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geneva@Exodus:21:36 @ Or if it bee knowen that the oxe hath vsed to push in times past, & his master hath not kept him, he shal pay oxe for oxe, but the dead shall be his owne.

geneva@Exodus:30:16 @ So thou shalt take the money of the redemption of the children of Israel, and shalt put it vnto the vse of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, that it may be a memoriall vnto the children of Israel before the Lorde for the redemption of your liues.

geneva@Exodus:35:21 @ And euery one, whose heart encouraged him, & euery one, whose spirit made him willing, came and brought an offring to the Lord, for the worke of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, & for all his vses, and for the holy garments.

geneva@Leviticus:7:24 @ Yet the fat of the dead beast, and the fat of that, which is torne with beastes, shalbe occupied to any vse, but ye shall not eate of it.

geneva@Leviticus:11:37 @ And if there fal of their dead carkeis vpo any seede, which vseth to be sowe, it shalbe cleane.

geneva@Leviticus:22:18 @ Speake vnto Aaron, and to his sonnes, and to all the children of Israel, and say vnto them, Whosoeuer he be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that will offer his sacrifice for all their vowes, and for all their free offrings, which they vse to offer vnto the Lorde for a burnt offring,

geneva@Leviticus:25:46 @ So ye shall take them as inheritance for your children after you, to possesse them by inheritance, ye shall vse their labours for euer: but ouer your brethren the children of Israel ye shall not rule one ouer another with crueltie.

geneva@Leviticus:27:28 @ Notwithstanding, nothing separate from the common vse that a man doeth separate vnto the Lord of all that he hath (whether it bee man or beast, or lande of his inheritance) may be solde nor redeemed: for euery thing separate from the common vse is most holy vnto the Lorde.

geneva@Numbers:18:14 @ Euery thing separate from the common vse in Israel, shalbe thine.

geneva@Deuteronomy:1:44 @ Then the Amorites which dwelt in that mountaine came out against you, and chased you (as bees vse to doe) and destroied you in Seir, euen vnto Hormah.

geneva@Judges:14:20 @ Then Samsons wife was giuen to his companion, whom he had vsed as his friend.

geneva@2Kings:17:8 @ And walked according to the facions of the Heathen, whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel, and after the maners of the Kings of Israel, which they vsed,

geneva@2Kings:17:19 @ Yet Iudah kept not the commandements of the Lord their God, but walked according to the facion of Israel, which they vsed.

geneva@Psalms:119:132 @ Looke vpon mee and bee mercifull vnto me, as thou vsest to doe vnto those that loue thy Name.

geneva@Proverbs:12:17 @ He that speaketh trueth, will shewe righteousnes: but a false witnes vseth deceite.

geneva@Proverbs:15:2 @ The tongue of the wise vseth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fooles babbleth out foolishnesse.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:23 @ Tell them therefore, Thus sayeth the Lord God, I wil make this prouerbe to cease, and they shall no more vse it as a prouerbe in Israel: but say vnto them, The daies are at hand and the effect of euery vision.

geneva@Ezekiel:18:3 @ As I liue, sayth the Lord God, ye shall vse this prouerbe no more in Israel.

geneva@Hosea:12:10 @ I haue also spoken by the Prophets, and I haue multiplied visions, and vsed similitudes by the ministerie of the Prophets.

geneva@Acts:27:17 @ Which they tooke vp and vsed all helpe, vndergirding the ship, fearing least they should haue fallen into Syrtes, and they strake saile, and so were caried.

geneva@Romans:1:26 @ For this cause God gaue them vp vnto vile affections: for euen their women did change the naturall vse into that which is against nature.

geneva@Romans:3:13 @ Their throte is an open sepulchre: they haue vsed their tongues to deceit: the poyson of aspes is vnder their lippes.

geneva@2Corinthians:7:4 @ I vse great boldnesse of speach toward you: I reioyce greatly in you: I am filled with comfort, and am exceeding ioyous in all our tribulation.

geneva@2Corinthians:13:10 @ Therefore write I these thinges being absent, least when I am present, I should vse sharpenesse, according to the power which the Lorde hath giuen mee, to edification, and not to destruction.

geneva@1Thessalonians:2:5 @ Neither yet did we euer vse flattering wordes, as ye knowe, nor coloured couetousnes, God is recorde.

geneva@Titus:3:14 @ And let ours also learne to shewe foorth good woorkes for necessary vses, that they be not vnfruitfull.

geneva@Jdt:4:11 @ {\cf2 For almes is a good gifte before the most High to all them which vse it.}

geneva@Wis:3:2 @ {\cf2 Beholde, we are the seruants of Nabuchodonosor the great king: we lie downe before thee: vse vs as shalbe good in thy sight.}

geneva@Wis:3:3 @ {\cf2 Beholde, our houses and all our places, and all our fieldes of wheate, & our flocks, and our heards, and all our lodges and tabernacles lie before thy face: vse them as it pleaseth thee.}

geneva@Wis:5:11 @ {\cf2 Therfore the king of Egypt rose vp against them, and vsed deceite against them, and brought them lowe with labouring in bricke, and made them slaues.}

geneva@Wis:12:15 @ {\cf2 So she arose & trimmed her with garments, and with all the ornaments of women, & her maid went, and spred foorth her skinnes on the grounde ouer against Olofernes, which she had receiued of Bagoas for her daily vse, that she might sit and eate vpon them.}

geneva@Wis:14:17 @ {\cf2 After, he went into the tent of Iudeth where she vsed to remaine, and founde her not: then hee leaped out to the people and cryed,}

geneva@Tob:2:6 @ {\cf2 Come therefore, and let vs enioy the pleasures, that are present, and let vs cheerefully vse the creatures as in youth.}

geneva@Tob:7:14 @ {\cf2 For she is an infinite treasure vnto men, which who so vse, become partakers of the loue of God, and are accepted for the giftes of knowledge.}

geneva@Tob:11:13 @ {\cf2 Because of the foolish deuices of their wickednes wherewith they were deceiued, & worshipped serpents, that had not the vse of reason, and vile beasts, thou sendedst a multitude of vnreasonable beasts vpon them for a vengeance, that they might know, that wherewith a man sinneth, by the same also shall he be punished.}

geneva@Tob:13:11 @ {\cf2 Or as when a carpenter cutteth downe a tree meete for the worke, and pareth off all ye barke thereof cunningly, & by arte maketh a vessell profitable for the vse of life.}

geneva@Tob:14:22 @ {\cf2 For either they slewe their owne children in sacrifice, or vsed secret ceremonies, or raging dissolutenes by strange rites,}

geneva@Tob:15:7 @ {\cf2 The potter also tempereth soft earth, and facioneth euery vessell with labour to our vse: but of the same clay he maketh both the vessels, that serue to cleane vses, and the contrary likewise: but whereto euery vessell serueth, the potter is ye iudge.}

geneva@Tob:16:4 @ {\cf2 For it was requisite, that they which vsed tyrannie, should fall into extreeme pouertie, and that to these onely it should be shewed, howe their enemies were tormented.}

geneva@Sir:6:11 @ {\cf2 But in thy prosperitie he will be as thou thy selfe, and wil vse libertie ouer thy seruants.}

geneva@Sir:7:13 @ {\cf2 Vse not to make any maner of lye: for the custome thereof is not good.}

geneva@Sir:9:4 @ {\cf2 Vse not the companie of a woman that is a singer, and a dancer, neither heare her, least thou be taken by her craftines.}

geneva@Sir:13:4 @ {\cf2 If thou be for his profite, he vseth thee: but if thou haue nothing, he wil forsake thee.}

geneva@Sir:18:14 @ {\cf2 My sonne, when thou doest good, reproue not: and whatsoeuer thou giuest, vse no discomfortable words.}

geneva@Sir:18:18 @ {\cf2 Get thee righteousnesse before thou come to iudgement: learne before thou speake, and vse physicke or euer thou be sicke.}

geneva@Sir:20:3 @ {\cf2 As when a gelded man through lust woulde defile a mayde, so is he that vseth violence in iudgement.}

geneva@Sir:20:8 @ {\cf2 He that vseth many wordes, shall be abhorred, and he that taketh authoritie to him selfe, shalbe hated.}

geneva@Sir:23:11 @ {\cf2 A man that vseth much swearing, shalbe filled with wickednesse, & the plague shall neuer goe from his house: when he shal offend, his faute shalbe vpon him, and if he knowledge not his sinne, he maketh a double offence: and if he sweare in vaine, hee shall not bee innocent, but his house shalbe full of plagues.}

geneva@Sir:23:13 @ {\cf2 Vse not thy mouth to ignorant rashnes: for therein is the occasion of sinne.}

geneva@Sir:32:13 @ {\cf2 And there take thy pastime, and doe what thou wilt, so that thou doe none euil, or vse proud wordes.}

geneva@Sir:37:9 @ {\cf2 Beware of the counseller, and bee aduised afore whereto thou wilt vse him: for he wil counsell for himselfe, least he cast the lot vpon thee,}

geneva@Sir:38:17 @ {\cf2 Make a grieuous lamentation, and be earnest in mourning, and vse lamentation as he is worthy, and that, a day or two, least thou be euil spoken of, and then comfort thy selfe for thine heauines.}

geneva@Sir:39:21 @ {\cf2 A man neede not to say, What is this? wherefore is that? for he hath made all things for their owne vse.}

geneva@Sir:39:26 @ {\cf2 The principall thinges for the whole vse of mans life is water, fire, and yron, and salt, and meale, wheat and hony, and milke, the blood of the grape, and oyle, and clothing.}

geneva@Bar:6:15 @ {\cf2 Therefore feare them not: for as vessel that a man vseth, is nothing worth when it is broken:}

geneva@Bar:6:59 @ {\cf2 For the sunne, and the moone, & the starres that shine, when they are sent downe for necessarie vses, obey.}

geneva@1Macc:9:51 @ {\cf2 And set Garisons in them, that they might vse their malice vpon Israel.}

geneva@1Macc:10:89 @ {\cf2 And sent him a coller of golde, as the vse is to be giuen vnto such as are of the Kings blood: he gaue him also Accaron, with the borders thereof in possession.}

geneva@2Macc:2:31 @ {\cf2 But it is permitted to him that will shorten it, to vse fewe woordes, and to auoide those things that are curious therein.}

geneva@2Macc:4:18 @ {\cf2 Now when the games that were vsed euery fiue yeere, were played at Tyrus, the King being present,}

geneva@2Macc:4:40 @ {\cf2 And when the people arose, and were full of anger, Lysimachus armed about three thousande, and began to vse vnlawfull power, a certaine tyrant being their captaine, who was no lesse decaied in wit then in age.}

geneva@2Macc:6:21 @ {\cf2 But they that had the charge of this wicked banket, for that olde friendship of the man, tooke him aside priuilie, and praied him, that he woulde take such flesh, as was lawfull for him to vse, and as hee woulde prepare for himselfe, and dissemble as though hee had eaten of the things appoynted by the king, euen the flesh of the sacrifice,}

geneva@2Macc:8:7 @ {\cf2 But specially he vsed the nights to make such assaults, in so much that the bruite of his manlines was spread euery where.}

geneva@2Macc:11:31 @ {\cf2 That the Iewes may vse their owne maner of liuing and lawes, like as afore, and none of them by any maner of wayes to haue harme for thinges done by ignorance.}

geneva@2Macc:14:4 @ {\cf2 He came to King Demetrius in the hundreth, fiftie and one yeere, presenting vnto him a crowne of golde, and a palme, and of the boughes, which were vsed solemnly in the Temple, and that day he held his tongue.}

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