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NONE.filter - jps thorn:

jps@Genesis:3:18 @ Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field.

jps@Exodus:22:6 @ If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the shocks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field are consumed; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.

jps@Numbers:33:55 @ But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then shall those that ye let remain of them be as thorns in your eyes, and as pricks in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land wherein ye dwell.

jps@Judges:8:7 @ And Gideon said: 'Therefore when the LORD hath delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand, then I will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers.'

jps@Judges:8:16 @ And he took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers, and with them he taught the men of Succoth.

jps@2Samuel:23:6 @ But the ungodly, they are as thorns thrust away, all of them, for they cannot be taken with the hand;

jps@Job:5:5 @ Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns, and the snare gapeth for their substance.

jps@Psalms:58:9 @ Before your pots can feel the thorns, He will sweep it away with a whirlwind, the raw and the burning alike.

jps@Psalms:118:12 @ They compass me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns; verily, in the name of the LORD I will cut them off.

jps@Proverbs:15:19 @ The way of the sluggard is as though hedged by thorns; but the path of the upright is even.

jps@Proverbs:22:5 @ Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward; he that keepeth his soul holdeth himself far from them.

jps@Proverbs:26:9 @ As a thorn that cometh into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

jps@Ecclesiastes:7:6 @ For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool; this also is vanity.

jps@Songs:2:2 @ As a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.

jps@Isaiah:5:6 @ And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned nor hoed, but there shall come up briers and thorns; I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

jps@Isaiah:7:19 @ And they shall come, and shall rest all of them in the rugged valleys, and in the holes of the rocks, and upon all thorns, and upon all brambles.

jps@Isaiah:7:23 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that every place, where there were a thousand vines at a thousand silverlings, shall even be for briers and thorns.

jps@Isaiah:7:24 @ With arrows and with bow shall one come thither; because all the land shall become briers and thorns.

jps@Isaiah:7:25 @ And all the hills that were digged with the mattock, thou shalt not come thither for fear of briers and thorns, but it shall be for the sending forth of oxen, and for the treading of sheep.

jps@Isaiah:9:18 @ For wickedness burneth as the fire; it devoureth the briers and thorns; yea, it kindleth in the thickets of the forest, and they roll upward in thick clouds of smoke.

jps@Isaiah:10:17 @ And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame; and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day.

jps@Isaiah:27:4 @ Fury is not in Me; would that I were as the briers and thorns in flame! I would with one step burn it altogether.

jps@Isaiah:32:13 @ For the land of my people whereon thorns and briers come up; yea, for all the houses of joy and the joyous city.

jps@Isaiah:33:12 @ And the peoples shall be as the burnings of lime; as thorns cut down, that are burned in the fire.

jps@Isaiah:34:13 @ And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and thistles in the fortresses thereof; and it shall be a habitation of wild-dogs, an enclosure for ostriches.

jps@Isaiah:55:13 @ Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall be to the LORD for a memorial, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

jps@Jeremiah:4:3 @ For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem: Break up for you a fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.

jps@Jeremiah:12:13 @ They have sown wheat, and have reaped thorns; they have put themselves to pain, they profit not; be ye then ashamed of your increase, because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

jps@Ezekiel:28:24 @ And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel, nor a piercing thorn of any that are round about them, that did have them in disdain; and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

jps@Hosea:2:6 @ Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and I will make a wall against her, that she shall not find her paths.

jps@Hosea:9:6 @ For, lo, they are gone away from destruction, yet Egypt shall gather them up, Memphis shall bury them; their precious treasures of silver, nettles shall possess them, thorns shall be in their tents.

jps@Hosea:10:8 @ The high places also of Aven shall be destroyed, even the sin of Israel. The thorn and the thistle shall come up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains: 'Cover us', and to the hills: 'Fall on us.'

jps@Micah:7:4 @ The best of them is as a brier; the most upright is worse than a thorn hedge; the day of thy watchmen, even thy visitation, is come; now shall be their perplexity.

jps@Nahum:1:10 @ For though they be like tangled thorns, and be drunken according to their drink, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry.

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