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web@2Chronicles:30:5 @So they established a decree to make proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the Passover to Yahweh, the God of Israel, at Jerusalem: for they had not kept it in great numbers in such sort as it is written.

web@Ezra:4:19 @ I decreed, and search has been made, and it is found that this city of old time has made insurrection against kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein.

web@Ezra:4:21 @ Make a decree now to cause these men to cease, and that this city not be built, until a decree shall be made by me.

web@Ezra:5:3 @ At the same time came to them Tattenai, the governor beyond the River, and Shetharbozenai, and their companions, and said thus to them, "Who gave you a decree to build this house, and to finish this wall?"

web@Ezra:5:9 @ Then we asked those elders, and said to them thus, "Who gave you a decree to build this house, and to finish this wall?"

web@Ezra:5:13 @ But in the first year of Cyrus king of Babylon, Cyrus the king made a decree to build this house of God.

web@Ezra:5:17 @ Now therefore, if it seem good to the king, let a search be made in the king's treasure house, which is there at Babylon, whether it be so, that a decree was made of Cyrus the king to build this house of God at Jerusalem; and let the king send his pleasure to us concerning this matter."

web@Ezra:6:1 @ Then Darius the king made a decree, and search was made in the house of the archives, where the treasures were laid up in Babylon.

web@Ezra:6:3 @ In the first year of Cyrus the king, Cyrus the king made a decree: Concerning God's house at Jerusalem, let the house be built, the place where they offer sacrifices, and let its foundations be strongly laid; its height sixty cubits, and its breadth sixty cubits;

web@Ezra:6:8 @ Moreover I make a decree what you shall do to these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the River, expenses be given with all diligence to these men, that they be not hindered.

web@Ezra:6:11 @ Also I have made a decree, that whoever shall alter this word, let a beam be pulled out from his house, and let him be lifted up and fastened thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this:

web@Ezra:6:12 @ and the God who has caused his name to dwell there overthrow all kings and peoples who shall put forth their hand to alter the same, to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a decree; let it be done with all diligence.

web@Ezra:6:13 @ Then Tattenai, the governor beyond the River, Shetharbozenai, and their companions, because Darius the king had sent a decree, did accordingly with all diligence.

web@Ezra:6:14 @ The elders of the Jews built and prospered, through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. They built and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the decree of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.

web@Ezra:7:13 @ I make a decree, that all those of the people of Israel, and their priests and the Levites, in my realm, who are minded of their own free will to go to Jerusalem, go with you.

web@Ezra:7:21 @ I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers who are beyond the River, that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall require of you, it be done with all diligence,

web@Ester:1:20 @ When the king's decree which he shall make is published throughout all his kingdom (for it is great), all the wives will give their husbands honor, both great and small."

web@Ester:2:1 @ After these things, when the wrath of King Ahasuerus was pacified, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her.

web@Ester:2:8 @ So it happened, when the king's commandment and his decree was heard, and when many maidens were gathered together to the citadel of Susa, to the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken into the king's house, to the custody of Hegai, keeper of the women.

web@Ester:3:14 @ A copy of the letter, that the decree should be given out in every province, was published to all the peoples, that they should be ready against that day.

web@Ester:3:15 @ The couriers went forth in haste by the king's commandment, and the decree was given out in the citadel of Susa. The king and Haman sat down to drink; but the city of Shushan was perplexed.

web@Ester:4:3 @ In every province, wherever the king's commandment and his decree came, there was great mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping, and wailing; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes.

web@Ester:4:8 @ He also gave him the copy of the writing of the decree that was given out in Shushan to destroy them, to show it to Esther, and to declare it to her, and to urge her to go in to the king, to make supplication to him, and to make request before him, for her people.

web@Ester:8:13 @ A copy of the letter, that the decree should be given out in every province, was published to all the peoples, that the Jews should be ready for that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.

web@Ester:8:14 @ So the couriers who rode on royal horses went out, hastened and pressed on by the king's commandment. The decree was given out in the citadel of Susa.

web@Ester:8:17 @ In every province, and in every city, wherever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had gladness, joy, a feast, and a good day. Many from among the peoples of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews was fallen on them.

web@Ester:9:1 @ Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the month, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, on the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to conquer them, (but it was turned out the opposite happened, that the Jews conquered those who hated them),

web@Ester:9:13 @ Then Esther said, "If it pleases the king, let it be granted to the Jews who are in Shushan to do tomorrow also according to this day's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged on the gallows."

web@Ester:9:14 @ The king commanded this to be done. A decree was given out in Shushan; and they hanged Haman's ten sons.

web@Ester:9:31 @ to confirm these days of Purim in their appointed times, as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had decreed, and as they had imposed upon themselves and their descendants, in the matter of the fastings and their cry.

web@Job:22:28 @You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established to you. Light shall shine on your ways.

web@Job:28:26 @When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder;

web@Psalms:2:7 @ I will tell of the decree. Yahweh said to me, "You are my son. Today I have become your father.

web@Psalms:119:80 @ Let my heart be blameless toward your decrees, that I may not be disappointed.

web@Psalms:148:6 @ He has also established them forever and ever. He has made a decree which will not pass away.

web@Proverbs:8:15 @ By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.

web@Isaiah:10:1 @ Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, and to the writers who write oppressive decrees;

web@Isaiah:28:22 @ Now therefore don't be scoffers, lest your bonds be made strong; for I have heard a decree of destruction from the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, on the whole earth.

web@Jeremiah:5:22 @ Don't you fear me?' says Yahweh 'Won't you tremble at my presence, who have placed the sand for the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it can't pass it? and though its waves toss themselves, yet they can't prevail; though they roar, yet they can't pass over it.'

web@Daniel:2:13 @ So the decree went forth, and the wise men were to be slain; and they sought Daniel and his companions to be slain.

web@Daniel:2:15 @ he answered Arioch the king's captain, Why is the decree so urgent from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known to Daniel.

web@Daniel:3:10 @ You, O king, have made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe, and all kinds of music, shall fall down and worship the golden image;

web@Daniel:3:29 @ Therefore I make a decree, that every people, nation, and language, which speak anything evil against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill; because there is no other god who is able to deliver after this sort.

web@Daniel:4:6 @ Therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me, that they might make known to me the interpretation of the dream.

web@Daniel:4:17 @ The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones; to the intent that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will, and sets up over it the lowest of men.

web@Daniel:4:24 @ this is the interpretation, O king, and it is the decree of the Most High, which has come on my lord the king:

web@Daniel:6:7 @ All the presidents of the kingdom, the deputies and the satraps, the counselors and the governors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a strong decree, that whoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, except of you, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

web@Daniel:6:8 @ Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it not be changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which doesn't alter.

web@Daniel:6:9 @ Therefore king Darius signed the writing and the decree.

web@Daniel:6:12 @ Then they came near, and spoke before the king concerning the king's decree: Haven't you signed an decree, that every man who shall make petition to any god or man within thirty days, except to you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which doesn't alter.

web@Daniel:6:13 @ Then answered they and said before the king, That Daniel, who is of the children of the captivity of Judah, doesn't respect you, O king, nor the decree that you have signed, but makes his petition three times a day.

web@Daniel:6:15 @ Then these men assembled together to the king, and said to the king, Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians, that no decree nor statute which the king establishes may be changed.

web@Daniel:6:26 @ I make a decree, that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for he is the living God, and steadfast forever, His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed; and his dominion shall be even to the end.

web@Daniel:9:24 @ Seventy weeks are decreed on your people and on your holy city, to finish disobedience, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy.

web@Jonah:3:7 @ He made a proclamation and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, "Let neither man nor animal, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not feed, nor drink water;

web@Nahum:2:7 @ It is decreed: she is uncovered, she is carried away; and her handmaids moan as with the voice of doves, beating on their breasts.

web@Zechariah:1:6 @ But my words and my decrees, which I commanded my servants the prophets, didn't they overtake your fathers? "Then they repented and said, 'Just as Yahweh of Armies determined to do to us, according to our ways, and according to our practices, so he has dealt with us.'"

web@Luke:2:1 @ Now it happened in those days, that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.

web@Luke:23:24 @ Pilate decreed that what they asked for should be done.

web@Acts:16:4 @ As they went on their way through the cities, they delivered the decrees to them to keep which had been ordained by the apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem.

web@Acts:17:7 @ whom Jason has received. These all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus!"

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