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NT-EPISTLES.filter - lont passion:

lont@Romans:1:26 @ For this, God delivered them over to shameful passions; for even their females changed the natural use unto what is contrary to nature.

lont@Romans:7:5 @ For when we were in the flesh, our sinful passions which were through the law, wrought effectually in our members, to bring forth fruit to death.

lont@Romans:9:15 @ «By no means. For he says to Moses,» 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy; and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.'

lont@Galatians:5:24 @ Besides, they who are Christ's, have crucified the flesh with the passions and lusts.

lont@Colossians:3:5 @ Mortify, therefore, your members which are on the earth; fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and licentiousness, which is idolatry;

lont@Colossians:3:12 @ Put on, therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of compassion, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering.

lont@1Thessalonians:4:5 @ not in the passion of lust, even as the Gentiles who know not God.

lont@Titus:2:6 @ The young men, in like manner, exhort to govern their passions.

lont@Hebrews:5:2 @ being able to have a right measure of compassion on the ignorant and erring: because he himself, also, is surrounded with infirmity.

lont@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom from above is, indeed, first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be persuaded, full of compassion and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

lont@James:5:11 @ Behold, we call them happy, who are patient. You have heard of the patience of Job, and you have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

lont@1John:3:17 @ Whoever, therefore, has the goods of this world, and sees his brother in need, and yet shuts up his compassion from him, how abides the love of God in him?

lont@Jude:1:22 @ And making a difference, have compassion, indeed, on some:

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