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web@Genesis:17:13 @ He who is born in your house, and he who is bought with your money, must be circumcised. My covenant will be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.

web@Genesis:24:5 @ The servant said to him, "What if the woman isn't willing to follow me to this land? Must I bring your son again to the land you came from?"

web@Genesis:30:16 @ Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and said, "You must come in to me; for I have surely hired you with my son's mandrakes." He lay with her that night.

web@Genesis:43:11 @ Their father, Israel, said to them, "If it must be so, then do this. Take from the choice fruits of the land in your bags, and carry down a present for the man, a little balm, a little honey, spices and myrrh, nuts, and almonds;

web@Genesis:47:29 @ The time drew near that Israel must die, and he called his son Joseph, and said to him, "If now I have found favor in your sight, please put your hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me. Please don't bury me in Egypt,

web@Exodus:10:9 @ Moses said, "We will go with our young and with our old; with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast to Yahweh."

web@Exodus:10:25 @ Moses said, "You must also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt offerings, that we may sacrifice to Yahweh our God.

web@Exodus:10:26 @ Our livestock also shall go with us. Not a hoof shall be left behind, for of it we must take to serve Yahweh our God; and we don't know with what we must serve Yahweh, until we come there."

web@Exodus:12:16 @ In the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation; no kind of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you.

web@Exodus:18:20 @ You shall teach them the statutes and the laws, and shall show them the way in which they must walk, and the work that they must do.

web@Exodus:21:23 @ But if any harm follows, then you must take life for life,

web@Leviticus:11:32 @ On whatever any of them falls when they are dead, it shall be unclean; whether it is any vessel of wood, or clothing, or skin, or sack, whatever vessel it is, with which any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the evening; then it will be clean.

web@Numbers:6:21 @ "'This is the law of the Nazirite who vows, and of his offering to Yahweh for his separation, besides that which he is able to get. According to his vow which he vows, so he must do after the law of his separation.'"

web@Numbers:16:13 @ is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, but you must also make yourself a prince over us?

web@Numbers:23:12 @ He answered and said, "Must I not take heed to speak that which Yahweh puts in my mouth?"

web@Numbers:23:26 @ But Balaam answered Balak, "Didn't I tell you, saying, 'All that Yahweh speaks, that I must do?'"

web@Deuteronomy:1:22 @ You came near to me everyone of you, and said, "Let us send men before us, that they may search the land for us, and bring us word again of the way by which we must go up, and the cities to which we shall come."

web@Deuteronomy:4:22 @ but I must die in this land, I must not go over the Jordan; but you shall go over, and possess that good land.

web@Deuteronomy:31:14 @ Yahweh said to Moses, "Behold, your days approach that you must die: call Joshua, and present yourselves in the Tent of Meeting, that I may commission him." Moses and Joshua went, and presented themselves in the Tent of Meeting.

web@Joshua:3:4 @ Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Don't come near to it, that you may know the way by which you must go; for you have not passed this way before."

web@Joshua:8:10 @ Joshua rose up early in the morning, mustered the people, and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai.

web@Joshua:22:18 @ that you must turn away this day from following Yahweh? It will be, since you rebel today against Yahweh, that tomorrow he will be angry with the whole congregation of Israel.

web@Judges:13:16 @ The angel of Yahweh said to Manoah, "Though you detain me, I won't eat of your bread; and if you will prepare a burnt offering, you must offer it to Yahweh." For Manoah didn't know that he was the angel of Yahweh.

web@Judges:21:17 @ They said, "There must be an inheritance for those who are escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe not be blotted out from Israel.

web@Ruth:4:5 @ Then Boaz said, "On the day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi, you must buy it also from Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead on his inheritance."

web@1Samuel:14:43 @Then Saul said to Jonathan, "Tell me what you have done!" Jonathan told him, and said, "I certainly did taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in my hand; and behold, I must die."

web@2Samuel:14:14 @For we must die, and are as water split on the ground, which can't be gathered up again; neither does God take away life, but devises means, that he who is banished not be an outcast from him.

web@2Samuel:23:7 @But the man who touches them must be armed with iron and the staff of a spear. They shall be utterly burned with fire in their place."

web@1Kings:18:27 @It happened at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, "Cry aloud; for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he has gone aside, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he sleeps and must be awakened."

web@1Kings:20:15 @Then he mustered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty-two. After them, he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

web@1Kings:20:25 @Muster an army, like the army that you have lost, horse for horse, and chariot for chariot. We will fight against them in the plain, and surely we will be stronger than them." He listened to their voice, and did so.

web@1Kings:20:26 @It happened at the return of the year, that Ben Hadad mustered the Syrians, and went up to Aphek, to fight against Israel.

web@1Kings:20:27 @The children of Israel were mustered, and were provisioned, and went against them. The children of Israel encamped before them like two little flocks of young goats; but the Syrians filled the country.

web@2Kings:3:6 @King Jehoram went out of Samaria at that time, and mustered all Israel.

web@2Kings:25:19 @and out of the city he took an officer who was set over the men of war; and five men of those who saw the king's face, who were found in the city; and the scribe, the captain of the army, who mustered the people of the land; and sixty men of the people of the land, who were found in the city.

web@1Chronicles:17:11 @It shall happen, when your days are fulfilled that you must go to be with your fathers, that I will set up your seed after you, who shall be of your sons; and I will establish his kingdom.

web@1Chronicles:22:5 @David said, "Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be built for Yahweh must be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and of glory throughout all countries. I will therefore make preparation for it." So David prepared abundantly before his death.

web@Ezra:6:6 @ Now therefore, Tattenai, governor beyond the River, Shetharbozenai, and your companions the Apharsachites, who are beyond the River, you must stay far from there.

web@Ezra:10:12 @ Then all the assembly answered with a loud voice, "As you have said concerning us, so must we do.

web@Job:34:33 @Shall his recompense be as you desire, that you refuse it? For you must choose, and not I. Therefore speak what you know.

web@Proverbs:19:19 @ A hot-tempered man must pay the penalty, for if you rescue him, you must do it again.

web@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @ For of the wise man, even as of the fool, there is no memory for ever, since in the days to come all will have been long forgotten. Indeed, the wise man must die just like the fool!

web@Ecclesiastes:2:18 @ I hated all my labor in which I labored under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who comes after me.

web@Ecclesiastes:5:7 @ For in the multitude of dreams there are vanities, as well as in many words: but you must fear God.

web@Ecclesiastes:10:10 @ If the axe is blunt, and one doesn't sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but skill brings success.

web@Songs:5:3 @ I have taken off my robe. Indeed, must I put it on? I have washed my feet. Indeed, must I soil them?

web@Isaiah:8:13 @ Yahweh of Armies is who you must respect as holy. He is the one you must fear. He is the one you must dread.

web@Isaiah:13:4 @ The noise of a multitude is in the mountains, as of a great people; the noise of an uproar of the kingdoms of the nations gathered together! Yahweh of Armies is mustering the army for the battle.

web@Isaiah:28:28 @ Bread flour must be ground; so he will not always be threshing it. Although he drives the wheel of his threshing cart over it, his horses don't grind it.

web@Jeremiah:10:5 @ They are like a palm tree, of turned work, and don't speak: they must be carried, because they can't go. Don't be afraid of them; for they can't do evil, neither is it in them to do good."

web@Jeremiah:10:19 @ Woe is me because of my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is my grief, and I must bear it.

web@Jeremiah:52:25 @ and out of the city he took an officer who was set over the men of war; and seven men of those who saw the king's face, who were found in the city; and the scribe of the captain of the army, who mustered the people of the land; and sixty men of the people of the land, who were found in the midst of the city.

web@Ezekiel:34:18 @ Does it seem a small thing to you to have fed on the good pasture, but you must tread down with your feet the residue of your pasture? and to have drunk of the clear waters, but you must foul the residue with your feet?

web@Amos:6:10 @ "When a man's relative carries him, even he who burns him, to bring bodies out of the house, and asks him who is in the innermost parts of the house, 'Is there yet any with you?' And he says, 'No;' then he will say, 'Hush! Indeed we must not mention the name of Yahweh.'

web@Habbakkuk:3:16 @ I heard, and my body trembled. My lips quivered at the voice. Rottenness enters into my bones, and I tremble in my place, because I must wait quietly for the day of trouble, for the coming up of the people who invade us.

web@Zechariah:13:3 @ It will happen that, when anyone still prophesies, then his father and his mother who bore him will tell him, 'You must die, because you speak lies in the name of Yahweh;' and his father and his mother who bore him will stab him when he prophesies.

web@Matthew:13:31 @ He set another parable before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field;

web@Matthew:16:21 @ From that time, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up.

web@Matthew:17:10 @ His disciples asked him, saying, "Then why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?"

web@Matthew:17:20 @ He said to them, "Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

web@Matthew:18:7 @ "Woe to the world because of occasions of stumbling! For it must be that the occasions come, but woe to that person through whom the occasion comes!

web@Matthew:24:6 @ You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you aren't troubled, for all this must happen, but the end is not yet.

web@Matthew:26:35 @ Peter said to him, "Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you." All of the disciples also said likewise.

web@Matthew:26:54 @ How then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must be so?"

web@Mark:4:31 @ It's like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, though it is less than all the seeds that are on the earth,

web@Mark:8:31 @ He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

web@Mark:9:11 @ They asked him, saying, "Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?"

web@Mark:13:7 @ "When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, don't be troubled. For those must happen, but the end is not yet.

web@Mark:13:10 @ The Good News must first be preached to all the nations.

web@Mark:14:31 @ But he spoke all the more, "If I must die with you, I will not deny you." They all said the same thing.

web@Luke:2:49 @ He said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?"

web@Luke:3:10 @ The multitudes asked him, "What then must we do?"

web@Luke:3:12 @ Tax collectors also came to be baptized, and they said to him, "Teacher, what must we do?"

web@Luke:3:14 @ Soldiers also asked him, saying, "What about us? What must we do?" He said to them, "Extort from no one by violence, neither accuse anyone wrongfully. Be content with your wages."

web@Luke:4:43 @ But he said to them, "I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other cities also. For this reason I have been sent."

web@Luke:5:38 @ But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.

web@Luke:9:22 @ saying, "The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up."

web@Luke:12:12 @ for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say."

web@Luke:13:19 @ It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and put in his own garden. It grew, and became a large tree, and the birds of the sky lodged in its branches."

web@Luke:13:33 @ Nevertheless I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the next day, for it can't be that a prophet perish outside of Jerusalem.'

web@Luke:14:18 @ They all as one began to make excuses. "The first said to him, 'I have bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please have me excused.'

web@Luke:14:19 @ "Another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I must go try them out. Please have me excused.'

web@Luke:17:6 @ The Lord said, "If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you would tell this sycamore tree, 'Be uprooted, and be planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.

web@Luke:17:25 @ But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

web@Luke:18:1 @ He also spoke a parable to them that they must always pray, and not give up,

web@Luke:19:5 @ When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said to him, "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house."

web@Luke:21:9 @ When you hear of wars and disturbances, don't be terrified, for these things must happen first, but the end won't come immediately."

web@Luke:22:7 @ The day of unleavened bread came, on which the Passover must be sacrificed.

web@Luke:22:37 @ For I tell you that this which is written must still be fulfilled in me: 'He was counted with transgressors.' {Isaiah strkjv@53:12} For that which concerns me has an end."

web@Luke:24:7 @ saying that the Son of Man must be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again?"

web@Luke:24:44 @ He said to them, "This is what I told you, while I was still with you, that all things which are written in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms, concerning me must be fulfilled."

web@John:3:7 @ Don't marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'

web@John:3:14 @ As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,

web@John:3:30 @ He must increase, but I must decrease.

web@John:4:24 @ God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

web@John:6:28 @ They said therefore to him, "What must we do, that we may work the works of God?"

web@John:9:4 @ I must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work.

web@John:10:16 @ I have other sheep, which are not of this fold. {Isaiah strkjv@56:8} I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. They will become one flock with one shepherd.

web@John:12:34 @ The multitude answered him, "We have heard out of the law that the Christ remains forever. {Isaiah strkjv@9:7; Daniel strkjv@2:44 (but see also Isaiah strkjv@53:8)} How do you say, 'The Son of Man must be lifted up?' Who is this Son of Man?"

web@John:20:9 @ For as yet they didn't know the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead.

web@Acts:1:22 @ beginning from the baptism of John, to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection."

web@Acts:3:21 @ whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets.

web@Acts:4:12 @ There is salvation in none other, for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, by which we must be saved!"

web@Acts:5:29 @ But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.

web@Acts:9:6 @ But {TR omits "But" } rise up, and enter into the city, and you will be told what you must do."

web@Acts:9:16 @ For I will show him how many things he must suffer for my name's sake."

web@Acts:10:15 @ A voice came to him again the second time, "What God has cleansed, you must not call unclean."

web@Acts:14:22 @ confirming the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that through many afflictions we must enter into the Kingdom of God.

web@Acts:15:24 @ Because we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, 'You must be circumcised and keep the law,' to whom we gave no commandment;

web@Acts:16:30 @ and brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

web@Acts:18:21 @ but taking his leave of them, and saying, "I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you if God wills," he set sail from Ephesus.

web@Acts:19:21 @ Now after these things had ended, Paul determined in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, "After I have been there, I must also see Rome."

web@Acts:21:22 @ What then? The assembly must certainly meet, for they will hear that you have come.

web@Acts:23:11 @ The following night, the Lord stood by him, and said, "Cheer up, Paul, for as you have testified about me at Jerusalem, so you must testify also at Rome."

web@Acts:26:23 @ how the Christ must suffer, and how, by the resurrection of the dead, he would be first to proclaim light both to these people and to the Gentiles."

web@Acts:27:24 @ saying, 'Don't be afraid, Paul. You must stand before Caesar. Behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.'

web@Acts:27:26 @ But we must run aground on a certain island."

web@Romans:8:13 @ For if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

web@1Corinthians:11:19 @For there also must be factions among you, that those who are approved may be revealed among you.

web@1Corinthians:15:25 @For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.

web@1Corinthians:15:53 @For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

web@2Corinthians:5:10 @For we must all be revealed before the judgment seat of Christ; that each one may receive the things in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

web@2Corinthians:11:30 @If I must boast, I will boast of the things that concern my weakness.

web@Galatians:6:1 @ Brothers, even if a man is caught in some fault, you who are spiritual must restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; looking to yourself so that you also aren't tempted.

web@Ephesians:5:33 @ Nevertheless each of you must also love his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

web@1Timothy:3:2 @The overseer therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching;

web@1Timothy:3:7 @Moreover he must have good testimony from those who are outside, to avoid falling into reproach and the snare of the devil.

web@1Timothy:3:8 @Servants {or, Deacons.}, in the same way, must be reverent, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for money;

web@1Timothy:3:11 @Their wives in the same way must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.

web@2Timothy:2:3 @You therefore must endure hardship, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

web@2Timothy:2:6 @The farmers who labor must be the first to get a share of the crops.

web@2Timothy:2:24 @The Lord's servant must not quarrel, but be gentle towards all, able to teach, patient,

web@2Timothy:4:15 @of whom you also must beware; for he greatly opposed our words.

web@Titus:1:7 @ For the overseer must be blameless, as God's steward; not self-pleasing, not easily angered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain;

web@Titus:1:11 @ whose mouths must be stopped; men who overthrow whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for dishonest gain's sake.

web@Hebrews:5:3 @ Because of this, he must offer sacrifices for sins for the people, as well as for himself.

web@Hebrews:9:16 @ For where a last will and testament is, there must of necessity be the death of him who made it.

web@Hebrews:9:26 @ or else he must have suffered often since the foundation of the world. But now once at the end of the ages, he has been revealed to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

web@Hebrews:11:6 @ Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to him, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

web@Revelation:1:1 @ This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen soon, which he sent and made known by his angel {or, messenger (here and wherever angel is mentioned)} to his servant, John,

web@Revelation:4:1 @ After these things I looked and saw a door opened in heaven, and the first voice that I heard, like a trumpet speaking with me, was one saying, "Come up here, and I will show you the things which must happen after this."

web@Revelation:10:11 @ They told me, "You must prophesy again over many peoples, nations, languages, and kings."

web@Revelation:11:5 @ If anyone desires to harm them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. If anyone desires to harm them, he must be killed in this way.

web@Revelation:13:10 @ If anyone is to go into captivity, he will go into captivity. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, he must be killed. {TR reads "If anyone leads into captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with a sword." instead of "If anyone has captivity, he will go into captivity. If anyone is with the sword, he must be killed."} Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.

web@Revelation:17:10 @ They are seven kings. Five have fallen, the one is, the other has not yet come. When he comes, he must continue a little while.

web@Revelation:20:3 @ and cast him into the abyss, and shut it, and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were finished. After this, he must be freed for a short time.

web@Revelation:22:6 @ He said to me, "These words are faithful and true. The Lord God of the spirits of the prophets sent his angel to show to his bondservants the things which must happen soon."

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