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gltv@Genesis:11:3 @ And each one said to his neighbor, Come, let us make brick, and burning burn them. And they had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.

gltv@Exodus:3:2 @ And the Angel of Jehovah appeared to him in a flame of fire from the middle of a thorn bush. And he looked, and behold, the thorn bush was burning with fire, and the thorn bush was not burned up!

gltv@Exodus:24:17 @ And the appearance of the glory of Jehovah was like fire burning on the top of the mountain before the eyes of the sons of Israel.

gltv@Exodus:30:1 @ And you shall make an altar, a place for burning incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.

gltv@Leviticus:6:9 @ Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the burnt offering; it is the burnt offering because it is burned on the altar all the night until the morning, and the fire of the altar is kept burning on it.

gltv@Leviticus:6:12 @ And the fuel on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out. And the priest shall burn wood on it morning by morning. And he shall lay the burnt offering in order on it. And he shall burn it as incense with the fat of the peace offering.

gltv@Leviticus:6:13 @ Fire shall be continually burning on the altar; it shall never go out.

gltv@Leviticus:10:6 @ And Moses said to Aaron, and to Eleazar, and to Ithamar, his sons, You shall not uncover your heads and you shall not tear your garments, that you may not die, and He be angry on all the congregation. As to your brothers, the whole house of Israel, they shall mourn the burning which Jehovah has kindled.

gltv@Leviticus:13:24 @ Or if there is flesh in which the skin has a hot burning, and the raw flesh of the burning becomes a bright white spot, being very red or white;

gltv@Leviticus:13:25 @ and the priest shall look on it; and, behold, the hair has turned white in the bright spot, and its appearance is deeper than the skin, it is leprosy. It has broken out in the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is the plague of leprosy.

gltv@Leviticus:13:28 @ And if the bright spot stays in its place, and does not spread in the skin, but is somewhat faded, it is a swelling of the burning; and the priest shall pronounce him clean. for it is a scar of the burning.

gltv@Leviticus:16:28 @ And he burning them shall wash his garments, and shall bathe his flesh with water, and afterwards he shall come into the camp.

gltv@Leviticus:26:16 @ I will also do this to you, and I shall appoint terror over you, the wasting, and the burning fever, destroying the eyes, and consuming the soul; and you shall sow your seed in vain, and your enemies will eat it.

gltv@Numbers:16:37 @ Speak to Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, and he shall lift up the fire-pans from the midst of the burning, and shall scatter the fire yonder, for they have become holy,

gltv@Numbers:19:6 @ And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop and scarlet, and shall cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer.

gltv@Numbers:19:17 @ And for the unclean they shall take the ashes of the burning of the purging offering, and running water in a vessel shall be put on it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:8:15 @ who led you through the great and dreadful wilderness, with burning serpent, and scorpion, and thirsty ground where no water is; who brought you water out of the flinty rock;

gltv@Deuteronomy:9:15 @ And I turned and came down from the mountain, and the mountain was burning with fire, and the two tablets of the covenant were in my two hands;

gltv@Deuteronomy:28:22 @ Jehovah shall strike you with lung disease and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting and mildew. And they shall pursue you until you perish.

gltv@Deuteronomy:32:24 @ I will send on them exhaustion by famine, and depletion by burning heat, and bitter destruction, and the teeth of beasts, with the venom of crawling things of the dust.

gltv@Joshua:11:8 @ And Jehovah gave them into Israel's hand, and they struck them, and pursued them to the great Sidon, and to the burning waters, and to the valley of Mizpeh eastward. And they struck them until he did not have a survivor left to them.

gltv@Joshua:13:6 @ all the inhabitants of the hills, from Lebanon to the burning waters; all the Sidonians; I will expel them before the sons of Israel: Only, cause it to fall to Israel for an inheritance, as I have commanded you.

gltv@1Samuel:28:18 @ Because you did not listen to the voice of Jehovah, or execute His burning anger on Amalek, on this account Jehovah is doing this thing to you today.

gltv@1Kings:3:3 @ And Solomon loved Jehovah, to walk in the statutes of his father David. Only, he was sacrificing in high places and burning incense.

gltv@1Kings:13:2 @ And he cried against the altar, by the word of Jehovah, and said, Altar! Altar! So says Jehovah, Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, his name Josiah, and he shall sacrifice on you the priests of the high places who are burning incense on you, and they shall burn the bones of man on you.

gltv@1Kings:19:6 @ And he looked, and behold, at his head was a cake on burning stones, and a jar of water; and he ate and drank, and turned and lay down.

gltv@2Kings:23:5 @ And he caused to cease the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places around Jerusalem, and those burning incense to Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to constellations, and to all the host of the heavens.

gltv@2Chronicles:4:20 @ and the lampstands, and their lamps, for their burning was according to the ordinance, before the holy place, of refined gold;

gltv@2Chronicles:16:14 @ And they buried him in his grave which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which he had filled with sweet odors and kinds of aromatic herbs, with a mixture of ointments by art. And they burned a great burning for him.

gltv@2Chronicles:21:19 @ and it happened, from days to days, and as the time went out, the end of two years of days, his bowels went out because of his sickness; so he died of painful diseases. And his people made no burning for him, like the burning of his fathers.

gltv@Job:2:7 @ And Satan went out from before the face of Jehovah. And he struck with bad burning ulcers from the sole of his foot to the top of his head.

gltv@Job:41:19 @ Out of his mouth go burning torches; sparks of fire fly out.

gltv@Psalms:38:7 @ For my loins are filled with a burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh.

gltv@Psalms:140:10 @ Let burning coals fall on them; let them fall on coals of fire; make them fall into deep pits so that they do not rise again.

gltv@Proverbs:16:27 @ A worthless man plots evil, and on his lips it is like a burning fire.

gltv@Proverbs:26:21 @ As coal to burning embers, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife.

gltv@Proverbs:26:23 @ As with silver dross spread over an earthen vessel, so are burning lips and a wicked heart.

gltv@Isaiah:3:24 @ And it shall be, instead of a smell of perfume, there shall be an odor of decay. And instead of a sash, a rope. And instead of well set hair, baldness. And instead of a rich robe, a girding of sackcloth; burning instead of beauty.

gltv@Isaiah:4:4 @ when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and the blood of Jerusalem shall have been rinsed away from its midst by a spirit of judgment, and by a spirit of burning.

gltv@Isaiah:9:5 @ For every boot of the trampler is with commotion, and a coat rolled in blood shall be burning fuel for the fire.

gltv@Isaiah:10:16 @ So the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, shall send leanness among his fat ones. And under His glory He will kindle a burning like the burning of fire.

gltv@Isaiah:33:12 @ And peoples shall be as burnings of lime; as thorns cut away, they shall be burned in fire.

gltv@Isaiah:33:14 @ The sinners of Zion are afraid; terror has seized profane ones; who of us shall tarry with consuming fire? Who of us shall tarry with everlasting burnings?

gltv@Isaiah:34:9 @ And its torrents shall be turned to pitch, and its dust to brimstone; and its land shall become burning pitch.

gltv@Isaiah:50:11 @ Behold, all of you who kindle fire, who are surrounded by sparks; walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you are burning. This shall be to you from My hand; you shall lie down in pain.

gltv@Isaiah:62:1 @ For Zion's sake, I will not be silent; and for Jerusalem's sake, I will not rest; until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning lamp.

gltv@Isaiah:64:11 @ The house of our holiness and our beauty where our fathers praised You has become a burning of fire, and all our pleasant things have become a ruin.

gltv@Isaiah:65:5 @ who say, Keep to yourself! Do not come near me, for I am holier than you! These are a smoke in My nose, a fire burning all the day.

gltv@Jeremiah:11:17 @ And Jehovah of hosts, who planted you, has spoken evil against you, because of the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah which they have done to themselves, to provoke Me to anger by burning incense to Baal.

gltv@Jeremiah:20:9 @ And I said, I will not mention Him or speak any more in His name. But His Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary of holding in, and I could not prevail.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:5 @ You shall die in peace. And as the burnings of spices for your fathers, the former kings who were before you, so they shall burn spices for you, saying, Ah, lord! They will wail for you. For I have spoken the word, says Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:36:22 @ And the king was sitting in the winter house in the ninth month, and with the burning fire pan before him.

gltv@Jeremiah:44:8 @ to provoke Me to wrath with the works of your hands, burning incense to other gods in the land of Egypt, there where you have gone to reside, that I might cut you off, and that you might be a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth?

gltv@Jeremiah:44:18 @ But when we stopped burning incense to the queen of heaven, and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have lacked all things, and have been devoured by the sword and by the famine.

gltv@Jeremiah:49:37 @ And I will cause Elam to be afraid before their enemies and before those seeking their life. And I will bring evil on them, the burning of My anger, declares Jehovah. And I will send the sword after them until I have destroyed them.

gltv@Lamentations:1:12 @ Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Behold, and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow which is done to me, with which Jehovah has afflicted me in the day of His burning anger.

gltv@Ezekiel:1:13 @ And the likeness of the living creatures: they appeared like coals of burning fire, like the appearance of torches; it was continually circling among the living creatures. And the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

gltv@Ezekiel:21:31 @ And I will pour out on you My disgust; with the fire of My wrath I will blow against you and give you into the hand of burning men, skilled in destruction.

gltv@Daniel:3:6 @ And whoever does not fall down and worship, at that moment they will be thrown into the middle of a burning, fiery furnace.

gltv@Daniel:3:11 @ And whoever does not fall down and worship, he should be thrown into the middle of a burning, fiery furnace.

gltv@Daniel:3:15 @ Now if you are ready, at the time you hear the sound of the horn, the pipe, zither, the lyre, harp, and bagpipe, and all kinds of music, fall down and worship the image which I have made. But if you do not worship, in that moment you shall be thrown into the middle of a burning, fiery furnace. And who is that god who shall deliver you out of my hand?

gltv@Daniel:3:17 @ If it is so that our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning, fiery furnace, then He will deliver out of your hand, O king.

gltv@Daniel:3:20 @ And he commanded mighty men of valor in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to throw them into the burning, fiery furnace.

gltv@Daniel:3:21 @ Then these men were tied up in their slippers, their tunics, and their mantles, and their other clothes, and were thrown into the middle of the burning, fiery furnace.

gltv@Daniel:3:23 @ And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the middle of the burning, fiery furnace.

gltv@Daniel:3:26 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the door of the burning, fiery furnace. He answered and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the most high God, come out and come here. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the middle of the fire.

gltv@Daniel:7:9 @ I was looking until the thrones were thrown up, and the Ancient of Days sat, whose robe was white as snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was like flames of fire, its wheels like burning fire.

gltv@Daniel:7:11 @ Then I was looking because of the voice of the great words which the horn spoke. I was looking until the beast was killed, and his body was destroyed and given to the burning flame.

gltv@Amos:4:11 @ I have overthrown among you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and you were like a firebrand plucked out of the burning; yet you have not returned to Me, declares Jehovah.

gltv@Malachi:4:1 @ For, behold, the day is coming, burning like a fire pot; and all the proud and every doer of wickedness shall be chaff. And the coming day will set them ablaze, says Jehovah of hosts, which will not leave root or branches to them.

gltv@Luke:12:35 @ Let your loins be girded about, and the lamps burning,

gltv@Luke:24:32 @ And they said to one another, Was not our heart burning in us as He spoke to us in the highway, and as He opened up to us the Scriptures?

gltv@John:5:35 @ That one was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to exult in his light for an hour.

gltv@Hebrews:6:8 @ "but bearing thorns and thistles," it is deemed unfit and near a curse, of which the end is for burning.) Genesis. strkjv@3:17, 18

gltv@2Peter:3:12 @ looking for and hastening the coming of the Day of God, through which the heavens having been set afire will be dissolved; and burning, the elements will melt?

gltv@Revelation:4:5 @ And out of the throne come forth lightnings and thunders and voices. And seven lamps of fire are burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

gltv@Revelation:8:8 @ And the second angel trumpeted. And as a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea. And the third part of the sea became blood;

gltv@Revelation:8:10 @ And the third angel trumpeted. And a great burning star, like a lamp, fell out of the heaven. And it fell onto the third part of the rivers, and onto the fountains of waters.

gltv@Revelation:18:9 @ And the kings of the earth will weep for her, and will wail over her, those having fornicated and having luxuriated with her, when they see the smoke of her burning;

gltv@Revelation:18:18 @ and cried out, seeing the smoke of her burning, saying, What is like the great city?

gltv@Revelation:19:20 @ And the beast was seized, and with this one the false prophet doing signs before it, by which he led astray those having received the mark of the beast, and those worshiping its image. The two were thrown alive into the Lake of Fire burning with brimstone.

gltv@Revelation:21:8 @ But for the cowardly and unbelieving, and those having become foul, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the lying ones, their part will be in the Lake burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

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