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wmth@Matthew:2:4 @ So he assembled all the High Priests and Scribes of the people, and anxiously asked them where the Christ was to be born.

wmth@Matthew:2:7 @ Thereupon Herod sent privately for the Magi and ascertained from them the exact time of the star's appearing.

wmth@Matthew:2:8 @ He then directed them to go to Bethlehem, adding, »Go and make careful inquiry about the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and do him homage.«

wmth@Matthew:2:9 @ After hearing what the king said, they went to Bethlehem, while, strange to say, the star they had seen in the east led them on until it came and stood over the place where the babe was.

wmth@Matthew:2:10 @ When they saw the star, the sight filled them with intense joy.

wmth@Matthew:2:11 @ So they entered the house; and when they saw the babe with His mother Mary, they prostrated themselves and did Him homage, and opening their treasure-chests offered gifts to Him–gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

wmth@Matthew:4:19 @ And He said to them, »Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.«

wmth@Matthew:4:21 @ He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zabdi and his brother John, in the boat with their father Zabdi mending their nets; and He called them.

wmth@Matthew:4:24 @ Thus His fame spread through all Syria; and they brought all the sick to Him, the people who were suffering from various diseases and pains–demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He cured them.

wmth@Matthew:5:2 @ He proceeded to teach them, and said:

wmth@Matthew:5:3 @ »Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens.«

wmth@Matthew:5:10 @ »Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens.«

wmth@Matthew:5:17 @ »Do not for a moment suppose that I have come to abrogate the Law or the Prophets: I have not come to abrogate them but to give them their completion.«

wmth@Matthew:5:19 @ Whoever therefore breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to break them, will be called the least in the Kingdom of the Heavens; but whoever practises them and teaches them, he will be acknowledged as great in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

wmth@Matthew:6:5 @ »And when praying, you must not be like the hypocrites. They are fond of standing and praying in the synagogues or at the corners of the wider streets, in order that men may see them. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.«

wmth@Matthew:6:8 @ Do not, however, imitate them; for your Father knows what things you need before ever you ask Him.

wmth@Matthew:6:26 @ Look at the birds which fly in the air: they do not sow or reap or store up in barns, but your Heavenly Father feeds them: are not you of much greater value than they?

wmth@Matthew:6:32 @ For all these are questions that Gentiles are always asking; but your Heavenly Father knows that you need these things–all of them.

wmth@Matthew:7:6 @ »Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor throw your pearls to the swine; otherwise they will trample them under their feet and then turn and attack you.«

wmth@Matthew:7:12 @ Everything, therefore, be it what it may, that you would have men do to you, do you also the same to them; for in this the Law and the Prophets are summed up.

wmth@Matthew:7:16 @ By their fruits you will easily recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorns or figs from brambles?

wmth@Matthew:7:20 @ So by their fruits at any rate, you will easily recognize them.

wmth@Matthew:7:23 @ And then I will tell them plainly, »`I never knew you: begone from me, you doers of wickedness.'

wmth@Matthew:7:24 @ »Every one who hears these my teachings and acts upon them will be found to resemble a wise man who builds his house upon rock;«

wmth@Matthew:7:26 @ And every one who hears these my teachings and does not act upon them will be found to resemble a fool who builds his house upon sand.

wmth@Matthew:7:29 @ for He had been teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their Scribes taught.

wmth@Matthew:8:4 @ and Jesus said to him, »Be careful to tell no one, but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses appointed as evidence for them

wmth@Matthew:8:30 @ Now at some distance from them a vast herd of swine were feeding.

wmth@Matthew:9:3 @ »Such language is impious,« said some of the Scribes among themselves.

wmth@Matthew:9:15 @ »Can the bridegroom's party mourn,« He replied, »as long as the bridegroom is with them? But other days will come (when the Bridegroom has been taken from them) and then they will fast.

wmth@Matthew:9:28 @ And when He had gone indoors, they came to Him. »Do you believe that I can do this?« He asked them. »Yes, Sir,« they replied.

wmth@Matthew:9:30 @ Then their eyes were opened. And assuming a stern tone Jesus said to them, »Be careful to let no one know.«

wmth@Matthew:9:36 @ And when He saw the crowds He was touched with pity for them, because they were distressed and were fainting on the ground like sheep which have no shepherd.

wmth@Matthew:10:1 @ Then He called to Him His twelve disciples and gave them authority over foul spirits, to drive them out; and to cure every kind of disease and infirmity.

wmth@Matthew:10:5 @ These twelve Jesus sent on a mission, after giving them their instructions:»Go not,« He said, »among the Gentiles, and enter no Samaritan town;

wmth@Matthew:10:18 @ and you will even be put on trial before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness to them and to the Gentiles.

wmth@Matthew:10:21 @ Brother will betray brother to death, and father, child; and children will rise against their own parents and will put them to death.

wmth@Matthew:10:26 @ Fear them not, however; there is nothing veiled which will not be uncovered, nor secret which will not become known.

wmth@Matthew:10:29 @ Do not two sparrows sell for a halfpenny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's leave.

wmth@Matthew:11:5 @ »blind eyes receive sight, and cripples walk; lepers are cleansed, and deaf ears hear; the dead are raised to life, and the poor have the Good News proclaimed to them

wmth@Matthew:11:25 @ About that time Jesus exclaimed, »I heartily praise Thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and of earth, that Thou hast hidden these things from sages and men of discernment, and hast unveiled them to babes.

wmth@Matthew:12:1 @ About that time Jesus passed on the Sabbath through the wheatfields; and His disciples became hungry, and began to gather ears of wheat and eat them.

wmth@Matthew:12:2 @ But the Pharisees saw it and said to Him, »Look! your disciples are doing what the Law forbids them to do on the Sabbath.«

wmth@Matthew:12:16 @ But He gave them strict injunctions not to blaze abroad His doings,

wmth@Matthew:12:25 @ Knowing their thoughts He said to them, »Every kingdom in which civil war has raged suffers desolation; and every city or house in which there is internal strife will be brought low.

wmth@Matthew:12:27 @ And if it is by Baal-zebul's power that I expel the demons, by whose power do your disciples expel them? They therefore shall be your judges.

wmth@Matthew:12:39 @ »Wicked and faithless generation!« He replied, »they clamour for a sign, but none shall be given to them except the sign of the Prophet Jonah.

wmth@Matthew:13:3 @ He then spoke many things to them in figurative language. »The sower goes out,« He said, »to sow.

wmth@Matthew:13:10 @ (And His disciples came and asked Him, »Why do you speak to them in figurative language?«

wmth@Matthew:13:11 @ »Because,« He replied, »while to you it is granted to know the secrets of the Kingdom of the Heavens, to them it is not.

wmth@Matthew:13:13 @ I speak to them in figurative language for this reason, that while looking they do not see, and while hearing they neither hear nor understand.

wmth@Matthew:13:14 @ And in regard to them the prophecy of Isaiah is receiving signal fulfilment:

wmth@Matthew:13:17 @ For I solemnly tell you that many Prophets and holy men have longed to see the sights you see, and have not seen them, and to hear the words you hear, and have not heard them.

wmth@Matthew:13:24 @ Another parable He put before them. »The Kingdom of the Heavens,« He said, »may be compared to a man who has sown good seed in his field,

wmth@Matthew:13:31 @ Another parable He put before them. »The Kingdom of the Heavens,« He said, »is like a mustard-seed, which a man takes and sows in his ground.

wmth@Matthew:13:33 @ Another parable He spoke to them. »The Kingdom of the Heavens,« He said, »is like yeast which a woman takes and buries in a bushel of flour, for it to work there till the whole mass has risen.«

wmth@Matthew:13:34 @ All this Jesus spoke to the people in figurative language, and except in figurative language He spoke nothing to them,

wmth@Matthew:13:50 @ and will throw them into the fiery furnace. There will be the weeping aloud and the gnashing of teeth.«

wmth@Matthew:13:57 @ So they turned angrily away from Him. But Jesus said to them, »There is no prophet left without honour except in his own country and among his own family.«

wmth@Matthew:14:14 @ So Jesus went out and saw an immense multitude, and felt compassion for them, and cured those of them who were out of health.

wmth@Matthew:14:16 @ »They need not go away,« replied Jesus; »you yourselves must give them something to eat.«

wmth@Matthew:14:18 @ »Bring them here to me,« He said,

wmth@Matthew:14:19 @ and He told all the people to sit down on the grass. Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and after looking up to heaven and blessing them, He broke up the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples distributed them to the people.

wmth@Matthew:14:25 @ But towards daybreak He went to them, walking over the waves.

wmth@Matthew:14:27 @ But instantly Jesus spoke to them, and said, »There is no danger; it is I; do not be afraid.«

wmth@Matthew:15:14 @ Leave them alone. They are blind guides of the blind; and if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into some pit.«

wmth@Matthew:15:30 @ Soon great crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were crippled in feet or hands, blind or dumb, and many besides, and they hastened to lay them at His feet. And He cured them,

wmth@Matthew:15:32 @ But Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, »My heart yearns over this mass of people, for it is now the third day that they have been with me and they have nothing to eat. I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they should faint on the road.«

wmth@Matthew:15:36 @ and He took the seven loaves and the fish, and after giving thanks He broke them up and then distributed them to the disciples, and they to the people.

wmth@Matthew:16:1 @ Here the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Him; and, to make trial of Him, they asked Him to show them a sign in the sky.

wmth@Matthew:16:4 @ A wicked and faithless generation are eager for a sign; but none shall be given to them except the sign of Jonah.« and He left them and went away.

wmth@Matthew:16:6 @ and when Jesus said to them, »See to it: beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,«

wmth@Matthew:16:7 @ they reasoned among themselves, saying, »It is because we have not brought any bread.«

wmth@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they perceived that He had not warned them against bread-yeast, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

wmth@Matthew:17:1 @ Six day later, Jesus took with Him Peter and the brothers James and John, and brought them up a high mountain to a solitary place.

wmth@Matthew:17:3 @ And suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared to them conversing with Him.

wmth@Matthew:17:5 @ He was still speaking when a luminous cloud spread over them; and a voice was heard from within the cloud, which said, »This is My Son dearly beloved, in whom is My delight. Listen to Him.«

wmth@Matthew:17:7 @ But Jesus came and touched them, and said, »Rouse yourselves and have no fear.«

wmth@Matthew:17:9 @ As they were descending the mountain, Jesus laid a command upon them. »Tell no one,« He said, »of the sight you have seen till the Son of Man has risen from among the dead.«

wmth@Matthew:17:12 @ But I tell you that he has already come, and they did not recognize him, but dealt with him as they chose. And before long the Son of Man will be treated by them in a similar way.«

wmth@Matthew:17:13 @ Then it dawned upon the disciples that it was John the Baptist about whom He had spoken to them.

wmth@Matthew:17:22 @ As they were travelling about in Galilee, Jesus said to them, »The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men;

wmth@Matthew:17:27 @ »However, lest we cause them to sin, go and throw a hook into the Lake, and take the first fish that comes up. When you open its mouth, you will find a shekel in it: bring that coin and give it to them for yourself and me.«

wmth@Matthew:18:2 @ So He called a young child to Him, and, bidding him stand in the midst of them,

wmth@Matthew:18:12 @ What do you yourselves think? Suppose a man gets a hundred sheep and one of them strays away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go and look for the one that is straying?

wmth@Matthew:18:17 @ If he refuses to hear them, appeal to the Church; and if he refuses to hear even the Church, regard him just as you regard a Gentile or a tax-gatherer.

wmth@Matthew:18:19 @ I also solemnly tell you that if two of you here on earth agree together concerning anything whatever that they shall ask, the boon will come to them from my Father who is in Heaven.

wmth@Matthew:18:20 @ For where there are two or three assembled in my name, there am I in the midst of them

wmth@Matthew:19:2 @ And a vast multitude followed him, and He cured them there.

wmth@Matthew:19:4 @ »Have you not read,« He replied, »that He who made them from the beginning

wmth@Matthew:19:12 @ There are men who from their birth have been disabled from marriage, others who have been so disabled by men, and others who have disabled themselves for the sake of the Kingdom of the Heavens. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.«

wmth@Matthew:19:13 @ Then young children were brought to Him for Him to put His hands on them and pray; but the disciples interfered.

wmth@Matthew:19:14 @ Jesus however said, »Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs.«

wmth@Matthew:19:15 @ So He laid His hands upon them and went away.

wmth@Matthew:19:26 @ Jesus looked at them and said, »With men this is impossible, but with God everything is possible.«

wmth@Matthew:20:2 @ and having made an agreement with them for a shilling a day, sent them into his vineyard.

wmth@Matthew:20:6 @ And going out about five o'clock he found others loitering, and he asked them, »`Why have you been standing here all day long, doing nothing?'

wmth@Matthew:20:8 @ When evening came, the master said to his steward, »`Call the men and pay them their wages. Begin with the last set and finish with the first.'

wmth@Matthew:20:12 @ »`These who came last have done only one hour's work, and you have put them on a level with us who have worked the whole day and have borne the scorching heat.'«

wmth@Matthew:20:13 @ »`My friend,' he answered to one of them, `I am doing you no injustice. Did you not agree with me for a shilling?«

wmth@Matthew:20:17 @ Jesus was now going up to Jerusalem, and He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and on the way He said to them,

wmth@Matthew:20:25 @ But Jesus called them to Him, and said, »You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them.

wmth@Matthew:20:31 @ The people angrily tried to silence them, but they cried all the louder. »O Sir, Son of David, pity us,« they said.

wmth@Matthew:20:32 @ So Jesus stood still and called to them. »What shall I do for you?« He asked.

wmth@Matthew:21:2 @ saying to them, »Go to the village you see facing you, and as you enter it you will find a she-ass tied up and a foal with her. Untie her and bring them to me.

wmth@Matthew:21:3 @ And if any one says anything to you, say, `The Master needs them,' and he will at once send them

wmth@Matthew:21:6 @ So the disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them:

wmth@Matthew:21:7 @ they brought the she-ass and the foal, and threw their outer garments on them. So He sat on them;

wmth@Matthew:21:8 @ and most of the crowd kept spreading their garments along the road, while others cut branches from the trees and carpeted the road with them,

wmth@Matthew:21:14 @ And the blind and the lame came to Him in the Temple, and He cured them.

wmth@Matthew:21:17 @ So He left them and went out of the city to Bethany and passed the night there.

wmth@Matthew:21:25 @ John's Baptism, whence was it? –had it a heavenly or a human origin?« So they debated the matter among themselves. »If we say `a heavenly origin,'« they argued, »he will say, `Why then did you not believe him?'

wmth@Matthew:21:28 @ »But give me your judgement. There was a man who had two sons. He came to the elder of them, and said,« `My son, go and work in the vineyard to-day.'

wmth@Matthew:21:37 @ Later still he sent to them his son, saying, »`They will respect my son.'

wmth@Matthew:21:45 @ After listening to His parables the High Priests and the Pharisees perceived that He was speaking about them;

wmth@Matthew:21:46 @ but though they were eager to lay hands upon Him, they were afraid of the people, for by them He was regarded as a Prophet.

wmth@Matthew:22:1 @ Again Jesus spoke to them in figurative language.

wmth@Matthew:22:6 @ and the rest seized the king's servants, maltreated them, and murdered them.

wmth@Matthew:22:11 @ »Now the king came in to see the guests; and among them he discovered one who was not wearing a wedding-robe.«

wmth@Matthew:22:25 @ Now we had among us seven brothers. The eldest of them married, but died childless, leaving his wife to his brother.

wmth@Matthew:22:27 @ till the woman also died, after surviving them all.

wmth@Matthew:22:35 @ and one of them, an expounder of the Law, asked Him as a test question,

wmth@Matthew:22:41 @ While the Pharisees were still assembled there, Jesus put a question to them.

wmth@Matthew:23:3 @ Therefore do and observe everything that they command you; but do not imitate their lives, for though they tell others what to do, they do not do it themselves.

wmth@Matthew:23:4 @ Heavy and cumbrous burdens they bind together and load men's shoulders with them, while as for themselves, not with one finger do they choose to lift them.

wmth@Matthew:23:30 @ and your boast is, »`If we had lived in the time of our forefathers, we should not have been implicated with them in the murder of the Prophets.'

wmth@Matthew:23:34 @ »For this reason I am sending to you Prophets and wise men and Scribes. Some of them you will put to death–nay, crucify; some of them you will flog in your synagogues and chase from town to town;«

wmth@Matthew:24:38 @ At that time, before the Deluge, men were busy eating and drinking, taking wives or giving them, up to the very day when Noah entered the Ark,

wmth@Matthew:24:39 @ nor did they realise any danger till the Deluge came and swept them all away; so will it be at the Coming of the Son of Man.

wmth@Matthew:24:45 @ »Who therefore is the loyal and intelligent servant to whom his master has entrusted the control of his household to give them their rations at the appointed time?«

wmth@Matthew:25:2 @ Five of them were foolish and five were wise.

wmth@Matthew:25:3 @ For the foolish, when they took their torches, did not provide themselves with oil;

wmth@Matthew:25:7 @ »Then all those bridesmaids roused themselves and trimmed their torches.«

wmth@Matthew:25:16 @ Without delay the one who had received the five talents went and employed them in business, and gained five more.

wmth@Matthew:25:19 @ »After a long lapse of time the master of those servants returned, and had a reckoning with them

wmth@Matthew:25:32 @ and all the nations will be gathered into His presence. And He will separate them from one another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;«

wmth@Matthew:25:40 @ »But the King will answer them,« `In solemn truth I tell you that in so far as you rendered such services to one of the humblest of these my brethren, you rendered them to myself.'

wmth@Matthew:25:45 @ »But he will reply,« `In solemn truth I tell you that in so far as you withheld such services from one of the humblest of these, you withheld them from me.'

wmth@Matthew:26:10 @ But Jesus heard it, and said to them, »Why are you vexing her? For she has done a most gracious act towards me.

wmth@Matthew:26:19 @ The disciples did as Jesus directed them, and got the Passover ready.

wmth@Matthew:26:27 @ And He took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, »Drink from it, all of you;

wmth@Matthew:26:36 @ Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane. And He said to the disciples, »Sit down here, whilst I go yonder and there pray.«

wmth@Matthew:26:38 @ and He said to them, »My soul is crushed with anguish to the very point of death; wait here, and keep awake with me.«

wmth@Matthew:26:40 @ Then He came to the disciples and found them asleep, and He said to Peter, »Alas, none of you could keep awake with me for even a single hour!

wmth@Matthew:26:43 @ He came and again found them asleep, for they were very tired.

wmth@Matthew:26:44 @ So He left them, and went away once more and prayed a third time, again using the same words.

wmth@Matthew:26:48 @ Now the betrayer had agreed upon a sign with them, to direct them. He had said, »The one whom I kiss is the man: lay hold of him.«

wmth@Matthew:26:70 @ He denied it before them all, saying, »I do not know what you mean.«

wmth@Matthew:26:73 @ A short time afterwards the people standing there came and said to Peter, »Certainly you too are one of them, for your brogue shows it.«

wmth@Matthew:27:17 @ So when they were now assembled Pilate appealed to them. »Whom shall I release to you,« he said, »Barabbas, or Jesus the so-called Christ?«

wmth@Matthew:27:21 @ So when the Governor a second time asked them, »Which of the two shall I release to you?« –they cried, »Barabbas!«

wmth@Matthew:27:24 @ So when he saw that he could gain nothing, but that on the contrary there was a riot threatening, he called for water and washed his hands in sight of them all, saying, »I am not responsible for this murder: you must answer for it.«

wmth@Matthew:27:26 @ Then he released Barabbas to them, but Jesus he ordered to be scourged, and gave Him up to be crucified.

wmth@Matthew:27:35 @ After crucifying Him, they divided His garments among them by lot,

wmth@Matthew:27:48 @ One of them ran forthwith, and filling a sponge with sour wine put it on the end of a cane and offered it Him to drink;

wmth@Matthew:27:53 @ And coming out of their tombs after Christ's resurrection they entered the holy city and showed themselves to many.

wmth@Matthew:27:56 @ among them being Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zabdi.

wmth@Matthew:28:9 @ And then suddenly they saw Jesus coming to meet them. »Peace be to you,« He said. And they came and clasped His feet, bowing to the ground before Him.

wmth@Matthew:28:12 @ So the latter held a conference with the Elders, and after consultation with them they heavily bribed the soldiers,

wmth@Matthew:28:13 @ telling them to say, »His disciples came during the night and stole his body while we were asleep.«

wmth@Matthew:28:16 @ As for the eleven disciples, they proceeded into Galilee, to the hill where Jesus had arranged to meet them.

wmth@Matthew:28:17 @ There they saw Him and prostrated themselves before Him. Yet some doubted.

wmth@Matthew:28:18 @ Jesus however came near and said to them, »All power in Heaven and over the earth has been given to me.

wmth@Matthew:28:19 @ Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations; baptize them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;

wmth@Matthew:28:20 @ and teach them to obey every command which I have given you. And remember, I am with you always, day by day, until the Close of the Age.«

wmth@Mark:1:19 @ Going on a little further He saw James the son of Zabdi and his brother John: they also were in the boat mending the nets, and He immediately called them.

wmth@Mark:1:31 @ So He went to her, and taking her hand He raised her to her feet: the fever left her, and she began to wait upon them.

wmth@Mark:1:44 @ and saying, »Be careful not to tell any one, but go and show yourself to the Priest, and for your purification present the offerings that Moses appointed as evidence for them

wmth@Mark:2:2 @ and such numbers of people came together that there was no longer room for them even round the door. He was speaking His Message to them,

wmth@Mark:2:4 @ Finding themselves unable, however, to bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, they untiled the roof just over His head, and after clearing an opening they lowered the mat on which the paralytic was lying.

wmth@Mark:2:8 @ At once perceiving by His spirit that they were reasoning within themselves, Jesus asked them, »Why do you thus argue in your minds?

wmth@Mark:2:13 @ Again He went out to the shore of the Lake, and the whole multitude kept coming to Him, and He taught them.

wmth@Mark:2:19 @ »Can a wedding party fast while the bridegroom is among them?« replied Jesus. »So long as they have the bridegroom with them, fasting is impossible.

wmth@Mark:2:20 @ But a time will come when the Bridegroom will be taken away from them; then they will fast.

wmth@Mark:2:27 @ And Jesus said to them: »The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath;

wmth@Mark:3:4 @ Then He asked them, »Are we allowed to do good on the Sabbath, or to do evil? to save a life, or to destroy one?« They remained silent.

wmth@Mark:3:5 @ Grieved and indignant at the hardening of their hearts, He looked round on them with anger, and said to the man, »Stretch out your arm.« He stretched it out, and the arm was completely restored.

wmth@Mark:3:11 @ And the foul spirits, whenever they saw Him, threw themselves down at His feet, screaming out:»You are the Son of God.«

wmth@Mark:3:12 @ But He many a time checked them, forbidding them to say who He was.

wmth@Mark:3:14 @ He appointed twelve of them, that they might be with Him, and that He might also send them to proclaim His Message,

wmth@Mark:3:20 @ And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal.

wmth@Mark:3:23 @ So He called them to Him, and using figurative language He appealed to them, saying, »How is it possible for Satan to expel Satan?

wmth@Mark:4:2 @ Then He proceeded to teach them many lessons in figurative language; and in His teaching He said,

wmth@Mark:4:15 @ Those who receive the seed by the way-side are those in whom the Message is sown, but, when they have heard it, Satan comes at once and carries away the Message sown in them.

wmth@Mark:4:17 @ but they have no root within them. They last for a time; then, when suffering or persecution comes because of the Message, they are immediately overthrown.

wmth@Mark:4:24 @ He also said to them, »Take care what you hear. With what measure you measure, it will be measured to you, and that with interest.

wmth@Mark:4:25 @ For those who have will have more given them; and from those who have not, even what they have will be taken away.«

wmth@Mark:4:33 @ With many such parables He used to speak the Message to them according to their capacity for receiving it.

wmth@Mark:4:34 @ But except in figurative language He spoke nothing to them; while to His own disciples He expounded everything, in private.

wmth@Mark:4:35 @ The same day, in the evening, He said to them, »Let us cross to the other side.«

wmth@Mark:5:10 @ And he earnestly entreated Him not to send them away out of the country.

wmth@Mark:5:12 @ So they besought Jesus. »Send us to the swine,« they said, »so that we may enter into them

wmth@Mark:5:13 @ He gave them leave; and the foul spirits came out and entered into the swine, and the herd –about 2,000 in number– rushed headlong down the cliff into the Lake and were drowned in the Lake.

wmth@Mark:5:16 @ And those who had seen it told them the particulars of what had happened to the demoniac, and all about the swine.

wmth@Mark:5:19 @ But He would not allow it. »Go home to your family,« He said, »and report to them all that the Lord has done for you, and the mercy He has shown you.«

wmth@Mark:5:40 @ To this their reply is a scornful laugh. He, however, puts them all out, takes the child's father and mother and those He has brought with Him, and enters the room where the child lies.

wmth@Mark:5:42 @ Instantly the little girl rises to her feet and begins to walk (for she was twelve years old). They were at once beside themselves with utter astonishment;

wmth@Mark:5:43 @ but He gave strict injunctions that the matter should not be made known, and directed them to give her something to eat.

wmth@Mark:6:4 @ But Jesus said to them, »There is no Prophet without honour except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own home.«

wmth@Mark:6:5 @ And He could not do any miracle there, except that He laid His hands on a few who were out of health and cured them; and

wmth@Mark:6:7 @ Then summoning the Twelve to Him, He proceeded to send them out by twos, and gave them authority over the foul spirits.

wmth@Mark:6:8 @ He charged them to take nothing for the journey except a stick; no bread, no bag, and not a penny in their pockets,

wmth@Mark:6:11 @ But wherever they will not receive you or listen to you, when you leave shake off the very dust from under your feet to bear witness concerning them

wmth@Mark:6:31 @ Then He said to them, »Come away, all of you, to a quiet place, and rest awhile.« For there were many coming and going, so that they had no time even for meals.

wmth@Mark:6:33 @ But the people saw them going, and many knew them; and coming by land they ran together there from all the neighbouring towns, and arrived before them.

wmth@Mark:6:34 @ So when Jesus landed, He saw a vast multitude; and His heart was moved with pity for them, because they were like sheep which have no shepherd, and He proceeded to teach them many things.

wmth@Mark:6:36 @ send them away that they may go to the farms and villages near here and buy themselves something to eat.«

wmth@Mark:6:37 @ »Give them food yourselves,« He replied. »Are we,« they asked, `to go and buy two hundred shillings' worth of bread and give them food?«

wmth@Mark:6:39 @ So He directed them to make all sit down in companies on the green grass.

wmth@Mark:6:41 @ Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and lifting His eyes to Heaven He blessed the food. Then He broke the loaves into portions which He went on handing to the disciples to distribute; giving pieces also of the two fish to them all.

wmth@Mark:6:48 @ But when He saw them distressed with rowing (for the wind was against them), towards morning He came towards them walking on the Lake, as if intending to pass them.

wmth@Mark:6:50 @ for they all saw Him and were terrified. He, however, immediately spoke to them. »There is no danger,« He said; »it is I; be not alarmed.«

wmth@Mark:6:51 @ Then He went up to them on board the boat, and the wind lulled; and they were beside themselves with silent amazement.

wmth@Mark:6:56 @ And enter wherever He might –village or town or hamlet– they laid their sick in the open places, and entreated Him to let them touch were it but the tassel of His robe; and all, whoever touched Him, were restored to health.

wmth@Mark:7:36 @ Then Jesus charged them to tell no one; but the more He charged them, all the more did they spread the news far and wide.

wmth@Mark:8:1 @ About that time there was again an immense crowd, and they found themselves with nothing to eat. So He called His disciples to Him.

wmth@Mark:8:3 @ If I were to send them home hungry, they would faint on the way, some of them having come a great distance.«

wmth@Mark:8:6 @ So He passed the word to the people to sit down on the ground. Then taking the seven loaves He blessed them, and broke them into portions and proceeded to give them to His disciples for them to distribute, and they distributed them to the people.

wmth@Mark:8:7 @ They had also a few small fish. He blessed them, and He told His disciples to distribute these also.

wmth@Mark:8:9 @ The number fed were about 4,000. Then He sent them away,

wmth@Mark:8:13 @ So He left them, went on board again, and came away to the other side.

wmth@Mark:8:14 @ Now they had forgotten to take bread, nor had they more than a single loaf with them in the boat;

wmth@Mark:8:15 @ and when He admonished them, »See to it, be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod,«

wmth@Mark:8:17 @ He perceived what they were saying, and He said to them, »What is this discussion of yours about having no bread? Do you not yet see and understand? Are your minds so dull of comprehension?

wmth@Mark:8:24 @ He looked up and said, »I can see the people: I see them like trees–only walking.«

wmth@Mark:8:29 @ Then He asked them pointedly, »But you yourselves, who do you say that I am?«»You are the Christ,« answered Peter.

wmth@Mark:8:30 @ And He strictly forbad them to tell this about Him to any one.

wmth@Mark:8:31 @ And now for the first time He told them, »The Son of Man must endure much suffering, and be rejected by the Elders and the High Priests and the Scribes, and be put to death, and after two days rise to life.«

wmth@Mark:8:32 @ This He told them plainly; whereupon Peter took Him and began to remonstrate with Him.

wmth@Mark:8:34 @ Then calling to Him the crowd and also His disciples, He said to them, »If any one is desirous of following me, let him ignore self and take up his cross, and so be my follower.

wmth@Mark:9:2 @ Six days later, Jesus took with Him Peter, James, and John, and brought them alone, apart from the rest, up a high mountain; and in their presence His appearance underwent a change.

wmth@Mark:9:4 @ Moreover there appeared to them Elijah accompanied by Moses; and the two were conversing with Jesus,

wmth@Mark:9:7 @ Then there came a cloud spreading over them, and a voice issued from the cloud, »This is my Son, dearly loved: listen to Him.«

wmth@Mark:9:8 @ Instantly they looked round, and now they could no longer see any one, but themselves and Jesus.

wmth@Mark:9:9 @ As they were coming down from the mountain, He very strictly forbad them to tell any one what they had seen »until after the Son of Man has risen from among the dead.«

wmth@Mark:9:10 @ So they kept the matter to themselves, although frequently asking one another what was meant by the rising from the dead.

wmth@Mark:9:14 @ As they came to rejoin the disciples, they saw an immense crowd surrounding them and a party of Scribes disputing with them.

wmth@Mark:9:16 @ »What is the subject you are discussing?« He asked them.

wmth@Mark:9:26 @ So with a loud cry he threw the boy into fit after fit, and came out. The boy looked as if he were dead, so that most of them said he was dead;

wmth@Mark:9:31 @ for He was teaching His disciples, and telling them, »The Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will put Him to death; and after being put to death, in three days He will rise to life again.«

wmth@Mark:9:33 @ So they came to Capernaum; and when in the house He asked them, »What were you arguing about on the way?«

wmth@Mark:9:34 @ But they remained silent; for on the way they had debated with one another who was the chief of them.

wmth@Mark:9:35 @ Then sitting down He called the Twelve, and said to them, »If any one wishes to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.«

wmth@Mark:10:1 @ Soon on His feet once more, He enters the district of Judaea and crosses the Jordan: again the people flock to Him, and ere long, as was usual with Him, He was teaching them once more.

wmth@Mark:10:13 @ One day people were bringing young children to Jesus for Him to touch them, but the disciples interfered.

wmth@Mark:10:14 @ Jesus, however, on seeing this, was moved to indignation, and said to them, »Let the little children come to me: do not hinder them; for to those who are childlike the Kingdom of God belongs.

wmth@Mark:10:16 @ Then He took them in His arms and blessed them lovingly, one by one, laying His hands upon them.

wmth@Mark:10:27 @ Jesus looking on them said, »With men it is impossible, but not with God; for everything is possible with God.«

wmth@Mark:10:30 @ but will receive a hundred times as much now in this present life –houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands– and persecution with them–and in the coming age the Life of the Ages.

wmth@Mark:10:32 @ They were still on the road going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them; they were full of wonder, and some, though they followed, did so with fear. Then, once more calling to Him the Twelve, He began to tell them what was about to happen to Him.

wmth@Mark:10:42 @ Jesus, however, called them to Him and said to them, »You are aware how those who are deemed rulers among the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men make them feel their authority;

wmth@Mark:11:6 @ But on their giving the answer that Jesus had bidden them give, they let them take it.

wmth@Mark:11:17 @ And He remonstrated with them. »Is it not written,« He said, But you have made it what it now is–

wmth@Mark:11:22 @ Jesus said to them, »Have faith in God.

wmth@Mark:11:28 @ and asked, »By what authority are you doing these things? and who gave you authority to do them

wmth@Mark:12:1 @ Then He began to speak to them in figurative language. »There was once a man,« He said, »who planted a vineyard, fenced it round, dug a pit for the wine-tank, and built a strong lodge. Then he let the place to vine-dressers and went abroad.

wmth@Mark:12:4 @ Again he sent to them another servant: and as for him, they wounded him in the head and treated him shamefully.

wmth@Mark:12:5 @ Yet a third he sent, and him they killed. And he sent many besides, and them also they ill-treated, beating some and killing others.

wmth@Mark:12:16 @ They brought one; and He asked them, »Whose is this likeness and this inscription?«»Caesar's,« they replied.

wmth@Mark:12:28 @ Then one of the Scribes, who had heard them disputing and well knew that Jesus had given them an answer to the point, and a forcible one, came forward and asked Him, »Which is the chief of all the Commandments?«

wmth@Mark:13:5 @ So Jesus began to say to them: »Take care that no one misleads you.

wmth@Mark:13:9 @ »You yourselves must be on your guard. They will deliver you up to Sanhedrins; you will be brought into synagogues and cruelly beaten; and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to be witnesses to them for me.«

wmth@Mark:13:12 @ »Brother will betray brother to be killed, and fathers will betray children; and and have them put to death.

wmth@Mark:14:4 @ But there were some who said indignantly among themselves, »Why has the ointment been thus wasted?

wmth@Mark:14:7 @ For you always have the poor among you, and whenever you choose you can do acts of kindness to them; but me you have not always.

wmth@Mark:14:10 @ But Judas Iscariot, already mentioned as one of the Twelve, went to the High Priests to betray Jesus to them.

wmth@Mark:14:16 @ So the disciples went out and came to the city, and found everything just as He had told them; and they got the Passover ready.

wmth@Mark:14:22 @ Also during the meal He took a Passover biscuit, blessed it, and broke it. He then gave it to them, saying, »Take this, it is my body.«

wmth@Mark:14:23 @ Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and handed it to them, and they all of them drank from it.

wmth@Mark:14:27 @ Then said Jesus to them, »All of you are about to stumble and fall, for it is written,

wmth@Mark:14:34 @ and He said to them, »My heart is oppressed with anguish to the very point of death: wait here and keep awake.«

wmth@Mark:14:37 @ Then He came and found them asleep, and He said to Peter, »Simon, are you asleep? Had you not strength to keep awake a single hour?

wmth@Mark:14:40 @ When He returned He again found them asleep, for they were very tired; and they knew not how to answer Him.

wmth@Mark:14:44 @ Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them. »The one I kiss,« he said, »is the man: lay hold of him, and take him safely away.«

wmth@Mark:14:60 @ At last the High Priest stood up, and advancing into the midst of them all, asked Jesus, »Have you no answer to make? What is the meaning of all this that these witnesses allege against you?«

wmth@Mark:14:69 @ Again the maidservant saw him, and again began to say to the people standing by, »He is one of them

wmth@Mark:14:70 @ A second time he repeatedly denied it. Soon afterwards the bystanders again accused Peter, saying, »You are surely one of them, for you too are a Galilaean.«

wmth@Mark:15:8 @ So the people came crowding up, asking Pilate to grant them the usual favour.

wmth@Mark:15:12 @ and when Pilate again asked them, »What then shall I do to the man you call King of the Jews?«

wmth@Mark:15:15 @ So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the mob, released Barabbas for them, and after scourging Jesus handed Him over for crucifixion.

wmth@Mark:15:24 @ Then they crucified Him. This done, they divided His garments among them, drawing lots to decide what each should take.

wmth@Mark:15:40 @ There were also a party of women looking on from a distance; among them being both Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of James the Little and of Joses, and Salome–

wmth@Mark:16:6 @ But he said to them, »Do not be terrified. It is Jesus you are looking for–the Nazarene who has been crucified. He has come back to life: He is not here: this is the place where they laid Him.

wmth@Mark:16:12 @ Afterwards He showed Himself in another form to two of them as they were walking, on their way into the country.

wmth@Mark:16:13 @ These, again, went and told the news to the rest; but not even them did they believe.

wmth@Mark:16:14 @ Later still He showed Himself to the Eleven themselves whilst they were at table, and He upbraided them with their unbelief and obstinacy in not having believed those who had seen Him alive.

wmth@Mark:16:15 @ Then He said to them, »Go the whole world over, and proclaim the Good News to all mankind.

wmth@Mark:16:18 @ They shall take up venomous snakes, and if they drink any deadly poison it shall do them no harm whatever. They shall lay their hands on the sick, and the sick shall recover.«

wmth@Mark:16:19 @ So the Lord Jesus after having thus spoken to them was taken up into Heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

wmth@Mark:16:20 @ But they went out and made proclamation everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming their Message by the signs which accompanied it.]

wmth@Luke:1:6 @ They were both of them upright before God, blamelessly obeying all the Lord's precepts and ordinances.

wmth@Luke:1:7 @ But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren; and both of them were far advanced in life.

wmth@Luke:1:22 @ When, however, he came out, he was unable to speak to them; and they knew that he must have seen a vision in the Sanctuary; but he kept making signs to them and continued dumb.

wmth@Luke:1:65 @ And all who lived round about them were filled with awe, and throughout the hill country of Judaea reports of all these things were spread abroad.

wmth@Luke:1:68 @ »Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,« he said, »Because He has not forgotten His people but has effected redemption for them,

wmth@Luke:2:7 @ and she gave birth to her first-born son, and wrapped Him round, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

wmth@Luke:2:9 @ when suddenly an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone round them; and they were filled with terror.

wmth@Luke:2:10 @ But the angel said to them, »Put away all fear; for I am bringing you good news of great joy–joy for all the People.

wmth@Luke:2:15 @ Then, as soon as the angels had left them and returned to Heaven, the shepherds said to one another, »Let us now go over as far as Bethlehem and see this that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.«

wmth@Luke:2:17 @ And when they saw the child, they told what had been said to them about Him;

wmth@Luke:2:18 @ and all who listened were astonished at what the shepherds told them.

wmth@Luke:2:19 @ But Mary treasured up all these things, often dwelling on them in her mind.

wmth@Luke:2:20 @ And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen in accordance with the announcement made to them.

wmth@Luke:2:35 @ Symeon blessed them and said to Mary the mother, »This child is appointed for the falling and the uprising of many in Israel and for a token to be spoken against;

wmth@Luke:2:47 @ On the third day they found Him in the Temple sitting among the Rabbis, both listening to them and asking them questions,

wmth@Luke:2:52 @ Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was always obedient to them; but His mother carefully treasured up all these incidents in her memory.

wmth@Luke:3:16 @ he answered the question by saying to them all, »As for me, I am baptizing you with water, but One mightier than I is coming, whose very sandal-strap I am not worthy to unfasten: He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire.

wmth@Luke:4:2 @ tempted all the while by the Devil. During those days He ate nothing, and at the close of them He suffered from hunger.

wmth@Luke:4:21 @ Then He proceeded to say to them, »To-day is this Scripture fulfilled in your hearing.«

wmth@Luke:4:26 @ and yet to not one of them was Elijah sent: he was only sent to a widow at Zarephath in the Sidonian country.

wmth@Luke:4:27 @ And there was also many a leper in Israel in the time of the Prophet Elisha, and yet not one of them was cleansed, but Naaman the Syrian was.«

wmth@Luke:4:30 @ but He passed through the midst of them and went His way.

wmth@Luke:4:35 @ But Jesus rebuked the demon. »Silence!« He exclaimed; »come out of him.« Upon this, the demon hurled the man into the midst of them, and came out of him without doing him any harm.

wmth@Luke:4:39 @ Then standing over her He rebuked the fever, and it left her; and she at once rose and waited on them.

wmth@Luke:4:40 @ At sunset all who had friends suffering from any illness brought them to Him, and He laid His hands on them all, one by one, and cured them.

wmth@Luke:4:41 @ Demons also came out of many, loudly calling out, »You are the Son of God.« But He rebuked them and forbad them to speak, because they knew Him to be the Christ.

wmth@Luke:4:42 @ Next morning, at daybreak, He left the town and went away to a solitary place; but the people flocked out to find Him, and, coming to the place where He was, they endeavoured to detain Him that He might not leave them.

wmth@Luke:4:43 @ But He said to them, »I have to tell the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because for this purpose I was sent.«

wmth@Luke:5:2 @ He, however, saw two fishing-boats drawn up on the beach (for the men had gone away from them and were washing the nets),

wmth@Luke:5:3 @ and going on board one of them, which was Simon's He asked him to push out a little from land. Then He sat down and taught the crowd of people from the boat.

wmth@Luke:5:7 @ So they signalled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them; they came, and they filled both the boats so that they almost sank.

wmth@Luke:5:14 @ He ordered him to tell no one. »But go,« He said, »show yourself to the Priest, and make the offering for your purification which Moses appointed, as evidence for them

wmth@Luke:5:26 @ Amazement seized them all. »Glory to God!« was the abiding feeling. Yet fear flashed through their minds and they said, »We have seen strange things to-day.«

wmth@Luke:5:29 @ Levi also gave a great entertainment at his house in honour of Jesus, and there was a large party of tax-gatherers and others at table with them.

wmth@Luke:5:31 @ But Jesus replied to them, »It is not men in good health who require a physician, but the sick.

wmth@Luke:5:34 @ »Can you compel the bridal party to fast,« replied Jesus, »so long as they have the bridegroom among them?

wmth@Luke:5:35 @ But a time for this will come, when the Bridegroom has been taken away from them: then, at that time, they will fast.«

wmth@Luke:5:36 @ He also spoke in figurative language to them. »No one,« He said, »tears a piece from a new garment to mend an old one. Otherwise he would not only spoil the new, but the patch from the new would not match the old.

wmth@Luke:6:1 @ Now on the second-first Sabbath while He was passing through the wheatfields, His disciples were plucking the ears and rubbing them with their hands to eat the grain.

wmth@Luke:6:9 @ Then Jesus said to them, »I put it to you all whether we are allowed to do good on the Sabbath, or to do evil; to save a life, or to destroy it.«

wmth@Luke:6:10 @ And looking round upon them all He said to the man, »Stretch out your arm.« He did so, and the arm was restored.

wmth@Luke:6:13 @ When it was day, He called His disciples; and He selected from among them twelve, whom He also named Apostles.

wmth@Luke:6:20 @ Then fixing His eyes upon His disciples, Jesus said to them, »Blessed are you poor, because the Kingdom of God is yours.

wmth@Luke:6:31 @ And behave to your fellow men just as you would have them behave to you.

wmth@Luke:6:32 @ »If you love those who love you, what credit is it to you? Why, even bad men love those who love them

wmth@Luke:6:39 @ He also spoke to them in figurative language. »Can a blind man lead a blind man?« He asked; »would not both fall into the ditch?

wmth@Luke:6:47 @ Every one who comes to me and listens to my words and puts them in practice, I will show you whom he is like.

wmth@Luke:7:6 @ Then Jesus went with them. But when He was not far from the house, the Captain sent friends to Him with the message: »Sir, do not trouble to come. I am not worthy of having you come under my roof;

wmth@Luke:7:19 @ so John called two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord. »Are you the Coming One?« he asked, »or is there another that we are to expect?«

wmth@Luke:7:22 @ Then He answered the messengers, »Go and report to John what you have seen and heard. Blind men receive sight, the lame walk, lepers are purified, deaf persons hear, the dead are raised to life, the poor have the Good News proclaimed to them.

wmth@Luke:7:38 @ and, standing behind close to His feet, weeping, began to wet His feet with her tears; and with her hair she wiped the tears away again, while she lovingly kissed His feet and poured the perfume over them.

wmth@Luke:7:42 @ But neither of them could pay anything; so he freely forgave them both. Tell me, then, which of them will love him most?«

wmth@Luke:7:49 @ Then the other guests began to say to themselves, »Who can this man be who even forgives sins?«

wmth@Luke:8:4 @ And when a great crowd was assembling, and was receiving additions from one town after another, He spoke a parable to them.

wmth@Luke:8:22 @ One day He went on board a boat–both He and his disciples; and He said to them, »Let us cross over to the other side of the Lake.« So they set sail.

wmth@Luke:8:25 @ »Where is your faith?« He asked them. But they were filled with terror and amazement, and said to one another, »Who then is this? for He gives orders both to wind and waves, and they obey Him.«

wmth@Luke:8:31 @ and they besought Him not to command them to be gone into the Bottomless Pit.

wmth@Luke:8:32 @ Now there was a great herd of swine there feeding on the hill-side; and the demons begged Him to give them leave to go into them, and He gave them leave.

wmth@Luke:8:36 @ And those who had seen it told them how the demoniac was cured.

wmth@Luke:8:37 @ Then the whole population of the Gerasenes and of the adjacent districts begged Him to depart from them; for their terror was great. So He went on board and returned.

wmth@Luke:8:43 @ And a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage –and had spent on doctors all she had, but none of them had been able to cure her–

wmth@Luke:8:55 @ And her spirit returned, and instantly she stood up; and He directed them to give her some food.

wmth@Luke:8:56 @ Her parents were astounded; but He forbad them to mention the matter to any one.

wmth@Luke:9:1 @ Then calling the Twelve together He conferred on them power and authority over all the demons and to cure diseases;

wmth@Luke:9:2 @ and sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to cure the sick.

wmth@Luke:9:3 @ And He commanded them, »Take nothing for your journey; neither stick nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have an extra under garment.

wmth@Luke:9:5 @ Wherever they refuse to receive you, as you leave that town shake off the very dust from your feet as a protest against them

wmth@Luke:9:10 @ The Apostles, on their return, related to Jesus all they had done. Then He took them and withdrew to a quiet retreat, to a town called Bethsaida.

wmth@Luke:9:11 @ But the immense crowd, aware of this, followed Him; and receiving them kindly He proceeded to speak to them of the Kingdom of God, and those who needed to be restored to health, He cured.

wmth@Luke:9:13 @ »You yourselves,« He said, »must give them food.«»We have nothing,« they replied, »but five loaves and a couple of fish, unless indeed we were to go and buy provisions for all this host of people.«

wmth@Luke:9:14 @ (For there were about 5,000 adult men.) But He said to His disciples, »Make them sit down in parties of about fifty each.«

wmth@Luke:9:15 @ They did so, making them all, without exception, sit down.

wmth@Luke:9:16 @ Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to Heaven He blessed them and broke them into portions which He gave to the disciples to distribute to the people.

wmth@Luke:9:17 @ So they ate and were fully satisfied, all of them; and what they had remaining over was gathered up, twelve baskets of fragments.

wmth@Luke:9:18 @ One day when He was praying by Himself the disciples were present; and He asked them, »Who do the people say that I am?«

wmth@Luke:9:21 @ And Jesus strictly forbad them to tell this to any one;

wmth@Luke:9:32 @ Now Peter and the others were weighed down with sleep; but, keeping themselves awake all through, they saw His glory, and the two men standing with Him.

wmth@Luke:9:34 @ But while he was thus speaking, there came a cloud which spread over them; and they were awe-struck when they had entered into the cloud.

wmth@Luke:9:36 @ After this voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. They kept it to themselves, and said not a word to any one at that time about what they had seen.

wmth@Luke:9:45 @ But they did not understand His meaning: it was veiled from them that they might not perceive it, and they were afraid to ask Him about it.

wmth@Luke:9:46 @ Now there arose a dispute among them, which of them was to be the greatest.

wmth@Luke:9:48 @ and said to them, »Whoever for my sake receives this little child, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives Him who sent me. For the lowliest among you all–he is the greatest.«

wmth@Luke:9:54 @ When the disciples James and John saw this, they said, »Master, do you wish us to order fire to come down from Heaven and consume them

wmth@Luke:9:55 @ But He turned and rebuked them.

wmth@Luke:10:1 @ After this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them before Him, by twos, to go to every town or place which He Himself intended to visit.

wmth@Luke:10:2 @ And He addressed them thus: »The harvest is abundant, but the reapers are few: therefore entreat the Owner of the harvest to send out more reapers into His fields. And now go.

wmth@Luke:10:9 @ Cure the sick in that town, and tell them, »`The Kingdom of God is now at your door.'

wmth@Luke:10:21 @ On that same occasion Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit with rapturous joy. »I give Thee fervent thanks,« He exclaimed, »O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that Thou hast hidden these things from sages and men of understanding, and hast revealed them to babes. Yes, Father, for such has been Thy gracious will.

wmth@Luke:10:23 @ And He turned towards His disciples and said to them apart, »Blessed are the eyes which see what you see!

wmth@Luke:10:24 @ For I tell you that many Prophets and kings have desired to see the things you see, and have not seen them, and to hear the things you hear, and have not heard them

wmth@Luke:10:34 @ He went to him, and dressed his wounds with oil and wine and bound them up. Then placing him on his own mule he brought him to an inn, where he bestowed every care on him.

wmth@Luke:10:35 @ The next day he took out two shillings and gave them to the innkeeper. »`Take care of him,' he said, `and whatever further expense you are put to, I will repay it you at my next visit.'

wmth@Luke:11:2 @ So He said to them, »When you pray, say, `Father may Thy name be kept holy; let Thy Kingdom come;

wmth@Luke:11:5 @ And He said to them, »Which of you shall have a friend and shall go to him in the middle of the night and say, «`Friend, lend me three loaves of bread;

wmth@Luke:11:13 @ If you then, with all your human frailty, know how to give your children gifts that are good for them, how much more certainly will your Father who is in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!«

wmth@Luke:11:15 @ But some among them said, »It is by the power of Baal-zebul, the Prince of the demons, that he expels the demons.«

wmth@Luke:11:17 @ And, knowing their thoughts, He said to them, »Every kingdom in which civil war rages goes to ruin: family attacks family and is overthrown.

wmth@Luke:11:19 @ And if it is by the power of Baal-zebul that I expel the demons, by whom do your disciples expel them? They therefore shall be your judges.

wmth@Luke:11:31 @ The Queen of the South will awake at the Judgement together with the men of the present generation, and will condemn them; because she came from the extremity of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; but mark! One greater than Solomon is here.

wmth@Luke:11:44 @ Alas for you! for you are like the tombs which lie hidden, and the people who walk over them are not aware of their existence.«

wmth@Luke:11:49 @ »For this reason also the Wisdom of God has said, `I will send Prophets and Apostles to them, of whom they will kill some and persecute others,'«

wmth@Luke:12:6 @ Are not five sparrows sold for a penny? and yet not one of them is a thing forgotten in God's sight.

wmth@Luke:12:16 @ And He spoke a parable to them. »A certain rich man's lands,« He said, »yielded abundant crops,

wmth@Luke:12:18 @ »And he said to himself,« `This is what I will do: I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and in them I will store up all my harvest and my wealth;

wmth@Luke:12:24 @ Observe the ravens. They neither sow nor reap, and have neither store-chamber nor barn. And yet God feeds them. How far more precious are you than the birds!

wmth@Luke:12:30 @ For though the nations of the world pursue these things, as for you, your Father knows that you need them.

wmth@Luke:12:37 @ Blessed are those servants, whom their Master when He comes shall find on the watch. I tell you in solemn truth, that He will tie an apron round Him, and will bid them recline at table while He comes and waits on them.

wmth@Luke:12:38 @ And whether it be in the second watch or in the third that He comes and finds them so, blessed are they.

wmth@Luke:13:2 @ »Do you suppose,« He asked in reply, »that those Galilaeans were worse sinners than the mass of the Galilaeans, because this happened to them?

wmth@Luke:13:6 @ And He gave them the following parable. »A man,« He said, »who had a fig-tree growing in his garden came to look for fruit on it and could find none.

wmth@Luke:14:5 @ Then He turned to them and said, »Which of you shall have a child or an ox fall into a well on the Sabbath day, and will not immediately lift him out?«

wmth@Luke:14:7 @ Then, when He noticed that the invited guests chose the best seats, He used this as an illustration and said to them,

wmth@Luke:14:18 @ »But they all without exception began to excuse themselves. The first told him,« `I have purchased a piece of land, and must of necessity go and look at it. Pray hold me excused.'

wmth@Luke:14:19 @ »A second pleaded,« `I have bought five yoke of oxen, and am on my way to try them. Pray hold me excused.'

wmth@Luke:14:21 @ »So the servant came and brought these answers to his master, and they stirred his anger.« `Go out quickly,' he said, `into the streets of the city–the wide ones and the narrow. You will see poor men, and crippled, blind, lame: fetch them all in here.'

wmth@Luke:15:2 @ and this led the Pharisees and the Scribes indignantly to complain, saying, »He gives a welcome to notorious sinners, and joins them at their meals!«

wmth@Luke:15:3 @ So in figurative language He asked them,

wmth@Luke:15:4 @ »Which of you men, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in their pasture and go in search of the lost one till he finds it?«

wmth@Luke:15:8 @ »Or what woman who has ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and search carefully till she finds it?«

wmth@Luke:15:12 @ The younger of them said to his father, »`Father, give me the share of the property that comes to me.' «So he divided his wealth between them.

wmth@Luke:16:15 @ »You are they,« He said to them, »who boast of their own goodness before men, but God sees your hearts; for that which holds a proud position among men is detestable in God's sight.

wmth@Luke:16:28 @ For I have five brothers. Let him earnestly warn them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'

wmth@Luke:16:29 @ »`They have Moses and the Prophets,' replied Abraham; `let them hear them.'«

wmth@Luke:16:30 @ »`No, father Abraham,' he pleaded; `but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.'«

wmth@Luke:17:14 @ Perceiving this, He said to them, »Go and show yourselves to the Priests.« And while on their way to do this they were made clean.

wmth@Luke:17:15 @ One of them, seeing that he was cured, came back, adoring and praising God in a loud voice,

wmth@Luke:17:27 @ Men were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving wives, up to the very day on which Noah entered the Ark, and the Deluge came and destroyed them all.

wmth@Luke:17:29 @ but on the day that Lot left Sodom, God rained fire and brimstone from the sky and destroyed them all.

wmth@Luke:18:1 @ He also taught them by a parable that they must always pray and never lose heart.

wmth@Luke:18:9 @ And to some who relied on themselves as being righteous men, and looked down upon all others, He addressed this parable.

wmth@Luke:18:15 @ On one occasion people also brought with them their infants, for Him to touch them; but the disciples, noticing this, proceeded to find fault with them.

wmth@Luke:18:16 @ Jesus however called the infants to Him. »Let the little children come to me,« He said; »do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of God belongs.

wmth@Luke:18:34 @ Nothing of this did they understand. The words were a mystery to them, nor could they see what He meant.

wmth@Luke:18:40 @ At length Jesus stopped and desired them to bring the man to Him; and when he had come close to Him He asked him,

wmth@Luke:19:11 @ As they were listening to His words, He went on to teach them by a parable, because He was near to Jerusalem and they supposed that the Kingdom of God was going to appear immediately.

wmth@Luke:19:12 @ So He said to them, »A man of noble family travelled to a distant country to obtain the rank of king, and to return.

wmth@Luke:19:13 @ And he called ten of his servants and gave each of them a pound, instructing them to trade with the money during his absence.

wmth@Luke:19:27 @ But as for those enemies of mine who were unwilling that I should become their king, bring them here, and cut them to pieces in my presence.'«

wmth@Luke:19:30 @ saying to them, »Go into the village facing you. On entering it you will find an ass's foal tied up which no one has ever yet ridden: untie it, and bring it here.

wmth@Luke:19:32 @ So those who were sent went and found things as He had told them.

wmth@Luke:20:10 @ At vintage-time he sent a servant to the vine-dressers, for them to give him a share of the crop; but the vine-dressers beat him cruelly and sent him away empty-handed.

wmth@Luke:20:15 @ »So they turned him out of the vineyard and murdered him. What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them

wmth@Luke:20:17 @ He looked at them and said, »What then does that mean which is written,

wmth@Luke:20:19 @ At this the Scribes and the High Priests wanted to lay hands on Him, then and there; only they were afraid of the people. For they saw that in this parable He had referred to them.

wmth@Luke:20:29 @ Now there were seven brothers. The first of them took a wife and died childless.

wmth@Luke:20:41 @ But He asked them, »How is it they say that the Christ is a son of David?

wmth@Luke:21:3 @ and He said, »In truth I tell you that this widow, so poor, has thrown in more than any of them.

wmth@Luke:21:4 @ For from what they could well spare they have all of them contributed to the offerings, but she in her need has thrown in all she had to live on.«

wmth@Luke:21:8 @ »See to it,« He replied, »that you are not misled; for many will come assuming my name and professing, `I am He,' or saying, `The time is close at hand.' Do not go and follow them.

wmth@Luke:21:10 @ Then He said to them,

wmth@Luke:21:29 @ And He spoke a parable to them. »See,« He said, »the fig-tree and all the trees.

wmth@Luke:22:4 @ He went and conferred with the High Priests and Commanders as to how he should deliver Him up to them.

wmth@Luke:22:5 @ This gave them great pleasure, and they agreed to pay him.

wmth@Luke:22:13 @ So they went and found all as He had told them; and they got the Passover ready.

wmth@Luke:22:15 @ He said to them, »Earnestly have I longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer;

wmth@Luke:22:19 @ Then, taking a Passover biscuit, He gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, »This is my body which is being given on your behalf: this do in remembrance of me.«

wmth@Luke:22:20 @ He gave them the cup in like manner, when the meal was over. »This cup,« He said, »is the new Covenant ratified by my blood which is to be poured out on your behalf.

wmth@Luke:22:23 @ Thereupon they began to discuss with one another which of them it could possibly be who was about to do this.

wmth@Luke:22:24 @ There arose also a dispute among them which of them should be regarded as greatest.

wmth@Luke:22:25 @ But He said to them, »The kings of the Gentiles are their masters, and those who exercise authority over them are called Benefactors.

wmth@Luke:22:35 @ Then He asked them, »When I sent you out without purse or bag or shoes, was there anything you needed?«»No, nothing,« they replied.

wmth@Luke:22:40 @ But when He arrived at the place, He said to them, »Pray that you may not come into temptation.«

wmth@Luke:22:41 @ But He Himself withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed repeatedly, saying,

wmth@Luke:22:45 @ When He rose from his prayer and came to His disciples, He found them sleeping for sorrow.

wmth@Luke:22:50 @ And one of them struck a blow at the High Priest's servant and cut off his right ear.

wmth@Luke:22:55 @ And when they had lighted a fire in the middle of the court and had seated themselves in a group round it, Peter was sitting among them,

wmth@Luke:22:58 @ Shortly afterwards a man saw him and said, »You, too, are one of them.«»No, man, I am not,« said Peter.

wmth@Luke:23:20 @ But Pilate once more addressed them, wishing to set Jesus free.

wmth@Luke:23:22 @ A third time he appealed to them: »Why, what crime has the man committed? I have discovered in him nothing that deserves death. I will therefore give him a light punishment and release him.«

wmth@Luke:23:28 @ But Jesus turned towards them and said, »Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.

wmth@Luke:23:32 @ They brought also two others, criminals, to put them to death with Him.

wmth@Luke:23:34 @ Jesus prayed, »Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.« And they divided His garments among them, drawing lots for them;

wmth@Luke:24:4 @ At this they were in great perplexity, when suddenly there stood by them two men whose raiment flashed like lightning.

wmth@Luke:24:5 @ The women were terrified; but, as they stood with their faces bowed to the ground, the men said to them, »Why do you search among the dead for Him who is living?

wmth@Luke:24:11 @ But the whole story seemed to them an idle tale; they could not believe the women.

wmth@Luke:24:15 @ and, in the midst of their conversation and discussion, Jesus Himself came and joined them,

wmth@Luke:24:17 @ »What is the subject,« He asked them, »on which you are talking so earnestly, as you walk?« And they stood still, looking full of sorrow.

wmth@Luke:24:18 @ Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered, »Are you a stranger lodging alone in Jerusalem, that you have known nothing of the things that have lately happened in the city?«

wmth@Luke:24:27 @ And, beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them the passages in Scripture which refer to Himself.

wmth@Luke:24:29 @ But they pressed Him to remain with them. »Because,« said they, »it is getting towards evening, and the day is nearly over.« So He went in to stay with them.

wmth@Luke:24:30 @ But as soon as He had sat down with them, and had taken the bread and had blessed and broken it, and was handing it to them,

wmth@Luke:24:31 @ their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. But He vanished from them.

wmth@Luke:24:33 @ So they rose and without an hour's delay returned to Jerusalem, and found the Eleven and the rest met together, who said to them,

wmth@Luke:24:35 @ Then they related what had happened on the way, and how He had been recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.

wmth@Luke:24:38 @ but He said to them, »Why such alarm? And why are there such questionings in your minds?

wmth@Luke:24:40 @ And then He showed them His hands and His feet.

wmth@Luke:24:41 @ But, while they still could not believe it for joy and were full of astonishment, He asked them, »Have you any food here?«

wmth@Luke:24:44 @ And He said to them, »This is what I told you while I was still with you–that everything must be fulfilled that is written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and the Psalms concerning me.«

wmth@Luke:24:50 @ And He brought them out to within view of Bethany, and then lifted up His hands and blessed them.

wmth@Luke:24:51 @ And while He was blessing them, He parted from them and was carried up into Heaven.

wmth@John:1:12 @ But all who have received Him, to them –that is, to those who trust in His name– He has given the privilege of becoming children of God;

wmth@John:1:38 @ Then Jesus turned round, and seeing them following He asked them, »What is your wish?« »Rabbi,« they replied- »where are you staying?«

wmth@John:2:7 @ Jesus said to the attendants, »Fill the jars with water.« And they filled them to the brim.

wmth@John:2:22 @ When however He had risen from among the dead, His disciples recollected that He had said this; and they believed the Scripture and the teaching which Jesus had given them.

wmth@John:2:24 @ But for His part, Jesus did not trust Himself to them, because He knew them all,

wmth@John:3:22 @ After this Jesus and His disciples went into Judaea; and there He made a stay in company with them and baptized.

wmth@John:4:2 @ though Jesus Himself did not baptize them, but His disciples did–

wmth@John:4:27 @ Just then His disciples came, and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman. Yet not one of them asked Him, »What is your wish?« or »Why are you talking with her?«

wmth@John:4:40 @ When however the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him on all sides to stay with them; and He stayed there two days.

wmth@John:4:52 @ So he inquired of them at what hour he had shown improvement. »Yesterday, about seven o'clock,« they replied, »the fever left him.«

wmth@John:5:21 @ For just as the Father awakens the dead and gives them life, so the Son also gives life to whom He wills.

wmth@John:5:39 @ »You search the Scriptures, because you suppose that in them you will find the Life of the Ages; and it is those Scriptures that yield testimony concerning me;«

wmth@John:6:7 @ »Seven pounds' worth of bread,« replied Philip, »is not enough for them all to get even a scanty meal.«

wmth@John:6:11 @ Then Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks He distributed them to those who were resting on the ground; and also the fish in like manner–as much as they desired.

wmth@John:6:13 @ Accordingly they gathered them up; and with the fragments of the five barley loaves –the broken portions that remained over after they had done eating– they filled twelve baskets.

wmth@John:6:17 @ There they got on board a boat, and pushed off to cross the Lake to Capernaum. By this time it had become dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.

wmth@John:6:20 @ They were terrified; but He called to them. »It is I,« He said, »do not be afraid.«

wmth@John:6:24 @ When however the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor His disciples were there, they themselves also took boats and came to Capernaum to look for Jesus.

wmth@John:6:61 @ But, knowing in Himself that His disciples were dissatisfied about it, Jesus asked them,

wmth@John:7:44 @ Some of them wanted at once to arrest Him, but no one laid hands upon Him.

wmth@John:7:45 @ Meanwhile the officers returned to the High Priests and Pharisees, who asked them, »Why have you not brought him?«

wmth@John:7:50 @ Nicodemus interposed–he who had formerly gone to Jesus, being himself one of them.

wmth@John:8:3 @ and was teaching them when the Scribes and the Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had been found committing adultery. They made her stand in the centre of the court, and they put the case to Him.

wmth@John:8:7 @ When however they persisted with their question, He raised His head and said to them, »Let the sinless man among you be the first to throw a stone at her.«

wmth@John:8:12 @ Once more Jesus addressed them. »I am the Light of the world,« He said; »the man who follows me shall certainly not walk in the dark, but shall have the light of Life.«

wmth@John:8:21 @ Again He said to them, »I am going away. Then you will try to find me, but you will die in your sins. Where I am going, it is impossible for you to come.«

wmth@John:8:27 @ They did not perceive that He was speaking to them of the Father.

wmth@John:8:47 @ He who is a child of God listens to God's words. You do not listen to them: and why? It is because you are not God's children.«

wmth@John:9:9 @ »Yes it is,« replied some of them. »No it is not,« said others, »but he is like him.« His own statement was, »I am the man.«

wmth@John:9:17 @ And there was a division among them. So again they asked the once blind man, »What is your account of him? –for he opened your eyes.«»He is a Prophet,« he replied.

wmth@John:9:18 @ The Jews, however, did not believe the statement concerning him –that he had been blind and had obtained his sight– until they called his parents and asked them,

wmth@John:9:22 @ Such was their answer, because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already settled among themselves that if any one should acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, he should be excluded from the synagogue.

wmth@John:10:3 @ To him the porter opens the door, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by their names and leads them out.

wmth@John:10:4 @ When he has brought out his own sheep –all of them– he walks at the head of them; and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.

wmth@John:10:6 @ Jesus spoke to them in this figurative language, but they did not understand what He meant.

wmth@John:10:7 @ Again therefore Jesus said to them, »In most solemn truth I tell you that I am the Door of the sheep.

wmth@John:10:8 @ All who have come before me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep would not listen to them.

wmth@John:10:12 @ The hired servant –one who is not a shepherd and does not own the sheep– no sooner sees the wolf coming than he leaves the sheep and runs away; and the wolf worries and scatters them.

wmth@John:10:20 @ Many of them said, »He is possessed by a demon and is mad. Why do you listen to him?«

wmth@John:10:27 @ My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

wmth@John:10:28 @ I give them the Life of the Ages, and they shall never, never perish, nor shall any one wrest them from my hand.

wmth@John:10:32 @ Jesus remonstrated with them. »Many good deeds,« He said, »have I shown you as coming from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?«

wmth@John:10:39 @ This made them once more try to arrest Him, but He withdrew out of their power.

wmth@John:11:14 @ So then He told them plainly,

wmth@John:11:19 @ and a considerable number of the Jews were with Martha and Mary, having come to express sympathy with them on the death of their brother.

wmth@John:11:34 @ though deeply troubled, asked them, »Where have you laid him?«»Master, come and see,« was their reply.

wmth@John:11:37 @ But others of them asked, »Was this man who opened the blind man's eyes unable to prevent this man from dying?«

wmth@John:11:46 @ though some of them went off to the Pharisees and told them what He had done.

wmth@John:11:49 @ But one of them, named Caiaphas, being High Priest that year, said, »You know nothing about it.

wmth@John:11:55 @ The Jewish Passover was coming near, and many from that district went up to Jerusalem before the Passover, to purify themselves.

wmth@John:12:11 @ for because of him many of the Jews left them and became believers in Jesus.

wmth@John:12:19 @ The result was that the Pharisees said among themselves, »Observe how idle all your efforts are! The world is gone after him!«

wmth@John:12:36 @ In the degree that you have light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light.« Jesus said this, and went away and hid Himself from them.

wmth@John:12:47 @ And if any one hears my teachings and regards them not, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

wmth@John:13:1 @ Now just before the Feast of the Passover this incident took place. Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and go to the Father; and having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.

wmth@John:13:5 @ Then He poured water into a basin, and proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them with the towel which He had put round Him.

wmth@John:13:12 @ So after He had washed their feet, put on His garments again, and returned to the table, He said to them, »Do you understand what I have done to you?

wmth@John:13:22 @ The disciples began looking at one another, at a loss to know to which of them He was referring.

wmth@John:14:21 @ He who has my commandments and obeys them–he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will clearly reveal myself to him.«

wmth@John:15:22 @ »If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have had no sin; but as the case stands they are without excuse for their sin.«

wmth@John:15:24 @ If I had not done among them, as I have, such miracles as no one else ever did, they would have had no sin; but they have in fact seen and also hated both me and my Father.

wmth@John:16:4 @ But I have spoken these things to you in order that when the time for their accomplishment comes you may remember them, and may recollect that I told you. I did not, however, tell you all this at first, because I was still with you.

wmth@John:17:6 @ »I have revealed Thy perfections to the men whom Thou gavest me out of the world. Thine they were, and Thou gavest them to me, and they have obeyed Thy message.«

wmth@John:17:8 @ For the truths which Thou didst teach me I have taught them. And they have received them, and have known for certain that I came out from Thy presence, and have believed that Thou didst send me.

wmth@John:17:9 @ »I am making request for them: for the world I do not make any request, but for those whom Thou hast given me. Because they are Thine,

wmth@John:17:10 @ and everything that is mine is Thine, and everything that is Thine is mine; and I am crowned with glory in them

wmth@John:17:11 @ I am now no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to Thee. »Holy Father, keep them true to Thy name –the name which Thou hast given me to bear– that they may be one, even as we are.

wmth@John:17:12 @ While I was with them, I kept them true to Thy name –the name Thou hast given me to bear– and I kept watch over them, and not one of them is lost but only he who is doomed to destruction–that the Scripture may be fulfilled.

wmth@John:17:13 @ »But now I am coming to Thee, and I speak these words while I am in the world, in order that they may have my gladness within them filling their hearts.«

wmth@John:17:14 @ I have given them Thy Message, and the world has hated them, because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.

wmth@John:17:15 @ I do not ask that Thou wilt remove them out of the world, but that Thou wilt protect them from the Evil one.

wmth@John:17:17 @ Make them holy in the truth: Thy Message is truth.

wmth@John:17:18 @ Just as Thou didst send me into the world, I also have sent them;

wmth@John:17:20 @ »Nor is it for them alone that I make request. It is also for those who trust in me through their teaching;«

wmth@John:17:22 @ And the glory which Thou hast given me I have given them, that they may be one, just as we are one:

wmth@John:17:23 @ I in them and Thou in me; that they may stand perfected in one; that the world may come to understand that Thou didst send me and hast loved them with the same love as that with which Thou hast loved me.

wmth@John:17:26 @ And I have made known Thy name to them and will make it known, that the love with which Thou hast loved me may be in them, and that I may be in them

wmth@John:18:4 @ Jesus therefore, knowing all that was about to befall Him, went out to meet them. »Who are you looking for?« He asked them.

wmth@John:18:5 @ »For Jesus the Nazarene,« was the answer. »I am he,« He replied. (Now Judas who was betraying Him was also standing with them.)

wmth@John:18:6 @ As soon then as He said to them, »I am he,« they went backwards and fell to the ground.

wmth@John:18:7 @ Again therefore He asked them, »Who are you looking for?«»For Jesus the Nazarene,« they said.

wmth@John:18:18 @ Now because it was cold the servants and the police had lighted a charcoal fire, and were standing and warming themselves; and Peter too remained with them, standing and warming himself.

wmth@John:18:21 @ Why do you question me? Question those who heard what it was I said to them: these witnesses here know what I said.«

wmth@John:18:28 @ So they brought Jesus from Caiaphas's house to the Praetorium. It was the early morning, and they would not enter the Praetorium themselves for fear of defilement, and in order that they might be able to eat the Passover.

wmth@John:18:29 @ Accordingly Pilate came out to them and inquired, »What accusation have you to bring against this man?«

wmth@John:18:38 @ »What is truth?« said Pilate. But no sooner had he spoken the words than he went out again to the Jews and told them, »I find no crime in him.

wmth@John:19:5 @ So Jesus came out, wearing the wreath of thorns and the crimson cloak. And Pilate said to them, »See, there is the man.«

wmth@John:19:16 @ Then Pilate gave Him up to them to be crucified. Accordingly they took Jesus;

wmth@John:19:23 @ So the soldiers, as soon as they had crucified Jesus, took His garments, including His tunic, and divided them into four parts–one part for each soldier. The tunic was without seam, woven from the top in one piece.

wmth@John:20:2 @ So she ran, as fast as she could, to find Simon Peter and the other disciple –the one who was dear to Jesus– and to tell them, »They have taken the Master out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have put Him.«

wmth@John:20:3 @ Peter and the other disciple started at once to go to the tomb, both of them running,

wmth@John:20:18 @ Mary of Magdala came and brought word to the disciples. »I have seen the Master,« she said. And she told them that He had said these things to her.

wmth@John:20:19 @ On that same first day of the week, when it was evening and, for fear of the Jews, the doors of the house where the disciples were, were locked, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and said to them, »Peace be to you!«

wmth@John:20:20 @ Having said this He showed them His hands and also His side; and the disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Master.

wmth@John:20:21 @ A second time, therefore, He said to them, »Peace be to you! As the Father sent me, I also now send you.«

wmth@John:20:22 @ Having said this He breathed upon them and said, »Receive the Holy Spirit.

wmth@John:20:23 @ If you remit the sins of any persons, they remain remitted to them. If you bind fast the sins of any, they remain bound.«

wmth@John:20:24 @ Thomas, one of the twelve –surnamed `the Twin'– was not among them when Jesus came.

wmth@John:20:26 @ A week later the disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them, when Jesus came –though the doors were locked– and stood in their midst, and said, »Peace be to you.«

wmth@John:21:3 @ Simon Peter said to them, »I am going fishing.«»We will go too,« said they. So they set out and went on board their boat; but they caught nothing that night.

wmth@John:21:5 @ He called to them. »Children,« He said, »have you any food there?«»No,« they answered.

wmth@John:21:10 @ Jesus told them to fetch some of the fish which they had just caught.

wmth@John:21:13 @ Then Jesus came and took the bread and gave them some, and the fish in the same way.

wmth@Acts:1:3 @ He had also, after He suffered, shown Himself alive to them with many sure proofs, appearing to them at intervals during forty days, and speaking of the Kingdom of God.

wmth@Acts:1:4 @ And while in their company He charged them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father's promised gift. »This you have heard of,« He said, »from me.

wmth@Acts:1:10 @ But, while they stood intently gazing into the sky as He went, suddenly there were two men in white garments standing by them,

wmth@Acts:1:26 @ Then they drew lots between them. The lot fell on Matthias, and a place among the eleven Apostles was voted to him.

wmth@Acts:2:3 @ and they saw tongues of what looked like fire distributing themselves over the assembly, and on the head of each person a tongue alighted.

wmth@Acts:2:4 @ They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in foreign languages according as the Spirit gave them words to utter.

wmth@Acts:2:7 @ They were beside themselves with wonder, and exclaimed, »Are not all these speakers Galilaeans?

wmth@Acts:2:8 @ How then does each of us hear his own native language spoken by them?

wmth@Acts:2:14 @ Peter however, together with the Eleven, stood up and addressed them in a loud voice. »Men of Judaea, and all you inhabitants of Jerusalem,« he said, »be in no uncertainty about this matter but pay attention to what I say.

wmth@Acts:2:40 @ And with many more appeals he solemnly warned and entreated them, saying, »Escape from this crooked generation.«

wmth@Acts:2:41 @ Those, therefore, who joyfully welcomed his Message were baptized; and on that one day about three thousand persons were added to them;

wmth@Acts:3:3 @ Seeing Peter and John about to go into the Temple, he asked them for alms.

wmth@Acts:3:5 @ So he looked and waited, expecting to receive something from them.

wmth@Acts:3:8 @ Leaping up, he stood upright and began to walk, and went into the Temple with them, walking, leaping, and praising God.

wmth@Acts:3:11 @ While he still clung to Peter and John, the people, awe-struck, ran up crowding round them in what was known as Solomon's Portico.

wmth@Acts:4:1 @ While they were saying this to the people, the Priests, the Commander of the Temple Guard, and the Sadducees came upon them,

wmth@Acts:4:3 @ They arrested the two Apostles and lodged them in custody till the next day; for it was already evening.

wmth@Acts:4:7 @ So they made the Apostles stand in the centre, and demanded of them, »By what power or in what name have you done this?«

wmth@Acts:4:13 @ As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken –and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools– they were surprised; and now they recognized them as having been with Jesus.

wmth@Acts:4:14 @ And seeing the man standing with them –the man who had been cured– they had no reply to make.

wmth@Acts:4:15 @ So they ordered them to withdraw from the Sanhedrin while they conferred among themselves.

wmth@Acts:4:16 @ »What are we to do with these men?« they asked one another; for the fact that a remarkable miracle has been performed by them is well known to every one in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.

wmth@Acts:4:17 @ But to prevent the matter spreading any further among the people, let us stop them by threats from speaking in the future in this name to any one whatever.«

wmth@Acts:4:18 @ So they recalled the Apostles, and ordered them altogether to give up speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus.

wmth@Acts:4:21 @ The Court added further threats and then let them go, being quite unable to find any way of punishing them on account of the people, because all gave God the glory for the thing that had happened.

wmth@Acts:4:23 @ After their release the two Apostles went to their friends, and told them all that the High Priests and Elders had said.

wmth@Acts:4:24 @ And they, upon hearing the story, all lifted up their voices to God and said, »O Sovereign Lord, it is Thou who didst make Heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them,

wmth@Acts:4:32 @ Among all those who had embraced the faith there was but one heart and soul, so that none of them claimed any of his possessions as his own, but everything they had was common property;

wmth@Acts:4:33 @ while the Apostles with great force of conviction delivered their testimony as to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all.

wmth@Acts:4:34 @ And, in fact, there was not a needy man among them, for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the money which they realised,

wmth@Acts:5:13 @ But none of the others dared to attach themselves to them. Yet the people held them in high honour–

wmth@Acts:5:14 @ and more and more believers in the Lord joined them, including great numbers both of men and women–

wmth@Acts:5:15 @ so that they would even bring out their sick friends into the streets and lay them on light couches or mats, in order that when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on one or other of them.

wmth@Acts:5:18 @ and laid hands upon the Apostles, and put them into the public jail.

wmth@Acts:5:19 @ But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said,

wmth@Acts:5:22 @ But the officers went and could not find them in the prison. So they came back and brought word,

wmth@Acts:5:25 @ And some one came and brought them word, saying, »The men you put in prison are actually in the Temple, standing there, teaching the people.«

wmth@Acts:5:27 @ So they brought them and made them stand in front of the Sanhedrin. And then the High Priest questioned them.

wmth@Acts:5:38 @ And now I tell you to hold aloof from these men and leave them alone–for if this scheme or work is of human origin, it will come to nothing.

wmth@Acts:5:39 @ But if it is really from God, you will be powerless to put them down–lest perhaps you find yourselves to be actually fighting against God.«

wmth@Acts:5:40 @ His advice carried conviction. So they called the Apostles in, and –after flogging them– ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then let them go.

wmth@Acts:6:3 @ Therefore, brethren, pick out from among yourselves seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, and we will appoint them to undertake this duty.

wmth@Acts:6:6 @ These men they brought to the Apostles, and, after prayer, they laid their hands upon them.

wmth@Acts:7:7 @ »`And the nation, whichever it is, that enslaves them, I will judge,' said God; `and afterwards they shall come out, and they shall worship Me in this place.'«

wmth@Acts:7:19 @ He adopted a crafty policy towards our race, and oppressed our forefathers, making them cast out their infants so that they might not be permitted to live.

wmth@Acts:7:24 @ Seeing one of them wrongfully treated he took his part, and secured justice for the ill-treated man by striking down the Egyptian.

wmth@Acts:7:25 @ He supposed his brethren to be aware that by him God was sending them deliverance; this, however, they did not understand.

wmth@Acts:7:26 @ The next day, also, he came and found two of them fighting, and he endeavoured to make peace between them. »`Sirs,' he said, `you are brothers. Why are you wronging one another?'

wmth@Acts:7:34 @ I have seen, yes, I have seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt and have heard their groans, and I have come down to deliver them. And now I will send you to Egypt.'

wmth@Acts:7:36 @ This was he who brought them out, after performing marvels and signs in Egypt and at the Red Sea, and in the Desert for forty years.

wmth@Acts:7:42 @ So God turned from them and gave them up to the worship of the Host of Heaven, as it is written in the Book of the Prophets,

wmth@Acts:7:45 @ That Tent was bequeathed to the next generation of our forefathers. Under Joshua they brought it with them when they were taking possession of the land of the Gentile nations, whom God drove out before them. So it continued till David's time.

wmth@Acts:7:58 @ dragged him out of the city, and stoned him, the witnesses throwing off their outer garments and giving them into the care of a young man called Saul.

wmth@Acts:7:60 @ Then, rising on his knees, he cried aloud, »Lord, do not reckon this sin against them.« And with these words he fell asleep.

wmth@Acts:8:3 @ But Saul cruelly harassed the Church. He went into house after house, and, dragging off both men and women, threw them into prison.

wmth@Acts:8:7 @ For, with a loud cry, foul spirits came out of many possessed by them, and many paralytics and lame persons were restored to health.

wmth@Acts:8:11 @ His influence over them arose from their having been, for a long time, bewildered by his sorceries.

wmth@Acts:8:14 @ When the Apostles in Jerusalem heard that the Samaritans had accepted God's Message, they sent Peter and John to visit them.

wmth@Acts:8:15 @ They, when they came down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit:

wmth@Acts:8:16 @ for He had not as yet fallen upon any of them. They had only been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.

wmth@Acts:8:17 @ Then the Apostles placed their hands upon them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

wmth@Acts:8:18 @ When, however, Simon saw that it was through the laying on of the Apostles' hands that the Spirit was bestowed, he offered them money.

wmth@Acts:8:38 @ So he stopped the chariot; and both of them –Philip and the eunuch– went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.

wmth@Acts:9:2 @ went to the High Priest and begged from him letters addressed to the synagogues in Damascus, in order that if he found any believers there, either men or women, he might bring them in chains to Jerusalem.

wmth@Acts:9:21 @ and his hearers were all amazed, and began to ask one another, »Is not this the man who in Jerusalem tried to exterminate those who called upon that Name, and came here on purpose to carry them off in chains to the High Priests?«

wmth@Acts:9:22 @ Saul, however, gained more and more influence, and as for the Jews living in Damascus, he bewildered them with his proofs that Jesus is the Christ.

wmth@Acts:9:27 @ Barnabas, however, came to his assistance. He brought Saul to the Apostles, and related to them how, on his journey, he had seen the Lord, and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had fearlessly taught in the name of Jesus.

wmth@Acts:9:28 @ Henceforth Saul was one of them, going in and out of the city,

wmth@Acts:9:29 @ and speaking fearlessly in the name of the Lord. And he often talked with the Hellenists and had discussions with them.

wmth@Acts:9:38 @ Lud, however, being near Jaffa, the disciples, who had heard that Peter was at Lud, sent two men to him with an urgent request that he would come across to them without delay.

wmth@Acts:9:39 @ So Peter rose and went with them. On his arrival they took him upstairs, and the widow women all came and stood by his side, weeping and showing him the underclothing and cloaks and garments of all kinds which Dorcas used to make while she was still with them.

wmth@Acts:9:41 @ Then, giving her his hand, he raised her to her feet and, calling to him God's people and the widows, he gave her back to them alive.

wmth@Acts:10:8 @ and, after telling them everything, he sent them to Jaffa.

wmth@Acts:10:20 @ Rise, go down, and go with them without any misgivings; for it is I who have sent them to you.«

wmth@Acts:10:23 @ Upon hearing this, Peter invited them in, and gave them a lodging. The next day he set out with them, some of the brethren from Jaffa going with him,

wmth@Acts:10:28 @ He said to them, »You know better than most that a Jew is strictly forbidden to associate with a Gentile or visit him; but God has taught me to call no one unholy or unclean.

wmth@Acts:10:46 @ For they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling the majesty of God. Then Peter said,

wmth@Acts:10:48 @ And he directed that they should be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they begged him to remain with them for a time.

wmth@Acts:11:3 @ »You went into the houses of men who are not Jews,« they said, »and you ate with them

wmth@Acts:11:4 @ Peter, however, explained the whole matter to them from the beginning.

wmth@Acts:11:12 @ And the Spirit told me to accompany them without any misgivings. There also went with me these six brethren who are now present, and we reached the Centurion's house.

wmth@Acts:11:15 @ »And,« said Peter, »no sooner had I begun to speak than the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as He fell upon us at the first.

wmth@Acts:11:17 @ »If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we first believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, why, who was I to be able to thwart God?«

wmth@Acts:11:20 @ But some of them were Cyprians and Cyrenaeans, who, on coming to Antioch, spoke to the Greeks also and told them the Good News concerning the Lord Jesus.

wmth@Acts:11:21 @ The power of the Lord was with them, and there were a vast number who believed and turned to the Lord.

wmth@Acts:11:23 @ On getting there he was delighted to see the grace which God had bestowed; and he encouraged them all to remain, with fixed resolve, faithful to the Lord.

wmth@Acts:12:1 @ Now, about that time, King Herod arrested certain members of the Church, in order to ill-treat them;

wmth@Acts:12:10 @ And passing through the first ward and the second, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. This opened to them of itself; and, going out, they passed on through one of the streets, and then suddenly the angel left him.

wmth@Acts:12:14 @ and recognizing Peter's voice, for very joy she did not open the door, but ran in and told them that Peter was standing there.

wmth@Acts:12:17 @ But he motioned with his hand for silence, and then described to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. »Tell all this to James and the brethren,« he added. Then he left them, and went to another place.

wmth@Acts:12:19 @ And when Herod had had him searched for and could not find him, after sharply questioning the guards he ordered them away to execution. He then went down from Judaea to Caesarea and remained there.

wmth@Acts:12:20 @ Now the people of Tyre and Sidon had incurred Herod's violent displeasure. So they sent a large deputation to wait on him; and having secured the good will of Blastus, his treasurer, they begged the king to be friendly with them again, because their country was dependent on his for its food supply.

wmth@Acts:12:21 @ So, on an appointed day, Herod, having arrayed himself in royal robes, took his seat on the tribunal, and was haranguing them;

wmth@Acts:12:25 @ And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having discharged their mission, and they brought with them John, surnamed Mark.

wmth@Acts:13:2 @ While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, »Set apart for Me, now at once, Barnabas and Saul, for the work to which I have called them

wmth@Acts:13:3 @ So, after fasting and prayer and the laying on of hands, they let them go.

wmth@Acts:13:8 @ But Elymas (or `the Magician,' for such is the meaning of the name) opposed them, and tried to prevent the Proconsul from accepting the faith.

wmth@Acts:13:13 @ From Paphos, Paul and his party put out to sea and sailed to Perga in Pamphylia. John, however, left them and returned to Jerusalem.

wmth@Acts:13:14 @ But they themselves, passing through from Perga, came to Antioch in Pisidia. Here, on the Sabbath day, they went into the synagogue and sat down.

wmth@Acts:13:15 @ After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the Wardens of the synagogue sent word to them. »Brethren,« they said, »if you have anything encouraging to say to the people, speak.«

wmth@Acts:13:17 @ The God of this people of Israel chose our forefathers, and made the people great during their stay in Egypt, until with wondrous power He brought them out from that land.

wmth@Acts:13:18 @ For a period of about forty years, He fed them, like a nurse, in the Desert.

wmth@Acts:13:19 @ Then, after overthrowing seven nations in the land of Canaan, He divided that country among them as their inheritance for about four hundred and fifty years;

wmth@Acts:13:20 @ and afterwards He gave them judges down to the time of the Prophet Samuel.

wmth@Acts:13:21 @ Next they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a Benjamite, who reigned forty years.

wmth@Acts:13:42 @ As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people earnestly begged to have all this repeated to them on the following Sabbath.

wmth@Acts:13:43 @ And, when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and of the devout converts from heathenism continued with Paul and Barnabas, who talked to them and urged them to hold fast to the grace of God.

wmth@Acts:13:50 @ But the Jews influenced the gentlewomen of rank who worshipped with them, and also the leading men in the city, and stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and drove them out of the district.

wmth@Acts:13:51 @ But they shook off the dust from their feet as a protest against them and came to Iconium;

wmth@Acts:14:3 @ Yet Paul and Barnabas remained there for a considerable time, speaking freely and relying on the Lord, while He bore witness to the Message of His grace by permitting signs and marvels to be done by them.

wmth@Acts:14:5 @ And when a hostile movement was made by both Gentiles and Jews, with the sanction of their magistrates, to maltreat and stone them,

wmth@Acts:14:13 @ And the priest of Zeus –the temple of Zeus being at the entrance to the city– brought bullocks and garlands to the gates, and in company with the crowd was intending to offer sacrifices to them.

wmth@Acts:14:15 @ We also are but men, with natures kindred to your own; and we bring you the Good News that you are to turn from these unreal things, to worship the ever-living God, the Creator of earth and sky and sea and of everything that is in them.

wmth@Acts:14:18 @ Even with words like these they had difficulty in preventing the thronging crowd from offering sacrifices to them.

wmth@Acts:14:22 @ Everywhere they strengthened the disciples by encouraging them to hold fast to the faith, and warned them saying, »It is through many afflictions that we must make our way into the Kingdom of God.«

wmth@Acts:14:23 @ And in every Church, after prayer and fasting, they selected Elders by show of hands, and commended them to the Lord on whom their faith rested.

wmth@Acts:14:27 @ Upon their arrival they called the Church together and proceeded to report in detail all that God, working with them, had done, and how He had opened for the Gentiles the door of faith.

wmth@Acts:15:4 @ Upon their arrival in Jerusalem they were cordially received by the Church, the Apostles, and the Elders; and they reported in detail all that God, working with them, had done.

wmth@Acts:15:8 @ And God, who knows all hearts, gave His testimony in their favour by bestowing the Holy Spirit on them just as He did on us;

wmth@Acts:15:9 @ and He made no difference between us and them, in that He cleansed their hearts by their faith.

wmth@Acts:15:14 @ Symeon has related how God first looked graciously on the Gentiles to take from among them a People to be called by His name.

wmth@Acts:15:20 @ Yet let us send them written instructions to abstain from things polluted by connexion with idolatry, from fornication, from meat killed by strangling, and from blood.

wmth@Acts:15:22 @ Thereupon it was decided by the Apostles and Elders, with the approval of the whole Church, to choose suitable persons from among themselves and send them to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas. Judas, called Bar-sabbas, and Silas, leading men among the brethren, were selected,

wmth@Acts:15:23 @ and they took with them the following letter: »The Apostles and the elder brethren send greeting to the Gentile brethren throughout Antioch, Syria and Cilicia.

wmth@Acts:15:25 @ we have unanimously decided to select certain men and send them to you in company with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul,

wmth@Acts:15:27 @ We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who are themselves bringing you the same message by word of mouth.

wmth@Acts:15:31 @ The people read it, and were delighted with the comfort it brought them.

wmth@Acts:15:32 @ And Judas and Silas, being themselves also Prophets, gave them a long and encouraging talk, and strengthened them in the faith.

wmth@Acts:15:33 @ After spending some time there they received an affectionate farewell from the brethren to return to those who had sent them.

wmth@Acts:15:37 @ Barnabas, however, was bent on taking with them John, whose other name was Mark,

wmth@Acts:15:38 @ while Paul deemed it undesirable to have as their companion one who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work.

wmth@Acts:15:39 @ So there arose a serious disagreement between them, which resulted in their parting from one another, Barnabas taking Mark and setting sail for Cyprus.

wmth@Acts:16:19 @ But when her owners saw that their hopes of gain were gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them off to the magistrates in the public square.

wmth@Acts:16:20 @ Then they brought them before the praetors. »These men,« they said, »are creating a great disturbance in our city.

wmth@Acts:16:22 @ The crowd, too, joined in the outcry against them, till at length the praetors ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods;

wmth@Acts:16:23 @ and, after severely flogging them, they threw them into jail and bade the jailer keep them safely.

wmth@Acts:16:24 @ He, having received an order like that, lodged them in the inner prison, and secured their feet in the stocks.

wmth@Acts:16:25 @ About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them,

wmth@Acts:16:30 @ and, bringing them out of the prison, he exclaimed, »O sirs, what must I do to be saved?«

wmth@Acts:16:33 @ Then he took them, even at that time of night, washed their wounds, and he and all his household were immediately baptized;

wmth@Acts:16:34 @ and bringing the Apostles up into his house, he spread a meal for them, and was filled with gladness, with his whole household, his faith resting on God.

wmth@Acts:16:37 @ But Paul said to them, »After cruelly beating us in public, without trial, Roman citizens though we are, they have thrown us into prison, and are they now going to send us away privately? No, indeed! Let them come in person and fetch us out.«

wmth@Acts:16:39 @ Accordingly they came and apologized to them; and, bringing them out, asked them to leave the city.

wmth@Acts:16:40 @ Then Paul and Silas, having come out of the prison, went to Lydia's house; and, after seeing the brethren and encouraging them, they left Philippi.

wmth@Acts:17:2 @ Paul –following his usual custom– betook himself to it, and for three successive Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,

wmth@Acts:17:4 @ Some of the people were won over, and attached themselves to Paul and Silas, including many God-fearing Greeks and not a few gentlewomen of high rank.

wmth@Acts:17:5 @ But the jealousy of the Jews was aroused, and, calling to their aid some ill-conditioned and idle fellows, they got together a riotous mob and filled the city with uproar. They then attacked the house of Jason and searched for Paul and Silas, to bring them out before the assembly of people.

wmth@Acts:17:6 @ But, failing to find them, they dragged Jason and some of the other brethren before the magistrates of the city, loudly accusing them. »These men,« they said, »who have raised a tumult throughout the Empire, have come here also.

wmth@Acts:17:7 @ Jason has received them into his house; and they all set Caesar's authority at defiance, declaring that there is another Emperor– one called Jesus.«

wmth@Acts:17:9 @ They required Jason and the rest to find substantial bail, and after that they let them go.

wmth@Acts:17:12 @ As the result many of them became believers, and so did not a few of the Greeks–gentlewomen of good position, and men.

wmth@Acts:17:15 @ Those who were caring for Paul's safety went with him as far as Athens, and then left him, taking a message from him to Silas and Timothy, asking them to join him as speedily as possible.

wmth@Acts:17:16 @ While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was stirred within him when he noticed that the city was full of idols.

wmth@Acts:17:18 @ A few of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also encountered him. Some of them asked, »What has this beggarly babbler to say?«»His business,« said others, »seems to be to cry up some foreign gods.« This was because he had been telling the Good News of Jesus and the Resurrection.

wmth@Acts:17:26 @ He caused to spring from one forefather people of every race, for them to live on the whole surface of the earth, and marked out for them an appointed span of life and the boundaries of their homes;

wmth@Acts:17:33 @ So Paul went away from them.

wmth@Acts:17:34 @ A few, however, attached themselves to him and believed, among them being Dionysius a member of the Council, a gentlewoman named Damaris, and some others.

wmth@Acts:18:2 @ Here he found a Jew, a native of Pontus, of the name of Aquila. He and his wife Priscilla had recently come from Italy because of Claudius's edict expelling all the Jews from Rome. So Paul paid them a visit;

wmth@Acts:18:3 @ and because he was of the same trade –that of tent-maker– he lodged with them and worked with them.

wmth@Acts:18:6 @ But upon their opposing him with abusive language, he shook his clothes by way of protest, and said to them, »Your ruin will be upon your own heads. I am not responsible: in future I will go among the Gentiles.«

wmth@Acts:18:11 @ So Paul remained in Corinth for a year and six months, teaching among them the Message of God.

wmth@Acts:18:15 @ But since these are questions about words and names and your Law, you yourselves must see to them. I refuse to be a judge in such matters.«

wmth@Acts:18:16 @ So he ordered them out of court.

wmth@Acts:18:21 @ but took leave of them with the promise, »I will return to you, God willing.« So he set sail from Ephesus.

wmth@Acts:18:27 @ Then, as he had made up his mind to cross over into Greece, the brethren wrote to the disciples in Corinth begging them to give him a kindly welcome. Upon his arrival he rendered valuable help to those who through grace had believed;

wmth@Acts:18:28 @ for he powerfully and in public overcame the Jews in argument, proving to them from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.

wmth@Acts:19:2 @ »Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you first believed?« he asked them. »No,« they replied, »we did not even hear that there is a Holy Spirit.«

wmth@Acts:19:6 @ and when Paul laid his hands upon them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began to speak in tongues and to prophesy.

wmth@Acts:19:9 @ But some grew obstinate in unbelief and spoke evil of the new faith before all the congregation. So Paul left them, and, taking with him those who were disciples, held discussions daily in Tyrannus's lecture-hall.

wmth@Acts:19:12 @ Towels or aprons, for instance, which Paul had handled used to be carried to the sick, and they recovered from their ailments, or the evil spirits left them.

wmth@Acts:19:16 @ And the man in whom the evil spirit was sprang on two of them, over-mastered them both, and treated them with such violence, that they fled from the house stripped of their clothes and wounded.

wmth@Acts:19:19 @ and not a few of those who had practised magical arts brought their books together and burnt them in the presence of all. The total value was reckoned and found to be 50,000 silver coins.

wmth@Acts:19:25 @ He called his workmen together, and others who were engaged in similar trades, and said to them, »You men well know that our prosperity depends on this business of ours;

wmth@Acts:19:26 @ and you see and hear that, not in Ephesus only but throughout almost the whole province of Asia, this fellow Paul has led away a vast number of people by inducing them to believe that they are not gods at all that are made by men's hands.

wmth@Acts:19:29 @ The riot and uproar spread through the whole city, till at last with one accord they rushed into the Theatre, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, two Macedonians who were fellow travellers with Paul.

wmth@Acts:19:34 @ No sooner, however, did they see that he was a Jew, than there arose from them all one roar of shouting, lasting about two hours. »Great is the Ephesian Diana,« they said.

wmth@Acts:19:35 @ At length the Recorder quieted them down. »Men of Ephesus,« he said, »who is there of all mankind that needs to be told that the city of Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Diana and of the image which fell down from Zeus?

wmth@Acts:20:1 @ When the uproar had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples; and, after speaking words of encouragement to them, he took his leave, and started for Macedonia.

wmth@Acts:20:6 @ But we ourselves sailed from Philippi after the days of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined them in the Troad, where we remained for a week.

wmth@Acts:20:7 @ On the first day of the week, when we had met to break bread, Paul, who was going away the next morning, was preaching to them, and prolonged his discourse till midnight.

wmth@Acts:20:11 @ Then he went upstairs again, broke bread, and took some food; and after a long conversation which was continued till daybreak, at last he parted from them.

wmth@Acts:20:18 @ Upon their arrival he said to them, »You Elders well know, from the first day of my setting foot in the province of Asia, the kind of life I lived among you the whole time,

wmth@Acts:20:30 @ and that from among your own selves men will rise up who will seek with their perverse talk to draw away the disciples after them.

wmth@Acts:20:36 @ Having spoken thus, Paul knelt down and prayed with them all;

wmth@Acts:20:38 @ grieved above all things at his having told them that after that day they were no longer to see his face. And they went with him to the ship.

wmth@Acts:21:4 @ Having searched for the disciples and found them, we stayed at Tyre for seven days; and, taught by the Spirit, they repeatedly urged Paul not to proceed to Jerusalem.

wmth@Acts:21:7 @ As for us, our voyage was over when having sailed from Tyre we reached Ptolemais. here we inquired after the welfare of the brethren, and remained a day with them.

wmth@Acts:21:16 @ Some of the disciples from Caesarea also joined our party, and brought with them Mnason, a Cyprian, one of the early disciples, at whose house we were to lodge.

wmth@Acts:21:21 @ Now what they have been repeatedly told about you is that you teach all the Jews among the Gentiles to abandon Moses, and that you forbid them to circumcise their children or observe old-established customs.

wmth@Acts:21:23 @ so do this which we now tell you. We have four men here who have a vow resting on them.

wmth@Acts:21:24 @ Associate with these men and purify yourself with them, and pay their expenses so that they can shave their heads. Then everybody will know that there is no truth in these stories about you, but that in your own actions you yourself scrupulously obey the Law.

wmth@Acts:21:25 @ But as for the Gentiles who have accepted the faith, we have communicated to them our decision that they are carefully to abstain from anything sacrificed to an idol, from blood, from what is strangled, and from fornication.«

wmth@Acts:21:26 @ So Paul associated with the men; and the next day, having purified himself with them, he went into the Temple, giving every one to understand that the days of their purification were finished, and there he remained until the sacrifice for each of them was offered.

wmth@Acts:21:38 @ »Are you not the Egyptian who some years ago excited the riot of the 4,000 cut-throats, and led them out into the Desert?«

wmth@Acts:21:40 @ So with his permission Paul stood on the steps and motioned with his hand to the people to be quiet; and when there was perfect silence he addressed them in Hebrew.

wmth@Acts:22:2 @ And on hearing him address them in Hebrew, they kept all the more quiet; and he said,

wmth@Acts:22:4 @ I persecuted to death this new faith, continually binding both men and women and throwing them into prison;

wmth@Acts:22:5 @ as the High Priest also and all the Elders can bear me witness. It was, too, from them that I received letters to the brethren in Damascus, and I was already on my way to Damascus, intending to bring those also who had fled there, in chains to Jerusalem, to be punished.

wmth@Acts:22:19 @ »`Lord,' I replied, `they themselves well know how active I was in imprisoning, and in flogging in synagogue after synagogue those who believe in Thee;«

wmth@Acts:22:30 @ The next day, wishing to know exactly what charge was being brought against him by the Jews, the Tribune ordered his chains to be removed; and, having sent word to the High Priests and all the Sanhedrin to assemble, he brought Paul down and made him stand before them.

wmth@Acts:23:6 @ Noticing, however, that the Sanhedrin consisted partly of Sadducees and partly of Pharisees, he called out loudly among them, »Brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees. It is because of my hope of a resurrection of the dead that I am on my trial.«

wmth@Acts:23:10 @ But when the struggle was becoming violent, the Tribune, fearing that Paul would be torn to pieces by the people, ordered the troops to go down and take him from among them by force and bring him into the barracks.

wmth@Acts:23:13 @ There were more than forty of them who bound themselves by this oath.

wmth@Acts:23:14 @ They went to the High Priests and Elders and said to them, »We have bound ourselves under a heavy curse to take no food till we have killed Paul.

wmth@Acts:23:21 @ I beg you not to comply; for more than forty men among them are lying in wait for him, who have solemnly vowed that they will neither eat nor drink till they have assassinated him; and even now they are ready, in anticipation of receiving that promise of you.«

wmth@Acts:23:24 @ He further told them to provide horses to mount Paul on, so as to bring him safely to Felix the Governor.

wmth@Acts:23:27 @ This man Paul had been seized by the Jews, and they were on the point of killing him, when I came upon them with the troops and rescued him, for I had been informed that he was a Roman citizen.

wmth@Acts:24:3 @ in every instance and in every place we accept them with profound gratitude.

wmth@Acts:24:15 @ and having a hope directed towards God, which my accusers themselves also entertain, that before long there will be a resurrection both of the righteous and the unrighteous.

wmth@Acts:24:20 @ Or let these men themselves say what misdemeanour they found me guilty of when I stood before the Sanhedrin,

wmth@Acts:24:21 @ unless it was in that one expression which I made use of when I shouted out as I stood among them, »`The resurrection of the dead is the thing about which I am on my trial before you to-day.'«

wmth@Acts:25:11 @ If, however, I have done wrong and have committed any offence for which I deserve to die, I do not ask to be excused that penalty. But if there is no truth in what these men allege against me, no one has the right to give me up to them as a favour. I appeal to Caesar.«

wmth@Acts:25:17 @ »When, therefore, a number of them came here, the next day I took my seat on the tribunal, without any loss of time, and ordered the man to be brought in.«

wmth@Acts:26:7 @ the promise which our twelve tribes, worshipping day and night with intense devotedness, hope to have made good to them. It is on the subject of this hope, Sir, that I am accused by the Jews.

wmth@Acts:26:10 @ And that was how I acted in Jerusalem. Armed with authority received from the High Priests I shut up many of God's people in various prisons, and when they were about to be put to death I gave my vote against them.

wmth@Acts:26:11 @ In all the synagogues also I punished them many a time, and tried to make them blaspheme; and in my wild fury I chased them even to foreign towns.

wmth@Acts:26:26 @ For the King, to whom I speak freely, knows about these matters. I am not to be persuaded that any detail of them has escaped his notice; for these things have not been done in a corner.

wmth@Acts:26:27 @ King Agrippa, do you believe the Prophets? I know that you believe them

wmth@Acts:26:30 @ So the King rose, and the Governor, and Bernice, and those who were sitting with them;

wmth@Acts:27:9 @ Our voyage thus far had occupied a considerable time, and the navigation being now unsafe and the Fast also already over, Paul warned them.

wmth@Acts:27:21 @ When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, »Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss.

wmth@Acts:27:35 @ Having said this he took some bread, and, after giving thanks to God for it before them all, he broke it in pieces and began to eat it.

wmth@Acts:27:40 @ So they cut away the anchors and left them in the sea, unloosing at the same time the bands which secured the paddle-rudders. Then, hoisting the foresail to the wind, they made for the beach.

wmth@Acts:27:42 @ Now the soldiers recommended that the prisoners should be killed, for fear some one of them might swim ashore and effect his escape.

wmth@Acts:27:43 @ But their Captain, bent on securing Paul's safety, kept them from their purpose and gave orders that those who could swim should first jump overboard and get to land;

wmth@Acts:28:3 @ Now, when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and had thrown them on the fire, a viper, driven by the heat, came out and fastened itself on his hand.

wmth@Acts:28:14 @ Here we found brethren, who invited us to remain with them for a week; and so we reached Rome.

wmth@Acts:28:15 @ Meanwhile the brethren there, hearing of our movements, came as far as the Market of Appius and the Three Huts to meet us; and when Paul saw them he thanked God and felt encouraged.

wmth@Acts:28:17 @ After one complete day he invited the leading men among the Jews to meet him; and, when they were come together, he said to them, »As for me, brethren, although I had done nothing prejudicial to our people or contrary to the customs of our forefathers, I was handed over as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the power of the Romans.

wmth@Acts:28:23 @ So they arranged a day with him and came to him in considerable numbers at the house of the friends who were entertaining him. And then, with solemn earnestness, he explained to them the subject of the Kingdom of God, endeavouring from morning till evening to convince them about Jesus, both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.

wmth@Acts:28:25 @ Unable to agree among themselves, they at last left him, but not before Paul had spoken a parting word to them, saying, »Right well did the Holy Spirit say to your forefathers through the Prophet Isaiah:

wmth@Romans:1:19 @ because what may be known about Him is plain to their inmost consciousness; for He Himself has made it plain to them.

wmth@Romans:1:24 @ For this reason, in accordance with their own depraved cravings, God gave them up to uncleanness, allowing them to dishonour their bodies among themselves with impurity.

wmth@Romans:1:26 @ This then is the reason why God gave them up to vile passions. For not only did the women among them exchange the natural use of their bodies for one which is contrary to nature, but the men also,

wmth@Romans:1:28 @ And just as they had refused to continue to have a full knowledge of God, so it was to utterly worthless minds that God gave them up, for them to do things which should not be done.

wmth@Romans:1:32 @ In short, though knowing full well the sentence which God pronounces against actions such as theirs, as things which deserve death, they not only practise them, but even encourage and applaud others who do them.

wmth@Romans:2:14 @ For when Gentiles who have no Law obey by natural instinct the commands of the Law, they, without having a Law, are a Law to themselves;

wmth@Romans:2:15 @ since they exhibit proof that a knowledge of the conduct which the Law requires is engraven on their hearts, while their consciences also bear witness to the Law, and their thoughts, as if in mutual discussion, accuse them or perhaps maintain their innocence–

wmth@Romans:3:12 @ All have turned aside from the right path; they have every one of them become corrupt. There is no one who does what is right–no, not so much as one.«

wmth@Romans:6:19 @ your human infirmity leads me to employ these familiar figures–and just as you once surrendered your faculties into bondage to Impurity and ever-increasing disregard of Law, so you must now surrender them into bondage to Righteousness ever advancing towards perfect holiness.

wmth@Romans:7:17 @ and now it is no longer I that do these things, but the sin which has its home within me does them.

wmth@Romans:8:14 @ For those who are led by God's Spirit are, all of them, God's sons.

wmth@Romans:8:26 @ In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness; for we do not know what prayers to offer nor in what way to offer them. But the Spirit Himself pleads for us in yearnings that can find no words,

wmth@Romans:8:33 @ Who shall impeach those whom God has chosen? God declares them free from guilt.

wmth@Romans:8:34 @ Who is there to condemn them? Christ Jesus died, or rather has risen to life again. He is also at the right hand of God, and is interceding for us.

wmth@Romans:9:4 @ To them belongs recognition as God's sons, and they have His glorious Presence and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the Temple service, and the ancient Promises.

wmth@Romans:9:5 @ To them the Patriarchs belong, and from them in respect of His human lineage came the Christ, who is exalted above all, God blessed throughout the Ages. Amen.

wmth@Romans:9:11 @ and even then, though they were not then born and had not done anything either good or evil, yet in order that God's electing purpose might not be frustrated, based, as it was, not on their actions but on the will of Him who called them, she was told,

wmth@Romans:11:6 @ But if it is in His grace that He has selected them, then His choice is no longer determined by human actions. Otherwise grace would be grace no longer.

wmth@Romans:11:14 @ trying whether I can succeed in rousing my own countrymen to jealousy and thus save some of them.

wmth@Romans:11:17 @ And if some of the branches have been pruned away, and you, although you were but a wild olive, have been grafted in among them and have become a sharer with others in the rich sap of the root of the olive tree,

wmth@Romans:11:20 @ This is true; yet it was their unbelief that cut them off, and you only stand through your faith.

wmth@Romans:11:23 @ Moreover, if they turn from their unbelief, they too will be grafted in. For God is powerful enough to graft them in again;

wmth@Romans:11:31 @ so now they also have been disobedient at a time when you are receiving mercy; so that to them too there may now be mercy.

wmth@Romans:13:1 @ Let every individual be obedient to those who rule over him; for no one is a ruler except by God's permission, and our present rulers have had their rank and power assigned to them by Him.

wmth@Romans:13:2 @ Therefore the man who rebels against his ruler is resisting God's will; and those who thus resist will bring punishment upon themselves.

wmth@Romans:13:7 @ Pay promptly to all men what is due to them: taxes to those to whom taxes are due, toll to those to whom toll is due, respect to those to whom respect is due, honour to those to whom honour is due.

wmth@Romans:14:3 @ Let not him who eats certain food look down upon him who abstains from it, nor him who abstains from it find fault with him who eats it; for God has received both of them.

wmth@Romans:14:14 @ As one who lives in union with the Lord Jesus, I know and am certain that in its own nature no food is `impure'; but if people regard any food as impure, to them it is.

wmth@Romans:15:27 @ Yes, they have kindly done this, and, in fact, it was a debt they owed them. For seeing that the Gentiles have been admitted in to partnership with the Jews in their spiritual blessings, they in turn are under an obligation to render sacred service to the Jews in temporal things.

wmth@Romans:16:4 @ friends who have endangered their own lives for mine. I am grateful to them, and not I alone, but all the Gentile Churches also.

wmth@Romans:16:14 @ Greetings to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and to the brethren associated with them;

wmth@Romans:16:15 @ to Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister and Olympas, and to all God's people associated with them.

wmth@Romans:16:17 @ But I beseech you, brethren, to keep a watch on those who are causing the divisions among you, and are leading others into sin, in defiance of the instruction which you have received; and habitually to shun them.

wmth@Romans:16:26 @ but has now been brought fully to light, and by the command of the God of the Ages has been made known by the writings of the Prophets among all the Gentiles to win them to obedience to the faith–

wmth@1Corinthians:2:14 @ The unspiritual man rejects the things of the Spirit of God, and cannot attain to the knowledge of them, because they are spiritually judged.

wmth@1Corinthians:6:13 @ Food of all kinds is meant for the stomach, and the stomach is meant for food, and God will cause both of them to perish. Yet the body does not exist for the purpose of fornication, but for the Master's service, and the Master exists for the body;

wmth@1Corinthians:6:15 @ Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them the members of a prostitute? No, indeed.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:8 @ But I tell the unmarried, and women who are widows, that it is well for them to remain as I am.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:9 @ If, however, they cannot maintain self-control, by all means let them marry; for marriage is better than the fever of passion.

wmth@1Corinthians:8:8 @ It is true that a particular kind of food will not bring us into God's presence; we are neither inferior to others if we abstain from it, nor superior to them if we eat it.

wmth@1Corinthians:9:14 @ In the same way the Lord also directed those who proclaim the Good News to maintain themselves by the Good News.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:1 @ For I would have you remember, brethren, how our forefathers were all of them sheltered by the cloud, and all got safely through the Red Sea.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:4 @ and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they long drank the water that flowed from the spiritual rock that went with them–and that rock was the Christ.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:5 @ But with most of them God was not well pleased; for they were laid low in the Desert.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:7 @ And you must not be worshippers of idols, as some of them were. For it is written,

wmth@1Corinthians:10:8 @ Nor may we be fornicators, like some of them who committed fornication and on a single day 23,000 of them fell dead.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:9 @ And do not let us test the Lord too far, as some of them tested Him and were destroyed by the serpents.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:10 @ And do not be discontented, as some of them were, and they were destroyed by the Destroyer.

wmth@1Corinthians:10:11 @ All this kept happening to them with a figurative meaning; but it was put on record by way of admonition to us upon whom the ends of the Ages have come.

wmth@1Corinthians:11:2 @ Now I commend you for remembering me in everything, and because you hold fast truths and practices precisely as I have taught them to you.

wmth@1Corinthians:12:18 @ But, as a matter of fact, God has arranged the parts in the body –every one of them– as He has seen fit.

wmth@1Corinthians:13:12 @ For the present we see things as if in a mirror, and are puzzled; but then we shall see them face to face. For the present the knowledge I gain is imperfect; but then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

wmth@1Corinthians:14:12 @ Therefore, seeing that you are ambitious for spiritual gifts, seek to excel in them so as to benefit the Church.

wmth@1Corinthians:14:13 @ Therefore let a man who has the gift of tongues pray for the power of interpreting them.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:6 @ Afterwards He was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once, most of whom are still alive, although some of them have now fallen asleep.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:27 @ for He will have put all things in subjection under His feet. And when He shall have declared that »All things are in subjection,« it will be with the manifest exception of Him who has reduced them all to subjection to Him.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:29 @ Otherwise what will become of those who got themselves baptized for the dead? If the dead do not rise at all, why are these baptized for them?

wmth@1Corinthians:16:15 @ And I beseech you, brethren –you know the household of Stephanas, how they were the earliest Greek converts to Christ, and have devoted themselves to the service of God's people–

wmth@2Corinthians:1:17 @ Did I display any vacillation or caprice in this? Or the purposes which I form–do I form them on worldly principles, now crying »Yes, yes,« and now »No, no«?

wmth@2Corinthians:2:13 @ yet, obtaining no relief for my spirit because I did not find our brother Titus, I bade them farewell and went on into Macedonia.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:11 @ Therefore, because we realize how greatly the Lord is to be feared, we are endeavouring to win men over, and God recognizes what our motives are, and I hope that you, in your hearts, recognize them too.

wmth@2Corinthians:5:15 @ and that He died for all in order that the living may no longer live to themselves, but to Him who died for them and rose again.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:22 @ And we send with them our brother, of whose zeal we have had frequent proof in many matters, and who is now more zealous than ever through the strong confidence which he has in you.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:2 @ For I know your earnest willingness, on account of which I habitually boast of you to the Macedonians, pointing out to them that for a whole year you in Greece have been ready; and the greater number of them have been spurred on by your ardour.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:13 @ For, by the practical proof of it which you exhibit in this service, you cause God to be extolled for your fidelity to your professed adherence to the Good News of the Christ, and for the liberality of your contributions for them and for all who are in need,

wmth@2Corinthians:9:14 @ while they themselves also in supplications on your behalf pour out their longing love towards you because of God's surpassing grace which is resting upon you.

wmth@2Corinthians:10:12 @ For we have not the `courage' to rank ourselves among, or compare ourselves with, certain persons distinguished by their self-commendation. Yet they are not wise, measuring themselves, as they do, by one another and comparing themselves with one another.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:8 @ Other Churches I robbed, receiving pay from them in order to do you service.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:12 @ But I will persist in the same line of conduct in order to cut the ground from under the feet of those who desire an opportunity of getting themselves recognized as being on a level with us in the matters about which they boast.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:15 @ It is therefore no great thing for his servants also to disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will be in accordance with their actions.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:9 @ but His reply has been, »My grace suffices for you, for power matures in weakness.« Most gladly therefore will I boast of my infirmities rather than complain of them–in order that Christ's power may overshadow me.

wmth@Galatians:2:2 @ I went up in obedience to a revelation of God's will; and I explained to them the Good News which I proclaim among the Gentiles. To the leaders of the Church this explanation was made in private, lest by any means I should be running, or should already have run, in vain.

wmth@Galatians:2:5 @ But not for an hour did we give way and submit to them; in order that the Good News might continue with you in its integrity.

wmth@Galatians:2:14 @ As soon as I saw that they were not walking uprightly in the spirit of the Good News, I said to Peter, before them all, »If you, though you are a Jew, live as a Gentile does, and not as a Jew, how can you make the Gentiles follow Jewish customs?

wmth@Galatians:4:15 @ I ask you, then, what has become of your self-congratulations? For I bear you witness that had it been possible you would have torn out your own eyes and have given them to me.

wmth@Galatians:4:17 @ These men pay court to you, but not with honourable motives. They want to exclude you, so that you may pay court to them.

wmth@Galatians:5:12 @ Would to God that those who are unsettling your faith would even mutilate themselves.

wmth@Galatians:6:16 @ And all who shall regulate their lives by this principle –may peace and mercy be given to them– and to the true Israel of God.

wmth@Ephesians:2:3 @ Among them all of us also formerly passed our lives, governed by the inclinations of our lower natures, indulging the cravings of those natures and of our own thoughts, and were in our original state deserving of anger like all others.

wmth@Ephesians:2:11 @ Therefore, do not forget that formerly you were Gentiles as to your bodily condition. You were called the Uncircumcision by those who style themselves the Circumcised–their circumcision being one which the knife has effected.

wmth@Ephesians:4:18 @ with darkened understandings, having by reason of the ignorance which is deep-seated in them and the insensibility of their moral nature, no share in the Life which God gives.

wmth@Ephesians:4:19 @ Such men being past feeling have abandoned themselves to impurity, greedily indulging in every kind of profligacy.

wmth@Ephesians:5:3 @ But fornication and every kind of impurity, or covetousness, let them not even be mentioned among you, for they ought not to be named among God's people.

wmth@Ephesians:5:7 @ Therefore do not become sharers with them.

wmth@Ephesians:5:11 @ Have nothing to do with the barren unprofitable deeds of darkness, but, instead of that, set your faces against them;

wmth@Ephesians:5:28 @ So too married men ought to love their wives as much as they love themselves. He who loves his wife loves himself.

wmth@Ephesians:6:4 @ And you, fathers, do not irritate your children, but bring them up tenderly with true Christian training and advice.

wmth@Ephesians:6:20 @ to spread which I am an ambassador in chains–so that when telling them I may speak out boldly as I ought.

wmth@Philippians:1:28 @ Never for a moment quail before your antagonists. Your fearlessness will be to them a sure token of impending destruction, but to you it will be a sure token of your salvation–a token coming from God.

wmth@Philippians:2:16 @ holding out to them a Message of Life. It will then be my glory on the day of Christ that I did not run my race in vain nor toil in vain.

wmth@Philippians:3:4 @ although I myself might have some excuse for confidence in outward ceremonies. If any one else claims a right to trust in them, far more may I:

wmth@Philippians:3:18 @ For there are many whom I have often described to you, and I now even with tears describe them, as being enemies to the Cross of Christ.

wmth@Philippians:4:9 @ The doctrines and the line of conduct which I taught you –both what you heard and what you saw in me– hold fast to them; and God who gives peace will be with you.

wmth@Colossians:2:2 @ in order that their hearts may be cheered, they themselves being welded together in love and enjoying all the advantages of a reasonable certainty, till at last they attain the full knowledge of God's truth, which is Christ Himself.

wmth@Colossians:2:15 @ And the hostile princes and rulers He shook off from Himself, and boldly displayed them as His conquests, when by the Cross He triumphed over them.

wmth@Colossians:2:23 @ These rules have indeed an appearance of wisdom where self-imposed worship exists, and an affectation of humility and an ascetic severity. But not one of them is of any value in combating the indulgence of our lower natures.

wmth@Colossians:3:7 @ and you also were once addicted to them, while you were living under their power.

wmth@Colossians:3:19 @ Married men, be affectionate to your wives, and do not treat them harshly.

wmth@Colossians:3:21 @ Fathers, do not fret and harass your children, or you may make them sullen and morose.

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:16 @ for they still try to prevent our preaching to the Gentiles so that they may find salvation. They thus continually fill up the measure of their own sins, and God's anger in its severest form has overtaken them.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:1 @ Moreover, brethren, as you learnt from our lips the lives which you ought to live, and do live, so as to please God, we beg and exhort you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live them more and more truly.

wmth@1Thessalonians:5:3 @ While they are saying »Peace and safety!« then in a moment destruction falls upon them, like birth-pains on a woman who is with child; and escape there is none.

wmth@1Thessalonians:5:13 @ and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Be at peace among yourselves.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:11 @ And for this reason God sends them a misleading influence that they may believe the lie;

wmth@1Timothy:1:18 @ This is the charge which I entrust to you, my son Timothy, in accordance with the inspired instructions concerning you which were given me long ago, that being equipped with them as your armour you may be continually fighting the good fight,

wmth@1Timothy:3:10 @ And they must also be well-tried men, and when found to be of unblemished character then let them serve as deacons.

wmth@1Timothy:3:13 @ For those who have filled the deacon's office wisely and well, are already gaining for themselves an honourable standing, and are acquiring great freedom of speech in proclaiming the faith which rests on Christ Jesus.

wmth@1Timothy:4:15 @ Habitually practise these duties, and be absorbed in them; so that your growing proficiency in them may be evident to all.

wmth@1Timothy:5:7 @ Press these facts upon them, so that they may live lives free from reproach.

wmth@1Timothy:5:15 @ For already some of them have gone astray, following Satan.

wmth@1Timothy:6:2 @ And those who have believing masters should not be wanting in respect towards them because they are their brethren, but should serve them all the more willingly because those who profit by the faithful service rendered are believers and are friends.

wmth@1Timothy:6:5 @ and persistent wranglings on the part of people whose intellects are disordered and they themselves blinded to all knowledge of the truth; who imagine that godliness means gain.

wmth@1Timothy:6:19 @ storing up for themselves that which shall be a solid foundation for the future, that they may lay hold of the Life which is life indeed.

wmth@2Timothy:1:15 @ Of this you are aware, that all the Christians in Roman Asia have deserted me: and among them Phygelus and Hermogenes.

wmth@2Timothy:2:2 @ All that you have been taught by me in the hearing of many witnesses, you must hand on to trusty men who shall themselves, in turn, be competent to instruct others also.

wmth@2Timothy:2:14 @ Bring all this to men's remembrances, solemnly charging them in the presence of God not to waste time in wrangling about mere words, a course which is altogether unprofitable and tends only to the ruin of the hearers.

wmth@2Timothy:2:25 @ He must speak in a gentle tone when correcting the errors of opponents, in the hope that God will at last give them repentance, for them to come to a full knowledge of the truth

wmth@2Timothy:3:6 @ Among them are included the men who make their way into private houses and carry off weak women as their prisoners–women who, weighed down by the burden of their sins, are led by ever-changing caprice,

wmth@2Timothy:3:11 @ and the persecutions and sufferings which I have endured; the things which happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. You know the persecutions I endured, and how the Lord delivered me out of them all.

wmth@Titus:1:6 @ wherever there is a man of blameless life, true to his one wife, having children who are themselves believers and are free from every reproach of profligacy or of stubborn self-will.

wmth@Titus:1:13 @ This testimony is true. Therefore sternly denounce them, that they may be robust in their faith,

wmth@Titus:2:9 @ Exhort slaves to be always obedient to their owners, and to give them satisfaction in everything, not contradicting and not pilfering,

wmth@Titus:3:1 @ Remind people that they must submit to the rulers who are in authority over them; that they must obey the magistrates, be prepared for every right action,

wmth@Titus:3:8 @ This is a faithful saying, and on these various points I would have you insist strenuously, in order that those who have their faith fixed on God may be careful to set an example of good actions. For these are not only good in themselves, but are also useful to mankind.

wmth@Hebrews:2:1 @ For this reason we ought to pay the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, for fear we should drift away from them.

wmth@Hebrews:2:10 @ For it was fitting that He for whom, and through whom, all things exist, after He had brought many sons to glory, should perfect by suffering the Prince Leader who had saved them.

wmth@Hebrews:2:11 @ For both He who sanctifies and those whom He is sanctifying have all one Father; and for this reason He is not ashamed to speak of them as His brothers;

wmth@Hebrews:4:2 @ For Good News has been brought to us as truly as to them; but the message they heard failed to benefit them, because they were not one in faith with those who gave heed to it.

wmth@Hebrews:4:6 @ Since, then, it is still true that some will be admitted to that rest, and that because of disobedience those who formerly had Good News proclaimed to them were not admitted,

wmth@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if Joshua had given them the true rest, we should not afterwards hear God speaking of another still future day.

wmth@Hebrews:6:6 @ it is impossible, I say, to keep bringing them back to a new repentance, for, to their own undoing, they are repeatedly crucifying the Son of God afresh and exposing Him to open shame.

wmth@Hebrews:6:10 @ For God is not unjust so that He is unmindful of your labour and of the love which you have manifested towards Himself in having rendered services to His people and in still rendering them.

wmth@Hebrews:6:16 @ For men swear by what is greater than themselves; and with them an oath in confirmation of a statement always puts an end to a dispute.

wmth@Hebrews:7:6 @ But, in this instance, one who does not trace his origin from them takes tithes from Abraham, and pronounces a blessing on him to whom the promises belong.

wmth@Hebrews:7:8 @ Moreover here frail mortal men receive tithes: there one receives them about whom there is evidence that he is alive.

wmth@Hebrews:7:25 @ Hence too He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, seeing that He ever lives to plead for them.

wmth@Hebrews:9:13 @ For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have contracted defilement make them holy so as to bring about ceremonial purity,

wmth@Hebrews:9:15 @ And because of this He is the negotiator of a new Covenant, in order that, since a life has been given in atonement for the offences committed under the first Covenant, those who have been called may receive the eternal inheritance which has been promised to them.

wmth@Hebrews:9:19 @ For when Moses had proclaimed to all the people every commandment contained in the Law, he took the blood of the calves and of the goats and with them water, scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,

wmth@Hebrews:9:23 @ It was needful therefore that the copies of the things in Heaven should be cleansed in this way, but that the heavenly things themselves should be cleansed with more costly sacrifices.

wmth@Hebrews:10:1 @ For, since the Law exhibits only an outline of the blessings to come and not a perfect representation of the things themselves, the priests can never, by repeating the same sacrifices which they continually offer year after year, give complete freedom from sin to those who draw near.

wmth@Hebrews:11:13 @ All these died in the possession of faith. They had not received the promised blessings, but had seen them from a distance and had greeted them, and had acknowledged themselves to be foreigners and strangers here on earth;

wmth@Hebrews:11:16 @ but, as it is, we see them eager for a better land, that is to say, a heavenly one. For this reason God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has now prepared a city for them.

wmth@Hebrews:11:23 @ Through faith the child Moses was hid for three months by his parents, because they saw his rare beauty; and the king's edict had no terror for them.

wmth@Hebrews:11:31 @ Through faith the notorious sinner Rahab did not perish along with the disobedient, for she had welcomed the spies and had sheltered them.

wmth@Hebrews:11:35 @ Women received back their dear ones alive from the dead; and others were put to death with torture, refusing the deliverance offered to them–that they might secure a better resurrection.

wmth@Hebrews:11:38 @ (They were men of whom the world was not worthy.) They wandered across deserts and mountains, or hid themselves in caves and in holes in the ground.

wmth@Hebrews:11:39 @ And although by their faith all these people won God's approval, none of them received the fulfilment of His great promise;

wmth@Hebrews:11:40 @ for God had provided for them and us something better, so that apart from us they were not to attain to full blessedness.

wmth@Hebrews:12:9 @ Besides this, our earthly fathers used to discipline us and we treated them with respect, and shall we not be still more submissive to the Father of our spirits, and live?

wmth@Hebrews:13:3 @ Remember prisoners, as if you were in prison with them; and remember those suffering ill-treatment, for you yourselves also are still in the body.

wmth@Hebrews:13:9 @ Do not be drawn aside by all sorts of strange teaching; for it is well to have the heart made stedfast through God's grace, and not by special kinds of food, from which those who scrupulously attend to them have derived no benefit.

wmth@Hebrews:13:17 @ Obey your leaders and be submissive to them. For they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give account; that they may do this with joy and not with lamentation. For that would be of no advantage to you.

wmth@James:2:16 @ and one of you says to them, »I wish you well; keep yourselves warm and well fed,« and yet you do not give them what they need; what is the use of that?

wmth@James:2:25 @ In the same way also was not the notorious sinner Rahab declared to be righteous because of her actions when she welcomed the spies and hurriedly helped them to escape another way?

wmth@James:3:3 @ Remember that we put the horses' bit into their mouths to make them obey us, and so we turn their whole bodies round.

wmth@James:4:2 @ You covet things and yet cannot get them; you commit murder; you have passionate desires and yet cannot gain your end; you begin to fight and make war. You have not, because you do not pray;

wmth@James:5:3 @ your gold and your silver have become covered with rust, and the rust on them will give evidence against you, and will eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded up wealth in these last days.

wmth@James:5:14 @ Is any one ill? Let him send for the Elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, after anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

wmth@1Peter:1:11 @ They were eager to know the time which the Spirit of Christ within them kept indicating, or the characteristics of that time, when they solemnly made known beforehand the sufferings that were to come upon Christ and the glories which would follow.

wmth@1Peter:1:12 @ To them it was revealed that they were serving not themselves but you, when they foretold the very things which have now been openly declared to you by those who, having been taught by the Holy Spirit which had been sent from Heaven, brought you the Good News. Angels long to stoop and look into these things.

wmth@1Peter:2:18 @ Household servants, be submissive to your masters, and show them the utmost respect–not only if they are kind and thoughtful, but also if they are unreasonable.

wmth@1Peter:3:1 @ Married women, in the same way, be submissive to your husbands, so that even if some of them disbelieve the Message, they may, apart from the Message, be won over by the daily life of their wives, after watching your daily life–

wmth@1Peter:3:5 @ For in ancient times also this was the way the holy women who set their hopes upon God used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their husbands.

wmth@1Peter:3:7 @ Married men, in the same way, live with your wives with a clear recognition of the fact that they are weaker than you. Yet, since you are heirs with them of God's free gift of Life, treat them with honour; so that your prayers may not be hindered.

wmth@1Peter:4:10 @ Whatever be the gifts which each has received, you must use them for one another's benefit, as good stewards of God's many-sided kindness.

wmth@2Peter:1:4 @ It is by means of these that He has granted us His precious and wondrous promises, in order that through them you may, one and all, become sharers in the very nature of God, having completely escaped the corruption which exists in the world through earthly cravings.

wmth@2Peter:1:12 @ For this reason I shall always persist in reminding you of these things, although you know them and are stedfast believers in truth which you already possess.

wmth@2Peter:2:1 @ But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be teachers of falsehood among you also, who will cunningly introduce fatal divisions, disowning even the Sovereign Lord who has redeemed them, and bringing on themselves swift destruction.

wmth@2Peter:2:4 @ For God did not spare angels when they had sinned, but hurling them down to Tartarus consigned them to caves of darkness, keeping them in readiness for judgement.

wmth@2Peter:2:6 @ He reduced to ashes the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and condemned them to overthrow, making them an example to people who might in future be living godless lives.

wmth@2Peter:2:19 @ And they promise them freedom, although they are themselves the slaves of what is corrupt. For a man is the slave of any one by whom he has been worsted in fight.

wmth@2Peter:2:21 @ For it would have been better for them not to have fully known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandments in which they were instructed.

wmth@2Peter:3:16 @ That is what he says in all his letters, when speaking in them of these things. In those letters there are some statements hard to understand, which ill-taught and unprincipled people pervert, just as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own ruin.

wmth@1John:4:4 @ As for you, dear children, you are God's children, and have successfully resisted them; for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

wmth@1John:4:5 @ They are the world's children, and so their language is that of the world, and the world listens to them. We are God's children.

wmth@3John:1:6 @ They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God.

wmth@3John:1:9 @ I wrote to the Church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the first place among them, refuses to listen to us.

wmth@3John:1:10 @ For this reason, if I come, I shall not forget his conduct, nor his idle and mischievous talk against us. And he does not stop there: he not only will not receive the brethren, but those who desire to do this he hinders, and excludes them from the Church.

wmth@Jude:1:6 @ And angels –those who did not keep the position originally assigned to them, but deserted their own proper abode– He reserves in everlasting bonds, in darkness, in preparation for the judgement of the great day.

wmth@Jude:1:10 @ Yet these men are abusive in matters of which they know nothing, and in things which, like the brutes, they understand instinctively–in all these they corrupt themselves.

wmth@Jude:1:11 @ Alas for them; for they have followed in the steps of Cain; for the sake of gain they have rushed on headlong in the evil ways of Balaam; and have perished in rebellion like that of Korah!

wmth@Jude:1:12 @ These men –sunken rocks!– are those who share the pleasure of your love-feasts, unrestrained by fear while caring only for themselves; clouds without water, driven away by the winds; trees that cast their fruit, barren, doubly dead, uprooted;

wmth@Revelation:2:2 @ I know your doings and your toil and patient suffering. And I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, but have put to the test those who say that they themselves are Apostles but are not, and you have found them to be liars.

wmth@Revelation:2:9 @ Your sufferings I know, and your poverty –but you are rich– and the evil name given you by those who say that they themselves are Jews, and are not, but are Satan's synagogue.

wmth@Revelation:2:16 @ Repent, at once; or else I will come to you quickly, and will make war upon them with the sword which is in My mouth.

wmth@Revelation:2:24 @ But to you, the rest of you in Thyateira, all who do not hold this teaching and are not the people who have learnt the »deep things,« as they call them (the deep things of Satan!) –to you I say that I lay no other burden on you.

wmth@Revelation:2:27 @ And he shall be their shepherd, ruling them with a rod of iron, just as earthenware jars are broken to pieces; and his power over them shall be like that which I Myself have received from My Father;«

wmth@Revelation:3:3 @ Be mindful, therefore, of the lessons you have received and heard. Continually lay them to heart, and repent. If, however, you fail to rouse yourself and keep awake, I shall come upon you suddenly like a thief, and you will certainly not know the hour at which I shall come to judge you.

wmth@Revelation:3:9 @ I will cause some belonging to Satan's synagogue who say that they themselves are Jews, and are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall at your feet and know for certain that I have loved you.

wmth@Revelation:5:8 @ And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four Elders fell down before the Lamb, having each of them a harp and bringing golden bowls full of incense, which represent the prayers of God's people.

wmth@Revelation:5:10 @ And hast formed them into a Kingdom to be priests to our God, And they reign over the earth.«

wmth@Revelation:5:13 @ And as for every created thing in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and everything that was in any of these, I heard them say, »To Him who is seated on the throne, And to the Lamb, Be ascribed all blessing and honor And glory and might, Until the Ages of the Ages!«

wmth@Revelation:6:8 @ I looked and a pale-colored horse appeared. Its rider's name was Death, and Hades came close behind him; and authority was given to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword or with famine or pestilence or by means of the wild beasts of the earth.

wmth@Revelation:6:11 @ And there was given to each of them a long white robe, and they were bidden to wait patiently for a short time longer, until the full number of their fellow bondservants should also complete–namely of their brethren who were soon to be killed just as they had been.

wmth@Revelation:6:15 @ The kings of the earth and the great men, the military chiefs, the wealthy and the powerful –all, whether slaves or free men– hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains,

wmth@Revelation:7:14 @ »My lord, you know,« I replied. »They are those,« he said, »who have just passed through the great distress, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

wmth@Revelation:7:15 @ For this reason they stand before the very throne of God, and render Him service, day after day and night after night, in His sanctuary, and He who is sitting upon the throne will shelter them in His tent.

wmth@Revelation:7:16 @ They will never again be hungry or thirsty, and never again will the sun or any scorching heat trouble them.

wmth@Revelation:7:17 @ For the Lamb who is in front of the throne will be their Shepherd, and will guide them to watersprings of Life, and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.«

wmth@Revelation:8:2 @ Then I saw the seven angels who are in the presence of God, and seven trumpets were given to them.

wmth@Revelation:8:6 @ Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets made preparations for blowing them.

wmth@Revelation:8:12 @ Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet; and a curse fell upon a third part of the sun, a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars, so that a third part of them were darkened and for a third of the day, and also of the night, there was no light.

wmth@Revelation:9:3 @ And from the midst of the smoke there came locusts on to the earth, and power was given to them resembling the power which earthly scorpions possess.

wmth@Revelation:9:6 @ And at that time people will seek death, but will by no possibility find it, and will long to die, but death evades them.

wmth@Revelation:9:11 @ The locusts had a king over them–the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is `Abaddon,' while in the Greek he is called `Apollyon.'

wmth@Revelation:9:19 @ For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; their tails being like serpents, and having heads, and it is with them that they inflict injury.

wmth@Revelation:11:5 @ And if any one seeks to injure them–fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies; and if any one seeks to injure them, he will in this way certainly be killed.

wmth@Revelation:11:6 @ They have power given to them to seal up the sky, so that no rain may fall so long as they continue to prophesy; and power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with various plagues whenever they choose to do so.

wmth@Revelation:11:7 @ »And when they have fully delivered their testimony, the Wild Beast which is to rise out of the bottomless pit will make war upon them and overcome them and kill them.

wmth@Revelation:11:9 @ And men belonging to all peoples, tribes, languages and nations gaze at their dead bodies for three days and a half, but they refuse to let them be laid in a tomb.

wmth@Revelation:11:10 @ The inhabitants of the earth rejoice over them and are glad and will send gifts to one another; for these two Prophets had greatly troubled the inhabitants of the earth.«

wmth@Revelation:11:11 @ But at the end of the three days and a half the breath of life from God entered into them, and they rose to their feet; and all who saw them were terrified.

wmth@Revelation:11:12 @ Then they heard a loud voice calling to them out of Heaven, and bidding them come up; and they went up to Heaven in the cloud, and their enemies saw them go.

wmth@Revelation:12:4 @ His tail was drawing after it a third part of the stars of Heaven, and it dashed them to the ground. And in front of the woman who was about to become a mother, the Dragon was standing in order to devour the child as soon as it was born.

wmth@Revelation:12:8 @ The Dragon fought and so did his angels; but they were defeated, and there was no longer any room found for them in Heaven.

wmth@Revelation:12:10 @ Then I heard a loud voice speaking in Heaven. It said, »The salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God have now come, and the sovereignty of His Christ; for the accuser of our brethren has been hurled down–he who, day after day and night after night, was wont to accuse them in the presence of God.

wmth@Revelation:13:7 @ And permission was given him to make war upon God's people and conquer them; and power was given him over every tribe, people, language and nation.

wmth@Revelation:13:16 @ And he causes all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slaves, to have stamped upon them a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

wmth@Revelation:14:4 @ These are those who had not defiled themselves with women: they are as pure as virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been redeemed from among men, as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.

wmth@Revelation:14:9 @ And another, a third angel, followed them, exclaiming in a loud voice, »If any one worships the Wild Beast and his statue, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,

wmth@Revelation:14:13 @ And I heard a voice speaking from Heaven. It said, »Write as follows: »`Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from this time onward. Yes, says the Spirit, let them rest from their sorrowful labours; for what they have done goes with them.'«

wmth@Revelation:15:1 @ Then I saw another marvel in Heaven, great and wonderful–there were seven angels bringing seven plagues. These are the last plagues, because in them God's anger has found full expression.

wmth@Revelation:16:2 @ So the first angel went away and poured his bowl on to the earth; and it brought a bad and painful sore upon the men who had on them the mark of the Wild Beast and worshipped his statue.

wmth@Revelation:16:6 @ For they poured out the blood of Thy people and of the Prophets, and in return Thou hast given them blood to drink. And this they deserved.«

wmth@Revelation:16:14 @ For they are the spirits of demons working marvels–spirits that go out to control the kings of the whole earth, to assemble them for the battle which is to take place on the great day of God, the Ruler of all.

wmth@Revelation:16:16 @ And assemble them they did at the place called in Hebrew `Har-Magedon.'

wmth@Revelation:17:10 @ And they are seven kings: five of them have fallen, and the one is still reigning. The seventh has not yet come, but when he comes he must continue for a short time.

wmth@Revelation:17:14 @ They will make war upon the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings. And those who accompany Him –called, as they are, and chosen, and faithful– shall share in the victory.«

wmth@Revelation:19:15 @ From His mouth there comes a sharp sword with which He will smite the nations; and He will Himself be their Shepherd, ruling them with a scepter of iron; and it is His work to tread the winepress of the fierce anger of God, the Ruler of all.

wmth@Revelation:19:20 @ who had done the miracles in his presence with which he had led astray those who had received the mark of the Wild Beast, and those who worshipped his statue. Both of them were thrown alive into the Lake of fire that was all ablaze with sulphur.

wmth@Revelation:20:4 @ And I saw thrones, and some who were seated on them, to whom judgment was entrusted. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message, and also the souls of those who had not worshipped the Wild Beast or his statue, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands; and they came to Life and were kings with Christ for a thousand years.

wmth@Revelation:20:6 @ Blessed and holy are those who share in the First Resurrection. The Second Death has no power over them, but they shall be priests to God and to Christ, and shall be kings with Christ for the thousand years.

wmth@Revelation:20:8 @ and will go out to lead astray the nations in all the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, and assemble them for war, and they are like the sands on the seashore in number.

wmth@Revelation:20:9 @ And they went up over the whole breadth of the earth and surrounded the encampment of God's people and the beloved city. But fire came down from Heaven and consumed them;

wmth@Revelation:20:10 @ and the Devil, who had been leading them astray, was thrown into the Lake of fire and sulphur where the Wild Beast and the false Prophet were, and day and night they will suffer torture until the Ages of the Ages.

wmth@Revelation:20:11 @ Then I saw a great white throne and One who was seated on it, from whose presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.

wmth@Revelation:20:13 @ Then the sea yielded up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades yielded up the dead who were in them, and each man was judged in accordance with what his conduct had been.

wmth@Revelation:21:3 @ And I heard a loud voice, which came from the throne, say, »God's dwelling place is among men and He will dwell among them and they shall be His peoples. Yes, God Himself will be among them.

wmth@Revelation:21:8 @ But as for cowards and the unfaithful, and the polluted, and murderers, fornicators, and those who practise magic or worship idols, and all liars–the portion allotted to them shall be in the Lake which burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death.«

wmth@Revelation:21:14 @ The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and engraved upon them were twelve names–the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.

wmth@Revelation:21:21 @ And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each of them consisting of a single pearl. And the main street of the city was made of pure gold, resembling transparent glass.

wmth@Revelation:22:5 @ And there will be no night there; and they have no need of lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will shine upon them, and they will be kings until the Ages of the Ages.«

wmth@Revelation:22:8 @ I John heard and saw these things; and when I had heard and seen them, I fell at the feet of the angel who was showing me them–to worship him.

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