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rotherham@Genesis:3:21 @ And Yahweh God made for the manand for his wifetunics of skin and clothed them.

rotherham@Genesis:41:42 @ So Pharaoh took his ring from off his hands and put it upon Josephs hand, and clothed him in garments of fine linen, and put the chain of gold upon his neck;

rotherham@Leviticus:8:7 @ and put upon him the tunic and girded him with the band, and clothed him with the robe, and put upon him the ephod, and girded him with the curiously-woven band of the ephod, and bound it to him therewith;

rotherham@Leviticus:8:13 @ And Moses brought near the sons of Aaron and clothed them with tunics and girded them with bands, and wrapped round for them turbans, As Yahweh commanded Moses.

rotherham@Judges:6:34 @ But, the spirit of Yahweh, clothed Gideon, so he blew with a horn, and Abiezer was gathered after him.

rotherham@2Samuel:1:24 @ Ye daughters of Israel! For Saul, weep ye, who clothed you in crimson, with lovely things, who hung ornaments of gold on your apparel!

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:18 @ Then, the spirit, clothed Amasai, chief of the thirty, Thine, O David, Yea, with, thee, O son of Jesse! Prosperity, prosperity to thee, And prosperity to thy helpers, For thy God, hath helped thee: So David accepted them, and set them among the chiefs of the band.

rotherham@1Chronicles:21:16 @ And, when David lifted up his eyes, and saw the messenger of Yahweh, standing, between the earth and the heavens, and his sword drawn, in his hand, stretched out over Jerusalem, then fell David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, upon their faces.

rotherham@2Chronicles:6:41 @ Now, therefore, arise! O Yahweh God, unto thy rest, thou, and the ark of thy strength: Thy priests, O Yahweh God, let them be clothed with salvation, and, thy men of lovingkindness, let them rejoice in prosperity.

rotherham@2Chronicles:18:9 @ Now, the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat king of Judah, were sitting, each upon his throne, clothed in robes, and they were sitting in an open space, at the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and, all the prophets, were prophesying before them.

rotherham@2Chronicles:24:20 @ And, the spirit of God, clothed Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest, and he took his stand above the people, and said unto them, Thus, saith God, Wherefore are, ye, transgressing the commandments of Yahweh, so that ye cannot prosper, because ye have forsaken Yahweh, therefore hath he forsaken you.

rotherham@2Chronicles:28:15 @ Then rose up the men who have been expressed by nameand took the captives, and, all who were naked among them, clothed they out of the spoil, and arrayed them and sandalled them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and conducted them with asses for every one that was exhausted, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm-trees, near unto their brethren, and then returned to Samaria.

rotherham@Esther:4:2 @ and went in as far as before the gate of the king, for, none, might enter into the gate of the king, clothed with sackcloth.

rotherham@Esther:6:8 @ let them bring in royal apparel wherewith the king hath clothed himself, and the horse whereon the king hath ridden, and the royal crown which hath been set upon his own head;

rotherham@Job:7:5 @ My flesh is clothed with worms and a coating of dust, My skin, hath hardened, and then run afresh:

rotherham@Job:8:22 @ They who hate thee, shall be clothed with shame, but, the tent of the lawless, shall not be!

rotherham@Job:29:14 @ Righteousness, I put on, and it clothed me, Like a robe and turban, was my, justice;

rotherham@Psalms:35:26 @ Let them turn pale, and then at once blush, who are rejoicing at my misfortune, Let them be clothed with shame and confusion, who are magnifying themselves against me.

rotherham@Psalms:65:13 @ Clothed are the pastures with flocks, The valleys also, cover themselves with corn, They shout for joy, yea they sing.

rotherham@Psalms:93:1 @ Yahweh, hath become king, With majesty, is he clothed, Clothed is Yahweh, With strength, hath he girded himself, Surely he hath fixed the world, It shall not be shaken.

rotherham@Psalms:104:1 @ Bless, O my soul, Yahweh, Yahweh, my God, thou art exceedingly great, With honour and majesty, hast thou clothed thyself,

rotherham@Psalms:109:18 @ Because he clothed himself in cursing as his outer garment, therefore may it have entered like water into his inward part, and like oil into his bones;

rotherham@Psalms:109:29 @ Mine accusers shall be clothed with confusion, and shall wrap about them, like a cloak, their own shame.

rotherham@Psalms:132:9 @ Thy priests, let them be clothed with righteousness, Thy men of lovingkindness, let them shout for joy!

rotherham@Proverbs:31:21 @ She feareth not, for her household, because of the snow, for, all her household, are clothed with crimson:

rotherham@Isaiah:61:10 @ I will, greatly rejoice, in Yahweh, My soul shall exult in my God, For he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, With a robe of righteousness, hath he enwrapt me, As a bridegroom, adorneth himself with, a chaplet, And as a bride, bedecketh herself with, her jewels.

rotherham@Ezekiel:9:2 @ And lo! six men coming in out of the way of the upper gate which looketh toward the north even every man with his destructive weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst clothed with linen, having a scribes ink holder by his side, so they came in and stood beside the altar of bronze.

rotherham@Ezekiel:9:3 @ And the glory of the God of Israel lifted itself up from off the cherub whereon it had been, unto the threshold of the house, and he called unto the man clothed with linen, who had the scribes ink holder by his side.

rotherham@Ezekiel:9:11 @ And lo! the man clothed in linen, having the ink-holder by his side, bringing back word saying, I have done according to all which thou didst command me.

rotherham@Ezekiel:10:2 @ Then said he unto the man clothed in linenthen said he Go in between the whirling wheels, even under the cherub, and fl both thy hands with live coals of fire from between the cherubim, and throw over the city. So he went in before mine eyes.

rotherham@Ezekiel:10:6 @ So then it came to pass when he commanded the man clothed with linen, saying, Take fire from between the whirling wheels, from between the cherubim, then went he in and stood beside the wheel.

rotherham@Ezekiel:10:7 @ And the cherub put forth his hand from between the cherubim unto the fire that was between the cherubim, and took up thereof and gave into the hands of him who was clothed with linen, who took

rotherham@Ezekiel:16:10 @ And clothed thee with an embroidered dress, And sandalled thee in red leather, And wrapped thee about with fine linen, And put over thee a mantle of silk.

rotherham@Ezekiel:23:6 @ Clothed in blue Governors and deputies, Attractive young men all of them,-Horsemen riding on horses.

rotherham@Ezekiel:23:12 @ After the sons of Assyria:, she lusted Governors and deputies so warlike. Clothed in splendid array, Horsemen, riding on horses, Attractive young men, all of them.

rotherham@Ezekiel:38:4 @ Therefore I will turn thee about, and will put hooks in thy jaws, and bring thee forth and all thine army. Horses and horsemen Clothed with gorgeous attire, all of them, A mighty gathered host With shield and buckler handling swords tall of them:

rotherham@Daniel:5:7 @ The king began crying out again, to bring in the magicians, the Chaldeans and the astrologers, the king spake and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever it is that shall read this writing, and, the interpretation thereof, shall declare unto me, with purple, shall he be clothed, and have a chain of gold upon his neck, and, as the third in the kingdom, shall he have dominion.

rotherham@Daniel:5:16 @ I, however, have heard concerning thee, that thou art able, interpretations, to unfold, and, knotty points, to unravel, Now, if thou be able, the writing, to read, and, the interpretation thereof, to make known unto me, with purple, shalt thou be clothed, and, a chain of gold, shalt thou have upon thy neck, and, as the third in the kingdom, shalt thou have dominion.

rotherham@Daniel:10:5 @ then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and lo! a man, clothed in linen, whose loins, were girded with the bright gold of Uphaz;

rotherham@Daniel:12:6 @ And one said to the man clothed with linen, who was upon the waters of the river, How long shall be the end of the wonders?

rotherham@Daniel:12:7 @ And I heard the man clothed with linen who was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left unto the heavens, and sware by him that liveth unto times age-abiding, For a set time and times and a half, and, when the dispersion of a part of the holy people, is brought to an end, then shall come to an end all these things.

rotherham@Jonah:3:5 @ And the people of Nineveh believed in God, and proclaimed a fast, and clothed themselves in sackcloth, from the greatest of them, even unto the least of them.

rotherham@Zephaniah:1:8 @ And it shall come to pass, in the day of Yahwehs sacrifice, that I will punish the rulers, and the sons of the king, and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel;

rotherham@Haggai:1:6 @ Ye have sown much, but have brought in little, have eaten, and not been filled, have drunk, and not been satisfied with drink, have clothed you, and none hath been warm, and, he that hath hired himself out, hath put his wages into a bag with holes.

rotherham@Zechariah:3:3 @ Now, Joshua, was clothed with filthy garments, though standing before the messenger.

rotherham@Zechariah:3:4 @ Then responded he and spake unto those who were standing before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from off him; and he said unto him, See! I have caused to pass from off thee, thine iniquity, And will cause thee to be clothed in robes of state.

rotherham@Zechariah:3:5 @ Then said I, Let them put a clean turban upon his head, So they put the clean turban upon his head, and clothed him with garments, and, the messenger of Yahweh, was standing up.

rotherham@Matthew:25:36 @ Naked, and ye clothed me, sick, and ye visited me, in prison, was I, and ye came unto me.

rotherham@Matthew:25:38 @ And, when, saw we theea stranger, and took thee home, or naked, and clothed thee?

rotherham@Matthew:25:43 @ A stranger, was I, and ye took me not home, naked, and ye clothed me not, sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

rotherham@Mark:1:6 @ and John was clothed with camels-hair and a leathern girdle about his loins, and was eating locusts and wild honey;

rotherham@Mark:5:15 @ And they come unto Jesus, and view the demonized man, clothed and of sound mind, him who had had the legion, and they were struck with fear.

rotherham@Mark:16:5 @ And, entering into the tomb, they saw a young man, sitting on the right, clothed with a white robe, and they were greatly alarmed.

rotherham@Luke:8:35 @ And they went forth to see what had happened; and came unto Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone forth, sitting, clothed, and of sound mind, near the feet of Jesus, and they were struck with fear.

rotherham@Luke:24:49 @ And lo! I, am sending forth the promise of my Father upon you; but tarry, ye, in the city, until ye be clothed, from on high, with power.

rotherham@Revelation:1:13 @ and, in the midst of the lamps, One like unto a Son of Man: clothed with a robe, reaching to the feet, and girt about at the breasts with a girdle of gold,

rotherham@Revelation:4:4 @ And, round about the throne, were four and twenty thrones; and, upon the thrones, four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and, upon their heads, crowns of gold.

rotherham@Revelation:15:6 @ And the seven messengers who had the seven plagues, came forth, out of the sanctuary clothed with a stone, pure, bright, and girt about the breasts with girdles of gold.

rotherham@Revelation:19:14 @ And, the armies which were in heaven, were following him, upon white horses, clothed with fine linen, white, pure;

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