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NT-EPISTLES.filter - rotherham Law:

rotherham@Romans:2:12 @ For, as many as without law sinned, without law, also shall perish, and, as many as within law sinned, through law, shall be judged;

rotherham@Romans:2:13 @ For, not the hearers of law, are righteous with God, but, the doers of law, shall be declared righteous;

rotherham@Romans:2:14 @ For, whensoever the nations which have not law, by nature, the things of the law, may be doing, the same, not having law, unto themselves, are a law,

rotherham@Romans:2:15 @ Who, indeed, shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience therewith bearing witness, and, between one another, their reasonings accusingor, even excusing, them:

rotherham@Romans:2:17 @ If, however, thou, art taking the name of Jew, and resting thyself upon law, and boasting in God,

rotherham@Romans:2:18 @ And art taking note of his will, and testing the things that differwhen receiving oral instruction out of the law,

rotherham@Romans:2:20 @ A trainer of the simple, a teacher of babes, having the forming of knowledge and truth in the law,

rotherham@Romans:2:23 @ That in law dost boast, Through the transgression of the law, art thou dishonouring God?

rotherham@Romans:2:25 @ For, circumcision, indeed, profitethif, law, thou be practising; but, if thou be a transgressor of law, thy circumcision, hath become, uncircumcision

rotherham@Romans:2:26 @ If then, the uncircumcision, be guarding the righteous requirement of the law, shall not, his uncircumcision, as circumcision be reckoned?

rotherham@Romans:2:27 @ And the uncircumcision by nature, completing the law, shall judge, thee, who, notwithstanding letter and circumcision, art a transgressor of law!

rotherham@Romans:3:19 @ Now we know that, whatsoever things the law saith, to them who are within the law, it speaketh, in order that, every mouth, may be stopped and all the world come, under penal sentence, unto God.

rotherham@Romans:3:20 @ Inasmuch as, by works of law, shall no flesh be declared righteous before him, through law, in fact, is discovery of sin.

rotherham@Romans:3:21 @ But now, apart from law, a righteousness of God hath been manifested, borne witness to by the law and the prophets,

rotherham@Romans:3:27 @ Where, then, the boasting! It is excluded. Through what kind of law? Of works? Nay! but through a law of faith:

rotherham@Romans:3:28 @ For we reckon that a man is to be declared righteous by faith, apart from works of law.

rotherham@Romans:3:31 @ Do we then make, law, void through means of our faith? Far be it! On the contrary, law, we do establish!

rotherham@Romans:4:7 @ Happy, they whose lawlessnesses have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered,

rotherham@Romans:4:13 @ For, not through means of law, doth the promise belong unto Abraham or unto his seed, that he should be heir of thee world; but, through a righteousness by faith.

rotherham@Romans:4:14 @ For, if they who are of law are heirs, made void is faith and of no effect is the promise.

rotherham@Romans:4:15 @ For, the law, worketh out anger, but, where there is no law, neither is there transgression.

rotherham@Romans:4:16 @ For this cause, it is by faith, in order that it may be by way of favour, so that the promise is firm unto all the seed, not unto that by the law only, but unto that also

rotherham@Romans:5:13 @ For, until law, sin was in the world, although sin is not reckoned when there is no law,

rotherham@Romans:5:20 @ Law, however, gained admission, in order that the fault might abound, but, where the sin abounded, the favour greatly superabounded:

rotherham@Romans:6:14 @ For, sin, over you, shall not have lordship, for ye are not under law, but under favour.

rotherham@Romans:6:15 @ What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under law but under favour? Far be it!

rotherham@Romans:6:19 @ In human fashion am I speaking, because of the weakness of your flesh; for, just as ye presented your members as servants unto impurity and unto lawlessness for lawlessness, so now, present ye your members as servants unto righteousness for sanctification.

rotherham@Romans:7:1 @ Or are ye ignorant, brethren, for unto them that understand the law am I speaking, that, the law, hath lordship over a men as long as he liveth?

rotherham@Romans:7:2 @ For, the married woman, unto her living husband is bound by law; but, if her husband have died, she hath received a full release from the law of her husband.

rotherham@Romans:7:3 @ Hence then, her husband being alive, an adulteress, shall she be calledif she become another mans, but, if the husband have died, she is free from the law; so that she is not an adulteress, though she become another mans.

rotherham@Romans:7:4 @ So, then, my brethren, ye also, were made dead unto the law through the body of the Christ, to the end ye might become anothershis who from among the dead was raised, in order that we might bring forth fruit unto God.

rotherham@Romans:7:5 @ For, when we were in the flesh, the susceptibilities of sins which were through the law, used to be energized in our members unto the bringing forth of fruit unto death;

rotherham@Romans:7:6 @ But, now, we have received full release from the law, by dying

rotherham@Romans:7:7 @ What, then, shall we say? Is the law sin? Far be it! On the contrary, I had not discovered, sin, save through law, for even, of coveting, I had not been aware if, the law, had not kept on saying Thou shall not covet;

rotherham@Romans:7:8 @ Howbeit sin taking, occasionthrough the commandment, wrought out in me all manner of coveting; for, apart from law, sin is dead;

rotherham@Romans:7:9 @ And, I, was alive, apart from law, at one time, but, the commandment coming, sin sprang up to life,

rotherham@Romans:7:12 @ So that, the law, indeed, is holy, and the commandment, holy, and righteous and good.

rotherham@Romans:7:14 @ For we know that, the law, is spiritual, I, however, am a creature of flesh, sold under sin;

rotherham@Romans:7:16 @ Now, if what I wish not the same I do, I consent unto the law that right.

rotherham@Romans:7:21 @ Hence, I find the law, to me who wish to be doing the right, that, unto me, the wrong lieth near:

rotherham@Romans:7:22 @ I have, in fact, a sympathetic pleasure in the law of God; according to the inner man.

rotherham@Romans:7:23 @ But I behold a diverse law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and taking me captive in the law of sin which existeth in my members:

rotherham@Romans:7:25 @ But thanks be unto God!Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Hence, then, I myself, with the mind, indeed, am in servitude unto a law of God; but; with the flesh; unto a law of sin.

rotherham@Romans:8:2 @ For, the-law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death;

rotherham@Romans:8:3 @ For, what was impossible by the law in that it was weak through the flesh, God, by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin, condemned sin in the flesh,

rotherham@Romans:8:4 @ In order that, the righteous requirement of the law, might be fulfilled in uswho, not according to flesh, do walk, but according to spirit;

rotherham@Romans:8:7 @ Inasmuch as, what is preferred by the flesh, hostile towards God, for, unto the law of God, it doth not submit itself, neither in fact can it.

rotherham@Romans:9:31 @ Whereas, Israel, though in pursuit of a law of righteousness, unto a law, have not attained.

rotherham@Romans:10:4 @ For Christ is an end of law, for righteousness, unto every one that believeth.

rotherham@Romans:10:5 @ For, Moses, writeth thatas touching the righteousness that is by law, The man that hath done, shall live thereby;

rotherham@Romans:13:8 @ Nothing to any, be owingsave to be loving one another; for, he that loveth his neighbour, hath given to, law, its fulfillment.

rotherham@Romans:13:10 @ Love, unto ones neighbour, worketh not ill; Laws fullness, therefore, is, love.

rotherham@1Corinthians:6:7 @ Already, indeed, it is an utter defeat for you, that ye are having, law-suits, one with another. Wherefore are ye not rather taking wrong? Wherefore are ye not rather suffering yourselves to be defrauded?

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:8 @ Is it, after the manner of men, that these things I am saying? Or doth not, even the law, the same things, say?

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:9 @ For, in the law of Moses, it is written Thou shalt not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the corn: Is it, for the oxen, God is caring?

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:20 @ Therefore became I, to the Jews, as, a Jew, that, Jews, I might win; to them who were under law, as, under law, not being, myself, under law, that, them who were under law, I might win;

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:21 @ To them who were without law, as, without law, not being without law to God, but lawfully subject to Christ, that I might win them who were without law.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:21 @ In the law, it is written With strange tongues, and with lips of strangers, will I speak unto this people; and, not even so, will they hearken unto me, saith the Lord.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:34 @ As for the women, in the assemblies, let them be silent, for it is not permitted them to be speaking; but let them be in submission, even as, the law, saith.

rotherham@1Corinthians:15:56 @ Now, the sting of death, is, sin, and, the power of sin, is, the law;

rotherham@2Corinthians:6:14 @ Be not getting diversely yoked with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?

rotherham@Galatians:2:16 @ Knowing, however, that a man is not declared righteous by works of law, save through faith in Christ Jesus; even we, on Christ Jesus, believed, that we might be declared righteousby faith in Christ, and not by works of law; because, by works of law, shall no flesh be declared righteous.

rotherham@Galatians:2:19 @ For, I, through means of law, unto law, died, that, unto God, I might live:

rotherham@Galatians:2:21 @ I do not set aside the favour of God; for, if, through law, is righteousness, then, Christ, without cause, died.

rotherham@Galatians:3:2 @ This only, am I wishing to learn from you: by works of law, received ye, the Spirit? or by a believed report?

rotherham@Galatians:3:5 @ He then who was supplying unto you the Spirit, and energising mighty works among you, by works of law, or by a believed report

rotherham@Galatians:3:10 @ For, as many as are of works of law, are, under a curse, for it is written Accursed, is everyone that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them.

rotherham@Galatians:3:11 @ Moreover, that, in law, no one, is declared righteous with God, evident, because, The righteous one, by faith, shall live;

rotherham@Galatians:3:12 @ And, the law, is not of faith, buthe that hath done them, shall live in them,

rotherham@Galatians:3:13 @ Christ, hath redeemed, us, out of the curse of the law, having become, in our behalf, a curse; because it is written Cursed, is every one that hangeth upon a tree;

rotherham@Galatians:3:17 @ And, this, I saya covenant previously confirmed by God, the law which, after four hundred and thirty years, hath been brought into being, doth not annul, so as to do away with the promise.

rotherham@Galatians:3:18 @ For, if, by law, is the inheritance, it is, no longer, by promise; but, unto Abraham, through promise, hath God favoured it.

rotherham@Galatians:3:19 @ Why, then, the law? Because of the transgressions, it was added, until such time as the seed should come, unto whom the promise had been made, and was given in charge through messengers, at the hand of a mediator;

rotherham@Galatians:3:21 @ Is, the law, then, against the promises of God? Far be it! For, if a law had been given, which had been able to give life, verily, in law, would have been our righteousness;

rotherham@Galatians:3:23 @ Before the coming of the faith, however, under law, were we being kept in ward, being shut up unto the faith which should afterwards, be revealed.

rotherham@Galatians:3:24 @ So that, the law, hath proved, our tutor, training us, for Christ, in order that, by faith, we might be declared righteous;

rotherham@Galatians:4:4 @ But, when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, who came to be of a woman, who came to be under law,

rotherham@Galatians:4:5 @ That, them who were under law, he might redeem, that, the sonship, we might duly receive;

rotherham@Galatians:4:21 @ Tell me! ye who, under law, are wishing to be: The law, do ye not hear?

rotherham@Galatians:5:3 @ Yea, I bear solemn witness again, unto every man getting circumcised, that he is, a debtor, to do, the whole law.

rotherham@Galatians:5:4 @ Ye have been set aside from Christ, ye who, by law, are to be declared righteous, out of his favour, ye have fallen;

rotherham@Galatians:5:14 @ For, the whole law, in one word, is summed up in this, Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself.

rotherham@Galatians:5:18 @ And, if, by Spirit, ye are being led, ye are not under law.

rotherham@Galatians:5:23 @ meekness, self-control; against such things as these, there is no law.

rotherham@Galatians:6:2 @ One anothers burdens, be ye bearing, and, so, fill up the law of the Christ.

rotherham@Galatians:6:13 @ For, not even they who are getting circumcised, are, themselves, observing law, but are wishing you to be circumcised, that, in your flesh, they may boast themselves.

rotherham@Ephesians:2:15 @ The enmity, in his fleshthe law of commandments in decreesbringing to nought, that, the two, he might create in himself, into one man of new mould, making peace.

rotherham@Philippians:3:5 @ Circumcised, the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, regarding law, a Pharisee,

rotherham@Philippians:3:6 @ Regarding zeal, persecuting the assembly, regarding the righteousness that is in law, having become blameless.

rotherham@Philippians:3:9 @ And be found in himnot having a righteousness of my own, that which is by law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is, of God, upon my faith,

rotherham@2Thessalonians:2:3 @ That no one may cheat, you, in any one respect. Because except the revolt come first, and there he revealed the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction,

rotherham@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ For, the secret, of lawlessness, already, is inwardly working itself, only, until, he that restraineth at present, shall be gone, out of the midst:

rotherham@2Thessalonians:2:8 @ And, then, shall be revealed the lawless one, whom, the Lord Jesus, will slay with the Spirit of his mouth, and paralyse with the forthshining of his Presence:

rotherham@1Timothy:1:7 @ Desiring to be law-teachers, not understanding, either what they say or whereof they confidently affirm.

rotherham@1Timothy:1:8 @ Now we know that, excellent, is the law, if one put it to a lawful use:

rotherham@1Timothy:1:9 @ Knowing thisthat, to a righteous man, law, doth not apply, but to the lawless and insubordinate, ungodly and sinful, irreligious and profane, smiters of fathers and smiters of mothers, murderers,

rotherham@2Timothy:2:5 @ If, moreover, any man, contend even in the games, he is not crowned, unless, lawfully, he contend;

rotherham@Titus:2:14 @ Who gave himself up in our behalf, that he might redeem us from all manner of lawlessness, and purify for himself a people as his own treasurezealous of noble works.

rotherham@Titus:3:9 @ But, foolish questionings, and genealogies, and strife, and contentions about matters of law, avoid, for they are unprofitable and vain.

rotherham@Titus:3:13 @ Zenas the lawyer, and Apollos, do thou diligently set forward on their way, in order that, nothing, unto them, may be wanting.

rotherham@Hebrews:1:9 @ Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness, For this cause, hath God, thy God, anointed thee with the oil of exultation, beyond thy partners;

rotherham@Hebrews:7:5 @ And, they, indeed, from among the sons of Levi who the priesthood receive, have commandment to take tithes of the people, according to the law, that is, of their brethren, although sprung from the loins of Abraham;

rotherham@Hebrews:7:11 @ If indeed, therefore, there had been, a perfecting through means of the Levitical priesthood, for, the people, thereon, have had based a code of laws, what further need, according to the rank of Melchizedek, for a different priest to be raised up, and, not according to the rank of Aaron, to be designated?

rotherham@Hebrews:7:12 @ For, seeing there is to be a change of the priesthood, of necessity, of law too, a change cometh.

rotherham@Hebrews:7:16 @ Who, not according to a law of commandment dealing with the flesh, hath arisen, but according to the power of an indissoluble life;

rotherham@Hebrews:7:19 @ For, the law, perfected, nothing; but there is the superinducing of a better hope, through which we draw near unto God.

rotherham@Hebrews:7:28 @ For, the law, constituteth, men, high-priests, having, weakness; but, the word of the oath-taking, which cometh after the law, A Son, age-abidingly, made perfect.

rotherham@Hebrews:8:4 @ If, indeed, therefore, he had been on earth, he had not, in that case, even been a priest, since there are those who are offering the gifts, according to the law:

rotherham@Hebrews:8:10 @ Because, this, is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, saith the Lord: giving my laws into their understanding, upon their hearts also, will I inscribe them: and I will become their God, and, they, shall become my people;

rotherham@Hebrews:9:19 @ For, when every commandment according to the law had been spoken by Moses unto all the people, taking the blood of the calves and the goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, both, the scroll itself, and all the people, he sprinkled;

rotherham@Hebrews:9:22 @ And, nearly, all things, with blood, are purified, according to the law, and, apart from blood-shedding, cometh no remission.

rotherham@Hebrews:10:1 @ For the law, having in a shadow of the destined good things, not the very image of the things, they can never, with the same sacrifices which year by year they offer evermore, make them who approach, perfect;

rotherham@Hebrews:10:8 @ Higher up, saying Sacrifices, and offerings, and whole-burnt-offerings, and sacrifices for sins, thou willedst not, neither delightedst in, the which, according to the law, are offered,

rotherham@Hebrews:10:16 @ This is the covenant which I will covenant unto them after these days, saith the Lord, Giving my laws upon their hearts, upon their understandings also, will I inscribe them,

rotherham@Hebrews:10:17 @ of their sins, and of their lawlessnesses, I will in nowise be mindful any more.

rotherham@Hebrews:10:28 @ Any one having set aside a law of Moses, apart from compassions, upon two or three witnesses, dieth:

rotherham@James:1:25 @ But, he that hath obtained a nearer view into the perfect law of liberty, and hath taken up his abode by it, becomingnot a forgetful hearer, but a work doer, the same, happy in his doing, shall be.

rotherham@James:2:8 @ If ye are, indeed, fulfilling, a royal law, according to the scripture Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, nobly, are ye doing;

rotherham@James:2:9 @ But, if ye are shewing respect of persons, sin, are ye working, being convicted by the law as transgressors!

rotherham@James:2:10 @ For, a man who shall keep, the whole law, but shall stumble in one thing, hath become, for all things, liable,

rotherham@James:2:11 @ For, he that hath said Do not commit adultery, hath also said Do not commit murder, now, if thou dost not commit adultery, but dost commit murder, thou hast become a transgressor of law.

rotherham@James:2:12 @ So, be speaking, and, so, doing, as they who, through means of a law of freedom, are about to be judged;

rotherham@James:4:11 @ Be not speaking one against another, brethren! He that speaketh against a brother, or judgeth his brother, speaketh against law, and judgeth law; Now, if, upon law, thou art passing judgment, thou art not a doer of law, but a judge!

rotherham@James:4:12 @ One, is Lawgiver and Judge He who hath power to save and to destroy; but who art, thou, that judgest thy neighbour?

rotherham@2Peter:2:8 @ For, in seeing and hearing, since he dwelt right among them, as a righteous man, he used to torment his soul, day by day, with their lawless deeds

rotherham@1John:3:4 @ Whosoever is committing sin, lawlessness also, is committing, and, sin, is, lawlessness;

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