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NT-EPISTLES.filter - drb haste:

drb@2Corinthians:11:2 @For I am jealous of you with the jealousy of God. For I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

drb@1Thessalonians:2:16 @But we, brethren, being taken away from you for a short time, in sight, not in heart, have hastened the more abundantly to see your face with great desire.

drb@1Timothy:3:2 @It behoveth therefore a bishop to be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, of good behaviour, chaste, given to hospitality, a teacher,

drb@1Timothy:3:8 @Deacons in like manner chaste, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre:

drb@1Timothy:3:11 @The women in like manner chaste, not slanderers, but sober, faithful in all things.

drb@1Timothy:5:22 @Impose not hands lightly upon any man, neither be partaker of other men's sins. Keep thyself chaste.

drb@2Timothy:4:8 @As to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also that love his coming. Make haste to come to me quickly.

drb@2Timothy:4:21 @Make haste to come before winter Eubulus and Pudens, and Linus and Claudia, and all the brethren, salute thee.

drb@Titus:2:2 @That the aged men be sober, chaste, prudent, sound in faith, in love, in patience.

drb@Titus:2:5 @To be discreet, chaste, sober, having a care of the house, gentle, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

drb@Titus:3:12 @When I shall send to thee Artemas or Tychicus, make haste to come unto me to Nicopolis. For there I have determined to winter.

drb@Hebrews:4:11 @Let us hasten therefore to enter into that rest; lest any man fall into the same example of unbelief.

drb@James:3:17 @But the wisdom, that is from above, first indeed is chaste, then peaceable, modest, easy to be persuaded, consenting to the good, full of mercy and good fruits, without judging, without dissimulation.

drb@1Peter:3:2 @Considering your chaste conversation with fear.

drb@B7311:22 @And when he heard it, he was angry: and forthwith he came to Ptolemais, and wrote to Jonathan, that he should not besiege the castle, but should come to him in haste, and speak to him.

drb@B7313:10 @So gathering together all the men of war, he made haste to finish all the walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified it round about.

drb@B7313:21 @And they that were in the castle, sent messengers to Tryphon, that he should make haste to come through the desert, and sent them victuals.

drb@B744:14 @Insomuch that the priests were not now occupied about the offices of the altar, but despising the temple and neglecting the sacrifices, hastened to be partakers of the games, and of the unlawful allowance thereof, and of the exercise of the discus.

drb@B744:31 @The king therefore went in all haste to appease them, leaving Andronicus, one of his nobles, for his deputy.

drb@B745:21 @So when Antiochus had taken away out of the temple a thousand and eight hundred talents, he went back in all haste to Antioch, thinking through pride, that he might now make the land navigable, and the sea passable on foot: such was the haughtiness of his mind.

drb@B749:7 @Moreover being filled with pride, breathing out fire in his rage against the Jews, and commanding the matter to be hastened, it happened as he was going with violence that he fell from the chariot, so that his limbs were much pained by a grievous bruising of the body.

drb@B749:14 @And the city to which he was going in haste to lay it even with the ground, and to make it a, common buryingplace, he now desireth to make free.

drb@B7411:37 @And therefore make haste to write back, that we may know of what mind you are.

drb@B7414:27 @Then the king being in a rage and provoked with this man's wicked accusations, wrote to Nicanor, signifying, that he was greatly displeased with the covenant of friendship: and that he commanded him nevertheless to send Machabeus prisoner in all haste to Antioch.

drb@B7414:43 @But whereas through haste he missed of giving himself a sure wound, and the crowd was breaking into the doors, he ran boldly to the wall, and manfully threw himself down to the crowd:

drb@B804:1 @O how beautiful is the chaste generation with glory: for the memory thereof is immortal: because it is known both with God and with men.

drb@B804:14 @For his soul pleased God: therefore he hastened to bring him out of the midst of iniquities: but the people see this, and understand not, nor lay up such things in their hearts:

drb@B8018:21 @For a blameless man made haste to pray for the people, bringing forth the shield of his ministry, prayer, and by incense making supplication, withstood the wrath, and put an end to the calamity, shewing that he was thy servant.

drb@B8615:11 @And God changed the king's spirit into mildness, and all in haste and in fear he leaped from his throne, and holding her up in his arms, till she came to herself, caressed her with these words:

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