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dby@Genesis:21:8 @ And the child grew, and was weaned. And Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned.

dby@Genesis:26:30 @ And he made them a feast, and they ate and drank.

dby@Genesis:29:22 @ And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a feast.

dby@Genesis:40:20 @ And it came to pass the third day -- Pharaoh's birthday -- that he made a feast to all his bondmen. And he lifted up the head of the chief of the cup-bearers, and the head of the chief of the bakers among his bondmen.

dby@Exodus:5:1 @ And afterwards Moses and Aaron went in, and said to Pharaoh, Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, Let my people go that they may celebrate a feast to me in the wilderness.

dby@Exodus:10:9 @ And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters; with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we have a feast of Jehovah.

dby@Exodus:12:14 @ And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall celebrate it [as] a feast to Jehovah; throughout your generations [as] an ordinance for ever shall ye celebrate it.

dby@Exodus:12:17 @ And ye shall keep the [feast of] unleavened [bread]; for in this same day have I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; and ye shall keep this day in your generations [as] an ordinance for ever.

dby@Exodus:13:6 @ Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread; and in the seventh day is a feast to Jehovah.

dby@Exodus:23:14 @ Thrice in the year thou shalt celebrate a feast to me.

dby@Exodus:23:15 @ Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread, (thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I have commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt; and none shall appear in my presence empty;)

dby@Exodus:23:16 @ and the feast of harvest, the first-fruits of thy labours which thou hast sown in the field, and the feast of in-gathering, at the end of the year, when thou gatherest in thy labours out of the field.

dby@Exodus:23:18 @ Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my feast remain all night until the morning.

dby@Exodus:32:5 @ And Aaron saw [it], and built an altar before it; and Aaron made a proclamation, and said, To-morrow is a feast to Jehovah!

dby@Exodus:34:18 @ -- The feast of the unleavened bread shalt thou keep: seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, as I have commanded thee, at the appointed time of the month Abib; for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt.

dby@Exodus:34:22 @ -- And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the first-fruits of wheat-harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the turn of the year.

dby@Exodus:34:25 @ -- Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left over night until the morning.

dby@Leviticus:23:2 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, [Concerning] the set feasts of Jehovah, which ye shall proclaim as holy convocations -- these are my set feasts.

dby@Leviticus:23:4 @ These are the set feasts of Jehovah, holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons:

dby@Leviticus:23:6 @ And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast of unleavened bread to Jehovah; seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread.

dby@Leviticus:23:34 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month is the feast of booths seven days to Jehovah.

dby@Leviticus:23:37 @ These are the set feasts of Jehovah, which ye shall proclaim as holy convocations, to present an offering by fire to Jehovah, a burnt-offering, and an oblation, a sacrifice, and drink-offerings, everything upon its day;

dby@Leviticus:23:39 @ But on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the produce of the land, ye shall celebrate the feast of Jehovah seven days: on the first day there shall be rest, and on the eighth day there shall be rest.

dby@Leviticus:23:41 @ And ye shall celebrate it as a feast to Jehovah seven days in the year: [it is] an everlasting statute throughout your generations; in the seventh month shall ye celebrate it.

dby@Leviticus:23:44 @ And Moses declared the set feasts of Jehovah to the children of Israel.

dby@Numbers:10:10 @ And in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in your new moons, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings and over your sacrifices of peace-offering; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am Jehovah your God.

dby@Numbers:15:3 @ and will make an offering by fire to Jehovah, a burnt-offering or a sacrifice for the performance of a vow, or as a voluntary offering, or in your set feasts, to make a sweet odour to Jehovah, of the herd or of the flock,

dby@Numbers:28:17 @ And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast; seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten.

dby@Numbers:29:12 @ And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month ye shall have a holy convocation: no manner of servile work shall ye do; and ye shall celebrate a feast to Jehovah seven days;

dby@Numbers:29:39 @ These shall ye offer to Jehovah in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your voluntary-offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your oblations, and for your drink-offerings, and for your peace-offerings.

dby@Deuteronomy:16:10 @ And thou shalt hold the feast of weeks to Jehovah thy God with a tribute of a voluntary-offering of thy hand, which thou shalt give, according as Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee;

dby@Deuteronomy:16:13 @ The feast of tabernacles shalt thou hold seven days, when thou hast gathered in [the produce] of thy floor and of thy winepress.

dby@Deuteronomy:16:14 @ And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy bondman, and thy handmaid, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are in thy gates.

dby@Deuteronomy:16:15 @ Seven days shalt thou hold a feast to Jehovah thy God in the place which Jehovah will choose; for Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy produce, and in all the work of thy hands, and thou shalt be wholly joyful.

dby@Deuteronomy:16:16 @ Three times in the year shall all thy males appear before Jehovah thy God in the place which he will choose, at the feast of unleavened bread, and at the feast of weeks, and at the feast of tabernacles; and they shall not appear before Jehovah empty:

dby@Deuteronomy:31:10 @ And Moses commanded them, saying, At the end of every seven years, at the set time of the year of release, at the feast of tabernacles,

dby@Judges:14:10 @ And his father went down to the woman, and Samson made there a feast; for so used the young men to do.

dby@Judges:14:12 @ And Samson said to them, Let me now propound a riddle to you; if ye clearly explain it to me within the seven days of the feast, and find [it] out, then I will give you thirty shirts, and thirty changes of garments.

dby@Judges:14:17 @ And she wept before him the seven days, while they had the feast. And it came to pass on the seventh day, that he explained it to her, for she pressed him. And she explained the riddle to the children of her people.

dby@Judges:21:19 @ And they said, Behold, there is a feast of Jehovah from year to year in Shiloh, which is on the north side of Bethel, toward the sun-rising of the highway that goes up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.

dby@1Samuel:25:36 @ And Abigail came to Nabal; and behold, he held a feast in his house, like the feast of a king; and Nabal's heart was merry within him, for he was drunken to excess; so she told him nothing, less or more, until the morning light.

dby@1Kings:3:15 @ And Solomon awoke, and behold, it was a dream. And he came to Jerusalem, and stood before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and offered up burnt-offerings, and offered peace-offerings, and made a feast to all his servants.

dby@1Kings:8:2 @ And all the men of Israel assembled themselves to king Solomon at the feast in the month Ethanim, that is, the seventh month.

dby@1Kings:8:65 @ And at that time Solomon held the feast, and all Israel with him, a great congregation, from the entrance of Hamath unto the torrent of Egypt, before Jehovah our God, seven days and seven days, fourteen days.

dby@1Kings:12:32 @ And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like the feast that was in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made; and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places that he had made.

dby@1Kings:12:33 @ And he offered upon the altar that he had made in Bethel, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and he made a feast for the children of Israel, and he offered upon the altar, burning incense.

dby@1Chronicles:23:31 @ and for all burnt-offerings offered up to Jehovah on the sabbaths, on the new moons, and on the set feasts, by number, according to the ordinance concerning them, continually, before Jehovah;

dby@2Chronicles:2:4 @ Behold, I build a house unto the name of Jehovah my God to dedicate it to him, to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual arrangement [of the shewbread], and for the morning and evening burnt-offerings [and] on the sabbaths and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Jehovah our God. This is [an ordinance] for ever to Israel.

dby@2Chronicles:5:3 @ And all the men of Israel assembled themselves to the king at the feast, that of the seventh month.

dby@2Chronicles:7:8 @ And at that time Solomon held the feast seven days, and all Israel with him, a very great congregation, from the entrance of Hamath unto the torrent of Egypt.

dby@2Chronicles:7:9 @ And on the eighth day they held a solemn assembly; for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, and the feast seven days.

dby@2Chronicles:8:13 @ even as the duty of every day required, offering according to the commandment of Moses, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and at the set feasts, three times in the year, -- at the feast of unleavened bread, and at the feast of weeks, and at the feast of tabernacles.

dby@2Chronicles:30:13 @ And there assembled at Jerusalem much people to hold the feast of unleavened bread in the second month, a very great congregation.

dby@2Chronicles:30:21 @ And the children of Israel, that were present at Jerusalem, held the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness; and the Levites and the priests praised Jehovah day by day, with the instruments of praise to Jehovah.

dby@2Chronicles:30:22 @ And Hezekiah spoke consolingly to all the Levites that had understanding in the good knowledge of Jehovah; and they ate the feast-offerings the seven days, sacrificing peace-offerings, and extolling Jehovah the God of their fathers.

dby@2Chronicles:31:3 @ And [he ordered] that the king's portion [should be taken] from his substance for the burnt-offerings: for the morning and evening burnt-offerings, for the burnt-offerings of the sabbaths, and of the new moons, and of the set feasts, as it is written in the law of Jehovah.

dby@2Chronicles:35:17 @ And the children of Israel that were present held the passover at that time, and the feast of unleavened bread seven days.

dby@Ezra:3:4 @ And they held the feast of tabernacles as it is written, and [offered] daily burnt-offerings by number, according to the ordinance, as the duty of every day required;

dby@Ezra:3:5 @ and afterwards the continual burnt-offering, and those of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of Jehovah that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a voluntary offering to Jehovah.

dby@Ezra:6:22 @ and they kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy; for Jehovah had made them joyful, and turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.

dby@Nehemiah:8:14 @ And they found written in the law which Jehovah had commanded through Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths in the feast of the seventh month,

dby@Nehemiah:8:18 @ Also day by day, from the first day to the last day, he read in the book of the law of God. And they observed the feast seven days; and on the eighth day was a solemn assembly, according to the ordinance.

dby@Nehemiah:10:33 @ for the bread to be set in rows, and for the continual oblation, and for the continual burnt-offering, [for that] of the sabbaths [and] of the new moons, for the set feasts and for the holy [things], and for the sin-offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and [for] all the work of the house of our God.

dby@Esther:1:3 @ in the third year of his reign, he made a feast to all his princes and his servants; the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and the princes of the provinces being before him;

dby@Esther:1:5 @ And when these days were expired, the king made a feast to all the people that were present in Shushan the fortress, both to great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

dby@Esther:1:9 @ Also the queen Vashti made a feast for the women of the royal house which belonged to king Ahasuerus.

dby@Esther:2:18 @ And the king made a great feast to all his princes and his servants, Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave presents according to the king's bounty.

dby@Esther:8:17 @ And in every province, and in every city, wherever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many among the peoples of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews had fallen upon them.

dby@Esther:9:17 @ on the thirteenth day of the month Adar; and on the fourteenth of the same they rested, and made it a day of feasting and joy.

dby@Esther:9:18 @ But the Jews that were at Shushan gathered themselves together on the thirteenth [day] thereof, and on the fourteenth thereof; and on the fifteenth of the same they rested, and made it a day of feasting and joy.

dby@Esther:9:19 @ Therefore the Jews of the villages that dwell in the country towns make the fourteenth of the month Adar a day of joy and feasting, and a good day, and on which they send portions one to another.

dby@Esther:9:22 @ as the days on which the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month that was turned to them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day; that they should make them days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor.

dby@Job:1:4 @ And his sons went and made a feast in the house of each one on his day; and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

dby@Job:1:5 @ And it was so, when the days of the feasting were gone about, that Job sent and hallowed them; and he rose up early in the morning, and offered up burnt-offerings [according to] the number of them all; for Job said, It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

dby@Psalms:81:3 @ Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the set time, on our feast day:

dby@Proverbs:15:15 @ All the days of the afflicted are evil; but a cheerful heart is a continual feast.

dby@Proverbs:17:1 @ Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of feasting [with] strife.

dby@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @ It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting: in that that is the end of all men, and the living taketh it to heart.

dby@Ecclesiastes:10:19 @ A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh life merry; but money answereth everything.

dby@Isaiah:1:14 @ Your new moons and your set feasts my soul hateth: they are a burden to me; I am wearied of bearing [them].

dby@Isaiah:25:6 @ And in this mountain will Jehovah of hosts make unto all peoples a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.

dby@Isaiah:29:1 @ Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city of David's encampment! Add ye year to year; let the feasts come round.

dby@Isaiah:30:29 @ Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a feast is sanctified; and joy of heart, as of one who goeth with a pipe to come unto the mountain of Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel.

dby@Jeremiah:16:8 @ And thou shalt not go into the house of feasting, to sit with them, to eat and to drink.

dby@Lamentations:2:6 @ And he hath violently cast down his enclosure as a garden; he hath destroyed his place of assembly: Jehovah hath caused set feast and sabbath to be forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his anger king and priest.

dby@Lamentations:2:7 @ The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath rejected his sanctuary; he hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces: they have made a noise in the house of Jehovah, as on the day of a set feast.

dby@Lamentations:2:22 @ Thou hast called up, as on the day of a set feast, my terrors on every side; and in the day of Jehovah's anger there was none that escaped or remained: those that I have nursed and brought up hath mine enemy consumed.

dby@Ezekiel:36:38 @ As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her set feasts, so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I [am] Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:45:17 @ And it shall be the prince's part [to supply] the burnt-offerings, and the oblation, and the drink-offering, at the feasts, and at the new moons, and on the sabbaths, in all the solemnities of the house of Israel: it is he that shall prepare the sin-offering, and the oblation, and the burnt-offering, and the peace-offerings, to make atonement for the house of Israel.

dby@Ezekiel:45:21 @ In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the passover, a feast of seven days: unleavened bread shall be eaten.

dby@Ezekiel:45:23 @ And the seven days of the feast he shall offer a burnt-offering to Jehovah, seven bullocks and seven rams without blemish daily for the seven days; and a he-goat daily for a sin-offering.

dby@Ezekiel:45:25 @ In the seventh [month], on the fifteenth day of the month, at the feast, shall he do the like seven days, according to the sin-offering, according to the burnt-offering, and according to the oblation, and according to the oil.

dby@Ezekiel:46:9 @ And when the people of the land come in before Jehovah in the set feasts, he that cometh in by the way of the north gate to worship shall go out by the way of the south gate; and he that cometh in by the way of the south gate shall go out by the way of the north gate: he shall not return by the way of the gate by which he came in, but shall go out straight before him.

dby@Ezekiel:46:11 @ And on the feast-days, and in the solemnities, the oblation shall be an ephah for a bullock and an ephah for a ram, and for the lambs as he is able to give; and oil, a hin for an ephah.

dby@Daniel:5:1 @ Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his nobles, and drank wine before the thousand.

dby@Hosea:2:11 @ And I will cause all her mirth to cease: her feasts, her new moons, and her sabbaths! and all her solemnities.

dby@Hosea:9:5 @ What will ye do in the day of assembly, and in the day of the feast of Jehovah?

dby@Hosea:12:9 @ But I [that am] Jehovah thy God from the land of Egypt will again make thee to dwell in tents, as in the days of the solemn feast.

dby@Amos:5:21 @ I hate, I despise your feasts, and I will not smell [a sweet odour] in your solemn assemblies.

dby@Amos:8:10 @ And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning for an only [son], and the end thereof as a bitter day.

dby@Nahum:1:15 @ Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth glad tidings, that publisheth peace! Celebrate thy feasts, Judah, perform thy vows: for the wicked one shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off.

dby@Zechariah:14:16 @ And it shall come to pass, that all that are left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, Jehovah of hosts, and to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.

dby@Zechariah:14:18 @ And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, neither [shall it be] upon them; [there] shall be the plague, wherewith Jehovah will smite the nations that go not up to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.

dby@Zechariah:14:19 @ This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations that go not up to celebrate the feast of tabernacles.

dby@Malachi:2:3 @ Behold, I will rebuke your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, the dung of your feasts; and they shall take you away with it.

dby@Matthew:22:2 @ The kingdom of the heavens has become like a king who made a wedding feast for his son,

dby@Matthew:22:3 @ and sent his bondmen to call the persons invited to the wedding feast, and they would not come.

dby@Matthew:22:4 @ Again he sent other bondmen, saying, Say to the persons invited, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fatted beasts are killed, and all things ready; come to the wedding feast.

dby@Matthew:22:8 @ Then he says to his bondmen, The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy;

dby@Matthew:22:9 @ go therefore into the thoroughfares of the highways, and as many as ye shall find invite to the wedding feast.

dby@Matthew:22:10 @ And those bondmen went out into the highways, and brought together all as many as they found, both evil and good; and the wedding feast was furnished with guests.

dby@Matthew:23:6 @ and love the chief place in feasts and the first seats in the synagogues,

dby@Matthew:25:10 @ But as they went away to buy, the bridegroom came, and the [ones that were] ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.

dby@Matthew:26:5 @ but they said, Not in the feast, that there be not a tumult among the people.

dby@Matthew:26:17 @ Now on the first [day] of [the feast of] unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus, saying, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?

dby@Matthew:27:15 @ Now at [the] feast the governor was accustomed to release one prisoner to the crowd, whom they would.

dby@Mark:14:1 @ Now the passover and the [feast of] unleavened bread was after two days. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how they might seize him by subtlety and kill him.

dby@Mark:14:2 @ For they said, Not in the feast, lest perhaps there be a tumult of the people.

dby@Mark:15:6 @ But at [the] feast he released to them one prisoner, whomsoever they begged [of him].

dby@Luke:2:41 @ And his parents went yearly to Jerusalem at the feast of the passover.

dby@Luke:2:42 @ And when he was twelve years old, and they went up [to Jerusalem] according to the custom of the feast

dby@Luke:14:13 @ But when thou makest a feast, call poor, crippled, lame, blind:

dby@Luke:22:1 @ Now the feast of unleavened bread, which [is] called the passover, drew nigh,

dby@Luke:23:17 @ ( Now he was obliged to release one for them at the feast.)

dby@John:2:8 @ And he says to them, Draw out now, and carry [it] to the feast-master. And they carried [it].

dby@John:2:9 @ But when the feast-master had tasted the water which had been made wine (and knew not whence it was, but the servants knew who drew the water), the feast-master calls the bridegroom,

dby@John:2:23 @ And when he was in Jerusalem, at the passover, at the feast, many believed on his name, beholding his signs which he wrought.

dby@John:4:45 @ When therefore he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all that he had done in Jerusalem during the feast, for they also went to the feast.

dby@John:5:1 @ After these things was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

dby@John:6:4 @ but the passover, the feast of the Jews, was near.

dby@John:7:2 @ Now the tabernacles, the feast of the Jews, was near.

dby@John:7:8 @ Ye, go ye up to this feast. I go not up to this feast, for my time is not yet fulfilled.

dby@John:7:10 @ But when his brethren had gone up, then he himself also went up to the feast, not openly, but as in secret.

dby@John:7:11 @ The Jews therefore sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he?

dby@John:7:14 @ But when it was now the middle of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and taught.

dby@John:7:37 @ In the last, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried saying, If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink.

dby@John:10:22 @ Now the feast of the dedication was celebrating at Jerusalem, and it was winter.

dby@John:11:56 @ They sought therefore Jesus, and said among themselves, standing in the temple, What do ye think? that he will not come to the feast?

dby@John:12:12 @ On the morrow a great crowd who came to the feast, having heard that Jesus is coming into Jerusalem,

dby@John:12:20 @ And there were certain Greeks among those who came up that they might worship in the feast;

dby@John:13:1 @ Now before the feast of the passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour had come that he should depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, loved them to the end.

dby@John:13:29 @ for some supposed, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus was saying to him, Buy the things of which we have need for the feast; or that he should give something to the poor.

dby@Acts:18:21 @ but bade them farewell, saying, [I must by all means keep the coming feast at Jerusalem]; I will return to you again, if God will: and he sailed away from Ephesus.

dby@1Corinthians:5:8 @ so that let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with leaven of malice and wickedness, but with unleavened [bread] of sincerity and truth.

dby@Colossians:2:16 @ Let none therefore judge you in meat or in drink, or in matter of feast, or new moon, or sabbaths,

dby@2Peter:2:13 @ receiving [the] reward of unrighteousness; accounting ephemeral indulgence pleasure; spots and blemishes, rioting in their own deceits, feasting with you;

dby@Jude:1:12 @ These are spots in your love-feasts, feasting together [with you] without fear, pasturing themselves; clouds without water, carried along by [the] winds; autumnal trees, without fruit, twice dead, rooted up;

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