thing). And if it is masculine and so \ho ponˆros\, it can either refer to the devil as the Evil One _par excellence_ or the evil man whoever he may be who seeks to do us ill. The word \ponˆros\ has a curious history coming from \ponos\ (toil) and \pone“\ (to work). It reflects the idea either that work is bad or that this particular work is bad and so the bad idea drives out the good in work or toil, an example of human depravity surely.

rwp@Matthew:6:13 @The Doxology is placed in the margin of the Revised Version. It is wanting in the oldest and best Greek manuscripts. The earliest forms vary very much, some shorter, some longer than the one in the Authorized Version. The use of a doxology arose when this prayer began to be used as a liturgy to be recited or to be chanted in public worship. It was not an original part of the Model Prayer as given by Jesus.

rwp@Matthew:6:14 @{Trespasses} (\parapt“mata\). This is no part of the Model Prayer. The word "trespass" is literally "falling to one side," a lapse or deviation from truth or uprightness. The ancients sometimes used it of intentional falling or attack upon one's enemy, but "slip" or "fault" (Galatians:6:1|) is the common New Testament idea. \Parabasis\ (Romans:5:14|) is a positive violation, a transgression, conscious stepping aside or across.

rwp@Matthew:6:22 @{Single} (\haplous\). Used of a marriage contract when the husband is to repay the dowry "pure and simple" (\tˆn phernˆn haplˆn\), if she is set free; but in case he does not do so promptly, he is to add interest also (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_, etc.). There are various other instances of such usage. Here and in strkjv@Luke:11:34| the eye is called "single" in a moral sense. The word means "without folds" like a piece of cloth unfolded, _simplex_ in Latin. Bruce considers this parable of the eye difficult. "The figure and the ethical meaning seem to be mixed up, moral attributes ascribed to the physical eye which with them still gives light to the body. This confusion may be due to the fact that the eye, besides being the organ of vision, is the seat of expression, revealing inward dispositions." The "evil" eye (\ponˆros\) may be diseased and is used of stinginess in the LXX and so \haplous\ may refer to liberality as Hatch argues (_Essays in Biblical Greek_, p. 80). The passage may be elliptical with something to be supplied. If our eyes are healthy we see clearly and with a single focus (without astigmatism). If the eyes are diseased (bad, evil), they may even be cross-eyed or cock-eyed. We see double and confuse our vision. We keep one eye on the hoarded treasures of earth and roll the other proudly up to heaven. Seeing double is double-mindedness as is shown in verse 24|.

rwp@Matthew:6:25 @Vincent quotes Bacon (Henry VII): "Harris, an alderman of London, was put in trouble and died with thought and anguish." But words change with time and now this passage is actually quoted (Lightfoot) "as an objection to the moral teaching of the Sermon on the Mount, on the ground that it encouraged, nay, commanded, a reckless neglect of the future." We have narrowed the word to mere planning without any notion of anxiety which is in the Greek word. The verb \merimna“\ is from \meris, meriz“\, because care or anxiety distracts and divides. It occurs in Christ's rebuke to Martha for her excessive solicitude about something to eat (Luke:10:41|). The notion of proper care and forethought appears in strkjv@1Corinthians:7:32; strkjv@12:25; strkjv@Phillipians:2:20|. It is here the present imperative with the negative, a command not to have the habit of petulant worry about food and clothing, a source of anxiety to many housewives, a word for women especially as the command not to worship mammon may be called a word for men. The command can mean that they must stop such worry if already indulging in it. In verse 31| Jesus repeats the prohibition with the ingressive aorist subjunctive: "Do not become anxious," "Do not grow anxious." Here the direct question with the deliberative subjunctive occurs with each verb (\phag“men, pi“men, peribal“metha\). This deliberative subjunctive of the direct question is retained in the indirect question employed in verse 25|. A different verb for clothing occurs, both in the indirect middle (\peribal“metha\, fling round ourselves in 31|, \endusˆsthe\, put on yourselves in 25|).

rwp@Matthew:6:33 @{First his kingdom} (\pr“ton tˆn basileian\). This in answer to those who see in the Sermon on the Mount only ethical comments. Jesus in the Beatitudes drew the picture of the man with the new heart. Here he places the Kingdom of God and his righteousness before temporal blessings (food and clothing).

rwp@Matthew:7:3 @{The mote} (\to karphos\). Not dust, but a piece of dried wood or chaff, splinter (Weymouth, Moffatt), speck (Goodspeed), a very small particle that may irritate. {The beam} (\tˆn dokon\). A log on which planks in the house rest (so papyri), joist, rafter, plank (Moffatt), pole sticking out grotesquely. Probably a current proverb quoted by Jesus like our people in glass houses throwing stones. Tholuck quotes an Arabic proverb: "How seest thou the splinter in thy brother's eye, and seest not the cross-beam in thine eye?"

rwp@Matthew:7:9 @{Loaf--stone} (\arton--lithon\). Some stones look like loaves of bread. Songs:the devil suggested that Jesus make loaves out of stones (Matthew:4:3|).

rwp@Matthew:7:10 @{Fish--serpent} (\ichthun--ophin\). Fish, common article of food, and water-snakes could easily be substituted. Anacoluthon in this sentence in the Greek.

rwp@Matthew:8:6 @{Grievously tormented} (\dein“s basanizomenos\). Participle present passive from root \basanos\ (see on ¯Matthew:4:24|). The boy (\pais\), slave (\doulos\, strkjv@Luke:7:2|), was a bedridden (\beblˆtai\, perfect passive indicative of \ball“\) paralytic.

rwp@Matthew:8:12 @{Into the outer darkness} (\eis to skotos to ex“teron\). Comparative adjective like our "further out," the darkness outside the limits of the lighted palace, one of the figures for hell or punishment (Matthew:23:13; strkjv@25:30|). The repeated article makes it bolder and more impressive, "the darkness the outside," there where the wailing and gnashing of teeth is heard in the thick blackness of night.

rwp@Matthew:8:14 @{Lying sick of a fever} (\biblˆmenˆn kai puressousan\). Two participles, bedridden (perfect passive of \ball“\) and burning with fever (present active). How long the fever had had her we have no means of knowing, possibly a sudden and severe attack (Mark:1:30|), as they tell Jesus about her on reaching the house of Peter. We are not told what kind of fever it was. Fever itself was considered a disease. "Fever" is from German feuer (fire) like the Greek \pur\.

rwp@Matthew:8:19 @{A scribe} (\heis grammateus\). One (\heis\)="a," indefinite article. Already a disciple as shown by "another of the disciples" (\heteros t“n mathˆt“n\) in strkjv@8:21|. He calls Jesus "Teacher" (\didaskale\), but he seems to be a "bumptious" brother full of self-confidence and self-complacency. "Even one of that most unimpressionable class, in spirit and tendency utterly opposed to the ways of Jesus" (Bruce). Yet Jesus deals gently with him.

rwp@Matthew:8:21 @{The Son of man} (\tho huios tou anthr“pou\). This remarkable expression, applied to himself by Jesus so often, appears here for the first time. There is a considerable modern literature devoted to it. "It means much for the Speaker, who has chosen it deliberately, in connection with private reflections, at whose nature we can only guess, by study of the many occasions on which the name is used" (Bruce). Often it means the Representative Man. It may sometimes stand for the Aramaic _barnasha_, the man, but in most instances that idea will not suit. Jesus uses it as a concealed Messianic title. It is possible that this scribe would not understand the phrase at all. Bruce thinks that here Jesus means "the unprivileged Man," worse off than the foxes and the birds. Jesus spoke Greek as well as Aramaic. It is inconceivable that the Gospels should never call Jesus "the Son of man" and always credit it to him as his own words if he did not so term himself, about eighty times in all, thirty-three in Matthew. Jesus in his early ministry, except at the very start in strkjv@John:4|, abstains from calling himself Messiah. This term suited his purpose exactly to get the people used to his special claim as Messiah when he is ready to make it openly.

rwp@Matthew:8:24 @{But he was asleep} (\autos de ekatheuden\). Imperfect, was sleeping. Picturesque scene. The Sea of Galilee is 680 feet below the Mediterranean Sea. These sudden squalls come down from the summit of Hermon with terrific force (\seismos megas\) like an earthquake. Mark (Mark:4:37|) and Luke (Luke:8:23|) term it a whirlwind (\lailaps\) in furious gusts.

rwp@Matthew:8:34 @{That he would depart} (\hop“s metabˆi\). The whole city was excited over the destruction of the hogs and begged Jesus to leave, forgetful of the healing of the demoniacs in their concern over the loss of property. They cared more for hogs than for human souls, as often happens today.

rwp@Matthew:9:2 @{They brought} (\prosepheron\). Imperfect, "were bringing," graphic picture made very vivid by the details in strkjv@Mark:2:1-4| and strkjv@Luke:5:17|. "{Lying on a bed}" (stretched on a couch), perfect passive participle, a little bed or couch (\klinidion\) in strkjv@Luke:5:19|, "a pallet" (\krabatos\) in strkjv@Mark:2:4,9,11|. {Thy sins are forgiven} (\aphientai\). Present passive indicative (aoristic present). Luke (Luke:5:21|) has \aphe“ntai\, Doric and Ionic perfect passive indicative for the Attic \apheintai\, one of the dialectical forms appearing in the _Koin‚_.

rwp@Matthew:9:6 @{That ye may know} (\hina eidˆte\). Jesus accepts the challenge in the thoughts of the scribes and performs the miracle of healing the paralytic, who so far only had his sins forgiven, to prove his Messianic power on earth to forgive sins even as God does. The word \exousia\ may mean either power or authority. He had both as a matter of fact. Note same word in strkjv@9:8|. {Then saith he to the sick of the palsy} (\tote legei t“i paralutik“i\). These words of course, were not spoken by Jesus. Curiously enough Matthew interjects them right in the midst of the sayings of Jesus in reply to the scorn of the scribes. Still more remarkable is the fact that Mark (Mark:2:10|) has precisely the same words in the same place save that Matthew has added \tote\, of which he is fond, to what Mark already had. Mark, as we know, largely reports Peter's words and sees with Peter's eyes. Luke has the same idea in the same place without the vivid historical present \legei (eipen t“i paralelumen“i)\ with the participle in place of the adjective. This is one of the many proofs that both Matthew and Luke made use of Mark's Gospel each in his own way. {Take up thy bed} (\ƒron sou tˆn klinˆn\). Pack up at once (aorist active imperative) the rolled-up pallet.

rwp@Matthew:9:10 @{Publicans and sinners} (\tel“nai kai hamart“loi\). Often coupled together in common scorn and in contrast with the righteous (\dikaioi\ in strkjv@9:13|). It was a strange medley at Levi's feast (Jesus and the four fisher disciples, Nathanael and Philip; Matthew Levi and his former companions, publicans and sinners; Pharisees with their scribes or students as on-lookers; disciples of John the Baptist who were fasting at the very time that Jesus was feasting and with such a group). The Pharisees criticize sharply "your teacher" for such a social breach of "reclining" together with publicans at Levi's feast.

rwp@Matthew:9:17 @{Old wineskins} (\askous palaious\). Not glass "{bottles}" but wineskins used as bottles as is true in Palestine yet, goatskins with the rough part inside. "Our word _bottle_ originally carried the true meaning, being a bottle of leather. In Spanish _bota_ means a _leather bottle_, a _boot_, and a _butt_. In Spain wine is still brought to market in pig-skins " (Vincent). The new wine will ferment and crack the dried-up old skins. {The wine is spilled} (\ekcheitai\), poured out.

rwp@Matthew:9:18 @{Is even now dead} (\arti eteleutˆsen\). Aorist tense with \arti\ and so better, "just now died," "just dead" (Moffatt). Mark (Mark:5:23|) has it "at the point of death," Luke (Luke:8:42|) "lay a dying." It is not always easy even for physicians to tell when actual death has come. Jesus in strkjv@9:24| pointedly said, "The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth," meaning that she did not die to stay dead.

rwp@Matthew:9:32 @{A dumb man} (\k“phon\). Literally blunted in tongue as here and so dumb, in ear as in strkjv@Matthew:11:5| and so deaf. Homer used it of a blunted dart (_Iliad_ xi. 390). Others applied it to mental dulness.

rwp@Matthew:9:36 @{Were distressed and scattered} (\ˆsan eskulmenoi kai erimmenoi\). Periphrastic past perfect indicative passive. A sad and pitiful state the crowds were in. Rent or mangled as if by wild beasts. \Skull“\ occurs in the papyri in sense of plunder, concern, vexation. "Used here of the common people, it describes their religious condition. They were harassed, importuned, bewildered by those who should have taught them; hindered from entering into the kingdom of heaven (23:13|), laden with the burdens which the Pharisees laid upon them (23:3|). \Erimmenoi\ denotes men cast down and prostrate on the ground, whether from drunkenness, Polyb. v. 48.2, or from mortal wounds" (Allen): This perfect passive participle from \rhipt“\, to throw down. The masses were in a state of mental dejection. No wonder that Jesus was moved with compassion (\esplagchnisthˆ\).

rwp@Matthew:10:1 @{His twelve disciples} (\tous d“deka mathˆtas autou\). First mention of the group of "learners" by Matthew and assumed as already in existence (note the article) as they were (Mark:3:14|). They were chosen before the Sermon on the Mount was delivered, but Matthew did not mention it in connection with that sermon.

rwp@Matthew:10:2 @{The names of the twelve apostles} (\t“n d“deka apostol“n ta onomata\). This is the official name (missionaries) used here by Matthew for the first time. The names are given here, but Matthew does not say that they were chosen at this time. Mark (Mark:3:13-19|) and Luke (Luke:6:12-16|) state that Jesus "chose" them, "appointed" them after a night of prayer in the mountain and came down with them and then delivered the Sermon (Luke:6:17|). Simon heads the list (\pr“tos\) in all four lists including strkjv@Acts:1:13f|. He came to be first and foremost at the great Pentecost (Acts:2| and strkjv@Acts:3|). The apostles disputed a number of times as to which was greatest. Judas Iscariot comes last each time save that he is absent in Acts, being already dead. Matthew calls him the betrayer (\ho paradidous\). Iscariot is usually explained as "man of Kerioth" down near Edom (Joshua:15:25|). Philip comes fifth and James the son of Alphaeus the ninth. Bartholomew is the name for Nathanael. Thaddaeus is Judas the brother of James. Simon Zelotes is also called Simon the Canaanean (Zealous, Hebrew word). This is apparently their first preaching and healing tour without Jesus. He sends them forth by twos (Mark:6:7|). Matthew names them in pairs, probably as they were sent out.

rwp@Matthew:10:7 @{As ye go, preach} (\poreuomenoi kˆrussete\). Present participle and present imperative. They were itinerant preachers on a "preaching tour," heralds (\kˆrukes\) proclaiming good news. The summary message is the same as that of the Baptist (3:2|) that first startled the country, "the kingdom of heaven has drawn nigh." He echoed it up and down the Jordan Valley. They are to shake Galilee with it as Jesus had done (4:17|). That same amazing message is needed today. But "the apprentice apostles" (Bruce) could tell not a little about the King of the Kingdom who was with them.

rwp@Matthew:10:14 @{Shake off the dust} (\ektinaxate ton koniorton\). Shake out, a rather violent gesture of disfavour. The Jews had violent prejudices against the smallest particles of Gentile dust, not as a purveyor of disease of which they did not know, but because it was regarded as the putrescence of death. If the apostles were mistreated by a host or hostess, they were to be treated as if they were Gentiles (cf. strkjv@Matthew:18:17; strkjv@Acts:18:6|). Here again we have a restriction that was for this special tour with its peculiar perils.

rwp@Matthew:10:17 @{Beware of men} (\prosechete apo t“n anthr“p“n\). Ablative case with \apo\. Hold your mind (\noun\ understood) away from. The article with \anthr“p“n\ points back to \luk“n\ (wolves) in strkjv@10:16|.

rwp@Matthew:10:19 @{Be not anxious} (\mˆ merimnˆsˆte\). Ingressive aorist subjunctive in prohibition. "Do not become anxious" (Matthew:6:31|). "Self-defence before Jewish kings and heathen governors would be a terrible ordeal for humble Galileans. The injunction applied to cases when preparation of a speech would be impossible" (McNeile). "It might well alarm the bravest of these simple fishermen to be told that they would have to answer for their doings on Christ's behalf before Jewish councils and heathen courts" (Plummer). Christ is not talking about preparation of sermons. "{In that hour}" (\en ekeinˆi tˆi h“rƒi\), if not before. The Spirit of your Father will speak to you and through you (10:20|). Here is no posing as martyr or courting a martyr's crown, but real heroism with full loyalty to Christ.

rwp@Matthew:10:22 @{Ye shall be hated} (\esesthe misoumenoi\). Periphrastic future passive, linear action. It will go on through the ages. {For my name's sake} (\dia to onoma mou\). In the O.T. as in the Targums and the Talmud "the name" as here stands for the person (Matthew:19:29; strkjv@Acts:5:41; strkjv@9:16; strkjv@15:26|). "He that endureth to the end" (\ho hupomeinas eis telos\). Effective aorist participle with future indicative.

rwp@Matthew:10:29 @{Two sparrows} (\duo strouthia\). Diminutive of \strouthos\ and means any small bird, sparrows in particular. They are sold today in the markets of Jerusalem and Jaffa. "For a farthing" (\assariou\) is genitive of price. Only here and strkjv@Luke:12:6| in the N.T. Diminutive form of the Roman _as_, slightly more than half an English penny. {Without your Father} (\aneu tou patros h–m“n\). There is comfort in this thought for us all. Our father who knows about the sparrows knows and cares about us.

rwp@Matthew:10:39 @{Shall lose it} (\apolesei autˆn\). This paradox appears in four forms according to Allen (I) strkjv@Matthew:10:39| (2) strkjv@Mark:8:35; strkjv@Matthew:16:25; strkjv@Luke:9:24| (3) strkjv@Luke:17:33| (4) strkjv@John:12:25|. _The Wisdom of Sirach_ (Hebrew text) in strkjv@51:26 has: "He that giveth his life findeth her (wisdom)." It is one of the profound sayings of Christ that he repeated many times. Plato (_Gorgias_ 512) has language somewhat similar though not so sharply put. The article and aorist participles here (\ho heur“n, ho apolesas\) are timeless in themselves just like \ho dechomenos\ in verses 40| and 41|.

rwp@Matthew:10:41 @{In the name of a prophet} (\eis onoma prophˆtou\). "Because he is a prophet" (Moffatt). In an Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 37 (A.D. 49) we find \onomati eleutherou\ in virtue of being free-born. "He that receiveth a prophet from no ulterior motive, but simply _qua_ prophet (_ut prophetam_, Jer.) would receive a reward in the coming age equal to that of his guest" (McNeile). The use of \eis\ here is to be noted. In reality \eis\ is simply \en\ with the same meaning. It is not proper to say that \eis\ has always to be translated "into." Besides these examples of \eis onoma\ in verses 41| and 43| see strkjv@Matthew:12:41| \eis to kˆrugma I“nƒ\ (see Robertson's _Grammar_, p. 593). {Unto one of these little ones} (\hena t“n mikr“n tout“n\). Simple believers who are neither apostles, prophets, or particularly righteous, just "learners," "in the name of a disciple" (\eis onoma mathˆtou\). Alford thinks that some children were present (cf. strkjv@Matthew:18:2-6|).

rwp@Matthew:11:1 @{He departed thence to teach and preach} (\metebˆ ekeithen tou didaskein kai kˆrussein\). In five instances (7:28; strkjv@11:1; strkjv@13:53; strkjv@19:1; strkjv@26:1|) after great discourses by Jesus "the transition to what follows is made with the formula, 'And it came to pass when Jesus had ended'" (McNeile). This is a wrong chapter division, for strkjv@11:1| belongs with the preceding section. "{Commanding}" (\diatass“n\, complementary participle with \etelesen\), means giving orders in detail (\dia-\) for each of them. Note both "teach and preach" as in strkjv@4:23|. Where did Jesus go? Did he follow behind the twelve as he did with the seventy "whither he himself was about to come" (Luke:10:1|)? Bruce holds with Chrysostom that Jesus avoided the places where they were, giving them room and time to do their work. But, if Jesus himself went to the chief cities of Galilee on this tour, he would be compelled to touch many of the same points. Jesus would naturally follow behind at some distance. At the end of the tour the apostles come together in Capernaum and tell Jesus all that they had done and that they had taught (Mark:6:30|). Matthew follows the general outline of Mark, but the events are not grouped in chronological order here.

rwp@Matthew:11:5 @{And the dead are raised up} (\kai nekroi egeirontai\). Like that of the son of the widow of Nain. Did he raise the dead also on this occasion? "Tell John your story over again and remind him of these prophetic texts, strkjv@Isaiah:35:5; strkjv@61:1|" (Bruce). The items were convincing enough and clearer than mere eschatological symbolism. "The poor" in particular have the gospel, a climax.

rwp@Matthew:11:7 @{As these went their way} (\tout“n poreuomen“n\). Present participle genitive absolute. The eulogy of Jesus was spoken as the two disciples of John were going away. Is it a matter of regret that they did not hear this wondrous praise of John that they might cheer him with it? "It may almost be called the funeral oration of the Baptist, for not long afterwards Herodias compassed his death" (Plummer). {A reed shaken by the wind} (\kalamon hupo anemou saleuomenon\). Latin _calamus_. Used of the reeds that grew in plenty in the Jordan Valley where John preached, of a staff made of a reed (Matthew:27:29|), as a measuring rod (Revelation:11:1|), of a writer's pen (3John:1:13|). The reeds by the Jordan bent with the wind, but not so John.

rwp@Matthew:11:11 @{He that is but little} (\ho mikroteros\). The Authorized Version here has it better, "he that is least." The article with the comparative is a growing idiom in the vernacular _Koin‚_ for the superlative as in the modern Greek it is the only idiom for the superlative (Robertson, _Grammar of the Greek N.T._, p. 668). The papyri and inscriptions show the same construction. The paradox of Jesus has puzzled many. He surely means that John is greater (\meiz“n\) than all others in character, but that the least in the kingdom of heaven surpasses him in privilege. John is the end of one age, "until John" (11:14|), and the beginning of the new era. All those that come after John stand upon his shoulders. John is the mountain peak between the old and the new.

rwp@Matthew:11:17 @{Children sitting in the market places} (\paidiois kathˆmenois en tais agorais\). This parable of the children playing in the market place is given also in strkjv@Luke:7:31f|. Had Jesus as a child in Nazareth not played games with the children? He had certainly watched them often since. The interest of Christ in children was keen. He has really created the modern child's world out of the indifference of the past. They would not play wedding or funeral in a peevish fret. These metaphors in the Gospels are vivid to those with eyes to see. The \agora\ was originally the assembly, then the forum or public square where the people gathered for trade or for talk as in Athens (Acts:17:17|) and in many modern towns. Songs:the Roman Forum. The oriental bazaars today are held in streets rather than public squares. Even today with all the automobiles children play in the streets. In English the word "cheap" (Cheapside) meant only barter and price, not cheap in our sense. The word for mourn (\ekopsasthe\) means to beat the heart, direct middle, after the fashion of eastern funeral lamentations.

rwp@Matthew:11:28 @{Come unto me} (\deute pros me\). Verses 28 to 30 are not in Luke and are among the special treasures of Matthew's Gospel. No sublimer words exist than this call of Jesus to the toiling and the burdened (\pephortismenoi\, perfect passive participle, state of weariness) to come to him. He towers above all men as he challenges us. "I will refresh you" (\k'ago anapaus“ h–mas\). Far more than mere rest, rejuvenation. The English slang expression "rest up" is close to the idea of the Greek compound \ana-pau“\. It is causative active voice.

rwp@Matthew:12:1 @{On the sabbath day through the cornfields} (\tois sabbasin dia t“n sporim“n\). This paragraph begins exactly like strkjv@11:25| "at that season" (\en ekein“i t“i kair“i\), a general statement with no clear idea of time. Songs:also strkjv@14:1|. The word \kairos\ means a definite and particular time, but we cannot fix it. The word "cornfields" does not mean our maize or Indian corn, but simply fields of grain (wheat or even barley).

rwp@Matthew:12:15 @{Perceiving} (\gnous\). Second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\. Jesus read their very thoughts. They were now plain to any one who saw their angry countenances.

rwp@Matthew:12:20 @{A bruised reed} (\kalamon suntetrimmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \suntrib“\. A crushed reed he will not break. The curious augment in \kateaxei\ (future active indicative) is to be noted. The copyists kept the augment where it did not belong in this verb (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1212) even in Plato. "Smoking flax" (\linon tuphomenon\). The wick of a lamp, smoking and flickering and going out. Only here in N.T. Flax in strkjv@Exodus:9:31|. Vivid images that picture Jesus in the same strain as his own great words in strkjv@Matthew:11:28-30|.

rwp@Matthew:12:24 @{The Pharisees} (\hoi de Pharisaioi\). Already (Matthew:9:32-34|) we have had in Matthew the charge that Jesus is in league with the prince of demons, though the incident may be later than this one. See on ¯10:25| about "Beelzebub." The Pharisees feel that the excited condition of the crowds and the manifest disposition to believe that Jesus is the Messiah (the Son of David) demand strenuous action on their part. They cannot deny the fact of the miracles for the blind and dumb men both saw and spoke (12:22|). Songs:in desperation they suggest that Jesus works by the power of Beelzebub the prince of the demons.

rwp@Matthew:12:34 @{Ye offspring of vipers} (\gennˆmata echidn“n\). These same terrible words the Baptist had used to the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to his baptism (Matthew:3:7|). But these Pharisees had deliberately made their choice and had taken Satan's side. The charge against Jesus of being in league with Satan reveals the evil heart within. The heart "spurts out" (\ekballei\) good or evil according to the supply (treasure, \thˆsaurou\) within. Verse 33| is like strkjv@Matthew:7:17-19|. Jesus often repeated his crisp pungent sayings as every teacher does.

rwp@Matthew:12:36 @{Every idle word} (\pan rhˆma argon\). An ineffective, useless word (\a\ privative and \ergon\). A word that does no good and so is pernicious like pernicious anaemia. It is a solemn thought. Jesus who knows our very thoughts (12:25|) insists that our words reveal our thoughts and form a just basis for the interpretation of character (12:37|). Here we have judgment by words as in strkjv@25:31-46| where Jesus presents judgment by deeds. Both are real tests of actual character. Homer spoke of "winged words" (\pteroenta epea\). And by the radio our words can be heard all round the earth. Who knows where they stop?

rwp@Matthew:13:4 @{As he sowed} (\en t“i speirein auton\). Literally, "in the sowing as to him," a neat Greek idiom unlike our English temporal conjunction. Locative case with the articular present infinitive. {By the wayside} (\para tˆn hodon\). People will make paths along the edge of a ploughed field or even across it where the seed lies upon the beaten track. {Devoured} (\katephagen\). "Ate down." We say, "ate up." Second aorist active indicative of \katesthi“\ (defective verb).

rwp@Matthew:13:7 @{The thorns grew up} (\anebˆsan hai akanthai\). Not "sprang up" as in verse 5|, for a different verb occurs meaning "came up" out of the ground, the seeds of the thorns being already in the soil, "upon the thorns" (\epi tas akanthas\) rather than "among the thorns." But the thorns got a quick start as weeds somehow do and "choked them" (\apepnixan auta\, effective aorist of \apopnig“\), "choked them off" literally. Luke (Luke:8:33|) uses it of the hogs in the water. Who has not seen vegetables and flowers and corn made yellow by thorns and weeds till they sicken and die?

rwp@Matthew:13:15 @{Is waxed gross} (\epachunthˆ\). Aorist passive tense. From \pachus\, thick, fat, stout. Made callous or dull -- even fatty degeneration of the heart. {Dull of hearing} (\tois “sin bare“s ˆkousan\). Another aorist. Literally, "They heard (or hear) heavily with their ears." The hard of hearing are usually sensitive. {Their eyes they have closed} (\tous ophthalmous aut“n ekammusan\). The epic and vernacular verb \kammu“\ is from \katamu“\ (to shut down). We say shut up of the mouth, but the eyes really shut down. The Hebrew verb in strkjv@Isaiah:6:10| means to smear over. The eyes can be smeared with wax or cataract and thus closed. "Sealing up the eyes was an oriental punishment" (Vincent). See strkjv@Isaiah:29:10; strkjv@44:18|. {Lest} (\mˆpote\). This negative purpose as a judgment is left in the quotation from Isaiah. It is a solemn thought for all who read or hear the word of God. {And I should heal them} (\kai iasomai autous\). Here the LXX changes to the future indicative rather than the aorist subjunctive as before.

rwp@Matthew:13:19 @{When anyone heareth} (\pantos akouontos\). Genitive absolute and present participle, "while everyone is listening and not comprehending" (\mˆ sunientos\), "not putting together" or "not grasping." Perhaps at that very moment Jesus observed a puzzled look on some faces.

rwp@Matthew:13:19 @{Cometh the evil one and snatcheth away} (\erchetai ho ponˆros kai harpazei\). The birds pick up the seeds while the sower sows. The devil is busy with his job of snatching or seizing like a bandit or rogue the word of the kingdom before it has time even to sprout. How quickly after the sermon the impression is gone. "This is he" (\houtos estin\). Matthew, like Mark, speaks of the people who hear the words as the seed itself. That creates some confusion in this condensed form of what Jesus actually said, but the real point is clear. {The seed sown in his heart} (\to esparmenon en tˆi kardiƒi autou\, perfect passive participle of \speir“\, to sow) and "the man sown by the wayside" (\ho para tˆn hodon spareis\, aorist passive participle, along the wayside) are identified. The seed in the heart is not of itself responsible, but the man who lets the devil snatch it away.

rwp@Matthew:13:25 @{While men slept} (\en t“i katheudein tous anthr“pous\). Same use of the articular present infinitive with \en\ and the accusative as in strkjv@13:4|. {Sowed tares also} (\epespeiren ta zizania\). Literally "sowed upon," "resowed" (Moffatt). The enemy deliberately sowed "the darnel" (\zizania\ is not "tares," but "darnel," a bastard wheat) over (\epi\) the wheat, "in the midst of the wheat." This bearded darnel, _lolium temulentum_, is common in Palestine and resembles wheat except that the grains are black. In its earlier stages it is indistinguishable from the wheat stalks so that it has to remain till near the harvest. Modern farmers are gaining more skill in weeding it out.

rwp@Matthew:13:38 @{The field is the world} (\ho de agros estin ho kosmos\). The article with both "field" and "world" in Greek means that subject and predicate are coextensive and so interchangeable. It is extremely important to understand that both the good seed and the darnel (tares) are sown in the world, not in the Kingdom, not in the church. The separation comes at the consummation of the age (\sunteleia ai“nos\, 39|), the harvest time. They all grow together in the field (the world).

rwp@Matthew:13:52 @{Made a disciple to the kingdom of heaven} (\matheteutheis tˆi basileiƒi t“n ouran“n\). First aorist passive participle. The verb is transitive in strkjv@28:19|. Here a scribe is made a learner to the kingdom. "The mere scribe, Rabbinical in spirit, produces only the old and stale. The disciple of the kingdom like the Master, is always fresh-minded, yet knows how to value all old spiritual treasures of Holy Writ, or Christian tradition" (Bruce). Songs:he uses things fresh (\kaina\) and ancient (\palaia\). "He hurls forth" (\ekballei\) both sorts.

rwp@Matthew:14:20 @{Were filled} (\echortasthˆsan\). Effective aorist passive indicative of \chortaz“\. See strkjv@Matthew:5:6|. From the substantive \chortos\ grass. Cattle were filled with grass and people usually with other food. They all were satisfied. {Broken pieces} (\t“n klasmat“n\). Not the scraps upon the ground, but the pieces broken by Jesus and still in the "twelve baskets" (\d“deka kophinous\) and not eaten. Each of the twelve had a basketful left over (\to perisseuon\). One hopes that the boy (John:6:9|) who had the five loaves and two fishes to start with got one of the basketsful, if not all of them. Each of the Gospels uses the same word here for baskets (\kophinos\), a wicker-basket, called "coffins" by Wycliff. Juvenal (_Sat_. iii. 14) says that the grove of Numa near the Capenian gate of Rome was "let out to Jews whose furniture is a basket (_cophinus_) and some hay" (for a bed). In the feeding of the Four Thousand (Matthew and Mark) the word \sphuris\ is used which was a sort of hamper or large provisions basket.

rwp@Matthew:14:33 @{Worshipped him} (\prosekunˆsan aut“i\). And Jesus accepted it. They were growing in appreciation of the person and power of Christ from the attitude in strkjv@8:27|. They will soon be ready for the confession of strkjv@16:16|. Already they can say: "Truly God's Son thou art." The absence of the article here allows it to mean a Son of God as in strkjv@27:54| (the centurion). But they probably mean "the Son of God" as Jesus was claiming to them to be.

rwp@Matthew:15:1 @{From Jerusalem} (\apo Ierosolum“n\). Jerusalem is the headquarters of the conspiracy against Jesus with the Pharisees as the leaders in it. Already we have seen the Herodians combining with the Pharisees in the purpose to put Jesus to death (Mark:3:6; strkjv@Matthew:12:14; strkjv@Luke:6:11|). Soon Jesus will warn the disciples against the Sadducees also (Matthew:16:6|). Unusual order here, "Pharisees and scribes." "The guardians of tradition in the capital have their evil eye on Jesus and co-operate with the provincial rigorists" (Bruce), if the Pharisees were not all from Jerusalem.

rwp@Matthew:15:18 @{Out of the mouth} (\ek tou stomatos\). Spoken words come out of the heart and so are a true index of character. By "heart" (\kardias\) Jesus means not just the emotional nature, but the entire man, the inward life of "evil thoughts" (\dialogismoi ponˆroi\) that issue in words and deeds. "These defile the man," not "eating with unwashed hands." The captious quibblings of the Pharisees, for instance, had come out of evil hearts.

rwp@Matthew:16:1 @{The Pharisees and Sadducees} (\hoi Pharisaioi kai Saddoukaioi\). The first time that we have this combination of the two parties who disliked each other exceedingly. Hate makes strange bedfellows. They hated Jesus more than they did each other. Their hostility has not decreased during the absence of Jesus, but rather increased. {Tempting him} (\peirazontes\). Their motive was bad. {A sign from heaven} (\sˆmeion ek tou ouranou\). The scribes and Pharisees had already asked for a sign (12:38|). Now this new combination adds "from heaven." What did they have in mind? They may not have had any definite idea to embarrass Jesus. The Jewish apocalypses did speak of spectacular displays of power by the Son of Man (the Messiah). The devil had suggested that Jesus let the people see him drop down from the pinnacle of the temple and the people expected the Messiah to come from an unknown source (John:7:27|) who would do great signs (John:7:31|). Chrysostom (_Hom_. liii.) suggests stopping the course of the sun, bridling the moon, a clap of thunder.

rwp@Matthew:16:2 @{Fair weather} (\eudia\). An old poetic word from \eu\ and \Zeus\ as the ruler of the air and giver of fair weather. Songs:men today say "when the sky is red at sunset." It occurs on the Rosetta Stone and in a fourth century A.D. Oxyr. papyrus for "calm weather" that made it impossible to sail the boat. Aleph and B and some other MSS. omit verses 2 and 3. W omits part of verse 2. These verses are similar to strkjv@Luke:12:54-56|. McNeile rejects them here. Westcott and Hort place in brackets. Jesus often repeated his sayings. Zahn suggests that Papias added these words to Matthew.

rwp@Matthew:16:7 @{They reasoned} (\dielogizonto\). It was pathetic, the almost jejune inability of the disciples to understand the parabolic warning against "the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (verse 6|) after the collision of Christ just before with both parties in Magadan. They kept it up, imperfect tense. It is "loaves" (\artous\) rather than "bread."

rwp@Matthew:16:16 @Peter is the spokesman now: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" (\Su ei ho Christos ho huios tou theou tou z“ntos\). It was a noble confession, but not a new claim by Jesus. Peter had made it before (John:6:69|) when the multitude deserted Jesus in Capernaum. Since the early ministry (John 4) Jesus had avoided the word Messiah because of its political meaning to the people. But now Peter plainly calls Jesus the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Son of the God the living one (note the four Greek articles). This great confession of Peter means that he and the other disciples believe in Jesus as the Messiah and are still true to him in spite of the defection of the Galilean populace (John 6).

rwp@Matthew:16:17 @{Blessed art thou} (\makarios ei\). A beatitude for Peter. Jesus accepts the confession as true. Thereby Jesus on this solemn occasion solemnly claims to be the Messiah, the Son of the living God, his deity in other words. The disciples express positive conviction in the Messiahship or Christhood of Jesus as opposed to the divided opinions of the populace. "The terms in which Jesus speaks of Peter are characteristic--warm, generous, unstinted. The style is not that of an ecclesiastical editor laying the foundation for church power, and prelatic pretentions, but of a noble-minded Master eulogizing in impassioned terms a loyal disciple" (Bruce). The Father had helped Peter get this spiritual insight into the Master's Person and Work.

rwp@Matthew:16:18 @{And I also say unto thee} (\k'ag“ de soi leg“\). "The emphasis is not on 'Thou art Peter' over against 'Thou art the Christ,' but on \Kag“\: 'The Father hath revealed to thee one truth, and I also tell you another" (McNeile). Jesus calls Peter here by the name that he had said he would have (John:1:42|). Peter (\Petros\) is simply the Greek word for Cephas (Aramaic). Then it was prophecy, now it is fact. In verse 17| Jesus addresses him as "Simon Bar-Jonah," his full patronymic (Aramaic) name. But Jesus has a purpose now in using his nickname "Peter" which he had himself given him. Jesus makes a remarkable play on Peter's name, a pun in fact, that has caused volumes of controversy and endless theological strife. {On this rock} (\epi tautˆi tˆi petrƒi\) Jesus says, a ledge or cliff of rock like that in strkjv@7:24| on which the wise man built his house. \Petros\ is usually a smaller detachment of the massive ledge. But too much must not be made of this point since Jesus probably spoke Aramaic to Peter which draws no such distinction (\Kˆphƒ\). What did Jesus mean by this word-play?

rwp@Matthew:16:18 @{The gates of Hades} (\pulai hƒidou\) {shall not prevail against it} (\ou katischusousin autˆs\). Each word here creates difficulty. Hades is technically the unseen world, the Hebrew Sheol, the land of the departed, that is death. Paul uses \thanate\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:55| in quoting strkjv@Hosea:13:14| for \hƒidˆ\. It is not common in the papyri, but it is common on tombstones in Asia Minor, "doubtless a survival of its use in the old Greek religion" (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). The ancient pagans divided Hades (\a\ privative and \idein\, to see, abode of the unseen) into Elysium and Tartarus as the Jews put both Abraham's bosom and Gehenna in Sheol or Hades (cf. strkjv@Luke:16:25|). Christ was in Hades (Acts:2:27,31|), not in Gehenna. We have here the figure of two buildings, the Church of Christ on the Rock, the House of Death (Hades). "In the Old Testament the 'gates of Hades' (Sheol) never bears any other meaning (Isaiah:38:10|; Wisd. strkjv@16:3; 3Macc. strkjv@5:51) than death," McNeile claims. See also strkjv@Psalms:9:13; strkjv@107:18; strkjv@Job:38:17| (\pulai thanatou pul“roi hƒidou\). It is not the picture of Hades _attacking_ Christ's church, but of death's possible victory over the church. "The \ekklˆsia\ is built upon the Messiahship of her master, and death, the gates of Hades, will not prevail against her by keeping Him imprisoned. It was a mysterious truth, which He will soon tell them in plain words (verse 21|); it is echoed in strkjv@Acts:2:24,31|" (McNeile). Christ's church will prevail and survive because He will burst the gates of Hades and come forth conqueror. He will ever live and be the guarantor of the perpetuity of His people or church. The verb \katischu“\ (literally have strength against, \ischu“\ from \ischus\ and \kat-\) occurs also in strkjv@Luke:21:36; strkjv@23:23|. It appears in the ancient Greek, the LXX, and in the papyri with the accusative and is used in the modern Greek with the sense of gaining the mastery over. The wealth of imagery in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| makes it difficult to decide each detail, but the main point is clear. The \ekklˆsia\ which consists of those confessing Christ as Peter has just done will not cease. The gates of Hades or bars of Sheol will not close down on it. Christ will rise and will keep his church alive. _Sublime Porte_ used to be the title of Turkish power in Constantinople.

rwp@Matthew:16:22 @{Peter took him} (\proslabomenos auton ho Petros\). Middle voice, "taking to himself," aside and apart, "as if by a right of his own. He acted with greater familiarity after the token of acknowledgment had been given. Jesus, however, reduces him to his level" (Bengel). "Peter here appears in a new character; a minute ago speaking under inspiration from heaven, now under inspiration from the opposite quarter" (Bruce). Syriac Sinaitic for strkjv@Mark:8:32| has it "as though pitying him." But this exclamation and remonstrance of Peter was soon interrupted by Jesus. {God have mercy on thee} (\hile“s\. Supply \eiˆ\ or \est“ ho theos\). {This shall never be} (\ou mˆ estai soi touto\). Strongest kind of negation, as if Peter would not let it happen. Peter had perfect assurance.

rwp@Matthew:16:23 @{But he turned} (\ho de strapheis\). Second aorist passive participle, quick ingressive action, away from Peter in revulsion, and toward the other disciples (Mark:8:33| has \epistrapheis\ and \id“n tous mathˆtas autou\). {Get thee behind me, Satan} (\Hupage opis“ mou, Satanƒ\). Just before Peter played the part of a rock in the noble confession and was given a place of leadership. Now he is playing the part of Satan and is ordered to the rear. Peter was tempting Jesus not to go on to the cross as Satan had done in the wilderness. "None are more formidable instruments of temptation than well-meaning friends, who care more for our comfort than for our character" (Bruce). "In Peter the banished Satan had once more returned" (Plummer). {A stumbling-block unto me} (\skandalon ei emou\). Objective genitive. Peter was acting as Satan's catspaw, in ignorance, surely, but none the less really. He had set a trap for Christ that would undo all his mission to earth. "Thou art not, as before, a noble block, lying in its right position as a massive foundation stone. On the contrary, thou art like a stone quite out of its proper place, and lying right across the road in which I must go--lying as a stone of stumbling" (Morison). {Thou mindest not} (\ou phroneis\). "Your outlook is not God's, but man's" (Moffatt). You do not think God's thoughts. Clearly the consciousness of the coming cross is not a new idea with Jesus. We do not know when he first foresaw this outcome any more than we know when first the Messianic consciousness appeared in Jesus. He had the glimmerings of it as a boy of twelve, when he spoke of "My Father's house." He knows now that he must die on the cross.

rwp@Matthew:16:28 @{Some of them that stand here} (\tines t“n hode hest“t“n\). A _crux interpretum_ in reality. Does Jesus refer to the Transfiguration, the Resurrection of Jesus, the great Day of Pentecost, the Destruction of Jerusalem, the Second Coming and Judgment? We do not know, only that Jesus was certain of his final victory which would be typified and symbolized in various ways. The apocalyptic eschatological symbolism employed by Jesus here does not dominate his teaching. He used it at times to picture the triumph of the kingdom, not to set forth the full teaching about it. The kingdom of God was already in the hearts of men. There would be climaxes and consummations.

rwp@Matthew:17:1 @{After six days} (\meth' hˆmerƒs hex\). This could be on the sixth day, but as Luke (Luke:9:28|) puts it "about eight days" one naturally thinks of a week as the probable time, though it is not important. {Taketh with him} (\paralambanei\). Literally, {takes along}. Note historical present. These three disciples form an inner group who have shown more understanding of Jesus. Songs:at Gethsemane. {Apart} (\kat' idian\) means "by themselves" ({alone}, \monous\, Mark has it) up (\anapherei\) into a high mountain, probably Mount Hermon again, though we do not really know. "The Mount of Transfiguration does not concern geography" (Holtzmann).

rwp@Matthew:17:3 @{There appeared} (\“phthˆ\). Singular aorist passive verb with Moses (to be understood also with Elijah), but the participle \sunlalountes\ is plural agreeing with both. "Sufficient objectivity is guaranteed by the vision being enjoyed by all three" (Bruce). The Jewish apocalypses reveal popular expectations that Moses and Elijah would reappear. Both had mystery connected with their deaths. One represented law, the other prophecy, while Jesus represented the gospel (grace). They spoke of his decease (Luke:9:31|), the cross, the theme uppermost in the mind of Christ and which the disciples did not comprehend. Jesus needed comfort and he gets it from fellowship with Moses and Elijah.

rwp@Matthew:17:17 @{Perverse} (\diestrammenˆ\). Distorted, twisted in two, corrupt. Perfect passive participle of \diastreph“\.

rwp@Matthew:17:25 @{Jesus spake first to him} (\proephthasen auton ho Iˆsous leg“n\). Here only in the N.T. One example in a papyrus B.C. 161 (Moulton and Milligan, _Vocabulary_). The old idiomatic use of \phthan“\ with the participle survives in this example of \prophthan“\ in strkjv@Matthew:17:25|, meaning to anticipate, to get before one in doing a thing. The _Koin‚_ uses the infinitive thus with \phthan“\ which has come to mean simply to arrive. Here the anticipation is made plain by the use of \pro-\. See Robertson's _Grammar_, p. 1120. The "prevent" of the Authorized Version was the original idea of _praevenire_, to go before, to anticipate. Peter felt obliged to take the matter up with Jesus. But the Master had observed what was going on and spoke to Peter first. {Toll or tribute} (\telˆ ˆ kˆnson\). Customs or wares collected by the publicans (like \phoros\, strkjv@Romans:13:7|) and also the capitation tax on persons, indirect and direct taxation. \Kˆnsos\ is the Latin _census_, a registration for the purpose of the appraisement of property like \hˆ apographˆ\ in strkjv@Luke:2:2; strkjv@Acts:5:37|. By this parable Jesus as the Son of God claims exemption from the temple tax as the temple of his Father just as royal families do not pay taxes, but get tribute from the foreigners or aliens, subjects in reality.

rwp@Matthew:18:1 @{Who then is greatest} (\tis ara meiz“n estin\). The \ara\ seems to point back to the tax-collection incident when Jesus had claimed exemption for them all as "sons" of the Father. But it was not a new dispute, for jealousy had been growing in their hearts. The wonderful words of Jesus to Peter on Mount Hermon (Matthew:16:17-19|) had evidently made Peter feel a fresh sense of leadership on the basis of which he had dared even to rebuke Jesus for speaking of his death (16:22|). And then Peter was one of the three (James and John also) taken with the Master up on the Mount of Transfiguration. Peter on that occasion had spoken up promptly. And just now the tax-collectors had singled out Peter as the one who seemed to represent the group. Mark (Mark:9:33|) represents Jesus as asking them about their dispute on the way into the house, perhaps just after their question in strkjv@Matthew:18:1|. Jesus had noticed the wrangling. It will break out again and again (Matthew:20:20-28; strkjv@Luke:22:24|). Plainly the primacy of Peter was not yet admitted by the others. The use of the comparative \meiz“n\ (so \ho meiz“n\ in verse 4|) rather than the superlative \megistos\ is quite in accord with the _Koin‚_ idiom where the comparative is displacing the superlative (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 667ff.). But it is a sad discovery to find the disciples chiefly concerned about their own places (offices) in the political kingdom which they were expecting.

rwp@Matthew:18:2 @{Called to him} (\proskalesamenos\). Indirect middle voice aorist participle. It may even be Peter's "little child" (\paidion\) as it was probably in Peter's house (Mark:9:33|). {Set him} (\estˆsen\). Transitive first aorist active indicative, not intransitive second aorist, \estˆ\. {In the midst of them} (\en mes“i aut“n\). Luke adds (Luke:9:47|) "by his side" (\par' heaut“i\). Both are true.

rwp@Matthew:18:15 @{If thy brother sin against thee} (\ean hamartˆsˆi adelphos sou\). Literally, commit a sin (ingressive aorist subjunctive of \hamartan“\). Aleph B Sahidic do not have "against thee" (\eis se\). {Shew him his fault} (\elegxon\). Such private reproof is hard to do, but it is the way of Christ. {Thou hast gained} (\ekerdˆsas\). Aorist active indicative of \kerdain“\ in conclusion of a third-class condition, a sort of timeless aorist, a blessed achievement already made.

rwp@Matthew:18:35 @{From your hearts} (\apo t“n kardi“n h–m“n\). No sham or lip pardon, and as often as needed. This is Christ's full reply to Peter's question in strkjv@18:21|. This parable of the unmerciful servant is surely needed today.

rwp@Matthew:19:1 @{He departed} (\metˆren\). Literally, to lift up, change something to another place. Transitive in the LXX and in a Cilician rock inscription. Intransitive in strkjv@13:53| and here, the only N.T. instances. Absence of \hoti\ or \kai\ after \kai egeneto\, one of the clear Hebraisms in the N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1042f.). This verse is a sort of formula in Matthew at the close of important groups of \logia\ as in strkjv@7:28; strkjv@11:1; strkjv@13:53|. {The borders of Judea beyond Jordan} (\eis ta horia tˆs Ioudaias peran tou Iordanou\). This is a curious expression. It apparently means that Jesus left Galilee to go to Judea by way of Perea as the Galileans often did to avoid Samaria. Luke (Luke:17:11|) expressly says that he passed through Samaria and Galilee when he left Ephraim in Northern Judea (John:11:54|). He was not afraid to pass through the edge of Galilee and down the Jordan Valley in Perea on this last journey to Jerusalem. McNeile is needlessly opposed to the trans-Jordanic or Perean aspect of this phase of Christ's work.

rwp@Matthew:19:8 @{For your hardness of heart} (\pros tˆn sklˆrokardian h–m“n\). The word is apparently one of the few Biblical words (LXX and the N.T.). It is a heart dried up (\sklˆros\), hard and tough. {But from the beginning it hath not been so} (\ap' archˆs de ouk gegonen hout“s\). The present perfect active of \ginomai\ to emphasize the permanence of the divine ideal. "The original ordinance has never been abrogated nor superseded, but continues in force" (Vincent). "How small the Pharisaic disputants must have felt in presence of such holy teaching, which soars above the partisan view of controversialists into the serene region of ideal, universal, eternal truth" (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:19:9 @{Except for fornication} (\parektos logou porneias\). This is the marginal reading in Westcott and Hort which also adds "maketh her an adulteress" (\poiei autˆn moicheuthˆnai\) and also these words: "and he that marrieth her when she is put away committeth adultery" (\kai ho apolelumenˆn gamˆsas moichatai\). There seems to be a certain amount of assimilation in various manuscripts between this verse and the words in strkjv@5:32|. But, whatever reading is accepted here, even the short one in Westcott and Hort (\mˆ epi porneiƒi\, not for fornication), it is plain that Matthew represents Jesus in both places as allowing divorce for fornication as a general term (\porneia\) which is technically adultery (\moicheia\ from \moicha“ or moicheu“\). Here, as in strkjv@5:31f.|, a group of scholars deny the genuineness of the exception given by Matthew alone. McNeile holds that "the addition of the saving clause is, in fact, opposed to the spirit of the whole context, and must have been made at a time when the practice of divorce for adultery had already grown up." That in my opinion is gratuitous criticism which is unwilling to accept Matthew's report because it disagrees with one's views on the subject of divorce. He adds: "It cannot be supposed that Matthew wished to represent Jesus as siding with the school of Shammai." Why not, if Shammai on this point agreed with Jesus? Those who deny Matthew's report are those who are opposed to remarriage at all. Jesus by implication, as in strkjv@5:31|, does allow remarriage of the innocent party, but not of the guilty one. Certainly Jesus has lifted the whole subject of marriage and divorce to a new level, far beyond the petty contentions of the schools of Hillel and Shammai.

rwp@Matthew:19:21 @{If thou wouldest be perfect} (\ei theleis teleios einai\). Condition of the first class, determined as fulfilled. Jesus assumes that the young man really desires to be perfect (a big adjective that, perfect as God is the goal, strkjv@5:48|). {That thou hast} (\sou ta huparchonta\). "Thy belongings." The Greek neuter plural participle used like our English word "belongings." It was a huge demand, for he was rich.

rwp@Matthew:20:1 @{Early in the morning} (\hama pr“i\). A classic idiom. \Hama\ as an "improper" preposition is common in the papyri. \Pr“i\ is just an adverb in the locative. At the same time with early dawn, break of day, country fashion for starting to work. {To hire} (\misth“sasthai\). The middle voice aorist tense, to hire for oneself.

rwp@Matthew:20:12 @{Equal unto us} (\isous autous hˆmin\). Associative instrumental case \hˆmin\ after \isous\. It was a regular protest against the supposed injustice of the householder. {The burden of the day and the scorching wind} (\to baros tˆs hˆmeras kai ton kaus“na\). These last "did" work for one hour. Apparently they worked as hard as any while at it. A whole day's work on the part of these sweat-stained men who had stood also the sirocco, the hot, dry, dust-laden east wind that blasted the grain in Pharaoh's dream (Genesis:41:6|), that withered Jonah's gourd (Jonah:4:8|), that blighted the vine in Ezekiel's parable (Ezekiel:17:10|). They seemed to have a good case.

rwp@Matthew:20:17 @{Apart} (\kat' idian\). This is the prediction in Matthew of the cross (16:21; strkjv@17:22; strkjv@20:17|). "Aside by themselves" (Moffatt). The verb is \parelaben\. Jesus is having his inward struggle (Mark:10:32|) and makes one more effort to get the Twelve to understand him.

rwp@Matthew:20:22 @{Ye know not what ye ask} (\ouk oidate ti aiteisthe\). How often that is true. \Aiteisthe\ is indirect middle voice, "ask for yourselves," "a selfish request." {We are able} (\dunametha\). Amazing proof of their ignorance and self-confidence. Ambition had blinded their eyes. They had not caught the martyr spirit.

rwp@Matthew:20:23 @{Ye shall drink} (\piesthe\). Future middle from \pin“\. Christ's cup was martyrdom. James was the first of the Twelve to meet the martyr's death (Acts:12:2|) and John the last if reports are true about him. How little they knew what they were saying.

rwp@Matthew:20:29 @{From Jericho} (\apo Iereich“\). Songs:Mark:10:46|. But Luke (Luke:18:35|) places the incident as they were drawing near to Jericho (\eis Iereich“\). It is probable that Mark and Matthew refer to the old Jericho, the ruins of which have been discovered, while Luke alludes to the new Roman Jericho. The two blind men were apparently between the two towns. Mark (Mark:10:46|) and Luke (Luke:18:35|) mention only one blind man, Bartimaeus (Mark). In Kentucky there are two towns about a half mile apart both called Pleasureville (one Old Pleasureville, the other New Pleasureville).

rwp@Matthew:21:3 @{The Lord} (\ho kurios\). It is not clear how the word would be understood here by those who heard the message though it is plain that Jesus applies it to himself. The word is from \kuros\, power or authority. In the LXX it is common in a variety of uses which appear in the N.T. as master of the slave (Matthew:10:24|), of the harvest (9:38|), of the vineyard (20:8|), of the emperor (Acts:13:27|), of God (Matthew:11:20; strkjv@11:25|), and often of Jesus as the Messiah (Acts:10:36|). Note strkjv@Matthew:8:25|. This is the only time in Matthew where the words \ho kurios\ are applied to Jesus except the doubtful passage in strkjv@28:6|. A similar usage is shown by Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_ and Deissmann's _Light from the Ancient East_. Particularly in Egypt it was applied to "the Lord Serapis" and Ptolemy and Cleopatra are called "the lords, the most great gods" (\hoi kurioi theoi megistoi\). Even Herod the Great and Herod Agrippa I are addressed as "Lord King." In the west the Roman emperors are not so termed till the time of Domitian. But the Christians boldly claimed the word for Christ as Jesus is here represented as using it with reference to himself. It seems as if already the disciples were calling Jesus "Lord" and that he accepted the appellative and used it as here.

rwp@Matthew:21:5 @{The daughter of Zion} (\tˆi thugatri Si“n\). Jerusalem as in strkjv@Isaiah:22:4| (daughter of my people). Songs:Babylon (Isaiah:47:1|), daughter of Tyre for Tyre (Psalms:45:12|). {Riding} (\epibebˆk“s\). Perfect active participle of \epibain“\, "having gone upon." {And upon a colt the foal of an ass} (\kai epi p“lon huion hupozugiou\). These words give trouble if \kai\ is here taken to mean "and." Fritzsche argues that Jesus rode alternately upon each animal, a possible, but needless interpretation. In the Hebrew it means by common Hebrew parallelism "upon an ass, even upon a colt." That is obviously the meaning here in Matthew. The use of \hupozugiou\ (a beast of burden, under a yoke) for ass is common in the LXX and in the papyri (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_ p. 161).

rwp@Matthew:21:8 @{The most part of the multitude} (\ho pleistos ochlos\). See strkjv@11:20| for this same idiom, article with superlative, a true superlative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 670). {In the way} (\en tˆi hod“i\). This the most of the crowd did. The disciples put their garments on the asses. Note change of tenses (constative aorist \estr“san\, descriptive imperfects \ekopton kai estr“nnuon\ showing the growing enthusiasm of the crowd). When the colt had passed over their garments, they would pick the garments up and spread them again before.

rwp@Matthew:21:9 @{That went before him and that followed} (\hoi proagontes auton kai hoi akolouthountes\). Note the two groups with two articles and the present tense (linear action) and the imperfect \ekrazon\ "were crying" as they went. {Hosanna to the Son of David} (\Hosanna t“i hui“i Daueid\). They were now proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah and he let them do it. "Hosanna" means "Save, we pray thee." They repeat words from the _Hallel_ (Psalms:148:1|) and one recalls the song of the angelic host when Jesus was born (Luke:2:14|). "Hosanna in the highest" (heaven) as well as here on earth.

rwp@Matthew:21:10 @{Was stirred} (\eseisthˆ\). Shaken as by an earthquake. "Even Jerusalem frozen with religious formalism and socially undemonstrative, was stirred with popular enthusiasm as by a mighty wind or by an earthquake" (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:21:17 @{To Bethany} (\eis Bˆthanian\). House of depression or misery, the Hebrew means. But the home of Martha and Mary and Lazarus there was a house of solace and comfort to Jesus during this week of destiny. He {lodged there} (\ˆulisthˆ ekei\) whether at the Bethany home or out in the open air. It was a time of crisis for all.

rwp@Matthew:21:19 @{A fig tree} (\sukˆn mian\). "A single fig tree" (Margin of Rev. Version). But \heis\ was often used = \tis\ or like our indefinite article. See strkjv@Matthew:8:10; strkjv@26:69|. The Greek has strictly no indefinite article as the Latin has no definite article. {Let there be no fruit from thee henceforward for ever} (\ou mˆketi sou karpos genˆtai eis ton ai“na\). Strictly speaking this is a prediction, not a prohibition or wish as in strkjv@Mark:11:14| (optative \phagoi\). "On you no fruit shall ever grow again" (Weymouth). The double negative \ou mˆ\ with the aorist subjunctive (or future indicative) is the strongest kind of negative prediction. It sometimes amounts to a prohibition like \ou\ and the future indicative (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 926f.). The early figs start in spring before the leaves and develop after the leaves. The main fig crop was early autumn (Mark:11:14|). There should have been figs on the tree with the crop of leaves. It was a vivid object lesson. Matthew does not distinguish between the two mornings as Mark does (Mark:11:13,20|), but says "immediately" (\parachrˆma\) twice (21:19,20|). This word is really \para to chrˆma\ like our "on the spot" (Thayer). It occurs in the papyri in monetary transactions for immediate cash payment.

rwp@Matthew:21:34 @{His servants} (\tous doulous autou\). These slaves are distinguished from {the husbandmen} (\ge“rgoi\, workers of the soil) or workers of the vineyard who had leased it from the householder before he went away. The conduct of the husbandmen towards the householder's slaves portrays the behaviour of the Jewish people and the religious leaders in particular towards the prophets and now towards Christ. The treatment of God's prophets by the Jews pointedly illustrates this parable.

rwp@Matthew:21:43 @{Shall be taken away from you} (\arthˆsetai aph' h–m“n\). Future passive indicative of \air“\. It was the death-knell of the Jewish nation with their hopes of political and religious world leadership.

rwp@Matthew:21:46 @{Took him} (\eichon\). Descriptive imperfect of \ech“\, to hold. This fear of the people was all that stayed the hands of the rabbis on this occasion. Murderous rage was in their hearts towards Jesus. People do not always grasp the application of sermons to themselves.

rwp@Matthew:22:1 @{Again in parables} (\palin en parabolais\). Matthew has already given two on this occasion (The Two Sons, The Wicked Husbandmen). He alone gives this Parable of the Marriage Feast of the King's Son. It is somewhat similar to that of The Supper in strkjv@Luke:14:16-23| given on another occasion. Hence some scholars consider this merely Matthew's version of the Lucan parable in the wrong place because of Matthew's habit of grouping the sayings of Jesus. But that is a gratuitous indictment of Matthew's report which definitely locates the parable here by \palin\. Some regard it as not spoken by Jesus at all, but an effort on the part of the writer to cover the sin and fate of the Jews, the calling of the Gentiles, and God's demand for righteousness. But here again it is like Jesus and suits the present occasion.

rwp@Matthew:22:9 @{The partings of the highways} (\tas diexodous t“n hod“n\). Vulgate, _exitus viarum_. \Diodoi\ are cross-streets, while \diexodoi\ (double compound) seem to be main streets leading out of the city where also side-streets may branch off, "by-ways."

rwp@Matthew:22:12 @{Not having a wedding-garment} (\mˆ ech“n enduma gamou\). \Mˆ\ is in the _Koin‚_ the usual negative with participles unless special emphasis on the negative is desired as in \ouk endedumenon\. There is a subtle distinction between \mˆ\ and \ou\ like our subjective and objective notions. Some hold that the wedding-garment here is a portion of a lost parable separate from that of the Wedding Feast, but there is no evidence for that idea. Wunsche does report a parable by a rabbi of a king who set no time for his feast and the guests arrived, some properly dressed waiting at the door; others in their working clothes did not wait, but went off to work and, when the summons suddenly came, they had no time to dress properly and were made to stand and watch while the others partook of the feast.

rwp@Matthew:22:16 @{Their disciples} (\tous mathˆtas aut“n\). Students, pupils, of the Pharisees as in strkjv@Mark:2:18|. There were two Pharisaic theological seminaries in Jerusalem (Hillel, Shammai). {The Herodians} (\t“n Her“idian“n\). Not members of Herod's family or Herod's soldiers, but partisans or followers of Herod. The form in \-ianos\ is a Latin termination like that in \Christianos\ (Acts:11:26|). Mentioned also in strkjv@Mark:3:6| combining with the Pharisees against Jesus. {The person of men} (\pros“pon anthr“p“n\). Literally, face of men. Paying regard to appearance is the sin of partiality condemned by James (James:2:1,9|) when \pros“polˆmpsia, pros“polˆmptein\ are used, in imitation of the Hebrew idiom. This suave flattery to Jesus implied "that Jesus was a reckless simpleton" (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:22:36 @{The great commandment in the law} (\entolˆ megalˆ en t“i nom“i\). The positive adjective is sometimes as high in rank as the superlative. See \megas\ in strkjv@Matthew:5:19| in contrast with \elachistos\. The superlative \megistos\ occurs in the N.T. only in strkjv@2Peter:1:4|. Possibly this scribe wishes to know which commandment stood first (Mark:12:28|) with Jesus. "The scribes declared that there were 248 affirmative precepts, as many as the members of the human body; and 365 negative precepts, as many as the days in the year, the total being 613, the number of letters in the Decalogue" (Vincent). But Jesus cuts through such pettifogging hair-splitting to the heart of the problem.

rwp@Matthew:23:5 @{To be seen of men} (\pros to theathˆnai tois anthr“pois\). See strkjv@6:1| where this same idiom occurs. Ostentation regulates the conduct of the rabbis. {Phylacteries} (\phulaktˆria\). An adjective from \phulaktˆr, phulass“\ (to guard). Songs:a fortified place, station for garrison, then a safeguard, protecting charm or amulet. The rabbis wore \tephillin\ or prayer-fillets, small leather cases with four strips of parchment on which were written the words of strkjv@Exodus:13:1-10,11-16; strkjv@Deuteronomy:6:4-9; strkjv@11:13-21|. They took literally the words about "a sign unto thy hand," "a memorial between thine eyes," and "frontlets." "That for the head was to consist of a box with four compartments, each containing a slip of parchment inscribed with one of the four passages. Each of these strips was to be tied up with a well-washed hair from a calf's tail; lest, if tied with wool or thread, any fungoid growth should ever pollute them. The phylactery of the arm was to contain a single slip, with the same four passages written in four columns of seven lines each. The black leather straps by which they were fastened were wound seven times round the arm and three times round the hand. They were reverenced by the rabbis as highly as the scriptures, and, like them, might be rescued from the flames on a sabbath. They profanely imagined that God wore the _tephillin_" (Vincent). It is small wonder that Jesus ridiculed such minute concern for pretentious externalism and literalism. These _tephillin_ "are still worn at the present day on the forehead and left arm by Jews at the daily Morning Prayer" (McNeile). "The size of the phylacteries indexed the measure of zeal, and the wearing of large ones was apt to take the place of obedience" (Bruce). Hence they made them "broad." The superstitious would wear them as mere charms to ward off evil. {Enlarge the borders} (\megalunousin ta kraspeda\). In strkjv@9:20| we see that Jesus, like the Jews generally, wore a tassel or tuft, hem or border, a fringe on the outer garment according to strkjv@Numbers:15:38|. Here again the Jewish rabbi had minute rules about the number of the fringes and the knots (see on ¯9:20|). They made a virtue of the size of the fringes also. "Such things were useful as reminders; they were fatal when they were regarded as charms" (Plummer).

rwp@Matthew:23:7 @{Salutations} (\aspasmous\). The ordinary courtiers were coveted because in public. They had an itch for notice. There are occasionally today ministers who resent it if they are not called upon to take part in the services at church. They feel that their ministerial dignity has not been recognized.

rwp@Matthew:23:8 @{But be not ye called Rabbi} (\humeis de mˆ klˆthˆte Rabbei\). An apparent aside to the disciples. Note the emphatic position of \humeis\. Some even regard verses 8-10| as a later addition and not part of this address to the Pharisees, but the apostles were present. Euthymius Zigabenus says: "Do not seek to be called (ingressive aorist subjunctive), if others call you this it will not be your fault." This is not far from the Master's meaning. Rabbi means "my great one," "my Master," apparently a comparatively new title in Christ's time.

rwp@Matthew:23:9 @{Call no man your father} (\patera mˆ kalesˆte h–m“n\). Jesus meant the full sense of this noble word for our heavenly Father. "Abba was not commonly a mode of address to a living person, but a title of honour for Rabbis and great men of the past" (McNeile). In Gethsemane Jesus said: "Abba, Father" (Mark:14:36|). Certainly the ascription of "Father" to pope and priest seems out of harmony with what Jesus here says. He should not be understood to be condemning the title to one's real earthly father. Jesus often leaves the exceptions to be supplied.

rwp@Matthew:23:13 @{Hypocrites} (\hupokritai\). This terrible word of Jesus appears first from him in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew:6:2,5,16; strkjv@7:5|), then in strkjv@15:7| and strkjv@22:18|. Here it appears "with terrific iteration" (Bruce) save in the third of the seven woes (23:13,15,23,25,27,29|). The verb in the active (\hupokrin“\) meant to separate slowly or slightly subject to gradual inquiry. Then the middle was to make answer, to take up a part on the stage, to act a part. It was an easy step to mean to feign, to pretend, to wear a masque, to act the hypocrite, to play a part. This hardest word from the lips of Jesus falls on those who were the religious leaders of the Jews (Scribes and Pharisees), who had justified this thunderbolt of wrath by their conduct toward Jesus and their treatment of things high and holy. The _Textus Receptus has eight woes, adding verse 14| which the Revised Version places in the margin (called verse 13| by Westcott and Hort and rejected on the authority of Aleph B D as a manifest gloss from strkjv@Mark:12:40| and strkjv@Luke:20:47|). The MSS. that insert it put it either before 13 or after 13. Plummer cites these seven woes as another example of Matthew's fondness for the number seven, more fancy than fact for Matthew's Gospel is not the Apocalypse of John. These are all illustrations of Pharisaic saying and not doing (Allen). {Ye shut the kingdom of heaven} (\kleiete tˆn basileian t“n ouran“n\). In strkjv@Luke:11:52| the lawyers are accused of keeping the door to the house of knowledge locked and with flinging away the keys so as to keep themselves and the people in ignorance. These custodians of the kingdom by their teaching obscured the way to life. It is a tragedy to think how preachers and teachers of the kingdom of God may block the door for those who try to enter in (\tous eiserchomenous\, conative present middle participle). {Against} (\emprosthen\). Literally, before. These door-keepers of the kingdom slam it shut in men's faces and they themselves are on the outside where they will remain. They hide the key to keep others from going in.

rwp@Matthew:23:15 @{Twofold more a son of hell than yourselves} (\huion geennˆs diploteron h–m“n\). It is a convert to Pharisaism rather than Judaism that is meant by "one proselyte" (\hena prosˆluton\), from \proserchomai\, newcomers, aliens. There were two kinds of proselytes: of the gate (not actual Jews, but God-fearers and well-wishers of Judaism, like Cornelius), of righteousness who received circumcision and became actual Jews. But a very small per cent of the latter became Pharisees. There was a Hellenistic Jewish literature (Philo, Sibylline Oracles, etc.) designed to attract Gentiles to Judaism. But the Pharisaic missionary zeal (compass, \periagˆte\, go around) was a comparative failure. And success was even worse, Jesus says with pitiless plainness. The "son of Gehenna" means one fitted for and so destined for Gehenna. "The more converted the more perverted" (H.J. Holtzmann). The Pharisees claimed to be in a special sense sons of the kingdom (Matthew:8:12|). They were more partisan than pious. \Diplous\ (twofold, double) is common in the papyri. The comparative here used, as if from \diplos\, appears also in Appian. Note the ablative of comparison h–m“n. It was a withering thrust.

rwp@Matthew:23:27 @{Whited sepulchre} (\taphois kekoniamenois\). The perfect passive participle is from \konia“\ and that from \konia\, dust or lime. Whitened with powdered lime dust, the sepulchres of the poor in the fields or the roadside. Not the rock-hewn tombs of the well-to-do. These were whitewashed a month before the passover that travellers might see them and so avoid being defiled by touching them (Numbers:19:16|). In strkjv@Acts:23:3| Paul called the high priest a whited wall. When Jesus spoke the sepulchres had been freshly whitewashed. We today speak of whitewashing moral evil.

rwp@Matthew:23:32 @{Fill ye up} (\plˆr“sate\). The keenest irony in this command has been softened in some MSS. to the future indicative (\plˆr“sete\). "Fill up the measure of your fathers; crown their misdeeds by killing the prophet God has sent to you. Do at last what has long been in your hearts. The hour is come" (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:24:2 @{One stone upon another} (\lithos epi lithon\). Stone upon stone. A startling prediction showing that the gloomy current of the thoughts of Jesus were not changed by their words of admiration for the temple.

rwp@Matthew:24:3 @{As he sat} (\kathˆmenou\). Genitive absolute. Picture of Jesus sitting on the Mount of Olives looking down on Jerusalem and the temple which he had just left. After the climb up the mountain four of the disciples (Peter, James, John, Andrew) come to Jesus with the problem raised by his solemn words. They ask these questions about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, his own second coming (\parousia\, presence, common in the papyri for the visit of the emperor), and the end of the world. Did they think that they were all to take place simultaneously? There is no way to answer. At any rate Jesus treats all three in this great eschatological discourse, the most difficult problem in the Synoptic Gospels. Many theories are advanced that impugn the knowledge of Jesus or of the writers or of both. It is sufficient for our purpose to think of Jesus as using the destruction of the temple and of Jerusalem which did happen in that generation in A.D. 70, as also a symbol of his own second coming and of the end of the world (\sunteleias tou ai“nos\) or consummation of the age. In a painting the artist by skilful perspective may give on the same surface the inside of a room, the fields outside the window, and the sky far beyond. Certainly in this discourse Jesus blends in apocalyptic language the background of his death on the cross, the coming destruction of Jerusalem, his own second coming and the end of the world. He now touches one, now the other. It is not easy for us to separate clearly the various items. It is enough if we get the picture as a whole as it is here drawn with its lessons of warning to be ready for his coming and the end. The destruction of Jerusalem came as he foretold. There are some who would date the Synoptic Gospels after A.D. 70 in order to avoid the predictive element involved in the earlier date. But that is to limit the fore-knowledge of Jesus to a merely human basis. The word \parousia\ occurs in this chapter alone (3,27,37,39|) in the Gospels, but often in the Epistles, either of presence as opposed to absence (Phillipians:2:12|) or the second coming of Christ (2Thessalonians:2:1|).

rwp@Matthew:25:1 @{Ten virgins} (\deka parthenois\). No special point in the number ten. The scene is apparently centered round the house of the bride to which the bridegroom is coming for the wedding festivities. But Plummer places the scene near the house of the bridegroom who has gone to bring the bride home. It is not pertinent to the point of the parable to settle it. {Lamps} (\lampadas\). Probably torches with a wooden staff and a dish on top in which was placed a piece of rope or cloth dipped in oil or pitch. But sometimes \lampas\ has the meaning of oil lamp (\luchnos\) as in strkjv@Acts:20:8|. That may be the meaning here (Rutherford, _New Phrynichus_).

rwp@Matthew:25:3 @{Took no oil with them} (\ouk elabon meth' heaut“n elaion\). Probably none at all, not realizing their lack of oil till they lit the torches on the arrival of the bridegroom and his party.

rwp@Matthew:25:10 @{And while they went away} (\aperchomen“n de aut“n\). Present middle participle, genitive absolute, while they were going away, descriptive linear action. Picture of their inevitable folly. {Was shut} (\ekleisthˆ\). Effective aorist passive indicative, shut to stay shut.

rwp@Matthew:25:14 @{Going into another country} (\apodˆm“n\). About to go away from one's people (\dˆmos\), on the point of going abroad. This word in ancient use in this sense. There is an ellipse here that has to be supplied, {It is as when} or {The kingdom of heaven is as when}. This Parable of the Talents is quite similar to the Parable of the Pounds in strkjv@Luke:19:11-28|, but they are not variations of the same story. Some scholars credit Jesus with very little versatility. {His goods} (\ta huparchonta autou\). His belongings, neuter participle used as a substantive.

rwp@Matthew:25:24 @{That had received the one talent} (\ho to talenton eilˆph“s\). Note the perfect active participle to emphasize the fact that he still had it. In verse 20| we have \ho--lab“n\ (aorist active participle). {I knew thee} (\egn“n se\). Second aorist active indicative. Experimental knowledge (\gin“sk“\) and proleptical use of \se\. {A hard man} (\sklˆros\). Harsh, stern, rough man, worse than \austˆros\ in strkjv@Luke:19:21|, grasping and ungenerous. {Where thou didst not scatter} (\hothen ou dieskorpisas\). But this scattering was the chaff from which wheat was winnowed, not the scattering of seed.

rwp@Matthew:26:6 @{In the house of Simon the leper} (\en oikiƒi Sim“nos tou leprou\). Evidently a man who had been healed of his leprosy by Jesus who gave the feast in honour of Jesus. All sorts of fantastic theories have arisen about it. Some even identify this Simon with the one in strkjv@Luke:7:36ff.|, but Simon was a very common name and the details are very different. Some hold that it was Martha's house because she served (John:12:2|) and that Simon was either the father or husband of Martha, but Martha loved to serve and that proves nothing. Some identify Mary of Bethany with the sinful woman in strkjv@Luke:7| and even with Mary Magdalene, both gratuitous and groundless propositions. For the proof that Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, and the sinful woman of strkjv@Luke:7| are all distinct see my _Some Minor Characters in the New Testament_. John (John:12:1|) apparently locates the feast six days before the passover, while Mark (Mark:14:3|) and Matthew (26:6|) seem to place it on the Tuesday evening (Jewish Wednesday) just two days before the passover meal. It is possible that John anticipates the date and notes the feast at Bethany at this time because he does not refer to Bethany again. If not, the order of Mark must be followed. According to the order of Mark and Matthew, this feast took place at the very time that the Sanhedrin was plotting about the death of Jesus (Mark:14:1f.|).

rwp@Matthew:26:21 @{One of you} (\heis ex hum“n\). This was a bolt from the blue for all except Judas and he was startled to know that Jesus understood his treacherous bargain.

rwp@Matthew:26:23 @{He that dipped} (\ho embapsas\). They all dipped their hands, having no knives, forks, or spoons. The aorist participle with the article simply means that the betrayer is the one who dips his hand in the dish (\en t“i trubli“i\) or platter with the broth of nuts and raisins and figs into which the bread was dipped before eating. It is plain that Judas was not recognized by the rest as indicated by what Jesus has said. This language means that one of those who had eaten bread with him had violated the rights of hospitality by betraying him. The Arabs today are punctilious on this point. Eating one's bread ties your hands and compels friendship. But Judas knew full well as is shown in verse 25| though the rest apparently did not grasp it.

rwp@Matthew:26:28 @{The Covenant} (\tˆs diathˆkˆs\). The adjective \kainˆs\ in Textus Receptus is not genuine. The covenant is an agreement or contract between two (\dia, duo, thˆke\, from \tithˆmi\). It is used also for will (Latin, _testamentum_) which becomes operative at death (Hebrews:9:15-17|). Hence our _New Testament_. Either covenant or will makes sense here. Covenant is the idea in strkjv@Hebrews:7:22; strkjv@8:8| and often. In the Hebrew to make a covenant was to cut up the sacrifice and so ratify the agreement (Genesis:15:9-18|). Lightfoot argues that the word \diathˆke\ means covenant in the N.T. except in strkjv@Hebrews:9:15-17|. Jesus here uses the solemn words of strkjv@Exodus:24:8| "the blood of the covenant" at Sinai. "My blood of the covenant" is in contrast with that. This is the New Covenant of strkjv@Jeremiah:31; strkjv@Hebrews:8|. {Which is shed for many} (\to peri poll“n ekchunnomenon\). A prophetic present passive participle. The act is symbolized by the ordinance. Cf. the purpose of Christ expressed in strkjv@20:28|. There \anti\ and here \peri\. {Unto remission of sins} (\eis aphesin hamarti“n\). This clause is in Matthew alone but it is not to be restricted for that reason. It is the truth. This passage answers all the modern sentimentalism that finds in the teaching of Jesus only pious ethical remarks or eschatological dreamings. He had the definite conception of his death on the cross as the basis of forgiveness of sin. The purpose of the shedding of his blood of the New Covenant was precisely to remove (forgive) sins.

rwp@Matthew:26:29 @{When I drink it new with you} (\hotan auto pin“ meth' hum“n kaimon\). This language rather implies that Jesus himself partook of the bread and the wine, though it is not distinctly stated. In the Messianic banquet it is not necessary to suppose that Jesus means the language literally, "the fruit of the vine." Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, pp. 109f.) gives an instance of \genˆma\ used of the vine in a papyrus 230 B.C. The language here employed does not make it obligatory to employ wine rather than pure grape juice if one wishes the other.

rwp@Matthew:26:30 @{Sang a hymn} (\humnˆsantes\). The _Hallel_, part of strkjv@Psalms:115-118|. But apparently they did not go out at once to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus tarried with them in the Upper Room for the wonderful discourse and prayer in strkjv@John:14-17|. They may have gone out to the street after strkjv@John:14:31|. It was no longer considered obligatory to remain in the house after the passover meal till morning as at the start (Exodus:12:22|). Jesus went out to Gethsemane, the garden of the agony, outside of Jerusalem, toward the Mount of Olives.

rwp@Matthew:26:33 @{I will never be offended} (\eg“ oudepote skandalisthˆsomai\). "Made to stumble," not "offended." Volitive future passive indicative. Peter ignored the prophecy of the resurrection of Jesus and the promised meeting in Galilee (32|). The quotation from strkjv@Zechariah:13:7| made no impression on him. He was intent on showing that he was superior to "all" the rest. Judas had turned traitor and all were weak, Peter in particular, little as he knew it. Songs:Jesus has to make it plainer by pointing out "this night" as the time (34|). {Before the cock crows} (\prin alektora ph“nˆsai\). No article in the Greek, "before a cock crow." Mark (Mark:14:30|) says that Peter will deny Jesus thrice before the cock crows twice. When one cock crows in the morning, others generally follow. The three denials lasted over an hour. Some scholars hold that chickens were not allowed in Jerusalem by the Jews, but the Romans would have them.

rwp@Matthew:26:35 @{Even if I must die with thee} (\k…n deˆi me sun soi apothanein\). Third-class condition. A noble speech and meant well. His boast of loyalty is made still stronger by \ou mˆ se aparnˆsomai\. The other disciples were undoubtedly embarrassed by Peter's boast and lightheartedly joined in the same profession of fidelity.

rwp@Matthew:26:36 @{Gethsemane} (\Gethsˆmanei\). The word means oil-press in the Hebrew, or olive vat. The place (\ch“rion\) was an enclosed plot or estate, "garden," or orchard (\kˆpos\). It is called _villa_ in the Vulgate according to strkjv@John:18:1|. It was beyond the torrent Kedron at the foot of the Mount of Olives about three-fourths of a mile from the eastern walls of Jerusalem. There are now eight old olive trees still standing in this enclosure. One cannot say that they are the very trees near which Jesus had his Agony, but they are very old. "They will remain so long as their already protracted life is spared, the most venerable of their race on the surface of the earth. Their guarded trunks and scanty foliage will always be regarded as the most affecting of the sacred memorials in or about Jerusalem" (Stanley, _Sinai and Palestine_). {Here} (\autou\), {Yonder} (\ekei\). Jesus clearly pointed to the place where he would pray. Literally "there."

rwp@Matthew:26:37 @{He took with him} (\paralab“n\). Taking along, by his side (\para-\), as a mark of special favour and privilege, instead of leaving this inner circle of three (Peter, James, and John) with the other eight. The eight would serve as a sort of outer guard to watch by the gate of the garden for the coming of Judas while the three would be able to share the agony of soul already upon Jesus so as at least to give him some human sympathy which he craved as he sought help from the Father in prayer. These three had been with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration and now they are with him in this supreme crisis. The grief of Christ was now severe. The word for {sore troubled} (\adˆmonein\) is of doubtful etymology. There is an adjective \adˆmos\ equal to \apodˆmos\ meaning "not at home," "away from home," like the German _unheimisch, unheimlich_. But whatever the etymology, the notion of intense discomfort is plain. The word \adˆmonein\ occurs in P.Oxy. II, 298,456 of the first century A.D. where it means "excessively concerned." See strkjv@Phillipians:2:26| where Paul uses it of Epaphroditus. Moffatt renders it here "agitated." The word occurs sometimes with \apore“\ to be at a loss as to which way to go. The _Braid Scots_ has it "sair putten-aboot." Here Matthew has also "to be sorrowful" (\lupeisthai\), but Mark (Mark:14:33|) has the startling phrase {greatly amazed and sore troubled} (\ekthambeisthai kai adˆmonein\), a "feeling of terrified surprise."

rwp@Matthew:26:41 @{Watch and pray} (\grˆgoreite kai proseuchesthe\). Jesus repeats the command of verse 38| with the addition of prayer and with the warning against the peril of temptation. He himself was feeling the worst of all temptations of his earthly life just then. He did not wish then to enter such temptation (\peirasmon\, here in this sense, not mere trial). Thus we are to understand the prayer in strkjv@Matthew:6:13| about leading (being led) into temptation. Their failure was due to weakness of the flesh as is often the case. {Spirit} (\pneuma\) here is the moral life (\intellect, will, emotions\) as opposed to the flesh (cf. strkjv@Isaiah:31:3; strkjv@Romans:7:25|). {Except I drink it} (\ean mˆ auto pi“\). Condition of the third class undetermined, but with likelihood of determination, whereas {if this cannot pass away} (\ei ou dunatai touto parelthein\) is first-class condition, determined as fulfilled, assumed to be true. This delicate distinction accurately presents the real attitude of Jesus towards this subtle temptation.

rwp@Matthew:26:50 @{Do that for which thou art come} (\eph' ho parei\). Moffatt and Goodspeed take it: "Do your errand." There has been a deal of trouble over this phrase. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 125 to 131) has proven conclusively that it is a question, \eph' ho\ in late Greek having the interrogative sense of \epi ti\ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 725). The use of \eph' ho\ for "why here" occurs on a Syrian tablet of the first century A.D. 50 that it "was current coin in the language of the people" (Deissmann). Most of the early translations (Old Latin, Old Syriac) took it as a question. Songs:the Vulgate has _ad quid venisti_. In this instance the Authorized Version is correct against the Revised. Jesus exposes the pretence of Judas and shows that he does not believe in his paraded affection (Bruce).

rwp@Matthew:26:53 @{Even now} (\arti\). Just now, at this very moment. {Legions} (\legi“nas\). A Latin word. Roman soldiers in large numbers were in Palestine later in A.D. 66, but they were in Caesarea and in the tower of Antonia in Jerusalem. A full Roman legion had 6,100 foot and 726 horse in the time of Augustus. But Jesus sees more than twelve legions at his command (one for each apostle) and shows his undaunted courage in this crisis. One should recall the story of Elisha at Dothan (2Kings:6:17|).

rwp@Matthew:26:59 @{Sought false witness against Jesus} (\ezˆtoun pseudomarturian\). Imperfect tense, kept on seeking. Judges have no right to be prosecutors and least of all to seek after false witness and even to offer bribes to get it.

rwp@Matthew:26:74 @{Then began he to curse and to swear} (\tote ˆrxato katathematizein kai omnuein\). He repeated his denial with the addition of profanity to prove that he was telling the truth instead of the lie that they all knew. His repeated denials gave him away still more, for he could not pronounce the Judean gutterals. He called down on himself (\katathematizein\) imprecations in his desperate irritation and loss of self-control at his exposure. {The cock crew} (\alekt“n eph“nˆsen\). No article in the Greek, just "a cock crew" at that juncture, "straightway" (\euthus\). But it startled Peter.

rwp@Matthew:26:75 @{Peter remembered} (\emnˆsthˆ ho Petros\). A small thing, but _magna circumstantia_ (Bengel). In a flash of lightning rapidity he recalled the words of Jesus a few hours before (Matthew:26:34|) which he had then scouted with the proud boast that "even if I must die with thee, yet will I not deny thee" (26:35|). And now this triple denial was a fact. There is no extenuation for the base denials of Peter. He had incurred the dread penalty involved in the words of Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:10:33| of denial by Jesus before the Father in heaven. But Peter's revulsion of feeling was as sudden as his sin. {He went out and wept bitterly} (\exelth“n ex“ eklausen pikr“s\). Luke adds that the Lord turned and looked upon Peter (Luke:22:61|). That look brought Peter back to his senses. He could not stay where he now was with the revilers of Jesus. He did not feel worthy or able to go openly into the hall where Jesus was. Songs:outside he went with a broken heart. The constative aorist here does not emphasize as Mark's imperfect does (Mark:14:72|, \eklaien\) the continued weeping that was now Peter's only consolation. The tears were bitter, all the more so by reason of that look of understanding pity that Jesus gave him. One of the tragedies of the Cross is the bleeding heart of Peter. Judas was a total wreck and Peter was a near derelict. Satan had sifted them all as wheat, but Jesus had prayed specially for Peter (Luke:22:31f.|). Will Satan show Peter to be all chaff as Judas was?

rwp@Matthew:27:3 @{Repented himself} (\metamelˆtheis\). Probably Judas saw Jesus led away to Pilate and thus knew that the condemnation had taken place. This verb (first aorist passive participle of \metamelomai\) really means to be sorry afterwards like the English word _repent_ from the Latin _repoenitet_, to have pain again or afterwards. See the same verb \metamelˆtheis\ in strkjv@Matthew:21:30| of the boy who became sorry and changed to obedience. The word does not have an evil sense in itself. Paul uses it of his sorrow for his sharp letter to the Corinthians, a sorrow that ceased when good came of the letter (2Corinthians:7:8|). But mere sorrow avails nothing unless it leads to change of mind and life (\metanoia\), the sorrow according to God (2Corinthians:7:9|). This sorrow Peter had when he wept bitterly. It led Peter back to Christ. But Judas had only remorse that led to suicide.

rwp@Matthew:27:8 @{The field of blood} (\agros haimatos\). This name was attached to it because it was the price of blood and that is not inconsistent with strkjv@Acts:1:18f|. Today potter's field carries the idea here started of burial place for strangers who have no where else to lie (\eis taphˆn tois xenois\), probably at first Jews from elsewhere dying in Jerusalem. In strkjv@Acts:1:19| it is called {Aceldama} or {place of blood} (\ch“rion haimatos\) for the reason that Judas' blood was shed there, here because it was purchased by blood money. Both reasons could be true.

rwp@Matthew:27:11 @{Now Jesus stood before the governor} (\ho de Iˆsous estathˆ emprosthen tou hˆgemonos\). Here is one of the dramatic episodes of history. Jesus stood face to face with the Roman governor. The verb \estathˆ\, not \estˆ\ (second aorist active), is first aorist passive and can mean "was placed" there, but he stood, not sat. The term \hˆgem“n\ (from \hˆgeomai\, to lead) was technically a _legatus Caesaris_, an officer of the Emperor, more exactly procurator, ruler under the Emperor of a less important province than propraetor (as over Syria). The senatorial provinces like Achaia were governed by proconsuls. Pilate represented Roman law. {Art thou the King of the Jews?} (\Su ei ho basileus t“n Ioudai“n;\). This is what really mattered. Matthew does not give the charges made by the Sanhedrin (Luke:23:2|) nor the private interview with Pilate (John:18:28-32|). He could not ignore the accusation that Jesus claimed to be King of the Jews. Else he could be himself accused to Caesar for disloyalty. Rivals and pretenders were common all over the empire. Songs:here was one more. By his answer ({thou sayest}) Jesus confesses that he is. Songs:Pilate has a problem on his hands. What sort of a king does this one claim to be? {Thou} (\su\) the King of the Jews?

rwp@Matthew:27:20 @{Persuaded} (\epeisan\). The chief priests (Sadducees) and elders (Pharisees) saw the peril of the situation and took no chances. While Pilate wavered in pressing the question, they used all their arts to get the people to "ask for themselves" (\aitˆs“ntai\, indirect middle ingressive aorist subjunctive) and to choose Barabbas and not Jesus.

rwp@Matthew:27:26 @{Scourged} (\phragell“sas\). The Latin verb _flagellare_. Pilate apparently lost interest in Jesus when he discovered that he had no friends in the crowd. The religious leaders had been eager to get Jesus condemned before many of the Galilean crowd friendly to Jesus came into the city. They had apparently succeeded. The scourging before the crucifixion was a brutal Roman custom. The scourging was part of the capital punishment. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 269) quotes a Florentine papyrus of the year 85 A.D. wherein G. Septimius Vegetus, governor of Egypt, says of a certain Phibion: "Thou hadst been worthy of scourging... but I will give thee to the people."

rwp@Matthew:27:32 @{Compelled} (\ˆggareusan\). This word of Persian origin was used in strkjv@Matthew:5:41|, which see. There are numerous papyri examples of Ptolemaic date and it survives in modern Greek vernacular. Songs:the soldiers treat Simon of Cyrene (a town of Libya) as a Persian courier (\aggaros\) and impress him into service, probably because Jesus was showing signs of physical weakness in bearing his own Cross as the victims had to do, and not as a mere jest on Simon. "Gethsemane, betrayal, the ordeal of the past sleepless night, scourging, have made the flesh weak" (Bruce). Yes, and the burden of sin of the world that was breaking his heart. {His cross} (\ton stauron autou\). Jesus had used the term cross about himself (16:24|). It was a familiar enough picture under Roman rule. Jesus had long foreseen and foretold this horrible form of death for himself (Matthew:20:19; strkjv@23:24; strkjv@26:2|). He had heard the cry of the mob to Pilate that he be crucified (27:22|) and Pilate's surrender (27:26|) and he was on the way to the Cross (27:31|). There were various kinds of crosses and we do not know precisely the shape of the Cross on which Jesus was crucified, though probably the one usually presented is correct. Usually the victim was nailed (hands and feet) to the cross before it was raised and it was not very high. The crucifixion was done by the soldiers (27:35|) in charge and two robbers were crucified on each side of Jesus, three crosses standing in a row (27:38|).

rwp@Matthew:27:40 @{If thou art the Son of God} (\ei huios ei tou theou\). More exactly, "If thou art a son of God," the very language of the devil to Jesus (Matthew:4:3|) in the early temptations, now hurled at Jesus under the devil's prompting as he hung upon the Cross. There is allusion, of course, to the claim of Jesus under oath before the Sanhedrin "the Son of God" (\ho huios tou theou\) and a repetition of the misrepresentation of his words about the temple of his body. It is a pitiful picture of human depravity and failure in the presence of Christ dying for sinners.

rwp@Matthew:27:42 @{He saved others; himself he cannot save} (\allous es“sen; heauton ou dunatai s“sai\). The sarcasm is true, though they do not know its full significance. If he had saved himself now, he could not have saved any one. The paradox is precisely the philosophy of life proclaimed by Jesus himself (Matthew:10:39|). {Let him now come down} (\katabat“ nun\). Now that he is a condemned criminal nailed to the Cross with the claim of being "the King of Israel" (the Jews) over his head. Their spiteful assertion that they would then believe upon Jesus (\ep' auton\) is plainly untrue. They would have shifted their ground and invented some other excuse. When Jesus wrought his greatest miracles, they wanted "a sign from heaven." These "pious scoffers" (Bruce) are like many today who make factitious and arbitrary demands of Christ whose character and power and deity are plain to all whose eyes are not blinded by the god of this world. Christ will not give new proofs to the blind in heart.

rwp@Matthew:27:45 @{From the sixth hour} (\apo hektˆs h“ras\). Curiously enough McNeile takes this to mean the trial before Pilate (John:18:14|). But clearly John uses Roman time, writing at the close of the century when Jewish time was no longer in vogue. It was six o'clock in the morning Roman time when the trial occurred before Pilate. The crucifixion began at the third hour (Mark:15:25|) Jewish time or nine A.M. The darkness began at noon, the sixth hour Jewish time and lasted till 3 P.M. Roman time, the ninth hour Jewish time (Mark:15:33; strkjv@Matthew:27:45; strkjv@Luke:23:44|). The dense darkness for three hours could not be an eclipse of the sun and Luke (Luke:23:45|) does not so say, only "the sun's light failing." Darkness sometimes precedes earthquakes and one came at this time or dense masses of clouds may have obscured the sun's light. One need not be disturbed if nature showed its sympathy with the tragedy of the dying of the Creator on the Cross (Romans:8:22|), groaning and travailing until now.

rwp@Matthew:27:49 @{Whether Elijah cometh to save him} (\ei erchetai Eleias s“s“n auton\). The excuse had a pious sound as they misunderstood the words of Jesus in his outcry of soul anguish. We have here one of the rare instances (\s“s“n\) of the future participle to express purpose in the N.T. though a common Greek idiom. Some ancient MSS. add here what is genuine in strkjv@John:19:34|, but what makes complete wreck of the context for in verse 50| Jesus cried with a loud voice and was not yet dead in verse 49|. It was a crass mechanical copying by some scribe from strkjv@John:19:34|. See full discussion in my _Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the N.T._

rwp@Matthew:27:50 @{Yielded up his spirit} (\aphˆken to pneuma\). The loud cry may have been strkjv@Psalms:31:5| as given in strkjv@Luke:23:46|: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." John (John:19:30|) gives {It is finished} (\tetelestai\), though which was actually last is not clear. Jesus did not die from slow exhaustion, but with a loud cry. {He breathed out} (\exepneusen\, strkjv@Mark:15:37|), {sent back his spirit} (Matthew:27:50|), {gave up his spirit} (\pared“ken to pneuma\, strkjv@John:19:30|). "He gave up his life because he willed it, when he willed it, and as he willed it" (Augustine). Stroud (_Physical Cause of the Death of Christ_) considers the loud cry one of the proofs that Jesus died of a ruptured heart as a result of bearing the sin of the world.

rwp@Matthew:27:51 @{Was rent} (\eschisthˆ\). Both Mark (Mark:15:38|) and Luke (Luke:23:45|) mention also this fact. Matthew connects it with the earthquake, "the earth did quake" (\hˆ gˆ eseisthˆ\). Josephus (_War_ VI. 299) tells of a quaking in the temple before the destruction and the Talmud tells of a quaking forty years before the destruction of the temple. Allen suggests that "a cleavage in the masonry of the porch, which rent the outer veil and left the Holy Place open to view, would account for the language of the Gospels, of Josephus, and of the Talmud." This veil was a most elaborately woven fabric of seventy-two twisted plaits of twenty-four threads each and the veil was sixty feet long and thirty wide. The rending of the veil signified the removal of the separation between God and the people (Gould).

rwp@Matthew:27:52 @{The tombs were opened} (\ta mnˆmeia ane“ichthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative (double augment). The splitting of the rocks by the earthquake and the opening of tombs can be due to the earthquake. But the raising of the bodies of the dead after the resurrection of Jesus which appeared to many in the holy city puzzles many today who admit the actual bodily resurrection of Jesus. Some would brand all these portents as legends since they appear in Matthew alone. Others would say that "after his resurrection" should read "after their resurrection," but that would make it conflict with Paul's description of Christ as the first fruits of them that sleep (1Corinthians:15:20|). Some say that Jesus released these spirits after his descent into Hades. Songs:it goes. We come back to miracles connected with the birth of Jesus, God's Son coming into the world. If we grant the possibility of such manifestations of God's power, there is little to disturb one here in the story of the death of God's Son.

rwp@Matthew:27:54 @{Truly this was the Son of God} (\alˆth“s theou huios ˆn houtos\). There is no article with God or Son in the Greek so that it means "God's Son," either "the Son of God" or "a Son of God." There is no way to tell. Evidently the centurion (\hekatontarchos\ here, ruler of a hundred, Latin word _kenturi“n_ in strkjv@Mark:15:39|) was deeply moved by the portents which he had witnessed. He had heard the several flings at Jesus for claiming to be the Son of God and may even have heard of his claim before the Sanhedrin and Pilate. How much he meant by his words we do not know, but probably he meant more than merely "a righteous man" (Luke:23:47|). Petronius is the name given this centurion by tradition. If he was won now to trust in Christ, he came as a pagan and, like the robber who believed, was saved as Jesus hung upon the Cross. All who are ever saved in truth are saved because of the death of Jesus on the Cross. Songs:the Cross began to do its work at once.

rwp@Matthew:27:55 @{Many women} (\gunaikes pollai\). We have come to expect the women from Galilee to be faithful, last at the Cross and first at the tomb. Luke (Luke:23:49|) says that "all his acquaintance" (\pantes hoi gn“stoi aut“i\) stood at a distance and saw the end. One may hope that the apostles were in that sad group. But certainly many women were there. The Mother of Jesus had been taken away from the side of the Cross by the Beloved Disciple to his own home (John:19:27|). Matthew names three of the group by name. Mary Magdalene is mentioned as a well-known person though not previously named in Matthew's Gospel. Certainly she is not the sinful woman of strkjv@Luke:7| nor Mary of Bethany. There is another Mary, the mother of James and Joseph (Joses) not otherwise known to us. And then there is the mother of the sons of Zebedee (James and John), usually identified with Salome (Mark:15:40|). These noble and faithful women were "beholding from afar" (\apo makrothen the“rousai\). These three women may have drawn nearer to the Cross for Mary the Mother of Jesus stood beside the Cross (\para t“i staur“i\) with Mary of Clopas and Mary Magdalene (John:19:25|) before she left. They had once ministered unto Jesus (\diakonousai aut“i\) and now he is dead. Matthew does not try to picture the anguish of heart of these noble women nor does he say as Luke (Luke:23:48|) does that "they returned smiting their breasts." He drops the curtain on that saddest of all tragedies as the loyal band stood and looked at the dead Christ on Golgotha. What hope did life now hold for them?

rwp@Matthew:27:57 @{And when even was come} (\opsias de genomenˆs\). It was the Preparation (\paraskeuˆ\), the day before the sabbath (Mark:15:42; strkjv@Luke:23:54; strkjv@John:31:42|). \Paraskeuˆ\ is the name in modern Greek today for Friday. The Jews were anxious that these bodies should be taken down before the sabbath began at 6 P.M. The request of Joseph of Arimathea for the body of Jesus was a relief to Pilate and to the Jews also. We know little about this member of the Sanhedrin save his name Joseph, his town Arimathea, that he was rich, a secret disciple, and had not agreed to the death of Jesus. Probably he now wished that he had made an open profession. But he has courage now when others are cowardly and asked for the personal privilege (\ˆitˆsato\, middle voice, asked for himself) of placing the body of Jesus in his new tomb. Some today identify this tomb with one of the rock tombs now visible under Gordon's Calvary. It was a mournful privilege and dignity that came to Joseph and Nicodemus (John:19:39-41|) as they wrapped the body of Jesus in clean linen cloth and with proper spices placed it in this fresh (\kain“i\) tomb in which no body had yet been placed. It was cut in the rock (\elatomˆsen\) for his own body, but now it was for Jesus. But now (verse 60|) he rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb and departed. That was for safety. But two women had watched the sad and lonely ceremony, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (mother of James and Joseph). They were sitting opposite and looking in silence.

rwp@Matthew:28:2 @{There was a great earthquake} (\seismos egeneto megas\). Clearly not the earthquake of strkjv@27:51|. The precise time of this earthquake is not given. It was before sunrise on the first day of the week when the women made the next visit. Matthew alone relates the coming of the angel of the Lord who rolled away the stone and was sitting upon it (\apekulise ton lithon kai ekathˆto epan“ autou\). If one is querulous about these supernatural phenomena, he should reflect that the Resurrection of Jesus is one of the great supernatural events of all time. Cornelius … Lapide dares to say: "The earth, which trembled with sorrow at the Death of Christ as it were leaped for joy at His Resurrection." The Angel of the Lord announced the Incarnation of the Son of God and also His Resurrection from the grave. There are apparent inconsistencies in the various narratives of the Resurrection and the appearances of the Risen Christ. We do not know enough of the details to be able to reconcile them. But the very variations strengthen the independent witness to the essential fact that Jesus rose from the grave. Let each writer give his own account in his own way. The stone was rolled away not to let the Lord out, but to let the women in to prove the fact of the empty tomb (McNeile).

rwp@Matthew:28:5 @{Unto the women} (\tais gunaixin\). According to John, Mary Magdalene had left to go and tell Peter and John of the supposed grave robbery (John:20:1f.|). But the other women remained and had the interview with the angel (or men, Luke) about the empty tomb and the Risen Christ. {Jesus the Crucified} (\Iˆsoun ton estaur“menon\). Perfect passive participle, state of completion. This he will always be. Songs:Paul will preach as essential to his gospel "and this one crucified" (\kai touton estaur“menon\, strkjv@1Corinthians:2:2|).

rwp@Matthew:28:6 @{Risen from the dead} (\ˆgerthˆ apo t“n nekr“n\). {Jesus the Risen}. This is the heart of the testimony of the angel to the women. It is what Paul wishes Timothy never to forget (2Timothy:2:8|), "Jesus Christ risen from the dead" (\Iˆsoun Christon egˆgermenon ek nekr“n\). They were afraid and dazzled by the glory of the scene, but the angel said, "Come, see the place where the Lord lay" (\deute idete ton topon hopou ekeito ho Kurios\). Some MSS. do not have \ho Kurios\, but he is the subject of \ekeito\. His body was not there. It will not do to say that Jesus arose in spirit and appeared alive though his body remained in the tomb. The empty tomb is the first great fact confronting the women and later the men. Various theories were offered then as now. But none of them satisfy the evidence and explain the survival of faith and hope in the disciples that do not rest upon the fact of the Risen Christ whose body was no longer in the tomb.

rwp@Matthew:28:18 @{All authority} (\pƒsa exousia\). Jesus came close to them (\proselth“n\) and made this astounding claim. He spoke as one already in heaven with a world-wide outlook and with the resources of heaven at his command. His authority or power in his earthly life had been great (7:29; strkjv@11:27; strkjv@21:23f.|). Now it is boundless and includes earth and heaven. {Hath been given} (\edothˆ\) is a timeless aorist (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 836f.). It is the sublimist of all spectacles to see the Risen Christ without money or army or state charging this band of five hundred men and women with world conquest and bringing them to believe it possible and to undertake it with serious passion and power. Pentecost is still to come, but dynamic faith rules on this mountain in Galilee.

rwp@Matthew:28:19 @{All the nations} (\panta ta ethnˆ\). Not just the Jews scattered among the Gentiles, but the Gentiles themselves in every land. And not by making Jews of them, though this point is not made plain here. It will take time for the disciples to grow into this _Magna Charta_ of the missionary propaganda. But here is the world program of the Risen Christ and it should not be forgotten by those who seek to foreshorten it all by saying that Jesus expected his second coming to be very soon, even within the lifetime of those who heard. He did promise to come, but he has never named the date. Meanwhile we are to be ready for his coming at any time and to look for it joyfully. But we are to leave that to the Father and push on the campaign for world conquest. This program includes making disciples or learners (\mathˆteusate\) such as they were themselves. That means evangelism in the fullest sense and not merely revival meetings. Baptism in (\eis\, not _into_) the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Trinity. Objection is raised to this language in the mouth of Jesus as too theological and as not a genuine part of the Gospel of Matthew for the same reason. See strkjv@Matthew:11:27|, where Jesus speaks of the Father and the Son as here. But it is all to no purpose. There is a chapter devoted to this subject in my _The Christ of the Logia_ in which the genuineness of these words is proven. The name of Jesus is the essential part of it as is shown in the Acts. Trine immersion is not taught as the Greek Church holds and practices, baptism in the name of the Father, then of the Son, then of the Holy Spirit. The use of name (\onoma\) here is a common one in the Septuagint and the papyri for power or authority. For the use of \eis\ with \onoma\ in the sense here employed, not meaning _into_, see strkjv@Matthew:10:41f.| (cf. also strkjv@12:41|).

rwp@Matthew:28:20 @{Teaching them} (\didaskontes autous\). Christians have been slow to realize the full value of what we now call religious education. The work of teaching belongs to the home, to the church (sermon, Sunday school, young people's work, prayer-meeting, study classes, mission classes), to the school (not mixing of church and state, but moral instruction if not the reading of the Bible), good books which should be in every home, reading of the Bible itself. Some react too far and actually put education in the place of conversion or regeneration. That is to miss the mark. But teaching is part, a weighty part, of the work of Christians.

rwp@Matthew:28:20 @{I am with you} (\eg“ meta hum“n\). This is the amazing and blessed promise. He is to be with the disciples when he is gone, with all the disciples, with all knowledge, with all power, with them all the days (all sorts of days, weakness, sorrows, joy, power), till the consummation of the age (\he“s tˆs sunteleias tou ai“nos\). That goal is in the future and unknown to the disciples. This blessed hope is not designed as a sedative to an inactive mind and complacent conscience, but an incentive to the fullest endeavor to press on to the farthest limits of the world that all the nations may know Christ and the power of his Risen Life. Songs:Matthew's Gospel closes in a blaze of glory. Christ is conqueror in prospect and in fact. Christian history from that eventful experience on the Mountain in Galilee has been the fulfilment of that promise in as far as we allow God's power to work in us for the winning of the world to Christ, the Risen, all powerful Redeemer, who is with his people all the time. Jesus employs the prophetic present here (\eimi\, I am). He is with us all the days till he comes in glory.

rwp@Info_Philemon @ THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON FROM ROME A.D. 63 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION This little letter was sent to Philemon by Onesimus, a converted runaway slave of Philemon, along with Tychicus who is going to Colossae with Onesimus (Colossians:4:7-9|) as the bearer also of the so-called Epistle to the Ephesians (Ephesians:6:21f.|). Hence it is clear that these three Epistles were carried to the Province of Asia at the same time. Colossians was probably written before Ephesians which appears to be a general treatment of the same theme. Whether Philemon was actually penned before the other two there is no way of knowing. But it is put first here as standing apart. Probably Paul wrote it himself without dictation because in verse 19| it constitutes a note in his own hand to Philemon for what Onesimus may owe him. Paul applies the spirit of Christianity to the problem of slavery in words that have ultimately set the slaves free from bondage to men. strkjv@Philemon:1:1 @{A prisoner of Christ Jesus} (\desmios Christou Iˆsou\). As verse 9| and in strkjv@Ephesians:3:1; strkjv@4:1|. Old adjective from \desmos\ (bond, \de“\, to bind). Apparently used here on purpose rather than \apostolos\ as more effective with Philemon and a more touching occasion of pride as Paul writes with his manacled right hand. {Timothy} (\Timotheos\). With Paul in Ephesus (Acts:19:22|) and probably known to Philemon. Associated with Paul also in I and II Thess., II Cor., Philipp., Col. {To Philemon} (\Philˆmoni\). A resident of Colossae and a convert of Paul's (verse 19|), perhaps coming to Ephesus while Paul was there when his ministry had so much influence over the province of Asia (Acts:19:9f., 26; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:19|). The name Philemon occurs in the legend of Baucis and Philemon (Ovid's _Metamorphoses_), but with no connection with the brother here. He was active in the church in Colossae ("our co-worker," \sunerg“i hˆm“n\) and was beloved (\agapˆt“i\) by Paul.

rwp@Philemon:1:6 @{That} (\hop“s\). Rather than the more common final particle \hina\. Connected with \mneian poioumenos\. {The fellowship of thy faith} (\hˆ koin“nia tˆs piste“s sou\). Partnership like strkjv@Phillipians:1:5| in (objective genitive, \piste“s\). {Effectual} (\energˆs\). Common adjective, like \energos\ (at work), in N.T. only here, strkjv@1Corinthians:16:9; strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|. Papyri use \energos\ of a mill in working order, of ploughed land, etc. {In you} (\en humin\). Some MSS. have \en hˆmin\ (in us), itacism and common.

rwp@Philemon:1:7 @{I had} (\eschon\). Ingressive second aorist active indicative of \ech“\, not \eichomˆn\ as the Textus Receptus has it. Paul refers to his joy when he first heard the good news about Philemon's activity (verse 5|). {The hearts} (\ta splagchna\). See strkjv@Phillipians:1:8| for this use of this word for the nobler viscera (heart, lungs, liver) and here for the emotional nature. {Have been refreshed} (\anapepautai\). Perfect passive indicative of old compound verb \anapau“\ as in strkjv@Matthew:11:28|, a relief and refreshment whether temporary (Mark:6:31|) or eternal (Revelation:14:13|).

rwp@Philemon:1:8 @{Though I have} (\ech“n\). Concessive participle (present active). {That which is befitting} (\to anˆkon\). Neuter singular accusative of the articular participle (present active) of \anˆk“\, to come up to requirements and so to be befitting. For idea in \anˆk“\, see strkjv@Colossians:3:18; strkjv@Ephesians:5:4|. This idiom is in later writers. {I rather beseech} (\mƒllon parakal“\). Rather than command (\epitass“\) which he has a perfect right to do.

rwp@Philemon:1:12 @{I have sent back} (\anepempsa\). Epistolary aorist. As it will look when Onesimus arrives. {In his own person} (\auton\). "Himself," intensive pronoun with \hon\ (whom). {My very heart} (\ta ema splagchna\). As in verse 7|. He almost loves Onesimus as his own son.

rwp@Philemon:1:14 @{Without thy mind} (\ch“ris tˆs sˆs gn“mˆs\). Judgment, purpose (1Corinthians:1:10; strkjv@7:25|). Ablative case with \ch“ris\ (apart from). {I would do nothing} (\ouden ˆthelˆsa poiˆsai\). First aorist active indicative of \thel“\, I decided, I wished, decision reached (cf. \eboulomˆn\ in verse 13|. {Thy goodness} (\to agathon sou\). Neuter articular adjective (thy good deed). {As of necessity} (\h“s kata anagkˆn\). "As if according to compulsion." See strkjv@2Corinthians:9:7|. {But of free will} (\alla kata hekousion\). According to what is voluntary (Numbers:15:3|). Perhaps \tropon\ (way, manner) is to be understood with the adjective \hekousios\ (old word, here alone in N.T.), from \hek“n\ (1Corinthians:9:17; strkjv@Romans:8:20|).

rwp@Philemon:1:17 @{If then thou countest me a partner} (\ei oun me echeis koin“non\). As I assume that you do, condition of the first class. {Receive him as myself} (\proslabou auton h“s eme\). "Take him to thyself (indirect second aorist middle of \proslamban“\ as in strkjv@Acts:18:26|) as myself." Surpassing delicacy and consummate tact. These words sound the death-knell of human slavery wherever the spirit of Christ is allowed to have its way. It has been a long and hard fight to break the shackles of human bondage even in Christian countries and there are still millions of slaves in pagan and Mohammedan lands. Paul wrote these words with wisdom and courage and sincerity.

rwp@Philemon:1:20 @{Let me have joy of thee} (\eg“ sou onaimˆn\). Second aorist middle optative of \oninˆmi\, old verb, only here in N.T. Optative the regular construction for a wish about the future. "May I get profit from thee in the Lord." {Refresh my heart in Christ} (\anapauson mou ta splagchna en Christ“i\). See verse 7| for \anapauson\ (first aorist active imperative of \anapau“\) and \splagchna\ (3 times in this letter, 7,12,20|).

rwp@Philemon:1:21 @{Obedience} (\hupakoˆi\). "Compliance" seems less harsh to us in the light of 9|. {I write} (\egrapsa\). Epistolary aorist again. {Even beyond what I say} (\kai huper ha leg“\). That can only mean that Paul "knows" (\eid“s\, second perfect active participle of \oida\) that Philemon will set Onesimus free. He prefers that it come as Philemon's idea and wish rather than as a command from Paul. Paul has been criticized for not denouncing slavery in plain terms. But, when one considers the actual conditions in the Roman empire, he is a wise man who can suggest a better plan than the one pursued here for the ultimate overthrow of slavery.

rwp@Philemon:1:23 @{Epaphras} (\Epaphrƒs\). The Colossian preacher who apparently started the work in Colossae, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, and who had come to Rome to enlist Paul's help in the fight against incipient Gnosticism in the Lycus Valley. {My fellow-prisoner} (\ho sunaichmal“tos mou\). See on ¯Romans:16:7| for this word, also in strkjv@Colossians:4:10|. Used metaphorically like the verb \aichmal“tiz“\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:10:5|, though some hold that Epaphras became a prisoner with Paul in Rome.

rwp@Info_Philipians @ Some special books on Philippians are those by Beet (1891), Burns (1917), Dibelius (1911), Ellicott (new ed. 1890), Wohlenberg in Zahn Komm. (3rd ed. 1917), Haupt in Meyer Komm. (8 ed. 1902), Jones in Westm. Comm. (1920), Johnstone (1904), Jowett (1909), Kennedy in Exp. Gk. Test. (1903), Klopper (1893), Knabenbauer (1913), Lightfoot (9 ed. 1891), Lipsius (1893), Lohmeyer in Meyer Komm. (8 ed. 1930), Lueken (1906), Martin (New Cent. Bible), Michael (1928), Moule (Phil. Studies), Plummer (1919), Rainy (Exp. Bible 1893), Robertson (1917), Vincent (Int. Crit., 2 ed. 1910).

rwp@Philippians:1:5 @{For your fellowship} (\epi tˆi koin“niƒi hum“n\). "On the basis of your contribution" as in strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4; strkjv@9:13; strkjv@Acts:2:42|. The particular kind of "partnership" or "fellowship" involved is the contribution made by the Philippians for the spread of the gospel (1:7| \sugkoin“nous\ and strkjv@4:14| where \sugkoin“nˆsantes\ occurs). {In furtherance of the gospel} (\eis to euaggelion\). "For the gospel." {From the first day until now} (\apo tˆs pr“tˆs hˆmeras achri tou nun\). As when in Thessalonica (Phillipians:4:15f.|), in Corinth (Acts:18:5; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:7-10|), and now in Rome.

rwp@Philippians:1:6 @{Being confident} (\pepoith“s\). Second perfect active of \peith“\, to persuade. {This very thing} (\auto touto\). Accusative of the inner object with \pepoith“s\, "this thing itself." {Will perfect it} (\epitelesei\). Future active indicative of \epitele“\, will fully (\epi-\) finish. God began and God will consummate it (see strkjv@2Corinthians:8:6; strkjv@Galatians:3:3| where both words occur together as here), but not without their cooperation and partnership. {Until the day of Jesus Christ} (\achri hˆmeras Christou Iˆsou\). The second coming as in verse 10|. See strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:2,4; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:10; strkjv@2:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:18; strkjv@3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14; strkjv@Romans:13:12|. Paul never sets the time for the Lord's return, but he is cheered by that blessed hope.

rwp@Philippians:1:7 @{Because I have you in my heart} (\dia to echein me en tˆi kardiƒi humas\). Or "because you hold me in your heart." Literally, "because of the holding me (or you) in the heart as to you (or me)." One accusative is the object of the infinitive \echein\, the other is the accusative of general reference. There is no way to decide which is the idea meant except to say that love begets love. The pastor who, like Paul, holds his people in his heart will find them holding him in their hearts. {In the defence} (\en tˆi apologiƒi\). Old word (our word apology, but not our idea of apologizing), in the original sense in strkjv@Acts:22:1; strkjv@25:16|. Songs:also in verse 16| below. {Confirmation} (\bebai“sei\). Old word from \bebaio“\ (\bebaios, bain“\), to make stable. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:6:16| about oath. {Partakers with me of grace} (\sugkoin“nous mou tˆs charitos\). Literally, "my co-sharers in grace" (objective genitive). "Grace prompted them to alleviate his imprisonment, to cooperate with him in defending and propagating the gospel, and to suffer for its sake" (Vincent, _Int. Crit. Comm_.).

rwp@Philippians:1:8 @{My witness} (\martus mou\). Same solemn oath in strkjv@Romans:1:9|. {I long after} (\epipoth“\). Longing (\pothos\) directed toward (\epi\) the Philippians. Old word, chiefly in Paul in N.T. {In the tender mercies} (\en splagchnois\). Literally "in the bowels" as the seat of the affections.

rwp@Philippians:1:11 @{Fruits of righteousness} (\karpon dikaiosunˆs\). Singular, collective idea, fruit of righteousness. Accusative case retained with perfect passive participle.

rwp@Philippians:1:14 @{The most of the brethren} (\tous pleionas t“n adelph“n\). "The more part of the brethren." The comparative with the article with the sense of the superlative as often in the _Koin‚_. {In the Lord} (\en Kuri“i\). It is not clear whether this phrase is to be connected with "brethren" or with "being confident" (\pepoithotas\), probably with \pepoithotas\. If so, then "through my bonds" (\tois desmois mou\) would be the instrumental case and mean that by means of Paul's bonds the brethren "are more abundantly bold" (\perissoter“s tolmƒin\).

rwp@Philippians:1:17 @{Of faction} (\ex eritheias\). Out of partisanship. From \eritheu“\, to spin wool, and that from \erithos\, a hireling. The papyri examples suit the idea of selfish ambition (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). See strkjv@2Corinthians:12:20; strkjv@Galatians:5:20|. {Not sincerely} (\ouch hagn“s\). "Not purely," that is with mixed and impure motives. {To raise up affliction for my bonds} (\thlipsin egeirein tois desmois mou\). Now that Paul is down they jump on him in mean and nagging ways. Dative case in \desmois\. "To make my chains gall me" (Lightfoot).

rwp@Philippians:1:21 @{For to me} (\emoi gar\). Fine example of the ethical dative. Paul gives his own view of living. {To live is Christ} (\to zˆin Christos\). No copula (\estin\), but \to zˆin\ (the act of living present active infinitive) is the subject as is shown by the article \to\. Living is coextensive with Christ. {Gain} (\kerdos\). Old word for any gain or profit, interest on money (so in papyri). In N.T. only here, strkjv@Phillipians:3:7; strkjv@Titus:1:11|. {To die} (\to apothanein\, second aorist active infinitive, single act) is to cash in both principal and interest and so to have more of Christ than when living. Songs:Paul faces death with independence and calm courage.

rwp@Philippians:1:23 @{I am in a strait} (\sunechomai\). "I am held together." Present passive indicative of the common compound verb \sunech“\, to hold together, to hem together as in strkjv@Luke:8:45|. "I am hemmed in on both sides" (Lightfoot). {Betwixt the two} (\ek t“n duo\). "From the two (sides)." Pressure to live on, pressure to die and be with Christ. {To depart} (\eis to analusai\). Purpose clause, \eis to\ and the aorist active infinitive \analusai\, old compound verb, to unloose (as threads), to break up, to return (Luke:12:36|, only other N.T. example), to break up camp (Polybius), to weigh anchor and put out to sea, to depart (often in old Greek and papyri). Cf. \katalu“\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1| for tearing down the tent. {Very far better} (\poll“i mallon kreisson\). Double comparative (triple Lightfoot calls it because of \poll“i\) like Isocrates and the _Koin‚_ often. See strkjv@2Corinthians:7:13| for \perissoter“s mallon\. \Poll“i\ is the instrumental case of measure (by much).

rwp@Philippians:1:28 @{Affrighted} (\pturomenoi\). Present passive participle of \ptur“\, old verb, to frighten. The metaphor is of a timid or scared horse and from \ptoe“\ (\ptoa\, terror). "Not startled in anything." {By the adversaries} (\hupo t“n antikeimen“n\). These men who were lined up against (present middle participle of \antikeimai\) may have been Jews or Gentiles or both. See strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:4| for this late verb. Any preacher who attacks evil will have opposition. {Evident token} (\endeixis\). Old word for proof. See strkjv@2Corinthians:8:24; strkjv@Romans:3:25f|. "An Attic law term" (Kennedy) and only in Paul in N.T. {Perdition} (\ap“leias\). "Loss" in contrast with "salvation" (\s“tˆrias\). {And that} (\kai touto\). Idiomatic adverbial accusative. "It is a direct indication from God. The Christian gladiator does not anxiously await the signal of life or death from the fickle crowd" (Lightfoot).

rwp@Philippians:1:29 @{In the behalf of Christ} (\to huper Christou\). Literally, "the in behalf of Christ." But Paul divides the idea and uses the article to again both with \pisteuein\ and with \paschein\. Suffering in behalf of Christ is one of God's gifts to us.

rwp@Philippians:2:1 @{If} (\ei\). Paul uses four conditions in this verse, all of the first class, assuming the condition to be true. {Comfort} (\paraklˆsis\). Rather, "ground of appeal to you in Christ." See strkjv@1Corinthians:1:10; strkjv@Ephesians:4:1|. {Consolation} (\paramuthion\). Old word from \paramutheomai\, persuasive address, incentive. {Of love} (\agapˆs\). Objective genitive, "in love" (undefined as in strkjv@1Corinthians:13|). {Fellowship} (\koin“nia\). Partnership in the Holy Spirit "whose first fruit is love" (Galatians:5:22|). {Any tender mercies} (\tis splagchna\). Common use of this word for the nobler \viscera\ and so for the higher emotions. But \tis\ is masculine singular and \splagchna\ is neuter plural. Lightfoot suggests an error of an early transcriber or even of the amanuensis in writing \ei tis\ instead of \ei tina\.

rwp@Philippians:2:3 @{Through vainglory} (\kata kenodoxian\). Late word, only here in N.T., from \kenodoxos\ (\kenos, doxa\, strkjv@Galatians:5:26|, only here in N.T.), empty pride. {In lowliness of mind} (\tˆi tapeinophrosunˆi\). Late and rare word. Not in O.T. or early Greek writers. In Josephus and Epictetus in bad sense (pusillanimity). For ostentatious humility in Co strkjv@2:18,23|. One of the words, like \tapeinos\ (Matthew:11:29|) and \tapeinophr“n\ (1Peter:3:8|, here alone in N.T.) that Christianity has ennobled and dignified (Acts:20:19|). {Better than himself} (\huperechontas heaut“n\). Present active participle of \huperech“\ in intransitive sense to excel or surpass with the ablative, "excelling themselves." See strkjv@Romans:12:10|.

rwp@Philippians:2:4 @{Looking} (\skopountes\). Present active participle of \skope“\ from \skopos\ (aim, goal). Not keeping an eye on the main chance for number one, but for the good of others.

rwp@Philippians:2:6 @{Being} (\huparch“n\). Rather, "existing," present active participle of \huparch“\. In the form of God (\en morphˆi theou\). \Morphˆ\ means the essential attributes as shown in the form. In his preincarnate state Christ possessed the attributes of God and so appeared to those in heaven who saw him. Here is a clear statement by Paul of the deity of Christ. {A prize} (\harpagmon\). Predicate accusative with \hˆgˆsato\. Originally words in \-mos\ signified the act, not the result (\-ma\). The few examples of \harpagmos\ (Plutarch, etc.) allow it to be understood as equivalent to \harpagma\, like \baptismos\ and \baptisma\. That is to say Paul means a prize to be held on to rather than something to be won ("robbery"). {To be on an equality with God} (\to einai isa theoi\). Accusative articular infinitive object of \hˆgˆsato\, "the being equal with God" (associative instrumental case \the“i\ after \isa\). \Isa\ is adverbial use of neuter plural with \einai\ as in strkjv@Revelation:21:16|. {Emptied himself} (\heauton eken“se\). First aorist active indicative of \keno“\, old verb from \kenos\, empty. Of what did Christ empty himself? Not of his divine nature. That was impossible. He continued to be the Son of God. There has arisen a great controversy on this word, a \Kenosis\ doctrine. Undoubtedly Christ gave up his environment of glory. He took upon himself limitations of place (space) and of knowledge and of power, though still on earth retaining more of these than any mere man. It is here that men should show restraint and modesty, though it is hard to believe that Jesus limited himself by error of knowledge and certainly not by error of conduct. He was without sin, though tempted as we are. "He stripped himself of the insignia of majesty" (Lightfoot).

rwp@Philippians:2:7 @{The form of a servant} (\morphˆn doulou\). He took the characteristic attributes (\morphˆn\ as in verse 6|) of a slave. His humanity was as real as his deity. {In the likeness of men} (\en homoi“mati anthr“p“n\). It was a likeness, but a real likeness (Kennedy), no mere phantom humanity as the Docetic Gnostics held. Note the difference in tense between \huparch“n\ (eternal existence in the \morphˆ\ of God) and \genomenos\ (second aorist middle participle of \ginomai\, becoming, definite entrance in time upon his humanity).

rwp@Philippians:2:8 @{In fashion} (\schˆmati\). Locative case of \schˆma\, from \ech“\, to have, to hold. Bengel explains \morphˆ\ by _forma_, \homoi“ma\ by _similitudo_, \schˆma\ by _habitus_. Here with \schˆma\ the contrast "is between what He is in Himself, and what He _appeared_ in the eyes of men" (Lightfoot). {He humbled himself} (\etapein“sen heauton\). First aorist active of \tapeino“\, old verb from \tapeinos\. It is a voluntary humiliation on the part of Christ and for this reason Paul is pressing the example of Christ upon the Philippians, this supreme example of renunciation. See Bruce's masterpiece, _The Humiliation of Christ_. {Obedient} (\hupˆkoos\). Old adjective, giving ear to. See strkjv@Acts:7:39; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:9|. {Unto death} (\mechri thanatou\). "Until death." See "until blood" (\mechris haimatos\, strkjv@Hebrews:12:4|). {Yea, the death of the cross} (\thanatou de staurou\). The bottom rung in the ladder from the Throne of God. Jesus came all the way down to the most despised death of all, a condemned criminal on the accursed cross.

rwp@Philippians:2:10 @{That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow} (\hina en t“i onomati Iˆsou pan gonu kampsˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \kampt“\, old verb, to bend, to bow, in purpose clause with \hina\. Not perfunctory genuflections whenever the name of Jesus is mentioned, but universal acknowledgment of the majesty and power of Jesus who carries his human name and nature to heaven. This universal homage to Jesus is seen in strkjv@Romans:8:22; strkjv@Ephesians:1:20-22| and in particular strkjv@Revelation:5:13|. {Under the earth} (\katachthoni“n\). Homeric adjective for departed souls, subterranean, simply the dead. Here only in the N.T.

rwp@Philippians:2:13 @{Which worketh in you} (\ho energ“n en humin\). Articular present active participle of \energe“\ from \energos\ (\en, ergon\) one at work, common verb from Aristotle on, to be at work, to energize. God is the Energy and the Energizer of the universe. Modern scientists, like Eddington, Jeans, and Whitney, are not afraid to agree with Paul and to put God back of all activity in nature. {Both to will and to work} (\kai to thelein kai to energein\). "Both the willing and the working (the energizing)." God does it all, then. Yes, but he puts us to work also and our part is essential, as he has shown in verse 12|, though secondary to that of God. {For his good-pleasure} (\huper tˆs eudokias\). Songs:Whitney puts "the will of God" behind gravitation and all the laws of nature.

rwp@Philippians:2:15 @{That ye may be} (\hina genˆsthe\). Rather, "that ye may become" (second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\, to become). {Blameless} (\amemptoi\). Free from censure (\memphomai\, to blame). {Harmless} (\akeraioi\). Unmixed, unadulterated as in strkjv@Romans:16:19|. {Without blemish} (\am“ma\). Without spot, "unblemished in reputation and in reality" (Vincent). {In the midst of} (\meson\). Preposition with genitive. {Crooked} (\skolias\). Old word, curved as opposed to \orthos\, straight. See on ¯Acts:2:40|. {Perverse} (\diestrammenˆs\). Perfect passive participle of \diastreph“\, to distort, to twist, to turn to one side (\dia\, in two). Old word. See strkjv@Matthew:17:17; strkjv@Acts:13:10|.

rwp@Philippians:2:16 @{As lights in the world} (\h“s ph“stˆres en kosm“i\). As luminaries like the heavenly bodies. Christians are the light of the world (Matthew:5:14|) as they reflect the light from Christ (John:1:4; strkjv@8:12|), but here the word is not \ph“s\ (light), but \ph“stˆres\ (luminaries, stars). The place for light is the darkness where it is needed. {Holding forth} (\epechontes\). Present active participle of \epech“\. Probably not connected with the preceding metaphor in \ph“stˆres\. The old meaning of the verb \epech“\ is to hold forth or to hold out (the word of life as here). The context seems to call for "holding fast." It occurs also with the sense of attending to (Acts:3:5|). {That I may have} (\emoi\). Ethical dative, "to me as a ground of boasting."

rwp@Philippians:2:19 @{That I also may be of good comfort} (\hina kag“ eupsuch“\). Present subjunctive with \hina\ in purpose clause of the late and rare verb \eupsuche“\, from \eupsuchos\ (cheerful, of good spirit). In papyri and \eupsuchei\ (be of good cheer) common in sepulchral inscriptions. {When I know} (\gnous\). Second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\.

rwp@Philippians:2:25 @{I counted it} (\hˆgˆsamˆn\). Epistolary aorist from the point of view of the readers. {Epaphroditus} (\Epaphroditon\). Common name, though only in Philippians in N.T., contracted into Epaphras, though not the same man as Epaphras in strkjv@Colossians:1:7|. Note one article \ton\ (the) with the three epithets given in an ascending scale (Lightfoot), brother (\adelphon\, common sympathy), fellow-worker (\sunergon\, common work), fellow-soldier (\sunstrati“tˆn\, common danger as in strkjv@Philemon:1:2|). \Mou\ (my) and \hum“n\ (your) come together in sharp contrast. {Messenger} (\apostolon\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:8:23| for this use of \apostolos\ as messenger (missionary). {Minister} (\leitourgon\). See on ¯Romans:13:6; strkjv@15:16| for this ritualistic term.

rwp@Philippians:2:30 @{Hazarding his life} (\paraboleusamenos tˆi psuchˆi\). First aorist middle participle of \paraboleu“\ (from the adjective \parabolos\), to place beside. The old Greek writers used \paraballomai\, to expose oneself to danger. But Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, p. 88) cites an example of \paraboleusamenos\ from an inscription at Olbia or the Black Sea of the second century A.D. where it plainly means "exposing himself to danger" as here. Lightfoot renders it here "having gambled with his life." The word \parabolani\ (riskers) was applied to the Christians who risked their lives for the dying and the dead.

rwp@Philippians:3:1 @{Finally} (\to loipon\). Accusative of general reference, literally, "as for the rest." Songs:again in strkjv@4:8|. It (or just \loipon\) is a common phrase towards the close of Paul's Epistles (2Thessalonians:3:1; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11|). In strkjv@Ephesians:6:10| we have \tou loipou\ (genitive case). But Paul uses the idiom elsewhere also as in strkjv@1Corinthians:7:29; strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:1| before the close of the letter is in sight. It is wholly needless to understand Paul as about to finish and then suddenly changing his mind like some preachers who announce the end a half dozen times. {To write the same things} (\ta auta graphein\). Present active articular infinitive, "the going on writing the same things." What things? He has just used \chairete\ (go on rejoicing) again and he will repeat it in strkjv@4:4|. But in verse 2| he uses \blepete\ three times. At any rate Paul, as a true teacher, is not afraid of repetition. {Irksome} (\oknˆron\). Old adjective from \okne“\, to delay, to hesitate. It is not tiresome to me to repeat what is "safe" (\asphales\) for you. Old adjective from \a\ privative and \sphall“\, to totter, to reel. See strkjv@Acts:21:34|.

rwp@Philippians:3:3 @{For we} (\hˆmeis gar\). We believers in Christ, the children of Abraham by faith, whether Jew or Gentile, the spiritual circumcision in contrast to the merely physical (Romans:2:25-29; strkjv@Colossians:2:11; strkjv@Ephesians:2:11|). See strkjv@Galatians:5:12| for \apotemnein\ (to cut off) in sense of mutilation also. {By the Spirit of God} (\pneumati theou\). Instrumental case, though the dative case as the object of \latreu“\ makes good sense also (worshipping the Spirit of God) or even the locative (worshipping in the Spirit of God). {No} (\ouk\). Actual condition rather than \mˆ\ with the participle. {In the flesh} (\en sarki\). Technical term in Paul's controversy with the Judaizers (2Corinthians:11:18; Gal strkjv@6:13f.|). External privileges beyond mere flesh.

rwp@Philippians:3:5 @{Thinketh to have confidence} (\dokei pepoithenai\). Second perfect active infinitive. Old idiom, "seems to himself to have confidence." Later idiom like strkjv@Matthew:3:9| "think not to say" and strkjv@1Corinthians:11:16|, "thinks that he has ground of confidence in himself." {I yet more} (\eg“ mallon\). "I have more ground for boasting than he" and Paul proceeds to prove it in the rest of verses 5,6|. {Circumcised the eighth day} (\peritomˆi oktaˆmeros\). "In circumcision (locative case) an eighth day man." Use of the ordinal with persons like \tetartaios\ (John:11:39|). Ishmaelites were circumcised in the thirteenth year, proselytes from Gentiles in mature age, Jews on the eighth day (Luke:2:21|). {Of the stock of Israel} (\ek genous Israˆl\). Of the original stock, not a proselyte. {Benjamin} (\Beniamin\). Son of the right hand (that is, left-handed), son of Rachel. The first King, Saul (Paul's own Hebrew name) was from this little tribe. The battle cry of Israel was "After thee, O Benjamin" (Judges:5:14|). {A Hebrew of the Hebrews} (\Ebraios ex Ebrai“n\). Of Hebrew parents who retained the characteristic qualities in language and custom as distinct from the Hellenistic Jews (Acts:6:1|). Paul was from Tarsus and knew Greek as well as Aramaic (Acts:21:40; strkjv@22:2|) and Hebrew, but he had not become Hellenized. {A Pharisee} (\Pharisaios\). In distinction from the Sadducees (Galatians:1:14|) and he continued a Pharisee in many essential matters like the doctrine of the resurrection (Acts:23:6|). Cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:11:22|.

rwp@Philippians:3:8 @{Yea, verily, and} (\alla men oun ge kai\). Five particles before Paul proceeds (yea, indeed, therefore, at least, even), showing the force and passion of his conviction. He repeats his affirmation with the present middle indicative (\hˆgoumai\), "I still count all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge (\to huperechon\, the surpassingness, neuter articular participle of \huperech“\, strkjv@Phillipians:2:3|) of Christ Jesus my Lord." {Dung} (\skubala\). Late word of uncertain etymology, either connected with \sk“r\ (dung) or from \es kunas ball“\, to fling to the dogs and so refuse of any kind. It occurs in the papyri. Here only in the N.T. {That I may gain Christ} (\hina Christon kerdˆs“\). First aorist active subjunctive of \kerda“\, Ionic form for \kerdain“\ with \hina\ in purpose clause. Paul was never satisfied with his knowledge of Christ and always craved more fellowship with him.

rwp@Philippians:3:10 @{That I may know him} (\tou gn“nai auton\). Genitive of the articular second aorist (ingressive) active infinitive (purpose) of \gin“sk“\, to have personal acquaintance or experience with. This is Paul's major passion, to get more knowledge of Christ by experience. {The power of his resurrection} (\tˆn dunamin tˆs anastase“s autou\). Power (Lightfoot) in the sense of assurance to believers in immortality (1Corinthians:15:14f.; strkjv@Romans:8:11|), in the triumph over sin (Romans:4:24f.|), in the dignity of the body (1Corinthians:6:13ff.; strkjv@Phillipians:3:21|), in stimulating the moral and spiritual life (Galatians:2:20; strkjv@Romans:6:4f.; strkjv@Colossians:2:12; strkjv@Ephesians:2:5|). See Westcott's _The Gospel of the Resurrection_, ii, 31. {The fellowship of his sufferings} (\tˆn koin“nian t“n pathˆmat“n autou\). Partnership in (objective genitive) his sufferings, an honour prized by Paul (Co strkjv@1:24|). {Becoming conformed to his death} (\summorphizomenos t“i thanat“i autou\). Present passive participle of \summorphiz“\, late verb from \summorphos\, found only here and ecclesiastical writers quoting it. The Latin Vulgate uses _configuro_. See strkjv@Romans:6:4| for \sumphutoi\ in like sense and strkjv@2Corinthians:4:10|. "The agony of Gethsemane, not less than the agony of Calvary, will be reproduced however faintly in the faithful servant of Christ" (Lightfoot). "In this passage we have the deepest secrets of the Apostle's Christian experience unveiled" (Kennedy).

rwp@Philippians:3:13 @{Not yet} (\oup“\). But some MSS. read \ou\ (not). {To have apprehended} (\kateilˆphenai\). Perfect active infinitive of same verb \katalamban“\ (perfective use of \kata\, to grasp completely). Surely denial enough. {But one thing} (\hen de\). No verb in the Greek. We can supply \poi“\ (I do) or \di“k“\ (I keep on in the chase), but no verb is really needed. "When all is said, the greatest art is to limit and isolate oneself" (Goethe), concentration. {Forgetting the things which are behind} (\ta men opis“ epilanthanomenos\). Common verb, usually with the genitive, but the accusative in the _Koin‚_ is greatly revived with verbs. Paul can mean either his old pre-Christian life, his previous progress as a Christian, or both (all of it). {Stretching forward} (\epekteinomenos\). Present direct middle participle of the old double compound \epektein“\ (stretching myself out towards). Metaphor of a runner leaning forward as he runs.

rwp@Philippians:3:19 @{Whose god is the belly} (\hou to theos hˆ koilia\). The comic poet Eupolis uses the rare word \Koiliodaim“n\ for one who makes a god of his belly and Seneca speaks of one who _abdomini servit_. Sensuality in food, drink, sex then as now mastered some men. These men posed as Christians and gloried in their shame. {Who mind earthly things} (\hoi ta epigeia phronountes\). Anacoluthon. The nominative does not refer to \polloi\ at the beginning, but with the accusative \tous echthrous\ in between. See strkjv@Mark:12:40|.

rwp@Philippians:3:20 @{Our citizenship} (\hˆm“n to politeuma\). Old word from \piliteu“\ (Phillipians:1:27|), but only here in N.T. The inscriptions use it either for citizenship or for commonwealth. Paul was proud of his Roman citizenship and found it a protection. The Philippians were also proud of their Roman citizenship. But Christians are citizens of a kingdom not of this world (John:18:36|). Milligan (_Vocabulary_) doubts if commentators are entitled to translate it here: "We are a colony of heaven," because such a translation reverses the relation between the colony and the mother city. But certainly here Paul's heart is in heaven. {We wait for} (\apekdechometha\). Rare and late double compound (perfective use of prepositions like wait out) which vividly pictures Paul's eagerness for the second coming of Christ as the normal attitude of the Christian colonist whose home is heaven.

rwp@Philippians:4:1 @{Longed for} (\epipothˆtoi\). Late and rare verbal adjective (here alone in N.T.) from \epipothe“\. {Songs:stand fast} (\houto stˆkete\). Present active imperative of \stˆk“\ (late present from perfect \hestˆka\ from \histˆmi\). See strkjv@1:27|. They were tempted to defection. Standing firm is difficult when a panic starts.

rwp@Philippians:4:5 @{Your forbearance} (\to epieikes hum“n\). "Your gentleness," "your sweet reasonableness" (Matthew Arnold), "your moderation." Old adjective (\epi, eikos\) as in strkjv@James:3:17; strkjv@1Timothy:3:3|. Article and neuter singular here= \hˆ epieikeia\ (Acts:24:4; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:1|) like to \chrˆston\ in strkjv@Romans:2:4|. {The Lord is at hand} (\ho kurios eggus\). "The Apostle's watchword" (Lightfoot), as in strkjv@1Corinthians:16:22| (\Maran atha\, Aramaic equivalent, Our Lord cometh). Unless, indeed, \eggus\ here means near in space instead of {nigh} in time.

rwp@Philippians:4:10 @{I rejoice} (\echarˆn\). Second aorist passive indicative of \chair“\, a timeless aorist. I did rejoice, I do rejoice. {Greatly} (\megal“s\). Old adverb, only here in N.T., from \megas\ (great). {Now at length} (\ˆdˆ pote\). In N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:10|. \Pote\ is indefinite past (interval), \ˆdˆ\ immediate present. {Ye have revived} (\anethalete\). Second aorist active indicative of old poetic word (Homer), \anathall“\, to sprout again, to shoot up, to blossom again. Songs:in the LXX five times, though rare and literary word. {Your thought for me} (\to huper emou phronein\). Accusative case of the articular present active infinitive the object of \anethalete\ used transitively. "You caused your thinking of me to bloom afresh." {Wherein} (\eph' h“i\). "In which," "upon which" (locative case). A loose reference to Paul's interests as involved in their thinking of him. {Ye did indeed take thought} (\kai ephroneite\). Imperfect active, "ye were also (or had been also) thinking." {Ye lacked opportunity} (\ˆkaireisthe\). Imperfect middle of \akaireomai\, late and rare word, here only in N.T., from \akairos\ (\a\ privative, \kairos\), not to have a chance, the opposite of \eukaire“\ (Mark:6:31|).

rwp@Philippians:4:14 @{That ye had fellowship} (\sunkoin“nˆsantes\). First aorist active participle (simultaneous action with the principal verb \kal“s epoiˆsate\). "Ye did well contributing for my affliction."

rwp@Philippians:4:15 @{In the beginning of the gospel} (\en archˆi tou euaggeliou\). After he had wrought in Philippi (2Thessalonians:2:13|). {Had fellowship} (\ekoin“nˆsen\). "Had partnership" (first aorist active indicative). {In the matter} (\eis logon\). "As to an account." No other church opened an account with Paul. {Of giving and receiving} (\dose“s kai lˆmpse“s\). Credit and debit. A mercantile metaphor repeated in verse 17| by \eis logon hum“n\ (to your account). Paul had to keep books then with no other church, though later Thessalonica and Beroea joined Philippi in support of Paul's work in Corinth (2Corinthians:11:8f.|). {But ye only} (\ei mˆ humeis monoi\). Not even Antioch contributed anything but good wishes and prayers for Paul's work (Acts:13:1-3|).

rwp@Revelation:1:1 @{The Revelation} (\apokalupsis\). Late and rare word outside of N.T. (once in Plutarch and so in the vernacular _Koin‚_), only once in the Gospels (Luke:2:32|), but in LXX and common in the Epistles (2Thessalonians:1:7|), though only here in this book besides the title, from \apokalupt“\, old verb, to uncover, to unveil. In the Epistles \apokalupsis\ is used for insight into truth (Ephesians:1:17|) or for the revelation of God or Christ at the second coming of Christ (2Thessalonians:1:7; strkjv@1Peter:1:7|). It is interesting to compare \apokalupsis\ with \epiphaneia\ (2Thessalonians:2:8|) and \phaner“sis\ (1Corinthians:12:7|). The precise meaning here turns on the genitive following. {Of Jesus Christ} (\Iˆsou Christou\). Hort takes it as objective genitive (revelation about Jesus Christ), but Swete rightly argues for the subjective genitive because of the next clause. {Gave him} (\ed“ken autoi\). It is the Son who received the revelation from the Father, as is usual (John:5:20f.,26|, etc.). {To shew} (\deixai\). First aorist active infinitive of \deiknumi\, purpose of God in giving the revelation to Christ. {Unto his servants} (\tois doulois autou\). Believers in general and not just to officials. Dative case. God's servants (or Christ's). {Must shortly come to pass} (\dei genesthai en tachei\). Second aorist middle infinitive of \ginomai\ with \dei\. See this same adjunct (\en tachei\) in strkjv@Luke:18:8; strkjv@Romans:16:20; strkjv@Revelation:22:6|. It is a relative term to be judged in the light of strkjv@2Peter:3:8| according to God's clock, not ours. And yet undoubtedly the hopes of the early Christians looked for a speedy return of the Lord Jesus. This vivid panorama must be read in the light of that glorious hope and of the blazing fires of persecution from Rome. {Sent and signified} (\esˆmanen aposteilas\). "Having sent (first aorist active participle of \apostell“\, strkjv@Matthew:10:16| and again in strkjv@Revelation:22:6| of God sending his angel) signified" (first aorist active indicative of \sˆmain“\, from \sˆma\, sign or token, for which see strkjv@John:12:33; strkjv@Acts:11:28|). See strkjv@12:1| for \sˆmeion\, though \sˆmain“\ (only here in the Apocalypse) suits admirably the symbolic character of the book. {By his angel} (\dia tou aggelou autou\). Christ's angel as Christ is the subject of the verb \esˆmanen\, as in strkjv@22:16 Christ sends his angel, though in strkjv@22:6| God sends. {Unto his servant John} (\t“i doul“i autou I“anei\). Dative case. John gives his name here, though not in Gospel or Epistles, because "prophecy requires the guarantee of the individual who is inspired to utter it" (Milligan). "The genesis of the Apocalypse has now been traced from its origin in the Mind of God to the moment when it reached its human interpreter" (Swete). "Jesus is the medium of all revelation" (Moffatt).

rwp@Revelation:1:2 @{Bare witness} (\emarturˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \marture“\, which, along with \martus\ and \marturia\, is common in all the Johannine books (cf. strkjv@22:18,20|), usually with \peri\ or \hoti\, but with cognate accusative as here in strkjv@22:16,20; strkjv@1John:5:10|. Epistolary aorist here, referring to this book. {The word of God} (\ton logon tou theou\). Subjective genitive, given by God. The prophetic word as in strkjv@1:9; strkjv@6:9; strkjv@20:4|, not the personal Word as in strkjv@19:14|. {The testimony of Jesus Christ} (\tˆn marturian Iˆsou Christou\). Subjective genitive again, borne witness to by Jesus Christ. {Even of all the things that he saw} (\hosa eiden\). Relative clause in apposition with \logon\ and \marturian\.

rwp@Revelation:1:3 @{Blessed} (\makarios\). As in strkjv@Matthew:5:3ff|. This endorses the book as a whole. {He that readeth} (\ho anagin“sk“n\). Present active singular articular participle of \anagin“sk“\ (as in strkjv@Luke:4:16|). Christians in their public worship followed the Jewish custom of public reading of the Scriptures (2Corinthians:3:14f.|). The church reader (\anagn“stˆs\, lector) gradually acquired an official position. John expects this book to be read in each of the seven churches mentioned (1:4|) and elsewhere. Today the public reading of the Bible is an important part of worship that is often poorly done. {They that hear} (\hoi akouontes\). Present active plural articular participle of \akou“\ (the audience). {And keep} (\kai tˆrountes\). Present active participle of \tˆre“\, a common Johannine word (1John:2:4|, etc.). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:7:24|. "The content of the Apocalypse is not merely prediction; moral counsel and religious instruction are the primary burdens of its pages" (Moffatt). {Written} (\gegrammena\). Perfect passive participle of \graph“\. {For the time is at hand} (\ho gar kairos eggus\). Reason for listening and keeping. On \kairos\ see strkjv@Matthew:12:1|, time of crisis as in strkjv@1Corinthians:7:29|. How near \eggus\ (at hand) is we do not know any more than we do about \en tachei\ (shortly) in strkjv@1:1|.

rwp@Revelation:1:4 @{To the seven churches which are in Asia} (\tais hepta ekklˆsiais tais en tˆi Asiƒi\). Dative case as in a letter (Galatians:1:1|). John is writing, but the revelation is from God and Christ through an angel. It is the Roman province of Asia which included the western part of Phrygia. There were churches also at Troas (Acts:20:5ff.|) and at Colossal and Hierapolis (Colossians:1:1; strkjv@2:1; strkjv@4:13|) and possibly at Magnesia and Tralles. But these seven were the best points of communication with seven districts (Ramsay) and, besides, seven is a favorite number of completion (like the full week) in the book (1:4,12,16; strkjv@4:5; strkjv@5:1,6; strkjv@8:2; strkjv@10:3; strkjv@11:13; strkjv@12:3; strkjv@13:1; strkjv@14:6f.|). {From him which is} (\apo ho “n\). This use of the articular nominative participle of \eimi\ after \apo\ instead of the ablative is not due to ignorance or a mere slip (\lapsus pennae\), for in the next line we have the regular idiom with \apo t“n hepta pneumat“n\. It is evidently on purpose to call attention to the eternity and unchangeableness of God. Used of God in strkjv@Exodus:3:14|. {And which was} (\kai ho ˆn\). Here again there is a deliberate change from the articular participle to the relative use of \ho\ (used in place of \hos\ to preserve identity of form in the three instances like Ionic relative and since no aorist participle of \eimi\ existed). The oracle in Pausanias X. 12 has it: \Zeus ˆn, Zeus esti, Zeus essetai\ (Zeus was, Zeus is, Zeus will be). {Which is to come} (\ho erchomenos\). "The Coming One," futuristic use of the present participle instead of \ho esomenos\. See the same idiom in verse 8; strkjv@4:8| and (without \ho erchomenos\) in strkjv@11:17; strkjv@16:5|. {From the seven spirits} (\apo t“n hepta pneumat“n\). A difficult symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit here on a par with God and Christ, a conclusion borne out by the symbolic use of the seven spirits in strkjv@3:1; strkjv@4:5; strkjv@5:6| (from strkjv@Zechariah:4:2-10|). There is the one Holy Spirit with seven manifestations here to the seven churches (Swete, _The Holy Spirit in the N.T._, p. 374), unity in diversity (1Corinthians:12:4|). {Which are} (\t“n\ article Aleph A, \ha\ relative P). {Before his throne} (\en“pion tou thronou autou\). As in strkjv@4:5f|.

rwp@Revelation:1:5 @{Who is the faithful witness} (\ho martus ho pistos\). "The witness the faithful," nominative in apposition like \pr“totokos\ and \arch“n\ with the preceding ablative \Iˆsou Christou\ with \apo\, a habit of John in this book (apparently on purpose) as in strkjv@2:13,20; strkjv@3:12|, etc. See this same phrase in strkjv@2:13; strkjv@3:14|. The use of \martus\ of Jesus here is probably to the witness (1:1|) in this book (22:16f.|), not to the witness of Jesus before Pilate (1Timothy:6:13|). {The first-born of the dead} (\ho pr“totokos t“n nekr“n\). A Jewish Messianic title (Psalms:88:28|) and as in strkjv@Colossians:1:18| refers to priority in the resurrection to be followed by others. See strkjv@Luke:2:7| for the word. {The ruler of the kings of the earth} (\ho arch“n t“n basile“n tˆs gˆs\). Jesus by his resurrection won lordship over the kings of earth (17:14; strkjv@19:16|), what the devil offered him by surrender (Matthew:4:8f.|). {Unto him that loveth us} (\t“i agap“nti hˆmƒs\). Dative of the articular present (not aorist \agapˆsanti\) active participle of \agapa“\ in a doxology to Christ, the first of many others to God and to Christ (1:6; strkjv@4:11; strkjv@5:9,12f.; strkjv@7:10,12|, etc.). For the thought see strkjv@John:3:16|. {Loosed} (\lusanti\). First aorist active participle of \lu“\ (Aleph A C), though some MSS. (P Q) read \lousanti\ (washed), a manifest correction. Note the change of tense. Christ loosed us once for all, but loves us always. {By his blood} (\en t“i haimati autou\). As in strkjv@5:9|. John here as in the Gospel and Epistles states plainly and repeatedly the place of the blood of Christ in the work of redemption.

rwp@Revelation:1:6 @{And he made} (\kai epoiˆsen\). Change from the participle construction, which would be \kai poiˆsanti\ (first aorist active of \poie“\) like \lusanti\ just before, a Hebraism Charles calls it, but certainly an anacoluthon of which John is very fond, as in strkjv@1:18; strkjv@2:2,9,20; strkjv@3:9; strkjv@7:14; strkjv@14:2f.; strkjv@15:3|. {Kingdom} (\basileian\). Songs:correctly Aleph A C, not \basileis\ (P cursives). Perhaps a reminiscence of strkjv@Exodus:19:6|, a kingdom of priests. In strkjv@5:10| we have again "a kingdom and priests." The idea here is that Christians are the true spiritual Israel in God's promise to Abraham as explained by Paul in strkjv@Galatians:3; strkjv@Romans:9|. {To be priests} (\hiereis\). In apposition with \basileian\, but with \kai\ (and) in strkjv@5:10|. Each member of this true kingdom is a priest unto God, with direct access to him at all times. {Unto his God and Father} (\t“i the“i kai patri autou\). Dative case and \autou\ (Christ) applies to both \the“i\ and \patri\. Jesus spoke of the Father as his God (Matthew:27:46; strkjv@John:20:17|) and Paul uses like language (Ephesians:1:17|), as does Peter (1Peter:1:3|). {To him} (\aut“i\). Another doxology to Christ. "The adoration of Christ which vibrates in this doxology is one of the most impressive features of the book" (Moffatt). Like doxologies to Christ appear in strkjv@5:13; strkjv@7:10; strkjv@1Peter:4:11; strkjv@2Peter:3:18; strkjv@2Timothy:4:18; He strkjv@13:21|. These same words (\hˆ doxa kai to kratos\) in strkjv@1Peter:4:11|, only \hˆ doxa\ in strkjv@2Peter:3:18; strkjv@2Timothy:4:18|, but with several others in strkjv@Revelation:5:13; strkjv@7:10|.

rwp@Revelation:1:8 @{The Alpha and the Omega} (\to Alpha kai to O\). The first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet, each with its own neuter (grammatical gender) article. This description of the eternity of God recurs in strkjv@21:6| with the added explanation \hˆ archˆ kai to telos\ (the Beginning and the End) and of Christ in strkjv@22:13| with the still further explanation \ho pr“tos kai ho eschatos\ (the First and the Last). This last phrase appears also in strkjv@1:17; strkjv@2:8| without \to Alpha kai to O\. The change of speaker here is unannounced, as in strkjv@16:15; strkjv@18:20|. Only here and strkjv@21:5f|. is God introduced as the speaker. The eternity of God guarantees the prophecy just made. {The Lord God} (\Kurios ho theos\). "The Lord the God." Common phrase in Ezekiel (Ezekiel:6:3,11; strkjv@7:2|, etc.) and in this book (4:8; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@15:3; strkjv@16:7; strkjv@19:6; strkjv@21:22|). See strkjv@1:4; strkjv@4:8| for the triple use of \ho\, etc. to express the eternity of God. {The Almighty} (\ho pantokrat“r\). Late compound (\pƒs\ and \krate“\), in Cretan inscription and a legal papyrus, common in LXX and Christian papyri, in N.T. only in strkjv@2Corinthians:6:18| (from strkjv@Jeremiah:38:35|) and strkjv@Revelation:1:8; strkjv@4:8; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@15:3; strkjv@16:7,14; strkjv@19:6,15; strkjv@21:22|.

rwp@Revelation:1:9 @{I John} (\Eg“ I“anˆs\). strkjv@Songs:22:8|. In apocalyptic literature the personality of the writer is always prominent to guarantee the visions (Daniel:8:1; strkjv@10:2|). {Partaker with you} (\sunkoin“nos\). See already strkjv@1Corinthians:9:23|. "Co-partner with you" (Romans:11:17|). One article with \adelphos\ and \sunkoin“nos\ unifying the picture. The absence of \apostolos\ here does not show that he is not an apostle, but merely his self-effacement, as in the Fourth Gospel, and still more his oneness with his readers. Songs:there is only one article (\tˆi\) with \thlipsei\ (tribulation), \basileiƒi\ (kingdom), \hupomonˆi\ (patience), ideas running all through the book. Both the tribulation (see strkjv@Matthew:13:21| for \thlipsis\) and the kingdom (see strkjv@Matthew:3:2| for \basileia\) were present realities and called for patience (\hupomonˆ\ being "the spiritual alchemy" according to Charles for those in the kingdom, for which see strkjv@Luke:8:15; strkjv@James:5:7|). All this is possible only "in Jesus" (\en Iˆsou\), a phrase on a par with Paul's common \en Christ“i\ (in Christ), repeated in strkjv@14:13|. Cf. strkjv@3:20; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:5|. {Was} (\egenomˆn\). Rather, "I came to be," second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\. {In the isle that is called Patmos} (\en tˆi nˆs“i tˆi kaloumenˆi Patm“i\). Patmos is a rocky sparsely settled island some ten miles long and half that wide, one of the Sporades group in the Aegean Sea, south of Miletus. The present condition of the island is well described by W. E. Geil in _The Isle That Is Called Patmos_ (1905). Here John saw the visions described in the book, apparently written while still a prisoner there in exile. {For the word of God and the testimony of Jesus} (\dia ton logon tou theou kai tˆn marturian Iˆsou\). The reason for (\dia\ and the accusative) John's presence in Patmos, naturally as a result of persecution already alluded to, not for the purpose of preaching there or of receiving the visions. See verse 2| for the phrase.

rwp@Revelation:1:10 @{I was in the Spirit} (\egenomˆn en pneumati\). Rather, "I came to be (as in strkjv@1:9|) in the Spirit," came into an ecstatic condition as in strkjv@Acts:10:10f.; strkjv@22:17|, not the normal spiritual condition (\einai en pneumati\, strkjv@Romans:8:9|). {On the Lord's Day} (\en tˆi kuriakˆi hˆmerƒi\). Deissmann has proven (_Bible Studies_, p. 217f.; _Light_, etc., p. 357ff.) from inscriptions and papyri that the word \kuriakos\ was in common use for the sense "imperial" as imperial finance and imperial treasury and from papyri and ostraca that \hˆmera Sebastˆ\ (Augustus Day) was the first day of each month, Emperor's Day on which money payments were made (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:16:1f.|). It was easy, therefore, for the Christians to take this term, already in use, and apply it to the first day of the week in honour of the Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection on that day (_Didache_ 14, Ignatius _Magn_. 9). In the N.T. the word occurs only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:11:20| (\kuriakon deipnon the Lord's Supper\). It has no reference to \hˆmera kuriou\ (the day of judgment, strkjv@2Peter:3:10|). {Behind me} (\opis“ mou\). "The unexpected, overpowering entrance of the divine voice" (Vincent). Cf. strkjv@Ezekiel:3:12|. {Voice} (\ph“nˆn\). Of Christ, as is plain in verses 12f|. {As of a trumpet} (\h“s salpiggos\). Songs:in strkjv@4:1| referring to this. {Saying} (\legousˆs\). Present active participle genitive case agreeing with \salpiggos\ rather than \legousan\, accusative agreeing with \ph“nˆn\. Songs:on purpose, as is clear from strkjv@4:1|, where \lalousˆs\ also agrees with \salpiggos\.

rwp@Revelation:1:11 @{Write in a book} (\grapson eis biblion\). First aorist active imperative of \graph“\ for instantaneous action. The commission covers the whole series of visions which all grow out of this first vision of the Risen Christ. {Send} (\pempson\). First aorist active imperative of \pemp“\. Part of the commission from Christ. The names of the seven churches of strkjv@1:4| are now given, and the particular message to each church comes in chapters 2 and 3 and in the same order, the geographical order going north from Ephesus, then east and south to Laodicea. But apparently the whole book was to be read to each of the seven churches. It would probably also be copied at each church.

rwp@Revelation:1:12 @{To see the voice} (\blepein tˆn ph“nˆn\). The voice put for the person speaking. {Having turned} (\epistrepsas\). First aorist active participle of \epistreph“\, from which also \epestrepsa\, just before, for which verb see strkjv@Acts:15:36; strkjv@16:18|. {Seven golden candlesticks} (\hepta luchnias chrusas\). See strkjv@Matthew:5:15| for \luchnia\ (lampstand). Symbols of the seven churches as explained in verse 20|. See strkjv@Exodus:25:35ff.| for description of a seven-branched candlestick, but here the lampstands are separate.

rwp@Revelation:1:13 @{One like unto a son of man} (\homoion huion anthr“pou\). Note accusative here with \homoion\ (object of \eidon\) as in strkjv@14:14| and not the associative-instrumental as is usual (1:15; strkjv@4:3,6|). Charles holds that \homoion\ here has the sense of \h“s\ (as) and compares strkjv@4:6; strkjv@22:1| for proof. The absence of the article here shows also (Charles) that the idea is not "like the Son of man" for Christ is the Son of man. He is like "a son of man," but not a man. {Clothed} (\endedumenon\). Perfect passive participle of \endu“\, accusative case agreeing with \homoion\. {A garment down to the foot} (\podˆrˆ\). Old adjective \podˆrˆs\ (from \pous\, foot, and \air“\), here only in N.T., accusative singular retained with the passive participle as often with verbs of clothing. Supply \chit“na\ or \esthˆta\ (garment). {Girt about} (\periez“smenon\). Perfect passive participle of \periz“nnumi\, accusative singular agreeing with \homoion\. {At the breasts} (\pros tois mastois\). Old word for breasts of a woman (Luke:11:27; strkjv@23:29|) and nipples of a man, as here. High girding like this was a mark of dignity as of the high priest (Josephus, _Ant_. III. 7. 2). For \pros\ with the locative see strkjv@Mark:5:11|. {With a golden girdle} (\z“nˆn chrusƒn\). Accusative case again retained with the passive participle (verb of clothing). Note also \chrusƒn\ (vernacular _Koin‚_) rather than the old form, \chrusˆn\.

rwp@Revelation:1:15 @{Burnished brass} (\chalkoliban“i\). Associative-instrumental case after \homoioi\. This word has so far been found nowhere else save here and strkjv@2:18|. Suidas defines it as an \ˆlecktron\ (amber) or a compound of copper and gold and silver (_aurichalcum_ in the Latin Vulgate). It is in reality an unknown metal. {As if it had been refined} (\h“s pepuromenˆs\). Perfect passive participle of \puro“\, old verb, to set on fire, to glow, as in strkjv@Ephesians:6:16; strkjv@Revelation:3:18|. The feminine gender shows that \hˆ chalkolibanos\ is referred to with \tˆs chalkolibanou\ understood, for it does not agree in case with the associative-instrumental \chalkoliban“i\ just before. Some would call it a slip for \pepuromen“i\ as Aleph, and some cursives have it (taking \chalkoliban“i\ to be neuter, not feminine). But P Q read \pepur“menoi\ (masculine plural), a correction, making it agree in number and gender with \podes\ (feet). {In a furnace} (\en kamin“i\). Old word, in N.T. also strkjv@9:2; strkjv@Matthew:13:42,50|. {As the voice of many waters} (\h“s ph“nˆ hudat“n poll“n\). Songs:the voice of God in the Hebrew (not the LXX) of strkjv@Ezekiel:43:2|. Repeated in strkjv@14:2; strkjv@19:6|.

rwp@Revelation:1:16 @{And he had} (\kai ech“n\). "And having," present active participle of \ech“\, loose use of the participle (almost like \eiche\, imperfect) and not in agreement with \autou\, genitive case. This is a common idiom in the book; a Hebraism, Charles calls it. {In his right hand} (\en tˆi dexiƒi cheiri\). For safe keeping as in strkjv@John:10:28|. {Seven stars} (\asteras hepta\). Symbols of the seven churches (verse 20|), seven planets rather than Pleiades or any other constellation like the bear. {Proceeded} (\ekporeuomenˆ\). Present middle participle of \ekporeuomai\, old compound (Matthew:3:5|) used loosely again like \ech“n\. {A sharp two-edged sword} (\romphaia distomos oxeia\). "A sword two-mouthed sharp." \Romphaia\ (as distinct from \machaira\) is a long sword, properly a Thracian javelin, in N.T. only strkjv@Luke:2:35; strkjv@Revelation:1:16; strkjv@2:12; strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|. See \stoma\ used with \machairˆs\ in strkjv@Luke:21:24| (by the mouth of the sword). {Countenance} (\opsis\). Old word (from \opt“\), in N.T. only here, strkjv@John:7:24; strkjv@11:44|. {As the sun shineth} (\h“s ho hˆlios phainei\). Brachylogy, "as the sun when it shines." For \phainei\ see strkjv@John:1:5|.

rwp@Revelation:1:17 @{I fell} (\epesa\). Late form for the old \epeson\ (second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\, to fall). Under the over-powering influence of the vision as in strkjv@19:10|. {He laid} (\ethˆken\). First aorist active indicative of \tithˆmi\. The act restored John's confidence. {Fear not} (\mˆ phobou\). Cf. strkjv@Luke:1:13| to Zacharias to give comfort. {I am the first and the last} (\eg“ eimi ho pr“tos kai ho eschatos\). Used in strkjv@Isaiah:44:6; strkjv@48:12| of God, but here, strkjv@2:8; strkjv@22:13| of Christ. {And the Living One} (\kai ho z“n\). Present active articular participle of \za“\, another epithet of God common in the O.T. (Deuteronomy:32:40; strkjv@Isaiah:49:18|, etc.) and applied purposely to Jesus, with which see strkjv@John:5:26| for Christ's own words about it.

rwp@Revelation:1:18 @{And I was dead} (\kai egenomˆn nekros\). "And I be came dead" (aorist middle participle of \ginomai\ as in strkjv@1:9,10|, definite reference to the Cross). {I am alive} (\z“n eimi\). Periphrastic present active indicative, "I am living," as the words \ho z“n\ just used mean. {Forevermore} (\eis tous ai“nas t“n ai“n“n\). "Unto the ages of the ages," a stronger expression of eternity even than in strkjv@1:6|. {The keys} (\tas kleis\). One of the forms for the accusative plural along with \kleidas\, the usual one (Matthew:16:19|). {Of death and of Hades} (\tou thanatou kai tou hƒidou\). Conceived as in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| as a prison house or walled city. The keys are the symbol of authority, as we speak of honouring one by giving him the keys of the city. Hades here means the unseen world to which death is the portal. Jesus has the keys because of his victory over death. See this same graphic picture in strkjv@6:8; strkjv@20:13f|. For the key of David see strkjv@3:7|, for the key of the abyss see strkjv@9:1; strkjv@20:1|.

rwp@Revelation:1:19 @{Therefore} (\oun\). In view of Christ's words about himself in verse 18| and the command in verse 11|. {Which thou sawest} (\ha eides\). The vision of the Glorified Christ in verses 13-18|. {The things which are} (\ha eisin\). Plural verb (individualising the items) though \ha\ is neuter plural, certainly the messages to the seven churches (1:20-3:22|) in relation to the world in general, possibly also partly epexegetic or explanatory of \ha eides\. {The things which shall come to pass hereafter} (\ha mellei ginesthai meta tauta\). Present middle infinitive with \mellei\, though both aorist and future are also used. Singular verb here (\mellei\) blending in a single view the future. In a rough outline this part begins in strkjv@4:1 and goes to end of chapter 22, though the future appears also in chapters 2 and 3 and the present occurs in 4 to 22 and the elements in the vision of Christ (1:13-18|) reappear repeatedly.

rwp@Revelation:1:20 @{The mystery of the seven stars} (\to mustˆrion t“n hepta aster“n\). On the word \mustˆrion\ see on ¯Matthew:13:11; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:7; strkjv@Colossians:1:26|. Here it means the inner meaning (the secret symbol) of a symbolic vision (Swete) as in strkjv@10:7; strkjv@13:18; strkjv@17:7,9; strkjv@Daniel:2:47|. Probably the accusative absolute (Charles), "as for the mystery" (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 490, 1130), as in strkjv@Romans:8:3|. This item is picked out of the previous vision (1:16|) as needing explanation at once and as affording a clue to what follows (2:1,5|). {Which} (\hous\). Masculine accusative retained without attraction to case of \aster“n\ (genitive, \h“n\). {In my right hand} (\epi tˆs dexias mou\). Or "upon," but \en tˆi\, etc., in verse 16|. {And the seven golden candlesticks} (\kai tas hepta luchnias tas chrusƒs\). "The seven lampstands the golden," identifying the stars of verse 16| with the lampstands of verse 12|. The accusative case here is even more peculiar than the accusative absolute \mustˆrion\, since the genitive \luchni“n\ after \mustˆrion\ is what one would expect. Charles suggests that John did not revise his work. {The angels of the seven churches} (\aggeloi t“n hepta ekklˆsi“n\). Anarthrous in the predicate (angels of, etc.). "The seven churches" mentioned in strkjv@1:4,11|. Various views of \aggelos\ here exist. The simplest is the etymological meaning of the word as messenger from \aggell“\ (Matthew:11:10|) as messengers from the seven churches to Patmos or by John from Patmos to the churches (or both). Another view is that \aggelos\ is the pastor of the church, the reading \tˆn gunaika sou\ (thy wife) in strkjv@2:20| (if genuine) confirming this view. Some would even take it to be the bishop over the elders as \episcopos\ in Ignatius, but a separate \aggelos\ in each church is against this idea. Some take it to be a symbol for the church itself or the spirit and genius of the church, though distinguished in this very verse from the churches themselves (the lampstands). Others take it to be the guardian angel of each church assuming angelic patrons to be taught in strkjv@Matthew:18:10; strkjv@Acts:12:15|. Each view is encompassed with difficulties, perhaps fewer belonging to the view that the "angel" is the pastor. {Are seven churches} (\hepta ekklˆsiai eisin\). These seven churches (1:4,11|) are themselves lampstands (1:12|) reflecting the light of Christ to the world (Matthew:5:14-16; strkjv@John:8:12|) in the midst of which Christ walks (1:13|).

rwp@Revelation:2:1 @{In Ephesus} (\en Ephes“i\). Near the sea on the river Cayster, the foremost city of Asia Minor, the temple-keeper of Artemis and her wonderful temple (Acts:19:35|), the home of the magic arts (Ephesian letters, strkjv@Acts:19:19|) and of the mystery-cults, place of Paul's three years' stay (Acts:19:1-10; strkjv@20:17-38|), where Aquila and Priscilla and Apollos laboured (Acts:18:24-28|), where Timothy wrought (I and II Tim.), where the Apostle John preached in his old age. Surely it was a place of great privilege, of great preaching. It was about sixty miles from Patmos and the messenger would reach Ephesus first. It is a free city, a seat of proconsular government (Acts:19:38|), the end of the great road from the Euphrates. The port was a place of shifting sands, due to the silting up of the mouth of the Cayster. Ramsay (_Letters to the Seven Churches_, p. 210) calls it "the City of Change." {These things} (\tade\). This demonstrative seven times here, once with the message to each church (2:1,8,12,18; strkjv@2:1,7,14|), only once elsewhere in N.T. (Acts:21:11|). {He that holdeth} (\ho krat“n\). Present active articular participle of \krate“\, a stronger word than \ech“n\ in strkjv@1:16|, to which it refers. {He that walketh} (\ho peripat“n\). Present active articular participle of \peripate“\, an allusion to strkjv@1:13|. These two epithets are drawn from the picture of Christ in strkjv@1:13-18|, and appropriately to conditions in Ephesus describe Christ's power over the churches as he moves among them.

rwp@Revelation:2:4 @{This against thee, that} (\kata sou hoti\). For the phrase "have against" see strkjv@Matthew:5:23|. The \hoti\ clause is the object of \ech“\. {Thou didst leave} (\aphˆkes\). First aorist active (kappa aorist, but with \-es\ instead of \-as\) of \aphiˆmi\, a definite and sad departure. {Thy first love} (\tˆn agapˆn sou tˆn pr“tˆn\). "Thy love the first." This early love, proof of the new life in Christ (1John:3:13f.|), had cooled off in spite of their doctrinal purity. They had remained orthodox, but had become unloving partly because of the controversies with the Nicolaitans.

rwp@Revelation:2:5 @{Remember} (\mnˆmoneue\). Present active imperative of \mnˆmoneu“\, "continue mindful" (from \mnˆm“n\). {Thou art fallen} (\pept“kes\). Perfect active indicative of \pipt“\, state of completion. Down in the valley, look up to the cliff where pure love is and whence thou hast fallen down. {And repent} (\kai metanoˆson\). First aorist active imperative of \metanoe“\, urgent appeal for instant change of attitude and conduct before it is too late. {And do} (\kai poiˆson\). First aorist active imperative of \poie“\, "Do at once." {The first works} (\ta pr“ta erga\). Including the first love (Acts:19:20; strkjv@20:37; strkjv@Ephesians:1:3ff.|) which has now grown cold (Matthew:24:12|). {Or else} (\ei de mˆ\). Elliptical condition, the verb not expressed (\metanoeis\), a common idiom, seen again in verse 16|, the condition expressed in full by \ean mˆ\ in this verse and verse 22|. {I come} (\erchomai\). Futuristic present middle (John:14:2f.|). {To thee} (\soi\). Dative, as in strkjv@2:16| also. {Will move} (\kinˆs“\). Future active of \kine“\. In Ignatius' Epistle to Ephesus it appears that the church heeded this warning. {Except thou repent} (\ean mˆ metanoˆsˆis\). Condition of third class with \ean mˆ\ instead of \ei mˆ\ above, with the first aorist active subjunctive of \metanoe“\.

rwp@Revelation:2:7 @{He that hath an ear} (\ho ech“n ous\). An individualizing note calling on each of the hearers (1:3|) to listen (2:7,11,17,28; strkjv@3:3,6,13,22|) and a reminiscence of the words of Jesus in the Synoptics (Matthew:11:15; strkjv@13:9,43; strkjv@Mark:4:9,23; strkjv@Luke:8:8; strkjv@14:35|), but not in John's Gospel. {The spirit} (\to pneuma\). The Holy Spirit as in strkjv@14:13; strkjv@22:17|. Both Christ and the Holy Spirit deliver this message. "The Spirit of Christ in the prophet is the interpreter of Christ's voice" (Swete). {To him that overcometh} (\t“i nik“nti\). Dative of the present (continuous victory) active articular participle of \nika“\, a common Johannine verb (John:16:33; strkjv@1John:2:13f; strkjv@4:4; strkjv@5:4f.; strkjv@Revelation:2:7,11,17,26; strkjv@3:5,12,21; strkjv@5:5; strkjv@12:11; strkjv@15:2; strkjv@17:14; strkjv@21:7|). Faith is dominant in Paul, victory in John, faith is victory (1John:5:4|). Songs:in each promise to these churches. {I will give} (\d“s“\). Future active of \did“mi\ as in strkjv@2:10,17,23,26,28; strkjv@3:8,21; strkjv@6:4; strkjv@11:3; strkjv@21:6|. {To eat} (\phagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \esthi“\. {Of the tree of life} (\ek tou xulou tˆs z“ˆs\). Note \ek\ with the ablative with \phagein\, like our "eat of" (from or part of). From strkjv@Genesis:2:9; strkjv@3:22|. Again in strkjv@Revelation:22:2,14| as here for immortality. This tree is now in the Garden of God. For the water of life see strkjv@21:6; strkjv@22:17| (Cf. strkjv@John:4:10,13f.|). {Which} (\ho\). The \xulon\ (tree). {In the Paradise of God} (\en t“i paradeis“i tou theou\). Persian word, for which see strkjv@Luke:23:43; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:4|. The abode of God and the home of the redeemed with Christ, not a mere intermediate state. It was originally a garden of delight and finally heaven itself (Trench), as here.

rwp@Revelation:2:8 @{In Smyrna} (\en Smurnˆi\). North of Ephesus, on a gulf of the Aegean, one of the great cities of Asia (province), a seat of emperor-worship with temple to Tiberius, with many Jews hostile to Christianity who later join in the martyrdom of Polycarp, poor church (rich in grace) which receives only praise from Christ, scene of the recent massacre of Greeks by the Turks. Ramsay (_op. cit._, p. 251) terms Smyrna "the City of Life." Christianity has held on here better than in any city of Asia. {The first and the last} (\ho pr“tos kai ho eschatos\). Repeating the language of strkjv@1:17|. {Which was dead} (\hos egeneto nekros\). Rather, "who became dead" (second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\) as in strkjv@1:18|. {And lived again} (\kai ezˆsen\). First aorist (ingressive, came to life) active of \za“\ (\ho z“n\ in strkjv@1:18|). Emphasis on the resurrection of Christ.

rwp@Revelation:2:9 @{Thy tribulation and thy poverty} (\sou tˆn thlipsin kai pt“cheian\). Separate articles of same gender, emphasizing each item. The tribulation was probably persecution, which helped to intensify the poverty of the Christians (James:2:5; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:26; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:10; strkjv@8:2|). In contrast with the wealthy church in Laodicea (3:17|). {But thou art rich} (\alla plousios ei\). Parenthesis to show the spiritual riches of this church in contrast with the spiritual poverty in Laodicea (3:17|), this a rich poor church, that a poor rich church. Rich in grace toward God (Luke:12:21|) and in good deeds (1Timothy:6:18|). Perhaps Jews and pagans had pillaged their property (Hebrews:10:34|), poor as they already were. {Blasphemy} (\blasphˆmian\). Reviling believers in Christ. See strkjv@Mark:7:22|. The precise charge by these Jews is not indicated, but see strkjv@Acts:13:45|. {Of them which say} (\ek t“n legont“n\). "From those saying" (\ek\ with the ablative plural of the present active articular participle of \leg“\). {They are Jews} (\Ioudaious einai heautous\). This is the accusative of general reference and the infinitive in indirect discourse after \leg“\ (Acts:5:36; strkjv@8:9|) even though \legont“n\ is here ablative (cf. strkjv@3:9|), common idiom. These are actual Jews and only Jews, not Christians. {And they are not} (\kai ouk eisin\). Another parenthesis like that in strkjv@2:2|. These are Jews in name only, not spiritual Jews (Galatians:6:15f., strkjv@Romans:2:28|). {A synagogue of Satan} (\sunag“gˆ tou Satanƒ\). In strkjv@3:9| again and note strkjv@2:13,24|, serving the devil (John:8:44|) instead of the Lord (Numbers:16:3; strkjv@20:4|).

rwp@Revelation:2:10 @{Fear not} (\mˆ phobou\). As in strkjv@1:17|. Worse things are about to come than poverty and blasphemy, perhaps prison and death, for the devil "is about to cast" (\mellei ballein\), "is going to cast." {Some of you} (\ex hum“n\). Without \tinas\ (some) before \ex hum“n\, a common idiom as in strkjv@3:9; strkjv@11:19; strkjv@Luke:11:49|. {That ye may be tried} (\hina peirasthˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \peiraz“\. John himself is in exile. Peter and John had often been in prison together. James the brother of John, Paul, and Peter had all suffered martyrdom. In strkjv@3:10| a general persecution is outlined by \peirasmos\. {Ye shall have} (\hexete\). Future active, but some MSS. read \echˆte\ (present active subjunctive with hina, "that ye may have"). {Tribulation ten days} (\thlipsin hˆmer“n deka\). "Tribulation of ten days" (or "within ten days"). It is unwise to seek a literal meaning for ten days. Even ten days of suffering might seem an eternity while they lasted. {Be thou faithful} (\ginou pistos\). "Keep on becoming faithful" (present middle imperative of \ginomai\), "keep on proving faithful unto death" (Hebrews:12:4|) as the martyrs have done (Jesus most of all). {The crown of life} (\ton stephanon tˆs z“ˆs\). See this very image in strkjv@James:1:12|, a familiar metaphor in the games at Smyrna and elsewhere in which the prize was a garland. See also strkjv@3:11|. The crown consists in life (2:7|). See Paul's use of \stephanos\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:25; strkjv@2Timothy:4:8|.

rwp@Revelation:2:12 @{In Pergamum} (\en Pergam“i\). In a north-easterly direction from Smyrna in the Caicus Valley, some fifty-five miles away, in Mysia, on a lofty hill, a great political and religious centre. Ramsay (_Op. cit._, p. 281) calls it "the royal city, the city of authority." Eumenes II (B.C. 197-159) extended it and embellished it with many great buildings, including a library with 200,000 volumes, second only to Alexandria. The Kingdom of Pergamum became a Roman province B.C. 130. Pliny termed it the most illustrious city of Asia. Parchment (\charta Pergamena\) derived its name from Pergamum. It was a rival of Ephesus in the temples to Zeus, Athena, Dionysos, in the great grove Nicephorium (the glory of the city). Next to this was the grove and temple of Asklepios, the god of healing, called the god of Pergamum, with a university for medical study. Pergamum was the first city in Asia (A.D. 29) with a temple for the worship of Augustus (Octavius Caesar). Hence in the Apocalypse Pergamum is a very centre of emperor-worship "where Satan dwells" (2:13|). Here also the Nicolaitans flourished (2:15|) as in Ephesus (2:6|) and in Thyatira (2:20f.|). Like Ephesus this city is called temple-sweeper (\ne“koros\) for the gods. {The sharp two-edged sword} (\tˆn romphaian tˆn distomon tˆn oxeian\). This item repeated from strkjv@1:16| in the same order of words with the article three times (the sword the two-mouthed the sharp) singling out each point.

rwp@Revelation:2:13 @{Where} (\pou--hopou\). \Pou\ is interrogative adverb used here in an indirect question as in strkjv@John:1:39|. \Hopou\ is relative adverb referring to \pou\. Satan's throne (\ho thronos tou Satanƒ\). Satan not simply resided in Pergamum, but his "throne" or seat of power of king or judge (Matthew:19:28; strkjv@Luke:1:32,52|). The symbol of Asklepios was the serpent as it is of Satan (12:9; strkjv@20:2|). There was, besides, a great throne altar to Zeus cut on the Acropolis rock, symbol of "rampant paganism" (Swete) and the new Caesar-worship with the recent martyrdom of Antipas made Pergamum indeed a very throne of Satan. {Holdest fast my name} (\krateis to onoma sou\). Present active indicative of \krate“\, "dost keep on holding," as in strkjv@2:25, strkjv@3:11|. This church refused to say \Kurios Kaisar\ (_Martyrd. Polyc_. 8f.) and continued to say \Kurios Iˆsous\ (1Corinthians:12:3|). They stood true against the emperor-worship. {Didst not deny} (\ouk ˆrnˆs“\). First aorist middle second person singular of \arneomai\. Reference to a specific incident not known to us. {My faith} (\tˆn pistin mou\). Objective genitive, "thy faith in me." {Of Antipas} (\Antipas\). Indeclinable in this form. It is possible that \Antipa\ (genitive) was really written, though unimportant as the nominative follows in apposition. Nothing is really known of this early martyr in Pergamum before the writing of the Apocalypse. One legend is that he was burnt to death in a brazen bull. Other martyrs followed him at Pergamum (Agathonice, Attalus, Carpus, Polybus). {My witness} (\ho martus mou\). Nominative in apposition with a genitive as in strkjv@1:5| (with ablative), common solecism in the Apocalypse. "Witness" as Jesus had said they should be (Acts:1:8|) and Stephen was (Acts:22:20|) and others were (Revelation:17:6|). The word later (by third century) took on the modern meaning of martyr. {My faithful one} (\ho pistos mou\). Nominative also, with \mou\ also. Jesus gives Antipas his own title (Swete) as in strkjv@1:5; strkjv@3:14|. Faithful unto death. {Was killed} (\apektanthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \apoktein“\, this passive form common in the Apocalypse (?2:13; strkjv@6:11; strkjv@5:9,13; strkjv@13:10,15; 18, 20; strkjv@19:21?). {Among you} (\par humin\). By your side. Proof of the throne of Satan, "where Satan dwells" (\hopou ho Satanƒs katoikei\), repeated for emphasis.

rwp@Revelation:2:14 @{There} (\ekei\). That is \par' humin\ (among you). A party in the church that resisted emperor-worship, to the death in the case of Antipas, yet were caught in the insidious wiles of the Nicolaitans which the church in Ephesus withstood. {Some that hold} (\kratountas\). "Men holding" (present active participle of \krate“\). {The teaching of Balaam} (\tˆn didachˆn Balaam\). Indeclinable substantive Balaam (Numbers:25:1-9; strkjv@31:15f.|). The point of likeness of these heretics with Balaam is here explained. {Taught Balak} (\edidasken t“i Balak\). Imperfect indicative of \didask“\, Balaam's habit, "as the prototype of all corrupt teachers" (Charles). These early Gnostics practised licentiousness as a principle since they were not under law, but under grace (Romans:6:15|). The use of the dative with \didask“\ is a colloquialism rather than a Hebraism. Two accusatives often occur with \didask“\. {To cast a stumbling-block} (\balein skandalon\). Second aorist active infinitive (accusative case after \edidasken\) of \ball“\, regular use with \skandalon\ (trap) like \tithˆmi skandalon\ in strkjv@Romans:14:13|. Balaam, as Josephus and Philo also say, showed Balak how to set a trap for the Israelites by beguiling them into the double sin of idolatry and fornication, which often went together (and do so still). {To eat things sacrificed to idols} (\phagein eid“lothuta\). Second aorist active infinitive of \esthi“\ and the verbal adjective (from \eid“lon\ and \thu“\), quoted here from strkjv@Numbers:25:1f.|, but in inverse order, repeated in other order in verse 20|. See strkjv@Acts:15:29; strkjv@21:25; strkjv@1Corinthians:8:1ff.| for the controversy over the temptation to Gentile Christians to do what in itself was harmless, but which led to evil if it led to participation in the pagan feasts. Perhaps both ideas are involved here. Balaam taught Balak how to lead the Israelites into sin in both ways.

rwp@Revelation:2:16 @{Repent therefore} (\metanoˆson oun\). First aorist (tense of urgency) active imperative of \metanoe“\ with the inferential particle \oun\ (as a result of their sin). {I come} (\erchomai\). Futuristic present middle indicative, "I am coming" (imminent), as in strkjv@2:5| with \tachu\ as in strkjv@3:11; strkjv@11:14; strkjv@22:7,12,20|. As with \en tachei\ (1:1|), we do not know how soon "quickly" is meant to be understood. But it is a real threat. {Against them} (\met' aut“n\). This proposition with \poleme“\ rather than \kata\ (against) is common in the LXX, but in the N.T. only in strkjv@Revelation:2:16; strkjv@12:7; strkjv@13:4; strkjv@17:14| and the verb itself nowhere else in N.T. except strkjv@James:4:2|. "An eternal roll of thunder from the throne" (Renan). "The glorified Christ is in this book a Warrior, who fights with the sharp sword of the word" (Swete). {With} (\en\). Instrumental use of \en\. For the language see strkjv@1:16; strkjv@2:12; strkjv@19:15|.

rwp@Revelation:2:17 @{Of the hidden manna} (\tou manna tou kekrummenou\). "Of the manna the hidden" (perfect passive articular participle of \krupt“\). The partitive genitive, the only N.T. example with \did“mi\, though Q reads \to\ (accusative) here. For examples of the ablative with \apo\ and \ek\ see Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 519. See strkjv@John:6:31,49| for the indeclinable word \manna\. The golden pot of manna was "laid up before God in the ark" (Exodus:16:23|). It was believed that Jeremiah hid the ark, before the destruction of Jerusalem, where it would not be discovered till Israel was restored (II Macc. strkjv@2:5ff.). Christ is the true bread from heaven (John:6:31-33, 48-51|) and that may be the idea here. Those faithful to Christ will have transcendent fellowship with him. Swete takes it to be "the life-sustaining power of the Sacred Humanity now hid with Christ in God." {A white stone} (\psˆphon leukˆn\). This old word for pebble (from \psa“\, to rub) was used in courts of justice, black pebbles for condemning, white pebbles for acquitting. The only other use of the word in the N.T. is in strkjv@Acts:26:10|, where Paul speaks of "depositing his pebble" (\katˆnegka psˆphon\) or casting his vote. The white stone with one's name on it was used to admit one to entertainments and also as an amulet or charm. {A new name written} (\onoma kainon gegrammenon\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \graph“\. Not the man's own name, but that of Christ (Heitmuller, _Im Namen Jˆsu_, p. 128-265). See strkjv@3:12| for the name of God so written on one. The man himself may be the \psˆphos\ on which the new name is written. "The true Christian has a charmed life" (Moffatt). {But he that receiveth it} (\ei mˆ ho lamban“n\). "Except the one receiving it." See strkjv@Matthew:11:27| for like intimate and secret knowledge between the Father and the Son and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal the Father. See also strkjv@Revelation:19:12|.

rwp@Revelation:2:19 @{Thy works} (\sou ta erga\). As in strkjv@2:2| and explained (explanatory use of \kai\ =namely) by what follows. Four items are given, with separate feminine article for each (\tˆn agapˆn, tˆn pistin, tˆn diakonian, tˆn hupomonˆn\), a longer list of graces than in strkjv@2:2| for Ephesus. More praise is given in the case of Ephesus and Thyatira when blame follows than in the case of Smyrna and Philadelphia when no fault is found. Love comes first in this list in true Johannine fashion. Faith (\pistin\) here may be "faithfulness," and ministry (\diakonian\) is ministration to needs of others (Acts:11:29; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:15|). {And that} (\kai\). Only \kai\ (and) in the Greek, but doubtless \hoti\ (that) is understood. {Than the first} (\t“n pr“t“n\). Ablative after the comparative \pleiona\ (more).

rwp@Revelation:2:20 @{Thou sufferest} (\apheis\). Late vernacular present active indicative second person singular as if from a form \aphe“\ instead of the usual \aphiˆmi\ forms. {The woman Jezebel} (\tˆn gunaika Iezabel\). Symbolical name for some prominent woman in the church in Thyatira, like the infamous wife of Ahab who was guilty of whoredom and witchcraft (1Kings:16:31; strkjv@2Kings:9:22|) and who sought to drive out the worship of God from Israel. Some MSS. here (A Q 40 min.s) have \sou\ (thy wife, thy woman Ramsay makes it), but surely Aleph C P rightly reject \sou\. Otherwise she is the pastor's wife! {Which calleth herself a prophetess} (\hˆ legousa heautˆn prophˆtin\). Nominative articular participle of \leg“\ in apposition with the accusative \gunaika\ like \ho martus\ in apposition with \Antipas\ in strkjv@2:13|. \Prophˆtis\ is an old word, feminine form for \prophˆtˆs\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:2:36| (Anna), two extremes surely. See strkjv@Acts:21:9| for the daughters of Philip who prophesied. {And she teacheth and seduceth} (\kai didaskei kai planƒi\). A resolution of the participles (\didaskousa kai plan“sa\) into finite verbs (present active indicatives) as in strkjv@1:5f|. This woman was not a real prophetess, but a false one with loud claims and loose living. One is puzzled to know how such a woman had so much shrewdness and sex-appeal as to lead astray the servants of God in that church. The church tolerated the Nicolaitans and this leader whose primary object was sexual immorality (Charles) and became too much involved with her to handle the heresy.

rwp@Revelation:2:22 @{I do cast} (\ball“\). Futuristic present active indicative rather than the future \bal“\, since judgment is imminent. {Into a bed} (\eis klinˆn\). "A bed of sickness in contrast with the bed of adultery" (Beckwith). {Them that commit adultery with her} (\tous moicheuontas met' autˆs\). Present active articular participle accusative plural of \moicheu“\. The actual paramours of the woman Jezebel, guilty of both \porneia\ (fornication, verse 21|) and \moicheia\ (adultery), works of Jezebel of old and of this Jezebel. There may be also an allusion to the spiritual adultery (2Corinthians:11:2|) towards God and Christ as of old (Jeremiah:3:8; strkjv@5:7; strkjv@Ezekiel:16:22|). {Except they repent} (\ean mˆ metanoˆsousin\). Condition of first class with \ean mˆ\ and the future active indicative of \metanoe“\, put in this vivid form rather than the aorist subjunctive (\-“sin\) third-class condition. {Of her works} (\ek t“n erg“n autˆs\). \Autˆs\ (her) correct rather than \aut“n\ (their). Jezebel was chiefly responsible.

rwp@Revelation:2:23 @{I will kill with death} (\apokten“ en thanat“i\). Future (volitive) active of \apoktein“\ with the tautological (cognate) \en thanat“i\ (in the sense of pestilence) as in strkjv@Ezekiel:33:27|. {Her children} (\ta tekna autˆs\). Either her actual children, like the fate of Ahab's sons (2Kings:10:7|) or "her spiritual progeny" (Swete) who have completely accepted her Nicolaitan practices. {Shall know} (\gn“sontai\). Future (ingressive punctiliar) middle of \gin“sk“\, "shall come to know." "The doom of the offenders was to be known as widely as the scandal had been" (Charles). {Searcheth} (\eraun“n\). Present active articular participle of \erauna“\, to follow up, to track out, late form for \ereuna“\, from strkjv@Jeremiah:17:10|. {Reins} (\nephrous\). Old word for kidneys, here only in N.T., quoted also with \kardias\ from strkjv@Jeremiah:17:10|. See strkjv@22:17| for the reward of punishment.

rwp@Revelation:2:26 @{He that overcometh and he that keepeth} (\ho nik“n kai ho tˆr“n\). Present active articular participles of \nika“\ and \tˆre“\ in the nominative absolute (_nominativus pendens_) as in strkjv@3:12,21|, resumed by the dative \aut“i\ (to him), as in verses 7,17|. {Unto the end} (\achri telous\). That is, \achri hou an hˆxo\ above. {Authority over the nations} (\exousian epi t“n ethn“n\). From strkjv@Psalms:2:8f|. The followers of the Messiah will share in his victory over his enemies (1:6; strkjv@12:5; strkjv@19:15|).

rwp@Revelation:3:1 @{In Sardis} (\en Sardesin\). Some thirty miles south-east of Thyatira, old capital of Lydia, wealthy and the home of Croesus, conquered by Cyrus and then by Alexander the Great, in B.C. 214 by Antiochus the Great, at the crossing of Roman roads, in a plain watered by the river Pactolus, according to Pliny the place where the dyeing of wool was discovered, seat of the licentious worship of Cybele and the ruins of the temple still there, called by Ramsay (_op. cit._, p. 354) "the city of Death," city of softness and luxury, of apathy and immorality, "a contrast of past splendour and present unresting decline" (Charles). Along with Laodicea it was blamed most of all the seven churches. {That hath the seven Spirits of God} (\ho ech“n ta hepta pneumata tou theou\). For which picture of the Holy Spirit see strkjv@1:4|. {And the seven stars} (\kai tous hepta asteras\). As in strkjv@1:16,20|. {A name that thou livest} (\onoma hoti zˆis\). A name in contrast with reality. The \hoti\ clause in apposition with \onoma\. {And thou art dead} (\kai nekros ei\). "The paradox of death under the name of life" (Swete). Not complete (a nucleus of life) death (verse 2|), but rapidly dying. See the picture in strkjv@James:2:17; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:9; strkjv@2Timothy:3:5|.

rwp@Revelation:3:2 @{Be thou watchful} (\ginou grˆgor“n\). Periphrastic imperative with present middle of \ginomai\ (keep on becoming) and present active participle of \grˆgore“\ (late present from perfect \egrˆgora\ and that from \egeir“\, as in strkjv@Matthew:24:42|) and see strkjv@16:15| for \grˆgore“\ also. He does not say "Arise from the dead" (Ephesians:5:14|), for there are vestiges of life. Those still alive are addressed through the angel of the church. {Stablish the things that remain} (\stˆrison ta loipa\). First aorist active imperative of \stˆriz“\, to make stable. Those not actually dead, but in grave peril. See a like command to Titus in Crete (Titus:1:5|). Every new pastor faces such a problem. {Which were ready to die} (\ha emellon apothanein\). Imperfect active plural because the individuals, though neuter plural, are regarded as living realities. The imperfect looking on the situation "with a delicate optimism" (Swete) as having passed the crisis, a sort of epistolary imperfect. {For I have found no works of thine} (\ou gar heurˆka sou erga\). "For I have not found any works of thine." Perfect active indicative of \heurisk“\. The church as a whole represented by \sou\ (thy). {Fulfilled} (\peplˆr“mena\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \plˆro“\. Their works have not measured up to God's standard (\en“pion tou theou mou\).

rwp@Revelation:3:7 @{In Philadelphia} (\en Philadelphiƒi\). Some twenty-eight miles south-east of Sardis, in Lydia, subject to earthquakes, rebuilt by Tiberius after the great earthquake of A.D. 17, for a time called in coins Neo-Caesarea, in wine-growing district with Bacchus (Dionysos) as the chief deity, on fine Roman roads and of commercial importance, though not a large city, called by Ramsay (_op. cit._, p. 392) "the Missionary City" to promote the spread of the Graeco-Roman civilization and then of Christianity, later offering stubborn resistance to the Turks (1379-90 A.D.) and now called Ala-Sheher (reddish city, Charles, from the red hills behind it). The chief opposition to the faithful little church is from the Jews (cf. strkjv@Romans:9-11|). There are some 1,000 Christians there today. {The holy, he that is true} (\ho hagios, ho alˆthinos\). Separate articles (four in all) for each item in this description. "The holy, the genuine." Asyndeton in the Greek. Latin Vulgate, _Sanctus et Verus_. \Hosea:hagios\ is ascribed to God in strkjv@4:8; strkjv@6:10| (both \hagios\ and \alˆthinos\ as here), but to Christ in strkjv@Mark:1:24; strkjv@Luke:4:34; strkjv@John:6:69; strkjv@Acts:4:27,30; strkjv@1John:2:20|, a recognized title of the Messiah as the consecrated one set apart. Swete notes that \alˆthinos\ is _verus_ as distinguished from _verax_ (\alˆthˆs\). Songs:it is applied to God in strkjv@6:10| and to Christ in strkjv@3:14; strkjv@19:11| as in strkjv@John:1:9; strkjv@6:32; strkjv@15:1|. {He that hath the key of David} (\ho ech“n tˆn klein Daueid\). This epithet comes from strkjv@Isaiah:22:22|, where Eliakim as the chief steward of the royal household holds the keys of power. Christ as the Messiah (Revelation:5:5; strkjv@22:16|) has exclusive power in heaven, on earth, and in Hades (Matthew:16:19; strkjv@28:18; strkjv@Romans:14:9; strkjv@Phillipians:2:9f.; strkjv@Revelation:1:18|). Christ has power to admit and exclude of his own will (Matthew:25:10f.; strkjv@Ephesians:1:22; strkjv@Revelation:3:21; strkjv@19:11-16; strkjv@20:4; strkjv@22:16|). {And none shall shut} (\kai oudeis kleisei\). Charles calls the structure Hebrew (future active indicative of \klei“\), and not Greek because it does not correspond to the present articular participle just before \ho anoig“n\ (the one opening), but it occurs often in this book as in the very next clause, "and none openeth" (\kai oudeis anoigei\) over against \klei“n\ (present active participle, opening) though here some MSS. read \kleiei\ (present active indicative, open).

rwp@Revelation:3:8 @{I have set} (\ded“ka\). Perfect active indicative of \did“mi\, "I have given" (a gift of Christ, this open door). See strkjv@Luke:12:51| for a like use of \did“mi\. {A door opened} (\thuran ˆne“igmenˆn\). Perfect (triple reduplication) passive predicate participle of \anoig“\ (verse 7|) accusative feminine singular. The metaphor of the open door was a common one (John:10:7-9; strkjv@Acts:14:27; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:9; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:12; strkjv@Colossians:4:3; strkjv@Revelation:3:20; strkjv@4:1|). Probably it means here a good opportunity for missionary effort in spite of the Jewish hostility. {Which} (\hˆn--autˆn\). Pleonastic vernacular and Hebrew repetition of the personal pronoun \autˆn\ (it) after the relative \hˆn\ (which). Direct reference to the statement in verse 7|. {That} (\hoti\). This conjunction resumes the construction of \oida sou ta erga\ (I know thy works) after the parenthesis (\idou--autˆn\, Behold--shut). {A little power} (\mikran dunamin\). Probably "little power," little influence or weight in Philadelphia, the members probably from the lower classes (1Corinthians:1:26f.|). {And didst keep} (\kai etˆrˆsas\). "And yet (adversative use of \kai\) didst keep" (first aorist active indicative of \tˆre“\) my word in some crisis of trial. See strkjv@John:17:6| for the phrase "keeping the word." {Didst not deny} (\ouk ˆrnˆs“\). First aorist middle indicative second person singular of \arneomai\. The issue was probably forced by the Jews (cf. strkjv@2:9|), but they stood true.

rwp@Revelation:3:10 @{Patience} (\hupomenˆs\). "Endurance" as in strkjv@13:10; strkjv@14:12| as also in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:5|. {Thou didst keep} (\etˆrˆsas\) {--I also will keep} (\kag“ tˆrˆs“\). Aorist active indicative and future active corresponding to each other. For a like play on the tenses of this verb by Christ see strkjv@John:17:6| (\tetˆrˆkan\), strkjv@John:17:11| (\tˆrˆson\), strkjv@John:17:12| (\etˆroun\). {From the hour of trial} (\ek tˆs h“ras tou peirasmou\). This use of \ek\ after \tˆre“\ in strkjv@John:17:15|, \apo\ in strkjv@James:1:27|. Trial brings temptation often (James:1:2,13|). Jesus endured (Hebrews:12:1f.|) and he will help them. There is still a church in Philadelphia in spite of the Turks. {Which is to come} (\tˆs mellousˆs erchesthai\). Agreeing with \h“ras\ (feminine), not with \peirasmou\ (masculine). {Upon the whole world} (\epi tˆs epoikoumenˆs holˆs\). The inhabited earth (\gˆs\) as in strkjv@Revelation:12:19; strkjv@Luke:2:1; strkjv@Acts:16:6|, etc.), not the physical earth, but the world of men as explained by the next clause. {To try} (\peirasai\). First aorist active infinitive of purpose from \peiraz“\, probably to tempt (cf. the demons in strkjv@9:1-21|), not merely to afflict (2:10|). {That dwell upon the earth} (\tous katoikountas epi tˆs gˆs\). Present active articular participle of \katoike“\, explaining "the whole world" just before.

rwp@Revelation:3:12 @{He that overcometh} (\ho nik“n\). Nominative absolute as in strkjv@2:26|, resumed by the accusative \auton\ (him). {A pillar} (\stulon\). Old word for column, in N.T. only here, strkjv@10:1; strkjv@Galatians:2:9; strkjv@1Timothy:3:15|. Metaphorical and personal use with a double significance of being firmly fixed and giving stability to the building. Philadelphia was a city of earthquakes. "Temple" (\naos\) here is also metaphorical (7:15|), as in strkjv@1Timothy:3:15| for the people of God. In strkjv@21:22| we read that there is no temple in the heavenly Jerusalem (21:10-22:5|) descending as the new Jerusalem with God himself as the temple, though the metaphorical temple is mentioned in strkjv@7:15|. {He shall go out thence no more} (\ex“ ou mˆ elthˆi\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with the second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\. The subject is \ho nik“n\ (the one overcoming). "Fixity of character is at last achieved" (Charles). He, like the \stulos\ (pillar), remains in place. {Upon him} (\ep' auton\). Upon \ho nik“n\ (the victor), not upon the pillar (\stulos\). He receives this triple name (of God, of the city of God, of Christ) on his forehead (14:1; strkjv@7:3; strkjv@17:5; strkjv@22:4|) just as the high-priest wore the name of Jehovah upon his forehead (Exodus:28:36,38|), the new name (2:17|), without any magical or talismanic power, but as proof of ownership by God, as a citizen of the New Jerusalem, with the new symbol of the glorious personality of Christ (Revelation:19:12|), in contrast with the mark of the beast on others (13:17; strkjv@14:17|). For citizenship in God's city see strkjv@Galatians:4:26; strkjv@Phillipians:3:20; strkjv@Hebrews:11:10; strkjv@12:22; strkjv@13:14|. {The new Jerusalem} (\tˆs kainˆs Ierousalˆm\). Not \neas\ (young), but \kainˆs\ (fresh). See also strkjv@21:2,10| and already strkjv@Galatians:4:26; strkjv@Hebrews:12:22|. Charles distinguishes between the Jerusalem before the final judgment and this new Jerusalem after that event. Perhaps so! In the Apocalypse always this form \Ierousalˆm\ (3:12; strkjv@21:2,10|), but in John's Gospel \Hierosoluma\ (1:19|, etc.). {Which cometh down} (\hˆ katabainousa\). Nominative case in apposition with the preceding genitive \pole“s\ as in strkjv@1:5; strkjv@2:20|, etc. {Mine own new name} (\to onoma mou to kainon\). For which see strkjv@2:17; strkjv@19:12,16|. Christ himself will receive a new name along with all else in the future world (Gressmann).

rwp@Revelation:3:14 @{In Laodicea} (\en Laodikiƒi\). Forty miles south-east of Philadelphia and some forty miles east of Ephesus, the last of the seven churches addressed with special messages, on the river Lycus on the border of Phrygia, near Colossae and Hierapolis, recipient of two letters by Paul (Colossians:4:16|), on the great trade-route from Ephesus to the east and seat of large manufacturing and banking operations (especially of woollen carpets and clothing, Ramsay, _Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia_, p. 40ff.), centre of the worship of Asklepios and seat of a medical school and also of a provincial court where Cicero lived and wrote many of his letters, home of many Jews, called by Ramsay (_op. cit._, p. 413) "the City of Compromise," the church here founded apparently by Epaphras (Colossians:1:7; strkjv@4:12f.|), now a deserted ruin, one of six cities with this name (meaning justice of the people). No praise is bestowed on this church, but only blame for its lukewarmness. {The Amen} (\ho Amˆn\). Personal (masculine article) name here alone, though in strkjv@Isaiah:65:16| we have "the God of Amen" understood in the LXX as "the God of truth" (\ton theon ton alˆthinon\). Here applied to Christ. See strkjv@1:5| for \ho martus ho pistos\ (the faithful witness) and strkjv@3:7| for \ho alˆthinos\ (the genuine), "whose testimony never falls short of the truth" (Swete). {The beginning of the creation of God} (\hˆ archˆ tˆs ktise“s tou theou\). Not the first of creatures as the Arians held and Unitarians do now, but the originating source of creation through whom God works (Colossians:1:15,18|, a passage probably known to the Laodiceans, strkjv@John:1:3; strkjv@Hebrews:1:2|, as is made clear by strkjv@1:18; strkjv@2:8; strkjv@3:21; strkjv@5:13|).

rwp@Revelation:3:17 @{I am rich} (\hoti plousios eimi\). Recitative \hoti\ like quotation marks before direct quotation. Old adjective from \ploutos\, riches, wealth. Laodicea was a wealthy city and the church "carried the pride of wealth into its spiritual life" (Swete). {Have gotten riches} (\peploutˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \ploute“\, old verb from \ploutos\, used here of imagined spiritual riches which the church did not possess, just the opposite of church in Smyrna (poor in wealth, rich in grace). This church was in a rich city and was rich in pride and conceit, but poor in grace and ignorant of its spiritual poverty (\ouk oidas\, knowest not). {The wretched one} (\ho talaip“ros\). Old adjective from \tla“\, to endure, and \p“ros\, a callus, afflicted, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:7:24|. Note the one article in the predicate with all these five adjectives unifying the picture of sharp emphasis on "thou" (\su\), "thou that boastest." {Miserable} (\eleeinos\). Pitiable as in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:19|. {Poor} (\pt“chos\). See strkjv@2:9| for spiritual poverty. Perhaps some local example of self-complacency is in mind. {Blind} (\tuphlos\). Spiritual blindness as often (Matthew:23:17|), and note "eye-salve" in verse 18|. {Naked} (\gumnos\). "The figure completes the picture of actual poverty" (Beckwith). See 15,16|.

rwp@Revelation:3:18 @{I counsel} (\sumbouleu“\). Present active indicative, old compound from \sumboulos\, counsellor (Romans:11:34|), as in strkjv@John:18:14|. Almost ironical in tone. {To buy} (\agorasai\). First aorist active infinitive of \agoraz“\ (from \agora\, market-place), rich as they think themselves to be. {From me} (\par' emou\). From my side, emphatic. {Refined by fire} (\pepur“menon ek puros\). Perfect passive participle of \puro“\ (as in strkjv@1:15|) and the metaphor carried on by \ek puros\, "fired by fire." Purity by removing dross (Psalms:66:10|) like strkjv@1Peter:1:7|. {That thou mayest become rich} (\hina ploutˆsˆis\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the ingressive first aorist active of \ploute“\, spiritual riches. {That thou mayest clothe thyself} (\hina peribalˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist middle (direct) subjunctive of \periball“\, to fling round one as in strkjv@3:5|. {Be not made manifest} (\mˆ phaner“thˆi\). Continued purpose clause with negative \mˆ\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \phanero“\. {Nakedness} (\gumnotˆtos\). Late and rare word from \gumnos\, naked, in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Corinthians:11:27; strkjv@Romans:8:35|. Cf. strkjv@Revelation:16:15; strkjv@20:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:2f|. {Eye-salve} (\kollourion\). Diminutive of \kollura\ (coarse bread of cylindrical shape), object of \agorasai\, name for a famous Phrygian powder for the eyes made in Laodicea (Charles), Latin _collyrium_ (used for eye-salve by Horace and Juvenal). {To anoint} (\egchrisai\). First aorist active infinitive (epexegetic) of \egchri“\, late compound (\en, chri“\, Strabo, Epictetus), to rub in, here only in N.T. {That thou mayest see} (\hina blepˆis\). Another purpose clause with \hina\ and the present active subjunctive (keep on seeing).

rwp@Revelation:3:21 @{He that overcometh} (\ho nik“n\). Absolute nominative again as in strkjv@3:12|, but resumed this time by the dative \aut“i\ as in strkjv@2:26|. {To sit} (\kathisai\). First aorist active infinitive of \kathiz“\. This promise grows out of the prophecy that the saints will share in the Messiah's rule, made to the twelve (Matthew:19:28; strkjv@Luke:22:29f.|), repeated by Paul (1Corinthians:6:2f.|), enlarged in strkjv@Revelation:22:1-5| (to last forever, strkjv@2Timothy:2:11f.|). James and John took this hope and promise literally (Mark:10:40|) not metaphorically. {As I also overcame} (\h“s kag“ enikˆsa\). First aorist active indicative of \nika“\, looking back on the victory as over in the past. In strkjv@John:16:33| before the Cross Jesus says \Eg“ nenikˆka ton kosmon\ (perfect active), emphasizing the abiding effect of the victory. {Sat down} (\ekathisa\). "I took my seat" (Hebrews:1:3|) where Christ is now (Revelation:22:3; strkjv@Colossians:3:1|). Cf. strkjv@1John:5:4; strkjv@Revelation:2:27f|. Each of these seven messages begins alike and ends alike. Each is the message of the Christ and of the Holy Spirit to the angel of the church. Each has a special message suited to the actual condition of each church. In each case the individual who overcomes has a promise of blessing. Christ the Shepherd knows his sheep and lays bare the particular peril in each case.

rwp@Revelation:4:1 @{After these things} (\meta tauta\). Change in the panorama, not chronology (7:1,9; strkjv@15:5; strkjv@18:1; strkjv@19:1|). This vision is of heaven, not of earth as was true of chapters strkjv@Revelation:1; 2|. The first vision of Christ and the messages to the seven churches began in strkjv@1:12f|. This new vision of the throne in heaven (4:1-11|) succeeds that to which it here alludes. {I saw} (\eidon\). Second aorist active indicative of \hora“\. {Behold} (\idou\). Exclamation of vivid emotion as John looked. No effect on the structure and nominative case \thura\ (door) follows it. {Opened} (\ˆne“igmenˆ\). Perfect (triple reduplication) passive participle of \anoig“\ as in strkjv@3:8| (door of opportunity) and strkjv@3:20| (door of the heart), here the door of revelation (Swete). {In heaven} (\en t“i ouran“i\). As in strkjv@Ezekiel:1:1; strkjv@Mark:1:10; strkjv@John:1:51|. In Revelation always in singular except strkjv@12:12|. {The first} (\hˆ pr“tˆ\). Reference is to strkjv@1:10|. {Speaking} (\lalousˆs\). From \lale“\, rather \legousˆs\ of strkjv@1:10| from \leg“\, both agreeing with \salpiggos\ (trumpet). {Saying} (\leg“n\). Present active participle of \leg“\ repeating the idea of \lalousˆs\, but in the nominative masculine singular construed with \ph“nˆ\ (feminine singular), construction according to sense because of the person behind the voice as in strkjv@11:15; strkjv@19:14|. {Come up} (\anaba\). Short _Koin‚_ form for \anabˆthi\ (second aorist active imperative second person singular of \anabain“\). {Hither} (\h“de\). Originally "here," but vernacular use (John:6:25; strkjv@10:27|). {I will show} (\deix“\). Future active of \deiknumi\ in same sense in strkjv@1:1|. {Hereafter} (\meta tauta\). Some editors (Westcott and Hort) connect these words with the beginning of verse 2|.

rwp@Revelation:4:4 @{Round about the throne} (\kuklothen tou thronou\). Here as a preposition with the genitive, though only adverb in strkjv@4:8| (only N.T. examples save Textus Rec. in strkjv@5:11|). {Four and twenty thrones} (\thronoi eikosi tessares\). Songs:P Q, but Aleph A have accusative \thronous\ (supply \eidon\ from strkjv@4:1|) and \tessares\ (late accusative in \-es\). This further circle of thrones beyond the great throne. {I saw four and twenty elders} (\eikosi tessaras presbuterous\). No \eidon\ in the text, but the accusative case calls for it. Twenty-four as a symbolic number occurs only in this book and only for these elders (4:4,10; strkjv@5:8; strkjv@11:16; strkjv@19:4|). We do not really know why this number is chosen, perhaps two elders for each tribe, perhaps the twelve tribes and the twelve apostles (Judaism and Christianity), perhaps the twenty-four courses of the sons of Aaron (1Chronicles:24:1-19|), perhaps some angelic rank (Colossians:1:16|) of which we know nothing. Cf. strkjv@Ephesians:2:6|. {Sitting} (\kathˆmenous\). Upon their thrones. {Arrayed} (\peribeblˆmenous\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\ (to throw around). {In white garments} (\himatiois leukois\). Locative case here as in strkjv@3:5| (with \en\), though accusative in strkjv@7:9,13|. {Crowns of gold} (\stephanous chrusous\). Accusative case again like \presbuterous\ after \eidon\ (4:1|), not \idou\. In strkjv@19:14| \ech“n\ (having) is added. John uses \diadˆma\ (diadem) for the kingly crown in strkjv@12:3; strkjv@13:1; strkjv@19:12|, but it is not certain that the old distinction between \diadem\ as the kingly crown and \stephanos\ as the victor's wreath is always observed in late Greek.

rwp@Revelation:4:6 @{As it were a glassy sea} (\h“s thalassa hualinˆ\). Old adjective (from \hualos\, glass, strkjv@21:18,21|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@15:2|. Possibly from \huei\ (it rains), like a raindrop. At any rate here it is the appearance, not the material. Glass was made in Egypt 4,000 years ago. In strkjv@Exodus:24:10| the elders see under the feet of God in the theophany a paved work of sapphire stone (cf. strkjv@Ezekiel:1:26|). The likeness of the appearance of sky to sea suggests the metaphor here (Beckwith). {Like crystal} (\homoia krustall“i\). Associative-instrumental case after \homoia\. Old word, from \kruos\ (ice and sometimes used for ice), in N.T. only here and strkjv@22:1|, not semi-opaque, but clear like rock-crystal. {In the midst of the throne} (\en mes“i tou thronou\). As one looks from the front, really before. {Round about the throne} (\kukl“i tou thronou\). Merely an adverb in the locative case (Romans:15:19|), as a preposition in N.T. only here, strkjv@5:11; strkjv@7:11|. This seems to mean that on each of the four sides of the throne was one of the four living creatures either stationary or moving rapidly round (Ezekiel:1:12f.|). {Four living creatures} (\tessera z“a\). Not \thˆria\ (beasts), but living creatures. Certainly kin to the \z“a\ of strkjv@Ezekiel:1; 2| which are cherubim (Ezekiel:10:2,20|), though here the details vary as to faces and wings with a significance of John's own, probably representing creation in contrast with the redeemed (the elders). {Full of eyes} (\gemonta ophthalm“n\). Present active participle of \gem“\, to be full of, with the genitive, signifying here unlimited intelligence (Beckwith), the ceaseless vigilance of nature (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:4:7 @{Like a lion} (\homoion leonti\). Associative-instrumental case again. In Ezekiel:(1:6,10|) each \z“on\ has four faces, but here each has a different face. "The four forms represent whatever is noblest, strongest, wisest, and swiftest in nature" (Swete). But it is not necessary to try to find a symbolism in each face here like the early baseless identification with the Four Evangelists (the lion for Mark, the man for Matthew, the calf for Luke, the eagle for John). \Moschos\ is first a sprout, then the young of animals, then a calf (bullock or heifer) as in strkjv@Luke:15:23, 27,30|, or a full-grown ox (Ezekiel:1:10|). {Had} (\ech“n\). Masculine singular (some MSS. \echon\ neuter singular agreeing with \z“on\) present active participle of \ech“\, changing the construction with the \triton z“on\ almost like a finite verb as in verse 8|. {A face as of a man} (\pros“pon h“s anthr“pou\). Shows that the likeness in each instance extended only to the face. {Like an eagle flying} (\homoion aet“i petomen“i\). Present middle participle of \petomai\, to fly, old verb, in N.T. only in strkjv@Revelation:4:7; strkjv@8:13; strkjv@12:14; strkjv@14:6; strkjv@19:17|. The \aetos\ in strkjv@Matthew:24:28; strkjv@Luke:17:37| may be a form of vulture going after carrion, but not in strkjv@Revelation:8:13; strkjv@12:14|.

rwp@Revelation:4:8 @{Each one of them} (\hen kath' hen aut“n\). "One by one of them," a vernacular idiom like \heis kata heis\ in strkjv@Mark:14:19|. {Having} (\ech“n\). Masculine participle again as in verse 7|, though \z“on\ neuter. {Six wings} (\ana pterugas hex\). Distributive use of \ana\, "six wings apiece" as in strkjv@Luke:10:1| (\ana duo\, by twos). Like strkjv@Isaiah:6:2|, not like strkjv@Ezekiel:1:6|, where only four wings are given apiece. {Are full of} (\gemousin\). Plural verb, though \z“a\ neuter, to individualize each one. {Round about and within} (\kuklothen kai es“then\). Perhaps before and behind (4:6|) and under the wings, "pointing to the secret energies of nature" (Swete). {Rest} (\anapausin\). See also strkjv@14:11|. Old word (from \anapau“\, to relax), as in strkjv@Matthew:11:29|. God and Christ cease not their activity (John:5:17|). "This ceaseless activity of nature under the hand of God is a ceaseless tribute of praise" (Swete). {Day and night} (\hˆmeras kai nuktos\). Genitive of time, by day and by night. {Holy, holy, holy} (\hagios, hagios, hagios\). "The task of the Cherubim together with the Seraphim and Ophannim is to sing the praises of God" (Charles) in the \trisagion\ (triple repetition of \hagios\). {Is the Lord God} (\Kurios ho theos\). See strkjv@Isaiah:6:3|. The copula \estin\ (is) is not expressed, but is implied. {The Almighty} (\ho pantokrat“r\). See on ¯1:8|. {Which was and which is and which is to come} (\ho ˆn kai ho “n kai ho erchomenos\). Just as in strkjv@1:4,8|, but with the order changed.

rwp@Revelation:4:11 @{Our Lord and our God} (\ho kurios kai ho theos hˆm“n\). The nominative form here used as vocative as in strkjv@John:20:28| and often. {To receive} (\labein\). Epexegetic second aorist active infinitive of \lamban“\ with \axios\ (worthy). {The glory} (\tˆn doxan\). The article referring to \doxan\ in verse 9| and so with \tˆn timˆn\ (the honour), though \tˆn dunamin\ (the power) is not in verse 9|, but is the power due to be ascribed to God. {Thou didst create} (\su ektisas\). Emphasis on \su\ (thou), first aorist active indicative of \ktiz“\, the verb used about the act of creation by Paul in strkjv@Colossians:1:16| (\ektisthˆ, ektistai\), constative aorist giving a summary picture of the whole (not as a process). {Because of thy will} (\dia to thelˆma sou\). Reason for creation of the universe as in strkjv@Hebrews:2:10| (\di' hon\). {They were} (\ˆsan\). Imperfect tense with a cursory glance at the universe as a fact, possibly a potential existence in God's purpose in the eternal past before the actual creation in time. {And were created} (\kai ektisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of the same verb, \ktiz“\, just used and in the plural, while Paul (Colossians:1:16|) uses the singular \ektisthˆ\. See strkjv@1Corinthians:8:6|. God's will wrought through the Logos (Christ).

rwp@Revelation:5:1 @{In the right hand} (\epi tˆn dexian\). "Upon the right hand" (\epi\, not \en\), the open palm. Anthropomorphic language drawn from strkjv@Ezekiel:2:9f|. {A book} (\biblion\). Diminutive of \biblos\, but no longer so used, \biblaridion\ occurring instead (10:2|). {Written} (\gegrammenon\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \graph“\. {Within and on the back} (\es“then kai opisthen\). "Within and behind." Description of a roll like that in strkjv@Luke:4:17|, not a codex as some scholars think. Usually these papyrus rolls were written only on the inside, but this one was so full of matter that it was written also on the back side (\opisthen\), and so was an \opisthographon\ like that in strkjv@Ezekiel:2:10|. There are many allegorical interpretations of this fact which are all beside the point. {Sealed} (\katesphragismenon\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \katasphragiz“\, old compound (perfective use of \kata\), to seal up (down), here only in N.T. {With seven seals} (\sphragisin hepta\). Instrumental case of \sphragis\, old word used in various senses, proof or authentication (1Corinthians:9:2; strkjv@Romans:4:11|), signet-ring (Revelation:7:2|), impression made by the seal (Revelation:9:4; strkjv@2Timothy:2:19|), the seal on books closing the book (Revelation:5:1,2,5,9; strkjv@6:1,3,5,7,9,12; strkjv@8:1|). "A will in Roman law bore the seven seals of the seven witnesses" (Charles). But this sealed book of doom calls for no witnesses beyond God's own will. Alford sees in the number seven merely the completeness of God's purposes.

rwp@Revelation:5:2 @{A strong angel} (\aggelon ischuron\). One needed (10:1; strkjv@18:21|) "whose call could reach to the farthest limits of the universe" (Beckwith) and so "with a great voice" (\en ph“nˆi megalˆi\, in a great voice, as in strkjv@14:7,9,15|, and without \en\ strkjv@5:12; strkjv@6:10; strkjv@7:2,10; strkjv@8:13; strkjv@10:3|, etc.). See \en ischurƒi ph“nˆi\ (18:2|). {Proclaiming} (\kˆrussonta\). Present active predicate participle of \kˆruss“\, to herald, to preach. {Worthy to open and to loose} (\axios anoixai kai lusai\). Worthy by rank and character (cf. strkjv@John:1:27|) as well as by ability (\edunato\, verse 3|), followed by two infinitives (first aorist active) of \anoig“\ and \lu“\, though \hina\ and the subjunctive can be used after \axios\ as in strkjv@John:1:27|. Here \axios\ is like \hikanos\ (capable, qualified) as in strkjv@Matthew:8:8|. The articles here (\to, tas\) refer to the book and the seals in verse 1|. It is a husteron-proteron, since the loosing of the seals precedes the opening of the book.

rwp@Revelation:5:5 @{One of the elders} (\heis ek t“n presbuter“n\). "One from among the elders" of strkjv@4:4,10| (\ek\ with the ablative 8 times in the Apocalypse, 12 in the Fourth Gospel, 10 in rest of the N.T., in place of the mere partitive genitive). No particular reason for one elder as the agent over another (7:13|). {Saith} (\legei\). Dramatic vivid present. {Weep not} (\mˆ klaie\). "Cease weeping" (prohibition with \mˆ\ and the present active imperative of \klai“\. {The Lion} (\ho le“n\). Satan is called a lion by Peter (1Peter:5:8|), but the metaphor belongs to Jesus also. Judah is called a lion in the blessing of Jacob (Genesis:49:9|) and Jesus as the greatest of the tribe of Judah, "the Root of David" (\hˆ riza Daueid\, strkjv@Isaiah:11:1,10|) or the Branch from this root (the Messiah). {Hath overcome} (\enikˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \nika“\, "did overcome," coming first in the sentence as "the great historical fact of the victory of the Christ" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:5:6 @{And I saw} (\kai eidon\). Stirred by the words of the elder in verse 5| (\idou\, behold). "I beheld." {In the midst} (\en mes“i\). See strkjv@4:6| for this idiom. It is not quite clear where the Lamb was standing in the vision, whether close to the throne or in the space between the throne and the elders (perhaps implied by "came" in verse 7|, but nearness to the throne is implied by strkjv@14:1; strkjv@Acts:7:56; strkjv@Hebrews:10:11|). {A Lamb} (\arnion\). Elsewhere in the N.T. \ho amnos\ is used of Christ (John:1:29,36; Acts strkjv@8:32; strkjv@1Peter:1:19| like strkjv@Isaiah:53:7|), but in the Apocalypse \to arnion\ occurs for the Crucified Christ 29 times in twelve chapters. {Standing} (\hestˆkos\). Second perfect active (intransitive of \histˆmi\) neuter accusative singular (grammatical gender like \arnion\), though some MSS. read \hestˆk“s\ (natural gender masculine and nominative in spite of \eidon\ construction according to sense). {As though it had been slain} (\h“s esphagmenon\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \sphaz“\, old word, in N.T. only in strkjv@Revelation:5:6,9,12; strkjv@6:4,9; strkjv@13:3; strkjv@18:24; strkjv@1John:3:12|. \H“s\ (as if) is used because the Lamb is now alive, but (in appearance) with the marks of the sacrifice. The Christ as the Lamb is both sacrifice and Priest (Hebrews:9:12f.; strkjv@10:11|). {Having} (\ech“n\). Construction according to sense again with masculine nominative participle instead of \echonta\ (masculine accusative singular) or \echon\ (neuter accusative singular). Seven horns (\keras\) is a common symbol in the O.T. for strength and kingly power (1Samuel:2:10; strkjv@1Kings:22:11; strkjv@Psalms:112:9; strkjv@Daniel:7:7,20ff.|) and often in Rev. (Revelation:12:3; strkjv@13:1; strkjv@17:3,12|). Fulness of power (the All-powerful one) is symbolized by seven. {Seven eyes} (\ophthalmous hepta\). Like strkjv@Zechariah:3:9; strkjv@4:10| and denotes here, as there, omniscience. Here they are identified with the seven Spirits of Christ, while in strkjv@1:4| the seven Spirits are clearly the Holy Spirit of God (3:1|), and blaze like torches (4:5|), like the eyes of Christ (1:14|). The Holy Spirit is both Spirit of God and of Christ (Romans:8:9|). {Sent forth} (\apestalmenoi\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \apostell“\, masculine plural (agreeing with \hoi\ and \ophthalmous\ in gender), but some MSS. have \apestalmena\ agreeing with the nearer \pneumata\.

rwp@Revelation:5:9 @{They sing} (\ƒidousin\). Present active indicative of \ƒid“\. Old verb, to chant with lyrical emotion (Colossians:3:16|). {A new song} (\“idˆn kainˆn\). Cognate accusative for \oide\ (\“idˆ\, song) is \ƒoide\ from \ƒeid“\, that is \ƒid“\ (the verb used), old word already used (Colossians:3:16; strkjv@Ephesians:5:19|), called \kainˆn\ because a fresh song for new mercies (Isaiah:42:10; strkjv@Psalms:33:3; strkjv@40:3|, etc.), here in praise of redemption to Christ (14:3|) like the new name (2:17; strkjv@3:12|), the new Jerusalem (3:12; strkjv@21:2|), the new heaven and the new earth (21:1|), not the old song of creation (4:8,11|) to God. {For thou wast slain} (\hoti esphagˆs\). Second aorist passive indicative of \sphaz“\. \Agoraz“\ used by Paul and Peter of our purchase from sin by Christ (1Corinthians:6:20; strkjv@7:23; strkjv@Galatians:3:13; strkjv@4:5; strkjv@2Peter:2:1|; cf. strkjv@1Peter:1:18f.|). {Unto God} (\t“i the“i\). Dative case of advantage as also in verse 10|. {With thy blood} (\en t“i haimati sou\). Instrumental use of \en\ as in strkjv@1:5|. The blood of Christ as the price of our redemption runs all through the Apocalypse. This is the reason why Christ is worthy to "take the book and open its seals." That is, he is worthy to receive adoration and worship (4:11|) as the Father does. {Men of every} (\ek pasˆs\). No \anthr“pous\ (men) or \tinas\ (some) before \ek\ in the Greek. See a like ellipsis in strkjv@11:9| with a like grouping of words for all mankind, representatives of all races and nations (7:9; strkjv@13:7; strkjv@14:6|).

rwp@Revelation:5:12 @{Worthy} (\axion\). Agreeing in gender (grammatical neuter) with \arnion\, but some MSS. have \axios\ (masculine, natural gender). Note change to third person \estin\ instead of second \ei\. The point of the song is the same as that in verses 9,10|, but the language differs. Note the repeated article \to\ (the lamb the slain) referring to verses 6,9|. Note also the one article \tˆn\ before \dunamin\ for all the seven grounds of praise (\dunamin\, power, \plouton\, wealth, \sophian\, wisdom, \ischun\, strength, \timˆn\, honor, \doxan\, glory, \eulogian\, blessing), though \plouton\ is masculine, in contrast with separate article for each item (all three feminine) in strkjv@4:11|, here grouping them all together, "a heptad of praise" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:5:13 @{Every created thing} (\pƒn ktisma\). Every creature in a still wider antiphonal circle beyond the circle of angels (from \ktiz“\, for which see strkjv@1Timothy:4:4; strkjv@James:1:18|), from all the four great fields of life (in heaven, upon the earth, under the earth as in verse 3|, with on the sea \epi tˆs thalassˆs\ added). No created thing is left out. This universal chorus of praise to Christ from all created life reminds one of the profound mystical passage in strkjv@Romans:8:20-22| concerning the sympathetic agony of creation (\ktisis\) in hope of freedom from the bondage of corruption. If the trail of the serpent is on all creation, it will be ultimately thrown off. {Saying} (\legontas\). Masculine (construction according to sense, personifying the created things) if genuine, though some MSS. have \legonta\ (grammatical gender agreeing with \panta\) present active participle of \leg“\, to say. {And to the Lamb} (\kai t“i arni“i\). Dative case. Praise and worship are rendered to the Lamb precisely as to God on the throne. Note separate articles here in the doxology as in strkjv@4:11| and the addition of \to kratos\ (active power) in place of \ischus\ (reserve of strength) in strkjv@5:12|.

rwp@Revelation:6:1 @{And I saw} (\kai eidon\). As in strkjv@4:1; strkjv@5:1|. The vision unfolds without anything being said about opening the book and reading from it. In a more vivid and dramatic fashion the Lamb breaks the seals one by one and reveals the contents and the symbolism. The first four seals have a common note from one of the four \z“a\ and the appearance of a horse. No effort will be made here to interpret these seals as referring to persons or historical events in the past, present, or future, but simply to relate the symbolism to the other symbols in the book. It is possible that there is some allusion here to the symbolism in the so-called "Little Apocalypse" of strkjv@Mark:13; strkjv@Matthew:24f.; strkjv@Luke:21|. The imagery of the four horses is similar to that in strkjv@Zechariah:1:7-11; strkjv@6:1-8| (cf. strkjv@Jeremiah:14:12; strkjv@24:10; strkjv@42:17|). In the Old Testament the horse is often the emblem of war (Job:39:25; strkjv@Psalms:76:6; strkjv@Proverbs:21:31; strkjv@Ezekiel:26:10|). "Homer pictures the horses of Rhesus as whiter than snow, and swift as the wind" (Vincent). {When the Lamb opened} (\hote ˆnoixen to arnion\). First aorist active indicative of \anoig“\. This same phrase recurs in rhythmical order at the opening of each seal (6:1,3,5,7,9,12|) till the last (8:1|), where we have \hotan ˆnoixen\ (\hotan\ rather than \hote\ calling particular attention to it). {One} (\mian\). Probably used here as an ordinal (the first) as in strkjv@Matthew:28:1|. See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 671f. {Of} (\ek\). This use of \ek\ with the ablative in the partitive sense is common in the Apocalypse, as twice in this verse (\ek t“n\, etc.). Songs:\henos ek t“n\ (one of the four living creatures) is "the first of," etc. {In a voice of thunder} (\en ph“nˆi brontˆs\). Old word used of John and James (Mark:3:17|) and elsewhere in N.T. only strkjv@John:12:29| and a dozen times in the Apocalypse. {Come} (\Erchou\). Present middle imperative of \erchomai\, but with exclamatory force (not strictly linear). The command is not addressed to the Lamb nor to John (the correct text omits \kai ide\ "and see") as in strkjv@17:1; strkjv@21:9|, but to one of the four horsemen each time. Swete takes it as a call to Christ because \erchou\ is so used in strkjv@22:17,20|, but that is not conclusive.

rwp@Revelation:6:2 @{And I saw and behold} (\kai eidon kai idou\). This combination is frequent in the Apocalypse (4:1; strkjv@6:2,5,8; strkjv@14:1,14; strkjv@19:11|). {A white horse} (\hippos leukos\). In strkjv@Zechariah:6:1-8| we have red, black, white, and grizzled bay horses like the four winds of heaven, ministers to do God's will. White seems to be the colour of victory (cf. the white horse of the Persian Kings) like the white horse ridden by the Roman conqueror in a triumphant procession. {Had} (\ech“n\). Agreeing in gender and case with \ho kathˆmenos\. {A bow} (\toxon\). Old word (Zechariah:9:13f.| of a great bow), here only in N.T. {Was given} (\edothˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \did“mi\. {A crown} (\stephanos\). See on ¯4:4| for this word. {He came forth} (\exˆlthen\). Second aorist active indicative of \exerchomai\, either to come out or to go out (went forth). {Conquering} (\nik“n\). Present active participle of \nika“\. {And to conquer} (\kai hina nikˆsˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \nika“\. Here \h“s nikˆs“n\ (future active participle with \h“s\) could have been used. The aorist tense here points to ultimate victory. Commentators have been busy identifying the rider of the white horse according to their various theories. "It is tempting to identify him with the Rider on the white horse in strkjv@19:11f.|, whose name is 'the Word of God'" (Swete). Tempting, "but the two riders have nothing in common beyond the white horse."

rwp@Revelation:6:4 @{A red horse} (\hippos purros\). Old adjective from \pur\ (fire), flame-coloured, blood-red (2Kings:3:22|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@12:3|, like strkjv@Zechariah:1:8; strkjv@6:2| (roan horse). {To take peace from the earth} (\labein tˆn eirˆnˆn ek tˆs gˆs\). Second aorist active infinitive of \lamban“\, and here the nominative case, the subject of \edothˆ\ (see verse 2|), "to take peace out of the earth." Alas, how many red horses have been ridden through the ages. {And that they should slay one another} (\kai hina allˆlous sphaxousin\). Epexegetical explanatory purpose clause with \hina\ and the future active of \sphaz“\ (5:6|) instead of the more usual subjunctive (verse 2|). Cf. Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 998f. This is what war does to perfection, makes cannon fodder (cf. strkjv@John:14:27|) of men. {A great sword} (\machaira megalˆ\). \Machaira\ may be a knife carried in a sheath at the girdle (John:18:10|) or a long sword in battle as here. \Romphaia\, also a large sword, is the only other word for sword in the N.T. (Revelation:1:16; strkjv@2:12,16; strkjv@6:8; strkjv@19:15,21|).

rwp@Revelation:6:6 @{As it were a voice} (\h“s ph“nˆn\). "This use of \h“s\, giving a certain vagueness or mysteriousness to a phrase, is one of the characteristics of the writer's style, e.g., strkjv@8:1; strkjv@14:3; strkjv@19:1,6|" (Beckwith). This voice comes from the midst of the four living creatures, "the protest of nature against the horrors of famine" (Swete). {A measure} (\choinix\). Old word for less than a quart with us, here only in N.T. {Of wheat} (\sitou\). Old word for wheat, a number of times in N.T., in Rev. only here and strkjv@18:13|. This was enough wheat to keep a man of moderate appetite alive for a day. {For a penny} (\dˆnariou\). Genitive of price, the wages of a day laborer (Matthew:20:2|), about eighteen cents in our money today. {Of barley} (\krith“n\). Old word \krithˆ\, usually in plural as here. Barley was the food of the poor and it was cheaper even in the famine and it took more of it to support life. Here the proportion is three to one (cf. strkjv@2Kings:7:18|). The proclamation forbids famine prices for food (solid and liquid). {Hurt thou not} (\mˆ adikˆsˆis\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the ingressive first aorist active subjunctive of \adike“\. See strkjv@7:3; strkjv@9:4| for \adike“\ for injury to vegetable life. "The prohibition is addressed to the nameless rider who represents Dearth" (Swete). Wheat and barley, oil and the vine, were the staple foods in Palestine and Asia Minor.

rwp@Revelation:6:8 @{A pale horse} (\hippos chl“ros\). Old adjective. Contracted from \chloeros\ (from \chloˆ\, tender green grass) used of green grass (Mark:6:39; strkjv@Revelation:8:7; strkjv@9:4|), here for yellowish, common in both senses in old Greek, though here only in N.T. in this sense, greenish yellow. We speak of a sorrel horse, never of a green horse. Zechariah (Zechariah:6:3|) uses \poikilos\ (grizzled or variegated). Homer used \chl“ros\ of the ashen colour of a face blanched by fear (pallid) and so the pale horse is a symbol of death and of terror. {His name was Death} (\onoma aut“i ho thanatos\). Anacoluthon in grammatical structure like that in strkjv@John:3:1| (cf. strkjv@Revelation:2:26|) and common enough. Death is the name of this fourth rider (so personified) and there is with Death "his inseparable comrade, Hades (1:16; strkjv@20:13f.|)" (Swete). Hades (\hƒidˆs\, alpha privative, and \idein\, to see, the unseen) is the abode of the dead, the keys of which Christ holds (Revelation:1:18|). {Followed} (\ˆkolouthei\). Imperfect active of \akolouthe“\, kept step with death, whether on the same horse or on another horse by his side or on foot John does not say. {Over the fourth part of the earth} (\epi to tetarton tˆs gˆs\). Partitive genitive \gˆs\ after \tetarton\. Wider authority (\exousia\) was given to this rider than to the others, though what part of the earth is included in the fourth part is not indicated. {To kill} (\apokteinai\). First aorist active infinitive of \apoktein“\, explanation of the \exousia\ (authority). The four scourges of strkjv@Ezekiel:14:21| are here reproduced with instrumental \en\ with the inanimate things (\romphaiƒi, lim“i thanat“i\) and \hupo\ for the beasts (\thˆri“n\). Death here (\thanat“i\) seems to mean pestilence as the Hebrew does (\loimos\ -- cf. \limos\ famine). Cf. the "black death" for a plague.

rwp@Revelation:6:9 @{Under the altar} (\hupokat“ tou thusiastˆriou\). "Under" (\hupokat“\), for the blood of the sacrifices was poured at the bottom of the altar (Leviticus:4:7|). The altar of sacrifice (Exodus:39:39; strkjv@40:29|), not of incense. The imagery, as in Hebrews, is from the tabernacle. For the word see strkjv@Matthew:5:23f.|, often in Rev. (Revelation:8:3,5; strkjv@9:13; strkjv@11:1; strkjv@14:18; strkjv@16:7|). This altar in heaven is symbolic, of course, the antitype for the tabernacle altar (Hebrews:8:5|). The Lamb was slain (5:6,9,12|) and these martyrs have followed the example of their Lord. {The souls} (\tas psuchas\). The lives, for the life is in the blood (Leviticus:17:11|), were given for Christ (Phillipians:2:17; strkjv@2Timothy:4:6|). {Of the slain} (\t“n esphagmen“n\). See strkjv@5:6|. Christians were slain during the Neronian persecution and now again under Domitian. A long line of martyrs has followed. {For the word of God} (\dia ton logon tou theou\). As in strkjv@1:9|, the confession of loyalty to Christ as opposed to emperor-worship. {And for the testimony which they held} (\kai dia tˆn marturian hˆn eichon\). See also strkjv@1:9|. Probably \kai\ equals "even" here, explaining the preceding. The imperfect tense \eichon\ suits the repetition of the witness to Christ and the consequent death.

rwp@Revelation:6:10 @{How long} (\he“s pote\). "Until when." Cf. strkjv@Matthew:7:17; strkjv@John:10:24|. {O Master} (\ho despotˆs\). Nominative articular form, but used as vocative (\despota\) as in strkjv@4:11| (John:20:28|). On \despotˆs\ (correlative of \doulos\) see strkjv@Luke:2:29|. Here (alone in the Apocalypse) it is applied to God as in strkjv@Luke:2:29; strkjv@Acts:4:24|, but to Christ in strkjv@Jude:1:4; strkjv@2Peter:2:1|. {The holy and true} (\ho hagios kai alˆthinos\). See strkjv@3:7| for these attributes of God. {Avenge our blood on them that dwell upon the earth} (\ekdikeis to haima hˆm“n ek t“n katoikount“n epi tˆs gˆs\). This same idiom in strkjv@19:2| and see it also in strkjv@Luke:18:7f.|, "a passage which goes far to answer many questions in theodicy" (Swete). We find \ekdike“\, late compound, used with \ek\ as here in strkjv@Deuteronomy:18:19; strkjv@1Samuel:24:13|, but with \apo\ in strkjv@Luke:18:3|. For \epi tˆs gˆs\ (upon the earth) see strkjv@3:10|.

rwp@Revelation:6:11 @{A white robe} (\stolˆ leukˆ\). Old word from \stell“\, to equip, an equipment in clothes, a flowing robe (Mark:12:38|). For the white robe for martyrs see strkjv@3:4f.; strkjv@4:4; strkjv@7:9,13; strkjv@19:14|. {That they should rest} (\hina anapausontai\). Sub-final clause with \hina\ and the future indicative (as in strkjv@3:9; strkjv@6:4|) middle rather than the aorist middle subjunctive \anapaus“ntai\ of Aleph C. {Yet for a little time} (\eti chronon mikron\). Accusative of extension of time as in strkjv@20:3|. Perhaps rest from their cry for vengeance and also rest in peace (14:13|). For the verb \anapau“\ see on ¯Matthew:11:28|. {Until should be fulfilled} (\he“s plˆr“th“sin\). Future indefinite temporal clause with \he“s\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\, to fill full (Matthew:23:32; strkjv@Colossians:2:10|), "until be filled full" (the number of), regular Greek idiom. {Which should be killed} (\hoi mellontes apoktennesthai\). Regular construction of articular present active participle of \mell“\ (about to be, going to be) with the present passive infinitive of \apoktenn“\, Aeolic and late form for \apoktein“\, to kill (also in strkjv@Mark:12:5|). John foresees more persecution coming (2:10; strkjv@3:10|).

rwp@Revelation:6:12 @{There was a great earthquake} (\seismos megas egeneto\). "There came a great earthquake." Jesus spoke of earthquakes in his great eschatological discourse (Mark:13:8|). In strkjv@Matthew:24:29| the powers of the heavens will be shaken. \Seismos\ is from \sei“\, to shake, and occurs also in strkjv@Revelation:8:5; strkjv@11:13,19; strkjv@16:18|. The reference is not a local earthquake like those so common in Asia Minor. {As sackcloth of hair} (\h“s sakkos trichinos\). \Sakkos\ (Attic \sakos\), Latin _saccus_, English _sack_, originally a bag for holding things (Genesis:42:25,35|), then coarse garment of hair (\trichinos\, old word from \thrix\, here only in N.T.) clinging to one like a sack, of mourners, suppliants, prophets leading austere lives (Matthew:3:4; strkjv@11:21; strkjv@Luke:10:13|). Here the hair is that of the black goat (Isaiah:50:3|). Cf. strkjv@Joel:2:10; strkjv@Ezekiel:32:7f.; strkjv@Isaiah:13:10; strkjv@Mark:13:24f|. See strkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:2| for eclipses treated as symbols of old age. Apocalyptic pictures all have celestial phenomena following earthquakes. {As blood} (\h“s haima\). In strkjv@Acts:2:20| we find Peter interpreting the apocalyptic eschatological language of strkjv@Joel:2:31| about the sun being turned into darkness and the moon into blood as pointing to the events of the day of Pentecost as also "the great day of the Lord." Peter's interpretation of Joel should make us cautious about too literal an exegesis of these grand symbols.

rwp@Revelation:6:13 @{Her unripe figs} (\tous olunthous autˆs\). An old word (Latin _grossi_) for figs that grow in winter and fall off in the spring without getting ripe (Songs:2:11f.|), here only in N.T. Jesus used the fig tree (Mark:13:28|) as a sign of the "end of the world's long winter" (Swete). Cf. strkjv@Isaiah:34:4; strkjv@Nahum:3:12|. {When she is shaken of a great wind} (\hupo anemou megalou seiomenˆ\). Present passive participle of \sei“\, "being shaken by a great wind." See strkjv@Matthew:11:7| for the reed so shaken.

rwp@Revelation:6:14 @{Was removed} (\apech“risthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \apoch“riz“\, to separate, to part (Acts:15:39|). "The heaven was parted." {As a scroll when it is rolled up} (\h“s biblion helissomenon\). Present passive participle of \heliss“\, old verb, to roll up, in N.T. only here (from strkjv@Isaiah:34:4|) and strkjv@Hebrews:1:12| (from strkjv@Psalms:102:27|). Vivid picture of the expanse of the sky rolled up and away as a papyrus roll (Luke:4:17|). {Were moved} (\ekinˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \kine“\, to move. {Out of their places} (\ek t“n top“n aut“n\). See also strkjv@16:20| for these violent displacements in the earth's crust. Cf. strkjv@Nahum:1:5; strkjv@Jeremiah:4:24|. Jesus spoke of faith removing mountains (of difficulty) as in strkjv@Mark:11:23| (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:13:2|).

rwp@Revelation:7:1 @{After this} (\meta touto\). Instead of the seventh seal (8:1|) being opened, two other episodes or preliminary visions occupy chapter 7 (the sealing of the servants of God strkjv@7:1-8| and the vision of the redeemed before the throne strkjv@7:9-17|). {Standing} (\hest“tas\). Second perfect predicate participle of \histˆmi\, intransitive and followed by \epi\ and the accusative case \g“nias\ as already in strkjv@3:20| (\epi thurian\) and often again (8:3| some MSS., others genitive; strkjv@11:11; strkjv@12:18; strkjv@14:1; strkjv@15:2|), but note \epi\ with genitive \thalassˆs\ in the next clause, like \epi kephalˆs\ in strkjv@12:1; strkjv@7:3|. {Corners} (\g“nias\). Old word for angle (Matthew:6:5|), also in strkjv@20:8|. {Holding} (\kratountas\). Present active participle of \krate“\, to hold fast (Mark:7:3; strkjv@John:20:23|). The four winds (cf. strkjv@Matthew:24:31|) are held prisoner by angels at each of the four corners. Some Jews held the winds from due north, south, east, west to be favourable, while those from the angles (see strkjv@Acts:27:14|) were unfavourable (Charles). There is an angel of the fire (14:18|) and an angel of the waters (16:5|). {That no wind should blow} (\hina mˆ pneˆi anemos\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the present active subjunctive, "lest a wind keep on blowing." {Upon any tree} (\epi pan dendron\). Accusative case here with \epi\ rather than the preceding genitives (\gˆs, thalassˆs\), "upon the land or upon the sea," but "against any tree" (picture of attack on the tree like a tornado's path).

rwp@Revelation:7:2 @{Ascend} (\anabainonta\). Present active participle of \anabain“\, "ascending," "going up," picturing the process. {From the sun-rising} (\apo anatolˆs hˆliou\). Same phrase in strkjv@16:12|. From the east, though why is not told. Swete suggests it is because Palestine is east of Patmos. The plural \apo anatol“n\ occurs in strkjv@Matthew:2:1| without \hˆliou\ (sun). {The seal of the living God} (\sphragida theou z“ntos\). Here the signet ring, like that used by an Oriental monarch, to give validity to the official documents. The use of \z“ntos\ with \theou\ accents the eternal life of God (1:18; strkjv@10:6; strkjv@15:7|) as opposed to the ephemeral pagan gods. {To whom it was given} (\hois edothˆ autois\). For \edothˆ\ see on ¯6:2,4|, etc. The repetition of \autois\ in addition to \hois\ (both dative) is a redundant Hebraism (in vernacular _Koin‚_ to some extent) often in the Apocalypse (3:8|). The angels are here identified with the winds as the angels of the churches with the churches (1:20|). {To hurt} (\adikˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \adike“\, subject of \edothˆ\, common use of \adike“\ in this sense of to hurt in the Apocalypse (2:11; strkjv@6:6| already), in strkjv@Luke:10:19| also. The injury is to come by letting loose the winds, not by withholding them.

rwp@Revelation:7:4 @{The number of the sealed} (\ton arithmon t“n esphragismen“n\). Accusative case object of \ˆkousa\ and genitive of the perfect passive articular participle of \sphragiz“\. He did not see the sealing or count them himself, but only heard. {A hundred and forty and four thousand} (\hekaton tesserakonta tessares chiliades\). Symbolical, of course, and not meant to be a complete number of the sealed (or saved) even in that generation, let alone for all time. The number connotes perfection (Alford), 12x12x1000 = a hundred and forty-four thousands (\chiliades\, strkjv@5:11|). Nominative absolute, not agreeing in case either with \arithmon\ (accusative) or \esphragismen“n\ (genitive). Songs:as to the case of \esphragismenoi\. {Out of every tribe of the children of Israel} (\ek pƒsˆs phulˆs hui“n Israˆl\). There are two opposite views here, one taking the sealed as referring only to Jews (either actual Jews as a remnant or just Jewish Christians), the other including Gentiles as well as Jewish Christians, that is the true Israel as in strkjv@2:9; strkjv@3:9ff.| and like Paul in Galatians and Romans. This is the more probable view and it takes the twelve tribes in a spiritual sense. But in either view there remains the difficulty about names of the tribes. The list is not geographical, since Levi is included, but Dan is omitted and Manasseh put in his place, though he as the son of Joseph is included in Joseph. Irenaeus suggested that Antichrist was expected to come from the tribe of Dan and hence the omission here. There are various lists of the tribes in the O.T. (Genesis:35:22f.; strkjv@46:8ff.,49; strkjv@Exodus:1:1ff.; strkjv@Numbers:1:2; strkjv@13:4ff; strkjv@26:34; strkjv@Deuteronomy:27:11f.; strkjv@33:6ff.; strkjv@Joshua:13-22; strkjv@Judges:5; strkjv@1Chronicles:2-8; strkjv@12:24ff.; strkjv@27:16ff.; strkjv@Ezekiel:48|) and given in various orders. In strkjv@1Chronicles:7:12| both Dan and Zebulon are omitted. Joseph is given here in place of Ephraim. The distribution is equal (12,000) to each tribe.

rwp@Revelation:7:9 @{Which no man could number} (\hon arithmˆsai auton oudeis edunato\). Redundant repetition of the pronoun \auton\ after the relative \hon\ as in strkjv@7:5; strkjv@3:8|. \Edunato\ imperfect indicative and \arithmˆsai\ first aorist active infinitive of \arithme“\, old verb, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:10:30; strkjv@Luke:12:7|. See strkjv@5:9| (also strkjv@11:9; strkjv@13:7; strkjv@14:10; strkjv@17:15|) for the list of words after \ek\ (the spiritual Israel carried on all over the world), "a polyglott cosmopolitan crowd" (Swete). {Standing} (\hest“tes\). Same form in strkjv@7:1|, only nominative masculine plural referring to \ochlos\ (masculine singular), construction according to sense like the plural \legont“n\ with \ochlou\ in strkjv@19:1|. {Arrayed} (\peribeblˆmenous\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\, but in the accusative plural (not nominative like \hest“tes\), a common variation in this book when preceded by \eidon\ and \idou\ as in strkjv@4:4| (\thronoi, presbuterous\). Charles regards this as a mere slip which would have been changed to \peribeblˆmenoi\ if John had read the MS. over. {In white robes} (\stolas leukas\). Predicate accusative retained with this passive verb of clothing as in strkjv@7:13; strkjv@10:1; strkjv@11:3; strkjv@12:1; strkjv@17:4; strkjv@18:16; strkjv@19:13|. {Palms} (\phoinikes\). Nominative again, back to construction with \idou\, not \eidon\. Old word, in N.T. only here for palm branches and strkjv@John:12:13| for palm trees. Both these and the white robes are signs of victory and joy.

rwp@Revelation:7:10 @{They cry} (\krazousi\). Vivid dramatic present. {With a great voice} (\ph“nˆi megalˆi\). As in strkjv@6:10; strkjv@7:2|. "The polyglott multitude shouts its praises as with one voice" (Swete). {Salvation} (\hˆ s“tˆria\). As in strkjv@12:10; strkjv@19:1|. Nominative absolute. Salvation here is regarded as an accomplished act on the part of those coming out of the great tribulation (verse 14|) and the praise for it is given to God (\t“i the“i\, dative case) and to the Lamb (\t“i arni“i\, dative also). Both God and Christ are thus called \s“tˆr\ as in the Pastoral Epistles, as to God (1Timothy:1:1; strkjv@2:3; strkjv@Titus:1:3; strkjv@3:4|) and to Christ (Titus:1:4; strkjv@2:13; strkjv@3:6|). For \hˆ s“tˆria\ see strkjv@John:4:22; strkjv@Acts:4:12; strkjv@Jude:1:3|.

rwp@Revelation:7:12 @Note \amˆn\ at the beginning and the close of the doxology. Note also separate feminine article with each of the seven attributes given God, as in strkjv@4:11; strkjv@5:12,13|.

rwp@Revelation:7:13 @{Answered} (\apekrithˆ\). First aorist passive (deponent) of \apokrinomai\ with \leg“n\ (saying), a common (only here in the Apocalypse) Hebrew redundancy in the Gospels (Mark:9:5|). An elder intervenes, though no question has been asked to interpret the vision (Swete). {These} (\houtoi\). Prophetic predicate nominative put before \tines eisin\ (who are they). Note article repeated with \stolas\ pointing to verse 9|, and accusative also retained after \peribeblˆmenoi\ as there. Both "who" and "whence" as in strkjv@Joshua:9:8|.

rwp@Revelation:7:14 @{I say} (\eirˆka\). Perfect active indicative of \eipon\, "I have said." "To the Seer's mind the whole scene was still fresh and vivid" (Swete) like \kekragen\ in strkjv@John:1:15| and \eilˆphen\ in strkjv@Revelation:5:7|, not the so-called "aoristic perfect" which even Moulton (_Prol_. p. 145) is disposed to admit. {My lord} (\Kurie mou\). "An address of reverence to a heavenly being" (Vincent), not an act of worship on John's part. {Thou knowest} (\su oidas\). "At once a confession of ignorance, and an appeal for information" (Swete), not of full confidence like \su oidas\ in strkjv@John:21:15ff|. {They which come out of the great tribulation} (\hoi erchomenoi ek tˆs thlipse“s tˆs megalˆs\). Present middle participle with the idea of continued repetition. "The martyrs are still arriving from the scene of the great tribulation" (Charles). Apparently some great crisis is contemplated (Matthew:13:19ff.; strkjv@24:21; strkjv@Mark:13:10|), though the whole series may be in mind and so may anticipate final judgment. {And they washed} (\kai eplunan\). First aorist active indicative of \plun“\, old verb, to wash, in N.T. only strkjv@Luke:5:2; strkjv@Revelation:7:14; strkjv@22:14|. This change of construction after \hoi erchomenoi\ from \hoi plunˆsantes\ to \kai eplunan\ is common in the Apocalypse, one of Charles's Hebraisms, like \kai epoiˆsen\ in strkjv@1:6| and \kai planƒi\ in strkjv@2:20|. {Made them white} (\eleukanan\). First aorist active indicative of \leukain“\, to whiten, old verb from \leukos\ (verse 13|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:9:3|. "Milligan remarks that _robes_ are the expression of character and compares the word _habit_ used of dress" (Vincent). The language here comes partly from strkjv@Genesis:49:11| and partly from strkjv@Exodus:19:10,14|. For the cleansing power of Christ's blood see also strkjv@Romans:3:25; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@Colossians:1:20: strkjv@Ephesians:1:7; strkjv@1Peter:1:2; strkjv@Hebrews:9:14; strkjv@1John:1:7; strkjv@Revelation:1:5; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@22:14|. "The aorists look back to the life on earth when the cleansing was effected" (Swete). See strkjv@Phillipians:2:12f.| for both divine and human aspects of salvation. {In the blood of the Lamb} (\en t“i haimati tou arniou\). There is power alone in the blood of Christ to cleanse from sin (1John:1:7|), not in the blood of the martyrs themselves. The result is "white," not "red," as one might imagine.

rwp@Revelation:7:15 @{Therefore} (\dia touto\). Because of the washing described in verse 14|. {They serve him} (\latreuousin aut“i\). Dative case with \latreu“\ (present active indicative, old verb, originally to serve for hire \latron\, then service in general, then religious service to God, strkjv@Matthew:4:10|, then in particular ritual worship of the priests, strkjv@Hebrews:8:5|). All the redeemed are priests (Revelation:16:5,10|) in the heavenly temple (6:9|) as here. But this service is that of spiritual worship, not of external rites (Romans:12:1; strkjv@Phillipians:3:3|). {Day and night} (\hˆmeras kai nuktos\). Genitive of time, "by day and night," as in strkjv@4:8| of the praise of the four living creatures. {Shall spread his tabernacle over them} (\skˆn“sei ep' autous\). Future (change of tense from present in \latreuousin\) active of \skˆno“\, old verb from \skˆnos\ (tent, tabernacle), used in strkjv@John:1:14| of the earthly life of Christ, elsewhere in N.T. only in Rev. (7:14; strkjv@12:12; strkjv@13:6; strkjv@21:3|). In strkjv@12:12; strkjv@13:6| of those who dwell in tents, here of God spreading his tent "over" (\ep' autous\) the redeemed in heaven, in strkjv@21:3| of God tabernacling "with" (\met' aut“n\) the redeemed, in both instances a picture of sacred fellowship, and "the further idea of God's Presence as a protection from all fear of evil" (Swete) like the overshadowing of Israel by the Shekinah and a possible allusion also to the tents (\skˆnai\) of the feast of tabernacles and to the tent of meeting where God met Moses (Exodus:33:7-11|).

rwp@Revelation:7:16 @{They shall hunger no more} (\ou peinasousin eti\). Future tense of \peina“\, old verb with late form instead of \peinˆsousin\ like strkjv@Luke:6:25|. It is a free translation of strkjv@Isaiah:49:10| (not quotation from the LXX). {Neither thirst any more} (\oude dipsˆsousin eti\). Future tense of \dipsa“\, the two strong human appetites will be gone, a clear refutation of a gross materialistic or sensual conception of the future life. Cf. strkjv@John:6:35|. {Neither shall strike} (\oude mˆ pesˆi\). Strong double negative \oude mˆ\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \pipt“\, to fall. They will no longer be under the rays of the sun as upon earth. {Nor any heat} (\oude pƒn kauma\). Old word from \kai“\, to burn, painful and burning heat, in N.T. only here and strkjv@16:9| (picture of the opposite condition). The use of the negative with \pƒn\ (all) for "not any" is common in N.T. Cf. strkjv@Psalms:121:6|.

rwp@Revelation:8:1 @{And when he opened} (\kai hotan ˆnoixen\). Here modal \an\ is used with \hote\ (used about the opening of the preceding six seals), but \hotan\ is not here rendered more indefinite, as is sometimes true (Mark:3:11; strkjv@Revelation:4:9|), but here and possibly (can be repetition) in strkjv@Mark:11:19| it is a particular instance, not a general rule (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 973). {There followed a silence} (\egeneto sigˆ\). Second aorist middle of \ginomai\. "There came silence." Dramatic effect by this profound stillness with no elder or angel speaking, no chorus of praise nor cry of adoration, no thunder from the throne (Swete), but a temporary cessation in the revelations. See strkjv@10:4|. {About the space of half an hour} (\h“s hˆmi“ron\). Late and rare word (\hˆmi\, half, \h“ra\, hour), here only in N.T. Accusative of extent of time.

rwp@Revelation:8:2 @{Stand} (\hestˆkasin\). Perfect active of \histˆmi\ (intransitive). Another "hebdomad" so frequent in the Apocalypse. The article (the seven angels) seems to point to seven well-known angels. In Enoch strkjv@20:7 the names of seven archangels are given (Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Sariel, Gabriel, Remiel) and "angels of the Presence" is an idea like that in strkjv@Isaiah:63:9|. We do not know precisely what is John's idea here. {Seven trumpets} (\hepta salpigges\). We see trumpets assigned to angels in strkjv@Matthew:24:31; strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:16; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:52; strkjv@Revelation:4:1,4|. See also the use of trumpets in strkjv@Joshua:6:13; strkjv@Joel:2:1|. These seven trumpets are soon to break the half hour of silence. Thus the seven trumpets grow out of the opening of the seventh seal, however that fact is to be interpreted.

rwp@Revelation:8:3 @{Another angel} (\allos aggelos\). Not one of the seven of verse 2| and before they began to sound the trumpets. This preliminary incident of the offering of incense on the altar covers verses 3-6|. {Stood} (\estathˆ\). Ingressive first aorist passive of \histˆmi\ (intransitive), "took his place." {Over the altar} (\epi tou thusiastˆriou\). See strkjv@6:9| for the word for the burnt-offering, here apparently the altar of incense (clearly so in strkjv@Luke:1:11|; possibly also strkjv@Revelation:9:13|), but it is not clear that in apocalyptic the distinction between the two altars of the tabernacle and temple is preserved. Aleph C Q have the genitive, while A P have the accusative \epi to thusiastˆrion\. {A golden censer} (\liban“ton chrusoun\). Old word for frankincense (from \libanos\, strkjv@Matthew:2:11; strkjv@Revelation:18:13|), but here alone in N.T. and for censer, as is plain by the use of \chrusoun\ (golden) with it. Cf. strkjv@1Kings:7:50|. {Much incense} (\thumiamata polla\). See strkjv@5:8| for \thumiama\ (the aromatic substance burnt, also in strkjv@18:13|), but here for the live coals on which the incense falls. {That he should add} (\hina d“sei\). Sub-final clause (subject of \edothˆ\, was given, singular because \thumiamata\ neuter plural) with \hina\ and the future active indicative of \did“mi\, to give, instead of \d“i\, the second aorist subjunctive. {Unto the prayers} (\tais proseuchais\). Dative case. In strkjv@5:18| the \thumiamata\ are the prayers. {Upon the golden altar} (\epi to thusiastˆrion to chrusoun to\). Accusative case here, not genitive as above, and apparently the altar of incense as indicated by the word golden (Exodus:30:1ff.; strkjv@Leviticus:4:17|). Note triple article here \to\ (once before the substantive, once before the adjective, once before the adjunct "the one before the throne").

rwp@Revelation:8:5 @{Taketh} (\eilˆphen\). Vivid dramatic perfect active indicative of \lamban“\ as in strkjv@5:7|, "has taken." The angel had apparently ]aid aside the censer. Hardly merely the pleonastic use of \lamban“\ (John:19:23|). John pictures the scene for us. {Filled} (\egemisen\). He drops back to the narrative use of the first aorist active indicative of \gemiz“\. {With the fire} (\ek tou puros\), live coals from the altar (cf. strkjv@Isaiah:6:6|). {Cast} (\ebalen\). Second aorist active indicative of \ball“\. See strkjv@Genesis:19:24| (Sodom); strkjv@Ezekiel:10:2| and Christ's bold metaphor in strkjv@Luke:12:49|. See this use of \ball“\ also in strkjv@Revelation:8:7; strkjv@12:4,9,13; strkjv@14:19|. {Followed} (\egenonto\). Came to pass naturally after the casting of fire on the earth. Same three elements in strkjv@4:5|, but in different order (lightnings, voices, thunders), lightning naturally preceding thunder as some MSS. have it here. Perhaps \ph“nai\, the voices of the storm (wind, etc.).

rwp@Revelation:8:7 @{Sounded} (\esalpisen\). First aorist active indicative of \salpiz“\, repeated with each angel in turn (8:8,10,12; strkjv@9:1,13; strkjv@11:15|). {Hail and fire mingled with blood} (\chalaza kai pur memigmena en haimati\). Like the plague of hail and fire in strkjv@Exodus:9:24|. The first four trumpets are very much like the plagues in Egypt, this one like a semitropical thunderstorm (Swete) with blood like the first plague (Exodus:7:17ff.; strkjv@Psalms:106:35|). The old feminine word \chalaza\ (hail) is from the verb \chala“\, to let down (Mark:2:4|), in N.T. only in strkjv@Revelation:8:7; strkjv@11:19; strkjv@16:21|. The perfect passive participle \memigmena\ (from \mignumi\, to mix) is neuter plural because of \pur\ (fire). {Were cast} (\eblˆthˆ\). First aorist passive singular because \chalaza\ and \pur\ treated as neuter plural. "The storm flung itself on the earth" (Swete). {Was burnt up} (\katekaˆ\). Second aorist (effective) passive indicative of \katakai“\, old verb to burn down (effective use of \kata\, up, we say). Repeated here three times for dramatic effect. See strkjv@7:1-3| about the trees and strkjv@9:4| where the locusts are forbidden to injure the grass.

rwp@Revelation:8:8 @{As it were} (\h“s\). "As if," not a great mountain, but a blazing mass as large as a mountain. {Burning with fire} (\puri kaiomenon\). Present middle participle of \kai“\. Somewhat like Enoch strkjv@18:13, but perhaps with the picture of a great volcanic eruption like that of Vesuvius in A.D. 79. Strabo tells of an eruption B.C. 196 which made a new island (Palaea Kaumene). {Became blood} (\egeneto haima\). Like the Nile in the first plague (Exodus:7:20ff.|). Cf. also strkjv@16:3|.

rwp@Revelation:8:9 @{Of the creatures} (\t“n ktismat“n\). See strkjv@5:13| for this word \ktisma\. Even they that had life (\ta echonta psuchas\). Here the nominative articular participle is in apposition with the genitive \ktismat“n\, as often in this book. See strkjv@Exodus:7:20| for the destruction of fish, and strkjv@Zephaniah:1:3|. {Was destroyed} (\diephtharˆsan\). Second aorist passive indicative of \diaphtheir“\, old compound, to corrupt, to consume, to destroy (perfective use of \dia\), also strkjv@11:18|. The plural \ploion\ just before the verb makes the idea plural.

rwp@Revelation:8:12 @{Was smitten} (\eplˆgˆ\). Second aorist passive indicative of \plˆss“\, old verb (like \plˆgˆ\ plague), here only in N.T. {That should be darkened} (\hina skotisthˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \skotiz“\, from \skotos\ (darkness) as in strkjv@Matthew:24:29|, but \skoto“\ in strkjv@Revelation:9:2|. {And the day should not shine} (\kai hˆ hˆmera mˆ phanˆi\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \phain“\, to shed light upon, as in strkjv@18:23|, not the second aorist passive subjunctive \phanˆi\ with different accent. The eclipse here is only partial and is kin to the ninth Egyptian plague (Exodus:10:21|).

rwp@Revelation:8:13 @{An eagle} (\henos aetou\). "One eagle," perhaps \henos\ (\heis\) used as an indefinite article (9:13; strkjv@18:21; strkjv@19:17|). See strkjv@4:7| also for the flying eagle, the strongest of birds, sometimes a symbol of vengeance (Deuteronomy:28:49; strkjv@Hosea:8:1; strkjv@Habbakkuk:1:8|). {Flying in mid-heaven} (\petomenou en mesouranˆmati\). Like the angel in strkjv@14:6| and the birds in strkjv@19:17|. \Mesouranˆma\ (from \mesourane“\ to be in mid-heaven) is a late word (Plutarch, papyri) for the sun at noon, in N.T. only these three examples. This eagle is flying where all can see, and crying so that all can hear. {Woe, woe, woe} (\ouai, ouai, ouai\). Triple because three trumpets yet to come. In strkjv@18:10,16,19| the double \ouai\ is merely for emphasis. {For them that dwell on the earth} (\tous katoikountas\). Accusative of the articular present active participle of \katoike“\, is unusual (Aleph Q here and also in strkjv@12:12|) as in strkjv@Matthew:11:21|. There is even a nominative in strkjv@18:10|. {By reason of the other voices} (\ek t“n loip“n ph“n“n\). "As a result of (\ek\) the rest of the voices." There is more and worse to come, "of the three angels who are yet to sound" (\t“n tri“n aggel“n t“n mellont“n salpizein\).

rwp@Revelation:9:1 @{Fallen} (\pept“kota\). Perfect active participle of \pipt“\, already down. In strkjv@Luke:10:18| note \pesonta\ (constative aorist active, like a flash of lightning) after \ethe“roun\ and in strkjv@Revelation:7:2| note \anabainonta\ (present active and linear, coming up, picturing the process) after \eidon\. {Of the pit of the abyss} (\tou phreatos tˆs abussou\). \Abussos\ is an old adjective (alpha privative and \buthos\, depth, without depth), but \hˆ abussos\ (supply \ch“ra\ place), the bottomless place. It occurs in strkjv@Romans:10:7| for the common receptacle of the dead for Hades (Sheol), but in strkjv@Luke:8:31| a lower depth is sounded (Swete), for the abode of demons, and in this sense it occurs in strkjv@Revelation:9:1,2,11; strkjv@11:7; strkjv@17:8; strkjv@20:1,3|. \Phrear\ is an old word for well or cistern (Luke:14:5; strkjv@John:4:11f.|) and it occurs in strkjv@Revelation:9:1f.| for the mouth of the abyss which is pictured as a cistern with a narrow orifice at the entrance and this fifth angel holds the key to it.

rwp@Revelation:9:6 @{Men} (\hoi anthr“poi\). Generic use of the article (men as a class). {Shall not find it} (\ou mˆ heurˆsousin auton\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with the future active indicative according to Aleph Q, but \heur“sin\ (second aorist active subjunctive) according to A P (either construction regular). The idea here is found in strkjv@Job:3:21; strkjv@Jeremiah:8:3|. "Such a death as they desire, a death which will end their sufferings, is impossible; physical death is no remedy for the \basanismos\ of an evil conscience" (Swete). {They shall desire to die} (\epithumˆsousin apothanein\). Future active of \epithume“\, a climax to \zˆtˆsousin\ (they shall seek), to desire vehemently. Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:1:23| shows a preference for death if his work is done, in order to be with Christ, a very different feeling from what we have here. {Fleeth} (\pheugei\). Vivid futuristic present active indicative of \pheug“\. Even death does not come to their relief.

rwp@Revelation:9:7 @{The shapes} (\ta homoi“mata\). Old word from \homoio“\, to make like (from \homoios\, like), likeness, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Romans:5:14; strkjv@Phillipians:2:7|, "the likenesses were like" (\homoia\). \Homoi“ma\ is "midway between \morphˆ\ and \schˆma\" (Lightfoot). {Unto horses} (\hippois\). Associative-instrumental case, as is the rule with \homoios\ (1:15; strkjv@2:18; strkjv@4:6ff.; strkjv@9:10,19; strkjv@11:1; strkjv@13:2,11|), but with the accusative in strkjv@1:13; strkjv@14:14|. Songs:also \homoioi chrus“i\ (like gold) in this same verse. {Prepared for war} (\hˆtoimasmenois eis polemon\). Perfect passive participle of \hetoimaz“\. This imagery of war-horses is like that in strkjv@Joel:2:4f|. "The likeness of a locust to a horse, especially to a horse equipped with armour, is so striking that the insect is named in German _Heupferd_ (hay horse), and in Italian _cavalett_ a little horse" (Vincent). {As it were crowns} (\hos stephanoi\). Not actual crowns, but what looked like crowns of gold, as conquerors, as indeed they were (4:4; strkjv@6:2; strkjv@12:1; strkjv@14:14|). These locusts of the abyss have another peculiar feature. {As men's faces} (\h“s pros“pa anthr“p“n\). Human-looking faces in these demonic locusts to give added terror, "suggesting the intelligence and capacity of man" (Swete). Vincent actually sees "a distinct resemblance to the human countenance in the face of the locust."

rwp@Revelation:9:9 @{As it were breastplates of iron} (\h“s th“rakas siderous\). The \th“rax\ was originally the breast (from the neck to the navel), then the breastplate, only N.T. usage (Revelation:9:9,17; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:8; strkjv@Ephesians:6:14|). The armour for the breastplate was usually of iron (\siderous\, strkjv@Revelation:2:27|), but with the locusts it only seemed to be so (\h“s\). However, the scaly backs and flanks of the locusts do resemble coats of mail. "The locusts of the Abyss may be the memories of the past brought home at times of Divine visitation" (Swete). {The sound of their wings} (\hˆ ph“nˆ t“n pterug“n\). Graphic picture of the onrush of the swarms of demonic locusts and the hopelessness of resisting them. {As the sound of chariots, of many horses rushing to war} (\h“s ph“nˆ harmat“n hipp“n poll“n trechont“n eis polemon\). Both metaphors here, the clatter and clangour of the chariot wheels and the prancing of the horses are found in strkjv@Joel:2:4f|. \Trechont“n\ is present active predicate participle of \trech“\, to run. Cf. strkjv@2Kings:7:6; strkjv@Jeremiah:47:3|.

rwp@Revelation:9:11 @{As king} (\basilea\). Predicate accusative and anarthrous. In strkjv@Proverbs:30:27| it is stated that the locust has no king, but this is not true of these demonic locusts. Their king is "the angel of the abyss (verse 1|) whose orders they obey." {His name is} (\onoma aut“i\). "Name to him" (nominative absolute and dative, as in strkjv@6:8|). {In Hebrew} (\Ebraisti\). Adverb as in strkjv@16:16; strkjv@John:5:2; strkjv@19:13,17,20; strkjv@20:16|. \Abadd“n\. A word almost confined to the Wisdom books (Job:26:6; strkjv@Psalms:88:11; strkjv@Proverbs:15:11|). It is rendered in the LXX by \Ap“leia\, destruction. {In the Greek tongue} (\en tˆi Hellˆnikˆi\). With \gl“ssˆi\ or \dialekt“i\ understood. As usual, John gives both the Hebrew and the Greek. {Apollyon} (\Apollu“n\). Present active masculine singular participle of \apollu“\, meaning "destroying," used here as a name and so "Destroyer," with the nominative case retained though in apposition with the accusative \onoma\. The personification of Abaddon occurs in the Talmud also. It is not clear whether by Apollyon John means Death or Satan. Bousset even finds in the name Apollyon an indirect allusion to Apollo, one of whose symbols was the locust, a doubtful point assuredly.

rwp@Revelation:9:13 @{A voice} (\ph“nˆn mian\). For \mian\ as indefinite article see strkjv@8:13|. Accusative case here after \ˆkousa\, though genitive in strkjv@8:13|, a distinction between sound and sense sometimes exists (Acts:9:7; strkjv@22:9|), but not here as the words are clearly heard in both instances. {From} (\ek\). "Out of the horns." Note triple use of the genitive article here as of the accusative article with this identical phrase in strkjv@8:3| ("the altar the golden the one before the throne").

rwp@Revelation:9:14 @{One saying to the sixth angel} (\legonta t“i hekt“i\). Accusative masculine singular active participle of \leg“\, personifying \ph“nˆn\ and agreeing with it in case, though not in gender. This voice speaks to the sixth angel (dative case). {Which had the trumpet} (\ho ech“n tˆn salpigga\). Nominative case in apposition with \aggel“i\ (dative), the same anomalous phenomenon in strkjv@2:20; strkjv@3:12; strkjv@14:12|. Swete treats it as a parenthesis, like strkjv@4:1; strkjv@11:15|. {Loose} (\luson\). First aorist (ingressive) active imperative of \lu“\, "let loose." Another group of four angels (7:1|) like strkjv@Acts:12:4|, described here "which are bound" (\tous dedemenous\). Perfect passive articular participle of \de“\, evidently the leaders of the demonic horsemen (9:15ff.|) as the four angels let loose the demonic locusts (7:1ff.|), both quaternions agents of God's wrath. {At the great river Euphrates} (\epi t“i potam“i t“i megal“i Euphratˆi\). A regular epithet of the Euphrates (16:12; strkjv@Genesis:15:18; strkjv@Deuteronomy:1:7|). It rises in Armenia and joins the Tigris in lower Babylonia, a total length of nearly 1800 miles, the eastern boundary of the Roman Empire next to Parthia.

rwp@Revelation:9:15 @{Were loosed} (\eluthˆsan\). First aorist (ingressive) passive indicative of \lu“\, "were let loose." {Which had been prepared} (\hoi hˆtoimasmenoi\). Perfect passive articular participle of \hetoimaz“\, to make ready (\hetoimos\), in a state of readiness prepared by God (12:6; strkjv@16:12; strkjv@Matthew:25:34|). {For the hour and day and month and year} (\eis tˆn h“ran kai hˆmeran kai mˆna kai eniauton\). For this use of \eis\ with \hˆtoimasmenon\ see strkjv@2Timothy:2:21|. All preparation over, the angels are waiting for the signal to begin. {That they should kill} (\hina apoktein“sin\). The same idiom in verse 5| about the fifth trumpet, which brought torture. This one brings death.

rwp@Revelation:9:16 @{Of the horsemen} (\tou hippikou\). Old adjective \hippikos\ from \hippos\ (horse), equestrian. The neuter articular singular \to hippikon\, the horse or the cavalry in contrast with \to pezikon\ (the infantry), here only in N.T. For the numbers here see on ¯5:11; strkjv@7:4|.

rwp@Revelation:9:19 @{The power} (\hˆ exousia\). As in strkjv@2:26; strkjv@6:8|. This power of the horses is both in their mouths (because of the fire, smoke, brimstone) and in their tails, "for their tails are like unto serpents" (\hai gar ourai aut“n homoiai ophesin\). Associative-instrumental case \ophesin\ after \homoiai\. \Ophis\ is old word for snake (Matthew:7:10|). {Having heads} (\echousai kephalas\). Feminine present active participle of \ech“\, agreeing with \ourai\ (tails). {With them} (\en autais\). Instrumental use of \en\. Surely dreadful monsters.

rwp@Revelation:10:1 @{Another strong angel} (\allon aggelon ischuron\). But the seventh trumpet does not sound till strkjv@11:15|. This angel is not one of the seven or of the four, but like the other strong angel in strkjv@5:2; strkjv@18:21| or the other angel in strkjv@14:6,15|. The sixth trumpet of strkjv@9:13| ends in strkjv@9:21|. The opening of the seventh seal was preceded by two visions (chapter strkjv@Revelation:7|) and so here the sounding of the seventh trumpet (11:15|) is preceded by a new series of visions (10:1-11:14|). {Coming down out of heaven} (\katabainonta ek tou ouranou\). Present active participle of \katabain“\ picturing the process of the descent as in strkjv@20:1| (cf. strkjv@3:12|). {Arrayed with a cloud} (\peribeblˆmenon nephelˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\ with accusative case retained as in strkjv@7:9,13|. Not proof that this angel is Christ, though Christ will come on the clouds (1:7|) as he ascended on a cloud (Acts:1:9|). God's chariot is in the clouds (Psalms:104:3|), but this angel is a special messenger of God's. {The rainbow} (\hˆ iris\). See strkjv@4:3| for this word. The construction here is changed from the accusative to the nominative. {As the sun} (\h“s ho hˆlios\). The very metaphor applied to Christ in strkjv@1:16|. {As pillars of fire} (\h“s stuloi puros\). Somewhat like the metaphor of Christ in strkjv@1:15|, but still no proof that this angel is Christ. On \stulos\ see strkjv@3:12; strkjv@Galatians:2:9|.

rwp@Revelation:10:2 @{And he had} (\kai ech“n\). This use of the participle in place of \eichen\ (imperfect) is like that in strkjv@4:7f.; strkjv@12:2; strkjv@19:12; strkjv@21:12,14|, a Semitic idiom (Charles), or as if \katabain“n\ (nominative) had preceded in place of \katabainonta\. {A little book} (\biblaridion\). A diminutive of \biblarion\ (papyri), itself a diminutive of \biblion\ (5:1|) and perhaps in contrast with it, a rare form in Hermas and strkjv@Revelation:10:2,9,10|. In strkjv@10:8| Tischendorf reads \biblidarion\, diminutive of \biblidion\ (Aristophanes) instead of \biblion\ (Westcott and Hort). The contents of this little book are found in strkjv@11:1-13|. {Open} (\ˆne“igmenon\). See strkjv@Ezekiel:2:9f|. Perfect (triple reduplication) passive participle of \anoig“\, in contrast to the closed book in strkjv@5:1|. There also we have \epi\ (upon) \tˆn dexian\ (the right hand), for it was a large roll, but here the little open roll is held in the hand (\en tˆi cheiri\), apparently the left hand (verse 5|). {He set} (\ethˆken\). First aorist active indicative of \tithˆmi\. The size of the angel is colossal, for he bestrides both land and sea. Apparently there is no special point in the right foot (\ton poda ton dexion\) being on the sea (\epi tˆs thalassˆs\) and the left (\ton eu“numon\) upon the land (\epi tˆs gˆs\). It makes a bold and graphic picture. {As a lion roareth} (\h“sper le“n mukƒtai\). Only instance of \h“sper\ in the Apocalypse, but \h“s\ in the same sense several times. Present middle indicative of \mukaomai\, an old onomatopoetic word from \mu\ or \moo\ (the sound which a cow utters), common for the lowing and bellowing of cattle, Latin _mugire_, but in Theocritus for the roaring of a lion as here, though in strkjv@1Peter:5:8| we have \“ruomai\. Homer uses \mukaomai\ for the clangour of the shield and Aristophanes for thunder. It occurs here alone in the N.T. It does not mean that what the angel said was unintelligible, only loud. Cf. strkjv@1:10; strkjv@5:2,12; strkjv@6:10; strkjv@7:2,10|, etc.

rwp@Revelation:10:5 @{Standing} (\hest“ta\). Second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\ (intransitive). John resumes the picture in verse 2|. {Lifted up} (\ˆren\). First aorist active indicative of \air“\, to lift up. {To heaven} (\eis ton ouranon\). Toward heaven, the customary gesture in taking a solemn oath (Genesis:14:22; strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:40; strkjv@Daniel:12:7|).

rwp@Revelation:10:8 @{Again speaking and saying} (\palin lalousan kai legousan\). Present active predicate participles feminine accusative singular agreeing with \hˆn\ (object of \ˆkousa\), not with \ph“nˆ\ (nominative) as most of the cursives have it (\lalousa kai legousa\). Ordinarily it would be \elalei kai elegen\. See strkjv@4:1| for like idiom. This is the voice mentioned in verse 4|. No great distinction is to be made here between \lale“\ and \leg“\. {Go, take} (\Hupage labe\). Present active imperative of \hupag“\ and second aorist active imperative of \lamban“\. The use of \hupage\ (exclamation like \ide\) is common in N.T. (Matthew:5:24; strkjv@8:4; strkjv@19:21; strkjv@John:4:16; strkjv@9:7|). Charles calls it a Hebraism (16:1|). Note the repeated article here (\to\) referring to the open book in the hand of the angel (verse 2|), only here \biblion\ is used, not the diminutive of \biblaridion\ of verses 2,9,10|.

rwp@Revelation:11:1 @{A reed} (\kalamos\). Old word for a growing reed (Matthew:11:7|) which grew in immense brakes in the Jordan valley, a writer's reed (3John:1:7|), a measuring-rod (here, strkjv@21:15f.; strkjv@Ezekiel:40:3-6; strkjv@42:16-19|). {Like a rod} (\homoios rabd“i\). See strkjv@2:27; strkjv@Mark:6:8| for \rabdos\. {And one said} (\leg“n\). "Saying" (present active masculine participle of \leg“\) is all that the Greek has. The participle implies \ed“ken\ (he gave), not \edothˆ\, a harsh construction seen in strkjv@Genesis:22:20; strkjv@38:24|, etc. {Rise and measure} (\egeire kai metrˆson\). Present active imperative of \egeir“\ (intransitive, exclamatory use as in strkjv@Mark:2:11|) and first aorist active imperative of \metre“\. In strkjv@Ezekiel:42:2ff.| the prophet measures the temple and that passage is probably in mind here. But modern scholars do not know how to interpret this interlude (11:1-13|) before the seventh trumpet (11:15|). Some (Wellhausen) take it to be a scrap from the Zealot party before the destruction of Jerusalem, which event Christ also foretold (Mark:13:2; strkjv@Matthew:24:2; strkjv@Luke:21:6|) and which was also attributed to Stephen (Acts:6:14|). Charles denies any possible literal interpretation and takes the language in a wholly eschatological sense. There are three points in the interlude, however understood: the chastisement of Jerusalem or Israel (verses 1,2|), the mission of the two witnesses (3-12|), the rescue of the remnant (13|). There is a heavenly sanctuary (7:15; strkjv@11:19; strkjv@14:15|, etc.), but here \naos\ is on earth and yet not the actual temple in Jerusalem (unless so interpreted). Perhaps here it is the spiritual (3:12; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:4; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:16f.; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:16; strkjv@Ephesians:2:19ff.|). For altar (\thusiastˆrion\) see strkjv@8:3|. Perhaps measuring as applied to "them that worship therein" (\tous proskunountas en aut“i\) implies a word like numbering, with an allusion to the 144,000 in chapter 7 (a zeugma).

rwp@Revelation:11:2 @{The court} (\tˆn aulˆn\). The uncovered yard outside the house. There were usually two, one between the door and the street, the outer court, the other the inner court surrounded by the buildings (Mark:14:66|). This is here the outer court, "which is without the temple" (\tˆn ex“then tou naou\), outside of the sanctuary, but within the \hieron\ where the Gentiles could go (carrying out the imagery of the Jerusalem temple). {Leave without} (\ekbale ex“then\). Literally, "cast without" (second aorist active imperative of \ekball“\. {Do not measure it} (\mˆ autˆn metrˆsˆis\). Prohibition with \mˆ\ and the first aorist active (ingressive) subjunctive of \metre“\. This outer court is left to its fate. In Herod's temple the outer court was marked off from the inner by "the middle wall of partition" (\to mesoitoichon tou phragmou\, strkjv@Ephesians:2:15|), beyond which a Gentile could not go. In this outer court was a house of prayer for the Gentiles (Mark:11:17|), but now John is to cast it out and leave to its fate (given to the Gentiles in another sense) to be profaned by them. {They shall tread under foot} (\patˆsousin\). Future active of \pate“\, here to trample with contempt as in strkjv@Luke:21:24|, even the holy city (Matthew:4:5; strkjv@Isaiah:48:2; strkjv@Nehemiah:11:1|). Charles thinks that only the heavenly city can be so called here (21:2,10; strkjv@22:19|) because of strkjv@11:8| (Sodom and Gomorrah). But the language may be merely symbolical. See strkjv@Daniel:9:24|. {Forty and two months} (\mˆnas tesserakonta kai duo\). Accusative of extent of time. This period in strkjv@Daniel:7:25; strkjv@12:7|. It occurs in three forms in the Apocalypse (forty-two months, here and strkjv@13:5|; 1260 days, strkjv@11:3; strkjv@12:6|; time, times and half a time or 3 1/2 years, strkjv@12:14| and so in Daniel). This period, however its length may be construed, covers the duration of the triumph of the Gentiles, of the prophesying of the two witnesses, of the sojourn of the woman in the wilderness.

rwp@Revelation:11:3 @{I will give} (\d“s“\). Future active of \did“mi\. The speaker may be God (Beckwith) or Christ (Swete) as in strkjv@2:13; strkjv@21:6| or his angel representative (22:7,12ff.|). The idiom that follows is Hebraic instead of either the infinitive after \did“mi\ as in strkjv@2:7; strkjv@3:21; strkjv@6:4; strkjv@7:2; strkjv@13:7,15; strkjv@16:8| or \hina\ with the subjunctive (9:5; strkjv@19:8|) we have \kai prophˆteusousin\ (and they shall prophesy). {Unto my two witnesses} (\tois dusin martusin mou\). Dative case after \d“s“\. The article seems to point to two well-known characters, like Elijah, Elisha, but there is no possible way to determine who they are. All sorts of identifications have been attempted. {Clothed} (\periblˆmenous\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\ as often before (7:9,13; strkjv@10:1|, etc.). But Aleph A P Q here read the accusative plural in \-ous\, while C has the nominative in \-oi\. Charles suggests a mere slip for the nominative, but Hort suggests a primitive error in early MSS. for the dative \peribeblemenois\ agreeing with \martusin\. {In sackcloth} (\sakkous\). Accusative retained with this passive verb as in strkjv@7:9,13|. See strkjv@6:12| for \sakkos\ and also strkjv@Matthew:3:4|. The dress suited the message (Matthew:11:21|).

rwp@Revelation:11:4 @{The two olive trees} (\hai duo elaiai\). The article seems to point to what is known. For this original use of \elaia\ see strkjv@Romans:11:17,24|. In strkjv@Zechariah:4:2,3,14| the lampstand or candlestick (\luchnia\) is Israel, and the two olive trees apparently Joshua and Zerubbabel, but John makes his own use of this symbolism. Here the two olive trees and the candlesticks are identical. {Standing} (\hest“tes\). Masculine perfect active participle agreeing with \houtoi\ instead of \hest“sai\ (read by P and cursives) agreeing with \elaiai kai luchniai\, even though \hai\ (feminine plural article) be accepted before \en“pion tou kuriou\ (before the Lord).

rwp@Revelation:11:6 @{To shut the heaven} (\kleisai ton ouranon\). First aorist active infinitive of \klei“\. As Elijah did by prayer (1Kings:17:1; strkjv@Luke:4:25; strkjv@James:5:17|). {That it rain not} (\hina mˆ huetos brechˆi\). Sub-final use of \hina mˆ\ with the present active subjunctive of \brech“\, old verb to rain (Matthew:5:45|), here with \huetos\ as subject. {During the days} (\tas hˆmeras\). Accusative of extent of time. In strkjv@Luke:4:25; strkjv@James:5:17| the period of the drouth in Elijah's time was three and a half years, just the period here. {Of their prophecy} (\tˆs prophˆteias aut“n\). Not here the gift of prophecy (1Corinthians:12:10|) or a particular prophecy or collection of prophecies (Revelation:1:3; strkjv@22:7f.|), but "the execution of the prophetic office" (Swete). {Over the waters} (\epi t“n hudat“n\). "Upon the waters." As Moses had (Exodus:7:20|). {Into blood} (\eis haima\). As already stated in strkjv@8:8| about the third trumpet and now again here. {To smite} (\pataxai\). First aorist active infinitive of \patass“\, used here with \exousian echousin\ (they have power), as is \strephein\ (to turn). {With every plague} (\en pasˆi plˆgˆi\). In strkjv@1Kings:4:8|, but with reference to the plagues in Egypt. {As often as they shall desire} (\hosakis ean thelˆs“sin\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hosakis\ and modal \ean\ (= \an\) and the first aorist active subjunctive of \thel“\, "as often as they will."

rwp@Revelation:11:7 @{When they shall have finished} (\hotan teles“sin\). Merely the first aorist active subjunctive of \tele“\ with \hotan\ in an indefinite temporal clause with no _futurum exactum_ (future perfect), "whenever they finish." {The beast} (\to thˆrion\). "The wild beast comes out of the abyss" of strkjv@9:1f|. He reappears in strkjv@13:1; strkjv@17:8|. In strkjv@Daniel:7:3| \thˆria\ occurs. Nothing less than antichrist will satisfy the picture here. Some see the abomination of strkjv@Daniel:7:7; strkjv@Matthew:24:15|. Some see Nero _redivivus_. {He shall make war with them} (\poiˆsei met' aut“n polemon\). This same phrase occurs in strkjv@12:17| about the dragon's attack on the woman. It is more the picture of single combat (2:16|). {He shall overcome them} (\nikˆsei autous\). Future active of \nika“\. The victory of the beast over the two witnesses is certain, as in strkjv@Daniel:7:21|. {And kill them} (\kai apoktenei\). Future active of \apoktein“\. Without attempting to apply this prophecy to specific individuals or times, one can agree with these words of Swete: "But his words cover in effect all the martyrdoms and massacres of history in which brute force has seemed to triumph over truth and righteousness."

rwp@Revelation:11:9 @{Men from among} (\ek t“n\ etc.). No word for "men" (\anthr“poi\ or \polloi\) before \ek t“n\, but it is implied (partitive use of \ek\) as in strkjv@2:10| and often. See also strkjv@5:9; strkjv@7:9| for this enumeration of races and nations. {Do look upon} (\blepousin\). Present (vivid dramatic) active indicative of \blep“\. {Three days and a half} (\hˆmeras treis kai hˆmisu\). Accusative of extent of time. \Hˆmisu\ is neuter singular though \hˆmeras\ (days) is feminine as in strkjv@Mark:6:23; strkjv@Revelation:12:14|. The days of the gloating over the dead bodies are as many as the years of the prophesying by the witnesses (11:3|), but there is no necessary correspondence (day for a year). This delight of the spectators "is represented as at once fiendish and childish" (Swete). {Suffer not} (\ouk aphiousin\). Present active indicative of \aphi“\, late form for \aphiˆmi\, as in strkjv@Mark:1:34| (cf. \apheis\ in strkjv@Revelation:2:20|). This use of \aphiˆmi\ with the infinitive is here alone in the Apocalypse, though common elsewhere (John:11:44,48; strkjv@12:7; strkjv@18:8|). {Their dead bodies} (\ta pt“mata aut“n\). "Their corpses," plural here, though singular just before and in verse 8|. {To be laid in a tomb} (\tethˆnai eis mnˆma\). First aorist passive of \tithˆmi\, to place. \Mnˆma\ (old word from \mimnˆsk“\, to remind) is a memorial, a monument, a sepulchre, a tomb (Mark:5:3|). "In a country where burial regularly took place on the day of death the time of exposure and indignity would be regarded long" (Beckwith). See Tobit strkjv@1:18ff.

rwp@Revelation:11:10 @{They that dwell upon the earth} (\hoi katoikountes epi tˆs gˆs\). Present active articular participle of \katoike“\, "an Apocalyptic formula" (Swete) for the non-Christian world (3:10; strkjv@6:10; strkjv@8:13; strkjv@13:8,12,14; strkjv@17:8|). {Rejoice} (\chairousin\). Present active indicative of \chair“\. {Over them} (\ep' autois\). Locative (or dative) case with \epi\ as in strkjv@10:11|. {Make merry} (\euphrainontai\). Present middle indicative of \euphrain“\, old verb (\eu, phrˆn\, jolly mind), as in strkjv@Luke:15:32; strkjv@Revelation:12:12; strkjv@18:20|. Jubilant jollification over the cessation of the activity of the two prophets. {They shall send gifts to one another} (\d“ra pempsousin allˆlois\). Future active of \pemp“\ with dative \allˆlois\. Just as we see it done in strkjv@Esther:9:19,22; strkjv@Nehemiah:8:10,12|. {Tormented} (\ebasanisan\). First aorist active indicative of \basaniz“\, for which see strkjv@9:5|. This is the reason (\hoti\) of the fiendish glee of Jew and Gentile, who no longer will have to endure the prophecies (11:3f.|) and dread miracles (11:5f.|) of these two prophets. "Such a sense of relief is perhaps not seldom felt today by bad men when a preacher of righteousness or a signal example of goodness is removed" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:11:11 @{After the} (\meta tas\ etc.). The article \tas\ (the) points back to strkjv@11:9|. {The breath of life from God} (\pneuma z“ˆs ek tou theou\). This phrase (\pneuma z“ˆs\) occurs in strkjv@Genesis:6:17; strkjv@7:15,22| of the lower animals, but here there is clearly an allusion to strkjv@Ezekiel:37:5,10| (also strkjv@2Kings:13:21|), where the dead bones lived again. {Entered into them} (\eisˆlthen en autois\). Second aorist active indicative of \eiserchomai\ with \en\ rather than \eis\ after it (cf. strkjv@Luke:9:46|). The prophecy has here become fact (change from future \pempsousin\ to aorist \eisˆlthen\). {They stood upon their feet} (\estˆsan epi tous podas aut“n\). Ingressive second aorist active indicative of \histˆmi\ (intransitive). Reference to strkjv@Ezekiel:37:10|, but with the accusative in place of genitive there after \epi\ as in strkjv@2Kings:13:21|. {Fell upon} (\epepesen epi\). Second aorist active indicative of \epipipt“\ with repetition of \epi\. The same prophetic use of the aorist as in \eisˆlthen\ and \estˆsan\. {Beheld} (\the“rountas\). Present active articular participle of \the“re“\. "The spectators were panic-stricken" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:11:12 @{Saying} (\legousˆs\). Present active predicate participle of \leg“\, feminine genitive agreeing with \ph“nˆs\, though some MSS. have the accusative \ph“nˆn legousan\, either construction being proper after \ˆkousan\ (they heard). There is a little evidence for \ˆkousa\ like strkjv@12:10| (24 times in the book). Cf. strkjv@John:5:28|. {Come up hither} (\anabate h“de\). Second aorist active imperative of \anabain“\. The ascension of these two witnesses is in full view of their enemies, not just in the presence of a few friends as with Christ (Acts:1:9|). {They went up} (\anebˆsan\). Second aorist active indicative of \anabain“\. {In the cloud} (\en tˆi nephelˆi\). As Jesus did (Acts:1:9|) and like Elijah (2Kings:2:11|). Their triumph is openly celebrated before their enemies and is like the rapture described by Paul in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:17|.

rwp@Revelation:11:13 @{There was} (\egeneto\). "There came to pass" (second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\). Earthquakes are often given as a symbol of great upheavals in social and spiritual order (Swete) as in strkjv@Ezekiel:37:7; strkjv@38:19; strkjv@Haggai:2:6; strkjv@Mark:13:8; strkjv@Hebrews:12:26f.; strkjv@Revelation:6:12; strkjv@16:18|. {Fell} (\epesen\). Second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\, to fall. Only the tenth (\to dekaton\) of the city fell. Cf. \to triton\ (the third) in strkjv@8:7-12|, perhaps a conventional number. {Were killed} (\apektanthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \apoktein“\ as in strkjv@9:18|. {Seven thousand persons} (\onomata anthr“p“n chiliades hepta\). This use of \onomata\ (names of men here) is like that in strkjv@3:4; strkjv@Acts:1:15| and occurs in the papyri (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 196f.). {Were affrighted} (\emphoboi egenonto\). "Became terrified," old adjective (\en, phobos\, fear) as in strkjv@Luke:24:5; strkjv@Acts:10:4; strkjv@24:5|. "A general movement toward Christianity, induced by fear or despair--a prediction fulfilled more than once in ecclesiastical history" (Swete). {Gave glory} (\ed“kan doxan\). First aorist active indicative of \did“mi\, when they saw the effect of the earthquake, recognition of God's power (John:9:24; strkjv@Acts:12:23; strkjv@Romans:4:20|).

rwp@Revelation:11:15 @{There followed} (\egenonto\). "There came to pass." There was silence in heaven upon the opening of the seventh seal (8:1|), but here "great voices." Perhaps the great voices are the \z“a\ of strkjv@4:6ff.; strkjv@5:8|. {Saying} (\legontes\). Construction according to sense; \legontes\, masculine participle (not \legousai\), though \ph“nai\, feminine. John understood what was said. {Is become} (\egeneto\). "Did become," prophetic use of the aorist participle, already a fact. See \egeneto\ in strkjv@Luke:19:9|. {The kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ} (\tou kuriou hˆm“n kai tou Christou autou\). Repeat \hˆ basileia\ from the preceding. God the Father is meant here by \kuriou\ (Lord), as \autou\ (his) shows. This is the certain and glorious outcome of the age-long struggle against Satan, who wields the kingdom of the world which he offered to Christ on the mountain for one act of worship. But Jesus scorned partnership with Satan in the rule of the world, and chose war, war up to the hilt and to the end. Now the climax has come with Christ as Conqueror of the kingdom of this world for his Father. This is the crowning lesson of the Apocalypse. {He shall reign} (\basileusei\). Future active of \basileu“\. God shall reign, but the rule of God and of Christ is one as the kingdom is one (1Corinthians:15:27|). Jesus is the Lord's Anointed (Luke:2:26; strkjv@9:20|).

rwp@Revelation:11:17 @{O Lord God} (\Kurie ho theos\). Vocative form \kurie\ and nominative form \ho theos\ (vocative in use). See strkjv@1:8; strkjv@4:8| for this combination with \ho pantokrat“r\ (the Almighty). For \ho “n kai ho ˆn\ (which art and which wast) see strkjv@1:4,8; strkjv@4:8; strkjv@16:5|. {Thou hast taken} (\eilˆphes\). Perfect active indicative of \lamban“\, emphasizing the permanence of God's rule, "Thou hast assumed thy power." {Didst reign} (\ebasileusas\). Ingressive first aorist active indicative of \basileu“\, "Didst begin to reign." See this combination of tenses (perfect and aorist) without confusion in strkjv@3:3; strkjv@5:7; strkjv@8:5|.

rwp@Revelation:11:18 @{Were wroth} (\“rgisthˆsan\). Ingressive first aorist active indicative of \orgizomai\, "became angry." The culmination of wrath against God (16:13ff.; strkjv@20:8f.|). Cf. strkjv@Psalms:2:1,5,12; strkjv@99:1; strkjv@Acts:4:25ff|. John sees the hostility of the world against Christ. {Thy wrath came} (\ˆlthen hˆ orgˆ sou\). Second aorist active indicative of \erchomai\, the prophetic aorist again. The _Dies Irae_ is conceived as already come. {The time of the dead to be judged} (\ho kairos t“n nekr“n krithˆnai\). For this use of \kairos\ see strkjv@Mark:11:13; strkjv@Luke:21:24|. By "the dead" John apparently means both good and bad (John:5:25; strkjv@Acts:24:21|), coincident with the resurrection and judgment (Mark:4:29; strkjv@Revelation:14:15ff.; strkjv@20:1-15|). The infinitive \krithˆnai\ is the first aorist passive of \krin“\, epexegetic use with the preceding clause, as is true also of \dounai\ (second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\), to give. {Their reward} (\ton misthon\). This will come in the end of the day (Matthew:20:8|), from God (Matthew:6:1|), at the Lord's return (Revelation:22:12|), according to each one's work (1Corinthians:3:8|). {The small and the great} (\tous mikrous kai tous megalous\). The accusative here is an anacoluthon and fails to agree in case with the preceding datives after \dounai ton misthon\, though some MSS. have the dative \tois mikrois\, etc. John is fond of this phrase "the small and the great" (13:16; strkjv@19:5,18; strkjv@20:12|). {To destroy} (\diaphtheirai\). First aorist active infinitive of \diaphtheir“\, carrying on the construction with \kairos\. Note \tous diaphtheirontas\, "those destroying" the earth (corrupting the earth). There is a double sense in \diaphtheir“\ that justifies this play on the word. See strkjv@19:2|. In strkjv@1Timothy:6:5| we have those "corrupted in mind" (\diaphtharmenoi ton noun\). God will destroy the destroyers (1Corinthians:3:16f.|).

rwp@Revelation:12:1 @{A great sign} (\sˆmeion mega\). The first of the visions to be so described (13:3; strkjv@15:1|), and it is introduced by \“phthˆ\ as in strkjv@11:19; strkjv@12:3|, not by \meta tauto\ or by \eidon\ or by \eidon kai idou\ as heretofore. This "sign" is really a \teras\ (wonder), as it is so by association in strkjv@Matthew:24:24; strkjv@John:4:48; strkjv@Acts:2:22; strkjv@5:12|. The element of wonder is not in the word \sˆmeion\ as in \teras\, but often in the thing itself as in strkjv@Luke:21:11; strkjv@John:9:16; strkjv@Revelation:13:13ff.; strkjv@15:1; strkjv@16:14; strkjv@19:20|. {A woman} (\gunˆ\). Nominative case in apposition with \sˆmeion\. "The first 'sign in heaven' is a Woman--the earliest appearance of a female figure in the Apocalyptic vision" (Swete). {Arrayed with the sun} (\peribeblˆmenˆ ton hˆlion\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\, with the accusative retained as so often (9 times) in the Apocalypse. Both Charles and Moffatt see mythological ideas and sources behind the bold imagery here that leave us all at sea. Swete understands the Woman to be "the church of the Old Testament" as "the Mother of whom Christ came after the flesh. But here, as everywhere in the Book, no sharp dividing line is drawn between the Church of the Old Testament and the Christian Society." Certainly she is not the Virgin Mary, as verse 17| makes clear. Beckwith takes her to be "the heavenly representative of the people of God, the _ideal_ Zion, which, so far as it is embodied in concrete realities, is represented alike by the people of the Old and the New Covenants." John may have in mind strkjv@Isaiah:7:14| (Matthew:1:23; strkjv@Luke:1:31|) as well as strkjv@Micah:4:10; strkjv@Isaiah:26:17f.; strkjv@66:7| without a definite picture of Mary. The metaphor of childbirth is common enough (John:16:21; strkjv@Galatians:4:19|). The figure is a bold one with the moon "under her feet" (\hupokat“ t“n pod“n autˆs\) and "a crown of twelve stars" (\stephanos aster“n d“deka\), a possible allusion to the twelve tribes (James:1:1; strkjv@Revelation:21:12|) or to the twelve apostles (Revelation:21:14|).

rwp@Revelation:12:2 @{And she was with child} (\kai en gastri echousa\). Perhaps \estin\ to be supplied or the participle used as a finite verb as in strkjv@10:2|. This is the technical idiom for pregnancy as in strkjv@Matthew:1:18,23|, etc. {Travailing in birth} (\“dinousa\). Present active participle of \“din“\, old verb (from \“din\ birth-pangs strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:3|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Galatians:4:27|. {And in pain} (\kai basanizomenˆ\). "And tormented" (present passive participle of \basaniz“\, for which see already strkjv@9:5; strkjv@11:10|), only here in N.T. in sense of childbirth. {To be delivered} (\tekein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \tikt“\, to give birth, epexegetical use. Also in verse 4|.

rwp@Revelation:12:4 @{His tail} (\hˆ oura autou\). See strkjv@9:10,19|. {Draweth} (\surei\). Present active indicative of \sur“\, old verb, to drag, here alone in the Apocalypse, but see strkjv@John:21:8|. {The third part of the stars} (\to triton t“n aster“n\). Like a great comet is this monster. See strkjv@Daniel:8:10|. Perhaps only the third is meant to soften the picture as in strkjv@Revelation:8:7f|. {Did cast them} (\ebalen autous\). Second aorist active indicative. Charles takes this to refer to a war in heaven between the good angels and Satan, with the fall of some angels (Jude:1:6|). But John may have in mind the martyrs before Christ (Hebrews:11:32f.|) and after Christ's ascension (Matthew:23:35|). {Stood} (\estˆken\). Imperfect active of a late verb, \stˆk“\, from the perfect \hestˆka\ of \histˆmi\, graphic picture of the dragon's challenge of the woman who is about to give birth. {When she was delivered} (\hotan tekˆi\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \tikt“\, "whenever she gives birth." {That he might devour} (\hina kataphagˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \katesthi“\, to eat up (down). Cf. strkjv@Jeremiah:28:34|. This is what Pharaoh did to Israel (Exodus:1:15-22; strkjv@Psalms:85:13; strkjv@Isaiah:27:1; strkjv@51:9; strkjv@Ezekiel:29:3|). Precisely so the devil tried to destroy the child Jesus on his birth.

rwp@Revelation:12:6 @{Fled into the wilderness} (\ephugen eis tˆn erˆmon\). Second aorist active indicative of \pheug“\. Here, of course, not Mary, but "the ideal woman" (God's people) of the preceding verses, who fled under persecution of the dragon. God's people do not at once share the rapture of Christ, but the dragon is unable to destroy them completely. The phrases used here seem to be reminiscent of strkjv@Deuteronomy:8:2ff.| (wanderings of Israel in the wilderness), strkjv@1Kings:17:2f.| and strkjv@19:3f.| (Elijah's flight), I Macc. strkjv@2:29 (flight of the Jews from Antiochus Epiphanes), strkjv@Matthew:2:13| (flight of Joseph and Mary to Egypt), strkjv@Mark:13:14| (the flight of Christians at the destruction of Jerusalem). {Where} (\hopou--ekei\). Hebrew redundancy (where--there) as in strkjv@3:8; strkjv@8:9,9; strkjv@13:8,12; strkjv@17:9; strkjv@20:8|. {Prepared} (\hˆtoimasmenon\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \hetoimaz“\, for which verb see strkjv@Matthew:20:23; strkjv@Revelation:8:6; strkjv@9:7,15; strkjv@16:12; strkjv@19:7; strkjv@21:2|, and for its use with \topos\ strkjv@John:14:2f.| and for the kind of fellowship meant by it (Psalms:31:21; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:13; strkjv@Colossians:3:3; strkjv@1John:1:3|). {Of God} (\apo tou theou\). "From (by) God," marking the source as God (9:18; strkjv@James:1:13|). This anticipatory symbolism is repeated in strkjv@12:13f|. {That there they may nourish her} (\hina ekei treph“sin autˆn\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the present for continued action: active subjunctive according to A P though C reads \trephousin\, present active indicative, as is possible also in strkjv@13:17| and certainly so in strkjv@1John:5:20| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 984), a solecism in late vernacular Greek. The plural is indefinite "they" as in strkjv@10:11; strkjv@11:9|. One MSS. has \trephetai\ (is nourished). The stereotyped phrase occurs here, as in strkjv@11:2f.|, for the length of the dragon's power, repeated in strkjv@12:14| in more general terms and again in strkjv@13:5|.

rwp@Revelation:12:7 @{There was war in heaven} (\egeneto polemos en t“i ouran“i\). "There came to be war in heaven" (\egeneto\, not \ˆn\). "Another \tableau\, not a \sˆmeion\ (vv. 1,3|), but consequent upon the two \sˆmeia\ which precede it. The birth and rapture of the Woman's Son issue in a war which invades the \epourania\" (Swete). The reference is not to the original rebellion of Satan, as Andreas held. As the coming of Christ brought on fresh manifestations of diabolic power (Mark:1:13; strkjv@Luke:22:3,31; strkjv@John:12:31; strkjv@14:30; strkjv@16:11|), just so Christ's return to heaven is pictured as being the occasion of renewed attacks there. We are not to visualize it too literally, but certainly modern airplanes help us to grasp the notion of battles in the sky even more than the phalanxes of storm-clouds (Swete). John even describes this last conflict as in heaven itself. Cf. strkjv@Luke:10:18; strkjv@1Kings:22:1ff.; strkjv@Job:1; 2; strkjv@Zechariah:3:1ff|. {Michael and his angels} (\ho Michaˆl kai hoi aggeloi autou\). The nominative here may be in apposition with \polemos\, but it is an abnormal construction with no verb, though \egeneto\ (arose) can be understood as repeated. Michael is the champion of the Jewish people (Daniel:10:13,21; strkjv@12:1|) and is called the archangel in strkjv@Jude:9|. {Going forth to war} (\tou polemˆsai\). This genitive articular infinitive is another grammatical problem in this sentence. If \egeneto\ (arose) is repeated as above, then we have the infinitive for purpose, a common enough idiom. Otherwise it is anomalous, not even like strkjv@Acts:10:25|. {With the dragon} (\meta tou drakontos\). On the use of \meta\ with \poleme“\ see strkjv@2:16; strkjv@13:4; strkjv@17:14| (nowhere else in N.T.). The devil has angels under his command (Matthew:25:41|) and preachers also (2Corinthians:11:14f.|). {Warred} (\epolemˆsen\). Constative aorist active indicative of \poleme“\, picturing the whole battle in one glimpse.

rwp@Revelation:12:9 @{Was cast down} (\eblˆthˆ\). Effective first aorist passive indicative of \ball“\, cast down for good and all, a glorious consummation. This vision of final victory over Satan is given by Jesus in strkjv@Luke:10:18; strkjv@John:12:31|. It has not come yet, but it is coming, and the hope of it should be a spur to missionary activity and zeal. The word megas (great) occurs here with \drak“n\ as in strkjv@12:3|, and the whole picture is repeated in strkjv@20:2|. The dragon in both places is identified with the old serpent (Genesis:3:1ff.|) and called \archaios\ (from \archˆ\, beginning), as Jesus said that the devil was a murderer "from the beginning" (John:8:44|). Both \diabolos\ (slanderer) and Satan (\Satanƒs\) are common in N.T. for this great dragon and old serpent, the chief enemy of mankind. See on ¯Matthew:4:1; strkjv@Revelation:2:10| for \diabolos\ and strkjv@Luke:10:18| for \Satanƒs\. {The deceiver of the whole world} (\ho plan“n tˆn oikoumenˆn holˆn\). This is his aim and his occupation, pictured here by the nominative articular present active participle of \plana“\, to lead astray. For "the inhabited world" see strkjv@Luke:2:1; strkjv@Revelation:3:10; strkjv@16:14|. Satan can almost "lead astray" the very elect of God (Matthew:24:24|), so artful is he in his beguilings as he teaches us how to deceive ourselves (1John:1:8|). {He was cast down to the earth} (\eblˆthˆ eis tˆn gˆn\). Effective aorist repeated from the beginning of the verse. "The earth was no new sphere of Satan's working" (Swete). {Were cast down} (\eblˆthˆsan\). Triple use of the same verb applied to Satan's minions. The expulsion is complete.

rwp@Revelation:12:10 @{A great voice saying} (\ph“nˆn megalˆn legousan\). Accusative after \ˆkousa\ in this phrase as in strkjv@5:11; strkjv@10:4; strkjv@14:2; strkjv@18:4|, but the genitive \ph“nˆs legousˆs\ in strkjv@11:12; strkjv@14:13|. We are not told whence this voice or song comes, possibly from one of the twenty-four elders (Swete) or some other heavenly beings (11:15|) who can sympathize with human beings (19:10|), the martyrs in heaven (Charles). {Now is come} (\arti egeneto\). \Arti\ (John:13:33|) shows how recent the downfall of Satan here proleptically pictured as behind us in time (aorist tense \egeneto\). {The salvation} (\hˆ s“tˆria\). Here "the victory" as in strkjv@7:10; strkjv@19:1|. {The power} (\hˆ dunamis\). Gods power over the dragon (cf. strkjv@7:12; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@19:1|). {The kingdom} (\hˆ basileia\). "The empire of God" as in strkjv@11:15|. {The authority of his Christ} (\hˆ exousia tou Christou autou\). Which Christ received from the Father (Matthew:28:18; strkjv@John:17:2|). See strkjv@11:15| (Psalms:2:2|) for "his Anointed." {The accuser} (\ho katˆg“r\). The regular form, \katˆgoros\, occurs in strkjv@John:8:10; strkjv@Acts:23:30,35; strkjv@25:16,18| and in many MSS. here in strkjv@Revelation:12:10|, but A reads \katˆg“r\, which Westcott and Hort accept. It was once considered a Greek transliteration of a Hebrew word, but Deissmann (_Light_, etc., p. 93f.) quotes it from a vernacular magical papyrus of the fourth century A.D. with no sign of Jewish or Christian influence, just as \diak“n\ appears as a vernacular form of \diakonos\. Only here is the word applied to Satan in the N.T. In late Judaism Satan is the accuser, and Michael the defender, of the faithful. {Of our brethren} (\t“n adelph“n hˆm“n\). The saints still on earth battling with Satan and his devices. {Which accuseth them} (\ho katˆgor“n autous\). Articular present active participle of \katˆgore“\, old verb, to accuse, usually with the genitive of the person (John:5:45|), but here with the accusative. This is the devil's constant occupation (Job:1:6f.|). {Day and night} (\hˆmeras kai nuktos\). Genitive of time. "By day and by night."

rwp@Revelation:12:11 @{They overcame him} (\autoi enikˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \nika“\, the verb used by Jesus of his own victory (John:16:33|) and about him (Revelation:3:21; strkjv@5:5|). "The victory of the martyrs marks the failure of Satan's endeavours" (Swete). {Because of the blood of the Lamb} (\dia to haima tou arniou\). As in strkjv@1:5; strkjv@5:6,9; strkjv@7:14|. The blood of Christ is here presented by \dia\ as the ground for the victory and not the means, as by \en\ in strkjv@1:5; strkjv@5:9|. Both ideas are true, but \dia\ with the accusative gives only the reason. The blood of Christ does cleanse us from sin (John:1:29; strkjv@1John:1:7|). Christ conquered Satan, and so makes our victory possible (Luke:11:21f.; strkjv@Hebrews:2:18|). "Thus the Lamb is the true \sunˆgoros\ (like Michael) of the New Israel, its \paraklˆtos pros ton patera\ (1John:2:1|)" (Swete). {Because of the Word of their testimony} (\dia ton logon tˆs marturias aut“n\). The same use of \dia\, "because of their testimony to Jesus" as in John's own case in strkjv@1:9|. These martyrs have been true to their part. {They loved not their life even unto death} (\ouk ˆgapˆsan ten psuchˆn aut“n achri thanatou\). First aorist active indicative of \agapa“\. They did resist "unto blood" (\mechris haimatos\ strkjv@Hebrews:12:4|) and did not put their own lives before loyalty to Christ. There is a direct reference to the words of Jesus in strkjv@John:12:25| as illustrated also in strkjv@Mark:8:35; strkjv@Matthew:10:39; strkjv@16:25; strkjv@Luke:9:24; strkjv@17:33|. Paul's own example is pertinent (Acts:21:13; strkjv@Phillipians:1:20ff.|). Jesus himself had been "obedient unto death" (Phillipians:2:8|). These martyrs seem to be still alive on earth, but their heroism is proleptically pictured.

rwp@Revelation:12:12 @{Therefore} (\dia touto\). "For this reason" as in strkjv@7:15; strkjv@18:8| (15 times in John's Gospel, Charles notes). It points back to verse 10|. {Rejoice} (\euphrainesthe\). Present middle imperative of \euphrain“\ as in strkjv@11:10; strkjv@18:20|. {O heavens} (\hoi ouranoi\). Plural here alone in the Apocalypse, though common elsewhere in the N.T. Satan is no longer in the heavens. {They that dwell therein} (\hoi en autois skˆnountes\). Present active articular participle of \skˆno“\ (see strkjv@7:15; strkjv@13:6|) to dwell (tabernacle) as of Christ in strkjv@John:1:14| and of God in strkjv@Revelation:21:3|. The inhabitants of heaven (angels and saints) have cause to rejoice, and earth reason to mourn. {Woe for the earth and for the sea} (\ouai tˆn gˆn kai tˆn thalassan\). The accusative after \ouai\ as in strkjv@8:13|, but nominative in strkjv@18:10,16,19| in place of the usual dative (Matthew:11:21; strkjv@18:7|, etc.). {Is gone down} (\katebˆ\). Second aorist (effective) active indicative of \katabain“\, "did go down." {But a short time} (\oligon kairon\). Accusative of extent of time, "a little time." The devil's departure from his warfare in the heavens reveals (\eid“s\, knowing, perfect active participle) to him that his time for doing harm to men is limited, and hence his great wrath (\thumon\, boiling rage).

rwp@Revelation:12:13 @{He persecuted} (\edi“xen\). First aorist active participle of \di“k“\, to pursue, to chase, hostile pursuit here as in strkjv@Matthew:5:10f.; strkjv@10:23|, etc. John now, after the "voice" in 10-13|, returns to the narrative in verse 9|. The child was caught away in verse 5|, and now the woman (the true Israel on earth) is given deadly persecution. Perhaps events since A.D. 64 (burning of Rome by Nero) amply illustrated this vision, and they still do so. {Which} (\hˆtis\). "Which very one."

rwp@Revelation:12:14 @{There were given} (\edothˆsan\). As in strkjv@8:2; strkjv@9:1,3|. {The two wings of the great eagle} (\hai duo pteruges tou aetou tou megalou\). Not the eagle of strkjv@8:13|, but the generic use of the article. Every eagle had two wings. Probably here, as in strkjv@Matthew:24:28|, the griffon or vulture rather than the true eagle is pictured. For the eagle in the O.T. see strkjv@Exodus:19:4; strkjv@Isaiah:40:31; strkjv@Job:9:26; strkjv@Proverbs:24:54|. {That she might fly} (\hina petˆtai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present middle subjunctive of \petomai\, old verb, to fly, in N.T. only in the Apocalypse (4:7; strkjv@8:13; strkjv@12:14; strkjv@14:6; strkjv@19:17|). Resumption of the details in verse 6| (which see) about the "wilderness," her "place," the redundant \ekei\ with \hopou\, the "time and times, and half a time" (\kairon kai kairous kai hˆmisu\), 1260 days, but with \trephetai\ (present passive indicative) instead of \treph“sin\ (general plural of the present active subjunctive), and with the addition of "from the face of the serpent" (\apo pros“pou tou ophe“s\), because the serpent rules the earth for that period. "To the end of the present order the Church dwells in the wilderness" (Swete), and yet we must carry on for Christ.

rwp@Revelation:12:17 @{Waxed wroth} (\“rgisthˆ\). First aorist (ingressive) passive indicative of \orgizomai\, "became angry." {With the woman} (\epi tˆi gunaiki\). "At the woman," "because of the woman." {Went away} (\apˆlthen\). "Went off" in his rage to make war with the scattered followers of the Lamb not in the wilderness, perhaps an allusion to strkjv@Genesis:3:15|. The devil carries on relentless war with all those "which keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus" (\t“n tˆrount“n tas entolas tou theou kai echont“n tˆn marturian Iˆsou\). These two marks excite the wrath of the devil then and always. Cf. strkjv@1:9; strkjv@6:9; strkjv@14:12; strkjv@19:10; strkjv@20:4|.

rwp@Revelation:13:3 @{And I saw} (\kai\). No verb (\eidon\) in the old MSS., but clearly understood from verse 2|. {As though it had been smitten} (\h“s esphagmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \sphaz“\, as in strkjv@5:6|, accusative singular agreeing with \mian\ (one of the heads), object of \eidon\ understood, "as though slain" (so the word means in seven other instances in the book). There is a reference to the death and new life of the Lamb in strkjv@5:6|. {And his death-stroke was healed} (\kai hˆ plˆgˆ autou etherapeuthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \therapeu“\. "The stroke of death" (that led to death). Apparently refers to the death of Nero in June 68 A.D. by his own hand. But after his death pretenders arose claiming to be Nero _redivivus_ even as late as 89 (Tacitus, _Hist_. i. 78, ii. 8, etc.). John seems to regard Domitian as Nero over again in the persecutions carried on by him. The distinction is not always preserved between the beast (Roman Empire) and the seven heads (emperors), but in strkjv@17:10| the beast survives the loss of five heads. Here it is the death-stroke of one head, while in verses 12,14| the beast himself receives a mortal wound. {Wondered after the beast} (\ethaumasthˆ opis“ tou thˆriou\). First aorist passive (deponent) indicative of \thaumaz“\, to wonder at, to admire, as in strkjv@17:8|. For this pregnant use of \opis“\ see strkjv@John:12:9; strkjv@Acts:5:37; strkjv@20:30; strkjv@1Timothy:5:15|. "All the earth wondered at and followed after the beast," that is Antichrist as represented by Domitian as Nero _redivivus_. But Charles champions the view that Caligula, not Nero, is the head that received the death-stroke and recovered and set up statues of himself for worship, even trying to do it in Jerusalem.

rwp@Revelation:13:5 @{There was given to him} (\edothˆ aut“i\). First aorist passive indicative of \did“mi\, to give, as in next line and verse 7|. Perhaps a reference to \ed“ken\ (he gave) in verse 4|, where the dragon (Satan) gave the beast his power. The ultimate source of power is God, but the reference seems to be Satan here. {Speaking great things and blasphemies} (\laloun megala kai blasphˆmias\). Present active participle of \lale“\, agreeing with \stoma\ (nominative neuter singular and subject of \edothˆ\). The words are like Daniel's description of the Little Horn (7:8,20,25|) and like the description of Antiochus Epiphanes (I Macc. strkjv@1:24). Cf. strkjv@2Peter:2:11|. {To continue} (\poiˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive (epexegetic use) of \poie“\, either in the sense of working (signs), as in strkjv@Daniel:8:12-14|, with the accusative of duration of time (\mˆnas\ months), or more likely in the sense of doing time, with \mˆnas\ as the direct object as in strkjv@Matthew:20:12; strkjv@Acts:20:3; strkjv@James:4:13|.

rwp@Revelation:13:11 @{Another beast} (\allo thˆrion\). Like the first beast (verse 1|), not a \heteron thˆrion\ (a different beast). {Out of the earth} (\ek tˆs gˆs\). Not "out of the sea" as the first (verse 1|), perhaps locating him in Asia Minor without world-wide scope, but plainly the agent of the first beast and so of the dragon. {He had} (\eichen\). Imperfect active of \ech“\. Only two horns (not ten like the first, verse 1|). {Like unto a lamb} (\homoia arni“i\). Usual construction. Only the two horns of a young lamb and without the ferocity of the other beast, but "he spake as a dragon" (\elalei h“s drak“n\). Gunkel and Charles confess their inability to make anything out of this item. But Swete thinks that he had the roar of a dragon with all the looks of a lamb (weakness and innocence). Cf. the wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew:7:15|).

rwp@Revelation:13:16 @{He causeth all} (same use of \poie“\ as in 12,15|). Note article here with each class (the small and the great, etc.). {That there be given them} (\hina d“sin autois\). Same use of \hina\ after \poie“\ as in 12,15|, only here with indefinite plural \d“sin\ (second aorist active subjunctive), "that they give themselves," as in strkjv@10:11; strkjv@12:6; strkjv@16:15|. {A mark} (\charagma\). Old word from \charass“\, to engrave, in strkjv@Acts:17:29| of idolatrous images, but in Rev. (Revelation:13:16,17; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@16:2; strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:4|) of the brand of the beast on the right hand or on the forehead or on both. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, pp. 240ff.) shows that in the papyri official business documents often have the name and image of the emperor, with the date as the official stamp or seal and with \charagma\ as the name of this seal. Animals and slaves were often branded with the owner's name, as Paul (Galatians:6:17|) bore the stigmata of Christ. Ptolemy Philadelphus compelled some Alexandrian Jews to receive the mark of Dionysus as his devotees (III Macc. strkjv@3:29). The servants of God receive on their foreheads the stamp of the divine seal (Revelation:7:3|). Charles is certain that John gets his metaphor from the \tephillin\ (phylacteries) which the Jew wore on his left hand and on his forehead. At any rate, this "mark of the beast" was necessary for life and all social and business relations. On the right hand, that is in plain sight. {Upon their forehead} (\epi to met“pon aut“n\). Accusative with \epi\, though genitive just before with \cheiros\ (hand). See already strkjv@7:3; strkjv@9:4| (genitive \epi t“n met“p“n\). Only in the Apocalypse in N.T.

rwp@Revelation:14:1 @{The Lamb} (\to arnion\). See strkjv@5:6; strkjv@7:17; strkjv@12:11; strkjv@13:8| and is in contrast with the anarthrous \arnion\ in strkjv@13:11|. This proleptic vision of the Lamb "standing on the mount Zion" (\hestos epi to oros Si“n\, second perfect active participle neuter of \histˆmi\ with \epi\ and accusative) is reasoning after the visions of the two beasts. Mount Zion is the site of the new city of God (Hebrews:12:22|), the Jerusalem above (Galatians:4:26|), the seat of the Messianic Kingdom whether heaven or the new earth (Revelation:21; 22|). These victors have the name of the Lamb and God upon their foreheads as in strkjv@3:12; strkjv@22:4|, in place of the mark of the beast above (13:16; strkjv@14:11|). This seal protects them (9:4|). {A hundred and forty and four thousand} (\hekaton tesserakonta tessares chiliades\). "Thousands" literally (\chilias\ feminine word for a thousand and so \echousai\ feminine plural). For the 144,000 see strkjv@7:5,8|, though some scholars seek a distinction somehow.

rwp@Revelation:14:3 @{They sing as it were a new song} (\aidousin h“s “idˆn kainˆn\). See strkjv@5:9| for this phrase (cognate accusative) save that here \h“s\ (as if) is added. There the new song was sung by the four living creatures and the elders, but here "before" (\en“pion\) them and so apparently by the throng who were themselves redeemed by the Lamb. {No man could learn the song save} (\oudeis edunato mathein tˆn “idˆn ei mˆ\). Imperfect (\edunato\) of \dunamai\ and second aorist (ingressive) active infinitive of \manthan“\. In strkjv@5:9-12| the angels join in the song. In strkjv@15:3| it is the Song of Moses and the Lamb. {Even they that had been purchased out of the earth} (\hoi ˆgorasmenoi apo tˆs gˆs\). Perfect passive articular participle of \agoraz“\, purchased by the blood of the Lamb (5:9|), masculine plural in apposition with \chiliades\ (thousands) feminine plural (7:5,8; strkjv@14:1|). \Apo\ (from) here, though \ek\ (out of) in strkjv@5:9|. The 144,000 are not yet separated from the earth (John:17:15|). Whether the 144,000 here are identical with that number in strkjv@7:4-8| or not, they must embrace both men and women.

rwp@Revelation:14:4 @{Were not defiled with women} (\meta gunaik“n ouk emolunthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \molun“\, old verb, to stain, already in strkjv@3:4|, which see. The use of this word rules out marriage, which was not considered sinful. {For they are virgins} (\parthenoi gar eisin\). \Parthenos\ can be applied to men as well as women. Swete takes this language "metaphorically, as the symbolical character of the Book suggests." Charles considers it an interpolation in the interest of celibacy for both men and women. If taken literally, the words can refer only to adultery or fornication (Beckwith). Jesus recognised abstinence only for those able to receive it (Matthew:19:12|), as did Paul (1Corinthians:7:1,8,32,36|). Marriage is approved by Paul in strkjv@1Timothy:4:3| and by strkjv@Hebrews:13:4|. The New Testament exalts marriage and this passage should not be construed as degrading it. {Whithersoever he goeth} (\hopou an hupagei\). Indefinite local clause with modal \an\ and the present active indicative of \hupag“\. The Christian life is following the Lamb of God as Jesus taught (Mark:2:14; strkjv@10:21; strkjv@Luke:9:59; strkjv@John:1:43; strkjv@21:19|, etc.) and as Peter taught (1Peter:2:21|) and John (1John:2:6|). {Were purchased from among men} (\ˆgorasthˆsan apo t“n anthr“p“n\). First aorist passive indicative of \agoraz“\, repeating the close of verse 3|. {First fruits} (\aparchˆ\). See for this word strkjv@1Corinthians:16:15; strkjv@Romans:11:16; strkjv@16:5|. This seems to mean that the 144,000 represent not the whole, but only a portion of the great harvest to come (Matthew:9:37|), not only the first installment, but those marked by high spiritual service to God and the Lamb (Romans:12:1; strkjv@Hebrews:13:15; strkjv@1Peter:2:5|).

rwp@Revelation:14:6 @{Another angel} (\allon aggelon\). A new turn in the drama comes with each angel (7:2; strkjv@8:3,13; strkjv@10:1|). Here the angel is seen "flying in mid heaven" (\petomenon en mesouranˆmati\), while in strkjv@8:13| John heard him "flying in mid heaven" (genitive case of same participle, which see). This one is in the sight and hearing of all. {Having} (\echonta\). Accusative singular agreeing with \aggelon\ like \petomenon\ (flying), but \leg“n\ in verse 7| is nominative, as if a new sentence like \leg“n\ in strkjv@4:1|. {An eternal gospel} (\euaggelion ai“nion\). The only use of \euaggelion\ in John's writings, though the verb \euaggelisai\ (first aorist active infinitive epexegetical with \echonta\ like strkjv@John:16:12|) occurs here and in strkjv@10:7|. Here it is not \to euaggelion\ (the gospel), but merely a proclamation of God's eternal (\ai“nios\ here alone in the Apocalypse, though common in the Fourth Gospel and I John) purpose. Origen even took this "eternal gospel" to be another book to be written! Note the double use of \epi\ (with accusative after \euaggelisai\ and the genitive with \gˆs\). See strkjv@5:9| for the races, etc.

rwp@Revelation:14:8 @{Another, a second angel} (\allos deuteros aggelos\). This second angel "followed" (\ˆkolouthˆsen\, first aorist active indicative of \akolouthe“\) and interpreted in part the first one. {Fallen, fallen} (\epesen, epesen\). Prophetic aorist active indicative of \pipt“\, repeated as a solemn dirge announcing the certainty of the fall. The English participle "fallen, fallen" is more musical and rhythmical than the literal rendering "fell, fell." The language is an echo of strkjv@Isaiah:21:9|, though B in the LXX has \pept“ken, pept“ken\ (perfect). {Babylon the great} (\Babul“n hˆ magalˆ\). The adjective \megalˆ\ occurs with \Babul“n\ each time in the Apocalypse (14:8; strkjv@16:19; strkjv@17:5; strkjv@18:2,10,21|) as a reminder of Nebuchadrezzar. There is no doubt that Rome is meant by Babylon, as is probably seen already in strkjv@1Peter:5:13|. As a prisoner in Patmos John can speak his mind by this symbolism. {Hath made to drink} (\pepotiken\). Perfect active indicative of \potiz“\, old causative verb (from \potos\ drinking, strkjv@1Peter:4:3|), as in strkjv@Matthew:25:35|. The remarkable phrase that follows seems based on strkjv@Jeremiah:51:8| (Jeremiah:25:15|). It is a combination also of strkjv@Revelation:14:10| (the wine of God's wrath, also in strkjv@16:19; strkjv@19:15|) and strkjv@17:2|. There is no doubt of the dissoluteness of the old Babylon of Jeremiah's day as of the Rome of John's time. Rome is pictured as the great courtesan who intoxicates and beguiles the nations to fornication (17:2,4,6|), but the cup of God's wrath for her and her paramours is full (14:10; strkjv@16:19; strkjv@18:2|).

rwp@Revelation:14:10 @{He also shall drink} (\kai autos pietai\). Future middle of \pin“\. Certainty for him as for Babylon and her paramours (16:17|). {Of the wine of the wrath of God} (\ek tou oinou tou thumou tou theou\). Note \ek\ (partitive) after \pietai\. In strkjv@16:19; strkjv@19:15| we have both \thumou\ and \orgˆs\ (wrath of the anger of God). The white heat of God's anger, held back through the ages, will be turned loose. {Prepared unmixed} (\tou kekerasmenou akratou\). A bold and powerful oxymoron, "the mixed unmixed." \Akratos\ is an old adjective (alpha privative and \kerannumi\ to mix) used of wine unmixed with water (usually so mixed), here only in N.T. Songs:it is strong wine mixed (perfect passive participle of \kerannumi\) with spices to make it still stronger (cf. strkjv@Psalms:75:9|). {In the cup of his anger} (\en t“i potˆri“i tˆs orgˆs autou\). Both \thumos\ (vehement fury) and \orgˆ\ (settled indignation). {He shall be tormented} (\basanisthˆsetai\). Future passive of \basaniz“\. See strkjv@9:5; strkjv@11:10|. {With fire and brimstone} (\en puri kai thei“i\). See strkjv@9:17| for fire and brimstone and also strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:10; strkjv@21:8|. The imagery is already in strkjv@Genesis:19:24; strkjv@Isaiah:30:33; strkjv@Ezekiel:38:22|. {In the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb} (\en“pion aggel“n hagi“n kai en“pion tou arniou\). This holy environment adds to the punishment.

rwp@Revelation:14:13 @{Write} (\Grapson\). First aorist active imperative of \graph“\ as in strkjv@1:11|. John's meditation is broken by this command. This new beatitude (\makarioi\, Blessed) for the Christian dead goes farther than Paul's words (1Thessalonians:4:14-16; strkjv@1Corinthians:15:18|). Probably "from henceforth" (\ap' arti\) goes with "those who die in the Lord," giving comfort to those facing persecution and death. {That they may rest} (\hina anapaˆsontai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second future passive of \anapau“\. {From their labours} (\ek t“n kop“n aut“n\). From the toils, the wearinesses, but not from the activities (\erga\), for these "follow with them." There is this to comfort us for all our growth here. Even if cut short, it can be utilized in heaven, which is not a place of idleness, but of the highest form of spiritual service.

rwp@Revelation:14:14 @{A white cloud} (\nephelˆ leukˆ\). Like the "bright cloud" of strkjv@Matthew:17:5| (Transfiguration), a familiar object in the Mediterranean lands. See strkjv@Daniel:7:13; strkjv@Matthew:24:30; strkjv@26:64; strkjv@Acts:1:9,11| for the picture of Christ's return. {I saw one sitting} (\kathˆmenon\). No \eidon\ here, but the accusative follows the \eidon\ at the beginning, as \nephelˆ\ is nominative after \idou\, as in strkjv@4:1,4|. {Like unto a son of man} (\homoion huion anthr“pou\). Accusative here after \homoion\ as in strkjv@1:13|, instead of the usual associative instrumental (13:4|). {Having} (\ech“n\). Nominative again after the \idou\ construction, just before, not after, \eidon\. {A golden crown} (\stephanon chrusoun\). Here a golden wreath, not the diadems of strkjv@19:12|. {A sharp sickle} (\drepanon oxu\). Old form \drepanˆ\ (from \drep“\, to pluck), pruning-hook, in N.T. only in this chapter and strkjv@Mark:4:29|. Christ is come for reaping this time (Hebrews:9:28|) for the harvesting of earth (verses 15-17|). The priesthood of Christ is the chief idea in strkjv@1:12-20| and "as the true _Imperator_" (Swete) in chapter strkjv@Revelation:19|.

rwp@Revelation:14:18 @{Another angel} (\allos aggelos\). The fifth angel above Swete terms "the Angel of vengeance." He responds to the call of the sixth angel here as Christ does to the call of the fourth angel in verse 15|. {Out from the altar} (\ek tou thusiastˆriou\). From the altar of incense where he is in charge of the fire (\exousian epi tou puros\). If it is the altar of burnt offering (6:9; strkjv@11:1|), we are reminded of the blood of the martyrs (Swete), but if the altar of incense (8:3,5; strkjv@9:13; strkjv@16:7|), then of the prayers of the saints. {The sharp sickle} (\to drepanon to oxu\). Useful for vintage as for harvesting. Songs:"send forth" (\pempson\) as in verse 15|. {Gather} (\trugˆson\). First aorist active imperative of \truga“\, old verb (from \trugˆ\ dryness, ripeness), in N.T. only strkjv@Revelation:15:18f.| and strkjv@Luke:6:44|. {The clusters} (\tous botruas\). Old word \botrus\, here only in N.T. (Genesis:40:10|). {Her grapes} (\hai staphulai autˆs\). Old word again for grapes, bunch of grapes, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:7:16; strkjv@Luke:6:44|. {Are fully ripe} (\ˆkmasan\). Old and common verb (from \akmˆ\, strkjv@Matthew:15:16|), to come to maturity, to reach its acme, here only in N.T.

rwp@Revelation:14:19 @{Cast} (\ebalen\). As in verse 16|. {Gathered} (\etrugˆsen\). Like \etheristhˆ\ in verse 16|, in obedience to the instructions in verse 18| (\trugˆson\). {The vintage of the earth} (\tˆn ampelon tˆs gˆs\). "The vine of the earth." Here \ampelos\ is used for the enemies of Christ collectively pictured. {And cast it} (\ebalen\). Repeating \ebalen\ and referring to \ampelon\ (vintage) just before. {Into the winepress the great winepress} (\eis tˆn lˆnon ton megan\). \Lˆnos\ is either feminine as in verse 20; strkjv@19:15|, or masculine sometimes in ancient Greek. Here we have both genders, a solecism frequent in the Apocalypse (21:14| \to teichos ech“n\). See strkjv@Matthew:21:33|. For this metaphor of God s wrath see strkjv@14:10; strkjv@15:1,7; strkjv@16:1,19; strkjv@19:15|.

rwp@Revelation:14:20 @{Was trodden} (\epatˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \pate“\, to tread. The image of treading out the grapes is a familiar one in the East. Perhaps strkjv@Isaiah:63:3| is in mind. {Without the city} (\ex“then tˆs pole“s\). Ablative case with \ex“then\ (like \ex“\). This was the usual place (Hebrews:13:12|). See \ex“then\ in strkjv@11:2|. Joel (Joel:3:12|) pictures the valley of Jehoshaphat as the place of the slaughter of God's enemies. Cf. strkjv@Zechariah:14:4|. {Blood from the winepress} (\haima ek tˆs lˆnou\). Bold imagery suggested by the colour of the grapes. {Unto the bridles} (\achri t“n chalin“n\). Old word (from \chala“\ to slacken), in N.T. only here and strkjv@James:3:3|. Bold picture. {As far as a thousand and six hundred furlongs} (\apo stadi“n chili“n hexakosi“n\). A peculiar use of \apo\, for "distance from (of)" as also in strkjv@John:11:18; strkjv@21:8|, somewhat like the use of \pro\ in strkjv@John:12:1|. The distance itself covers the length of Palestine, but it is more likely that "the metaphor is worked out with the exuberance of apocalyptic symbolism" (Swete) for the whole earth.

rwp@Revelation:15:1 @{Another sign in heaven} (\allo sˆmeion en t“i ouran“i\). Looking back to strkjv@12:1,3|, after the series intervening. The Seven Bowls are parallel with the Seven Seals (ch. strkjv@Revelation:6|) and the Seven Trumpets (chapters strkjv@Revelation:8-11|), but there is an even closer connection with chapters strkjv@Revelation:12-14|, "the drama of the long conflict between the church and the world" (Swete). {Great and marvellous} (\mega kai thaumaston\). \Thaumastos\ is an old verbal adjective (from \thaumaz“\, to wonder) and is already in strkjv@Matthew:21:42|. The wonder extends to the end of this vision or sign (16:21|). {Seven angels} (\aggelous hepta\). Accusative case in apposition with \sˆmeion\ after \eidon\. Cf. strkjv@8:2|. {Which are the last} (\tas eschatas\). "Seven plagues the last." As in strkjv@21:9|, "the final cycle of such visitations" (Swete). {Is finished} (\etelesthˆ\). Proleptic prophetic first aorist passive indicative of \tele“\ as in strkjv@10:7|. The number seven seems particularly appropriate here for finality and completeness.

rwp@Revelation:15:2 @{As it were a glassy sea} (\h“s thalassan hualinˆn\). Accusative case after \eidon\ and \h“s\ here, not in strkjv@4:6|, which see for the symbol. {Mingled with fire} (\memigmenˆn puri\). Perfect passive participle of \mignumi\, to mix, and the associative instrumental case \puri\. This item not in strkjv@4:6| (a vision of peace), but here it adds to the splendour of the vision. This parenthesis (2-4|) gives a picture of the martyrs in their state of bliss. {Them that come off victorious} (\tous nik“ntas\). Present active articular participle of \nika“\, accusative after \eidon\, "those that come off victorious" (14:4|). {From the beast and from his image} (\ek tou thˆriou kai ek tˆs eikonos autou\). This use of \ek\ after \nika“\ is unusual, also with \ek tou arithmou\. For these items see strkjv@13:1,14,17; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:4|. {By the glassy sea} (\epi tˆn thalassan tˆn hualinˆn\). Or "upon" more likely (4:6|) with the accusative as in strkjv@Matthew:14:25ff|. {Harps of God} (\kitharas tou theou\). Objective genitive, for the worship of God (5:8; strkjv@14:2; strkjv@1Chronicles:16:42|).

rwp@Revelation:15:4 @{Who shall not fear?} (\tis ou mˆ phobˆthˆi;\). Rhetorical question with \ou mˆ\ (double negative) and first aorist passive subjunctive of \phobeomai\ future passive in strkjv@Jeremiah:10:7|). {And glorify} (\kai doxasei\). Change here to the future indicative instead of the aorist subjunctive, as often. Cf. strkjv@Psalms:86:9|. {Thou only art holy} (\monos hosios\). Both predicate adjectives, "Thou art alone holy." God alone is perfectly holy (16:5|). {Shall come} (\hˆxousin\). Future active of \hˆk“\. {And worship} (\kai proskunˆsousin\). Future active of \proskune“\. Both from strkjv@Psalms:86:9|. {Have been made manifest} (\ephaner“thˆsan\). Prophetic first aorist passive indicative of \phanero“\. This martyr's song has the ring of great poetry.

rwp@Revelation:15:5 @{The temple of the tabernacle of the testimony} (\ho naos tˆs skˆnˆs tou marturiou\). Charles calls this "strange" language. Probably the tabernacle or tent of witness (Numbers:9:15; strkjv@17:7|) is in mind and the tent of meeting (Exodus:27:21| rather than the temple in Jerusalem. {Was opened} (\ˆnoigˆ\). Second aorist passive indicative of \anoig“\ as in strkjv@11:19|. For \naos\ see strkjv@3:12; strkjv@7:15; strkjv@14:15,17; strkjv@16:1,17|.

rwp@Revelation:15:6 @{There came out} (\exˆlthan\). Second aorist active indicative of \exerchomai\ with \-an\ rather than \-on\. Proleptic and prophetic aorist. {The seven angels} (\hoi hepta aggeloi\). Those in verse 1|. {The seven plagues} (\tas hepta plˆgas\). The bowls are not given them till verse 7|. {Arrayed} (\endedumenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \endu“\. {With precious stone pure and bright} (\lithon katharon lampron\). Accusative case retained with verb of clothing as so often, literally "with a stone pure bright." For both adjectives together see strkjv@19:8,14|. Some MSS. read \linon\ (linen). For \lithon\ see strkjv@17:4; strkjv@18:16; strkjv@Ezekiel:28:13|. {Girt} (\periez“smenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \periz“nnu“\. See strkjv@1:13| for both participles. For \stˆthos\ (breast) see strkjv@Luke:18:13|. {With golden girdles} (\z“nas chrusƒs\). Accusative case after the perfect passive participle \periez“smenoi\ as in strkjv@1:13|.

rwp@Revelation:16:1 @{A great voice} (\megalˆs ph“nˆs\). Not an angel as in strkjv@5:2; strkjv@7:2; strkjv@10:3; strkjv@14:7,9,15,18|, but of God as strkjv@15:8| shows, since no one could enter the \naos\. {Pour out} (\ekcheete\). Second aorist active imperative of \ekche“\ (same form as present active imperative). Blass would change to \ekcheate\ (clearly aorist) as in verse 6|. {The seven bowls} (\tas hepta phialas\). The article points to verse 7|.

rwp@Revelation:16:2 @{Went and poured out} (\apˆlthen kai execheen\). Second aorist active indicative of \aperchomai\ (redundant use like \hupagete\ with \ekcheete\, "go and pour out," in verse 1|) and of \ekche“\. Each angel "went off" to perform his task. For \execheen\ see it repeated in verses 3,4,8,10,12,17|. {Into the earth} (\eis tˆn gˆn\). This same use of \eis\ after \execheen\ in verses 3,4|. {It became} (\egeneto\). "There came" (second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\). {A noisome and grievous sore} (\helkos kakon kai ponˆron\). "Bad and malignant sore." \Helkos\ is old word for a suppurated wound (Latin _ulcus_), here, verse 11; strkjv@Luke:16:21|. See the sixth Egyptian plague (Exodus:9:10; strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:27,35|) and strkjv@Job:2:7|. The magicians were attacked in Egypt and the worshippers of Caesar here (13:17; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@19:20|).

rwp@Revelation:16:3 @{Into the sea} (\eis tˆn thalassan\). Like the first Egyptian plague (Exodus:7:12-41|) though only the Nile affected then. {Blood as of a dead man} (\haima h“s nekrou\). At the trumpet (8:11|) the water becomes wormwood. Here \h“s nekrou\ is added to strkjv@Exodus:7:19|, "the picture of a murdered man weltering in his blood" (Swete). "Coagulated blood, fatal to animal life" (Moffatt). {Every living soul} (\pƒsa psuchˆ z“ˆs\). "Every soul of life" (Hebraism, strkjv@Genesis:1:21|, marked by life). {Even the things that were in the sea} (\ta en tˆi thalassˆi\). "The things in the sea," in apposition with \psuchˆ\. Complete destruction, not partial as in strkjv@8:9|.

rwp@Revelation:16:5 @{The angel of the waters} (\tou aggelou ton hudat“n\). Genitive case object of \ˆkousa\. See strkjv@7:1| for the four angels in control of the winds and strkjv@14:18| for the angel with power over fire. The rabbis spoke also of an angel with power over the earth and another over the sea. {Which art and which wast} (\ho “n kai ho ˆn\). See this peculiar idiom for God's eternity with \ho\ as relative before \ˆn\ in strkjv@1:4,8; strkjv@4:8|, but without \ho erchomenos\ (the coming on, the one who is to be) there for the future as in strkjv@11:17|. {Thou Holy One} (\ho hosios\). Nominative form, but vocative case, as often. Note both \dikaios\ and \hosios\ applied to God as in strkjv@3:1; strkjv@15:3f|. {Because thou didst thus judge} (\hoti tauta ekrinas\). Reason for calling God \dikaios\ and \hosios\. The punishment on the waters is deserved. First aorist active indicative of \krin“\, to judge.

rwp@Revelation:16:7 @{O Lord God, the Almighty} (\Kurie ho theos ho pantokrat“r\). Just as in strkjv@15:3| in the Song of Moses and of the Lamb, vocative with the article \ho\. "Judgments" (\kriseis\) here instead of "ways" (\hodoi\) there, and with the order of the adjectives reversed (\alˆthinai kai dikaiai\, true and righteous).

rwp@Revelation:16:9 @{Were scorched} (\ekaumatisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of same verb. {With great heat} (\kauma mega\). Cognate accusative retained with the passive verb. Old word (from \kai“\ to burn), in N.T. only strkjv@7:16| and here. For blaspheming the name of God see strkjv@13:6; strkjv@James:2:7; strkjv@Romans:2:24; strkjv@1Timothy:6:1|. They blamed God for the plagues. {They repented not} (\ou metenoˆsan\). This solemn negative aorist of \metanoe“\ is a refrain like a funeral dirge (9:20f.; strkjv@16:11|). In strkjv@11:13| some did repent because of the earthquake. Even deserved punishment may harden the heart. {To give him glory} (\dounai aut“i doxan\). Second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\, almost result. For the phrase see strkjv@11:13; strkjv@14:7; strkjv@19:7|.

rwp@Revelation:16:12 @{Upon the great river, the river Euphrates} (\epi ton potamon ton megan ton Euphratˆn\). The sixth trumpet brings up the river Euphrates also (9:14|), only there \epi\ with the locative, while here \epi\ with the accusative. Note triple use of the article \ton\ here. {Was dried up} (\exˆranthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive of \xˆrain“\ (14:15|). Cf. strkjv@Zechariah:10:11|. {That may be made ready} (\hina hetoimasthˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive of \hetoimaz“\. Common verb in Rev. (8:6; strkjv@9:7,15; strkjv@12:6; strkjv@19:7; strkjv@21:2|). {The way for the kings} (\hˆ hodos t“n basile“n\). Objective genitive \basile“n\. {That come from the sunrising} (\t“n apo anatolˆs heliou\). "Those from the rising of the sun," the kings from the east (cf. strkjv@Matthew:2:2|) in their march against Rome. Parthia in particular resisted Rome before Trajan's day.

rwp@Revelation:16:13 @{Coming out of} (\ek\ alone, no participle \erchomena\). {Of the dragon} (\tou drakontos\). That is Satan (12:3,9|). {Of the beast} (\tou thˆriou\). The first beast (13:1,12|) and then just the beast (13:14ff.; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@15:2; strkjv@16:2,10|), the brute force of the World-power represented by the Roman Empire" (Swete). {Of the false prophet} (\tou pseudoprophˆtou\). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:7:15; strkjv@Acts:13:6; strkjv@1John:2:22; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@2John:1:7|. Identified with the second beast (13:11-14|) in strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:10|. Songs:the sixth bowl introduces the dragon and his two subalterns of chapters strkjv@Revelation:12; 13| (the two beasts). {Three unclean spirits} (\pneumata tria akatharta\). Out of the mouths of each of the three evil powers (the dragon and the two beasts) comes an evil spirit. See the use of mouth in strkjv@1:16| (9:17f.; strkjv@11:5; strkjv@12:15; strkjv@19:15,21|) as a chief seat of influence. In strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8| we have "the breath of his mouth" (the other sense of \pneuma\). For \akatharton\ (unclean) with \pneuma\ see strkjv@Mark:1:23f.; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@5:2ff.; strkjv@Acts:5:16; strkjv@8:7|. Christ expelled unclean spirits, but His enemies send them forth" (Swete). See strkjv@Zechariah:13:2| "the false prophets and the unclean spirits." {As it were frogs} (\h“s batrachoi\). Cf. strkjv@Exodus:8:5; strkjv@Leviticus:11:10ff|. Old word, here alone in N.T. Like loathsome frogs in form.

rwp@Revelation:16:14 @{Spirits of devils} (\pneumata daimoni“n\). "Spirits of demons." Explanation of the simile \h“s batrachoi\. See strkjv@1Timothy:4:1| about "deceiving spirits and teachings of demons." {Working signs} (\poiounta sˆmeia\). "Doing signs" (present active participle of \poie“\). The Egyptian magicians wrought "signs" (tricks), as did Simon Magus and later Apollonius of Tyana. Houdini claimed that he could reproduce every trick of the spiritualistic mediums. {Which go forth} (\ha ekporeuetai\). Singular verb with neuter plural (collective) subject. {Unto the kings} (\epi tous basileis\). The three evil spirits (dragon and the two beasts) spur on the kings of the whole world to a real world war. "There have been times when nations have been seized by a passion for war which the historian can but imperfectly explain" (Swete). {To gather them together} (\sunagagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \sunag“\, to express purpose (that of the unclean spirits). {Unto the war of the great day of God, the Almighty} (\eis ton polemon tˆs hˆmeras tˆs megalˆs tou theou tou pantokratoros\). Some take this to be war between nations, like strkjv@Mark:13:8|, but it is more likely war against God (Psalms:2:2|) and probably the battle pictured in strkjv@17:14; strkjv@19:19|. Cf. strkjv@2Peter:3:12|, "the day of God," his reckoning with the nations. See strkjv@Joel:2:11; strkjv@3:4|. Paul uses "that day" for the day of the Lord Jesus (the Parousia) as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:2; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:10; strkjv@2:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14; strkjv@Phillipians:1:6; strkjv@2:16; strkjv@2Timothy:1:12,18; strkjv@4:8|.

rwp@Revelation:16:17 @{Upon the air} (\epi ton aera\). All men breathe the air and this is worse than the smiting of the earth (verse 2|), the sea (3|), the fresh waters (4|), the sun (8|). {A great voice} (\ph“nˆ megalˆ\). The voice of God as in strkjv@16:1|. {It is done} (\Gegonen\). Perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. Like \Gegonan\ in strkjv@21:6|. The whole series of plagues is now complete.

rwp@Revelation:16:18 @{And there were} (\kai egenonto\). "And there came" (same verb _ginomai_). See strkjv@8:5; strkjv@11:19| for this list of terrible sounds and lightnings, and for the great earthquake (\seismos megas\) see strkjv@6:12; strkjv@11:13| (cf. strkjv@Luke:21:11|). {Such as was not} (\hoios ouk egeneto\). Qualitative relative with \ginomai\ again, "such as came not." {Since there were men} (\aph' hou anthr“poi egenonto\). "Since which time (\chronou\ understood) men came." {Songs:great an earthquake, so mighty} (\tˆlikoutos seismos hout“ megas\). Quantitative correlative \tˆlikoutos\ rather than the qualitative \toioutos\, to correspond with \hoios\ (not \hosos\). And then \hout“ megas\ repeats (redundant) \tˆlikoutos\. Cf. strkjv@Mark:13:19| for \hoia--toiautˆ\ about like tribulation (\thlipsis\).

rwp@Revelation:16:19 @{Was divided into three parts} (\egeneto eis tria merˆ\). "Came into three parts" (\ginomai\ again). In strkjv@11:3| a tenth part of the city fell. Babylon (Rome) is meant (17:18|). {Fell} (\epesan\). Second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ (\-an\ form in place of \-on\). {Was remembered} (\emnˆsthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive indicative of \mimnˆsk“\. Babylon (Rome) had not been overlooked. God was simply biding his time with Rome. {To give unto her} (\dounai autˆi\). Second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\, epexegetic use as in strkjv@11:18; strkjv@16:9|. {The cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath} (\to potˆrion tou oinou tou thumou tˆs orgˆs autou\). "The cup of the wine of the wrath of his anger," using both \thumos\ (boiling rage) and \orgˆ\ (settled anger). See both in strkjv@Jeremiah:30:24|.

rwp@Revelation:16:20 @{Fled} (\ephugen\). Second aorist active indicative of \pheug“\. Islands sometimes sink in the sea in earthquakes (6:14|). {Were not found} (\ouch heurethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. See strkjv@20:11| for the same idea.

rwp@Revelation:17:1 @{I will show thee} (\deix“ soi\). Future active of \deiknumi\. It is fitting that one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls should explain the judgment on Babylon (16:19|) already pronounced (14:8|). That is now done in chapters strkjv@Revelation:17; 18|. {The judgment of the great harlot} (\to krima tˆs pornˆs tˆs megalˆs\). The word \krima\ is the one used about the doom of Babylon in strkjv@Jeremiah:51:9|. Already in strkjv@14:8| Babylon is called the harlot. \Pornˆs\ is the objective genitive, "the judgment on the great harlot." {That sitteth upon many waters} (\tˆs kathˆmenˆs epi hudat“n poll“n\). Note triple use of the article \tˆs\. In strkjv@Jeremiah:51:13| we have \eph' hudasi pollois\ (locative in place of genitive as here). Babylon got its wealth by means of the Euphrates and the numerous canals for irrigation. Rome does not have such a system of canals, but this item is taken and applied to the New Babylon in strkjv@17:15|. Nahum (Nahum:3:4|) calls Nineveh a harlot, as Isaiah (Isaiah:23:16f.|) does Tyre.

rwp@Revelation:17:2 @{The kings of the earth} (\hoi basileis tˆs gˆs\). Repeated in strkjv@1:5; strkjv@6:15; strkjv@17:18; strkjv@18:3,9; strkjv@19:19; strkjv@21:24| and "the kings of the inhabited earth" (16:14|) either for human rulers in general or the vassal kings absorbed by the Roman Empire. {Committed fornication} (\eporneusan\). First aorist active indicative of \porneu“\. "In purchasing the favour of Rome by accepting her suzerainty and with it her vices and idolatries" (Swete). {Were made drunken} (\emethusthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \methusk“\, old verb (from \methu\), as in strkjv@Luke:12:45|, here only in the Apocalypse. Cf. strkjv@Isaiah:51:7| and \pepotiken\ in strkjv@Revelation:14:8|. See strkjv@18:3|.

rwp@Revelation:17:3 @{He carried me away} (\apˆnegken me\). Second aorist active indicative of \apopher“\, to bear away, prophetic aorist. This verb is used of angels at death (Luke:16:22|) or in an ecstasy (Revelation:21:10| and here). {In the Spirit} (\en pneumati\). Probably his own spirit, though the Holy Spirit is possible (1:10; strkjv@4:2; strkjv@21:10|), without Paul's uncertainty (2Corinthians:12:2|). Cf. strkjv@Ezekiel:3:14f.; strkjv@8:3; strkjv@11:24|. {Into a wilderness} (\eis erˆmon\). In strkjv@Isaiah:21:1| there is \to horama tˆs erˆmou\ (the vision of the deserted one, Babylon), and in strkjv@Isaiah:14:23| Babylon is called \erˆmon\. John may here picture this to be the fate of Rome or it may be that he himself, in the wilderness (desert) this side of Babylon, sees her fate. In strkjv@21:10| he sees the New Jerusalem from a high mountain. {Sitting} (\kathˆmenˆn\). Present middle participle of \kathˆmai\ as in verse 1|. "To manage and guide the beast" (Vincent). {Upon a scarlet-coloured beast} (\epi thˆrion kokkinon\). Accusative with \epi\ here, though genitive in verse 1|. Late adjective (from \kokkos\, a parasite of the _ilex coccifera_), a crimson tint for splendour, in strkjv@Revelation:17:3,4; strkjv@18:12,16; strkjv@Matthew:27:28; strkjv@Hebrews:9:19|. {Full of names of blasphemy} (\gemonta onomata blasphˆmias\). See strkjv@13:1| for "names of blasphemy" on the seven heads of the beast, but here they cover the whole body of the beast (the first beast of strkjv@13:1; strkjv@19:20|). The harlot city (Rome) sits astride this beast with seven heads and ten horns (Roman world power). The beast is here personified with masculine participles instead of neuter, like \thˆrion\ (\gemonta\ accusative singular, \ech“n\ nominative singular, though some MSS. read \echonta\), construction according to sense in both instances. The verb \gem“\ always has the genitive after it in the Apocalypse (4:6,8; strkjv@5:8; strkjv@15:7; strkjv@17:4; strkjv@21:9|) save here and apparently once in strkjv@17:4|.

rwp@Revelation:17:4 @{Was arrayed} (\ˆn peribeblˆmenˆ\). Periphrastic past perfect indicative of \periball“\, to fling round one. {In purple and scarlet} (\porphuroun kai kokkinon\). Accusative retained after this passive verb of clothing, as so often. \Porphurous\ is old adjective for purple (from \porphura\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@John:19:2,5|. See preceding verse for \kokkinos\. {Decked} (\kechrus“menˆ\). Perfect passive participle of \chruso“\, old verb, to gild, to adorn with gold, here alone in N.T. {With gold and precious stone and pearls} (\chrusi“i kai lith“i timi“i kai margaritais\). Instrumental case. \Chrusi“i\ is cognate with the participle. \Lith“i timi“i\ is collective (18:12,16; strkjv@21:19|). There is a \zeugma\ also with \margaritais\ (18:12,16; strkjv@21:21|), for which word see strkjv@Matthew:7:6|. Probably John is thinking of the finery of the temple prostitutes in Asia Minor. {Full of abominations} (\gemon bdelugmat“n\). Agreeing with \potˆrion\, "cup" (neuter singular accusative). Some MSS. read \gem“n\ (nominative masculine like \ech“n\ in verse 3|, quite irregular). For \bdelugmat“n\ (genitive after \gemon\) see strkjv@Matthew:24:15|; (Mark:13:14|), common in the LXX for idol worship and its defilements (from \bdeluss“\, to render foul), both ceremonial and moral. See strkjv@Jeremiah:15:7|. {Even the unclean things of her fornication} (\kai ta akatharta tˆs porneias autˆs\). Either the accusative after \gemon\ as in verse 3| (and full of the unclean things of her fornication) or the object of \echousa\, like \potˆrion\.

rwp@Revelation:17:5 @{Upon her forehead a name written} (\epi to met“pon autˆs onoma gegrammenon\). Roman harlots wore a label with their names on their brows (Seneca, _Rhet_. I. 2. 7; Juvenal VI. 122f.), and so here. In strkjv@19:16| Christ has a name on his garments and on his thigh, while in strkjv@14:1; strkjv@22:4| the redeemed have the name of God on their foreheads. There is undoubtedly a contrast between this woman here and the woman in chapter strkjv@Revelation:12|. {Mystery} (\mustˆrion\). Either in apposition with \onoma\ or as part of the inscription on her forehead. In either case the meaning is the same, that the name Babylon is to be interpreted mystically or spiritually (cf. \pneumatik“s\ strkjv@11:8|) for Rome. {The Mother of the Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth} (\Hˆ Mˆtˆr t“n Porn“n kai t“n Bdelugmat“n tˆs Gˆs\). The Metropolis of the Empire is the mother of harlotry and of the world's idolatries. Charles quotes Tacitus (_Ann_. XV. 44) about Rome as the city "quo cuncta undique atrocia aut pudenda confluunt celebranturque_."

rwp@Revelation:17:6 @{Drunken with the blood of the saints} (\methuousan ek tou haimatos t“n hagi“n\). Present active feminine accusative singular participle of \methu“\, old verb, to be drunk (Matthew:24:49|). {Of the martyrs of Jesus} (\t“n martur“n Iˆsou\). "Witnesses" (2:13|) for Jesus (objective genitive) unto blood (16:6; strkjv@18:24|) and so martyrs in the modern sense of the word. "Drunk with blood" is a common idea with the ancients (Euripides, Josephus, Philo, Cicero, Pliny). {With a great wonder} (\thauma mega\). Cognate accusative with \ethaumasa\.

rwp@Revelation:17:8 @{Was and is not} (\ˆn kai ouk estin\). Imperfect and present of \eimi\, an apparent antithesis to \ho ˆn kai ho “n\ of strkjv@1:4|. This is a picture of the beast of strkjv@13:1ff.| which the woman is riding, but no longer just the empire, but one of the emperors who died (\ouk estin\, is not). {And is about to come up out of the abyss} (\kai mellei anabainein ek tˆs abussou\). That is, he is going to come to life again. {And to go into perdition} (\kai eis ap“leian hupagei\). Songs:(and he goes into perdition) the best MSS. read rather than the infinitive \hupagein\. Most interpreters see here an allusion to the "Nero _redivivus_" expectancy realized in Domitian, who was ruling when John wrote and who was called Nero _redivivus_. {Shall wonder} (\thaumasthˆsontai\). First future passive (deponent) of \thaumaz“\, with which compare \ethaumasthˆ\ in strkjv@13:3|. John had wondered (\ethaumasa\) in verse 6| "with the amazement of a horrible surprise; the world will wonder and admire" (Swete). {Whose name} (\h“n onoma\). Singular \onoma\, like \pt“ma\ in strkjv@11:8|. See strkjv@13:8| for the same description of those who worship the beast and for discussion of details. {When they behold} (\blepont“n\). Genitive plural of the present active participle of \blep“\, agreeing with \h“n\ (genitive relative) rather than with \hoi katoikountes\ (nominative just before \h“n\). {How that} (\hoti\). "Namely that." {He was, and is not, and shall come} (\ˆn kai ouk estin kai parestai\). Repetition of what is in verse 7| with \parestai\ (future of \pareimi\, from which \parousia\ comes) in place of \mellei\, "parody of the divine name" (Charles) in strkjv@1:4,8; strkjv@4:8|, "as the hellish antitype of Christ." The Neronic Antichrist has also a \parousia\.

rwp@Revelation:17:10 @{Seven kings} (\basileis hepta\). This is another change in the symbolism. The identification of these seven kings is one of the puzzles of the book. {The five are fallen} (\hoi pente epesan\). Second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ with the \-an\ ending. Common for the downfall of kings (Ezekiel:29:5; strkjv@30:6; strkjv@Isaiah:21:9|, etc.). See strkjv@2Samuel:3:38|. {The one is} (\ho heis estin\). The one when this vision is dated. {The other is not yet come} (\ho allos oup“ ˆlthen\). Prophetic second aorist active of \erchomai\. Charles takes this as the date of this "source" or part of the Apocalypse. But John could himself have used this language in the time of Domitian even if he was the one who had not yet come. The difficulty about counting these emperors is that Galba, Otho, Vitellius reigned so briefly that they hardly merit being included. {When he cometh} (\hotan elthˆi\). Indefinite temporal clause for the future, with \hotan\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\, "whenever he comes." {He must continue a little while} (\oligon auton dei meinai\). Swete takes this to be Titus, who died September 13, 81, after a short reign.

rwp@Revelation:17:16 @{These shall hate the harlot} (\houtoi misˆsousin tˆn pornˆn\). Future active of \mise“\. \Houtoi\ is resumptive demonstrative pronoun (masculine) referring to the ten horns and the beast (neuter); construction according to sense. The downfall of Rome will come from the sudden change in subject peoples. {Shall make her desolate and naked} (\ˆrˆm“menˆn poiˆsousin autˆn kai gumnˆn\). Future active of \poie“\ and perfect passive predicate accusative participle of \erˆmo“\, old verb (from \erˆmos\ desolate), again in strkjv@18:16,19|. \Gumnˆn\ (naked) is predicate adjective. {Shall eat her flesh} (\tas sarkas autˆs phagontai\). Future middle of the defective verb \esthi“\, to eat. Note plural \sarkas\, portions of flesh (James:5:3|) as in strkjv@Psalms:27:2; strkjv@Micah:3:3|. {Shall burn her utterly with fire} (\autˆn katakausousin en puri\). Future active of \katakai“\, to burn down (perfective use of \kai“\). John wrote before the days of Alaric, Genseric, Ricimer, Totila, with their hordes which devastated Rome and the west in the fifth and sixth centuries. "No reader of the _Decline and Fall_ can be at a loss for materials which will at once illustrate and justify the general trend of St. John's prophecy" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:17:18 @{The woman} (\hˆ gunˆ\). She is now explained after the beast has been interpreted. Verse 9| made it plain enough, but this verse demonstrates that the woman is the city of Rome "which reigneth (\hˆ echousa basileian\, the one having a kingdom) over the kings of the earth (\epi t“n basile“n tˆs gˆs\)." Rome followed Babylon, and other cities may follow in their train.

rwp@Revelation:18:1 @{Coming down out of heaven} (\katabainonta ek tou ouranou\). Present active predicate participle. Not the angel of strkjv@17:1,7,15| (John's guide), but one announcing the doom of Babylon (Rome). As in strkjv@10:1; strkjv@20:1|. {Was lightened} (\eph“tisthˆ\). First aorist passive of \ph“tiz“\, old causative verb (from \ph“s\, light), common in N.T. as in strkjv@Revelation:18:1; strkjv@21:23; strkjv@22:5|. {With his glory} (\ek tˆs doxˆs autou\). "By reason of (\ek\ as in strkjv@8:13; strkjv@16:10|) his glory." "Songs:recently has he come from the Presence that in passing he flings a broad belt of light across the dark earth" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:18:2 @{Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great} (\epesen, epesen Babul“n hˆ megalˆ\). The very words of strkjv@14:8|: "Did fall, did fall Babylon the great." Prophetic aorists of \pipt“\ repeated like a solemn dirge of the damned. {Is become} (\egeneto\). Prophetic aorist middle. {A habitation of devils} (\katoikˆtˆrion\). Late word (from \katoike“\, to dwell), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:2:22|. Devils should be demons, of course. Songs:Isaiah prophesied of Babylon (Isaiah:12:21f.|) and also Jeremiah (Jeremiah:50:39|) and Zephaniah of Nineveh (Zephaniah:2:14|). Both Babylon and Nineveh are ruins. {A hold of every unclean spirit} (\phulakˆ pantos pneumatos akathartou\). \Phulakˆ\ is garrison or watch-tower as in strkjv@Habbakkuk:2:1|, rather than a prison (20:7|). {A hold of every unclean and hateful bird} (\phulakˆ pantos orneou akathartou kai memisˆmenou\). \Orneou\ is old word for bird, in N.T. only strkjv@Revelation:18:2; strkjv@19:17,21|. "The evil spirits, watching over fallen Rome like night-birds or harpies that wait for their prey, build their eyries in the broken towers which rise from the ashes of the city" (Swete). Long ago true of Babylon and Nineveh, some day to be true of Rome.

rwp@Revelation:18:3 @{By} (\ek\). "As a result of." Some MSS. omit "of the wine" (\tou oinou\). Cf. strkjv@14:10; strkjv@16:10|. {Have fallen} (\pept“kan\). Perfect active third personal of \pipt“\ for usual \pept“kasi\. Some MSS. read \pep“kan\ (have drunk), from \pin“\ like the metaphor in strkjv@14:8,10; strkjv@16:19; strkjv@17:2|. See strkjv@17:2| for the same charge about the kings of the earth. {The merchants of the earth} (\hoi emporoi tˆs gˆs\). Old word for one on a journey for trade (from \en, poros\), like drummers, in N.T. only strkjv@Matthew:13:45; strkjv@Revelation:18:3,11,15,23|. Like \emporion\ (John:2:16|) and \emporeuomai\ (James:4:13|). {Waxed rich} (\eploutˆsan\). First ingressive aorist active indicative of \ploute“\, to be rich (cf. strkjv@3:17|). Here alone in the N.T. do we catch a glimpse of the vast traffic between east and west that made Rome rich. {Of her wantonness} (\tou strˆnous autˆs\). Late word for arrogance, luxury, here alone in N.T. See \strˆnia“\ in verses 7,9|, to live wantonly.

rwp@Revelation:18:4 @{Come forth, my people, out of her} (\exelthate, ho laos mou, ex autˆs\). Second aorist (urgency) active imperative (\-a\ form) of \exerchomai\. Like strkjv@Isaiah:48:20; strkjv@52:11; strkjv@Jeremiah:50:8; strkjv@51:6|, (about Babylon). See also the call of Abram (Genesis:12:1|). the rescue of Lot (Genesis:19:12ff.|). In the N.T. see strkjv@Mark:13:4; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:14; strkjv@Ephesians:5:11; strkjv@1Timothy:5:11|. \Hosea:laos\ is vocative with the form of the nominative. {That ye have no fellowship with her sins} (\hina mˆ sunkoin“nˆsˆte tais hamartais autˆs\). Purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \sunkoin“ne“\, old compound (\sun\, together, \koin“nos\, partner), in N.T. only here, strkjv@Phillipians:4:14; strkjv@Ephesians:5:11|. With associative instrumental case \hamartiais\. {And that ye receive not of her plagues} (\kai ek t“n plˆg“n autˆs hina mˆ labˆte\). Another purpose clause dependent on the preceding, with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \lamban“\, and with proleptic emphatic position of \ek t“n plˆg“n autˆs\ before \hina mˆ\.

rwp@Revelation:18:6 @{Render as she rendered} (\apodote h“s aped“ken\). Second aorist (effective) active imperative and first aorist (effective) active of \apodid“mi\, old and common verb for requital, to give back, the _lex talionis_ which is in the O.T. (Jeremiah:50:15,29; strkjv@51:24,56; strkjv@Psalms:137:8|), and in the N.T. also (Matthew:7:2|). Here the reference is to persecutions by Rome, particularly the martyrdom of the saints (18:24; strkjv@19:2|). {Double the double} (\dipl“sate ta dipla\). First aorist imperative of \diplo“\, old verb (from \diploos\, double, strkjv@Matthew:23:15|), here only in N.T. \Diplƒ\ is simply the neuter plural accusative (cognate) contract form for \diploa\ (not \dipl“\). Requite here in double measure, a full requital (Exodus:22:4,7,9; strkjv@Isaiah:40:2; strkjv@Jeremiah:16:18; strkjv@17:18; strkjv@Zechariah:9:12|). The double recompense was according to the Levitical law. {Which she mingled} (\h“i ekerasen\). First aorist active indicative of \kerannumi\. The relative \h“i\ is attracted to the locative case of its antecedent \potˆri“i\ (cup), for which see strkjv@14:8,10; strkjv@17:4; strkjv@18:3|. {Mingle unto her double} (\kerasate autˆi diploun\). First aorist active imperative of the same verb \kerannumi\, with the same idea of double punishment.

rwp@Revelation:18:8 @{Therefore} (\dia touto\). Because of her presumption added to her crimes. {In one day} (\en miƒi hˆmerƒi\). Symbolical term for suddenness like \miƒi h“rƒi\, in one hour (18:10,16,19|). John has in mind still strkjv@Isaiah:47:7-9|. {Shall come} (\hˆxousin\). Future active of \hˆk“\. Her plagues are named (death, mourning, famine). {She shall be utterly burned} (\katakauthˆsetai\). Future passive of \katakai“\ (perfective use of \kata\). {With fire} (\en puri\). "In fire," as in strkjv@17:16|. {Which judged her} (\ho krinas autˆn\). Articular first aorist active participle of \krin“\ referring to \kurios ho theos\ (the Lord God). The doom of Babylon is certain because of the power of God.

rwp@Revelation:18:10 @{Standing afar off} (\apo makrothen hestˆkotes\). Perfect active (intransitive) participle of \histˆmi\. Vivid picture of the terrible scene, fascinated by the lurid blaze (cf. Nero's delight in the burning of Rome in A.D. 64), and yet afraid to draw near. On \apo makrothen\ see strkjv@Mark:5:6|. There is a weird charm in a burning city. They feared the same fate (cf. verse 7| for \basanismou\, torment). {Woe, woe, the great city} (\ouai, ouai, hˆ polis hˆ megalˆ\). Only example in the Apocalypse of the nominative with \ouai\ except verses 16,19|, though in strkjv@Luke:6:25| and common in LXX (Isaiah:5:7,11|, etc.). For the dative see strkjv@Revelation:8:13|, once so "strong" (\hˆ ischura\)! {In one hour} (\miƒi h“rƒi\). Repeated in verses 16,19|, and like \miƒi hˆmerƒi\ (in one day) in verse 8|. Some MSS. have here \mian h“ran\, like \poian h“ran\ (accusative of extent of time) in strkjv@3:3|. See verse 8| (\ho krinas\) for \hˆ krisis sou\ (thy judgment). This is the dirge of the kings.

rwp@Revelation:18:12 @{Of fine linen} (\bussinou\). Genitive case after \gomon\, as are all the items to \kokkinou\. Old adjective from \bussos\ (linen, strkjv@Luke:16:19|), here a garment of linen, in N.T. only strkjv@Revelation:18:12,16; strkjv@19:8,14|. {Purple} (\porphuras\). Fabric colored with purple dye (\porphureos\, strkjv@17:4; strkjv@18:16|), as in strkjv@Mark:15:17,20; strkjv@Luke:16:19|. {Silk} (\sirikou\). Songs:the uncials here. \To sˆrikon\ (the silken fabric) occurs in Plutarch, Strabo, Arrian, Lucian, only here in N.T. Probably from the name of the Indian or Chinese people (\hoi Sˆres\) from whom the fabric came after Alexander invaded India. Silk was a costly article among the Romans, and for women as a rule. {Scarlet} (\kokkinou\). See strkjv@17:4; strkjv@18:16|. {All thyine wood} (\pan xulon thuinon\). Now accusative again without \gomon\ dependence. An odoriferous North African citrus tree, prized for the colouring of the wood for dining-tables, like a peacock's tail or the stripes of a tiger or panther. Here only in N.T. {Of ivory} (\elephantinon\). Old adjective (from \elephas\ elephant) agreeing with \skeuos\ (vessel), here only in N.T. Cf. Ahab's ivory palace (1Kings:22:39|). {Of marble} (\marmarou\). Old word (from \marmair“\, to glisten), genitive after \skeuos\ (vessel), here only in N.T.

rwp@Revelation:18:15 @{Of these things} (\tout“n\). Listed above in verses 12-14|. {Who were made rich by her} (\hoi ploutˆsantes ap' autˆs\). "Those who grew rich (ingressive aorist active participle of \ploute“\, for which see verses 3,13|) from her." {Shall stand afar off} (\apo makrothen stˆsontai\). Future middle of \histˆmi\. Repeating the picture in verse 10|. Again in verse 17|. See verse 11| for the two participles \klaiontes kai penthountes\.

rwp@Revelation:18:18 @{As they looked} (\blepontes\). Present active participle of \blep“\. See \hotan blep“sin\ in verse 10|. {What city is like the great city?} (\tis homoia tˆi polei tˆi megalˆi;\). No \polis\ with \tis\, but implied. Associative instrumental case, as usual, with \homoia\. "The eternal city" is eternal no longer.

rwp@Revelation:18:19 @{They cast dust} (\ebalon choun\). Second aorist active of \ball“\. \Chous\ is old word (from \che“\ to pour) for heap of earth, dust, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Mark:6:11|. Cf. strkjv@Ezekiel:27:30; strkjv@Luke:10:13|. This is the dirge of the sea-folk (cf. verses 10,16|). {By reason of her costliness} (\ek tˆs timiotˆtos autˆs\). Occasionally in later literary Greek, though here only in N.T. and not in LXX. The same use of \timˆ\ appears in strkjv@1Peter:2:7|. Common in the papyri as a title like "Your Honor" (Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_).

rwp@Revelation:18:21 @{A strong angel} (\heis aggelos ischuros\). Here \heis\ = a, just an indefinite article, not "one" as a numeral. {Took up} (\ˆren\). First aorist active indicative of \air“\. {As it were a great millstone} (\h“s mulinon megan\). Late adjective, in inscriptions, here only in N.T., made of millstone (\mulos\, strkjv@Matthew:18:6; strkjv@Revelation:18:22|), while \mulikos\ (Luke:17:2|) means belonging to a mill. This is not a small millstone turned by women (Matthew:24:41|), but one requiring an ass to turn it (Mark:9:42|), and so "a great" one. {Cast} (\ebalen\). Second aorist active of \ball“\, to hurl. {With a mighty fall} (\hormˆmati\). Instrumental case (manner) of \hormˆma\, a rush, old word from \horma“\, to rush (Matthew:8:32|), here only in N.T. {Shall be cast down} (\blethˆsetai\). Future (first) passive of \ball“\, the same verb (\ebalen\), effective punctiliar future. Like a boulder hurled into the sea. {Shall be found no more at all} (\ou mˆ heurethˆi eti\). Double negative with first aorist passive subjunctive of \heurisk“\. See strkjv@9:6| for \ou mˆ\ with the active voice of \heurisk“\. Already the old Babylon was a desert waste (Strabo, XVI. 1073).

rwp@Revelation:18:22 @{The voice} (\ph“nˆ\). Cf. strkjv@Ezekiel:26:13|. Or "sound" as in strkjv@1Corinthians:14:8| with \salpigx\ (trumpet). For this song of judgment see strkjv@Jeremiah:25:10|. {Of harpers} (\kithar“id“n\). Old word (from \kithara\, harp, and \“idos\, singer) as in strkjv@14:2|. {Of minstrels} (\mousik“n\). Old word (from \mousa\, music), here only in N.T., one playing on musical instruments. {Of flute-players} (\aulˆt“n\). Old word (from \aule“\, to play on a flute, strkjv@Matthew:11:17|, \aulos\, flute, strkjv@1Corinthians:14:7|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:9:23|. {Of trumpeters} (\salpist“n\). Late form for the earlier \salpigktˆs\ (from \salpiz“\), here only in N.T. {Shall be heard no more at all} (\ou mˆ akousthˆi\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \akou“\ with the double negative as below, with \ph“nˆ mulou\ (sound of the millstone), and as in verse 21| with \ou me heurethˆi\ and again with \pƒs technitˆs\ (craftsman). This old word is from \technˆ\, art, as here in some MSS. ("of whatsoever craft," \pasˆs technˆs\). \Technitˆs\ occurs also in this sense in strkjv@Acts:19:24,38|; and in strkjv@Hebrews:11:10| of God as the Architect. There is power in this four-fold sonorous repetition of \ou mˆ\ and the subjunctive with two more examples in verse 23|.

rwp@Revelation:18:23 @{Of a lamp} (\luchnou\). Old word (Matthew:5:15|), again in strkjv@Revelation:22:5|. {Shall shine no more at all} (\ou mˆ phanˆi\). Fifth instance in these verses of \ou mˆ\ with the aorist subjunctive, here the active of \phain“\ as in strkjv@Revelation:8:12|. It is not known whether Rome had street lights or not. {The voice of the bridegroom and of the bride} (\ph“nˆ numphiou kai numphˆs\). See strkjv@John:3:29; strkjv@Jeremiah:7:34; strkjv@16:9|. "Even the occasional flash of the torches carried by bridal processions (Matthew:25:1ff.|) is seen no more" (Swete). The sixth instance of \ou mˆ\, in verses 21-23|, occurs with \akousthˆi\ (third instance of \akousthˆi\, two in verse 22|). {Were the princes of the earth} (\ˆsan hoi megistƒnes tˆs gˆs\). For \megistƒn\ see strkjv@Revelation:6:15; strkjv@Mark:6:21|. "Thy merchants were the grandees" once, but now these merchant princes are gone. {With thy sorcery} (\en tˆi pharmakiƒi sou\). \En\ (instrumental use) and the locative case of \pharmakia\, old word (from \pharmakeu“\, to prepare drugs, from \pharmakon\, sorcery, strkjv@Revelation:9:21|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Galatians:5:20| for sorcery and magical arts. If one is puzzled over the connection between medicine and sorcery as illustrated by this word (our pharmacy), he has only to recall quackery today in medicine (patent medicines and cure-alls), witch-doctors, professional faith-healers, medicine-men in Africa. True medical science has had a hard fight to shake off chicanery and charlatanry. {Were deceived} (\eplanˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \plana“\. These charlatans always find plenty of victims. See strkjv@Mark:12:24|.

rwp@Revelation:18:24 @{In her} (\en autˆi\). In Rome. {Was found} (\heurethˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. See strkjv@16:6; strkjv@17:6| for the blood already shed by Rome. Rome "butchered to make a Roman holiday" (Dill, _Roman Society_, p. 242) not merely gladiators, but prophets and saints from Nero's massacre A.D. 64 to Domitian and beyond. {Of all that have been slain} (\pant“n t“n esphagmen“n\). Perfect passive articular participle genitive plural of \sphaz“\, the verb used of the Lamb slain (5:9,12; strkjv@13:8|). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:23:35| about Jerusalem.

rwp@Revelation:19:1 @{After these things} (\meta tauta\). Often when a turn comes in this book. But Beckwith is probably correct in seeing in strkjv@19:1-5| the climax of chapter strkjv@Revelation:18|. This first voice (verses 1,2|) \h“s ph“nˆn megalˆn ouchlou pollou\ (as it were great voice of much multitude) is probably the response of the angelic host (Revelation:5:11; strkjv@Hebrews:12:22|). There is responsive singing (grand chorus) as in chapters strkjv@Revelation:4; 5|. {Saying} (\legont“n\). Present active participle of \leg“\, genitive plural, though \ochlou\ is genitive singular (collective substantive, agreement in sense). {Hallelujah} (\Allˆlouia\). Transliteration of the Hebrew seen often in the Psalms (LXX) and in III. Macc. strkjv@7:13, in N.T. only in strkjv@Revelation:19:1,3,4,6|. It means, "Praise ye the Lord." Fifteen of the Psalms begin or end with this word. The Great Hallel (a title for strkjv@Psalms:104-109|) is sung chiefly at the feasts of the passover and tabernacles. This psalm of praise uses language already in strkjv@12:10|.

rwp@Revelation:19:6 @{As it were the voice} (\h“s ph“nˆn\). Used here three times, as once in verse 1|: once of a second great multitude (\ochlou pollou\), not of angels as in verse 1|, but the innumerable multitude of the redeemed of strkjv@7:9|; then "of many waters" (\hudat“n poll“n\) as in strkjv@1:15; strkjv@14:2| like "the roar of a cataract" (Swete); and once more "the voice of mighty thunders" (\bront“n ischur“n\) as in strkjv@6:1; strkjv@10:3ff|. {Saying} (\legont“n\). The best attested reading, genitive plural of \leg“\, agreeing with \ochlou\ (genitive singular), for roll of the waters and the roar of the thunders were not articulate. Some MSS. have \legontes\ (nominative plural) referring also to \ochlou\, though nominative instead of genitive. The fourth "Hallelujah" comes from this vast multitude. {The Lord our God, the Almighty} (\Kurios, ho theos, ho pantokrat“r\). For this designation of God see also strkjv@1:8; strkjv@4:8; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@15:3; strkjv@16:7,14; strkjv@19:15; strkjv@21:22|. Cf. _deus et dominus noster_ used of the Roman emperor. {Reigneth} (\ebasileusen\). First aorist active of \basileu“\. Probably ingressive prophetic aorist, "God became king" in fulness of power on earth with the fall of the world power.

rwp@Revelation:19:9 @{Write} (\Grapson\). First aorist active imperative of \graph“\ as in strkjv@1:11; strkjv@14:13|. The speaker may be the angel guide of strkjv@17:1|. {It is another beatitude} (\makarioi\, Blessed) like that in strkjv@14:13| (fourth of the seven in the book). {They which are bidden} (\hoi keklˆmenoi\). Articular perfect passive participle of \kale“\, like strkjv@Matthew:22:3; strkjv@Luke:14:17|. Cf. strkjv@Revelation:17:14|. This beatitude reminds us of that in strkjv@Luke:14:15|. (Cf. strkjv@Matthew:8:11; strkjv@26:29|.) {These are true words of God} (\Houtoi hoi logoi alˆthinoi tou theou eisin\). Undoubtedly, but one should bear in mind that apocalyptic symbolism "has its own methods and laws of interpretation, and by these the student must be guided" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:19:11 @{The heaven opened} (\ton ouranon ˆne“igmenon\). Perfect passive participle (triple reduplication) of \anoig“\. Accusative case after \eidon\. Songs:Ezekiel (1:1|) begins his prophecy. See also the baptism of Jesus (Matthew:3:16; strkjv@Luke:3:21|, but \schizomenous\ in strkjv@Mark:1:10|). Jesus predicted the opened heavens to Nathanael (John:1:51|). In strkjv@Revelation:4:1| a door is opened in heaven, the sanctuary is opened (11:19; strkjv@15:5|), angels come out of heaven (10:1; strkjv@14:17; strkjv@18:1|), and sounds come from heaven (19:1|). {Behold, a white horse} (\idou hippos leukos\). Nominative case because of \idou\, not \eidon\. Cf. strkjv@6:2| for \hippos leukos\. The emblem of victory in both cases, but the riders are very different. Here it is the Messiah who is the Warrior, as is made plain by "Faithful and True" (\pistos kai alˆthinos\), epithets already applied to Christ (1:5; strkjv@3:7,14|). Cf. also strkjv@22:6|. {In righteousness he doth judge and make war} (\en dikaiosunˆi krinei kai polemei\). See strkjv@Isaiah:11:3ff|. The Messiah is both Judge and Warrior, but he does both in righteousness (15:3; strkjv@16:5,7; strkjv@19:2|). He passes judgment on the beast (antichrist) and makes war on him. Satan had offered Christ a victory of compromise which was rejected.

rwp@Revelation:19:12 @{A flame of fire} (\phlox puros\). As in the opening vision of Christ in strkjv@1:14| (2:18|). {Many diadems} (\diadˆmata polla\). A new feature, but the dragon has a diadem on each of his seven heads (12:3|) and the first beast one upon each of his ten horns (13:1|). Songs:the victorious Messiah will wear many royal diadems and not mere crowns, because he is King of kings (19:16|). {And he hath} (\kai ech“n\). Nominative active present participle of \ech“\ either used absolutely as an independent verb (like indicative) or in an anacoluthon, though \autou\ (his) is genitive. {A name written} (\onoma gegrammenon\). Perfect passive participle of \graph“\ as in strkjv@2:17| (cf. strkjv@3:12|). {But he himself} (\ei mˆ autos\). "Except himself" (common ellipsis of the verb after \ei mˆ\, "if not"). See strkjv@2:17; strkjv@3:12| for the new name there described. See strkjv@14:1| for the name of Christ on the forehead of the 144,000, and strkjv@17:5| for the name on the forehead of the harlot. This word here supplements what Jesus says in strkjv@Matthew:11:27|.

rwp@Revelation:19:13 @{Arrayed} (\peribeblˆmenos\). Perfect passive participle of \periball“\, to clothe, often in this book. {In a garment} (\himation\). Accusative case after the passive participle \peribeblˆmenos\. {Sprinkled} (\rerantismenon\). Perfect passive participle of \rantiz“\, in the predicate accusative case agreeing with \himation\. A Q here read \bebammenon\ (perfect passive participle of \bapt“\, to dip). Probably \rerantismenon\ (sprinkled) is correct, because the picture comes from strkjv@Isaiah:63:3|, where Aquila and Symmachus use \rantiz“\. The use of \bebammenon\ (dipped) is a bolder figure and Charles considers it correct. In either case it is the blood of Christ's enemies with which his raiment (\himation\, perhaps a \chlamus\ strkjv@Matthew:27:28,31|) is sprinkled or dipped as the case may be, not his own blood on Calvary (1:5; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@7:14; strkjv@12:11|), but proleptically and prophetically the blood of Christ's enemies. \Haimati\ can be either locative case with \bebammenon\ (dipped in blood) or instrumental with \rerantismenon\ (sprinkled with blood). {The Word of God} (\ho Logos tou theou\). Some scholars hold this addition inconsistent with verse 12|, but it may be merely the explanation of the secret name or still another name besides that known only to himself. The personal use of the Logos applied to Christ occurs only in the Johannine writings unless that is the idea in strkjv@Hebrews:4:12|. In strkjv@John:1:1,14| it is merely \ho Logos\ (the Word), in strkjv@1John:1:1| \ho Logos tˆs z“ˆs\ (the Word of Life), while here it is \ho Logos tou theou\ (the Word of God), one of the strongest arguments for identity of authorship. The idiom here is one common in Luke and Paul for the teaching of Christ (Luke:5:1; strkjv@8:11|, etc.; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:36; strkjv@2Corinthians:2:17|, etc.). Jesus is himself the final and perfect revelation of God to men (Hebrews:1:1f.|).

rwp@Revelation:19:17 @{An angel} (\hena aggelon\). Like \heis\ in strkjv@18:21|, just "an," not "one." {Standing in the sun} (\hest“ta en t“i hˆli“i\). Second perfect active participle of \histˆmi\ (intransitive). "Where all the birds of prey would behold him" (Beckwith). For \orneois\ (birds) see strkjv@18:2| and for \en mesouranˆmati\ (in mid heaven) see strkjv@18:13; strkjv@14:6|. {Come and be gathered together} (\Deute sunachthˆte\). \Deute\ is the adverb \deur“\ (hither), used when two or more are addressed, possibly from \deuro ite\ (come here). Asyndeton also without \kai\ (and). First aorist passive imperative of \sunag“\. The metaphor is drawn from strkjv@Ezekiel:39:17|. {Unto the great supper of God} (\eis to deipnon to mega tou theou\). The habits of vultures are described by Christ in strkjv@Matthew:24:28|. This is a bold and powerful picture of the battlefield after the victory of the Messiah, "a sacrificial feast spread on God's table for all the vultures of the sky" (Swete). Is this battle the same as that of Har Magedon (16:16|) and that of Gog and Magog (20:8ff.|) mentioned after the thousand years? The language in strkjv@20:8ff.| seems like this derived from strkjv@Ezekiel:39:17ff.|, and "in the Apocalypse priority in the order of sequence does not always imply priority in time" (Swete). There seems no way to decide this point save that the end seems to be at hand.

rwp@Revelation:19:19 @{Gathered together} (\sunˆgmena\). Perfect passive participle of \sunag“\. In battle array. {To make war against} (\poiˆsai polemon meta\). First aorist active infinitive of \poie“\, to express purpose. See \poleme“ meta\ in strkjv@12:7| and the use of \sunag“ eis polemon\ in strkjv@16:14; strkjv@20:8|. The beast (for his army see strkjv@16:13f.|) led a league of ten kings against Babylon in strkjv@17:16f.|, but with the purpose also of fighting the Lamb (17:14|).

rwp@Revelation:19:20 @{Was taken} (\epiasthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive indicative of the Doric \piaz“\ (Attic \piez“\). Cf. strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8|. {The false prophet} (\ho pseudoprophˆtˆs\). Possibly the second beast of strkjv@13:11-17; strkjv@16:13; strkjv@20:10|. Charles takes him to be "the priesthood of the Imperial cult, which practised all kinds of magic and imposture to beguile men to worship the Beast." {That wrought the signs in his sight} (\ho poiesas ta sˆmeia en“pion autou\). As in strkjv@13:14|. {Wherewith} (\en hois\). "In which" signs. {He deceived} (\eplanˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \plana“\. He was only able to deceive "them that had received" (\tous labontas\, articular second aorist active participle of \lamban“\, "those receiving") "the mark of the beast" (13:16; strkjv@14:9ff.; strkjv@16:2; strkjv@20:4|) "and them that worshipped his image" (\tous proskunountas tˆi eikoni autou\) as in strkjv@13:15|. {They twain} (\hoi duo\). "The two." {Were cast} (\eblˆthˆsan\). First aorist passive Indicative of \ball“\. They fall together as they fought together. "The day that sees the end of a false statecraft will see also that of a false priestcraft" (Swete). {Alive} (\z“ntes\). Present active participle of \za“\, predicative nominative, "living." {Into the lake of fire} (\eis tˆn limnˆn tou puros\). Genitive \puros\ describes this \limnˆn\ (lake, cf. strkjv@Luke:5:1|) as it does \gehenna\ in strkjv@Matthew:5:22|. See also strkjv@20:10; strkjv@21:8|. It is a different figure from the "abyss" in strkjv@9:1ff; strkjv@20:1ff|. This is the final abode of Satan, the beast, the false prophet, and wicked men. {That burneth with brimstone} (\tˆs kaiomenˆs en thei“i\). Note the genitive here in place of the accusative \limnˆn\, perhaps because of the intervening genitive \puros\ (neuter, not feminine). The agreement is regular in strkjv@21:8|. For \en thei“i\ (with brimstone) see strkjv@14:10; strkjv@20:10; strkjv@21:8|. The fact of hell is clearly taught here, but the imagery is not to be taken literally any more than that of heaven in chapters strkjv@Revelation:4; 5; 21; 22| is to be so understood. Both fall short of the reality.

rwp@Revelation:20:2 @{He laid hold on} (\ekratˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \krate“\, to seize. {The dragon} (\ton drakonta\). Accusative after \ekratˆsen\ instead of the genitive as in strkjv@2:1|. He has been behind the beast and the false prophet from the start. Now he is seized. {The old serpent} (\ho ophis ho archaios\). Precisely the description in strkjv@12:9|, only the nominative is here retained, though in apposition with the accusative \ton drakonta\, a frequent anacoluthon in the Apocalypse (1:5|, etc.). Swete calls it a parenthesis. {Which is} (\hos estin\). The relative here relieves the construction and takes the place of \ho kaloumenos\ in strkjv@12:9| before \Diabolos kai ho Satanƒs\. {And bound him} (\kai edˆsen auton\). First aorist active indicative of \de“\. {For a thousand years} (\chilia etˆ\). Accusative of extent of time. Here we confront the same problem found in the 1260 days. In this book of symbols how long is a thousand years? All sorts of theories are proposed, none of which fully satisfy one. Perhaps Peter has given us the only solution open to us in strkjv@2Peter:3:8| when he argues that "one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." It will help us all to remember that God's clock does not run by ours and that times and seasons and programs are with him. This wonderful book was written to comfort the saints in a time of great trial, not to create strife among them.

rwp@Revelation:20:3 @{Into the abyss} (\eis tˆn abusson\). The one in strkjv@9:1f.| and the one spoken of by the legion of demons in strkjv@Luke:8:31| under the charge of the angel of the abyss (Apollyon, strkjv@Revelation:9:11|) who is either Satan himself or a kindred power. "Already he has been cast out of Heaven (12:9|), now he is cast out of the earth, and returns to his own place" (Swete). {Shut it and sealed it} (\ekleisen kai esphragisen\). Effective first aorists active indicative of \klei“\ and \sphragiz“\. {That he should deceive no more} (\hina mˆ planˆsˆi\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \plana“\. Glorious relief after the strain of the previous visions of conflict. Small wonder that Christians today cherish this blessed hope whatever the actual meaning may be. {Until should be finished} (\achri telesthˆi\). Temporal clause of future purpose with \achri\ (as a conjunction like \he“s\) and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \tele“\. Repeated in verse 5| and see \achri\ and the subjunctive in strkjv@7:3; strkjv@15:8|. {He must be loosed} (\dei luthˆnai\). Sad necessity, alas, with \dei\ and the first aorist passive infinitive of \lu“\. {For a little time} (\mikron chronon\). Accusative of time. Whatever the thousand years means, it is here said plainly that after it is over the devil will again have power on earth "for a little time."

rwp@Revelation:20:4 @{And they sat upon them} (\kai ekathisan ep' autous\). First aorist active indicative of \kathiz“\. Another period here apparently synchronous (verse 7|) with the confinement of Satan in the abyss. No subject is given for this plural verb. Apparently Christ and the Apostles (Matthew:19:28; strkjv@Luke:22:30|) and some of the saints (1Corinthians:6:3|), martyrs some hold. {Judgment was given unto them} (\krima edothˆ autois\). First aorist passive of \did“mi\. Picture of the heavenly court of assizes. {The souls} (\tas psuchas\). Accusative after \eidon\ at the beginning of the verse. {Of them that had been beheaded} (\t“n pepelekismen“n\). Genitive of the articular perfect passive participle of \pelekiz“\, old word (from \pelekus\ an axe, the traditional instrument for execution in republican Rome, but later supplanted by the sword), to cut off with an axe, here only in N.T. See strkjv@6:9; strkjv@18:24; strkjv@19:2| for previous mention of these martyrs for the witness of Jesus (1:9; strkjv@12:17; strkjv@19:10|). Others also besides martyrs shared in Christ's victory, those who refused to worship the beast or wear his mark as in strkjv@13:15; strkjv@14:9ff.; strkjv@16:2; strkjv@19:20|. {And they lived} (\kai ezˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \za“\. If the ingressive aorist, it means "came to life" or "lived again" as in strkjv@2:8| and so as to verse 5|. If it is the constative aorist here and in verse 5|, then it could mean increased spiritual life. See strkjv@John:5:21-29| for the double sense of life and death (now literal, now spiritual) precisely as we have the second death in strkjv@Revelation:2:11; strkjv@20:6,14|. {And reigned with Christ} (\kai ebasileusan meta tou Christou\). Same use of the first aorist active indicative of \basileu“\, but more clearly constative. Beckwith and Swete take this to apply solely to the martyrs, the martyrs' reign with Christ.

rwp@Revelation:20:5 @{The rest of the dead} (\hoi loipoi t“n nekr“n\). "All except the martyrs, both the righteous and the unrighteous" (Beckwith). But some take this to mean only the wicked. {Lived not until the thousand years should be finished} (\ouk ezˆsan achri telesthˆi ta chilia etˆ\). See verse 4| for the items here. "To infer from this statement, as many expositors have done, that the \ezˆsan\ of v. 4| must be understood of bodily resuscitation, is to interpret apocalyptic prophecy by methods of exegesis which are proper to ordinary narrative" (Swete). I sympathize wholly with that comment and confess my own ignorance therefore as to the meaning of the symbolism without any predilections for post-millennialism or premillennialism. {This is the first resurrection} (\hautˆ hˆ anastasis hˆ pr“tˆ\). Scholars differ as to the genuineness of this phrase. Accepting it as genuine, Swete applies it to "the return of the martyrs and confessors to life at the beginning of the Thousand Years." According to this view the first resurrection is a special incident in the present life before the Parousia. It has no parallel with strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:16|, where the dead in Christ are raised before those living are changed. Some think that John here pictures the "Regeneration" (\palingenesia\) of strkjv@Matthew:19:28| and the "Restoration" (\apokatastasis\) of strkjv@Acts:3:21|. No effort is here made to solve this problem, save to call attention to the general judgment out of the books in strkjv@20:12| and to the general resurrection in strkjv@John:5:29; strkjv@Acts:24:15|.

rwp@Revelation:20:6 @{Blessed and holy} (\makarios kai hagios\). A fifth beatitude (1:3; strkjv@14:13; strkjv@16:15; strkjv@19:9|) already and two more to come (22:7,14|, seven in all). Here \hagios\ is added to the usual \makarios\. The second death (\ho deuteros thanatos\). The spiritual death of strkjv@2:11; strkjv@20:14; strkjv@21:8| in contrast to the first or physical death. This language raises a question about the interpretation of the first and the second resurrections, whether both are of the body or one of the spirit. There seems no way to reach a solid conception about it. In strkjv@1Corinthians:15:23| there is no mention of the resurrection of any save "those of Christ" (\hoi tou Christou\), though the end follows (verse 24|). However, Paul elsewhere (Acts:24:15|) speaks of the resurrection of the just and of the unjust as if one event. {Priests of God and of Christ} (\hiereis tou theou kai tou Christou\). As in strkjv@1:6; strkjv@5:10; strkjv@22:3,5|. {Shall reign with him} (\basileusousin met' autou\). As promised in the same passages. The servants of God are to be priests with Christ and to reign with him (Matthew:19:28|). In strkjv@5:10| \epi tˆs gˆs\ (upon earth) occurs, but this item does not appear here. "No hint is given as to where this service is to be rendered and this royalty to be exercised" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:20:8 @{To deceive the nations} (\planˆsai ta ethnˆ\). First aorist active infinitive of purpose of \plana“\, Satan's chief task (chapters 12 to 18, in particular strkjv@12:9; strkjv@13:14; strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:3,10|). {Which are in the four corners of the earth} (\ta en tais tessarsi g“niais tˆs gˆs\). Clearly the reign with Christ, if on earth, was not shared in by all on earth, for Satan finds a large and ready following on his release. See strkjv@7:1| (Isaiah:11:12|) for "the four corners of the earth." {Gog and Magog} (\ton G“g kai Mag“g\). Accusative in explanatory apposition with \ta ethnˆ\ (the nations). Magog is first mentioned in strkjv@Genesis:10:2|. The reference here seems to be strkjv@Ezekiel:38:2|, where both are mentioned. Josephus (_Ant_. I. 6. 1) identifies Magog with the Scythians, with Gog as their prince. In the rabbinical writings Gog and Magog appear as the enemies of the Messiah. Some early Christian writers thought of the Goths and Huns, but Augustine refuses to narrow the imagery and sees only the final protest of the world against Christianity. {To gather them together to the war} (\sunagagein autous eis ton polemon\). Second aorist active infinitive of purpose of \sunag“\, a congenial task for Satan after his confinement. See strkjv@16:14| for this very phrase and also strkjv@17:14; strkjv@19:19|. {Of whom} (\h“n--aut“n\). Pleonasm or redundant pronoun as in strkjv@3:8| and often (of whom--of them). {As the sand of the sea} (\h“s hˆ ammos tˆs thalassˆs\). Already in strkjv@12:18|. Clearly then the millennium, whatever it is, does not mean a period when Satan has no following on earth, for this vast host rallies at once to his standard.

rwp@Revelation:20:9 @{They went up} (\anebˆsan\). Second aorist active indicative of \anabain“\, a return to the manner of the seer as in verses 4,5|. {Over the breadth of the earth} (\epi to platos tˆs gˆs\). \Platos\ is old word, in N.T. only here, strkjv@21:16; strkjv@Ephesians:3:18|. The hosts of Satan spread over the earth. {Compassed} (\ekukleusan\). First aorist (prophetic) active indicative of \kukleu“\, to encircle, late verb (Strabo) from \kuklos\ (circle), in N.T. only here and margin in strkjv@John:10:24| (for \ekukl“san\ from \kuklo“\). {The camp of the saints} (\tˆn parembolˆn t“n hagi“n\). \Parembolˆ\ (\para, en, ball“\) is common late word for military camp, in LXX for the Israelites in the desert (Exodus:29:14|, etc.), in N.T. for Roman barracks (Acts:24:34,37|) and for an army in line of battle (Hebrews:11:34; strkjv@Revelation:20:9|). {The beloved city} (\tˆn polin tˆn ˆgapˆmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \agapa“\, "the city the beloved." See strkjv@Psalms:78:68; strkjv@87:2| for Jerusalem so described. Songs:Charles takes it here, but Swete holds it to be "the Church the New Zion" that is meant. {And fire came down out of heaven} (\kai katebˆ pur ek tou ouranou\). Second aorist (prophetic) active indicative of \katabain“\. Cf. strkjv@Genesis:19:24; strkjv@39:6; strkjv@Ezekiel:38:22; strkjv@2Kings:1:10,12; strkjv@Luke:9:54| (about John). {Devoured them} (\katephagen autous\). Second aorist (prophetic) active of \katesthi“\, to eat up (down). Vivid climax to this last great battle with Satan.

rwp@Revelation:20:11 @{A great white throne} (\thronon megan leukon\). Here \megan\ (great) is added to the throne pictures in strkjv@4:4; strkjv@20:4|. The scene is prepared for the last judgment often mentioned in the N.T. (Matthew:25:31-46; strkjv@Romans:14:10; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10|). "The absolute purity of this Supreme Court is symbolized by the colour of the Throne" (Swete) as in strkjv@Daniel:7:9; strkjv@Psalms:9:1; strkjv@97:2|. The name of God is not mentioned, but the Almighty Father sits upon the throne (4:2f.,9; strkjv@5:1,7,13; strkjv@6:16; strkjv@7:10,15; strkjv@19:4; strkjv@21:5|), and the Son sits there with him (Hebrews:1:3|) and works with the Father (John:5:19-21; strkjv@10:30; strkjv@Matthew:25:31ff.; strkjv@Acts:17:31; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10; strkjv@2Timothy:4:1|). {From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away} (\hou apo pros“pou ephugen hˆ ge kai ho ouranos\). Second aorist (prophetic) active of \pheug“\. See strkjv@16:20|. The non-eternity of matter is a common teaching in the O.T. (Psalms:97:5; strkjv@102:27; strkjv@Isaiah:51:6|) as in the N.T. (Mark:13:31; strkjv@2Peter:3:10|). {Was found} (\heurethˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. All is now spiritual. Even scientists today are speaking of the non-eternity of the universe.

rwp@Revelation:20:13 @{Gave up} (\ed“ken\). Just "gave" (first aorist active indicative of \did“mi\), but for the sea to give is to give up (effective aorist). Sea as well as land delivers its dead (all kinds of dead, good and bad). Swete notes that accidental deaths will not prevent any from appearing. Milligan is sure that the sea here means "the sea of the troubled and sinful world." {Death and Hades} (\ho thanatos kai ho hƒidˆs\). "An inseparable pair" (Swete) as in strkjv@1:18; strkjv@6:8; strkjv@20:14|. Songs:in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| "the gates of Hades" means the power of death. Etymologically Hades is the unseen world where all who die are as opposed to this visible world, but in actual use Hades is sometimes treated as the abode of the unrighteous (Luke:16:23|). Charles thinks that this is true here, though there is nothing to show it apart from the personification of death and Hades and the casting of both into the lake of fire in verse 14|. Here again "each man" (\hekastos\) receives judgment according to his deeds (Matthew:16:27; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10; strkjv@Romans:2:6; strkjv@14:12; strkjv@1Peter:1:17; strkjv@Revelation:2:23|).

rwp@Revelation:20:15 @{If any was not found written in the book of life} (\ei tis ouch heurethˆ en tˆi bibl“i tˆs z“ˆs\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and the first aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. In this short sentence the doom is told of all who are out of Christ, for they too follow the devil and the two beasts into the lake of fire (the counterpart of the Gehenna of fire, strkjv@Matthew:5:22|). There is no room here for soul sleeping, for an intermediate state, for a second chance, or for annihilation of the wicked. In strkjv@Daniel:12:2| there is a resurrection to death as well as to life and so in strkjv@John:5:29; strkjv@Acts:24:15|.

rwp@Revelation:21:1 @{A new heaven and a new earth} (\ouranon kainon kai gˆn kainˆn\). This new vision (\eidon\) is the picture of the bliss of the saints. {The first heaven and the first earth} (\ho pr“tos ouranos kai hˆ pr“tˆ gˆ\) {are passed away} (\apˆlthan\, went away, second aorist active indicative of \aperchomai\). "Fled away" (\ephugen\) in strkjv@20:11|. {And the sea is no more} (\kai hˆ thalassa ouk estin eti\). The sea had given up its dead (20:13|). There were great risks on the sea (18:17ff.|). The old physical world is gone in this vision. It is not a picture of renovation of this earth, but of the disappearance of this earth and sky (not heaven where God dwells). It is a glorious picture here in strkjv@21:1-8| in sharp contrast to the lake of fire in strkjv@20:11-15|. The symbolism in neither case is to be pressed too literally, but a stern and a glorious reality exists behind it all.

rwp@Revelation:21:2 @{The holy city, new Jerusalem} (\tˆn polin tˆn hagian Ierousalˆm kainˆn\). "The New Earth must have a new metropolis, not another Babylon, but another and greater Jerusalem" (Swete), and not the old Jerusalem which was destroyed A.D. 70. It was called the Holy City in a conventional way (Matthew:4:5; strkjv@27:53|), but now in reality because it is new and fresh (\kainˆn\), this heavenly Jerusalem of hope (Hebrews:12:22|), this Jerusalem above (Galatians:4:26ff.|) where our real citizenship is (Phillipians:3:20|). {Coming down out of heaven from God} (\katabainousan ek tou ouranou apo tou theou\). Glorious picture caught by John and repeated from strkjv@3:12| and again in strkjv@21:10|. But Charles distinguishes this new city of God from that in strkjv@21:9-22:2| because there is no tree of life in this one. But one shrinks from too much manipulation of this symbolism. It is better to see the glorious picture with John and let it tell its own story. {Made ready} (\hˆtoimasmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \hetoimaz“\ as in strkjv@19:7|. The Wife of the Lamb made herself ready in her bridal attire. {As a bride adorned} (\h“s numphˆn kekosmˆmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \kosme“\, old verb (from \kosmos\ ornament like our cosmetics), as in strkjv@21:19|. Only here the figure of bride is not the people of God as in strkjv@19:7|, but the abode of the people of God (the New Jerusalem). {For her husband} (\t“i andri autˆs\). Dative case of personal interest.

rwp@Revelation:21:3 @{The tabernacle of God is with men} (\hˆ skˆnˆ tou theou meta t“n anthr“p“n\). It is one of the angels of the Presence (16:17; strkjv@19:5|) speaking. {And he shall dwell with them} (\kai skˆn“sei met' aut“n\). Future active of \skˆno“\, already in strkjv@7:15| from strkjv@Ezekiel:37:27; strkjv@Zechariah:2:10; strkjv@8:8| and used of the Incarnate Christ on earth by John (John:1:14|), now a blessed reality of the Father. The metaphor stands for the Shekinah Glory of God in the old tabernacle (7:15; strkjv@13:6; strkjv@15:5|), the true tabernacle of which it was a picture (Hebrews:8:2; strkjv@9:11|). God is now Immanuel in fact, as was true of Christ (Matthew:1:23|).

rwp@Revelation:21:5 @{Behold, I make all things new} (\Idou kaina poi“ panta\). The first time since strkjv@1:8| that God has been represented as speaking directly, though voices have come out of the throne before (21:3|) and out of the sanctuary (16:1,17|), which may be from God himself, though more likely from one of the angels of the Presence. This message is not addressed to John (7:14; strkjv@17:7; strkjv@21:6; strkjv@22:6|), but to the entire world of the blessed. See strkjv@Isaiah:43:18f.| for the words (\Idou eg“ poi“ kaina\). The idea of a new heaven and a new earth is in strkjv@Isaiah:65:17; strkjv@66:22; strkjv@Psalms:102:25f|. For the locative here with \epi\ (\epi t“i thron“i\) see strkjv@7:10; strkjv@19:4| (genitive more usual, strkjv@4:9f.; strkjv@5:1,7,13|, etc.). See strkjv@20:11| for the picture. {And he saith} (\kai legei\). Probably this means a change of speakers, made plain by \moi\ (to me) in many MSS. An angel apparently (as in strkjv@14:13; strkjv@19:9f.|) assures John and urges him to write (\grapson\ as in strkjv@1:11; strkjv@2:1,8,12,18; strkjv@3:1,7,14; strkjv@14:3|). The reason given (\hoti\, for) is precisely the saying in strkjv@22:6| and he uses the two adjectives (\pistoi kai alˆthinoi\) employed in strkjv@19:11| about God himself, and strkjv@3:14| about Christ. In strkjv@19:9| \alˆthinoi\ occurs also about "the words of God" as here. They are reliable and genuine.

rwp@Revelation:21:6 @{They are come to pass} (\Gegonan\). Second perfect active indicative of \ginomai\ with \-an\ for \-asi\. See strkjv@16:17| for a like use of \gegonen\, "They have come to pass." Here again it is the voice of God because, as in strkjv@1:8|, He says: {I am the Alpha and the Omega} (\Eg“ to Alpha kai to O\) with the addition "the beginning and the end" (\hˆ archˆ kai to telos\), the whole used in strkjv@22:13| of Christ. In strkjv@Isaiah:44:6| there is something like the addition, and in strkjv@Colossians:1:18; strkjv@Revelation:3:14| \hˆ archˆ\ is applied to Christ, while here God is the First Cause (\archˆ\) and the Finality (\telos\) as in strkjv@Romans:11:36; strkjv@Ephesians:4:6|. But God works through Christ (John:1:3; strkjv@Hebrews:1:2f.; strkjv@Colossians:1:12-20|). God is the bountiful Giver (James:1:5,17|) of the Water of Life. See strkjv@7:17; strkjv@22:1,17| for this metaphor, which is based on strkjv@Isaiah:55:1|. It is God's own promise (\Eg“ d“s“\), "I will give." {Of the fountain} (\ek tˆs pˆgˆs\). For this partitive use of \ek\ see strkjv@Matthew:25:8|, without \ek\ strkjv@Revelation:2:17|. {Freely} (\d“rean\). See strkjv@Matthew:10:8; strkjv@John:4:10; strkjv@Romans:3:24; strkjv@Acts:8:20; strkjv@Revelation:22:17|.

rwp@Revelation:21:8 @{Their part shall be} (\to meros aut“n\). In contrast to the state of the blessed (verses 3-7|) the state of "those who have disfranchised themselves from the Kingdom of God" (Charles) is given. They are with Satan and the two beasts, and are the same with those not in the book of life (20:15|) in the lake of fire and brimstone (19:20; strkjv@20:10,14f.|), that is the second death (2:11; strkjv@20:6,14|). See also strkjv@14:10|. There are eight epithets here used which apply to various sections of this direful list of the doomed and the damned, all in the dative (case of personal interest). {For the fearful} (\tois deilois\). Old word (from \deid“\, to fear) for the cowardly, who recanted under persecution, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:8:26; strkjv@Mark:4:40|. {Unbelieving} (\apistois\). "Faithless," "untrustworthy," in contrast with Christ "\ho pistos\" (1:5|). Cf. strkjv@2:10,13; strkjv@3:14; strkjv@17:14|. Disloyalty is close kin to cowardice. {Abominable} (\ebdelugmenois\). Perfect passive participle of \bdeluss“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:2:22|, common in LXX, to pollute (Exodus:5:21|). Those who have become defiled by the impurities of emperor-worship (7:4f.; strkjv@21:27; strkjv@Romans:2:22; strkjv@Titus:1:16|). {Murderers} (\phoneusin\). As a matter of course and all too common always (Mark:7:21; strkjv@Romans:1:29; strkjv@Revelation:9:21|). {Fornicators} (\pornois\). Again all too common always, then and now (1Corinthians:5:10; strkjv@1Timothy:1:9f.|). These two crimes often go together. {Sorcerers} (\pharmakois\). Old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@22:15|. Closely connected with idolatry and magic (9:21; strkjv@13:13f.|). {Idolaters} (\eid“lolatrais\). See strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10f.; strkjv@10:7; strkjv@Ephesians:5:5; strkjv@Revelation:22:15|. With a powerful grip on men's lives then and now. {All liars} (\pasi tois pseudesin\). Repeated in strkjv@22:15| and stigmatized often (2:2; strkjv@3:9; strkjv@14:5; strkjv@21:8,27; strkjv@22:15|). Not a "light" sin.

rwp@Revelation:21:11 @{Having the glory of God} (\echousan tˆn doxan tou theou\). Syntactically this clause goes with verse 10|, the feminine accusative singular participle \echousan\ agreeing with \polin\, the radiance of the dazzling splendour of God as seen in strkjv@Isaiah:60:1; strkjv@Ezekiel:43:5|. God's very presence is in the Holy City (the Bride). {Light} (\ph“stˆr\). "Luminary," late word (in LXX, papyri), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Phillipians:2:15|. Christ is the light (\ph“s\) of the world (John:8:12|) and so are Christians (Matthew:5:14|) who have received the illumination (\ph“tismos\) of God in the face of Christ (2Corinthians:4:6|) and who radiate it to men (Phillipians:2:15|). See both words in strkjv@Genesis:1:3,14|. "The 'luminary' of the Holy City is her witness to Christ" (Swete). {Like unto a stone most precious} (\homoios lith“i timi“tat“i\). Associative instrumental case after \homoios\. \Timi“tat“i\ is the elative superlative. {As it were a jasper stone} (\h“s lith“i iaspidi\). As in strkjv@4:3|, which see. {Clear as crystal} (\krustallizonti\). Verb not found elsewhere from \krustallos\ (old word, strkjv@4:6; strkjv@22:1|), "of crystalline brightness and transparency" (Thayer), "transparent and gleaming as rock-crystal" (Moffatt).

rwp@Revelation:21:12 @{Having a wall great and high} (\echousa teichos mega kai hupsˆlon\). John returns, after the parenthesis in verse 11|, to the structure in verse 10|, only to use the accusative \echousan\ as before to agree with \polin\, but the nominative \echousa\ as again with "twelve gates" (\pul“nas d“deka\). \Pul“n\ is an old word (from \pulˆ\ gate) for a large gate as in strkjv@Luke:16:20| and six times in Rev. for the gate tower of a city wall (Revelation:21:12,13,15,21,25; strkjv@22:14|) as in strkjv@1Kings:17:10; strkjv@Acts:14:13|. See strkjv@Ezekiel:48:31ff.| for these twelve gates, one for each tribe (cf. strkjv@Revelation:7:1-8|). {At the gates} (\epi tois pul“sin\). "Upon the gate towers." {Twelve angels} (\aggelous d“deka\). As \pul“roi\ or \phulakes\ according to strkjv@Isaiah:62:6; strkjv@2Chronicles:8:14|. {Names written thereon} (\onomata epigegrammena\). Perfect passive participle of \epigraph“\. {Which are the names} (\ha estin\). Just as in Ezekiel's vision (48:31ff.|), so here the names of the twelve tribes of Israel appear, one on each gate.

rwp@Revelation:21:13 @{Three gates} (\pul“nes treis\) on each of the four sides as in strkjv@Ezekiel:42:16ff.|; "on the east" (\apo anatolˆs\, as in strkjv@16:12|, starting from the east), "on the north" (\apo borrƒ\, from the north, as in strkjv@Luke:13:29|), "on the south" (\apo notou\, from the south, as in strkjv@Luke:13:29|), "on the west" (\apo dusm“n\, from the west, as in strkjv@Matthew:8:11|).

rwp@Revelation:21:14 @{Had} (\ech“n\). Masculine present active participle of \ech“\ instead of \echon\ (neuter like to \teichos\), and the participle occurs independently as if a principal verb (\eichen\) as often in this book. {Twelve foundations} (\themelious d“deka\). Foundation stones, old adjective (from \thema\, from \tithˆmi\), here as in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:11ff.; strkjv@2Timothy:2:19|, with \lithous\ (stones understood), though often neuter substantive to \themelion\ (Luke:6:48f.; strkjv@Acts:16:26|). See strkjv@Isaiah:28:16; strkjv@Hebrews:11:10|. Twelve because of the twelve apostles as foundation stones (Ephesians:2:20|). {On them} (\ep' aut“n\). On the twelve foundation stones. {Names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb} (\onomata t“n d“deka apostol“n tou arniou\). Jesus had spoken of twelve thrones for the apostles (Matthew:19:28|); names of all twelve are here written, not just that of Peter, as some would argue from strkjv@Matthew:16:18|. As a matter of fact, Christ is the corner stone or \akrog“niaion\ (1Peter:2:6; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:10; strkjv@Ephesians:2:20|), though rejected by the Sanhedrin (Matthew:21:42ff.|). One may wonder if the name of Judas is on that stone or that of Matthias.

rwp@Revelation:21:16 @{Lieth foursquare} (\tetrag“nos keitai\). Present middle indicative of \keimai\. The predicate adjective is from \tetra\ (Aeolic for \tessares\ four) and \g“nos\ (\g“nia\ corner, strkjv@Matthew:6:5|) here only in N.T. As in strkjv@Ezekiel:48:16,20|. It is a tetragon or quadrilateral quadrangle (21:12f.|). {The length thereof is as great as the breadth} (\to mˆkos autˆs hoson to platos\). It is rectangular, both walls and city within. Babylon, according to Herodotus, was a square, each side being 120 stadia. Diodorus Siculus says that Nineveh was also foursquare. {With the reed} (\t“i kalam“i\). Instrumental case (cf. verse 15| for \kalamos\) and for \metre“\ (aorist active indicative here) {Twelve thousand furlongs} (\epi stadi“n d“deka chiliad“n\). This use of the genitive \stadi“n\ with \epi\ is probably correct (reading of Aleph P), though A Q have \stadious\ (more usual, but confusing here with \chiliad“n\). Thucydides and Xenophon use \epi\ with the genitive in a like idiom (in the matter of). It is not clear whether the 1500 miles (12,000 furlongs) is the measurement of each of the four sides or the sum total. Some of the rabbis argued that the walls of the New Jerusalem of Ezekiel would reach to Damascus and the height would be 1500 miles high. {Equal} (\isa\). That is, it is a perfect cube like the Holy of Holies in Solomon's temple (1Kings:6:19f.|). This same measurement (\platos, mˆkos, hupsos\) is applied to Christ's love in strkjv@Ephesians:3:18|, with \bathos\ (depth) added. It is useless to try to reduce the measurements or to put literal interpretations upon this highly wrought symbolic language. Surely the meaning is that heaven will be large enough for all, as Jesus said (John:14:1ff.|) without insisting on the materialistic measurement of a gorgeous apartment house full of inside rooms.

rwp@Revelation:21:19 @{Were adorned} (\kekosmˆmenoi\). Perfect passive participle of \kosme“\ as in verse 2|, but without the copula \ˆsan\ (were), followed by instrumental case \lith“i\ (stone). {With all manner of precious stones} (\panti lith“i timi“i\). "With every precious stone." The list of the twelve stones in verses 19,20| has no necessary mystical meaning. "The writer is simply trying to convey the impression of a radiant and superb structure" (Moffatt). The twelve gems do correspond closely (only eight in common) with the twelve stones on the high priest's breastplate (Exodus:28:17-20; strkjv@39:10ff.; strkjv@Ezekiel:28:13; strkjv@Isaiah:54:11f.|). Charles identifies them with the signs of zodiac in reverse order, a needless performance here. See the stones in strkjv@Revelation:4:3|. These foundation stones are visible. For jasper (\iaspis\) see strkjv@4:3; strkjv@21:11,18; strkjv@Isaiah:54:12|; sapphire (\sappheiros\) see strkjv@Exodus:24:10;. strkjv@Isaiah:54:11| (possibly the \lapis lazuli\ of Turkestan); chalcedony (\chalkˆd“n\) we have no other reference in N.T. or LXX (described by Pliny, H.N. XXXIII.21), possibly a green silicate of copper from near Chalcedon; emerald (\smaragdos\) here only in N.T., see strkjv@4:3| \smaragdinos\, and like it a green stone.

rwp@Revelation:21:23 @{To shine upon it} (\hina phain“sin autˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the present active subjunctive of \phain“\, to keep on shining. Light is always a problem in our cities. See strkjv@Isaiah:60:19ff|. {Did lighten it} (\eph“tisen autˆn\). First aorist active indicative of \ph“tiz“\, to illumine, old verb from \ph“s\ (Luke:11:36|). If the sun and moon did shine, they would give no added light in the presence of the Shekinah Glory of God. See verse 11| for "the glory of God." Cf. strkjv@18:1; strkjv@21:3|. "Their splendour is simply put to shame by the glory of God Himself" (Charles). {And the lamp thereof is the Lamb} (\kai ho luchnos autˆs to arnion\). Charles takes \ho luchnos\ as predicate, "and the Lamb is the lamp thereof." Bousset thinks that John means to compare Christ to the moon the lesser light (Genesis:1:16|), but that contrast is not necessary. Swete sees Christ as the one lamp for all in contrast with the many \luchniai\ of the churches on earth (1:12,20|). "No words could more clearly demonstrate the purely spiritual character of St. John's conception of the New Jerusalem" (Swete).

rwp@Revelation:21:24 @{Amidst the light thereof} (\dia tou ph“tos autˆs\). Rather "by the light thereof." From strkjv@Isaiah:60:3,11,20|. All the moral and spiritual progress of moderns is due to Christ, and the nations of earth will be represented, including "the kings" (\hoi basileis\), mentioned also in strkjv@Isaiah:60:3|, "do bring their glory into it" (\pherousin tˆn doxan aut“n eis autˆn\). Present active indicative of \pher“\. Swete is uncertain whether this is a picture of heaven itself or "some gracious purpose of God towards humanity which has not yet been revealed" and he cites strkjv@22:2| in illustration. The picture is beautiful and glorious even if not realized here, but only in heaven.

rwp@Revelation:21:27 @{There shall in no wise enter into it} (\ou mˆ eiselthˆi eis autˆn\). Double negative again with the second aorist active subjunctive of \eiserchomai\ with \eis\ repeated. Like strkjv@Isaiah:52:1; strkjv@Ezekiel:44:9|. {Anything unclean} (\pƒn koinon\). Common use of \pƒn\ with negative like \ouden\, and the use of \koinos\ for defiled or profane as in strkjv@Mark:7:2; strkjv@Acts:10:14|, not just what is common to all (Titus:1:4|). {Or he that} (\kai ho\). "And he that." {Maketh an abomination and a lie} (\poi“n bdelugma kai pseudos\). Like Babylon (17:4| which see for \bdelugma\) and strkjv@21:8| for those in the lake of fire and brimstone, and strkjv@22:15| for "every one loving and doing a lie." These recurrent glimpses of pagan life on earth and of hell in contrast to heaven in this picture raise the question already mentioned whether John is just running parallel pictures of heaven and hell after the judgment or whether, as Charles says: "The unclean and the abominable and the liars are still on earth, but, though the gates are open day and night, they cannot enter." In apocalyptic writing literalism and chronology cannot be insisted on as in ordinary books. The series of panoramas continue to the end. {But only they which are written} (\ei mˆ hoi gegrammenoi\). "Except those written." For "the book of life" see strkjv@3:5; strkjv@13:8; strkjv@20:15|. Cf. strkjv@Daniel:12:1|.

rwp@Revelation:22:2 @{In the midst of the street thereof} (\en mes“i tˆs plateias autˆs\). Connected probably with the river in verse 1|, though many connect it with verse 2|. Only one street mentioned here as in strkjv@21:21|. {On this side of the river and on that} (\tou potamou enteuthen kai ekeithen\). \Enteuthen\ occurs as a preposition in strkjv@Daniel:12:5| (Theodoret) and may be so here (post-positive), purely adverbial in strkjv@John:19:18|. {The tree of life} (\xulon z“ˆs\). For the metaphor see strkjv@Genesis:1:11f.| and strkjv@Revelation:2:7; strkjv@22:14|. \Xulon\ is used for a green tree in strkjv@Luke:23:31; strkjv@Ezekiel:47:12|. {Bearing} (\poioun\). Neuter active participle of \poie“\ (making, producing, as in strkjv@Matthew:7:17|). Some MSS. have \poi“n\ (masculine), though \xulon\ is neuter. {Twelve manner of fruits} (\karpous d“deka\). "Twelve fruits." {Yielding} (\apodidoun\). Neuter active participle of \apodid“mi\, to give back, but some MSS. have \apodidous\ (masculine) like \poi“n\. {For the healing of the nations} (\eis therapeian t“n ethn“n\). Spiritual healing, of course, as leaves (\phulla\) are often used for obtaining medicines. Here again the problem occurs whether this picture is heaven before the judgment or afterwards. Charles distinguishes sharply between the Heavenly City for the millennial reign and the New Jerusalem that descends from heaven after the judgment. Charles rearranges these chapters to suit his theory. But chronology is precarious here.

rwp@Revelation:22:4 @{They shall see his face} (\opsontai to pros“pon autou\). Future active of \hora“\. This vision of God was withheld from Moses (Exodus:33:20,23|), but promised by Jesus to the pure in heart (Matthew:5:8|) and mentioned in strkjv@Hebrews:12:14| as possible only to the holy, and promised in strkjv@Psalms:17:15|. Even here on earth we can see God in the face of Christ (2Corinthians:4:6|), but now in the New Jerusalem we can see Christ face to face (1Corinthians:13:12|), even as he is after we are made really like him (2Corinthians:3:18; strkjv@Romans:8:29; strkjv@1John:3:2|). It is anthropomorphic language, to be sure, but it touches the essential reality of religion. "The supreme felicity is reached, immediate presence with God and the Lamb" (Beckwith). {His name on their foreheads} (\to onoma autou epi t“n met“p“n aut“n\). As in strkjv@3:12; strkjv@7:3; strkjv@14:1|.

rwp@Revelation:22:5 @{Shall be night no more} (\nux ouk estai eti\). As in strkjv@21:25|. {They need} (\echousin chreian\). Present active indicative, "They have need," though A has \hexousin\ (shall have), future like \estai\. Here again there is repetition of part of strkjv@21:23|, but for the purpose of showing the delightsomeness of the New Jerusalem with no need of lamp or sun (change to \ph“s\ with \hˆliou\ instead of \ph“tos\, "they have no light of sun"). {Shall give them light} (\ph“tisei\). Future active of \ph“tiz“\, while aorist \eph“tisen\ in strkjv@21:23|. {They shall reign} (\basileusousin\). Future active of \basileu“\. Reign eternally in contrast with the limited millennial reign of strkjv@20:4,6|. This glorious eternal reign with Christ occurs repeatedly in the book (1:6; strkjv@3:21; strkjv@5:10|) as in strkjv@Luke:22:30|. Christ's Kingdom is spiritual (John:18:36f.|). "The visions of the Apocalypse are now ended; they have reached their climax in the New Jerusalem" (Swete). Now John gives the parting utterances of some of the speakers, and it is not always clear who is speaking.

rwp@Revelation:22:7 @{And behold, I come quickly} (\kai idou erchomai tachu\). Christ is the speaker, either through this angel or more probably directly from Christ without introduction as in verses 12,16|. About Christ coming quickly see strkjv@2:5,16; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@16:15|, and already in strkjv@1:2f|. Once more we must recall that \tachu\ and \en tachei\ are according to God's time, not ours (2Peter:3:8|). {Blessed} (\makarios\). This beatitude is like in substance the first (1:3|) and is in Christ's own words like the one in strkjv@16:15|. This book is here called a "prophecy" (\prophˆteias\) as in verses 10,18,19|. It is Christ's revelation from God, a direct message from God. Part of it is prediction of doom on Christ's enemies, but most of it is a comforting picture of final triumph and bliss for the faithful in a time of great distress and persecution.

rwp@Revelation:22:8 @{And I John} (\Kag“ I“annˆs\). Here John the Seer is the speaker. He had already given his name (1:1,4,9|). Here he claims to be the "one who hears and sees these things" (\ho akou“n kai blep“n tauta\). {I fell down to worship} (\epesa proskunˆsai\). Second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ (with \-a\ form) and the first aorist active infinitive of purpose of \proskune“\. It was a natural, though a wrong, thing to do, especially after Christ's own voice followed that of the angel "which shewed me these things" (\tou deiknuontos tauta\). Genitive singular of the articular present active participle of \deiknu“\. Cf. strkjv@1:1; strkjv@4:1; strkjv@17:1; strkjv@21:9f.; strkjv@22:1,6|.

rwp@Revelation:22:9 @{See thou do it not} (\Hora mˆ\). The angel promptly interposes (\legei\, dramatic present). See strkjv@19:10| for discussion of this same phrase \hora mˆ\ when John had once before started to worship the angel in his excitement. Here we have added to the words in strkjv@19:10| "the prophets (\t“n prophˆt“n\) and also "them which keep the words of this book" (\t“n tˆrount“n tous logous tou bibliou toutou\), the last a repetition from strkjv@22:7|. In both places we have "Worship God" (\t“i the“i proskunˆson\). And not an angel.

rwp@Revelation:22:14 @{Blessed} (\makarioi\). This is the last beatitude of the book and "deals with the issues of the higher life" (Swete). {They that wash their robes} (\hoi plunontes tas stolas aut“n\). Present active articular participle of \plun“\. See strkjv@7:14| for this very verb with \stolas\, while in strkjv@3:4| the negative statement occurs. Cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:6:11|. {That they may have the right} (\hina estai hˆ exousia aut“n\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the future middle of \eimi\ (a common construction in this book, strkjv@6:4,11; strkjv@9:5,20; strkjv@13:12; strkjv@14:13|), that there may be their right." {To come to the tree of life} (\epi to xulon tˆs z“ˆs\). "Over the tree of life." On \exousia epi\ = "power over" see strkjv@6:8; strkjv@13:7; strkjv@16:9; strkjv@Luke:9:1|. On "the tree of life" see strkjv@2:7; strkjv@22:2|. {May enter in} (\eiselth“sin\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \eiserchomai\ parallel with \hina estai\ (future). {By the gates} (\tois pul“sin\). Associative instrumental case of \pul“n\ (21:12|), "by the gate towers."

rwp@Revelation:22:17 @{The Spirit and the bride} (\to pneuma kai hˆ numphˆ\). The Holy Spirit, speaking through the prophets or the Spirit of prophecy (2:7; strkjv@16:4; strkjv@18:24|), joins with the bride (21:2|), the people of God, in a response to the voice of Jesus just heard. After the picture of heaven in strkjv@22:1-5| there is intense longing (19:7|) of God's people for the consummation of the marriage of the Lamb and the Bride. Songs:now "the prophets and the saints" (Swete) make a common plea to the Lord Jesus to "come" (\Erchou\, present middle imperative of \erchomai\, Come on) as he has just said twice that he would do (22:1,12|). The call for Christ is to be repeated by every hearer (\ho akou“n\) as in strkjv@1:3|. {Let him come} (\erchesth“\). Change of person and this verb applied not to Christ as just before, but to the one who wishes to greet Christ. The thirsty man is bidden to come himself before it is too late. See strkjv@5:6| for \dipsa“\, used for spiritual thirst, and in particular strkjv@John:6:35; strkjv@7:37| for one thirsting for the water of life (21:6; strkjv@22:1|). Cf. strkjv@Isaiah:55:1|. {He that will} (\ho thel“n\). Even if not yet eagerly thirsting. This one is welcome also. For this use of \thel“\ see strkjv@Phillipians:2:13|. {Let him take} (\labet“\). Second ingressive aorist active imperative of \lamban“\. In accordance with the free promise in strkjv@21:6|, "freely" (\d“rean\) here as there. This gracious and wide invitation is cheering after the gloomy picture of the doomed and the damned. The warnings against the dragon and the two beasts with all their dreadful consequences are meant to deter men from falling victims to all the devil's devices then and now. The door of mercy still stands wide open today, for the end has not yet come. The series of panoramas is over, with the consummation pictured as a reality. Now we drop back to the standpoint before we saw the visions through John's eyes. In verse 17| we hear the voice of the Spirit of God inviting all who hear and see to heed and to come and drink of the water of life freely offered by the Lamb of God.

rwp@Revelation:22:18 @{I testify} (\Eg“ martur“\). Commentators disagree keenly about the words in verses 18,19|. Charles rejects them as an interpolation and out of harmony with the rest of the book. Beckwith takes them to be John's own warning, drawn from strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:2| "to every man that heareth" (\panti t“i akouonti\, dative of the articular present active participle of \akou“\, which compare strkjv@1:3|). Swete properly holds these verses to be from Jesus himself, still bearing solemn witness to this book, with warning against wilful perversion of its teachings. {If any man shall add} (\ean tis epithˆi\). Condition of the third class with \ean\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \epitithˆmi\, with \epi\ added with \auta\, as also in the conclusion \epithˆsei ep' auton\ (future active). This warning is directed against perversions of this book, not about the New Testament or the Bible as a whole, though it may be true there also. Surely no warning was more needed when we consider the treatment accorded the Apocalypse, so that Dr. Robert South said that the Apocalypse either found one crazy or left him so.

rwp@Revelation:22:19 @{If any man shall take away} (\ean tis aphelˆi\). Also condition of the third class with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \aphaire“\, with \apo\ repeated both in the condition and in the conclusion (\aphelei apo\, future active indicative of \aphaire“\ for the more usual \aphairˆsei\). {Which are written in this book} (\t“n gegrammen“n en t“i bibli“i tout“i\). Ablative neuter plural articular perfect passive participle in apposition with \ek tou xulou tˆs z“ˆs\ (from the tree of life) and \ek tˆs pole“s tˆs hagias\ (out of the holy city). Such a man is unworthy of his inheritance.

rwp@Revelation:22:20 @{He which testifieth} (\ho martur“n\). That is Jesus (1:2|) who has just spoken (22:18|). {Yea: I come quickly} (\Nai, erchomai tachu\). Affirmation again of the promise in strkjv@22:7,12|. On \Nai\ (Yes) see strkjv@1:7| for the Lord's assent to the call. Then John expresses his absolute belief in the Lord's promise: "Amen: come, Lord Jesus" (\Amˆn, erchou, Kurie Iˆsou\). On \Amˆn\ see strkjv@1:7|. On \erchou\ see strkjv@22:17|. Note \Kurie\ with \Iˆsou\. As in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3; strkjv@Phillipians:2:11|. For Paul's confidence in the deity of Christ and the certainty of his second coming see strkjv@Titus:2:13; strkjv@2Timothy:4:8|. \Marana tha\ (1Corinthians:16:22|).

rwp@Revelation:22:21 @{The grace of the Lord Jesus be with the saints} (\hˆ charis tou Kuriou Iˆsou meta t“n hagi“n\). John's own benediction, an unusual ending for an apocalypse, but suitable for one meant to be read in the churches (1:3f.|). Grace is Paul's unvarying word in conclusion of his letters, as is true of strkjv@Hebrews:13:25|. "The saints" or the consecrated (\hoi hagioi\) is John's constant word for believers in Christ (8:3f.; strkjv@11:18; strkjv@13:7,10; strkjv@14:12; strkjv@16:6; strkjv@17:6; strkjv@18:20,24; strkjv@19:8; strkjv@20:9|). It is a good word for the close of this marvellous picture of God's gracious provision for his people in earth and heaven.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ THE REVELATION OF JOHN ABOUT A.D. 95 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION DIFFICULTY IN THE PROBLEM Perhaps no single book in the New Testament presents so many and so formidable problems as the Apocalypse of John. These difficulties concern the authorship, the date, the apocalyptic method, the relation to the other Johannine books, the purpose, the historical environment, the reception of the book in the New Testament canon, the use and misuse of the book through the ages, etc. In the eastern churches the recognition of the Apocalypse of John was slower than in the west, since it was not in the Peshitta Syriac Version. Caius of Rome attributed the book to Cerinthus the Gnostic, but he was ably answered by Hippolytus, who attributed it to the Apostle John. The Council of Laodicea (about A.D. 360) omitted it, but the third Council of Carthage (A.D. 397) accepted it. The dispute about millenarianism led Dionysius of Alexandria (middle of the third century, A.D.) to deny the authorship to the Apostle John, though he accepted it as canonical. Eusebius suggested a second John as the author. But finally the book was accepted in the east as Hebrews was in the west after a period of doubt.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ EMPEROR WORSHIP AS THE OCCASION FOR JOHN'S APOCALYPSE There is no doubt at all that the emperor cult (emperor worship) played a main part in the persecution of the Christians that was the occasion for this great Christian apocalypse. The book itself bears ample witness to this fact, if the two beasts refer to the Roman power as the agent of Satan. It is not possible to single out each individual emperor in the graphic picture. Most would take the dragon to be Satan and the first and the second beasts to be the imperial and provincial Roman power. The Roman emperors posed as gods and did the work of Satan. In particular there were two persecuting emperors (Nero and Domitian) who were responsible for many martyrs for Christ. But emperor worship began before Nero. Julius Caesar was worshipped in the provinces. Octavius was called Augustus (\Sebastos\, Reverend). The crazy Emperor Caius Caligula not simply claimed to be divine, but actually demanded that his statue be set up for worship in the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem. He was killed in January A.D. 41 before he could execute his dire purpose. But the madcap Nero likewise demanded worship and blamed in A.D. 64 the burning of Rome on the Christians, though guilty of it himself. He set the style for persecuting Christians, which slumbered on and burst into flames again under Domitian, who had himself commonly termed _Dominus ac Deus noster_ (Our Lord and God). The worship of the emperor did not disturb the worshippers of other gods save the Jews and the Christians, and in particular the Christians were persecuted after the burning of Rome when they were distinguished from the Jews. Up till then Christians were regarded (as by Gallio in Corinth) as a variety of Jews and so entitled to tolerance as a _religio licita_, but they had no standing in law by themselves and their refusal to worship the emperor early gave offence, as Paul indicates in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:3|. It was \Kurios Iˆsous\ or \Kurios Kaisar\. On this very issue Polycarp lost his life. The emperors as a rule were tolerant about it, save Nero and Domitian, who was called Nero _redivivus_, or Nero back again. Trajan in his famous letter to Pliny advised tolerance except in stubborn cases, when the Christians had to be put to death. After Nero it was a crime to be a Christian and all sorts of slanders about them were circulated. We have seen already in strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:3ff.|, the man of sin who sets himself above God as the object of worship. We have seen also in strkjv@1John:2:18,22; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@2John:1:7| the term antichrist applied apparently to Gnostic heretics. One may wonder if, as Beckwith argues, in the Apocalypse the man of sin and the antichrist are united in the beast.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ THE AUTHOR The writer calls himself John (Revelation:1:1,4,9; strkjv@22:8|). But what John? The book can hardly be pseudonymous, though, with the exception of the Shepherd of Hermas, that is the rule with apocalypses. There would have been a clearer claim than just the name. The traditional and obvious way to understand the name is the Apostle John, though Dionysius of Alexandria mentions John Mark as held by some and he himself suggests another John, like the so-called Presbyter John of Papias as quoted by Eusebius. The uncertain language of Papias has raised a deal of questioning. Swete thinks that the majority of modern critics ascribe the Apocalypse to this Presbyter John, to whom Moffatt assigns probably II and III John. Irenaeus represents the Apostle John as having lived to the time of Trajan, at least to A.D. 98. Most ancient writers agree with this extreme old age of John. Justin Martyr states expressly that the Apostle John wrote the Apocalypse. Irenaeus called it the work of a disciple of Jesus. In the ninth century lived Georgius Hamartolus, and a MS. of his alleges that Papias says that John the son of Zebedee was beheaded by the Jews and there is an extract in an Oxford MS. of the seventh century which alleges that Papias says John and James were put to death by the Jews. On the basis of this slim evidence some today argue that John did not live to the end of the century and so did not write any of the Johannine books. But a respectable number of modern scholars still hold to the ancient view that the Apocalypse of John is the work of the Apostle and Beloved Disciple, the son of Zebedee.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ RELATION TO THE FOURTH GOSPEL Here scholars divide again. Many who deny the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel and the Epistles accept the apostolic authorship of the Apocalypse, Baur, for instance. Hort, Lightfoot, and Westcott argued for the Johannine authorship on the ground that the Apocalypse was written early (time of Nero or Vespasian) when John did not know Greek so well as when the Epistles and the Gospel were written. There are numerous grammatical laxities in the Apocalypse, termed by Charles a veritable grammar of its own. They are chiefly retention of the nominative case in appositional words or phrases, particularly participles, many of them sheer Hebraisms, many of them clearly intentional (as in strkjv@Revelation:1:4|), all of them on purpose according to Milligan (_Revelation_ in Schaff's Pop. Comm.) and Heinrici (_Der Litterarische Charakter der neutest. Schriften_, p. 85). Radermacher (_Neutestamentliche Grammatik_, p. 3) calls it "the most uncultured literary production that has come down to us from antiquity," and one finds frequent parallels to the linguistic peculiarities in later illiterate papyri. J. H. Moulton (_Grammar_, Vol. II, Part I, p. 3) says: "Its grammar is perpetually stumbling, its idiom is that of a foreign language, its whole style that of a writer who neither knows nor cares for literary form." But we shall see that the best evidence is for a date in Domitian's reign and not much later than the Fourth Gospel. It is worth noting that in strkjv@Acts:4:13| Peter and John are both termed by the Sanhedrin \agrammatoi kai idi“tai\ (unlettered and unofficial men). We have seen the possibility that II Peter represents Peter's real style or at least that of a different amanuensis from Silvanus in strkjv@1Peter:5:12|. It seems clear that the Fourth Gospel underwent careful scrutiny and possibly by the elders in Ephesus (John:21:24|). If John wrote the Apocalypse while in Patmos and so away from Ephesus, it seems quite possible that here we have John's own uncorrected style more than in the Gospel and Epistles. There is also the added consideration that the excitement of the visions played a part along with a certain element of intentional variations from normal grammatical sequence. An old man's excitement would bring back his early style. There are numerous coincidences in vocabulary and style between the Fourth Gospel and the Apocalypse.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ THE DATE There are two chief theories, the Neronic, soon after Nero's death, the other in the reign of Domitian. Irenaeus is quoted by Eusebius as saying expressly that the Apocalypse of John was written at the close of the reign of Domitian. This testimony is concurred in by Clement of Alexandria, by Origen, by Eusebius, by Jerome. In harmony with this clear testimony the severity of the persecutions suit the later date better than the earlier one. There is, besides, in strkjv@Revelation:17:11f.| an apparent reference to the story that Nero would return again. The fifth king who is one of the seven is an eighth. There was a Nero legend, to be sure, that Nero either was not dead but was in Parthia, or would be _redivivus_ after death. Juvenal termed Domitian "a bald Nero" and others called Domitian "a second Nero." But in spite of all this Hort, Lightfoot, Sanday, Westcott have argued strongly for the Neronic era. Peake is willing to admit allusions to the Neronic period as Swete is also, but both consider the Domitianic date the best supported. Moffatt considers any earlier date than Domitian "almost impossible."

rwp@Info_Revelation @ THE VISIONS No theory of authorship, sources, or date should ignore the fact that the author claims to have had a series of visions in Patmos. It does not follow that he wrote them down at once and without reflection, but it seems hardly congruous to think that he waited till he had returned from exile in Patmos to Ephesus before writing them out. In fact, there is a note of sustained excitement all through the book, combined with high literary skill in the structure of the book in spite of the numerous grammatical lapses. The series of sevens bear a relation to one another, but more in the fashion of a kaleidoscope than of a chronological panorama. And yet there is progress and power in the arrangement and the total effect. There is constant use of Old Testament language and imagery, almost a mosaic, but without a single formal quotation. There is constant repetition of words and phrases in true Johannine style. Each of the messages to the seven churches picks out a metaphor in the first picture of Christ in chapter I and there are frequent other allusions to the language in this picture. In fact there is genuine artistic skill in the structure of the book, in spite of the deflections from ordinary linguistic standards. In the visions and all through the book there is constant use of symbols, as is the fashion in apocalypses like the beasts, the scorpions, the horses, etc. These symbols probably were understood by the first readers of the book, though the key to them is lost to us. Even the numbers in the book (3 1/2, 7, 3, 4, 12, 24, 1000) cannot be pressed, though some do so. Even Harnack called the Apocalypse the plainest book in the New Testament, by using Harnack's key for the symbols.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ THEORIES OF INTERPRETATION They are literally many. There are those who make the book a chart of Christian and even of human history even to the end. These divide into two groups, the continuous and the synchronous. The continuous historical theory takes each vision and symbol in succession as an unfolding panorama. Under the influence of this theory there have been all sorts of fantastic identifications of men and events. The synchronous theory takes the series of sevens (seals, trumpets, bowls) as parallel with each other, each time going up to the end. But in neither case can any satisfactory program be arranged. Another historical interpretation takes it all as over and done, the preterist theory. This theory again breaks into two, one finding the fulfilment all in the Neronic period, the other in the Domitianic era. Something can be said for each view, but neither satisfies the whole picture by any means. Roman Catholic scholars have been fond of the preterist view to escape the Protestant interpretation of the second beast in chapter strkjv@Revelation:13| as papal Rome. There is still another interpretation, the futurist, which keeps the fulfilment all in the future and which can be neither proved nor disproved. There is also the purely spiritual theory which finds no historical allusion anywhere. This again can be neither proved nor disproved. One of the lines of cleavage is the millennium in chapter strkjv@Revelation:20|. Those who take the thousand years literally are either pre-millennialists who look for the second coming of Christ to be followed by a thousand years of personal reign here on earth or the postmillennialists who place the thousand years before the second coming. There are others who turn to strkjv@2Peter:3:8| and wonder if, after all, in a book of symbols this thousand years has any numerical value at all. There seems abundant evidence to believe that this apocalypse, written during the stress and storm of Domitian's persecution, was intended to cheer the persecuted Christians with a view of certain victory at last, but with no scheme of history in view.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ A PRACTICAL PURPOSE Songs:considered, this vision of the Reigning Christ in heaven with a constant eye on the suffering saints and martyrs is a guarantee of certain triumph in heaven and ultimate triumph on earth. The picture of Christ in heaven is a glorious one. He is the Lamb that was slain, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Word of God, the Victor over his enemies, worshipped in heaven like the Father, the Light and Life of men. Instead of trying to fit the various symbols on particular individuals one will do better to see the same application to times of persecution from time to time through the ages. The same Christ who was the Captain of salvation in the time of Domitian is the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith today. The Apocalypse of John gives glimpses of heaven as well as of hell. Hope is the word that it brings to God's people at all times.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ THE READERS OF THE BOOK The whole book is sent to the seven churches in Asia (Revelation:1:4|). There is a special message to each of the seven (chapters strkjv@Revelation:2; 3|), suited to the peculiar needs of each church and with a direct reference to the geography and history of each church and city, so Ramsay holds (_The Letters to the Seven Churches_). The book is to be read aloud in each church (1:3|). One can imagine the intense interest that the book would arouse in each church. Children are charmed to hear the Apocalypse read. They do not understand the symbols, but they see the pictures in the unfolding panorama. There were other churches in the Province of Asia besides these seven, but these form a circle from Ephesus where John had lived and wrought. They do present a variety of churches, not necessarily all types, and by no means a chart of seven dispensations of Christian history.

rwp@Info_Revelation @ A BRIEF BIBLIOGRAPHY (ONLY BOOKS SINCE 1875) Abbott, E. A., _Johannine Grammar_ (1906).,_Notes on New Testament Criticism_ (Part VII of Diatessarica, 1907). Allo, E. B., _L'apocalypse et l'epoque de la parousia_ (1915).,_Saint Jean. L'apocalypse_ (1921). Baldensperger, _Messian. Apok. Hoffnung_. 3rd ed. (1903). Baljon, J. M. S., _Openbaring van Johannes_ (1908). Beckwith, J. T., _The Apocalypse of John_ (1919). Benson, E. W., _The Apocalypse_ (1900). Berg, _The Drama of the Apocalypse_ (1894). Bleek, F., _Lectures on the Apocalypse_ (1875). Boll, _Aus der Offenbarung Johannis_ (1914). Bousset, W., _Die Offenbarung Johannis_. 2 Aufl. (1906).,_Zur Textkritik der Apokalypse_ (1894). Brown, Charles, _Heavenly Visions_ (1911). Brown, D., _The Structure of the Apocalypse_ (1891). Bullinger, _Die Apokalypse_ (1904). Bungeroth, _Schlussel zur Offenbarung Johannis_ (1907). Burger, C. H. A., _Offenbarung Johannis_ (1877). Cadwell, _The Revelation of Jesus Christ_ (1920). Calmes, _L'Apokalypse devant la Critique_ (1907). Campbell, _The Patmos Letters Applied to Modern Criticism_ (1908). Carrington, P., _The Meaning of the Revelation_ (1931). Case, S. J., _The Millennial Hope_ (1918).,_The Revelation of John_ (1920). Charles, R. H., _Studies in the Apocalypse_ (1913).,_The Revelation of St. John_. 2 vols. (1921). Chevalin, _L'apocalypse et les temps presents_ (1904). Crampon, _L'apocalypse de S. Jean_ (1904). Dean, J. T., _The Book of Revelation_ (1915) Deissmann, A., _Light from the Ancient East_. Tr. by Strachan (1927). Delaport, _Fragments sahidiques du N.T. Apocalypse_ (1906). Douglas, C. E., _New Light on the Revelation of St. John the Divine_ (1923). Dusterdieck, _Offenbarung Johannis_. 4 Aufl. (1887). Eckman, _When Christ Comes Again_ (1917). Erbes, _Offenbar. Johan. Kritischuntersucht_ (1891). Forbes, H. P., _International Handbook on the Apocalypse_ (1907). Gebhardt, _Doctrine of the Apocalypse_ (1878). Geil, W. E., _The Isle That Is Called Patmos_ (1905). Gibson, E. C. S., _The Revelation of St. John_ (1910). Gigot, _The Apocalypse of St. John_ (1915). Glazebrook, _The Apocalypse of St. John_ (1924). Gunkel, H., _Schopfung und Chaos_ (1895). Gwynn, _The Apocalypse of St. John_ (1897). Harnack, A., _Die Chronologie der altchristlichen Litteratur_. Bd I (1897). Henderson, B. W., _The Life and Principate of the Emperor Nero_ (1903). Hill, _Apocalyptic Problems_ (1916). Hill, Erskine, _Mystic Studies in the Apocalypse_ (1931). Hirscht, _Die Apokalypse und ihre neueste Kritik_ (1895). Holtzmann, H. J., _Die Offenbarung Johannis_ (1891). Holtzmann-Bauer, _Hand-Comm., Offenbarung des Johannis_. 3 Aufl. (1908). Horne, _The Meaning of the Apocalypse_ (1916). Hort, F. J. A., _The Apocalypse of St. John, Chs. 1-3_ (1908). James, M. R., _The Apocalypse in Art_ (1931). Jowett, G. T., _The Apocalypse of St. John_ (1910). Kubel, _Offenbarung Johannis_ (1893). Laughlin, _The Solecisms of the Apocalypse_ (1902). Lee, S., _Revelation in Speaker's Comm_. (1881). Linder, _Die Offenbarung des Johannis aufgeschlossen_ (1905). Llwyd, J. P. D., _The Son of Thunder_ (1932). Lohmeyer, E., _Die Offenbarung des Johannes_. Handbuch zum N.T. (1926). Loisy, A., _L'Apocalypse de Jean_ (1923). Matheson, _Sidelights upon Patmos_. Milligan, W., _The Revelation of St. John_. Schaff's Popular Comm. (1885).,_The Book of Revelation_. Expositor's Bible (1889).,_Lectures on the Apocalypse_ (1892).,_Discussions on the Apocalypse_ (1893). Moffatt, James, _Intr. to Literature of the N.T_. (1911).,_Revelation in Expos. Greek Testament_ (1910). Moule, H.C., _Some Thoughts on the Seven Epistles_ (1915). Mozley, _The Christian's Hope in the Apocalypse_ (1915). Oman, John, _The Book of Revelation_ (1923).,_The Text of Revelation_ (1928). Osborn, _The Lion and the Lamb_ (1922). Palmer, _The Drama of the Apocalypse_ (1902). Paul, _Latter Day Light on the Apocalypse_ (1898). Peake, A. S., _The Revelation of John_ (1921). Porter, F. C., _The Messages of the Apocalyptic Writers_ (1905). Pounder, _Historical Notes on the Book of Revelation_ (1912). Prager, L., _Die Offenbarung Johannis_ (1901). Ramsay, A., _Revelation in Westminster N.T_. (1910). Ramsay, W. M., _The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia_ (1904). Rauch, _Offenbarung des Johannis_ (1894). Reymond, _L'apocalypse_ (1908). Ross, J. J., _Pearls from Patmos_ (1923). Russell, J. S., _The Parousia_ (1878). Sabatier, _Les Origines Litteraires et la Comp. de l'Apoc_. (1888). Schlatter, _Der Evangelist Johannes_ (1931). Schoen, _L'Origine de l'Apocalypse_ (1887). Scott, C. Anderson, _Revelation in New Century Bible_ (1902). Scott, C. A., _Revelation in Devot. Comm_. (1906). Scott, J. J., _Lectures on the Apocalypse_ (1909). Selwyn, E. C., _The Christian Prophets and the Prophetic Apocalypse_ (1901). Shepherd, W. J. L., _The Revelation of St. John the Divine_. 2 vols. (1923). Simcox, W. H., _Revelation in Cambridge Greek Testament_ (1893). Smith, J. A., _Revelation in American Comm_. (1888).,_The World Lighted_ (1890).,_The Divine Parable of History_ (1901). Spitta, F., _Die Offenbarung des Johannis_ (1889). Strange, _Instructions on the Revelation of St. John the Divine_ (1900). Swete, H. B., _The Apocalypse of St. John_ (1906). 2nd ed. 1907. Turner, C. H., _Studies in Early Church History_ (1912). Vischer, _Die Offenb. Johan. eine judische Apok_ (1886). Volter, _Offenb. Johannis_. 2 Aufl. (1911).,_Das Problem der Apok_. (1893). Weiss, B., _Die Johannes-Apokalypse_. Textkrit. (1891, 2 Aufl. 1902). Weiss, J., _Offenb. Johannis_ (1904). Wellhausen, J., _Analyse der Offenb_. (1907). Weyland, _Omwerkings-en Compilatie-Hupothesen Toegepast op de Apok_. (1888). Whiting, _The Revelation of John_ (1918). Zahn, _Introduction to the N.T_. 3 vols. (1909).,_Komm_. (1926).

rwp@Info_Romans @ THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS SPRING OF A.D. 57 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION INTEGRITY OF THE EPISTLE The genuineness of the Epistle is so generally admitted by scholars that it is unnecessary to prove it here, for Loman, Steck, and the Dutch scholars (Van Manen, etc.) who deny it as Pauline are no longer taken seriously. He wrote it from Corinth because he sent it to Rome by Phoebe of Cenchreae (Romans:16:2|) if chapter 16 is acknowledged to be a part of the Epistle. Chapter 16 is held by some to be really a short epistle to Ephesus because of the long list of names in it, because of Paul's long stay in Ephesus, because he had not yet been to Rome, and because, in particular, Aquila and Priscilla are named (Romans:16:3-5|) who had been with Paul in Ephesus. But they had come from Rome before going to Corinth and there is no reason for thinking that they did not return to Rome. It was quite possible for Paul to have many friends in Rome whom he had met elsewhere. People naturally drifted to Rome from all over the empire. The old MSS. (Aleph A B C D) give chapter 16 as an integral part of the Epistle. Marcion rejected it and chapter 15 also for reasons of his own. Renan's theory that Romans was a circular letter like Ephesians sent in different forms to different churches (Rome, Ephesus, Thessalonica, etc.) has appealed to some scholars as explaining the several doxologies in the Epistle, but they cause no real difficulty since Paul interjected them in his other epistles according to his moods (2Corinthians:1:20|, for instance). That theory raises more problems than it solves as, for example, Paul's remarks about going to Rome (Romans:1:9-16|) which apply to Rome. Lightfoot suggests the possibility that Paul added strkjv@Romans:16:25-27| some years after the original date so as to turn it into a circular letter. But the MSS. do not support that theory and that leaves strkjv@Romans:15:22-33 in the Epistle quite unsuitable to a circular letter. Modern knowledge leaves the Epistle intact with occasional variations in the MSS. on particular points as is true of all the N.T.

rwp@Info_Romans @ THE PURPOSE Paul tells this himself. He had long cherished a desire to come to Rome (Acts:19:21|) and had often made his plans to do so (Romans:1:13|) which were interrupted (Romans:15:22|), but now he definitely plans to go from Jerusalem, after taking the contribution there (Romans:15:26|), to Rome and then on to Spain (Romans:15:24,28|). Meanwhile he sends this Epistle that the Romans may know what Paul's gospel really is (Romans:1:15; strkjv@2:16|). He is full of the issues raised by the Judaizing controversy as set forth in the Epistles to Corinth and to Galatia. Songs:in a calmer mood and more at length he presents his conception of the Righteousness demanded by God (Romans:1:17|) of both Gentile (Romans:1:18-32|) and Jew (Romans:2:1-3:20|) and only to be obtained by faith in Christ who by his atoning death (justification) has made it possible (Romans:3:21-5:21|). This new life of faith in Christ should lead to holiness of life (sanctification, chapters strkjv@Romans:6-8|). This is Paul's gospel and the remaining chapters deal with corollaries growing out of the doctrine of grace as applied to practical matters. It is a cause for gratitude that Paul did write out so full a statement of his message. He had a message for the whole world and was anxious to win the Roman Empire to Christ. It was important that he go to Rome for it was the centre of the world's life. Nowhere does Paul's Christian statesmanship show to better advantage than in this greatest of his Epistles. It is not a book of formal theology though Paul is the greatest of theologians. Here Paul is seen in the plenitude of his powers with all the wealth of his knowledge of Christ and his rich experience in mission work. The church in Rome is plainly composed of both Jews and Greeks, though who started the work there we have no way of knowing. Paul's ambition was to preach where no one else had been (Romans:15:20|), but he has no hesitation in going on to Rome.

rwp@Info_Romans @ COMMENTARIES No one of Paul's Epistles has more helpful modern commentaries on it than this one, such as those by Barth (1919), Beet (9th ed., 1901), Cook (1930), Denney (1901), Feine (1903), Garvie (1901), Gifford (1881), Godet (Tr., 1883), Gore (Expos.), Grey (1910), Griffith-Thomas (1913), Hodge (1856), Hort (Intr., 1895), Jowett (3rd ed., 1894), Julicher (2 Aufl., 1907), Kuhl (1913), Lagrange (1916), Lard (1875), Liddon (Anal., 1893), Lietzmann (2 Aufl., 1919), Lightfoot (chapters 1-7, 1895), Luetgert (1913), Monk (1893), Plummer, Richter (1908), Sanday and Headlam (1895), Shedd (1893), Stifler (1897), Vaughan (1890), Weiss, B. (Meyer Komm., g Aufl., 1899), Westcott, F. B. (1913), Zahn (1910). strkjv@Romans:1:1 @{To the Romans} (\pros R“maious\). This is the title in Aleph A B C, our oldest Greek MSS. for the Epistle. We do not know whether Paul gave any title at all. Later MSS. add other words up to the Textus Receptus: The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. The Epistle is put first in the MSS. because it is the most important of Paul's Epistles.

rwp@Info_Romans @{Paul} @(\Paulos\). Roman name (\Paulus\). See on ¯Acts:13:9| for the origin of this name by the side of Saul. {Servant} (\doulos\). Bond-slave of Jesus Christ (or Christ Jesus as some MSS. give it and as is the rule in the later Epistles) for the first time in the Epistles in the opening sentence, though the phrase already in strkjv@Galatians:1:10|. Recurs in strkjv@Phillipians:1:1| and \desmios\ (bondsman) in strkjv@Philemon:1:1|. {Called to be an apostle} (\klˆtos apostolos\). An apostle by vocation (Denney) as in strkjv@1Corinthians:1:1|. In strkjv@Galatians:1:1| \klˆtos\ is not used, but the rest of the verse has the same idea. {Separated} (\aph“rismenos\). Perfect passive participle of \aphoriz“\ for which verb see on ¯Galatians:1:15|. Paul is a spiritual Pharisee (etymologically), separated not to the oral tradition, but to God's gospel, a chosen vessel (Acts:9:15|). By man also (Acts:13:2|). Many of Paul's characteristic words like \euaggelion\ have been already discussed in the previous Epistles that will call for little comment from now on.

rwp@Romans:1:2 @{He promised afore} (\proepˆggeilato\). First aorist middle of \proepaggell“\ for which verb see on ¯2Corinthians:9:5|. {By} (\dia\). Through, by means of, intermediate agency like strkjv@Matthew:1:22| which see. {In the holy scriptures} (\en graphais hagiais\). No article, yet definite. Perhaps the earliest use of the phrase (Sanday and Headlam). Paul definitely finds God's gospel in the Holy Scriptures.

rwp@Romans:1:4 @{Who was declared} (\tou horisthentos\). Articular participle (first aorist passive) of \horiz“\ for which verb see on ¯Luke:22:22; strkjv@Acts:2:23|. He was the Son of God in his preincarnate state (2Corinthians:8:9; strkjv@Phillipians:2:6|) and still so after his Incarnation (verse 3|, "of the seed of David"), but it was the Resurrection of the dead (\ex anastase“s nekr“n\, the general resurrection implied by that of Christ) that definitely marked Jesus off as God's Son because of his claims about himself as God's Son and his prophecy that he would rise on the third day. This event (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:15|) gave God's seal "with power" (\en dunamei\), "in power," declared so in power (2Corinthians:13:4|). The Resurrection of Christ is the miracle of miracles. "The resurrection only declared him to be what he truly was" (Denney). {According to the spirit of holiness} (\kata pneuma hagi“sunˆs\). Not the Holy Spirit, but a description of Christ ethically as \kata sarka\ describes him physically (Denney). \Hagi“sunˆ\ is rare (1Thessalonians:3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:7:1| in N.T.), three times in LXX, each time as the attribute of God. "The \pneuma hagi“sunˆs\, though not the Divine nature, is that in which the Divinity or Divine Personality Resided " (Sanday and Headlam). {Jesus Christ our Lord} (\Iˆsou Christou tou kuriou hˆm“n\). These words gather up the total personality of Jesus (his deity and his humanity).

rwp@Romans:1:10 @{If by any means now at length} (\ei p“s ˆdˆ pote\). A condition of the first class in the form of an indirect question (aim) or elliptical condition like strkjv@Acts:27:12| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1024). Note the four particles together to express Paul's feelings of emotion that now at length somehow it may really come true. {I may be prospered} (\euod“thˆsomai\). First future passive indicative of \euodo“\ for which verb see on ¯1Corinthians:16:2|. {By the will of God} (\en t“i thelˆmati tou theou\). Paul's way lay "in" God's will.

rwp@Romans:1:11 @{Impart} (\metad“\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \metadid“mi\, to share with one. See on ¯Luke:3:11; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:8|. {To the end ye may be established} (\eis to stˆrichthˆnai humas\). Final clause (common in Paul) with \eis to\ and the first aorist passive infinitive of \stˆriz“\ for which verb see on ¯Luke:22:32; strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:3,13|.

rwp@Romans:1:12 @{That is} (\touto de estin\). "An explanatory correction" (Denney). The \de\ should not be ignored. Instead of saying that he had a spiritual gift for them, he wishes to add that they also have one for him. {That I with you may be comforted} (\sunparaklˆthˆnai en humin\). "My being comforted in you (\en humin\) together (\sun-\) with you," a mutual blessing to each party (you and me).

rwp@Romans:1:17 @{For therein} (\gar en aut“i\). In the gospel (verse 16|) of which Paul is not ashamed. {A righteousness of God} (\dikaiosunˆ theou\). Subjective genitive, "a God kind of righteousness," one that each must have and can obtain in no other way save "from faith unto faith" (\ek piste“s eis pistin\), faith the starting point and faith the goal (Lightfoot). {Is revealed} (\apokaluptetai\). It is a revelation from God, this God kind of righteousness, that man unaided could never have conceived or still less attained. In these words we have Paul's statement in his own way of the theme of the Epistle, the content of the gospel as Paul understands it. Every word is important: \s“tˆrian\ (salvation), \euaggelion\ (gospel), \apokaluptetai\ (is revealed), \dikaiosunˆ theou\ (righteousness of God), \pistis\ (faith) and \pisteuonti\ (believing). He grounds his position on strkjv@Habbakkuk:2:4| (quoted also in strkjv@Galatians:3:11|). By "righteousness" we shall see that Paul means both "justification" and "sanctification." It is important to get a clear idea of Paul's use of \dikaiosunˆ\ here for it controls the thought throughout the Epistle. Jesus set up a higher standard of righteousness (\dikaiosunˆ\) in the Sermon on the Mount than the Scribes and Pharisees taught and practised (Matthew:5:20|) and proves it in various items. Here Paul claims that in the gospel, taught by Jesus and by himself there is revealed a God kind of righteousness with two ideas in it (the righteousness that God has and that he bestows). It is an old word for quality from \dikaios\, a righteous man, and that from \dikˆ\, right or justice (called a goddess in strkjv@Acts:28:4|), and that allied with \deiknumi\, to show, to point out. Other allied words are \dikaio“\, to declare or make \dikaios\ (Romans:3:24,26|), \dikai“ma\, that which is deemed \dikaios\ (sentence or ordinance as in strkjv@1:32; strkjv@2:26; strkjv@8:4|), \dikai“sis\, the act of declaring \dikaios\ (only twice in N.T., strkjv@4:25; strkjv@5:18|). \Dikaiosunˆ\ and \dikaio“\ are easy to render into English, though we use justice in distinction from righteousness and sanctification for the result that comes after justification (the setting one right with God). Paul is consistent and usually clear in his use of these great words.

rwp@Romans:1:19 @{Because} (\dioti\). Gives the reason (\dia, hoti\ like our "for that") for the revelation of God's wrath. {That which may be known of God} (\to gn“ston tou theou\). Verbal adjective from \gin“sk“\, either "the known" as elsewhere in N.T. (Acts:1:19; strkjv@15:18|, etc.) or "the knowable" as usual in ancient Greek, that is "the knowledge" (\hˆ gn“sis\) of God. See strkjv@Phillipians:3:8|. Cf. same use of the verbal \chrˆston\ in strkjv@Romans:2:4|, \ametatheton\ in strkjv@Hebrews:6:17|. {Manifest in them} (\phaneron en autois\). In their hearts and consciences. {God manifested} (\ho theos ephaner“sen\). First aorist active indicative of \phanero“\. Not mere tautology. See strkjv@2:14-16|.

rwp@Romans:1:20 @{The invisible things of him} (\ta aorata autou\). Another verbal adjective (\a\ privative and \hora“\, to see), old word, either unseen or invisible as here and elsewhere in N.T. (Colossians:1:15f.|, etc.). The attributes of God's nature defined here as "his everlasting power and divinity" (\hˆ te aidios autou dunamis kai theiotˆs\). \Aidios\ is for \aeidios\ from \aei\ (always), old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Jude:1:6|, common in Philo (\z“ˆ aidios\), elsewhere \ai“nios\. \Theiotˆs\ is from \theios\ (from \theos\) quality of \theos\ and corresponds more to Latin _divinitas_ from _divus_, divine. In strkjv@Colossians:2:9| Paul uses \theotˆs\ (Latin _deitas_ from _deus_) {deity}, both old words and nowhere else in the N.T. \Theotˆs\ is Divine Personality, \theiotˆs\, Divine Nature and properties (Sanday and Headlam). {Since the creation of the world} (\apo ktise“s kosmou\). He means by God and unto God as antecedent to and superior to the world (cf. strkjv@Colossians:1:15f|. about Christ). {Are clearly seen} (\kathoratai\). Present passive indicative of \kathora“\ (perfective use of \kata-\), old word, only here in N.T., with direct reference to \aorata\. {Being perceived} (\nooumena\). Present passive participle of \noe“\, to use the \nous\ (intellect). {That they may be without excuse} (\eis to einai autous anapologˆtous\). More likely, "so that they are without excuse." The use of \eis to\ and the infinitive (with accusative of general reference) for result like \h“ste\ is reasonably clear in the N.T. (Moulton, _Prolegomena_, p. 219; Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1003). \Anapologˆtous\ is another verbal with \an\ from \apologeomai\. Old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:2:1| ("inexcusable" here).

rwp@Romans:1:21 @{Because that} (\dioti\). As in verse 19|. {Knowing God} (\gnontes ton theon\). Second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\, to know by personal experience. Definite statement that originally men had some knowledge of God. No people, however degraded, have yet been found without some yearning after a god, a seeking to find the true God and get back to him as Paul said in Athens (Acts:17:27|). {Glorified not as God} (\ouch h“s theon edoxasan\). They knew more than they did. This is the reason for the condemnation of the heathen (2:12-16|), the failure to do what they know. {Their senseless heart} (\hˆ asunetos aut“n kardia\). \Kardia\ is the most comprehensive term for all our faculties whether feeling (Romans:9:2|), will (1Corinthians:4:5|), intellect (Romans:10:6|). It may be the home of the Holy Spirit (Romans:5:5|) or of evil desires (1:24|). See strkjv@Mark:7:21f.| for list of vices that come "out of the heart." \Asunetos\ is a verbal adjective from \suniˆmi\, to put together, and \a\ privative, unintelligent, not able to put together the manifest evidence about God (verse 20|). Songs:darkness settled down on their hearts (\eskotisthˆ\, first aorist ingressive passive of \skotiz“\, to darken).

rwp@Romans:1:24 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). Paul's inexorable logic. See it also in verse 26| with the same verb and in verse 28| \kai\ like "and so." {God gave them up} (\pared“ken autous ho theos\). First aorist active indicative of \paradid“mi\, old and common verb to hand over (beside, \para\) to one's power as in strkjv@Matthew:4:12|. These people had already wilfully deserted God who merely left them to their own self-determination and self-destruction, part of the price of man's moral freedom. Paul refers to this stage and state of man in strkjv@Acts:17:30| by "overlooked" (\huperid“n\). The withdrawal of God's restraint sent men deeper down. Three times Paul uses \pared“ken\ here (verses 24,26,28|), not three stages in the giving over, but a repetition of the same withdrawal. The words sound to us like clods on the coffin as God leaves men to work their own wicked will. {That their bodies should be dishonoured} (\tou atimazesthai ta s“mata aut“n\). Contemplated result expressed by \tou\ (genitive article) and the passive infinitive \atimazesthai\ (from \atimos\, \a\ privative and \timos\, dishonoured) with the accusative of general reference. Christians had a new sense of dignity for the body (1Thessalonians:4:4; strkjv@1Corinthians:6:13|). Heathenism left its stamp on the bodies of men and women.

rwp@Romans:1:29 @{Being called with} (\peplˆr“menous\). Perfect passive participle of the common verb \plˆro“\, state of completion, "filled to the brim with" four vices in the associative instrumental case (\adikiƒi\, unrighteousness as in verse 18|, \ponˆriƒi\, active wickedness as in strkjv@Mark:7:22|, \pleonexiƒi\, covetousness as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:5; strkjv@Luke:12:15|, \kakiƒi\, maliciousness or inward viciousness of disposition as in strkjv@1Corinthians:5:8|). Note asyndeton, no connective in the lists in verses 29-31|. Dramatic effect. The order of these words varies in the MSS. and \porneiƒi\, fornication, is not genuine here (absent in Aleph A B C). {Full of} (\mestous\). Paul changes from participle to adjective. Old adjective, rare in the N.T., like \mesto“\, to fill full (only in strkjv@Acts:2:13| in N.T.), stuffed full of (with genitive). Five substantives in the genitive (\phthonou\, envy, as in strkjv@Galatians:5:21|, \phonou\, murder, and so a paronomasia or combination with \phthonou\, of like sounding words, \eridos\, strife, as in strkjv@2Corinthians:12:16|, \kakoˆthias\, malignity, and here only in N.T. though old word from \kakoˆthˆs\ and that from \kakos\ and \ˆthos\, a tendency to put a bad construction on things, depravity of heart and malicious disposition.

rwp@Romans:1:30 @Paul changes the construction again to twelve substantives and adjectives that give vivid touches to this composite photograph of the God abandoned soul. {Whisperers} (\psithuristas\). Old word from \psithuriz“\, to speak into the ear, to speak secretly, an onomatopoetic word like \psithurismos\ (2Corinthians:12:20|) and only here in N.T. {Backbiters} (\katalalous\). Found nowhere else except in Hermas, compound like \katalale“\, to talk back (James:4:11|), and \katalalia\, talking back (2Corinthians:12:20|), talkers back whether secretly or openly. {Hateful to God} (\theostugeis\). Old word from \theos\ and \stuge“\. All the ancient examples take it in the passive sense and so probably here. Songs:\stugˆtos\ (Titus:3:13|). Vulgate has _deo odibiles_. {Insolent} (\hubristas\). Old word for agent from \hubriz“\, to give insult to, here alone in N.T. save strkjv@1Timothy:1:13|. {Haughty} (\huperˆphanous\). From \huper\ and \phainomai\, to appear above others, arrogant in thought and conduct, "stuck up." {Boastful} (\alazonas\). From \alˆ\, wandering. Empty pretenders, swaggerers, braggarts. {Inventors of evil things} (\epheuretas kak“n\). Inventors of new forms of vice as Nero was. Tacitus (_Ann_. IV. ii) describes Sejanus as _facinorum omnium repertor_ and Virgil (_Aen_. ii. 163) _scelerum inventor_. {Disobedient to parents} (\goneusin apeitheis\). Cf. strkjv@1Timothy:1:9; strkjv@2Timothy:3:2|. An ancient and a modern trait.

rwp@Romans:1:32 @{The ordinance of God} (\to dikai“ma tou theou\). The heathen knows that God condemns such evil practices. {But also consent with them} (\alla kai suneudokousin\). Late verb for hearty approval as in strkjv@Luke:11:48; strkjv@Acts:8:1; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:12|. It is a tragedy of American city government that so many of the officials are proven to be hand in glove with the underworld of law-breakers.

rwp@Romans:2:1 @{Wherefore} (\dio\). See strkjv@1:24,26| for this relative conjunction, "because of which thing." {Without excuse} (\anapologˆtos\). See on ¯1:21|. {Whosoever thou art that judgest} (\pas ho krin“n\). Literally, "every one that judgest," vocative case in apposition with \anthr“pe\. Paul begins his discussion of the failure of the Jew to attain to the God-kind of righteousness (2:1-3:20|) with a general statement applicable to all as he did (1:18|) in the discussion of the failure of the Gentiles (Lightfoot). The Gentile is readily condemned by the Jew when he sins and equally so is the Jew condemned by the Gentile in like case. \Krin“\ does not of itself mean to condemn, but to pick out, separate, approve, determine, pronounce judgment, condemn (if proper). {Another} (\ton heteron\). Literally, "the other man." The notion of two in the word, one criticizing the other. {Thou condemnest thyself} (\seauton katakrineis\). Note \kata\ here with \krin“\, to make plain the adverse judgment. {For} (\gar\). Explanatory reason for the preceding statement. The critic {practises} (\prasseis\, not single acts \poie“\, but the habit \prass“\) the same things that he condemns.

rwp@Romans:2:3 @{And doest the same} (\kai poi“n auta\). "And doest them occasionally." {That thou shalt escape} (\su ekpheuxˆi\). Emphasis on \su\, "thou conceited Jew expecting to escape God's \krima\ because thou art a Jew." Cf. strkjv@Matthew:3:8f|. Paul justifies the bitter words of the Baptist to the Pharisees and Sadducees. The future middle of the old verb \ekpheug“\ (cf. strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:3|). The Jew posed as immune to the ordinary laws of ethics because a Jew. Alas, some Christians affect the same immunity.

rwp@Romans:2:4 @{Or despiseth thou?} (\ˆ kataphroneis?\). Another alternative, that of scorn of God's kindness (\chrˆstotˆtos\, strkjv@2Corinthians:6:6|) and forbearance (\anochˆs\, old word, holding back from \anech“\, only here in N.T.) and longsuffering (\makrothumias\, late word for which see strkjv@2Corinthians:6:4,6|). \Kataphrone“\ is old verb to think down on (\kata, phrone“\) as in strkjv@Matthew:6:24; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:22|. This upstart Jew actually thinks down on God. And then "the riches" (\tou ploutou\) of all that comes from God. {Leadeth thee to repentance} (\eis metanoian se agei\). The very kindness (\to chrˆston\, the kindly quality) of God is trying to lead (conative present \agei\) thee to a right-about face, a change of mind and attitude (\metanoian\) instead of a complacent self-satisfaction and pride of race and privilege.

rwp@Romans:2:5 @{After thy hardness} (\kata tˆn sklˆrotˆta sou\). "According to thy hardness (old word from \sklˆros\, hard, stiff, only here in N.T.) will God's judgment be." {And impenitent heart} (\kai ametanoˆton kardian\). See \metanoian\ just before. "Thy unreconstructed heart," "with no change in the attitude of thy heart." {Treasurest up for thyself} (\thˆsaurizeis seaut“i\). See for \thˆsauriz“\ on strkjv@Matthew:6:19f.; strkjv@Luke:12:21; strkjv@2Corinthians:12:14|. Dative case \seaut“i\ (for thyself) with a touch of irony (Vincent). {Wrath} (\orgˆn\). For such a Jew as already stated for the Gentile (1:18|). There is a revelation (\apokalupse“s\) of God's wrath for both in the day of wrath and righteous judgment (\dikaiokrisias\, a late compound word, in LXX, two examples in the Oxyrhynchus papyri, only here in N.T.). See strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:5| for \dikaias krise“s\. Paul looks to the judgment day as certain (cf. strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10-12|), the day of the Lord (2Corinthians:1:14|).

rwp@Romans:2:7 @{To them that seek} (\tois men--zˆtousin\). Dative plural of the articular present active participle of \zˆte“\ with \men\ on the one hand. {Eternal life} (\z“ˆn ai“nion\). Accusative case object of \apod“sei\ above.

rwp@Romans:2:8 @{But unto them that are factious and obey not the truth but obey unrighteousness} (\tois de ex eritheias kai apeithousin tˆi alˆtheiƒi peithomenois de adikiƒi\). The other side with \de\ and the articular present participles in the dative again, only with \ex eritheias\, there is no participle \ousin\. But the construction changes and the substantives that follow are not the object of \apod“sei\ like \z“ˆn ain“nion\ above, but are in the nominative as if with \esontai\ (shall be) understood (anger and wrath, both \orgˆ\ and \thumos\, tribulation and anguish, again a pair \thlipsis kai stenoch“ria\ on which see strkjv@2Corinthians:5:4; strkjv@12:10|).

rwp@Romans:2:12 @{Have sinned} (\hˆmarton\). Constative aorist active indicative, "sinned," a timeless aorist. {Without law} (\anom“s\). Old adverb "contrary to law," "unjustly," but here in ignorance of the Mosaic law (or of any law). Nowhere else in N.T. {Shall also perish without law} (\anom“s kai apolountai\). Future middle indicative of \apollumi\, to destroy. This is a very important statement. The heathen who sin are lost, because they do not keep the law which they have, not because they do not have the Mosaic law or Christianity. {Under law} (\en nom“i\). In the sphere of the Mosaic law. {By the law} (\dia nomou\). The Jew has to stand or fall by the Mosaic law.

rwp@Romans:2:15 @{In that they} (\hoitines\). "The very ones who," qualitative relative. {Written in their hearts} (\grapton en tais kardiais aut“n\). Verbal adjective of \graph“\, to write. When their conduct corresponds on any point with the Mosaic law they practise the unwritten law in their hearts. {Their conscience bearing witness therewith} (\sunmarturousˆs aut“n tˆs suneidˆse“s\). On conscience (\suneidˆsis\) see on ¯1Corinthians:8:7; strkjv@10:25f.; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:12|. Genitive absolute here with present active participle \sunmarturousˆs\ as in strkjv@9:1|. The word \suneidˆsis\ means co-knowledge by the side of the original consciousness of the act. This second knowledge is personified as confronting the first (Sanday and Headlam). The Stoics used the word a great deal and Paul has it twenty times. It is not in the O.T., but first in this sense in Wisdom strkjv@17:10. All men have this faculty of passing judgment on their actions. It can be over-scrupulous (1Corinthians:10:25|) or "seared" by abuse (1Timothy:4:12|). It acts according to the light it has. {Their thoughts one with another accusing or also excusing them} (\metaxu allˆl“n t“n logism“n katˆgorount“n ˆ kai apologoumen“n\). Genitive absolute again showing the alternative action of the conscience, now accusing, now excusing. Paul does not say that a heathen's conscience always commends everything that he thinks, says, or does. In order for one to be set right with God by his own life he must always act in accord with his conscience and never have its disapproval. That, of course, is impossible else Christ died for naught (Galatians:2:21|). Jesus alone lived a sinless life. For one to be saved without Christ he must also live a sinless life.

rwp@Romans:2:17 @{Bearest the name} (\eponomazˆi\). Present passive indicative in condition of first class of \eponomaz“\, old word, to put a name upon (\epi\), only here in N.T. "Thou art surnamed Jew" (Lightfoot). Jew as opposed to Greek denoted nationality while Hebrew accented the idea of language. {Restest upon the law} (\epanapauˆi nom“i\). Late and rare double compound, in LXX and once in the Didache. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:10:6| which see. It means to lean upon, to refresh oneself back upon anything, here with locative case (\nom“i\). It is the picture of blind and mechanical reliance on the Mosaic law. {Gloriest in God} (\kauchƒsai en the“i\). _Koin‚_ vernacular form for \kauchƒi\ (\kauchaesai, kauchƒsai\) of \kauchaomai\ as in verse 23; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:7| and \katakauchƒsai\ in strkjv@Romans:11:18|. The Jew gloried in God as a national asset and private prerogative (2Corinthians:10:15; strkjv@Galatians:6:13|). {Approvest the things that are excellent} (\dokimazeis ta diapheronta\). Originally, "Thou testest the things that differ," and then as a result comes the approval for the excellent things. As in strkjv@Phillipians:1:10| it is difficult to tell which stage of the process Paul has in mind. {Instructed out of the law} (\katˆchoumenos ek tou nomou\). Present passive participle of \katˆche“\, a rare verb to instruct, though occurring in the papyri for legal instruction. See on ¯Luke:1:4; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:19|. The Jew's "ethical discernment was the fruit of catechetical and synagogical instruction in the Old Testament" (Shedd).

rwp@Romans:2:19 @{A guide of the blind} (\hodˆgon tuphl“n\). Accusative \hodˆgon\ in predicate with \einai\ to agree with \seauton\, accusative of general reference with infinitive \einai\ in indirect discourse after \pepoithas\. Late word (Polybius, Plutarch) from \hodos\, way, and \hˆgeomai\, to lead, one who leads the way. \Tuphl“n\ is objective genitive plural. The Jews were meant by God to be guides for the Gentiles, for salvation is of the Jews (John:4:22|). {A light} (\ph“s\). "A light for those in darkness" (\t“n en skotei\, objective genitive again). But this intention of God about the Jews had resulted in conceited arrogance on their part.

rwp@Romans:2:21 @{Thou therefore that teachest another} (\ho oun didask“n heteron\). Paul suddenly breaks off (anacoluthon) the long sentence that began in verse 17| and starts over again with a phrase that gathers it all up in small compass (teachest) and drives it home (therefore) on the Jew (thyself). {Not to steal} (\mˆ kleptein\). Infinitive with \mˆ\ in indirect command (indirect discourse) after \keruss“n\. {Dost thou steal?} (\klepteis?\). The preaching (\keruss“n\) was fine, but the practice? A home-thrust. {Should not commit adultery} (\mˆ moicheuein\). Infinitive in direct command again after \leg“n\. "The Talmud charges the crime of adultery upon the three most illustrious Rabbins" (Vincent).

rwp@Romans:2:23 @{Through thy transgression of the law} (\dia tˆs parabase“s tou nomou\). Old word for stepping across a line. Trench calls attention to "the mournfully numerous group of words" for the varieties of sin like \agnoˆma\, ignorance, \anomia\, violation of law, \hamartia\, missing the mark, \hettˆma\, falling short, \parabasis\, passing over the line, \parakoˆ\, disobedience to a voice, \paranomia\, putting the law aside, \parapt“ma\, falling down, \plˆmmeleia\, discord.

rwp@Romans:2:27 @{If it fulfill the law} (\ton nomon telousa\). Present active participle (conditional use of the participle) of \tele“\, to finish, continually fulfilling to the end (as would be necessary). {Judge thee} (\krinei--se\). Unusual position of \se\ (thee) so far from the verb \krinei\. {With the letter and circumcision} (\dia grammatos kai peritomˆs\). \Dia\ means here accompanied by, with the advantage of.

rwp@Romans:2:28 @{Which is one outwardly} (\ho en t“i phaner“i\). \Ioudaios\ (Jew) has to be repeated (ellipse) with the article, "the in the open Jew" (circumcision, phylacteries, tithes, etc.). Likewise repeat \peritomˆ\ (circumcision).

rwp@Romans:2:29 @{Who is one inwardly} (\ho en t“i krupt“i\). Repeat \Ioudaios\ (Jew) here also, "the in the inward part Jew" (circumcision of the heart \peritomˆ kardias\ and not a mere surgical operation as in strkjv@Colossians:2:11|, in the spirit \en pneumati\, with which compare strkjv@2Corinthians:3:3,6|). This inward or inside Jew who lives up to his covenant relation with God is the high standard that Paul puts before the merely professional Jew described above. {Whose praise} (\hou ho epainos\). The antecedent of the relative \hou\ is \Ioudaios\ (Jew). Probably (Gifford) a reference to the etymology of Judah (praise) as seen in strkjv@Galatians:49:8|.

rwp@Romans:3:9 @{What then?} (\ti oun?\). Paul's frequent query, to be taken with verses 1,2|. {Are we in worse case than they?} (\proechometha?\). The American Revisers render it: "Are we in better case than they?" There is still no fresh light on this difficult and common word though it occurs alone in the N.T. In the active it means to have before, to excel. But here it is either middle or passive. Thayer takes it to be middle and to mean to excel to one's advantage and argues that the context demands this. But no example of the middle in this sense has been found. If it is taken as passive, Lightfoot takes it to mean, "Are we excelled" and finds that sense in Plutarch. Vaughan takes it as passive but meaning, "Are we preferred?" This suits the context, but no other example has been found. Songs:the point remains unsettled. The papyri throw no light on it. {No, in no wise} (\ou pant“s\). "Not at all." See strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10|. {We before laid to the charge} (\proˆitiasametha\). First aorist middle indicative of \proaitiaomai\, to make a prior accusation, a word not yet found anywhere else. Paul refers to strkjv@1:18-32| for the Greeks and strkjv@2:1-29| for the Jews. The infinitive \einai\ with the accusative \pantas\ is in indirect discourse. {Under sin} (\hupo hamartian\). See strkjv@Galatians:3:22; strkjv@Romans:7:14|.

rwp@Romans:3:11 @{That understandeth} (\suni“n\). Present active participle of \suni“\, late omega form of \-mi\ verb \suniˆmi\, to send together, to grasp, to comprehend. Some MSS. have the article \ho\ before it as before \ekzˆt“n\ (seeking out).

rwp@Romans:3:13 @{Throat} (\larugx\). Old word, larynx. {Open sepulchre} (\taphos ane“igmenos\). Perfect passive participle of \anoig“\, "an opened grave." Their mouth (words) like the odour of a newly opened grave. "Some portions of Greek and Roman literature stink like a newly opened grave" (Shedd). {They have used deceit} (\edoliousan\). Imperfect (not perfect or aorist as the English implies) active of \dolio“\, only in LXX and here in the N.T. from the common adjective \dolios\, deceitful (2Corinthians:11:13|). The regular form would be \edolioun\. The \-osan\ ending for third plural in imperfect and aorist was once thought to be purely Alexandrian because so common in the LXX, but it is common in the Boeotian and Aeolic dialects and occurs in \eichosan\ in the N.T. (John:15:22,24|). "They smoothed their tongues" in the Hebrew. {Poison} (\ios\). Old word both for rust (James:5:3|) and poison (James:3:8|). {Of asps} (\aspid“n\). Common word for round bowl, shield, then the Egyptian cobra (a deadly serpent). Often in LXX. Only here in the N.T. The poison of the asp lies in a bag under the lips (\cheilˆ\), often in LXX, only here in N.T. Genitive case after \gemei\ (is full).

rwp@Romans:3:20 @{Because} (\dioti\, again, \dia, hoti\). {By the works of the law} (\ex erg“n nomou\). "Out of works of law." Mosaic law and any law as the source of being set right with God. Paul quotes strkjv@Psalms:43:2| as he did in strkjv@Galatians:2:16| to prove his point. {The knowledge of sin} (\epign“sis hamartias\). The effect of law universally is rebellion to it (1Corinthians:15:56|). Paul has shown this carefully in strkjv@Galatians:3:19-22|. Cf. strkjv@Hebrews:10:3|. He has now proven the guilt of both Gentile and Jew.

rwp@Romans:3:21 @{But now apart from the law} (\nuni de ch“ris nomou\). He now (\nuni\ emphatic logical transition) proceeds carefully in verses 21-31| the {nature} of the God-kind of righteousness which stands manifested (\dikaiosunˆ theou pephaner“tai\, perfect passive indicative of \phanero“\, to make manifest), the {necessity} of which he has shown in strkjv@1:18-3:20|. This God kind of righteousness is "apart from law" of any kind and all of grace (\chariti\) as he will show in verse 24|. But it is not a new discovery on the part of Paul, but "witnessed by the law and the prophets" (\marturoumenˆ\, present passive participle, \hupo tou nomou kai t“n prophˆt“n\), made plain continuously by God himself.

rwp@Romans:3:23 @{Sinned} (\hˆrmarton\). Constative second aorist active indicative of \hamartan“\ as in strkjv@5:12|. This tense gathers up the whole race into one statement (a timeless aorist). {And fall short} (\kai husterountai\). Present middle indicative of \hustere“\, to be \husteros\ (comparative) too late, continued action, still fall short. It is followed by the ablative case as here, the case of separation.

rwp@Romans:3:24 @{Being justified} (\dikaioumenoi\). Present passive participle of \dikaio“\, to set right, repeated action in each case, each being set right. {Freely} (\d“rean\). As in strkjv@Galatians:2:21|. {By his grace} (\tˆi autou chariti\). Instrumental case of this wonderful word \charis\ which so richly expresses Paul's idea of salvation as God's free gift. {Through the redemption} (\dia tˆs apolutr“se“s\). A releasing by ransom (\apo, lutr“sis\ from \lutro“\ and that from \lutron\, ransom). God did not set men right out of hand with nothing done about men's sins. We have the words of Jesus that he came to give his life a ransom (\lutron\) for many (Mark:10:45; strkjv@Matthew:20:28|). \Lutron\ is common in the papyri as the purchase-money in freeing slaves (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 327f.). {That is in Christ Jesus} (\tˆi en Christ“i Iˆsou\). There can be no mistake about this redemption. It is like strkjv@John:3:16|.

rwp@Romans:3:25 @{Set forth} (\proetheto\). Second aorist middle indicative. See on ¯1:13| for this word. Also in strkjv@Ephesians:1:9|, but nowhere else in N.T. God set before himself (purposed) and did it publicly before (\pro\) the whole world. {A propitiation} (\hilastˆrion\). The only other N.T. example of this word is in strkjv@Hebrews:9:5| where we have the "cherubim overshadowing the mercy seat" (\to hilastˆrion\). In Hebrews the adjective is used as a substantive or as "the propitiatory place " But that idea does not suit here. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, pp. 124-35) has produced examples from inscriptions where it is used as an adjective and as meaning "a votive offering" or "propitiatory gift." Hence he concludes about strkjv@Romans:3:25|: "The crucified Christ is the votive gift of the Divine Love for the salvation of men." God gave his Son as the means of propitiation (1John:2:2|). \Hilastˆrion\ is an adjective (\hilastˆrios\) from \hilaskomai\, to make propitiation (Hebrews:2:17|) and is kin in meaning to \hilasmos\, propitiation (1John:2:2; strkjv@4:10|). There is no longer room for doubting its meaning in strkjv@Romans:3:25|. {Through faith, by his blood} (\dia piste“s en t“i autou haimati\). Songs:probably, connecting \en toi haimati\ (in his blood) with \proetheto\. {To show his righteousness} (\eis endeixin tˆs dikaiosunˆs autou\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:8:24|. "For showing of his righteousness," the God-kind of righteousness. God could not let sin go as if a mere slip. God demanded the atonement and provided it. {Because of the passing over} (\dia tˆn paresin\). Late word from \pariˆmi\, to let go, to relax. In Dionysius Hal., Xenophon, papyri (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 266) for remission of punishment, especially for debt, as distinct from \aphesis\ (remission). {Done aforetime} (\progegonot“n\). Second perfect active genitive participle of \proginomai\. The sins before the coming of Christ (Acts:14:16; strkjv@17:30; strkjv@Hebrews:9:15|). {Forbearance} (\anochˆi\). Holding back of God as in strkjv@2:4|. In this sense Christ tasted death for every man (Hebrews:2:9|).

rwp@Romans:3:26 @{For the shewing} (\pros tˆn endeixin\). Repeats point of \eis endeixin\ of 25| with \pros\ instead of \eis\. {At this present season} (\en t“i nun kair“i\). "In the now crisis," in contrast with "done aforetime." {That he might himself be} (\eis to einai auton\). Purpose with \eis\ to and the infinitive \einai\ and the accusative of general reference. {Just and the justifier of} (\dikaion kai dikaiounta\). "This is the key phrase which establishes the connexion between the \dikaiosunˆ theou\ and the \dikaiosunˆ ek piste“s\" (Sanday and Headlam). Nowhere has Paul put the problem of God more acutely or profoundly. To pronounce the unrighteous righteous is unjust by itself (Romans:4:5|). God's mercy would not allow him to leave man to his fate. God's justice demanded some punishment for sin. The only possible way to save some was the propitiatory offering of Christ and the call for faith on man's part.

rwp@Romans:3:27 @{It is excluded} (\exekleisthˆ\). First aorist (effective) passive indicative. "It is completely shut out." Glorying is on man's part. {Nay; but by a law of faith} (\ouchi, alla dia nomou piste“s\). Strong negative, and note "law of faith," by the principle of faith in harmony with God's love and grace.

rwp@Romans:3:31 @{Nay, we establish the law} (\alla nomon histanomen\). Present indicative active of late verb \histan“\ from \histˆmi\. This Paul hinted at in verse 21|. How he will show in chapter 4 how Abraham himself is an example of faith and in his life illustrates the very point just made. Besides, apart from Christ and the help of the Holy Spirit no one can keep God's law. The Mosaic law is only workable by faith in Christ.

rwp@Romans:4:7 @{Blessed} (\makarioi\). See on strkjv@Matthew:5:3|. {Are forgiven} (\aphethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \aphiˆmi\, without augment (\apheithˆsan\, regular form). Paul quotes strkjv@Psalms:32:1f.| and as from David. Paul thus confirms his interpretation of strkjv@Genesis:15:6|. {Iniquities} (\anomiai\). Violations of law whereas \hamartiai\ (sins) include all kinds. {Are covered} (\epekaluphthˆsan\). First aorist passive of \epikalupt“\, old verb, to cover over (upon, \epi\) as a shroud. Only here in N.T.

rwp@Romans:4:10 @{When he was in circumcision} (\en peritomˆi onti\). Dative masculine singular of the present active participle of \eimi\; "to him being in a state of circumcision or in a state of uncircumcision?" A pertinent point that the average Jew had not noticed.

rwp@Romans:4:13 @{That he should be the heir of the world} (\to klˆronomon auton einai kosmou\). The articular infinitive (\to einai\) with the accusative of general reference in loose apposition with \hˆ epaggelia\ (the promise). But where is that promise? Not just strkjv@Genesis:12:7|, but the whole chain of promises about his son, his descendants like the stars in heaven, the Messiah and the blessing to the world through him. In these verses (13-17|) Paul employs (Sanday and Headlam) the keywords of his gospel (faith, promise, grace) and arrays them against the current Jewish theology (law, works, merit).

rwp@Romans:4:19 @{Without being weakened in faith} (\mˆ asthenˆsas tˆi pistei\). "Not becoming weak in faith." Ingressive first aorist active participle with negative \mˆ\. {Now as good as dead} (\ˆdˆ nenekr“menon\). Perfect passive participle of \nekro“\, "now already dead." B omits \ˆdˆ\. He was, he knew, too old to become father of a child. {About} (\pou\). The addition of \pou\ (somewhere, about) "qualifies the exactness of the preceding numeral" (Vaughan). The first promise of a son to Abraham and Sarah came (Genesis:15:3f.|) before the birth of Ishmael (86 when Ishmael was born). The second promise came when Abraham was 99 years old (Genesis:17:1|), calling himself 100 (Genesis:17:17|).

rwp@Romans:4:21 @{Being fully assured} (\plˆrophorˆtheis\). First aorist passive participle of \plˆrophore“\, from \plˆrophoros\ and this from \plˆrˆs\ and \pher“\, to bear or bring full (full measure), to settle fully. Late word, first in LXX but frequent in papyri in sense of finishing off or paying off. See on ¯Luke:1:1; strkjv@Romans:14:5|. {What he had promised} (\ho epˆggeltai\). Perfect middle indicative of \epaggellomai\, to promise, retained in indirect discourse according to usual Greek idiom. {He was able} (\dunatos estin\). Present active indicative retained in indirect discourse. The verbal adjective \dunatos\ with \estin\ is here used in sense of the verb \dunatai\ (Luke:14:31; strkjv@Acts:11:17|).

rwp@Romans:4:24 @{Him that raised up Jesus} (\ton egeiranta Iˆsoun\). First aorist active articular participle of \egeir“\, to raise up. The fact of the Resurrection of Jesus is central in Paul's gospel (1Corinthians:15:4ff.|).

rwp@Romans:5:1 @{Being therefore justified by faith} (\dikai“thentes oun ek piste“s\). First aorist passive participle of \dikaio“\, to set right and expressing antecedent action to the verb \ech“men\. The \oun\ refers to the preceding conclusive argument (chapters 1 to 4) that this is done by faith. {Let us have peace with God} (\eirˆnˆn ech“men pros ton theon\). This is the correct text beyond a doubt, the present active subjunctive, not \echomen\ (present active indicative) of the Textus Receptus which even the American Standard Bible accepts. It is curious how perverse many real scholars have been on this word and phrase here. Godet, for instance. Vincent says that "it is difficult if not impossible to explain it." One has only to observe the force of the _tense_ to see Paul's meaning clearly. The mode is the volitive subjunctive and the present tense expresses linear action and so does not mean "make peace" as the ingressive aorist subjunctive \eirˆnˆn sch“men\ would mean. A good example of \sch“men\ occurs in strkjv@Matthew:21:38| (\sch“men tˆn klˆronomian autou\) where it means: "Let us get hold of his inheritance." Here \eirˆnˆn ech“men\ can only mean: "Let us enjoy peace with God" or "Let us retain peace with God." We have in strkjv@Acts:9:31| \eichen eirˆnˆn\ (imperfect and so linear), the church "enjoyed peace," not "made peace." The preceding justification (\dikai“thentes\) "made peace with God." Observe \pros\ (face to face) with \ton theon\ and \dia\ (intermediate agent) with \tou kuriou\.

rwp@Romans:5:4 @{Knowing} (\eidotes\). Second perfect participle of \eidon\ (\oida\), giving the reason for the previous exhortation to glory in tribulations. He gives a linked chain, one linking to the other (tribulation \thlipsis\, patience \hupomonˆ\, experience \dokimˆ\, hope \elpis\) running into verse 5|. On \dokimˆ\, see strkjv@2Corinthians:2:9|.

rwp@Romans:5:5 @{Hath been shed abroad} (\ekkechutai\). Perfect passive indicative of \ekche“\, to pour out. "Has been poured out" in our hearts.

rwp@Romans:5:8 @{His own love} (\tˆn heautou agapˆn\). See strkjv@John:3:16| as the best comment here. {While we were yet sinners} (\eti hamart“l“n ont“n\). Genitive absolute again. Not because we were Jews or Greeks, rich or poor, righteous or good, but plain sinners. Cf. strkjv@Luke:18:13|, the plea of the publican, "\moi t“i hamart“l“i\."

rwp@Romans:5:12 @{Therefore} (\dia touto\). "For this reason." What reason? Probably the argument made in verses 1-11|, assuming our justification and urging exultant joy in Christ because of the present reconciliation by Christ's death and the certainty of future final salvation by his life. {As through one man} (\h“sper di' henos anthr“pou\). Paul begins a comparison between the effects of Adam's sin and the effects of the redemptive work of Christ, but he does not give the second member of the comparison. Instead of that he discusses some problems about sin and death and starts over again in verse 15|. The general point is plain that the effects of Adam's sin are transmitted to his descendants, though he does not say how it was done whether by the natural or the federal headship of Adam. It is important to note that Paul does not say that the whole race receives the full benefit of Christ's atoning death, but only those who do. Christ is the head of all believers as Adam is the head of the race. In this sense Adam "is a figure of him that was to come." {Sin entered into the world} (\hˆ hamartia eis ton kosmon eisˆlthen\). Personification of sin and represented as coming from the outside into the world of humanity. Paul does not discuss the origin of evil beyond this fact. There are some today who deny the fact of sin at all and who call it merely "an error of mortal mind" (a notion) while others regard it as merely an animal inheritance devoid of ethical quality. {And so death passed unto all men} (\kai hout“s eis pantas anthr“pous diˆlthen\). Note use of \dierchomai\ rather than \eiserchomai\, just before, second aorist active indicative in both instances. By "death" in strkjv@Genesis:2:17; strkjv@3:19| physical death is meant, but in verses 17,21| eternal death is Paul's idea and that lurks constantly behind physical death with Paul. {For that all sinned} (\eph' h“i pantes hˆmarton\). Constative (summary) aorist active indicative of \hamartan“\, gathering up in this one tense the history of the race (committed sin). The transmission from Adam became facts of experience. In the old Greek \eph' h“i\ usually meant "on condition that," but "because" in N.T. (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 963).

rwp@Romans:5:13 @{Until the law} (\achri nomou\). Until the Mosaic law. Sin was there before the Mosaic law, for the Jews were like Gentiles who had the law of reason and conscience (2:12-16|), but the coming of the law increased their responsibility and their guilt (2:9|). {Sin is not imputed} (\hamartia de ouk ellogeitai\). Present passive indicative of late verb \elloga“\ (\-e“\) from \en\ and \logos\, to put down in the ledger to one's account, examples in inscription and papyri. {When there is no law} (\mˆ ontos nomou\). Genitive absolute, no law of any kind, he means. There was law _before_ the Mosaic law. But what about infants and idiots in case of death? Do they have responsibility? Surely not. The sinful nature which they inherit is met by Christ's atoning death and grace. No longer do men speak of "elect infants."

rwp@Romans:5:14 @{Even over them that had not sinned after the likeness of Adam's transgression} (\kai epi tous mˆ hamartˆsantas epi t“i homoi“mati tˆs parabase“s Adam\). Adam violated an express command of God and Moses gave the law of God clearly. And yet sin and death followed all from Adam on till Moses, showing clearly that the sin of Adam brought terrible consequences upon the race. Death has come upon infants and idiots also as a result of sin, but one understands Paul to mean that they are not held responsible by the law of conscience. {A figure} (\tupos\). See on ¯Acts:7:43; strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:7; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:9; strkjv@1Corinthians:10:6| for this word. Adam is a type of Christ in holding a relation to those affected by the headship in each case, but the parallel is not precise as Paul shows.

rwp@Romans:5:16 @{Through one that sinned} (\di' henos hamartˆsantos\). "Through one having sinned." That is Adam. Another contrast, difference in source (\ek\). {Of one} (\ex henos\). Supply \parapt“matos\, Adam's one transgression. {Of many trespasses} (\ek poll“n parapt“mat“n\). The gift by Christ grew out of manifold sins by Adam's progeny. {Justification} (\dikai“ma\). Act of righteousness, result, ordinance (1:32; strkjv@2:26; strkjv@8:4|), righteous deed (5:18|), verdict as here (acquittal).

rwp@Romans:6:1 @{What shall we say then?} (\ti oun eroumen?\). "A debater's phrase" (Morison). Yes, and an echo of the rabbinical method of question and answer, but also an expression of exultant victory of grace versus sin. But Paul sees the possible perversion of this glorious grace. {Shall we continue in sin?} (\epimen“men tˆi hamartiƒi?\). Present active deliberative subjunctive of \epimen“\, old verb to tarry as in Ephesus (1Corinthians:16:8|) with locative case. The practice of sin as a habit (present tense) is here raised. {That grace may abound} (\hina hˆ charis pteonasˆi\). Final clause with ingressive aorist subjunctive, to set free the superfluity of grace alluded to like putting money in circulation. Horrible thought (\mˆ genoito\) and yet Paul faced it. There are occasionally so-called pietists who actually think that God's pardon gives them liberty to sin without penalty (cf. the sale of indulgences that stirred Martin Luther).

rwp@Romans:6:2 @{Died to sin} (\apethanomen tˆi hamartiƒi\). Second aorist active of \apothnˆsk“\ and the dative case. When we surrendered to Christ and took him as Lord and Saviour. Qualitative relative (\hoitines\, we the very ones who). {How} (\p“s\). Rhetorical question.

rwp@Romans:6:6 @{Our old man} (\ho palaios hˆm“n anthr“pos\). Only in Paul (here, strkjv@Colossians:3:9; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22|). {Was crucified with him} (\sunestaur“thˆ\). See on ¯Galatians:2:19| for this boldly picturesque word. This took place not at baptism, but only pictured there. It took place when "we died to sin" (verse 1|). {The body of sin} (\to s“ma tˆs hamartias\). "The body of which sin has taken possession" (Sanday and Headlam), the body marked by sin. {That so we should no longer be in bondage to sin} (\tou mˆketi douleuein hˆmas tˆi hamartiƒi\). Purpose clause with \tou\ and the present active infinitive of \douleu“\, continue serving sin (as slaves). Adds "slavery" to living in sin (verse 2|).

rwp@Romans:6:9 @{Dieth no more} (\ouketi apothnˆskei\). "Christ's particular death occurs but once" (Shedd). See strkjv@Hebrews:10:10|. A complete refutation of the "sacrificial" character of the "mass."

rwp@Romans:6:15 @{What then?} (\ti oun?\). Another turn in the argument about the excess of grace. {Shall we sin?} (\hamartes“men?\). First aorist active deliberative subjunctive of \hamartan“\. "Shall we commit sin" (occasional acts of sin as opposed to the life of sin as raised by \epimen“men tˆi hamartiƒi\ in verse 1|)? {Because} (\hoti\). The same reason as in verse 1| and taken up from the very words in verse 14|. Surely, the objector says, we may take a night off now and then and sin a little bit "since we are under grace."

rwp@Romans:7:1 @{To men that know the law} (\gin“skousin nomon\). Dative plural of present active participle of \gin“sk“\. The Romans, whether Jews or Gentiles, knew the principle of law. {A man} (\tou anthr“pou\). "The person," generic term \anthr“pos\, not \anˆr\.

rwp@Romans:7:3 @{While the husband liveth} (\z“ntos tou andros\). Genitive absolute of present active participle of \za“\. {She shall be called} (\chrˆmatisei\). Future active indicative of \chrˆmatiz“\, old verb, to receive a name as in strkjv@Acts:11:26|, from \chrˆma\, business, from \chraomai\, to use, then to give an oracle, etc. {An adulteress} (\moichalis\). Late word, in Plutarch, LXX. See on ¯Matthew:12:39|. {If she be joined} (\ean genˆtai\). Third class condition, "if she come to." {Songs:that she is no adulteress} (\tou mˆ einai autˆn moichalida\). It is a fact that \tou\ and the infinitive is used for result as we saw in strkjv@1:24|. Conceived result may explain the idiom here.

rwp@Romans:7:5 @{In the flesh} (\en tˆi sarki\). Same sense as in strkjv@6:19| and strkjv@7:18,25|. The "flesh" is not inherently sinful, but is subject to sin. It is what Paul means by being "under the law." He uses \sarx\ in a good many senses. {Sinful passions} (\ta pathˆmata t“n hamarti“n\). "Passions of sins" or marked by sins. {Wrought} (\energeito\). Imperfect middle of \energe“\, "were active." {To bring forth fruit unto death} (\eis to karpophorˆsai t“i thanat“i\). Purpose clause again. Vivid picture of the seeds of sin working for death.

rwp@Romans:7:7 @{Is the law sin?} (\ho nomos hamartia?\). A pertinent query in view of what he had said. Some people today oppose all inhibitions and prohibitions because they stimulate violations. That is half-baked thinking. {I had not known sin} (\tˆn hamartian ouk egn“n\). Second aorist indicative of \gin“sk“\, to know. It is a conclusion of a second class condition, determined as unfulfilled. Usually \an\ is used in the conclusion to make it plain that it is second class condition instead of first class, but occasionally it is not employed when it is plain enough without as here (John:16:22,24|). See on ¯Galatians:4:15|. Songs:as to {I had not known coveting} (lust), \epithumian ouk ˆidein\. But all the same the law is not itself sin nor the cause of sin. Men with their sinful natures turn law into an occasion for sinful acts.

rwp@Romans:7:8 @{Finding occasion} (\aphormˆn labousa\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:5:12; strkjv@11:12; strkjv@Galatians:5:13| for \aphormˆn\, a starting place from which to rush into acts of sin, excuses for doing what they want to do. Just so drinking men use the prohibition laws as "occasions" for violating them. {Wrought in me} (\kateirgasato en emoi\). First aorist active middle indicative of the intensive verb \katergazomai\, to work out (to the finish), effective aorist. The command not to lust made me lust more. {Dead} (\nekra\). Inactive, not non-existent. Sin in reality was there in a dormant state.

rwp@Romans:7:9 @{I was alive} (\ez“n\). Imperfect active. Apparently, "the lost paradise in the infancy of men" (Denney), before the conscience awoke and moral responsibility came, "a seeming life" (Shedd). {Sin revived} (\hˆ hamartia anezˆsen\). Sin came back to life, waked up, the blissful innocent stage was over, "the commandment having come" (\elthousˆs tˆs entolˆs\, genitive absolute). {But I died} (\eg“ de apethanon\). My seeming life was over for I was conscious of sin, of violation of law. I was dead before, but I did not know. Now I found out that I was spiritually dead.

rwp@Romans:7:13 @{Become death unto me?} (\emoi egeneto thanatos?\). Ethical dative \emoi\ again. New turn to the problem. Admitting the goodness of God's law, did it issue in death for me? Paul repels (\mˆ genoito\) this suggestion. It was sin that (But sin, \alla hˆ hamartia\) "became death for me." {That it might be shown} (\hina phanˆi\). Final clause, \hina\ and second aorist passive subjunctive of \phain“\, to show. The sinfulness of sin is revealed in its violations of God's law. {By working death to me} (\moi katergazomenˆ thanaton\). Present middle participle, as an incidental result. {Might become exceedingly sinful} (\genˆtai kath' huperbolˆn hamart“los\). Second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\ with \hina\ in final clause. On \kath' huperbolˆn\, see on ¯1Corinthians:12:31|. Our _hyperbole_ is the Greek \huperbolˆ\. The excesses of sin reveal its real nature. Only then do some people get their eyes opened.

rwp@Romans:7:14 @{Spiritual} (\pneumatikos\). Spirit-caused and spirit-given and like the Holy Spirit. See strkjv@1Corinthians:10:3f|. {But I am carnal} (\eg“ de sarkinos eimi\). "Fleshen" as in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:1| which see, more emphatic even than \sarkikos\," a creature of flesh." {Sold under sin} (\pepramenos hupo tˆn hamartian\). Perfect passive participle of \piprask“\, old verb, to sell. See on ¯Matthew:13:46; strkjv@Acts:2:45|, state of completion. Sin has closed the mortgage and owns its slave.

rwp@Romans:7:17 @{Songs:now} (\nuni de\). A logical contrast, "as the case really stands." {But sin that dwelleth in me} (\all' hˆ enoikousa en emoi hamartia\). "But the dwelling in me sin." Not my true self, my higher personality, but my lower self due to my slavery to indwelling sin. Paul does not mean to say that his whole self has no moral responsibility by using this paradox. "To be saved from sin, a man must at the same time own it and disown it" (Denney).

rwp@Romans:7:24 @{O wretched man that I am} (\talaip“ros eg“ anthr“pos\). "Wretched man I." Old adjective from \tla“\, to bear, and \p“ros\, a callus. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Revelation:3:17|. "A heart-rending cry from the depths of despair" (Sanday and Headlam). {Out of the body of this death} (\ek tou s“matos tou thanatou toutou\). Songs:the order of words demands. See verse 13| for "death" which finds a lodgment in the body (Lightfoot). If one feels that Paul has exaggerated his own condition, he has only to recall strkjv@1Timothy:1:15| when he describes himself a chief of sinners. He dealt too honestly with himself for Pharisaic complacency to live long.

rwp@Romans:8:1 @{Therefore now} (\ara nun\). Two particles. Points back to the triumphant note in strkjv@7:25| after the preceding despair. {No condemnation} (\ouden katakrima\). As sinners we deserved condemnation in our unregenerate state in spite of the struggle. But God offers pardon "to those in Christ Jesus (\tois en Christ“i Iˆsou\). This is Paul's Gospel. The fire has burned on and around the Cross of Christ. There and there alone is safety. Those in Christ Jesus can lead the consecrated, the crucified, the baptized life.

rwp@Romans:8:3 @{That the law could not do} (\to adunaton tou nomou\). Literally, "the impossibility of the law" as shown in strkjv@7:7-24|, either nominative absolute or accusative of general reference. No syntactical connection with the rest of the sentence. {In that} (\en h“i\). "Wherein." {It was weak} (\ˆsthenei\). Imperfect active, continued weak as already shown. {In the likeness of sinful flesh} (\en homoi“mati sarkos hamartias\). For "likeness" see strkjv@Phillipians:2:7|, a real man, but more than man for God's "own Son." Two genitives "of flesh of sin" (marked by sin), that is the flesh of man is, but not the flesh of Jesus. {And for sin} (\kai peri hamartias\). Condensed phrase, God sent his Son also concerning sin (our sin). {Condemned sin in the flesh} (\katekrine tˆn hamartian en tˆi sarki\). First aorist active indicative of \katakrin“\. He condemned the sin of men and the condemnation took place in the flesh of Jesus. If the article \tˆn\ had been repeated before \en tˆi sarki\ Paul would have affirmed sin in the flesh of Jesus, but he carefully avoided that (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 784).

rwp@Romans:8:7 @{Is not subject} (\ouch hupotassetai\). Present passive indicative of \hupotass“\, late verb, military term for subjection to orders. Present tense here means continued insubordination. {Neither indeed can it be} (\oude gar dunatai\). "For it is not even able to do otherwise." This helpless state of the unregenerate man Paul has shown above apart from Christ. Hope lies in Christ (7:25|) and the Spirit of life (8:2|).

rwp@Romans:8:8 @{Cannot please God} (\the“i aresai ou dunantai\). Because of the handicap of the lower self in bondage to sin. This does not mean that the sinner has no responsibility and cannot be saved. He is responsible and can be saved by the change of heart through the Holy Spirit.

rwp@Romans:8:16 @{The Spirit himself} (\auto to pneuma\). The grammatical gender of \pneuma\ is neuter as here, but the Greek used also the natural gender as we do exclusively as in strkjv@John:16:13| \ekeinos\ (masculine {he}), \to pneuma\ (neuter). See also strkjv@John:16:26| (\ho--ekeinos\). It is a grave mistake to use the neuter "it" or "itself" when referring to the Holy Spirit. {Beareth witness with our spirit} (\summarturei t“i pneumati hˆm“n\). See on ¯Romans:2:15| for this verb with associative instrumental case. See strkjv@1John:5:10f.| for this double witness.

rwp@Romans:8:26 @{Helpeth our infirmity} (\sunantilambanetai tˆi astheneiƒi hˆm“n\). Present middle indicative of \sunantilambanomai\, late and striking double compound (Diodorus, LXX, Josephus, frequent in inscriptions, Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 87), to lend a hand together with, at the same time with one. Only twice in N.T., here and strkjv@Luke:10:40| in Martha's plea for Mary's help. Here beautifully Paul pictures the Holy Spirit taking hold at our side at the very time of our weakness (associative instrumental case) and before too late. {How to pray} (\to ti proseux“metha\). Articular clause object of \oidamen\ (we know) and indirect question with the deliberative aorist middle subjunctive \proseux“metha\, retained in the indirect question. {As we ought} (\katho dei\). "As it is necessary." How true this is of all of us in our praying. {Maketh intercession} (\huperentugchanei\). Present active indicative of late double compound, found only here and in later ecclesiastical writers, but \entugchan“\ occurs in verse 27| (a common verb). It is a picturesque word of rescue by one who "happens on" (\entugchanei\) one who is in trouble and "in his behalf" (\huper\) pleads "with unuttered groanings" (instrumental case) or with "sighs that baffle words" (Denney). This is work of our Helper, the Spirit himself.

rwp@Romans:8:32 @{He that} (\hos ge\). "Who as much as this" (\ge\ here magnifying the deed, intensive particle). {Spared not} (\ouk epheisato\). First aorist middle of \pheidomai\, old verb used about the offering of Isaac in strkjv@Genesis:22:16|. See strkjv@Acts:20:29|. {Also with him} (\kai sun aut“i\). The gift of "his own son" is the promise and the pledge of the all things for good of verse 28|. Christ is all and carries all with him.

rwp@Romans:8:34 @{Shall condemn} (\katakrin“n\). Can be either present active participle (condemns) or the future (shall condemn). It is a bold accuser who can face God with false charges or with true ones for that matter for we have an "Advocate" at God's Court (1John:2:1|), "who is at the right hand of God" (\hos estin en dexiƒi tou theou\) "who also maketh intercession for us" (\hos kai entugchanei huper hˆm“n\). Our Advocate paid the debt for our sins with his blood. The score is settled. We are free (8:1|).

rwp@Romans:8:36 @{Even as it is written} (\kath“s gegraptai\). He quotes strkjv@Psalms:44:23|. {We are killed} (\thanatoumetha\). Present passive indicative of \thanato“\ for which see on ¯7:4|. Same idea of continuous martyrdom in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:31|. {As sheep for the slaughter} (\h“s probata sphagˆs\). Objective genitive (\sphagˆs\).

rwp@Romans:8:38 @{For I am persuaded} (\pepeismai gar\). Perfect passive participle of \peith“\, "I stand convinced." The items mentioned are those that people dread (life, death, supernatural powers, above, below, any creature to cover any omissions).

rwp@Romans:9:1 @{In Christ} (\en Christ“i\). Paul really takes a triple oath here so strongly is he stirred. He makes a positive affirmation in Christ, a negative one (not lying), the appeal to his conscience as co-witness (\sunmarturousˆs\, genitive absolute as in strkjv@2:15| which see) "in the Holy Spirit."

rwp@Romans:9:2 @{Sorrow} (\lupˆ\). Because the Jews were rejecting Christ the Messiah. "We may compare the grief of a Jew writing after the fall of Jerusalem" (Sanday and Headlam). {Unceasing pain in my heart} (\adialeiptos odunˆ tˆi kardiƒi\). Like _angina pectoris_. \Odunˆ\ is old word for consuming grief, in N.T. only here and and strkjv@1Timothy:6:10|. {Unceasing} (\adialeiptos\). Late and rare adjective (in an inscription 1 cent. B.C.), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:1:3|. Two rare words together and both here only in N.T. and I and II Timothy (some small argument for the Pauline authorship of the Pastoral Epistles).

rwp@Romans:9:5 @{Of whom} (\ex h“n\). Fourth relative clause and here with \ex\ and the ablative. {Christ} (\ho Christos\). The Messiah. {As concerning the flesh} (\to kata sarka\). Accusative of general reference, "as to the according to the flesh." Paul limits the descent of Jesus from the Jews to his human side as he did in strkjv@1:3f|. {Who is over all, God blessed for ever} (\ho on epi pant“n theos eulogˆtos\). A clear statement of the deity of Christ following the remark about his humanity. This is the natural and the obvious way of punctuating the sentence. To make a full stop after \sarka\ (or colon) and start a new sentence for the doxology is very abrupt and awkward. See strkjv@Acts:20:28; strkjv@Titus:2:13| for Paul's use of \theos\ applied to Jesus Christ.

rwp@Romans:9:6 @{But it is not as though} (\ouch hoion de hoti\). Supply \estin\ after \ouch\: "But it is not such as that," an old idiom, here alone in N.T. {Hath come to nought} (\ekpept“ken\). Perfect active indicative of \ekpipt“\, old verb, to fall out. {For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel} (\ou gar pantes hoi ex Israˆl houtoi Israˆl\). "For not all those out of Israel (the literal Jewish nation), these are Israel (the spiritual Israel)." This startling paradox is not a new idea with Paul. He had already shown (Galatians:3:7-9|) that those of faith are the true sons of Abraham. He has amplified that idea also in strkjv@Romans:4|. Songs:he is not making a clever dodge here to escape a difficulty. He now shows how this was the original purpose of God to include only those who believed. {Seed of Abraham} (\sperma Abraam\). Physical descent here, but spiritual seed by promise in verse 8|. He quotes strkjv@Genesis:21:12f|.

rwp@Romans:9:11 @{The children being not yet born} (\mˆp“ gennˆthent“n\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle of \genna“\, to beget, to be born, though no word for children nor even the pronoun \aut“n\ (they). {Neither having done anything good or bad} (\mˆde praxant“n ti agathon ˆ phaulon\). Genitive absolute again with first active participle of \prass“\. On \phaulon\, see strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10|. {The purpose of God} (\hˆ prothesis tou theou\). See strkjv@8:28| for \prothesis\. {According to election} (\kat' eklogˆn\). Old word from \ekleg“\, to select, to choose out. See strkjv@1Thessalonians:1:4|. Here it is the purpose (\prothesis\) of God which has worked according to the principles of election. {Not of works} (\ouk ex erg“n\). Not of merit.

rwp@Romans:9:12 @{But of him that calleth} (\all' ek tou kalountos\). Present active articular participle of \kale“\ in the ablative case after \ek\. The source of the selection is God himself. Paul quotes strkjv@Genesis:25:33| (LXX).

rwp@Romans:9:14 @{Is there unrighteousness with God?} (\mˆ adikia para t“i the“i?\). Paul goes right to the heart of the problem. \Mˆ\ expects a negative answer. "Beside" (\para\) God there can be no injustice to Esau or to any one because of election.

rwp@Romans:9:16 @{Songs:then} (\ara oun\). In view of this quotation. {It is not of} (\ou\). We must supply \estin eleos\ with \ou\. "Mercy is not of." The articular participles (\tou thelontos, tou trechontos, tou ele“ntos\) can be understood as in the genitive with \eleos\ understood (mercy is not a quality of) or as the predicate ablative of source like \epiluse“s\ in strkjv@2Peter:1:20|. Paul is fond of the metaphor of running.

rwp@Romans:9:18 @{He hardeneth} (\sklˆrunei\). Pharaoh hardened his own heart also (Exodus:8:15,32; strkjv@9:34|), but God gives men up also (1:24,26,28|). This late word is used by the Greek physicians Galen and Hippocrates. See on ¯Acts:19:9|. Only here in Paul.

rwp@Romans:9:19 @{Why doth he still find fault?} (\ti eti memphetai?\). Old verb, to blame. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:8:8|. Paul's imaginary objector picks up the admission that God hardened Pharaoh's heart. "Still" (\eti\) argues for a change of condition since that is true. {Withstandeth his will} (\t“i boulˆmati autou anthestˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \anthistˆmi\, old verb, maintains a stand (the perfect tense). Many have attempted to resist God's will (\boulˆma\, deliberate purpose, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:27:43; strkjv@1Peter:4:3|). Elsewhere \thelˆma\ (Matthew:6:10|).

rwp@Romans:9:20 @{Nay, but, O man, who art thou?} (\O anthr“pe, men oun ge su tis ei?\). "O man, but surely thou who art thou?" Unusual and emphatic order of the words, prolepsis of \su\ (thou) before \tis\ (who) and \men oun ge\ (triple particle, \men\, indeed, \oun\, therefore, \ge\, at least) at the beginning of clause as in strkjv@Romans:10:18; strkjv@Phillipians:3:8| contrary to ancient idiom, but so in papyri. {That repliest} (\ho antapokrinomenos\). Present middle articular participle of double compound verb \antapokrinomai\, to answer to one's face (\anti-\) late and vivid combination, also in strkjv@Luke:14:6|, nowhere else in N.T., but in LXX. {The thing formed} (\to plasma\). Old word (Plato, Aristophanes) from \plass“\, to mould, as with clay or wax, from which the aorist active participle used here (\t“i plasanti\) comes. Paul quotes these words from strkjv@Isaiah:29:16| verbatim. It is a familiar idea in the Old Testament, the absolute power of God as Creator like the potter's use of clay (Isaiah:44:8; strkjv@45:8-10; strkjv@Jeremiah:18:6|). \Mˆ\ expects a negative answer. {Why didst thou make me thus?} (\ti me epoiˆsas hout“s?\). The original words in Isaiah dealt with the nation, but Paul applies them to individuals. This question does not raise the problem of the origin of sin for the objector does not blame God for that but why God has used us as he has, made some vessels out of the clay for this purpose, some for that. Observe "thus" (\hout“s\). The potter takes the clay as he finds it, but uses it as he wishes.

rwp@Romans:9:21 @{Or hath not the potter a right over the clay?} (\ˆ ouk echei exousian ho kerameus tou pˆlou?\). This question, expecting an affirmative answer, is Paul's reply to the previous one, "Why didst thou make me thus?" \Pˆlos\, old word for clay, is mud or wet clay in strkjv@John:9:6,11,14f|. The old word for potter (\kerameus\) in N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:27:7,10|. {Lump} (\phuramatos\). Late word from \phura“\, to mix (clay, dough, etc.). {One part} (\ho men\) {--another} (\ho de\). Regular idiom for contrast (\men--de\) with the old demonstrative \ho\ (this), "this vessel (\skeuos\, old word as in strkjv@Mark:11:16|) for honour, that for dishonour." Paul thus claims clearly God's sovereign right (\exousian\, power, right, authority, from \exesti\) to use men (already sinners) for his own purpose.

rwp@Romans:9:22 @{Willing} (\thel“n\). Concessive use of the participle, "although willing," not causal, "because willing" as is shown by "with much long-suffering" (\en pollˆi makrothumiƒi\, in much long-suffering). {His power} (\to dunaton autou\). Neuter singular of the verbal adjective rather than the substantive \dunamin\. {Endured} (\ˆnegken\). Constative second aorist active indicative of the old defective verb \pher“\, to bear. {Vessels of wrath} (\skeuˆ orgˆs\). The words occur in strkjv@Jeremiah:50:25| (LXX strkjv@Jeremiah:27:25|), but not in the sense here (objective genitive like \tekna orgˆs\, strkjv@Ephesians:2:3|, the objects of God's wrath). {Fitted} (\katˆrtismena\). Perfect passive participle of \katartiz“\, old verb to equip (see strkjv@Matthew:4:21; strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11|), state of readiness. Paul does not say here that God did it or that they did it. That they are responsible may be seen from strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:15f|. {Unto destruction} (\eis ap“leian\). Endless perdition (Matthew:7:13; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:3; strkjv@Phillipians:3:19|), not annihilation.

rwp@Romans:9:25 @{In Hosea} (\en t“i H“sˆe\). He quotes strkjv@2:23| with some freedom. Hosea refers to the ten tribes and Paul applies the principle stated there to the Gentiles. Hosea had a son named _Lo-ammi_ = \ou laos\. Songs:here \ho ou laos mou\ "the not people of mine." \Ou\ with substantives obliterates the meaning of the substantive, an idiom seen in Thucydides and other Greek writers. See also strkjv@Romans:10:19; strkjv@1Peter:2:10|. {Which was not beloved} (\tˆn ouk ˆgapˆmenˆn\). The LXX rendering of _Lo-ruhamah_ (not mercy, without mercy or love), name of Hosea's daughter. The use of \ouk\ with the perfect passive participle is emphatic, since \mˆ\ is the usual negative of the participle in the _Koin‚_.

rwp@Romans:9:28 @{Finishing it and cutting it short} (\suntel“n kai suntemn“n\). Present active participles and note \sun-\ with each (perfective use of the preposition, finishing completely as in strkjv@Luke:4:13|, cutting off completely or abridging and here only in N.T.) The quotation is from strkjv@Isaiah:28:22|.

rwp@Romans:10:6 @{Saith thus} (\hout“s legei\). Paul personifies "the from faith righteousness" (\hˆ ek piste“s dikaiosunˆ\). A free reproduction from strkjv@Deuteronomy:30:11-14|. Paul takes various phrases from the LXX and uses them for "his inspired conviction and experiences of the gospel" (Denney). He does not quote Moses as saying this or meaning this. {Say not in thy heart} (\mˆ eipˆis en tˆi kardiƒi sou\). Second aorist active subjunctive with \mˆ\ like strkjv@Deuteronomy:8:17|. To say in the heart is to think (Matthew:3:9|). {That is, to bring Christ down} (\tout' estin Christon katagagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of the common verb \katag“\, to bring or lead down. It is dependent on the preceding verb \anabˆsetai\ (shall ascend). \Tout' estin\ (that is) is what is called _Midrash_ or interpretation as in strkjv@9:8|. It occurs three times here (verses 6-8|). Paul applies the words of Moses to Christ. There is no need for one to go to heaven to bring Christ down to earth. The Incarnation is already a glorious fact. Today some men scout the idea of the Deity and Incarnation of Christ.

rwp@Romans:10:7 @{Into the abyss} (\eis tˆn abusson\). See strkjv@Luke:8:31| for this old Greek word (\a\ privative and \bussos\) bottomless like sea (Psalms:106:26|), our abyss. In strkjv@Revelation:9:1| it is the place of torment. Paul seems to refer to Hades or Sheol (Acts:2:27,31|), the other world to which Christ went after death. {To bring Christ up} (\Christon anagagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \anag“\ and dependent on \katabˆsetai\ (shall descend). Christ has already risen from the dead. The deity and resurrection of Christ are precisely the two chief points of attack today on the part of sceptics.

rwp@Romans:10:10 @{Man believeth} (\pisteuetai\). Impersonal construction, "it is believed" (present passive indicative of \pisteu“\). The order is reversed in this verse and the true order (faith, then confession). {Confession is made} (\homologeitai\). Impersonal construction again, "it is confessed," "man confesses." Both \kardiƒi\ (heart) and \stomati\ (mouth) are in the instrumental case.

rwp@Romans:10:12 @{Distinction} (\diastolˆ\). See on this word strkjv@3:22|. Here it is followed by the ablative case \Ioudaiou te kai Hellˆnos\ (between Jew and Greek). {Lord of all} (\Kurios pant“n\). See strkjv@Galatians:3:28|. {Rich} (\plout“n\). Present active participle of \ploute“\. See strkjv@Ephesians:3:8| "the unsearchable riches of Christ."

rwp@Romans:10:14 @{How then shall they call?} (\p“s oun epikales“ntai?\). Deliberative subjunctive (first aorist middle) of \epikaleomai\ (see verses 12,13|). The antecedent of \eis hon\ (in whom) is not expressed. {How shall they believe?} (\pos pisteus“sin?\). Deliberative subjunctive again (first aorist active of \pisteu“\ just used). Each time Paul picks up the preceding verb and challenges that. Here again the antecedent \eis touton\ before \hon\ is not expressed. {How shall they hear?} (\pos akous“sin?\). Deliberative subjunctive (first aorist active of \akou“\). {Without a preacher?} (\ch“ris kˆrussontos?\). Preposition \ch“ris\ with ablative singular masculine present active participle of \kˆruss“\, "without one preaching." {How shall they preach?} (\p“s kˆrux“sin?\). Deliberative subjunctive again (first aorist active \kˆruss“\, to preach). {Except they be sent?} (\ean mˆ apostal“sin?\). Second aorist passive deliberative subjunctive of \apostell“\, to send, from which verb \apostolos\ apostle comes. Negative condition of third class. In graphic style Paul has made a powerful plea for missions. It is just as true today as then.

rwp@Romans:10:18 @{Did they not hear?} (\mˆ ouk ˆkousan?\). Rather, "Did they fail to hear?" (expecting the negative answer \mˆ\, while \ouk\ blends with the verb). See on ¯1Corinthians:9:5| for this construction. {Yea, verily} (\menounge\). Triple particle (\men, oun, ge\) as in strkjv@9:20|. {Sound} (\phthoggos\). Vibration of a musical string. See on ¯1Corinthians:14:7|. Only two N.T. examples. {The world} (\tˆs oikoumenˆs\). The inhabited earth as in strkjv@Luke:2:1|.

rwp@Romans:11:3 @{They have digged down} (\kateskapsan\). First aorist active indicative of \kataskapt“\, to dig under or down. Old verb, here only in N.T. (critical text). LXX has \katheilan\ "pulled down." Paul has reversed the order of the LXX of strkjv@1Kings:19:10,14,18|. {Altars} (\thusiastˆria\). Late word (LXX, Philo, Josephus, N.T. eccl. writers) from \thusiaz“\, to sacrifice. See strkjv@Acts:17:23|. {And I am left alone} (\kag“ hupeleiphthˆn monos\). First aorist passive indicative of \hupoleip“\, old word, to leave under or behind, here only in N.T. Elijah's mood was that of utter dejection in his flight from Jezebel. {Life} (\psuchˆn\). It is not possible to draw a clear distinction between \psuchˆ\ (soul) and \pneuma\ (spirit). \Psuchˆ\ is from \psuch“\, to breathe or blow, \pneuma\ from \pne“\, to blow. Both are used for the personality and for the immortal part of man. Paul is usually dichotomous in his language, but sometimes trichotomous in a popular sense. We cannot hold Paul's terms to our modern psychological distinctions.

rwp@Romans:11:4 @{The answer of God} (\ho chrˆmatismos\). An old word in various senses like \chrˆmatiz“\, only here in N.T. See this use of the verb in strkjv@Matthew:2:12,22; strkjv@Luke:2:26; strkjv@Acts:10:22|. {To Baal} (\tˆi Baal\). Feminine article. In the LXX the name \Baal\ is either masculine or feminine. The explanation is that the Jews put _Bosheth_ (\aischunˆ\, shame) for Baal and in the LXX the feminine article occurs because \aischunˆ\ is so, though here the LXX has the masculine \t“i\.

rwp@Romans:11:8 @{A spirit of stupor} (\pneuma katanuxe“s\). The quotation is a combination of strkjv@Deuteronomy:19:4; strkjv@Isaiah:29:10; strkjv@6:9f|. This phrase is from strkjv@Isaiah:29:10|. \Katanuxis\ is a late and rare word from \katanuss“\, to prick or stick (Acts:2:37|), in LXX, here only in N.T., one example in _Pelagia-Legende_. The torpor seems the result of too much sensation, dulled by incitement into apathy. {That they should not see} (\tou mˆ blepein\). Genitive articular infinitive of negative purpose. {That they should not hear} (\tou mˆ akouein\). Songs:here also. See Stephen's speech (Acts:7:51f.|).

rwp@Romans:11:11 @{Did they stumble that they might fall?} (\mˆ eptaisan hina pes“sin?\). Negative answer expected by \mˆ\ as in verse 1|. First aorist active indicative of \ptai“\, old verb, to stumble, only here in Paul (see strkjv@James:3:2|), suggested perhaps by \skandalon\ in verse 9|. If \hina\ is final, then we must add "merely" to the idea, "merely that they might fall" or make a sharp distinction between \ptai“\, to stumble, and \pipt“\, to fall, and take \pes“sin\ as effective aorist active subjunctive to fall completely and for good. \Hina\, as we know, can be either final, sub-final, or even result. See strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:4; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:29; strkjv@Galatians:5:17|. Paul rejects this query in verse 11| as vehemently as he did that in verse 1|. {By their fall} (\t“i aut“n parapt“mati\). Instrumental case. For the word, a falling aside or a false step from \parapipt“\, see strkjv@5:15-20|. {Is come}. No verb in the Greek, but \ginetai\ or \gegonen\ is understood. {For to provoke them to jealousy} (\eis to parazˆl“sai\). Purpose expressed by \eis\ and the articular infinitive, first aorist active, of \parazˆlo“\, for which verb see strkjv@1Corinthians:10:22|. As an historical fact Paul turned to the Gentiles when the Jews rejected his message (Acts:13:45ff.; strkjv@28:28|, etc.). {The riches of the world} (\ploutos kosmou\). See strkjv@10:12|. {Their loss} (\to hˆttˆma aut“n\). Songs:perhaps in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:7|, but in strkjv@Isaiah:31:8| defeat is the idea. Perhaps so here. {Fulness} (\plˆr“ma\). Perhaps "completion," though the word from \plˆro“\, to fill, has a variety of senses, that with which anything is filled (1Corinthians:10:26,28|), that which is filled (Ephesians:1:23|). {How much more?} (\pos“i mallon\). Argument _a fortiori_ as in verse 24|. Verse 25| illustrates the point.

rwp@Romans:11:17 @{Branches} (\klad“n\). From \kla“\, to break. {Were broken off} (\exeklasthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \ekkla“\. Play on the word \klados\ (branch) and \ekkla“\, to break off. Condition of first class, assumed as true. Some of the individual Jews (natural Israel) were broken off the stock of the tree (spiritual Israel). {And thou} (\kai su\). An individual Gentile. {Being a wild olive} (\agrielaios “n\). This word, used by Aristotle, occurs in an inscription. Ramsay (_Pauline Studies_, pp. 219ff.) shows that the ancients used the wild-olive graft upon an old olive tree to reinvigorate the tree precisely as Paul uses the figure here and that both the olive tree and the graft were influenced by each other, though the wild olive graft did not produce as good olives as the original stock. But it should be noted that in verse 24| Paul expressly states that the grafting of Gentiles on to the stock of the spiritual Israel was "contrary to nature" (\para phusin\). {Wast grafted in} (\enekentristhˆs\). First aorist passive indicative of \enkentriz“\, to cut in, to graft, used by Aristotle. Belongs "to the higher _Koin‚_" (literary _Koin‚_) according to Milligan. {Partaker} (\sunkoin“nos\). Co-partner. {Fatness} (\piotˆtos\). Old word from \pi“n\ (fat), only here in N.T. Note three genitives here "of the root of the fatness of the olive."

rwp@Romans:11:25 @{This mystery} (\to mustˆrion touto\). Not in the pagan sense of an esoteric doctrine for the initiated (from \mue“\, to blink, to wink), unknown secrets (2Thessalonians:2:7|), or like the mystery religions of the time, but the revealed will of God now made known to all (1Corinthians:2:1,7; strkjv@4:1|) which includes Gentiles also (Romans:16:25; strkjv@Colossians:1:26f.; strkjv@Ephesians:3:3f.|) and so far superior to man's wisdom (Colossians:2:2; strkjv@4:13; strkjv@Ephesians:3:9; strkjv@5:32; strkjv@6:19; strkjv@Matthew:13:11; strkjv@Mark:4:11|). Paul has covered every point of difficulty concerning the failure of the Jews to accept Jesus as the Messiah and has shown how God has overruled it for the blessing of the Gentiles with a ray of hope still held out for the Jews. "In early ecclesiastical Latin \mustˆrion\ was rendered by _sacramentum_, which in classical Latin means _the military oath_. The explanation of the word _sacrament_, which is so often founded on this etymology, is therefore mistaken, since the meaning of sacrament belongs to \mustˆrion\ and not to _sacramentum_ in the classical sense" (Vincent). {Wise in your own conceits} (\en heautois phronimoi\). "Wise in yourselves." Some MSS. read \par' heautois\ (by yourselves). Negative purpose here (\hina mˆ ˆte\), to prevent self-conceit on the part of the Gentiles who have believed. They had no merit in themselves {A hardening} (\p“r“sis\). Late word from \p“ro“\ (11:7|). Occurs in Hippocrates as a medical term, only here in N.T. save strkjv@Mark:3:5; strkjv@Ephesians:4:18|. It means obtuseness of intellectual discernment, mental dulness. {In part} (\apo merous\). Goes with the verb \gegonen\ (has happened in part). For \apo merous\, see strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14; strkjv@2:5; strkjv@Romans:15:24|; for \ana meros\, see strkjv@1Corinthians:14:27|; for \ek merous\, see strkjv@1Corinthians:12:27; strkjv@13:9|; for \kata meros\, see strkjv@Hebrews:9:5|; for \meros ti\ (adverbial accusative) partly see strkjv@1Corinthians:11:18|. Paul refuses to believe that no more Jews will be saved. {Until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in} (\achri hou to plˆr“ma t“n ethn“n eiselthˆi\). Temporal clause with \achri hou\ (until which time) and the second aorist active subjunctive of \eiserchomai\, to come in (Matthew:7:13,21|). {For fulness of the Gentiles} (\to plˆr“ma t“n ethn“n\) see on verse ¯12|, the complement of the Gentiles.

rwp@Romans:11:26 @{And so} (\kai hout“s\). By the complement of the Gentiles stirring up the complement of the Jews (verses 11f.|). {All Israel} (\pƒs Israˆl\). What does Paul mean? The immediate context (use of \pƒs\ in contrast with \apo merous, plˆr“ma\ here in contrast with \plˆr“ma\ in verse 12|) argues for the Jewish people "as a whole." But the spiritual Israel (both Jews and Gentiles) may be his idea in accord with strkjv@9:6| (Galatians:6:16|) as the climax of the argument. At any rate we should strive for and pray for the conversion of Jews as a whole. Paul here quotes from strkjv@Isaiah:59:20f.; strkjv@27:9|. {The Deliverer} (\ho ruomenos\). Present middle articular participle of \ruomai\, to rescue, to deliver. See on ¯1Thessalonians:1:10; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:10|. The Hebrew _Goel_, the Avenger, the Messiah, the Redeemer (Deuteronomy:25:5-10; strkjv@Job:19:25; strkjv@Ruth:3:12f.|). Paul interprets it of Jesus as Messiah.

rwp@Romans:11:32 @{Hath shut up} (\sunekleisen\). First aorist active indicative of \sunklei“\, to shut together like a net (Luke:5:6|). See strkjv@Galatians:3:22| for this word with \hupo hamartian\ (under sin). This is a resultant (effective) aorist because of the disbelief and disobedience of both Gentile (1:17-32|) and Jew (2:1-3:20|). {All} (\tous pantas\). "The all" (both Gentiles and Jews). {That he might have mercy} (\hina--eleˆsˆi\). Purpose with \hina\ and aorist active subjunctive. No merit in anyone, but all of grace. "The all" again, who receive God's mercy, not that "all" men are saved.

rwp@Romans:12:1 @{Therefore} (\oun\). This inferential participle gathers up all the great argument of chapters 1-11|. Now Paul turns to exhortation (\parakal“\), "I beseech you." {By the mercies} (\dia t“n oiktirm“n\). "By means of the mercies of God" as shown in his argument and in our lives. See strkjv@2Corinthians:1:3| for "the Father of mercies." {To present} (\parastˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of \paristˆmi\, for which verb see strkjv@6:13|, a technical term for offering a sacrifice (Josephus, _Ant_. IV. 6, 4), though not in the O.T. Used of presenting the child Jesus in the temple (Luke:2:22|), of the Christian presenting himself (Romans:6:13|), of God presenting the saved (Ephesians:5:27|), of Christ presenting the church (Colossians:1:28|). {Bodies} (\s“mata\). Songs:literally as in strkjv@6:13,19; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10| and in contrast with \nous\ (mind) in verse 2|. {A living sacrifice} (\thusian z“san\). In contrast with the Levitical sacrifices of slain animals. Cf. strkjv@6:8,11,13|. Not a propitiatory sacrifice, but one of praise. {Acceptable} (\euareston\). "Well-pleasing." See on ¯2Corinthians:5:9|. {Which is your reasonable service} (\tˆn logikˆn hum“n latreian\). "Your rational (spiritual) service (worship)." For \latreia\, see on ¯9:4|. \Logikos\ is from \logos\, reason. The phrase means here "worship rendered by the reason (or soul)." Old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:2:2| \to logikon gala\ (not logical milk, but the milk nourishing the soul).

rwp@Romans:12:5 @{And severally} (\to de kath' heis\). A difficult late idiom where the preposition \kath'\ (\kata\) is treated adverbially with no effect on the nominative case \heis\ like \huper eg“\ (2Corinthians:11:23|). Songs:\heis kath' heis\ (Mark:14:19|) and in Modern Greek \katheis\ as a distributive pronoun. But we have \kath' hena\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:14:31|. The use of the neuter article here \to\ with \kath' heis\ is probably the accusative of general reference, "as to each one."

rwp@Romans:12:7 @{Let us give ourselves}. There is no verb in the Greek. We must supply \d“men heautous\ or some such phrase. {Or he that teacheth} (\eite ho didask“n\). Here the construction changes and no longer do we have the accusative case like \diakonian\ (general word for Christian service of all kinds including ministers and deacons) as the object of \echontes\, but the nominative articular participle. A new verb must be supplied of which \ho didask“n\ is the subject as with the succeeding participles through verse 8|. Perhaps in each instance the verb is to be repeated from the participle like \didasket“\ here (let him teach) or a general term \poieit“\ (let him do it) can be used for all of them as seems necessary before "with liberality" in verse 8| (\en haplotˆti\, in simplicity, for which word, see strkjv@Matthew:6:22; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:2; strkjv@9:11,13|). {He that ruleth} (\ho proistamenos\). "The one standing in front" for which see strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:12|. {With diligence} (\en spoudˆi\). "In haste" as if in earnest (Mark:6:25; strkjv@2Corinthians:7:11f., strkjv@8:8,16|), from \speud“\, to hasten. Again verse 11|. {With cheerfulness} (\en hilarotˆti\). Late word, only here in N.T., from \hilaros\ (2Corinthians:9:7|) cheerful, hilarious.

rwp@Romans:12:9 @{Without hypocrisy} (\anupokritos\). Late double compound adjective for which see strkjv@2Corinthians:6:6|. Hypocritical or pretended love is no love at all as Paul describes \agapˆ\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:13|. {Abhor} (\apostugountes\). Old verb with intensive (\apo\) dislike, only here in N.T. The present active participle is here employed in the sense of the present active indicative as sometimes happens with the independent participle (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 1132ff.). This same idiom appears with \koll“menoi\ (cleaving) for which verb see on ¯1Corinthians:6:17|, with \proˆgoumenoi\ (preferring) in verse 10| (old verb here only in N.T.), and with the participles in verses 11-13| and again in verses 16-18|. One can supply \este\ if he prefers.

rwp@Romans:12:16 @{Be of the same mind} (\to auto phronountes\). Absolute or independent use of the participle again as with all the participles through verse 18|, "thinking the same thing." {Set not your mind on high things} (\mˆ ta hupsˆla phronountes\). "Not thinking the high things" (\hupsˆlos\ from \hupsos\, height). Cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:13:5|. {Condescend to things that are lowly} (\tois tapeinois sunapagomenoi\). "Be carried away with (borne along with) the lowly things" (in contrast with \ta hupsˆla\, though the associative instrumental case may be masculine, "with lowly men." See strkjv@Galatians:2:13; strkjv@2Peter:3:17| for the only other N.T. examples of this old verb. {Be not wise} (\mˆ ginesthe phronimoi\). "Do not have the habit of becoming (\ginesthe\) wise in your own conceits" (\par' heautois\, beside yourselves). Note the imperative in the midst of infinitives and participles.

rwp@Romans:12:17 @{Render to no man} (\mˆdeni apodidontes\). "Giving back to no man." Independent participle again. {Evil for evil} (\kakon anti kakou\). Directly opposite to the law of retaliation of the Pharisees as in strkjv@Matthew:5:39; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:15; strkjv@1Corinthians:13:5f|. {Take thought of} (\pronooumenoi\). "Taking thought beforehand." Old word. See strkjv@2Corinthians:8:21|.

rwp@Romans:12:18 @{As much as in you lieth} (\to ex hum“n\). Accusative of general reference, "so far as what proceeds from you" ("the from you part"). See \to kat' eme\ in strkjv@1:15|. This phrase explains "if it be possible" (\ei dunaton\). "All _your_ part is to be peace" (Alford). For "be at peace" (\eirˆneuontes\) see strkjv@2Corinthians:13:11|.

rwp@Romans:12:19 @{Avenge not} (\mˆ ekdikountes\). Independent participle again of late verb \ekdike“\ from \ekdikos\, exacting justice (13:4|). See already strkjv@Luke:18:5; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:6|. {But give place unto wrath} (\alla dote topon tˆi orgˆi\). Second aorist active imperative of \did“mi\, to give. "Give room for the (note article as in strkjv@5:9; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:16|) wrath" of God instead of taking vengeance in your own hands. See strkjv@Ephesians:4:27| for \didote topon\. Paul quotes strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:35| (the Hebrew rather than the LXX). Songs:have strkjv@Hebrews:10:30| and the Targum of Onkelos, but the relation between them and Paul we cannot tell. Socrates and Epictetus condemned personal vindictiveness as Paul does here. {I will recompense} (\antapod“s“\). Future active of the double compound verb quoted also in strkjv@11:35|.

rwp@Romans:12:20 @{Feed him} (\ps“mize auton\). Quotation from LXX text of strkjv@Proverbs:25:21f|. Present active imperative of verb from \ps“mos\, a morsel, and so to feed crumbs to babies, then to feed in general. In N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:13:3|. {Thou shalt heap} (\s“reuseis\). Future active of old verb \s“reu“\ from \s“ros\, a heap. In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:3:6|. {Coals of fire} (\anthrakas puros\). That is, burning or live coals. {Anthrax} (our "anthracite") is an old word, only here in N.T. It is a metaphor for keen anguish. The Arabs have a proverb "coals in the heart," "fire in the liver." Such kindness may lead to repentance also.

rwp@Romans:13:1 @{Every soul} (\pƒsa psuchˆ\). As in strkjv@2:9; strkjv@Acts:2:43|. A Hebraism for \pƒs anthr“pos\ (every man). {To the higher powers} (\exousiais huperechousais\). Abstract for concrete. See strkjv@Mark:2:10| for \exousia\. \Huperech“\ is an old verb to have or hold over, to be above or supreme, as in strkjv@1Peter:2:13|. {Except by God} (\ei mˆ hupo theou\). Songs:the best MSS. rather than \apo theou\ (from God). God is the author of order, not anarchy. {The powers that be} (\hai ousai\). "The existing authorities" (supply \exousiai\). Art ordained (\tetagmenai eisin\). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of \tass“\, "stand ordained by God." Paul is not arguing for the divine right of kings or for any special form of government, but for government and order. Nor does he oppose here revolution for a change of government, but he does oppose all lawlessness and disorder.

rwp@Romans:13:2 @{He that resisteth} (\ho antitassomenos\). Present middle articular participle of \antitass“\, old verb to range in battle against as in strkjv@Acts:18:6|, "he that lines himself up against." {Withstandeth} (\anthestˆken\). Perfect active indicative of \anthistˆmi\ and intransitive, "has taken his stand against." {The ordinance of God} (\tˆi tou theou diatagˆi\). Late word, but common in papyri (Deissmann, _Light, etc._, p. 89), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:7:53|. Note repetition of root of \tass“\. {To themselves} (\heautois\). Dative of disadvantage. See strkjv@Mark:12:40| for "shall receive a judgment" (\krina lˆmpsontai\). Future middle of \lamban“\.

rwp@Romans:13:4 @{A minister of God} (\theou diakonos\). General sense of \diakonos\. Of course even Nero was God's minister "to thee (\soi\ ethical dative) for good (\eis to agathon\, for the good)." That is the ideal, the goal. {Beareth} (\phorei\). Present active indicative of \phore“\, old frequentative form of \pher“\, to bear, to wear. {But if thou do} (\ean de poiˆis\). Condition of third class, \ean\ and present active subjunctive of \poie“\, "if thou continue to do." {Sword} (\machairan\). Symbol of authority as to-day policemen carry clubs or pistols. "The Emperor Trajan presented to a provincial governor on starting for his province, a dagger, with the words, '_For me_. If I deserve it, _in_ me'" (Vincent). {An avenger} (\ekdikos\). Old adjective from \ek\ and \dikˆ\ (right), "outside of penalty," unjust, then in later Greek "exacting penalty from one," in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:6|.

rwp@Romans:13:6 @{Ye pay} (\teleite\). Present active indicative (not imperative) of \tele“\, to fulfil. {Tribute} (\phorous\). Old word from \pher“\, to bring, especially the annual tax on lands, etc. (Luke:20:22; strkjv@23:1|). Paying taxes recognizes authority over us. {Ministers of God's service} (\leitourgoi theou\). Late word for public servant (unused \leitos\ from Attic \le“s\, people, and \erg“\, to work). Often used of military servants, servants of the king, and temple servants (Hebrews:8:2|). Paul uses it also of himself as Christ's \leitourgos\ (Romans:15:16|) and of Epaphroditus as a minister to him (Phillipians:2:25|). See \theou diakonos\ in verse 4|. {Attending continually} (\proskarterountes\). Present active participle of the late verb \proskartere“\ (\pros\ and \kartere“\ from \kartos\ or \kratos\, strength) to persevere. See on ¯Acts:2:42; strkjv@8:13|.

rwp@Romans:13:7 @{Dues} (\opheilas\). Debts, from \opheil“\, to owe. Often so in the papyri, though not in Greek authors. In N.T. only here, strkjv@Matthew:18:32; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:3|. Paying debts needs emphasis today, even for ministers. {To whom tribute is due} (\t“i ton phoron\). We must supply a participle with the article \t“i\ like \apaitounti\ ("to the one asking tribute"). Songs:with the other words (to whom custom, \t“i to telos apaitounti\; to whom fear, \t“i ton phobon apaitounti\; to whom honour, \t“i tˆn timˆn apaitounti\). \Phoros\ is the tribute paid to a subject nation (Luke:20:22|), while \telos\ is tax for support of civil government (Matthew:17:25|).

rwp@Romans:13:8 @{Save to love one another} (\ei mˆ to allˆlous agapƒin\). "Except the loving one another." This articular infinitive is in the accusative case the object of \opheilete\ and partitive apposition with \mˆden\ (nothing). This debt can never be paid off, but we should keep the interest paid up. {His neighbour} (\ton heteron\). "The other man," "the second man." "Just as in the relations of man and God \pistis\ has been substituted for \nomos\, so between man and man \agapˆ\ takes the place of definite legal relations" (Sanday and Headlam). See strkjv@Matthew:22:37-40| for the words of Jesus on this subject. Love is the only solution of our social relations and national problems.

rwp@Romans:13:9 @{For this} (\to gar\). For the article (\to\) pointing to a sentence see strkjv@8:26|, here to the quotation. The order of the commandments here is like that in strkjv@Luke:18:20; strkjv@James:2:11| and in B for strkjv@Deuteronomy:5|, but different from that of the Hebrew in strkjv@Exodus:20; strkjv@Deuteronomy:5|. The use of \ou\ with the volitive future in prohibitions in place of \mˆ\ and the imperative or subjunctive is a regular Greek idiom. {And if there be any other} (\kai ei tis hetera\). Paul does not attempt to give them all. {It is summed up} (\anakephalaioutai\). Present passive indicative of \anakephalaio“\, late literary word or "rhetorical term" (\ana, kephalaion\, head or chief as in strkjv@Hebrews:8:1|). Not in the papyri, but \kephalaion\, quite common for sum or summary. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Ephesians:1:10|. {Namely} (\en t“i\). See \to gar\ at the beginning of the verse, though omitted by B F. The quotation is from strkjv@Leviticus:19:18|. Quoted in strkjv@Matthew:5:43; strkjv@22:39; strkjv@Mark:12:31; strkjv@Luke:10:27; strkjv@Galatians:5:14; strkjv@James:2:8| it is called \basilikos nomos\ (royal law). {Thy neighbour} (\ton plˆsion sou\). \Plˆsion\ is an adverb and with the article it means "the one near thee." See on ¯Matthew:5:43|.

rwp@Romans:13:11 @{And this} (\kai touto\). Either nominative absolute or accusative of general reference, a common idiom for "and that too" (1Corinthians:6:6,8|, etc.). {Knowing} (\eidotes\). Second perfect active participle, nominative plural without a principal verb. Either we must supply a verb like \poiˆs“men\ (let us do it) or \poiˆsate\ (do ye do it) or treat it as an independent participle as in strkjv@12:10f|. {The season} (\ton kairon\). The critical period, not \chronos\ (time in general). {High time} (\h“ra\). Like our the "hour" has come, etc. MSS. vary between \hˆmas\ (us) and \humƒs\ (you), accusative of general reference with \egerthˆnai\ (first aorist passive infinitive of \egeir“\, to awake, to wake up), "to be waked up out of sleep" (\ex hupnou\). {Nearer to us} (\egguteron hˆm“n\). Probably so, though \hˆm“n\ can be taken equally well with \hˆ s“tˆria\ (our salvation is nearer). Final salvation, Paul means, whether it comes by the second coming of Christ as they all hoped or by death. It is true of us all.

rwp@Romans:14:2 @{One man} (\hos men\). "This one," demonstrative pronoun \hos\ with \men\. {Hath faith} (\pisteuei\). Like \echei pistin\ (Acts:14:9|). {But he that is weak} (\ho de asthen“n\). One would expect \hos de\ (but that one) in contrast with \hos men\. \Ho\ is demonstrative with \de\ sometimes, but here is probably just the article with \asthen“n\. {Herbs} (\lachana\). From \lachan“\, to dig. Hence garden herbs or vegetables. Denney feels certain that Paul has in mind a party of vegetarians in Rome.

rwp@Romans:14:4 @{Who art thou?} (\su tis ei?\). Proleptic position of \su\, "thou who art thou?" {The servant of another} (\allotrion oiketˆn\). Not another (\allon\) servant (household servant, \oiketˆn\), but "another's servant." For the adjective \allotrios\, see strkjv@Luke:16:12; strkjv@2Corinthians:10:15f|. {Shall be made to stand} (\stathˆsetai\). Future passive of \histˆmi\. In spite of your sharp criticisms of one another. {Hath power} (\dunatei\). Verb found only in Paul (2Corinthians:9:8; strkjv@13:3; strkjv@Romans:14:4|), from verbal adjective \dunatos\.

rwp@Romans:14:13 @{Let us not therefore judge one another any more} (\mˆketi oun allˆlous krin“men\). Present active subjunctive (volitive). "Let us no longer have the habit of criticizing one another." A wonderfully fine text for modern Christians and in harmony with what the Master said (Matthew:7:1|). {That no man put a stumbling block in his brother's way or an occasion of falling} (\to mˆ tithenai proskomma t“i adelph“i ˆ skandalon\). Articular present active infinitive of \tithˆmi\ in apposition with \touto\, accusative case after \krinate\: "Judge this rather, the not putting a stumbling block (see strkjv@9:32| for \proskomma\) or a trap (\skandalon\, strkjv@9:33|) for his brother" (\adelph“i\, dative of disadvantage).

rwp@Romans:14:17 @{The kingdom of God} (\hˆ basileia tou theou\). Not the future kingdom of eschatology, but the present spiritual kingdom, the reign of God in the heart, of which Jesus spoke so often. See strkjv@1Corinthians:4:21|. Paul scores heavily here, for it is not found in externals like food and drink, but in spiritual qualities and graces.

rwp@Romans:14:19 @{Songs:then} (\ara oun\). Two inferential particles, "accordingly therefore." {Let us follow after} (\di“k“men\). Present active subjunctive (volitive). "Let us pursue." Some MSS. have present indicative, "we pursue." {The things which make for peace} (\ta tˆs eirˆnˆs\). "The things of peace," literally, genitive case. Songs:"the things of edification for one another" (\ta tˆs oikodomˆs tˆs eis allˆlous\).

rwp@Romans:14:21 @{Not to eat} (\to mˆ phagein\). "The not eating." Articular infinitive (second aorist active of \esthi“\) and subject of \kalon estin\ (copula, understood). {Flesh} (\kreas\). Old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:8:13|. {To drink} (\pein\). Shortened form for \piein\ (second aorist active infinitive of \pin“\). {Whereby} (\en h“i\). "On which thy brother stumbleth" (\proskoptei\).

rwp@Romans:14:23 @{He that doubteth} (\ho diakrinomenos\). Present middle participle of \diakrin“\, to judge between (\dia\), to hesitate. See strkjv@James:1:6f.| for this same picture of the double-minded man. Cf. strkjv@Romans:4:20; strkjv@Mark:11:23|. {Is condemned} (\katakekritai\). Perfect passive indicative of \katakrin“\ (note \kata-\), "stands condemned." {If he eat} (\ean phagˆi\). Third class condition, \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive. If in spite of his doubt, he eat. {Whatsoever is not of faith is sin} (\pan ho ouk ek piste“s hamartia estin\). {Faith} (\pistis\) here is subjective, one's strong conviction in the light of his relation to Christ and his enlightened conscience. To go against this combination is sin beyond a doubt. Some MSS. (A L etc.) put the doxology here which most place in strkjv@16:25-27|. But they all give chapters 15 and 16. Some have supposed that the Epistle originally ended here, but that is pure speculation. Some even suggest two editions of the Epistle. But chapter 15 goes right on with the topic discussed in chapter 14.

rwp@Romans:15:13 @{The God of hope} (\ho theos tˆs elpidos\). Taking up the idea in verse 12| as in verse 5| from 4|. {Fill you} (\plˆr“sai humas\). Optative (first aorist active of \plˆro“\) of wish for the future. Cf. \d“iˆ\ in verse 5|. {In believing} (\en t“i pisteuein\). "In the believing" (\en\ with locative of the articular infinitive, the idiom so common in Luke's Gospel). {That ye may abound} (\eis to perisseuein humas\). Purpose clause with \eis to\, as in verse 8|, with \perisseuein\ (present active infinitive of \perisseu“\, with accusative of general reference, \humas\). This verse gathers up the points in the preceding quotations.

rwp@Romans:15:14 @{I myself also} (\kai autos eg“\). See strkjv@7:25| for a like emphasis on himself, here in contrast with "ye yourselves" (\kai autoi\). The argument of the Epistle has been completed both in the main line (chapters 1-8|) and the further applications (9:1-15:13|). Here begins the Epilogue, the personal matters of importance. {Full of goodness} (\mestoi agathosunˆs\). See strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:11; strkjv@Galatians:5:22| for this LXX and Pauline word (in ecclesiastical writers also) made from the adjective \agathos\, good, by adding \-sunˆ\ (common ending for words like \dikaiosunˆ\. See strkjv@1:29| for \mestos\ with genitive and \peplˆr“menoi\ (perfect passive participle of \plˆro“\ as here), but there with instrumental case after it instead of the genitive. Paul gives the Roman Christians (chiefly Gentiles) high praise. The "all knowledge" is not to be pressed too literally, "our Christian knowledge in its entirety" (Sanday and Headlam). {To admonish} (\nouthetein\). To put in mind (from \nouthetˆs\ and this from \nous\ and \tithˆmi\). See on ¯1Thessalonians:5:12,14|. "Is it laying too much stress on the language of compliment to suggest that these words give a hint of St. Paul's aim in this Epistle?" (Sanday and Headlam). The strategic position of the church in Rome made it a great centre for radiating and echoing the gospel over the world as Thessalonica did for Macedonia (1Thessalonians:1:8|).

rwp@Romans:15:16 @{That I should be} (\eis to einai me\). The \eis to\ idiom with the infinitive again (verses 8,13|). {Minister} (\leitourgon\). Predicate accusative in apposition with \me\ and see strkjv@13:6| for the word. "The word here derives from the context the priestly associations which often attach to it in the LXX" (Denney). But this purely metaphorical use does not show that Paul attached a "sacerdotal" character to the ministry. {Ministering} (\hierourgounta\). Present active participle of \hierourge“\, late verb from \hierourgos\ (\hieros, erg“\), in LXX, Philo, and Josephus, only here in N.T. It means to work in sacred things, to minister as a priest. Paul had as high a conception of his work as a preacher of the gospel as any priest did. {The offering up of the Gentiles} (\hˆ prosphora t“n ethn“n\). Genitive of apposition, the Gentiles being the offering. They are Paul's offering. See strkjv@Acts:21:26|. {Acceptable} (\euprosdektos\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:6:2; strkjv@8:12|. Because "sanctified in the Holy Spirit" (\hˆgiasmenˆ en pneumati hagi“i\, perfect passive participle of \hagiaz“\).

rwp@Romans:15:17 @{In things pertaining to God} (\ta pros ton theon\). Accusative of general reference of the article used with the prepositional phrase, "as to the things relating to (\pros\, facing) God."

rwp@Romans:15:20 @{Yea} (\hout“s de\). "And so," introducing a limitation to the preceding statement. {Making it my aim} (\philotimoumenon\). Present middle participle (accusative case agreeing with \me\) of \philotimeomai\, old verb, to be fond of honour (\philos, timˆ\). In N.T. only here and strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:11; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:9|. A noble word in itself, quite different in aim from the Latin word for {ambition} (\ambio\, to go on both sides to carry one's point). {Not where} (\ouch hopou\). Paul was a pioneer preacher pushing on to new fields after the manner of Daniel Boone in Kentucky. {That I might now build upon another man's foundation} (\hina mˆ ep' allotrion themelion oikodom“\). For \allotrios\ (not \allos\) see strkjv@14:4|. For \themelion\, see strkjv@Luke:6:48f.; strkjv@1Corinthians:3:11|. This noble ambition of Paul's is not within the range of some ministers who can only build on another's foundation as Apollos did in Corinth. But the pioneer preacher and missionary has a dignity and glory all his own.

rwp@Romans:15:22 @{I was hindered} (\enekoptomˆn\). Imperfect passive (repetition) of \enkopt“\, late verb, to cut in, to cut off, to interrupt. Seen already in strkjv@Acts:24:4; strkjv@1Thessalonians:2:18; strkjv@Galatians:5:7|. Cf. modern telephone and radio and automobile. {These many times} (\ta polla\). "As to the many things." In strkjv@1:13| Paul used \pollakis\ (many times) and B D read it here. But Paul's work (\ta polla\) had kept him away. {From coming to you} (\tou elthein pros humas\). Ablative case (after the verb of hindering) of the articular infinitive, "from the coming."

rwp@Romans:15:24 @{Whensoever I go} (\h“s an poreu“mai\). Indefinite temporal clause with \h“s an\ and the present middle subjunctive (cf. strkjv@1Corinthians:11:34; strkjv@Phillipians:2:23| with aorist subjunctive). {Into Spain} (\eis tˆn Spanian\). It was a Roman province with many Jews in it. The Greek name was \Iberia\, the Latin _Hispania_. The Textus Receptus adds here \eleusomai pros humas\ (I shall come to you), but it is not in Aleph A B C D and is not genuine. Without it we have a parenthesis (or anacoluthon) through the rest of verse 24|. {In my journey} (\diaporeuomenos\). Present middle participle, "passing through." Paul planned only a brief stay in Rome since a strong church already existed there. {To be brought on my way thitherward} (\propemphthˆnai ekei\). "To be sent forward there." First aorist passive infinitive of \propemp“\, common word for escorting one on a journey (1Corinthians:16:6,11; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:16; strkjv@Titus:3:13; strkjv@2John:1:6|). {If first in some measure I shall have been satisfied with your company} (\ean hum“n prot“n apo merous emplˆsth“\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \empimplˆmi\, old verb, to fill up, to satisfy, to take one's fill. See strkjv@Luke:6:25|. Literally, "if I first in part be filled with you" (get my fill of you). delicate compliment for the Roman church.

rwp@Romans:15:25 @{But now} (\nuni de\). Repeats the very words used in 23|. {I go} (\poreuomai\). Futuristic present as in strkjv@John:14:2|. {Ministering unto the saints} (\diakonon tois hagiois\). Present active participle of purpose like \eulogounta\ in strkjv@Acts:3:26|. This collection had been one of Paul's chief cares for over a year now (see strkjv@2Corinthians:8; 9|). See strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4|.

rwp@Romans:15:26 @{For it hath been the good pleasure of Macedonia and Achaia} (\ˆudokˆsan gar Makedonia kai Achaia\). "For Macedonia and Achaia took pleasure." The use of \ˆudokˆsan\ (first aorist active indicative of \eudoke“\) shows that it was voluntary (2Corinthians:8:4|). Paul does not here mention Asia and Galatia. {A certain contribution} (\koin“nian tina\). Put thus because it was unknown to the Romans. For this sense of \koin“nian\, see strkjv@2Corinthians:8:4; strkjv@9:13|. {For the poor among the saints} (\eis tous pt“chous t“n hagi“n\). Partitive genitive. Not all there were poor, but strkjv@Acts:4:32-5:11; strkjv@6:1-6; strkjv@11:29f.; strkjv@Galatians:2:10| prove that many were.

rwp@Romans:15:28 @{Have sealed} (\sphragisamenos\). First aorist middle participle (antecedent action, having sealed) of \sphragiz“\, old verb from \sphragis\, a seal (Romans:4:11|), to stamp with a seal for security (Matthew:27:66|) or for confirmation (2Corinthians:1:22|) and here in a metaphorical sense. Paul was keenly sensitive that this collection should be actually conveyed to Jerusalem free from all suspicion (2Corinthians:8:18-23|). {I will go on by you} (\apeleusomai di' hum“n\). Future middle of \aperchomai\, to go off or on. Note three prepositions here (\ap'\ from Rome, \di'\ by means of you or through you, \eis\ unto Spain). He repeats the point of verse 24|, his temporary stay in Rome with Spain as the objective. How little we know what is ahead of us and how grateful we should be for our ignorance on this point.

rwp@Romans:15:29 @{When I come} (\erchomenos\). Present middle participle of \erchomai\ with the time of the future middle indicative \eleusomai\ (coming I shall come). {In the fulness of the blessing of Christ} (\en plˆr“mati eulogias Christou\). On \plˆr“mati\, see strkjv@11:12|. Paul had already (1:11f.|) said that he had a \charisma pneumatikon\ (spiritual blessing) for Rome. He did bring that to them.

rwp@Romans:16:17 @{Mark} (\skopeite\). Keep an eye on so as to avoid. \Skopos\ is the goal, \skope“\ means keeping your eye on the goal. {Divisions} (\dichostasias\). Old word for "standings apart," cleavages. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Galatians:5:20|. {Those which are causing} (\tous--poiountas\). This articular participle clause has within it not only the objects of the participle but the relative clause \hˆn humeis emathete\ (which you learned), a thoroughly Greek idiom.

rwp@Romans:16:23 @{Gaius my host} (\Gaios ho xenos mou\). Perhaps the same Gaius of strkjv@1Corinthians:1:14| (Acts:19:29; strkjv@20:4|), but whether the one of strkjv@3John:1:1| we do not know. \Xenos\ was a guest friend, and then either a stranger (Matthew:25:35|) or a host of strangers as here. This Gaius was plainly a man of some means as he was the host of all the church. Erastus (2Timothy:4:20|) was "the treasurer of the city" (\ho oikonomos tˆs pole“s\), one of the outstanding men of Corinth, the "steward" (house-manager) or city manager. See strkjv@Luke:12:42; strkjv@16:1|. He is probably the administrator of the city's property. {Quartus} (\Kouartos\). Latin name for fourth.

rwp@Romans:16:25 @Verses 25-27| conclude the noble Epistle with the finest of Paul's doxologies. {To him that is able} (\t“i dunamen“i\). Dative of the articular participle of \dunamai\. See similar idiom in strkjv@Ephesians:3:20|. {To stablish} (\stˆrixai\). First aorist active infinitive of \stˆriz“\, to make stable. {According to my gospel} (\kata to euaggelion mou\). Same phrase in strkjv@2:16; strkjv@2Timothy:2:8|. Not a book, but Paul's message as here set forth. {The preaching} (\to kˆrugma\). The proclamation, the heralding. {Of Jesus Christ} (\Iˆsou Christou\). Objective genitive, "about Jesus Christ." {Revelation} (\apokalupsin\). "Unveiling." {Of the mystery} (\mustˆriou\). Once unknown, but now revealed. {Kept in silence} (\sesigˆmenou\). Perfect passive participle of \siga“\, to be silent, state of silence. {Through times eternal} (\chronois ai“niois\). Associative instrumental case, "along with times eternal" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 527). See strkjv@1Corinthians:2:6,7,10|.

rwp@Romans:16:26 @{But now is manifested} (\phaner“thentos de nun\). First aorist passive participle of \phanero“\, to make plain, genitive case in agreement with \mustˆriou\. {By the scriptures of the prophets} (\dia graph“n prophˆtik“n\). "By prophetic scriptures." Witnessed by the law and the prophets (3:21|). This thread runs all through Romans. {According to the command of the eternal God} (\kat' epitagˆn tou ai“niou theou\). Paul conceives that God is in charge of the redemptive work and gives his orders (1:1-5; strkjv@10:15f.|). The same adjective \ai“nios\ is here applied to God that is used of eternal life and eternal punishment in strkjv@Matthew:25:46|. {Unto obedience of faith} (\eis hupakoˆn tˆs piste“s\). See strkjv@1:5|. {Made known unto all the nations} (\eis panta ta ethnˆ gn“risthentos\). First aorist passive participle of \gn“riz“\, still the genitive case agreeing with \mustˆriou\ in verse 25|.

rwp@Titus:1:9 @{Holding to} (\antechomenon\). Present middle participle of \antech“\, old verb, to hold back, in middle to hold oneself face to face with, to cling to, as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:14|. {The faithful word} (\tou pistou logou\). See strkjv@1Timothy:1:15; strkjv@6:3; strkjv@Romans:16:17|. Some would see a reference here to Christ as the Personal Logos. {That he may be able} (\hina dunatos ˆi\). Final clause with present active subjunctive. Paul several times uses \dunatos eimi\ in the sense of \dunamai\, with infinitive as here (Romans:4:21; strkjv@11:23; strkjv@2Timothy:1:12|). {The gainsayers} (\tous antilegontas\). Present active participle of \antileg“\, old word, to answer back, as in strkjv@Romans:10:21|. "The talkers back."

rwp@Titus:1:12 @{A prophet of their own} (\idios aut“n prophˆtˆs\). "Their own prophet." Self-styled "prophet" (or poet), and so accepted by the Cretans and by Cicero and Apuleius, that is Epimenides who was born in Crete at Cnossos. It is a hexameter line and Callimachus quoted the first part of it in a Hymn to Zeus. It is said that Epimenides suggested to the Athenians the erection of statues to "unknown gods" (Acts:17:23|). {Liars} (\pseustai\). See strkjv@1Timothy:1:10| for the word. The Cretans had a bad reputation on this line, partly due to their claim to having the tomb of Zeus. {Evil beasts} (\kaka thˆria\). "Wicked wild beasts." Lock asks if the Minotaur was partly responsible. {Idle gluttons} (\gasteres argai\). "Idle bellies." Blunt and forceful. See strkjv@Phillipians:3:19| "whose god is the belly" (\hˆ koilia\). Both words give the picture of the sensual gormandizer.

rwp@Titus:1:13 @{Testimony} (\marturia\). Of the poet Epimenides. Paul endorses it from his recent knowledge. {Sharply} (\apotom“s\). Old adverb from \apotomos\ (from \apotemn“\, to cut off), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:13:10|, "curtly," "abruptly." It is necessary to appear rude sometimes for safety, if the house is on fire and life is in danger. {That they may be sound} (\hina hugiain“sin\). Final clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \hugiain“\, for which verb see on ¯1Timothy:1:10|.

rwp@Titus:1:14 @See strkjv@1Timothy:1:4| for \prosech“\ and \muthois\, only here we have _Jewish_ (\Ioudaikois\) added. Perhaps a reference to the oral traditions condemned by Christ in strkjv@Mark:7:2-8|. See also strkjv@Colossians:2:22|, apparently Pharisaic type of Gnostics. {Who turn away from the truth} (\apostrephomen“n\). Present middle (direct) participle of \apostreph“\, "men turning themselves away from the truth" (accusative according to regular idiom). "The truth" (1Timothy:4:3|) is the gospel (Ephesians:4:21|).

rwp@Titus:1:15 @{To them that are defiled} (\tois memiammenois\). Perfect passive articular participle of \miain“\, old verb, to dye with another colour, to stain, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Jude:1:8; strkjv@Hebrews:12:15|. See \memiantai\ (perf. pass. indic.) in this verse. \Molun“\ (1Corinthians:8:7|) is to smear. {Unbelieving} (\apistois\). As in strkjv@1Corinthians:7:12f.; strkjv@1Timothy:5:8|. The principle or proverb just quoted appears also in strkjv@1Corinthians:6:12; strkjv@10:23; strkjv@Romans:14:20|. For the defilement of mind (\nous\) and conscience (\suneidˆsis\) in both Gentile and Jew by sin, see strkjv@Romans:1:18-2:29|.

rwp@Titus:2:3 @{Aged women} (\presbutidas\). Old word, feminine of \presbutˆs\, only here in N.T. See \presbuteras\ in strkjv@1Timothy:5:2|. {Reverent} (\hieroprepeis\). Old word (\heiros, prepei\). Only here in N.T. Same idea in strkjv@1Timothy:2:10|. Like people engaged in sacred duties (Lock). {In demeanour} (\en katastˆmati\). Late and rare word (inscriptions) from \kathistˆmi\, deportment, only here in N.T. {Not slanderers} (\mˆ diabolous\). See strkjv@1Timothy:3:11; strkjv@2Timothy:3:3|. {Nor enslaved to much wine} (\mˆde oin“i poll“i dedoul“menas\). Perfect passive participle of \doulo“\, with dative case \oin“i\. See strkjv@1Timothy:3:8|. "It is proved by experience that the reclamation of a woman drunkard is almost impossible" (White). But God can do the "impossible." {Teachers of that which is good} (\kalodidaskalous\). Compound word found here alone, _bona docentes_ (teaching good and beautiful things). A sorely needed mission.

rwp@Titus:2:7 @{Shewing thyself} (\seauton parechomenos\). Present middle (redundant middle) participle of \parech“\ with the reflexive pronoun \seauton\ as if the active voice \parech“n\. The _Koin‚_ shows an increasing number of such constructions (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 811). See active in strkjv@1Timothy:1:4|. {An ensample} (\tupon\). For this word see strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:9; strkjv@Phillipians:3:17|. {Uncorruptness} (\aphthorian\). Only example, from late adjective \aphthoros\ (\a\ privative and \phtheir“\).

rwp@Titus:2:8 @{Sound} (\hugiˆ\, Attic usually \hugiƒ\ in accusative singular), elsewhere in Pastorals participle \hugian“n\ (verse 1|). {That cannot be condemned} (\akatagn“ston\). Only N.T. example (verbal, \a\ privative and \katagn“stos\) and in IV Macc. strkjv@4:47. Deissmann (_Bible Studies_, p. 200) quotes it from an inscription and the adverb from a papyrus. {He that is of the contrary part} (\ho ex enantias\). "The one on the opposite side" (your opponent). Cf. verse 9; strkjv@1Timothy:5:14|. {May be ashamed} (\hina entrapˆi\). Final clause with \hina\ and second aorist passive subjunctive of \entrep“\, to turn, in middle and passive to turn one on himself and so be ashamed (to blush) as in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:14; strkjv@1Corinthians:4:14|. This sense in the papyri. {Evil} (\phaulon\). Old word, easy (easy morals), worthless; bad, as in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:10|.

rwp@Titus:2:10 @{Not purloining} (\mˆ nosphizomenous\). Present middle participle of \nosphiz“\, old verb (from \nosphi\, apart), in middle to set apart for oneself, to embezzle, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:5:2f|. {Fidelity} (\pistin\). See strkjv@Galatians:5:22; strkjv@1Timothy:5:12| for \pistis\ in the sense of faithfulness. Nowhere else in the N.T. do we have \agathˆ\ with \pistis\ as here, but an Oxyr. papyrus (iii. 494, 9) has this very phrase (\pƒsan pistin endeiknumenˆi\). Westcott and Hort put \agapˆn\ in the margin. See strkjv@3:2|. {That they may adorn} (\hina kosm“sin\). Final clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive. See strkjv@1Timothy:2:9| for \kosme“\. Paul shows slaves how they may "adorn" the teaching of God.

rwp@Titus:2:11 @{Hath appeared} (\epephanˆ\). "Did appear," the first Epiphany (the Incarnation). Second aorist passive indicative of \epiphain“\, old verb, in N.T. here, strkjv@3:4; strkjv@Luke:1:79; strkjv@Acts:27:20|. {Bringing salvation} (\s“tˆrios\). Old adjective from \s“tˆr\ (Saviour), here alone in N.T. except \to s“tˆrion\ (salvation, "the saving act") in strkjv@Luke:2:30; strkjv@3:6; strkjv@Ephesians:6:17|. {Instructing} (\paideuousa\). See strkjv@1Timothy:1:20|. {Ungodliness} (\asebeian\). See strkjv@Romans:1:18|. {Worldly lusts} (\tas kosmikas epithumias\). Aristotle and Plutarch use \kosmikos\ (from \kosmos\) about the universe as in strkjv@Hebrews:9:1| about the earthly. Here it has alone in N.T. the sense of evil "in this present age" as with \kosmos\ in strkjv@1John:2:16|. The three adverbs set off the opposite (soberly \s“phron“s\, righteously \dikai“s\, godly \euseb“s\).

rwp@Titus:2:13 @{Looking for} (\prosdechomenoi\). Present middle participle of \prosdechomai\, old verb, the one used of Simeon (Luke:2:25|) and others (Luke:2:38|) who were looking for the Messiah. {The blessed hope and appearing of the glory} (\tˆn makarian elpida kai epiphaneian tˆs doxˆs\). The word \epiphaneia\ (used by the Greeks of the appearance of the gods, from \epiphanˆs, epiphain“\) occurs in strkjv@2Timothy:1:10| of the Incarnation of Christ, the first Epiphany (like the verb \epephanˆ\, strkjv@Titus:2:11|), but here of the second Epiphany of Christ or the second coming as in strkjv@1Timothy:6:14; strkjv@2Timothy:4:1,8|. In strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8| both \epiphaneia\ and \parousia\ (the usual word) occur together of the second coming. {Of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ} (\tou megalou theou kai s“tˆros Iˆsou Christou\). This is the necessary meaning of the one article with \theou\ and \s“tˆros\ just as in strkjv@2Peter:1:1,11|. See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 786. Westcott and Hort read \Christou Iˆsou\.

rwp@Titus:3:3 @{Aforetime} (\pote\). "Once" in our unconverted state as in strkjv@Ephesians:2:3|. {Foolish} (\anoˆtoi\). See strkjv@Romans:1:14,21|. {Disobedient} (\apeitheis\). See strkjv@Romans:1:30|. {Deceived} (\plan“menoi\). Present passive participle of \plana“\ though the middle is possible. {Divers lusts} (\hˆdonais poikilais\). "Pleasures" (\hˆdonais\ from \hˆdomai\, old word, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:8:14; strkjv@James:4:1,3; strkjv@2Peter:2:13|). \Poikilais\ (old word) is many-coloured as in strkjv@Mark:1:34; strkjv@James:1:2; strkjv@2Timothy:3:6|, etc. {Living} (\diagontes\). See strkjv@1Timothy:3:6| (supply \bion\). {In malice} (\en kakiƒi\). See strkjv@Romans:1:29|. {Envy} (\phthon“i\). See strkjv@Romans:1:29|. {Hateful} (\stugˆtoi\). Late passive verbal from \stuge“\, to hate. In Philo, only here in N.T. {Hating one another} (\misountes allˆlous\). Active sense and natural result of being "hateful."

rwp@Titus:3:5 @{Done} (not in the Greek, only the article \t“n\), "not as a result of works those in righteousness which we did." Same idea as in strkjv@Romans:3:20f|. {According to his mercy he saved us} (\kata to autou eleos es“sen\). See strkjv@Psalms:109:26; strkjv@1Peter:1:3; strkjv@Ephesians:2:4|. Effective aorist active indicative of \s“z“\. {Through the washing of regeneration} (\dia loutrou palingenesias\). Late and common word with the Stoics (Dibelius) and in the Mystery-religions (Angus), also in the papyri and Philo. Only twice in the N.T. (Matthew:19:28| with which compare \apokatastasia\ in strkjv@Acts:3:21|, and here in personal sense of new birth). For \loutron\, see strkjv@Ephesians:5:26|, here as there the laver or the bath. Probably in both cases there is a reference to baptism, but, as in strkjv@Romans:6:3-6|, the immersion is the picture or the symbol of the new birth, not the means of securing it. {And renewing of the Holy Spirit} (\kai anakain“se“s pneumatos hagiou\). "And renewal by the Holy Spirit" (subjective genitive). For the late word \anakain“sis\, see strkjv@Romans:12:2|. Here, as often, Paul has put the objective symbol before the reality. The Holy Spirit does the renewing, man submits to the baptism after the new birth to picture it forth to men.

rwp@Titus:3:7 @{Being justified by his grace} (\dikai“thentes tˆi ekeinou chariti\). First aorist passive participle of \dikaio“\ and instrumental case of \charis\ as in strkjv@Romans:3:24; strkjv@5:1|. {That we might be made heirs} (\hina klˆronomoi genˆth“men\). Purpose with \hina\ and first aorist passive of \ginomai\. See strkjv@Romans:4:13; strkjv@8:17|.

rwp@Titus:3:10 @{Heretical} (\hairetikon\). Old adjective from \hairesis\ (\haireomai\, to choose), a choosing of a party (sect, strkjv@Acts:5:17|) or of teaching (2Peter:2:1|). Possibly a schism had been started here in Crete. {Refuse} (\paraitou\). Present middle imperative of \paraite“\, to ask from, to beg off from. See same form in strkjv@1Timothy:4:7; strkjv@5:11|. Possibly an allusion here to Christ's directions in strkjv@Matthew:18:15-17|.

rwp@Titus:3:12 @{When I shall send} (\hotan pemps“\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the first aorist active subjunctive (or future indicative) of \pemp“\ (same form). {Artemas} (\Artemƒn\). Perhaps abbreviation of Artemidorus. Nothing more is known of him. {Or Tychicus} (\ˆ Tuchikon\). Paul's well-known disciple (Colossians:4:7; strkjv@Ephesians:6:21; strkjv@2Timothy:4:12|). {To Nicopolis} (\eis Nikopolin\). Probably in Epirus, a good place for work in Dalmatia (2Timothy:4:10|). {I have determined} (\kekrika\). Perfect active indicative. I have decided. {To winter there} (\ekei paracheimasai\). First aorist active infinitive of \paracheimaz“\, a literary _Koin‚_ word for which see strkjv@Acts:27:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:6|.

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