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web@Genesis:16:1 @ Now Sarai, Abram's wife, bore him no children. She had a handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

web@Genesis:16:2 @ Sarai said to Abram, "See now, Yahweh has restrained me from bearing. Please go in to my handmaid. It may be that I will obtain children by her." Abram listened to the voice of Sarai.

web@Genesis:16:3 @ Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her handmaid, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to Abram her husband to be his wife.

web@Genesis:16:5 @ Sarai said to Abram, "This wrong is your fault. I gave my handmaid into your bosom, and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes. Yahweh judge between me and you."

web@Genesis:16:6 @ But Abram said to Sarai, "Behold, your maid is in your hand. Do to her whatever is good in your eyes." Sarai dealt harshly with her, and she fled from her face.

web@Genesis:16:8 @ He said, "Hagar, Sarai's handmaid, where did you come from? Where are you going?" She said, "I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sarai."

web@Genesis:21:10 @ Therefore she said to Abraham, "Cast out this handmaid and her son! For the son of this handmaid will not be heir with my son, Isaac."

web@Genesis:21:12 @ God said to Abraham, "Don't let it be grievous in your sight because of the boy, and because of your handmaid. In all that Sarah says to you, listen to her voice. For from Isaac will your seed be called.

web@Genesis:21:13 @ I will also make a nation of the son of the handmaid, because he is your seed."

web@Genesis:24:43 @ behold, I am standing by this spring of water. Let it happen, that the maiden who comes out to draw, to whom I will say, "Please give me a little water from your pitcher to drink,"

web@Genesis:25:12 @ Now this is the history of the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bore to Abraham.

web@Genesis:29:24 @ Laban gave Zilpah his handmaid to his daughter Leah for a handmaid.

web@Genesis:29:29 @ Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah, his handmaid, to be her handmaid.

web@Genesis:30:3 @ She said, "Behold, my maid Bilhah. Go in to her, that she may bear on my knees, and I also may obtain children by her."

web@Genesis:30:4 @ She gave him Bilhah her handmaid as wife, and Jacob went in to her.

web@Genesis:30:7 @ Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid, conceived again, and bore Jacob a second son.

web@Genesis:30:9 @ When Leah saw that she had finished bearing, she took Zilpah, her handmaid, and gave her to Jacob as a wife.

web@Genesis:30:10 @ Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, bore Jacob a son.

web@Genesis:30:12 @ Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, bore Jacob a second son.

web@Genesis:30:18 @ Leah said, "God has given me my hire, because I gave my handmaid to my husband." She named him Issachar.

web@Genesis:32:22 @ He rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two handmaids, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford of the Jabbok.

web@Genesis:33:1 @ Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau was coming, and with him four hundred men. He divided the children between Leah, Rachel, and the two handmaids.

web@Genesis:33:2 @ He put the handmaids and their children in front, Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph at the rear.

web@Genesis:33:6 @ Then the handmaids came near with their children, and they bowed themselves.

web@Genesis:35:25 @ The sons of Bilhah (Rachel's handmaid): Dan and Naphtali.

web@Genesis:35:26 @ The sons of Zilpah (Leah's handmaid): Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob, who were born to him in Paddan Aram.

web@Exodus:2:5 @ Pharaoh's daughter came down to bathe at the river. Her maidens walked along by the riverside. She saw the basket among the reeds, and sent her handmaid to get it.

web@Exodus:2:8 @ Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Go." The maiden went and called the child's mother.

web@Exodus:21:20 @ "If a man strikes his servant or his maid with a rod, and he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished.

web@Exodus:21:26 @ "If a man strikes his servant's eye, or his maid's eye, and destroys it, he shall let him go free for his eye's sake.

web@Exodus:23:12 @ "Six days you shall do your work, and on the seventh day you shall rest, that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and the son of your handmaid, and the alien may be refreshed.

web@Leviticus:25:6 @ The Sabbath of the land shall be for food for you; for yourself, for your servant, for your maid, for your hired servant, and for your stranger, who lives as a foreigner with you.

web@Deuteronomy:28:68 @ Yahweh will bring you into Egypt again with ships, by the way of which I said to you, You shall see it no more again: and there you shall sell yourselves to your enemies for bondservants and for bondmaids, and no man shall buy you.

web@Judges:19:19 @ Yet there is both straw and provender for our donkeys; and there is bread and wine also for me, and for your handmaid, and for the young man who is with your servants: there is no want of anything."

web@Ruth:2:8 @ Then Boaz said to Ruth, "Listen, my daughter. Don't go to glean in another field, and don't go from here, but stay here close to my maidens.

web@Ruth:2:13 @ Then she said, "Let me find favor in your sight, my lord, because you have comforted me, and because you have spoken kindly to your handmaid, though I am not as one of your handmaidens."

web@Ruth:2:22 @ Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, "It is good, my daughter, that you go out with his maidens, and that they not meet you in any other field."

web@Ruth:2:23 @ So she stayed close to the maidens of Boaz, to glean to the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest; and she lived with her mother-in-law.

web@Ruth:3:2 @ Now isn't Boaz our kinsman, with whose maidens you were? Behold, he winnows barley tonight in the threshing floor.

web@Ruth:3:9 @ He said, "Who are you?" She answered, "I am Ruth your handmaid. Therefore spread your skirt over your handmaid; for you are a near kinsman."

web@1Samuel:1:11 @She vowed a vow, and said, "Yahweh of Armies, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your handmaid, and remember me, and not forget your handmaid, but will give to your handmaid a boy, then I will give him to Yahweh all the days of his life, and no razor shall come on his head."

web@1Samuel:1:16 @Don't count your handmaid for a wicked woman; for I have been speaking out of the abundance of my complaint and my provocation."

web@1Samuel:1:18 @She said, "Let your handmaid find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way, and ate; and her facial expression wasn't sad any more.

web@1Samuel:9:11 @As they went up the ascent to the city, they found young maidens going out to draw water, and said to them, "Is the seer here?"

web@1Samuel:25:24 @She fell at his feet, and said, "On me, my lord, on me be the iniquity; and please let your handmaid speak in your ears. Hear the words of your handmaid.

web@1Samuel:25:25 @Please don't let my lord regard this worthless fellow, even Nabal; for as his name is, so is he. Nabal is his name, and folly is with him; but I, your handmaid, didn't see the young men of my lord, whom you sent.

web@1Samuel:25:28 @Please forgive the trespass of your handmaid. For Yahweh will certainly make my lord a sure house, because my lord fights the battles of Yahweh; and evil shall not be found in you all your days.

web@1Samuel:25:31 @that this shall be no grief to you, nor offense of heart to my lord, either that you have shed blood without cause, or that my lord has avenged himself. When Yahweh has dealt well with my lord, then remember your handmaid."

web@1Samuel:25:41 @She arose, and bowed herself with her face to the earth, and said, "Behold, your handmaid is a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord."

web@1Samuel:28:21 @The woman came to Saul, and saw that he was very troubled, and said to him, "Behold, your handmaid has listened to your voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have listened to your words which you spoke to me.

web@1Samuel:28:22 @Now therefore, please listen also to the voice of your handmaid, and let me set a morsel of bread before you; and eat, that you may have strength, when you go on your way."

web@2Samuel:6:20 @Then David returned to bless his household. Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, "How glorious the king of Israel was today, who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!"

web@2Samuel:6:22 @I will be yet more vile than this, and will be base in my own sight. But of the handmaids of whom you have spoken, they shall honor me."

web@2Samuel:14:6 @Your handmaid had two sons, and they both fought together in the field, and there was no one to part them, but the one struck the other, and killed him.

web@2Samuel:14:7 @Behold, the whole family has risen against your handmaid, and they say, 'Deliver him who struck his brother, that we may kill him for the life of his brother whom he killed, and so destroy the heir also.' Thus they would quench my coal which is left, and would leave to my husband neither name nor remainder on the surface of the earth."

web@2Samuel:14:12 @Then the woman said, "Please let your handmaid speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Say on."

web@2Samuel:14:15 @Now therefore seeing that I have come to speak this word to my lord the king, it is because the people have made me afraid: and your handmaid said, 'I will now speak to the king; it may be that the king will perform the request of his servant.'

web@2Samuel:14:17 @Then your handmaid said, 'Please let the word of my lord the king bring rest; for as an angel of God, so is my lord the king to discern good and bad. May Yahweh, your God, be with you.'"

web@2Samuel:14:19 @The king said, "Is the hand of Joab with you in all this?" The woman answered, "As your soul lives, my lord the king, no one can turn to the right hand or to the left from anything that my lord the king has spoken; for your servant Joab, he urged me, and he put all these words in the mouth of your handmaid;

web@2Samuel:20:17 @He came near to her; and the woman said, "Are you Joab?" He answered, "I am." Then she said to him, "Hear the words of your handmaid." He answered, "I do hear."

web@1Kings:1:13 @Go in to king David, and tell him, 'Didn't you, my lord, king, swear to your handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne? Why then does Adonijah reign?'

web@1Kings:1:17 @She said to him, "My lord, you swore by Yahweh {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} your God {The Hebrew word rendered "God" is "Elohim."} to your handmaid, 'Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne.'

web@1Kings:3:20 @She arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while your handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom.

web@2Kings:4:2 @Elisha said to her, "What shall I do for you? Tell me: what do you have in the house?" She said, "Your handmaid has nothing in the house, except a pot of oil."

web@2Kings:4:16 @He said, "At this season, when the time comes around, you will embrace a son." She said, "No, my lord, you man of God, do not lie to your handmaid."

web@2Kings:5:2 @The Syrians had gone out in bands, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maiden; and she waited on Naaman's wife.

web@2Kings:5:4 @Someone went in, and told his lord, saying, "The maiden who is from the land of Israel said this."

web@2Chronicles:28:10 @Now you purpose to keep under the children of Judah and Jerusalem for bondservants and bondmaids for yourselves. Aren't there even with you trespasses of your own against Yahweh your God?

web@Ester:2:4 @ and let the maiden who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti." The thing pleased the king, and he did so.

web@Ester:2:7 @ He brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter; for she had neither father nor mother. The maiden was fair and beautiful; and when her father and mother were dead, Mordecai took her for his own daughter.

web@Ester:2:8 @ So it happened, when the king's commandment and his decree was heard, and when many maidens were gathered together to the citadel of Susa, to the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken into the king's house, to the custody of Hegai, keeper of the women.

web@Ester:2:9 @ The maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness from him. He quickly gave her cosmetics and her portions of food, and the seven choice maidens who were to be given her out of the king's house. He moved her and her maidens to the best place in the women's house.

web@Ester:4:4 @ Esther's maidens and her eunuchs came and told her this, and the queen was exceedingly grieved. She sent clothing to Mordecai, to replace his sackcloth; but he didn't receive it.

web@Ester:4:16 @ "Go, gather together all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day. I and my maidens will also fast the same way. Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish."

web@Ester:7:4 @ For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondservants and bondmaids, I would have held my peace, although the adversary could not have compensated for the king's loss."

web@Job:19:15 @Those who dwell in my house, and my maids, count me for a stranger. I am an alien in their sight.

web@Psalms:86:16 @ Turn to me, and have mercy on me! Give your strength to your servant. Save the son of your handmaid.

web@Psalms:116:16 @ Yahweh, truly I am your servant. I am your servant, the son of your handmaid. You have freed me from my chains.

web@Psalms:123:2 @ Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress; so our eyes look to Yahweh, our God, until he has mercy on us.

web@Psalms:148:12 @ both young men and maidens; old men and children:

web@Proverbs:9:3 @ She has sent out her maidens. She cries from the highest places of the city:

web@Proverbs:30:19 @ The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent on a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maiden.

web@Proverbs:30:23 @ for an unloved woman when she is married; and a handmaid who is heir to her mistress.

web@Isaiah:14:2 @ The peoples will take them, and bring them to their place. The house of Israel will possess them in Yahweh's land for servants and for handmaids. They will take as captives those whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

web@Isaiah:24:2 @ It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.

web@Jeremiah:34:11 @ but afterwards they turned, and caused the servants and the handmaids, whom they had let go free, to return, and brought them into subjection for servants and for handmaids.

web@Jeremiah:34:16 @ but you turned and profaned my name, and caused every man his servant, and every man his handmaid, whom you had let go free at their pleasure, to return; and you brought them into subjection, to be to you for servants and for handmaids.

web@Joel:2:29 @ And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days, I will pour out my Spirit.

web@Amos:2:7 @ They trample on the dust of the earth on the head of the poor, and deny justice to the oppressed; and a man and his father use the same maiden, to profane my holy name;

web@Nahum:2:7 @ It is decreed: she is uncovered, she is carried away; and her handmaids moan as with the voice of doves, beating on their breasts.

web@Matthew:26:69 @ Now Peter was sitting outside in the court, and a maid came to him, saying, "You were also with Jesus, the Galilean!"

web@Mark:14:66 @ As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,

web@Mark:14:69 @ The maid saw him, and began again to tell those who stood by, "This is one of them."

web@Luke:1:38 @ Mary said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word." The angel departed from her.

web@Luke:1:48 @ for he has looked at the humble state of his handmaid. For behold, from now on, all generations will call me blessed.

web@Luke:12:45 @ But if that servant says in his heart, 'My lord delays his coming,' and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken,

web@John:18:17 @ Then the maid who kept the door said to Peter, "Are you also one of this man's disciples?" He said, "I am not."

web@Acts:2:18 @ Yes, and on my servants and on my handmaidens in those days, I will pour out my Spirit, and they will prophesy.

web@Acts:12:13 @ When Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a maid named Rhoda came to answer.

web@Galatians:4:22 @ For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the handmaid, and one by the free woman.

web@Galatians:4:23 @ However, the son by the handmaid was born according to the flesh, but the son by the free woman was born through promise.

web@Galatians:4:30 @ However what does the Scripture say? "Throw out the handmaid and her son, for the son of the handmaid will not inherit with the son of the free woman." {Genesis strkjv@21:10}

web@Galatians:4:31 @ So then, brothers, we are not children of a handmaid, but of the free woman.

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