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drb@Genesis:39:12 @And she catching the skirt of his garment, said: Lie with me. But he leaving the garment in her hand, fled, and went out.

drb@Exodus:14:19 @And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removing, went behind them: and together with him the pillar of the cloud, leaving the forepart,

drb@Leviticus:16:23 @Aaron shall return into the tabernacle of the testimony, and putting off the vestments, which he had on him before when he entered into the sanctuary, and leaving them there,

drb@Numbers:14:18 @The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and leaving no man clear, who visitest the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

drb@Numbers:20:6 @And Moses and Aaron leaving the multitude, went into the tabernacle of the covenant, and fell flat upon the ground, and cried to the Lord, and said: O Lord God, hear the cry of this people, and open to them thy treasure, a fountain of living water, that being satisfied, they may cease to murmur. And the glory of the Lord appeared over them.

drb@Deuteronomy:3:19 @Leaving your wives and children and cattle. For I know you have much cattle, and they must remain in the cities, which I have delivered to you.

drb@Deuteronomy:11:23 @For if you keep the commandments which I command you, and do them, to love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, cleaving unto him,

drb@Joshua:8:17 @And not one remained in the city of Hai and of Bethel, that did not pursue after Israel, leaving the towns open as they had rushed out,

drb@Judges:1:7 @And Adonibezec said: Seventy kings having their fingers and toes cut off, gathered up the leavings of the meat under my table: as I have done, so hath God requited me. And they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.

drb@Ruth:2:14 @And Booz said to her: At mealtime come thou hither, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. So she sat at the side of the reapers, and she heaped to herself frumenty, and ate and was filled, and took the leavings.

drb@1Samuel:17:22 @And David leaving the vessels which he had brought, under the care of the keeper of the baggage, ran to the place of the battle and asked if all things went well with his brethren.

drb@1Samuel:23:28 @Wherefore Saul returned, leaving the pursuit of David, and went to meet the Philistines. For this cause they called that place, the Rock of division.

drb@1Kings:12:13 @And the king answered the people roughly, leaving the counsel of the old men, which they had given him,

drb@2Chronicles:10:13 @And the king answered roughly, leaving the counsel of the ancients.

drb@2Chronicles:11:14 @Leaving their suburbs, and their possessions, and passing over to Juda, and Jerusalem, because Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off, from executing the priestly office to the Lord.

drb@Obadiah:1:12 @But thou shalt not look on in the day of thy brother, in the day of his leaving his country: and thou shalt not rejoice over the children of Juda, in the day of their destruction: and thou shalt not magnify thy mouth in the day of distress.

drb@Matthew:4:13 @And leaving the city Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capharnaum on the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim;

drb@Matthew:4:20 @And they immediately leaving their nets, followed him.

drb@Matthew:21:17 @And leaving them, he went out of the city into Bethania, and remained there.

drb@Matthew:22:22 @And hearing this they wondered, and leaving him, went their ways.

drb@Matthew:26:44 @And leaving them, he went again: and he prayed the third time, saying the selfsame word.

drb@Matthew:26:56 @Now all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the disciples all leaving him, fled.

drb@Mark:1:18 @And immediately leaving their nets, they followed him.

drb@Mark:1:20 @And forthwith he called them. And leaving their father Zebedee in the ship with his hired men, they followed him.

drb@Mark:6:43 @And they took up the leavings, twelve full baskets of fragments, and of the fishes.

drb@Mark:7:8 @For leaving the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men, the washing of pots and of cups: and many other things you do like to these.

drb@Mark:8:13 @And leaving them, he went up again into the ship, and passed to the other side of the water.

drb@Mark:12:12 @And they sought to lay hands on him, but they feared the people. For they knew that he spoke this parable to them. And leaving him, they went their way.

drb@Mark:12:20 @Now there were seven brethren; and the first took a wife, and died leaving no issue.

drb@Mark:14:50 @Then his disciples leaving him, all fled away.

drb@Luke:5:11 @And having brought their ships to land, leaving all things, they followed him.

drb@Luke:5:28 @And leaving all things, he rose up and followed him.

drb@Luke:10:30 @And Jesus answering, said: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, who also stripped him, and having wounded him went away, leaving him half dead.

drb@Acts:21:3 @And when we had discovered Cyprus, leaving it on the left hand, we sailed into Syria, and came to Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.

drb@Acts:23:32 @And the next day, leaving the horsemen to go with him, they returned to the castle.

drb@Romans:1:27 @And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.

drb@Romans:12:9 @Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good.

drb@Hebrews:6:1 @Wherefore leaving the word of the beginning of Christ, let us go on to things more perfect, not laying again the foundation of penance from dead works, and of faith towards God,

drb@1Peter:2:21 @For unto this are you called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example that you should follow his steps.

drb@2Peter:2:15 @Leaving the right way they have gone astray, having followed the way of Balaam of Bosor, who loved the wages of iniquity,

drb@B7114:6 @Then Achior seeing the power that the God of Israel had wrought, leaving the religion of the gentiles, he believed God, and circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and was joined to the people of Israel, with all the succession of his kindred until this present day.

drb@B7115:2 @So that no one spoke to his neighbor, but hanging down the head, leaving all things behind, they made haste to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they heard, were coming armed upon them, and fled by the ways of the fields, and the paths of the hills.

drb@B742:29 @Leaving to the authors the exact handling of every particular, and as for ourselves, according to the plan pro- posed, studying to be brief.

drb@B744:31 @The king therefore went in all haste to appease them, leaving Andronicus, one of his nobles, for his deputy.

drb@B746:31 @Thus did this man die, leaving not only to young men, but also to the whole nation, the memory of his death for an example of virtue and fortitude.

drb@B8012:2 @And therefore thou chastisest them that err, by little and little: and admonishest them, and speakest to them, concerning the things wherein they offend: that leaving their wickedness, they may believe in thee, O Lord.

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