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bes@Genesis:3:23 @ And (note:)Alex. +the Lord(:note) God said, Behold, Adam is become as one of us, to know good and evil, and now lest at any time he stretch forth his hand, and take of the tree of life and eat, and so he shall live forever—

bes@Genesis:4:6 @ And the Lord God said to Cain, Why art thou become very sorrowful and why is thy countenance fallen?

bes@Genesis:17:16 @ And I will bless her, and give thee a son of her, and I will bless him, and he shall become nations, and kings of nations shall be of him.

bes@Genesis:18:18 @ But Abraam shall become a great and populous nation, and in him shall all the nations of the earth be blest.

bes@Genesis:24:60 @ And they blessed Rebecca, and said to her, Thou art our sister; become thou thousands of myriads, and let thy seed possess the cities of their enemies.

bes@Genesis:26:16 @ And Abimelech said to Isaac, Depart from us, for thou art become much mightier than we.

bes@Genesis:28:3 @ And may my God bless thee, and increase thee, and multiply thee, and thou shalt become gatherings of nations.

bes@Genesis:32:10 @ Let there be to me a sufficiency of all the justice and all the truth which thou hast wrought with thy servant; for with this my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I am become two camps.

bes@Genesis:48:19 @ And he would not, but said, I know it, son, I know it; he also shall be a people, and he shall be exalted, but his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

bes@Exodus:2:14 @ And he said, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? wilt thou slay me as thou yesterday slewest the Egyptian? Then Moses was alarmed, and said, If it be thus, this matter has become known.

bes@Exodus:7:9 @ Now if Pharao should speak to you, saying, Give us a sign or a wonder, then shalt thou say to thy brother Aaron, Take thy rod and cast it upon the ground before Pharao, and before his servants, and it shall become a serpent.

bes@Exodus:7:19 @ And the Lord said to Moses, Say to thy brother Aaron, Take thy rod in thy hand, and stretch forth thy hand over the waters of Egypt, and over their rivers, and over their canals, and over their ponds, and over all their standing water, and it shall become blood: and there was blood in all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and of stone.

bes@Exodus:9:9 @ And let it become dust over all the land of Egypt, and there shall be upon men and upon beasts (note:)Gr. sores, blains(:note) sore blains breaking forth both on men and on beasts, in all the land of Egypt.

bes@Exodus:15:16 @ Let trembling and fear fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm, let them become as stone; till thy people pass over, O Lord, till this thy people pass over, whom thou hast purchased.

bes@Exodus:23:1 @ Thou shalt not receive a vain report: thou shalt not agree with the unjust man to become an unjust witness.

bes@Exodus:23:29 @ I will not cast them out in one year, lest the land become desolate, and the beasts of the field multiply against thee.

bes@Exodus:32:23 @ For they say to me, Make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this man Moses, who brought us out of Egypt, we do not know what is (note:)Done to him(:note) become of him.

bes@Leviticus:4:14 @ and the sin wherein they have sinned should become known to them, then shall the congregation bring an unblemished calf of the herd for a sin-offering, and they shall bring it to the doors of the tabernacle of witness.

bes@Leviticus:13:18 @ And if the flesh should have become an ulcer in his skin, and should be healed,

bes@Leviticus:14:36 @ And the priest shall give orders to remove the furniture of the house, before the priest comes in to see the plague, and thus none of the things in the house shall become unclean; and afterwards the priest shall go in to examine the house.

bes@Leviticus:20:2 @ Thou shalt also say to the children of Israel, If there shall be any of the children of Israel, or of those who have become proselytes in Israel, who shall give of his seed to (note:)Gr. the ruler(:note) Moloch, let him be surely put to death; the nation upon the land shall stone him with stones.

bes@Leviticus:25:35 @ And if thy brother who is with thee become poor, and he fail in (note:)Gr. hands(:note) resources with thee, thou shalt help him as a stranger and a sojourner, and thy brother shall live with thee.

bes@Numbers:36:3 @ And they will become wives in one of the tribes of the children of Israel; so their inheritance shall be taken away from the possession of our fathers, and shall be added to the inheritance of the tribe into which the women shall marry, and shall be taken away from the portion of our inheritance.

bes@Deuteronomy:7:22 @ And the Lord thy God shall consume these nations before thee by little and little: thou shalt not be able to consume them speedily, lest the land become desert, and the wild beasts of the field be multiplied against thee.

bes@Deuteronomy:27:9 @ And Moses and the priests the Levites spoke to all Israel, saying, Be silent and hear, O Israel; this day thou art become a people to the Lord thy God.

bes@Deuteronomy:32:36 @ For the Lord shall judge his people, and shall be comforted over his servants; for he saw that they were (note:)Gr. paralyzed(:note) utterly weakened, and failed in the hostile invasion, and were become feeble:

bes@Joshua:7:12 @ And the children of Israel will not be able to stand before their enemies; they will turn their back before their enemies, for they have become an accursed thing: I will not any longer be with you, unless ye remove the cursed thing from yourselves.

bes@Joshua:9:12 @ These are the loaves—we took them hot for our journey on the day on which we came out to come to you; and now they are dried and become mouldy.

bes@Joshua:22:19 @ And now if the land of your possession be too little, cross over to the land of the possession of the Lord, where the tabernacle of the Lord dwells, and receive ye an inheritance among us; and do not become apostates from God, neither do ye apostatize from the Lord, because of your having built an altar apart from the altar of the Lord our God.

bes@Joshua:23:12 @ For if ye shall turn aside and attach yourselves to these nations that are left with you, and make marriages with them, and become mingled with them and they with you,

bes@Judges:17:13 @ And Michaias said, Now I know that the Lord will do me good, because a Levite has become my priest.

bes@1Samuel:14:40 @ And he said to all the men of Israel, Ye shall be under subjection, and I and Jonathan my son will be (note:)Gr. become slaves, if proved guilty; but the LXX might easily read rbel as if dbel(:note) under subjection: and the people said to Saul, Do that which is good in thy sight.

bes@1Samuel:18:22 @ And Saul charged his servants, saying, Speak ye privately to David, saying, Behold, the king delights in thee, and all his servants love thee, and do thou becomes the king’s son-in-law.

bes@1Samuel:18:23 @ And the servants of Saul spoke these words in the ears of David; and David said, Is it a light thing in your eyes to become son-in-law to the king? Whereas I am an humble man, an not honourable?

bes@1Samuel:18:26 @ And the servants of Saul report these words to David, and David was well pleased to become the son-in-law to the king.

bes@1Samuel:18:27 @ And David arose, and went, he and his men, and smote among the Philistines a hundred men: and he brought their foreskins, and he becomes the king’s son-in-law, and Saul gives him Melchol his daughter to wife.

bes@1Samuel:25:26 @ And now, my lord, as the Lord lives, and thy soul lives, as the Lord has kept thee from coming against innocent blood, and (note:)Gr. saving thy hand for thyself(:note) from executing vengeance for thyself, now therefore let thine enemies, and those that seek evil against my lord, become as Nabal.

bes@2Samuel:7:24 @ And thou has prepared for thyself thy people Israel to be a people for ever, and thou, Lord, art become their God.

bes@2Samuel:13:28 @ And Abessalom charged his servants, saying, Mark when the heart of Amnon shall be merry with wine, and I shall say to you, Smite Amnon, and slay him: fear not; for is it not I that command you? Be courageous, (note:)Gr. and become sons of strength(:note) and be valiant.

bes@2Samuel:14:27 @ And there were born to Abessalom three sons and one daughter, and her name was Themar: she was a very beautiful woman, and she becomes the wife of Roboam son of Solomon, and she bears to him Abia.

bes@2Samuel:15:10 @ And Abessalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, When ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then shall ye say, Abessalom is become king in Chebron.

bes@1Chronicles:17:22 @ And thou hast (note:)Gr. given(:note) appointed thy people Israel as a people to thyself for ever; and thou, Lord, didst become a God to them.

bes@1Chronicles:21:3 @ And Joab said, May the Lord add to his people, a hundred-fold as many as they are, and (note:)Or, the eyes, etc. do see(:note) let the eyes of my lord the king see it: all are the servants of my lord. Why does my lord seek this thing? do it not, lest it become a sin to Israel.

bes@Nehemiah:4:4 @ Hear, O our God, for we have become a scorn; and return thou their reproach upon their head, and make them a scorn in a land of captivity,

bes@Nehemiah:6:13 @ and Tobias and Sanaballat had hired against me a multitude, that I might be frightened, and do this, and sin, and become to them an ill name, that they might reproach me.

bes@Esther:2:11 @ But Mardochaeus used to walk every day by the women’s court, to see what would become of Esther.

bes@Job:6:18 @ Thus I also have been deserted of all; and I am ruined, and become an (note:)Or, homeless(:note) outcast.

bes@Job:10:19 @ and I become as if I had not been? for why was I not carried from the womb to the grave?

bes@Job:12:4 @ For a righteous and blameless man has become a subject for mockery.

bes@Job:16:9 @ My falsehood has become a testimony, and has risen up against me: it has confronted me to my face.

bes@Job:17:6 @ But thou has made me a byword amoung the nations, and I am become a scorn to them.

bes@Job:19:13 @ My brethren have stood aloof from me; they have recognized strangers rather than me: and my friends have become pitiless.

bes@Job:30:29 @ I am become a brother of (note:)Gr. sirens(:note) monsters, and a companion of ostriches.

bes@Psalms:9:9 @ The Lord also is become a refuge for the poor, a seasonable help, in affliction.

bes@Psalms:12:1 @ - Save me, O Lord; for the godly man has failed; for (note:)Gr. truths are become rare(:note) truth is diminished from among the children of men.

bes@Psalms:14:1 @ - The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in their devices; there is none that does goodness, there is not even so much as one.

bes@Psalms:14:3 @ They are all gone out of the way, they are together become good for nothing, there is none that does good, no not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes.

bes@Psalms:22:14 @ I am poured out like water, and all my bones are loosened: my heart in the midst of my belly is become like melting wax.

bes@Psalms:30:10 @ The Lord heard, and had compassion upon me; the Lord is become my helper.

bes@Psalms:31:12 @ I have been forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am become as a broken vessel.

bes@Psalms:31:18 @ Let the deceitful lips become dumb, which speak iniquity against the righteous with pride and scorn.

bes@Psalms:33:1 @ - Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; praise becomes the upright.

bes@Psalms:34:10 @ The rich have become poor and hungry: but they that seek the Lord diligently shall not want any good thing. Pause.

bes@Psalms:38:5 @ My bruises have become noisome and corrupt, because of my foolishness.

bes@Psalms:53:1 @ - The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in iniquities: there is none that does good.

bes@Psalms:65:1 @ - Praise becomes thee, O God, in Sion; and to thee shall the vow be performed.

bes@Psalms:69:3 @ I am weary of crying, my throat has become hoarse; mine eyes have failed by my waiting on my God.

bes@Psalms:71:7 @ I am become as it were a wonder to many: but thou art my strong helper.

bes@Psalms:73:19 @ How have they become desolate! suddenly they have failed: they have perished because of their iniquity.

bes@Psalms:79:4 @ We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us.

bes@Psalms:83:8 @ Yea, Assur too is come with them: they have become a help to the children of Lot. Pause.

bes@Psalms:89:41 @ All that go by the way have spoiled him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours.

bes@Psalms:93:5 @ Thy testimonies are made very sure: holiness becomes thine house, O Lord, (note:)Gr. to length of days(:note) for ever.

bes@Psalms:102:6 @ I have become like a pelican of the wilderness;

bes@Psalms:102:7 @ I have become like an owl in a ruined house. I have watched, and am become as a sparrow dwelling alone on a roof.

bes@Psalms:107:39 @ Again they become few, and are brought low, by the pressure of evils and pain.

bes@Psalms:109:7 @ When he is judged, let him go forth condemned: and let his prayer become sin.

bes@Psalms:115:8 @ Let those that make them become like to them, and all who trust in them.

bes@Psalms:118:14 @ The Lord is my strength and my song, and is become my salvation.

bes@Psalms:118:21 @ I will give thanks to thee; because thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

bes@Psalms:118:28 @ Thou art my God, and I will give thee thanks: thou art my God, and I will exalt thee. I will give thanks to thee, for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

bes@Psalms:119:83 @ For I am become as a bottle in the frost: yet I have not forgotten thine ordinances.

bes@Proverbs:1:22 @ So long as the simple cleave to justice, they shall not be ashamed: but the foolish being lovers of haughtiness, having become ungodly have hated knowledge, and are become subject to reproofs.

bes@Proverbs:6:1 @ My son, if thou become surety for thy friend, thou shalt deliver thine hand to an enemy.

bes@Proverbs:6:2 @ For a man’s own lips become a strong snare to him, and he is caught with the lips of his own mouth.

bes@Proverbs:6:3 @ My son, do what I command thee, and deliver thyself; for on thy friend’s account thou art come into the power of evil men: faint not, but stir up even thy friend for whom thou art become surety.

bes@Proverbs:6:6 @ Go to the ant, O sluggard; and see, and emulate his ways, and become wiser than he.

bes@Proverbs:8:16 @ By me nobles become great, and monarchs by me rule over the earth.

bes@Proverbs:15:28 @ The hearts of the righteous meditate faithfulness; but the mouth of the ungodly answers evil things. (note:)(15:28AA)(:note) The ways of righteous men are acceptable with the Lord; and through them even enemies become friends.

bes@Proverbs:17:18 @ A foolish man applauds and rejoices over himself, as he also that becomes surety would make himself responsible for his own friends.

bes@Proverbs:19:6 @ Many court the favour of kings; but every bad man becomes a reproach to another man.

bes@Proverbs:19:28 @ He that becomes surety for a foolish child will despise the ordinance: and the mouth of ungodly men shall drink down judgement.

bes@Proverbs:21:11 @ When an intemperate man is punished the simple becomes wiser: and a wise man understanding will receive knowledge.

bes@Proverbs:22:26 @ Become not surety from respect of a man’s person.

bes@Proverbs:24:31 @ If thou let him alone, he will altogether remain barren and covered with (note:)Gr. grass(:note) weeds; and he becomes destitute, and his stone walls are broken down.

bes@Proverbs:26:4 @ Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou become like him.

bes@Proverbs:26:11 @ As when a dog goes to his own vomit, and becomes abominable, so is fool who returns in his wickedness to his own sin. (note:)(26:11AA)(:note) There is a shame that brings sin: and there is a shame that is glory and grace.

bes@Proverbs:28:17 @ He that becomes surety for a man charged with murder shall be an exile, and not in safety. (note:)(28:17AA)(:note) Chasten thy son, and he shall love thee, and give honour to thy soul: he shall not obey a sinful nation.

bes@Proverbs:30:9 @ lest I be filled and become false, and say, Who sees me? or be poor and steal, and swear vainly by the name of God.

bes@Proverbs:31:23 @ And her husband becomes a distinguished person in the gates, when he sits in council with the old inhabitants of the land.

bes@Ecclesiastes:4:14 @ For he shall come forth out of the house of the prisoners to reign, because he also that was in his kingdom has become poor.

bes@Ecclesiastes:12:3 @ in the day wherein the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the mighty men shall become bent, and the grinding women cease because they have become few, and the women looking out at the windows be dark;

bes@Songs:1:7 @ Tell me, thou whom my soul loves, where thou tendest thy flock, where thou causest them to rest at noon, lest I become as one (note:)Or, that veils herself(:note) that is veiled by the flocks of thy companions.

bes@Isaiah:1:14 @ your fasting, and rest from work, your new moons also, and your feasts my soul hates: ye have become loathsome to me; I will no more pardon your sins.

bes@Isaiah:1:21 @ How has the faithful city Sion, once full of judgement, become a harlot! wherein righteousness lodged, but now murderers.

bes@Isaiah:7:23 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, for every place where there shall be a thousand vines at a thousand shekels, they shall become (note:)Gr. for land and for a thorn(:note) barren land and thorns.

bes@Isaiah:12:2 @ Behold, my God is my Saviour; I will trust in him, and not be afraid: for the Lord is my glory and my praise, and is become my salvation.

bes@Isaiah:13:7 @ Therefore every hand shall become powerless, and every soul of man shall be dismayed.

bes@Isaiah:14:2 @ And the Gentiles shall take them, and bring them into their place: and (note:)i. e. the Israelites(:note) they shall inherit them, and i. e. the Gentiles they shall be multiplied upon the land for servants and handmaidens: and they that took them captives shall become captives to them; and they that had lordship over them shall be under their rule.

bes@Isaiah:17:1 @ THE WORD AGAINST DAMASCUS. Behold, Damascus shall be taken away from among cities, and shall become a ruin;

bes@Isaiah:23:2 @ To whom are the dwellers in the island become like, the merchants of Phoenice, passing over the sea

bes@Isaiah:24:9 @ They are ashamed, they have not drunk wine; strong drink has become bitter to them that drink it.

bes@Isaiah:24:10 @ All the city has become desolate: one shall shut his house so that none shall enter.

bes@Isaiah:29:4 @ And thy words shall be brought down to the earth, and thy words shall sink down to the earth, and thy voice shall be as they that speak out of the earth, and thy voice shall (note:)Gr. become weak(:note) be lowered to the ground.

bes@Isaiah:33:9 @ The land mourns; Libanus is ashamed: Saron is become marshes; Galilee shall be (note:)Gr. manifest(:note) laid bare, and Chermel.

bes@Isaiah:35:7 @ And the dry land shall become pools, and a fountain of water shall be poured into the thirsty land; there shall there be a joy of birds, ready habitations and marshes.

bes@Isaiah:40:4 @ Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low: (note:)Lu strkjv@3:5, with which Alex. agrees(:note) and all the crooked ways shall become straight, and the rough places plains.

bes@Isaiah:41:7 @ The artificer has become strong, and the coppersmith that smites with the hammer, and forges also: sometimes he will say, It is a piece well joined: they have fastened them with nails; they will fix them, and they shall not be moved.

bes@Isaiah:43:4 @ Since thou becamest precious in my sight, thou hast become glorious, and I have loved thee: and I will give men for thee, and princes for thy (note:)Gr. head(:note) life.

bes@Isaiah:59:6 @ Their web shall not become a garment, nor shall they at all clothe themselves with their works; for their works are works of iniquity.

bes@Isaiah:60:15 @ Because thou has become desolate and hated, and there was no helper, therefore I will make thee a perpetual gladness, a joy of many generations.

bes@Isaiah:60:22 @ The (note:)Or, people few in number(:note) little one shall become thousands, and the least a great nation; I the Lord will gather them in due time.

bes@Isaiah:63:19 @ We are become as at the beginning, when thou didst not rule over us, and thy name was not called upon us.

bes@Isaiah:64:6 @ and we are all become as unclean, and all our righteousness as a filthy rag: and we have (note:)Lit. flowed out(:note) fallen as leaves because of our iniquities; thus the wind shall carry us away.

bes@Isaiah:64:10 @ The city of thy holiness has become desolate, Sion has become as a wilderness, Jerusalem a curse.

bes@Jeremiah:2:5 @ Thus saith the Lord, What trespass have your fathers found in me, that they have revolted far from me, and gone after vanities, and become vain?

bes@Jeremiah:2:14 @ Is Israel a servant, or a home-born slave? why has he become a spoil?

bes@Jeremiah:3:1 @ If a man put away his wife, and she depart from him, and become another man’s, shall she return to him any more at all? shall not that woman be utterly defiled? yet thou hast gone a-whoring with many shepherds, and hast returned to me, saith the Lord.

bes@Jeremiah:3:3 @ And thou didst retain many shepherds for a stumbling-block to thyself: thou hadst a whore’s face, thou didst become shameless toward all.

bes@Jeremiah:5:27 @ As a snare which has been set is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore have they grown great, and become rich:

bes@Jeremiah:6:10 @ To whom shall I speak, and testify, that he may hearken? behold, thine ears are uncircumcised, and they shall not be able to hear: behold, the word of the Lord is become to them a reproach, they will not at all desire it.

bes@Jeremiah:7:34 @ And I will destroy out of the cities of Juda, and the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of them that make merry, and the voice of them that rejoice, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride; for the whole land shall become a desolation.

bes@Jeremiah:9:19 @ For a voice of lamentation has been heard in Sion, How are we become wretched! we are greatly ashamed, for we have forsaken the land, and have abandoned our tabernacles!

bes@Jeremiah:10:21 @ For the shepherds have become foolish, and have not sought the Lord; therefore the whole pasture has failed, and the sheep have been scattered.

bes@Jeremiah:11:16 @ The Lord called thy name a fair olive tree, of a goodly shade in appearance, at the noise of its being lopped, fire was kindled against it; great is the affliction coming upon thee: her branches are become good for nothing.

bes@Jeremiah:12:2 @ Thou hast planted them, and they have taken root; they have begotten children, and become fruitful; thou art near to their mouth, and far from their reins.

bes@Jeremiah:12:8 @ My inheritance has become to me as a lion in a forest; she has uttered her voice against me; therefore have I hated her.

bes@Jeremiah:14:8 @ O Lord, thou art the hope of Israel, and deliverest us in time of troubles; why art thou become as a sojourner upon the land, or as one born in the land, yet turning aside for a resting-place?

bes@Jeremiah:15:18 @ Why do they that grieve me prevail against me? my wound is severe; whence shall I be healed? it is indeed become to me as deceitful water, that has no (note:)sc. as to healing(:note) faithfulness.

bes@Jeremiah:20:7 @ Thou hast deceived me, O Lord, and I have been deceived: thou hast been strong, and hast prevailed: I am become a laughing-stock, I am continually mocked every day.

bes@Jeremiah:20:8 @ For I will laugh with my bitter speech, I will call upon rebellion and misery: for the word of the Lord is become a reproach to me and a mockery all my days.

bes@Jeremiah:23:9 @ My heart is broken within me; all my bones are shaken: I am become as a broken-down man, and as a man overcome with wine, because of the Lord, and because of the excellence of his glory.

bes@Jeremiah:23:10 @ For because of these (note:)Gr. prophets(:note) things the land mourns; the pastures of the wilderness are dried up; and their course is become evil, and Hebrews. and Alex. not so so also their strength.

bes@Jeremiah:23:14 @ Also in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen horrible things: as they committed adultery, and walked in lies, and strengthened (note:)Alex. the hands of evil-doers(:note) the hands of many, that they should not return each from his evil way: they are all become to me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrha.

bes@Jeremiah:26:6 @ Let not the swift flee, and let not the mighty man escape to the north: the forces at Euphrates are become feeble, and they have fallen.

bes@Jeremiah:27:23 @ How is the hammer of the whole earth broken and crushed! How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!

bes@Jeremiah:28:17 @ Every man has (note:)Gr. become foolish from knowledge; See Jer strkjv@10:14(:note) completely lost understanding; every goldsmith is confounded because of his graven images: for they have cast false gods, there is no breath in them.

bes@Jeremiah:28:30 @ The warrior of Babylon has failed to fight; they shall sit there in the siege; their power is broken; they are become like women; her tabernacles have been set on fire; her bars are broken.

bes@Jeremiah:28:41 @ How has the boast of all the earth been taken and caught in a snare! how has Babylon become a desolation among the nations!

bes@Jeremiah:28:43 @ Her cities are become like a dry and trackless land; not so much as one man shall dwell in it, neither shall a son of man lodge in it.

bes@Jeremiah:29:2 @ Behold, waters come up from the north, and shall become a sweeping torrent, and it shall sweep away the land, and its fulness; the city, and them that dwell in it: and men shall cry and all that dwell in the land shall howl,

bes@Jeremiah:30:2 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will cause to be heard (note:)Or, at, as far as, or against(:note) in Rabbath a tumult of wars; and they shall become a waste and ruined place, and her altars shall be burned with fire; then shall Israel succeed to his dominion.

bes@Jeremiah:31:9 @ Set marks upon Moab, for she shall be (note:)Or, kindled; q. d. with carbuncle(:note) touched with a plague-spot, and all her cities shall become desolate; whence shall there be an inhabitant for her?

bes@Jeremiah:31:28 @ The inhabitants of Moab have left the cities, and dwelt in rocks; they have become as doves nestling in rocks, at the mouth of a cave.

bes@Jeremiah:31:39 @ How has he (note:)See Hebrew(:note) changed! how has Moab turned his back! Moab is put to shame, and become a laughing-stock, and an object of anger to all that are round about Gr. her him.

bes@Jeremiah:32:38 @ He has forsaken his lair, as a lion: for their land is become desolate before the great sword.

bes@Jeremiah:33:18 @ Michaeas the Morathite lived in the days of Ezekias king of Juda, and said to all the people of Juda, Thus saith the Lord; Sion shall be ploughed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become a desolation, and the mountain of the house shall be a thicket of trees.

bes@Jeremiah:37:16 @ And they that spoil thee shall become a spoil, and I will give up (note:)Gr. to plunder, subs(:note) to be plundered all that have plundered thee.

bes@Jeremiah:38:9 @ They went forth with weeping, and I will bring them back with consolation, causing them to lodge by the channels of waters in a straight way, and they shall not err in it: for (note:)2 Co strkjv@6:17, 18(:note) I am become a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born.

bes@Jeremiah:51:8 @ by provoking me with the works of your hands, to burn incense to other gods in the land of Egypt, into which ye entered to dwell there, that ye might be cut off, and that ye might become a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth?

bes@Lamentations:1:2 @ BETH. She weeps sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks; and there is none of all her lovers to comfort her: all that were her friends have dealt deceitfully with her, they are become her enemies.

bes@Lamentations:1:5 @ HE. Her oppressors are become the head, and her enemies have prospered; for the Lord has afflicted her because of the multitude of her (note:)Gr. ungodlinesses(:note) sins: her young children are gone into captivity before the face of the oppressor.

bes@Lamentations:1:11 @ CHAPH. All her people groan, seeking bread: they have given their desirable things for meat, to restore their soul: behold, Lord, and look; for she is become dishonoured.

bes@Lamentations:1:17 @ PHE. Sion has spread out her hand, and there is none to comfort her: the Lord has commanded concerning Jacob, his oppressors are round about him: Jerusalem has become among them as a removed woman.

bes@Lamentations:1:21 @ CHSEN. Hear, I pray you, for I groan: there is none to comfort me: all mine enemies have heard of mine afflictions, and rejoice because thou hast done it: thou hast brought on the day, thou hast called the time: they are become like to me.

bes@Lamentations:2:5 @ HE. The Lord is become as an enemy: he has overwhelmed Israel as in the sea, he has overwhelmed her palaces: he has destroyed her strong-holds, and has multiplied the afflicted and humbled ones to the daughter of Juda.

bes@Lamentations:4:8 @ HETH. Their countenance is become blacker than smoke; they are not known in the streets: their skin has cleaved to their bones; they are withered, they are become as a stick.

bes@Lamentations:5:3 @ we are become orphans, we have no father, our mothers are as widows.

bes@Ezekiel:9:9 @ Then said he to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Juda is become very exceedingly great: for the land is filled with many nations, and the city is filled with iniquity and uncleanness: because they have said, The Lord has forsaken the earth, The Lord looks not upon it.

bes@Ezekiel:13:12 @ And lo! the wall has fallen; and will they not say to you, (note:)Or, What is become of? See 2 Pe strkjv@3:4(:note) Where is your plaster wherewith ye plastered it?

bes@Ezekiel:16:13 @ So thou wast adorned with gold and silver; and thy raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and variegated work: thou didst eat fine flour, and oil, and honey, and didst become extremely beautiful.

bes@Ezekiel:16:31 @ Thou hast built a house of harlotry in every top of a way, and hast set up thine high place in every street; and thou didst become as a harlot gathering hires.

bes@Ezekiel:17:8 @ She thrives in a fair field by much water, to produce shoots and bear fruit, that she might become a great vine.

bes@Ezekiel:17:14 @ that it may become a weak kingdom, so as never to lift itself up, that he may keep his covenant, and establish it.

bes@Ezekiel:19:2 @ and say, Why is thy mother become a whelp in the midst of lions? in the midst of lions she has multiplied her whelps.

bes@Ezekiel:19:14 @ And fire is gone out of a rod of her choice boughs, and has devoured her; and there was no rod of strength in her. Her (note:)See Hebrews.(:note) race is become a parable of lamentation, and it shall be for a lamentation.

bes@Ezekiel:21:7 @ And it shall come to pass, if they shall say to thee, Wherefore dost thou groan? that thou shalt say, For the report; because it comes: and every heart shall break, and all hands shall become feeble, and all flesh and every spirit shall faint, and all thighs shall be defiled with moisture: behold, it comes, saith the Lord.

bes@Ezekiel:22:18 @ Son of man, behold, the house of Israel are all become to me as it were mixed with brass, and iron, and tin, and lead; they are mixed up in the midst of the silver.

bes@Ezekiel:22:19 @ Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord God; Because ye have become one mixture, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.

bes@Ezekiel:24:13 @ Her scum shall become shameful, because thou didst defile thyself: and what if thou shalt be purged no more until I have accomplished my wrath?

bes@Ezekiel:32:2 @ Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharao king of Egypt, and say to him, Thou art become like a lion of the nations, and as a serpent that is in the sea: and thou (note:)Let. butt, or push with the horn(:note) didst make assaults with thy rivers, and didst disturb the water with thy feet, and didst trample thy rivers.

bes@Ezekiel:36:2 @ Thus saith the Lord God; Because the enemy has said against you, Aha, the old waste places are become a possession for us:

bes@Ezekiel:36:4 @ therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord to the mountains, and to the hills, and to the streams, and to the valleys, and to the places that have been made desolate and destroyed, and to the cities that have been deserted, and have become a spoil and a trampling to the nations that were left round about;

bes@Ezekiel:36:35 @ And they shall say, That desolate land is become like a garden of delight; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are (note:)Lit. have sat(:note) inhabited.

bes@Ezekiel:37:11 @ And the Lord spoke to me, saying, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: and they say, Our bones are become dry, our hope has perished, we are quite spent.

bes@Ezekiel:37:19 @ Then shalt thou say to them, Thus saith the Lord; behold, I will take the tribe of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel that belong to him, and I will add them to the tribe of Juda, and they shall become one rod in the hand of Juda.

bes@Daniel:9:16 @ O Lord, (note:)Compare Hebrews. and Ho strkjv@6:5(:note) thy mercy is over all: let, I pray thee, thy wrath turn away, and thine anger from thy city Jerusalem, even thy holy mountain: for we have sinned, and because of our iniquities, and those of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach among all that are round about us.

bes@Daniel:11:19 @ Then he shall turn back his face to the strength of his own land: but he shall become weak, and fall, and not be found.

bes@Hosea:8:8 @ Israel is swallowed up: now is he become among the nations as a worthless vessel.

bes@Hosea:8:11 @ Because Ephraim has multiplied altars, his beloved altars are become sins to him.

bes@Joel:1:10 @ For the plains languish: let the land mourn, for the corn languishes; the wine is dried up, the oil becomes scarce;

bes@Joel:1:12 @ The vine is dried up, and the fig-trees are become few; the pomegranate, and palm-tree, and apple, and all trees of the field are dried up: for the sons of men have (note:)Gr. disfigured, or, disgraced(:note) have abolished joy.

bes@Joel:3:11 @ Gather yourselves together, and go in, all ye nations round about, and gather yourselves there; let the (note:)Gr. meek(:note) timid become a warrior.

bes@Jonah:4:5 @ And Jonas went out from the city, and sat over against the city; and he made for himself there a booth, and he sat under it, until he should perceive what would become of the city.

bes@Micah:1:9 @ For her plague has become grievous; for it has come even to Juda; and has reached to the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.

bes@Micah:1:14 @ Therefore shall he cause men to be sent forth as far as the inheritance of Geth, even vain houses; they are become vanity to the kings of Israel;

bes@Micah:7:1 @ Alas for me! for I am become as one gathering straw in harvest, and as one gathering grape-gleanings in the vintage, when there is no cluster for me to eat the first-ripe fruit: alas my soul!

bes@Zephaniah:1:11 @ Lament, ye that inhabit the city that has been broken down, for all the people has become like Chanaan; and all that were exalted by silver have been utterly destroyed.

bes@Zephaniah:2:2 @ before ye become as the flower that passes away, before the anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the wrath of the Lord come upon you.

bes@Zephaniah:3:1 @ This is the scornful city that dwells securely, that says in her heart, I am, and there is no longer any to be after me: how is she become desolate, a habitation of wild beasts! Every one that passes through her shall hiss, and shake his hands. Alas the glorious and ransomed city.

bes@Haggai:1:6 @ Ye have sown much, but brought in little; ye have eaten, and are not satisfied; ye have drunk, and are not satisfied with drink, ye have clothed yourselves, and have not become warm (note:)Gr. in them(:note) thereby: and he that earns wages has gathered them into a bag full of holes.

bes@Zechariah:11:5 @ which their possessors have slain, and have not repented: and they that sold them said, Blessed be the Lord; for we have become rich: and their shepherds have suffered no sorrow for them.

bes@Jdt:5:21 @ But if there be no iniquity in their nation, let my lord now pass by, lest their Lord defend them, and their God be for them, and we become a reproach before all the world.

bes@Wis:7:14 @ For she is a treasure unto men that never faileth: which they that use become the friends of God, being commended for the gifts that come from learning.

bes@Wis:14:11 @ Therefore even upon the idols of the Gentiles shall there be a visitation: because in the creature of God they are become an abomination, and stumblingblocks to the souls of men, and a snare to the feet of the unwise.

bes@Tob:3:6 @ Now therefore deal with me as seemeth best unto thee, and command my spirit to be taken from me, that I may be dissolved, and become earth: for it is profitable for me to die rather than to live, because I have heard false reproaches, and have much sorrow: command therefore that I may now be delivered out of this distress, and go into the everlasting place: turn not thy face away from me.

bes@Tob:8:7 @ And now, O Lord, I take not this my sister for lush but uprightly: therefore mercifully ordain that we may become aged together.

bes@Sir:6:1 @ Instead of a friend become not an enemy; for thereby thou shalt inherit an ill name, shame, and reproach: even so shall a sinner that hath a double tongue.

bes@Sir:8:15 @ Travel not by the way with a bold fellow, lest he become grievous unto thee: for he will do according to his own will, and thou shalt perish with him through his folly.

bes@Sir:16:4 @ For by one that hath understanding shall the city be replenished: but the kindred of the wicked shall speedily become desolate.

bes@Sir:19:2 @ Wine and women will make men of understanding to fall away: and he that cleaveth to harlots will become impudent.

bes@Sir:20:5 @ There is one that keepeth silence, and is found wise: and another by much babbling becometh hateful.

bes@Sir:23:14 @ Remember thy father and thy mother, when thou sittest among great men. Be not forgetful before them, and so thou by thy custom become a fool, and wish that thou hadst not been born, and curse they day of thy nativity.

bes@Sir:30:8 @ An horse not broken becometh headstrong: and a child left to himself will be wilful.

bes@Sir:34:16 @ Eat as it becometh a man, those things which are set before thee; and devour note, lest thou be hated.

bes@Sir:35:3 @ Speak, thou that art the elder, for it becometh thee, but with sound judgement; and hinder not musick.

bes@Sir:38:24 @ The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of leisure: and he that hath little business shall become wise.

bes@Sir:44:9 @ And some there be, which have no memorial; who are perished, as though they had never been; and are become as though they had never been born; and their children after them.

bes@Sir:50:28 @ Blessed is he that shall be exercised in these things; and he that layeth them up in his heart shall become wise.

bes@Bar:3:16 @ Where are the princes of the heathen become, and such as ruled the beasts upon the earth;

bes@1Macc:2:8 @ Her temple is become as a man without glory.

bes@1Macc:2:11 @ All her ornaments are taken away; of a free woman she is become a bondslave.

bes@1Macc:12:10 @ Have nevertheless attempted to send unto you for the renewing of brotherhood and friendship, lest we should become strangers unto you altogether: for there is a long time passed since ye sent unto us.

bes@1Macc:12:11 @ We therefore at all times without ceasing, both in our feasts, and other convenient days, do remember you in the sacrifices which we offer, and in our prayers, as reason is, and as it becometh us to think upon our brethren:

bes@2Macc:6:24 @ For it becometh not our age, said he, in any wise to dissemble, whereby many young persons might think that Eleazar, being fourscore years old and ten, were now gone to a strange religion;

bes@2Macc:9:17 @ Yea, and that also he would become a Jew himself, and go through all the world that was inhabited, and declare the power of God.

bes@AddDaniel:1:9 @ And now we cannot open our mouths, we are become a shame and reproach to thy servants; and to them that worship thee.

bes@AddDaniel:1:13 @ For we, O Lord, are become less than any nation, and be kept under this day in all the world because of our sins.

bes@3Macc:2:10 @ And thou didst promise, out of love to the people of Israel, that should we fall away from thee, and become afflicted, and then come to this house and pray, thou wouldest hear our prayer.

bes@3Macc:2:13 @ see now, holy King, how through our many and great sins we are borne down, and made subject to our enemies, and are become weak and powerless.

bes@3Macc:3:25 @ As soon, therefore, as the contents of this letter become known to you, in that same hour we order those who dwell among you, with wives and children, to be sent to us, vilified and abused, in chains of iron, to undergo a death, cruel and ignominious, suitable to men disaffected.

bes@3Macc:5:30 @ The king was filled with fierce anger at these words; for, by the Providence of God regarding these things, his mind had become entirely confused. He looked hard at Hermon, and threatened him as follows:

bes@4Macc:6:19 @ and ourselves should become a pattern of impiety to the young, as being an example of pollution eating.

bes@4Macc:16:6 @ Ah! wretched I, and many times miserable; who having born seven sons, have become the mother of none.

bes@1Esd:4:26 @ Yea, many there be that have run out of their wits for women, and become servants for their sakes.

bes@BelTh:1:28 @ When they of Babylon heard that, they took great indignation, and conspired against the king, saying, The king is become a Jew, and he hath destroyed Bel, he hath slain the dragon, and put the priests to death.

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