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NONE.filter - web ungodly:

web@2Samuel:23:6 @But all of the ungodly shall be as thorns to be thrust away, because they can't be taken with the hand,

web@Job:16:11 @God delivers me to the ungodly, and casts me into the hands of the wicked.

web@Psalms:43:1 @ Vindicate me, God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation. Oh, deliver me from deceitful and wicked men.

web@Romans:4:5 @ But to him who doesn't work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness.

web@Romans:5:6 @ For while we were yet weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.

web@1Timothy:1:9 @as knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

web@1Peter:4:18 @"If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?" {Proverbs strkjv@11:31}

web@2Peter:2:5 @and didn't spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah with seven others, a preacher of righteousness, when he brought a flood on the world of the ungodly;

web@2Peter:2:6 @and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly;

web@2Peter:3:7 @But the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

web@Jude:1:4 @ For there are certain men who crept in secretly, even those who were long ago written about for this condemnation: ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into indecency, and denying our only Master, God, and Lord, Jesus Christ.

web@Jude:1:15 @ to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

web@Jude:1:18 @ They said to you that "In the last time there will be mockers, walking after their own ungodly lusts."

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