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geneva@Romans:1:1 @ Paul, (note:)The first part of the epistle contains a most profitable preface down to verse six.(:note) a Paul, exhorting the Romans to give diligent heed to him, in that he shows that he comes not in his own name, but as God's messenger to the Gentiles, entreats them with the weightiest matter that exists, promised long ago by God, by many good witnesses, and now at length indeed performed.Minister, for this word «servant» is not taken in this place as set against the word «freeman», but rather refers to and declares his ministry and office. servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an Whereas he said before in a general term that he was a minister, now he comes to a more special name, and says that he is an apostle, and that he did not take this office upon himself by his own doing, but that he was called by God, and therefore in this letter of his to the Romans he is doing nothing but his duty. apostle, Appointed by God to preach the gospel. separated unto the gospel of God,

geneva@Romans:3:20 @ Therefore by the (note:)By those deeds by which the law can be done by us.(:note) deeds of the law there shall no Flesh is here taken for man, as in many other places, and furthermore has greater force here: for it is given to show the contrast between God and man: as if one would say, «Man, who is nothing else but a piece of flesh defiled with sin, and God, who is most pure and most perfect in himself.» flesh be Absolved before the judgment seat of God. justified in his Paul has in mind a contrasting of the righteousness of before men, be they ever so just, against the justice which can stand before God: now there is no righteousness that can stand before God, except the righteousness of Christ alone. sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin.

geneva@Romans:8:32 @ He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely (note:)Give us freely.(:note) give us all things?

geneva@Romans:11:4 @ But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have (note:)He speaks of remnants and reserved people who were chosen from everlasting, and not of remnants that should be chosen afterwards: for they are not chosen, because they were not idolaters: but rather they were not idolaters, because they were chosen and elect.(:note) reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to [the image of] «Baal» signifies as much as «master» or «patron», or one in whose power another is, which name the idolaters in this day give their idols, naming them «patrons», and «patronesses» or «ladies». Baal.

geneva@Romans:11:35 @ Or who hath (note:)This saying overthrows the doctrine of foreseen works and merits.(:note) first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

geneva@Romans:12:1 @ I beseech (note:)The fourth part of this epistle, which after the finishing of the principal points of Christian doctrine, consists in the declaring of precepts of the Christian life. And first of all he gives general precepts and grounds: the principal of which is this, that every man consecrate himself wholly to the spiritual service of God, and do as it were sacrifice himself, trusting the grace of God.(:note) you therefore, brethren, By this preface he shows that God's glory is the utmost goal of everything we do. by the mercies of God, that ye In times past the sacrifices were presented before the altar: but now the altar is everywhere. present your Yourselves: in times past other bodies besides our own, but now our own must be offered. bodies a In times past, dead sacrifices were offered, but now we must offer those which have the spirit of life in them. living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your Spiritual. reasonable service.

geneva@Romans:12:8 @ Or he that (note:)Who in other passages is called the «pastor».(:note) exhorteth, on exhortation: he that That is, the alms, that he distributes them faithfully, and without any favouritism. giveth, [let him do it] with simplicity; he that The elders of the church. ruleth, with diligence; he that Those that are occupied with the care of the poor must do it with cheerfulness, lest they add sorrow upon sorrow. sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

geneva@Romans:12:20 @ Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap (note:)In this manner Solomon points out the wrath of God which hangs over a man.(:note) coals of fire on his head.

geneva@Romans:13:7 @ Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute [is due]; custom to whom custom; fear to whom (note:)Obedience, and that from the heart.(:note) fear; honour to whom Reverence, which (as we have reason) we must give to the magistrate. honour.

geneva@Romans:14:15 @ But if thy brother be grieved with [thy] meat, now walkest thou not charitably. (note:)It is the part of a cruel mind to make more account of meat than of our brother's salvation. Which thing those do who eat with the intent of giving offence to any brother, and so give him occasion to turn back from the Gospel.(:note) Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Another argument: we must follow Christ's example: and Christ was so far from destroying the weak with meat that he gave his life for them. Christ died.

geneva@1Corinthians:1:9 @ God [is] (note:)True and constant, who not only calls us, but also gives to us the gift of perseverance.(:note) faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

geneva@1Corinthians:1:31 @ That, according as it is written, (note:)Let him yield all to God and give him thanks: and so by this place is man's free will beaten down, which the papists so dream about.(:note) He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

geneva@1Corinthians:2:12 @ Now we have received, not the (note:)The Spirit which we have received does not teach us things of this world, but lifts us up to God, and this verse teaches us the opposite of what the papists teach: what faith is, from where it comes, and from what power it originates.(:note) spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; That which he spoke generally, he confines now to those things which God has opened to us of our salvation in Christ: so that no man should separate the Spirit from the preaching of the word and Christ: or should think that those fanciful men are governed by the Spirit of God, who wandering besides the word, thrust upon us their vain imaginations for the secrets of God. that we might This word «know» is taken here in its proper sense for true knowledge, which the Spirit of God works in us. know the things that are freely given to us of God.

geneva@1Corinthians:3:9 @ For we are (note:)Serving under him: now they who serve under another do nothing by their own strength, but as it is given them of grace, which grace makes them fit for that service. See (1Co_15:10; 2Co_3:6). All the increase that comes by their labour proceeds from God in such a way that no part of the praise of it may be given to the servant.(:note) labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, [ye are] God's building.

geneva@1Corinthians:3:10 @ According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. (note:)Now he speaks to the teachers themselves, who succeeded him in the church of Corinth, and in this regard to all that were after or will be pastors of congregations, seeing that they succeed into the labour of the apostles, who were planters and chief builders. Therefore he warns them first that they do not persuade themselves that they may build after their own fantasy, that is, that they may propound and set forth anything in the Church, either in matter, or in type of teaching, different from the apostles who were the chief builders.(:note) But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

geneva@1Corinthians:4:1 @ Let (note:)He concludes the duty of the hearers towards their ministers: that they do not esteem them as lords. Yet nonetheless they are to give ear to them, as to those that are sent from Christ. Sent I say to this end and purpose, that they may receive as it were at their hands the treasure of salvation which is drawn out of the secrets of God.(:note) a Every man. man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

geneva@1Corinthians:6:9 @ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? (note:)Now he prepares himself to pass over to the fourth treatise of this epistle, which concerns other matters, concerning this matter first, how men may well use a woman or not. And this question has three parts: fornication, matrimony, and a single life. As for fornication, he utterly condemns it. And marriage he commands to some, as a good and necessary remedy for them: to others he leaves is free. And others he dissuades from it, not as unlawful, but as inconvenient, and that not without exception. As for singleness of life (under which also I comprehend virginity) he enjoins it to no man: yet he persuades men to it, but not for itself, but for another respect, neither to all men, nor without exception. And being about to speak against fornication, he begins with a general reprehension of those vices, with which that rich and riotous city most abounded: warning and teaching them earnestly, that repentance is inseparable joined with forgiveness of sins, and sanctification with justification.(:note) Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

geneva@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Defraud ye not one the other, (note:)He adds an exception: unless the one abstain from the other by mutual consent, that they may the better give themselves to prayer, in which nonetheless he warns them to consider what is expedient, lest by this long breaking off as it were from marriage, they are stirred up to incontinency.(:note) except [it be] with consent for a time, that ye may Do nothing else. give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:28 @ But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the (note:)By the «flesh» he understands whatever things belong to this present life, for marriage brings with it many problems. So that he leans more to a single life, not because it is a service more agreeable to God than marriage is, but for those problems which (if it were possible) he would wish all men to be avoid, so that they might give themselves to God alone.(:note) flesh: but I I would your weakness were provided for. spare you.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:31 @ And they that use this (note:)Those things which God gives us here.(:note) world, as not abusing [it]: for the The guise, and shape, and fashion: by which he shows us that there is nothing in this world that continues. fashion of this world passeth away.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:38 @ So then he that giveth [her] in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth [her] not in marriage doeth (note:)Provides better for his children, and that not in just any way, but by reason of such conditions as are mentioned before.(:note) better.

geneva@1Corinthians:8:1 @ Now (note:)He begins to entreat of another type of indifferent things, that is, things offered to idols, or the use of flesh so offered and sacrificed. And first of all he removes all those things which the Corinthians pretended in using things offered to idols without any respect. First of all they affirmed that this difference of foods was for the unskilful men, but as for them, they knew well enough the benefit of Christ, which causes all these things to be clean to those that are clean. Be it so, Paul says: even if we are all sufficiently instructed in the knowledge of Christ, I say nonetheless that we must not simply rest in this knowledge. The reason is, that unless our knowledge is tempered with charity, it does not only not avail, but also does much hurt, because it is the mistress of pride. Nay, it does not so much as deserve the name of godly knowledge, if it is separate from the love of God, and therefore from the love of our neighbour.(:note) as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we This general word is to be abridged as (1Co_8:7) appears, for there is a type of taunt in it, as we may perceive by (1Co_8:2). all have knowledge. Knowledge Gives occasion of vanity and pride, because it is void of charity. puffeth up, but charity Instructs our neighbour. edifieth.

geneva@1Corinthians:9:15 @ But I have used none of these things: (note:)He takes away occasion of suspicion by the way, that it might not be thought that he wrote this as though he was demanding his wages that were not payed him. On the contrary, he says, I had rather die, than not to continue in this purpose to preach the Gospel freely. For I am bound to preach the Gospel, seeing that the Lord has given and commanded me this office: but unless I do it willingly and for the love of God, nothing that I do is to be considered worthwhile. If I had rather that the Gospel should be evil spoken of, than that I should not require my wages, then would it appear that I took these pains not so much for the Gospel's sake, as for my gains and advantages. But I say, this would not be to use, but rather to abuse my right and liberty: therefore not only in this thing, but also in all others (as much as I could) I am made all things to all men, that I might win them to Christ, and might together with them be won to Christ.(:note) neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for [it were] better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.

geneva@1Corinthians:10:9 @ Neither let us tempt (note:)To tempt Christ is to provoke him to a combat as it were, which those men do who abuse the knowledge that he has given them, and make it to serve for a cloak for their lusts and wickedness.(:note) Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.

geneva@1Corinthians:10:29 @ Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: (note:)A reason: for we must take heed that our liberty is not spoken of as evil, and that the benefit of God which we ought to use with thanksgiving is not changed into impiety. And this is through our fault, if we choose rather to offend the conscience of the weak, than to yield a little of our liberty in a matter of no importance, and so give occasion to the weak to judge in such sort of us, and of Christian liberty. And the apostle takes these things upon his own person, that the Corinthians may have so much the less occasion to oppose anything against him.(:note) for why is my liberty judged of another [man's] conscience?

geneva@1Corinthians:10:30 @ For if I by (note:)If I may through God's grace eat this meat or that meat, why should I through my fault cause that benefit of God to turn to my blame?(:note) grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?

geneva@1Corinthians:11:15 @ But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for [her] hair is given her for a (note:)To be a covering for her, and such a covering as should procure another.(:note) covering.

geneva@1Corinthians:11:24 @ And when he had given thanks, he brake [it], and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is (note:)This word «broken» denotes to us the manner of Christ's death, for although his legs were not broken, as the thieves legs were, yet his body was very severely tormented, and torn, and bruised.(:note) broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

geneva@1Corinthians:12:1 @ Now (note:)Now he enters into the third part of this treatise touching the right use of spiritual gifts, in which he gives the Corinthians plainly to understand that they abused them. For they that excelled bragged ambitiously of them, and so robbed God of the praise of his gifts: and having no consideration of their brethren, abused them to a vain display, and so robbed the church of the use of those gifts. On the other side the inferior sort envied the better, and went about to make a departure, so that all the body was as it were scatted and rent in pieces. So then, going about to remedy these abuses he wills them first to consider diligently that they have not these gifts of themselves, but from the free grace and liberality of God, to whose glory they ought to bestow them all.(:note) concerning spiritual [gifts], brethren, I would not have you Ignorant to what purpose these gifts are given to you. ignorant.

geneva@1Corinthians:12:7 @ But the manifestation of the Spirit is (note:)The Holy Spirit opens and shows himself freely in the giving of these gifts.(:note) given to every man to To the use and benefit of the church. profit withal.

geneva@1Corinthians:13:1 @ Though (note:)He reasons first of charity, the excellency of which he first shows by this, that without it, all other gifts are as nothing before God. And this he proves partly by an induction, and partly also by an argument taken of the end, for what reason those gifts are given. For, to what purpose are those gifts but to God's glory, and the profit of the Church as is before proved? So that those gifts, without charity, have no right use.(:note) I speak with the tongues of men and of A very earnest amplifying of the matter, as if he said, «If there were any tongues of angels, and I had them, and did not use them to the benefit of my neighbour, it would be nothing else except a vain and prattling type of babbling.» angels, and have not charity, I am become [as] sounding brass, or a That gives a rude and uncertain sound. tinkling cymbal.

geneva@1Corinthians:15:17 @ And if Christ be not raised, your faith [is] vain; (note:)First, seeing death is the punishment of sin, in vain should we believe that our sins were forgiven us, if they remain: but they do remain, if Christ did not rise from death.(:note) ye are They are yet in their sins who are not sanctified, nor have obtained remission of their sins. yet in your sins.

geneva@1Corinthians:15:25 @ For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies (note:)Christ is considered here as he appeared in the form of a servant, in which respect he rules the Church as head, and that because this power was given to him from his Father.(:note) under his feet.

geneva@1Corinthians:15:47 @ The first man [is] of the earth, (note:)Wallowing in dirt, and wholly given to an earthly nature.(:note) earthy: the second man [is] the Lord from As Adam was the first man, Christ is the second man; and these two are spoken of, as if they were the only two men in the world; because as the former was the head and representative of all his natural posterity, so the latter is the head and representative of all the spiritual offspring: and that he is «the Lord from heaven»; in distinction from the first man. (Ed.) heaven.

geneva@1Corinthians:16:1 @ Now concerning (note:)Collections in ancient times were made by the appointment of the apostle appointment to be the first day of the week, on which day the manner was then to assemble themselves.(:note) the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.

geneva@1Corinthians:16:3 @ And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by [your] (note:)Which you will give to them to carry.(:note) letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem.

geneva@1Corinthians:16:15 @ I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of (note:)Stephanas is the name of a man and not of a woman.(:note) Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and [that] they have Given themselves wholly to the ministry. addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)

geneva@2Corinthians:1:22 @ Who hath also sealed us, and given the (note:)An earnest is whatever is given to confirm a promise.(:note) earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

geneva@2Corinthians:2:7 @ So that contrariwise ye [ought] rather to (note:)That whereas before you punished him sharply, you should now forgive him.(:note) forgive [him], and comfort [him], lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.

geneva@2Corinthians:2:10 @ To whom ye forgive any thing, I [forgive] also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave [it], for your sakes [forgave I it] in the (note:)Truly, and from the heart.(:note) person of Christ;

geneva@2Corinthians:3:8 @ How shall not the (note:)By which God offers, indeed, and gives the Spirit, not as a dead thing, but a living Spirit, working life.(:note) ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?

geneva@2Corinthians:4:6 @ For God, (note:)Who made with his word alone.(:note) who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to [give] the That being enlightened by God, we should in the same way give that light to others. light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

geneva@2Corinthians:5:5 @ Now he that hath (note:)He means that first creation, to show us that our bodies were made to this end, that they should be clothed with heavenly immortality.(:note) wrought us for the selfsame thing [is] God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.

geneva@2Corinthians:7:12 @ Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, [I did it] not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the (note:)It was neither fake nor counterfeit, but such as I dare give account of before God.(:note) sight of God might appear unto you.

geneva@2Corinthians:9:7 @ Every man according as he (note:)Determines and appoints freely with himself.(:note) purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not With a sparing and grudging heart. grudgingly, or of Against his will, not wanting to have evil spoken of him. necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

geneva@2Corinthians:9:9 @ (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for (note:)Is everlasting: now David speaks of a man that fears God, and loves his neighbour, who will always be able (he says) to give to others.(:note) ever.

geneva@2Corinthians:12:13 @ For what is it wherein ye were inferior to other churches, except [it be] that I myself was not (note:)I was not slothful with my own hands, so that I might not be burdensome to you.(:note) burdensome to you? forgive me this wrong.

geneva@Galatians:2:9 @ And when James, Cephas, and John, who (note:)Whom alone and only these men count for pillars of the Church, and whose name they abuse to deceive you.(:note) seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right They gave us their hand to show that we agreed wholly in the doctrine of the Gospel. hands of fellowship; that we [should go] unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.

geneva@Galatians:3:22 @ But the (note:)By this word «scripture» he means the Law.(:note) scripture hath concluded All mankind, and whatever comes from mankind. all under sin, that the In every one of these words, there lies an argument against the merits of works: for all these words, promise, faith, Christ, might be given, to believers, are against meritorious works, and not one of them can be included as a meritorious work. promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

geneva@Galatians:5:23 @ Meekness, temperance: (note:)Lest that any man should object that Paul plays the deceiver, as one who urging the Spirit urges nothing but that which the Law commands, he shows that he requires not that literal and outward obedience, but spiritual, which proceeds not from the Law but from the Spirit of Christ, who gives us new birth, and must and ought to be the ruler and guider of our life.(:note) against such there is no law.

geneva@Ephesians:3:19 @ And to know the (note:)Which God has shown us in Christ.(:note) love of Christ, which Which surpasses all the capacity of man's intellect, to comprehend it fully in his mind: for otherwise whoever has the Spirit of God perceives as much (according to the measure that God has given him) as is necessary for salvation. passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the So that we have abundantly in us whatever things are required to make us perfect with God. fulness of God.

geneva@Ephesians:4:19 @ Who being (note:)Void of all judgment.(:note) past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with They strove to surpass one another, as though there were some gain to be gotten by it. greediness.

geneva@Ephesians:4:32 @ And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, (note:)An argument taken from the example of Christ, most grave and strong, both for the pardoning of those injuries which have been done to us by our greatest enemies, and much more for having consideration of the miserable, and using moderation and gentle behaviour towards all men.(:note) even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

geneva@Ephesians:5:4 @ Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor (note:)Jests which men cast at one another: that no lightness is seen, nor evil example given, nor any offence made by evil words or backbiting.(:note) jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

geneva@Ephesians:5:8 @ For ye were sometimes darkness, but now [are ye] (note:)The faithful are called light, both because they have the true light in them which enlightens them, and also because they give light to others, insomuch that their honest conversation reproves the life of wicked men.(:note) light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

geneva@Ephesians:5:14 @ Wherefore (note:)The scripture, or God in the scripture.(:note) he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the He speaks of the death of sin. dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

geneva@Philippians:3:12 @ Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am (note:)For we run only as far forth as we are laid hold on by Christ, that is, as God gives us strength, and shows us the way.(:note) apprehended of Christ Jesus.

geneva@Philippians:4:3 @ And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and [with] other my fellowlabourers, whose names [are] in the (note:)God is said, after the manner of men, to have a book, in which the names of his elect are written, to whom he will give everlasting life. Ezekiel calls it the writing of the house of Israel, and the secret of the Lord; (Eze_13:9).(:note) book of life.

geneva@Philippians:4:7 @ And the (note:)That great quietness of mind, which God alone gives in Christ.(:note) peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your He divides the mind into the heart, that is, into that part which is the seat of the will and affections, and into the higher part, by which we understand and reason about matters. hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

geneva@Colossians:3:1 @ If (note:)Another part of this epistle, in which he takes occasion by reason of those vain exercises, to show the duty of a Christian life: which is an ordinary thing with him, after he has once set down the doctrine itself.(:note) ye then Our renewing or new birth, which is accomplished in us by being partakers of the resurrection of Christ, is the source of all holiness, out of which various streams or rivers afterwards flow. be For if we are partakers of Christ, we are carried as it were into another life, where we will need neither meat nor drink, for we will be similar to the angels. risen with Christ, The end and mark which all the duties of Christian life aim at is to enter into the kingdom of heaven, and to give ourselves to those things which lead us there, that is, to true godliness, and not to those outward and physical things. seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

geneva@Colossians:3:9 @ Lie not one to another, (note:)A definition of our new birth taken from the parts of it, which are the putting off of the old man, that is to say, of the wickedness which is in us by nature, and the restoring and repairing of the new man, that is to say, of the pureness which is given us by grace. However, both the putting off and the putting on are only begun in us in this present life, and by certain degrees finished, the one dying in us by little and little, and the other coming to the perfection of another life, by little and little.(:note) seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

geneva@1Thessalonians:4:8 @ He therefore that (note:)These commandments which I gave you.(:note) despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

geneva@1Thessalonians:4:16 @ For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a (note:)The word which the apostle uses here, properly signifies that encouragement which mariners give to one another, when they altogether with one shout put forth their oars and row together.(:note) shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

geneva@1Thessalonians:5:18 @ In every thing give thanks: for this is the (note:)An acceptable thing to God, and such as he approves well of.(:note) will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

geneva@1Timothy:3:2 @ A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of (note:)Therefore he that shuts out married men from the office of bishops, only because they are married, is antichrist.(:note) one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

geneva@1Timothy:3:3 @ Not (note:)A common drinker and one that will often partake of it.(:note) given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

geneva@1Timothy:4:1 @ Now (note:)He contrasts that true doctrine, with false opinions, which he foretells that certain ones who shall fall away from God and his religion, will bring in by the suggestion of Satan, and so that a great number will give ear to them.(:note) the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the From the true doctrine of God. faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

geneva@2Timothy:1:7 @ For God hath not given us the spirit of (note:)To pierce us through, and terrify us, as men whom the Lord will destroy.(:note) fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

geneva@2Timothy:2:25 @ In meekness instructing those that (note:)He means those who do not yet see the truth.(:note) oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

geneva@Philemon:1:6 @ That the (note:)By fellowship of faith, he means those duties of charity which are given to the saints, and flow from a productive faith.(:note) communication of thy faith may become effectual by the That by this means all men may perceive how rich you are in Christ, that is, in faith, charity, and all bountifulness. acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

geneva@Hebrews:2:1 @ Therefore (note:)Now pausing to show to what end and purpose all these things were spoken, that is, to understand by the excellency of Christ above all creatures, that his doctrine, majesty and priesthood, is most perfect, he uses an exhortation taken from a comparison.(:note) we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which He makes himself a hearer. we have heard, lest at any time we They are said to let the word run out, who do not hold it securely and remember the word when they have heard it. should let [them] slip.

geneva@Hebrews:2:2 @ For if the (note:)The Law which appointed punishment for the offenders: and which Paul says was given by angels, (Gal_3:19) and by Stephen also in, (Act_7:53).(:note) word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;

geneva@Hebrews:2:4 @ God also bearing [them] witness, both with (note:)This is the true purpose of miracles. Now they are called signs, because they appear as one thing, and represent another: and they are called wonders, because they represent some strange and unaccustomed thing: and powers because they give us a glimpse of God's mighty power.(:note) signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

geneva@Hebrews:3:1 @ Wherefore, (note:)Having laid the foundation that is to say, declared and proved both the natures of one Christ, he gives him three offices, that is, the office of a Prophet, King and Priest, and concerning the office of teaching, and governing, compares him with Moses and Joshua from (Hebrews strkjv@3:1-4:14), and with Aaron concerning the priesthood. He proposes that which he intends to speak of, with a grave exhortation, that all our faith may be directed towards Christ, as the only everlasting teacher, governor, and High Priest.(:note) holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the The ambassador or messenger, as in (Rom_15:8) he is called the minister of circumcision. Apostle and High Priest of our Of the doctrine of the gospel which we profess. profession, Christ Jesus;

geneva@Hebrews:3:6 @ But Christ as a son over his own house; (note:)He applies the former doctrine to his purpose, exhorting all men by the words of David to hear the Son speak, and to give full credit to his words, seeing that otherwise they cannot enter into that eternal rest.(:note) whose That is, Christ's. house are we, if we hold fast the He calls confidence the excellent effect of faith (by which we cry Abba, that is, Father), and to confidence he adds hope. confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

geneva@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if (note:)He speaks of Joshua the son of Nun: and as the land of Canaan was a figure of our true rest, so was Joshua a figure of Christ.(:note) Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

geneva@Hebrews:6:1 @ Therefore leaving the (note:)The first principle of Christian religion, which we call the catechism.(:note) principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; Certain principles of a catechism, which comprehend the sum of the doctrine of the gospel, were given in few words and briefly to the poor and unlearned, that is, the profession of repentance and faith in God. The articles of this doctrine were required from those who were not yet members of the Church on the days appointed for their baptism. Of those articles, two are by name recited: the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. (Ed.) not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,

geneva@Hebrews:11:13 @ These all died in (note:)In faith, which they had while they lived, and followed, them even to their grave.(:note) faith, not having received the This is the figure metonymy, for the things promised. promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of [them], and For the patriarchs were given to profess their religion by building an altar and calling on the name of the Lord when they received the promises. embraced [them], and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

geneva@James:3:5 @ Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. (note:)On the contrary part he shows how great inconveniences arise by the excesses of the tongue, throughout the whole world, to the end that men may so much the more diligently give themselves to control it.(:note) Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!

geneva@James:5:15 @ And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed (note:)He has reason in making mention of sins, for diseases are often sent because of sins.(:note) sins, they shall be forgiven him.

geneva@1Peter:3:6 @ Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are (note:)Because women are by nature fearful, he gives them to understand that he requires of them that subjection, which is not wrung out from them either by force or fear.(:note) not afraid with any amazement.

geneva@1Peter:3:15 @ But (note:)Give him all prayers and glory, and hang only on him.(:note) sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: He will have us, when we are afflicted for righteousness sake, to be careful not for redeeming of our life, either with denying or renouncing the truth, or with like violence, or any such means: but rather to give an account of our faith boldly, and yet with a meek spirit, and full of godly reverence, that the enemies may not have anything justly to object, but may rather be ashamed of themselves. and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

geneva@2Peter:1:1 @ Simon (note:)A greeting, in which he gives them to understand that he deals with them as Christ's ambassadors, and otherwise agrees with them in the same faith which is grounded on the righteousness of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour.(:note) Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the In that God, in standing by his promises, showed himself faithful, and therefore just to us. righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:

geneva@2Peter:3:15 @ And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation; (note:)Paul's epistles are allowed by the express testimony of Peter.(:note) even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

geneva@1John:1:7 @ But if we walk in the (note:)God is said to be light by his own nature, and to be in light, that is to say, in that everlasting infinite blessedness: and we are said to walk in light in that the beams of that light shine to us in the Word.(:note) light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, A digression the matter at hand, to the remission of sins: for this our sanctification who walk in the light, is a testimony of our joining and knitting together with Christ: but because this our light is very dark, we must obtain another benefit in Christ, that is, that our sins may be forgiven us being sprinkled with his blood: and this in conclusion is the support and anchor of our salvation. and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

geneva@1John:2:1 @ My (note:)It does not follow that we must give our wicked nature free rein, or sin much more freely, because our sins are cleansed by the blood of Christ, but we must rather much more diligently resist sin, and yet we must not despair because of our weakness, for we have an advocate and a purger, Christ Jesus the Just, and therefore acceptable to his Father.(:note) little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an In that be names Christ, he eliminates all others. advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

geneva@1John:2:2 @ And he is the (note:)Reconciliation and intercession go together, to give us to understand that he is both advocate and high priest.(:note) propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the For men of all sorts, of all ages, and all places, so that this benefit being not to the Jews only, of whom he speaks as appears in (1Jo_2:7) but also to other nations. whole world.

geneva@1John:3:6 @ Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever (note:)He is said to sin, that does not give himself to purity, and in him sin reigns: but sin is said to dwell in the faithful, and not to reign in them.(:note) sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

geneva@1John:3:24 @ And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the (note:)He means the Spirit of sanctification, whereby we are born again and live to God.(:note) Spirit which he hath given us.

geneva@1John:5:20 @ And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, [even] in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true (note:)The divinity of Christ is most clearly proved by this passage.(:note) God, and eternal life.

geneva@Revelation:1:1 @ The (note:)This chapter has two principal parts, the title or inscription, which stands in place of an introduction: and a narration going before the whole prophecy of this book. The inscription is double, general and particular. In (Rev_1:1) the general inscription contains the kind of prophecy, the author, end, matter, instruments, and manner of communication the same, in (Rev_1:2) the most religious faithfulness of the apostle as public witness and the use of communicating the same, taken from the promise of God, and from the circumstance of the time, (Rev_1:3)(:note)An opening of secret and hidden things. Revelation of Which the Son opened to us out of his Father's bosom by angels. Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John:[1 AD] The dragon watches the Church of the Jews, which was ready to travail: She brings forth, flees and hides herself, while Christ was yet on the earth. [34 AD] The dragon persecutes Christ ascending to heaven, he fights and is thrown down: and after persecutes the Church of the Jews. [67 AD] The Church of the Jews is received into the wilderness for three years and a half. [70 AD] When the Church of the Jews was overthrown, the dragon invaded the catholic church: all this is in the twelfth chapter. The dragon is bound for a thousand years in chapter twenty. The dragon raises up the beast with seven heads, and the beast with two heads, which make havock of the catholic church and her prophets for 1260 years after the passion of Christ in (Rev_13:11). [97 AD] The seven churches are admonished of things present, somewhat before the end of Domitian his reign, and are forewarned of the persecution to come under Trajan for ten years, chapter 2,3. God by word and signs provokes the world, and seals the godly in chapter 6 and 7. He shows examples of his wrath on all creatures, mankind excepted in chapter 8. [1073 AD] The dragon is let loose after a thousand years, and Gregory the seventh, being Pope, rages against Henry the third, then Emperor in chapter 20. [1217 AD] The dragon vexes the world for 150 years to Gregory the ninth, who wrote the Decretals, and most cruelly persecuted the Emperor Fredrick the second. [1295 AD] The dragon kills the prophets after 1260 years, when Boniface the eighth was Pope, who was the author of the sixth book of the Decretals: he excommunicated Philip the French King. [1300 AD] Boniface celebrates the Jubile. [1301 AD] About this time was a great earthquake, which overthrew many houses in Rome. [1305 AD] Prophecy ceases for three years and a half, until Benedict the second succeeded after Boniface the eighth. Prophecy is revived in chapter 11. The dragon and the two beasts question prophecy in chapter 13. Christ defends his Church in word and deed, chapter 14, and with threats and arms, chapter 16. Christ gives his Church victory over the harlot, chapter 17 and 18. Over the two beasts, chapter 19. Over the dragon and death, chapter 20. The Church is fully glorified in heaven with eternal glory, in Christ Jesus, chapter 21 and 22.

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