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rotherham@Judges:10:14 @ Go and make outcry unto the gods whom ye have chosen, they, must save you, in the time of your tribulation.

rotherham@1Samuel:26:24 @ Lo! then, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so, let my life be much set by in the eyes of Yahweh, and let him rescue me out of all tribulation.

rotherham@Matthew:13:21 @ yet hath he no root in himself, but is, only for a season, and, there arising, tribulation or persecution because of the word, straightway, he findeth cause of stumbling.

rotherham@Matthew:24:9 @ Then, will they deliver you up into tribulation, and will slay you, and ye will be men hated by all the nations, because of my name

rotherham@Matthew:24:21 @ For there will be then, Great tribulation, such as hath not happened, from the beginning of the world, until the present time, neither in any wise shall happen.

rotherham@Matthew:24:29 @ But, straightway after the tribulation of those days, the sun, will be darkened, and, the moon, will not give her brightness, and, the stars, will fall from heaven, and, the powers of the heavens, will be shaken;

rotherham@Mark:4:17 @ and have no root in themselves, but, only for a season are, afterwards, when there ariseth tribulation or persecution by reason of the word, straightway, they find cause of stumbling;

rotherham@Mark:13:19 @ For in those days shall be a tribulationsuch, that there hath not happened, the like, from the beginning of creation which God created, until the present time, and shall in nowise happen.

rotherham@Mark:13:24 @ But, in those days, after that tribulation, the sun, shall be darkened, and, the moon, will not give her brightness,

rotherham@John:16:33 @ These things, have I spoken unto you, that, in me, ye may have, peace: In the world, ye have, tribulation; but be taking courage, I, have overcome the world.

rotherham@Acts:7:10 @ And rescued him out of all his tribulations, and gave him favour and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he appointed him governor over Egypt and all his house.

rotherham@Acts:7:11 @ And there came a famine upon all Egypt and Canaan, and great tribulation, and our fathers could not find pasture.

rotherham@Acts:11:19 @ They, therefore, who had been scattered abroad by reason of the tribulation that took place on account of Stephen, passed through as far as Phoenice and Cyprus and Antioch, unto no one speaking the word, save alone unto Jews.

rotherham@Acts:14:22 @ confirming the souls of the disciples, beseeching them to abide in the faith, and that, through many tribulations, must we enter into the kingdom of God.

rotherham@Acts:20:23 @ save that, the Holy Spirit, from city to city, doth bear me full witness, saying that, bonds and tribulations, await me.

rotherham@Romans:2:9 @ tribulation and anguishagainst every soul of man who worketh out what is base, both of Jew first and of Greek,

rotherham@Romans:5:3 @ And, not only so, but let us boast also in our tribulations; knowing that, our tribulation, worketh out endurance.

rotherham@Romans:8:35 @ Who shall separate us from the love of the Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

rotherham@Romans:12:12 @ In hope, rejoicing, in tribulation, enduring, in prayer, persevering,

rotherham@1Corinthians:7:28 @ If, however, thou shouldst even marry, thou hast not sinned; and, if one who is virgin should marry, that one hath not sinned; but, tribulation of the flesh, shall, such, have: howbeit, I, spare you.

rotherham@2Corinthians:1:4 @ Who encourageth us in all our tribulation, to the end we may be able to encourage them who are in any tribulationthrough means of the encouragement wherewith we, ourselves, are encouraged by God.

rotherham@2Corinthians:1:6 @ But, whether we are in tribulation, it is for your encouragement and salvation; whether we are encouraged, it is for your encouragement, which worketh inwardly by the endurance of the same sufferings which, we also, suffer;

rotherham@2Corinthians:1:8 @ For we do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, as to our tribulation which happened in Asia, that, exceedingly, beyond power, were we weighed down, so that we despaired, even of life.

rotherham@2Corinthians:2:4 @ For, out of much tribulation and anguish of heart, wrote I unto you, through many tears, not that ye might be grieved, but that, the love, ye might know, which I have very abundantly unto you.

rotherham@2Corinthians:4:17 @ For, the momentary lightness of thee tribulation, in a manner yet more and more excelling, is working out for us, an age-abiding weight of glory,

rotherham@2Corinthians:6:4 @ But, in everything, commending ourselves as Gods ministers, in much endurance, in tribulations, in necessities, in straits,

rotherham@2Corinthians:7:4 @ Great, is my freedom of speech towards you, great, is my boasting in behalf of you: I am filled with the encouragement, I am greatly superabounding with the joy, in all our tribulation.

rotherham@2Corinthians:7:5 @ For, even when we came into Macedonia, no relief at all, had our flesh; but, in every way, were we in tribulation, without, fightings! within, fears!

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:2 @ That, in a great testing of tribulation, the superabounding of their joy and their deep destitution, superabounded unto the riches of their liberality;

rotherham@Ephesians:3:13 @ Wherefore I request, that there be no fainting in my tribulations in your behalf, the which is your glory;

rotherham@Philippians:1:17 @ But, those, out of faction, are declaring, the Christ, not purelysupposing to rouse up, tribulation, with my bonds.

rotherham@Philippians:4:14 @ Nevertheless, nobly, have ye done, in taking fellowship with me in my tribulation.

rotherham@Colossians:1:24 @ Now, am I rejoicing in the sufferings on your behalf, and am filling up the things that lack of the tribulations of the Christ, in my flesh, in behalf of his body, which is the assembly,

rotherham@1Thessalonians:1:6 @ And, ye, became, imitators of us, and of the Lord, giving welcome unto the word, in much tribulation, with joy of Holy Spirit;

rotherham@1Thessalonians:3:3 @ That, no one, might be shrinking back in these tribulations. For ye, yourselves, know, that, hereunto, are we appointed;

rotherham@1Thessalonians:3:4 @ For, even when we were with you, we told you beforehandwe are destined to suffer tribulation! even as it also came to pass, and ye know.

rotherham@1Thessalonians:3:7 @ For this cause, were we consoled, brethren, over you, in all our necessity and tribulation, through your faith;

rotherham@2Thessalonians:1:4 @ So that, we ourselves, in you, are boasting, in the assemblies of God, over your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations which ye are sustaining:

rotherham@1Timothy:5:10 @ In noble works, being well-attested; if she hath nourished children, if she hath shewn hospitality, if, saints feet, she hath washed, if, them who were in tribulation, she hath succoured, if, in every good, work she hath followed on:

rotherham@Hebrews:10:33 @ Partly, indeed, because, both with reproaches and tribulations, ye were being made a spectacle, but, partly, because, into fellowship with them who were so involved, ye were brought;

rotherham@Hebrews:11:37 @ They were stoned, were pierced through, were sawn asunder, by murder, with a sword, died, went about in sheep-skins, in goat-hides, being in want, suffering tribulation, enduring ill-treatment:

rotherham@Revelation:1:9 @ I, John, your brother, and partaker with you in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in Jesus, came to be in the isle that is called Patmos, because of the word of God, and the witness of Jesus.

rotherham@Revelation:2:9 @ I know thy tribulation, and destitution, nevertheless, thou art, rich, and the profane speech from among them who affirm that they themselves are, Jews, and they are not, but a synagogue of Satan.

rotherham@Revelation:2:10 @ Do not fear the things which thou art about to suffer. Lo! the adversary is about to cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried, and may have tribulation ten days. Become thou faithful until death, and I will give thee the crown of life.

rotherham@Revelation:2:22 @ Lo! I cast her into a bed, and them who are committing adultery with her, into great tribulation, except they repent out of her works;

rotherham@Revelation:7:14 @ And I at once said to him My lord! thou, knowest! And he said unto me These, are they who come out of the great tribulation, and they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb;

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