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ylt@Genesis:1:11 @And God saith, 'Let the earth yield tender grass, herb sowing seed, fruit-tree (whose seed [is] in itself) making fruit after its kind, on the earth:' and it is so.

ylt@Genesis:1:12 @And the earth bringeth forth tender grass, herb sowing seed after its kind, and tree making fruit (whose seed [is] in itself) after its kind; and God seeth that [it is] good;

ylt@Genesis:1:29 @And God saith, 'Lo, I have given to you every herb sowing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which [is] the fruit of a tree sowing seed, to you it is for food;

ylt@Genesis:3:5 @for God doth know that in the day of your eating of it -- your eyes have been opened, and ye have been as God, knowing good and evil.'

ylt@Genesis:15:13 @and He saith to Abram, 'knowing -- know that thy seed is a sojourner in a land not theirs, and they have served them, and they have afflicted them four hundred years,

ylt@Genesis:19:21 @And he saith unto him, 'Lo, I have accepted thy face also for this thing, without overthrowing the city [for] which thou hast spoken;

ylt@Genesis:19:29 @And it cometh to pass, in God's destroying the cities of the circuit, that God remembereth Abraham, and sendeth Lot out of the midst of the overthrow in the overthrowing of the cities in which Lot dwelt.

ylt@Genesis:37:9 @And he dreameth yet another dream, and recounteth it to his brethren, and saith, 'Lo, I have dreamed a dream again, and lo, the sun and the moon, and eleven stars, are bowing themselves to me.'

ylt@Exodus:3:8 @and I go down to deliver it out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to cause it to go up out of the land, unto a land good and broad, unto a land flowing with milk and honey -- unto the place of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.

ylt@Exodus:3:17 @and I say, I bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt, unto the land of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, unto a land flowing [with] milk and honey.

ylt@Exodus:13:5 @'And it hath been, when Jehovah bringeth thee in unto the land of the Canaanite, and of the Hittite, and of the Amorite, and of the Hivite, and of the Jebusite, which He hath sworn to thy fathers to give to thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, that thou hast done this service in this month.

ylt@Exodus:15:8 @And by the spirit of Thine anger Have waters been heaped together; Stood as a heap have flowings; Congealed have been depths In the heart of a sea.

ylt@Exodus:33:3 @unto a land flowing with milk and honey, for I do not go up in thy midst, for thou [art] a stiff-necked people -- lest I consume thee in the way.'

ylt@Leviticus:20:24 @and I say to you, Ye -- ye do possess their ground, and I -- I give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey; I [am] Jehovah your God, who hath separated you from the peoples.

ylt@Leviticus:22:2 @'Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, and they are separated from the holy things of the sons of Israel, and they pollute not My holy name in what they are hallowing to Me; I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:26:5 @and reached to you hath the threshing, the gathering, and the gathering doth reach the sowing-[time]; and ye have eaten your bread to satiety, and have dwelt confidently in your land.

ylt@Leviticus:27:8 @'And if he is poorer than thy valuation, then he hath presented himself before the priest, and the priest hath valued him; according to that which the hand of him who is vowing doth reach doth the priest value him.

ylt@Numbers:6:2 @'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When a man or woman doeth singularly, by vowing a vow of a Nazarite, to be separate to Jehovah;

ylt@Numbers:13:27 @And they recount to him, and say, 'We came in unto the land whither thou hast sent us, and also it [is] flowing with milk and honey -- and this [is] its fruit;

ylt@Numbers:14:8 @if Jehovah hath delighted in us, then He hath brought us in unto this land, and hath given it to us, a land which is flowing with milk and honey;

ylt@Numbers:16:5 @and he speaketh unto Korah, and unto all his company, saying, 'Morning! -- and Jehovah is knowing those who are his, and him who is holy, and hath brought near unto Him; even him whom He doth fix on He bringeth near unto Him.

ylt@Numbers:16:13 @is it little that thou hast brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to put us to death in a wilderness that thou also certainly makest thyself prince over us?

ylt@Numbers:16:14 @Yea, unto a land flowing with milk and honey thou hast not brought us in, nor dost thou give to us an inheritance of field and vineyard; the eyes of these men dost thou pick out? we do not come up.'

ylt@Numbers:24:16 @An affirmation of him who is hearing sayings of God -- And knowing knowledge of the Most High; A vision of the Almighty he seeth, Falling -- and eyes uncovered:

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:42 @for the fleeing thither of the man-slayer, who slayeth his neighbour unknowingly, and he is not hating him heretofore, and he hath fled unto one of these cities, and he hath lived:

ylt@Deuteronomy:6:3 @'And thou hast heard, O Israel, and observed to do, that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest multiply exceedingly, as Jehovah, God of thy fathers, hath spoken to thee, [in] the land flowing with milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:24 @rebels ye have been with Jehovah from the day of my knowing you.

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:9 @and so that ye prolong days on the ground which Jehovah hath sworn to your fathers to give to them and to their seed -- a land flowing with milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:4 @'And this [is] the matter of the man-slayer who fleeth thither, and hath lived: He who smiteth his neighbour unknowingly, and is not hating him heretofore,

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:9 @and he bringeth us in unto this place, and giveth to us this land -- a land flowing with milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:15 @look from Thy holy habitation, from the heavens, and bless Thy people Israel, and the ground which Thou hast given to us, as Thou hast sworn to our fathers -- a land flowing [with] milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:3 @and written on them all the words of this law in thy passing over, so that thou goest in unto the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- a land flowing with milk and honey, as Jehovah, God of thy fathers, hath spoken to thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:20 @and I bring them in unto the ground which I have sworn to their fathers -- flowing with milk and honey, and they have eaten, and been satisfied, and been fat, and have turned unto other gods, and they have served them, and despised Me, and broken My covenant.

ylt@Joshua:5:6 @for forty years have the sons of Israel gone in the wilderness, till all the nation of the men of war who are coming out of Egypt, who hearkened not to the voice of Jehovah, to whom Jehovah hath sworn not to show them the land which Jehovah sware to their fathers to give to us, a land flowing with milk and honey, are consumed;

ylt@Joshua:6:9 @and he who is armed is going before the priests blowing the trumpets, and he who is gathering up is going after the ark, going on and blowing with the trumpets;

ylt@Joshua:6:13 @and seven priests bearing seven trumpets of the jubilee before the ark of Jehovah are walking, going on, and they have blown with the trumpets -- and he who is armed is going before them, and he who is gathering up is going behind the ark of Jehovah -- going on and blowing with the trumpets.

ylt@Joshua:22:22 @'The God of gods -- Jehovah, the God of gods -- Jehovah, He is knowing, and Israel, he doth know, if in rebellion, and if in trespass against Jehovah (Thou dost not save us this day!)

ylt@Judges:3:2 @(only for the sake of the generations of the sons of Israel's knowing, to teach them war, only those who formerly have not known them) --

ylt@Judges:5:16 @Why hast thou abode between the boundaries, To hear lowings of herds? For the divisions of Reuben, Great [are] the searchings of heart!

ylt@Judges:6:2 @and the hand of Midian is strong against Israel, from the presence of Midian have the sons of Israel made for themselves the flowings which [are] in the mountains, and the caves, and the strongholds.

ylt@Judges:21:11 @And this [is] the thing which ye do; every male, and every woman knowing the lying of a male, ye devote.'

ylt@Ruth:3:2 @and now, is not Boaz of our acquaintance, with whose young women thou hast been? lo, he is winnowing the threshing-floor of barley to-night,

ylt@1Samuel:2:26 @And the youth Samuel is going on and growing up, and [is] good both with Jehovah, and also with men.

ylt@1Samuel:6:12 @And the kine go straight in the way, on the way to Beth-Shemesh, in one highway they have gone, going and lowing, and have not turned aside right or left; and the princes of the Philistines are going after them unto the border of Beth-Shemesh.

ylt@1Samuel:8:12 @also to appoint for himself heads of thousands, and heads of fifties; also to plow his plowing, and to reap his reaping; and to make instruments of his war, and instruments of his charioteer.

ylt@1Samuel:26:12 @And David taketh the spear, and the cruse of water at the pillow of Saul, and they go away, and there is none seeing, and there is none knowing, and there is none awaking, for all of them are sleeping, for a deep sleep [from] Jehovah hath fallen upon them.

ylt@2Samuel:17:16 @and now, send hastily, and declare to David, saying, Lodge not to-night in the plains of the wilderness, and also, certainly pass over, lest there be a swallowing up of the king and of all the people who are with him.'

ylt@1Kings:8:60 @for all the peoples of the earth knowing that Jehovah, He [is] God; there is none else;

ylt@1Kings:9:27 @And Hiram sendeth in the navy his servants, shipmen knowing the sea, with servants of Solomon,

ylt@1Kings:18:28 @And they call with a loud voice, and cut themselves, according to their ordinance, with swords and with spears, till a flowing of blood [is] on them;

ylt@1Kings:19:19 @And he goeth thence, and findeth Elisha son of Shaphat, and he is plowing; twelve yoke [are] before him, and he [is] with the twelfth; and Elijah passeth over unto him, and casteth his robe upon him,

ylt@2Kings:5:18 @For this thing Jehovah be propitious to thy servant, in the coming in of my lord into the house of Rimmon to bow himself there, and he was supported by my hand, and I bowed myself [in] the house of Rimmon; for my bowing myself in the house of Rimmon Jehovah be propitious, I pray thee, to thy servant in this thing.'

ylt@2Kings:11:14 @and looketh, and lo, the king is standing by the pillar, according to the ordinance, and the heads, and the trumpets, [are] by the king, and all the people of the land are rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, and Athaliah rendeth her garments, and calleth, 'Conspiracy! conspiracy!'

ylt@2Kings:19:37 @and it cometh to pass, he is bowing himself in the house of Nisroch his god, and Adramelech and Sharezar [his sons] have smitten him with the sword, and they have escaped to the land of Ararat, and Esar-Haddon his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:24 @And Shebaniah, and Joshaphat, and Nethaneel, and Amasai, and Zechariah, and Benaiah, and Eliezer the priests, are blowing with trumpets before the ark of God; and Obed-Edom and Jehiah [are] gatekeepers for the ark.

ylt@2Chronicles:2:7 @'And now, send to me a wise man to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and knowing to grave gravings with the wise men who [are] with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father prepared;

ylt@2Chronicles:2:12 @And Huram saith, 'Blessed [is] Jehovah, God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, knowing wisdom and understanding, who doth build a house for Jehovah, and a house for his kingdom.

ylt@2Chronicles:2:14 @(son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father a man of Tyre), knowing to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stones, and in wood, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson, and to grave any graving, and to devise any device that is given to him, with thy wise men, and the wise men of my lord David thy father.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:12 @and the Levites, the singers, to all of them, to Asaph, to Heman, to Jeduthun, and to their sons, and to their brethren, clothed in white linen, with cymbals, and with psalteries, and harps, are standing on the east of the altar, and with them priests, to a hundred and twenty, blowing with trumpets --

ylt@2Chronicles:7:6 @And the priests over their charges are standing, and the Levites with instruments of the song of Jehovah -- that David the king made, to give thanks to Jehovah, for to the age [is] His kindness, in David's praising by their hand -- and the priests are blowing trumpets over-against them, and all Israel are standing.

ylt@2Chronicles:8:18 @and Huram sendeth to him, by the hand of his servants, ships and servants knowing the sea, and they go with servants of Solomon to Ophir, and take thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and bring in unto king Solomon.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:14 @And Judah turneth, and lo, against them [is] the battle, before and behind, and they cry to Jehovah, and the priests are blowing with trumpets,

ylt@2Chronicles:29:28 @And all the assembly are doing obeisance, and the singers singing, and the trumpeters blowing; the whole [is] till the completion of the burnt-offering.

ylt@Ezra:7:25 @'And thou, Ezra, according to the wisdom of thy God, that [is] in thy hand, appoint magistrates and judges who may be judges to all the people who are beyond the river, to all knowing the law of thy God, and he who hath not known ye cause to know;

ylt@Nehemiah:4:18 @And the builders [are] each with his sword, girded on his loins, and building, and he who is blowing with a trumpet [is] beside me.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:3 @and rise up on their station, and read in the book of the law of Jehovah their God a fourth of the day, and a fourth they are confessing and bowing themselves to Jehovah their God.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:6 @Thou [art] He, O Jehovah, Thyself -- Thou hast made the heavens, the heavens of the heavens, and all their host, the earth and all that [are] on it, the seas and all that [are] in them, and Thou art keeping all of them alive, and the host of the heavens to Thee are bowing themselves.

ylt@Nehemiah:10:28 @And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Nethinim, and every one who hath been separated from the peoples of the lands unto the law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, every knowing intelligent one,

ylt@Nehemiah:13:24 @And of their sons, half are speaking Ashdoditish -- and are not knowing to speak Jewish -- and according to the language of people and people.

ylt@Esther:1:13 @And the king saith to wise men, knowing the times -- for so [is] the word of the king before all knowing law and judgment,

ylt@Esther:3:2 @and all servants of the king, who [are] in the gate of the king, are bowing and doing obeisance to Haman, for so hath the king commanded for him; and Mordecai doth not bow nor do obeisance.

ylt@Esther:3:5 @And Haman seeth that Mordecai is not bowing and doing obeisance to him, and Haman is full of fury,

ylt@Job:1:14 @And a messenger hath come in unto Job and saith, 'The oxen have been plowing, and the she-asses feeding by their sides,

ylt@Job:4:4 @The stumbling one do thy words raise up, And bowing knees thou dost strengthen.

ylt@Job:20:17 @He looketh not on rivulets, Flowing of brooks of honey and butter.

ylt@Job:24:1 @Wherefore from the Mighty One Times have not been hidden, And those knowing Him have not seen His days.

ylt@Job:28:11 @From overflowing floods he hath bound, And the hidden thing bringeth out [to] light.

ylt@Job:34:2 @Hear, O wise men, my words, And, O knowing ones, give ear to me.

ylt@Psalms:1:6 @For Jehovah is knowing the way of the righteous, And the way of the wicked is lost!

ylt@Psalms:32:6 @For this doth every saintly one pray to Thee, As the time to find. Surely at an overflowing of many waters, Unto him they come not.

ylt@Psalms:36:10 @Draw out Thy kindness to those knowing Thee, And Thy righteousness to the upright of heart.

ylt@Psalms:37:21 @The wicked is borrowing and repayeth not, And the righteous is gracious and giving.

ylt@Psalms:74:9 @Our ensigns we have not seen, There is no more a prophet, Nor with us is one knowing how long.

ylt@Psalms:74:15 @Thou hast cleaved a fountain and a stream, Thou hast dried up perennial flowings.

ylt@Psalms:87:4 @I mention Rahab and Babel to those knowing Me, Lo, Philistia, and Tyre, with Cush! This [one] was born there.

ylt@Psalms:89:15 @O the happiness of the people knowing the shout, O Jehovah, in the light of Thy face they walk habitually.

ylt@Psalms:109:12 @He hath none to extend kindness, Nor is there one showing favour to his orphans.

ylt@Psalms:116:8 @For Thou hast delivered my soul from death, My eyes from tears, my feet from overthrowing.

ylt@Psalms:119:79 @Those fearing Thee turn back to me, And those knowing Thy testimonies.

ylt@Psalms:126:5 @Those sowing in tears, with singing do reap,

ylt@Psalms:139:14 @I confess Thee, because that [with] wonders I have been distinguished. Wonderful [are] Thy works, And my soul is knowing [it] well.

ylt@Psalms:140:11 @A talkative man is not established in the earth, One of violence -- evil hunteth to overflowing.

ylt@Psalms:150:3 @Praise Him with blowing of trumpet, Praise Him with psaltery and harp.

ylt@Proverbs:1:2 @For knowing wisdom and instruction, For understanding sayings of intelligence,

ylt@Proverbs:5:15 @Drink waters out of thine own cistern, Even flowing ones out of thine own well.

ylt@Proverbs:11:18 @The wicked is getting a lying wage, And whoso is sowing righteousness -- a true reward.

ylt@Proverbs:18:4 @Deep waters [are] the words of a man's mouth, The fountain of wisdom [is] a flowing brook.

ylt@Proverbs:21:12 @The Righteous One is acting wisely Towards the house of the wicked, He is overthrowing the wicked for wickedness.

ylt@Proverbs:22:8 @Whoso is sowing perverseness reapeth sorrow, And the rod of his anger weareth out.

ylt@Proverbs:27:4 @Fury [is] fierce, and anger [is] overflowing, And who standeth before jealousy?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:17 @then I considered all the work of God, that man is not able to find out the work that hath been done under the sun, because though man labour to seek, yet he doth not find; and even though the wise man speak of knowing he is not able to find.

ylt@Songs:4:15 @A fount of gardens, a well of living waters, And flowings from Lebanon!

ylt@Songs:5:5 @I rose to open to my beloved, And my hands dropped myrrh, Yea, my fingers flowing myrrh, On the handles of the lock.

ylt@Songs:5:11 @His head [is] pure gold -- fine gold, His locks flowing, dark as a raven,

ylt@Songs:5:13 @His cheeks as a bed of the spice, towers of perfumes, His lips [are] lilies, dropping flowing myrrh,

ylt@Songs:7:5 @Thy head upon thee as Carmel, And the locks of thy head as purple, The king is bound with the flowings!

ylt@Songs:7:9 @And thy palate as the good wine --' Flowing to my beloved in uprightness, Strengthening the lips of the aged!

ylt@Isaiah:10:22 @For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, A remnant doth return of it, A consumption determined, Overflowing [with] righteousness.

ylt@Isaiah:17:11 @In the day thy plant thou causest to become great, And in the morning thy seed makest to flourish, A heap [is] the harvest in a day of overflowing, And of mortal pain.

ylt@Isaiah:18:3 @All ye inhabitants of the world, And ye dwellers of earth, At the lifting up of an ensign on hills ye look, And at the blowing of a trumpet ye hear.

ylt@Isaiah:19:6 @And they have turned away the flowings, Weak and dried up have been brooks of the bulwark, Reed and flag have withered.

ylt@Isaiah:28:2 @Lo, a mighty and strong one [is] to the Lord, As a storm of hail -- a destructive shower, As an inundation of mighty waters overflowing, He cast down to the earth with the hand.

ylt@Isaiah:28:15 @Because ye have said: 'We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol we have made a provision, An overflowing scourge, when it passeth over, Doth not meet us, Though we have made a lie our refuge, And in falsehood have been hidden.'

ylt@Isaiah:28:18 @And disannulled hath been your covenant with death, And your provision with Sheol doth not stand, An overflowing scourge, when it passeth over, Then ye have been to it for a treading-place.

ylt@Isaiah:29:11 @And the vision of the whole is to you, As words of the sealed book, That they give unto one knowing books, Saying, 'Read this, we pray thee,' And he hath said, 'I am not able, for it [is] sealed;'

ylt@Isaiah:29:15 @Wo [to] those going deep from Jehovah to hide counsel, And whose works have been in darkness. And they say, 'Who is seeing us? And who is knowing us?'

ylt@Isaiah:30:24 @And the oxen and the young asses serving the ground, Fermented provender do eat, That one is winnowing with shovel and fan.

ylt@Isaiah:30:28 @And His breath [is] as an overflowing stream, Unto the neck it divideth, To sift nations with a sieve of vanity, And a bridle causing to err, [Is] on the jaws of the peoples.

ylt@Isaiah:32:20 @Happy [are] ye sowing by all waters, Sending forth the foot of the ox and the ass!

ylt@Isaiah:37:38 @And it cometh to pass, he is bowing himself in the house of Nisroch his god, and Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons have smitten him with the sword, and they have escaped to the land of Ararat, and Esar-Haddon his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@Isaiah:48:4 @From my knowing that thou art obstinate, And a sinew of iron thy neck, And thy forehead brass,

ylt@Isaiah:54:8 @In overflowing wrath I hid my face [for] a moment from thee, And in kindness age-during I have loved thee, Said thy Redeemer -- Jehovah!

ylt@Isaiah:54:16 @Lo, I -- I have prepared an artizan, Blowing on a fire of coals, And bringing out an instrument for his work, And I have prepared a destroyer to destroy.

ylt@Isaiah:60:14 @And come unto thee, bowing down, Have sons of those afflicting thee, And bowed themselves to the soles of thy feet Have all despising thee, And they have cried to thee: 'City of Jehovah, Zion of the Holy One of Israel.'

ylt@Isaiah:66:12 @For thus said Jehovah: 'Lo, I am stretching out to her peace as a river, And as an overflowing stream the honour of nations, And ye have sucked, on the side ye are carried, And on the knees ye are dandled.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:11 @At that time it is said of this people, And of Jerusalem: 'A dry wind of high places in the wilderness,' The way of the daughter of My people, (Not for winnowing, nor for cleansing,)

ylt@Jeremiah:9:24 @But -- in this let the boaster boast himself, In understanding and knowing Me, For I [am] Jehovah, doing kindness, Judgment, and righteousness, in the earth, For in these I have delighted, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:5 @In order to establish the oath that I have sworn to your fathers, To give to them a land flowing with milk and honey, as this day. And I answer and say, 'Amen, O Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:32:22 @And thou givest to them this land that thou didst swear to their fathers to give to them, a land flowing with milk and honey,

ylt@Jeremiah:44:15 @And they answer Jeremiah -- all the men who are knowing that their wives are making perfume to other gods, and all the women who are remaining, a great assembly, even all the people who are dwelling in the land of Egypt, in Pathros -- saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:45:4 @Thus dost thou say unto him: Thus said Jehovah: Lo, that which I have built I am throwing down, and that which I have planted I am plucking up, even the whole land itself.

ylt@Jeremiah:47:2 @'Thus said Jehovah: Lo, waters are coming up from the north, And have been for an overflowing stream, And they overflow the land and its fulness, The city, and the inhabitants in it, And men have cried out, And howled hath every inhabitant of the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:17 @Bemoan for him, all ye round about him, And all knowing his name, say ye: How hath it been broken, the staff of strength, The rod of beauty.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:16 @And He bringeth me in unto the inner court of the house of Jehovah, and lo, at the opening of the temple of Jehovah, between the porch and the altar, about twenty-five men, their backs toward the temple of Jehovah, and their faces eastward, and they are bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:11 @Say to those daubing with chalk -- It falleth, There hath been an overflowing shower, And ye, O hailstones, do fall, And a tempestuous wind doth rend,

ylt@Ezekiel:13:13 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have rent with a tempestuous wind in My fury, And an overflowing shower is in Mine anger, And hailstones in My fury -- to consume.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:18 @And thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo to those sowing pillows for all joints of the arm, And to those making the kerchiefs For the head of every stature -- to hunt souls, The souls do ye hunt of My people? And the souls ye have do ye keep alive?

ylt@Ezekiel:20:6 @In that day I did lift up My hand to them, To bring them forth from the land of Egypt, Unto a land that I spied out for them, Flowing with milk and honey, A beauty it [is] to all the lands,

ylt@Ezekiel:20:15 @And also, I, I have lifted up My hand to them in the wilderness, Not to bring them in to the land that I had given, Flowing with milk and honey, A beauty it [is] to all the lands,

ylt@Ezekiel:20:47 @and thou hast said to the forest of the south: Hear a word of Jehovah: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am kindling in thee a fire, And it hath devoured in thee every moist tree, and every dry tree, Not quenched is the glowing flames, And burnt by it have been all faces from south to north.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:26 @Into great waters have they brought thee, Those rowing thee, The east wind hath broken thee in the heart of the seas.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:19 @All knowing thee among the peoples Have been astonished at thee, Wastes thou hast been, and thou art not -- to the age.'

ylt@Ezekiel:31:4 @Waters have made it great, The deep hath exalted him with its flowings, Going round about its planting, And its conduits it hath sent forth unto all trees of the field.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:15 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: In the day of his going down to sheol I have caused mourning, I have covered for him the deep, and diminish its flowings, And restrained are many waters, And I make Lebanon black for him, And all trees of the field have been covered for him.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:2 @'Son of man, lift up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and thou hast said unto him: A young lion of nations thou hast been like, And thou [art] as a dragon in the seas, And thou comest forth with thy flowings, And dost trouble the waters with thy feet, And thou dost foul their flowings.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:6 @And watered the land with thy flowing, From thy blood -- unto the mountains, And streams are filled from thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:3 @therefore, prophesy, and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because, even because, of desolating, And of swallowing you up from round about, For your being a possession to the remnant of the nations, And ye are taken up on the tip of the tongue, And [are] an evil report of the people.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:22 @And I have been judged with him, With pestilence and with blood, And an overflowing rain and hailstones, Fire and brimstone I rain on him, and on his bands, And on many peoples who [are] with him.

ylt@Daniel:5:12 @because that an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and showing of enigmas, and loosing of knots was found in him, in Daniel, whose name the king made Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and the interpretation he doth show.'

ylt@Daniel:5:23 @and against the Lord of the heavens thou hast lifted up thyself; and the vessels of His house they have brought in before thee, and thou, and thy great men, thy wives, and thy concubines, are drinking wine with them, and gods of silver, and of gold, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone, that are not seeing, nor hearing, nor knowing, thou hast praised: and the God in whose hand [is] thy breath, and all thy ways, Him thou hast not honoured.

ylt@Daniel:11:32 @And those acting wickedly [against] the covenant, he defileth by flatteries; and the people knowing their God are strong, and have wrought.

ylt@Amos:7:1 @Thus hath the Lord Jehovah shewed me, and lo, He is forming locusts at the beginning of the ascending of the latter growth, and lo, the latter growth [is] after the mowings of the king;

ylt@Amos:8:4 @Hear this, ye who are swallowing up the needy, To cause to cease the poor of the land,

ylt@Habakkuk:1:9 @Wholly for violence it doth come in, Their faces swallowing up the east wind, And it doth gather as the sand a captivity.

ylt@Zephaniah:1:5 @And those bowing themselves On the roofs to the host of the heavens, And those bowing themselves, Swearing to Jehovah, and swearing by Malcham,

ylt@Zechariah:8:12 @Because of the sowing of peace, The vine doth give her fruit, And the earth doth give her increase, And the heavens do give their dew, And I have caused the remnant of this people To inherit all these.

ylt@Malachi:1:14 @And cursed [is] a deceiver, who hath in his drove a male, And is vowing, and is sacrificing a marred thing to the Lord, For a great king [am] I, said Jehovah of Hosts, And My name [is] revered among nations!

ylt@Matthew:8:2 @and lo, a leper having come, was bowing to him, saying, 'Sir, if thou art willing, thou art able to cleanse me;'

ylt@Matthew:8:10 @And Jesus having heard, did wonder, and said to those following, 'Verily I say to you, not even in Israel so great faith have I found;

ylt@Matthew:9:9 @And Jesus passing by thence, saw a man sitting at the tax-office, named Matthew, and saith to him, 'Be following me,' and he, having risen, did follow him.

ylt@Matthew:9:18 @While he is speaking these things to them, lo, a ruler having come, was bowing to him, saying that 'My daughter just now died, but, having come, lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.'

ylt@Matthew:12:25 @And Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said to them, 'Every kingdom having been divided against itself is desolated, and no city or house having been divided against itself, doth stand,

ylt@Matthew:13:4 @and in his sowing, some indeed fell by the way, and the fowls did come and devour them,

ylt@Matthew:13:24 @Another simile he set before them, saying: 'The reign of the heavens was likened to a man sowing good seed in his field,

ylt@Matthew:13:37 @And he answering said to them, 'He who is sowing the good seed is the Son of Man,

ylt@Matthew:15:25 @And having come, she was bowing to him, saying, 'Sir, help me;'

ylt@Matthew:18:26 @The servant then, having fallen down, was bowing to him, saying, Sir, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all;

ylt@Matthew:18:28 @'And, that servant having come forth, found one of his fellow-servants who was owing him an hundred denaries, and having laid hold, he took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that which thou owest.

ylt@Matthew:18:30 @and he would not, but having gone away, he cast him into prison, till he might pay that which was owing.

ylt@Matthew:18:34 @'And having been wroth, his lord delivered him to the inquisitors, till he might pay all that was owing to him;

ylt@Matthew:20:20 @Then came near to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, bowing and asking something from him,

ylt@Matthew:21:9 @and the multitudes who were going before, and who were following, were crying, saying, 'Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he who is coming in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.'

ylt@Matthew:22:29 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Ye go astray, not knowing the Writings, nor the power of God;

ylt@Matthew:23:24 @'Blind guides! who are straining out the gnat, and the camel are swallowing.

ylt@Matthew:26:34 @Jesus said to him, 'Verily I say to thee, that, this night, before cock-crowing, thrice thou wilt deny me.'

ylt@Matthew:26:58 @and Peter was following him afar off, unto the court of the chief priest, and having gone in within, he was sitting with the officers, to see the end.

ylt@Matthew:26:75 @and Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, he having said to him -- 'Before cock-crowing, thrice thou wilt deny me;' and having gone without, he did weep bitterly.

ylt@Matthew:27:40 @and saying, 'Thou that art throwing down the sanctuary, and in three days building [it], save thyself; if Son thou art of God, come down from the cross.'

ylt@Mark:2:14 @and passing by, he saw Levi of Alpheus sitting at the tax-office, and saith to him, 'Be following me,' and he, having risen, did follow him.

ylt@Mark:4:4 @and it came to pass, in the sowing, some fell by the way, and the fowls of the heaven did come and devour it;

ylt@Mark:4:14 @He who is sowing doth sow the word;

ylt@Mark:5:24 @and he went away with him. And there was following him a great multitude, and they were thronging him,

ylt@Mark:5:33 @and the woman, having been afraid, and trembling, knowing what was done on her, came, and fell down before him, and told him all the truth,

ylt@Mark:6:20 @for Herod was fearing John, knowing him a man righteous and holy, and was keeping watch over him, and having heard him, was doing many things, and hearing him gladly.

ylt@Mark:6:48 @and he saw them harassed in the rowing, for the wind was against them, and about the fourth watch of the night he doth come to them walking on the sea, and wished to pass by them.

ylt@Mark:9:6 @for he was not knowing what he might say, for they were greatly afraid.

ylt@Mark:9:7 @And there came a cloud overshadowing them, and there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, 'This is My Son -- the Beloved, hear ye him;'

ylt@Mark:9:20 @and they brought him unto him, and he having seen him, immediately the spirit tare him, and he, having fallen upon the earth, was wallowing -- foaming.

ylt@Mark:10:21 @And Jesus having looked upon him, did love him, and said to him, 'One thing thou dost lack; go away, whatever thou hast -- sell, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, be following me, having taken up the cross.'

ylt@Mark:10:22 @And he -- gloomy at the word -- went away sorrowing, for he was having many possessions.

ylt@Mark:10:32 @And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was going before them, and they were amazed, and following they were afraid. And having again taken the twelve, he began to tell them the things about to happen to him,

ylt@Mark:10:52 @and Jesus said to him, 'Go, thy faith hath saved thee:' and immediately he saw again, and was following Jesus in the way.

ylt@Mark:11:9 @And those going before and those following were crying out, saying, 'Hosanna! blessed [is] he who is coming in the name of the Lord;

ylt@Mark:12:15 @And he, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, 'Why me do ye tempt? bring me a denary, that I may see;'

ylt@Mark:12:24 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Do ye not because of this go astray, not knowing the Writings, nor the power of God?

ylt@Mark:12:28 @And one of the scribes having come near, having heard them disputing, knowing that he answered them well, questioned him, 'Which is the first command of all?'

ylt@Mark:13:35 @watch ye, therefore, for ye have not known when the lord of the house doth come, at even, or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, or at the morning;

ylt@Mark:14:51 @and a certain young man was following him, having put a linen cloth about [his] naked body, and the young men lay hold on him,

ylt@Mark:15:19 @And they were smiting him on the head with a reed, and were spitting on him, and having bent the knee, were bowing to him,

ylt@Mark:15:41 @(who also, when he was in Galilee, were following him, and were ministering to him,) and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.

ylt@Mark:16:20 @and they, having gone forth, did preach everywhere, the Lord working with [them], and confirming the word, through the signs following. Amen.

ylt@Luke:2:48 @And, having seen him, they were amazed, and his mother said unto him, 'Child, why didst thou thus to us? lo, thy father and I, sorrowing, were seeking thee.'

ylt@Luke:3:17 @whose winnowing shovel [is] in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor, and will gather the wheat to his storehouse, and the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.'

ylt@Luke:5:27 @And after these things he went forth, and beheld a tax-gatherer, by name Levi, sitting at the tax-office, and said to him, 'Be following me;'

ylt@Luke:7:9 @And having heard these things Jesus wondered at him, and having turned to the multitude following him, he said, 'I say to you, not even in Israel so much faith did I find;'

ylt@Luke:7:41 @'Two debtors were to a certain creditor; the one was owing five hundred denaries, and the other fifty;

ylt@Luke:8:5 @'The sower went forth to sow his seed, and in his sowing some indeed fell beside the way, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the heaven did devour it.

ylt@Luke:8:53 @and they were deriding him, knowing that she did die;

ylt@Luke:9:33 @And it came to pass, in their parting from him, Peter said unto Jesus, 'Master, it is good to us to be here; and we may make three booths, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah,' not knowing what he saith:

ylt@Luke:9:45 @And they were not knowing this saying, and it was veiled from them, that they might not perceive it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.

ylt@Luke:9:59 @And he said unto another, 'Be following me;' and he said, 'Sir, permit me, having gone away, first to bury my father;'

ylt@Luke:11:17 @And he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, 'Every kingdom having been divided against itself is desolated; and house against house doth fall;

ylt@Luke:12:55 @and when -- a south wind blowing, ye say, that there will be heat, and it is;

ylt@Luke:13:33 @but it behoveth me to-day, and to-morrow, and the [day] following, to go on, because it is not possible for a prophet to perish out of Jerusalem.

ylt@Luke:18:22 @and having heard these things, Jesus said to him, 'Yet one thing to thee is lacking; all things -- as many as thou hast -- sell, and distribute to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, be following me;'

ylt@Luke:18:34 @And they none of these things understood, and this saying was hid from them, and they were not knowing the things said.

ylt@Luke:18:43 @and presently he did receive sight, and was following him, glorifying God; and all the people, having seen, did give praise to God.

ylt@Luke:22:34 @and he said, 'I say to thee, Peter, a cock shall not crow to-day, before thrice thou mayest disown knowing me.'

ylt@Luke:22:54 @And having taken him, they led and brought him to the house of the chief priest. And Peter was following afar off,

ylt@Luke:23:27 @And there was following him a great multitude of the people, and of women, who also were beating themselves and lamenting him,

ylt@John:1:38 @And Jesus having turned, and having beheld them following, saith to them, 'What seek ye?' and they said to them, 'Rabbi, (which is, being interpreted, Teacher,) where remainest thou?'

ylt@John:1:43 @On the morrow, he willed to go forth to Galilee, and he findeth Philip, and saith to him, 'Be following me.'

ylt@John:2:24 @and Jesus himself was not trusting himself to them, because of his knowing all [men],

ylt@John:2:25 @and because he had no need that any should testify concerning man, for he himself was knowing what was in man.

ylt@John:4:36 @'And he who is reaping doth receive a reward, and doth gather fruit to life age-during, that both he who is sowing and he who is reaping may rejoice together;

ylt@John:6:2 @and there was following him a great multitude, because they were seeing his signs that he was doing on the ailing;

ylt@John:6:18 @the sea also -- a great wind blowing -- was being raised,

ylt@John:7:49 @but this multitude, that is not knowing the law, is accursed.'

ylt@John:8:12 @Again, therefore, Jesus spake to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world; he who is following me shall not walk in the darkness, but he shall have the light of the life.'

ylt@John:13:1 @And before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who [are] in the world -- to the end he loved them.

ylt@John:13:3 @Jesus knowing that all things the Father hath given to him -- into [his] hands, and that from God he came forth, and unto God he goeth,

ylt@John:18:4 @Jesus, therefore, knowing all things that are coming upon him, having gone forth, said to them, 'Whom do ye seek?'

ylt@John:18:15 @And following Jesus was Simon Peter, and the other disciple, and that disciple was known to the chief priest, and he entered with Jesus to the hall of the chief priest,

ylt@John:19:28 @After this, Jesus knowing that all things now have been finished, that the Writing may be fulfilled, saith, 'I thirst;'

ylt@John:20:6 @Simon Peter, therefore, cometh, following him, and he entered into the tomb, and beholdeth the linen clothes lying,

ylt@John:21:12 @Jesus saith to them, 'Come ye, dine;' and none of the disciples was venturing to inquire of him, 'Who art thou?' knowing that it is the Lord;

ylt@John:21:19 @and this he said, signifying by what death he shall glorify God; and having said this, he saith to him, 'Be following me.'

ylt@John:21:20 @And Peter having turned about doth see the disciple whom Jesus was loving following, (who also reclined in the supper on his breast, and said, 'Sir, who is he who is delivering thee up?')

ylt@John:21:22 @Jesus saith to him, 'If him I will to remain till I come, what -- to thee? be thou following me.' This word, therefore, went forth to the brethren that that disciple doth not die,

ylt@Acts:1:24 @and having prayed, they said, 'Thou, Lord, who art knowing the heart of all, shew which one thou didst choose of these two

ylt@Acts:2:30 @a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,

ylt@Acts:3:10 @they were knowing him also that this it was who for a kindness was sitting at the Beautiful gate of the temple, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what hath happened to him.

ylt@Acts:3:24 @and also all the prophets from Samuel and those following in order, as many as spake, did also foretell of these days.

ylt@Acts:5:2 @and did keep back of the price -- his wife also knowing -- and having brought a certain part, at the feet of the apostles he laid [it].

ylt@Acts:5:7 @And it came to pass, about three hours after, that his wife, not knowing what hath happened, came in,

ylt@Acts:12:8 @The messenger also said to him, 'Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals;' and he did so; and he saith to him, 'Put thy garment round and be following me;'

ylt@Acts:12:9 @and having gone forth, he was following him, and he knew not that it is true that which is done through the messenger, and was thinking he saw a vision,

ylt@Acts:15:8 @and the heart-knowing God did bare them testimony, having given to them the Holy Spirit, even as also to us,

ylt@Acts:17:23 @for passing through and contemplating your objects of worship, I found also an erection on which had been inscribed: To God -- unknown; whom, therefore -- not knowing -- ye do worship, this One I announce to you.

ylt@Acts:18:25 @this one was instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in the Spirit, was speaking and teaching exactly the things about the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John;

ylt@Acts:20:15 @and thence having sailed, on the morrow we came over-against Chios, and the next day we arrived at Samos, and having remained in Trogyllium, on the following day we came to Miletus,

ylt@Acts:20:22 @'And now, lo, I -- bound in the Spirit -- go on to Jerusalem, the things that shall befall me in it not knowing,

ylt@Acts:20:38 @sorrowing most of all for the word that he had said -- that they are about no more to see his face; and they were accompanying him to the ship.

ylt@Acts:21:26 @Then Paul, having taken the men, on the following day, with them having purified himself, was entering into the temple, announcing the fulfilment of the days of the purification, till the offering was offered for each one of them.

ylt@Acts:21:36 @for the crowd of the people was following after, crying, 'Away with him.'

ylt@Acts:22:23 @And they crying out and casting up their garments, and throwing dust into the air,

ylt@Acts:23:11 @And on the following night, the Lord having stood by him, said, 'Take courage, Paul, for as thou didst fully testify the things concerning me at Jerusalem, so it behoveth thee also at Rome to testify.'

ylt@Acts:24:10 @And Paul answered -- the governor having beckoned to him to speak -- 'Knowing [that] for many years thou hast been a judge to this nation, the more cheerfully the things concerning myself I do answer;

ylt@Acts:26:3 @especially knowing thee to be acquainted with all things -- both customs and questions -- among Jews; wherefore, I beseech thee, patiently to hear me.

ylt@Acts:26:5 @knowing me before from the first, (if they may be willing to testify,) that after the most exact sect of our worship, I lived a Pharisee;

ylt@Acts:27:13 @and a south wind blowing softly, having thought they had obtained [their] purpose, having lifted anchor, they sailed close by Crete,

ylt@Romans:2:4 @or the riches of His goodness, and forbearance, and long-suffering, dost thou despise? -- not knowing that the goodness of God doth lead thee to reformation!

ylt@Romans:5:3 @And not only [so], but we also boast in the tribulations, knowing that the tribulation doth work endurance;

ylt@Romans:6:6 @this knowing, that our old man was crucified with [him], that the body of the sin may be made useless, for our no longer serving the sin;

ylt@Romans:6:9 @knowing that Christ, having been raised up out of the dead, doth no more die, death over him hath no more lordship;

ylt@Romans:7:1 @Are ye ignorant, brethren -- for to those knowing law I speak -- that the law hath lordship over the man as long as he liveth?

ylt@Romans:10:3 @for not knowing the righteousness of God, and their own righteousness seeking to establish, to the righteousness of God they did not submit.

ylt@Romans:13:11 @And this, knowing the time, that for us, the hour already [is] to be aroused out of sleep, for now nearer [is] our salvation than when we did believe;

ylt@1Corinthians:10:4 @and all the same spiritual drink did drink, for they were drinking of a spiritual rock following them, and the rock was the Christ;

ylt@1Corinthians:15:58 @so that, my brethren beloved, become ye stedfast, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord at all times, knowing that your labour is not vain in the Lord.

ylt@2Corinthians:1:7 @and our hope [is] stedfast for you, knowing that even as ye are partakers of the sufferings -- so also of the comfort.

ylt@2Corinthians:4:14 @knowing that He who did raise up the Lord Jesus, us also through Jesus shall raise up, and shall present with you,

ylt@2Corinthians:5:6 @having courage, then, at all times, and knowing that being at home in the body, we are away from home from the Lord, --

ylt@2Corinthians:9:6 @And this: He who is sowing sparingly, sparingly also shall reap; and he who is sowing in blessings, in blessings also shall reap;

ylt@Galatians:6:8 @because he who is sowing to his own flesh, of the flesh shall reap corruption; and he who is sowing to the Spirit, of the Spirit shall reap life age-during;

ylt@Ephesians:1:18 @the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, for your knowing what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

ylt@Philippians:4:17 @not that I seek after the gift, but I seek after the fruit that is overflowing to your account;

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:5 @not in the affection of desire, as also the nations that were not knowing God,

ylt@2Thessalonians:1:8 @in flaming fire, giving vengeance to those not knowing God, and to those not obeying the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ;

ylt@1Timothy:6:4 @he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and word-striving, out of which doth come envy, strife, evil-speakings, evil-surmisings,

ylt@Titus:2:7 @concerning all things thyself showing a pattern of good works; in the teaching uncorruptedness, gravity, incorruptibility,

ylt@Titus:2:10 @not purloining, but showing all good stedfastness, that the teaching of God our Saviour they may adorn in all things.

ylt@Titus:3:2 @of no one to speak evil, not to be quarrelsome -- gentle, showing all meekness to all men,

ylt@Hebrews:5:12 @for even owing to be teachers, because of the time, again ye have need that one teach you what [are] the elements of the beginning of the oracles of God, and ye have become having need of milk, and not of strong food,

ylt@Hebrews:9:5 @and over it cherubim of the glory, overshadowing the mercy-seat, concerning which we are not now to speak particularly.

ylt@Hebrews:10:34 @for also with my bonds ye sympathised, and the robbery of your goods with joy ye did receive, knowing that ye have in yourselves a better substance in the heavens, and an enduring one.

ylt@Hebrews:11:8 @By faith Abraham, being called, did obey, to go forth to the place that he was about to receive for an inheritance, and he went forth, not knowing whither he doth go;

ylt@James:1:3 @knowing that the proof of your faith doth work endurance,

ylt@James:4:17 @to him, then, knowing to do good, and not doing, sin it is to him.

ylt@2Peter:1:20 @this first knowing, that no prophecy of the Writing doth come of private exposition,

ylt@2Peter:3:3 @this first knowing, that there shall come in the latter end of the days scoffers, according to their own desires going on,

ylt@2Peter:3:17 @Ye, then, beloved, knowing before, take heed, lest, together with the error of the impious being led away, ye may fall from your own stedfastness,

ylt@1John:4:6 @we -- of God we are; he who is knowing God doth hear us; he who is not of God, doth not hear us; from this we know the spirit of the truth, and the spirit of the error.

ylt@3John:1:11 @Beloved, be not thou following that which is evil, but that which is good; he who is doing good, of God he is, and he who is doing evil hath not seen God;

ylt@Jude:1:5 @and to remind you I intend, you knowing once this, that the Lord, a people out of the land of Egypt having saved, again those who did not believe did destroy;

ylt@Revelation:14:4 @these are they who with women were not defiled, for they are virgin; these are they who are following the Lamb whithersoever he may go; these were bought from among men -- a first-fruit to God and to the Lamb --

ylt@Revelation:14:11 @and the smoke of their torment doth go up to ages of ages; and they have no rest day and night, who are bowing before the beast and his image, also if any doth receive the mark of his name.

ylt@Revelation:16:2 @and the first did go away, and did pour out his vial upon the land, and there came a sore -- bad and grievous -- to men, those having the mark of the beast, and those bowing to his image.

ylt@Revelation:18:15 @The merchants of these things, who were made rich by her, far off shall stand because of the fear of her torment, weeping, and sorrowing,

ylt@Revelation:18:19 @and they did cast dust upon their heads, and were crying out, weeping and sorrowing, saying, Wo, wo, the great city! in which were made rich all having ships in the sea, out of her costliness -- for in one hour was she made waste.

ylt@Revelation:19:14 @And the armies in the heaven were following him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen -- white and pure;

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