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dby@Romans:1:8 @ First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is proclaimed in the whole world.

dby@Romans:1:16 @ For I am not ashamed of the glad tidings; for it is God's power to salvation, to every one that believes, both to Jew first and to Greek:

dby@Romans:2:9 @ tribulation and distress, on every soul of man that works evil, both of Jew first, and of Greek;

dby@Romans:2:10 @ but glory and honour and peace to every one that works good, both to Jew first and to Greek:

dby@Romans:3:2 @ Much every way: and first, indeed, that to them were entrusted the oracles of God.

dby@Romans:8:23 @ And not only [that], but even we ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, we also ourselves groan in ourselves, awaiting adoption, [that is] the redemption of our body.

dby@Romans:8:29 @ Because whom he has foreknown, he has also predestinated [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, so that he should be [the] firstborn among many brethren.

dby@Romans:10:19 @ But I say, Has not Israel known? First, Moses says, I will provoke you to jealousy through [them that are] not a nation: through a nation without understanding I will anger you.

dby@Romans:11:16 @ Now if the first-fruit [be] holy, the lump also; and if the root [be] holy, the branches also.

dby@Romans:11:35 @ or who has first given to him, and it shall be rendered to him?

dby@Romans:15:24 @ whenever I should go to Spain; (for I hope to see you as I go through, and by you to be set forward thither, if first I shall have been in part filled with your company;)

dby@Romans:16:5 @ and the assembly at their house. Salute Epaenetus, my beloved, who is [the] first-fruits of Asia for Christ.

dby@1Corinthians:11:18 @ For first, when ye come together in assembly, I hear there exist divisions among you, and I partly give credit [to it].

dby@1Corinthians:12:28 @ And God has set certain in the assembly: first, apostles; secondly, prophets; thirdly, teachers; then miraculous powers; then gifts of healings; helps; governments; kinds of tongues.

dby@1Corinthians:14:30 @ But if there be a revelation to another sitting [there], let the first be silent.

dby@1Corinthians:15:3 @ For I delivered to you, in the first place, what also I had received, that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures;

dby@1Corinthians:15:20 @ (But now Christ is raised from among [the] dead, first-fruits of those fallen asleep.

dby@1Corinthians:15:23 @ But each in his own rank: [the] first-fruits, Christ; then those that are the Christ's at his coming.

dby@1Corinthians:15:45 @ Thus also it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul; the last Adam a quickening spirit.

dby@1Corinthians:15:46 @ But that which is spiritual [was] not first, but that which is natural, then that which is spiritual:

dby@1Corinthians:15:47 @ the first man out of [the] earth, made of dust; the second man, out of heaven.

dby@1Corinthians:16:2 @ On [the] first of [the] week let each of you put by at home, laying up [in] whatever [degree] he may have prospered, that there may be no collections when I come.

dby@1Corinthians:16:15 @ But I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the first-fruits of Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the saints for service,)

dby@2Corinthians:8:5 @ And not according as we hoped, but they gave themselves first to the Lord, and to us by God's will.

dby@Galatians:4:13 @ But ye know that in weakness of the flesh I announced the glad tidings to you at the first;

dby@Ephesians:6:2 @ Honour thy father and thy mother, which is the first commandment with a promise,

dby@Philippians:1:5 @ because of your fellowship with the gospel, from the first day until now;

dby@Colossians:1:15 @ who is image of the invisible God, firstborn of all creation;

dby@Colossians:1:18 @ And he is the head of the body, the assembly; who is [the] beginning, firstborn from among the dead, that he might have the first place in all things:

dby@1Thessalonians:4:16 @ for the Lord himself, with an assembling shout, with archangel's voice and with trump of God, shall descend from heaven; and the dead in Christ shall rise first;

dby@2Thessalonians:2:3 @ Let not any one deceive you in any manner, because [it will not be] unless the apostasy have first come, and the man of sin have been revealed, the son of perdition;

dby@1Timothy:1:15 @ Faithful [is] the word, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am [the] first.

dby@1Timothy:1:16 @ But for this reason mercy was shewn me, that in me, [the] first, Jesus Christ might display the whole long-suffering, for a delineation of those about to believe on him to life eternal.

dby@1Timothy:2:1 @ I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made for all men;

dby@1Timothy:2:13 @ for Adam was formed first, then Eve:

dby@1Timothy:3:10 @ And let these be first proved, then let them minister, being without charge [against them].

dby@1Timothy:5:4 @ but if any widow have children or descendants, let them learn first to be pious as regards their own house, and to render a return on their side to [their] parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God.

dby@1Timothy:5:12 @ being guilty, because they have cast off their first faith.

dby@2Timothy:1:5 @ calling to mind the unfeigned faith which [has been] in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and in thy mother Eunice, and I am persuaded that in thee also.

dby@2Timothy:4:16 @ At my first defence no man stood with me, but all deserted me. May it not be imputed to them.

dby@Titus:3:10 @ An heretical man after a first and second admonition have done with,

dby@Hebrews:1:6 @ and again, when he brings in the firstborn into the habitable world, he says, And let all God's angels worship him.

dby@Hebrews:4:6 @ Seeing therefore it remains that some enter into it, and those who first received the glad tidings did not enter in on account of not hearkening to the word,

dby@Hebrews:7:2 @ to whom Abraham gave also the tenth portion of all; first being interpreted King of righteousness, and then also King of Salem, which is King of peace;

dby@Hebrews:7:27 @ who has not day by day need, as the high priests, first to offer up sacrifices for his own sins, then [for] those of the people; for this he did once for all [in] having offered up himself.

dby@Hebrews:8:7 @ For if that first was faultless, place had not been sought for a second.

dby@Hebrews:8:13 @ In that he says New, he has made the first old; but that which grows old and aged [is] near disappearing.

dby@Hebrews:9:1 @ The first therefore also indeed had ordinances of service, and the sanctuary, a worldly one.

dby@Hebrews:9:2 @ For a tabernacle was set up; the first, in which [were] both the candlestick and the table and the exposition of the loaves, which is called Holy;

dby@Hebrews:9:6 @ Now these things being thus ordered, into the first tabernacle the priests enter at all times, accomplishing the services;

dby@Hebrews:9:8 @ the Holy Spirit shewing this, that the way of the [holy of] holies has not yet been made manifest while as yet the first tabernacle has [its] standing;

dby@Hebrews:9:15 @ And for this reason he is mediator of a new covenant, so that, death having taken place for redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, the called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.

dby@Hebrews:9:18 @ Whence neither the first was inaugurated without blood.

dby@Hebrews:10:9 @ then he said, Lo, I come to do thy will. He takes away the first that he may establish the second;

dby@Hebrews:11:28 @ By faith he celebrated the passover and the sprinkling of the blood, that the destroyer of the firstborn might not touch them.

dby@Hebrews:12:23 @ the universal gathering; and to [the] assembly of the firstborn [who are] registered in heaven; and to God, judge of all; and to [the] spirits of just [men] made perfect;

dby@James:1:18 @ According to his own will begat he us by the word of truth, that we should be a certain first-fruits of his creatures.

dby@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom from above first is pure, then peaceful, gentle, yielding, full of mercy and good fruits, unquestioning, unfeigned.

dby@1Peter:4:17 @ For the time of having the judgment begin from the house of God [is come]; but if first from us, what [shall be] the end of those who obey not the glad tidings of God?

dby@2Peter:1:20 @ knowing this first, that [the scope of] no prophecy of scripture is had from its own particular interpretation,

dby@2Peter:2:20 @ For if after having escaped the pollutions of the world through [the] knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, again entangled, they are subdued by these, their last state is worse than the first.

dby@2Peter:3:3 @ knowing this first, that there shall come at [the] close of the days mockers with mocking, walking according to their own lusts,

dby@1John:4:19 @ We love because he has first loved us.

dby@3John:1:9 @ I wrote something to the assembly; but Diotrephes, who loves to have the first place among them, receives us not.

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