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dourh@Leviticus:5:2 @ Whosoever toucheth any unclean thing, either that which hath been killed by a beast, or died of itself, or any other creeping thing: and forgetteth his uncleanness, he is guilty, and hath offended:

dourh@Leviticus:5:3 @ And if he touch any thing of the uncleanness of man, according to any uncleanness wherewith he is wont to be defiled, and having forgotten it, come afterwards to know it, he shall be guilty of an offence.

dourh@Leviticus:7:21 @ And he that hath touched the uncleanness of man, or of beast, or of any thing that can defile, and shall eat of such kind of flesh, shall be cut off from his people.

dourh@Leviticus:13:8 @ And shall be condemned of uncleanness.

dourh@Leviticus:15:30 @ And he shall offer one for sin, and the other for a holocaust, and he shall pray for her before the Lord, and for the issue of her uncleanness.

dourh@Leviticus:15:31 @ You shall teach therefore the children of Israel to take heed of uncleanness, that they may not die in their filth, when they shall have defiled my tabernacle that is among them.

dourh@Leviticus:16:16 @ And may expiate the sanctuary from the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and from their transgressions, and all their sins. According to this rite shall he do to the tabernacle of the testimony, which is fixed among them in the midst of the filth of their habitation.

dourh@Leviticus:16:19 @ And sprinkling with his finger seven times, let him expiate, and sanctify it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.

dourh@Leviticus:21:1 @ The Lord said also to Moses: Speak to the priests the sons of Aaron, and thou shalt say to them: Let not a priest incur an uncleanness at the death of his citizens:

dourh@Leviticus:22:3 @ Say to them and to their posterity: Every man of your race, that approacheth to those things that are consecrated, and which the children of Israel have offered to the Lord, in whom there is uncleanness, shall perish before the Lord. I am the Lord.

dourh@Numbers:19:13 @ Every one that toucheth the corpse of a man, and is not sprinkled with mixture, shall profane the tabernacle of the Lord, and shall perish out of Israel: because he was not sprinkled with the water of expiation, he shall be unclean, and his uncleanness shall remain upon him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:26 @ Neither shalt thou bring any thing of the idol into thy house, lest thou become an anathema, like it. Thou shalt detest it as dung, and shalt utterly abhor it as uncleanness and filth, because it is an anathema.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:14 @ That which thou art eased of: (for the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thy enemies to thee:) and let thy camp be holy, and let no uncleanness appear therein, lest he go away from thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:1 @ If a man take a wife, and have her, and she find not favour in his eyes, for some uncleanness: he shall write a bill of divorce, and shall give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:15 @ I have not eaten of them is my mourning, nor separated them for any uncleanness, nor spent any thing of them in funerals. I have obeyed the voice of the Lord my God, and have done all things as thou hast commanded me.

dourh@2Samuel:11:4 @ And David sent messengers, and took her, and she came in to him, and he slept with her: and presently she was purified from her uncleanness:

dourh@2Kings:23:24 @ Moreover the diviners by spirits, and soothsayers, and the figures of idols, and the uncleannesses, and the abominations, that had been in the land of Juda, and Jerusalem, Josias took away: that he might perform the words of the law, that were written in the book which Helcias the priest had found in the temple of the Lord.

dourh@2Chronicles:29:16 @ And the priests went into the temple of the Lord to sanctify it, and brought out all the uncleanness that they found within to the entrance of the house of the Lord, and the Levites took it away, and carried it out abroad to the torrent Cedron.

dourh@Ezra:9:11 @ Which thou hast commanded by the hand of thy servants the prophets, saying: The land which you go to possess, is an unclean land, according to the uncleanness of the people, and of other lands, with their abominations, who have filled it from mouth to mouth with their filth.

dourh@Isaiah:30:22 @ And thou shalt defile the plates of thy graven things of silver, and the garment of thy molten things of gold, and shalt cast them away as the uncleanness of a menstruous woman. Thou shalt say to it: Get thee hence.

dourh@Ezekiel:7:20 @ And they have turned the ornament of their jewels into pride, and have made of it the images of their abominations, and idols: therefore I have made it an uncleanness to them.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:3 @ Son of man, these men have placed their uncleannesses in their hearts, and have set up before their face the stumblingblock of their iniquity: and shall I answer when they inquire of me?

dourh@Ezekiel:14:4 @ Therefore speak to them, and say to them: Thus saith the Lord God: Man, man of the house of Israel that shall place his uncleannesses in his heart, and set up the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and shall come to the prophet inquiring of me by him: I the Lord will answer him according to the multitude of his uncleannesses:

dourh@Ezekiel:22:10 @ They have discovered the nakedness of their father in thee, they have humbled the uncleanness of the menstruous woman in thee.

dourh@Ezekiel:22:15 @ And I will disperse thee in the nations, and will scatter thee among the countries, and I will put an end to thy uncleanness in thee.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:7 @ And she committed her fornications with those chosen men, all sons of the Assyrians: and she defiled herself with the uncleanness of all them on whom she doted.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:13 @ Thy uncleanness is execrable: be- cause I desired to cleanse thee, and thou art not cleansed from thy filthiness: neither shalt thou be cleansed, before I cause my indignation to rest in thee.

dourh@Ezekiel:33:25 @ Therefore say to them: Thus saith the Lord God, You that eat with the blood and lift up your eyes to your uncleannesses, and that shed blood: shall you possess the land by inheritance?

dourh@Ezekiel:36:17 @ Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it with their ways, and with their doings: their way was before me like the uncleanness of a menstruous woman.

dourh@Ezekiel:36:29 @ And I will save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for corn, and will multiply it, and will lay no famine upon you.

dourh@Ezekiel:39:24 @ I have dealt with them according to their uncleanness, and wickedness, and hid my face from them.

dourh@Micah:2:10 @ Arise ye, and depart, for there is no rest here for you. For that uncleanness of the land, it shall be corrupted with a grievous corruption.

dourh@Matthew:23:25 @ Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness.

dourh@Romans:1:24 @ Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves.

dourh@Romans:6:19 @ I speak an human thing, because of the infirmity of your flesh. For as you have yielded your members to serve uncleanness and iniquity, unto iniquity; so now yield your members to serve justice, unto sanctification.

dourh@2Corinthians:12:21 @ Lest again, when I come, God humble me among you: and I mourn many of them that sinned before, and have not done penance for the uncleanness, and fornication, and lasciviousness, that they have committed.

dourh@Galatians:5:19 @ Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are fornication, uncleanness, immodesty, luxury,

dourh@Ephesians:4:19 @ Who despairing, have given themselves up to lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto covetousness.

dourh@Ephesians:5:3 @ But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints:

dourh@Colossians:3:5 @ Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is the service of idols.

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:3 @ For our exhortation was not of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in deceit:

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:7 @ For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto sanctification.

dourh@James:1:21 @ Wherefore casting away all uncleanness, and abundance of naughtiness, with meekness receive the ingrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

dourh@2Peter:2:10 @ And especially them who walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government, audacious, self willed, they fear not to bring in sects, blaspheming.

dourh@Bar:9:2 @ O Lord God of my father Simeon, who gavest him a sword to execute vengeance against strangers, who had defiled by their uncleanness, and uncovered the virgin unto confusion:

dourh@2Macc:1:51 @ And that they should leave their children uncircumcised, and let their souls be defiled with all uncleannesses, and abominations, to the end that they should forget the law, and should change all the justifications of God.

dourh@2Macc:13:48 @ And having cast out of it all uncleanness, he placed in it men that should observe the law: and he fortified it, and made it his habitation.

dourh@2Macc:13:50 @ And they cried to Simon form peace, and he granted it to them: and he cast them out from thence, and cleansed the castle from uncleannesses.

dourh@2Macc:14:7 @ And he gathered together a great number of captives, and had the dominion of Gazara, and of Bethsura, and of the castle: and took away all uncleanness out of it and there was none that resisted him.

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