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NONE.filter - rotherham roar:

rotherham@Genesis:1:2 @ Now, the earth, had become waste and wild, and darkness, was on the face of the roaring deep, but, the Spirit of God, was brooding on the face of the waters,

rotherham@Genesis:7:11 @ In the six hundredth year, the year of the life of Noah. in the second month on the seventeenth day of the month on this day, were burst open all the fountains of the great roaring deep, and the windows of the heavens, were set open.

rotherham@Genesis:8:2 @ and the fountains of the roaring-deep were shut, and the windows of the heavens, and the heavy rain was restrained from the heavens;

rotherham@Exodus:15:5 @ Roaring deeps, covered them, They went down in the raging depths like a stone.

rotherham@Exodus:15:8 @ And with the blast of thy nostrils, heaped up are the waters, Upreared like a mound, are the flowing waves, Roaring deeps are congealed in the heart of the sea.

rotherham@Judges:14:5 @ So Samson went down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and they came as far as the vineyards of Timnath, when lo! a young lion, roaring to meet him.

rotherham@1Chronicles:16:32 @ Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof, Let the field leap for joy, and all that is therein:

rotherham@Job:4:10 @ the roaring of the lion, and the noise of the howling lion, yet, the teeth of the fierce lions, are broken:

rotherham@Job:37:4 @ After it, roareth a voice, He thundereth with his voice of majesty, Nor will he hold them back, when his voice is heard.

rotherham@Job:38:30 @ Like a stone, are the waters congealed, and, the face of the roaring deep, becometh firm!

rotherham@Psalms:22:13 @ They have opened wide against me their mouth, A lion rending and roaring.

rotherham@Psalms:33:7 @ Who gathered as into a skin-bottle the waters of the sea, Delivering, into treasuries, the roaring deeps.

rotherham@Psalms:42:7 @ Roaring deep unto roaring deep, is calling, at the voice of thy cataracts, All thy breakers and thy rolling waves, over me, have passed.

rotherham@Psalms:46:3 @ The waters thereof roar and foam, The mountains tremble with the swelling thereof Selah.

rotherham@Psalms:46:6 @ Nations have roared, Kingdoms have tottered, He hath uttered his voice, Earth melteth.

rotherham@Psalms:74:4 @ Thine adversaries have roared in the midst of thine appointed meeting, They have set their ensigns as tokens!

rotherham@Psalms:96:11 @ Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth exult, Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof;

rotherham@Psalms:98:7 @ Let the sea, roar, and the fulness thereof, The world, and they who dwell therein;

rotherham@Psalms:104:21 @ The young lions, roaring for prey, And seeking, from GOD, their food.

rotherham@Psalms:107:26 @ They mount the heavens, they descend the roaring deeps, their soul, by trouble, dissolveth;

rotherham@Proverbs:26:13 @ Saith the sluggard, A roaring lion in the road! A tearing lion in the midst of the broadways.

rotherham@Isaiah:5:14 @ Therefore, hath hades enlarged her desire, And opened her mouth to its widest, And their glory, and their multitude and their pomp. and he that is uproarious shall descend thereinto.

rotherham@Isaiah:5:29 @ A roar, hath he, like a lioness, He will roar like wild lions And will growl, and lay hold on prey, and carry into safety, and there be none to deliver.

rotherham@Isaiah:15:4 @ And Heshbon, hath made outcry, and Elealeh, Unto Jahaz, hath been heard their voice, For this cause, do the armed men of Moab roar, Every mans soul, quivereth to him.

rotherham@Isaiah:24:8 @ Ceased hath the mirth of timbrels, Ended is the noise of the uproarious, Ceased hath the mirth of the lyre:

rotherham@Isaiah:51:15 @ But, IYahweh, am thy God, Who threw into commotion the sea And the waves thereof roared, Yahweh of hosts, is his name.

rotherham@Isaiah:63:13 @ Causing them to go through the roaring deeps, Like a horse through the wilderness, That they should not stumble?

rotherham@Jeremiah:2:15 @ Against him, have been roaring wild lions, They have uttered their voice, and have made his land a desolation, His cities, have been burned, so as to have no inhabitant.

rotherham@Jeremiah:5:22 @ Even for me, will ye have no reverence? Enquireth Yahweh, And because of me, will ye not he pained? In that though I placed the sand as a bound to the sea, A decree age-abiding, and it should not pass beyond it, When they would toss themselves Then should they not prevail, When the waves thereof would roar Then should they not pass beyond it,

rotherham@Jeremiah:6:23 @ Bow and javelin, shall they grasp, Cruel, is he! So they will not have compassion, Their voice, like the sea, will roar, And on horses, will they ride, Arrayed each one, like a man for battle, Against thee, O daughter of Zion!

rotherham@Jeremiah:15:17 @ I sat not in the circle of mockers, Nor became I uproarious, Because of thy hand, by myself did I sit, For with indignation, hadst thou filled me.

rotherham@Jeremiah:25:30 @ Thou, therefore, shalt prophesy against them all these words, and shalt say unto them Yahweh, from on high, will roar Yea from his holy habitation, will utter his voice, He will, roar mightily over his home, With a shout as of them who tread the winepress, will he answer unto all the inhabitants of the earth.

rotherham@Jeremiah:31:35 @ Thus, saith Yahweh Who hath given the sun for a light by day, The ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, Who excited the sea, and the waves thereof roared Yahweh of hosts, is his name:

rotherham@Jeremiah:50:11 @ Because they used to be glad Because they used to be uproarious When plundering mine inheritance, Because they used to caper about as a heifer at grass, And bellow like bulls.

rotherham@Jeremiah:50:42 @ Bow and javelin, shall they grasp, Cruel, are they and will not have compassion, Their voice, like the sea, will roar, And, on horses, will they ride, Set in array, as one man for battle, Against thee, O daughter of Babylon!

rotherham@Jeremiah:51:38 @ Together, like wild lions, shall they roar, They have growled like lions whelps.

rotherham@Jeremiah:51:39 @ When they are heated, I will spread their banquets, And let them drink that they may become uproarious, So shall they sleep an age-abiding sleep and not wake, Declareth Yahweh.

rotherham@Jeremiah:51:55 @ For, Yahweh, is spoiling Babylon, And will destroy out of her the loud voice, Though their waves have roared like many waters, Been uttered the loud boast of their voice.

rotherham@Ezekiel:19:7 @ And he injured b his widows, And their cities, laid waste,- And deserted was the land and its fulness, At the noise of his roaring.

rotherham@Ezekiel:22:25 @ Because her princes in her midst are like a roaring lion rending prey, Life, have they devoured Wealth and precious things, have they been wont to take, Her widows, have they multiplied in her midst.

rotherham@Ezekiel:26:19 @ For thus saith My Lord Yahweh, When I make thee a desolate city, Like cities which cannot be dwelt in,- When I bring up over thee the roaring deep, And the mighty waters cover thee,

rotherham@Ezekiel:31:4 @ The waters made him great, the roaring deep, made him highwith its currents going round about the place where it was planted, Its channels also, it sent forth unto all the trees of the field.

rotherham@Ezekiel:31:15 @ Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, In the day when he descended into hades, I caused a mourning. I covered over him the roaring deep, And restrained the currents thereof And stayed were the mighty waters, So caused I gloom over him unto Lebanon, And all the trees of the field for him were covered with a shroud.

rotherham@Hosea:11:10 @ After Yahweh, let them go, Like a lion, will he roar, When, he, shall roar, then let sons, come trembling, out of the West.

rotherham@Joel:3:16 @ And, Yahweh, out of Zion, will roar, and, out of Jerusalem, will utter his voice, and the heavens and the earth, shall tremble, but, Yahweh, shall be a shelter to his people, and a refuge to the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Amos:1:2 @ So then he said Yahweh, out of Zion, will roar, and, out of Jerusalem, will utter his voice, and the pastures of the shepherds, shall mourn, and the top of Carmel, be dried up.

rotherham@Amos:3:4 @ Will a lion roar in the forest, when, prey, he hath none? Will a young lion utter his voice out of his den, when he hath made no capture?

rotherham@Amos:3:8 @ A lion, hath roared, Who will not fear? My Lord Yahweh, hath spoken, Who can forbear to prophesy?

rotherham@Amos:7:4 @ Here, My Lord, Yahweh gave me to see, and lo! My Lord Yahweh proclaiming that, the controversy should be settled by fire, which, having devoured the mighty roaring deep, should devour the inheritance.

rotherham@Jonah:1:15 @ So they took up Jonah and hurled him into the sea, and the sea, left off, her roaring.

rotherham@Jonah:2:5 @ The waters, encompassed me, to the peril of my life, The roaring deep, enveloped me, The sea-weed, was wrapped about my head:

rotherham@Habakkuk:3:10 @ The mountains, have seen theethey tremble, a downpour of waters, hath passed along, the roaring deep, hath given forth, his voice, on highhis hand, hath he uplifted.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:3 @ Her rulers in her midst, are roaring lions, her judges, evening wolves, they have left nothing until morning!

rotherham@Zechariah:10:11 @ Though he pass through a sea of affliction, yet shall he smite the sea, with its waves, and the roaring depths of the Nile, shall appear dry, So shall be brought down the pride of Assyria, and, the sceptre of Egypt, shall depart;

rotherham@Zechariah:11:3 @ The noise of the howling of the shepherds, for spoiled is their majesty, The noise of the roaring of the young lions, for spoiled are the proud banks of the Jordan.

rotherham@Matthew:26:5 @ They were saying, however: Not during the feast, lest, an uproar, arise among the people.

rotherham@Mark:14:2 @ for they were saying Not in the feast, lest there be an uproar of the people.

rotherham@Acts:17:5 @ But the Jews, being, jealous, and taking unto themselves certain wicked men, of the rabble, and making a riot, were setting the city in an uproar; and, besieging the house of Jason, were seeking to lead them forth unto the populace,

rotherham@1Peter:5:8 @ Be sober! be watchful! Your slanderous adversary, as a roaring lion, is walking aboutseeking to devour:

rotherham@Revelation:10:3 @ and cried out with a loud voice, just as a lion, roareth. And, when he cried out, the seven thunders uttered their own voices.

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