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bwe@Matthew:3:14 @ John tried to stop him. He said, I need to be baptised by you. Why do you come to me to be baptised?

bwe@Matthew:4:1 @ Then the Spirit led Jesus into the desert. The devil tried to make Jesus do wrong.

bwe@Matthew:19:13 @ Then people brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them and ask God to bless them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Matthew:26:59 @ The chief priests and all the judges of the court tried to find men to say Jesus had done something wrong so they could kill him.

bwe@Mark:1:13 @ Jesus was in the desert for forty days. All that time Satan tried to make Jesus do wrong. Jesus was with wild animals. Angels came and took care of him.

bwe@Mark:3:10 @ He did this because he healed many people. All who were sick tried to touch him.

bwe@Mark:5:26 @ Many doctors tried to heal her. She spent all the money she had to pay them. She was not better, but was getting worse.

bwe@Mark:9:22 @ Often it has thrown him in the fire and in the water. It has tried to kill him. If you can do anything for him, show us that you share our suffering by helping us.

bwe@Mark:10:13 @ They brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Mark:12:12 @ They tried to catch Jesus but they feared the people. They knew that Jesus had spoken this against them. So they left him and went away.

bwe@Mark:14:55 @ The chief priests, and all the judges of the court tried to find men to say Jesus had done something wrong so they could kill him. But they found none.

bwe@Luke:1:1 @ Many people have tried already to write down the things that have happened among us.

bwe@Luke:1:3 @ I have tried to find out all that has happened from the beginning. And so, Theophilus, great ruler, I myself will write you the whole story.

bwe@Luke:4:2 @ The devil tried to make him do wrong. Jesus did not eat in those forty days. Then he was very hungry.

bwe@Luke:5:18 @ Some men brought a sick man on his bed. The man could not move his arms or legs. They tried to bring him in and put him in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:18:15 @ People brought even small children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. When the disciples saw it, they tried to stop the people.

bwe@John:5:18 @ This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.

bwe@John:7:11 @ The leaders of the Jews at the feast tried to find him. They said, Where is he?

bwe@John:10:39 @ Because of what he said, they tried to catch Jesus again. But he got away from them.

bwe@John:19:12 @ After that Pilate tried to let Jesus go free. But the Jews shouted, If you let this man free, you are not Caesars friend! Anyone who makes himself a king is fighting against Caesar!

bwe@Acts:5:36 @ Before this time, there was a man named Theudas. He tried to make people believe that he was a great man. He had about four hundred followers. He was killed, and all of his followers were scattered, and the whole thing ended.

bwe@Acts:8:9 @ But there was one man named Simon, a witch-doctor, who fooled the people of Samaria. He tried to make people believe that he could do big things.

bwe@Acts:12:18 @ In the morning the soldiers tried hard to find Peter.

bwe@Acts:13:8 @ The witch-doctor was also called Elymas. He tried to stop them. He did not want the ruler to believe the truth.

bwe@Acts:16:10 @ After Paul had seen the vision, we tried to leave for Macedonia right away. We believed that the Lord had called us to tell the people there the good news.

bwe@Acts:18:4 @ Every Sabbath day he talked with the people in the meeting place for the Jews. He tried to talk so that the Jews and the Greeks would believe.

bwe@Acts:19:8 @ Paul went into the meeting place. For three months he talked without fear to the people there. He tried to talk so that people would obey God.

bwe@Acts:19:13 @ Some Jews were there who travelled about from place to place. They had power over bad spirits like witch-doctors. They tried to make people free from bad spirits by using the name of the Lord Jesus. They said to the spirits, I tell you, in the name of Jesus, the one Paul talks about, come out!

bwe@Acts:20:19 @ You know how I have served the Lord without being proud. And I have even cried for you. I served the Lord when I had troubles and when the leaders of the Jews tried to catch me.

bwe@Acts:24:6 @ He even tried to make the temple unclean. But we caught him and were going to judge him by our law.

bwe@Acts:26:11 @ Often I punished them in all the meeting places. I tried to make them say wrong things about Christ. I was very, very angry. I even went to other cities to trouble them.

bwe@Acts:26:21 @ That is why the leaders of the Jews caught me in the temple and tried to kill me.

bwe@Acts:27:40 @ They cut off the anchors and left them in the water. At the same time, they untied the wood that guided the boat. They put up the big sail to catch the wind and tried to get the boat onto that sandy place.

bwe@Acts:28:23 @ So they chose a certain day. On that day many of them came to the house where Paul was staying. He told them about Gods kingdom. He tried to make them understand about Jesus by the things that were written in the law of Moses and in the books of the prophets. He talked from morning until evening.

bwe@Romans:3:20 @ No one will be put right with God because he has tried to obey the law. The law only makes people know what they have done wrong.

bwe@Romans:9:30 @ But the Jews tried to obey the law that could make them good people. But they did not obey it all.

bwe@Romans:10:3 @ They did not know the way God makes people right with him. They tried to make themselves good people. So they did not obey Gods way to become right with him.

bwe@Romans:11:7 @ So what does that mean? The Jews did not get what they tried to get. Only the people God chose got it. The hearts of the rest of the people became hard.

bwe@2Corinthians:7:10 @ See what happened. When you were sad, the way God wanted you to be, then you tried to do the right thing. You wanted to free yourself from wrong. You hated what is wrong. You were afraid. You wanted very much to do what is right. You stood for the right. You punished wrong doing. In every way you showed that you did right in this matter.

bwe@Galatians:1:13 @ You have heard how I lived while I was still under the law of the Jews. I troubled the church of God very much. And I even tried to stop the church people altogether.

bwe@Galatians:1:23 @ They only heard people say, This is the man who used to trouble us and he is now telling others to believe what he once tried to stop.

bwe@Galatians:6:1 @ My brothers, perhaps a man has done something wrong. If so, you who are strong in the Spirit must help him to do the right thing again. Help him in a gentle way. Take care yourself, that you are not tried and will want to do wrong.

bwe@1Thessalonians:1:5 @ You tried hard to be like us and like the Lord. You had much trouble because you believed our message. Yet the Holy Spirit made you very happy.

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:2 @ The people at the city of Philippi treated us very badly. As you know, we had much trouble. But God helped us, and we did not fear to tell you Gods good news. But many things were against us and tried to stop us.

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:16 @ They try to stop us from talking to those people who are not Jews. They do not want them to be saved. So they are always doing wrong things. And now at last, God has become very angry with them. have been away from you for a short time in body, but not in heart. We wanted very much to see you face to face, and we tried hard to come.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:5 @ That is why I could not wait any longer. I sent Timothy to find out if you were still believing. I was afraid that Satan had tried you too much. Then our work would have been for nothing.

bwe@1Timothy:1:6 @ Some teachers have not tried to do these things and so they talk about things that do no good.

bwe@Hebrews:3:9 @ There your fathers tested me and tried me. And they saw what I did for forty years.

bwe@Hebrews:11:29 @ The people believed God and went through the Red Sea on dry land. When the people of Egypt tried to do that, they were drowned.

bwe@1Peter:1:10 @ The prophets of God long ago told about this way of being saved. They tried to find out about it and asked much about it. They spoke words from God telling about the blessing God would give you.

bwe@1Peter:1:11 @ The Spirit of Christ in them showed them that Christ would have troubles and after that he would be great. They tried to find out when these things would happen or how things would be when they did happen.

bwe@2Peter:2:16 @ But he was told to stop doing wrong. The animal he was riding talked with a mans voice. It tried to make the prophet stop his foolish way.

bwe@2Peter:3:1 @ My dear brothers, this is my second letter to you. In both of my letters I have tried to bring some things to your good minds.

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