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NONE.filter - riversident wilderness:

riversident@Matthew:3:3 @ For this is he who was foretold through Isaiah the prophet when he said: 'The voice of one crying aloud in the wilderness, Make ready the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.' "

riversident@Mark:1:3 @ The voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make ready the way of the Lord; make his paths straight' ";

riversident@Mark:1:4 @ just so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching the baptism of a change of heart for forgiveness of sins.

riversident@Luke:3:4 @ as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, "The voice of one shouting in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight!'

riversident@Luke:4:1 @ JESUS, full of the Holy Spirit, turned back from the Jordan and was led about in the Spirit in the wilderness

riversident@John:1:23 @ He said, "I am 'the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord,' as Isaiah the prophet said."

riversident@Acts:7:36 @ This man led them out, doing wonders and signs in the land of Egypt and at the Red Sea and in the wilderness for forty years.

riversident@Acts:7:38 @ This is he who was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the angel who spoke to him in Mount Sinai and with our fathers, and he received the living words to give to us.

riversident@Acts:7:42 @ So God turned and gave them up to worship the stars of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets, 'Did you offer to me slaughtered animals and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?

riversident@Acts:7:44 @ "In the wilderness our fathers had the Tent of the Testimony made as he who spoke to Moses directed, according to the model which he had seen.

riversident@Acts:13:18 @ For a period of about forty years he fed them in the wilderness,

riversident@Revelation:12:6 @ The woman fled into the wilderness where she has from God a prepared place, that they may nourish her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

riversident@Revelation:12:14 @ Then there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle to fly into the wilderness to her place, where she shall be fed for a time and times and half a time, hidden from the view of the Serpent.

riversident@Revelation:17:3 @ He carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast covered with profane names, and with seven heads and ten horns.

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