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rotherham@Deuteronomy:32:23 @ I will heap on them, calamities, Mine arrows, will I spend upon them:

rotherham@2Samuel:18:9 @ Now, when Absolom met the servants of David, Absolom, was riding upon a mule, and the mule came under the thick branches of a large oak, and his head caught hold of the oak, and he was suspended between heaven and earth, the mule that was under him passing on.

rotherham@2Samuel:18:10 @ And a certain man saw it, and told Joab, and said Lo! I saw Absolom suspended in an oak.

rotherham@Isaiah:55:2 @ Wherefore should ye spend, Money, for that which is not bread? Or your labour, for that which, satisfieth not? Keep on hearkening unto me, And, so eat that which is good, And let your soul take exquisite delight in fatness:

rotherham@Luke:6:12 @ And it came to pass, in these days, that he went forth into the mountain to pray, and was spending the night in the prayer-house of God.

rotherham@Luke:10:35 @ And, on the morrow, throwing out two denaries, he gave them to the inn-keeper, and said Take care of him, and, whatsoever thou shall further spend, I, when on my way back, will duly pay thee.

rotherham@Luke:23:39 @ And, one of the suspended evil-doers, began to defame him Art not, thou, the Christ? Save thyself and us!

rotherham@Acts:2:23 @ The same, by the marked out counsel and foreknowledge of God given up, through the hands of lawless men, suspending, ye slew,

rotherham@Acts:5:30 @ The God of our fathers, hath raised up Jesus, whom, ye, got into your hands, suspending him upon a tree:

rotherham@Acts:10:39 @ We also, are witnesses of all things which he did, both in the country of the Jews and Jerusalem; whom they even slew by suspending upon a tree;

rotherham@Acts:16:12 @ and, from thence, unto Philippi, which, indeed, is the first city of the part of Macedoniaa colony. And we were, in this city, spending certain days;

rotherham@Acts:18:23 @ and, spending some time, he went forth, passing through, in order, the country of Galatia and Phrygia, confirming all the disciples.

rotherham@Acts:20:3 @ and, spending three months, when a plot was laid against him by the Jews, as he was about to sail to Syria, he determined to turn back through Macedonia.

rotherham@Acts:21:24 @ Taking these unto thee, be purified with them, and spend something upon them, that they may shave their head; and all will get to know, that the things which they have heard rumoured concerning thee, are, nothing, on the contrary, thou thyself, dost keep the ranks, guarding the law.

rotherham@Acts:25:6 @ And, spending among them, not more than eight or ten days, he went down unto Caesarea; and, on the morrow, taking his place upon the judgment-seat, ordered Paul to be brought.

rotherham@Acts:25:14 @ And, as they were spending more days there, Festus, repeated, unto the king, the things relating to Paul, saying A certain man, hath been left behind by Felix, as a prisoner;

rotherham@2Corinthians:12:15 @ And, I, most gladly, will spend, and be fully spent, for your souls: If I, exceedingly, love you, am I, the less, loved?

rotherham@James:4:3 @ Ye ask and receive not, because that, basely, ye ask, in order that, in your pleasures, ye may spend.

rotherham@James:4:13 @ Come now! ye that say Today or To-morrow, we will journey unto this city here, and will spend there a year, and will trade and get gain,

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