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wmth@Romans:1:2 @ which God had already promised through His Prophets in Holy Writ, concerning His Son,

wmth@Romans:1:13 @ And I desire you to know, brethren, that I have many a time intended to come to you –though until now I have been disappointed– in order that among you also I might gather some fruit from my labours, as I have already done among the rest of the Gentile nations.

wmth@Romans:1:14 @ I am already under obligations alike to Greek-speaking races and to others, to cultured and to uncultured people:

wmth@Romans:3:9 @ What then? Are we Jews more highly estimated than they? Not in the least; for we have already charged all Jews and Gentiles alike with being in thraldom to sin.

wmth@Romans:5:6 @ For already, while we were still helpless, Christ at the right moment died for the ungodly.

wmth@Romans:5:13 @ For prior to the Law sin was already in the world; only it is not entered in the account against us when no Law exists.

wmth@Romans:9:22 @ And what if God, while choosing to make manifest the terrors of His anger and to show what is possible with Him, has yet borne with long-forbearing patience with the subjects of His anger who stand ready for destruction,

wmth@Romans:14:23 @ But he who has misgivings and yet eats meat is condemned already, because his conduct is not based on faith; for all conduct not based on faith is sinful.

wmth@Romans:15:14 @ But as to you, brethren, I am convinced –yes, I Paul am convinced– that, even apart from my teaching, you are already full of goodness of heart, and enriched with complete Christian knowledge, and are also competent to instruct one another.

wmth@Romans:15:15 @ But I write to you the more boldly –partly as reminding you of what you already know– because of the authority graciously entrusted to me by God,

wmth@Romans:15:20 @ making it my ambition, however, not to tell the Good News where Christ's name was already known, for fear I should be building on another man's foundation.

wmth@1Corinthians:3:11 @ For no one can lay any other foundation in addition to that which is already laid, namely Jesus Christ.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:8 @ Every one of you already has all that heart can desire; already you have grown rich; without waiting for us, you have ascended your thrones! Yes indeed, would to God that you had ascended your thrones, that we also might reign with you!

wmth@1Corinthians:5:3 @ I for my part, present with you in spirit although absent in body, have already, as though I were present, judged him who has so acted.

wmth@1Corinthians:5:7 @ Get rid of the old yeast so that you may be dough of a new kind; for in fact you free from corruption. For our Passover Lamb has already been offered in sacrifice–even Christ.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:10 @ But to those already married my instructions are –yet not mine, but the Lord's– that a wife is not to leave her husband;

wmth@1Corinthians:7:11 @ or if she has already left him, let her either remain as she is or be reconciled to him; and that a husband is not to send away his wife.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:18 @ This is what I command in all the Churches. Was any one already circumcised when called? Let him not have recourse to the surgeons. Was any one uncircumcised when called? Let him remain uncircumcised.

wmth@1Corinthians:8:1 @ Now as to things which have been sacrificed to idols. This is a subject which we already understand–because we all have knowledge of it. Knowledge, however, tends to make people conceited; it is love that builds us up.

wmth@1Corinthians:8:2 @ If any one imagines that he already possesses any true knowledge, he has as yet attained to no knowledge of the kind to which he ought to have attained;

wmth@1Corinthians:11:21 @ for it is his own supper of which each of you is in a hurry to partake, and one eats like a hungry man, while another has already drunk to excess.

wmth@1Corinthians:14:26 @ What then, brethren? Whenever you assemble, there is not one of you who is not ready either with a song of praise, a sermon, a revelation, a `tongue,' or an interpretation. Let everything be done with a view to the building up of faith and character.

wmth@2Corinthians:1:13 @ For we are writing to you nothing different from what we have written before, or from what indeed you already recognize as truth and will, I trust, recognize as such to the very end;

wmth@2Corinthians:5:12 @ We are not again commending ourselves to your favour, but are furnishing you with a ground of boasting on our behalf, so that you may have a reply ready for those with whom superficial appearances are everything and sincerity of heart counts for nothing.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:3 @ I do not say this to imply blame, for, as I have already said, you have such a place in our hearts that we would die with you or live with you.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:7 @ Yes, just as you are already very rich in faith, readiness of speech, knowledge, unwearied zeal, and in the love that is in you, implanted by us, see to it that this grace of liberal giving also flourishes in you.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:10 @ But in this matter I give you an opinion; for my doing this helps forward your own intentions, seeing that not only have you begun operations, but a year ago you already had the desire to do so.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:2 @ For I know your earnest willingness, on account of which I habitually boast of you to the Macedonians, pointing out to them that for a whole year you in Greece have been ready; and the greater number of them have been spurred on by your ardour.

wmth@2Corinthians:9:3 @ Still I send the brethren in order that in this matter our boast about you may not turn out to have been an idle one; so that, as I have said, you may be ready;

wmth@2Corinthians:9:5 @ I have thought it absolutely necessary therefore to request these brethren to visit you before I myself come, and to make sure beforehand that the gift of love which you have already promised may be ready as a gift of love, and may not seem to have been something which I have extorted from you.

wmth@2Corinthians:10:16 @ and shall tell the Good News in the districts beyond you, not boasting in another man's sphere about work already done by him.

wmth@2Corinthians:11:4 @ If indeed some visitor is proclaiming among you another Jesus whom we did not proclaim, or if you are receiving a Spirit different from the One you have already received or a Good News different from that which you have already welcomed, your toleration is admirable!

wmth@Galatians:1:8 @ But if even we or an angel from Heaven should bring you a Good News different from that which we have already brought you, let him be accursed.

wmth@Galatians:2:2 @ I went up in obedience to a revelation of God's will; and I explained to them the Good News which I proclaim among the Gentiles. To the leaders of the Church this explanation was made in private, lest by any means I should be running, or should already have run, in vain.

wmth@Galatians:3:17 @ I mean that the Covenant which God had already formally made is not abrogated by the Law which was given four hundred and thirty years later–so as to annul the promise.

wmth@Galatians:5:21 @ hard drinking, riotous feasting, and the like. And as to these I forewarn you, as I have already forewarned you, that those who are guilty of such things will have no share in the Kingdom of God.

wmth@Ephesians:3:3 @ and that by a revelation the truth hitherto kept secret was made known to me as I have already briefly explained it to you.

wmth@Philippians:3:12 @ I do not say that I have already won the race or have already reached perfection. But I am pressing on, striving to lay hold of the prize for which also Christ has laid hold of me.

wmth@Philippians:3:16 @ But whatever be the point that we have already reached, let us persevere in the same course.

wmth@Colossians:1:5 @ on account of the hope treasured up for you in Heaven. Of this hope you have already heard in the Message of the truth of the Good News.

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:2 @ But, as you will remember, after we had already met with suffering and outrage at Philippi, we summoned up boldness, by the help of our God, to tell you God's Good News amid much opposition.

wmth@1Thessalonians:4:6 @ and that in this matter there be no encroaching on the rights of a brother Christian and no overreaching him. For the Lord is an avenger in all such cases, as we have already taught you and solemnly warned you.

wmth@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ For lawlessness is already at work in secret; but only until the man who is now exercising a restraining influence is removed,

wmth@1Timothy:3:13 @ For those who have filled the deacon's office wisely and well, are already gaining for themselves an honourable standing, and are acquiring great freedom of speech in proclaiming the faith which rests on Christ Jesus.

wmth@1Timothy:5:15 @ For already some of them have gone astray, following Satan.

wmth@2Timothy:2:18 @ In the matter of the truth they have gone astray, saying that the Resurrection is already past, and so they are overthrowing the faith of some.

wmth@2Timothy:4:6 @ I for my part am like a drink-offering which is already being poured out; and the time for my departure is now close at hand.

wmth@Hebrews:2:9 @ But Jesus –who was made a little inferior to the angels in order that through God's grace He might taste death for every human being– we already see wearing a crown of glory and honour because of His having suffered death.

wmth@Hebrews:4:7 @ He again definitely mentions a certain day, »To-day,« saying long afterwards, by David's lips, in the words already quoted,

wmth@Hebrews:8:4 @ If then He were still on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since here there are already those who present the offerings in obedience to the Law,

wmth@1Peter:1:5 @ whom God in His power is guarding through faith for a salvation that even now stands ready for unveiling at the End of the Age.

wmth@1Peter:3:15 @ but in your hearts consecrate Christ as Lord, being always ready to make your defence to any one who asks from you a reason for the hope which you cherish.

wmth@1Peter:4:5 @ But they will have to give account to Him who stands ready to pronounce judgement on the living and the dead.

wmth@2Peter:1:12 @ For this reason I shall always persist in reminding you of these things, although you know them and are stedfast believers in truth which you already possess.

wmth@1John:1:8 @ If we claim to be already free from sin, we lead ourselves astray and the truth has no place in our hearts.

wmth@1John:2:7 @ My dearly-loved friends, it is no new command that I am now giving you, but an old command which you have had from the very beginning. By the old command I mean the teaching which you have already received.

wmth@1John:2:8 @ And yet I giving you a new command, for such it really is, so far as both He and you are concerned: because the darkness is now passing away and the light, the true light, is already beginning to shine.

wmth@1John:3:14 @ As for us, we know that we have already passed out of death into Life–because we love our brother men. He who is destitute of love continues dead.

wmth@1John:4:3 @ and that no spirit is from God which does not acknowledge this about Jesus. Such is the spirit of the anti-Christ; of whose coming you have heard, and it is already in the world.

wmth@1John:5:13 @ I write all this to you in order that you who believe in the Son of God may know for certain that you already have the Life of the Ages.

wmth@3John:1:2 @ My dear friend, I pray that you may in all respects prosper and enjoy good health, just as your soul already prospers.

wmth@Jude:1:5 @ I desire to remind you –although the whole matter is already familiar to you– that the Lord saved a people out of the land of Egypt, but afterwards destroyed those who had no faith.

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