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NONE.filter - dourh rod:

dourh@Genesis:10:8 @ Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty on earth.

dourh@Genesis:10:9 @ And he was a stout hunter before the Lord. Hence came a proverb: Even as Nemrod the stout hunter before the Lord.

dourh@Genesis:30:38 @ And he put them in the troughs, where the water was poured out: that when the flocks should come to drink, they might have the rods before their eyes, and in the sight of them might conceive.

dourh@Genesis:30:39 @ And it came to pass that in the very heat of coition, the sheep beheld the rods, and brought forth spotted, and of divers colours, and speckled.

dourh@Genesis:30:40 @ And Jacob separated the flock, and put the rods in the troughs before the eyes of the rams: and all the white and the black were Laban's: and the rest were Jacob's, when the flocks were separated one from the other.

dourh@Genesis:30:41 @ So when the ewes went first to ram, Jacob put the rods in the roughs of water before the eyes of the rams, and of the ewes, that they might conceive while they were looking upon them:

dourh@Genesis:46:16 @ The sons of Cad: Sephian and Haggi and Suni and Esebon and Heri and Arodi and Areli.

dourh@Exodus:4:2 @ Then he said to him: What is that thou holdest in thy hand? He answered: A rod.

dourh@Exodus:4:4 @ And the Lord said: Put out thy hand and take it by the tail. He put forth his hand, and took hold of it, and it was turned into a rod.

dourh@Exodus:4:17 @ And take this rod in thy hand, wherewith thou shalt do the signs.

dourh@Exodus:4:20 @ Moses therefore took his wife, and his sons, and set them upon an ass: and returned into Egypt, carrying the rod of God in his hand.

dourh@Exodus:7:9 @ When Pharao shall say to you, Shew signs: thou shalt say to Aaron: Take thy rod, and cast it down before Pharao, and it shall be turned into a serpent.

dourh@Exodus:7:10 @ So Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharao, and did as the Lord had commanded. And Aaron took the rod before Pharao, and his servants, and it was turned into a serpent.

dourh@Exodus:7:12 @ And they every one cast down their rods, and they were turned into serpents: but Aaron's rod devoured their rods.

dourh@Exodus:7:15 @ Go to him in the morning, behold he will go out to the waters: and thou shalt stand to meet him on the bank of the river: and thou shalt take in thy hand the rod that was turned into a serpent.

dourh@Exodus:7:17 @ Thus therefore saith the Lord: In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord: behold I will strike with the rods that is in my hand, the water of the river, and it shall be turned into blood.

dourh@Exodus:7:19 @ The Lord also said to Moses: Say to Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch forth thy hand upon the waters of Egypt, and upon their rivers, and streams and pools, and all the ponds of waters, that they may be turned into blood: and let blood be in all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and of stone.

dourh@Exodus:7:20 @ And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had commanded: and lifting up the rod he struck the water of the river before Pharao and his servants: and it was turned into blood.

dourh@Exodus:8:16 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Say to Aaron, Stretch forth thy rod, and strike the dust of the earth: and may there be sciniphs in all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:8:17 @ And they did so. And Aaron stretched forth his hand, holding the rod: and he struck the dust of the earth, and there came sciniphs on men and on beasts: all the dust of the earth was turned into sciniphs through all the land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:9:22 @ And Moses stretched forth his rod towards heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and lightning running along the ground: and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:10:13 @ And Moses stretched forth his rod upon the land of Egypt: and the Lord brought a burning wind all that day, and night: and when it was morning, the burning wind raised the locusts:

dourh@Exodus:14:16 @ But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch forth thy hand over the sea, and divide it: that the children of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry ground.

dourh@Exodus:17:5 @ And the Lord said to Moses: God before the people, and take with thee of the ancients of Israel: and take in thy hand the rod wherewith thou didst strike the river, and go.

dourh@Exodus:17:9 @ And Moses said to Josue: Choose out men: and go out and fight against Amalec: to morrow I will stand on the top of the hill having the rod of God in my hand.

dourh@Exodus:21:20 @ He that striketh his bondman or bondwoman with a rod, and they die under his hands, shall be guilty of the crime.

dourh@Leviticus:27:32 @ Of all the tithes of oxen, and sheep, and goats, that pass under the shepherd's rod, every tenth that cometh shall be sanctified to the Lord.

dourh@Numbers:17:2 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and take of every one of them a rod by their kindreds, of all the princes of the tribes, twelve rods, and write the name of every man upon his rod.

dourh@Numbers:17:3 @ And the name of Aaron shall be for the tribe of Levi, and one rod shall contain all their families:

dourh@Numbers:17:5 @ Whomsoever of these I shall choose, his rod shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, wherewith they murmur against you.

dourh@Numbers:17:6 @ And Moses spoke to the children of Israel: and all the princes gave him rods one for every tribe: and there were twelve rods besides the rod of Aaron.

dourh@Numbers:17:8 @ He returned on the following day, and found that the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi, was budded: and that the buds swelling it had bloomed blossoms, which spreading the leaves, were formed into almonds.

dourh@Numbers:17:9 @ Moses therefore brought out all the rods from before the Lord to all the children of Israel: and they saw, and every one received their rods.

dourh@Numbers:17:10 @ And the Lord said to Moses: Carry back the rod of Aaron into the tabernacle of the testimony, that it may be kept there for a token of the rebellious children of Israel, and that their complaints may cease from me lest they die.

dourh@Numbers:20:8 @ Take the rod, and assemble the people together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and speak to the rock before them, and it shall yield waters. And when thou hast brought forth water out of the rock, all the multitude and their cattle shall drink.

dourh@Numbers:20:9 @ Moses therefore took the rod, which was before the Lord, as he had commanded him,

dourh@Numbers:20:11 @ And when Moses had lifted up his hand, and struck the rook twice with the rod, there came forth water in great abundance, so that the people and their cattle drank,

dourh@Numbers:26:17 @ Arod, of him is the family of the Arodites: Ariel, of him is the family of the Arielites.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:38 @ Except Caleb the son of Jephone: for he shall see it, and to him I will give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children, because he hath followed the Lord.

dourh@Joshua:14:9 @ And Moses swore in that day, saying: The land which thy foot hath trodden upon shall be thy possession, and thy children's for ever, because thou hast followed the Lord my God.

dourh@Judges:6:22 @ The angel of the Lord put forth the tip of the rod, which he held in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened loaves: and there arose a fire from the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened loaves: and the angel of the Lord vanished out of his sight.

dourh@Judges:10:4 @ Having thirty sons that rode on thirty ass colts, and were princes of thirty cities, which from his name were called Havoth Jair, that is, the towns of Jair, until this present day in the land of Galaad.

dourh@Ruth:2:17 @ She gleaned therefore in the field till evening: and beating out with a rod and threshing what she had gleaned, she found about the measure of an ephi of barley, that is, three bushels:

dourh@1Samuel:5:6 @ And the hand of the Lord was heavy upon the Azotians, and he destroyed them, and afflicted Azotus and the coasts thereof with emerods. And in the villages and fields in the midst of that country, there came forth a multitude of mice, and there was the confusion of a great mortality in the city.

dourh@1Samuel:5:9 @ And while they were carrying it about, the band of the Lord came upon every city with an exceeding great slaughter: and he smote the men of every city, both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret parts. And the Gethrites consulted together, and made themselves seats of skins.

dourh@1Samuel:5:12 @ For there was the fear of death in every city, and the hand of God was exceeding heavy. The men also that did not die, were afflicted with the emerods: and the cry of every city went up to heaven.

dourh@1Samuel:6:5 @ According to the number of the provinces of the Philistines you shall make five golden emerods, and five golden mice: for the same plague hath been upon you all, and upon your lords. And you shall make the likeness of your emerods, and the likeness of the mice that have destroyed the land, and you shall give glory to the God of Israel: to see if he will take off his hand from you, and from your gods, and from your land.

dourh@1Samuel:6:11 @ And they laid the ark of God upon the cart, and the little box that had in it the golden mice and the likeness of the emerods.

dourh@1Samuel:6:17 @ And these are the golden emerods, which the Philistines returned for sin to the Lord: For Azotus one, for Gaza one, for Ascalon one, for Geth one, for Accaron one:

dourh@1Samuel:14:27 @ But Jonathan had not heard when his father adjured the people: and he put forth the end of the rod, which he had in his hand, and dipt it in a honeycomb: and he carried his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were enlightened.

dourh@1Samuel:14:43 @ And Saul said to Jonathan: Tell me what thou hast done. And Jonathan told him, and said: I did but taste a little honey with the end of the rod, which was in my hand, and behold I must die.

dourh@2Samuel:7:14 @ I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son: and if he commit any iniquity, I will correct him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men.

dourh@2Samuel:18:9 @ And it happened that Absalom met he servants of David, riding on a mule: and as the mule went under a thick and large oak, his head stuck in the oak: and while he hung between the heaven and he earth, the mule on which he rode passed on.

dourh@2Samuel:22:11 @ And he rode upon the cherubims, and flew: and slid upon the wings of the wind.

dourh@2Samuel:23:21 @ He also slew an Egyptian, a man worthy to be a sight, having a spear in his hand: but he went down to him with a rod, and forced the spear out of the hand of the Egyptian, and slew him with his own spear.

dourh@2Samuel:23:25 @ Semma of Harodi, Elica of Harodi,

dourh@2Kings:7:17 @ And the king appointed that lord on whose hand he leaned, to stand at the gate: and the people trod upon him in the entrance of the gate; and he died, as the man of God had said, when the king came down to him.

dourh@2Kings:7:20 @ And so it fell out to him as it was foretold, and the people trod upon him in the gate, and he died.

dourh@2Kings:9:33 @ And he said to them: Throw her down headlong: and they threw her down, and the wall was sprinkled with her blood, and the hoofs of the horses trod upon her.

dourh@2Kings:14:9 @ And Joas king of Israel sent again to Amasias king of Juda, saying: A thistle of Libanus sent to a cedar tree, which is in Libanus, saying: Give thy daughter to my son to wife. And the beasts of the forest, that are in Libanus, passed and trod down the thistle.

dourh@2Kings:19:18 @ And they have cast their gods into the fire: for they were not Rods, but the works of men's hands of wood and stone, and they destroyed them.

dourh@2Kings:20:12 @ At that time Berodach Baladan, the son of Baladan, king of the Babylonians, sent letters and presents to Ezechias: for he had heard that Ezechias had been sick.

dourh@2Kings:25:27 @ And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Joachin king of Juda, in the twelfth month the seven and twentieth day of the month: Evilmerodach king of Babylon, in the year that he began to reign, lifted up the head of Joachin king of Juda out of prison.

dourh@1Chronicles:1:10 @ Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty upon earth.

dourh@1Chronicles:8:15 @ And Zabadia, and Arod, and Heder,

dourh@2Chronicles:25:18 @ But he sent back the messengers, saying: The thistle that is in Libanus, sent to the cedar in Libanus, saying: Give thy daughter to my son to wife: and behold the beasts that were in the wood of Libanus passed by, and trod down the thistle.

dourh@Nehemiah:2:12 @ And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me, and I told not any man what God had put in my heart to do in Jerusalem, and there was no beast with me, but the beast that I rode upon.

dourh@Nehemiah:2:14 @ And I passed to the gate of the fountain, and to the king's aqueduct, and there was no place for the beast on which I rode to pass.

dourh@Job:9:34 @ Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me.

dourh@Job:21:9 @ Their houses are secure and peaceable, and the rod of God is not upon them.

dourh@Job:22:15 @ Dost thou desire to keep the path of ages, which wicked men have trodden?

dourh@Job:24:11 @ They have taken their rest at noon among the stores of them, who after having trodden the winepresses suffer thirst.

dourh@Job:28:8 @ The children of the merchants have not trodden it, neither hath the lioness passed by it.

dourh@Psalms:2:9 @ Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron, and shalt break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

dourh@Psalms:23:4 @ For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me.

dourh@Psalms:56:2 @ Have mercy on me, O God, for man hath trodden me under foot; all the day long he hath afflicted me fighting against me.

dourh@Psalms:56:3 @ My enemies have trodden on me all the day long; for they are many that make war against me.

dourh@Psalms:57:4 @ He hath sent from heaven and delivered me: he hath made them a reproach that trod upon me. God hath sent his mercy and his truth,

dourh@Psalms:89:33 @ I will visit their iniquities with a rod: and their sins with stripes.

dourh@Psalms:126:3 @ For the Lord will not leave the rod of sinners upon the lot of the just: that the just may not stretch forth their hands to iniquity.

dourh@Proverbs:10:13 @ In the lips of the wise is wisdom found: and a rod on the back of him that wanteth sense.

dourh@Proverbs:13:24 @ He that spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes.

dourh@Proverbs:14:3 @ In the mouth of a fool is the rod of pride: but the lips of the wise preserve them.

dourh@Proverbs:22:8 @ He that soweth iniquity shall reap evils, and with the rod of his anger he shall be consumed.

dourh@Proverbs:22:15 @ Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, and the rod of correction shall drive it away.

dourh@Proverbs:23:13 @ Withhold not correction from a child: for if thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die.

dourh@Proverbs:23:14 @ Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell.

dourh@Proverbs:26:3 @ A whip for a horse, and a snaffle for an ass, and a rod for the back of fools.

dourh@Proverbs:29:15 @ The rod and reproof give wisdom: but the child that is left to his own will bringeth his mother to shame.

dourh@Isaiah:9:4 @ For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor thou best overcome, as in the day of Median.

dourh@Isaiah:10:5 @ Woe to the Assyrian, he is the rod and the staff of my anger, and my indignation is in their hands.

dourh@Isaiah:10:15 @ Shall the axe boast itself against him that cutteth with it? or shall the saw exalt itself against him by whom it is drawn? as if a rod should lift itself up against him that lifteth it up, and a staff exalt itself, which is but wood.

dourh@Isaiah:10:24 @ Therefore, thus saith the Lord the God of hosts: O my people that dwellest in Sion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall strike thee with his rod, and he shall lift up his staff over thee in the way of Egypt.

dourh@Isaiah:10:26 @ And the Lord of hosts shall raise up a scourge against him, according to the slaughter of Madian in the rock of Oreb, and his rod over the sea, and he shall lift it up in the way of Egypt.

dourh@Isaiah:11:1 @ And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root.

dourh@Isaiah:11:4 @ But he shall judge the poor with justice, and shall reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: land he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.

dourh@Isaiah:14:5 @ The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked, the rod of the rulers,

dourh@Isaiah:14:29 @ Rejoice not thou, whole Philistia, that the rod of him that struck thee is broken in pieces: for out of the root of the serpent shall come forth a basilisk, and his seed shall swallow the bird.

dourh@Isaiah:16:4 @ My fugitives shall dwell with thee: O Moab, be thou a covert to them from the face of the destroyer: for the dust is at an end, the wretch is consumed: he hath failed, that trod the earth under foot.

dourh@Isaiah:18:2 @ That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, and in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters. Go, ye swift angels, to a nation rent and torn in pieces: to a terrible people, after which there is no other: to a nation expecting and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled.

dourh@Isaiah:18:7 @ At that time shall a present be brought to the Lord of hosts, from a people rent and torn in pieces: from a terrible people, after which there hath been no other: from a nation expecting, expecting and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name of the Lord of hosts, to mount Sion.

dourh@Isaiah:25:1 @ For the hand of the Lord shall rest in this mountain: and Moab shall be trodden down under him, as straw is broken in pieces with the wain.

dourh@Isaiah:28:3 @ The crown of pride of the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under feet.

dourh@Isaiah:28:18 @ And Sour league with death shall be abolished, and your covenant with hell shall not stand: when the overflowing scourge shall pass, you shall be trodden down by it.

dourh@Isaiah:28:27 @ For gith shall not be thrashed with saws, neither shall the cart wheel turn about upon cummin: but gith shall be beaten out with a rod, and cummin with a staff.

dourh@Isaiah:30:31 @ For at the voice of the Lord the Assyrian shall fear being struck with the rod.

dourh@Isaiah:30:32 @ And the passage of the rod shall be strongly grounded, which the Lord shall make to rest upon him with timbrels and harps, and in great battles he shall over throw them.

dourh@Isaiah:39:1 @ At that time Merodach Baladan, the son of Baladan king of Babylon, sent letters and presents to Ezechias: for he had heard that he had been sick and was recovered.

dourh@Isaiah:63:3 @ I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the Gentiles there is not a man with me: I have trampled on them in my indignation, and have trodden them down in my wrath, and their blood is sprinkled upon my garments, and I have stained all my apparel.

dourh@Isaiah:63:6 @ And I have trodden down the people in my wrath, and have made them drunk in my indignation, and have brought down their strength to the earth.

dourh@Isaiah:63:18 @ They have possessed thy holy people as nothing: our enemies have trodden down thy sanctuary.

dourh@Jeremiah:1:11 @ And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: What seest thou, Jeremias? And I said: I see a rod watching.

dourh@Jeremiah:10:16 @ The portion of Jacob is not like these: for it is he who formed all things: and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: the Lord of hosts is his name.

dourh@Jeremiah:12:10 @ Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot: they have changed my delightful portion into a desolate wilderness.

dourh@Jeremiah:18:15 @ Because my people have forgotten me, sacrificing in vain, and stumbling in their ways, in ancient paths, to walk by them in a way not trodden:

dourh@Jeremiah:48:17 @ Comfort him, all you that are round about him, and all you that know his name, say: How is the strong staff broken, the beautiful rod?

dourh@Jeremiah:50:2 @ Declare ye among the nations, and publish it, lift up a standard: proclaim, and conceal it not: say: Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is overthrown, their graven things are confounded, their idols are overthrown.

dourh@Jeremiah:52:31 @ And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Joachin king of Juda, in the twelfth month, the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, lifted up the head of Joachin king of Juda, and brought him forth out of prison.

dourh@Lamentations:1:15 @ Samech. The Lord hath taken away all my mighty men out of the midst of me: he hath called against me the time, to destroy my chosen men: the Lord hath trodden the winepress for the virgin daughter of Juda.

dourh@Lamentations:3:1 @ Aleph. I am the man that see my poverty by the rod of his indignation.

dourh@Ezekiel:7:10 @ Behold the day, behold it is come: destruction is gone forth, the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded.

dourh@Ezekiel:7:11 @ Iniquity is risen up into a rod of impiety: nothing of them shall remain, nor of their people, nor of the noise of them: and there shall be no rest among them.

dourh@Ezekiel:16:6 @ And passing by thee, I saw that thou wast trodden under foot in thy own blood. and I said to thee when thou wast in thy blood: Live: I have said to thee: Live in thy blood.

dourh@Ezekiel:16:22 @ And after all thy abominations, and fornications, thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked, and full of confusion, trodden under foot in thy own blood.

dourh@Ezekiel:19:11 @ And she hath strong rods to make sceptres for them that bear rule, and her stature was exalted among the branches: and she saw her height in the multitude of her branches.

dourh@Ezekiel:19:12 @ But she was plucked up in wrath, and cast on the ground, and the burning wind dried up her fruit: her strong rods are withered, and dried up: the fire hath devoured her.

dourh@Ezekiel:19:14 @ And a fire is gone out from a rod of her branches, which hath devoured her fruit: so that she now hath no strong rod, to be a sceptre of rulers. This is a lamentation, and it shall be for a lamentation.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:12 @ Impudently prostituting herself to the children of the Assyrians, the princes, and rulers that came to her, clothed with divers colours, to the horsemen that rode upon horses, and to young men all of great beauty.

dourh@Ezekiel:34:19 @ And my sheep were fed with that which you had trodden with your feet: and they drank what your feet had troubled.

dourh@Ezekiel:36:3 @ Therefore prophesy, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Because you have been desolate, and trodden under foot on every side, and made an inheritance to the rest of the nations, and are become the subject of the talk, and the reproach of the people:

dourh@Daniel:8:10 @ And it was magnified even unto the strength of heaven: and it threw down of the strength, and of the stars, and trod upon them.

dourh@Daniel:8:13 @ And I heard one of the saints speaking, and one saint said to another, I know not to whom that was speaking: How long shall be the vision, concerning the continual sacrifice, and the sin of the desolation that is made: and the sanctuary, and the strength be trodden under foot?

dourh@Micah:5:1 @ Now shalt thou be laid waste, O daughter of the robber: they have laid siege against us, with a rod shall they strike the cheek of the judge of Israel.

dourh@Micah:5:6 @ And they shall feed the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nemrod with the spears thereof: and he shall deliver us from the Assyrian, when he shall come into our land, and when he shall tread in our borders.

dourh@Micah:7:10 @ And my enemy shall behold, and she shall be covered with shame, who saith to me: Where is the Lord thy God? My eyes shall look down upon her: now shall she be trodden under foot as the mire of the streets.

dourh@Micah:7:14 @ Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of thy inheritance, them that dwell alone in the forest, in the midst of Carmel: they shall feed in Basan and Galaad according to the days of old.

dourh@Nahum:1:13 @ And now I will break in pieces his rod with which he struck thy back, and I will burst thy bonds asunder.

dourh@Zechariah:11:7 @ And I will feed the hock of slaughter for this, O ye poor of the dock. And I took unto me two rods, one I called Beauty, and the other I called a Cord, and I fed the flock.

dourh@Zechariah:11:10 @ And I took my rod that was called Beauty, and I cut it asunder to make void my covenant, which I had made with all people.

dourh@Zechariah:11:14 @ And I cut off my second rod that was called a Cord, that I might break the brotherhood between Juda and Israel.

dourh@Matthew:2:1 @ When Jesus therefore was born in Bethlehem of Juda, in the days of king Herod, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem.

dourh@Matthew:2:3 @ And king Herod hearing this, was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

dourh@Matthew:2:7 @ Then Herod, privately calling the wise men, learned diligently of them the time of the star which appeared to them;

dourh@Matthew:2:12 @ And having received an answer in sleep that they should not return to Herod, they went back another way into their country.

dourh@Matthew:2:13 @ And after they were departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and fly into Egypt: and be there until I shall tell thee. For it will come to pass that Herod will seek the child to destroy him.

dourh@Matthew:2:14 @ Who arose, and took the child and his mother by night, and retired into Egypt: and he was there until the death of Herod:

dourh@Matthew:2:16 @ Then Herod perceiving that he was deluded by the wise men, was exceeding angry; and sending killed all the men children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the borders thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.

dourh@Matthew:2:19 @ But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph in Egypt,

dourh@Matthew:2:22 @ But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Judea in the room of Herod his father, he was afraid to go thither: and being warned in sleep retired into the quarters of Galilee.

dourh@Matthew:5:13 @ You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men.

dourh@Matthew:14:1 @ At the time Herod the Tetrarch heard the fame of Jesus.

dourh@Matthew:14:3 @ For Herod had apprehended John and bound him, and put him into prison, because of Herodias, his brother's wife.

dourh@Matthew:14:6 @ But on Herod's birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced before them: and pleased Herod.

dourh@Matthew:22:16 @ And they sent to him their disciples with the Herodians, saying: Master, we know that thou art a true speaker, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou dost not regard the person of men.

dourh@Mark:3:6 @ And the Pharisees going out, immediately made a consultation with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.

dourh@Mark:6:14 @ And king Herod heard, (for his name was made manifest,) and he said: John the Baptist is risen again from the dead, and therefore mighty works shew forth themselves in him.

dourh@Mark:6:16 @ Which Herod hearing, said: John whom I beheaded, he is risen again from the dead.

dourh@Mark:6:17 @ For Herod himself had sent and apprehended John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother, because he had married her.

dourh@Mark:6:18 @ For John said to Herod: It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.

dourh@Mark:6:19 @ Now Herodias laid snares for him: and was desirous to put him to death, and could not.

dourh@Mark:6:20 @ For Herod feared John, knowing him to be a just and holy man: and kept him, and when he heard him, did many things: and he heard him willingly.

dourh@Mark:6:21 @ And when a convenient day was come, Herod made a supper for his birthday, for the princes, and tribunes, and chief men of Galilee.

dourh@Mark:6:22 @ And when the daughter of the same Herodias had come in, and had danced, and pleased Herod, and them that were at table with him, the king said to the damsel: Ask of me what thou wilt, and I will give it thee.

dourh@Mark:8:15 @ And he charged them, saying: Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.

dourh@Mark:12:13 @ And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians; that they should catch him in his words.

dourh@Luke:1:5 @ There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zachary, of the course of Abia; and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name Elizabeth.

dourh@Luke:3:1 @ Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother tetrarch of Iturea, and the country of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilina;

dourh@Luke:3:19 @ But Herod the tetrarch, when he was reproved by him for Herodias, his brother's wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done;

dourh@Luke:8:3 @ And Joanna the wife of Chusa, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who ministered unto him of their substance.

dourh@Luke:8:5 @ The sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.

dourh@Luke:9:7 @ Now Herod, the tetrarch, heard of all things that were done by him; and he was in a doubt, because it was said

dourh@Luke:9:9 @ And Herod said: John I have beheaded; but who is this of whom I hear such things? And he sought to see him.

dourh@Luke:12:1 @ And when great multitudes stood about him, so that they trod one upon another, he began to say to his disciples: Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

dourh@Luke:13:31 @ The same day, there came some of the Pharisees, saying to him: Depart, and get thee hence, for Herod hath a mind to kill thee.

dourh@Luke:21:24 @ And they shall fall by the edge of the sword; and shall be led away captives into all nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles; till the times of the nations be fulfilled.

dourh@Luke:23:7 @ And when he understood that he was of Herod's jurisdiction, he sent him away to Herod, who was also himself at Jerusalem, in those days.

dourh@Luke:23:8 @ And Herod, seeing Jesus, was very glad; for he was desirous of a long time to see him, because he had heard many things of him; and he hoped to see some sign wrought by him.

dourh@Luke:23:11 @ And Herod with his army set him at nought, and mocked him, putting on him a white garment, and sent him back to Pilate.

dourh@Luke:23:12 @ And Herod and Pilate were made friends, that same day; for before they were enemies one to another.

dourh@Luke:23:15 @ No, nor Herod neither. For I sent you to him, and behold, nothing worthy of death is done to him.

dourh@Acts:4:27 @ For of a truth there assembled together in this city against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel,

dourh@Acts:12:1 @ And at the same time, Herod the king stretched forth his hands, to afflict some of the church.

dourh@Acts:12:6 @ And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison.

dourh@Acts:12:11 @ And Peter coming to himself, said: Now I know in very deed, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.

dourh@Acts:12:19 @ And when Herod had sought for him, and found him not; having examined the keepers, he commanded they should be put to death; and going down from Judea to Caesarea, he abode there.

dourh@Acts:12:21 @ And upon a day appointed, Herod being arrayed in kingly apparel, sat in the judgment seat, and made an oration to them.

dourh@Acts:13:1 @ Now there were in the church which was at Antioch, prophets and doctors, among whom was Barnabas, and Simon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen, who was the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

dourh@Acts:16:22 @ And the people ran together against them; and the magistrates rending off their clothes, commanded them to be beaten with rods.

dourh@Acts:23:35 @ I will hear thee, said he, when thy accusers come. And he commanded him to be kept in Herod's judgment hall.

dourh@Romans:16:11 @ Salute them that are of Aristobulus' household. Salute Herodian, my kinsman. Salute them that are of Narcissus' household, who are in the Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:4:21 @ What will you? shall I come to you with a rod; or in charity, and in the spirit of meekness?

dourh@2Corinthians:11:25 @ Thrice was I beaten with rods, once I was stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I was in the depth of the sea.

dourh@Philippians:2:25 @ But I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and fellow labourer, and fellow soldier, but your apostle, and he that hath ministered to my wants.

dourh@Philippians:4:18 @ But I have all, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things you sent, an odour of sweetness, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.

dourh@Hebrews:9:4 @ Having a golden censer, and the ark of the testament covered about on every part with gold, in which was a golden pot that had manna, and the rod of Aaron, that had blossomed, and the tables of the testament.

dourh@Hebrews:10:29 @ How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace?

dourh@Hebrews:11:21 @ By faith Jacob dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and adored the top of his rod.

dourh@Revelation:2:27 @ And he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and as the vessel of a potter they shall be broken,

dourh@Revelation:11:1 @ And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and it was said to me: Arise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar and them that adore therein.

dourh@Revelation:12:5 @ And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God, and to his throne.

dourh@Revelation:14:20 @ And the press was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the press, up to the horses' bridles, for a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

dourh@Revelation:19:15 @ And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp two edged sword; that with it he may strike the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God the Almighty.

dourh@Tob:9:10 @ Every woman that is a harlot, shall be trodden upon as dung in the way.

dourh@Tob:24:11 @ And by my power I have trodden under my feet the hearts of all the high and low: and in all these I sought rest, and I shall abide in the inheritance of the Lord.

dourh@Tob:45:2 @ He made him like the saints in glory, and magnified him in the fear of his enemies, and with his words he made prodigies to cease.

dourh@2Macc:3:45 @ Now Jerusalem was not inhabited, but was like a desert: there was none of her children that went in or out: and the sanctuary was trodden down: and the children of strangers were in the castle, there was the habitation of the Gentiles: and joy was taken away from Jacob, and the pipe and harp ceased there.

dourh@2Macc:3:51 @ For thy holies are trodden down, and are profaned, and thy priests are in mourning, and are brought low.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:4 @ Wherefore all men prayed that these prodigies might turn to good.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:2 @ And they called upon the Lord that he would look upon his people that was trodden down by all, and would have pity on the temple, that was defiled by the wicked:

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