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acv@Genesis:18:1 @ And LORD appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day.

acv@Genesis:19:1 @ And the two [heavenly] agents came to Sodom at evening, and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom. And Lot saw them, and rose up to meet them. And he bowed himself with his face to the earth,

acv@Genesis:21:16 @ And she went, and sat herself down opposite him a good way off, as it were a bowshot. For she said, Let me not look upon the death of the child. And she sat opposite him, and the child lifted up its voice, and wept.

acv@Genesis:31:34 @ Now Rachel had taken the teraphim, and put them in the camel's saddle, and sat upon them. And Laban felt around all the tent, but did not find them.

acv@Genesis:37:25 @ And they sat down to eat bread. And they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilead, with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.

acv@Genesis:38:14 @ And she put the garments of her widowhood off from her, and covered herself with her veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in the gate of Enaim, which is by the way to Timnah, for she saw that Shelah was grown up, and she was not give

acv@Genesis:43:33 @ And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth. And the men marveled one with another.

acv@Genesis:48:2 @ And it was reported to Jacob, saying, Behold, thy son Joseph comes to thee. And Israel strengthened himself, and sat upon the bed.

acv@Exodus:2:15 @ Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian, and he sat down by a well.

acv@Exodus:12:29 @ And it came to pass at midnight, that LORD smote all the first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the first-born of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the first-born of cattl

acv@Exodus:15:9 @ The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my desire shall be satisfied upon them. I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.

acv@Exodus:16:3 @ And the sons of Israel said to them, Would that we had died by the hand of LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pots, when we ate bread to the full, for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this who

acv@Exodus:17:12 @ But Moses' hands were heavy. And they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat on it. and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side. And his hands were steady until the going do

acv@Exodus:18:13 @ And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood about Moses from the morning to the evening.

acv@Exodus:32:6 @ And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt-offerings, and brought peace-offerings. And the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to revel.

acv@Leviticus:15:6 @ And he who sits on anything on which he who has the issue sat shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.

acv@Leviticus:26:26 @ When I break your staff of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver your bread again by weight, and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.

acv@Deuteronomy:14:29 @ And the Levite, because he has no portion nor inheritance with thee, and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied, that LORD thy God may bless thee in al

acv@Deuteronomy:33:3 @ Yea, he loves the people. All his sanctified are in thy hand, and they sat down at thy feet. He shall receive from thy words.

acv@Deuteronomy:33:23 @ And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favor, and full with the blessing of LORD, possess thou the west and the south.

acv@Judges:5:17 @ Gilead abode beyond the Jordan. And Dan, why did he remain in ships? Asher sat still at the haven of the sea, and abode by his creeks.

acv@Judges:6:11 @ And the agent of LORD came, and sat under the oak which was in Ophrah that pertained to Joash the Abiezrite. And his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.

acv@Judges:13:9 @ And God hearkened to the voice of Manoah, and the agent of God came again to the woman as she sat in the field, but Manoah her husband was not with her.

acv@Judges:19:6 @ So they sat down, and ate and drank, both of them together. And the damsel's father said to the man, Be pleased, I pray thee, to tarry all night, and let thy heart be merry.

acv@Judges:19:15 @ And they turned aside there, to go in to lodge in Gibeah. And he went in, and sat down in the street of the city, for there was no man that took them into his house to lodge.

acv@Judges:20:26 @ Then all the sons of Israel, and all the people, went up, and came to Bethel, and wept, and sat there before LORD, and fasted that day until evening, and they offered burnt-offerings and peace-offerings before LORD.

acv@Judges:21:2 @ And the people came to Bethel, and sat there till evening before God, and lifted up their voices, and wept bitterly.

acv@Ruth:2:14 @ And at mealtime Boaz said to her, Come here, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. And she sat beside the reapers, and they passed her parched grain, and she ate, and was satisfied, and left of it.

acv@Ruth:2:18 @ And she took it up, and went into the city, and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned. And she brought forth and gave to her that which she had left after she was satisfied.

acv@Ruth:4:1 @ Now Boaz went up to the gate, and sat down there. And, behold, the near kinsman of whom Boaz spoke came by, to whom he said, Such man, stay, turn aside. Sit down here. And he turned aside, and sat down.

acv@Ruth:4:2 @ And he took ten men of the elders of the city, and said, Sit ye down here. And they sat down.

acv@1Samuel:19:9 @ And an evil spirit from LORD was upon Saul as he sat in his house with his spear in his hand, and David was playing with his hand.

acv@1Samuel:20:24 @ So David hid himself in the field. And when the new moon came, the king sat down to eat food.

acv@1Samuel:20:25 @ And the king sat upon his seat, as at other times, even upon the seat by the wall, and Jonathan stood up, and Abner sat by Saul's side, but David's place was empty.

acv@1Samuel:28:23 @ But he refused, and said, I will not eat. But his servants, together with the woman, constrained him, and he hearkened to their voice. So he arose from the ground, and sat upon the bed.

acv@2Samuel:2:13 @ And Joab the son of Zeruiah, and the servants of David, went out, and met them by the pool of Gibeon. And they sat down, the one on the one side of the pool, and the other on the other side of the pool.

acv@2Samuel:7:18 @ Then David the king went in, and sat before LORD. And he said, Who am I, O lord LORD, and what is my house, that thou have brought me thus far?

acv@2Samuel:19:8 @ Then the king arose, and sat in the gate. And they told to all the people, saying, Behold, the king is sitting in the gate. And all the people came before the king. Now Israel had fled every man to his tent.

acv@1Kings:2:12 @ And Solomon sat upon the throne of David his father, and his kingdom was established greatly.

acv@1Kings:2:19 @ Bathsheba therefore went to king Solomon to speak to him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her, and bowed himself to her, and sat down on his throne, and caused a throne to be set for the king's mother. And she sat on his

acv@1Kings:13:20 @ And it came to pass, as they sat at the table, that the word of LORD came to the prophet who brought him back.

acv@1Kings:16:11 @ And it came to pass, when he began to reign, as soon as he sat on his throne, that he smote all the house of Baasha. He left him not a single man-child, neither of his kinfolks, nor of his friends.

acv@1Kings:19:4 @ But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree. And he requested for himself that he might die, and said, It is enough, now, O LORD, take away my life, for I am no better than my

acv@1Kings:21:13 @ And the two men, the base fellows, came in and sat before him. And the base fellows bore witness against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, Naboth cursed God and the king. Then they carried him forth o

acv@2Kings:4:20 @ And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.

acv@2Kings:13:13 @ And Joash slept with his fathers, and Jeroboam sat upon his throne. And Joash was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel.

acv@1Chronicles:17:16 @ Then David the king went in, and sat before LORD. And he said, Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that thou have brought me thus far?

acv@1Chronicles:21:1 @ And Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel.

acv@1Chronicles:29:23 @ Then Solomon sat on the throne of LORD as king instead of David his father, and prospered, and all Israel obeyed him.

acv@2Chronicles:18:9 @ Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah each sat on his throne, arrayed in their robes. And they were sitting in an open place at the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets were prophesying before th

acv@Ezra:4:6 @ And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, they wrote an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.

acv@Ezra:4:9 @ Then [wrote] Rehum the chancellor, and Shimshai the scribe, and the rest of their companions, the Dinaites, and the Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Shushanchites, the Dehaites,

acv@Ezra:8:36 @ And they delivered the king's commissions to the king's satraps, and to the governors beyond the River. And they furthered the people and the house of God.

acv@Ezra:9:3 @ And when I heard this thing, I tore my garment and my robe, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down confounded.

acv@Ezra:9:4 @ Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel were assembled to me, because of the trespass of those of the captivity, and I sat confounded until the evening oblation.

acv@Ezra:10:9 @ Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered themselves together to Jerusalem within the three days. It was the ninth month, on the twentieth [day] of the month, and all the people sat in the broad place before the house of God,

acv@Ezra:10:16 @ And the sons of the captivity did so. And Ezra the priest, [with] certain heads of fathers, after their fathers' houses, and all of them by their names, were set apart. And they sat down in the first day of the tenth month to exami

acv@Nehemiah:1:4 @ And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days. And I fasted and prayed before the God of heaven,

acv@Esther:1:2 @ that in those days, when king Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the palace,

acv@Esther:1:14 @ and next to him were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven rulers of Persia and Media who saw the king's face, and sat first in the kingdom),

acv@Esther:3:12 @ Then the king's scribes were called in the first month, on the thirteenth day of it. And there was written according to all that Haman commanded to the king's satraps, and to the governors who were over every province, and to the r

acv@Esther:3:15 @ The posts went forth in haste by the king's commandment, and the decree was given out in Shushan the palace. And the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Shushan was perplexed.

acv@Esther:5:1 @ Now it came to pass on the third day, that Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king's house, opposite the king's house. And the king sat upon his royal throne in the royal house, opposite the entran

acv@Esther:7:4 @ For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I would have held my peace, although the adversary could not have compensated for the king's damage.

acv@Esther:8:9 @ Then the king's scribes were called at that time, in the third month Sivan, on the twenty-third [day] of it. And it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews, and to the satraps, and the governors and rulers

acv@Esther:9:3 @ And all the rulers of the provinces, and the satraps, and the governors, and those who did the king's business, helped the Jews, because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

acv@Job:1:6 @ Now it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before LORD, that Satan also came among them.

acv@Job:1:7 @ And LORD said to Satan, From where do thou come? Then Satan answered LORD, and said, From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.

acv@Job:1:8 @ And LORD said to Satan, Have thou considered my servant Job? For there is none like him on the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil.

acv@Job:1:9 @ Then Satan answered LORD, and said, Does Job fear God for nothing?

acv@Job:1:12 @ And LORD said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in thy power, only upon himself do not put forth thy hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of LORD.

acv@Job:2:1 @ Again it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before LORD, that Satan came also among them to present himself before LORD.

acv@Job:2:2 @ And LORD said to Satan, From where did thou come? And Satan answered LORD, and said, From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.

acv@Job:2:3 @ And LORD said to Satan, Have thou considered my servant Job? For there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil. And he still holds fast his integrity, although thou m

acv@Job:2:4 @ And Satan answered LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man has he will give for his life.

acv@Job:2:6 @ And LORD said to Satan, Behold, he is in thy hand, only spare his life.

acv@Job:2:7 @ So Satan went forth from the presence of LORD, and smote Job with severe boils from the sole of his foot to his crown.

acv@Job:2:8 @ And he took a potsherd for him to scrape himself with it, and he sat among the ashes.

acv@Job:2:13 @ So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights. And none spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great.

acv@Job:19:22 @ Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh?

acv@Job:27:14 @ If his sons be multiplied, it is for the sword. And his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread.

acv@Job:29:25 @ I chose out their way, and sat [as] chief, and dwelt as a king in the army, as a man who comforts the mourners.

acv@Job:38:27 @ to satisfy the waste and desolate [ground], and to cause the tender grass to spring forth?

acv@Job:38:39 @ Can thou hunt the prey for the lioness, or satisfy the appetite of the young lions

acv@Psalms:17:14 @ from men by thy hand, O LORD, from men of the world whose portion is in [this] life, and whose belly thou fill with thy treasure. They are satisfied with sons, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes.

acv@Psalms:17:15 @ As for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy form.

acv@Psalms:22:26 @ The meek shall eat and be satisfied. They shall praise LORD who seek after him. Let your heart live forever.

acv@Psalms:26:4 @ I have not sat with men of falsehood, nor will I go in with dissemblers.

acv@Psalms:29:10 @ LORD sat [as King] at the Flood. Yea, LORD sits as King forever.

acv@Psalms:36:8 @ They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house, and thou will make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.

acv@Psalms:37:19 @ They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

acv@Psalms:59:15 @ They shall wander up and down for food, and tarry all night if they be not satisfied.

acv@Psalms:63:5 @ My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness. And my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips

acv@Psalms:65:4 @ Blessed is the man whom thou choose and cause to approach, that he may dwell in thy courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, thy holy temple.

acv@Psalms:81:16 @ He would feed them also with the finest of the wheat. And I would satisfy thee with honey out of the rock.

acv@Psalms:90:14 @ O satisfy us in the morning with thy loving kindness, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

acv@Psalms:91:16 @ I will satisfy him with long life, and show him my salvation.

acv@Psalms:103:5 @ who satisfies thy desire with good things, [and] thy youth is renewed like the eagle.

acv@Psalms:104:28 @ Thou give to them, they gather. Thou open thy hand, they are satisfied with good.

acv@Psalms:105:40 @ They asked, and he brought quails, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.

acv@Psalms:107:9 @ For he satisfies the longing soul, and he fills the hungry soul with good,

acv@Psalms:107:10 @ [even] those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron,

acv@Psalms:119:23 @ Rulers also sat and talked against me, [but] thy servant meditated on thy statutes.

acv@Psalms:132:15 @ I will abundantly bless her provision. I will satisfy her poor with bread.

acv@Psalms:137:1 @ By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion.

acv@Psalms:145:16 @ Thou open thy hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

acv@Proverbs:5:19 @ a loving hind and a pleasant doe. Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love.

acv@Proverbs:6:30 @ Men do not despise a thief, if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry.

acv@Proverbs:6:35 @ He will not regard any ransom, nor will he be satisfied, though thou give many gifts.

acv@Proverbs:12:14 @ A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth, and the actions of a man's hands shall be rendered to him.

acv@Proverbs:13:25 @ A righteous man eats to the satisfying of his soul, but the belly of the wicked shall want.

acv@Proverbs:18:20 @ A man's belly shall be filled with the fruit of his mouth. With the increase of his lips he shall be satisfied.

acv@Proverbs:19:23 @ The fear of LORD is life to a man, and he shall abide satisfied. He shall not be visited with evil.

acv@Proverbs:20:13 @ Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty. Open thine eyes, [and] thou shall be satisfied with bread.

acv@Proverbs:27:20 @ Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and the eyes of man are never satisfied.

acv@Proverbs:30:15 @ The leach has two daughters, [crying], Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, [yea], four that do not say, Enough:

acv@Proverbs:30:16 @ Sheol, and the barren womb, the earth that is not satisfied with water, and the fire that does not say, Enough.

acv@Ecclesiastes:1:8 @ All things are full of weariness, man cannot utter [it]. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

acv@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @ There is one man who is alone, and he has not a second, yea, he has neither son nor brother. Yet there is no end of all his labor, nor are his eyes satisfied with riches. For whom then, [he says], do I labor, and deprive my soul of

acv@Ecclesiastes:5:10 @ He who loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he who loves abundance, with increase. This also is vanity.

acv@Songs:1:12 @ While the king sat at his table, my spikenard sent forth its fragrance.

acv@Songs:2:3 @ As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

acv@Isaiah:3:22 @ the festival robes, and the mantles, and the shawls, and the satchels,

acv@Isaiah:9:20 @ And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry. And he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied. They shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm--

acv@Isaiah:44:16 @ He burns part of it in the fire. With part of it he eats flesh. He roasts roast, and is satisfied. Yea, he warms himself, and says, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire.

acv@Isaiah:53:11 @ He shall see of the travail of his soul, [and] shall be satisfied. By the knowledge of himself shall my righteous servant justify many, and he shall bear their iniquities.

acv@Isaiah:55:2 @ Why do ye spend money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Hearken diligently to me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

acv@Isaiah:58:10 @ and if thou draw out thy soul to a hungry man, and satisfy an afflicted soul, then thy light shall rise in darkness, and thine obscurity be as the noonday.

acv@Isaiah:58:11 @ And LORD will guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in dry places, and make strong thy bones. And thou shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters fail not.

acv@Isaiah:66:11 @ that ye may nurse and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations, that ye may [get] milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

acv@Jeremiah:3:2 @ Lift up thine eyes to the bare heights, and see. Where have thou not been lain with? By the ways thou have sat for them, as an Arabian in the wilderness, and thou have polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness.

acv@Jeremiah:15:17 @ I did not sit in the assembly of those who make merry, nor did I rejoice. I sat alone because of thy hand, for thou have filled me with indignation.

acv@Jeremiah:26:10 @ And when the rulers of Judah heard these things, they came up from the king's house to the house of LORD, and they sat in the entry of the new gate of LORD's [house].

acv@Jeremiah:31:14 @ And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, says LORD.

acv@Jeremiah:31:25 @ For I have satiated the weary soul, and every sorrowful soul I have replenished.

acv@Jeremiah:39:3 @ And all the princes of the king of Babylon came in, and sat in the middle gate, [to wit], Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, Rab-saris, Nergal-sharezer, Rab-mag, with all the rest of the princes of the king of Babylon.

acv@Jeremiah:46:10 @ For that day is [a day] of the Lord, LORD of hosts, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries. And the sword shall devour and be satiate, and shall drink its fill of their blood, for the Lord, LORD of hosts, has

acv@Jeremiah:50:10 @ And Chaldea shall be a prey. All who prey upon her shall be satisfied, says LORD.

acv@Jeremiah:50:19 @ And I will bring Israel again to his pasture, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied upon the hills of Ephraim and in Gilead.

acv@Lamentations:3:15 @ He has filled me with bitterness. He has sated me with wormwood.

acv@Lamentations:5:6 @ We have given the hand to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread.

acv@Ezekiel:3:15 @ Then I came to those of the captivity at Tel-abib, who dwelt by the river Chebar, and to where they dwelt. And I sat there overwhelmed among them seven days.

acv@Ezekiel:7:19 @ They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be as an unclean thing. Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of LORD. They shall not satisfy their souls, nor fill t

acv@Ezekiel:8:1 @ And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, as I sat in my house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of lord LORD fell there upon me.

acv@Ezekiel:8:14 @ Then he brought me to the door of the gate of LORD's house which was toward the north. And, behold, there sat the women weeping for Tammuz.

acv@Ezekiel:14:1 @ Then certain of the elders of Israel came to me, and sat before me.

acv@Ezekiel:16:28 @ Thou have played the harlot also with the Assyrians, because thou were insatiable. Yea, thou have played the harlot with them, and yet thou were not satisfied.

acv@Ezekiel:16:29 @ Thou have moreover multiplied thy whoredom to the land of traffic, to Chaldea, and yet thou were not satisfied with this.

acv@Ezekiel:20:1 @ And it came to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth [month], the tenth [day] of the month, that certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of LORD, and sat before me.

acv@Ezekiel:23:41 @ and sat upon a stately bed, with a table prepared before it, whereupon thou did set my incense and my oil.

acv@Ezekiel:32:4 @ And I will leave thee upon the land. I will cast thee forth upon the open field, and will cause all the birds of the heavens to settle upon thee, and I will satisfy the beasts of the whole earth with thee.

acv@Daniel:3:2 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the satraps, the deputies, and the governors, the judges, the treasurers, the counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the imag

acv@Daniel:3:3 @ Then the satraps, the deputies, and the governors, the judges, the treasurers, the counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together to the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king ha

acv@Daniel:3:8 @ Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and brought accusation against the Jews.

acv@Daniel:3:27 @ And the satraps, the deputies, and the governors, and the king's counselors, being gathered together, saw these men, that the fire had no power upon their bodies, nor was the hair of their head singed. Neither were their coats chan

acv@Daniel:6:1 @ It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom a hundred and twenty satraps, who should be throughout the whole kingdom,

acv@Daniel:6:2 @ and over them three presidents, of whom Daniel was one, that these satraps might give account to them, and that the king should have no damage.

acv@Daniel:6:3 @ Then this Daniel was distinguished above the presidents and the satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

acv@Daniel:6:4 @ Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could find no occasion nor fault, inasmuch as he was faithful, nor was there any error or fault found in him.

acv@Daniel:6:6 @ Then these presidents and satraps assembled together to the king, and said thus to him: King Darius, live forever.

acv@Daniel:6:7 @ All the presidents of the kingdom, the deputies and the satraps, the counselors and the governors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a strong interdict, that whoever shall ask a petition of any god o

acv@Daniel:7:9 @ I beheld till thrones were placed, and one who was ancient of days sat. His raiment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool. His throne was fiery flames, [and] the wheels of it burning fire.

acv@Joel:2:19 @ And LORD answered and said to his people, Behold, I will send you grain, and new wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith. And I will no more make you a reproach among the nations.

acv@Joel:2:26 @ And ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied. And shall praise the name of LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never be put to shame.

acv@Amos:4:8 @ So two or three cities wandered to one city to drink water, and were not satisfied. Yet ye have not returned to me, says LORD.

acv@Jonah:3:6 @ And the news reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and laid his robe from him, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

acv@Jonah:4:5 @ Then Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made himself a booth, and sat under it in the shade, till he might see what would become of the city.

acv@Micah:6:14 @ Thou shall eat, but not be satisfied, and thy humiliation shall be in the midst of thee. And thou shall put away, but shall not save, and that which thou save I will give up to the sword.

acv@Habakkuk:2:5 @ Yea, moreover, wine is treacherous.) [He is] a haughty man, who does not keep at home, who enlarges his desire as Sheol, and he is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathers to him all nations, and heaps to him all peoples.

acv@Zechariah:3:1 @ And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the agent of LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to be his adversary.

acv@Zechariah:3:2 @ And LORD said to Satan, LORD rebuke thee, O Satan. Yea, LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee. Is this not a brand plucked out of the fire?

acv@Matthew:4:10 @ Then Jesus says to him, Get thee behind me, Satan, for it is written, Thou shall worship Lord thy God, and him only thou shall serve.

acv@Matthew:5:1 @ And having seen the multitudes, he went up onto the mountain. And when he sat down, his disciples came to him.

acv@Matthew:12:26 @ And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

acv@Matthew:13:48 @ which, when it was full, after dragging to the shore, having sat down, they gathered the good into vessels, but they cast out the useless.

acv@Matthew:15:29 @ And having departed from there, Jesus came near the sea of Galilee. And having gone up onto the mountain, he sat there.

acv@Matthew:16:23 @ But having turned around, he said to Peter, Go thee behind me, Satan. Thou are my stumbling-block, because thou regard not the things of God, but the things of men.

acv@Matthew:21:7 @ they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their garments over them. And he sat upon them.

acv@Matthew:24:3 @ And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign of thy coming, and of the termination of the age?

acv@Matthew:26:7 @ a woman came to him having an alabaster cruse of precious ointment, and she poured it upon his head as he sat relaxing.

acv@Matthew:26:55 @ In that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, Did ye come out as against a robber with swords and clubs to seize me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye did not seize me.

acv@Matthew:26:58 @ But Peter followed him from afar, as far as the courtyard of the high priest. And having entered inside, he sat with the subordinates to see the outcome.

acv@Matthew:27:36 @ And as they sat, they keep watch over him there.

acv@Matthew:27:37 @ And they set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

acv@Matthew:28:2 @ And behold, a great earthquake occurred, for an agent of Lord, having descended from heaven, having come, he rolled the stone away from the door and sat upon it.

acv@Mark:1:13 @ And he was there in the wilderness forty days tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild beasts. And the heavenly agents served him.

acv@Mark:3:23 @ And having summoned them, he said to them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

acv@Mark:3:26 @ And if Satan has rise up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but has an end.

acv@Mark:3:34 @ And having looked around at those who sat about him, he says, Behold, my mother and my brothers.

acv@Mark:4:15 @ And these are those by the path where the word is sown. And whenever they may hear, straightaway Satan comes, and takes away the word that has been sown in their hearts.

acv@Mark:6:22 @ and the daughter of her (of Herodias) having come in and danced, and having pleased Herod and those who sat with the king, he said to the maiden, Ask of me whatever thou may want, and I will give to thee.

acv@Mark:6:40 @ And they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties.

acv@Mark:8:33 @ But he, having turned around, and having looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Go thee behind me, Satan, because thou think not the things of God, but the things of men.

acv@Mark:9:35 @ And having sat down, he called the twelve, and he says to them, If any man wants to be first, he will be last of all, and helper of all.

acv@Mark:11:2 @ and says to them, Go ye into the village opposite you, and straightaway as ye enter into it, ye will find a colt tied, on which none of men have ever sat. After untying it, bring it.

acv@Mark:11:7 @ And they brought the colt to Jesus, and threw their garments on it, and he sat upon it.

acv@Mark:12:41 @ And having sat down opposite the treasury, Jesus watched how the multitude cast money into the treasury, and many rich men cast in much.

acv@Mark:13:3 @ And as he sat upon the mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew questioned him privately,

acv@Mark:14:3 @ And while he was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat relaxing, a woman came having an alabaster cruse of ointment of pure spikenard, very valuable. And having broken the alabaster cruse, she poured it on his head.

acv@Mark:15:26 @ And the inscription of his accusation was inscribed, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

acv@Mark:16:19 @ Therefore indeed, the Lord, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

acv@Luke:4:8 @ And having answered, Jesus said to him, Go thee behind me, Satan. It is written, Thou shall worship Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve.

acv@Luke:4:20 @ And having closed the book, having given it back to the attendant, he sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were focused on him.

acv@Luke:5:3 @ And having entered into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And having sat down, he taught the crowds from the boat.

acv@Luke:6:7 @ And the scholars and the Pharisees watched if he would heal on the Sabbath, so that they might find an accusation against him.

acv@Luke:7:15 @ And the dead man sat up, and began to speak. And he gave him to his mother.

acv@Luke:7:36 @ And a certain man of the Pharisees asked him that he would eat with him. And having entered into the Pharisee's house, he sat down.

acv@Luke:7:37 @ And behold, a woman in the city who was sinful. And when she knew that he sat in the Pharisee's house, having brought an alabaster cruse of ointment,

acv@Luke:7:49 @ And those who sat together began to say within themselves, Who is this who even forgives sins?

acv@Luke:10:18 @ And he said to them, I beheld Satan fallen as lightning from the sky.

acv@Luke:10:39 @ And she was sister to this woman called Mary, who also, having sat at Jesus' feet, was listening to his word.

acv@Luke:11:18 @ And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom be made to stand? Because ye say that I cast out the demons by Beelzebub.

acv@Luke:11:37 @ Now as he spoke a certain Pharisee asks him that he might dine with him. And having entered in, he sat down.

acv@Luke:13:16 @ And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound, lo, eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the day of the Sabbath?

acv@Luke:14:28 @ For which of you wanting to build a tower, does not, having first sat down, count the cost whether he has the things for completion?

acv@Luke:14:31 @ Or what king going to encounter another king in war, will not, having first sat down, consult whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

acv@Luke:16:6 @ And he said, A hundred measures of olive oil. And he said to him, Receive thy document, and having sat down, quickly write fifty.

acv@Luke:18:35 @ And it came to pass as he approached Jericho, a certain blind man sat beside the road begging.

acv@Luke:19:30 @ Go ye into the opposite village, in which, having entered, ye will find a colt tied, on which no man ever sat. Having untied, bring it.

acv@Luke:22:3 @ And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.

acv@Luke:22:14 @ And when the hour came, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

acv@Luke:22:31 @ And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you to sift you as wheat,

acv@Luke:22:55 @ And having kindled a fire in the midst of the court, and having sat down together, Peter sat in the midst of them.

acv@John:6:3 @ And Jesus went up onto the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.

acv@John:6:10 @ And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

acv@John:8:2 @ And at early morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him. And having sat down, he taught them.

acv@John:8:6 @ But they said this, trying him, so that they might have an accusation against him. But Jesus having stooped down, wrote on the ground with his finger, not pretending.

acv@John:12:2 @ So they made a supper for him there, and Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those who sat dining with him.

acv@John:12:14 @ And Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat on it, as it is written,

acv@John:13:12 @ When therefore he washed their feet, and took his garments, having sat down again, he said to them, Do ye understand what I have done to you?

acv@John:13:27 @ And after the morsel, then Satan entered into that man. Jesus therefore says to him, What thou do, do more quickly.

acv@John:18:29 @ Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, What accusation do ye bring against this man?

acv@John:19:13 @ When Pilate therefore heard this word, he brought Jesus out, and sat down on the judgment seat at a place called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

acv@Acts:3:10 @ and they recognized him, that this was the man who sat for charity at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. And they were filled of astonishment and amazement at that which happened to him.

acv@Acts:5:3 @ But Peter said, Ananias, why did Satan fill thy heart for thee to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back from the price of the land?

acv@Acts:6:15 @ And all who sat in the council, having gazed upon him, saw his face like a face of a heavenly agent.

acv@Acts:9:40 @ But Peter, having sent them all out, having knelt down, he prayed. And having turned to the body, he said, Tabitha, arise. And the woman opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up.

acv@Acts:12:21 @ And at a set day Herod, having arrayed himself in royal apparel, and having sat on the tribunal, he made an oration to them.

acv@Acts:13:14 @ And they, having passed through from Perga, arrived at Antioch of Pisidia, and after entering into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, they sat down.

acv@Acts:16:13 @ And on the Sabbath day we went outside the city beside a river, where it was customary for prayer to be. And having sat down, we spoke to the women who came together.

acv@Acts:23:29 @ whom I found accusing about issues of their law, having not one accusation worthy of death or of bonds.

acv@Acts:25:6 @ And after remaining among them more than ten days, having gone down to Caesarea, on the morrow having sat on the judgment seat, he commanded Paul to be brought.

acv@Acts:25:7 @ And when he arrived, the Jews who came down from Jerusalem stood around, bringing many and serious accusations against Paul, which they could not prove,

acv@Acts:25:16 @ To whom I answered, that it is not a custom by Romans to give any man freely for destruction, before the man being accused has the accusers in person, and receives an occasion of defense about the accusation.

acv@Acts:25:17 @ When therefore they assembled here, not having made one delay, next in order, having sat on the judgment seat, I commanded the man to be brought.

acv@Acts:26:18 @ to open their eyes to turn about from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, for them to receive remission of sins and a lot among those who have been sanctified by faith in me.

acv@Acts:26:30 @ And when he spoke these things, the king rose up, and the governor, and Bernice, and those who sat with them.

acv@Romans:15:24 @ whenever I go to Spain I will come to you. For I hope to see you while passing through, and there to be helped on the way by you, if first I may be partly satisfied from you.

acv@Romans:16:20 @ And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you.

acv@1Corinthians:5:5 @ to deliver such a man to Satan for destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

acv@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Do not defraud each other except from agreement for a time, so that ye may have time for fasting and prayer. And come together again for the same thing, so that Satan not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

acv@1Corinthians:10:7 @ Neither become ye idolaters as some of them, as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to revel.

acv@2Corinthians:2:11 @ so that we may not be exploited by Satan. For we are not ignorant of his methods.

acv@2Corinthians:11:14 @ And no marvel, for even Satan disguises himself into an agent of light.

acv@2Corinthians:12:7 @ And so that I might not be over exalted by the extraordinariness of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, an agent of Satan so that he would buffet me, so that I would not be over exalted.

acv@Galatians:4:15 @ Where then is your satisfaction? For I testify to you, that if possible, having plucked your eyes out, ye would have given them to me.

acv@1Thessalonians:2:18 @ Therefore we wanted to come to you, indeed I, Paul, even once and again, and Satan hindered us.

acv@2Thessalonians:2:9 @ Whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and marvels of deceit,

acv@1Timothy:1:20 @ of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan, so that they may be disciplined not to blaspheme.

acv@1Timothy:5:15 @ For some have already turned aside after Satan.

acv@1Timothy:5:17 @ Let the elders who rule well be regarded worthy of double compensation, especially those who labor in the word and in teaching.

acv@1Timothy:5:19 @ Accept no accusation against an elder, except at two or three witnesses.

acv@Titus:1:6 @ if any man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having believing children, not with an accusation of debauchery or insubordinate.

acv@Hebrews:1:3 @ Who, being the radiance of his glory, and the exact image of his essence, and upholding all things by the word of his power, having made purification of our sins through himself, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in the

acv@Hebrews:10:12 @ But this man, having offered one sacrifice on behalf of sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God,

acv@Hebrews:12:2 @ Looking to Jesus the pathfinder and perfecter of the faith, who, against the joy set before him, endured a cross, having despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

acv@3John:1:10 @ Because of this, if I come, I will remember his works that he does, prating against us with evil words. And not being satisfied in these, he himself does not even accept the brothers, and he forbids those who would, and expels them

acv@Revelation:2:9 @ I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou are rich), and the blasphemy of those who say themselves to be Jews, and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

acv@Revelation:2:13 @ I know thy works, and where thou dwell, where Satan's throne is. And thou hold firm my name, and did not deny my faith in the days in which Antipas was my faithful witness, who was killed among you where Satan dwells.

acv@Revelation:2:24 @ But I say to you, to those remaining in Thyatira, as many as have not this teaching, who do not know, as they say, the deep things of Satan, I do not cast upon you another burden.

acv@Revelation:3:9 @ Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, those who say themselves to be Jews, and are not, but lie, behold, I will make them so that they will come and bow down before thy feet, and may know that I have loved thee.

acv@Revelation:3:21 @ He who overcomes, I will give him to sit with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne.

acv@Revelation:4:8 @ And the four beings, one by one, each having six wings, are full of eyes around and inside. And they have no cessation day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord, the Almighty God, he was, and who is, and who is coming.

acv@Revelation:12:9 @ And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, he who leads the whole world astray. He was cast out to the earth, and his agents were cast out with him.

acv@Revelation:20:2 @ And he seized the dragon, the old serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, who leads the whole world astray, and bound him a thousand years.

acv@Revelation:20:4 @ And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them. And judgment was given to them and the souls of those who were beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus, and because of the word of God, and who did not worship the beast nor his image,

acv@Revelation:20:7 @ And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be loosed out of his prison.

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