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wmth@Matthew:2:2 @ inquiring, »Where is the newly born king of the Jews? For we have seen his Star in the east, and have come here to do him homage.«

wmth@Matthew:2:8 @ He then directed them to go to Bethlehem, adding, »Go and make careful inquiry about the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and do him homage.«

wmth@Matthew:3:9 @ and do not imagine that you can say to yourselves, `We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.

wmth@Matthew:3:14 @ John protested. »It is I,« he said, »who have need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?«

wmth@Matthew:5:10 @ »Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens.«

wmth@Matthew:5:11 @ »Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake.

wmth@Matthew:5:17 @ »Do not for a moment suppose that I have come to abrogate the Law or the Prophets: I have not come to abrogate them but to give them their completion.«

wmth@Matthew:5:21 @ »You have heard that it was said to the ancients, and whoever commits murder will be answerable to the magistrate.«

wmth@Matthew:5:26 @ I solemnly tell you that you will certainly not be released till you have paid the very last farthing.

wmth@Matthew:5:27 @ »You have heard that it was said, «

wmth@Matthew:5:33 @ »Again, you have heard that it was said to the ancients, «

wmth@Matthew:5:38 @ »You have heard that it was said, «

wmth@Matthew:5:43 @ »You have heard that it was said, and hate thine enemy.'«

wmth@Matthew:5:46 @ For if you love only those who love you, what reward have you earned? Do not even the tax-gatherers do that?

wmth@Matthew:6:2 @ `When you give in charity, never blow a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and streets in order that their praises may be sung by men. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.

wmth@Matthew:6:5 @ »And when praying, you must not be like the hypocrites. They are fond of standing and praying in the synagogues or at the corners of the wider streets, in order that men may see them. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.«

wmth@Matthew:6:12 @ and forgive us our shortcomings, as we also have forgiven those who have failed in their duty towards us;

wmth@Matthew:6:16 @ »When any of you fast, never assume gloomy looks as the hypocrites do; for they disfigure their faces in order that it may be evident to men that they are fasting. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.«

wmth@Matthew:7:12 @ Everything, therefore, be it what it may, that you would have men do to you, do you also the same to them; for in this the Law and the Prophets are summed up.

wmth@Matthew:7:22 @ Many will say to me on that day, »`Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name expelled demons, and in Thy name performed many mighty works?'

wmth@Matthew:8:9 @ For I myself am also under authority, and have soldiers under me. To one I say `Go,' and he goes, to another `Come,' and he comes, and to my slave `Do this or that,' and he does it.«

wmth@Matthew:8:10 @ Jesus listened to this reply, and was astonished, and said to the people following Him, »I solemnly tell you that in no Israelite have I found faith as great as this.

wmth@Matthew:8:13 @ And Jesus said to the Captain, »Go, and just as you have believed, so be it for you.« And the servant recovered precisely at that time.

wmth@Matthew:8:20 @ »Foxes have holes,« replied Jesus, »and birds have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.«

wmth@Matthew:9:36 @ And when He saw the crowds He was touched with pity for them, because they were distressed and were fainting on the ground like sheep which have no shepherd.

wmth@Matthew:10:8 @ Cure the sick, raise the dead to life, cleanse lepers, drive out demons: you have received without payment, give without payment.

wmth@Matthew:10:19 @ But when they have delivered you up, have no anxiety as to how you shall speak or what you shall say; for at that very time it shall be given you what to say;

wmth@Matthew:10:23 @ Whenever they persecute you in one town, escape to the next; for I solemnly tell you that you will not have gone the round of all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

wmth@Matthew:10:25 @ Enough for the learner to be on a level with his teacher, and for the servant to be on a level with his master. If they have called the master of the house Baal-zebul, how much more will they slander his servants?

wmth@Matthew:11:5 @ »blind eyes receive sight, and cripples walk; lepers are cleansed, and deaf ears hear; the dead are raised to life, and the poor have the Good News proclaimed to them;«

wmth@Matthew:11:12 @ But from the time of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of the Heavens has been suffering violent assault, and the violent have been seizing it by force.

wmth@Matthew:11:17 @ »`We have played the flute to you,' they say, `and you have not danced: we have sung dirges, and you have not beaten your breasts.'«

wmth@Matthew:11:21 @ »Alas for thee, Chorazin!« He cried. »Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the mighty works been done in Tyre and Sidon which have been done in both of you, they would long ere now have repented, covered with sackcloth and ashes.

wmth@Matthew:11:23 @ And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be exalted even to Heaven? Even to Hades shalt thou descend. For had the mighty works been done in Sodom which have been done in thee, it would have remained until now.

wmth@Matthew:11:27 @ »All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one fully knows the Son except the Father, nor does any one fully know the Father except the Son and all to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.«

wmth@Matthew:12:3 @ »Have you never read,« He replied, »what David did when he and his men were hungry?

wmth@Matthew:12:5 @ And have you not read in the Law how on the Sabbath the priests in the Temple break the Sabbath without incurring guilt?

wmth@Matthew:12:7 @ And if you knew what this means,, you would not have condemned those who are without guilt.

wmth@Matthew:13:12 @ For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but whoever has not, from him even what he has shall be taken away.

wmth@Matthew:13:17 @ For I solemnly tell you that many Prophets and holy men have longed to see the sights you see, and have not seen them, and to hear the words you hear, and have not heard them.

wmth@Matthew:13:51 @ »Have you understood all this?« He asked. »Yes,« they said.

wmth@Matthew:14:4 @ because John had persistently said to him, »It is not lawful for you to have her.«

wmth@Matthew:14:5 @ And he would have liked to put him to death, but was afraid of the people, because they regarded John as a Prophet.

wmth@Matthew:14:17 @ »We have nothing here,« they said, »but five loaves and a couple of fish.«

wmth@Matthew:15:5 @ but you –this is what you say: `If a man says to his father or mother, That is consecrated, whatever it is, which otherwise you should have received from me–

wmth@Matthew:15:6 @ he shall be absolved from honouring his father'; and so you have abrogated God's Word for the sake of your tradition.

wmth@Matthew:15:24 @ »I have only been sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,« He replied.

wmth@Matthew:15:32 @ But Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, »My heart yearns over this mass of people, for it is now the third day that they have been with me and they have nothing to eat. I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they should faint on the road.«

wmth@Matthew:15:34 @ »How many loaves have you?« Jesus asked. »Seven,« they said, »and a few small fish.«

wmth@Matthew:16:7 @ they reasoned among themselves, saying, »It is because we have not brought any bread.«

wmth@Matthew:16:8 @ Jesus perceived this and said, »Why are you reasoning among yourselves, you men of little faith, because you have no bread?

wmth@Matthew:16:28 @ I solemnly tell you that some of those who are standing here will certainly not taste death till they have seen the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom.«

wmth@Matthew:17:7 @ But Jesus came and touched them, and said, »Rouse yourselves and have no fear.«

wmth@Matthew:17:9 @ As they were descending the mountain, Jesus laid a command upon them. »Tell no one,« He said, »of the sight you have seen till the Son of Man has risen from among the dead.«

wmth@Matthew:17:15 @ »Sir,« he said, »have pity on my son, for he is an epileptic and is very ill. Often he falls into the fire and often into the water.

wmth@Matthew:17:16 @ I have brought him to your disciples, and they have not been able to cure him.«

wmth@Matthew:17:20 @ »Because your faith is so small,« He replied; »for I solemnly declare to you that if you have faith like a mustard-seed, you shall say to this mountain, `Remove from this place to that,' and it will remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you.

wmth@Matthew:18:6 @ But whoever shall occasion the fall of one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung round his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

wmth@Matthew:18:10 @ »Beware of ever despising one of these little ones, for I tell you that in Heaven their angels have continual access to my Father who is in Heaven.«

wmth@Matthew:18:13 @ And if he succeeds in finding it, in solemn truth I tell you that he rejoices over it more than he does over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray.

wmth@Matthew:18:15 @ »If your brother acts wrongly towards you, go and point out his fault to him when only you and he are there. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.«

wmth@Matthew:18:23 @ »For this reason the Kingdom of the Heavens may be compared to a king who determined to have a settlement of accounts with his servants.«

wmth@Matthew:18:33 @ ought not you also to have had pity on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?'

wmth@Matthew:19:4 @ »Have you not read,« He replied, »that He who made them from the beginning

wmth@Matthew:19:12 @ There are men who from their birth have been disabled from marriage, others who have been so disabled by men, and others who have disabled themselves for the sake of the Kingdom of the Heavens. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.«

wmth@Matthew:19:20 @ »All of these,« said the young man, »I have carefully kept. What do I still lack?«

wmth@Matthew:19:21 @ »If you desire to be perfect,« replied Jesus, »go and sell all that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have wealth in Heaven; and come, follow me.«

wmth@Matthew:19:27 @ Then Peter said to Jesus, »See, have forsaken everything and followed you; what then will be reward?«

wmth@Matthew:19:28 @ »I solemnly tell you,« replied Jesus, »that in the New Creation, when the Son of Man has taken His seat on His glorious throne, all of you who have followed me shall also sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

wmth@Matthew:19:29 @ And whoever has forsaken houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or children or lands, for my sake, shall receive many times as much and shall have as his inheritance the Life of the Ages.

wmth@Matthew:20:6 @ And going out about five o'clock he found others loitering, and he asked them, »`Why have you been standing here all day long, doing nothing?'

wmth@Matthew:20:12 @ »`These who came last have done only one hour's work, and you have put them on a level with us who have worked the whole day and have borne the scorching heat.'«

wmth@Matthew:20:15 @ Have I not a right to do what I choose with my own property? Or are you envious because I am generous?'

wmth@Matthew:21:16 @ »Do you hear,« they asked Him, »what these children are saying?«»Yes,« He replied; »have you never read,

wmth@Matthew:21:21 @ »I solemnly tell you,« said Jesus, »that if you have an unwavering faith, you shall not only perform such a miracle as this of the fig-tree, but that even if you say to this mountain, `Be thou lifted up and hurled into the sea,' it shall be done;

wmth@Matthew:21:22 @ and everything, whatever it be, that you ask for in your prayers, if you have faith, you shall obtain.«

wmth@Matthew:21:24 @ »And I also have a question to ask,« replied Jesus, »and if you answer me, I in turn will tell you by what authority I do these things.

wmth@Matthew:21:26 @ and if we say `a human origin' we have the people to fear, for they all hold John to have been a Prophet.«

wmth@Matthew:21:42 @ »Have you never read in the Scriptures,« said Jesus, «

wmth@Matthew:22:31 @ But as to the Resurrection of the dead, have you never read what God says to you,

wmth@Matthew:23:23 @ »Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you pay the tithe on mint, dill, and cumin, while you have neglected the weightier requirements of the Law–just judgement, mercy, and faithful dealing. These things you ought to have done, and yet you ought not to have left the others undone.«

wmth@Matthew:23:30 @ and your boast is, »`If we had lived in the time of our forefathers, we should not have been implicated with them in the murder of the Prophets.'

wmth@Matthew:23:37 @ »O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! thou who murderest the Prophets and stonest those who have been sent to thee! how often have I desired to gather thy children to me, just as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not come!

wmth@Matthew:24:15 @ »When you have seen (to use the language of the Prophet Daniel) the standing in the Holy Place« –let the reader observe those words–

wmth@Matthew:24:19 @ And alas for the women who at that time are with child or have infants!

wmth@Matthew:24:25 @ Remember, I have forewarned you.

wmth@Matthew:24:32 @ »Now learn from the fig-tree the lesson it teaches. As soon as its branches have now become soft and it is bursting into leaf, you all know that summer is near.«

wmth@Matthew:24:43 @ But of this be assured, that if the master of the house had known the hour at which the robber was coming, he would have kept awake, and not have allowed his house to be broken into.

wmth@Matthew:25:20 @ The one who had received the five talents came and brought five more, and said, »`Sir, it was five talents that you entrusted to me: see, I have gained five more.'

wmth@Matthew:25:21 @ »`You have done well, good and trustworthy servant,' replied his master; `you have been trustworthy in the management of a little, I will put you in charge of much: share your master's joy.'«

wmth@Matthew:25:22 @ »The second, who had received the two talents, came and said,« `Sir, it was two talents you entrusted to me: see, I have gained two more.'

wmth@Matthew:25:23 @ »`Good and trustworthy servant, you have done well,' his master replied; `you have been trustworthy in the management of a little, I will put you in charge of much: share your master's joy.'«

wmth@Matthew:25:25 @ So being afraid I went and buried your talent in the ground: there you have what belongs to you.'

wmth@Matthew:25:26 @ »`You wicked and slothful servant,' replied his master, `did you know that I reap where I have not sown, and garner what I have not winnowed?«

wmth@Matthew:25:27 @ Your duty then was to deposit my money in some bank, and so when I came I should have got back my property with interest.

wmth@Matthew:25:29 @ (For to every one who has, more shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him who has nothing, even what he has shall be taken away.)

wmth@Matthew:26:9 @ »for this might have been sold for a considerable sum, and the money given to the poor.«

wmth@Matthew:26:11 @ The poor you always have with you, but me you have not always.

wmth@Matthew:26:32 @ But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee.«

wmth@Matthew:26:55 @ Then said Jesus to the crowds, »Have you come out as if to fight with a robber, with swords and bludgeons to apprehend me? Day after day I have been sitting teaching in the Temple, and you did not arrest me.

wmth@Matthew:26:62 @ Then the High Priest stood up and asked Him, »Have you no answer to make? What is it these men are saying in evidence against you?«

wmth@Matthew:26:65 @ Then the High Priest tore his robes and exclaimed, »Impious language! What further need have we of witnesses! See, you have now heard the impiety.

wmth@Matthew:27:4 @ and said, »I have sinned, in betraying to death one who is innocent.« »What does that matter to us?« they replied; »it is your business.«

wmth@Matthew:27:19 @ While he was sitting on the tribunal a message came to him from his wife. »Have nothing to do with that innocent man,« she said, »for during the night I have suffered terribly in a dream through him.«

wmth@Matthew:27:43 @ His trust is in God: let God deliver him now, if He will have him; for he said, `I am God's Son.'«

wmth@Matthew:27:58 @ He went to Pilate and begged to have the body of Jesus, and Pilate ordered it to be given to him.

wmth@Matthew:27:65 @ »You can have a guard,« said Pilate:»go and make all safe, as best you can.«

wmth@Matthew:28:7 @ And go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead and is going before you into Galilee: there you shall see Him. Remember, I have told you.«

wmth@Matthew:28:20 @ and teach them to obey every command which I have given you. And remember, I am with you always, day by day, until the Close of the Age.«

wmth@Mark:1:8 @ I have baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.«

wmth@Mark:1:24 @ »What have you to do with us, Jesus the Nazarene? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–God's Holy One.«

wmth@Mark:2:19 @ »Can a wedding party fast while the bridegroom is among them?« replied Jesus. »So long as they have the bridegroom with them, fasting is impossible.

wmth@Mark:2:25 @ »Have you never read,« Jesus replied, »what David did when the necessity arose and he and his men were hungry:

wmth@Mark:3:2 @ They closely watched Him to see whether He would cure him on the Sabbath–so as to have a charge to bring against Him.

wmth@Mark:3:28 @ In solemn truth I tell you that all their sins may be pardoned to the sons of men, and all their blasphemies, however they may have blasphemed;

wmth@Mark:4:15 @ Those who receive the seed by the way-side are those in whom the Message is sown, but, when they have heard it, Satan comes at once and carries away the Message sown in them.

wmth@Mark:4:16 @ In the same way those who receive the seed on the rocky places are those who, when they have heard the Message, at once accept it joyfully,

wmth@Mark:4:17 @ but they have no root within them. They last for a time; then, when suffering or persecution comes because of the Message, they are immediately overthrown.

wmth@Mark:4:18 @ Others there are who receive the seed among the thorns: these are they who have heard the Message,

wmth@Mark:4:20 @ Those, on the other hand, who have received the seed on the good ground, are all who hear the Message and welcome it, and yield a return of thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold.«

wmth@Mark:4:25 @ For those who have will have more given them; and from those who have not, even what they have will be taken away.«

wmth@Mark:4:40 @ »Why are you so timid?« He asked; »have you still no faith?«

wmth@Mark:5:36 @ But Jesus, overhearing the words, said to the Warden, »Do not be afraid; only have faith.«

wmth@Mark:6:18 @ For John had repeatedly told Herod, »You have no right to be living with your brother's wife.«

wmth@Mark:6:34 @ So when Jesus landed, He saw a vast multitude; and His heart was moved with pity for them, because they were like sheep which have no shepherd, and He proceeded to teach them many things.

wmth@Mark:6:38 @ »How many loaves have you?« He inquired; »go and see.« So they found out, and said, »Five; and a couple of fish.«

wmth@Mark:7:4 @ and when they come from market they will not eat without bathing first; and they have a good many other customs which they have received traditionally and cling to, such as the rinsing of cups and pots and of bronze utensils, and the washing of beds.)

wmth@Mark:7:11 @ But say, `If a man says to his father or mother, It is a Korban (that is, a thing devoted to God), whatever it is, which otherwise you would have received from me–'

wmth@Mark:7:13 @ thus nullifying God's precept by your tradition which you have handed down. And many things of that kind you do.«

wmth@Mark:7:18 @ »Have also so little understanding?« He replied; »do you not understand that anything whatever that enters a man from outside cannot make him unclean,

wmth@Mark:8:2 @ »My heart yearns over the people,« He said; »for this is now the third day they have remained with me, and they have nothing to eat.

wmth@Mark:8:5 @ »How many loaves have you?« He asked. »Seven,« they said.

wmth@Mark:8:16 @ they explained His words to one another by saying, »We have no bread!«

wmth@Mark:8:18 @ -You have eyes! can you not see? You have ears! can you not hear?- and have you no memory?

wmth@Mark:9:1 @ He went on to say, »In solemn truth I tell you that some of those who are standing here will certainly not taste death till they have seen the Kingdom of God already come in power.«

wmth@Mark:9:13 @ Yet I tell you that not only has Elijah come, but they have also done to him whatever they chose, as the Scriptures say about him.«

wmth@Mark:9:17 @ »Rabbi,« answered one of the crowd, »I have brought you my son. He has a dumb spirit in him;

wmth@Mark:9:19 @ »O unbelieving generation!« replied Jesus; »how long must I be with you? how long must I have patience with you? Bring the boy to me.«

wmth@Mark:9:22 @ »and often it has thrown him into the fire or into pools of water to destroy him. But, if you possibly can, have pity on us and help us.«

wmth@Mark:9:39 @ »You should not have tried to hinder him,« replied Jesus, »for there is no one who will use my name to perform a miracle and be able the next minute to speak evil of me.

wmth@Mark:9:50 @ Salt is a good thing, but if the salt should become tasteless, what will you use to give it saltness? Have salt within you and live at peace with one another.«

wmth@Mark:10:20 @ »Rabbi,« he replied, »all these Commandments I have carefully obeyed from my youth.«

wmth@Mark:10:21 @ Then Jesus looked at him and loved him, and said, »One thing is lacking in you: go, sell all you possess and give the proceeds to the poor, and you shall have riches in Heaven; and come and be a follower of mine.«

wmth@Mark:10:28 @ »Remember,« said Peter to Him, »that we forsook everything and have become your followers.«

wmth@Mark:10:36 @ »What would you have me do for you?« He asked.

wmth@Mark:10:47 @ Hearing that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, »Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me.«

wmth@Mark:10:48 @ Many angrily told him to leave off shouting; but he only cried out all the louder, »Son of David, have pity on me.«

wmth@Mark:11:17 @ And He remonstrated with them. »Is it not written,« He said, But you have made it what it now is–

wmth@Mark:11:22 @ Jesus said to them, »Have faith in God.

wmth@Mark:11:24 @ That is why I tell you, as to whatever you pray and make request for, if you believe that you have received it it shall be yours.

wmth@Mark:11:25 @ But whenever you stand praying, if you have a grievance against any one, forgive it, so that your Father in Heaven may also forgive you your offences.«

wmth@Mark:11:32 @ Or should we say, `human?'« They were afraid of the people; for all agreed in holding John to have been really a Prophet.

wmth@Mark:12:10 @ »Have you not read even this passage,« He added,

wmth@Mark:12:25 @ For when they have risen from among the dead, men do not marry and women are not given in marriage, but they are as angels are in Heaven.

wmth@Mark:12:26 @ But as to the dead, that they rise to life, have you never read in the Book of Moses, in the passage about the Bush, how God said to him,

wmth@Mark:12:32 @ So the Scribe said to Him, »Rightly, in very truth, Rabbi, have you said that

wmth@Mark:12:44 @ for they have all contributed out of what they could well spare, but she out of her need has thrown in all she possessed–all she had to live on.«

wmth@Mark:13:12 @ »Brother will betray brother to be killed, and fathers will betray children; and and have them put to death.

wmth@Mark:13:17 @ And alas for the women who at that time are with child or have infants!

wmth@Mark:13:23 @ But as for yourselves, be on your guard: I have forewarned you of everything.

wmth@Mark:14:5 @ For that ointment might have been sold for fifteen pounds or more, and the money have been given to the poor.« And they were exceedingly angry with her.

wmth@Mark:14:7 @ For you always have the poor among you, and whenever you choose you can do acts of kindness to them; but me you have not always.

wmth@Mark:14:28 @ But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee.«

wmth@Mark:14:32 @ So they came to a place called Gethsemane. There He said to His disciples, »Sit down here till I have prayed.«

wmth@Mark:14:48 @ »Have you come out,« said Jesus, »with swords and cudgels to arrest me, as if you had to fight with a robber?

wmth@Mark:14:58 @ »We have heard him say, `I will pull down this Sanctuary built by human hands, and three days afterwards I will erect another built without hands.'«

wmth@Mark:14:60 @ At last the High Priest stood up, and advancing into the midst of them all, asked Jesus, »Have you no answer to make? What is the meaning of all this that these witnesses allege against you?«

wmth@Mark:14:63 @ Rending his garments the High Priest exclaimed, »What need have we of witnesses after that?

wmth@Luke:1:1 @ Seeing that many have attempted to draw up a narrative of the facts which are received with full assurance among us

wmth@Luke:1:4 @ that you may fully know the truth of the things which you have been taught by word of mouth.

wmth@Luke:1:19 @ »I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God,« answered the angel, »and I have been sent to talk with you and tell you this good news.

wmth@Luke:1:22 @ When, however, he came out, he was unable to speak to them; and they knew that he must have seen a vision in the Sanctuary; but he kept making signs to them and continued dumb.

wmth@Luke:1:30 @ But the angel said, »Do not be frightened, Mary, for you have found favour with God.

wmth@Luke:1:34 @ »How can this be,« Mary replied, »seeing that I have no husband?«

wmth@Luke:2:5 @ to have himself registered together with Mary, who was betrothed to him and was with child.

wmth@Luke:2:31 @ Because mine eyes have seen Thy salvation,

wmth@Luke:2:49 @ When they saw Him, they were smitten with amazement, and His mother said to Him, »My child, why have you behaved thus to us? Your father and I have been searching for you in anguish.«

wmth@Luke:2:50 @ »Why is it that you have been searching for me?« He replied; »did you not know that it is my duty to be engaged upon my Father's business?«

wmth@Luke:3:8 @ Live lives which shall prove your change of heart; and do not begin to say to yourselves, `We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.

wmth@Luke:4:23 @ »Doubtless,« said He, »you will quote to me the proverb, `Physician, cure yourself: all that we hear that you have done at Capernaum, do here also in your native place.'«

wmth@Luke:4:34 @ »Ha! Jesus the Nazarene, what have you to do with us? I know who you are–God's Holy One!«

wmth@Luke:4:43 @ But He said to them, »I have to tell the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because for this purpose I was sent.«

wmth@Luke:5:5 @ »Rabbi,« replied Peter, »all night long we have worked hard and caught nothing; but at your command I will let down the nets.«

wmth@Luke:5:26 @ Amazement seized them all. »Glory to God!« was the abiding feeling. Yet fear flashed through their minds and they said, »We have seen strange things to-day.«

wmth@Luke:5:32 @ I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners.«

wmth@Luke:5:34 @ »Can you compel the bridal party to fast,« replied Jesus, »so long as they have the bridegroom among them?

wmth@Luke:6:3 @ »Have you never read so much as this,« answered Jesus– »what David did when he and his followers were hungry;

wmth@Luke:6:23 @ »Be glad at such a time, and dance for joy; for your reward is great in Heaven; for that is just the way their forefathers behaved to the Prophets!«

wmth@Luke:6:24 @ »But alas for you rich men, because you already have your consolation!«

wmth@Luke:6:25 @ »Alas for you who now have plenty to eat, because you will be hungry!« Alas for you who laugh now, because you will mourn and weep aloud!

wmth@Luke:6:26 @ »Alas for you when men shall all have spoken well of you; for that is just the way their forefathers behaved to the false Prophets!«

wmth@Luke:6:31 @ And behave to your fellow men just as you would have them behave to you.

wmth@Luke:7:4 @ And they, when they came to Jesus, earnestly entreated Him, pleading, »He deserves to have this favour granted him,

wmth@Luke:7:8 @ For I too am a man obedient to authority, and have soldiers under me; and I say to one, `Go,' and he goes; to another, `Come,' and he comes; and to my slave, `Do this or that,' and he does it.«

wmth@Luke:7:9 @ Jesus listened to the Captain's message and was astonished at him, and He turned and said to the crowd that followed Him, »I tell you that not even in Israel have I found faith like that.«

wmth@Luke:7:22 @ Then He answered the messengers, »Go and report to John what you have seen and heard. Blind men receive sight, the lame walk, lepers are purified, deaf persons hear, the dead are raised to life, the poor have the Good News proclaimed to them.

wmth@Luke:7:30 @ But the Pharisees and expounders of the Law have frustrated God's purpose as to their own lives, by refusing to be baptized.

wmth@Luke:7:32 @ They are like children sitting in the public square and calling out to one another, `We have played the flute to you, and you have not danced: we have sung dirges, and you have not shown sorrow.'

wmth@Luke:7:40 @ In answer to his thoughts Jesus said to him, »Simon, I have a word to say to you.« »Rabbi, say on,« he replied.

wmth@Luke:7:43 @ »I suppose,« replied Simon, »the one to whom he forgave most.«»You have judged rightly,« Jesus rejoined.

wmth@Luke:8:12 @ Those by the way-side are those who have heard, and then the Devil comes and carries away the Message from their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

wmth@Luke:8:13 @ Those on the rock are the people who on hearing the Message receive it joyfully; but they have no root: for a time they believe, but when trial comes they fall away.

wmth@Luke:8:14 @ That which fell among the thorns means those who have heard, but as they go on their way, the Message is stifled by the anxieties, wealth and gaieties of time, and they yield nothing in perfection.

wmth@Luke:8:28 @ When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before Him, and said in a loud voice, »What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? Do not torture me, I beseech you.«

wmth@Luke:8:50 @ Jesus heard the words and said to him, »Have no fear. Only believe, and she shall be restored to life.«

wmth@Luke:9:3 @ And He commanded them, »Take nothing for your journey; neither stick nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have an extra under garment.

wmth@Luke:9:9 @ And Herod said, »John I have beheaded; but who is this, of whom I hear such reports?« And he sought for an opportunity of seeing Jesus.

wmth@Luke:9:13 @ »You yourselves,« He said, »must give them food.«»We have nothing,« they replied, »but five loaves and a couple of fish, unless indeed we were to go and buy provisions for all this host of people.«

wmth@Luke:9:25 @ Why, what benefit is it to a man to have gained the whole world, but to have lost or forfeited his own self.

wmth@Luke:9:26 @ For whoever shall have been ashamed of me and my teachings, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own and the Father's glory and in that of the holy angels.

wmth@Luke:9:27 @ I tell you truly that there are some of those who stand here who will certainly not taste death till they have seen the Kingdom of God.«

wmth@Luke:9:49 @ »Rabbi,« replied John, »we have seen a man making use of your name to expel demons; and we forbad him, because he does not come with us.«

wmth@Luke:9:58 @ »The foxes have holes,« said Jesus, »and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.«

wmth@Luke:10:13 @ »Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the miracles been performed in Tyre and Sidon which have been performed in you, long ere now they would have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.«

wmth@Luke:10:19 @ »I have given you power to tread serpents and scorpions underfoot, and to trample on all the power of the Enemy; and in no case shall anything do you harm.

wmth@Luke:10:24 @ For I tell you that many Prophets and kings have desired to see the things you see, and have not seen them, and to hear the things you hear, and have not heard them.«

wmth@Luke:10:36 @ »Which of those three seems to you to have acted like a fellow man to him who fell among the robbers?«

wmth@Luke:11:5 @ And He said to them, »Which of you shall have a friend and shall go to him in the middle of the night and say, «`Friend, lend me three loaves of bread;

wmth@Luke:11:6 @ for a friend of mine has just come to my house from a distance, and I have nothing for him to eat'?

wmth@Luke:11:24 @ »When a foul spirit has left a man, it roams about in the Desert, seeking a resting-place; but, unable to find any, it says, `I will return to the house I have left;«

wmth@Luke:11:27 @ As He thus spoke a woman in the crowd called out in a loud voice, »Blessed is the mother who carried you, and the breasts that you have sucked.«

wmth@Luke:11:42 @ »But alas for you Pharisees! for you pay tithes on your mint and rue and every kind of garden vegetable, and are indifferent to justice and the love of God. These are the things you ought to have attended to, while not neglecting the others.

wmth@Luke:11:52 @ »Alas for you expounders of the Law! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you yourselves have not entered, and those who wanted to enter you have hindered.«

wmth@Luke:12:3 @ Whatever therefore you have said in the dark, will be heard in the light; and what you have whispered within closed doors will be proclaimed from the house-tops.

wmth@Luke:12:8 @ »And I tell you that every man who shall have acknowledged me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.«

wmth@Luke:12:17 @ and he debated within himself, saying, »`What am I to do? for I have no place in which to store my crops.'

wmth@Luke:12:19 @ and I will say to my life, »`Life, you have ample possessions laid up for many years to come: take your ease, eat, drink, enjoy yourself.'

wmth@Luke:12:24 @ Observe the ravens. They neither sow nor reap, and have neither store-chamber nor barn. And yet God feeds them. How far more precious are you than the birds!

wmth@Luke:12:35 @ »Have your girdles on, and let your lamps be alight;

wmth@Luke:12:39 @ Of this be sure, that if the master of the house had known what time the robber was coming, he would have kept awake and not have allowed his house to be broken into.

wmth@Luke:12:50 @ But I have a baptism to undergo; and how am I pent up till it is accomplished!

wmth@Luke:12:59 @ Never, I tell you, will you get free till you have paid the last farthing.«

wmth@Luke:13:7 @ So he said to the gardener, »`See, this is the third year I have come to look for fruit on this fig-tree and cannot find any. Cut it down. Why should so much ground be actually wasted?'

wmth@Luke:13:8 @ »But the gardener pleaded,« `Leave it, Sir, this year also, till I have dug round it and manured it.

wmth@Luke:13:25 @ As soon as the Master of the house shall have risen and shut the door, and you have begun to stand outside and knock at the door and say, »`Sir, open the door for us' –«`I do not know you,' He answers; `you are no friends of mine.'

wmth@Luke:13:26 @ »Then you will plead,« `We have eaten and drunk in your company and you have taught in our streets.'

wmth@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou who murderest the Prophets and stonest those who have been sent to thee, how often have I desired to gather thy children just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not come!

wmth@Luke:14:5 @ Then He turned to them and said, »Which of you shall have a child or an ox fall into a well on the Sabbath day, and will not immediately lift him out?«

wmth@Luke:14:8 @ »When any one invites you to a wedding banquet, do not take the best seat, lest perhaps some more honoured guest than you may have been asked,

wmth@Luke:14:14 @ and you will be blessed, because they have no means of requiting you, but there will be requital for you at the Resurrection of the righteous.«

wmth@Luke:14:18 @ »But they all without exception began to excuse themselves. The first told him,« `I have purchased a piece of land, and must of necessity go and look at it. Pray hold me excused.'

wmth@Luke:14:19 @ »A second pleaded,« `I have bought five yoke of oxen, and am on my way to try them. Pray hold me excused.'

wmth@Luke:15:6 @ Then coming home he calls his friends and neighbours together, and says, `Congratulate me, for I have found my sheep–the one I had lost.'

wmth@Luke:15:7 @ I tell you that in the same way there will be rejoicing in Heaven over one repentant sinner–more rejoicing than over ninety-nine blameless persons who have no need of repentance.

wmth@Luke:15:9 @ And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbours, and says, »`Congratulate me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.'

wmth@Luke:15:17 @ »But on coming to himself he said,« `How many of my father's hired men have more bread than they want, while I here am dying of hunger!

wmth@Luke:15:18 @ I will rise and go to my father, and will say to him, Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before you:

wmth@Luke:15:21 @ »`Father,' cried the son, `I have sinned against Heaven and before you: no longer do I deserve to be called a son of yours.'«

wmth@Luke:15:29 @ »`All these years,' replied the son, `I have been slaving for you, and I have never at any time disobeyed any of your orders, and yet you have never given me so much as a kid, for me to enjoy myself with my friends;«

wmth@Luke:15:30 @ but now that this son of yours is come who has eaten up your property among his bad women, you have killed the fat calf for him.'

wmth@Luke:16:11 @ If therefore you have not proved yourselves faithful in dealing with the wealth that is tainted with fraud, who will entrust to you the true good?

wmth@Luke:16:12 @ And if you have not been faithful in dealing with that which is not your own, who will give you that which is your own?

wmth@Luke:16:16 @ The Law and the Prophets continued until John came: from that time the Good News of the Kingdom of God has been spreading, and all classes have been forcing their way into it.

wmth@Luke:16:28 @ For I have five brothers. Let him earnestly warn them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'

wmth@Luke:16:29 @ »`They have Moses and the Prophets,' replied Abraham; `let them hear them.'«

wmth@Luke:17:8 @ and will not rather say to him, `Get my dinner ready, make yourself tidy, and wait upon me till I have finished my dinner, and then you shall have yours'?

wmth@Luke:17:10 @ So you also, when you have obeyed all the orders given you, must say, »`There is no merit in our service: what we have done is only what we were in duty bound to do.'«

wmth@Luke:17:18 @ Have none been found to come back and give glory to God except this foreigner?«

wmth@Luke:18:4 @ »For a time he would not, but afterwards he said to himself,« `Though I have neither reverence for God nor respect for man,

wmth@Luke:18:21 @ »All of those,« he replied, »I have kept from my youth.«

wmth@Luke:18:22 @ On receiving this answer Jesus said to him, »There is still one thing wanting in you. Sell everything you possess and give the money to the poor, and you shall have wealth in Heaven; and then come, follow me.«

wmth@Luke:18:28 @ Then Peter said, »See, we have given up our homes and have followed you.«

wmth@Luke:19:8 @ Zacchaeus however stood up, and addressing the Lord said, »Here and now, Master, I give half my property to the poor, and if I have unjustly exacted money from any man, I pledge myself to repay to him four times the amount.«

wmth@Luke:19:17 @ »`Well done, good servant,' he replied; `because you have been faithful in a very small matter, be in authority over ten towns.'«

wmth@Luke:19:20 @ »The next came.« `Sir,' he said, `here is your pound, which I have kept wrapt up in a cloth.

wmth@Luke:19:23 @ why then did you not put my money into a bank, that when I came I might have received it back with interest?

wmth@Luke:19:46 @ »It is written,« He said, but you have made it

wmth@Luke:20:35 @ But as for those who shall have been deemed worthy to find a place in that other age and in the Resurrection from among the dead, the men do not marry and the women are not given in marriage.

wmth@Luke:20:39 @ Then some of the Scribes replied, »Rabbi, you have spoken well.«

wmth@Luke:21:4 @ For from what they could well spare they have all of them contributed to the offerings, but she in her need has thrown in all she had to live on.«

wmth@Luke:21:23 @ »Alas for the women who at that time are with child or who have infants; for there will be great distress in the land, and anger towards this People.«

wmth@Luke:21:24 @ They will fall by the sword, or be carried off into slavery among all the Gentiles. And Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles, till the appointed times of the Gentiles have expired.

wmth@Luke:21:30 @ As soon as they have shot out their leaves, you know at a glance that summer is now near.

wmth@Luke:22:10 @ »You will no sooner have entered the city,« He replied, »than you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house to which he goes,

wmth@Luke:22:15 @ He said to them, »Earnestly have I longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer;

wmth@Luke:22:28 @ You however have remained with me amid my trials;

wmth@Luke:22:31 @ »Simon, Simon, I tell you that Satan has obtained permission to have all of you to sift as wheat is sifted.

wmth@Luke:22:32 @ But have prayed for that your faith may not fail, and you, when at last you have come back to your true self, must strengthen your brethren.«

wmth@Luke:22:34 @ »I tell you, Peter,« said Jesus, »that the cock will not crow to-day till you have three times denied that you know me.«

wmth@Luke:22:52 @ Then Jesus said to the High Priests and Commanders of the Temple and Elders, who had come to arrest Him, »Have you come out as if to fight with a robber, with swords and cudgels?

wmth@Luke:22:71 @ »What need have we of further evidence?« they said; »for we ourselves have heard it from his own lips.«

wmth@Luke:23:2 @ »We have found this man,« they said, »an agitator among our nation, forbidding the payment of tribute to Caesar, and claiming to be himself an anointed king.«

wmth@Luke:23:14 @ »You have brought this man to me on a charge of corrupting the loyalty of the people. But, you see, I have examined him in your presence and have discovered in the man no ground for the accusations which you bring against him.

wmth@Luke:23:22 @ A third time he appealed to them: »Why, what crime has the man committed? I have discovered in him nothing that deserves death. I will therefore give him a light punishment and release him.«

wmth@Luke:23:29 @ For a time is coming when they will say, `Blessed are the women who never bore children, and the breasts which have never given nourishment.'

wmth@Luke:23:41 @ And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving due requital for what we have done. But He has done nothing amiss.«

wmth@Luke:24:18 @ Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered, »Are you a stranger lodging alone in Jerusalem, that you have known nothing of the things that have lately happened in the city?«

wmth@Luke:24:22 @ And, besides, some of the women of our company have amazed us. They went to the tomb at daybreak,

wmth@Luke:24:25 @ »O dull-witted men,« He replied, »with minds so slow to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!

wmth@Luke:24:39 @ See my hands and my feet–it is my very self. Feel me and see, for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see I have

wmth@Luke:24:41 @ But, while they still could not believe it for joy and were full of astonishment, He asked them, »Have you any food here?«

wmth@John:1:12 @ But all who have received Him, to them –that is, to those who trust in His name– He has given the privilege of becoming children of God;

wmth@John:1:16 @ For He it is from whose fulness we have all received, and grace upon grace.

wmth@John:1:31 @ I did not yet know Him; but that He may be openly shown to Israel is the reason why I have come baptizing in water.«

wmth@John:1:32 @ John also gave testimony by stating: »I have seen the Spirit coming down like a dove out of Heaven; and it remained upon Him.

wmth@John:1:34 @ »This I have seen, and I have become a witness that He is the Son of God.«

wmth@John:1:41 @ He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, »We have found the Messiah!« –that is to say, the Anointed One.

wmth@John:1:45 @ Then Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, »We have found him about whom Moses in the Law wrote, as well as the Prophets–Jesus, the son of Joseph, a man of Nazareth.«

wmth@John:2:3 @ Now the wine ran short; whereupon the mother of Jesus said to Him, »They have no wine.«

wmth@John:2:10 @ and said to him, »It is usual to put on the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then that which is inferior. But you have kept the good wine till now.«

wmth@John:3:12 @ If I have told you earthly things and none of you believe me, how will you believe me if I tell you of things in Heaven?

wmth@John:3:15 @ in order that every one who trusts in Him may have the Life of the Ages.«

wmth@John:3:16 @ For so greatly did God love the world that He gave His only Son, that every one who trusts in Him may not perish but may have the Life of Ages.

wmth@John:3:21 @ But he who does what is honest and right comes to the light, in order that his actions may be plainly shown to have been done in God.

wmth@John:4:9 @ »How is it,« replied the woman, »that a Jew like you asks me, who am a woman and a Samaritan, for water?« (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)

wmth@John:4:10 @ »If you had known God's free gift,« replied Jesus, »and who it is that said to you, `Give me some water,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.«

wmth@John:4:11 @ »Sir,« she said, »you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; so where can you get the living water from?

wmth@John:4:17 @ »I have no husband,« she replied. »You rightly say that you have no husband,« said Jesus;

wmth@John:4:18 @ »for you have had five husbands, and the man you have at present is not your husband. You have spoken the truth in saying that.«

wmth@John:4:29 @ »Come,« she said, »and see a man who has told me everything I have ever done. Can this be the Christ, do you think?«

wmth@John:4:32 @ »I have food to eat,« He replied, »of which you do not know.«

wmth@John:4:38 @ I sent you to reap a harvest which is not the result of your own labours. Others have laboured, and you are getting benefit from their labours.«

wmth@John:4:39 @ Of the Samaritan population of that town a good many believed in Him because of the woman's statement when she declared, »He has told me all that I have ever done.«

wmth@John:4:42 @ and they said to the woman, »We no longer believe in Him simply because of your statements; for we have now heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.«

wmth@John:5:6 @ Jesus saw him lying there, and knowing that he had been a long time in that condition, He asked him, »Do you wish to have health and strength?«

wmth@John:5:7 @ »Sir,« replied the sufferer, »I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is moved; but while I am coming some one else steps down before me.«

wmth@John:5:26 @ For just as the Father has life in Himself, so He has also given to the Son to have life in Himself.

wmth@John:5:29 @ they who have done what is right to the resurrection of Life, and they whose actions have been evil to the resurrection of judgement.

wmth@John:5:36 @ »But the testimony which I have is weightier than that of John; for the work the Father has assigned to me for me to bring it to completion –the very work which I am doing– affords testimony concerning me that the Father has sent me.«

wmth@John:5:37 @ And the Father who sent me, has given testimony concerning me. None of you have ever either heard His voice or seen what He is like.

wmth@John:5:38 @ Nor have you His word dwelling within you, for you refuse to believe Him whom has sent.

wmth@John:5:40 @ and yet you are unwilling to come to me that you may have Life.

wmth@John:5:43 @ I have come as my Father's representative, and you do not receive me. If some one else comes representing only himself, him you will receive.

wmth@John:5:44 @ How is it possible for you to believe, while you receive glory from one another and have no desire for the glory that comes from the only God?

wmth@John:6:26 @ »In most solemn truth I tell you,« replied Jesus, »that you are searching for me not because you have seen miracles, but because you ate the loaves and had a hearty meal.

wmth@John:6:36 @ But it is as I have said to you: you have seen me and yet you do not believe.

wmth@John:6:38 @ For I have left Heaven and have come down to earth not to seek my own pleasure, but to do the will of Him who sent me.

wmth@John:6:40 @ For this is my Father's will, that every one who fixes his gaze on the Son of God and believes in Him should have the Life of the Ages, and I will raise him to life on the last day.«

wmth@John:6:42 @ They kept asking, »Is not this man Joseph's son? Is he not Jesus, whose father and mother we know? What does he mean by now saying, `I have come down out of Heaven'?«

wmth@John:6:53 @ »In most solemn truth I tell you,« said Jesus, »that unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no Life in you.

wmth@John:6:63 @ It is the spirit which gives Life. The flesh confers no benefit whatever. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and are Life.

wmth@John:6:69 @ And we have come to believe and know that are indeed the Holy One of God.«

wmth@John:7:21 @ »One deed I have done,« replied Jesus, »and you are all full of wonder.

wmth@John:7:23 @ If a child is circumcised even on a Sabbath day, are you bitter against me because I have restored a man to perfect health on a Sabbath day?

wmth@John:7:26 @ But here he is, speaking openly and boldly, and they say nothing to him! Can the Rulers really have ascertained that this man is the Christ?

wmth@John:7:28 @ Jesus therefore, while teaching in the Temple, cried aloud, and said, »Yes, you know me, and you know where I am from. And yet I have not come of my own accord; but there is One who has sent me, an Authority indeed, of whom you have no knowledge.

wmth@John:7:45 @ Meanwhile the officers returned to the High Priests and Pharisees, who asked them, »Why have you not brought him?«

wmth@John:8:6 @ They asked this in order to put Him to the test, so that they might have some charge to bring against Him. But Jesus leant forward and began to write with His finger on the ground.

wmth@John:8:12 @ Once more Jesus addressed them. »I am the Light of the world,« He said; »the man who follows me shall certainly not walk in the dark, but shall have the light of Life.«

wmth@John:8:26 @ »Many things I have to speak and to judge concerning you. But He who sent me is true, and the things which I have heard from Him are those which I have come into the world to speak.«

wmth@John:8:28 @ So Jesus added, »When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He. Of myself I do nothing; but as the Father has taught me, so I speak.

wmth@John:8:33 @ »We are descendants of Abraham,« they answered, »and have never at any time been in slavery to any one. What do those words of yours mean, `You shall become free'?«

wmth@John:8:38 @ The words I speak are those I have learnt in the presence of the Father. Therefore you also should do what you have heard from your father.«

wmth@John:8:40 @ But, in fact, you are longing to kill me, a man who has spoken to you the truth which I have heard from God. Abraham did not do that.

wmth@John:8:41 @ You are doing the deeds of your father. »We,« they replied, »are not illegitimate children. We have one Father, namely God.«

wmth@John:8:42 @ »If God were your Father,« said Jesus, »you would love me; for it is from God that I came and I am now here. I have not come of myself, but sent me.

wmth@John:8:51 @ In most solemn truth I tell you that if any one shall have obeyed my teaching he shall in no case ever see death.«

wmth@John:8:52 @ »Now,« exclaimed the Jews, »we know that you are possessed by a demon. Abraham died, and so did the Prophets, and yet say, `If any one shall have obeyed my teaching, he shall in no case ever taste death.'

wmth@John:8:54 @ »Were I to glorify myself,« answered Jesus, »I should have no real glory. There is One who glorifies me–namely my Father, who you say is your God.

wmth@John:8:57 @ »You are not yet fifty years old,« cried the Jews, »and have you seen Abraham?«

wmth@John:9:27 @ »I have told you already,« he replied, »and you did not listen to me. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also mean to be disciples of his?«

wmth@John:9:33 @ Had that man not come from God, he could have done nothing.«

wmth@John:9:37 @ »You have seen Him,« said Jesus; »and not only so: He is now speaking to you.«

wmth@John:9:41 @ »If you were blind,« answered Jesus, »you would have no sin; but as a matter of fact you boast that you see. So your sin remains!«

wmth@John:10:8 @ All who have come before me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep would not listen to them.

wmth@John:10:10 @ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that they may have Life, and may have it in abundance.

wmth@John:10:16 @ I have also other sheep–which do not belong to this fold. Those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice; and they shall become one flock under one Shepherd.

wmth@John:10:25 @ »I have told you,« answered Jesus, »and you do not believe. The deeds that I do in my Father's name–they give testimony about me.

wmth@John:10:32 @ Jesus remonstrated with them. »Many good deeds,« He said, »have I shown you as coming from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?«

wmth@John:11:8 @ »Rabbi,« exclaimed the disciples, »the Jews have just been trying to stone you, and do you think of going back there again?«

wmth@John:11:21 @ So Martha came and spoke to Jesus. »Master, if you had been here,« she said, »my brother would not have died.

wmth@John:11:32 @ Mary then, when she came to Jesus and saw Him, fell at His feet and exclaimed, »Master, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.«

wmth@John:11:34 @ though deeply troubled, asked them, »Where have you laid him?«»Master, come and see,« was their reply.

wmth@John:11:42 @ I know that Thou always hearest me; but for the sake of the crowd standing round I have said this–that they may believe that Thou didst send me.«

wmth@John:12:7 @ But Jesus interposed. »Do not blame her,« He said, »allow her to have kept it for the time of my preparation for burial.

wmth@John:12:8 @ For the poor you always have with you, but you have not me always.«

wmth@John:12:27 @ Now is my soul full of trouble; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. But for this purpose I have come to this hour.

wmth@John:12:28 @ Father, glorify Thy name.« Thereupon there came a voice from the sky, »I have glorified it and will also glorify it again.«

wmth@John:12:34 @ The crowd answered Him, »We have heard out of the Law that the Christ remains for ever. In what sense do you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is that Son of Man?«

wmth@John:12:35 @ »Yet a little while,« He replied, »the light is among you. Be faithful to the light that you have, for fear darkness should overtake you; for a man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going.

wmth@John:12:36 @ In the degree that you have light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light.« Jesus said this, and went away and hid Himself from them.

wmth@John:12:46 @ I have come like light into the world, in order that no one who believes in me may remain in the dark.

wmth@John:12:48 @ He who sets me at naught and does not receive my teachings is not left without a judge: the Message which I have spoken will judge him on the last day.

wmth@John:12:49 @ Because I have not spoken on my own authority; but the Father who sent me, Himself gave me a command what to say and in what words to speak.

wmth@John:13:8 @ »Never, while the world lasts,« said Peter, »shall you wash my feet.«»If I do not wash you,« replied Jesus, »you have no share with me.«

wmth@John:13:12 @ So after He had washed their feet, put on His garments again, and returned to the table, He said to them, »Do you understand what I have done to you?

wmth@John:13:14 @ If I then, your Master and Rabbi, have washed your feet, it is also your duty to wash one another's feet.

wmth@John:13:15 @ For I have set you an example in order that you may do what I have done to you.

wmth@John:13:18 @ I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says,

wmth@John:13:34 @ A new commandment I give you, to love one another; that as I have loved you, you also may love one another.

wmth@John:13:38 @ »You say you will lay down your life on my behalf!« said Jesus; »in most solemn truth I tell you that the cock will not crow before you have three times disowned me.«

wmth@John:14:2 @ In my Father's house there are many resting-places. Were it otherwise, I would have told you; for I am going to make ready a place for you.

wmth@John:14:7 @ If you –all of you– knew me, you would fully know my Father also. From this time forward you know Him and have seen Him.«

wmth@John:14:9 @ »Have I been so long among you,« Jesus answered, »and yet you, Philip, do not know me? He who has seen me has seen the Father. How can ask me, `Cause us to see the Father'?

wmth@John:14:25 @ »All this I have spoken to you while still with you.«

wmth@John:14:26 @ But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will teach you everything, and will bring to your memories all that I have said to you.

wmth@John:14:28 @ »You heard me say to you, `I am going away, and yet I am coming to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced because I am going to the Father; for the Father is greater than I am.

wmth@John:14:29 @ I have now told you before it comes to pass, that when it has come to pass you may believe.

wmth@John:15:3 @ Already you are cleansed–through the teaching which I have given you.

wmth@John:15:9 @ As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you: continue in my love.

wmth@John:15:10 @ If you obey my commands, you will continue in my love, as I have obeyed my Father's commands and continue in His love.

wmth@John:15:11 @ »These things I have spoken to you in order that I may have joy in you, and that your joy may become perfect.«

wmth@John:15:12 @ This is my commandment to you, to love one another as I have loved you.

wmth@John:15:15 @ No longer do I call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all that I have heard from the Father I have made known to you.

wmth@John:15:19 @ If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own property. But because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world–for that reason the world hates you.

wmth@John:15:20 @ Bear in mind what I said to you, `A servant is not superior to his master.' If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

wmth@John:15:22 @ »If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have had no sin; but as the case stands they are without excuse for their sin.«

wmth@John:15:24 @ If I had not done among them, as I have, such miracles as no one else ever did, they would have had no sin; but they have in fact seen and also hated both me and my Father.

wmth@John:15:27 @ And you also are witnesses, because you have been with me from the first.

wmth@John:16:1 @ »These things I have spoken to you in order to clear stumbling-blocks out of your path.«

wmth@John:16:3 @ And they will do these things because they have failed to recognize the Father and to discover who I am.

wmth@John:16:4 @ But I have spoken these things to you in order that when the time for their accomplishment comes you may remember them, and may recollect that I told you. I did not, however, tell you all this at first, because I was still with you.

wmth@John:16:6 @ But grief has filled your hearts because I have said all this to you.

wmth@John:16:12 @ »I have much more to say to you, but you are unable at present to bear the burden of it.«

wmth@John:16:22 @ So you also now have sorrow; but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be glad, and your gladness no one will take away from you.

wmth@John:16:24 @ As yet you have not asked for anything in my name: ask, and you shall receive, that your hearts may be filled with gladness.

wmth@John:16:25 @ »All this I have spoken to you in veiled language. The time is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in veiled language, but will tell you about the Father in plain words.«

wmth@John:16:27 @ for the Father Himself holds you dear, because you have held me dear and have believed that I came from the Father's presence.

wmth@John:16:28 @ I came from the Father and have come into the world. Again I am leaving the world and am going to the Father.«

wmth@John:16:30 @ Now we know that you have all knowledge, and do not need to be pressed with questions. Through this we believe that you came from God.«

wmth@John:16:33 @ »I have spoken all this to you in order that in me you may have peace. In the world you have affliction. But keep up your courage: have won the victory over the world.«

wmth@John:17:4 @ I have glorified Thee on earth, having done perfectly the work which by Thine appointment has been mine to do.

wmth@John:17:6 @ »I have revealed Thy perfections to the men whom Thou gavest me out of the world. Thine they were, and Thou gavest them to me, and they have obeyed Thy message.«

wmth@John:17:8 @ For the truths which Thou didst teach me I have taught them. And they have received them, and have known for certain that I came out from Thy presence, and have believed that Thou didst send me.

wmth@John:17:13 @ »But now I am coming to Thee, and I speak these words while I am in the world, in order that they may have my gladness within them filling their hearts.«

wmth@John:17:14 @ I have given them Thy Message, and the world has hated them, because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.

wmth@John:17:18 @ Just as Thou didst send me into the world, I also have sent them;

wmth@John:17:22 @ And the glory which Thou hast given me I have given them, that they may be one, just as we are one:

wmth@John:17:25 @ And, righteous Father, though the world has failed to recognize Thee, I have known Thee, and these have perceived that Thou didst send me.

wmth@John:17:26 @ And I have made known Thy name to them and will make it known, that the love with which Thou hast loved me may be in them, and that I may be in them.«

wmth@John:18:8 @ »I have told you,« replied Jesus, »that I am he. If therefore you are looking for me, let these my disciples go their way.«

wmth@John:18:9 @ He made this request in order that the words He had spoken might be fulfilled, »As for those whom Thou hast given me, I have not lost one.«

wmth@John:18:20 @ »As for me,« replied Jesus, »I have spoken openly to the world. I have continually taught in some synagogue or in the Temple where all the Jews are wont to assemble, and I have said nothing in secret.

wmth@John:18:23 @ »If I have spoken wrongly,« replied Jesus, »bear witness to it as wrong; but if rightly, why that blow?«

wmth@John:18:29 @ Accordingly Pilate came out to them and inquired, »What accusation have you to bring against this man?«

wmth@John:18:30 @ »If the man were not a criminal,« they replied, »we would not have handed him over to you.«

wmth@John:18:31 @ »Take him yourselves,« said Pilate, »and judge him by your Law.«»We have no power,« replied the Jews, »to put any man to death.«

wmth@John:18:34 @ »Do you say this of yourself, or have others told it you about me?« replied Jesus.

wmth@John:18:35 @ »Am I a Jew?« exclaimed Pilate; »it is your own nation and the High Priests who have handed you over to me. What have you done?«

wmth@John:18:36 @ »My kingdom,« replied Jesus, »does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my subjects would have resolutely fought to save me from being delivered up to the Jews. But, as a matter of fact, my kingdom has not this origin.«

wmth@John:18:37 @ »So then are a king!« rejoined Pilate. »Yes,« said Jesus, »you say truly that I am a king. For this purpose I was born, and for this purpose I have come into the world–to give testimony for the truth. Every one who is a friend of the truth listens to my voice.«

wmth@John:18:39 @ But you have a custom that I should release one prisoner to you at the Passover. So shall I release to you the King of the Jews?«

wmth@John:19:7 @ »We,« replied the Jews, »have a Law, and in accordance with that Law he ought to die, for having claimed to be the Son of God.«

wmth@John:19:10 @ »Do you refuse to speak even to me?« asked Pilate; »do you not know that I have it in my power either to release you or to crucify you?«

wmth@John:19:11 @ »You would have had no power whatever over me,« replied Jesus, »had it not been granted you from above. On that account he who has delivered me up to you is more guilty than you are.«

wmth@John:19:15 @ This caused a storm of outcries, »Away with him! Away with him! Crucify him!«»Am I to crucify your king?« Pilate asked. »We have no king, except Caesar,« answered the High Priests.

wmth@John:19:22 @ »What I have written I have written,« was Pilate's answer.

wmth@John:19:31 @ Meanwhile the Jews, because it was the day of Preparation for the Passover, and in order that the bodies might not remain on the crosses during the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was one of special solemnity), requested Pilate to have the legs of the dying men broken, and the bodies removed.

wmth@John:20:2 @ So she ran, as fast as she could, to find Simon Peter and the other disciple –the one who was dear to Jesus– and to tell them, »They have taken the Master out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have put Him.«

wmth@John:20:13 @ They spoke to her. »Why are you weeping?« they asked. »Because,« she replied, »they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have put him.«

wmth@John:20:15 @ »Why are you weeping?« He asked; »who are you looking for?« She, supposing that He was the gardener, replied, »Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him and I will remove him.«

wmth@John:20:17 @ »Do not cling to me,« said Jesus, »for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But take this message to my brethren: `I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'«

wmth@John:20:18 @ Mary of Magdala came and brought word to the disciples. »I have seen the Master,« she said. And she told them that He had said these things to her.

wmth@John:20:25 @ So the rest of the disciples told him, »We have seen the Master!« His reply was, »Unless I see in his hands the wound made by the nails and put my finger into the wound, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe it.«

wmth@John:20:29 @ »Because you have seen me,« replied Jesus, »you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.«

wmth@John:20:31 @ But these have been recorded in order that you may believe that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and that, through believing, you may have Life through His name.

wmth@John:21:5 @ He called to them. »Children,« He said, »have you any food there?«»No,« they answered.

wmth@John:21:12 @ »Come this way and have breakfast,« said Jesus. But not one of the disciples ventured to question Him as to who He was, for they felt sure that it was the Master.

wmth@John:21:18 @ »In most solemn truth I tell you that whereas, when you were young, you used to put on your girdle and walk whichever way you chose, when you have grown old you will stretch out your arms and some one else will put a girdle round you and carry you where you have no wish to go.«

wmth@John:21:25 @ But there are also many other things which Jesus did–so vast a number indeed that if they were all described in detail, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would have to be written.

wmth@Acts:1:4 @ And while in their company He charged them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father's promised gift. »This you have heard of,« He said, »from me.

wmth@Acts:1:5 @ For John indeed baptized with water, but before many days have passed you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.«

wmth@Acts:1:11 @ who said, »Galilaeans, why stand looking into the sky? This same Jesus who has been taken up from you into Heaven will come in just the same way as you have seen Him going into Heaven.«

wmth@Acts:1:21 @ »It is necessary, therefore, that of the men who have been with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us–

wmth@Acts:2:17 @ And it shall come to pass in the last days, God says, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall have dreams;

wmth@Acts:2:23 @ delivered up through God's settled purpose and foreknowledge–you by the hands of Gentiles have nailed to a cross and have put to death.

wmth@Acts:2:29 @ »As to the patriarch David, I need hardly remind you, brethren, that he died and was buried, and that we still have his tomb among us.«

wmth@Acts:3:6 @ »I have no silver or gold,« Peter said, »but what I have, I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene– walk!«

wmth@Acts:3:24 @ Yes, and all the Prophets, from Samuel onwards –all who have spoken– have also announced the coming of this present time.

wmth@Acts:4:7 @ So they made the Apostles stand in the centre, and demanded of them, »By what power or in what name have you done this?«

wmth@Acts:4:20 @ As for us, what we have seen and heard we cannot help speaking about.«

wmth@Acts:5:4 @ While it remained unsold, was not the land your own? And when sold, was it not at your own disposal? How is it that you have cherished this design in your heart? It is not to men you have told this lie, but to God.«

wmth@Acts:5:9 @ »How was it,« replied Peter, »that you two agreed to try an experiment upon the Spirit of the Lord? The men who have buried your husband are already at the door, and they will carry you out.«

wmth@Acts:5:28 @ »We strictly forbad you to teach in that name–did we not?« he said. »And see, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and are trying to make us responsible for that man's death!«

wmth@Acts:6:11 @ Then they privately put forward men who declared, »We have heard him speak blasphemous things against Moses and against God.«

wmth@Acts:6:14 @ For we have heard him say that Jesus, the Nazarene, will pull this place down to the ground and will change the customs which Moses handed down to us.«

wmth@Acts:7:34 @ I have seen, yes, I have seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt and have heard their groans, and I have come down to deliver them. And now I will send you to Egypt.'

wmth@Acts:7:52 @ Which of the Prophets did not your forefathers persecute? Yes, they killed those who announced beforehand the advent of the righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become–

wmth@Acts:7:53 @ you who received the Law given through angels, and yet have not obeyed it.«

wmth@Acts:8:20 @ »Perish your money and yourself,« replied Peter, »because you have imagined that you can obtain God's free gift with money!

wmth@Acts:8:21 @ No part or lot have you in this matter, for your heart is not right in God's sight.

wmth@Acts:8:23 @ For I perceive that you have fallen into the bitterest bondage of unrighteousness.«

wmth@Acts:8:24 @ »Pray, both of you, to the Lord for me,« answered Simon, »that nothing of what you have said may come upon me.«

wmth@Acts:9:13 @ »Lord,« answered Ananias, »I have heard about that man from many, and I have heard of the great mischief he has done to Thy people in Jerusalem;

wmth@Acts:10:4 @ Looking steadily at him, and being much alarmed, he said, »What do you want, Sir?«»Your prayers and charities,« he replied, »have gone up and have been recorded before God.

wmth@Acts:10:14 @ »On no account, Lord,« he replied; »for I have never yet eaten anything unholy and impure.«

wmth@Acts:10:20 @ Rise, go down, and go with them without any misgivings; for it is I who have sent them to you.«

wmth@Acts:10:22 @ Their reply was, »Cornelius, a Captain, an upright and God-fearing man, of whom the whole Jewish nation speaks well, has been divinely instructed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and listen to what you have to say.«

wmth@Acts:10:31 @ who said, »`Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your charities have been put on record before God.

wmth@Acts:10:47 @ »Can any one forbid the use of water, and object to these persons being baptized–men who have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?«

wmth@Acts:12:18 @ When morning came, there was no little commotion among the soldiers, as to what could possibly have become of Peter.

wmth@Acts:13:2 @ While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, »Set apart for Me, now at once, Barnabas and Saul, for the work to which I have called them.«

wmth@Acts:13:15 @ After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the Wardens of the synagogue sent word to them. »Brethren,« they said, »if you have anything encouraging to say to the people, speak.«

wmth@Acts:13:22 @ After removing him, He raised up David to be their king, to whom He also bore witness when He said, »`I have found David the son of Jesse, a man I love, who will obey all My commands.'

wmth@Acts:13:27 @ For the people of Jerusalem and their rulers, by the judgement they pronounced on Jesus, have actually fulfilled the predictions of the Prophets which are read Sabbath after Sabbath, through ignorance of those predictions and of Him.

wmth@Acts:13:28 @ Without having found Him guilty of any capital offence they urged Pilate to have Him put to death;

wmth@Acts:13:42 @ As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people earnestly begged to have all this repeated to them on the following Sabbath.

wmth@Acts:14:11 @ So he sprang up and began to walk about. Then the crowds, seeing what Paul had done, rent the air with their shouts in the Lycaonian language, saying, »The gods have assumed human form and have come down to us.«

wmth@Acts:15:10 @ Now, therefore, why try an experiment upon God, by laying on the necks of these disciples a yoke which neither our forefathers nor we have been able to bear?

wmth@Acts:15:24 @ As we have been informed that certain persons who have gone out from among us have disturbed you by their teaching and have unsettled your minds, without having received any such instructions from us;

wmth@Acts:15:25 @ we have unanimously decided to select certain men and send them to you in company with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul,

wmth@Acts:15:26 @ who have endangered their very lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.

wmth@Acts:15:27 @ We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who are themselves bringing you the same message by word of mouth.

wmth@Acts:15:36 @ After a while Paul said to Barnabas, »Suppose we now revisit the brethren in the various towns in which we have made known the Lord's Message–to see whether they are prospering!«

wmth@Acts:15:38 @ while Paul deemed it undesirable to have as their companion one who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work.

wmth@Acts:16:36 @ So the jailer brought Paul word, saying, »The praetors have sent orders for you to be released. Now therefore you can go, and proceed on your way in peace.«

wmth@Acts:16:37 @ But Paul said to them, »After cruelly beating us in public, without trial, Roman citizens though we are, they have thrown us into prison, and are they now going to send us away privately? No, indeed! Let them come in person and fetch us out.«

wmth@Acts:17:6 @ But, failing to find them, they dragged Jason and some of the other brethren before the magistrates of the city, loudly accusing them. »These men,« they said, »who have raised a tumult throughout the Empire, have come here also.

wmth@Acts:17:28 @ For it is in closest union with Him that we live and move and have our being; as in fact some of the poets in repute among yourselves have said, `For we are also His offspring.'

wmth@Acts:18:10 @ I am with you, and no one shall attack you to injure you; for I have very many people in this city.«

wmth@Acts:18:14 @ But, when Paul was about to begin his defence, Gallio said to the Jews, »If it had been some wrongful act or piece of cunning knavery I might reasonably have listened to you Jews.

wmth@Acts:18:18 @ After remaining a considerable time longer in Corinth, Paul took leave of the brethren and set sail for Syria; and Priscilla and Aquila were with him. He had shaved his head at Cenchreae, because he was bound by a vow.

wmth@Acts:19:15 @ »Jesus I know,« the evil spirit answered, »and Paul I have heard of, but who are you?«

wmth@Acts:19:30 @ Then Paul would have liked to go in and address the people, but the disciples would not let him do so.

wmth@Acts:19:37 @ For you have brought these men here, who are neither robbers of temples nor blasphemers of our goddess.

wmth@Acts:19:38 @ If, however, Demetrius and the mechanics who support his contention have a grievance against any one, there are Assize-days and there are Proconsuls: let the persons interested accuse one another.

wmth@Acts:19:39 @ But if you desire anything further, it will have to be settled in the regular assembly.

wmth@Acts:20:25 @ »And now, I know that none of you among whom I have gone in and out proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom will any longer see my face.«

wmth@Acts:20:27 @ For I have not shrunk from declaring to you God's whole truth.

wmth@Acts:20:33 @ No one's silver or gold or clothing have I coveted.

wmth@Acts:20:34 @ You yourselves know that these hands of mine have provided for my own necessities and for the people with me.

wmth@Acts:20:35 @ In all things I have set you an example, showing you that, by working as I do, you ought to help the weak, and to bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, »`It is more blessed to give than to receive.'«

wmth@Acts:21:20 @ And they, when they had heard his statement, gave the glory to God. Then they said, »You see, brother, how many tens of thousands of Jews there are among those who have accepted the faith, and they are all zealous upholders of the Law.

wmth@Acts:21:21 @ Now what they have been repeatedly told about you is that you teach all the Jews among the Gentiles to abandon Moses, and that you forbid them to circumcise their children or observe old-established customs.

wmth@Acts:21:22 @ What then ought you to do? They are sure to hear that you have come to Jerusalem;

wmth@Acts:21:23 @ so do this which we now tell you. We have four men here who have a vow resting on them.

wmth@Acts:21:24 @ Associate with these men and purify yourself with them, and pay their expenses so that they can shave their heads. Then everybody will know that there is no truth in these stories about you, but that in your own actions you yourself scrupulously obey the Law.

wmth@Acts:21:25 @ But as for the Gentiles who have accepted the faith, we have communicated to them our decision that they are carefully to abstain from anything sacrificed to an idol, from blood, from what is strangled, and from fornication.«

wmth@Acts:22:15 @ For you shall be a witness for Him, to all men, of what you have seen and heard.

wmth@Acts:23:1 @ Then Paul, fixing a steady gaze on the Sanhedrin, said, »Brethren, it is with a perfectly clear conscience that I have discharged my duties before God up to this day.«

wmth@Acts:23:11 @ The following night the Lord came and stood at Paul's side, and said, »Be of good courage, for as you have borne faithful witness about me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome.«

wmth@Acts:23:14 @ They went to the High Priests and Elders and said to them, »We have bound ourselves under a heavy curse to take no food till we have killed Paul.

wmth@Acts:23:19 @ Then the Tribune, taking him by the arm, withdrew out of the hearing of others and asked him, »What have you to tell me?«

wmth@Acts:23:20 @ »The Jews,« he replied, »have agreed to request you to bring Paul down to the Sanhedrin to-morrow for the purpose of making yourself more accurately acquainted with the case.

wmth@Acts:23:21 @ I beg you not to comply; for more than forty men among them are lying in wait for him, who have solemnly vowed that they will neither eat nor drink till they have assassinated him; and even now they are ready, in anticipation of receiving that promise of you.«

wmth@Acts:23:22 @ So the Tribune sent the youth home, cautioning him. »Do not let any one know that you have given me this information,« he said.

wmth@Acts:23:30 @ But now that I have received information of an intended attack upon him, I immediately send him to you, directing his accusers also to state before you the case they have against him.«

wmth@Acts:23:35 @ he said, »I will hear all you have to say, when your accusers also have come.« And he ordered him to be detained in custody in Herod's Palace.

wmth@Acts:24:5 @ For we have found this man Paul a source of mischief and a disturber of the peace among all the Jews throughout the Empire, and a ringleader in the heresy of the Nazarenes.

wmth@Acts:24:10 @ Then, at a sign from the Governor, Paul answered, »Knowing, Sir, that for many years you have administered justice to this nation, I cheerfully make my defence.

wmth@Acts:24:11 @ For you have it in your power to ascertain that it is not more than twelve days ago that I went up to worship in Jerusalem;

wmth@Acts:24:16 @ This too is my own earnest endeavour–always to have a clear conscience in relation to God and man.

wmth@Acts:24:19 @ They ought to have been here before you, and to have been my prosecutors, if they have any charge to bring against me.

wmth@Acts:25:3 @ asking it as a favour, to Paul's prejudice–to have him brought to Jerusalem. They were planning an ambush to kill him on the way.

wmth@Acts:25:8 @ But, in reply, Paul said, »Neither against the Jewish Law, nor against the Temple, nor against Caesar, have I committed any offence whatever.«

wmth@Acts:25:10 @ »I am standing before Caesar's tribunal,« replied Paul, »where alone I ought to be tried. The Jews have no real ground of complaint against me, as in fact you yourself are beginning to see more clearly.

wmth@Acts:25:11 @ If, however, I have done wrong and have committed any offence for which I deserve to die, I do not ask to be excused that penalty. But if there is no truth in what these men allege against me, no one has the right to give me up to them as a favour. I appeal to Caesar.«

wmth@Acts:25:12 @ Then, after conferring with the Council, Festus replied, »To Caesar you have appealed: to Caesar you shall go.«

wmth@Acts:25:21 @ But when Paul appealed to have his case kept for the Emperor's decision, I ordered him to be kept in prison until I could send him up to Caesar.«

wmth@Acts:25:25 @ I could not discover that he had done anything for which he deserved to die; but as he has himself appealed to the Emperor, I have decided to send him to Rome.

wmth@Acts:25:26 @ I have nothing very definite, however, to tell our Sovereign about him. So I have brought the man before you all –and especially before you, King Agrippa– that after he has been examined I may find something which I can put into writing.

wmth@Acts:26:1 @ Then Agrippa said to Paul, »You have permission to speak about yourself.« So Paul, with outstretched arm, proceeded to make his defence.

wmth@Acts:26:4 @ »The kind of life I have lived from my youth upwards, as exemplified in my early days among my nation and in Jerusalem, is known to all the Jews.«

wmth@Acts:26:7 @ the promise which our twelve tribes, worshipping day and night with intense devotedness, hope to have made good to them. It is on the subject of this hope, Sir, that I am accused by the Jews.

wmth@Acts:26:16 @ `But rise, and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for the very purpose of appointing you My servant and My witness both as to the things you have already seen and as to those in which I will appear to you.

wmth@Acts:26:22 @ Having, however, obtained the help which is from God, I have stood firm until now, and have solemnly exhorted rich and poor alike, saying nothing except what the Prophets and Moses predicted as soon to happen,

wmth@Acts:26:26 @ For the King, to whom I speak freely, knows about these matters. I am not to be persuaded that any detail of them has escaped his notice; for these things have not been done in a corner.

wmth@Acts:26:32 @ And Agrippa said to Festus, »He might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed to Caesar.«

wmth@Acts:27:8 @ Then, coasting along with difficulty, we reached a place called `Fair Havens,' near the town of Lasea.

wmth@Acts:27:21 @ When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, »Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss.

wmth@Acts:27:25 @ »Therefore, Sirs, take courage; for I believe God, and am convinced that things will happen exactly as I have been told.

wmth@Acts:27:33 @ And continually, up till daybreak, Paul kept urging all on board to take some food. »This is the fourteenth day,« he said, »that you have been anxiously waiting for the storm to cease, and have fasted, eating little or nothing.

wmth@Acts:28:20 @ For these reasons, then, I have invited you here, that I might see you and speak to you; for it is for the sake of Him who is the hope of Israel that this chain hangs upon me.«

wmth@Acts:28:21 @ »For our part,« they replied, »we have not received any letters from Judaea about you, nor have any of our countrymen come here and reported or stated anything to your disadvantage.

wmth@Romans:1:5 @ through whom we have received grace and Apostleship in His service in order to win men to obedience to the faith, among all Gentile peoples,

wmth@Romans:1:6 @ among whom you also, called, as you have been, to belong to Jesus Christ, are numbered:

wmth@Romans:1:13 @ And I desire you to know, brethren, that I have many a time intended to come to you –though until now I have been disappointed– in order that among you also I might gather some fruit from my labours, as I have already done among the rest of the Gentile nations.

wmth@Romans:1:20 @ For, from the very creation of the world, His invisible perfections –namely His eternal power and divine nature– have been rendered intelligible and clearly visible by His works, so that these men are without excuse.

wmth@Romans:1:28 @ And just as they had refused to continue to have a full knowledge of God, so it was to utterly worthless minds that God gave them up, for them to do things which should not be done.

wmth@Romans:2:12 @ For all who have sinned apart from the Law will also perish apart from the Law, and all who have sinned whilst living under the Law, will be judged by the Law.

wmth@Romans:2:14 @ For when Gentiles who have no Law obey by natural instinct the commands of the Law, they, without having a Law, are a Law to themselves;

wmth@Romans:2:16 @ on the day when God will judge the secrets of men's lives by Jesus Christ, as declared in the Good News as I have taught it.

wmth@Romans:2:19 @ and have persuaded yourself that, as for you, you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness,

wmth@Romans:2:25 @ Circumcision does indeed profit, if you obey the Law; but if you are a Law-breaker, the fact that you have been circumcised counts for nothing.

wmth@Romans:3:3 @ For what if some Jews have proved unfaithful? Shall their faithlessness render God's faithfulness worthless?

wmth@Romans:3:9 @ What then? Are we Jews more highly estimated than they? Not in the least; for we have already charged all Jews and Gentiles alike with being in thraldom to sin.

wmth@Romans:3:12 @ All have turned aside from the right path; they have every one of them become corrupt. There is no one who does what is right–no, not so much as one.«

wmth@Romans:3:13 @ »Their throats resemble an opened grave; with their tongues they have been talking deceitfully.« »The venom of vipers lies hidden behind their lips.«

wmth@Romans:3:17 @ and the way to peace they have not known.«

wmth@Romans:3:23 @ for all alike have sinned, and all consciously come short of the glory of God,

wmth@Romans:5:2 @ through whom also, as the result of faith, we have obtained an introduction into that state of favour with God in which we stand, and we exult in hope of some day sharing in God's glory.

wmth@Romans:5:7 @ Why, it is scarcely conceivable that any one would die for a simply just man, although for a good and lovable man perhaps some one, here and there, will have the courage even to lay down his life.

wmth@Romans:5:9 @ If therefore we have now been pronounced free from guilt through His blood, much more shall we be delivered from God's anger through Him.

wmth@Romans:5:11 @ And not only so, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now obtained that reconciliation.

wmth@Romans:5:14 @ Yet Death reigned as king from Adam to Moses even over those who had not sinned, as Adam did, against Law. And in Adam we have a type of Him whose coming was still future.

wmth@Romans:5:15 @ But God's free gift immeasurably outweighs the transgression. For if through the transgression of the one individual the mass of mankind have died, infinitely greater is the generosity with which God's grace, and the gift given in His grace which found expression in the one man Jesus Christ, have been bestowed on the mass of mankind.

wmth@Romans:6:2 @ No, indeed; how shall we who have died to sin, live in it any longer?

wmth@Romans:6:3 @ And do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?

wmth@Romans:6:5 @ For since we have become one with Him by sharing in His death, we shall also be one with Him by sharing in His resurrection.

wmth@Romans:6:8 @ But, seeing that we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him;

wmth@Romans:6:13 @ and no longer lend your faculties as unrighteous weapons for Sin to use. On the contrary surrender your very selves to God as living men who have risen from the dead, and surrender your several faculties to God, to be used as weapons to maintain the right.

wmth@Romans:6:17 @ But thanks be to God that though you were once in thraldom to Sin, you have now yielded a hearty obedience to that system of truth in which you have been instructed.

wmth@Romans:6:22 @ But now that you have been set free from the tyranny of Sin, and have become the bondservants of God, you have your reward in being made holy, and you have the Life of the Ages as the final result.

wmth@Romans:7:6 @ But seeing that we have died to that which once held us in bondage, the Law has now no hold over us, so that we render a service which, instead of being old and formal, is new and spiritual.

wmth@Romans:7:7 @ What follows? Is the Law itself a sinful thing? No, indeed; on the contrary, unless I had been taught by the Law, I should have known nothing of sin as sin. For instance, I should not have known what covetousness is, if the Law had not repeatedly said,

wmth@Romans:8:15 @ You have not for the second time acquired the consciousness of being –a consciousness which fills you with terror. But you have acquired a deep inward conviction of having been adopted as sons– a conviction which prompts us to cry aloud, »Abba! our Father!«

wmth@Romans:8:24 @ It is that we have been saved. But an object of hope is such no longer when it is present to view; for when a man has a thing before his eyes, how can he be said to hope for it?

wmth@Romans:9:2 @ when I declare that I have deep grief and unceasing anguish of heart.

wmth@Romans:9:4 @ To them belongs recognition as God's sons, and they have His glorious Presence and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the Temple service, and the ancient Promises.

wmth@Romans:9:6 @ Not however that God's word has failed; for all who have sprung from Israel do not count as Israel,

wmth@Romans:9:30 @ To what conclusion does this bring us? Why, that the Gentiles, who were not in pursuit of righteousness, have overtaken it–a righteousness, however, which arises from faith;

wmth@Romans:9:31 @ while the descendants of Israel, who were in pursuit of a Law that could give righteousness, have not arrived at one.

wmth@Romans:10:3 @ Ignorant of the righteousness which God provides and building their hopes upon a righteousness of their own, they have refused submission to God's righteousness.

wmth@Romans:10:14 @ But how are they to call on One in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in One whose voice they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher?

wmth@Romans:10:15 @ And how are men to preach unless they have been sent to do so? As it is written,

wmth@Romans:10:16 @ But, some will say, they have not all hearkened to the Good News. No, for Isaiah asks,

wmth@Romans:10:18 @ But, I ask, have they not heard? Yes, indeed:

wmth@Romans:11:7 @ How then does the matter stand? It stands thus. That which Israel are in earnest pursuit of, they have not obtained; but God's chosen servants have obtained it, and the rest have become hardened.

wmth@Romans:11:11 @ I ask, however, »Have they stumbled so as to be finally ruined?« No, indeed; but by their lapse salvation has come to the Gentiles in order to arouse the jealousy of the descendants of Israel;

wmth@Romans:11:17 @ And if some of the branches have been pruned away, and you, although you were but a wild olive, have been grafted in among them and have become a sharer with others in the rich sap of the root of the olive tree,

wmth@Romans:11:19 @ »Branches have been lopped off,« you will say, »for the sake of my being grafted in.«

wmth@Romans:11:22 @ Notice therefore God's kindness and God's severity. On those who have fallen His severity has descended, but upon you His kindness has come, provided that you do not cease to respond to that kindness. Otherwise you will be cut off also.

wmth@Romans:11:25 @ For there is a truth, brethren, not revealed hitherto, of which I do not wish to leave you in ignorance, for fear you should attribute superior wisdom to yourselves–the truth, I mean, that partial blindness has fallen upon Israel until the great mass of the Gentiles have come in;

wmth@Romans:11:30 @ but just as you were formerly disobedient to Him, but now have received mercy at a time when they are disobedient,

wmth@Romans:11:31 @ so now they also have been disobedient at a time when you are receiving mercy; so that to them too there may now be mercy.

wmth@Romans:11:32 @ For God has locked up all in the prison of unbelief, that upon all alike He may have mercy.

wmth@Romans:12:4 @ For just as there are in the one human body many parts, and these parts have not all the same function;

wmth@Romans:12:6 @ But since we have special gifts which differ in accordance with the diversified work graciously entrusted to us, if it is prophecy, let the prophet speak in exact proportion to his faith;

wmth@Romans:12:16 @ Have full sympathy with one another. Do not give your mind to high things, but let humble ways content you.

wmth@Romans:13:1 @ Let every individual be obedient to those who rule over him; for no one is a ruler except by God's permission, and our present rulers have had their rank and power assigned to them by Him.

wmth@Romans:13:3 @ For judges and magistrates are to be feared not by right-doers but by wrong-doers. You desire –do you not?– to have no reason to fear your ruler. Well, do the thing that is right, and then he will commend you.

wmth@Romans:15:4 @ For all that was written of old has been written for our instruction, so that we may always have hope through the power of endurance and the encouragement which the Scriptures afford.

wmth@Romans:15:9 @ and that the Gentiles also have glorified God in acknowledgment of His mercy. So it is written,

wmth@Romans:15:13 @ May God, the giver of hope, fill you with continual joy and peace because you trust in Him–so that you may have abundant hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

wmth@Romans:15:19 @ with power manifested in signs and marvels, and through the power of the Holy Spirit. But –to speak simply of my own labours– beginning in Jerusalem and the outlying districts, I have proclaimed without reserve, even as far as Illyricum, the Good News of the Christ;

wmth@Romans:15:23 @ But now, as there is no more unoccupied ground in this part of the world, and I have for years past been eager to pay you a visit,

wmth@Romans:15:24 @ I hope, as soon as ever I extend my travels into Spain, to see you on my way and be helped forward by you on my journey, when I have first enjoyed being with you for a time.

wmth@Romans:15:26 @ for Macedonia and Greece have kindly contributed a certain sum in relief of the poor among God's people, in Jerusalem.

wmth@Romans:15:27 @ Yes, they have kindly done this, and, in fact, it was a debt they owed them. For seeing that the Gentiles have been admitted in to partnership with the Jews in their spiritual blessings, they in turn are under an obligation to render sacred service to the Jews in temporal things.

wmth@Romans:16:4 @ friends who have endangered their own lives for mine. I am grateful to them, and not I alone, but all the Gentile Churches also.

wmth@Romans:16:17 @ But I beseech you, brethren, to keep a watch on those who are causing the divisions among you, and are leading others into sin, in defiance of the instruction which you have received; and habitually to shun them.

wmth@1Corinthians:1:5 @ that you have been so richly blessed in Him, with readiness of speech and fulness of knowledge.

wmth@1Corinthians:1:11 @ For I have been distinctly informed, my brethren, about you by Chloe's people, that there are dissensions among you.

wmth@1Corinthians:1:24 @ but to those who have received the Call, whether Jews or Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

wmth@1Corinthians:1:26 @ For consider, brethren, God's call to you. Not many who are wise with merely human wisdom, not many of position and influence, not many of noble birth have been called.

wmth@1Corinthians:1:28 @ and the things which the world regards as base, and those which it sets utterly at nought –things that have no existence– God has chosen in order to reduce to nothing things that do exist;

wmth@1Corinthians:2:8 @ a wisdom which not one of the leaders of the present age possesses, for if they had possessed it, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory.

wmth@1Corinthians:2:9 @ But –to use the words of Scripture– we speak of and which have never entered the heart of man:

wmth@1Corinthians:2:12 @ But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which comes forth from God, that we may know the blessings that have been so freely given to us by God.

wmth@1Corinthians:2:16 @ For But have the mind of Christ.

wmth@1Corinthians:3:10 @ In discharge of the task which God graciously entrusted to me, I –like a competent master-builder– have laid a foundation, and others are building upon it. But let every one be careful how and what he builds.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Therefore form no premature judgements, but wait until the Lord returns. He will both bring to light the secrets of darkness and will openly disclose the motives that have been in people's hearts; and then the praise which each man deserves will come to him from God.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:6 @ In writing this much, brethren, with special reference to Apollos and myself, I have done so for your sakes, in order to teach you by our example what those words mean, which say, »Nothing beyond what is written!« –so that you may cease to take sides in boastful rivalry, for one teacher against another.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:7 @ Why, who gives you your superiority, my brother? Or what have you that you did not receive? And if you really did receive it, why boast as if this were not so?

wmth@1Corinthians:4:8 @ Every one of you already has all that heart can desire; already you have grown rich; without waiting for us, you have ascended your thrones! Yes indeed, would to God that you had ascended your thrones, that we also might reign with you!

wmth@1Corinthians:4:9 @ God, it seems to me, has exhibited us Apostles last of all, as men condemned to death; for we have come to be a spectacle to all creation–alike to angels and to men.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:12 @ Homes we have none. Wearily we toil, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we bear it patiently;

wmth@1Corinthians:4:13 @ when slandered, we try to conciliate. We have come to be regarded as the mere dirt and filth of the world–the refuse of the universe, even to this hour.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:15 @ For even if you were to have ten thousand spiritual instructors–for all that you could not have several fathers. It is I who in Christ Jesus became your father through the Good News.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:17 @ For this reason I have sent Timothy to you. Spiritually he is my dearly-loved and faithful child. He will remind you of my habits as a Christian teacher–the manner in which I teach everywhere in every Church.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:18 @ But some of you have been puffed up through getting the idea that I am not coming to Corinth.

wmth@1Corinthians:5:3 @ I for my part, present with you in spirit although absent in body, have already, as though I were present, judged him who has so acted.

wmth@1Corinthians:5:5 @ I have handed over such a man to Satan for the destruction of his body, that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord Jesus.

wmth@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If therefore you have things belonging to this life which need to be decided, is it men who are absolutely nothing in the Church–is it whom you make your judges?

wmth@1Corinthians:6:7 @ To say no more, then, it is altogether a defect in you that you have law-suits with one another. Why not rather endure injustice? Why not rather submit to being defrauded?

wmth@1Corinthians:6:11 @ And all this describes what some of you were. But now you have had every stain washed off: now you have been set apart as holy: now you have been pronounced free from guilt; in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and through the Spirit of our God.

wmth@1Corinthians:6:19 @ Or do you not know that your bodies are a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is within you–the Spirit whom you have from God?

wmth@1Corinthians:6:20 @ And you are not your own, for you have been redeemed at infinite cost. Therefore glorify God in your bodies.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:2 @ But because there is so much fornication every man should have a wife of his own, and every woman should have a husband.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:14 @ For, in such cases, the unbelieving husband has become –and is– holy through union with a Christian woman, and the unbelieving wife is holy through union with a Christian brother. Otherwise your children would be unholy, but in reality they have a place among God's people.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:16 @ For what assurance have you, O woman, as to whether you will save your husband? Or what assurance have you, O man, as to whether you will save your wife?

wmth@1Corinthians:7:18 @ This is what I command in all the Churches. Was any one already circumcised when called? Let him not have recourse to the surgeons. Was any one uncircumcised when called? Let him remain uncircumcised.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:23 @ You have all been redeemed at infinite cost: do not become slaves to men.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:25 @ Concerning unmarried women I have no command to give you from the Lord; but I offer you my opinion, which is that of a man who, through the Lord's mercy, is deserving of your confidence.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:28 @ Yet if you marry, you have not sinned; and if a maiden marries, she has not sinned. Such people, however, will have outward trouble. But I am for sparing you.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:29 @ Yet of this I warn you, brethren: the time has been shortened–so that henceforth those who have wives should be as though they had none,

wmth@1Corinthians:7:32 @ And I would have you free from worldly anxiety. An unmarried man concerns himself with the Lord's business–how he shall please the Lord;

wmth@1Corinthians:7:40 @ But in my judgement, her state is a more enviable one if she remains as she is; and I also think that I have the Spirit of God.

wmth@1Corinthians:8:1 @ Now as to things which have been sacrificed to idols. This is a subject which we already understand–because we all have knowledge of it. Knowledge, however, tends to make people conceited; it is love that builds us up.

wmth@1Corinthians:8:2 @ If any one imagines that he already possesses any true knowledge, he has as yet attained to no knowledge of the kind to which he ought to have attained;

wmth@1Corinthians:8:4 @ As to eating things which have been sacrificed to idols, we are fully aware that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no God but One.

wmth@1Corinthians:8:6 @ yet have but one God, the Father, who is the source of all things and for whose service we exist, and but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom we and all things exist.

wmth@1Corinthians:9:1 @ Am I not free? Am I not an Apostle? Can it be denied that I have seen Jesus, our Lord? Are not you yourselves my work in the Lord?

wmth@1Corinthians:9:4 @ Have we not a right to claim food and drink?

wmth@1Corinthians:9:5 @ Have we not a right to take with us on our journeys a Christian sister as our wife, as the rest of the Apostles do–and the Lord's brothers and Peter?

wmth@1Corinthians:9:12 @ If other teachers possess that right over you, do not we possess it much more? Yet we have not availed ourselves of the right, but we patiently endure all things rather than hinder in the least degree the progress of the Good News of the Christ.

wmth@1Corinthians:9:13 @ Do you not know that those who perform the sacred rites have their food from the sacred place, and that those who serve at the altar all alike share with the altar?

wmth@1Corinthians:9:15 @ But I, for my part, have not used, and do not use, my full rights in any of these things. Nor do I now write with that object so far as I myself am concerned, for I would rather die than have anybody make this boast of mine an empty one.

wmth@1Corinthians:9:19 @ Though free from all human control, I have made myself the slave of all in the hope of winning as many converts as possible.

wmth@1Corinthians:9:20 @ To the Jews I have become like a Jew in order to win Jews; to men under the Law as if I were under the Law –although I am not– in order to win those who are under the Law;

wmth@1Corinthians:9:22 @ To the weak I have become weak, so as to gain the weak. To all men I have become all things, in the hope that in every one of these ways I may save some.

wmth@1Corinthians:9:27 @ but I hit hard and straight at my own body and lead it off into slavery, lest possibly, after I have been a herald to others, I should myself be rejected.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:1 @ For I would have you remember, brethren, how our forefathers were all of them sheltered by the cloud, and all got safely through the Red Sea.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:11 @ All this kept happening to them with a figurative meaning; but it was put on record by way of admonition to us upon whom the ends of the Ages have come.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:20 @ No, but that which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, not to God; and I would not have you have fellowship with one another through the demons.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:2 @ Now I commend you for remembering me in everything, and because you hold fast truths and practices precisely as I have taught them to you.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:3 @ I would have you know, however, that of every man, Christ is the Head, that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ's Head.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:6 @ If a woman will not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair. But since it is a dishonor to a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a veil.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:7 @ For a man ought not to have a veil on his head, since he is the image and glory of God; while woman is the glory of man.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:10 @ That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:16 @ But if any one is inclined to be contentious on the point, we have no such custom, nor have the Churches of God.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:22 @ Why, have you no homes in which to eat and drink? Or do you wish to show your contempt for the Church of God and make those who have no homes feel ashamed? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? In this matter I certainly do not praise you.

wmth@1Corinthians:12:1 @ It is important, brethren, that you should have clear knowledge on the subject of spiritual gifts.

wmth@1Corinthians:12:3 @ For this reason I would have you understand that no one speaking under the influence of The Spirit of God ever says, »Jesus is accursed,« and that no one is able to say, »Jesus is Lord,« except under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

wmth@1Corinthians:12:23 @ and those which we deem less honorable we clothe with more abundant honor; and so our ungraceful parts come to have a more abundant grace, while our graceful parts have everything they need.

wmth@1Corinthians:12:30 @ Have all miraculous powers? Have all ability to cure diseases? Do all speak in `tongues'? Do all interpret?

wmth@1Corinthians:13:1 @ If I can speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but am destitute of Love, I have but become a loud-sounding trumpet or a clanging cymbal.

wmth@1Corinthians:13:2 @ If I possess the gift of prophecy and am versed in all mysteries and all knowledge, and have such absolute faith that I can remove mountains, but am destitute of Love, I am nothing.

wmth@1Corinthians:13:5 @ She does not behave unbecomingly, nor seek to aggrandize herself, nor blaze out in passionate anger, nor brood over wrongs.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:6 @ Afterwards He was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once, most of whom are still alive, although some of them have now fallen asleep.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:15 @ Nay more, we are actually being discovered to be bearing false witness about God, because we have testified that God raised Christ to life, whom He did not raise, if in reality none of the dead are raised.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:18 @ It follows also that those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:19 @ If in this present life we have a resting on Christ, and nothing more, we are more to be pitied than all the rest of the world.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:24 @ Later on, comes the End, when He is to surrender the Kingship to God, the Father, when He shall have overthrown all other government and all other authority and power.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:25 @ For He must continue King until He shall have put all His enemies under His feet.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:27 @ for He will have put all things in subjection under His feet. And when He shall have declared that »All things are in subjection,« it will be with the manifest exception of Him who has reduced them all to subjection to Him.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:32 @ If from merely human motives I have fought with wild beasts in Ephesus, what profit is it to me? If the dead do not rise, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:34 @ Wake from this drunken fit; live righteous lives, and cease to sin; for some have no knowledge of God: I speak thus in order to move you to shame.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:49 @ And as we have borne a resemblance to the earthy one, let us see to it that we also bear a resemblance to the heavenly One.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:1 @ As to the collection for God's people, what I have directed the Churches of Galatia to do, you must do also.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:9 @ for a wide door stands open before me which demands great efforts, and we have many opponents.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:12 @ As for our brother Apollos, I have repeatedly urged him to accompany the brethren who are coming to you: but he is quite resolved not to do so at present. He will come, however, when he has a good opportunity.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:15 @ And I beseech you, brethren –you know the household of Stephanas, how they were the earliest Greek converts to Christ, and have devoted themselves to the service of God's people–

wmth@1Corinthians:16:17 @ It is a joy to me that Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus have now arrived, because what was wanting so far as you are concerned they have supplied.

wmth@1Corinthians:16:18 @ They have refreshed my spirit, and yours. Acknowledge such men as these.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:5 @ For just as we have more than our share of suffering for the Christ, so also through the Christ we have more than our share of comfort.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:8 @ For as for our troubles which came upon us in the province of Asia, we would have you know, brethren, that we were exceedingly weighed down, and felt overwhelmed, so that we renounced all hope even of life.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:9 @ Nay, we had, as we still have, the sentence of death within our own selves, in order that our confidence may repose, not on ourselves, but on God who raised the dead to life.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:10 @ He it is who rescued us from so imminent a death, and will do so again; and we have a firm hope in Him that He will also rescue us in all the future,

wmth@2Corinthians:1:12 @ For the reason for our boasting is this–the testimony of our own conscience that it was in holiness and with pure motives before God, and in reliance not on worldly wisdom but on the gracious help of God, that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and above all in our relations with you.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:13 @ For we are writing to you nothing different from what we have written before, or from what indeed you already recognize as truth and will, I trust, recognize as such to the very end;

wmth@2Corinthians:1:14 @ just as some few of you have recognized us as your reason for boasting, even as you will be ours, on the day of Jesus our Lord.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:20 @ For all the promises of God, whatever their number, have their confirmation in Him; and for this reason through Him also our »Amen« acknowledges their truth and promotes the glory of God through our faith.

wmth@2Corinthians:2:1 @ But, so far as I am concerned, I have resolved not to have a painful visit the next time I come to see you.

wmth@2Corinthians:2:5 @ Now if any one has caused sorrow, it has been caused not so much to me, as in some degree –for I have no wish to exaggerate– to all of you.

wmth@2Corinthians:2:9 @ For in writing to you I have also this object in view–to discover by experience whether you are prepared to be obedient in every respect.

wmth@2Corinthians:2:10 @ When you forgive a man an offence I also forgive it; for in fact what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has always been for your sakes in the presence of Christ,

wmth@2Corinthians:3:4 @ Such is the confidence which we have through Christ in the presence of God;

wmth@2Corinthians:3:16 @ But whenever the heart of the nation shall have returned to the Lord, the veil will be withdrawn.

wmth@2Corinthians:4:2 @ Nay, we have renounced the secrecy which marks a feeling of shame. We practice no cunning tricks, nor do we adulterate God's Message. But by a full clear statement of the truth we strive to commend ourselves in the presence of God to every human conscience.

wmth@2Corinthians:4:7 @ But we have this treasure in a fragile vase of clay, in order that the surpassing greatness of the power may be seen to belong to God, and not to originate in us.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:1 @ For we know that if this poor tent, our earthly house, is taken down, we have in Heaven a building which God has provided, a house not built by human hands, but eternal.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:6 @ We have therefore a cheerful confidence. We know that while we are at home in the body we are banished from the Lord;

wmth@2Corinthians:5:8 @ So we have a cheerful confidence, and we anticipate with greater delight being banished from the body and going home to the Lord.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:12 @ We are not again commending ourselves to your favour, but are furnishing you with a ground of boasting on our behalf, so that you may have a reply ready for those with whom superficial appearances are everything and sincerity of heart counts for nothing.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:13 @ For if we have been beside ourselves, it has been for God's glory; or if we are now in our right senses, it is in order to be of service to you.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:14 @ For the love of Christ overmasters us, the conclusion at which we have arrived being this–that One having died for all, His death was their death,

wmth@2Corinthians:5:16 @ Therefore for the future we know no one simply as a man. Even if we have known Christ as a man, yet now we do so no longer.

wmth@2Corinthians:6:1 @ And you also we, as God's fellow workers, entreat not to be found to have received His grace to no purpose.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:2 @ Make room for us in your hearts. There is not one of you whom we have wronged, not one to whom we have done harm, not one over whom we have gained any selfish advantage.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:3 @ I do not say this to imply blame, for, as I have already said, you have such a place in our hearts that we would die with you or live with you.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:4 @ I have great confidence in you: very loudly do I boast of you. I am filled with comfort: my heart overflows with joy amid all our affliction.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:11 @ For mark the effects of this very thing –your having sorrowed with a godly sorrow– what earnestness it has called forth in you, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing affection, what jealousy, what meting out of justice! You have completely wiped away reproach from yourselves in the matter.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:13 @ For this reason we feel comforted; and –in addition to this our comfort– we have been filled with all the deeper joy at Titus's joy, because his spirit has been set at rest by you all.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:14 @ For however I may have boasted to him about you, I have no reason to feel ashamed; but as we have in all respects spoken the truth to you, so also our boasting to Titus about you has turned out to be the truth.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:16 @ I rejoice that I have absolute confidence in you.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:3 @ For I can testify that to the utmost of their power, and even beyond their power, they have of their own free will given help.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:10 @ But in this matter I give you an opinion; for my doing this helps forward your own intentions, seeing that not only have you begun operations, but a year ago you already had the desire to do so.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:13 @ I do not urge you to give in order that others may have relief while you are unduly pressed,

wmth@2Corinthians:8:22 @ And we send with them our brother, of whose zeal we have had frequent proof in many matters, and who is now more zealous than ever through the strong confidence which he has in you.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:2 @ For I know your earnest willingness, on account of which I habitually boast of you to the Macedonians, pointing out to them that for a whole year you in Greece have been ready; and the greater number of them have been spurred on by your ardour.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:3 @ Still I send the brethren in order that in this matter our boast about you may not turn out to have been an idle one; so that, as I have said, you may be ready;

wmth@2Corinthians:9:5 @ I have thought it absolutely necessary therefore to request these brethren to visit you before I myself come, and to make sure beforehand that the gift of love which you have already promised may be ready as a gift of love, and may not seem to have been something which I have extorted from you.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:8 @ And God is able to bestow every blessing on you in abundance, so that richly enjoying all sufficiency at all times, you may have ample means for all good works.

wmth@2Corinthians:10:1 @ But as for me Paul, I entreat you by the gentleness and self-forgetfulness of Christ–I who when among you have not an imposing personal presence, but when absent am fearlessly outspoken in dealing with you.

wmth@2Corinthians:10:6 @ while we hold ourselves in readiness to punish every act of disobedience, as soon as ever you as a Church have fully shown your obedience.

wmth@2Corinthians:10:8 @ If, however, I were to boast more loudly of our Apostolic authority, which the Lord has given us that we may build you up, not pull you down, I should have no reason to feel ashamed.

wmth@2Corinthians:10:12 @ For we have not the `courage' to rank ourselves among, or compare ourselves with, certain persons distinguished by their self-commendation. Yet they are not wise, measuring themselves, as they do, by one another and comparing themselves with one another.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:1 @ I wish you could have borne with a little foolish boasting on my part. Nay, do bear with me.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:2 @ I am jealous over you with God's own jealousy. For I have betrothed you to Christ to present you to Him like a faithful bride to her one husband.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:4 @ If indeed some visitor is proclaiming among you another Jesus whom we did not proclaim, or if you are receiving a Spirit different from the One you have already received or a Good News different from that which you have already welcomed, your toleration is admirable!

wmth@2Corinthians:11:6 @ And if in the matter of speech I am no orator, yet in knowledge I am not deficient. Nay, we have in every way made that fully evident to you.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:24 @ From the Jews I five times have received forty lashes all but one.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:25 @ Three times I have been beaten with Roman rods, once I have been stoned, three times I have been shipwrecked, once for full four and twenty hours I was floating on the open sea.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:26 @ I have served Him by frequent travelling, amid dangers in crossing rivers, dangers from robbers; dangers from my own countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles; dangers in the city, dangers in the Desert, dangers by sea, dangers from spies in our midst;

wmth@2Corinthians:12:8 @ As for this, three times have I besought the Lord to rid me of him;

wmth@2Corinthians:12:11 @ It is foolish of me to write all this, but you have compelled me to do so. Why, you ought to have been my vindicators; for in no respect have I been inferior to these superlatively great Apostles, even though in myself I am nothing.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:12 @ The signs that characterize the true Apostle have been done among you, accompanied by unwearied fortitude, and by tokens and marvels and displays of power.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:13 @ In what respect, therefore, have you been worse dealt with than other Churches, except that I myself never hung as a dead weight upon you? Forgive the injustice I thus did you!

wmth@2Corinthians:12:15 @ And as for me, most gladly will I spend all I have and be utterly spent for your salvation.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:17 @ Have I gained any selfish advantage over you through any one of the messengers I have sent to you?

wmth@2Corinthians:12:21 @ and that upon re-visiting you I may be humbled by my God in your presence, and may have to mourn over many whose hearts still cling to their old sins, and who have not repented of the impurity, fornication, and gross sensuality, of which they have been guilty.

wmth@2Corinthians:13:2 @ Those who cling to their old sins, and indeed all of you, I have forewarned and still forewarn (as I did on my second visit when present, so I do now, though absent) that, when I come again, I shall not spare you;

wmth@2Corinthians:13:8 @ For we have no power against the truth, but only for the furtherance of the truth;

wmth@2Corinthians:13:10 @ For this reason I write thus while absent, that when present I may not have to act severely in the exercise of the authority which the Lord has given me for building up, and not for pulling down.

wmth@Galatians:1:8 @ But if even we or an angel from Heaven should bring you a Good News different from that which we have already brought you, let him be accursed.

wmth@Galatians:1:9 @ What I have just said I repeat–if any one is preaching to you a Good News other than that which you originally received, let him be accursed.

wmth@Galatians:1:13 @ For you have heard of my early career in Judaism–how I furiously persecuted the Church of God, and made havoc of it;

wmth@Galatians:2:2 @ I went up in obedience to a revelation of God's will; and I explained to them the Good News which I proclaim among the Gentiles. To the leaders of the Church this explanation was made in private, lest by any means I should be running, or should already have run, in vain.

wmth@Galatians:2:16 @ know that it is not through obedience to Law that a man can be declared free from guilt, but only through faith in Jesus Christ. We have therefore believed in Christ Jesus, for the purpose of being declared free from guilt, through faith in Christ and not through obedience to Law. For through obedience to Law no human being shall be declared free from guilt.

wmth@Galatians:2:19 @ for it is by the Law that I have died to the Law, in order that I may live to God.

wmth@Galatians:2:20 @ I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me; and the life which I now live in the body I live through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up to death on my behalf.

wmth@Galatians:3:4 @ Have you endured such sufferings to no purpose–if indeed it has been to no purpose?

wmth@Galatians:3:21 @ God, however, is only one. Is the Law then opposed to the promises of God? No, indeed; for if a Law had been given which could have conferred Life, righteousness would certainly have come by the Law.

wmth@Galatians:3:27 @ for all of you who have been baptized into Christ, have clothed yourselves with Christ.

wmth@Galatians:4:11 @ I am alarmed about you, and am afraid that I have perhaps bestowed labour upon you to no purpose.

wmth@Galatians:4:12 @ Brethren, become as I am, I beseech you; for I have also become like you. In no respect did you behave badly to me.

wmth@Galatians:4:15 @ I ask you, then, what has become of your self-congratulations? For I bear you witness that had it been possible you would have torn out your own eyes and have given them to me.

wmth@Galatians:4:16 @ Can it be that I have become your enemy through speaking the truth to you?

wmth@Galatians:5:4 @ Christ has become nothing to any of you who are seeking acceptance with God through the Law: you have fallen away from grace.

wmth@Galatians:5:5 @ have not, for through the Spirit we wait with longing hope for an acceptance with God which is to come through faith.

wmth@Galatians:5:10 @ For my part I have strong confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt my view of the matter. But the man –be he who he may– who is troubling you, will have to bear the full weight of the judgement to be pronounced on him.

wmth@Galatians:5:14 @ For the entire Law has been obeyed when you have kept the single precept, which says,

wmth@Galatians:5:21 @ hard drinking, riotous feasting, and the like. And as to these I forewarn you, as I have already forewarned you, that those who are guilty of such things will have no share in the Kingdom of God.

wmth@Galatians:5:24 @ Against such things as these there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their lower nature with its passions and appetites.

wmth@Galatians:6:5 @ For every man will have to carry his own load.

wmth@Galatians:6:10 @ So then, as we have opportunity, let us labour for the good of all, and especially of those who belong to the household of the faith.

wmth@Galatians:6:13 @ For these very men do not really keep the Law of Moses, but they would have you receive circumcision in order that they may glory in bodies.

wmth@Ephesians:1:7 @ It is in Him, and through the shedding of His blood, that we have our deliverance –the forgiveness of our offences– so abundant was God's grace,

wmth@Ephesians:1:11 @ In Him we Jews have been made heirs, having been chosen beforehand in accordance with the intention of Him whose might carries out in everything the design of His own will,

wmth@Ephesians:2:5 @ caused us, dead though we were through our offences, to live with Christ –it is by grace that you have been saved–

wmth@Ephesians:2:8 @ For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is God's gift, and is not on the ground of merit–

wmth@Ephesians:2:13 @ But now in Christ Jesus you who once were so far away have been brought near through the death of Christ.

wmth@Ephesians:2:18 @ because it is through Him that Jews and Gentiles alike have access through one Spirit to the Father.

wmth@Ephesians:3:2 @ if, that is, you have heard of the work which God has graciously entrusted to me for your benefit,

wmth@Ephesians:3:3 @ and that by a revelation the truth hitherto kept secret was made known to me as I have already briefly explained it to you.

wmth@Ephesians:3:6 @ I mean the truth that the Gentiles are joint heirs with us Jews, and that they form one body with us, and have the same interest as we have in the promise which has been made good in Christ Jesus through the Good News,

wmth@Ephesians:3:7 @ in which I have been appointed to serve, in virtue of the work which God, in the exercise of His power within me, has graciously entrusted to me.

wmth@Ephesians:3:12 @ in whom we have this bold and confident access through our faith in Him.

wmth@Ephesians:4:1 @ I, then, the prisoner for the Master's sake, entreat you to live and act as becomes those who have received the call that you have received–

wmth@Ephesians:4:19 @ Such men being past feeling have abandoned themselves to impurity, greedily indulging in every kind of profligacy.

wmth@Ephesians:4:20 @ But these are not the lessons which you have learned from Christ;

wmth@Ephesians:4:21 @ if at least you have heard His voice and in Him have been taught –and this is true Christian teaching–

wmth@Ephesians:4:28 @ He who has been a thief must steal no more, but, instead of that, should work with his own hands in honest industry, so that he may have something of which he can give the needy a share.

wmth@Ephesians:4:30 @ And beware of grieving the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you have been sealed in preparation for the day of Redemption.

wmth@Ephesians:5:11 @ Have nothing to do with the barren unprofitable deeds of darkness, but, instead of that, set your faces against them;

wmth@Ephesians:6:22 @ I have sent him to you for the very purpose–that you may know about us and that he may encourage you.

wmth@Philippians:1:7 @ And I am justified in having this confidence about you all, because, both during my imprisonment and when I stand up in defence of the Good News or to confirm its truth, I have you in my heart, sharers as you all are in the same grace as myself.

wmth@Philippians:1:12 @ Now I would have you know, brethren, that what I have gone through has turned out to the furtherance of the Good News rather than otherwise.

wmth@Philippians:1:20 @ in fulfilment of my eager expectation and hope that I shall never have reason to feel ashamed, but that by my perfect freedom of speech Christ will be glorified in me, now as always, either by my life or by my death.

wmth@Philippians:1:26 @ so that, as Christians, you may have additional reason for glorying about me as the result of my being with you again.

wmth@Philippians:1:29 @ For you have had the privilege granted you on behalf of Christ–not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer on His behalf;

wmth@Philippians:2:1 @ If then I can appeal to you as the followers of Christ, if there is any persuasive power in love and any common sharing of the Spirit, or if you have any tender-heartedness and compassion, make my joy complete by being of one mind,

wmth@Philippians:2:12 @ Therefore, my dearly-loved friends, as I have always found you obedient, labour earnestly with fear and trembling –not merely as though I were present with you, but much more now since I am absent from you– labour earnestly, I say, to make sure of your own salvation.

wmth@Philippians:2:20 @ For I have no one likeminded with him, who will cherish a genuine care for you.

wmth@Philippians:2:28 @ I am therefore all the more eager to send him, in the hope that when you see him again you may be glad and I may have the less sorrow.

wmth@Philippians:3:3 @ For we are the true circumcision–we who render to God a spiritual worship and make our boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in outward ceremonies:

wmth@Philippians:3:4 @ although I myself might have some excuse for confidence in outward ceremonies. If any one else claims a right to trust in them, far more may I:

wmth@Philippians:3:7 @ Yet all that was gain to me–for Christ's sake I have reckoned it loss.

wmth@Philippians:3:8 @ Nay, I even reckon all things as pure loss because of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. And for His sake I have suffered the loss of everything, and reckon it all as mere refuse, in order that I may win Christ and be found in union with Him,

wmth@Philippians:3:12 @ I do not say that I have already won the race or have already reached perfection. But I am pressing on, striving to lay hold of the prize for which also Christ has laid hold of me.

wmth@Philippians:3:13 @ Brethren, I do not imagine that I have yet laid hold of it. But this one thing I do–forgetting everything which is past and stretching forward to what lies in front of me,

wmth@Philippians:3:16 @ But whatever be the point that we have already reached, let us persevere in the same course.

wmth@Philippians:3:17 @ Brethren, vie with one another in imitating me, and carefully observe those who follow the example which we have set you.

wmth@Philippians:3:18 @ For there are many whom I have often described to you, and I now even with tears describe them, as being enemies to the Cross of Christ.

wmth@Philippians:4:3 @ Yes, and I beg you also, my faithful yoke-fellow, to help these women who have shared my toil in connection with the Good News, together with Clement and the rest of my fellow labourers, whose names are recorded in the Book of Life.

wmth@Philippians:4:10 @ But I rejoice with a deep and holy joy that now at length you have revived your thoughtfulness for my welfare. Indeed you have always been thoughtful for me, although opportunity failed you.

wmth@Philippians:4:11 @ I do not refer to this through fear of privation, for (for my part) I have learned, whatever be my outward experiences, to be content.

wmth@Philippians:4:13 @ I have strength for anything through Him who gives me power.

wmth@Philippians:4:18 @ I have enough of everything –and more than enough. My wants are fully satisfied now that I have received from the hands of Epaphroditus the generous gifts which you sent me– they are a fragrant odor, an acceptable sacrifice, truly pleasing to God.

wmth@Colossians:1:4 @ because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you cherish towards all God's people,

wmth@Colossians:1:5 @ on account of the hope treasured up for you in Heaven. Of this hope you have already heard in the Message of the truth of the Good News.

wmth@Colossians:1:9 @ For this reason we also, from the day we first received these tidings, have never ceased to pray for you and to entreat that you may be filled with a clear knowledge of His will accompanied by thorough wisdom and discernment in spiritual things;

wmth@Colossians:1:14 @ in whom we have our redemption–the forgiveness of our sins.

wmth@Colossians:1:23 @ if, indeed, you are still firmly holding to faith as your foundation, without ever shifting from your hope that rests on the Good News that you have heard, which has been proclaimed in the whole creation under Heaven, and in which I Paul have been appointed to serve.

wmth@Colossians:1:25 @ I have been appointed to serve the Church in the position of responsibility entrusted to me by God for your benefit, so that I may fully deliver God's Message–

wmth@Colossians:2:1 @ For I would have you know in how severe a struggle I am engaged on behalf of you and the brethren in Laodicea and of all who have not known me personally,

wmth@Colossians:2:6 @ As therefore you have received the Christ, even Jesus our Lord, live and act in vital union with Him;

wmth@Colossians:2:20 @ If you have died with Christ and have escaped from the world's rudimentary notions, why, as though your life still belonged to the world, do you submit to such precepts as

wmth@Colossians:2:23 @ These rules have indeed an appearance of wisdom where self-imposed worship exists, and an affectation of humility and an ascetic severity. But not one of them is of any value in combating the indulgence of our lower natures.

wmth@Colossians:3:1 @ If however you have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, enthroned at God's right hand.

wmth@Colossians:3:3 @ For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

wmth@Colossians:3:9 @ Do not speak falsehoods to one another, for you have stripped off the old self with its doings,

wmth@Colossians:3:10 @ and have clothed yourselves with the new self which is being remoulded into full knowledge so as to become like Him who created it.

wmth@Colossians:4:1 @ Masters, deal justly and equitably with your slaves, knowing that you too have a Master in Heaven.

wmth@Colossians:4:5 @ Behave wisely in relation to the outside world, buying up your opportunities.

wmth@Colossians:4:10 @ Aristarchus my fellow prisoner sends greeting to you, and so does Barnabas's cousin Mark. You have received instructions as to him; if he comes to you, give him a welcome.

wmth@Colossians:4:11 @ Jesus, called Justus, also sends greeting. These three are Hebrew converts. They alone among such have worked loyally with me for the Kingdom of God–they are men who have been a comfort to me.

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:5 @ For, as you are well aware, we have never used the language of flattery nor have we found pretexts for enriching ourselves–God is our witness;

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:6 @ nor did we seek glory either from you or from any other mere men, although we might have stood on our dignity as Christ's Apostles.

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:8 @ Seeing that we were thus drawn affectionately towards you, it would have been a joy to us to have imparted to you not only God's Good News, but to have given our very lives also, because you had become very dear to us.

wmth@1Thessalonians:3:5 @ For this reason I also, when I could no longer endure the uncertainty, sent to know the condition of your faith, lest perchance the Tempter might have tempted you and our labour have been lost.

wmth@1Thessalonians:3:7 @ for this reason in our distress and trouble we have been comforted about you, brethren, by your faith.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:5 @ that you be not overmastered by lustful cravings, like the Gentiles who have no knowledge of God;

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:6 @ and that in this matter there be no encroaching on the rights of a brother Christian and no overreaching him. For the Lord is an avenger in all such cases, as we have already taught you and solemnly warned you.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:9 @ But on the subject of love for the brotherhood it is unnecessary for me to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another;

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:13 @ Now, concerning those who from time to time pass away, we would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, lest you should mourn as others do who have no hope.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:14 @ For if we believe that Jesus has died and risen again, we also believe that, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who shall have passed away.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:15 @ For this we declare to you on the Lord's own authority–that we who are alive and continue on earth until the Coming of the Lord, shall certainly not forestall those who shall have previously passed away.

wmth@1Thessalonians:5:27 @ I solemnly charge you in the Lord's name to have this Letter read to all the brethren.

wmth@2Thessalonians:1:8 @ He will come in flames of fire to take vengeance on those who have no knowledge of God, and do not obey the Good News as to Jesus, our Lord.

wmth@2Thessalonians:1:10 @ when He comes on that day to be glorified in His people and to be wondered at among all who have believed, including you–because you believed the testimony which we brought for your acceptance.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:2 @ not readily to become unsettled in mind or troubled –either by any pretended spiritual revelation or by any message or letter claiming to have been sent by us– through fancying that the day of the Lord is now here.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:12 @ in order that all may come under judgement who have refused to believe the truth and have taken pleasure in unrighteousness.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:14 @ To this blessing God has called you by our Good News, so that you may have a share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:15 @ So then, brethren, stand your ground, and hold fast to the teachings which you have received from us, whether by word of mouth or by letter.

wmth@2Thessalonians:3:4 @ And we have confidence in the Lord in regard to you that you are doing, and will do, what we command.

wmth@1Timothy:1:6 @ From these some have drifted away, and have wandered into empty words.

wmth@1Timothy:1:11 @ and is not in accordance with the Good News of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

wmth@1Timothy:1:19 @ holding fast to faith and a clear conscience, which some have cast aside and have made shipwreck of their faith.

wmth@1Timothy:1:20 @ Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.

wmth@1Timothy:2:7 @ and of which I have been appointed a herald and an Apostle (I am speaking the truth: it is not a fiction), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

wmth@1Timothy:2:8 @ So then I would have the men everywhere pray, lifting to God holy hands which are unstained with anger or strife;

wmth@1Timothy:2:9 @ and I would have the women dress becomingly, with modesty and self-control, not with plaited hair or gold or pearls or costly clothes,

wmth@1Timothy:2:12 @ I do not permit a woman to teach, nor have authority over a man, but she must remain silent.

wmth@1Timothy:3:1 @ Faithful is the saying, »If any one is eager to have the oversight of a Church, he desires a noble work.«

wmth@1Timothy:3:2 @ A minister then must be a man of irreproachable character, true to his one wife, temperate, sober-minded, well-behaved, hospitable to strangers, and with a gift for teaching;

wmth@1Timothy:3:5 @ (If a man does not know how to rule his own household, how shall he have the Church of God given into his care?)

wmth@1Timothy:3:13 @ For those who have filled the deacon's office wisely and well, are already gaining for themselves an honourable standing, and are acquiring great freedom of speech in proclaiming the faith which rests on Christ Jesus.

wmth@1Timothy:3:15 @ But, for fear I may be hindered, I now write, so that you may have rules to guide you in dealing with God's household. For this is what the Church of the ever-living God is, and it is the pillar and foundation-stone of the truth.

wmth@1Timothy:4:2 @ through the hypocrisy of men who teach falsely and have their own consciences seared as with a hot iron;

wmth@1Timothy:4:3 @ forbidding people to marry, and insisting on abstinence from foods which God has created to be partaken of, with thankfulness, by those who believe and have a clear knowledge of the truth.

wmth@1Timothy:4:6 @ If you warn the brethren of these dangers you will be a good and faithful servant of Christ Jesus, inwardly feeding on the lessons of the faith and of the sound teaching of which you have been, and are, so close a follower.

wmth@1Timothy:4:7 @ But worldly stories, fit only for credulous old women, have nothing to do with.

wmth@1Timothy:4:10 @ and here is the motive of our toiling and wrestling, because we have our hopes fixed on the ever-living God, who is the Saviour of all mankind, and especially of believers.

wmth@1Timothy:5:10 @ She must have been true to her one husband, and well reported of for good deeds, as having brought up children, received strangers hospitably, washed the feet of God's people, given relief to the distressed, and devoted herself to good works of every kind.

wmth@1Timothy:5:14 @ I would therefore have the younger women marry, bear children, rule in domestic matters, and furnish the Adversary with no excuse for slander.

wmth@1Timothy:5:15 @ For already some of them have gone astray, following Satan.

wmth@1Timothy:6:2 @ And those who have believing masters should not be wanting in respect towards them because they are their brethren, but should serve them all the more willingly because those who profit by the faithful service rendered are believers and are friends.

wmth@1Timothy:6:8 @ and if we have food and clothing, with these we will be satisfied.

wmth@1Timothy:6:10 @ For from love of money all sorts of evils arise; and some have so hankered after money as to be led astray from the faith and be pierced through with countless sorrows.

wmth@1Timothy:6:21 @ of which some have spoken boastfully in connexion with the true faith, and have erred. Grace be with you all.

wmth@2Timothy:1:11 @ of which I have been appointed a preacher, Apostle and teacher, to the Gentiles.

wmth@2Timothy:1:12 @ That indeed is the reason why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know in whom my trust reposes, and I am confident that He has it in His power to keep what I have entrusted to Him safe until that day.

wmth@2Timothy:1:13 @ Provide yourself with an outline of the sound teaching which you have heard from my lips, and be true to the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

wmth@2Timothy:1:15 @ Of this you are aware, that all the Christians in Roman Asia have deserted me: and among them Phygelus and Hermogenes.

wmth@2Timothy:2:2 @ All that you have been taught by me in the hearing of many witnesses, you must hand on to trusty men who shall themselves, in turn, be competent to instruct others also.

wmth@2Timothy:2:18 @ In the matter of the truth they have gone astray, saying that the Resurrection is already past, and so they are overthrowing the faith of some.

wmth@2Timothy:3:3 @ destitute of natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers. They will have no self-control, but will be brutal, opposed to goodness,

wmth@2Timothy:3:9 @ But they will have no further success; for their folly will be as clearly manifest to all men, as that of the opponents of Moses came to be.

wmth@2Timothy:3:10 @ But you have intimately known my teaching, life, aims, faith, patience, love, resignation,

wmth@2Timothy:3:11 @ and the persecutions and sufferings which I have endured; the things which happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. You know the persecutions I endured, and how the Lord delivered me out of them all.

wmth@2Timothy:3:14 @ But you must cling to the things which you have learnt and have been taught to believe, knowing who your teachers were,

wmth@2Timothy:3:15 @ and that from infancy you have known the sacred writings which are able to make you wise to obtain salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

wmth@2Timothy:4:3 @ For a time is coming when they will not tolerate wholesome instruction, but, wanting to have their ears tickled, they will find a multitude of teachers to satisfy their own fancies;

wmth@2Timothy:4:7 @ I have gone through the glorious contest; I have run the race; I have guarded the faith.

wmth@2Timothy:4:11 @ Luke is the only friend I now have with me. Call for Mark on your way and bring him with you, for he is a great help to me in my ministry.

wmth@2Timothy:4:12 @ Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus.

wmth@Titus:1:5 @ I have left you behind in Crete in order that you may set right the things which still require attention, and appoint Elders in every town, as I directed you to do;

wmth@Titus:3:8 @ This is a faithful saying, and on these various points I would have you insist strenuously, in order that those who have their faith fixed on God may be careful to set an example of good actions. For these are not only good in themselves, but are also useful to mankind.

wmth@Titus:3:10 @ After a first and second admonition, have nothing further to do with any one who will not be taught;

wmth@Titus:3:12 @ After I have sent Artemas or Tychicus to you, lose no time in joining me at Nicopolis; for I have decided to pass the winter there.

wmth@Titus:3:13 @ Help Zenas the lawyer forward on his journey with special care, and Apollos, so that they may have all they require.

wmth@Philemon:1:5 @ because I hear of your love and of the faith which you have towards the Lord Jesus and which you manifest towards all God's people;

wmth@Philemon:1:7 @ For I have found great joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of God's people have been, and are, refreshed through you, my brother.

wmth@Philemon:1:10 @ I entreat you on behalf of my own child whose father I have become while in my chains–I mean Onesimus.

wmth@Hebrews:2:1 @ For this reason we ought to pay the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, for fear we should drift away from them.

wmth@Hebrews:2:11 @ For both He who sanctifies and those whom He is sanctifying have all one Father; and for this reason He is not ashamed to speak of them as His brothers;

wmth@Hebrews:3:10 @ Therefore I was greatly grieved with that generation, and I said, `They are ever going astray in heart, and have not learnt to know My paths.'

wmth@Hebrews:3:14 @ For we have, all alike, become sharers with Christ, if we really hold our first confidence firm to the End;

wmth@Hebrews:4:1 @ Therefore let us be on our guard lest perhaps, while He still leaves us a promise of being admitted to His rest, some one of you should be found to have fallen short of it.

wmth@Hebrews:4:3 @ We who have believed are soon to be admitted to the true rest; as He has said, although God's works had been going on ever since the creation of the world.

wmth@Hebrews:4:13 @ And no created thing is able to escape its scrutiny; but everything lies bare and completely exposed before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

wmth@Hebrews:4:14 @ Inasmuch, then, as we have in Jesus, the Son of God, a great High Priest who has passed into Heaven itself, let us hold firmly to our profession of faith.

wmth@Hebrews:4:15 @ For we have not a High Priest who is unable to feel for us in our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in every respect just as we are tempted, and yet did not sin.

wmth@Hebrews:5:11 @ Concerning Him we have much to say, and much that it would be difficult to make clear to you, since you have become so dull of apprehension.

wmth@Hebrews:5:12 @ For although, considering the long time you have been believers, you ought now to be teachers of others, you really need some one to teach you over again the very rudiments of the truths of God, and you have come to require milk instead of solid food.

wmth@Hebrews:5:14 @ Such persons are mere babes. But solid food is for adults–that is, for those who through constant practice have their spiritual faculties carefully trained to distinguish good from evil.

wmth@Hebrews:6:4 @ For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once for all been enlightened, and have tasted the sweetness of the heavenly gift, and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit,

wmth@Hebrews:6:5 @ and have realized how good the word of God is and how mighty are the powers of the coming Age, and then fell away–

wmth@Hebrews:6:9 @ But we, even while we speak in this tone, have a happier conviction concerning you, my dearly-loved friends–a conviction of things which point towards salvation.

wmth@Hebrews:6:10 @ For God is not unjust so that He is unmindful of your labour and of the love which you have manifested towards Himself in having rendered services to His people and in still rendering them.

wmth@Hebrews:6:18 @ He added an oath, in order that, through two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for Him to prove false, we may possess mighty encouragement–we who, for safety, have hastened to lay hold of the hope set before us.

wmth@Hebrews:6:19 @ That hope we have as an anchor of the soul–an anchor that can neither break nor drag. It passes in behind the veil,

wmth@Hebrews:7:4 @ Now think how great this priest-king must have been to whom Abraham the patriarch gave a tenth part of the best of the spoil.

wmth@Hebrews:7:5 @ And those of the descendants of Levi who receive the priesthood are authorized by the Law to take tithes from the people, that is, from their brethren, though these have sprung from Abraham.

wmth@Hebrews:7:18 @ On the one hand we have here the abrogation of an earlier code because it was weak and ineffective–

wmth@Hebrews:7:19 @ for the Law brought no perfect blessing–but on the other hand we have the bringing in of a new and better hope by means of which we draw near to God.

wmth@Hebrews:7:23 @ And they have been appointed priests many in number, because death prevents their continuance in office:

wmth@Hebrews:8:1 @ Now in connexion with what we have been saying the chief point is that we have a High Priest who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God's Majesty in the heavens,

wmth@Hebrews:8:3 @ Every High Priest, however, is appointed to offer both bloodless gifts and sacrifices. Therefore this High Priest also must have some offering to present.

wmth@Hebrews:8:7 @ For if that first Covenant had been free from imperfection, there would have been no attempt to introduce another.

wmth@Hebrews:9:7 @ But into the second, the High Priest goes only on one day of the year, and goes alone, taking with him blood, which he offers on his own behalf and on account of the sins which the people have ignorantly committed.

wmth@Hebrews:9:13 @ For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have contracted defilement make them holy so as to bring about ceremonial purity,

wmth@Hebrews:9:15 @ And because of this He is the negotiator of a new Covenant, in order that, since a life has been given in atonement for the offences committed under the first Covenant, those who have been called may receive the eternal inheritance which has been promised to them.

wmth@Hebrews:9:26 @ In that case Christ would have needed to suffer many times, from the creation of the world onwards; but as a matter of fact He has appeared once for all, at the Close of the Ages, in order to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

wmth@Hebrews:10:2 @ For then would not the sacrifices have ceased to be offered, because the consciences of the worshippers –who in that case would now have been cleansed once for all– would no longer be burdened with sins?

wmth@Hebrews:10:8 @ After saying the words I have just quoted, –all such being offered in obedience to the Law–

wmth@Hebrews:10:10 @ It is through that divine will that we have been set free from sin, through the offering of Jesus Christ as our sacrifice once for all.

wmth@Hebrews:10:18 @ But where these have been forgiven no further offering for sin is required.

wmth@Hebrews:10:19 @ Since then, brethren, we have free access to the Holy place through the blood of Jesus,

wmth@Hebrews:10:21 @ and since we have a great Priest who has authority over the house of God,

wmth@Hebrews:10:34 @ For you not only showed sympathy with those who were imprisoned, but you even submitted with joy when your property was taken from you, being well aware that you have in your own selves a more valuable possession and one which will remain.

wmth@Hebrews:11:5 @ Through faith Enoch was taken from the earth so that he did not see death, and he could not be found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken we have evidence that he truly pleased God.

wmth@Hebrews:11:15 @ And if they had cherished the remembrance of the country they had left, they would have found an opportunity to return;

wmth@Hebrews:12:4 @ In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted so as to endanger your lives;

wmth@Hebrews:12:5 @ and you have quite forgotten the encouraging words which are addressed to you as sons, and which say,

wmth@Hebrews:12:11 @ Now, at the time, discipline seems to be a matter not for joy, but for grief; yet it afterwards yields to those who have passed through its training a result full of peace–namely, righteousness.

wmth@Hebrews:12:18 @ For you have not come to a material object all ablaze with fire, and to gloom and darkness and storm and trumpet-blast and the sound of words–

wmth@Hebrews:12:22 @ On the contrary you have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the ever-living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to countless hosts of angels,

wmth@Hebrews:12:26 @ His voice then shook the earth, but now we have His promise,

wmth@Hebrews:13:2 @ Do not neglect to show kindness to strangers; for, in this way, some, without knowing it, have had angels as their guests.

wmth@Hebrews:13:5 @ Your lives should be untainted by love for money. Be content with what you have; for God Himself has said,

wmth@Hebrews:13:9 @ Do not be drawn aside by all sorts of strange teaching; for it is well to have the heart made stedfast through God's grace, and not by special kinds of food, from which those who scrupulously attend to them have derived no benefit.

wmth@Hebrews:13:10 @ We Christians have an altar from which the ministers of the Jewish Tent have no right to eat.

wmth@Hebrews:13:14 @ For we have no permanent city here, but we are longing for the city which is soon to be ours.

wmth@Hebrews:13:17 @ Obey your leaders and be submissive to them. For they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give account; that they may do this with joy and not with lamentation. For that would be of no advantage to you.

wmth@Hebrews:13:18 @ Keep on praying for us; for we are sure that we have clear consciences, and we desire to live nobly in every respect.

wmth@Hebrews:13:22 @ Bear with me, brethren, when I thus exhort you; for, in fact, it is but a short letter that I have written to you.

wmth@James:1:4 @ Only let endurance have perfect results so that you may become perfect and complete, deficient in nothing.

wmth@James:1:6 @ But let him ask in faith and have no doubts; for he who has doubts is like the surge of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed into spray.

wmth@James:2:4 @ is it not plain that in your hearts you have little faith, seeing that you have become judges full of wrong thoughts?

wmth@James:2:6 @ But have put dishonour upon the poor man. Yet is it not the rich who grind you down? Are not they the very people who drag you into the Law courts? –

wmth@James:2:11 @ For He who said, also said, and if you are a murderer, although not an adulterer, you have become an offender against the Law.

wmth@James:2:13 @ For he who shows no mercy will have judgement given against him without mercy; but mercy triumphs over judgement.

wmth@James:2:14 @ What good is it, my brethren, if a man professes to have faith, and yet his actions do not correspond? Can such faith save him?

wmth@James:2:18 @ Nay, some one will say, »You have faith, I have actions: prove to me your faith apart from corresponding actions and I will prove mine to you by my actions.

wmth@James:3:14 @ But if in your hearts you have bitter feelings of envy and rivalry, do not speak boastfully and falsely, in defiance of the truth.

wmth@James:4:2 @ You covet things and yet cannot get them; you commit murder; you have passionate desires and yet cannot gain your end; you begin to fight and make war. You have not, because you do not pray;

wmth@James:5:2 @ Your treasures have rotted, and your piles of clothing are moth-eaten;

wmth@James:5:3 @ your gold and your silver have become covered with rust, and the rust on them will give evidence against you, and will eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded up wealth in these last days.

wmth@James:5:4 @ I tell you that the pay of the labourers who have gathered in your crops –pay which you are keeping back– is calling out against you; and the outcries of those who have been your reapers have entered into the ears of the Lord of the armies of Heaven.

wmth@James:5:5 @ Here on earth you have lived self-indulgent and profligate lives. You have stupefied yourselves with gross feeding; but a day of slaughter has come.

wmth@James:5:6 @ You have condemned –you have murdered– the righteous man: he offers no resistance.

wmth@James:5:10 @ In illustration, brethren, of persecution patiently endured take the Prophets who have spoken as messengers from the Lord.

wmth@James:5:11 @ Remember that we call those blessed who endured what they did. You have also heard of Job's patient endurance, and have seen the issue of the Lord's dealings with him–how full of tenderness and pity the Lord is.

wmth@1Peter:1:8 @ Him you love, though your eyes have never looked on Him. In Him, though at present you cannot see Him, you nevertheless trust, and triumph with a joy which is unspeakable and is crowned with glory,

wmth@1Peter:1:12 @ To them it was revealed that they were serving not themselves but you, when they foretold the very things which have now been openly declared to you by those who, having been taught by the Holy Spirit which had been sent from Heaven, brought you the Good News. Angels long to stoop and look into these things.

wmth@1Peter:1:22 @ Now that, through your obedience to the truth, you have purified your souls for cherishing sincere brotherly love, you must love another heartily and fervently.

wmth@1Peter:1:23 @ For you have been begotten again by God's ever-living and enduring word from a germ not of perishable, but of imperishable life.

wmth@1Peter:2:3 @ if you have had any experience of the goodness of the Lord.

wmth@1Peter:2:10 @ Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not found mercy, but now you have.

wmth@1Peter:2:24 @ The burden of our sins He Himself carried in His own body to the Cross and bore it there, so that we, having died so far as our sins are concerned, may live righteous lives. By His wounds yours have been healed.

wmth@1Peter:2:25 @ For you were straying like lost sheep, but now you have come back to the Shepherd and Protector of your souls.

wmth@1Peter:3:6 @ Thus, for instance, Sarah obeyed Abraham, acknowledging his authority over her. And you have become Sarah's children if you do what is right and permit nothing whatever to terrify you.

wmth@1Peter:3:9 @ not requiting evil with evil nor abuse with abuse, but, on the contrary, giving a blessing in return, because a blessing is what you have been called by God to inherit.

wmth@1Peter:4:3 @ For you have given time enough in the past to the doing of the things which the Gentiles delight in– pursuing, as you did, a course of habitual licence, debauchery, hard drinking, noisy revelry, drunkenness and unholy image-worship.

wmth@1Peter:4:5 @ But they will have to give account to Him who stands ready to pronounce judgement on the living and the dead.

wmth@1Peter:5:1 @ So I exhort the Elders among you–I who am their fellow Elder and have been an eye-witness of the sufferings of the Christ, and am also a sharer in the glory which is soon to be revealed.

wmth@1Peter:5:10 @ And God, the giver of all grace, who has called you to share His eternal glory, through Christ, after you have suffered for a short time, will Himself make you perfect, firm, and strong.

wmth@1Peter:5:12 @ I send this short letter by Silas, our faithful brother –for such I regard him– in order to encourage you, and to bear witness that what I have told you is the true grace of God. In it stand fast.

wmth@2Peter:1:19 @ And in the written word of prophecy we have something more permanent; to which you do well to pay attention –as to a lamp shining in a dimly-lighted place– until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

wmth@2Peter:1:20 @ But, above all, remember that no prophecy in Scripture will be found to have come from the prophet's own prompting;

wmth@2Peter:2:2 @ And in their immoral ways they will have many eager disciples, through whom religion will be brought into disrepute.

wmth@2Peter:2:15 @ Forsaking the straight road, they have gone astray, having eagerly followed in the steps of Balaam, the son of Beor, who was bent on securing the wages of unrighteousness.

wmth@2Peter:2:21 @ For it would have been better for them not to have fully known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandments in which they were instructed.

wmth@2Peter:3:4 @ and, asking, »What has become of His promised Return? For from the time our forefathers fell asleep all things continue as they have been ever since the creation of the world.«

wmth@2Peter:3:14 @ Therefore, dear friends, since you have these expectations, earnestly seek to be found in His presence, free from blemish or reproach, in peace.

wmth@1John:1:1 @ That which was from the beginning, which we have listened to, which we have seen with our own eyes, and our own hands have handled concerning the Word of Life–

wmth@1John:1:2 @ the Life was manifested, and we have seen and bear witness, and we declare unto you the Life of the Ages which was with the Father and was manifested to us–

wmth@1John:1:3 @ that which we have seen and listened to we now announce to you also, in order that you also may have fellowship in it with us, and this fellowship with us is fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

wmth@1John:1:5 @ This is the Message which we have heard from the Lord Jesus and now deliver to you–God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness.

wmth@1John:1:6 @ If, while we are living in darkness, we profess to have fellowship with Him, we speak falsely and are not adhering to the truth.

wmth@1John:1:7 @ But if we live in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.

wmth@1John:1:10 @ If we deny that we have sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Message has no place in our hearts.

wmth@1John:2:1 @ Dear children, I write thus to you in order that you may not sin. If any one sins, we have an Advocate with the Father–Jesus Christ the righteous;

wmth@1John:2:7 @ My dearly-loved friends, it is no new command that I am now giving you, but an old command which you have had from the very beginning. By the old command I mean the teaching which you have already received.

wmth@1John:2:13 @ I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has existed from the very beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the Evil one. I have written to you, children, because you know the Father.

wmth@1John:2:14 @ I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has existed from the very beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong and God's Message still has a place in your hearts, and you have overcome the Evil one.

wmth@1John:2:18 @ Dear children, the last hour has come; and as you once heard that there was to be an anti-Christ, so even now many anti-Christs have appeared. By this we may know that the last hour has come.

wmth@1John:2:19 @ They have gone forth from our midst, but they did not really belong to us; for had they belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But they left us that it might be manifest that professed believers do not all belong to us.

wmth@1John:2:20 @ As for you, you have an anointing from the holy One and have perfect knowledge.

wmth@1John:2:21 @ I have written to you, not because you are ignorant of the truth, but because you know it, and you know that nothing false comes from the truth.

wmth@1John:2:24 @ As for you, let the teaching which you have received from the very beginning continue in your hearts. If that teaching does continue in your hearts, you also will continue to be in union with the Son and with the Father.

wmth@1John:2:26 @ I have thus written to you concerning those who are leading you astray.

wmth@1John:2:28 @ And now, dear children, continue in union with Him; so that, if He re-appears, we may have perfect confidence, and may not shrink away in shame from His presence at His Coming.

wmth@1John:3:11 @ For this is the Message you have heard from the beginning–that we are to love one another.

wmth@1John:3:14 @ As for us, we know that we have already passed out of death into Life–because we love our brother men. He who is destitute of love continues dead.

wmth@1John:3:21 @ Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have perfect confidence towards God;

wmth@1John:4:1 @ Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but put the spirits to the test to see whether they are from God; for many false teachers have gone out into the world.

wmth@1John:4:3 @ and that no spirit is from God which does not acknowledge this about Jesus. Such is the spirit of the anti-Christ; of whose coming you have heard, and it is already in the world.

wmth@1John:4:4 @ As for you, dear children, you are God's children, and have successfully resisted them; for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

wmth@1John:4:9 @ God's love for us has been manifested in that He has sent His only Son into the world so that we may have Life through Him.

wmth@1John:4:14 @ And we have seen and bear witness that the Father has sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

wmth@1John:4:21 @ And the command which we have from Him is that he who loves God must love his brother man also.

wmth@1John:5:13 @ I write all this to you in order that you who believe in the Son of God may know for certain that you already have the Life of the Ages.

wmth@1John:5:14 @ And we have an assured confidence that whenever we ask anything in accordance with His will, He listens to us.

wmth@1John:5:15 @ And since we know that He listens to us, then whatever we ask, we know that we have the things which we have asked from Him.

wmth@2John:1:4 @ It is an intense joy to me to have found some of your children living true Christian lives, in obedience to the command which we have received from the Father.

wmth@2John:1:5 @ And now, dear lady, I pray you –writing to you, as I do, not a new command, but the one which we have had from the very beginning– let us love one another.

wmth@2John:1:7 @ For many deceivers have gone out into the world–men who do not acknowledge Jesus as Christ who has come in human nature. Such a one is `the deceiver' and `the anti-Christ.'

wmth@2John:1:12 @ I have a great deal to say to you all, but will not write it with paper and ink. Yet I hope to come to see you and speak face to face, so that your happiness may be complete.

wmth@3John:1:4 @ I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are living in obedience to the truth.

wmth@3John:1:6 @ They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God.

wmth@3John:1:7 @ For it is for Christ that they have gone forth, accepting nothing from the Gentiles.

wmth@3John:1:9 @ I wrote to the Church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the first place among them, refuses to listen to us.

wmth@3John:1:13 @ I have a great deal to say to you, but I do not wish to go on writing it with ink and pen.

wmth@Jude:1:4 @ For certain persons have crept in unnoticed –men spoken of in ancient writings as pre-destined to this condemnation– ungodly men, who pervert the grace of our God into an excuse for immorality, and disown Jesus Christ, our only Sovereign and Lord.

wmth@Jude:1:11 @ Alas for them; for they have followed in the steps of Cain; for the sake of gain they have rushed on headlong in the evil ways of Balaam; and have perished in rebellion like that of Korah!

wmth@Jude:1:15 @ and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly deeds which in their ungodliness they have committed, and of all the hard words which they, ungodly sinners as they are, have spoken against Him.«

wmth@Revelation:1:18 @ I died; but I am now alive until the Ages of the Ages, and I have the keys of the gates of Death and of Hades!

wmth@Revelation:1:19 @ Write down therefore the things you have just seen, and those which are now taking place, and those which are soon to follow:

wmth@Revelation:1:20 @ the secret meaning of the seven stars which you have seen in My right hand, and of the seven lampstands of gold. The seven stars are the ministers of the seven Churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven Churches.

wmth@Revelation:2:2 @ I know your doings and your toil and patient suffering. And I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, but have put to the test those who say that they themselves are Apostles but are not, and you have found them to be liars.

wmth@Revelation:2:3 @ And you endure patiently and have borne burdens for My sake and have never grown weary.

wmth@Revelation:2:4 @ Yet I have this against you–that you no longer love Me as you did at first.

wmth@Revelation:2:5 @ Be mindful, therefore, of the height from which you have fallen. Repent at once, and act as you did at first, or else I will surely come and remove your lampstand out of its place–unless you repent.

wmth@Revelation:2:6 @ Yet this you have in your favor: you hate the doings of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

wmth@Revelation:2:7 @ »`Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. To him who overcomes I will give the privilege of eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, which is in the Paradise of God.'«

wmth@Revelation:2:10 @ Dismiss your fears concerning all that you are about to suffer. I tell you that the Devil is about to throw some of you into prison that you may be put to the test, and for ten days you will have to endure persecution. Be faithful to the End, even if you have to die, and then I will give you the victor's Wreath of Life.

wmth@Revelation:2:11 @ »`Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. He who overcomes shall be in no way hurt by the Second Death.'«

wmth@Revelation:2:14 @ Yet I have a few things against you, because you have with you some that cling to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling-block in the way of the descendants of Israel–to eat what had been sacrificed to idols, and commit fornication.

wmth@Revelation:2:15 @ So even you have some that cling in the same way to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.

wmth@Revelation:2:17 @ »`Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. He who overcomes –to him I will give some of the hidden Manna, and a white stone; and– written upon the stone and known only to him who receives it– a new name.'«

wmth@Revelation:2:19 @ I know your doings, your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance; and that of late you have toiled harder than you did at first.

wmth@Revelation:2:20 @ Yet I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and by her teaching leads astray My servants, so that they commit fornication and eat what has been sacrificed to idols.

wmth@Revelation:2:21 @ I have given her time to repent, but she is determined not to repent of her fornication.

wmth@Revelation:2:24 @ But to you, the rest of you in Thyateira, all who do not hold this teaching and are not the people who have learnt the »deep things,« as they call them (the deep things of Satan!) –to you I say that I lay no other burden on you.

wmth@Revelation:2:27 @ And he shall be their shepherd, ruling them with a rod of iron, just as earthenware jars are broken to pieces; and his power over them shall be like that which I Myself have received from My Father;«

wmth@Revelation:2:29 @ Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.'

wmth@Revelation:3:2 @ Rouse yourself and keep awake, and strengthen those things which remain but have well-nigh perished; for I have found no doings of yours free from imperfection in the sight of My God.

wmth@Revelation:3:3 @ Be mindful, therefore, of the lessons you have received and heard. Continually lay them to heart, and repent. If, however, you fail to rouse yourself and keep awake, I shall come upon you suddenly like a thief, and you will certainly not know the hour at which I shall come to judge you.

wmth@Revelation:3:4 @ Yet you have in Sardis a few who have not soiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white; for they are worthy.

wmth@Revelation:3:6 @ Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.'

wmth@Revelation:3:8 @ I know your doings. I have put an opened door in front of you, which no one can shut; because you have but a little power, and yet you have guarded My word and have not disowned Me.

wmth@Revelation:3:9 @ I will cause some belonging to Satan's synagogue who say that they themselves are Jews, and are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall at your feet and know for certain that I have loved you.

wmth@Revelation:3:10 @ Because in spite of suffering you have guarded My word, I in turn will guard you from that hour of trial which is soon coming upon the whole world, to put to the test the inhabitants of the earth.

wmth@Revelation:3:13 @ Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.'

wmth@Revelation:3:17 @ You say, I am rich, and have wealth stored up, and I stand in need of nothing; and you do not know that if there is a wretched creature it is – pitiable, poor, blind, naked.

wmth@Revelation:3:21 @ »`To him who overcomes I will give the privilege of sitting down with Me on My throne, as I also have overcome and have sat down with My Father on His throne.

wmth@Revelation:3:22 @ Let all who have ears give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.'«

wmth@Revelation:5:6 @ Then, midway between the throne and the four living creatures, I saw a Lamb standing among the Elders. He looked as if He had been offered in sacrifice, and He had seven horns and seven eyes. The last-named are the seven Spirits of God, and have been sent far and wide into all the earth.

wmth@Revelation:7:3 @ »Injure neither land nor sea nor trees,« he said, »until we have sealed the bondservants of our God upon their foreheads.«

wmth@Revelation:7:13 @ Then, addressing me, one of the Elders said, »Who are these people clothed in the long white robes? And where have they come from?«

wmth@Revelation:7:14 @ »My lord, you know,« I replied. »They are those,« he said, »who have just passed through the great distress, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

wmth@Revelation:9:4 @ And they were forbidden to injure the herbage of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree. They were only to injure human beings–those who have not the seal of God on their foreheads.

wmth@Revelation:9:12 @ The first woe is past; two other woes have still to come.

wmth@Revelation:10:9 @ So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little book. »Take it,« he said, »and eat the whole of it. You will find it bitter when you have eaten it, although in your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey.«

wmth@Revelation:11:6 @ They have power given to them to seal up the sky, so that no rain may fall so long as they continue to prophesy; and power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with various plagues whenever they choose to do so.

wmth@Revelation:11:7 @ »And when they have fully delivered their testimony, the Wild Beast which is to rise out of the bottomless pit will make war upon them and overcome them and kill them.

wmth@Revelation:12:10 @ Then I heard a loud voice speaking in Heaven. It said, »The salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God have now come, and the sovereignty of His Christ; for the accuser of our brethren has been hurled down–he who, day after day and night after night, was wont to accuse them in the presence of God.

wmth@Revelation:12:11 @ But they have gained the victory over him because of the blood of the Lamb and of the testimony which they have borne, and because they held their lives cheap and did not shrink even from death.

wmth@Revelation:13:3 @ I saw that one of his heads seemed to have been mortally wounded; but his mortal wound was healed, and the whole world was amazed and followed him.

wmth@Revelation:13:9 @ Let all who have ears give heed.

wmth@Revelation:13:16 @ And he causes all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slaves, to have stamped upon them a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

wmth@Revelation:14:4 @ These are those who had not defiled themselves with women: they are as pure as virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been redeemed from among men, as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.

wmth@Revelation:14:11 @ And the smoke of their torment goes up until the Ages of the Ages; and the worshipers of the Wild Beast and his statue have no rest day or night, nor has any one who receives the mark of his name.

wmth@Revelation:14:13 @ And I heard a voice speaking from Heaven. It said, »Write as follows: »`Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from this time onward. Yes, says the Spirit, let them rest from their sorrowful labours; for what they have done goes with them.'«

wmth@Revelation:17:2 @ The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.«

wmth@Revelation:17:8 @ »The Wild Beast which you have seen was, and is not, and yet is destined to re-ascend, before long, out of the bottomless pit and go his way into perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth will be filled with amazement –all whose names are not in the Book of Life, having been recorded there ever since the creation of the world– when they see the Wild Beast: because he was, and is not, and yet is to come.«

wmth@Revelation:17:10 @ And they are seven kings: five of them have fallen, and the one is still reigning. The seventh has not yet come, but when he comes he must continue for a short time.

wmth@Revelation:17:12 @ »And the ten horns which you have seen are ten kings who have not yet come to the throne, but for a single hour they are to receive authority as kings along with the Wild Beast.«

wmth@Revelation:17:13 @ They have one common policy, and they are to give their power and authority to the Wild Beast.

wmth@Revelation:17:15 @ He also said to me, »The waters which you have seen, on which the Harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes, nations and languages.

wmth@Revelation:17:16 @ And the ten horns that you have seen –and the Wild Beast– these will hate the Harlot, and they will cause her to be laid waste and will strip her bare. They will eat her flesh, and burn her up with fire.

wmth@Revelation:17:17 @ For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His purpose, and to carry out a common purpose and to give their kingdom to the Wild Beast until God's words have come to pass.

wmth@Revelation:17:18 @ And the woman whom you have seen is the great city which has kingly power over the kings of the earth.«

wmth@Revelation:18:3 @ For all the nations have drunk the wine of the anger provoked by her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through her excessive luxury.«

wmth@Revelation:18:9 @ The kings of the earth who have committed fornication with her, and have revelled in luxury, shall weep aloud and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning,

wmth@Revelation:18:14 @ The dainties that thy soul longed for are gone from thee, and all thine elegance and splendor have perished, and never again shall they be found.

wmth@Revelation:18:19 @ And they threw dust upon their heads, and cried out, weeping aloud and sorrowing. `Alas, alas,' they said, `for this great city, in which, through her vast wealth, the owners of all the ships on the sea have grown rich; because in one short hour she has been laid waste!'

wmth@Revelation:19:2 @ True and just are His judgments, because He has judged the great Harlot who was corrupting the whole earth with her fornication, and He has taken vengeance for the blood of His bondservants which her hands have shed.«

wmth@Revelation:19:10 @ Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he exclaimed, »Oh, do not do that. I am a fellow bondservant of yours and a fellow bondservant of your brethren who have borne testimony to Jesus. Worship God.« Testimony to Jesus is the spirit which underlies Prophecy.

wmth@Revelation:21:4 @ He will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death shall be no more; nor sorrow, nor wail of woe, nor pain; for the first things have passed away.«

wmth@Revelation:21:6 @ He also said, »They have now been fulfilled. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To those who are thirsty I will give the privilege of drinking from the well of the Water of Life without payment.

wmth@Revelation:22:5 @ And there will be no night there; and they have no need of lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will shine upon them, and they will be kings until the Ages of the Ages.«

wmth@Revelation:22:14 @ Blessed are those who wash their robes clean, that they may have a right to the Tree of Life, and may go through the gates into the city.

wmth@Revelation:22:16 @ »I Jesus have sent My angel for him solemnly to declare these things to you among the Churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, the bright Morning Star.«

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