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geneva@Genesis:19:34 @ And on the morowe the elder saide to the yonger, Behold, yester night lay I with my father: let vs make him drinke wine this night also, and goe thou and lie with him, that we may preserue seede of our father.

geneva@Exodus:8:10 @ Then he said, To morowe; he answered, Be it as thou hast said, that thou maiest know, that there is none like vnto the Lord our God.

geneva@Exodus:8:23 @ And I will make a deliuerance of my people from thy people: to morowe shall this miracle be.

geneva@Exodus:9:5 @ And the Lord appointed a time, saying, To morowe the Lorde shall finish this thing in this lande.

geneva@Exodus:9:18 @ Beholde, to morowe this time I will cause to raine a mightie great haile, such as was not in Egypt since the foundation thereof was laid vnto this time.

geneva@Exodus:10:4 @ But if thou refuse to let my people go, beholde, to morowe will I bring grashoppers into thy coastes.

geneva@Exodus:12:10 @ And ye shal reserue nothing of it vnto the morning: but that, which remaineth of it vnto the morowe, shall ye burne with fire.

geneva@Exodus:13:14 @ And when thy sonne shall aske thee to morowe, saying, What is this? thou shalt then say vnto him, With a mightie hande the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

geneva@Exodus:16:23 @ And he answered them, This is that, which the Lord hath sayde, To morowe is the rest of the holy Sabbath vnto the Lorde: bake that to day which ye wil bake, and seethe that which ye wil seethe, and all that remaineth, lay it vp to be kept till the morning for you.

geneva@Leviticus:19:6 @ It shall be eaten the day yee offer it, or on the morowe: and that which remaineth vntill the third day, shalbe burnt in the fire.

geneva@Leviticus:22:30 @ The same day it shalbe eaten, yee shall leaue none of it vntill the morowe: I am the Lord.

geneva@Numbers:16:41 @ But on the morowe all the multitude of the children of Israel murmured against Moses & against Aaron, saying, Ye haue killed the people of the Lord.

geneva@Numbers:33:3 @ Nowe they departed from Rameses the first moneth, euen the fifteenth day of the first moneth, on the morowe after the Passeouer: and the children of Israel went out with an hie hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.

geneva@Deuteronomy:16:7 @ And thou shalt roste & eate it in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, and shalt returne on the morowe, and goe vnto thy tentes.

geneva@Joshua:3:5 @ (Nowe Ioshua had saide vnto the people, Sanctifie your selues: for to morowe the Lord will doe wonders among you)

geneva@Joshua:5:12 @ And the MAN ceased on the morowe after they had eaten of the corne of the land, neither had the children of Israel MAN any more, but did eate of the fruite of the land of Canaan that yeere.

geneva@Joshua:22:18 @ Ye also are turned away this day from the Lord: and seeing ye rebell to day against ye Lord, euen to morowe he will be wroth with all the Congregation of Israel.

geneva@Judges:9:42 @ And on the morowe, the people went out into the fielde: which was tolde Abimelech.

geneva@1Samuel:11:11 @ And when the morowe was come, Saul put the people in three bandes, and they came in vpon the hoste in the morning watche, and slewe the Ammonites vntill the heate of the day: and they that remained, were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

geneva@1Samuel:19:11 @ Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning: and Michal Dauids wife told it him, saying, If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou shalt be slayne.

geneva@1Samuel:20:18 @ Then said Ionathan to him, To morowe is the first day of the moneth: and thou shalt be looked for, for thy place shalbe emptie.

geneva@1Samuel:31:8 @ And on the morowe when the Philistims were come to spoyle them that were slaine, they founde Saul and his three sonnes lying in mount Gilboa,

geneva@2Samuel:11:12 @ Then Dauid sayd vnto Vriah, Tary yet this day, & to morow I will send thee away. So Vriah abode in Ierusalem that day, and the morowe.

geneva@2Samuel:11:14 @ And on the morowe Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab, and sent it by the hand of Vriah.

geneva@2Kings:6:28 @ Also the King said vnto her, What ayleth thee? And she answered, This woman sayde vnto me, Giue thy sonne, that we may eate him to day, and we will eate my sonne to morowe,

geneva@2Kings:7:18 @ And it came to passe, as the man of God had spoken to the King, saying, Two measures of barley at a shekel, and a measure of fine floure shall be at a shekel, to morowe about this time in the gate of Samaria.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:16 @ To morowe goe yee downe against them: beholde, they come vp by the cleft of Ziz, and ye shall finde them at the ende of the brooke before the wildernesse of Ieruel.

geneva@Esther:5:12 @ Haman sayde moreouer, Yea, Ester the Queene did let no man come in with the King to the banket that she had prepared, saue me: and to morowe am I bidden vnto her also with the King.

geneva@Matthew:6:30 @ Wherefore if God so clothe the grasse of the fielde which is to day, and to morowe is cast into the ouen, shall he not doe much more vnto you, O ye of litle faith?

geneva@Matthew:6:34 @ Care not then for the morowe: for the morowe shall care for it selfe: the day hath ynough with his owne griefe.

geneva@Mark:11:12 @ And on the morowe when they were come out from Bethania, he was hungry.

geneva@Luke:10:35 @ And on the morowe when he departed, he tooke out two pence, and gaue them to the hoste, and said vnto him, Take care of him, and whatsoeuer thou spendest more, when I come againe, I will recompense thee.

geneva@Luke:12:28 @ If then God so clothe the grasse which is to day in the field, and to morowe is cast into the ouen, howe much more will he clothe you, O yee of litle faith?

geneva@John:12:12 @ On the morowe a great multitude that were come to the feast, when they heard that Iesus should come to Hierusalem,

geneva@James:4:14 @ (And yet ye cannot tell what shalbe to morowe. For what is your life? It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time, and afterward vanisheth away)

geneva@Sir:10:11 @ {\cf2 The physition cutteth off the sore disease, and he that is to day a king, to morowe is dead.}

geneva@Sir:20:14 @ {\cf2 The gift receiued of a foole, shall doe thee no good, neither yet of the enuious for his importunitie: for he looketh to receiue many things for one: he giueth litle, and he vpbraideth much: he openeth his mouth like a towne cryer: to day he lendeth, to morowe asketh he againe, and such one is to be hated of God and man.}

geneva@1Macc:2:63 @ {\cf2 To day is he set vp, and to morowe hee shall not be found: for he is turned into his dust, and his purpose perisheth.}

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