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web@Genesis:3:1 @ Now the serpent was more subtle than any animal of the field which Yahweh God had made. He said to the woman, "Has God really said, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden?'"

web@Genesis:4:13 @ Cain said to Yahweh, "My punishment is greater than I can bear.

web@Genesis:19:9 @ They said, "Stand back!" Then they said, "This one fellow came in to live as a foreigner, and he appoints himself a judge. Now will we deal worse with you, than with them!" They pressed hard on the man Lot, and drew near to break the door.

web@Genesis:25:23 @ Yahweh said to her, "Two nations are in your womb. Two peoples will be separated from your body. The one people will be stronger than the other people. The elder will serve the younger."

web@Genesis:26:16 @ Abimelech said to Isaac, "Go from us, for you are much mightier than we."

web@Genesis:28:17 @ He was afraid, and said, "How dreadful is this place! This is none other than God's house, and this is the gate of heaven."

web@Genesis:29:19 @ Laban said, "It is better that I give her to you, than that I should give her to another man. Stay with me."

web@Genesis:29:30 @ He went in also to Rachel, and he loved also Rachel more than Leah, and served with him yet seven other years.

web@Genesis:37:3 @ Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age, and he made him a coat of many colors.

web@Genesis:37:4 @ His brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, and they hated him, and couldn't speak peaceably to him.

web@Genesis:37:17 @ The man said, "They have left here, for I heard them say, 'Let us go to Dothan.'" Joseph went after his brothers, and found them in Dothan.

web@Genesis:38:26 @ Judah acknowledged them, and said, "She is more righteous than I, because I didn't give her to Shelah, my son." He knew her again no more.

web@Genesis:39:9 @ He isn't greater in this house than I, neither has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"

web@Genesis:41:40 @ You shall be over my house, and according to your word will all my people be ruled. Only in the throne I will be greater than you."

web@Genesis:48:19 @ His father refused, and said, "I know, my son, I know. He also will become a people, and he also will be great. However, his younger brother will be greater than he, and his seed will become a multitude of nations."

web@Exodus:1:9 @ He said to his people, "Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we.

web@Exodus:14:12 @ Isn't this the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, 'Leave us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians?' For it were better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness."

web@Exodus:18:11 @ Now I know that Yahweh is greater than all gods because of the thing in which they dealt arrogantly against them."

web@Exodus:30:15 @ The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, than the half shekel, when they give the offering of Yahweh, to make atonement for your souls.

web@Exodus:36:5 @ They spoke to Moses, saying, "The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work which Yahweh commanded to make."

web@Leviticus:7:12 @ If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mixed with oil.

web@Leviticus:7:13 @ With cakes of leavened bread he shall offer his offering with the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving.

web@Leviticus:7:15 @ The flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day of his offering. He shall not leave any of it until the morning.

web@Leviticus:13:3 @ and the priest shall examine the plague in the skin of the body: and if the hair in the plague has turned white, and the appearance of the plague is deeper than the body's skin, it is the plague of leprosy; and the priest shall examine him, and pronounce him unclean.

web@Leviticus:13:4 @ If the bright spot is white in the skin of his body, and its appearance isn't deeper than the skin, and its hair hasn't turned white, then the priest shall isolate the infected person for seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:20 @ and the priest shall examine it; and behold, if its appearance is lower than the skin, and its hair has turned white, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is the plague of leprosy. It has broken out in the boil.

web@Leviticus:13:21 @ But if the priest examines it, and behold, there are no white hairs in it, and it isn't deeper than the skin, but is dim, then the priest shall isolate him seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:25 @ then the priest shall examine it; and behold, if the hair in the bright spot has turned white, and its appearance is deeper than the skin; it is leprosy. It has broken out in the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is the plague of leprosy.

web@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the priest examines it, and behold, there is no white hair in the bright spot, and it isn't lower than the skin, but is faded; then the priest shall isolate him seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:30 @ then the priest shall examine the plague; and behold, if its appearance is deeper than the skin, and the hair in it is yellow and thin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is an itch, it is leprosy of the head or of the beard.

web@Leviticus:13:31 @ If the priest examines the plague of itching, and behold, its appearance isn't deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then the priest shall isolate him the person infected with itching seven days.

web@Leviticus:13:32 @ On the seventh day the priest shall examine the plague; and behold, if the itch hasn't spread, and there is no yellow hair in it, and the appearance of the itch isn't deeper than the skin,

web@Leviticus:13:34 @ On the seventh day, the priest shall examine the itch; and behold, if the itch hasn't spread in the skin, and its appearance isn't deeper than the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean. He shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

web@Leviticus:14:37 @ He shall examine the plague; and behold, if the plague is in the walls of the house with hollow streaks, greenish or reddish, and it appears to be deeper than the wall;

web@Leviticus:22:29 @ "When you sacrifice a sacrifice of thanksgiving to Yahweh, you shall sacrifice it so that you may be accepted.

web@Leviticus:27:8 @ But if he is poorer than your valuation, then he shall be set before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to the ability of him who vowed shall the priest value him.

web@Numbers:1:8 @ Of Issachar: Nethanel the son of Zuar.

web@Numbers:2:5 @ Those who encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Issachar: and the prince of the children of Issachar shall be Nethanel the son of Zuar.

web@Numbers:7:18 @ On the second day Nethanel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, gave his offering.

web@Numbers:7:23 @ and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two head of cattle, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Nethanel the son of Zuar.

web@Numbers:10:15 @ Nethanel the son of Zuar was over the army of the tribe of the children of Issachar.

web@Numbers:13:31 @ But the men who went up with him said, "We aren't able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we."

web@Numbers:14:12 @ I will strike them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of you a nation greater and mightier than they."

web@Numbers:16:1 @ Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, with Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men:

web@Numbers:16:12 @ Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab; and they said, "We won't come up:

web@Numbers:16:24 @ "Speak to the congregation, saying, 'Get away from around the tent of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram!'"

web@Numbers:16:25 @ Moses rose up and went to Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him.

web@Numbers:16:27 @ So they went away from the tent of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood at the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little ones.

web@Numbers:22:15 @ Balak sent yet again princes, more, and more honorable than they.

web@Numbers:24:7 @ Water shall flow from his buckets. His seed shall be in many waters. His king shall be higher than Agag. His kingdom shall be exalted.

web@Numbers:26:9 @ The sons of Eliab: Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. These are that Dathan and Abiram, who were called of the congregation, who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against Yahweh,

web@Deuteronomy:1:28 @ Where are we going up? our brothers have made our heart to melt, saying, 'The people are greater and taller than we; the cities are great and fortified up to the sky; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakim there.'"

web@Deuteronomy:4:38 @ to drive out nations from before you greater and mightier than you, to bring you in, to give you their land for an inheritance, as at this day.

web@Deuteronomy:7:1 @ When Yahweh your God shall bring you into the land where you go to possess it, and shall cast out many nations before you, the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than you;

web@Deuteronomy:7:7 @ Yahweh didn't set his love on you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all peoples:

web@Deuteronomy:7:17 @ If you shall say in your heart, "These nations are more than I; how can I dispossess them?"

web@Deuteronomy:9:1 @ Hear, Israel: you are to pass over the Jordan this day, to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourself, cities great and fortified up to the sky,

web@Deuteronomy:9:14 @ let me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under the sky; and I will make of you a nation mightier and greater than they."

web@Deuteronomy:11:6 @ and what he did to Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, the son of Reuben; how the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them up, and their households, and their tents, and every living thing that followed them, in the midst of all Israel:

web@Deuteronomy:11:23 @ then will Yahweh drive out all these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourselves.

web@Deuteronomy:20:1 @ When you go forth to battle against your enemies, and see horses, chariots, and a people more than you, you shall not be afraid of them; for Yahweh your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

web@Joshua:3:16 @ that the waters which came down from above stood, and rose up in one heap, a great way off, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those that went down toward the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off. Then the people passed over right against Jericho.

web@Joshua:10:2 @ that they were very afraid, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty.

web@Joshua:10:11 @ It happened, as they fled from before Israel, while they were at the descent of Beth Horon, that Yahweh cast down great stones from the sky on them to Azekah, and they died. There were more who died from the hailstones than who the children of Israel killed with the sword.

web@Joshua:22:19 @ However, if the land of your possession is unclean, then pass over to the land of the possession of Yahweh, in which Yahweh's tabernacle dwells, and take possession among us; but don't rebel against Yahweh, nor rebel against us, in building an altar other than the altar of Yahweh our God.

web@Judges:2:19 @ But it happened, when the judge was dead, that they turned back, and dealt more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them, and to bow down to them; they didn't cease from their doings, nor from their stubborn way.

web@Judges:7:14 @ His fellow answered, "This is nothing other than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel. God has delivered Midian into his hand, with all the army."

web@Judges:8:2 @ He said to them, "What have I now done in comparison with you? Isn't the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer?

web@Judges:11:25 @ Now are you anything better than Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab? Did he ever strive against Israel, or did he ever fight against them?

web@Judges:14:18 @ The men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, "What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?" He said to them, "If you hadn't plowed with my heifer, you wouldn't have found out my riddle."

web@Judges:15:2 @ Her father said, "I most certainly thought that you had utterly hated her; therefore I gave her to your companion. Isn't her younger sister more beautiful than she? Please take her, instead."

web@Judges:16:30 @ Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines!" He bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell on the lords, and on all the people who were therein. So the dead that he killed at his death were more than those who he killed in his life.

web@Judges:18:30 @ The children of Dan set up for themselves the engraved image: and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, he and his sons were priests to the tribe of the Danites until the day of the captivity of the land.

web@Ruth:3:10 @ He said, "Blessed are you by Yahweh, my daughter. You have shown more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as you didn't follow young men, whether poor or rich.

web@Ruth:3:12 @ Now it is true that I am a near kinsman; however there is a kinsman nearer than I.

web@Ruth:4:15 @ He shall be to you a restorer of life, and sustain you in your old age, for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him."

web@1Samuel:1:8 @Elkanah her husband said to her, "Hannah, why do you weep? Why don't you eat? Why is your heart grieved? Am I not better to you than ten sons?"

web@1Samuel:9:2 @He had a son, whose name was Saul, an impressive young man; and there was not among the children of Israel a better person than he. From his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people.

web@1Samuel:10:23 @They ran and fetched him there; and when he stood among the people, he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upward.

web@1Samuel:13:2 @Saul chose for himself three thousand men of Israel, of which two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and in the Mount of Bethel, and one thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin: and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent.

web@1Samuel:13:3 @Jonathan struck the garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba: and the Philistines heard of it. Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the land, saying, "Let the Hebrews hear!"

web@1Samuel:13:16 @Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the people who were present with them, stayed in Geba of Benjamin: but the Philistines encamped in Michmash.

web@1Samuel:13:22 @So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.

web@1Samuel:14:1 @Now it fell on a day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, and let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, that is on the other side." But he didn't tell his father.

web@1Samuel:14:3 @and Ahijah, the son of Ahitub, Ichabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the priest of Yahweh in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. The people didn't know that Jonathan was gone.

web@1Samuel:14:4 @Between the passes, by which Jonathan sought to go over to the Philistines' garrison, there was a rocky crag on the one side, and a rocky crag on the other side: and the name of the one was Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh.

web@1Samuel:14:6 @Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, and let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that Yahweh will work for us; for there is no restraint on Yahweh to save by many or by few."

web@1Samuel:14:8 @Then Jonathan said, "Behold, we will pass over to the men, and we will reveal ourselves to them.

web@1Samuel:14:12 @The men of the garrison answered Jonathan and his armor bearer, and said, "Come up to us, and we will show you something!" Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come up after me; for Yahweh has delivered them into the hand of Israel."

web@1Samuel:14:13 @Jonathan climbed up on his hands and on his feet, and his armor bearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armor bearer killed them after him.

web@1Samuel:14:14 @That first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armor bearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were half a furrow's length in an acre of land.

web@1Samuel:14:17 @Then Saul said to the people who were with him, "Count now, and see who is missing from us." When they had counted, behold, Jonathan and his armor bearer were not there.

web@1Samuel:14:21 @Now the Hebrews who were with the Philistines as before, and who went up with them into the camp, from all around, even they also turned to be with the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.

web@1Samuel:14:27 @But Jonathan didn't hear when his father commanded the people with the oath: therefore he put forth the end of the rod who was in his hand, and dipped it in the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened.

web@1Samuel:14:29 @Then Jonathan said, "My father has troubled the land. Please look how my eyes have been enlightened, because I tasted a little of this honey.

web@1Samuel:14:39 @For, as Yahweh lives, who saves Israel, though it is in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die." But there was not a man among all the people who answered him.

web@1Samuel:14:40 @Then he said to all Israel, "You be on one side, and I and Jonathan my son will be on the other side." The people said to Saul, "Do what seems good to you."

web@1Samuel:14:41 @Therefore Saul said to Yahweh, the God of Israel, "Show the right." Jonathan and Saul were chosen; but the people escaped.

web@1Samuel:14:42 @Saul said, "Cast lots between me and Jonathan my son." Jonathan was selected.

web@1Samuel:14:43 @Then Saul said to Jonathan, "Tell me what you have done!" Jonathan told him, and said, "I certainly did taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in my hand; and behold, I must die."

web@1Samuel:14:44 @Saul said, "God do so and more also; for you shall surely die, Jonathan."

web@1Samuel:14:45 @The people said to Saul, "Shall Jonathan die, who has worked this great salvation in Israel? Far from it! As Yahweh lives, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he has worked with God this day!" So the people rescued Jonathan, that he didn't die.

web@1Samuel:14:49 @Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishvi, and Malchishua; and the names of his two daughters were these: the name of the firstborn Merab, and the name of the younger Michal:

web@1Samuel:15:22 @Samuel said, "Has Yahweh as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of Yahweh? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.

web@1Samuel:15:28 @Samuel said to him, "Yahweh has torn the kingdom of Israel from you this day, and has given it to a neighbor of yours who is better than you.

web@1Samuel:18:1 @It happened, when he had made an end of speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

web@1Samuel:18:3 @Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.

web@1Samuel:18:4 @Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him, and gave it to David, and his clothing, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his sash.

web@1Samuel:18:30 @Then the princes of the Philistines went forth: and it happened, as often as they went forth, that David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul; so that his name was highly esteemed.

web@1Samuel:19:1 @Saul spoke to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should kill David. But Jonathan, Saul's son, delighted much in David.

web@1Samuel:19:2 @Jonathan told David, saying, "Saul my father seeks to kill you. Now therefore, please take care of yourself in the morning, and live in a secret place, and hide yourself.

web@1Samuel:19:4 @Jonathan spoke good of David to Saul his father, and said to him, "Don't let the king sin against his servant, against David; because he has not sinned against you, and because his works have been very good toward you;

web@1Samuel:19:6 @Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan: and Saul swore, "As Yahweh lives, he shall not be put to death."

web@1Samuel:19:7 @Jonathan called David, and Jonathan showed him all those things. Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as before.

web@1Samuel:20:1 @David fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came and said before Jonathan, "What have I done? What is my iniquity? What is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life?"

web@1Samuel:20:3 @David swore moreover, and said, "Your father knows well that I have found favor in your eyes; and he says, 'Don't let Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved:' but truly as Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death."

web@1Samuel:20:4 @Then Jonathan said to David, "Whatever your soul desires, I will even do it for you."

web@1Samuel:20:5 @David said to Jonathan, "Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to dine with the king; but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field to the third day at evening.

web@1Samuel:20:9 @Jonathan said, "Far be it from you; for if I should at all know that evil were determined by my father to come on you, then wouldn't I tell you that?"

web@1Samuel:20:10 @Then David said to Jonathan, "Who shall tell me if perchance your father answers you roughly?"

web@1Samuel:20:11 @Jonathan said to David, "Come, and let us go out into the field." They both went out into the field.

web@1Samuel:20:12 @Jonathan said to David, "By Yahweh, the God of Israel, when I have sounded my father about this time tomorrow, or the third day, behold, if there is good toward David, shall I not then send to you, and disclose it to you?

web@1Samuel:20:13 @Yahweh do so to Jonathan, and more also, should it please my father to do you evil, if I don't disclose it to you, and send you away, that you may go in peace: and Yahweh be with you, as he has been with my father.

web@1Samuel:20:16 @So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, "Yahweh will require it at the hand of David's enemies."

web@1Samuel:20:17 @Jonathan caused David to swear again, for the love that he had to him; for he loved him as he loved his own soul.

web@1Samuel:20:18 @Then Jonathan said to him, "Tomorrow is the new moon: and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty.

web@1Samuel:20:25 @The king sat on his seat, as at other times, even on the seat by the wall; and Jonathan stood up, and Abner sat by Saul's side: but David's place was empty.

web@1Samuel:20:27 @It happened on the next day after the new moon, the second day, that David's place was empty. Saul said to Jonathan his son, "Why doesn't the son of Jesse come to eat, neither yesterday, nor today?"

web@1Samuel:20:28 @Jonathan answered Saul, "David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem.

web@1Samuel:20:30 @Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said to him, "You son of a perverse rebellious woman, don't I know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother's nakedness?

web@1Samuel:20:32 @Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said to him, "Why should he be put to death? What has he done?"

web@1Samuel:20:33 @Saul cast his spear at him to strike him. By this Jonathan knew that his father was determined to put David to death.

web@1Samuel:20:34 @So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and ate no food the second day of the month; for he was grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.

web@1Samuel:20:35 @It happened in the morning, that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David, and a little boy with him.

web@1Samuel:20:37 @When the boy had come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after the boy, and said, "Isn't the arrow beyond you?"

web@1Samuel:20:38 @Jonathan cried after the boy, "Go fast! Hurry! Don't delay!" Jonathan's boy gathered up the arrows, and came to his master.

web@1Samuel:20:39 @But the boy didn't know anything. Only Jonathan and David knew the matter.

web@1Samuel:20:40 @Jonathan gave his weapons to his boy, and said to him, "Go, carry them to the city."

web@1Samuel:20:42 @Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, because we have both sworn in the name of Yahweh, saying, 'Yahweh shall be between me and you, and between my seed and your seed, forever.'" He arose and departed; and Jonathan went into the city.

web@1Samuel:23:16 @Jonathan, Saul's son, arose, and went to David into the woods, and strengthened his hand in God.

web@1Samuel:23:18 @They both made a covenant before Yahweh: and David stayed in the woods, and Jonathan went to his house.

web@1Samuel:24:17 @He said to David, "You are more righteous than I; for you have done good to me, whereas I have done evil to you.

web@1Samuel:27:1 @David said in his heart, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than that I should escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul will despair of me, to seek me any more in all the borders of Israel. So shall I escape out of his hand."

web@1Samuel:31:2 @The Philistines followed hard on Saul and on his sons; and the Philistines killed Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul.

web@2Samuel:1:4 @David said to him, "How did it go? Please tell me." He answered, "The people have fled from the battle, and many of the people also have fallen and are dead; and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also."

web@2Samuel:1:5 @David said to the young man who told him, "How do you know that Saul and Jonathan his son are dead?"

web@2Samuel:1:12 @They mourned, and wept, and fasted until evening, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of Yahweh, {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword.

web@2Samuel:1:17 @David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son

web@2Samuel:1:22 @From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, Jonathan's bow didn't turn back. Saul's sword didn't return empty.

web@2Samuel:1:23 @Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives. In their death, they were not divided. They were swifter than eagles. They were stronger than lions.

web@2Samuel:1:25 @How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan is slain on your high places.

web@2Samuel:1:26 @I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan. You have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.

web@2Samuel:4:4 @Now Jonathan, Saul's son, had a son who was lame of his feet. He was five years old when the news came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel; and his nurse took him up, and fled: and it happened, as she made haste to flee, that he fell, and became lame. His name was Mephibosheth.

web@2Samuel:5:14 @These are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon,

web@2Samuel:6:22 @I will be yet more vile than this, and will be base in my own sight. But of the handmaids of whom you have spoken, they shall honor me."

web@2Samuel:7:2 @that the king said to Nathan the prophet, "See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells within curtains."

web@2Samuel:7:3 @Nathan said to the king, "Go, do all that is in your heart; for Yahweh is with you."

web@2Samuel:7:4 @It happened the same night, that the word of Yahweh came to Nathan, saying,

web@2Samuel:7:17 @According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so Nathan spoke to David.

web@2Samuel:9:1 @David said, "Is there yet any who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?"

web@2Samuel:9:3 @The king said, "Is there not yet any of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him?" Ziba said to the king, "Jonathan has yet a son, who is lame of his feet."

web@2Samuel:9:6 @Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, came to David, and fell on his face, and showed respect. David said, "Mephibosheth." He answered, "Behold, your servant!"

web@2Samuel:9:7 @David said to him, "Don't be afraid of him; for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father's sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your father. You shall eat bread at my table continually."

web@2Samuel:12:1 @Yahweh sent Nathan to David. He came to him, and said to him, "There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor.

web@2Samuel:12:5 @David's anger was greatly kindled against the man, and he said to Nathan, "As Yahweh lives, the man who has done this is worthy to die!

web@2Samuel:12:7 @Nathan said to David, "You are the man. This is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says: 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul.

web@2Samuel:12:13 @David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against Yahweh." Nathan said to David, "Yahweh also has put away your sin. You will not die.

web@2Samuel:12:15 @Nathan departed to his house. Yahweh struck the child that Uriah's wife bore to David, and it was very sick.

web@2Samuel:12:25 @and he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he named him Jedidiah, for Yahweh's sake.

web@2Samuel:13:14 @However he would not listen to her voice; but being stronger than she, he forced her, and lay with her.

web@2Samuel:13:15 @Then Amnon hated her with exceeding great hatred; for the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. Amnon said to her, "Arise, be gone!"

web@2Samuel:13:16 @She said to him, "Not so, because this great wrong in sending me away is worse than the other that you did to me!" But he would not listen to her.

web@2Samuel:15:27 @The king said also to Zadok the priest, "Aren't you a seer? Return into the city in peace, and your two sons with you, Ahimaaz your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar.

web@2Samuel:15:36 @Behold, they have there with them their two sons, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son; and by them you shall send to me everything that you shall hear."

web@2Samuel:17:14 @Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better than the counsel of Ahithophel." For Yahweh had ordained to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that Yahweh might bring evil on Absalom.

web@2Samuel:17:17 @Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying by En Rogel; and a female servant used to go and tell them; and they went and told king David. For they might not be seen to come into the city.

web@2Samuel:17:20 @Absalom's servants came to the woman to the house; and they said, "Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?" The woman said to them, "They have gone over the brook of water." When they had sought and could not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.

web@2Samuel:18:8 @For the battle was there spread over the surface of all the country; and the forest devoured more people that day than the sword devoured.

web@2Samuel:19:7 @Now therefore arise, go out, and speak to comfort your servants; for I swear by Yahweh, if you don't go out, not a man will stay with you this night. That would be worse to you than all the evil that has happened to you from your youth until now."

web@2Samuel:19:43 @The men of Israel answered the men of Judah, and said, "We have ten parts in the king, and we have also more claim to David than you. Why then did you despise us, that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king?" The words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel.

web@2Samuel:20:5 @So Amasa went to call the men of Judah together; but he stayed longer than the set time which he had appointed him.

web@2Samuel:20:6 @David said to Abishai, "Now Sheba the son of Bichri will do us more harm than Absalom did. Take your lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get himself fortified cities, and escape out of our sight."

web@2Samuel:21:7 @But the king spared Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of Yahweh's oath that was between them, between David and Jonathan the son of Saul.

web@2Samuel:21:12 @David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabesh Gilead, who had stolen them from the street of Beth Shan, where the Philistines had hanged them, in the day that the Philistines killed Saul in Gilboa;

web@2Samuel:21:13 @and he brought up from there the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son: and they gathered the bones of those who were hanged.

web@2Samuel:21:14 @They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zela, in the tomb of Kish his father: and they performed all that the king commanded. After that God was entreated for the land.

web@2Samuel:21:21 @When he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimei, David's brother, killed him.

web@2Samuel:22:50 @Therefore I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, among the nations. Will sing praises to your name.

web@2Samuel:23:23 @He was more honorable than the thirty, but he didn't attain to the three. David set him over his guard.

web@2Samuel:23:32 @Eliahba the Shaalbonite, the sons of Jashen, Jonathan,

web@2Samuel:23:36 @Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,

web@1Kings:1:8 @But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men who belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.

web@1Kings:1:10 @but Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he didn't call.

web@1Kings:1:11 @Then Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, "Haven't you heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith reigns, and David our lord doesn't know it?

web@1Kings:1:22 @Behold, while she yet talked with the king, Nathan the prophet came in.

web@1Kings:1:23 @They told the king, saying, "Behold, Nathan the prophet!" When he had come in before the king, he bowed himself before the king with his face to the ground.

web@1Kings:1:24 @Nathan said, "My lord, king, have you said, 'Adonijah shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne?'

web@1Kings:1:32 @King David said, "Call to me Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada." They came before the king.

web@1Kings:1:34 @Let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there king over Israel. Blow the trumpet, and say, 'Long live king Solomon!'

web@1Kings:1:37 @As Yahweh has been with my lord the king, even so may he be with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord king David."

web@1Kings:1:38 @So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, went down, and caused Solomon to ride on king David's mule, and brought him to Gihon.

web@1Kings:1:42 @While he yet spoke, behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came: and Adonijah said, "Come in; for you are a worthy man, and bring good news."

web@1Kings:1:43 @Jonathan answered Adonijah, "Most certainly our lord king David has made Solomon king.

web@1Kings:1:44 @The king has sent with him Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and they have caused him to ride on the king's mule.

web@1Kings:1:45 @Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him king in Gihon. They have come up from there rejoicing, so that the city rang again. This is the noise that you have heard.

web@1Kings:1:47 @Moreover the king's servants came to bless our lord king David, saying, 'May your God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and make his throne greater than your throne;' and the king bowed himself on the bed.

web@1Kings:2:32 @Yahweh will return his blood on his own head, because he fell on two men more righteous and better than he, and killed them with the sword, and my father David didn't know it: Abner the son of Ner, captain of the army of Israel, and Amasa the son of Jether, captain of the army of Judah.

web@1Kings:4:5 @and Azariah the son of Nathan was over the officers; and Zabud the son of Nathan was chief minister, the king's friend;

web@1Kings:4:12 @Baana the son of Ahilud, in Taanach and Megiddo, and all Beth Shean which is beside Zarethan, beneath Jezreel, from Beth Shean to Abel Meholah, as far as beyond Jokmeam;

web@1Kings:4:31 @For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all the nations all around.

web@1Kings:7:46 @The king cast them in the plain of the Jordan, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarethan.

web@1Kings:8:2 @All the men of Israel assembled themselves to king Solomon at the feast, in the month Ethanim, which is the seventh month.

web@1Kings:12:10 @The young men who had grown up with him spoke to him, saying, "Thus you shall tell this people who spoke to you, saying, 'Your father made our yoke heavy, but make it lighter to us;' you shall say to them, 'My little finger is thicker than my father's waist.

web@1Kings:16:33 @Ahab made the Asherah; and Ahab did yet more to provoke Yahweh, the God of Israel, to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him.

web@1Kings:19:4 @But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die, and said, "It is enough. Now, O Yahweh, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers."

web@1Kings:20:23 @The servants of the king of Syria said to him, "Their god is a god of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we. But let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they.

web@1Kings:20:25 @Muster an army, like the army that you have lost, horse for horse, and chariot for chariot. We will fight against them in the plain, and surely we will be stronger than them." He listened to their voice, and did so.

web@1Kings:21:2 @Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, "Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near to my house; and I will give you for it a better vineyard than it. Or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its worth in money."

web@2Kings:5:12 @Aren't Abanah and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Couldn't I wash in them, and be clean?" So he turned and went away in a rage.

web@2Kings:6:13 @He said, "Go and see where he is, that I may send and get him." It was told him, saying, "Behold, he is in Dothan."

web@2Kings:6:16 @He answered, "Don't be afraid; for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

web@2Kings:9:35 @They went to bury her; but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.

web@2Kings:13:7 @For he didn't leave to Jehoahaz of the people any more than fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand footmen; for the king of Syria destroyed them, and made them like the dust in threshing.

web@2Kings:21:9 @But they didn't listen: and Manasseh seduced them to do that which is evil more than the nations did whom Yahweh destroyed before the children of Israel.

web@2Kings:23:11 @He took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of Yahweh, by the room of Nathan Melech the officer, who was in the court; and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

web@2Kings:24:8 @Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign; and he reigned in Jerusalem three months: and his mother's name was Nehushta the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.

web@2Kings:25:23 @Now when all the captains of the forces, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor, they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaazaniah the son of the Maacathite, they and their men.

web@2Kings:25:25 @But it happened in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the royal seed came, and ten men with him, and struck Gedaliah, so that he died, and the Jews and the Chaldeans that were with him at Mizpah.

web@1Chronicles:2:6 @The sons of Zerah: Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara; five of them in all.

web@1Chronicles:2:8 @The sons of Ethan: Azariah.

web@1Chronicles:2:14 @Nethanel the fourth, Raddai the fifth,

web@1Chronicles:2:32 @The sons of Jada the brother of Shammai: Jether, and Jonathan; and Jether died without children.

web@1Chronicles:2:33 @The sons of Jonathan: Peleth, and Zaza. These were the sons of Jerahmeel.

web@1Chronicles:2:36 @Attai became the father of Nathan, and Nathan became the father of Zabad,

web@1Chronicles:2:47 @The sons of Jahdai: Regem, and Jothan, and Geshan, and Pelet, and Ephah, and Shaaph.

web@1Chronicles:3:5 @and these were born to him in Jerusalem: Shimea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, four, of Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel;

web@1Chronicles:4:9 @Jabez was more honorable than his brothers: and his mother named him Jabez, saying, "Because I bore him with sorrow."

web@1Chronicles:6:42 @the son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah, the son of Shimei,

web@1Chronicles:6:44 @On the left hand their brothers the sons of Merari: Ethan the son of Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluch,

web@1Chronicles:7:10 @The sons of Jediael: Bilhan. The sons of Bilhan: Jeush, and Benjamin, and Ehud, and Chenaanah, and Zethan, and Tarshish, and Ahishahar.

web@1Chronicles:8:33 @Ner became the father of Kish; and Kish became the father of Saul; and Saul became the father of Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal.

web@1Chronicles:8:34 @The son of Jonathan was Merib Baal; and Merib Baal became the father of Micah.

web@1Chronicles:9:39 @Ner became the father of Kish; and Kish became the father of Saul; and Saul became the father of Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal.

web@1Chronicles:9:40 @The son of Jonathan was Merib Baal; and Merib Baal became the father of Micah.

web@1Chronicles:10:2 @The Philistines followed hard after Saul and after his sons; and the Philistines killed Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul.

web@1Chronicles:11:21 @Of the three, he was more honorable than the two, and was made their captain: however he didn't attain to the three.

web@1Chronicles:11:25 @Behold, he was more honorable than the thirty, but he didn't attain to the three: and David set him over his guard.

web@1Chronicles:11:34 @the sons of Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan the son of Shagee the Hararite,

web@1Chronicles:11:38 @Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the son of Hagri,

web@1Chronicles:14:4 @These are the names of the children whom he had in Jerusalem: Shammua, and Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon,

web@1Chronicles:15:17 @So the Levites appointed Heman the son of Joel; and of his brothers, Asaph the son of Berechiah; and of the sons of Merari their brothers, Ethan the son of Kushaiah;

web@1Chronicles:15:19 @So the singers, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, were given cymbals of brass to sound aloud;

web@1Chronicles:15:24 @Shebaniah, and Joshaphat, and Nethanel, and Amasai, and Zechariah, and Benaiah, and Eliezer, the priests, blew the trumpets before the ark of God: and Obed-Edom and Jehiah were doorkeepers for the ark.

web@1Chronicles:16:4 @He appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of Yahweh, and to celebrate and to thank and praise Yahweh, the God of Israel:

web@1Chronicles:16:7 @Then on that day David first ordained to give thanks to Yahweh, by the hand of Asaph and his brothers.

web@1Chronicles:16:8 @Oh give thanks to Yahweh. Call on his name. Make his doings known among the peoples.

web@1Chronicles:16:34 @Oh give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@1Chronicles:16:35 @Say, "Save us, God of our salvation! Gather us together and deliver us from the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, to triumph in your praise."

web@1Chronicles:16:41 @and with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest who were chosen, who were mentioned by name, to give thanks to Yahweh, because his loving kindness endures forever;

web@1Chronicles:17:1 @It happened, when David lived in his house, that David said to Nathan the prophet, "Behold, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of the covenant of Yahweh is under curtains."

web@1Chronicles:17:2 @Nathan said to David, "Do all that is in your heart; for God is with you."

web@1Chronicles:17:3 @It happened the same night, that the word of God came to Nathan, saying,

web@1Chronicles:17:15 @According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so Nathan spoke to David.

web@1Chronicles:20:7 @When he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea David's brother killed him.

web@1Chronicles:23:30 @and to stand every morning to thank and praise Yahweh, and likewise in the evening;

web@1Chronicles:24:4 @There were more chief men found of the sons of Eleazar than of the sons of Ithamar; and they were divided like this: of the sons of Eleazar there were sixteen, heads of fathers' houses; and of the sons of Ithamar, according to their fathers' houses, eight.

web@1Chronicles:24:6 @Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the scribe, who was of the Levites, wrote them in the presence of the king, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the heads of the fathers' households of the priests and of the Levites; one fathers' house being taken for Eleazar, and one taken for Ithamar.

web@1Chronicles:25:2 @of the sons of Asaph: Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asharelah, the sons of Asaph, under the hand of Asaph, who prophesied after the order of the king.

web@1Chronicles:25:3 @Of Jeduthun; the sons of Jeduthun: Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six, under the hands of their father Jeduthun with the harp, who prophesied in giving thanks and praising Yahweh.

web@1Chronicles:25:12 @the fifth to Nethaniah, his sons and his brothers, twelve:

web@1Chronicles:26:4 @Obed-Edom had sons: Shemaiah the firstborn, Jehozabad the second, Joah the third, and Sacar the fourth, and Nethanel the fifth,

web@1Chronicles:27:25 @Over the king's treasures was Azmaveth the son of Adiel: and over the treasures in the fields, in the cities, and in the villages, and in the towers, was Jonathan the son of Uzziah:

web@1Chronicles:27:32 @Also Jonathan, David's uncle, was a counselor, a man of understanding, and a scribe: and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was with the king's sons:

web@1Chronicles:29:13 @Now therefore, our God, we thank you, and praise your glorious name.

web@1Chronicles:29:29 @Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer,

web@2Chronicles:5:13 @it happened, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Yahweh; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised Yahweh, saying, "For he is good; for his loving kindness endures forever!" that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of Yahweh,

web@2Chronicles:7:3 @All the children of Israel looked on, when the fire came down, and the glory of Yahweh was on the house; and they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground on the pavement, and worshiped, and gave thanks to Yahweh, saying, "For he is good; for his loving kindness endures for ever."

web@2Chronicles:7:6 @The priests stood, according to their positions; the Levites also with instruments of music of Yahweh, which David the king had made to give thanks to Yahweh, when David praised by their ministry, saying "For his loving kindness endures for ever." The priests sounded trumpets before them; and all Israel stood.

web@2Chronicles:9:29 @Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, aren't they written in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer concerning Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

web@2Chronicles:10:10 @The young men who had grown up with him spoke to him, saying, "Thus you shall tell the people who spoke to you, saying, 'Your father made our yoke heavy, but make it lighter on us;' thus you shall say to them, 'My little finger is thicker than my father's waist.

web@2Chronicles:17:7 @Also in the third year of his reign he sent his princes, even Ben Hail, and Obadiah, and Zechariah, and Nethanel, and Micaiah, to teach in the cities of Judah;

web@2Chronicles:17:8 @and with them the Levites, even Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Asahel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehonathan, and Adonijah, and Tobijah, and Tobadonijah, the Levites; and with them Elishama and Jehoram, the priests.

web@2Chronicles:20:21 @When he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who should sing to Yahweh, and give praise in holy array, as they went out before the army, and say, Give thanks to Yahweh; for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@2Chronicles:20:25 @When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take their spoil, they found among them in abundance both riches and dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in taking the spoil, it was so much.

web@2Chronicles:21:13 @but have walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and have made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to play the prostitute, like the house of Ahab did, and also have slain your brothers of your father's house, who were better than yourself:

web@2Chronicles:25:9 @Amaziah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel?" The man of God answered, "Yahweh is able to give you much more than this."

web@2Chronicles:29:25 @He set the Levites in the house of Yahweh with cymbals, with stringed instruments, and with harps, according to the commandment of David, and of Gad the king's seer, and Nathan the prophet; for the commandment was of Yahweh by his prophets.

web@2Chronicles:29:31 @Then Hezekiah answered, "Now you have consecrated yourselves to Yahweh; come near and bring sacrifices and thank offerings into the house of Yahweh." The assembly brought in sacrifices and thank offerings; and as many as were of a willing heart brought burnt offerings.

web@2Chronicles:29:34 @But the priests were too few, so that they could not flay all the burnt offerings: therefore their brothers the Levites helped them, until the work was ended, and until the priests had sanctified themselves; for the Levites were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests.

web@2Chronicles:30:18 @For a multitude of the people, even many of Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, yet they ate the Passover otherwise than it is written. For Hezekiah had prayed for them, saying, "May the good Yahweh pardon everyone

web@2Chronicles:31:2 @Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the priests and the Levites after their divisions, every man according to his service, both the priests and the Levites, for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister, and to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the camp of Yahweh.

web@2Chronicles:32:7 @"Be strong and courageous, don't be afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude who is with him; for there is a greater with us than with him.

web@2Chronicles:33:9 @Manasseh seduced Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that they did more evil than the nations whom Yahweh destroyed before the children of Israel did.

web@2Chronicles:33:16 @He built up the altar of Yahweh, and offered thereon sacrifices of peace offerings and of thanksgiving, and commanded Judah to serve Yahweh, the God of Israel.

web@2Chronicles:35:9 @Conaniah also, and Shemaiah and Nethanel, his brothers, and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad, the chiefs of the Levites, gave to the Levites for the Passover offerings five thousand small livestock, and five hundred head of cattle.

web@Ezra:3:11 @ They sang to one another in praising and giving thanks to Yahweh, "For he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever toward Israel." All the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised Yahweh, because the foundation of the house of Yahweh had been laid.

web@Ezra:8:6 @ Of the sons of Adin, Ebed the son of Jonathan; and with him fifty males.

web@Ezra:8:16 @ Then sent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for Jarib, and for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for Zechariah, and for Meshullam, chief men; also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, who were teachers.

web@Ezra:9:13 @ "After all that has come on us for our evil deeds, and for our great guilt, since you, our God, have punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and have given us such a remnant,

web@Ezra:10:15 @ Only Jonathan the son of Asahel and Jahzeiah the son of Tikvah stood up against this; and Meshullam and Shabbethai the Levite helped them.

web@Ezra:10:22 @ Of the sons of Pashhur: Elioenai, Maaseiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad, and Elasah.

web@Ezra:10:39 @ and Shelemiah, and Nathan, and Adaiah,

web@Nehemiah:11:17 @ and Mattaniah the son of Mica, the son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph, who was the chief to begin the thanksgiving in prayer, and Bakbukiah, the second among his brothers; and Abda the son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.

web@Nehemiah:12:8 @ Moreover the Levites: Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mattaniah, who was over the thanksgiving, he and his brothers.

web@Nehemiah:12:11 @ and Joiada became the father of Jonathan, and Jonathan became the father of Jaddua.

web@Nehemiah:12:14 @ of Malluchi, Jonathan; of Shebaniah, Joseph;

web@Nehemiah:12:18 @ of Bilgah, Shammua; of Shemaiah, Jehonathan;

web@Nehemiah:12:21 @ of Hilkiah, Hashabiah; of Jedaiah, Nethanel.

web@Nehemiah:12:24 @ The chiefs of the Levites: Hashabiah, Sherebiah, and Jeshua the son of Kadmiel, with their brothers over against them, to praise and give thanks, according to the commandment of David the man of God, watch next to watch.

web@Nehemiah:12:27 @ At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with giving thanks, and with singing, with cymbals, stringed instruments, and with harps.

web@Nehemiah:12:31 @ Then I brought up the princes of Judah on the wall, and appointed two great companies who gave thanks and went in procession. One went on the right hand on the wall toward the dung gate;

web@Nehemiah:12:35 @ and certain of the priests' sons with trumpets: Zechariah the son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micaiah, the son of Zaccur, the son of Asaph;

web@Nehemiah:12:36 @ and his brothers, Shemaiah, and Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, and Judah, Hanani, with the musical instruments of David the man of God; and Ezra the scribe was before them.

web@Nehemiah:12:38 @ The other company of those who gave thanks went to meet them, and I after them, with the half of the people, on the wall, above the tower of the furnaces, even to the broad wall,

web@Nehemiah:12:40 @ So stood the two companies of those who gave thanks in God's house, and I, and the half of the rulers with me;

web@Nehemiah:12:46 @ For in the days of David and Asaph of old there was a chief of the singers, and songs of praise and thanksgiving to God.

web@Ester:1:19 @ "If it please the king, let a royal commandment go from him, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, so that it cannot be altered, that Vashti may never again come before King Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal estate to another who is better than she.

web@Ester:2:17 @ The king loved Esther more than all the women, and she obtained favor and kindness in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown on her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.

web@Ester:2:21 @ In those days, while Mordecai was sitting in the king's gate, two of the king's eunuchs, Bigthan and Teresh, who were doorkeepers, were angry, and sought to lay hands on the King Ahasuerus.

web@Ester:3:8 @ Haman said to King Ahasuerus, "There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom, and their laws are different than other people's. They don't keep the king's laws. Therefore it is not for the king's profit to allow them to remain.

web@Ester:4:13 @ Then Mordecai asked them return answer to Esther, "Don't think to yourself that you will escape in the king's house any more than all the Jews.

web@Ester:6:2 @ It was found written that Mordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's eunuchs, who were doorkeepers, who had tried to lay hands on the King Ahasuerus.

web@Ester:6:6 @ So Haman came in. The king said to him, "What shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor?" Now Haman said in his heart, "Who would the king delight to honor more than myself?"

web@Job:3:8 @Let them curse it who curse the day, who are ready to rouse up leviathan.

web@Job:3:21 @Who long for death, but it doesn't come; and dig for it more than for hidden treasures,

web@Job:4:17 @'Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his Maker?

web@Job:6:3 @For now it would be heavier than the sand of the seas, therefore have my words been rash.

web@Job:7:6 @My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope.

web@Job:7:15 @so that my soul chooses strangling, death rather than my bones.

web@Job:9:25 @"Now my days are swifter than a runner. They flee away, they see no good,

web@Job:11:6 @that he would show you the secrets of wisdom! For true wisdom has two sides. Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your iniquity deserves.

web@Job:11:8 @They are high as heaven. What can you do? They are deeper than Sheol {Sheol is the place of the dead.}. What can you know?

web@Job:11:9 @Its measure is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.

web@Job:11:17 @Life shall be clearer than the noonday. Though there is darkness, it shall be as the morning.

web@Job:15:10 @With us are both the gray-headed and the very aged men, much elder than your father.

web@Job:23:12 @I haven't gone back from the commandment of his lips. I have treasured up the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

web@Job:30:1 @"But now those who are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I would have disdained to put with my sheep dogs.

web@Job:32:2 @Then the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was kindled against Job. His wrath was kindled because he justified himself rather than God.

web@Job:32:4 @Now Elihu had waited to speak to Job, because they were elder than he.

web@Job:33:12 @"Behold, I will answer you. In this you are not just, for God is greater than man.

web@Job:33:25 @His flesh shall be fresher than a child's. He returns to the days of his youth.

web@Job:34:19 @Who doesn't respect the persons of princes, nor respects the rich more than the poor; for they all are the work of his hands.

web@Job:35:2 @"Do you think this to be your right, or do you say, 'My righteousness is more than God's,'

web@Job:35:3 @That you ask, 'What advantage will it be to you? What profit shall I have, more than if I had sinned?'

web@Job:35:5 @Look to the heavens, and see. See the skies, which are higher than you.

web@Job:35:11 @who teaches us more than the animals of the earth, and makes us wiser than the birds of the sky?'

web@Job:36:21 @Take heed, don't regard iniquity; for you have chosen this rather than affliction.

web@Job:41:1 @"Can you draw out Leviathan {Leviathan is a name for a crocodile or similar creature.} with a fishhook, or press down his tongue with a cord?

web@Job:42:12 @So Yahweh blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand female donkeys.

web@Psalms:4:7 @ You have put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and their new wine are increased.

web@Psalms:6:5 @ For in death there is no memory of you. In Sheol {Sheol is the place of the dead.}, who shall give you thanks?

web@Psalms:7:17 @ I will give thanks to Yahweh according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of Yahweh Most High.

web@Psalms:8:5 @ For you have made him a little lower than God, {Hebrew: Elohim. The word Elohim, used here, usually means "God," but can also mean "gods," "princes," or "angels."} and crowned him with glory and honor.

web@Psalms:9:1 @ For the Chief Musician. Set to "The Death of the Son." A Psalm by David. I will give thanks to Yahweh with my whole heart. I will tell of all your marvelous works.

web@Psalms:18:49 @ Therefore I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, among the nations, and will sing praises to your name.

web@Psalms:19:10 @ More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the extract of the honeycomb.

web@Psalms:26:7 @ that I may make the voice of thanksgiving to be heard, and tell of all your wondrous works.

web@Psalms:28:7 @ Yahweh is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.

web@Psalms:30:4 @ Sing praise to Yahweh, you saints of his. Give thanks to his holy name.

web@Psalms:30:12 @ To the end that my heart may sing praise to you, and not be silent. Yahweh my God, I will give thanks to you forever!

web@Psalms:33:2 @ Give thanks to Yahweh with the lyre. Sing praises to him with the harp of ten strings.

web@Psalms:35:18 @ I will give you thanks in the great assembly. I will praise you among many people.

web@Psalms:37:16 @ Better is a little that the righteous has, than the abundance of many wicked.

web@Psalms:40:5 @ Many, Yahweh, my God, are the wonderful works which you have done, and your thoughts which are toward us. They can't be declared back to you. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.

web@Psalms:40:12 @ For innumerable evils have surrounded me. My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up. They are more than the hairs of my head. My heart has failed me.

web@Psalms:44:8 @ In God we have made our boast all day long, we will give thanks to your name forever. Selah.

web@Psalms:45:17 @ I will make your name to be remembered in all generations. Therefore the peoples shall give you thanks forever and ever. {}

web@Psalms:50:14 @ Offer to God the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Pay your vows to the Most High.

web@Psalms:50:23 @ Whoever offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me, and prepares his way so that I will show God's salvation to him."

web@Psalms:51:1 @ For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Have mercy on me, God, according to your loving kindness. According to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions.

web@Psalms:51:7 @ Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

web@Psalms:52:3 @ You love evil more than good, lying rather than speaking the truth. Selah.

web@Psalms:52:9 @ I will give you thanks forever, because you have done it. I will hope in your name, for it is good, in the presence of your saints.

web@Psalms:54:6 @ With a free will offering, I will sacrifice to you. I will give thanks to your name, Yahweh, for it is good.

web@Psalms:55:21 @ His mouth was smooth as butter, but his heart was war. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.

web@Psalms:56:12 @ Your vows are on me, God. I will give thank offerings to you.

web@Psalms:57:9 @ I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to you among the nations.

web@Psalms:61:2 @ From the end of the earth, I will call to you, when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

web@Psalms:62:1 @ For the Chief Musician. To Jeduthan. A Psalm by David. My soul rests in God alone. My salvation is from him.

web@Psalms:62:9 @ Surely men of low degree are just a breath, and men of high degree are a lie. In the balances they will go up. They are together lighter than a breath.

web@Psalms:63:3 @ Because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you.

web@Psalms:69:4 @ Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head. Those who want to cut me off, being my enemies wrongfully, are mighty. I have to restore what I didn't take away.

web@Psalms:69:30 @ I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

web@Psalms:69:31 @ It will please Yahweh better than an ox, or a bull that has horns and hoofs.

web@Psalms:74:14 @ You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces. You gave him as food to people and desert creatures.

web@Psalms:75:1 @ For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A Psalm by Asaph. A song. We give thanks to you, God. We give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell about your wondrous works.

web@Psalms:76:4 @ Glorious are you, and excellent, more than mountains of game.

web@Psalms:79:13 @ So we, your people and sheep of your pasture, will give you thanks forever. We will praise you forever, to all generations.

web@Psalms:84:10 @ For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

web@Psalms:87:2 @ Yahweh loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

web@Psalms:89:1 @ A contemplation by Ethan, the Ezrahite. I will sing of the loving kindness of Yahweh forever. With my mouth, I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.

web@Psalms:92:1 @ A Psalm. A song for the Sabbath day. It is a good thing to give thanks to Yahweh, to sing praises to your name, Most High;

web@Psalms:95:2 @ Let's come before his presence with thanksgiving. Let's extol him with songs!

web@Psalms:97:12 @ Be glad in Yahweh, you righteous people! Give thanks to his holy Name.

web@Psalms:100:1 @ A Psalm of thanksgiving. Shout for joy to Yahweh, all you lands!

web@Psalms:100:4 @ Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, and bless his name.

web@Psalms:104:26 @ There the ships go, and leviathan, whom you formed to play there.

web@Psalms:105:1 @ Give thanks to Yahweh! Call on his name! Make his doings known among the peoples.

web@Psalms:105:24 @ He increased his people greatly, and made them stronger than their adversaries.

web@Psalms:106:1 @ Praise Yahweh! Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:106:17 @ The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram.

web@Psalms:106:47 @ Save us, Yahweh, our God, gather us from among the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, to triumph in your praise!

web@Psalms:107:1 @ Give thanks to Yahweh, {"Yahweh" is God's proper Name, sometimes rendered "LORD" (all caps) in other translations.} for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:107:22 @ Let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with singing.

web@Psalms:108:3 @ I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, among the nations. I will sing praises to you among the peoples.

web@Psalms:109:30 @ I will give great thanks to Yahweh with my mouth. Yes, I will praise him among the multitude.

web@Psalms:111:1 @ Praise Yah! {Psalm 111 is an acrostic poem, with each verse after the initial "Praise Yah!" starting with a letter of the alphabet (ordered from Alef to Tav).} I will give thanks to Yahweh with my whole heart, in the council of the upright, and in the congregation.

web@Psalms:116:17 @ I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call on the name of Yahweh.

web@Psalms:118:1 @ Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:118:8 @ It is better to take refuge in Yahweh, than to put confidence in man.

web@Psalms:118:9 @ It is better to take refuge in Yahweh, than to put confidence in princes.

web@Psalms:118:19 @ Open to me the gates of righteousness. I will enter into them. I will give thanks to Yah.

web@Psalms:118:21 @ I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me, and have become my salvation.

web@Psalms:118:28 @ You are my God, and I will give thanks to you. You are my God, I will exalt you.

web@Psalms:118:29 @ Oh give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:119:7 @ I will give thanks to you with uprightness of heart, when I learn your righteous judgments.

web@Psalms:119:62 @ At midnight I will rise to give thanks to you, because of your righteous ordinances.

web@Psalms:119:72 @ The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.

web@Psalms:119:98 @ Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.

web@Psalms:119:99 @ I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.

web@Psalms:119:100 @ I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.

web@Psalms:119:103 @ How sweet are your promises to my taste, more than honey to my mouth!

web@Psalms:119:127 @ Therefore I love your commandments more than gold, yes, more than pure gold.

web@Psalms:122:4 @ where the tribes go up, even Yah's tribes, according to an ordinance for Israel, to give thanks to the name of Yahweh.

web@Psalms:130:6 @ My soul longs for the Lord more than watchmen long for the morning; more than watchmen for the morning.

web@Psalms:136:1 @ Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good; for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:136:2 @ Give thanks to the God of gods; for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:136:3 @ Give thanks to the Lord of lords; for his loving kindness endures forever:

web@Psalms:136:26 @ Oh give thanks to the God of heaven; for his loving kindness endures forever.

web@Psalms:138:1 @ By David. I will give you thanks with my whole heart. Before the gods {The word elohim, used here, usually means "God," but can also mean "gods," "princes," or "angels."}, I will sing praises to you.

web@Psalms:138:2 @ I will bow down toward your holy temple, and give thanks to your Name for your loving kindness and for your truth; for you have exalted your Name and your Word above all.

web@Psalms:138:4 @ All the kings of the earth will give you thanks, Yahweh, for they have heard the words of your mouth.

web@Psalms:139:14 @ I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. My soul knows that very well.

web@Psalms:139:18 @ If I would count them, they are more in number than the sand. When I wake up, I am still with you.

web@Psalms:140:13 @ Surely the righteous will give thanks to your name. The upright will dwell in your presence.

web@Psalms:142:6 @ Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need. deliver me from my persecutors, For they are stronger than me.

web@Psalms:142:7 @ Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will be good to me.

web@Psalms:145:10 @ All your works will give thanks to you, Yahweh. Your saints will extol you.

web@Psalms:147:7 @ Sing to Yahweh with thanksgiving. Sing praises on the harp to our God,

web@Proverbs:3:14 @ For her good profit is better than getting silver, and her return is better than fine gold.

web@Proverbs:3:15 @ She is more precious than rubies. None of the things you can desire are to be compared to her.

web@Proverbs:5:3 @ For the lips of an adulteress drip honey. Her mouth is smoother than oil,

web@Proverbs:8:10 @ Receive my instruction rather than silver; knowledge rather than choice gold.

web@Proverbs:8:11 @ For wisdom is better than rubies. All the things that may be desired can't be compared to it.

web@Proverbs:8:19 @ My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold; my yield than choice silver.

web@Proverbs:11:24 @ There is one who scatters, and increases yet more. There is one who withholds more than is appropriate, but gains poverty.

web@Proverbs:12:9 @ Better is he who is lightly esteemed, and has a servant, than he who honors himself, and lacks bread.

web@Proverbs:15:16 @ Better is little, with the fear of Yahweh, than great treasure with trouble.

web@Proverbs:15:17 @ Better is a dinner of herbs, where love is, than a fattened calf with hatred.

web@Proverbs:16:8 @ Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues with injustice.

web@Proverbs:16:16 @ How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! Yes, to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.

web@Proverbs:16:19 @ It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, than to divide the plunder with the proud.

web@Proverbs:16:32 @ One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; one who rules his spirit, than he who takes a city.

web@Proverbs:17:1 @ Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife.

web@Proverbs:17:10 @ A rebuke enters deeper into one who has understanding than a hundred lashes into a fool.

web@Proverbs:17:12 @ Let a bear robbed of her cubs meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.

web@Proverbs:18:19 @ A brother offended is more difficult than a fortified city; and disputes are like the bars of a castle.

web@Proverbs:18:24 @ A man of many companions may be ruined, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

web@Proverbs:19:1 @ Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than he who is perverse in his lips and is a fool.

web@Proverbs:19:22 @ That which makes a man to be desired is his kindness. A poor man is better than a liar.

web@Proverbs:21:3 @ To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to Yahweh than sacrifice.

web@Proverbs:21:9 @ It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than to share a house with a contentious woman.

web@Proverbs:21:19 @ It is better to dwell in a desert land, than with a contentious and fretful woman.

web@Proverbs:22:1 @ A good name is more desirable than great riches, and loving favor is better than silver and gold.

web@Proverbs:25:7 @ for it is better that it be said to you, "Come up here," than that you should be put lower in the presence of the prince, whom your eyes have seen.

web@Proverbs:25:24 @ It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than to share a house with a contentious woman.

web@Proverbs:26:12 @ Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

web@Proverbs:26:16 @ The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who answer with discretion.

web@Proverbs:27:3 @ A stone is heavy, and sand is a burden; but a fool's provocation is heavier than both.

web@Proverbs:27:5 @ Better is open rebuke than hidden love.

web@Proverbs:27:10 @ Don't forsake your friend and your father's friend. Don't go to your brother's house in the day of your disaster: better is a neighbor who is near than a distant brother.

web@Proverbs:28:6 @ Better is the poor who walks in his integrity, than he who is perverse in his ways, and he is rich.

web@Proverbs:28:23 @ One who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor than one who flatters with the tongue.

web@Proverbs:29:20 @ Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

web@Ecclesiastes:2:9 @ So I was great, and increased more than all who were before me in Jerusalem. My wisdom also remained with me.

web@Ecclesiastes:2:24 @ There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and make his soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I saw, that it is from the hand of God.

web@Ecclesiastes:2:25 @ For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, more than I?

web@Ecclesiastes:3:12 @ I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice, and to do good as long as they live.

web@Ecclesiastes:3:22 @ Therefore I saw that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his works; for that is his portion: for who can bring him to see what will be after him?

web@Ecclesiastes:4:2 @ Therefore I praised the dead who have been long dead more than the living who are yet alive.

web@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @ Yes, better than them both is him who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

web@Ecclesiastes:4:6 @ Better is a handful, with quietness, than two handfuls with labor and chasing after wind.

web@Ecclesiastes:4:9 @ Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.

web@Ecclesiastes:4:13 @ Better is a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who doesn't know how to receive admonition any more.

web@Ecclesiastes:5:1 @ Guard your steps when you go to God's house; for to draw near to listen is better than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they don't know that they do evil.

web@Ecclesiastes:5:5 @ It is better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and not pay.

web@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man fathers a hundred children, and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not filled with good, and moreover he has no burial; I say, that a stillborn child is better than he:

web@Ecclesiastes:6:5 @ Moreover it has not seen the sun nor known it. This has rest rather than the other.

web@Ecclesiastes:6:8 @ For what advantage has the wise more than the fool? What has the poor man, that knows how to walk before the living?

web@Ecclesiastes:6:9 @ Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire. This also is vanity and a chasing after wind.

web@Ecclesiastes:6:10 @ Whatever has been, its name was given long ago; and it is known what man is; neither can he contend with him who is mightier than he.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @ A good name is better than fine perfume; and the day of death better than the day of one's birth.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @ It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men, and the living should take this to heart.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:3 @ Sorrow is better than laughter; for by the sadness of the face the heart is made good.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:5 @ It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:8 @ Better is the end of a thing than its beginning. The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @ Don't say, "Why were the former days better than these?" For you do not ask wisely about this.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:19 @ Wisdom is a strength to the wise man more than ten rulers who are in a city.

web@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and traps, whose hands are chains. Whoever pleases God shall escape from her; but the sinner will be ensnared by her.

web@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @ Then I commended mirth, because a man has no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be joyful: for that will accompany him in his labor all the days of his life which God has given him under the sun.

web@Ecclesiastes:9:4 @ For to him who is joined with all the living there is hope; for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

web@Ecclesiastes:9:16 @ Then I said, "Wisdom is better than strength." Nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

web@Ecclesiastes:9:17 @ The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the cry of him who rules among fools.

web@Ecclesiastes:9:18 @ Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner destroys much good.

web@Songs:1:2 @ Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for your love is better than wine.

web@Songs:1:4 @ Take me away with you. Let us hurry. The king has brought me into his rooms. Friends We will be glad and rejoice in you. We will praise your love more than wine! Beloved They are right to love you.

web@Songs:4:10 @ How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine! The fragrance of your perfumes than all kinds of spices!

web@Songs:5:9 @ How is your beloved better than another beloved, you fairest among women? How is your beloved better than another beloved, that you do so adjure us? Beloved

web@Isaiah:12:1 @ In that day you will say, "I will give thanks to you, Yahweh; for though you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you comfort me.

web@Isaiah:12:4 @ In that day you will say, "Give thanks to Yahweh! Call on his name. Declare his doings among the peoples. Proclaim that his name is exalted!

web@Isaiah:13:12 @ I will make people more rare than fine gold, even a person than the pure gold of Ophir.

web@Isaiah:27:1 @ In that day, Yahweh with his hard and great and strong sword will punish leviathan, the fleeing serpent, and leviathan the twisted serpent; and he will kill the dragon that is in the sea.

web@Isaiah:40:17 @ All the nations are like nothing before him. They are regarded by him as less than nothing, and vanity.

web@Isaiah:51:3 @ For Yahweh has comforted Zion; he has comforted all her waste places, and has made her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of Yahweh; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.

web@Isaiah:52:14 @ Like as many were astonished at you (his appearance was marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men),

web@Isaiah:54:1 @ "Sing, barren, you who didn't bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you who did not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife," says Yahweh.

web@Isaiah:55:9 @ "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

web@Isaiah:56:5 @ to them I will give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name better than of sons and of daughters; I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

web@Isaiah:65:5 @ who say, Stand by yourself, don't come near to me, for I am holier than you. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all the day.

web@Jeremiah:3:11 @ Yahweh said to me, "Backsliding Israel has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Judah.

web@Jeremiah:4:13 @ Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as the whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us! For we are ruined.

web@Jeremiah:5:3 @ O Yahweh, don't your eyes look on truth? You have stricken them, but they were not grieved. You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than a rock. They have refused to return.

web@Jeremiah:7:26 @ yet they didn't listen to me, nor inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff: they did worse than their fathers.

web@Jeremiah:8:3 @ Death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue that remain of this evil family, that remain in all the places where I have driven them, says Yahweh of Armies.

web@Jeremiah:16:12 @ and you have done evil more than your fathers; for, behold, you walk every one after the stubbornness of his evil heart, so that you don't listen to me:

web@Jeremiah:17:26 @ They shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places around Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the lowland, and from the hill country, and from the South, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and meal offerings, and frankincense, and bringing sacrifices of thanksgiving, to the house of Yahweh.

web@Jeremiah:20:7 @ Yahweh, you have persuaded me, and I was persuaded; you are stronger than I, and have prevailed: I am become a laughing-stock all the day, every one mocks me.

web@Jeremiah:26:22 @ and Jehoiakim the king sent men into Egypt, Elnathan the son of Achbor, and certain men with him, into Egypt;

web@Jeremiah:30:19 @ Out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

web@Jeremiah:31:11 @ For Yahweh has ransomed Jacob, and redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he.

web@Jeremiah:33:11 @ the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say, Give thanks to Yahweh of Armies, for Yahweh is good, for his loving kindness endures forever; who bring thanksgiving into the house of Yahweh. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, says Yahweh.

web@Jeremiah:36:12 @ he went down into the king's house, into the scribe's room: and behold, all the princes were sitting there, Elishama the scribe, and Delaiah the son of Shemaiah, and Elnathan the son of Achbor, and Gemariah the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah, and all the princes.

web@Jeremiah:36:14 @ Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, to Baruch, saying, Take in your hand the scroll in which you have read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch the son of Neriah took the scroll in his hand, and came to them.

web@Jeremiah:36:25 @ Moreover Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the scroll; but he would not hear them.

web@Jeremiah:37:15 @ The princes were angry with Jeremiah, and struck him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe; for they had made that the prison.

web@Jeremiah:37:20 @ Now please hear, my lord the king: please let my supplication be presented before you, that you not cause me to return to the house of Jonathan the scribe, lest I die there.

web@Jeremiah:38:26 @ then you shall tell them, I presented my supplication before the king, that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan's house, to die there.

web@Jeremiah:40:8 @ then they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah the son of the Maacathite, they and their men.

web@Jeremiah:40:14 @ and said to him, Do you know that Baalis the king of the children of Ammon has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take your life? But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam didn't believe them.

web@Jeremiah:40:15 @ Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying, Please let me go, and I will kill Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and no man shall know it: why should he take your life, that all the Jews who are gathered to you should be scattered, and the remnant of Judah perish?

web@Jeremiah:41:1 @ Now it happened in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the seed royal and one of the chief officers of the king, and ten men with him, came to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah; and there they ate bread together in Mizpah.

web@Jeremiah:41:2 @ Then arose Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and the ten men who were with him, and struck Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan with the sword, and killed him, whom the king of Babylon had made governor over the land.

web@Jeremiah:41:6 @ Ishmael the son of Nethaniah went forth from Mizpah to meet them, weeping all along as he went: and it happened, as he met them, he said to them, Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam.

web@Jeremiah:41:7 @ It was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah killed them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the men who were with him.

web@Jeremiah:41:9 @ Now the pit in which Ishmael cast all the dead bodies of the men whom he had killed, by the side of Gedaliah (the same was who which Asa the king had made for fear of Baasha king of Israel), Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with those who were killed.

web@Jeremiah:41:10 @ Then Ishmael carried away captive all the residue of the people who were in Mizpah, even the king's daughters, and all the people who remained in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam; Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive, and departed to go over to the children of Ammon.

web@Jeremiah:41:11 @ But when Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces who were with him, heard of all the evil that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had done,

web@Jeremiah:41:12 @ then they took all the men, and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and found him by the great waters that are in Gibeon.

web@Jeremiah:41:15 @ But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the children of Ammon.

web@Jeremiah:41:16 @ Then took Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces who were with him, all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah, after that he had killed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the men of war, and the women, and the children, and the eunuchs, whom he had brought back from Gibeon:

web@Jeremiah:41:18 @ because of the Chaldeans; for they were afraid of them, because Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had killed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon made governor over the land.

web@Jeremiah:46:23 @ They shall cut down her forest, says Yahweh, though it can't be searched; because they are more than the locusts, and are innumerable.

web@Jeremiah:48:32 @ With more than the weeping of Jazer will I weep for you, vine of Sibmah: your branches passed over the sea, they reached even to the sea of Jazer: on your summer fruits and on your vintage the destroyer is fallen.

web@Lamentations:4:6 @ For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, That was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands were laid on her.

web@Lamentations:4:7 @ Her nobles were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk; They were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was as of sapphire.

web@Lamentations:4:8 @ Their appearance is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: Their skin clings to their bones; it is withered, it has become like a stick.

web@Lamentations:4:9 @ Those who are killed with the sword are better than those who are killed with hunger; For these pine away, stricken through, for want of the fruits of the field.

web@Lamentations:4:19 @ Our pursuers were swifter than the eagles of the sky: They chased us on the mountains, they laid wait for us in the wilderness.

web@Ezekiel:3:9 @ As an adamant harder than flint have I made your forehead: don't be afraid of them, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house.

web@Ezekiel:5:6 @ She has rebelled against my ordinances in doing wickedness more than the nations, and against my statutes more than the countries that are around her; for they have rejected my ordinances, and as for my statutes, they have not walked in them.

web@Ezekiel:5:7 @ Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because you are turbulent more than the nations that are around you, and have not walked in my statutes, neither have kept my ordinances, neither have done after the ordinances of the nations that are around you;

web@Ezekiel:8:15 @ Then he said to me, Have you seen this, son of man? You shall again see yet greater abominations than these.

web@Ezekiel:15:2 @ Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, the vine-branch which is among the trees of the forest?

web@Ezekiel:16:47 @ Yet have you not walked in their ways, nor done after their abominations; but, as [if that were] a very little [thing], you were more corrupt than they in all your ways.

web@Ezekiel:16:51 @ Neither has Samaria committed half of your sins; but you have multiplied your abominations more than they, and have justified your sisters by all your abominations which you have done.

web@Ezekiel:16:52 @ You also, bear you your own shame, in that you have given judgment for your sisters; through your sins that you have committed more abominable than they, they are more righteous that you: yes, be also confounded, and bear your shame, in that you have justified your sisters.

web@Ezekiel:23:11 @ Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet was she more corrupt in her doting than she, and in her prostitution which were more than the prostitution of her sister.

web@Ezekiel:28:3 @ behold, you are wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that is hidden from you;

web@Ezekiel:36:11 @ and I will multiply on you man and animal; and they shall increase and be fruitful; and I will cause you to be inhabited after your former estate, and will do better [to you] than at your beginnings: and you shall know that I am Yahweh.

web@Ezekiel:42:5 @ Now the upper rooms were shorter; for the galleries took away from these, more than from the lower and the middle, in the building.

web@Ezekiel:42:6 @ For they were in three stories, and they didn't have pillars as the pillars of the courts: therefore [the uppermost] was straitened more than the lowest and the middle from the ground.

web@Daniel:1:10 @ The prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse looking than the youths who are of your own age? so would you endanger my head with the king.

web@Daniel:1:15 @ At the end of ten days their faces appeared fairer, and they were fatter in flesh, than all the youths who ate of the king's dainties.

web@Daniel:1:20 @ In every matter of wisdom and understanding, concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters who were in all his realm.

web@Daniel:2:23 @ I thank you, and praise you, you God of my fathers, who have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we desired of you; for you have made known to us the king's matter.

web@Daniel:2:30 @ But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your heart.

web@Daniel:3:19 @ Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the form of his appearance was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: [therefore] he spoke, and commanded that they should heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated.

web@Daniel:6:10 @ When Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house (now his windows were open in his room toward Jerusalem) and he kneeled on his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did before.

web@Daniel:7:20 @ and concerning the ten horns that were on its head, and the other [horn] which came up, and before which three fell, even that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spoke great things, whose look was more stout than its fellows.

web@Daniel:8:3 @ Then I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

web@Daniel:11:2 @ Now will I show you the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and when he has grown strong through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.

web@Daniel:11:13 @ The king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former; and he shall come on at the end of the times, [even of] years, with a great army and with much substance.

web@Hosea:2:7 @ She will follow after her lovers, but she won't overtake them; and she will seek them, but won't find them. Then she will say, 'I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.'

web@Hosea:6:6 @ For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

web@Amos:4:5 @ offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving of that which is leavened, and proclaim free will offerings and brag about them: for this pleases you, you children of Israel," says the Lord Yahweh.

web@Amos:6:2 @ Go to Calneh, and see; and from there go to Hamath the great; then go down to Gath of the Philistines. are they better than these kingdoms? or is their border greater than your border?

web@Jonah:2:9 @ But I will sacrifice to you with the voice of thanksgiving. I will pay that which I have vowed. Salvation belongs to Yahweh."

web@Jonah:4:3 @ Therefore now, Yahweh, take, I beg you, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live."

web@Jonah:4:8 @ It happened, when the sun arose, that God prepared a sultry east wind; and the sun beat on Jonah's head, so that he fainted, and requested for himself that he might die, and said, "It is better for me to die than to live."

web@Jonah:4:11 @ Shouldn't I be concerned for Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred twenty thousand persons who can't discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much livestock?"

web@Micah:6:10 @ Are there yet treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and a short ephah {An ephah is a measure of volume (about 22 litres or about 23 of a bushel), and a short ephah is made smaller than a full ephah for the purpose of cheating customers.} that is accursed?

web@Micah:7:4 @ The best of them is like a brier. The most upright is worse than a thorn hedge. The day of your watchmen, even your visitation, has come; now is the time of their confusion.

web@Nahum:3:8 @ Are you better than No-Amon, {or, Thebes} who was situated among the rivers, who had the waters around her; whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was of the sea?

web@Nahum:3:16 @ You have increased your merchants more than the stars of the skies. The grasshopper strips, and flees away.

web@Habbakkuk:1:8 @ Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves. Their horsemen press proudly on. Yes, their horsemen come from afar. They fly as an eagle that hurries to devour.

web@Habbakkuk:1:13 @ You who have purer eyes than to see evil, and who cannot look on perversity, why do you tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the man who is more righteous than he,

web@Haggai:2:9 @ 'The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,' says Yahweh of Armies; 'and in this place will I give peace,' says Yahweh of Armies."

web@Zechariah:12:12 @ The land will mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;

web@Matthew:1:15 @ Eliud became the father of Eleazar. Eleazar became the father of Matthan. Matthan became the father of Jacob.

web@Matthew:3:11 @ I indeed baptize {or, immerse} you in water for repentance, but he who comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. {TR and NU add "and with fire"}

web@Matthew:5:29 @ If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. {or, Hell}

web@Matthew:5:30 @ If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. {or, Hell}

web@Matthew:5:37 @ But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No.' Whatever is more than these is of the evil one.

web@Matthew:5:47 @ If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don't even the tax collectors {NU reads "Gentiles" instead of "tax collectors".} do the same?

web@Matthew:6:25 @ Therefore I tell you, don't be anxious for your life: what you will eat, or what you will drink; nor yet for your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

web@Matthew:6:26 @ See the birds of the sky, that they don't sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you of much more value than they?

web@Matthew:10:15 @ Most certainly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city.

web@Matthew:10:31 @ Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.

web@Matthew:10:37 @ He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me isn't worthy of me.

web@Matthew:11:9 @ But why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and much more than a prophet.

web@Matthew:11:11 @ Most certainly I tell you, among those who are born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptizer; yet he who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.

web@Matthew:11:22 @ But I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.

web@Matthew:11:24 @ But I tell you that it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, on the day of judgment, than for you."

web@Matthew:11:25 @ At that time, Jesus answered, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to infants.

web@Matthew:12:6 @ But I tell you that one greater than the temple is here.

web@Matthew:12:12 @ Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath day."

web@Matthew:12:41 @ The men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and behold, someone greater than Jonah is here.

web@Matthew:12:42 @ The queen of the south will rise up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, someone greater than Solomon is here.

web@Matthew:12:45 @ Then he goes, and takes with himself seven other spirits more evil than he is, and they enter in and dwell there. The last state of that man becomes worse than the first. Even so will it be also to this evil generation."

web@Matthew:13:32 @ which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches."

web@Matthew:13:33 @ He spoke another parable to them. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, which a woman took, and hid in three measures {literally, three sata. 3 sata is about 39 litres or a bit more than a bushel} of meal, until it was all leavened."

web@Matthew:15:36 @ and he took the seven loaves and the fish. He gave thanks and broke them, and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes.

web@Matthew:18:8 @ If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off, and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into the eternal fire.

web@Matthew:18:9 @ If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the Gehenna {or, Hell} of fire.

web@Matthew:18:13 @ If he finds it, most certainly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray.

web@Matthew:19:24 @ Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God."

web@Matthew:21:17 @ He left them, and went out of the city to Bethany, and lodged there.

web@Matthew:21:36 @ Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they treated them the same way.

web@Matthew:26:6 @ Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,

web@Matthew:26:26 @ As they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks for {TR reads "blessed" instead of "gave thanks for"} it, and broke it. He gave to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body."

web@Matthew:26:27 @ He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, "All of you drink it,

web@Matthew:26:53 @ Or do you think that I couldn't ask my Father, and he would even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?

web@Matthew:27:46 @ About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lima {TR reads "lama" instead of "lima"} sabachthani?" That is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" {Psalm strkjv@22:1}

web@Matthew:27:64 @ Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, 'He is risen from the dead;' and the last deception will be worse than the first."

web@Mark:1:7 @ He preached, saying, "After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and loosen.

web@Mark:4:31 @ It's like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, though it is less than all the seeds that are on the earth,

web@Mark:4:32 @ yet when it is sown, grows up, and becomes greater than all the herbs, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of the sky can lodge under its shadow."

web@Mark:6:11 @ Whoever will not receive you nor hear you, as you depart from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony against them. Assuredly, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!"

web@Mark:8:6 @ He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, and he took the seven loaves. Having given thanks, he broke them, and gave them to his disciples to serve, and they served the multitude.

web@Mark:8:14 @ They forgot to take bread; and they didn't have more than one loaf in the boat with them.

web@Mark:9:43 @ If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into Gehenna, {or, Hell} into the unquenchable fire,

web@Mark:9:45 @ If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into Gehenna, {or, Hell} into the fire that will never be quenched--

web@Mark:9:47 @ If your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out. It is better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the Gehenna {or, Hell} of fire,

web@Mark:10:25 @ It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God."

web@Mark:11:1 @ When they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethsphage {TR & NU read "Bethphage" instead of "Bethsphage"} and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples,

web@Mark:11:11 @ Jesus entered into the temple in Jerusalem. When he had looked around at everything, it being now evening, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.

web@Mark:11:12 @ The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry.

web@Mark:12:31 @ The second is like this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' {Leviticus strkjv@19:18} There is no other commandment greater than these."

web@Mark:12:33 @ and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices."

web@Mark:12:42 @ A poor widow came, and she cast in two small brass coins, {literally, lepta (or widow's mites). Lepta are very small brass coins worth half a quadrans each, which is a quarter of the copper assarion. Lepta are worth less than 1% of an agricultural worker's daily wages.} which equal a quadrans coin. {A quadrans is a coin worth about 164 of a denarius. A denarius is about one day's wages for an agricultural laborer.}

web@Mark:12:43 @ He called his disciples to himself, and said to them, "Most certainly I tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those who are giving into the treasury,

web@Mark:14:3 @ While he was at Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster jar of ointment of pure nard--very costly. She broke the jar, and poured it over his head.

web@Mark:14:5 @ For this might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii, {300 denarii was about a years wages for an agricultural laborer.} and given to the poor." They grumbled against her.

web@Mark:14:23 @ He took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them. They all drank of it.

web@Mark:15:34 @ At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which is, being interpreted, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" {Psalm strkjv@22:1}

web@Luke:2:38 @ Coming up at that very hour, she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of him to all those who were looking for redemption in Jerusalem.

web@Luke:3:13 @ He said to them, "Collect no more than that which is appointed to you."

web@Luke:3:16 @ John answered them all, "I indeed baptize you with water, but he comes who is mightier than I, the latchet of whose sandals I am not worthy to loosen. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire,

web@Luke:3:31 @ the son of Melea, the son of Menan, the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan, the son of David,

web@Luke:6:35 @ But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing back; and your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil.

web@Luke:7:26 @ But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and much more than a prophet.

web@Luke:7:28 @ "For I tell you, among those who are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptizer, yet he who is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he."

web@Luke:9:13 @ But he said to them, "You give them something to eat." They said, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we should go and buy food for all these people."

web@Luke:10:12 @ I tell you, it will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city.

web@Luke:10:14 @ But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.

web@Luke:10:21 @ In that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit, and said, "I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in your sight."

web@Luke:11:26 @ Then he goes, and takes seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and dwell there. The last state of that man becomes worse than the first."

web@Luke:11:31 @ The Queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and will condemn them: for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, one greater than Solomon is here.

web@Luke:11:32 @ The men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, one greater than Jonah is here.

web@Luke:12:7 @ But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.

web@Luke:12:23 @ Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.

web@Luke:12:24 @ Consider the ravens: they don't sow, they don't reap, they have no warehouse or barn, and God feeds them. How much more valuable are you than birds!

web@Luke:12:59 @ I tell you, you will by no means get out of there, until you have paid the very last penny. {literally, lepton. A lepton is a very small brass Jewish coin worth half a Roman quadrans each, which is worth a quarter of the copper assarion. Lepta are worth less than 1% of an agricultural worker's daily wages.}"

web@Luke:13:2 @ Jesus answered them, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered such things?

web@Luke:13:4 @ Or those eighteen, on whom the tower in Siloam fell, and killed them; do you think that they were worse offenders than all the men who dwell in Jerusalem?

web@Luke:13:21 @ It is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in three measures {literally, three sata. 3 sata is about 39 litres or a bit more than a bushel} of flour, until it was all leavened."

web@Luke:14:8 @ "When you are invited by anyone to a marriage feast, don't sit in the best seat, since perhaps someone more honorable than you might be invited by him,

web@Luke:15:7 @ I tell you that even so there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.

web@Luke:16:8 @ "His lord commended the dishonest manager because he had done wisely, for the children of this world are, in their own generation, wiser than the children of the light.

web@Luke:16:17 @ But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one tiny stroke of a pen in the law to fall.

web@Luke:17:2 @ It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, rather than that he should cause one of these little ones to stumble.

web@Luke:17:9 @ Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded? I think not.

web@Luke:17:16 @ He fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.

web@Luke:18:11 @ The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this: 'God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.

web@Luke:18:14 @ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."

web@Luke:18:25 @ For it is easier for a camel to enter in through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God."

web@Luke:19:13 @ He called ten servants of his, and gave them ten mina coins, {10 minas was more than 3 years' wages for an agricultural laborer.} and told them, 'Conduct business until I come.'

web@Luke:19:29 @ It happened, when he drew near to Bethsphage {TR, NU read "Bethpage" instead of "Bethsphage"} and Bethany, at the mountain that is called Olivet, he sent two of his disciples,

web@Luke:21:3 @ He said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them,

web@Luke:22:17 @ He received a cup, and when he had given thanks, he said, "Take this, and share it among yourselves,

web@Luke:22:19 @ He took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and gave to them, saying, "This is my body which is given for you. Do this in memory of me."

web@Luke:24:30 @ It happened, that when he had sat down at the table with them, he took the bread and gave thanks. Breaking it, he gave to them.

web@Luke:24:50 @ He led them out as far as Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

web@John:1:28 @ These things were done in Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

web@John:1:45 @ Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, "We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, wrote: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

web@John:1:46 @ Nathanael said to him, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see."

web@John:1:47 @ Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and said about him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!"

web@John:1:48 @ Nathanael said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you."

web@John:1:49 @ Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are King of Israel!"

web@John:1:50 @ Jesus answered him, "Because I told you, 'I saw you underneath the fig tree,' do you believe? You will see greater things than these!"

web@John:3:19 @ This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil.

web@John:4:1 @ Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John

web@John:4:12 @ Are you greater than our father, Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank of it himself, as did his children, and his livestock?"

web@John:5:20 @ For the Father has affection for the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does. He will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.

web@John:5:36 @ But the testimony which I have is greater than that of John, for the works which the Father gave me to accomplish, the very works that I do, testify about me, that the Father has sent me.

web@John:6:11 @ Jesus took the loaves; and having given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to those who were sitting down; likewise also of the fish as much as they desired.

web@John:6:23 @ However boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.

web@John:7:31 @ But of the multitude, many believed in him. They said, "When the Christ comes, he won't do more signs than those which this man has done, will he?"

web@John:8:53 @ Are you greater than our father, Abraham, who died? The prophets died. Who do you make yourself out to be?"

web@John:10:29 @ My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them out of my Father's hand.

web@John:11:1 @ Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.

web@John:11:18 @ Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia {15 stadia is about 2.8 kilometers or 1.7 miles} away.

web@John:11:41 @ So they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. {NU omits "from the place where the dead man was lying."} Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, "Father, I thank you that you listened to me.

web@John:12:1 @ Then six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, who had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.

web@John:12:43 @ for they loved men's praise more than God's praise.

web@John:13:16 @ Most certainly I tell you, a servant is not greater than his lord, neither one who is sent greater than he who sent him.

web@John:14:12 @ Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to my Father.

web@John:14:28 @ You heard how I told you, 'I go away, and I come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I said 'I am going to my Father;' for the Father is greater than I.

web@John:15:13 @ Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

web@John:15:20 @ Remember the word that I said to you: 'A servant is not greater than his lord.' {John strkjv@13:16} If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will keep yours also.

web@John:21:2 @ Simon Peter, Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples were together.

web@John:21:15 @ So when they had eaten their breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I have affection for you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs."

web@Acts:4:19 @ But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves,

web@Acts:4:22 @ For the man on whom this miracle of healing was performed was more than forty years old.

web@Acts:5:29 @ But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.

web@Acts:15:28 @ For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things:

web@Acts:17:11 @ Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.

web@Acts:20:35 @ In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring you ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

web@Acts:23:13 @ There were more than forty people who had made this conspiracy.

web@Acts:23:21 @ Therefore don't yield to them, for more than forty men lie in wait for him, who have bound themselves under a curse neither to eat nor to drink until they have killed him. Now they are ready, looking for the promise from you."

web@Acts:24:3 @ we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.

web@Acts:24:11 @ seeing that you can recognize that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship at Jerusalem.

web@Acts:25:6 @ When he had stayed among them more than ten days, he went down to Caesarea, and on the next day he sat on the judgment seat, and commanded Paul to be brought.

web@Acts:26:13 @ at noon, O king, I saw on the way a light from the sky, brighter than the sun, shining around me and those who traveled with me.

web@Acts:27:11 @ But the centurion gave more heed to the master and to the owner of the ship than to those things which were spoken by Paul.

web@Acts:27:35 @ When he had said this, and had taken bread, he gave thanks to God in the presence of all, and he broke it, and began to eat.

web@Acts:28:15 @ From there the brothers, when they heard of us, came to meet us as far as The Market of Appius and The Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he thanked God, and took courage.

web@Romans:1:8 @ First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, that your faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world.

web@Romans:1:21 @ Because, knowing God, they didn't glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened.

web@Romans:1:25 @ who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

web@Romans:3:9 @ What then? Are we better than they? No, in no way. For we previously warned both Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin.

web@Romans:6:17 @ But thanks be to God, that, whereas you were bondservants of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto you were delivered.

web@Romans:7:25 @ I thank God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! So then with the mind, I myself serve God's law, but with the flesh, the sin's law.

web@Romans:8:37 @ No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

web@Romans:12:3 @ For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think reasonably, as God has apportioned to each person a measure of faith.

web@Romans:13:11 @ Do this, knowing the time, that it is already time for you to awaken out of sleep, for salvation is now nearer to us than when we first believed.

web@Romans:14:6 @ He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks. He who doesn't eat, to the Lord he doesn't eat, and gives God thanks.

web@Romans:16:4 @ who for my life, laid down their own necks; to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the assemblies of the Gentiles.

web@1Corinthians:1:4 @I always thank my God concerning you, for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus;

web@1Corinthians:1:14 @I thank God that I baptized none of you, except Crispus and Gaius,

web@1Corinthians:1:25 @Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

web@1Corinthians:3:11 @For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.

web@1Corinthians:7:9 @But if they don't have self-control, let them marry. For it's better to marry than to burn.

web@1Corinthians:9:15 @But I have used none of these things, and I don't write these things that it may be done so in my case; for I would rather die, than that anyone should make my boasting void.

web@1Corinthians:10:22 @Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?

web@1Corinthians:10:30 @If I partake with thankfulness, why am I denounced for that for which I give thanks?

web@1Corinthians:11:24 @When he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, "Take, eat. This is my body, which is broken for you. Do this in memory of me."

web@1Corinthians:14:5 @Now I desire to have you all speak with other languages, but rather that you would prophesy. For he is greater who prophesies than he who speaks with other languages, unless he interprets, that the assembly may be built up.

web@1Corinthians:14:16 @Otherwise if you bless with the spirit, how will he who fills the place of the unlearned say the "Amen" at your giving of thanks, seeing he doesn't know what you say?

web@1Corinthians:14:17 @For you most certainly give thanks well, but the other person is not built up.

web@1Corinthians:14:18 @I thank my God, I speak with other languages more than you all.

web@1Corinthians:14:19 @However in the assembly I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I might instruct others also, than ten thousand words in another language.

web@1Corinthians:15:10 @But by the grace of God I am what I am. His grace which was bestowed on me was not futile, but I worked more than all of them; yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

web@1Corinthians:15:57 @But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

web@2Corinthians:1:11 @you also helping together on our behalf by your supplication; that, for the gift bestowed on us by means of many, thanks may be given by many persons on your behalf.

web@2Corinthians:1:13 @For we write no other things to you, than what you read or even acknowledge, and I hope you will acknowledge to the end;

web@2Corinthians:2:14 @Now thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and reveals through us the sweet aroma of his knowledge in every place.

web@2Corinthians:4:15 @For all things are for your sakes, that the grace, being multiplied through the many, may cause the thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God.

web@2Corinthians:8:16 @But thanks be to God, who puts the same earnest care for you into the heart of Titus.

web@2Corinthians:9:11 @you being enriched in everything to all liberality, which works through us thanksgiving to God.

web@2Corinthians:9:12 @For this service of giving that you perform not only makes up for lack among the saints, but abounds also through many givings of thanks to God;

web@2Corinthians:9:15 @Now thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift!

web@2Corinthians:12:6 @For if I would desire to boast, I will not be foolish; for I will speak the truth. But I refrain, so that no man may think more of me than that which he sees in me, or hears from me.

web@Galatians:1:8 @ But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you any "good news" other than that which we preached to you, let him be cursed.

web@Galatians:1:9 @ As we have said before, so I now say again: if any man preaches to you any "good news" other than that which you received, let him be cursed.

web@Galatians:4:27 @ For it is written, "Rejoice, you barren who don't bear. Break forth and shout, you that don't travail. For more are the children of the desolate than of her who has a husband." {Isaiah strkjv@54:1}

web@Ephesians:1:16 @ don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,

web@Ephesians:5:4 @ nor filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not appropriate; but rather giving of thanks.

web@Ephesians:5:20 @ giving thanks always concerning all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God, even the Father;

web@Philippians:1:3 @I thank my God whenever I remember you,

web@Philippians:2:3 @doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself;

web@Philippians:4:6 @In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

web@Colossians:1:3 @ We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,

web@Colossians:1:12 @ giving thanks to the Father, who made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light;

web@Colossians:2:7 @ rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, even as you were taught, abounding in it in thanksgiving.

web@Colossians:3:15 @ And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

web@Colossians:3:17 @ Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through him.

web@Colossians:4:2 @ Continue steadfastly in prayer, watching therein with thanksgiving;

web@1Thessalonians:1:2 @We always give thanks to God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers,

web@1Thessalonians:2:13 @For this cause we also thank God without ceasing, that, when you received from us the word of the message of God, you accepted it not as the word of men, but, as it is in truth, the word of God, which also works in you who believe.

web@1Thessalonians:3:9 @For what thanksgiving can we render again to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sakes before our God;

web@1Thessalonians:5:18 @In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you.

web@2Thessalonians:1:3 @We are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers, {The word for "brothers" here and where context allows may also be correctly translated "brothers and sisters" or "siblings."} even as it is appropriate, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of each and every one of you towards one another abounds;

web@2Thessalonians:2:13 @But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth;

web@1Timothy:1:4 @neither to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which cause disputes, rather than God's stewardship, which is in faith--

web@1Timothy:1:12 @And I thank him who enabled me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he counted me faithful, appointing me to service;

web@1Timothy:2:1 @I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks, be made for all men:

web@1Timothy:4:3 @forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

web@1Timothy:4:4 @For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with thanksgiving.

web@1Timothy:5:8 @But if anyone doesn't provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever.

web@2Timothy:1:3 @I thank God, whom I serve as my forefathers did, with a pure conscience. How unceasing is my memory of you in my petitions, night and day

web@2Timothy:3:2 @For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

web@2Timothy:3:4 @traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;

web@Philemon:1:4 @I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,

web@Philemon:1:16 @no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, a beloved brother, especially to me, but how much rather to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.

web@Hebrews:1:4 @ having become so much better than the angels, as he has inherited a more excellent name than they have.

web@Hebrews:2:7 @ You made him a little lower than the angels. You crowned him with glory and honor. {TR adds "and set him over the works of your hands"}

web@Hebrews:2:9 @ But we see him who has been made a little lower than the angels, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for everyone.

web@Hebrews:3:3 @ For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who built the house has more honor than the house.

web@Hebrews:4:12 @ For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

web@Hebrews:7:26 @ For such a high priest was fitting for us: holy, guiltless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;

web@Hebrews:9:23 @ It was necessary therefore that the copies of the things in the heavens should be cleansed with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

web@Hebrews:11:4 @ By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he had testimony given to him that he was righteous, God testifying with respect to his gifts; and through it he, being dead, still speaks.

web@Hebrews:11:25 @ choosing rather to share ill treatment with God's people, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a time;

web@Hebrews:11:26 @ accounting the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he looked to the reward.

web@Hebrews:12:24 @ to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, {Jeremiah strkjv@31:31} and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better than that of Abel.

web@1Peter:1:7 @that the proof of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ--

web@1Peter:3:17 @For it is better, if it is God's will, that you suffer for doing well than for doing evil.

web@2Peter:2:20 @For if, after they have escaped the defilement of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in it and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first.

web@2Peter:2:21 @For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.

web@1John:3:20 @because if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

web@1John:4:4 @You are of God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.

web@3John:1:4 @I have no greater joy than this, to hear about my children walking in truth.

web@Revelation:2:19 @ "I know your works, your love, faith, service, patient endurance, and that your last works are more than the first.

web@Revelation:4:9 @ When the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to him who sits on the throne, to him who lives forever and ever,

web@Revelation:6:6 @ I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A choenix {A choenix is a dry volume measure that is a little more than a litre (a little more than a quart).} of wheat for a denarius, and three choenix of barley for a denarius! Don't damage the oil and the wine!"

web@Revelation:7:12 @ saying, "Amen! Blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power, and might, be to our God forever and ever! Amen."

web@Revelation:11:17 @ saying: "We give you thanks, Lord God, the Almighty, the one who is and who was {TR adds "and who is coming"}; because you have taken your great power, and reigned.

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