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bwe@Matthew:6:2 @ So when you give money to poor people, do not send men in front of you to blow trumpets or horns. Some people do this in the meeting houses and on the streets so that people will praise them. They are not true to themselves. I tell you the truth. They have their pay already.

bwe@Matthew:6:5 @ When you talk to God, do not be like people who are not true to themselves. They like to stand and talk to God in the meeting houses and at the street corners, so that people will see them. I tell you the truth. They have their reward already.

bwe@Matthew:6:16 @ When you are fasting <FI>not eating food for a time<Fi>, do not look sad. That is what people do who are not true to themselves. They look sad to show people they are fasting. I tell you the truth. They have their reward already.

bwe@Matthew:9:36 @ He saw the many people and was sorry for them. They were troubled and they could not help themselves. They were like sheep with no one to care for them.

bwe@Matthew:14:15 @ In the evening the disciples came to him. They said, This is a lonely place. And the time is late. Send these people away so they can go to the farms and villages to buy food for themselves.

bwe@Matthew:17:1 @ Six days after this, Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother John with him. He led them up a hill by themselves.

bwe@Matthew:23:4 @ They make heavy loads and put them on peoples backs. But they themselves will not put up even one finger to help carry the loads.

bwe@Mark:6:32 @ So they went away in a boat to a lonely place by themselves.

bwe@Mark:6:36 @ Send these people away to farms and villages to buy food for themselves. They have nothing to eat.

bwe@Mark:7:4 @ When they come from the market, they do not eat until they have washed themselves. They also keep many other laws such as washing cups, pots, brass pans, and beds.

bwe@Mark:9:2 @ Six days after this, Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him. He led them up a hill by themselves. Jesus was changed in front of them.

bwe@Mark:9:10 @ So they kept these things to themselves, asking each other what he meant about rising from death.

bwe@Mark:9:34 @ But they said nothing, because on the road they had been talking among themselves about who was the greatest person.

bwe@Mark:13:22 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets of God. But they are not true to themselves. They will show big signs and do wonderful things that will fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Luke:7:49 @ Then those who were at the table with him began to say to themselves, Who is this man? He even forgives people for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Luke:9:10 @ When the apostles came back, they told Jesus all they had done. He took them away with him and they went by themselves to a town called Bethsaida.

bwe@Luke:9:46 @ The disciples started talking among themselves. They quarrelled about which of them was the greatest person.

bwe@Luke:12:1 @ Many thousands of people had gathered. They stepped on each other. Jesus began to talk to the disciples. He said, Take care. Do not let the yeast of the Pharisees spoil you. They are not true to themselves.

bwe@Luke:16:8 @ Then the master praised the manager who did wrong. He praised him because he did what was wise. The people of this world are wiser than the people who have the Light. They know how to get along with people like themselves.

bwe@Luke:22:24 @ They started to quarrel among themselves about which of them was the greatest person.

bwe@Luke:22:25 @ Jesus said to them, The kings of countries make their people obey them. Those who rule give themselves a good name.

bwe@John:2:6 @ Six very large water pots made of stone were standing there. The pots were there because the Jews had a certain law about washing themselves.

bwe@John:5:3 @ Many sick people were lying on these places. Some of them were blind. Some were lame. Some were very thin and stiff so that they could not move by themselves. All of them were waiting for the water to move.

bwe@John:7:12 @ People were talking among themselves about Jesus. Some said, He is a good man. Others said, No. He is leading people to do wrong things.

bwe@John:11:55 @ The time for the Passover Feast of the Jews was near. Many people from all around the country went to Jerusalem. They had to make themselves clean according to the law before the Passover Feast.

bwe@John:16:17 @ Some of the disciples talked among themselves and said, He says, "Very soon now, you will not see me. A little while after that, you will see me." And he says, "Because I go to my Father." What does he mean by "a little while"?

bwe@John:18:18 @ It was cold there. The servants and the officers had made a small fire. They stood by it and warmed themselves. Peter stood by the fire also and warmed himself.

bwe@John:18:28 @ Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the court house. It was early in the day. They themselves did not go into the court house. They did not want to become unclean. They wanted to eat the Passover Feast.

bwe@Acts:2:9 @ We people from the countries of Parthia and Media and Elam all hear the wonderful things God has done. So also do the people who live in the countries of Mesopotamia, and in Judea in Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, in Phrygia, and Pamphylia, and in Egypt, and in some parts of Lybia around Cyrene, people from the city of Rome who are now living in Jerusalem, both Jews and those who joined themselves to the Jews, the people from Crete and Arabia. These men from Galilee are speaking in our own languages.

bwe@Acts:4:15 @ They told Peter and John to leave the court. Then they talked the matter over among themselves.

bwe@Acts:15:22 @ Then the apostles, and the leaders, and all the church people chose men from among themselves. They sent them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas, whose other name was Barsabbas, and Silas. They were leaders among the Christian brothers.

bwe@Acts:16:37 @ But Paul said, We are Romans. And they have beaten us outside where people can see. They have put us in prison without proving we have done wrong. Now, are they going to take us out of prison secretly? No, they themselves must come and take us out.

bwe@Acts:21:26 @ Then Paul took the men with him. The next day he made himself clean with them the way the law says to do. Then he went into the temple. He told the priests which day they would finish making themselves clean. On that day a sacrifice would be made for each one of them.

bwe@Acts:23:21 @ But you must not do this. More than forty Jews are waiting for him. They have made a promise to themselves. They will not eat or drink until they have killed him. They are ready now and waiting for your agreement.

bwe@Acts:25:23 @ So the next day Agrippa and Bernice came, making a big show of themselves. They went into the room to hear Paul talk. Officers and the leading men of the city also went in. When Festus called for Paul, he was brought in.

bwe@Acts:27:36 @ Then they all were glad and ate some food themselves.

bwe@Acts:28:25 @ They did not agree among themselves. So they started to go away. But before they left, Paul said one more thing. What the Holy Spirit said was right. He spoke to your fathers long ago through Isaiah, the prophet of God.

bwe@Acts:28:29 @ When Paul had said these words, the Jewish leaders went away. They were talking amongst themselves about these things.

bwe@Romans:2:8 @ But God will be very angry with the people who think of themselves first before others. They do not obey what is right. They do wrong things.

bwe@Romans:3:19 @ We know that everything the law says, it says to the people who have the law. Then no one can say a word for themselves. All the people in the world will be brought to God to be judged.

bwe@Romans:9:29 @ So what shall we say? The people who are not Jews have been put right with God. They did nothing to make themselves right with God. But they were put right because they believed God.

bwe@Romans:10:3 @ They did not know the way God makes people right with him. They tried to make themselves good people. So they did not obey Gods way to become right with him.

bwe@Romans:11:28 @ The Jews make themselves enemies of God because they do not want the good news of Jesus Christ. That helps you since the good news has then come to you. But God still loves the Jews because of the promise he made to their fathers long ago.

bwe@Romans:16:18 @ Those people do not work for our Lord Jesus Christ. They work only for themselves. With their words of praise they fool people who do not know what is wrong.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:9 @ But if they cannot keep themselves under control, then they should marry. It is better to marry than to burn with desire for sex.

bwe@1Corinthians:9:10 @ Does he not say this altogether for our sakes? Yes, he said it for our sakes. There are people who plough the ground and beat the grain. They do this work because they believe they will have a part of the food for themselves.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:11 @ No, we are not praising ourselves again. But we are telling you this so that you may really be proud of us. Then you will be ready to answer people who are proud of themselves. They are proud of the things which can be seen.But in their hearts they have nothing to be proud of.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:14 @ He died for all, so that those who live would not live to please themselves. But they should live to please him who gave his life for them and rose again from death.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:5 @ And they did more than we thought they would do. First, they gave themselves to the Lord and to us, because we were doing Gods work.

bwe@2Corinthians:10:12 @ We do not want to be like those people who praise themselves. They measure themselves by their own ideas, and look at themselves to see how good they are. When they do that, they are foolish!

bwe@2Corinthians:11:12 @ And I will keep on doing what I am doing now. Some teachers are praising themselves. They say they are like us. By doing this I prove they are not like us.

bwe@2Corinthians:11:13 @ Men like that are not true apostles. They work to fool people. They try to make themselves look like apostles of Christ.

bwe@2Corinthians:11:15 @ So it is not strange if his workers also try to make themselves look like Gods workers who do right. They will come to an end like the work they do! think that I am foolish. But if you do, then please listen to me as if I were foolish. I also want to do a little talking about myself.

bwe@2Corinthians:11:17 @ Many people talk about themselves in the world. So I will too.

bwe@Galatians:2:9 @ The leaders saw that God had blessed me. James, Peter, and John seemed to be leaders in the church. They saw that God had blessed me. So they accepted Barnabas and me as fellow workers. They agreed that we should go to the people who were not Jews and they themselves would go to the Jews.

bwe@Galatians:5:12 @ These teachers are troubling your minds. How I wish they would cut themselves off!

bwe@Galatians:5:19 @ It is easy to see the wrong things people want to do. Both married people and those who are not married commit adultery. People make themselves unclean because of their wrong use of sex. They do things they should be ashamed of doing.

bwe@Philippians:2:21 @ All the other people think only of themselves and not of Jesus Christ.

bwe@Colossians:2:23 @ These laws look as if they are good laws. They make a show of doing things for God. They make people humble themselves in some way. They make people control their bodies in certain ways. But they have no power to keep people from doing all the wrong things they want to do.

bwe@1Timothy:2:9 @ I also want women to wear the right kind of clothes. They should not make a show of themselves, but use good sense. They should not fix up their hair in a fancy way, or wear gold and fine stones, or clothes that cost much money.

bwe@1Timothy:2:10 @ But women should busy themselves with good works. This is the right thing for women who say they worship God.

bwe@1Timothy:3:11 @ In the same way, their wives must be women whom people respect. They must not tell lies about anyone. They must be able to control themselves. They must live so that people can trust them in all things.

bwe@1Timothy:6:19 @ In this way they will store up good things for themselves for the time to come. Then they will get that life which really is the true life.

bwe@2Timothy:3:2 @ People will love themselves. They will love money. They will talk about themselves and be proud. They will say wrong things about people. They will not obey their parents. They will not be thankful. They will not keep anything holy.

bwe@2Timothy:3:4 @ They cannot be trusted. They will act quickly, without thinking. They are proud of themselves. They love to have fun more than they love God.

bwe@Titus:3:11 @ You know that such people are wrong and what they do is wrong. They themselves know that they are wrong. Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at the city of Nicopolis. I have planned to stay there while it is the cold time of the year.

bwe@Hebrews:6:6 @ If people who were like that leave their faith in Christ, they cannot come to God again. They themselves nail Gods Son up on the cross again. They are holding him up to shame before everyone.

bwe@Hebrews:10:1 @ The law can show only a little about the good things that are coming. It cannot show the good things themselves. People come to worship God. But the law can never make them all right by the same sacrifices that are brought every year.

bwe@Hebrews:11:35 @ Women had children who died and were raised to life again. Some people allowed themselves to be beaten to death. They would not go free because they wanted to rise again to a better life.

bwe@1Peter:1:12 @ The Spirit showed them that they told these things not for themselves, but for you. And now the men who told you the good news have told you these same things. They spoke by the power of the Holy Spirit who was sent from heaven. Even the angels wanted very much to know about these things.

bwe@1Peter:3:5 @ There were holy women long ago who trusted in God. They made themselves nice in this way. They obeyed their husbands.

bwe@2Peter:2:1 @ But prophets who were not true were also among the people of Israel. Also there will be teachers who will not be true among you. They will bring in wrong teaching that leads to death. They will even say that they do not belong to the Master who bought them. And so they will quickly bring themselves to death.

bwe@2Peter:2:19 @ They promise them that they will be free. But they themselves are slaves of death. A man is a slave of anything that rules over him.

bwe@2Peter:3:3 @ Here is the first thing. In the last days, men will come who will make fun of holy things. They will do what they themselves want to do.

bwe@Jude:1:12 @ These men spoil your love feasts. They are not afraid to eat and drink with you. They take care only of themselves. They are like clouds that do not give rain, and are blown around by the winds. They are like trees when their leaves are gone and they have no fruit. These trees are also dead because they have been pulled up by the roots.

bwe@Jude:1:16 @ These men complain about the way things are. They do not like it. They do what they themselves want to do. They say big things. They say nice things to people to get what they want from them.

bwe@Jude:1:18 @ They said to you, At the end of time, men will come who will make fun of holy things. They will do the wrong things they themselves want to do.

bwe@Revelation:2:9 @ He says, "I know the things you do and the trouble you have. I know you are poor. But you are rich in some ways. I know some people do not respect God. They call themselves Jews. But they are not real Jews. They belong to Satans people.

bwe@Revelation:3:9 @ Look! I will bring some people who belong to Satans group. They call themselves Jews, but they are not real Jews. They lie. Look, I will make them come and kneel down in front of you. They will know that I have loved you.

bwe@Revelation:6:15 @ The kings of the world, the great men, the army captains, the rich people, the strong people, every slave, and every freeman hid themselves in holes and the rocks on the big hills.

bwe@Revelation:22:14 @ God will bless the people who do what he says and keep themselves pure and clean. They can eat fruit from the tree that gives life. And they can go through the doors into the city.

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