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lesserot@Genesis:49:3 @ Reuben, thou art my first–born, my might, and the beginning of my strength; the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power.

lesserot@Exodus:21:33 @ And if a man open a pit, or if a man dig a pit, and do not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein:

lesserot@Numbers:1:18 @ And all the congregation they assembled together on the first day of the second month, and they were enrolled in the lists of their pedigrees after their families, by the descent from their fathers, by numbering the names, from twenty years old and upward, according to their polls.

lesserot@Numbers:25:11 @ Phinehas, the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned away my wrath from the children of Israel, while he was zealous in my stead in the midst of them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my indignation.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:9:19 @ For I was afraid of the anger and the indignation, wherewith the Lord was wroth against you to destroy you; but the Lord hearkened unto me also at that time.

lesserot@2Kings:3:27 @ Then took he his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt–offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their land.

lesserot@Esther:1:19 @ If it please the king, let there go forth a royal order from him, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, that no one transgress it, That Vashti come no more before king Achashverosh: and let the king give her royal dignity unto another that is better than she.

lesserot@Esther:4:14 @ For if thou do indeed maintain silence at this time, enlargement and deliverance will arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house will perish: and who knoweth whether thou hast not for a time like this attained to the royal dignity?

lesserot@Job:3:21 @ Who wait for death, which not; and who dig for it sooner than for hidden treasures;

lesserot@Job:5:16 @ And so cometh to the indigent hope, and iniquity stoppeth her mouth.

lesserot@Job:6:27 @ Yea, ye would cast any thing upon the fatherless, and ye would dig a pit against your friend.

lesserot@Job:10:17 @ Thou ever renewest thy witnesses against me, and causest thy indignation to grow strong against me; changes and multitudes are around me.

lesserot@Job:20:10 @ His children will suffer oppression from the indigent, and his hands will have to restore his wealth.

lesserot@Job:20:19 @ Because he oppressed and forsook the indigent; because he took violently away a house, shall he not rebuild it;

lesserot@Job:31:16 @ If ever I denied the wish of the indigent, or ever allowed the eyes of the widow to fall;

lesserot@Job:34:19 @ Whereas he is one that showeth no favor to chieftains, and distinguisheth not the rich before the indigent; for all of them are the work of his hands.

lesserot@Job:34:28 @ Bringing before them the cry of the indigent, and the cry of the afflicted which he had to hear.

lesserot@Psalms:78:49 @ He let loose against them the fierceness of his anger, wrath and indignation, and distress, a host of angels of misfortune.

lesserot@Psalms:79:5 @ How long, Lord? wilt thou be indignant for ever? shall thy jealousy burn like fire?

lesserot@Psalms:82:3 @ Judge uprightly the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and indigent.

lesserot@Proverbs:16:27 @ An ungodly man diggeth up mischief, and on his lips there is as it were a scathing fire.

lesserot@Proverbs:22:14 @ A deep pit is the mouth of adulterous women: he that hath obtained the indignation of the Lord will fall thereinto.

lesserot@Proverbs:26:27 @ Whoso diggeth a pit will fall therein; and upon him that rolleth a stone, will it return.

lesserot@Proverbs:28:3 @ A poor man that oppresseth the indigent is like a sweeping rain which bringeth no bread.

lesserot@Proverbs:28:11 @ The rich man is wise in his own eyes; but the indigent that hath understanding can search him through.

lesserot@Proverbs:28:15 @ As a roaring lion, and a greedy bear, so is a wicked ruler over an indigent people.

lesserot@Proverbs:29:7 @ The righteous considereth the cause of the indigent: but the wicked will not understand the knowledge.

lesserot@Proverbs:29:14 @ When a king judgeth in truth the indigent, his throne shall stand firmly for ever.

lesserot@Proverbs:31:25 @ Strength and dignity are her clothing: and she smileth at the coming of the last day.

lesserot@Ecclesiastes:10:8 @ He that diggeth a pit will fall into it; and him who breaketh down a fence––a serpent will bite him.

lesserot@Isaiah:10:5 @ Woe over Asshur, the rod of my anger; and a staff is in their hand my indignation.

lesserot@Isaiah:10:25 @ For yet but a very little while more, and the indignation shall cease, and my anger shall be for their destruction.

lesserot@Isaiah:13:5 @ They are coming from a far–off country, from the end of the heavens, the Lord, with the weapons of his indignation, to destroy all the land.

lesserot@Isaiah:26:20 @ Go, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy door behind thee: hide thyself but for a little moment, until the indignation be passed away.

lesserot@Isaiah:30:27 @ Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from afar, burning is his anger, and heavy the smoke; his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire;

lesserot@Isaiah:30:30 @ And the Lord will cause his majestic voice to be heard, and will show the stretching down of his arm, in the indignation of anger, and in the flame of a devouring fire, in flood, and tempest, and stones of hail.

lesserot@Isaiah:34:2 @ For the indignation of the Lord is over all the nations, and his fury over all their army: he hath devoted them, he hath given them up to the slaughter:

lesserot@Isaiah:66:14 @ And ye shall see this, and your heart shall be glad, and your bones shall flourish like the grass; and then will be known the hand of the Lord on his servants, and he will be indignant toward his enemies.

lesserot@Jeremiah:10:10 @ But the Lord God is the truth, he is the living God, and the everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall quake, and nations cannot endure his indignation.

lesserot@Jeremiah:15:17 @ I sat not in the assembly of the mirthful, and was rejoiced; because of thy inspiration I sat solitary; for thou hadst filled me with indignation.

lesserot@Jeremiah:50:25 @ The Lord hath opened his treasury, and hath brought forth the weapons of his indignation; for it is a work for the Lord, the Eternal of hosts, in the land of the Chaldeans.

lesserot@Lamentations:2:6 @ And he violently wasted, as if it were a garden, his tabernacle; he destroyed his place of assembly: the Lord hath caused to be forgotten in Zion the solemn feast and the day of rest, and hath despised in the indignation of his anger both king and priest.

lesserot@Ezekiel:22:24 @ Son of man, say unto her, Thou art a land that is not cleansed; which is not rained upon on the day of indignation.

lesserot@Ezekiel:22:31 @ And I therefore pour out over them my indignation; with the fire of my wrath do I make an end of them: their own way do I bring upon their head, saith the Lord Eternal.

lesserot@Daniel:5:20 @ But, when his heart was lifted up, and his spirit hardened to deal presumptuously, he was cast down from the throne of his kingdom, and his dignity did they take from him;

lesserot@Daniel:7:14 @ And there were given him dominion, and dignity, and government, and all people, nations, and languages had to serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom is one which shall never be destroyed.

lesserot@Daniel:8:19 @ And he said, Behold, I will make known unto thee what is to be at the last end of the indignation; for it is for the appointed time of the end.

lesserot@Daniel:11:36 @ And the king will do according to his pleasure; and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and against the God of gods will he speak incredible things, and he will prosper till the indignation be at an end; for that which is determined will be accomplished.

lesserot@Micah:7:9 @ The indignation of the Lord will I bear, because I have sinned against him; until that he plead my cause, and execute justice for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness.

lesserot@Nahum:1:6 @ Before his indignation who can stand? and who can subsist before the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken down by him.

lesserot@Habakkuk:1:7 @ Terrible and dreadful are they: from themselves go forth their judicial laws and their dignity.

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:12 @ In indignation thou marchest through the earth, in anger thou treadest down nations.

lesserot@Zephaniah:3:8 @ Therefore wait but for me, saith the Lord, for the day that I rise up to the prey; for my judgment to gather the nations, for me to assemble the kingdoms, to pour over them my indignation, all the fierceness of my anger; for through the fire of my jealousy shall all the earth be devoured.

lesserot@Zechariah:1:12 @ Then commenced the angel of the Lord, and said, O Lord of hosts, how long yet wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast been indignant these seventy years?

lesserot@Malachi:1:4 @ Should Edom even say, We are impoverished; but we will return and build the ruined places: thus hath said the Lord of hosts, They may indeed build, but I will surely throw down; and men shall call them, The territory of wickedness, and, The people against whom the Lord hath indignation to eternity.

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